<center><img src="img/PRISON.jpg"/>
<div class="big"> The Red Artist: </div>
<img src="img/npc/Redart.jpg"/>
Welcome to the demo of Prison Version0.40C (Beta/Demo).
The following game does not represent daily life in a prison, any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental. If you choose to continue, it is because you are of legal age. That said, enjoy this demo that will be expanded as I have more free time.
And If you like this project, consider following/supporting me on <a href="https://www.patreon.com/TheRedArist">
<img src="img/Stats/Patreon.png" alt="Patreon">
. It will help me stay motivated and gradually dedicate more time to this project.
And join the discord on
<a href="https://discord.gg/UCvWmkm7uu">
<img src="img/Stats/Discord.png" alt="Discord" height:500 px;>
// Cambiar el fondo principal de la página (no afecta las opciones predeterminadas)
document.body.style.backgroundImage = "url('img/Prisonside.png')";
document.body.style.backgroundSize = "cover";
document.body.style.backgroundPosition = "center";
document.body.style.backgroundAttachment = "fixed"; // Fondo fijo
document.title = "Prison By The Red Artist";
<div id="custum-background">
<div class="gold1">Name: <<print "<span class='box'>" + $name + "</span>" >></div>
<div class="green2">Money: <<print "<span class='box '>" + $Money + "</span>" >></div>
<div class="gold2">Respect: <<print "<span class='box '>" + $Respect + "</span>" >></div>
<div class="orange1">Fame: <<print "<span class='box '>" + $Fame + "</span>" >></div>
<div class="red1"> Strength: <<print "<span class='box '>" + $Str + "</span>" >></div>
<div class="orange2"> Intelligence: <<print "<span class='box '>" + $Int+ "</span>" >></div>
<div class="blue2">Energy: <<print "<span class='box '>" + $Energy + "</span>" >></div>
<div class="red2"> Dominance: <<print "<span class='box '>" + $Dom + "</span>" >></div>
<div class="violet2">Feminity: <<print "<span class='box '>" + $Feminity + "</span>" >></div>
<div class="gold1">Date: <<=setup.datePart[$gameDate]>>
Time: <<=setup.dayPart[$gameTime]>>
<<link "Changelog" "Changelog">><</link>>
<<link "Wardrobe/Body" "Wardrobe">><</link>>
<<link " Internal Thoughts" "Guide">><</link>>
<<if $Feminity >= 100>>
<img src="img/you/princess.jpg" style="max-width: 90%; min-height: 0%;" />
<<elseif $Feminity >= 60>>
<img src="img/you/Feminity60.jpg" style="max-width: 90%; min-height: 0%;" />
<<elseif $Feminity >= 40>>
<img src="img/you/Feminity40.jpg" style="max-width: 90%; min-height: 0%;" />
<<elseif $Feminity >= 30>>
<img src="img/you/Feminity30.jpg" style="max-width: 90%; min-height: 0%;" />
<<elseif $Feminity >= 20>>
<img src="img/you/Feminity20.jpg" style="max-width: 90%; min-height: 0%;" />
<<elseif $Feminity >= 10>>
<img src="img/you/feminity10.jpg" style="max-width: 90%; min-height: 0%;" />
<img src="img/you/masculine.jpg" style="max-width: 90%; min-height: 0%;" />
/* Game Date */
<<set setup.datePart = ["Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"]>>
<<set $gameDate = 0>>
/* Game Time */
<<set setup.dayPart = ["Early Morning","Morning","Afternoon","Late Afternoon","Early Evening","Evening","Night"]>>
<<set $gameTime = 0>>
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Morning">>
You wake up in the morning feeling refreshed.
<<set $gameTime = ($gameTime + 1) % setup.dayPart.length>>
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Night">>
<<set $gameTime = 0>>
<<set $Energy = 100>> // Reiniciar la energía cada nuevo día
<<if setup.datePart[$gameDate] is "Sunday">>
<<set $gameDate = 0>> // Volver a comenzar desde Monday
<<set $gameDate = ($gameDate + 1) % setup.datePart.length>> // Incrementar la fecha del juego
<<if $inCell is false>>
<<set $inCell = true>>
You realize it's getting late, and you should head back to your cell to sleep.
<<goto "Your Cell">>
You wake up in the morning feeling refreshed.
/* Stats */
<<set $chance = 25>>
<<set $name to "Jacob">>
<<set $Money = 0>>
<<set $Debt = 0>>
<<set $Respect = 0>>
<<set $Energy = 100>>
<<set $Str = 20>>
<<set $Int = 100>>
<<set $Feminity = 0>>
<<set $Fame = 0>>
<<set $ReputationLadies = 0>>
<<set $Follower =0>>
<<set $LatinGang =0>>
<<set $BlackGang =0>>
<<set $Followers =0>>
<<set $Nrd =0>>
<<set $NrdMoney = 0>>
<<set $NrdSub = 0>>
<<set $NrdInt = 100>>
<<set $NrdCross= 0>>
<<set $BlackShow=0>>
<<set $BlackShowMoney=0>>
<<set $BlackShowDebt=0>>
<<set $BlackProtection=0>>
<<set $Shasha = 0>>
<<set $Jake = 0>>
<<set $Tyron = 0>>
<<set $TheCook = 0>>
<<set $TheCookMoney = 0>>
<<set $IntoxicatedByChef = 0>>
<<set $Diego = 0>>
<<set $Shashasub = 0>>
<<set $Shashadom = 0>>
<<set $Shashaneut = 0>>
<<set $Vito = 0>>
<<set $VitoMinions = 0>>
<<set $VitoMinionsRage = 0>>
<<set $Vitorelax = 0>>
<<set $Vitosub = 0>>
<<set $Vitodom = 0>>
<<set $VitoNeut = 0>>
<<set $VitoMoney = 0>>
<<set $VitoBodyguard = 0>>
<<set $VitoBodyguardmoney = 0>>
<<set $VitoBodyguarde = 0>>
<<set $Diegodom = 0>>
<<set $Diegosub = 0>>
<<set $Diegoneut = 0>>
<<set $Tyrondom = 0>>
<<set $Tyronsub = 0>>
<<set $Tyronneut = 0>>
<<set $Jakedom = 0>>
<<set $Jakesub = 0>>
<<set $Jakeneut = 0>>
<<set $Vanna = 0>>
<<set $Dom = 0>>
<<set $Ismael = 0>>
<<set $IsmaelMoney = 0>>
<<set $Flink = 0 >>
<<set $Librarian = 0 >>
<<set $LibrarianMoney = 0>>
<<set $Cello = 0>>
<<set $Cellc = 0>>
<<set $Celli = 0>>
<<set $Cellj = 0>>
<<set $Cellt = 0>>
<<set $CellV = 0>>
<<set $Shashaslut = 0>>
<<set $ShashaMoney = 0>>
<<set $ShashaPride = 0>>
<<set $ShashaHumillation = 0>>
<<set $Bald = 0>>
<<set $BaldDebt = 0>>
<<set $BaldRage = 0>>
<<set $Humillationsub = 0>>
<<set $HumillationsubNerd = 0>>
<<set $Gloryhole = 0>>
<<set $Chest = 0>>
<<set $Ass = 0>>
<<set $Intox = 0>>
<<set $Juan = 0>>
<<set $JuanMoney = 0>>
<<set $JuanCock = 0>>
<<set $JuanHumillation = 0>>
<<set $InmatesA = 0>>
<<set $InmatesAMoney = 0>>
<<set $InmatesASubmit = 0>>
<<set $Outfit = 0>>
<<set $Underwear = 0>>
<<set $Legwear = 0>>
<<set $Back = 0>>
<<set $Lips = 0>>
<<set $Therapy = 0>>
<<set $TherapySub = 0>>
<<set $TherapyBlaked = 0>>
<<set $Therapist = 0>>
/* Secundarios */
<<set $BlackInmateAmoney = 0>>
<<set $BlackInmateBmoney = 0>>
<<set $BlackInmateCmoney = 0>>
/* Familty */
<<set $StepFather = 0>>
<<set $StepFatherSub = 0>>
<<set $StepFatherHumillation = 0>>
<<set $StepSister = 0>>
<<set $Mom = 0>>
/* Components */
<<set $TyronComponentA = 0>>
<<set $TyronComponentB = 0>>
<<set $TyronComponentC = 0>>
<<set $TyronRelaxed= 0>>
<<set $TyronFury=0>>
/* GuardDiaz */
<<set $GuardDiaz = 0>>
<<set $GuardDiazComplicity = 0>>
<<set $GuardDiazCorruption = 0>>
<<set $BlackMail= 0>>
/* LabAssistant */
<<set $AssistantLab = 0>>
/* Guards */
<<set $Guards = 0>>
<<set $GuardsCorruption = 0>>
<<set $Mary = 0>>
<<set $Maryseeyou = 0>>
<<set $MaryDominance = 0>>
/* Priest */
<<set $Eduardo = 0>>
<<set $EduardoCy = 0>>
/* Items */
<<set $knife to false>>
<<set $drugs to false>>
<<set $lipstick to false>>
<<set $makeup to false>>
<<set $uniform to false>>
<<set $hormones to false>>
<<set $buttplug to false>>
<<set $dress to false>>
/* Flags */
<<set $Jakewhore to false>>
<<set $Shashawhore to false>>
<<set $Vitowhore to false>>
<<set $Tyronwhore to false>>
<<set $Diegowhore to false>>
<<set $TheCookPassage to false>>
<<set $TheNrdPassage to false>>
<<set $Chefwork to false>>
<<set $Chefworkitchen to false>>
<<set $GoodNightKiss to false>>
<<set $Humillation to false>>
<<set $PlayerFootball to false>>
<<set $Cheerleader to false>>
<<set $EatIncell to false>>
<<set $hasActivatedPassage to false>>
<<set $MinionsVito to false>>
<<set $AssaultLibrary to false>>
<<set $LibraryWorkAlpha to false>>
<<set $LibraryWorkTrap to false>>
<<set $BaldAssault to false>>
/* FlagsOldlibrarian */
<<set $LibraryBlackPoints = 0>>
<<set $LibraryGuardPoints = 0>>Sasha (Your cellmate)
Vito (Leader of Mafia)
Tyron (Leader of Brotelhood)
Jake (Leader of The NorthMans)
Diego (Leader of The SouthMans )
Vanna (X guard)
Dom (Yard bully)
Big Tony (Thechefdrugs)
Flink (Hypnosis) -> Int
Old Librarian (Nice Guy) > Feminity<center><center><img src="img/you/masculine.jpg"></center>
"You've been locked up for drug trafficking. At 21 years old, you thought you were tough stuff back in high school, blackmailing girls and extorting money from your classmates. But now, that's all over. Welcome to your new life: survival in prison. You've been sentenced to 10 years. Will you make it out alive? Will you become someone's toy? Or will you become the strongest one here? Maybe you'll even escape. It's all up to you now."
[[Find Your Spot in This World|Begin]]
[[Give up|Bad end]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/Your Cell.jpg"/></center>
<center>You are in your Cell.</center>
<div class="seagreen" onclick="toggleDropdown('descriptionText')">Description</div>
<div class="dropdown-text" id="descriptionText">
It typically consists of two beds, a sink, a toilet, and a small desk with a chair. The beds are usually twin-sized and positioned parallel to each other, with a small aisle in between.
The cell is sparsely furnished, with only the essentials provided. The walls are typically made of concrete and painted a neutral color such as beige or gray. There may be a small window or a ventilation grate to allow for air circulation.
The overall atmosphere in a double inmate cell can be tense and uncomfortable due to the lack of privacy and close proximity to another person. It can be challenging for two people to share such a small space and get along, which can lead to conflicts and arguments.
In some cases, double inmate cells may be overcrowded due to a high prison population, making the conditions even more cramped and uncomfortable.
<<if setup.datePart[$gameDate] is "Sunday" && $Eduardo == 0 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Early Morning">>
<<goto "ChurchEv">>
<<if setup.datePart[$gameDate] is "Friday" && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] == "Early Morning">>
<<goto "Corridor">>
<<if setup.datePart[$gameDate] is "Monday" && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Early Morning" && $Debt > 0>>
<<goto "Pay">>
[[See My Stats|Stats]]
<<if $Respect <= 5>>
[[Sasha nods his head at you.|Event of Money]]
<<if $TheCookPassage == false && $TheCook >= 1 && $TheCook <= 2>> && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] !== "Night">>
<<goto "Consequences of The Cook">>
<<if $Respect <= -1 && $TheCook >= 1 && $TheCook == 2 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] !== "Night" && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] !== "Evening" && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] !== "Afternoon">>
[[Sasha gestures at you to rub something...|Event of MoneyR]]
<<if $TheNrdPassage == false && $Nrd == 2 && $TheCookPassage == true && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] !== "Night">>
<<goto "Consequences of The Nerd">>
<<if $Shashaslut >= 1 && $Shashadom===1 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is not "Night">>
[[Sasha smiles at you |Event of SashaDom1]]
<<if $Shashadom >= 1 && $Shashaslut >= 1 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Morning">>
[[Sasha says: Do you want to run a few errands for me and take a cut?|ChoresforSasha]]
<<if $Shashadom >= 1 && $Shashaslut >= 1 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Late Afternoon">>
[[Sasha says: Do you want to work as a Cell Janitor?|CellJanitor]]
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Morning" && $Respect <=-1>>
[[Do exercise on your Cell|Do exercise]]
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Late Afternoon" && $Respect <-1>>
[[Read in your Cell|Read in Cell]]
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is not "Afternoon" and setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is not "Evening" and setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is not "Night" >>
[[Relax in your cell|FapTime]]
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Early Morning">>
[[Do Your Early Morning Routine|Do Early Morning]]
<<if $Librarian ==2 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is not "Night">>
[[I've been told that you've met the Old Librarian|Description]]
<<if $Vito == 1 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is not "Night">>
[[I've heard you've met Vito|Description3]]
<<if $Tyron == 1 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is not "Night">>
[[So you've met Tyron...|Description4]]
<<if $Mary == 1 && setup.dayPart[$gameTim] is not "Night">>
[[So you've met "The Breaker"|Description5]]
<<if $Juan ==1 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is not "Night">>
[[Be careful with The Jackal, kid|Description2]]
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Afternoon" && $EatIncell == true>>
[[Sasha asks if you want him to bring you food|EatInCell]]
<<if $Shashadom == 2 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Early Evening">>
[[Sasha asks you, 'Ready to make some money for your rent?|Works]]
<<if $Bald ==0>>
<<set $Bald += 1>>
[[Go to The Library|The Library]]
[[Go to The Cells|The Cells]]
[[Go to The Cafeteria|The Cafeteria]]
[[Go to The Showers|The Showers]]
[[Go to The Yard |The Yard]]
[[Go to The Chemical Lab|The Chemical Lab]]
[[Go to The Gym |The Gym]]
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Night">>
You are in your cell and it's time to sleep.
What would you like to do in your cell?
[[Rest |Rest]]
<center>There is no hope for someone so young who has entered prison without connections. As soon as you enter your cell, you burst into tears. <div class="crimson"> Sasha: Hey, what's up little one?</div> Your Huge Hairy Cellmate, wearing only a pair of simple prison shorts and with his arms covered in tattoos, says with a slightly perverse smile.
<img src="img/npc/Sasha.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson"> Sasha: Let Papa Sasha take care of you, little one.</div> The man firmly puts both hands on your shoulders. In your high school days, you would have reacted differently, but... what could you do if this man says he's going to take care of you? <div class="violet">You: Okay...</div>
<img src="img/sex/blowjob.gif"/>
"For the next 10 years, you don't remember anything due to the drugs Sasha gave you to make you addicted and, at the same time, feminize you. There is no trace left of the boy you used to be years ago."
<img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/facial/kneel.jpg"/>
Now, after prison, nothing else will be known about you.
<img src="img/end/whoreroad.jpg"/>
<div class="big"> The End </div></center>
<center><img src="img/npc/Sasha.jpg"/></center>
<center>Sasha says to you with a malicious smile:<div class="crimson"> Hey $name, you owe me money! How do you want to pay me?</div>
<<if $Money >= 50>>
[[Provocatively, you kneel down, biting your lips.|Kneel1]]
<<if $Shashaslut >= 2>>
[[Provocative Bend over in the bed|BendOver1]]
<<if $BlackProtection >= 1>>
[[Maybe you can ask for help?|HelpN]]
[[Seek help and try to get out of the cell?|HelpN0]]
<<if $Shashaslut >= 2>>
[[Maybe you escape of this situation...|HelpN2]]
<<if $Money < 50>>
Sasha realizes that you don't have enough money, so he says:<div class="crimson"> "I guess it's the best way to start a week,"</div> as he lowers his underwear.
<center><img src="img/sex/Sashareveal.webp"/></center>
[[As you feel embarrassed, you kneel down.|Kneel]]
<<if $Shashaslut >= 2>>
[[Bend over in the bed|BendOver]]
<center><<set $gameTime = +1>>
As you enter your cell, you see a Huge Hairy Cellmate sitting on the edge of his bed, wearing only a pair of simple prison shorts and with his arms covered in tattoos.
<center><img src="img/npc/Sasha.jpg"/></center>
He turns to you and says,<div class="crimson"> "Hey there, the name's Sasha. What's yours?"</div> His deep voice booms through the small space and you can't help but feel intimidated. You take a deep breath and reply with your name: <<textbox "$name" "Jacob">>
<<set $name = $name.trim().replace(/[^a-zA-Z]/g, "")>>
You tell Sasha your name and he nods, seeming to take note of it. The rest of the day passes in a blur of anxiety and fear as you try to come to terms with your new reality.
<center><img src="img/actions/Sleep.jpg"/></center>
When you wake up the next morning, you take stock of your situation. It's <<set $day = +1>>Day <<print $day>> of your sentence, and you still can't believe that you're in prison. You remember Sasha's introduction and start to wonder about him and the other inmates.
As you get dressed and prepare for the day, you take a moment to reflect on your current stats. You have:
<<set $chance = 25>>
<<set $Money = 0>>
<<set $Debt = 0>>
<<set $Respect = 0>>
<<set $Energy = 100>>
<<set $Str = 20>>
<<set $Int = 100>>
<<set $Feminity = 0>>
<<set $Fame = 0>>
<<set $ReputationLadies = 0>>
<<set $Follower =0>>
<<set $Latingang =0>>
<<set $BlackGang =0>>
<<set $Followers =0>>
<<set $BlackShow=0>>
<<set $BlackShowMoney=0>>
<<set $BlackShowDebt=0>>
<<set $BlackProtection=0>>
<<set $Nrd = 0>>
<<set $NrdMoney = 0>>
<<set $NrdSub = 0>>
<<set $NrdInt = 100>>
<<set $NrdCross= 0>>
<<set $BlackMail= 0>>
<<set $Shasha = 0>>
<<set $Vito = 0>>
<<set $Jake = 0>>
<<set $Tyron = 0>>
<<set $TheCook = 0>>
<<set $TheCookMoney = 0>>
<<set $IntoxicatedByChef = 0>>
<<set $Diego = 0>>
<<set $Shashasub = 0>>
<<set $Shashadom = 0>>
<<set $Shashaneut = 0>>
<<set $Vitosub = 0>>
<<set $Vitodom = 0>>
<<set $VitoNeut = 0>>
<<set $Diegodom = 0>>
<<set $Diegosub = 0>>
<<set $Diegoneut = 0>>
<<set $Tyrondom = 0>>
<<set $Tyronsub = 0>>
<<set $Tyronneut = 0>>
<<set $Jakedom = 0>>
<<set $Jakesub = 0>>
<<set $Jakeneut = 0>>
<<set $Guards = 0>>
<<set $Vanna = 0>>
<<set $Dom = 0>>
<<set $Ismael = 0>>
<<set $IsmaelMoney = 0>>
<<set $Flink = 0 >>
<<set $Librarian = 0 >>
<<set $LibrarianMoney = 0>>
<<set $Cello = 0>>
<<set $Cellc = 0>>
<<set $Celli = 0>>
<<set $Shashaslut = 0>>
<<set $ShashaMoney = 0>>
<<set $ShashaPride = 0>>
<<set $ShashaHumillation = 0>>
<<set $Bald = 0>>
<<set $BaldDebt = 0>>
<<set $BaldRage = 0>>
<<set $Humillationsub = 0>>
<<set $HumillationsubNerd = 0>>
<<set $Gloryhole = 0>>
<<set $Chest = 0>>
<<set $Ass = 0>>
<<set $Intox = 0>>
<<set $Juan = 0>>
<<set $JuanMoney = 0>>
<<set $JuanCock = 0>>
<<set $JuanHumillation = 0>>
<<set $InmatesA = 0>>
<<set $InmatesAMoney = 0>>
<<set $InmatesASubmit = 0>>
<<set $Outfit = 0>>
<<set $Underwear = 0>>
<<set $Legwear = 0>>
<<set $Back = 0>>
<<set $Lips = 0>>
<<set $Therapy = 0>>
<<set $TherapySub = 0>>
<<set $TherapyBlaked = 0>>
<<set $Therapist = 0>>
/* Familty */
<<set $StepFather = 0>>
<<set $StepFatherSub = 0>>
<<set $StepFatherHumillation = 0>>
<<set $StepSister = 0>>
<<set $Mom = 0>>
Money: <<print $Money>>$
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
Strength: <<print $Str>>
Intelligence: <<print $Int>>
Femininity: <<print $Feminity>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
Followers: <<print $Followers>>
Sasha: <<print $Shasha>>
Vito: <<print $Vito>>
Jake: <<print $Jake>>
Tyron: <<print $Tyron>>
Diego: <<print $Diego>>
/* Flags */
<<set $Jakewhore to false>>
<<set $Shashawhore to false>>
<<set $Vitowhore to false>>
<<set $Tyronwhore to false>>
<<set $Diegowhore to false>>
<<set $TheCookPassage to false>>
<<set $TheNrdPassage to false>>
<<set $Chefwork to false>>
<<set $Chefworkitchen to false>>
<<set $GoodNightKiss to false>>
<<set $Humillation to false>>
<<set $PlayerFootball to false>>
<<set $Cheerleader to false>>
<<set $EatIncell to false>>
<<set $hasActivatedPassage to false>>
<<set $LibraryWorkAlpha to false>>
<<set $LibraryWorkTrap to false>>
[[Go to The Yard|The Yard]]<center><center><img src="img/Locations/TheYard.jpg"/></center>
<center>You are in The Yard</center>
<div class="seagreen" onclick="toggleDropdown('descriptionText')">Description</div>
<div class="dropdown-text" id="descriptionText">
The Yard is a large open area surrounded by tall concrete walls, filled with inmates and guards alike. The sun beats down mercilessly on the cracked and dusty pavement, and the air is thick with tension and the sound of bodies colliding on the makeshift football field. Adjacent to the football field, separated by a fence, there is a small basketball court usually frequented by inmates of color. Further in the distance, you can spot several tables where inmates engage in intense chess matches. Additionally, scattered across the Yard, there is a calisthenics area where inmates of different ethnicities, including both Aryan and Latino individuals, can be seen engaging in physical exercises and workouts. The Yard is a vibrant hub of activity, offering glimpses of diverse social interactions and recreational pursuits amidst the confines of the prison walls.
From The Yard, you can see several other locations within the prison:
The BackYard: Is a controlled section of the prison, led by Tyron and his influential gang. It features a strong presence of muscular inmates of color and exudes loyalty and unity. It stands out for its diverse population, including some inmates with more effeminate qualities. It is a unique and multifaceted aspect of the prison environment.
The Cafeteria: A large, dimly lit room filled with long tables and benches. The smell of burnt food and stale bread permeates the air, and the noise of hundreds of inmates chatting and clanging utensils together echoes throughout the room.
The Library: A small, quiet room with shelves of books lining the walls. Inmates can be seen sitting at the few tables available, reading books or studying. The occasional guard can also be seen patrolling the area.
The Showers: A damp and humid room filled with steam. The sound of rushing water fills the space, along with the occasional grunt or shout from the inmates showering. It's not uncommon to see a few inmates huddled together, chatting and laughing while they scrub themselves clean.
The Gym: A large room filled with various exercise equipment. The sound of metal clanging together and heavy breathing fills the space, and you can see several groups of inmates working out and spotting each other.
The Chemical Lab: A small, cramped room with shelves filled with bottles of chemicals and scientific equipment. Inmates in white lab coats can be seen mixing chemicals and taking notes, while guards keep a watchful eye.
The Cells: The small, cramped spaces where you and the other inmates sleep. Each cell contains a small bed, a toilet, and a sink. The only decoration is the occasional poster or picture taped to the wall.
Each location within the prison has its own atmosphere and danger. Be careful who you trust and always watch your back.
<<if $Mary == 0 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Morning">>
<<goto "WelcomePrisoners">>
<<if $Mary == 2 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] !== "Night" && $Maryseeyou == 0>>
[[You wonder where the prisoner has been taken by the famous "Mary", so you decide to take a look around...|SearchMary]]
<<if $Mary == 2 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] !== "Night" && $Maryseeyou == 1>>
[[Your curiosity is piqued about what else they might be doing to that prisoner.|SearchMary2]]
<<if $Ismael == 0 && $LatinGang == 0>>[[A group of Latin inmates calling you silly names.|Event of Respect]]<</if>>
<<if $Bald == 2 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Afternoon">>
[[The bald man motions for you to come closer...|Approach]]
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Night">> It's getting late and you should head back to your cell to sleep.<<goto "Your Cell">>
<<if setup.datePart[$gameDate] is "Sunday" && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Morning">>
[[Go to The Church|Church]]
[[Read The Jobs Board|PrisonWork]]
[[Go to The Activity Area|Activity Area]]
[[Go to The BackYard|The BackYard]]
[[Go to The Cafeteria|The Cafeteria]]
[[Go to The Library|The Library]]
[[Go to The Showers|The Showers]]
[[Go to The Gym|The Gym]]
[[Go to The Chemical Lab|The Chemical Lab]]
[[Go to The Cells|The Cells]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Cafeteria.jpg"/></center>
<center>You are in The Cafeteria </center>
<div class="seagreen" onclick="toggleDropdown('descriptionText')">Description</div>
<div class="dropdown-text" id="descriptionText">
The cafeteria is a large open space with several long tables and benches. The walls are painted in a light, calming color and the windows let in natural light, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. The room is quite noisy, with the sound of chatter and clattering of dishes and cutlery filling the air.
At one end of the room is a serving area with trays of food and drink dispensers, which are constantly refilled throughout the day. The food is basic, but filling, and usually consists of simple dishes like rice and beans, pasta, or soup. There are also some options for vegetarians and those with dietary restrictions.
In the corner of the room, there is a small area with vending machines where inmates can purchase snacks and drinks. The prices are relatively high, but it's a way to get a treat or some extra food outside of regular meal times.
The cafeteria is a popular spot for socializing, and inmates often sit together with their friends or groups they have formed. While there is some level of supervision from guards, it is relatively relaxed compared to other areas of the prison. However, any fighting or disruptive behavior is not tolerated and can result in disciplinary action.
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Night">>
It's getting late and you should head back to your cell to sleep.
<<goto "Your Cell">>
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] !== "Afternoon">>
Sorry, the cafeteria is only open in the afternoon.
<<if $Vito >= 1 && $Feminity < 30 && $Respect < 0>>
[[Vito gestures for you to come closer.|AfterLunch]]
<<if $Chefworkitchen == true>>
[[You see Big Tony in the back of the kitchen, preparing ingredients and winking at you. He says:"Are you coming to work, sweetheart?"|WorkChef]]
You can have your meal in the cafeteria during the afternoon.
<!-- Aquí puedes agregar el contenido adicional del pasaje de la cafetería -->
<<if $Energy >= 20>>
You feel energized and ready to have a meal. What would you like to eat?
[[Choose a meal |Choose a meal]]
You don't have enough energy to eat right now. Maybe you should rest or do some activities.
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] =="Early Morning">>
<<if $Chefwork == true>>
You see Big Tony behind the bar, cleaning, and when he sees you, he says:<div class="crimson"> "Sasha told me you want to work even more."</div> [[You approach the cook|Work in Early]]
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] == "Early Morning" && $Juan >=2 && $Intox >=3 && $IntoxicatedByChef >=1 && $Lips == 0 && $TheCookMoney >= 50>>
<<goto "Transformation">>
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] == "Early Morning" && $Juan >=2 && $Intox >=3 && $IntoxicatedByChef >=1 && $Lips == 1 && $TheCookMoney >= 50 && $Chest ==1>>
<<goto "Transformation2">>
<<if $Vito == 0 && $Feminity <30 && $Respect <0 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] =="Afternoon" >>
<<goto "AfterLunch">>
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Night">>
It's getting late, and the cafeteria is closed. You should find something to eat in your cell or rest.
[[Go to The Showers|The Showers]]
[[Go to The Library|The Library]]
[[Go to The Yard |The Yard]]
[[Go to The Chemical Lab|The Chemical Lab]]
[[Go to The Cells|The Cells]]
[[Go to The Gym |The Gym]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
<center>You are in The Library</center>
<div class="seagreen" onclick="toggleDropdown('descriptionText')">Description</div>
<div class="dropdown-text" id="descriptionText">
The library is a peaceful and quiet place in the prison, offering a small escape from the chaos and noise of the surrounding areas. The room is filled with rows of bookshelves that stretch from the floor to the ceiling, packed with a variety of books, from classic literature to contemporary novels. The walls are decorated with motivational quotes and posters, and there are a few comfortable chairs and tables scattered throughout the room. The lighting is dim, creating a cozy atmosphere and making it easy to concentrate on reading. In one corner, there is a small desk with an old librarian sitting behind it, ready to assist with any book-related questions or needs. Overall, the library is a great place to spend some quiet time and expand one's knowledge or just get lost in a good book.
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Night">>
It's getting late and you should head back to your cell to sleep.
<<goto "Your Cell">>
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] !== "Late Afternoon">>
Sorry, the Library is only open in the Late Afternoon.
<<if Math.random() * 100 <= $chance && $Fame <= -2 && $Respect <= -2 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Late Afternoon" && $AssaultLibrary == false>>
<<goto "InmateAssault">>
<<if Math.random() * 100 <= $chance && $LibraryWorkTrap == true && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Late Afternoon">>
<<goto "PimpedLibrarian">>
<<if $Librarian == 1>>
[[The old librarian is calling you from the counter|OldLibrarianfirst]]
<<if $Nrd == 1>>
[[Sasha gestures to you from a table|First event of nerd]]
You can spend your time in the library during the Late Afternoon.
<<if $Energy >= 60>>
You feel energized and ready to spend your time. What activity would you like to do?
<<if $LibraryBlackPoints >= 1>>
[[The old Librarian asks you to approach|QuestInit]]
[[Choose an activity|Choose an activity]]
You don't have enough energy to spend your time right now. Maybe you should rest or do some activities.
<<if $NrdSub >= 2 && $Librarian == -1 >>
[[You're about to approach Alex when... an older, burly man stops you|OldLibrarianFirst]]
<<if $NrdSub >=5 && $Librarian == -2 && $Followers >=1 && $LibraryWorkAlpha == false >>
<<goto "WorkLibrary1">>
<<if $LibraryWorkAlpha == true >>
[[Work at the library|Librarywork]]
<<if $LibraryWorkTrap == true>>
[[Work at the library|LibraryworkTra]]
[[Go to The Cafeteria|The Cafeteria]]
[[Go to The Showers|The Showers]]
[[Go to The Yard |The Yard]]
[[Go to The Chemical Lab|The Chemical Lab]]
[[Go to The Cells|The Cells]]
[[Go to The Gym |The Gym]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Showers.jpg"/></center>
<center>You are in the showers</center>
<div class="seagreen" onclick="toggleDropdown('descriptionText')">Description</div>
<div class="dropdown-text" id="descriptionText">
The showers are located at the end of a long corridor, opposite to the cells. There are no guards stationed specifically at the showers, but they do make regular rounds through the corridor. The showers themselves are separated by partitions for privacy and there are multiple showerheads in each stall. The water temperature can be adjusted using the knobs on the wall. Despite the lack of heavy vigilance, it's still important to be aware of your surroundings and exercise caution, as fights and other incidents can still occur.
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] !== "Evening">>
Sorry, the showers are only open in the evening.
You can use the showers during the evening.
<<if $Energy >= 20>>
You enter the showers, ready to clean yourself. What type of shower would you like to take?
[[Choose a shower|Choose a shower]]
You don't have enough energy to take a shower right now. Maybe you should rest or do some activities.
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] === "Night">>
It's getting late. You should go back to your cell and rest.
[[Go to The Cafeteria|The Cafeteria]]
[[Go to The Library|The Library]]
[[Go to The Yard|The Yard]]
[[Go to The Chemical Lab|The Chemical Lab]]
[[Go to The Cells|The Cells]]
[[Go to The Gym|The Gym]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Gym.jpg"/></center>
<center>You are in The Gym.</center>
<div class="seagreen" onclick="toggleDropdown('descriptionText')">Description</div>
<div class="dropdown-text" id="descriptionText">
The prison gym is a large room filled with exercise equipment such as weight machines, free weights, treadmills, and stationary bicycles. The walls are lined with mirrors, and there are several large windows that allow natural light to filter in. The room is dimly lit, giving it a somewhat ominous feel. The floor is covered with rubber mats to absorb the impact of weights being dropped, and there are posters on the walls depicting various exercises and muscle groups. In one corner of the gym, there is a boxing ring with heavy bags hanging from the ceiling. The room is usually crowded with inmates working out, and there is often a sense of competition and aggression in the air.
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Night">>
It's getting late and you should head back to your cell to sleep.
<<goto "Your Cell">>
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] !== "Morning">>
Sorry, the gym is only open in the Morning.
You can work out in the gym during the afternoon.
<!-- Aquí puedes agregar el contenido adicional del pasaje del gimnasio -->
<<if $Energy >= 20>>
You feel energized and ready to work out. What exercise would you like to do?
[[Choose an exercise |Choose an exercise]]
You don't have enough energy to work out right now. Maybe you should rest or do some activities.
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Night">>
It's getting late, and the gym is closed. You should find some other activity to do or rest.
[[Go to The Cafeteria|The Cafeteria]]
[[Go to The Library|The Library]]
[[Go to The Showers|The Showers]]
[[Go to The Yard |The Yard]]
[[Go to The Chemical Lab|The Chemical Lab]]
[[Go to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Lab.jpg"/></center>
<center>You are in The Chemical Lab</center>
<div class="seagreen" onclick="toggleDropdown('descriptionText')">Description</div>
<div class="dropdown-text" id="descriptionText">
The chemical lab is a sterile and well-organized room, with various workstations equipped with sinks, fume hoods, and specialized chemical apparatus. The walls are lined with safety posters and emergency equipment such as eyewash stations and fire extinguishers. The room is kept at a constant temperature to ensure the safety of the chemicals being used.
There are shelves full of chemical reagents and solvents, and cabinets stocked with protective equipment such as goggles, lab coats, and gloves. The lab has a distinct smell of chemicals and the air is constantly being filtered to prevent any dangerous fumes from escaping.
In the center of the room is a large table with a scale, microscope, and other instruments for conducting experiments. The lab is used by prisoners who work in chemical production or research, and they are closely supervised by guards and a senior chemist.
Overall, the chemical lab is a place where careful attention to safety is essential, and where prisoners can use their scientific knowledge and skills to contribute to the prison's operations.
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Night">>
It's getting late and you should head back to your cell to sleep.
<<goto "Your Cell">>
[[Go to The Library|The Library]]
[[Go to The Cafeteria|The Cafeteria]]
[[Go to The Showers|The Showers]]
[[Go to The Yard |The Yard]]
[[Go to The Cells|The Cells]]
[[Go to The Gym |The Gym]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/></center>
<center>You are in The Cells</center>
<div class="seagreen" onclick="toggleDropdown('descriptionText')">Description</div>
<div class="dropdown-text" id="descriptionText">
The cells with double beds are similar to the standard cells, but with the addition of a second bed and a slightly larger floor space. The beds are typically bunk beds, with a ladder to access the top bunk. The room still has a toilet and sink, as well as a small table and chair. The walls are the same gray concrete, and the door is heavy and metal with a small window for the guard to observe. Despite the addition of the second bed, the room still feels cramped and confined. The presence of another person in such close quarters can be both comforting and frustrating, depending on the cellmate. It's not uncommon for conflicts to arise between cellmates, especially if they have different schedules or personalities. Overall, the cells with double beds are not much different from the standard cells, but the addition of another person can make the experience of prison life even more challenging.
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Night">>
It's getting late and you should head back to your cell to sleep.
<<goto "Your Cell">>
<<if $Vito ==2 && $Feminity < 30 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] !== "Afternoon" && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] !== "Early Morning" && $CellV == 0 && $day > 8 >>
<<goto "VitoAssault">>
<<if $CellV ==1 && $Feminity < 30 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] !== "Afternoon" && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] !== "Early Morning">>
[[Cell of Vito|Cell237]]
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Late Afternoon" && $Cello == 1>>
[[Cell of The Nerd|Cell233]]
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Early Evening" && $Cellc == 1>>
[[Cell of The Cook|Cell235]]
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Late Afternoon" && $Cellt == 1>>
[[Cell of Tyron|Cell234]]
<<if Math.random() * 100 <= $chance && $VitoMinions >= 1 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Late Afternoon" && $MinionsVito == false>>
<<goto "AssaultMinions">>
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Morning" && $Celli == 1>>
[[Cell of Ismael|Cell238]]
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Afternoon" && $Cellj == 1>>
[[Cell of Jackal|Cell236]]
<<if $Bald >=2 && $Money >=100 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Morning" && $BaldAssault == false>>
<<goto "BaldAsaultYou">>
<<if $InmatesA >= 3 && $InmatesAMoney >= 20 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Early Evening" && $hasActivatedPassage ==false>> <<goto "Assault">> <</if>>
<<if $Gloryhole == 1 && $Underwear == 1>> <<goto "NewJobEvent">> <</if>>
<<if $Gloryhole == 2 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Morning">>
<<set _randomGo = random(1, 2)>>
<<if _randomGo == 1>> <!-- Go to the room -->
[[You see the guard gesturing for you to enter the room|JobGlory]]
<<elseif _randomGo == 2>> <!-- Blow the guard -->
[[You see the guard touching himself down there, licking his lips, as he tells you to approach|EventJob1]]
[[Go to The Library|The Library]]
[[Go to The Cafeteria|The Cafeteria]]
[[Go to The Showers|The Showers]]
[[Go to The Yard |The Yard]]
[[Go to The Chemical Lab|The Chemical Lab]]
[[Go to The Gym |The Gym]]
[[Go to Your Cell |Your Cell]]</center>
<center>You take a look at yourself in the mirror and notice how your appearance has changed since you arrived at prison.
<<if $Feminity >= 80>>
A reflection of a stunning princess stares back at you. Your hair is styled in an elaborate updo, your makeup is immaculate, and your outfit is a gorgeous ball gown.
<img src="img/you/princess.webp"/>
<<elseif $Feminity >= 60>>
A reflection of a highly feminine person stares back at you. Your hair is long and styled in loose waves, your makeup is flawlessly applied, and your outfit is form-fitting and stylish.
<img src="img/you/Feminity60.jpg"/>
<<elseif $Feminity >= 30>>
A reflection of a moderately feminine person stares back at you. Your hair is styled nicely, your makeup is on point, and your outfit is trendy.
<img src="img/you/Feminity30.jpg"/>
<<elseif $Feminity >= 10>>
A reflection of a slightly feminine-looking person stares back at you. Your hair is longer than before, your clothes are more form-fitting, and your face is softer.
<img src="img/you/feminity10.jpg"/>
You see a masculine-looking person staring back at you. Your hair is short and simple, your face is clean-shaven, and your outfit is loose-fitting and comfortable.
<img src="img/you/masculine.jpg"/>
You take a moment to check your attributes:
Name : <<print $name>>
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Money: <<print $Money>>$
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
Strength: <<print $Str>>
Intelligence: <<print $Int>>
Femininity: <<print $Feminity>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
Followers: <<print $Followers>>
Sasha: <<print $Shasha>>
Big Tony: <<print $TheCook>>
Vito: <<print $Vito>>
Jake: <<print $Jake>>
Tyron: <<print $Tyron>>
Diego: <<print $Diego>>
Alex: <<print $Nrd>>
You feel ready to face whatever challenges may come your way.
[[Return to Your Cell |Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/Sasha.jpg"/></center>
<div class="crimson"> Sasha: Boy, do you want to earn some money?</div> - Sasha looks at you curiously and nods his head. <div class ="gold">$name: Sure! I always need more money for my things."</div>
<<if $TheCook == 1>> <!-- Si la relación con el cocinero es igual a 1 -->
Sasha says: <div class="crimson">"Go ask your buddy, the cook. He might have something for you."</div>
<<elseif $TheCook >= 2>> <!-- Si la relación con el cocinero es igual o mayor a 2 -->
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Early Morning">>
Sasha says: <div class="crimson">"Go ask your buddy, the cook. He might have something for you."</div>
Sasha says: <div class="crimson">"Come back during the early morning. That's when you can talk to your buddy."</div>
<<elseif $TheCook == 0 >> <!-- Si la relación con el cocinero es 0 y la relación con Sasha es positiva -->
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Night">>
Sasha says: <div class="crimson">"You're a good kid, but the kitchen is closed at night. Come back during the day."</div>
Sasha says: <div class="crimson">"You're a good kid. I have a job for you. You can help my friend the cook as his assistant."</div>
[[Help the cook|Help the cook]]
<<set $HelpTheCookOption = true>>
<<else>> <!-- Para cualquier otra situación -->
<div class="crimson">Sasha: "I'm sorry, I cannot offer you any job at this time."</div>
<<nobr>><<if $TheCook == 0 && $HelpTheCookOption>>
<div class="yellow">$name: I couldn't help but wonder if I should accept the position as the cook's assistant. It could be an opportunity for me to learn new skills and gain some favor in the prison. However, I also had to be cautious. Working closely with the cook might expose me to potential dangers or unwanted attention from other inmates. I needed to weigh the benefits and risks carefully before making a decision.</div>
<<if $Respect <= -1 && $TheCook >= 1 && $TheCook == 2 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Early Morning">>
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Night">>
Sasha says: <div class="crimson">"I have something in mind for you, but it'll have to wait until morning."</div>
Sasha says: <div class="crimson">"Well, I suppose there is one thing you could do for me. Since you seem to have a knack for washing dishes, maybe you can try washing my underwear as well. It's quite a delicate task."</div>
[[Wash Sasha's underwear|Wash Sasha's underwear]]
<<set $washUnderwearOption = true>>
<<nobr>><<if $Respect <= -1 && $washUnderwearOption && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Early Morning">><div class="lightpink">I'm seriously considering doing it. I blushed at the idea and found myself internally debating whether I should give in to my darkest impulses or not. On one hand, curiosity and attraction urged me to succumb to those tempting fantasies. On the other hand, doubt and fear of the consequences tormented me, causing me to waver in my decision.</div><</if>><</nobr>>
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center>
<<if $Feminity >=20>>
<img src="img/actions/washunderwearfemenine10.gif"/>
<img src="img/actions/washunderwearmale.gif"/>
In the dark and gloomy cell, $name is sitting on the floor with a bucket of water and a piece of soap, rubbing his cellmate's underwear intensely. The atmosphere is suffocating and humid, and the sound of water drops falling from the walls adds to the feeling of claustrophobia. Sasha is staring at him with a conspiratorial look, as if he's up to something that $name doesn't know. The tension in the cell is palpable as $name continues to wash the underwear in silence.
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
<<if $Respect >= -10>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >=-10>>
<<set $Fame -=2>>
<<if $Shashadom == 0>>
<<set $Shashadom += 1>>
<<set $Money += 1>>
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
Money: <<print $Money>>
As he finishes, $name feels a sense of disgust and humiliation, losing respect and fame. On the other hand, Sasha seems pleased with the outcome and hands him some money. He then changes his request and asks $name to go to the showers to meet a friend, leaving him wondering what kind of favor he'll have to do next.
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/npc/Sasha.jpg"/></center>
As you approach Sasha, he looks at you with a serious expression and decides to share some information about the previous cook.
<div class="crimson">"Listen up, mate,"</div> Sasha says in a cautious tone. <div class="crimson">"The cook, Big Tony, may seem like an ordinary guy, but there's something you should know. He's got a thing for young people, if you catch my drift. I've seen him make some inappropriate advances towards the newbies."</div>
Sasha's warning raises a red flag, making you question the intentions of the previous cook. You have two options:
**__Heed Sasha's Warning:__ Taking Sasha's advice to heart, you remain cautious and vigilant around Big Tony. You understand the importance of protecting yourself and your boundaries in this environment.
<center><img src="img/actions/choices.gif"/></center>
**__Dismiss Sasha's Warning:__ You choose to brush off Sasha's concerns, thinking that maybe he's exaggerating or misinterpreting Big Tony's behavior. After all, everyone has their own rumors in prison, and you prefer not to jump to conclusions without solid evidence.
Remember, the choice you make could have consequences, so choose wisely.
[[The Cook|The Cook]]
[[Heed Sasha's Warning|Heed Sasha's Warning]]
[[Dismiss Sasha's Warning|Dismiss Sasha's Warning]]</center>
<center>Sasha leans in towards $name, his voice low and menacing.<div class="crimson"> "Listen up, $name. There's a guy in the showers who owes me some cash. I need you to go collect it for me."</div>
$name feels a knot form in his stomach. The showers are a dangerous place, full of unpredictable inmates who won't take kindly to a stranger asking for money. But Shasha's gaze is hard and unyielding, and $name knows he doesn't have much of a choice.
Reluctantly, he makes his way towards the showers, scanning the crowds of inmates for his target. He eventually spots a wiry man with a shaved head and a tattoo of a snake winding down his arm. $name approaches him tentatively, hoping he won't meet with violence.
<center><img src="img/locations/The Showers.jpg"/></center>
To his surprise, the man hands over the cash without much fuss. As $name heads back to his cell, he can't help but feel relieved and grateful to have made it out unscathed.
<center><img src="img/npc/ShavedWM.jpg"/></center>
But as he hands the money over to Sasha, he can see the glint of satisfaction in his eyes. He knows he's been played, and that Sasha has used him as a pawn in some larger game. The realization fills him with a sense of anger and frustration, and he resolves to be more careful in the future.
<center><img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/></center>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
<<if $Respect > -10>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >-10>>
<<set $Fame -=2>>
<<if $Shashadom == 1>>
<<set $Shashadom += 1>>
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
$name exit The cell and feels a momentary relief at escaping the oppressive atmosphere of the place. However, just before closing the door, Sasha gives him a pat on the Ass,
<center><img src="img/actions/TouchedSasha.jpg"/></center><div class="crimson"> "Good job, honey."</div> $name feels uncomfortable but knows he must maintain a good relationship with Sasha if he wants to survive in prison.
[[Return to The Yard|The Yard]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/latingroup.jpg"/></center>
As you enter the prison yard, a group of latin inmates start calling out to you and making aggressive gestures. It quickly becomes clear that they're trying to provoke you into a fight. You can try to ignore them and walk away, or you can confront them and stand your ground. The decision is yours, but be careful - one wrong move could land you in serious trouble.
[[Show off your strength |Show off your strength]]
[[Stand up for yourself |Stand up for yourself]]
[[Ignore them |Ignore them]]
<center><<if !$Dom && !$Feminity>>
<<set $day +=1>>DAY <<print $day>>
You lie down on your bed and rest. You feel rejuvenated as you close your eyes and drift off to sleep.
<center><img src="img/actions/sleep.jpg"/></center>
<<set $gameTime = 0>>
<<set $hasActivatedPassage = false>>
<<set $MinionsVito = false>>
<<set $AssaultLibrary = false>>
<<set $BaldAssault = false>>
<<set $Energy = 100>>
<<if setup.datePart[$gameDate] is "Sunday">>
<<set $gameDate = 0>>
<<set $gameDate = ($gameDate + 1) % setup.datePart.length>>
[[Wake up|Your Cell]]
<<if $Dom > 0>>
<<set $day +=1>>DAY <<print $day>>
You lie down on your bed and Dream with alpha dreams.
<center><img src="img/actions/sleep.jpg"/></center>
<<set $gameTime = 0>>
<<set $hasActivatedPassage = false>>
<<set $MinionsVito = false>>
<<set $AssaultLibrary = false>>
<<set $BaldAssault = false>>
<<set $Energy = 100>>
<<if setup.datePart[$gameDate] is "Sunday">>
<<set $gameDate = 0>>
<<set $gameDate = ($gameDate + 1) % setup.datePart.length>>
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 2)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/Dreams/Dom1.gif", "img/Dreams/Dom2.gif", "img/Dreams/Dom3.gif"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
[[Wake up|Your Cell]]
<<if $Feminity > 0>>
<<set $day += 1>>DAY <<print $day>>
You lie down on your bed and Dream with feminine vibes.
<center><img src="img/actions/sleep.jpg"/></center>
<<set $gameTime = 0>>
<<set $hasActivatedPassage = false>>
<<set $MinionsVito = false>>
<<set $AssaultLibrary = false>>
<<set $BaldAssault = false>>
<<set $Energy = 100>>
<<if setup.datePart[$gameDate] is "Sunday">>
<<set $gameDate = 0>>
<<set $gameDate = ($gameDate + 1) % setup.datePart.length>>
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 7)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/Dreams/Fem1.jpg", "img/Dreams/Fem2.jpg", "img/Dreams/Fem3.jpg","img/Dreams/Fem4.webp","img/Dreams/Fem3.webp","img/Dreams/Fem5.webp", "img/Dreams/Fem1.webp","img/Dreams/Fem2.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
[[Wake up|Your Cell]]
<</nobr>><center>While working alongside the cook, you can't help but notice his suspicious behavior. He moves around the kitchen with a sense of secrecy, his actions shrouded in mystery. Suddenly, he grabs a ladle and begins to concoct something peculiar. You strain your eyes, trying to catch a glimpse of what he's adding to the mixture, but it remains elusive.
In that moment, he glances at you with a mischievous smile and says, "<div class="crimson">Big Tony: Hey, care to give it a try?"</div> Unbeknownst to you, he is referring to the very mixture that Sasha had warned you about. Ignoring Sasha's words of caution, you find yourself accepting Big Tony's offer without hesitation, oblivious to the potential dangers lurking within the ladle.
After accepting the Cook's offer, you take a sip from the ladle, unaware of the mysterious substance hidden within. As you swallow, a shiver runs down your spine, and a sense of unease washes over you. Suddenly, Big Tony deliberately drops the ladle to the floor, a mischievous smile on his face.
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChefLaugh.jpg"></center>
<div class="crimson">"Looks like you've got some more work to do,"</div> he says, his tone filled with amusement. <div class="crimson">"Get down on all fours and clean up this mess."</div>
Without a hint of protest, you obediently respond,
<div class="lightpink">"Yes, sir,"</div>
and lower yourself to the ground, crawling on all fours to start cleaning the spilled concoction from the floor. Despite the strange turn of events, you remain determined to fulfill the Cook's orders without hesitation.
<<set $TheCook += 1>>
<<set $Feminity +=2>>
[[Yes sir..|Yes sir]]</center><center>While working with the cook, you notice that he behaves suspiciously. He is preparing something in the kitchen, and suddenly he takes a ladle in his hands. Without you being able to see it clearly, you realize that he adds something strange to the mixture. At that moment, he looks at you with a smile and says,<div class="crimson"> Big Tony:"Hey, would you like to try it?"</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChef.jpg"/></center>
You feel a shiver running down your spine as you realize he's hiding something in the ladle. Quickly, you make a sudden movement to make the ladle fall to the floor, avoiding consuming whatever he had added.
<center><img src="img/items/Ladle.jpg"/></center>
Big Tony looks at you furiously and scolds you, saying, <div class="crimson">"Now it's your turn to get under the bar, clean the floor, and find the ladle!"</div> The task he imposes seems unfair, but you have two options:
**Follow the cook's orders and bend down under the bar to clean the floor, knowing that this could have unpleasant consequences.
**Quickly search for another ladle in the kitchen, thus avoiding the task imposed by the cook and discovering what he was really up to.
It's up to you how to act in this situation, knowing that your decisions can have repercussions in your life inside the prison.
[[Follow The Cook's oders|Follow The Cook's orders]]
[[Quickly search for another ladle|Quickly search for another ladle]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/TheChef.jpg"/></center>
<div class="royalblue">
The cook/Big Tony is a middle-aged inmate who stands out for his moderately obese appearance. His body bears the signs of his time in prison, with a few extra pounds that reflect his dedication to cooking. Although his appearance may be deceiving, his size and strength act as a protective barrier that deters other inmates from physically assaulting him.
With a disheveled and graying beard framing his face, the cook exudes an aura of experience and wisdom. His calm gaze and weary eyes reflect the challenges he has faced in his life behind bars. Dressed in his chef's uniform, which bears grease stains and signs of wear, he showcases his dedication and perseverance in his work in the kitchen.
Despite his circumstances, the cook has found an outlet and a means of self-protection in the prison world through his culinary skills. His talent for creating delicious dishes and his knowledge of cooking have earned him the respect and admiration of fellow inmates. Although his appearance may breed prejudice, those who venture to taste his food discover that behind that exterior lies a passionate and talented cook.
[[Back|Help the cook]] </center>
<center>You obediently get down on all fours and start crawling under the bar to retrieve the ladle. As you make your way towards it, you notice the cook busy serving food to the other inmates. You stay hidden under the bar for a moment, trying to avoid drawing any attention.
<center><img src="img/actions/kitchen.jpg"/></center>
However, at one point, Big Tony approaches Sasha's table, wearing a mocking grin on his face. He leans in and whispers loudly enough for you to hear, <div class="crimson">"Guess who I have crawling under the bar, searching for my ladle?"</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChefSmile.jpg"/></center>
Your heart sinks as you realize Big Tony is deliberately trying to embarrass you in front of Sasha. Without wasting a moment, you swiftly emerge from under the bar, holding the ladle in your hand. You muster up the courage to explain, <div class="yellow">"It's not what it looks like!"</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/no.gif"/></center>
Although you manage to salvage the situation in the moment, your compliance with the cook's orders may have consequences for your reputation and future interactions with Sasha and the cook. Furthermore, at the end of the incident, the cook adds insult to injury by saying, <div class="crimson">"You're not getting paid for this. You've spent too much time looking for my ladle."</div>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
<<set $TheCook += 1>>
<<set $Shasha -=1>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
Money: <<print $Money>>
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center>As you quickly search for another ladle, your eyes scan the kitchen in a desperate attempt to find a suitable replacement. Fortunately, luck is on your side as you spot another ladle on a nearby countertop. Without hesitation, you grab it and continue with your duties.
However, little do you know what the cook had previously hidden inside that ladle. The workday carries on as usual, with you blending seamlessly into the kitchen environment. The other prisoners observe your commitment and dedication, appreciating your efforts as they see you working diligently alongside them.
Notably, Sasha takes notice of your actions and the fact that you heeded his warning. A glimmer of respect shines in his eyes as he acknowledges your willingness to be cautious. It seems that by considering his words, you have earned a degree of admiration from both your fellow inmates and Sasha himself.
The day progresses, and although the mystery of what was concealed in the ladle lingers in the back of your mind, you continue to fulfill your duties. Your quick thinking and dedication have garnered newfound appreciation, marking a significant turning point in your fame within the prison community.
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
<<set $TheCook -=2 >>
<<set $Dom +=0>>
<<set $Shasha +=1>>
<<set $Respect += 2>>
<<set $Fame += 2>>
<<set $Money += 10>>
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Sasha: <<print $Shasha>>
Dominance: <<print $Dom>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
Money: <<print $Money>>
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center>
<<if $Respect >= 0 && $Fame >= 0>> <!-- If respect and fame stats are positive -->
You decide to have a regular meal. Enjoy your food and pass the time.
<img src="img/items/food.jpg"/>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
<<if $Energy < 100>>
<<set $Energy += 20>> <!-- Increase energy by 20 units if below 100 -->
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
[[Return to The Cafeteria|The Cafeteria]]
<<else>> <!-- If respect and fame stats are not positive -->
<<if $TheCook >= 1 && $TheCook <= 2>> <!-- If relationship with the cook is 1 or 2 -->
<<if $TheCook >= 2 && $Nrd == 2 && $Shashaslut >= 2 && $Feminity >= 20>>
<img src="img/npc/TheChefLaugh.jpg"/>
The Chef notices you're more feminine than before and adds one more special treat for you.
At the same time, you spot Alex, the nerd, sitting at one of the tables.
What would you like to do?
[[Approach Alex|Alexlunch]]
[[Special Mix Milk Shake|Special Mix Shake]]
[[Accept the special treat|Special Treat]]
[[Have the special shake|Special Shake]]
[[Have a regular meal|Regular Meal]]
<<elseif $TheCook >= 2 && $Shashaslut >= 2 && $Feminity >= 20>>
<img src="img/npc/TheChefLaugh.jpg"/>
The Chef notices you're more feminine than before and adds one more special treat for you.
What would you like to do?
[[Special Mix Milk Shake|Special Mix Shake]]
[[Accept the special treat|Special Treat]]
[[Have the special shake|Special Shake]]
[[Have a regular meal|Regular Meal]]
<<elseif $TheCook >= 2 && $Feminity >= 10>> <!-- If relationship with the cook is 2 and femininity is 10 or higher -->
<img src="img/npc/TheChefLaugh.jpg"/>
The chef notices your exceptional femininity and invites you to a special treat in the back room.
What would you like to do?
[[Accept the special treat|Special Treat]]
[[Have the special shake|Special Shake]]
[[Have a regular meal|Regular Meal]]
<<else>> <!-- For any other relationship situation with the cook -->
<img src="img/npc/TheChefSmile.jpg"/>
The chef offers you a special shake. It looks delicious and tempting.
What would you like to do?
[[Have the special shake|Special Shake]]
[[Have a regular meal|Regular Meal]]
<<else>> <!-- For any other relationship situation with the cook -->
You decide to have a regular meal. Enjoy your food and pass the time.
<img src="img/items/food.jpg"/>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<<if $Energy < 100>>
<<set $Energy += 20>> <!-- Increase energy by 20 units if below 100 -->
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
[[Return to The Cafeteria|The Cafeteria]]
<</if>> <!-- Closing macro if $Respect >= 0 && $Fame >= 0 -->
<<if $Str <= 20>>
You are so foolish that on your first day, you decide to confront the group of inmates, who happen to be members of the Latino gang. They start pushing you around, and one of them pulls down your pants while another takes advantage of the distraction to punch you in the head. You lose 5 intelligence due to the blow, and your fame increases by 1. Your respect up since you have shown that you are not a coward.
<center><img src="img/actions/slaped.gif"/></center>
<<set $Int -= 5>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<<set $LatinGang -= 1>>
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
Intelligence: <<print $Int>>
[[Return to The Yard |The Yard]]
<<elseif $Str <= 30 && $Str >= 40>>
As a display of your strength, you decide to take action. With a sudden burst of power, you grab one of the inmates and throw him to the ground, causing the others to step back in surprise. They quickly realize that you're not someone to be taken lightly.
<<set $Respect += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<<set $LatinGang -= 1>>
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
[[Return to The Yard |The Yard]]
<<elseif $Str <= 41 >>
You unleash your power and effortlessly bring down two Latino inmates. With a confident smirk, you taunt them, making it clear that you are not to be trifled with. Your display of strength earns you +2 respect, but it also escalates tensions with the Latino gang. One of them warns:<div class="crimson"> "We'll see you in the showers in the evening, amigo. Let's see if you're as brave there."</div>
<<set $Respect += 2>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<<set $LatinGang -= 1>>
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
[[Return to The Yard |The Yard]]
<</if>></center><center><<if $Int <= 100>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<<set $Int += 2>>
<<set $LatinGang -= 1>>
You confidently address the Latino inmates, <div class="gold">"You're fortunate there are numerous guards around. You have no idea who you're dealing with."</div> This infuriates them, and they retort,
<center><img src="img/actions/rageinmates.jpg"/></center>
<div class="crimson"> "We'll see you in The Yard.. Let's see if you're still talking big, amigo."</div> Your respect increases by 1, your fame remains unchanged, and your intelligence improves by 2 points. Silently, you remind yourself to minimize your association with the Latino gang.
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Intelligence: <<print $Int>>
[[Return to The Yard |The Yard]]</center><center>You pretend not to hear anything, turn around, and one of the Latinos, seeing you bow your head, gives you a tap on your ass, saying,
<center><img src="img/npc/Ismael.jpg"/></center>
<div class="crimson">"Nice ass, little one. Soon you'll be eating a burrito with extra sauce!"</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/ass.jpg"/></center>
Upon seeing that you don't react, he says, <div class="crimson">"Or how about now, new guy? Let's go to the BackYard. I'm loaded with yogurt sauce, hahaha!"</div>
He continues to tease you when suddenly he says, <div class="crimson">"My name is Ismael. Remember this name because I'm going to be your next daddy."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/></center>
Suddenly, you come to a halt, freezing in place.
Upon seeing you come to a sudden stop, he stands in front of you and asks,<div class="crimson"> "What's the matter? Am I one of the big shots around here? Do you like my name, or are you just fascinated with the idea of having me as your 'papi'?"</div>
You stare at him intently, scanning him from head to toe.
[[You talk to much|You talk To Much]]
[[Lower your Head|Lower your Head]]</center>
<<if $TheCook >= 1 && $TheCook <= 2 &&$Humillation == false>>
[[A group of Latin inmates yelling at you for seeing you do something suspicious in The Cafeteria|Consequences of the Cook]]
<<set $Humillation = true>>
<</if>><center><center><img src="img/Locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
<div class="seagreen" onclick="toggleDropdown('descriptionText')">Description</div>
<div class="dropdown-text" id="descriptionText">
The Backyard is a section of the prison that is under the control of a group of individuals led by Tyron, a charismatic and influential figure. As you enter this area, you can't help but notice the strong presence of muscular inmates of color. Tyron's gang holds significant sway here, with their tight-knit community and a formidable reputation. The atmosphere is charged with a sense of loyalty and unity among the members. It's not uncommon to witness Tyron's followers embracing each other and engaging in gestures of camaraderie, creating a unique bond within their circle.
At some of the back tables, you can also observe some inmates with such a feminine appearance that they could be mistaken for women, adding a distinctive touch to the diversity of this place.</div>
<<if $Vito >=1 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Morning" && $Feminity <30>>
[[You see Vito with his two bodyguards and decide to approach.|vitojobs]]
<<if $Vito >=1 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Morning" && $Feminity >=30>>
[[You see The Two bodyguards of Vito and decide to approach.|vitojobsF]]
<<if $Feminity < 30 && $Respect < 0 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] !== "Afternoon" && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] !== "Late Afternoon" >>
[[You try to watch the "girls" have "fun" |Tgirlsfun]]
<<if $Nrd == 2 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Early Evening"&& $Feminity >=30>>
[[You see the Nerd timidly peeking out to the backyard and he smiles at you when he sees you.|NerdBackyardF]]
<<if $Nrd == 2 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Early Evening"&& $Feminity <30>>
[[You see the Nerd timidly peeking out to the backyard and he smiles at you when he sees you.|NerdBackyard]]
<<if $TheCook >= 1 && $TheCook <= 2 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Late Afternoon"&& $Feminity <30>>
[[Curiously, you see the Chef throwing out the kitchen trash.|ChefFun]]
<<if $TheCook >= 1 && $TheCook <= 2 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Late Afternoon"&& $Feminity >=30>>
[[Curiously, you see the Chef throwing out the kitchen trash.|ChefFunF]]
<<if $Tyron >=1 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Early Evening" && $Feminity >=30>>
[[You see Tyron smoking a cigarette while contemplating the sunset.|TyronLateF]]
<<if $Celli == 1 && $Feminity >= 30 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Morning">>
[[You see Ismael touching himself and gesturing for you to come closer|IsmaelWakeupF]]
<<if $Tyron >=1 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Early Evening" && $Feminity <30>>
[[You see Tyron smoking a cigarette while contemplating the sunset.|TyronLate]]
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Morning" && $Respect <= -1 && $Fame <= -1>>
[[A group of prisoners with a feminine appearance beckon to you|Do Female Aerobic]]
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Late Afternoon" && $Respect < -1 && $Fame < -1 && $BlackShow >=1>>
[[The group of prisoners with a feminine appearance gesture at you while you see another group of black prisoners smiling, licking their lips, and winking at you.|FunWithBlacks]]
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Late Afternoon" && $Respect < -1 && $Fame < -1 && $BlackShow >=1 && $Tyron >= 1 && $Cellt == 1 && $BlackProtection >=1 >>
[[Tyron gestures for you to come closer|ApproachTyron]]
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Late Afternoon" && $Respect < -1 && $Fame < -1 && $BlackShow >=1 && $Tyron == 0 && $Cellt == 0 && $BlackProtection >=1 >>
<<goto "TyronSubIn">>
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Late Afternoon" && $Respect < -1 && $Fame < -1 >>
[[Read magazines and gossip with the "girls"|Read magazines]]
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Early Evening">>
[[Pass Time|Pass Time]]
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Early Evening" && $Shashaslut >=1 && $ReputationLadies ==1>>
[[Sasha says to you, "Do you want to spend your time in a different way?"|PasstimeSlut]]
<<if $Shashaslut >=1 && $Shashaslut <=2 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Late Afternoon">>
[[Sasha is making gestures to you|Whathewant]]
<<if $ReputationLadies ==1 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Late Afternoon">>
[[The group of prisioners with a femenine appearance are making gestures to you|Gossips]]
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Night">> It's getting late and you should head back to your cell to sleep.<<goto "Your Cell">> <</if>>
[[Go to The Visitation Room|The Visitation Room]]
[[Return to The Yard|The Yard]]</center><center>You find yourself on all fours, unconsciously cleaning the liquid from the floor when suddenly you see the ladle, and noticing that there is still some liquid left, you eagerly start sucking it up.
While you were cleaning the ladle with your tongue, you notice that the room has filled with inmates, and the cook is serving them from the counter.
Unintentionally, you were making suction sounds while doing so.Suddenly, the cook says,<div class="crimson"> "Oops, it seems I've stained my pants," </div>and you see him unbuttoning his pants.
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefCock.gif"/></center>
The inmates, including Sasha, are witnessing both the sound of suction and the cook's peculiar behavior.
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChefSmile.jpg"/></center>
The cook, smiling, looks down and says,<div class="crimson"> "Come on, don't be lazy, do me the favor of scrubbing with care, will you?"</div> At the same time, he looks at Sasha and says,<div class="crimson"> "I think someone is going to taste the first homemade milkshake."</div>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
[[Resist the urge|Resist]]
[[A homemade Milkshake|Fmilkshake]]</center>
<center>The chef's member is visibly exposed, and you find yourself mesmerized, unable to look away.
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefCoock.jpg"></center>
The chef, seeing no response from you, exclaims,<div class="crimson"> "Well, I guess I'll have to show you how it's done,"</div> and starts stroking his member up and down slowly.
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefHi.gif"></center>
While the inmates eat, they look at the cook with anticipation, suspecting which member he is referring to.
Meanwhile, the chef looks down and whispers to you, <div class="crimson">"Come on, say hello to your new friend."</div>
You hesitate for a moment, but before you realize it, you're unconsciously gripping it with your hand.
<center><img src="img/actions/takedic.jpg"/></center>
The cook, smiling, places both hands back on the table and Looking down, he says, <div class="crimson">"Time to rub, don't be shy."</div> Meanwhile, he laughs while looking at Sasha and says, <div class="crimson">"Well, a beginning is a beginning."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChefLaugh.jpg"/></center>
The cook continues with his tasks while you have been hypnotically engrossed in the repetitive task assigned to you when suddenly...
<center><img src="img/actions/Closehandjob.gif"/></center>
You hear a sound of cream and feel something splashing into your mouth.
<center><img src="img/sex/cmouth.jpg"/></center>
The inmates look at you, some blushing, some with expressions of astonishment, as the cook tells you, <div class="crimson">"Don't be rude, swallow the milk."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/cumlickshake.gif"/></center>
Unconsciously, you lick your lips without realizing what has just happened, and you quickly leave the area, feeling embarrassed.
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
<<set $TheCook += 1>>
<<set $Shasha -=1>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $Feminity +=3>>
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center>Big Tony whispers to you<div class="crimson"> It's time to devour this lollipop of milk</div>
You start by giving it a couple of licks,
<center><img src="img/actions/lick.gif"/></center>
But then unconsciously find yourself moving your head up and down, while Big Tony encourages you to keep going like that.
<center><img src="img/actions/suck.gif"/></center>
Meanwhile,Big Tony says to Sasha,<div class="crimson"> Looks like we're about to have the first milkshake.</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChefLaugh.jpg"/></center>
You don't know how much time has passed, but you've started using your hand
<center><img src="img/actions/blowjobUT.gif"/></center>
While Tony whispers to you,<div class="crimson"> You learn quickly, I think you deserve a reward. Open your mouth wide.</div>
Under the table, you open your mouth wide And a shot of hot milk splashes onto your face and into your mouth.
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefSauceyou.gif"/></center>
Big Tony pulls you out from under the counter and commands you in an authoritative tone,<div class="crimson"> Now be a good princess and swallow.</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/swallowtony.gif"/></center>
Unconsciously, you lick the cum of her fingers and swallow, and he says,<div class="crimson"> What do you say? </div>You respond
<div class="lightpink">
Thank you.</div>
He smiles in a malevolent manner and says,<div class="crimson"> Here's 50 units of money for your services. You can leave now.</div> Meanwhile, the inmates look on in confusion.
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
<<set $TheCook += 1>>
<<set $Shasha -=1>>
<<set $Money +=50>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $Feminity +=3>>
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Money: <<print $Money>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center>You nod your head, indicating your agreement to negotiate with him.The black prisoner immediately suggests to you <div class="crimson">"if you enjoyed the milk lollipop you will like chocolate bars even more." </div>
As he says this, he puts his arm around your shoulder, treating you like one of his companions, and leads you to one of the bathrooms in the cafeteria.
He quickly blocks the door and smiling he puts you on your knees and tells you to close your eyes.
You obediently comply without a word as you hear sounds of undressing.
The black man tells you, "Open your eyes, darling."
You stare in astonishment as he says, "Well, since you've been so good, how about you start with my balls?"
You begin to suck timidly her eggs.
Suddenly you hear the sound of a click, and you start to suspect that you're being recorded, but you feel a hand on the back of your neck, preventing you from stopping.
While you savor and inhale a strong scent of sweat Suddenly, you feel a strong taste of spoiled cheese , unable to spit it out you swallow it directly.
The Black prisoner smile at you and say: "If you want more dick cheese honey, Come see me in the backyard."
<center>The cook grabs your arm excitedly and leads you to the back of the kitchen, shouting, <div class="crimson">"Here comes a house special for the future lady!"</div>
This time, he takes out the same glass as before, but from his pocket, he pulls out a jar with an even more viscous content. As he pours the substance, he looks at you and says,<div class="crimson"> "I fill it up at night for moments like this, little boy."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/special.gif"/></center>
As your mouth waters, he smiles and says,<div class="crimson"> "What are you waiting for, little boy? It's time to swallow."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/glup.jpg"/></center>
As you gulp down the contents in one go, you feel your body shudder. Meanwhile, the cook had turned around to prepare something. As you savor the taste with your eyes closed, the cook turns back and says, <div class="crimson">"Surprise! Allow me to present you the meat sandwich."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/chefspecialtreat.jpg"/></center>
You don't know why, but your vision becomes blurry, and you immediately fall to your knees.Upon seeing this, the cook bursts into laughter and says, <div class="crimson">"Wow, you must be really hungry. Open wide, here comes the special treat!"</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/lickmyprecum.gif"/></center>
The enticing aroma engulfs you, increasing your appetite even more. You begin devouring the meat sandwich, using your hand to assist. Meanwhile, the cook says, <div class="crimson">"Get used to this if you don't want to end up in the backyard, little one."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/blowbcock.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChefLaugh.jpg"/></center>
With a smile on his face, the cook looks down at you and chuckles, saying, <div class="crimson">"Unless you also happen to enjoy chocolate bars. Who knows, haha."</div>
Unaware of the time that has passed, a taste of spoiled milk begins to invade your mouth.The cook exclaims, gripping your head, <div class="crimson">"Here comes a 2-for-1 of dick cheese Swallow it down!"</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/femenineblowcum10.gif"/></center>
Pulling his dick back, you hear a "plop," and he says,<div class="crimson"> "I hope you enjoyed the lunch as much as I did, hahaha. I bet you did. Now get out of my kitchen."</div>
<<if $Feminity < 20>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
<<if $Energy <100>>
<<set $Energy +=20>> <!--Incrementa la energia en 20 unidades-->
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
[[Return to Cafeteria|The Cafeteria]]</center>
<center>You decide to have a regular meal. You enjoy your food and pass the time.
<center><img src="img/items/food.jpg"/></center>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
<<if $Energy <100>>
<<set $Energy +=20>> <!--Incrementa la energia en 20 unidades-->
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
[[Return to The Cafeteria|The Cafeteria]]</center><center>You decide to have The Special Shake and Big tony Big Tony says: <div class="crimson">"Haha, coming right up, a fresh glass of bull milk shake! And remember, you can't spill a drop."</div> Suspiciously, you watch as Big Tony quickly places a glass under the counter and starts shaking something vigorously.
<center><img src="img/sex/specialshake.gif"/></center>
Big Tony grunts and brings you a glass, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Here you go, freshly squeezed, my dear."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/glup.jpg"/></center>
You obediently bring the glass to your lips and start drinking the special shake, without uttering a word. As you finish drinking, Big Tony's smile widens, seemingly pleased with your compliance.
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChefLaugh.jpg"/></center>
Big Tony: <div class="crimson">"Oh, you've got some residue left. Let me help you with that."</div>
Big Tony gently runs his fingers over your lips, wiping away the remnants of the shake. You swallow without protest, feeling a mix of discomfort and submission. Big Tony then looks at you with a smirk.
<center> <img src="img/sex/swallowtony.gif"/></center>
Big Tony: <div class="crimson">"And what do we say?"</div>
You respond, your voice filled with a mix of gratitude and submission.
You: <div class="lightpink">"Thank you, sir."</div>
Big Tony chuckles. Big Tony: <div class="crimson">"Until our next lunch bitch, haha."</div>
<<if $Feminity < 10>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
<<if $Energy <100>>
<<set $Energy +=20>> <!--Incrementa la energia en 20 unidades-->
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
[[Return to the Cafeteria|The Cafeteria]]</center><center>You take a deep breath and gather your courage. With a determined look on your face, you turn to Ismael and say, <div class="yellow">"Let's keep walking together."</div> Ismael chuckles, his laughter carrying a hint of mischief.
<img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/><div class="crimson">"Oh, I knew you were looking for a 'papi,' new kid,"</div> he says with a smirk.
However, you pause for a moment, looking straight into Ismael's eyes.<div class="yellow"> "Listen, I don't want any trouble, especially with people like you,"</div> you assert firmly. As Ismael hears your words, his smirk fades slightly. <div class="crimson">"People like me?"</div> he repeats, a note of curiosity in his voice.
You take a step back, maintaining your composure.<div class="yellow"> "You heard me. I'm not interested in getting involved with someone who thrives on power games and intimidation."</div>Ismael's expression shifts, his eyes narrowing as he processes your words.
<center><img src="img/npc/Ismael.jpg"/></center>
<div class="crimson">"Remember this," </div>he says, his tone turning serious.<div class="crimson"> "You're going to eat your fair share of burritos with extra salsa. Just remember who warned you."</div> With that, Ismael starts to distance himself, subtly signaling to his group of companions.
You watch as Ismael walks away,
<<set $LatinGang -=1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<<set $Ismael -= 1>>
[[Return to The Yard |The Yard]]</center><center>Despite the overwhelming urge to respond, you choose to lower your head instead. Silence becomes your shield, and you resist the temptation to engage further in the conversation. It's a moment of introspection, allowing you to gather your thoughts and decide when and how to speak, or if silence is the best response.
As you inadvertently lower your head, Ismael interprets it as a sign of consent. He confidently assures you,
<center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/></center>
<div class="crimson"> "Don't worry, little chica. With a touch of lipstick and makeup, you'll be the princess of this place."</div> His words hang in the air, filled with a mix of arrogance and a twisted sense of entitlement. You can't help but feel a sense of discomfort, realizing the toxic dynamics that exist within the prison environment.
As Ismael chuckles and walks away, he leaves you with a final remark,<div class="crimson"> "Haha, I'll give you plenty of salsa. Well, I'm off, princess."</div> You realize that, despite the unsettling encounter, the conversation has remained a secret between the two of you due to the distance you've covered. The other inmates are unaware of your interaction, creating an aura of mystery around you. This unexpected turn of events boosts your sense of respect among your peers, granting you a +1 increase in respect. It serves as a reminder that sometimes, maintaining your composure and handling situations tactfully can yield unexpected benefits.
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<<set $Ismael += 1>>
<<set $LatinGang +=1>>
[[Return to The Yard |The Yard]]</center>te niegas
<center><center><img src="img/actions/no2.gif"/></center>
You firmly reject his offer, refusing to engage in such an arrangement. The prisoner scowls at you but eventually releases your arm, leaving you without access to the showers.
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return to The Showers|The Showers]]</center>
<center>You reluctantly agree and proceed with the prisoner's request,He makes you kneel and you gaze at his dick
<center><img src="img/actions/blackshowdicshower.gif"/></center>
Smiling, he tells you,<div class="crimson"> "Time for some cleansing, little snowflake.Say Aaa to your new best friend, Snow White"</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/saya.gif"/></center>
You begin to suck her dick rapidly because you have fear of other inmates maybe see the scene
<<if $Feminity >= 10>>
<center><img src="img/actions/suckblack.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/blowblackshower.webp"/></center>
Clearly, your concern confuses it with enthusiasm.The black prisoner shouts,<div class="crimson"> "Oh, I knew the rumors were true! Keep going, please!"</div>
After a moment, you stop and look at the prisoner, feeling a mix of confusion and discomfort.The shower water splashes against your face, and suddenly you feel something even hotter hitting you in the face
<center><img src="img/actions/Blackcum.gif"/></center>
The black prisoner quickly leaves as if nothing happened and says, <div class="crimson">"See you in the next shower."</div>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<<if $BlackShow < 1>>
<<set $BlackShow += 1>>
<<if $Energy <100>>
<<set $Energy +=20>> <!--Incrementa la energia en 20 unidades-->
[[Return to The Showers|The Showers]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/TheVR.jpg"/></center>
<div class="seagreen" onclick="toggleDropdown('descriptionText')">Description</div>
<div class="dropdown-text" id="descriptionText">The visitation room accessed through The Backyard is a spacious and well-lit area located within the prison facilities. Upon entering, you encounter a large room divided into different sections by transparent partitions that allow for visualization and communication between inmates and their visitors.
The atmosphere is generally austere, with neutral-toned walls and simple yet functional furniture. The chairs and tables are arranged neatly, providing a space for prisoners and their visitors to sit face-to-face and converse. The visitation room has stringent security measures in place to ensure constant supervision. Strategically placed surveillance cameras and security personnel are present to maintain order and tranquility in the environment.
Overall, the visitation room aims to provide an environment where inmates can meet with their loved ones and maintain meaningful human contact. Although the ambiance may be austere due to the penitentiary nature, every effort is made to make it as welcoming as possible within the limits and restrictions imposed by the correctional system.</div>
<<if setup.datePart[$gameDate] is "Sunday">>
You are in the visitation room accessed through The Backyard. This spacious and well-lit area allows you to see your loved one through the transparent partitions. The atmosphere is austere yet cozy, with chairs and tables arranged neatly for you to sit face-to-face and converse.
Please note that Sundays are designated visitation days, and the visitation room is open exclusively on this day of the week. Strict security measures are in place to ensure constant supervision.
I'm sorry, but you currently don't have access to the visitation room. This space is only available on Sundays to maintain meaningful human contact between inmates and their loved ones.
<<if setup.datePart[$gameDate] is "Sunday" && $StepFather >= 1 && $StepFatherHumillation == 0 >>
<<set $randomEvent = random(1, 3)>> <!-- Generar un evento aleatorio del 1 al 3 -->
<<if $randomEvent == 1>>
[[See your Stepfather in one of the visitation booths, holding the phone and gesturing for you to approach. He looks concerned.|VisitEvent1]]
<<if $randomEvent == 2>>
[[You spot your Stepfather in a visitation booth, engaged in an intense conversation on the phone. He notices you and motions for you to come over.|VisitEvent2]]
<<if $randomEvent == 3>>
[[As you walk past the visitation booths, you catch a glimpse of your Stepfather talking on the phone. He smiles at you and waves you over.|VisitEvent3]]
<<if setup.datePart[$gameDate] is "Sunday" && $Chefworkitchen == true && $StepFatherSub == 1 && $StepFatherHumillation == 0>>
[[You see the chef finishing a conversation with your stepfather... |StepfatherHumillated]]
<<if setup.datePart[$gameDate] is "Sunday" && $TheCook >= 1 && $TheCook <= 2 && $StepFather >= 1>>
<<set $randomCookEvent = random(1, 2)>> <!-- Generar un evento aleatorio del 1 al 2 para TheCook -->
<<if $randomCookEvent == 1>>
[[You also notice The Cook sitting in another booth, sipping a cup of coffee. He beckons you to join him for a quick chat.|VisitCookEvent1]]
<<if $randomCookEvent == 2>>
[[As you approach your Stepfather's booth, you notice The Cook nearby. He winks at you and whispers a playful remark about the prison's daily life."Don't let Daddy here see you blush, cutie."|VisitCookEvent2]]
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] === "Night">>
It's getting late. You should go back to your cell and rest.
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Night">> It's getting late and you should head back to your cell to sleep.<<goto "Your Cell">> <</if>>
[[Return To The BackYard|The BackYard]]</center><center><img src="img/Locations/Conyugal.jpg"/></center>
<div class="seagreen" onclick="toggleDropdown('descriptionText')">Description</div>
<div class="dropdown-text" id="descriptionText">The conjugal room is a designated space within the prison where inmates can have intimate visits with their partners. The conjugal room is designed to provide a more private and intimate setting for couples to spend time together.
The décor of the conjugal room often aims to be warm and inviting, with tasteful decorations that promote a sense of intimacy. The walls may be adorned with artwork or photographs to create a more personal touch. However, it's important to note that the room is still subject to security measures and may contain cameras or other monitoring equipment to ensure the safety and well-being of all individuals involved.
To maintain a respectful and controlled environment, the use of the conjugal room is often subject to specific rules and regulations. These rules typically include limitations on visitation duration, restrictions on personal belongings, and guidelines for appropriate behavior.
The conjugal room is intended to provide an opportunity for inmates to maintain their relationships and experience moments of intimacy with their partners while still within the confines of the prison system. It serves as a space where couples can temporarily escape the constraints of the correctional facility and enjoy a sense of normalcy and connection.</div>
<<if $Respect >= -1 && $Fame >= -1>> <!-- If respect and fame stats are positive -->
You decide to have a regular shower. You enjoy the refreshing water and feel clean afterward.
<<if $Feminity >= 40>>
<center><img src="img/actions/Showersissy.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/Shower.gif"/></center>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increase time by 1 unit -->
<<if $Energy < 100>>
<<set $Energy += 20>> <!-- Increase energy by 20 units -->
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
[[Return to The Showers|The Showers]]
<<if $Respect <= 10 && $Feminity >= 30>> <!-- If respect is less than or equal to 10 and femininity is greater than or equal to 30 -->
<center><img src="img/actions/BlackShowers.gif"/></center>
Several inmates notice your femininity and make lascivious suggestions.
What would you like to do?
[[Go with the Latino Inmates|Latingang]]
[[Go with the Black Inmates|Blackgang]]
[[Go with one of the Latino Inmates|Latinalone]]
[[Go with one of the Black Inmates|Blackalone]]
[[Have a Regular Shower|Regular Shower]]
<<if $Respect <= -2 && $Feminity >= 10 && $Feminity <=29 >> <!-- If respect is less than or equal to -2 and femininity is less than or equal to 29 -->
<center><img src="img/actions/BlackShowers.gif"/></center>
Two black inmates noticing your femininity invite you to a special shower in the last stall.
What would you like to do?
[[Join them|Join]]
[[Just one of them|Just one of Him]]
[[Have a Regular Shower|Regular Shower]]
<<if $Vito >=2 && $Feminity <30 && $Respect <0>>
<center><img src="img/npc/VitosideShower.webp"/></center>
Vito notices you and wants you to join his shower.
[[Join Vito|Joinvito]]
<<else>> <!-- For any other situation regarding respect and femininity -->
<<if $BlackShow == 0 && $Feminity < 30 && $Respect <0 >> <!-- If BlackShow is 0 and femininity is less than or equal to 29 -->
<center><img src="img/npc/Blackshower.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/blackyeahnewboy.gif"/></center>
A Black prisoner notices your presence and says:<div class="crimson"> "Hey Snow White, you can shower with me."</div>
What would you like to do?
[[Accept the offer|Accept The Offer]]
[[Decline the offer|Refuse The Offer]]
[[Have a Regular Shower|Regular Shower]]
<<if $Vito >= 2 && $Feminity <30 && $Respect <0>>
<center><img src="img/npc/VitosideShower.webp"/></center>
Vito notices you and wants you to join his shower.
[[Join Vito|Joinvito]]
<<if $BlackShow >= 1 && $Feminity < 30 && $Respect < 0>> <!-- If BlackShow is greater than or equal to 1 and femininity is less than or equal to 29 -->
<center><img src="img/npc/Blackshower.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/blackyeahnewboy.gif"/></center>
The Previous Black prisoner notices you again and says:<div class="crimson">"Hi, love, you can wash my chocolate bar again."</div>
[[Join him |Joinhim]]
[[Decline the offer|Refuse The Offer]]
[[Have a Regular Shower|Regular Shower]]
<<endif>> <!-- End of the outer else -->
<<if $BlackShow >= 1>>
<center>You go to the last and usual place where your beloved black prisoner is automatically at the sight of you he turns around and you start to devour his cock as if your life was in it.
<center><img src="img/actions/suckblackshower1.webp"/></center>
Seeing the impetus you put into the matter the prisoner tells you:<div class="crimson">" Let's go to my cell bitch I want to fuck your ass..."</div> he lifts you off the floor while spanking your ass, he takes you to his cell... and after several minutes of fucking you with her fingers....
<center><img src="img/actions/Fuckedoneofhim1.gif"/></center>.
He fucks you to such an extent that his balls start to feel them pressing on the entrance of your asshole
<center><img src="img/actions/Fuckedoneofhim2.gif"/></center>
You notice how he starts to cum inside you while he says in your ear:<div class="crimson"> "That's my dear white bitch"</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/blacked.webp"/></center>
As he says these words you notice how a whiplash runs through your body and you finish cumming too. The black prisoner tells you:<div class="crimson">"now get the fuck out white boy unless you want to wait for my other cell brother to finish you off."</div> you shakily grab your clothes and leave....
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<<if $Energy <100>>
<<set $Energy +=20>> <!--Incrementa la energia en 20 unidades-->
[[Return to The Showers|The Showers]]</center>
<<if $BlackShow == 0>>
You Go to The Last Stall with Him and....
[[Accept The Offer |Accept The Offer]]
<</if>><center>You decide to approach them, and one of them, upon seeing this, says to the other: <div class="crimson">"I told you, you know the deal, give me 10."</div> As you continue towards them, the one who paid leans back on the towel and tells you:<div class="crimson">"You know what I want, just like my brother, let's begin."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/blowblack.webp"/></center>
While you continue with your task, the familiar black inmate tells you: <div class="crimson">"After me, Snow White, otherwise you won't get your share, haha."</div>
<center> <img src="img/actions/cummouthblack.jpg"/></center>
Without a moment to catch your breath, the other inmate swiftly advances towards you, his approach more intense and determined than ever before. With unwavering strength, he engages with a newfound vigor. You relinquish control, surrendering yourself to his desires as he takes full command of your senses, exploring every inch of your being with unrestrained passion.
<center> <img src="img/actions/fuckedmouthbyblack.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/enjoythebar.webp"/></center>
After finishing with you, he throws a 5-dollar bill on the ground. You remain puzzled as he says to you:<div class="crimson"> "Relax, you earned more because I didn't have change on me. Hahaha, we're in the showers, don't get your hopes up, but um, that means you owe me 3... Maybe another time... Goodbye... whitey."</div>
<<if $BlackShow <2>>
<<set $BlackShow += 1>>
<<set $BlackShowMoney +=5>>
<<set $BlackShowDebt +=3>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<<set $Money += 5>>
Money: <<print $Money>>
[[Return to The Showers|The Showers]]</center><center>You decide to have a regular shower. You enjoy the refreshing water and feel clean afterward.
<<if $Feminity >=30>>
<center><img src="img/actions/Showersissy.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/Shower.gif"/></center>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
<<if $Energy < 100>>
<<set $Energy += 20>> <!-- Incrementa la energía en 20 unidades -->
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
[[Return to The Showers|The Showers]]</center><center>
<<if $Respect >= -1 && $Fame >= -1>> <!-- If respect and fame are greater than or equal to 0 -->
You engage in your regular workout routine, focusing on building strength and endurance.
<<if $Str < 100>>
<<set $Str += 2>> <!-- Increase strength by 2 -->
<<set $Energy -= 40>> <!-- Reduce energy by 40 units -->
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increase time by 1 unit -->
<img src="img/actions/training.gif"/> <!-- Display the training image -->
Your strength has increased to <<print $Str>>. <!-- Print the current strength -->
[[Return to the Gym|The Gym]]
<<else>> <!-- If respect and fame are less than 0 -->
<<if $Fame <= -2 && $Respect <= -2>> <!-- If fame and respect are less than or equal to -2 -->
<<if $Feminity >= 20 && $Feminity < 30>> <!-- If femininity is between 10 and 30 -->
<center><img src="img/npc/latingroup.jpg"/></center>
A group of inmates notices your femininity; some of them say: <div class="crimson">"Why don't you go to the back and do aerobics with the girls?"</div> But others say: <div class="crimson">"Hey, beautiful! Come and do stretches with me"</div> with a mischievous smile. Another one tells you: <div class="crimson">"Come and improve those forearms, pretty lady,"</div> and yet another one says: <div class="crimson">"How about we work on those glutes, darling?"</div> while blowing you kisses.
[[Do stretches|Streches]]
[[Improve those forearms|Forearmslady]]
[[Work on those glutes|Glutes]]
[[Go to The Backyard|The BackYard]]
[[Or Maybe Go to My Cell|Your Cell]]
<<elseif $Feminity >= 30 && $Feminity <= 71>> <!-- If femininity is between 30 and 50 -->
<center><img src="img/npc/latingroup.jpg"/></center>
You enter the gym, and a few groups of prisoners whistle at you while saying:<div class="crimson"> "Hey, beauty, are you coming to train with your daddies?"</div> Others blow you kisses, and some lick their lips. Some of them say:<div class="crimson"> "Come here, let's see how much you can lift with those little hands."</div> Another one asks:<div class="crimson">"Do you want to do leg exercises with me, gorgeous?"</div> And yet another says:<div class="crimson"> "Better train cardio with me, lovely."</div>
[[How much you can lifth with those little hands|Liftcock]]
[[Leg Exercises|LegtoCock]]
[[Go to The Backyard|The BackYard]]
[[Or Maybe Go to My Cell|Your Cell]]
<<else>> <!-- If femininity doesn't meet the previous conditions -->
<center><img src="img/npc/latingroup.jpg"/></center>
A group of Latin inmates starts mocking you, preventing you from training. They tell you:
<div class="crimson">"Go back to the backyard where you belong with the other 'ladies'."</div>
One of them says: <div class="crimson">"Hey handsome, wanna work on forearms with me?"</div> and winks at you.
Another one remarks: <div class="crimson">"Better come work on neck with me, honey."</div>
And a third one teases: <div class="crimson">"Do you need some support for squats, beautiful?"</div>
[[Hey handsome, wanna work on forearms with me?|ForeArms]]
[[Better come work on neck with me, honey.|Neck]]
[[Do you need some support for squats, beautiful?|Squats]]
[[Go to The Backyard|The BackYard]]
[[Or Maybe Go to My Cell|Your Cell]]
<<else>> <!-- If respect and fame are less than or equal to 0 but not less than -2 -->
<center><img src="img/npc/latingroup.jpg"/></center>
A group of Latin inmates starts mocking you, preventing you from training. They tell you to <div class="crimson">"Go back to the backyard where you belong with the other 'ladies'."</div>
[[Go to The Backyard|The BackYard]]
[[Or Maybe Go to My Cell|Your Cell]]
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Night">>
It's getting late and you should head back to your cell to sleep.
<<goto "Your Cell">>
<<if $Cello < -1>>
<<set $Cello += 1>>
<<if $NrdSub < -1>>
<<set $NrdSub += 1>>
<<if $Respect >= 1 && $Respect <=10 && $Fame >= 1 && $Fame <=10 && $Nrd == 3>> <!-- Si el respeto y la fama son mayores a 1 y el nerd es igual a 3 -->
<center><img src="img/npc/NerdParanoid.webp"/></center>
You observe the nerd looking around nervously. He seems paranoid and cautious.
[[Sit next to him|Sit next to him]]
[[Go to Other Table|Regular Lecture]]
<<elseif $Respect > -1 && $Fame > -1>> <!-- Si el respeto y la fama son superiores a 0 -->
You engage in your regular lecture routine, focusing on building strategies and solving problems.
<<set $Int += 0.25>> <!-- Incrementa la inteligencia en 2 puntos -->
<<if $Nrd < 1>>
<<set $Nrd += 1>>
<<set $Energy -= 40>> <!-- Reduce la energía en 40 unidades -->
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
<img src="img/actions/prisontime3.jpg"/> <!-- Muestra la imagen de la actividad -->
Your intelligence has increased to <<print $Int>>. <!-- Imprime la inteligencia actual -->
[[Return to The Library|The Library]]
<<else>> <!-- Si las stats de respeto y fama no son positivas -->
<<if $Nrd == 2>> <!-- Si Nrd es igual a 2 -->
<center><img src="img/npc/NerdSmile.jpg"/></center>
The nerd notices your presence and says,<div class="crimson"> "Hey, bully, want to read with me and my 'friend'?"</div> while adjusting his glasses and laughing mischievously.
[[Sit in front of him|Sit in front of him]]
[[Sit Next to Him|Bitchy Nerd]]
<<if $Feminity <=20>>[[Go to Other Table|Regular Lecture]]<</if>>
<<if $Feminity >=20 >>[[Go to Your Usual Table|Hot Lecture]]
<<elseif $Respect < 1 && $Fame < 1>> <!-- Si el respeto y la fama son inferiores o iguales a 0 -->
<<if $Feminity >= 10 && $Feminity <=20>>
<center><img src="img/npc/InmatesLibrary.jpg"/></center>
The inmates notice you and say: <div class="crimson">"Of course you can read here, darling,"</div> as they force you to read women's sex magazines.
<<if $Feminity < 20>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
<<if $Nrd < 1>>
<<set $Nrd += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
<<if $Energy < 100>>
<<set $Energy += 20>> <!-- Incrementa la energía en 20 unidades -->
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/Dreams/magazinehypno4.webp", "img/Dreams/magazinehypno1.webp", "img/Dreams/magazinehypno2.webp", "img/Dreams/magazinehypno3.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
[[Return to The Library|The Library]]
<center><img src="img/npc/InmatesLibrary.jpg"/></center>
A group of inmates starts mocking you, preventing you from concentrating on your activities. They tell you to <div class="crimson">"Go back to the backyard where you belong with the other 'ladies'."</div>
[[Go to The Backyard|The BackYard]]
[[Or Maybe Go to Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Night">>
It's getting late and you should head back to your cell to sleep.
<<goto "Your Cell">>
</center>You engage in your regular workout routine, focusing on building strength and endurance.
<<if $Str <40>>
<<set $Str += 0.5>> <!--Incrementa la energia en 20 unidades-->
<<set $Energy -= 40>> <!-- Reduce la energía en 40 unidades -->
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
<img src="img/actions/Stepups.gif"/> <!-- Muestra la imagen de entrenamiento -->
Your strength has increased to <<print $Str>>. <!-- Imprime la fuerza actual -->
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]<center>You engage in your regular lecture routine, focusing on building strategies and solving problems.
<<set $Int += 0.25>> <!-- Incrementa la inteligencia en 2 puntos -->
<<if $Nrd < 1>>
<<set $Nrd += 1>>
<<set $Energy -= 40>> <!-- Reduce la energía en 40 unidades -->
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
<img src="img/actions/Read in cell.jpg"/> <!-- Muestra la imagen de la actividad -->
Your intelligence has increased to <<print $Int>>. <!-- Imprime la inteligencia actual -->
[[Return to Your Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/actions/FemPrisoners.gif"/></center>
The girls welcome you and you spend your time dancing in the backyard with them.
<center><img src="img/actions/DanceBackyard.gif"/></center>
[[Return to The Yard|The Yard]]</center>
<<set $Energy -= 20>> <!-- Reduce la energía en 20 unidades -->
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
<</silently>><center><img src="img/npc/Sasha.jpg"/></center>
<center>While sitting in front of Sasha, he explains to you that at some point you will see the librarian's assistant. <div class="crimson">Nobody understands how he hasn't ended up being someone's errand boy higher up. You know what I mean... But it wouldn't hurt if, um, you know... if you want to have a reputation around here... I don't know, maybe you should try something. Well, it's up to you, kid, what will you do?</div></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/choices.gif"/></center>
<u>Follow Sasha's advice</u> and try to start showing who's in charge in this place.
<u>Try to approach him</u> in a friendly way. Who knows, maybe you'll end up finding a new friend.
<center>[[The Nerd|The Nerd]]
[[Follow Sasha's advice|Follow Sasha's advice]]
[[Try to approach him|Try to approach him]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/Nerd.jpg"/></center>
<div class="royalblue">
The young nerd, named Alex, in his twenties, with soft and light-toned blond hair, possesses a feminine physique and wears glasses with thin frames. Alex's calm and delicate appearance contrasts with his aura of mystery and corruption within the prison environment. It is perplexing how someone with such a physique has not succumbed to the oppressive atmosphere.
In addition to his role as an assistant in the library, Alex exudes an enigmatic resilience that fascinates the other inmates. His apparent vulnerability conceals an inner strength that shields him from negative influences. Alex's presence sparks questions and speculations about the secrets and power he may possess.
With a unique combination of fragility, passion for knowledge, and an air of mystery, Alex stands out amidst the prison setting. His ability to remain steadfast in the face of adversity adds an additional layer of intrigue to his persona, creating an unsettling allure and piquing the curiosity of those around him.
[[Back|First event of nerd]] </center><center>You follow Sasha's advice and approach Alex. As you get closer, you notice that he has two types of books on the table. One book he always reads diligently, while the other one he avoids at all costs. You gesture to The Nerd, pointing out the book he never looks at. He adjusts his glasses and smiles mischievously, saying,
<center><img src="img/npc/NerdSmile.jpg"/></center><div class="crimson"> "Do you want to read the book of secrets? Let's go to the deep reading section of the library. We can't discuss this so brashly here." </div>
You follow him for about five minutes until you reach a corridor. Suddenly, he turns abruptly and opens the book at lightning speed. It starts emitting a radiant glow.
What will you do?
<<if $TheCook >= 1 && $TheCook <= 2>>
1. [[Unintentionally, you stand there mesmerized by the glow.|Fail]]
2. [[Grab the book|Sucess]]
<</if>><center>You approach him thinking, <div class="yellow">"This should be a piece of cake, I don't know why Sasha told me otherwise. It can't be that big of a deal."</div> You try to strike up a conversation with him, not paying much attention to the two books on his table. He lifts his gaze from his book and says, <div class="crimson">"Ah, so you want to be my friend. Well, to establish a friendship, we must have something in common. Why don't you take a look at this book I have here?"</div> You promptly reply, <div class="gold">"Sure, why not? If it helps us find common ground."</div> The nerd hands you the book without taking his eyes off the one he's reading and says,
<center><img src="img/npc/Nerd.jpg"/></center>
<div class="crimson">"Go ahead." </div>As soon as you open the book, you start seeing flashes of light without any explanation...
[[Seriously?|Dumb]]</center><center>Unintentionally, you stand there mesmerized by the glow. Suddenly, you start seeing lights and phrases moving at lightning speed, losing all perception of time. You're completely unaware of what's happening, completely absorbed by the overwhelming sensation.
After what feels like an eternity, you snap back to reality, only to realize that you're on your knees. As you bring your hand to your mouth, you feel a sticky texture, causing a wave of confusion and realization to wash over you.
<center><img src="img/actions/suckcock.gif"/></center>
You start to remember what happened as the nerd bursts into laughter.<div class="crimson"> <center><img src="img/npc/NerdSmile.jpg"/></center>"Wow, it seems like the high school bully has a thing for nerd's... bananas. Relax, I suppose behind that rough appearance, you enjoy being dominated by someone more fragile... I know it, hahaha."</div>
After this embarrassing performance, as you stand up from the floor, you realize that the old librarian might have witnessed everything... and perhaps a few other prisoners as well.
<div class="lightpink">How could it not be one of those stupid books on hypnotism with flashy lights... Damn Nerd! What the hell just happened here? I can't believe I fell into his trap so easily. Seriously, even that fragile nerd managed to do this to me... Maybe I wasn't as strong in high school as I thought...</div>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
<<set $Nrd +=1 >>
<<set $Feminity +=2>>
<<set $Shasha -=1>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $Librarian += 1 >>
<<set $Int -=5>>
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
Inteligence: <<print $Int>>
[[Return to the Library|The Library]]</center>
<center>You decide to take a different approach. Without hesitation, you grab the book he avoids and swiftly turn it around, revealing its contents. The moment The Nerd's eyes meet the pages, a wave of fascination washes over him. He becomes completely mesmerized by what he sees, unable to look away.
You observe The Nerd, captivated by the power the book holds over him. It's as if he's under a spell.
You continue to observe The Nerd as he remains mesmerized by the book. Suddenly, upon seeing him so entranced, you snap your fingers. The Nerd, bewildered, says, <div class="crimson">"Ah, I know what I want now," </div>and drops to his knees without saying another word.
<center><img src="img/actions/pantsout.gif"/></center>
With a determined expression on his face, The Nerd has found the answer he was seeking within the pages of the book and is ready to take action.
<center><img src="img/actions/blowjob.gif"/></center>
$name: <div class="gold"> Fuck Yeah , Like The Institute you are going to be mine!</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/fuckye.gif"/></center>
$name: <div class="gold"> Yeah take that bitch!, </div>
The Nerd suddenly feels something on his face and instinctively touches it. He licks it and then his face turns into an expression of horror, as if he doesn't know what he has just done. He looks at you, $name releasing a loud laugh. <div class="gold">"Haha, it's the first time in my life I'm going to come to the library more often. How have you survived here for so long? Haha, it's been so easy."</div> You can feel your dominance and respect increasing, as you notice from the corner of your eye that some other prisoners have witnessed the scene, and perhaps even the old librarian. Things are about to change for you and your new friend.
<div class="gold">How could it not be one of those stupid books on hypnotism with flashy lights... Damn Nerd! What the hell just happened here? I can't believe I fell into his trap so easily. Well, at least it worked out in my favor. Now I have control, respect, and everyone's attention. It's time to make the most of this newfound position and leave my mark in this place.</div>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
<<set $Nrd +=2 >>
<<set $Dom +=2>>
<<set $Shasha +=1>>
<<set $Respect += 2>>
<<set $Fame += 2>>
<<set $Librarian -= 1 >>
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Sasha: <<print $Shasha>>
Dominance: <<print $Dom>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
[[Return to the Library|The Library]]</center><center><center><img src="img/actions/FemPrisoners.gif"/></center>
The girls welcome you and you spend your time reading and gossip in the backyard with them.
<<if $Nrd < 1>>
<<set $Nrd += 1>>
<center><img src="img/actions/Gossip.gif"/></center><center><img src="img/actions/Gossipm.gif"/></center>
<center>[[Return to The Yard|The Yard]]</center>
<<set $Energy -= 20>> <!-- Reduce la energía en 20 unidades -->
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
You become mesmerized, flipping through the pages of the book while seeing visions in your mind.
<center><img src="img/actions/hpyno1.gif"/><img src="img/actions/hpyno2.gif"/><img src="img/actions/hpyno3.gif"/></center>
The nerd, observing this, laughs maliciously and says,<div class="crimson"> "Well, another one bites the dust. Join me."</div> In the following moments, due to the prolonged exposure to the book, you lose track of where you are. Suddenly, you find yourself on your knees and notice something hard in your mouth.
<center><img src="img/actions/blackinmateblackmail.gif"/></center>
A Black Guard is recording you as your head moves up and down, and while laughing, he says,
<center><img src="img/npc/BlackGuard.jpg"/></center>
<div class="crimson"> "Welcome back. Now you understand why no one lays a finger on him. He entertains us with princesses like you in exchange for protection. Haha, we'll make you famous if you don't obey us from now on. Well, unless you want that.If you keep behaving this way, kiddo, I think you're going to be quite appealing to our captain. Haha, if you continue being good, who knows, she might even forgive you."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/Blackmailcum.gif"/></center>
Sooner rather than later, you feel a stream in your mouth. You know exactly what it is, and ashamed, you have no choice but to swallow. The guard laughs and says, <div class="crimson">"We'll meet again later. It's been a pleasure. Haha."</div>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
<<set $Nrd +=1 >>
<<set $Shasha -=1>>
<<if $Feminity < 20>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
<<set $Shasha -=1>>
<<if $Respect < 10>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame <10>>
<<set $Fame -=2>>
<<set $Librarian += 1 >>
<<set $Int -=10>>
<<set $BlackMail += 1>>
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
Inteligence: <<print $Int>>
[[Return to the Library|The Library]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/npc/Nerd.jpg"></center>
The nerd hands you a book similar to the one you glanced at last time, and unable to resist, you become mesmerized while flipping through its pages.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/Dreams/hpynonerd.webp", "img/Dreams/Hypnonerd2.webp", "img/Dreams/hpynonerd3.webp", "img/Dreams/hpynonerd4.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
<<if $Int >= 80>>
<<set $Int -= 2>>
<<set $Energy -= 40>> <!-- Reduce energy by 40 units -->
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
<center><img src="img/npc/NerdSmile.jpg"></center>
Alex laughs and says:<div class="crimson">Soon you'll be my perfect companion, haha.</div>
Your intelligence has decreased to <<print $Int>>.
Your energy has decreased to <<print $Energy>>.
[[Return to The Library|The Library]]</center><center>As you see the nervous nerd incapable of defending himself, you take him by the arm and whisper in his ear,<div class="gold"> "Come sit with me. I think it's time to fill that little head of yours with something more."</div> You lead him to the most secluded table in the library, away from prying eyes. Looking into his eyes, you notice that he's looking at the bookshelves with fear. Coincidentally, you're in the same section where he was plotting something. You grab a book and say, <div class="gold">"Enjoy your reading, Blondie, while I think I'll study for a while."</div>You start reading while the Nerd savoring a moist meal...
<center><img src="img/actions/blowjob.gif"/></center>
<<if $Cello == 0>>
Alex: <div class="crimson">"By the way, my cell is number 233, ummmm, feel free to study it in the Late Afternoon as much as you want."</div>
<<set $Cello = 1>>
<<if $Dom < 5>>
<<set $Dom += 1>>
<<set $Int += 0.25>>
<<set $Energy -= 40>> <!-- Reduce la energía en 40 unidades -->
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<center><img src="img/actions/fuckye.gif"/></center>
After a while, as you finish "studying"... at the same time, you notice the nerd coming out of the trance. With a smile, you say,<div class="gold"> "We'll study here again or in your cell, darling." </div>Alex, blushing and somewhat annoyed, responds, <div class="crimson">"We'll see about that." </div>Turning around, slightly irritated, you say in a firm tone, <div class="gold">"You should treat me with more respect, unless you want to end up doing other kinds of tasks and studies..."</div>
<<if $NrdSub == 0>>
<<set $NrdSub = 1>>
Your intelligence has increased to <<print $Int>>
Your Dominance has increased to <<print $Dom>>
[[Return to The Library|The Library]]</center><center>As you sit next to him, you automatically hear the sound of a zipper being undone. As you start looking around to see if there are many inmates in the area, suddenly, as you try to look back at the nerd, an image appears right in front of you:
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/Dreams/magazinehypno4.webp", "img/Dreams/magazinehypno1.webp", "img/Dreams/magazinehypno2.webp", "img/Dreams/magazinehypno3.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
After a loud buzzing sound in your ears, you hear Alex say:<div class="crimson"> "It's my favorite time, time to read and time for you to read with my friend."</div> Automatically, you hide under the table and
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/blowjobUT.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/washdickfemenine1.gif"/></center>
<<if $Cello == 0>>
Alex: <div class="crimson">"By the way, my cell is number 233, haha, feel free to study it in the evenings as much as you want."</div>
<<set $Cello = 1>>
After a while, you feel that familiar sensation in your mouth again, without anyone telling you anything, you swallow automatically.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/swallownerd.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/sissy-cum-in-mouth_001-9.webp"/></center>
Alex, upon seeing this, says, <div class="crimson">"It seems like you appreciate me more each time."</div> He looks at you as if he remembered something and says, <div class="crimson">"See you in my cell or here."</div> Then, he quickly gets up, grabs his books, and leaves.
<<if $Feminity < 20>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
<<if $Int >= 80>>
<<set $Int -= 4>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
<<if $Energy < 100>>
<<set $Energy -= 20>> <!-- Incrementa la energía en 20 unidades -->
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
Your intelligence has decreased to <<print $Int>>.
[[Return to The Library|The Library]]</center><center>
<<if $Cello < -1>>
<<set $Cello += 1>>
<<if $NrdSub < -1>>
<<set $NrdSub += 1>>
<<if $Respect > -1 && $Fame > -1>> <!-- Si el respeto y la fama son superiores a 0 -->
You engage in your regular lecture routine, focusing on building strategies and solving problems.
<<set $Int += 0.25>> <!-- Incrementa la inteligencia en 0.2 puntos -->
<<if $Nrd < 1>>
<<set $Nrd += 1>>
<<set $Energy -= 40>> <!-- Reduce la energía en 40 unidades -->
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
<img src="img/actions/prisontime3.jpg"/> <!-- Muestra la imagen de la actividad -->
Your intelligence has increased to <<print $Int>>. <!-- Imprime la inteligencia actual -->
[[Return to The Library|The Library]]
<<elseif $Respect < 1 && $Fame < 1>> <!-- Si el respeto y la fama son inferiores o iguales a 0 -->
<<if $Feminity >= 10 && $Feminity <= 30>>
<center><img src="img/npc/InmatesLibrary.jpg"/></center>
The inmates notice you and say: <div class="crimson">"Of course you can read here, darling,"</div> as they force you to read women's sex magazines.
<<if $Feminity < 20>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
<<if $Nrd < 1>>
<<set $Nrd += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
<<if $Energy <= 100>>
<<set $Energy -= 20>> <!-- Incrementa la energía en 20 unidades -->
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/Dreams/magazinehypno4.webp", "img/Dreams/magazinehypno1.webp", "img/Dreams/magazinehypno2.webp", "img/Dreams/magazinehypno3.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
[[Return to The Library|The Library]]
<center><img src="img/npc/InmatesLibrary.jpg"/></center>
A group of inmates starts mocking you, preventing you from concentrating on your activities. They tell you to <div class="crimson">"Go back to the backyard where you belong with the other 'ladies'."</div>
[[Go to The Backyard|The BackYard]]
[[Or Maybe Go to Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Night">>
It's getting late and you should head back to your cell to sleep.
<<goto "Your Cell">>
<center><center><img src="img/locations/cell233.webp"/></center>
<div class="seagreen" onclick="toggleDropdown('descriptionText')">Description</div>
<div class="dropdown-text" id="descriptionText">
The Nerd's cell features a prominent bookshelf filled with books on hypnosis, showcasing their fascination with the subject. Among the collection, a set of virtual reality glasses stands out, symbolizing the Nerd's enthusiasm for immersive experiences. These glasses hold the potential for virtual adventures and educational simulations, reflecting the Nerd's desire to explore new realms of knowledge.
Adjacent to the bookshelf, a comfortable double bed takes center stage. The bed is neatly made with clean sheets, offering a cozy spot for the Nerd to rest and recharge their intellectual energies. It's a place where they can retreat, reflect on their studies, and find solace in the pages of the hypnotism books.</div>
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Late Afternoon" && $Cello == 1 && $Nrd==2>>
[[Alex is Reading Books on a Chair. |EarlyEvAlex]]
<<if $Humillation == true && $HumillationsubNerd == 0>>
[[Alex adjusts his glasses and gestures for you to sit in front of him.|Humiliation1.1]]
<<if $Librarian >=3 && $Int <=70 && $Feminity >=60 && $LibraryWorkTrap == false >>
<<goto "LibrarianPimpYou">>
<<if $HumillationsubNerd >=1>>
[[Alex: So, you're here to make me even richer, or... something else?|Humillations1.1]]
<<if $Celli == 1 && $Cheerleader ==true && $Humillation ==true>>
[[Alex says: "Andale, Mamassita. Come here..." and gestures for you to sit in front of him.|Humillations1.2]]
<<if $Underwear == 0 && $Feminity >= 30 && $Int <= 85>>
[[Alex says to you:You know, I have a proposition for you and your comfort... but I'm not sure if you'd like to hear it |ChangeUnderwear]]
<<if $Feminity >= 30 && $Int <= 85>>
[[Alex suggests testing your intellectual abilities. |TestyourInt]]
<<if $Feminity >= 30 && $Chest >= 1 && $Int <= 75>>
[[Alex, contemplating your body, tells you to approach...|BlowAlex]]
<<if $Nrd >= 3 && $NrdSub >= 1>>
[[You look at Alex, who seems startled as you say, "Um, what activity am I going to do with you today..."]]
<<if $NrdSub >= 4 && $Librarian == -2>>
[[With determined steps, you sit on the bed as you watch Alex, looking terrified, while you ask, "Um, what do you think I'm going to do to you next?"|PrepareforOutdoor]]
<<if $NrdSub >= 10>>
[[It's time to take you for a walk in the backyard, blondie|Prepareforoutdoor]]
[[Return to the Cells|The Cells]]</center><<set $TheCookPassage = true>>
<center><center><img src="img/npc/Sasha.jpg"/></center>
Sasha says:<div class="crimson">"Hey, when I went to pick up the tray of food, I could hear slurping sounds. Do you have something to say about that?"</div>
Without meaning to, you start looking anywhere but directly at Sasha, avoiding eye contact.
Sasha, upon noticing your reaction, says:, <div class="crimson">"Don't be scared, calm down. But we should discuss just how grateful you should be for me getting you that job, don't you think?"</div> He smiles and adds <div class="crimson">"First, you're going to pay me $50 a week, every Monday, unless you prefer a different payment method."</div>
<<set $Debt = 50>>
Sasha suggests<div class="crimson"> "How about we seal the deal with a nice handjob uh, A 'handjob' for $50 a week isn't a bad deal,"</div> Sasha says, starting to make a gesture.<div class="crimson"> "Are you ready?"</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/Cocklift.gif"/></center>
You nod your head, realizing that her commanding presence leaves you no choice but to comply. You fulfill her request, all the while hoping that her advances won't escalate further. You reassure yourself<div class="yellow"> "At least he's not like Big Tony, right?"</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/budhandjob.gif"/></center>
Sasha, observing your focused attention and immersed thoughts, interprets it as if you are thoroughly enjoying what you're doing. He exclaims:
<div class="crimson">"Well, I suppose that this time, considering your enthusiasm, if Big Tony pleased you, get ready for me because you won't be able to get the taste out of your mouth all week. I hope you don't have a girlfriend, boy."</div>
Without realizing it, he puts his hand on the back of your neck. When you realize the movement, your mouth opens in surprise. Sasha takes advantage of that reaction and, mistaking it for enthusiasm, says:<div class="crimson"> "If I had known on the first day, I wouldn't have waited so long. You know, if we're going to be such good friends, I think I'll forgive your rent if you give me a goodnight kiss every night. Haha."</div>
<<if $GoodNightKiss == false>>
<<set $GoodNightKiss = true>>
<center><img src="img/actions/sashaforcedblow.webp"/></center>
After a while, Sasha releases his grip, and you continue, this time with enthusiasm, knowing that it won't really cost you $50 a week. As you ponder where you'll find the money, you proceed with your task.
<center><img src="img/actions/blop.webp"/></center>
As you continue, Sasha looks down and says,<div class="crimson"> "Oh, alright, I'll get you a job with the Cook so you can assist him early in the morning. But remember our arrangement."</div>
<<if $Chefwork == false>>
<<set $Chefwork = true>>
<center><img src="img/actions/blowbcock.gif"/></center>
Seeing that your enthusiasm is yielding results, you assist with your hand, and shortly after, you experience that familiar explosion of flavor. However, curiously enough, it tastes different this time. You start questioning yourself, <div class="lightpink">"Do they all taste different? What the hell is happening to me?"</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/cumlickshake.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/></center>
After this incident, Sasha looks at you, bursts into laughter, and says, <div class="crimson">"I'll leave you alone now. Remember our deal. I'm going to talk to Big Tony... 'help him' however you like. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful 'friendship'."</div>
<<if $Shashaslut ==0>>
<<set $Shashaslut = 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return to your Cell|Your Cell]]</center><<set $TheNrdPassage = true>>
<center><center><img src="img/npc/Sasha.jpg"/></center>
Sasha says:<div class="crimson">Are you aiming for a clean sweep in the whole prison?</div>
You're looking outside the cell as you hear the sound of clothes being removed, and Sasha says: <div class="crimson">"You know what I want. I won't be the last fool to get a piece of you."</div>
You turn around and look at him completely hypnotized while he says: <div class="crimson">"You love the view, don't you?"</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/Sashabody.jpg"/></center>
Sasha : <div class="crimson">First, to a nicely Blowjob Then we will move on to the main course it's time for someone to mount you</div>
After hearing those words, suddenly images start appearing in your head At the same time, you feel your mouth watering as you remember the work in the kitchen.
<center><img src="img/Dreams/hpyno.webp"/><img src="img/Dreams/hpynoco.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/suckcock.gif"/></center>
You are not aware of how much time has passed, but after a loud buzzing in your ears, Sasha, looking down at you, says,<div class="crimson"> "You must be really stupid to trust the cook and try to befriend Alex."</div>
<div class="crimson">"Well, better for me. I have you at my disposal every day now. Our daily activities are going to become more pleasurable, ahaha, at least for me," </div>Sasha continues with a sly smile.
<center><img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/blowbcock.gif"/></center>
After a while of jaw work <div class="crimson">" It's time for the main course, baby"</div>
With that phrase, you turn around automatically, Sasha tells you:<div class="crimson"> "Don't worry, I'll go gently. If you've enjoyed everything you've done before, this is going to open up a whole new world of possibilities, dear. Literally."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/insertfirst.webp"/>
At first, you feel a warm stabbing sensation in your lower back as Sasha tells you to relax, that it's already happening. Soon you will start to enjoy it. Take a slow breath in and let it out while Sasha tells you this. As you do, you begin to feel movement and a pleasant sensation.Slowly, Sasha starts to increase the pace.
<img src="img/actions/sashafuckingyou1.webp"/>
Suddenly, you start to smile as you feel Sasha's breath on your neck, He says: <div class="crimson">"See? I knew you would enjoy it. We're going to have a great time together from now on."</div> As he says this, you feel him accelerating even more while his hands rest on your waist.
<center><img src="img/actions/sashafirst.webp"/></center>
As the sounds of slapping echo in the cell, Sasha asks:<div class="crimson"> "Whose are you?"</div> as they grab your hair. You respond,<div class="gold"> "Yours." </div>And Sasha asks you the same question again while giving you gentle spanks on your lower back with their other hand.
Sasha tells you, <div class="crimson">"That's not enough,"</div> as they thrust with more force, and they ask you, <div class="crimson">"What are you?" </div>
After a pause
Sasha tells you: <div class="crimson">"You know what you have to say," </div>and finally, with sweat dripping down your face, and the sound of the slaps echoing louder, you say <div class="lightpink">"Im your Slut" </div>
Finally, you say it, and Sasha responds: <div class="crimson">"Correct. Here's your reward for being so obedient."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/cuminass.webp"/></center>
You feel a release inside you as you whisper: <div class="lightpink">"Uh, uh..." </div>While experiencing those sensations, you feel as if you have transcended your body, and your head gives a jolt, rendering you unable to move the lower part. You feel like you've just come down from a roller coaster ride.
<center><img src="img/actions/youcum.webp"/></center>
Sasha, after observing the scene, he say <div class="crimson">"Spread the buttlocks for me honey, Im going to mark my new playroom",</div>It's as if you were hypnotized by a higher force, and that's exactly how you feel. You obey without contradicting him.
<center><img src="img/actions/spreadmarked.webp"/></center>
After that, Sasha smiles and says,<div class="crimson"> "Well, darling, as my 'personal assistant,' your first task will be to clean up this mess in the cell. Haha, well, I'm off to run some errands. See you later."</div> As you watch him leave, you find yourself on your knees, your face soaked, and feeling a strong burning sensation. As other prisoners pass by with lustful expressions, you realize what Sasha has made you admit semi-publicly. It will be difficult to fight against this situation from now on.
<<if $Shashaslut ==1>>
<<set $Shashaslut = 2>>
<<set $Shashawhore to true>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return to your Cell|Your Cell]]</center>
<center>You engage in your early morning routine, focusing on doing the bed and meditate to what you gonna do in the day..
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
<img src="img/actions/Meditatecell.gif"/> <!-- Muestra la imagen de entrenamiento -->
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/TheChef2.jpg"/></center>
<div class="crimson">Good morning, early bird! I'll pay you $10 to help me clean up the kitchen utensils.</div>
<<if $TheCook >= 1 && $TheCook <= 2>>
1. [[Well, in your case, he jokingly says:"I'll give you two additional options".|Work Optionsl]]
2. [[Regular Work|Wash Dishes]]
[[Return to The Cafeteria|The Cafeteria]] </center>You spend the early morning scrubbing all the cutlery. At least you feel productive and pass the time in prison this way.
<<if $Feminity >= 10>>
<img src="img/actions/washfemenine1.gif"/>
<img src="img/actions/wash1.gif"/>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
<<set $Money +=10>>
Money: <<print $Money>>
[[Return to The Cafeteria|The Cafeteria]]</center><center>
<<if $Cellc < -1>>
<<set $Cellc += 1>>
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChefSmile.jpg"/></center>
Big tony: <div class="crimson">You work for me for free, and in return, I won't spread any more rumors about you, especially the true ones</div>He finishes the sentence while making gestures with his mouth.
<div class="crimson">Either you work for me under the table, I pay you half now, and the other half I pay you later in my cell.</div> as he licks his lips
<center><img src="img/actions/lip-bite.gif"/></center>
What are you going to do, sweet lips?
[[Wash for Free|Free Work]]
[[Crawl under the table|Suck pigdick]]</center><center>
You spend the early morning scrubbing all the cutlery. However, the cook makes obscene gestures while telling you:<div class="crimson"> "You'll come to the cell in the early afternoon unless you find another way to get money, haha! Darling, I'm just trying to bring out your feminine side and make you enjoy your accommodation."</div>
<<if $Feminity >= 10>>
<img src="img/actions/washfemenine1.gif"/>
<img src="img/actions/wash1.gif"/>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
Money: <<print $Money>>
[[Return to The Cafeteria|The Cafeteria]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/TheChefLaugh.jpg"/></center>
<<if $Humillationsub >= 1>>
You get down on your knees under the table and look at him, almost whispering:
<div class="lightpink"> "Well, here we go again."</div>
The chef, seeing that you've whispered something, responds with a somewhat aggressive gesture:
<div class="crimson"> "What did you say, bitch?"</div> With a sense of excitement and humiliation, you reply:
<div class="lightpink">Thank you for giving me breakfast, Big T,</div> and proceed to give him a blowjob.
<img src="img/actions/washdickfemenine.webp"/>
As the chef smirks, he remarks:
<div class="crimson">"I'm training you well.... haha"</div>
<<if $Feminity >= 10>>
You eagerly give Big T a blowjob, and even smile after he cums in your mouth. Big T tells you:
<div class="crimson">"You're welcome for breakfast,"</div> and you blush as you thank him while licking off the remaining traces.
<img src="img/actions/washdickfemenine1.gif"/>
You get down on your knees under the table and look at him, saying,
<div class="gold">"You know, you're a pig."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/blowjobUT.gif"/></center>
He smiles and responds: <div class="crimson">"You should be grateful. Thanks to me, you'll enjoy three 'meals' a day."</div>
<<if $Feminity <= 10 && $Humillationsub == 0>>
You get down on your knees under the table and look at him, saying,
<div class="gold">"You know, you're a pig."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/blowjobUT.gif"/></center>
He smiles and responds: <div class="crimson">"You should be grateful. Thanks to me, you'll enjoy three 'meals' a day."</div>
<<if $Feminity >= 10 && $Humillationsub == 0>>
You get down on your knees under the table and look at him, saying,
<div class="gold">"You know, you're a pig."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/washdickfemenine.webp"/></center>
He smiles and responds: <div class="crimson">"You should be grateful. Thanks to me, you'll enjoy three 'meals' a day."</div>
<<if $Cellc == 0>>
Big Tony: <div class="crimson">"By the way, my cell is number 235, ummmm, feel free to earn your "part" it in the Early Evening as much as you want."</div>
<<set $Cellc = 1>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
<<set $Money +=5>>
Money: <<print $Money>>
[[Return to The Cafeteria|The Cafeteria]]</center><center><center><img src="img/actions/PassTime.gif"/></center>
You pass Time...
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
<center>[[Return to The Yard|The Yard]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/cell235.webp"/></center>
<div class="seagreen" onclick="toggleDropdown('descriptionText')">Description</div>
<div class="dropdown-text" id="descriptionText">
The cook's cell is small but functional. Against one wall, there is a wooden shelf filled with cookbooks, showcasing his passion for culinary arts. The shelf also holds a couple of posters featuring androgynous boys dressed in feminine clothing, adding a touch of eccentricity to the space. Underneath the shelf, there is a well-worn makeup case, hinting at the cook's interest in experimenting with different looks and adding another layer to his multifaceted personality. The cell emits a faint aroma of spices and freshly cooked meals, creating an intriguing ambiance for anyone who enters. </div>
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Early Evening" && $Cellc == 1>>
<<if $Humillationsub >= 1>> <!-- If the stat meets the condition -->
[[Big Tony is sitting on his bed, smiling at you as he says |EarlyEvWork1]]
<div class="crimson">Now you're really going to start enjoying Big T's love.</div>
<<else>> <!-- Alternative text if the condition is not met -->
[[Big Tony is sitting on their bed, smiling as they see you |EarlyEvWork]]
<<if $Humillation == true && $Humillationsub ==0>>
<<goto "Humiliation1">>
<<if $Feminity >=20 && $InmatesA == 0 && $Humillationsub >= 1>>
[[Big Tony is meeting with inmates from another wing|BadreputationPrison]]
<<if $Feminity >=20 && $InmatesA == 1 && $Humillationsub >= 1>>
[[Big Tony is getting ready to receive the inmates from the other wing.|BadreputationPrison1]]
<<if $InmatesA >=2 && $Humillationsub >=1 && $Feminity >=30>>
[[Big Tony, upon seeing you, says, "I think it's time for a good cock cleaning, don't you think, honey?"|SuckChefCock]]
<<if $Underwear == 1 && $InmatesASubmit >= 1 && $Chefworkitchen == false>>
[[The chef signals for you to approach while he's surrounded by the familiar inmates from the other wing.|NewWork]]
<<if $StepFatherHumillation >= 1 >>
[[The chef smiles more menacingly than ever and tells you to come closer.|NewActivitiesforDaddy]]
[[Return to the Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/TheChef2.jpg"/></center>
Big Tony, upon seeing you, says:<div class="crimson">"Aha, so you've come to collect the rest of the deal, huh? I'll give you two options."
"Option 1:You put on a "uniform" and keep me company."
"Option 2: You let me practice my makeup artistry on you and see how beautiful you can look... hehe."</div>
[[You put on a uniform|PutUniform]]
<<if $Humillationsub >= 1>>
[[You put on an unform and..|PutUniform2]]
[[Let BigT practice with you|Makeup]]
<<if $Humillationsub >= 1 && $Ismael >=-3 >>
[[Let BigT practice with you and..|Makeup2]]
<</if>></center><center>With your head bowed and blushing, you make your way to the location of the black prisoner. Without looking him in the eyes, you kneel down before him and proceed to "clean him" automatically.
<img src="img/actions/forcedsuckblacksubliminal.webp"/>
While you perform your task, the black prisoner says to you: <div class="crimson">"You can't resist, huh? I guess Big Tony isn't enough for you, right? Haha, who knows, at this rate, maybe I'll invite a new friend. Who knows, maybe we'll even pay you.nah, he will pay for both, and when I say pay, haha, I will take 80% and you'll get 20%. I won't let my girl go unrewarded, hahaha."</div>
<img src="img/actions/enjoythebar1.webp"/>
As you continue with your task, he guides your head with his hand, and upon noticing your lack of response, he gets excited and finishes on top of you. Then, he leaves with a smile, saying, <div class="crimson">"I love enjoying these showers with you."</div>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<<if $Energy <100>>
<<set $Energy +=20>> <!--Incrementa la energia en 20 unidades-->
[[Return to The Showers|The Showers]]</center><center><img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/></center>
<center>You hand Sasha 50 bucks while paying him, and he smiles, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Well, at least you contribute to my economy. Until next week... Well, if you want to kill time in some other way, maybe I'll give you a discount, you know, haha."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/pay.gif"/></center>
<<set $Money -= 50>> <!-- Reduce la energía en 40 unidades -->
<<set $ShashaMoney += 50>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center>Embarrassed, you get down on your knees,Sasha, smiling, says: <div class="crimson">"Come on, show a little more enthusiasm. Just think, for me, it's a sacrifice not to knock your teeth out. Consider it, you might be better at it."</div>
He starts tapping your face with her huge cock lightly.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/cockslapmasculine.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/cockslapfemenine.webp"/></center>
You allow him to do so, and as he sees your compliance, he says: <div class="crimson">"Now start being more grateful. I want to leave for the gym feeling relaxed."</div> He runs his hand through the back of your neck.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/suckersashanight.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/sucksashafemenine.webp"/></center>
You try to empty your mind as you automatically fulfill your task. After a while, you notice a slimy taste in your mouth. While you were carrying out your task, you didn't realize it, but you were making quite audible suction sounds.
Sasha lets out a loud<div class="crimson"> "ahhh," </div>while one of the inmates says:<div class="crimson"> "Seems like someone got some work done! I wonder who it could be?"</div>
You have a reflexive act of trying to spit out the contents of your mouth, but Sasha, upon seeing this, gets somewhat angry and says: <div class="crimson">"Big Tony yes and me no, if you're serious, you better be a good little piggy and swallow it."</div>
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/cumming_twinks_03.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/cumming_twinks_03.webp"/></center>
You feel intimidated and do as he says.
While you complete his final request, Sasha starts laughing loudly and, upon finishing and say: <div class="crimson"> "That's it, savor it well, boy, get used to it because it won't be the last time... at least not with me, haha.
You should thank me for being so hospitable. I don't think this is worth 50 dollars, you know..."</div> Upon hearing what he said, you reply, terrified,<div class="lightpink"> "Thank you, thank you very much, really."</div> Sasha smiles again and asks,<div class="crimson"> "Why?".</div> You put on a puzzled face and respond,<div class="lightpink"> "For being... so hospitable."</div> Sasha laughs again and says: <div class="crimson">"You left a residue"</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/sexy-excited.gif"/></div>
Fearly you suck her finger like if he was her cock
Sasha, upon noticing that, says:<div class="crimson"> "That's what I wanted, devotion hehe... This time, I'll let it slide, but do me a favor and suck your fingers too."</div>
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/maslickfingers7.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/femlickfingers7.webp"/></center>
Reluctantly and blushing at the same time you lick your own fingers and looking at Sasha you say,<div class="lightpink"> 'Mmm, delicious.</div>
Sasha is left half-mouth open and says to you:<div class="crimson"> "Well, no wonder you drive Big Tony crazy... I hope to see that enthusiasm more often... I'm off to the gym... what a great warm-up, haha."</div>
After the whole scene played out, Sasha leaves the stage and in the background, some inmates can be heard exclaiming,<div class="crimson"> "I also have some warm milk for breakfast! Whoever you are!"</div> Meanwhile, another inmate says<div class="crimson"> "What a hot bitch" </div>
You start tidying up everything and get ready for the rest of the day.
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center>
<center><center>You position yourself against the bed, Sasha, upon seeing this, says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, a quick one in the morning isn't bad."</div>
Immediately, with a jar of Vaseline from under the bed,he begins to massage his member while lubricating your orifice.
<center><img src="img/actions/sashapreparecock.webp"/></center>
Without warning and with a quick and forceful movement, he inserts his cock on you.
You exclaim an<div class="lightpink"> "ahh"</div> as you feel like you're being torn in half.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/fucked.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/fucked.webp"/></center>
Sasha goes with more force than ever this time while saying that he will teach you to be more enthusiastic next time.
As Sasha spanks your lower area, the rhythm matches the rocking of the bed and a furious sound of clapping, synchronized with moans, as if a wild animal were thrusting against its prey.</center>
<center><img src="img/actions/slapasswithcocksasha.webp"/></center>
With a couple more thrusts, you once again feel that sensation, but this time it's more pleasurable.
<center><img src="img/actions/creampieanalbysasha.webp"/></center>
Sasha lets out a loud <div class="crimson">"ohhhh"</div> as they deliver a final slap to you.
You regain your composure, feeling embarrassed, and carefully sit down while experiencing a tingling sensation. At the same time, you notice something dripping from your inner area down to the lower part of your knees.
<center><img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/></center>
Sasha, smiling as he walks out the door, says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, looks like you don't need to do any glute exercises today, sweetheart! Haha!"</div>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]
<center>Thinking only about the money earned throughout the week,You get down on your knees And you go all in.
<center><img src="img/actions/pantsout.gif"/></center>
Sasha, perplexed yet excited, smiles and says: <div class="crimson">"Well, it seems like you were more eager for Monday to arrive than I was. Haha, alright, don't hold back. Help yourself."</div>
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/sucksashamasculine.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/sucksashafemenine.webp"/></center>
You're solely focused on the money saved and how you're going to invest it, perhaps to turn the situation around or for who knows what reason, as you're completely absorbed in that. Meanwhile, Sasha is enjoying himself like never before, saying: <div class="crimson">"Seems like you're getting quite skilled at this, mate. Haha, at this rate, you might break the record for the girls' time."</div> As he says that, you feel him reaching the climax.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/Cum_on_face.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/Cum_on_face.webp"/></center>
In a quick motion, he withdraws backwards while saying: <div class="crimson">"Wow, look at the time, I have to go to the gym."</div> He makes a face and continues: <div class="crimson">"You should clean your face, mate, unless you really love that facial mask. Haha, see you later."</div>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center>
You sensually bend over to the bed,
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/bendoverforsasha.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/bendoverforsasha.webp"/></center>
Sasha, upon seeing this, says:<div class="crimson"> "Wow, you're playful at the start of the week, huh?"</div>
He retrieves a jar of vaseline from under the bed and starts applying it to his hands.
Sasha says: <div class="crimson">"Because you've been so good, I'll take it gently, hehe."</div>
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/fingeredbysasha.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/fingeredbysasha.webp"/></center>
<div class="crimson">"Take it easy, relax. In a couple more times, this won't even be necessary, hehe," as he inserts a finger at the same time.</div>
In a while, he inserts 2 fingers
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/fingerbysasha2.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/fingerbysasha2.gif"/></center>
In a while, you feel him withdrawing from your lower part, and you sense a momentary void before experiencing an intense warmth.
<center><img src="img/actions/insertfirst.webp"/></center>
Sasha says:<div class="crimson"> "Yes!"</div> while gripping your hair
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/fuckedbysasha.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/fuckedbysasha.webp"/></center>
As the sounds of claps resonate through the echoing cells, and the dawn breaks, you hear a prisoner shouting:<div class="crimson"> "Someone loves either applauding or there are two companions having a good time, haha!"</div> Nonetheless, you don't care, and a smile creeps onto your face as you think about getting rid of paying Sasha, enjoying yourself, and who knows, maybe even benefiting from this experience. Moreover, you're exploring a part of yourself you've never known before.
<center><img src="img/actions/cuminass.webp"/></center>
After a while, you once again feel that sticky sensation in your lower region, accompanied by a soft exhale from Sasha against the back of your neck.
Afterward, Sasha leans back and says: <div class="crimson">"I think I'll skip cardio at the gym today... haha. See you later, bye."</div>
You, meanwhile, regain composure with your lower region feeling both sore and thankful. You sport a silly grin as you make the bed and prepare yourself for the rest of the day.
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/items/schooluniform.jpg"/></center>
You see a hanging schoolgirl uniform.
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChefSmile.jpg"/></center>
Big Tony, smiling, says:<div class="crimson"> "What are you waiting for? Put it on, hehe."</div>
Reluctantly, you put it on while Big Tony says: <div class="crimson">"That's it, slowly, baby, hehe."</div>
When you turn around, you see something inexplicable.
<center><img src="img/sex/chefceld.webp"/></center>
Big Tony says:<div class="crimson"> "What were you expecting? Hehe, come on, start posing for me. Relax, I'll finish quickly, nobody's watching."</div>
You start posing, first against the wall. You try to be careful because the uniform didn't come with underwear.
<center><img src="img/actions/crossdressfirstchef.webp"/></center>
Big Tony says:<div class="crimson"> "Just a little bit more."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefSauceyou.gif"/></center>
Big Tony grunts and says:<div class="crimson"> "You can go change now. The 5 dollars are on the table. See you next time. This has been very relaxing."</div>
Quickly, you change without saying a word, avoiding his gaze. You grab the money and leave as fast as you can.
<<set $Money +=5>>
Money: <<print $Money>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center>
<center>While you sit with your back against the cell door, you feel Big Tony gently applying makeup to your face. You can perceive the calmness in his breathing, which surprises you as you expected some kind of unusual comment or behavior from him.
As time passes, you notice that Big Tony takes his time and pays attention to every detail while applying the makeup products. You realize that he is truly skilled at what he does, demonstrating artistic abilities not only in the kitchen but also in the realm of makeup.
<center><img src="img/actions/makeupbychef.jpg"/></center>
As he continues working on your face, Big Tony shares his previous experiences with makeup and how he has developed a passion for this art form. You may be surprised by his dedication and knowledge in the field, but at the same time, you appreciate his skill and the care he puts into his work. One of the prisoners starts talking to Big Tony from another cell, asking what he's doing, and he responds:<div class="crimson">"Just practicing my art."</div> This momentarily interrupts your state of relaxation, and while Big Tony reassures you that the other prisoner can't see you or know who you are, your heart races.
Big Tony smoothly handles the situation, causing the other prisoner to leave, and after a while, he finishes working on you and tells you to stand up.
<center><img src="img/actions/whatachange.jpg"/></center>
You look at yourself in a small mirror and find it incredible; you don't even look like yourself, let alone someone else.
Big Tony smiles and says:<div class="crimson"> "See? I told you I'm an artist."</div> You reply:<div class="gold">"Well, it seems like you are," </div>and then ask him:<div class="gold">"Now, please remove this makeup."</div> The chef responds:<div class="crimson">"So soon? You want to destroy my art?"</div> Seeing his expression, you're not sure if he's emotionally manipulating you or if he's just being playful, but in a moment of vulnerability, you say:<div class="gold"> "Alright, I'll leave it on for a little while longer, then."</div>
The chef thanks you for agreeing to keep the makeup on for a while longer, and after some time, you start to feel like your skin is absorbing whatever he applied. The chef then asks:<div class="crimson">"Would you like a lollipop since you've been so good?" </div>Irresistibly, you find yourself having an uncontrollable desire to accept it, so you take it without contradicting him.
<center><img src="img/actions/sucklollipop0.gif"/></center>
After a while, and seeing that you are completely at his mercy, the chef smiles satisfied. Knowing that you have little resistance, he decides to take advantage of the situation for his own enjoyment.
He tells you to come here, that he has an even bigger lollipop for you.
<center><img src="img/actions/suckdicmakeup.webp"/></center>
You don't know how much time has passed, and you're not aware of what you've done. When you regain consciousness, you find yourself standing in the chef's cell as if nothing happened. He says to you:<div class="crimson"> "Well, you're back to earth. Some makeup product must have triggered your reaction, but don't worry, I won't use it in the next session."</div> Timidly, you thank him and say:<div class="gold">"Well, I'm going now."</div> Before you leave, he stops you and says:<div class="crimson"> "Don't you think you're forgetting something?"</div> $name:<div class="gold">, "Um?"</div> And he says:<div class="crimson"> "Take the 5 dollars." </div>$name say:<div class="gold"> "Oh, thanks, Chef."</div> And he replies:<div class="crimson"> "You're welcome. You can call me BigT if you want, hehe... Until next time... and thanks to you,"</div> with a mischievous smile.
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChefLaugh.jpg"></center>
<<if $Feminity < 30>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
<<set $Money +=5>>
Money: <<print $Money>>
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><img src="img/npc/NerdSmile.jpg"/></center>
Observing you from head to toe, Alex says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, have you decided to spend the late afternoon here? So, which activity do you prefer to help me with?
Option 1: I have some fantastic VR glasses that could suit you well. Or Option 2: How about something less intrusive? We could play with hypnosis. You surely don't believe in that nonsense, do you?"</div>
[[The VR Glasses|Glasses]]
[[I don't believe in that so come on|Hypnosis]]</center><center>
Alex puts the VR glasses on you and says:<div class="crimson"> "Enjoy the experience. I'll gather data based on your activity." </div>Before activating the VR, you notice that the nerd has a laptop in his cell, and he assures you:<div class="crimson"> "It doesn't have internet, believe me. It's only for taking notes. But well, dear, how could you not remember this?"</div> As soon as you utter the word<div class="gold"> "What?,"</div> you begin to see images accompanied by sounds within the VR.
<center><img src="img/sex/vrc.gif"/></center>
You start to lose track of time as highlighted questions begin to appear.
<center><img src="img/sex/vrhypno.webp"/></center>
In the first question, you begin to say <div class="gold">"yes, I'll go," </div>and suddenly, you start to feel something on your lips while continuing to visualize images.
<center><img src="img/sex/question.webp"/></center>
After the last image, you are unable to respond, but it's as if you're trying to nod your head. After a while, Alex takes off the VR headset, and you start to unconsciously realize what you've been doing. You can't stop doing it
<center><img src="img/npc/NerdSmile.jpg"/></center>
While all this is happening, the Nerd, laughing, says:<div class="crimson">"This is turning out to be quite an educational late afternoon, don't you think?"</div> In the background, other prisoners in the corridors comment,<div class="crimson"> "Am I imagining things, or do you hear those sucking sounds? They're coming from the Nerd's room."</div> Another responds:<div class="crimson"> "Maybe they finally put that guy where he belongs."</div> Yet another says:<div class="crimson"> "Could be."</div> Meanwhile, you listen to all this horror-stricken, praying that they won't come and see you in such a compromising situation. The Nerd, hearing their comments, says:<div class="crimson"> "I'll show them who I am. If a bully like you has fallen, they'll see. You're just the first of many, and you'll help me."</div>
As Alex feels that sense of power, he reaches his climax
<center><img src="img/actions/swallownerd.jpg"/></center>
And imperiously, he orders you to clean up that mess.
<center><img src="img/actions/clean-nerdcock.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/zap.gif"/></center>
While you're completing your task, the nerd snaps his fingers, and as if it had all been a dream, you find yourself back in the chair. You ask him what happened, and he tells you, <div class="crimson">"Nothing, you fell asleep with the VR glasses on. Anyway, leave now."</div>
<<if $Int >= 80>>
<<set $Int -= 2>>
Inteligence: <<print $Int>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/NerdSmile.jpg"/></center>
The nerd starts laughing and tells you:<div class="crimson"> "Alright, let's see if I can hypnotize you. Look at this steadily."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/hpynoyou.gif"/></center>
He tells you:<div class="crimson">"Look at it steadily, calm yourself, count to 8 with me, and take a deep breath. Don't lose sight of the clock."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/numbers.gif"/></center>
First, you start seeing numbers... and then images...
<center><img src="img/actions/hpynonerd3.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/hypnonerd4.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/zap.gif"/></center>
When you hear a snap of fingers, you wake up feeling dazed and with blurry vision. Not to mention that your mouth tastes peculiar. You ask Alex what happened, and he casually replies:<div class="crimson"> "Ah, nothing. You were just zoned out, staring into space. I guess it didn't work."</div> You inquire about the strange taste, and he quickly responds, <div class="crimson">"Must be from having your mouth open for too long, you know..."</div>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
<<if $Int >= 80>>
<<set $Int -= 2>>
Inteligence: <<print $Int>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center>You approach Sasha,And Sasha responds, <div class="crimson">"Oh, how nice of you."</div>And then, as Sasha licks their lips, they say: <div class="crimson">"You know, I was thinking about what you did earlier in the cell.I think it's time to engage in more outdoor activities, don't you think?"</div>After saying that, he quickly adds:<div class="crimson"> "Before your 'friends' notice."</div>
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/suckpublicbackyard.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/suckpublicbackyard.webp"/></center>
You get to work without thinking about the passing time when You hear a voice from one of your "colleagues" saying: <div class="crimson"> "Hey Sasha, do you know where $name is?"</div> Sasha calmly responds:<div class="crimson"> "Don't worry, they're helping me tie my shoelaces. You know, after all that gym session, I'm as stiff as a board. They'll join you in a moment."</div> You sense a brief pause in your "colleague's" voice, followed by a mocking tone as they say, <div class="crimson">"Sure, tying shoelaces. See you later... Tell them we're going inside now. Goodbye."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/></center>
Sasha bursts into laughter as they finish and says:<div class="crimson">"Haha, you should have seen their face... Well, yours too! Hahaha. See you later!"</div> They continue walking away, still laughing, while repeating the phrase <div class="crimson">"tying shoelaces... haha."</div>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<<if $ReputationLadies == 0>>
<<set $ReputationLadies =1>>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]
<center><center><img src="img/actions/FemPrisoners.gif"/></center>
A group of inmates with a feminine appearance gathers around you. They start teasing playfully, insinuating that you have a fondness for tying shoelaces, although initially, they only mention Sasha specifically. Amid laughter and jokes, they suggest that maybe later you'll dedicate yourself to tying everyone else's shoelaces. However, despite the teasing, they also jokingly comment that you shouldn't hide your passion since you seemingly enjoy it so much. The scene is filled with laughter and camaraderie, in a friendly and lighthearted tone, without any malice.
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]</center><center><img src="img/Locations/Activities.jpg"/></center>
<center><div class="seagreen" onclick="toggleDropdown('descriptionText')">Description</div>
<div class="dropdown-text" id="descriptionText">
As you explore the expanse of the Yard, you discover various areas bustling with activity. Adjacent to the football field, separated by a fence, you spot a small basketball court that is typically frequented by inmates of color. Here, the atmosphere is charged with competitiveness, camaraderie, and occasional ferocity. Inmates engage in thrilling basketball matches, showcasing their skills and athleticism. The games range from friendly pick-up matches filled with laughter and banter to fierce competitions where players go head-to-head, driven by the desire to win. Sometimes, the intensity spills over, leading to heated arguments or even isolated scuffles that are quickly diffused by vigilant guards.
Further into the Yard, you come across several tables where inmates engage in intense chess matches. The environment here is different, characterized by a focused and cerebral energy. Inmates huddle over the chessboards, strategizing their moves, and engaging in mental duels. The competitions are not limited to friendly matches but also extend to high-stakes games with bets and challenges between the players. The intensity is palpable as minds clash, and the desire to outwit opponents drives each move. Occasionally, the tension reaches its peak, resulting in heated exchanges or passionate disagreements that are swiftly resolved or mediated by nearby guards.
Throughout the Yard, both in the chess area and at the regular tables, inmates create an ambiance that combines competitiveness, friendly interactions, and occasional ferocity. The diverse mix of individuals, representing different backgrounds and cultures, adds richness to the atmosphere. Amidst the games, bets, challenges, and occasional altercations, the Yard pulsates with the raw emotions of those seeking victory, camaraderie, and a momentary escape from the rigors of prison life.</div>
[[Go to The Basketball Court|The BasketCourt]]
[[Go to The Football Field|The FootballField]]
[[Go to The Chess Tables|The ChessTables]]
[[Go to The Regular Tables|The RegularTables]]
[[Return to The Yard|The Yard]]</center>
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Night">> It's getting late and you should head back to your cell to sleep.<<goto "Your Cell">> <</if>><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Basketball.jpg"/></center>
<div class="seagreen" onclick="toggleDropdown('descriptionText')">Description</div>
<div class="dropdown-text" id="descriptionText">As you approach the basketball court within the prison, the sound of bouncing basketballs fills the air, punctuated by the occasional swish of the ball gliding through the net. The court itself is a small but well-maintained space, enclosed by a chain-link fence that separates it from the adjacent football field.
The court is a hub of activity, primarily frequented by inmates of color who showcase their skills and passion for the game. The vibrant energy on the court is palpable, as players engage in fast-paced dribbling, precise passes, and gravity-defying leaps towards the hoop. Each movement is accompanied by a chorus of cheers, jeers, and playful banter exchanged between teammates and opponents.
Among the players, you spot individuals with diverse backgrounds and styles of play. Some rely on speed and agility, darting past defenders with finesse, while others exhibit raw power and athleticism, dominating the court with thunderous dunks and commanding rebounds. Their relentless drive and determination are evident in every play, reflecting a deep-rooted love for the game.
As you take in the scene, you notice the rhythmic beat of music in the background, adding to the atmosphere of the court. The court's surroundings are adorned with vibrant graffiti and murals, showcasing artistic expressions and cultural influences. It's a testament to the resilience and creativity of those who find solace and inspiration in the game of basketball.
The basketball court serves as more than just a place for physical activity. It's a melting pot of talent, unity, and self-expression. Here, inmates find a temporary escape from the harsh realities of prison life, channeling their emotions and aspirations through the game they love. It's a space where skills are honed, friendships are forged, and rivalries are tested, all within the boundaries of the court.
Whether you choose to join in a friendly pickup game, observe from the sidelines, or engage in conversations with the players, the basketball court offers an opportunity to witness the resilience, teamwork, and camaraderie that thrive amidst the challenges of incarceration. It's a place where identities are celebrated, dreams are pursued, and the spirit of the game transcends the confines of the prison walls.</div>
[[Playing alone by shooting into the opposite basket|PlayB]]
<<if $BlackShow >=1>>
[[You Notice The Black Inmate of The Showers|PlayBIT]]
<<if $Cellt == 1 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Late Afternoon">>
[[Tyron is with several of his comrades on the side of the basketball court|PlayB2]]
[[Return to Activity Area|Activity Area]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Football.jpg"/></center>
<div class="seagreen" onclick="toggleDropdown('descriptionText')">Description</div>
<div class="dropdown-text" id="descriptionText">The prison's football field stretches out before you, a vast expanse of well-worn grass surrounded by towering concrete walls. The field is abuzz with activity, inmates from various backgrounds and walks of life engaged in a spirited game of football. The sound of cleats on the ground echoes through the air as players chase after the ball with determination and skill.
Amidst the chaotic energy of the game, your eyes are drawn to a particular figure. Ismael, a wiry inmate with a mischievous grin, showcases his agility and finesse on the field. His nimble footwork and strategic moves make him a force to be reckoned with, commanding the respect and admiration of his teammates and opponents alike.
On one of the grandstands overlooking the field, you notice a burly Latino inmate seated with a worn-out notebook in hand. He sits upright, his keen eyes following the game's every twist and turn. He meticulously records the players' performances, jotting down observations and analyzing strategies. His presence exudes a sense of authority and significance, suggesting a deeper involvement in the dynamics of the football field.
As you approach the field, you can feel the intensity of the game building, the air crackling with a competitive spirit. Shouts of encouragement and playful banter fill the surroundings, forming a backdrop of camaraderie and friendly rivalry.
The football field serves as more than just a place for physical exertion. It is a melting pot of cultures and identities, a microcosm of life within the prison walls. Here, individuals from different backgrounds come together, united by their shared love for the sport. The field is a sanctuary where the troubles of prison life momentarily fade away, replaced by the thrill of the game and the bonds forged through teamwork and competition.
Whether you choose to participate in a match, watch from the sidelines, or interact with the vibrant personalities on the field, the football field offers a glimpse into the resilience, athleticism, and camaraderie that exist within the prison community. It is a place where friendships are forged, rivalries are born, and the power of the human spirit shines through, even within the confines of the prison system.</div>
<<if $LatinGang == -1 && $Ismael ==-1>>
[[Sasha is calling you on the grades|ev1]]
<<if $LatinGang == 1 && $Ismael == 1>>
[[Sasha is calling you on the grades|ev2]]
<<if $LatinGang ==-1 && $Ismael !=-1>>
[[Sasha is calling you on the grades|ev3]]
<<if $PlayerFootball ==true>>
[[Go to Play Football with The LatinGang|Play]]
<<if $Cheerleader ==true && $Ismael !==3 && $Humillation == false>>
[[Go to Play Football with The LatinGang|Play2]]
<<if $Cheerleader ==true && $Ismael ==-3 && $LatinGang == -3>>
[[They make obscene gestures with their hands and mouths while saying, 'Do you want to play, baby?|PlayS]]
<<if $Cheerleader ==true && $Humillation ==true>>
[[The three known Latinos make gestures for you to approach while touching their crotch.|LGev1]]
<<if $Cheerleader ==true && $Humillation ==true && $Celli == 1 && $Chest == 0>>
[[You see a member of the Latin gang with Ismael that you have never seen before|The Jackal]]
<<if $PlayerFootball == true && $Chest == 0>>
[[Diego is talking to a member of the Latin gang that you have never seen before|The Jackal2]]
[[Running around the field|Run]]
[[Return to Activity Area|Activity Area]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/prisonTables.jpg"/></center>
<div class="seagreen" onclick="toggleDropdown('descriptionText')">Description</div>
<div class="dropdown-text" id="descriptionText">
The Chess Tables area is a serene corner within the prison where inmates gather to indulge in the age-old game of chess. Set against the backdrop of tall concrete walls, the tables are adorned with worn-out chessboards and pieces, showcasing the passage of time and the countless battles fought over the years.
Here, you'll find inmates huddled around the tables, their eyes fixed on the chessboard as they strategize their moves with intensity and focus. The air is filled with a sense of quiet concentration, occasionally broken by the satisfying sound of a piece being captured or the gentle clack of a move being made.
Inmates of diverse backgrounds and skill levels come together to test their mental prowess in this game of kings. Some are seasoned chess players, their moves calculated and precise, while others are still learning the intricacies of the game, eager to improve their skills. The atmosphere is one of camaraderie and friendly competition, as players engage in challenging matches and exchange tips and strategies.
The Chess Tables area is not just a place for chess enthusiasts; it's a hub of intellectual stimulation and strategic thinking. Surrounded by fellow inmates, you'll witness the exchange of knowledge, the sharing of different perspectives, and the mutual appreciation for the complexity and beauty of the game. Here, the boundaries of prison life seem to fade away, replaced by a shared passion for intellectual engagement.
As you observe the chess matches unfold, you may catch glimpses of inmates deep in thought, contemplating their next move, or engaging in friendly banter about their previous victories and defeats. It's a space that nurtures not only critical thinking and problem-solving skills but also a sense of community and connection among those who have found solace and inspiration in the game of chess.
Whether you are a seasoned player looking for a worthy opponent or a curious observer eager to witness the intellectual battles unfold, the Chess Tables area offers a tranquil and intellectually stimulating haven within the confines of the prison walls.</div>
[[Playing chess with prisoners|Chess]]
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Late Afternoon" && $Cello == 1 && $Nrd == 2>>
[[The Nerd invites you to sit with him to play chess|PlayC]]
[[Return to Activity Area|Activity Area]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Prisonnormaltable.jpg"/></center>
<div class="seagreen" onclick="toggleDropdown('descriptionText')">Description</div>
<div class="dropdown-text" id="descriptionText">
The Regular Tables is a designated area within the prison where inmates gather to engage in various activities and socialize. The space is filled with a row of sturdy wooden tables and benches, worn out by years of use. The atmosphere is lively, with conversations echoing in the air and occasional bursts of laughter. Inmates of different backgrounds and affiliations come together here, forming an eclectic mix of personalities.
The tables are occupied by groups of inmates engrossed in intense card games, showcasing their strategic thinking and mental agility. The clatter of cards being shuffled and the occasional thump of a winning hand being slammed onto the table create a dynamic backdrop. The games range from classic favorites like poker and blackjack to lesser-known but equally captivating options.
Adjacent to the card tables, inmates engage in friendly yet competitive bouts of "Siete y Medio," a traditional Spanish card game that requires players to carefully manage their hand's total value. It's a game that tests not only luck but also skillful decision-making and quick calculations, challenging the players' intelligence.
Among the tables, you can also spot groups of inmates engaging in heated conversations or even friendly debates, sharing their knowledge and perspectives on various topics. These discussions can range from politics and current events to literature and philosophy, demonstrating the intellectual diversity present within the prison walls.
The Regular Tables area is not just about card games and discussions; it's a place where inmates can forge connections, establish alliances, and, at times, engage in friendly rivalries. The atmosphere is electric, with the promise of excitement and the opportunity to test one's wit and intelligence.</div>
[[Playing dominoes with other inmates|Dominoes]]
[[Arm wrestling with other inmates|Armwrest]]
<<if $TheCook >= 1 && $TheCook <= 2 && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Late Afternoon">>
[[Big Tony is flexing his arms at you|Bet]]
[[Return to Activity Area|Activity Area]]</center><center>
<center><img src="img/npc/Sasha.jpg"/></center>
Sasha looks at you with a certain concern on her face before speaking:<div class="crimson">"Alright, $name, I've heard that you've had a little altercation with these people," </div>he begins, referring to the Latin Gang and Ismael. <div class="crimson">"But believe me, it wouldn't be in your best interest to have a whole group coming after you right from the start... in both senses of the word."</div>
Sasha pauses for a moment and then continues.<div class="crimson"> "Now, let me explain who Ismael and Diego are. Ismael is the right-hand man of the Latin Gang, and he's a formidable presence. Diego, on the other hand, is the boss of the gang. They command respect and have quite an influence within the prison walls."</div>
He takes a deep breath and then adds: <div class="crimson"> "I'll introduce you to Diego in a courteous manner. Let's try to start off on the right foot, as they could help you pass the idle time in this prison," </div>He says, with a slight smile.
<center><img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/></center>
Getting ready for what's to come, you follow Sasha as you both make your way through the prison yard, heading towards an imposing figure standing in one corner of the football field. Expectation and uncertainty mingle in the air as you approach the leader of the Latin Gang.
[[The Latin Gang Boss|Diego]]
[[The Right-Hand|Ismael]]
<center><img src="img/npc/Sasha.jpg"/></center>
Sasha looks at you with a certain concern on her face before speaking:<div class="crimson"> "Alright, $name, I've heard that you've had a little altercation with these people,"</div> he begins, referring to the Latin Gang and Ismael.<div class="crimson"> "But believe me, it wouldn't be in your best interest to have a whole group coming after you right from the start... in both senses of the word."</div>
Sasha pauses for a moment and then continues:<div class="crimson"> "Now, let me explain who Ismael and Diego are. Ismael is the right-hand man of the Latin Gang, and they seem to have formed a positive impression of you. They saw you talking privately with Ismael, and that holds some weight within their circle. Diego, on the other hand, is the boss of the gang. They command respect and have quite an influence within the prison walls."</div>
He takes a deep breath and then adds:<div class="crimson"> "I'll introduce you to Diego in a courteous manner. Let's try to start off on the right foot, as they could help you pass the idle time in this prison," </div>he says, with a slight smile.
<center><img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/></center>
Getting ready for what's to come, you follow Sasha as you both make your way through the prison yard, heading towards an imposing figure standing in one corner of the football field. Expectation and uncertainty mingle in the air as you approach the leader of the Latin Gang.
[[The Latin Gang Boss|Diego2]]
[[The Right-Hand|Ismael2]]
[[Continue|C2]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/DiegoNormal.webp"/></center>
<div class="royalblue">
Diego, the formidable leader of the Latin Gang, is a commanding presence within the prison walls. He exudes authority and confidence, earning the respect and fear of both his subordinates and rival factions. With a commanding stature and an intense gaze, Diego's presence alone is enough to make others think twice before crossing him.
As the leader of the Latin Gang, Diego holds immense power and influence. He is known for his strategic thinking, making calculated decisions that ensure the gang's dominance and survival within the prison hierarchy. Under his leadership, the Latin Gang has become a force to be reckoned with, establishing their presence in various aspects of prison life.
Diego's role extends beyond the gang's activities. He is not only a leader but also a protector of his people. He ensures their well-being and defends their interests against any threats or challenges that may arise. His loyalty to his gang is unwavering, and he expects the same level of loyalty in return.
Despite his tough exterior and reputation, Diego has a keen sense of justice and a code of honor that he adheres to. He values loyalty, respect, and discipline within his gang, and those who prove themselves worthy earn his trust and admiration.
Diego's influence extends to different areas of prison life, including sports. As a lover of football, he actively participates in the gang's matches, leading them to victory with his exceptional skills and tactical acumen. His presence on the field is both intimidating and inspiring, motivating his teammates to give their best and strike fear into the hearts of their opponents.
In summary, Diego is a formidable leader who commands respect, loyalty, and fear within the Latin Gang. With his strategic mind, protective nature, and exceptional skills, he has cemented his place as a dominant figure in the prison's complex social dynamics.</div>
[[Return to follow Sasha|ev1]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/Ismael.jpg"/></center>
<div class="royalblue">
Ismael, known as "The Striker" within the Latin Gang, is a prominent figure in the football matches held in the prison. He is considered one of the most outstanding and feared players on the field, both for his skills as a striker and for his influence as Diego's right-hand man, the leader of the Latin Gang.
Ismael stands out for his speed, agility, and technical abilities, making him a formidable striker. His ball control and ability to evade defenders make him a constant threat to rival teams. Additionally, he possesses remarkable accuracy in his shots, which has allowed him to score numerous goals and earn the respect of both teammates and adversaries alike.
However, beyond his football skills, Ismael also plays an important role as Diego's right-hand man. As a confidant and lieutenant, he is responsible for conveying Diego's orders and decisions to the rest of the gang. His loyalty and devotion to Diego are evident, and he has earned the trust and respect of all the members of the Latin Gang.
Ismael is an enigmatic character, with a piercing gaze and a defiant attitude. His presence on the football field and in the prison at large is imposing, commanding respect and instilling fear among his peers and rivals alike. His reputation as a lethal striker and Diego's right-hand man makes him a key figure in the hierarchy of the Latin Gang and an important piece in the storyline</div>
[[Return to follow Sasha|ev1]]</center>Sasha leads you closer to the imposing figure, who you now recognize as Diego, the leader of the Latin Gang. Diego looks at you with a mix of curiosity and mild suspicion. Sasha breaks the silence and introduces you.
<center><img src="img/npc/Sasha.jpg"/></center>
<div class="crimson">"Diego, this is $name, the one who had a bit of a scuffle with your boys. I thought it would be best to introduce you both and perhaps find some common ground. Besides, we heard you're in need of a good defender for your football team."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/DiegoPortrait.webp"/></center>
Diego's stern expression softens slightly as he nods in acknowledgement. <div class="crimson">"So, you're the one who caused a ruckus among my boys,"</div>he says, his voice laced with a hint of authority.<div class="crimson"> "I hope you know how to handle yourself on the field. We could use a skilled defender."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/Ismael.jpg"/></center>
Meanwhile, Ismael, standing nearby, furrows his brow and interjects,<div class="crimson"> "Alright, if you want to play football with my boys, go ahead. But don't expect any special treatment."</div>
You feel the weight of their gaze upon you, the gravity of the situation sinking in. It seems you've been given an opportunity to prove yourself among the Latin Gang through the medium of football. The ball is in your court, and your decision will shape the path ahead.
<center><img src="img/actions/takle.gif"/></center>
As the match begins, I find myself facing a relentless onslaught from the opposing team. They deliberately foul me with force whenever they get the chance, testing my resilience. The blows come hard, and for a moment, doubt starts to creep into my mind. Should I abandon this challenge and walk away, or should I resist and continue to prove my worth?
What you gonna do?
<center><img src="img/actions/choices.gif"/></center>
<center>Despite the relentless fouls and hard hits, you grit your teeth and remain determined to persevere. Each blow fuels your resolve, and you continue to fight back, unwilling to let the opposing team intimidate you.
<center><img src="img/npc/DiegoSmile.webp"/></center>
Impressed by your resilience, Diego approaches you during a break in the game. He looks you in the eye and speaks with a sense of admiration.<div class="crimson"> "I see you're not one to back down easily. I like that. As long as you keep playing, I'll make sure you're taken care of. Consider it an incentive - I'll pay you the Sundays on match days."</div> His words carry the promise of both financial reward and continued support.
<<set $LatinGang +=3>>
latingang <<print $LatinGang>>
<<set $PlayerFootball to true>>
<<set $Ismael += 3>>
ismael <<print $Ismael>>
<<print $PlayerFootball>>
<<set $Energy -= 30>> <!-- Reduce la energía en 20 unidades -->
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
[[Return to Activity Area|Activity Area]]</center><center>After enduring a particularly rough challenge, you contemplate your next move. The option to withdraw from the match lingers in your mind, knowing that the physical toll might become too much to bear. As you consider this, Diego's voice cuts through the air, his words firm and unwavering.
<center><img src="img/npc/DiegoNormal.webp"/></center>
<div class="crimson">"Well, if you can't handle the heat, maybe you should step back. We'll have you as a substitute."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/></center>
Ismael's laughter echoes, his tone teasing and mischievous. <div class="crimson">"Ha! Don't worry, little chica, we'll take care of you. Just like I told Diego, you could be our personal cheerleader, our new mamasita."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/DiegoPortrait.webp"/></center>
Diego responds with a nonchalant shrug, gesturing towards the players on the field.<div class="crimson"> "Do as you please, Ismael. You can play with my boys on the field anytime you want, in any way they want. Until we meet again."</div> With those words, Diego turns his attention to Sasha, engaging in a hushed conversation while leaving you to ponder your next move.
<<set $Ismael -= 1>>
ismael <<print $Ismael>>
<<set $LatinGang -=1>>
latingang <<print $LatinGang>>
<<set $Cheerleader to true>>
<<print $Cheerleader>>
<<set $Energy -= 30>> <!-- Reduce la energía en 20 unidades -->
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
[[Return to Activity Area|Activity Area]]</center><center>
Sasha leads you closer to the imposing figure, who you now recognize as Diego, the leader of the Latin Gang. Diego looks at you with a mix of curiosity and mild suspicion. Sasha breaks the silence and introduces you.
<center><img src="img/npc/Sasha.jpg"/></center>
<div class="crimson">"Diego, this is $name, the one who had a bit of a scuffle with your boys. I thought it would be best to introduce you both and perhaps find some common ground. Besides, we heard you're in need of a good defender for your football team."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/DiegoPortrait.webp"/></center>
Diego's stern expression softens slightly as he nods in acknowledgement.<div class="crimson"> "So, you're the one who caused a ruckus among my boys,"</div> he says, his voice laced with a hint of authority.<div class="crimson"> "I hope you know how to handle yourself on the field. We could use a skilled defender."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/></center>
Ismael, standing nearby, wears a mischievous grin and chimes in,<div class="crimson"> "Seriously, Diego? I thought we were getting a new 'mamasita' for our team,"</div> he says teasingly, causing a few chuckles among the surrounding gang members.<div class="crimson"> "Alright, let's give $name a chance. We'll see if they're as tough as they claim to be."</div>
You feel the weight of their gaze upon you, the gravity of the situation sinking in. It seems you've been given an opportunity to prove yourself among the Latin Gang through the medium of football. The ball is in your court, and your decision will shape the path ahead.
<center><img src="img/npc/Sasha.jpg"/></center>
Sasha looks at you with a certain concern on her face before speaking.<div class="crimson">"Alright, $name, I've heard that you've had a little altercation with these people,"</div> he begins, referring to the Latin Gang. <div class="crimson">"But believe me, it wouldn't be in your best interest to have a whole group coming after you right from the start... in both senses of the word."</div>
Sasha pauses for a moment and then continues. <div class="crimson">"Now, let me explain who Ismael and Diego are. Ismael is the right-hand man of the Latin Gang, and he's a formidable presence. Diego, on the other hand, is the boss of the gang. They command respect and have quite an influence within the prison walls."</div>
He takes a deep breath and then adds:<div class="crimson"> "I'll introduce you to Diego in a courteous manner. Let's try to start off on the right foot, as they could help you pass the idle time in this prison,"</div> He says, with a slight smile.
<center><img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/></center>
Getting ready for what's to come, you follow Sasha as you both make your way through the prison yard, heading towards an imposing figure standing in one corner of the football field. Expectation and uncertainty mingle in the air as you approach the leader of the Latin Gang.
[[The Latin Gang Boss|Diego3]]
[[The Right-Hand|Ismael3]]
[[Continue|C3]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/DiegoNormal.webp"/></center>
<div class="royalblue">
Diego, the formidable leader of the Latin Gang, is a commanding presence within the prison walls. He exudes authority and confidence, earning the respect and fear of both his subordinates and rival factions. With a commanding stature and an intense gaze, Diego's presence alone is enough to make others think twice before crossing him.
As the leader of the Latin Gang, Diego holds immense power and influence. He is known for his strategic thinking, making calculated decisions that ensure the gang's dominance and survival within the prison hierarchy. Under his leadership, the Latin Gang has become a force to be reckoned with, establishing their presence in various aspects of prison life.
Diego's role extends beyond the gang's activities. He is not only a leader but also a protector of his people. He ensures their well-being and defends their interests against any threats or challenges that may arise. His loyalty to his gang is unwavering, and he expects the same level of loyalty in return.
Despite his tough exterior and reputation, Diego has a keen sense of justice and a code of honor that he adheres to. He values loyalty, respect, and discipline within his gang, and those who prove themselves worthy earn his trust and admiration.
Diego's influence extends to different areas of prison life, including sports. As a lover of football, he actively participates in the gang's matches, leading them to victory with his exceptional skills and tactical acumen. His presence on the field is both intimidating and inspiring, motivating his teammates to give their best and strike fear into the hearts of their opponents.
In summary, Diego is a formidable leader who commands respect, loyalty, and fear within the Latin Gang. With his strategic mind, protective nature, and exceptional skills, he has cemented his place as a dominant figure in the prison's complex social dynamics.</div>
[[Return to follow Sasha|ev2]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/Ismael.jpg"/></center>
<div class="royalblue">
Ismael, known as "The Striker" within the Latin Gang, is a prominent figure in the football matches held in the prison. He is considered one of the most outstanding and feared players on the field, both for his skills as a striker and for his influence as Diego's right-hand man, the leader of the Latin Gang.
Ismael stands out for his speed, agility, and technical abilities, making him a formidable striker. His ball control and ability to evade defenders make him a constant threat to rival teams. Additionally, he possesses remarkable accuracy in his shots, which has allowed him to score numerous goals and earn the respect of both teammates and adversaries alike.
However, beyond his football skills, Ismael also plays an important role as Diego's right-hand man. As a confidant and lieutenant, he is responsible for conveying Diego's orders and decisions to the rest of the gang. His loyalty and devotion to Diego are evident, and he has earned the trust and respect of all the members of the Latin Gang.
Ismael is an enigmatic character, with a piercing gaze and a defiant attitude. His presence on the football field and in the prison at large is imposing, commanding respect and instilling fear among his peers and rivals alike. His reputation as a lethal striker and Diego's right-hand man makes him a key figure in the hierarchy of the Latin Gang and an important piece in the storyline</div>
[[Return to follow Sasha|ev2]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/DiegoNormal.webp"/></center>
<div class="royalblue">
Diego, the formidable leader of the Latin Gang, is a commanding presence within the prison walls. He exudes authority and confidence, earning the respect and fear of both his subordinates and rival factions. With a commanding stature and an intense gaze, Diego's presence alone is enough to make others think twice before crossing him.
As the leader of the Latin Gang, Diego holds immense power and influence. He is known for his strategic thinking, making calculated decisions that ensure the gang's dominance and survival within the prison hierarchy. Under his leadership, the Latin Gang has become a force to be reckoned with, establishing their presence in various aspects of prison life.
Diego's role extends beyond the gang's activities. He is not only a leader but also a protector of his people. He ensures their well-being and defends their interests against any threats or challenges that may arise. His loyalty to his gang is unwavering, and he expects the same level of loyalty in return.
Despite his tough exterior and reputation, Diego has a keen sense of justice and a code of honor that he adheres to. He values loyalty, respect, and discipline within his gang, and those who prove themselves worthy earn his trust and admiration.
Diego's influence extends to different areas of prison life, including sports. As a lover of football, he actively participates in the gang's matches, leading them to victory with his exceptional skills and tactical acumen. His presence on the field is both intimidating and inspiring, motivating his teammates to give their best and strike fear into the hearts of their opponents.
In summary, Diego is a formidable leader who commands respect, loyalty, and fear within the Latin Gang. With his strategic mind, protective nature, and exceptional skills, he has cemented his place as a dominant figure in the prison's complex social dynamics.</div>
[[Return to follow Sasha|ev3]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/Ismael.jpg"/></center>
<div class="royalblue">
Ismael, known as "The Striker" within the Latin Gang, is a prominent figure in the football matches held in the prison. He is considered one of the most outstanding and feared players on the field, both for his skills as a striker and for his influence as Diego's right-hand man, the leader of the Latin Gang.
Ismael stands out for his speed, agility, and technical abilities, making him a formidable striker. His ball control and ability to evade defenders make him a constant threat to rival teams. Additionally, he possesses remarkable accuracy in his shots, which has allowed him to score numerous goals and earn the respect of both teammates and adversaries alike.
However, beyond his football skills, Ismael also plays an important role as Diego's right-hand man. As a confidant and lieutenant, he is responsible for conveying Diego's orders and decisions to the rest of the gang. His loyalty and devotion to Diego are evident, and he has earned the trust and respect of all the members of the Latin Gang.
Ismael is an enigmatic character, with a piercing gaze and a defiant attitude. His presence on the football field and in the prison at large is imposing, commanding respect and instilling fear among his peers and rivals alike. His reputation as a lethal striker and Diego's right-hand man makes him a key figure in the hierarchy of the Latin Gang and an important piece in the storyline</div>
[[Return to follow Sasha|ev3]]</center><center>
<center><img src="img/actions/takle.gif"/></center>
As the match begins, I find myself facing a relentless onslaught from the opposing team. They deliberately foul me with force whenever they get the chance, testing my resilience. The blows come hard, and for a moment, doubt starts to creep into my mind. Should I abandon this challenge and walk away, or should I resist and continue to prove my worth?
What you gonna do?
<center><img src="img/actions/choices.gif"/></center>
[[Submit|Submit1]]</center><center>Despite the relentless fouls and hard hits, you grit your teeth and remain determined to persevere. Each blow fuels your resolve, and you continue to fight back, unwilling to let the opposing team intimidate you.
<center><img src="img/npc/DiegoSmile.webp"/></center>
Impressed by your resilience, Diego approaches you during a break in the game. He looks you in the eye and speaks with a sense of admiration.<div class="crimson"> "I see you're not one to back down easily. I like that. As long as you keep playing, I'll make sure you're taken care of. Consider it an incentive - I'll pay you the Sundays on match days."</div> His words carry the promise of both financial reward and continued support.
<<set $LatinGang +=1>>
latingang <<print $LatinGang>>
<<set $PlayerFootball to true>>
<<set $Ismael += 1>>
ismael <<print $Ismael>>
<<print $PlayerFootball>>
<<set $Energy -= 30>> <!-- Reduce la energía en 20 unidades -->
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
[[Return to Activity Area|Activity Area]]</center><center>After enduring a particularly rough challenge, you contemplate your next move. The option to withdraw from the match lingers in your mind, knowing that the physical toll might become too much to bear. As you consider this, Diego's voice cuts through the air, his words firm and unwavering.
<center><img src="img/npc/DiegoNormal.webp"/></center>
<div class="crimson">"Well, if you can't handle the heat, maybe you should step back. We'll have you as a substitute."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/></center>
Ismael's laughter echoes, his tone teasing and mischievous. <div class="crimson">"Ha! Don't worry, little chica, we'll take care of you. Just like I told Diego, you could be our personal cheerleader, our new mamasita."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/DiegoPortrait.webp"/></center>
Diego responds with a nonchalant shrug, gesturing towards the players on the field.<div class="crimson"> "Do as you please, Ismael. You can play with my boys on the field anytime you want, in any way they want. Until we meet again."</div> With those words, Diego turns his attention to Sasha, engaging in a hushed conversation while leaving you to ponder your next move.
<<set $Ismael -= 3>>
ismael <<print $Ismael>>
<<set $LatinGang -=3>>
latingang <<print $LatinGang>>
<<set $Cheerleader to true>>
<<print $Cheerleader>>
<<set $Energy -= 30>> <!-- Reduce la energía en 20 unidades -->
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
[[Return to Activity Area|Activity Area]]</center><center>
Sasha leads you closer to the imposing figure, who you now recognize as Diego, the leader of the Latin Gang. Diego looks at you with a mix of curiosity and mild suspicion. Sasha breaks the silence and introduces you.
<center><img src="img/npc/Sasha.jpg"/></center>
<div class="crimson">"Diego, this is $name, the one who had a bit of a scuffle with your boys. I thought it would be best to introduce you both and perhaps find some common ground. Besides, we heard you're in need of a good defender for your football team."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/DiegoPortrait.webp"/></center>
Diego's stern expression softens slightly as he nods in acknowledgement.<div class="crimson"> "So, you're the one who caused a ruckus among my boys,"</div> he says, his voice laced with a hint of authority.<div class="crimson"> "I hope you know how to handle yourself on the field. We could use a skilled defender."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/></center>
Ismael, standing nearby, wears a mischievous grin and chimes in,<div class="crimson"> "Seriously, Diego? I thought we were getting a new 'mamasita' for our team,"</div> he says teasingly, causing a few chuckles among the surrounding gang members.<div class="crimson"> "Alright, let's give $name a chance. We'll see if they're as tough as they claim to be."</div>
You feel the weight of their gaze upon you, the gravity of the situation sinking in. It seems you've been given an opportunity to prove yourself among the Latin Gang through the medium of football. The ball is in your court, and your decision will shape the path ahead.
<center><img src="img/actions/takle.gif"/></center>
As the match begins, I find myself facing a relentless onslaught from the opposing team. They deliberately foul me with force whenever they get the chance, testing my resilience. The blows come hard, and for a moment, doubt starts to creep into my mind. Should I abandon this challenge and walk away, or should I resist and continue to prove my worth?
What you gonna do?
<center><img src="img/actions/choices.gif"/></center>
[[Submit|Submit2]]</center><center>Despite the relentless fouls and hard hits, you grit your teeth and remain determined to persevere. Each blow fuels your resolve, and you continue to fight back, unwilling to let the opposing team intimidate you.
<center><img src="img/npc/DiegoSmile.webp"/></center>
Impressed by your resilience, Diego approaches you during a break in the game. He looks you in the eye and speaks with a sense of admiration.<div class="crimson"> "I see you're not one to back down easily. I like that. As long as you keep playing, I'll make sure you're taken care of. Consider it an incentive - I'll pay you the Sundays on match days."</div> His words carry the promise of both financial reward and continued support.
<<set $LatinGang +=3>>
latingang <<print $LatinGang>>
<<set $PlayerFootball to true>>
<<set $Ismael += 2>>
ismael <<print $Ismael>>
<<print $PlayerFootball>>
<<set $Energy -= 30>> <!-- Reduce la energía en 20 unidades -->
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
[[Return to Activity Area|Activity Area]]</center><center>After enduring a particularly rough challenge, you contemplate your next move. The option to withdraw from the match lingers in your mind, knowing that the physical toll might become too much to bear. As you consider this, Diego's voice cuts through the air, his words firm and unwavering.
<center><img src="img/npc/DiegoNormal.webp"/></center>
<div class="crimson">"Well, if you can't handle the heat, maybe you should step back. We'll have you as a substitute."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/></center>
Ismael's laughter echoes, his tone teasing and mischievous. <div class="crimson">"Ha! Don't worry, little chica, we'll take care of you. Just like I told Diego, you could be our personal cheerleader, our new mamasita."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/DiegoPortrait.webp"/></center>
Diego responds with a nonchalant shrug, gesturing towards the players on the field.<div class="crimson"> "Do as you please, Ismael. You can play with my boys on the field anytime you want, in any way they want. Until we meet again."</div> With those words, Diego turns his attention to Sasha, engaging in a hushed conversation while leaving you to ponder your next move.
<<set $Ismael -= 2>>
ismael <<print $Ismael>>
<<set $LatinGang -=1>>
latingang <<print $LatinGang>>
<<set $Cheerleader to true>>
<<print $Cheerleader>>
<<set $Energy -= 30>> <!-- Reduce la energía en 20 unidades -->
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
[[Return to Activity Area|Activity Area]]</center><center>
<center><img src="img/actions/goodfot.gif"/></center>
You find yourself playing with the Latino Gang, and your defensive skills seem to earn you admiration. You enjoy your time playing soccer, as your abilities as a defender shine through. Your agility and knack for intercepting passes and blocking shots make the team members admire you. You savor every moment on the soccer field, feeling the excitement and passion of the game as you strive to protect the goal and contribute to the team's success. Your exceptional performance as a defender earns you respect and admiration from your teammates. You take pride in being a part of the Latino Gang and make the most of every opportunity to showcase your defensive skills and enjoy the beautiful game of soccer
<<if $Str <50>>
<<set $Str += 0.5>> <!--Incrementa la energia en 20 unidades-->
<<set $Energy -= 10>>
Strength:<<print $Str>>
Energy:<<print $Energy>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return to The Activity Area|Activity Area]]</center><center>You find yourself playing soccer with the Latino Gang. As the game progresses, you realize that whenever you're fouled, some members of the opposing team inappropriately touch you and make lewd or joking comments.
<center><img src="img/actions/football-ass.gif"/><img src="img/actions/love-gay.gif"/></center>These actions put you in compromising situations and make you feel uncomfortable on the field.
Finally, the game comes to an end. You have two options:
<center><img src="img/actions/choices.gif"/></center>
__Walk away:__ You decide to leave the game, feeling disgusted and upset by the inappropriate behavior of the Latino Gang.
__See Ismael making lascivious gestures:__ Instead of walking away, you choose to confront the situation head-on.
[[Walk away|Walk]]
[[Confront Ismael|Confront]]</center>
<center>$name launches into a sprint, gliding along the sideline of the football field with palpable determination. Their strides are long and powerful, while their muscles tense with each step. Even though they are not actively playing in the match, their commitment to training and passion for the sport are evident in every movement.
<center><img src="img/actions/RUN.gif"/></center>
The wind tousles their hair, and the echo of their footsteps blends with the quickened beats of their heart. Each inhalation and exhalation is a renewing impulse, fueling their determination and motivation to keep going. Despite not being directly involved in the game, their focus remains on surpassing their own limits and reaching the pinnacle of their physical performance.
<<if $Str <40>>
<<set $Str += 0.5>> <!--Incrementa la energia en 20 unidades-->
Strength:<<print $Str>>
Energy:<<print $Energy>>
<<set $Energy -= 10>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return to The Activity Area|Activity Area]]</center><center>The two competitors position themselves in front of a specially designed chessboard. $name prepares for the challenge, with determination in their eyes and tense muscles. The crowd of prisoners gathers around, eager to witness the competition.
<center><img src="img/actions/chess.gif"/></center>
The referee gives the signal, and the chess match begins.
<<if $Int <= 85>>
$name loses blatantly in the chess match. Despite their effort, their opponent manages to defeat them without much difficulty, highlighting the imbalance of skills.
<<elseif $Int < 90 && $Int > 85>>
$name loses narrowly in the chess match. Both competitors fight with intensity, but in the end, the superior skills of the opponent prevail, leaving $name with a sense of having come close to victory.
<<elseif $Int < 100 && $Int > 90>>
The chess match between $name and their adversary ends in a draw. Both contenders employ formidable strategy, refusing to give ground. Neither is able to dominate the other, leading to a stalemate in the match and a tie that leaves both satisfied with their performance.
<<elseif $Int < 110 && $Int > 100>>
$name wins narrowly in the chess match. As tension mounts, $name utilizes all their intelligence and determination to overcome their opponent, securing a well-deserved and celebrated victory.
<<elseif $Int <= 140 && $Int > 110>>
$name wins convincingly in the chess match. $name's cunning surpasses their opponent by a wide margin, leaving no doubt as to who is dominant in this chess challenge.
Whatever the outcome, the chess match is a display of skill and expertise, a moment of competition and camaraderie amidst the prison environment. The crowd applauds and cheers for the participants, recognizing the effort and courage it takes to face each other in this test of mental abilities.
<<if $Int <140>>
<<set $Int += 0.5>> <!--Incrementa la energia en 20 unidades-->
<<set $Energy -= 10>>
Intelligence:<<print $Int>>
Energy:<<print $Energy>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return to The Activity Area|Activity Area]]</center><center>
<center><img src="img/actions/basketballsolo.gif"/></center>
$name finds themselves alone on the opposing basketball court, fully immersed in the game. With each jump, they soar above the rim, executing spectacular dunks that showcase their skill and athleticism. Every time they receive the ball, they pass it with precision and fluidity, maintaining a steady rhythm. As time goes by, they become even more engrossed in the game, finding solace in each movement, momentarily forgetting about their worries and the surrounding environment. With each play, $name passes the time energetically and entertainingly, enjoying the solitude and intensity of the game on the opposing court.
<<if $Str <40>>
<<set $Str += 0.5>> <!--Incrementa la energia en 20 unidades-->
Strength:<<print $Str>>
<<set $Energy -= 10>>
Strength:<<print $Str>>
Energy:<<print $Energy>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return to The Activity Area|Activity Area]]</center><center>The players gather around a worn-out table in the prison common area, where a game of dominoes is about to unfold. $name, along with the other inmates, sits down, their focus shifting to the arrangement of tiles in front of them. The clacking sound fills the air as the tiles are shuffled and distributed among the participants. $name studies their hand, carefully strategizing their next move.
<center><img src="img/actions/dominoes-play.gif"/></center>
The atmosphere is filled with friendly banter, occasional laughter, and the sound of tiles being placed on the table. As the game progresses, $name engages in spirited competition, observing the moves of their opponents while seeking opportunities to lay down their tiles strategically. Conversations drift from prison life to personal anecdotes, creating a sense of camaraderie amidst the tense gameplay.
Each play is met with reactions from the other players – nods of approval, grumbles of frustration, or friendly taunts. $name's focus remains sharp, considering each move and anticipating the possible outcomes. They seize moments of triumph, laying down key tiles that disrupt the flow of the game for their opponents.
As the dominoes game continues, time seems to fly by, and the players become fully absorbed in the strategy and camaraderie that the game brings. $name relishes the opportunity to connect with others through this simple yet captivating pastime, finding a temporary escape from the confines of prison and forging connections with their fellow inmates.
<<if $Int <100>>
<<set $Int += 0.25>> <!--Incrementa la energia en 20 unidades-->
<<set $Energy -= 10>>
Intelligence:<<print $Int>>
Energy:<<print $Energy>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return to The Activity Area|Activity Area]]</center><center>The two competitors position themselves in front of a specially designed arm wrestling table. $name prepares for the challenge, with determination in their eyes and tense muscles. The crowd of prisoners gathers around, eager to witness the competition.
<center><img src="img/actions/man-shake-muscle.gif"/></center>
The referee gives the signal, and the arm wrestling match begins.
<<if $Str < 30>>
$name loses blatantly in the arm wrestling match. Despite their effort, their opponent manages to defeat them without much difficulty, highlighting the power imbalance.
<<elseif $Str < 40 && $Str > 30>>
$name loses narrowly in the arm wrestling match. Both competitors fight with intensity, but in the end, the superior strength of the opponent prevails, leaving $name with a sense of having come close to victory.
<<elseif $Str < 50 && $Str > 40>>
The arm wrestling match between $name and their adversary ends in a draw. Both contenders exert formidable pressure, refusing to give ground. Neither is able to overpower the other, leading to a stalemate in the arm wrestling and a tie that leaves both satisfied with their performance.
<<elseif $Str < 60 && $Str > 50>>
$name wins narrowly in the arm wrestling match. As tension mounts, $name channels all their strength and determination to overcome their opponent, securing a well-deserved and celebrated victory.
<<elseif $Str <= 100 && $Str > 60>>
$name wins convincingly in the arm wrestling match. $name's muscles tense with power, surpassing their opponent by a wide margin and leaving no doubt as to who is dominant in this arm wrestling contest.
Whatever the outcome, the arm wrestling match is a display of strength and skill, a moment of competition and camaraderie amidst the prison environment. The crowd applauds and cheers for the participants, recognizing the effort and courage it takes to face each other in this test of strength.
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<<set $Energy -= 10>>
Energy:<<print $Energy>>
[[Return to The Activity Area|Activity Area]]</center><center><center><img src="img/actions/shy.gif"/></center>You decide to leave the game, feeling embarrassed and flushed under the lascivious comments from your teammates. They taunt you, saying things like: <div class="crimson">"We'll train you properly, darling. Just give us more time."</div> You choose to distance yourself from the field, wanting to remove yourself from the uncomfortable and disrespectful environment.
<<if $Str <50>>
<<set $Str += 0.25>> <!--Incrementa la energia en 20 unidades-->
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<<set $Energy -= 10>>
Energy:<<print $Energy>>
Strength:<<print $Str>>
[[Return to The Activity Area|Activity Area]]</center><center>You head towards Ismael, and he starts running towards the bathrooms. Once inside, the following happens:
<<if $Str <= 100 && $Str > 40>><center><img src="img/actions/dodge.gif"/></center>
You manage to dodge his punch, quickly evading the attack and avoiding any physical harm. [[Dodge the blow|Dodge]]
If your strength is not within the specified range, you are unable to avoid the blow. As his fist connects with your face, your ears ring, and your vision becomes blurry. In the background, you hear Ismael's mocking voice saying, <center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/></center>
<div class="crimson">"Haha, I knew it from the moment I saw you, you're nothing but a bitch."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/forcedsucklatino.webp"/></center>
As you feel a strong tug on your hair, you instinctively open your mouth in surprise. Ismael takes advantage of this opportunity and uses it to his advantage. He taunts you, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Do a good job, I wouldn't want to leave you without teeth. I'll make you look even more beautiful, mamacita."</div> The combination of physical discomfort and his derogatory comments adds to the distressing situation you find yourself in.
While Ismael holds your head firmly in his hands, you are unsure of how much time has passed, but you hear footsteps approaching.
<center><img src="img/npc/jesuslatin.webp"/><img src="img/npc/Latin1.webp"/></center>
Two members of the Latino Gang have entered the scene. You attempt to escape Ismael's grip, but he holds you tightly. You notice mischievous smiles on the faces of the other two members as they remark,<div class="crimson"> "Well, well, Ismael, looks like you're busy. We see you're training the new cheerleader, huh, mamacita?" </div>With a forceful gesture from Ismael, he makes you nod your head in agreement. The other two members burst into laughter, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Haha, I guess from now on, we'll be more motivated for training, won't we?"</div> Ismael responds:<div class="crimson"> "Yes, we'll let her play with us until we find her a new place, right?"</div> Again, Ismael makes you nod and smilingly says:<div class="crimson"> "You see, guys, he's onboard. From now on, after training, he'll cheer for us three... he won't leave this place, right, guys?"</div> The others nod in agreement. Ismael continues: <div class="crimson">"Alright, your first official task will be to show them gratitude for letting you play with us. Haha."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/forcedlatinos.gif"/></center>
After almost suffocating you, Ismael finally lets go, and the other two immediately take their positions, telling you: <div class="crimson">"$name You're not going anywhere. It's our turn now."</div> Resigned to your fate, you comply with their demands, humiliated by the circumstances that have brought you here. Lost in your own thoughts, you allow them to use you as they please. After they're done with you, they say:<div class="crimson"> "Mamasita, don't be sad. We might even pay you if you're so accommodating. A salary as a salsa eater haha and in cash, baby. Maybe we'll even get you a tattoo... Haha."</div> They bid you farewell, and you are left dazed in the bathroom. After a while, you gather yourself, wipe your face, and leave, pondering the future consequences of this brutal assault.
<<if $Str <50>>
<<set $Str += 1>> <!--Incrementa la energia en 20 unidades-->
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<<set $Energy -= 10>>
<<if $Ismael ==-2>>
<<set $Ismael -= 1>>
<<if $LatinGang ==-2>>
<<set $LatinGang -=1>>
<<set $Humillation to true>>
[[Return to Activity Area|Activity Area]]
<<return "Back">><center>You find yourself playing soccer with the Latino Gang. As the game progresses, you realize that whenever you're fouled, some members of the opposing team inappropriately touch you and make lewd or joking comments.
<center><img src="img/actions/football-ass.gif"/><img src="img/actions/love-gay.gif"/></center>These actions put you in compromising situations and make you feel uncomfortable on the field.
<center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/><img src="img/npc/jesuslatin.webp"/><img src="img/npc/Latin1.webp"/></center>
At the end of the match, Ismael and the other two Latinos approach you and say:<div class="crimson">"We've let you play with us. It's time to motivate ourselves, mamasita."</div>
With a sigh, you are led to the bathroom where, in the future,maybe.. you fulfill your new role in the team
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/forcedsucklatino.webp"/><img src="img/actions/forcedlatinos.gif"/><img src="img/actions/gay-cum-in-mouth_001-9.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/forcedsucklatino.webp"/><img src="img/sex/Variations/forcedlatinos.webp"/><img src="img/sex/Variations/sissy-cum-in-mouth_001-9.webp"/></center>
<<if $Str <50>>
<<set $Str += 0.25>> <!--Incrementa la energia en 20 unidades-->
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<<set $Energy -= 10>>
Energy:<<print $Energy>>
Strength:<<print $Str>>
[[Return to The Activity Area|Activity Area]]</center>Changelog V.040C
1 The event where the chef whips you for being with the Latin group now triggers automatically when you enter the Cell.
2 The text where the chef is sitting on the bed has been adjusted to appear after the previous event, ensuring both new players and returning ones know where the scenes occur.
3 Scenes involving makeup and similar activities now have updated text to clarify where they take place.
4 When your femininity surpasses 20, aside from the event with Sasha, if you've also succumbed to the nerd, he will now be sitting at one of the tables in the cafeteria. (New scenes with him are coming, and I may also focus on reducing intelligence from there.) In other words, there will be an additional "food" option available in the cafeteria during the afternoon.
5 16 new passages—over half of them include adult content. Be cautious, as several of these alter reputation and fame. Additionally, if you have more than $50, Jacob’s wallet might take a hit.
6 +49 new sexual GIFs created by me!
7 New portraits—I'm sure you'll love them! A total of 8 animated portraits have been added.
8 Two new items added.
9 And all of this can be found in the afternoon at the cafeteria during lunchtime if you've followed the entire sissy route. 😄
Changelog V.040B3
1 Visual Rework: Visual improvements have been made to the game for a smoother and more attractive experience.
2 New Left Sidebar Interface: The left sidebar has been redesigned to improve navigation and organization of menu options.
3 New Text Blocks to Differentiate Characters: New text blocks have been added to clearly and dynamically identify and differentiate the characters.
4 Fixed Code in Several Events: Bugs in several events have been fixed to prevent execution issues.
5 Fixed Several Events for Coherence: Events have been reviewed and adjusted to ensure that the narrative flow is coherent and consistent.
6 The Vito Assault Event Will Occur on the Eighth Day If Your Reputation is Broken: The event where Vito assaults you will now only trigger if your reputation is broken, and it will happen on the eighth day of the game.
7 You Can Now Surrender to the Nerd Alone Without Going Through the Chef, Following a Gay Route with Vito, Tyron, and the Nerd: The option to surrender to the Nerd directly, without going through the Chef, has been added, activating an alternate gay route with Vito, Tyron, and the Nerd.
8 Reprogrammed Sasha’s Dominance Events Regarding the Nerd and the Chef: Sasha’s dominance events have been reprogrammed to be more direct and occur when returning to the cell, without the need for previous events.
9 The Event of Washing Sasha’s Underwear is Now Available During All Time Slots Except Mealtime, Evening, and Night: The event related to washing Sasha’s underwear is now available during most time slots, excluding mealtime, evening, and night.
10 Sasha's Route Is Clearer with Work Options in Multiple Time Slots: Sasha’s route has been optimized, now offering more work options when returning to the cell during different time slots, overlapping with M/M sub-content.
11 Vito’s Subordinates in the Cafeteria Will Assault You After Vito Has Already Done So (Decline Option): Vito’s subordinates in the cafeteria will now assault you after Vito’s assault event, especially when the decline option is chosen.
12 The Wardrobe Button No Longer Has Disproportionate Images: Disproportionate images on the wardrobe button have been corrected, resizing them for proper display.
13 Descriptions Are Now Expandable to Avoid Excessive Scrolling: Event and character descriptions are now expandable, eliminating the need to scroll excessively to read the full information.
14 Changed the hyperlink color to a less intense blue with underlines.
15 +3 new character portraits
16 +65 gifs
17 +19 new passages/scenes, of which 16 are repeatable
18 +New femdom event with a new character (novelty)
19 +The scenes are located in the backyard throughout the day, except during the afternoon and late afternoon. You only need to have negative reputation and femininity below -30.
20 +Content includes m/m sub, shemale on male sub, femdom, shemale group sex, etc. You will see.
Changelog V.040B2
+21 new and repetitive scenes,
+16 of which are erotic.+2 variatons of text of hidden variable (so 18)
You can find these scenes in the group activities in Vito's cell.
+61 GIFS
+Partial narrative changes to the scenes.
+1 new item.
+1 new portrait.
+6 Use of Hidden Variables ( Care.)
Changelog V.040B1
+56 GIFS
+6-7 Portraits
+1 Item
+Fixed text ( Was in Spanish)
+8 repeteable M/M sub scenes
+1 Intro scene
+4 Hidden Variables ( Care.)
In coming in V.040B2
Group activities m/m sub, maybe another scene with Sasha m/m sub, probably another 56-60 new GIFs, and much more!
Changelog V.40Apart2
+113 GIFs
+5 Portraits
+3 Items
+Fixed Wardrobe
+Guide Introduction
+26 New Repeatable Sissy Scenes in the Cell (You just need to have +30 femininity and have been dominated by Sasha regarding the chef and the nerd)
(This is the most significant update of the game)
Changelog 0.40APart1
+40 new gifs.
+10 Scenes on your cell to pass time but you need to submit to Sasha just in case Only 9 m/m Sub for now. and 1 sissy.
+Fixed some bugs of reputation/fame
+Fixed some typos
-To come in the next patch 0.40APart2 +8 scenes cross/sissy variation of those.
-The guide
-and much more.
Changelog 0.40
+22 new gifs
+8 scenes on Sundays... in the morning at the new location (church)
+2 New character introductions: the first will appear at the beginning of the game, the other on Sunday morning
+1 new functionality: now you'll see the pass of the days when you sleep *cough cough*
+3 new portraits of locations
+8 new portraits of characters
Changelog 0.39D
+30 gifs created by me
+6 scenes in the backyard in different time slots if your femininity is 30 or higher(1-Chef(Late afternoon),1-Tyron(Early evening),2-Vito Minions(Morning),1-Ismael(Morning),1-Nerd(Early Evening))
+2 new portraits
+55 image errors in Google Chrome fixed.
Changelog V.39C
+Provisionally done with new backgrounds.
+Fixed several image and text errors
+27 new GIFs potentially going up to 30 with new forthcoming scenes
+Previous saves should work but better to start a new game.
+All backyard scenes set for different times of day and are only unlocked depending on who you've met. (Tyron, Nerd, Chef, and/or Vito).
+Next update will have the six new scenes but will be changed based on femininity score in an effort to make the scenes more dynamic.
Sorry for the delay and I appreciate your patience.
Changelog V.039B:
+ Fixed: If the bald prisoner assaults you and you hadn't unlocked Ismael's cell, you will no longer be redirected there.
+ Fixed: Adjusted variable where Ismael doesn't offer options for feminization; reduced to 5 femininity to make initial options appear.
+ Fixed: Error where Vito appeared in the cafeteria at any time, which could break the game.
+20 new gifs made by me.
+7 portraits.
+5 character variables.
+2 potential storylines for new characters.
+New jobs for Tyron in the backyard in the late afternoon to acquire components.
+8 repeatable random events, 4 m/m sub of which 3 have erotic content, and 4 sissy of which 3 have erotic content.
Changelog V0.39A:
+2 new portraits...
+8 scenes repeteables...
+new level of intoxication
+The new scenes appear once you've met Tyron and have access to his cell. The scenes vary depending on your level of feminization. PD: activity area-basketball court.. in late afternoon just in case...
Changelog V0.39:
29 new gifs created by me
8 scenes, 7 of them repetitive, 1 unique
7 image errors fixed
6 new hidden variables
1 new location
1 new character description
1 important NPC added
14 portraits with their respective variations
New tasks for said NPC
Changelog v0.38E -> +31 images.. more than 20 made by me personally + 8 new events +1 bonus cross/sissy scene +5 new hidden variables +21 new passages (20 of them change depending on your submissive femininity or masculinity) Where to find them -> Morning if you have more than 100 dollars and have done favors for the black gang in the backyard.. and in the late afternoon if Vito's minions assault you... and you have favor points from the black gang.. the scenes change along with the gifs based on femininity... for me, this is a major update and I think I owed it to you for last week.
Changelog V0.38C->
+36 NEW GIFS +6 Made by me +1 New hidden variable, so old saves will not work + To find this scene, your reputation and fame must be negative. Go to the backyard in the late afternoon and you will find them there... there are +4 m/m sub scenes and when you have 30 femininity... 4 cross sissy scenes... The new variable is for future updates, sorry for the inconvenience.
Update V0.38B ->
+Added 22 new gifs, introduced a new character portrait, added a new job in late afternoon in your cell if you have succumbed to Sasha. Included an additional scene in Sasha's morning chores in your cell. The new late afternoon scenes, along with the new job, vary if your femininity exceeds 30. Fixed various image errors. Finally added a Discord button at the beginning. Balanced money system, now earning more to access the chef's events earlier.
Changelog V.038 and V.038A ->
+26 new gifs in version .038A, 2 new locations, and 3 new characters. These events will be available once you have washed Sasha's underwear and completed the first dominant event with the shaved man. For version 0.38, it involves variations in the character's femininity variable, totaling more than 50 gifs across all scenes.
Changelog V.037E!
- 4 new locations
- 26 portraits in use
- Introducing the first "mission" of the game, a repetitive one
- Introduction of the first "special" character; you'll understand without offense, hehe
- 20 new passages
Changelov V0.37D!
+29 gifs created by me. Added +4 double scenes, making a total of 8. The location for these scenes is late afternoon in the library. You only need to have fame and reputation altered for three of these scenes; the fourth one runs on time. All scenes are repetitive.
Changelog V0.37C!
+7 new and repetitive scenes are random events when you head to work at the new job given to you by the old librarian. They will trigger randomly, just like the scenes with Vito's bodyguards. This patch includes 32 new gifs, half of which were made by me. Two new variables have been added, which are not hidden; you'll notice that the old librarian... isn't after money. Well, I'll let you discover that for yourselves.
Well, we have... all scenes are repetitive... location: the cells... in the late afternoon, they will trigger randomly, meaning you can pass by four times, and on the fifth time, it triggers. Once triggered, you can't repeat it on that day, and time doesn't advance. What can you find here... 4 events... 2 events involve surrender, and the images vary, making it 4 in total... then one with intelligence and strength... another 8 in total due to image variation, and the running one... about 13 events... What do you need to access these... surrender to Vito's guardians at mealtime... I repeat, surrender to the guardians... then, if you surrender to Vito, well, you know what's already there, hehe, so... this is patch 0.37B.
+37 new GIFs MADE BY ME... they didn't exist, I created them myself (I wanted to say that, hehe).
+There are 9 new scenes—8 with adult content and 1 without. One of them is unique. (NEW JOB) Yes, a new job is unlocked.
+To access all of this, you have to lower your intelligence to less than 70 and have completed all the transformation events with the chef. After this, if you go to the nerd's cell, an event will trigger. By the way, it's important to read the descriptions of each character, mainly because, in the future, they will be key to the plot. I'm giving you a heads up. The new job, obviously, if it involves the nerd, will be located in the library. Anyway, I'll update the guide to include this, along with the changelog. And as far as I know, that's all. It's a more substantial patch, and I'm proud. It's a small but good step forward. Currently, the demo has 650,426 characters, 93,144 words, 341 passages, and 320 links.
+Corrected several text errors related to her/his...
+Added 6 new scenes: 2 non-sexual but somewhat humiliating
scenes during meals, and 2 sexual scenes in the same
timeframe if you reject the proposition.
+Added 1 more scene in the showers.
+The surprise! New character introduced!😁
+Added 1 introduction in Sasha's cell. Read it carefully; it might
hint at something about their preferences. Note that this
character will be available at most until you reach a femininity
level of 30. In other words, this content is M/M SUB
complementary, so for now, it's there. All their scenes are
repetitive until you reach that limit.
Who could the new character be?...
+1 random scene with the nerd in her "testing your intellectual abilities."
+Added to the guide, the new character with their interactions for now.
+2 new scenes, 2 new images, 18 new gifs, and the full guide with all characters and global events at the moment. To find the scenes, the first one will trigger when the nerd sees you as feminine, meaning you have 30 femininity, intelligence is less than or equal to 75, and you've had the first transformation event. The second scene is a random event in the "Test Your Intelligence" passage. The guide includes all sub/cross/sissy events up to this point. I believe I haven't missed any, mainly because most of them are related to the chef. I hope you enjoy the patch and maybe find some surprises if you haven't been able to access all the content.
+44 NEW GIFS +4 New Images +1 New Location: Jackal's Cell. To access his scenes, you will need femininity above 20 (should be easy). +4 New Repetitive Scenes with Changing Images +4 Variations of these scenes if you pay Jackal differently. Added 2 new variables, one for humiliation. All these events lower respect and fame (Normal) and increase intoxication... that's it.
Changelog V0.36A! -> +25 new gifs, 6 of them created by me for 2 unique and repetitive scenes. I believe I haven't seen these particular repetitive scenes anywhere else, but more on that, etc., etc. I hope you like them. In total, there are 4 new events in Ismael's cell in the morning, and when you've had the first party with Jackal, these events will become available. After these events, the Jackal's cell location will open in the afternoon, although it hasn't been implemented yet. It's planned for next week. There will be 4 events with Jackal, and they'll be... very festive, hehe. Just in case, when you unlock that cell and haven't read when it's available, when you go to talk with Ismael in his cell, you'll get a reminder. I added this just in case, hehe. I've reedited the passage about the Nerd's riddles. Now it's not the same; there are 2 riddles. I know it's not much, but it took me a long time because I'm learning more every week. I know I should have included 2 more scenes, but I didn't have the time. It's better to release the patch now and note down what I need to do for next week. This is patch 0.36A! I prefer something well done and of quality rather than having 2 scenes that are similar to the previous ones with the Nerd. But regarding next week, what can you expect? A new location, the Jackal's cell, 4 events with Jackal, most likely random and repetitive. I'll try to create more gifs myself, assuming you liked them, which I hope you did. After struggling with the Nerd's code, I now know how to create those scenes, so I'll aim for a total of 8-12 scenes. Also, I want to mention that the gifs will be mine. Therefore, patch 0.36B will come out stronger.
+47 new images, 4 new repeatable events with variations with Ismael in his cell when the Nerd has changed your underwear, 2 new repeatable events with the Nerd. I had time to make 2 repeatable scenes. I would have liked to add more GIFs or passages that change, but I suppose that will have to wait for the next patch while I study a bit more programming. What else has been improved: the interface has been improved by removing white spaces. I hope you like it. Several images that were not displayed have been corrected. I hope you enjoy this update. I would have liked to expand it a bit more, but due to personal reasons, I can't.
+Furthermore, I have reduced the requirements for the transformation event 2 of the jackal in the cafeteria, and I have corrected some of the code related to the poker events with the chef. This should help you progress more quickly and significantly reduce the grinding.
+I plan for the stepfather's event to trigger automatically behind the chef's scene in his cell and increase the character's intoxication in future patches so you can access the chef's route and others even earlier. This would benefit the game's pace.
What's new -> 4 more dom scenes in the nerd's cell, another option will appear after you have succumbed enough both in the cell and in the library. In the sissy cross route, when your femininity is at rank 30... in the same option as in the previous patch, there are 3 more additional random events. Well, in total, there are about 14 gifs in the cross category and about 12 gifs in the dom m/m variant.
Well, there's something new. In the nerd's dom route, there are four more scenes in the library, increasing both his submission and the number of followers, setting the stage for further development in this branch. Now, for the cross/sissy route, as I noticed a lack of content in other areas, I've created three scenes in Ismael's cell. Once your femininity is above 30 within the main option, another one will appear, along with three more random events.
What's New: 4 more scenes with Nerd when you have subjected him enough. When you go to the library, an event will be triggered in which you will unlock a new job, and here you will have 4 more scenes: 1 without adult content and 4 with m/m content. This includes a total of 13 new gifs. In the cross/sissy part, I've reworked the showers. When your femininity is above 30, you will have 4 different options, meaning 4 new scenes. I think it was time to raise the bar. If you like this, it's very likely that I can add more scenes here, with more femininity for the character, generating more access to content and previous scenes. I will also use this approach for the gym, so you can "relive" past events. In this cross part, you have 17 new gifs and 1 new image. This completes a total of 9 new events. Furthermore, the game currently, which I find "amazing," has ->
514254 Characters 73903 Words 282 Passages 262 Links
CHANGELOG V0.34.1D -V0.35
V034.1D->there are only four more events for the dominant route, and they involve the Nerd. To access them, you know the drill: spend a day in prison, ignoring the chef and other events, follow Sasha's advice, and this time you'll counterattack him. After that, you go to the library, sit next to him, and he'll give you access to his cell. There, you'll find four random events. You'll need to complete all of them because I've added an intelligence variant to the Nerd, and another one that's for a different branch in the future, and these two are hidden
V0.35->we have added 4 more scenes with the Nerd in the DOM route. Recalculating the DOM route... it's M/M content with a total of 11 new GIFs. All you need to do is follow what you did in the previous patch, which is to dominate him. Then, go to the library during his time slot, and you'll have an encounter with an acquaintance. After this, proceed to the Nerd's cell and continue.
New Cross/Sissy Content -> After confessing to the chef that you have a stepfather... pay close attention to this... in the visitation room, you need to trigger the scene where the chef gives you a slap on the cheek. In the next visit, if you've already unlocked the new job with the chef, there will be an option where you'll witness a scene involving your stepfather and the chef. After this scene, when you visit the chef's cell in the afternoons, an additional option will appear, activating 3 random repetitive scenes that raise femininity to a maximum level of 70.
What's new, okay...
+3 random scenes with the therapist when you have reached a femininity level higher than 30 and have seen the prisoner leave the showers in the clinic... the following sessions are random, all 3 of them... I know it's difficult to access them... but they are designed this way for the future... because we need many more characters...
+okay... if you continue on the feminization route... and follow part of the nerd's route... when you have high femininity... there will be a change of underwear... and immediately after, you will have an event in the hallway... enabling a new job in the mornings... this event is unique... and that morning job has 3 other random scenes... making it 7 scenes... you might say one is missing... no, because when you go to work... there is one more that can be random, making it 8... so, this patch that has... 36 new images and these 8 additional events... all of them are cross/sissy and it also fulfills the inclusion of scenes with the therapist... scenes with the nerd.
Patch 0.34C Changelog:
+2 scenes with Arthur the therapist.
+1 non-sexual session requires femininity at 20.
+The other session requires femininity at 30 and having done a favor for the black inmate in the showers.
+4 cross/sissy scenes. 1 with the nerd. Unique event. You'll need intelligence below 85 and femininity above 30, and the event will trigger. And now my favorite part...
1 unique event with the chef. Yes, if you've completed the previous event with the Nerd... Let's just say the chef will see something that will also influence the future... and after this scene, you'll have a new job in the cafeteria during meal hours. You can work, and it has 3 random scenes. In 2 of them, you earn money, and 2 are sexual, and the other one earns you money. So, this makes a total of 4 cross scenes plus the 2 therapist scenes, and technically, these are hidden events... technically 7 passages. I needed to release this patch this way... so when you see where I'm going, you'll say, "Oh, I think I get it." I know I said I was going to add more hidden scenes, and I've done that partially. We've also added that additional job, whether you like it or not, there are now "3." Two of them with explicit content, and an extra one, which I'll refine later. I won't keep you any longer...
+Added 4 new scenes with therapist Arthur:
+1 unique introductory scene
+3 random conversations
+Introduced Gardener job available only during morning and afternoon hours for a quick money boost.
+Added 3 Cross/Sissy scenes, following the submission route with the Chef until the poker game.
+After completing the Cross/Sissy route, a unique transformation event triggers when visiting the cafeteria in the early morning. This event requires the first transformation event in the same area and the Chef having money.
+Implemented hidden stats for each character: The Shower Black Inmate, The Jackal, The Nerd, and the Chef.
+Set a maximum femininity cap at 60, automatically triggered if completing the entire route.
+Updated the stats page with character descriptions upon reaching femininity level 60.
+Incorporated 19 new images to enhance visual elements.
+Enhanced code organization and improvements.
+Added a unique event system with the 3 repeatable Cross/Sissy scenes.
+ntroduced a new work zone for earning money, providing a less monotonous option.
+Prepared for a future forum post to address player questions, upcoming content, potential changes to survey methods, etc.
+5 scenes without adult content, 3 with the stepfather... hinting at personal life / family / prison life, etc.... 2 scenes with the cook... both are suggestive, and in 1 of them, something happens that will change something for the protagonist in the future... I'm sorry to say it, but I won't be able to add the scenes with the psychologist, but the images will be in the folder... I'm sorry, but with this laptop, I can't manage... So, what we have in this patch are
+22 new gifs... all the adult scenes are repetitive, to access them, you need to follow the same path as in the previous patch, and the poker game will unlock, at the same time, by following the previous path, the father will unlock in the visit room with these 5 scenes.
+New body part added: Lips. Removed Biceps.
+Reworked scene for "Just One of Him" in the showers.
+1 hidden event with Jackal and Chef during early morning work if you follow the full sub route, i.e., party with Chef, party with Jackal, and having done cardio in the gym and completed a task for the guard.
+If you continue the route with the prisoners from the other wing and are party-goers XD.
+2 more unique scenes... and in one of them, if you pay attention, the protagonist will reveal something personal... Ahem (this will be for the next voting).
+Technically there are 3 scenes; 1 global that will lead us to therapy, and here things may happen depending on certain factors; 1 introductory scene for the therapist, and 1 new location. These 3 scenes are non-sexual.
+4 M/M scenes, all set in the gym in the morning.
+There are 3 crossdressing scenes when your femininity reaches 20 to 30.
+3 more scenes from 30 to 50 femininity.
+An extra scene with the nerd in the library when your femininity is above 20, and another scene if the chef humiliates you in the kitchen.(Early work).
+added butt changes in the wardrobe tab.
Current Patch V0.33B! what do we have...
+ 4 crossdress scenes, 1 unique with the chef, and 3 repeatable ones, obviously in his cell during his schedule, let's say following the events of the inmate group from the other wing... and that's all I can reveal for now. By the way, to access the last scene that I'm working on right now, our beloved character had to be "doped" by Jackal,
+Our dear bald man will penalize the player based on their money stat on the way to Ismael's cell... if the player is, let's say, "loaded," they'll get 2 scenes, so we'll have a total of 6 scenes (I know, I promised 8, but don't worry, in the next patch, I'll include those 2, and it will be 10 scenes, whatever comes up).
+But I must say that there are new things too... all the code errors have been corrected (this is very important),
+All the portraits of the characters have been redone... and... we have a wardrobe now, and maybe body modifications for the future...
308575 Characters
44646 Words
191 Passages
178 Links
+Introduction of 2 new characters: One in the football field, where you must have succumbed during the match. This event includes character introduction and a unique sub/crossdress event with this character and another one.
+Another character introduced in the library during the designated time frame, if you have fallen for the nerd. This event also includes a unique sub event.
+In your own cell, after meeting these characters, Sasha will provide you with their descriptions and brief histories. This adds 2 scenes.
+Additionally, during the chef's time frame, if you have been humiliated by him and your femininity is above 20, there is a unique crossdress event that opens the door to future events.
+Another event takes place during lunchtime in the cafeteria, if your femininity is again above 20 and you have fully succumbed to Sasha and are on that path with the chef. This event offers a special food option.
+This event also unlocks the ability to eat in the cell with Sasha, resulting in another sub/crossdress event.
+Added 2 Chef scenes in the early evening in his cell.
+Added 2 Ismael scenes in the morning in a new location, his cell, adding +1 location.
+Added 2 Nerd scenes in the late afternoon in his cell, making a total of +6 scenes +1 location.
+Added 2 Bald man scenes in the afternoon in the yard if you follow the subquests of Sasha.
+Added 2 scenes with Sasha in the backyard early evening if you perform a certain task with him outdoors.
+Fixed an error in the shower
+Event with the cook during Early Evening. This event has now a unique subsequent event, making a total of 2 events.
+Added a unique event with the Nerd, with 2 subsequent events upon succumbing, totaling 3 events.
+Added 1 new location, partially revealed. (Higher-level Patreons will choose in the next survey, be careful!)
+Corrected a spelling error with Sasha's "his head" dialogue. It should be "his head!!!"
+On the football field, if you have succumbed to the Latin gang, in addition to training with them, you will have 3 time-unlimited events, which can be repeatable stages. This may vary in the future, but as always, the option will be open to surveys.
2 new scenes: 1 if you surrender to the shower prisoner... location: basketball court... 1 more scene with the chef... in the afternoon... location: regular tables... these 2 scenes are based on previous scenes. I have added a button at the beginning to redirect to Patreon for future support, and I have included a link in the sidebar menu to display the current changelog. 1 more scene with the nerd in the afternoon at the chess tables if you have followed the sub route, and now... if you have followed Sasha's super sub route where you have encountered a certain bald character... 3 new scenes... 1 unique scene with that character... and 2 additional scenes... making a total of 6 new scenes, of which 5 are repetitive to add more dynamism, featuring M/M content only.
<<return "Back">>
<center>The black prisoner approaches you and says:
<center><img src="img/npc/Blackshower.jpg"/></center>
<div class="crimson">'What's up, Snow White? How about a 1 vs 1? If you win... I'll pay you $10. And if I win, well, you can pay me the same or in other ways, like in the shower,' he says while licking his lips. What do you think?"</div>
[[Retreat|The BasketCourt]]
<center><<if $Str <= 50>>
<center><img src="img/npc/Blackshower.jpg"/></center>
The black prisoner overpowers you with his strength. He dominates the game so effortlessly that he dunks over you, rubbing his lower area on your face before knocking you down. After winning the 1 vs 1, he struts over you mockingly and says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, how are you going to pay? Will you give me $10, or are we heading to the backyard?"</div>
<<if $Money >= 10>>
[[Pay him|Pay1]]
[[Smile Embarrassed and go to the Backyard|Pybkyrd]]
You and the black prisoner engage in a fierce battle, each displaying your strength and skills. The match ends in a draw, leaving both of you evenly matched. The prisoner laughs and says, <div class="crimson">"Well, well, it seems we're even. Well played, impressive... I thought you were weaker. Hehe, see you around!"</div>
<<if $BlackGang == 0>>
<<set $BlackGang +=1>>
[[Return to the Activity Area|Activity Area]]
<</if>></center><center><center><img src="img/actions/pay.gif"/></center>
The black prisoner looks at you and says: <div class="crimson"> "Well, at least I got some exercise and got something out of it... I was hoping you'd pay me in a different way, darling, but well, you'll fall for me one way or another. Haha!"</div>
<<set $Energy -= 10>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<<set $Money -=10>>
<<set $BlackShowMoney +=5>>
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
Money: <<print $Money>>
[[Return to the Activity Area|Activity Area]]<center>
<<if $Money >= 10>>
<div class="crimson">"Well, I've noticed that even though you have money... Haha, you come here. You sure are a naughty one! Haha, relax, I won't judge you. Get on your knees and pay up properly"</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/blackinmate1.gif"/></center>
while trying to keep an eye out so that no one sees you. Every time you lock eyes with the black prisoner, he licks his lips and smiles, saying things like <div class="crimson">"Looking for a husband, eh? Who knows where this will lead haha."</div>
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/GayBF_2.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/GayBF_2.webp"/></center>
After a while, he finishes and says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, if you want to 'play' again, you know where to find me."</div>
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/cummouthblack.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/cummouthblack.webp"/></center>
<<if $BlackGang == 0>>
<<set $BlackGang -=1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return to Activity Area|Activity Area]]
<div class="crimson">Haha, it's annoying enough being in prison, but being broke and doing these things... ummm, I don't know how it will end for you. Well, start, don't be shy hehe. Get on your knees and pay up properly</div><center><img src="img/actions/blackinmate1.gif"/></center> while trying to keep an eye out so that no one sees you. Every time you lock eyes with the black prisoner, he licks his lips and smiles, saying<div class="crimson"> "Looking for a husband, eh? How things will turn out... umm, you know? I can help you make some money if you're that desperate." </div>
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/GayBF_2.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/GayBF_2.webp"/></center>
As he says this, you feel him tightening up, and he finishes by saying, <div class="crimson">"Well, if you want to 'play' again, you know where to find me. And maybe I have job offers for you... hehe."</div>
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/cummouthblack.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/cummouthblack.webp"/></center>
<<if $BlackGang == 0>>
<<set $BlackGang -=1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return to Activity Area|Activity Area]]
<</if>></center><center><center>You approach Big Tony, and he smiles at you:</center>
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChefSmile.jpg"/></center>
<div class="crimson">What do you think, little one? Do you think just because I have a few extra pounds, I lack strength? If you win, I'll give you $5... that way, you can save yourself from other types of work... haha! But if I win, he whispers, we'll go to the cell, and I think you'll be wearing some outfit for me. The other prisoners, seeing how the chef whispers to you, make strange faces, and the chef says, "I was telling him that he will come to my cell to discuss tomorrow's recipes... dirty-minded people..."</div> He says this while winking at you and pouting.
[[Retreat|The RegularTables]]</center><center><<if $Str <= 100 && $Str > 60>>
$name wins ferociously. The cook can't believe that despite everything and the use of tricks, you have been able to defeat the one who was trying to dominate you. Ashamed, the chef gives you $5 and says: <div class="crimson"> "Well... maybe I was wrong about you."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChef.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/pay.gif"/></center>
.<<set $Money +=5>>
<<set $Energy -= 10>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Smile and go to The Activty Area|Activity Area]]
You start exerting a lot of strength against Big Tony. He's half-smiling, holding his ground.
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChefSmile.jpg"/></center>
The situation seems even, but Big Tony stomps on you under the table, and you open your mouth in pain. Taking advantage of this situation, he wins by using his weight against your arm.
<center><img src="img/actions/losevschef.gif"/></center>
You feel great pain, and Big Tony says:<div class="crimson"> "See? I won. It's time to go to the cell."</div> You start protesting silently, to which the cook whispers:<div class="crimson"> "Listen, you better be a good girl and come to the cell with me... or I'll tell all these people how much fun you have with my sausage in the mornings... and trust me, after the sounds you made... they'd believe me..."</div> You blush, and he says:<div class="crimson"> "Well... guys, tomorrow we'll have a good menu. I'm going to teach a few things to my assistant, right $name?"</div> You say:<div class="gold"> "Yes..."</div> and he responds:<div class="crimson"> "For God's sake... show a little more respect. I'm your boss."</div> At the same time, you have a blush on your cheeks either due to humiliation or because maybe deep down it excites you. $name respond:<div class="gold"> "Yes, sir..."</div> and Big Tony says:<div class="crimson">"Alright, let's go to my cell..."</div>
[[In the cell of the Chef..|Bet1Result]]
<</if>></center><center><center><img src="img/items/schooluniform.jpg"/></center>
You see a hanging schoolgirl uniform.
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChefSmile.jpg"/></center>
Big Tony, smiling, says:<div class="crimson"> "What are you waiting for? Put it on, hehe."</div>
Reluctantly, you put it on while Big Tony says: <div class="crimson">"That's it, slowly, baby, hehe."</div>
When you turn around, you see something inexplicable.
<center><img src="img/sex/chefceld.webp"/></center>
Big Tony says:<div class="crimson"> "What were you expecting? Hehe, come on, start posing for me. Relax, I'll finish quickly, nobody's watching."</div>
You start posing, first against the wall. You try to be careful because the uniform didn't come with underwear.
<center><img src="img/actions/crossdressfirstchef.webp"/></center>
Big Tony says:<div class="crimson"> "Just a little bit more."</div>
<<if $LatinGang >= -3 >>
The chef licks his lips while looking at you and says:<div class="crimson"> "You know, I've been thinking that it's not enough. Give me a handjob... </div>You try to protest, and he says:<div class="crimson"> 'Isn't it true that you're the new cheerleader for the Latin group?'</div> You blush, and he continues:<div class="crimson"> 'Just as I imagined... come on... think about all the things you've done in the kitchen... and no one will find out....think to yourself, well, the sooner I finish, the sooner I can leave...' So, without further ado..."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/Closehandjob.gif"/></center>
Just before you give him a few strokes, the chef finishes and says:<div class="crimson"> "Hmm, that's how you'll learn not to mess with someone who's not your size..."</div> Blushing, you change your clothes, stand up, and leave while the chef wears a smug smile.
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChefSmile.jpg"/></center>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increase time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefSauceyou.gif"/></center>
Big Tony grunts and says:<div class="crimson"> "You can go change now. This has been very relaxing."</div>
Quickly, you change without saying a word, avoiding his gaze. You grab the money and leave as fast as you can.
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increase time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]<</if>></center>
<center><center><img src="img/npc/Nerd.jpg"/></center>
The Nerd say:<div class="crimson">"If you beat me, I'll give you 20 bucks! Yes, 20 bucks! But if I win, you have to do a special task for me"</div> (pointing at one of the members of the Latin Gang).
[[Retreat|The ChessTables]]</center><center><<if $Int <= 110>>
The Nerd says:<div class="crimson"> "My chessboard is special... perks of being friends with the guards, you know..."</div>
<center><img src="img/items/Chess.jpg"/></center>
The game starts and it seems to be going evenly. The Nerd starts making mischievous faces, <center><img src="img/npc/NerdSmile.jpg"/></center>while you were simply focused on the pieces, never... the crystal background of the chessboard. Suddenly, the Nerd says:<div class="crimson"> "You know, for someone who's supposed to be such a bully, you can't even look someone like me in the eye... When I beat you in this game, you're going to have flashbacks of the little job you did for me in the library..."</div> Embarrassed, you lower your gaze... and you start seeing visions on the chessboard...
<center><img src="img/actions/hpynochess1.webp"/><img src="img/actions/hpynochess2.webp"/><img src="img/actions/hpynochess3.webp"/></center>
The game progresses without you even realizing it because you're immersed in the images. Obviously, you lose, and in the background of the vision, you see the former member of the Latin Gang giving money to the Nerd. He smiles and you hear him say:<div class="crimson"> "Enjoy."</div> Immediately after, the Latin Gang member grabs your arm and you hear him say: <div class="crimson">"Let's go to the backyard, sweetheart, time to unload the sauce..."</div>
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/blowlatinobackyard.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/blowlatinobackyard.webp"/></center>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
<<if $Respect >= -20 && $Respect !== 100>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -20 && $Fame !== 100>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<if $Int >= 80>>
<<set $Int -= 2>>
<<if $Feminity < 20>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
[[Return to The Activity Area|Activity Area]]
The Nerd says:<div class="crimson"> "My chessboard is special... perks of being friends with the guards, you know..."</div>
<center><img src="img/items/Chess.jpg"/></center>
The game starts and it seems to be going evenly. The Nerd starts making mischievous faces,<center><img src="img/npc/NerdSmile.jpg"/></center> while you were simply focused on the pieces, never... the crystal background of the chessboard. Suddenly, the Nerd says:<div class="crimson"> "You know, for someone who's supposed to be such a bully, you can't even look someone like me in the eye... When I beat you in this game, you're going to have flashbacks of the little job you did for me in the library..."</div> You feel your chest starting to burn... rage fills your gaze, and you say:<div class="gold"> "You know what... I'm going to turn this game around and I'm going to finish you off. Let's see who enjoys savoring bananas, you damn dwarf..."</div> It's as if an otherworldly force has given you the mind of a genius... You start winning the game to the point where the Nerd surrenders... Fearful, the Nerd gives you the 20 bucks and says:<div class="crimson"> "We'll meet again someday..."</div>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
<<set $Money += 20>>
<<if $Respect >= -20 && $Respect !== 100>>
<<set $Respect += 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -20 && $Fame !== 100>>
<<set $Fame += 2>>
<<if $Int >= 80>>
<<set $Int += 0.5>>
[[Return to The Activity Area|Activity Area]]
<</if>></center><center><center><img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/></center>
Sasha says:<div class="crimson">I'll give you several options to earn money... do whatever you want, but you better deliver.</div> (while saying this, he clenches her fists)<div class="crimson"> I wouldn't want to have to show you who's in charge... although I know you enjoy it... </div>(as he says this, you blush)<div class="crimson"> Alright:</div>
<<if $Bald == 1>>
[[Go to the bathroom to see the same guy I told you about last time|Work1]]
[[A friend wants to see... if you have such great skills... (He makes gestures with his mouth)|Work2]]
[[If you don't want to do any of these... you can always give me a little kiss... sweet lips.. (He says this while touching his private area)|Work3]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Showers.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you enter, you notice something very suspicious. There is smoke in the room, and the showers are running... strange, considering it's not shower time. Suddenly, someone slams you against the wall. It's the same Bald Man that Sasha made you collect a debt from.
<center><img src="img/npc/ShavedWM.jpg"/></center>
BaldMen says:<div class="crimson"> "What did you expect coming here with your shit to collect money for him? Well, I paid, and now you pay."</div>
You don't know how to react, and he forcefully pushes your shoulders down. You haven't had any encounters like this in prison before, so you feel incredibly vulnerable and let him do as he pleases. He unzips his pants and tells you to open your mouth wide... he's going to fuck your pretty little head.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/blowbald.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/blowbald.webp"/></center>
You start to choke as your head hits the wall. It feels like you're about to lose consciousness, but he slaps you and says:<div class="crimson"> "No, not yet. Come here."</div> He holds your head and increases the intensity. You think you're going to suffocate as tears start streaming from your eyes.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/baldfacefuckyou.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/baldfacefuckyou.webp"/></center>
Sadistically, he says:<div class="crimson"> "Like that... learn your place. If you need someone rougher and more thug in your life... yes..."</div> You feel his member twitching and finally, he gives you one last push, forcing you to swallow everything. You remain motionless on the floor, with a stunned expression. Laughing, he says:<div class="crimson"> "What are you waiting for?" </div>You respond:<div class="lightpink"> "And the money?"</div> He chuckles and says:<div class="crimson"> "Sweetie, the whores don't get paid, their pimps do. This was a debt. We'll meet again."</div> After a while, you get up. It's already shower time. It's better to stay here and go unnoticed.
<<set $BaldDebt += 50>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
<<if $Bald == 1>>
<<set $Bald +=1>>
[[The Showers|The Showers]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Cells.jpg"/></center>
Sasha takes you to one of the cells where a prisoner, not too old nor in his prime, stares at you.
<center><img src="img/npc/Random1.webp"/></center>
Trembling, you look at Sasha and plead:<div class="gold"> "Please, no..."</div> to which the other prisoner responds:<div class="crimson"> "Relax, I'm impotent. I just want to watch a good show to sleep peacefully."</div>
You feel overwhelming relief as you unconsciously realize that you're smiling, and Sasha says:<div class="crimson"> "What are you waiting for... let's give him a good show, don't you think?"</div> You're not sure if it's the enthusiasm of it being Sasha or if you genuinely like the idea deep down. Either way, Sasha is already naked.
<center><img src="img/npc/Sashabody.jpg"/></center>
You immediately get on your knees and devour Sasha as if there's no tomorrow, while doing so, Sasha starts talking to the other prisoner, asking for his opinion on your technique and whether you have a future in the prison. The other prisoner laughs and says:<div class="crimson">"I don't know, but he sure knows how to handle a sword. Haha, it might bring you trouble if you don't make it yours entirely, haha."</div>
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/suckersashanight.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/cummouthsasha.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/sucksashafemenine.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/cummouthsasha.webp"/></center>
You prepare to spit on the ground, but the other prisoner tells Sasha:<div class="crimson"> "Seriously, you have such bad manners with him."</div> Sasha responds:<div class="crimson"> "Come on, don't be like that. He paid for it... and be thankful he didn't fondle you, haha."</div>
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/cumming_twinks_03.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/cumming_twinks_03.webp"/></center>
You swallow and while you're on the ground, contemplating everything that has happened, you see Sasha already dressed, talking to the other man and pointing at you, while receiving payment. After a while, Sasha approaches you, lifts you off the ground, gives your butt a pat, and says:<div class="crimson"> "Come on, babe, this good man has had enough of a show."</div>
<<set $ShashaMoney += 20>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Go To Your Cell|Your Cell]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/npc/Sasha.jpg"/></center>
You don't know what to say after everything Sasha has told you, so you sit on the bed, staring into nothingness. Suddenly, Sasha is there with pants lowered, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Hey, now you're surprised. You've been mesmerized. Come on... we still have some time..."</div> Without a word...
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/work3.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/gay-cum-in-mouth_001-9.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/work3.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/sissy-cum-in-mouth_001-9.webp"/></center>
After finishing, Sasha says:<div class="crimson"> "Well... a good way to end the day. I'm heading to the showers. You should do the same."</div>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center>
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChef.jpg"/></center>
Big Tony:<div class="crimson"> Come here, sit on my lap... let's talk about what you should do and what you shouldn't...</div>
$name: <div class="gold">No... I'm not going to sit on your lap... why? I've already given in enough.</div>
Big Tony:<div class="crimson"> Are you challenging me? Well, well... so you're not the new "cheerleader" for those three they let you play football with... Does Sasha know?</div>
$name: <div class="gold">Don't involve Sasha in this...</div>
Big Tony: <div class="crimson">Oh, I definitely will... start by taking off your pants and sit on top of me... it's time for you to learn a lesson.</div>
$name: <div class="gold">Seriously?</div>
Big Tony: <div class="crimson">And you keep defying me... look, sweetheart, I let you work in my kitchen without asking for much in return... or maybe it is a big deal after all... in return, I reward you with my mere presence... I've been here for a long time... and you dare to defy me... you're going to leave here having learned a lesson and unable to sit for a while... or else...</div>
Feeling embarrassed and before the chef finishes, you take off your pants and lay yourself on top of him over his legs...
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChefSmile.jpg"/></center>
Big Tony, smiling, says:<div class="crimson"> "Oh yes... it's time for you to learn who's in charge here..."</div> Without saying a word, he starts spanking you hard, the sound echoing throughout the cell as you grit your teeth to hold back any screams.
Big Tony, seeing this, says calmly:<div class="crimson">"Once it starts to burn, you'll scream...". </div>He continues to spank you harder until at one point, you start gasping in pain, and Big Tony tells you:<div class="crimson"> "I won't stop until you acknowledge who's in charge here, do you hear me?".</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/SpankedbyChef.gif"/></center>
You're not sure if it's been 3 minutes or a quarter of an hour, but you start begging him,<div class="gold"> "Please, stop... you're hurting me so much... they'll hear us... it hurts so much..."</div> to which Big Tony says:<div class="crimson"> "Who's in charge here?"</div> and you respond:<div class="gold"> "You... you, please stop..."</div> and he says:<div class="crimson"> "Whose body is this?"</div> and you reply:<div class="lightpink"> "Yours... yours, please..."</div> and he says:<div class="crimson"> "That's right, mine... and don't forget it... because I can be your friendly cook and your confidant, or I can take things to another level... now get out of here... and you better keep me happy from now on... darling... By the way, I have more dresses for you and more things reserved... we're going to play more often from now on." </div>(As he says this, he licks his lips and blows kisses at you...) <div class="crimson">Goodbye.</div>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<<if $Humillationsub == 0>>
<<set $Humillationsub += 1>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center>
Big Tony tells you:<div class="crimson"> "Come on, put this on."</div>
<center><img src="img/items/maiduniform.jpg"/></center>
You're going to clean my cell, pretty... we'll work on your femininity in the future...
(You blush seriously because I'm yielding so much to his demands... I feel so weak and blackmailed, but what am I going to do here if no one helps me?)
Seeing you lost in your thoughts while changing, Big Tony says:<div class="crimson">"Come on, don't blush like that, dear. You'll enjoy this with time, honey. Besides, what were you going to do in another part of the prison, huh? Big T will take care of you. Now, start cleaning my cell and be thankful that I'm not making you do a deeper cleaning... you know..."</div> (He says this while touching his package). He hands you a cloth and says:<div class="crimson"> "Make sure to clean the floor well by hand."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/cleaningforchef.gif"/></center>
Wanting to finish as soon as possible, you start cleaning the floor quickly with agile and focused movements, keeping your head down, dying of embarrassment. When you lift your gaze, you realize something...
<center><img src="img/sex/chefceld.webp"/></center>
Big Tony sees that you've noticed and says:<div class="crimson"> "Come on, don't stop, move your hand more... unless I make you do something else..."</div>
You continue finishing cleaning the floor while the chef continues his manual work while looking at you.
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefHi.gif"/></center>
You didn't realize it, but you were immersed in his hypnotic movement, so after a while...
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefSauceyou.gif"/></center>
he splashes some on your face, and the chef, smiling, says:<div class="crimson"> "Oops, haha, I got you. Let me help you..."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/sexy-excited.gif"/></center>
Since you're immobilized, the chef takes it as consent and starts putting the leftovers in your mouth while you inadvertently passionately suck his fingers.
Big Tony, seeing this, tells you:<div class="crimson"> "Look me in the eyes..." </div>Blushing, you look at him, and he says:<div class="crimson"> "You like being my slut, don't you? Haha... I'm going to make you a proper lady... yes..." </div>(You feel your face turning as red as a tomato). You swallow, and as you snap out of a trance, Big Tony smilingly says:<div class="crimson"> "You can go now..."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChefLaugh.jpg"/></center>
(You prepare to leave the cell) when The chef, laughing, tells you:<div class="crimson"> "Wow, if you want to leave dressed like that... haha... you hadn't noticed that you almost left while still changed..."</div> You put on your usual prisoner uniform and hurriedly leave as if chased by a ghost, while hearing the chef's laughter echoing in his cell.
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<<if $Humillationsub == 1>>
<<set $Humillationsub += 1>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/Nerd.jpg"/></center>
Alex: <div class="crimson">Come on, sit in front of me...</div>
$name: <div class="gold">But there are no chairs... Oh, okay... on the floor...</div>
Alex:<div class="crimson"> Yeah... well, I think we're going to take our relationship a step further, don't you think?</div>
$name: <div class="gold">You sigh... ugh, what do you want?</div>
Alex:<div class="crimson"> Why the long face? I've provided you with a way to make money... well, more like a way for me to make money without getting too messy... well, at least not for me</div> (he chuckles)...
$name:<div class="gold">Make me do what?</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/NerdSmile.jpg"/></center>
Alex:<div class="crimson"> Ah, yes... I'm going to show you a little room of fun where you can earn some money, you know... for your... things... debts... ahem, so that those Latin gang brutes respect me a bit more... you know, I take like... almost everything, and in return, you get the satisfaction of making some very "capo" prisoners happy... everyone wins, and no one finds out... it's only fair, right?</div>
You blush and ask him:<div class="gold"> "What other option do I have?"</div> to which Alex smiles and says:<div class="crimson"> "Perfect, follow me."</div>
<<if $Gloryhole == 0>>
<<set $Gloryhole += 1>>
[[Follow him|The GloryHole]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/GloryHole.webp"/></center>
Alex:<div class="crimson"> Well, here we are. You know what you have to do, right? Or have you become even dumber than I thought...</div>
$name:<div class="gold"> This must be a joke...</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/Nerd.jpg"/></center>
Alex: <div class="crimson">Do I look like I'm joking? Maybe you need a little help...</div>
As you look at the holes and all the obscene writings, when you turn around...
<center><img src="img/actions/hpynochess1.webp"/><img src="img/Dreams/magazinehypno1.webp"/><img src="img/Dreams/magazinehypno2.webp"/></center>
After a while, you become conscious of your actions again...
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/glory2.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/glory2.webp"/></center>
While you continue to suck, you realize that beside you, The Nerd is jerking off while watching you and saying:<div class="crimson"> "That's it, bitch... get me money and respect... you're gonna make me rich, haha."</div>
At the same time he says this, the guest from the other room ejaculates. As if it were an automatic reflex or maybe due to experiencing so many visualizations/experiences, you automatically swallow... While you do this, you see The Nerd picking up what seems to be around 20 dollars from a shelf with his other hand.
Smirking, he looks at you and says:<div class="crimson"> "Want your share, whore?"</div> (You nod in embarrassment) and he says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, open your mouth wide."</div>
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/nerdcumonyou.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/nerdcumonyou.gif"/></center>
Alex:<div class="crimson"> Oh yes... You know it's not enough... Clean it well, or you won't get paid...</div>
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/clean-nerdcock.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/clean-nerdcock.webp"/></center>
You've just cleaned him up, and The Nerd tosses a $5 bill disdainfully, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Take it, buy yourself something nice or do whatever you want, I don't care..."</div> (as he leaves)<div class="crimson"> "When you want to earn more money... come see me again."</div>
<<set $Money += 5>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<<if $HumillationsubNerd == 0>>
<<set $HumillationsubNerd += 1>>
<<set $NrdMoney += 15>>
Money: <<print $Money>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/cell233.webp"/></center>
You find yourself looking anywhere but at the Nerd's room. You're feeling a mixture of embarrassment and blushing due to the past events. The Nerd notices this and says:<div class="crimson"> "How does it feel... huh? That feeling of not knowing where to hide because someone is taking advantage of you... That's what you used to do to people... You know what the difference is between you and me? It's that you enjoy it because you know you deserve it... You're nothing but a bully who does to others what he would like to have done to him, and that's why you keep coming to my cell... But well, I'll stop psychoanalyzing you; it's not my role here... So, do you want to make money in the little room, or will you lend me a hand while I study?"</div>
[[Alex wants a handjob|HandjobNerd]]
[[Go to the "Glory" Room|Gloryhole]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/cell233.webp"/></center>
The Nerd stands upright, holding a book, while you kneel down. He says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, I'll leave you to it, and don't worry, nobody passes by at this hour. But who knows, maybe you'd like an audience in the future..."</div>
You feel embarrassed as you lower his pants.
<center><img src="img/actions/pantsout.gif"/></center>
You're taken aback as Alex asks:<div class="crimson"> "What's wrong...?</div> (You don't remember it being as big as last time)." He smiles and says:<div class="crimson"> "Missed it, huh? Well, start relaxing me because this reading is getting tedious."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/Closehandjob.gif"/></center>
As you continue your task hypnotically, you notice Alex starting to tremble with each stroke, and you smirk to yourself. Alex, who had been observing the scene from the corner of his eye, says:<div class="crimson"> "So, you've developed a kink for Nerd's bananas, huh? You should loosen up more... This book is becoming quite dense for my calculations... Would you mind..."</div>
Deep down, you know what he's indirectly referring to, so...
<center><img src="img/actions/lick.gif"/><img src="img/actions/blowbcock.gif"/></center>
You go all out, and Alex, with a final shudder and biting his lip...
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/nerdcumonyou.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/nerdcumonyou.gif"/></center>
When he's done, you start licking your lips, but Alex dismisses the scene, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Ah, much better. Thanks, little bully. You can leave now; I have to finish a couple of notes. It's been a very productive late afternoon, I think, for both of us... Until next time."</div> Without looking at you, he escorts you out of the cell.
Inside yourself, you think, seriously?
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center>On the way to the glory room, you notice a guard guarding the door whom you may have never seen before, although he looks familiar.
<center><img src="img/npc/BlackGuard.jpg"/></center>
Seeing Alex walking ahead of you, the guard discreetly speaks to him. You overhear him saying:<div class="crimson"> "Another new capture? How long will it take?" </div>Alex responds:<div class="crimson"> "I don't know, give me more time."</div> The guard says:<div class="crimson"> "I'll inform the Captain, and remember, the exception last time was due to the services rendered. This post will be under constant surveillance from now on."</div>
Both the guard and Alex stare at you, and the guard says:<div class="crimson"> "What are you waiting for? Enter inside. You have work to do."</div> (While they are closing the door, you see them exchanging money.)
You look again at that familiar room.
<center><img src="img/Locations/GloryHole.webp"/></center>
Suddenly, through one of the holes, a voice says:<div class="crimson"> "I paid for this. Start sucking, you slut, or you'll see my angry friend, the guard."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/dickhole.gif"/></center>
Without a word, and realizing you have been caught up in a more turbulent situation, you start sucking.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/gloryhole1.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/gloryhole1.webp"/></center>
You suck as if your life depended on it until...
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/amazing-glory-hole-6.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/amazing-glory-hole-6.webp"/></center>
The door unlocks, and you see the guard laughing with Alex. They tell you:<div class="crimson">"You should clean your mouth... you're such a filthy pig... haha."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/cmouth.jpg"/></center>
You automatically lick your lips while they look at you perplexed. The guard starts laughing and says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, well, it seems we have a turbocleaner here,"</div> as he grabs his package. As you lower your gaze at the same time, the guard misinterprets it as a sign of consent and says:<div class="crimson"> "Who knows, maybe if you do me a little favor, I'll let you pass... haha."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/Nerd.jpg"/></center>
Alex aggressively interrupts, realizing that the guard seemed to have forgotten about his presence, and says:<div class="crimson"> "That's not the deal."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/BlackGuard.jpg"/></center>
The guard says:<div class="crimson"> "Are you still here? Leave before I change my mind and report you to the Captain... haha."</div>
Alex accompanies you back to your cell and says on the way:<div class="crimson"> "Well, we'll stay in touch, and don't even think about doing anything without me, got it?"</div>
<<set $NrdMoney += 20>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/><img src="img/npc/jesuslatin.webp"/><img src="img/npc/Latin1.webp"/></center>
You approach the three Latinos timidly and blushing, while Ismael smilingly says to you:<div class="crimson"> "Wow mamasita, you're starting to understand your place, huh"</div> (while he nudges his companion). The other one says<div class="crimson"> "Well, Ismael, what do you want us to do?"</div> to which he responds:<div class="crimson"> "We'll give you several options..."</div>
[[Ismael tells you that you can suck him off for a while in The BackYard|BlowBackyard]]
[[Another Latino tells you to go clean the locker rooms|BlowLoker]]
[[The last one tells you to give him a quick handjob in TheBackYard|Handjobyard]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/></center>
You follow Ismael to The Backyard, and he looks for a secluded spot behind a tree in the garden. He tells you to close your eyes, and you, frightened, ask why. He says he has a little kink and asks if you'd prefer to see him angry. You close your eyes, and suddenly you feel something on your lips.
<center><img src="img/items/ismaelputinlipstickonyou.gif"/></center>
He tells you not to move and says;<div class="crimson">"That's right, beautiful, just like that for me. Touch your lips."</div> He adds:<div class="crimson">"Don't ruin it. I want you to leave a mark, bitch. Now, get to work. Hmm, you look so gorgeous. With a few more touch-ups, you'll be the queen of the place, haha."</div>
<center><img src="img/you/lipstick.webp"/></center>
You slowly move down, lovingly kissing his torso.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/kisstorso.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/kisstorso.gif"/></center>
After a bit of jaw work...
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/blowbcock.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/blowbcock.webp"/></center>
As you comply with Ismael's orders, he becomes more dominant and forcefully thrusts into your mouth without mercy.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/facefucked.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/facefucked.webp"/></center>
At the same time, he says:<div class="crimson"> "Oh yes, fuck, I'm going to have a new slut for myself. The team knew it as soon as they saw you. Say 'ahhh' for your new daddy."</div>
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/blowismaeloutdoor.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/blowismaeloutdoor.webp"/></center>
Ismael: <div class="crimson">"You like that, huh? Now clean it up, bitch. Hurry, I have to go."</div>
You don't know why, but the way he treats you starts to enchant you, giving you a tingling sensation in your rear.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/Sperm_shooter_05.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/Sperm_shooter_05.webp"/></center>
After you finish cleaning him up, Ismael puts it back in his pants, looks at you, and says:<div class="crimson"> "Haha, maybe I have a bit of an artist in me. What a beautiful canvas you are, darling. Haha, see you later."</div>
Feeling both embarrassed and aroused, you clean your face as best you can and return to The Yard.
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[The Yard|The Yard]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/Locker.webp"/></center>
You follow the other Latino, and he tells you to start cleaning. He hands you a cloth, and you as:<div class="gold"> "Just this?"</div> With a malicious smile, he replies: <div class="crimson">"For now, yes."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/kitchen.jpg"/></center>
As you're busy cleaning and getting closer to the other Latino without realizing it...
<center><img src="img/sex/revealoker.webp"/></center>
Latin:<div class="crimson"> "Start cleaning."</div>
Without thinking much and knowing you don't have any other options because you don't want to get beaten up...
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/blowlatin2.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/gay-cum-in-mouth_001-9.gif"></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/blowlatin2.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/latin-cum-in-mouth_001-9.webp"/></center>
After finishing, the Latino pulls up his pants and says:<div class="crimson"> "Wow, you really know how to clean the area well... haha... See you, 'miss'." </div>(while blowing you a kiss)
You wipe off the remnants from your face and return to The Yard.
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[The Yard|The Yard]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
You follow the last of the Latinos into a passage between the backyard and The Yard. He quickly tells you:<div class="crimson">"Hurry up, I don't have much time. Give me a handjob; I have other things to do."</div> You stare at him and ask:<div class="gold"> "Seriously, just that? After everything?"</div> Laughing silently, he replies:
<center><img src="img/npc/Latin1.webp"/></center>
<div class="crimson">"What were you expecting? Haha, this time I'll settle for a handjob. Come on, quickly."</div>
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/handjob1.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/handjob1.webp"/></center>
He says:<div class="crimson"> "Damn, keep going fast."</div> After a while, he finishes in your hands and tells you:<div class="crimson"> "You know, since there wasn't time for more, you should clean those fingers properly, don't you think?"</div> He says this while clenching his fists.
<center><img src="img/actions/rageinmates.jpg"/></center>
Terrified, you look at him and say:<div class="lightpink">"Okay, okay, don't get like that... I didn't mean to offend you..."</div> You start licking your fingers.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/maslickfingers7.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/femlickfingers7.webp"/></center>
The Latino starts smiling as he watches what you're doing and says:<div class="crimson"> "That's it, savor my sauce... You like it, don't you?"</div> blushing, you respond:<div class="lightpink">"Yes..." </div>He looks at you, then glances in other directions, and says:<div class="crimson"> "We'll enjoy more time together... believe me... Goodbye, little one..."</div>
As he walks away, you try to regain your composure and think to yourself:<div class="lightpink"> "What the hell have I gotten myself into... and what's wrong with these guys... they're worse than me a thousand times..."</div> After this intrusive thought, you return to The Yard.
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[The Yard|The Yard]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/items/schooluniform.jpg"/></center> A school uniform is hanging.
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChefSmile.jpg"/></center> Big Tony, smiling, says: <div class="crimson">"What are you waiting for? Put it on, hehe."</div>
Reluctantly, you put it on while Big Tony says: <div class="crimson">"That's it, slowly, baby, hehe."</div>
When you turn around, you see something inexplicable.
<center><img src="img/sex/chefceld.webp"/></center> Big Tony says: <div class="crimson">"What were you expecting? Hehe, come on, start posing for me. Relax, I'll finish quickly, nobody's watching."</div>
You start posing, first against the wall. You try to be careful because the uniform didn't come with underwear.
<center><img src="img/actions/crossdressfirstchef.webp"/></center> But this time... the chef, seeing you turn around, says:<div class="crimson"> it's not enough, let's add one more variable...</div>
<center><img src="img/items/Plug.jpg"/></center> The chef, smiling, says: <div class="crimson">"Come on, get in position..."</div> You, blushing...
<center><img src="img/actions/prepare.webp"/></center> After getting into position and not feeling much in your rear area... mysteriously... the chef says:<div class="crimson"> "There we go... pose for me... start moving your legs on the bed..."</div>
<center><img src="img/items/Pluginserted.webp"/></center> <center><img src="img/actions/posefromchef.webp"/></center> The chef continues to do manual work while watching you.
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefHi.gif"/></center> You don't know why, but the sensation of moving your legs that way starts to heat up the area and the chef says: <div class="crimson">"Come on, don't be shy... start moving what I put in you... you'll see, you'll love it..." </div>while placing a cup underneath, thinking about the last time you tried to reprimand him and seeing that you're not having such a bad time...
<center><img src="img/items/Dildoass.gif"/></center> The chef, smiling as you see it between your legs, says:<div class="crimson"> "Oh, yes... you like it, huh? Imagine when you have me inside you..."</div> Upon hearing him, you shudder and end up in the cup... The chef, seeing this, scolds you:<div class="crimson"> "You know what you have to do..."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/glup.jpg"/></center> After this movement and feeling a bit dizzy, he says:<div class="crimson"> "Open your mouth..."</div> You obey without protest and...
<center><img src="img/actions/cumeatingcheffemenine.webp"/></center> After swallowing and feeling a bit out of it due to the situation, between the heat in your rear area and a bittersweet and dense taste in your mouth, and seeing the chef so happy, you feel both excited and humiliated... but grateful. The chef, seeing this, says:<div class="crimson"> "See, I told you we would enjoy our time together more... Take 5 dollars and you can leave if you want..."</div> (he says this with a malicious laugh)
<<set $Money +=5>>
<<if $Feminity < 30>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
Money: <<print $Money>>
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center>While you sit with your back against the cell door, you feel Big Tony gently applying makeup to your face. You can perceive the calmness in his breathing, which surprises you as you expected some kind of unusual comment or behavior from him.
As time passes, you notice that Big Tony takes his time and pays attention to every detail while applying the makeup products. You realize that he is truly skilled at what he does, demonstrating artistic abilities not only in the kitchen but also in the realm of makeup.
<center><img src="img/actions/makeupbychef.jpg"/></center> As he continues working on your face, Big Tony shares his previous experiences with makeup and how he has developed a passion for this art form. You may be surprised by his dedication and knowledge in the field, but at the same time, you appreciate his skill and the care he puts into his work. One of the prisoners starts talking to Big Tony from the entrance of the cell, asking what he's doing, and he responds: <div class="crimson">"Just practicing my art."</div>
<center><img src="img/items/ismaelputinlipstickonyou.gif"/></center> You start blushing to an extreme level because... that voice... is... Ismael?¿?
<center><img src="img/npc/Ismael.jpg"/></center> The chef, seeing you, says::<div class="crimson"> "It's hard to believe... why are you surprised?¿? Well, Ismael, what do you think of my art?"</div>
<center><img src="img/you/fe30.webp"/><img src="img/you/fe22.webp"/><img src="img/you/fe25.webp"/><img src="img/you/fe26.webp"/></center> Big Tony asks him:<div class="crimson"> which one he would choose... well, I suppose you'll have time to think about it... </div>Ismael, licking his lips while seeing the chef's art... says:<div class="crimson"> maybe I should take her to my cell... as long as we have a deal...</div>
Big Tony says:<div class="crimson"> interesting... you know how I am with my art...</div>
You, not knowing where to put yourself and seeing how the situation is... you keep blushing like a tomato.
<<if $Celli == 0>>
Big Tony, contemplating this, says:<div class="crimson">what do you think, Ismael, if... he does you a little favor here... while the makeup effect lasts and in exchange for our dear... we don't talk about it... it's a good deal... and you give him the location of your cell... and we'll see how this develops</div>... Ismael responds done while lowering his pants and you immediately, due to the panic attack and the effects of that "makeup"...
<center><img src="img/sex/latinsuckcrosdressed1.webp"/></center>
After finishing, Ismael smiles and says:<div class="crimson"> "My cell is 238. See you in the morning, darling."</div>
<<set $Celli = 1>>
Big Tony:<div class="crimson">Well, $name, you know what you have to do... </div>Immediately observing Ismael with his pants down...
<center><img src="img/sex/latinsuckcrosdressed1.webp"/></center>
After these events, the chef gives you 5 dollars and says:<div class="crimson"> for the services rendered</div>with a smile... You, robotic, take them and leave...
<<set $Money +=5>>
<<if $Feminity < 30>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
Money: <<print $Money>>
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/cell238.webp"/></center>
<div class="seagreen" onclick="toggleDropdown('descriptionText')">Description</div>
<div class="dropdown-text" id="descriptionText">
You enter the cell of Ismael. The small space is dimly lit, with a faint smell of sweat and desperation lingering in the air. The walls are adorned with an assortment of posters, each depicting explicit adult content. The provocative images feature seductive figures in various suggestive poses, adding a touch of sensuality to the otherwise bleak surroundings.
Despite the confined space, the prisoner has managed to create a semblance of personal comfort. A worn-out mattress lays on the bunk bed, covered in a thin sheet that bears signs of wear and tear. A small makeshift shelf is mounted on the wall, holding a few personal belongings, including a collection of adult magazines and a portable radio.
The cell itself exudes an atmosphere of secrecy and indulgence, serving as an escape from the harsh reality of prison life. The juxtaposition of the explicit posters against the cold, unforgiving walls reflects the prisoner's longing for desire and passion amidst the confines of his incarceration.
[[Ismael tells you, Mamasita, come here... it's time to play|Joy]]
<center><center><img src="img/npc/Ismael.jpg"/></center>
Ismael says:<div class="crimson"> "I think we're going to start the morning with some fun activity... you know, mami..."</div>
<<if $Cellj == 1>>
Ismael Continues: <div class="crimson">" And Remember that Jackal's cell is 236, and it's only open in the Afternoon."</div>
<<if $Feminity >=5>>
[[Ismael makes you put on high heels and walk around the cell for 1 hour|Walkheels]]
<<if $Feminity >=5>>
[[Ismael tells you to put on makeup as Big Tony has been doing to you|PutMToIsmael]]
<<if $Lips >= 1 && $Lips <= 2 && $Chest >= 1 && $Chest <= 2>>
[[Ismael, seeing you approaching, smiles and asks you to come closer to him.|MamasitaEV1]]
<<if $Feminity >=30>>
[[Ismael, I think it's time to work on your cheerleader side, darling.|Cheerleaderevents]]
<<if $Underwear >= 1>>
[[Ismael notices your underwear and drapes his arm over your shoulder.|PimpedByIsmael]]
<<if $Juan >= 1 && $Chest >= 1 && $Intox >= 2>>
[[Ismael, looking at you, says, "Do you want to go to a party with my friend Jackal?"|IntroduceJackalParty]]
<center><center><center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/></center>
Surprisingly, Ismael takes out a pair of heels from your locker and with a level of sweetness you never imagined, he says:<div class="crimson"> "Come on, princess, walk around here. I told you I would turn you into a princess... don't resist... 'andele'."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/walheels.gif"/></center>
You spend the morning walking in heels while Ismael just smiles, completely captivated by you.
<<if $Feminity < 50>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/></center>
Ismael takes out a briefcase similar to the one Big Tony has in his cell and says:<div class="crimson"> "Come on, mamasita, you need to learn how to make yourself look beautiful for the guys' games."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/makeup.gif"/></center>
As you apply makeup under Ismael's intense gaze, you're almost done with an area when he says:<div class="crimson"> "Umm, let me help you, mamasita."</div>
<center><img src="img/items/ismaelputinlipstickonyou.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/you/Crossdre.jpg"/></center>
Surprisingly, maybe it's the combination of the makeup or the chef's "lunches," but in the reflection, you see yourself looking very feminine, and you feel a sense of blush and excitement inside. Meanwhile, you glance out of the corner of your eye as Ismael unbuttons his pants...
<center><img src="img/actions/Gossipm.gif"/></center>
When you turn around, not so surprised by his actions, he says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, mamasita, I think it's my fair reward for helping you... Come on... hehe."</div>
Without a word and already accustomed, perhaps from the many times you've done this action before...
<center><img src="img/sex/latinsuckcrosdressed1.webp"/></center>
When you finish, surprisingly, your skin seems to absorb the makeup, and you have a sensation where you feel more feminine while seeing Ismael smile for having enjoyed your company in a different way, not as rough as in the football field.
<<if $Feminity < 50>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/NerdSmile.jpg"/></center>
$name:<div class="gold"> What do you know?</div>
Alex:<div class="crimson"> Me? Nothing... well, maybe I do know something... how about mornings?</div> (as he says this, he makes gestures of "putting on makeup" while walking in a feminine manner, and then he gestures with his mouth)
Blushing, you lower your head... As the Nerd continues, he says:<div class="crimson">"So, you can't deny it anymore, huh? Who would've thought that behind that appearance, you secretly enjoy being made to feel like a female, huh? Haha... I can contribute to that if... it also benefits me more... Um, I'll give you two options..."
Option 1: Try the new VR Glasses mode.
Option 2: Would you like another type of "hypnosis"?</div>
[[The VR Glasses|Glasses2]]
[[Really, that hypnosis doesn't work...|Hypnosis2]]</center><center>
Alex puts the VR glasses on you and says:<div class="crimson"> "Enjoy this new experience. I'll gather data based on your activity."</div> Before activating the VR, you notice that the nerd has a laptop in his cell, and he assures you:<div class="crimson"> "It doesn't have internet, believe me. It's only for taking notes. But well, dear, how could you not remember this?"</div> As soon as you utter the word<div class="gold"> "What?,"</div> you begin to see images accompanied by sounds within the VR.
<center><img src="img/sex/vrc.gif"/></center>
You start to lose track of time as highlighted questions begin to appear.
<center><img src="img/sex/sissylatinhpyno.gif"/></center>
In the first question, you begin to say <div class="lightpink">"yes, I'll go," </div>and suddenly, you start to feel something on your lips while continuing to visualize images.
<center><img src="img/items/ismaelputinlipstickonyou.gif"/></center>
In the second image, you see the following.
<center><img src="img/sex/hypnolatinsissy.webp"/></center>
You hear Alex laughing in the background as you say: <div class="lightpink">"umm, yes, I want that."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/latinsissyhypno3.webp"/></center>
You don't know how much time has passed... but you start to feel sensations in your lower area...
<center><img src="img/actions/nerdfuckyou.webp"/></center>
You start to struggle, but you can't. You're in a trance while Alex pushes with all his strength, telling you to:<div class="crimson"> relax and that you won't remember anything later. Well, maybe your lower area will...</div> You can't believe what's happening. After a while, you hear Alex biting your ear and moaning... and...
<center><img src="img/actions/cuminass.webp"/></center>
And then, the Nerd...
<center><img src="img/actions/zap.gif"/></center>
You find yourself sitting on the Nerd's bed while he half laughs and says:<div class="crimson"> "Alright, get out of here... You've fallen asleep again. It's unbelievable."</div>
<<if $Feminity < 50>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
<<if $Int >= 60>>
<<set $Int -= 2>>
Your Feminity has increased to: <<print $Feminity>>
Your Intelligence has decreased to: <<print $Int>>.
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/NerdSmile.jpg"/></center>
The nerd starts laughing and tells you:<div class="crimson"> "Alright, let's see if I can hypnotize you. Look at this steadily."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/hpynoyou.gif"/></center>
He tells you:<div class="crimson">"Look at it steadily, calm yourself, count to 8 with me, and take a deep breath. Don't lose sight of the clock."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/numbers.gif"/></center>
First, you start seeing numbers... and then images...
<center><img src="img/actions/hpynonerd3.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/hypnonerd4.gif"/></center>
But this time, you see a blurry figure familiar to you...
<center><img src="img/npc/BlackGuard.jpg"/></center>
Then you see another nonsensical image while hearing in the background:<div class="crimson">"Open your mouth wide, babe."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/guardshow2.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/femenine10blablow.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/zap.gif"/></center>
When you hear a snap of fingers, you wake up feeling dazed and with blurry vision. Not to mention that your mouth tastes peculiar. You ask Alex what happened, and he casually replies:<div class="crimson"> "Ah, nothing. You were just zoned out, staring into space. I guess it didn't work."</div> You inquire about the strange taste, and he quickly responds, <div class="crimson">"Must be from having your mouth open for too long, you know..."</div>
<<if $Feminity < 50>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
<<if $Int >= 60>>
<<set $Int -= 2>>
Your Feminity has increased to: <<print $Feminity>>
Your Intelligence has decreased to: <<print $Int>>.
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/ShavedWM.jpg"/></center>
The Bald Man:<div class="crimson"> Hahaha, I don't know who's been instructing you so well, you're quite obedient... hahaha. Ahh, how many bananas have you eaten already, darling?</div>
You blush, looking around, unsure of what he wants as you make gestures from a distance.
Suddenly, the Bald Man's expression changes to a more aggressive tone, and he says:<div class="crimson"> "What are you insinuating? Are you calling me something?"</div>
Blushing and intimidated, you quickly reply:<div class="lightpink">"No, no, I don't want any trouble..."</div>
The Bald Man smiles sadistically and says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, if you're looking for trouble... two things are going to happen here. Either you leave with a sore jaw or a sore ass. It's your choice..."</div>
[[Ass|Ass]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
The bald man takes you to a secluded spot in the backyard and forcefully pushes you down with his hands on your shoulders, and immediately...
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/baldfacefuckyou.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/baldfacefuckyou.webp"/></center>
As he suffocates you with his thrusts, he says:<div class="crimson"> "Yes... I'm going to rid you of any trace of gag reflex, baby, hahahaha."</div>
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/facefucked.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/facefucked.webp"/></center>
You allow him to use your head as he pleases until the very end when he tells you:<div class="crimson"> "Yes... open your mouth wide..."</div>
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/gay-cum-in-mouth_001-9.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/sissy-cum-in-mouth_001-9.webp"/></center>
As you obediently comply and swallow, his sadistic smile grows even wider as he says:<div class="crimson"> "Yes, I'll train you even more than Sasha... I'll have you crawling and drooling for me when you enter my cell... haha."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/sexy-excited.gif"/></center>
He continues:<div class="crimson"> "That's it, savor the remnants... haha, what a filthy pig you are... I love it..."</div> You continue sucking his fingers, feeling both excited and embarrassed. You're not sure why, but this bald man seems to have awakened a slightly masochistic side within you...
After finishing, the bald man smiles and as he leaves, he says:<div class="crimson"> "I'm starting to enjoy our encounters, piggy... who knows... haha."</div>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[The Yard|The Yard]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
The bald man takes you to a secluded spot in the backyard, and without any warning...
<center><img src="img/actions/insertion.webp"/></center>
As he tells you:<div class="crimson"> it's time for you to be tamed properly... no more sweetness or half measures, you're worth nothing more than this...</div>
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/pinnedown.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/pinnedown.webp"/></center>
With each forceful thrust, you feel as if you're about to break, until...
<center><img src="img/actions/creampieanalbysasha.webp"/></center>
With this final move, your eyes widen as you feel your buttocks being brutally spanked, and the bald man leaves without a care, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Until we meet again, piggy! Haha..."</div>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[The Yard|The Yard]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/></center>
Sasha, smiling, asks you what you feel like doing.
[[Sasha looks at your ass|Ass1]]
[[Sasha stares at your mouth|Mouth1]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
Sasha lowers his pants, taking out something from one of his pockets, and proceeds to lubricate herself while you lower your pants, facing away and looking around.
<center><img src="img/actions/sashapreparecock.webp"/></center>
Then you feel him pushing inside you...
<center><img src="img/actions/insertfirst.webp"/></center>
Perhaps accustomed to your previous actions, you find it more pleasurable and start synchronizing your movements with his thrusts.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/fuckedoutdoor.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/fuckedoutdoor.webp"/></center>
In no time, just as Sasha seemed to want it, it's been quick but explosive...
<center><img src="img/actions/cuminass.webp"/></center>
Afterward, with a smile, Sasha pulls up his pants while you touch your ass, and he says:<div class="crimson"> "It was a pleasure, darling. Haha, I can tell you loved it by the look of it."</div> (You hadn't noticed, but you had created a wet spot from all the thrusting.) Blushing but still with a shy smile, you laugh, and Sasha says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, see you later. Don't take too long or the guards and other prisoners might get suspicious. Haha, see you later."</div>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[The Yard|The Yard]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
Sasha lowers his pants, revealing her member...
<center><img src="img/sex/Sashareveal.webp"/></center>
Indirectly, you bite your lip, and upon seeing this, Sasha says, <div class="crimson">"Well, it seems like you're falling in love with her, huh? Haha, maybe I don't have to shower later if you're going to clean me up.Haha."</div>
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/suckpublicbackyard.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/suckpublicbackyard.webp"/></center>
You devour his member as if you were being paid for it... perhaps the feeling you have for him, the dominant tone he uses with you, and how he treats you differently compared to other prisoners. While you carry out your task and realize that you're immersed in these thoughts, Sasha looks at you and says:<div class="crimson"> "I love that you're so thorough, but I think you want more, don't you?"</div>
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/sashaforcedblow.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/sashaforcedblow.webp"/></center>
You feel his intimate part touching the back of your throat, and you think to yourself, why?
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/facefucked.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/facefucked.webp"/></center>
After a while...
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/nerdcumonyou.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/Cum_on_face.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/blowismaeloutdoor.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/Cum_on_face.webp"/></center>
After this intense outdoor session, Sasha looks at you and says:<div class="crimson">"Phew, I think I'll skip the shower. Haha, I feel clean and relieved now... but you... you should go... yes, yes... haha. Well, see you later, darling..."</div>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[The Yard|The Yard]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Football.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/npc/Ismael.jpg"/></center>
Ismael looks at you from the corner of his eye as you approach and whispers something to the unknown man standing there... As you get closer, he says:<div class="crimson"> "Hello, Mamacita, let me introduce you to my dear friend Juan 'The Jackal' Rodriguez.</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/TheJackal.webp"/></center>
Juan says:<div class="crimson"> "Pleasure to meet you, you must be $name, at least for now, right? Haha"</div>(he nudges Ismael with his elbow, smiling). Ismael responds, looking at you:<div class="crimson"> "I think we should go to my cell to celebrate this pleasant encounter. I also have a hidden surprise for this occasion..."</div>
You begin to protest when Ismael grabs you by the arm and says:<div class="crimson"> "I insist, my dear..."</div>
[[There's no other choice...|CellOfIsmael]]</center>IN PROGRESS..
<<return "Back">><center><center><img src="img/Locations/cell238.webp"/></center>
You find yourself in Ismael's Cell, and along the way, you felt Juan glaring at you from behind while he told Ismael that <div class="crimson">"there was good material here."</div>
Once inside the cell, Ismael retrieves a bottle of what appears to be Cuban rum and three glasses from a hidden place, possibly the ventilation duct, as you observed. Meanwhile, Juan takes out a homemade pipe and some pills of a pinkish-violet color. They both say to you:<div class="crimson"> "Come, sit in the middle, let's celebrate this properly, hehe."</div>
With no other choice and unsure of how you ended up in the lion's den, doubting yourself, they tell you to take a drink. So you proceed to drink, thinking to yourself:<div class="yellow"> "Well, it's been a while since I had a drink..."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/alcohol.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/pills.gif"/></center>
<<if $Intox < 3>>
<<set $Intox += 1>>
Right after taking the drink, you notice that it's stronger than the alcoholic beverages you used to have in high school. Ismael laughs and says:<div class="crimson"> "Haha, enjoy, little one. We distilled it ourselves. You'll have time to pay me back properly." </div>As he says this, he caresses your knee. Meanwhile, Juan, watching the scene, has prepared something in the pipe and tells you to try it. So...
<center><img src="img/actions/weed.gif"/></center>
<<if $Intox < 3>>
<<set $Intox += 1>>
The cell starts to spin, and your consciousness seems to be floating between being and non-being, traveling through the universe.
<center><img src="img/actions/trippy-psychedelic.gif"/></center>
In a moment of lucidity, you find yourself sitting on Ismael's lap, dressed in women's clothing. You don't know how you ended up there.
<center><img src="img/actions/lap-sitting.gif"/></center>
In the background, you hear Ismael saying:<div class="crimson"> "Wow, that shit is strong. Haha, you even put it in his drink."</div> Juan responds:<div class="crimson"> "Of course, buddy, now give him a chest massage. You'll see the effects after a few sessions, haha."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/touchedtits.webp"/></center>
You don't know how much time has passed. You wake up in your cell and feel a tingling sensation in your chest and mouth, as if they were filled with sauce. You start to remember...
<center><img src="img/actions/swallowmale2.gif"/><img src="img/actions/swallowmale2-2.gif"/></center>
But the worst part is when you look at your chest...
<center><img src="img/you/Body/Chest/t0.jpg"/><center>
You tell yourself:<div class="yellow"> "It's not very noticeable, but what the hell happened?"</div> You believe you deserve an explanation, but that will have to wait. For now, you find yourself in your cell.
<<if $Feminity < 50>>
<<set $Feminity += 2>>
<<if $Chest == 0>>
<<set $Chest +=1>>
<<if $Juan == 0>>
<<set $Juan += 1>>
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
As you approach to see what the old librarian wants, you notice a mischievous smile on his face as soon as you get closer.
<center><img src="img/npc/OldLibrariangym.webp"/></center>
Old Librarian: <div class="crimson">Well, young lad, I don't know what you think this place is, but it's not usual for you to offer your services in my area.</div>
You question his use of the word<div class="gold"> "services."</div>
The old librarian licks his lips and tells you to come closer and see. You become petrified as you see a recording where you are clearly on your knees performing an act on someone. As you continue watching the images, more scenes appear one after another...
<center><img src="img/actions/DUMB1.gif"/><img src="img/actions/DUMB2.gif"/></center>
Then, with a sense of deja vu, as if you've experienced something similar before...
<center><img src="img/actions/SuckLibrarian.webp"/></center>
While involuntarily performing one of your infamous oral tasks again, you see the Old Librarian unfazed, continuing to attend to his duties at the counter. A prisoner approaches him and asks why they hear those sounds, like plumbing or something. The old librarian responds:<div class="crimson"> "Oh, it's just the pipes, my brother. You know how it is." </div>They both start laughing as you finish in your mouth and the old librarian taps you on the cheek.
<center><img src="img/actions/gay-cum-in-mouth_001-9.gif"/></center>
He then pushes you away from the counter, and the other prisoner starts laughing maniacally. The librarian tells him <div class="crimson">"keep quiet and not draw attention, as he has enough on his plate, aside from being a future prison whore, stupid haha"</div>. You find yourself sitting on your ass, your face covered in the librarian's cum. He looks at his accomplice and says:<div class="crimson"> "What do you think... should we keep quiet about how much of a slut he is if he swallows?" </div>The other prisoner nods, and you...
<center><img src="img/actions/maslickfingers7.webp"/></center>
Desperately, you lick your fingers and savor the taste, all while saying in desperation, <div class="lightpink">Oh yes, it's delicious, please don't tell anyone..."</div>
The old librarian laughs even harder, along with the prisoner, and says:<div class="crimson"> "See, he's just as dumb as we said. We only told her to swallow, and he acts like the whore he truly is at heart... haha. Now, get out of our sight before we turn this place into a Roman orgy with you, haha."</div> You quickly get up from the floor and rush back to your cell as fast as you can.
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
<<set $Feminity +=2>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $Librarian += 1 >>
<<set $Int -=5>>
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
Inteligence: <<print $Int>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]] </center><center><center><img src="img/npc/OldlibrarianLibrarySmile.webp"/></center>
<div class="royalblue">
The Old Librarian of the prison is a captivating enigma. His physical presence commands attention, with a bulky and muscular frame that speaks of both strength and resilience gained from long years behind bars. However, his true power lies in the connections he has carefully cultivated within the prison's intricate social web.
Whispers circulate throughout the facility, hinting at the Old Librarian's mysterious alliance with the prison guards, particularly the esteemed captain of the area. Their relationship seems to go beyond mere professional cooperation, with a deep trust and shared secrets binding them together.
But it doesn't end there. There's another intriguing aspect to the Old Librarian's presence: his involvement with the prison's chemical laboratory. No one knows for certain the nature of this connection or the role he plays in the secretive experiments conducted there. Speculation runs rampant, and whispers suggest that he may serve as a clandestine intermediary, bridging the gap between the laboratory and the rest of the prison population.
Overall, the Old Librarian is a complex character whose true intentions and motivations remain shrouded in mystery. His web of alliances, including his ties to the guards, the captain, and the enigmatic chemical laboratory, adds an air of intrigue and unpredictability to his persona.</div>
<<if $Librarian ==2>>
<<set $Librarian +=1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/TheJackal.webp"/></center>
<div class="royalblue">
Juan "The Jackal" Rodriguez, a prominent figure within the prison walls, commands attention with his imposing presence and formidable reputation. Known for his involvement in illicit activities, he has established himself as one of the main distributors of the notorious Latin Gang, making him a vital component of their criminal network. While Diego may harbor reservations about Juan, he acknowledges the undeniable truth: Juan's connections and influence bring strength and prosperity to their brotherhood.
Whispers circulate within the prison walls about Juan's alleged crimes. It is said that he was imprisoned for his involvement in the trafficking of drugs and even human beings, a dark testament to his involvement in the seedy underbelly of criminal operations. His ability to adapt to any environment, slipping through the cracks of law enforcement, has earned him the moniker "The Jackal." He possesses a cunning and resourcefulness that allows him to navigate complex situations, emerging unscathed when others would falter.
The walls of the penitentiary hold stories of Juan's survival, as it is rumored that he has evaded no less than five attempts on his life. This resilience, coupled with his shrewdness, has earned him the respect and fear of both inmates and guards alike. Juan's ability to manipulate circumstances to his advantage has granted him a certain level of privilege within the prison walls, affording him a degree of protection and leverage that few can attain.
While his actions may evoke fear and wariness among those who cross his path, there is a twisted admiration for Juan's uncanny ability to navigate treacherous waters unscathed. In a world where survival is paramount, Juan "The Jackal" Rodriguez stands as a symbol of resilience, adaptability, and a ruthless determination to thrive in even the most hostile of environments.</div>
<<if $Juan ==1>>
<<set $Juan +=1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/TheChef.jpg"/></center>
Big Tony with a challenging look tells you:<div class="crimson"> "You know what I want... change and be a good assistant... I'll reward you with a lollipop"</div> (he says with a smirk). You change in front of Big T and the other prisoners, who look perplexed, while Big Tony tells them to pay attention to his explanations if they can... <center><img src="img/npc/TheChefSmile.jpg"/> <center><img src="img/actions/crossdressfirstchef.webp"/></center> When you finish changing, the chef gives you a lollipop and whispers:<div class="crimson">"I want you to suck it in a sexy way, distract them, be a good girl, come on, you want some love... there are more things at stake... and don't make me angry..." </div>
<center><img src="img/actions/sucklollipop0.gif"/></center>
It seems to be working, some prisoners look at you lasciviously, you start saying to yourself<div class="yellow"> "Oh my God, what am I doing here... dressed as a schoolgirl and sucking a lollipop, this is humiliating..."</div> It seems that you had stopped following the chef's orders, and he realizes this and lets out a loud cough... terrified, you continue, but this time you go harder...
<center><img src="img/actions/sucklollipop1.gif"/></center>
It works better than last time, now everyone, including the chef, is perplexed by the show you're putting on. One of them says loudly:<div class="crimson"> "Hey Big Tony, why don't you let her suck something else from us... haha?"</div> It has been half an hour since all this happened, and Big Tony, smiling, says:<div class="crimson">"Well, gentlemen, it seems I haven't had time to pass you the 'weekly menu'... we'll have to have another date... what a shame, I'll have to inform the captain of certain lascivious behavior, don't you think, boys?"</div> To which they laugh and say:<div class="crimson"> "Come on, Chef, don't be so cruel... we wanted to enjoy more of your 'new assistant's' company... haha."</div> While most of the prisoners are perplexed, looking at you, you see how Big Tony hands something to one of them... and finally... Big Tony:<div class="crimson"> "Well, gentlemen... the show is over."</div>
They murmur in a pitiful way as they leave, and after this situation, Big Tony tells you:<div class="crimson"> "I think it's time for you to eat another lollipop, don't you think, honey?"</div>
Effectively, that lollipop had something in it, or something is changing in you because...
<center><img src="img/actions/suckcheftomboy.webp"/></center> You find yourself lying on the bed without a top and you have done another job for the chef. He smiles and tells you:<div class="crimson"> "Well, you can go now... haha, we'll enjoy more group activities, don't you think, darling?" </div>You change immediately and leave.
<<if $InmatesA == 0>>
<<set $InmatesA +=1>>
<<if $Feminity < 30>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center>You follow the chef into the kitchen and suddenly find Sasha waiting for you in the back room.
<center><img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/></center>
He smiles and asks:<div class="crimson"> "What's up, darling? Are you here for the special milk mix? Well, chef, let's give him what he wants."</div>
This time, the chef prepares an even larger glass than before. Before getting to work, Sasha grabs you from behind and forces your mouth open, and then the chef...
<center><img src="img/actions/pills.gif"/></center>
You feel disoriented as you fall to your knees and your eyes catch sight of two things...
<center><img src="img/sex/specialshake.gif"/></center>
As you turn your head to look at Sasha, he takes advantage of your state and...
<center><img src="img/actions/facefuckedkitchensashafemenine.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/sashacreampieoralonyoukitchen.webp"/></center>
You feel the cum dripping from your chin... and then the chef says:<div class="crimson"> "Now, swallow this shot, you slut."</div>
You're not sure if it's the pills, but...
<center><img src="img/actions/eatcumkitchenchefglass.webp"/></center>
<<if $EatIncell == false>>
After the whole scene, you see the chef saying to Sasha:<div class="crimson"> "Now you can feed him in the cell if you want, bro."</div>
<<set $EatIncell = true>>
<<if $Feminity < 40>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment the time by 1 unit -->
<<if $Energy <100>>
<<set $Energy +=20>> <!--Increase energy by 20 units-->
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
[[Return to Cafeteria|The Cafeteria]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/></center>
Sasha, with a smile on his face, brings you a tray of food from the cafeteria.
<center><img src="img/items/food.jpg"/></center>
As you eat, he discreetly adds something to the drink on the side...
<center><img src="img/actions/pillsondrink.gif"/></center>
Once you finish eating, he tells you:<div class="crimson">" it's time to take your medicine, my little whore... It's the least you can do since I brought you your meal..."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/drinkforsasha.gif"/></center>
Afterward, Sasha removes his underwear, and you find yourself hypnotized as he guides you...
<center><img src="img/sex/Sashareveal.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/facefuckedkitchensashafemenine.webp"/></center>
While Sasha tells you:<div class="crimson">" Enjoy a nice glass of milk for dessert"</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/sashacreampieoralonyoukitchen.webp"/></center>
<<if $Feminity < 40>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment the time by 1 unit -->
<<if $Energy <100>>
<<set $Energy +=20>> <!--Increase energy by 20 units-->
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><div class="crimson">THE RED ARTIST:You wonder who I am... I will say, even I don't know... You ask yourself what you're doing here... all I know is that I follow the desires of those who follow me.</div>
$name: <div class="gold">What are you plotting... what do you see... are you having visions?</div>
<div class="crimson">THE RED ARTIST: Yes... I see islands...
<center><img src="img/Locations/Island.webp"></center>
<center><img src="img/Locations/Island2.webp"></center>
<center><img src="img/Locations/Island3.webp"></center>
I see factions
<center><img src="img/Locations/Logo1.webp"></center>
<center><img src="img/Locations/Logo2.webp"></center>
<center><img src="img/Locations/Logo3.webp"></center>
<center><img src="img/Locations/Logo4.webp"></center>
<center><img src="img/Locations/Logo5.webp"></center>
I see a woman stranded...
<center><img src="img/Locations/blurred.webp"></center>
$name: <div class="gold">What the hell... what are you saying... what is that?</div>
<div class="crimson">THE RED ARTIST: I just need time... and support, yes...</div>
$name:<div class="gold"> What?</div>
<div class="crimson">THE RED ARTIST: Metal Ge... nothing...</div>
$name: <div class="gold">He's crazy, I'm outta here...</div>
[[The Yard|The Yard]]</center><center>
<<if $Outfit == 0>>
Prison Outfit:<img src="img/you/Outfit/Outfit1.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
<<elseif $Outfit == 1>>
Prison Outfit:<img src="img/you/Outfit/Outfit2.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
<<elseif $Outfit == 2>>
Prison Outfit:<img src="img/you/Outfit/Outfit3.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
<<elseif $Outfit == 3>>
Prison Outfit:<img src="img/you/Outfit/Outfit4.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
<<elseif $Outfit == 4>>
Prison Outfit:<img src="img/you/Outfit/Outfit5.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
Prison Outfit:<img src="img/you/Outfit/Outfit1.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
<<if $Underwear == 0>>
Underwear:<img src="img/you/Underwear/underwear.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
<<elseif $Underwear == 1>>
Underwear:<img src="img/you/Underwear/tigerunderwear.webp" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
<<elseif $Underwear == 2>>
Underwear:<img src="img/you/Underwear/thongblackcandyman.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
<<elseif $Underwear == 3>>
Underwear:<img src="img/you/Underwear/slutbbc.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
Underwear:<img src="img/you/Underwear/underwear.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
<<if $Lips == 0>>
Lips:<img src="img/you/Lips/0.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
<<elseif $Lips == 1>>
Lips:<img src="img/you/Lips/1.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
<<elseif $Lips == 2>>
Lips:<img src="img/you/Lips/2.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
<<elseif $Lips == 3>>
Lips:<img src="img/you/Lips/3.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
Lips:<img src="img/you/Lips/0.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
<<if $Chest == 0>>
Chest:<img src="img/you/Body/Chest/30.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
<<elseif $Chest == 1>>
Chest:<img src="img/you/Body/Chest/t0.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
<<elseif $Chest == 2>>
Chest:<img src="img/you/Body/Chest/t1.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
Chest:<img src="img/you/Legwear/socks.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
<<if $Legwear == 0>>
Legwear:<img src="img/you/Legwear/socks.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
<<elseif $Legwear == 1>>
Legwear:<img src="img/you/Legwear/socks.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
Legwear:<img src="img/you/Legwear/socks.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
<<if $Ass == 0>>
Ass: <img src="img/you/Body/Ass/1.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
<<elseif $Ass == 1>>
Ass: <img src="img/you/Body/Ass/2.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
<<elseif $Ass == 2>>
Ass: <img src="img/you/Body/Ass/3.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
<<elseif $Ass == 3>>
Ass: <img src="img/you/Body/Ass/4.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
Ass:<img src="img/you/Body/Ass/1.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
<<if $Back ==0>>
Back:<img src="img/you/Back/Default.webp" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
<<elseif $Back ==1>>
Back:<img src="img/you/Back/DOM.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
<<elseif $Back ==2>>
Back:<img src="img/you/Back/black.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
<<elseif $Back ==3>>
Back:<img src="img/you/Back/s-l1600.jpg" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
Back:<img src="img/you/Back/Default.webp" style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" />
<<return "Back">>
<center><center><img src="img/npc/TheChef.jpg"/></center>
This time Big Tony, calmer perhaps due to your more feminine appearance or your submission to his demands, tells you that:<div class="crimson"> "I want you to wear the maid uniform, girl, and clean the cell before the prisoners from the other wing come"</div>. As soon as he tells you, you change quickly, thinking that if you go fast, the others won't have time to see you.
<center><img src="img/items/maiduniform.jpg"/></center>
After changing and admiring yourself, the chef smiles and tells you that it's not enough, he's going to put some makeup on you. You almost sigh and grumble, and when you make a face, the chef notices and takes your arm, making you sit on the counter. You feel embarrassed and don't say anything while he tells you:<div class="crimson">" Be a good slut for Big T"</div>. You start blushing, and the chef, seeing this, says:<div class="crimson"> "Hehe, I don't think I need blush for you, darling."</div>
<center><img src="img/items/ismaelputinlipstickonyou.gif"/></center>
After finishing, he tells you how pretty you look..
<center><img src="img/you/Feminity30.jpg"/></center>
You sigh and he tells you to start working, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Come on, pretty girl, run."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/cleaningforchef.gif"/></center>
You go as fast as you can, and maybe because you've done it more times, you have an advantage, but after a short time, you notice that your skin is absorbing the makeup the chef put on you. You find yourself on all fours cleaning the floor when you see the chef...
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefCock.gif"/></center>
Big Tony smiling, he tells you to do him a favor for your daddy, the chef, and clean him with "care".
Without meaning to, you say:<div class="lightpink">"Yes, sir." </div>
<center><img src="img/sex/suckshemalemaid.webp"/></center>
You start devouring his cock as you've been doing for so long... Your perception of time is so messed up that you don't realize you're sucking the chef's cock while the prisoners from the other wing are making comments like:<div class="crimson">"I also want an assistant like that." "Hey, chef, when are you going to let us impregnate his mouth?"</div>You feel embarrassed but also excited, and the situation has indirectly caused you to have an erection. The chef, seeing that you're regaining consciousness, orders you:<div class="crimson"> " Open your mouth, slut... "</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/cummouthchef.webp"/></center>
He then tells you to show his colleagues how well you can swallow cum... Indirectly, and as if someone were speaking for you, you say:<div class="lightpink"> "Yes, sir."</div> So you turn around, looking lustfully at the prisoners who have been watching the scene for an unknown amount of time, and...
<center><img src="img/sex/swallowcumtochef.webp"/></center>
The chef, laughing while the prisoners are stunned, says:<div class="crimson"> "What do you say, slut?"</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChefLaugh.jpg"/></center>
$name involuntarily say:<div class="lightpink">"Delicious."</div>
The chef tells you that you can leave now, slut, and that he'll see you later. The prisoners look at you lustfully as you change and leave, and some of them blow kisses at you.
<<if $InmatesA == 1>>
<<set $InmatesA +=1>>
<<if $Feminity < 40>>
<<set $Feminity += 2>>
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/TheChefSmile.jpg"/></center>
You see the Chef smiling as you approach the edge of the bed, and it seems like he's about to unbutton his pants. You involuntarily find yourself biting your lip, eager to see what he has in store for you.
However, the Chef, upon noticing your reaction, says:<div class="crimson"> "You know what, slut... No... I'm not going to give you what you want."</div> Your eyes widen in surprise, and you ask:<div class="gold">"Why? Isn't this what you want?"</div>
He continues to smile and replies:<div class="crimson"> "It used to be more fun when you resisted, but now you act like a horny whore. It wouldn't even matter to you if everyone knew you were a cock-sucker."</div>
Blushing and speechless, you find yourself at a loss for words. The Chef then suggests:<div class="crimson"> "Do you want to play a little game of choices?"</div>
Feeling both embarrassed and aroused, you hesitantly ask:<div class="gold"> "What do you propose?"</div>
<<if $Intox >= 2 && $IntoxicatedByChef >= 0>>
[[Big Tony says: "I have some alcohol, how about you dress up as a schoolgirl and we play a questions game?"|PlaySchoolgirl]]
<<if $Intox >=4 && $IntoxicatedByChef >=1 && $InmatesA == 2>>
[[Big Tony says: "Do you want another one of our special parties, darling?"|SecondParty]]
<<if $Intox >= 3 && $IntoxicatedByChef >= 2 && $StepFather ==0 >>
[[Big Tony says: "How about putting on another one of my outfits and continuing our game of questions?"|PlayLencery]]
<<if $InmatesA >=3 && $IntoxicatedByChef >= 2 && $Money >=30>>
[[Big Tony tells you : would you like a little party honey?|Partywithchef]]
<<if $Money >=50>>
[[Big Tony says: "Um, how about we do my makeup and do me a favor?"|SuckCockGuard]]
[[Big Tony tells you, "I think it's time for you to dress up as a schoolgirl and show me what you've learned, hehe."|DirtySchoolGirl]]
<</nobr>><center><center><img src="img/npc/TheChefLaugh.jpg"/></center>
The chef, laughing, watches as you change for him, posing sexily like a schoolgirl.
<center><img src="img/actions/dresstochefschool.gif"/></center>
Then, you both sit on the bed-sofa, and the chef fills the glasses with alcohol that makes you lick your lips.
<center><img src="img/actions/alcohol.gif"/></center>
Seeing you moistening your lips, the chef says:<div class="crimson">"Is this not the first time you've done this here, little slut?"</div>
Blushing, you ask:<div class="lightpink"> "Does that count as a question?"</div> and he responds:<div class="crimson"> "Sure, go ahead."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/drinkforsasha.gif"/></center>
The chef laughs even more and asks:<div class="crimson"> "Tell me, do you enjoy sucking my cock?"</div>
Blushing, you hesitate to drink and reply;<div class="lightpink">"Do you enjoy it while I do it?"</div>
And the chef drinks.
<center><img src="img/actions/chefdrink.gif"/></center>
You take another drink without realizing he's watching you from the corner of his eye, so he says:<div class="crimson">"Well, we've had 3 drinks already... why were you locked up?"</div> You stay silent, and he insists:<div class="crimson"> "Come on, tell me,"</div> and you answer:<div class="lightpink"> "For drunk driving," </div>and the chef bursts into laughter and says:<div class="crimson">"So I'm your bad influence, huh?"</div> and you tell him:<div class="lightpink">"Just one bad influence."</div>
You're about to take another sip, and he asks:<div class="crimson">"Do you want something else?" </div>Presuming he means more than alcohol, you accept, and with the chef,
<center><img src="img/actions/weed.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/trippy-psychedelic.gif"/></center>
Before you know it, you find yourself sucking the chef's cock again.
<center><img src="img/items/blowjobcrossdress.webp"/></center>
But the worst part is that some prisoners are watching from the hallway, or at least that's what you think, while you give the chef a wild blowjob... And in his intoxicated state, he tells you:<div class="crimson"> "Oh yes, bitch, I'm going to show them I can tear your ass apart. Come on, get in position."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/preparefuckchef.webp"/></center>
With no strength left, you find yourself leaning over the bed as the chef's member starts thrusting into you while he bites your neck.
<center><img src="img/sex/surpriseinsertfuck.webp"/></center>
Due to the drugs, you probably only experience the pleasure of a hot, hard stab in your rear.
<center><img src="img/sex/fuckedcrossdressedbychef.webp"/></center>
He starts pounding your ass mercilessly, but due to the alcohol and what you smoked, you only feel a burning sensation that you oddly enjoy, while also feeling like you're being split in half. Unintentionally, you start yelling:<div class="lightpink"> "Big T, you're so thick, go slow."</div>
All you hear is the chef spanking your ass as he bites your neck... You start to get into the rhythm of his thrusts, and just when you're about to climax, Big T pulls you off and puts you on your knees, telling you in a more drunken tone:<div class="crimson">"Come on, bitch, it's time for a good ass-to-cock job. Suck me."</div>
Due to the intoxication, or that's the excuse you're giving yourself in your mind, you start sucking him savagely.
<center><img src="img/sex/femenineblowchef.webp"/></center>
While you're sucking him, the chef tells you:<div class="crimson"> "You like your own taste, don't you, whore?"</div> And you, between sucks, say:<div class="lightpink">"Mmm, yes, I love it."</div> He looks at you lustfully and stands up.
<center><img src="img/sex/cheffacefuckyoufemenine.webp"/></center>
He begins fucking your face like a toy, and you obediently let him thrust forcefully while you masturbate under your miniskirt. After a short while,
<center><img src="img/sex/cummouthchef.webp"/></center>
He cums first in your mouth, then all over your face.
<center><img src="img/sex/Chefcumonyouwhore.webp"/></center>
And finally, he makes you swallow it.
<center><img src="img/sex/swallowcumtochef.webp"/></center>
After this event, the chef collapses on the bed, and with the little strength you have left, you change as best you can and head to the cells, hoping nobody heard about this torrid encounter.
<<if $IntoxicatedByChef == 0>>
<<set $IntoxicatedByChef += 1>>
<<if $Feminity < 50>>
<<set $Feminity += 2>>
<<if $Respect > -20>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame > -20>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
Respect:<<print $Respect>>
Fame:<<print $Fame>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center>The chef, as if he had been waiting a long time for you to choose this option, laughs in a quite striking and unusual manner while saying loudly:<div class="crimson"> "Time for the ultimate sissy makeover, special little slut. You'll see how good it will be."</div>
<center><img src="img/you/Chefmakeupextraonyou.jpg"/></center>
He takes you by the arm, and you let him do as he pleases. He says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, since you're letting me do this... Here, I'll treat you." </div>Suddenly, he takes a pill out of his pocket, and you automatically open your mouth to take it in.
<center><img src="img/actions/pills.gif"/></center>
After he finishes putting the pills in your mouth, as a reflex action, you seductively suck his thumb.
<center><img src="img/actions/sexy-excited.gif"/></center>
The chef, smiling, tells you to relax and enjoy your favorite drink.
<center><img src="img/items/milk.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/eatcumkitchenchefglass.webp"/></center>
Seeing this, the chef says:<div class="crimson"> "Oh, looks like you ran out of lipstick."</div>
Unconsciously, you start laughing shyly, and the chef joins in, telling you to wear just a blouse and twerk your little ass for him. He asks:<div class="crimson"> "You want that, darling?"</div>
Acting without hesitation, you find yourself without pants, twerking towards the chef.
<center><img src="img/sex/Twerkasstochef.webp"/></center>
Suddenly, you hear a deafening silence.<<if $Money >=50>> And the chef says:<div class="crimson"> "I'm borrowing 50 bucks from you..."</div><</if>> As you turn to ask why, you freeze, realizing there's a guard at the cell door.
<center><img src="img/npc/CorridorGuard.jpg"/></center>
He says:<div class="crimson"> "Hey, sweetie... You better be nice to me... or you might find yourself in the punishment wing, and there, you're already a bit famous..."</div>
Before you can respond, he continues:<div class="crimson"> "I don't see anyone else in this cell... just a little slut shaking her ass... well, start cleaning my saber, darling."</div>
Perhaps because of what the chef has given you, or because you don't care anymore, you comply.
<center><img src="img/sex/blowguardcellchef.webp"/></center>
You let the guard use your mouth as he pleases.
<center><img src="img/sex/blowguardcellchef2.webp"/></center>
After he ejaculates in your mouth, the guard leaves without saying a word, whistling cheerfully...
<center><img src="img/sex/guardcrempiemouth.webp"/></center>
Your mouth is dripping with semen... You try not to swallow, but suddenly, when you turn around, the chef says:<div class="crimson"> "You're such a whore, even the guards are fucking your mouth... now it's my turn, little one!"</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/cheffacefuckyoufemenine.webp"/></center>
After a while, the chef ejaculates in your mouth, and you swallow both loads.
<center><img src="img/sex/swallowcumtochef.webp"/></center>
The chef looks at you and says:<div class="crimson"> "Haha, you're such a slut..."</div>
The effects are starting to wear off as you change clothes. The chef looks at you and asks:<div class="crimson"> "Are you feeling okay, darling?"</div> and you indirectly respond:<div class="lightpink"> "Yes, Big T..."</div> He laughs and says:<div class="crimson"> "See you later..."</div>
<<if $Money >=50>>
You leave his cell with a sore jaw and feeling that your pockets are a bit lighter...
<<if $Money >=50>>
<<set $Money -=50>>
<<set $TheCookMoney +=50>>
<<if $Feminity < 50>>
<<set $Feminity += 2>>
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/cell235.webp"/></center>
The chef, smiling, tells you:<div class="crimson"> "Come on, change for me... hehe." </div>You, already accustomed to his demands, do it as if it were nothing.
<center><img src="img/items/schooluniform.jpg"/></center>
The chef licks his lips and takes out a familiar object for you.
<center><img src="img/items/Plug.jpg"/></center>
You smile and get into position.
<center><img src="img/sex/presentassforchefcrossdress.webp"/></center>
After the chef inserts that well-known plug into you again, he says:<div class="crimson"> "This time, slut... dance for me."</div> You turn around while smiling and start twerking.
<center><img src="img/sex/twerkdildoass.webp"/></center>
With every movement, you feel the chef's plug digging into you. He says:<div class="crimson"> "You like being my whore, don't you?"</div>
You respond with a yes.
He continues:<div class="crimson">"Since the moment you entered the kitchen, I knew you'd be my slut... Turn around."</div> You sit on top of yourself, pushing the dildo deeper as you continue to ride it.
<center><img src="img/sex/Ridedildocrossdress.webp"/></center>
You make a surprised face because you feel the object going a bit deeper. The chef, with a lustful expression, gets up from the bed and says:<div class="crimson"> "It's time for you to suck my balls properly, bitch."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/eatassegsschef.webp"/></center>
You start sucking his balls and his cock as much as you can. As you move backward, you notice the chef shivering, and without realizing it, you stick out your tongue and open your mouth. The chef, seeing this, tells you:<div class="crimson"> "Swallow my cum, slut."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/aftereateggs.webp"/></center>
After he ejaculates on your face and you swallow a bit suggestively, you get up from the floor and, looking into his eyes, you lick your fingers seductively.
<center><img src="img/actions/suckfingerschef.webp"/></center>
The chef, with a face of disbelief, tells you:<div class="crimson"> "You should have ended up in prison earlier, bitch... haha."</div>
Blushing and removing the plug with a loud plop, you shudder as if you had been whipped in the back. You walk away slowly to change clothes. The chef smiles and says:<div class="crimson"> "Take one of my lollipops... you've earned it."</div> Before he gives it to you, you find yourself with your mouth already open, not knowing why.
<center><img src="img/actions/sucklollipop1.gif"/></center>
As you suck the lollipop as if it were the chef's cock from before, he looks at you lustfully and says:<div class="crimson"> "Now get the fuck out of here, bitch, or you'll never leave this cell, haha."</div> You walk through the corridors, and some prisoners, perhaps due to the sounds of you sucking the lollipop, look at you lasciviously.
<<if $Feminity < 50>>
<<set $Feminity += 2>>
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center>
<center><img src="img/npc/ShavedWM.jpg"/></center>
<<set $BaldAssault = true>>
The shaved man assaults you with fury, pinning you against a wall. You no longer know if you are accustomed to this or what he will do to you...
He realizes your situation and says:<div class="crimson"> "What's up, slut? I noticed something quite curious about you... What are you doing with 100 bucks or more, huh, little piggy? Do you want to make a donation so I can buy you some pretty pig ears, eh, little piggy?"</div>
He grabs you by the balls and says:<div class="crimson">"Hmm... I've got you right where I want you. Tell me, honey, how do you want to pay me?"</div>
[[I'll do whatever you want, but please let me go|HApig]]
[[Take whatever you want|PayHim]]
<<if $BlackProtection >= 1 && $Feminity < 30>>
[[You see one of the black prisoners from the backyard at the end of the hallway...|HelpN1]]
[[You try to scream for help...|HelpN1.1]]
<<elseif $BlackProtection >= 1 && $Feminity >= 30>>
[[A black prisoner appears, and you wink maliciously at him while indirectly pointing at the bald man...|HelpNF1]]
[[You start raising your voice, pleading not to be forced, to see if someone appears...|HelpNF1.1]]
<center><center><img src="img/npc/ShavedWM.jpg"/></center>
The bald man tells you:<div class="crimson">" Haha whatever... well, you're going to eat my ass, bitch, it's time for you to learn who's in charge here"</div>... you try to say :<div class="lightpink">no, please... </div>and he says:<div class="crimson">" Sshhhh be a good pig and eat my ass"</div>, knowing that it might be a good idea to take advantage and escape, but afraid that in the next encounter he might become more violent, you get on your knees and...
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/EatAsstoBaldmen.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/EatAsstoBaldmen.webp"/></center>
As soon as your tongue explores his ass, the bald man says:<div class="crimson"> oh yes, my own ass-licker, come on, bitch, jerk me off while you're at it.</div>
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/rimhand.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/rimhand.webp"/></center>
After a while of this Masonic torture and starting to think that you deserve the torment this individual is putting you through because of what you did in school... The bald man turns around... slaps you and says:<div class="crimson"> It's time to finish, open your mouth wide because here comes a good Aryan cream! </div>
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/facefucked.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/facefucked.webp"/></center>
While he fucks your mouth, he starts half-shouting at you, saying:<div class="crimson">" Act like a pig, come on! </div>Without any other choice and because you feel suffocated, you start imitating a pig making<div class="lightpink"> "oink, oink" </div>sounds between the blowjob noises, indirectly with your teary eyes you see how the bald man laughs at you saying:<div class="crimson">" What a whore you are"</div> while looking down the hallway and says to you: <div class="crimson">"Haha I hope they have bad eyesight because you're looking like the slut you are"</div>, enjoying this moment he cums in your mouth.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/gay-cum-in-mouth_001-9.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/sissy-cum-in-mouth_001-9.webp"/></center>
He then takes away $50 from you and says:<div class="crimson"> That's because you had the honor of enjoying my cream... bitch... see you later."</div>
<<if $Money >=50>>
<<set $Money -=50>>
<<set $BaldDebt +=50>>
<<if $Respect > -20>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >-20>>
<<set $Fame -=2>>
Money:<<print $Money>>
As he leaves, he tells you:<div class="crimson"> "By the way, I already have $BaldDebt $ When it reaches a reasonable amount, you'll see, bitch!"</div> (while laughing)
<<if $Celli == 1>>
[[Go to Cell of Ismael|Cell238]]
[[Go to The Yard|The Yard]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/npc/ShavedWM.jpg"/></center>
The shaved man says:<div class="crimson"> "Oh yes, piggy, that's what I'll do."</div> He searches your pockets and takes 70$ from you, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Give my regards to Sasha... haha, how about giving me a handjob?"</div>
Suddenly, he starts kissing your neck while telling you to be a good slut... Blushing and knowing that you have no other option, you prepare to take it out, but he says:<div class="crimson"> "Shhh, shhh, on your knees, beautiful... in your place."</div>
You get down on your knees...
<center><img src="img/actions/yes-sir.gif"/></center>
Looking at you, he says:<div class="crimson"> "That's it, bitch... now take it out for a walk..."</div>
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/revealbaldmen.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/revealbaldmen.webp"/></center>
As you were taking it out of his pants, it almost hits your mouth, and the shaved man laughs seeing this and says:<div class="crimson"> "Come on, give me a handjob before I change my mind."</div>
So, you start working on your knees, hoping that no other inmate is watching you in this situation.
<center><img src="img/actions/Closehandjob.gif"/></center>
Seeing the resistance from the shaved man and looking at you sadistically, he says:<div class="crimson">"Any problem, darling? Take your time. By the way, people are starting to pass by in the background..."</div>
Without further thought, you start devouring his cock.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/blowbcock.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/blowbcock.webp"/></center>
The shaved man says:<div class="crimson">"That's my little piggy... keep going." </div>
After a while...
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/Cum_on_face.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/Cum_on_face.webp"/></center>
He pushes you away and cums on your face, saying:<div class="crimson">
"Haha, enjoy the adventure through the hallways, little slut. We'll meet again. I've enjoyed this encounter." </div>
<<if $Money >= 70>>
<<set $Money -= 70>>
<<set $BaldDebt += 70>>
<<if $Respect > -20>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >-20>>
<<set $Fame -=2>>
Money: <<print $Money>>
As he leaves, he tells you:<div class="crimson"> "By the way, I already have $BaldDebt $. When it reaches a reasonable amount, you'll see, bitch!" </div>
(while laughing)
<<if $Celli == 1>>
[[Go to Cell of Ismael|Cell238]]
[[Go to The Yard|The Yard]]</center> <center><center><img src="img/npc/InmatesLibrary.jpg"/></center>
One of the inmates, noticing your femininity and the rumors about you, approaches you and says:<div class="crimson"> "Do you want to Read, gorgeous?"</div>
You say: <div class="lightpink">"Sure"</div>
The inmate throws a book under the table and tells you to study there, sweetheart... looking around and seeing that you've accepted, you get under the table when suddenly you hear a zipper sound and when you look...
<center><img src="img/sex/randominmatereleasecocklibrary.webp"/></center>He whispers:<div class="crimson"> "Go ahead, give me a handjob."</div>
You hesitate and look at a page in the books...
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/Dreams/libraryhum1.gif", "img/Dreams/libraryhum2.webp", "img/Dreams/libraryhum3.webp", "img/Dreams/libraryhum4.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
Then, hesitantly and somewhat resisting the temptation, you start giving him a handjob...
<center><img src="img/actions/handjobundertablefemenine.webp"></center>
<<if $Humillation >= 1>>
Then he says:<div class="crimson"> "It's not enough,"</div> and starts fucking your mouth while you're still under the table, you're sure that some inmates are secretly enjoying the show... you no longer seem to care too much, probably due to past events.
<center><img src="img/sex/studymycockbitch.webp"/></center>
After cumming in your mouth, he tells you to clean his cock, bitch, before you even start, you're already cleaning up the remains with your tongue, telling yourself it's to avoid being seen by the other inmates, but deep down, you know it's to savor that cum.
<center><img src="img/sex/lickcocktoslut.webp"/></center>
<<if $Feminity <= 50>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >=-40>>
<<set $Fame -=2>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increase time by 1 unit -->
<<if $Energy <= 100>>
<<set $Energy -= 20>> <!-- Incrementa la energía en 20 unidades -->
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
Respect:<<print $Respect>>
Fame:<<print $Fame>>
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
[[Return to The Library|The Library]]
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Gym.jpg"/></center>
You approach him as the other inmates look at you with half-smiles of malice and others with disdain. When you get closer, he says:<div class="crimson"> "Alright, buddy... take this bar and start flexing your forearm for about 4 sets of 10 reps, and then we'll see how you pay me,"</div> winking at you. So...
<center><img src="img/actions/forearmtraining.gif"/></center>
After finishing the training, he says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, how are you going to pay me? How about giving me $10, or you continue working on that forearm in the locker. Oh, and be careful not to get cocky... everyone here wants a piece of you... what's it gonna be..."</div>
<<if $Str < 100>>
<<set $Str += 0.5>> <!-- Increase strength by 2 -->
<<set $Energy -= 40>> <!-- Reduce energy by 40 units -->
Your Strength has increased to <<print $Str>>.
Your Energy decreased to <<print $Energy>>
<<if $Money >=10>>
[[Pay him|Paymoneygym1]]
[[Work on forearm some more|Forearmlocker]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Gym.jpg"/></center>
You approach the inmate who offered to strengthen your neck. He maliciously smirks and says:<div class="crimson"> "Oh, so you want to work on your neck, huh?"</div> as he licks his lips:<div class="crimson">"Alright... let's see how well you can move that neck, darling."</div> He gives you a rather unusual routine, but you go along with it.
<center><img src="img/actions/neckexerciseworkout.webp"/>
<img src="img/actions/necklexercise2.gif"/></center>
After finishing the exercises, feeling fatigued, you notice that there's no one else in the gym except you and the inmate. He approaches you and says:<div class="crimson"> "How was it, honey? Not bad for this routine. How about giving me, umm, $20? No money? Well, how about one last workout... with your neck and that pretty mouth of yours?"</div>
<<if $Str < 100>>
<<set $Str += 1>> <!-- Increase strength by 2 -->
<<if $Energy <= 100>>
<<set $Energy -= 20>> <!-- Decrease energy by 20 units -->
Your Strength has increased to <<print $Str>>.
Your Energy decreased to <<print $Energy>>
<<if $Money >= 20>>
[[Pay him|Paymoneygym2]]
[[Final workout with "neck and mouth"|Blowgym]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Gym.jpg"/></center>
You approach the third prisoner, the one who offered to support you while doing squats, while other inmates look at you with surprise and incredulity, as if you don't know what you're getting into...
This prisoner says:<div class="crimson">"Alright, darling... I'm going to train those legs and that rear of yours..."</div> Suddenly, you hear a plop behind your position before starting the squats, and you see a black dildo. The other prisoners start to chuckle, and the prisoner tells you:<div class="crimson"> "It's so you can feel how far down you need to go..."</div> Without further ado...
<center><img src="img/actions/Squatdildoback.gif"/></center>
After a while, you feel like you can't do any more, but the prisoner, with a mischievous smile, says:<div class="crimson"> "Don't worry; your man is here to rescue you..."</div> Suddenly...
<center><img src="img/actions/Squatsupport.gif"/></center>
You start to feel his penis pressing against your rear as he whispers in your ear:<div class="crimson"> "Squeeze your butt more, darling; we need to work those glutes well."</div>
When you finish training, all the other prisoners have left, and you find yourself sitting on the floor. The prisoner approaches and says:<div class="crimson"> "How was the leg workout? Although we should work on that butt a bit more, don't you think? Well, how are you going to pay me? What do you think about giving me 30 dollars? Or maybe you'll leave with a more sore butt..."</div>
You start to blush, not knowing how to get out of this situation, and you suggest paying him 20 dollars... to which he responds:<div class="crimson"> "Well, for 20, I'll settle for your mouth... but that's not going to be enough, little one."</div>
<<if $Ass == 0>>
<<set $Ass += 1>>
<<if $Str < 100>>
<<set $Str += 2>> <!-- Increase strength by 2 -->
<<if $Energy <= 100>>
<<set $Energy -= 20>> <!-- Decrease energy by 20 units -->
<<if $Money >=30>>
[[Pay him in full|Paymoneygym3]]
<<if $Money >=20>>
[[Pay him partially... with your mouth|Payintermedio]]
[[Work that rear|PainAnalGym]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Gym.jpg"/></center>
You approach the prisoner who was blowing kisses at you and ask him:<div class="gold"> "What's up with my legs?"</div> He puts on a smug smile and replies:<div class="crimson"> "Everything can be improved. Do you want me to train that booty properly? We can go faster, take this." </div>He offers you a "kind of protein drink." You take it in your hand and wink, saying:<div class="gold">"Sure, if it helps me get better results, why not..."</div>
The prisoner smirks and says:<div class="crimson"> "Of course..."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/drinkforsasha.gif"/></center>
After taking a couple of sips, he says:<div class="crimson"> "Let's see how long it takes to take effect."</div> You ask:<div class="gold"> "Take effect? Effect of what?"</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/pillsondrink.gif"/></center>
Obviously, that shake had something extra...
Suddenly, you find yourself exercising with a gym ball.
<center><img src="img/actions/ballworkgym.gif"/></center>
You look around; there's no one there except your trainer, who says:<div class="crimson"> "Come on, bitch, time to work with that ball, but I want you naked!"</div>
You automatically respond:<div class="lightpink"> "Yes, coach."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/undressshemale.webp"/></center>
Chuckling at the spectacle, he tells you to straddle the ball as if it were his cock...
<center><img src="img/actions/glutesball.webp"/></center>
While he watches the show, he places a dildo on the wall and says:<div class="crimson"> "Alright, time for the main event..." </div>He grabs your arms and starts thrusting you onto the dildo while you, with no strength left, can only murmur lightly:<div class="lightpink"> "Mm mm..."</div> After an indeterminate amount of time, you find yourself riding the dildo willingly...
<center><img src="img/sex/ridedildolockershorthair.webp"/></center>
Occasionally, as you open your eyes, you see your trainer masturbating while watching you, and upon seeing this, he says:<div class="crimson"> "Good training, bitch... Do you want your concentrated milkshake?"</div>You start shouting:<div class="lightpink"> "Yes... yes..."</div> and he says:<div class="crimson"> "I can't hear you, bitch, what are you saying?"</div> You reply;<div class="lightpink"> "Yes, coach, I want that milkshake."</div> So, he tells you:<div class="crimson"> "Well, come here, bitch..."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/proteinshake.webp"/></center>
After some time, you find yourself in the locker room with a sore and slightly inflamed ass, and that familiar feeling of cream in your throat... You put on your uniform and leave, thinking it must have been a bad dream.
<<if $Ass < 2>>
<<set $Ass += 1>>
<<if $Str < 100>>
<<set $Str += 2>> <!-- Increase strength by 2 -->
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>><!-- Increase time by 1 unit -->
<<if $Energy <= 100>>
<<set $Energy -= 20>> <!-- Decrease energy by 20 units -->
<<if $Feminity < 40>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
Feminity:<<print $Feminity>>
[[Return to The Gym|The Gym]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Gym.jpg"/></center>
You approach the prisoner who holds a strange forearm device and he says:<div class="crimson"> "Hey, darling, want to give it a couple of shakes? But better use both hands like this..."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/shake-it-hj.gif"/></center>
Other inmates give you lustful looks as you shake that dumbbell. The prisoner who handed you the dumbbell, with a lustful tone, says:<div class="crimson"> "That's enough, let's go to the locker room."</div> He grabs your arm, and unable to struggle, he leads you there.
<center><img src="img/locations/Locker.webp"/></center>
Suddenly, he pushes you against a locker, and you feel something being put into your mouth, which you are forced to swallow as he places his other hand over your mouth.
<center><img src="img/actions/pills.gif"/></center>
Your ears start buzzing with a ringing sound, and all you can hear from the prisoner are orders to take off your upper garment and give him a good handjob. Automatically, as if a third person took control of you, you find yourself on your knees in the locker room, jerking him off.
<center><img src="img/sex/femenineforearms.webp"/></center>
As the prisoner says:<div class="crimson">"That's it, bitch, this will be your new forearm training. You like it, huh?"</div>
You automatically respond:<div class="lightpink">"Yes, I love it..."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/facialgymfemenine.webp"/></center>
In response to your obedience, the prisoner ejaculates on your face, and you unconsciously open your mouth to taste his essence. Seeing this, he inserts his thumb into your mouth, pushing the rest of his cum inside.
<center><img src="img/sex/suckfingersgym.webp"/></center>
After this, completely hypnotized, the prisoner withdraws. After a quarter of an hour, you regain consciousness of your actions, wondering to yourself:<div class="yellow"> "What the hell just happened?"</div>
<<if $Str < 100>>
<<set $Str += 1>> <!-- Increase strength by 2 -->
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>><!-- Increase time by 1 unit -->
<<if $Energy <= 100>>
<<set $Energy -= 20>> <!-- Decrease energy by 20 units -->
<<if $Feminity < 40>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
Feminity:<<print $Feminity>>
[[Return to The Gym|The Gym]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Gym.jpg"/></center>
You approach the prisoner under the stares of the other inmates and he with a grunt of approval says okay get on the ground and starts to lift his legs up towards your torso.. he stands behind you when suddenly....
<center><img src="img/sex/doingabspartnerreactionfemenine20.webp"/></center>
He whispers to you:<div class="crimson">" Sshh you like what you see eh... let's do abdo... every time you come up you give him a little kiss you want honey.."</div>you try to say:<div class="lightpink">" But we will be seen and..""</div> He tells you:<div class="crimson">" We are in a corner of the gym there are almost no people anymore.. come on.... "</div>Inside you think.. <div class="yellow">Why am I going to accept this... will it be having spent time with Big tony? i dont know....</div>
While you're immersed in these thoughts the inmate when he sees you says:<div class="crimson"> We can do this the easy way or.... </div>then you tell him:<div class="lightpink">" I'm sorry I was thinking about... "</div>and he says:<div class="crimson">"I'm not sorry or anything... so."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/absblowjobtraining20.webp"/></center>
You've had a good set of crunches so obviously you start to get tired and don't get up as much... looking to the side there's no one left and no curious eyes ... your passionate recluse trainer says:<div class="crimson">" it's ok honey... I'll make it easier for you..."</div> sitting on your chest...
<center><img src="img/sex/blowjobfinalabs20.webp"/></center>
in a while you find yourself half dizzy because with these lifts you can't breathe... being that you are busy doing the "blowjob-abdominal" so the inmate sits on one of the benches and holds you by the hair making you sit down
<center><img src="img/sex/slappedblowbjobhumillationdegraded.webp"/></center>
In a short time after you are using your mouth at his will.
<center><img src="img/sex/blowefeminate20.webp"/></center>
He stands up while he cums in your mouth and due perhaps to exhaustion you swallow him while watching him....
<center><img src="img/sex/swallowcoumshorthair.webp"/></center>
After this the inmate keeps it in his pants and winking at you he tells you:<div class="crimson">" Until the next training session sweetie...."</div>
<<if $Str < 100>>
<<set $Str += 1>> <!-- Increase strength by 2 -->
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>><!-- Increase time by 1 unit -->
<<if $Energy <= 100>>
<<set $Energy -= 20>> <!-- Decrease energy by 20 units -->
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
[[Return to The Gym|The Gym]]</center>
<center>You pay him those 10 bucks, and he says:<div class="crimson"> "Great, see you at the next workout, handsome."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/pay.gif"/></center>
<<set $Money -= 10>> <!-- Reduce the money by 10 units -->
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment the time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Gym|The Gym]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/Locker.webp"/></center>
You follow the inmate to the locker room where he says:
<<if $Money >= 10>>
<div class="crimson">Well, well, well, look who's here to work on forearms even when you have money. You came here to do me a little favor... haha, what a sissy you are...</div>
<div class="crimson">"Alright, get on your knees and give me a handjob. Be gentle, don't apply too much force, or I might change my mind and fuck you instead. Maybe you'd even like that, who knows..."</div>
Feeling embarrassed and blushing, you proceed to kneel, lower his pants, and give him a handjob... Deep inside, you know that the other inmates might suspect something after following your gym buddy here... But what else could you do?
<center><img src="img/actions/handjoblockerforearm.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/Cum_on_face.webp"/></center>
After a while, he finishes and says:<div class="crimson"> "Good workout, see you next time, buddy."</div>
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increase time by 1 unit -->
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
[[Return to The Gym|The Gym]]</center>
<center>You pay him those 20 bucks, and he says:<div class="crimson"> "Alright, well.</div> he bites his lip and says:<div class="crimson"> 'What a shame, I wanted to see those lips in action... well, until the next workout.'"."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/pay.gif"/></center>
<<set $Money -= 20>> <!-- Reduce the money by 10 units -->
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment the time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Gym|The Gym]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Gym.jpg"/></center>
The prisoner, smiling, says to you:
<<if $Money >= 20>>
<div class="crimson">Well, well, looks like we have 20 dollars on hand and we're not letting them go, huh? Well, I won't complain; at least I've got a new cocksucker...</div>
<div class="crimson">"It's time to get to work,"</div> he lies down on the floor next to you while unzipping his pants.
<center><img src="img/actions/neckdickreveal.webp"/></center>
You are at the same height as his penis, and taking advantage of your surprise, he grabs your head and puts it in his mouth... You can't help but close your eyes and start sucking while he guides your movements with his arm.
<center><img src="img/actions/blowpaygymforneck.webp"/></center>
You start to feel something salty and creamy dripping into your mouth. The prisoner shudders and whispers:<div class="crimson"> "Oh, fuck, just what I needed..."</div> He pulls his penis out of your mouth with a loud plop and stands in front of you, smiling half-sideways and proud of having lured you into his territory. He says:<div class="crimson"> "Come on, darling, clean it up nicely..." </div>You don't argue with him...
<center><img src="img/actions/blowpaygymforneck2.webp"/></center>
While you wipe off the remnants, he looks at you lustfully, telling you to get used to it because from what he can see, you enjoyed it as much as he did... After finishing, he puts it back in his pants and leaves, saying:<div class="crimson">"Until the next training session..."</div>
You're left looking at your crotch, confused yet excited... You've got an erection and feel puzzled... You get up, wiping your face, and leave as well. But you know that... by staying so late with that prisoner... rumors about your "neck training" will surely spread.
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increase time by 1 unit -->
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
[[Return to The Gym|The Gym]]</center><center>You pay him those 30 bucks, and he says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, at least I'm 30 bucks richer, and well.. that butt will be improving... I'm leaving happy.. until next time, handsome."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/pay.gif"/></center>
<<set $Money -= 30>> <!-- Reduce the money by 10 units -->
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment the time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Gym|The Gym]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Gym.jpg"/></center>
You pay him 20 bucks While the prisoner smiling in a mischievous way and seeing you sitting down he lies down in front of you on one of the mats there and says:<div class="crimson">" Well... I won't have part of that ass but...."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/Inmate3.jpg"/></center>
With no choice and sore from the training session.
<center><img src="img/sex/Inmate3blow.gif"/></center>
you start to suck him while he with a lewd face says:<div class="crimson">" You have to put more enthusiasm"</div> then... he grabs your head and starts to fuck your mouth brutally
<center><img src="img/sex/facefucked.webp"/></center>
Then in no time he lets out a little grunt cumming in your mouth
<center><img src="img/sex/Inmate3cum.gif"/></center>
losing a little of your throat reflex you unintentionally swallow its contents....
The prisoner then gets up and pulls up his pants and maliciously says:<div class="crimson">" You should thank me I have put it all the way down your throat and on top of that you have paid me.... haha what a bitch you are... until our next meeting..."</div> He leaves while laughing down the hall... You almost not feeling your legs you get up... you think this will have affected a little bit... your reputation and fame but well... at least you feel stronger... no?
<<set $Money -=20>>
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increase time by 1 unit -->
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
Money: <<print $Money>>
[[Return to The Gym|The Gym]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Gym.jpg"/></center>
The prisoner, with a sly smile and sensing your vulnerability, remarks:<div class="crimson"> "Well, I think I'm going to enjoy teaching you a lesson..."</div> You whisper:<div class="lightpink">"No, please, don't," </div>and he replies:<div class="crimson">"Shh, honey, soon you'll be begging for more... little by little... hehe..."</div>
Suddenly, the prisoner forcefully turns you around and pins you to the floor. After a moment, you feel one of his saliva-covered fingers being inserted into your backside...
You let out a small gasp, pleading:<div class="lightpink"> "Please, take it slowly..."</div> He replies:<div class="crimson"> "Breathe, take it slowly, and escape to your own little world... haha."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/ballshittingyourassgym1.webp"/></center>
With each thrust, you feel him gradually pushing his way inside you, causing a mix of sensations—intense burning and an overwhelming buzz in your mind.
<center><img src="img/sex/ballshittingyourassgym.webp"/></center>
Then, his balls begin to slap against your backside, and you become acutely aware of his brutal penetration. You start to utter half-screams and moans while the prisoner, sadistically, grabs you by the hair.
<center><img src="img/actions/fucked.gif"/></center>
Soon, you feel a hot release on your lower back as he lets go of your hair, leaving you collapsed with your buttocks in the air and your face resting on the ground.
<center><img src="img/sex/ballshittingyourassgymfinal.webp"/></center>
The prisoner stands up, playfully smacks your behind, and says:<div class="crimson"> "Good training, huh, slut? Well, see you next time, haha..."</div>
After a while, you cautiously touch your sore backside, trying to regain both your sanity and awareness of time. Slowly, you manage to get back on your feet, attempting to regain your composure, even though you know these actions will have serious consequences for your reputation and fame.
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increase time by 1 unit -->
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
[[Return to The Gym|The Gym]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Gym.jpg"/></center>
You approach the prisoner who asked to see how much you can lift with those little hands. With a mischievous smile, he says:<div class="crimson"> "Hello, sweetheart... let's see how well you move those arms, don't you think?"</div> You lick your lips and reply:<div class="lightpink">"Go ahead..."</div>
You get on the weight bench to do bicep curls while your trainer blows kisses at you as you train, and you think to yourself what a jerk he is...
<center><img src="img/actions/girlbicepstraining.gif"/></center>
As you continue, your arms start to tire, and they become stiff. Your training partner notices and suggests you sit on the floor and extend your hands. You follow his advice, but the situation takes an unexpected turn...
<center><img src="img/actions/liftyourarmstocock.gif"/></center>
Every time he lifts you up you feel his cock against your face... and it emanates an aroma that at the same time you find attractive seeing this your partner every time he passes it over your face begins to have an erection...
When he releases you he stands next to you and starts to keep rubbing it on your face
<center><img src="img/actions/dickinfaceliftgym.gif"/></center>
You are a little shocked but at the same time excited and with a smile he says:<div class="crimson">"Um do you think you can lift it for me honey..."</div>He pulls it out of his pants and starts to run it over your lips....
<center><img src="img/actions/cockgymlips.webp"/></center>
you bite your lips and raise your already exhausted hands and start jerking him off while giving him a blowjob.
<center><img src="img/actions/liftcockgym.webp"/></center>.
After a while and synchronizing your movements rapidly.
<center><img src="img/actions/facialliftcockgym.webp"/></center>
He paints your face and smiles, saying:<div class="crimson"> "You'll come back to work on those arms with me... hehe, see you later, gorgeous. By the way, I love seeing that creamy makeup on your face. You should go around the prison like that, surely you'll be raising more passions... haha."</div>
<<if $Str < 100>>
<<set $Str += 0.5>> <!-- Increase strength by 2 -->
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>><!-- Increase time by 1 unit -->
<<if $Energy <= 100>>
<<set $Energy -= 20>> <!-- Decrease energy by 20 units -->
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
[[Return to The Gym|The Gym]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Gym.jpg"/></center>
You approach the prisoner who is using a multipower machine, and he says:<div class="crimson"> "Hello, gorgeous. So, you've come to work that booty, huh? Well... before you get into doing squats, why don't you show me that ass?"</div> You huff and blush, thinking:<div class="yellow">"Well, at least I'm going to train..."</div> before starting with the squat bar.
<center><img src="img/sex/squatteasefemenine30-50.webp"/></center>
The prisoner starts to smile and says:<div class="crimson"> "Come on, babe, give it your all!"</div>and you automatically...
<center><img src="img/sex/squatfemenine30-50.webp"/></center>
Seeing this, he encourages you, saying:<div class="crimson">"Go on, girl! Take an energy drink."</div> Due to your thirst for exercise, you automatically...
<center><img src="img/actions/drinkforsasha.gif"/></center>
You start to push harder, going lower with each repetition until you lose track of time. You only hear laughter and <div class="crimson">"Well, gorgeous, let's go to my cell..."</div>
You find yourself on all fours in what supposedly is your trainer's cell, automatically lubricating your ass...
<center><img src="img/actions/efeminate20lubeass.webp"/></center>
Looking at you, he says:<div class="crimson">"What's up, slut? Hehe, getting ready for me, aren't you?"</div> You nod your head automatically... He positions himself behind you and starts spanking you.
<center><img src="img/sex/slapstrech.webp"/></center>
You involuntarily start to shake your butt.
<center><img src="img/sex/stretchass50femenine.webp"/></center>
In one of these movements, he surprises you by thrusting inside you.
<center><img src="img/sex/surpriseinsertfuck.webp"/></center>
You bite your lip, letting out an:<div class="lightpink"> "ahh," </div>and your "trainer" starts fucking you vigorously.
<center><img src="img/sex/analgym.webp"/></center>
After an indeterminate period of time, you feel him grab your hair and say:<div class="crimson"> "Come on, bitch, suck it and enjoy it..."</div> and as if in a trance, you automatically...
<center><img src="img/sex/blowjobshorthair.webp"/></center>
In a matter of moments...
<center><img src="img/actions/faciallegtocock.gif"/></center>
After he splashes it on your face, all you remember is waking up in the gym's locker room, wondering if you dreamt it or if it really happened. But deep down, you know it wasn't a dream because your ass still hurts, and when you look in the bathroom mirror, you see a handprint on your butt... with a taste of sour yogurt in your throat and a mix of excitement and embarrassment, you regain your composure.
<<if $Ass < 3>>
<<set $Ass += 1>>
<<if $Str < 100>>
<<set $Str += 2>> <!-- Increase strength by 2 -->
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>><!-- Increase time by 1 unit -->
<<if $Energy <= 100>>
<<set $Energy -= 20>> <!-- Decrease energy by 20 units -->
<<if $Feminity < 50>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
[[Return to The Gym|The Gym]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/locations/The Gym.jpg"/></center>
You approach the cardio area and encounter a prisoner in the middle of rolling what appears to be a "cigar." He says:<div class="crimson"> "Hey, sweetheart, you here for some cardio? Go ahead, get on one of the machines."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/workout-girl.gif"/></center>
After a while, you feel exhausted, and the prisoner notices it. He jokes:<div class="crimson"> "That's because your lungs aren't open, babe. Here, take a puff of this."</div> Not knowing where you are due to the dizziness, you respond:<div class="lightpink">"Alright, whatever."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/weed.gif"/></center>
As soon as you take a puff, everything starts to speed up, and the other prisoner begins to laugh. <div class="crimson">"Well, well, show me that fine ass of yours since I've at least motivated you," </div>he says jokingly. You start giggling and teasingly begin to pull down your shorts.
<center><img src="img/actions/Teaseassforfree.webp"/></center>
The prisoner laughs and comments:<div class="crimson"> "Damn, that's a nice ass!"</div> He then sits on one of the weight benches in front of you while you finish up. When you get off the machine, you collapse to your knees, and the prisoner laughs again, saying:<div class="crimson">"What's up, doll? Too much of a trip, huh? Hey, while you're down there, how about you give me a treat?"</div> You see him taking out his member from the side of his pants.
<center><img src="img/actions/huge-cock-reveal_001.gif"/></center>
You crawl towards him and start giving him a blowjob.
<center><img src="img/actions/blowjobfemenine30.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/femenineblowbchest0.webp"/></center>
After a while, he chuckles and says:<div class="crimson"> "Alright, let me take over."</div> He gathers your hair into a ponytail and starts face-fucking you.
<center><img src="img/actions/facefuckfemenine40ponytail.webp"/></center>
After an intense moment of face-fucking, he climaxes in your mouth, and you instinctively swallow and clean up the rest.
<center><img src="img/actions/facefuckedfemeninecreampie.webp"/></center>
The prisoner smirks and says:<div class="crimson"> "Good cardio workout, don't you think, sexy? Haha, see you around." </div>Saying this, he pulls up his pants and leaves you in the gym feeling both exhausted and intoxicated from whatever was in the "cigar." You clean yourself up, trying to regain your composure.
<<if $Intox < 3>>
<<set $Intox += 1>>
<<if $Str < 100>>
<<set $Str += 1>> <!-- Increase strength by 2 -->
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>><!-- Increase time by 1 unit -->
<<if $Energy <= 100>>
<<set $Energy -= 20>> <!-- Decrease energy by 20 units -->
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
[[Return to The Gym|The Gym]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/TheChef.jpg"/></center>
The chef, seeing you approach the kitchen, smiles and says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, there's my beloved drunk... How's your ass, darling?"</div> (As he blows you kisses).
Lowering your gaze, you start washing dishes when you feel the Chef behind you, groping you.
<center><img src="img/actions/assgropebychefkitchen.gif"/></center>
He begins to lick your neck and says:<div class="crimson"> "Mhh, you know, I have a hard and thick surprise for you in my cell... I know you like me to dress you up and suck my cock..."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/chefneckbite.gif"/></center>
As he says this, he starts giving you little thrusts, and you become immobilized, thinking to yourself:<div class="yellow">"What the hell is he doing to me... but I'm loving it." </div>Big Tony notices this as he continues giving you little thrusts over your clothes. He grabs one of the glasses from the sink and asks:<div class="crimson"> "Do you want one of my famous drinks, slut? Let's go to my cell; we have time..."</div>
You, thinking about the alcohol and dissociating, nod slightly as the chef takes you to his cell, fondling your butt along the way.
<center><img src="img/Locations/cell235.webp"/></center>
Arriving at the cell, he pushes you down onto the bed and takes out a bottle from under one of the tables, as if he had planned everything in advance.
<center><img src="img/actions/alcohol.gif"/></center>
Before you bring it to your mouth, Big Tony says:<div class="crimson"> "Shhh, bitch, don't be so ambitious."</div> (He slaps your hand) and continues, <div class="crimson">"I have to give you your medication."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/pillsondrink.gif"/></center>
You have a sensation that makes your mouth water, stronger than all the previous times. Without realizing it, you open your mouth as if you were hypnotized. The chef, seeing this with a malicious smile, says:<div class="crimson"> "Mmm, that's my little drunk slut... Take a few more candies, haha."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/pills.gif"/></center>
After swallowing those "candies," the chef tells you:<div class="crimson">"Didn't your daddy teach you not to accept candies from strangers?"</div> You start laughing foolishly, saying:<div class="lightpink">"But you're not a stranger,"</div> to which the chef starts laughing and says:<div class="crimson"> "Come on, silly, drink it."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/drinkforsasha.gif"/></center>
You're drunk and your sense of time is quite messed up, but what you do remember is that the chef lifts you up and stands behind you, and you feel his cock pressing against your ass. Then he whispers:<div class="crimson"> "Shh, be a good slut. I'm going to enhance those lips,"</div> and you say, unable to finish the sentence, <div class="lightpink">"My... lips, Chef?"</div> When suddenly, in the cell, you see...
<center><img src="img/npc/TheJackal.webp"/></center>
While the chef continues giving you little stitches over your pants, he says:<div class="crimson">"Now, be a good whore and stay still. My friend, the Jackal, will enhance those lips. Mmm, we need to improve them for good blowjobs."</div> You see the Jackal approaching with a syringe, and...
<center><img src="img/you/lipfillers.jpg"/></center>
You hardly feel anything, just a slight burning, probably due to the level of intoxication you're experiencing. The Chef lets go of you and gives what seems to be about $50 to the Jackal. You don't really care much as you kneel down and watch the Chef half-smilingly say to you:<div class="crimson">"That's just a part of it, and now, be a good slut, and give him a passionate blowjob. Do you want it, sweetheart? Today, I'll take care of the kitchen."</div> As if possessed, you reply:<div class="lightpink"> "Yes, Big T,"</div> and hazily see him leaving the cell. When you turn your head a little...
<center><img src="img/sex/Juancock.webp"/></center>
The Jackal says:<div class="crimson"> "Time for a good breakfast burrito, bitch, with breakfast sauce."</div>
Salivating, you eagerly start sucking him off.
<center><img src="img/sex/devourjuansausage.webp"/></center>
The Jackal looks surprised yet excited and says:<div class="crimson">"Damn, you horny pig, you're going to wake up the whole cellblock with your sucking, haha."</div>
He then lifts you up and sits you on the bed, telling you to continue there.
<center><img src="img/sex/devourjuansausage2.webp"/></center>
You continue masturbating him and giving him a blowjob until he starts cumming all over your lips and mouth, and you automatically lick and swallow like a horny bitch in heat.
<center><img src="img/sex/cumfaceswallow.webp"/></center>
The Jackal, smiling, says:<div class="crimson"> "What a good slutty mama you're going to be..."</div> Your vision becomes even hazier, and the last thing you remember is the Jackal leaving the cell while you fall unconscious on the chef's bed. You wake up at mealtime, feeling a tremendous burning sensation on your lips, realizing that they are now plumper and more feminine.
<center><img src="img/you/Lips/1.jpg"/></center>
Then, you leave and return to the cafeteria.
<<if $Humillationsub == 1>>
<<set $Humillationsub +=1>>
<<if $TheCookMoney >= 50>>
<<set $TheCookMoney -=50>>
<<set $JuanMoney += 50>>
<<if $Lips ==0>>
<<set $Lips +=1>>
<<if $IntoxicatedByChef == 1>>
<<set $IntoxicatedByChef += 1>>
<<if $Feminity < 60>>
<<set $Feminity += 4>>
<<if $Intox >=3>>
<<set $Intox +=1>>
<<set $gameTime += 2>> <!-- Increase time by 1 unit -->
[[Go to The Cafeteria|The Cafeteria]]<center><center><img src="img/Locations/Therapy.webp"/></center>
<div class="seagreen" onclick="toggleDropdown('descriptionText')">Description</div>
<div class="dropdown-text" id="descriptionText">
The therapy room of the prison psychologist is a serene and trust-inducing space, blending office elements with a passive-dominant decor and gender-neutral approach. The walls are painted in soothing grays and earthy tones, creating a relaxing ambiance. Minimalist yet imposing furniture, like a dark oak table, centers the room, accompanied by a stone bowl with incense to add comfort and calmness.
The room features a small nook with cushions and a mat for inmates to express themselves comfortably. A wooden bookshelf holds psychology, literature, and philosophy books. Soft, warm lighting and fabric curtains preserve privacy while allowing natural light. Subtle nature-inspired artworks symbolize strength, resilience, empathy, and understanding.
The psychologist's desk is discreetly positioned, fostering a sense of closeness without hierarchy. Overall, the room conveys balance and respect, offering inmates a safe space to explore emotions and thoughts without judgment. The passive-dominant decor and gender-neutral approach create a welcoming atmosphere for personal growth and emotional healing.</div>
<<if $Therapy == 0>>
[[First Session|FirstSession]]
<<if $Therapy == 1 && $Therapist == 0>>
[[You see a well-dressed man reclining behind the desk|Therapist0]]
<<if $Therapy == 1 && $Therapist == 1>>
<<set _randomConversation = random(1, 3)>>
<<if _randomConversation == 1>> <!-- Conversation about Sasha -->
[[Tell me, what are your thoughts on your cellmate, Sasha?|TalkAboutSasha]]
<<elseif _randomConversation == 2>> <!-- Conversation about The Chef -->
[[Now, let's talk about the Chef. He seems to possess a particular set of skills, doesn't he?|TalkAboutChef]]
<<elseif _randomConversation == 3>> <!-- Conversation about The Nerd -->
[[I've noticed the presence of another prisoner, often referred to as 'The Nerd.' What's your perception of this individual?|TalkAboutNerd]]
<<if $Therapy == 1 && $Therapist >= 1 && $Feminity >= 20 && $TherapySub == 0>>
[[I've noticed you've been a bit different lately|FChange]]
<<if $Therapy == 1 && $Therapist >= 1 && $Feminity >= 30 && $TherapySub == 1 && $BlackShow >= 1>>
[[You see the Black Showers Inmate leaving Arthur's office, laughing. Arthur looks at you and says: "I think we need to talk about your recent transition in this place..."|FChange2]]
<<if $TherapySub >=1 && $BlackShow >=1 && $TherapyBlaked >=1>>
<<set _randomBlacked = random(1,3)>>
<<if _randomBlacked == 1 >> <!-- First Hypnosis -->
[[Take a look at these images and tell me what you think.|HypnosisBlaked1]]
<<elseif _randomBlacked == 2>> <!-- Second Hypnosis -->
[[I think it's time for some payback. I don't like the attitude you have towards us.|HypnosisBlaked2]]
<<elseif _randomBlacked ==3>> <!-- Third Hypnosis -->
[[It's time for some intensive treatment.|HypnosisBlaked3]]
[[Go to The Yard|The Yard]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/CorridorGuard.jpg"/></center>
You wake up to several knocks on the cell bars, both you and Sasha. You see one of the guards pointing at you and saying:<div class="crimson">"You're $name,"</div> and you reply:<div class="gold"> "Yeah, what's up?"</div> The guard smirks aggressively and tells you:<div class="crimson"> "Show more respect, inmate. You have an appointment with the therapist, didn't you know, sweetheart?" </div>(While blowing kisses) You put your hands through the cell opening as the guard handcuffs you, makes you step out of the cell, and escorts you to your therapy session.
[[Go to Therapy|Therapy]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Therapy.webp"/></center>
You carefully examine the entire room, seeing it in a minimalist and practical way. Above the table, you notice what appears to be a kind of speaker. As you start to crouch down to observe it, suddenly, an interference comes from the same speaker, and a neutral voice, neither distinctly male nor female, asks you to sit, stating that they are observing you through one of the cameras in the room. You cautiously take a seat.
The therapist apologizes:<div class="crimson"> "Excuse me, $name, but today I won't be able to attend to you as you deserve. In the coming weeks, I will be your therapist, and you can share your concerns and experiences within the prison. Who knows, I hope to form strong bonds with you; I thoroughly enjoy savoring my patients' life experiences. Well, let's not beat around the bush; tell me why you're in prison and what you hope to learn from this process."</div>
For the next hour, you share your stories of bad decisions involving alcohol and how you ended up here, etc. Suddenly, the therapist interrupts:<div class="crimson"> "Oops, I'm sorry, $name, our time is up. But don't worry; we'll continue delving into what productive member of society we can mold you into."</div> There's a hint of a sarcastic chuckle. This remark slightly unsettles you. The therapist, watching you through the camera, adds:<div class="crimson"> "We'll work on polishing your assertiveness of gestures, hehe. Well, until next week."</div>
<center><center><img src="img/npc/CorridorGuard.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you hear the speaker click off, the guard who escorted you here tells you:<div class="crimson"> "Alright, buddy, head to the yard through here. I've had enough of your face, and it's coffee time." </div>With that, he roughly pushes you toward the yard.
<<if $Therapy == 0>>
<<set $Therapy +=1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
[[Go to The Yard|The Yard]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/npc/TheChefSmile.jpg"/></center>
The chef, upon seeing you sit on the bed with a half-smile, says:<div class="crimson"> "There's my tipsy princess, haha!" </div>You blush as he serves you a drink.
<center><img src="img/actions/alcohol.gif"/></center>
He doesn't drink anything while you start to get a bit tipsy. Big Tony notices this and says:<div class="crimson"> "How about I blindfold you and we play a game to see what your lips can sense, haha?"</div>
Being somewhat drunk and feeling indifferent, you nod as the chef starts putting a blindfold over your eyes.
<center><img src="img/sex/BlindfoldEvent/blindfolded.gif"/></center>
Suddenly, you hear the door of the cell opening and a pair of footsteps. You ask Chef what was that, and he says:<div class="crimson"> "Oh, nothing, just closing the door of the cell that was left open,"</div> while you hear some whispering in the background.
You ask him if it was really left open, and Chef tells you to relax, while unzipping his pants and you smell something familiar. Chef passes a finger over your lips and you automatically start sucking it passionately, perhaps thinking it was something else.
<center><img src="img/sex/BlindfoldEvent/BlindFoldTease.webp"/></center>
Chef sees this and says:<div class="crimson"> "Wow, honey, you're really hungry, haha. I'm going to lay you down on the bed."</div> You feel him pushing you down on your shoulders, and a big weight falls on your chest. He continues saying:<div class="crimson">"Let's see what this is, honey..."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/BlindfoldEvent/blindeggssuck.webp"/></center> You stick out your tongue and start tasting what seems like a wrinkled sack, and at the same time, it tastes salty. Chef observes what you're doing and says:<div class="crimson"> "Hmm, what do you feel, honey?"</div> and you respond:<div class="lightpink"> "Mmm, it's salty and warm, hehe." </div>Chef starts laughing a little louder while you hear some murmuring laughter in the background.
<center><img src="img/sex/BlindfoldEvent/BlindSuck1.webp"/></center> Suddenly, Chef starts putting it in your mouth while rubbing it on your face and says:<div class="crimson"> "You liked it, didn't you?" </div>and between sucking, you ask him:<div class="lightpink"> "What?"</div> and he responds:<div class="crimson"> "You know, sucking it in front of the other prisoners, right, slut?"</div> As if possessed by a succubus, you say:<div class="lightpink"> "Yes, Big T, mmm."</div> Chef, half excited and trying to maintain self-control, responds:<div class="crimson"> "Would you like to gargle mayonnaise for me, slut?" </div>He takes it out of your mouth so you can respond, and like a little girl who has had her lollipop taken away, you respond:<div class="lightpink"> "Fuck yes, Chef!"</div> Chef, more excited than ever, says:<div class="crimson"> "You're such a dirty whore," </div>and starts fucking your mouth like a wild animal.
<center><img src="img/sex/BlindfoldEvent/BlindSuck.webp"/></center> After fifteen minutes, Big Tony sits you on the bed while you start giving him a handjob while automatically opening your mouth and, perhaps due to your drunken state, you start saying:<div class="lightpink"> "Give me your cum, Big."</div> Chef starts coming in your mouth, and you start tasting and swallowing. Suddenly, you start noticing how Chef is laughing, followed by several more laughs in the background. You take off the blindfold and see the prisoners from the other wing, lusting after you while one of them says:<div class="crimson"> "Don't worry, little one, we'll give you mayonnaise too, haha." </div>You unintentionally smile, half embarrassed and half excited, while you clean the rest of Chef's cum with your fingers.
<center><img src="img/sex/BlindfoldEvent/Cleancum.webp"/></center> As you get up from Chef's bed, he laughs and says:<div class="crimson"> "Okay, gentlemen, leave my little slut alone. We'll talk about what happened, and if you have any propositions..."</div> You become even more embarrassed and lower your head while Chef approaches and spanks your ass, saying:<div class="crimson"> "That's right, my little whore." </div>
<center><img src="img/sex/BlindfoldEvent/Slapass.webp"/></center>
You respond:<div class="lightpink"> "Yes, Chef," </div>and he smiles even more maliciously, saying:<div class="crimson">"That's it... well, see you later, bitch," </div>and kicks you out of the cell.
<<if $IntoxicatedByChef >= 2>>
<<set $IntoxicatedByChef += 1>>
<<if $Intox >=4>>
<<set $Intox +=1>>
<<if $InmatesA == 2>>
<<set $InmatesA +=1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[The Cells|The Cells]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/npc/TheChefLaugh.jpg"/></center>
The Chef, laughing, hands you a lingerie set that you put on quickly while he prepares the drinks.
<center><img src="img/sex/DrunkEv/crosdressedtoCheflingerie.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/pillsondrink.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/alcohol.gif"/></center>
You start drinking and resume the current truth or dare game. The Chef tries to ask you about your private life, but you dodge the questions while he takes off items of clothing with each evasion. You manage to get him to reveal that he has been in jail for about 15 years, but you can't find out why. He starts asking about your family, and you're left with only heels and fishnet stockings, so you say:<div class="gold"> "dare"</div> and he tells you to get on all fours so he can see the view.
<center><img src="img/sex/DrunkEv/crosdresstochef80.webp"/></center>
You half-laughingly ask him again what his crime was, but he doesn't answer, so you say "dare" and challenge him to take off his pants. The Chef's eyes widen, but he starts laughing and says:<div class="crimson"> "You're such a bitch, haha."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefCock.gif"/></center>
Indeed, the Chef isn't wearing any underwear, and you can't help but be hypnotized by his cock. The Chef notices and asks you:<div class="crimson"> "Do you have any family?"</div> and you say:<div class="gold"> "dare," </div>and he says:<div class="crimson"> "Okay, you won't drink until you tell me."</div> You say:<div class="gold"> "That's not fair,"</div> while he laughs and asks what you choose. You say:<div class="gold"> "ummm, what do you put in the drink?" </div>and he says:<div class="crimson">"dare,"</div> so you tell him to start jerking off for you. The Chef starts laughing and says:<div class="crimson"> "So the whore wants to play, huh?" </div>
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefHi.gif"/></center>
You don't know if this is going to hurt you or the Chef, but he smiles and asks you the same question again, knowing you won't answer. He says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, start sucking my cock, bitch. I've been too patient."</div> He passes a leg over your back and pulls you towards his cock, and you start drunkenly sucking it with a surprised look on your face.
<center><img src="img/sex/DrunkEv/blowchefrelax.webp"/></center>
You close your eyes while you suck him off, and the Chef enjoys his drink. He say:<div class="crimson"> "We're starting to have an audience"</div>. Some prisoner tells the Chef:<div class="crimson"> 'I want a whore like that too,'</div>and he responds:<div class="crimson"> 'Don't worry, I'll serve you this one. I'm training her well, haha.'" </div>You start sucking him off harder, and the Chef says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, until you tell me, stay there, sweetheart."</div> Between sucking, the Chef lets you catch your breath and looks at you. He says:<div class="crimson">"Are you going to tell me?"</div> and you say:<div class="lightpink">"I have... a stepfather... okay?"</div> The Chef starts laughing and says:<div class="crimson"> "I'm sure someone has problems with daddy, haha."</div> He grabs your head with his hand and puts you back to sucking his cock.
<center><img src="img/sex/femenineblowchef.webp"/></center>
He says:<div class="crimson">"You know, you took too long. How about you tell me why you're really in jail?"</div> After a few seconds of silence, you shake your head, and the angry Chef says:<div class="crimson"> "No... well, it's time to tame that ass."</div> He throws you against the bed frame and, before penetrating you, says:<div class="crimson"> "Be a good whore and move that ass for me, sweetheart. At least you'll earn that I start with care."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/DrunkEv/twerkforchef2.webp"/></center>
You're scared, and the Chef starts fucking you carefully while accelerating his thrusts and asking why you're there. Unable to take this torment, you say:<div class="lightpink">"For drug trafficking, okay?" </div>
<center><img src="img/sex/DrunkEv/fuckeddrunkbychefagain.webp"/></center>
The Chef fucks you sadistically and says:<div class="crimson"> "Haha, let me guess, daddy with money and the kid trafficking... you're a spoiled little bitch, but I'm going to teach you how to be a real whore, haha." </div>He starts spanking your ass while cumming inside you.
<center><img src="img/sex/DrunkEv/cumass.webp"/></center>
After this, he hits you four more times, lifts you up, and says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, we'll see who your new daddy is."</div> While you change, he says:<div class="crimson"> "I love getting to know you more... my little whore, haha..."</div> You feel more submissive and feminine as you leave with your ass a little more "tamed."
<<if $StepFather == 0>>
<<set $StepFather +=1>>
<<if $Feminity < 60>>
<<set $Feminity += 2>>
<<if $IntoxicatedByChef >= 3>>
<<set $IntoxicatedByChef += 1>>
<<if $Intox >=5>>
<<set $Intox +=1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/></center>
Ismael, upon seeing you approach, grabs your face and surprisingly begins to passionately kiss you, causing you to smile in disbelief.
<center><img src="img/sex/MamasitaEV/kiss.gif"/></center>
He then wildly begins to undress you while he says:<div class="crimson"> "Let's see that body mamasita hehe"</div> You seeing the strength you have you let him take off your clothes.. when he starts to look you up and down.
<center><img src="img/sex/MamasitaEV/PoseForIsmael2.jpg"/></center>
He tells you:<div class="crimson">"Well what are you waiting for make up now I pass you the lingerie mommy."</div>
You go to your private place and...
<center><img src="img/actions/makeup.gif"/></center>
Ismael hands you a set of stockings and a hairpin in the shape of a flower... you put it on right away while when you turn around again Ismael starts to put on your lipstick
<center><img src="img/items/ismaelputinlipstickonyou.gif"/></center>
When you get up you see Ismael lying there smiling saying how pretty you look.
<center><img src="img/sex/MamasitaEV/PoseForIsmael.jpg"/></center>
Then he gets up and pushes you down on your knees and you submissively already know what he wants so.
<center><img src="img/sex/MamasitaEV/shemalechest1blowjob.webp"/></center>
As you suck him off Ismael makes comments like:<div class="crimson"> "This is your spot mommy", "How beautiful you look " "umm those new lips look great on you". </div>
In a couple of minutes Ismael starts cumming on your face.
<center><img src="img/sex/MamasitaEV/femenizedcumonyourfacelatin.webp"/></center>
When he finishes smiling looking at you from above he says:<div class="crimson">" Umm even with my sauce on your face you look pretty haha"</div> You shamefully with your finger you remove the remains and indirectly take it to your mouth....
<center><img src="img/sex/MamasitaEV/cumwhipe.webp"/>
Isamel seeing this gives you an expression of surprise and says:<div class="crimson"> Wow mamasita hehe you still like my sauce eh...</div> you blush while you make a slight nod of approval Ismael smiling tells you:<div class="crimson">" We will repeat it more mommy haha well I'm going to train in the field if you want to come by"</div> (while leaving the cell he winks at you and at the same time sends you a kiss) You get up on your knees you put on your uniform and follow his example.. leaving the place....
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/TheChefLaugh.jpg"/></center>
You tell Big Tony:<div class="gold"> "Alright, why not hehe?"</div>
He smiles and says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, the rest of us don't have to dress up, but it's time for you to change into a different uniform, sweetheart..."</div> He lets out a sigh, becoming less embarrassed as time goes on.
<center><img src="img/items/uniformdadychef.jpg"/></center>
When the Chef sees you changed, he lets out a mischievous grin and says:<div class="crimson"> "You look gorgeous, darling. You're going to be the center of attention for our guests, HaHa."</div> You notice the Chef setting up a table with glasses and a deck of cards. As you reach for one, he stops you and whispers:<div class="crimson"> "Ssshhh, little slut, you have to pay up. You owe me 30 bucks."</div> You mention that the Chef, even more audacious, tells you that:<div class="crimson">"Sucking Daddy's cock doesn't mean you don't have to pay anything, dear."</div> As he says this, he places his hand on his crotch and, with a suggestive tone, adds:<div class="crimson">"And be thankful I'm not making you do a little job for me right now..."</div> You, blushing more than ever, hand him the 30 bucks, and the Chef, grinning, says:<div class="crimson"> "What do you say?" </div>You reply:<div class="lightpink"> "Thank you."</div>
<<set $Money -=30>>
Two inmates from the other wing appear and say:<div class="crimson">"Perfect, everything's ready for the poker game, and we even have our little whore." </div>The Chef tells them:<div class="crimson"> "Boys, relax... let's see who wins, haha..."</div>
The Chef puts a pill in your mouth and makes you drink from a bottle, saying:<div class="crimson"> "There you go, slut... just like my cock the other day." </div>The other two inmates burst into laughter...
Shortly after this little incident, you all sit down at the table to play the game...
<<set $randomEvent = random(1, 4)>>
<<if $randomEvent == 1>>
You have won the poker game, recovering your money.
<<if $randomEvent == 2>>
The Chef emerges victorious in the game, leaving you empty-handed.
<<if $randomEvent == 3>>
One of the rival inmates takes home the victory, giving you a mocking smile as they collect the chips.
<<if $randomEvent == 4>>
All three rival inmates join forces against you, winning the game and putting you in a tough spot.
<center><center><img src="img/npc/TheChef.jpg"/></center>
The Chef says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, he's won this time. Let him enjoy it... at least he's not leaving with a sore jaw or a sore ass, Haha..."</div> The other inmates laugh, finishing their drinks.
Blushing, you take the money as you leave and they look at you with lascivious glances, biting their lips, perhaps thinking that they might have better luck in the next round.
<center><img src="img/actions/pay.gif"/></center>
<<set $Money += 90>> <!-- Increase money by 50 units -->
Money:<<print $Money>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/TheChefSmile.jpg"/></center>
Laughing, the Chef stands up from the table and says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, take that, gentlemen and lady."</div> Unconsciously, he heads toward you as you turn your face.
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/suckchefinit.webp"/></center>
He grabs your head and starts slapping your face with his cock while laughing, just like the other inmates.
Taking advantage of the distraction and grinning macabrely, the Chef leans back in his chair, bringing your head with him, and starts throat-fucking you. You can only make<div class="lightpink"> "ga, ga, ga"</div> sounds as the inmates start laughing, saying:<div class="crimson"> "But Chef, give her a break, she's going to choke on your cock, hahaha." </div>You're both embarrassed and aroused as your vision starts to blur.
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/suckchef.webp"/></center>
The Chef responds to them:<div class="crimson"> "I'm just training her to be a good woman, relax, haha."</div>
Suddenly, you feel the Chef release his grip and start ejaculating on your face. You close your eyes and let it happen as you catch your breath.
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/suckchefcum.webp"/></center>
After this, the Chef says with a smile:<div class="crimson"> "A good game of poker, money in the wallet, and a good blowjob, don't you think, princess?"</div> You gaze at him while you still have cum on your face and in your mouth. The Chef points out:<div class="crimson"> "You should be more grateful..."</div> as he gestures to your shirt. The inmates are silent, witnessing the scene. As he gives your hair one last tug, you say:<div class="lightpink"> "Thanks, Daddy, for giving me a snack."</div> The Chef smiles and tells you:<div class="crimson">"That's how it's done. Now clean me up properly, slut, before you go..."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/suckchefcumclean.webp"/></center>
After this dusk of poker, the Chef bids you farewell as usual, while the other two inmates say:<div class="crimson"> "Let's hope we have better luck next time, damn it, haha."</div>
<<if $TheCookMoney <= 2000>>
<<set $TheCookMoney += 90>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/cell235.webp"/></center>
The inmate collects his payment from his companion and says to Big Tony:<div class="crimson"> "Come on, man, your share."</div> He looks at you maliciously and asks:<div class="crimson"> "Do you prefer my $30 or his ass?"</div> The inmate's eyes widen, and he exclaims:<div class="crimson"> "Oh my god, his ass first, lube me up, it's for her own good, hahaha."</div> The Chef agrees.
Your eyes widen as the Chef tells you:<div class="crimson"> "You better drink up, slut, because this pervert is going to fuck your ass good."</div> You indirectly obey and start drinking.
<center><img src="img/actions/drinkforsasha.gif"/></center>
When you finish, the Inmate is tapping your cheek with his cock.
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/Prisonerslapcock.webp"/></center>
Blushing, you look at the Chef, who tells you:<div class="crimson"> "If I were you, I'd put more effort into it. I won't let them fuck me, darling..."</div>
So, you grab his cock and start tapping it while teasingly saying, perhaps due to your drunken state:<div class="lightpink">"Hello, dear, would you like a nice little blowjob?"</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/Prisonerslapcock2.webp"/></center>
Then, you proceed to suck the tip.
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/Prisonerslapcock3.webp"/></center>
The Inmate, hotter than before, seeing you behave like a cheap whore, throws himself onto the bed while the Chef laughs, and the other Inmate positions himself on the side, masturbating while watching the scene.
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/assfuckedinit.webp"/></center>
He starts thrusting into your ass until he begins fucking you vigorously. While he continues, he removes your top.
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/assfuckedinit2.webp"/></center>
The other Inmate politely asks the Chef if he can let you suck his cock a bit, and the Chef, witnessing the macabre scene, agrees without hesitation.
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/assfuckedblow.webp"/></center>
After a while, with a slightly sore jaw, the Inmate lies back with you on top, still fucking your ass.
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/assfucked.webp"/></center>
You hold your legs with one arm and touch your ass with the other, while the Inmate squeezes your butt, intensifying your sensations. After a while, you find yourself being fucked doggy style as the Inmate cums inside you.
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/assfucked3cum.webp"/></center>
As he pulls out of your ass, you hear a plop and feel a dribble. You hear the Inmate say:<div class="crimson"> "Look, Chef, I've left this slut's ass quite a mess, hahaha."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/assfucked3cumshowasstochef.webp"/></center>
As he gives you a couple of spanks, you climax, letting out a moan that both the inmates and the Chef notice, and they start laughing together. After a while, the Chef says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, I think we've all come out on top... I haven't paid, you've earned and fucked, you got a halfway blowjob, and my dear little slut here got a good ride and was further tamed... hahaha."</div> Laughing amongst themselves, they tell you to get changed, and you leave the cell with them. The Inmate who fucked you says:<div class="crimson"> "You won't be walking properly for a week, honey, hahaha."</div>
<<if $InmatesAMoney <= 2000>>
<<set $InmatesAMoney += 60>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/cell235.webp"/></center>
The three inmates are high-fiving each other, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Well, we've all won!"</div> The Chef chimes in:<div class="crimson">"Except my little slut, hahah. "</div>Clearly, with the extra drinks and the excitement of the game, they're all worked up. You give them a mocking look and say:<div class="lightpink"> "Well, what can we do..."</div>
One of them says to the Chef:<div class="crimson"> "Hey, Big T, why don't we give her a nice cocktail of milk right off the bat, hahaha."</div> The other adds:<div class="crimson"> "Yeah, come on, Big Cheer him, let's put her in her place a bit more."</div> You continue drinking alcohol as if it doesn't concern you.
<center><img src="img/actions/drinkforsasha.gif"/></center>
The Chef responds:<div class="crimson"> "You know what? Let's teach the slut a lesson..."</div> They start surrounding you, pants down. You're half-drunk and laughing, saying:<div class="lightpink"> "Guys, come on!"</div> One of them tells you:<div class="crimson">"Start sucking, slut, don't be so uptight, we know you love it."</div>
The Chef adds:<div class="crimson"> "Here, you have three lollipops of milk..." </div>Seeing no escape, you reluctantly comply.
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/blowgang1.webp"/></center>
You start sucking the closest cock while moving closer to the others.
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/blowgang2.webp"/></center>
You switch between cocks eagerly, as if you're starving, while the three of them call you a slut. Between breaths, you say:<div class="lightpink"> "Mmm,"</div> and the Chef asks:<div class="crimson"> "What's up, slut, drunk on cock, huh?"</div> Another says:<div class="crimson"> "Her favorite food is cocks, haha."</div> A bit mouthy from the alcohol, you're sucking one of their cocks and you tell them:<div class="lightpink"> "My favorite food is hotdogs, hihi."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/blowgang3.webp"/></center>
After a couple of sucks, they start cumming on your face, and the familiar smell fills the air.
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/bukake3.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/bukake4.webp"/></center>
Seeing a bit of cum on the table, the Chef makes you lick it up, and you do so willingly.
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/lickcumtable.webp"/></center>
They finish cumming on your face completely.
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/bukake5.webp"/></center>
With your face covered in warm cum, you coyly ask:<div class="lightpink"> "Now what, boys?"</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/bukakefinal.webp"/></center>
They say:<div class="crimson"> "Now what, slut? Now you're going to swallow the rest."</div> You start licking the residue off your face as they fill a glass with the cum that's still on their cocks.
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/bukakefinal2.webp"/></center>
As you watch the Chef's expression, you follow suit.
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/bukakefinal3.webp"/></center>
After gulping down the contents, you look at them and say:<div class="lightpink"> "Mmm, thanks for the milk, guys, hehe." </div>The last thing you remember is stumbling back to your cell, drunk.
<<if $InmatesAMoney <= 2000>>
<<set $InmatesAMoney += 60>>
<<if $TheCookMoney <= 2000>>
<<set $TheCookMoney += 30>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/npc/Stepfather.webp"/></center>
Te aproximas al cubiculo y cojes el telefono mientras tu padre te dice... como lo llevas hijo de que quieres hablar? <center><center><img src="img/npc/Stepfather.webp"/></center>
You approach the booth cautiously, noticing the concern etched on your Stepfather's face. He gestures for you to take a seat opposite him.<div class="crimson"> "Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something important,"</div> he begins, his voice slightly somber. <div class="crimson">"You remember your sister, right? She's been going through a tough time lately, and I think she could use some support. Maybe you could reach out to her, show her that you're there for her. Family matters, you know?"</div> His gaze meets yours, his concern evident.
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return To The BackYard|The BackYard]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/Stepfather.webp"/></center>
Your Stepfather's conversation seems intense as you approach the booth. He nods at you, signaling for you to join him.<div class="crimson"> "Listen, I've been talking to your mother," </div>he starts, his tone grave.<div class="crimson"> "We've both noticed some changes in you since you've been here. I know it's not easy, but we're here to support you. Your mother worries about you, and so do I. Remember, we're a family, and we'll get through this together."</div>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return To The BackYard|The BackYard]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/Stepfather.webp"/></center>
Your Stepfather's face lights up with a warm smile as you approach the booth. He motions for you to sit down, and the conversation he was having on the phone comes to an end. <div class="crimson">"You know, your mother and I have been talking about your future,"</div> he says, his tone optimistic. <div class="crimson">"I've been in politics for a while now, and I've always dreamed of seeing you succeed. But lately, some rumors have been circulating about your... ahem, past behavior. I had to use a considerable amount of resources to manage the situation. I hope you understand, and I hope you'll start making better choices. Your actions can affect not just your life, but the lives of those who care about you."</div>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return To The BackYard|The BackYard]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/TheChefLaugh.jpg"/></center>
<div class="crimson">"What are you doing here, cutie?"</div> The Cook's voice startles you as he sips his coffee, his gaze fixed on you. An inmate smiles mischievously as he passes by. <div class="crimson">"Visiting your daddy, huh? Who knows, maybe you'll end up calling me 'daddy' too,"</div> he says with a suggestive grin, his tone dripping with amusement.
You feel your cheeks flush, caught off guard by his teasing words. <div class="lightpink">"I... uh, just visiting,"</div> you stammer, feeling a mix of embarrassment and discomfort.
Big Tony: <div class="crimson">"You know, I quite enjoy it when you come to cook for me in the kitchen, darling,"</div> The Cook says with a playful glint in his eyes. <div class="crimson">"Seeing you in action is a real treat."</div> He smirks and takes another sip of his coffee. You feel a rush of embarrassment and quickly excuse yourself, retreating from the conversation.
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return To The BackYard|The BackYard]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/TheChef2.jpg"/></center>
<div class="crimson">"What brings you here, my little visitor?"</div> The Cook's voice chimes in as you approach your Stepfather's booth. He takes a sip of his coffee and smirks in your direction, his suggestive gaze making your cheeks burn with embarrassment.
You engage in a conversation with your Stepfather, discussing life within the prison walls. He shares stories about the challenges and how he's been coping. Meanwhile, The Cook interjects from the nearby booth, describing how he has a new kitchen assistant who's been preparing extraordinary meals, like nothing before. He lets out a suggestive chuckle and sends a wink your way, making your heart race.
You try your best to focus on the conversation, feeling your face turn even redder. Your Stepfather seems oblivious to The Cook's innuendos, but you can't help but notice. The uncomfortable tension between you and The Cook hangs in the air as you carry on with the conversation.
<center><img src="img/npc/StepfatherSerious.webp"/></center>
Just as the visitation time is about to end, your Stepfather's expression turns serious. He looks at you with concern and offers some fatherly advice. You bid your farewell and start to leave, but before you go, The Cook playfully gives your rear a squeeze and delivers a couple of light smacks.
<center><img src="img/actions/spank.gif"/></center>
Your Stepfather's eyes widen in astonishment as The Cook turns towards him, blowing a kiss and saying:<div class="crimson"> "Goodbye, Daddy." </div>The situation leaves your Stepfather speechless.
You exit the visitation area, feeling a mix of embarrassment, confusion, and the lingering touch of The Cook's playful advances.
<<if $StepFatherSub == 0>>
<<set $StepFatherSub += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return To The BackYard|The BackYard]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Therapy.webp"/></center>
You step into the therapist's office, your gaze drawn to an unexpected sight. Before you stands a tall, commanding African-American man, exuding a blend of intensity and curiosity. His eyes lock onto you, dissecting every nuance with a probing intensity.
<center><img src="img/npc/ArthurSerious.webp"/></center>
In a deep, resonant voice, he greets you, <div class="crimson">"Hello, $name. I am Arthur White."</div> A wry smile tugs at your lips involuntarily, as you catch the play on words with his last name.
<center><img src="img/npc/ArturNormal.webp"/></center>
Arthur raises an eyebrow, seemingly unfazed by your reaction. <div class="crimson">"Ah, another attempt at white supremacy, I see. It appears we are in for some enlightening sessions, my dear."</div> His words carry an undercurrent of challenge, daring you to prove him wrong.
You quickly interject, denying any racist intentions. Arthur's response remains measured. <div class="crimson">"We will observe your behaviors over time. I can be quite relentless in my methods."</div> His calm tone holds an unsettling quality.
As the conversation unfolds, you find yourself discussing life within the prison walls. Minutes pass, marked by thoughtful insights and probing questions from Arthur. Each inquiry seems to peel back layers of your psyche, revealing more beneath the surface.
After what feels like both an eternity and an instant, the session draws to a close. You collect your thoughts and bid Arthur farewell, exiting the room. Just before you leave, a subtle movement catches your eye. Arthur's gaze lingers on you, his lips barely moving as he murmurs, <div class="crimson">"A promising subject indeed. Time will tell."</div>
<<if $Therapist == 0>>
<<set $Therapist += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Go to The Yard|The Yard]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Therapy.webp"/></center>
You meet Arthur's intense gaze as he leans forward, his eyes locking onto yours. His voice is measured and probing as he asks:<div class="crimson">"Tell me, $name, what are your thoughts on your cellmate, Sasha?"</div>
You take a moment to gather your thoughts before responding:<div class="gold"> "Well, Sasha has been quite interesting since I arrived here. It's like they have a sixth sense for observing others. They've been giving me advice on how to interact with different prisoners, like the Chef, Alex the Nerd, and even the Latin gang. It's... helpful, I guess."</div>
Arthur raises an eyebrow, his expression revealing nothing.<div class="crimson"> "And they ask for nothing in return? No favors, no cigarettes?"</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/ArturNormal.webp"/></center>
You shift uncomfortably, unsure of how to answer. Arthur seems to read your hesitation and leans back in his chair, his pen poised above his notebook. <div class="crimson">"I see,"</div> he murmurs, jotting down a few notes. <div class="crimson">"Continue."</div>
Feeling a mixture of relief and curiosity, you elaborate further on your interactions with Sasha. Arthur listens attentively, occasionally interjecting with astute observations or questions that probe deeper into your psyche.
As your conversation comes to a close, Arthur's demeanor changes. He offers you a half-smile, a hint of amusement in his eyes. <div class="crimson">"It appears our time is up for now,"</div> he says, closing his notebook. <div class="crimson">"Until next time, $name."</div>
With those words, you rise from your seat and leave the therapist's office, Arthur's enigmatic presence lingering in your mind.
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
[[Go to The Yard|The Yard]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/Therapy.webp"/></center>
<div class="crimson">"Tell me,$name, what can you share about this Chef called Big Tony?"</div>
You shift in your seat, feeling slightly on the spot. <div class="gold">"Yes, they do call him Big Tony,"</div> you respond.<div class="gold"> "He's known for his skills in the kitchen, and, well, there are rumors about his other abilities."</div>
Arthur leans forward, his gaze probing.<div class="crimson"> "Other abilities, you say? Care to elaborate?"</div>
You hesitate, a bit uncomfortable under Arthur's scrutinizing look.<div class="gold"> "I... I'm not entirely sure. People talk, but I can't say for sure."</div>
Arthur's lips curve into a faint smile.<div class="crimson"> "Of course, it's all just hearsay, isn't it? It's not like you would know firsthand."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/ArthurSmile.webp"/></center>
An awkward silence settles in the room as you shift your gaze to the sides. Arthur takes a moment to jot down a few notes in his notebook.
The conversation continues, with Arthur skillfully attempting to extract more information from you about Big Tony. However, you find yourself evading his questions with carefully crafted responses. As the session nears its end, Arthur leans back in his chair.
<center><img src="img/npc/ArturNormal.webp"/></center>
<div class="crimson">"You might want to consider being more open to new opportunities, $name,"</div> Arthur says, his tone suggestive. <div class="crimson">"You never know what you might find appealing."</div>
You raise an eyebrow, a touch of suspicion in your expression as you stand up to leave. Arthur's parting words linger in the air as you exit the room, his eyes fixed on you.
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
[[Go to The Yard|The Yard]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Therapy.webp"/></center>
<div class="crimson">"So, tell me, $name, who is this individual they call 'The Nerd'? What are your thoughts on him?" </div>Arthur's voice holds a note of intrigue.
You ponder for a moment before responding:<div class="gold">"I think his name is Alex. He's... well, he seems different from the others."</div>
Arthur raises an eyebrow, his expression probing. <div class="crimson">"Is that what you think, or what you know?"</div>
Your words falter, and you find yourself at a loss for a moment.<div class="gold">"I... I think that's his name,"</div> you manage to say.
<center><img src="img/npc/ArturAngry.webp"/></center>
Arthur's lips curl into a subtle, aggressive smirk. <div class="crimson">"Interesting. And have you noticed, he appears rather... effeminate for this environment. Almost like an easy target, wouldn't you say?"</div>
You feel a mix of seriousness and a hint of embarrassment in Arthur's tone. You respond, your voice wavering slightly:<div class="gold"> "Maybe... I mean, he's holding up under pressure, but it's hard to understand how he manages it."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/ArturNormal.webp"/></center>
Arthur continues, his questions probing deeper:<div class="crimson">"Do you think he might be working for someone on the inside? They say he's incredibly intelligent. His frequent visits here, they seem almost enigmatic, don't they? Even I find him intriguing. Don't you?"</div>
You find yourself grappling with a lack of answers as Arthur persistently seeks more information. He carefully observes your evasive responses and the shifts in your demeanor. The mental exhaustion of enduring another round of questioning begins to take its toll.
As the session draws to a close, you can't help but feel drained. Arthur's demeanor remains unchanged, seemingly impervious to the toll it takes on you. You leave the room, waiting for the usual guard to escort you back to The Yard.
Just as you're about to leave, you catch a snippet of a conversation from Arthur, his voice carrying a hint of laughter. <div class="crimson">"Those white rears will soon be tamed, brother."</div> The words hang in the air, leaving you uncertain if you heard them correctly or if it was a figment of your fatigued mind.
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Incrementa el tiempo en 1 unidad -->
[[Go to The Yard|The Yard]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/></center>
<div class="seagreen">
The cells with double beds are similar to the standard cells, but with the addition of a second bed and a slightly larger floor space. The beds are typically bunk beds, with a ladder to access the top bunk. The room still has a toilet and sink, as well as a small table and chair. The walls are the same gray concrete, and the door is heavy and metal with a small window for the guard to observe. Despite the addition of the second bed, the room still feels cramped and confined. The presence of another person in such close quarters can be both comforting and frustrating, depending on the cellmate. It's not uncommon for conflicts to arise between cellmates, especially if they have different schedules or personalities. Overall, the cells with double beds are not much different from the standard cells, but the addition of another person can make the experience of prison life even more challenging.
<<set $hasActivatedPassage = true>> <!-- Mark the passage as activated -->
<<set _randomPassage = random(1, 3)>> <!-- Generate a random number between 1 and 3 to select the passage -->
<<if _randomPassage == 1>>
[[A prisoner from the opposite wing approaches you and says, "What's up, honey? Are you headed to the chef's cell? How about doing me a little favor first for 10 bucks?"|Passage1]]
<<if _randomPassage == 2>>
[[Two prisoners from the opposite wing come closer and say, "Want some mayonnaise, sweetheart?" As they show you 20 bucks.|Passage2]]
<<if _randomPassage == 3>>
[[Three prisoners, familiar from your meetings with the chef, gesture for you to come closer.|Passage3]]
<</if>><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/></center>
The inmate grabs your upper arm and leads you to a corner of the hallway. He says:<div class="crimson">"Come on, darling, 10 bucks... and you give me a little favor, what do you say?"</div> (As he places his hand on your shoulder and touches himself)
[[Perhaps another time|Retire]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/></center>
The two inmates start touching you while suggesting:<div class="crimson">"Hey there, cutie, why don't we go to the janitor's closet and have some fun? We'll give you a bit of 'mayonnaise.' Come on, don't be shy... we'll give you 20 bucks... quick and easy."</div>
[[Perhaps another time|Retire]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/></center>
You approach them, and it's evident that the three of them are familiar to you. Two of them often visit the chef, but the third one doesn't. As you raise a suspicious eyebrow, the third one says:<div class="crimson"> "Come on, I'll give you 30 bucks if you let me ride that hungry ass of yours. What do you say?"</div> You pause to consider it when you notice he's reaching into his pocket as if he's about to throw something...
[[Let it happen|Job3]]
[[Perhaps another time|Retire]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/></center>
Without saying a word, the inmate starts pushing your shoulders down, and you find yourself on your knees, looking up at him. You watch as he unbuttons his pants right in front of you.
<center><img src="img/sex/Random/InmateAcockreveal.webp"/></center>
He lets it rest against your face, the scent of sweat filling your senses. Then, the inmate instructs you:<div class="crimson">"Clean it up nicely... just like the Chef in his cell."</div> With no other option, you...
<center><img src="img/sex/Random/InmateAcocksuck.webp"/></center>
Continue servicing him, glancing around the hallway as he grabs your hair and intensifies the rhythm, thrusting into your mouth.
<center><img src="img/sex/Random/InmateAcocksuck2.webp"/></center>
In a matter of minutes, he orgasms in your mouth.
<center><img src="img/sex/Random/InmateAcocksuck3.webp"/></center>
Afterward, looking at you with your mouth full, he asks:<div class="crimson"> "Want your 10 bucks, slut? Haha... you know what you have to do..."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/cumfaceswallow.webp"/></center>
He drops two 5-dollar bills on the floor, which you quickly pick up as he walks away down the hallway...
Suddenly, you see the Chef approaching you, your face still stained, feeling embarrassed...
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChefSmile.jpg"/></center>
The Chef smiles and says:<div class="crimson"> "Little slut... at least 5 bucks are mine."</div> He immediately takes one of the bills, giving your rear a playful slap, and remarks:<div class="crimson">"Good bitch... see you around, if you want... haha..." </div>Then, he disappears back into his cell...
<<if $InmatesAMoney <= 2000>>
<<set $InmatesAMoney -= 10>>
<<if $InmatesASubmit < 3>>
<<set $InmatesASubmit += 1>>
<<if $TheCookMoney <= 2000>>
<<set $TheCookMoney += 5>>
<<set $Money += 5>>
Money:<<print $Money>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/></center>
You shake your head in refusal, feeling a mixture of discomfort and disbelief. Without further hesitation, you turn away and head back to the cell area, leaving the proposition behind you.
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/></center>
They take you inside the janitor's closet, and immediately, their pants come down. Seeing the situation, you kneel down and start giving them blowjobs. You think to yourself, well, they paid for it, and I don't have anything better to do.
<center><img src="img/sex/Random2/Suck1.webp"/></center>
You continue to suck them gently but firmly.
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/blowgang2.webp"/></center>
They begin to ejaculate all over you.
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/bukake5.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/bukake4.webp"/></center>
You start to smile foolishly.
<center><img src="img/sex/Poker/bukakefinal.webp"/></center>
The inmates, observing their handiwork, say, <div class="crimson">"I'm not sure if we should pay her. he seemed to enjoy it more than we did."</div> With your eyes wide, you exclaim, <div class="gold">"What!"</div> A heated discussion starts between you as you continue with your cum-covered face.
Suddenly, the door opens, and Big Tony enters, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Gentlemen, don't try to cheat my bitch; I'm here for that." </div>He extends his hand, and you see them give him the 20 dollars. Big T hands you 10 dollars, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Here, take it. Don't say I don't take care of you."</div> A flirtatious smile forms on your face, even though you don't quite know why. Big T starts laughing and adds;<div class="crimson"> "And clean that face, little slut. I don't want any more commotions caused by you... haha. See you later."</div>
<<if $InmatesAMoney <= 2000>>
<<set $InmatesAMoney -= 20>>
<<if $InmatesASubmit < 3>>
<<set $InmatesASubmit += 1>>
<<if $TheCookMoney <= 2000>>
<<set $TheCookMoney += 10>>
<<set $Money += 10>>
Money: <<print $Money>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center>
The last thing you remember is seeing a violet haze over your eyes.
<center><img src="img/sex/Random3/pois.gif"/></center>
Suddenly, when you open your eyes, you find yourself in the chef's cell.
<center><img src="img/locations/cell235.webp"/></center>
You feel a sensation of warmth and slapping on your buttocks, coupled with pleasure as your vision starts to clear... you're being fucked.
<center><img src="img/sex/Random3/fucked.webp"/></center>
As your vision gradually clears and you begin to rise slightly, you realize that the chef is drinking alcohol as he watches the scene.
<center><img src="img/sex/Random3/fucked2.webp"/></center>
Then, you start looking around to reorient yourself and notice that it's just the two of you in the cell. You feel the force of his thrusts intensify.
<center><img src="img/sex/Random3/fucked3.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Random3/fucked4.webp"/></center>
Finally, with one last thrust, you feel his climax, and you briefly lose consciousness. The last thing you remember seeing is the prisoner giving money to Big T before leaving.
In a matter of moments, you regain full consciousness, and Big T hands you what appears to be 10 dollars, chuckling and saying:<div class="crimson"> "Well, I don't think you really noticed much, did you?"</div> You touch your sore rear, and Big T bursts into even louder laughter, telling you:<div class="crimson">"Keep it up, little slut, keep giving daddy some money, haha... So, do you want to stay or are you leaving?"</div>
<<if $InmatesAMoney <= 2000>>
<<set $InmatesAMoney -= 30>>
<<if $InmatesASubmit < 3>>
<<set $InmatesASubmit += 1>>
<<if $TheCookMoney <= 2000>>
<<set $TheCookMoney += 20>>
<<set $Money += 10>>
Money: <<print $Money>>
[[Cell of The Cook|Cell235]]
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center>
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChef.jpg"/></center>
You have a deja-vu feeling as the chef approaches you and starts saying:<div class="crimson">"I think it's time to raise your level of beauty, princess..."</div>
As you sigh and lower your gaze, you start scrubbing the dishes again.
<center><img src="img/actions/assgropebychefkitchen.gif"/></center>
When you feel Big T's hands roaming up and down your body again, he says:<div class="crimson"> "On top of the investment I've made to make you more precious... Besides, I think life in this prison is becoming quite entertaining for you..."</div> He gives you little pushes like last time, including a nudge with his member. This time, you timidly respond:<div class="lightpink">"Do as you please."</div> The chef chuckles and takes you by the hand, leading you to his cell.
<center><img src="img/Locations/cell235.webp"/></center>
Inside, you see Ismael and the Jackal.
<center><img src="img/npc/Ismael.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/npc/TheJackal.webp"/></center>
Ismael promptly hands you a drink, and amidst laughter and a sense of disbelief, you start drinking, wondering what these three are up to...
<center><img src="img/actions/drinkforsasha.gif"/></center>
Next, you smoke what the Jackal offers you. Ismael starts fondling your chest, but you pay little attention.
<center><img src="img/actions/weed.gif"/></center>
As you start hallucinating on a seemingly spiritual journey...
<center><img src="img/actions/trippy-psychedelic.gif"/></center>
You feel a pinch on your lips...
<center><img src="img/you/lipfillers.jpg"/></center>
Then, as if someone else is in control, you hear the Jackal saying:<div class="crimson"> "Now get fully undressed and do whatever these gentlemen ask, haha. Well, Chef, Isma, I'm out of here. She's all yours, 'Mamacita.'"</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/Transformation2/Nudeforthem.webp"/></center>
You begin to hear the chef heatedly exclaim:<div class="crimson"> "This slut's gonna eat my ass, look, Ismael!"</div>(with laughter in the background).
<center><img src="img/sex/Transformation2/rimingfat1cock.webp"/></center>
As you decisively and anesthetized by the circumstances start rimming the chef's ass, you hear Ismael complaining:<div class="crimson">"Damn, I wanted to kiss her, brother... Well, maybe she can give me a little blowjob now."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/Transformation2/lickIsmael.webp"/></center>
You find yourself giving Ismael oral while the chef removes his shirt. You continue sucking Ismael's cock...
<center><img src="img/sex/Transformation2/suckismael.webp"/></center>
alternating with more attention to the chef's member.
<center><img src="img/sex/Transformation2/lickingfatcock.webp"/></center>
Before you know it, Ismael lifts you up like a ragdoll and begins penetrating you...
<center><img src="img/sex/Transformation2/Ismaelenter.webp"/></center>
You hear the chef protest, but Ismael tells him to relax, assuring him that he'll get his turn soon.
<center><img src="img/sex/Transformation2/fuckedByismaelRimchef.webp"/></center>
Finally, you continue both sucking Big Tony's cock and rimming him while Ismael passionately fucks you. Big T doesn't take long to climax...
<center><img src="img/sex/Transformation2/rimingfatcock.webp"/></center>
and shortly after, Ismael follows suit.
<center><img src="img/sex/Transformation2/fuckedByismaelRimchefcum.webp"/></center>
It's all been quite confusing and torrid, like a semi-erotic and unreal dream, as if you were being puppeteered around. You wake up in your cell, and when you look in the mirror, you recognize yourself less and less, yet you strangely find it attractive because...
<center><img src="img/you/Lips/2.jpg"/></center>
You have much more feminine and plump lips, and your chest...
<center><img src="img/you/Body/Chest/t1.jpg"/></center>
It's significantly larger. This is becoming a problem... You wonder how you'll handle it, but there's no time for that now. It's time to continue your routines, and you'll have to make decisions later.
<<if $TheCookMoney >= 100>>
<<set $TheCookMoney -=100>>
<<set $JuanMoney += 100>>
<<if $Lips ==1>>
<<set $Lips +=1>>
<<if $Chest == 1>>
<<set $Chest +=1>>
<<set $Feminity = 60>>
<<set $gameTime += 2>> <!-- Increase time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to your Cell|Your Cell]]</center>
<center><img src="img/items/R.png"/></center>
You approach the Jobs Board, a weathered bulletin board hanging on the wall. Over time, this board is expected to fill with various work opportunities available within the prison. Currently, there's only one job listed:
**Gardening Work - $10**
Take on the role of a gardener during the designated time slot. Your task involves tending to the prison garden, maintaining plants, and ensuring the outdoor area remains presentable. This job pays $10 and is available during a specific time frame.
As you scan the board, you notice that it's still relatively empty, but you expect more opportunities to come. The available job may not be glamorous, but it's a chance to earn some extra money.(Only Aviable in The Morning/Afternoon)
<<if setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Morning" || setup.dayPart[$gameTime] is "Afternoon">>
[[Accept the Gardening Job|GardeningJob]]
[[Return to The Yard|The Yard]]</center><center>You decide to accept the gardening job listed on the bulletin board. With a sense of purpose, you make your way to the designated area for gardening tasks.
The prison garden is a small patch of land surrounded by high walls. The sun casts its warm glow upon the greenery, and you roll up your sleeves, ready to get your hands dirty. The tools provided include a trowel, a watering can, and a pair of gardening gloves.
As you start tending to the plants, you find a certain tranquility in the repetitive motions. Pulling out weeds, trimming overgrown branches, and carefully watering each plant become almost meditative. The sounds of the surrounding prison seem to fade into the background as you focus on your task.
<center><img src="img/items/garden.gif"/></center>
Time passes by, marked only by the changing position of the sun in the sky. Your efforts begin to show as the garden starts to regain its vibrancy. The neatly arranged flowerbeds and well-maintained shrubs reflect your hard work.
Occasionally, you exchange nods with fellow inmates who are also working in the garden. It's a silent camaraderie born out of shared labor. The simple interactions serve as a reminder that you're not alone in this confined world.
<center><img src="img/items/garden2.gif"/></center>
As the designated time frame for the gardening job comes to an end, you wipe the sweat from your brow and take a step back to admire your work. The garden looks revitalized, and you feel a sense of accomplishment that's hard to describe.
Collecting your tools, you make your way back to the Jobs Board, where you notice a few more job postings have been added. Perhaps there are other opportunities to explore in the future.
<<set $Money +=10>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return to The Yard|The Yard]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Therapy.webp"/></center>
As soon as you sit down in the chair in front of the desk this time, Arthur leans against the table in front of you with his legs slightly open. You begin to look to the sides and notice Arthur smirking as he starts to speak:
<center><img src="img/npc/ArturNormal.webp"/></center>
<div class="crimson">"Well, $name, what's the reason behind this... 'transition' in you? You know what I mean... your hair, even your gestures, and walking in a... less masculine way, I'd say."</div>
You start to blush as you stammer:<div class="gold"> "Um... I'm not sure what you're talking about... as if we had a... barbershop in here? I don't know..."</div>
Arthur chuckles, occasionally running his hand along his leg, but you're unable to look away from his gaze. He continues:<div class="crimson"> "It's interesting how over the weeks, you begin to notice what this place does to people... Perhaps you're revealing your true nature."</div>
You respond:<div class="gold"> "Uh, I don't know what you're talking about."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/ArturAngry.webp"/></center>
Arthur walks over to his desk and takes out what seems like a folder with a couple of documents. He starts saying;<div class="crimson">"Drug trafficking. I know who your stepfather is, lots of money... (clears his throat) Biological mother and your sister... um, what else... Problems at school... reckless driving. All minor offenses, except for the drugs... Were you trying to impress daddy?"</div>
You're lost for words, thinking about whether everything you've done was because of the power you had behind you. Could someone else be taking control over you? Arthur, seemingly reading you like an open book, continues:<div class="crimson"> "I see... what power you truly had... you're wondering right now... even now, as you evolve, maybe someone else... is taking control... or is it all of your own will?"</div> (He chuckles under his breath.)
You're blushing like a tomato, and you respond:<div class="lightpink"> "No... Everything is under my control," </div>to which Arthur replies:<div class="crimson">"Under control, huh? Unfortunately, our time is up... I might be starting to enjoy these visits... I think they could become more... enlightening, little $name."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/ArthurSmile.webp"/></center>
You can't stand him calling you 'little'. Arthur notices your reaction, nodding as he realizes you're not responding. When he says:<div class="crimson"> "Under control... heh... until our next visit..."</div>
<<if $TherapySub == 0>>
<<set $TherapySub += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Go to The Yard|The Yard]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Therapy.webp"/></center>
You hurry into the office and immediately sit down in the chair, trying to focus your gaze on the desk. This time, Arthur sits in front of you, leaning on the desk with his legs spread open, as if he's lounging on a swing.
You're blushing intensely, and Arthur starts speaking:<div class="crimson"> "Well, $name, is there any adventure you'd like to share with me about this prison? You know, something?"</div>
The ticking of the wall clock gets louder as you stare into space. Arthur continues with a smile:<div class="crimson"> "Nothing? No anecdotes, maybe something from the kitchen, or the library, or..."</div>
Your ears start ringing, and you repeat to yourself:<div class="gold"> "Does he know?"</div> while recalling the first encounter.
<center><img src="img/actions/blackshowdicshower.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/Blackcum.gif"/></center>
Arthur goes on:<div class="crimson"> "The library, or the showers, perhaps. Haha."
You, not quite sure where you are, say:<div class="gold"> "No, Arthur, everything's normal."</div> Arthur makes a face and says:<div class="crimson"> "Relax, whatever the inmates say, I'm like a priest; it's the sanctity of confession... unless it's something criminal, of course. Have you done something wrong, $name?"</div>
You keep swallowing nervously as you know Arthur knows perfectly well.
You respond with a slight:<div class="gold"> "no, really..."</div> Arthur, without moving from the counter, tries to retrieve something from a drawer while you're distracted. When you look back at him, he says with a half-smile:<div class="crimson"> "Here, take it, little $name, for being a good boy. Don't you want... a nice chocolate bar? Sorry it's not... white chocolate." (as he chuckles) "It's 90% cacao, though. I think you'll love it."</div>
Blushing, you raise your hand, take it, and start eating the bar, trying not to make eye contact with Arthur. He laughs and says:<div class="crimson"> "I believe you've had more chocolate bars around here than you can count, huh?" </div>(You start to choke slightly on the bar and cough.) Arthur says:<div class="crimson"> "Easy, there's nothing wrong with that, but from now on, I'd appreciate it if you showed that devotion to the rest of your "brothers" in this prison, you know. Don't want someone with a well-drafted report to add 'racial aggression in the showers' to your record. Though I wouldn't exactly call it that..."</div>
You don't know where to hide and unintentionally say:<div class="gold">"Are you blackmailing me?"</div> to which Arthur responds:<div class="crimson">"Call it whatever you want. I'm just saying, if you behave, someone might write a favorable report to reduce your sentence, and besides, you'll be well taken care of."</div> (He says this while licking his lips.) You nod your head slightly, and Arthur says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, our time here is up. Who knows, maybe in the next session, we'll try some shock therapy."</div>
You get up from the chair and leave as Arthur laughs.
<<if $TherapySub == 1>>
<<set $TherapySub += 1>>
<<if $TherapyBlaked == 0>>
<<set $TherapyBlaked += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Go to The Yard|The Yard]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/cell233.webp"/></center>
You let out a half-hearted sigh and say:<div class="gold"> "Alex, seriously, what are you up to now?"</div> And he, with a smirk, responds:<div class="crimson">"Oh come on, on top of me caring for my little bully's comfort..."</div> (he smiles at the last part)<div class="crimson">"Well, even though... you're looking more feminine, is this some kind of Superwoman thing?"</div>
You cut him off and say:<div class="gold"> "Cut the crap," </div>and when he says:<div class="crimson"> "Alright, getting straight to the point,"</div> he pulls out a tiger-print thong. Your mouth drops open, and you exclaim:<div class="gold"> "No way..."</div> just as he says:<div class="crimson"> "Let me finish..."</div>
And you say:<div class="gold"> "Alright, why should I put that on?"</div> Alex says:<div class="crimson"> "Because it could be an identifying mark... maybe... that could lead to other jobs in the prison... you know what I mean, you big dummy... or do you need a demonstration?" </div>You half laugh while Alex adds:<div class="crimson"> "Oh, a demonstration, huh? Who's my little bully, huh?"</div> <div class="violet">(Smiling like an idiot, you get down on your knees and start unbuttoning his pants, not fully aware of your actions)</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/ChangeUnderNerd/Revealdumb.webp"/></center>
When you blink again, you find yourself on your knees... with Alex's cock just a few inches away. As he smiles down at you, he says:<div class="crimson"> "I think my cock's going to make use of your mouth for a moment, you little bully. Come on, suck my cock... Idiot... and thank me for giving you a thong... besides, it'll enhance your slutty look..."</div>
His voice feels like a catchy melody that you can't get out of your head. While he was throwing all those obscenities at you, you were hypnotized, sucking his cock, all the while he held you by the hair.
<center><img src="img/sex/ChangeUnderNerd/1.webp"/></center>
You continue fulfilling your role until you start seeing a strange reflection in Alex's glasses, and something in his gaze hypnotizes you even more. Alex says:<div class="crimson"> "I'm going to cum in your mouth... I want you to stick your tongue out afterward, taste it well, and then... keep cleaning my cock and licking off the residue from your hands, got it, slut?"</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/ChangeUnderNerd/2.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/ChangeUnderNerd/3.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/ChangeUnderNerd/4.webp"/></center>
After another blink of your eyes, you find yourself on Alex's bed, with a sore mouth and throat... and you notice that you're wearing something lighter. You move cautiously, and Alex chuckles, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Yeah, you don't remember, you agreed to wear that... "</div>and you respond:<div class="gold"> "Oh... yes... thanks?"</div> (doubtful) Alex says:<div class="crimson"> "It'll unlock new FUTURE jobs for you... trust me..."</div>
You get up from the bed and start getting used to feeling that thin piece of string in your ass...
<<if $Underwear == 0>>
<<set $Underwear += 1>>
<<if $Feminity < 55>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
<<if $Int >= 60>>
<<set $Int -= 2>>
Your Feminity has increased to: <<print $Feminity>>
Your Intelligence has decreased to: <<print $Int>>.
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/npc/TheChef2.jpg"/></center>
The chef: Well, hehe, my dear slut, I see you've been enjoying some time with my friends... they're really good friends, right? They give you all... their cream (he says with a smirk). You earn a little, and Daddy Chef earns even more... But well, that's not the point (the inmates start nudging each other).
We want to offer you another job, which is helping me in the kitchen at noon, always, apart from eating, of course... although I'm not sure what you'd end up eating... (the other inmates laugh). But, of course, a display of our generosity needs to be rewarded, don't you think, darling?
You know perfectly well what they want, so you start getting down on your knees when one of the inmates says:<div class="crimson">"Hey, Chef, wear the tiger thong..."</div> The chef starts laughing and says:<div class="crimson"> "Oh man, haha, they've turned you into such a whore... do you know what that means? That's how willing you are, haha."</div> You, on your knees, simply reply:<div class="gold">"It's comfortable..."</div> and they laugh even harder, saying:<div class="crimson">"Yeah, right..."</div>
The chef says:<div class="crimson"> "Alright, today you're going to have a nice cream bukkake snack." </div>You find yourself naked, with only that piece of clothing on, and seeing the situation, you don't care at all and start giving them all blowjobs.
First the ones on one side...
<center><img src="img/sex/NewWrok/1.webp"/></center>
Then the ones on the other...
<center><img src="img/sex/NewWrok/2.webp"/></center>
Then the ones on the side...
<center><img src="img/sex/NewWrok/3.webp"/></center>
And finally, you start playing with them...
<center><img src="img/sex/NewWrok/4.webp"/></center>
After a while and after doing several dirty things like these, they say:<div class="crimson">"Hey, let's give her the usual cocktail; she loves it."</div> You, on your knees, say:<div class="lightpink"> "Alright, guys, that's fine... my jaw was starting to hurt a bit..." </div>While they laugh...
<center><img src="img/sex/NewWrok/Final.webp"/></center>
After swallowing the last cumshot... The chef approaches you, saying,:<div class="crimson"> "Mine's missing, slut, come on, give it to me, love, and greet the camera, say 'kisses, Daddy'."</div> And you say:<div class="lightpink">"Kisses, Daddy..."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/NewWrok/Hidadfinish.webp"/></center>
It looks like you're drunk on so much cum, so you sit on the floor for several minutes as the inmates leave the cell, and the chef says to you:<div class="crimson"> "Now you can work and eat with me in the kitchen if you want."</div> At the same time, you hear yourself say,<div class="violet"> "Kisses, Daddy..."</div> You go pale, and the chef says:<div class="crimson"> "Hmm, what great material we have, slut. We're going to have even more fun... hahaha."</div> You dress again and leave while the chef says:<div class="crimson"> "Remember, you can work on me more during the day, sweetheart, hahaha."</div>
<<if $Chefworkitchen == false>>
<<set $Chefworkitchen = true>>
<<if $Feminity < 50>>
<<set $Feminity += 2>>
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><<if Math.random() < 0.33>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<<set $Money += 20>>
<center><img src="img/actions/washfemenine1.gif"/></center>
You work the service, and everything goes smoothly. At the end, the chef pays you $20 for your help. <<print $name>> gets on with the tasks assigned to them, feeling a sense of accomplishment.
[[Return to The Cafeteria|The Cafeteria]]
<<elseif Math.random() < 0.66>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<<set $Money += 10>>
<center><img src="img/actions/assgropebychefkitchen.gif"/></center>
The chef works alongside you, and his touch makes you a bit nervous. As the service ends, he pays you $10, but he offers you the chance to earn the extra $10 if you do a certain task for him. Your heart races at the proposition. [[Additional-Work|Workchef1.1]]
[[Return to The Cafeteria|The Cafeteria]]
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<center><img src="img/actions/trippy-psychedelic.gif"/></center>
You help the chef with every task he asks for, making the service run smoothly. At the end of the shift, he serves two dishes, and as you taste one of them, you're entranced by the flavors. You can't shake the feeling that there's something more to this dish. [[Hard Time|Workchef.1.2]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Cafeteria.jpg"/></center>
The chef says:<div class="crimson"> "It's your fault for being in the kitchen with that provocative ass. Come on, get my cum out, slut."</div>
With a half-silly laugh, you get down on your knees and...
<center><img src="img/sex/devourjuansausage.webp"/></center>
You perform the act so quickly and professionally that you're driving Big T crazy. To the point where...
<center><img src="img/sex/cumfaceswallow.webp"/></center>
He cums in your mouth and you swallow most of it, showing him the contents.
The chef tosses you $10 dollars disrespectfully while saying:<div class="crimson"> "Damn, you're a goddess, slut. We need to clean up and get out of here before the guards get pissed. Although, if it were up to me, I'd have your head in the oven, screaming while I fucked your ass." </div>As he says this, he spanks your ass. Both of you start cleaning up before leaving.
<<set $Money += 10>>
[[Return to The Cafeteria|The Cafeteria]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Cafeteria.jpg"/></center>
The chef starts laughing as he says:<div class="crimson">"Ahhh, just like the first time we met, huh?"</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefCock.gif"/></center>
You begin to suck him off without any resistance, as if you've discovered the best taste in the world on his cock... with a rather strange devotion.
<center><img src="img/sex/femenineblowchef.webp"/></center>
While the chef continues eating his meal... and after a while...
<center><img src="img/sex/Chefcumonyouwhore.webp"/></center>
He starts ejaculating on your face while you're still entranced...
Surprisingly, the chef says:<div class="crimson"> "Oh yes, you work for free... and you get your portion of cream... ugg... Too bad I can't finish you off, we're out of time..."</div>
You make a disappointed face, and the chef, laughing, tells you:<div class="crimson"> "Don't worry, my little slut... there will be time for me to ride you more..."</div> as he gives you a spank... and you both start cleaning up to leave.
[[Return to The Cafeteria|The Cafeteria]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Therapy.webp"/></center>
Arthur makes you sit in your current chair as he starts pulling out what looks like a photo album and asks you:<div class="crimson"> "Tell me what you think of the following images."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/TherapyBlacked/Interracialsexphotos1.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/TherapyBlacked/Interracialsexphotos2.webp"/></center>
Surprisingly, Arthur seems to show you images of interracial sex, which makes you half-smile. It's been a long time since you've seen this kind of content. Noticing your reactions, Arthur says:<div class="crimson"> "Perfect, I guess you like it. Let's see how you feel now."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/TherapyBlacked/Interracialsexphotos3.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/TherapyBlacked/Interracialsexphotos4.webp"/></center>
You begin to see pictures of white individuals being feminized by black individuals, and you start to blush.
<center><img src="img/npc/ArthurSmile.webp"/></center>
Arthur takes notes in his notebook while laughing and says:<div class="crimson">"Please continue." </div>Indirectly, you start flipping through more pages until...
<center><img src="img/sex/TherapyBlacked/Interracialsexphotos5.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/TherapyBlacked/Interracialsexphotos6.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/TherapyBlacked/Interracialsexphotos6.gif"/></center>
You start opening your mouth, drooling while closing your eyes until you hear the sound of a zipper, and...
<center><img src="img/sex/TherapyBlacked/Interracialsexphotos7.webp"/></center>
What seems to be moments to you, Arthur continues to thrust into your mouth until finally, he puts one leg on the desk and begins to ejaculate into your mouth.
<center><img src="img/sex/TherapyBlacked/Interracialsexphotos8.webp"/></center>
The last thing you remember after this incident is sitting in front of the desk while Arthur smiles satisfactorily behind the desk, telling you that you're making fantastic progress in integrating into the prison communities. With this fortunate and final dialogue, you get up from the chair with a familiar taste in your mouth as you return to the yard.
<<if $TherapyBlaked <= 3>>
<<set $TherapyBlaked += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Go to The Yard|The Yard]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Therapy.webp"/></center>
You sit in your usual spot, stuttering as you ask Arthur:<div class="gold"> "What have I done? Attitude towards you guys?"</div>
Arthur, with a rough tone and demeanor, tells you:<div class="crimson"> "If you've come to believe you're superior to us ever since you walked through that damn door, you're in for a lesson. I want you to see more images."</div>
You say:<div class="gold">"Alright, Arthur, but it's not like that..." </div>as he starts placing the book in front of you and asks:<div class="crimson"> "What do you see?"</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/TherapyBlacked2/Interracialsexphotos1.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/TherapyBlacked2/Interracialsexphotos2.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/TherapyBlacked2/Interracialsexphotos3.webp"/></center>
You start seeing photos of a big, muscular black man humiliating you, claiming he's the best stallion compared to your girlfriend. You mutter:<div class="lightpink"> "No, impossible..."</div>
Arthur says:<div class="crimson"> "It's natural. Tell me, $name, do you have a girlfriend or something?"</div>
You remain silent and blush.
<center><img src="img/npc/ArthurSerious.webp"/></center>
Seeing this, Arthur says:<div class="crimson"> "Who knows, maybe she needs to be put in her place, just like you. You know, a bit of retribution. Although you have a little sister, don't you?"</div> He says this with a malicious smile.
You say:<div class="lightpink"> "Don't involve her in this."</div>
Arthur moves behind you and starts slapping you.
<center><img src="img/sex/TherapyBlacked2/Interracialsexphotos4.webp"/></center>
While saying:<div class="crimson"> "Come on, slut, if you love chocolate so much, it must run in the family. I have a better idea."</div>
You continue shaking your head.
<center><img src="img/sex/TherapyBlacked2/Interracialsexphotos5.webp"/></center>
When he starts hitting you in the face with his member.
<center><img src="img/sex/TherapyBlacked2/Interracialsexphotos6.webp"/></center>
After several minutes of face slaps, a bell rings, and Arthur's phone rings. He quickly pulls up his pants and says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, $name, you've barely escaped. I hope it served to show you your place from now on. Who knows, maybe you should try family therapy. What do you think?"</div> You, with traces of pre-cum, say:<div class="lightpink"> "No, please..."</div>
Arthur agrees:<div class="crimson">"You can go now."</div> You get up, more humiliated than ever, and leave, thinking:<div class="lightpink">"Damn, even the therapist is abusing me. I shouldn't have acted like an idiot out there..."</div>
<<if $TherapyBlaked <= 3>>
<<set $TherapyBlaked += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Go to The Yard|The Yard]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Therapy.webp"/></center>
As Arthur says that at the entrance, something unusual is going on. You enter automatically and sit in your usual spot without realizing that next to you is...
<center><img src="img/npc/Blackshower.jpg"/></center>
You turn pale as your already familiar "friend" says to you:<div class="crimson"> "What's up, sweetheart?"</div>
Arthur sits at his desk as usual, smiling, and says:<div class="crimson">"Well, I think you two already know each other, right, $name?"</div>
You say:<div class="gold"> "Well, yeah... I do."</div>
Arthur says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, what's wrong with enjoying a bit of action, $name?"</div>
Arthur takes the book from his desk, passes it to you, and starts writing as usual while saying:<div class="crimson"> "Well, $name, start looking at the pictures, and I'll talk to..."</div>
You don't have time to hear his name, but...
<center><img src="img/sex/TherapyBlacked3/Interracialsexphotos1.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/TherapyBlacked3/Interracialsexphotos2.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/TherapyBlacked3/Interracialsexphotos3.webp"/></center>
You find yourself mesmerized again by the images when you notice that your shower lover is pointing his massive cock at your face.
<center><img src="img/actions/blackshowdicshower.gif"/></center>
He starts tapping your mouth while you begin to enjoy this numbness...
<center><img src="img/sex/TherapyBlacked3/Interracialsexphotos4.webp"/></center>
Next, you hear Arthur laughing as he says;<div class="crimson"> "Bro, fuck him there. I'll keep taking notes. Haha."</div>
He starts thrusting slowly while he pushes it in...
<center><img src="img/sex/TherapyBlacked3/Interracialsexphotos5.webp"/></center>
After a while, he's fucking you vigorously.
<center><img src="img/sex/TherapyBlacked3/Interracialsexphotos6.webp"/></center>
Meanwhile, as you look back, you see Arthur seems to be pleasuring himself while writing, which makes you bite your lips...
<center><img src="img/sex/TherapyBlacked3/Interracialsexphotos7.webp"/></center>
In a couple of minutes, you find yourself on your knees as your black man starts cumming on your face.
<center><img src="img/sex/TherapyBlacked3/Interracialsexphotos8.webp"/></center>
While he continues cumming on your face, you see Arthur approaching you and making you turn your face to let him release his cum as well, while he says:<div class="crimson"> "That's it, whitey. This is your place."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/TherapyBlacked3/Interracialsexphotos9.webp"/></center>
While you're busy wiping your face, you see the black prisoner leaving the office, and Arthur tells you:<div class="crimson"> "You can leave once you're done cleaning up. It's been a pleasure. I think you'll need more shock therapy sessions like this... Haha."</div>
You put your clothes back on and leave in a hurry.
<<if $TherapyBlaked <= 3>>
<<set $TherapyBlaked += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Go to The Yard|The Yard]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/></center>
As you walk down the cell block, you notice that one of your shoes is untied, so you bend down. Suddenly, you feel your new underwear sticking out because you hear a whistle and see a familiar guard...
<center><img src="img/npc/BlackGuard.jpg"/></center>
Blushing, you don't know what to say, and the guard says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, do you want to access a new job position, darling? You know, that room I think you like so much..."</div> You don't know what to say but nod your head in agreement. The guard chuckles and says:<div class="crimson">"Alright, but first, do me a little favor right here, okay, darling?"</div>
You immediately get on your knees, and...
<center><img src="img/sex/NewJobEvent/1.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/NewJobEvent/2.webp"/></center>
He starts ejaculating on your face.
<center><img src="img/sex/NewJobEvent/3.webp"/></center>
The guard, with a wry smile, watches you as you clean the remains off your face and says:<div class="crimson"> "You can come here to work for an hour every morning... I can't promise you'll have a double job... with that mouth of yours... haha."</div> The guard begins to walk away following his route... While in the background, you see Alex, the Nerd, approaching you with a smile.
<center><img src="img/npc/NerdSmile.jpg"/></center>
He says:<div class="crimson"> "See? I told you I'd get you a new job. Remember my share, you stupid slut."</div> Saying this, he continues laughing as he walks away...
<<if $Gloryhole == 1>>
<<set $Gloryhole += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/GloryHole.webp"/></center>
<<set _randomPassage = random(1, 3)>> <!-- Generate a random number between 1 and 3 to select the passage -->
<<if _randomPassage == 1>>
[[You see a cock being pushed through the hole, asking for a blowjob in exchange for 10 bucks.|Random1]]
<<if _randomPassage == 2>>
[[You see cocks pushing through different holes, and they ask you to perform a job for them in exchange for 20 bucks.|Random2]]
<<if _randomPassage == 3>>
[[You see a cock being pushed through, and they tell you they want a good ride for 20 bucks.|Random3]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/></center>
The guard says to you:<div class="crimson">"Before entering, I want a good morning blowjob. Come on, be a good girl, and on top of it, I'll make you earn money... haha."</div>
You automatically get on your knees and...
<center><img src="img/sex/NewJobEvent/1.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/NewJobEvent/2.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/NewJobEvent/3.webp"/></center>
After cumming on your face, he lifts you from the floor and pushes you directly into the room... While you hear him laughing and calling you a bitch...
[[Towards Your Next Job...|JobGlory]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/GloryHole.webp"/></center>
You watch as he inserts his cock through the hole, and your mouth starts salivating as soon as you see it.
<center><img src="img/sex/JobEvents/Cock1.webp"/></center>
You quickly undress, leaving your uniform in a corner, and begin to devour his cock while masturbating.
<center><img src="img/sex/JobEvents/SuckCock1.webp"/></center>
In a matter of moments, being so enthusiastic about your work, you feel the person behind that wall starting to cum in your mouth, and you instinctively swallow without thinking.
<center><img src="img/sex/JobEvents/SuckCock2.gif"/></center>
You see the stranger withdraw his cock from the hole and toss 10 dollars your way. You pick them up, change back into your clothes, and when you exit the door, Alex is there.
<center><img src="img/npc/NerdSmile.jpg"/></center>
He immediately takes the 10 dollars from you and gives you a 5-dollar bill, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Here's your share. Thanks for contributing to my finances."</div> You watch as the guard returns to close the door, saying:<div class="crimson">"Hehe, good job, slut."</div>
<<set $Money += 5>>
<<set $NrdMoney += 5>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/GloryHole.webp"/></center>
You undress as you watch two cocks appear, one on each side of the room.
<center><img src="img/sex/JobEvents/Cock1.webp"/></center>
And then another one on the opposite side.
<center><img src="img/sex/JobEvents/Cock2.webp"/></center>
You start by giving them handjobs.
<center><img src="img/sex/JobEvents/Handoublecock.webp"/></center>
Then, you proceed to suck them, one after the other, continuously alternating between the two.
<center><img src="img/sex/JobEvents/Suckdoublecock.webp"/></center>
After a while, the one you were working on starts to cum.
<center><img src="img/sex/JobEvents/Cumdoublesecond.webp"/></center>
Then, with remnants of that still in your mouth, you begin to swallow the cream from the other.
<center><img src="img/sex/JobEvents/Cumdoublefirst.webp"/></center>
After this, you notice two $10 bills being dropped through one of the holes. You pick them up while cleaning yourself. As soon as you exit, you see Alex coming to claim his share. He takes one of the bills while laughing, saying:<div class="crimson"> "You're such a slut. Good job, haha."</div> At the same time, you see the guard scratching his crotch and looking the other way.
<<set $Money += 10>>
<<set $NrdMoney += 10>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/GloryHole.webp"/></center>
You undress completely and watch as the stranger inserts his cock through the hole.
<center><img src="img/sex/JobEvents/Cock1.webp"/></center>
The stranger tells you:<div class="crimson">"Come on, slut, don't be shy, and lube it up well for me."</div>
You remain silent as the stranger continues:<div class="crimson"> "I'm a true gentleman, I want it to slide easily into your greedy ass. Go on, start."</div>
With a half-smile, you begin to suck his cock.
<center><img src="img/sex/JobEvents/SuckCock1.webp"/></center>
Then, when you feel it well lubricated, you turn around and...
<center><img src="img/sex/JobEvents/assfucked.webp"/></center>
As you feel him starting to fuck your ass, you tremble gradually. You notice he's about to cum, so you get back on your knees.
<center><img src="img/sex/JobEvents/SuckCock2.gif"/></center>
After he cums in your mouth, you see him drop two $10 bills through the hole as you hear him laugh and say:<div class="crimson"> "Well done, slut. You must love your own taste, huh? Hopefully, we'll get to know each other better, haha."</div>
Feeling both ashamed and aroused, you pick up the bills, and as you leave, you see Alex coming to collect his share, under the watchful eye of the familiar guard.
After giving Alex half of your earnings, he confidently gives your ass a spank while you still feel it slightly open, and he says:<div class="crimson">"That's it, slut. Move those hips."</div> The guard of color then adds:<div class="crimson">"At this rate, this slut is going to make you rich, haha."</div> After this conversation, you continue down the hallway...
<<set $Money += 10>>
<<set $NrdMoney += 10>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/cell233.webp"/></center>
<div class="seagreen">
The Nerd's cell features a prominent bookshelf filled with books on hypnosis, showcasing their fascination with the subject. Among the collection, a set of virtual reality glasses stands out, symbolizing the Nerd's enthusiasm for immersive experiences. These glasses hold the potential for virtual adventures and educational simulations, reflecting the Nerd's desire to explore new realms of knowledge.
Adjacent to the bookshelf, a comfortable double bed takes center stage. The bed is neatly made with clean sheets, offering a cozy spot for the Nerd to rest and recharge their intellectual energies. It's a place where they can retreat, reflect on their studies, and find solace in the pages of the hypnotism books.</div>
<<set _randomPassage = random(1, 4)>> <!-- Generate a random number between 1 and 4 to select the passage -->
<<if _randomPassage == 1>>
[[You observe several books on hypnotism on a shelf, and looking mischievously at Alex, you say, "I'm going to educate you a little... little one."]]
<<if _randomPassage == 2>>
[[You see that there are virtual reality glasses in Alex's cell, and picking them up, you say, "I think it's time to put these on."]]
<<if _randomPassage == 3>>
[[You're a bit startled by the library event, so you start touching yourself...]]
<<if _randomPassage == 4>>
[[You begin to make obscene comments while locking your gaze on his body.]]
<center><center><img src="img/locations/cell233.webp"/></center>
You grab one of the books from the shelf abruptly, then you turn around, making Alex sit on the bed. He looks at you, trembling slightly, and asks:<div class="crimson"> "What are you going to do?"</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/NerdParanoid.webp"/></center>
You laugh and say:<div class="gold">"Oh, so you believe in this crap, huh? Let's see." </div>You open the book in front of his face. You notice his eyes and face starting to go into some sort of trance as you say:<div class="gold">"What's going on, little one? Do you want to put something else in your mouth again? Relax, with me you'll get the practice you need."</div>
You toss the book aside, unzip your pants, and begin tapping his mouth and cheeks with it.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdDominated/1/Hitcheeks.webp"/></center>
After seeing how out of it he is, you decide to lie back on the bed and enjoy a blowjob as Alex starts sucking your cock without you saying anything.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdDominated/1/1.webp"/></center>
After a few minutes, you feel yourself starting to cum in his mouth, and Alex lets out a small:<div class="crimson"> "Mmmmmhhh..." </div>You start smiling mischievously.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdDominated/1/2.webp"/></center>
After this incident, and with Alex still lying on your cock, when it seems like he's coming out of the trance, you say:<div class="gold"> "Enjoying a little snack, huh?"</div> Alex turns red and can't bring himself to look at your face. He quickly puts on his prisoner uniform. You smile, get up from the bed, and say:<div class="gold"> "We'll meet again."</div> At the same time, you notice that Alex's intelligence seems to be faltering because he starts saying things like:<div class="crimson"> "What was I doing? No, that's not right."</div>
<<if $NrdInt >= 80>>
<<set $NrdInt -= 3>>
<<if $NrdSub <= 10>>
<<set $NrdSub += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/cell233.webp"/></center>
When you go to pick up the glasses, you see the Nerd getting more agitated than ever, trying unsuccessfully to take them off. You, being the high school bully that you are, start saying:<div class="gold"> "Do you want these? Huh, huh? What's so valuable here, huh?"</div> The Nerd responds:<div class="crimson"> "You don't know how it works. You just have to load a program, and that's it."</div> You notice a kind of USB and a slot in the helmet, and you look at Alex again with malice. <div class="gold">"Or do I understand..."</div>
In a swift motion, you place the helmet on him while holding him by the neck, at the same time connecting the USB. Suddenly, you see the screen of a small laptop lighting up, and you see a loading screen. It's the program that Alex is seeing.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdDominated/2/Nerdvission.webp"/></center>
You see Alex starting to open his mouth, so taking advantage of the situation, you start fucking him wildly like an animal in heat.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdDominated/2/Nerdvission2.webp"/></center>
Until finally, you cum in his mouth.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdDominated/2/Nerdvission3.webp"/></center>
When you take off the helmet from the Nerd and zip up your pants again, you see how he indirectly starts licking his lips. You burst out laughing, and this makes Alex regain consciousness. He starts asking:<div class="crimson"> "What happened? Why do I have this taste in my mouth?"</div> You immediately respond:<div class="gold"> "You enjoyed a nice glass of warm milk, dear, and believe me, you didn't complain when my cock was deep in your throat... what a slut you've become... ahahah."</div> Alex doesn't know where to look and gives a nervous laugh, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Yeah, right...</div> You reply:<div class="gold">"Well, until next time, my dear cocksucker, haha,"</div> as you leave his cell.
<<if $NrdInt >= 80>>
<<set $NrdInt -= 3>>
<<if $NrdSub <= 10>>
<<set $NrdSub += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/cell233.webp"/></center>
You sit on the bed, watching as Alex stands nervously next to the bookshelf, and you start saying:<div class="gold">"Come on, don't be shy... I know exactly how much you want my cock in your mouth... haha."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/NerdParanoid.webp"/></center>
Alex starts to blush and says:<div class="crimson"> "I'm not like that... you're just taking advantage of me..."</div> to which you respond:<div class="gold"> "Of course, just like your pathetic attempt to trick me in the library... that's what you get for trying to be clever... well, how are you going to pay me..."</div>
You start taking it out of your pants while sitting down...
<center><img src="img/actions/cockoutfornerd.webp"/></center>
Alex seems to not know where to look due to the situation, but timidly, from time to time, he gazes at your cock...
Impatiently, you say:<div class="gold"> "You're going to suck my cock... or do I have to grab one of your books... or that helmet, huh?"</div> Alex, blushing, says:<div class="crimson"> "Okay, fine... don't be like that."</div>
He gets on his knees in front of you and starts sucking it while closing his eyes.
<center><img src="img/actions/blowjob.gif"/></center>
While he's focused on his task, you start saying:<div class="gold"> "Look at how much of a slut you are haha. You might not be so clever when you end up with my cock in your mouth... it might not be the only one you swallow, you pig."</div>
You feel your words make Alex shiver, and he tightens his grip on your cock while giving it licks. This drives you so wild that you throw your head back and start cumming on his face while saying:<div class="gold"> "Look at me closely, pig, because this is only the beginning."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/fuckye.gif"/></center>
After this, you stand up from the bed, pulling up your pants, and you see Alex, humiliated, staring into space. You give his hair a couple of pats while saying:<div class="gold"> "It's okay, sweetheart, you're getting better little by little... don't be like that."</div> You notice that he has gotten an erection, and you burst into laughter, saying:<div class="gold"> "Haha, look at your crotch. You act defeated, but this turns you on. Well, thanks to me, maybe you'll find your place in this place... hahah."</div>With this final remark, you leave...
<<if $NrdInt >= 80>>
<<set $NrdInt -= 3>>
<<if $NrdSub <= 10>>
<<set $NrdSub += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/cell233.webp"/></center>
You begin by telling him what a slutty ass he has and that someone should ride it already...
<center><img src="img/npc/NerdParanoid.webp"/></center>
Alex says:<div class="crimson"> "No, please, anything but that..."</div> Smirking, you say:<div class="gold"> "Um, and why does your cell partly smell like lubricant? Um, is it for you, or do you use aromatic candles, or what the hell is that smell here?"</div>
Alex doesn't know what to say. You smile and say:<div class="gold"> "So you've taken advantage of someone, or who knows what the hell you've done, huh? ... I'll find out eventually, but for now, I think I'm going to fuck that ass..."</div>
Alex protests:<div class="crimson"> "It's not what it looks like."</div> You start holding his arm and push him onto the bed. He doesn't offer much resistance when you start pulling down his pants... Suddenly, you notice him reaching under the bed, thinking he's going to do something to you, you lean back... It was a tube of lubricant...
You start saying:<div class="gold">"hohoho, kid, you've been bad, huh... well, now you're going to pay..."</div> Alex, trembling, says:<div class="crimson"> "But be careful, okay?"</div> So, you apply some lubricant to your fingers and...
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdDominated/4/1.webp"/></center>
After fingering him for a while and seeing him start to relax, you begin to slowly enter him...
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdDominated/4/1a.webp"/></center>
You start thrusting slowly, but you can see that Alex is not in the mood for gentleness, so you start gripping his hair and fucking him more roughly.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdDominated/4/1b.webp"/></center>
Friction sounds and smacks begin to fill the cell as you fuck him harder.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdDominated/4/2.webp"/></center>
You bite the back of his neck, saying:<div class="gold"> "Shhh, come on, I know you love being my slut, don't resist anymore, hehe." </div>You feel Alex's backside tighten even more as he starts to whimper and let out soft<div class="crimson">"ah ohs."</div> Seeing this, you start cumming inside him.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdDominated/4/22.webp"/></center>
Alex, feeling all your cum inside him, lets out a half-scream and a moan of <div class="crimson">"ummmmmmmm."</div> You start pulling out, and there's a plop as your cock exits his ass, and you see your cum starting to leak out.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdDominated/4/Cum.webp"/></center>
Meanwhile, it seems like some other inmates have noticed where the moans were coming from, because suddenly you hear:<div class="crimson"> "I think someone's fucking the blonde, haha,"</div> while another prisoner responds:<div class="crimson"> "Yeah, it's true, give us a turn, haha."</div>
You start getting dressed while Alex lies face down, his legs trembling, and a very flushed face. Having heard the comments from the other inmates, you say:<div class="gold"> "Did you see, darling? If you already had fans..."</div> as you notice Alex letting out a slight<div class="crimson"> "uh-uh."</div> Indeed, he just came... You start smiling and say:<div class="gold"> "Well, my little nerd, I'll leave you with your thoughts... hehe..."</div>
<<if $NrdInt >= 80>>
<<set $NrdInt -= 3>>
<<if $NrdSub <= 10>>
<<set $NrdSub += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
As you approach Alex, an old, chubby, yet muscular man blocks your path, looking you up and down, and reproaches:<div class="crimson"> "What the hell did you do to my assistant?"</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/OldLibrariangym.webp"/></center>
You're somewhat intimidated but also determined, looking him firmly in the eyes, and you reply:<div class="gold"> "I... believe in starting to give him the level of assistant he should be in this prison,"</div> while making sucking gestures towards the librarian.
<center><img src="img/actions/lip-bite.gif"/></center>
The elderly librarian looks at you and at the same time looks at you with a hint of confidence in what you've just said. He says:<div class="crimson"> "Well... what do you propose... before I make you do what you had him do to you?"</div>
$name, more determined than ever, responds:<div class="gold"> "Listen, old man... he looks more like a slut right now than I do... and look at those lips... he was born for this. In contrast, I... come on, man, let me handle him properly, and we'll see what path we can take. What do you say? I'll even help you with the stuff he might have done here. What do you say?"</div>
The old librarian nods and half-smiles, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Alright, fine, learn. "</div>He turns around and says:<div class="crimson">'Alex, come here, there's something I want to show you about your heated performance." </div>Alex, with a mildly surprised expression and a sigh, heads to the counter with the old librarian. Just as you see a reflection from the screen hit his glasses, you notice him getting down on his knees, and the sound of a zipper follows. As you lean in to take a look...
<center><img src="img/sex/Librarianerd/1.webp"/></center>
You watch as the librarian enjoys a blowjob from Alex, all the while looking at you and smiling. He says:<div class="crimson"> 'You better train him well, or you might end up joining in too.'</div> You respond:<div class="gold"> 'No problem, boss.' </div>You see him tilt his head back and start cumming on Alex's face...
<center><img src="img/actions/fuckye.gif"/></center>
After this heated event, you watch as Alex snaps out of the trance, with cum still on his face, and he's on his knees, looking at the old librarian. The librarian, with disdain, tells him:<div class="crimson"> 'I thought you were a bit smarter. Relax, my little blondie, we're going to open up a whole new path... literally. Haha.'</div> Once you catch the joke, you burst into laughter alongside the librarian, while Alex runs out of the library, wiping himself clean. After a few more laughs, the old librarian looks you up and down and says:<div class="crimson"> 'We'll talk more later, $name, right?'</div> You reply with a <div class="gold">'Yes,' </div>and he says:<div class="crimson"> 'Until next time.'</div> Following that, you leave the place.
<<set $Dom += 2>>
<<if $Librarian == -1 >>
<<set $Librarian -= 1 >>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/cell233.webp"/></center>
<div class="seagreen">
The Nerd's cell features a prominent bookshelf filled with books on hypnosis, showcasing their fascination with the subject. Among the collection, a set of virtual reality glasses stands out, symbolizing the Nerd's enthusiasm for immersive experiences. These glasses hold the potential for virtual adventures and educational simulations, reflecting the Nerd's desire to explore new realms of knowledge.
Adjacent to the bookshelf, a comfortable double bed takes center stage. The bed is neatly made with clean sheets, offering a cozy spot for the Nerd to rest and recharge their intellectual energies. It's a place where they can retreat, reflect on their studies, and find solace in the pages of the hypnotism books.</div>
<<set _randomPassage = random(1, 3)>> <!-- Generate a random number between 1 and 4 to select the passage -->
<<if _randomPassage == 1>>
[[Looking at the Nerd, you say, "I think we're going to the cleaning room..."|CleanRoom]]
<<if _randomPassage == 2>>
[[You get up from the bed and make suggestive hip movements towards the Nerd while pointing at the bed.|FuckedHard]]
<<if _randomPassage == 3>>
[[You coldly tell him to start crawling towards your position on all fours.|CrawlSuck]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/CleaningRoom.webp"/></center>
You push the Nerd into the cleaning room of the corridor and begin undressing him, and he doesn't offer much resistance. Next, you undress yourself while the Nerd indirectly notices your cock. You start laughing and say:<div class="gold"> "If this is what you're going to swallow right now, haha, unless you want to get caught. I don't care. It's not me who's going to use my mouth and ass."</div>
Next, Alex:
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdDominatedC/1.webp"/></center>
As he sucks your cock as quickly as possible, and you can feel his desperation to finish with you as fast as possible, you start smiling sadistically, saying:<div class="gold"> "That's it, lube it up well because you're going to have to ride me now, dog."</div> You can see Alex's eyes widen as you say this while he takes your cock into his mouth. You pull his hair back, give his ass a couple of slaps, and gradually make him sit on your cock until he starts riding it.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdDominatedC/2.webp"/></center>
From the corridor, you can only hear a faint echo of clapping as Alex starts moaning with several<div class="crimson"> "ahh ohhh,"</div> and you start accompanying his ride by moving your waist harder and harder until finally...
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdDominatedC/3.webp"/></center>
After this, you notice Alex shudder and kneel on the floor in front of you, staring at the door. Sadistically, you lift him up, throw him out of the cleaning room, and toss his uniform at him. You see your cum dripping down his legs as you start laughing while you change. With the door slightly ajar, you watch Alex run back to his cell while some curious inmate whistles and calls him <div class="crimson">"princess." </div>You exit the cleaning room under the gaze of this same inmate who smiles and nods in approval. You continue your journey back to your cell, knowing that this might earn you more acceptance in the prison, while Alex, perhaps not so much.
<<if $Followers <= 10>>
<<set $Followers += 1>>
<<if $NrdSub <= 10>>
<<set $NrdSub += 1>>
Followers : <<print $Followers>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to your Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/cell233.webp"/></center>
Automatically, you see how the Nerd undresses in front of you and approaches the bed, getting into position. Smiling, you say:<div class="gold"> "Good boy, that's how I like it..." </div>You start fingering him while noticing that this time he's more relaxed.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdDominated/4/1.webp"/></center>
After this, you begin to penetrate him.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdDominatedA/2.webp"/></center>
Then, putting one foot on the edge of the bed, you start fucking his ass rhythmically and with circular thrusts, seeing how the Nerd shudders and begins to look back at you lustfully.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdDominatedA/3.webp"/></center>
This makes you smile maliciously, and you say:<div class="gold"> "Enough of you enjoying it, you pig. I'm going to fuck you in such a way that tonight you'll dream of my cock." </div>So you start thrusting in such a way that the Nerd can only bury his head in the sheets and bite them hard with a loud :<div class="crimson">"mmmmhhhhh"</div> while you continue to assault his ass.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdDominatedA/4.webp"/></center>
This doesn't go unnoticed, and you see a couple of inmates passing by the cell curiously, while one of them says to you:<div class="crimson">"That's right, tame that blonde bitch."</div> This boost of motivation, pun intended, makes you start spanking the Nerd while fucking his ass, and you say:<div class="gold"> "I'm going to make you famous, dog. Who knows, maybe I'll let them have a turn with you, huh?"</div> You feel the Nerd shudder and start to climax as you finish filling him at the same time, with your hands forcing his waist to take all of your semen inside.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdDominatedA/5.webp"/></center>
After this, you put on your attire and give him a few more smacks while you see the Nerd lying face down on the bed with a rather comical look of relaxation. You exit the cell and see two inmates saying to you:<div class="crimson"> "Were you serious about letting us have a turn with that blonde?"</div> The other one smiles, saying:<div class="crimson"> "If he has the potential of a bitch."</div> You reply:<div class="gold">"Who knows, maybe for the right price... we'll see, guys..."</div> They start laughing as you walk away, knowing that this might have earned you some points in the prison.
<<if $Followers <= 10>>
<<set $Followers += 2>>
<<if $NrdSub <= 10>>
<<set $NrdSub += 1>>
Followers: <<print $Followers>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to your Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/cell233.webp"/></center>
As you sit on the edge of the bed, you coldly tell the nerd, locking eyes with him:<div class="gold"> "Be a good boy, get on all fours like the dog you are, and come here because I'm going to give you a nice hard bone..."</div>
Alex, looking around the cell, starts to get on his knees and crawl toward you, while you begin to unzip your pants.
<center><img src="img/actions/cockoutfornerd.webp"/></center>
When he reaches you, you see him slowly start to suck your cock...
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdDominatedB/1.webp"/></center>
After noticing that he can hardly fit much in his mouth, you tell him to start licking your balls... the nerd complies submissively...
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdDominatedB/2.webp"/></center>
After a while, the nerd resumes sucking your cock and begins to gag on it, and you start laughing, saying:<div class="gold"> "Wow, you're really hungry, dog, haha."</div>
Seeing how enthusiastically he starts to blow you, you start to cum while indirectly stroking his hair and looking at the ceiling.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdDominatedB/4.webp"/></center>
...when suddenly, you look to the side and see another inmate... masturbating. Upon realizing that you've seen him, he quickly tucks it back in his pants and runs off... while you start laughing sadistically and say to the nerd:<div class="gold"> "Well, it seems like you're going to start gaining a reputation as a cocksucker... hahah."</div> After this, you get up from the bed, tuck yourself in your pants, and see the nerd licking his lips... to which you say:<div class="gold"> "I think you're starting to like bull's milk, eh? Hahaha. I'll give you more later. Relax, this is just training... hahah."</div> Then you head back to your cell.
<<if $Followers <= 10>>
<<set $Followers += 1>>
<<if $NrdSub <= 10>>
<<set $NrdSub += 1>>
Followers: <<print $Followers>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to your Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/TheVR.jpg"/></center>
<span style="text-decoration: underline;">20 minutes ago...</span>
<center><center><img src="img/npc/TheChef2.jpg"/></center>
Big Tony:<div class="crimson"> You remember me, right?</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/StepfatherSerious.webp"/></center>
Your stepfather nods while holding the phone to his ear, his face appearing serious.
Big Tony:<div class="crimson"> Good, because in the upcoming visits, you're going to make my life in prison a bit more comfortable after the crap you made me swallow out there.</div>
Stepfather: <div class="crimson">And what makes you think I'll help you after landing you in this hole?</div>
The chef smiles and, with what seems to be an old video camera, shows your stepfather the following through the glass partition.
<center><img src="img/sex/NewWrok/1.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/NewWrok/2.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/NewWrok/3.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/NewWrok/4.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/NewWrok/Final.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/NewWrok/Hidadfinish.webp"/></center>
In the last part of the video, you can clearly hear, <div class="lightpink">"Kisses, Daddy."</div>
The chef smiles menacingly in front of your stepfather.
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChefLaugh.jpg"/></center>
He continues speaking.
Big Tony: <div class="crimson">Well, you're going to start telling the guards around here to treat me a bit better... unless you want them to, unfortunately, find this camera... and see the content... which will likely leak out, as your stepson seems to enjoy his new position in prison... what do you think?</div>
Your stepfather nods in agreement, saying that Tony shouldn't let this information leave this room because Tony ended up here not because of him.
A vein starts to appear on the chef's temple as he tells your stepfather:<div class="crimson"> "You better make sure I have a more comfortable life here... because apart from your stepson, his sister might start paying me visits... Oh, and if I ever catch you talking to him... I think you should... well... add another $50... just to keep feeding your slutty stepson... although I can't wait to see his sister... they say being a whore runs in the family... maybe that's why you're with their mother, right?"</div>
Your stepfather, filled with anger and embarrassment, tells Tony not to push it too far. Meanwhile, you appear in the visiting room. You see the chef blow a kiss to your father while saying:<div class="crimson"> "We'll meet again."</div>When you approach, your stepfather hangs up the phone, shakes his head, and leaves. Meanwhile, the chef playfully spanks your behind.
<center><img src="img/actions/spank.gif"/></center>
He tells you:<div class="crimson"> "Relax, sweetheart... like I said, I'm your new daddy."</div> You remain motionless during the visit, sitting on one of the benches, thinking about what might have happened.
<<if $StepFatherHumillation == 0>>
<<set $StepFatherHumillation += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return To The BackYard|The BackYard]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/TheChefLaugh.jpg"/></center>
You walk towards Big Tony with a feminine sway as he starts to smile and laugh wickedly. You say:<div class="lightpink"> "Big T, why are you so wickedly out of sorts?"</div>
To which Big T looks at you and says:<div class="crimson"> "I'm teaching you to be a good slut, but I think it's time for you to progress further... I want you to be even more of a slut, more submissive, more obedient, and dirtier... I want you to enter that cell crawling, do you understand, bitch?"</div>
You sigh and blush, timidly responding with a low voice:<div class="lightpink"> "Why, Chef, isn't this enough?"</div>
The chef, in a serious tone, gently but firmly grabs you by the neck, making you look into his eyes, and says:<div class="crimson"> "No, my little whore... So, let's see what I'll do with you today..."</div>
<<set $randomEvent = random(1, 3)>>
<<if $randomEvent == 1>>
Big Tony: <div class="crimson">Put on the Maid outfit because we're going to make a porno about cleaning a nice cock...</div>
[[Dress as a Maid|FrenchMaidEvent]]
<<if $randomEvent == 2>>
Big Tony: <div class="crimson">I think it's time to put on a collar and teach you your new position.</div>
[[Slave for the Chef|SlaveByChef]]
<<if $randomEvent == 3>>
Big Tony: <div class="crimson">How about a nice cock-cleaning marathon, honey?</div>
[[Cleaning Dicks|CleanDicks]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/cell235.webp"/></center>
Smiling, the chef hands you one of the uniforms you already know well. So you undress and begin to change.
<center><img src="img/items/maiduniform.jpg"/></center>
When you notice a familiar prisoner from the other wing entering the cell and starting to talk to Big Tony while he hands him the video camera from last time...
The chef stands on one side of the cell as the prisoner starts recording you. Then the chef says:<div class="crimson"> "Come on, honey, show your charms to the camera..."</div> Turning around, you start to sway your hips...
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefHumillation/A/1.webp"/></center>
As you sway, the chef begins to ask:<div class="crimson"> "What do you do in this prison to survive, slut?"</div> You reply, looking at the bed:<div class="lightpink"> "Well, I help you in the kitchen, clean your cell... and, um, I don't know..."</div> Big Tony responds:<div class="crimson"> "Don't you know what else you clean?"</div> You see Big Tony getting a bit angry, waving his hands, so you respond:<div class="lightpink"> "Well, I guess I also clean your dick..."</div> Big Tony then says:<div class="crimson"> "So what are you waiting for?"</div>
You move to the side of the camera while the other prisoner positions himself, and you begin to suck his dick.
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefHumillation/A/2.webp"/></center>
After a few moments, the prisoner stops recording and orders you to fuck the chef while you get on all fours...
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefHumillation/A/3.gif"/></center>
As you thrust your hips onto the Chef's member, he starts to say:<div class="crimson"> "You like that, huh, slut... who's your daddy?"</div> You're almost speechless, looking at the camera while biting your lip due to the situation. In a moment, you respond:<div class="lightpink"> "You're my daddy." </div>The chef replies:<div class="crimson"> "That's right, baby girl, come on, you're going to ride daddy's cock."</div>
So, lying back, he makes you sit on him, and you start to ride.
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefHumillation/A/4.webp"/></center>
After a while of riding the Chef, he puts you on your knees and starts cumming on your face and in your mouth while the other prisoner records what seems to be the last scene.
<center><img src="img/sex/swallowcumtochef.webp"/>
Just as he finishes cumming in your mouth and you swallow, looking at the camera, the chef whispers to you to say:<div class="crimson"> "Cleaning and blowjobs."</div> So, looking at the camera while licking your lips...
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefHumillation/A/5.webp"/></center>
$name :<div class="lightpink"> "Cleaning and blowjobs, hehe."</div>
After this event, you see the other prisoner giving Tony some money, which you can't clearly see. He leaves with the video camera while Tony says to you:<div class="crimson"> "Perfect, honey, you can go now until next time."</div>
<<if $TheCookMoney <= 2000>>
<<set $TheCookMoney += 100>>
<<if $Feminity < 70>>
<<set $Feminity += 2>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/cell235.webp"/></center>
The chef, smiling, stands behind you and starts placing what appears to be a slave collar around your neck.
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefHumillation/C/1.webp"/></center>
You turn around, sighing, and you says:<div class="lightpink"> "What do you want?"</div> You don't realize it, but he has his dick out and forcefully pulls you toward it.
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefHumillation/C/2.webp"/></center>
Without warning, and with your mouth and nose at the top of his shaft, he looks at you with a smile and says:<div class="crimson"> "You know what I want. I'm going to fuck your throat, baby." </div>
Without warning, he begins to grip your hair while using you as if you were a fleshlight.
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefHumillation/C/3.webp"/></center>
After a while, he throws you onto the bed and, without warning, you feel him start to fuck your ass, all while he questions you.
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefHumillation/C/4.webp"/></center>
Due to his roughness, you start to say:<div class="lightpink"> "Yes, I'm yours. I'm your slut. Please, not so rough."</div> To which he replies:<div class="crimson"> "I'm the one in charge here, slut."</div>
He puts you back on your knees and starts fucking your mouth again, to the point where you start to choke.
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefHumillation/C/5.webp"/></center>
Not before he starts cumming on your face...
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefHumillation/C/7.webp"/></center>
After feeling his cum dripping onto your chin, the chef, slightly out of breath but still smiling, says:<div class="crimson"> "You liked that, huh, slut?"</div>
You were already nodding in agreement, and the chef removes the collar, seeing you change, and says, provocatively:<div class="lightpink">"Maybe so."</div> To which the chef laughs and says:<div class="crimson"> "Who would have thought? You've become quite the degenerate, haha. I'll have to take things more seriously. Well, get out of here, slut, before I make all the prisoners in the block come fuck you, hahaha. You're going to make me rich."</div>
Just as you're about to leave the cell, the chef gives you one last spank on the ass that resonates throughout the hallway, and you let out a slight<div class="lightpink"> "ah" </div>that sends a shiver down your spine, and not precisely from pain. You return to your cell, confused and excited.
<<if $Feminity < 70>>
<<set $Feminity += 2>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/cell235.webp"/></center>
You see prisoners from the other wing entering the chef's cell while he starts collecting the bills they hand him. Turning towards you, he says:<div class="crimson"> "Very well, my dear slut, get on your knees. Today it seems you have the special of hot dogs you mentioned you liked so much the other day..."</div>
You kneel down as the prisoners begin to slap you with their dicks on your face. Half laughing at the surreal situation, you start giving them slow, teasing blows.
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefHumillation/B/1.webp"/></center>
You start to get motivated and begin to suck each of their cocks dedicatedly, taking turns.
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefHumillation/B/2.webp"/></center>
After so much dedication, you start sucking off the prisoner on the left until he starts unloading on you.
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefHumillation/B/3.webp"/></center>
Right after this, you start blowing the prisoner in front while the other two continue to jerk off, watching the scene.
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefHumillation/B/33.webp"/></center>
When you feel him cum in your mouth, you see the other two prisoners approach your face and start giving you a creamy facial.
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefHumillation/B/4.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/ChefHumillation/B/5.webp"/></center>
You watch as each of the prisoners leaves the cell while you indirectly collect the cum from your face and lick it off your fingers... Meanwhile, you see the chef in the background counting the bills. When you notice he's looking at you, he says:<div class="crimson">"You're quite the slut, haha. You really do like hot dogs, eh? But with a good dose of mayonnaise, haha. Next time, they might make you do something even crazier... Who knows, maybe that ass of yours, haha. Now go on and treat yourself to something nice."</div> He tosses $20 to the floor, and you pick it up while crawling. After this, you get up and leave.
<<set $Money += 20>> <!-- Increase money by 50 units -->
<<if $Feminity < 70>>
<<set $Feminity += 2>>
<<if $TheCookMoney <= 2000>>
<<set $TheCookMoney += 60>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
As you enter the library and head towards the Nerd, something unusual catches your eye. The Old Librarian approaches you with a smile.
<center><img src="img/npc/OldLibrariangym.webp"/></center>
He says:<div class="crimson"> "Alright, you've earned your keep in this library. I see you're doing a good job with Alex. Would you like to see how he's doing?"</div>
With a growing sense of confidence due to your recent actions, you reply:<div class="gold"> "Sure, buddy."</div>
You follow the Old Librarian into what appears to be a small back room. As he opens the door with a smile, he gestures for you to enter first and says:<div class="crimson"> "Enjoy; it's all part of your initial creation."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/OldLibrarian/1.gif"/></center>
You can see that one of the inmates, the Nerd, whom you vaguely remember catching you doing something with Alex, is rubbing a dildo against his mouth while looking at you with a smile. He says:<div class="crimson"> "Thanks to you, we have new material."</div>
Without further ado, he begins to thrust the dildo into your mouth while playing with Alex's mouth.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/OldLibrarian/2.gif"/></center>
After observing this scene for a while, the old librarian starts talking:<div class="crimson"> "Well, $name, from now on, you'll be able to work during library hours. You know, picking up books, making sure the inmates leave everything in order, and our dear blonde can bring 'clients' here. So, you can earn some extra money when you pass behind the counter and hear something... of course, haha."</div>
After this brief explanation, you hear an <div class="lightpink">"Ahhhh."</div> When you turn around, you see that the inmate is fucking him in the ass.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/OldLibrarian/3.gif"/></center>
After this little scare, a faint smile escapes you as you see Alex looking at you while being fucked. The old librarian continues explaining:<div class="crimson"> "Obviously, if our dear blonde does some work, I'll get a proportional cut... although we'll negotiate the terms later."</div>
You notice the old librarian licking his lips while touching his package, looking at you and indirectly at Alex. That makes you look back at Alex, and you see the inmate playing with his ass and the dildo.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/OldLibrarian/4.gif"/></center>
Finally, you see the inmate penetrating him anally again while putting a finger in his mouth and saying:<div class="crimson"> "Relax, darling; we're going to make you famous."</div> The old librarian then says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, that's it. You can start tomorrow. Let's finish off the blondie together. Oh, by the way, for your work, I'll pay you an extra $10 plus bonuses."</div>
He says that while nervously licking his lips. Then, he accompanies you to the door and half-shoves you out. You return to your cell, knowing you've left Alex with that perverse old man and the other inmate.
<<if $LibraryWorkAlpha == false >>
<<set $LibraryWorkAlpha = true>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to Your Cell |Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
<div class="seagreen">
The library is a peaceful and quiet place in the prison, offering a small escape from the chaos and noise of the surrounding areas. The room is filled with rows of bookshelves that stretch from the floor to the ceiling, packed with a variety of books, from classic literature to contemporary novels. The walls are decorated with motivational quotes and posters, and there are a few comfortable chairs and tables scattered throughout the room. The lighting is dim, creating a cozy atmosphere and making it easy to concentrate on reading. In one corner, there is a small desk with an old librarian sitting behind it, ready to assist with any book-related questions or needs. Overall, the library is a great place to spend some quiet time and expand one's knowledge or just get lost in a good book.
You spend your time organizing books in the library and making sure everything is in order, ensuring that no prisoners misbehave when...
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/worklibrary.gif"/></center>
<<set $randomEvent = random(1, 8)>>
<<if $randomEvent == 1>>
You finish your work without anything unusual happening.
[[Finish your work.|Final1]]
<<if $randomEvent == 2>>
As you're about to finish, you hear sounds of suction in the room...
[[Inspect the room|Final2]]
<<if $randomEvent == 3>>
You hear a sound of friction and slapping in the room...
[[Inspect the room|Final3]]
<<if $randomEvent == 4>>
You hear 2 different voices in the room and sounds of suction.
[[Inspect the room|Final4]]
<<if $randomEvent == 5>>
Feeling motivated after a relatively light workday, you spot the Nerd alone in a corner. So, you decide to approach him.[[Approach|Final5]]
<<if $randomEvent == 6>>
After putting some books back in place, some of which contain erotic magazines, you approach the Nerd, who was about to leave the area.[[Approach|Final6]]
<<if $randomEvent == 7>>
While you're in front of the computer, you see the Nerd approaching to return a book, so you decide it's time for an encounter with your dear Nerd.[[Approach the Nerd|Final7]]
<<if $randomEvent == 8 >>
As you roam the library's aisles, you notice the Nerd leaving a book behind, so you decide to set up a small ambush.[[Ambush the Nerd|Final8]]
<center><center><img src="img/locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/npc/OldLibrariangym.webp"/></center>
The Old Librarian approaches you and hands you 10 dollars. You feel a little richer as you head back to your cell.
<center><img src="img/actions/pay.gif"/></center>
<<set $Money += 10>> <!-- Increase money by 10 units -->
Money: <<print $Money>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
You approach the room where Nerd had a heated encounter with the old librarian last time. You gently open the door to secretly witness the following scene...
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/LibraryA/suck.gif"/></center>
You see Alex giving a blowjob to a prisoner. You squint at the scene while hearing the sounds of suction. After a while, you begin to hear the prisoner's grunts. When you reopen the door...
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/LibraryA/suckcum.gif"/></center>
You watch as Alex swallows the prisoner's load, and he tosses a couple of bills at her. You close the door, and the prisoner, while zipping up his pants, smirks and says:<div class="crimson">"Good slut, I've paid her, mate, until next time."</div> You watch him walk away with a cocky grin.
Afterward, you enter the room and see Alex wiping off the remaining cum from her face. You take the money, but right after.
<center><img src="img/npc/OldLibrariangym.webp"/></center>
The old librarian enters, counts the bills, and gives Alex 5 dollars. He keeps 10 for himself and hands you another 5. You furrow your brow in frustration, and seeing your irritation, the librarian firmly tells you:<div class="crimson"> "Maybe you should negotiate with me too, perhaps later. Don't challenge me... or who knows..."</div>
You take the 10 dollars from your salary and the additional 5, then head back to your cell.
<center><img src="img/actions/pay.gif"/></center>
<<set $Money += 15>> <!-- Increase money by 15 units -->
<<if $Followers <= 20>>
<<set $Followers += 1>>
<<if $NrdSub <= 15>>
<<set $NrdSub += 1>>
<<set $NrdMoney += 5>>
<<set $LibrarianMoney += 10>>
Money: <<print $Money>>
Followers: <<print $Followers>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
You approach the room where Nerd had a heated encounter with the old librarian last time. You gently open the door to secretly witness the following scene...
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/LibraryB/Nerdfucked.gif"/></center>
You see the Nerd getting his ass fucked vigorously, far from "suffering" as he seemed to in his cell; he's enjoying it like a horny slut in heat. You close the door again until you hear about four spanks and a deep groan. When you open the door once more...
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/LibraryB/Nerdcumed.gif"/></center>
You close the door, and the prisoner exits, nodding at you before continuing his way. As you enter, you pick up the money from the nightstand while the Nerd lies on the bed, his lower back dripping with cum. You notice the old librarian entering.
<center><img src="img/npc/OldLibrariangym.webp"/></center>
This time, he takes $15 for himself, gives you another $10, and hands Alex $5. You know perfectly well it's not a good deal, at least for the Nerd, but it doesn't seem to bother you much, does it? Or at least that's what you tell yourself as you head back to your cell.
<center><img src="img/actions/pay.gif"/></center>
<<set $Money += 20>> <!-- Increase money by 20 units -->
<<if $Followers <= 20>>
<<set $Followers += 1>>
<<if $NrdSub <= 15>>
<<set $NrdSub += 1>>
<<set $NrdMoney += 5>>
<<set $LibrarianMoney += 15>>
Money: <<print $Money>>
Followers: <<print $Followers>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
You approach the room where Nerd had a heated encounter with the old librarian last time. You gently open the door to secretly witness the following scene...
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/LibraryC/1.gif"/></center>
This time, you see Alex giving two blowjobs at once while the two prisoners laugh and call him all sorts of insults, from "faggot" to "cocksucker." You start to chuckle as you watch the scene.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/LibraryC/2.gif"/></center>
You see the Nerd, far from feeling ashamed, seems to be enjoying his new position in the library. The enthusiasm he displays in his actions culminates in both prisoners ejaculating on his face simultaneously, with Alex inadvertently opening his mouth in the process.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/LibraryC/3.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/LibraryC/4.gif"/></center>
After this moment, you see the prisoners pull up their pants, and you open the door directly to receive the money while you see Alex in the background licking his lips shyly and sporting a visible erection in his pants. When you turn around, you see the old librarian, but this time he says:<div class="crimson"> "You caught me in a good mood, $15 for you, $20 for me, and $5 for him." </div>You respond:<div class="gold">"Great, no problem at all; he already gets paid in another way."</div> After this light-hearted joke, you see the old librarian nodding in agreement as he enters the room with Alex. You leave the scene and return to your cell.
<<set $Money += 15>> <!-- Increase money by 15 units -->
<<if $Followers <= 20>>
<<set $Followers += 2>>
<<if $NrdSub <= 15>>
<<set $NrdSub += 1>>
<<set $NrdMoney += 5>>
<<set $LibrarianMoney += 20>>
Money: <<print $Money>>
Followers: <<print $Followers>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Showers.jpg"/></center>
You see the Latinos approaching you and they lead you to one of the dressing rooms on the football field. There, they undress you, lay you on your back, and without warning, one of them starts fucking you while the other two place their cocks on your face.
<center><img src="img/sex/Shower30/Latinos/1.webp"/></center>
After a couple of thrusts, you start giving little kisses to the cock on your left while you watch the Latino on the right masturbate as he watches you getting fucked and serving his partner.
<center><img src="img/sex/Shower30/Latinos/2.webp"/></center>
A few moments later, the prisoner who is fucking you turns you slightly to the side so you can continue sucking the guy on the left.
<center><img src="img/sex/Shower30/Latinos/3.webp"/></center>
Then, he positions you face up so that the prisoner on the right can receive another blowjob.
<center><img src="img/sex/Shower30/Latinos/4.webp"/></center>
After a few minutes of intensive face-to-face therapy, the prisoner makes you sit on his cock so you can serve his companions simultaneously while riding his cock.
<center><img src="img/sex/Shower30/Latinos/5.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Shower30/Latinos/6.webp"/></center>
Finally, after a while, they start ejaculating all over you.
<center><img src="img/sex/Shower30/Latinos/final.jpg"/></center>
Then, you see the three exhausted Latinos, and while smiling, you begin to clean up the remains as you change, and they bid you farewell, saying:<div class="crimson"> "We'll meet again, sexy lady; it's been a pleasure."</div> With a flirtatious smile, you leave the place and head back to your cell.
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to your Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Showers.jpg"/></center>
Before you can reach the shower area where several black prisoners are located, they, noticing your femininity and sporting very visible erections, drag you into a cell. There, they undress you, and one of them starts to fuck you in the ass while the other two force you to give them blowjobs.
<center><img src="img/sex/Shower30/Blacks/1.webp"/></center>
They take turns between fucking your ass and receiving blowjobs.
<center><img src="img/sex/Shower30/Blacks/2.webp"/></center>
After losing track of time and exhausting yourself, they start to ejaculate all over you while you remain on your knees.
<center><img src="img/sex/Shower30/Blacks/3.gif"/></center>
Unconsciously, you stick out your tongue and continue moving your waist up and down as if one of their cocks were still inside you. The group of black prisoners, upon seeing this, begins to say:<div class="crimson"> "Haha, please, what a stupid white bitch, haha, brothers, we should put a collar on her and make her our whore, hahah."</div> Another one responds:<div class="crimson"> "Honestly, this bitch knew how to respond to an assault, who knows, haha."</div> While continuing to dedicate insulting and humiliating comments to you, you continue swallowing the cum they left on your face, while one of them starts slapping your face and calling you an idiot.
<center><img src="img/sex/Shower30/Blacks/4.webp"/></center>
After this, and seeing that only the cell owner and one of his "brothers" remain, they let you change in peace and leave. However, you can't help but feel great pain in your ass and jaw.
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to your Cell|Your Cell]]<center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Showers.jpg"/></center>
You begin to shower next to the Latino inmate, swaying your hips seductively as you look in his direction.
<center><img src="img/actions/Showersissy.webp"/></center>
After the Latino starts masturbating while watching you, you finish showering. He leads you to his cell where you automatically undress and resume your seductive moves on his bed.
<center><img src="img/sex/Shower30/OneLatino/2.jpg"/></center>
The Latino, now undressed and enthralled by the show you've put on, begins to fuck you passionately on the edge of the bed.
<center><img src="img/sex/Shower30/OneLatino/3.jpg"/></center>
After a short but intense period of time, you feel your Latino lover starting to shudder. You quickly turn around and get on your knees as he starts coming on your face, while you continue to masturbate your small cock.
<center><img src="img/sex/Shower30/OneLatino/4.webp"/></center>
Once he's finished climaxing on top of you, you also reach your own climax. As you recover from this event, the Latino starts throwing your things at you, demanding that you get the hell out. With a disdainful look and half-naked, you leave the cell, gradually putting on your upper clothing, and head back to your cell.
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to your Cell|Your Cell]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Showers.jpg"/></center>
You automatically head to one of the showers where a Black prisoner is standing. You kneel down and start approaching his cock, making your intentions clear. The Black prisoner starts to smile.
<center><img src="img/sex/Shower30/OneBlack/1.webp"/></center>
Seeing that the Black prisoner allows you to approach so delicately, you begin to give him a determined blowjob.
<center><img src="img/sex/Shower30/OneBlack/2.webp"/></center>
As the prisoner notices your dedication, he tries to stifle his moans by turning on the shower while you continue to service him.
<center><img src="img/sex/Shower30/OneBlack/3.webp"/></center>
It seems he won't be able to hold back much longer from the pace of your suctions. Deep down, you are enjoying this even more than he is, watching him in ecstasy. While lost in your thoughts and actions, the prisoner starts gripping your head and face-fucking you until finally...
<center><img src="img/sex/Shower30/OneBlack/4.webp"/></center>
he starts coming in your mouth, and after swallowing, he lets you catch your breath while he continues to massage himself for a few more moments, smiling at you. He says:<div class="crimson"> "That's it, white boy. This is your place... whew, it's been a pleasure... hope you'll do it again."</div> He then exits the shower, wraps himself in a towel, and leaves you there. You stand back up and finish your shower.
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to your Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
The nerd, seeing you approach, seems resigned, as if expecting the inevitable. You notice him glancing furtively to the sides, like a small animal contemplating whether to run.
As you finish getting closer, you say:<div class="gold"> "You know, my little bookworm, you're going to have the privilege of cleaning my sausage well. I hope you don't mind... you know, being so quick at arranging books, you're going to enjoy a tasty treat with a manly flavor."</div>
After saying this, you place a hand over the nerd's shoulder, slamming him against the wall, and start pulling it out of your pants with the other. Blushing, Alex gets down on his knees.
You start running your cock over his lips while you see Alex with his eyes closed, as if he's halfway enjoying it and trying to escape his thoughts at the same time.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/LibraryD/1.gif"/></center>
After a while, you begin to play with his mouth, thrusting your cock in and out, accompanied by soft "plops" in the silence of the library.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/LibraryD/2.gif"/></center>
Tired of this slightly naughty game, you grab his head and start firmly fucking his mouth.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/LibraryD/3.gif"/></center>
Until, with one final push, you finish inside his mouth, and Alex automatically swallows your cream.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/LibraryD/4.gif"/></center>
After this, you see the nerd still kneeling in that corner, and as you pull up your pants, you notice the old librarian approaching. He says:<div class="crimson"> "Here's your $10; I'm paying you because you've been efficient in every aspect. Now get lost... I think our dear blondie is going to enjoy another good cock today."</div> You take the money, and as you head to one of the ends of the aisle, you hear the sound of a zipper. Looking back, you see the immense figure of the librarian swaying his hips, accompanied by sounds of "glua, glua, glua." Upon leaving the door, another prisoner gives you a thumbs-up in approval.
<<set $Money += 10>> <!-- Increase money by 15 units -->
<<if $Followers <= 20>>
<<set $Followers += 1>>
<<if $NrdSub <= 15>>
<<set $NrdSub += 1>>
Money: <<print $Money>>
Followers: <<print $Followers>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
Before the Nerd reaches the door, you grab him by his tiny arm and turn him towards you. Alex, with a face of half surprise and panic, says:<div class="crimson"> "But $name, what do you want now... haven't you had enough?"</div> Smirking at him maliciously, you say:<div class="gold"> "Of that tight little ass you have? No, darling, besides, I want to enjoy it while it's still so tight."</div> You start directing the nerd towards the room while he whispers phrases like:<div class="crimson"> "It's not fair, why me?"</div>
Upon reaching the room, you lay him on the bed, remove the lower part of his uniform, while he vaguely takes off the rest of his clothes as best as he can. After this, you spit on his cock, and you see how the nerd had taken a small tube from his uniform and starts applying it to his anus. You start laughing and say:<div class="gold"> "Well, sweetheart, that's initiative." </div>You see Alex starting to blush while at the same time, in one smooth motion, you begin to thrust your cock into him.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/LibraryE/1.gif"/></center>
The nerd tries to make faces as if he's not starting to enjoy it, while occasionally some lascivious expressions betray him. As you continue to fuck him, the Nerd starts jerking off.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/LibraryE/2.gif"/></center>
You lie down beside him, changing the degree of penetration, while the Nerd with a surprised and approving look continues to masturbate, whispering occasionally, <div class="lightpink">"Ah... oh."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/LibraryE/3.gif"/></center>
After a few moments, you see the nerd starting to cum on himself.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/LibraryE/4.gif"/></center>
Taking advantage of his climax and being about to finish, you decide to end on his face, and you see Alex lasciviously sticking out his tongue, ready to receive your precious essence.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/LibraryE/5.gif"/></center>
After this satisfying encounter, you see the old librarian entering the room, and you notice a frown on his face. He then lasciviously watches as you change, and occasionally, out of the corner of his eye, looks at the exhausted Alex in bed. After changing, he gives you $10, and then starts undressing, imperiously asking you to leave. You obey his order, and as you leave the room, you see one of the prisoners looking at you with a mischievous smile. You look away and start your way back to your cell.
<<set $Money += 10>> <!-- Increase money by 10 units -->
<<if $Followers <= 20>>
<<set $Followers += 1>>
<<if $NrdSub <= 15>>
<<set $NrdSub += 1>>
Money: <<print $Money>>
Followers: <<print $Followers>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
The nerd is trying to return a book to you when, upon checking the computer, you realize that this book has been in his possession for a couple of days longer than it should, as if it had some kind of "special treatment."
Blushing and hesitating, Alex asks you:<div class="crimson"> "$name, is there a problem?"</div>
Firmly smiling, you tell him:<div class="gold"> "Yes, the problem... you're going to have it. Well, maybe in your hands or perhaps... on those pretty lips. Why did it take you several days to return this book? Have you been a bad boy?"</div>
Alex stammers:<div class="crimson"> "I... you see... it's just that..."</div> You respond:<div class="gold"> "Shhh, look into my eyes, my little nerd, and tell me, have you been a bad boy?"</div> Trying to look at you firmly, Alex says:<div class="crimson"> "I... have been a bad boy." </div>Then you say:<div class="gold"> "Bad boys deserve to be punished, don't you think?"</div> Blushing, Alex says:<div class="crimson"> "Maybe."</div> With a light chuckle due to the place you are in, you ask him to go behind the counter. Automatically, you lower your prison jumpsuit and start masturbating while Alex can't take his eyes off your cock.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/LibraryF/1.gif"/></center>
Seeing Alex's attentive gaze, you say:<div class="gold"> "Do you like it, you naughty boy? Hehe, get under the counter to have a closer look."</div> You see Alex immediately kneel and position himself in the gap while you continue masturbating with one hand, the other on the mouse.
After a few moments, you feel a warm breath brushing against the tip, and you see how Alex, seemingly hypnotized, is at a short distance from your cock. Instinctively, you bring it closer to his lips, and he starts timidly sucking.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/LibraryF/2.gif"/></center>
While you continue with your librarian duties, Alex is giving you an increasingly intense blowjob.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/LibraryF/3.gif"/></center>
Finally, when you're about to finish, looking under the table, you start masturbating while watching him stick out his tongue, and you begin to cum.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/LibraryF/4.gif"/></center>
After this, exhausted from the release, you smile drowsily as you see the old librarian approaching from the back of the room. You tell the nerd to get out of there immediately, and he obeys, probably having recognized the steps of the old librarian. He rushes out from the gap and the counter like his life depends on it. Alex passes by the librarian, who, turning around, says:<div class="crimson"> "Hey, Blondie, next time swallow even better; you still have some traces of milk, haha." </div>Alex starts rubbing his face under the laughter of other prisoners... he had no traces, but the old librarian starts laughing, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Oh, how small the world is... The devil knows more because he's old than because he's the devil, haha."</div> As he finishes approaching you, he says:<div class="crimson"> "Here, $name, and thanks for exposing it a bit more publicly, haha."</div> You collect your $10 and head back to your cell.
<<set $Money += 10>> <!-- Increase money by 10 units -->
<<if $Followers <= 20>>
<<set $Followers += 2>>
<<if $NrdSub <= 15>>
<<set $NrdSub += 1>>
Money: <<print $Money>>
Followers: <<print $Followers>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
You head towards where the Nerd is currently finishing putting a book in place. Standing behind him, rubbing your erection against his buttocks, you whisper in his ear:<div class="gold"> "What do you say, sweetheart... let me have a quick fuck with you?" </div>The Nerd, slightly flustered, whispers:<div class="crimson"> "here?" </div>and you, biting his neck, say:<div class="gold">"Yes, let's lower our uniforms and fuck."</div> You see the Nerd lowering his uniform as you do the same, and then the Nerd opens the cheeks of his ass while you...
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/LibraryG/1.gif"/></center>
After this first thrust, you start fucking him rapidly.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/LibraryG/2.webp"/></center>
Over time, you begin to accelerate the pace of your thrusts frenetically, noticing an unusual silence in the library, but you don't care because it only drives you to climax faster.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/LibraryG/3.webp"/></center>
The result of your thrusts begins to show as you see the totally subdued Nerd releasing some cum, and you finish cumming inside him.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/LibraryG/4.webp"/></center>
Immediately after, you give his ass four resounding smacks. You step back from the aisle under the watchful eyes of several prisoners, some half-smiling, and some making approving gestures. As you approach the counter, the librarian, laughing, hands you $10. As you prepare to leave, you see Alex coming out of that book aisle, walking as if he had been run over. Lasciviously, some prisoners start saying:<div class="crimson"> "Blondie, next time let me give you what's yours," </div>while another responds:<div class="crimson"> "We'll have to talk to your pimp, honey."</div> You leave with a smile, feeling like the boss of the place.
<<set $Money += 10>> <!-- Increase money by 10 units -->
<<if $Followers <= 20>>
<<set $Followers += 2>>
<<if $NrdSub <= 14>>
<<set $NrdSub += 1>>
Money: <<print $Money>>
Followers: <<print $Followers>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/cell238.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/></center>
Ismael, smiling, says:<div class="crimson">"Mmmh, mamasita, you make me so hot. Let's see what I do with you this morning,"</div> he says, licking his lips and touching himself.
<<set _randomPassage = random(1, 6)>> <!-- Generate a random number between 1 and 4 to select the passage -->
<<if _randomPassage == 1>>
[[Ismael tells you, 'You know, the Chef gave me a uniform for you.'|Chearleaderuniform]]
<<if _randomPassage == 2>>
[[Ismael, laughing, says, 'Why don't you put on the uniform and give me a private dance?'|DanceforIsmael]]
<<if _randomPassage == 3>>
[[A friend of yours told me to show you this book...|LibroIsmael]]
<<if _randomPassage == 4>>
[[Ismael looks at you and says, "I think it's time to go to the team locker rooms."|LockersEv]]
<<if _randomPassage == 5>>
[[Ismael looks at you and says, "Be a cheerleader, and after training... let's see what you do."|TrainCocks]]
<<if _randomPassage == 6>>
[[You head to the football field with Ismael when...|EventGuardPorra]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/></center>
Ismael, smiling, gestures for you to sit on his bed and opens the cover of the book, looking at you. So...
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/D/1.webp"/></center>
You begin to see images of cheerleaders performing oral sex on the players of their team. In the blink of an eye, you feel your knees touching the floor, and a familiar taste of flesh crosses your lips.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/D/11.webp"/></center>
Meanwhile, another image appears in your mind.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/D/2.gif"/></center>
Mesmerized by this image, in another blink, you find yourself on all fours, feeling someone penetrating your ass amid laughter.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/D/22.webp"/></center>
After a few moments, a deep penetration and a warm gush in your insides bring you out of this strange yet more exciting trance than the previous ones.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/D/4.webp"/></center>
You find yourself naked on all fours, and looking back, you see Ismael sitting at the edge of the bed, smiling as he says:<div class="crimson"> "Very well, mamasita, you're learning to comply."</div> With that, he changes and leaves the cell, blowing you kisses:<div class="crimson"> "Until next time, my puta."</div>
<<if $Feminity < 50>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
<<if $Int >= 60>>
<<set $Int -= 2>>
Your Feminity has increased to: <<print $Feminity>>
Your Intelligence has decreased to: <<print $Int>>.
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/></center>
Ismael hands you the cheerleader uniform and has you pose with him.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/B/10.webp"/></center>
Afterwards, he gives you a playful slap on the butt and says:<div class="crimson"> "That's not enough; shake that booty for me, like you want me to stuff you like a burrito."</div> Embarrassed, you turn around and start twerking for him.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/A/R.gif"/></center>
Following this, as you turn back, he says:<div class="crimson">"Mmmh... put on the chef's makeup and try again." </div>So, you...
<center><img src="img/actions/makeup.gif"/></center>
and as usual...
<center><img src="img/items/ismaelputinlipstickonyou.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/latinsuckcrosdressed1.webp"/></center>
After that blowjob, Ismael forces you to walk in heels around the cell while keeping some of his cum on your face. When you're exhausted after the entire morning, and Ismael lets you lie belly up on his bed, it doesn't end there.
You see, from a face-down perspective, one of the Latinos approaches to fuck your mouth.
<center><img src="img/npc/Latin1.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/A/12.webp"/></center>
After nearly choking on his cock for a while, you end up swallowing all of his sauce and, feeling breathless, you get up. Ismael, laughing incredulously, says to the other Latino:<div class="crimson"> "What do you think? Does she serve as a cheerleader?"</div> to which the other Latino responds:<div class="crimson"> "At least as a fleshlight for now, haha."</div> Blushing intensely, you look at Ismael and ask,:<div class="lightpink">"Is it over?"</div> Ismael, with a mischievous yet sadistic smile, says:<div class="crimson"> "Yes, sweetheart, but show off the merchandise under the miniskirt, haha."</div> You, still blushing...
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/A/11.webp"/></center>
After a couple of laughs from the two Latinos, you put back on your uniform, and Ismael lets you go while the other prisoner gestures blowjob with his mouth, calling you queen and princess.
<<if $Feminity < 50>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
<<if $Int >= 60>>
<<set $Int -= 2>>
Your Feminity has increased to: <<print $Feminity>>
Your Intelligence has decreased to: <<print $Int>>.
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/></center>
Ismael tosses you the uniform that the Chef gave him, and you put it on without protest under his watchful gaze.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/B/10.webp"/></center>
You see Ismael lowering his pants and starting to masturbate while looking at you, and this time more aggressively he says:<div class="crimson"> "Come on, mami... dance for daddy,"</div> licking his lips. You start to dance flirtatiously, hoping not to anger him.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/B/1.webp"/></center>
Just as you finish your dance, you trip over one of your feet and fall between Ismael's legs. Confused by the situation, he exclaims:<div class="crimson"> "That's a good dance with a happy ending, take it, bitch."</div> He starts thrusting his cock into your mouth while you remain impassive due to the shock of the hit and the situation.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/B/2.webp"/></center>
After a moment in which Ismael was using your mouth, you decide to take some initiative and give him a blowjob.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/B/22.webp"/></center>
This excites Ismael even more, and far from finishing with you, he lifts you off the floor, lies back, and makes you ride him while you look at the cell door.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/B/3.webp"/></center>
After a few moments, he feels himself finishing inside you.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/B/44.webp"/></center>
Dazed and not feeling your legs and mouth much after this encounter, you get up from on top of Ismael, heading towards where your clothes are while his semen runs down your butt to your ankle. Smiling from the bed, Ismael says:<div class="crimson"> "See how you have good cheerleading material... and defense too... what a way to stop thrusts, darling."</div> His comments make you blush, and in a few moments, when you're changed, you ask if you can leave. Ismael responds, <div class="crimson">"Sure thing, sweetheart, but what do you say?"</div> You, blushing, reply:<div class="lightpink"> "Yes, captain?"</div> and he responds:<div class="crimson"> "Cool, bye, doll."</div>
<<if $Feminity < 50>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
<<if $Int >= 60>>
<<set $Int -= 2>>
Your Feminity has increased to: <<print $Feminity>>
Your Intelligence has decreased to: <<print $Int>>.
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
<div class="seagreen">
The Backyard is a section of the prison that is under the control of a group of individuals led by Tyron, a charismatic and influential figure. As you enter this area, you can't help but notice the strong presence of muscular inmates of color. Tyron's gang holds significant sway here, with their tight-knit community and a formidable reputation. The atmosphere is charged with a sense of loyalty and unity among the members. It's not uncommon to witness Tyron's followers embracing each other and engaging in gestures of camaraderie, creating a unique bond within their circle.
At some of the back tables, you can also observe some inmates with such a feminine appearance that they could be mistaken for women, adding a distinctive touch to the diversity of this place.</div>
<<set _randomPassage = random(1, 4)>> <!-- Generate a random number between 1 and 4 to select the passage -->
<<if _randomPassage == 1>>
[[I think it's time for you to show yourself as you are...|NudeAlex]]
<<if _randomPassage == 2>>
[[I think it's time for you to show me the submission you owe me, dog.|Nerdtoes]]
<<if _randomPassage == 3>>
[[It's a very nice day... it would be better if you relaxed me as you should.|Blowjobpublicnerd]]
<<if _randomPassage == 4>>
[[You need to be a bit braver, and I'm going to help you be...|Nerdpublickfuck]]
<center><center><img src="img/locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
You grab the Nerd by the arm imperiously as you cross the main yard, leading him to the back yard. The Nerd's only response on the way to the destination is to blush and endure your shoves under the watchful gaze of a few other inmates.
When you arrive at the spot, you sit on a log in a somewhat wooded area and say:<div class="gold"> "Well, sweetheart, since we're enjoying the scenery... why don't you get some fresh air."</div>
The Nerd either doesn't catch the hint or does, despite his intelligence. You say maliciously:<div class="gold"> "You see, darling, either you strip naked, or I'm going to beat you so hard that the next time I bring you here, you'll crawl on all fours. Who knows, I might even put a collar on you."</div>
You watch as the terrified Nerd starts undressing and throws his inmate uniform and underwear at your feet. You begin to feel yourself getting aroused as you watch him – he has a rather angelic body.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdoutDoor/A/1.webp"/></center>
You start touching yourself over your pants, observing the Nerd's awkward movements, and taunt him, saying:<div class="gold"> "Who's your pimp, huh? Who's your bitch master."</div>
The Nerd begins to plead:<div class="lightpink"> "Please, at least don't raise your voice..."</div> You respond:<div class="gold">"Say it."</div>
The Nerd starts saying:<div class="lightpink"> "I'm your bitch, okay, but please, stop. Let me put my clothes back on."</div> You take it out of your pants and start masturbating while looking at him.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdoutDoor/A/2.webp"/></center>
The Nerd can't believe what you're doing as he says:<div class="lightpink"> "Oh God, please stop." </div>Smirking sadistically while pleasuring yourself, you tell him, <div class="gold">"Shhh, I'm going to mark my territory."</div> You put the Nerd's underwear in front of you and start ejaculating onto them.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdoutDoor/A/3.webp"/></center>
Once done, you force the Nerd to put them on, and seeing his disgusted face, you say:<div class="gold"> "That's it, slut, you'll go every day with your ass full of cum, haha."</div> Once the Nerd is changed and heading back to the center of the back yard, you notice several prisoners licking their lips, and you overhear some saying, <div class="crimson">"What a tough guy, I want one like him for myself."</div>
Alex turns red as a tomato. On the way to the cells, you say:<div class="gold">"See, slut, you're lucky. The other bitches here are dying to be in your place. Who knows, maybe I'll invite them next time..."</div> You give him a slap on the butt as you put him in his cell, and you return to yours.
<<if $Followers <= 20>>
<<set $Followers += 2>>
<<if $NrdSub <= 20>>
<<set $NrdSub += 2>>
Followers : <<print $Followers>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to your Cell|Your Cell]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
The Nerd, terrified by the statement you just made, asks you:<div class="lightpink">"Why? I already do everything you ask."</div> You put your hand on his cheek and say:<div class="gold"> "But darling, if it's for your own good, the sooner you get used to doing dirty things, the more you'll enjoy them... haha."</div> The Nerd starts blushing. Taking advantage of his daze, you grab him, and crossing the back yard, you take him to an untraveled corner where there's a concrete block serving as your seat while you make him sit in front of you.
The Nerd, looking at you from that position, says:<div class="lightpink">"What do you want?"</div> to which you respond:<div class="lightpink"> "First, you should call me sir or master, and second, I think you should massage my feet a bit..."</div>
You see the Nerd timidly looking in any direction, saying:<div class="lightpink">"Yes, sir," </div>while you automatically place your foot in his crotch. To your surprise, you feel a slight erection, making you smile.
Alex, noticing this quickly and still shy, takes off your shoes and starts kissing and sucking your feet while lying on the ground, as if he had read your mind, pleasing you.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdoutDoor/B/R.gif"/></center>
From the corner of your eye, you see several inmates watching the scene, and some even touch themselves through their pants. This makes you smile, and you say phrases to Alex like:<div class="gold"> "What an obedient little pig I have, don't I?"</div> Between kisses and sucking on your foot, he says:<div class="lightpink">"Mmm, yes, master."</div> Seeing that you're starting to attract attention, you order him to stop. While noticing a mix of disappointment and excitement on Alex's face, you, smiling, touch his crotch and say:<div class="gold">"Easy, darling, I'll dominate you more in your cell,"</div> giving him a resounding slap on the buttocks as a warning. As you leave, you see those hidden prisoners withdrawing at the same time as you both head towards the cell area, each going to their resting place.
<<if $Followers <= 20>>
<<set $Followers += 2>>
<<if $NrdSub <= 20>>
<<set $NrdSub += 2>>
Followers : <<print $Followers>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to your Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
When you say that phrase to the Nerd, he thinks you want to go do some sports with him. The nerd puts on a surprised face and says:<div class="crimson"> "I'm really bad at physical activities."</div> To which you, smiling, respond:<div class="gold"> "Haha, it depends on the physical task, don't you think, dear?"</div> The nerd sighs, looking to the side.
Next, you have him accompany you to the area behind the yard. There, you suggest:<div class="gold"> "How about you start giving me a handjob slowly, and we'll see..."</div> Without saying anything, the nerd positions himself next to you and modestly begins to masturbate you.
<img src="img/sex/NerdoutDoor/D/1.gif"/>
While watching him try to finish the job quickly, you say:<div class="gold"> "Undress, I'm going to fuck your ass. This isn't enough."</div> The incredulous nerd starts undressing and gets on top of you. You quickly penetrate him, and it seems like his ass is starting to get accustomed to the thrusts of flesh—or so you tell yourself.
<img src="img/sex/NerdoutDoor/D/2.webp"/>
After letting the Nerd settle and ride you for a bit in that position, you say:<div class="gold"> "Shh, turn to face the fence. I'm going to fuck you."</div> He then gets on all fours, looking backward to see if anyone is watching. But you start fucking him wildly.
<img src="img/sex/NerdoutDoor/D/3.gif"/>
After a few minutes, you begin to ejaculate in his ass.
<img src="img/sex/NerdoutDoor/D/4.gif"/>
After a moment of trance, you both change while looking at each other. You notice the nerd has a shy smile, and you say,:<div class="gold">"You love how I fuck you, huh?"</div> Instead of responding, the nerd half nods, making you burst into laughter. Upon returning, you see several prisoners watching as the nerd walks strangely, trying to walk with confidence. One of them says:<div class="crimson"> "Looks like someone got ridden well, haha."</div> You start smiling at them, and they respond with a gesture of approval. Upon reaching the cells, you say goodbye to the Nerd and return to yours.
<<if $Followers <= 20>>
<<set $Followers += 2>>
<<if $NrdSub <= 20>>
<<set $NrdSub += 2>>
Followers : <<print $Followers>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to your Cell|Your Cell]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
The nerd, on one side, smiles, thinking that you're just going to the courtyard to play chess or relax, but he doesn't know what you have planned for him. While you're in the activity area of the courtyard and before other prisoners see him sit in his usual chess spot, you firmly tell him, with a loud voice so that a few other prisoners can hear:<div class="gold"> "Alex, darling, today you won't be using your head that way. Follow me, sweetheart."</div> Alex, embarrassed, follows you to the secluded spot where the concrete block is. You sit on the block while Alex sits in front of you.
While smiling at him, Alex, annoyed, says:<div class="lightpink"> "Why did you say that with so many people around? Who knows what they're thinking now?"</div> You respond:<div class="gold"> "Well, sweetheart, you are my personal cocksucker and the prison's tool cleaner, and more..." </div>You start getting it out of your pants with a huge erection.
Alex, wide-eyed, says:<div class="lightpink"> "Here and now?"</div> and you respond:<div class="gold"> "Come on, sweetheart, the sooner you start, the less they'll notice. You choose and put some attitude... don't make me angry." </div>Immediately, and looking into your eyes...
<img src="img/sex/NerdoutDoor/C/1.gif"/>
You respond:<div class="gold">"Just the way you like it, nice and hard, hot, and filled with cum. Come on, sweetheart."</div>
<img src="img/sex/NerdoutDoor/C/2.gif"/>
Due to his actions, Alex even seems more excited than you while giving you a blowjob because he tries to look into your eyes while doing it. After this, he becomes more aggressive at it.
<img src="img/sex/NerdoutDoor/C/3.gif"/>
While Alex passionately gives you a blowjob, you notice two prisoners masturbating behind some bushes, contemplating the scene, which makes you climax in the nerd's mouth in a few minutes.
<img src="img/sex/NerdoutDoor/C/4.webp"/>
As you climax, you see Alex with a mischievous smile, and imperiously looking down, you say:<div class="gold"> "I knew you loved the idea." </div>After saying this, you start slapping his face with your dick while he tries to continue sucking to remove the remnants of your cum. When you both finish, you pull up your pants, and Alex wipes off your cum. Both of you return with a smile on your face, and Alex half-smiling. The previous prisoners noticed everything, and someone says:<div class="crimson"> "Damn, brother, I want a cocksucker like that too."</div> Alex continues walking while you see him shiver. When you're about to leave him in his cell, you say:<div class="gold"> "You came with what he called you, huh, bitch? Haha."</div> Trying to protest, Alex looks down at his chest, saying:<div class="lightpink"> "No... well, yes... no." </div>As you go back to your cell, you say:<div class="gold"> "Haha, what a piece of slut..."</div>
<<if $Followers <= 20>>
<<set $Followers += 2>>
<<if $NrdSub <= 20>>
<<set $NrdSub += 2>>
Followers : <<print $Followers>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to your Cell|Your Cell]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/Locker.webp"/></center>
Ismael, firm and unyielding, leads you to their football team's locker rooms. He immediately takes out a suction cup dildo and attaches it to one of the walls, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Come on, hottie, put those lovely lips to work. I want to see the show you can put on."</div>
You, perhaps bolder than the last times or maybe having yielded to so many demands before, take the suction cup dildo off the wall and sensually start giving it a blowjob while looking at Ismael.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/C/0.webp"/></center>
You're driving Ismael crazy as he starts masturbating while watching the feast you're giving him. Next, you say:<div class="lightpink"> "Um, I understand... okay, it's time for my little ass."</div>
You get on all fours and start anally pleasuring yourself with the dildo that had been well-lubricated by your mouth.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/C/1.webp"/></center>
You see Ismael speeding up his rhythm while masturbating, and you begin to enjoy penetrating yourself with that plastic cock. Afterward, you place it on the floor and start sitting on it suggestively and sensually.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/C/2.webp"/></center>
You're enjoying it so much that you start climaxing just as Ismael begins to release himself onto the floor.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/C/3.webp"/></center>
Ismael quickly tucks it back into his pants upon hearing sounds approaching the locker room. At the same time, he lifts you, takes the dildo, and says:<div class="crimson"> "See, hottie, I want that attitude with everyone... very sexy, very slutty, I love it."</div> He gives you a couple of spanks, and you both return to the cell area, where he leaves you in yours while he goes to his.
<<if $Feminity < 50>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
<<if $Int >= 60>>
<<set $Int -= 2>>
Your Feminity has increased to: <<print $Feminity>>
Your Intelligence has decreased to: <<print $Int>>.
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Locker.webp"/></center>
Ismael leads you to the locker rooms where two familiar faces are waiting for you.
<center><img src="img/npc/jesuslatin.webp"/><img src="img/npc/Latin1.webp"/></center>
Immediately after, you see Ismael blocking the door and ordering you to get on your knees as the other two Latinos are pulling their cocks out of their pants and approaching you... automatically.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/E/1.webp"/></center>
One of them says:<div class="crimson"> "Wow, Ismael, haha, look at her, so hungry. Go ahead, eat the burrito, babe."</div> The other, elbowing him, says:<div class="crimson"> "Oh my god, Ismael, you were right, what a cheerleader we have, haha."</div>
You continue giving them a blowjob, alternating between each cock, even taking both into your mouth.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/E/2.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/E/3.webp"/></center>
While you're sucking them off at different rhythms, you see Ismael masturbating from the door, enjoying the scene, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Mmm, hot mama, being a real slut for us... keep it up, baby."</div>
Perhaps encouraged by his words, you put more enthusiasm into your actions, once again taking both cocks into your mouth.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/E/4.webp"/></center>
Suddenly, you feel the two Latinos start to tremble, and like a blank canvas, they start coming on you.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/E/5.webp"/></center>
Involuntarily and heated by the situation, you start to open your mouth, saying:<div class="lightpink"> "Mm, yes, give me that sauce."</div> You see the Latinos smile as they come on you, while Ismael shoots on the floor. After a while and after consuming their remnants, they lead you back to your cell, leaving you there while saying:<div class="crimson"> "Mm, until the next 'training,' babe."</div>
<<if $Feminity < 50>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
<<if $Int >= 60>>
<<set $Int -= 2>>
Your Feminity has increased to: <<print $Feminity>>
Your Intelligence has decreased to: <<print $Int>>.
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center>
When you head to the football field with Ismael, something breaks the monotony: one of the guards stops you.
<center><img src="img/npc/CorridorGuard.jpg"/></center>
The guard firmly tells Ismael:<div class="crimson">"You to the field,"</div> and looking at you, he says:<div class="crimson"> "You, darling, come with me to this room. I think it's time for a check; I believe you're carrying contraband. Your body has changed recently."</div>
Ismael nods approvingly as he steps away, and the guard automatically takes you to the room. The first thing he asks is for you to start undressing. Knowing what he's up to, you do it provocatively.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/F/1.webp"/></center>
The guard, enjoying the show and smiling, says:<div class="crimson"> "Bitch, don't take this as a joke. Come against the wall; let's see that body."</div> You comply automatically.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/F/2.webp"/></center>
The guard continues:<div class="crimson"> "Now turn around."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/F/3.webp"/></center>
As soon as you turn around, you feel the guard pushing you against the table on the side, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Good bitch, time for cavity search... let's see what you're hiding."</div> Not a finger; the guard starts fucking you.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/F/4.webp"/></center>
While the guard fucks you, he whispers things in your ear like:<div class="crimson"> "Who's in charge, bitch," "Who gives the orders," "To whom do you submit?" </div>All you do is endure his thrusts, saying:<div class="lightpink"> "Ah, um, to you."</div> With a couple more thrusts and due to the guard's lust, you begin to feel his cream inside you.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelCheerleader/F/5.webp"/></center>
You hear a grunt from the guard as he spanks you and orders you to get dressed again. As you dress, he says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, bitch, for this time, it's okay. But if I have more suspicions, who knows, you might end up in the guards' wing, serving us with your new talents." </div>To avoid his anger or perhaps out of excitement, you bite your lip and lick it, looking at his mouth. The guard, noticing this, says:<div class="crimson">"Damn bitch, get lost, or I swear I'll have you confined so that everyone, even the warden, can fuck you... you're such a slut." </div>Smiling, you reply,:<div class="lightpink">"Yes, sir, um, it's been a pleasure, hehe,"</div> and you head back to the cells.
<<if $Feminity < 50>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
<<if $Int >= 60>>
<<set $Int -= 2>>
Your Feminity has increased to: <<print $Feminity>>
Your Intelligence has decreased to: <<print $Int>>.
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/cell238.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/></center>
Ismael, smiling and noticing your underwear, says:<div class="crimson"> "So you want me to be your 'pimp,' huh, darling? No problem, baby... come and suck dick while I find you some Latin papas."</div> You try to reply to Ismael, but before you know it, you find yourself giving him a blowjob next to the bars while Ismael holds you by the nape and scans the corridor for clients.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Global/1.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Global/2.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Global/3.webp","img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Global/4.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
<<set _randomPassage = random(1, 4)>> <!-- Generate a random number between 1 and 4 to select the passage -->
<<if _randomPassage == 1>>
[[One of the Latin prisoners enters the cell upon witnessing the spectacle.|BlowLatinA]]
<<if _randomPassage == 2>>
[[A prisoner lurking in the halls decides to enter Ismael's cell.|FunLatinA]]
<<if _randomPassage == 3>>
[[Your torrid scene goes unnoticed, so Ismael...|IsmaelFinishyou]]
<<if _randomPassage == 4>>
[[Two prisoners approach the side of the cell.|FunLatinsA]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/></center>
You feel the presence of another person behind you, while Ismael continues fucking your mouth, simultaneously engaging in a conversation with that person.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Global/1.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Global/2.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Global/3.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Global/4.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
Ismael says:<div class="crimson"> "20 bucks, mate, and I'll let you breed his mouth."</div> Between suctions, you hear:<div class="crimson"> "Done."</div>
With your teary eyes, as Ismael was reaching the depths of your mouth, you hear the sound of a zipper, and before you know it, another cock continues fucking your mouth.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Blow/1.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Blow/2.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Blow/3.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Blow/4.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
In the background, you hear Ismael telling you phrases like, <div class="crimson">"That's it, mamacita, milk him,"</div> and <div class="crimson">"Come on, bitch, finish him."</div> While listening to this, you feel the prisoner shudder and start filling you with cream.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Blow/5.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Blow/6.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Blow/8.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Blow/7.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
After a short while, as you savor the remnants of this prisoner's semen, you see him leave the place, giving Ismael the 20 dollars. When you expect him to give you a share of the loot, he laughs, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Mamacita, you've already been paid in sauce, maybe with other services, haha. It's your duty to support the team, haha, now get out."</div> You leave Ismael's cell, feeling embarrassed and used, yet secretly enjoying the sense of control he exerts over you.
<<set $IsmaelMoney += 20>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/></center>
You feel the presence of another person behind you while Ismael continues to fuck your mouth, simultaneously engaging in a conversation with that person.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Global/1.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Global/2.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Global/3.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Global/4.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
Ismael says:<div class="crimson"> "Do you want to fuck this slut? 40 bucks, mate." </div> You don't hear anything, but Ismael stops fucking your mouth and tells you to present your ass to be fucked, half throwing you onto the cell's bed. Right after, you...
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Fucked/1.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Fucked/2.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Fucked/3.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Fucked/4.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
As soon as you start moving your ass, you feel the unknown prisoner's cock aggressively invading your asshole, trying to finish as quickly as possible.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Fucked/5.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Fucked/6.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Fucked/7.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Fucked/8.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
In a moment, you feel him filling your ass with his creamy juice.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Fucked/9.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Fucked/10.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Fucked/11.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Fucked/12.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
As you catch your breath lying on Ismael's bed, the prisoner withdraws, paying the amount to Ismael. He then approaches you, caresses your hair, and says:<div class="crimson"> "Good bitch, take 10 bucks. I enjoyed the show a lot, haha, and you deserve it."</div> You take the 10-dollar bill with the little strength you have left, compose yourself, and leave the cell under Ismael's sly gaze.
<<set $IsmaelMoney += 30>>
<<set $Money += 10>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/></center>
Your performance in Ismael's cell fortunately goes unnoticed by the other prisoners despite the sounds of suction echoing down the hallway. So, Ismael proceeds to fuck your mouth even more wildly.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/IsmaelFinish/1.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/IsmaelFinish/2.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/IsmaelFinish/3.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/IsmaelFinish/4.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
In a matter of moments, he starts filling your mouth with cum while licking his lips and looking at you.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/IsmaelFinish/5.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/IsmaelFinish/6.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/IsmaelFinish/7.gif", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/IsmaelFinish/8.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
After finishing on top of you, he zips up his pants and looks at you lasciviously, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Well, mamacita, at least you got paid in sauce, and I go with my balls unloaded, haha."</div> You lick the remnants of his cum as Ismael lifts you up and kicks you out of his cell.
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/></center>
You feel the presence of two people behind you as you continue sucking Ismael's dick when he starts a conversation.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Global/1.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Global/2.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Global/3.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Global/4.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
Ismael says:<div class="crimson"> "What's up, guys? For 40 bucks, she can handle two cocks at once, what do you think?"</div> One of them responds:<div class="crimson"> "Yeah? Let's see if this bitch knows how to suck two cocks at the same time."</div>
As soon as Ismael lets you catch your breath after removing his dick from your mouth, you see two Latin prisoners position themselves on either side with their dicks pointing at you. You know exactly what you have to do, and while Ismael watches the corridor, he looks at you...
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Double/1.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Double/2.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Double/3.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Double/4.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
You continue giving them a blowjob, switching from one dick to the other.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 1)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Double/5.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Double/6.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
Until you start to feel them shudder, and they begin to release their cum on you.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 2)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Double/7.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Double/8.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Double/9.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
After this, with your vision blurred by so much cream while you remove the remnants of their cum, the prisoners leave the cell, giving the money to Ismael, both with a smile on their faces. Ismael waits for you at the door of his cell, and before you leave, he gives you 10 dollars, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Good job, dear cheerleader, keep it up, and who knows, maybe we'll even get new gear, haha."</div>
<<set $IsmaelMoney += 30>>
<<set $Money += 10>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/npc/NerdSmile.jpg"/></center>
Alex says:<div class="crimson">
"You find yourself in a maze of knowledge and face three crossroads. A wise guardian stops you and presents an intriguing challenge:
Challenge: "In the realm of ideas, I am a symphony of letters, but not everyone can comprehend me. What is the word you seek?"
Crossroad A: "Eloquence"
Crossroad B: "Paradox"
Crossroad C: "Effervescence"
Which crossroad will you venture through?</div>
$name responds: <div class="gold">"Um, Eloquence?"</div>
Alex replies:<div class="crimson">" Incorrect. The correct answer is "Paradox."</div>
The nerd explains that a paradox is indeed a symphony of letters in the realm of ideas, and not everyone can comprehend it.
The nerd, smiling, says:<div class="crimson ">"I'm going to fuck you, and deep down, you love it, right?"</div>
You foolishly respond:<div class="lightpink"> "The ass."</div>
And the Nerd, smiling, says:<div class="crimson"> "Correct." </div>Before you know it, you find yourself naked on his bed, ready to receive a few thrusts of flesh.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdInt/CrossRoad/1.webp"/></center>
He continues fucking you while the sound of your waists colliding resonates through the cell corridor.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdInt/CrossRoad/2.webp"/></center>
When he finally starts coming inside your ass.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdInt/CrossRoad/3.webp"/></center>
Afterward, as the Nerd pulls up his pants, he begins to say:<div class="crimson"> "Haha, congratulations, now you're officially a dumbass, huh? Haha."</div> He starts spanking your butt and mocks you while indirectly kicking you out of his cell.
<<if $Int >= 60>>
<<set $Int -= 2>>
Your Intelligence has decreased to: <<print $Int>>.
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/cell233.webp"/></center>
<div class="seagreen">
The Nerd's cell features a prominent bookshelf filled with books on hypnosis, showcasing their fascination with the subject. Among the collection, a set of virtual reality glasses stands out, symbolizing the Nerd's enthusiasm for immersive experiences. These glasses hold the potential for virtual adventures and educational simulations, reflecting the Nerd's desire to explore new realms of knowledge.
Adjacent to the bookshelf, a comfortable double bed takes center stage. The bed is neatly made with clean sheets, offering a cozy spot for the Nerd to rest and recharge their intellectual energies. It's a place where they can retreat, reflect on their studies, and find solace in the pages of the hypnotism books.</div>
<<set _randomPassage = random(1, 4)>> <!-- Generate a random number between 1 and 4 to select the passage -->
<<if _randomPassage == 1>>
[[Alex says, "How about we play riddles, but if I win, you'll give me something in return?" |Questions]]
<<if _randomPassage == 2>>
[[Alex says, "How about a crossroads game?"|Gquestions]]
<<if _randomPassage == 3>>
[[Alex says, "How about a riddles with friends" |Guestions2]]
<<if _randomPassage == 4>>
[[Alex says, "How about a concentration test?"|Guestions3]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/NerdSmile.jpg"/></center>
<span id="changingText">Alex: <div class="crimson">Hello, $name, let's play some riddles.</div></span>
<<if Math.random() < 0.5>>
<span class="crimson">Alex says: "Alright, let's begin. Although my name sounds like boundless energy, in reality, I'm always in bed. Who am I?"</span>
<span class="crimson">Alex says: "You find me in the room, but I'm not furniture. When you point at me, things become clearer. What am I?"</span>
<<if Math.random() < 0.5>>
$name responds: <div class="gold">"Oh, a rechargeable battery?"</div>
Alex says: <div class="crimson">"Incorrect! While I may need to recharge sometimes, I'm not an energy source. The correct answer is a light bulb! Even though it sounds energetic, it's always in bed, in the lamp."</div>
$name responds: <div class="gold">"A finger?"</div>
Alex says: <div class="crimson">"Incorrect! Pointing with a finger may indicate, but it doesn't improve vision. The correct answer is a window! It's in the room, and when you point through it, things become clearer."</div>
$name frowns as the Nerd starts laughing.
After this, you see how the nerd lowers his pants and points his erection at you, perhaps because he has shown that you are dumber than before. While you grumble, he starts rubbing his dick against your face, occasionally giving him a few reluctant kisses.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdInt/Questions/1.webp"/></center>
Subsequently, after a couple of provocations from the Nerd, you stick your tongue out disdainfully while letting the Nerd fuck your mouth.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdInt/Questions/2.webp"/></center>
After a few moments, the nerd cums in your mouth while you clearly express signs of disgust.
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdInt/Questions/3.webp"/></center>
The nerd continues laughing at your lack of intelligence as he tucks it into his pants and contemptuously asks you to leave his cell. You go reluctantly.
<<if $Int >= 60>>
<<set $Int -= 2>>
Your Intelligence has decreased to: <<print $Int>>.
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/cell238.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/></center>
Ismael, smiling, says:<div class="crimson"> "Great, get the cell ready while my buddy comes over, mamacita. I'm sure we're going to have a 'Chido' time."</div> After a while, Jackal enters through the cell door, and the party is about to begin.
<<set _randomPassage = random(1, 4)>> <!-- Generate a random number between 1 and 4 to select the passage -->
<<if _randomPassage == 1>>
[[You join Ismael in drinking as if the world were ending tomorrow.|PartyIsmael]]
<<if _randomPassage == 2>>
[[Jackal offers you a mix of herbs that will "take you to another world." You decide to play along.|WeedJackal]]
<<if _randomPassage == 3>>
[[You drink and smoke with Ismael and Jackal.|PartyWithTheTwo]]
<<if _randomPassage == 4>>
[[You drink and smoke wildly.|PartyMiss]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/cell238.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/></center>
You start drinking endlessly with Ismael while he talks with Jackal about football, prostitutes, and drugs. You don't pay much attention to the conversation because you're more focused on getting yourself intoxicated.
<center><img src="img/actions/alcohol.gif"/></center>
Each time you refill your drink or when Ismael gets excited talking about prostitutes, he indirectly makes a move on you, to which you don't pay much attention. In one of these movements, you think you see Jackal adding something to the drink because it seems fizzier than usual, but just like Ismael's advances, you don't pay it much mind. In moments, you start to enter a "trance."
<center><img src="img/actions/trippy-psychedelic.gif"/></center>
You don't know how, but you find yourself giving Ismael oral pleasure under the watchful eye of Jackal.
<center><img src="img/npc/TheJackal.webp"/></center>
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 2)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/IsmaelParty/Blow/1.gif", "img/sex/IsmaelParty/Blow/2.gif", "img/sex/IsmaelParty/Blow/3.gif"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
After an indeterminate amount of time and several blinks of your eyes, you find yourself on all fours receiving thrusts from Ismael, while Jackal laughs heartily, accompanied by the sound of your waists colliding.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 4)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/IsmaelParty/Blow/4.gif", "img/sex/IsmaelParty/Blow/5.gif", "img/sex/IsmaelParty/Blow/5.gif", "img/sex/IsmaelParty/Blow/6.gif", "img/sex/IsmaelParty/Blow/7.gif"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
You don't know if it's the alcohol or having Jackal watching you, but you start to climax.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelParty/Blow/8.gif"/></center>
At the same time as you climax, you feel Ismael remove himself from you and begin to ejaculate on your backside.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelParty/Blow/9.gif"/></center>
<<if $Cellj == 0>>
Jackal: <div class="crimson">"I've really enjoyed this little celebration, by the way, darling, my cell number is 236, come by anytime you want some fun, baby."</div>
<<set $Cellj = 1>>
Jackal: <div class="crimson">"Damn, $name, you should visit my cell more often."</div>
You don't know how, but you find yourself back in your cell with a sore rear and a tired jaw. Deep down, you know perfectly well what happened in Ismael's cell.
<<if $Intox < 6>>
<<set $Intox += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/cell238.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/npc/TheJackal.webp"/></center>
You sit next to Jackal as he starts grinning and begins to fondle himself over his pants. You blush and say nothing, but Jackal, looking at you, says:<div class="crimson"> "Shh, I'm just looking for some material to smoke. If you lend a hand, I'll share with you, honey."</div>You start to touch him in the groin.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelParty/FuckByJackal/R.gif"/></center>
Jackal, laughing, says:<div class="crimson"> "Haha, what a good slut... that's my cock, don't worry, honey, I'll handle it."</div> Blushing, you remove your hand, and you see Jackal pulling a bag of weed from one of his sleeves, looking at you, he says:<div class="crimson"> "You're not very observant, huh, haha, but thanks for giving it a little shake, it's a start."</div>
Next, he rolls what seems to be two joints at once while taking out a makeshift pipe, and you both start smoking as if there were no tomorrow under Ismael's watchful gaze.
<center><img src="img/actions/weed.gif"/></center>
After a couple of puffs, Jackal offers you the makeshift pipe, and you automatically inhale with all your might, which mentally transports you to what seems like another reality.
<center><img src="img/actions/trippy-psychedelic.gif"/></center>
You don't know how, but you find yourself laughing, standing naked, wearing what can only be described as an apron. Jackal, still laughing, orders you to start riding him, and you automatically, as if someone were directing you, pull up the apron, look at Ismael, and say:<div class="lightpink">"Yes, daddy, hehe."</div>
Jackal starts penetrating you slowly.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelParty/FuckByJackal/1.gif"/></center>
After a couple of thrusts, you feel a burning sensation that runs through your entire body. You're incredibly turned on, and while bouncing on Jackal's member, you lick your lips and look at Ismael as he says:<div class="crimson"> "Damn, that's hot, ride that cock."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelParty/FuckByJackal/2.gif"/></center>
By jumping on Jackal's cock so much, you've aroused him so much that he starts fucking you while you close your eyes, feeling his hands on your waist and his member in your rear.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelParty/FuckByJackal/3.gif"/></center>
After a few moments, you feel Jackal climax inside you at the same time as you climax on the cell floor.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelParty/Blow/8.gif"/></center>
<<if $Cellj == 0>>
Jackal: <div class="crimson">"I've really enjoyed this little celebration, by the way, darling, my cell number is 236, come by anytime you want some fun, baby."</div>
<<set $Cellj = 1>>
Jackal: <div class="crimson">"Damn, $name, you should visit my cell more often."</div>
You don't know how, but you find yourself back in your cell with a sore rear. Deep down, you know perfectly well what happened in Ismael's cell.
<<if $Intox < 6>>
<<set $Intox += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/cell238.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/></center>
You position yourself next to the two, and you watch as Jackal loads weed into a makeshift pipe, while on the other side, Ismael starts serving drinks. Automatically, you drink from one side.
<center><img src="img/actions/alcohol.gif"/></center>
And from the other, you smoke.
<center><img src="img/actions/weed.gif"/></center>
After several rounds of alternating, you find yourself laughing in the middle of the room. In a couple of blinks, you notice that you're on your knees, giving a double blowjob to Ismael and Jackal.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 1)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/IsmaelParty/Trio/Blowjob1.webp" , "img/sex/IsmaelParty/Trio/Blowjob2.gif"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
From time to time, they make you gag on one of their cocks while the other one laughs.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 1)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/IsmaelParty/Trio/JokeBlow.gif", "img/sex/IsmaelParty/Trio/JokeBlowDoble.gif"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
After a while, both of them start cumming in and on your mouth.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 1)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/IsmaelParty/Trio/cum1.gif", "img/sex/IsmaelParty/Trio/cum2.gif"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
Before you can swallow their cream, they make you play with it, gargling before swallowing while they laugh.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 1)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/IsmaelParty/Trio/swallow1.webp", "img/sex/IsmaelParty/Trio/swallow2.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
<<if $Cellj == 0>>
Jackal: <div class="crimson">"I've really enjoyed this little celebration, by the way, darling, my cell number is 236, come by anytime you want some fun, baby."</div>
<<set $Cellj = 1>>
Jackal: <div class="crimson">"Damn, $name, you should visit my cell more often."</div>
You don't know how, but you find yourself back in your cell with a tired jaw. Deep down, you know perfectly well what happened in Ismael's cell.
<<if $Intox < 6>>
<<set $Intox += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/cell238.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/></center>
You endure this celebration a little longer until your companions tell you:<div class="crimson"> "Hey, we're going to get something to eat... we'll be back." </div>You simply mumble and nod your head. You feel a terrible heat; it must be due to the party pace you've been keeping. You undress and lie down on the bed. With a blurry vision, you see a masked black man entering the cell. As you close your eyes, you hear the sound of a zipper and pants being lowered. Almost immediately, you feel your legs being lifted, and he starts to penetrate your anus. Half with your eyes half-open, you try to place your hands on his buttocks to control his movements.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelParty/Intruder/1.gif"/></center>
After a couple of thrusts, you feel his penis accommodating in your anus, and he begins to penetrate more aggressively.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelParty/Intruder/2.gif"/></center>
While you continue with your half-open eyes, you notice a change in the intensity of his thrusts, realizing that your unknown lover is about to climax.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelParty/Intruder/3.gif"/></center>
After a few seconds, you start to feel a warm stream inside you, and you notice a strong void when your unknown lover withdraws at the same time you release part of the juice he poured inside you.
<center><img src="img/sex/IsmaelParty/Intruder/4.webp"/></center>
You lie there with closed eyes and your legs slightly apart, as if it had nothing to do with you, when you hear the sound of someone zipping up their pants and quickly leaving the cell. After a few minutes, you hear Jackal with Ismael, the latter saying:<div class="crimson">"It seems someone has fucked our little mamacita,"</div> and you hear Jackal laughing as he replies:<div class="crimson"> "It seems like she didn't mind too much."</div> After this, you fall unconscious.
<<if $Cellj == 0>>
You wake up in your cell and see a note on the bedside table that reads:<i> "Mamacita, I loved seeing you filled with milk, but if you want more party, come to my cell, it's number 236. Signed: The Jackal."</i>
<<set $Cellj = 1>>
Upon waking up, you find a note stuck to your chest that says:<i> "I would love to be the one filling you up next time. Come by my cell. Signed: The Jackal."</i>
You regain your composure as you try to retrace your steps from Ismael's party in his cell. As you remember, you start shaking your head as if it were a bad dream.
<<if $Intox < 6>>
<<set $Intox += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/cell238.webp"/></center>
<div class="seagreen" onclick="toggleDropdown('descriptionText')">Description</div>
<div class="dropdown-text" id="descriptionText">The Jackal's cell is an intriguing corner within the prison facilities. The ambiance reflects his heritage and culture in a unique yet discreet manner. The walls are adorned with vibrant murals that narrate stories of his roots, brimming with Latin colors and symbols that provide a touch of familiarity in this otherwise unfamiliar place.
However, a more observant eye might notice the less conventional details. Hidden among the decorations, there are several homemade smoking pipes concealed. Some are discreetly stowed between books on the shelf, while others are cleverly disguised among the family portraits hanging on the wall.
Despite the presence of these incriminating pieces of evidence, the cell seems to go unnoticed by the guards, who disregard these seemingly harmless objects. Perhaps his culture and cunning play a significant role in keeping his illegal activities out of the authorities' sight in this corner of the prison.</div>
[[Jackal says: "What do you want to do, darling?"|ActivitiesJackal]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/TheJackal.webp"/></center>
Jackal tells you as he runs his hand along your cheek:<div class="crimson">"Let's see what I can come up with to enjoy your company."</div>
<<if $Feminity >= 20 && $Intox >= 3>>
[[Jackal says, "Do you feel like partying with Jackal, but make sure you've got some cash on you?"|PartyJackal]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/TheJackal.webp"/></center>
Jackal, as serious as usual but with a smirk at the left corner of his lips, says to you:<div class="crimson">
"Well, darling, so you want a party, huh? That'll be 30 bucks. That or..."</div> Just as he pauses his sentence, you see him directing his hand toward his crotch and begins to caress it above, looking at you. Jackal continues:<div class="crimson"> "Or you show a little love to my cock, sweetie, what's it gonna be?"</div>
<<if $Money >= 30>>
[[Pay Jackal 30 bucks and enjoy the party.|PayJackal]]
[[Show some love to his cock...|PayJackal1]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/TheJackal.webp"/></center>
You see how Jackal stops fondling himself as soon as you produce 30 bucks, and in a swift motion of his hand, he takes the bills from you and says with a smirk:<div class="crimson"> "Too bad, I wanted you to show some love to my sausage, darling... maybe next time. Get ready for the party."</div>
<<set $Money -= 30>>
<<set $randomEvent = random(1, 4)>>
<<if $randomEvent == 1>>
You help Jackal set up glasses on the table; in moments, other Latino inmates arrive.
<<if $randomEvent == 2>>
Jackal instructs you to load herb into a couple of pipes he's retrieved from his cell's hiding spots.
<<if $randomEvent == 3>>
Jackal starts pouring drinks, and you begin to drink alongside him as other Latino inmates start arriving.
<<if $randomEvent == 4>>
Jackal refills the drinks, and you watch as the bottles empty while he calmly says, "They'll bring more, don't worry."
<center><center><img src="img/npc/TheJackal.webp"/></center>
Blushing slightly, you start getting down on your knees, glancing to the sides while Jackal, grinning, takes it out of his pants.
<center><img src="img/sex/Juancock.webp"/></center>
He orders you to give him a handjob while you lick his balls... you comply automatically.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/JackalInit/1.webp", "img/sex/JackalInit/2.webp", "img/sex/JackalInit/3.webp", "img/sex/JackalInit/4.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
After a while, Jackal starts laughing because the other Latino inmates have arrived in the cell. You were so focused on your "work" that you didn't notice. He pushes you back with a shove and says:<div class="crimson">"Alright, slut, maybe you'll finish your job later now..."</div>
<<if $JuanCock == 0>>
<<set $JuanCock +=1>>
<<set $randomEvent = random(1, 4)>>
<<if $randomEvent == 1>>
You help Jackal set up glasses on the table.
<<if $randomEvent == 2>>
Jackal instructs you to load herb into a couple of pipes.
<<if $randomEvent == 3>>
Jackal starts pouring drinks as you regain your composure.
<<if $randomEvent == 4>>
Jackal serves leftover drinks as the other Latinos seem to have brought more bottles...
<img src="img/Locations/cell236.webp"/>
Once all the glasses are set with what appears to be homemade rum distilled within the prison, you all begin to drink while you watch Jackal seem to turn on a radio. It's all laughter, and every time your glass is refilled, you feel your cheeks gradually warming with each sip.
<center><img src="img/actions/alcohol.gif"/></center>
Unbeknownst to you, it seems that something was added to the drink during one of these sips.
<center><img src="img/actions/pillsondrink.gif"/></center>
You start to have a kind of "trip."
<center><img src="img/actions/trippy-psychedelic.gif"/></center>
When you realize it, you see Jackal barefoot in front of you, asking you kindly to clean his feet while at the same time... he's masturbating.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0,1)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/FeetJackal/1.webp", "img/sex/FeetJackal/2.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
The other Latino inmates seem to enjoy the spectacle, and some of them even rhythmically shake themselves while watching the show.
<<if $JuanCock == 1>>
Jackal then says:<div class="crimson"> "I'm tired of you sucking my feet, finish what you started, bitch."</div> You're partially possessed...
<<set _randomIndex = random(0,1)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/FeetJackal/112.webp", "img/sex/FeetJackal/221.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
After a while, you prepare lusciously to feel his cum on your face.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0,1)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/FeetJackal/12.webp", "img/sex/FeetJackal/21.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
He ejaculates on you, you wipe off the rest of his cum and remain somewhat dazed.
<<set $JuanCock -=1>>
After this steamy scene, you somehow find yourself in your cell, and time seems to have passed in the blink of an eye.
<<if $JuanHumillation < 4>>
<<set $JuanHumillation + 1>>
<<if $Intox < 8>>
<<set $Intox + 1>>
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/cell236.webp"/></center>
You start filling the pipes with homemade herb from Jackal while he's putting on the radio and pouring drinks. Subsequently, you start drinking along with one of the Latinos in the cell.
<center><img src="img/actions/drinkforsasha.gif"/></center>
After several sips with this Latino and feeling your head getting muddled due to the repetitive radio music, this Latino offers you a smoke, to which you take a drag without hesitation.
<center><img src="img/actions/weed.gif"/></center>
You begin to cough *cough, cough* and unintentionally say:<div class="lightpink"> "Tastes like ass."</div> The Latino, offended by your disrespect for Jackal's herb, says seriously:<div class="crimson"> "And how do you know what ass tastes like?"</div> You, trying to defuse the situation, say:<div class="lightpink"> "I don't know."</div> The Latino, even more upset this time, says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, you're going to find out unless you want to end up toothless."</div> Overwhelmed by the situation, you get down on your knees under the watchful eyes of the other Latinos. At the same time, you see your party companion has taken off his pants and, turning around, says:<div class="crimson"> "What are you waiting for, slut? I want a good rimming and jerk me off, darling."</div> Intoxicated by the party and cornered by the situation.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/Assmoke/1.webp", "img/sex/Assmoke/2.webp", "img/sex/Assmoke/3.webp", "img/sex/Assmoke/4.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
After a few minutes, you're not sure if your tongue skills are that good because your partner turns around and says:<div class="crimson"> "Open your mouth wide, bitch; I'm going to give you a better taste in your mouth, haha."</div>
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/Assmoke/5.webp", "img/sex/Assmoke/6.webp", "img/sex/Assmoke/7.webp", "img/sex/Assmoke/8.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
<<if $JuanCock == 1>>
Immediately, as you turn around, Jackal starts ejaculating on your face, leaving you blinded.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0,1)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/Assmoke/9.webp", "img/sex/Assmoke/10.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
<<set $JuanCock -=1>>
After this incident, the inmates, along with Jackal, throw you out of the cell with your visibly used face.
<<if $JuanHumillation < 4>>
<<set $JuanHumillation + 1>>
<<if $Intox < 8>>
<<set $Intox + 1>>
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[The Cells|The Cells]]
<img src="img/Locations/cell236.webp"/>
After finding a spot next to several Latino inmates, Jackal starts serving drinks as if the end of the world were tomorrow. One of the inmates turns on the radio located on a shelf. You don't care because all you feel is that you're going to get wasted to escape the daily prison life, so you start drinking.
<center><img src="img/actions/drinkforsasha.gif"/></center>
After a couple of drinks, Jackal hands you one of the pills, and you, amidst laughter and as if you didn't care at all, start taking a few.
<center><img src="img/actions/pills.gif"/></center>
You begin to lose track of time, but the last thing you feel is lying face down on the bed while your party companions take turns fucking your ass.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/AssLatinBroke/1.webp", "img/sex/AssLatinBroke/2.webp", "img/sex/AssLatinBroke/3.webp", "img/sex/AssLatinBroke/4.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
One after another...
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/AssLatinBroke/5.webp", "img/sex/AssLatinBroke/6.webp", "img/sex/AssLatinBroke/7.webp", "img/sex/AssLatinBroke/8.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
Until they leave your ass full of cum.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/AssLatinBroke/9.webp", "img/sex/AssLatinBroke/10.webp", "img/sex/AssLatinBroke/11.webp", "img/sex/AssLatinBroke/12.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
<<if $JuanCock == 1>>
Finally, Jackal snaps you out of your stupor, making you kneel and holding your head to cum on your face.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0,1)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/AssLatinBroke/13.webp", "img/sex/AssLatinBroke/14.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
<<set $JuanCock -=1>>
After this "party," if you can call it that, you find yourself in your cell with a bruised body, including your rear, and a hangover that will last all day...
<<if $JuanHumillation < 4>>
<<set $JuanHumillation + 1>>
<<if $Intox < 8>>
<<set $Intox + 1>>
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<img src="img/Locations/cell236.webp"/></center>
You start drinking the leftovers that Jackal has poured into your glass while the other Latinos laugh, plotting something.
<center><img src="img/actions/drinkforsasha.gif"/></center>
Jackal says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, if my compadres want to share their drinks with you, the decision is yours."</div> You continue to drink what seems to be a bad homemade brew by them, and your ears start ringing. The last thing you feel is the Latinos groping you and offering you more of their alcohol in exchange for your lips. In the blink of an eye, you find yourself on your knees, surrounded only by cocks that you automatically start drooling over.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/SuckDrunk/1.webp", "img/sex/SuckDrunk/2.webp", "img/sex/SuckDrunk/3.webp", "img/sex/SuckDrunk/4.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
You switch from one cock to another.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/SuckDrunk/5.webp", "img/sex/SuckDrunk/6.webp", "img/sex/SuckDrunk/7.webp", "img/sex/SuckDrunk/8.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
Until they finally start cumming.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/SuckDrunk/9.webp", "img/sex/SuckDrunk/10.webp", "img/sex/SuckDrunk/11.webp", "img/sex/SuckDrunk/12.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
<<if $JuanCock == 1>>
Next, Jackal orders you to specifically clean his dick, under the satisfied gaze of the other inmates.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0,1)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/SuckDrunk/13.webp", "img/sex/SuckDrunk/14.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
<<set $JuanCock -=1>>
After this blowjob fest, the Latino inmates accompany you to your cell while telling you along the way how good a cocksucker you are.
<<if $JuanHumillation < 4>>
<<set $JuanHumillation + 1>>
<<if $Intox < 8>>
<<set $Intox + 1>>
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/NerdSmile.jpg"/></center>
As you watch the Nerd smile, you notice several inmates gather around him. He kindly says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, get on your knees because you're most likely going to lose, my dear bully, and undress."</div>
You try to protest, but you see the inmates giving you unfriendly looks. So, you say:<div class="gold"> "Okay, don't give me that look... but what if I win?"</div>
The Nerd, still smiling, responds:<div class="crimson"> "Well, that's not going to happen, but I'd give you $100."</div> You see the other inmates widen their eyes, and one of them nudges the Nerd while he seems to whisper:<div class="crimson"> "Relax, he's too stupid."</div>
<img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/facial/kneel.jpg"/>
Out of tune, you reluctantly agree, take off your uniform, and kneel. The Nerd, more assertive than before, says:<div class="crimson"> "Alright, guys, you can now show him the tool while I ask the questions."</div>
<img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/facial/cock1.webp"/>
You are on your knees, watching several inmates begin to masturbate while licking their lips and looking at you. You say to Alex:<div class="gold"> "Ew, why?"</div>
He replies:<div class="crimson">"Relax, my dear bully, don't let them distract you. Now, answer this:</div>
Alex: <div class="crimson">I have a pair, they hang while walking they sway. What am I?</div>
<img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/facial/R.gif"/>
You indirectly glance at one of the inmates' testicles beside you and say:<div class="lightpink"> "Testicles."</div>
Alex laughs and responds:<div class="crimson"> "Incorrect, haha, arms... you're quite a slut, see how easily you get distracted, haha."</div>
You feel yourself blushing as Alex gives you another riddle.
Alex: <div class="crimson">In other people's hands, I'm always involved, sometimes stretched, and sometimes shrunk. What am I?</div>
<img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/facial/cock2.webp"/>
You watch as an inmate starts masturbating more vigorously while looking at you and say:<div class="lightpink"> "A penis."</div>
Alex laughs heartily and says:<div class="crimson">"Incorrect, a fan, haha, calm down, dear, you've lost. Come on, guys, give the bitch some cum."</div>
The inmates start ejaculating on you.
<<set _randomNumber = random(1)>>
<<if _randomNumber < 0.5>>
<img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/facial/1.webp"/>
<img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/facial/12.webp"/>
One after another.
<<if _randomNumber < 0.5>>
<img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/facial/3.webp"/>
<img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/facial/34.webp"/>
As you timidly protest and half-smile in embarrassment...
<<if _randomNumber < 0.5>>
<img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/facial/5.webp"/>
<img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/facial/55.webp"/>
<<if _randomNumber < 0.5>>
<img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/facial/2.webp"/>
<img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/facial/66.webp"/>
Until finally, the last of them finishes ejaculating on you, and you try to swallow as best as you can all the cum that's on you.
<<if _randomNumber < 0.5>>
<img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/facial/5.webp"/>
<img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/facial/667.webp"/>
After this, you feel even more terribly stupid and humiliated. Alex watches this while the inmates finish pulling up their pants, and they kick you out of the cell, saying:<div class="crimson"> "We're going to turn you into the queen of the nerds, honey,"</div> as a few of them spank your ass. With your face still covered in the semen of these inmates, you find yourself in the cellblock corridor.
<<if $Int >= 60>>
<<set $Int -= 2>>
Your Intelligence has decreased to: <<print $Int>>.
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]<center><center><img src="img/npc/Nerd.jpg"/></center>
The Nerd, looking at your body, says:<div class="crimson"> "I notice you're much more feminine than before. I guess you're my little bully now."</div> You blush and say:<div class="gold"> "No, I don't think so."</div> To which Alex replies:<div class="crimson"> "Tell me while looking into my eyes..."</div> And somehow, you begin to see images in his glasses.
<img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/blow/1.webp"/>
<img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/blow/2.webp"/>
<img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/blow/3.webp"/>
Smiling, the Nerd asks:<div class="crimson"> "Which banana are you going to eat, honey?"</div>
You respond:<div class="lightpink"> "Hmm, my Nerd's banana,"</div> and then you get down on your knees and take it out of his pants.
<img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/blow/4.webp"/>
Next, you begin to diligently give him a blowjob.
<img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/blow/5.webp"/>
Until finally, he cums on your face.
<img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/blow/6.webp"/>
After this, you remain on your knees, in a trance that makes you swallow the rest of his cum. The Nerd smiles contentedly and says:<div class="crimson"> "Who's my little sissy bully, huh?"</div> You reply:<div class="lightpink"> "Me," </div>and he says:<div class="crimson"> "That's the way I like it, 'little one.' You can go now."</div>
You walk out to the cellblock hallway with a silly smile on your face, feeling a bit more liberated in your mind.
<<if $Int >= 60>>
<<set $Int -= 2>>
Your Intelligence has decreased to: <<print $Int>>.
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]<center>
<<if $Vito == 0>>
Just before you went to pick up your food tray, a man approaches you...
<center><img src="img/npc/Vito.webp"/></center>
and says: <div class="crimson"> "Ciao, bel principe"</div>
You, with a strange look, see how besides this man, several others surround you; the stranger continues:<div class="crimson"> "Forgive my manners, handsome prince. My name is Vito, but I would love for you to serve me as I've heard you've done around."</div>
He says with a mischievous smile while his companions nudge each other.
Curious, you say:<div class="gold"> "What do you want me to do?"</div> he responds:<div class="crimson"> "How about..."</div>
<<set _randomPassage = random(1, 2)>> <!-- Generate a random number between 1 and 2 to select the passage -->
<<if _randomPassage == 1>>
[[Vito suggests: "Bringing me another food tray, sweetheart?" |Fetchhim]]
<<if _randomPassage == 2>>
[[Vito suggests: "Let's shine my shoes, shall we?" |Gripshoe]]
<<if $CellV == 1>>
and finishes the sentence saying: <div class="crimson"> "Or if you prefer, you can get to know my guys more personally if you refuse..."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/Vito.webp"/></center>
Vito tells you: <div class="crimson">Ciao $name, my beautiful prince, are you going to serve me today, or would you prefer my guys to teach you manners?</div>
<<set _randomPassage = random(1, 2)>> <!-- Generate a random number between 1 and 2 to select the passage -->
<<if _randomPassage == 1>>
[[Vito suggests: "Bringing me another food tray, sweetheart?" |Fetchhim]]
<<if _randomPassage == 2>>
[[Vito suggests: "Let's shine my shoes, shall we?" |Gripshoe]]
<<if $CellV == 1>>
and finishes the sentence saying: <div class="crimson"> "Or if you prefer, you can get to know my guys more personally if you refuse..."</div>
<center><center><img src="img/npc/Vito.webp"/></center>
Vito brings you the tray, and blushing, you take it and proceed to fill it in a line.
<center><img src="img/actions/tenor.gif"/></center>
Upon returning after leaving the tray, Vito gives you a pat on the buttocks while smiling.
<center><img src="img/npc/VitoSmile.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/spank.gif"/></center>
At the same time, he says to his companions:<div class="crimson"> "I'll make a beautiful prince out of him... whom this Italian stallion will tame. Haha... you can go, $name."</div>
Blushing, you prepare to enjoy your meal, feeling the rest of the inmates looking at you defiantly, and some even gaze at you lustfully. You hear one of them whisper:<div class="crimson">"Someday, I'll have him serving me too..."</div>
<<if $Vito == 0>>
<<set $Vito +=1>>
<<if $VitoMinions == 0>>
<<set $VitoMinions +=1>>
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
[[Go to Eat|Choose a meal]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/Vito.webp"/></center>
Vito, with a serious expression, says:<div class="crimson"> "Hmm, you should know how to serve a gentleman, young man. Come on, shine my shoes... get on your knees, darling."</div>
You hesitate, but you see Vito's companions around him frowning. With a shiver running down your spine to your backside, you get on your knees and start shining his shoes.
<center><img src="img/actions/cleanshoe.gif"/></center>
You are super embarrassed, and you notice Vito's companions starting to laugh somewhat loudly. As you lift your gaze, you see Vito making lascivious gestures while indirectly pointing at you.
<center><img src="img/actions/blowital.gif"/></center>
You stand up, and Vito, smiling, says:<div class="crimson"> "Well done, young man. Who knows, maybe next time you'll kneel to shine something else..."</div>
Still embarrassed, you go to choose today's meal while some prisoners look at you lasciviously. You hear someone say:<div class="crimson"> "Wow, he gets on his knees pretty fast... haha."</div> You join the line, feeling more than one gaze fixed on your back.
<<if $Vito == 0>>
<<set $Vito += 1>>
<<if $VitoMinions == 0>>
<<set $VitoMinions +=1>>
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
[[Go to Eat|Choose a meal]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/Vito.webp"/></center>
With a serious expression, Vito says:<div class="crimson"> "Alright, my little prince... guys, give him a bit of shock therapy."</div>
Two companions grab your arms from each side as they lead you to the cafeteria bathroom. Looking at each other, they say:<div class="crimson"> "Time to tame that ass, darling... get ready."</div>
They start undressing you until finally... the inevitable happens.
<<set _randomPassage = random(1, 2)>> <!-- Generate a random number between 1 and 2 to select the passage -->
<<if _randomPassage == 1>>
[[You get fucked |FuckToilet1]]
<<if _randomPassage == 2>>
[[You get fucked |FuckToilet2]]
Without warning, someone positions themselves behind you, forces you to your knees, and compels you to suck off his companion.
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/A/1.webp"/></center>
While you diligently suck, fearing that they might harm you in another way, the one who forced you to perform the act says:<div class="crimson"> "Quickly, lubricate it well; then it's my turn."</div>
After a few seconds, they switch positions, but you feel the one you were servicing begin to fuck your ass in a rapid thrust.
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/A/2.webp"/></center>
They are in a hurry, only seeking their own pleasure and teaching you a lesson. You try to escape to another world while feeling the one pounding your ass's balls slapping against your buttocks loudly, and the balls of the one fucking your mouth hitting against your chin, preventing you from leaving this reality. After a moment, you feel them start to fill your ass with cum.
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/A/3.webp"/></center>
Sensing this, you inadvertently tighten your mouth, making the assailant who was fucking your mouth interpret this as a sign of passion, and he begins to cum deep in your throat.
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/A/4.webp"/></center>
After this, they let you get dressed, and you leave the bathroom with a sore jaw and walking strangely. Obviously, most of the prisoners think they know what happened. So, this will probably only affect your fame. At least trying to stand up to them, no... or so you think to yourself as you get in line to pick up your food, while you see Vito smiling...
<center><img src="img/npc/VitoSmile.webp"/></center>
<<if $Vito == 0>>
<<set $Vito +=1>>
<<if $VitoMinions == 0>>
<<set $VitoMinions +=1>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
[[Go to Eat|Choose a meal]]
Without warning, one of them throws you to the ground, putting you on all fours. He begins to hold you by the waist while saying:<div class="crimson">"Relax, sweetheart, I'm quite the perfectionist... just relax." </div>You feel him spit on your anus as he starts giving you stitches at the same time, and eventually, your defenses give in, and he begins to fuck you in the ass rapidly.
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/B/1.webp"/></center>
While he's fucking you, you see the other prisoner licking his lips while masturbating, watching the scene. At the same time, his companion holds you by the hair. Just when you think he's about to finish inside you, he stops. Immediately, his companion continues fucking you frantically.
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/B/2.webp"/></center>
You feel your ass starting to burn with so many thrusts, and in the midst of being fucked, they slap you loudly. When you sense the latter is about to cum, he pulls out, and with a slight movement, he turns you around and orders you to open your mouth. They start cumming on you.
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/B/3.webp"/></center>
After making you swallow their cum and feeling a bit more filled in your stomach, you start walking strangely to the line. You know perfectly well that some other prisoner will imagine what happened in the bathroom, but at least inside you, you believe you stood up in some way...
At the same time you get in line, you see Vito smiling.
<center><img src="img/npc/VitoSmile.webp"/></center>
<<if $Vito == 0>>
<<set $Vito +=1>>
<<if $VitoMinions == 0>>
<<set $VitoMinions +=1>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
[[Go to Eat|Choose a meal]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/VitoPose.webp"/></center>
<div class="royalblue">
Vito, the former underboss of the Italian mafia, exudes a captivating blend of toughness and refinement. His medium stature and imposing presence showcase the weight of his past position. Despite the harsh realities of prison life, Vito maintains a well-groomed appearance, reflecting his commitment to personal style.
However, Vito's downfall wasn't solely due to criminal dealings. His unrestrained indulgence in carnal pleasures, embracing relationships with both men and women, led him into the world of drug trafficking. This weakness for desires ultimately resulted in his incarceration, marking a stark contrast to his once powerful and free lifestyle.
Now imprisoned for drug-related crimes, Vito's reputation lingers, creating an aura of intrigue. His past choices and uncontrollable impulses have shaped his current fate, turning a once-respected underboss into a figure both feared and pitied within the confines of prison.
<<if $Vito ==1>>
<<set $Vito +=1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/VitosideShower.webp"/></center>
You approach him and observe as he starts vigorously masturbating upon seeing you. As you get closer, he says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, my little prince, get on your knees and polish my beautiful sword."</div> Knowing exactly what you came for, you automatically kneel and begin to give him a blowjob while the water cascades over your bodies.
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitoshower/1.webp"/></center>
After a few minutes, besides feeling the warm water on your face, you sense Vito climaxing into your mouth.
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitoshower/2.webp"/></center>
Following this encounter, you see Vito withdraw with a mischievous smile, bidding you farewell:<div class="crimson"> "Arrivederci, Bello."</div>
You rid yourself of the remnants of his essence in the shower and return to reality, questioning yourself:<div class="lightpink"> "Why on earth did I approach him?"</div>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<<if $Energy <100>>
<<set $Energy +=20>> <!--Increase energy by 20 units-->
[[Return to The Showers|The Showers]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/NerdSmile.jpg"/></center>
Alex, smiling, asks you to kneel in front of him. You, sighing, say:<div class="gold"> "Now what do you want?"</div> And he says:<div class="crimson"> "Nothing, just a little concentration exercise to see what you truly desire and why you keep coming to this cell."</div> You incredulously smile and say:<div class="gold">"Okay, sure, I don't see why not."</div>
You kneel, and Alex instructs you to look him in the eyes and tell him what you see. Kneeling in front of him, you feel completely vulnerable, and it's almost painful to look into his eyes. Suddenly, in the reflection of his glasses, you see a flickering image.
<center><img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/Breath/1.webp"/></center>
After seeing that image, you automatically close your eyes and start hyperventilating. This time, you hear Alex's voice saying:<div class="crimson"> "Shh, calm down, breathe first through your nose, then release it through your mouth. But open your mouth wide; feel the air coming out." </div>While doing this relaxation exercise, you hear a distant sound, but you don't pay much attention. After a while, you feel something hard and warm entering your mouth. Alex tells you to open your eyes and continue breathing like this.
<center><img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/Breath/2.webp"/></center>
Indeed, you have his cock in your mouth, and when you try to pull away, he prevents you with his hand. The nerd continues, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Shhh, keep breathing. As I said, this is what you truly desire deep inside you."</div> Following his hand's guidance, you continue for some time until the nerd starts pushing it deeper and deeper while it seems like you regain control of your faint and submissive consciousness. Ultimately, you try to pull away from him.
<center><img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/Breath/3.webp"/></center>
Stupidly, as if you were in a trance, the nerd forcefully orders you:<div class="crimson"> "Now keep choking on my cock, my little bully."</div> Unaware of your actions, you start devouring his cock while he maintains a firm grip behind your head.
<center><img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/Breath/4.webp"/></center>
After a moment, you feel your throat's reflex start to give in as your nose begins to impact the nerd's pubic hair.
<center><img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/Breath/5.webp"/></center>
To the point where he, maintaining the grip he had on your head, keeps you for a moment with his cock fully in your throat while continuing to fuck your mouth. The nerd, laughing and excited, says:<div class="crimson"> "Damn, it's like having my own human fleshlight. Oh yes, let me keep using you."</div>
After this confession, out loud, you feel your throat starting to burn. The nerd finishes climaxing and releases his grip, allowing you to lean back, resting your head on the edge of the bed, while you feel your chin sticky.
<center><img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/Breath/6.webp"/></center>
You see how the Nerd approaches you, still with his member semi-erect, and says:<div class="crimson"> "Come on, sweetie, give me a little thank-you kiss. After all, I've taught you to breathe, shown you your true self, and even treated you to a snack."</div> You reluctantly comply.
<center><img src="img/sex/nerdidiot/Breath/7.webp"/></center>
While laughing, the nerd, tucking himself in, says:<div class="crimson">"Oh, my silly bully, in the end, we might just become good friends, huh? If you keep it up... now get out of my cell; I need to jot down a couple of things."</div> You automatically get up and leave. As you exit the cell, you ponder whether he has more self-confidence or if it's just you noticing his abruptness. Indirectly, as you stand in the corridor, you feel how each day in this place is taking a toll on you in a way that embarrassingly, you don't want to admit.
<<if $Int >= 60>>
<<set $Int -= 2>>
Your Intelligence has decreased to: <<print $Int>>.
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/npc/NerdSmile.jpg"/></center>
You enter the Nerd's cell automatically, as if in some kind of trance or dream. You feel light, and your mouth waters. Indirectly, you kneel in front of the Nerd, who smiles lustfully and starts to unzip his pants when suddenly...
<center><img src="img/npc/OldlibrarianLibrarySmile.webp"/></center>
You see the old librarian is here; he rudely tells Alex:<div class="crimson">"It's time for this bitch to work in the library. You know the guards have given the green light, but it's time to make her work harder. I'll take care of it."</div>
He then takes it out of his pants, puts it in front of your face, gives you a hair tug, and says:<div class="crimson"> "Are you going to be a good slut?"</div> You nod as your mouth waters.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Nework/1.gif"/></center>
Smirking macabrely, he begins to rub it on your face while spitting on you, and you remain hypnotized by the scent of his cock.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Nework/2.gif"/></center>
Seeing your passivity and "enthusiasm," the Old Librarian starts slapping your face with his cock, telling you to open your mouth as he's going to warm it up for you.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Nework/3.gif"/></center>
As soon as you open your mouth, he pees a bit, taking advantage of you opening it a bit more. Holding your head entirely, he begins to fuck your mouth.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Nework/4.gif"/></center>
The Librarian continues to fuck your mouth under the watchful eye of the Nerd.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Nework/5.gif"/></center>
After a while, he starts choking you on his cock, pushing firmly with his arms.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Nework/6.gif"/></center>
Finally, he releases his grip, coming on your face while you continue to eat his balls.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Nework/7.gif"/></center>
After this, the Old Librarian steps back and, looking at you, says:<div class="crimson"> "Good, whore, you can work in the library. The guards force me to pay you $10, but don't worry; I'll find ways for you to repay me for the job assignment."</div> Looking at the Nerd, he adds:<div class="crimson"> "Good job, Alex, keep it up."</div> The Nerd smiles proudly, but the librarian, to lower his tone, says:<div class="crimson">"Or you know what will happen if you fail. Don't make me remind you."</div> The Nerd shivers under this last threat. Meanwhile, you had regained composure, and after this scene, the Nerd kicks you out of the cell without a word.
<<if $LibraryWorkTrap == false >>
<<set $LibraryWorkTrap = true>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
<div class="seagreen">
The library is a peaceful and quiet place in the prison, offering a small escape from the chaos and noise of the surrounding areas. The room is filled with rows of bookshelves that stretch from the floor to the ceiling, packed with a variety of books, from classic literature to contemporary novels. The walls are decorated with motivational quotes and posters, and there are a few comfortable chairs and tables scattered throughout the room. The lighting is dim, creating a cozy atmosphere and making it easy to concentrate on reading. In one corner, there is a small desk with an old librarian sitting behind it, ready to assist with any book-related questions or needs. Overall, the library is a great place to spend some quiet time and expand one's knowledge or just get lost in a good book.
You spend your time organizing books in the library and making sure everything is in order, ensuring that no prisoners misbehave when...
<center><img src="img/sex/NerdPimped/worklibrary.gif"/></center>
<<set $randomEvent = random(1, 8)>>
<<if $randomEvent == 1>>
You finish your work without anything unusual happening.
[[Finish your work.|Final11]]
<<if $randomEvent == 2>>
As soon as you're about to finish, the old librarian points to the back room of the library, ordering you to follow him.
[[To the back room.|Final12]]
<<if $randomEvent == 3>>
You see Sasha gesturing at you in the library.
[[Go to Sasha|Final13]]
<<if $randomEvent == 4>>
The old librarian asks you to approach the counter.
[[Approach the counter.|Final14]]
<<if $randomEvent == 5>>
You see the chef just finished talking to the librarian while licking his lips, asking you to come closer.
<<if $randomEvent == 6>>
After putting several books on the shelves, you see the Nerd approaching you with a smile.
[[The Nerd approaches you.|Final16]]
<<if $randomEvent == 7>>
While finishing organizing one of the last book aisles...
[[A prisoner pushes you...|Final17]]
<<if $randomEvent == 8 >>
While trying not to work too hard in the library, both the Librarian and the Nerd ambush you.
<</nobr>><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/npc/OldLibrariangym.webp"/></center>
The Old Librarian approaches you and hands you 10 dollars. You feel a little richer as you head back to your cell.
<center><img src="img/actions/pay.gif"/></center>
<<set $Money += 10>> <!-- Increase money by 10 units -->
Money: <<print $Money>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you follow the old librarian, he sonorously says:<div class="crimson"> "You're going to suck my cock so well; I love enjoying young sluts like you."</div> Your legs start to tremble when he opens the door, but...
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Room/1.gif"/></center>
A white man with strange tattoos is fucking "one of the girls from the back yard." The old librarian starts laughing and, looking at you, says:<div class="crimson"> "This time you got lucky, bitch. Take the 10 bucks and get out before I put you with this slut to suck cock too. Although I want to fill this sweetie with cum, haha."</div> After giving you the 10 bucks, he goes into the room and slams the door abruptly while you hear him say:<div class="crimson"> "Hello, baby, time to enjoy two good white cocks, haha."</div> You, like a bat out of hell, leave the library, heading back to your cell.
<<set $Money += 10>> <!-- Increase money by 10 units -->
Money: <<print $Money>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/></center>
You approach Sasha, and he smiles, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Hello, darling... have you come to study my cock?"</div> Blushing, you reply:<div class="lightpink">"But Sasha, I'm about to finish work." </div>As you try to protest, Sasha applies pressure to your shoulders while you give in...
<center><img src="img/sex/Sashareveal.webp"/></center>
Sasha starts fucking your mouth brutally, allowing you to adjust and catch your breath at the same time.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Sasha/1.gif"/></center>
Observing this detail, you relax your throat and let Sasha use your mouth at his own pace and pleasure.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Sasha/2.gif"/></center>
You try to synchronize the rhythm of your sucking with his thrusts.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Sasha/3.gif"/></center>
Occasionally, Sasha tries to half choke you with his cock.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Sasha/4.gif"/></center>
Until finally, in one of these thrusts, he unloads in your mouth as you indirectly swallow.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Sasha/5.gif"/></center>
After this event, you see Sasha tuck it away and say:<div class="crimson"> "See you later in the cell, darling, hehe."</div> He leaves without saying more while walking away, touching his package at the same time. You stand up and see the old librarian approaching you. He gives you the $10 for the job and says:<div class="crimson"> "Well... at least you're getting more practice. I guess you can't go a day without a good cock in your throat, huh, bitch?"</div> After saying this, he gives you a resounding spank on the ass and leaves. Blushingly, you return to your cell.
<<set $Money += 10>> <!-- Increase money by 10 units -->
Money: <<print $Money>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you approach the counter, the Librarian grabs you by the neck and pushes you underneath him. Without pants and amid sobs of pain, he thrusts it directly into your mouth, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Ssshhh, calm down, baby, here's your warm bottle, suck calmly, haha."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Librarian/1.gif"/></center>
After a while, he starts pushing it more and more into your mouth.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Librarian/2.gif"/></center>
Occasionally, he pauses while attending to other inmates. You try not to make too many sounds, holding your breath as you feel his member in your mouth becoming harder and harder. When he finishes attending to one of the prisoners, you feel him push your head more and more until you almost feel his balls on your chin.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Librarian/3.gif"/></center>
He keeps you there for a while until he lets you go to catch your breath. You cough, trying to do it lightly, but the Librarian, upon seeing this, says:<div class="crimson"> "Shh, don't be so noisy,"</div> while starting to hit your lips with his cock.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Librarian/4.gif"/></center>
Playing along, you stick out your tongue, and he starts spanking you with it.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Librarian/5.gif"/></center>
Excited by your complicity, he forcefully grabs you by the hair and, ignoring the setting you're in, starts fucking your mouth, disregarding the choking sounds you make while treating you this way.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Librarian/6.gif"/></center>
Finally, leaning forward, he starts ejaculating into your mouth as you try not to choke on his release.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Librarian/7.gif"/></center>
After using you as if you were a fleshlight, he throws you off the counter as if you were nothing, and tossing a $10 bill at you, he says:<div class="crimson"> "Good job, bitch, now get out."</div> Some of the other prisoners look puzzled as they laugh while you leave the place on your way to your cell.
<<set $Money += 10>> <!-- Increase money by 10 units -->
Money: <<print $Money>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChef.jpg"/></center>
With a neutral tone and a firm gesture, he leads you to the back room of the library where, as soon as you enter, he undresses you and makes you put on stockings. Looking at you lasciviously, he says:<div class="crimson"> "I know, darling, that we'll see each other very soon, but today I have my balls full of yogurt sauce, and I want to unload in that ass of yours." </div>Automatically, with the stockings on, you get on all fours as the Chef positions himself behind you and begins to fuck you while spanking you.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Chef/1.gif"/></center>
Every time he spanks your ass while synchronizing his thrusts, you feel a jolt in your little cock. You tell the Chef:<div class="lightpink"> "Please, not so hard; they might hear us."</div> The Chef, seeing that you're enjoying like a bitch, keeps fucking you faster while starting to spank you harder and more loudly.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Chef/2.gif"/></center>
After a couple more thrusts, you feel him cumming inside you at the same time your legs tremble from your own orgasm.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Chef/3.gif"/></center>
Giving you a couple more spanks, the Chef leaves the room just as the old librarian enters and throws $10 at you, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Good job, bitch... um, so you love getting your ass red, huh? I knew you were a little submissive slut... I'll make a note of it for future activities... haha."</div> After changing, you leave that room and head back to your cell.
<<set $Money += 10>> <!-- Increase money by 10 units -->
Money: <<print $Money>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/npc/NerdSmile.jpg"/></center>
The nerd approaches you maliciously, holding a book in his hands. As he gets closer, you remain motionless until he opens the book and puts it in your face... you know what's coming.
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/Dreams/libraryhum1.gif", "img/Dreams/libraryhum2.webp", "img/Dreams/libraryhum3.webp", "img/Dreams/libraryhum4.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
Next, you find yourself lying in the hallway passionately licking Alex's balls.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Nerd/1.gif"/></center>
With more confidence than ever, the nerd places his hand on your neck and begins to fuck your face.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Nerd/2.gif"/></center>
While he continues to fuck your mouth, you see how the old librarian watches the hallway to ensure no one witnesses the spectacle except him. After a while, you find yourself continuing to suck his cock at the same rhythm the nerd had set for you.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Nerd/3.gif"/></center>
Finally, when you catch your breath, you see the nerd cum, and you continue to jerk him off for a moment.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Nerd/4.gif"/></center>
After finishing, the nerd pushes you aside as he stands up. With a sore jaw, you seem to regain the little consciousness you have left. The nerd leaves, and you watch as the librarian approaches, throwing $10 on the floor, saying:<div class="crimson"> "You're going to clear the reflection from your throat on your own, huh? Haha, until next time."</div> After this act, you retire to your cell.
<<set $Money += 10>> <!-- Increase money by 10 units -->
<<if $Int >= 60>>
<<set $Int -= 2>>
Your Intelligence has decreased to: <<print $Int>>.
Money: <<print $Money>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
Suddenly and abruptly, a prisoner slams you against one of the shelves and, whispering in your ear, says:<div class="crimson"> "Shhh, you're looking so good, bitch. Don't scream too much. This is a quiet place, but it's soon going to stop being one."</div> After this statement, he takes off your clothes and begins to fuck you. You start smiling indirectly when you feel the first thrust in your ass.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Prisoner/1.gif"/></center>
He starts fucking you more aggressively while holding one of your arms behind your back. It's uncomfortable yet pleasurable, but clearly, your lover is more focused on his own pleasure than yours.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Prisoner/2.gif"/></center>
After a while, you feel him starting to fill you with cream.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Prisoner/3.gif"/></center>
After cumming inside you, he releases your arm, and you realize he has pulled his member out of your ass. You're stunned by the surprise, and as you turn around, you see that the prisoner is no longer there. While regaining composure and putting on your clothes, the librarian approaches you, gives you $10, and says:<div class="crimson">"I enjoyed the show on the camera, haha. Besides being a dumb slut, you even leave things halfway. Haha, you deserve it, you whore. Now get out of my library."</div> After this statement, which feels like a cold shower, you return to your cell.
<<set $Money += 10>> <!-- Increase money by 10 units -->
Money: <<print $Money>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
You see the nerd trying to approach you from one side of the aisle, while on the other side, the old librarian is getting closer. Before you know it, you have both on top of you, and the last thing you see is...
<center><img src="img/sex/Random3/pois.gif"/></center>
You hear the nerd's laughter as you lie down, giving kisses to the librarian's cock while feeling incredibly hot. With a silly smile, you say:<div class="lightpink"> "Um, I love this cock."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Ambush/1.gif"/></center>
Next, under the nerd's smile, the librarian orders you to suck his balls, and you promptly...
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Ambush/2.gif"/></center>
The librarian tells the nerd:<div class="crimson">"See, this is how you throw that shit. Let's see if you learn."</div> Turning his gaze back to you, he says:<div class="crimson"> "Now kiss them and clean them well, darling."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Ambush/3.gif"/></center>
After thoroughly exploring his nether regions and both of them laughing at you, the librarian says:<div class="crimson"> "Now surprise both of us with your skills. Show how much of a slut you are."</div>
You start giving him a handjob while smiling at the nerd.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Ambush/4.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Ambush/5.gif"/></center>
After a few moments, you feel he's about to cum, and under the trance you're in, you open your mouth as the librarian whispers:<div class="crimson"> "That's it, slut, take the milk."</div> You see the nerd touching himself, watching the scene.
<center><img src="img/sex/OldLibrarianScenes/Ambush/6.gif"/></center>
You start swallowing and licking his cock as if your life depends on it. The surprised nerd asks:<div class="crimson"> "Did you swallow it directly?" </div>to which you respond:<div class="lightpink"> "Hihi, see anything in my mouth? Um?"</div> The librarian, laughing, puts his finger in your mouth, and as if it were a pacifier, you start sucking it directly. When you close your eyes again, you wake up in your cell with a $10 bill on your chest, wondering if it's not a good idea to escape from work, right?
<<set $Money += 10>> <!-- Increase money by 10 units -->
<<if $Int >= 60>>
<<set $Int -= 2>>
Your Intelligence has decreased to: <<print $Int>>.
Money: <<print $Money>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/></center>
<div class="seagreen">
The cells with double beds are similar to the standard cells, but with the addition of a second bed and a slightly larger floor space. The beds are typically bunk beds, with a ladder to access the top bunk. The room still has a toilet and sink, as well as a small table and chair. The walls are the same gray concrete, and the door is heavy and metal with a small window for the guard to observe. Despite the addition of the second bed, the room still feels cramped and confined. The presence of another person in such close quarters can be both comforting and frustrating, depending on the cellmate. It's not uncommon for conflicts to arise between cellmates, especially if they have different schedules or personalities. Overall, the cells with double beds are not much different from the standard cells, but the addition of another person can make the experience of prison life even more challenging.
<<set $MinionsVito = true>> <!-- Mark the passage as activated -->
You see Vito's helpers on the other side of the cell corridor as they stride purposefully toward you. The question is... what will you or can you do?
[[You think to yourself... they're just a couple of clowns, they won't stand a chance against my strength...|Encounter]]
[[You start thinking about pulling some kind of trick or confusing them as they approach...|UseInt]]
[[Perhaps the best thing to do is... find out what they want from you?|SucumbMinions]]
[[Or maybe the best option is to make a run for it...|RunAwayMinions]]
<<if $BlackProtection >= 1 && $Feminity < 30>>
[[You think you see one of the black prisoners from the backyard...|HelpNvsMinions]]
[[You start to think to yourself that maybe someone will come to help you...|HelpNvsMinions1]]
<<elseif $BlackProtection >= 1 && $Feminity >= 30>>
[[You see two black prisoners at the end of the hallway.|HelpNvsMinionsF1]]
[[You start to think to yourself that maybe someone will come to help you...|HelpNvsMinionsF2]]
<</if>><center><<if $Str >= 30 >>
As soon as one of Vito's henchmen approaches you, a force and determination seemingly coming out of nowhere courses through your body. Swiftly, as he gets closer, you unleash strong and precise punches as if straight out of a '90s martial arts movie.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/defmasculine.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/defemenine.gif"/></center>
This rapid action against the first henchman makes the other think twice and he ends up retreating to the other end of the corridor while you feign going after him. As you assert dominance in the hallway, the other minion takes the opportunity to get up and run away to the opposite end. You regain composure and find yourself in the cell corridor.
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]
Your strength is not enough, and you seem not to feel confident. One of them, seeing you wobble as you raise your fists, connects a devastating blow that knocks you to the ground.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/losemasculine.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/losefemenine.gif"/></center>
Once on the ground, the one who delivered the blow grabs your hair and pulls you to your knees. As your ears ring and your vision blurs, you're not disoriented enough to see him start rubbing his crotch against your lips while you grunt in half-pain. In one of these grunts, he takes advantage to shove his penis into your mouth.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Encounter/ForcedMasculine.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Encounter/ForcedFemenine.gif"/></center>
While you try to resist a bit, his accomplice keeps an eye on the corridor for anyone approaching. Tired from the struggle, you simply let him use your mouth while your aggressor grunts in approval at your yielding.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Encounter/ForcedMasculine1.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Encounter/ForcedFemenine1.gif"/></center>
In no time, he starts climaxing both in your mouth and on your face, culminating in the humiliation of your defeat.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Encounter/ForcedMasculine2.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Encounter/ForcedFemenine2.gif"/></center>
He leaves you with a cum-covered face and, tucking his penis back into his pants, he says:<div class="crimson"> "Think twice next time before facing any of us... haha."</div> You feel your strength waver after this encounter, yet you regain composure, wiping his semen off your face as you watch him walk away down the hallway, laughing with his companion.
<<set $Str -= 2>> <!-- Decrease strength by 2 -->
Your strength has decreased by 2 points.
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]
<<if $Int >= 90>>
As they approach you, you carefully choose your words to evade the situation. As soon as you get closer, one of them says:<div class="crimson"> "What's up, buddy... which hole do you prefer we cover, haha."</div> He claims while lustfully grabbing his crotch. You look at his companion, who is smiling, and reply:<div class="gold"> "Well, I prefer you cover whatever you want... since you're more attractive and virile than your friend."</div> The latter turns red with anger at seeing you flirt with his companion and scolds you, saying:<div class="crimson"> "What do you mean more attractive and virile, you piece of idiot."</div> His friend, to whom you gave the compliment, responds:<div class="crimson"> "It's clear that I'm bigger, handle it better than you, and besides, I'm more handsome, which isn't that hard to surpass."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/discus.gif"/></center>
Carefully, you watch them get into an argument in the middle of the hallway while quietly heading towards the yard.
[[The Yard |The Yard]]
As they approach you, you carefully choose your words to evade the situation. As soon as you get closer, one of them says:<div class="crimson"> "What's up, buddy... which part of you are we going to use again, haha."</div> He claims while grabbing his crotch. You look at his companion and, feeling awkward, you say:<div class="gold"> "I'd prefer starting with you... it will hurt less."</div> The first prisoner who spoke to you starts laughing, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Haha, buddy called you short dick, haha."</div> The prisoner, upon receiving this comment from his comrade, angrily grabs you by the neck and forces you to kneel while saying:<div class="crimson"> "We'll see if you're still talkative when it's down your throat."</div> As soon as you're on your knees, trying to protest, he forcefully puts it in your mouth. Meanwhile, you see his companion masturbating to the scene.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Useint/Facefuck1.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Useint/Facefuckg.gif"/></center>
You let him continue fucking your mouth while his companion keeps masturbating, telling you:<div class="crimson"> "That's it, faggot, that's what your big mouth is for... suck it well."</div>
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Useint/Facefuck.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Useint/2.webp"/></center>
After a while, they start climaxing on your face, blinding your vision.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Useint/Facefuck2.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Useint/3.webp"/></center>
After a while, you see them tuck it back into their pants, and giving you a few slaps, they say:<div class="crimson"> "See you later, big mouth. Please, keep that mouth wide open; we love filling it up, haha."</div> You remain lost in your thoughts on your knees as they leave the scene, reflecting on how foolish you've been, but well... time to continue with your life in prison.
<<set $Int -= 2>> <!-- Decrease intelligence by 2 -->
Your intelligence has decreased by 2 points.
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]
<center><center><img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/></center>
<div class="seagreen">
The cells with double beds are similar to the standard cells, but with the addition of a second bed and a slightly larger floor space. The beds are typically bunk beds, with a ladder to access the top bunk. The room still has a toilet and sink, as well as a small table and chair. The walls are the same gray concrete, and the door is heavy and metal with a small window for the guard to observe. Despite the addition of the second bed, the room still feels cramped and confined. The presence of another person in such close quarters can be both comforting and frustrating, depending on the cellmate. It's not uncommon for conflicts to arise between cellmates, especially if they have different schedules or personalities. Overall, the cells with double beds are not much different from the standard cells, but the addition of another person can make the experience of prison life even more challenging.
The two inmates end up approaching you, maliciously eyeing you, scheming what new wickedness they are going to subject you to after the cafeteria incident.
<<set $randomEvent = random(1, 2)>>
<<if $randomEvent == 1>>
They start undressing you brutally in the middle of the hallway, without caring about the location.
[[They assault you.|AssaultV]]
<<if $randomEvent == 2>>
They start undressing you brutally in the middle of the hallway, without caring about the location.
[[They assault you.|AssaultVi]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you notice them approaching from the other end of the corridor, you begin to jog towards the yard as if your life depends on it. Seeing you run, they start chasing you...
<center><img src="img/actions/Runa.gif"/></center>
Finally, you reach the yard, and fortunately, one of the guards gives you a suspicious look. As soon as he spots Vito's men, he stops them and scolds them, while you hear in the background one of them saying to the guard:<div class="crimson"> "Wait until the boss finds out..."</div> at the same time the guard rebukes him:<div class="crimson"> "Don't threaten me, inmate..."</div> You continue your path towards the center of the yard.
[[The Yard |The Yard]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/></center>
They start undressing you in the middle of the hallway as if they didn't care about getting caught in the act. In the blink of an eye, you feel naked as the prisoner behind you pushes you onto the other's cock, simultaneously spitting on your opening and his shaft, beginning to penetrate you.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Submit/1.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Submit/11.webp"/></center>
They continue fucking you, synchronizing their movements rhythmically, and you let your body start to enjoy such abuse.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Submit/2.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Submit/22.webp"/></center>
After a few moments, you feel your lovers shudder and fill your holes simultaneously.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Submit/3.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Submit/33.webp"/></center>
After this submission event, you stand still on the floor, gradually putting on your clothes. At the same time, your two lovers look at you with a relieved and satisfied expression, completely pleased to have had you surrender to them. When you finish putting on your clothes, each of you goes your separate ways. However, you find yourself in the cell corridor, feeling the residue of one of them inside you, while in your mouth, you savor the nectar of the other.
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/></center>
Both prisoners positioning one in front of you and the other behind you start undressing you eagerly. When they finish undressing you, they are about to proceed to fuck you when suddenly, from the other end of the hallway, a guard appears, and they start running.
<center><img src="img/npc/CorridorGuard.jpg"/></center>
As he approaches, he says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, prisoner... what a body you have, and I'm in need of some affection. I think you're going to do me a good favor... unless you want me to teach you a lesson or go to the hole with those wild animals... although I think if I take you like this, umm, I could enjoy the show while they do everything to you, haha... what's it going to be..."</div>
You remain motionless due to his comment and, unaware of the location, you say nothing and don't flinch. Taking advantage of this, the guard takes you to one of the maintenance rooms in the corridor and makes you kneel while forcing you to suck his cock.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Guard/1.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Guard/11.gif"/></center>
After a couple of sucks and having lubricated him properly, he makes you lie down with your back to him and begins to fuck you.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Guard/2.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Guard/22.gif"/></center>
After a few moments, you feel the guard start to shudder and begin to release all his nectar inside your ass while surprisingly you start to cum...
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Guard/3.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Guard/33.webp"/></center>
You remain motionless as your legs tremble from the discharge of his sperm and the orgasm you've had from feeling him take you. The guard gently changes and brings you your clothes while smiling, saying:<div class="crimson"> "At this rate, I'm going to like you... you should take a bit more care of yourself..."</div> with a throaty cough, he looks at you again firmly and says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, inmate... carry on with your day... be careful."</div> He gently ushers you out of the room once you've changed, and he continues his way to one side while you, with your flushed cheeks, look around while biting your lip.
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you enter the library, you see the old librarian heading towards you, one hand rummaging in his pocket while the other firmly grips your arm when you try to resist. He throws the contents of his pocket at you, and with a puff, the material lands on your face, which you begin to inhale.
<center><img src="img/sex/Random3/pois.gif"/></center>
As you begin to slightly open your eyes, you see a huge black cock masturbating.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/Global/1.gif"/></center>
After a while, the owner of that cock orders you to passionately suck his dick, to which you foolishly respond:<div class="lightpink">"Yes, my king."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/Global/2.webp"/></center>
You hear laughter in the background, and indirectly, while you're servicing that cock, you manage to discern several black men and what seems to be some kind of guard watching the door of the place. While you are busy serving that cock, one of the spectators says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, what do we do with this white slut?"</div>
Obviously, they are planning to do something more to you, so the one with the cock in your mouth suggests...
<<set _randomPassage = random(1, 6)>> <!-- Generate a random number between 1 and 6 to select the passage -->
<<if _randomPassage == 1>>
[[Hey, you get behind him and fuck this white bitch well.|Spitroastblaked]]
<<if _randomPassage == 2>>
[[Hey, you come here and give this girl some cock.|BlowBlack]]
<<if _randomPassage == 3>>
[[I'm going to finish off this bitch myself!|BlackBangYou]]
<<if _randomPassage == 4>>
[[Hey Bill, fuck this bitch's mouth, get into it!!|GuardBlow]]
<<if _randomPassage == 5>>
[[Hey, you two, tame this bitch's ass.|FuckedBlacks]]
<<if _randomPassage == 6>>
[[It's time to teach her her place.|RimBlacks]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Conyugal.jpg"/></center>
You begin to look around and realize that you are in a "visitation" room of the prison. As soon as you realize where you are, and while you continue to have that black cock in your mouth, his companion begins to thrust his cock into your ass.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/1/1.gif"/></center>
They continue to fuck you while the other black inmates look on lustfully, and a few masturbate. The one fucking your ass starts to pick up the pace.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/1/2.gif"/></center>
To the point that you can't keep up with the thrusts, and you start jerking off his companion because you're unable to breathe at the same time.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/1/3.gif"/></center>
After a few moments, the one passionately fucking your ass for a good while starts to cum inside you.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/1/4.gif"/></center>
At the same time, relishing in the passion, the other one starts to cum on your face as you swallow his nectar.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/1/5.webp"/></center>
You try to regain the little consciousness you have left as you see the inmates fist-bumping each other, with one saying to another:<div class="crimson"> "Okay, we owe some favor to that old white man, but let him lend us this bitch. I want to unload my love sauce on her, haha."</div>
You see the guard open the door, and the black inmates, carrying you in their arms, lead you to the corridor of the halls, not before passing through the back yard and the general area, while some other prisoners suspect why the group of black inmates is in high spirits.
<<if $LibraryBlackPoints < 20>>
<<set $LibraryBlackPoints += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
The Old Librarian currently has <<print $LibraryBlackPoints >> points of favor from the Black Gang.
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Conyugal.jpg"/></center>
You start to look around and realize that you are in a "visitation" room of the prison. As soon as you realize where you are, and while you continue to have that black cock in your mouth, his companion comes and starts fucking your mouth.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/2/1.gif"/></center>
You try to adjust his cock to your palate as you feel your eyes becoming glassy, while he, with his cock, tries to reach the depths of your throat, encouraged by his friends to continue fucking your mouth.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/2/2.gif"/></center>
You attempt to guide the blowjob with your hand while, at the same time, due to the heat, you start to masturbate, and the audience present begins to say:<div class="crimson"> "Look, she's loving the chocolate; cum on that slut!"</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/2/3.gif"/></center>
Whether it's your jaw work or the cheers from his companion, your lover starts to cum in your mouth and on your face, while you willingly swallow.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/2/4.webp"/></center>
After this, and with the remainder of your fleeting consciousness, you see your mate pull up his pants and start talking to the other black guys in his group, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Okay, we owe that old man a favor, as long as he lets us play with his little bitch. Although I've seen his other 'helper,' darn, that blonde has lips just as beautiful... but let's relax for now with this slut, haha."</div>
You see the guard open the door, and the black inmates, carrying you in their arms, lead you to the corridor of the halls, not before passing through the backyard and the general area, while some other prisoners wonder why the group of black inmates is in high spirits.
<<if $LibraryBlackPoints < 20>>
<<set $LibraryBlackPoints += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
The Old Librarian currently has <<print $LibraryBlackPoints >> points of favor from the Black Gang.
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Conyugal.jpg"/></center>
You begin to look around and realize that you are in a "visitation" room of the prison. As soon as you realize where you are, and while you continue to have that black cock in your mouth, your lover then lies on the bed and continues fucking your mouth while you let him guide your movements as if you were in some kind of trance.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/3/1.gif"/></center>
You continue giving love to his cock while lustfully looking at your observers, who are masturbating while watching you. Even the guard occasionally licks his lips, seeing you act like a cheap slut.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/3/2.gif"/></center>
After a while of lubricating his member, you turn around, and he fucks you rapidly.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/3/3.gif"/></center>
As soon as he starts to cum inside you, you see one of those who were jerking off in the room cum at the same time.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/3/4.webp"/></center>
After being hypnotized watching him cum without touching himself and your lover giving you a couple of spanks on the ass, the latter gets up from the bed and starts talking to his companions, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Well, we'll owe the old librarian a favor, but damn, I'd love to get my hands on that effeminate blonde he has as a protector. Imagine having two sluts like that for ourselves, haha."</div>
You see the guard open the door, and the black inmates, carrying you in their arms, lead you to the corridor of the halls, not before passing through the backyard and the general area, while some other prisoners wonder why the group of black inmates is in high spirits.
<<if $LibraryBlackPoints < 20>>
<<set $LibraryBlackPoints += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
The Old Librarian currently has <<print $LibraryBlackPoints >> points of favor from the Black Gang.
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/Conyugal.jpg"/></center>
You begin to look around and realize that you are in a "visitation" room of the prison. As soon as you realize where you are, and while you continue to have that black cock in your mouth, you see your lover take his cock out of your mouth and throw you to your knees where the guard is. He, already with his cock out, proceeds to grab your head firmly and fuck your mouth.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/4/1.gif"/></center>
The guard continues fucking your mouth amidst cheers from the other inmates, all the while saying:<div class="crimson"> "Damn, now I understand this bitch's reputation as a cocksucker!"</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/4/2.gif"/></center>
The inmates cheer:<div class="crimson"> "That's it, Bill! Make that bitch hoarse."</div> Bill starts making you choke on his cock.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/4/3.gif"/></center>
Almost suffocated by his cock, "Bill" starts unloading his cum into the back of your throat while you automatically swallow, and then he lets you catch your breath.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/4/4.gif"/></center>
After this, it seems like you regain your composure, while the black inmates start telling the guard:<div class="crimson"> "Hey Bill, you owe one to the old pervert in the library, huh? You've used this bitch!"</div> Satisfied, Bill responds:<div class="crimson">"Alright, guys, this one's on me."</div>
You see the guard open the door, and the black inmates, carrying you in their arms, lead you to the corridor of the halls, not before passing through the backyard and the general area, while some other prisoners suspect why the group of black inmates is in high spirits.
<<if $LibraryGuardPoints < 20>>
<<set $LibraryGuardPoints += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
The Old Librarian currently has <<print $LibraryGuardPoints>> points of favor from The Guards.
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Conyugal.jpg"/></center>
You begin to look around and realize that you are in a "visitation" room of the prison. As soon as you realize where you are, and while you continue to have that black cock in your mouth, right away you see two prisoners approaching you, and one of them already has his cock out, aiming at you.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/5/1.gif"/></center>
Automatically, without any control over your actions, you begin to passionately suck it.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/5/2.gif"/></center>
To the point that you spit on his cock to lubricate it more, while the other prisoner masturbates watching you.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/5/3.gif"/></center>
After a while of giving him a blowjob, this prisoner puts you on all fours and begins to fuck you wildly while the others encourage him to dominate you.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/5/4.gif"/></center>
The prisoner, without paying attention to your pleasure, fucks you without mercy while you begin to moan in pleasure and pain.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/5/5.gif"/></center>
While giving you a few final thrusts, he starts calling you a white bitch and fills your cavity with his sperm while changing positions with the other prisoner.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/5/6.gif"/></center>
The other prisoner turns you around and starts fucking your rear without giving you time to recover.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/5/7.gif"/></center>
His cock slides better into your cavity due to the cream from the other prisoner, but he doesn't care much; in fact, it seems like he enjoys it because he uses your ass as if it were a living fleshlight.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/5/8.gif"/></center>
In a short time, your last lover pulls out of your ass while starting to cum on it.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/5/9.gif"/></center>
After this brutal ride from these two black studs, you feel your legs trembling as they discuss how they should make you their sex slave. Sadistically, they say phrases like:<div class="crimson"> "Haha, if any of your relatives saw you, you piece of slut haha."</div> After letting out a few more insults, they change the conversation topic, and among themselves, they say:<div class="crimson">"Alright, we'll do some errand for the old man, as long as we can use this bitch's ass as a playground."</div>
You see the guard open the door, and the black inmates, carrying you in their arms, lead you to the corridor of the halls, not before passing through the backyard and the general area, while some other prisoners suspect why the group of black inmates is in high spirits.
<<if $LibraryBlackPoints < 20>>
<<set $LibraryBlackPoints += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
The Old Librarian currently has <<print $LibraryBlackPoints>> points of favor from the Black Gang.
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Conyugal.jpg"/></center>
You begin to look around and realize that you are in a "visitation" room of the prison. As soon as you realize where you are, and while you continue to have that black cock in your mouth. Abruptly, he stands up and says:<div class="crimson"> "Now you're going to eat my ass, little slut. Get ready."</div> Without knowing how to react, another prisoner gets behind you and forces you to eat his ass.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/6/1.webp"/></center>
After a few moments and unable to struggle, you begin to delve into the depths of his ass while he holds the back of your neck.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/6/3.webp"/></center>
The other prisoners laugh, seeing how you are humiliated. Although, deep down, this excites you. At the same time, as you continue to eat his ass, you start to caress him lovingly.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/6/2.webp"/></center>
The prisoner who had aggressively pushed you says:<div class="crimson"> "Now it's my turn, bitch. Come here."</div> Automatically, you stop eating the first lover's ass to start eating this one's.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/6/4.webp"/></center>
While you continue to eat his ass, you see your previous lover, along with another prisoner in the room, approaching and masturbating. After finishing eating the second prisoner's ass, he turns around, and these three prisoners join their cocks, cumming on you and making you swallow.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/6/5.webp"/></center>
After this humiliating scene, the black prisoners start laughing, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Hahah, we have our own little ass-licking white boy ready to give us deep cleanings, haha."</div> Changing the subject quickly, they say:<div class="crimson">"Alright, we owe some favor to that old man, as long as we have this little slut, haha."</div>
With a mix of flavors in your mouth,
You see the guard open the door, and the black inmates, carrying you in their arms, lead you to the corridor of the halls, not before passing through the backyard and the general area, while some other prisoners suspect why the group of black inmates is in high spirits.
<<if $LibraryBlackPoints < 20>>
<<set $LibraryBlackPoints += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
The Old Librarian currently has <<print $LibraryBlackPoints >> points of favor from the Black Gang.
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
<div class="seagreen">
The library is a peaceful and quiet place in the prison, offering a small escape from the chaos and noise of the surrounding areas. The room is filled with rows of bookshelves that stretch from the floor to the ceiling, packed with a variety of books, from classic literature to contemporary novels. The walls are decorated with motivational quotes and posters, and there are a few comfortable chairs and tables scattered throughout the room. The lighting is dim, creating a cozy atmosphere and making it easy to concentrate on reading. In one corner, there is a small desk with an old librarian sitting behind it, ready to assist with any book-related questions or needs. Overall, the library is a great place to spend some quiet time and expand one's knowledge or just get lost in a good book.
<<set $AssaultLibrary = true>>
As soon as you enter the library, you notice several inmates at the tables licking their lips as they start to stand up, heading in your direction. You quickly slip into one of the aisles, trying to throw them off somehow. What will you do?
[[Stay paralyzed in the middle of one of the aisles, thinking you're safe.|AssaultLibrary]]
[[Speed out of the place, running noisily towards the exit.|Outoflibrary]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
<div class="seagreen">
The library is a peaceful and quiet place in the prison, offering a small escape from the chaos and noise of the surrounding areas. The room is filled with rows of bookshelves that stretch from the floor to the ceiling, packed with a variety of books, from classic literature to contemporary novels. The walls are decorated with motivational quotes and posters, and there are a few comfortable chairs and tables scattered throughout the room. The lighting is dim, creating a cozy atmosphere and making it easy to concentrate on reading. In one corner, there is a small desk with an old librarian sitting behind it, ready to assist with any book-related questions or needs. Overall, the library is a great place to spend some quiet time and expand one's knowledge or just get lost in a good book.
You decide to stay silent in the middle of one of the library aisles when suddenly, as you turn to the side, you feel a hard slap on your face, making your ears ring. With blurred vision from the ground, the last thing you hear is several inmates whispering. What could they be scheming for you?
<<set $randomEvent = random(1, 4)>>
<<if $randomEvent == 1>>
You see several inmates positioning themselves at the ends of the aisle while another one unzips his pants.
[[You mutter to yourself, What's going on?|BlowLibrary]]
<<if $randomEvent == 2>>
One of the black inmates lifts you off the ground, and it seems like he's taking you to your cell.
[[You mutter to yourself, Seems like not everyone is so ruthless.|Blakedonyourcelli]]
<<if $randomEvent == 3>>
They pick you up from the floor, and one of them seems to be taking you to his cell.
[[Um, where am I?|WhitedCell]]
<<if $randomEvent == 4>>
It appears that two inmates are taking you to a maintenance room.
[[What do they want to do to me?|DoubleTapi]]
<</nobr>><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
You start running noisily towards the exit, catching glimpses out of the corner of your eye as some inmates try to catch up. One of the guards, upon seeing the situation, begins to scold the other inmates. You know perfectly well that, at least for today, that band of perverts will leave you alone if you return to the library.
<center><img src="img/actions/Runa.gif"/></center>
You find yourself in the cells. Where will you go?
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
Watching as several inmates position themselves on either side of the aisle, you feel a strong pull on your hair as the inmate holding you forces you to suck his cock.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/1/1.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/1/11.gif"/></center>
Sadistically, he continues to fuck your mouth, releasing pleasure-filled grunts while increasingly choking you on his cock. Your eyes start to water as you look around the aisle, seeing vigilant inmates and a few curious onlookers throwing furtive glances, well aware of how cock-hungry you're becoming.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/1/2.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/1/22.gif"/></center>
With a final grunt, you feel his arms forcing your mouth deep onto his cock. You sense his balls pressing against your chin as the scent of his pubic hair invades your nose while he starts unloading his cream at the back of your throat, which you swallow with no escape.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/1/3.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/1/33.gif"/></center>
After using you like a doll, he gives you a shove and tucks himself back into his pants, while the inmates at the ends of the aisle walk away as if nothing happened, just like your lover. You regain composure as you brush off a few pubic hairs from your mouth, clear your throat, and return to a visible area of the library.
[[The Library|The Library]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Your Cell.jpg"/></center>
The black inmate leads you to your cell, where he throws you onto your bed while undressing you completely. Immobilized, you feel him spanking your ass and lubricating your anus at the same time that he undresses.
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/2/1.gif"/></center>
In a swift motion, he positions himself behind you, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Time to ride this white slut's ass, haha. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do."</div> Before you can protest, you feel his enormous black cock thrusting into your ass rapidly.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/2/2.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/2/22.gif"/></center>
It's a quick but intense fuck because, amidst the buzzing in your ears resonating in your head, synchronized with the collision of your waists, you soon feel your massive black lover climaxing deep in your ass, filling your lower waist.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/2/3.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/2/33.gif"/></center>
After this, he gives you a couple more spanks and, like a bat out of hell, leaves your cell, saying:<div class="crimson"> "We'll meet again, bitch."</div> You try to regain composure as quickly as possible while feeling his cum leaking from your ass.
<center><img src="img/npc/Sasha.jpg"/></center>
Just as Sasha enters the cell and lustfully tells you:<div class="crimson"> "Don't turn this into a brothel. I don't want people to think poorly of me. You're the only whore here, got it?"</div> You nod, feeling ashamed as you put on your clothes and stay in your cell.
[[Your Cell |Your Cell]]</center><center>The white inmate takes you to his cell, and immediately "suggests" that you start giving him a blowjob if you don't want to get beaten up. Considering the hit you took in the library, you succumb and begin to show devotion to his cock.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/3/1.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/3/11.gif"/></center>
After sufficiently lubricating his member, he puts you in a surprisingly comfortable position for you while starting to penetrate you rhythmically.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/3/2.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/3/22.gif"/></center>
It's quite a quick encounter because as you keep an eye out for any other inmates passing by the corridor and try to muffle the sound of your waists colliding, you feel the inmate climaxing inside you due to the motion and the indirect clenching of your buttocks.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/3/3.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/3/33.gif"/></center>
After letting out a grunt and nibbling at your neck as if he were a wild dog holding onto his prey, he throws your clothes at you while surprisingly pulling out a cigarette from under the pillow. When you finish dressing, he courteously invites you to leave while saying:<div class="crimson"> "Maybe next time I won't need to hit you to make sure you fulfill your duties in this prison, Haha."</div>
You return to the cell corridor, feeling somewhat aroused, at the same time believing that you won't be bothered in the library for today. Or so you think.
[[The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/CleaningRoom.webp"/></center>
The two inmates take you to what seems like a maintenance room. Still feeling dazed, you notice how they aggressively strip you, lay you down, and one of them starts fucking your ass while the other jerks off, watching the scene unfold.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/4/1.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/4/11.gif"/></center>
After several thrusts, you see the inmate who was masturbating position himself behind you, as if waiting for his partner to finish so he can be next.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/4/2.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/4/22.gif"/></center>
Just as it seems you're regaining your senses, the first inmate unloads in your ass, shuddering, while you feel a strange prick in your neck.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/4/3.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/4/33.gif"/></center>
You try to compose yourself, but before you can, you feel the other inmate getting on top of you to proceed to fuck you. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice the first inmate sitting beside you, enjoying the scene.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/4/4.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/4/44.gif"/></center>
The second inmate continues fucking you rhythmically while the other sadistically laughs, hurling insults and implying that they might use you for a good while. All you feel is an incredible burning sensation in your ass, while your senses are dulled.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/4/5.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/4/55.gif"/></center>
With a couple of rough thrusts, you feel the second inmate filling you even more while giving you a couple of good spanks and whispering in your ear:<div class="crimson"> "You're a good chick."</div> After he pulls out, you feel a slight emptiness because shortly after, the first inmate is putting it back in. As soon as you feel his head enter... you lose consciousness.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/4/6.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/AssaultLibrary/4/66.gif"/></center>
You wake up in your cell with a sore ass and distorted time. You wonder to yourself if it was a bad dream or if you were truly fucked so savagely. You get your answer when you insert a couple of fingers inside your ass and still feel the remnants of your lovers.
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell |Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Library.jpg"/></center>
You approach the old librarian to see what he wants.
<center><img src="img/npc/OldLibrariangym.webp"/></center>
As soon as you are in front of him, in an aggressive yet casual tone, he emphasizes:<div class="crimson">"Well, little slut, I need you to infiltrate the other wing of the prison and find a package that belongs to me. It might be in one of the cells, or the kitchen, or the damn laboratory in that wing. Do whatever it takes to come back with that package. I don't care about the number of cocks you have to suck along the way, do you understand?"</div>
You are astonished by how he is treating you, and you notice that he doesn't care if some other inmates hear, but luckily, looking around, you see not many people, and you don't think they heard. The old librarian starts snapping his fingers in front of your eyes to get your attention and continues:
<div class="crimson">"Do you hear me, you piece of cocksucker? The blacks are going to cause a distraction in the yard. You sneak into that wing and see where I told you. Just look for a package, a bag, and don't even think about opening it. They're extremely toxic unless you want something bad to happen to you."</div>
You reply:<div class="gold"> "You're sending me for chemicals?" </div>He responds:<div class="crimson"> "I want the same shit people around here use, but I highly doubt I'll ever explain it to you. You're only good for being a cock-sucker. Come on, pull yourself together, we'll see each other later at dusk. Hurry up, hurry up,"</div> giving you a couple of pats on the ass. You head to the yard where you witness the beginning of the show.
[[Go to the yard|FirstQ]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/locations/TheYard.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you're heading towards the yard, you see several black inmates creating quite a commotion, throwing objects back and forth, while the guards focus their attention on this small disturbance, leaving the door to the other wing unattended.
<center><img src="img/actions/FightYard.gif"/></center>
Swiftly, you slip into the other wing and find yourself at the beginning of the cell corridor. Try to recall what you came here to do.
[[The Other Wing|Modulequest]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/Quest/CorridorCells.jpg"/></center>
<div class="seagreen">
The cell corridor in this wing bears a striking resemblance to the one in your own wing, albeit with a different color scheme. The walls are painted in muted tones, creating a slightly contrasting atmosphere. The ambient lighting, though dim, casts a warm glow on the corridor, revealing rows of prison cells on both sides.
Each cell has a small, narrow window covered with sturdy iron bars, allowing limited natural light to filter through. The doors, made of robust metal, have a cold, unyielding appearance. The air carries a distinct scent, a mix of disinfectant and the mustiness that often accompanies confined spaces.
The floor is made of worn-out tiles, showing signs of the passage of countless footsteps over time. Occasionally, you hear muffled sounds emanating from the cells, hinting at the various activities and conversations taking place behind closed doors.
Overall, the corridor exudes a sense of confinement, each cell telling a unique story within the confines of this prison wing.
[[Search in the cells...|SearchModuleCells]]
[[Go to the Kitchen...|GoKitchenModule]]
[[Go to the Laboratory...|GoLaboratoryModule]]
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/Quest/Kitchenn.jpg"/></center>
<div class="seagreen">
The modern and sophisticated prison kitchen resembles Big Tony's but features updated technology, stainless steel equipment, and an efficient layout. Uniformed chefs skillfully prepare ingredients, and the enticing aroma of freshly cooked food fills the air. The space combines contemporary functionality with culinary engineering.
[[Search for the package here...|SearchKitchenModule]]
[[Return to the corridor...|Modulequest]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Quest/CorridorCells.jpg"/></center>
<div class="seagreen">
The cell corridor in this wing bears a striking resemblance to the one in your own wing, albeit with a different color scheme. The walls are painted in muted tones, creating a slightly contrasting atmosphere. The ambient lighting, though dim, casts a warm glow on the corridor, revealing rows of prison cells on both sides.
Each cell has a small, narrow window covered with sturdy iron bars, allowing limited natural light to filter through. The doors, made of robust metal, have a cold, unyielding appearance. The air carries a distinct scent, a mix of disinfectant and the mustiness that often accompanies confined spaces.
The floor is made of worn-out tiles, showing signs of the passage of countless footsteps over time. Occasionally, you hear muffled sounds emanating from the cells, hinting at the various activities and conversations taking place behind closed doors.
Overall, the corridor exudes a sense of confinement, each cell telling a unique story within the confines of this prison wing.
<<set _randomPassage = random(1, 3)>> <!-- Generate a random number between 1 and 3 to select the passage -->
<<if _randomPassage == 1>>
[[Search in the cells.|WinCells]]
<<if _randomPassage == 2>>
[[Search in the cells.|SurpriseWhiteCell]]
<<if _randomPassage == 3>>
[[Search in the cells.|SurpriseBlackCell]]
<</if>><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Quest/Laboratoriee.jpg"/></center>
<div class="seagreen">
You are in a prison laboratory, a facility seemingly devoid of flammable materials or hazardous substances. At first glance, it doesn't appear to be under strict surveillance, creating a sense of opportunity. In the depths of the laboratory, whispers and noises can be heard, adding an intriguing mystery to the environment.
[[Search for the package here...|SearchLaboratoryModule]]
[[Return to the corridor...|Modulequest]]
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/Quest/Kitchenn.jpg"/></center>
<div class="seagreen">
The modern and sophisticated prison kitchen resembles Big Tony's but features updated technology, stainless steel equipment, and an efficient layout. Uniformed chefs skillfully prepare ingredients, and the enticing aroma of freshly cooked food fills the air. The space combines contemporary functionality with culinary engineering.
<<set _randomPassage = random(1, 3)>> <!-- Generate a random number between 1 and 3 to select the passage -->
<<if _randomPassage == 1>>
[[Search for the package here.|WinKitchen]]
<<if _randomPassage == 2>>
[[Search for the package here.|SurpriseChefs]]
<<if _randomPassage == 3>>
[[Search for the package here.|SurpriseBlacked]]
<</if>><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Quest/Laboratoriee.jpg"/></center>
<div class="seagreen">
You are in a prison laboratory, a facility seemingly devoid of flammable materials or hazardous substances. At first glance, it doesn't appear to be under strict surveillance, creating a sense of opportunity. In the depths of the laboratory, whispers and noises can be heard, adding an intriguing mystery to the environment.
<<set _randomPassage = random(1, 3)>> <!-- Generate a random number between 1 and 3 to select the passage -->
<<if _randomPassage == 1>>
[[Search in the laboratory.|WinLaboratory]]
<<if _randomPassage == 2>>
[[Search in the laboratory.|SurpriseBackdoor]]
<<if _randomPassage == 3>>
[[Search in the laboratory.|SurpriseChemist]]
<</if>><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Quest/Laboratoriee.jpg"/></center>
Without thinking twice, you start rummaging through the place where you are. On some shelves, you spot what seems to be a kind of briefcase. You grab it without further ado and leave the place as if the devil were chasing you.
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Towards the Yard.|ExitCorridor]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Quest/Laboratoriee.jpg"/></center>
You walk confidently towards a door that seems to lead to a backroom of the laboratory, and as soon as you open it, you encounter what appears to be a woman...
<center><img src="img/npc/Quest/Gurlatory.jpg"/></center>
She turns towards you and says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, it looks like I'm not the only one who has been given that crap, hehe. Um, are you here to console me?" </div>As she utters those words, you notice the sizable bulge between her legs, and as soon as you realize it, you feel a slight pinch in your neck...
You find yourself on your knees, and in front of you is your "companion" nude.
<center><img src="img/npc/Quest/GurlNude.jpg"/></center>
Looking at you, she says:<div class="crimson"> "Hello, darling. Let me introduce you to my cock. Are you going to be very good friends? Yes? Hehe."</div> She begins to sway a bit, mesmerizing you with the movement of her cock.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/3/1.gif"/></center>
At the same time she does this, you enter a kind of trance where you see more like her inviting you to suck their cocks.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/3/0.gif"/></center>
Next, you see her reclining backward.
<center><img src="img/npc/Quest/GurlDick.jpg"/></center>
She continues to tell you:<div class="crimson">"Come on, don't be shy, and give me a nice blowjob." </div>Your eyes try to avoid her body as she continues to recline for you, allowing you to get an even more glorious view of this "prisoner."
<center><img src="img/npc/Quest/GurlDick2.jpg"/></center>
Suddenly, she starts masturbating for you while you feel your mouth watering.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/3/2.gif"/></center>
Unable to control yourself, you succumb to her and begin to devour her cock while she moans lustfully for you.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/3/3.gif"/></center>
Between moans, she asks you to start fingering her ass, and in a trance, you fulfill her desires.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/3/4.gif"/></center>
After a short while, abruptly leaning forward, she passes her balls over your face while starting to cum on herself.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/3/5.gif"/></center>
She leaves your face covered in cum, along with a rather blurry vision, while you hear her cackling at you and saying:<div class="crimson"> "Well, darling, judging by your clothes, you're from the other wing of the prison, and it's gotten late. Too bad, we could have played more. Hehe. We would have had a good time together in this place... who knows... you should leave; it's gotten late. And if the guards catch you here, they won't be as kind as me, hehe."</div> Saying this, you realize that you couldn't find what the librarian asked for, and you must leave the place empty-handed.
<<set $gameTime += 2>>
[[Back to the Yard|ExitYard]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/Quest/Laboratoriee.jpg"/></center>
You head towards one of the rooms in the laboratory, but as soon as you open the door, you see a young chemist without his upper part.
<center><img src="img/npc/Quest/ChemGuy.jpg"/></center>
Smiling at you, he says:<div class="crimson"> "See anything you like, darling?"</div> You're speechless and respond:<div class="gold"> "Is there anyone normal in this prison or what?"</div> The prisoner smiles and remarks:<div class="crimson"> "Apparently not... but I know why you've come..."</div> You look surprised at the end of that sentence while trying to lunge at him; he had one of his hands in his pocket, and with a quick motion, he throws something at you...
<center><img src="img/sex/Random3/pois.gif"/></center>
Upon opening your eyes slightly...
<center><img src="img/npc/Quest/ChemGuyNude.jpg"/></center>
The young chemist says:<div class="crimson"> "Like the view? Open your mouth wide, darling."</div>
Indirectly, you open your mouth, and your lover starts playing with his cock in your mouth.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/1/1.gif"/></center>
After playing a bit with his cock in your mouth, you start giving him a blowjob.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/1/2.gif"/></center>
He gently gathers your hair as you continue performing fellatio, saying:<div class="crimson"> "That's it, lube my cock well, darling... I'm going to make you enjoy, umm... yes, like that... suck my balls."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/1/3.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/1/4.gif"/></center>
After a bit of jaw work and in a half-closed state of your eyes, you find yourself leaning against one of the counters, with the young man's cock drilling your ass passionately and delicately at the same time.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/1/5.gif"/></center>
You start moaning in pleasure as this young man nibbles your neck, feeling your anus more sensitive than the last times.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/1/6.gif"/></center>
Driven by lust and the trance of the act, he finally asks you to ride him like the slut you are, to which you agree without hesitation.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/1/7.gif"/></center>
As soon as you feel the young man starting to cum inside you, you begin to masturbate frantically, climaxing after a few seconds.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/1/8.gif"/></center>
After this encounter, you find yourself dazed by the act and having lost a bit of the sense of time. The young chemist tells you:<div class="crimson"> "Damn, baby, how I'd love to have another assistant like you... haha, two little sluts just for me... by the way, you should leave. I know you're not from this wing, and you wouldn't want the guards to catch you... or some other prisoner, huh? Haha... I hope to see you again soon."</div> With this young man's cum still inside you, you get up and make your way back without having achieved your goal.
<<set $gameTime += 2>>
[[Back to the Yard|ExitYard]]</center><center>
As soon as you step out, you see a guard watching you while the sunset is in all its splendor.
<center><img src="img/npc/Quest/GuardianOutdoor.jpg"/></center>
Seeing you walk suspiciously, he says:<div class="crimson"> "From what I can see, you must have enjoyed a perfect experience in that module... you deserve it. Well, I'll leave you; here comes the librarian... haha."</div> Silently, you watch as the guard withdraws just as the old librarian arrives.
<center><img src="img/npc/OldLibrariangym.webp"/></center>
Seeing you with empty hands, he retorts:<div class="crimson"> "Empty-handed and with your mouth or ass full of cum... what a stupid slut. I don't care; I couldn't care less. You're going to keep shaking that ass until I have enough of that material, understand?"</div> Like an abusive tutor scolding a teenager, he berates you, and all you can do is nod. After a good while of insults and shouts from the old man, he leaves, emphasizing:<div class="crimson"> "I'll make sure you get fucked in every module if necessary to get that material. Maybe next time, you'll be luckier if you're not busy hopping from dick to dick."</div> You nod one last time, blushing, as you feel a burning sensation throughout your body. The truth is, you're starting to enjoy being everyone's slut... deep down inside.
[[The Yard |The Yard]]
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/Quest/CorridorCells.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you're in the corridor, you notice a maintenance staff member looking at you suspiciously. However, you don't pay much attention and continue on your way outside. Not before seeing how it seems like they're talking to someone on the radio.
<center><img src="img/npc/Quest/MaintainGuy.jpg"/></center>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Back to the Yard|ExitYard2]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Quest/Exit.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/npc/OldLibrariangym.webp"/></center>
You find yourself in the yard, and you see the old librarian waiting for you. Without saying a word, he takes the briefcase from you. Turning his back, he says:<div class="crimson"> "Good job... despite becoming a stupid slut, you seem to be useful. By the way, the more you bring me of this, the better."</div> He continues on his way, leaving you with a dumbfounded look. Perhaps deep down, you feel like everyone in this place does whatever they want with you.
[[The Yard |The Yard]]
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/Quest/CorridorCells.jpg"/></center>
As if you had a sixth sense, you enter one of the cells where, coincidentally, no one is present, but with your sense of smell, you detect a familiar scent. Automatically, under the bed in the cell, you find a kind of briefcase. Without remorse, you grab it and quickly leave the cell before its owner arrives.
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Towards the Yard.|ExitCorridor]]</center><center>
As soon as you're about to enter one of the cells in the corridor...
<center><img src="img/npc/Quest/DrewSmile.jpg"/></center>
A shirtless man, grinning rudely, says:<div class="crimson"> "Where are you going, little one."</div>
You try to come up with an excuse while stammering, and the man, laughing in your face, says:<div class="crimson"> "I can see you're not from around here. How about you let me ride that ass of yours? I won't tell the guard on the other side of the hallway that we have an intruder... you'd end up spending a couple of days in the hole, you know?"</div>
You start getting more nervous. Seeing this, the prisoner pulls out his member and says:<div class="crimson"> "Look what I have for you, slut."</div> You see his semi-erect cock...
<center><img src="img/npc/Quest/DrewPose.jpg"/></center>
Indirectly, you feel your cheeks turning red as you see his cock. The prisoner, observing your reaction, ushers you into his cell and smilingly says:<div class="crimson"> "Come on, undress. I want to see that slutty body of yours."</div> You start undressing while he smiles and does the same.
<center><img src="img/npc/Quest/DrewCell.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/npc/Quest/DrewPoseNude.jpg"/></center>
You see his cock, more erect than last time, and at the same time, he starts lubricating his member while doing the same to his body. He asks you to get on all fours, and without objection, you contemplate his body one last time before preparing to bite the pillow.
<center><img src="img/npc/Quest/Drewkneelvision.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you half-turn, you see him approaching to penetrate you slowly.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/6/1.gif"/></center>
You let out a couple of moans of discomfort as you feel his cock gradually settling into your ass.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/6/2.gif"/></center>
When you finally feel your ass accommodating his cock, he starts riding you rhythmically.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/6/3.gif"/></center>
Until finally, you start masturbating and climax.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/6/4.gif"/></center>
At the same time as you ejaculate and tighten your ass, your lover starts cumming inside you, and as he finishes filling you like frosting, you feel him pull out, and his essence drips from your ass.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/6/5.gif"/></center>
As soon as you regain composure and notice his cum dripping down your leg, this guy tells you:<div class="crimson"> "Well, little slut, if I were you, I'd get out of here unless you want the guards to fuck you up even more than I did... although, if it were up to me, I'd put a collar on you and tuck you under the bed... haha, you'd pay me to sleep here with blowjobs... I'm sure you'd love the idea, huh?"</div> Feeling your ass trembling with pleasure and biting your lip, the prisoner gives you one last spank before leaving his cell. This reminds you of what you came for, but unfortunately, you couldn't get what the librarian asked for.
<<set $gameTime += 2>>
[[Back to the Yard|ExitYard]]
You enter one of the cells and start searching the bedside table at the entrance. Finding nothing, you get on all fours and begin to look under the bed.
Suddenly, a whistle is heard, and a voice says:<div class="crimson"> "Well, what gift do we have here, and it's not even Christmas."</div>You shudder and turn around.
<center><img src="img/npc/Quest/Chris.jpg"/></center>
The prisoner continues:<div class="crimson">"I think, baby girl, someone is going to teach you a lesson unless you want me to call the guards... judging by your uniform, you're not from this module, hehe." </div>The prisoner, licking his lips, starts undressing while you're on your knees.
<center><img src="img/npc/Quest/ChrisReady.jpg"/></center>
Approaching you and extending his hand towards your head, the prisoner says:<div class="crimson"> "Time for you to get cozy with the great Chris, baby."</div> Resigning yourself to your fate because you've been caught red-handed, you obediently open your mouth.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/4/1.gif"/></center>
To finish as quickly as possible, you start moving your tongue in circles, simulating kissing someone, which seems to delight your lover.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/4/2.gif"/></center>
You continue getting intimate with his cock while your man watches the show.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/4/3.gif"/></center>
Excited by how you move your tongue, he forces you to get intimate with his ass by getting a bit more on top of you.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/4/4.gif"/></center>
Feeling your lover shiver, he begins to rub his two intimate areas while you continue licking them from top to bottom.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/4/5.gif"/></center>
After a while, he starts to grunt, and leaning back, he begins to release onto your face while you obediently stick out your tongue and lick it like a horny slut.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/4/6.gif"/></center>
Between grunts, he says:<div class="crimson">"This will teach you not to sneak into other people's cells, slut."</div> After savoring all his nectar.
<center><img src="img/npc/Quest/ChrisSatisfied.jpg"/></center>
You stay kneeling while the prisoner tells you:<div class="crimson"> "I don't know what you were looking for around here, but you're welcome anytime you want to explore my depths, honey. Haha... now get out before the guards catch you."</div> Frustrated, you leave that cell with a burning desire and head towards the exit.
<<set $gameTime += 2>>
[[Back to the Yard|ExitYard]]
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/Quest/Kitchenn.jpg"/></center>
Trying to relax, despite being aware of the stressful situation, you start looking in all directions and notice a kind of briefcase in one of the ovens. You open the oven, grab the briefcase, and hastily leave the place before anyone sees you.
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Towards the Yard.|ExitCorridor]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Quest/Kitchenn.jpg"/></center>
In search of anything resembling a briefcase, you fail to notice that you are under the gaze of two young chefs.
<center><img src="img/npc/Quest/ChesPrisoners.jpg"/></center>
You timidly say:<div class="gold"> "Hello?"</div> They look in your direction and start laughing when you feel a sharp blow to your head.
Upon opening your eyes slightly, one of them is fucking you on your back.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/2/1.gif"/></center>
After a while, still dazed from the head blow, he switches with the other young chef.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/2/2.gif"/></center>
In a moment, the latter turn you around so that, while he fucks you from behind, you perform oral sex on his companion.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/2/3.gif"/></center>
You lose track of time during their abuse. Suddenly, you feel an emptiness in your rear, and they put you on your knees to finish in your mouth.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/2/4.gif"/></center>
Once again, you lose track of time for an indefinite period, and when you open your eyes, you see these two young men again, now changed.
<center><img src="img/npc/Quest/ChesPrisoners.jpg"/></center>
In a casual tone, as if nothing happened, they say:<div class="crimson"> "Sorry about earlier, but seeing someone so feminine trying to sneak in here... one of the prisoners hit you on the head, and we couldn't resist your charms... haha, so you know... you should leave. You were lucky it was us; if the guards catch you... you'll see haha... well, until next time... maybe."</div> Regaining your composure, with a sense of failure and pain, you leave the place.
<<set $gameTime += 2>>
[[Back to the Yard|ExitYard]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/Quest/Kitchenn.jpg"/></center>
As you search over the countertops, a massive, smiling black prisoner says:<div class="crimson"> "What are you looking for, kid?"</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/Quest/BlackDude.jpg"/></center>
You don't know how to respond, and the prisoner continues:<div class="crimson">"Well, come to my cell; maybe I'll give you the package you're looking for."</div> Foolishly thinking he means the librarian's package, you reply:<div class="gold">"So, do you have the package? Please, give it to me."</div> The prisoner licks his lips and says:<div class="crimson"> "Of course, I'll give it to you."</div> You happily hop toward his cell when you see another prisoner, looking like he just came out of the showers.
<center><img src="img/npc/Quest/PrisonerBready.jpg"/></center>
He says:<div class="crimson"> "Hey, where are you going with that cutie?"</div> The enormous black man replies:<div class="crimson"> "To give him my package." </div>You begin to understand that he wasn't talking about your objective, and your expression changes. The other prisoner says:<div class="crimson"> "Damn, I'm coming with you, brother. Let's give him a 2x1!"</div> You try to protest, but it's too late; the latter prisoner holds you while the other prisoner, already in the cell, undresses and sits down.
<center><img src="img/npc/Quest/BlackDudeCell.jpg"/></center>
As you watch, the other prisoner removes your clothes while your first lover begins to lubricate his penis and orders you to sit on top of him. With no other option, you sit on him, and with a quick motion, he lifts you, putting you in a lock and starts penetrating your ass fiercely.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/5/1.gif"/></center>
He continues fucking your ass while maintaining the lock on your neck, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Here's your big package, white slut!"</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/5/2.gif"/></center>
The other prisoner, jerking off, responds:<div class="crimson"> "That's it, brother, wreck the white intruder, haha."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/5/3.gif"/></center>
After stretching your anus for a while, he releases the lock and pushes you forward.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/5/4.gif"/></center>
The other prisoner, smiling and seeing this...
<center><img src="img/npc/Quest/PrisonerB.jpg"/></center>
Forces you to lubricate his penis while your main lover continues to dominate your ass.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/5/5.gif"/></center>
After a while, you are in front of the bed while your enormous black stud continues to fuck your ass, and your other stud waits his turn behind him.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/5/6.gif"/></center>
With a couple more thrusts, he climaxes inside your ass.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/5/7.gif"/></center>
As soon as he pulls out, the other starts fucking you.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/5/8.gif"/></center>
After a few moments, probably judging by the state of your ass, your second stud also starts coming inside you.
<center><img src="img/sex/Quest/5/9.gif"/></center>
Fatigued by the assault of these two stallions, you remain stunned on the bed while they high-five each other loudly, hurling all kinds of insults at you. Changing in front of them, still with the mixture of their cum in your ass, they say:<div class="crimson"> "Listen, whitey, get out of this place before the guards see you. Although... if it were up to us, you'd stay here... haha, we'd give you all the black dicks you want, haha. Even if you manage to get out of this prison, we'd give you a job, eh, eh, hahaha."</div> Completely embarrassed, you change, and as you leave the cell, they grope you, and one of them grunts and barks at you like a wild dog... secretly exciting you. When you're in the hallway, you realize... that you haven't obtained the package. However... you've swallowed two good packages... laughing cheekily, you leave the place.
<<set $gameTime += 2>>
[[Back to the Yard|ExitYard]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/></center>
Sasha, looking at you with a smile, says: <div class="crimson">"Do you want to earn a few bucks for your rent?"</div> You can't help but lower your gaze and notice how he rubs his cock over one of the underwear you previously washed.
You reply: <div class="gold">"Okay... what can I do?"</div>
Sasha responds: <div class="crimson">"Well, kid, you can go and do some laundry for a couple of prisoners I know... knowing you, I don't think you'll have any objections... I hope you don't have to do any deep cleaning... haha."</div> <i>You sigh, blushing, thinking about the thorough cleaning you gave him last time</i>
Sasha continues: <div class="crimson">"You can also go to the backyard and deliver a couple of items to some other prisoners... just don't even think about opening or inspecting the contents of the bag... or you'll have serious problems with me."</div> <i><div class="lightpink">You think to yourself, is he suggesting that I become the errand boy?</div></i>
Sasha goes on: <div class="crimson">"You could go early with the guards to the yard; normally, I'm in charge of the area, but they wouldn't mind if it was you... since you're in my cell."</div> <i>Saying this, he winks at you.</i>
Finally, Sasha says: <div class="crimson">"Ah... or perhaps you'd prefer to go to the showers, you know, to clean them... it's not a very pleasant job, but I think... you don't mind other kinds of fluids, right, honey?"</div> <i>He gestures as if he were giving a blowjob.</i>
Now the question is: What "Chore" do you want to do?
[[Laundry Chore|ChoreLav]]
[[Backyard Chore|ChoreBY]]
[[Garden Chore|ChoreGrdn]]
[[Shower Chore|ChoreSwR]]
[[I've Changed My Mind|Your Cell]]
You accept Sasha's task to go to the laundry. he hands you a basket, and you watch as he removes her underwear and tosses it at your face. Embarrassed, you place it in the basket and walk down the hallway, seeing other inmates throwing their clothes and underwear at you. Some shout<div class="crimson"> "Hey, we've got a new cleaning lady, boys!"</div> while others blow kisses in the air. This makes your cheeks blush. <i>Internally, you know your limited reaction will impact your respect and fame.</i>
<img src="img/items/laundry.gif"/>
You complete your journey in the laundry room.
<img src="img/Locations/Laundry.jpg"/>
There, you kneel under the watchful eye of a guard and start sorting the various inmates' clothes, including their underwear, which is filled with different bodily fluids. You experience a strange mix of scents invading your nose, from sweat and sperm to a strong urine aroma, causing a slight gag as you see the guard laughing at you from a distance.
Just when you think you're about to finish your task...
<<set _randomLav = random(1,3)>>
<<if _randomLav == 1 >> <!-- First Event -->
[[A last inmate appears running.|LastGuyLaundry]]
<<elseif _randomLav == 2>> <!-- Second Event -->
[[The guard approaches.|GuardLaundry]]
<<elseif _randomLav == 3>> <!-- Third Event -->
[[Curiously, it was just your paranoia, and you complete your task.|Final]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/Your Cell.jpg"/></center>
You find yourself in your cell when Sasha pulls out a kind of bag from under the bunk.
<center><img src="img/items/bag.jpg"/></center>
With a serious tone, he firmly says to you:
<center><img src="img/npc/Sasha.jpg"/></center>
<div class="crimson">"Okay, kid, take this quickly to the backyard to the shaved man; you already know him from last time... And don't even think about peeking or opening it before handing it over, understand? I'll know, and if I find out... you won't want to see me angry. Let's go, move that lovely ass, sweetheart."</div>
Immediately, you grab the bag and head to the backyard like the devil is chasing you.
<center><img src="img/locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
Once there, you encounter the shaved man and hand him the bag without almost saying a word when...
<center><img src="img/npc/ShavedWM.jpg"/></center>
<<set _randomBackYard = random(1,2)>>
<<if _randomBackYard == 1 >> <!-- First Event -->
[[The shaved man makes a gesture to stop you, but you walk confidently back to your cell.|FinalChore2]]
<<elseif _randomBackYard == 2>> <!-- Second Event -->
[[The shaved man asks if you want to see the contents...|WatchContent]]
<center><center><img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/></center>
Sasha says:<div class="crimson"> "Alright, go in my place to the inner garden. I suppose the guards will let you work."</div> After saying this, you see him wink from a distance as you leave the cell.
As soon as you reach the inner garden of the prison...
<center><img src="img/Locations/GardenPrison.jpg"/></center>
You see a muscular, shirtless guard welcoming you...
<img src="img/npc/GardenGuardSerious.webp"/>
At the same time, he says: <div class="crimson">"What the hell are you doing here? And where is Sasha, the bastard? Are you his 'assistant'?"</div>
Half-stuttering, you reply: <div class="gold">"I've come to replace him."</div>
The serious guard tells you: <div class="crimson">"Okay, I don't trust you. You have two options: either get down on your knees like the dog you are and start pulling weeds in the garden, or... come to the back room, prove to me that you're trustworthy, and maybe I'll give you a tool. What's it gonna be?"</div>
<i>For yourself, you think, um... a tool or should I just start working?</i>
[[Go for the tool|WeaponGarden]]
[[Start working now|on4]]
<img src="img/Locations/Laundry.jpg"/>
As soon as you're about to finish, an overweight inmate appears running, his expression serious.
<img src="img/npc/LaundryPrisonerSerious.jpg"/>
He says: <div class="crimson">"If you don't mind, dear, I'll add a little more to your laundry."</div> <i>He starts undressing in front of you with a smile.</i>
<img src="img/npc/LaundryPrisonerSmile.jpg"/>
He begins throwing clothes onto you while you, submissively, place them inside the drum. Seeing your reaction, he says: <div class="crimson">"I bet you love the smell of a man, huh, little doll? Haha."</div> <i>As he winks at you.</i>
<img src="img/npc/LuaundryPrisonerNude.jpg"/>
Blushing, you look down, accidentally making contact with his dirty and foul-smelling penis. Then, he takes a 10-dollar bill and places it around his shaft, telling you in a more authoritative tone, <div class="crimson">"How about cleaning my cock thoroughly while doing the laundry and earning yourself a little tip? Given your reputation, it shouldn't be a problem for you. Interested?"</div>
<i><div class="lightpink">You find yourself on your knees, watching as he shakes his penis in front of you, wondering if you really are going to put that dirty cock in your mouth.</div></i>
[[Stand up and wait to finish the laundry|Final]]
[[It's 10 bucks...|SuckChubbyDick]]
<img src="img/Locations/Laundry.jpg"/>
The guard approaches you with a steady pace as you remain on your knees. Before closing the washing machine drum, you see him smiling.
<img src="img/npc/LaundryGuardSmile.jpg"/>
He unzips his pants and starts peeing inside the washing machine, right in front of your astonished face.
<img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Laundry/GuardPiss.webp"/>
After this macabre act, he says with a <div class="crimson">"I was just marking my territory... come on, prisoner, wash that shit."</div> With his cock exposed and just inches from your face, he continues, <div class="crimson">"Do you want to give it a few strokes, or are you going to start the damn laundry?"</div>
Inside, you wonder, <i><div class="lightpink">"Am I seriously considering giving the guard a handjob?"</div></i>
[[Give him a few strokes|HandGuardLaundry]]
[[Stand up and wait to finish the laundry|Final]]
<img src="img/Locations/Laundry.jpg"/>
You've just done the laundry, leaving it perfectly organized in the cart for another prisoner to distribute. You return to your cell, where Sasha, smiling mischievously, hands you $10, although you know he pocketed another $10 for practically doing nothing. Besides, this has affected your fame and respect, as you've become "his errand boy."
<img src="img/actions/pay.gif"/>
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >=-40>>
<<set $Fame -=2>>
<<set $ShashaMoney += 10>>
<<set $Money += 10>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
Your money:<<print $Money>>
Your Respect:<<print $Respect>>
Your Fame:<<print $Fame>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<img src="img/Locations/Laundry.jpg"/>
<<if $Feminity <= 30>>
As soon as the prisoner sees you hesitating, you notice his cock getting harder.
<img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Laundry/Hi.webp"/>
You see the $10 bill fall from his cock, and you catch it almost in mid-air. The overweight prisoner exclaims: <div class="crimson">"So that's a yes!"</div>
As soon as you put on a scared face, he brutally starts fucking your mouth, grunting like a wild animal.
<img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Laundry/FacefuckMasculine.webp"/>
All you can do is wait for this brutal assault to end while feeling remnants of cum entering your mouth and throat. At the same time, you try to cough; it seems like you're going to drown in that dirty cock. Just when you think the prisoner is going to let you go, he makes you lie back and says:<div class="crimson"> "Come on, bitch, thank me for giving you yogurt and letting you clean my cock, or I swear I'll drown you in it."</div>
Trembling, you reply:<div class="lightpink"> "Thanks for giving me yogurt and letting me clean your cock."</div>
As soon as you utter the phrase, he doesn't stop cumming all over your face.
<img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Laundry/thankyouM.webp"/>
After leaving your face covered in cream, the prisoner takes one of the clean pants and leaves without underwear. You foolishly tell him, with your face covered in cum:<div class="lightpink"> "Hey, your underwear!"</div> The prisoner responds:<div class="crimson"> "Oh no, honey, I'm letting my cock breathe for a couple of days so next time you'll enjoy the flavor of my cock cheese even more. Haha, see you, slut."</div> You're left looking like an idiot while pocketing the $10 bill.
<<set $Money += 10>>
Your money: <<print $Money>>
[[Stand up and wait to finish the laundry|Final]]
You gaze at the prisoner's cock, and he reclines on one of the stools in the area. As soon as he leans back, you see his cock becoming even more erect.
<img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Laundry/Hi.webp"/>
Seductively, you pocket the $10 that fall from his cock and proceed to give him a blowjob, trying to finish quickly.
<img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Laundry/SuckFemenine.webp"/>
While you continue to suck his cock, you taste a flavor of days-old cum in your palate. The prisoner starts calling you a "pig" and a "cock cheese eater," but far from discouraging you, it gives you courage to keep sucking his cock. After a few moments, you feel him shudder, and he starts painting your face with his nectar while telling you to say:<div class="crimson"> "How much you love cleaning cocks."</div>
<img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Laundry/thankyou.webp"/>
With his cum on your face, you look at him seductively and say, <div class="lightpink">"I'm a slut, and I love cleaning cocks."</div> You watch as the prisoner bursts into laughter and tells you:<div class="crimson"> "Oh my God, you're such a dirty whore, haha. Take an extra $5, haha, you bitch."</div> As he grabs another pair of pants, you remain on your knees, grabbing the last $5 bill. At the same time, this prisoner bids you farewell, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Don't worry; I'll find more concentrated yogurt for you, my little pig, haha."</div> You pretend to be disgusted by the idea, but deep down, you're eager for more similar encounters.
<<set $Money += 15>>
Your money: <<print $Money>>
[[Stand up and wait to finish the laundry|Final]]
<img src="img/Locations/Laundry.jpg"/>
<<if $Feminity <= 30>>
Doubting yourself, you start to slowly fondle his balls with your hand.
<img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Laundry/teaseM.webp"/>
<img src="img/npc/LaundryGuard.jpg"/>
The guard, looking down seriously, says, <div class="crimson">"Alright, keep going, sissy, stroke my cock well."</div>
Your heart races as one of your guards has you giving him a handjob in the middle of the laundry room. This prompts you to jerk him off frantically.
<img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Laundry/HandjobM.webp"/>
After a few moments and with a slight grunt, you feel him fill your hand with cum.
<img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Laundry/CumM.webp"/>
In a demanding and aggressive tone, looking at you, he says:<div class="crimson"> "It's better that my cum doesn't touch the floor... you know what I want."</div> Timidly looking at him, you start licking your fingers while the guard smiles at you.
<img src="img/npc/LaundryGuardSmile.jpg"/>
<center><img src="img/actions/maslickfingers7.webp"/></center>
After this, you see the guard tucking it back into his pants and whistling as he leaves, while you decide to continue with your task.
[[Stand up and wait to finish the laundry|Final]]
Hesitantly, you start sensually caressing the tip of his cock.
<img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Laundry/teaseF.webp"/>
<img src="img/npc/LaundryGuard.jpg"/>
The guard, looking down seriously, says, <div class="crimson">"Alright, jerk me off, slut."</div>
Your heart pounds as you see the guard has you giving him a handjob in the middle of the laundry room.
<img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Laundry/HandjobF.webp"/>
After several minutes, you feel your guardian shudder, and he starts filling your hand with his cum.
<img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Laundry/CumF.webp"/>
In a demanding and aggressive tone, he says, <div class="crimson">"You better be a good slut and savor my cum. What are you waiting for?"</div> Timidly yet seductively, you begin to suck your hand and fingers while the guard smiles at you.
<img src="img/npc/LaundryGuardSmile.jpg"/>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/femlickfingers7.webp"/></center>
After this, you see the guard tucking it back into his pants and whistling as he leaves, while you decide to continue with your work.
[[Stand up and wait to finish the laundry|Final]]
<center><center><img src="img/locations/Your Cell.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you enter the cell like a bat out of hell, Sasha hands you $10. Confidently, he congratulates you for being so quick and reliable, although the latter he says with a smirk, as if he knows all your actions—or perhaps he's bluffing. But that doesn't matter; you're $10 richer in exchange for being a "errand boy."
<img src="img/actions/pay.gif"/>
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $ShashaMoney += 10>>
<<set $Money += 10>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
Your money: <<print $Money>>
Your Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Your Fame: <<print $Fame>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
You pause at the suggestion of the shaved man... hesitantly, you reply, <div class="gold">"I don't know..."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/ShavedWM.jpg"/></center>
He smiles and says: <div class="crimson">"Up to you... I'll start opening the bag..."</div>
Then you...
[[See contents|SeeContent]]
[[Return to the cell|FinalChore2]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you approach...
<center><img src="img/sex/Random3/pois.gif"/></center>
The only thing you start to see and feel is yourself on your knees, giving a blowjob to the shaved man. He says, <div class="crimson">"Relax, slut. I won't tell Sasha about this little job, and a few more... that I'll be asking you for, hahaha... idiot."</div>
<<if $Feminity <= 30>>
<center><img src="img/sex/MorningChores/BackYard/MasculineBlow.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/MorningChores/BackYard/FemenineBlow.webp"/></center>
You continue giving him a blowjob diligently, as if something has possessed you.
<<if $Feminity <= 30>>
<center><img src="img/sex/MorningChores/BackYard/MasculineBlow2.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/MorningChores/BackYard/FemenineBlow2.webp"/></center>
Until he finally starts releasing all his cum into your mouth.
<<if $Feminity <= 30>>
<center><img src="img/sex/MorningChores/BackYard/MasculineBlow3.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/MorningChores/BackYard/FemenineBlow3.webp"/></center>
Finally, when you fully regain your senses, you head back to your cell, feeling a strong taste of cheese at the back of your throat.
[[Return to the cell|FinalChore2]]
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/GardenPrison.jpg"/></center>
Ignoring the "help" of the guard, you get down on all fours in various positions, using everything at your disposal to finish your task as quickly as possible.
<<if $Feminity <= 30>>
<center><img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Garden/masculineremove.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Garden/femenineremove.gif"/></center>
When you finish, you leave the area under the watchful eyes of the other guards who nod respectfully, acknowledging that you've been competent. You return to your cell where Sasha awaits.
[[Return to the cell.|SashapayChore3]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/GardenPrison.jpg"/></center>
You ask the guard for the tool, wanting to speed up the work, and mention that Sasha sent you.
The guard leads you with a smile behind a tool shed.
<center><img src="img/npc/GardenGuardHappy.webp"/></center>
Once there, he says, "You want a tool, then work with mine first." After these words, he lowers his pants, and knowing you've played along, you get on your knees and start giving him a blowjob.
<<if $Feminity <= 30>>
<center><img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Garden/StartBlowM.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Garden/StartBlowF.webp"/></center>
You continue devouring his cock fiercely, eager to finish quickly so that the other guards don't suspect. This makes the guard think it's enthusiasm, and he tries to hold your head lustfully.
<<if $Feminity <= 30>>
<center><img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Garden/StartBlowM2.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Garden/StartBlowF2.webp"/></center>
After a few moments, with an act of self-masochism, you start choking on his cock to make him cum. It works because the guard starts unloading into your throat.
<<if $Feminity <= 30>>
<center><img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Garden/StartBlowM3.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Garden/StartBlowF3.webp"/></center>
After this steamy blowjob in the great outdoors, the guard throws a hoe at your feet and says, "<div class="crimson">Quick, grab it before everyone knows what a slut you are.</div>"
<center><img src="img/items/jad.jpg"/></center>
You pick it up and go to work...
[[Work in the inner garden|WorkGard]]
<center><center><img src="img/locations/Your Cell.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you enter the cell, exhausted from your strenuous work in the garden, Sasha hands you $10. You can't help but feel that he has managed to avoid exerting himself both physically and psychologically, leaving you with a portion of the work. Additionally, your reputation and fame have been tarnished as it seems you've become Sasha's slave, fulfilling his duties.
<img src="img/actions/pay.gif"/>
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >=-40>>
<<set $Fame -=2>>
<<set $ShashaMoney += 10>>
<<set $Money += 10>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
Your money: <<print $Money>>
Your Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Your Fame: <<print $Fame>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/GardenPrison.jpg"/></center>
You return to work in the garden with the tool the guard gave you. The other guards, seeing you with that tool, already know perfectly well what deeds you've done to get it. Ignoring their looks, you start working.
<<if $Feminity <= 30>>
<center><img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Garden/masculineremove.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Garden/femenineremove.gif"/></center>
When you finish, the guard you performed a favor for happily approaches you and gives you $10 while smiling.
<center><img src="img/npc/GardenGuardHappy.webp"/></center>
<<set $Money += 10>>
The other guards whistle at you as you leave the area on your way back to your cell.
Your money: <<print $Money>>
[[Return to the cell.|SashapayChore3]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/></center>
Sasha, smiling, says: <div class="crimson"> "Haha, alright, little pervert, go clean the showers. But be careful not to end up cleaning other things... because, knowing you..." </div>
<I>You sigh and blush at the same time as you make your way to the showers.</i>
<center><img src="img/locations/The Showers.jpg"/></center>
Once there, you go straight to one of the maintenance closets and start scrubbing the floor tiles and wall tiles, disgustingly rubbing what you're sure are prisoners' cum stains on the tiles.
<center><img src="img/actions/Cleanshow.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you start scrubbing and turn around...
<<if $BlackShow >=1>>
[[You see a black prisoner masturbating..|Roughtimeshow]]
[[It was just your paranoia|FinalChore3]]
<<if $Feminity <= 30>>
Perplexed, you stare at the enormous cock of this prisoner while you are on all fours with the brush in your hand.
<center><img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Shower/blackcock.webp"/></center>
The prisoner starts to smile.
<center><img src="img/npc/BlackShowSmile.jpg"/></center>
At the same time, he says:
<div class="crimson">Mmmh, what a nice ass you have, little white... I think it's time for me to ride it, what do you say... besides, I've heard from other brothers that you love chocolate bars, huh huh.</div>
<i>Looking him up and down, you think to yourself:</i>
<div class="lightpink">Hmm, am I really going to let that piece of meat break my ass...</div>
The prisoner, seeing your hesitation, says more seriously:
<div class="crimson">Well, what's it going to be, little white...</div>
[[You turn around while undressing yourself...|FuckedBlackShr]]
Perplexed, you stare at the enormous cock of this prisoner. When he notices how your mouth waters looking at his cock, he leans back so you can see how his cock visually grows larger before your eyes.
<center><img src="img/npc/BlackShow.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Shower/blackcock.webp"/></center>
The prisoner starts talking to you:
<div class="crimson">Mmh, would you like to clean my cock as well as my brothers, Snow White... come on, don't be silly... and give some love with those slutty lips of yours...</div>
<i>You're not sure if it's the rough comments or his dominance, but you feel an electric shock running from the soles of your feet to your buttocks. At the same time, you arch your back, indirectly moving closer to his cock.</i>
<div class="lightpink">Hmm, am I really going to suck this black alpha male's cock??</div>
The prisoner, seeing how you approach indirectly, smiles and tells you:
<div class="crimson">Come on, sweetheart, enjoy a good chocolate bar with cream... you won't regret it.</div>
[[You start licking him...|BlowBlackShr]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Showers.jpg"/></center>
You only hear the sound of your hand rubbing the brush on the floor. You try to make everything shine as quickly as possible. When you finish, you notice that a strange smell of bleach and sex has lingered on your prisoner outfit. This becomes evident as you return to your cell, and some prisoners laugh, knowing that you've been cleaning their residues from the showers. You realize that this will affect the respect they have for you and your reputation, especially since someone calls you:<div class="crimson"> "Cum guzzler"</div>
Upon entering the cell, Sasha, laughing, hands you $10, saying:<div class="crimson"> "You better shower well today... you smell like a dirty bitch, haha."</div>
<img src="img/actions/pay.gif"/>
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $ShashaMoney += 10>>
<<set $Money += 10>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
Your money: <<print $Money>>
Your Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Your Fame: <<print $Fame>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]<center>
Looking around and seeing that you're alone, you undress and turn around, swaying your hips as you gaze at the black prisoner.
<center><img src="img/actions/bendoverforsasha.webp"/></center>
Far from being intimidated, the black prisoner smiles.
<center><img src="img/npc/BlackShowSmile.jpg"/></center>
He says <div class="crimson">"I knew you were another white bitch looking for a good black man. I'm going to fuck you so hard in the ass that you'll come to us begging to be fucked and do everything to you."</div>
<i>His words echo in your head as if a candid iron marked you. Suddenly, these thoughts are interrupted as you feel your ass split in two by his enormous virility.</i>
<center><img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Shower/FukedBlk2.webp"/></center>
<i>With each thrust and withdrawal, you feel your ass burning simultaneously, experiencing slight voids. You start moaning in both pain and pleasure.</i> <div class="lightpink">"Oh my God.... ah... ah...."</div>
The black prisoner macabrely tells you <div class="crimson">"I'm not your god yet, white boy, but when I'm done with you, you'll treat me and my brothers like gods. I'm just taming you like the bitch you are."</div>
<i>You continue enduring the assault of this rough black prisoner while trying to control your moans. Seeing how you try to withstand his assault, he starts thrusting harder and deeper.</i>
<center><img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Shower/FukedBlk.webp"/></center>
You begin to half reproach <div class="lightpink">"Ah..Ah... Please... no more"</div> Your pleas only accelerate the thrusts of this man while he sadistically continues, <div class="crimson">"At this rate, everyone will hear how much of a bitch you are if you keep screaming like that ahhh... take it, slut."</div> With this last phrase, the prisoner gives you a few final thrusts while beginning to unload inside you. You feel a super-dense liquid penetrating your insides as he withdraws his cock from your ass as if it were a firefighter's hose.
<center><img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Shower/FukedBlk3.webp"/></center>
<i>Giving you some good sonorous spanks, he says,</i> <div class="crimson">"This will teach you not to be such a provocative bitch... although I think, kid, that you loved it um... you'll come back for more."</div> Saying this last thing, he leaves the place as you start putting on your clothes, feeling this man's cum invading your underwear, making you tremble. You finish your task while feeling this warm milk inside you and exit from this job.
[[Return to the cell.|FinalChore3.2]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/The Showers.jpg"/></center>
You take your eyes off that big piece of black meat as you lower your head and continue finishing your work with the tiles. You see how this prisoner tucks it back into his pants, blowing you a kiss, he says: <div class="crimson">"Maybe another time, sweetheart... hehe..."</div> <i>You feel your cheeks burning as you finish your work.</i>
You get up from the place and rush back to your cell, not without perceiving a scent of bleach and sex on yourself. Others prisoners notice where you've been working, and you know perfectly well that this will affect your fame and respect. At the same time, one of them, to confirm this thought, calls you <div class="crimson">"Cleaning lady"</div> While another calls you <div class="crimson">"Cum guzzler"</div>
Upon entering the cell, Sasha, laughing, hands you $10, saying: <div class="crimson">"You better shower well today... you smell like a dirty bitch, haha."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/pay.gif"/></center>
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $ShashaMoney += 10>>
<<set $Money += 10>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
Your money: <<print $Money>>
Your Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Your Fame: <<print $Fame>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]<center>
You look around... and timidly start licking the shaft of his cock as if it were a giant lollipop. This causes the black prisoner to laugh lasciviously while looking down at you with an aura of superiority.
<center><img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Shower/1.webp"/></center>
Now you change and continue giving licks, but this time on the enormous head of his cock, while giggling foolishly and looking at him.
<center><img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Shower/2.webp"/></center>
Once both the shaft and the tip are thoroughly covered in your saliva, you start moving up and down his cock, including his balls, savoring his taste while the prisoner tells you: <div class="crimson">"That's it, baby... enjoy it as much as I'm enjoying your little mouth..."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Shower/3.webp"/></center>
As soon as you run his cock a few more times, your lover starts to tense up and releases his cum all over you while you continue sucking and devouring every last drop.
<center><img src="img/sex/MorningChores/Shower/4.webp"/></center>
After licking your fingers and swallowing a good amount of cream, the prisoner smiles and says: <div class="crimson">"Damn, baby... my brothers were right about you... you should join the brotherhood, you'd have all the chocolate bars you want... hehe... well, I hope you'll suck it again soon..."</div> Saying this, your black stud withdraws, and you regain your composure as you leave the place with a firm step towards your cell.
[[Return to your Cell|FinalChore.3.3]]
As you walk back to your cell, you do so in a somewhat comical yet assertive manner, noticing how your lover's cum trickles down one of your pant legs. A mix of the scent of sex and bleach follows you along the way, while some of the cheeky inmates mockingly exclaim: <div class="crimson">"Oh no, dear God, ah ah uhhhhhh!!"</div> laughing and pointing at you. Another begins to pelvic thrust as if simulating sex, smacking the air and saying: <div class="crimson">"Take that, little white slut, haha."</div>
You reach your cell as quickly as possible, and there...
<center><img src="img/locations/Your Cell.jpg"/></center>
Sasha bursts into laughter, tossing the $10 to the floor, and says: <div class="crimson">"You sure do love taking loads, huh? Haha."</div> You pick up the $10 from the floor and sit down on your cell bed.
<img src="img/actions/pay.gif"/>
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $ShashaMoney += 10>>
<<set $Money += 10>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
Your money: <<print $Money>>
Your Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Your Fame: <<print $Fame>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/></center>
Sasha, smiling, says: <div class="crimson"> "Do you want to earn a few bucks more? You can go clean the cells of the inmates in one of the adjacent wings, but you know, I take half..." </div> <i>You furrow your brow as you roll your eyes, thinking about him taking his cut without doing anything.</i> Sasha immediately adds: <div class="crimson"> "Come on, don't make that face. I'm giving my boy some work, ohhh come on... who knows, you might even clean a few more cocks. You have a reputation for that, don't you?" </div> <i>Your cheeks start to burn, knowing that he's not wrong. Inside, you think, I don't know what's worse, having a reputation for being a cocksucker or feeling like everyone is using me.</i> Sasha continues: <div class="crimson"> "Well, what are you going to do?" </div>
[[Janitor Job|WorkJntr]]
[[Think it over|Your Cell]]
Reluctantly, you accept the job. As soon as you leave the cell, one of the guards hands you an ID and escorts you to the other wing. In a small maintenance room, you grab a cart with basic cleaning supplies and start moving down the hallway to clean at least a couple of cells.
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/Quest/CorridorCells.jpg"/></center>
You hope your work goes smoothly, although deep down, something unsettles you.
<<set _randomcell = random(1,3)>>
<<if _randomcell == 1 >> <!-- First Event -->
[[You go to a cell emitting an unusual smell.|Cell1]]
<<elseif _randomcell == 2>> <!-- Second Event -->
[[You go to the last cell in the hallway.|Cell4]]
<<elseif _randomcell == 3>> <!-- Third Event -->
[[You go to one of the intermediate cells.|Cell3]]
[[You avoid entering any cell, just cleaning the hallway.|Workcorridornormal]]
<<if $Feminity <= 30>>
You enter automatically without paying attention and start cleaning the floor like a whirlwind. It's only when you lift your gaze that you notice a burly prisoner masturbating. Even though you've interrupted him, he doesn't seem inclined to stop.
<img src="img/sex/CellCustodian/111.webp"/>
Far from stopping, he stands up and continues pleasuring himself while you clean the cell.
<img src="img/sex/CellCustodian/222.webp"/>
Almost finishing mopping the floor, he starts ejaculating, soaking the front of your uniform and part of the floor.
<img src="img/sex/CellCustodian/333.webp"/>
The prisoner starts laughing and says, <div class="crimson"> "That's what you get for entering without warning, chick. Haha."</div>
Feeling annoyed, you finish cleaning the floor and wipe the chest part of your uniform as best as you can. You leave the cell, irritated, thinking to yourself, <i> "Am I upset because he ejaculated on me or because he didn't ask for a hand?" </i>
As you exit, you realize that time has passed, and you return to your cell.
[[Return to the cell|Finalcell1]]
You enter the cell, which emits a musty smell, and start cleaning the tiles. When you stand in the middle of the cell, you turn around and see the prisoner on the upper bunk masturbating while looking at you...
<img src="img/sex/CellCustodian/111.webp"/>
Far from stopping, he starts saying: <div class="crimson"> "Damn, they sent a hot slut to clean this shit... move your hand faster, bitch... that way, you'll finish sooner, and so will I."</div>
You try to mop quickly, unintentionally passing in front of him more often, perhaps drawn to his enormous cock. Seeing this, the prisoner starts masturbating even harder for you, while asking you to <div class="crimson"> "For God's sake, you piece of shit, stick out your tongue for me... tease me a little, come on... don't be mean."</div>
<img src="img/sex/CellCustodian/222.webp"/>
As you see him relentlessly rubbing his cock for you, you start licking your lips for him...
<img src="img/sex/CellCustodian/444.webp"/>
Hotter than ever, the prisoner grabs your head and pulls you toward him. You clench your teeth as he ejaculates on your face...
<img src="img/sex/CellCustodian/555.webp"/>
When you pull away with your face covered in cum, you reproach him: <div class="lightpink">"But what are you doing!"</div> The prisoner, with a smile, replies: <div class="crimson"> "Now don't act all dignified; you like a dick more than licking ice cream. I just gave you what you wanted... ummm, I think you now smell like me. You're a piece of a bitch, hahaha."</div> Indignant, you leave the cell, wiping the cum off your face, and realize that time has passed, so you head back to your cell.
[[Return to the cell|Finalcell1]]
As soon as you enter the cell, you see a prisoner sipping coffee from a mug. Looking at you suggestively, he says: <div class="crimson">"You know what I miss, man... when my wife used to give me a little blowjob while I had my coffee... what do you say... 10 bucks, and you go down to suck it?"</div> <i>You raise an eyebrow, as if to say, "What the heck is going on in this prison? Is everyone here horny or something?... I'm seriously considering giving him a blowjob?</i>
Seeing your hesitation, the prisoner continues: <div class="crimson">"Come on, man, you're from the other wing, no one will find out... you're just doing a favor for a buddy, and you get some cash on top of it."</div>
[[Get on your knees...|Blowcoffe]]
[[No, I think I'll pass... sorry.|Workcell]]
<<if $Feminity <= 30>>
You enter one of the middle cells, where you start cleaning without saying a word. The prisoner there, for some damn reason, starts undressing. You remain motionless, looking at him, and say: <div class="gold">"What are you doing?"</div> The smiling prisoner says,<div class="crimson"> "How about... we jerk off together, rubbing against each other? Come on, no one will find out, and if you want, I'll pay you $10. What do you think of the idea?"</div>
<i>Inside your mind, you think... $10 for jerking off together? I think it's the first time they're not only thinking about their own pleasure... I don't know what to do.</i>
The prisoner continues: <div class="crimson">"Well, what do you say?"</div>
[[No..I think I'll pass.. sorry.|Workcell]]
As you enter the cell, you start cleaning without saying a word. The prisoner there is stunned by your feminine appearance and bluntly says:
<div class="crimson"> "What's up, babe... would you like to give me a handjob for 10 bucks? You know... jerk me off while looking at me lustfully..."</div>
<i>In your mind, you think 10 bucks for just a handjob... with everything I’ve been through, ummm maybe...</i>
The prisoner half-scolds you:
<div class="crimson"> "Come on, babe... get with it..."</div>
[[No..I think I'll pass.. sorry.|Workcell]]
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/Quest/CorridorCells.jpg"/></center>
You mop the floor as quickly as possible, ignoring the cells but giving your best in the corridor. Surprisingly, this effort doesn't affect your reputation or respect in this place. You notice appreciative glances from other guards you've never seen before.
Once finished, you return the cleaning supplies to their place and head back to your cell, where Sasha hands you $10 without commenting on anything suspicious.
<center><img src="img/actions/pay.gif"/></center>
<<set $ShashaMoney += 10>>
<<set $Money += 10>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
Your money: <<print $Money>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
Before returning to your cell, you leave the cleaning supplies in the closet. Not without a few prisoners noticing that you carry the scent of that cell—some chuckle, knowing that something may have "splashed" on you. You don't give it much importance since they aren't prisoners from your wing. You quickly return to your cell, where Sasha gives you $10 and smiles mischievously while paying you.
<img src="img/actions/pay.gif"/>
<<set $ShashaMoney += 10>>
<<set $Money += 10>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
Your money: <<print $Money>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
You accept the proposition and start approaching him. Far from being intimidated, he imperially says: <div class="crimson">"Hey, where do you think you're going? First, undress and lie down on the bed, face up, hehe."</div> You obediently undress and lie down on the bed, facing up, as a thought crosses your mind: <i>Am I doing this for the money, or for pleasure?</i> As soon as this thought crosses your mind, you see the prisoner getting on top of you and rubbing his cock against yours.
<img src="img/sex/CellCustodian/11.webp"/>
You can't believe it, even yourself. With so much friction, you get an erection, and internally, you think: <i>It's been so long since I had a proper wank; it must be taking its toll.</i> You start jerking off both your cocks in a coordinated manner until you both climax together.
<img src="img/sex/CellCustodian/22.webp"/>
With a smile, the prisoner jumps off the bed, throws $10 at you, and says: <div class="crimson">"I knew you'd love it... well, you know... if you want to repeat... I'd be delighted to have you back."</div> With a mischievous tone, he winks at you as you pick up the extra $10 and smile timidly. As soon as you bid him farewell, you realize that your time in this wing is up, and you return to your cell.
[[Return to your cell|FinalCell2]]
You ignore his request and return to the corridor, giving it your best.
[[Work in the corridor.|Workcorridornormal]]
Before returning to the cell, you leave the cleaning supplies in that small room. You walk away with a mischievous smile, as if you had just robbed the world's largest bank, knowing that you're going to be $20 richer and that, on top of it, you've had a good time.
Upon reaching the cell, Sasha gives you $10 and looks at you strangely, not understanding why you're so happy.
<img src="img/actions/pay.gif"/>
<<set $ShashaMoney += 10>>
<<set $Money += 20>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
Your money: <<print $Money>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
As soon as you agree, the prisoner leans back, and you begin to jerk him off frantically while looking into his eyes like a horny bitch.
<img src="img/sex/CellCustodian/12.webp"/>
The prisoner, seeing you, starts to say: <div class="crimson"> "Oh fuck, yeah, bitch, tell me you want my cum, you piece of whore."</div>
Smiling at him, you say: <div class="lightpink">"Oh yes, give me your milk, bastard, mmmhh."</div>
As soon as you finish the sentence, he holds your head while you stick out your tongue and start swallowing all his essence.
<img src="img/sex/CellCustodian/23.webp"/>
On reflex, you swallow his sperm under the astonished gaze of the prisoner, who, seeing how slutty you are, not only gives you $10 but also an extra $5 as a tip for being such a whore.
After this, teasingly he says: <div class="crimson"> "You know, slut, if you want more dick, you can always come to see me... hehe."</div> You tidy up in his cell and prepare to return to yours.
<<set $Money += 5>>
[[Return to your cell|FinalCell2]]
As soon as you kneel down, you start devouring his cock without any warning.
<<if $Feminity <= 30>>
<img src="img/sex/CellCustodian/1111.webp"/>
<img src="img/sex/CellCustodian/233.webp"/>
The prisoner lets out a grunt of approval as you attentively observe him while occasionally looking outside, worried about making too much noise.
<<if $Feminity <= 30>>
<img src="img/sex/CellCustodian/2222.webp"/>
<img src="img/sex/IsmaelParty/Blow/3.gif"/>
Slowing down the pace of your blowjob a bit, the prisoner finishes his drink in one gulp and starts holding your head, fucking your mouth.
<<if $Feminity <= 30>>
<img src="img/sex/CellCustodian/3333.webp"/>
<img src="img/sex/Variations/work3.webp"/>
After a while, you continue on your own, following the rhythm he set for you, and to finish him off quickly, you use your right hand... causing him to finally climax in your mouth.
<<if $Feminity <= 30>>
<img src="img/sex/CellCustodian/4444.webp"/>
<img src="img/sex/MorningChores/BackYard/FemenineBlow3.webp"/>
The prisoner lets out a loud "Oh, yes..." while closing his eyes in satisfaction. As soon as he opens his eyes, smiling, he says: <div class="crimson">"Almost like my wife... not bad... I'm sure you're getting practice around here, huh?"</div> <i>You blush as you swallow the remnants of his cum.</i> The prisoner continues: <div class="crimson">"Well, I guess your way of passing the time in this place is entertaining, huh... haha... here's the 10 dollars."</div> He hands them to you while licking his lips lasciviously, tucking his cock back into his pants. You regain your composure and leave the place, realizing that time has run out.
[[Return to your cell|FinalCell4]]
You finish your task and return the tools to their room, while upon reaching your cell, you still feel the remnants of cum deep in your throat. Sasha, upon receiving you, gives you $10, making it a total of $20 due to the little job you did in the cell from the other wing.
<img src="img/actions/pay.gif"/>
<<set $ShashaMoney += 10>>
<<set $Money += 20>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
Your money: <<print $Money>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
While walking back to your cell, some inmates make blowjob gestures, and one of them says to another: <div class="crimson">"You know the saying... those who go black won't desire any other color... haha"</div>
You reach your cell as quickly as possible, and there...
<center><img src="img/locations/Your Cell.jpg"/></center>
Sasha bursts into laughter, tossing the $10 to the floor, and says: <div class="crimson">"You sure do love taking loads, huh? Haha."</div> You pick up the $10 from the floor and sit down on your cell bed.
<img src="img/actions/pay.gif"/>
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $ShashaMoney += 10>>
<<set $Money += 10>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
Your money: <<print $Money>>
Your Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Your Fame: <<print $Fame>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<center><center><img src="img/actions/FemPrisoners.gif"/></center>
The group of prisoners with a feminine appearance approach you, swaying seductively, and one of them whispers to you:<div class="crimson">"Shhh, we already know how much you like chocolate bars, hehe, we don't blame you, we like them too, look at them...</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/BlackGuysBackyard.jpg"/></center>
You don't know how to react, and the prisoner continues: <div class="crimson"> "Besides, if you're good to them, they told me they would <b>protect</b> you from other prisoners. So if you want to approach them and see what they propose...</div>
You approach them and...
<<if $Feminity < 30>>
[[You head towards the first black man you see as he touches his package.|FirstBlackEncounter]]
[[You go towards another black prisoner who nods at you while thrusting his hips into the air.|SecondBlackEncounter]]
[[A black prisoner gestures for you to go to the conjugal room.|FourthEncounter]]
[[Two black prisoners point towards the visiting room while licking their lips as they look at you.|ThirdEncounter]]
[[Do not approach|The BackYard]]
[[A black prisoner whistles at you, making blowjob gestures.|FirstBlackEncounter1]]
[[You go towards another black prisoner who nods at you while thrusting his hips into the air.|SecondBlackEncounter2]]
[[You try to approach the two black prisoners who are gesturing to you.|ThirEncounter2]]
[[A black prisoner gestures for you to go to the conjugal room.|FourthEncounter2]]
[[Do not approach|The BackYard]]
<</if>><center><center><img src="img/locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you approach, he says: <div class="crimson"> "That's it, boy... come on, give me a little blowjob and next time someone bothers you, if I'm around, I'll lend you a hand... what do you say?" </div>
<i> You nod your head... discreetly.</i>
Seeing you nod, he takes your hand and, without straying far from his "brothers" and the feminine prisoners, makes you kneel down while you pull down his shorts and start to hold his dick, noticing the black prisoners murmuring among themselves while others fist bump.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/Blow1.webp"/></center>
The prisoner holds his dick and you start to play with it with your lips, occasionally getting slapped on the cheek with his member.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/Blow2.webp"/></center>
You don't know if it's the sense of dominance over you or the situation itself, but you begin to force his dick into your mouth in a desperate attempt to make him cum quickly under the gaze of his comrades.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/Blow2.gif"/></center>
It seems to work because as soon as you start to clench your lips and suck hard, the prisoner asks you to open your mouth, unloading his cream into it while you instinctively swallow his juice without protest.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/Blow3.gif"/></center>
After this, you submissively pull up his shorts and underwear while the other prisoners laugh. Your black lover, smiling and stroking the back of your neck, says pleased: <div class="crimson"> "Alright, my little snowflake... if I ever see you in trouble, I might lend a hand... and you... you'll lend me those lips again, hehe." </div> With a blush on your cheeks, you return to the "girls" in the backyard as if they had not noticed the situation.
<<if $BlackProtection <=5>>
<<set $BlackProtection +=1>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]
<center><center><img src="img/locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you approach, he says: <div class="crimson">"Um yeah... I want to teach that ass of yours a lesson, honey... come to daddy."</div> <i>Sighing, you let him get behind you and feel his dick starting to get erect and rub against your ass</i>. Seeing that you don't resist, the prisoner adds: <div class="crimson">"That's it, boy... come here... I'm going to fuck you good."</div> He takes your hand and, not moving far from the spot, starts to undress you while he does the same. In the blink of an eye, you find yourself leaning against one of the trees, feeling the head of his dick starting to make its way inside you.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/F1.webp"/></center>
With a half scream and murmur from your lips, you let out a: <div class="lightpink">"Uhmmmm"</div> As he thrusts into you in one go and starts fucking you against the tree.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/F2.webp"/></center>
Unable to control the pace of his thrusts, your legs give out to the point where you find yourself on all fours, looking sideways and noticing from the corner of your eye how the other black prisoners semi-masturbate over their pants watching the scene from a distance... while your lover laughs mischievously as he continues fucking you.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/F3.webp"/></center>
You start to let out loud moans as your big black stud accelerates the pace of his thrusts.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/F4.webp"/></center>
With the thrusts, you start looking at your own dick and see yourself involuntarily cumming. In one of these furtive glances, you notice your stud starting to shudder, and as he pulls out from your ass, he starts to paint it with his cream.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/F5.webp"/></center>
Pulling up your pants as best as you can and trying to regain control of your legs, the smiling prisoner says: <div class="crimson">"Um yeah, if I ever see you in trouble, I'll save this little white ass... hehe."</div> Embarrassed and excited, feeling a deep sense of submission, you return to the back part of the yard.
<<if $BlackProtection <=5>>
<<set $BlackProtection +=1>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]
As soon as you approach him, he emphasizes: <div class="crimson">"Relax, white boy, one of the guards lets me use one of the conjugal visit rooms... what do you say... let me give you a good fuck?"</div> Your cheeks turn tomato red. The prisoner, smiling, takes you by the wrist and leads you to one of the conjugal visit rooms.
<center><img src="img/Locations/Conyugal.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you enter, you see him undress and recline on the chair while you also undress, aware of the imminent act that's about to happen. He directly tells you: <div class="crimson">"Lubricate me well... then I'll fuck you."</div>
Half sighing, you lie next to him and start to suck his dick.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/Blowi.webp"/></center>
After some jaw work and growing tired of your passivity, he throws you onto the bed, and you feel his dick rubbing against your backside.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/c1.webp"/></center>
As soon as his dick slips through the crack of your ass, you feel it penetrate you and he starts to fuck you.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/c2.webp"/></center>
He continues fucking you while you feel split in half, and curiously, you feel more pleasure than pain. In one of these thrusts, he completely pulls out.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/c3.webp"/></center>
And then he continues fucking you sideways, surprisingly more gently and tenderly than before, while you feel his body burning hot.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/c4.webp"/></center>
He starts to passionately bite your neck while you feel him filling your cavity, and he lets out a grunt, reclining back.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/c5.gif"/></center>
You stay like that for several minutes, feeling his fluids running down your butt cheeks and his torso's sweat on your sticky back. The prisoner, with a look of complicity, tells you: <div class="crimson">"If I see you in trouble, I'll try to lend you a hand, okay?"</div> You nod as both of you get dressed and return to the backyard.
<<if $BlackProtection <=5>>
<<set $BlackProtection +=1>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]<center>
As soon as you approach the two prisoners, they say to you:<div class="crimson">"So you want to make a sandwich, huh... haha, can't blame you, let's go to the room."</div> <i> Then, one of the prisoners grabs your wrist while the other leads you to the room.</i>
As soon as you're there, you feel a prick in your neck and start to drool. You lose control of your body, and both prisoners start to undress while one of them undresses you and lays you face down... then, this same one proceeds to fuck your ass without any warm-up.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/1.webp"/></center>
Surprisingly, your ass seems relaxed, and all you feel is a sensation of warm, exciting burning. As soon as you seem to regain your senses, this same prisoner puts you on top of him while the other guides your hand to his cock.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/2.webp"/></center>
Once you've warmed up the other's cock well, the one you were riding turns you around while the other begins to penetrate you... both are fucking your ass at the same time, and your surprised face makes the prisoners laugh, saying:<div class="crimson"> "Oh yes, honey, you won't be able to walk properly for a week... who knows, maybe you'll need a wheelchair after this... haha."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/3.webp"/></center>
After this wild ride, your lover below pulls out and, leaning back, orders you to clean his cock while the other continues to fuck you.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/4.webp"/></center>
In a few moments, your lovers seem about to climax and order you to kneel... as soon as you do, they start to unload on your face.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/5.webp"/></center>
You begin to lick the remains while you get dressed along with them, the first one says to you:<div class="crimson"> "Don't worry, if I see you in trouble, I'll try to cover for you."</div> The other adds:<div class="crimson">"Maybe I'll cover him first if I see him... buddy... haha."</div><i> You're not entirely sure what they mean by covering for you, but... you feel like you've earned their favor.</i> The three of you withdraw back to the backyard.
<<if $BlackProtection <=5>>
<<set $BlackProtection +=1>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]
<center><center><img src="img/locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you approach, you see him licking his lips lustfully and starting to pull it out of his pants right there. Without caring about your surroundings, you get on your knees and start sucking it.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/Suck1.webp"/></center>
The other black prisoners start making comments like: <div class="crimson">"This whore sure is hungry, haha"</div> <i>You either ignore them or actually enjoy their comments, further igniting your behavior as the slut you truly are deep down</i>. You start to let out soft moans: <div class="lightpink">"Mmhh delicious"</div> while sucking the side of his huge black cock and giving it kisses.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/Suck2.webp"/></center>
This level of sluttiness makes your lover forcefully shove it into your mouth and start fucking your mouth savagely.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/Suck3.webp"/></center>
After a few moments, he releases your head, and you use your hand to make him unload in your mouth while some of it falls to the ground.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/Suck4.webp"/></center>
When you finally finish swallowing his remains, the other prisoners and he tell you: <div class="crimson">"Alright, bitch, you can count on our support as long as you bring those sweet lips. Haha"</div>. You stand up, clearing your throat and continue swallowing under the watchful eyes of the other prisoners in the area.
<<if $BlackProtection <=5>>
<<set $BlackProtection +=1>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]<center>
As you approach, the black man says to you: <div class="crimson">"Wow, you're turning into quite a hot bitch... let's go to the room, honey, I want to get a close look at that ass."</div>
Grabbing your wrist, he leads you to one of the conjugal rooms.
<center><img src="img/Locations/Conyugal.jpg"/></center>
Once inside, you watch as he undresses, sits on a chair, and begins to masturbate, ordering you to turn around and undress for him seductively.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/C11.webp"/></center>
As soon as you finish shaking your butt... this prisoner gets up and fiercely throws you on the bed, positioning you and starting to fuck you brutally.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/C22.webp"/></center>
He's fucking you so hard that he starts to lose control and falls sideways, but without letting his cock slip out of you... and continues to fuck you while you moan and start to masturbate frantically.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/C33.webp"/></center>
Just when you feel he's about to cum, instead of filling your cavity with his creamy milk, he puts you on your knees and you open your mouth as if you hadn't had a drink in weeks... he starts to feed you his milk.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/C44.webp"/></center>
You begin to swallow everything he throws into your mouth... while he happily tells you: <div class="crimson">"That's my little whore... don't worry, I'll cover for you whenever I can... you're so sexy"</div> After playing a bit more with his cock and licking your lips... both of you get dressed and head back to the backyard.
<<if $BlackProtection <=5>>
<<set $BlackProtection +=1>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]<center><center><img src="img/locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
As you approach him, you see he's starting to pull out his cock right there and you, half-smiling, turn around seductively and begin to lower your pants and partially undress. As soon as you are naked, you feel him start to penetrate you.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/F1.webp"/></center>
Whether it's due to recent changes in your body or not, the black prisoner becomes so wild that he starts to lift you and fuck you mid-air, growling like a wild animal.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/F22.webp"/></center>
The other black prisoners begin to laugh, with one saying: <div class="crimson">"That's right, tame that bitch"</div> another replies: <div class="crimson">"This whore is gonna end up being our personal cock cleaner, keep it up, brother!!"</div> The constant pounding leads the prisoner to put you on all fours and continue fucking you right there under the watchful eyes of his brothers.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/F33.webp"/></center>
After a few moments with a light "plop," you feel him pull out of your ass and paint it with his creamy load.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/F5.webp"/></center>
As you try to regain your composure after this act and start to get dressed, the other prisoners, along with your lover, tell you: <div class="crimson">"Alright, white bitch... we'll always have your back... haha, whenever we can, eh eh.."</div> Finally, you regain your composure as you return to full awareness of your surroundings.
<<if $BlackProtection <=5>>
<<set $BlackProtection +=1>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]<center>
As soon as you get close to them, you think you're going to have some fun with these two studs, but instead they tell you: <div class="crimson"> "Hey Princess... we'd both like to give you what you want, but... a nerdy brother of ours wants to have his intimate moment with you. Will you be sweet for him?"</div> Without a word, they take you and put you inside one of the conjugal visit rooms, where a huge black nerd is waiting for you. The first thing he does is put you on top of him and start kissing you, which brings a smile to your face between kisses.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/S1.gif"/></center>
As soon as you finish kissing, he kindly asks you to suck him off. Captivated by his tenderness, you start giving him a blowjob.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/S2.gif"/></center>
You try to slather his shaft from top to bottom, forcing your throat.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/S3.gif"/></center>
This makes your lover heat up and he not so sweetly orders you to get on all fours. Despite his rough treatment, you obey.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/S4.gif"/></center>
After fucking you for a while, he starts spanking you occasionally.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/S5.gif"/></center>
Until he finally turns you over and with a few more thrusts starts to unload inside you, while indirectly kissing you again as if you were his girlfriend.
<center><img src="img/sex/BBackyard/S6.gif"/></center>
After this encounter, you see the Black Nerd get dressed and leave the room, leaving you immersed in contradictory thoughts. As you finish getting dressed, the other two black prisoners enter the room and tell you: <div class="crimson">"Well girl, he left delighted... count on us if we see you in trouble hehe."</div> Saying this, you leave the room with them and return to the backyard.
<<if $BlackProtection <=5>>
<<set $BlackProtection +=1>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]
As you look through the bars while Sasha starts to get impatient and slowly approaches you, you see a black inmate and, murmuring while raising your voice a bit, you exclaim: <div class="gold"> "Oh my God, why does nobody help me in this place!!! </div> Sasha looks at you.
<center><img src="img/npc/Sasha.jpg"/></center>
At the same time, a black inmate enters looking at you, licking his lips, and says:<div class="crimson">"Let's see what the hell is going on here</div> When he looks to the side and sees Sasha, his tone changes abruptly:<div class="crimson">"Wooow, hey brother, how's it going? What's up? .. everything good here?</div> Sasha replies: <div class="crimson"> Good brother, my little bitch was about to pay me, you know.. for the cell hospitality but.. since you're here, how about it? .. 20 bucks and you get a blowjob... what do you say...</div>
The inmate, smiling, gives Sasha 20$ and you, wide-eyed, just half sigh <i> What the hell?</i> Sasha says:<div class="crimson"> what are you waiting for, boy... clean my buddy's dick.</div> You kneel down as that black cock begins to approach your face..
<center><img src="img/actions/blackinmate1.gif"/></center>
You start sucking the cock under Sasha's watchful eye.
<<if $Feminity < 30>>
<img src="img/actions/enjoythebar1.webp"/>
<img src="img/sex/TherapyBlacked/Interracialsexphotos7.webp"/>
After a few moments, you feel him unload on your tongue.
<img src="img/actions/cummouthblack.jpg"/>
Sasha, smiling and 20$ richer, says to the black inmate:<div class="crimson">"Hope you enjoyed my whore's hospitality haha come back anytime."</div> The black inmate, far from feeling bad, smiles, pulls up his pants, and leaves. At the same time, Sasha turns his gaze towards you and says: <div class="crimson"> "That's what you get for being a presumptuous bitch.. you'll learn.. I hope you enjoyed the breakfast... .. and look if I'm such a good guy... you've already paid the rent.. just imagine how crazy you're going to drive the blacks by doing these things... right?</div> Finally, he slaps you as he leaves the cell... While you feel humiliated and aroused at the same time.
<<if $ShashaPride < 10>>
<<set $ShashaPride += 1>>
<<set $ShashaMoney += 20>>
<<set $BlackProtection -=1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Time increments by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center>
As soon as you see Sasha approaching you... you start crying in a corner, knowing your inevitable fate... when suddenly you see a huge black man entering the cell. Sasha, looking at him,
<center><img src="img/npc/Sasha.jpg"/></center>
says: <div class="crimson">"What the hell are you doing here? ... Want to fuck my bitch? 50 bucks and she's yours but treat her with love... I'm not moving from here, huh</div>
The prisoner, hesitant upon seeing your cellmate is Sasha, gives him 50 dollars and starts to lower his pants while Sasha throws you face up on the bed and rips off your pants, lifting your legs and spanking you. The black prisoner savagely jumps onto the bunk and begins to fuck you.
<<if $Feminity < 30>>
<img src="img/sex/Assblaked.webp"/>
<img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/5/7.gif"/>
It's a quick fuck under Sasha's watchful eye, you just look to the sides while this black male continues to fuck you, occasionally trying to choke you by the neck as Sasha laughs. After several minutes, you notice him shudder... and...
<img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/5/9.gif"/>
You're left gasping on the bed as this male leaves the cell and Sasha is 50 bucks richer, while he tells you: <div class="crimson">"That's what you get for being a crybaby bitch, that'll teach you to pay me properly... don't worry honey, your rent's paid... see, I'm good to you... anyway, goodbye, I've got things to do."</div>
Sasha leaves the cell while you're left with your pants around your ankles and your feet anchored at the bottom part of the upper bunk's mattress, feeling the fluid of that black male run through your insides, feeling used like a rag... You try to regain your composure and continue with your day.
<<if $ShashaPride < 10>>
<<set $ShashaPride += 1>>
<<set $ShashaMoney += 50>>
<<set $BlackProtection -=1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Time increments by 1 unit -->
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center>
As soon as you see Sasha approaching, you start to loudly lament and cry for help. This causes Sasha to make strange faces while a black inmate enters the cell and asks what the hell is happening. This gives you a window of time to run out of the cell... freeing yourself from payment but at the same time feeling Sasha's eyes piercing the back of your neck...
<center><img src="img/actions/runa.gif"/></center>
<<if $ShashaPride < 10>>
<<set $ShashaPride += 1>>
<<set $BlackProtection -=1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Time increments by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center><center>
<img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/>
As you are held captive, you see a black prisoner watching from afar, licking his lips as he approaches you while the bald man says to you: <div class="crimson">"What the hell are you laughing at, pig? Oh, I see, so you finally like being treated as what you are, right, whore?" </div>Suddenly, you see the black prisoner push the bald man, who is thrown a considerable distance away. The bald man retorts:<div class="crimson"> "What are you doing, black? I was about to teach this faggot a lesson." </div>The black man replies:<div class="crimson"> "First, if anyone's going to teach a lesson here, it's me. Second, I doubt you can give pleasure with that tiny white dick of yours, and third, step aside before my brothers from this block beat you up."</div> You see the surprise on the bald man's face, and with a defiant look, he makes a dismissing gesture with his hands while saying: <div class="crimson">"You know what... enjoy the whore, don't push it too far." </div>and pointing at you, he adds:<div class="crimson"> "And you, bitch... we'll meet again... I'll remember this."</div>
<<if $BaldRage <= 5>>
<<set $BaldRage += 1>>
The bald man disappears from the scene, while your savior, rubbing his package, says to you: "Alright, whitey, I've saved you... how about you pay back the favor with that mouth of yours... oh... well, he mentioned you have some cash... how about you give me 20 bucks? Or... well, you know... I'm not going to force you into anything you don't want to... but, you know... favor done, you know?"
Inside, you think, um... if I give him a blowjob... or pay him 20$ will I still have his favor... umm... if not.. well, I'll have to go back to the backyard... to earn his approval again... umm what do I do?
[[You kneel down|BlowProtector]]
[[Pay him 20$|PayProtector]]
[[Favor settled|FavorPayed]]</center><center>
<img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/>
When you try to scream for help, the bald man covers your mouth with his other hand while shushing you with an <i>SSshhhhh</i>, pinning you against the wall... You feel him trying to pull down your pants and realize that half of your butt is exposed when suddenly you hear a deep voice saying: <div class="crimson">"Hey Baldy, stop harassing the kid"</div>. As the bald man releases his grip, a black inmate pushes him away with a shove. The bald man, giving you a malicious look as he backs off, says: <div class="crimson">"We'll see each other again, whore..."</div>
<<if $BaldRage <= 5>>
<<set $BaldRage += 1>>
The black inmate positions himself behind you as you try to pull up your pants and, with a deep voice, says: <div class="crimson">"Not so fast, honey... How about I give you a screw... without anyone finding out... or you pay me 20 bucks, or well... maybe next time I won't be around..."</div>
<i>Inside, you think... do I let this guy fuck me?.. pay him... or.. favor settled?</i>
[[Bend over for him|FuckedProtector]]
[[Pay him|PayProtector]]
[[Favor settled|FavorPayed]]</center>
<img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/>
You start to half-shout as the bald man is turning you around and pushing you against the wall when you feel another inmate sending the bald man flying across the corridor. Annoyed, he says: <div class="crimson">"we'll see each other again... slut... I'm out of here."</div>
Just as you're about to regain your composure and adjust your clothing, this Black inmate tells you: <div class="crimson">"Damn girl, you got a fine ass... how about I eat it a bit and give you a good fuck right here and now... come on... or else, give me 20 bucks, though I'd prefer that ass... damn... don't tell me you don't want me to keep saving that ass for you?"</div>
<i><div class="lightpink">Mmmh.. well.. I wouldn't mind getting fucked... maybe... or.. well, for 20 bucks compared to what I was about to lose... I don't know... otherwise, I'll have to go begging for favors in the back yard mmh...</div></i>
[[Put your ass in position|FuckedProtector1]]
[[Pay him|PayProtector]]
[[Favor settled|FavorPayed]]
<img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/>
While the bald man holds you down, you start to lick your lips seductively, looking at him while out of the corner of your eye you see a huge black man approaching. In a split second, you see this black hunk push the bald man away with a shove. The bald man exclaims: <div class="crimson">"What the hell... oh... fine... we'll see each other again... bitch."</div> He leaves aggressively, grumbling to himself in frustration at the black man's imposing presence.
<<if $BaldRage <= 5>>
<<set $BaldRage += 1>>
The black inmate, smiling, says to you: <div class="crimson">"Hello, gorgeous... I saw how you were licking your lips... mmm, you're a real beauty. You're just asking to be stripped naked and covered in coconut milk... speaking of milk... fancy milking me? Or... do you have something loose? Like 20 bucks... damn... don't tell me, honey, you don't want me to come save you."</div> As he says this, you see him put on a sad face while still smiling.
<i><div class="lightpink">Hmm, what to do... he seems to have a nice bulge... hehe... or I could give him some of my money... or maybe... um... but then I'd have to go to the back yard to do more favors.</div></i>
[[Coconut milk..|BlowProtector1]]
[[Pay him $20|PayProtector]]
[[Favor settled|FavorPayed]]
As soon as you see them approaching, they suddenly stop in their tracks, and one of them nudges the other and signals for them to back off... You smirk mischievously, thinking it's because you've had the courage to stand your ground when... you feel a firm hand on your shoulder, and as you turn around, you see one of the black inmates from the backyard. He smiles at you and says:<div class="crimson"> "Hey kiddo...hmm, did you think it was about you... with those pretty lips of yours... you don't scare anyone... in fact, I'd say you attract them more... haha."</div> You feel your cheeks flush as this man continues:<div class="crimson">"How about you give me a little suck and let me ride that ass for a while, or you pay me $40, or debt settled and we'll see next time if you're as lucky... and if someone happens to pass by?"</div>
<<if $VitoMinionsRage <= 5>>
<<set $VitoMinionsRage += 1>>
<<if $Money >= 40>>
[[Pay him|PayHimProtection]]<</if>>
[[Kneel down... and do whatever he wants,|Payfull]]
[[Debt settled.|FavourDone]]
<img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/>
Just when you think all is lost, a black man appears who starts running towards Vito's minions. Intimidated by this man's initiative, they run off to the yard while he, turning around with a smile, says to you: <div class="crimson">"Come on, come on, come on, baby.. I want that ass"</div> You think to yourself, is this guy on drugs? The black man continues <div class="crimson">"That or 40 bucks. It's not that you don't turn me on, baby... but your ass or 40 bucks or we settle the debt and we'll see if those bastards don't fuck you like I plan to... come on, baby.. come on, come on.. ummm or you'll have to come begging in the backyard hehe"</div>
<<if $VitoMinionsRage <= 5>>
<<set $VitoMinionsRage += 1>>
<<if $Money >= 40>>
[[Pay him|PayHimProtection]]<</if>>
[[Present your ass.|Payfull2]]
[[Debt settled.|FavourDone]]
<img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/>
You see two black inmates approaching you as they start to grab their cocks... the size of these men makes Vito's minions back off as if going elsewhere. You start to smile as these two men come closer and tell you:<div class="crimson">"Hey babe, how about rewarding these two brothers... with that ass and those lips... for having saved you from those terrible bad men.. or well... if not, pay us $80, will you? ... though it would really piss us off not to enjoy your hospitality... though we know you'll come to the backyard sooner or later... but not sure if it'll be for some dick or to have us save that white ass of yours.. hehe what's it gonna be?"</div>
<<if $VitoMinionsRage <= 5>>
<<set $VitoMinionsRage += 1>>
<<if $Money >= 80>>
[[Pay him|PayHimProtection2]]<</if>>
[[Present your ass.|PayfullF]]
[[Debt settled.|FavourDone2]]
<img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/>
As soon as you see them approaching, they suddenly stop in their tracks, and one of them nudges the other and signals for them to back off... You smirk mischievously, thinking it's because you've had the courage to stand your ground when... you feel a firm hand on your shoulder, and as you turn around, you see one of the black inmates from the backyard. He smiles at you and says:<div class="crimson"> "Hey kiddo...hmm, did you think it was about you... with those pretty lips of yours... you don't scare anyone... in fact, I'd say you attract them more... haha."</div> You feel your cheeks flush as this man continues:<div class="crimson">"How about you give me a little suck and let me ride that ass for a while, or you pay me $40, or debt settled and we'll see next time if you're as lucky... and if someone happens to pass by?"</div>
<<if $VitoMinionsRage <= 5>>
<<set $VitoMinionsRage += 1>>
<<if $Money >= 40>>
[[Pay him|PayHimProtection]]<</if>>
[[Kneel down... and do whatever he wants,|Payfull3]]
[[Debt settled.|FavourDone]]
Uncertainly, you look around while catching a glimpse of the black inmate starting to smile, knowing what you're about to do. So, in a blink of an eye, you kneel down, pull down his underwear, and start eagerly sucking his cock while occasionally looking around and locking eyes with him.
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/BaldM/1/1.webp"/>
You're polishing his dick so passionately that, surprisingly to you, you notice your black savior starting to tremble, and leaning your head back, he starts to fill your face and mouth with his cum.
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/BaldM/1/2.webp"/>
As you continue to clean off the remains while cleaning yourself up, he smiles at you and says: <div class="crimson">"Don't worry, kiddo, I won't let anything happen to you... as long as you treat me like this... umm hehe."</div> He finishes pulling up his pants as you stand up... he walks away while you survey the area, confident that no one has witnessed this steamy scene. Inside, you think... well, at least I haven't lost his favor.
[[You find yourself in the cell corridor|The Cells]]</center>
You take out $20 from your pockets and give it to him. The black inmate says: <div class="crimson">"Well, I'm $20 richer. I'll keep covering for you as long as you pay me... this stays between us, not a word to another brother, eh!"</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/pay.gif"/></center>
<i>Inside, you think: great... now I'm also funding other inmates.</i>
<<set $BlackInmateAmoney += 20>>
<<set $Money -=20>>
[[You find yourself in the cell corridor|The Cells]]</center><center>
<img src="img/locations/Your Cell.jpg"/>
Looking at him shyly, you say: <div class="gold">"Well... favor repaid, right?"</div> The black inmate, frowning and somewhat displeased, huffs and says: <div class="crimson">"Favor repaid, whitey..."</div> As he walks away from the scene, he turns around and, rubbing his package, calls out to you from a distance: <div class="crimson">"You'll come back to repay more favors in the backyard, honey."</div> He blows kisses and winks at you. This makes you blush and laugh nervously as you look around, and in the background, down another corridor, you hear some inmate yelling: <div class="crimson">"Uuuhhh, we got a cocksucker over here!!!"</div>
You leave the corridor and head into your cell as quickly as possible... knowing you've lost some favor points with the black brotherhood.
<<set $BlackProtection -=1>>
[[Your cell|Your Cell]]</center>
You look around to make sure no one is approaching, then spread your cheeks with both hands. Your savior begins to laugh as you feel his enormous virility resting on your buttocks, teasing you with gentle taps of his cock.
<center><img src="img/sex/Helpblack/BaldM/2/1.webp"/></center
After playing with your ass for a bit, he thrusts into you in one swift move, starting a quick, ruthless fuck. You try to control his thrusts as your moans escape.
<center><img src="img/sex/Helpblack/BaldM/2/3.webp"/></center>
Just as you feel him beginning to tremble, he pulls out from your ass and starts cumming over it.
<center><img src="img/sex/Helpblack/BaldM/2/2.webp"/></center>
After finishing, he tucks his cock back into his pants, and you feel three strong slaps on your ass that make you arch your back. The last slap triggers your orgasm, and you let out a loud:<div class="lightpink"> "Mmmhghhhhh." </div>You pull up your pants, feeling his cum sticking to the back of your clothing. The inmate, smiling, says: <div class="crimson">"You've got a nice white ass that seems tailor-made for my cock... remember, if you're ever in trouble, just lend me that ass, and I'll come to save you."</div>
Saying that, he walks away down the corridor, leaving you to feel his semen still leaking from your ass as you return to the reality of the cell block's distant sounds.
[[You find yourself in the cell corridor|The Cells]]
Seductively, you get on your knees, and as you were kneeling, he already had his pants down to his ankles. Without saying a word, you quickly start playing with his cock.
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/BaldF/1/1.gif"/>
Then, noticing how your black lover grows impatient, you proceed to suck his cock rapidly, moving your head rhythmically.
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/BaldF/1/2.gif"/>
Being so vigorous with your actions, you notice him trembling and finishing in your mouth.
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/BaldF/1/3.gif"/>
Half-smiling at him, still with the content of his juice in your mouth, you swallow while looking at him as he smiles and says: <div class="crimson">"Alright, babe, if you keep taking care of me like this, I'll save that whore mouth of yours."</div> You regain your composure as you wipe the remains with the back of your hand and lick your fingers, watching as this inmate walks away, shaking his head while remarking how much of a slut you are along the way. After coming out of this little sexual trance, you find yourself in the corridor of the cell block.
[[You find yourself in the cell corridor|The Cells]]
As soon as you lie down, the inmate, hotter than usual, starts devouring your ass while occasionally touching your member. This makes you let out a slight moan.
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/BaldF/2/1.gif"/>
After running his tongue around the depths of your ass for a while, you notice how his enormous cock slides in with tremendous ease, as he begins to fuck you slowly at first...
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/BaldF/2/2.gif"/>
Until after having adjusted his member inside you, he starts to thrust powerfully until you feel the explosion of his cock inside you, feeling it fill the depths of your being.
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/BaldF/2/3.gif"/>
Afterwards, you regain your position as your lover helps you pull up your pants while he does the same. Smiling at you, he says: <div class="crimson">"As long as you give me this little ass, I'll be happy to cover your back..."</div> He gives you a slap on the ass, and with this gesture, you notice some of the juice he has deposited in you leaking out, making you let out a slight "ah"which causes the inmate to leave the scene laughing, while you, comically squeezing your legs together, become aware of your surroundings again.
[[You find yourself in the cell corridor|The Cells]]
<img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/>
You take out $40 from your pockets and give it to him. The black inmate says: <div class="crimson">"Well, I'm $40 richer. I'll keep covering for you as long as you pay me... this stays between us, not a word to another brother, eh!"</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/pay.gif"/></center>
<i>Inside, you think: great... now I'm also funding other inmates.</i>
<<set $BlackInmateAmoney += 40>>
<<set $Money -=40>>
[[You find yourself in the cell corridor|The Cells]]<center>
As soon as you hesitate, he grabs your arm and casually leads you to your cell... where you're thankful Sasha isn't there... then you feel him press down on your shoulders and unzip his pants in a swift movement... so you start to suck his dick.
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/MinionsM/2/1.webp"/>
After you've lubed up his dick well, you undress as he does... and getting on all fours, forcing your head to touch the cold mattress, he starts to fuck you mercilessly.
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/MinionsM/2/2.webp"/>
You feel his balls slapping your ass frantically as he starts to grunt and say: <div class="crimson"> "That's right, little white bitch... who's protecting you, huh? huh? </div> He starts spanking your ass, demanding an answer, with each spank you tense up your ass as this man continues to pound you: <div class="lightpink">"Ah ah you.. you.. you're protecting me.. ah.. thank you!!</div>
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/MinionsM/2/3.webp"/>
The inmate continues to ravage your ass until with a strong thrust he starts to breed your ass, then he withdraws his member.
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/MinionsM/2/4.webp"/>
You lie breathless on the bed as this man dresses and leaves the crime scene, not without saying at the cell door: <div class="crimson">"Yeah kid... keep paying me like this... and none of those bastards will touch you... except me and my brothers... goodbye sweetheart... haha"</div>.. you find yourself in your cell... lying on the bed.
[[Your cell|Your Cell]]
<img src="img/locations/Your Cell.jpg"/>
Looking at him shyly, you say: <div class="gold">"Well... favor repaid, right?"</div> The black inmate, frowning and somewhat displeased, huffs and says: <div class="crimson">"Favor repaid, whitey..."</div> As he walks away from the scene, he turns around and, rubbing his package, calls out to you from a distance: <div class="crimson">"You'll come back to repay more favors in the backyard, honey."</div> He blows kisses and winks at you. This makes you blush and laugh nervously as you look around, and in the background, down another corridor, you hear some inmate yelling: <div class="crimson">"Uuuhhh, we got a cocksucker over here!!!"</div>
You leave the corridor and head into your cell as quickly as possible... knowing you've lost some favor points with the black brotherhood.
<<set $BlackProtection -=1>>
[[Your cell|Your Cell]]
You let out a nervous laugh as you see the agitated prisoner staring at you, demanding you to strip. So, you pull down your prison uniform, and this man, with unusual strength, lifts you up as you see his erect penis out. In one swift movement, he impales you on it, making you ride him while suspended in the air.
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/MinionsM/1/1.webp"/>
He continues to fuck you like this in the middle of the hallway until he seems to lose some strength, but without pulling his dick out of your ass, he leans back onto the cold floor of the corridor and keeps you riding him.
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/MinionsM/1/2.webp"/>
During one of the many thrusts into your ass, you feel him unload inside you. Your eyes widen, and you let out a loud, <div class="lightpink">"Ohhhh my goddddd"</div>, as you notice at the end of the hallway Vito's minions were masturbating, watching the scene, licking their lips and blowing kisses at you.
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/MinionsM/1/3.webp"/>
When the black man gets off you, you see Vito's minions tucking themselves away and stealthily leaving. Before leaving, your man tells you: <div class="crimson">"I'll come back anytime you want to ride my dick, my dear white rider... haha goodbye."</div> You're left dumbfounded... this man has fucked you while Vito's minions witnessed how much of a slut you are, but it seems you don't care much, do you?
[[You find yourself in the cell corridor|The Cells]]</center>
In the blink of an eye, you find yourself in your cell completely naked just like your two lovers... one of them is behind you slowly thrusting into your ass while the other is lying back masturbating, contemplating the scene.
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/MinionsF/1/1.gif"/>
The first one continues fucking your ass and occasionally gives you a slap to set the pace and show you who's in charge.
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/MinionsF/1/2.gif"/>
After a while, he keeps fucking you while you suck the other prisoner's cock, trying to synchronize the movement of your head with the thrusts of your other lover.
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/MinionsF/1/3.gif"/>
When they are about to cum, they make you get on your knees and start pouring their cum all over you.
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/MinionsF/1/4.gif"/>
After this, they start changing while you're busy wiping the remains off your face. These two studs tell you:<div class="crimson">"Good slut, keep rewarding us like this... and they'll leave you alone... haha we love playing with you."</div> You're left with a sore jaw and a burning ass kneeling in the cell.
[[Your cell|Your Cell]]
</center> <center>
<img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/>
Timidly looking at them, you say: <div class="lightpink">"Well, favor done, huh?"</div> One of them spits on the ground while the other rubs his cock, and the latter says: <div class="crimson">"Alright, doll... but when you have no other choice... you'll come to do us some jobs in the backyard... we know you love it... and we love how compliant you are... haha... until we meet again."</div> You feel a slight erection between their pants while your cheeks blush... both inmates leave... as you look at one of the cells, you see an inmate with his pants down moving his cock from bar to bar, saying: <div class="crimson">"I want a blowjob too, princess... come closer..."</div>
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/MinionsF/3/1.webp"/>
<<set $BlackProtection -=1>>
Inside you think...
<i><div class="lightpink">"Oh, I'm so hot right now... and I don't think anyone's around... should I go to my cell... or give him a blowjob...?"</div></i>
[[Comfort the prisoner.|SurpriseBlow]]
[[Your cell|Your Cell]]
<img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/>
It fucks you up a lot because this has a clear impact on your economy.. but you give them 80$ and both inmates, smiling, say to you: <div class="crimson">"What do you think, in the backyard we fuck you and now you even have us on payroll.. but you're such a good bitch.. haha... well, you know, as long as you pay one way or another, we're happy.. bye doll"</div> before leaving one of them even gives you a kiss on the cheek and smacks your ass.. which makes you blush. Inside you think..
<i><div class="lightpink">How stupid I am... but how horny they make me... am I their bitch?</div></i>
<<set $BlackInmateAmoney += 40>>
<<set $BlackInmateBmoney += 40>>
<<set $Money -=80>>
[[You find yourself in the cell corridor|The Cells]]
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/MinionsF/3/1.webp"/>
Lustfully, you approach the cell and kneeling down, you begin to suck his cock as the prisoner exclaims: <div class="crimson">"Oh yes, what a fucking good slut you are, keep going!!"</div>
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/MinionsF/3/1.gif"/>
As soon as you start sucking his cock, the prisoner aggressively grabs your head and starts fucking your mouth, saying: <div class="crimson">"Oh yeah, that's it bitch, let me use you"</div>. Inside you think... <i><div class="lightpink">"Um, it's my fault but... umm, it feels so good in my mouth"</div></i>
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/MinionsF/3/2.gif"/>
After a while of the prisoner using your mouth as his personal toy, you feel him shiver and start to cum inside your mouth... he starts to choke you with his cum... and the prisoner says: <div class="crimson">"That's it, be a good girl and swallow your dirty medicine"</div>. With a loud gulp and almost choking, the prisoner releases his grip... and you stand up automatically, savoring your lips.
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/MinionsF/3/3.gif"/>
As you exchange glances with the prisoner, he says: <div class="crimson">"I hope to have another chance for you to give me another blowjob, princess... thank you"</div>. Aware of what you've done, you run back to your cell while smiling mischievously.
[[Your cell|Your Cell]]
He takes you to your cell where, fortunately, Sasha is not present. You both undress, and you automatically get on your knees to play with his cock.
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/MinionsF/2/1.gif"/>
After a while, you start to lubricate it well for what comes next.
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/MinionsF/2/2.gif"/>
Seeing your initiative, the prisoner puts you against one of the side tables in the cell where you sometimes eat with Sasha, and you think to yourself <i><div class="lightpink">Oh my God, I hope Sasha doesn't find out</div></i>
Your thoughts are interrupted by your lover's thrusts.
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/MinionsF/2/3.gif"/>
After a while of thrusting, he starts to grab your long hair and begins to fuck you more strongly.
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/MinionsF/2/4.gif"/>
Until he finally fills your backside with his cum while pulling back.
<img src="img/sex/Helpblack/MinionsF/2/5.gif"/>
After this quick fuck, the prisoner tells you:<div class="crimson">"You know, whenever you need it... I'll have your back, honey... haha"</div> With that, he leaves your cell while you, with your ass still filled with cum, put the side table back in its place and try to clean the spilled sweat with your own uniform, praying that Sasha doesn't find out what you've done.
[[Your cell|Your Cell]]
</center> <center><center><img src="img/Locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you step into the back area, you hear a deep, aggressive voice calling out:
<div class="crimson"> "Hey $name, you're the one doing favors for my guys!"</div>
Turning around, you see a huge black man eyeing you sideways.
<center><img src="img/npc/Tyronsee.jpg"/></center>
<div class="gold">"Doubting, you say if I... I'm $name"</div>
He smiles...
<center><img src="img/npc/TyronSmile.jpg"/></center>
He says to you:<div class="crimson">"Relax, buddy, don't be scared... I like... someone who already knows their place in this joint... besides, I believe, as you've seen, my guys keep their word... not like other bastards around here...</div> <i>You see Tyron glancing around, simultaneously checking the entrance to the visiting/conjugal rooms and the entrance to the back yard</i> he continues:<div class="crimson"> "Well, as long as you keep my guys relaxed and calm, they'll treat you well. Apologize if some get a little carried away, you know... being locked up for so long... without getting some action... but that's what you're here for, right?"</div> He licks his lips, looking you up and down, and continues,<div class="crimson"> "Well, I suppose you won't mind if the boss checks the goods, right?... Get on your knees, sweetheart..</div>
<I>From the sermon he's been giving you and seeing how the other black prisoners are gathering around... you know perfectly well there's no escape... you try not to blame yourself but... giving blowjobs to a bunch of horny black guys deep down you knew this was going to happen...</i>
<center><img src="img/actions/blackinmate1.gif"/></center>
You kneel down and begin to suck him off in front of a large part of his brotherhood.
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/GayBF_2.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/GayBF_2.webp"/></center>
After a while of jaw work, he finishes cumming
<<if $Feminity <= 30 >>
<center><img src="img/actions/cummouthblack.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Variations/cummouthblack.webp"/></center>
while looking at you, he says,<div class="crimson">"Well, kid, maybe you'll find me here in late afternoon or in my cell, it's 234, if not, most likely on the basketball court... see you... sweet lips"</div>
As you swallow his cum, thicker than you're used to, and with a couple of coughs, you see the other black inmates leaving while some nod in approval.
<<if $Cellt == 0>>
<<set $Cellt +=1>>
<<if $Tyron == 0>>
<<set $Tyron += 1>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/Cell234.jpg"/></center>
<div class="seagreen" onclick="toggleDropdown('descriptionText')">Description</div>
<div class="dropdown-text" id="descriptionText">
The cell is a visual homage to African, Rastafarian, and hip-hop cultures, with decorative elements reflecting these influences. It features a vibrant tapestry with African patterns and Rastafarian symbols, Rob Barley memorabilia, classic hip-hop vinyl records, murals capturing the essence of Xronx street art, and an old boombox playing reggae and hip-hop. Each item in the cell tells a part of the prisoner's cultural story, from his African and Caribbean roots to his connection with hip-hop and Bronx culture, creating a personal and meaningful space within the confines of the prison.
[[Tyron stands with his arms crossed... giving the impression he knew you would show up..|FavorsforTyron]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/TyronPose.jpg"/></center>
<div class="royalblue">
Tyron is a man with deep African roots who grew up in the Xronx, embodying a complex mixture of cultural and societal influences. Despite his upbringing in a neighborhood known for its hardships, Tyron distinguished himself through both athletic prowess and academic achievement, hinting at a future bright with promise. However, his life took an unexpected turn as he became entangled in activities that straddle the line between tradition and criminality. Engaging in voodoo rituals, which he defended as a cultural heritage, Tyron also found himself involved in drug trafficking and prostitution, blurring the lines between cultural practice and illicit dealings.
His arrest and subsequent imprisonment came as a shock to those who knew him. Rumors swirled about the circumstances leading to his incarceration, with many speculating that he was the victim of a setup, targeted for reasons beyond the charges brought against him. Inside the prison, Tyron's demeanor and the way he articulates himself suggest a man of higher education, further deepening the mystery of how someone of his intellect and potential ended up behind bars. Despite his situation, Tyron carries himself with an air of dignity and remains an enigmatic figure, with many questioning the justice of his imprisonment and the true reasons behind it.
<<if $Tyron ==1>>
<<set $Tyron +=1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/TyronCross.jpg"/></center>
<div class="crimson">"Well, I knew you'd come. Alright, you're going to be useful to me by doing me a couple of favors."</div>
<i>Perhaps fed up or knowing he's going to use you as a bargaining chip, you say impertinently,</i>
<div class="gold"> "Don't tell me... you're going to make me suck dicks or bend over for you, right? In exchange for money."</div>
You see him first tilt his head to the side, then burst into laughter right in your face.
<center><img src="img/npc/Tyron2.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/npc/TyronSmile.jpg"/></center>
At the same time, he says: <div class="crimson">"Oh my god, kid hahaha, you have no shame, do you? How many dicks have you sucked already? Hahah well, partly true... but not for money, actually. I want you to attend to a few brothers in their cells... and some others in the visiting room... besides, they'll give you a couple of components I need, and at the same time, you'll calm them down... who knows, if you behave well, maybe I'll show you what I do."</div>
<i>Glancing furtively at him, you think to yourself, components?</i>
Tyron continues: <div class="crimson">"So... you have a couple of cells in this same hallway and in the conjugal room, there are always two brothers in one of the rooms, so... choose... go... do what they ask... and come back... like a good errand boy... unless you want to play with my cock for a while, huh? </div> He starts to stroke himself over his pants while continuing, <div class="crimson">"Damn kid, you have such beautiful lips. Well, what are you going to do?"</div>
<<if $Feminity < 30>>
[[Go to the first Cell.|FirstJob]]
[[Go to the second Cell.|SecondJob]]
[[Go to the conjugal room.|ThirstJob]]
<<return "Back">>
[[Go to the first Cell.|FirstJobF]]
[[Go to the second Cell.|SecondJobF]]
[[Go to the conjugal room.|ThirstJobF]]
<<return "Back">>
Tyron, smiling, accompanies you down the hallway, and almost at the end, he gives you a shove and pushes you into a cell... He locks it and leaves... while saying to you: <div class="crimson">"Remember my components..."</div> As he walks away, you start to protest...
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/Firstjob/1.gif"/></center>
You realize there's a prisoner in the bathroom when you accidentally glance back. He starts to shake his dick while saying to you: <div class="crimson">"White meat... I like it... if you want some component for the brother, you'll have to do me a favor, darling."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/Firstjob/2.gif"/></center>
You begin to tremble as you respond: <div class="gold">"W-what favor?"</div>
The prisoner, smiling, gets up from the toilet while shaking his dick. When he's close to you, he grabs you by the back of your neck and says: <div class="crimson">"My dick is very lonely... how about you liven it up with those lips of yours... darling... and I'll give you what the brother wants... come on..."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/Firstjob/3.gif"/></center>
More than a request, it's an obligation because before you know it... he forces your shoulders until you're on your knees, and indirectly, your hand grips his member while you take his huge dick into your mouth.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/Firstjob/4.gif"/></center>
You start to help yourself timidly with your hand while this man keeps control over you, having his hand on the back of your neck... you see how he takes off his cap while looking at you intently...
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/Firstjob/5.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/npc/BlackinmateB.jpg"/></center>
You feel every inch of his flesh penetrating fully into your mouth, making its way through, invading your entire being. Indirectly, you've been masturbating for a while, and the intensity of the situation has made you take off the upper part of your clothing while your black man, seeing how compliant you are, starts to masturbate and cum on you while you climax almost at the same time.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/Firstjob/6.gif"/></center>
After these bursts of energy, you're left mesmerized, staring at the cell. Suddenly, you hear a sort of beep, and the cell opens automatically. Your satisfied man, with a smile on his face...
<center><img src="img/npc/BlackinmateBSmile.jpg"/></center>
<div class="crimson">"Here you go, baby, give this to Tyron, and I hope next time you end up in this cell, you tremble just as much as this time... my little white bunny... hehe"</div>
He hands you a bag, which you take, and then you enter Tyron's cell, where he nods when you leave it at the entrance, and you return to the hallway automatically.
<<if $TyronComponentA <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentA += 1>>
<<if $TyronRelaxed <= 5>>
<<set $TyronRelaxed += 1>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]
Tyron seems to be leading you to one of the cells when you see a huge black fist heading towards you. You wake up in what appears to be the top bunk, the cell tightly closed, and below, a black prisoner says to you:
<div class="crimson"> "Hey, kid, how was your nap? You're here in the 'recreation' cell with me until you give me a little love.."</div> <i> Your inner thoughts betray you as you wonder how... until you give him love... but what the hell... the cell seems sealed.</i>
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/Secondjob/1.gif"/></center>
The prisoner continues: <div class="crimson">"You want the ingredients for Tyron, right...? Yeah, he sends some young guys like you my way every now and then... come on... I'll be gentle, you know.."</div>
Wanting to get out of there as fast as you can, you jump off the bunk and get on your knees, automatically starting to suck his dick while the prisoner says to you: <div class="crimson">"Damn kid, you're better than the previous cocksuckers haha this is devotion to a good black cock, huh... go ahead, that's it, lube me up well before I fuck you.. haha"</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/Secondjob/2.gif"/></center>
After sucking his dick for a while and trying not to think that maybe an indiscreet glance or two is looking into the cell, the prisoner lifts you up and smiling while you're half-bent, he makes you get against the bottom bunk and starts giving you small thrusts to adjust his dick to your ass.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/Secondjob/3.gif"/></center>
Just as you start to enjoy this man's thrusts, he notices it and in an aggressive tone says to you: <div class="crimson">"Oh, you're a real pig, huh haha I'll have to break your ass properly for when you come back here hehe ummm I'm going to give you good material, kid"</div>
He starts thrusting harder until he cums inside you.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/Secondjob/4.gif"/></center>
After painting your insides with his cream, he takes out a bag from under the bunk and says to you: <div class="crimson">"Here, take this to Tyron, he'll be just as happy as I am right now... sexy ass hehe"</div> Giving you a couple of slaps on the ass, you see how the cell door unlocks and when you go to see Tyron to give him the content, you see a huge overweight black prisoner..
<center><img src="img/npc/BlackinmateA.jpg"/></center>
He says to you: <div class="crimson">"You got everything? Perfect... sorry about the punch... it was to get you in the cell"</div> He checks the contents of the bag, passes it to Tyron
<center><img src="img/npc/BlackinmateASmile.jpg"/></center>
and smiling, he says to you again: <div class="crimson">"I'll taste that ass of yours too, honey.. haha now go.."</div>
<<if $TyronComponentB <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentB += 1>>
<<if $TyronRelaxed <= 5>>
<<set $TyronRelaxed += 1>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]
<img src="img/npc/TyronCross.jpg"/>
Tyron firmly tells you: <div class="crimson">"Alright, go to conjugal room C.. there are two brothers.. don't ask questions, just go in... sit on the couch and give them a couple of blowjobs, don't make noise, there are guards around.. I'll send someone to get the components.. don't mess with me.. or I'll break your ass... in such a way that you'll end up in the infirmary and believe me... the "nurse" can be worse than me."</div>
Stuttering, you are about to reproach him when Tyron cuts you off, saying: "<div class="crimson">"Relax, when I do something.. you'll get your share while you relax and enjoy those cocks, you know, kid, like in the showers.."</div> Reluctantly, and as soon as you enter, room C, you see the two inmates already bottomless and their members in position, so you sit on the couch and one of them guides your hand towards his cock.
<img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/Thirstjob/1.gif"/>
You continue sucking his cock for a while, while you notice the other inmate masturbating while watching the scene.
<img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/Thirstjob/2.gif"/>
The other inmate grabs your head and directs your blowjob towards his companion, causing his cock to slip out of your mouth, the inmate receiving the blowjob gestures for you to now suck off his partner.
<img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/Thirstjob/3.gif"/>
So you start sucking his cock while you see the other inmate cumming into what seems to be a jar for no apparent reason...
<img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/Thirstjob/4.gif"/>
As the inmate you're blowing leans back on the couch, you see the inmate who came in the jar grab a bag and head towards the door... upon opening the door, you see another inmate seriously contemplating the scene..
<img src="img/npc/BlackinmateC.jpg"/>
<img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/Thirstjob/5.gif"/>
After the inmate hands him the bag, he looks at you smiling.. and leaves, but not before blowing you a kiss.
<img src="img/npc/BlackinmateCHappy.jpg"/>
Your jaw starts to hurt to the point that unexpectedly, when you return to your task, the second inmate starts to cum in your mouth.. you swallow automatically... and both inmates dismiss you from the conjugal room.. you're pensive about the events so you return to Tyron's cell and he smiles, nodding in approval, but he prevents you from entering the cell... suspiciously.. this leads you to find yourself in the cell corridor.
<<if $TyronComponentC <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentC += 1>>
<<if $TyronRelaxed <= 5>>
<<set $TyronRelaxed += 1>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]
<center><img src="img/npc/TyronCross.jpg"/></center>
Tyron, noticing your more feminine figure, says:<div class="crimson">"Great, you're turning into a perfect little white slut. Quick, get into the cell, give him a blowjob, and come back with my stuff, okay?"</div> You lick your lips indirectly as you let out a soft:<div class="lightpink">"Okay"</div>
As soon as you enter, a push sends you to your knees, and all you can see is a huge cock pointing at you.
<center><img src="img/sex/DruggedEvent/Global/1.gif"/></center>
While the inmate tells you:<div class="crimson">"Here comes the airplane... bitch.. haha say ahhhhh "</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/FirstjobF/1.gif"/></center>
After playing along, you start sucking his cock quickly.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/FirstjobF/2.gif"/></center>
Due to the enthusiasm of your blowjobs, you notice the inmate trying to hold his cock in an attempt to control himself, but it's in vain. As soon as you continue sucking his dick while maintaining eye contact, he starts to shiver and unloads in your mouth.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/FirstjobF/3.gif"/></center>
After this blowjob, you end up licking your lips.
<center><img src="img/npc/BlackinmateBSmile.jpg"/></center>
The inmate, smiling, directly hands you the content of the bag, which you take to Tyron's cell. Upon receiving the bag, Tyron smiles at you satisfactorily.
<<if $TyronComponentA <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentA += 1>>
<<if $TyronRelaxed <= 5>>
<<set $TyronRelaxed += 1>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]
This time, Tyron leads you to one of the conjugal visit rooms where you see an inmate already with his pants down. Tyron smiles at you, saying: <div class="crimson">"Go get that bone, bitch, and bring me my shit."</div>
As you sit on the couch, the black inmate approaches you with his enormous cock and plants it inches from your face. This makes your legs weaken as you begin to hold it little by little.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/SecondjobF/1.gif"/></center>
Seeing and feeling it so close, and observing the thickness of that cock makes your mouth fill with saliva, and you directly start to lubricate it under the watchful eye of your lover.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/SecondjobF/2.gif"/></center>
As you begin to choke against his cock because it barely fits in your mouth, this stud puts you on all fours on the same couch and starts to penetrate you slowly, making you feel almost split in half due to the thickness of his cock.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/SecondjobF/3.gif"/></center>
After feeling a terrible burning in your insides and a couple of thrusts from this stud, he starts to fuck you more brutally until he partially cums inside you.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/SecondjobF/4.gif"/></center>
Trying to contain himself from filling you up with cum, he makes you kneel down and finishes all over your face and mouth. You submissively clean up the remains while he smiles.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/SecondjobF/5.gif"/></center>
He says: <div class="crimson">"Alright, girl, you've earned the ingredients for the brother... I hope to see you around here again..."</div> After cleaning yourself up, you take the bag and bring it to Tyron, who nods at you as he dismisses you from his cell. As you leave, a huge inmate watches you
<center><img src="img/npc/BlackinmateASmile.jpg"/></center>
smiling, he says: <div class="crimson">"I'll taste that ass of yours too, honey.. haha now go.."</div>
<<if $TyronComponentB <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentB += 1>>
<<if $TyronRelaxed <= 5>>
<<set $TyronRelaxed += 1>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]
Tyron leads you to one of the conjugal visit rooms, but on the way, he warns you that this brother is a bit "agitated." With a shove, he throws you into the room, and indeed, the black inmate pounces on you, hurling all sorts of insults while forcing you with what seems to be a shank to start giving him a blowjob.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/ThirdjobF/1.gif"/></center>
After yanking your hair a couple of times, all you can do is try to follow his movements. You attempt to calm him down and unzip his trousers while he seems to relax, seeing your complicity.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/ThirdjobF/2.gif"/></center>
You start sucking his cock, and as he notices his dominance over you is effective, he appears to relax...
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/ThirdjobF/3.gif"/></center>
After doing your best to suck his cock, given the erratic behavior of this crazy black man, he forcefully turns you sideways on the bed and starts to penetrate you slowly yet harshly, causing you to let out several screams of discomfort.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/ThirdjobF/4.gif"/></center>
After several minutes of trying to adjust his cock in your ass, he begins to thrust into you clumsily as you try to endure this assault.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/ThirdjobF/5.gif"/></center>
Just when you start to enjoy the situation, this inmate seems about to finish because he marks your ass with a couple of strong thrusts, making your moans both of pain and pleasure. In a moment, you feel him filling your lower area with his cream.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobs/ThirdjobF/6.gif"/></center>
As soon as he ejaculates, the inmate falls asleep. Dressing yourself as best as you can, you see the bag of components. Feeling that you've done your part, you take it and bring it to Tyron. He looks at you with a mix of satisfaction and concern but once you hand over the bag, he seems to completely ignore you as you leave his cell, your ass more sore than usual.
<<if $TyronComponentC <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentC += 1>>
<<if $TyronRelaxed <= 5>>
<<set $TyronRelaxed += 1>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]
<center><img src="img/npc/BlackGuysBackyard.jpg"/></center>
You first see the gang of black guys as if they were somewhat protecting Tyron, while you see him in the middle of them.
<center><img src="img/npc/Tyronsee.jpg"/></center>
He approaches you and says: <div class="crimson">"What's up, white boy? Have you come to serve my good people or to serve me? I have several ideas in mind... What do you say? I think you would count more on their support if you do a couple of jobs for us."</div>
You see his companions licking their lips and touching themselves over their pants, while some of them bump fists.
<<if $Feminity < 30>>
[[One of them gestures for you to come closer to him.|FirstBlackmEncounter]]
[[Tyron also gestures for you to come closer.|SecondBlackmEncounter]]
[[Tyron gestures smoking as he approaches.|FourthmEncounter]]
[[All of them make disparaging gestures as they try to approach you when suddenly.|ThirdmEncounter]]
[[Return to The Basketball Court|The BasketCourt]]
[[Tyron approaches you.|FirstBlackFEncounter1]]
[[Tyron gestures for you to go towards him.|SecondBlackFEncounter2]]
[[One of them makes blowjob gestures while pointing to one of the benches.|ThirFEncounter2]]
[[You see several black prisoners dancing comically while making gestures of smoking and fucking.|FourthFEncounter2]]
[[Return to The Basketball Court|The BasketCourt]]
As soon as you approach him, he orders you: <div class="crimson">"Let's go to the cafeteria's bathroom, sweetheart, I'm about to burst... take care of it... and I promise I'll be there for you next time someone bothers you... do you want that?"</div> More than a proposition, it's an imposition because before you realize it, you're already entering the cafeteria and you're almost at the doors of the bathroom when you see the chef looking at you with a serious expression from behind the counter.
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChef.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you enter the bathroom, this black prisoner makes you kneel down, but before you start sucking his cock, he says: <div class="crimson">"Shh, learn your place, kiss my shoes, bitch..."</div> <i> Inside you, you think it's bad enough that the chef saw you enter the bathroom with this huge prisoner... but still... you comply with his demand out of fear of reprisals </i>
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/Male/1/1.gif"/></center>
First, you start with his right foot and automatically move to the left one, not without occasionally feeling how with the other leg he forces you to continue kissing his shoes.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/Male/1/2.gif"/></center>
When he's tired of humiliating you, he makes you start sucking his cock, which has increased considerably in size... feeling it in your mouth, you realize that your lover was probably aroused by how pathetic you were licking and kissing his sneakers.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/Male/1/3.gif"/></center>
After a while, to try to end this embarrassing scene, you begin to give him a deep throat blowjob to the head of his vigorous cock while this causes the excited prisoner to hold your head while you continue with such action.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/Male/1/4.gif"/></center>
After several moments, he orders you to open your mouth and begins to unload his nectar onto your mouth and almost immediately, curiously, you notice how it is partly combined with a rancid taste... as you try to taste this so rancid essence, you see him smiling sadistically at the same time that, amidst nausea, you swallow.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/Male/1/5.gif"/></center>
Next, with that smile still on his face, he says: <div class="crimson">"Good dog... calm down, cum swallower... if you're in trouble, I'll rescue you so you can taste my cock cheese... haha"</div> You see how the prisoner leaves the cafeteria's bathroom at the same time as you, standing up amidst sobs, do the same, not before seeing how the chef is laughing at you as you leave the place towards the cell block.
<<if $BlackProtection <=10>>
<<set $BlackProtection +=1>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]
<center><center><img src="img/npc/Tyron2.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you approach, Tyron grabs your arm and whispers in your ear: <div class="crimson">"Listen, kid, we're going to sneak into the kitchen's back room... for my stuff... distract the guard... go with this joint to the cafeteria's bathroom, make sure you're seen but not too obviously... just enough for the guard to follow you, and be a good boy and distract him, okay?"</div>
Before you leave, he slaps your butt while you nervously hold the joint that you carefully stash in your pant pocket. As you enter the cafeteria, you start to take it out of your pocket while you see a black guard giving you a sidelong glance...
<center><img src="img/npc/BlackGuard1.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you enter the bathroom, you start smoking the joint Tyron gave you.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/Male/2/1.gif"/></center>
<<set $Intox += 1>>
Then you see the guard entering the scene.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/Male/2/2.gif"/></center>
He then says to you: <div class="crimson">"So the little white fish thinks he can smoke on my watch, huh... nice lips, bitch..."</div>. The joint Tyron gave you has already hit you, and laughing, you say: <div class="gold">"Isn't it allowed anymore to escape from this shitty reality?"</div> The guard then throws the cigarette butt on the floor and says: <div class="crimson">"I'm going to make you escape reality by giving you another job, bad boy.."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/Male/2/3.gif"/></center>
After telling you this, he automatically grabs your head and makes you kneel down inevitably.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/Male/2/4.gif"/></center>
He then says: <div class="crimson">"That's it, boy... pull out my cock; I'm going to make you smoke a big milk dick... then you'll learn who's in charge..."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/Male/2/5.gif"/></center>
You free his cock from his officer pants while out of the corner of your eye, you see Tyron with other inmates passing by the outside of the window towards the kitchen. Seeing the guard is about to look at the window, you start to devour his cock to not betray your group of black guys...
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/Male/2/6.gif"/></center>
As you start to gag on his cock while the guard controls his moans, tears streaming down your face to avoid your gag reflex, you see out of the corner of your eye one of the black prisoners has stayed to watch the scene while seeming to monitor everything.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/Male/2/7.gif"/></center>
With so much bobbing of your head and lips on the guard's cock, you see him start to arch his head back and begin to unload his cum in your mouth, and as you almost choke, you pull your lips away with a slight pop just as you swallow the remains. The guard, fascinated by your action, pulls up his pants and says: <div class="crimson">"Damn, you must be in prison for being such a good cocksucker... this time I'll let you off this shit as long as you're such a good inmate"</div> With a mischievous smile, he makes you leave the bathroom at the same time as him, and upon returning to the basketball court, Tyron gives you $20 while smiling, saying: <div class="crimson">"Good job, pretty lips... since I got all the components here's a tip... though I think you've already been paid in kind, haven't you? haha"</div> Embarrassed, you take the $20 while the other black prisoners look at you lustfully, and you head towards the cell corridor.
<<if $TyronComponentA <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentA += 1>>
<<if $TyronComponentB <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentB += 1>>
<<if $TyronComponentC <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentC += 1>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
<<set $Money += 20>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]
Tyron, as soon as you approach, tells you: <div class="crimson">"Come on, man, smoke my stuff, you'll see how much fun you'll have..."</div> More of a command than a suggestion, you see how the other prisoners look at you.. as you take a hit...
<center><img src="img/actions/weed.gif"/></center>
Suddenly, you see everyone around you running away while you continue to laugh at nothing... everything seems to stop when you suddenly find yourself in some sort of backroom and you have a guard in front of you.. what snaps you out of the situation is noticing your breathing becoming short.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/Male/4/1.gif"/></center>
As he breathes out, he outlines your situation: <div class="crimson">"Well, what do I do with you? Take you before the judge to add to your sentence, or are you going to be a good boy?"</div> The only thing you manage to say, due to the high you're on, is that you'll do anything... the guard, seeing your situation, smiles wickedly... the next thing you do is get on your knees, sucking his cock as if your life depended on it, though frankly... does it?
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/Male/4/2.gif"/></center>
After a while of sucking his cock, the next thing the guard does is fuck your ass non-stop on the desk of that room.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/Male/4/3.gif"/></center>
When the guard starts to tremble, he makes you get on your knees again, you, like a roadside whore, start to swallow and lick the rest of his cock only thinking that this way he might be lenient with you.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/Male/4/4.gif"/></center>
The guard, finally satisfied, tells you: <div class="crimson">"Alright, fish, for being such a good whore, I won't say anything... but next time I catch you high, I might just make you go on all fours through all the guard barracks giving us blowjobs... that should teach you your place... better to be addicted to cocks than to become a junkie... your call, bitch."</div> After this phrase that resonates in your ears like a splash of cold water, he takes you out of that room still under the trance effects and leaves you in the middle of the cell corridor... without knowing where Tyron and his guys went while you feel the relentless urge for more "party" moments inside the prison.
<<set $Intox += 1>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]
<center><img src="img/npc/BlackGuysBackyard.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you approach with Tyron, your eyes are wide but from afar, sounds coming from the kitchen's backroom draw your attention... they sound like slaps and moans... Tyron, with a serious tone, says: <div class="crimson">"Ssshhh, be quiet... let's take a look."</div> You follow the group of black guys to a barred window... as your companions show shocked expressions, you see a black prisoner riding the cock of one of the guards...
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/Male/3/1.gif"/></center>
Tyron looks at you incredulously and says: <div class="crimson">"Those bastards are forcing our brother... unbelievable... look at them."</div> The other band members just shrug because as you continue watching, it's very clear that the prisoner seems to enjoy the company of the guards...
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/Male/3/2.gif"/></center>
Mostly because you, just like the other "brothers," are watching how he rides that cock while the other guard watches the scene.. Tyron orders you to leave the place and not to say anything, but not before taking one last look at the scene just as it reaches its climax.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/Male/3/3.gif"/></center>
You return to the cell corridor while timidly laughing through the prison..
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]
As he laughs, he approaches you and gently hands you one of his joints.
<center><img src="img/npc/TyronSmile.jpg"/></center>
Flirtatiously, you start smoking right there in front of the gang of black inmates while you feel your body warming up gradually. Several of the black prisoners ask you to perform a striptease in the middle of the basketball court, others want you to dance like a whore in heat for them. Unsure if it's the heat of the moment, but as you laugh foolishly, you begin to undress and start gyrating your feminized body in front of them.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/SheMale/1/1.gif"/></center>
One of the more heated inmates pushes you against the wall and begins spanking you while directly starting to eat out your ass in front of everyone.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/SheMale/1/2.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/SheMale/1/3.gif"/></center>
With arms crossed, Tyron sends you to one of the conjugal rooms to avoid attracting more astonished looks from other inmates passing by the area. Once inside one of these rooms, this heated inmate continues to prepare your ass for the inevitable while subsequently starting to masturbate with your feet.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/SheMale/1/4.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/SheMale/1/5.gif"/></center>
After using your feet as his own masturbator, he decides it's time to take action and begins to penetrate you with his huge cock.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/SheMale/1/6.gif"/></center>
After deeply thrusting into you, he starts to fuck you frantically non-stop. You can tell he's about to climax because he spent half the time playing with your feet, which also doesn't bother you since your feet aren't often used in this way...
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/SheMale/1/7.gif"/></center>
With a few powerful thrusts, you feel him cum inside you as your legs weaken and you collapse onto the bed.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/SheMale/1/8.gif"/></center>
Satisfactorily, the inmate begins to dress himself while you feel the effects of Tyron's joint hitting you, making everything feel as if it's in slow motion. The inmate indirectly lifts you off the bed and begins to help you dress tenderly, though his gestures are rough and clumsy. After getting dressed somewhat mutually, you leave together, continuing your journey back to the cell corridor with knowing, possibly drug-induced bright looks.
<<set $Intox += 1>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]
<center><img src="img/npc/Tyron2.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you approach, Tyron grabs your arm and whispers in your ear: <div class="crimson">"Listen, sweetheart... go to the guard's booth area... he's probably drinking, with the blinds half down... take advantage and distract him.. you know how..."</div> Saying this, he gives you a slap on the butt. Embarrassed yet excited, you make your way determinedly to the location.
Upon arrival, you indeed see the guard scolding you for being there as you approach his coffee cup and sensually say: <div class="lightpink">"Ummm, this coffee could use a good splash of something... I wish it were milk.. it's been so long since I've tasted good quality milk..."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/SheMale/2/1.gif"/></center>
The guard stands up and while running his finger across your chest says: <div class="crimson">"So you're looking for milk, huh slut..."</div> As you try to protest, you catch a glimpse from the corner of your eye of the group of black prisoners sneaking by the side.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/SheMale/2/2.gif"/></center>
You don't know if it's the guard's caresses or the situation of feeling used by everyone, but the guard begins to devour you with kisses and you let yourself be carried away by it.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/SheMale/2/3.gif"/></center>
Before you know it, you don't know how, but you find yourself naked on his desk, beginning to timidly suck his cock.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/SheMale/2/4.gif"/></center>
You start to milk his cock frantically under the guard's grunts of satisfaction.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/SheMale/2/5.gif"/></center>
Feeling his cock well lubricated, the guard lays you against the desk and tenderly begins to penetrate you while his lips wander your neck and part of your shoulders, causing you to shiver while a jolt in your lower back makes you moan and bite your lips in pleasure.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/SheMale/2/6.gif"/></center>
After several minutes of what feels more like passionate sex between lifelong lovers than a fuck, you feel the guard begin to cum inside you, and far from pulling away, you push your hips towards his member, trying to squeeze out all the juice from your captor.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/SheMale/2/7.gif"/></center>
Satisfactorily, he looks up at the ceiling of the room while continuing to tremble... after fully climaxing and realizing the situation, he quickly changes and timidly but firmly tells you:<div class="crimson">"Well... let's keep this between us but... you can always come to this booth... for more milk."</div> he winks at you playfully as he watches you get dressed and leave the place. Upon returning to Tyron and his group, he gives you $20 while with his other "brothers" teases you: <div class="crimson">"Don't fall in love with your captors... or do you have that Stockholm syndrome shit.. haha anyway here's $20, thanks for distracting him."</div> After this, you return to the cell corridor.
<<if $TyronComponentA <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentA += 1>>
<<if $TyronComponentB <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentB += 1>>
<<if $TyronComponentC <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentC += 1>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
<<set $Money += 20>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]
As you approach, he says: <div class="crimson">"Hey slut, I'm feeling hot. How about I give you 20 bucks as a reward if you give me a blowjob right here... on this stone bench, you know..."</div>
Licking your lips, you pretend to grab the 20 dollars while this black prisoner sits you on the bench and starts to aim his cock at your mouth. You don't mind sucking a cock for $20, and given where you are surrounded, you don't care if people watch; maybe you'll have more potential clients in the future, right?
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/SheMale/3/1.gif"/></center>
Among cheers and insults, while you bob your head to milk all his juice, you see the other prisoners not paying much attention to the act, though some look at you lustfully while you're sitting there, sucking his cock as if it were your favorite dish...
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/SheMale/3/2.gif"/></center>
Shortly after, while you were also indirectly jerking him off, you notice the prisoner starts to cover your face with sperm while you swallow and play with the tip of his cock, as other prisoners nod in approval from a distance. You see Tyron laughing at the situation.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/SheMale/3/3.gif"/></center>
After you finish, the prisoner hands you $20, and you swagger back to the cell corridor, paying no mind to the whistles and rude comments thrown your way by this brotherhood of men.
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
<<set $Money += 20>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]
As soon as you approach them, you notice a strong smell of weed, which makes you squint as you feel your lungs getting intoxicated, but that's not the worst part. You feel something thrown at your face...
<center><img src="img/sex/Random3/pois.gif"/></center>
Suddenly, when you regain your composure, you find your actions are not under your control, as you see a lustful black shemale... wearing BDSM lingerie.
<center><img src="img/npc/BlackDominatrix.jpg"/></center>
When you blink again, you find yourself passionately and submissively kissing her feet.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/SheMale/4/1.gif"/></center>
She then orders you to be a good bitch and lick her feet..
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/SheMale/4/2.gif"/></center>
While laughing sadistically, with a soft yet commanding voice, she orders you to suck her big toe as if it were a cock...
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/SheMale/4/3.gif"/></center>
After getting bored of your display of submission, she allows you to suck her breasts while continuing to laugh at you.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/SheMale/4/4.gif"/></center>
You are unable to control your movements and find yourself completely at her mercy when, without being forced, you find yourself devouring her cock while your vision becomes brighter and colors seem altered.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/SheMale/4/5.gif"/></center>
As you continue sucking her cock, not only her mocking laughter resonates in your ears but also that of other prisoners. You feel her starting to choke you with her cock.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronJobsBasket/SheMale/4/6.gif"/></center>
She doesn't release her grip on your head, and unsurprisingly, you lose consciousness... You wake up in your cell with a feeling of suffocation and a constant pain in your throat... You're not sure if it was a hallucination, but at the same time, you feel a burning sensation in your lungs that makes you question this reality.
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
<<set $Intox += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you approach Tyron, he takes you to a more secluded spot in the backyard and tells you: <div class="crimson">"Alright $name, sneak into the laboratory... curiously, no one knows why the hell it has so little security, or maybe those damn guards are too busy jerking off all day. Anyway, I couldn't care less. Go in, grab part of my stuff, or better yet, grab everything you can and come back, okay? If you're a good boy, I might even pay you..."</div>
<center><img src="img/npc/Tyronsee.jpg"/></center>
Several of the Black Inmates start to surround you and ask if you're ready?
[[To the laboratory..|InitLab]]
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Lab.jpg"/></center>
The black inmates cause a distraction in the labyrinth's hallway while you sneak in silently. There you start to carefully examine the room, which is filled with vials and strange substances. At the same time, in what appears to be a jar of syrup, you see what seem to be organs, or not? Because those substances are so thick that they don't allow you to see clearly. But returning to the current situation, you decide to continue examining the room in search of Tyron's components when suddenly...
<<if $Feminity < 30>>
<<set $randomEvent = random(1, 4)>>
<<if $randomEvent == 1>>
<p>[[A Latino guard surprises you.|Spy1]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 2>>
<p>[[A young chemist enters the Laboratory.|Spy2]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 3>>
<p>[[You seem to spot Tyron's components on a shelf.|Spy3]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 4>>
<p>[[You think you notice someone approaching.|Spy4]]</p>
<<set $randomEvent = random(5, 8)>>
<<if $randomEvent == 5>>
<p>[[A Latino guard surprises you.|Spy5]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 6>>
<p>[[A young chemist enters the Laboratory.|Spy6]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 7>>
<p>[[You seem to spot Tyron's components on a shelf.|Spy3]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 8>>
<p>[[You think you notice someone approaching.|Spy8]]</p>
</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Lab.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/npc/GuardDiaz.jpg"/></center>
Upon seeing a Latino guard enter the laboratory and turn on his flashlight, you quickly duck down with a reflex. Squatting in that position, you notice one of Tyron's components on the lower shelf, recognizable by its wrapping and because its scent attracts you as if it were your favorite dish, while in your ears whispers a pleasing melody. Before getting carried away by this state of intoxication and the aura that the wrapper emits, you quickly grab it and stash it in one of your pockets, thinking it would be bulkier; it barely bulges, fitting like a cigarette case. As you ensure it's tucked into the corner of your pocket, the Latino guard catches you in the act and with a firm yet eloquent tone tells you: <div class="crimson">"What are you carrying there and what the hell are you doing here.. answer how you sneaked in." </div>Just as you're about to confess, another guard appears.
<center><img src="img/npc/CorridorGuard.jpg"/></center>
Telling the Latino guard:<div class="crimson"> "Diaz, you should teach him a lesson before kicking him out of here.. and since it's a restricted area and it seems our little friend likes touching... big vials.. maybe he should touch something even bigger."</div> Agent Diaz, glancing sideways at his companion and through gritted teeth, seemingly forced into this situation just like you, tells you: <div class="crimson">"Get on your knees and get ready to swallow a good baton, and watch the teeth.. or you'll lose them."</div>
While the other guard maliciously smiles, Guard Diaz grabs one of the laboratory chairs and, pulling his pants down to his ankles, reclines on it. You automatically crawl towards him and begin to devour his cock to the point where your mouth touches his balls while your nose occasionally brushes against his pubic hair.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronLab/1/1.gif"/></center>
After a while of suffocating your mouth against his cock and balls, you start to repeatedly suck him with rapid movements of your head while masturbating yourself, while the other guard touches himself over his pants, watching the scene.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronLab/1/2.gif"/></center>
At first, Guard Diaz didn't seem to enjoy your oral work much, but after a few minutes, you feel him beginning to tremble and holding onto your hair, he starts to cum in your mouth.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronLab/1/3.gif"/></center>
After finishing cumming on you, he seems to feel somewhat guilty because he pushes you away from him with a shove while pulling up his pants, and the other guard laughs while saying: <div class="crimson">"Don't worry, Diaz, nothing's going to happen to you haha."</div> Diaz, looking blankly and without speaking to you, gestures for you to get out of the laboratory; it seems that the encounter has left him in such a trance that he doesn't remember what you're taking or overlooks it. As you leave the laboratory, you head to the backyard where you give Tyron the component, and he gives you $20 as a reward.
<<set $randomAttribute = random(1, 3)>>
<<if $randomAttribute == 1 && $TyronComponentA <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentA += 1>>
<<if $randomAttribute == 2 && $TyronComponentB <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentB += 1>>
<<if $randomAttribute == 3 && $TyronComponentC <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentC += 1>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
<<set $Money += 20>>
<<if $GuardDiaz < 1>>
<<set $GuardDiaz += 1>>
<<if $GuardDiazComplicity < 5>>
<<set $GuardDiazComplicity += 1>>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Lab.jpg"/></center>
You watch as this handsome young man enters the laboratory with a small list and starts taking notes while checking the vials and murmuring to himself. Accidentally, you clumsily knock your knee against one of the shelves, making an indiscreet noise. The young man turns towards your direction and firmly says: <div class="crimson">"Who's there? This area is partially restricted... only for authorized personnel... The fact that this bunch of slackers didn't set up proper surveillance doesn't give you the right to sneak in here..."</div> While he continues his speech, you cover your mouth with your hand. For some reason, his monologue makes you giggle softly, probably because he's right about the surveillance. That, and the shock to your knee nerve caused a slight cramp. Suddenly, you notice an abrupt silence, and when you turn your face.
<center><img src="img/npc/Asistantside.jpg"/></center>
The young man says:<div class="crimson">"Got you!!!"</div>
He blows some powder into your face and...
<center><img src="img/sex/Random3/pois.gif"/></center>
You see the young man about to leave through the other end of the laboratory, but you, laughing foolishly, find yourself naked inserting a dildo in the middle of this room.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronLab/2/1.gif"/></center>
The young man, smiling...
<center><img src="img/npc/Asistantsidesmile.jpg"/></center>
continues to take notes in his notebook while looking at you and says: <div class="crimson">"Excellent, now increase the pace my dear guinea pig"</div>
Unable to defy his orders, you begin to ride that rubber dick.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronLab/2/2.gif"/></center>
The young man continues to take notes in his notebook and finally tells you: <div class="crimson">"Now, cum, pig"</div>
You begin to convulse while squeezing your legs together to feel that inert piece of plastic piercing through you.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronLab/2/3.gif"/></center>
As soon as you cum, upon opening your eyes, the young man is gone.. You change as best as you can and clumsily, on the table, you see one of Tyron's components. So, as you leave the place with your ass broken and half-changed.. you come to Tyron who, half laughing, tells you: <div class="crimson">"Wow, $name, looks like you've been through a rodeo but at least you brought something, right? Here, take $20 and straighten yourself up, you look like a beaten whore... haha"</div>. You take the $20 and head back to the center of the backyard, wondering to yourself, <i>That young man has features similar to someone from this place... but I can't figure it out... or is it my imagination.. because of that shit he sprayed on my face?</i>
<<set $randomAttribute = random(1, 3)>>
<<if $randomAttribute == 1 && $TyronComponentA <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentA += 1>>
<<if $randomAttribute == 2 && $TyronComponentB <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentB += 1>>
<<if $randomAttribute == 3 && $TyronComponentC <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentC += 1>>
<<if $AssistantLab == 0>>
<<set $AssistantLab += 1>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
<<set $Money += 20>>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Lab.jpg"/></center>
In a swift movement of your eyes and a majestic coordination of your body as if you were an Olympic gymnast, you visualize three of Tyron's components and with abysmal speed, you stealthily and effectively grab them.
<<if $Feminity < 30>>
<center><img src="img/actions/sneakM.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/actions/sneakG.gif"/></center>
You quickly leave the place with a smile on your face thinking, <i>"Damn, there's so little surveillance in this place, the director of this center must either be a total idiot or just doesn't care if someone breaks in here."</i>
In any case, you return to where Tyron is, and he gives you a high five along with his brothers, saying: <div class="crimson">"Awesome, $name, here's 60 bucks, 20 per component. Keep it up, and it turns out you're not just a pretty face, huh... haha"</div> Blushing and with a light huff, you take the $60, and as you walk away, he gives you an encouraging slap on the butt.
<<if $TyronComponentA <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentA += 1>>
<<if $TyronComponentB <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentB += 1>>
<<if $TyronComponentC <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentC += 1>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
<<set $Money += 60>>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Lab.jpg"/></center>
Indeed, as soon as you realize there are footsteps in front of you, you proceed to bolt out of the laboratory as fast as you can. But as you turn around, the last thing you see is a baton heading towards your head. When you wake up, you find yourself seated in what appears to be an interrogation room, but the guard snaps you out of your dazed state with a sharp tug on your hair, lifting you from the chair and immediately forcing you to kneel, feeling your nose touch his fly.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronLab/4/1.gif"/></center>
Intimidated by his actions and paralyzed by fear of another possible attack, you allow him to use your mouth to lubricate his member.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronLab/4/2.gif"/></center>
After a few moments, he positions you in front of the table. Instead of asking questions or any semblance of interrogation, the guard begins to pull down your pants.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronLab/4/3.gif"/></center>
You know what's coming because in a swift movement, he starts to penetrate you slowly, forcefully making his way inside you despite having saliva-coated his cock.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronLab/4/4.gif"/></center>
You let out a painful groan as the guard fucks you until he finally climaxes inside you, while you release simultaneous moans of both pain and pleasure.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronLab/4/5.gif"/></center>
After fucking you, you remain immobilized on the table, beginning to pull up your pants and underwear without lifting your face from the table. Meanwhile, the guard, indifferently, when you finish dressing, grabs your arm and, crossing a long corridor, almost kicks you out. You find yourself in the backyard, and Tyron, seeing you, approaches and says: <div class="crimson">"No worries... I would beat you up, but I think they've had enough fun with you, right? Maybe next time you'll have better luck... until then... by the way, you should get some ointment... for your ass... it's quite noticeable when you've been fucked... you're walking funny, mate..."</div> After this brief conversation, he leaves while you stand in the middle of the backyard.
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Lab.jpg"/></center>
<center><img src="img/npc/GuardDiaz.jpg"/></center>
Simultaneously, as you spot the guard, he dazzles you with his flashlight and immediately heads towards your direction. Startled by the situation, you clumsily lean backward and bump into the table. Glancing backward, you spot one of Tyron's components, while the guard completes his approach towards you. Stealthily, you tuck the compound into your back pocket as the guard orders you to kneel.
The guard begins to inquire: <div class="crimson">"What's someone so puny and effeminate doing here? You're not one of his lab rats, are you?"</div> This Latino guard's remark is interrupted by another guard.
<center><img src="img/npc/CorridorGuard.jpg"/></center>
<div class="crimson">"Diaz, if you're not going to put that little whore to work with her mouth, I'll take care of it myself... I need to relax a bit, and since she's in a restricted situation... she needs a bit of oral discipline."</div> Diaz steps aside, and you see this guard taking advantage of your kneeling position as he unzips his pants, while you dive towards his cock as if it were a delicacy.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronLab/5/1.gif"/></center>
While you continue to suck his cock, indirectly making quite loud suction noises, this off-key guard says to the other guard: <div class="crimson">"Damn, Diaz, this bitch is hungry, look at her devouring my cock, haha, imagine how many dicks she must suck in prison per week to have this technique, huh?"</div> You just emit some slight <div class="lightpink">"mmhhh mhhh"</div> as if approving his comment.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronLab/5/2.gif"/></center>
From the corner of your eye, you see this guard trying to maintain his composure, but seeing you act like a horny slut, he can't help but laugh at the situation.
<center><img src="img/npc/GuardDiazSmile.jpg"/></center>
After a while, you notice the guard starting to guide the bobbing of your head with his arm until he finally shudders and comes in your mouth. Automatically after swallowing his essence with a plop, you remove your mouth as he puts it back in his pants and laughs loudly.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronLab/5/3.gif"/></center>
After standing up and wiping the remains of cum from your lips with the back of your hand, your captor kicks you out of the laboratory. Upon returning to Tyron, he says to you: <div class="crimson">"Good job, cocksucker, here's $20. Thanks for bringing me one of my components. If you want more cock, don't forget to visit my boys... or me. We always like white cum sluts like you... haha."</div> He gives you a resounding slap on the ass as you lick your lips while walking towards the center of the backyard.
<<set $randomAttribute = random(1, 3)>>
<<if $randomAttribute == 1 && $TyronComponentA <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentA += 1>>
<<if $randomAttribute == 2 && $TyronComponentB <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentB += 1>>
<<if $randomAttribute == 3 && $TyronComponentC <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentC += 1>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
<<set $Money += 20>>
<<if $GuardDiaz < 1>>
<<set $GuardDiaz += 1>>
<<if $GuardDiazComplicity < 5>>
<<set $GuardDiazComplicity += 1>>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Lab.jpg"/></center>
You watch as this handsome young man enters the laboratory with a small list and starts taking notes while checking the vials and murmuring to himself. Accidentally, you clumsily knock your knee against one of the shelves, making an indiscreet noise. The young man turns towards your direction and firmly says: <div class="crimson">"Who's there? This area is partially restricted... only for authorized personnel... The fact that this bunch of slackers didn't set up proper surveillance doesn't give you the right to sneak in here..."</div> While he continues his speech, you cover your mouth with your hand. For some reason, his monologue makes you giggle softly, probably because he's right about the surveillance. That, and the shock to your knee nerve caused a slight cramp. Suddenly, you notice an abrupt silence, and when you turn your face.
<center><img src="img/npc/Asistantside.jpg"/></center>
The young man says:<div class="crimson">"Got you!!!"</div>
He blows some powder into your face and...
<center><img src="img/sex/Random3/pois.gif"/></center>
You see the young man about to leave through the other end of the laboratory, but you, laughing foolishly, find yourself naked inserting a dildo in the middle of this room.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronLab/6/1.gif"/></center>
The young man, smiling...
<center><img src="img/npc/Asistantsidesmile.jpg"/></center>
continues to take notes in his notebook while looking at you and says: <div class="crimson">"Excellent, now increase the pace my dear guinea pig"</div>
Unable to defy his orders, you begin to ride that rubber dick.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronLab/6/2.gif"/></center>
The young man continues to take notes in his notebook and finally tells you: <div class="crimson">"Now, cum, pig"</div>
You begin to convulse while squeezing your legs together to feel that inert piece of plastic piercing through you.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronLab/6/3.gif"/></center>
As soon as you cum, upon opening your eyes, the young man is gone.. You change as best as you can and clumsily, on the table, you see one of Tyron's components. So, as you leave the place with your ass broken and half-changed.. you come to Tyron who, half laughing, tells you: <div class="crimson">"Wow, $name, looks like you've been through a rodeo but at least you brought something, right? Here, take $20 and straighten yourself up, you look like a beaten whore... haha"</div>. You take the $20 and head back to the center of the backyard, wondering to yourself, <i>That young man has features similar to someone from this place... but I can't figure it out... or is it my imagination.. because of that shit he sprayed on my face?</i>
<<set $randomAttribute = random(1, 3)>>
<<if $randomAttribute == 1 && $TyronComponentA <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentA += 1>>
<<if $randomAttribute == 2 && $TyronComponentB <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentB += 1>>
<<if $randomAttribute == 3 && $TyronComponentC <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentC += 1>>
<<if $AssistantLab == 0>>
<<set $AssistantLab += 1>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
<<set $Money += 20>>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/The Lab.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you hear footsteps and see the security guard, you try to get out of there as best as you can. But it seems like you've exited through another side of the laboratory and it's like it's another section of the backyard. The last thing you notice is a slight prick in your neck as if someone had shot a dart at you. After a few moments, you fall unconscious but not for long... because the brutal thrusts of one of your captors wake you from your slumber.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronLab/8/1.gif"/></center>
As he fucks you, he says: <div class="crimson">"This will teach you not to sneak into the laboratory or... you know what will happen to your ass!"</div> As he continues to fuck you, he starts spanking your ass... you're not sure if it's because of the tranquilizer or because you're turning into a slut, but you begin to moan with every slap and thrust.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronLab/8/2.gif"/></center>
After a few moments, your captor makes you turn around and paints your face with his cum while you unconsciously try to swallow all his nectar.
<center><img src="img/sex/TyronLab/8/3.gif"/></center>
After this encounter, your captor lets you dress there, and as soon as you finish fixing yourself, he grabs your arm foolishly... you re-enter through the exit you think you crossed before, and right in front... you end up back in the backyard... feeling more stupid than before because you were close to escaping... but deep down, you ask yourself... am I really that stupid? As you put on that idiotic face, you see Tyron approaching, and reluctantly, he says: <div class="crimson">"By the look on your face, you come with empty hands... and by the way you smell, with one or two holes well open or filled with cum... get out of my sight... go on."</div> You step aside from him as you walk submissively towards the center of the area.
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]
<center><center><img src="img/locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
As you approach them, you see Vito's face light up with an ear-to-ear smile.
<center><img src="img/npc/VitoSmile.webp"/></center>
Then Vito says to you: <div class="crimson"> "Hello, Bello. Have you come to do a couple of jobs for your Italian stallion, right?" </div> You see him nudging his companions while saying in Italian: <div class="crimson"> "Il bel principe sembra che venga a gustare le vere glorie dei gladiatori" </div> You see Vito pulling out a wad of bills, from which he takes a couple, while continuing with a smile: <div class="crimson"> "Of course, you will be rewarded, my young gallant..." </div>
Then Vito suggests:
[[How about you give me some love with those lips of yours... |BlowVitoBackyard]]
[[If you're feeling so obliging, you can always show me your loyalty by kissing my ass... (He puckers up while smiling sadistically) |RimVito]]
[[Or you can always use those lips on my boys... |BlowMinionsVito]]
<I>Do I really think I'm going to do sexual favors for these people for money...</i>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]</center>
<img src="img/npc/NerdSmile.jpg"/>
You approach the Nerd, and he, leaning back slightly, says to you:
<div class="crimson">"Hey $name... how's it going... getting some fresh air? Do you want to listen to some music in the meantime? Here, put these on."</div>
He takes out a pair of headphones and swiftly places them on your ears... it seems like you're entering some kind of trance.
<img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/Nerd/1.gif"/>
Suddenly, you see a fleeting image passing through your eyes as it seems like the Nerd is leading you towards his cell.
<img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/Nerd/2.webp"/>
Suddenly, you find yourself on your knees, sucking the Nerd's cock. He cockily says to you:
<div class="crimson">"How's it going, $name? I suppose you're aware of your actions now but can't control them, huh? Relax, enjoy your beloved Nerd's banana... surrender to being a submissive fool, hehe."</div>
<img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/Nerd/3.webp"/>
His words stab into your mind because after a while, you find yourself happily sucking his cock in his cell, even making pleasure sounds as if his cock had become a joyful symphony in your head.
<img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/Nerd/4.webp"/>
Finally, the Young Nerd pushes your head towards his cock and ejaculates into your throat. You indirectly seem to lack the reflex of your throat and swallow his milk easily and lustfully.
<img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/Nerd/5.webp"/>
After swallowing all of his milk and partially losing your throat reflex, you stand up from the floor hypnotized and see the Nerd saying something to you, which you can't understand even when looking at his lips. Still in a trance, you leave his cell... and find yourself in the hallway not sure if this whole scene was your imagination or something that happened... you're sure you've been sucking his cock for a while because you still taste a sour flavor in your mouth. At the same time... you feel slightly dumber.
<<if $Int >= 60>>
<<set $Int -= 2>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center>
<img src="img/npc/TheChefSmile.jpg"/></center>
The Chef tosses the trash bag into a small container behind the kitchen's storeroom and lustfully eyes you as you approach him. Smiling, he says: <div class="crimson">"What's up, $name? Not satisfied with a couple of servings a day? How about sucking my cock for 10 bucks... in the storeroom?"</div>
Initially, it seemed like an offer, but as you remained motionless, The Chef took it as a sign of consent. He grabs your arm and leads you to the storeroom, where he puts you on your knees, and you begin to obediently suck his cock while he occasionally guides your mouth with his hand.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/Chef/1.gif"/></center>
After a few seconds, he aggressively grabs your hair, forcing your mouth onto his pubic hair and part of his belly while saying: <div class="crimson">"That's it... you like being my submissive slut and letting me control you, huh, baby... clean my cock cheese well... that's your job... that's it, show Big T how much you love your food..."</div> Surprisingly, each comment about how much of a slut you are sends shivers down your spine as you continue to devour his cock, obeying his every command.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/Chef/2.gif"/></center>
You keep pumping your head, trying to milk all the cum out of the Chef. He had let go of your head while finally exclaiming: <div class="crimson">"That's it, treat Big T like this, and I'll turn you into a pretty girl... um, you love sucking lollipops, huh... slut... aghhhh"</div> With that final groan, you feel the Chef unload all his cum as you indirectly swallow it by pressing your nose against his pubic hair.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/Chef/3.gif"/></center>
With a slight "plop," you remove your mouth from his drooling cock and with your vision blurred from holding his cock in your mouth for too long, the Chef says before leaving: <div class="crimson">"Good job, $name, you're insatiable, huh, haha... take the 10 bucks, don't spend it on jail filth... although you're already a filthy one, huh, baby... see you later."</div> You pick up the $10 from the floor and leave the storeroom, heading to the backyard.
<<set $Money += 10>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]
<center><center><img src="img/npc/Tyronsee.jpg"/></center>
As you approach him, you see Tyron leaning amidst a cloud of smoke as he watches you coming towards him. After a while, he says:
<div class="crimson">"How's it going, $name? I usually come here to see how the day ends in all its splendor, you know... hehe."</div>
He takes another drag of his cigarette while you notice how its scent envelops you in a kind of trance, although it seems to have little effect on Tyron. Shortly after, you see him take out $10 and say:
<div class="crimson">"You know what could improve this evening... a good mouth... come on, $name, give me some joy."</div>
You take his $10, and as you kneel down, his virility is already out of his pants. You hadn't even realized, but you start to slowly take him into your mouth while Tyron emits light moans of pleasure.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/Tyronevening/1.webp"/></center>
After a while, you take his balls while attempting to take him all in one go.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/Tyronevening/2.webp"/></center>
This causes Tyron to snap out of his trance a bit, and as he leans back, he starts to use your mouth like a fleshlight while you watch him close his eyes in pleasure.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/Tyronevening/3.webp"/></center>
At one point, Tyron starts to ejaculate in your mouth as he pushes his cock against it.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/Tyronevening/4.webp"/></center>
After this brief but intense encounter, you regain your composure and see Tyron smiling.
<center><img src="img/npc/TyronSmile.jpg"/></center>
He says, <div class="crimson">"Thanks, $name, I really needed to relax more... phew, now for a good shower and off to bed... see you around, buddy..."</div>
You stay half-smiling timidly as you half follow him to the corridor of the cells, where you lose sight of him.
<<set $Money += 10>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]
<center><img src="img/locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
Directly, you stride towards Vito and kneel down as he unzips his pants, smiling. You start sucking his cock while indirectly glancing at his bodyguards who are fondling themselves over their pants.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/VitoJobs/9.webp"/></center>
After a while, Vito says: <div class="crimson">"You'll have to put more effort into it, handsome. Let me help you."</div> He begins to force you to deepthroat his cock and balls.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/VitoJobs/10.webp"/></center>
After a few moments, he lets you go and smiling, he says: <div class="crimson">"Shh, do it with love and lust as if I were your high school lover, or I'll choke you on it again."</div> You delicately start working the head of his cock while hearing some zipper sounds in the background.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/VitoJobs/12.webp"/></center>
Vito continues: <div class="crimson">"That's it... a nice wet kiss. Keep going, honey..."</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/VitoJobs/13.webp"/></center>
You continue delicately sucking his cock while watching his helpers masturbating, admiring the work you're doing for their beloved boss. Vito notices your considerable erection and kindly asks you to be honest with yourself and start jerking off for him while still sucking his cock.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/VitoJobs/14.webp"/></center>
After a few moments of passionately sucking his cock, Vito starts cumming... on top of you. But not only him... his companions had approached you, but you were so focused on your task that you hadn't noticed, so now you have 3 studs unloading on you while at the same time they paint your face with their cum and you start cumming, aiming for the ground.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/VitoJobs/15.webp"/></center>
After this facial cumshot, you start licking your lips and cleaning the remnants of your lovers. Surprisingly, Vito, as if in a compassionate gesture, takes out a handkerchief and throws it to you to finish wiping off the remnants. Blinded by their potent ejaculations, when you finish cleaning your face with the handkerchief, you realize that's where your money is... and Vito, smiling as he walks away, tells you to savor our essence, honey.
<<set $Money += 20>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]
<center><center><img src="img/locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
Blushing, you approach Vito, and he, smiling, turns around while pulling down his pants and sways his ass towards you as he says: <div class="crimson">"Show your loyalty and lick the boss's ass well... hehe"</div> You see his bodyguards warning you, <div class="crimson">"Don't you dare do anything stupid"</div>so you begin to play with your tongue around his asshole.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/VitoJobs/1.webp"/></center>
This makes you notice Vito shiver several times as he lifts one of his legs against the wall to get more comfortable. Feeling his tremors and wanting to end this scene quickly due to the embarrassing image you believe you're giving, you start giving him a handjob while devouring his ass.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/VitoJobs/2.webp"/></center>
This causes Vito to release a phrase:<div class="crimson">"That's it, handsome, loyalty to your godfather, oh yes... keep going!</div> With the corner of your eye, you see the other two inmates biting their lips as they contemplate such a scene. After a while, you continue to devour his ass with your tongue.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/VitoJobs/3.webp"/></center>
This makes Vito climax and splatter the front wall, while you fall on your ass on the floor. As Vito puts on his pants, he tosses you 20 bucks and leaves with his bodyguards without saying a word... you pick them up from the ground, and shamefully return to the backyard, rubbing your lips with the back of your sleeve.
<<set $Money += 20>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
You approach Vito's two bodyguards and they, laughing between themselves, position themselves on each side of you and surprisingly start kissing your neck right there, while Vito seems to bite his lip contemplating the scene.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/VitoJobs/4.webp"/></center>
As they continue to kiss your neck, you feel their cocks exposed, and they make you kneel down. Surprisingly, that previous display of affection has got you very horny, so you start sucking their cocks, alternating between them.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/VitoJobs/5.webp"/></center>
Meanwhile, as you enjoy their blowjobs, they occasionally force both their cocks into your mouth while making comments in Italian that you can't understand.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/VitoJobs/6.gif"/></center>
After a few moments of feeling their cocks forced into your mouth, you feel a great explosion as both of them unload inside you, forcing you to drink all their nectar.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/VitoJobs/7.webp"/></center>
Before getting up from the ground and going for your payment, these two studs offer you an additional $10 if you finish cleaning their cocks. With your strong arousal, you see them throw the bill on the floor... and automatically proceed to clean their cocks, almost ignoring the money... which causes Vito to show that sadistic smile he usually wears.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/VitoJobs/8.webp"/></center>
After a few moments, you pick up those $10, stand up, and see the two bodyguards give you $20. You leave $30 richer... but you feel just as humiliated as aroused... as you leave the place and return to the backyard, you feel Vito's gaze piercing your back.
<<set $Money += 30>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]</center><center><center><img src="img/locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you approach Vito's two bodyguards, you see something completely out of the ordinary backyard atmosphere.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/VitoJobsF/1.jpg"/></center>
Turning your head, you realize you are in front of Vito's minions, and they tell you: <div class="crimson">"What's up, babe? Thought you were the only one who has succumbed to that shit?"</div> As they elbow each other, they continue: <div class="crimson">"Feeling up for a tag team, or just one of us, sweetheart? Haha, or we could always ask the redhead; she might be cheaper than you..."</div> When you turn your head again, that "prisoner" is gone... and in front of you, you see these two Italians pulling out a $10 bill each... the question is, what are you going to do?
[[Just one of them|OneofHim]]
[[Tag team|TwoofThem]]
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]
<center><center><img src="img/npc/NerdSmile.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you approach the Nerd, he smiles and says: <div class="crimson">"What's up, my dear bully $name, or should I call you a banana lover? Although I doubt mine is the only one you've savored... with the look you're sporting, I believe you've already devoured a fair share of cocks, haven't you?"</div> <i>You just snort and pout while listening to the Nerd laugh heartily at you... when you raise your gaze again..in the reflection of his glasses you only see..</i>
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 3)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/Dreams/libraryhum1.gif", "img/Dreams/libraryhum2.webp", "img/Dreams/libraryhum3.webp", "img/Dreams/libraryhum4.webp"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
Indirectly, after that flash of images, you seem to be under the Nerd's trance, which leads you to his cell to carry out what he calls <i>"An educational activity"</i>
As soon as you're in your cell, your ears are buzzing, and the Nerd sadistically tells you: <div class="crimson">"Hello bitch, I've got a hard bone for you, open up and eat lovingly, will you?"</div> Commanded by his orders, you stupidly drool and draw that piece of juicy meat towards you, starting to suck his cock frenetically.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/NerdF/1.gif"/><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/NerdF/2.gif"/></center>
After a while, the Nerd firmly grabs your head, and you impassively let him fuck your mouth under his moans of pleasure, which seems to attract some curious gaze from the cell hallway.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/NerdF/3.gif"/></center>
As soon as you blink senselessly, you realize you're on all fours and the Nerd is beginning to penetrate you while you gasp and he tells you: <div class="crimson">"That's right, my stupid sissy bully, how much you love nerd cocks, huh?"</div> You hear someone in the hallway saying: <div class="crimson">"That's it, Geek, tame that whore's ass hahaha"</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/NerdF/4.gif"/></center>The Nerd, encouraged by the cheers, starts to rhythmically fuck your ass while spanking you, causing you to arch your back and bite your lip in pleasure.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/NerdF/5.gif"/></center>
Alex continues to fuck you while humiliating you with insults that echo in your head <div class="darkorchid">Stupid Slut, CockSucker, Whore</div>
This causes you to submissively start masturbating frantically and to start screaming in his cell: <div class="lightpink">"Aaahh yes Alex, I'm the stupid geek's whore, I adore nerd bananas ahhh ahhh keep fucking me ahhh"</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/NerdF/6.gif"/></center>
You feel Alex shiver and he lustfully stops fucking your ass and looks at one of the prisoners watching the show from the cell door and says: <div class="crimson">"Want to see how I paint her stupid whore's face, watch"</div> After this phrase, he gets you on your knees while you stick out your tongue like a dog, positioning your face towards this curious prisoner.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/NerdF/7.gif"/></center>
While you glance sideways at this prisoner, you open your mouth submissively and start swallowing Nerd's cum while licking and confusingly looking towards the door.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/NerdF/8.gif"/></center>
After this, the prisoner at the door says: <div class="crimson">"Damn dude.. thanks for the show. Now I have material for a wank tonight... though you should lend me that bitch... buddy... or maybe I'll catch her somewhere else."</div> Saying that, he blows you a kiss as he leaves, tossing a $10 bill your way. As you go to pick it up, you get a cramp... and Alex orders you to give it to him. Submissively, you pick it up and hand it over... in a daze... you seem to come back to yourself. Before Alex kicks you out of his cell, he says: <div class="crimson">"Good job, my dear stupid bully... I hope you come back to the backyard to see me... maybe you'll be my first girlfriend... in here.. haha"</div>
<<set $NrdMoney += 10>>
<<if $Feminity < 50>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
<<if $Int >= 60>>
<<set $Int -= 2>>
Your Femininity has increased to: <<print $Feminity>>
Your Intelligence has decreased to: <<print $Int>>.
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment time by 1 unit -->
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center>
<img src="img/npc/TheChefSmile.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you approach the Chef, he smiles at you and says:<div class="crimson">What's up, honey? Not satisfied with the meals... hehe... listen, the other cook from the other wing is coming here now to have a smoke. How about I give you $20 and you're sweet to him, eh? And I'll give you one of those gummies you like so much.</div>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/npc/Tyronsee.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you approach, you see Tyron surrounded by a cloud of smoke, and he says: <div class="crimson">Hello $name ... wow, lately you are becoming a pretty girl... hehe</div><i> You huff, looking around </i> Tyron continues: <div class="crimson">Uff, I'm not in a condition to perform.. but.. would you be interested in going for one of my components? You know, distract the guard with your charms. Besides, I've heard... he has some quite peculiar tastes. What do you say.. it's that shaved guard.. we sneak in while you distract, grab some material, and that... and I'll give you the $10 in advance... you know...</div>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you approach Ismael, he smiles...
<center><img src="img/npc/IsmaelSmile.jpg"/></center>
He pulls down his pants and more than a suggestion, he forces you to get on your knees and suck him right there... you foolishly begin to play with his cock while passing it over your lips as Ismael relishes in pleasure.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/IsmaelF/2.gif"/></center>
Lustfully, he orders you to start sucking him, to which you comply without hesitation.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/IsmaelF/1.gif"/></center>
After a while, Ismael, now broken and warmly enjoying your blowjob, asks you to lick his balls while he holds it at the same time, and looking sideways, you see his buddies approaching, whistling.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/IsmaelF/3.gif"/></center>
<center><img src="img/npc/Latin1.webp"/><img src="img/npc/jesuslatin.webp"/></center>
As you continue to suck his balls under the watchful eyes of his companions, who begin to masturbate watching the scene... Ismael asks you to suck his cock again while saying: <div class="crimson">"Get ready for a delicious yogurt sauce breakfast, babe haha"</div>
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/IsmaelF/4.gif"/><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/IsmaelF/5.gif"/></center>
After a while, as soon as you start to choke on his cock while he maintains firm control over you... Ismael loses control of himself as he starts to cum in torrents, and you begin to jerk him off while your delicate face and lips are splattered with his "sauce."
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/IsmaelF/6.gif"/><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/IsmaelF/7.gif"/></center>
As you play with his cock as if it were a rattle, you see his buddies cumming while watching the scene. Lustfully looking at them, you begin to clean up the remains, taking them into your mouth and swallowing them while looking at them and saying, <div class="lightpink">"Mmmm, what a delicious sauce, hehe"</div> Ismael, with eyes wide open, hands you a $10 bill while asking the others to contribute to giving you a tip for being such a good "mamacita." You leave feeling $30 richer and feeling like a cheap whore as the trio of Latinos look at you with lust from afar as you leave the scene and return to the backyard.
<<set $Money += 30>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]
<center><center><img src="img/npc/Tyronsee.jpg"/></center>
You extend your hand, and Tyron gives you the $10 while smiling and lets out a sharp whistle, simultaneously and discreetly, you see several of his "brothers" approaching... You stride confidently towards the guard...
<center><img src="img/npc/BaldGuard.jpg"/></center>
Seeing you, he smiles macabrely, and says: <div class="crimson">What are you doing around here at this hour, sissy slut... looking for trouble or a baton to put in your mouth?</div> You start caressing his chest lasciviously, acting while saying: <div class="lightpink">I've been a naughty slut... and yes, I would love to play with some batons... but I hope the crime won't add to my sentence</div> The guard responds: <div class="crimson">It depends on what you can do with the baton... honey.. who knows, maybe you'll even profit from it</div> Saying this, he grabs your waist while groping your ass.. and leads you into one of the guard booths. As he closes the door, you see Tyron's men advancing towards their mission.
Surprisingly, as soon as the door closes, the guard gets down on his knees.. and starts sucking your cock wildly <i>You think it's one of the few times you've received oral pleasure since you arrived in prison and fewer... from a guard</i>
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/TyroneveningF/1.gif"/></center>
Obviously, the guard's blowjob lasts less than expected.. and when you're well heated up, he "suggests" that you return the favor... and with a considerable erection, you get down on your knees and start serving him.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/TyroneveningF/2.gif"/></center>
As you continue to suck his cock confidently, you look him in the eyes while trying to look out the window.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/TyroneveningF/3.gif"/></center>
Before you know it, your bald lover is so aroused that he literally stands up and, laying you down on the table, starts riding you on his cock impaling you on his member while at the same time, you see Tyron's men pass by and make mocking gestures while you continue to pump your ass against your lover's cock.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/TyroneveningF/4.gif"/><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/TyroneveningF/5.gif"/></center>
The guard, about to climax, lays you back on his desk and continues fucking you a little longer until finally, as he pulls out, he starts masturbating and cumming on top of you.. as you try to pretend that you loved this fuck although deep down... between being aware of your surroundings and the buzzkill your lover gave you... it totally took you out of the scene.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/TyroneveningF/6.gif"/><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/TyroneveningF/7.gif"/></center>
With a smug smile, the guard says: <div class="crimson">Good fuck slut... phew, I'm delighted... now, get out to the showers, and whenever you want, I'll keep giving you a baton ration...</div> You leave the booth and see no trace of Tyron or his men, assuming the plan went according to plan, and you head to the cell block corridor... on your way to the showers... $10 richer... and with a pretty significant turn-on.
<<set $randomAttribute = random(1, 3)>>
<<if $randomAttribute == 1 && $TyronComponentA <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentA += 1>>
<<if $randomAttribute == 2 && $TyronComponentB <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentB += 1>>
<<if $randomAttribute == 3 && $TyronComponentC <= 5>>
<<set $TyronComponentC += 1>>
<<set $Money += 10>>
[[Return to The Cells|The Cells]]</center>
<center><center><img src="img/npc/TheChefSmile.jpg"/></center>
You accept, and the chef immediately makes you open your mouth and puts a pill in it
<center><img src="img/actions/pills.gif"/></center>
As he says:<div class="crimson">Good girl</div>
As soon as you finish tasting that pill, you feel a zap in your lower back just as the other cook approaches.. who starts whispering something to the chef and you see him hand over a stack of bills.. the chef turns to you and says:<div class="crimson">Be a good girl and give a lick to the bills... part of them you've earned yourself, darling.. so if you want to get paid...</div> In a rather macabre trance.. you lick the stack of bills as if it were the chef's dick.
<center><img src="img/actions/suckmoney.gif"/></center>
Giving you $20, the chef then gives you one last slap on the butt while the other cook immediately takes you by the hand.. and leads you to one of the conjugal rooms...
<<set $Money += 20>>
<<if $TheCookMoney <= 2000>>
<<set $TheCookMoney += 30>>
<<if $Feminity < 50>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/Conyugal.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you enter the room and completely under the influence of the "gummy" that the chef gave you previously, both of you undress eagerly. As soon as you touch the bed, you start sucking his cock, trying to choke on it while playing with his member, occasionally timidly masturbating your own cock.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/ChefF/1.gif"/><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/ChefF/2.gif"/></center>
After playing with his member for a while, your other cooking lover gets ready to penetrate your ass sideways. He gives you timid thrusts at first until finally, when his cock fits in completely, he starts accelerating his waist while passionately kissing your neck and playing with your feminine breasts.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/ChefF/3.gif"/><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/ChefF/4.gif"/></center>
This makes you moan like a horny bitch, and your lover, seeing this, decides to give you slow but firm thrusts.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/ChefF/5.gif"/>
You love this game, and your lover loves it even more as his bold move leads him to climax. Getting on all fours, he starts to cum inside you.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/ChefF/6.gif"/>
As he unloads onto you, your cock timidly also cums, causing your body to experience a wave of pleasure, releasing a soft mmmhhh... Before leaving, your lover asks you to stay in the doggy position while leaving another $10 on the bedside table, which makes you smile as you watch him leave the scene.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/ChefF/7.gif"/>
As soon as he leaves the room, you shiver and collapse tired onto the bed, feeling his nectar still flowing from your ass. After a few minutes, you get up, take the $10, and return to the backyard, as if leaving the scene of the crime.
<<set $Money += 10>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]
<center><center><img src="img/locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/></center>
Right there, one of the two takes out his cock while the other throws a $10 bill on the ground. You bend down and timidly begin to suck his cock under the sadistic smile of his companion.
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Guard/11.gif"/></center>
The prisoner impatiently grabs your head and begins to fuck your mouth while his companion laughs, as other prisoners shake their heads or smile at the scene.
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Useint/Facefuckg.gif"/></center>
After a while and a couple of thrusts into your mouth, he finishes unloading his cum inside your mouth without giving you a chance to pull away.
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Useint/3.webp"/></center>
<center><img src="img/sex/Vitominions/Encounter/ForcedFemenine2.gif"/></center>
After making you swallow and leaving your face completely covered in cum, they leave the place as if the devil himself was after them, while you see how some other prisoners from the backyard give you catcalls... you're $10 richer... but this encounter has undoubtedly earned you more of a slut reputation.
<<set $Money += 10>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
Money: <<print $Money>>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]
You agree to go with both of them, so they gladly give you $20, and you head to one of the prison's conjugal rooms with them.
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/Conyugal.jpg"/></center>
Where, upon entering, you undress and start giving a blowjob to one of them while his companion finishes undressing.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/VitoJobsF/1.gif"/><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/VitoJobsF/2.gif"/></center>
As soon as you've sufficiently lubed up his cock, he proceeds to fuck your ass while you give another blowjob to his buddy, feeling the muscles of your jaw tighten with so much "work".
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/VitoJobsF/3.gif"/></center>
After a few moments, the one drilling your ass has you ride his cock while you continue sucking off the other.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/VitoJobsF/4.gif"/></center>
In an instant, the one you are sucking off makes you swallow all his nectar as he comes, while the one you're riding asks you to suck him off again... so you proceed to take his cock in your mouth again after it has been fucking your ass for a good while.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/VitoJobsF/5.gif"/></center>
As you continue sucking his cock, his companion says:<div class="crimson">"That's right, bitch... what a slut you are... taste your own essence, whore."</div> This causes his companion to shudder and also unload in your mouth... you don't know if it's because you're turned on, but you continue kissing his cock while tasting his nectar along with the taste of your own intimate area... this causes both companions to laugh at you and hurl more insults your way.
<center><img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/VitoJobsF/6.gif"/></center>
After this utterly dirty act, you laugh shyly as you walk back to the backyard with your two Italian studs, as they fondle you along the way.
<<set $Money += 20>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to The BackYard|The BackYard]]
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/TheYard.jpg"/></center>
As soon as you step into the Yard with other inmates, you see a group of intimidating guards lined up, watching you. One of them asks you to stand in front of them and wait for the captain.
<img src="img/npc/BaldGuard.jpg"/><img src="img/npc/GuardDiazPortrait.jpg"/><img src="img/npc/LaundryGuard.jpg"/><img src="img/npc/CorridorGuard.jpg"/>
After trying to look at their faces, you see a female figure approaching slowly from behind them, like an animal stalking its prey, while she tidies her hair as she gets closer.
<img src="img/npc/MaryPresent.webp"/>
One of the inmates, seeing such a woman, shouts: <div class="crimson">"I told you guys, this place isn't going to be so bad. Maybe we'll give the guards a taste of their own medicine, you know, with our 'batons'."</div> After saying this, he grabs his crotch roughly while looking at the woman.
In a swift move, the woman approaches.
<img src="img/npc/MaryPresent1.webp"/>
<img src="img/actions/MaryHitPrisoner.gif"/>
With a single punch, she knocks the prisoner out, leaving him unconscious. Smiling sadistically, she regains her composure and begins the following speech:<div class="crimson">"First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Mary, and I am the chief captain of security in this institution. Secondly... your fucking asses are mine from now on. Although I don't give a damn about what you do among yourselves as long as it's not too blatant. About using our 'batons,' you better be good boys because this prison is known for housing everyone from the most pathetic man to the most depraved son of a bitch, and I'm not just talking about the inmates. So respect my men and women in uniform and be compliant, or you'll end up eating all kinds of 'batons.' Now, get your pathetic faces out of my sight, or you'll end up like your friend... although he might need another kind of shock treatment for getting so aroused. Yes, I think he'll enjoy some good discipline time. He's been privileged... if you had been good boys... well, that hardly ever happens... I would've had to find your ticklish spots too... now get lost."</div>
As soon as she finishes her speech, Mary looks towards a watchtower, where, due to the sun, you can't make out a figure standing at the highest point.
<img src="img/Locations/Tower.jpg"/>
Mary turns back to you and concludes:<div class="crimson">"Well, it seems the Warden has come to watch the show again. Who knows, maybe you'll get to meet him... although I don't think you'll have that honor."</div> Turning around again, Mary orders two of her guards to take the inmate away. As you watch, you see her taking the baton out of her pants and hear her murmur,<div class="crimson"> Now I'll make you a woman, sweetheart.</div>
After this flamboyant and quick introduction, you find yourself in the yard where you see a group of Latinos in the distance calling you names while you observe different areas of this zone.
<<set $Mary +=1>>
[[Go to The Yard|The Yard]]
</center><center><center><img src="img/npc/MaryPose.webp"/></center>
<div class="royalblue">
Mary, known as "Mary The Breaker," is the young chief of security in the prison. She earned her nickname due to her penchant for breaking and crushing the will of the inmates under her control, often turning them into semi-sexual toys for other prisoners. Rumors circulate that she has mastered a combat style known as Tactical Close Combat (TCC). It's said she was trained by the city's mysterious vigilante ninja, who emerged from the shadows without warning. Mary’s authoritative presence and ruthless tactics make her both feared and respected within the prison walls.
<<if $Mary ==1>>
<<set $Mary +=1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center><center><img src="img/Locations/Your Cell.jpg"/></center>
You start to hear the sound of bells ringing from the main yard. As your blurry vision clears, you notice the corridor guard standing at the door of your cell.
<center><img src="img/npc/CorridorGuard.jpg"/></center>
<div class="crimson">"What's up, sleeping beauties? Today is the Lord's day... just because you're a bunch of sodomite bitches doesn't mean you can't get on your knees and beg forgiveness from the Savior... hahah. Well, you know the drill: head to the yard after tidying up your cell. And this doesn't mean you can't go to the visiting room to see your families."</div>
$name : <div class="gold"> "Why the hell do you hold mass on the same day as visits?"</div>
The guard responds:<div class="crimson"> "Maybe, dear, because there are other inmates who don't have any family, and at least listening to the sermons of that ex-gangster helps them kill time and forget that they have no one... I don't know, you're not very empathetic, are you? You should be more loving..."</div>
<center><img src="img/actions/lip-bite.gif"/></center>
<div class="crimson">"Well... I'll be in the yard opening the church with the father... be good, $name... and see you later, Sasha."</div>
<<set $Eduardo +=1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Go to The Yard|The Yard]]
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/Chapel.webp"/></center>
<div class="seagreen">
A small chapel is located on one side of the prison, hidden behind an ancient wrought-iron gate. Access to this chapel is permitted only on Sundays, but it appears to be well-maintained, offering a semblance of peace and tranquility. Despite the harsh environment of the prison, this sanctuary provides a haven for any tormented soul seeking solace. The serene ambiance and careful upkeep suggest a place where troubled minds might find a brief respite from their inner turmoil.
<<if $Eduardo == 1>>
[[Sasha is waiting for you halfway to the main door.|Description6]]
<<if $Eduardo >= 2>>
[[Go to the Chapel|TheChapel]]
[[Go to The Yard|The Yard]]<center><center><img src="img/npc/EduardoProfile.webp"/></center>
<div class="royalblue">
Former member of a Latin gang who dabbled in drugs and found "faith" after surviving a multiple shooting behind a light pole—some say he literally saw the "light" when he was electrocuted. After that, and spending a couple of months in the infirmary, he covered up his tattoos and took part in the reeducation system of this very prison, becoming a pastor after a tragic accident involving his predecessor.
But apart from this major incident, several prisoners say that he hasn't cut ties with the members of his gang or that he tries to "lead them on the right path," although that church smells fishy...
<<if $Eduardo ==1>>
<<set $Eduardo +=1>>
[[Return to The Church|Church]]
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/Chapel2.webp"/></center>
<div class="seagreen">
The small prison chapel is a haven of tranquility amidst the chaos. Upon entering, you find a modest yet solemn space. Wooden benches, worn by years and countless prayers, are aligned in rows facing a simple oak lectern. Atop the lectern, an open Bible seems to invite reflection and redemption.
The walls, though bare and austere, exude an air of serenity. On the sides, doors lead to small rooms, their interiors hidden from view, suggesting spaces for confession or private meditation. The lighting is dim, provided by a mix of natural light filtering through small high windows and some wall lamps that emit a warm glow.
The atmosphere inside the chapel is silent and reverent, offering tormented souls a moment of peace and the opportunity to seek solace. Despite its simplicity, this place holds an aura of deep spirituality, making any visitor feel a slight hope for redemption or at least a brief respite from the outside world.
<<if $Eduardo == 2>>
[[Take a seat and Listen Eduardo|FirstChapel]]
<<if $Eduardo >=3 && $EduardoCy >= 1>>
[[Listen to the sermon|SecondChapelC]]
[[Go Outside|Church]]
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/Chapel2.webp"/></center>
$name takes a seat on one of the wooden benches, feeling the smooth, worn surface beneath him. As he settles in, he watches Eduardo step up to the lectern and begin a speech about the redemption of the soul and submission to the Lord. Eduardo's voice is commanding and filled with a fervor that seems to captivate the room.
<center><img src="img/npc/EduardoSpech.webp"/></center>
As $name listens, he notices one of Eduardo's assistants lighting incense. The assistant moves gracefully, and soon, a fragrant smoke starts to fill the chapel. The scent is heavy and almost overpowering, seeping into every corner of the room.
$name begins to feel a bit confused, his thoughts becoming foggy. He glances around and sees some of the other inmates starting to murmur to each other. One of them whispers loudly enough for $name to hear:<div class="crimson"> "He's lit that crap again. Let's get out of here, guys."</div> With that, a few of the inmates get up and leave, their footsteps echoing softly as they exit the chapel.
<center><img src="img/sex/Random3/pois.gif"/></center>
Despite the growing sense of confusion, $name remains seated, feeling a strange mix of calm and unease as Eduardo continues his sermon, the words blending with the pervasive aroma of the incense.
[[Remain seated while everyone else leaves the room.|FirstChapel1]]
[[Go to The Yard|The Yard]]
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/Chapel2.webp"/></center>
<<if $Feminity < 30>>
You start to lose consciousness when you see an unknown figure who lifts you up and whispers to you: <div class="crimson">"Don't worry, my child.. it's time for you to kneel before your lord and savior."</div> You don't know why, but indirectly and as if in a relaxing dream, you say <div class="lightpink">"Yes, sir."</div> You feel your steps being guided to another location while you remain in this perverse trance. You hear this voice again, commanding: <div class="crimson">"Show that sinful body... it's time for it to be purified by taking the seed of the lord."</div>
As he tells you this, you kneel and lustfully start to masturbate while foolishly sticking out your tongue at the sight of your "savior's" member, as he plays with his fingers in your mouth.
<img src="img/sex/Chapel/1/1.gif"/>
Irresistibly and drooling, you begin to devour his cock.
<img src="img/sex/Chapel/1/2.gif"/>
To the point where you start to choke on it.
<img src="img/sex/Chapel/1/3.gif"/>
In one of these attempts to choke on his member, you feel it start to unload into the depths of your mouth and throat.
<img src="img/sex/Chapel/1/4.gif"/>
When you come to your senses...
You start to lose consciousness when you see an unknown figure who lifts you up and whispers to you:
<div class="crimson">"Oh, it seems you have taken the path of sin, sister... it's going to be time for you to redeem yourself before your lord and savior"</div>
You don't know why, but indirectly and as if in a relaxing dream, you say
<div class="lightpink">"Yes, sir."</div>
You feel your steps being guided to another location while you remain in this perverse trance.
You hear this voice again, commanding:
<div class="crimson">"Show that sinful body... it's time for it to be purified by taking the seed of the lord."</div>
As he tells you this, you kneel and lustfully start to masturbate while foolishly sticking out your tongue at the sight of your "savior's" member.
Irresistibly and drooling, you begin to devour his cock.
<img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/NerdF/1.gif"/>
To the point where you start to choke on it.
<img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/NerdF/2.gif"/>
Your "savior" begins to fuck your mouth frantically.
<img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/NerdF/3.gif"/>
Until he finally orders you to open your mouth.
<img src="img/sex/BackyardJobs/NerdF/8.gif"/>
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/TheYard.jpg"/></center>
You suddenly find yourself in the middle of the yard and hear a prisoner laughing in the distance, pointing at you and saying:
<div class="crimson">"Even here people keep getting on their knees in church, and not exactly to pray haha."</div>
This makes you feel very confused as you try to regain composure. Since you arrived at this location, an hour has passed... and you suspect Eduardo isn't as holy as he seems... or is it just your imagination?
<<if $Eduardo ==2>>
<<set $Eduardo +=1>>
<<set $EduardoCy += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[The Yard|The Yard]]
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/Chapel2.webp"/></center>
$name takes a seat on one of the wooden benches, feeling the smooth, worn surface beneath him. As he settles in, he watches Eduardo step up to the lectern and begin a speech about the redemption of the soul and submission to the Lord. Eduardo's voice is commanding and filled with a fervor that seems to captivate the room.
<center><img src="img/npc/EduardoSpech.webp"/></center>
As $name listens, he notices one of Eduardo's assistants lighting incense. The assistant moves gracefully, and soon, a fragrant smoke starts to fill the chapel. The scent is heavy and almost overpowering, seeping into every corner of the room.
$name begins to feel a bit confused, his thoughts becoming foggy. He glances around and sees some of the other inmates starting to murmur to each other. One of them whispers loudly enough for $name to hear, "He's lit that crap again. Let's get out of here, guys." With that, a few of the inmates get up and leave, their footsteps echoing softly as they exit the chapel.
<center><img src="img/sex/Random3/pois.gif"/></center>
Despite the growing sense of confusion, $name remains seated, feeling a strange mix of calm and unease as Eduardo continues his sermon, the words blending with the pervasive aroma of the incense.
[[Remain seated while everyone else leaves the room.|SecondChapel1]]
[[Go to The Yard|The Yard]]
<center><center><img src="img/Locations/Chapel2.webp"/></center>
As soon as you drift off, the only thing you see or believe to see are figures approaching you...
<<if $Feminity < 30>>
<<set $randomEvent = random(1, 3)>>
<<if $randomEvent == 1>>
<p>[[Someone grabs your arm.|Chapel1]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 2>>
<p>[[Someone seems to pull you out of the chapel.|Chapel2]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 3>>
<p>[[Someone seems to lead you towards a room.|Chapel3]]</p>
<<set $randomEvent = random(4, 6)>>
<<if $randomEvent == 4>>
<p>[[Someone grabs your arm.|Chapel4]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 5>>
<p>[[You feel what you believe is a slight blow to the head.|Chapel5]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 6>>
<p>[[Someone seems to lead you towards a room.|Chapel6]]</p>
You only remember someone grabbing you by the arm and leading you somewhere, perhaps to a room, because all you feel is your pants being pulled down and being put on all fours, feeling the cold floor on your face... while shivering as you feel someone starting to fuck your ass.
<img src="img/sex/Chapel/2/1.gif"/>
You don't know if it's the smell of incense that has penetrated deep into your brain, but you feel each penetration more intensely than ever, while loving how your unknown lover makes his way inside you.
<img src="img/sex/Chapel/2/2.gif"/>
At an undetermined time due to the "journey" you're on, you feel your assailant withdraw his cock, at the same time feeling a huge emptiness and his cum shooting out of your ass.
<img src="img/sex/Chapel/2/3.gif"/>
In the blink of an eye, you find yourself in the yard... but feeling a burning sensation in your rear...
<<if $EduardoCy < 5>>
<<set $EduardoCy += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[The Yard|The Yard]]
It seems you are sitting with your ass out at one of the activity tables in the yard when a familiar voice says to you:
<div class="crimson">"That's right, pull down your pants for Big.."</div>
Before the sentence ends, you are pulling down your pants and feel his cock starting to penetrate you.
<img src="img/sex/Chapel/2/4.gif"/>
After several minutes, you feel him holding your intimacy while he continues fucking you at the edge of the bench, under the gaze of a few other inmates who see the somewhat suspicious movements.
<img src="img/sex/Chapel/2/5.gif"/>
While he rhythmically fucks you, your "lover" says to you:
<div class="crimson">"Oh yes $name, this time you've had a good glass of warm milk for breakfast... hehe"</div>
With one more thrust, you feel him filling your insides with his cum.
<img src="img/sex/Chapel/2/6.gif"/>
At the same time, you collapse onto the table.... When you regain your senses, a good while has passed... and timidly pulling up your pants... you return to the main yard.. though you notice several inmates devouring you with their eyes....
<<if $EduardoCy < 5>>
<<set $EduardoCy += 1>>
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increase time by 1 unit -->
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
[[The Yard|The Yard]]
When you become aware of the situation, you find yourself naked in an unknown room, riding someone's cock on all fours.
<img src="img/sex/Chapel/2/7.gif"/>
He spanks you while saying:
<div class="crimson">"That's it, surrender to your lord... I will cleanse your sins with my holy seed"</div>
This makes you want to extract all his essence with your ass, pushing your hips against his member with every thrust that you provoke yourself.
<img src="img/sex/Chapel/2/8.gif"/>
This causes your unknown lover to start unloading inside you while you end up lying down in this room.
<img src="img/sex/Chapel/2/9.gif"/>
After a while, you feel someone dressing you in your usual inmate attire and guiding your steps towards the chapel's exit... you know this because when the church gates close behind you, it brings you out of your trance... at the same time, you feel the "seed" of that lover escaping from your lower back, soaking your underwear. You try to tell yourself that these are hallucinations or something like that....
<<if $EduardoCy < 5>>
<<set $EduardoCy += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[The Yard|The Yard]]
When you regain part of your senses, you find yourself in a room inserting a dildo into your ass while hearing several people laughing and cheering you on.
<img src="img/sex/Chapel/2/10.gif"/>
Once inserted, one of them orders you to fuck yourself against the wall, which you obey without hesitation, biting your lip with each thrust you provoke against the wall.
<img src="img/sex/Chapel/2/11.gif"/>
While you continue fucking yourself, one of the spectators of your show lies down in front of you and orders you to suck him off while you continue breaking your ass with each thrust you make against the wall.
<img src="img/sex/Chapel/2/12.gif"/>
After a while of him fucking your mouth, he starts filling your throat with cum while you cum on the floor, feeling your lover tremble just like your ass. This causes you to collapse in this room.
<img src="img/sex/Chapel/2/13.gif"/>
When you regain consciousness, you are outside the church with that familiar sensation of cum in your mouth and your ass burning... you try to regain your composure as best as you can and return to reality.
<<if $EduardoCy < 5>>
<<set $EduardoCy += 1>>
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increase time by 1 unit -->
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
[[The Yard|The Yard]]
When you come to, between the blow and the trance state, you find a big man above you, shoving his cock into your mouth whenever he can. You can't resist swallowing it.
<img src="img/sex/Chapel/2/14.gif"/>
He continues choking you with his cock, causing slight spasms in the back of your neck.
<img src="img/sex/Chapel/2/15.gif"/>
When you blink again, your stud is fucking your ass while laughing sadistically at your helplessness.
<img src="img/sex/Chapel/2/16.gif"/>
It doesn't seem long before you feel him unload inside you, but he keeps pumping so vigorously that the little consciousness you have left makes you pass out.
<img src="img/sex/Chapel/2/17.gif"/>
When you regain consciousness, you find yourself dressed somewhat suspiciously... sitting at one of the many tables in the yard, several inmates blow kisses at you, while some lustfully say:
<div class="crimson">"If you want, babe, you can come confess with me next time, eh"</div>
Another one replies:
<div class="crimson">"We can give you some penance, darling, haha"</div>
You leave the place blushing as you head back to the main yard.
<<if $EduardoCy < 5>>
<<set $EduardoCy += 1>>
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increase time by 1 unit -->
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
[[The Yard|The Yard]]
When you regain a bit of consciousness, you find yourself on your knees with your tongue out, and the only thing you see clearly is a huge black cock masturbating over your face.
<img src="img/sex/Chapel/2/18.gif"/>
While he continues to masturbate above you, laughing, he says: <div class="crimson">"That's it, sister... get ready to receive the milk of your black god haha"</div>
<img src="img/sex/Chapel/2/19.gif"/>
All you do is wait with your tongue out until...
<img src="img/sex/Chapel/2/20.gif"/>
Once he cums in your mouth, he not-so-gently asks you to savor his "essence," which you do without hesitation, swallowing his juice and then showing him your empty mouth.
<img src="img/sex/Chapel/2/21.gif"/>
Your black stud, laughing at how slutty you're being, says: <div class="crimson">"Now give me a high five and a kiss for your brown friend, will you?"</div> You, like a bitch in heat, comply.
<img src="img/sex/Chapel/2/22.gif"/>
After this hallucination, the only thing you remember is more than two arms half-pushing you out of the church, partially coming to your senses as you hear the gates closing behind you and see several black inmates laughing at you loudly. You try to regain your composure and find yourself in the yard.
<<if $EduardoCy < 5>>
<<set $EduardoCy += 1>>
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increase time by 1 unit -->
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
[[The Yard|The Yard]]
<img src="img/Locations/Your Cell.jpg"/>
<<if $Respect >= 0>>
<p>You lie down on your bed and without any of the prisoners or your cellmate noticing... you do a little job to pass the time in your cell.</p>
<img src="img/actions/wank.gif">
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<<if $Shashaslut == 1 && $Feminity < 30>>
<<set $randomEvent = random(1, 5)>>
<<if $randomEvent == 1>>
<p>[[When you close your eyes and concentrate, you hear a sound.|Fap1]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 2>>
<p>[[When you decide to enjoy yourself a little.|Fap2]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 3>>
<p>[[It seems the cell is empty.|Fap3]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 4>>
<p>[[Lying quietly on the bed.|Fap4]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 5>>
<p>[[You lie down on your bed and.|Fap5]]</p>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<<if $Shashaslut == 1 && $Feminity >= 30>>
<<set $randomEvent = random(10, 14)>>
<<if $randomEvent == 10>>
<p>[[It seems the cell is empty.|Fap10]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 11>>
<p>[[When you close your eyes and concentrate, you hear a sound.|Fap11]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 12>>
<p>[[It seems the cell is empty..|Fap12]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 13>>
<p>[[You think you notice someone approaching.|Fap13]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 14>>
<p>[[You lie down on your bed and.|Fap14]]</p>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<<if $Shashaslut == 2 && $Feminity < 30>>
<<set $randomEvent = random(1, 9)>>
<<if $randomEvent == 1>>
<p>[[When you close your eyes and concentrate, you hear a sound.|Fap1]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 2>>
<p>[[When you decide to enjoy yourself a little.|Fap2]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 3>>
<p>[[It seems the cell is empty.|Fap3]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 4>>
<p>[[Lying quietly on the bed.|Fap4]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 5>>
<p>[[You lie down on your bed and.|Fap5]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 6>>
<p>[[An unexpected visitor arrives.|Fap6]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 7>>
<p>[[You go to take a nap but..|Fap7]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 8>>
<p>[[A loud noise startles you.|Fap8]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 9>>
<p>[[You notice a shadow moving.|Fap9]]</p>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<<if $Shashaslut == 2 && $Feminity >= 30>>
<<set $randomEvent = random(10, 16)>>
<<if $randomEvent == 10>>
<p>[[It seems the cell is empty.|Fap10]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 11>>
<p>[[When you close your eyes and concentrate, you hear a sound.|Fap11]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 12>>
<p>[[It seems the cell is empty..|Fap12]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 13>>
<p>[[You think you notice someone approaching.|Fap13]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 14>>
<p>[[You lie down on your bed and.|Fap14]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 15>>
<p>[[An unexpected visitor arrives.|Fap15]]</p>
<<if $randomEvent == 16>>
<p>[[You notice a shadow moving.|Fap16]]</p>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<<if $Respect < -1 && $Shashaslut == 0>>
<p>$name does a job to pass the time while some prisoners occasionally walk past the bars and one of them murmurs <div class="crimson">"It's the only fun your front part is going to get, honey"</div></p>
<img src="img/actions/wank.gif">
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<<if $Respect < -1 && $Feminity >= 30 && $Shashaslut == 0 >>
<p>$name does a job to pass the time while some prisoners occasionally walk past the bars and one of them murmurs <div class="crimson">"It's the only fun your front part is going to get, honey"</div></p>
<img src="img/actions/limp.webp">
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/>
Sasha smiling says to you:<div class="crimson">"So you were going to enjoy a nice moment with your dick, huh? Well, that's not going to happen here. I think you're going to give my cock some love."</div>
<i>More than a suggestive request, it’s an order, so with no choice, you sit on the edge of the bed and start unzipping Sasha’s pants lustfully while beginning to fondle Sasha's package.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/1/1.gif">
Sasha impatiently says to you:<div class="crimson">"Stop playing with your food, darling, and just take it out already."</div>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/1/2.gif">
<i>Then you start giving tender kisses on his cock while occasionally licking the tip to sweeten your cellmate’s attitude.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/1/3.gif">
<i>Without warning, you start pumping his cock with your lips while circling the tip, making Sasha groan with pleasure as you hear footsteps approaching the cell.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/1/4.gif">
<img src="img/npc/CorridorGuard.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson"> "Well, well, what do we have here, Sasha? </div> Sasha responds:<div class="crimson">"Oh nothing, friend, just teaching my cellmate to be a good inmate... hope you don't mind."</div>
<i>You tighten your mouth in surprise as you feel Sasha start to shiver and unload his balls into your mouth. This makes you close your eyes, trying to escape a reality that deep inside you makes you feel a heat in your lower back. With a pop, you take the cock out of your lips, seeing Sasha smirk mischievously as he puts his member away and resumes the conversation with the guard.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/1/5.gif">
Sasha:<div class="crimson">"I guess it's not a bad way to pass the time... haha"</div> The guard:<div class="crimson"> "Well... as long as you don't hurt each other too much.. haha. See you later, old dog, and you"</div>
<i>The guard pointing at you continues</i>
<div class="crimson">"Keep being a good boy and who knows... maybe you'll come out reformed as a good member of society... like a whore haha"</div>
<i>This last comment makes you blush as you lick your lips, trying to swallow the remains of your companion, which makes both the guard and Sasha burst into laughter at your expense while the guard continues his route and Sasha pats your head like a puppy.</i>
<i>You return to reality after a few minutes... realizing that it has gotten a bit later today.</i>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<p>$name does a job to pass the time while some prisoners occasionally walk past the bars and one of them murmurs <div class="crimson">"It's the only fun your front part is going to get, honey"</div></p>
<img src="img/actions/wank.gif">
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">"What are you doing, buddy? Umm, you know, I'm feeling affectionate. How about you let me enjoy that body of yours a bit?"</div>
<i>You see Sasha start to undress while you're in your underwear. But Sasha, lying on the bed, gestures for you to sit on top of him...</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/2/1.gif">
<i>As soon as you lie on top of him, Sasha runs one hand over your chest while the other goes directly to your chest.</i>
Sasha says:<div class="crimson">"Relax, little one... I'm just giving you a little massage, don't get so tense..."</div>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/2/2.gif">
<i>After fondling you for a good while, you're not made of ice and you get an erection, which makes Sasha order you to undress to continue his game while he begins to masturbate you and kiss your neck at the same time, as you feel his cock resting between your ass cheeks.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/2/3.gif">
<i>Sasha's hand becomes more skillful and starts squeezing your cock, making circles with it while your precum serves as lubricant, making you let out small moans while Sasha continues kissing your neck.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/2/4.gif">
<i>After several minutes, you start to cum, and Sasha, with your own juice, begins rubbing it all over your chest like it were lotion. You feel his breath on your nape for the last time before he says...</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/2/5.gif">
<div class="crimson">"Don't thank me, boy... you'll pay me back with other favors... haha..."</div>
<i>Sasha half-pushes you to the side of the bed while you watch him take a piece of paper from the toilet to clean his hand as he puts on his prison attire, leaving you absorbed in your thoughts as he seems to discreetly leave the cell.</i>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<i> Suddenly, you feel a tremendous heat as you realize you are completely alone in the cell, so you decide to enjoy some time for yourself. You strip down and sit on the bed with your legs spread, starting to jerk off frantically. </i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/3/1.gif">
<i>You were so focused on enjoying yourself that Sasha's voice pulls you out of your world. </i>
<img src="img/npc/Sasha.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">"Well, it looks like someone is having fun. Please, don't stop. But... lift your legs... I want to enjoy the show, and better yet, I'll give you a toy to make it more fun."</div>
<i>You start to lift your legs while continuing to masturbate, wondering to yourself about the toy.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/3/2.gif">
<i>Sasha shows you your new friend that you'll be playing with, suspiciously shiny as if it was already lubricated for you, making you think Sasha had been watching your little scene for a while.</i>
<img src="img/items/dildo.jpg">
<i>He throws it to you and without further mediation says</i>
<div class="crimson">"What are you waiting for, dear... give it a warm welcome with that little ass of yours. You'll thank me later for spending my time training that ass."</div>
<i>Sighing, you lift your legs and start inserting the black dildo into your ass under Sasha's watchful eye as he begins to touch himself over his pants.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/3/3.gif">
<i>You start to destroy your ass frantically under Sasha's watchful eye, which excites him and gives you one last order.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/3/4.gif">
<div class="crimson">"Too easy... get on the floor and ride that dick until you cum..."</div>
<i>You lustfully pull the dildo out of your ass, feeling a small emptiness, and planting it on the floor, you start riding it while seeing Sasha smile as he watches your performance until finally, under his watchful eye, you start to cum.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/3/5.gif">
<i>Sasha, satisfied, watches the scene one last time while you rest, still sitting on that dildo. Sasha smiling says to you:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Not bad $name.. I'll keep that dildo lubricated for you.. you know, so you can play with it again and enjoy the passing of time. But what do you say before I go?"</div>
$name:<div class="lightpink">"Thank you, Sasha.. for training me?"</div>
<img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">"Exactly, good boy."</div>
<i>Sasha leaves the scene while you regain your composure, pulling your friend out of your ass and leaving it on Sasha's bed. Quite some time has passed...</i>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<i> Tired of your time in jail, you think it might be better to take a nap in the cell and avoid prying eyes and other inmates when suddenly you feel an imminent pressure on your chest. Sasha has sat on your chest, and his cock is pointing directly at your mouth.</i>
<img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">"What's up, buddy, being lazy? Not while I'm here. I think it's time to give your boyfriend a good kiss, don't you think?"</div>
<i> You sigh, and you see that this small breath from your mouth only makes Sasha's cock harder. He says to you...</i>
<div class="crimson">"Come on, don't be shy... give it a hot kiss."</div>
<i>Nervously smiling at the situation, you give it a small suck, not a kiss.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/4/1.gif">
Sasha:<div class="crimson">"Oh baby, I said a little kiss, not a French one, hehe. So you want to shine it up... you asked for it. Until you give me a good blowjob, I'm not leaving, honey hehe."</div>
<i>You start to suck the tip of his cock as best as you can, being careful because of how uncomfortable it is for your neck.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/4/2.gif">
<i> Little by little, you feel more relaxed and start to go further, trying to choke yourself with his cock.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/4/3.gif">
<i> Sasha, noticing your enthusiasm, holds your head, choking you against his cock until he releases his grip.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/4/4.gif">
<i>After this intense movement, he says to you...</i>
Sasha:<div class="crimson">"Come on, hit it with your tongue like a good slut, and I'll cum in no time... you want it, my puppy... hehe."</div>
<i> Following his orders...</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/4/5.gif">
Sasha:<div class="crimson">"Oh fuck, what a dirty boy I have for myself... oh take this cum."</div>
<i>Sasha grabs your head and starts to unload cum in your mouth, making you shiver. You swallow what you can as he pulls it out of your mouth, but he begins to play with your lips while taking the remaining cum from his cock and putting it into your mouth.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/4/6.gif">
<i> After this moment of lust, Sasha gets off you but not before saying...</i>
Sasha:<div class="crimson"> "Fuck $name .. what a good cocksucker I'm making out of you. At this rate, I might get jealous... that you might have more husbands... haha."</div>
<i> You lie on the bed, blushing, with your mind blank while feeling even hotter than before.</i>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<i>You feel a terrible burn, so you lie down naked on your stomach, covered only by your bed sheet. Blissfully, you start to drift into the world of dreams, but you're pulled from that little oasis by your cellmate Sasha, who has decided that the best way to wake you up is by pressing his cock against your ass.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/6/1.gif">
$name :<div class="lightpink"> "Seriously, ah... why?"</div>
Sasha:<div class="crimson">"Shhh, I'm just giving you some love, little one. Relax."</div>
<i>With a push, he fully opens your ass and begins to use your lower back as his personal playground.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/6/2.gif">
<i>Sasha, pleased to have you dominated in this way, starts to lean part of his chest against your back while one hand firmly holds your neck and the other wraps around you. This makes you shiver and begin to moan with pleasure.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/6/3.gif">
$name:<div class="lightpink">"Ahh... ahhhh Sasha.."</div>
<i>Sasha, noticing how you start to pant more heavily, puts one of his fingers in your mouth to partially silence you while continuing to assault your ass.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/6/4.gif">
<i>This makes you shudder and start to climax as Sasha does the same inside your rear.</i>
<img src="img/actions/creampieanalbysasha.webp"/>
<i>After this torrid moment, Sasha pulls away from your back with a satisfied smile.</i>
<img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">"Good boy, I love that you let me ride you like this. You feel so tight... hehe... see you later."</div>
<i>You stay relaxed on your bed, even allowing yourself to lose consciousness for a while...</i>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<i>You're about to take a nap when you notice several items on Sasha's bed.</i>
<img src="img/items/dildo.jpg"><img src="img/items/collared.webp">
<i>As soon as you turn around, something hits your face</i>
<img src="img/sex/Random3/pois.gif"/>
<i>When you open your eyes, you're gagged and feel Sasha opening your ass as if it's nothing. He must have used some kind of lubricant, but you feel both terrified and excited.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/7/1.gif">
Sasha<div class="crimson"> "Hello $name, welcome back to earth. Here I am, continuing your training... hehe, don't thank me, just enjoy, darling."</div>
<i>When you think he's done taming your ass, you see him grab the black dildo and start fucking your ass with it, thrusting it in and out completely while he lustfully smiles at you.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/7/2.gif">
<i>Suddenly, he tires of these movements and shoves the dildo in all the way, starting to fuck you rapidly with it, breaking your ass even more while all you can do is silently moan.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/7/3.gif">
<i>He pulls it out again abruptly, and you feel Sasha place his hands on your ass, spreading it open to admire you.</i>
Sasha:<div class="crimson"> "What a greedy little ass you have... look at it, hmm, we'll have to fuck it more... it's begging for it. Get ready, darling... here I come, hehe."</div>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/7/4.gif">
<i>After this, Sasha begins fucking you with his cock.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/7/5.gif">
<i>As Sasha frantically fucks your ass, his hand starts to masturbate you, causing both of you to climax shortly after—him painting your insides, and you painting your own chest.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/7/6.gif">
<i>Afterwards, Sasha leans back, admiring his work, while you gesture for him to remove your restraints. Compassionately, Sasha unties you, leaving you to rest on the bed as he changes and leaves the scene. You close your eyes peacefully.</i>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<i>When you turn around, you see Sasha angry, and you have no idea why, but he breaks the monotony by coldly telling you:</i>
<img src="img/npc/Sasha.jpg"/>
Sasha:<div class="crimson">"I feel like having a good fuck, so be a good slut and get on all fours, will you? I need to blow off some steam... don't contradict me."</div>
<i>You feel his gaze piercing into your eyes, and lowering your head, you turn around and prepare for what is going to be a quick and rough fuck.</i>
<img src="img/actions/bendoverforsasha.webp"/>
<i>As soon as you get on all fours, you feel him thrust into you without warning, and you try to accommodate his cock in your ass by moving your hips, while Sasha begins to synchronize with the rhythm of your movement.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/8/1.gif">
<i>Soon, he starts thrusting deeper and deeper until he ends up pouncing on you while fucking you like a wild animal, causing his grunts to sync with your moans, heard beyond the cell.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/8/2.gif">
<i>In a few seconds, you feel Sasha's cock start to tremble inside you, and he begins to spill his nectar. After this, Sasha regains his composure and, as a final touch, gives you a loud spank.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/8/3.gif">
<i>After this, Sasha pulls out and, leaving, says to you:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Thanks for the fuck, $name, I needed that... you can touch yourself now, don't leave yourself hanging... darling hehe."</div>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/8/4.gif">
<i>In a way, you know he's right, but also partly due to the terror, you can't bring yourself to touch your cock as you watch Sasha, now dressed, leave the cell.</i>
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<i> In a quick movement, you see Sasha smiling at you when he says </i>
<img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">"Hey $name, I'm feeling a bit affectionate but also in the mood to punish someone... how about you get that ass in position, let me give you a few spanks, and then let me ride you... want to, darling?"</div>
$name:<div class="lightpink">"As if I have much of a choice, right...?"</div>
<i>As soon as you get your ass up, Sasha takes the opportunity to spank you.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/9/1.gif">
<i>Until he positions himself above you and begins rubbing his cock against your hole, dilating it with his precum..</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/9/2.gif">
<i>With one of those rubs, he starts to penetrate your ass with his cock.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/9/3.gif">
<i>After that thrust, he begins to fuck you hard while you feel his balls slapping against your ass.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/9/4.gif">
<i>After a few minutes, you feel him starting to unload his cum inside you with one last deep thrust.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/9/5.gif">
<i>After this, as if you didn't matter, he withdraws from you and.</i>
Sasha:<div class="crimson">"I love how easy you make it for me to ride you, what a good boy you are... makes me want to put a leash on you... hehe"</div>
<i>You murmur...</i>
$name:<div class="lightpink">"As if I could contradict you"</div>
Sasha:<div class="crimson">"That's right, accepting your place in this cell... hehe"</div>
<i>You watch him leave the cell with a look of satisfaction on his face, while you feel your ass more tamed and yourself more submissive in this place.</i>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<p>$name does a job to pass the time while some prisoners occasionally walk past the bars and one of them murmurs <div class="crimson">"It's the only fun your front part is going to get, honey"</div></p>
<img src="img/actions/limp.webp">
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<i> Suddenly, you feel a tremendous heat as you realize you are completely alone in the cell, so you decide to enjoy some time for yourself. You strip down and sit on the bed with your legs spread, starting to jerk off frantically. </i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/10/1.gif">
<i>Just when you're about to get an erection after playing with your dick for several seconds, Sasha's voice interrupts your little entertainment.</i>
<img src="img/npc/Sasha.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">"Well, it looks like my little cell slut wanted to have some fun with their tiny dick hehe, but that's not going to happen. For now, I want you to play with one of your many husbands."</div>
<i>Saying this, Sasha places an enormous black dildo on the small table in the cell.</i>
<img src="img/items/dildo2.jpg">
<div class="crimson">"Come on, honey, suck it like it’s one of the cocks in this prison."</div>
<i>Shyly, you approach the silicone piece already placed there and start to half-stroke it, occasionally licking it while shyly glancing at Sasha, who smiles at the beginning of such a show.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/10/2.gif">
<div class="crimson">"Lube it up well, baby. You wouldn't want it to hurt when you stick it in, right?"</div>
<i>You begin to devour that black cock as if your life depended on it.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/10/3.gif">
<i>After a good while of lubricating that dick, without Sasha ordering you, you automatically proceed to break your ass with your beloved "husband."</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/10/4.gif">
<i>After about fifteen minutes, you feel a shiver run through your ass as you penetrate yourself with that cock, and at the same time, you feel your tiny dick twitching. You're about to cum when Sasha...</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/10/5.gif">
<div class="crimson">"Cum on that cock, darling."</div>
<i>You pull that piece of silicone out of your ass and drop a few drops on it, while Sasha looks satisfied with your compliance.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/10/6.gif">
<i>After this, Sasha leaves the cell, leaving you there with your "husband," which you stash under the bed as you prepare to relax a bit on the bed, still feeling your ass wide open from the squatting session you just had in the cell.</i>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/>
Sasha sees you lying on your back on the bed and says: <div class="crimson">"You know, darling, I think I'm going to give you a diving lesson. Open wide, you don't even have to move. I'll take care of it, sweetheart... see how considerate I am, haha."</div>
<img src="img/sex/revealoker.webp"/>
<i>Just as you start to protest a little, Sasha takes advantage of the situation and begins to half-fuck your mouth. All you do is close your eyes and let him use your mouth like a fleshlight.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/11/1.gif">
<i>He continues thrusting into your mouth until, at times, your nose starts bumping against his balls. Far from being disgusted, you’re secretly overwhelmed by a scent of rum, salt, and sweat invading your brain as Sasha keeps pounding you.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/11/2.gif">
<i>Suddenly, you feel Sasha begin to caress one of your breasts while his cock starts touching the back of your throat.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/11/3.gif">
<i>A mix of your saliva and the beginning of Sasha's cum starts dripping down your face as he continues to shudder slightly, never stopping his throat-fucking.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/11/4.gif">
<i>At the point of climax, Sasha pulls out of your mouth and starts cumming on your face while you savor all of his essence.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/11/5.gif">
<i>Afterwards, Sasha tucks himself back into his pants, leaving you with a cum-covered face, licking up the remaining drops of his cum as he exits the cell.</i>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">"I was thinking, dear, of taking you to the backyard to meet someone your age. The poor guy needs some affection and is interested in you. What do you think?"</div>
<i>You feel your cheeks flush at the idea of leaving this room and being seen by someone, but Sasha snaps you out of these thoughts by taking your arm and leading you to the backyard.</i>
<img src="img/Locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/>
<i>As soon as you arrive, you see the young man. His serious expression changes when he sees Sasha, and he nervously bites his lip while looking at you. They start having a conversation while you stand in front of one of the benches in a corner.</i>
<img src="img/npc/22.jpg"/>
<i>Suddenly, Sasha approaches you as the young man sits on the bench.</i>
<div class="crimson">"Be affectionate with him, sweetheart. Be a good partner for him. I'll be around, keeping an eye out for curious onlookers, so be good and try to enjoy yourself... haha."</div>
<i>Next, you approach the young man and start touching him over his pants while he shyly begins to caress your back.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/12/1.gif">
<i>Immediately after getting comfortable, you start kissing his neck while continuing to touch him.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/12/2.gif">
<i>Then, you begin to reach under his sports shorts to feel him more, while he starts to move his hand towards your back, causing you to feel shivers.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/12/3.gif">
<i>After this brief but intense interaction, you help him undress. He smiles mischievously at your surprised expression.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/12/4.gif">
<i>Seeing him, you start to explore him with your attention while the young man emits soft sounds of pleasure and continues to caress your back.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/12/5.gif">
<i>After interacting for a while, you continue to engage playfully with your other hand.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/12/6.gif">
<img src="img/sex/passtime/12/7.gif">
<<if $Shashaslut == 1>>
[[Finish Him off|FinishYoung]]
<<if $Shashaslut == 2>>
[[Finish Him off|FinishYoung]]
[[Get Fucked|FinishYoung2]]
<img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">"How are you, buddy? What do you think about going to the backyard... and I let you give me a good blowjob outdoors?"</div>
<img src="img/Locations/TheBackYard.jpg"/>
<i>More than a suggestion, you know it's a demand. You walk with Sasha to the backyard and automatically when you reach a bench... Sasha pulls out his erect cock from his pants and you start giving him a blowjob without caring too much about the surroundings.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/13/1.gif">
<i>Sasha occasionally plays with his cock against your lips while suggesting that you try to reach the base of his cock until your chin collides with his balls. Accepting his demand, you start choking on his cock.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/13/2.gif">
<i>After this test, you continue giving him a blowjob while using your hand to stimulate him even more. This has a result because Sasha starts shaking but...</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/13/3.gif">
<img src="img/npc/blonde.jpg"/>
<i>Sasha says:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Sweetheart, we have a voyeur. I think I'm about to cum in our cell."</div>
<i>You don't realize what Sasha has said to you. You continue giving him a blowjob with your eyes closed until a few seconds later, you remove his cock from your mouth with a loud plop.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/13/4.gif">
<img src="img/sex/passtime/13/5.gif">
<i>When you turn your gaze, you see a blonde prisoner smiling mischievously. So...</i>
<<if $Shashaslut == 1>>
[[Finish Him off in the cell|FinishSashaCell]]
<<if $Shashaslut == 2>>
<i>Sasha says:</i>
<div class="crimson">"I think, my dear cock-sucker, that that blonde guy wants to get laid... what do you think? You choose... this way, you might contribute to my economy... hehe"</div>
[[Finish Him off in the cell|FinishSashaCell]]
[[Get Fucked|FinishYoung3]]
<i>When you are about to relax, a middle-aged blonde prisoner with a serious expression appears and says to you:</i>
<img src="img/npc/blondy.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">"Hello, bitch. I paid Sasha for some good time with you, so put your hair in pigtails, get on your knees, and start sucking my cock."</div>
<i>He takes several hair ties out of his pocket... and you, terrified by his attitude, get on your knees while putting your hair into pigtails.</i>
<img src="img/items/ponytails.jpg">
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/femenine.jpg">
<i>Next, the prisoner, smiling, says to you:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Start showing some love to my cock, bitch."</div>
<i>Grabbing the back of his knees, you start sucking his cock like a street whore while you see him smiling with satisfaction out of the corner of your eye.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/1.gif">
<i>The prisoner holds the back of your head, and your mouth starts reaching the base of his cock, feeling his balls on your chin.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/2.gif">
<i> Displeased with how submissive you are being, asks you to suck the tip of his cock. You comply with his request, wrapping your hand around his shaft and beginning to bob on it as if it were an ice cream while he maintains a firm grip.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/3.gif">
<i>Seeing how you submit to his will, he takes it a step further and starts trying to reach the depths of your throat, partially choking you and making you produce sucking sounds that are heard all along the prison corridor.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/4.gif">
<i>After a while, the prisoner releases his grip and holds your throat while you indirectly continue to pump your neck, entangling yourself with his cock while still making sucking noises.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/5.gif">
<div class="lightpink">Gla Gla Slup</div>
<i>After some time of this jaw and throat work, the prisoner says to you:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Time to break your ass, little bitch. I'm going to make you a real woman."</div>
<i>He positions you on all fours and starts to fuck your ass roughly.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/6.gif">
<i>This makes you start to half-shout from pain and pleasure at the same time.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/7.gif">
<i>This event makes you notice several prisoners at the cell door, and your torrid lover says to you:</i>
<div class="crimson">"You're such a noisy whore, look, it seems we have an audience."</div>
[[We have an audience..|PublicCellEventInit]]
<i>When you look towards the door, you see a Black prisoner carrying a bag. He nods his head and begins to speak.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/Black1.jpg">
<div class="crimson">"Hello little white slut, I've been talking with your cellmate... and well, let's just say that one of the conjugal rooms is waiting for us. Honestly, you're pretty feminine, but I'm going to touch you up a bit... umm look at this slutty outfit I have prepared for you."</div>
<i>After saying that, he throws the bag at you, and you start looking inside... there's a tank top that says 'Daddy's Girl,' pink heels, white fishnet stockings, violet shorts, a pink heart-shaped choker, and a realistic white dildo.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/outfit.jpg">
<i>You feel yourself starting to blush as the Black man begins to laugh playfully and suggests:</i>
<div class="crimson">"You know, how about you change right here, Snow White, and I'll escort you like the slut you are. Think about it... you might earn some favor with a few Black brothers... and I’ll even give you a promotion on the spot. What do you say?"</div>
<div class="violet">It's clear he wants to fully dominate you. Inside, you wonder if it's worth being humiliated for some kind of favor from these guys, and whether Sasha would approve...</div>
<i>The Black prisoner continues,</i> <div class="crimson">"So, what's it going to be, princess?"</div>
[[Change in the cell... and head to the backyard..|Dressup]]
[[Go to the backyard without changing..|Dressup2]]
<i>Suddenly, the young man stands up when he sees Sasha signaling that someone is approaching. Under a sort of trance, you move toward him and kneel down.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/12/8.gif">
<i>The young man, seeing your enthusiasm, places his hands on your head to guide your movements as you continue.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/12/9.gif">
<i>You begin to taste a salty flavor while you keep moving.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/12/10.gif">
<i>After a few moments, the young man pulls you back, and you seductively start to lick your lips while he tries to finish the task with his hand.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/12/11.gif">
<i>Holding your head, he finishes and you lick your lips.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/12/12.gif">
<i>After this encounter, you see the young man getting dressed and handing a bundle of money to Sasha. Sasha then takes you by the arm and leads you back to the cell.</i>
<<set $ShashaMoney += 25>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<i>After savoring his dick for a while, the young man turns you around and, with his cock well lubricated, begins to fuck you in the ass. As he adjusts his cock inside your rear end, you start riding him while letting out soft moans. Meanwhile, Sasha glances at the scene from time to time</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/12/13.gif">
<i>You start doing squats on his cock while the young man places his hands on your waist to help you with the movement.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/12/14.gif">
<i>After riding him for a while, the young man flips you over and begins to savagely fuck you in the ass while saying...</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/12/15.gif">
<div class="crimson">"Who's a dirty slut who loves my cock, huh?"</div>
<i>You respond </i>
<div class="lightpink">"I... I am that dirty slut... ahh... yes, I love it."</div>
<i>The young man starts making deep thrusts, causing you to feel his balls crash against your ass strongly.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/12/16.gif">
<img src="img/sex/passtime/12/17.gif">
<i>He continues</i>
<div class="crimson">"You want my essence, whore? Ask for it."</div>
<div class="lightpink">"Ah, please give me milk."</div>
<i>He starts shaking but before finishing in your ass, he makes you kneel down and masturbates in front of you while you lick your lips at the same time. He then ends up giving you a good facial by holding your head.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/12/11.gif">
<img src="img/sex/passtime/12/12.gif">
<i>After this, he pulls up his pants and smiles as he walks towards Sasha while you swallow the remnants of his cum. Once you're done fixing yourself up, Sasha grabs your arm and takes you back to the cell.</i>
<<set $ShashaMoney += 50>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<i>You regain your composure while removing some of Sasha's pre-cum with your fingers, Sasha smiling as he puts it back into his pants while the blonde prisoner watches you without doing anything. Sasha puts his arm around your back as if treating you like a cheap slut, while you indirectly continue to grope his cock on the way to the cell, making several prisoners look at you lustfully. At the same time, you start being recognized as one of the "girls" in the prison.</i>
<img src="img/Locations/Your Cell.jpg"/>
<i>As soon as you arrive at the cell, Sasha pulls down his pants and starts fondling his cock.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/13/6.gif">
<i>Seeing this, you get on your knees like a horny slut, sticking out your tongue while you masturbate. You watch Sasha start to jerk off furiously and end up painting your face with his fluid while you cum receiving his facial cream.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/13/7.gif">
<i>After this, Sasha says to you</i>
<div class="crimson">"You've become such a slut... I love it... at this rate, we might put a collar on you... you really love cock, huh?"</div>
<i>You lustfully reply</i>
<div class="lightpink">"Well... maybe it's a good way to pass the time here... right?"</div>
<i>Sasha smiles at you while putting his cock back into his pants and nodding approvingly. After this, you see him leave the cell while you lick your fingers.</i>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<i>Your hesitation causes Sasha to put it back in his pants and approach the blonde prisoner. As soon as they exchange a few words and a wad of bills, the blonde prisoner approaches you while Sasha opens one of the rooms in the visiting area. At the same time, the prisoner says to you:</i>
<img src="img/npc/blonde.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">"I'm going to fuck your ass so hard, princess."</div>
<i>This phrase sends a jolt through your body as the prisoner wraps his arms around you, guiding you to the visiting room. Before entering, Sasha says to you:</i>
<img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">"Come back with your ass nice and open, darling, and try to enjoy it."</div>
<i>As soon as you enter, the prisoner undresses you and places you on all fours like a slut while he sucks on his fingers and starts to lube up your ass with them.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/13/8.gif">
<i>He then starts mounting you like a dog in heat. Surprisingly, your ass accepts his cock—you don’t know if it's because of the domination he’s exerting over you or because deep down you’re starting to like being used by the men in prison.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/13/9.gif">
<i>These thoughts combined with the fucking you’re receiving make you start to moan.</i>
<div class="lightpink">"Ah, yes.."</div>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/13/10.gif">
<i>The prisoner begins thrusting into you so hard that he ends up lying on his side with you, continuing to fuck you.</i>
<i>You keep moaning like a slut as the prisoner continues fucking you relentlessly.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/13/11.gif">
<i>In a quick move, he tells you to sit on top of him; he wants to see you ride his cock. He lies back and, thrusting his cock into you again, the prisoner begins pumping his hips, fucking you even harder than before.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/13/12.gif">
<i>As he continues to assault your ass with his cock, you feel his balls begin to tremble, and finally, with one last deep penetration, you feel his cock explode inside your ass, filling you with cum as he starts to fondle your feminine breasts.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/13/13.gif">
<i>After this, you clean up with this inmate and return to your cell where Sasha is waiting. Without thinking twice, he smiles and says to you:</i>
<img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">"How was the ride, cowgirl? At this rate, if you manage to get out of here, you’ll definitely find a job... hehe."</div>
<i>Biting your lip, you sit on the bed, feeling the warmth in your cheeks and knowing that the inmate's cum is still deep in your ass as Sasha continues to make jokes.</i>
<<set $ShashaMoney += 50>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
$name : <div class="gold">What can I do depending on my situation?</div>
<<if $TheCook >= 1 && $TheCook == 2>>
<div class="gold">"How did I let myself get swindled by the chef... maybe I should talk to Sasha in the Early Morning to see if he has any tasks for me."</div>
<<if $Chefwork == true>>
<div class="lightpink">"Now I can work in the kitchen in the early morning."</div>
<<if $Shashaslut == 1>>
<div class="gold">"Sasha made me give him a blowjob... I should be careful spending time in my cell..."</div>
<<elseif $Shashaslut == 2>>
<div class="gold">"Sasha is turning me into his slut..."</div>
<<if $Shashadom >= 1 >>
<div class="gold">"Now I can do various errands for Sasha in the cell...</div>
<<return "Back">><center>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/Prisoners.jpg">
<i>The prisoners, licking their lips as your lover continues to fuck you and you keep moaning like a bitch, say to your man:</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/7.gif">
<div class="crimson">"Wow, you're taming Sasha's bitch, really tear her ass up."</div>
<i>Another prisoner continues:</i>
<div class="crimson">"We can stand guard here... let us enjoy the show... go on, get into it."</div>
<i>The prisoner stops fucking your ass for a moment but keeps his cock inside you and, with a deep and intimidating tone, responds:</i>
<div class="crimson">"You know... this little bitch seems to enjoy being humiliated. Look how cute you are with pigtails, you look like one of those college sluts who let the entire rugby team fuck them... haha."</div>
<i>The prisoners at the door start laughing at your expense while they nudge each other, and you remain still with that prisoner's cock still inside you, thinking internally...</i>
<div class="violet">"I’m not sure if this is a good idea... but they’re so rough and imposing. Besides, this man says he’s paid Sasha... I’m not sure if I should contradict him."</div>
<img src="img/npc/blondy.jpg"/>
<i>Your lover continues:</i>
<div class="crimson">"I think the candidate for the youngest cock-sucker in the prison is hesitating... come on, doll, show them that ass of yours."</div>
[[Follow his orders.|PublicCell2]]
[[Beg him.|OnlyBlondy]]
<i>Your master, smiling and observing your submission, takes for granted how submissive you are, and continues:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Okay, gentlemen, enjoy the show. Come on, bitch, show them how open I’m making your ass."</div>
<i>Submissively, you place your hands on your ass cheeks and spread them, revealing a bit of pre-cum from your master.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/8.gif">
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/Prisoners.jpg">
<i>One of the prisoners says:</i>
<div class="crimson">"This slut likes to please... come on, bitch, open that hole wider for us."</div>
<i>Obligingly, you start fingering yourself for them while letting out soft moans from the touch of your fingers, causing your toes to curl with pleasure.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/9.gif">
<i>Your client, seeing how much of a slut you are, orders you to get into position, keeping your hands on your ass cheeks so he can open you up better.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/10.gif">
<i>While continuing to fuck your ass, you hear several laughs and the sound of zippers being unfastened.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/11.gif">
<i>After a while of fucking you, your lover says:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Ugh, bitch, turn around and show them how I’m making your ass look. Let’s continue the show, haha."</div>
[[Continue the show|Publiccell3]]
<i>You begin to beg, telling him that you don’t want to draw any more attention. This makes the man reply:</i>
<img src="img/npc/blondy.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">"Sorry guys, I think the slut isn’t in the mood today, but maybe next time she’ll be up for it. Besides, I’m the only one who paid... if Sasha finds out... well... I don’t care... but don’t worry, I’ll still tame her."</div>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/Prisoners.jpg">
<i>The prisoners shake their heads and leave the cell door, resigned, not wanting any trouble, while your lover turns to you and continues:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Consider yourself lucky, slut, that I’m a nice guy. Now get on all fours on the ground where you belong and start begging for my cock."</div>
<div class="lightpink">"Please give me your cock... I’ll be good, I promise."</div>
<i>You see him approach you with his cock in a sadistic manner, making you open your mouth in surprise, and deep down, you enjoy being treated like a sexual object.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/20.gif">
<i>Suddenly, you feel his foot on your face as he starts fucking you energetically while saying:</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/20.gif">
<div class="crimson">"It’s not enough; you’re a dirty whore who deserves to be tamed and enslaved by all the cocks in this prison. If it were up to me, you’d be cleaning cocks all day long, arggg!!"</div>
<i>With this last thrust, his foot slips and rests on the ground, but he continues fucking you frantically.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/22.gif">
<div class="crimson">"Ask me to fill your ass with cum, slut, ah!"</div>
<div class="lightpink">"Fill me with cum; I’m such a slut."</div>
<div class="crimson">"Ahhhh, you asked for it."</div>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/23.gif">
<i>After filling your ass, he gives you a final slap as he leaves, calling you a slut while you remain on the ground, thinking about how this prisoner used you...</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/25.gif">
<i>After a while, Sasha enters the cell and catches you in the same state, caressing your ass... he interrupts you, saying:</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/26.gif">
<img src="img/npc/Sasha.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">"Wow, it looks like the guy hadn’t emptied his balls in a long time... and you seem to have enjoyed it, haha. By the way, you look really cute with pigtails, haha."</div>
<i>Blushing, you finish getting dressed and finally take off the pigtails, while out of the corner of your eye you see Sasha counting bills and touching himself lustfully.</i>
<<set $ShashaMoney += 50>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<i>Submissively, you turn around while lying on your back and lifting your legs to show the prisoners your broken ass. As you look up to see them...</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/12.gif">
<i>The prisoners are jerking off at your expense while mocking you.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/Prisoners.jpg">
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/Prisioners.gif">
<i>One of them says:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Brother, let me open up her ass, I won’t come inside her. Come on, man, this slut loves the action."</div>
<img src="img/npc/blondy.jpg"/>
<i>Your client responds:</i>
<div class="crimson">"You know what... I don’t think she cares, right bitch? Besides, you chose this... it’ll be our dirty secret."</div>
<i>You submissively reply:</i>
<div class="lightpink">"Okay... it will be our dirty secret..."</div>
<i>Everyone laughs at you, seeing how much of a slut you are, as they start jerking off more intensely while watching you. One of them approaches, spits in his hand, rubs his cock, and begins to fuck you.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/15.gif">
<div class="lightpink">"Ohhhhhhhhhhh"</div>
<i>The prisoner says:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Ahh, bitch, if your family could see you... how much of a slut you are, ugh, you like being treated like an object, huh?"</div>
<i>You feel your ass tremble from the rough treatment as this prisoner fucks you frenetically.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/13.gif">
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/16.gif">
<i>He delivers a final thrust before pulling out and coming, ordering you to lift your legs again and show your ass.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/17.gif">
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/14.gif">
<i>You feel like a bitch in heat surrounded by men, and the cell starts to smell of a mix of sweat and sex. As you pant, Sasha’s client says:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Quickly, next! This slut’s ass is hungry, and by the look on her face, she loves being such a good whore."</div>
[[Continue the show|Publiccell4]]
<i>One of the prisoners lies down beside you and orders you to get on top of him and impale yourself on his cock, which you do without protest.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/18.gif">
<i>Sasha's client, seeing you so hot, asks you to admit what you are, so you start saying dirty things while riding that cock like a Valkyrie.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/19.gif">
<div class="lightpink">"Ah.. Ah.. I’m the biggest slut in this prison. I love your cocks, I adore being treated like a dirty slut... ohh keep fucking my ass.. fill me up with cum ahhhhh."</div>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/Prisioners.gif">
<i>The prisoners continue to masturbate while Sasha's client continues:</i>
<img src="img/npc/blondy.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">"Throw that slut on the ground where she belongs. Let’s fill her ass with sperm; she asked for it, so let’s treat her like the filthy whore she is."</div>
<i>The prisoner who was fucking your ass throws you to the ground, and you, hotter than ever, get into position with your ass in the air, opening it up, waiting for the cock of the one who brought you into this show.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/20.gif">
<i>Surprisingly, he starts fucking your ass while stepping on your face, and rather than being disgusted, you love the feeling of being so dominated. Meanwhile, some other prisoners, seeing the slutty look on your face, begin to come, enjoying the spectacle.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/21.gif">
<i>After a while, you feel him about to come, and pulling out of your ass, he orders you to open it with your hands so that all your admirers can fill you up... starting with him.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/23.gif">
<i>Then, maintaining the position, another prisoner comes and fills your ass even more while you pant like a bitch.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/24.gif">
<i>The last one to finish in your ass gives you a final slap that makes you come, while telling you:</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/25.gif">
<div class="crimson">"You’re a good slut, this needs to be repeated."</div>
<i>Sasha's client responds:</i>
<div class="crimson">"As long as this whore accepts and wants it... eh... what do you say, slut?"</div>
<i>You submissively, even more dominated by this group of men, while they rub their essence on your ass, reply:</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/26.gif">
<div class="lightpink">"Thank you for filling my ass... guys."</div>
<i>The prisoners let out one last laugh together as they leave with the client, and you stay in the cell hoping Sasha doesn’t find out about your "dirty" secret. After a while, Sasha appears at the door and, with a serious expression, says to you:</i>
<img src="img/npc/Sasha.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">"I have a feeling... that something more happened here. I hope it wasn’t too rough, but get used to all kinds of cocks... I guess haha... I think everyone is making a good slut out of you."</div>
<i>You remove your pigtails while internally thinking about how much of a slut you are and how much you enjoyed this spectacle... perhaps hoping to repeat it... soon.</i>
<<if $ShashaHumillation <= 5>>
<<set $ShashaHumillation += 1>>
<<set $ShashaMoney += 50>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<<if $Respect > -60>>
<<set $Respect -= 6>>
<<if $Fame > -60>>
<<set $Fame -= 6>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<i>You start changing under the watchful eye of the prisoner, who begins to hurl insults at you. Far from offending you, it makes you feel hotter, and as you’re putting on the tight shorts, he starts to smile at you.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/Black12.jpg">
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/startchange.jpg">
<div class="crimson">"What a hot bitch you are... umm you should let all the Black brothers in this prison train that white ass of yours, huh?"</div>
<i>You continue changing until you're finally dressed like a roadside slut in front of him.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/15/femenine.jpg">
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/Changed.jpg">
<i>The Black prisoner continues:</i>
<div class="crimson">"My God, you're the white slut every brother dreams of. Look at what you're doing to me, slut."</div>
<i>You notice the erection of this inmate through his pants.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/bulge.gif">
<i>Suddenly, he pulls it out of his pants and says to you:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Wanna give it a kiss, baby? Look how happy it is to see you... keep being a good slut, and it'll give you some love sauce."</div>
<i>You smile shyly as you position yourself in front of it and start licking his cock all over.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/see.webp">
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/cockface.webp">
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/cockkiss.webp">
<i>After this light teasing and feeling the prisoner’s precum on your lips, he puts it back in his pants and says:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Uff, let's go to the conjugal room, baby, because if not, I'll fuck you right here. You sure do like chocolate bars. Who knows, maybe another brother will join in when he sees what a bitch you are."</div>
<i>After saying this, he stands you up, and you start making your way to the conjugal room, dressed like a roadside slut.</i>
[[On the way to the conjugal room|RoadYogal]]
<i>You reason with him, saying that you don’t want to look like a slut in front of the entire prison and ask him to let you change there. You notice his demeanor becomes more aggressive, but he nods in agreement. In the blink of an eye, you find yourselves in the back yard.</i>
<img src="img/npc/BlackGuysBackyard.jpg"/>
<i>Where several "brothers" say:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Wow, you do look like a slut, but it could be improved... what do you have in the bag, man?"</div>
<i>To which your black man replies:</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/Black1.jpg">
<div class="crimson">"A nice slutty outfit and a little help to tame this bitch."</div>
<i>Saying this, he starts groping your ass in front of them while you try to act nonchalant.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/touched.gif">
<i>After this, he opens the door to the conjugal room and pulls you inside with a yank.</i>
[[Conjugal Room|ConjugalBlack2]]
<i>You step out of the cell dressed like a complete slut while the black prisoner laughs, putting his arm around your shoulder, and one of the other inmates in his cell looks at you with a stunned expression.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/1.gif">
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/Black12.jpg">
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/prisonerseeyou.gif">
<i>Despite this, the inmate only mutters a soft "slut" under his breath while the black prisoner gropes you on the way until you reach the exit to the yard...</i>
<img src="img/npc/latingroup.jpg"/>
<i>A group of Latinos start saying perverse things to you.</i>
<div class="crimson">"Look, guys, what a 'mamacita'! Don’t you prefer a nice stallion with extra hot sauce? When you’re done with her, Black, pass her to us—we want to take her out for a walk like the bitch she is. Haha, did you dress her like that?"</div>
<i>The Black Prisoner responds as he gropes your ass in front of them.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/Black1.jpg">
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/touched.gif">
<div class="crimson"> "She dressed herself like this, I just brought out the slut inside her, right, sweetheart?"</div>
<i>He pinches your ass as he finishes the sentence, causing you to let out a small gasp of surprise, which the other inmates take as a sign that you’re enjoying being such a slut. You continue the walk until you reach the backyard, where several black inmates start smiling as they see you with their friend.</i>
<img src="img/npc/BlackGuysBackyard.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">"Open the door, brother, we want to see how you put the white slut in her place. Haha."</div>
<i>As several prisoners open the door to one of the conjugal rooms, the Latino inmates start groping you while continuing to say dirty things to you.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/groped.webp">
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/3.webp">
<div class="crimson">"When the Black guys are done with you, you should come to the football field. What do you say, 'mami'? We’ll give you some top-quality bull milk, slut. Hehe."</div>
<i>As soon as they finish groping you, your Black companion grabs your hand and leads you to the now-open room, saying:</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/Black12.jpg">
<div class="crimson">"Well, gentlemen, this Black Daddy's girl is at least going to enjoy a good black cock... though I think we might throw her a cock party. Look at her—she’s loving it, not resisting at all. Hehe."</div>
<i>A couple of black prisoners enter the room with you, and it seems like the situation is about to get interesting...</i>
[[Conjugal Room|Conyugal1Black]]
<img src="img/Locations/Conyugal.jpg"/>
<i>As soon as you enter, the black prisoner pulls you in, and you end up sitting on the sofa right in front of the bed. Your black man says to you:</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/Black12.jpg">
<div class="crimson">"Since you've been a good girl... here's a lollipop as a reward. Suck it like it's one of our cocks while I get comfortable... give a good show for these brothers who snuck in... hehe."</div>
<i>One of them hands you a lollipop, and you, playing along, start sucking it as if it were a cock.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/2.gif">
<i>After a few timid sucks, you start to get aroused, while your companion smiles maliciously. You begin to moan softly while continuing to suck the lollipop.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/3.gif">
<i>One of them asks you to stop messing around and show off that slutty ass of yours. As if in a lucid dream, you oblige by taking off your shorts and arching your ass against the sofa while still indirectly sucking the lollipop.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/44.gif">
<i>The other prisoner says:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Damn, what a slutty white bitch... yeah, baby, we love it. Come on, spank that little ass for us."</div>
<i>Trying to resist the burning sensation but unable to control yourself, you give your ass a good, hard spank for these two inmates while, out of the corner of your eye, you see your "Client" watching the scene from the other side of the sofa.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/55.gif">
<i>After fulfilling this request, you see the same prisoner who asked you undress and start jerking off, while the other one asks:</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/blackjerk.webp">
<div class="crimson">"Don't leave us hanging, slut. Start fingering that dirty ass of yours."</div>
<i>You start to run your hand over your entrance... and surprisingly, it's so open that you can easily slip two fingers inside, which causes you to gasp in pleasure at the surprise.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/66.gif">
<i>After this incident, the prisoner who made the request exclaims:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Damn, brother, that ass is well-prepared for a good cock... what a slut."</div>
<i>Your "client" responds:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Don't worry, guys, our princess is going to suck on another lollipop. Come here, girl, hehe."</div>
[[Another lollipop...|LollipopBlack]]
<i>Smiling playfully as you still foolishly carry the lollipop in your mouth, you recline on your petite waistline while your lover removes the lollipop from your lips.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/14.gif">
<i>Notes like your mouth starts salivating massively as you begin jerking off, feeling how he grips your hair and under the watchful gaze of his 'brothers,' who smile while they pleasure themselves, relishing in the spectacle.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/15.gif">
<i>Your dark lover, after a pause, commands you to begin sucking his cock the way you had previously done with the lollipop. You start to playfully tease the tip of his dick with your tongue, simultaneously giving it audible, resonant kisses.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/16.gif">
<i>Assailed by an extreme feverish heat, you start sucking his cock, bobbing your throat frenetically. </i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/17.gif">
<i>This ultimately leads, over time, to your male beginning to move his hips to your tempo, fucking your mouth while his comrades sporadically cheer him on, all the while hurling degrading comments at you. </i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/18.gif">
<i>Out of tune He say:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Arghh, snow-white, time to break in Daddy's little girl, ummm you've kissed my cock enough times now, the brothers want to see how I impale you, come on, little one..."</div>
[[Preparing to be impaled,|Impalusblack]]
<i>Your Black Man lies down on the sofa while you position yourself on top of him. He starts slapping your entrance while making teasing jokes, pretending to knock on a door: "Knock-knock, darling, I'm coming in."</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/4.gif">
<i>After this playful time, while he continues humiliating you in front of his friends, he begins to thrust his huge cock into you in one go, making you let out a loud scream as you feel him splitting you in two.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/5.gif">
<i>He continues:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Shhh, calm down little one, we’re going to play the swirl game and while you tell the guys how you feel... and if not... I’ll pound this ass."</div>
<i>The prisoner starts moving his hips in a circular motion, and you feel his cock making its way through your hole, causing you to let out even louder moans of pleasure and pain as you begin to say:</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/555.gif">
<div class="lightpink">"Ahhh, oh god, okay... whatever you want... but stop."</div>
<i>He responds:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Incorrect answer, little slut."</div>
<i>He starts pounding you aggressively, and you begin to feel his cock making its way deeper inside you, causing you to say perversions to please him.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/444.gif">
<div class="lightpink">"Ah ah ah no... ah... okay... I love... black cocks... you can cum... on me... I’m sorry... I’ll be good... please... stop."</div>
<i>The "brothers" start laughing at your expense as they begin to jerk off harder, while your man continues his circular motions and says:</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/555.gif">
<div class="crimson">"That’s right, little white slut... are you going to let these black studs paint your face, huh? And you’ll come more with black daddies."</div>
<i>Feeling you don’t want to endure the penetration anymore and seeing his brothers smiling as you feel hot and humiliated, you confess:</i>
<div class="lightpink">"Yes... I’ll let them paint my face and I’ll come more with black daddies."</div>
<i>Giving you a final slap as a sign of approval and pulling his cock out of your ass, he grabs you by your pigtails and puts you in front of a mirror while he starts jerking off wildly, eventually cumming on the mirror, then tells you to clean the mirror and his cock with your tongue.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/13.gif">
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/12.gif">
<i>After this, one of his brothers comes and puts the final traces of cum in your mouth.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/finish01.webp">
<i>Thinking the show is over as you see your "client" laughing with the other prisoner, the third prisoner shouts:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Agggh, time to mark the slut so everyone knows who’s in charge."</div>
<i>Leaning back, this last one starts painting your face with his cum.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/finish1.webp">
<i>Finally, the prisoners smile as they admire the artwork they’ve created with you and say:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Well, darling... head back to your cell... we won’t be guarding you... and don’t remove the makeup from your face... it looks great on you... haha..."</div>
<i>You look surprised... you’re dressed like a real slut... and you’ll have to make your way back to your cell with your face covered in cum... they say to you upon seeing this:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Don’t worry, in exchange, if you ever find yourself in trouble... we might save those sweet lips of yours for lollipops... and that little slutty ass."</div>
<i>They kick you out of the visiting room and you head back to your cell.</i>
[[On the way to your cell...|Blackreturncell]]
<img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/>
<i>On your way back, you manage to traverse both the back yard and the yard without any incidents. You feel your heart racing as you make sounds with the high heels you’re wearing, while your ass burns from playing "the spiral". When you finally reach your cell, you see Sasha.</i>
<img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/>
<i>Smiling, Sasha says:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Wow, what a pretty girl you are"</div>
<i>As he gets closer, he continues:</i>
<div class="crimson">"I see that playing the slut suits you perfectly, and walking halfway through the prison with your face covered in cum... but what a bitch you are... one thing is to help the economy, and another is to degrade yourself and make me look bad... if you keep this up, we’ll have quite a heated discussion."</div>
<i>Looking at your shirt, he continues:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Oh, more likely, Daddy Sasha will have to punish this slutty girl for sucking too many cocks..."</div>
<i>When you try to retort, a bit of semen still drips from your lips, which makes Sasha laugh even more at your expense.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/paintedwalk.webp">
<i>While he continues to lecture you, you try to ignore him while washing your face and putting on your prisoner outfit. Although dressing like a slut, you know deep down that the inmates have lost even more respect for you, but maybe you’ve earned some favor with the black inmates...</i>
<<if $ShashaHumiliation <= 5>>
<<set $ShashaHumiliation += 1>>
<<set $ShashaMoney += 50>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
<<if $Respect > -60>>
<<set $Respect -= 6>>
<<if $Fame > -60>>
<<set $Fame -= 6>>
<<if $BlackProtection <= 5>>
<<set $BlackProtection += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<img src="img/Locations/Conyugal.jpg"/>
<i>As soon as you enter, the prisoner looks at you coldly and says:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Get into the slut uniform, darling... I'll start preparing the little toy... don’t put on the shorts... you won’t need them."</div>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/Black1.jpg">
<i>You start changing as instructed, fearful of his aggression. When you turn around, you see the white dildo stuck to the indestructible mirror in the room. The prisoner then says:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Now get on all fours and start sucking that cock like your life depends on it."</div>
<i>Terrified, you feel your knees weaken and you get on all fours, beginning to devour the piece of plastic while you feel this black man start to finger your ass.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/8init.gif">
<i>As you suck the dildo, the black prisoner says:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Yes, look... that’s the slutty face you make sucking cock, isn’t it... you’re quite the little girl hehe."</div>
<i>Then you feel the prisoner playing with his cock at your ass's entrance, making you catch your breath. This prompts the prisoner to say:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Be a good slut and put that cock back in your mouth... Daddy’s going to come in... hehe."</div>
<i>You put the dildo back in your mouth as you feel it making its way through your ass, letting out a strong "mmmmmhhh" which is somewhat muffled by the sucking you're doing on the dildo.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/8.gif">
<i>The prisoner begins to fuck your ass rhythmically, syncing his thrusts with your sucking.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/9.gif">
<i>The prisoner, seeing this, grabs your hair and starts choking you against the piece of plastic while saying:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Who’s in charge here, huh, slut? Of course, you can’t answer because white sluts like you always have cocks in their mouths, right?"</div>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/10.gif">
<i>You start feeling his balls trying to get inside your ass, and the only thing you can do is turn your head while he continues to fuck you wildly.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/11.gif">
<i>Your ass starts to burn as you begin to enjoy being treated this way. The prisoner, feeling your ass clenching, says:</i>
<div class="crimson">"I’ll give you two options, slut: I come on the mirror and leave you hanging... or you savor the essence of your own ass on my cock... like a good dirty white bitch... and I let you jerk off dressed as what you are."</div>
<div class="violet">His words resonate in your mind as his cock is in your ass... succumb to his demands or... end this.</div>
[[Suck your own essence...|Suckesenceblack]]
[[Leave it unfinished...|blueballs]]
<i>You manage to take the plastic cock out of your mouth and timidly say...</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/11.gif">
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/submit.gif">
<div class="lightpink">"You... win... I'll suck it."</div>
<i>The prisoner smiles while continuing to fuck you, and with a final smack and pointing to the sofa, he says...</i>
<div class="crimson">"Good white pig... see, it’s not so difficult. Now clean my cock well, pig."</div>
<i>He kneels on the sofa, and you lie down on your tiny waist, starting to suck the tip of his cock in a circular motion while he holds your hair and asks you to kiss him as well.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/16.gif">
<i>You don’t know why, but feeling so humiliated causes you an erection, which your black man notices and sadistically says:</i>
<div class="crimson">"So my pig felt like playing hard to get today, huh... come on, clean my lower regions well, bitch."</div>
<i>You start to bob your head on his cock as if showing approval, which makes the prisoner laugh loudly.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/17.gif">
<i>During one of these movements, he says:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Hey, I’m in charge, pig... come on, make slutty noises because that’s what you are hehe, I know that masochistic crap turns you on... be a good whore."</div>
<i>You start making pig-like noises while your man begins to fuck your mouth.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/18.gif">
<div class="lightpink">Slurp glup oi. oink</div>
<i>The prisoner continues:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Good pig, ohh you have my permission to jerk off, pig, but tell me how slutty you are while you do it."</div>
<i>You lie on the mirror and start masturbating while your man does the same, and you begin to say:</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/21.gif">
<div class="lightpink">"I’m a whore who likes... ah... playing hard to get."</div>
<i>The prisoner smiles, and with this last confession, you start to climax for him.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/22.gif">
<i>Seeing this, the prisoner begins to masturbate in front of the mirror and finishes, not before ordering you to clean the essence of both from his cock.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/13.gif">
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/12.gif">
<i>After this encounter, you put your uniform back on to head back to your cell, not before the prisoner says to you with a smile:</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/Black12.jpg">
<div class="crimson">"Next time, white whore... accept your place from the very beginning... and let yourself go... there’s nothing wrong with being such a pig... I loved it..."</div>
<i>You return to your cell </i>
<<set $ShashaMoney += 50>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<i>Not wanting to go along with him, the prisoner notices and, pointing to the mirror, starts to ejaculate on it and orders you to clean it up.</i>
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/13.gif">
<img src="img/sex/passtime/16/12.gif">
<i>After this, with a satisfied look on his face despite not having played along, he says:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Well, I’m leaving with my balls empty and you with some anal training and a heat... maybe next time, whore..."</div>
<i>You change and return to your cell.</i>
<<set $ShashaMoney += 50>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<img src="img/locations/The Cells.jpg"/>
<i>As you step out of your cell, you freeze upon seeing Vito approaching you, flanked by his two imposing bodyguards.</i>
<img src="img/npc/Vitolookatyou.jpg"/>
<img src="img/npc/Vitoguard1.jpg"/>
<img src="img/npc/Vitoguard2.jpg"/>
<i>As soon as you see them, the two bodyguards each grab one of your arms and drag you towards a cell... This cell seems larger than the others, and the bars are covered with curtains, which strikes you as odd. As you glance back, you see Vito smiling at you while his men carry you. You notice that the first room has a huge sofa and even a television... As soon as you pass through, you see a narrow hallway that leads to a room with a king-sized bed.</i>
<img src="img/locations/CellVito.jpg"/>
<i>Once you arrive in that room, Vito’s men begin to undress you, laughing. You remain still, allowing them to finish their task, and as soon as they’re done, you immediately see Vito approach you dominantly. Without warning, he turns you around, laying you over the small table in the room, and begins penetrating you without any notice, causing you to moan in pain as you feel him force his way inside.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/1/1.gif"/>
<i>As soon as your ass adapts to his cock, he starts rhythmically fucking you to the point where your legs begin to give out.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/1/2.gif"/>
<i>This causes Vito to pin you against the table without pulling out.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/1/3.gif"/>
<i>Feeling his cock move inside you, you start to half-scream, prompting Vito to place his hand on the back of your neck, pinning your head against the table as he continues to fuck you.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/1/4.gif"/>
<i>A few moments later, with a couple of grunts, you feel him tremble inside you while you try to keep from crying out...</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/1/5.gif"/>
<i>After this assault in Vito’s cell, he smiles and says...</i>
<img src="img/npc/VitoSmile.webp"/>
<div class="crimson">"Well, beautiful prince, you're always welcome in my cell. Usually, my boys and I hang around here... except during mealtimes, of course... hehe, ciao."</div>
<i>Just as he finishes speaking, you see him adjust his pants while his men return to "politely" lead you to the door. That hallway feels endless as you feel Vito's juices dripping down your legs and uniform, while his men groped you on the way out... After this encounter, you return to your cell.</i>
<<if $CellV == 0>>
<<set $CellV += 1>>
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]
<img src="img/locations/CellVito.jpg"/>
<div class="seagreen" onclick="toggleDropdown('descriptionText')">Description</div>
<div class="dropdown-text" id="descriptionText">
An unusually spacious cell for what you'd expect in a prison. The center of the room is dominated by an elegant chaise lounge, worn with time but still comfortable, facing a television that seems out of place in such a setting. The most curious feature is the cell's bars, covered by curtains that, strangely, don't seem to bother the guards watching over it. To add to the odd luxury, the cell is even equipped with air conditioning.
At the back, a narrow hallway extends, leading to a hidden room: inside, a double bed occupies the space, giving the cell a more intimate and oddly domestic feel.
[[Vito asks if you want to spend some time alone with him...|GoVitoRoom1]]
[[Vito looks at one of his bodyguards and then glances at you suggestively..|GoVitoRoom2]]
[[Vito suggests you participate... in group activities... with his "mafia"..|ActivityGroup]]
[[Return to the Cells|The Cells]]</center><center>
<img src="img/locations/VitoBed.jpg"/>
<i>Just like the first encounter you had with Vito in this room, except without his guys here... you proceed to undress under his watchful eye while he partially does the same.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/2/1.gif"/>
<i>As he watches you while you turn your back to him, he leaps onto you and begins to fondle you while laying you face down on the bed, whispering...</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/2/2.gif"/>
<div class="crimson">"My Beautiful Prince $name, shhh relax and enjoy, your Conqueror is here..."</div>
<i>You feel him start to massage your entire back with his hand, from your rear to your nape, making your skin tingle at the contact of his hand while he continues.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/2/3.gif"/>
<div class="crimson">"That’s it $name, let your stallion take care of you like the first time..."</div>
<i>As Vito notices you shudder, his hand momentarily stops touching you, but in the blink of an eye, you feel him start to play with your cavity while he begins to devour your neck with overwhelming passion.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/2/4.gif"/>
<i>After this little game, you notice him start to spank you with something firmer on your rear while making a joke, which makes you let out a slight laugh that Vito hears.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/2/5.gif"/>
<i>Vito, noticing that you’ve entered his game, lifts you as if you were a feather and after a brief fondling, positions you submissively and willingly... you present your rear to him, causing Vito to start penetrating you slowly, this time more affectionately...</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/2/6.gif"/>
<i>After adjusting his cock in your cavity, he leans back, lifting you in the process while you feel him thrusting into you, causing you to squeal, which Vito silences with his hand while he begins to fuck you.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/2/7.gif"/>
<i>When Vito manages to synchronize his waist movements with your rear, he starts to jerk you off while after a while, you both begin to shudder, climaxing together.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/2/8.gif"/>
<i>After this encounter, Vito smiles at you and gives you a couple of caresses while he changes... he leaves, and you see two of his guys come to accompany you to the cell corridor.</i>
<<if $Money >=50>>
Curiously, you leave the cell with the feeling of lighter pockets.
<<if $Money >=50>>
<<set $Money -=50>>
<<set $VitoMoney +=50>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to the Cells|The Cells]]
<i>You stare at the bodyguard who was furtively watching Vito, and the latter, clearing his throat, says:</i>
<img src="img/npc/Vitolookatyou.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">"Well, gentlemen, I'll leave my prince with you... take good care of him, don't be rude... I'm off to collect the earnings."</div>
<i>After that statement, with just a slight movement of his eyebrow and hand, Vito makes two of his guys leave the room with him, while the other four can’t take their eyes off you.</i>
<img src="img/npc/Bodyguard1.jpg"/>
<i>The man Vito discreetly pointed at starts approaching you and seductively removes his shirt while you are left speechless by his physique and the situation...</i>
<img src="img/npc/Bodyguard11.jpg"/>
<i>This man says to you:</i>
<div class="crimson">"You like what you see, huh, boy? Come on, give me some love... don’t be shy, we know you like to serve... hehe."</div>
<i>You feel your cheeks flush, but at the same time, you begin kissing his abs while pulling down his underwear. This causes the inmates in the cell to nudge each other and smile as they see you submit to his control.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/1.gif"/>
<i>Before you realize it, you're licking the head of his cock while Vito's bodyguard strokes your hair.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/2.gif"/>
<i>Surprisingly, just as you're about to suck him off, he pulls you back and starts kissing you passionately, as if you were his lifelong lover.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/3.gif"/>
<i>This action from your man only fuels your submission and arousal, making you want to serve him even more. You start swirling your tongue around his cock, which prompts the other inmates in the cell to cheer you on to go deeper while your man continues to caress your hair in a knowing manner.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/4.gif"/>
<i>Despite your efforts, your man places his other hand on you and begins fucking your throat, breaking your gag reflex. You try to protest, but the only sounds you make are slight:</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/5.gif"/>
<div class="lightpink">"Mmhmh glah mmh."</div>
<i>One of the onlookers in the cell exclaims:</i>
<div class="crimson">"That’s it, slut boy, serve him well with your mouth."</div>
<i>Your passive behavior causes your man to treat you more roughly... but it doesn't seem to bother you; in fact, the situation of being used heats you up even more...</i>
[[Continue Serving Him..|GoVitoRoom2.1]]
<img src="img/locations/CellVito.jpg"/>
You are in Vito's cell, sitting casually while having a conversation about the prison. The atmosphere, though relaxed, is charged with an underlying tension. Vito's bodyguards, scattered around the cell, exchange lustful glances, nudging each other discreetly. Their eyes are fixed on you as they bite their lips, as if waiting for something more. Vito's words flow in a soft, controlled tone, but there's something in his gaze that suggests a hidden intent, as if every word carries a deeper meaning.
Suddenly, just as the conversation was taking on a more elevated tone, something unexpected interrupts the moment, breaking the growing tension.
<<set $randomEvent = random(1, 3)>>
<<if $randomEvent == 1 && $Shashaslut >= 1>>
[[Suddenly, you hear Sasha's voice talking to the bodyguard at the door.|SashaSurprise]]
<<if $randomEvent == 2 >>
[[Vito's bodyguards invite you to watch TV.|BGuards1]]
<<if $randomEvent == 3 >>
[[You see a young redhead enter the cell.|Red1]]
<i>Your man, noticing your reflex to catch some air, says to you:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Sshhh, open your mouth wide and stick out your tongue like a cheap whore, come on boy, submit to my cock."</div>
<i>Without protest, you stick out your tongue like a roadside whore and let your man play with it.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/6.gif"/>
<i>Out of the corner of your eye, while doing this, you see one of Vito's associates jerking off while reclining in one of the cell's chairs, watching the scene.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/1.webp"/>
<i>Seeing this heats you up, and you begin to devour his cock again while watching the inmate masturbate more intensely, which makes you feel a tingle in your ass.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/7.gif"/>
<i>You begin to suck his balls while your tongue runs along his entire length, but his voice pulls you out of your task as he says:</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/8.gif"/>
<div class="crimson">"Mmm, yes $name, tell me my pretty boy... do you want me to fill that little mouth with yogurt, or are you going to let me ride that cute little ass of yours?"</div>
<i>As you take his cock out of your mouth and look at it. The question is... what will you do?</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/9.gif"/>
[[I'd rather keep sucking...|BlowbBody1]]
[[Ask him to put it in...|Putinposition]]
<i>Looking at him lustfully and seeing how several of the other men in the cell are masturbating while watching the scene you're putting on, you say to him</i>
<div class="lightpink">"Let me keep... sucking you off... please"</div>
<i>Your man smiles and says</i>
<div class="crimson">"What a good little prince, and he even asked politely. Hmm, come here, handsome"</div>
<i>He then kisses you lustfully, and after this passionate kiss, he guides your head back towards his cock.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/12.gif"/>
<i>He continues playing by slapping his cock seductively against your cheeks and tongue, but you willingly follow his game before proceeding to take him in your mouth, helping yourself with your hand.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/13.gif"/>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/11.gif"/>
<i>As soon as you start pumping his cock, you finally feel him shudder. Pulling out of your mouth, he begins to paint your cheeks, while you see the prisoner in the chair climaxing at the same time.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/fin.gif"/>
<i>Afterward, you wipe his load from your cheeks, and almost instinctively, you bring it to your mouth and taste it. This causes the prisoners in Vito's cell to laugh flirtatiously as they watch you. Once you're done, you regain your composure and leave the cell, while the men call out for you to visit them again soon.</i>
<<if $Money >=50>>
Curiously, you also feel like your pockets are lighter than the last time.
<<if $Money >=50>>
<<set $Money -=50>>
<<set $VitoBodyguardmoney +=50>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to the Cells|The Cells]]
<i>Licking your lips, you say</i>
<div class="lightpink">"Fuck my ass..."</div>
<i>Your man, seeing how you give in to him, begins to devour your mouth while turning you around, rubbing his cock against your ass.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/14.gif"/>
<i>This makes you start moving your ass against his cock unintentionally.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/15.gif"/>
<i>This movement turns your man on, and in a swift motion, he pulls down your last piece of clothing and starts groping your ass under the watchful eyes of the other men.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/16.gif"/>
<i>You keep pushing your ass back, which makes your lover start biting your ass while his tongue begins lubricating your entrance. Unintentionally, you move your hand to your cock and start masturbating lustfully as you see the other men in the cell continue stroking themselves while watching you.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/17.gif"/>
<i>As you masturbate, you feel him start to push inside, and your ass, instead of giving in, tightens a bit more with each stroke you give your cock. This makes your man thrust harder, making you start to pant.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/18.gif"/>
<i>When your ass starts to give in, your lover begins to fuck you harder, and all you can do is endure his pounding and try not to moan like a bitch in heat.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/19.gif"/>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/20.gif"/>
<i>Obviously, your attempts to resist are in vain, and you start half-screaming in pleasure while you notice the other prisoners smiling as they watch you give in to your most primal instincts.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/21.gif"/>
<i>You see one of these prisoners cum as he watches your performance, and you start to smile foolishly while your man continues thrusting, but then pulls you close and begins devouring your neck.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/2.webp"/>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/22.gif"/>
<i>Then he says to you</i>
<div class="crimson">"Come on, baby... tell me you want to ride my stallion cock, don't resist... ummm you're loving it, and so are they."</div>
[[Ride his stallion cock.|Putposition2]]
<i>Your man leans back on the sofa, and you begin to squat on his cock, teasing your hole while he grins lustfully.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/23.gif"/>
<i>During one of these teasing moves, you take him as deep as you can and start riding, taking control of the penetration to the point where you can feel his balls slapping against your entrance.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/24.gif"/>
<i>You keep riding as you see your lover smiling lustfully.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/25.gif"/>
<i>Just as you feel you're about to climax, your man pulls out roughly and, laying you sideways on the sofa, says:</i>
<div class="crimson">"I'm in charge here, boy."</div>
<i>Changing the angle of penetration, he starts fucking you again, dominating you. On the first thrust, you let out a moan of pleasure that echoes through the cell, followed by the laughter of your audience.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/26.gif"/>
<i>As he continues to fuck you in this new position, you decide to jerk off while he keeps pounding your ass.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/27.gif"/>
<i>He starts saying to you:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Do you want to cum, little one? Ummm, tell me."</div>
<i>Possessed by the situation, you start begging him breathlessly.</i>
<div class="lightpink">"Yes... please... ah"</div>
<i>Your man begins fucking you more ruthlessly, and you match his rhythm, jerking yourself off until you feel him unload inside you, just as your own cum shoots out, covering your chest and lips.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/28.gif"/>
<i>After this, your man pulls out and says:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Damn, boy, we need to do this more often. You're so obedient; we love it."</div>
<i>You lick your own cum as you bring your fingers to your ass, scoop out some of your lover's load, and mix it with your own fluids before licking it off. This causes one of the inmates to exclaim:</i>
<img src="img/npc/Vitoguard1.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">"Looks like the little prince is insatiable... Damn, I feel like putting a collar on him and spanking that ass... What do you say, boy? Want me to finish off that sweet little ass?"</div>
[[Succumb by saying nothing.|Sucumb1]]
[[Beg for mercy.|Finishposition2]]
<img src="img/locations/VitoBed.jpg"/>
<i>You close your eyes to relax, still tasting the cum in your mouth. When you realize it, you seem to momentarily lose consciousness... and feel someone carrying you in their arms to a comforting surface. A soft "click" snaps you out of your trance, and as you open your eyes, you notice a kind of collar around your neck. At the same time, you see a leather whip next to the bed. Your observations are interrupted by the thrusts of this new lover...</i>
<img src="img/items/collarpad.jpg"/>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/30.gif"/>
<div class="crimson">"Hello, beautiful boy, looks like another good cock brought you back to reality, huh?"</div>
<div class="lightpink">"Ahh..Ahhhhhh"</div>
<i>Seeing you pant, your new man pulls your arms over your neck and, with a somewhat rough move, lifts you while his cock remains inside your hole. To keep it from slipping out, you indirectly help him lift you.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/31.gif"/>
<i>This makes the man start impaling you on his cock, making you bounce on it.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/32.gif"/>
<div class="crimson">"That’s it, little one, umm... who’s a good boy, umm?"</div>
<div class="lightpink">"Ahh, I... I am..."</div>
<i>Seeing your submission, your lover lays you back on the bed and continues fucking you, not letting his cock slip out of your ass while you start stroking your own cock.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/33.gif"/>
<i>Seeing you touching yourself, your man takes it as an act of defiance and grabs you by the collar, fucking you harder, forcing you to let go of your cock and grab his wrists instead.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/34.gif"/>
<i>He says:</i>
<div class="crimson">"To cum, and to touch yourself, you need my permission, understand, slave?"</div>
<i>Desiring him, you respond:</i>
<div class="lightpink">"Ah, yes..."</div>
<i>He continues:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Say it! Answer me, dog, hehe!"</div>
<div class="lightpink">"Yes, master?"</div>
<div class="crimson">"Correct answer, umm."</div>
<i>After succumbing like a pig to him, the man puts your legs over his shoulders and starts thrusting even harder until it feels like his balls are almost trying to enter your hole, causing you to scream in pleasure loud enough to be heard almost down the cell block.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/35.gif"/>
<i>After fucking you mercilessly for a while, he flips you over and puts you on all fours.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/36.gif"/>
<i>As soon as you’re on all fours, he begins penetrating you roughly, holding you with one arm while spanking you harshly with the other.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/37.gif"/>
<div class="lightpink">"AHhh ay... ayyyy... ah!"</div>
<div class="crimson">"You’re no prince... handsome, yes... ha... you’re a dog, say it, um."</div>
<i>He continues spanking you without stopping until you finally give in and say what he wants to hear.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/38.gif"/>
<div class="lightpink">"Ahh, yes... I’m a dog... please... stop, ahhh!"</div>
<i>This only makes him drop the whip, but he continues fucking your ass while you hear him growl with every thrust, and your moans sync with his.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/39.gif"/>
<i>With a few more thrusts, you notice he begins to tremble.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/40.gif"/>
<i>But before cumming inside your ass, he flips you over and starts unloading onto your face while sitting on your chest.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/facial.jpg"/>
<i>After a while of admiring his work on your face, he removes the collar and leaves Vito's room. You indirectly lick part of your face clean, and as he finishes, the man throws your clothes at you... so you coldly change. As you leave the room, the others start barking at you and laughing, when your first lover says:</i>
<img src="img/npc/Bodyguard1.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">"Come on, $name, don’t take it like that... you enjoyed two fine studs... wasn’t it fun?"</div>
<i>You prepare to leave the cell under the watchful eyes of the other prisoners.</i>
<<if $Money >=50>>
<i>But before you leave the cell, your first lover grabs you by the wrist and says:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Hey, boy... give me $50, you know, for the family economy, hehe... besides, I think I deserve it, don’t I? Or should I say *we* deserve it?"</div>
<i>You see your second lover licking his lips, still stroking his cock, probably recalling how he tamed you in Vito’s room. You respond:</i>
<div class="lightpink">"Alright, sure... I’m sorry... yeah, here... we’ll meet again sometime."</div>
<i>You hand over $50, and as you do, your legs feel weak, and your ass still aches from the pounding. After this, your second lover smirks and says mockingly:</i>
<img src="img/npc/Vitoguard1.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">"Haha, 'Alright, sure' 'see you again'—clearly, putting the collar on him did the trick, hehe... see you soon, beautiful."</div>
<i>As soon as your first lover pockets the money, he grabs you by the neck and starts passionately kissing you. You play along, but when you feel him starting to grope you again, you timidly stop him, as the other prisoner says:</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/29.gif"/>
<div class="crimson">"Our little prince sure loves it, huh... hehe, alright, go on, get out of here... before we decide to put our hands on you again... maybe all of us this time... who knows... hehe."</div>
<i>You leave the cell... with emptier pockets, but with a feeling of submission and lust that makes you feel both guilty and yet oddly attracted.</i>
<<if $VitoBodyguarde < 5>>
<<set $VitoBodyguarde += 1>>
<<if $Money >=50>>
<<set $Money -=50>>
<<set $VitoBodyguardmoney +=50>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to the Cells|The Cells]]
<i>You start to whimper while finishing tasting everything and say:</i>
<div class="lightpink">"No, please, no more... not today."</div>
<i>The inmate reprimands you.</i>
<img src="img/npc/Vitoguard1.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">"I'm not the one who just swallowed cum like a porn star after this guy here tore up your ass... Come on, don't be like that... it's just one more cock, and you're already loosened up."</div>
<i>The man who just fucked you comes to your rescue and responds.</i>
<img src="img/npc/Bodyguard1.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">"Come on... you heard Vito's little prince... besides, he's already given us enough attention, and it's up to him if he wants to entertain all of us or just a few."</div>
<i>The other inmate replies.</i>
<div class="crimson">"Right, so we have to settle for jerking off while you get your balls drained and ride him like a whore... Fabulous... Okay, fine, dude, I'll chill, but maybe next time he'll let us all fuck him, or I can take him to the other room."</div>
<i>Your previous lover changes his serious expression and starts laughing at the other inmate's last comment, and as they both start laughing, you take advantage of the situation to finish getting dressed and leave the cell.</i>
<<if $Money >=50>>
<i>But before you can leave, the inmate who was complaining grabs you and takes $50, saying:</i>
<img src="img/npc/Vitoguard1.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">"Where are you going, sweetie... this is for the family economy... besides, you've been well taken care of, haven't you, darling?"</div>
<i>He puckers his lips as if to kiss you while groping your ass as he pulls out the bills, and you respond.</i>
<div class="lightpink">"No... it's fine... it doesn't matter... I guess."</div>
<i>He chides you.</i>
<div class="crimson">"You guess? After being ridden by a fine stallion, you should be thanking him. Come on, give him a passionate goodbye kiss, won't you, sweetheart?"</div>
<i>Intimidated by his dominance, you blush as you see the man who fucked you walk toward you, grabbing your neck to plant a deep kiss. Giving in to his passion, you start making out with him until he begins groping you again.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/3/29.gif"/>
<i>Timidly, you pull away and say.</i>
<div class="lightpink">"Ah... umm, thanks, but... I have to go... see you later... I guess."</div>
<i>Your pickpocket responds for him, saying:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Haha, did you all hear that? 'Thanks,' 'See you later'—he’s more than a prince; he’s a sweet little slut... oh, please stay."</div>
<i>You walk out of the cell as they whistle and shout compliments, feeling your cheeks flush.</i>
<<if $Money >=50>>
<<set $Money -=50>>
<<set $VitoBodyguardmoney +=50>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to the Cells|The Cells]]
<img src="img/npc/VitoSmile.webp"/>
Vito turns to you with a sly smile as both of you hear Sasha’s voice, who, rather than asking the guard if he can enter, seems to be giving an order. His authoritative tone echoes through the room, momentarily increasing the tension in the cell. At the same time, you notice several of Vito’s men sitting at a nearby table, casually playing cards, laughing amongst themselves as if nothing out of the ordinary is happening.
Vito, with his sharp gaze and a soft chuckle, leans in closer and whispers to you:<div class="crimson"> Well, beautiful... Are you going to just stand here and watch how he reacts, or would you rather hide? Your choice…, </div>
Leaving the decision in your hands as his smile widens with a glint of amusement in his eyes.
[[Wait for Sasha.|WaitforSasha]]
[[Hide under the table...|Hidetable]]
<i>You slide under the table with an almost visceral urgency, seeking refuge as the tablecloth conceals you completely. It only takes a few moments before you feel the feet of the men around you, brushing against you with a mix of playfulness and provocation. The fleeting touches from their shoes seem to guide you toward an inevitable destination, until you find yourself, almost unknowingly, caught between the legs of one of them.
<img src="img/items/table.jpg"/>
The heat of his body blends with a dense, intriguing scent that instantly intoxicates you. You're overwhelmed by an almost inexplicable attraction, as if that aroma held a secret power you couldn’t resist. The soft contact of his thigh against your cheek keeps you suspended in a state between confusion and desire.
Just as the moment seems to freeze in time, a playful kick from another side of the table strikes you, forcing you to hit the underside of the table with a thud. A muffled groan escapes your lips as a firm leg presses against your back, pushing your head deeper between the man’s thighs, his warmth surrounding you completely.
In a low voice, thick with dark delight, he whispers:</i><div class="crimson"> Mmm, looks like the dog’s found his bone... Be good and breathe me in... unless you'd rather the guy at the door join us... hehe.</div>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/41/1.gif"/>
<div class="lightpink">$name: Sniff... mmh... sniff</div>
<img src="img/npc/VitoSmile.webp"/>
<i>At that moment, you hear the firm footsteps of Vito approaching. His deep, controlled voice fills the room:</i><div class="crimson"> Be good... and calm. We’ll see how this all plays out.</div><i> And as those words linger in the air, the tension beneath the table continues to rise, grasping at what’s yet to come.</i>
[[Follow the Orders of this Prisoner|PrisonerOrder1]]
<i>Sasha enters the cell after a brief attempt by the bodyguard to distract him. As he crosses the door, he notices how several of the inmates are laughing among themselves, playing cards and making embarrassingly sexual comments about you. The atmosphere is tense when Vito, with a sarcastic smile, interrupts:</i>
<img src="img/npc/VitoSmile.webp"/>
<div class="crimson">Sasha! What a pleasure, I always enjoy your visits... Sorry, I was just teaching your boy how to be more polite in the company of other men. You know… how to become an ideal inmate, right, $name?</div>
<i>As Vito says this, you feel his hand roaming over your buttocks, making you blush immediately. Your cheeks burn and Sasha quickly realizes what's happening. With a firm voice, he declares:</i>
<img src="img/npc/Sasha.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">Well... I’ll also teach him to be exemplary. Let’s go to my cell, $name.</div>
<i>Vito, without losing his malicious smile, mockingly replies:</i>
<img src="img/npc/VitoSmile.webp"/>
<div class="crimson">To your cell, Sasha?</div>
<i>Sasha shoots him a cold look and firmly responds:</i>
<img src="img/npc/Sashawake.webp"/>
<div class="crimson">Yes, my property.</div>
<i>With those words, Sasha grabs your wrist decisively and pulls you out of the cell, dragging you toward his territory, as a sense of control washes over your body. The destination: his own cell, where the atmosphere promises to be even more intense.</i>
[[*His Cell*|HisCell]]
<i>As soon as you enter the cell, Sasha begins to undress with a calm determination, never taking his eyes off you. Before you can react, he starts to strip you down as well, while you try to resist, opening your mouth to protest. But every time you attempt to speak, Sasha interrupts you with a loud "Sshh," echoing in the small room and silencing you instantly.
In the blink of an eye, he spins you around against the bed, with a firmness that leaves no room for doubt. With one swift motion, he uses his foot to spread your legs apart, forcing you to rest your elbows on the top of the bed. The vulnerability of the position makes you feel a mix of helplessness and tension.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/4/1.gif"/>
<i>Sasha, with a firm voice tinged with mockery, whispers near your ear:</i>
<div class="crimson">So, you want to play Vito's little whore too, huh? Well, looks like I’m going to have to teach you a lesson.</div>
<i>With those words, the moment culminates as he begins to penetrate you, the pressure and control of the situation taking hold of you.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/4/2.gif"/>
<i>Sasha starts to thrust rhythmically, his heavy breathing blending with the sound of his hips colliding with yours. Every movement is firm and deliberate, as his hands hold you in the position he desires, leaving no doubt who is in charge. Between each thrust, he spits out vulgar comments, filled with mockery and dominance, designed to humiliate you and make you feel even more vulnerable.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/4/3.gif"/>
<div class="crimson">You like this, huh? This is how a whore should be treated...</div>
<i>he murmurs with a restrained laugh, thrusting his hips harder, like a beast in heat, savoring every second of the scene.</i>
<i>Your attempts to resist are futile, and soon you find yourself gasping, your body reacting to the way he’s treating you. The intensity of the moment overwhelms you, as Sasha continues to impose his rhythm, pushing you beyond your limits, submerging you in a blend of humiliation and pleasure.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/4/4.gif"/>
[[Try to make Sasha finish already..|FinishSasha]]
[[Let Sasha keep fucking you..|ContinueSasha]]
<i>You begin to arch your back against his chest to change the angle of his penetration, causing Sasha to wrap his arms around you, caressing your chest and waist as you can’t help but moan in pleasure. You feel him thrusting deeper and harder, and as he starts to release himself inside you, you let out one final moan of ecstasy.
Suddenly, a prisoner from the neighboring cells begins to howl mockingly, echoing the sounds of your pleasure. This makes Sasha laugh as he finishes inside you, the sound of his amusement mingling with your moans. You continue to writhe in pleasure, feeling the intensity of the moment wash over you both, caught in a whirlwind of desire and humiliation.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/4/5finish.gif"/>
<i>After this, Sasha finishes getting dressed, a sly smile on his face as he says:</i><div class="crimson"> Damn, this was supposed to be a punishment, but it feels more like a reward... Well, at least you’re here. Just be careful with those people, $name...</div>
<i>After that remark, you lie back on the bed, still trying to process what just happened. The mixture of exhilaration and vulnerability lingers in the air, leaving you feeling both exposed and strangely satisfied.</i>
<<if $Money >=50 >>
<i>Sasha says:</i>
<div class="crimson">Well, I see you’re doing well financially, and besides... I rewarded you with a good fuck, probably better than that group of thugs... so I’ll take 50 bucks.</div>
<i>Before you can protest, you notice Sasha's brow furrowing with an aggressive demeanor as he scolds you for not addressing him properly. You respond:</i><div class="lightpink">“Thanks for fucking me, Sasha... Yeah, I don’t mind giving you 50 bucks...</div>
<img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/>
<i>He replies with a smile:</i>
<div class="crimson">Good boy... See you later...</div>
<<set $Money -= 50>> <!-- Reduce la energía en 40 unidades -->
<<set $ShashaMoney += 50>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<i>The room is dimly lit, illuminated only by the faint light filtering through the cell bars. The air is thick with tension and desire, as Sasha, with a malicious grin on his face, clearly isn’t done with you yet. After what has already transpired, he gazes at you intently, as if every one of his moves is calculated to prolong the sense of control he has over you.
Without saying a word, he gives you a few firm slaps on the ass, loud enough for the echo to bounce off the walls. He looks you in the eyes and, with a commanding tone, tells you to turn around. His expectant and dominant gaze leaves no doubt about what he wants to see: your complete submission.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/4/6.gif"/>
<i>With a slight tremble, you obey, lifting your legs as he positions himself to continue. You can feel his eyes locked on yours, waiting to witness the reaction on your face when he takes you again, penetrating you deeply with a passion that blends power and lust.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/4/7.gif"/>
<i>After he slides himself inside you, Sasha grips your waist firmly, forcing you to arch your back. His hold is unrelenting, ensuring you're perfectly positioned for what’s to come. Maintaining his control, he leans in closer and whispers, his voice dripping with dominance</i> <div class="crimson">Fuck yourself on my cock.</div>
<i>Instead of feeling humiliated, the command ignites something deeper within you. Your body heats up with desire, and without hesitation, you begin to move, bouncing your hips rhythmically on his cock. Each thrust fills the air with the sound of skin slapping against skin, echoing throughout the prison halls. The intensity of the moment grows as you hear crude, teasing remarks from other prisoners, their voices filled with excitement and lust as they listen to your performance.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/4/8.gif"/>
<i>Seeing your hips struggling to keep pace, Sasha takes control once again. He plants his hands firmly on the bed for leverage and starts thrusting into you with renewed force. All you can do is submit, adjusting your body to the rhythm, wrapping your legs tightly around his waist as you surrender to the relentless pounding. The intensity of his thrusts pushes you closer to the edge, and without warning, you begin to leak with anticipation, your body reacting uncontrollably to the pleasure.
Sasha is giving it his all, his focus unbroken as he continues to use you for his own satisfaction. Now, you have a choice to make—will you encourage him to finish inside you, or let him continue this delicious torment a little longer, savoring each second of his ruthless control ?</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/4/9.gif"/>
[[Encourage him to finish inside you|FinishSasha2]]
[[Continue this delicious torment a little longer|ContinueSasha2]]
<i>Unable to resist his powerful thrusts any longer, you feel your entire back vibrating as Sasha relentlessly drives into you. Instinctively, you tighten your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper into you with each thrust. The sensation intensifies, your moans growing louder and louder, filling the room. Sasha, feeling your body responding to him, begins to climax inside you, letting out a low growl. As his body shudders, he leans down and hushes you with a quiet “Sshhh,” chuckling darkly as he calls you a "noisy slut."</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/4/10finish.gif"/>
<i>After finishing inside you, you collapse onto the bed, your body spent from the encounter.</i>
<<if $Money >=20 >>
<i>Sasha says:</i>
<div class="crimson">Well, I see you're doing a little better financially, sweetheart... Hey, I'm going to take 20 bucks off you... and I’m being so generous because you got a bit affectionate at the end, huh... hehe.</div>
<i>Before you can protest weakly after the assault you’ve just endured, you notice a hint of hesitation on Sasha's face. Seeing this, you coyly lie back on the bed and respond:</i>
<div class="lightpink">"Ah Sasha... umm, no, it's fine... I'm just tired... forgive me... yeah, take them if you want, no problem... okay."</div>
<img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/>
<i>He smiles and replies:</i>
<div class="crimson">Mmm, good boy, it's no wonder you're... ‘raising’ passions around here... little one, hmm.</div>
<i>After saying this, you watch as he slips the 20 dollars into his prison uniform, then playfully touches your cheek before leaving, bidding you farewell.</i>
<<set $Money -= 20>> <!-- Reduce la energía en 40 unidades -->
<<set $ShashaMoney += 20>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<i>In the heated atmosphere of the cell, tension hangs in the air as Sasha, exuding overflowing confidence, prepares to continue the power play that has begun. The connection between you two becomes palpable, intensifying the charged atmosphere of desire and domination. After a climax that has left both of you breathless, Sasha, determined to prolong the experience, moves with agility. Unbeknownst to you, overwhelmed by ecstasy, he positions himself at the edge of the bed, ready to take you even further in this marathon of unrestrained passion.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/4/11.gif"/>
<i>Suddenly, you feel Sasha energetically lifting you like a feather while you sense him opening you even more deeply, and all you can do is gasp and try to hold onto him, wrapping your arms around him.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/4/12.gif"/>
<i>Sasha begins to lift you with an intense energy, and all you can do is let out a gasp of astonishment. With your eyes half-closed in pleasure, you notice Sasha's seductive smile as you move with him, feeling every moment of connection, as if the very essence of him is guiding your rhythm.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/4/13.gif"/>
<i>Sasha, noticing how you match his rhythm, leans his face closer to yours, and you instinctively do the same, drawn in by the cadence of your movements. As you draw nearer, you both melt into a passionate kiss that intertwines with the sounds of your connection.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/4/14.gif"/>
<i>When you notice Sasha starting to tremble, he exhaustingly lays you back on the bed and begins to pump his manhood while you seductively lean in, licking your lips and drawing closer to him as he begins to release his essence over you, bathing your face and chest.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/4/15.gif"/>
<i>After this, you find yourself mesmerized by his virility, and automatically, without him asking, you begin to luxuriously clean off the remnants that remain on his member while Sasha softly lets out some approving moans. Following this act, looking at you with satisfaction, he gives you an affectionate nudge that makes you recline back on the bed, as you watch your man change and leave the cell with a grin from ear to ear. Inside, you feel a storm of sensations from having given yourself to him... in this way, not caring if other inmates overheard your actions.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/4/16.gif"/>
<<if $Respect >= -40>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -40>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<i>Under the commands of this prisoner, you surrender to the intoxicating fragrance of his intimacy, letting each note of his aroma envelop you. He watches with a satisfied smile as you play along so willingly, whispering in a low tone, but laden with innuendos. He teases the other prisoners, addressing them with a playful voice:</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/41/1.gif"/>
<div class="crimson">"See? He's not a good dog... If he doesn't behave better with all that barking, he might wake the neighbor... You know, maybe he should start biting something to calm down. What do you all think?"</div>
<i>The laughter of the other prisoners resonates in the cell as their fists strike the table in a rhythmic beat, continuing their card game. You feel the soft pressure of a foot provocatively exploring your intimacy from behind. The warmth of the situation envelops you, and unable to resist, you begin to nibble on the trousers of the prisoner who made the comment, kissing him lustfully at the same time, letting yourself be carried away by the palpable tension that fills the space.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/41/2.gif"/>
<i>The prisoner watches your play with a satisfied smile, enjoying every moment. Just then, you hear several footsteps quickly approaching the inside of the cell. In a whispering tone that mixes complicity and mischief, the prisoner turns to the others, joking:</i>
<div class="crimson">Looks like the puppy has earned his bone; let's hope he doesn’t bark too much, or the neighbor will get upset... although, honestly, we don’t really care, do we?</div>
<i>The other prisoners give you playful kicks, as a subtle warning, while you help this man unbutton his lower garment, your hands trembling with anticipation. As you immerse yourself in the moment, you can’t help but admire the erection that your playful teasing has provoked, a testament to the power you hold over him, intensifying the charged atmosphere of desire that envelops the cell.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/41/3.gif"/>
[[Start to suck him off...|PrisonerOrder2]]
<i>As soon as you see his erection, you become mesmerized, a deep warmth coursing through your body. Your heart races as you realize that Vito and Sasha are inside the cell, casually chatting about the trivialities of prison, while you find yourself hidden beneath the table, enveloped in the intoxicating scent of that man.
Noticing your stillness, he glances at the other prisoners with a sly smile and indirectly says:</i>
<div class="crimson">I think we should start... right? You know... play... another round.</div>
<i>You feel the other prisoners giving you playful nudges with their feet, as if urging you to begin "playing" with what lies directly in front of you. Submissively, and allowing the tension to envelop you, you guide your hand to find its way, timidly starting to suck on the head of his member, striving to be as silent as possible while the atmosphere thickens with electrifying anticipation.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/41/4.gif"/>
<i>You continue "playing" with repetitive movements, closing your eyes in an attempt to focus solely on this task, trying to ignore that your cellmate is chatting animatedly with Vito not far away.
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/41/5.gif"/>
However, this attempt at escape is interrupted by the coughs of one of the prisoners, and suddenly, the man you’re attending to whispers to you in a tone heavy with desire:</i>
<div class="crimson">"Stop being so playful and suffocate against my cock, for God’s sake."</div>
<i>A shiver runs through your body as you hear his words. Trembling, you slowly begin to lower yourself, attempting to bring your chin to the base of his intimacy, feeling how Sasha interrupts the conversation with Vito while you struggle to lose yourself against his cock.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/41/6.gif"/>
[[Continue sucking|PrisonerOrder3]]
<i>When you can no longer bear the lack of air and feel yourself starting to suffocate against his cock, you slowly begin to pull your head back. In that moment of timely silence, the sound of a soft PLOP from your lips resonates throughout the cell, marking the beginning of another kind of conversation between Sasha and Vito.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/41/7.gif"/>
<i>Sasha begins to say to Vito:</i>
<img src="img/npc/Sasha.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">I knew something was off with you... Are you already "educating" some boy, you damned mafioso? Hehe.</div>
<i>You notice how Vito, half-laughing and enjoying the game, replies:</i>
<img src="img/npc/VitoSmile.webp"/>
<div class="crimson">The truth... yes, you caught me. They're keeping themselves entertained while playing a game... sorry, Sasha.</div>
<i>You hear Sasha laughing as well and teasing him playfully:</i> <img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">And can we know who the little fish is, or not?</div>
<i>To which Vito, evasively, replies:</i>
<div class="crimson">You know, Sasha... I love variety and educating them. I have several, but this one... is promising. Now, if you'll excuse us...</div>
<i>With those words, you notice Sasha laughing as he leaves the cell, while the Prisoner, no longer hiding it, says to you:</i>
<div class="crimson">Well, pup, are you going to finish your work with that lovely mouth, or would you rather I give you a quick ride... in this position?</div>
[[Finish with the mouth|PrisonerFinish1]]
[[Quick ride|PrisonerFinish2]]
<i>You take his member back into your mouth and start playing with it against your cheek while your tongue runs along his frenulum, making him shudder as you notice his thighs begin to tremble.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/41/8.gif"/>
<i>This prisoner, poorly tuned by your actions, pulls you off the table and sitting on your chest, he begins to paint your face with his juice while you stick out your tongue, consumed by having surrendered to him in this way.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/41/9.webp"/>
<i>After finishing like this, you lick the remnants off him, and as you clumsily get up from the floor, you see him looking at you lustfully... You start to rush out of the cell, but not before bumping into Vito, who smiles and says to you:</i>
<img src="img/npc/VitoSmile.webp"/>
<div class="crimson">Wow, Beautiful, it seems like you enjoyed it... under the table... umm, too bad it wasn't with me... at least you must have left one of my boys relaxed... hehe.</div>
<i>His words resonate through your head like a punch, making you blush and bite your lip...</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/41/10.gif"/>
<i>Vito, seeing this, gives you a loud slap as he enters his cell... all you do is stay still, looking around... You think about returning to your cell, but considering it would be suspicious... you decide to head toward the yard to try to clear your thoughts.</i>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[The Yard|The Yard]]
<i>Possessed by an extreme heat, you submissively remove your prisoner outfit and turn around, positioning your ass.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/41/11.gif"/>
<i>Your lover, noticing your rear against his shaft, uses his hand to guide it and with a couple of thrusts begins to penetrate you.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/41/12.gif"/>
<i>Due to the position he's sitting in, and intoxicated by the feeling of his member making its way inside you, you start pumping against his shaft.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/41/13.gif"/>
<i>This causes the prisoner to lift slightly off the chair, and you begin to notice his precum bathing your insides while you start masturbating frantically, realizing he's about to finish.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/41/14.gif"/>
<i>With a couple more thrusts, you feel him release his nectar inside you. When he's done, you remain frozen beneath the table in ecstasy, but soon the other prisoners start nudging you with their feet to get you out of there. Sweaty and heated, you crawl out from under the table while the prisoner's load timidly drips from your rear. The prisoners who kicked you start laughing, while the one who had sex with you... smirks mischievously. As you submissively endure their jokes, you change... and head out of the cell, since you're in no condition to return to your cell.</i>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[The Yard|The Yard]]
<img src="img/locations/VitoRoom.jpg"/>
<i>You see how the bodyguards sit, one in each corner of the sofa, while gesturing for you to sit in the middle... timidly, you comply with their request as you watch Vito snap his fingers and point to one of his men, saying:</i>
<img src="img/npc/Vito.webp"/>
<div class="crimson">"You, with me, let's take a walk to the laundry... the rest... enjoy the privileges..."</div>
<i>With this last sentence, Vito leaves the cell with one of his men while you see one of them pull out what seems to be beers from a small compartment in the sofa... your mouth waters, and feeling a bit more cheerful, you ask:</i>
$name:<div class="gold">Seriously... you have beers here? But they must be warm.</div>
<i>One of them reprimands you:</i>
<div class="crimson">Do you want one or not?</div>
<i>You foolishly, thinking about having a drink, respond:</i>
$name:<div class="gold">Hell... of course!</div>
<i>The prisoners start laughing as you watch them change the channel... putting on what seems to be a recorded match... you keep drinking with them until after a couple of sips... your head starts spinning...</i>
<<set $randomEvent = random(1, 2)>>
<<if $randomEvent == 1>>
[[Everything spins around you.|Rouletesex]]
<<if $randomEvent == 2>>
[[A strange vision.|Wtf]]
<img src="img/locations/VitoRoom.jpg"/>
<i>When you regain consciousness, you find yourself gagged and tied to what seems like an office chair. But what pulls you out of this trance is the feeling of being fucked from behind while your arms are being held down.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/6/6.gif"/>
<i>The one thrusting into you says:</i>
<div class="crimson">Hey baby, we're playing roulette with your ass... enjoy it, darling, uhhh yeah, take some cream... baby.</div>
<i>With that last sentence, you feel his balls trying to push inside you with a couple of harder thrusts as he finishes inside you, causing you to let out a desperate scream that goes unheard because of the gag.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/6/7.gif"/>
<div class="lightpink">MmMhMhMMMmm</div>
<i>Afterward, mockingly, he spins the chair around as another kicks it.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/6/8.gif"/>
<i>When it stops, you feel another one of them begin to slap your ass cheeks with his dick. As he starts penetrating you, he spits on his cock to make the entry easier. You start gasping in pain as you feel his dick is larger than your previous lover's. One of the other prisoners exclaims:</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/6/9.gif"/>
<div class="crimson">Damn, this isn't going to be fun; he's going to loosen up.</div>
<i>While this prisoner continues fucking your ass, the last thing you see is another prisoner sitting beside you, cock erect, waiting for his turn.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/6/10.gif"/>
<i>In another slight blink, you no longer see anyone in that chair, but you feel a completely different cock penetrating you... finally, you end up losing consciousness.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/6/10.gif"/>
<i>You wake up with a start in your cell, feeling your ass burning. But when you check, surprisingly, there’s nothing there... and as you look at your wrists, there are no marks either. You ask yourself if this was a twisted dream?</i>
<<if $Intox < 6>>
<<set $Intox += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<i>Suddenly, you feel the touch of the velvet sofa on your face as you're being thrust into from behind. You hear grunts and laughter in the background while you blink slightly. You realize there's something in your mouth preventing you from speaking, while your arms are restrained, holding onto something. When you try to talk, all that comes out is a soft:</i>
<div class="lightpink">MmMmH..MmhMh</div>
<i>As the person continues to fuck you, he says:</i>
<div class="crimson">Oh, you've woken up, little princess. Welcome to the party. You're the center of attention, mmm, ohhh, I'm almost done, ummm, you're so tight.</div>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/6/1.gif"/>
<i>With one final thrust, you feel a liquid filling your cavity while you're gasping for air. This lover says aloud:</i>
<div class="crimson">Thanks for the fuck and for holding my beer, darling... Next!!!</div>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/6/2.gif"/>
<i>Still dazed, you notice another one of Vito's men positioning himself behind you, playing with his dick near your ass before starting to penetrate you.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/6/3.gif"/>
<i>You're so deeply drowsy that the spanking he begins to give you pulls you out of your trance as he fucks you and holds your arms, saying:</i>
<div class="crimson">Ughhh, slut, you thought the beers were free, huh? Haha, don't worry, we're paying for them with your ass, boy.</div>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/6/4.gif"/>
<i>After a few more thrusts, you feel another load in your rear, and you start to lose count of how many are using your ass like a male sex toy. You begin to lose consciousness until you feel someone placing something in your hands as another starts fucking you again.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/6/5.gif"/>
<i>You don't know how much time has passed before your strength leaves you, and you lose consciousness... You wake up in your cell, wondering if it was all a dream. Surprisingly... when you touch your cavity, there's no trace of anything... and you wonder... was it really a dream?</i>
<<if $Intox < 6>>
<<set $Intox += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<i>As soon as he steps into the cell, you notice Vito, with a look of disdain, give a nod of approval before leaving with two of his men. The young redhead, visibly trembling, glances at you nervously, licking his lips as he fumbles with something in his pocket. He turns around, his movements hesitant, while one of Vito’s guards approaches him.</i>
<img src="img/npc/Vitoguard2.jpg"/>
<i>Through the hushed whispers, you catch a glimpse of the exchange. The guard seems to request something, and with a subtle nod of understanding, the redhead turns back to you, his lips curving into a nervous smile. His eyes linger on you, filled with anticipation as he speaks, his voice shaky, as though he's lost in another world:</i>
<img src="img/npc/Red1.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">Let’s go to the room... I can't wait to get my hands on that tight ass... maybe give you a proper ride.</div>
<i>Stunned by his boldness, you stand frozen, your mind reeling from the unexpected turn of events. Vito's guard grips the back of your neck firmly, guiding you down the hallway towards Vito's room. From the corner of your eye, you notice the redhead subtly touching himself, clearly aroused by the ease with which the guard controls you. As you reach the room...</i>
[[Arrival at the Room|Earylyroom]]
<img src="img/locations/VitoBed.jpg"/>
<i>As soon as you reach Vito’s bed, the small redhead, with surprising strength for his size, forcefully pushes you onto the bed. Your elbows press against the surface, and in one swift motion, your lower uniform and underwear are pulled down, leaving you exposed. Without saying a word and under the watchful gaze of Vito’s man, he abruptly spreads your cheeks with his hands, revealing your vulnerable position.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/7/1.gif"/>
<i>He pauses for a moment, observing, before delivering a series of unexpected smacks to your exposed skin. The stinging sensation forces a soft whimper from your lips as you struggle to contain any louder sounds, all while Vito’s man watches with a smirk, enjoying the spectacle about to unfold.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/7/2.gif"/>
<i>After warming your skin with sharp slaps, he shifts rhythm, suddenly leaning in to run his tongue over your sensitive skin, teasing your entrance as a finger slips in, exploring. His pace remains deliberate, both preparing and tormenting you.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/7/3.gif"/>
<i>With the teasing underway, Vito’s man tosses him what looks like a condom. The redhead pauses only for a moment, nibbling at your skin before positioning himself. You feel the pressure as he begins to push forward, slowly opening you up, every movement deliberate and unhurried.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/7/4.gif"/>
[[He begins to push inside.|Red2]]
<i>Feeling his immense length pushing inside you, you instinctively use your hands to try to accommodate him, wanting to ease the intensity of the moment. The guard watching can’t help but chuckle, throwing out lewd remarks about your reaction, further complicating your attempts to relax.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/7/5.gif"/>
<i>With the taunts echoing in your ears, tension builds, and you find yourself clenching your jaw. A soft cry escapes your lips, but rather than slowing, the redhead responds with increased fervor, driving into you with an eager urgency.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/7/7.gif"/>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/7/6.gif"/>
<i>Surprisingly, with each thrust, your body begins to yield, transforming the initial pain into an unexpected pleasure. The redhead’s fervor intensifies, one hand gripping your hair tightly while the other delivers occasional stinging slaps. Your eyes flutter shut, surrendering to the sensations as soft moans fill the air, harmonizing with the rhythmic sound of his thrusts.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/7/8.gif"/>
<i>As his pace begins to ease, he releases your hair and pulls you closer, kissing you passionately while continuing his steady rhythm. He leans in, whispering breathlessly:</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/7/9.gif"/>
<div class="crimson">“Mmm, do you want me to make you come while I fill you up, or should I take care of you another way, babe?”</div>
<i>You respond with a breathy anticipation...</i>
[[Keep fucking me|Redfuckfinal]]
[[Please, suck me|Redsuck]]
<i>Without a word, he forcefully turns you over and places you on your back.</i> <img src="img/sex/VitoCell/7/14.gif"/>
<i>He positions your legs over his shoulders and leans over you, gripping your ankles as he slowly begins to penetrate you, filling you completely. The position heightens the pleasure, making you moan softly, unable to contain yourself.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/7/15.gif"/>
<i>His rhythmic thrusts cause his hips to crash forcefully against you, but he doesn't stop his heated pace. Skillfully, he shifts one of your legs, leaning back slightly to adjust the angle of penetration, driving you even deeper into this storm of sensations.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/7/16.gif"/>
<i>Your moans fill the room, and the redhead, clearly delighted by your reaction, brings his face close to yours. Without stopping his movements inside you, he kisses you passionately, stifling your cries with his lips as your moans turn softer.</i>
<div class="lightpink">"Mmhh...MhMH..."</div>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/7/17.gif"/>
<i>Just as you feel you're on the verge of an inevitable climax, the redhead suddenly pulls away from your lips, breaking the connection and disrupting your rhythm. Without pulling out, he lies down beside you, pressing his body against yours while he continues to thrust, making you feel every motion deep inside.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/7/18.gif"/>
<i>His hot breath on your skin and playful bites on your chest send shivers through you, a mix of pain and pleasure that's almost too much to bear. You grit your teeth, trying to hold on, but the intensity is overwhelming.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/7/19.gif"/>
<i>The pleasure builds in waves as the situation grows more intense. Unable to resist, you start touching yourself frantically, teetering on the edge of climax just as he reaches his own, both of you lost in the moment.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/7/20.gif"/>
<i>After what feels like an eternity, the redhead pulls out with a soft "plop," as Vito's guard, who has been watching the whole time with an amused smile, claps sarcastically.</i>
<img src="img/npc/Vitoguard2.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">Fabulous show, but... time's up. You need to leave.</div>
<i>The redhead, still maintaining his carefree attitude, gets up from the bed, dresses, and leaves the room. You, still recovering, do the same, getting dressed as the guard escorts you to the exit. Just before you leave, you feel a playful slap on your sore ass, followed by a booming laugh behind you.</i>
<<set $VitoBodyguardmoney +=50>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to the Cells|The Cells]]
<i>When you ask him to suck you off, the young redhead growls in approval, pulling out of you. With a push, he flips you onto the bed, face up, while he discards the condom and leans down to devour your shaft.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/7/10.gif"/>
<i>He starts licking you fiercely, using his hand to help, while you lick your lips in pleasure at the skill of his tongue.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/7/11.gif"/>
<i>As your body begins to tremble, he plays with his tongue in circles over the tip of your member, while you, unsure what to do with your arms, surrender to the overwhelming sensations.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/7/12.gif"/>
<i>In just a few short but intense minutes, you feel him start squeezing the upper part of your shaft with expertise, triggering your release. Instead of pulling away, he keeps sucking up every drop, sending a shiver down your legs to your lower back, while your hands grip his hair tightly.</i>
<img src="img/sex/VitoCell/7/13.gif"/>
<i>As he licks his lips, Vito's guard smiles, saying that time is up and it's time to leave the cell. The redhead, clearly pleased with the encounter, nods and leaves without protest, while the guard watches you with a knowing smile. Before leaving, he says:</i>
<img src="img/npc/Vitoguard2.jpg"/> <div class="crimson">"Well, that wasn’t too bad, was it? I’m sure he’ll want to come back for more. At least he left you a little something as a parting gift."</div>
<i>The guard exits the room, and you quickly get dressed. In a short time, you head out and give him a nod as you leave. After this encounter, you find yourself back in the cell block corridor.</i>
<<set $VitoBodyguardmoney +=50>>
<<set $gameTime = $gameTime + 1>>
[[Return to the Cells|The Cells]]
</center><<if $randomEvent == 4 && $Nrd == 2>>
[[You think you hear Alex's calm voice.|NerdSurprise]]
<i>You start walking through the prison yard until your steps lead you to the back of the kitchen exit and the guards' barracks building. That's when you start hearing that familiar feminine voice... so you decide to crouch against the window of the wall.</i>
<<if $Feminity < 30>>
<img src="img/actions/sneakM.gif"/>
<img src="img/actions/sneakG.gif"/>
<i>Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Mary talking to another guard with a surprisingly delicate appearance, saying the following:</i>
<img src="img/npc/MaryPose.webp"/>
<div class="crimson">Well, little one... I’ve brought you a new toy. Give it a couple of sessions... and let’s see how it breaks. I bet you won’t crack it before 3 or 4... though there’s a new guy wandering around here who's quite cute. But until he does something noticeable... you know the rules, we won’t lay a hand on him. Not like the fool I’ve brought you, haha.</div>
<i>You see the other guard replying:</i>
<img src="img/npc/redguard.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">As you command, boss... I guess the usual dose, right?</div>
<i>Several questions start surfacing in your mind:</i><div class="royalblue">Dose? New subject? Sessions?</div>
<i>As you finish mulling over your thoughts, you look back at the scene. Mary is gone, and the previous prisoner is now naked while the guard is wearing what looks like a gym uniform.</i>
[[You continue watching stealthily|KeepwatchingM]]
<i>When you glance back, you notice the room appears to be shrouded in a faint violet glow that permeates the air with an almost tangible energy.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Random3/pois.gif"/>
<i>The woman seems unaffected; her posture and demeanor exude absolute control. However, the man appears to succumb entirely to this atmosphere, his glassy eyes and a string of saliva slowly dripping from his mouth as he fixates on her boots.</i>
<div class="crimson">What's wrong, puppy? Do you want to clean my boots, huh? Come on, be a good boy and kiss them gently. Go ahead, sniff them if you like, sweetheart.</div>
<img src="img/sex/Maryinit/1.gif"/>
<i>The man, as if under some sort of spell, kneels with devotion. You wonder how he has gone from being defiant to becoming a mere worshiper. The woman, with a subtle, hypnotic sway, ensures that every movement she makes is a display of superiority, clearly enjoying the spectacle of his submission.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Maryinit/2.gif"/>
<div class="crimson">That's right... you like my scent, don't you, puppy? Maybe, if you're a good pet, I'll let you clean my stockings. You're so filthy, aren't you?</div>
<i>For a moment, her gaze seems to shift toward the window, and your heart races.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Maryinit/3.gif"/>
<i>In a clumsy motion, you hide behind the frame, fear and excitement battling for control of your thoughts. A few seconds pass, and when you look again, the scene has become even more intense. The man continues kissing her boots while muttering something you can't quite understand.</i>
<i>Looking back toward the room, you notice Mary seems to have spotted you. Her eyes lock directly in your direction, and a chill runs down your spine.</i>
<img src="img/npc/MaryPose.webp"/>
<i>As you try to process what is happening, the man is now on all fours, mumbling unintelligible words while the woman, with a sadistic smile, looks down at him.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Maryinit/4.gif"/>
<div class="crimson">Good boy.</div>
<i>She says mockingly as she delivers a firm slap to his rear.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Maryinit/5.gif"/>
<i>The sound echoes in your ears, and a sudden flash of light momentarily blinds you.</i>
<i>When you blink to regain focus, you find yourself sitting against the wall, your body dazed and your mind confused. Despite the uncertainty, a warm, uncomfortable yet pleasurable sensation settles in your lower abdomen, and your thoughts are marked by the words echoing in your head:</i>
<div class="lightpink">"You like my scent..." "You're a good pet..." "You're so filthy..." "Good boy..."</div>
<i>Your trance breaks as you stand up, heading toward the yard. As you walk, one question lingers in your mind: Did Mary see you?</i>
<<set $Maryseeyou += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Go to The Yard|The Yard]]
<img src="img/npc/SashaSmile.jpg">
Sasha, smiling at you, says:<div class="crimson">Well, I suppose there is one thing you could do for me. Since you seem to have a knack for washing dishes, maybe you can try washing my underwear as well. It's quite a delicate task.</div>
[[Wash Sasha's underwear|Wash Sasha's underwear]]
<<if $Respect <= -1 && $washUnderwearOption && setup.dayPart[$gameTime] !== "Night">><div class="lightpink">I'm seriously considering doing it. I blushed at the idea and found myself internally debating whether I should give in to my darkest impulses or not. On one hand, curiosity and attraction urged me to succumb to those tempting fantasies. On the other hand, doubt and fear of the consequences tormented me, causing me to waver in my decision.</div><</if>><</nobr>>
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]</center><center>
<i>You walk through the prison yard again, your steps leading you once more toward the back exit of the kitchen and the familiar guard barracks building. Upon arriving, you hear the voices of Mary and the other woman once again, which causes you to crouch beside the wall window, trying to stay unnoticed.</i>
<<if $Feminity < 30>>
<img src="img/actions/sneakM.gif"/>
<img src="img/actions/sneakG.gif"/>
<img src="img/sex/Random3/pois.gif"/>
<i>As you crouch beside the window, the air seems to charge with that same violet energy you witnessed earlier. You peek out cautiously, and there she is again: the woman with short red hair and gym attire, her boots gleaming under the dim light of the room. In front of her, the man remains in the same humiliating position, on all fours, as if no time has passed since the last time you saw them.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Maryinit/6.gif"/>
<i>The woman moves with the same dominant grace as before, her firm steps echoing as she slowly circles around the man. Every move of hers seems like a declaration of absolute power, while the man simply lowers his head, completely submissive.</i>
<div class="crimson">"Did you return to your spot, puppy? How obedient. I knew you couldn’t resist..."</div>
<img src="img/sex/Maryinit/7.gif"/>
<i>The man doesn't respond with words, but his posture and the way his body shakes make it clear he's completely under her control. As the scene unfolds, you feel the atmosphere of the room begin to affect you again, pulling you into that same hypnotic trance you experienced last time.</i>
<i>When you look up again, the woman is barefoot, sitting on the couch, and the man is lying on his back on the floor, sticking out his tongue like a dog. The woman smiles sadistically and orders him to start cleaning her feet. This makes the man begin to suck her toes, which causes a brutal erection in you. You can't take your eyes off the scene.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Maryinit/8.gif"/>
<i>As soon as you begin massaging your bulge over your pants, you notice some eyes staring at the back of your neck, but you don't seem to mind. Due to the few interactions with women, this scene excites you even more when the woman begins to rub her foot all over the man's mouth while insulting him. Not before noticing that the game she's playing causes the man to start getting aroused too, syncing with you.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Maryinit/9.gif"/>
<i>As the woman puts one foot in the man’s mouth while using the other to massage his cock, you start to tremble, and after seeing another white flash, you lose consciousness.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Maryinit/10.gif"/>
<i>When you wake up again, you realize your prison pants are soaked. You try to dry your private area with your hands, but you have that same sensation that Mary may have seen you again... like she's stalking you like an animal. As you return to the yard, you hear that woman’s voice in your head again.</i>
<div class="lightpink">"Did you return to your spot, puppy?" "How obedient you are." "You couldn't resist..."</div>
<i>At the same time, when you're already in the middle of the yard, an image floods your mind.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Maryinit/11.jpg"/>
<<set $Maryseeyou += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Go to The Yard|The Yard]]
<<set $randomEvent = random(1, 7)>>
<i>While wandering the backyard, something unusual catches your attention...</i>
<<if $randomEvent == 1>>
<i>You see two girls from the "backyard" in a room near the visiting area, "showing love" to a prisoner.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/Guyspitroast2.gif"/>
<<elseif $randomEvent == 2>>
<i>In one of the bathrooms near the visiting area, you see several "girls" enjoying their assets with each other.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/Girlsfun.gif"/>
<<elseif $randomEvent == 3>>
<i>You hear several cries from one of the "girls" from the backyard in a visiting room...</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/Sissypink.gif"/>
<<elseif $randomEvent == 4>>
<i>You hear a mix of grunts from a man and a woman and see a "girl" from the backyard riding a prisoner on the stairs.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/Guybottom.gif"/>
<<elseif $randomEvent == 5>>
<i>You hear sucking sounds near the wooded area of the backyard, so you decide to get closer...</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/Blowbackyard.gif"/>
<<elseif $randomEvent == 6>>
<i>You hear moans from a feminine voice in one of the visiting rooms and see a feminized nerd nervously riding a dildo.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/Nerdissy.gif"/>
<i>You hear Mary shouting insults from the barracks area, and when you take a look... she's breaking someone in.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/Marybreaking.gif"/>
<i>After watching the scene, you feel a huge bulge in your pants, so you decide...</i>
<i>Feeling the bulge in your pants and contemplating the scene, you have two options: return to the backyard and hold back your desires, or perhaps enjoy a bit of passion with yourself... trying not to get caught in the act.</i>
<img src="img/actions/choices.gif"/>
[[Public Fun|FunPublic]]
[[Return to The Backyard|The BackYard]]
<i>You start enjoying some time with yourself while still watching the scene when suddenly...</i>
<<set $randomEvent = random(1, 5)>>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/publicwank.gif"/>
<<if $randomEvent == 1>>
<i>You think you heard a noise, but it’s just your imagination. You enjoy the moment watching the scene until you finish.</i>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return to The Backyard|The BackYard]]
<<if $randomEvent == 2>>
<i>Silently, one of the "girls" from the area approaches you and, sticking close to you, licks her lips as she gazes at your cock and says:</i>
<div class="violet">Well, what do we have here, $name? Ummm, do you want me to give you a hand... or maybe something more? Hehe, there’s a free room...</div>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/1.gif"/>
[[Go with her|Tgirlfun2]]
[[Return to The Backyard|The BackYard]]
<<if $randomEvent == 3>>
<i>Suddenly, as you turn to one side, you see nothing suspicious, but just as you are about to turn to the other side, you feel a blow to the head.</i>
<<set $randomEvent = random(1, 2)>>
<<if $randomEvent == 1>>
[[Blow to the head|Tgirlsfun3]]
<<if $randomEvent == 2>>
[[Blow to the head|Tgirlsfun3.1]]
<<if $randomEvent == 4>>
<i>You catch a glimpse of a figure approaching in your direction as you start tucking it back into your pants...</i>
[[A feminine figure approaches.|Sheguard]]
<<if $randomEvent == 5>>
<i>You are so aroused while giving yourself some self-love that before you even realize it...</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/50.gif"/>
[[What just happened?|Guardfunwithyou]]
<center><img src="img/Locations/Conyugal.jpg"/></center>
<div class="seagreen" onclick="toggleDropdown('descriptionText')">Description</div>
<div class="dropdown-text" id="descriptionText">The conjugal room is a designated space within the prison where inmates can have intimate visits with their partners. The conjugal room is designed to provide a more private and intimate setting for couples to spend time together.
The décor of the conjugal room often aims to be warm and inviting, with tasteful decorations that promote a sense of intimacy. The walls may be adorned with artwork or photographs to create a more personal touch. However, it's important to note that the room is still subject to security measures and may contain cameras or other monitoring equipment to ensure the safety and well-being of all individuals involved.
To maintain a respectful and controlled environment, the use of the conjugal room is often subject to specific rules and regulations. These rules typically include limitations on visitation duration, restrictions on personal belongings, and guidelines for appropriate behavior.
The conjugal room is intended to provide an opportunity for inmates to maintain their relationships and experience moments of intimacy with their partners while still within the confines of the prison system. It serves as a space where couples can temporarily escape the constraints of the correctional facility and enjoy a sense of normalcy and connection.</div>
<i>You follow her into the private room, hypnotized by her femininity. The moment you step through the door, she starts devouring you with kisses.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/2.gif"/>
<i>Before you know it, she's lying on the bed, her perfect breasts on full display, leaving you mesmerized. You can’t help but reach out, fondling them as your lips continue to explore hers.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/3.gif"/>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/4.gif"/>
<i>She starts stroking you, her delicate hand teasing while her other hand casually plays with her own excitement. Overcome with desire from this tantalizing moment, you murmur:</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/5.gif"/>
<div class="gold">Mmm, baby, taste me.</div>
<<set $randomEvent = random(1, 2)>>
<<if $randomEvent == 1>>
<i>She replies with a seductive smile:</i>
<div class="violet">Mmm, since you've been such a good boy... I’ll make an exception this time. Come here...</div>
[[Get ready to enjoy her expert touch.|Tgirlfun2.1]]
<<if $randomEvent == 2>>
<i>She smirks wickedly and says:</i>
<div class="violet">Oh, darling, I think yours is about to meet mine.</div>
[[Suddenly, she grabs you by the nape, guiding your head down to her excitement.|Tgirlfun2.2]]
<i>You begin to relish her lips playing with your member</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/15.gif"/>
<i>Between suck and suck she continues playing with you, bringing you to the edge of ecstasy but stopping just when you're about to finish while staring at you intently.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/16.gif"/>
<i>You ask her, lost in this trance:</i>
<div class="gold">oh why.. let me cum</div>
<i>She, sucking you a little more, tells you while looking at you:</i>
<div class="violet">Um let me fuck you</div>
<i>When you're about to protest, she starts playing with the tip of your cock</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/18.gif"/>
<i>This makes you admit while looking at the ceiling:</i>
<div class="gold">Alright you win</div>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/17.gif"/>
<i>She mischievously continues a bit more but leaves you wanting again when you lower your face to look her directly in the eyes. She pounces on you.</i>
[[She pounces on you.|Tgirlfun2.1.1]]
<i>In one swift motion, you find her member slipping into your mouth.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/6.gif"/>
<i>And with another quick tug at your hair, her feminine virility plunges deep, hitting the back of your throat.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/7.gif"/>
<i>The intensity causes you to lose your balance along with your feminine lover. Without releasing her cock from your lips, you both end up in a tangled 69. As you try to take control, she notices and begins devouring your shaft. Her skilled touch weakens you, leaving you gasping as she finishes on top of you.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/8.gif"/>
<i>From this dominant position, without letting go of your shaft, she starts thrusting into your mouth, leaving you only able to moan helplessly.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/9.gif"/>
<i>When she's almost overwhelmed you with her feminine rod, she pulls back slightly, and in a sultry, commanding tone, she whispers:</i>
<div class="violet">Now, darling, after getting me so perfectly wet, give me more love. Hehe, I’m going to make you my sweet milk sister. Hehe...</div>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/10.gif"/>
<i>You begin licking her balls while she strokes herself, teasing you with promises of taking you like a dog.</i>
[[Like a dog.|Tgirlfun2.2.2]]
<i>In the blink of an eye, you find yourself being taken by your feminine lover. Her hands grip your waist firmly, and the room fills with the sound of her balls slapping against your ass.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/11.gif"/>
<div class="violet">Umm, $name, that's it... let yourself be tamed, baby.</div>
<i>Her words echo in your mind as her thrusts become deeper and more relentless. Before you can fully process, she bites your cheek and neck, claiming you in her own way.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/12.gif"/>
<i>Your legs give way under her dominance as she pounds into you more vigorously. You feel yourself opening completely to her, your shared moans mingling in a symphony of pleasure.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/13.gif"/>
<i>With one final thrust, you feel her shudder deep inside you. As the intensity overtakes you both, you bite your lip, climaxing in sync with her. Sensing your release, she teasingly smacks the back of your head in a playful gesture before withdrawing.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/14.gif"/>
<i>As she gets dressed, she turns to you with a coy smile and says:</i>
<div class="violet">Thanks, $name, for letting me blow off some steam. If you want to do this again, hehe, I'll come find you.</div>
<i>You lie back, catching your breath as you watch her leave the conjugal room. But at the last moment, she turns around with a cheeky grin and adds:</i>
<div class="violet">You better move that tight little ass, darling, before the guards come, hehe.</div>
<i>Startled, you quickly grab your belongings and throw on your clothes haphazardly. You follow her out of the room, watching as she locks the door behind you. Moments later, you find yourself back in the backyard.</i>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return to The Backyard|The BackYard]]
<i>As soon as she pounces on you, you find yourself lying on the bed while she kisses you passionately. You feel her member starting to push its way inside you.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/19.gif"/>
<i>Instinctively, you wrap your legs around her, which only makes your lover kiss you even more fervently.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/20.gif"/>
<i>She, noticing how much you're enjoying it, asks you to stretch your legs. This makes you feel your rear tightening as she playfully changes the rhythm and intensity of her thrusts.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/21.gif"/>
<i>Your lover, overwhelmed by her own game, begins trembling as she releases part of herself inside you. Just as she’s about to finish, she swiftly pulls out and starts pleasuring herself on top of you.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/22.gif"/>
<i>As your lover relaxes, she coquettishly says:</i>
<div class="violet">See, bunny? I told you I’d make you finish, hehe.</div>
<i>You foolishly smile because, far from her giving you oral, you climaxed while she was inside you.</i>
<i>With a mischievous grin, she continues:</i>
<div class="violet">If you keep having fun like this, prison will be much more pleasurable, sweetheart. Hehe. Anyway, we should leave before a guard shows up... though, who knows? Maybe you could bribe one with that tight little ass of yours, hehe.</div>
<i>Her words make you blush as a wave of heat rushes through you. You begin to get dressed alongside this "lady" and try to shake off these intrusive thoughts. Before you realize it, you find yourself in the backyard, snapped out of your trance as your "girl" says goodbye—though not without suggesting you repeat this encounter sometime.</i>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return to The Backyard|The BackYard]]
<img src="img/Locations/Conyugal.jpg"/>
<div class="seagreen" onclick="toggleDropdown('descriptionText')">Description</div>
<div class="dropdown-text" id="descriptionText">The conjugal room is a designated space within the prison where inmates can have intimate visits with their partners. The conjugal room is designed to provide a more private and intimate setting for couples to spend time together.
The décor of the conjugal room often aims to be warm and inviting, with tasteful decorations that promote a sense of intimacy. The walls may be adorned with artwork or photographs to create a more personal touch. However, it's important to note that the room is still subject to security measures and may contain cameras or other monitoring equipment to ensure the safety and well-being of all individuals involved.
To maintain a respectful and controlled environment, the use of the conjugal room is often subject to specific rules and regulations. These rules typically include limitations on visitation duration, restrictions on personal belongings, and guidelines for appropriate behavior.
The conjugal room is intended to provide an opportunity for inmates to maintain their relationships and experience moments of intimacy with their partners while still within the confines of the prison system. It serves as a space where couples can temporarily escape the constraints of the correctional facility and enjoy a sense of normalcy and connection.</div>
<i>When you partially regain consciousness, you find yourself in one of the conjugal rooms, being impaled against the wall by one of the Latin inmates.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/24.gif"/>
<i>He has you lifted in his arms while hurling insults at you. The only thing you can do is passively hold onto his neck, which he misinterprets as passion. This leads to him fucking you frenetically and finishing inside your ass. Once the encounter ends, he releases you from his arms, leaving you sitting against the wall. The inmate lets out a loud:</i>
<div class="crimson">Goodbye <div class="lightpink">Puto. </div>See you later.</div>
<i>After about fifteen minutes, you manage to gather the clothes from the bed and head toward the backyard.</i>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return to The Backyard|The BackYard]]
<i>As soon as you regain consciousness, you find yourself on one of the stairways in the cell block. You're jolted out of your sweet dreams by the mere fact that someone is fucking you savagely.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/23.gif"/>
<i>In a semi-conscious tone due to the blow and under the fear that someone might be watching the scene, you try to resist, though you half-moan and say the following:</i>
<div class="lightpink">Uhh oh ah stop, please.</div>
<i>Your assailant responds:</i>
<div class="violet">Calm down, <div class="lightpink">Slut</div>. If you keep this up, even the <div class="lightpink">Latin Gang Princesses</div> will take turns fucking you. Haha, mmm, just a little more.</div>
<i>It seems like you're about to lose consciousness when you feel them start to coat your ass with their juices.</i>
<img src="img/sex/IsmaelPimpYou/Fucked/11.webp"/>
<i>You start pulling your pants back up as best you can, feeling how soaked your ass is, while hearing the quick sound of heels clicking away. You fix yourself up as best you can and head toward the yard, acting as if nothing happened, even as you walk unsteadily like you're drunk. You lean against one of the walls and wait until you regain full coherence.</i>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Return to The Yard|The Yard]]
<i>As you finish tucking it into your pants as cautiously as possible, like someone caught peeing in the wrong place, a feminine figure approaches.</i>
<img src="img/npc/Sheguard.jpg"/>
<div class="violet"> Umm, well, well, what do we have here, huh, $name? </div>
<i>Without looking her directly in the eyes, you notice something strange about her. Sensing your unease, she continues.</i>
<div class="violet"> Sleight of hand is for villains, huh... I think I'll show you what I have in store. </div>
<i>As she finishes her sentence, she approaches you with a quick step, grabbing one of your hands to keep you from moving. Taken by surprise, she sprays something in your face with her other hand, causing you to feel extreme drowsiness.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Random3/pois.gif"/>
<div class="violet"> Sweet dreams, darling... </div>
[[You lose consciousness.|WakeupPig]]
<i>As you begin to open your eyes, you feel your arms stretched out and chained to something... When you move your head slightly, as if hungover, you realize you're handcuffed to the bed of an unfamiliar cell, and that "woman" is on top of you wearing a different outfit, rubbing herself against your member while saying:</i>
<div class="violet">Good morning, $name. I hope you're ready... for what's coming next.</div>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/25.gif"/>
<i>Still dazed, you only manage to respond with a faint</i>
<div class="gold">What!</div>
<i>To which she continues:</i>
<div class="violet">Now you're going to respect a guard like me, $name. I'm going to teach you, so shhh, stop being so naughty and behave yourself.</div>
<i>As she says this, you see her hike up a small latex miniskirt, revealing a "surprise" she has in store for you.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/26.gif"/>
<i>Noticing your discomfort, she keeps rubbing herself against you in a sadistic manner while holding your neck and says:</i>
<div class="violet">Umm, I can feel a nice bulge between your legs... what a naughty boy you are... let's see how I tame you today...</div>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/27.gif"/>
<<set $randomEvent = random(1, 2)>>
<<if $randomEvent == 1>>
<i>She replies with a seductive smile:</i>
<div class="violet">I think I'll let you suck me off before I fuck you right here on the bed.</div>
[[Get ready to suck.|Sheguard1]]
<<if $randomEvent == 2>>
<i>She smirks wickedly and says:</i>
<div class="violet">I'm going to fuck you against those bars like the future prison bitch you're about to become.</div>
[[Pinned against the bars.|Sheguard2]]
<i>She continues rubbing against your member while pulling out a massive cock from the side of her underwear, beginning to stroke herself while looking at you as you strain your neck to look down at the scene.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/28.gif"/>
<i>In a hypnotic manner, she moves her cock and plays with it as you find yourself unable to look away.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/29.gif"/>
<i>Noticing how you're falling under her spell, she begins to bring it closer to your face, teasing even more as she says:</i>
<div class="violet">Oh, the naughty boy wants a taste of my cock, um say ah.</div>
<i>Shyly, you give it a few licks, but she pulls it away from your mouth as though she were taking candy from a small child.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/30.gif"/>
<i>In the blink of an eye, you find yourself completely immersed in her power play as she slaps your tongue with her cock and you respond with a few eager sucks.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/31.gif"/>
<i>Without warning, she cuffs you to the bars of the cell.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/40.gif"/>
<i>And without any prior notice or much lubrication, you feel her brutally thrust her cock inside you, starting to fuck you, attempting to reach the deepest part of your being.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/36.gif"/>
<i>You quickly adapt to her member in your ass as she continues rhythmically fucking you, and all you can do is grit your teeth and endure her assault while your hands grip the bars tightly.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/37.gif"/>
<i>After a few moments, you feel an eruption in your abdomen as you can't stop screaming with pleasure while your warden continues to tame your rear.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/38.gif"/>
<i>Following this moment, your legs weaken, and you remain slumped with your face against the bars as, out of the corner of your eye, you see your guard putting her uniform back on and leaving, not without giving you a mischievous smile.</i>
<img src="img/npc/2guards.jpg"/>
<i>After a while, two guards arrive, allowing you to change and escorting you back to your cell, laughing about how the other guard fucked you.</i>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<i>You find yourself with your legs raised, still handcuffed, while this guard relentlessly pounds your ass, leaving you utterly powerless to resist her.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/32.gif"/>
<i>Suddenly, seeing you completely dazed and submissive, she leans in toward you, attempting to kiss you passionately. Involuntarily, you pull your legs closer, wrapping them around her waist as she begins to kiss you abruptly, all while continuing to fuck you.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/33.gif"/>
<i>With a deep thrust, she starts to move more rhythmically, breaking your leg embrace. All you can do is endure her relentless pounding, clinging desperately to the upper part of the bed.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/34.gif"/>
<i>Seeing you completely succumb to her while she keeps thrusting, she starts jerking you off, causing a tingling sensation in your head as if you were drifting into a sweet dream.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/35.gif"/>
<i>After a few minutes, your captor pulls her cock out of you and begins to unload her juice all over your face.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/end1.gif"/>
<i>Laughing at your submission, she changes back into her uniform, leaving you handcuffed to the bed. Moments later, as her spicy cum dries on your face.</i>
<img src="img/npc/2guards.jpg"/>
<i>Two male guards arrive to fetch you. They unhandcuff you and order you to get dressed while mocking you, assuming what happened. They taunt, saying, <div class="crimson">Relax, you’ll get to do it again. Who knows? Maybe even with us, haha.</div> After you finish changing, one of them sprays something into your eyes, and you wake up back in your cell.</i>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<i>You wake up handcuffed, facing a wall. A familiar taste lingers in your mouth, and as you reflexively bite down, you realize there is a woman's underwear in your mouth. While it doesn't entirely bother you, your thoughts are interrupted by the sensation of a large object forcing its way inside you, accompanied by the laughter of a woman.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/51.gif"/>
<i>As she continues to thrust into you, you feel her tongue teasingly flick against your neck like a serpent, while her hips sway side to side, attempting to stretch you open further.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/52.gif"/>
<i>Occasionally, she leans in close to your ear and whispers obscenities. Dazed and groggy, you can barely make out what she's saying, thinking for a moment that this must be a lucid dream.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/53.gif"/>
<i>With a few more deep thrusts and as your remaining senses return, you feel the enormous instrument begin to slide out of you. As you glance back, you catch sight of one of the prison guards. Watching as you regain full consciousness, she gives you a final slap, calling you a <div class="violet">slut</div>. Once she withdraws completely, she delivers another blow to your head.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Tgirlsbackyard/54.gif"/>
<i>You wake up in your cell, unsure if it was all a hallucination. However, the burning sensation in your rear makes you certain it was real.</i>
<<set $gameTime += 1>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<i>You timidly approach the nerd, noticing how the other inmates, while continuing to savor their meals, glance at you furtively.
As you finally reach him, you see Alex stop enjoying his plate. Confidently, he takes off his glasses and says:</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/npc/NerdB.gif"/>
What's up, my dear bully? Let me guess...
<i>Alex confidently puts his glasses back on as you remain standing in front of him, hesitant to sit. You wonder why you even approached him, but a light cough from the nerd pulls you from your fleeting thoughts as he continues speaking.</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/npc/Nerd.jpg"/>
Tired of swallowing the chef's milk or your cellmate's, and now you're here for a banana split from someone intellectually superior, aren't you? You know what they say: you are what you eat...
Hmm, are you looking to get compliant with me?
<i>You feel your cheeks flush as you glance around nervously, hoping the nerd's brief monologue hasn’t been overheard by the other inmates. Seeing your reaction, Alex continues:</i>
<div class="crimson">
Well, $name, are you going to sit down with me and see what’s on today’s menu, or are you going to stop wasting my precious time?
[[Sit across from the Nerd|SitLAlex]]
[[Think it over |Choose a meal]]
<center><img src="img/npc/TheChef2.jpg"/></center>
Big Tony, upon seeing you, flashes a sly grin and says:
<div class="crimson">Ah, so you've come to settle the rest of the deal, huh? Well, I've got two enticing options for you.
Option 1: Slip into a *special* uniform and keep me company.
Option 2: Let me unleash my makeup artistry on you and reveal just how stunning you can look... hehe.</div>
[[Put on the uniform as usual|PutUniform]]
<<if $Humillationsub >= 1>>
[[Put on the uniform and add a little flair with a performance|PutUniform2]]
[[Big Tony blows you kisses and pats the bed, inviting you to come closer|HumillationSub1]]
[[Let Big T practice his makeup artistry on you as usual|Makeup]]
<<if $Humillationsub >= 1 && $Ismael >= -3>>
[[Let Big T perfect his makeup skills on you, with a little extra work on the side..|Makeup2]]
<i>With your cheeks burning, you sit across from him as Alex continues eating his meal, seemingly indifferent. You suddenly realize you didn’t grab any food for yourself. As you start to get up, Alex lifts his gaze and says:</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/npc/Nerd.jpg"/>
Where are you going, dear bully? Oh, don't tell me you were too foolish to grab food? Well, I have several solutions to ensure you get a nutritious serving of the kind you enjoy so much.
<i>A shiver runs down your spine as the Nerd notices and bursts into loud laughter. You lower your head, but when you glance up slightly, you see him adjusting his glasses, ready to speak again.</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/npc/NerdA.gif"/>
Look at me, $name. I'll give you several tasting options... Look me in the eyes.
<i>You feel as if you’re falling into a deep trance as you gaze into the reflection of his glasses.</i>
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 4)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/Lunch/Global/A.gif", "img/sex/Lunch/Global/B.gif", "img/sex/Lunch/Global/C.gif", "img/sex/Lunch/Global/D.gif", "img/sex/Lunch/Global/E.gif"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/npc/NerdSmile.jpg"/>
Seeing that stupid puppy face of yours, I know you're already in Wonderland, aren't you? Hehe, good. Now, your options:
A. Go to your friend the Chef and have him whip you up one of his famous <div class="darkorchid">Milkshakes</div>
B. Pay a visit to your favorite Black Guard. How about he gives you a nice <div class="darkorchid">Black sausage</div>
[[Black Sausage|GoSN]]
C. Lucky for you, I’m in a good mood. Come to my cell, and I’ll treat you to some <div class="darkorchid">Banana cream</div>
[[Banana Cream|CreamB]]
<i>Drooling foolishly, you get up from the table and clumsily walk toward Big Tony under the furtive and puzzled gazes of the other inmates, who continue eating quietly. As you approach, the chef starts laughing boisterously.</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/npc/TheChefLaugh.gif"/>
Good to see you back, $name. Hmm, did you forget to eat? Don't worry, sweetheart. First, clean the dishes for me, and then I'll give you a nice glass of warm milk—but no cookies. What do you say?
<i>You flirtatiously reply:</i>
<div class="lightpink">Of course, Big T, as you wish.</div>
<i>Not entirely surprised by your submission, he takes advantage of your willingness and says:</i>
<div class="crimson">
Well, aren't you turning into a good little woman? You know what... I have the perfect uniform for you. Go into the kitchen and put it on—it's in the cabinet at the back, on the right. Plus, it'll cheer up the guys in the hall. What do you say?
<i>Even more flirtatiously, you respond:</i>
<div class="lightpink">Yes, yes, that will cheer everyone up!</div>
<i>The chef, even more excited and in a teasing tone:</i>
<div class="crimson">What are you waiting for, little one? Hurry up, go on!</div>
[[Put on the work uniform|Putuniform]]
<i>As soon as the phrase "black sausage" is mentioned, you find yourself drooling foolishly, staring at the groin of the guard leaning against the wall, ensuring no incidents occur in the cafeteria. The nerd, smiling, tells you:</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/npc/NerdSmile.jpg"/>
Go on, dear bully, enjoy that big black sausage. Besides, the guards might treat us better… well, me, at least. You’re already paid in kind... haha...
<i>This final remark triggers something in your mind, and you lustfully rise from your seat, heading toward the guard. However, before reaching him, the Chef intercepts you with a sly comment and a gesture of attention.</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/npc/TheChef2.gif"/>
Where do you think you’re going, $name? You haven’t enjoyed your meal yet.</div> <i>He quickly glances toward your target and continues:</i><div class="crimson"> Oh, I see—a nice black sausage, huh? And for that guard, no less… Wait, sweetheart, you need to present yourself properly to him.
<i>With that, he takes you to the kitchen’s backroom, dressing you in a black gown, bra, and thong, and applies makeup like you’re ready for prom night.</i>
<img src="img/actions/makeupbychef.jpg"/>
<img src="img/items/dressblack.jpg"/>
<img src="img/items/ismaelputinlipstickonyou.gif"/>
<i>Admiring his work, the Chef bursts into laughter, slaps your ass, and whispers:</i>
<img src="img/sex/BlindfoldEvent/Slapass.webp"/>
<div class="crimson">
There you go, little slut. Go enjoy that black sausage, and while you’re at it, get the staff all hot and bothered... haha.
<i>You leave the backroom with a sore butt and strut like a roadside hooker toward the black guard. The other inmates, rowdy and vulgar, begin hurling lewd remarks your way:</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/npc/latingroup.jpg"/>
"Slut!" "What a filthy bitch!" "Want a good dose of sauce?" "Damn, what a hottie!" "Looking for a man, sweetheart?" "I’ll screw you until you beg me to stop!"
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/2/walk.gif"/>
<i>The Black Guard, noticing the commotion, turns to you. Perplexed but biting his lip, he says:</i>
<img src="img/npc/BlackGuard.gif"/>
[[What are you looking for, what’s your game?|WhatIsearchB]]
<i>As soon as you say Banana Cream, your head begins to spin. The last thing you remember is the Nerd’s smile and following him to his cell.</i>
<i>You can’t see anything—the last thing you recall is having something placed over your eyes...</i>
<img src="img/items/pink.jpg"/>
<i>Suddenly, you hear the Nerd say to you:</i>
<div class="crimson">
The bully now looks like a bunny, and what do bunnies love to eat, $name?
<i>Like a lost fool, unable to control not only your actions but even your words, you respond:</i>
<div class="lightpink">Um, carrots? Teehee.</div>
<i>You hear the sound of a zipper as you begin to feel a pain in your knees. You assume you’re kneeling. Before you realize it, a salty scent grabs your attention, and Alex says:</i>
<div class="crimson">
Correct, my dear bully, but... you absolutely adore bananas—especially mine. Since you got it wrong, open your mouth and savor this banana. No biting, just sweet, gentle sucking. Hehe.
<i>Foolishly, you respond:</i>
<div class="lightpink">Yessss!!</div>
<i>The Nerd places the "banana" in your hand, and you immediately start sucking it.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/3/1.gif"/>
<i>You continue sucking until the Nerd says:</i>
<div class="crimson">
Ahem, tell me, $name, do you like the taste?
<i>Between licks, you open your mouth without stopping your tongue from playing over the tip of the "banana." Foolishly, you reply:</i>
<div class="lightpink">
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/3/2.gif"/>
*Slurp* *Ah* *Um* It’s salty *Um* *Slurp* *Mmh* But *UmHm* *Slurp* I love it.
<i>You keep sucking on the "banana" until the salty taste fades. Then, you notice the Nerd begins to remove whatever is covering your vision.</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/3/3.gif"/>
Um, hello, $name. Umm, do you want me to add a new flavor to your meal, hmm?
<i>You simply respond with a <div class="lightpink">Aham</div> signaling approval without stopping your attention on the Nerd’s "banana." You watch as he grabs a can of whipped cream and moves it toward his shaft, saying:</i>
<div class="crimson">
Here comes the banana cream, little bully.
[[Banana Cream|Banana]]
<i>You enter the kitchen with small, playful hops, like a schoolgirl, and quickly open the cabinet to put on the uniform.</i>
<img src="img/items/maiduniform.jpg"/>
<i>You change quickly, and upon returning, you see the chef turn abruptly and say:</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/npc/TheChef2.gif"/>
You... you're one naughty girl, haha! Well, sweetheart, don't be shy and start cleaning the dishes, will you?
<i>You begin washing utensils while foolishly noticing how the inmates, as they drop off their trays, gaze at you lustfully, occasionally throwing comments and whistles your way. Meanwhile, you're absorbed in your task.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/1/1.gif"/>
<i>You hear Big T talking to one of the inmates but pay it no mind until, as you turn to grab another tray, one of the inmates stands right in front of you. He spins you around and, giving you a slap, says:</i>
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/1/2.gif"/>
<div class="crimson">
Goddamn, slut! You're really getting me worked up. You must be a proper whore to come out dressed like that, teasing us all. If it weren’t for the guards, I’d take you right here.
<i>The chef turns, half-laughing, and says:</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/npc/TheChef.gif"/>
Hey, calm down. Who knows? If you pay me well enough, I might just let you rub up against something else.
<i>The inmate responds:</i>
<div class="crimson">
Seriously, Big T... I’ll pay whatever it takes.
<i>The chef continues:</i>
<div class="crimson">
Well, to be honest, this slut's already earning money for a few of us. The only condition is that you don’t get too rough with her. But, hmm... who knows. Anyway, get out of here for now before one of the guards screws us over.
<i>The inmate walks away, muttering something under his breath, while the chef asks you to come closer to him.</i>
[[Approach him|CleanBig]]
<i>You get so close to him that you can feel his breath on the fringe of your forehead as he gently strokes your cheek and says:</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/npc/TheChefSmile.jpg"/>
Umm, you’re so good at cleaning, sweetheart. Umm, do you want to see what you’ve done to me?
<i>Still under his spell, you bite your lip and reply:</i>
<div class="lightpink">Yes, Big T.</div>
<i>The chef, his eyes wide with excitement, takes further advantage of the situation:</i>
<div class="crimson">
Ask me properly... Get on your knees, stick out your tongue like the bitch you are, and I’ll give you your precious milkshake.
<i>Unconsciously—or so you tell yourself as a "little excuse"...</i>
<div class="lightpink">
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/1/Jmaid.jpg"/>
Please, Big T, can you give me your milk?
<i>As you kneel down and stick out your tongue, you see the chef already has his cock out, and he aggressively says:</i>
<div class="crimson">
I’m going to give you so much milk, slut, that your stomach will be full for the entire day.
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/1/6.gif"/>
<i>From your position, you start to clean the tip of his cock, enjoying his pre-cum. This makes the chef let out a breathless:</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/1/3.gif"/>
<i>After a few pumps of his cock against your mouth, the chef grabs your shoulder and corners you against the counter, making you sit on the floor. Standing as if at his workstation, he whispers to you:</i>
<div class="crimson">
God, slut, I don’t know if I’ll be able to control myself. Choose: I fill your mouth with milk right here, or you walk dressed like a whore to my cell and milk me properly.
[[Let him fuck your mouth semi-publicly|FuckMpublic]]
[[Go to his cell and milk him|Suckinhiscell]]
<i>Your silence is taken as consent, so the chef positions himself in front of the counter and begins thrusting his hips, causing the sound of your head bumping against the counter to echo.</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/1/4.gif"/>
Uhhh Ahhhh, damn cupboard haha, I’ll have to go all out on this one haha!
<i>The chef continues to fuck your mouth, the sounds of furniture banging blending with the hum of the cafeteria, masking the noise of you choking on his cock. The inmates keep placing their trays as the chef lets out a silent moan, releasing his essence into your throat. As he pulls back, you keep squeezing his cock with your hand, licking his tip and savoring the remaining drops of his juice as he continues to unload on your face.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/1/5.gif"/>
<i>Leaning back, the chef laughs heartily and says:</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/npc/TheChefLaugh.gif"/>
You’re such a slut, I love it... haha. I hope you enjoyed your meal... haha. Go on, change already, I think you’ve given enough entertainment for today.
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/1/7.jpg"/>
<i>Without thinking, you stand up and obey, still feeling his warm juice partially dripping down your face as you giggle foolishly. Turning around, one inmate, clearly impressed and aroused, comments:</i>
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/1/7.gif"/>
<div class="crimson">Damn slut, did you forget to swallow or what?</div>
<i>Embarrassed, you reply clumsily:</i>
<div class="lightpink">Umm, did I leave some milk to swallow?</div>
<i>The inmate, both confused and aroused, smirks and responds:</i>
<div class="crimson">Damn bitch, you’re really hungry for cock. If you want more, here comes another one...</div>
<i>You find yourself staring at the inmate’s zipper as he gestures to pull it down. Your mouth starts to open again, still covered in milk, but the situation is interrupted by Big T, who interjects:</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/npc/TheChef.gif"/>
Buddy, believe me, if it were up to me, I’d slap a collar on her and parade her around the prison. But that’s enough for now... you’ll get your turn eventually. And for god’s sake, $name, change already. Don’t be such a filthy slut.
<i>The trance begins to wear off as you touch your face, realizing how you're dressed. You step into the kitchen, change back into your regular uniform, and prepare to leave. The last inmate is no longer there, but Big T makes one final comment:</i>
<div class="crimson">
Oh $name, don’t get too proud, acting like a slut. Everyone’s starting to notice how much you love milk bottles and embracing your feminine side. Trust me, we all love the obedient woman you’re becoming.
<i>You think about retorting, but instead, you look at the ground, blushing, and quickly return to your cell. On your way back through one of the corridors, you see Ismael standing with his arms crossed, watching you. You feel increasingly feminine yet unbearably foolish.</i>
<img src="img/npc/Ismael.gif"/>
<<if $Feminity < 40>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment game time by 1 unit -->
<<if $Energy < 100>>
<<set $Energy += 20>> <!-- Increase energy by 20 units -->
<<if $Int >= 60>>
<<set $Int -= 2>> <!-- Decrease intelligence by 2 units -->
<<if $Respect >= -60>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -60>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
Intelligence: <<print $Int>>
[[Return to My Cell|Your Cell]]
<i>After sitting in that position for a moment, you look up at the chef and ask submissively,</i>
<div class="lightpink">Please, Chef, can we go to your cell?</div>
<i>He lifts you up with one arm while adjusting his lower attire with the other. Then, he says,</i>
<div class="crimson">Alright, babe, but you’re going dressed like this so everyone can see you. I hope you put in the effort... And let me be clear: you don’t play with food, understood? Speaking of food...</div>
<i>Before finishing his sentence, you notice his finger is stained, and he gestures for you to clean it. You know exactly how he wants you to do it, so without breaking eye contact,</i>
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/1/8.gif"/>
<i>You noisily suck his finger to the point where a popping sound echoes across the cafeteria when you release it. One of the inmates dropping off his tray, stunned, exclaims,</i>
<div class="crimson">Damn, what a hot little slut. Do it again!</div>
<i>While hypnotically staring at this inmate, you see the chef gathering the remaining items. He tells a guard he’ll finish cleaning later, to which the guard, with a noticeable bulge in his pants, replies that it’s fine as long as he gets the job done. Hearing the inmate’s comment, the chef “clumsily” stains another finger and offers it to you, saying:</i>
<div class="crimson">Come on, babe, show our friend here how good you are at cleaning up.</div>
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/1/9.gif"/>
<i>Flirting, you suck the chef’s finger again while locking eyes with the other inmate, noticing the bulge in his pants growing. When you finish, the chef says loudly,</i>
<div class="crimson">Let’s head to my cell, bitch. I’m going to make you suck on something much bigger.</div>
<i>The chef puts his arm around your shoulder, leading you to his cell while you’re still dressed in your uniform. The other inmates watch you walk away, whispering among themselves. The inmate who witnessed the scene whispers as you pass by:</i>
<div class="crimson">Don’t worry, little one. We’ll give you more things to suck on soon.</div>
<i>Hearing the comment, the chef replies,</i>
<div class="crimson">As long as she’s willing, boy... haha. And who knows, maybe if I get a cut, I’ll set up a brothel with her! Haha!</div>
[[You arrive at his cell|BigTcell]]
<i>As soon as you arrive at the cell, the Chef gives you a series of loud spanks. This makes you turn around, facing him, and Big T takes advantage of the movement, pressing down on your shoulders with his arms and forcing you to your knees as he pulls it out of his pants. You begin stroking him while slowly bringing your face closer to his cock.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/1/10.gif"/>
<i>Entranced by the scent of his groin, you start masturbating him faster while teasing the tip of his cock with your tongue, making the Chef shudder.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/1/11.gif"/>
<i>This prompts him to say:</i>
<div class="crimson">What did I tell you about playing with food, slut? Come on, suck.</div>
<i>Obeying, you begin devouring his cock, using your hand to help.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/1/12.gif"/>
<i>After a few moments, you feel him completely shudder as the Chef begins jerking himself off without pulling out of your mouth. Soon, he starts feeding you his milk. You savor and swallow it automatically. Not only that, but when he finishes, you give his cock a kiss, grateful for the nourishment.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/1/13.gif"/>
<i>This makes the Chef climax even harder, painting your face as your tongue remains outstretched.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/1/14.jpg"/>
<i>Dazed, you watch as the Chef withdraws his cock from your face.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/1/15.jpg"/>
<i>The Chef, absorbed in his work, watches as you gather the fluids from your face into the palm of your hand. Then, you lick them up while he looks on with a mischievous smile. After the spectacle, the Chef tells you to wait while he retrieves your things. You remain on his bed, licking your fingers.</i>
<img src="img/sex/BlindfoldEvent/Cleancum.webp"/>
<i>The Chef returns just in time to see you licking your fingers. Half coming out of the trance, you begin changing back into your usual clothes in front of him. The Chef grins slyly, admiring your feminine body. Regaining your composure, you head back to your cell... feeling more feminine and a bit stupider at the same time, knowing that enjoying these “meals” will have consequences.</i>
<<if $Money >= 50>>
<i>But before you leave, the Chef points at you, saying:</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/npc/TheChef2.gif"/>
Not so fast, little one. I was thinking… this activity was a bit exhausting, you know. I put in a lot of effort giving you milk… you’ll have to pay me.
<div class="lightpink">Pay you? But... Big T, I already struggle to...</div>
<div class="crimson">Shh, don’t argue. I’m making sure you’re well-nourished. Besides, my milk is top-quality, unlike the others’. Come on... give your favorite Chef 50 bucks. Be good.</div>
<i>It’s not so much a request as it is a fact because, before you realize it, he’s groping you and snatching 50 bucks from your stash. But the worst part isn’t that... He walks you to the cell entrance, leaning against the doorway, and loudly says:</i>
<div class="crimson">Ahhh, $name, nothing like your slutty lips around the tip of my cock—and you even pay me for cleaning my sword. What a good bitch you are… I hope we do this again soon, sweetheart.</div>
<i>As he says this, he gives you a loud spank that echoes through the cellblock corridor.</i>
<img src="img/sex/BlindfoldEvent/Slapass.webp"/>
<i>One of the inmates comments:</i>
<div class="crimson">Did you hear that, guys? She sucks you off and pays for it. We need to claim that bitch, haha.</div>
<i>Hearing that last remark, you run to your cell with your heart pounding, hearing the Chef laughing behind you in his cell.</i>
<<if $Respect >= -60>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -60>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<if $Money >= 50>>
<<set $Money -= 50>>
<<set $TheCookMoney += 50>>
<<if $Int >= 60>>
<<set $Int -= 2>> <!-- Decrease intelligence by 2 units -->
<<if $Feminity < 40>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment game time by 1 unit -->
<<if $Energy < 100>>
<<set $Energy += 20>> <!-- Increase energy by 20 units -->
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
Intelligence: <<print $Int>>
[[Return to Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<i>You try to fight your own thoughts as you stand in front of the black guard, who does nothing but lick his lips and laugh maliciously while observing how you’ve presented yourself. Meanwhile, the other inmates timidly touch their crotches and continue to cause a commotion at the sight of you dressed like that. The guard’s voice pulls you out of the scene as he asks:</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/npc/BlackGuard.jpg"/>
Inmate, I asked what you think you're doing, showing up dressed like a slut instead of wearing your usual uniform. You know this will get you several days in the hole for disrupting...</div>
<i>He grabs his package, smiling and glancing at the other prisoners.</i>
<div class="crimson">...order. Tell me, what should I do with you?</div>
<i>Your mind only screams:</i>
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/2/1.gif"/>
<i>But what comes out of your mouth is:</i>
<div class="lightpink"> Umm, I’m sorry, my guard... I just wanted to lift my companions’ spirits, hehe. Besides, their weeks are hard, and some don’t get any female contact on the weekends...</div>
<i>The guard, barely containing his laughter and knowing you're under the influence of "something," replies:</i>
<div class="crimson"> Oh, how thoughtful of you, $name, putting yourself in this situation...</div>
<i>Getting closer and grabbing one of your arms, he whispers in your ear:</i>
<span style="font-family: 'Georgia'; color: darkorchid;"> At this rate, you’re going to win the award for the biggest cocksucker in this institution. And believe me, the competition is tough, but...</span>
<div class="crimson"> I can’t let this slide. For now, I’m taking you to the hole.</div>
<i>Leaning in again, he whispers:</i>
<span style="font-family: 'Georgia'; color: darkorchid;"> Don’t worry, baby. You can try to convince me along the way...</span>
<i>With this final exchange, another guard comes to relieve the black guard. The latter, still holding you by the arm, escorts you out of the cafeteria toward the cell block while the other guards restore order to the commotion you’ve caused.</i>
[[On the way to the "Hole"|GoHole]]
<i>As soon as you enter the cell block corridor, one of the familiar hallway guards approaches the two of you.</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/npc/CorridorGuard.gif"/>
Is this a prom dance? What do we have here? What are you planning to do, buddy?
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/npc/BlackGuard.jpg"/>
I said I was taking them to "the Hole." But who knows, maybe they’re craving some...
<div class="darkorchid">Black Sausage</div>
<i>Hearing that last phrase, your mind is invaded by a vision.</i>
<div class="crimson">
<<set _randomIndex = random(0, 1)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/Lunch/2/h1.gif", "img/sex/Lunch/2/h2.gif"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
<i>And, foolishly, you say, drooling:</i>
<div class="lightpink">UhUHm, yes, Black Sausage.</div>
<i>You hear the guards laughing as they exchange comments among themselves, and then you hear:</i>
<div class="darkorchid">Chocolate Bar</div>
<i>Another vision emerges in your mind.</i>
<div class="crimson">
<<set _randomIndex2 = random(3, 5)>>
<<set _imageList = ["img/sex/Lunch/2/h3.gif", "img/sex/Lunch/2/h4.gif", "img/sex/Lunch/2/h5.gif"]>>
<<set $randomImage = _imageList[_randomIndex]>>
<<print "<center><img src='" + $randomImage + "' alt='Random Image'></center>">>
<i>You’re pulled out of your small trance by the groping of the hallway guard and the voice of him saying:</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/2/grope.gif"/>
<img src="img/npc/CorridorGuard.jpg"/>
Take them to the barracks and enjoy yourself. I didn’t see anything. Afterward, take them to the chef—it’s obvious who did their makeup. Haha.
[[Once in the Guard Barracks|LunchBlack]]
<i>Upon arrival, you see the Guard removing his top and gear, storing them in a cabinet as you settle into one of the reception sofas, making yourself comfortable. He doesn’t take long to sit next to you, questioning how you plan to convince him not to send you to an even worse place in this institution.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/2/2.gif"/>
<i>As soon as he sees you striking a feminine pose, he smiles at you and says:</i>
<div class="crimson">
Alright, for starters, take off that dress... and I’ll remove something as well.
<i>Shyly and with a nervous giggle, you comply without resistance under his furtive gaze.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/2/3.gif"/>
<i>Once you're settled, he begins unbuckling his pants, licking his lips, while your gaze remains fixated on his package. The moment he removes his lower garments, you, as if starved for days, lunge your hand toward his cock, grasping it.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/2/4.gif"/>
<i>Standing over you, he looks down and revels in his dominance as you coyly hold his cock. He says:</i>
<div class="crimson">
Come on, sweetheart, time to give me a proper blowjob and convince me with those lips. Hmm, such a shame to ruin your makeup, but don’t worry, if you’re good, I’ll give you a nice facial mask, hmm?
<i>Your mind clicks into gear, and you begin to suck his cock.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/2/5.gif"/>
<i>One hand grips his cock while the other caresses his balls lustfully. Excited by how filthy you are, he places one of his strong hands on the back of your head and starts thrusting his hips, moving back and forth while you try to suppress your gag reflex.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/2/6.gif"/>
<i>Completely turned on by your submissive behavior, he places his other hand on the back of your head and begins to aggressively fuck your mouth. Your hands rest on his thighs, attempting to control his relentless thrusts. You feel he’s about to finish when he says:</i>
<div class="crimson">
Tell me, white slut, do you want to swallow thick cream, or are you going to offer me that slutty ass of yours as well?
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/2/7.gif"/>
[[Swallow the cream.|FinishMouth]]
[[Offer him your ass too.|PutyourAss]]
<i>Hypnotized by how vigorously he is thrusting into you, you let him continue using your mouth. You feel your saliva mixing with his juices with every thrust until he slips out of your mouth with an audible</i>
<div class="lightpink">Plop</div>
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/2/8.gif"/>
<i>The guard says:</i>
<div class="crimson">
What are you waiting for, slut? Clean the mess off my cock. It's the only meal you'll have today… although I bet you feed on cocks like this one every day, don't you?
<i>Using your hand for help and staring at it intently, you put it back into your mouth, moving your head in circular motions while your tongue swirls around the tip of his cock, making the guard shudder even more.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/2/9.gif"/>
<div class="crimson">
Fuck, you're such a good cock-sucker. Ugh, it’s clear you’ve had practice, darling. Hmm, Relax, you won't be sent to the hole with those crazies. Then again, who knows? Maybe you’ll come back with new tricks to suck cock this well, hmm? Haha. Hmm, but you’re off to a great start...
<i>You swallow all his remains, and the guard, satisfied, begins putting his uniform back on as you adjust your dress. The guard, licking his lips again, says:</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/npc/BlackGuard.gif"/>
Oh no, no, $name, your uniform should arrive any moment now</div>
<i>says the guard as he speaks into his radio. Moments later, the corridor guard arrives with your uniform. He looks at you and says:</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/npc/CorridorGuard.jpg"/>
Did you enjoy your meal? At least it was hotter than usual, right, $name?
<i>You see the black guard and the corridor guard fist-bump, further humiliating you. Afterward, the corridor guard escorts you to your cell. On the way, you pass several inmates you saw earlier in the cafeteria, now in their cells. One of them, as you walk by, starts yelling:</i>
<div class="crimson">
Hey, guys! Haha, look—it’s slut $name! Back again, huh? Must’ve sucked off every guard in the block! Haha, how else would you explain it?
<i>Once you arrive, you feel as though your head is pounding, like you’re suffering from the worst hangover ever. As you press your tongue to the roof of your mouth, you still taste that thick cum, which sends another sharp jolt through your head. You feel dumber, questioning if you truly are the sluttiest in this place. You try to convince yourself that it’s the drugs and everyone else’s fault. This leaves you sitting in your cell, lost in thought, so much so that you don’t even hear the lewd comments echoing down the hallway about you.</i>
<<if $Respect >= -60>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -60>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<if $Int >= 60>>
<<set $Int -= 2>> <!-- Decrease intelligence by 2 units -->
<<if $Feminity < 40>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment game time by 1 unit -->
<<if $Energy < 100>>
<<set $Energy += 20>> <!-- Increase energy by 20 units -->
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
Intelligence: <<print $Int>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<i>You turn around on the same couch and take off the black thong you're wearing while positioning your rear. With your head tilted, you notice your captor's cock getting harder as he starts groping your backside.</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/2/10.gif"/>
<i>In a swift motion, you feel him begin to push slowly, teasing your rear with his cock.</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/2/11.gif"/>
<i>The guard says:</i>
<div class="crimson">
What a greedy ass you've got here, hmm. Guess I’ll have to feed it some cock, won’t I?
<i>With that last remark, he starts thrusting into you forcefully, holding your waist with one arm. Succumbing to his demands, all you can do is gasp under his pounding, feeling how much he enjoys using you as his personal toy.</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/2/12.gif"/>
<i>You feel the guard's heavy balls begin to slap against your rear, causing your own member to release a bit of its load. As he keeps thrusting, the man says:</i>
<div class="crimson">
I'd love to have your little Goldilocks here with you, taking this black cock. This is your place—offering up your asses for use. Ah, ah!!
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/2/13.gif"/>
<i>As he lets out a growl and finishes his last comment, you feel your insides fill up. Your eyes widen as the force of his release overwhelms you. When he pulls out, you notice how full you are, and your body struggles to close the gap he left behind. The guard, not entirely satisfied, commands imperiously:</i>
<div class="crimson">
Show me how I’ve left your pretty little ass, snowflake. Haha.
<i>You stay in position.</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/2/final.jpg"/>
<div class="crimson">
Damn, baby. Haha. Umm, let's get you back to your cell.
<i>Just as he says that, the previous corridor guard enters the room and tosses you your uniform while joking with his colleague:</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/npc/CorridorGuard.jpg"/>
How was the coffee with cream, dude? It smells like a busted ass in here. Haha.
<i>Freshly dressed and blushing, you are escorted by the corridor guard alongside your black lover. The latter separates and positions himself in front of the nerd's cell. Before entering your own cell, the corridor guard stops to eavesdrop, and you hear the black guard taunt the nerd:</i>
<div class="crimson">
Be grateful you’re satisfying me; otherwise, those pretty princess lips of yours would be wrapped around every cock in this prison, including ours. Keep it up, Alex... Haha.
<i>With a shove, the corridor guard pushes you into your cell and, as he locks it, says:</i>
<div class="crimson">
Keep up this "exemplary" behavior, and we'll see how far you get... Haha.
<i>You sit down as best as you can on the edge of your bed, feeling utterly humiliated while also noticing a burning sensation deep in your gut.</i>
<<if $Respect >= -60>>
<<set $Respect -= 2>>
<<if $Fame >= -60>>
<<set $Fame -= 2>>
<<if $Int >= 60>>
<<set $Int -= 2>> <!-- Decrease intelligence by 2 units -->
<<if $Feminity < 40>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>>
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment game time by 1 unit -->
<<if $Energy < 100>>
<<set $Energy += 20>> <!-- Increase energy by 20 units -->
Respect: <<print $Respect>>
Fame: <<print $Fame>>
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
Feminity: <<print $Feminity>>
Intelligence: <<print $Int>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]
<i>Impatiently, you watch as the Nerd puts whipped cream on the tip of his shaft, and you, hypnotized, open your mouth in its direction.</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/3/4.gif"/>
<i>Alex, noticing your movement, says:</i>
<div class="crimson">
Calm down, hungry bitch... shhh, stay still, stay still.
<i>He humiliates you as if you were a puppy learning to control your impulse to lunge at his cock. You obey his orders without complaint, watching as he enjoys every second of making you wait, reflected in his glasses. Finally, seeing your desperation, he says:</i>
<div class="crimson">
Time to eat, bitch, haha.
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/3/5.gif"/>
<i>You lunge at his shaft, savoring the whipped cream and that piece of meat that makes your mouth water.</i>
<i>Alex, watching as you devour his cock like a starving animal, keeps adding more cream to it so you can continue your feast.</i>
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/3/6.gif"/>
<i>Finally, after countless servings, his precious nectar mixes with the cream, completing your "meal."</i>
<img src="img/sex/Lunch/3/7.gif"/>
<i>After regaining some of your awareness, Alex, noticing you're starting to compose yourself, dismisses you politely. Yet, you feel dumber and strangely more feminine.</i>
<<if $Money >= 50>>
<i>But before you can cross the door, Alex adjusts his glasses and says:</i>
<div class="crimson">
<img src="img/npc/NerdB.gif"/>
You know, those whipped cream cans aren’t cheap... I’ll take $50 from you. I assume you don’t mind, right? That way, I can keep feeding you properly.
<i>Still partially under the "trance," you reply:</i>
<div class="lightpink">
Of course, Alex, no problem.
<i>He mockingly adds:</i>
<div class="crimson">
What a cute bully you can be sometimes. It warms my heart...
<i>Even more foolishly, you respond:</i>
<div class="lightpink">
<i>To which the Nerd concludes:</i>
<div class="crimson">
Of course, $name, especially when you make my life in prison easier while letting me enjoy the holes you so willingly offer, little bully... Now, get out.
<div class="lightpink">
Oh... Okay, Alex, whatever you say, hehe.
<i>You take your dumb ass back to your cell...</i>
<<if $Money >= 50>>
<<set $Money -= 50>> <!-- Deduct 50 money units -->
<<set $NrdMoney += 50>> <!-- Add 50 money units to Nerd -->
<<if $Int >= 60>>
<<set $Int -= 2>> <!-- Decrease intelligence by 2 units -->
<<if $Feminity < 40>>
<<set $Feminity += 1>> <!-- Increase femininity by 1 unit -->
<<set $gameTime += 1>> <!-- Increment game time by 1 unit -->
<<if $Energy < 100>>
<<set $Energy += 20>> <!-- Increase energy by 20 units -->
Energy: <<print $Energy>>
Femininity: <<print $Feminity>>
Intelligence: <<print $Int>>
[[Your Cell|Your Cell]]