<div align="center"><div class="mombox"><h2>Bedroom</h2><b>
<img src='img/pbedroom/familypic.jpg' class='medium'>
@@color:lightyellow;A picture of $mom and $dad. They look very lovely.
I wonder where this picture was taken.@@
<<if $bookerotic is true and $momerotic is 1 and $momvision is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h8>Put the book on the nightstand</h8>">>
<img src='img/ui/nightstand.jpg' class='medium'>
You put the Erotic Book on the Nightstand
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Enjoy reading Mommy...<</speech>>
<<set $momerotic to 2>>
<<elseif $momerotic is 2>>
<img src='img/ui/nightstand.jpg' class='medium'>
$mom likes to read books before bedtime.
Let's see if she likes it.
<<elseif $momvision is false and $bookerotic is true>>
@@color:pink;You have a book called "Forbidden Love". I'm sure $mom would like it.@@
@@color:black;Not enough corrupted@@
<<if $hasDildo is false>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Take a look around</h4>">>
You found a dildo under the bed.
<img src='img/mcroom/dildo.jpg' class='medium'>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Wow $mom is really needy.<</speech>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 1 and $hasDildo is false>>
<span id="dildo">
<<link "<h4>Steal the Dildo</h4>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<<addcorruption 1>><h2>+1 Corruption</h2>
<<set $hasDildo to true>>@@color:black;You stole the dildo.@@
<<elseif $corruptionlevel lte 0>>
<span id="dildo1">\
<<link "<h4>Steal the Dildo</h4>">><<replace "#dildo1">>\
<h3>@@color:orange;Corruption Stats: Failed!@@</h3>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Nope! I don't do need that!<</speech>>
<<if $hiddencamera is true and $bedroomspy is false>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Place a Camera</h4>">>
Planting the Camera in the picture wall.
<<set $bedroomspy to true>>\
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</div><<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<div align="center"><div class="secondfloor"><b>\
<h2>Second Floor.</h2><<audio "moans" stop>>
<<if $bimboend is 3 and $time gte 15 and $time lte 17 and $pworry is false>>\
<<if $time gte 20 or $time lte 5.5>>\
<<goto "hallwaynight">>
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $time lte 7 or $time is 19.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/pbeedroommom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BedroomMom">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/pbedroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "Bedroom">><</link>>
<<if $time is 7>>\
<<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroomdad.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BathroomDad">><</link>>
<<elseif $time is 7.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroommom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BathroomMom">><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 11 and $time lte 12 and $day gte 6 and $mcorruptionlevel lte 1>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BathroomDadMom">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "Bathroom">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/mcroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "mcroom">><</link>>
<div align="center"><div class="firstfloor"><<audio "outside" pause>><<if $start is false>>
<h2>Welcome to the game</h2>\
Thanks for playing the game.
<<set $start to true>>\
<h2>''First Floor.''</h2>
<<if $time gte 9 and $time lte 13.5>>\
@@color:orange;$dad went to work.@@
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $time gte 15 and $time lte 15.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/kitchenmom.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "KitchenMom">>
<<elseif $time gte 16 and $time lte 16.5 or $time is 8>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/kitchenmomanddad.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "KitchenMomandDad">><</link>>
<<elseif $time is 7.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/kitchendad.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "KitchenDad">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/kitchen1.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "Kitchen">><</link>>
<<if $time gte 14 and $time lte 15.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/officedad.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "OfficeDad">>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/office.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "Office">><</link>>
<<if $day is 2 or $day is 4>>\
<<if $time gte 13 and $time lte 14.5 or $time gte 17 and $time lte 17.5>>\
<<link "<img src='img/ui/livingroommom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "LivingroomMom">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/livingroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "LivingRoom">><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 17 and $time lte 17.5>>\
<<link "<img src='img/ui/livingroommom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "LivingroomMom">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/livingroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "LivingRoom">><</link>>
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $day is 1 or $day is 3 or $day is 5>>
<<if $time gte 13.5 and $time lte 14.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/backyardmom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "backyardmom">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/backyard.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "Backyard">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/backyard.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "Backyard">><</link>>
<<if $time gte 17 and $time lte 19.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/basementdad.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BasementDad">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/basement.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "Basement">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/outside.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<if $clotheswear is "apron1">>
<<goto "badsuit">>
<<goto "outside">><</if>>\<</link>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<include "hallwaybrother">>
<div align="center"><div class="mombox"><b><<audio "shower" stop>>\
<<if $hiddencamera is true and $bathroomspy is false>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Place a Camera</h4>">>
Planting the Camera.
<<set $bathroomspy to true>>\
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>\
<<button [[Check out yourself]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Take a Shower|Shower]]>><</button>>
<<if $laundry is false>>\
<<button [[Take the laundry]]>><<set $laundry to true>><</button>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<<if $energy gte 100>>\
There is no need to make a coffee
<<button [[Make a Coffee]]>><</button>>\
<<if $violetpills lte 5 and $violetpills gte 1 and $time gte 14 and $daddrugged is false or $day gte 6 and $daddrugged is false and $violetpills gte 1 and $violetpills lte 5>>\
<<button "Make Coffee for $dad">><<goto "Make coffee for Dad">><</button>>
<<elseif $violetpills gte 1 and $time lte 13.5 and $fcorruptionlevel is 0>>
@@color:orange;$dad is away. Better make that coffee when he is nearby.@@
<<if $kissmom is true and $time is 7 or $time gte 9 and $time lte 10 and $kissmom is true>>\
<<button [[Get something to eat]]>><</button>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div align="center"><div class="office1"><b><h2>Office.</h2>\
This is your $dad's workplace.
There are a lot of documents.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Look in the Shelf</h4>">>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Picture #1</h4>">>
<img src="img/computer/mcandmom.jpg" class="medium">
Picture of you with $mom.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I remember! This photo was taken before the move. Good times.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Picture #2</h4>">>
<img src="img/computer/mcyoung.jpg" class="large98">
Picture of you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my! Me with glasses! Back then I had a problem with my eyesight.<</speech>>
<<if $computer is false>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Look around.</h4>">>\
<img src="img/computer/comp.jpg" class="medium">
You found the computer.
<<button [[Turn on|Computer]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Computer]]>><</button>>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 1 and $dadphone is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>$dad's Phone</h6>">>
<div class="daddybox">
<img src="img/dad/office/phone.jpg" class="medium">
@@color:pink;$dad's phone is on his work desk. Thinking now...
A great prank would be to stash his phone somewhere.@@
<<if $corruption gte 20>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Hide $dad's Phone in the sofa @@color:red;$corruption/20 Corruption@@</h12>">>
<img src="img/dad/office/hide.jpg" class="large">
<<set $dadphone to 1>>
@@color:pink;It's deep in the sofa. Now let's wait for opportunity.
It would be good time to tease him with your body...@@
<<elseif $corruption lte 19>>\
<<link "<h12>Hide $dad's Phone in the sofa @@color:grey;$corruption/20 Corruption@@</h12>">><</link>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<img src="img/mcroom/myroom.jpg" class="large98">
<th><<if $arousal gte 50 and $fcorruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<<link "<img src='img/mcroom/sleeplust.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<if $time lte 24>><<set $day to $day +1>><</if>><<set $time to 3>><<goto "sleeparousal">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/mcroom/sleep.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "Bed">><</link>><</if>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/mcroom/napp.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "mcroom">><<set $time to $time +1>><<energy 15>><<notify>>@@color:lightblue;Energy +15!@@<</notify>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/mcroom/todolist.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "todolist">><</link>></th></table><table>
<th><<link "<img src='img/mcroom/drawer1.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "drawer">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/mcroom/wardrobe.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "wardrobemc">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/mcroom/computer1.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "computermc">><</link>></th></table>\
<div align="center">\
<<link "<img src='img/mcroom/mirror.jpg' class='mediumcity'>">><<goto "Mirror">><</link>></div>\
<div align="center">\
<<if $time gte 10 and $time lte 21 and $meetmadison is true and $money gte 5>>\
<<link "<h36>Go to Office</h36>">>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<<money -5>>
<<if $officesuit1 is true>><<set $clotheswear to "suit1">><<goto "estateoffice">><</if>>\
<<if $officesuit2 is true>><<set $clotheswear to "suit2">><<goto "estateoffice">><</if>>\
<<if $officesuit3 is true>><<set $clotheswear to "suit3">><<goto "estateoffice">><</if>>
<<if $officesuit1hot is true>><<set $clotheswear to "suit1hot">><<goto "estateoffice">><</if>>
<<if $officesuit2hot is true>><<set $clotheswear to "suit2hot">><<goto "estateoffice">><</if>>
<<if $officesuit3hot is true>><<set $clotheswear to "suit3hot">><<goto "estateoffice">><</if>>
<<if $buybimbofancy1 is true>><<set $clotheswear to "bimbofancy">><</if>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>
<<goto "wardrobeoffice">><</if>>\
<<if $time gte 7 and $day lte 5 and $time lte 13>>\
<<link "<h36>Go to School</h36>">>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2 and $buy_schooluniform1 is true and $changeclothes gte 1>>\
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform3">>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform3">>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 10>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<goto "school">>
<<elseif $buy_schooluniform1 is true and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform1">>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform1">>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<goto "school">>
<<elseif $buy_schooluniform1 is false and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform">>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform">>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to -5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<goto "school">>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<goto "wardrobeschool">>
<div align="center">\
<<link "<h37>Leave Your Room</h37>">><<if $time gte 20>>\
<<goto "hallwaynight">><<elseif $day is 6 or $day is 7>><<goto "hallwayweekend">><<else>><<goto "hallway">><</if>><</link>>
<div class="eventsbox"><div align="center">\
<<if $sexdad is 2 and $fcorruptionlevel is 1 and $daddycock is false and $daddykissfirst is true and $time lte 8 and $time gte 7>>\
<<button "Good Morning">><<goto "dadcock">><</button>>
<<if $walletsteal is 3 and $stepc lte 4 and $corruptionlevel is 0>>\
<<button [[Mom is looking for you]]>><</button>>
<<if $Fatherfirstevent is false and $sussy is true>>\
<<button [[Talk with Dad|Fatherfirstevent]]>><</button>>
<<if $corruption gte 3 and $buy_schooluniform1 is true and $stepc is 2>>
<<button [[Dad is calling you|To office]]>><</button>>
<<if $corruption gte 5 and $stepc gte 3 and $corruptionlevel is 0 and $lucas is true>>\
<<button [[Transform]]>><</button>>
<<if $fcorruption gte 50 and $fcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<<button [[Change Dad]]>><</button>>
<<if $buy_schooluniform1 is true and $momtalk1 is false>>\
<<button [[Mom wants to talk with you]]>><</button>>
<<if $girlday is 1 and $corruptionlevel gte 1 and $day gte 6>>\
<<button [[Go out shopping with Mom|MomShopping]]>><</button>>
<<if $partytom is 1 and $day is 6 and $time gte 20 and $corruptionlevel gte 1 and $tomevents is 1 and $jackevents is 2>>\
<<button [[Dress for a party]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel lte 0 and $jackevents is 2>>\
@@color:white;You need First Level Corruption to join the Party@@
<<if $corruption gte 25 and $corruptionlevel is 1>>\
<<button [[Transform to another level]]>><</button>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 2 and $changeclothes is 0>>\
<<button [[Change your uniform]]>><</button>>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel gte 1 and $peekshower is false and $day gte 6 and $time gte 8 and $time lte 10>>\
<<button [[Take a Shower]]>><</button>>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel gte 1 and $peekcleaning is false and $day gte 6 and $time gte 12 and $time lte 14>>\
<<button [[Cleaning Duty]]>><<set $clotheswear to "maid3">><</button>>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel gte 1 and $peektv is false and $day lte 5 and $time gte 7 and $time lte 9>>\
<<button [[Before the School]]>><<set $time to $time +2>><</button>>
<<if $sexdad is 1 and $time gte 21 and $corruptionlevel gte 2>>
<<button [[Delicate Approach]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $sexdad is 1 and $corruptionlevel lte 1>>\
@@color:orange;Second level of corruption required.@@
<<if $sexdad is 2 and $fcorruption gte 100 and $fcorruptionlevel is 1 and $day gte 6 and $corruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<<button [[Special Bond]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel lte 1 and $sexdad is 2>>\
@@color:orange;Higher level of corruption required.@@
<<if $bimboend gte 3 and $marcusmsg is 2 and $day is 6 and $time gte 22 and $bbcaddiction gte 6>>\
<<link "<h6>Party with the Big Boys! @@color:orange;Blacked:$bbcaddiction/6@@</h6>">><<goto "Party with the Boys">><</link>>\
<<elseif $bbcaddiction lte 5 and $marcusmsg is 2 and $day is 6 and $time gte 22 and $bimboend gte 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Party with the Big Boys! @@color:grey;Blacked:$bbcaddiction/6@@</h7>">><</linkreplace>>\
<<if $momvision is true and $pantywib is true and $momvib is false and $time gte 7.5 and $time lte 8>>\
<<button [[Plant Vibarting Panties]]>><</button>>
<<if $day gte 6 and $jacksex is 2 and $tomevents lte 3 and $cleanpool is 4 and $time gte 10 and $time lte 14 and $jealousy is 0 and $tomrecord is false>>\
<<button [[Lazy Day|afterparty]]>><</button>>
<<if $lucasgift is true and $mcorruptionlevel is 0 and $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Lucas Gift for Mom]]>><</button>>
<<if $lucasremote is false and $mcorruptionlevel gte 1 and $day gte 6 and $time gte 10 and $time lte 12>>\
<<button [[Black Car]]>><</button>>
<<if $mcorruptionlevel gte 1 and $day gte 6 and $time gte 7 and $time lte 10 and $momgoinggym is 0>>\
<<button [[Energetic Mom]]>><</button>>
<<if $mcorruption gte 100 and $mcorruptionlevel is 1 and $day is 6>>\
<<button [[Mom's Corruption]]>><<set $mompov to 10>><<set $mompovright to 2>><</button>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $mombrother is false and $time gte 14 and $time lte 15>>\
<<button [[Family Tradition]]>><</button>>
<<if $bcorruption gte 25 and $bkiss is false and $luketime is true and $goingout is false and $time gte 18 and $time lte 19.5>>\
<<button [[Go out with Luke|Take your Brother to the Amusment Park]]>><</button>>
<<if $bcorruption gte 50 and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $arguefamily is false and $time gte 15 and $time lte 17>>\
<<button [[Family Dinner|dinnerargue]]>><</button>>
<<if $bcorruption is 100 and $bcorruptionlevel is 0 and $day is 5 and $time is 18>>\
<<button "Luke's Corruption">><<goto "lukecorruption1">><</button>>
<<if $evatask is true and $day is 4 and $time gte 23>>\
<<if $elijah is 2>>\
<<button "Unkown Phonecall">><<goto "elijahphone">><</button>>
<div class="penis"><div align="center"><b>
You can find something usefull here.
[[Exit the Washmachine|Kitchen]]
<div align="center"><div class="office1"><b><<audio "computer" play>>\
<<if $sussy is false>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<set $computer to true>>\
<img src="img/computer/password.jpg" class="medium">
The computer is on but it's password locked
<span id="ReplaceMe"><<link "<h4>Try to type random password</h4>">>
<<replace "#ReplaceMe">> <<audio "computer" play>>
<<link "<h4>Try another one</h4>">>
<<replace "#ReplaceMe">> <<audio "computer" play>>
<<link "<h4>Try again</h4>">>
<<replace "#ReplaceMe">> <<audio "computer" play>>
<<link "<h4>Try typing your $mom name</h4>">>
<<replace "#ReplaceMe">> <<audio "computer" play>> <<audio "error" play>>\
<<set $sussy to true>>
<img src="img/computer/locked.png" width="200" height="170">
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ohshit</h6>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh shit. I'm screwed. Well i hope $dad won't be angry.<</speech>><</linkreplace>>
<<elseif $Fatherfirstevent is false>>
<img src="img/computer/password.jpg" class="medium">
I'm already screwed better leave it alone
<<elseif $password is false>>
<img src="img/computer/password.jpg" class="medium">
<span id="password">
<<link "<h4>Turn on</h4>">><<audio "computer" play>><<replace "#password">>
<div class="mombox">@@color:orange;Computer system requires a valid password!@@</div>
<<elseif $password is true>>
<img src="img/computer/password.jpg" class="medium">
<<button [[computer1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave the computer|Office]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div align="center"><div class="mombox"><b>\
<<if $mcorruptionlevel lte 1>>\
@@color:lightgreen;The lawn is cut almost every week by my $dad. @@
Peace and quiet here. It feels good to hang around here.
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $mcorruptionlevel gte 2>>
@@color:lightyellow;$mom asked $dad several time to take care of the backyard. No results so far.@@
<<if $bgrass gte 1>>\
@@color:lightgreen;;Luke in free time is taking care of backyard. He's taking it very seriously and it looks very cared. $mom is very proud of him.@@<</if>>\
Peace and quiet here. It feels good to hang around here.
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel gte 2>>\
@@color:orange;The grass is quite neglected and unmowed. Recently, $dad has no time to take care of this. As he says...@@
Peace and quiet here. It feels good to hang around here.
<<if $poolclean is false and $cleanpool lte 3 and $energy gte 51>>\
<<button [[Clean the Pool]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $energy lte 50>>\
<img src="img/avatars/exhaust.jpg" class='medium'>
I'm exhausted, not enough energy to clean it up.
<<elseif $cleanpool is 4>>\
<<button [[Pool]]>><</button>>
Pool is still dirty
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "mall" stop>><<audio "outsidewave" play>>
<<button "Walk Around - One hour forward">>
<<set $time to $time +1>><<goto "outside">>
<<if $time gte 20>>
<<goto "outsidenight">>
<<set _walk to random (1,2)>>\
<<if _walk is 1>>\
<<if $reputation gte 8>>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<button "Walk Around the Group of boys">><<goto "walkingaround">><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<include "publicsex">>
<<elseif _walk is 2>>\
<<if $boy is true and $eventjack1 is false>>
<<button [[Go to Jack]]>><</button>>
<<if $warehouse is true>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/warehouse.jpg' class='sincity'>">><<set $namewar to 1>><<goto "warehouseplay">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th><</if>>
<<nobr>><table style="width:100%"><<if $day gte 6>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/home.jpg' class='mediumcity'>">>
<<goto "hallwayweekend">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/home.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<goto "hallway">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
<<if $day lte 5>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/school.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<if $startnewbody is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $time lte 14.5>>
<<goto "schoolgreet">>
<<goto "school">>
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/mall.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "mall">><</link>></th>
<<if $week lte 3 and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/church3.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "church">><</link>></th>
<<elseif $week gte 4 and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/church2.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "church">><</link>></th>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/church.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "newchurch">><</link>></th>
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $sophia is true>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/park.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "Park">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/clinic.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "clinicsophia">><</link>></th>
<<if $chloepark is true>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/bailey.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<if $time gte 13 and $time lte 20>>
<<goto "housechloe">>
<<goto "housechloelocked">>
<<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/lenahouse.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "lenahouse">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th></table>
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $sophia is false>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/park.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "Park">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/beach.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<goto "beach">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/citycenter.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<masteraudio stop>>
<<if $fitness lte 14>><<energy -10>><<if $box10 is false>><<dialog>>
<div class="mombox">
The journey to the City Center was a bit exhausting. Maybe it's time for @@color:orange;exercices?@@
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><<set $box10 to true>><</button>>
<</dialog>><</if>><</if>><<goto "citycenter">><</link>></th>
<<elseif $chloepark is false>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/lenahouse.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "lenahouse">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/citycenter.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<masteraudio stop>>
<<if $fitness lte 14>><<energy -10>><<if $box10 is false>><<dialog>>
<div class="mombox">
The journey to the City Center was a bit exhausting. Maybe it's time for @@color:orange;exercices?@@
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><<set $box10 to true>><</button>>
<</if>><</if>><<goto "citycenter">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/beach.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<goto "beach">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/citycenter.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<masteraudio stop>>
<<if $fitness lte 14>><<energy -10>><<if $box10 is false>><<dialog>>
<div class="mombox">
The journey to the City Center was a bit exhausting. Maybe it's time for @@color:orange;exercices?@@
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><<set $box10 to true>><</button>>
<</dialog>><</if>><</if>><<goto "citycenter">><</link>></th>
<<if $metfriend is true and $sophia is false>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/lenahouse.jpg' class='mediumcity'>">><<goto "lenahouse">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
<<if $aunt is true>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/hills.jpg' class='mediumcity'>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<if $fitness lte 14>><<energy -10>><</if>><<if $time gte 19.5>><<goto "hillsnight">><<else>><<goto "hills">><</if>><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
<</nobr>></div><<audio "shower" volume 0.05 play loop>>\
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="shower">
<video src="img/shower/youshower.webm" class='small' autoplay loop>
<div class="mombox">\
Taking a shower!
It's so refreshing!
<<energy +10>><div class="pos"> <div class="power">Energy +10</div></div></div>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>><<set _peek to random(1,2)>><<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>><<set _peek to 1>>\
<<set $Person to either("mom","dad")>>\
<<if _peek is 1>>\
<<if $Person is "mom" and $time lte 9 and $time gte 7 or $Person is "mom" and $time gte 14 and $time lte 24>>\
<<if $mcorruptionlevel lte 1>>\
<img src='img/shower/momtowel.jpg' class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Hey! Sorry for the trouble but forgot take the make up kit!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>JEEZ! HURRY UP!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh shush! Like i never seen you naked before! Ha-ha.<</speech>>
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>$mom?</h7>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/shower/mominvade.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop muted>
Mom joins you.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>My sweety is taking a shower?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh hey...<</speech>>
<<set _mom to random(1,2)>>
<<if _mom is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mom</h6>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/shower/mominvade1.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop muted>
Mom pressed you to the shower's wall and kisses you deeply.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>$name...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mom</h6>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/shower/mominvade2.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop muted>
You pushed your Mom to get her pussy on your lips.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Yes... Lick your Mommy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh... It's so good...<</speech>>
<<arousal 35>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +35</div>
<<elseif _mom is 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mom</h6>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/shower/mominvade3.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop muted>
Mom is taking care of you.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>My sweet innocent girl...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah! Ah..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mom</h6>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/shower/mominvade4.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop muted>
Her tongue is licking your pussy throughly...
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>It taste even better under the shower...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AH!! MOMMY!!<</speech>>
<<arousal 35>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +35</div>
<<elseif $Person is "dad" and $time gte 14.5 and $fcorruptionlevel is 0>>
<div class="daddybox">\
While washing yourself, a feeling came over you that someone was peeping at you
<img src='img/shower/dadpeek.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hello?! Is someone here?<</speech>>
Right away you heard the sound of the door closing.
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Who was that?!<</speech>>
<<arousal 5>><div class="posarousal">+5 Arousal</div><<upd>>
<<elseif $Person is "dad" and $time gte 7 and $time lte 9 and $fcorruptionlevel is 1 or $Person is "dad" and $time gte 14 and $time lte 24 and $fcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
$dad is peeking at you through the door.
<img src='img/shower/dadhungry.webp' class='medium'>
You forgot lock the door, but you feel observed by Dad.
<<arousal 15>>@@color:hotpink; Arousal +15 @@
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>Daddy...</sub><</speech>>
You don't know if $dad heard you, but you had to say it.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Jesus christ she teases me to much.<</speech>>
<<elseif $Person is "dad" and $time gte 7 and $time lte 9 and $fcorruptionlevel gte 2 or $Person is "dad" and $time gte 14 and $time lte 24 and $fcorruptionlevel is 2 or $day gte 6 and $fcorruptionlevel is 2>>\
<<set _fi to random(1,2)>>\
<<if _fi is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Is someone here?</h7>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/shower/dadinvade.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop muted>
$dad without the warning, enters to your bathroom.
You are so pleased with his presence here.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my! $dad!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Come here.<</speech>>
Both of you are enjoying time in the shower.
His touch and kisses drives you crazy.
<<elseif _fi is 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Is someone here?</h7>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/shower/dadinvade1.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop muted>
$dad without the warning, enters to your bathroom.
You are so pleased with his presence here.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I was waiting for you Daddy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>My princess is a bit slutty today?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Your slutty princess need a bit cleaning. My holes are waiting to be cleaned!<</speech>>
Both of you are enjoying time in the shower.
His touch and kisses drives you crazy.
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|BathroomNight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Bathroom]]>><</button>>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>/*CHEAT*/
<<set $familyinc to 0>>
<<set $avatargod to false>>
<<set $sophiaspecial to false>>
<<set $momhappycheat to false>>
<<set $choices to 0>>
<<set $teasedadcheat to false>>
<<set $momteasecheat to false>>
<<set $alertcomputer to false>>
<<set $mcavatar to false>>
<<set $avatarstart to false>>
<<set $avatarstart1 to false>>
<<set $avatarstart2 to false>>
<<set $avatarstart3 to false>>
<<set $avatarvid to false>>
<<set $analbox to false>>
<<set $analon to false>>
<<set $analhole to 0>>
<<set $jaycebunny to 0>>
<<set $qosjewdisc to false>>
<<set $momblackdildo to false>>
<<set $deepthroat1 to 1>>
<<set $avatarwhite to 0>>
<<set $whiteavatar to 0>>
<<set $elijahpoints to 0>>
<<set $erictalk to false>>
<<set $subtolucas to false>>
<<set $burluc to false>>
<<set $richardwin to 0>>
<<set $teresawin to 0>>
<<set $camilaend to false>>
<<set $evamad to false>>
<<set $drugparty to false>>
<<set $camilatrue to false>>
<<set $olgierdcamila to false>>
<<set $key21 to false>>
<<set $key19 to false>>
<<set $evacalm to false>>
<<set $stephdrink to false>>
<<set $camilastress to false>>
<<set $columbians to false>>
<<set $evainfo to 0>>
<<set $lucastold to false>>
<<set $cheatboxparty to false>>
<<set $evatalkparty to 0>>
<<set $emlive to 1>>
<<set $richardinfo1 to false>>
<<set $richardinfo to 0>>
<<set $andrestalk to 0>>
<<set $burbimbo is 0>>\
<<set $burtalk to 0>>
<<set $alwyntalk to 0>>
<<set $nateinfo to 0>>
<<set $patricetalk to 0>>
<<set $patrice to 0>>
<<set $nate to 0>>
<<set $richard to 0>>
<<set $alwyn to 0>>
<<set $andres to 0>>
<<set $olgierd to 0>>
<<set $olgierdtalk to 0>>
<<set $natetalk to 0>>
<<set $richardtalk to 0>>
<<set $lucastalkparty to 0>>
<<set $lucasadvice to 0>>
<<set $madisontalkparty to 0>>
<<set $lipsur to 0>>
<<set $buttsur to 0>>
<<set $bimbovid to 0>>
<<set $zizilia to false>>
<<set $babcia to false>>
<<set $elijah to 0>>
<<set $bimbopoints to 0>>
<<set $buybimboschool1 to false>>
<<set $buybimboschool2 to false>>
<<set $buybimboschool3 to false>>
<<set $daddykitchenbimbo to false>>
<<set $chloeandbimboselfie to 0>>
<<set $selfiebim1 to false>>
<<set $selfiebim2 to false>>
<<set $selfiebim3 to false>>
<<set $selfiebim4 to false>>
<<set $selfiebim1soc to false>>
<<set $selfiebim2soc to false>>
<<set $selfiebim3soc to false>>
<<set $doctorcall to false>>
<<set $burnettmsg to 0>>
<<set $bimbolvl1 to false>>
<<set $arousalmax to 100>>
<<set $bimbosluttybitch to false>>
<<newmeter 'arousal' 0>>\
<<colors 'rgba(255, 22, 142, 0.5)'>>\
<<sizing '200px'>>\
<<label '$arousal'>>\
<<set $doctorcall1 to false>>
<<set $doctortask to false>>
<<set $bimbobj1 to false>>
<<set $jackandjayce to false>>
<<set $jackmessagejayce to false>>
<<set $jayce to false>>
<<set $schooleat to false>>
<<set $ginapeek to false>>
<<set $gina to 1>>
<<set $mathtease to 0>>
<<set $couchtease to 0>>
<<set $rogers to 0>>
<<set $rogersreport to 0>>
<<set $rogersreportspecial to 0>>
<<set $rogersreportgina to 0>>
<<set $rogersreportmitski to 0>>
<<set $mitski to 0>>
<<set $nightschool to false>>
<<set $scarlett to 0>>
<<set $scarlettmax to 10>>
<<set $scarlettandcoach to false>>
<<set $lenalessonsmax to 6>>
<<set $selfiemargaret to false>>
<<set $mitskiafter to false>>
<<set $mitskiselfie to false>>
<<set $proflist to false>>
<<set $ryanfather to false>>
<<set $ryancabinet to false>>
<<set $scarlettknows to false>>
<<set $linzee to 0>>
<<set $scarlettbbctalk to false>>
<<newmeter 'lessons' 0>>
<<colors '#00FF00'>>
<<sizing '232px'>>
<<label '$lessons'>>
<<set $cougaraudio to 0>>
<<set $cougarmom to false>>
<<set $notif1 to false>>
<<set $notif2 to false>>
<<set $profileluke to false>>
<<set $barslide to 1>>
<<set $milf5 to 1>>
<<set $milf5stage to 1>>
<<set $milf5vid to 1>>
<<set $chatmilf5 to 0>>
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<<set $specialmilf5 to 0>>
<<set $milf7stage to 1>>
<<set $milf7 to 1>>
<<set $chatmilf7 to 0>>
<<set $milf7choice to false>>
<<set $milf2choice to false>>
<<set $milf2 to 1>>
<<set $milf2stage to 1>>
<<set $milf2vid to 1>>
<<set $chatmilf2 to 0>>
<<set $moviebbc to false>>
<<set $movie2 to false>>
<<set $movie1 to false>>
<<set $ashleypornbc to 0>>\
<<set $ashleyporn2 to 0>>
<<set $ashrape to false>>
<<set $ashleytrain to 0>>
<<set $ashleyreel to 0>>
<<set $ashleypage to 0>>
<<set $ashleyfans to 0>>
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<<set $ashleyporn2 to 0>>
<<set $ashleyporn1 to 0>>
<<set $ashleyporn to false>>
<<set $ashleybim to 0>>
<<set $surgeyday to false>>
<<set $surgeryashley to 0>>
<<set $ashleymovie to false>>
<<set $ashleyfunt to 0>>
<<set $ashleyphoto2 to 0>>
<<set $ashleyphotonormal2 to false>>
<<set $bbcashley to false>>
<<set $ashleyj to 0>>
<<set $ashleygod to false>>
<<set $ashleyphotonormal1 to false>>
<<set $ashleyphotohotsession1 to false>>
<<set $ashleyphoto1 to 0>>
<<set $ashleyphotohot1 to 0>>
<<set $sophiatalk1 to false>>
<<set $sophiawarehouse to false>>
<<set $staffjoyentrance to false>>
<<set $vickyraped to 0>>
<<set $invadevictim to false>>
<<set $invade to 0>>
<<set $vickyphotohotb to 0>>
<<set $consule to 0>>
<<set $vickyunderwearphoto to false>>
<<set $vickyunderwearphoto1 to false>>
<<set $vickybimbophoto1 to false>>
<<set $vickynormalphoto to false>>
<<set $vickynormalphoto1 to false>>
<<set $vickyphoto to 0>>
<<set $vickyphoto1 to 0>>
<<set $vickyphotohot to 0>>
<<set $vickyphotohot1 to 0>>
<<set $chrisvicky to false>>
<<set $cheatwar to false>>
<<set $namewar to 0>>
<<set $cellroom1 to false>>
<<set $cellroom2 to false>>
<<set $evaslave1 to false>>
<<set $evaslave2 to false>>
<<set $ashleyslave1 to false>>
<<set $ashleyslave2 to false>>
<<set $vickycorruptionlvl to 1>>
<<set $vicky to 0>>
<<set $vickyfit to 1>>
<<set $vickycorruption to 0>>
<<set $vickybimbo to false>>
<<set $staffday to 0>>
<<set $warstaff to 10>>
<<set $privateroom to false>>
<<set $treatment to false>>
<<set $operationcell to false>>
<<set $staffjoy to false>>
<<set $staffmood to 0>>
<<set $consult to false>>
<<set $consulttalk to false>>
<<set $burnetttalk to false>>
<<set $room1 to false>>
<<set $room2 to false>>
<<set $room3 to false>>
<<set $room4 to false>>
<<set $room5 to false>>
<<set $room6 to false>>
<<set $studioroom to false>>
<<set $vickyl1 to 0>>
<<set $vickyl2 to 0>>
<<set $vickylm to 0>>
<<set $foodvicky to false>>
<<set $ashleymood to 0>>
<<set $ashleycorruption to 0>>
<<set $ashleycorruptionlvl to 0>>
<<set $ashleyfit to 1>>
<<set $ashleybimbo to false>>
<<set $foodashley to false>>
<<set $ashleyraped to 0>>
<<set $ashinvade to 0>>
<<set $ashleyl1 to 0>>
<<set $ashleyl to 0>>
<<set $ashleyt to 0>>
<<set $chrisashley to false>>
<<set $stafffood to 0>>
<<set $ashleyphoto to 0>>
<<set $ashleyphotonormal to false>>
<<set $ashleyphotohot to 0>>
<<set $ashleyphotohotsession to false>>
<<set $ashleychris to false>>
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<<set $mcandjason to 0>>
<<set $vickybimboslut to false>>
<<set $vickyprostitute to false>>
<<set $vickyprostituteday to false>>
<<set $vickyjob to 0>>
<<set $vickybimboshot to 0>>
<<set $vickybimbophotoses to false>>
<<set $invadebim to 0>>
<<set $cctvcheat to false>>
<<set $vickycctv to false>>
<<set $staffcheat to false>>
<<set $cheatvickyfood to false>>
<<set $cheatashfood to false>>
<<set $musicware to false>>
<<set $sophianataly to false>>\
<<set $bjpublic to 0>>
<<set $avatarmove to 0>>
<<set $startstagestudent to false>>
<<set $midstagestudent to false>>
<<set $studentspent2 to 10>>
<<set $studentspent1 to 0>>
<<set $studentspent to false>>
<<set $texthide to false>>
<<set $textshow to true>>
<<set $teachercum to 0>>
<<set $mccum to 0>>
<<set $unclecum to 0>>
<<set $unclestamina to 0>>
<<set $teachstamina to 0>>
<<set $mcstamina to 0>>
<<set $minifuck1 to 0>>
<<set $mcmoves to 0>>
<<set $nadiamoves to 0>>
<<set $version to 3>>
<<set $seconds to 0>>
<<set $body to 1>>
<<set $scene to 0>>
<<set $succlient to 0>>
<<set $failtclient to 0>>
<<set $holdfail to 0>>
<<set $holdsuc to 0>>
<<set $shoots to 0>>
<<set $firstclient to 0>>
<<set $failphoto to 0>>
<<set $winphoto to 0>>
<<set $secondclient to 0>>
<<set $thirdclient to 0>>
<<set $fourthclient to 0>>
<<set $fitfthclient to 0>>
<<set $clubinvite to false>>
<<set $clublevel to 1>>
<<set $clients to 0>>
<<set $expclub to 0>>
<<set $client1 to false>>
<<set $client2 to false>>
<<set $client3 to false>>
<<set $pose to 0>>
<<set $premium to false>>
<<set $analplug to false>>
<<set $changeclothes to 0>>
<<set $computer to false>>
<<set $begin to false>>
<<set $start to false>>
<<set $hasDildo to false>>
<<set $hasPassword to false>>
<<set $hasPictures to false>>
<<set $hasList to false>>
<<set $phone to false>>
<<set $hasDrugslust to false>>
<<set $Camera to false>>
<<set $gift1 to false>>
<<set $gift2 to false>>
<<set $gift3 to false>>
<<set $gift4 to false>>
<<set $gift5 to false>>
<<set $gift6 to false>>
<<set $gift7 to false>>
<<set $gift8 to false>>
<<set $violetpills to 0>>
<<set $pills to false>>
<<set $necklacemom to false>>
<<set $shaker to false>>
<<set $bookerotic to false>>
<<set $hiddencamera to false>>
<<set $bedroomspy to false>>
<<set $bathroomspy to false>>
<<set $pantywib to false>>
<<set $momvib to false>>
<<set $bluepills to 0>>
<<set $sextoy1 to false>>
<<set $sextoy2 to false>>
<<set $bbcmagazine to false>>
<<set $blackdildo to false>>
<<set $underwearbox to 0>>
<<set $clothesbox to 0>>
<<set $maid1 to false>>
<<set $clothes to 0>>
<<set $choker to false>>
<<set $clotheswear to "basic">>
<<set $underwear to "panties">>
<<set $wearbra to "bra">>
<<set $wearpanties to true>>
<<set $bra to true>>
<<set $shoes to true>>
<<set $runningshoes to false>>
<<set $heels to false>>
<<set $sport1 to false>>
<<set $sport2 to false>>
<<set $uniformwork1 to false>>
<<set $uniformwork2 to false>>
<<set $uniformwork3 to false>>
<<set $buy_clothes2 to false>>
<<set $buy_clothes3 to false>>
<<set $buy_clothes4 to false>>
<<set $buy_clothesnormal to false>>
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<<set $buy_schooluniform2 to false>>
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<<set $buy_bra3 to false>>
<<set $buy_choker1 to false>>
<<set $buy_choker2 to false>>
<<set $buy_bikini to false>>
<<set $buy_swimsuit to false>>
<<set $thong to false>>
<<set $gstring to false>>
<<set $bikini to false>>
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<<set $officesuit2 to false>>
<<set $officesuit3 to false>>
<<set $officesuit1hot to false>>
<<set $officesuit2hot to false>>
<<set $officesuit3hot to false>>
<<set $apron to false>>
<<set $bimbowear1 to false>>
<<set $bimbofancy1 to false>>
<<set $buybimbowear1 to false>>
<<set $buybimbofancy1 to false>>
<<set $sporty to 1>>
<<set $schooly to 1>>
<<set $officy to 1>>
<<set $restar to 1>>
<<set $buyxxxschol1 to false>>
<<set $buyxxxschol2 to false>>
<<set $buyxxxschol3 to false>>
<<set $buyxxxgym1 to false>>
<<set $buyxxxgym2 to false>>
<<set $buyxxxgym3 to false>>
<<set $buyxxxres1 to false>>
<<set $buyxxxres2 to false>>
<<set $buyxxxres3 to false>>
<<set $buyskimpyoutfit to false>>
<<set $buy_bikini2 to false>>
<<set $buy_bikini3 to false>>
<<set $swimy to 1>>
<<set $buyredlin to false>>
<<set $buyblacklin to false>>
<<set $buywhitelin to false>>
<<set $dadlin to false>>
<<set $lingeriequest to false>>
<<set $dressquest to false>>
<<set $snowbunnycloth to false>>
<<set $snowbunnycloth1 to false>>
<<set $qosjew to false>>
/* Stats */
<<set $liedid to 0>>
<<set $truthdid to 0>>
<<set $laundry to false>>
<<set $partyface to 1>>
<<set $dancejack to 0>>
<<set $drinks to 0>>
<<set $dance to 0>>
<<set $drugs to 0>>
<<set $playerclass to "">>
<<set $stepc to 1>>
<<set $energy to 100>>
<<set $fitness to 0>>
<<set $corruption1 to false>>
<<set $orgasm to 0>>
<<set $corruptionlevel to 0>>
<<set $corruption to 0>>
<<set $money to 50>>
<<set $lust to 0>>
<<set $cleanpool to 0>>
<<set $hacking to 1>>
<<set $schoolvisit to 1>>
<<set $arousal to 0>>
<<set $arousalpunish to 1>>
<<set $arousalcum to 0>>
<<set $reputation to 0>>
<<set $reputationcloth to 0>>
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>
<<set $tired to false>>
<<set $virigin to false>>
<<set $avatar to 0>>
<<set $avatarbeg to 0>>
<<set $todolist to 0>>
/* Time */
<<set $time to 7>>
<<set $day to 5>>
<<set $week to 1>>
/* Audio */
<<cacheaudio "inject" "aud/misc/inject1.mp3">>
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/*Everyday things*/
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/* Events */
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<<set $uniformhot to false>>
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/* Lucas */
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/* Father */
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<<set $teasedad to false>>
<<set $dadcam to false>>
<<set $fcorruption to 0>>
<<set $frelationship to 0>>
<<set $Fatherfirstevent to false>>
<<set $talkwithdad to false>>
<<set $hero to false>>
<<set $hutinglucas to false>>
<<set $lucascorrupt to false>>
<<set $brother to false>>
<<set $reward1 to false>>
<<set $reward2 to false>>
<<set $reward3 to false>>
<<set $cuckold to false>>
<<set $daddy to false>>
<<set $hotel to false>>
<<set $onlydad to 0>>
<<set $lenameetdad to false>>
<<set $dadvisitnight to false>>
<<set $davidsecret to false>>
<<set $daddymorning to false>>
<<set $daddyuniform to false>>
<<set $daddybed to false>>
<<set $daddypool to false>>
<<set $peekdadshower to false>>
<<set $dadphone to false>>
<<set $daddymsg to 0>>
<<set $daddykissfirst to false>>
<<set $daddycock to false>>
<<set $daddyend to false>>
<<set $daddybathroom to false>>
<<set $daddydildo to false>>
<<set $dadcheating to false>>
<<set $funeral to false>>
<<set $aunt to false>>
/* Mother */
<<set $momout to false>>
<<set $momsleep to false>>
<<set $momsus to 0>>
<<set $momlucas to 0>>
<<set $momjob to 1>>
<<set $mompovright to 1>>
<<set $mompov to 1>>
<<set $momvision to false>>
<<set $momshaker to 1>>
<<set $momchange to 1>>
<<set $mombbc to 1>>
<<set $necklacelucas to 1>>
<<set $incest to false>>
<<set $mothercheat to 0>>
<<set $divorcedad to false>>
<<set $mothersexslave to 0>>
<<set $sexlucas to 0>>
<<set $mcorruptionlevel to 0>>
<<set $girlday to 1>>
<<set $mcorruption to 0>>
<<set $sister to false>>
<<set $momtalk1 to false>>
<<set $momtalk2 to false>>
<<set $momtalk3 to false>>
<<set $momlend to false>>
<<set $mrelationship to 0>>
<<set $Motherfirstevent to false>>
<<set $momerotic to 1>>
<<set $kissmom to false>>
<<set $touchmom to false>>
<<set $mompussy to false>>
<<set $mompussy2 to false>>
<<set $mompussy3 to false>>
<<set $momlust to 0>>
<<set $lucasremote to false>>
<<set $momwatch to false>>
<<set $momgym to false>>
<<set $momteasepants to false>>
<<set $momguygym to false>>
<<set $momguygym1 to false>>
<<set $momgympeek to false>>
<<set $momgoinggym to 0>>
<<set $momwatchingbbc to false>>
<<set $momson to false>>
<<set $memory to 0>>
<<set $momdad to 0>>
<<set $mompark to 0>>
<<set $momkissmc to 1>>
<<set $momslut to false>>
<<set $mommcsleep to 0>>
<<set $momliv to 0>>
<<set $momclientshow to false>>
<<set $tyronecall to false>>
<<set $mombrother to false>>
<<set $momntr to 0>>
<<set $momsus to 0>>
<<set $mombathroom to false>>
<<set $momcummy to 0>>
<<set $momgoingout to false>>
/* Brother */
<<set $brelationship to 0>>
<<set $bcorruption to 0>>
<<set $bcorruptionlevelmom to 0>>
<<set $bcorruptionlevel to 0>>
<<set $momandluketalk to false>>
<<set $momluke to 0>>
<<set $code to false>>
<<set $lukepeepmom to false>>
<<set $bkiss to false>>
<<set $luketime to false>>
<<set $lukekiss to 0>>
<<set $brothernight to false>>
<<set $lukepov to 0>>
<<set $insidemom to 0>>
<<set $goingout to false>>
<<set $bgrass to 0>>
<<set $bclean to 0>>
<<set $bkitchen to 0>>
<<set $bboob to false>>
<<set $lukeboob to 0>>
<<set $lukemomhiking to false>>
<<set $boyfriendreveal to false>>
<<set $mombackyardtease to false>>
<<set $dadandmomargue to false>>
<<set $mombedroomtease to false>>
<<set $milfluke to false>>
<<set $lukemoney to 0>>
<<set $cougarpass to false>>
<<set $cougarpassluke to false>>
<<set $jobluke to false>>
<<set $jobdadluke to false>>
<<set $jobnameluke to false>>
<<set $jobmomluke to false>>
<<set $peekmc to false>>
<<set $chloetext to 0>>
<<set $chloelove to 0>>
<<set $lenaandluke to false>>
<<set $lbathroom to false>>
<<set $arguefamily to false>>
<<set $picofmom to false>>
<<set $momroom to 0>>
<<set $mcandlukenight to false>>
<<set $lukeday1 to false>>
<<set $lukeday2 to false>>
<<set $lukeday3 to false>>
<<set $mess to false>>
<<set $stealmess to false>>
<<set $computerbroke to false>>
<<set $naplc to false>>
<<set $showerlc to false>>
<<set $coffeelc to false>>
<<set $lukehacklc to false>>
<<set $lukearousal to 0>>
<<set $dreamluke to false>>
<<set $mcshowerlc to false>>
<<set $mcroomlc to false>>
<<set $bimbodisco to false>>
<<set $lukeisready to false>>
<<set $brotherkitchenfuck to false>>
<<set $lukeeat to false>>
<<set $club to false>>
*Estate Office*
<<set $joblevel to 1>>
<<set $momwork to 1>>
<<set $momcheatwork to 1>>
<<set $momworkcorrupt to 1>>
<<set $experience to 1>>
<<set $momandmadison to 1>>
<<set $housesell to 0>>
<<set $adorefan to 0>>
*Social Media*
<<set $of to false>>
<<set $sportfuck to 0>>
<<set $lucastart to false>>
<<set $batteries to 0>>
<<set $batteries1 to 0>>
<<set $tvwatch to false>>
<<set $tyrone to false>>
<<set $adammeet to false>>
<<set $bimorgasm to 0>>
<<set $bimfail to 0>>
<<set $needcock to 0>>
<<set $actions to 0>>
<<set $leon to 0>>
<<set $adam to 0>>
<<set $lockdoor to false>>
<<set $adamfucks to false>>
<<set $bbcfucks to false>> <div align="center"><div class="lewd"><b>\
<<if $analon is true>><<analhole +1>><</if>>\
<<if $lipsur is 1>><<set $lipsur to 2>><</if>>\
<<if $lipsur gte 3 and $lipsur lte 9>><<set $lipsur to $lipsur +1>><</if>>\
<<set $surgeyday to false>><<set $tired to false>><<set $schoolenter to false>><<set $vacuum to false>><<set $dadisleaving to false>><<set $lucasday to false>><<set $daddrugged to false>><<set $paidgym to $paidgym -1>><<set $laundry to false>><<set $pworry to false>><<set $momsleep to false>><<set $momout to false>><<set $momwatchingbbc to false>><<set $tomvisit to false>><<set $jackdate to false>><<set $momclientshow to false>><<set $bayleysex to false>><<set $lucasbusy to false>><<set $goingout to false>><<set $studentspent2 to 10>><<set $midstagestudent to false>><<set $startstagestudent to false>><<set $foodvicky to false>><<set $foodashley to false>><<set $ashleychris to false>><<set $vickyprostituteday to false>><<set $smokecigar to false>><<set $classeslesson to 0>><<set $laundry to false>><<set $schooleat to false>>
<<if $bgrass gte 1>> <<set $bgrass to $bgrass -1>> <</if>>\
<<if $bclean gte 1>> <<set $bclean to $bclean -1>> <</if>>\
<<if $bkitchen gte 1>> <<set $bkitchen to $bkitchen -1>> <</if>>\
<<set $vickyl1 to 0>><<set $vickychris to 1>><<set $vickyl2 to 0>><<set $vickylm to 0>><<set $ashleyl to 0>>
<<if $vickycorruptionlvl is 1 and $vicky is 0>><<set $vickyfit to 5>><<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 1 and $vicky is 1>><<set $vickyfit to 4>><</if>>\
<<if $vickycorruptionlvl is 2 and $vicky is 0>><<set $vickyfit to 6>><<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 2 and $vicky is 1>><<set $vickyfit to 5>><<elseif $vicky is -1>><<set $vickyfit to 6>><<elseif $vicky is 5>><<set $vickyfit to 6>><</if>>\
<<if $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $vicky is 0 and $vickybimbo lte 2>><<set $vickyfit to 8>><<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $vicky is 1 and $vickybimbo lte 2>>
<<set $vickyfit to 7>><<elseif $vicky is -1 and $vickybimbo lte 2>><<set $vickyfit to 8>><<elseif $vickybimbo gte 3 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 3>><<set $vickyfit to 10>><<elseif $vicky is 5>><<set $vickyfit to 8>><</if>>\
<<if $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $vickybimbo is 4>><<set $vickyfit to 18>><</if>>\
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl is 0 and $ashleymood is 3>><<set $ashleyfit to 5>><<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 0 and $ashleymood is 1>><<set $ashleyfit to 4>><</if>>\
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl is 1 and $ashleymood is 3>><<set $ashleyfit to 6>><<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 1 and $ashleymood is 1>><<set $ashleyfit to 5>><<elseif $ashleymood is -1>><<set $ashleyfit to 6>><</if>>\
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl is 2 and $ashleymood is 3>><<set $ashleyfit to 12>><<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 2 and $ashleymood is 1>><<set $ashleyfit to 10>><<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 3 and $ashleytrain lte 2>><<set $ashleymood to 1>><<set $ashrape to false>><<set $ashleyfit to 12>><<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 3 and $ashleytrain is 3>><<set $ashrape to false>><<set $ashleymood to 1>><<set $ashleyfit to 15>><</if>>\
<<set $consule to $consule -1>><<set $bbcvisitvicky to false>>\
<<if $warehouse is true>>\
<<set $vicky to 0>>
<<if $ashleycorruption gte 1 and $ashleycorruptionlvl lte 2>>
<<set $ashleymood to 3>><</if>>\
<<if $vickyraped gte 1>><<set $vickyraped to $vickyraped -1>><</if>>\
<<if $ashleyraped gte 1>><<set $ashleyraped to $ashleyraped -1>><</if>>\
<<if $warehouse is true>>
<<if $warstaff is 0 and $vickycorruption gte 1>>\
@@color:orange;After yesterday your team was tired and they are losing patience with you because of it.
<<elseif $vickycorruption gte 1>>\
<span class="blinkslow"><h3>@@color:orange;Your Staff are losing patiance. Days until the change their mood:$staffday/3@@</h3></span>
<<if $staffmood gte -1 and $vickycorruption gte 1>>\
<<if $staffday is 3>><<set $staffmood to $staffmood -1>><<set $staffday to 0>><<elseif $staffday lte 2>><<set $staffday to $staffday +1>><<elseif $warstaff is 0>><<set $staffday to $staffday +1>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $staffjoy is true and $stafffood gte 1>><<set $warstaff to 20>><<set $stafffood to $stafffood -1>><<elseif $staffjoy is true>><<set $warstaff to 15>><<else>><<set $warstaff to 10>><</if>>\
<<if $staffmood is -2 and $invadevictim is false>><<set $warstaff to 2>>\
<<if $ashleyblock is true>>\
<<set _victim to either("ashley","vicky")>>
<<if _victim is "vicky">>\
<<if $vickybimbo gte 4>>
<<set $invadebim to $invadebim +1>>
<<set $vickyraped to 2>>
<div class="posarousal">Vicky is being raided!
Vicky doesn't mind and really enjoys it, very much!</div>
<<set $vickyraped to 2>><<vickycor -10>>\
<<if $invade lte 1 and $vickycorruption lte 99>><<set $invade to $invade +1>><</if>><<if $vickycorruption gte 100 and $vickycorruption lte 199 and $invade lte 3>><<set $invade to $invade +1>><<elseif $invade gte 2 and $vickycorruption lte 99>><<set $invade to 2.5>><</if>><<if $vickycorruption gte 200 and $invade lte 5>><<set $invade to $invade +1>><<elseif $invade gte 4 and $vickycorruption lte 199>><<set $invade to 4.5>><</if>>\
@@color:red;Vicky is being raided!@@
<div class="posarousal">@@color:grey;Vicky Corruption -10@@</div>
<<elseif _victim is "ashley">>\
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl is 3 and $ashleybimbo gte 9 and $ashleybim lte 2>>\
<<set $ashleybim to $ashleybim +1>><<set $ashrape to true>><<set $ashleymood to 3>>\
<div class="posarousal">Ashley is being raided!
Ashley doesn't mind and really enjoys it, very much!</div>
@@color:orange;New Recording of the Assault on Bimbo Ashley is in CCTV!@@
<<elseif $ashleybim gte 3>>\
<<set $ashrape to true>><<set $ashleymood to 3>>\
<div class="posarousal">Ashley is being raided!
Ashley doesn't mind and really enjoys it, very much!</div>
<<if $ashinvade lte 1 and $ashleycorruption lte 99 and $ashleybimbo lte 3>>@@color:orange;New Recording of the Assault in CCTV!@@<<set $ashinvade to $ashinvade +1>><</if>><<if $ashleycorruption gte 100 and $ashleycorruption lte 199 and $ashinvade lte 3 and $ashleybimbo lte 3>>@@color:orange;New Recording of the Assault in CCTV!@@<<set $ashinvade to $ashinvade +1>><<elseif $ashinvade gte 2 and $ashleycorruption lte 99 and $ashleybimbo lte 3>><<set $ashinvade to 2.5>><</if>>\
<<if $ashleybimbo lte 3>>\
<<set $ashleyraped to 2>><<ashcorr -10>>\
@@color:red;Ashley is being raided!@@
<div class="posarousal">@@color:grey;Ashley Corruption -10@@</div>
<<elseif $ashleyblock is false and $vickycorruption gte 1>>\
<<if $vickybimbo gte 4>>
<<set $vickyraped to 2>>
<<set $invadebim to $invadebim +1>>
<div class="posarousal">Vicky is being raided!
Vicky doesn't mind and really enjoys it, very much!</div>
<<set $vickyraped to 2>><<vickycor -10>>\
<<if $invade lte 1 and $vickycorruption lte 99>><<set $invade to $invade +1>><</if>><<if $vickycorruption gte 100 and $vickycorruption lte 199 and $invade lte 3>><<set $invade to $invade +1>><<elseif $invade gte 2 and $vickycorruption lte 99>><<set $invade to 2.5>><</if>><<if $vickycorruption gte 200 and $invade lte 5>><<set $invade to $invade +1>><<elseif $invade gte 4 and $vickycorruption lte 199>><<set $invade to 4.5>><</if>>\
@@color:red;Vicky is being raided!@@
<div class="posarousal">@@color:grey;Vicky Corruption -10@@</div>
@@color:red;Staff is getting ready to assault one of your Victims.
One of the victim might be in not shape till the 2 days and losing some sanity.@@<</if>>\
<<if $ashleyraped gte 1>>\
<<set $ashleymood to 1>><<set $ashleyfit to 0>>
<<if $vickyraped gte 1>>\
<<set $vicky to 1>><<set $vickyfit to 0>>
<<if $analon is true and $analhole lte 13>>\
<div class="posarousal">The anal plug actually hurts your butthole.
But you feel your anal hole expanding.</div>
<<if $lipsur gte 3 and $lipsur lte 5>>\
<div class="posarousal">Your lips are starting to ache...</div>
<<elseif $lipsur gte 6 and $lipsur lte 9>>\
<div class="posarousal">Lips have grown used to the pain.</div>
<<if $analon is true and $analhole gte 8 and $analhole lte 13>>\
<div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;Energy + 75@@</div>
<<elseif $analon is true and $analhole lte 7>>\
<div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;Energy + 50@@</div>
<div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;Energy + 100@@</div>
<<if $analon is true and $analhole lte 13>>\
<<button [[Wake up|mcroom]]>><<if $time gte 6.5>><<set $day to $day +1>><</if>><<set $time to 7>><<if $analhole gte 8 and $analhole lte 13>><<energy 75>><<elseif $analhole lte 7>><<energy 50>><</if>>
<<if $analhole gte 14>><<energy 100>><<arousal 25>><</if>><</button>>
<<button [[Wake up|mcroom]]>><<if $staffmood is -2 and $invadevictim is false>><<set $invadevictim to true>><</if>>
<<if $bimboend is 3>><<arousal 25>>
<<energy 100>><<if $time gte 6.5>><<set $day to $day +1>><</if>><<set $time to 7>>
<<energy 100>>
<<if $time gte 6.5>>
<<set $day to $day +1>>\
<<set $time to 7>>\
<<if $arousal gte 30 and $bimboend lte 2 and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<div class="pos">@@color:HotPink;-30 Arousal@@</div>
<<arousal -30>>\
</div>\<div align="center"><div class="office1"><b><<audio "computer" play>>\
<<if $hasPictures is false>>\
There is a folder named "My little girl"
<<linkreplace "[[Take a look|Hmm daddy]]".>>
[[turn off|Office]]
</div>\<div align="center"><div class="office1"><b><<audio "computer" play>>\
<<if $corruption gte 20>>You realized that your $dad is watching your cam shows.\
<video autoplay>
<source src="img/computer/bj.webm" type='video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"'>
[[Turn off the computer|Office]]
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 3 and $annapov lte 1 and $partytom lte 1 and $madisonpov lte 1 and $mompov lte 1 and $lenapov lte 1 and $bimboslut is 0 and $changetochloe is 0 and $lukepov is 0 and $ashpov is 0 >>\
<<elseif $annapov gte 2>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 10>>\
<<elseif $partytom gte 2>>\
<<elseif $madisonpov gte 2>>\
<<elseif $mompov gte 2>>\
<<elseif $lenapov gte 2>>\
<<elseif $bimboslut gte 1>>\
<<elseif $changetochloe gte 1>>
<<elseif $lukepov gte 1>>
<<elseif $ashpov gte 1>>
<img src="img/ui/title1.png" class="banner">\
<div class="version">0.3.2 Version
<b>@@color:lightyellow;Support me:@@</b></div>
<th><a href="https://www.patreon.com/livervt">\
<img src="img/ui/patreon.png" class='mediumlogo2'>\
<th><a href="https://subscribestar.adult/livervt">\
<img src="img/ui/subscribestar.png" class='mediumlogo2'>\
<th><a href="https://discord.gg/sUURyfEpaS">\
<img src="img/ui/discord.png" class='mediumlogo2'>\
<a href="https://f95zone.to/threads/secret-taboo-v1-0a-livervt.131886/">\
<img src="img/ui/f95.png" class='mediumlogo2'>\
<b><div class="daddybox"><<set $time to 2.5>><<set $mompovright to 100>><<upd>>
<img src="img/ui/title1.png" class="banner">
<<audio "waves2" play>>
<h2>@@color:orange;Welcome to Secret Taboo by Livervt!@@</h2>
<h3>@@color:violet;The content created by me is only for +18 years.@@</h3>
<<button [[Start the Prolog|Start1.1]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<button [[Skip the Prolog]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Skip to Corruption Level 3|skiptocorruptionlevel3]]>><</button>>
<b><div align="center"><div class="mombox">\
<<button [[Take a lap]]>><</button>>
<<if $time gte 13.5 and $time lte 14.5>>
<<button "$mom is in the pool">><<goto "Mom is in the pool">><</button>>
<<if $day gte 6 and $time gte 12 and $time lte 13>>\
<<button "$dad is in the pool">><<goto "Dad is in the Pool">><</button>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Backyardnight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Backyard]]>><</button>>
</div></div></b><<widget "addcorruption">><<silently>>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<<set $corruption to Math.clamp($corruption + $args[0], 0, 100)>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>
<<set $corruption to Math.clamp($corruption + $args[0], 0, 200)>>
<<widget "fitness">><<set $fitness to Math.clamp($fitness + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<widget "arousalcum">><<set $arousalcum to Math.clamp($arousalcum + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<widget "endure">><<set $holdsuc to Math.clamp($holdsuc + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>\
<<widget "money">><<set $money to Math.clamp($money + $args[0], 0, 100000)>><</widget>>
<<widget "addorgasm">><<set $orgasm to Math.clamp($orgasm + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<widget "frelationship">><<set $frelationship to Math.clamp($frelationship + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<widget "mrelationship">><<set $mrelationship to Math.clamp($mrelationship + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<widget "brelationship">><<set $brelationship to Math.clamp($brelationship + $args[0], 0, 75)>><</widget>>
<<widget "jstat">><<set $jackstat to Math.clamp($jackstat + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<widget "lrelation">><<set $lucasrelationship to Math.clamp($lucasrelationship + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<widget "mccum">><<set $mccum to Math.clamp($mccum + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<widget "teachercum">><<set $teachercum to Math.clamp($teachercum + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<widget "blacked">><<set $bbcaddiction to Math.clamp($bbcaddiction + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<widget "analhole">><<set $analhole to Math.clamp($analhole + $args[0], 0, 14)>><</widget>>
<<widget "fcorruption">>\
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<<set $fcorruption to Math.clamp($fcorruption + $args[0], 0, 50)>>
<<elseif $fcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<<set $fcorruption to Math.clamp($fcorruption + $args[0], 0, 100)>>
<<elseif $fcorruptionlevel is 2>>\
<<set $fcorruption to Math.clamp($fcorruption + $args[0], 0, 50)>><</if>>
<<widget "mcorruption">>\
<<if $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<<set $mcorruption to Math.clamp($mcorruption + $args[0], 0, 50)>>
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<<set $mcorruption to Math.clamp($mcorruption + $args[0], 0, 100)>>
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel is 2>>\
<<set $mcorruption to Math.clamp($mcorruption + $args[0], 0, 50)>>
<<widget "upd">><<silently>>
<<replace "#story-caption">><<display "StoryCaption">><</replace>>
<<widget "char">>\
<<if $stepc is 1>>\
<img src="img/avatars/you.jpg" class="avatarbar" >
<<elseif $stepc is 2>>\
<img src="img/avatars/stepc2.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $stepc is 3>>\
<img src="img/avatars/stepc3.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<widget "char1">>\
<<if $corruptionlevel is 1 and $corruption lte 14>>\
<img src="img/avatars/mc1.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 1 and $corruption gte 15>>\
<img src="img/avatars/mc2.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 2 and $bimboend is 3>>\
<<set _avatar to random(1,4)>>
<<if _avatar is 1>>\
<span class="imagefade"><img src="img/avatars/mcbimbo1.jpg" class="avatarbar"></span>
<<elseif _avatar is 2>>\
<span class="imagefade"><img src="img/avatars/mcbimbo01.jpg" class="avatarbar"></span>
<<elseif _avatar is 3>>\
<span class="imagefade"><img src="img/avatars/mcbimbo02.jpg" class="avatarbar"></span>
<<elseif _avatar is 4>>\
<span class="imagefade"><img src="img/avatars/mcbimbo03.jpg" class="avatarbar"></span>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 2 and $corruption lte 49>>\
<img src="img/avatars/mc3.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 2 and $corruption gte 50>>\
<img src="img/avatars/mc4.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 3>>\
<img src="img/avatars/newmc.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 3 and $corruption gte 75>>\
<img src="img/avatars/newmc2.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<widget "avatar">><<if $avatargod is true>>\
<<set $avatar to Math.clamp($avatar + $args[0], 1, 31)>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 1>>\
<<set $avatar to Math.clamp($avatar + $args[0], 1, 5)>>
<<elseif $bimboend is 3 and $corruptionlevel is 2>>\
<<set $avatar to Math.clamp($avatar + $args[0], 11, 15)>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 2>>\
<<set $avatar to Math.clamp($avatar + $args[0], 6, 10)>>
<<elseif $elijahpoints gte 3 and $corruptionlevel is 3 and $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<set $avatar to Math.clamp($avatar + $args[0], 24, 29)>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 3 and $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<set $avatar to Math.clamp($avatar + $args[0], 24, 27)>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 3>>\
<<set $avatar to Math.clamp($avatar + $args[0], 16, 23)>>
<<widget "chooseavatar">>
<<if $avatar is 1>>\
<<if $corruption lte 9>>\
<img src="img/avatars/mc1.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $corruption gte 10>>\
<img src="img/avatars/mc2.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 2>>\
<<if $corruption lte 9>>\
<img src="img/avatars/lvl1.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $corruption gte 10>>\
<img src="img/avatars/lvl1.5.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 3>>\
<<if $corruption lte 9>>\
<img src="img/avatars/lvl1.1.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $corruption gte 10>>\
<img src="img/avatars/lvl1.4.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 4>>\
<<if $corruption lte 9>>\
<img src="img/avatars/lvl1.2.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $corruption gte 10>>\
<img src="img/avatars/lvl1.6.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 5>>\
<<if $corruption lte 9>>\
<img src="img/avatars/lvl1.3.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $corruption gte 10>>\
<img src="img/avatars/lvl1.7.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 6>>\
<<if $corruption lte 45>>\
<img src="img/avatars/mc4.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<img src="img/avatars/mc3.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 7>>\
<<if $corruption lte 45>>\
<img src="img/avatars/lvl2.5.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<img src="img/avatars/lvl2.1.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 8>>\
<<if $corruption lte 45>>\
<img src="img/avatars/lvl2.6.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<img src="img/avatars/lvl2.2.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 9>>\
<<if $corruption lte 45>>\
<img src="img/avatars/lvl2.7.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<img src="img/avatars/lvl2.3.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 10>>\
<<if $corruption lte 45>>\
<img src="img/avatars/lvl2.4.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<img src="img/avatars/lvl2.8.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 11>>\
<img src="img/avatars/mcbimbo03.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 12>>\
<img src="img/avatars/mcbimbo02.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 13>>\
<img src="img/avatars/mcbimbo01.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 14>>\
<img src="img/avatars/mcbimbo1.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 15>>\
<img src="img/avatars/mcbimbo04.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 16>>\
<img src="img/avatars/newmc.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 17>>\
<img src="img/avatars/newmc1.1.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 18>>\
<img src="img/avatars/newmc1.2.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 19>>\
<img src="img/avatars/newmc1.3.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 20>>\
<img src="img/avatars/newmc1.4.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 21>>\
<img src="img/avatars/newmc1.5.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 22>>\
<img src="img/avatars/newmc1.6.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 23>>\
<img src="img/avatars/newmc1.7.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 24 and $avatarvid is false and $arousal gte 100>>\
<video src="img/avatars/mcbimbolvl3aroused1.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $avatar is 24 and $avatarvid is false and $arousal lte 99>>\
<video src="img/avatars/mcbimbolvl3.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $avatarvid is true and $avatar is 24 and $arousal gte 100>>\
<img src="img/avatars/bimbolvl3aroused1.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatarvid is true and $avatar is 24 and $arousal lte 99>>\
<img src="img/avatars/bimbolvl3.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 25 and $avatarvid is false and $arousal gte 100>>\
<video src="img/avatars/mcbimbolvl3aroused2.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $avatar is 25 and $avatarvid is false and $arousal lte 99>>\
<video src="img/avatars/mcbimbolvl3_1.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $avatarvid is true and $avatar is 25 and $arousal gte 100>>\
<img src="img/avatars/bimbolvl3aroused2.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatarvid is true and $avatar is 25 and $arousal lte 99>>\
<img src="img/avatars/bimbolvl3.1.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 26 and $avatarvid is false and $arousal gte 100>>\
<video src="img/avatars/mcbimbolvl3aroused3.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $avatar is 26 and $avatarvid is false and $arousal lte 99>>\
<video src="img/avatars/mcbimbolvl3_2.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $avatarvid is true and $avatar is 26 and $arousal gte 100>>\
<img src="img/avatars/bimbolvl3aroused3.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatarvid is true and $avatar is 26 and $arousal lte 99>>\
<img src="img/avatars/bimbolvl3.2.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 27 and $avatarvid is false and $arousal gte 100>>\
<video src="img/avatars/mcbimbolvl3aroused.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $avatar is 27 and $avatarvid is false and $arousal lte 99>>\
<video src="img/avatars/mcbimbolvl3_3.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $avatarvid is true and $avatar is 27 and $arousal gte 100>>\
<img src="img/avatars/bimbolvl3aroused.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatarvid is true and $avatar is 27 and $arousal lte 99>>\
<img src="img/avatars/bimbolvl3.3.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 28>>\
<img src="img/elijah/selfie2.jpg" class='avatarbar'>
<<elseif $avatar is 29>>\
<img src="img/elijah/first/selfie3.jpg" class='avatarbar'>
<<elseif $avatar is 30>>\
<img src="img/elijah/first/selfie.jpg" class='avatarbar'>
<<elseif $avatar is 31>>\
<img src="img/elijah/first/selfie3.jpg" class='avatarbar'>
<<elseif $avatar is 100>>\
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/chose.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $avatar is 101>>\
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/slut.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $avatar is 102>>\
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/slut1.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $avatar is 103>>\
<img src="img/avatars/bimboavatar.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 104>>\
<img src="img/party/facepill.webp" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 105>>\
<img src="img/phone/aftertom.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 106>>\
<img src="img/phone/beforetom.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 107>>\
<img src="img/phone/drugselfie.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 108>>\
<img src="img/endings/bbc/queenavatar.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 109>>\
<video src="img/endings/bbc/family.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $avatar is 110>>\
<img src="img/endings/bbc/avatar.jpg" class="avatarbar">
<<elseif $avatar is 111>>\
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/fuckdoll.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $avatar is 112>>\
<video src="img/endings/bbc/bbchypno.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $avatar is 113>>\
<video src="img/endings/bbc/bbchypno2.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $avatar is 114>>\
<video src="img/mom/event/dream.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $avatar is 115>>\
<video src="img/dream/newyou.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $avatar is 116>>\
<video src="img/dream/special.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $avatar is 117>>\
<video src="img/dream/special2.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $avatar is 118>>\
<video src="img/dream/special3.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $avatar is 119>>
<video src="img/church/sin.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop muted></video>
<<elseif $avatar is 120>>\
<video src="img/church/sin2.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop muted></video>
<<elseif $avatar is 121>>\
<video src="img/church/sin3.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop muted></video>
<<elseif $avatar is 122>>\
<video src="img/dream/special4.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $avatar is 123>>\
<video src="img/dream/special5.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $avatar is 124>>\
<video src="img/dream/special6.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop muted></video>
<<elseif $avatar is 125>>\
<video src="img/dream/special7.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $avatar is 126>>\
<video src="img/chloe/chloe.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $avatar is 127>>\
<video src="img/sophia/clinic/zizilia/avatar.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $avatar is 128>>\
<video src="img/sophia/clinic/zizilia/avatar2.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<widget "precorrupt">>\
<<if $stepc is 1>>\
<<elseif $stepc is 2>>\
!!!Slightly Pure
<<elseif $stepc is 3>>\
!!!Questionable Pure
<<widget "corruptionlevel">>\
<<if $corruptionlevel is 1>>\
!!!Corruption Level:$corruptionlevel
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 2 and $bimboend is 3>>\
!!!Corruption Level: $corruptionlevel
<<set _hold to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _hold is 1>>\
<div class="containerb">Desire<div class="bimmiddle"><div class="imageof">Obey.</div></div></div>
<<elseif _hold is 2>>\
<div class="containerb">Desire<div class="bimmiddle"><div class="imageof">Dumb</div></div></div>
<<elseif _hold is 3>>\
<div class="containerb">Desire<div class="bimmiddle"><div class="imageof">Bimbo</div></div></div>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 2>>\
!!!Corruption Level:$corruptionlevel
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 3 and $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
!!!Corruption Level: $corruptionlevel
<div class="posarousal1">Lusty</div>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 3>>\
!!!Corruption Level: $corruptionlevel
<div class="posarousal">Lust</div>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 4>>\
!!!Corruption Level: $corruptionlevel
<<widget "steal">><<set $steal to Math.clamp($steal + $args[0], 0, 10)>><</widget>>
<<widget "stealpic">>\
<<if $steal is 2>>\
<img src="img/avatars/steal.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<widget "alertbox">>\
<<if $stepc is 2>>\
<img src="img/avatars/bad.jpg" class='medium'>
<<elseif $stepc is 3>>\
<img src="img/avatars/bad.jpg" class='medium'>
<<widget "reputation">><<set $reputation to Math.clamp($reputation + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<widget "camgirl">>\
<img src="img/mcroom/webcam/camgirl.gif" class='avatarbar'/>
<<widget "firstarousal">>\
<video src="img/gif/arousal.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop>
<<widget "energygif">>\
<<if $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lte 39>>\
<img src="img/gif/energy1.webp" class='medium'/>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40 and $fitness lte 59>>
<img src="img/gif/energy2.webp" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $fitness gte 60 and $fitness lte 99>>
<img src="img/gif/energy3.webp" class='medium'/>
<<elseif $fitness gte 100>>\
<img src="img/gif/energy4.webp" class='medium'/>
<<widget "exhausting">>\
<img src="img/gif/walking.gif" class='medium'/>
<<widget "faint">>\
<img src="img/gif/faint.webp" class='large'/>
<<widget "energy">><<silently>>
<<if $fitness lte 14>>
<<set $energy to Math.clamp($energy + $args[0], 0, 100)>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lte 39>>
<<set $energy to Math.clamp($energy + $args[0], 0, 125)>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 40 and $fitness lte 59>>
<<set $energy to Math.clamp($energy + $args[0], 0, 150)>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 60 and $fitness lte 99>>
<<set $energy to Math.clamp($energy + $args[0], 0, 180)>>
<<elseif $fitness is 100>>
<<set $energy to Math.clamp($energy + $args[0], 0, 200)>>
<<widget "arousal">>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<set $arousal to Math.clamp($arousal + $args[0], 0, 120)>>\
<<elseif $zizilia is true and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<set $arousal to Math.clamp($arousal + $args[0], 0, 999)>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<set $arousal to Math.clamp($arousal + $args[0], 0, 200)>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $bimbolvl1 is false>>\
<<set $arousal to Math.clamp($arousal + $args[0], 0, 150)>>\
<<widget "Caption">>\
<div class="statscorrupt"><b>@@color:lightyellow;Created by Livervt@@</b></div>\
<<if $begin is false>>\
<<if $avatar is 0>>\
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true and $arousal gte 100>>\
<div class="posarousal"><i>Horny <<print $name>></i></div><<else>>\
<div class="statscorrupt"><i>@@color:orange;''<<print $name>>''@@</i></div><</if>><</if>>\
<div class="time"><i>Time:<<time>></i><<days>>''Week:$week''</div>\
<<if $stepc lte 3>>\
<<if $corruption gte 5 and $stepc gte 3 and $corruptionlevel is 0 and $lucas is true>>\
<span class="blink"><h3>You can now transform in your Room.</h3></span>\
<div class="stats">\
@@color:lightgreen;''Money:$money $''@@
<<if $fitness lte 14>>\
@@color:turquoise;''Energy:$energy/100'' @@
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lte 39>>\
@@color:turquoise;''Energy:$energy/120'' @@
<<elseif $fitness gte 40 and $fitness lte 59>>\
@@color:turquoise;''Energy:$energy/150'' @@
<<elseif $fitness gte 60 and $fitness lte 99>>\
@@color:turquoise;''Energy:$energy/180'' @@
<<elseif $fitness is 100>>\
@@color:turquoise;''Energy:$energy/200'' @@
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $bimbolvl1 is true and $zizilia is true>>\
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;''Arousal:$arousal/999''@@</div>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $bimbolvl1 is false>>\
<<if $corruption1 is true>><<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<div class="corruptionstat">''Corruption:$corruption/100''</div>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>><div class="corruptionstat">''Corruption:$corruption/200''</div><</if>><</if>>\
<<if $bbcaddiction gte 2>>@@color:white;''Blacked:$bbcaddiction''@@<</if>></div>\
<<if $begin is true>><</if>>\
<<if $energy lte 25>>\
<div class="glowy"><b>You gotta rest!
Or you'll passed out!</b></div><</if>>\
<<widget "Caption2">>
<<if $body is 1>>\
<span class="imagefade"><img src="img/endings/bbc/acolyte.jpg" class="avatarbar"></span>
<<elseif $body is 2>>\
<video src="img/endings/bbc/bbchypno.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop>
<<elseif $body is 3>>
<span class="imagefade"><img src="img/endings/bbc/bimbo.jpg" class="avatarbar"></span>
<<elseif $body is 4>>
<video src="img/endings/bbc/bbchypno2.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop>
<<elseif $body is 5>>
<span class="imagefade"><img src="img/endings/bbc/last.jpg" class="avatarbar"></span>
<<elseif $body is 6>>
<span class="imagefade"><img src="img/endings/bbc/bride.jpg" class="avatarbar"></span>
<<elseif $body is 7>>
<span class="imagefade"><img src="img/endings/bbc/last.jpg" class="avatarbar"></span>
<<elseif $body is 8>>
<video src="img/endings/bbc/family.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop>
<<if $body is 1>>\
!!!Gentlemen's Acolyte
<<elseif $body is 2>>\
<h3><div class="posarousal">Insatiable Slut</div></h3>
<<elseif $body is 3>>\
<div class="posarousal">Number One.</div>
<<elseif $body is 4>>\
<h3><div class="posarousal">Queen.</div></h3>
<<elseif $body is 5>>\
<h3><div class="posarousal">Queen.</div></h3>
<<elseif $body is 6>>\
<h3><div class="posarousal">Bride.</div></h3>
<<elseif $body is 7>>\
<h3><div class="posarousal">Wife.</div></h3>
<<elseif $body is 8>>\
<h3><div class="posarousal">Mother.</div></h3>
<div class="stats">\
<<widget "gossip">>
<<if $reputation lte -1 and $time lte 14 and $schoolenter is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Students mock at you in the hallway.</h4>">>
<<switch random(2)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/gif/loser.gif" class="medium">
<<speech "Ashley" "???">>Look! Check out what she's wearing! Haha!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dylan" "???">>No fucking way! I've got to tell someone else!<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<img src="img/gif/nerd.gif" class="medium">
<<speech "Mitski" "???">>God, who dress like that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "???">>Probably Nerds.<</speech>>
<img src="img/gif/nerd.gif" class="medium">
<<speech "Ashley" "???">>Look! Check out what she's wearing! Haha!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mitski" "???">>This is so embarrassing, haha.<</speech>>
<<widget "time">>\
<<if $time is 0>>
<<elseif $time is 0.5>>
<<elseif $time is 1>>
<<elseif $time is 1.5>>
<<elseif $time is 2>>
<<elseif $time is 2.5>>
<<elseif $time is 3>>
<<elseif $time is 3.5>>
<<elseif $time is 4>>
<<elseif $time is 4.5>>
<<elseif $time is 5>>
<<elseif $time is 5.5>>
<<elseif $time is 6>>
<<elseif $time is 6.5>>
<<elseif $time is 7>>
<<elseif $time is 7.5>>
<<elseif $time is 8>>
<<elseif $time is 8.5>>
<<elseif $time is 9>>
<<elseif $time is 9.5>>
<<elseif $time is 10>>
<<elseif $time is 10.5>>
<<elseif $time is 11>>
<<elseif $time is 11.5>>
<<elseif $time is 12>>
<<elseif $time is 12.5>>
<<elseif $time is 13>>
<<elseif $time is 13.5>>
<<elseif $time is 14>>
<<elseif $time is 14.5>>
<<elseif $time is 15>>
<<elseif $time is 15.5>>
<<elseif $time is 16>>
<<elseif $time is 16.5>>
<<elseif $time is 17>>
<<elseif $time is 17.5>>
<<elseif $time is 18>>
<<elseif $time is 18.5>>
<<elseif $time is 19>>
<<elseif $time is 19.5>>
<<elseif $time is 20>>
<<elseif $time is 20.5>>
<<elseif $time is 21>>
<<elseif $time is 21.5>>
<<elseif $time is 22>>
<<elseif $time is 22.5>>
<<elseif $time is 23>>
<<elseif $time is 23.5>>
<<elseif $time gte 24 and $time lte 29>>\
<<set $time to 0>>0:00
<<elseif $time is 30>>\
<div class="posarousal">My Dear Boy.</div>\
<<widget "days">>\
<<if $day is 1>>
<<elseif $day is 2>>
<<elseif $day is 3>>
<<elseif $day is 4>>
<<elseif $day is 5>>
<<elseif $day is 6>>
<<elseif $day is 7>>
<<widget "weare">>\
<img src="img/phone/weareexclusive.jpg" class='large'/>
<<widget "addtime">>\
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<widget "screwed">>
<img src="img/computer/screwed.webp" width="80%">
Blinky text: @@#blinky;Blinky text@@
$(document).one(':passagerender', function (ev) {
$(ev.content).find("#blinky").fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1);
$(ev.content).find("#blinky").css("color", "red");
setTimeout( function () { $(ev.content).find("#blinky").css("color", "green"); }, 1000);
setTimeout( function () { $(ev.content).find("#blinky").css("color", "blue"); }, 3200);
setTimeout( function () { $(ev.content).find("#blinky").css("color", "white"); }, 5400);
<<widget "devil">>
<video src="img/dream/newyou.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<</widget>><div class="schoolclass1"><div align="center"><b><<audio "outside" pause>><<if $schoolenter is false>><<audio "schoolcrowd" play>><</if>>\
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "bell" play>><</timed>>\
<img src='img/mcroom/school.jpg' class='large98'>
<span id="slut">\
<div class="statsluke">@@color:orange;Reputation in School:$reputationschool@@</div>
<<if $reputationschool lte 14>>\
<div class="dream">\
<img src="img/school/schoolvibe.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<i>Shy Girl</i>
Walking through the school, you feel uncomfortable, nerous and insecure.
Every time when boy are looking at you, right away try to hide in the crowd of students.
If any girl laughs, It makes you think to yourself that they are laughing at you.
<<elseif $reputationschool gte 15 and $reputationschool lte 34 >>\
<div class="schoolclass1">
<img src="img/school/schoolgirls.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:lightyellow;<i>Eager Student</i>@@
You possess some courage, enjoy interacting with people. @@color:hotpink;Mostly with the Boys...@@
Some shy girls don't like to hang out with you anymore.
<<elseif $reputationschool gte 35 and $reputationschool lte 64>>\
<div class="lewd">
<img src="img/school/schoolsluts.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:hotpink;<i>Teasing Girl</i>@@
@@color:pink; A lot of girls admire you and want's to know you.
Boys love to hang around you.
In a private places...@@
<<elseif $reputationschool gte 65 and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $reputationschool lte 89>>\
<div class="daddybox">
<img src="img/school/schoollewd.webp" class='medium'>
<div class="posarousal">School Hottie</div>
@@color:pink;More than half of school knows you and wants to meet you "Alone"@@
@@color:hotpink;Especially, senior boys! Your experience with them is more enjoyable than with juniors.@@
<<if $schoolenter is true and $time lte 16>>\
When you left the class, One of the students bumped at you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah! Watch where are you going!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Student">>Oh! Sorry! Wow... You look so hot!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Humph... Thanks.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Student">>For real! I never seen that smoking lady!<</speech>>
His boner is getting bigger inside his pants.
<<link "<h12>Take him to the empty class</h12>">><<goto "emptyclass">><</link>>
<<elseif $reputationschool gte 90 and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<div class="daddybox"><div align="center">
<img src="img/school/slutschool.jpg" class='medium'>
<div class="posarousal">School Slut</div>
@@color:pink;Everyone knows you in the school. Even teachers has a kink for you.@@
@@color:hotpink;There are rumors that you are selling your body for reputation and to boost your grades. But the fact is...@@
@@color:red;The fact is you want to be fucked from every single time you are around here.@@
<<if $schoolenter is true and $time gte 11.5 and $time lte 16>>\
<<if $mathteacher is true and $time gte 11.5 and $time lte 16>>@@color:orange;((Event Repeatable))@@ <</if>>\
After the classes, Math Professor asked you to stay.
<<link "<h12>Math Professor.</h12>">><<goto "sexafter01">><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $hornystudent is false and $time gte 11.5 and $time lte 16 or $hornystudent is true and $time gte 11.5 and $time lte 16>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Random Student</h12>">>
<<if $hornystudent is true and $time gte 11.5 and $time lte 16>>@@color:orange;((Event Repeatable))@@<</if>>\
When you left the class, One of the students bumped at you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah! Watch where are you going!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Student">>Oh! Sorry! Wow... You look so hot!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Humph... Thanks.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Student">>For real! I never seen that smoking lady!<</speech>>
His boner is getting bigger inside his pants.
<<link "<h12>Take him to the empty class</h12>">><<goto "emptyclass">><</link>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 2>>\
<img src="img/school/schoolsluts.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:hotpink;<i>Bad Girl</i>@@
@@color:pink; A lot of girls admire you and want's to know you.
Boys love to hang around you.
In a private places...@@
<<if $analon is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Under your skirt</h12>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/school/plug.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<div class="posarousal">Wearing an anal plug in school!</div>\
<<speech "Boy2" "Student">>Bro. Did you see that?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Student">>What..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Student">>Maybe my eyes are deceiving me or maybe I saw that girl over there had a thing stuffed up her ass!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Student">>That's anal plug! Fuck. That's hot!<</speech>>
<<if $time lte 15>>\
<<if $boy is true and $eventjack1 is false>>\
<<button [[Go to Jack]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<if $stepc gte 2 and $boy is false and $time lte 10 and $clotheswear is "schooluniform1" or $clotheswear is "schooluniform3" and $stepc gte 2 and $boy is false and $time lte 10>>\
<<button [[Jack]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<if $corruption gte 15 and $teacherhorny is 1>>\
<<button [[Teacher wants to talk with you]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<if $teacherhorny gte 6 and $time gte 16 and $time lte 17.5 and $day lte 5 and $teacherhorny lte 9 and $corruptionlevel lte 3>>\
<<link "<h12>After Class with Mr.Bailey @@color:hotpink;Corruption Level 2@@</h12>">><<goto "Teacher is waiting for you">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>>
<<if $teacherhorny gte 10 and $time gte 16 and $time lte 17.5 and $day lte 5 and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<link "<h12>After Class with Mr.Bailey @@color:hotpink;Corruption Level 3@@</h12>">><<goto "bayleylvl3">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $lenaandluke is false and $time gte 13 and $time lte 15>>\
<<link "<h12>Lena is by the entrance</h12>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "lenaluke">><</link>>
<<if $rogersreport is 4>>\
<<button [[Headmistress Office]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<if $day gte 6 or $time gte 15 and $time lte 19.5 or $schoolenter is true>>\
<img src="img/gif/after.gif" class='medium'>
The lessons are over.
<<if $mitskiafter is 1 and $hiddencamera is true and $time gte 18 and $time lte 19.5>>\
<<link "<h12>Professor's Office</h12>">><<goto "mitskiprof1">><</link>>
<<if $mitskiafter is true and $time gte 15 and $time lte 17 or $mitskiafter is 1 and $time lte 17 and $time gte 15>>\
<<link "<h12>Mitski and Math Professor</h12>">><<goto "mitskiprof">><</link>>
<<if $time gte 20 or $time lte 6>>\
<<button [[Gym]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|outsidenight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Gym]]>><</button>>
<<if $rogers is 0 and $corruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<button "Leave">><<dialog>>
<img src="img/school/head/head.jpg" class='large'>
When you were about to leave the School, By the exit a woman approached you.
She wears elegant clothing that covers her enormously breasts and several small tattoos.
After a while, you realized it was the Headmistress of the School!
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>$name! Here you are.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm... Yes?<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>I'd like to talk with you. Alone. To my office, Please.<</speech>>
<<button [[Headmistress]]>><<masteraudio stop>><<dialogclose>><</button>><</dialog>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>><</if>>\
<div align="center"><b><div class="daddybox"><<audio "opentitle" play>>
<h39>When you woke up you heard some noises in downstairs. This time you overslept as you looked at the time. As you jumps out of the bed, Your $mom comes inside your room. When you looked at your mother after your awful dream, you knew immediately something was wrong. With you. You gotta forget this nightmare sooner or later. </h39>
<img src="img/pbedroom/mom.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Hello Sleepy Head! I just wanted to come by and see if you're ready!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>I'm so sorry, $mom. I just woke up like two minutes ago. I had the most incredible nightmare! It was so intense that I couldn't sleep properly.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh..!! My baby girl... What was that dream about?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>It's... I can't tell you. Not now...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>If you say so, Darling.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>So.. how much time do i got?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh, don't worry! You've got plenty of time. Get your things together, but take your time and make sure you've got everything you need.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>Ok. Okay... But! Why do we have to leave?! I just meet so many friends here. I thought we are happy here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Honey, we talked about this, remember? It's going to be amazing there! I promise you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>I-I know. It still doesn't make sense to me how it happened so suddenly.<</speech>>
Just as $mom was about to tell you her mind, you heard a knock on your door. It was Father, By the look of his face you can tell he is a bit overwhelmed by the move.
$dad was a little disappointed that you were still in your nightwear, but he was really hoping you were ready by then.
<img src="img/avatars/dad.jpg" class="imageright">
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>There you are! You are still in pajamas?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>Oh god. I know. I screwed up, $dad.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>David, Please.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Okay, okay. Don't worry, princess. I'm not mad.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>Thanks. Are we really doing this?<</speech>>
$dad noticed your sad eyes and immediately changed his tone to a warm, comforting one. He came over and gave you a big hug.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yes, Honey. C'mon. Don't be sad! It's for greater good. I promise! From now on. Things will get better.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Listen to your Father. He is telling truth.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>I.. Yes. Dad. I understand.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Remember, We love you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>I love you too.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh... You guys. Are so sweet.<</speech>>
Mom and Dad smiled with a warm gesture.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Martha, If you got time. I need your help.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Of course but can you give me a few seconds alone with our sleepyhead?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Sure, I'll be downstairs packing our luggage.<</speech>>
$dad left your room leaving you alone with your Mom.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Now that we are alone. We gotta talk.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>As i was promised, Our life is going to get better if... As I'm trying to say, you need to grow up!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>What do you want your future to look like? Pursue that dream and become the person you've always wanted to be. Help, care and be reasonable. Now that you are that age. I believe you will make sensible decisions. Live the best of your life.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>$mom..? I... What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Someday, Sooner or later. You'll be alone with everything. And i hope you'll be better human than me...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player">>$mom?! What are you talking about? Is something wrong?<</speech>>
You can swear that your $mom is crying as she were leaving your room in hurry.
Some of her words gave you food for thought and also stuck with you for the rest of your future life.
As you were packing up, You found some kind of note on the floor.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Take the note</h4>">>
<img src="img/ui/note.jpg" class='small'>
<<set $hasList to true>>
<<button [[Read the note|start2]]>><</button>>
</b><div class="mombox3"><b>\
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>\
@@color:orange; Your $dad hasn't really said what he does for a living, but you think it's something to do with the police or something more than that. Anyway, your $dad just got promoted but in one conditon, To move out to the other city.
From that day you were mad and sad beacuse of moving out. Your folks decided without you to move out and live there. You were devastated by this news at first, but after a few moments and a chat with your mum, you realised that moving to a foreign city was an exciting opportunity.@@
<img src="img/avatars/dad.jpg" class='ward'>
@@color:lightblue;Your $dad's name is David. When you were a kid, he was so busy with work and other things that he didn't have much time for you. After promotion, there might be a chance he will be able to take care of you. However, the relationship with his mother is excellent, They always tells their secrets to each other. $mom and $dad love each other very romantically, mostly when you are around. That is what you think. But reality? You'll find out sooner or later.@@
<img src="img/pbedroom/mother.jpg" width="400" height="350">
@@color:pink;Your $mom's name is Martha. Perfect housewife, good listener, fine cook and proper teacher. She's working in some kind of office job. After David got promotion, $mom is about to find he new or similiar job in the new city. That you are hoping for, beacuse you know she loves that kind of work. Your gut tells you that $mom is hiding something darker inside her. On one or two occasions, you heard her crying and heard her speaking in an unfamiliar language to herself.@@
@@color:lightyellow;You are one of the kind sweet innocent girl, who didn't like going outside very much. You find it challenging to make new friends and feel like you're constantly searching for that special someone to connect with. Your $mom understands you very well, She's totally on the same wavelength as you, unlike your $dad. $dad is sometimes very pushy and strict towards you, but it's because he wants you to be the best you can be. That's what your Mom tells you.@@
@@color:pink;That's you.. Well... For now.@@
<img src="img/avatars/you.jpg" class="small">
<<button [[Your House]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Gifts</h4>">>
<table style width="100%">\
<th><<if $gift1 is false>><img src='img/mall/whiskey.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy Whiskey (65$) </h7>">>
<<if $money gte 65>><<money -65>><<set $gift1 to true>>
<<goto "SHOP">>
<<elseif $money lte 64>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<th><<if $gift2 is false>><img src='img/mall/pen.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy Pen (40$) </h7>">>
<<if $money gte 40>><<money -40>><<set $gift2 to true>>
<<goto "SHOP">>
<<elseif $money lte 39>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<th><<if $gift3 is false>><img src='img/mall/purse.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy Purse (80$) </h7>">>
<<if $money gte 80>><<money -80>><<set $gift3 to true>>
<<goto "SHOP">>
<<elseif $money lte 79>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<table style width="100%">\
<th><<if $gift4 is false>><img src='img/mall/makeupkit.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy makeupkit (150$) </h7>">>
<<if $money gte 150>><<money -150>><<set $gift4 to true>>
<<goto "SHOP">>
<<elseif $money lte 149>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<th><<if $gift5 is false>><img src='img/mall/sunglasses.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy makeupkit (50$) </h7>">>
<<if $money gte 50>><<money -50>><<set $gift5 to true>>
<<goto "SHOP">>
<<elseif $money lte 49>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Erotic Stuff</h4>">>
<table style width="100%">\
<th><<if $hasDildo is false>><img src='img/mcroom/dildo.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy Dildo (85$)@@color:red;((Corruption Level 1))@@ </h7>">>
<<if $money gte 85 and $corruptionlevel gte 1>><<money -85>><<set $hasDildo to true>>
<<goto "SHOP">>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 0>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>A dildo?! Why would i need that?! That's stupid!<</speech>>
<<elseif $money lte 84>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<th><<if $blackdildo is false>><img src='img/elijah/dildo.webp' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy Black Dildo (125$) @@color:red;((Blacked))@@</h7>">>
<<if $elijahpoints gte 1>>\
<<speech "Boy1" "Clerk">>There is no need to hands me a money, miss. Your *Cough* Patreon bought it already for you. Here is some lube for free.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh. Thanks.<</speech>>
<<set $blackdildo to true>>
<<button "Back to Store">><<goto "SHOP">><</button>>
<<elseif $elijahpoints is 0>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Why would I ever buy this Huge Dildo?! That would be insane!!!<</speech>>
<<elseif $money lte 124>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<th><<if $analplug is false>><img src='img/mcroom/plug.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy Anal Plug (150$) @@color:red;((Corruption Level 3))@@</h7>">>
<<if $money gte 150 and $corruptionlevel gte 3>><<money -150>><<set $analplug to true>>
<<goto "SHOP">>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Anal Plug?! Why would i buy that?! <</speech>>
<<elseif $money lte 99>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<table style width="100%">\
<th><<if $bookerotic is false>><img src='img/ui/book.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy Erotic Novel (100$) @@color:red;((Corruption Level 2))@@</h7>">>
<<if $money gte 100 and $corruptionlevel gte 2>><<money -100>><<set $bookerotic to true>>
<<goto "SHOP">>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel lte 1>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>A erotic novel book about Mom who have intense intimate relationship with her own daughter... Oh my god! That is disgusting!<</speech>>
<<elseif $money lte 99>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<th><<if $sextoy1 is false>><img src='img/mcroom/webcam/toy.webp' class="image">
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy Remote control Vibrator (200$) @@color:red;((Corruption Level 1))@@</h7>">>
<<if $money gte 200 and $corruptionlevel gte 1>><<money -200>><<set $sextoy1 to true>>
<<goto "SHOP">>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel lte 0>>\
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Why do i need that?<</speech>>
<<elseif $money lte 199>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<table><th><<if $pantywib is false>><img src='img/mall/panties.png' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy Vibrating Panties (125$) @@color:red;((Corruption Level 2))@@</h7>">>
<<if $money gte 125 and $corruptionlevel gte 2>><<money -125>><<set $pantywib to true>>
<<goto "SHOP">>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel lte 1>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>A kinky vibrating panties. Who would i need that?!<</speech>>
<<elseif $money lte 124>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<th><<if $bbcmagazine is false>><img src='img/mall/bbcmagazine.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy Interacial Porn (100$)@@color:pink;((Blacked +3))@@ @@color:red;((Corruption Level 2))@@ </h7>">>
<<if $money gte 100 and $corruptionlevel gte 2>><<money -100>><<set $bbcmagazine to true>><<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction +3>>
<<goto "SHOP">>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel lte 1>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Why would i buy that?! It's.... too much!<</speech>>
<<elseif $money lte 99>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<<button [[Leave|mall]]>><</button>>
<div align="center"><div class="lucasoffice"><b><<audio "shower" stop>>\
<<if $fcorruptionlevel gte 2>>
<span id="dad">
<img src="img/shower/dad.jpg" class='medium'>
$dad is taking a shower.
Watching him makes you really horny. You are craving for his Big hard Cock.
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<link "<h4>Join him</h4>">><<replace "#dad">>
<<set _s to random (1,2)>>\
<<if _s is 1>>
<<include "dadshower1">>
<<elseif _s is 2>>
<<include "dadshower2">>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<fcorruption 2>>@@color:violet;$dad Corruption +2@@
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<link "<h12>Join him (Corruption Level 3)</h12>">><<goto "dadbathroomsex">><</link>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 1 and $fcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<span id="dad2">
<img src="img/shower/dad.jpg" class='large'>
$dad left a door slightly open.
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>\
<<if $peekdadshower is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Watch $dad</h6>">><<replace "#dad2">>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<video src="img/shower/peekingdad.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
$dad is taking a time in the Bathroom.
Vision of you still haunts him after that night.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">><sub>Ahh...$name... One day...</sub><</speech>>
Through the doorway you see him give himself away in pleasure without you.
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Daddy?<</speech>>
<<arousal 15>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div>
<<elseif $peekdadshower is false>>\
<<link "<h12>Peek</h12>">><<goto "dadshower">><</link>><</if>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 1 and $fcorruptionlevel lte 0 or $fcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<img src="img/shower/dad.jpg" class='large'>
Peeping at his $dad as he wipes his naked body with a towel.
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name">>Damn... $dad has perfect body.<</speech>>
<<arousal 5>><div class="pos">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +5@@</div>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel lte 0 or $fcorruptionlevel is 0>>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<img src="img/shower/dadocupy.jpg" class="medium2">
$dad is taking a time in the Bathroom.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hey! It's Occupied!<</speech>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<div align="center"><div class="lewd"><b>\
<video autoplay loop width="1500" height="1000" controls>
<source src="img/shower/showerdad1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Get in <u>daddy</u><</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh you teaser. I'm going [[in|Showerdad2]].<</speech>>
</div><div align="center"><div class="penis"><b>\
<video autoplay loop width="1500" height="1000" controls>
<source src="img/shower/showerdad2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Okay that's enough let's leave before your mother gets suspicious<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay, thanks for washing my back daddy<</speech>>
She smirks.
</div>\<div align="center"><div class="mombox3"><b>\
<<if $hasDildo is true or $blackdildo is true or $analplug is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h20>Sex Toys</h20>">>\
<<if $analon is true and $analplug is true>>\
<h3>Take out Anal Plug</h3>
<<link "<img src='img/mcroom/plugass.jpg' class='mediumcity'>">>
<video src="img/mcroom/out.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<set $analon to false>><<upd>>@@color:orange;You take out Anal plug!@@
<<button "Close">><<goto "drawer">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<if $analplug is true and $analon is false>>\
<h3>Insert Anal Plug</h3>
<<link "<img src='img/mcroom/plug.jpg' class='mediumcity'>">>
<video src="img/mcroom/plug.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<set $analon to true>><<upd>>@@color:orange;You plugged your anus hole with Anal Plug!@@
<<button "Close">><<goto "drawer">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<if $hasDildo is true>>\
<h3>Normal Dildo</h3>
<<link "<img src='img/mcroom/dildo.jpg' class='mediumcity'>">><<audio "doorlock" play>><<goto "Dildomasturbate">><</link>>
<<if $blackdildo is true>>\
<h3>Black Dildo</h3>
<<link "<img src='img/elijah/dildo.webp' class='mediumcity'>">>
<<if $elijahpoints is 1>><<dialog>>Is it wise to use it without Master's Approval?
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>><</dialog>><<elseif $elijahpoints gte 3>><<goto "trainthroat">><</if>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><</button>>
<div align="center"><div class="lewd"><b>\
<img src="img/mcroom/nap.jpg" width="400" height="450">
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<energy 15>> <div class="power">Energy +15</div>
<<button [[Get Up|mcroom]]>><</button>>
</div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<h2>''Living Room.''</h2>
<<linkreplace "<h4>@@color:orange;Family picture@@</h4>">>
<<timed 50ms t8n>><img src='img/livingroom/familypic.jpg' class='large'><</timed>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Thoughts</h4>">>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Corruption Level 0</h6>">>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>The photo was taken after we moved. $mom and $dad look happy here. Happy Family! Still though, I'm not sure about this place. I'm hopeful that new people will change my mind.<</speech>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Corruption Level 1</h6>">>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah.. This picture looks pretty cute. My old school outfit looks ridiculous. $dad and $mom looks happy here i guess. $mom's face looks a little unhappy about something. Perhaps due to lack of work? $dad is bit a occupied with his work.<</speech>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Corruption Level 2</h6>">>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh god. This picture is haunting my dreams. Looking awful here... And that Outfit! Yuck!! At least $mom's career is going well? She got a job but we don't know how and when. After that meet with Lucas in the mall, $mom being weird lately.<</speech>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Corruption Level 3</h6>">>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>The old me, $dad and $mom. It's been awhile!There are many things missing here. One in particular - Luke. How we could take that photo without him?!<</speech>>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>$dad and Me</h6>">>\
<img src='img/livingroom/thoughtsdad.jpg' class='mediumc'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><<if $fcorruptionlevel lte 1>>$dad is being better. <<elseif $fcorruptionlevel gte 2>>@@color:orange;<i>Daddy is much better now and in pleasing my needs! I think... I think i'm in love. Before then I had never looked at him like that. Now i wish to be alone with him all the time! Being a fuck toy for Daddy.</i>@@<</if>><</speech>><</linkreplace>><</if>>\
<<if $arguefamily is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom and $dad</h6>">>\
<img src='img/luke/corruption/parentsargue2.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's been a while. $mom and $dad are in bad terms. $dad is suspicious of $mom for betraying and $mom has no use of $dad.<</speech>>
<span id="ReplaceMe"><<link "<h4>Play on Console</h4>">>
<<replace "#ReplaceMe">>
<<energy -10>>
<<switch random(4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/livingroom/gaming1.gif" width="50%">
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>
<<case 2>>
<video width="700" height="700" controls autoplay muted>
<source src="img/livingroom/gaming2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>
<<case 3>>
<img src="img/livingroom/gaming3.gif" width="50%">
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>
<<case 4>>
<video width="700" height="700" controls autoplay muted>
<source src="img/livingroom/gaming4.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>
<img src="img/livingroom/gaming1.gif" width="50%">
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>
<<if $energy lte 25>>\
You are exhausted
<<elseif $clotheswear is "sport" and $energy gte 26 or $clotheswear is "sport1" and $energy gte 26>>
<<button [[Yoga]]>><</button>>
You need a Sport outfit to do a yoga.
<<if $energy gte 25 and $vacuum is false>>\
<<button [[Vacuum]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $energy lte 24>>
I don't feel to vacuum.
<<elseif $vacuum is true>>
It's already been vacuumed.
<<if $day lte 5 and $time gte 14 and $time lte 14.5 and $touchmom is true or $mcorruptionlevel gte 2 and $day lte 5 and $time gte 14 and $time lte 15>>\
<<button [[$mom's Attention|Mom's Attention]]>><</button>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
<div class="textbox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<button [[Surf the web]]>><</button>>
<<button "Change Relationships">><<goto "changerelit">><</button>>
<<button [[Cheats]]>><</button>>
<<if $hiddencamera is true>>\
<<button [[Spy Cameras]]>><</button>>
<<if $show is true>>\
<<button [[Camera Show]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Scenes]]>><</button>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 1 or $arousal gte 50>>\
<<button [[Porn]]>><</button>>
<sub>(need more arousal or another level corruption)</sub>
<<button [[Profiles]]>><</button>>
<<if $clubinvite is true>>\
<<button [[WeAreExclusive|Your Page]]>><</button>>
<<if $lucaseurope is true>>\
<<button [[Recording]]>><</button>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<link "<h50>@@color:hotpink;Watch@@</h50>">><<goto "bimbovid">><</link>>
<<if $tabletsophia gte 1>>\
<<link "<h50>Sophia's Tablet</h50>">><<goto "tabletsophia">><</link>>\
<<if $elijah gte 3>>
<<link "<h50>White Bunnies</h50>">><<if $whiteavatar is 0>><<goto "whiteprofile">><<elseif $whiteavatar gte 1>><<goto "elijahweb">><</if>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $bimbo gte 2 and $bbcaddiction gte 10 and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<h2>BBC Ending</h2>
<<link "<h50>Call Marcus @@color:hotpink;(Blacked 10)@@</h50>">><<goto "CALL MARCUS">><</link>>\
<<elseif $bimbo gte 2 and $bbcaddiction lte 9 and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h50>Call Marcus @@color:hotpink;(Blacked 10)@@</h50>">>\<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nope! Why would i do it?<</speech>><</linkreplace>>\
<<button [[Turn off|mcroom]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "crowd" stop>><<set _m to random(1,3)>><<if _m is 1>><<musicmall1>><<elseif _m is 2>><<musicmall2>><<elseif _m is 3>><<musicmall3>><</if>><<audio "outside" pause>>\
<<if $evatask is 1 and $time lte 15 and $time gte 14>>\
<<link "<h6>Camila</h6>">><<goto "camilamall">><</link>>
<<if $time gte 6>>\
<<if $reputation gte 8>>\
<<set _talk to either(true,false,false)>>\
<<if _talk is true>>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>A few men can't stop looking at you.</h4>">>\
<<switch random(3)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<img src="img/gif/city/walkmall.webp" class='medium'>
<<case 2>>\
<img src="img/gif/city/walkmall2.webp" class='medium'>
<<case 3>>\
<img src="img/gif/city/walk7.webp" class='medium'>
<img src="img/gif/city/walkmall2.webp" class='medium'>
Boys in the mall can't take eyes from you.
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's mind">>Wow i'm really making impression here.<</speech>>
<<arousal 5>> @@color:Hotpink; +5 Arousal@@<<upd>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<include "publicsex">>
<<if $time gte 21>>\
<<button [[Leave|outsidenight]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/clothingstore.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "clothingstore">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/shop.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "SHOP">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/eletronics.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "eletronics">><</link>></th>
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $week lte 3>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/cafe.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "cafe">><</link>></th>
<<elseif $week gte 4>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/restaurant.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<if $restaurantstart is false>><<goto "restaurantstart">><<else>><<goto "restaurant">><</if>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/jewerlystore.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "jewerlystore">><</link>></th>
<<if $time gte 20 or $time lte 5.5>>\
<<button [[Leave|outsidenight]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<button [[Rest|chill at the mall]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<if $time lte 5.5>>\
<<button [[Leave|outsidenight]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center">\
Thanks HiEv for code, tips, tricks. Make it easier and fun.
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Alex Grey - https://twitter.com/alexgreyxxx?lang=en
Cherie Deville - https://twitter.com/cheriedeville?lang=en
Lena Paul - https://twitter.com/lenaisapeach?lang=en
Maitland Ward - https://twitter.com/maitlandward
Diana Cherry - https://chaturbate.com/dianacherry/?language=en
Cas Summer - https://onlyfans.com/csblondebombshell
Kyler Quinn - https://onlyfans.com/kylerquinnporn
Naomi Woods - https://onlyfans.com/lissapolooza
Karma Rx - https://allmylinks.com/karmarx
Manuel Ferrara - https://manuelferrara.com/
Jason Luv - https://twitter.com/iamjasonluv
Elsa Jean - https://www.instagram.com/elsajeanofficial/?hl=en
Sophie Gem - https://twitter.com/sophiegem1
Charma Kelley - https://www.instagram.com/shellybabexo/
Lily Larimar - https://www.instagram.com/lily.larimar/?hl=en
Chloe Cherry - https://www.instagram.com/perfect_angelgirl/?hl=en
Alyce Anderson - https://mobile.twitter.com/alyceandersonxx
Loren Strawberry (Scene with Second Client) - https://twitter.com/lorenstrawberr1
Chantal Danielle - https://www.instagram.com/chantal_danielle_/?hl=en
Haley Reed - https://www.instagram.com/thehaleyreed/?hl=en
Angela White - https://www.instagram.com/theangelawhite/
Christina Savoy - https://www.instagram.com/allamericanbarbie/?hl=en
Lana Rhoades - https://www.instagram.com/lanarhoades/
Kendra Lust - https://twitter.com/KendraLust
Emma Starletto - https://www.instagram.com/realemmastarletto/?hl=en
Lilly Bell - https://twitter.com/yourfavlil?lang=en
Jessa Rhodes - https://twitter.com/MissJessaRhodes
Gabbie Carter - https://www.instagram.com/ailahoverton_/
Skylar Vox - https://twitter.com/onlyskylarvox
Scarlet Chase - https://www.scarletchase.com/
Giselle Palmer - https://www.instagram.com/honky_tonkangel/
Veronica Avluv - https://allmylinks.com/veronicaavluv
Scarlett Hampton - https://twitter.com/scarletthampt0n?lang=en
Violet Myers - https://twitter.com/violetsaucy
Lulu Chu - https://twitter.com/luluchuofficial
Kenzie Anne - https://www.instagram.com/misskenzieanne/
Brandi Love - https://twitter.com/brandi_love
Reagan Foxx - https://onlyfans.com/thereaganfoxx
Ryan Conner - https://onlyfans.com/ryanconner69
Alexis Fawx - https://onlyfans.com/alexisfawx
Kitana Montana - https://onlyfans.com/kitanamontana
Lucas with Martha Hotel Scene : Halsey - I am not a woman, I'm a god
Lucas with MC : MK II · NXVXRMXSS
MC with Father Hotel Scene - Isolate.exe - Crystals
MC with Father Night Hotel Scene - anzorsmeda – you and me
Corruption 3 Transition: SayRex - RECOGNITION OF REALITY
Estate Office : bl00dwave - missing you
Mall: Don Quijote - Yakuza
Shop: ESPRIT 空想 - Play That Thing Again
Selfies : Shoji正治 - Fade Away
Client 1 : bodyline- Downtown
Client 2: Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross - Secrets
Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross - A Thousand Details
Client 3 : Jon/Donson - Still loving
Taxi: Hechizeros Band - El Sonidito
$uLTANR$ - Alone
$uLTANR$ - Cold Nights
Wilee - Night Drive
Nine Inch Nails - Ghosts II - 16
Shadow lady (phonk Remix)
Pastel Ghost - Silhouette
Basement Love - Gentlewave
あなたが洗い流されます - Haircuts for Men
Lindsheaven Virtual Plaza - Weather Scanning
Image used:
Video edited in:
- Adobe Premiere Pro -
- Adobe After Effects -
- Adobe Photoshop -
- OBS -
- HitPaw Video Enhancer -
Audio edited in:
- Fl studio -
</div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center">\
<h2>A Cafe</h2>
<<if $time gte 19>>\
<<link "<h4>Order a Coffee for $5</h4>">><<goto "cafecoffee">><</link>>
<<if $interview is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Ask for work</h4>">>
You asked the person behind the cash register if they were hiring.
They said they were. A few seconds later, the cafe manager showed up.
<<speech "Manager">>Hello! I heard that you were looking for a work. We'll be happy get you on the board!<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Hmm. It's good opportunity to earn some money.<</speech>>
<img src="img/cafe/job.jpg" width="30%">
<<button [[Apply for a Job]]>><</button>>
<<if $energy lte 40 and $interview is true>>\
<img src="img/avatars/exhaust.jpg" class='medium'>
I'm exhausted to work.
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/roomsocial.jpg' class='medium'>">><<goto "roomsocial">><</link>></th>
You can rest in the Social Room.
<<elseif $clotheswear is "uniformwork">>\
<<if $week gte 2>>
<i>@@color:orange;The cafe will be converted into a new restaurant! The owner of the cafe has signed a contract and another corporation will take the business. Don't worry you can also work for them if it suits you.@@</i>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/1hwork.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<set $clotheswear to "uniformwork">><<goto "work">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/workshift.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<set $clotheswear to "uniformwork">>\<<goto "workshift">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/roomsocial.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "roomsocial">><</link>></th>
<<if $interview is true>>\
<<button [[Locker]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|mall]]>><</button>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/gif/waitress.webp" class='medium'>
Working for an hour.
<div class="pilka">
<div class="power">-20 Energy</div>
<div class="money">+10 Money</div></div>\
<<energy -20>>\
<<set $money to $money +10>>\
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<if $corruption gte 10>>\
The old man looks at your ass.
<<linkreplace "Show him more">>
<img src="img/cafe/showass.webp" class='medium'>
He liked it and gave you a tip.
<<money 5>>@@color:lightgreen;Money +5@@
<<arousal 5>> @@color:hotpink;Arousal +5@@<<upd>>
<<case 2>>
<img src="img/gif/waitress1.gif" class='medium'>
Working for an hour.
<div class="power">-20 Energy</div>
<div class="money">+10 Money</div>
<img src="img/mall/customer.jpg" class='medium'>
The customer shows a lot of clavage.
<<arousal 10>> @@color:hotpink;+10 Arousal@@
<<energy -20>>\
<<set $money to $money +10>>\
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<case 3>>
<img src="img/gif/waitressfail.gif" class='medium'>
You tripped and spilled the drinks on customers.
<<speech "Manager">>Can't pay you for the fail. Only 20% of it.<</speech>>
<div class="pilka">
<div class="power">-20 Energy</div>
<div class="money">+2 Money</div></div>\
<<energy -20>>\
<<set $money to $money +10>>\
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<case 4>>
<img src="img/gif/waitress1.gif" class='medium'>
Working for an hour.
<div class="pilka">
<div class="power">-20 Energy</div>
<div class="money">+10 Money</div></div>\
<<speech "Manager">>$name it's time to clean the bathroom.<</speech>>
You went to clean the bathroom.
<img src="img/mall/bathroom.webp" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>SORRY!<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name">>Some people fucking in the public bathroom. Great.<</speech>>
<<arousal 15>><div class="posarousal"> +15 Arousal </div>
<<energy -20>>\
<<set $money to $money +10>>\
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<case 5>>
<img src="img/mall/rude.jpg" class='medium'>
A snob lady throw some kind of paper on the floor
<<speech "Girl1" "Lady">>Come on girl. Clean it up.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's mind">>Clean it up yourself, you bitch.<</speech>>
Too much stress in work.
<div class="pilka">
<div class="power">-20 Energy</div>
<div class="money">+2 Money</div></div>\
<<energy -20>>\
<<set $money to $money +2>>\
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<img src="img/gif/waitress.webp" class='medium'>
Working for an hour.
<div class="pilka">
<div class="power">-20 Energy</div>
<div class="money">+10 Money</div></div>\
<<energy -20>>\
<<set $money to $money +10>>\
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<if $corruption gte 10>>\
The old man looks at your ass.
<<linkreplace "Show him more">>
<img src="img/cafe/showass.webp" class='medium'>
He liked it and gave you a tip.
<<money 5>>@@color:lightgreen;Money +5@@
<<arousal 5>> @@color:hotpink;Arousal +5@@<<upd>>
<<button [[Leave|cafe]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/gif/waitress.webp" class='medium'>
Working for 4 hours
<div class="pos"><div class="power">-40 Energy</div>
<div class="money">+25 Money</div></div>
<<energy -40>>\
<<set $money to $money +25>>\
<<set $time to $time +4>>\
<<if $corruption gte 10>>\
<<set _old to either(true,false)>>
<<if _old is true>>\
The old man looks at your ass.
<<linkreplace "Show him more">>
<img src="img/cafe/showass.webp" class='medium'>
He liked it and gave you a tip.<div class="pos">
<<money 5>>@@color:lightgreen;Money +5@@
<<arousal 5>> @@color:hotpink;Arousal +5@@<<upd>></div>
<<case 2>>
<img src="img/gif/waitress1.gif" class='medium'>
Working for 4 hours
<div class="pos"><div class="power">-40 Energy</div>
<div class="money">+25 Money</div></div>
<<energy -40>>\
<<set $money to $money +25>>\
<<set $time to $time +4>>\
<<if $corruption gte 10>>\
<<set _old to either(true,false)>>
<<if _old is true>>\
The old man looks at your ass.
<<linkreplace "Show him more">>
<img src="img/cafe/showass.webp" class='medium'>
He liked it and gave you a tip.<div class="pos">
<<money 5>>@@color:lightgreen;Money +5@@
<<arousal 5>> @@color:hotpink;Arousal +5@@<<upd>></div>
<img src="img/mall/customer.jpg" class='medium'>
The customer shows a lot of clavage.
<<arousal 10>> @@color:hotpink;+10 Arousal@@
<<case 3>>
<img src="img/gif/waitressfail.gif" class='medium'>
You tripped and spilled the drinks on customers.
<<speech "Manager">>Can't pay you for the fail. Only 20% of it.<</speech>>
<div class="pos"><div class="power">-40 Energy</div>
<div class="money">+5 Money</div></div>
<<energy -40>>\
<<set $money to $money +5>>\
<<set $time to $time +4>>\
<<case 4>>
<img src="img/gif/waitress1.gif" class='medium'>
Working for an hour.
<div class="pos"><div class="power">-40 Energy</div>
<div class="money">+25 Money</div></div>
<<speech "Manager">>$name it's time to clean the bathroom.<</speech>>
You went to clean the bathroom.
<img src="img/mall/bathroom.webp" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>SORRY!<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name">>Some people fucking in the public bathroom. Great.<</speech>>
<<arousal 15>><div class="posarousal"> @@color:hotpink;+15 Arousal@@</div>
<<energy -40>>\
<<set $money to $money +25>>\
<<set $time to $time +4>>\
<<case 5>>
<img src="img/mall/rude.jpg" class='medium'>
<<if $corruption gte 10>>\
<span id="rude">
A rude person throw some paper on the floor.
<<speech "Girl1" "Lady">>Come on girl, Clean it up.<</speech>>
<<link "Take the Paper">><<replace "#rude">>
You took the paper from the floor.
As you were in the floor she teases you with the foot.
<<link "Lick the foot">><<replace "#rude">>
<img src="img/cafe/lickfoot.webp" class='medium'>
<div class="pos"><div class="power">-40 Energy</div>
<div class="money">+25 Money</div>
<div class="money">+5 Money</div> Tip from the lady.</div>
<<money 30>><<energy -40>>
The customer likes how you handle with this awkward situation.
<<link "Go away from her">><<replace "#rude">>
Too much stress in work.
<div class="pos"><div class="power">-40 Energy</div>
<div class="money">+4 Money</div></div>
<<energy -40>>\
<<money 4>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<speech "Girl1" "Lady">>Come on girl, Clean it up.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's mind">>Clean it up yourself, you bitch.<</speech>>
Too much stress in work.
<div class="pos"><div class="power">-40 Energy</div>
<div class="money">+4 Money</div></div>
<<energy -40>>\
<<money 4>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<img src="img/gif/waitress.webp" class='medium'>
Working for 4 hours
<div class="pos"><div class="power">-40 Energy</div>
<div class="money">+25 Money</div></div>
<<energy -40>>\
<<set $money to $money +25>>\
<<set $time to $time +4>>\
<<if $corruption gte 10>>\
<<set _old to either(true,false)>>
<<if _old is true>>\
The old man looks at your ass.
<<linkreplace "Show him more">>
<img src="img/cafe/showass.webp" class='medium'>
He liked it and gave you a tip.
<div class="pos"><<money 5>>@@color:lightgreen;Money +5@@
<<arousal 5>> @@color:hotpink;Arousal +5@@<<upd>></div>
<<button [[Leave|cafe]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><h2>Bedroom</h2><b><<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<if $time gte 9 and $time lte 10 and $momerotic gte 2 and $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>
<<if $momerotic is 2>>\
<img src="img/mom/momreads.jpg" class='medium'>
$mom is reading the book.
<<linkreplace "<h12>Book</h12>">>
You see that the book you gave her is open. Apparently, the book has caught her interest. You may proceed with the action.
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<set $momerotic to 3>><<mcorruption 5>> @@color:violet;Mother Corruption +5@@
<<if $momerotic gte 3 and $momout is false>>\
<span id ="book">
<img src="img/mom/momreads.jpg" class='medium'>
<<linkreplace "<h12>$mom reads a book</h12>">>
You see that the book you gave her is open. Apparently, the book has caught her interest. You may proceed with the action.
<<link "<h7>Join your $mom</h7>">><<replace "#book">>
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/tempt1.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
$mom is halfway through the book, That book got her intrested.
Let's see if it works! You head to $mom's bed.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So.. How's the book?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>It is... very... pretty... good...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Tease your $mom</h7>">>
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/tempt2.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
$mom takes her eye off the book.
She is looking at your young body.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name... Wow... you have such a nice body...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks $mom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Can...i...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Yhmm... Go clean the room! Shush!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay... $mom.<</speech>>
$mom got up and showed you where the doors are.
<<mcorruption 5>><<set $momout to true>><<set $time to $time +0.5>>@@color:violet;$mom corruption +5@@
<<elseif $momout is true>>
$mom is busy at this moment.
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel gte 2 and $momerotic gte 2>>\
<img src="img/mom/momreads2.jpg" class='medium'>
$mom is reading Erotic Book.
<<link "<h7>@@color:hotpink;Her fascination with the Book@@</h7>">><<goto "mombedroomkiss">><</link>>
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel is 1 and $momerotic gte 2>>\
<img src="img/mom/momreads.jpg" class='medium'>
$mom is reading Erotic Book.
<<linkreplace "<h12>Book</h12>">>
You see that the book you gave her is open. Apparently, the book has caught her interest.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey $mom! Still reading that book?<</speech>>
<img src="img/mom/bedroom/freeday.jpg" class='imageleftc'>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Of course. That plot! Is so interesting. A $mom and her $daughter went on vacation in search of their hidden desires... Emm.. $name, I think.. It is not for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No way. Tell me more!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Honey... Please. I told you enough. Now go! Shush!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jeez...<</speech>>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<if $sophiameets is 1 and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Talk with $mom about the surgery</h4>">>
Mom is relaxing in the Bedroom.
She detected you right away.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Hey Sweety.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey $mom. Tired?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>You could say that. Yesterday was a long day...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Then i don't want to disturb you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh Honey. You don't disturb me. We can talk. What is it?<</speech>>
<img src="img/mom/talkmom.jpg" class='imageleftc'>
You looked at $mom's tits, And you very envy of them.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well... I'm at that age. I... I'm thinking about making adjustments...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Adjustments? What do you mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of my body.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>What?!? Are you thinking of having surgery?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, $mom. Lately... I don't feel happy . By looking at your boobs.... I envy them, very much.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh my God! $name! This is a serious matter!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I know, I'm old enough to decide what's good for me! I just wanted to let you know that I am considering doing the surgery.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I don't know what to say...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Show Picture</h4>">>
<img src="img/dad/talkoperation.jpg" class="medium">
You are showing some picture from the web.
She couldn't take her eyes off this photo
<<speech "Player" "$name">>See $mom? She looks a lot better!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name...<</speech>>
You left $mom with the picture alone.
<<if $mcorruptionlevel gte 1 and $day gte 6 and $time gte 7 and $time lte 10>>
<img src="img/mom/gym/sport.jpg" class="medium">
Mom is getting ready for the Gym.
<<button [[Energetic Mom]]>><</button>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id ="suck">\
<h2> Your $parents Bedroom </h2>
<<if $daddrugged is false and $fcorruptionlevel lte 2 and $time gte 23 or $time lte 6>>\
<img src="img/pbedroom/momanddad.jpg" class='medium'>
Your $parents are sleeping together. It's hard to wake them up.
<<if $bimboend is 3 and $fcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<link"<h6> Bimbo Influence</h6>">><<replace "#suck">>
<video src="img/dad/bednight/sleepsuck.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>I can't control myself! I need to suck so Manly Yummy COCK!<</speech>>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>That cock... My mouth gets wetter every time I look at his cock.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6> Daddy's Cock.</h6>">><<replace "#suck">>
<video src="img/dad/bednight/sleepsuck2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>Mmm... I love that taste... That smell...<</speech>>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>I need this scent on my fingers for later...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6> Daddy's Cock.</h6>">><<replace "#suck">>
<video src="img/dad/bednight/sleepsuck3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>Gosh. it's getting bigger and bigger!<</speech>>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>So nice to suck his delicious cock.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6> Daddy's Cock.</h6>">><<replace "#suck">>
<video src="img/dad/bednight/sleepsuck4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>My panties are getting wet! Oh gosh!<</speech>>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>Daddy please wake up and plug that leaking hole! <</speech>>
<<link "<h6> Daddy's Cock.</h6>">><<replace "#suck">>
<video src="img/dad/bednight/sleepsuck5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>Mmmm!!! Daddy's Milk is served!<</speech>>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>I love this smell...And the taste!! My daddy's cock is so good!<</speech>>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>Good night Daddy...<</speech>>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<elseif $daddrugged is true>>\
$parents Bedroom seems empty.
You can see the $mom's touch here, Everything is arranged and fragrant. Just as it should be, according to the mother of course.
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
</div><div align="center"><div class="mombox"><b><<audio "shower" stop>>\
<<button [[Take a Shower|Shower]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Check out yourself]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
</div>\<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<div align="center"><div class="secondfloor"><b>\
<<if $time gte 6 and $time lte 19.5>>\
<<goto "hallway">>
<h2>''Second Floor.''</h2>
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $momerotic gte 2 and $time gte 21 and $time lte 21.5>>\
<<link "<img src='img/ui/pnightmom.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<if $bathroomspy is true and $momwatch is false and $mcorruptionlevel gte 1>>
<<goto "Momwatching">>
<<goto "BedroomMomNight">><</if>><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 22.5 and $time lte 23>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/pnightmom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BedroomMomNight">><</link>>
<<elseif $time is 22 and $momsleep is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/ui/pnightmom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BedroomMomNight">><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 23.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/pbnightdadmom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BedroomNight">><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 0 and $time lte 6>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/pbnightdadmom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BedroomNight">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/pbedroomnight.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BedroomNight">><</link>>
<<if $time is 22>>
<<if $momsleep is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "BathroomNight">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroommom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BathroomMom">><</link>>
<<elseif $time is 21.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BathroomDad">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "BathroomNight">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/mcroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "mcroom">><</link>>
<div align="center"><div class="firstfloor">\
<h2>''First Floor''</h2><b>
<<button "Pass the Time">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "hallwaynight">><</button>>
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $time lte 20.5 and $time gte 20>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/kitchenmomanddad.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "KitchenMomandDad">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/kitchen1.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "Kitchen">><</link>>
<<if $time gte 22 and $time lte 23>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/officedadnight.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "officedadnight">>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/officenight.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "officenight">>
<<if $momerotic gte 2 and $time gte 20.5 and $time lte 21.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/livingroomnight.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "livingroomnight">><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 21 and $time lte 21.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/livingroomdadmom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "livingroomnight">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/livingroomnight.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "livingroomnight">><</link>>
<table style="width:80%">
<<link "<img src='img/ui/backyardnight.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "Backyardnight">><</link>>
<<if $time gte 21 and $time lte 21.5 and $momerotic gte 2>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/basementdad.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BasementDad">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/basement.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "Basement">><</link>><</if>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/outsidenight.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<if $clotheswear is "apron1">><<goto "badsuit">><<else>><<goto "outsidenight">><</if>><</link>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<include "hallwaybrothernight">>
<div class="outsidebody"><div align="center"><<audio "night" play>><<audio "crickets" play>>\
<h2>Outside at Night</h2>
<<if $warehouse is true>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/warehouse.jpg' class='sincity'>">><<set $namewar to 1>><<goto "warehouseplay">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th><</if>>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/homenight.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "hallwaynight">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/schoolnight.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "schoolnight">><</link>></th>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/mall.jpg' class='largecity'>"><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "mall">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/parknight.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "parknight">><</link>></th>
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $metfriend is true>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/lenahouse.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "lenahousenight">><</link>></th>
<<if $aunt is false>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/citynight.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<if $fitness lte 14>><<energy -10>><</if>><<goto "citycenternight">><</link>></th><</if>>
<<elseif $metfriend is false>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/beachnight.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<goto "beachnight">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/citynight.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<if $fitness lte 14>><<energy -10>><</if>><<goto "citycenternight">><</link>></th>
<<if $metfriend is true>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/beachnight.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<goto "beachnight">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
<<if $aunt is true>>\
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/citynight.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<if $fitness lte 14>><<energy -10>><</if>><<goto "citycenternight">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/hills2.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "hillsnight">><</link>></th>
</div><div align="center"><div class="lucasoffice"><b><<audio "shower" play>>\
<<if $mcorruptionlevel is 2>>\
<<set _m to random(1,3)>>
<<if _m is 1>>\
<img src="img/shower/momlvl2.jpg" class='medium'>
$mom is taking a long hot shower, she forgot to close the doors.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Where can i find... Young.... Innocent... Cock...<</speech>>
<<elseif _m is 2>>\
<img src="img/shower/momlvl2.1.jpg" class='medium'>
$mom is taking a long hot shower, she forgot to close the doors.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>My god... I wish to be fucked right now...<</speech>>
<<elseif _m is 3>>\
<img src="img/shower/momlvl2.2.jpg" class='medium'>
$mom is taking a long hot shower, she forgot to close the doors.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>$name..!? It's good to see you here. Care to join me?<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Join $mom</h12>">><<goto "showersexmom">><</link>>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<if $mcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
Peeking through the door
<<set _m to random(1,3)>>
<<if _m is 1>>\
<img src="img/shower/momlvl1.jpg" class='medium'>
<<elseif _m is 2>>\
<img src="img/shower/momlvl1.1.jpg" class='medium'>
<<elseif _m is 3>>\
<img src="img/shower/momlvl1.2.jpg" class='medium'>
$mom is taking a long hot shower, she forgot to close the doors.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Gosh! I'm so fucking horny....<</speech>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 1 and $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
Peeking through the door
<img src="img/shower/mom.jpg" class='medium'>
$mom is taking a long hot shower, she forgot to close the doors.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>God i love hot showers.<</speech>>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 0>>\
<img src='img/shower/momtowel.jpg' class='medium'>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Honey.. cant you see i'm here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry<</speech>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><<audio "shower" stop>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><<audio "shower" stop>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><<audio "shower" stop>><</button>>
</div>\<div align="center"><div class="penis"><b>
<<audio "shower" volume 0.05 play loop>>\
<video autoplay loop width="1500" height="1000" controls>
<source src="img/shower/showermom.mp4" type="video/mp4">
</div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><h2>Bedroom</h2><b>\
<<if $arguefamily is false>>\
<<include "mombookerotic">>
<<elseif $arguefamily is true>>\
<<include "momalonebed">>
<<if $momerotic lte 1>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<switch random(4)>>
<<case 1>>
<video autoplay>
<source src="img/tiktok/tiktok1.webm" type='video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"'>
<<case 2>>
<video autoplay>
<source src="img/tiktok/tiktok2.webm" type='video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"'>
<<case 3>>
<video autoplay>
<source src="img/tiktok/tiktok3.webm" type='video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"'>
<<case 4>>
<video autoplay>
<source src="img/tiktok/tiktok4.webm" type='video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"'>
<video autoplay>
<source src="img/tiktok/tiktok1.webm" type='video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"'>
<<return>><<set $begin to true>>
<div class="mombox3"><b>\
@@.delayed;<img src="img/background/home.jpg" class='large'>.@@
@@.delayed;<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>There is...! Our House.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh my godness! It's so beautiful here! What do you think $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's alright. How big is this house?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Don't worry $name, We all sure squeeze there pretty nice. And that pool behind the house! *Whistle*<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No way! Really!? We got a pool?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Did you hear that David?! Our little $name got excited!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hah. I knew you'll be happy about it. But there is something to do! To use the pool you gotta clean it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh come on, $dad! That's nothing, I'll clean the pool in no time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I hope so! Enough of this chit-chat, girls. It's going to be a long day. There is so much to do. Let's get to work.<</speech>>
After moving into the house, time flew by quickly, house looked really spacious and docile. After a few days, you could finally say that this was your favourite house, obviously not because of the pool.
The note you found before you moved out did not give you peace of mind. Curiosity wins over you all the time and you have a strong desire to know your parents' secret about the trip to Europe. After all, you don't have anything intresting to do.
<img src="img/gif/movingin.gif" class="medium2">
<<button [[2 Weeks later|school1]]>><</button>>
<div align="center"><div class="office1"><b><h2>Office.</h2>\
<<aprontease>><<schoolslut>><<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>><<dadbimbo1>><<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\<<dadbimbo3>><</if>>\
Dad is working on the computer right now.
<img src="img/computer/dad.jpg" class='medium'>
<<if $evatask is 1 and $time gte 14 and $time lte 15>>\
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh fuck. I don't have much time.<</speech>>
<<button [[Talk|Talk with Dad office]]>><</button>>
<<button "Hug $dad">><<goto "Hug Dad Office">><</button>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
$mom is here
<<if $violetpills gte 1>>\
<span id="violetpills">
<<link "<h4>Make coffee for $dad</h4>">><<replace "#violetpills">>
$mom is here, she might be suspicious.
<<if $reputation lte 0 and $momlend is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Ask $mom for help</h4>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom, i need some money. People are laughing at me for wearing nerdy clothes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Honey! But you are looking cute. Just ignore them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I hate hearing their thoughts on my looks.<</speech>>
<<if $mrelationship gte 50 and $momlend is false>>\
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Okay! Here. Take it. But don't spend these on stupid things, honey!<</speech>>
<<money 100>><<set $momlend to true>>\
+100 money
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks $mom! You are the best $mom!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Haha. It's nice to hear that, $name.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;You need 50 $mrelationship to receive money from your Mom.@@
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I won't give you a money. You don't help here in the house.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>GOSH!<</speech>>
<<if $mrelationship lte 50>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Help $mom</h4>">>
<<mrelationship 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey $mom, do you need help?<</speech>>
<<if $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<<switch random (1)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/kitchen/mom.jpg" class="medium">
<img src="img/kitchen/mom1.jpg" class="medium">
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<<set _mk to random(1,3)>>
<<if _mk is 1>>
<img src="img/kitchen/momlvl1.jpg" class="medium">
<<elseif _mk is 2>>
<img src="img/kitchen/momlvl1.1.jpg" class="medium">
<<elseif _mk is 3>>
<img src="img/kitchen/momlvl1.2.jpg" class="medium">
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Yes honey, thank you<</speech>>
@@color:pink;$mom Relationship +5@@
<<energy -10>> <div class="power">Energy -10</div><<upd>>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<if $mrelationship gte 51 and $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Help your $mom out more</h4>">>
<<mrelationship 5>>
<img src="img/kitchen/mom1.jpg" class='medium'>
<<mrelationship 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi $mom, can you ask for a favor?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Of course honey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can you teach me how to cook?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh sure. Let me prepare basic ingredients. <</speech>>
@@color:pink;$mom Relationship +5@@
<<energy -10>> <div class="power">Energy -10</div><<upd>>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Help your $mom out more</h4>">>
<<set _mk to random(1,3)>>
<<if _mk is 1>>
<img src="img/kitchen/momlvl1.jpg" class="medium">
<<elseif _mk is 2>>
<img src="img/kitchen/momlvl1.1.jpg" class="medium">
<<elseif _mk is 3>>
<img src="img/kitchen/momlvl1.2.jpg" class="medium">
<<mrelationship 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Hey honey! Came here to help your Mommy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Emm.. Sure!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Great! Let's get started!<</speech>>
@@color:pink;$mom Relationship +5@@
<<energy -10>> <div class="power">Energy -10</div><<upd>>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel is 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Help your $mom out more</h4>">>
<<set _mk to random(1,3)>>
<<if _mk is 1>>
<img src="img/kitchen/momlvl2.jpg" class="medium">
<<elseif _mk is 2>>
<img src="img/kitchen/momlvl2.1.jpg" class="medium">
<<elseif _mk is 3>>
<img src="img/kitchen/momlvl2.2.jpg" class="medium">
When $mom let you help her, she had one condition. To work at the kitchen half naked.
You couldn't believe that your $mom was kneading dough, parading her naked breasts without a shame.
<<mrelationship 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow... $mom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>$name! Finally. Come. Help your Mommy out!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Emm.. Sure!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>It's so hard to do it alone. $name! Focus please.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah. Yeah..!<</speech>>
@@color:pink;$mom Relationship +5@@
<<energy -10>> <div class="power">Energy -10</div><<upd>>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Gifts</h4>">>
<<if $gift3 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Give the gift of Purse to your $mom</h4>">>
<<set $gift3 to false>><<mrelationship 50>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Honey, Wow i'm shocked. You didn't have to!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are the best $mom, so i wanted to thank you for it!<</speech>>
@@color:lightblue;$mom Relationship +50@@
<<if $gift4 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Give the gift of Makeup to your $mom</h4>">>
<<set $gift3 to false>><<mrelationship 80>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Honey, Wow i'm shocked. You didn't have to!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are the best $mom, so i wanted to thank you for it!<</speech>>
@@color:lightblue;$mom Relationship +80@@
<<silently>>--------END GITFS-------------<</silently>>\
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="lewd"><div align="center">\
<<if $qosjew is true>>\
@@color:white;Queen Of Spades Necklace@@
<<if $doctortask is true>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Key to Sophia's Room@@
<<if $tabletsophia is true>>\
@@color:orange;Sophia's Tablet@@
<<if $bookerotic is true>>\
@@color:pink;Erotic Novel@@
<<if $pantywib is true>>\
@@color:pink;Vibrating Panties@@
<<if $hasDrugslust is true>>\
Lust drugs
<<if $hasDildo is true>>\
<<if $hasPassword is true>>\
<<if $hasList is true>>\
<<if $Camera is true>>\
<<if $violetpills gte 1>>
@@color:violet;Violet Pills:$violetpills@@
<<elseif $violetpills lte 0>>
<<if $bookerotic is true>>\
@@color:hotpink;Erotic Novel Book@@
<<if $gift1 is true>>\
<<if $gift2 is true>>\
<<if $gift3 is true>>\
<<if $gift4 is true>>\
@@Color:lightpink;Make up Kit
<<if $gift5 is true>>\
<<button "Return">><<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<h2>''Living Room.''</h2>
<<if $time gte 21 and $time lte 21.5>>\
<<button [[Watch TV with Folks|Watch TV with Parents]]>><</button>>
<<if $time is 22 and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<button "Luke and $mom">><<goto "Luke and Mom">><</button>>
<<if $time gte 22.5>>\
<<button [[Watch tv]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<h2>Electronic Shop</h2>
<table style width="100%">\
<th><<if $Camera is false>><img src='img/mall/webcam.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy Webcam (150$)</h7>">>
<<if $money gte 150>><<money -150>><<set $Camera to true>>
<<goto "eletronics">>
<<elseif $money lte 149>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<th><<if $phone is false>><img src='img/mall/phone.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy Phone (150$)</h7>">>
<<if $money gte 150>><<money -150>><<set $phone to true>>
<<goto "eletronics">>
<<elseif $money lte 149>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<<button [[Leave|mall]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="Center"><div class="lewd"><b>
<img src="img\mcroom\webcam\show.jpg" class='medium'>
<<if $camgirl is 1>>\
Camera X Show
Hello There!
We are broadcasting site where you can show off in your own webcam!
It's nothing special just show what would like to share!
A lot of people visit our website.
So come on, try it yourself!
<<if $lenacam is false>>
I dont have no idea what to show here.
<i>(Lena could give you a little inspiration)
Lena House 15:30 </i>
<<elseif $lenacam is true>>
<<button [[register to camshow]]>><</button>>
<<if $camgirl gte 2 and $Camera is true>>\
Start your own broadcast.
Your Viewers:@@color:black;$viewers@@
Your Tips:@@color:lightpink;$camtip@@
<<link "<h6>Let's Work!</h6>">><<goto "Show">><</link>>
<<if $time gte 20 and $time lte 22 or $time gte 7 and $time lte 8 or $time gte 15 and $time lte 16.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/mcroom/webcam/lenaonline.gif' class='small'>">><<goto "lenashowcam">><</link>>
<img src="img/mcroom/webcam/lenaoffline.jpg" class="small">
<<button [[Cash your Tips]]>><</button>>
<<if $camgirl lte 4>>\
<<button [[Buy Premium Service]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $Camera is false and $camgirl is 2>>
I need a Camera.
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div><<if $familyinc is 0>>\
<<textbox "$mom" "Step-Mother">>
<<textbox "$dad" "Step-Father">>
<<textbox "$daughter" "Step-Daughter">>
<<textbox "$son" "Step-Son">>
<<textbox "$bro" "Step-Brother">>
<<textbox "$sister" "Step-Sister">>
<<textbox "$parents" "Step-Parents">>
<<set $familyinc to 1>>
<<if $corruptionlevel is 1 and $corruption gte 10 and $mcavatar is false>>\
<video controls muted src="img/dream/special6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<set $mcavatar to true>>
<div class="pos">A corruption spreads into your soul.</div>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>><</dialog>>
<<if $corruptionlevel is 3 and $doctorcall is false>>
<<dialog "Notification">><<audio "phonesms" play>><span class="blink">Doctor Burnett sends you a Message!</span>
<div align="center"><table>\
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><<set $doctorcall to true>><</button>>
<<button "Messages">><<goto "messages">><<set $doctorcall to true>><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<if $linzee is 2 and $jackmessagejayce is false and $boyfriendjack is true and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<audio "phonesms" play>><span class="blink">Jack sends you a Message!</span>
<div align="center"><table>\
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><<set $jackmessagej to true>><</button>>
<<button "Messages">><<goto "messages">><<set $jackmessagejayce to true>><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<if $marcusmsg is 0 and $bbcaddiction gte 2 and $bimboend is 3>>\
<<audio "phonesms" play>><span class="blink">Marcus sends you a Message!</span>
<div align="center"><table>\
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><<set $marcusmsg to 1>><</button>>
<<button "Messages">><<goto "messages">><<set $marcusmsg to 1>><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<if $funeral is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $time gte 16 and $potem is false>>\
<<audio "phonesms" play>><span class="blink">Lucas sends you a Message!</span>
<div align="center"><table>\
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><<set $funeral to 0>><</button>>
<<button "Messages">><<goto "messages">><<set $funeral to 0>><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<if $failclient gte 3>>\
<<set $succlient to 0>>
<<set $failclient to 0>>
<<set $scene to 0>>
<<goto "failedclient">>
<<if $vickybimbo lte 2>>\
<<removeclass '#passages' 'removevickybimbo'>>
<<if $vickybimbo is 3>>\
<<addclass '#passages' 'removevicky1'>>
<<removeclass '#passages' 'removevickybimbo'>>
<<if $vickybimbo is 4>>\
<<addclass '#passages' 'removevickybimbo'>>
<<removeclass '#passages' 'removevicky1'>>
<<if $surgeryashley is 10>>\
<<addclass '#passages' 'removeashleybimbo'>>
<<if $chloelvl is 0>>\
<<addclass '#passages' 'removechloestart'>>
<<removeclass '#passages' 'removechloe1'>>
<<if $chloelvl is 1>>\
<<removeclass '#passages' 'removechloestart'>>
<<addclass '#passages' 'removechloe1'>>
<<if $corruptionlevel is 0>>
<<addclass '#passages' 'removestart'>>
<<removeclass '#passages' 'remove1'>><</if>>\
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 1 and $corruptionlevel lte 2 and $bimboend lte 1>>
<<removeclass '#passages' 'removebimbo'>>
<<removeclass '#passages' 'removestart'>>
<<removeclass '#passages' 'remove1'>><</if>>\
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 1 and $corruptionlevel lte 2 and $bimboend is 3>>
<<addclass '#passages' 'removebimbo'>>
<<removeclass '#passages' 'removestart'>>
<<removeclass '#passages' 'remove1'>><</if>>\
<<if $corruptionlevel is 3 and $bimbolvl1 is false>>
<<addclass '#passages' 'remove1'>>
<<removeclass '#passages' 'removestart'>>
<<removeclass '#passages' 'removebimbo'>>
<<if $corruptionlevel is 3 and $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<addclass '#passages' 'removebimbo1'>>
<<removeclass '#passages' 'remove1'>>
<<removeclass '#passages' 'removestart'>>
<<removeclass '#passages' 'removebimbo'>>
<<removeclass '#passages' 'removebimbohorny'>>
<<if $corruptionlevel is 3 and $bimbolvl1 is true and $arousal gte 100>>\
<<addclass '#passages' 'removebimbohorny'>>
<<removeclass '#passages' 'remove1'>>
<<removeclass '#passages' 'removestart'>>
<<removeclass '#passages' 'removebimbo'>>
<<removeclass '#passages' 'removebimbo1'>>
<<if $time gte 24>>\
<<set $day to $day +1>>
<<if $day gte 8>>
<<set $day to 1>>
<<set $week to $week +1>>
<<if $arousalpunish gte 10>>
<<set $arousalpunish to 0>>
<<goto "Death">>
<<if $fcorruption gte 1 and $box1 is false>>
<h29>The first lie in your life!
And this is just the beginning of your fate.</h29>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><<set $box1 to true>><</button>>
<<if $steal is 2 and $box2 is false>>
<<run Dialog.setup("Stealing")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<<stealpic>><b>You stole something for the first time.</b>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<<set $box2 to true>><<upd>>\
<<if $energy lte 1 and $tired is false>>
<<run Dialog.setup("Passing out.")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<<faint>><b>You just faint in random place.</b>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<<set $tired to true>>
<<goto "tired">>
<<if $camgirl is 2 and $box3 is false>>
<<run Dialog.setup("Cam Girl!")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<<camgirl>><b>You start your journey as Cam Girl.</b>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<<set $box3 to true>><<upd>>\
<<if $arousal gte 15 and $box4 is false>>
<<run Dialog.setup("Your First Arousal")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<<firstarousal>><b>You feel horny.</b>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<<set $box4 to true>><<upd>>\
<<if $teasedad is true and $box5 is false>>
<<dialog>><<set $box5 to true>><<upd>>
<video src="img/dream/wet.webm" class='large100' autoplay loop>
<div class="posarousal">Ah. I'm soaking wet thinking about my Daddy.
I've gotta do something about it.</div>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<if $fitness gte 15 and $box6 is false>>
<<run Dialog.setup("More Energy")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<<energygif>><b>By exercising, your max Energy is 125 and the trip to City Center will not be so tiresome.</b>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<<set $box6 to true>><<upd>>\
<<if $fitness gte 40 and $box7 is false>>
<<run Dialog.setup("More Energy")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<<energygif>><b>You look fine. Your reputation increased and your max Energy is 150.</b>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<<set $reputation to $reputation +3>>
<<set $box7 to true>><<upd>>\
<<if $fitness gte 60 and $box8 is false>>
<<run Dialog.setup("More Energy")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<<energygif>><b>You look hot. Your reputation increased and your max Energy is 180.</b>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<<set $reputation to $reputation +5>>
<<set $box8 to true>><<upd>>\
<<if $fitness gte 100 and $boxmax is false>>
<<run Dialog.setup("More Energy")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<<energygif>><b>You look so Sexy! Your reputation increased and your max Energy is 200.</b>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<<set $reputation to $reputation +10>>
<<set $boxmax to true>><<upd>>\
box 10 for city center
<<if $sussy is true and $box9 is false>>
<img src="img/computer/screwed.jpg" class="large">
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Oh my god! Did we screwed up!?<</speech>>
<<set $box9 to true>><<upd>>\
<div align="center"> <table>\
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<if $selfie23 is true and $selfie24 is true and $selfie25 is true and $selfie26 and $box11 is false>>
<<run Dialog.setup("WeAreExclusive")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<<weare>>You got a massage from @@color:orange;<i>WeAreExclusive</i>@@ Take a look on the phone.")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<<set $of to true>>
<<set $box11 to true>><<upd>>\
<<if $bimboend is 3 and $boxbimbo is false>>\
<<run Dialog.setup("Bimbo Influence")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<<bimboinfluence>><b>Bimbo Influence runs through you.</b>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<<set $boxbimbo to true>><<upd>>\
<<if $tombox is false and $tommsg is 2 and $time gte 16>>
<<run Dialog.setup("Tom's Message.")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("@@color:orange;Tom:Hey Babe. Want to have some fun? Come meet me.@@ (Check Message) ")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<<set $tombox to true>><<upd>>\
<<if $jackboxdate is false and $cute gte 3 and $time gte 19>>\
<<run Dialog.setup("Jack's Message.")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("@@color:lightblue;Jack:Hey. Are you free tonight?@@ (Check Message) ")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<<set $jackboxdate to true>><<upd>>\
<<if $corruption gte 150 and $boxcorruption is false>>\
<<run Dialog.setup("Corrupted Mind.")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<<devil>>@@color:red; Little Devil!@@ ")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<<set $boxcorruption to true>><<upd>>\
<<if $box30 is false and $corruptionlevel gte 1>>
<<run Dialog.setup("Message from Dev.")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("@@color:orange;If you are using an old save. Please do reload (Save and Load) to load new Variables.@@ @@color:lightblue;To load potrate on the left visit Mirror in your Room@@ <h3>Thank you for playing the game!</h3>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<<set $box30 to true>><<upd>>\
<<if $lenaalert is 0 and $lenaandluke is false and $lukepov is 0 and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<audio "phonesms" play>><span class="blink">Lena sends you a Message!</span>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<button "Messages">><<goto "messages">><</button>>
<<set $lenaalert to 1>>\
<<if $lenaalert is 1 and $lenaandluke is true and $lukepov is 0 and $time gte 20>>\
<<audio "phonesms" play>><span class="blink">Lena sends you a Message!</span>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<button "Messages">><<goto "messages">><</button>>
<<set $lenaalert to 2>>\
<<if $chloealert is 0 and $chloeclothes is 2 and $lukepov is 0 and $time gte 18 or $chloealert is 0 and $chloeclothes is 1 and $lukepov is 0 and $time gte 18>>\
<<audio "phonesms" play>><span class="blink">Chloe sends you a Message!</span>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<button "Messages">><<goto "messages">><</button>>
<<set $chloealert to 1>>\
<<if $sexdad is 2 and $fcorruption gte 50 and $fcorruptionlevel is 1 and $daddymsg is 0 and $time gte 12>>\
<<audio "phonesms" play>><span class="blink">$dad sends you a Message!</span>
<<set $daddymsg to 1>>\
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<button "Messages">><<goto "messages">><</button>>
<</if>>\<<set $Fatherfirstevent to true>><<audio "phonecall" play>>
<div align="center"><div class="mombox3"><b>\
<h2>Your phone is ringing!</h2>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Pick up!</h4>">>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name, We need to talk. Meet in my office. Now.<</speech>>
$dad's voice sounds very serious in the phone.
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>This is not good.<</speech>>
<<button [[Office|firstevent1]]>><</button>>
</div><div class="mombox3"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/computer/shame.jpg" class="large98">
As you shamefully walk up to the office, you see your $dad waiting for you.
At first you see he is calm and relax. That you think so but after a few seconds later you feel the pressure that something bad might happen when he looked at you with his serious eyes.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hey little princess. It's good that you came here. Let's Talk.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>He's still calling me little princess I hate that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name, I was alarmed that someone tried to break into my computer. You know something about that?<</speech>>
<h3>What should i say? Maybe lying this time, isn't that bad?</h3>
<th><<link "<h23>@@color:lightblue;Truth@@</h23>">><<goto "Truth">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h23>@@color:red;Lie@@</h23>">><<goto "Lie">><</link>></th>
<<set $Fatherfirstevent to true>>
[[credits]] <div class="mombox3"><b>\
Just like any other day, you have fallen asleep without a single worry in your life. However, this night, before your life changes, you will experience a strange dream for the first time in your life.
You are dreaming about the awful and sinister things you do with your parents.</h39>
<span id="ReplaceMe">\
<video controls src="img/dream/start1.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<link "<h4>Dreaming</h4>">><<replace "#ReplaceMe">>\
<<speech "Momdream" "Mommy">>Join us, Honey.<</speech>>
<video controls src="img/dream/start2.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<speech "Momdream" "Mommy">>This time, it'll be different! Nobody else will get in the way of our love. <</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "Daddy">>That's right.<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>What is going on</h4>">><<replace "#ReplaceMe">>\
<<speech "Momdream" "Mommy">>Oh my goodness, it feels absolutely incredible to taste you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "Daddy">>Our darling little daughter is picking things up so fast!<</speech>>
<<speech "Momdream" "Mommy">>Our sweet baby darling!<</speech>>
<video controls src="img/dream/start3.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<link "<h4>Mom?? Dad??</h4>">><<replace "#ReplaceMe">>
<<speech "Momdream" "Mommy">>Now take it slowly and gentle. Daddy's dick is your new object of worship. For a lifetime!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "Daddy">>Not the only stuff. Honey. Oh god... It's like she was born to do it!<</speech>>
<video controls src="img/dream/start4.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<link "<h4>What is going on? Why?</h4>">><<replace "#ReplaceMe">>\
<<speech "Dad" "Daddy">>Yes. Kiss her. Kiss her like you've never kissed anyone before! <</speech>>
<<speech "Momdream" "Mommy">>Mmm...!!!! My god..!!! She is so perfect for this role...!!!<</speech>>
<video controls src="img/dream/start5.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<link "<h4>Mom, please. What are you doing?</h4>">>
<<replace "#ReplaceMe">>
<<speech "Momdream" "Mommy">>That's right, Jump on Daddy's cock darling. It's your purpose to please him!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "Daddy">>Oh damn! She is so fucking tight. Like it was made for my size.<</speech>>
<video controls src="img/dream/start6.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<link "<h4>Wake me UP!</h4>">>
<<replace "#ReplaceMe">>
<<speech "Momdream" "Mommy">>My little whore.<</speech>>
<<speech "Momdream" "Mommy">>Lets share daddy's cum, maybe you'll get pregnant one day? That would be like dream come true!<</speech>>
<video controls src="img/dream/start7.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<link "<h4>This is so wrong</h4>">>
<<replace "#ReplaceMe">>
<video controls src="img/dream/end.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<button [[WAKE UP|start1.2]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="dream"><b><<set $time to 7>>\
<img src="img/dream/wakeup.gif" class='medium'>
This was a terrible nightmare!
Thank god i'm awake.
What time is it...?
<div class="mombox">\
Chose your name:
<<textbox "$name" "Emma">>
Relative type:
Martha (Landlady): <<textbox "$mom" "Step-Mother">>
David (Landlord):<<textbox "$dad" "Step-Father">>
They are your: <<textbox "$parents" "Step-Parents">></div>
<<button [[Noises|Start1]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox3"><b>\
<<set $day to 1>>
And there is, The day you hate the most in your life. The end of vacation and start of the school. $mom right away knew that you are sad but she were really serious about your education.
<img src="img/gif/anoyed.gif" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jesus! $mom! I know! Bla bla education! Bla bla, your future is very important!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Come on $name! It's the last year of the school. Oh! Before i forget. Here is your uniform!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wait..?! What!? Uniform!? But why?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>That is the one of the rule of this great school. To present yourself in the great form!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My god! That is so stupid! Where is that uniform?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>In your Wardrobe.<</speech>>
<<button [[Wardrobe]]>><</button>>
</div>\<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<audio "crowd" play loop>>\
<div class="mombox3"><b>\
<span id="school">
@@color:orange;Let's get going! School days are just started.@@
<<link "<h4>Walk to the school</h4>">><<replace "#school">>
<img src='img/gif/enter.gif' class="medium">
At least, Front of the School looks okayish?
Hmm... Maybe i'm gonna like this place!
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay... So far, not bad.<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Some girls are passing you</h4>">><<replace "#school">>
As you passed the entrance, a group of schoolgirls, dressed in a somewhat provocative style, laughed and pointed at you. Mostly they were mocking your outift.
<img src='img/school/sluts.jpg' class="imageleft">
<<speech "Scarlett" "???">>Wow! Check her out. Ha-ha! Another fresh meat! What kind of skirt is that?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "???">>Jeez..! What a fucking dork! Scarlett? Where are you going?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Hmm? Didn't i tell you? Gym coach want to talk with me. I gotta go to shop to buy condoms. To do... You know what i mean. Ha-ha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "???">>Ha-ha! That's cool. See you after school!<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>You bet!<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Uhh... Okay! I changed my mind. I hate this school!<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Damn... I've got to go to the bathroom. Where's the toilet?<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Look for the toilet</h4>">><<replace "#school">>
You are looking for a toilet.
After a few steps you find it.
<img src='img/school/wc.jpg' class='medium'>
<<button [[WC]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<<audio "crowd" stop>>
<div class="mombox3"><b>\
<<set $schoolenter to true>>
When you walked into the classroom, the boys looked at you with a playful grin. Then the teacher approached. You looked at him with a sparkle in your eye. You couldn't believe it was your teacher, this gorgeous man? His voice snapped you out of your daze.
<<speech "Teacher">>Hi, You must be the new addition to the class this year. My name is Jonathan Bailey, i hope you like it in here.<</speech>>
His smile... His cheeky smile...
<<speech "Player" "$name">>H-Hello! Name is $name, Nice to meet you. And yes! I've just moved to this city and I'm really excited to learn more about it. I hope I can contribute something new here! In this school, of course. Ha-ha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher">>Of course, that's what school is for. Sit next to Lena. In secret, i can tell you she's good at math. So be in good terms with her. Maybe she give you some hints.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Lena</h4>">>
<img src="img/school/lenameet.jpg" class='medium'>
You turned around and saw the girl you were meant to sit next to. She was really pretty and looked like she was about your age. But her clothes were pretty loose.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey! Name is $name, A new girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Hi! $name...? Pretty name. Mine is Lena, pleasure to meet you! Come. Sit.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks! Lena? That's cool name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>You think so? It sound a bit childish but whatever. So how is the view of this school?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's... Okay? That's a bit odd, I heard there is some restrict rules with uniforms.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haha! Oh that rule! Yes. Everyone should wear school uniform but there is no rule how to wear it.<</speech>>
And now you've made a new friend. So lessons went quickly with new friend and you starting a new life. Enjoy the life.
<<set $time to $time +6>><<set $mompovright to 0>>
<h3>[[Start the Game|hallway]]</h3>
<<set $clotheswear to "basic">>\
$(document).one(':passagerender', function (ev) {
$(ev.content).find("#blinky").fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1);
$(ev.content).find("#blinky").css("color", "red");
setTimeout( function () { $(ev.content).find("#blinky").css("color", "green"); }, 1000);
setTimeout( function () { $(ev.content).find("#blinky").css("color", "blue"); }, 3200);
setTimeout( function () { $(ev.content).find("#blinky").css("color", "white"); }, 5400);
<</script>><div class="penis"><div align="center"><b>\
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Finally we are watching all together<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yeah let's watch new tv series i heard recently<</speech>>
<img src="img/livingroom/got.jpeg" width="500" height="350">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I love that show<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Okay sssshhh it's started<</speech>>
You watched with great curiosity until an erotic scene was shown at the end of the episode.
<video width="700" height="700" controls>
<source src="img/livingroom/livingroomnight1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Then Mom and Dad looked at each other with lust and excitement.
<img src="img/livingroom/got1.jpg" width="500" height="350">
You felt weird in that moment, so you left them alone.
<img src="img/livingroom/got2.jpg" width="500" height="350">
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set $eventmomanddad1 to true>>
<<addcorruption 5>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $stealmoney is false>>\
<img src="img/church/money.jpg" class='medium'>
Near the church. Some kind of priest dropped the money!
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Steal the Money @@color:red;((Corruption Level 1))@@</h7>">>
<div class="daddybox">
<img src="img/church/badgirl.jpg" class='medium'>
<<money 25>><<addcorruption 1>><<set $stealmoney to true>>
You took the money from the floor and put it in your pocket.
Without regretting the consequences
<div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;You stole 25$@@</div>
<div class="posarousal">Corruption +1</div><<upd>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Steal the Money @@color:red;((Corruption Level 1))@@</h7>">>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Why would i steal his money?<</speech>><</linkreplace>>
<<if $week gte 4>>\
<img src="img/church/rebuilding.jfif" class='medium'>
You try to enter area where the church might stand. There is the sing.
<h3>Abandoned. Don't go in. It may collapse.</h3>
<h2>@@color:orange;Fortunately, the Church is Rebuilt by the Orlova Family.
Bless them for their generosity.@@</h2>
<<elseif $week lte 3>>\
You try to enter area where the church might stand. There is the sing.
<h3>Abandoned. Don't go in. It may collapse.</h3>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|outsidenight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<set $interview to true>>
With a little thrill, you accept his offer.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure! I'd like to work here. What do I have to do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Manager">>That's great! We need to do some paper work. first.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>That's my first job, Let's see if i can handle it.<</speech>>
<h29>Once you've signed the documents, the manager leads you to locker and give you the outfit for this cafe.</h29>
<<speech "Manager">>Okay. I think this will be your size.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thank you.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Cafe Outfit</h4>">>
<img src='img/cafe/uniform.jpg' class='small'>
<div class="pos">@@color:orange;You have received the Cafe Worker Uniform!@@</div>
<<set $uniformwork1 to true>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Not bad! I like it very much.<</speech>>
<<speech "Manager">>That's good to hear it. Good luck in the work!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks. I hope I won't disappoint.<</speech>>
@@color:lightgreen;You need to wear worker uniform to work here.@@
<<button "Back to Cafe">><<goto "cafe">><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="nec">
<<if $time gte 13 and $time lte 15 and $mcorruptionlevel lte 1 or $day gte 6 and $time gte 18 and $mcorruptionlevel lte 1 or $day is 2 and $mcorruptionlevel lte 1 or $day is 4 and $mcorruptionlevel lte 1>>\
<<if $momerotic gte 2>>
<<elseif $momerotic lte 1>>\
<img src="img/mom/momphone.jpg" class='medium'>
$mom is watching and typing on the phone.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Hmm...<</speech>>
Nothing ordinary.
<<elseif $mombbc gte 2 and $day is 4 and $time lte 13.5>>
<img src="img/mom/livingroom/mombbc.jpg" class='medium'>
$mom is in the livingroom training.
But $mom is not alone!?
<<link "<h6>$mom's Trainer</h6>">><<goto "mombbchouse">><</link>>
<<if $mcorruptionlevel lte 1>>
<<elseif $momclientshow is false and $mcorruptionlevel gte 2>>
<img src="img/mom/livingroom/mom.jpg" class='medium'>
Peeking through the door, You see $mom in some skimpy lingerie.
But there is also a camera that is pointed at the $mom.
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>$mom? What are you doing?<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>$mom?</h6>">><<goto "momlivingroomsex">><</link>>
<<elseif $momclientshow is true and $time lte 14>>\
<img src="img/mom/livingroom/wrapping.jpg" class='medium'>
$mom is wrapping the camera set.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Hah. From now I should get more clients than before.<</speech>>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<elseif $momclientshow is true and $time gte 14.5>>
<<if $lucasremote is true and $language lte 4>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom's Necklace</h6>">><<replace "#nec">>
<<set _mpose to random(1,3)>>
<<if _mpose is 1>>\
<img src="img/mom/event/necklace.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<elseif _mpose is 2>>
<img src="img/mom/event/necklace2.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<elseif _mpose is 3>>
<img src="img/mom/event/necklace3.jpg" class="imageleft">
$mom is wearing a necklace right now.
<<if $language is 4>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Say the Words!@@</h6>">><<goto "Say the Words">><</link>>
<<elseif $language lte 3>>
@@color:pink;I can't understand the words...
I need to learn it!@@
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "crowd" stop>>\
<<set $metfriend to true>><<set $school1 to true>><<set $time to $time +6>><<set $schoolenter to true>>\
<img src="img/school/lenacurious.jpg" class='medium'>
Just as you were about to enter the lesson, you encounter Lene.
This would be a good opportunity to ask her for additional lessons.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lenaa!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Sup $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can i ask your help?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Cool. Who need to be beaten up?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>For now Nobody. I need some beating on math topics and stuff like that. Can you help me with it?<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/lenacurious2.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Lena">>Wow! Me as a teacher? That's a challenge to teach a dork.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Pff!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Ha-ha. Sure. Meet at this address. It's my house. But I am only available from Thursday to Sunday at 13:00-15:00. You got that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure. Thank you so much Lena! I could kiss you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Sure. Later!<</speech>>
<h3>You discovered Lena's house</h3>
<<button [[outside]]>><</button>>
<div class="schoolclass1"><b>\
<<set $time to $time +6>><<audio "crowd" stop>>\
<<set $schoolvisit to $schoolvisit +1>><<set $schoolenter to true>>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 1>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 2 and $chloe is true>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 2>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>
<<button [[Class over|school]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="lenahouse1"><div align="center"><b>\
<h2>Lena's House</h2>
<img src="img/lena/home.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<i>Lena's Home is a large one on this street, from the outside it looks like a castle, but inside it is quite modern. The house is very well cared for, although you can see on the desk that there is a business card of the cleaner. The pool is enormous, and every lady on the street envies Lena's Garden.</i>
<<if $lenabikini is 5 and $analon is true and $analhole gte 14 and $time gte 15 and $time lte 18>>\
<<button "Go to Lena's Room">><<goto "lenabiki3">><</button>>
<<elseif $analon is false and $analhole gte 14 and $lenabikini is 5 and $time gte 15 and $time lte 18>>\
@@color:orange;Wear Anal Plug!@@
<<elseif $lenabikini is 5 and $analplug is false>>\
@@color:orange;Buy Anal Plug in Mall Shop.@@
<<if $lenabikini is true and $time gte 15 and $time lte 18>>\
<<button "Go to Lena's Room">><<goto "lenabiki">><</button>>
<<if $lenahouse is false and $day gte 4 and $time gte 13 and $time lte 15>>\
<<speech "Lena">>Welcome to my humble home, come in!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nice! It's beautiful! Your folks must be rich.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Yeah, you could say that. Let's go to my room. This is nothing yet!<</speech>>
<img src="img/lena/house/lenafather.jpg" class="medium">
As you were walking up the stairs, you noticed out of the corner of your eye that a man from another room was observing you.
<<button [[Lessons with Lena|Lena Room]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $lenahouse is false>>\
Lena will teach you from Thursdays to Sunday 13:00-15:00
<<if $lessons is 1 and $day gte 4 and $lenahouse is true and $time lte 15 and $time gte 13>>\
<img src="img/lena/enter.jpg" class='large100'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Lena, Do you have time?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Hi! Yes. Come in. Come in!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks!<</speech>>
<<button [[Lessons with Lena|Lena2]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $lessons is 1 and $lenahouse is true>>\
Lena will teach you from Thursdays to Sunday 13:00-15:00
<<if $lessons is 2 and $day gte 4 and $lenahouse is true and $time gte 13 and $time lte 15>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Lena, do you have some free time to spare?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh hey $name, glad you came by. Sure, let's go to my room.<</speech>>
<<button [[Lessons with Lena|Lena3]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $lessons is 2>>
Lena will teach you from Thursdays to Sunday 13:00-15:00
<<if $lessons is 3 and $day gte 4 and $lenahouse is true and $time gte 13 and $time lte 15>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Lena, do you have some free time to spare?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh hey $name, glad you came by. Sure, let's go to my room.<</speech>>
<<button [[Lessons with Lena|Lena 4]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $lessons is 3>>\
Lena will teach you from Thursdays to Sunday 13:00-15:00
<<if $lessons is 4 and $day gte 4 and $lenahouse is true and $time gte 13 and $time lte 15>>\
<<speech "Lena">>Oh, fancy to see you here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah, i'm curious about your opinion. Can we talk?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Sure, let's go to my room<</speech>>
<<button [[Lessons with Lena|Lena 5]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $lessons is 4>>\
Lena will teach you from Thursdays to Sunday 13:00-15:00
<<if $lessons is 5 and $day gte 6 and $time gte 10 and $time lte 14 and $bimboend lte 2>>\
<<button [[Lena Sunbathes]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $bimboend gte 3 and $lessons is 5 and $day gte 6 and $time gte 10 and $time lte 14>>\
<h3>You are under Bimbo Influence</h3>
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Lena Sunbathes@@</h6>">><<goto "Lena Sunbathes">><</link>>
<<if $lenahouse is true and $time gte 13 and $time lte 21.5>>
<<button [[Talk with Lena]]>><</button>>
<<if $lenabikini gte 6 and $time gte 10 and $time lte 16>>\
<<link "<h7>Lena's Bikini (Repeatable Event)</h7>">><<goto "lenabiki1">><</link>>
<<if $lessons gte 5 and $time gte 10 and $time lte 16>>
<<link "<h7>Lena's Party. @@color:hotpink;((BBC PARTY Repeatable Event)) ((Bimbo Side Route))@@</h7>">><<goto "Watch the Party">><</link>>
<<if $lessons gte 6 and $time gte 10 and $time lte 16>>\
<<link "<h7>Lena Sunbathes@@color:hotpink; ((Repeatable Event)) ((Bimbo Side Route)) @@</h7>">><<goto "Lena Sunbathes">><</link>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 1 and $time gte 15 and $lenacam is false>>\
<<button [[Lena in the room]]>><</button>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|outsidenight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="lewd"><b>\
<h2>Scenes from Events</h2>
<<button [[Dreams]]>><</button>>
<<if $lucas is true>>\
<<button [[Lucas Fucks Lena]]>><</button>>
<<if $entryhouse is true>>\
<<button [[Anna POV Fucks Jack]]>><<set $annapov to 3>><</button>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<button [[First Corruption Scene]]>><</button>>
<<if $lessons gte 3>>\
<<button [[Lena with her Dad|Lena and Dad 1]]>><</button>>
<<if $lessons gte 4>>\
<<button [[Lena Special|Lena Masturbate]]>><</button>>
<<if $meetmadison is true>>\
<<button [[Madison Special]]>><</button>>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<button [[Drugged Dad]]>><</button>>
<<if $client1 is true>>\
<<button [[We are Exclusive Client 1|ReplayClient1]]>><<set $firstclient to 1>><<set $shoots to 0>><<set $winphoto to 0>><<set $failphoto to 0>><</button>>
<<if $client2 is true>>\
<<button [[We are Exclusive Client 2|ReplayClient2]]>><<set $scene to 0>><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to 0>><<set $succlient to 0>><</button>>
<h3>More scenes are for Supporters in Cheat Room</h3>
<<button [[Leave|computermc]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="dream"><b>\
<video controls src="img/dream/start1.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<span id="ReplaceMe"><<link "Dreaming">>
<<replace "#ReplaceMe">>
<<speech "Momdream" "Mommy">>Kiss <u>Mommy</u>.<</speech>>
<video controls src="img/dream/start2.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<link "What is going on">>
<<replace "#ReplaceMe">>
<<speech "Momdream" "Mommy">>Relax Darling.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "Daddy">>Take the shirt off!<</speech>>
<video controls src="img/dream/start3.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<link "Mom?? Dad??">>
<<replace "#ReplaceMe">>
<<speech "Momdream" "Mommy">>Suck Daddy Cock.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "Daddy">>She's getting better.<</speech>>
<video controls src="img/dream/start4.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<link "Why is this happening">>
<<replace "#ReplaceMe">>
<<speech "Dad" "Daddy">>Both of you stop fighting over my cock and work together.<</speech>>
<<speech "Momdream" "Mommy">>Mmmmm.....<</speech>>
<video controls src="img/dream/start5.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<link "Mom please dont">>
<<replace "#ReplaceMe">>
<<speech "Momdream" "Mommy">>Ride Daddy Cock, let it destroy you honey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "Daddy">>Oh FUCK. So fucking tight.<</speech>>
<video controls src="img/dream/start6.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<link "I cant Wake up">>
<<replace "#ReplaceMe">>
<<speech "Momdream" "Mommy">>My little whore.<</speech>>
<<speech "Momdream" "Mommy">>Lets share that cum, maybe you'll get pregnant and we will have an extra for our family.<</speech>>
<video controls src="img/dream/start7.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<link "This is so...">>
<<replace "#ReplaceMe">>
<video controls src="img/dream/end.webm" class='large' autoplay>
</div>\<div align="center"><div class="lewd"><b>\
<video autoplay width="90%" controls>
<source src="img/computer/wakingup1.mp4" type="video/mp4">
</div><div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/lena/room.jpg" class='large'>
Lena leads you to her Room. When you walked in you are very impressed with how big her room is.
Compared to yours, it is twice as big.
<<speech "Lena">>And here is my sweet little cave.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sweet Little Cave??!? Jeez! It's like a penthouse!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haha, Daddy loves me a bit to much. Don't you think? Okay! Let's prepare the stuff!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure. What do i have to do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Just sit tight. And wait.<</speech>>
<<button [[Lessons]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<<set $time to $time +3>>\
<img src="img/lena/lenateach.jpg" class='medium'>
For the first time you see Lena in her glasses, Thinking she is pretty.
At start, Lena explains you everything from the ground up.
Listening to her methods and teachings, you see that she has a calling in this. You absorb it very well.
But then from downstairs there a calling for Lena. A unfamiliar voice.
<<speech "LenaFather" "???">>Lena!!! Darling!!! Come for a second!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Coming!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Sorry. Gotta go for a few minutes. Turn the page to 69 and learn that formula, okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay, no worries. I got this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Of course you do, Okay, I'll be right back.<</speech>>
Lena leaves you alone with the book and confused thoughts.
<<button [[25 minutes later]]>><</button>>
<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/lena/learn.jpg" class='medium'>
You tried to understand what you were reading, but you couldn't do it without hints from Lena.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Look around her room.</h6>">>
<img src="img/lena/pic.jpg" class='large'>
As you look around her place, You see a photo on the night desk next to her bed.
Lena wearing her underwear and also there is a text.
@@color:red;"You’re right Daddy,
Mommy and I are
both the same size."@@
<<arousal 15>> <<addcorruption 1>><<upd>>
<div class="pos">@@color:pink;Arousal 15+@@</div><div class="posarousal">Corruption +1</div>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Huh?! Lena in her underwear. She looks so pretty but that description... Why?<</speech>>
Where is she when you need her? The patiance is running out.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh... Where is she?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn it. I gotta see what is going on.<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|Downstairs1]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
Looking for Lena all over the house and there is not a soul.
Finally, You were close to a place where the sound came out. The quiet sound of knocking and girlish moans.
A closed doors. Behind that doors is a room where Lena's father had been earlier....
<img src="img/lena/house/doors.jpg" class='medium'>
Hearing a loud moan and slapping noises behind that door!
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>What is going on there?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Eavesdrop</h6>">>
<<audio "lena" play>>
Imagine that there are sexual things going on there.
You are sure that it is Lena's mother and her father who are doing themselves a pleasant favor.
<<addcorruption 2>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +2</div>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Hmm... I should go back to the Lena's room, before someone catches me here.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>And where is Lena?!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|Lena room 2]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="father">
<video controls src="img/lena/father/lenafather2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
Lena is stuffed with her Father's cock...
Why she enjoys it...?
This is so wrong....
<<link "<h12>Lena's Father?!</h12>">><<replace "#father">>
<video controls src="img/lena/father/lenafather3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Lena">>Yes...!!! That's it..!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Fuck... You are so tight today...<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Oh my god...</h12>">><<replace "#father">>
<video controls src="img/lena/father/lenafather4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Let me kiss that pretty mouth of yours...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Mmmmm...!!! It feels so goooodd-mmm..!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Please More Daddy!</h12>">><<replace "#father">>
<video controls src="img/lena/father/lenafather5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Lena">>Daddy...!!! Please...!!! Let me make you cum faster...!!! Aah!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Why... Is that... My little pumpkin..? Let's enjoy this a little longer...<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Why...?</h12>">><<replace "#father">>
<video controls src="img/lena/father/lenafather6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Lena">>Daddy... Ahhh!! My friend... She's upstairs...!!! AHH!!! She can.... Caught us...!! Ahh!! Ahhh! <</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>It would be... wrong to spot us... Don't you think... Pumpkin...?<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Moan harder... Let her see us....<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>But..!!! Daddy!!! Ahh!! AHHH!! AHHHHHHHH!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>She enjoys it....</h12>">><<replace "#father">>
<video controls src="img/lena/father/lenafather7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Lena">>DADDY!!!! DADDY! I'm gonna.. Ahh...!!! IT'S SO FUCKING GOOOOOODD!!!!!.<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Ahh... That face...!!! Fuckk....!!! You naughty daddy's girl...!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>SLAP ME! SLAP YOUR NAUGHTY GIRL!!! AHH!! AHH!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Lena's Father cumming...</h12>">><<replace "#father">>
<video controls src="img/lena/father/lenafather8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>What.. is... going on here...<</speech>>
They ended up both feeling each other out. That scene you witnessed was out of your mind.
Lena and her... Own... Father?! That's so taboo...
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Gotta go, before they see me!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave them]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/lucas/doubt.jpg" class='large'>
Returned to the Room with mixed feelings and thoughts.
Why they were doing it...?! That's too wrong!!!!
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Oh my god. She was fucking with her own Father???<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>This is really fucked up<</speech>>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel gte 1 or $teasedad is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Wrong?!</h12>">>
<div class="mombox2">\
@@color:orange;Wrong? And why is that? After all, you have your own deviant feelings for your father. That was just true passionate love with Father and Daughter.@@
<img src="img/lucas/help/smile.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Dirty Mind">>It was so fucking hot! She knows how to have fun.<</speech>></div><</linkreplace>>
<<addcorruption 2>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +2</div>
Now you realized why these photos are here.
<div class="daddybox"><table>\
<th><img src="img/lena/pic1.jpg" class='large'></th>
<th><img src="img/lena/pic.jpg" class='large'></th>
<th><img src="img/lena/pic2.jpg" class='large'></th>
They were just a tease photos for her own Father!
So that's how they deal with grief....
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena</h6>">>
<img src="img/lena/lenamakeup2.jpg" class='large'>
After a few minutes Lena joins you back.
She didn't even get it together after the spicy sex, You can see her wet hair and messed up makeup.
<<speech "Lena">>$name... I'm so sorry... Dadd-Father had a small problem to solve with my own... Ways...<</speech>>
She even allowed herself to giggle.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Its okay... Gotta go... Something came up...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Really? But we didn't finish the...-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No. I gotta go. Really.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Okay. Sure. Till the next visit?<</speech>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm.. Yeah.<</speech>>
As you left Lena's House, Lena smiled to herself.
$name knows Lena's dirty secret.
<<set $lessons to $lessons +1>>
<<set $time to $time +3>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="lenahouse1"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/lena/enter.jpg" class='large100'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey. Before we do. I wanted to say that I'm really grateful that. Taking your time on me. It's a lot for me. Really.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Ah... $name. It's my pleasure to help you. After all, Your bestie! <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Bestie?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Of course. Best friend! Now. Wait by the door, I've gotta change these clothes. They are a bit... smelly. Haha.<</speech>>
Lena took a few seconds to change the clothes. Meanwhile you were thinking how Lena sees you. Sees you as best friend. Maybe you should do?
<<button [[Move on|Lessons2]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "forest" play>>\
The scent of nature. Peaceful and quiet.
<<set _talk to either(true,false,false)>>
<<if _talk is true>>\
<<if $reputation gte 8 and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<div class='reputations'>Some men are observing you.</div>">>
<<switch random(3)>>
<<case 1>>\
<img src="img/gif/city/walk1.webp" class='medium'>
<<case 2>>\
<img src="img/gif/city/walk2.webp" class='medium'>
<<case 3>>\
<img src="img/gif/city/walk5.webp" class='medium'>
<img src="img/gif/city/walk5.webp" class='medium'>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men in the Park">>Hey Babe, wanna hang out?<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's mind">>Wow i'm really making impression here.<</speech>>
<<arousal 5>> @@color:Hotpink; +5 Arousal@@<<upd>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<include "publicsex">><</if>>\
<<if $chloeenter2 is true and $day is 6 and $time gte 7 and $time lte 10 and $clotheswear is "sport" or $clotheswear is "sport1" and $chloeenter2 is true and $day is 6 and $time gte 7 and $time lte 10>>
<img src="img/chloe/chloepark.jpg" class='small'>
<<button [[Chloe is already in the Park]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $chloeenter2 is true and $day is 6 and $time gte 7 and $time lte 10>>
@@color:orange;Wear something Sporty!@@
<<if $energy lte 25>>\
You are exhausted
<<elseif $clotheswear is "sport" and $energy gte 26 or $clotheswear is "sport1" and $energy gte 26>>
<<button [[Go for a run]]>><</button>>
You need to wear a sport outfit to run
<<if $time gte 18 and $time lte 19>>\
<<button [[Mom in the Park|Mom in Park]]>><</button>>
<<if $day gte 6 and $time gte 8.5 and $time lte 9.5>>\
<<button [[Mom in the Park|Mom in Park]]>><</button>>
<<if $day gte 6 and $time gte 14 and $time lte 15>>\
<<button [[Dad in the Park|Dad in Park]]>><</button>>
<<if $time gte 14.5 and $time lte 15.5 and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<button [[Luke in the Park]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Relax]]>><</button>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|outsidenight]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<switch random (3)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/gif/jog.gif" class='medium'>
You take a lap around the park. It took you 1 hour.
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<fitness 1>><<energy -15>>
@@color:Yellow;Fitness +1@@
@@color:lightblue;Energy -15@@
Nothing unsual happened
<<case 2>>
<img src="img/gif/jog.gif" width="50%">
You take a lap around the park.
But halfway through you got injury.
<img src="img/park/injury.jpg" width="50%">
<<fitness -1>> <<set $time to $time +1>><<energy -25>>
@@color:Yellow;Fitness -1@@
@@color:lightblue;Energy -25@@
<<case 3>>
<img src="img/gif/jog.gif" width="50%">
You take a lap around the park. It took you 1 hour.
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<fitness 1>><<energy -15>>
@@color:Yellow;Fitness +1@@
@@color:lightblue;Energy -15@@
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 1>>
<img src="img/park/shorts.jpg" width="30%">
Through the lap you notice muscular men.
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind">>I wonder what kind of monster is hiding these shorts<</speech>>
<<arousal 15>> @@color:Hotpink;Arousal +15@@
<img src="img/gif/jog.gif" width="50%">
You take a lap around the park. It took you 1 hour.
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<fitness 1>><<energy -15>>
@@color:Yellow;Fitness +1@@
@@color:lightblue;Energy -15@@
Nothing unsual happened
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Park|parknight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Park]] >><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/park/relax.jpg" class='large'>
<div class="tooltip">Relax on a bench for an hour listening to the sounds of nature.
<span class="tooltiptext"><img src="img/important photo.jpg" class='medium'>
-This is Dog.</span></div>
<<energy 10>><<set $time to $time +1>>\
<div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;+10 Energy@@</div>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<switch random(2)>>
<<case 1>>
Nothing happened
<<case 2>>
<img src="img/ui/guyjog.jpg" class='medium'>
You notice a hot guy running around the park.
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Dirty Mind">>I wonder if he is available. Hihi.<</speech>>
<<arousal 10>> @@color:Hotpink;+10 Arousal@@
Nothing happened
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Park|parknight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Park]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
Park at night is really disturbing.
<<if $energy lte 25>>\
You are exhausted.
<<elseif $clotheswear is "sport" and $energy gte 26 or $clotheswear is "sport1" and $energy gte 26>>
<<button [[Go for a run|RunNight]]>><</button>>
You need a sport outfit to run.
<<button [[Relax|RelaxNight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|outsidenight]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<switch random (3)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/gif/jog.gif" width="50%">
You take a lap around the park. It took you 1 hour.<<energy -10>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<fitness 1>>
@@color:Yellow;Fitness +1@@
<<energy -10>>
<div class="power">Energy -10</div>
Nothing unsual happened
<<case 2>>
<img src="img/park/shady.jpg" width="50%">
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Better not, some shady guys walking around.<</speech>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<case 3>>
<img src="img/gif/jog.gif" width="50%">
You take a lap around the park. Then a shady guy appears.
<img src="img/park/shady.jpg" width="50%">
<<speech "Shady" "Guy">>Hey sweetheart, would like to give me your phone, i lost mine and i need to call someone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Em.. no? I'm in hurry, BYE!<</speech>>
You ran fast as you can.
<<energy - 15>> <div class="Power"> Energy - 15</div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<img src="img/park/shady.jpg" width="50%">
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Better not, some shady guys walking around.<</speech>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<button [[Park|parknight]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<switch random(3)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/park/relax.jpg" class='large'>
Relax on a bench for an hour.
<<energy 10>><<set $time to $time +1>>\
<div class="power">+10 Energy</div>
<<case 2>>
You wanted to relax but you see some shady guys roaming around the park.
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<img src="img/park/shady.jpg" class='medium'>
<<case 3>>
<img src="img/park/shady.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Shady" "Guy">>Hello, What is such a beautiful lady doing here at this hour?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Emm... trying to relax. But i see its occupied. BYE!<</speech>>
You ran away
<<set $time to $time +1>><<energy -20>> <div class="power">Energy - 20 </div>
<<speech "Shady" "Guy">>Hey! Wait!<</speech>>
You wanted to relax but you see some shady guys roaming around the park.
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<img src="img/park/shady.jpg" class='medium'>
<<button [[Park|parknight]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "tv" play>>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<<switch random(3)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/livingroom/thegirl.webp" class='large'>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I love score of this movie.<</speech>>
<<frelationship 5>> <<mrelationship 5>><div class="pos">@@color:pink;$mom Relationship +5 @@
@@color:lightblue;$dad Relationship +5@@ </div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<case 2>>
<img src="img/livingroom/banshee.gif" class='large'>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Such underated tv show.<</speech>>
<<frelationship 5>> <<mrelationship 5>><div class="pos">@@color:pink;$mom Relationship +5 @@
@@color:lightblue;$dad Relationship +5 @@</div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<case 3>>
<img src="img/livingroom/sicario.gif" class='large'>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>So intense.<</speech>>
<<frelationship 5>> <<mrelationship 5>><div class="pos">@@color:pink;$mom Relationship +5 @@
@@color:lightblue;$dad Relationship +5@@ </div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<img src="img/livingroom/heat.gif" class='large'>
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Great movie, i love that shootout scene.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>90s movies are awesome.<</speech>>
<<frelationship 5>> <<mrelationship 5>><div class="pos">@@color:pink;$mom Relationship +5 @@
@@color:lightblue;$dad Relationship +5 @@</div>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>
<<set _watch to random(1,4)>>
<<if _watch is 1>>\
<img src="img/livingroom/thegirl.webp" class='large'>
Watching Movies with Family
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>I love score of this movie.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>You too? That's awesome $mom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn.. That lead actor is handsome.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>You're right $name. Such a snacky boy...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Pff.. $dad are you hearing this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yeah... My ears are bleeding.<</speech>>
Luke and $dad are making of you and your mother.
<<elseif _watch is 2>>\
<img src="img/livingroom/banshee.gif" class='large'>
<<speech "Luke">>Wow... I've never head of it. It's awesome series!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>It's cool to hear that $son.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okayish....<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Well of course it is "okayish" for you. Until this guys undress. Am i right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Pff...<</speech>>
Luke is making fun of you when $dad and $mom are having a good time by laughing and watching tv.
<<elseif _watch is 3>>\
<img src="img/livingroom/sicario.gif" class='large'>
<<speech "Luke">>God damn! That scene was awesome!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yeah! That thrilling ambient... Wow.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Boys-<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>SHH!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>Okay. okay. Jeez...</sub><</speech>>
Luke and $dad in serious mode watching action movie.
<<elseif _watch is 4>>\
<img src="img/livingroom/heat.gif" class='large'>
<<speech "Luke">>Okay. That road shootout scene is epic! God. 90's Movies are so awesome.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>It is! Luke you have such a great taste!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh!? Luke has a great taste?! Pff...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Someone is Jealous!! Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Tommorow. I'll sit in the bathroom a lot longer. Big $bro!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Damn. $dad maybe let's build another bathroom? <</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Please Luke. Don't piss your $sister around me. It sometimes backfire at me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>See? Hormones...<</speech>>
Luke has a lot of fun when you get pissed off about anything. $mom and $dad in cozy mood watching tv and having a good time.
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<frelationship 5>><<mrelationship 5>><<brelationship 5>><div class="pos">@@color:pink;$mom Relationship +5 @@
@@color:lightblue;$dad Relationship +5 @@ @@color:orange;$bro Relationship +5@@</div>
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><<audio "tv" stop>><</button>>
</b></div><div align="center"><div class="lucasoffice"><b>\
<h2>''Backyard.''</h2><<audio "night" play>><<audio "crickets" play>>
<img src='img/ui/summernight.gif' class='medium'>
It's so calm and relaxing. Summer Night.
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="lenahouse1"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="father">
<img src="img/lena/father/lenadoors.jpg" class='large'>
<<link "<h2>Doors</h2>">><<replace "#father">>
<video controls src="img/lena/father/lenafather1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h2>Peek Through the Door</h2>">><<replace "#father">>
<video controls src="img/lena/father/lenafather2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h2>They are fucking?!?</h2>">><<replace "#father">>
<video controls src="img/lena/father/lenafather3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Lena">>YES DADDY, Please fuck me HARDER!!<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>God, you are so tight. Tighter than your Mom.<</speech>>
<<link "<h2>Oh my god...</h2>">><<replace "#father">>
<video controls src="img/lena/father/lenafather4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h2>Please More Daddy!</h2>">><<replace "#father">>
<video controls src="img/lena/father/lenafather5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Lena">>Hihi. Please faster daddy, my friend is waiting.<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>I know, i wonder when she will join up.<</speech>>
<<link "<h2>Of course she worries about me...</h2>">><<replace "#father">>
<video controls src="img/lena/father/lenafather6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh daddy, she is not ready yet. Hihi.<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Shame, i see <i>potential</i> in her.<</speech>>
<<link "<h2>HARDER DADDY!</h2>">><<replace "#father">>
<video controls src="img/lena/father/lenafather7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Lena">>Daddy. DADDY! I'm gonna...<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Alright, you can cum now<</speech>>
<<link "<h2>Lena's Father cumming...</h2>">><<replace "#father">>
<video controls src="img/lena/father/lenafather8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>What.. is... going on here...<</speech>>
They finished having sex, Lena rushed to get her clothes. Her father did not help, but tried to hold her up. Eventually Lena got dressed without his help.
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">> I need to get going before they see me.<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave them|mcroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="father">
<img src="img/lena/father/lenadoors.jpg" class='large'>
When you came downstairs, you went to the doorway where the sounds took place on your last visit.
To your surprise, the door is slightly open. Through the ajar door you see Lena and...
<<link "<h12>Lena?</h12>">><<replace "#father">>
<video controls src="img/lena/father/lenafather1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<button [[Peek through the door]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="mombox"><b>\
<<if $mcorruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<<set _m to random(1,4)>>\
<<if _m is 1>>\
<img src="img/backyard/momlewd.jpg" class='medium'>
<<elseif _m is 2>>\
<img src="img/backyard/momlewd2.jpg" class='medium'>
<<elseif _m is 3>>\
<img src="img/backyard/momlewd3.jpg" class='medium'>
<<elseif _m is 4>>\
<img src="img/backyard/momlewd4.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:pink;$mom is in the backyard, Displaying her body in the air.@@
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Mmm... It's so hot today...<</speech>>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>$mom Subathes</h4>">>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Honey could you help mommy out?<</speech>>
<<if $energy lte 25>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry $mom, i'm exhausted.<</speech>>
<<switch random(3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Help $mom</h4>">>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<img src="img\backyard\momsun.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Thanks, sweetheart.<</speech>>
<<mrelationship 5>> @@color:pink;+5 $mom Relationship@@
<<energy -10>> <div class="power">Energy -10</div><<upd>>
<<case 2>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Help $mom</h4>">>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<img src="img/backyard/momsun2.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>My little cute pie making mommy relaxed.<</speech>>
<<mrelationship 5>> @@color:pink;+5 $mom Relationship@@
<<energy -10>> <div class="power">Energy -10</div><<upd>>
<<case 3>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Help $mom</h4>">>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<img src="img/backyard/momsun3.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh hey $name, You are so pale, come sunbathe with me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on, $mom. You know i hate sun.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name! You need to take care of your body! It's not healthy!<</speech>>
<<mrelationship -5>> @@color:pink;-5 $mom Relationship@@
<<energy -10>> <div class="power">Energy -10</div><<upd>>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<linkreplace "Help $mom">>
<img src="img/backyard/momandmc.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Hey $name, how's school?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You know $mom? It's great. I met a new great friend and a teacher is awesome guy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>See, I knew you'd like this school.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah $mom, you're always right.<</speech>>
<<mrelationship 5>> @@color:pink;+5 $mom Relationship@@
<<energy -10>> <div class="power">Energy -10</div><<upd>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Hug $mom</h4>">>
<<if $mcorruptionlevel lte 1>>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<img src="img\backyard\hug.jpg" class='medium'>
<<mrelationship 5>> @@color:pink;$mom Relationship +5@@
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Heyy... my pumpkin.<</speech>>
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel gte 2>>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<img src="img\backyard\hug2.jpg" class='medium'>
Mom hugged you tightly...
<<mrelationship 5>> @@color:pink;$mom Relationship +5@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh..! Mommy...<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>You smell so nice today...<</speech>>
<<if $mcorruptionlevel is 1 and $kissmom is true>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Kiss $mom</h4>">>
<img src="img\backyard\kiss.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks for everything $mom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh honey! You don't have to.<</speech>>
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Kiss $mom</h4>">>
<img src="img\backyard\kiss2.jpg" class='medium'>
Tongue kisses with your $mom...
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>I've always wanted to kiss you here...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really...?<</speech>>
<img src="img\backyard\kisspeek.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Of course, Honey. I'm gonna prove it-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom! Please.. $dad can come at any minute here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Shame. But you are right.<</speech>>
<<if $cleanpool gte 4>>\
<<button [[Mom is in the Pool|Pool]]>><</button>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="mom">\
<img src="img/kitchen/eat.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:rgba(207, 255, 178, 1);$mom cooked a great meal!
Time for dining!@@
<<if $mcorruptionlevel gte 2 and $mombbc lte 4 and $time lte 10>>
<<button "$mom asks $dad">><<goto "Mom asks Dad">><</button>>
<<if $time gte 16 >>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Eat dinner with $mom and $dad</h4>">>
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<if $momlucas lte 0 and $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<img src="img/kitchen/momanddad.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Dinner served!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I'm starving.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Looks delicious.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Finally, some familly bonding time.<</speech>>
<<frelationship 5>><<mrelationship 5>><<energy +25>>
<div class="pos">@@color:pink;$mom Relationship +5 @@
@@color:lightblue;$dad Relationship +5 @@
<div class="power">Energy +25</div></div>
<<include "momvib">>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel lte 1>>\
<<elseif $fcorruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<<include "momdadkitchen">>
<<elseif $momlucas gte 1 and $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<img src="img/kitchen/momworried.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Mmm... As always. Delicious...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Yhmm....<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey $mom. Can you pass the salt?<</speech>>
$mom didn't respond, she seems really troubled about something right now.
$dad took the salt and passed to you.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Earth to Martha? Hello?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Ye.. Yes?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Are you felling alright? Maybe i'll call the doctor?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>NO! No... Sorry Guys. I was just daydreaming... Haha!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay...<</speech>>
<<frelationship 5>><<mrelationship 5>><<energy +25>>
<div class="pos">@@color:pink;$mom Relationship +5 @@
@@color:lightblue;$dad Relationship +5 @@
<div class="power">Energy +25</div></div>
<<include "momvib">>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel lte 1>>\
<<elseif $fcorruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<<include "momdadkitchen">>
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<img src="img/kitchen/momanddad.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Hey Guys! Let's Eat!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Mmm it looks delicious!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah! $mom you are so cool! Thanks for great meal!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Haha. You guys are so lovely!<</speech>>
<<frelationship 5>><<mrelationship 5>><<energy +25>>
<div class="pos">@@color:pink;$mom Relationship +5 @@
@@color:lightblue;$dad Relationship +5 @@
<div class="power">Energy +25</div></div>
<<include "momvib">>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel lte 1>>\
<<elseif $fcorruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<<include "momdadkitchen">>
<<if $time lte 8>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Eat breakfast with $mom and $dad</h4>">>
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<if $momlucas lte 0 and $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<img src="img/kitchen/momanddad.jpg" class='large'>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Here is breakfast!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Pancakes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Whoah! $mom! It looks so delicious!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Haha. Ben Appetite.<</speech>>
<<frelationship 5>><<mrelationship 5>>
<div class="pos">@@color:pink;$mom Relationship +5 @@
@@color:lightblue;$dad Relationship +5 @@
<div class="power">Energy +25</div></div><<energy +25>>
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<img src="img/kitchen/momanddad.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Hey Guys! Let's Eat!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Mmm it looks delicious!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah! $mom you are cool!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Haha. You guys are so lovely!<</speech>>
<<include "momvib">>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel lte 1>>\
<<elseif $fcorruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<<include "momdadkitchen">>
<<elseif $momlucas gte 1 and $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<img src="img/kitchen/momworried.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Mmm... As always. Delicious...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Yhmm....<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey $mom. Can you pass the salt?<</speech>>
$mom didn't respond, she seems really troubled about something right now.
$dad took the salt and passed to you.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Earth to Martha? Hello?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Ye.. Yes?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Are you felling alright? Maybe i'll call the doctor?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>NO! No... Sorry Guys. I was just daydreaming... Haha!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay...<</speech>>
<<frelationship 5>><<mrelationship 5>><<energy +25>>
<div class="pos">@@color:pink;$mom Relationship +5 @@
@@color:lightblue;$dad Relationship +5 @@
<div class="power">Energy +25</div></div>
<<include "momvib">>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel lte 1>>\
<<elseif $fcorruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<<include "momdadkitchen">>
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<img src="img/kitchen/momanddad.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Hey Guys! Let's Eat!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Mmm it looks delicious!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah! $mom you are cool!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Haha. You guys are so lovely!<</speech>>
<<frelationship 5>><<mrelationship 5>><<energy +25>>
@@color:pink;$mom Relationship +5 @@
@@color:lightblue;$dad Relationship +5 @@
<div class="power">Energy +25</div>
<<include "momvib">>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel lte 1>>\
<<elseif $fcorruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<<include "momdadkitchen">>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<<frelationship -25>> Dad Relationship -25
<<mrelationship -25>> Mom Relationship -25
<<return>><div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "lena" stop>>\
<img src="img/lena/lenamakeup.jpg" class='large'>
You went back to Lena's room and kept waiting for her. She finally returned after 5 minutes
She seems happy, sweaty and her makeup is smeared all over her face.
<<speech "Lena">>Sorry $name! Ah.. My dad needed my help.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's alright Lena. Though. Can i ask you a question?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Sure! Go ahead.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I met your Dad. But what about your Mom? She lives with you?<</speech>>
Lena looked at the floor with sad eyes and sighed.
In her quiet voice she responds.
<<speech "Lena">>My mother... She passed away like a year ago.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm so sorry to hear! I didn't know. I'm sorry and-<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>It's okay $name! Don't worry.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Me and my Dad are mourning her in our own way.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>In your way?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena correct her make up</h6>">>
<img src="img/lena/lenamakeup2.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Lena">>And what do you think?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Praying?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Hahaha. Praying you say!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What? You don't pray?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>No you dork! We don't pray!<</speech>>
Lena couldn't stop laughing how innocent you are.
<<speech "Lena">>You know. I'll tell you some other day! Haha. Praying. Hahaha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay? I gotta go anyway. So see ya!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Sure! See you next time. You comedian. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>What did i say?<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>But now thinking... Her Mom is dead... And... No. Noo.... It can't be! She can't! <</speech>>
With mixed thoughts you are leaving Lena's house.
Am I so stupid not to figure it out?
<<set $lessons to $lessons +1>>
<<set $time to $time +3>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><</button>>
<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/lena/lenateach.jpg" class='medium'>
Lena let you in. Once again, She wears glasses. Makes her a serious girl.
Anyway, you came here for a additional lessons. Lena throughly explains you another math methods and shows you a new tricks in her computer. You could have sworn that her computer background was some black man with his dick out.
After almost an hour, Lena is called from downstairs. It's Lena's Father.
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Lena! Need you. Darling.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh! Sure Daddy! Coming.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Sorry for that $name. Family matters.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>COMING DADDY!<</speech>>
Lena in a hurry run to downstairs. She forgot to give you some assignments to take.
So again you are alone.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Look around her room.</h6>">>
<div class="lucasoffice">
When you were looking around you see two intresting points at her room.
Computer and some new picture of Lena's in her underwear.
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Look at computer@@</h6>">>
You were right. In the background there is some black man with naked dick.
And there is a MP4 file. You shouldn't watch this. She could caught you anytime!
<<linkreplace "<h6>Open: myfirstorgasm.mp4</h6>">><<audio "computer" play>>
<video controls src="img/lena/house/computer.webm" class='medium' autoplay>
<<addcorruption 1>><<arousal 25>>\
<div class="posarousal">Corruption +1</div> <div class="pos">@@color:pink;Arousal +25@@</div><<upd>>
Risk and curiosity won.
It's a POV Video! Some black guy fucking Lena roughly. Her expression face's and moans makes you a aroused.
This is the first time you have watched this type of video with the greatest interest.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My... God... Lena..?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;Look at the picture@@</h6>">>
<img src="img/lena/pic1.jpg" class='large'>
This is a photo of Lena in her underwear.
Wondering who might have taken this photo?
<<arousal 5>><div class="pos">@@color:pink;Arousal +5@@</div><<upd>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh... She looks so pretty!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Wait for her</h4>">>
Several minutes passed, and Lena was still not here. Patiance is running out.
You gotta check what is going on. Why Lena's Father is taking her away.
<<button [[Downstairs]]>><</button>>
<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/lena/house/lenafather.jpg" class='large'>
You left her room to look for Lena. She wasn't upstairs so you went downstairs. Just as you were about to enter the room where the man was standing, He just stepped out in front of you. Half naked, Hairy muscular chest and his sharp eyes which makes you a little weak. Weak of how manly he is.
<<arousal 15>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Hey. You are $name. Right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>H-hey! Yes. $name! Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Lena told me a lot about you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is she? That is nice to hear that. And you must be... Lena's Father?<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Indeed, I am. Her D-Father. What two of you are doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh. She is helping me with understading a math... I'm a pretty much dumb about these things.<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>That's alright. I'm glad my daughter teaches such a beautiful girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Oh my!!! He flirts!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. Thank you. I'm too gratefull you have such a wonderful daughter.<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">> Yes, I have indeed...<</speech>>
Then awkard silence came. Lena Father weirldy gaze out. Is he thinking about something?
Lena finds you with her Father. She made nice eyes as she was looking at Father at the moment.
<img src="img/lena/lenalusty.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh there you are, you dork! I told you to wait for me!<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Lena. Please. Be nice for your friends.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okay. I got used to it.<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Haha. Really? Anyway. Lena. Did you do it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Later Daddy... I mean Father. I gotta take care of my friend, first.<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Of course honey. I'm leaving you ladies. Nice to meet you again, $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Goodbye Mr. Anderson.<</speech>>
Dad's Lena left you alone.
Lena can't stop laughing how you were behaving around her father and starts mocking you.
<img src="img/lena/lenalaugh.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Lena">><i>Goodbye Mr.Anderson</i>. Hahaha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Duuhhh....<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>So. How was he?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? Your father? He's... Nice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Nice? That's it? Jeez.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What do you want me to say?<</speech>>
<img src="img/lena/lenateach1.jpg" class='imageright'>
<<speech "Lena">>Something naughty. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah. Right. Anyway. I have to go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Sure. Sure. See you next time, Here? We have unfinished lessons.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Cool. I'll be here next time.<</speech>>
<<set $lenahouse to true>>
<<set $lessons to $lessons +1>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/lena/lenateach.jpg" class='medium'>
As usual Lena is teaching you in her room.
<<speech "Lena">>....And here you have the result needed for the second-<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Father">>Lena!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh shit... Sorry $name. Gotta leave you for a few minutes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>I'm very sorry. COMING DADDY!<</speech>>
Then once again Lena's Father called her. Again when you are around. How are you supposed to learn when he's taking Lena away from you all the time?
<<linkreplace "<h6>Look around her room.</h6>">>
<div class="lucasoffice">
When you were looking around you see two intresting points at her room.
Computer and some new picture of Lena's in her underwear.
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Look at computer@@</h6>">>
You were right. In the background there is some black man with naked dick.
And there is a MP4 file. You shouldn't watch this. She could caught you anytime!
<<linkreplace "<h6>Open: myfirstorgasm.mp4</h6>">><<audio "computer" play>>
<video controls src="img/lena/house/computer.webm" class='medium' autoplay>
It can't be a coincidence! I gotta go find out what is going on!
Risk and curiosity won.
It's a POV Video! Some black guy fucking Lena roughly. Her expression face's and moans makes you a aroused.
This is the first time you have watched this type of video with the greatest interest.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My... God... Lena..?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;Look at the picture@@</h6>">>
<img src="img/lena/pic.jpg" class='large'>
Photo of Lena in her underwear with a text.
@@color:red;"You’re right Daddy,
Mommy and I are
both the same size."@@
<<arousal 5>><div class="pos">@@color:pink;Arousal +5@@</div><<upd>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;Look at the picture 2@@</h6>">>
<img src="img/lena/pic1.jpg" class='large'>
This is a photo of Lena in her underwear.
Wondering who might have taken this photo?
<<arousal 5>><div class="pos">@@color:pink;Arousal +5@@</div><<upd>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;Look at the picture 3@@</h6>">>
<img src="img/lena/pic2.jpg" class='large'>
Another picture of Lena underwear shoot.
<<arousal 5>><div class="pos">@@color:pink;Arousal +5@@</div><<upd>>
<<button [[Move on|Lessons3]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
$dad in a free time is rebuilding here some things.
<<if $daddymsg is 2 and $daddykissfirst is false and $time gte 16 and $time lte 16.5 and $fcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
No-one is here. Let's wait.
<<link "<h6>Wait for your $dad.</h6>">><<goto "daddykiss">><</link>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div align="center"><div class="daddybox"><b>
Your $dad in his free time is working on Basement.
<img src="img/basement/dad.jpg" class='medium'>
<<linkreplace "<h4>$dad is here</h4>">>
<<button "Talk with $dad">><<goto "Talk with Dad basement">><</button>>
<<button "Hug $dad">><<goto "Hug Dad Basement">><</button>>
<<if $teasedad is true or $teasedadcheat is true>>\
<<button "Tease $dad">><<goto "Tease Dad">><</button>>
<<elseif $teasedad is false>>
<sub>Tease $dad</sub>
@@color:black;Need more Corruption.@@
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="lena">\
<div class="containerlarge">\
<img src="img/lena/lenaandher1.jpg" class="largevision">
<div class="middlelarge">\
<div class="imageof"><img src="img/lena/lenaandher.jpg" class="imagevisionlargelena1"></div>
After seeing Lena with her father you already look at her differently. Because of this, you can't focus on the lessons she is trying to teach you.
<<speech "Lena">>Hey! $name?! Earth to $name?! Hello?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Is something wrong? I've been talking for five minutes, and you haven't even written anything.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No... I mean.... Yes... I have to talk to you about thing... I saw.<</speech>>
Lena intrigued is looking at you.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena</h6>">>
<img src="img/lena/lenalaugh.jpg" class="large">
Lena smiled and she already know what is troubling you.
<<speech "Lena">>You've seen us. Don't you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh..?! I... Yes. I do.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>It's okay. $name. Don't be so shy about it. So ask.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ask? I mean. Why? Why are you doing this?<</speech>>
<img src="img/lena/lena2.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Lena">>Really $name? Is this your question? Okay. Why we are doing this... Hmm... Beacuse it's nothing wrong about it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nothing wrong?! It's your... Father!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Gosh. $name. So what? Since my mom died, We got closer and closer. We needed each other. This was our way of mourning.<</speech>>
<img src="img/lena/lenakiss.jpg" class="large">
<<speech "Lena">>After Mom's Funeral... My dad told me that I was very similar to my mom. After that he kissed me. It was my first kiss. That day was the day i feel in love... With him.<</speech>>
You don't know what to say.
Part of you understand it but it still doens't give you a peace of mind. Finally you say something.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm so sorry, Lena.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Tell me $name. Did you like watching us?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh?! I... I...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>You do! Don't you? Oh you pervy girl!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on! It was a shocking experience but... Yes... I liked it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haha. Happy to hear that. You know me secret. How about your secret?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mine secret...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Come on. There must be! Besties must know each other secrets!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Your Secret?</h6>">><<replace "#lena">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<img src="img/lena/lena4.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>There is one. One time before we were moving to the bigger city. I've found a note. and..<</speech>>
You told her about the past where you moved out to this city. About the note that you found on the floor that described that you left Europe. And from that moment you had suspicions that your parents were hiding some secret. So you wanted to check it out on Father's computer. That Father was punishing you for trying to find out the truth.
Then you tell her about the dreams.
<<speech "Lena">>Huh.. That's something.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And since then I am haunted by terrible dreams.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Hmm? Do you remember them?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I would like to forget about them but I can't!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>C'mon! Describe them!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>There is Me... My Mom... And My Dad... We... We were fucking! Fuck... That image.<</speech>>
<img src="img/lena/lena3.jpg" class='large'>
Lena leans to you and made big eyes.
<<speech "Lena">>What?!? No way! That is so hot!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Excuse me?? Hot?! <</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>What?! It's my fantasy! Besides! You liked to watch me hoping on my daddy's cock!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Pfff... Well.. If you say so...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Maybe I have the same perversions as you...?<</speech>>
<<button [[Lena ask]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div align="center"><div class="penis"><b>\
After the talk with Lena, you decide to talk with Mom about the note you found.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Mom, do you have time to talk?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Sure Honey, what is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Before we moved out, you dropped the note.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>A note? Let me see<</speech>>
You gave your mom a note, reading she had a confused look on her face. She didn't know where she had lost the note, thought she had thrown it away.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can you tell me who is Olena? And why you were moving out from Europe. You never said you were from Europe. <</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh that note. Well Olena is my second name, And does it matter that we were from Europe? <</speech>>
Mom trying to hide something from $name
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?? I should know that I have family roots in Europe, besides that there is another strange signature made by V. Who is V? Is it another name of my father?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Honey, calm down. We'll explain to you everything in the right time. All at once is too much. Now please, can you leave I'm in a hurry to work.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ok Olena, have a nice day at work<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name!<</speech>>
$name left with the door slammed.
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="penis"><b>\
You went back to your room pissed. You heard Dad and Mom arguing, and then Mom left the house for work. After a moment your Dad came by.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hey little princess, are you alright? I heard you had a fight with your mom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Dad... I dont know. Are you guys keeping any secrets from me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Of course we do. Everyone has their secrets. I heard you were talking about the note.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>You know what? I'll explain everything when you join me to my office okay?<</speech>>
You looked suspicious, but then you agreed
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay Dad.<</speech>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="penis"><b>\
When you enter the office, your Dad went to computer.
He typed something and he called you
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hey little princess, come here. Take a look<</speech>>
You had a slight suspicion of what he wanted to show you, but you listened to your father.
Take a look
[[Take a look]]
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="lewd"><b>\
<video autoplay width="90%" controls>
<source src="img/computer/wakingup2.mp4" type="video/mp4">
@@.delayed;[[Waking up|momevent4]] @@
</div><div align="center"><div class="penis"><b>\
Again you woke up in your room. You feel better and relaxed.
Your mind is slighlty corrupted by the images you saw. You dont recall what happened before.
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>My mind... Is...<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Finally. I'm here bitch<</speech>>
You just feel better and better.
You gained lvl 2 Corruption and Corrupted Mind.
<<set $corruptionlevel to 2>>
You lost the note <<set $note to false>>
Then you heard your parents talking in the hallway.
[[eavesdrop through the door]]
<div align="center"><div class="penis"><b>\
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>You took care of her?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Dont worry, she wont ask anymore. Isn't it right $name?<</speech>>
He catches you, and you left the room to greet them.
<<speech "Player1" "$name">>Of course Daddy, I don't know what came over me to ask you guys these things, I'm sorry.<</speech>>
Mom smiled
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>It's okay honey, let me you hug you.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Let's see, if she likes it.<</speech>>
<img src="img/pbedroom/momandmc.jpg" width="70%">
You kissed her in the cheek and rub the leg
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">> Oh my $name, I dint know you loved me that much<</speech>>
<<speech "Player1" "$name">>I just want to show my gratitude. You are so awesome mom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Haha David. What did you to her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I just reminded her that Family is important and she could show it from time to time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player1" "$name">>You are right Dad. I should show my love for you more, but for now i'm going to sleep. I am so tired.<</speech>>
<img src="img/pbedroom/momandmc2.jpg" width="70%">
$name kissed them on the cheek and left to her room.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I see you awaken her more. How did you do it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">> I don't know, maybe the environment or things that she encountered.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Isn't it too soon? We could lose her if she keeps going that path.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Relax, at least for now she wont asking us unconvenient questions.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I hope you're right, i dont want to lose another child.<</speech>>
[[Your Room|mcroom]]
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/lena/lena3.jpg" class='large'>
Lena looked at you with a curious look.
<<speech "Lena">>Perversions? You mean... You have kink for you Daddy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No! no! no..! I don't want to talk about it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>C'moooonn!! Tell me!! It will be our little secret!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Secret..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Yes! yes! Please! Tell me!<</speech>>
<img src="img/lena/lena5.jpg" class='large'>
Lena gently grabs your hand and slowly caress you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes... I'm having perverted thoughts of my Father. I am attracted to him strongly. There are moments that I wish he would grab me and make me his woman.<</speech>>
Shamefully, you finish the sentence. But Lena liked it a lot. You are thinking she wanted to hear it.
<<speech "Lena">>I'm impressed! I like you so much $name, Hearing this makes me so much calmer.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena... I gotta go...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Wait! $name! WAIT!<</speech>>
The embarrassment has overtaken you want to leave this place as soon as possible.
Lena tried to stop you but you ran as fast as you could
<img src="img/lena/lenahorny.webp" class='medium'>
You left Lena with kinky thoughts. She is horny.
She gotta do something about.
<<set $lessons to $lessons +1>>
<<addcorruption 3>> <div class="posarousal">+3 Corruption</div>
<<link "<h12>Lena is horny! (SPECIAL EVENT)</h12>">><<goto"Lena Masturbate">><<set $lenapov to 6>><<set $lenapovright to 6>><</link>>
<<link "<h12>Leave</h12>">><<goto "outside">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="daddybox"><b>
<img src="img/basement/dad.jpg" class="medium">
<<linkreplace "<h4>Talk with $dad</h4>">>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 2>>\
<<set _f to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _f is 1>>\
<img src="img/dad/teasebent.webp" class="imageleft">
<<elseif _f is 2>>\
<img src="img/dad/teasebent2.webp" class="imageright">
<<elseif _f is 3>>\
<img src="img/dad/teasebent3.webp" class="imageleft">
$dad took a time off for you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Daddy...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name. Gosh... You are such a tease.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... He's hard... Can Slutty $daughter suck you off?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Now this is not good idea. But don't you worry. My Slutty princess will get what deserves in the night.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm looking foward to it!<</speech>>
<<set $dadvisitnight to true>>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>\
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hey $name, What's up?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I just came by to see what's going on here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh, it's a suprise. You'll find out soon enough.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay, do you need help?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Maybe later, i'll call you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure. I'm off. I won't bother you.<</speech>>
<<frelationship 5>><<upd>>\
<div class="pos">$dad Relationship +5</div>
<<if $sophiameets is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Talk with $dad about the operation</h4>">>
$dad is focused on doing some work stuff.
You approached him with kind and sweet way.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Daddy! What are you doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Ah.. Some work stuff. And you? My little princess need something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yep! Your little princess want bigger tits!<</speech>>
$dad shocked throw the work away and looked at you with mouth open and eyes widened.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>What?! $name! This is a big deal! We need to talk about this throughly!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Daddy. There is nothing to talk about!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Huh? Don't you know this is a life changer?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. I am hating my body what it is. Just look how my friend changed!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Show Picture</h4>">>
<img src="img/dad/talkoperation.jpg" class="medium">
$dad is looking at this picture with curiosity.
Your eyes spot his erection through the trousers. He likes it!
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Daddy! Your Cock..<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Fuck $name! Give me time to think about this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course.<</speech>>
You left $dad with this picture alone.
<<if $frelationship gte 51 and $corruption gte 10 and $corruption lte 30>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Check $dad</h4>">>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>\
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hey little princess, you need something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I just want to check on you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Haha again? I'm fine, i just have a lot of work here<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Before you leave kiss me on the cheek.<</speech>>
<img src="img/computer/kisscheek.jpg" width="500" height="325">
<<linkreplace "<h4>Gift</h4>">>
<<if $gift1 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "Give the gift of Whiskey to your $dad">>
<<set $gift1 to false>><<frelationship 50>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Wow, Thanks for the gift. What's the occasion?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I just want to thank you for taking care of me.<</speech>>
@@color:lightblue;$dad Relationship +50@@
<<if $gift2 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "Give the gift of Pen to your $dad">>
<<set $gift2 to false>><<frelationship 15>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Wow, Thanks for the gift. What's the occasion?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I just want to thank you for taking care of me.<</speech>>
@@color:lightblue;$dad Relationship +15@@
<<if $gift5 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "Give the gift of Sunglasses to your $dad">>
<<set $gift5 to false>><<frelationship 20>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Wow, Thanks for the gift. What's the occasion?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I just want to thank you for taking care of me.<</speech>>
@@color:lightblue;$dad Relationship +20@@
<<silently>>---------------END GIFTS-------------------<</silently>>\
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</button>>
<div align="center"><div class="office1"><b>
<<if $frelationship gte 30>>
<img src="img/computer/hug.jpg" class='medium'>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<frelationship 5>><<upd>>\
$dad Relationship +5
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Okay one more hug wont hurt <</speech>>
<img src="img/computer/denial.jpg" class='medium'>
<<frelationship -5>>\
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>\
$dad Relationship -5
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Honey i dont have time for this i have a lot of work.<</speech>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div align="center"><div class="penis"><b>\
<<set $hero to true>><<set $time to $time +2>>\
You were waiting for father, mad happy finally this teacher will get what he deserve.
Your father came back mad and furious. Then he saw you and calmed down. You notice his hand is hurt. You asked what happened.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>It's okay my little princess. He won't bother you anymore<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What? What did you do to him?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>That every father should do.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh daddy. I..<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>It's okay It's okay<</speech>>
<<if $kiss is true>>
<img src="img/gif/kiss.gif" width="50%">
You run to him and kissed him, With toungue.
<<if $kiss is false>>
You run to him and kissed him, With toungue. @@color:HotPink;First kiss with daddy...@@
<img src="img/gif/kiss.gif" width="50%">
<<set $kiss to true>>
<<timed 3s>> Then he grabbed you and touch your @@color:HotPink; inner spaces@@
<img src="img/gif/inner.gif" width="30%">
And then you hear the door open
<img src="img/ui/dooropen.jpg" width="50%">
You quickly gather up with Dad.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh hey guys, Can you help me with groceries?<</speech>>
<img src="img/ui/momgroceries.jpg" width="50%">
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Sure My love<</speech>>
Your dad went to the car, Mom looked at you and asked.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>You okay Honey?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course Mom, it's great.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind">>I wonder what would have happened if the mother hadn't shown up<</speech>>
Mom nodded went to the kitchen.
[[Move on|hallway]]
<div align="center"><div class="office1"><b>\
<img src="img/computer/talk.jpg" class='medium'>
<span id="talk">
<<if $onlydad lte 19 and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>$dad want's to talk about $mom</h6>">><<replace "#talk">>
<span id="dad">
$dad asked you to close the door behind and sit down.
$dad looks worried. You've never seen him like this.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name. It's good that you are here. I don't know who i could talk to.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure $dad. What is going on? Is something wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I don't know. Maybe. Have you noticed how your $mom has changed?<</speech>>
You think to yourself.
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Of course! It's my fault. She's changed for a better person! <</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">> She's been avoiding me. When you all came back to home after your surgery. $mom doesn't talk to me anymore.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>And... After that night. When you told me that your $mom had some strange conversation on the phone and she was stressed a lot after the call.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yeah. I remember that. Yes. It was so weird...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name. I think... She is having an affair.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh!? $dad! Are you serious?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Can't you see?! $name. Martha returned to home quite late that night. She's been quiet since then.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Motivate your $dad @@color:orange;(Family)@@</h4>">><<replace "#dad">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad. Maybe it's bigger than you think? At least give mom one more chance.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hmm... You think so? Okay $name. Thank you. I'll hold with my thoughts for now. I have to see it on my own eyes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course!<</speech>>
@@color:orange; You managed to convince your $dad before making a bad decision.@@
<<set $onlydad to 2>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Hypocrite.@@color:pink;(Daddy's Girl)@@</h6>">><<replace "#dad">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
You shook your head with dissaprove.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on, Daddy. You got me. You don't have to think about $mom now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name... I-I-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't you love me $dad!? You don't love your little princess anymore?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name... It's not like that. Our family is in shambles and-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad! Ever since you penetrated me with your rock hard cock, Our family has not been the same since then. <</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>What have we done...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on. This is a beautiful love. Forbidden but beautiful. I.. Never dreamed of it. But i get it now. And now... I thinking of having a babe... With you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name. Let me think... It's too much.<</speech>>
<video src="img/dad/daddyflash.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
Teasing your $dad.
With bare pussy and ass.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay. But remember. I'm yours Daddy.<</speech>>
You wink at your $dad with your ass and eyes as you are leaving him alone with his thoughts.
<<set $onlydad to 10>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Talk with $dad</h4>">>
<<if $corruptionlevel is 0>>
<img src="img/computer/talk.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hey my little princess, you need something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No $dad, I just came to see if you needed any help.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Nah, i'm very busy right now with new project. But thanks for asking darling.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay $dad, i won't bother you, bye.<</speech>>
<<frelationship 5>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>\
$dad Relationship +5
<<elseif $fcorruptionlevel is 2>>\
<<set _f to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _f is 1>>\
<img src="img/dad/teasebent.webp" class="imageleft">
<<elseif _f is 2>>\
<img src="img/dad/teasebent2.webp" class="imageright">
<<elseif _f is 3>>\
<img src="img/dad/teasebent3.webp" class="imageleft">
$dad took a time off for you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Daddy...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name. Gosh... You are such a tease.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... He's hard... Can Slutty Daughter suck you off?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Now this is not good idea. But don't you worry. My Slutty princess will get what deserves in the night.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm looking foward to it!<</speech>>
<<set $dadvisitnight to true>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 1>>
<img src="img/computer/talk.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>There is my trouble maker!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ha ha ha. Very funny. Come on $dad. I'm grown up now. Anyway, you need something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Wow... I don't know yet, but thanks for asking.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure $dad.<</speech>>
<<frelationship 5>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>\
$dad Relationship +5
<<if $frelationship gte 51 and $corruption gte 10 and $corruption lte 30>>\
<<linkreplace "Check Dad">>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>\
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hey little princess, you need something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I just want to check on you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Haha again? I'm fine, i just have a lot of work here<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Before you leave kiss me on the cheek.<</speech>>
<img src="img/computer/kisscheek.jpg" width="500" height="325">
<<if $sophiameets is 1 and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Talk with $dad about the operation</h4>">>
$dad is focused on doing some work stuff.
You approached him with kind and sweet way.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Daddy! What are you doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Ah.. Some work stuff. And you? My little princess need something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yep! Your little princess want bigger tits!<</speech>>
$dad shocked throw the work away and looked at you with mouth open and eyes widened.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>What?! $name! This is a big deal! We need to talk about this throughly!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Daddy. There is nothing to talk about!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Huh? Don't you know this is a life changer?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. I am hating my body what it is. Just look how my friend changed!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Show Picture</h4>">>
<img src="img/dad/talkoperation.jpg" class="medium">
$dad is looking at this picture with curiosity.
Your eyes spot his erection through the trousers. He likes it!
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad! Your Cock..<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Fuck $name! Give me time to think about this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course.<</speech>>
You left $dad with this picture alone.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Gift</h4>">>
<<if $gift1 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "Give the gift of Whiskey to your $dad">>
<<set $gift1 to false>><<frelationship 50>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Wow, Thanks for the gift. What's the occasion?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I just want to thank you for taking care of me.<</speech>>
@@color:lightblue;$dad Relationship +50@@
<<if $gift2 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "Give the gift of Pen to your $dad">>
<<set $gift2 to false>><<frelationship 15>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Wow, Thanks for the gift. What's the occasion?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I just want to thank you for taking care of me.<</speech>>
@@color:lightblue;$dad Relationship +15@@
<<if $gift5 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "Give the gift of Sunglasses to your $dad">>
<<set $gift5 to false>><<frelationship 20>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Wow, Thanks for the gift. What's the occasion?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I just want to thank you for taking care of me.<</speech>>
@@color:lightblue;$dad Relationship +20@@
<<silently>>---------------END GIFTS-------------------<</silently>>\
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="Center"><div class="lewd"><b>\
<<button [[Vanilla Videos]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Lesbian Videos]]>><</button>>
<<if $bbcaddiction gte 2>>\
<<button [[BBC Videos]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Bimbo Videos]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|computermc]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="lewd"><b> \
<<switch random(4)>>
<<case 1>>
<video src="img/computer/masturbat.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<case 2>>
<video src="img/gif/sex/masturbate.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<case 3>>
<video src="img/gif/sex/vanilla1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<case 4>>
<video src="img/gif/sex/vanilla2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<video src="img/gif/sex/vanilla2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
Watching some Porn.
<<arousal 25>> <div class="posarousal">@@color:hotpink; Arousal + 25@@</div>
<<if $arousal gte 60>>\
<<linkreplace "<h31>Masturbate</h31>">>
<<arousal -50>><div class="posarousal">@@color:lightpink;Arousal -50@@</div>
<<energy -30>><div class="pos">@@color:Lightblue;Energy -30@@</div>
<img src="img/gif/sex/orgasm.webp" class='medium'>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<link "<h6>ANOTHER ONE</h6>">><<goto"Vanilla Videos">><</link>>
<<button [[Back|Porn]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="penis"><b>\
<<if $cleanpool is 4>>
Pool is now clean.
<<set $poolclean to true>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<img src="img/pool/cleaning.jpg" class='medium'>
<<set $cleanpool to $cleanpool +1>>\
<<frelationship 10>>@@color:lightblue; $dad Relationship +10@@
<<mrelationship 10>>@@color:pink; $mom Relationship +10@@
<<energy -60>> @@color:turquoise;-60 Energy@@
<<if $cleanpool is 1>>\
<i>For you hard work $dad Gives you</i> <h2>@@color:lightgreen; 25$@@</h2>
<<money 25>>
<<elseif $cleanpool is 2>>\
<i>For you hard work $dad Gives you</i> <h2>@@color:lightgreen; 20$@@</h2>
<<money 20>>
<<elseif $cleanpool is 3>>\
<i>For you hard work $dad Gives you</i> <h2>@@color:lightgreen; 15$@@</h2>
<<money 15>>
<<if $time gte 20>>
<<button [[Backyard|Backyardnight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Backyard]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $fitness lte 10>>\
Start as Beginnner
<img src="img/gif/yoga.gif" class="medium">
<<fitness 1>>
@@color:Yellow;Fitness + 1@@
<<energy -10>> <div class="power">Energy -10</div>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 11>>\
You know some basic moves
<img src="img/gif/yoga-stretch.gif" class="medium">
<<fitness 2>>
@@color:Yellow;Fitness + 2@@
<<energy -10>>\
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<button [[LivingRoom]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div align="center"><div class="penis"><b>
<<if $frelationship gte 30>>
<img src="img/computer/hug.jpg" class='medium'>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<frelationship 5>><<upd>>\
$dad Relationship +5
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Okay one more hug wont hurt <</speech>>
<img src="img/computer/denial.jpg" class='medium'>
<<frelationship -5>><<upd>>\
$dad Relationship -5
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>\
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Honey i dont have time for this i have a lot of work.<</speech>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="lenahouse1"><div align="center"><b>\
It's closed.
It's better not to bother them at this hour.
<<button [[Leave|outsidenight]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<img src="img/kitchen/coffee.gif" class='medium'>
@@color:lightyellow;The bitter taste of coffee awakens the senses.@@
<<switch random(2)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>I'm starting to like drinking coffee.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
Good Black Coffee
<div class="pilka">@@color:lightblue;+5 Energy@@</div>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>\
<<energy 5>>\
<<button [[Kitchen]]>><</button>>
<div align="center"><div class="lewd"><b>\
<<switch random(5)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img\mcroom\webcam\show.jpg" class='medium'>
Camera X Show
<<set $show to true>>
An internet webcam show. You can watch or show up on video online!
Join us ! Visit our web page to register !
@@color:Black; You can visit Camera x Show site.@@
<<case 2>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/ceo.jpg" class='large100'>
<h3>@@color:grey;Legendary CEO on the brink of death?@@</h3>
@@color:lightyellow;The legendary Joseph Cassan, creator of the clothing fashion brand Vargelis and largest restaurant network, gives no sign of life for several weeks. He was last shown at the Hot Shell awards ceremony five weeks ago. Since our last article about his shady dealings in the sex business, contact with Joseph has been lost.
His own daughter, Teresa Cassan refuses to comment. Is Teresa the successor to her father's company? Most likely!@@
<i>Linda Tycho AT6TV
News around the world.</i>
<img src="img/gif/surfing.gif" class='medium'>
Clicking random pages.
<<case 3>>
<<if $week lte 3>>
<img src="img/mall/cafe.jpg" class='medium'>
Cafe in Mall are recruiting!
Good Salary, no need experience.
Join us! We are wainting for you.
<<if $interview is false>>\
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Hmm this is intresting.<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/comercial.jpg" class='large'>
A brand new Restaurant is opened!
Come visit us and eat fresh and cheap food in the city!
We are also looking for Girls to work with.
Friendly Atmosphere and Great Experience.
Join to the best team!
<<case 4>>
You look boring? And nobody wants to know you?
<<set $surgeon to true>>
<img src="img/mcroom/computer/plastic.jpg" class='large'>
Try our specialty
<img src="img/mcroom/computer/plastic1.jpg" class='medium'>
We have the best surgeons. We will make you more beautiful and sexy.
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 1>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm she looks good..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nah. Plastic Bimbo shit.<</speech>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 2>>
<<set $operation to true>>
<<speech "Player1" "$name">>Omg! She so hot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player1" "$name">>I need this... maybe Daddy will help me?<</speech>>
<<case 5>>
<<if $mcorruptionlevel lte 1>>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/logo1.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<h3>Stay Tuned!</h3>
Cougar Life.
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
@@color:lightyellow;Are you Lonely Mother looking for some company?
Do you wish to be desire by young male?
Do you wish to earn some pretty good money?
We are here for you. @@
<h3>@@color:orange;Cougar Life@@</h3>
@@color:orange;Grants you a perfect opportunity to raise money and meet hot men!@@
@@color:lightblue;Or are you a good lad who wants to see what our performers have to offer?
We promise not to let you down!
Join us! @@
<img src="img/gif/surfing.gif" class='medium'>
Clicking random pages.
<<link "<h18>Go back</h18>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "computermc">><</link>>
<<link "<h18>Surf More</h18>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "Surf the web">><</link>>
</b></div><div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/lena/lenas.jpg" class="large">
Both of you are quiet for long time.
Apparently Lena was a little sorry that she asked you about your fetish.
It is so awkward that you have to say something.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena... About the last time... I-<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>$name. I understand you. If you are ready to tell your secrets, I will always be ready to listen to them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thank you, Lena. I'm very grateful.<</speech>>
Lena leads you through the rest of the lesson with a smile.
Through these lessons you absorbed every word and advice that Lena told you. You had the feeling that the time stood still, but it had already lasted more than two hours.
You were right, Lena has a gift for teaching.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>...And the result must be 54. Right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Yes! You are getting better.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow.. Now i understand. Math is simpler thanks to you, though!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>All it takes is focus and thinking, The rest will take care of itself. But yeah. Thanks!<</speech>>
You noticed that during these lessons, Her father had not yet called.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Anyway, where is your father? Is he around?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>My Daddy has gone somewhere far away. Some serious business to take care off. So, yeah. My home is free!! Maybe i should organise a party? What do you think?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That would be cool.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>In that case, let's throw a party!!!<</speech>>
Lena was about to dress off her clothes.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Door Bell</h6>">> <<audio "belldoor" play>>
<img src="img/lena/lenas2.jpg" class="large">
Then someone rings the doorbell of Lena's house.
Lena was surprised because she wasn't expecting anyone today.
<<speech "Lena">>Huh?! Who could that be?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let's check it out.<</speech>>
You both stand up and went to check who is ringing the bell.
<<button [[Bell ring]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "gympe" play>><<timed 3s t8n>><<audio "gymwhistle" play>><</timed>>\
<h2>Gym School</h2>
<<if $classeslesson is 2>>\
<img src="img/school/gym2.jpg" class='large'>
<img src="img/school/gym.jpg" class='large'>
<<if $gymteach is false>>\
<<button [[Enter the Gym Hall]]>><</button>>
<<if $gymteach is true and $time gte 13 and $time lte 16 and $schoolenter is true>>\
<<button [[Lessons with Gym Teacher]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Locker|thelocker]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $time gte 16.5 and $gymteach is true>>
No one is here
<<button [[Leave|school]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $time lte 12.5 and $gymteach is true>>
Come back here after the classes.
The Additional PE Lessons Starts at 13:00-16:30.
<<if $classeslesson is 2>>\
<<button "@@color:orange;PE Lessons@@">><<goto "PE Lessons">><</button>>
<<if $classeslesson gte 2 and $jayce gte 1>>\
<<button "Jayce">><<goto "jaycetalk">><</button>>
<<if $classeslesson is 1 or $classeslesson is 3>>\
<<button "Scarlett">><<goto "scarlett">><</button>>
<<if $cheerleader is true and time gte 17 and $time lte 18>>\
<<button [[Kate waiting for you]]>><</button>>
<<button [[To the School|school]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
You enter the gym, you see guys playing the basketball.
<img src="img/gif/basketball.gif" class='medium'>
One of the players caught your eye. You felt a strange tingling watching him. Someone accidentally kicked the ball to you. The guy you had in mind, went for the ball.
<<speech "Jack" "Your Crush">>Hey, can you pass me the ball?<</speech>>
He smiled, You gazed at him long enough that the people next to you finally came up for a ball and passed to him.
<img src="img/gif/lust.gif" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>Fuck, what am i doing?</sub><</speech>>
<<arousal 15>>@@color:HotPink; +15 Arousal@@
And you heard the whistle.
<img src="img/gif/whistle.gif" class='medium'>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Okay, it's over for now, go change. By the way, who invited the new girl here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, i'm the new girl. I just want to participate in additional educational activities.<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Huh? You? That's something. Another cheerleader?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Cheerleader? No... i want to play the ball.<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>WHAT? Looking at you, you don't have enough strength to even play with a ball. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Em...<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Okay, okay... We'll figure it out in some other time. If you want it that badly, you can take next lessons. But be prepared.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay, thank you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Hmm..<</speech>>
<<set $gymteach to true>><<set $time to $time +2>>\
<<button [[School|school]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="schoolclass1"><b>\
<img src="img/school/boys.jpg" class='medium'>
As you walk through the hallway, You saw the guy, who were playing basketball in the gym. He was with group of boys. The group looked at you.
<<speech "Boy1" "Chris">>Jack! It's the new girl!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Paul">>Come on Dude! It's your chance!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Chris">>Talk to her! Or i will. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Oh no you don't.<</speech>>
Jack in awkwardness way left the group, to say hi to you. Which made you a nice smile.
This smile makes him even more stunned because of the beauty you present to him.
<<speech "Jack">>H-Hey! You must be $name. Right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ha-ha. Yes. $name. You are Jack. Right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Hahaha. Yes. I am. Jack. Haha.<</speech>>
That was so awkward to you. He got silenced to seach a proper word.
Then both of you raised your voice and the same time.
<<speech "Jack">>How-<</speech>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Do-<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/smile.jpg" class='large'>
And it made you free from awkwardness, which caused a big laugh.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. You first.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Haha. You let me? Cool. So... I was thinking. Maybe you'll go with me somewhere? After the classes?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm... I don't know. Lately, My schedule is so busy. Let me check... Hmm... <</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Oh dear. Let me pray to gods. Gods please. Let her go with me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. Okay! I'll come.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Really? I mean... That's great! That's great... See you soon!!<</speech>>
Jack went back to his friends with a smile. One of friends took a photo and other high-fived him.
You don't know why, but your stomach feels so strange after this conversation. The feeling is... pleasant.
<<set $boy to true>>
<<button [[Classes]]>><</button>>
<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "crowd" stop>>\
<<if $elijahpoints is 4 and $qosjewdisc is false and $lessons gte 5>>\
<<link "<h50>Ask for Advice</h50>">><<goto "lenaqos">><</link>>
<<if $lenabikini is false and $lenaandluke is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
Lena waves at you with lusty smile at you as gesture to come here.
As you know Lena, you feel it will be something interesting
<<speech "Lena">>$name! Hey! I was wondering... If you have some free time after school.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Time for you? Always. Why do you ask?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Cool! I would love for you to come over to my house!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What are you up to again?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>I want you to see you on this!<</speech>>
<img src="img/lena/luke/bikini.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Bikini..? Oh... Right! I forgot about that one...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Great! Daddy is going to leave at 15:00 so meet me there then.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Very Cool! See you there! Love ya!<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Meet Lena in Lena's House after 15:00.@@
<<set $lenabikini to true>>\
<<if $lenaandluke is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Kissing with Lena</h4>">>
<video src="img/lena/lenamckiss.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
Both of you kiss in the school hallway without remorse or shame. A group of boys with their horny faces look on with the greatest interest.
<<speech "Lena">>Mmm. Wait... My fans needs to watch it... <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... Fans...?<</speech>>
In the middle of the kiss, Lena records your kissing for her fans, It doesn't bother you anymore.
<<speech "Lena">>Mmm...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh... She taste so good guys...<</speech>>
<<if $selfiebrosoc is true and $lenaandluke is false>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena smirky face</h6>">>
<img src="img/lena/talkchloe.jpg" class="imageleftc">
Lena looks at you with a mischievous smile
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>You know what.<</speech>>
You recalled that you posted a picture of yourself with your brother online.
Then you looked at her with disbelief.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena! Don't. That's my brother!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>So?! Can you at least introduce us?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Not now. He's settling in. I need to give him some space.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Sure, sure. I bet, You are working on him right now. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Pff... You wish...<</speech>>
You looked away to avoid her look.
<img src="img/school/lenashock.jpg" class="medium">
She already knew something is not right.
<<speech "Lena">>I fucking know it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's not what you think, You pervert!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Not yet. Haha. Promise me that you will introduce him to me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jeez Lena... Okay!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Great! Love you sister!<</speech>>
@@color:pink;She called me sister?! Wow.. That's sounds nice.@@
<<if $chloetalk is true and $chloeenter is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Talk about Chloe</h6>">>
<img src="img/lena/talkchloe.jpg" class="imageleftc">
Lena is standing in the hallway talking with a student.
<<speech "Boy1" "Taylor">>Come on Girl! Let's talk!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Fuck off Taylor. I don't have time for this.<</speech>>
Taylor left her with a sadness. You approached Lena with curiosity.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Who was that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Another horny boy. Don't mind him. So, how are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm fine. Well, I was talking with Chloe some other day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>With that nerd? Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jeez Lena. She's just..<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>I'm just kidding! So how is she?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, She is a bit shy. And she thinks we are too "Cool" for her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Hmm... She reminds me of someone...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm?<</speech>>
<img src="img/lena/talkchloe2.jpg" class="imagerightc">
<<speech "Lena">>Of course! She reminds me of the former you! Haha, no fucking way! You were also shy and afraid of taking some funny risks! And the clothes! That was some good shit to laugh about!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck off. Don't remind me of that!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Good times! Good times... I wish to see you again with it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Whatver... So, I am thinking... Maybe let's take Chloe with us?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>What?!? That's Bailey's Daughter. I mean... Hmm...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It would be so cool to see true her...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>$name! Wow. You dirty... dirty...Girl!<</speech>>
Chloe were roaming around the hall then she spot you.
<<speech "Chloe">>Hi Girls! Ready for some education?<</speech>>
Lena and You looked at each other and smiled.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure. Let's go.<</speech>>
<<set $chloeenter to true>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Let's get to know Chloe better. How about inviting her somewhere?<</speech>>
<<if $sexdad gte 3 and $day gte 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Tell Lena about your Special Bond with your Father</h4>">>
You are so Happy after that night in the Hotel.
Lena noticed you are so happy she asks you.
<<speech "Lena">>So.. have you finally done it?<</speech>>
You nodded happy.
<<speech "Lena">>Oh my GOD!!!!!<</speech>>
Lena scream loudly that all in the hallway looked at her.
<<speech "Lena">>Tell me with every detail!<</speech>>
You told Lena about the Day where you spent with your father at the hotel. During the conversation she was so excited that she had to go to the bathroom to relieve herself.
<img src="img/school/lenasquirt.webp" class='medium'>
<<if $clubinvite is false and $corruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Lena Typing on the Phone</h4>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey, what's up?<</speech>>
Lena is still typing on her phone.
<<speech "Lena">>cool...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Yes, I wonder... Because yesterday I posted a couple of hot selfies on SocialPics. Then I got an invitation to some private club. It's so strange.... And interesting. I might consider joining them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Club? Hmm...<</speech>>
What if you posted some hot selfies?
<<elseif $clubinvite is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Lena Typing on the Phone</h4>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Lena, i just joined to this club. If i have to say, It's cool experience.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh for real? Then i'll join too!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Talk with Lena</h4>">>
<<if $clotheswear is "schooluniform">>\
Lena watches your outfit with a bizarre expression on her face.
<<speech "Lena">>Girl... I don't know whether to laugh or cry.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh Shut up!<</speech>>
<<if $clotheswear is "schooluniform1">>\
Lena with a nice smile greets you in the hall.
<<speech "Lena">>$name! At last! You look so fine!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks Lena. Yeah. I think so too!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>For starters. Maybe the future will bring something better?<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Like what?<</speech>>
<<if $clotheswear is "schooluniform3" and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
Lena was suprised what are you wearing right now.
Some boys are looking at you instead of her. She seems jealous.
<<speech "Lena">>Damn girl. You look great! a bit Hot! This is what i am talking about!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. Yeah. You were right about that. I should have done it sooner. Gosh, i love that attention....<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Huh. As you walked down the corridor, some boys even scratched their crotch.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really? Are you jealous right now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Me?? No....<</speech>>
You giggled.
<<elseif $clotheswear is "schooluniform3" and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<img src="img/school/lipbite.jpg" class="mediumc">
Lena can't stop looking at your new tits.
She's bitting her lips through the talk.
<<speech "Lena">>I'm so proud of you $name. You look so... I don't know... It's so hard to describe to me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. It's okay-<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>So fucking hot! You are Top One girl in the school for sure!<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/lenaseduction.jpg" class="imageleftc">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lenaaaa... Stop..<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>If I were a man, I would fuck you to the last drop of yummy cum.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena.. You really overreacting right now. Still, I'm glad you envy of my body.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Pff... A little? At least Fron now on, I can go out with you to the town without a shame. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh fuck you!<</speech>>
<<if $walletsteal is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Lena showing off with some jewelery</h4>">>
<img src="img/school/earings.jpg" width="35%">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow those are Vetino's earings?? God, those are beautiful. Your dad must be rich.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haha yeah... my dad doesn't know, yet! Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>I snuck a peek at his stuff while he was still sleeping and took a few things and these! Come on, you never steal anything from your dad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Never. I didn't think about that yet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Then maybe you should?<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Hint: Dad sometimes leaves a wallet in the hallway before he goes to work.@@
<<if $peekshower is true and $peekcleaning is true and $peektv is true and $sexdad is 0>>
<<button [[Ask Lena for Advice]]>><</button>>
<<if $lessons2 is true and $corruptionlevel lte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "Lena Enters">>
You see Lena entering school
<img src="img/college/lena.jpg" width="80%">
You hear a talk in the group of boys
<<speech "Boy1">>Damn...<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2">>I would bang her so bad...<</speech>>
Then Lena see you
<<speech "Lena">>There you are $name, Hey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Lena, you look... good?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haha, yeah i like when some guys look at me, Hey Boys.<</speech>>
Lena wave at the group of boys
<<speech "Boy1">>Hey Lena !<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2">>Lena, would you like to go after the school with us?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Sure, Hihi.<</speech>>
Lena looked at you
<<speech "Lena">>It's so easy with them. I'll tell you something. Less Clothes, More Boys. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Okay let's go to class.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah...<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Maybe i should wear more daring?<</speech>>
<<arousal 15>>
<<if $lessons2 is true and $corruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "Lena is waiting">>
<img src="img/college/lena.jpg" width="80%">
<<speech "Lena">>I see you changed your style.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah, less dress, more boys. Haha<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haha. That's the spirit.<</speech>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "school">><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $clotheswear is "sport">>\
<<switch random(2)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/school/gym.gif" class='medium'>
<<fitness 2>>
@@color:Yellow;Fitness + 2@@
<<energy -15>> <div class="power">Energy -15</div>
<<case 2>>
<img src="img/school/gym3.gif" class='medium'>
You got injury.
<<speech "Girl1">>Oh, someone got injury??<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl2">>Buuhuuu.<</speech>>
<<energy -15>> <div class="power">Energy -15</div>
<img src="img/school/gym2.gif" class='medium'>
<<fitness 2>>
@@color:Yellow;Fitness + 2@@
<<energy -15>> <div class="power">Energy -15</div>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "sport1">>
<<set _gym to random(1,7)>>
<<if _gym is 1>>
<img src="img/school/gyms1.webp" class="medium">
Today you are working on the exercise ball.
Coach is loving that sight.
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Fuck...<</speech>>
<<elseif _gym is 2>>
<img src="img/school/gyms2.webp" class="medium">
Some girl are showing off!
Her thick buttcheeks are bare naked. Coach can't take his eyes off them.
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Lindsey! After the lessons, We need to talk...<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "Lindsey">>Haha. Yes Coach!<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Why is she laughing?<</speech>>
<<elseif _gym is 3>>
<img src="img/school/gyms3.webp" class="medium">
Hardworkout with Girls.
<<speech "Girl1" "Lara">>Oh... My butt!<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl2" "Pola">>Jeez.. I'm so sweety!<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "Lara">>You are such a tease... Let's take a long shower after this!<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl2" "Pola">>Shh..!! Someone could hear this!<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "Lara">>Don't be so dramatic. Hihi.<</speech>>
<<elseif _gym is 4>>
<img src="img/school/gyms4.webp" class="medium">
Exercising your stomach, Some girls approached you.
You could see their bush around their underwear.
<<elseif _gym is 5>>
<img src="img/school/gym5.webp" class="medium">
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Get in Pairs!<</speech>>
@@color:hotpink;A hot girl is pair with you. She's got a big pair of titties...
I gotta look!
<<arousal 15>>Arousal +15@@
<<elseif _gym is 6>>
<img src="img/school/gyms6.webp" class="medium">
Another Fat Burning Workout!
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jeez! I'm going to get muscle soreness after this!<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "Lindsey">>It will be worth it! Trust me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course!<</speech>>
<<elseif _gym is 7>>
<img src="img/school/gyms7.webp" class="medium">
Hardworkout with Girls.
<<speech "Girl1" "Jena">>Harder $name!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm trying! Gosh! This is so exhausting!<</speech>>
<<fitness 4>><<energy -45>>
@@color:lightyellow;You gained Fitness + 4!@@
@@color:lightblue;You lost Energy -45!
<<button [[Another One!|Lessons with Gym Teacher]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
<img src="img/school/gym-class.gif" class='medium'>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Where is your Uniform!?<</speech>>
@@color:LightYellow;You need to wear sport outfit to practice.@@
<<if $time gte 17>>
Time is out. Coach starts to packing up.
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Lessons Over! <</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|school]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|school]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="lewd"><b>\
You are so horny, you need to masturbate.
<<switch random(3)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/gif/masturbate.gif" width="20%">
<<case 2>>
<img src="img/gif/masturbate1.gif" width="50%">
<<case 3>>
<img src="img/gif/masturbate3.gif" width="40%">
<img src="img/gif/masturbate3.gif" width="40%">
<<set $arousalpunish to $arousalpunish +1>>
[[Your Room|mcroom]]
</b></div>\Your mind couldnt handle the pressure. You fainted and you didnt awake.
You are dead.<div class="todolist"><b>\
<div align="center"><h1>@@color:lightyellow;To do List@@</h1></div>
<div align="center">
<<button "Return" `previous()`>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>></div>
<div align="center"><h2>Events</h2></div>
<<if $lenabikini is 5 and $analhole gte 14>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:pink;Go to Lena Again (Lena House 15:00, Wear Anal Plug)@@</h3></div>
<<if $analhole lte 13 and $analplug is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:pink;Wear Anal Plug until you'll get used to the pain.@@</h3></div>
<<if $lenabikini is 5 and $analplug is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:pink;Buy Anal Plug (Shop Mall)@@</h3></div>
<<if $lenabikini is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:pink;Go to Lena (Lena House 15:00)@@</h3></div>
<<if $lenaandluke is true and $lenabikini is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:pink;Lena wants to talk.(School)@@</h3></div>
<<if $lipsur is 10>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:hotpink;Visit Clinic (Burnett, Hospital)@@</h3></div>
<<if $lipsur gte 3 and $lipsur lte 9>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:hotpink;Wait for next visit with Burnett.@@</h3></div>
<<if $lipsur is 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:hotpink;Visit Clinic for lips injection.(Burnett, Hospital)@@</h3></div>
<<if $lipsur is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:hotpink;Come Tomorrow for planned lips injection.@@</h3></div>
<<if $lipsur is 0 and $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:hotpink;Visit Clinic (Burnett, Hospital)@@</h3></div>
<<if $funeral is false and $aunt is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Visit your Aunts (Hills)</h3></div>
<<if $lukeeat is false and $bcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:pink;$bro's Curiosity (Sleeping Aroused Moan a little more)@@</h3></div>
<<if $bimbobj1 is false and $bcorruptionlevel gte 1 and $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:hotpink;Watch Luke (Luke Room Bimbo Influence)@@</h3></div>
<<if $brotherkitchenfuck is false and $bcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Say hi to your $bro (Luke Kitchen 7:00)</h3></div>
<<if $bcorruption gte 100 and $bcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Home alone with $bro (Your Room Friday 18:00)</h3></div>
<<if $lucasandmom is true and $momgoingout is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>$mom's Night Drive (Parents Bedroom 23:00-23:30)</h3></div>
<<if $arguefamily is true and $lucasandmom is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>$mom's Necklace is Reacting (Parents Bedroom 23:00-23:30)</h3></div>
<<if $chloecorruptionmc gte 5 and $chloelvl is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:teal;Chloe's Corruption (Chloe's Room)@@</h3></div>
<<if $chloeout is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $chloecorruptionmc gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:teal;Convice Chloe to go out (Chloe's Room)@@</h3></div>
<<if $elijah is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Talk with Elijah (Sophia Clinic: Sophia and Elijah Event)</h3></div>
<<if $doctortask is true and $tabletsophia is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Find anything on Sophia (Sophia's Clinic 18:00-20:00)</h3></div>
<<if $doctortask is false and $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Go to sleep (My Room. Aroused)</h3></div>
<<if $bcorruption gte 50 and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $arguefamily is false or $bcorruptionlevel gte 1 and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $arguefamily is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>House Dinner (My Room 15:00-17:00)</h3></div>
<<elseif $bcorruption lte 49 and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $bcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Corrupt your $bro</h3></div>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $daddydildo is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Dildo Play with Daddy (Bedroom Morning Dad)</h3></div><</if>>\
<<if $daddybathroom is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Take shower with Daddy (Bathroom Dad)</h3></div>
<<if $mombathroom is false and $mcorruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Take shower with Mommy (Bathroom Mom)</h3></div>
<<if $warehouse is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Manage your Playground (Sanctuary)</h3></div>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $bimbolvl1 is false and $burnettmsg is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:hotpink;Routine Inspection (Hospital Clinic 8:00-18:00)@@</h3></div>
<<if $burnettmsg is 0 and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $doctorcall is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Check Message.(Phone)</h3></div>
<<if $daddycock is true and $daddyend is false and $fcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Unexpected Visit (School 10:00-12:00)</h3></div>
<<if $sexdad is 2 and $fcorruptionlevel is 1 and $daddycock is false and $daddykissfirst is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Good Morning. (Your Room 7:00-8:00)</h3></div>
<<if $daddymsg is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Read the Message</h3></div>
<<if $daddymsg is 2 and $daddykissfirst is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Meet with your $dad (Basement 16:00-17:00)</h3></div>
<<if $peekdadshower is false and $fcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Peep your $dad (Bathroom Dad)</h3></div>
<<if $dadphone is false and $fcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Check $dad's Office (Office)</h3></div>
<<if $buyskimpyoutfit is false and $fcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Buy Skimpy Outfit (Clothing Store)@@</h3></div>
<<if $dadphone lte 2 and $fcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<<if $dadphone is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Ask $dad for Ride. (Kitchen Dad 7:30 Moday-Friday)</h3></div>
<<elseif $dadphone is 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Ask $dad for Ride. Once more. (Kitchen $dad 7:30 Moday-Friday)</h3></div>
<<if $sussy is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>I need to find out about my past... Maybe $dad's computer? (Dig deeper into his Computer)</h3></div>
<<if $Fatherfirstevent is false and $sussy is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>My $dad wants to talk with me in my room...</h3></div>
<<if $walletsteal lte 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>$dad often leaves wallet in the First Floor. (8:00-10:00 Monday-Friday) </h3></div>
<<if $walletsteal is 3 and $corruptionlevel is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>$mom somehow is Pissed at you (Your Bedroom)</h3></div>
<<if $corruption gte 3 and $stepc lte 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>$dad is waiting for you (Your Room)</h3></div>
<<if $momtalk1 is false and $buy_schooluniform1 is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>$mom wants to talk with me in my room.</h3></div>
<<if $girlday is 1 and $corruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>$mom wants to go shopping with me at Weekend</h3></div>
<<if $teasedad is true and $fcorruptionlevel is 0 and $fcorruption lte 49>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Tease your $dad</h3></div>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 0 and $fcorruption is 35>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Go to Lucas for advice.</h3></div>
<<elseif $violetpills gte 1 and $fcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Drug your $dad(Kitchen From 13:30)</h3></div>
<<elseif $violetpills lte 0 and $fcorruption gte 35 and $fcorruption lte 49 and $fcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Ask Lucas for more Pills</h3></div>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 0 and $fcorruption is 50>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Change $dad (My Room)</h3></div>
<<if $girlday gte 2 and $corruption gte 10 and $momlucas is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>$mom seems worried. (Hallway night)</h3></div>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 1 and $peektv is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Before the School (7:00-9:00 Monday-Friday Your Bedroom)</h3></div>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 1 and $peekcleaning is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Cleaning Duty (12:00-14:00 Weekend Your Bedroom)</h3></div>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 1 and $peekshower is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Long Shower (8:00-10:00 Weekend Your Bedroom)</h3></div>
<<if $peekshower is true and $peekcleaning is true and $peektv is true and $sexdad is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Ask Lena for Advice (School)</h3></div>
<<if $sexdad is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Approach your $dad (21:00-23:30 Your Bedroom)</h3></div>
<<if $sexdad is 2 and $fcorruption is 100 and $fcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Weekend with Daddy (Weekend Bedroom)</h3></div>
<<if $corruptionlevel is 1 and $corruption gte 25>>\
<div align="center"><h3>It's time for another Stage of your Life. (Bedroom)</h3></div>
<<if $lessons is 5>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Visit Lena in her House (Weekend 10:00-14:00)</h3></div>
<<if $momvision is true and $bookerotic is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>I need to find an idea for the $mom (Shop)</h3></div>
<<if $momvision is true and $pantywib is true and $momvib is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Change $mom's Panties 7:30-8:00 (My Room)</h3></div>
<<if $bookerotic is true and $momerotic is 1 and $momvision is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Plant or Gift your $mom a book (Parents Bedroom)</h3></div>
<<if $momerotic lte 3 and $momerotic gte 2 and $mcorruption lte 49 and $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Check if $mom likes the book. (Livingroom,Bedroom)</h3></div>
<<if $momvib is true and $mcorruption lte 49 and $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Check if $mom likes the panties. (Breakfast,Dinner)</h3></div>
<<if $momvision is true and $momerotic gte 3 and $momerotic lte 4 and $mcorruption lte 49 and $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Tease your $mom in the Park</h3></div>
<<if $lucasgift is false and $mcorruption gte 50 and $mcorruptionlevel is 0 and $momvision is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Talk with Lucas (Lucas house)</h3></div>
<<if $lucasgift is true and $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Mix the Drink (Your Room 20:00)</h3></div>
<<if $momerotic lte 2 and $momerotic gte 0 and $mcorruptionlevel is 1 and $bookerotic is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Give your $mom a Erotic Book and check the results.</h3></div>
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel is 1 and $kissmom is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Visit your $mom in the Bedroom (Night)</h3></div>
<<if $kissmom is true and $touchmom is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>$mom acts weird after that kiss (Kitchen 7:00-7:30 or 9:00-10:00)</h3></div>
<<if $touchmom is true and $mompussy is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Alone with $mom (14:00-15:00 Living Room Monday,Wednesday,Friday )</h3></div>
<<if $lucasremote is false and $mcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>A black car parked by your house (Your Room Saturday-Sunday 10:00-12:00)</h3></div>
<<if $bathroomspy is true and $momwatch is false and $mcorruptionlevel is 1 and $momerotic gte 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Check $parents Bedroom (21:00-21:30)</h3></div>
<<if $mompussy is true and $mompussy2 is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Visit your $mom at her Bedroom (Night)</h3></div>
<<if $mompussy is true and $mompussy3 is false and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Have fun with $mom at Breakfast/Dinner</h3></div>
<<if $mcorruptionlevel gte 1 and $momgym is false or $momgympeek is false and $mcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>$mom wakes you up (Weekend 7:00-10:00)</h3></div>
<<if $mcorruptionlevel gte 1 and $mombbc is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Watch BBC Porn (14:00 Computer)</h3></div>
<<if $language is 4 and $lucasremote is true>> \
<div align="center"><h3>$mom with Necklace. (Living Room $mom)</h3></div>
<<elseif $lucasremote is true and $language lte 3>>
<div align="center"><h3>Get help with language lessons(Lucas)</h3></div>
<<if $mcorruption gte 100 and $mcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>$mom's Corruption Next Stage (Your Room Saturday)</h3></div>
<<if $lucashelp is 1 and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Ask Lucas for Financial Help</h3></div>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel gte 2 and $mcorruptionlevel gte 2 and $corruption gte 50 and $corruptionlevel is 2 and $bimboend is 3>>\
<div align="center"><div class="posarousal">Get Ready for the Surgery (Sophia's Clinic)</div></div>
<<elseif $fcorruptionlevel gte 2 and $mcorruptionlevel gte 2 and $corruption gte 50 and $corruptionlevel is 2 and $bimboend lte 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Visit Burnett to Receive Bimbo Stage 2 (For Surgery)</h3></div>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $mombrother is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Talk with $mom (14:00-15:00 Your Room)</h3></div>
<<if $bcorruption lte 74 and $bcorruptionlevel is 0 and $mombrother is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Corrupt your $bro</h3></div>
<<if $luketime is false and $bcorruption gte 25>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Talk with Luke in his Room</h3></div>
<<if $bcorruption gte 25 and $bkiss is false and $luketime is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Fun time with $bro (My Room 18:00)</h3></div>
<<if $lukekiss lte 13 and $bkiss is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Kiss your $bro till you he returns the feeling</h3></div>
<<if $lukepeepmom is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Show Luke $mom Mystery ($mom Living Room Camera Peep Show)</h3></div>
<<if $momandluketalk is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Luke and $mom Talk (22:00 Living Room)</h3></div>
<<if $mombbc gte 2 and $mombbc lte 4>>\
<div align="center"><h3>$mom Exercises with... (Living Room Thursday 13:00-13:30)</h3></div>
<<if $cigar gte 1 and $cigar lte 2 and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Take a Smoke (Restaurant Rest Room)</h3></div>
<<if $doctorcall is true and $burnettmsg is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Read Message from Dr.Burnett.</h3></div>
<<if $burnettmsg gte 1 and $bimbolvl1 is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Routine Check (Clinic 8:00-18:00)</h3></div>
<<if $evatask is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Meet Camila (Mall 14:00-15:00)</h3></div>
<<if $evatask is 2 and $richardwin lte 3 and $teresawin lte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Meet Camila (City Center 18:00) Make sure to wear the right Dress and Lingerie!*</h3></div>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true and $daddykitchenbimbo is false>>\
<div align="center"><div class="posarousal">Daddy's Girl BIMBO (Kitchen Morning Bimbo)</div></div>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $daddymorning is false>>\
<div align="center"><i>@@color:hotpink;Daddy's Girl (Kitchen Morning Alone)@@</i></div>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $daddyuniform is false>>\
<div align="center"><i>@@color:hotpink;Daddy's Girl With Uniform (Tease Daddy with your School Uniform)@@</i></div>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $daddybed is false>>\
<div align="center"><i>@@color:hotpink;Daddy's Girl (Going to sleep with high Arousal)@@</i></div>
<<if $daddypool is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><i>@@color:hotpink;Daddy's Girl (Teasing Daddy in the Pool with high Arousal)@@</i></div>
<<if $elijah is 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:white;Answer your Phone (My Room)@@</h3></div>
<<if $elijahpoints is 1 and $blackdildo is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:white;Buy Black Dildo (Store Mall)@@</h3></div>
<<if $blackdildo is true and $elijahpoints is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:white;Show your new Toy (White Bunnies)@@</h3></div>
<<if $blackdildo is true and $elijahpoints is 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:white;Make sure to wear School Uniform, Talk with your Master. (White Bunnies)@@</h3></div>
<<if $elijahpoints gte 3 and $deepthroat1 lte 4>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:white;Practice Deep Throating. (Drawer or White Bunnies)@@</h3></div><</if>>\
<<if $elijahpoints is 3 and $deepthroat1 gte 4>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:white;Talk with your Master (White Bunnies)@@</h3></div><</if>>\
<<if $elijahpoints is 4 and $qosjewdisc is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:white;Ask Lena for Advice (School)@@</h3></div><</if>>\
<<if $elijahpoints is 4 and $qosjewdisc is true and $qosjew is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:white;Look for Jewerly (Jewerly Store)@@</h3></div><</if>>\
<<if $elijahpoints is 4 and $qosjewdisc is true and $snowbunnycloth1 is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:white;Buy Blacked Clothes (Clothing Store)@@</h3></div><</if>>\
<<if $elijahpoints is 4 and $qosjewdisc is true and $snowbunnycloth is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:white;Buy Blacked Underwear (Clothing Store)@@</h3></div><</if>>\
<<if $scarlettbbctalk is true and $scarlettandcoach is false and $mitski gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Scarlett's Solution (Scarlett-School Lunch)@@</h3></div>
<<if $mitski is 3 and $scarlettbbctalk is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Eavesdrop at the Mitski-Scarlett talk. (Mitski-School)@@</h3></div>
<<if $chloetalking is false and $chloecorruptionmc gte 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Talk with Chloe (Chloe's House)</h3>@@</div>
<<if $afterschool1 is true and $chloeout is true and $baileyscary is false or $afterschool2 is true and $chloeout is true and $baileyscary is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Chloe is out! Seduce Bailey (Chloe's House)@@</h3></div>
<<if $jackandjayce is true and $jayce is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Meet Jack in the School Hallway@@</h3></div>
<<if $jackmessagejayce is true and $jackandjayce is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Read Message from Jack@@</h3></div>
<<if $linzee is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Dylan and Benjamin (Hallway School After History Class)@@</h3></div>
<<if $reputationschool lte 49 and $corruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Raise your Reputation in School (School)@@</h3></div>
<<if $reputationschool gte 50 and $scarlett lte 4>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Raise your Relationship with Scarlett (Lunch Time)@@</h3></div>
<<if $mitskiafter is 2 and $ryancabinet is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Watch Mitski and Professor (15:00-17:00 Computer)@@</h3></div>
<<if $mitskiafter is 1 and $hiddencamera is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Put Hidden Camera in Professor's Office. (18:00-19:30)@@</h3></div>
<<if $mitskiafter is 1 and $hiddencamera is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Buy Hidden Camera@@</h3></div>
<<if $mitskiafter is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Mitski and Professor (15:00-17:00 School)@@</h3></div>
<<if $gina lte 4 and $ginapeek is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Check Gina in Math Lessons (School Lessons)@@</h3></div>
<<elseif $ginapeek is true and $gina lte 4>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Peek Gina After the Class (School)@@</h3></div>
<<if $mitski lte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Check Mitski in Math Lessons (School Lessons)@@</h3></div>
<<if $nightschool is true and $ashley is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Check school at night.@@</h3></div>
<<if $rogersreport is 4>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Report back to Ms.Rogers (Headmistress Office, After the Classes)@@</h3></div>
<<if $rogers gte 1 and $rogersreport lte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Collect information at each class lessons for Ms.Rogers.@@ </h3></div>
<<if $gina is 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;See what Gina and the professor do after class. (School after Math Lessons)@@</h3></div>
<<if $gymteach is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Visit the School Gym.@@</h3></div>
<<if $lucas is false and $walletsteal gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Skip class with Lena.@@</h3></div>
<<if $boy is false and $buy_schooluniform1 is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Jack wants to talk with me? (School)@@</h3></div>
<<if $buy_schooluniform1 is false and $stepc gte 2 and $gymteach is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Talk with Lena about your Uniform.@@</h3></div>
<<if $school1 is false and $sussy is true and $Fatherfirstevent is true and $corruptionlevel is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Ask Lena for help@@</h3></div>
<<if $lenahouse is true and $lessons lte 4>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Lena as Teacher (Lena House 13:00-15:00 from Thursday to Sunday)@@</h3></div>
<<elseif $school1 and $lenahouse is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Lena as Teacher (Lena House 13:00-15:00 from Thursday to Sunday)@@</h3></div>
<<if $teacherhorny is 0 and $corruption gte 15>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Tease the teacher in the class@@</h3></div>
<<if $teacherhorny is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Meet your Teacher after the Class@@</h3></div>
<<if $teacherhorny lte 5 and $corruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Tease Mr.Bailey (Teacher) till you get his full attention.@@</h3></div>
<<if $teacherhorny gte 6 and $teacherhorny lte 9>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Meet Mr.Bailey after the Class (16:00-17:30)@@</h3></div>
<<if $teacherhorny gte 10 and $messageteacher is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Check a Message on the Phone@@</h3></div>
<<if $chloe is false and $week gte 6 and $corruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;A newcomer to the school. (Class Lessons)@@</h3></div>
<<if $chloe is true and $chloetalk is false>>
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Talk with Chloe before classes.@@</h3></div>
<<if $chloetalk is true and $chloeenter is false>>
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Talk with Lena about Chloe before classes.@@</h3></div>
<<if $chloeenter is true and $chloeenter2 is false>>
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Invite Chloe before classes.@@</h3></div>
<<if $chloeenter2 is true and $chloepark is false>>
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Meet Chloe in the Park (Satuday 7:00-10:00)@@</h3></div>
<<if $startnewbody is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Enter the School After Surgery@@</h3></div>
<<if $talkwithchloe is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $chloepark is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Talk with Chloe about your $bro (Chloe School)@@</h3></div>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $ashleyreveal is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Visit Mr.Bailey after the Class (16:00-17:30)@@</h3></div>
<<if $afterschool2 is false and $ashleyblock is true and $afterschool1 is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Talk with Mr.Bailey after the Class. (16:00-17:30)@@</h3></div>
<<if $ashleyslave is false and $ashleyreveal is true and $chloepark is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Talk with Mr.Bailey about Ashley Blackmail (Chloe's House)@@</h3></div>
<<elseif $chloepark is false and $ashleyreveal is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Progress Story with Chloe.@@</h3></div>
<<if $talkwithchloe is true and $lukechloe is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Introduce Chloe to Luke (Luke Room 15:00-16:00)@@</h3></div>
<<if $bayleysex is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $ashleyblock is true and $afterschool1 is true and $afterschool1 is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Meet your Teacher at his House.(Chloe's House 18:00-20:00)@@</h3></div>
<<if $ashleyslave is true and $warehouse is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Ask Lucas for Help with Ashley @@</h3></div>
<<elseif $warehouse is true and $ashleyblock is false and $ashleyslave is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Kidnap Ashley@@</h3></div>
<<if $lenaandluke is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Meet Lena After the Class (13:00-15:00 School) @@</h3></div>
<<if $chloeclothes is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $chloepark is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Chloe seems worried. Talk with her before Classes.(School Chloe)@@</h3></div>
<<if $boy is true>>\
<<if $boy is true and $eventjack1 is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Jack waits for you at the school@@</h3></div>
<<if $entryhouse is false and $eventjack1 is true and $boyfriendjack is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Visit Jack, his house is in the center of the city@@</h3></div>
<<if $eventjack1 is true and $annawalks is false or $eventjack1 is true and $blackmailjack is false and $annawalks is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Anna walks Jack to school@@</h3></div>
<<elseif $annawalks is true>>\
<<if $jackevents is 1 and $jackstat gte 30 and $boyfriendjack is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Jack want's to talk with you in his House (entrance)@@</h3></div>
<<elseif $jackstat lte 29 and $corruptionlevel gte 1 and $boyfriendjack is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;You need 30 Relationship with Jack to unlock event.@@</h3></div>
<<if $tomevents is 1 and $jackevents is 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Go to a party (Saturday 20:00 My Room)@@</h3></div>
<<if $tomevents is 2 and $hot gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Meet with Jack in the school@@</h3></div>
<<if $jackevents is 2 and $tomevents gte 2 and $jacksex is 1 and $jackmsg is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Check out the message</h3></div>
<<elseif $jackmsg is 1 and $jacksex is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Jack invites you for dinner. (Saturday-Sunday 16:00-18:00 Jack's House)@@</h3></div>
<<if $tomevents lte 3 and $jacksex is 2 and $cleanpool is 4 and $jealousy is 0 and $tomrecord is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:red;Lazy Day.@@ (Saturday-Sunday Bedroom 10:00-14:00)</h3></div>
<<elseif $cleanpool lte 3 and $tomevents lte 3 and $jacksex is 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Clean the Pool.</h3></div>
<<if $lucas is true>>\
<<if $girlday gte 2 and $corruptionlevel gte 1 and $lucasrelationship lte 14>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Visit Lucas in the Jewerly Store@@</h3></div>
<<elseif $girlday gte 2 and $corruptionlevel gte 1 and $lucasrelationship is 15 and $fcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Corrupt your $dad to Level 1@@</h3></div>
<<elseif $girlday gte 2 and $corruptionlevel gte 1 and $lucasrelationship is 15 and $fcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Visit Lucas in the Jewerly Store@@</h3></div>
<<if $bimbo is 1 and $corruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Meet with the Doctor (Hospital)@@</h3></div>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel lte 1 and $bimbo is 1>>\
@@color:orange;You need Another stage Corruption to visit the Doctor@@
<<if $corruption gte 15 and $lucasrelationship gte 10 and $meetmadison is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Meet a friend of Lucas. (Jewerly Store)@@</h3></div>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 2 and $momlucas gte 1 and $meetmadison is true and $momvision is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Lucas wants to see you (Jewerly Store)@@</h3></div>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 1 and $meetmadison is true and $momlucas gte 1>>\
@@color:orange;You need higher Corruption Level@@
<<if $sophia is true and $sophiagreet is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Visit the Clinic (Outside)@@</h3></div>
<<if $evatrust is false and $lucasrelationship gte 20 and $week gte 4>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Talk with Lucas (Lucas House)@@</h3></div>
<<if $evatask is false and $evarelation is 125 and $cigar is 3 and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Eva calls you to her Office (Eva's Office)@@</h3></div>
<<if $evatask is true and $evarelation gte 150>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;(Event will continue with the next update)@@ </h3></div>
<<if $lucasremote is true and $language is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Visit Lucas House (10:00-14:00 Saturday-Sunday)@@</h3></div>
<<if $language is 1>>
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Another Lessons with Sophia. (Lucas House Monday 16:00-20:00)@@</h3></div>
<<if $language is 2 and $sophiamsg is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Sophia is waiting for you (Lucas House Friday 20:00-23:00)@@</h3></div>
<<elseif $sophiamsg is 0 and $language is 2 >>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Wait for the Message(Wednesday) @@</h3></div>
<<if $language is 3 and $sophiamsg is 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Sophia is waiting for you (Lucas House Friday 20:00-23:00)@@</h3></div>
<<elseif $sophiamsg is 1 and $language is 3 >>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Wait for the Message(Wednesday) @@</h3></div>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $introforlucas1 is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Present yourself for Lucas (15:00-19:00)@@</h3></div>
<<if $warehouse is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Pay Lucas a Visit@@</h3></div>
<<if $bimbo gte 2 and $bimboend is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:hotpink;You are ready for <i>Bimbo Stage 2</i>@@</h3></div>
<<elseif $bimboend gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h5>Bimbo Influence's Events:</h5></div>
<<if $joblevel gte 1>>\
-Estate Office (First two task and half of third task from Madison) (Madison Office)
<<if $lessons gte 6>>\
-Lena Pool. (10:00-14:00 Lena House)
<<if $pworry is false>>\
-Hallway $mom and $dad (15:00-17:00)
<<if $marcusmsg is 0 and $bbcaddiction gte 2 and $bimboend is 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Check a Message on the Phone</h3></div>
<<if $meetmadison is true>>\
<<if $joblevel lte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Gain experience to get promotion.</h3></div>
<<if $meetmadison is true>>\
@@color:lightgreen;Estate Office Job@@
<<if $interview is true and $week lte 3>>\
@@color:lightgreen;Cafe Worker@@
<<elseif $week gte 4 and $interview is true>>\
@@color:lightgreen;Restaurant Worker@@
<div align="center">@@color:yellow;<i>Side Quests</i>@@</div>
<<if $show is false>>\
<i>Maybe i'll surf the web to find something cool?</i>
<s>Maybe i'll surf the web to find something cool?</s>-DONE
<<if $show is true and $lenahouse is true and $lenacam is false>>\
<i>I should visit Lena house. She will show me some ideas about Cam Show (Lena House 15:30) </i>
<<elseif $camgirl gte 2>>\
<s>I should visit Lena house. She will show me some ideas about Cam Show (Lena House 15:30) </s> - DONE
<<elseif $camgirl is 1>>\
@@color:black;<i>I need to advance in story to know about Cam Show.</i>@@
<<if $clubinvite is true>>\
<<elseif $of is false>>\
I could upload some photos on <i>SocialPics</i>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
@@color:lightblue;Wait until the church is built.@@
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $corruptionchurch lte 2>>\
@@color:pink;Donate money to the Church to hear the nuns' story@@
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $corruptionchurch gte 3>>\
<s>Donate money to the Church to hear the nuns' story</s>
@@color:red;Church: Thank you for Kind Donation.@@
<div align="center">
<<button "Return" `previous()`>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>></div>
</b></div> <div class="mombox3"><div align="center"><b>\
<h2>Lying to your Father</h2>
<img src="img/computer/lie.jpg" class='large98'>
<h3>You point at $dad's Computer and you are trying to make excuses for yourself.</h3>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Break in? Into your computer?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name. This computer is really important to me! Nobody can't touch it! You know that very well!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I never touched it! Why on earth would I break into your computer?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Excatly, why would you break into my computer?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You think I did it?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Who else would do it? Martha told me that she didn't use my computer and I believe her, so there is only one suspect in the house. And it's you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not lying!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Seriously, $name! Stop lying! And tell me truth. Did you do it?! <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>NO! I DID NOT!! FUCK OFF!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh!? So that is we are talking huh?! Give me your wallet! I'm taking back all the money I gave you, and you're grounded for a week!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>UHH!!!!<</speech>>
<img src="img/gif/slam.gif" class='medium'>
<h3>Father took your wallet and took all your money.</h3>
@@color:red;$dad Relationship -10@@
<<money -1000>><<frelationship -10>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Your First Lie</h6>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>><<audio "lvl1" play>>
<span class="glitchy" data-text="Your first lie">Your first lie.</span>
<<set $stepc to $stepc +1>>
<<set $corruption1 to true>>
You don't know why but part of you is happy that you stand your ground.
The corruption in your mind is slowly sprouting out.
<img src="img/lucas/help/smile.jpg" class='medium'>
<div class="corrupting"> Your corruption appeared.</div>
<h2>Corruption +1</h2><<fcorruption +5>> <div class="statscorrupt">$dad Corruption +5</div>
<<addcorruption +1>><<upd>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><</button>>
<div align="center"><div class="mombox3"><b>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;Telling slightly truth to your Father@@</h3>
<img src="img/computer/truth.jpg" class='large98'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes... That's me, $dad. I'm sorry.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh, so it was you! $name! Didn't i tell you to not use that computer?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah... I'm sorry. My computer just crashed so i thought to use your computer. I didn't know it was highly secured. I'm so sorry. Please don't be mad!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Uhh.. It's alright $name. I'm not mad, at least you told the truth. Now please, don't use that computer ever again. It's very important to me. If you got any problem with your own computer just call me. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course. Thank you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Good. Here, take it. I heard that school textbooks are expensive this year, and I thought you would need money at the beginning of the school year.<</speech>>
$dad gave you @@color:lightgreen;100$!@@
<<money 100>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh! Wow! Thank you, $dad! You are awesome!<</speech>>
Before you left $dad's office, you kissed him on the cheek.
He smiled brightly.
<<frelationship 10>><<set $truthdid to 1>>\
@@color:lightblue;$dad Relationship +10@@
<<button "Leave">><<goto "mcroom">><</button>>
</b></div>\Double-click this passage to edit it.<div class="penis"><div align="center"><b>\
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<span id="ReplaceMe"><<link "Yoga">>
<<replace "#ReplaceMe">>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I've seen your yoga before, maybe spice it a little?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player1" "$name">>Hmm? What do you mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Let me show you.<</speech>>
<img src="img\livingroom/momandmc.jpg" width=90%>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Just lie and relax.<</speech>>
<<link "Oh Mom">><<replace "#ReplaceMe">>
<img src="img\livingroom/momandmc1.jpg" width=90%>
<<speech "Player1" "$name">>Mom, it feels so good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>My little princess. <</speech>>
<<if $corruption gte 50>>
<<link "Mom touch your legs">><<replace "#ReplaceMe">>
<video src="img/livingroom/mcandmom2.mp4" controls muted loop></video>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Let's get rid of these pants.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player1" "$name">>Mom...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Let's see your pussy...<</speech>>
<<link "My pussy?">><<replace "#ReplaceMe">>
<video src="img/livingroom/mcandmom3.mp4" controls muted loop></video>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>There is...Smell so fresh...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player1" "$name">>Hah Mom.<</speech>>
<<link "
<<link "I dont feel comfortable">>
<<replace "#ReplaceMe">>
Need more Corruption (>50)
<<speech "Player1" "$name">>Okay this is enough. Thank you Mom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Sure honey. If you feel bad you can visit me.<</speech>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="office1"><b>
You heard a call from Father.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name! come here for a second.<</speech>>
You came to the room where Dad called you, you see a men who is similiar to your father.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I want you to introduce someone. Meet my good friend Chris.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Hello $name, you look very beautiful. Nice to meet you. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hello. Thanks?<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Why Dad invite this guy here?<</speech>>
You don't know why but you feel odd when you are near him.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Chris is working as a model photographer in model agency.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>*cough*Professional Fashion Model Photographer *cough*.<</speech>>
You laughed a bit.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Ah yes. He has an offer you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>I am looking for a young girl for a scene. Your Dad told me about you a lot. And i think this role is for you. If you intrested?<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind">>Oh my god.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my god.<</speech>>
Dad and Chris laughed.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>You made my daughter speechless.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I... I don't know what to say.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>It's easy. Yes or no.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes! YES!.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Haha, Okay. Good. For now, you'll have to go through a trial period. I have to know if you're up to the task.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course, i'll be ready. Thank you Mr.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Splendid! Meet me in my studio. Oh and one thing. Dont call me Mr. I'm Chris.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure, Chris.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Thanks Chris, you made my daughter a day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>I hope so, got to go, work is waiting.<</speech>>
Chris left the house, and you are happy that you got a fine job.
<h3>You discovered Model Studio</h3>
<<set $chris to true>>
[[Move on|mcroom]]
<<if $time gte 20>>
<</if>><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="bim">\
<<if $time is 7.5 and $fcorruptionlevel is 1 and $dadphone lte 2 and $buyskimpyoutfit is true and $day lte 5>>\
<img src="img/dad/kitchen/dad.jpg" class='large'>
<<link "<h6>Ask for a ride</h6>">><<set $clotheswear to "skimpyoutfit">>
<<if $dadphone is 1>><<goto "dadphone">><<elseif $dadphone is 2>><<goto "dadphone3">><</if>><</link>>
<<elseif $time is 7.5 and $buyskimpyoutfit is false and $fcorruptionlevel is 1 and $dadphone is 1>>\
<img src="img/dad/kitchen/dad.jpg" class='large'>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ask for a ride.</h6>">>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Gotta buy some kind of teasing outfit for $dad.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Buy Skimpy Outfit@@<</linkreplace>>
<<if $energy gte 100>>\
There is no need to make a coffee
<<button [[Make a Coffee]]>><</button>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>$dad drinking coffee</h4>">>
<<if $day gte 6>>
<img src="img/kitchen/dad.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hey $name, you okay? Finally weekend. Some free time.<</speech>><<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<img src="img/kitchen/dad.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hey $name, i see you woke up. Breakfast in 30 minutes.<</speech>>
<<if $frelationship gte 50 and $reward1 is false>>\
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I've seen you making some progress here. For that i'll give you a reward.<</speech>>
<<money 50>>@@color:lightgreen; Money + 50$ @@<<upd>>
<<set $reward1 to true>>
<<if $teasedad is true and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Tease $dad</h12>">>
<<if $fcorruption lte 34>>\
<img src="img/gif/tease/kitchentease.webp" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey $dad..<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh hey. You woke up? Pumpkin... What are you wearing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh... It's my new pajama. Looks great, right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Ah... Yes. It looks great on you. Yes...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thank you $dad!<</speech>>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<<fcorruption 5>><<arousal 15>>\
<div class="pos">@@color:Lightblue;$dad Corruption +5@@ @@color:hotpink;Arousal +15@@</div>
<<elseif $fcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
@@color:orange;$dad's corruption will be increased in some events.@@
$dad couldn't take eyes from you.
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
$dad is busy.
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $teasedad is true and $time lte 10 and $day gte 6>>\
<<link "<h12>Tease $dad</h12>">><<goto "kitchensexdad">><</link>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $teasedad is true and $time lte 10>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Tease $dad!</h12>">>
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/tease.webm" class='mediumc' autoplay loop muted>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad. I'm so hungry...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name... I would like to have you. But $mom and Luke would find out and-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh Daddy...! Please... Please... Just hurry! I'm like, so horny for you!<</speech>>
Father checked the hallway to see if anyone is there.
When he closed the door, he took off his pants and came back to you with his fat erected vainy cock.
<<linkreplace "<h35>Daddy's Cock!</h35>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/bimsuck.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 15>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div><<upd>>
Without his permission you take his cock out and start sucking.
$dad without objection let you do this and even loved what are you doing that he fucks roughly your pretty mouth.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*GURLLP* *GAWK* *GAWK* Mmm.. It feels so good on my soft plushy lips! Give me more $dad!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Fu...ccckkk!! You whore... If this want you want... Then you fucking get it...!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh gawd!!! It's so good!!!<</speech>>
<<if $arousal gte 100>>\
<<linkreplace "<h35>Daddy rough you up! @@color:pink;Arousal:$arousal/100@@</h35>">><<replace "#bim">>
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/bimfuck.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<set $daddykitchenbimbo to true>>\
$dad forced you to get down on all fours on the floors.
Without hesitation, he grabed his cock and thrust into your needy pussy.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck me! Fuck your little daughter!!!.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>It's feel so fucking good... Your pussy feels so heavenly!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh...gawd...! This... is... sooo...deepp...!! Fuck me... Fuck me Daddy...!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh.. Is my little $daughter cummed on my dick?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Daddy...!!! Uuhhh....!!!! Duhhh...Huhuuhh....<</speech>>
<<set $arousal to 0>><div class="posarousal">$dad fucked you so hard you cummed on his great cock!</div>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Daddy is not done yet.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h35>Daddy's Cum!</h35>">><<replace "#bim">>
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/bimfinish.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
$dad lay down on the cold floor of the kitchen and you starts riding his slippery cock with the wet juices of your pussy.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Unnghhhh Shitt.... Daddy is about to cum!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Cum on me Daddy! Please..!! Give me all your cream!!!<</speech>>
$dad take out his cock from your pussy and starts cumming on your back area.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>God damn $name... That was...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That was super kawl Daddy! Till the next time!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yeah...<</speech>>
<<elseif $arousal lte 99>>\
<<link "<h12>Daddy rough you up! @@color:grey;Arousal:$arousal/80@@</h12>">><</link>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Daddy...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name... I would like to have you. But $mom and Luke would find out. Let's see in the other day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are right... Gosh. I wish they were gone for a couple of minutes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Me too Princess. We need to keep our naughty secret between us.<</speech>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="lenahouse1"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/lena/lenahouse.jpg" class='imageleft'>
Lena is chilling byherself in the coach.
<<speech "Lena">>Another day for a sweet time with coffee!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Talk about the Computer in her Room</h4>">>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<speech "Lena">>$name what is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I noticed that you have a Computer! A expensive one. Are you gamer girl?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haha! Yeah. You could say something like that.<</speech>>
<<if $bbcaddiction gte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Talk about the Marcus.</h4>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena... That last time with Marcus.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh! Haha. That time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah. I need to confess. I saw everything that was going on.<</speech>>
<img src="img/lena/lenamemory.webp" class="imageright">
Lena looked at you with a happy smile.
She recalled another night with these boys..
<<speech "Lena">>I'm not mad. On the contrary! I wished you could watch us or join us. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you for Real?!? These guys.. They handled you like a play doll!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>And that's the thing! It was fucking Awesome! Don't you tell me it wasnt exciting for you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I... Don't.. know...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Jeez! Of course you liked! You slut!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>HEY!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Just admit it!<</speech>>
<img src="img/lena/lenamemory1.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>YES! I Liked it! But that doesn't mean-<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Of course it mean something! Sooner or later, You gonna like it very much!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>If you say so.<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|lenahouse]]>><</button>>
</b></div>Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.<div align="center"><div class="penis"><b>\
<img src="img/gif/lap.gif" class='medium'>
<<fitness 2>>@@color:Yellow;Fitness + 2@@
<<energy -35>>@@color:lightblue;Energy -35@@
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $time gte 20>>
<<button [[Leave|Backyardnight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Backyard]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\Volume: <<volume>>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 3 and $annapov is 1 and $partytom lte 1 and $madisonpov lte 1 and $firstclient lte 0 and $mompovright lte 1 and $lenapovright lte 1 and $bimboslut lte 0 and $minifuck1 is 0 and $lukepov is 0 and $namewar is 0 and $chloeright is 0>>\
<<elseif $annapov gte 2>>\
<<elseif $partytom gte 2>>\
<<elseif $madisonpov gte 2>>\
<<elseif $firstclient gte 1>>
<<elseif $mompovright gte 2>>
<<elseif $lenapovright gte 2>>\
<<elseif $bimboslut gte 1>>\
<<elseif $minifuck1 gte 1>>\
<<elseif $lukepov gte 1>>
<<elseif $namewar gte 1>>
<<elseif $chloeright is 1>>\
<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<h2>Clothing Store</h2>
<<if $time gte 21>>\
<<speech "Girl1" "Assistant">>Hello, do you need help?<</speech>>
<<button [[Buy Clothes]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Buy Swimsuits]]>><</button>>
<<button "Lingerie">><<goto "buylin">><</button>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<button [[Buy XXX Clothes|Buy XXX Clothes]]>><</button>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Buy XXX Clothes(Corruption Level 3)</h4>">>
<<speech "Girl1" "Assistant">>I'm sorry. These clothes are for people with a different size.<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|mall]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Outfits</h4>">>
<table style width="100%">\
<th><<if $buy_clothesnormal is false>><img src='img/clothes/cloth1.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (200$) Reputation +5</h7>">>
<<if $money gte 200>><<money -200>><<set $buy_clothesnormal to true>><<upd>>
<<set $clotheswear to "cloth1">>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<goto "Buy Clothes">>
<<elseif $money lte 199>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<th><<if $buy_clothes2 is false>><img src='img/clothes/cloth2.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (275$) Reputation +8</h7>">>
<<if $money gte 275>><<money -275>><<set $buy_clothes2 to true>><<upd>>
<<set $clotheswear to "cloth2">>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 8>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<goto "Buy Clothes">>
<<elseif $money lte 274>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<th><<if $buyskimpyoutfit is false>><img src='img/clothes/skimpyclothes.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Skimpy Outfit (100$) @@color:red;$corruption/20 Corruption@@</h7>">>
<<if $money gte 100 and $corruption gte 20>><<money -100>><<set $buyskimpyoutfit to true>>
<<set $clotheswear to "skimpyoutfit">>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 14>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<goto "Buy Clothes">>
<<elseif $corruption lte 19>>\
@@color:orange;Not enough Corruption.@@
<<elseif $money lte 99>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<table style width="100%">\
<th><<if $buybimbowear1 is false>><img src='img/clothes/bimbo.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (200$) Reputation +15 @@color:pink;Bimbo@@ </h7>">>
<<if $money gte 200 and $bimbo gte 2>><<money -200>><<set $buybimbowear1 to true>><<upd>>
<<set $clotheswear to "bimbowear">>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 15>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<goto "Buy Clothes">>
<<elseif $money lte 199>>\
You don't have enough money!
<<elseif $bimbo lte 1>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No way! It's too pink!<</speech>>
<th><<if $buybimbofancy1 is false>><img src='img/clothes/fancy.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (400$) Reputation +30 @@color:pink;Bimbo@@ </h7>">>
<<if $money gte 400 and $bimbo gte 2>><<money -400>><<set $buybimbofancy1 to true>><<upd>>
<<set $clotheswear to "bimbofancy">>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 30>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<goto "Buy Clothes">>
<<elseif $money lte 399>>\
You don't have enough money!
<<elseif $bimbo lte 1>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It looks good. But i don't want to parade around the city in it.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Sport</h4>">>
<table style width="100%">\
<th><<if $sport1 is false>><img src='img/clothes/sport.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (75$) Reputation +1</h7>">>
<<if $money gte 75>><<money -75>><<set $sport1 to true>><<upd>>
<<set $clotheswear to "sport">>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 1>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<goto "Buy Clothes">>
<<elseif $money lte 74>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<th><<if $sport2 is false>><img src='img/clothes/sport1.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (125$) Reputation +5 @@color:red;((Corruption 35))@@</h7>">>
<<if $money gte 125 and $corruption gte 35>><<money -125>><<set $sport2 to true>><<upd>>
<<set $clotheswear to "sport1">>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 1>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<goto "Buy Clothes">>
<<elseif $money lte 124>>\
You don't have enough money!
<<elseif $corruption lte 34>>
@@color:orange;Not enough Corruption (35)<</if>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Work Outfits</h4>">>
<<if $maid1 is false>>\
<img src='img/clothes/maid1.jpg' class='small'>
A maid suit.
<<if $money gte 100>>\
<span id="buymaid"><<button "Buy for 100$">>
<<replace "#buymaid">>
<<set $maid1 to true>><<money -100>><<upd>>
You bought the suit.
<span id="buymaid2">
<<button "Buy for 100$">>
<<replace "#buymaid2">>
You don't have enough cash.
<<if $apron is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Apron @@color:red;(Corruption 35)@@</h4>">>
<img src='img/clothes/apron.jpg' class='small'>
Apron for kitchen stuffs.
<<if $money gte 50 and $corruption gte 35>>>>
<span id="apron">
<<button "Buy for 50$">><<replace "#apron">>
<<set $apron to true>><<money -50>><<upd>>
You bought a Apron.
<<elseif $corruption lte 34>>
<span id="apron3">
<<button "Buy for 50$">><<replace "#apron3">>
@@color:orange;You need 35 Corruption.@@
<<elseif $money lte 49>>
<span id="apron2">
<<button "Buy for 50$">><<replace "#apron2">>
You don't have enough cash.
<<button [[Leave|clothingstore]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<table style width="100%">
<th><<if $buy_bikini is false>><img src='img/clothes/bik.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Basic Swimwear (50$)</h7>">>
<<if $money gte 50>>
<<goto "Buy Swimsuits">><<set $buy_bikini to true>><<set $clotheswear to "swim">><<set $swimy to 1>><<money -50>>
<<elseif $money lte 49>>
You can't afford it!
<th><<if $buy_bikini3 is false>><img src='img/clothes/bik3.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Stylish Swimswear (Reputation +2) (75$)</h7>">>
<<if $money gte 100>>
<<goto "Buy Swimsuits">><<set $buy_bikini3 to true>><<money -75>><<set $clotheswear to "swim">><<set $swimy to 3>>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 2>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<elseif $money lte 74>>
You can't afford it!
<th><<if $buy_bikini2 is false>><img src='img/clothes/bik2.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Bikini (Reputation +5) (100$)</h7>">>
<<if $money gte 100>>
<<goto "Buy Swimsuits">><<set $buy_bikini2 to true>><<money -100>><<set $clotheswear to "swim">><<set $swimy to 2>>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<elseif $money lte 99>>
You can't afford it!
<<button [[Leave|clothingstore]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<h3>Wear the Uniform!</h3>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/schooluniform.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform">>
<<upd>><<goto "school2">>
@@color:orange;That uniform looks really disgusting and not stylish at all.
in the future, I will definitely have to modify it!@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It looks ridiculous.<</speech>>
</b></div><<audio "crowd" stop>>\
<div class="welcome"><b>\
<span id="Wc">
You went to the toilet. It looks clean enough to use.
<img src="img/school/toilet.jpg" class="medium">
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Finally...<</speech>>
You flush the water and hear someone enter the bathroom.
<<link "<h4>Leave the stall</h4>">><<replace "#Wc">>
You see girl preparing for the school.
<img src="img/gif/toilet.gif" class="medium">
You looked each other, you didn't know what to do. She had a funny face, as if she had never seen someone ridiculous at school.
So you left the toilet.
After you closed the door, you heard laugh inside the toilet.
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>God, what is going on here.<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>To the class</h4>">><<replace "#Wc">>
<<audio "bell" play volume 0.05>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay, i need to go or i'll be late.<</speech>>
<<button [[First Class|class1]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "crowd" stop>>\
Lena sees you in the hallway, and notice that you are mad.<<set $schoolenter to true>>
<img src="img/school/lena.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Lena">>$name? What's up?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nothing...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Okay. If you say so.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>IT'S OKAY!<</speech>>
Lena looked at you confused.
<<if $sussy is true>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not having a good day. Okay!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Cool. I get it. Can i ask you why you are having a bad day?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's my fault. As always screw everything up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Calm down. Breathe. Start from the beginning.<</speech>>
<<if $truthdid is 1>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's that i had very serious talk with my Dad. I've never had one before.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Wow. It was that serious? Can i ask what happened?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I used his computer, which is forbidden to touch. Dad was very serious when he knew that i touched his computer. He looked so... Scary! Gosh!<</speech>>
<<elseif $truthdid is 0>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Last night, I break into my dad's computer but my stupidity could not comprehend that the computer was wired. It was wired with the alert's for my father. Of course it was. My dad is pro IT guy after all. Anyway, He was alerted and a serious conversation happened. For the first time i lied to my father... I've never lied to my father before, I probably shouldn't do that. GOD! I hate myself!<</speech>>
<img src="img/lena/lenalie.jpg" class='imageright'>
After your story, Lena tried not to laugh. But she couldn't
<<speech "Lena">>Buhaha!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's not funny! Why I told you about this...<</speech>>
Lena controlled her laugh and looked at you with a nice smile.
<<speech "Lena">>$name. It is so hilarious beacuse i always lie to my Father.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why do you do that? That's... Bad.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>It's not bad if he is an asshole! Well.. he used to be more that than. But still he is still an asshole. <</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>He used to?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>God $name! Hear me out. Lesson number one. Don't you ever! Ever! Pity yourself! It's foolish!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay...?<</speech>>
Lena came up with plan how to make you happier.
<<speech "Lena">>Lesson Number Two. You are going with me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Going where? Lessons are about to begin!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Fuck them. Let's go, Dork.<</speech>>
<img src="img/lena/lenalie.jpg" class='imageright'>
<<speech "Lena">>Okay, haha! Sucker.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What did you called me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Just forget it. Come on, let's go the mall.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why? Lessons are about to begin!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Fuck them, oh come on!! You won't regret it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jeez... Okay! Let's go!<</speech>>
<<button [[Go with Lena]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<img src="img/mall/mall.gif" class='imageleft'>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
@@color:orange;Leaving school you felt wrong. If school gonna inform your parents, they are gonna kill you.
Still in the middle of the road, Lena reassures you that it will be fine.
When two of you arrived to the mall. What you noticed was how many students were from your school.@@
<img src="img/avatars/Jack.jpg" class='imageright'>
Jack was there too! When he noticed you, he kindly smiled.
Thinking to yourself, Maybe there is a chance that he will like you?
Daydreaming was killed by lena beacuse she pushed you.
<<speech "Lena">>Earth to $name you there? What are you looking at?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Jack?! Oh my!!! Are you so adorable!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shut up!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>$name is in love! $name is in loooove!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shut your mouth or i'm gonna punch so hard!<</speech>>\
<<speech "Lena">>Jack and $name equals Big LOOOOVE<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Leanaaa!!!<</speech>>
Lena couldn't stop mocking how cute you were when you and Jack looked at each other.
Eventually she stops and leads you to a clothing store.
<<button [[To the clothing store]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<h2>Clothing Store</h2>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So... what are we doing here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Guess. What can you do in the clothing store. As a good friend, I will help you get rid of that clown costume.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's not clown costume! After all, I look fine.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haha, Very nice joke. Everyone can't stop crying and laughing at how shitty you're dressed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on... It's not that bad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>It is very bad $name. Come on. Let see what we got here.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Uniforms</h4>">>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><img src='img/clothes/schooluniform1.jpg' class='clothess2'></th>
<th><img src='img/clothes/schooluniform2.jpg' class='clothess2'></th>
<th><img src='img/clothes/schooluniform3.jpg' class='clothess2'></th>
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $buy_schooluniform1 is false and $money gte 50>>
<th><h3>Casual Uniform Skirt for 50$</h3>
@@color:orange; +5 Reputation@@
<span id="uniform">
<<button "Buy">><<replace "#uniform">>
<<money -50>><<set $buy_schooluniform1 to true>><<upd>>
<<speech "Lena">>Try it on!<</speech>>
<<button [[Try it on|Wardrobe1]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $money lte 49>>
<h3>Casual Uniform Skirt for 50$</h3>
@@color:orange; +5 Reputation@@
<<set $lenalend to false>>
<span id="uniform5">
<<button "Buy">><<replace "#uniform5">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena, i'm broke.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>It's okay. It's on me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow Thanks. I'll repay you someday.<</speech>>
<<set $buy_schooluniform1 to true>>\
<<speech "Lena">>What are you waiting for? Try it on!<</speech>>
<<button "Try it on">><<goto "Wardrobe1">><</button>>
<th><h3>Daring Uniform for 85$</h3>
@@color:orange; +20 Reputation@@
<span id="uniform1">
<<button "Buy">><<replace "#uniform1">>
Nah.. it's not my type.
<th><h3>Slutty Uniform for 125$</h3>
@@color:orange; +50 Reputation@@
<span id="uniform2">
<<button "Buy">><<replace "#uniform2">>
This is too revealing. I don't like it.
</b></div><div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
Lena rushed you to the changing room.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well.. It looks even better than the previous uniform. For sure.<</speech>>
<h3>Change your Uniform</h3>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/schooluniform1.jpg' class='mediumcity'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform1">>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<goto "clothingstore1">>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<img src="img/clothes/tryiton.gif" class='medium2'>
<img src="img/school/lenashock.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Lena">>Whoah Girl! Now it's a lot. A lot! Better!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah! This uniform is so light and comfy! It feels nice! Thanks Lena!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>It's cool. After all i'm doing a favor for the school.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ha-ha very funny.<</speech>>
Lena laughed in the mean way.
But the phone starts ringing.
<img src="img/mall/momcall.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Great... I'm screwed... Mom is calling!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Hang it up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can't. She'll kill me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>You can't? Watch this.<</speech>>
<<set $clothes to 1>>
Lena grabbed your phone and ignores the call.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>LENA! What the hell? I'll get my ass kicked!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Calm your pussy down! We are having fun here, Remember?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sighs...<</speech>>
For some time you spent time in the mall, wondering around. After four hours it was time to get back home.
<<set $time to $time +4>>
<<button [[Leave Mall|hallway]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="penis"><div align="center"><b>\
<<set $time to $time +4>>\
As you enter the home, quietly. You haven't encountered anyone yet. So you went to your room but, your $dad called you out of the office.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name!! Come here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh fuck...<</speech>>
[[To office]]
</b></div><div align="center"><div class="lucasoffice"><b>
<img src="img/dad/dadcall.jpg" class='large'>
As you enter the office, $dad was on the phone.
He observes your new outfit. He nodded.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name, wait for a second.<</speech>>
He's still talking on the phone, but you wonder where is $mom?
He hang up the phone.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Sweetheart. We need to talk.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure. About?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>About you.<</speech>>
<img src="img/dad/talk.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name. Your $mom and I. We... We are worried.<</speech>>
He paused for a second.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Princess. What is going on?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't understand. Why would you worried about me? I did nothing wrong!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Nothing wrong you say? So tell me about your absence from school lessons.<</speech>>
<<button [[Lie|Lie1]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div align="center"><div class="office1"><b>\
<h2>Lying to your Father</h2>
<img src="img/computer/dadmc.jpg" class='medium'>
There were different thoughts in your mind. Should you tell the truth?
After all, You were a little fed up with your parents' protective nature.
You lie!
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't know what are you talking about, $dad.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name! I'm serious! What is going on with you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jesus $dad! Why do you even care?! Maybe i did! So what?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Beacuse we love you $name! And everything you do, impact on us! You! You are very important to us!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jeez... $dad. I... I don't know... What to... Say.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>And yet... You lied to me again. That hurt me. Deeply.<</speech>>
Both of you got silenced. Then your $dad, in a tense state, got up and indicated that you should get up too.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Stand up!<</speech>>
Obediently you stood up and he pointed for you to lie down on his desk.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What.. Are you going to do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>What every $dad should do sooner or later.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$dad?</h6>">>
<video src="img/dad/dadspank.webm" class='large' muted autoplay loop>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Dirty Mind">>Oh daddy, spank me more.<</speech>>
@@color:hotpink;He spanked you until your half asses were red feeling shame but also a little excitement! Your $dad held you so tightly until you felt a warmth that you had never experienced from him before.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad... I'm... Sorry!!! Please...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Once again if you lie to me, there will be consequences for your behaviour. Now leave.<</speech>>
<div class="posarousal">Corruption +1 @@color:lightblue;$dad Corruption +5@@</div>
<<addcorruption 1>><<fcorruption +5>><<upd>>\
<<set $stepc to $stepc +1>><<set $time to $time +0.5>>\
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="office1"><b>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes,Dad. I'm sorry. Lena persuaded me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh, a new friend? I heard she is bad news.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Dad... she is good friend, i like her very much.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Sure, Sure honey. I just want you to be a good little girl. Please, dont make a trouble okay? <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure, Dad.<</speech>>
<img src="img/gif/hug.gif" width="50%">
You hugged each other.
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<button [[To work|cafe]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="Center"><div class="lewd"><b>
<img src="img\mcroom\webcam\Registration.jpg" class='medium'>
<<set $camgirl to 2>><<set $time to $time +0.5>>
We'll take 20% of your tips for letting you stream on our site.
If you want to show something more you need to buy premium subscription.
Have Fun!
Thank you for your application!
Good luck and have fun streaming!
<<button [[Leave|Camera Show]]>><</button>>
</b></div><b><div class="daddybox">
<img src="img/ui/title1.png" class="banner">
<h3>@@color:orange;Choose your name @@</h3>
The story begins with a name:
<h3><<textbox "$name" "Emma">>
Relative type:
Martha (Landlady): <<textbox "$mom" "Step-Mother">>
David (Landlord):<<textbox "$dad" "Step-Father">></h3>
<<button [[Each path has a destination|hallway]]>><<set $mompovright to 0>><<set $begin to true>><<set $day to 1>><<set $time to 14>><<set $hasList to true>><<set $schoolenter to true>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "tv" play>>\
<<switch random(3)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/livingroom/thegirl.webp" class="large">
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<case 2>>
<img src="img/livingroom/banshee.gif" class="large">
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lucas Hood is so awesome!<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<img src="img/livingroom/sicario.gif" class="large">
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<img src="img/livingroom/heat.gif" class="large">
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
Watching some action movies for an hour.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn! That was intense!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]] >><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="schoolclass1"><b>\
Through the whole class, you were thinking about Jack. Where he will invite you. You didn't know how to approach this meeting. By yourself? or act like a girl from school.
The lesson came to an end and when you left the classroom, Jack, as promised, was waiting for you in the hallway. Smiling, you waved to each other.
<img src="img/gif/wave.gif" class='medium'>
<<speech "Jack">>$name! Ready?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not sure. Where do you want me to take?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>It's a suprise! All i can say we'll be somewhere in the park.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh. That sounds mysterious. Okay, Lead on!<</speech>>
Jack and You went to the park.
<<button [[To the Park]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="office1"><b>
<img src="img/mom/officemom.jpg" class='medium'>
$mom and $dad talk about family matters.
Nothing intresting for you.
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<if $mcorruptionlevel gte 2>>\
@@color:pink;$mom seems bored while $dad reads out loud the cost of rent and electricity, water etc.@@
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Gosh.. These paper stuff gives me a headache...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Huh? I though you like it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Nope. Let's postpone this for later. I've got stuff to do.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>What?! But-<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Hubby! Please. Just this time.<</speech>>
$mom right away left $dad alone with the paper work.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Martha! And she's gone. What the fuck is going on with her?<</speech>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div align="center"><div class="penis"><b><<audio "shower" stop>>\
<<if $frelationship gte 50 or $mrelationship gte 50 or $fcorruption gte 15 or $mcorruption gte 15>>
<<switch random(2)>>
<<case 1>>
<video autoplay src="img/shower/momanddad.webm" controls muted loop></video>
<<case 2>>
<video autoplay src="img/shower/momanddad2.webm" controls muted loop></video>
<video autoplay src="img/shower/momanddad3.webm" controls muted loop></video>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Thank god $name left the house.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Shut the fuck up and fuck me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh Martha i love when you push me around.<</speech>>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<img src="img/shower/momdad.jpg" class='ward'>
$mom and $dad closed the door. You hear some moan noises.<<audio "moans" play>>
@@color:HotPink;>(Need more relationship or corruption with $mom or $dad)<@@
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Oh... they are busy.<</speech>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div align="center"><div class="lucasoffice"><b><<set $dadisleaving to true>>\
<img src="img/dad/hurry.jpg" class='large'>
Today your $dad overslept!
With clumsiness and haste, he is wearing the boots right now.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">><sub>Jesus... Boss is gonna to kill me.</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Guys! I'm leaving!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Sure Honey! Have a nice day! And don't go crazy on the road!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yeah, I'll try!<</speech>>
$dad left. $mom doing some chores in the kitchen.
Just as you were about to leave the house, you noticed $dad's coat. Apparently, he had forgotten to bring with him.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Look what is inside the Coat.</h4>">>
Inside the coat is a wallet.
<img src="img/hallway/wallet.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>That is his private Wallet. I need respect his privacy!<</speech>>
@@color:red;Just take a look...@@
<<link "<h12>Take a look</h12>">><<goto "Look inside the wallet">><</link>>
<<button [[Leave it|hallway]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="lucasoffice"><b><<set $time to $time +1>>
Inside the wallet are some documents and money.
Should you steal his money? Is this what you want?
<span id="steal">
<<link "<h6>Steal his money! @@color:red;Corruption +1@@</h6>">><<replace "#steal">>
@@color:orange;You steal the money from $dad's wallet.@@
<<money 75>> <div class="money"><div class="pos">Money + 75$</div></div> <<upd>>
<<set $walletsteal to 3>>\
<<if $corruption1 is false>>\
<<set $stepc to $stepc +1>>\
<<set $corruption1 to true>>\
@@color:rgba(130, 0, 15, 1);By stealing his money you gained a Corruption Status!@@<</if>>\
<<addcorruption 1>> <div class="posarousal">+1 Corruption</div>\
<img src="img/hallway/spy.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'll take a little. No one should know.<</speech>>
While you were stealing money from $dad's wallet.
Meanwhile, $mom around the corner saw everything what you did!
<<button [[Leave it!|hallway]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>
Passing through the corridor without seeing anyone yet, Lena jumps out from the corner! <<set $schoolenter to true>>
<img src="img/gif/scare.gif" class='medium'>
<<speech "Lena">>BOO!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AAAA! Lena!! Stop scaring me like that!!!<</speech>>
After your scream you punched Lena's arm.
<<speech "Lena">>Ouch! That hurt, stupid!<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/lenacurious2.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It was a soft punch, dork!,<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Soft Punch!? Okay. Okay. I'll try to not scare you anymore. So. Where are you going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>To classroom. Of course. Where i would go?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Fuck them! Let's go to the mall.<</speech>>
<<if $buy_schooluniform1 is true>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mall?! Again?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>And why not?<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/lenapresses.jpg" class='medium'>
Lena presses you against the wall. She moved closer to your face as if she were about to kiss you.
You pushed her away.
<div class="posarousal">Arousal +5</div><<arousal 5>><<upd>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Emmm.. You know what? Let's go!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>That's my girl!!! Yeah! Let's go!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you crazy?! Dad is gonna kill me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>He won't know about this! Come on!!! Pleaseeeeee!<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/lenaforce.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It is irresponsible and-<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Blah blah blah. I don't care. You are going with me! Right fucking now!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Pff....<</speech>>
<<button [[Let's go|mallskip]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<set $time to $time +4>>
<span id="shop">\
You enter the mall, as usual there are some guys from the class. You wonder how they are not in trouble.
<img src="img/school/lenacurious.jpg" class='imageleft'>
Lena led you to a jewelry store.
<<if $buy_schooluniform1 is true>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So what are we doing this time...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why we are here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Remember the earing i showed you someday ago?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I think so. Yeah.<</speech>>
Lena leans to your ear and whisper with a smile.
<<speech "Lena">>This earing is from that store. I stole it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You did what?!?<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/lenaschool2.jpg" class='imageright'>
<<speech "Lena">>Shh!!! Be quiet! It's fine! They still have no idea.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you for real?! With those cameras around, you took that earing out?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>These cameras are fake as tits of the some bimbo!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And how sure are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>I've got my sources. Trust me. These cameras are off.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Anyway, See something that you like?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena... That's too risky and-<</speech>>
Shop Assistant came by to lend you a help.
Lena quickly hides behind you back.
<<speech "Eric" "Assistant">>Hello, something I can help with?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Assistant</h4>">><<replace "#shop">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No... Thank you. I just looking around.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eric" "Assistant">>Of course. If miss needs any help, call me. I will be glad to help.<</speech>>
Assistant as he was leaving you, Spots Lena behind your back. His facial expression changed to a suspicious one.
<img src="img/school/lenatalk.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Eric" "Assistant">>Lena?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh Hey Eric! What's up?<</speech>>
<<speech "Eric" "Assistant">>Mr.Lucas is not here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>That's okay. I'll be okay Eric.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eric" "Assistant">>Hmph.<</speech>>
<img src="img/mall/necklace.jpg" class='medium'>
Your attention was not drawn to their conversation because all your attention was on the most beautiful necklace you see for the first time that was in the counter.
Lena caught your glimpse on the necklace.
<<speech "Lena">>So. Do you like it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh... Very... Very much!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Really? That old necklace? Strange but okay. So here is my plan. I'll-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wait wait! Plan? What do you want to do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Steal it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you insane?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Can you shut up and listen to my plan?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jeez... Okay.<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/lenatease.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Lena">>I'll distract Eric with my naughty charm and you gently grab the necklace from the counter. It's easy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't know. It feels like this is the wrong thing for us to do. I'd rather talk to him myself.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Then let's do it.<</speech>>
@@color:pink;Do you really want to do it?@@
<table align="center">
<th><<link "<h7>Leave the store</h7>">><<goto "Just leave the store">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Talk with the Store Assistant @@color:red;Corruption +1@@</h7>">><<goto "Talk with store assistant">><</link>></th>
</b></div><div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<img src="img/lucas/lucasenter.jpg" class='imageleft'>
Once you were at the exit, Lena was smiling a lot.
<<speech "Lena">>Nice $name. See? I told you it's easy job. Let's go!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh Fuck...<</speech>>
Not for a long time. A good looking rich guy walked into the store. Looking at you two.
The man recognized Lena and before she was trying to get away, Man right away grabbed her hand.
<img src="img/school/lenatrouble.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Rich Guy">>Lena. Long time no see. Where are you going, darling? We need to talk.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh! Haha. Hey! Lucas yeah. I think we need to talk. Ha-ha.<</speech>>
Does Lena know everyone in this city? Hearing Lena's voice you can see that she is in trouble.
A man named Lucas gently grabbed the necklace from her hand and glanced at it curiously.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>What do we have here? A necklace? Nice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Isn't it gorgeous? Eric sold me for a fair price. <</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Oh... Really? Fair price? A necklace for 2000$? Where did you get that kind of money?<</speech>>
Oh shit! It costs a fortune!
Lucas non stop was looking at Lena to study her behavior but to save her, You coughed.
<img src="img/lena/lenaworrie.jpg" class='imageright'>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>And who do we have here? Who might you be?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Lucas please. Leave her alone. We'll settle this as usual. Just please leave her alone.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Lena. This time. Only this time. Beacuse i'm having a good day. Now to my office. Go!<</speech>>
Lena before entering the office talks to you.
<<speech "Lena">>Wait behind the door, I'll get it sorted out quickly.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena? Should i be worried? Maybe i'll pay with my own money and-<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>It's okay! I got this. Just please. Wait for me okay? The only way you'll get along with this man is by his rules.<</speech>>
Listened to Lena and obediently wait at the door to Lucas' office.
A few minutes later you hear a strange thumping. After that Lena's moans!
Is she alright? You are so worried about her. Maybe you should call for cops?
@@color:pink;The moans were getting louder and louder.
Your gut tells you all the time that he is hurting Lena.@@
<h3>You have to see if she's okay!</h3>
<<link "<h6>Lena?!</h6>">><<goto "Open the door a little to see what is going on">><</link>>
</b></div><div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="fuck">
Slowly you try to open the door to see what is going on inside!
<div class="containerlarge">
<img src="img/lena/lenaandlucas.jpg" class="largevision">
<div class="middlelarge">
<div class="imageof"><img src="img/lena/lenaandlucas2.jpg" class="imagevisionlargelena"></div>
<<link "<h6>Lena and Lucas?!</h6>">><<replace "#fuck">>
<video autoplay src="img/lucas/lenalucas1.webm" controls loop class='large'></video>
Through the tilted door, You experienced a scene that shocked you totally.
Lucas and Lena are having sex! When You don't know what to do in this situation you see Lena sucking his cock with great willingness.
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name">>Oh my god! Lena?! What are you doing!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>You knew exactly what would happen if I caught you. Don't you slut?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Hah... Sir... I don't know what are you talking about.<</speech>>
<<arousal 5>><<upd>> <div class="posarousal">+5 Arousal</div>
<<link "<h6>Lena</h6>">><<replace "#fuck">>
<video autoplay src="img/lucas/lenalucas2.webm" controls loop class='large'></video>
Lucas sharply fucked her mouth. Lena didn't protest. After all, that's what she wanted!
Now it hits you that this is not her first time.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Lena you are getting better!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>*GURLLP!!* Than- *GURLP* Thank you. Sir!<</speech>>
<<arousal 5>><<upd>> <div class="posarousal">+5 Arousal</div>
<<link "<h6>Sloppy Kissing</h6>">><<replace "#fuck">>
<video autoplay src="img/lucas/lenalucas3.webm" controls loop class='large'></video>
These kisses and touching...
What are they doing... It's so perverted... My eyes can't keep getting away from them...
<<speech "Lena">>Mmmmm....<</speech>>
<<arousal 5>><<upd>> <div class="posarousal">+5 Arousal</div>
<<link "<h6>Lena's Ass.</h6>">><<replace "#fuck">>
<video autoplay src="img/lucas/lenalucas4.webm" controls loop class='large'></video>
Thinking it would be enough already. But no. They continued on, and more on than before.
Lena is getting rammed rapidly by Lucas' cock inside her asshole.
His cock invade her hole with such ease! It's like the hole has been used several times!
<<speech "Lena">>Yes!!! Take my ass!!! Take your slut's ass!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>You got used by it? Huh?! You love it?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>I fucking love it!!! This is the best feeling!!!<</speech>>
<<arousal 5>><<upd>> <div class="posarousal">+5 Arousal</div>
<<link "<h6>FUCK ME FUCK ME</h6>">><<replace "#fuck">>
<video autoplay src="img/lucas/lenalucas5.webm" controls loop class='large'></video>
Lena was pinned between his invading cock and the couch. She couldn't have escaped his assault if she wanted to.
To make it even more intense, Lucas grabbed her hair and roughly fucked her, pulling her hair.
<<speech "Lena">>OH MY GOOOODD!!!! THIS IS AWESOMEEE!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Shhh. Baby Girl. Take it quietly. Your friend might hear what are you doing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>I... Don't... Care!!! Fuck me harder!!!!<</speech>>
<<arousal 5>><<upd>> <div class="posarousal">+5 Arousal</div>
<<link "<h6>FUCK ME! I'M CUMMING!</h6>">><<replace "#fuck">>
<video autoplay src="img/lucas/lenalucas6.webm" controls loop class='large'></video>
Lena screams loudly as her orgasm explode. Lucas with pleased face nodded.
<<speech "Lena">>Oh god!!! You have no idea how it feels! It is amazing...<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lena">>It's my turn.<</speech>>
<<arousal 15>><<upd>> <div class="posarousal">+15 Arousal</div>\
<div class="pilka">@@color:red;Corruption +1@@</div>\
<h3>The sight of them having sex is completely shocking. And you have to admit, you like it...</h3>
<<addcorruption 1>>\
<<button [[Leave them alone|Jewerly]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<img src="img/lucas/exit.jpg" class='imageleft'>
Half of hour passed. Yet they are fucking.
Suddenly the door opened. Lena barely walked out with Lucas.
<<set $wallesteal to $walletsteal +1>><<set $lucas to true>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Go Lena. Before i changed my mind.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>I'm sorry. Sir...<</speech>>
This situation is troublesome and strange. However, you want to strongly help your friend but don't know how to act on it.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena? Are you okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>She's fine. Don't you worry about her.<</speech>>
<img src="img/lucas/lucas.jpg" class='imageright'>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>See young lady? If someone does not respect my rules, In the end. They will get what they deserve.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Your rules sir?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>One day I'll show you my dear. Go home. Be with your family. Respect your elders. Before you'll change too.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Why would i be changed?<</speech>>
Lucas stared at you, feeling like you were in some kind of trance.
Then Lena grabbed your hand.
<<speech "Lena">>Let's go $name.<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave the store]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<img src="img/school/leaving.jpg" class='large'>
On the trip to home, Lena was quiet. You were upset that you could not help her.
Still your curiosity want to know everything.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Who the hell was that guy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Jeez. $name. Can you let it go? All I can tell you is that you don't want to mess with him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Did you enjoy it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Watching us. Fucking.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>So she knows...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I was worried Lena! The screams and sounds! The only thing I thought was that he was torturing you. But you...<</speech>>
<img src="img/lena/lenasmirks.jpg" class='imageright'>
<<speech "Lena">>Yes? Say it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You liked it.<</speech>>
<<set $time to $time +4>>
Lena smirks.
<<speech "Lena">>It's true. I do. Someday maybe you'll understand. Now hurry your ass. I've got take a long shower.<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave Mall|hallway]]>><</button>>
</b></div><<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<div align="center"><div class="secondfloor"><b>\
<h2>Second Floor</h2><<audio "moans" stop>>
<<if $time gte 20 or $time lte 5.5>>\
<<goto "hallwaynight">>
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $time is 7.5 or $time is 11.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/pbedroomdad.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BedroomDad">><</link>>
<<elseif $time is 7 or $time gte 9 and $time lte 10 or $time is 19.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/pbeedroommom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BedroomMom">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/pbedroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "Bedroom">><</link>>
<<if $time is 7 or $time is 15.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroomdad.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BathroomDad">><</link>>
<<elseif $time is 7.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroommom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BathroomMom">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "Bathroom">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/mcroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "mcroom">><</link>>
<div align="center"><div class="firstfloor">\
<h2>First Floor</h2><b>
<<if $time gte 14 and $time lte 15>>\
@@color:orange;$dad is in the park.@@
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $time is 8 or $time gte 16 and $time lte 16.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/kitchenmomanddad.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "KitchenMomandDad">><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 15 and $time lte 15.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/kitchenmom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "KitchenMom">><</link>>
<<elseif $time is 8.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/kitchendad.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "KitchenDad">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/kitchen1.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "Kitchen">><</link>>
<<if $time gte 9 and $time lte 10>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/officedad.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "OfficeDad">><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 10.5 and $time lte 11>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/officemomdad.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "OfficeMomandDad">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/office.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "Office">><</link>>
<<if $time gte 11.5 and $time lte 13>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/livingroommom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "LivingroomMom">><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 17 and $time lte 17.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/livingrdadmom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "LivingroomMomDad">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/livingroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "LivingRoom">><</link>><</if>>
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $time gte 13.5 and $time lte 14.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/backyardmom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "backyardmom">><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 12 and $time lte 13>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/backyarddad.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "backyardad">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/backyard.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "Backyard">><</link>>
<<if $time is 13.5 or $time gte 18 and $time lte 20>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/basementdad.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BasementDad">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/basement.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "Basement">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/outside.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<if $clotheswear is "apron1">>
<<goto "badsuit">>
<<goto "outside">><</if>>\<</link>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<include "hallwayweekendbrother">>
<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<h2>Jewerly Store.</h2>
It is a regular jewelry store.
The place is run by several vendors waiting to give you advice.
<<if $qosjew is false and $elijahpoints gte 4>>\
<<link "<h50>Ask Vendor about Blacked Related</h50>">><<goto "qosjew">><</link>>
<<if $girlday gte 2 and $lucasday is false and $time gte 8 and $time lte 18>>\
<<button [[Lucas is here]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $girlday gte 2 and $lucasday is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ask if Lucas is Available</h6>">>
<<speech "Boy1" "Assistant">>I'm Sorry. Mr.Lucas work schedule is 8:00-18:00.<</speech>>
<<elseif $lucasday is true>>\
Lucas is busy right now. Visit him next day.
<<button [[Leave|mall]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div align="center"><div class="daddybox"><b> <<masteraudio stop>>\
When you ran out of energy, you fell down to the ground. Your $parents got scared when they found out. They lost faith in you because you don't take care of yourself properly.
<div class="pilka">@@color:red;$parents Relationship -10@@</div>
<<mrelationship -10>><<frelationship -10>>
<<button [[Next Day|Bed]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<set $vacuum to true>>\
<img src="img/livingroom/vacuum.jpg" class='medium'>
<<mrelationship 5>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<energy -10>><<upd>>
Vacuuming the living room.
$mom seems happy that you are doing some house work.
<div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;Energy -10@@
@@color:pink;$mom Relationship +5@@</div>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Living Room|livingroomnight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Living Room|LivingRoom]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div align="center"><div class="exclusive"><b><<audio "profiles" play>>
<<if $bimboend is 3>>\
<<button [[Your Profile|Youbimbo]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Your Profile|You]]>><</button>>
<<if $corruptionlevel is 3>>\
<<button [[Brother's Profile|Brother]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Mom's Profile|Mom]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Dad's Profile|Dad]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Lena's Profile|Lena's profile]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Teacher's Profile]]>><</button>>
<<if $lucas is true>>\
<<button [[Lucas's Profile]]>><</button>>
<<if $burnett is 1 or $bimbo gte 1>>\
<<button [[Burnett's Profile]]>><</button>>
<<if $meetmadison is true>>\
<<button [[Madison's Profile]]>><</button>>
<<if $boy is true>>\
<<button [[Jack's Profile]]>><</button>>
<<if $tomevents gte 2>>\
<<button [[Tom's Profile]]>><</button>>
<<if $lessons gte 5>>\
<<button [[Marcus's Profile]]>><</button>>
<<if $sophiagreet is true>>\
<<button [[Sophia's Profile]]>><</button>>
<<if $evalevel gte 1>>\
<<button [[Eva's Profiles]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|computermc]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox">
<<if $stepc lte 4 and $corruptionlevel is 0>>\
<img src="img/avatars/you.jpg" class="imageleft">
<b>Status: Pure. </b>@@
You are Pure girl, who does not know much about life. Pretty, nice, petite and young girl.
After moving out, you are curious why your parents are keeping a secret from you.
You have gained a new friend who can turn your life around.
<<if $corruptionlevel is 1>>
<img src="img/avatars/mc1.jpg" class="imageleft">
<b>Status:Still learning.</b>@@
You've seen enough to see that life that you led before was boring and you want to taste something forbidden and wild.
After moving out, you are curious why your parents are keeping a secret from you.
Lena is showing you and new side of you.
<<if $corruptionlevel is 2>>
<img src="img/avatars/profile.jpg" class="imageleft">
<b>Status: Experienced in life.</b>@@
@@color:lightyellow;Finally you figure out what is going on life. Everyone lies and does things for their own cravings so why would you bother? Nevertheless, you learn and try to endure the difficult experiences you face. Seize the life while you can.@@
<<if $corruptionlevel is 3>>
<img src="img/avatars/profile2.jpg" class="imageleft">
<b>Status: Lust for more.</b>@@
@@color:pink;This is new you. After the surgery you feel a lot better than before. Now you have some kind of liberty.
You want to taste more... And more. Lust has coated your innocence. Now the world stands open to you.@@
<<button [[Leave|Profiles]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox">
<img src="img/pbedroom/mother.jpg" class="imageleft">
<b>Status:Married (Husband:David)</b>@@
@@color:lightyellow;Martha is a typical mom who tries to take care of you. She is very loyal to her husband. An optimistic woman thinking about a good future with her family. Hides secret deep inside to protect her loved ones. She and her husband hide the secret from their daughter.@@
<<if $momlucas gte 1>>\
<b>@@color:pink;After that night when Mom were sneaking in the garden, You discover that she is hiding something deep inside her.@@</b><</if>>\
<<if $momvision is true>>\
<b>@@color:pink;Lucas asked you to <i>Help your Mother</i>. Maybe you'll finally discover what she hides deep within.@@</b><</if>>\
<<button [[Leave|Profiles]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox">
<img src="img/avatars/dad.jpg" class="imageleft">
<b>Status:Married (Wife:Martha)</b>@@
@@color:lightyellow;Your Dad has a lot of secret. Sometimes he says he works for some strange company or organization. His past is unkown to you, He doesn't like to talk about it.
Hard working men, who loves his wife dearly.
After moving out, Your dad tries to repair relationship with his daughter. He and his wife hide the secret from their daughter.@@
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 2>>\
<b>@@color:pink;You finally reached him, Fucking by him is the most wonderful thing happened to your life. Still, It's too bad he can't fully commit to you because of your mom.@@</b>
<<button [[Leave|Profiles]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox">
<img src="img/lena/lenaa.jpg" class="imageleft">
<b>Status:Slutty Student.</b>@@
@@color:lightyellow;Lena is a young and pretty girl desired by many boys, But she has a soft spot for only mature men. She enjoys shopping and partying all the time. Her Mother was in a car accident a year ago, but thankfully her Father surrounds her with special care.
Since the beginning of school, She's been treating you like a good friend. Thanks to her, she has opened your eyes to certain things that your parents are holding you back from.@@
<<if $lessons gte 1>>\
<b>@@color:pink;Lena agreed to teach you privately in her house.Something strange is going on between her and her father.@@</b>
<<if $lessons gte 3>>\
<img src="img/lena/profile1.jpg" class="imageright">
<b>@@color:pink;You have just witnessed a Scene that cannot be erased from memory. She and her dad were banging. Part of you envy of this relationship.@@</b>
<<if $bbcaddiction gte 2>>\
<img src="img/lena/bbcenters.webp" class="imageleft">
<b>@@color:hotpink;After the last lessons, by your Suprise some Black Men crushed Lena house. She was really happy back then. One of them, Marcus was intriguing and vicious. He asked you to observe how he and his guys would treat Lena's cravings. Another image that can't be blurred out.@@</b>
<<button [[Leave|Profiles]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="daddybox">
<img src="img/avatars/teacher.jpg" class="imageleft">
@@color:orange;<b>Name:Jonathan Bailey</b>
<b>Status:Married (It's complicated)</b>@@
@@color:lightyellow;Middle aged men, A teacher. Rumor has it that his marriage is in shambles and he has a daughter who lives so far with her grandmother. His wife is quite suspicious and controlling of his life. Enjoys teaching youngs students, Especially a girls, Boys treats more harshly.
From the youth, Teaching is his passion. He hopes to guide students to a better future.@@
<<if $teacherhorny gte 6>>\
<b>@@color:pink;At last, after a few lessons, he showed his true colors toward you. His kinks young blonde students who like to have some fun. Makes you wonder where this is heading...@@</b>
<<button [[Leave|Profiles]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox">
<img src="img/avatars/lucas.jpg" class="imageleft">
@@color:lightyellow;Lucas is very rich guy who doesn't care about consequences. Acts like a godfather, The guy who doesn't follow his rules is already blacklisted. Sometimes you have a fellings he knows everything about you and your family. He is the kind of guy who is hard to figure out.
Lucas takes control of your innocent life and shows you the true meaning of life.@@
<<if $teasedad is true>>\
<b>@@color:pink;Thanks to Lucas you can finally reach your Daddy.@@</b>
<<if $momvision is true>>\
<b>@@color:pink;It's done. He used his charm on you and you both had sexual intercourse. His skills is so unique.
Apparently, Lucas cares deeply about your Mother. He wants you to reach the deep desires of your Mother. But why?@@</b>
<<button [[Leave|Profiles]]>><</button>>
<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
During the trip you mostly talk about school and hobbies. You have never talked like this before, and time seems to have stood still.
Finally you reached the park. You thought you would sit down and rest but Jack continued to lead you towards the forest.
<img src="img/park/forest.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Um... Jack? Can you slow down? Where are we going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>We are almost there $name. Trust me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh. I'm not sure if i can trust you. This forest is a little spooky. And all i think is you want me to...<</speech>>
You stopped to say what you were thinking about, which caused Jack to burst out laughing.
<<speech "Jack">>No $name. I'm not going to use you. But just trust your gut. Okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhh... Okay.<</speech>>
Both of you enter into the forest.
<<button [[Forest]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "forest" play>>\
<img src="img/park/river.jpg" class='large'>
After almost an hour of traveling deep into the forest, Jack shows you his place.
A place where you feel calm and relaxed. The scent of the forest makes you want to live.
The bird sings a nice melody, Air finally feels clean inside your lungs.
This place is indescribable for you.
It made you happy and bit a love for Jack.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my god... Jack. It is great! This feeling here is so... Calm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Isn't it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>I'm glad you feel that presence too. None of my friends know about this place. Besides you...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Me...? You trust me that much? Why...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>That's the thing. You are the riddle i can't solve.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>When i am around you, I feel... Happiness. Joy. For the first time, I don't know how to describe this feeling... I-<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Kiss Him</h4>">>
<img src="img/park/kissforest.jpeg" class='medium'>
To shut him up, you kissed him. He is so cute and romantic.
The sweetest boy you have ever met in your life. After the kiss, Jack gazed deeply into your eyes.
That feeling was... Love?
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jac-<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>A woman?</h4>">>
<img src="img/park/anna.jpg" class='large'>
But then you hear noises in the bushes.
A woman with tattoos, boobs and messy makeup, Appears in your eyes.
<<speech "Anna">>Jackyyy! There you are. I was looking for you my little brother!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Anna?? What the hell? How.... Why are you here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Is this how you greet your big sister? I came here to visit you! And... Who is that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>My friend from school.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey. I'm $name.<</speech>>
Anna looked at you as if she meant you nothing and smiles back at Jack.
<<speech "Anna">>Whatever. I have to take my little brother for unfinished business!! Come on Jackyy!<</speech>>
Anna grabs Jack and went deep into the forest to hide from you.
You had the impression that she didn't like you.
Still, you were curious why she took him to the deep forest?
<<if $corruption gte 2>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>I Need to see what is going on.<</speech>>
<<button [[Take a look where are they going]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Wait]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $corruption lte 2>>
You are not corrupted enough to see what happened.
<<button [[Wait]]>><</button>>
</b></div>Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "forest" play>>\
<img src="img/park/river.jpg" class='medium'>
You ran to the spot where you and Jack kissed.
Unfortunately, Jack appeared so quickly that you didn't have time to take a breath and also he noticed a little sweat in your head.
<<energy -50>> @@color:lightblue; Energy -50@@
<<speech "Jack">>Were you following us?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm?! Ah.. No... Ah..<</speech>>
Jack right aways see how you are lying.
<<speech "Jack">>You saw us. Don't you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jack... I... maybe. That...<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Look. I know the thing we did was fucked up. But my sister has a rough drama in her life. I had to take care for her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure...<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>$name, please dont tell others. It's really important for me, okay?<</speech>>
@@color:lightgrey;You can now blackmail Jack and tell the others about his secret.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jack it's okay. Let's go home.<</speech>>
Jack has a strange feeling and doesn't know if he will regret bringing you here.
<<set $blackmailjack to true>>
<<set $eventjack1 to true>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>\
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "forest" play>>\
<img src="img/park/river.jpg" class='large'>
<div class="pos">
<<fitness 1>> @@color:yellow; Fitness +1@@ <<energy -25>>@@color:lightblue;Energy -25@@</div>
You managed to came back where you and Jack kissed before. After a few seconds Jack joins you.
<<speech "Jack">>Ah there you are... I'm so sorry for that $name. My sister is... Difficult.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okay Jack. Wish i had a sister.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Haha. Yeah. It's nice to have a sister.<</speech>>
Then Jack get closer to you. The though of him and Anna makes you a bit awkard.
Still in your mind you see Anna covered with Jack's cum.
<<speech "Jack">>$name. Let's back to the thing what happened earlier.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You mean... Kiss?<</speech>>
Jack smiled at you. It was so cute. So cute that his smile cuts that memory you recalled before.
<<speech "Jack">>Would you be my girlfriend?<</speech>>
You are stunned. What the hell... He is asking like that?
To be his girlfriend? After... What happened?
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I.. I..<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>I know. It's not a good time to ask. But i had to. So...<</speech>>
<th><<link "<h21>No. It's too quick!</h21>">><<goto "It's too quick">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h21>Be his Girlfriend</h21>">><<goto "Be Jack's Girlfriend">><</link>></th>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "forest" play>>\
After a few minutes of thought. You say yes.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes! I'd like to be your girlfriend. Jack.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>For Real? I'm amazed! It's so cool!<</speech>>
<img src="img/park/hugforest.gif" class='medium'>
He tries to kiss you again but you part of you pushed him for now.
The thought of Anna's scent on him makes you a bit sick.
So you hugged him so it wouldn't be awkward.
<<speech "Jack">>It's nice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes..<</speech>>
The two of you spent some time on the river.
Talking about stupid and personal stuffs.
How both of you are have so much in common.
<<set $time to $time +4>><<upd>>
<<speech "Jack">>It's going to be dark. Let's go home.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure but one last thing i need to do.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Huh?<</speech>>
<img src="img/park/kiss.gif" class='medium'>
After that nice talk, You wish to do something. Something that he would remember this day.
So you kissed him!
<<speech "Jack">>Why... Why now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm a girl! I can change my decision every minute.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Oh right. I forgot. Anyway.. It felt... Nice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes... Indeed.<</speech>>
You left the forest in happy and romantic mood.
<<set $boyfriendjack to true>>
<<set $eventjack1 to true>>
<<button [[Leave the Forest|outside]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "forest" play>>\
<<set $eventjack1 to true>>
You made a choice.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jack, I just met you today. For me, it is too early to make such a decision. I like you very much, but i need to time to know you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Sure $name, i understand. At least i know you like me.<</speech>>
Jack smiled. He seems to be disappointed. But you tried to cheer him up.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jackyyyyy<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Haha, shut up.<</speech>>
You both left the forest and went home.
<<set $eventjack1 to true>>
<<button [[Leave the Forest|outside]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox">
<img src="img/avatars/jack.jpg" class="imageleft">
<b>Status:Sweet Boy.</b>@@
@@color:lightyellow;Jack is a brave young men. He has a strange sister who is very attached to him.@@
<<if $boyfriendjack is true>>\
@@color:lightyellow;He enjoys having time with you. Jack shared his feelings to you but do you really love him?@@
<<if $tomevents gte 3>>\
@@color:red;After that party, You betrayed Jack for the first time. Somehow you don't see anything wrong with it. It was just this one time.@@
<<if $jacksex is 2>>\
@@color:lightblue;You and Jack had the first sex.@@
<<if $hot gte 3>>\
@@color:pink;It was a horrible experience...@@
<<elseif $cute gte 3>>\
@@color:lightblue;He was very patient and sensitive.I think I found a person with whom I could live happily.@@
<<if $tomevents gte 4>>\
@@color:red;Without any shame you betrayed him again. With his friend from the old days.@@
<<if $jacksex is 3>>\
@@color:lightblue;Jack shows his true love to you. Both of you are getting into something beautiful in the life.@@
<<button [[Leave|Profiles]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<img src="img/gif/walk.gif" class='imageleft'>
With a little doubt, you decide to talk with shop assistant to lure his attention to you.
<<addcorruption 1>>
<div class="pilka">@@color:red;Corruption +1@@</div>
<img src="img/mall/assistant.jpg" class='imageright'>
To get his attention you asked about the jewelry he has hidden behind him.
You succeeded in getting his attention so long until Lena stole your dream Necklace.
Lena coughed to signal to you to stop the action.
<<button [[Leave Store]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<<speech "Lena">>Where are you going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eh.. Lena, It's stupid plan. Let's just go home.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh! $name is a coward! QUAK QUAK!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shut up.<</speech>>
You left the mall and went straight to home. Lena didn't like that you chickened out.
<<speech "Lena">>Bye LOSER.<</speech>>
She went in a bad mood to the home.
<<button [[Home|hallway]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "hospital" pause>><<audio "outside" play>>
<h2>City Center</h2>
<<if $evatask is 2 and $time lte 19 and $time gte 18 and $underwear is "linquest" and $clotheswear is "dressquest">>\
<<link "<h6>Camila @@color:orange;Lingerie and Dress is On!@@</h6>">><<goto "camilatask">><</link>>
<<elseif $evatask is 2 and $time is 22>>\
<<link "<h6>Camila @@color:grey;Wear the right Lingerie and Dress!@@</h6>">><</link>>
<<button "Walk Around - one hour forward">>
<<set $time to $time +1>><<goto "citycenter">><</button>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<goto "citycenternight">>
<table style="width:50%">
<<if $time gte 19.5>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/outside.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<if $fitness lte 14>><<energy -10>><</if>><<goto "outsidenight">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/outside.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<if $fitness lte 14>><<energy -10>><</if>><<goto "outside">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/hospital.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "hospital">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/fitnesscenter.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "fitnesscenter">><</link>></th>
<<if $eventjack1 is true>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/cinema.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "cinema">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/jack.jpg' class='largecity'>">></th>
<<if $entryhouse is false and $time gte 15 or $day gte 6 and $entryhouse is false>>
<<goto "entryjack">><<masteraudio stop>>
<<elseif $entryhouse is true and $time gte 15>>
<<goto "jackhouse">><<masteraudio stop>>
<<elseif $entryhouse is true and $day gte 6>>
<<goto "jackhouse">><<masteraudio stop>>
<<elseif $time lte 14.5>>
<<goto "jackhouse1">><<masteraudio stop>>
<<if $meetmadison is true>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/estate.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "estateoffice">>
<<if $lucashouse is true>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/lucashouse.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "lucashouse">>
<<if $eventjack1 is false>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/cinema.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "cinema">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/hotel.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "hotel">><</link>></th>
<<elseif $eventjack1 is true>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/hotel.jpg' class='mediumcity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "hotel">><</link>></th>
</div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "forest" play>>\
<span id="anna">
You went after them, After a few minutes they stopped. Anna looked around to see if you were following them so you quickly hid behind a large stone. Jack was mostly upset with leaving you all alone in the forest but Anna did something to cheer him up.
<<link "<h6>What are they doing?</h6>">><<replace "#anna">>
<video src="img/park/annajack.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
They were... Kissing!!!
Anna was kissing him deeply and hold him tightly.
<<speech "Anna">>Jackyy... I-i missed you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Anna... Stop!! We can't!!! Don't!!! That's bad!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Jackyy... I feel your boner poking my legs. Here. Let little sister release brother's desires.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Anna and Jack?</h6>">>
<video src="img/park/annajack1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Jack">>Anna.. Please.. Don't... Ah...<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>*Gurlp* *gawk* *gawk*<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Don't you like that? Mmm? Little Brother?<</speech>>
Anna takes her clothess off and ducked down to suck his cock. At first Jack didn't protest at all.
Like he was wanted this for a long time.
<div class="posarousal">As you watch them. One of lost memories have appear.</div>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>What... Is... Going... On??<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Memories</h12>">><<replace "#anna">>
<video src="img/park/memory.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">\
A couple kissing in big luxury room...?
<<speech "Girl1" "???">>Mmm... It was good idea to run away... Love you so much...<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "???">>Love you too...<</speech>>
<<addcorruption 1>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +1</div>
<<linkreplace "<h6>My head...</h6>">><<replace "#anna">>
<<timed 10ms t8n>>
<img src="img/park/annacum.jpg" class='large'><</timed>>
A strong headache woke you up from the past.
When your eyes recovered, you see Anne looking at you with cum on her face.
You need to leave. Now!
<<if $fitness gte 2>>\
@@color:yellow;You can run.@@
<<button [[Run|Run Forest]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Forest2]]>><</button>>
@@color:yellow;You don't have much fitness to run.@@
<<button [[Leave|Forest2]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "forest" play>>\
<img src="img/park/river.jpg" class='medium'>
You were sitting by the river waiting for Jack. Not knowing by what kind of miracle his sister found him here quickly.
Jack came out of the forest, alone.
<<speech "Jack">>Sorry for that, i didn't know she came back from college.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okay. She is something.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>That's my sister. Difficult to control, easily causing trouble. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I wonder what kind of sister I would have.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>I do not wish you to have such a sister like mine. <</speech>>
You both paused for a second. Jack out of nowhere asked you a question.
<<speech "Jack">>$name would you be my girlfriend?<</speech>>
You were surprised by this question and didn't know what to say to it
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I.. I..<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>It's okay you don't need to anwser.<</speech>>
<<button [[Be Jack's Girlfriend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[It's too quick]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="penis"><div align="center"><b><<audio "crowd" stop>>\
You decided to tell Lena about Jack's secret.
<<addcorruption 1>> <h2>+1 Corruption</h2>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena, you won't believe what I witnessed<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jack invited me for a "date".<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Finally.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shut up. It's not that. When he took me to a place, his sister came. She is really nice piece. She took Jack to a hidden spot. Guess what they did.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>I don't know. She sucked him? Kissed him?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How did you know?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>I guessed. God dam. Nice... Is this for real??<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I couldn't believe it too.<</speech>>
<<set $blackmailjack to false>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<set $day to $day +1>><<set $time to 7>>
You fall asleep, The dreams...
Strange dreams have come upon you....
<<linkreplace "<h6>Dream on</h6>">>
<video controls src="img/dream/wakingup1.webm" class="medium" autoplay>
<<linkreplace "<h12>It's time.</h12>">>
<div class="posarousal">It's time.
Time to be changed. Not everything is right and wrong. The influence of your parents has eclipsed the real world.
It's time. To live like you never before. Go out and face everything you fear. Be more than that.
It's time to be alive.</div>
<video src="img/mcroom/transform.webm" class='small' autoplay loop>
@@color:pink;This little girl no longer exists.
A new you desire something interesting...
Something you have never tried....
And that time has come...@@
<<set $stepc to $stepc +1>>\
<<set $corruption to 0>>\
<<set $corruptionlevel to 1>>\
<<set $avatar to 1>>\
<<button [[Move on|transform1.1]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $boyfriendjack is false>>\
<<button [[Ask him to be his Girlfriend]]>><</button>>
<<if $jayce is false>>\
<<if $druggedbytom is true>>\
<<button [[Jack wants to talk with you about the party]]>><</button>>
<<if $tomevents is 2 and $hot gte 3>>\
<h2><<button [[Jack in the Gym]]>><</button>></h2>
<<if $boyfriendjack is true>>\
<<button [[Talk with Jack]]>><</button>>
<<if $jackstat gte 15>>\
<<button [[Hug Jack]]>><</button>>
Need more time.
<s>Hug Jack</s>
<<if $jackstat gte 50>>
<<button [[Kiss Jack]]>><</button>>
I'm not ready yet.
<s>Kiss Jack</s>
<<button [[Leave him|school]]>><</button>>
<div class="penis"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/school/talk.jpg" class='medium'>
<<set $time to $time +1>> <<energy -15>>@@color:lightblue;Energy -15@@
<<jstat 5>>@@color:Orange;Jack Relationship +5@@
<<button [[Classes]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="penis"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/jackhouse/hug.gif" class='medium'>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>> <<energy -15>>@@color:lightblue;Energy -15@@
<<jstat 5>>@@color:Orange;Jack Relationship +5@@
<<button [[Classes]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="penis"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/jackhouse/kiss.gif" class='medium'>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>> <<energy -15>>@@color:lightblue;Energy -15@@
<<arousal 5>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +5@@
<<jstat 5>>@@color:Orange;Jack Relationship +5@@
<<button [[Classes]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="tease">
<<if $mcorruptionlevel lte 1>>
You approached your $mom.<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Hey sweety, finally some fresh air. Want to join in?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Join</h4>">>
<<if $clotheswear is "sport" and $energy gte 26 or $clotheswear is "sport1" and $energy gte 26>>
You and your $mom were doing yoga.
<video src="img/park/mompark.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
<<fitness 1>>@@color:yellow;Fitness +1@@
<<mrelationship 5>>@@color:pink;$mom Relationship +5@@
<<energy -25>>@@color:lightblue;Energy -25@@<<upd>><</nobr>>
<<elseif $energy lte 25>>\
<img src="img/avatars/exhaust.jpg" class='medium'>
I'm exhausted.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name! Why you are always tired. Take care of yourself!<</speech>>
<<mrelationship -5>>@@color:pink;$mom Relationship -5@@
<img src="img/avatars/Momworried.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Sweety, you need to wear something sporty. I don't want you to ruin your outfit.<</speech>>
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<img src="img/mom/park/mom.jpg" class='medium'>
Mom is in the park.
<<if $mompark is 0 or $mompark is 1>>
<<link "<h4>$mom Milf</h4>">><<set $mompov to 10>><<set $mompark to 1>><<goto "mompark2">><</link>>
<<elseif $mompark is 5>>
<<link "<h4>$mom Milf</h4>">><<set $mompov to 10>><<goto "mompark2">><</link>>
<<if $clotheswear is "sport" and $energy gte 26 or $clotheswear is "sport1" and $energy gte 26>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Join Her.</h4>">><<replace "#tease">>
You and your $mom were doing yoga.
<video src="img/park/mompark.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
<<fitness 1>>@@color:yellow;Fitness +1@@
<<mrelationship 5>>@@color:pink;$mom Relationship +5@@
<<energy -25>>@@color:lightblue;Energy -25@@<<upd>><</nobr>>
<<elseif $energy lte 25>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Join Her.</h4>">><<replace "#tease">>
<img src="img/avatars/exhaust.jpg" class='medium'>
I'm exhausted.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name! Why you are always tired. Take care of yourself!<</speech>>
<<mrelationship -5>>@@color:pink;$mom Relationship -5@@
<<button [[Leave|Park]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="office1"><b><h2>Office.</h2>\
This is your Father's workplace.
There are a lot of documents.
<<if $time lte 2 or $time gte 23>>
Dad's computer is still running and you can browser his files!
<<button "Use $dad Computer">><<goto "Use Dad's Computer">><</button>>
<<if $computer is false>>
<<linkreplace "Look around.">>\
<img src="img/computer/comp.jpg" width="450" height="300">
You found the computer.
<<button [[Turn on|Computer]]>><</button>>
<<if $lenacam2 is true and $dadcam is false>>\
<<button [[Computer|Computernight]]>><</button>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="office1"><b><h2>Office</h2>\
<<if $time lte 22.5 or $time gte 23.5>>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>><<dadbimbo1>><<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>><<dadbimbo3>><</if>>
<img src="img/computer/dadnight.jpg" class='medium'>
$dad works hard at night.
<<button "Talk with $dad">><<goto "Talk with Dad">><</button>>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel gte 1 or $fcorruption gte 35>>
<<elseif $time is 23>>
$dad locked the door in the office.
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>What is he doing at this hour in the office?<</speech>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
<div class="mombox"><b><<audio "phone" play>>\
<i>Take a selfie!</i>
<span id="hot">
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 0>>\
<div align="center">
<<linkreplace "<h6>Take a cute selfie</h6>">>
<<switch random(3)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src='img/phone/selfie1.jpg' class='medium2'><<audio "photo" play>>
<<set $selfie1 to true>>
<<case 2>>
<img src='img/phone/selfie2.jpg' class='medium2'><<audio "photo" play>>
<<set $selfie2 to true>>
<<case 3>>
<img src='img/phone/selfie3.jpg' class='medium2'><<audio "photo" play>>
<<set $selfie3 to true>>
<img src='img/phone/selfie2.jpg' class='medium2'><<audio "photo" play>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<if $selfie5 is false or $selfie10 is false or $selfie11 is false or $selfie12 is false>>\
<div align="center">
<<linkreplace "<h6>Cuter Selfies</h6>">>
<table style="width:90%">
<th><<if $selfie5 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Take Selfie 1</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a cute selfies. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/selfie11.jpg' class='medium2'><</timed>>
<<set $selfie5 to true>><</replace>>
<th><<if $selfie10 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Take Selfie 2</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a cute selfies. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/selfie12.jpg' class='medium2'><</timed>>
<<set $selfie10 to true>><</replace>>
<th><<if $selfie11 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Take Selfie 3</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a cute selfies. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/selfie13.jpg' class='medium2'><</timed>>
<<set $selfie11 to true>><</replace>>
<th><<if $selfie12 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Take Selfie 4</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a cute selfies. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/selfie14.jpg' class='medium2'><</timed>>
<<set $selfie12 to true>><</replace>>
<<if $selfie6 is false or $selfie7 is false or $selfie8 is false or $selfie9 is false>>\
<div align="center">
<<linkreplace "<h6>Hot Selfies</h6>">>
<table style="width:90%">
<th><<if $selfie6 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Hot Selfie 1</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a hot selfies. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/selfie21.jpg' class='medium2'><</timed>>
<<set $selfie6 to true>><</replace>>
<th><<if $selfie7 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Hot Selfie 2</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a hot selfies. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/selfie22.jpg' class='medium2'><</timed>>
<<set $selfie7 to true>><</replace>>
<th><<if $selfie8 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Hot Selfie 3</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a hot selfies. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/selfie23.jpg' class='medium2'><</timed>>
<<set $selfie8 to true>><</replace>>
<th><<if $selfie9 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Hot Selfie 4</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a hot selfies. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/selfie24.jpg' class='medium2'><</timed>>
<<set $selfie9 to true>><</replace>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<<if $selfielvlsecond1 is false or $selfielvlsecond2 is false>>\
<div align="center">
<<linkreplace "<h6>Hotter!</h6>">>
<table style="width:50%">
<th><<if $selfielvlsecond1 is false and $corruption gte 50>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Hotter Selfie 1</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a hot selfies. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/hotselfie1.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Look at that! What a tempting body...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $selfielvlsecond1 to true>><</replace>>
<<elseif $corruption lte 49>>
<h8>@@color:hotpink;Need 50 Corruption@@</h8>
<th><<if $selfielvlsecond2 is false and $corruption gte 40>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Hotter Selfie 2</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a hot selfies. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/hotselfie2.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Sweet times with Lena!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $selfielvlsecond2 to true>><</replace>>
<<elseif $corruption lte 39>>
<h8>@@color:hotpink;Need 40 Corruption@@</h8>
<<if $selfiebim2 is false or $selfiebim1 is false or $selfiebim3 is false>>\
<<if $bimboend gte 3 and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<div align="center">\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Bimbo Selfies (Stage 3)!</h6>">>
<table style="width:90%">\
<th><<if $selfiebim1 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Selfie One!!!</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a bimbo selfies. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/selfiebimbo.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "Player6" "$name's Mind">>Gawd... Too bad i don't hold some manly cocks instead of these railings. It would be a masterpiece!!!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $selfiebim1 to true>><</replace>>
<th><<if $selfiebim2 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Selfie Two!!!</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a bimbo selfies. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/selfiebimbo2.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "Player6" "$name's Mind">>Mmm.. What a hottie! Ops! That's me! Haha!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $selfiebim2 to true>><</replace>>
<th><<if $selfiebim3 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Selfie Three!!!</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a bimbo selfies. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/selfiebimbo3.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "Player6" "$name's Mind">>Please... Father... Gimme me your dirty sins!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $selfiebim3 to true>><</replace>>
<<if $bimboend gte 3 and $corruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<div align="center">\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Bimbo Selfies (Stage 2)!</h6>">>
<table style="width:90%">\
<th><<if $selfiebimbo1 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>SELFIEEE 1</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a hot selfies. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/bimboselfie.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>Looking awesome!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $selfiebimbo1 to true>><</replace>>
<th><<if $selfiebimbo2 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>SELFIEEE 2</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a hot selfies. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/bimboselfie2.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>Who could that be in the background? Fuck it! Had a fucking fun!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $selfiebimbo2 to true>><</replace>>
<th><<if $selfiebimbo3 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>SELFIEEE 3</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a hot selfies. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/bimboselfie3.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>A hot bath....<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $selfiebimbo3 to true>><</replace>>
<th><<if $selfiebimbo4 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>SELFIEEE 4</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a hot selfies. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/bimboselfie4.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>New heeellsss!!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $selfiebimbo4 to true>><</replace>>
<div align="center">\
<<linkreplace "<h6>EVENTS</h6>">>
<<if $momvision is true and $momselfie1 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mom</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a event selfie. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/momselfie1.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Mom is acting really weird lately...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $momselfie1 to true>><</replace>>
<<if $mcorruptionlevel gte 1 and $momselfie2 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mom Shows some Love</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a event selfie. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/momselfie.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Mommy... Please harder...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $momselfie2 to true>><</replace>>
<<if $mcorruptionlevel gte 2 and $momselfie3 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>A goodnight Kiss from Mommy</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a event selfie. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/mommykiss.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>I think it's too much? Whatever. It's my profile. I can show whatever i want!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $momselfie3 to true>><</replace>>
<<if $cute gte 6 and $jackselfie is false and $boyfriendjack is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>With Jack!</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a event selfie. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/jacklove.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>What a lovely picture!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $jackselfie to true>><</replace>>
<<if $teasedad is true and $fatherselfie1 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Teasing my Dad!</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a event selfie. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/fathertease.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Let's hope Dad see this...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $fatherselfie1 to true>><</replace>>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel gte 1 and $fatherselfie2 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Daddy 1</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a event selfie. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/daddyselfie.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Daddy is so sweet!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $fatherselfie2 to true>><</replace>>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel gte 1 and $fatherselfie3 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Daddy 2</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a event selfie. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/daddyselfie2.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Oh Daddy! What are you looking for?<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $fatherselfie3 to true>><</replace>>
<<if $reputationschool gte 25 and $schoolseflie1 is false>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>School Girl!</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a event selfie. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/schoolslutselfie.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>So relaxing...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $schoolseflie1 to true>><</replace>>
<<if $meetmadison is true and $selfieoffice is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Office Selfie!</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a event selfie. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/selfieoffice.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Looking good!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $selfieoffice to true>><</replace>>
<<if $joblevel gte 4 and $selfieoffice1 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Office Selfie!</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a event selfie. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/selfieoffice2.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Time to shine!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $selfieoffice1 to true>><</replace>>
<<if $hot gte 4 and $hotselfieparty is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Before the PARTY!</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a event selfie. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/hotpartybefore.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>TIME FOR PARTY!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $hotselfieparty to true>><</replace>>
<<if $tomdrugs gte 2 and $selfiedrug is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>After... Party...</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a event selfie. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/drugselfie.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>My head... I can't recall what happened there...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $selfiedrug to true>><</replace>>
<<if $tomevents gte 4 and $selfietombefore is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Before Tom</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a event selfie. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/beforetom.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>What am i doing?<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $selfietombefore to true>><</replace>>
<<if $tomevents gte 4 and $selfietomafter is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>After Tom</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a event selfie. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/aftertom.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>That was worth it!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $selfietomafter to true>><</replace>>
<<if $restaurantselfie2 is false and $evalevel gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Selfie Restaurant New Outfit!</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a event selfie. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/selfieres2.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>New outfit!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $restaurantselfie2 to true>><</replace>>
<<if $restaurantselfie is false and $evalevel gte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Selfie Restaurant with Friend!</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a event selfie. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/selfieres1.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>We looking awesome!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $restaurantselfie to true>><</replace>>
<<if $bbcaddiction gte 3 and $bbcselfie1 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Thinking about some Big Black Cocks...</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a event selfie. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/bbcselfie2.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Can't wait to taste them... <</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $bbcselfie1 to true>><</replace>>
<<if $bbcaddiction gte 5 and $bbcselfie2 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>One pic with Marcus.</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a event selfie. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/bbcselfie.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>He is so manly...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $bbcselfie2 to true>><</replace>>
<<if $bbcaddiction gte 10 and $bbcselfie3 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Love BBC</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a event selfie. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/bbcselfie3.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>BBC 4 LIFE<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $bbcselfie3 to true>><</replace>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $selfielvl3 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:hotpink;After Surgery@@</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a event selfie. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/lvl3.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>My first selfie as a Woman!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $selfielvl3 to true>><</replace>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $selfiebro is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:orange;With my Brother@@</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a event selfie. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/brother.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>My brother! He is so cute! Hmm.. Is he looking at my boobs?!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $selfiebro to true>><</replace>>
<<if $startnewbody is true and $selfieschoollvl3 is false>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:orange;School after Surgery@@</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a event selfie. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/schoollvl3.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>My uniform is getting bigger!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $selfieschoollvl3 to true>><</replace>>
<<if $mathteacher is true and $selfieschoollvl33 is false>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:orange;Correcting some Grades!@@</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a event selfie. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/lvl3.1.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>From Big D to A+!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $selfieschoollvl33 to true>><</replace>>
<<if $daddymorning is true and $selfiedadmorning is false>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;Me and Dad.@@</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a event selfie. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/daddyselfie3.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Within a few moments, that banana was replaced by something juicy and big.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $selfiedadmorning to true>><</replace>>
<<if $lenaandluke is true and $selfielena is false>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;With Lena!@@</h6>">><<replace "#hot">><<audio "photo" play>>
Taking a event selfie. You can Upload it on the SocialPics.
<<timed 0.4s t8n>><img src='img/phone/lena.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Photo with my best sis! Love you Lena!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<set $selfielena to true>><</replace>>
<<button [[Another Selfie|Selfie]]>><</button>>
<<button "Return">><<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<button [[Return to the Bedroom|mcroom]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</div><div align="center"><div class="office1"><b>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Tease your $dad</h6>">>
<<set _f to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _f is 1>>\
<img src="img/dad/teasebent.webp" class="imageleft">
<<elseif _f is 2>>\
<img src="img/dad/teasebent2.webp" class="imageright">
<<elseif _f is 3>>\
<img src="img/dad/teasebent3.webp" class="imageleft">
$dad took a time off for you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey $dad...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name. Gosh... You are such a tease.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... He's hard... Can Slutty $daughter suck you off?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Now this is not good idea. But don't you worry. My Slutty princess will get what deserves in the night.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm looking foward to it!<</speech>>
<<set $dadvisitnight to true>>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
You see $dad is very busy at the moment but you try to talk with him.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad.. You must be very tired. Try to get more rest next time . Lately you've been working, too hard.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Sweety. I'm glad you worry about me. I'll try. I promise! But i have to finish this one task before bed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure. <</speech>>
You are about to leave him...
But before you go, You want to say something nice to him.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad? I love you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I love you too. My princess.<</speech>>
<<frelationship +5>><div class="pos">@@color:teal;+5 $dad Relationship@@</div><<upd>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>
Luxury hotel
<<if $time gte 6>>
<<if $messageteacher gte 1 and $time gte 20 and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<button [[Teacher is waiting in the Room]]>><<set $minifuck1 to 2>><<set $teachstamina to 3>><<set $mcstamina to 3>><</button>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[leave|citycenternight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenter]]>><</button>>
<<speech "Girl1" "Receptionist">>Hello... Do you want rent a room? Some rooms are available at this moment.<</speech>>
<<if $time lte 5.5>>\
<<button [[leave|citycenternight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenter]]>><</button>>
<div align="center"><div class="lucasoffice"><b>
<h3>Teasing $dad</h3>
Approaching to your $dad in naughty way.
$dad seems distracted by your weird presence.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey... $dad.<</speech>>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Tease $dad</h12>">><<set $time to $time +1>>
<<set _ft to random(1,3)>>
<<if _ft is 1>>
<img src="img/dad/teaselvl2.webp" class='imageleft'>
<<elseif _ft is 2>>
<video src="img/dad/teaselvl2.1.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
Sitting on $dad's lap.
You can feel his boner starting to grow....
<<elseif _ft is 3>>
<video src="img/dad/teaselvl2.2.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
You sat down on the couch with legs wide open.
$dad, without asking, starts caressing from your legs to your pussy.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you like what you see Daddy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I love it. Daddy is so happy right now..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's good...Mmm...I want to it so bad!<</speech>>
<<set _fs to random (1,3)>>
<<if _fs is 1>>\
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I want it too, Darling. But i'm very busy at this moment.<</speech>>
<<elseif _fs is 2>>\
<video src="img/dad/stage2/bj1.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
$dad took control of you head and leads you to his hungry cock.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Suck Daddy's cock babe.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>GOWK! GOWK! I LIKE IT ROUGH DADDY! GOWK! GOWK!<</speech>>
<<elseif _fs is 3>>\
<video src="img/dad/stage2/bj2.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
Without the asking, Right away sit on the floor and starts unbotting his trousers.
His cock was so arousing, You had to suck it.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let me suck you off Daddy!! GURLP GURLP!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Fuck... My girl is so needy today.<</speech>>
<<if $corruption gte 10 and $fcorruption lte 34 and $fcorruptionlevel lte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Tease $dad</h12>">>
<<set _d to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _d is 1>>\
<img src="img/dad/teasedad.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif _d is 2>>\
<img src="img/dad/teasedad1.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif _d is 3>>\
<img src="img/dad/teasedad2.jpg" class='large'>
<div class="posarousal">Tempting your $dad with your body...</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you like what i am wearing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Ah.. Yes. Darling. Very nice.<</speech>>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<<fcorruption 5>><<arousal 15>>\
<div class="pos">@@color:Lightblue;$dad Corruption +5@@ @@color:hotpink;Arousal +15@@</div>
<<elseif $fcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
@@color:orange;$dad's corruption will be increased in some events.@@
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<elseif $fcorruption gte 35 and $daddrugged is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Tease $dad</h12>">>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name this is enough. It's not appropriate. You are my $daughter!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm sorry $dad. I thought you like my new personality.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name I love you but this is going too far. Leave me at once!<</speech>>
<<frelationship -5>><div class="pos">@@color:lightgrey;$dad Relationship -5@@</div>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Huh?! What do we do now if our $dad doesn't want us anymore? Hmm. Visit Mr.Lucas at his Jewerly Store.<</speech>>
<<if $daddrugged is true and $fcorruption lte 50>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>$dad is drugged</h12>">>
<<set _d to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _d is 1>>\
<img src="img/dad/teasedaddrug.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif _d is 2>>\
<img src="img/dad/teasedaddrug1.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif _d is 3>>\
<img src="img/dad/teasedaddrug2.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name...What is going on... I can't hold myself... I've gotta to...<</speech>>
$dad can't take eyes from you. He has now huge bulg in his pants.
<img src="img/ui/dadhard.jpg" class='medium'>
You couldn't believe how big it is.
@@color:violet;(In the night visit your parents bedroom to watch <u>Special Event</u>)@@
<<set $time to $time +1>><<upd>>\
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<<fcorruption 5>><<arousal 15>>\
<div class="pos">@@color:Lightblue;$dad Corruption +5@@ @@color:hotpink;Arousal +15@@</div>
<<elseif $fcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
@@color:orange;$dad's corruption will be increased in some events.@@
<<elseif $fcorruption gte 50 and $fcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
@@color:Violet;Change your $dad.@@
<<if $time gte 19.5>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/mcroom/relax.jpg' class='medium'>
As you were relaxing in the bed. $mom enters to your room.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name I called you, why didn't you answer?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry $mom, i was busy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Well you could call back. I needed you but now it's irrelevant.<</speech>>
<<set $momtalk1 to true>>
<<mrelationship -15>> @@color:pink;$mom Relationship -15@@
<th><<link "<h7>Fightback! @@color:red;Corruption +1@@</h7>">><<goto "Fightback">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Leave it</h7>">><<goto "mcroom">><</link>></th>
<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
As $mom was leaving your room, dissapointed, you were mad and started talking back at her.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay $mom! Next Time I will answer the phone. Is that what you wanted to hear? For one stupid mistake in my life you must be unhappy because I did something one little thing wrong. <</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>It's not like that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Then what is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I am just worried about you, that's all.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Then don't be. Leave me alone...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name what is going on?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>NOTHING. LEAVE ME ALONE.<</speech>>
$mom looked at you confused. Her face expresion was so weird, like you've never seen before.
@@color:violet;$mom +5 Corruption.@@
<<mcorruption 5>>
<img src='img/mcroom/momdis.jpg' class='medium'>
$mom left the room.
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>What is happening to me? I never argued like that with my $mom.<</speech>>
<<addcorruption 1>><h2>+1 Corruption</h2>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Lost Mind">>Haha! Someone is growing up!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave it|mcroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><h2>Bedroom</h2><b>
Father is changing.
<<if $fcorruptionlevel gte 2>>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<img src='img/pbedroom/dad.jpg' class='imageleft'>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<img src='img/pbedroom/dad2.jpg' class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hey, my little princess.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi $dad! God! Your Chest...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>What about it?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Touch his Chest</h4>">>
As you approached him, you touched his chest more and more...
$dad couldn't control of himself and starts to kiss you.
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<img src='img/dad/kiss.webp' class='medium'>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>
<video src="img/dad/bednight/kiss.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<if $time gte 18>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>What a shame... Luke is in the house...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes... If we could have some time alone, for once...<</speech>>
$bro is at home.
<<elseif $fcorruptionlevel lte 1>>\
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<if $corruption gte 10>>\
<img src='img/pbedroom/dad.jpg' class='imageleft'>
$dad observes your style of wearing clothes. He gets a little uncomfortable when he looks like some pervert at his $daughter.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name? What are you doing here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I was wondering what are you doing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$daughter. And what does it look like?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah. Sorry for the trouble.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>It's okay.<</speech>>
<<if $hasDildo is false or $hasDildo is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Take a look around</h4>">>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel gte 2>>
You found a dildo under the bed.
<img src='img/mcroom/dildo.jpg' class='medium'>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Sweety, what are you looking for?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Somewhere $mom is hiding some Sex Toys. Oh There it is!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Haha. Oh you pervy girl! Better leave it here before she find out.<</speech>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Convice him</h6>">>\
<img src='img/dad/bedday/tease.jpg' class='imageright'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm... Does she need to find out?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Darling? What do you... Oh... You little dirty girl. We can't. Your $dad is all dressed up!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh c'mon, $dad!!! Don't be like that!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>No.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Then how about you watch me riding on it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Please! Please! Please!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>O-okay!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Dildo Play</h6>">><<goto "daddydildo">><</link>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah... You are right $dad.<</speech>>
<<elseif $fcorruptionlevel lte 2>>\
You found a dildo under the bed.
<img src='img/mcroom/dildo.jpg' class='medium'>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Sweety, what are you looking for?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh nothing $dad. Sorry for trouble.<</speech>>
<span id="dildo1">
<<link "Steal the Dildo">><<replace "#dildo1">>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>I shouldn't. Why i need this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh you are looking for this? Haha, my young lady... Leave it at once. Or i'll tell your $mom.<</speech>>
<<frelationship -10>>@@color:lightgreen;$dad Relationship -10@@
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<if $sophiameets is 1 and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Talk with $dad about the surgery</h4>">>
$dad is focused on doing some work stuff.
You approached him with kind and sweet way.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey $dad! What are you doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Ah.. Some work stuff. And you? My little princess need something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yep! Your little princess want bigger tits!<</speech>>
$dad with a shock throw the work away and looked at you with mouth open and eyes widened.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>What?! $name! This is a big deal! We need to talk about this throughly!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad. There is nothing to talk about!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Huh? Don't you know this is a life changer?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. I am hating my body what it is. Just look how my friend changed!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Show Picture</h4>">>
<img src="img/dad/talkoperation.jpg" class="medium">
$dad is looking at this picture with curiosity.
Your eyes spot his erection through the trousers. He likes it!
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad! Your Cock..<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Fuck $name! Give me time to think about this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course.<</speech>>
You left $dad with this picture alone.
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</div><div align="center"><div class="daddybox"><b>\
<<if $poolclean is false and $cleanpool lte 3 and $energy gte 51>>\
<img src="img/dad/dadtan.jpg" class='medium'>
Your $dad is in the backyard. Chilling in the Sun half naked.<<if $teasedad is true>>@@color:hotpink;Whoa... Daddy's Body! It's so muscular! Gets me so wet... <<arousal 15>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div><</if>>
Nevertheless, he is a little disappointed by the lack of work on the pool. After all. You promised him to clean the pool.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name! Darling. You promised me to clean the pool. What are you waiting for?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh... You are right $dad. I get it done.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>That's the spirit!<</speech>>
<<button [[Clean the Pool]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $energy lte 50 and $cleanpool lte 3>>
I'm exhausted not enough energy to clean it up
<<if $cleanpool is 4>>\
<img src="img/dad/dadtan.jpg" class='medium'>
Your $dad is in the backyard. Chilling in the Sun half naked.
<<if $teasedad is true>>@@color:hotpink;Whoa... Daddy's Body! It's so muscular! Gets me so wet... <<arousal 15>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div><</if>>
<<button [[Pool]]>><</button>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/dad/dadpark.jpg" class='large'>
In the middle of the park you met your $dad. He is stretching and some jumpy jacks.
You went out to meet him.
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Kiddo! You here?! In the fresh air?! That's new!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ha-ha. Very funny $dad. What are you doing here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Preparing for running. Care to accompany me?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Join</h4>">>
<<if $clotheswear is "sport" and $energy gte 26 or $clotheswear is "sport1" and $energy gte 26>>
<img src="img/park/dad.gif" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure! Keep up, Old men.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Haha. We are yet to find out!<</speech>>
You went out running with your $dad.
<<frelationship 5>><<fitness 2>><<energy -25>><<upd>>
<div class="pos">@@color:yellow;Fitness +2@@ @@color:teal;$dad Relationship +5@@
@@color:lightblue;Energy -25@@</div>
<<elseif $energy lte 25>>
<img src="img/avatars/exhaust.jpg" class='medium'>
I'm exhausted.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah.. Nah.. I'm tired...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Tired?! already?! Start taking care of yourself. Seriously, why do you always take excuses.<</speech>>
<<frelationship -5>>@@color:lightblue;$dad Relationship -5@@
<img src="img/park/shorts.jpg" class='small'>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Seriously... You need to wear something light or you ruin your old rags.<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|Park]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
Your $parents are chilling in the Living Room.
<<button "Play with $parents">><<goto "Play with Parents">><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $mcorruptionlevel lte 1>>
<<mrelationship +10>><<frelationship +10>>
You are playing monopoly with $parents.
<img src=img/livingroom/game.jpg class='medium'>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>DON'T YOU DARE BUY MY ORANGE PLACE!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Too late.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>OH YOU BASTARD!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow $mom I have never seen you so pissed off haha.<</speech>>
$dad wanted to say something stupid as you look at his face expression, but $mom starts shouting to silence him. You couldn't stop giggling how they were so cute for you.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>SHUT UP David! I know what you want to say, but I won't let you!<</speech>>
<div class="pos">
@@color:pink;$mom Relationship +10@@
@@color:teal;$dad Relationship +10@@
<<energy -10>>@@color:lightblue;Energy -10@@</div>
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel gte 2>>
When you were about to play games with your $parents, You hear screams from the living room.
Your parents are aguing. $dad is mad at the your $mom. But $mom only laughs and points finger at him.
<img src=img/mom/mad.jpg class='medium'>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>What is wrong with you?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>What is wrong with me?! What is wrong with you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I don't understand. I mowed that lawn like one week ago!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>And you fucked that simpy job! It should be done everyday!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>WHAT!? Everyday?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>My garden should look beautiful and well cared! Recently, You've been a lazy guy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Lazy Guy?! You don't know how important my job is!<</speech>>
<<if $onlydad gte 1>>
<img src=img/mom/worried.jpg class='medium'>
<div class="pos">@@color:teal;Then $dad when were about to leave. He reminded that you told him about the event in the backyard.@@</div>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>And can you explain, What were you doing in the backyard last week in night?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Huh...? How..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hmm?! To who you were talking to!? To a lover?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>That's not your Bussiness! It's my...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Your secrets. Yes. But we All should share that secret. I know you were stressed. As a family we can help each other.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena">>There's nothing to worry about.. I'm... I'm leaving.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Martha! MARTHA!<</speech>>
<<if $onlydad is 1>>
$mom with sorrow left living room.
<<set $onlydad to 2>>
<<elseif $momlucas gte 2>>
<img src=img/mom/momdavid.jpg class='medium'>
@@color:hotpink;You didn't tell your $dad about the event that happened last week at night. In the backyard.@@
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Then maybe marry your job!? I hate listening to your excuses!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>God! It's like talking to the wall! I'm leaving!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Yeah! Go! Go to your love!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
<div class="lenahouse1"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="camlena">
You came to visit Lena, when you tried to enter her room, you could hear that she was talking to someone.
<<speech "Lena">>WOW BOYS! So much donations! Thank you so much! Ten more and the boobies will go free!<</speech>>
You heard weird sounds from her computer
<<link "<h4>Take a look</h4>">><<replace "#camlena">>
<<audio "tips" play>>
<<speech "Lena">>So Much Generosity! Here you go!<</speech>>
<video src="img/lena/lenacam1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h4>Lena Cam show</h4>">><<replace "#camlena">>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh my god! Guys! So much donations! Thank you.<</speech>>
<video src="img/lena/lenacam2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h4>Further</h4>">><<replace "#camlena">>
<<audio "tips" play>>
<<speech "Lena">>Wanna see my new toy?<</speech>>
<video src="img/lena/lenacam3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h4>Next</h4>">><<replace "#camlena">>
<<speech "Lena">>Here it is!<</speech>>
<video src="img/lena/lenacam4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h4>End</h4>">><<replace "#camlena">>
<<speech "Lena">> OH my GOD! New toy works really gooooood!<</speech>>
<<audio "tips" play>>
<video src="img/lena/lenacam5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<button [[Enter the room]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="lenahouse1"><div align="center"><b>\
You had enough of watching, so you decided to enter the room.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So that's what you do in your free time. Wow.<</speech>>
Lena did not realize that you entered her room, she was surprised but also excited.
<<speech "Lena">>You could knock! Oh nevermind. If you are already here, would you like to join?<</speech>>
You were surprised by such a proposal.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't know...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>COME ON! Give it a try! You'll love it!<</speech>>
<<button [[Try it]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Don't]]>><</button>>
<div class="lenahouse1"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="dance">
You decided to try it out. Maybe you'll like it?
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Soo... What do i have to start with?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Show them what you want. It's natural.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh okay... i never show piece of my body to strangers in internet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Well, try it and see. You'll love it.<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Maybe i'll dance?</h4>">><<replace "#dance">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey guys! New girl here.<</speech>>
<video src="img/lena/playerweb1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h4>Dance more</h4>">><<replace "#dance">>
<<audio "tip" play>>
<video src="img/lena/playerweb3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Player" "$name">> What's that sound?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh that. That's a donation sound.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wait. You earn money through internet??<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Yes silly! What did you think? This is one of the side jobs. And it is strongly addictive.<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>One of the side jobs?</h4>">><<replace "#dance">>
<video src="img/lena/playerweb2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Lena">>You are natural!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Guys are asking for more!<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>More? I'll show them more</h4>">><<replace "#dance">>
<<audio "tips" play>>
<video src="img/lena/playerweb4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh my god Girl!<</speech>>
<<button [[Let's end it]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="lenahouse1"><div align="center"><b>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nahh... I don't think it's my kind of thing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Your loss, you could earn some money. But okay.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Money? You are earning money by doing this shit?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Yeah! This shit is keeping me on living, bitch!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh... okay i change my mind.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>TOO LATE, viewers has gone. However, you can install your set in your own room. It is not too hard, but you need to buy a good webcam. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm i'll think about. thanks. I'm leaving bye.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Bye bye!<</speech>>
<<set $lenacam to true>>\
<<addcorruption 1>><h2> Corruption +1 </h2>
<h3>You can now stream in your own house.</h3>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|outsidenight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lenahouse1"><div align="center"><b>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's enough...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Wow girl. You are Wild! You earned like 100$ bucks!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>HUH? What??<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Yeah! The guy nickname DaddyGirl69 Gave you that kind of money! Haha Relax! I'll take 50% off beacuse i showed you the ropes.<</speech>>
You never realized you could earn that kind of money...
Your thoughts are full of greed.
<<addcorruption 1>><h2>Corruption +1</h2>
<<money 50>>@@color:lightgreen;Money +50$@@<<upd>>
<h3>You can now stream in your own house.</h3>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What are you, some kind of pimp?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haha, you could say that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, i didn't know that if I came in here I would make money, so much anyway. Thanks!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Girl! You are so natural. You need to set something like this in your house!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>For sure! Okay i'm leaving, Bye!.<</speech>>
<<set $time to $time +2>><<set $lenacam to true>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|outsidenight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div align="center"><div class="office1"><b>
$dad's left the computer on. <<set $dadcam to true>>
You take a look what is on the computer.
There is a peep show Lena gave a show before. You were suprised but more suprised that his nick name is DaddyGirl69.
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Is my $dad was watching my show? Oh my god.<</speech>>
<<addcorruption 2>><h2>Corruption +2</h2>
<<button [[leave it|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "phone" play>>
<<button [[Return to the Bedroom|mcroom]]>><</button>>
<<if $socialpics is false and $corruptionlevel gte 1>>
Application where you can upload your photos in internet!
Share your pics on the world!
What are you wainting for?
<<elseif $socialpics is true>>\
<img src="img/phone/socialpics.jpg" class='small'>
This is your Profile.
You can Upload your Pictures on the profile.
<div align="center">\
<<if $selfie21 is true or $selfie22 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Cute Pictures</h6>">>
<<if $selfie21 is true>>\
<img src='img/phone/selfies.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<if $selfie22 is true>>\
<img src='img/phone/selfies2.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<if $selfie1 is true and $selfie21 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Upload Selfie 1</h6>">>
<img src='img/phone/selfie1.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $selfie21 to true>>\
<<if $selfie2 is true and $selfie22 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Upload Selfie 2</h6>">>
<img src='img/phone/selfie2.jpg' class='medium2'>
Your cute pic was uploaded.
<<set $selfie22 to true>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 0>>\
I don't want to socialize with strangers.
@@color:hotpink; Need another level. @@
<<if $socialpics is true>>\
<<button "Return">><<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="phonediv"><b>\
<img src="img/phone/socialpics.jpg" class='small'>
You have just registred your profile on SocialPics!
Now you can upload your pictures on our page.
Have fun with Socialising!
<<set $socialpics to true>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="Center"><div class="lewd"><b>
<img src="img\mcroom\webcam\live.gif" class='medium'>
<span id="cam">\
<<if $camgirl is 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Let's start</h4>">>
<<set $time to $time +1>><<energy -15>>
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/start.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<if $viewers gte 4 and $viewers lte 7>>\
<div class="chatbox">\
<<elseif $viewers gte 8 and $viewers lte 12>>\
<div class="chatbox">\
@@color:lightblue;AssMachinexX@@:Show your ASS!
<<elseif $viewers gte 13 and $viewers lte 16>>\
<div class="chatbox">\
@@color:brown;KingOfPenisesX@@:COME ON! SHOW SOMETHING!
@@color:lightblue;AssMachinexX@@:What a shitty show...
<<elseif $viewers gte 17>>\
<div class="chatbox">\
@@color:brown;KingOfPenisesX@@:COME ON! SHOW SOMETHING!
@@color:lightblue;AssMachinexX@@:What a shitty show...
For now there are not a lot of viewers.
<<set $viewers +=random(1, 5)>>
Your Viewers:@@color:black;$viewers@@
Your tips:@@color:lightpink;$camtip@@
@@color:lightblue;Energy -15@@
<<if $viewers gte 20>>
<<set $camgirl to 3>>
A massage:
<i>You gained some viewers, maybe you should do something more than smiling to your camera?</i>
<<if $hasDildo is true>>\
<<elseif $hasDildo is false and $camgirl is 4>>\
Get a Dildo!
<<if $hasDildo is true>>\
<<elseif $hasDildo is false and $camgirl is 4>>\
Get a Dildo!
<<if $sextoy1 is true>>
Visit the shop for a new toy!
<<button [[Leave|Camera Show]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "crowd" stop>><<audio "mall" play>>\
<img src="img/mall/rest.gif" class='medium'>
Relaxing on a bench for an hour.
<<energy 5>><<set $time to $time +1>>\
@@color:lightblue;Energy +5@@
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<goto "mallclose">>
<<button "Relax another hour">><<goto "chill at the mall">><</button>>
<<button [[Stop|mall]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="Center"><div class="lewd"><b>
Your tips:@@color:lightpink;$camtip<<upd>>@@
Your viewers:@@color:black;$viewers@@
<<if $camtip gte 10>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Cash your 10 tips</h6>">>\
<<set $money to $money +8>>
<<set $camtip to $camtip -10>>
@@color:lightgreen;Money +8@@
@@color:lightpink;Camtips -10@@
Thanks for using our services!
<s><h6>Cash your 10 tips</h6></s>
<<if $camtip gte 100>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Cash your 100 tips</h6>">>\
<<set $money to $money +88>>
<<set $camtip to $camtip -100>>
@@color:lightgreen;Money +88@@
@@color:orange;You gained additional money for high score!@@
@@color:lightpink;Camtips -100@@
Thanks for using our services!
<s><h6>Cash your 100 tips</h6></s>
<<if $camtip gte 1000>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Cash your 1000 tips</h6>">>\
<<set $money to $money +950>>
<<set $camtip to $camtip -1000>>
@@color:lightgreen;Money +950@@
@@color:orange;You gained additional money for high score!@@
@@color:lightpink;Camtips -1000@@
Thanks for using our services!
<s><h6>Cash your 1000 tips</h6></s>
<<button [[Leave|Camera Show]]>><</button>>
<div align="Center"><div class="lewd"><b>\
<h3>@@color:gold;Premium Service!@@</h3>
Are you bored with restrictions?
You want to show more?
Here is your solution!
Buying premium service the limitation is no more. You show anything you want!
<sub>On your risk.</sub>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 2 and $camgirl is 4 and $money gte 100>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy Premium Service for 100$</h7>">>
<<set $camgirl to 5>><<set $money to $money -100>>
You bought premium service.
Now you can show "forbidden" things in web. Don't worry you'll be protected.
@@color:lightgreen; Money - 100@@
<<elseif $corruptionlevel lte 1 and $camgirl lte 4>>
You need 100$ to buy the service.
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>I don't feel fine by showing more cleavage to any strangers.<</speech>>
<<elseif $camgirl lte 3>>\
@@color:orange;I need to get more viewers on the show!@@
<<elseif $money lte 99>>
@@color:green;Not enough cash@@
<<button [[Leave|Camera Show]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="mombox"><b>\
$mom came up with idea to spend some time with you, she can't recall the last time you were somewhere together.
She would like to buy some dresses so it happened that two of you will go to the mall.
$mom already were waiting for you in downstairs.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name! Come on! How long do I have to wait for you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm coming! I'm coming! Geez.. Why you look so happy?<</speech>>
<img src="img/gif/happy.gif" class="imageright">
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Beacuse we are going out! Yay!!! Finally Girls out of the house! This is going to be so much fun!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yay...Hurray... Let's just go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Byeee David!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Bye girls. Have fun!<</speech>>
$mom is really happy!
Maybe it will be a good day?
<<button [[Leave the house|MomShopping1]]>><</button>>
<div class="lukebox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "crowd" stop>><<audio "mall" play>>\
<<set $time to $time +1>>
As you enter the mall, your $mom was so excited and happy that you don't know where she will lead you. $mom is really generous, so maybe she will buy you something good?
<img src="img/mall/cofeandcake.jpg" class='medium'>
Firstly you went to cafe to drink good coffe and eat some sweet.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>So how's the cake?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's so gooood!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Really? It's a bit sugary for me. Another round?<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Mmmm this cake was so delicious.<</speech>>
<<button [[Another Cake]]>><</button>>
<<button [[No]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/mall/eating.webp" class='medium'>
<<fitness -2>><<energy +25>>@@color:Yellow;Fitness -2@@
@@color:lightblue;Energy +25@@
You ate so much that you gained some fat.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... So delicous...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Wow Darling, you ate whole cake! Just watch your figure!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okay $mom, After an hour. I'll get back to the form.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Eh... Sure. After that let's go to the jewerly store. I need to pick something for myself. David promised me a gift!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>A gift?! You lucky girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Yes, i am! Someday your Boyfriend or even Husband will gift you something precious.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Pff... Right. Let's go.<</speech>>
You left and went straight to the store
<<button [[Jewerly Store]]>><</button>>
<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nah, i'm good. Thanks for the offer.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Okay Honey, let's go to the jewerly store. I need to pick something for myself. David promised me a gift!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>A gift?! You lucky girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Yes, i am! Someday your Boyfriend or even Husband will gift you something precious.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Pff... Right. Let's go.<</speech>>
You left and went straight to the store
<<button [[Jewerly Store]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<masteraudio stop>><<audio "mansion" play>>
<span id="lucas">
<img src="img/mall/jewerly.webp" class="medium">
You enter the store and immediately see a couple of people who are looking for something fancy for themselves.
Together with $mom, you look at things from under the counter. So far, nothing interesting has caught your eye. Until you heard a familiar voice from behind.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Unknown">>Do ladies need any help?<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Turn around</h4>">><<replace "#lucas">>
<img src="img/avatars/lucas2.jpg" class='imageleftc'>
It's Lucas! Unfortunately, You had to run into him.
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Fuck.<</speech>>
Lucas immediately recognized your face.
He confirmed it with the nod.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Lena's friend! Coming to my store after that last event?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I-<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>And this must be your Sister! Welcome. Your beauty illuminates the rest of my day. My lady.<</speech>>
<img src="img/lucas/lucashand.jpg" class='large'>
Lucas greeted yours by kissing her hand. He also wanted you to do the same but you put your hands in your pockets. Mr.Lucas was not too pleased with your behavior.
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>What the fuck!? What was that?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>What a gentleman! Sister.. Haha... No.. I am her $mom. I also welcome you sir-<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Call me Lucas.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Right. My name's Martha. Anyway. Did my $daughter do something wrong last time?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Please do not be worry. Your $daughter will not be harmed. I can guarantee it! At least i know who she took such a beautiful beauty.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Ha-ha.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;$mom is laughing! It is so unfair!
When Lucas came close enough to your $mom.@@
<div class="posarousal">A strange vision emerges....</div>
<<link "<h6>My head...</h6>">><<replace "#lucas">>
<video src="img/mall/momandlucas1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<h3>Lucas...?! And $mom!?
No! No!!! NO!!!!</h3>
<<addcorruption 1>> <div class="posarousal">Corruption +1</div><<upd>>
<<link "<h12>Come to your Senses!</h12>">><<replace "#lucas">>
<img src="img/mall/mom1.jpg" class='medium'>
When you regained consciousness, they both looked at you baffled.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Is something wrong with your $daughter?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name? Darling? Are you okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Emm. Yes.. I think so.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>It must have been after that cake you ate.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Maybe? Sorry for that.<</speech>>
Lucas wave at the his shop assistant.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Eric! Bring the water!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No. It's okay. I'm good. Thank you Mr.Lucas.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Are you sure?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. Please. My $mom is here to watch your goodies.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Haha. Goodies. Nice. Okay. Let me show you my goodies.<</speech>>
Lucas lead you to the other room where is no one. The collection in that room was astonishing!
$mom's eyes right away caught one of the jewerly.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>I see you like it Martha? It's DisaVion. That necklace holds the rarest gemstone in the world. The crystal stone was brought straight from Iceland.<</speech>>
<img src="img/mall/necklace1.png" class="small">
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Wow! It looks magnificent. It must be really expensive?<</speech>>
Lucas' face changed to a focused thoughtful expression.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>It is.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Here. Take this. As a gift.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wait, what??<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>What?? Are you crazy?! I can't-<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Lucas went for Necklace</h4>">><<replace "#lucas">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<img src="img/avatars/shockedmom.jpg" class='medium'>
Lucas opens the cabinet and gives your $mom a necklace on her hand. You don't know what he intends, but you imagine it's something bad.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Wait, there must be a catch! No one gives expensive stuffs, just like that!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>No? Then. I'd like you to invite for a dinner.<</speech>>
There it is. $mom didn't know what to respond for few seconds. You felt that $mom was somehow hypnotized. But you had to step in.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She can't. She's married!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh... Right. I am..<</speech>>
Lucas with serious tone looked at you, As you came out to defend your $mom.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Well. I had to try? Anyway. I stand by my promise. Here is the necklace. Care to wear it? My assistant will help you ma'am.<</speech>>
$mom went with assistant to check the necklace.
Lucas stays with you.
<<set $necklacelucas to 2>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Your $mom. There is something about her. $name.<</speech>>
You don't know what he's up to but you feel odd stading alone with him.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You think so? Mr. Lucas?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>I'd like you to know you better $name. You remind me of someone.. With a great "<i>potential</i>"<</speech>>
<<link "<h6><i>Potential</i></h6>">><<replace "#lucas">>
<video src="img/mall/mcandlucas.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<h3>Huh... My Head... Can't.... control... myself....</h3>
<<speech "Player6" "???">>...Lucas... Please... More...<</speech>>
<<addcorruption 1>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +1</div><<upd>>
<<link "<h12>My.. Head... What is going on?</h12>">><<replace "#lucas">>
You've come to your senses, once again. That phrase... I heard it from Lena. Why is this messing with my head?
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Potential? why i heard it somewhere before?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Hmm... You know what? I want you to meet me here next time. It'll be worth it. You'll see.<</speech>>
You are considering this offer, yet still hesitating....
You wanted to refuse... Then $mom came right away and thanked Lucas for the gift.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I don't know what to say. Thank you!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>No mention. Take good care. Here, it's my phone number in case if you need something spectacular.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Thank you again. Maybe I'll call you? Hah! Thank you again. I'll visit your store again someday.<</speech>>
$mom smiled and she took your hand and walked out of the store. When you looked back for a second.
<<link "<h6>Lucas winked at you.</h6>">><<replace "#lucas">>
<video src="img/mall/mcandlucas1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<h3>Again!!... No... Why??? Noo!!!... Vision... Are... So... Foggy...</h3>
<<speech "Player6" "???">>...I am... Yours only!!!<</speech>>
<<addcorruption 1>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +1</div><<upd>>
<<button [[Exit]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<video src="img/lucas/lucasgaze.webm" class='small' autoplay loop>
Again! Messing with my head...
Not sure why you had strange visions, Lucas was there too! What the fuck.
$mom hurried up to exit of the mall. Why is she in such a hurry all of sudden? You couldn't keep up with your $mom, you yelled at her to stop.
<<set $time to $time +3>><<set $girlday to 2>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom Wait!<</speech>>
<table style="width:100%">
<th><img src="img/avatars/momc.jpg" class='medium'></th>
<th><img src="img/avatars/lucas3.jpg" class='large'></th>
<th><<speech "Mom" "$mom">><sub>It's so strange... His face is so familiar to me... Why?! Why... My god... My head.</sub><</speech>></th>
<<mcorruption +5>><h1>@@color:purple;$mom Corruption +5@@</h1>
$mom doze off for a moment then she looked at you.
After few seconds she smiled at you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom... What is going on?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I-I dont know....We have to go home... It feels so strange... My head...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Your head...?<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Is she also seeing strange visions?<</speech>>
<h3>All the way home both of you were silence during the trip.
This was your most bizarre girl's day out, ever.</h3>
<<if $day gte 6>>\
<<button [[Leave the mall|hallwayweekend]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave the mall|hallway]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div><div align="center"><div class="mombox"><b>\
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><</button>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<h1>@@color:orange;Hospital Clinic@@</h1>
<<set _c to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _c is 1>>\
<img src='img/hospital/corridor.jpg' class='large100'>
<<elseif _c is 2>>\
<img src='img/hospital/corridor1.jpg' class='large100'>
<<elseif _c is 3>>\
<img src='img/hospital/corridor2.jpg' class='large100'>
As you wait in the corridor.
Some busty nurses/doctors are passing by in the clinic.
One of the nurses by the reception informs you about the details.
<<speech "Nurse">>Doctor Burnett is working from 8:00 to 18:00, Miss.<</speech>>
<<if $burnett is 0>>\
<<button [[A surgeon is speaking with someone]]>><</button>>
<<if $bimbo is 1 and $corruptionlevel gte 2 and $time gte 8 and $time lte 18>>\
<<button [[Visit the Doctor]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel lte 1 and $bimbo gte 1>>\
@@color:orange;To visit the Doctor: You need "Desire" stage Corruption@@
<<if $bimbo gte 2 and $bimboend is 1 and $time gte 8 and $time lte 18>>\
<<button [[Visit the Dr. Burnett]]>><</button>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $bimbolvl1 is false and $burnettmsg is 1 and $time gte 8 and $time lte 18>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Nurse calls you</h6>">>
<img src='img/hospital/stage3/welcome.jpg' class='large100'>
Nurse in the corridor shouts for your name.
<<speech "Naomi" "Nurse">>$name? Doctor Burnett are waiting for you! Please come in!<</speech>>
<<button [[Routine Inspection]]>><</button>>
<<include "bimbosavana">>
<<button [[Leave|hospital]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "mall" stop>>
<img src="img/lucas/lucas2.jpg" class='potrate'>
<<link "<h4>Lucas's Office</h4>">><<goto "Hang out">><</link>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $warehouse is false>>
<<button [[Lucas Gift|lucasashley]]>><</button>>
<<if $corruption gte 15 and $lucasrelationship gte 10 and $meetmadison is false>>\
<<link "<h4>Lucas's Friend</h4>">><<goto "Lucas wants you to meet someone">><</link>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 2 and $momlucas gte 1 and $meetmadison is true and $momvision is false>>\
<<button [[Lucas wants to ask you]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel lte 1 and $momlucas gte 1 and $meetmadison is true and $momvision is false>>\
@@color:orange;You need Higher Level Corruption@@
<<if $lucasrelationship gte 15 and $pills is false and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
@@color:pink;Lucas is waiting for your report on your Father's corruption.@@
<<link "<h6>Father Corruption Report</h6>">><<goto "Lucas Office4">><</link>>
<<if $pills is true and $violetpills lte 0 and $fcorruptionlevel gte 0 and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>>\
<img src="img/avatars/lucas.jpg" class='small'>
You can buy Violet Pills from Lucas.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ask Lucas for more pills to Tease Dad</h6>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mr. Lucas, please i ran out of the pills. Can you give me some?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy">>$name. These pills don't grow on trees. One pill 50$.<</speech>>
<<if $money gte 50>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy 1 Violet Pill</h7>">>
<<set $violetpills to $violetpills +1>>
<<money -50>><<upd>>
You bought @@color:Violet;One Violet Pill@@.
<<button [[Leave|mall]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $money lte 49>>\
You can't afford the pill.
<<button [[Leave|mall]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $fcorruptionlevel is 0 and $violetpills gte 1>>
<img src="img/avatars/lucas.jpg" class='small'>
You can buy Violet Pills from Lucas.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name. If you run out of pills, You can buy it here.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;You still got violet pills@@
<<button [[Leave him|mall]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "mall" stop>>\
<h2>Lucas Office</h2>
Lucas is in his Office.
<<if $lucasrelationship lte 1>>\
You don't know why, but you feel need to meet with Lucas.
It feels so strange to see his face.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name. Hello Miss.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mr.Lucas? H-hey.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Why did you come here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I... I don't know... Part of me thinks it was not a good idea but...<</speech>>
<img src="img/lucas/lucasback.jpg" class='large'>
Lucas turns your back on you and looks to the side.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>To my office.<</speech>>
Do you want to go there?
Maybe... It feels so weird... Why?
<<button [[Lucas Office]]>><</button>>
<<if $lucasrelationship gte 5 and $lucasrelationship lte 9>>\
Lucas was waiting for you. As you came to the store he pointed his finger to his office.
<<button [[Lucas Office|Lucas Office2]]>><</button>>
<<if $lucasrelationship gte 10 and $lucasrelationship lte 14>>\
Lucas was waiting for you. As you came to the store he pointed his finger to his office.
<<button [[Lucas Office|Lucas Office3]]>><</button>>
<<if $lucasrelationship gte 15 and $bimbo lte 0>>\
<img src='img/mall/assistant.jpg' class='medium'>
You couldn't find Lucas in store.
Then Eric, The shop assistant came to you.
<<speech "Eric">>Miss $name? Looking something to buy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah. I wish... But i'm broke.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eric">>Everything has his own price. Miss $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Words to live by. Anyway. Lucas is here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Eric">>Mr.Lucas should be in his own office.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay. Thanks Eric.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eric">>Anytime.<</speech>>
<<button [[Lucas Office|Lucas Office5]]>><</button>>
<<if $lucasrelationship gte 20 and $momvision is true>>\
<img src='img/lucas/lucasdesk.jpg' class='large98'>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name. I'm busy. If you'd like to talk more, Come to my house.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course, Lucas.<</speech>>
<<button "Return" `previous()`>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="luc">\
<img src="img/lucas/lucasdesk.jpg" class='large'>
Obediently you went inside as he commanded you.
Lucas sits down at his desk and slowly turned his attention to you.
<<set $time to $time +1>><<set $lucasday to true>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name. You excalty know what you want.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sir? I do?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>But you are not ready yet.<</speech>>
Lucas stood up and closes the door.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>For start. Clean the mess.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sir? I don't under-<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Clean the mess! Do not let me repeat myself. Again.<</speech>>
<img src="img/lucas/desk.jpg" class='medium'>
Under stress, you immediately got up and gathered his files and books into order. Wanted to ask for a piece cloth to clean the dust from the shelf but that would have been unwise instead you wiped with your sweater that you are wearing.
<img src="img/lucas/lucaswatch.jpg" class='large'>
Meanwhile, Lucas obeserved all of this
You get the feeling that he is waiting for something. Maybe he wants to see if you are more than a cute little girl?
Not anymore. You moved closer to him and slowly bent down. It is so stressful and embarrassing for you but also exciting.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Sir?</h6>">><<replace "#luc">>
<img src="img/lucas/benddown.jpg" class='medium'>
Lucas realized immediately what you trying to do. It makes him mad.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>This is enough. Leave.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wait, why? Sir?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Next time. Wear maid outfit. I hate seeing my girls dirty. Leave. Now!<</speech>>
You feel disappointed, did you go too far? Why?
So badly you wanted to impress this guy.
@@color:hotpink;You need to buy Maid Outfit@@
<<addcorruption 2>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +2</div><<upd>>
<div class="pos">
<<money 30>>@@color:lightgreen;Money +30@@ <<energy -25>>@@color:lightblue;Energy -25@@<<arousal 20>> @@color:hotpink;Arousal 20@@ <<lrelation 5>>@@color:grey;Lucas Relationship +5@@</div>
<<button [[Leave|mall]]>><</button>>\
<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="luc">
<<if $clotheswear is "maid1">>
<img src='img/lucas/lucasdis.jpg' class='large'>
Lucas looks like he was not in the mood.
He looked at your outfit with his mysterious eyes.
After a few seconds of lookign at you, He shook his head in disapproval
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>It looks awful.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>In what way?<</speech>>
Slowly he walks towards you. Once he reaches you, he gently touches your upper uniform part.
<img src='img/lucas/lucasscent.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sir..?<</speech>>
While in stress around his presence. You feel his breath, the smell and his mysterious aura and...
<<if $corruption gte 8>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Sir...?@@color:hotpink;(Corruption 8)@@</h7>">><<replace "#luc">>
<<audio "tear" play>>\
<img src='img/clothes/maid2.jpg' class="small">
<<set $clotheswear to "maid2">><<upd>>\
<<set $lucasday to true>>\
Lucas forcefully snatched the shortsleeves and cut the shorts. With that you wanted to scream! Scream at him and hit him... But you couldn't. Part of you resists this temptation.
As two of you looked at each other, You understand why. This is how it must be done.
<h3>@@color:hotpink;You need to obey him.@@</h3>
Lucas left you alone in the middle of his to sit down by the desk to look at you.
The feeling of shames fills you.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>It's better now. Carry on. Do your work. Gotta call someone.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Clean</h6>">>
You started doing your chores even though you didn't know why you were doing it.
<video controls muted src="img/lucas/maidwork1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Tak. Potwierdziłem to już zeszłym tygodniu. To ma być zrobione terminowo. Jeśli zawiedziesz, Trudno. Mam innych ludzi do tej roboty.<</speech>>
Lucas is talking on the phone in a foreign language that you've already heard somewhere before...
When you were young, you heard some of these words coming from your own parents.
Well, you didn't care about the things he says, but you hope you distract him with your @@color:lightblue;cute charms. @@
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Dirty Mind">>God.. why am i enjoying this? Hmm... I need to do something more ambitious to get his attention on me.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Carry on</h6>">>
You stood up and started to organise his stuffs in the desk to tease him...
<video controls muted src="img/lucas/maidwork.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<img src='img/lucas/lucaslook.jpg' class='medium'>
Lucas stares into your eyes while your nearly naked ass polishes his desk.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Tak... Doskonale to wiem ile procent z tego masz. Więc... Radze ci tego nie spieprzyć. Zrozumiałeś?! Odezwij się tylko wtedy kiedy wylądujesz. Muszę kończyć. Obowiązki wołają.<</speech>>
Lucas ends the call, Then he stods up and slowly walks to you.
Fearing what he would do to you.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mr.Lucas?</h6>">><<replace "#luc">>
<video controls muted src="img/lucas/maidslap.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
He turns your back to him and slaps you hard on the bottom.
It hurted badly but you deep down you enjoyed it.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>For teasing me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry Sir!<</speech>>
Lucas nods and returns to his desk, checking your work.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Hmm... There's still a lot of room for improvement, darling. Visit me next time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes... Sir...<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Now. Leave me be.<</speech>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>\
<<addcorruption 2>><div class="posarousal"> Corruption +2</div>
<div class="pos"><<energy -25>>@@color:lightblue;Energy -25@@ <<arousal 35>> @@color:hotpink;Arousal 35@@ <<lrelation 5>>@@color:grey;Lucas Relationship +5@@</div>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $corruption lte 7>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Tearing your Maid Outfit. @@color:hotpink;(Corruption 8)@@</h7>">>Not enough Corruption<</linkreplace>>
<<set $lucasday to true>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><</button>>
<h3>Wear a Maid's Outfit.</h3>
<<button [[Leave|mall]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="luc">
<<if $clotheswear is "maid2">>
<video controls muted src="img/lucas/maidpanty.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
As usual, Lucas let you into his office, sat down and told you to clean the room.
Is it time to show what you mean?
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name?<</speech>>
<<if $corruption gte 12>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Tease Mr.Lucas.@@color:hotpink;(Corruption 12)@@</h12>">><<replace "#luc">>
<video controls muted src="img/lucas/maidtease.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
Cleaning throughly his desk from top to the bottom which makes you bend down and showing him yours delicate naked legs. Wearing pantyhose was a great choice. He's looking at them with the greatest interest.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Huh.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Tease More.</h12>">><<replace "#luc">>
<video controls muted src="img/lucas/maidtease3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
You can't believe how simple it is. To lure him into you. When you are around him, You feel like someone else took control of you. But you like it. Very, Very much.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Hmm... Quite impressive.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Tease More.</h12>">><<replace "#luc">>
<video controls muted src="img/lucas/maidtease2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
And there is. Lucas smiles once again. His smile makes you happy.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Haha.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Lucas is calling you</h12>">>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>@@.lucasmind; Come to me.@@ @@color:lightpink;<i>$name</i>.@@<</speech>>
His command worked on you like a magic. Obey his command. It's your calling.
<<button [[Look at Lucas]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $corruption lte 11>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Remove the panties and Wipe the floor.@@color:hotpink;(Corruption 12)@@</h7>">>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>I'm taking too far.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">> I'm sorry Mr. Lucas i dont feel good. I need to go.<</speech>>
Lucas nodded his head.
<<button [[Leave|mall]]>><</button>>
<h3> You need to wear Maid Outfit</h3>
<<button [[Leave|mall]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="lewd"><b>\
@@.delayed;<video controls src="img/lucas/cock.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
@@.delayed;<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Dirty Mind">>Corrupt your $dad. Show what you desires from your $dad. Tease him with your Young Body. Do everything to make him yours. Lie, Cheat, Pay, Corrupt.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>$dad..<</speech>>
<<set $teasedad to true>>
<div class="pos"><h3>Unlocked Ability: Tease your $dad</h3></div>
<<link "<h6>Wake up</h6>">><<goto "LucasWakeup">><</link>>@@
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/lucas/lucaswake.jpg' class="large">
Slowly, you are waking up. Your eyes sees Lucas. Sitting in front of you and caressing your head.
The feeling is so calm, His hands is so gentle and warm. You wished it lasted forever. But you sobered up from this strange feeling and got up.
<<set $time to $time +2>><<addcorruption 2>> <<lrelation 5>><<arousal 35>><<energy -25>>
<div class="posarousal">Corruption +2</div>
<div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;Energy -25@@ @@color:hotpink;Arousal 35@@
@@color:lightgrey;Lucas Relationship +5@@</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Um... I need to go.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name? Are you sure you want to leave, in state like this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes... Thank you. Sir.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Before you go. Here is your bonus. For cleaning.<</speech>>
<<money 75>><div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;Money 75$@@</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thank you Mr. Lucas.<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|mall]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div align="center"><div class="daddybox"><b>\
<span id="Marcus">\
<img src="img/lena/lenabbc.jpg" class="large">
Lena came to the right place. She rings the bell.
A large muscular black men opens the door.
He smiled as Lena present herself lustfully.
<<speech "Lena">>Marcus...<</speech>>
Marcus didn't even need a hint.
<<link "<h12>Marcus!</h12>">><<replace "#Marcus">><<set $lenapov to 3>><<set $lenapovright to 3>><<upd>>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/lenasex.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
Marcus right away grabs her hand and throws her against the wall.
Without the foreplay immediately they had rough sex.
<<speech "Lena">>FUCK!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>So.. This is what you come for?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Yes..!!! Ahh...!!! My God...!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Whose pussy is that??</h12>">><<replace "#Marcus">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/lenasex2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
Marcus in his advantage is using Lena to say begging words.
<<speech "Marcus">>Come on. Beg for it bitch. Who's pussy is that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Yours...!!! Ahh!! Yours..!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>It's your fucking pussy..!!!! Ahh!!! Your Cock..!!!! It's hitting the right spot...!!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Fucking Bitch... To my bed. Right fucking now.<</speech>>
In a demanding voice, Marcus ordered her to go to his bedroom.
She was so thrilled how manly he is.
<<link "<h12>To the Bedroom</h12>">><<replace "#Marcus">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/lenasexbed1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
Marcus is pressing Lena into the bed and for starts fucks her gently.
<<speech "Lena">>Mmm...<</speech>>
<<set $lenapov to 4>><<set $lenapovright to 4>><<upd>>
<<link "<h12>More</h12>">><<replace "#Marcus">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/lenabed2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
Marcus got bored by that light shit. He craves for more.
Marcus positoned Lena into a doggy style and fucks her even harder, stronger, roughly...
<<speech "Lena">>AHHH!! AHH!! MY GOD!!! THIS IS IT!!! AHHHH!!!<</speech>>
By the look of Lena's Face she is in heaven.
<<speech "Lena">>I'm gonna cum....!!!! AHHHH!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Yes... That's it bitch. Cum for me.<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Heaven.</h12>">><<replace "#Marcus">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/lenabed3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
Marcus did not give her a moment's rest.
He's not done yet.
<<speech "Lena">>Ahh!! My pussy...!!! Feels so gooooodd....!!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Please More!</h12>">><<replace "#Marcus">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/lenabed4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Marcus">>Fuck... Lena.. You are something...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Mmm...!! Thank... You..!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>I'm COMING!</h12>">><<replace "#Marcus">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/lenaclimax.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
Lena once again gets ogarsm on Marcus Cock.
Marcus let her rest for a few minutes.
<<speech "Marcus">>This is not the end, bitch.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Huh?! But my Fa-<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Shut the fuck up and listen. You and I are going fuck till the morning. You understand me?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Yes... Sir...<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Good. Now fetch me a beer.<</speech>>
Lena obediently ran to his kitchen naked and brought him a beer.
This night will be a long one for Lena....
<<link "<h12>Night</h12>">><<replace "#Marcus">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/lenanight.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
Marcus promised and he fullfiled his promise.
They were fucking until bird stars singing. Around their bed lay a dozen used condoms.
<<button [[Morning]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<<set $time to 8>>
<span id="marcus2">
<<set $lenapov to 5>><<set $lenapovright to 5>><<upd>>\
<img src="img/lena/bbc/after.webp" class='medium'>
After cumming in her pussy several times, Lena had to take a shower. She was exhausted, but ready for more precious moments with Marcus. Her cunt is so plugged with Marcus' cum that she had to wash it for a long time. This moment will always remain in her memory.
After the shower she came back to Marcus.
<<link "<h6>Marcus</h6>">><<replace "#marcus2">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/morning.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Marcus">>Come here.<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Do as he says</h12>">><<replace "#marcus2">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/morning2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Marcus">>Your pussy is mine. Remember that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Of course, Daddy. <</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>I heard that you are preparing a little whore for us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Yes, Daddy. She is still learning.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Don't fuck this up.<</speech>>
Lena Nodded.
<<speech "Marcus">>Before you leave.<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Last request</h12>">><<replace "#marcus2">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/morning3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Marcus">>Suck my dick.<</speech>>
<<set $lessons5 to false>><<set $lessons4 to false>>
<<if $day lte 5>>\
<<button [[Return to your Character|hallway]]>><<set $lenapov to 1>><<set $lenapovright to 1>><</button>>
<<button [[Return to your Character|hallwayweekend]]>><<set $lenapov to 1>><<set $lenapovright to 1>><</button>>
<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $clotheswear is "maid2">>\
<img src="img/lucas/lucasdesk.jpg" class='large'>
Lucas sits by the desk doing some paper work. Then he smiles at you how you look cute in the maid dress. Reminded that the job is waiting, you take the vacuum cleaner out of the closet but Lucas had something to say.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name. Put it down. Let's talk.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. Sir? About?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>About you and your Father. How you are doing in your... Charm?<</speech>>
Lucas is looking at you.
<<if $fcorruption gte 35>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Ask for advice.</h4>">>
<img src="img/lucas/dad.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>About that. It's not going well.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My father is stubborn. One time, He looked at me as never before. I tried to do more but no. He's still resisting.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name. It's not that simple. Patiance is the key.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>But... There is a solution.<</speech>>
Lucas walked over to the desk and took out Violet Pills from a drawer and hands you.
With a troubled look, you take them from his hand.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>These pills. But! Be careful! Use one pill each day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are they dangerous?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>No but it has side effects. <</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Take the pills</h12>">>
<<set $violetpills to 5>>
<img src='img/lucas/violetpills.jpg' class='medium'>
You took @@color:violet;5 Pills@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Father would be suspicious of me if i hand him these pills like that.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Jesus $name. Do I have to think everything for you? What does your Dad drink everyday?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Water... Tea... Coffee!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>There. Mix it and you'll father woudn't be suspicious.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Is this too much? It could destroy my Father!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Still. It's bit too much! I don't know if it's worth the effort. Maybe i should-<</speech>>
Lucas looked at you with anger.
Those eyes...
Are taking control over you...
<<speech "Lucasgaze" "Lucas">>Listen <i>My Little Princess</i>. Don't think, Do it. <i>Everything will be okay</i>
Don't think about the consequences. Just do what your soul says.<</speech>>
You feel strangely calm and relaxed. Don't hesitate. Just do what is he commands.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes Mr. Lucas. I shouldn't hesitate... Thank you.<</speech>>
Lucas nodded with approval.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Very good. $name. Very good.<</speech>>
<<set $pills to true>>
<<button [[Leave|mall]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
<<elseif $fcorruption lte 34>>\
You don't have much to tell him.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I dont have much to say, really. I'm sorry.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Then leave. Don't come back till you get him to you.<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|mall]]>><</button>>
You need to wear Maid outfit.
<<button [[Leave|mall]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="lucasoffice"><b>\
<span id="dad">
<video src="img/dream/mcdad.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">$dad were drugged by Violet Pills beacuse of you. It's your doing.
When he sleeps. A vision of you arrives into his dream. It tempts him. Striking him with thoughts of you.
$dad can't control these thoughts. It has finally come to him that there is another person in the world who means more to him than Martha. And it's you.
A love dream. Waking up next to $name. Her cute face and pretty eyes.
It's like a first love.
Part of him still resists this temptation but it's now easy to crack it. All it takes is a proper turn of the key.</div>
<<linkreplace "<h12>My $daughter?</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<<set $fcorruption to 0>><<set $fcorruptionlevel to 1>>\
<video src="img/dream/dadcorrupt.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">Then another dreams come.
A daughter you've never seen. What she become. It's Daddy's fault. He is behind all of this.
I'm his slut. A whore. A fuck toy.
A Daddy's Girl.</div>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Daddy?</h12>">>
!!!@@color:violet;Next Stage $dad's Corruption.@@
$dad is waking up with full of sweat and huge headache.
Regretting about waking up from this wonderful dream. Desires for it to come true.
His erected cock couldn't give away. Masturbated vigorously thinking of you.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Ah.. $name!!! My little princess!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/dad/drug.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:orange;Making coffee for you $dad.
It's a good opportunity to drug him!@@
<<linkreplace "<h12>Add Violet Pill</h12>">>
<img src="img/gif/coffeemix.gif" class='medium'>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<set $violetpills to $violetpills -1>>
<<set $daddrugged to true>>\
You mixed violet pill with coffee and you brought it to him.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad! Here is your coffee!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Huh? It's for me? Thanks.<</speech>>
<div class="pos">@@color:hotpink;Tease him until the drug works!@@</div>
<<button [[Leave|Kitchen]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="daddybox"><b>
<span id="fucks">
<video src="img/pbedroom/daddrugged.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh God! David!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>This is just the beginning.<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>To the Bed! NOW!</h12>">><<replace "#fucks">>
<video src="img/pbedroom/daddrugged2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>COME HERE!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>SUCK</h12>">><<replace "#fucks">>
<video src="img/pbedroom/daddrugged3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>SUCK IT!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>GULP! GULP! GULP!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>OH!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>FUCK</h12>">><<replace"#fucks">>
<video src="img/pbedroom/daddrugged4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Just like THAT!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>CLOP CLOP CLOP</h12>">><<replace "#fucks">>
<video src="img/pbedroom/daddrugged5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I FUCKING LOVE IT! DEEPER!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>FUCK!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>SIDE FUCK</h12>">><<replace "#fucks">>
<video src="img/pbedroom/daddrugged6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>MY GOD DAVID!!! YES!! FUCK ME!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>SUCK MY DICK</h12>">><<replace "#fucks">>
<video src="img/pbedroom/daddrugged7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh! CLEAN IT! I NEED TO FUCK YOU AGAIN!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>NO MERCY FOR YOU PUSSY</h12>">><<replace "#fucks">>
<video src="img/pbedroom/daddrugged8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>FEELS SO GOOD! MY PUSSY IS IN HEAVEN!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>MORE MORE MORE</h12>">><<replace "#fucks">>
<video src="img/pbedroom/daddrugged9.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I'M GONNA CUM!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>OH YOU FUCKED ME SO GOOD I Can't!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>OLENA! DON'T YOU REST! I NEED MORE!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>OH DAVID!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>PUSSY IS TOO WET</h12>">><<replace "#fucks">>
<video src="img/pbedroom/daddrugged10.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>JESUS CHRIST!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>MARTHA MULTIPLE ORGASM</h12>">><<replace "#fucks">>
<video src="img/pbedroom/daddrugged11.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>FUCK FUCK FUCK! I'M GONNA CUM AGAIN!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>CLIMAX!</h12>">><<replace "#fucks">>
<video src="img/pbedroom/daddrugged12.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh fuck! DAVID! You were fuckmachine today! What happened?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I am still ready for more.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>LET ME REST FOR A MOMENT PLEASE!<</speech>>
<<set $time to $time +4>>
They were fucking and fucking till David got exhausted.
Martha was very happy that day. Very happy...
<<button [[Move on|Bed]]>><</button>>
</b></div><<if $mrelationship gte 51 or $corruption gte 10 and $corruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "Mom">>
<<switch random(3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>
<img src="img/livingroom/momyoga4.jpg" class='large'>
<<case 2>>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>
<img src="img/livingroom/momyoga5.jpg" class='large'>
<<case 3>>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>
<img src="img/livingroom/momyoga6.jpg" class='large'>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>
<img src="img/livingroom/momyoga4.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow, Mom. You look good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Thank you darling. You can join if you want. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player1" "$name">>Hmm...<</speech>>
[[Join Mom]]
<</if>>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
As you try to walk in, the doors was open ajar. You could hear inside the room.
<img src='img/lucas/lucastalk.jpg' class='medium'>
Lucas was talking to the computer. You didn't understand a thing they said. Then you came with a plan that you will record this converstation with a phone.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Record the converstation.</h6>">>
<<if $phone is true>>\
With a Smarthphone, you can record everything they say. Maybe someone will translate it to you?
<<set $lucaseurope to true>>
<<elseif $phone is false>>
Unfortunately, your @@color:orange;old phone@@ couldn't record the whole conversation, only part of it.
<<speech "Dante" "Unknown">><i>Wspaniale! Szukaliśmy ich tyle lat... A oni tutaj się zaszyli.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Jest mały problem. Olena straciła pamięć. Tak samo jak ona.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dante" "Unknown">><i>Słucham?! A co z nim?!</i><</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Pracuje nad tym ale mam dla ciebie małą niespodziankę.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dante" "Unknown">><i>Dobrze. Wiem doskonale ze dasz z tym rade. A ja lubie niespodzianki. Wkrótce dołaczę do ciebie. Do tej pory działaj. Musze kończyć. Moje córki mnie wołają.</i><</speech>>
Lucas end the call.
<<button [[Enter the Office]]>><</button>>
Double-click this passage to edit it.<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/lucas/callsyou.jpg' class='medium'>
As Lucas puts his phone down, he notices you behind the door.
With his commanding voice, Lucas calls you to his office.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>You! Behind the door! Come here. Right now!<</speech>>
You obediently entered his office, feeling a little ashamed.
But his voice changed to softer tone when he sees you.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name? Why didn't you knock?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm sorry. Mr. Lucas. I'll try next time.<</speech>>
Lucas nodded as usual.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Hate to see you like this. Being shy... Being Introverted. It's bad for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>S-Sir? I-I don't understand.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Bad for you mentality. Bad for you persona. Time to step up $name! Time to be alive!<</speech>>
@@color:lightyellow;Part of you wants to oppose him. Lucas doesn't like the way you live. He has the nerve to say that to your face!@@
<img src='img/school/lipbite.jpg' class='medium'>
@@color:orange;But his aura... his voice... Everything he says.. @@
@@color:hotpink;You give in...! He is right...! Why am i like this...? @@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How Mr. Lucas. How can i be... Better?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Yes, that's the attitude! That is one step up. You see...<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>There is a Doctor, who is my dearest friend. Can help you with stepping up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>A Doctor? You mean therapist?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>You can say that.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>@@color:lightpink;<i>Be happy, Be proud, Be wild</i>@@. These words are a step towards a better future.<</speech>>
When Lucas said those words, a vision came over you.
<<link "<h12>Be Happy. Be Proud. Be Wild</h12>">><<goto "Be Happy, Be Proud, Be Wild">><</link>>
</b></div>\Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<audio "gym" play loop>><b>
<h1>@@color:orange;Fitness Center@@</h1>
<<if $time gte 7>>
<img src='img/gym/reception.jpg' class='large'>
<<if $paidgym gte 1>>\
<<if $clotheswear is "sport" or $clotheswear is "sport1">>\
<<link "<h20>Exercise</h20>">><<goto "Exercise">><</link>>
To exercise you must wear sports clothes!
<<link "<h20>Locker</h20>">><<goto "GymLocker">><</link>>
<<elseif $paidgym lte 0>>\
<<link "<h20>Gym Pass for week 15$</h20>">><<goto "Buy Gym Pass for week 15$">><</link>>
<<if $time gte 20>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenternight]]>><<audio "gym" pause>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenter]]>><<audio "gym" pause>><</button>>
<<if $time lte 5.5>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenternight]]>><<audio "gym" pause>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenter]]>><<audio "gym" pause>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $money gte 15>>
<<set $paidgym to 7>><<money -15>>
You paid Pass for 7 days.
@@color:lightgreen;Money -15@@
<<button [[To the Gym|fitnesscenter]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $money lte 14>>
You can't afford it.
<<button [[Leave|fitnesscenter]]>><</button>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<<if $energy gte 35>>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<switch random(3)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<img src="img/gif/gym/gym1.webp" class='medium'>
<<case 2>>\
<img src="img/gif/gym/gym2.webp" class='medium'>
<<case 3>>\
<img src="img/gif/gym/gym3.webp" class='medium'>
<img src="img/gif/gym/gym1.webp" class='medium'>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<set _gyms to random(1,3)>>
<<if _gyms is 1>>\
<video src="img/gif/gym/gymbust.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _gyms is 2>>\
<video src="img/gif/gym/gymbust1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _gyms is 3>>\
<video src="img/gif/gym/gymbust2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<div class="posarousal"><i>@@color:pink;You are working hard for one hour!.@@</i></div>
<div class="pos">@@color:Yellow;Fitness +4@@
@@color:Lightblue;Energy -20@@</div>
<<set $time to $time +1>><<fitness 4>><<energy -20>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $reputation gte 200>>\
@@color:orange;Reputation Success!@@
Couple of guys can't focus on their workout beacuse of you.
<<elseif $energy lte 34>>\
<img src="img/avatars/exhaust.jpg" class='medium'>
You are exhausted.
<<button [[Leave|fitnesscenter]]>><</button>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id ="show">
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<if $clotheswear is "cloth2" or $clotheswear is "bimbowear" or $clotheswear is "uniformwork3" or $clotheswear is "sport1" or $clotheswear is "suit1hot" or $clotheswear is "suit2hot" or $clotheswear is "suit3hot" or $clotheswear is "bimbofancy">>\
<<set _walk to random(1,3)>>
<<if _walk is 1>>
<img src="img/clothes/teaseclothes/walkoutside.webp" class='medium'>
<<elseif _walk is 2>>
<img src="img/clothes/teaseclothes/walkoutside2.webp" class='medium'>
<<elseif _walk is 3>>
<img src="img/clothes/teaseclothes/walkoutside3.webp" class='medium'>
@@color:orange;Walking around with your new clothes! With it, You attract the attention of random citizens!@@
<<switch random(3)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<img src="img/gif/city/walk3.webp" class='medium'>
<<case 2>>\
<img src="img/gif/city/walk4.webp" class='medium'>
<<case 3>>\
<img src="img/gif/city/walkoutside.webp" class='medium'>
<img src="img/gif/city/walkoutside2.webp" class='medium'>
Walking around the city. Couple of guys gets your attention.
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<set _walk to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _walk is 1>>\
<img src="img/clothes/teaseclothes/walkoutside.webp" class='medium'>
<<elseif _walk is 2>>\
<img src="img/clothes/teaseclothes/walkoutside2.webp" class='medium'>
<<elseif _walk is 3>>\
<img src="img/clothes/teaseclothes/walkoutside3.webp" class='medium'>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Dude! Look!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "His Friend">>Shit! What a hot blondie!<</speech>>
<<if $clotheswear is "cloth2" or $clotheswear is "bimbowear" or $clotheswear is "uniformwork3" or $clotheswear is "sport1" or $clotheswear is "suit1hot" or $clotheswear is "suit2hot" or $clotheswear is "suit3hot" or $clotheswear is "bimbofancy">>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Let's talk with her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "His Friend">>Are you for real?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Hey! Show your Tits!<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Huh?! What a prevy boys.<</speech>>
<<if $corruption gte 20>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Flash@@color:orange;(Corruption 20)@@</h6>">><<replace "#show">>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<set _flash to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _flash is 1>>
<img src="img/clothes/teaseclothes/flashoutisde.webp" class='medium'>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>My D Is hard...<</speech>>
<<elseif _flash is 2>>\
<img src="img/clothes/teaseclothes/flashoutisde2.webp" class='medium'>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>God damn! She's such a tease!<</speech>>
<<elseif _flash is 3>>
<img src="img/clothes/teaseclothes/flashoutisde3.webp" class='medium'>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Oh my fucking god! What a proper slut!<</speech>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<set _flash to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _flash is 1>>\
<img src="img/clothes/teaseclothes/flashoutisde4.webp" class='medium'>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>My D Is hard...<</speech>>
<<elseif _flash is 2>>\
<img src="img/clothes/teaseclothes/flashoutisde5.webp" class='medium'>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>God damn! She's such a tease!<</speech>>
<<elseif _flash is 3>>\
<img src="img/clothes/teaseclothes/flashoutisde6.webp" class='medium'>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Oh my fucking god! What a proper slut!<</speech>>
<<arousal 5>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +25@@
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Haha.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Flash@@color:orange;(Corruption 20)@@</h6>">>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>I'm not comfortable with it.<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<<button [[Leave|fitnesscenter]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/school/cars.jpg" class='large'>
In front of the school, a car parked in the parking lot of the school.
It's Jack and he's not alone. It is Anna.
Anna immediately ran up to Jack and grabbed his hand. Jack is embarrassed by this.
<<speech "Jack">>Anna! Please! We are in public! Let me go by myself.<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Oh Jacky! Promise me! Promise me you'll return to home quickly!<</speech>>
Anna was about to leave Jack but then see caught you.
Jack came over to say hello.
<<speech "Jack">>$name! Hey!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Jack!<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/annajelly.jpg" class='medium'>
Anna couldn't handle it. Her jealousy is overlimited!
The way $name greet with Jack! Her fucking dumb smile! And that fucking school dress!
<<speech "Anna">>Jack! What are you doing!? Stop associating with this loser!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Anna! Please! Can you go home?!<</speech>>
She insulted you without purpose so you had to stand up to her.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well! Well! I didn't know Jack has such a Baby Sister that needs a nanny all the time in the form of his brother.<</speech>>
Anna reacted furiously and made a mean face.
<<speech "Anna">>Oh you fucking Bitch!<</speech>>
<img src="img/gif/fight.gif" class='medium'>
Anna jumps on you and both of you were hitting each other with everything you find in the floor.
Jack tried to hold Anna down but she was stronger than Jack.
<<speech "Jack">>HEY HEY! STOP! YOU TWO!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Headmistress</h6>">>
<img src="img/school/head/headfight.jpg" class='large'>
Then Headmistress came out and used the whistleblower.
You ended this senseless brawl after the sound of the whistle.
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Ladies!!! $name! And that Girl! Stop fighting!<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>She started!<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>And who are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>She's my sister... I'm sorry for her. Mr.Rogers.<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Jack. Next time, Don't bring your relatives to our school.<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Huh?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Yes. Mr.Rogers.<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>But.. Brother!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Now you $name. What do we do with you huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>With... me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Go back to school! I'll speak with your parents about your behaviour.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But... It's not fair!<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>My dear. Everything is not fair. Now! To the school! Go!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh...<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>I'm so sorry... $name.<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/annalaugh.jpg" class='medium'>
Both of you were hurt by that action. Still, as you were entering the school. Anna was smiling.
<<set $annawalks to true>>
<<addcorruption 1>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +1</div>
<<button [[Classes]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<h2>Jack's House</h2>
<<if $time gte 15 and $time lte 21 or $day gte 6 and $time gte 7 and $time lte 21>>\
<<speech "Jack">>Hey Let's go to my room.<</speech>>\
<<button [[Jack's room]]>><</button>>
<<if $jackstat gte 30 and $jackevents is 1>>\
<<button [[Jack invites you to a Party]]>><</button>>
<<if $jackevents is 2 and $tomevents gte 2 and $jacksex is 1 and $time gte 16 and $day gte 6>>\
<<button [[Jack Invites you to dinner]]>><</button>>
<<if $time gte 20>>
<<goto "jackhouse2">>
<<button [[Leave|citycenter]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<h2>Jack's Room</h2>
<<if $time lte 22 or $time lte 6>>\
<<speech "Jack">>Hey $name, thanks for coming by.<</speech>>
<<button [[Talk with Jack|talkjack]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Watch TV with Jack]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Play video games with Jack]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go out with Jack]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave Jack's Room|jackhouse]]>><</button>>
<<speech "Jack">>I'm sorry $name. But i am so tired.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure! Bye Jack.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Bye!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenternight]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="outsidebody"><div align="center">
<h2>City Center at Night</h2><<audio "night" play>>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/outsidenight.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<if $fitness lte 14>><<energy -10>><</if>><<goto "outsidenight">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/hotel.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "hotel">><</link>></th>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/hospital.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "hospital">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/fitnesscenter.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "fitnesscenter">><</link>></th>
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $eventjack1 is false>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/cinema.jpg' class='mediumcity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "cinema">><</link>></th>
<<elseif $eventjack1 is true>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/cinema.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "cinema">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/jack.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>>
<<if $time lte 7>>\
<<goto "entryjackfail">>
<<goto "jackhouse2">>
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $lucashouse is true>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/lucashousenight.jpg' class='mediumcity'>">>
<<if $time lte 7>>\
<<goto "lucashousefail">>
<<goto "lucashouse">><</if>>\
</div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
!!!The school is closed at this hour.
<<if $time lte 21.5>>
<<if $ashleyblock is false>>\
@@color:orange;You see lights in the hallway are still turned on.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Doors are still open.<</speech>>
<<if $corruptionlevel is 0>>
<<link "<h7>Enter the School @@color:lightyellow; (Corruption Level 1)@@</h7>">><</link>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 1>>
<<link "<h7>Enter the School @@color:lightyellow; (Corruption Level 1)@@</h7>">><<goto "Enter school">><</link>>
<<if $time gte 20 or $time lte 5.5>>
<<button [[Leave|outsidenight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\ <div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "hospital" play>>\
<<if $time gte 6>>\
<img src='img/hospital/reception.jpg' class='medium'>
Nurses and doctors walk through the hallway.
One of the nurses is in the reception area. You can ask her for help.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Talk with Reception</h4>">>
<img src='img/hospital/nurse1.jpg' class='imageleftc'>
A nurse is speaking through the phone.
When you got close enough, she stopped and asks you kindly.
<<speech "Alicia" "Nurse">>Yes? what can I do for you?<</speech>>
<<if $surgeon is false>><<button [[Ask for Directions]]>><</button>><</if>>\
<<if $surgeon is true>>\
<<button [[Clinic]]>><</button>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|citycenternight]]>><<audio "hospital" pause>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenter]]>><<audio "hospital" pause>><</button>>
<img src='img/hospital/reception.jpg' class='medium'>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Talk with Reception</h4>">>
<img src='img/hospital/nurse1.jpg' class='imagerightc'>
<<speech "Alicia" "Nurse">>We are having a nightshift. Is something urgent?<</speech>>
<<if $time lte 5.5>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenternight]]>><<audio "hospital" pause>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenter]]>><<audio "hospital" pause>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
You are in the entrance of Jack's House. <<set $entryhouse to true>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Ring the bell</h4>">><<audio "belldoor" play>>
<img src="img/jackhouse/greet.jpg" class='large'>
The doors are opening. It's Anna who is a bit confused with your presence here.
<<speech "Anna">>Huh? You? Here?<</speech>>
As you were about to say, Jack came in to greet you.
<<speech "Jack">>$name! Come in!<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Wait. What? Jack! We need to talk!<</speech>>
Anna took Jack aside for little talk. Arguing, probably Anna does not want you here, but Jack insisted that you stay.
Anna furiously went to her room and slammed the door.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jack, Maybe it's bad idea to-<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>No, everything is fine! Come in. Feel like you're at home.<</speech>>
<<button [[Enter|entryjack2]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<<speech "Jack">>So Here it is. The place i live.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow! you've got nice view from here!<</speech>>
<img src="img/jackhouse/view.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Jack">>If you think so? You should see this view at night.<</speech>>
You looked at him with curiousity. Does he want me to stay till the night?
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Maybe one day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>So, anything you want to drink? Water, coffee, tea or wine?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks. Water would be fine.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Okay! Let me make, WATAH!<</speech>>
<img src="img/jackhouse/brucelee.gif" class='medium2'>
You are impressed with how well Jack pretendes to be Bruce Lee.
Even he kicks and throws punches like a professional kungu fu!
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shit, i could never imagine i would hang out with The master of the Kung Fu.<</speech>>
You too pretended to be Bruce Lee. Jack laughed a bit then you try to kick above your head but get caught in a big cramp.
<img src="img/jackhouse/cramp.jpg" class='imageright'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OUCH!<</speech>>
You fell down on the ground, Jack right away went for help.
<<speech "Jack">>$name! You okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah Yeah... Just give me a second. I got little cramp.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>You little wuss, should i fetch for a pillow?<</speech>>
He was making fun of you, so you hit him with an open palm.
<<speech "Jack">>OUCH!<</speech>>
<<jstat 5>>@@color:orange; Jack Relationship +5 @@
After a few laughs you sat down wih Jack and talked for a few hours.
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<img src="img/jackhouse/anna.jpg" class='large'>
The time flew so fast when you are enjoying the time with Jack.
You and Jack were talking for few hours but it's time go. Anna has peeped at you a few times during the meeting and you are sick of her behavior.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks for having me. I was having good time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Of course! Come by whenever you want.<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|entryjack3]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<set $annapov to 2>>
<img src="img/jackhouse/anna1.jpg" class='imageleft'>
POV House Jack:
When you left the house, Anna immediately ran into Jack with rage.
Jack was not very concerned about this.
<<speech "Anna">>Jacky!!! Are you out of your mind?! Hanging out with this loser?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Anna. I told you. That's my friend! And i might have feelings for her.<</speech>>
<img src="img/jackhouse/tease.webp" class='imageright'>
<<speech "Anna">>Feelings!? What about my feelings for you? Dumbass!?<</speech>>
Jack didn't want to hear it any further.
So he wanted to get away from her already but she kept him on the passage. Slowly she was teasing him with her cleavage.
<<speech "Jack">>Anna... Go away... Please... Stop this is...<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Jackyyy...I know you want me.<</speech>>
<img src="img/jackhouse/titsout.webp" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Jack">>That's really... not okay...<</speech>>
Jack can't resist her, He want Anna...
He wants to fuck her own sister...
<<speech "Anna">>My little brother.<</speech>>
<h2>Special Event</h2>
@@color:hotpink;Watch Anna's POV@@
<<link "<h12>Anna Seduces Jack</h12>">><<goto "Anna Secudes Jack">><<set $annapov to 3>><</link>>
@@color:orange;Go back to your character.@@
<<button [[Back to your Character|citycenter]]>><<set $annapov to 1>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $time gte 20>>
I shouldn't disturb him at this hour.
<<button [[Leave|citycenternight]]>><</button>>
<img src="img/jackhouse/Doorbell.jpg" class='medium'>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Ring the Bell</h4>">><<audio "belldoor" play>>
Nobody is home.
Maybe after 15:00?
<<button [[Leave|citycenter]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<<button [[Leave|Gym]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
A random girl is leaving the room where Surgeon is working.
You heard the entire conversation that took place.
<img src='img/hospital/patient.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "Girl1" "Woman">>Thank you for Everything Mr.Burnett. Thanks to you my life changed for better.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Please, I was just doing my job. You were and are the most gorgeous person in the world. Your future now rest on you. @@color:lightpink;<i>Be happy, Be proud, Be wild</i>@@. Good luck!<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "Woman">>Yes! Thank you! Thank you! Can we meet again sometimes?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Sure, you know where i live.<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "Woman">>To the next time Mr.Burnett! Bye!<</speech>>
You couldn't take eyes from her Boobs.
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Damn! This girl has large tits.<</speech>>
<img src='img/gif/tease/tease3.1.webp' class='medium'>
Doctor escorted Woman out and then they hugged and she grabbed his private place. Then the Doctor slightly pushed her away. She giggled softly and left.
<img src='img/hospital/phonecall.jpg' class='small'>
He took the phone and call to someone.
<<speech "Burnett">>L? Tak. Już jest zrobione. Możesz działać z tematem.<</speech>>
@@color:lightyellow;<i>What kind of language is this?</i>@@
He put the phone down and walked to his office, on the way you tried to ask for information.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey! Can I ask you something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Hello! A pretty girl asking me a question? Shoot! <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha yes. What kind of surgey are you taking here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Oh! That kind of question, i was wondering if you were asking me out. Shame. Okay, so this is the place where we repair the broken fractures of the skin or make it more pretty.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? Okay. This is not plastic surgery?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>That too but it's very expensive. I'm sorry i need to go, my patients are waiting for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay thanks!<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>I wonder if I should have bigger boobs? Maybe in the future.<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|hospital]]>><</button>>
<<set $burnett to 1>>
<div align="center"><div class="penis"><b>\
<span id="pool">
<<switch random(6)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/pool/mom1.jpg" class='medium'>
<<case 2>>
<img src="img/pool/mom2.jpg" class='medium'>
<<case 3>>
<img src="img/pool/mom3.jpg" class='medium'>
<<case 4>>
<img src="img/pool/mom4.jpg" class='medium'>
<<case 5>>
<img src="img/pool/mom5.jpg" class='medium'>
<<case 6>>
<img src="img/pool/mom6.jpg" class='medium'>
<img src="img/pool/mom3.jpg" class='medium'>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<if $mcorruptionlevel lte 1>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name Come on! Join me!<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Join $mom</h4>">><<replace "#pool">>
<<switch random (4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/pool/momandmc.jpg" class='medium'>
<<case 2>>
<img src="img/pool/momandmc1.jpg" class='medium'>
<<case 3>>
<img src="img/pool/momandmc2.jpg" class='medium'>
<<case 4>>
<img src="img/pool/momandmc3.jpg" class='medium'>
<img src="img/pool/momandmc.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Thank $name for the pool! This is so much fun now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah! It's so much fun.<</speech>>
<<mrelationship 10>>@@color:lightpink;$mom Relationship +10@@
<<energy +15>>@@color:lightblue;Energy +15@@
You have a quality time with $mom.
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel gte 2>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>$name! Please.. Come here. Have fun with $mom.<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Join $mom</h4>">><<replace "#pool">>
<<set _m to random (1,3)>>
<<if _m is 1>>
<img src="img/pool/mommclewd.jpg" class='medium'>
<<elseif _m is 2>>
<img src="img/pool/mommclewd2.jpg" class='medium'>
<<elseif _m is 3>>
<img src="img/pool/mommclewd3.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>I love you so much. Honey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I love you too.<</speech>>
<<mrelationship 10>>@@color:lightpink;$mom Relationship +10@@
<<energy +15>>@@color:lightblue;Energy +15@@
You have a quality time with $mom.
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="dad">
<img src="img/pool/dad.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hey $name, good job with the pool.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks!<</speech>>
<<if $teasedad is true>>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Tease $dad</h6>">>
<<if $fcorruption lte 34 or $daddrugged is true>>
<<switch random(3)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/pool/teasedad.webp" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey $dad! Watch me! Upsss... haha<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh... Watch out honey.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<img src="img/pool/teasedad2.webp" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What a sunny day!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Sunny indeed...<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<img src="img/gif/tease/tease1.5.webp" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey $dad!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hey $name.<</speech>>
<img src="img/gif/tease/tease1.5.webp" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey $dad!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hey $name.<</speech>>
<<fcorruption 5>>@@color:violet;Father Corruption +5@@
<<elseif $fcorruption gte 35 and $daddrugged is false>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad please look at me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Honey i am tired. Let me rest.<</speech>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;Tease $dad@@</h6>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/pool/tease.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
While your $dad is taking a lap. You seductively approach slowly around the pool.
For a moment you caught him looking at you which makes you even horny.
<<arousal 15>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div><<upd>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Tease More!</h6>">><<replace "#dad">>
<<set _t to random(1,2)>>
<<if _t is 1>>\
<video src="img/dad/pool/tease3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _t is 2>>\
<video src="img/dad/pool/tease2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
You took of the your undearwear to tease him even more with your naughty body when you touch yourself in intimate places.
$dad stopped swimming to scope out what you were up to. For him it's hard to resist not to look.
<<if $time lte 13>>\
<div class="daddybox"><div align="center">
@@color:orange;Luke and $mom are still in the house watching movie in the living room.@@
@@color:hotpink;For a few brief moments he can stand it no more. $dad gets out of the pool showing what a big cock he has under his swimming trunks and joins you. @@
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Babe. Why do you play like this.<</speech>>
$name bit her lip and smiles back to his $dad.<<speech "Player" "$name">>Like what?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>We need to be careful $name! You know i can't control of myself when you tease me like this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Careful? Why do we need to be careful. Daddy?<</speech>>
$dad gasps when you said the word.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>You know how much i love you darling. But Luke and Martha might come out to the pool at any time. It's a huge risk.<</speech>>
<<if $arousal gte 70>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Take the Risk @@color:hotpink;(Arousal 70)@@</h6>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/pool/mc.webm" class='largepink' autoplay loop muted>
@@color:pink;You too can't control it. It so hard to keep away your eyes of his cock which makes you even hornier.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Please $dad... My moist pussy can't take it anymore.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name. Stop it... What if they find out...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>We'll be quiet Daddy. I promise!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Trouble Maker</h6>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/pool/dad.webm" class='largepink' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:hotpink;Your $dad sat behind you to have full control of the view in case anyone might leave the house.
While you rapidly wanking his huge cock. $dad repays you the same with fingering your pussy and kissing your neck lustily.@@
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Shh... Come here.. My trouble maker...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... It feel so good around you. $dad... Ahh...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Shh.. Like this Darling...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Trouble Maker</h6>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/pool/dad1.webm" class='largepink' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:hotpink;David rubs $name clit so hard to make her feel even better. Still, He is doing it slowly and carefuly to make not a big noise.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh! Mmmm!!! I love it...!! Dad!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Shhh Baby girl.. I know... I know you love it. After all, Are you Daddy's Slut?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I am! I am. I love it so much!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Daddy's Love@@</h6>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/pool/dad2end.webm" class='largepink' autoplay controls>
@@color:hotpink;Daddy touches you and kisses you so good it makes you cum@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>MMM!!!!! DADDY!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Shhh.. Cum my darling...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mm... It felt so good! It's my time make you feel good Daddy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>No, Darling. We already did too much noise.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Daddy! No.. Please.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>It's enough!<</speech>>
<<set $arousal to 0>><<set $daddypool to true>><<set $time to $time +1>>\
Pissing off your $dad with your corny behaviour was not good idea. He left you all alone by yourself in the backyard.
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Vision@@</h6>">>
<video src="img/dad/pool/vision.webm" class='largepink' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">In a completely different world, where you and Dad show love without shame or remorse.</div>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:grey;Take the Risk $arousal/70 Arousal@@</h6>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You probably right $dad.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I hate it too Darling. Afert all, Our secret must remain hidden.<</speech>>
<<if $day gte 6 and $time lte 19.5>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day lte 5 and $time lte 19.5>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $time gte 20>>
<<button [[leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<img src='img/hospital/nurse.jpg' class='imageleft'>
The nurse is a little busy, but she sacrificed some time for you.
<<speech "Alicia" "Nurse">>I don't have time to walk you through the hospital. In short, there is a clinic where you can take a surgey to repair your skin. Mostly, Doctor Burnett is available.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Nurse">> After that there is...<</speech>>
A rushing doctor called a nurse for help.
<<speech "Boy1" "Doctor">>NURSE WE NEED YOUR HELP NOW!<</speech>>
Nurse left you to emergency.
<<button [[Leave|hospital]]>><</button>>
<<set $surgeon to true>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="lewd"><b>\
<<set $bimbo to $bimbo +1>>\
<video src="img/hospital/bimbo1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
@@.delayed;...Lead you here...@@
@@.delayed;...You are in trance...@@
@@.delayed;...Still trying to peace it up...@@
@@.delayed;...Why am like this?...@@
@@.delayed;<<linkreplace "<h12>You?</h12>">>
<div class="container1">
<img src="img/dream/mc.jpg" class="mediumvision">
<div class="middle">
<div class="imageof"><img src="img/dream/mcbimbo.jpg" class="imagevision"></div>
@@.delayed;...I love this...@@
@@.delayed;...I want this...@@
@@.delayed;...My destiny is calling me...@@</h3>
@@.delayed;<<button [[Wake up|WakeupLucas]]>><</button>>@@
<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/lucas/wakingup.jpg' class='medium'>
Slowly you are waking up in the sofa. As you try to get up from the sofa, headache intensifies.
In the meantime, you look around to see what is happening around you.
<img src='img/lucas/lucasgaze.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">><i>Burnett... Yes... But this one... Is special case... I don't care... That's on me....</i><</speech>>
Lucas is still sitting behind the desk like before, speaking through the phone.
As you moved, Lucas ends the call and gets up and brings you some painkillers.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name. Calm down. Rest a little longer.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah- My head... Where am i?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Shh.. Still in my Store. You fainted.<</speech>>
You are so confused. Fainted? How...
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah... Thank you. But... Why did i fainted..?<</speech>>
<img src='img/lucas/lucaswake.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Drink some water and take your time. You need something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No... I think... I need to visit a doctor or something...<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Yes. I did appointment to my trusted doctor.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's... That's great.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Visit him in the Hospital. Clinic.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thank you...<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Take care of yourself $name. Friends of Lucas should be treated well.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Wow, i'm one of his Friends<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Now. Let me call someone.<</speech>>
Lucas moved away from you. You didn't feel like eavesdropping on the conversation because of this headache. After a few minutes the pain went away. You are ready to leave the store.
<<lrelation 5>><div class="pos">@@color:grey;Lucas Relationship +5@@</div>
<<addcorruption 2>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +2</div>
<h3>Visit The Doctor</h3>
<<button [[Leave|mall]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<masteraudio stop>>\
<img src='img/hospital/sus.jpg' class="large">
Lucas got you an appointment with the doctor, Coming here you don't any soul here.
You hope that this Doctor will help you with this terrible headache and dreams that you experience on a daily basis.
Knocking on the doctor's door.
<<speech "Burnett" "Doctor">>Come in!<</speech>>
<<if $vrhelmet is false>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Enter</h6>">>
Entering the Doctor's room, you see a board on which are written the words: Be Happy, Be Proud, Be wild.
Next you see a Doctor in his kitel wearing and glasses. He's the same age as Lucas.
During this time he looked at you with a curious look.
<<speech "Burnett">>Hello! You must be $name. What a pretty name! Please sit down. Name's Burnett!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm. Thanks. Lucas told me to come here and-<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Yes, Yes. Lucas told me you about you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is he? What did he tell you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>That a young pretty lady is coming to my office. Of course! <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh.. Okay.<</speech>>
<img src='img/hospital/smile.jpg' class="large">
Burnett smiled at you. His smile was frightening to you.
<<speech "Burnett">>$name. Tell me what troubles you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Right. Lately, I can't sleep right. The weird dreams haunting me, I'm not sure why. Anyway. When i'm waking up after hard night, A strong headache appears.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Hmm... Do you remember these dreams?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Regrettably, yes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Regrettably? Why is that? Can you describe them?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ehh... These are perverted dreams. I'm not comfortable to describe them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>$name. I have to know everything. Do tell.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Dreams</h6>">>
<img src='img/hospital/dream.jpg' class="large">
Unwillingly, you described to him a dream with your parents. A perveted dream where you, dad and mom were having a sex and after that, You told him about weird dreams where you see a different you.
Burnett listened with care and the greatest interest.
<<speech "Burnett">>Is there something else?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>From what you describe to me, this is a possible condition related to stress or memory loss.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wait... Memory Loss?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>It's just my suspicion. $name. Don't take it seriously. Now i might have a solution for it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You do?! What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>For some time, we have been testing a device that helps soldiers treat PTSD. So far, 95% of Soldiers have already been cured of these symptoms. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So you are telling me, I'm having some kind of PTSD?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>It is very similiar. Yes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And what about rest of 5% soldiers?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>They are under further treatment.<</speech>>
A program that will help you with your problems? Interesting.
<<speech "Burnett">>Now the question. Do you want to join this program?<</speech>>
<<set $vrhelmet to true>>
<h3>First stage of Bimbofication.</h3>
<th><<link "<h12>No</h12>">><<goto "No1">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h12>Try it</h12>">><<goto "VRHelmet">><</link>></th>
<<elseif $vrhelmet is true>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Oh $name so you changed your mind?<</speech>>
<h3>This is the first stage of Bimbofication.</h3>
<<button [[Try it|VRHelmet]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hospital]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/hospital/agree.jpg' class="large">
With a smile you agree.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. I accept.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Perfect! Okay just give me a second I have to call my associate to replace me.<</speech>>
He took his phone and called for replacment.
<<speech "Burnett">>Hey Paul. I need you here. Yes. Okay, Great!<</speech>>
Hanged up the phone.
<<speech "Burnett">>Okay, Come with me.<</speech>>
<<button [[Follow Burnett]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't know, i need to think about this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>That's a shame. Well, think about this. I'll be here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thank you Doc!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|hospital]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
Burnett Took you to the diffrent wing of hospital. It took some time.
<<speech "Burnett">>Sorry for the long walk, but director of hospital couldn't lend me room near my office. Okay this is it.<</speech>>
<<button [[Enter the Vr Room]]>><</button>>
<div align="center"><div class="mombox"><b>
Dreams goes on...
<video src="img/dream/dream.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
...Beach... Little Girl... A strong men.... Birds... Sounds of the Sea...
<<speech "Dante" "???">>$name, don't go far away. Nevertheless, I will find you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player2" "$name">>Catch me! if you can!<</speech>>
...The laughter of the little girl... Worried Man.... Trying to catch you... But... No use... Beacuse... Everything is lost....
<<speech "Borys" "???">>Boss!!! We gotta go! NOW!!! <</speech>>
<<speech "Dante" "???">>$name!... Wracaj do tatusia!<</speech>>
...A gun shot...
...The man who led you across the beach, falls....
...Blood on the sand...
<h3>The Dream Ends</h3>
<<button "Dream Ends">><<goto "Bed">><</button>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/shower/laundry.webp" class='medium'>
You took some laundry.
This will certainly make mom happy.
<div class="pos"><div class="power">Energy -10</div>
@@color:pink;$mom Relationship +5@@</div>
<<set $laundry to true>><<set $time to $time +1>>
<<button [[Move on|Bathroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<<if $steal gte 2>>
Then Mother out of nowhere ask you to give back the money.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name, give back the money you stole.<</speech>>
<<speech "McDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Shit, did she saw me stealing dad's money?<</speech>>
<span id="#talk">
<<link "Lie">><<replace "#talk">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What? What money? I never stole ANYTHING.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Yes, you did. Just happened that i saw what you did before you went for school.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh Mom!
<<elseif $steal lte 1>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name what is going on?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>NOTHING. LEAVE ME ALONE.<</speech>>
Mom looked at you weirdly.
<div align="center"><div class="lewd"><b>\
<span id="luc">
<video controls muted src="img/lucas/lucasgaze.webm" class='medium' autoplay>
His eyes stare deeply into you. So deep that you are in a kind of trance.
It's like you were in some kind of fantasy. Which makes you a nice feeling.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Obey him</h6>">><<replace "#luc">>
<img src='img/lucas/lucasgaze.jpg' class="large">
<<speech "Lucasgaze" "Lucas">>Get closer $name. Listen to me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. Sir.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lucasgaze" "Lucas">>Your $parents. Do you feel loved by them?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course, Sir. Without them, I would be a nobody.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lucasgaze" "Lucas">>That sounds lovely isn't it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. Sir?<</speech>>
Lucas shook his head disapprovingly.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lucas Mad</h6>">><<replace "#luc">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<img src='img/lucas/doubt.jpg' class="large">
<<speech "Lucasgaze" "Lucas">>No! It is not! It is disgraceful!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lucasgaze" "Lucas">>Your $parents raised you poorly and kept you close from the reality. It's pretty shamefully to let their $daughter keep that way!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lucasgaze" "Lucas">>Time to change it, My dear.<</speech>>
As you look into his eyes, Lucas repaid the same with a deep gaze that took you into a calm stance.
The feeling is so pleasant that you rest your head on his lap.
<img src='img/lucas/maidcaress.webp' class="medium">
<<speech "Lucasgaze" "Lucas">>Shhh...Your $dad. You love him, don't you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. Sir.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lucasgaze" "Lucas">>A $daughter should always love her $dad. After all, you are Daddy's Girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lucasgaze" "Lucas">>Show him your true love. Show what you are capable of. Make him happy.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Absorbs his words.</h6>">>
<video controls src="img/lucas/hypnodad.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<div class="posarousal">His words melt into your head like a beautiful song.
It's so true and beautiful. You've got to show your true love.</div>
<<speech "Lucasgaze" "Lucas">>Make Him Yours.<</speech>>
<<link "<h12><i>Everything will be okay</i></h12>">><<goto "Everything will be okay">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="daddybox"><b>\
<span id="dildo">
<<if $corruptionlevel is 0>>\
Masturbating with Dildo.
<<switch random(4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/1.1.webp" class='medium'>
<<case 2>>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/1.2.webp" class='medium'>
<<case 3>>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/1.3.webp" class='medium'>
<<case 4>>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/1.4.webp" class='medium'>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/1.1.webp" class='medium'>
<<arousal 15>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +15 @@<<upd>>
<<link "<h7>Masturbate</h7>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<<switch random(4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/1.1.webp" class='medium'>
<<case 2>>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/1.2.webp" class='medium'>
<<case 3>>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/1.3.webp" class='medium'>
<<case 4>>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/1.4.webp" class='medium'>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/1.1.webp" class='medium'>
<<arousal 15>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +15 @@<<upd>>
<<link "<h7>Climax</h7>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<<switch random(2)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/orgasm.gif" class='medium'>
<<case 2>>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/orgasm2.webp" class='medium'>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/orgasm.gif" class='medium'>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<arousal -80>> @@color:Lightpink; Arousal - 80 @@
<<energy -15>> @@color:LightBlue;Energy -15 @@<<upd>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 1 or $corruptionlevel is 2>>\
Masturbating with Dildo.
<<switch random(4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/2.1.webp" class='medium'>
<<case 2>>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/2.2.webp" class='medium'>
<<case 3>>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/2.3.webp" class='medium'>
<<case 4>>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/2.4.webp" class='medium'>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/2.1.webp" class='medium'>
<<arousal 15>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +15 @@<<upd>>
<<link "<h7>Masturbate</h7>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<<switch random(4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/2.1.webp" class='medium'>
<<case 2>>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/2.2.webp" class='medium'>
<<case 3>>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/2.3.webp" class='medium'>
<<case 4>>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/2.4.webp" class='medium'>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/2.4.webp" class='medium'>
<<arousal 15>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +15 @@<<upd>>
<<if $arousal gte 80>>
<<link "<h7>Climax</h7>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<<switch random(2)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/orgasm.gif" class='medium'>
<<case 2>>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/orgasm2.webp" class='medium'>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/orgasm.gif" class='medium'>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<arousal -80>> @@color:Lightpink; Arousal - 80 @@
<<energy -15>> @@color:LightBlue;Energy -15 @@<<upd>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<set _dildo to random(1,3)>>
<<if _dildo is 1>>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/3.1.webp" class='medium'>
<<elseif _dildo is 2>>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/3.2.webp" class='medium'>
<<elseif _dildo is 3>>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/3.3.webp" class='medium'>
Masturbating with your Lovely Dildo.
<<arousal 20>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +20 </div>
<<energy -10>><div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;Energy -10@@</div>
<<if $arousal lte 95>>
<<link "<h7>@@color:hotpink;Masturbate Again!@@</h7>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "Dildomasturbate">><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>@@color:hotpink;Cumming!@@</h7>">><<scrolldown>>
<<set _org to random (1,3)>>
<<if _org is 1>>\
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/3orgasm.webp" class='medium'>
<<elseif _org is 2>>\
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/3orgasm1.webp" class='medium'>
<<elseif _org is 3>>\
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/3orgasm2.webp" class='medium'>
@@color:hotpink;<span id="shaker+50" class="shake1">CUMMING!</span>@@
<<set $arousal to 0>>
<<button [[mcroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "belldoor" play>>\
<span id="mar">
You both left the room and went downstairs to see who was knocking on the door.
<<speech "Lena">>Wait here, i'll check it out.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Lena opens the door</h4>">>
<img src="img/lena/bbc/marcusentry.jpg" class='large'>
When Lena opened the doors, for the first time in your life you see a man who was hard not to take his eyes off him.
Through the open jacket you can see his muscular breasts, torso and tattoos
You have a feeling of arousal and you do not know why.
Then in the background you see and his buddies. They are half naked and apparently waiting for some kind of action.
<<speech "Lena">>Marcus!? What are you doing here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Here is my girl. We were passing by here and I thought we'd stop by for a little...<</speech>>
Marcus stops and caught you hiding behind the Lena.
<<speech "Marcus">>Oh! Hey there.<</speech>>
Lena quickly ran up to Marcus and whispers
<<speech "Lena">><sub>Can your boys stay outside?</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>For sure. Hey Boys! Wait there. It won't take long.<</speech>>
You found yourself in a really difficult situation. You don't know what to do, Stress has hammered you for no reason. His gaze and body continue to impress you. And the thought nags at you, What is he going to do with Lena?
<<linkreplace "<h6>Marcus</h6>">>
<img src="img/lena/bbc/marcusinside.jpg" class='large'>
Lena waved at boys and closed the doors. Then Lena and Marcus went straight to you.
It's the first time you see Lena like this. As if she was charmed by his presence. Marcus couldn't stay away from Lena.
<<speech "Lena">>Marcus... This is my best friend $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>For sure. Sup $name? You pretty close to my Lena?<</speech>>
Marcus watches you from bottom to top.
He seems eager to watch you naked...
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah...? I think so. And. You two?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haha. Marcus is my... Good friend. Gosh! My manners! Marcus! Would you like something to drink? Water? or maybe... Beer?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>You know exactly what I want, girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haha. Of course!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena...?<</speech>>
<img src="img/lena/bbc/marcus.jpg" class='large'>
Lena smiled and ran to the kitchen leaving you alone with Marcus.
He has come closer to you and his presence is slowly more stressful and unsoothing for you.
<<speech "Marcus">>$name you okay?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$name?</h6>">><<replace "#mar">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<img src="img/lena/bbc/marcusinside3.jpg" class='large'>
He get closer and closer to you.
You can't keep eyes from his naked chest...
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah... I'm just never have been with Muscular men. Like you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Haha! What a confidence. I like it. Let's go to the sofa, hmm? Calm down babe. I don't bite.<</speech>>
Marcus took you by the arm and led you to the sofa. His touch and scent is so warm and gentle.
<img src="img/lena/bbc/marcusinside4.jpg" class='large'>
Both of you sat down and Marcus with a happy smile look at you.
His smile sent you off for a moment. How can be so manly, strong and that confidence...
<<speech "Marcus">>Tell me $name. Do you like Lena?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I do.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>That's cool to hear $name. You know.. I care about her. I care about her friends too.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Her friends? You mean.. Me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>I knew from the start you are something else. Girl. <</speech>>
<img src="img/lena/bbc/grableg.gif" class='medium'>
You lost in mind thinking what he meant. Then Marcus grabs your leg and gently caresses it
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh... Marcus?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Stand</h6>">>
<img src="img/lena/bbc/marcus.jpg" class='large'>
With shame you get up immediately and slowly move away from him.
<<speech "Marcus">>Sorry $name. I really care for her. You know? I want her to be happy.<</speech>>
You calmed down. What does he mean by that?
And why is he telling this to you.
<<speech "Marcus">>See $name. I care for everyone who cares about me. Today my boys are very... Very... Impatient.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So, you want me to leave?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>I didn't say that. Join us. It would be fun.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm... No. No. No. Thank you for the offer but no.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Hah. Suit yourself.<</speech>>
Lena with the smile came back with beer.
She hands to Marcus like some kind of Maid.
<img src="img/lena/bbc/marcus2.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Lena">>So, you two get along?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Yep! I really like her!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah... Lena i need to go. My folks are waiting for me. Thanks for the help anyway.<</speech>>
Lena looked a little dissapointed.
<<speech "Lena">>Sure, of course $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>I'll walk you out.<</speech>>
Marcus left the water on the table and walked you out to the door.
By the door he stopped you to talk.
<<speech "Marcus">>I want you to watch.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Watch what?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>The party.<</speech>>
He opens the door and the boys came in smiling at you.
You watched how guys are coming to Lena laughing and smiling.
Lena seems happy too.
You don't know what to do...
so you left the house...
<img src="img/lena/bbcenters.webp" class='medium'>
But do you want to leave or watch?
<<link "<h6>Watch the Party (Blacked)</h6>">><<goto"Watch the Party">><</link>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><<set $lessons to 5>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="daddybox"><b>\
<span id="bbc">
<img src="img/lena/bbc/sneak.jpg" class='medium'>
You snuck out through the back of the house, where the pool was.
Lena, Marcus and his boys were there. They were partying at the pool. Slowly the party was starting.
<<link "<h12>The Party</h12>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/group1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Lena">>Daddy.. there are so many boys here...<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Relax Baby Girl, Fynn let's start.<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>Damn she is so fineee.<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Fynn kiss Lena</h12>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/group2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Fynn">>Fuck, you so sexy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Mmmm...<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Fynn lifts Lena</h12>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/group3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Lena">>Aaaa. Haha! Hihi!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Lena enjoying the company of boys</h12>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/group4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Boy1" "Black Men">>Fuck, she is hot.<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>The party is inside</h12>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/group5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
While Lena is adored by Men, Marcus spot you with eager eyes. He smiled to you then took Lena inside.
<<speech "Marcus">>Come on Let's go inside.<</speech>>
<<button [[Party inside]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="daddybox"><b>\
<span id="bbc">
Marcus lead the herd inside house.
Lena is really enjoying the party so far.
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/inside1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h12>Sucking Fucking</h12>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/inside2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h12>Everything for my Daddy...</h12>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/inside3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h12>Cummming!</h12>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/inside4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h12>Let me REST!</h12>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/rest1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<button [[Now party begins]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bbc">
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/cums.webm" class="large" autoplay loop>
<<set $time to $time +2>><<upd>>\
<<speech "Marcus">>Good job My Little girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Thanks Daddy... HiHi.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>I'll take the leak, be right back.<</speech>>
<<if $bimboend is 3>>\
Marcus left Lena with the boys to find you.
The Bimbo influence is being filled inside you.
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>Fuck... I wish to touch Marcus Cock..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Marcus found you</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
You were stading outside the house watching the whole scenery through the window. Out of nowhere Marcus spooked you from behind.
<img src="img/lena/bbc/bimboafter.jpg" class="medium">
<<speech "Marcus">>There you are. You liked the show?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Oh.. Yes... That was so hot! My pussy is dripping wet...<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>I can see that.<</speech>>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/bimboafter1.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop muted>
Marcus naked is tempting your inner desires with his huge cock.
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Fuck... So fucking big! After 2 hours of fucking with Lena? Can i... Touch it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>I thought you would never ask. Of course you can..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Mmm...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Touch him More</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/bimboafter2.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>I've never seen that cock so big...<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>That's good. Taste it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Fuck... I don't know...<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Don't hesitate. Just try it.<</speech>>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>Listen to him you fucking whore!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Suck his Big Cock! </h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/bimboafter3.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>GAWK! GAWK! GAWK!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Fuck Baby Girl. You are so good at sucking.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Do you like Lena's Pussy juices on my cock?<</speech>>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>Oh my Fucking God!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Suck him Deeper!</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/bimboafter4.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Marcus">>Fuck... You are so fucking hot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>My mouth is so full of your Cock.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>I'm getting closer...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>His Yummy Cum! </h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/bimboafter5.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Marcus">>Ah.!!! Fuck!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Oh my... That's a lot!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>I've gotta wash my whole head...<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Haha. Here's my number. You are so perfect for my boys.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Hihi! Can't wait for another round!<</speech>>
Marcus gave you a phone number.
<<if $lessons is 4 or $bbcaddiction lte 1>>
<<addcorruption 5>><h2>Corruption +5</h2>
<<set $bbcaddiction to 3>><h3>You are being addicted to BBC. +2</h3><</if>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|outsidenight]]>><<set $lessons to 5>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><<set $lessons to 5>><</button>>
Marcus left Lena with the boys to find you.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Marcus found you</h4>">>
You were stading outside the house watching the whole scenery through the window. Out of nowhere Marcus spooked you from behind.
<img src="img/lena/bbc/foundyou.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>FUCK! Dont scare me like that!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Hah! You cool? Liked the show?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>no...</sub><</speech>>
Marcus noticed your wet panties.
<<speech "Marcus">>Oh really? then what is this?<</speech>>
<img src="img/lena/bbc/grabpanty.webp" class='medium'>
He grabbed skirt and looked at your wet panties.
<<speech "Marcus">>I see wet panties!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shut up! of course i am wet. You fucking destroyed her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Girl... she asked for this. If girls ask they get what they want. That simple.<</speech>>
The other <i>you</i> tries to control you.
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Dirty Mind">>Just ask? Then what the fuck are you waiting for!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What... no... noo...<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Dirty Mind">>Come on!!! ASK HIM. <h3>ASK HIM.</h3><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>STOP!.. sorry Marcus i need to go.<</speech>>
Marcus looked at you weirdly.
<<speech "Marcus">>It's fine little princess. If you need help, call me.<</speech>>
Marcus gave you a phone number.
<<if $lessons is 4>>\
<<addcorruption 2>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +2</div><</if>>\
<<if $bbcaddiction lte 1>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to 2>><h3>You gain a little addiction to BBC.</h3>
<<elseif $bbcaddiction gte 2>><<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction +1>><h3>You gain a little addiction to BBC.</h3>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|outsidenight]]>><<set $lessons to 5>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><<set $lessons to 5>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="lewd"><b>\
<span id="bbc">
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/inside5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Fynn">>Damn Marcus! You were right she is fucking tight. Let's stretch that pussy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Hihi.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Dirty mind">>I fucking envy her...<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>FUCK FUCK FUCK</h12>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/inside6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Dirty mind">>PLEASE FUCK ME LIKE HER!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>CUMMINGGG!! AGAIN!! FUCK!</h12>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/inside7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Why i can't stop watching this...<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Dirty mind">>Because that's what you want!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Seventh cock in her pussy</h12>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/inside8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Dirty mind">>They still keep coming. This is life...<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>OH GOD IM CUMMING AGAIN! AND AGAIN!! AND AGAIN!!</h12>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/inside9.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h12>THIS IS TOO MUCH FOR ME!!!</h12>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/lena/bbc/inside10.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh god... she is destroyed. This is so hot...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My pussy is dripping wet!<</speech>>
<img src="img/lena/bbc/masturbate.webp" class='medium'>
<<button [[They are Cumming on her]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/gif/lookingaround.gif" class='medium'>
Burnett let you inside.
As you enter the room the smell was kinda strange. The scent here is so familiar to you.
<<speech "Burnett">>Wait here for me. I'll prepare the session.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Session?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Don't be afraid. I'll explaing everything to you in a moment.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Burnett calls you.</h4>">>
<img src="img/background/testroom2.jpg" class='medium'>
You approached Burnett, who opened the door to a strange room for you.
<<speech "Burnett">>Okay step into the room.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It looks so spooky.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Oh yes. It is. Walls are soundproof. Once you step in. The only thing you will hear is your thoughts and the blood that circulates around your body.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay.<</speech>>
<<button [[Enter the Room]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="session">
<img src="img/hospital/vrhelmet.webp" class='medium'>
He was right. It is so quiet here... You can't hear anything but your own breathe.
Inside the room was a VR helmet. Burnett takes it and puts it on your head.
<<speech "Burnett">>Okay let's see...<</speech>>
<img src="img/hospital/strap.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Burnett">>Let's loose that strap. Okay Done!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What should I do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Relax and enjoy the session.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh?<</speech>>
<img src="img/hospital/otherroom.jpg" class='medium'>
Burnett went to the other room.
After few minutes you hear voice from the headphones you wear.
<<speech "Burnett">><i>You ready?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">><i>Okay, there will be a test video to get used to the session. Okay, it's gonna roll now, remember relax and listen to the ambient sounds.</i><</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Test video</h6>">><<replace "#session">>
<video src="img/hospital/test.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
Mountains, Fields, Sunshine, Nature, Peace and Harmony.
It's everything you experience. You feel relaxed and reassured with the program.
<<linkreplace "<h6>End the test</h6>">>
<<speech "Burnett">><i>Okay, how do you feel?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Relaxed... Happy... I feel calm... Yes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">><i>That's great. Okay are you ready for the real session? Or do we taking a break?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I think i'm ready, yeah. Let's roll it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">><i>Then prepare yourself, like before. Relax and listen to the sounds and voice.</i><</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Session</h12>">><<replace "#session">>
<video src="img/hospital/vr1.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
During a smooth session, there are slight disturbances.
You can't say what it is.
<<linkreplace "<h6>What was that?</h6>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Doc?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">><i>What is it $name?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah.... Nevermid. Let's resume it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">><i>$name please, you need to focus. Don't interupt the session. Stay focused and calm $name.</i><</speech>>
<<button [[Resume Session]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div align="center"><div class="daddybox"><b>\
<video src="img/hospital/vr2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">Be Happy...
During the session...
That weird dreams are coming back to you...
Be Proud...
They are calling. To come back. To do what is right...
Don't resist. Embrace it. Embrace your inner self. This is who you are.
A Obedient Woman...
Be Wild...
<<set $arousal to 999>><div class="pos">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +999@@</div>
<<button [[End Session]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="first">
<video src="img/hospital/brain.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
Session end.. Someone takes off the VR Helmet.
Everything around is so blurry... The colours are so bright...
Your body is so warm and sweaty...
@@color:lightpink;<i>You love his touch, it makes you want more.</i>@@
<<speech "Burnett1" "???">>$name? How are you feeling?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Uhh...!!! I'm so fucking horny..!!! I need.... Cock...!!! My... Head... Feels so Empty... Ahh.... Cock...!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett1" "???">>Good $name... Very Good.<</speech>>
<<link "<h20>$name</h20>">><<replace "#first">>
<video src="img/hospital/after.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
He is taking off your clothes...
This person touches you...
Licks you...
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Mmm...! Yes...!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett1" "???">>What a pretty body...<</speech>>
<<link "<h20>$name?</h20>">><<replace "#first">>
<video src="img/hospital/after1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
A person stands naked in front of you with erected cock...
You immediately ran to his cock...
With obsession you take it in your pretty innocent mouth...
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>GAWK! GURLP! GAWK! *Cough*!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett1" "???">>Yes.... Suck it darling.... There is no rush...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Hahahahaha....<</speech>>
<<link "<h20>$name???</h20>">><<replace "#first">>
<video src="img/hospital/after2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
It takes you by the head and pushes in and out of the thing that you desire...
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>GAWK! GURLP! Mmm....!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett1" "???">>Now you know... How it feels... Don't you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Yes.... It feels so good....<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett1" "???">>This is your calling.<</speech>>
<<link "<h20>$name!?</h20>">><<replace "#first">>
<video src="img/hospital/aftercum.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Person is spraying his seed into you...
He not allows you to waste it...
It may anger him...
<<speech "Burnett1" "???">>Here... It's for you...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Thank you... Sir...<</speech>>
<<link "<h20>$name!!!</h20>">><<replace "#first">>
<video src="img/hospital/aftermas.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
That person let you sit on the chair...
Feelings of desire slowly fading....
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahhh.... It's gone..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett1" "???">>For now. It's time to wake up..<</speech>>
<<link "<h20>Wake up $name</h20>">><<set $arousal to 0>><<goto "Burnett is pleased">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/hospital/wakeup.jpg" class='large'>
Your eyes are slowly opening. Waking up in Burnett's Office.
As you look around, the blurry image slowly gets sharper and clearer.
Then Burnett came in and looked at you with curiosity.
<<speech "Burnett">>$name! Finally. How are you feeling?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm... Good. It's strange... Did i faint?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>You don't remember what happened before?<</speech>>
You remember that there was a session and after the session....
You and Burnett... Did it.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Did we...<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Don't think about it $name. Clearly, The program has actually helped you! No headache?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No. No headache... But did we-<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>$name. Don't you dare dwell on the past. Carry on. Move on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Move on?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>It will be a hard road for you. But you'll manage. You are a very smart and beautiful girl. Next time be prepare for my session. You understand me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. Doctor. Thank you.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Familiar Feeling@@</h6>">>
Burnett escorted you to the doorway.
With that you are leaving hospital with a bit of freedom.
<img src="img/hospital/bimbomind.jpg" class='large100'>
<span class="blinkslow"><<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>Don't dwell on the past.<</speech>></span>
<<set $bimbo to 2>><<addcorruption 1>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +1</div><<upd>>
<div class="pos">Those pink outfits at the clothing store are looking good right now!</div>
<div class="posarousal">
Your Bimbo senses are awaken! </div>
<<button [[Leave the hospital|citycenter]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="penis"><div align="center"><b>\
<h3>END ROUTE 1 </h3>
<h2>bbc ENDING</h2>
(this is a test can be improved)
<<button [[CALL MARCUS]]>><</button>>
Continue the Game (More content in next Update)
<<button [[Leave|citycenter]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/endings/bbc/start.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<div class="posarousal">As corrupted your mind is with the image of Black Cocks without the hesitation you are calling Marcus to get that dick!</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Marcus!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>What a suprise. $name!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Marcus. I can't take this anymore... I need black cock! I was wondering. Are you free tonight?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Wow! A little girl hungry for some meat huh?! Tonight i'm out of town. But my boy Fynn is free. He'll satisfy your needs. Even right now. I'll send you an adres.<</speech>>
<div class="posarousal">Marcus gave you an adres to location where Fynn is.
You are bit scared, Coming to the house of a man you do not know. But your pussy is dripping wet of thinking of it...</div>
<<link "<img src='img/endings/bbc/housefynn.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "fynnhouse">><</link>>
</b></div>\Double-click this passage to edit it.<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bbcend">
<img src="img/endings/bbc/wait.jpg" class='large'>
Now there is no way out. You decided to try the black meat.
If Lena can do it then why you couldn't?
Anyway you knock the door of Fynn's house.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Fynn. Marcus says-<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>I know, Come in Girl. $name right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah. Yes i am. Thank you.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Fynn</h6>">><<replace "#bbcend">>
<img src="img/endings/bbc/blacked.jpg" class='medium'>
Fynn slowly sits down and looks at you with grim smile.
You have some doubts... Is it right? But Fynn is not a patient guy.
<<speech "Fynn">>So. Are you going to get it or what?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>My meat. You didn't come for a chit chat.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Your meat... I want it...<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>Then what are you waiting for? Go get it.<</speech>>
<div class="posarousal">Yeah... What am i waiting for? </div>
<<link "<h6>Take it!</h6>">><<replace "#bbcend">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/one.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h6>Suck it harder!</h6>">><<replace "#bbcend">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/two.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h6>His Affection!</h6>">><<replace "#bbcend">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/three.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h6>Ride him!</h6>">><<replace "#bbcend">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/four.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h6>Love it!</h6>">><<replace "#bbcend">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/five.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My fucking god! That was awesome!<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>Fuck... Girl! You were born to be ours! Marcus has a big plan for you. For now live with me here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really?! Can i?<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>Yep. Of course! Unofficially you are our bitch.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So how to become... Officially?<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>Your lips. Change them. Our dicks should sever a more pleasant way.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You're right. I'll meet my fellow doc!<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>Cool. After that. We'll take a little ride with my friend.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My god! That sounds so cool! I can't wait!<</speech>>
<<button [[Meet with Burnett|Burnett lips]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/jack.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<button [[Marcus texts you]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="bbc"><div align="center"><b>\
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/dad.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<div class="posarousal">A new day in the life you never dreamed of.
Waking up you see that you received a lot of text messages from your Father and Mom.
You no longer know how many days have passed since you moved here. They must be worried.
It's time to say goodbye.</div>
<<button [[Marcus Calls you]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bbc">
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/marcus.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
Few weeks later being a slut for Fynn and his boys, Marcus reached to you.
He is very suprised by what you did to his boys. It is time to become more than a slut.
It's time to become a QUEEN!
<<link "<h6>Last Initation</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/group1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
Before going downstairs, A unkown number rings in your phone. You wanted to picked it up. But Marcus isn't a patient guy.
Marcus greet you by the stairs and he grabbed your hand.
He leads you to the room where horny boys are waiting for you.
<<speech "Marcus">>Boys. It's time to say goodbye to our Little $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>So. Our little $name are here to become our Gal!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Shit... I knew she is special.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player3" "$name">>Gosh! I am honored to become one of your whores.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>No. No. not a whore. A Queen!<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>Yes! A Queen!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Last Initation</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/group2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
They lead you to the cozy room, Where nobody will interupt.
Boys were ready for you from the entering that room.
<<speech "Marcus">>Suck our dick, Beautiful.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player3" "$name">>Oh fuck! Guys! It's like a dream!<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>Fuuckkk... She's so awesome.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Last Initation</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/group3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
This day is getting better and better. Finally, You realized that this day could be like the other day.
But it can be better...
<<speech "Tyrone">>Here. My turn.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player3" "$name">>Mmmm!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>Naah! My turn.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player3" "$name">>Haha!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Guys...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Last Initation</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/group4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
More guys came for some fun. You didn't expect such a turn of events. But today Marcus was a gentelmen, He gently, cared for you during the session.
<<speech "Marcus">>Are you ready $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player3" "$name">>Yes... Daddy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Then... Command our Queen.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Queen!</h6>">><<goto "qos">><<set $body to 4>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="boys">
Marcus sent you to his boys. Your obedience to black cocks are growning everyday. Your mind is full of Black Cocks. Pussy needs to be plugged everyday, every night, every hour, every minute.
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/double1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Fynn">>Here she is. Fuck! Now we are talking.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Damn Fynn! You were right! What a smoking slut!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player3" "$name Blacked">>Haha. Hey boys, So where we are going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>Haha. You'll see.<</speech>>
Boys took her to hotel.
<<link "<h6>New Cock to serve</h6>">><<replace "#boys">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/double2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player3" "$name Blacked">>GURRL!! GURPSL!! YES FUCK ME. PLUG MY HOLES!<</speech>>
<<link "<h9>FUCK ME</h9>">><<replace "#boys">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/double3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player3" "$name Blacked">>MMM YES. THIS IS WHAT I WANT! I AM FUCKING BITCH!<</speech>>
<<link "<h9>BLACKED</h9>">><<goto "blacked">><<set $body to 2>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="bbc"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="boys">
Marcus called you to wait for him outside the hotel.
Two hours passed and still no Marcus. Still after that night with the boys you are delighted to be with Marcus that night.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Wait for Marcus</h6>">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/marcus1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player3" "$name">>Hey Daddy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Get in.<</speech>>
His tone is so manly! You obeyed his command with a smile.
Inside, You wanted to get his cock out but he pushed you away for a little talk.
<<speech "Marcus">>Hold on. $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player3" "$name">>What is it? Why can't we...<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Before that, Did you do the thing I asked you to do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player3" "$name">>Yes... Marcus. Here let me show you.<</speech>>
You showed Marcus the message you sent to your Father.
He approved that by nodding.
<<speech "Marcus">>Very good. That's my girl. Now give that phone.<</speech>>
<img src='img/endings/bbc/car.jpg' class='medium'>
Marcus took your phone and smashed it by throwing out of the window.
<<speech "Marcus">>I love what you became. My boys are happy with you. Very happy. And for that. You'll become our number one.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player3" "$name">>Number one?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Number one Girl. Not a single girl has made it to this honor.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player3" "$name">>But.. What about Lena?<</speech>>
<img src='img/endings/bbc/lena2.jpg' class='imageright'>
<<speech "Marcus">>Lena!? She's just a puppet on Lucas' strings. Fuck her and Fuck Him. But you. We know a lot about you. You just came by to us on free will. And for that, you rightly deserve the title of Number one.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player3" "$name">>Oh my! Daddy! I am so-<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Shhh... For now. Let's have fun before that. Suck my Big Cock.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Suck his Cock</h6>">><<replace "#boys">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/marcus2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player3" "$name">>GAWK! GAWK!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Yeah... Like that.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Ride his Cock</h6>">><<replace "#boys">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/marcus3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player3" "$name">>My god... It's so fucking big!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Let's take you to my apartment.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Fucking on the bolcony</h6>">><<replace "#boys">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/marcus4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Marcus">>What a slut!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player3" "$name">>Only for you!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Inside</h6>">><<replace "#boys">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/marcus5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Marcus">>Let's take you inside. I need to take care of you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Hihih, Yes Daddy.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Ride his Dick</h6>">><<replace "#boys">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/marcus6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player3" "$name">>FUCK, THIS DICK SO HUGE!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Ride it faster, bitch!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Kisses you</h6>">><<replace "#boys">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/marcus7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player3" "$name">>Oh this is great Daddy!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Fucks you from behind</h6>">><<replace "#boys">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/marcus8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player3" "$name">>OH YES YES YES! FUCK ME DADDY! FUCK ME!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Godmamn. Your pussy feels so fucking good. Take that big cock!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player3" "$name">>YES DADDY!! PLEASE FUCK, I'M CUNMMMMINGG!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>New Purpose</h6> ">><<replace "#boys">>
<img src='img/endings/bbc/marcus.jpg' class='medium'>
After eating his cum, Marcus with a smile caress your head.
His touch is so soft and gentle, you wish he could touch you everyday.
<<speech "Marcus">>$name. I think... You are ready.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player3" "$name">>Ready?! I am so happy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Before that. We need to baptize you. Last initation.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player3" "$name">>Please! I am ready for that.<</speech>>
<<button [[Last Initation|Marcus texts you]]>><<set $body to 3>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="penis"><div align="center"><b>\
Lucas on the knees begging for forgivness.
<img src='img/endings/bbc/beg.jpg' class='small'>
<<speech "Unknownmen" "Unknown">>You failed Lucas.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>I'm Sorry. I didn't see that coming. Please I BEG YOU!<</speech>>
<<speech "Unknownmen" "Unknown">>I told you not to push too hard! Now... My... Granddaughter is forever lost. This is unacceptable.<</speech>>
Men of "Unknown" take out the pistol.
<<linkreplace "Lucas">><<audio "shoot" play>>
<img src='img/endings/bbc/dead.jpg' class='medium'>
Lucas is dead, he failed his task.
<<speech "Unknownmen" "Unknown">>We're going home. I already hate this place.<</speech>>
</b></div><<widget "pass">>\
<<button "Pass the time">>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<goto "hallway">>
<<widget "passweekend">>\
<<button "Pass the time">>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<goto "hallwayweekend">>
<<widget "stealdad">>\
<<if $walletsteal lte 2 and $dadisleaving is false and $time gte 8 and $time lte 10>>\
<<link "<h12>Father are about to leave.</h12>">><<goto "Dad is leaving to work">><</link>>
<<widget "teasedadmaid">>\
<<if $time gte 14 and $clotheswear is "maid2" and $teasedad is true and $fcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<set _tease to either(true,false,false,false)>>
<<if _tease is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Tease Dad with your outfit</h6>">>
<img src="img/gif/tease/maidwalk.webp" class='medium2'>
Dad was in the hallway then you noticed your outfit.
<<fcorruption 5>>@@color:lightblue;Father Corruption +5@@
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">><sub>Goddamit.</sub><</speech>>
<<widget "momdadpark">>\
<<if $time gte 18 and $time lte 19>>\
@@color:orange;Mom is in the Park.@@
<<if $fcorruptionlevel gte 2 and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<button [[Staying home with Dad|momaway]]>><</button>>
<<widget "maidoutfit">>\
<<if $time gte 13.5 and $clotheswear is "maid1">>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Walking through the hallway</h4>">>
<<switch random(2)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Wow we got maid now?<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Honey, you look so cute in this outfit<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Dust off the top shelf.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>And after that wipe the floor.<</speech>>
They are so sarcastic today.
<<widget "comment">>\
<<if $clothes is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Parents sees your New Uniform</h4>">>
<img src="img/ui/dadmom.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name! Is this your new uniform?! You look so pretty!!! Is she David?<</speech>>
Dad can't take eyes from you.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yeah.. She look so pretty...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Gosh $name. Next time, Tell me if you are buying clothes. I'll be glad to help you with this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okay. Lena helped me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Lena? Your new friend?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yhm. She is very helpfull.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>See David? It was a good idea to move here after all! <</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Of course. We all made that decision.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah... I'm leaving you both alone.<</speech>>
<<set $clothes to 2>>
<<widget "dadmoney">>\
<<if $money lte 25 and $cult is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Ask Dad for Money</h4>">>
<div class="mombox">\
With a big smile You approached your father. Father already knew that you wanted something for him.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yeah. What do you want?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Meeee? Can't i just hang out with my lovely father for once?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Money. How much?<</speech>>
<<if $frelationship gte 50>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Father gives you money @@color:orange;Father Relationship:$frelationship/50@@</h4>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh. Dad... You don't have tooo....<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Of course... Here it is... Don't spend them on some bullshit.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>THANKS DADDY! *Kiss*<</speech>>
<img src="img/computer/kisscheek.jpg" class='medium'>
You kissed him on the cheek.
<<set $cult to true>><<money 100>>@@color:lightgreen;Money +100@@<<upd>>
<<elseif $frelationship lte 49>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Father gives you money @@color:grey;Father Relationship:$frelationship/50@@</h4>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>One hundred?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>What?! No way. You are going to spend it on some make up bullshit.<</speech>>
<img src="img/hallway/bratty.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But.. Dad!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>No! Money doesn't grow on trees. Wait... It does... Ahh! Anyway! If you want money, Go to work!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Duuuh!!! I hate you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Whatever.<</speech>>
<<widget "vendings">>\
<<linkreplace "<h20>Vending Machine</h20>">>
<table style="width:80%">\
<th><img src='img/ui/snackbar.jpg' class='medium'></th>
<th><img src='img/ui/energydrink.jpg' class='medium'></th>
<table style="width:80%">\
<<widget "drinkenergy">>\
<span id="drink">\
<th><<if $money gte 10>>\
<<link "<h20>Energy Drink 10$</h20>">><<replace "#drink">>
<<energy 50>>@@color:lightblue;Energy +50@@
<<money -10>>@@color:lightgreen;Money -10$@@<<upd>>
You can't afford Energy Drink.
<<widget "snackbar">>\
<span id="snacks">\
<th><<if $money gte 5>>\
<<link "<h20>Snack Bar 5$</h20>">><<replace "#snacks">>
<<energy 20>>@@color:lightblue;Energy +20@@
<<money -5>>@@color:lightgreen;Money -5$@@<<upd>>
You can't afford Snack Bar.
<<widget "momlucas">>\
<<if $girlday gte 2 and $corruption gte 10 and $momlucas is 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Mom struggles with her phone.</h4>">>
<img src='img/mom/momworried.jpg' class='large'>
Mom is walking around the house with the phone.
Like she was stressed about something. It makes you worry.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">><sub>Should i call him? Fuck! I've gotta... Need to...</sub><</speech>>
<<button [[Try to listen what is going on]]>><</button>>
<</widget>><div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/lucas/madisonmeet.jpg' class='large'>
When you enter the office, a mysterious woman is sitting behind Lucas' desk. She was watching you with curiosity. Lucas looked a you and greeted you.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Oh there you are, finally.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison" "Woman">>Is that her? Lucas, I hope you know what you're doing.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>It's fine, trust me. Okay $name, let me introduce you to my friend <i>Madison</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Emm... Hello Madison.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Hey Sweetie, My expectations are quite high so I hope you can manage them..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh?? What are you talking about?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Madison</h6>">><<audio "cough" play>>
Madison looked at you with serious look
<<speech "Madison">>You didn't tell her?<</speech>>
<img src='img/lucas/madisonlook.jpg' class="imageleft">
Lucas coughed a bit
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name for now on, you'll work for Madison. She will teach you a ways that any girl wish for.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Yeah... Lena lost the pontential to be a true Woman... Too pity. Whatever, i hope you'll be up for a challange.<</speech>>
You don't understand a thing. Lucas just drag you into a weird task.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wait wait... I need time to think about this.<</speech>>
Lucas made a grim look.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lucas grabbed your hand and took you to other side of the office</h6>">>
<img src='img/lucas/lucasangry.jpg' class="imageright">
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name honey. I want you to work for her not for my likings but for you own good. You'll see. Trust me $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't know her and what did she do with Lena?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>She did everything for her, but Lena is not a grateful bitch. Maybe, she will tell you rest of the story. Now go to her and agree to her terms, trust me $name it will be worth it.<</speech>>
Completely unsure of what to say, you trusted the words he was saying, so you agreed by nodding. Lucas smiled, and you headed back to Madison.
<<speech "Madison">>So? Everything is settled?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Yep, she will work for you for now on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Good. I don't like coming here for nothing. So $name, my office is in the City Center. You'll work for Estate Office as my secretary. Relax, you can work after the school.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Great...<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>My young lady, Lucas told me that you have bad behavior. That too can be fixed, but I prefer to fix your mentality. Now let's go for a quick shopping trip.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wait, what?? Now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Yes, Now. Let's go young lady. Chop Chop!<</speech>>
Lucas smiled and waved goodbye. You never see him that happy. He seems proud of himself.
You and Madison went out for shopping.
<<button [[Leave|shopping]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="penis"><div align="center"><b>
<h3>Mall is closed.</h3>
<<button [[Leave|outsidenight]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "drive" play loop>><<set $time to $time +1>>\
<img src='img/madison/drive.jpg' class='medium'>
You and Madison go to her car and drive away to city Center. She seems a bit furious on the road.
<<speech "Madison">>WATCH HOW YOU DRIVE, IDIOT!<</speech>>
And she has a little temper.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Madison Ask you</h4>">>
<<speech "Madison">>So $name. Lucas told me alot about you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>He did? Well i barely know him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Everyone barely knows Lucas, sweetie. I wonder why you try to get into his pants.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?!? I don't...<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Calm down, i just like playing with you. It looks like it will be fun to train you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? I don't understand anything of this. Why do i need to work for you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>It's Lucas request. Nevermind i'll tell you about that maybe later. We are here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wait. This store... My mother mentioned that this store is the most luxurious in the city. Madison, I can't afford it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>No worries, it's on me.<</speech>>
You arrived to <i>Eternity</i>, A luxury clothing store.
<img src='img/madison/eternity.jpg' class='medium'>
<<speech "Madison">>Okay let's go $name. We don't have much time.<</speech>>
You hurried up and went to the store.
<<button [[Enter the Eternity|Shop2]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "drive" stop>>\
<<audio "eternity" play loop>>
<div class="glow">ETERNITY</div>
<img src='img/madison/store.jpg' class='medium'>
Enterior of the store was so luxurious that you were surprised by the place.
A store employee greets you right away.
<<speech "Girl1" "Employee">>Welcome to Eternity. May i help you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Yes, my daughter needs a proper outfit for work. Something elegant to work over a desk.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm n...<</speech>>
<img src='img/madison/impatient.jpg' class="imageleft">
Madison silenced you with her hand. The store employee was a little confused.
<<speech "Madison">>Can we go?<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "Employee">>Of course, please follow me. I know the perfect outfit for such an activity.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Outfits</h4>">>
<h3>Office Outfits</h3>
<<speech "Girl1" "Employee">>Here are our best clothes for this particular job.<</speech>>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><img src='img/clothes/suit1.jpg' class='clothess'></th>
<th><img src='img/clothes/suit2.jpg' class='clothess'></th>
<th><img src='img/clothes/suit3.jpg' class='clothess'></th>
<<speech "Madison">>Nice, nice... $name Choose what you like. Don't worry about the price, it's on me.<</speech>>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<link "<h7>Red Suit</h7>">><<set $clotheswear to "suit1">><<set $officesuit1 to true>><<goto "shop3">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Black Suit</h7>">><<set $clotheswear to "suit2">><<set $officesuit2 to true>><<goto "shop3">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Blue Suit</h7>">><<set $clotheswear to "suit3">><<set $officesuit3 to true>><<goto "shop3">><</link>></th>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<<if $clotheswear is "suit1">>\
<<speech "Madison">>Huh Red? Well it's your choice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "Employee">>Great Choice! It suits you very well.<</speech>>
Madison rolled eyes.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah i like it. Thanks Madison.. em Mom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Sure honey, i'd like to pay in cash please.<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "Employee">>Sure it's 850$.<</speech>>
You were shocked by the price. 850$??
Madison without hesitation paid the price.
<img src='img/madison/pay.jpg' class='medium'>
<<speech "Madison">>Now to our Office.<</speech>>
You and her left the store.
<<button [[Leave|Shop4]]>><</button>>
<<if $clotheswear is "suit2">>\
<<speech "Madison">>Black. Nice. Nothing ordinary.<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "Employee">>It's common suit for a work. You look very good in this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah i like it. Thanks Madison.. em Mom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Sure honey, i'd like to pay in cash please.<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "Employee">>Sure it's 650$.<</speech>>
You were shocked by the price. 650$??
Madison without hesitation paid the price.
<img src='img/madison/pay.jpg' class='medium'>
<<speech "Madison">>Now to our Office.<</speech>>
You and her left the store.
<<button [[Leave|Shop4]]>><</button>>
<<if $clotheswear is "suit3">>\
<<speech "Madison">>Blue? That's rare. I didn't expect you to take it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "Employee">>Brilliant pick! Blue is very fashionable. It looks pretty nice on you.<</speech>>
Madison was confused but she didn't comment.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah i like it. Thanks Madison.. em Mom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Sure honey, i'd like to pay in cash please.<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "Employee">>Sure it's 750$.<</speech>>
You were shocked by the price. 750$??
<img src='img/madison/pay.jpg' class='medium'>
Madison without hesitation paid the price.
<<speech "Madison">>Now to our Office.<</speech>>
You and her left the store.
<<button [[Leave|Shop4]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "eternity" stop>><<set $time to $time +1>>\
<img src='img/background/preoffice.jpg' class='medium'>
You drive off to office you are going to work.
<<speech "Madison">>This is our new office.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh, that building is huge!<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Sure it is. My workplace is on top of that building.<</speech>>
<<button [[Enter the Building|lift]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
You enter the building. The whole building is full of people in elegant clothes. The building has a corporate atmosphere.
You and Madison were waiting for the lift. Some people greet Madison with respect and the other ones... especially older, tries to flirt with her.
The elevator has arrived and thank god, it is empty.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Elevator</h6>">><<audio "lift" play>>
<img src='img/madison/lift.jpg' class="medium">
<<speech "Madison">>Jeez! Finally... Those people...<</speech>>
Apparently, Madison doesn't like to be the center of attention.
<<speech "Madison">>First, many perverts works here. So don't be provoked. Espcially with a guy with foreign accent. He's working for Lucas.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh damn...<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Second, you are working for me. Not for them. You can lend them a hand, but don't get attached to them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yhmm...<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>And for the third...<</speech>>
The elevator opens.
<<button [[No Fucking Way!|Momwork]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/estateoffice/momlift.webm" class='large' autoplay>
Elevetor opens and you see Your Mother in suit. You looked each other in shock.
<<speech "MomOffice" "Mom">>$name!?!? What are you doing here?<</speech>>
<<if $time lte 12.5>>\
<<speech "MomOffice" "Mom">>You should be in the school!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I could ask the same thing!<</speech>>
Madison smirks behind you.
<<speech "Madison">><sub>Lucas, you fucking player...</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>As you can see your mother works here too. Hey Martha.<</speech>>
<<speech "MomOffice" "Mom">>Madison, what is going on?<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>I need to go to my office. $name i'll wait for you.<</speech>>
Madison left both of you.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Talk with Mom</h4>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay Mom what the f. What are you doing here?<</speech>>
<<speech "MomOffice" "Mom">>It's my new job.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But when you were going to tell us?<</speech>>
<<speech "MomOffice" "Mom">>David knows... a little bit. You in other hand were busy so i was going to tell you later this day.<</speech>>
You can't believe it. Your co-worker is your mom.
<<speech "MomOffice" "Mom">>Enough of me, what are you doing here? What is this suit?? It looks expensive.<</speech>>
You didn't want to mention Lucas so you made up some silly story.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? I just met this Lady. Madison. And she offers me a job here...<</speech>>
<<speech "MomOffice" "Mom">>What?? You just met her and she gave you a job and where you get that Suit?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She bought me a suit. I know it's alittle weird. <</speech>>
<<speech "MomOffice" "Mom">>Jesus Christ! I don't understand any of this.<</speech>>
Martha couldn't believe what you were saying. She has grim face.
You had to continue the conversation.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So, How did you even get the job? You told us that it's hard to find a job here.<</speech>>
<<speech "MomOffice" "Mom">>Well... You know the guy we met in Jewerly store? He somehow called me and propose the job here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>WHAT?<</speech>>
<<speech "MomOffice" "Mom">>$name Lucas and I...<</speech>>
Then Mom's phone is ringing.
<<speech "MomOffice" "Mom">>$name i need to answer this.<</speech>>
When your Mom took the phone out, You noticed that she is wearing a necklace, A gift from Lucas.
<img src="img/ui/necklace.gif" class='small'>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>It glows!<</speech>>
<<speech "MomOffice" "Mom">>$name, We will talk about this later. Something urgent, You know.<</speech>>
Mom just left the office.
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>This seems so strange.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Dirty Mind">> This is really interesting. Could it be that Lucas has some interesting plan for me? Hihi whatever, let's go to Madison.<</speech>>
<<set $necklacelucas to 3>>
<<button [[Madison Office]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
You enter the room office. Madison is on the phone right now but she summons you to come closer.
<<speech "Madison">>Of course, of course... I don't give a shit about the delay. Just make it done till tomorrow!<</speech>>
She hanged up and took a cup of coffee.
<img src='img/estateoffice/madison1.jpg' class="imageleft">
<<speech "Madison">>How's your your mother?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You could told me that my mother works here too!<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Lucas didn't mention you this? Well, anyway she is working mostly on the field. So you don't have to worry about that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's not like that! I didn't know she has connections with Lucas.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Maybe even closer than you think...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh?? What?<</speech>>
<img src='img/estateoffice/madison2.jpg' class="imageright">
Madison looked at you.
<<speech "Madison">>$name it's not my business. Now, i'll show you your desk.<</speech>>
<<button [[Your desk]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
That desk is by the entrance of Madison Office.
<<speech "Madison">>So here it is. I'll show how to work.<</speech>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
Madison showed you how to work, at first you had difficulties but then after some time you caught the basics. Madison was really patient.
<<speech "Madison">>Okay that's enough. You'll figure out this later. I have the meeting in 30 minutes so i need to prepare. I'll see you tommorow.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh okay. I don't know what to say. Thank you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Sure sure sure. Go.<</speech>>
<<set $meetmadison to true>>
You were leaving the office. Madison went to her own office.
<<if $time gte 20>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenternight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenter]]>><</button>>
<h2>Special Event</h2>
Or watch the perspecitve of Madison.
<<button [[Madison]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
Madison walked to the office and sat down in the comfort chair. She looked at the window.
<<speech "Madison">>Lucas you fucking bastard.<</speech>>
Madison recalls time when she met Lucas.
@@color:rgba(255, 128, 194, 0.88);She was nobody.@@
@@color:rgba(255, 0, 132, 0.8);A prostitute.@@
@@color:rgba(160, 5, 85, 0.95);A whore.@@
@@color:rgba(61, 1, 32, 1);A slut.@@
<<linkreplace "<h2>Old times...</h2>">>
<video controls src="img/madison/lucas1.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<button [[One of her favorite hobbies]]>><<set $madisonpov to 2>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="fuck">
<video controls src="img/madison/lucas2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h2>Give him want he wants</h2>">> <<replace "#fuck">>
<video controls src="img/madison/lucas3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h2>You want him...</h2>">> <<replace "#fuck">><<set $madisonpov to 3>><<upd>>
<video controls src="img/madison/lucas4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h2>You need him...</h2>">> <<replace "#fuck">>
<video controls src="img/madison/lucas5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h2>Who you are?</h2>">> <<replace "#fuck">>
<video controls src="img/madison/lucas6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h2>You are his WHORE</h2>">> <<replace "#fuck">><<set $madisonpov to 4>><<upd>>
<video controls src="img/madison/lucas7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h2>I AM HIS WHORE!</h2>">> <<replace "#fuck">><<set $madisonpov to 5>><<upd>>
<video controls src="img/madison/lucas8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h2>I AM HIS PROPERTY</h2>">> <<replace "#fuck">>
<video controls src="img/madison/lucas9.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h2>THAT IS WHO I AM</h2>">> <<replace "#fuck">><<set $madisonpov to 6>><<upd>>
<video controls src="img/madison/finish.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>From now on, you are my <i>bitch</i>. Obey me, and you'll be rewarded. If not, the punishment is not what you seek. <i>REMEMBER THAT</i>.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Yes, Master...<</speech>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Return|citycenternight]]>><<set $madisonpov to 1>><</button>>
<<button [[Return|citycenter]]>><<set $madisonpov to 1>><</button>>
</b></div><<widget "lenapovright">>
<<if $lenapovright is 2>>\
<span class="drunk"><div class="posarousal">I need a Men...
A true Men...</div></span>
<img src="img/lena/lenahorny2.webp" class='avatarbar'>
<<elseif $lenapovright is 3>>\
!!!<div class="posarousal">\
<img src="img/lena/lenafucks.webp" class='avatarbar'>
<<elseif $lenapovright is 4>>\
!!!<div class="posarousal">That's... Too Much..!!</div>
<img src="img/lena/lenafucks.webp" class='avatarbar'>
<<elseif $lenapovright is 5>>\
!!!<span class="blink"><h2>
Marcus Cock is all i need.</h2></span>
<img src="img/lena/cock.webp" class='avatarbar'>
<<elseif $lenapovright is 6>>\
<div class="posarousal">Gosh... $name...
What a Naughty Girl...</div>
<img src="img/lena/lenahorny.webp" class='avatarbar'>
<<elseif $lenapovright is 100>>\
<div class="mombox">\
<h3>Board People view on you:</h3>\
Richard:<<if $richard is 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@
<<elseif $richard is 1>>@@color:lightgreen;Trust you@@
Nate:<<if $nate is 0>>@@color:red;Untrusty@@<</if>>
Alwyn:<<if $alwyn is 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@
<<elseif $alwyn gte 1 and $alwyn lte 3>>@@color:lightyellow;Likes you@@
Tyrone:<<if $patrice is 0>>@@color:pink;Unkown@@
<<elseif $patrice is 1>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@
<<elseif $patrice gte 2 and $patrice lte 4>>@@color:lightyellow;Likes you@@
Andres:<<if $andres is 0>>@@color:pink;Unkown@@
<<elseif $andres is 1>>@@color:lightpink;Cautious@@
Olgierd:<<if $olgierd is 0>>\
<<if $cheatboxparty is false>>\
@@color:orange;Enter the Code for Hints.
<i>(Code you can find in Patreon/Subscribestar)</i>@@
<<textbox "_input" "" autofocus>>
<<link "<h7>Enter the Code.</h7>">><<audio "click" play>>
<<if ["laluna", "laluna", "laluna"].includes(_input.toLowerCase())>>
<<set $cheatboxparty to true>><<upd>>
<<replace "#output">><<= either(["Please Support Dev.", "Please Support Dev."])>><</replace>>
<</link>><span id="output"></span>
<<if $cheatboxparty is true>>\
<div class="mombox">\
<<if $richardtalk is 0>>\
@@color:orange;Try to talk with Richard@@
<<elseif $richardtalk lte 3>>\
@@color:orange;Keep visiting Richard
Talk with Lucas about Richard@@
<<elseif $richardtalk is 5>>\
@@color:orange;Olgierd's Speech in the Center.@@
<<elseif $richardtalk is 4 or $richardinfo is 1>>\
@@color:orange;Talk with Richard Alone.@@
<<if $lucastalkparty is 0 and $richardtalk gte 1>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Talk with Lucas.@@
<<if $alwyn is 0>>\
@@color:lightblue;Talk with Alwyn@@
<<elseif $alwyn is 1 and $alwyntalk is 0>>\
@@color:Orange;Ask Alwyn about his Family.@@
<<if $patricetalk is 0 and $natetalk is 0>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Talk with Tyrone@@
<<elseif $patricetalk is 1 and $natetalk is 0>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Tyrone doesn't wish to speak.
Talk with Camila or Look around@@
<<elseif $natetalk is 1 and $patricetalk lte 1>>\
@@color:orange;Talk with Tyrone about Nate's favour.@@
<<elseif $patricetalk is 2>>\
@@color:orange;Discuss with Camila about Tyrone.@@
<<elseif $patricetalk is 3>>\
@@color:orange;Try to talk some sense into Tyrone.@@
<<if $natetalk is 0>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Talk with Nate@@
<<if $meetmadison is true and $madisontalkparty is 0>>\
@@color:lightyellow;There someone you know in Right Wing.@@
<<elseif $madisontalkparty is 1>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Bring Letter to Tyrone.@@
<<elseif $madisontalkparty is 2>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Talk with Madison.@@
<<if $andrestalk is 0>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Talk with Andres.@@
<<elseif $andrestalk is 1 and $richardtalk gte 1>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Lucas might knows something about Emanuela.@@
<<elseif $andrestalk is 2>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Talk Camila about Andres.@@
<<if $burtalk is 0>>\
@@color:hotpink;Talk to Burnett in the Deeper part of the Mansion.@@
<<elseif $lenapovright is 101>>\
<div class="mombox">\
<h3>Board People view on you:</h3>\
Richard:<<if $richard is 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@
<<elseif $richard is 1>>@@color:lightgreen;Trust you@@
Nate:<<if $nate is 0>>@@color:red;Untrusty@@<</if>>
Alwyn:<<if $alwyn is 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@
<<elseif $alwyn gte 1 and $alwyn lte 3>>@@color:lightyellow;Likes you@@
Tyrone:<<if $patrice is 0>>@@color:pink;Unkown@@
<<elseif $patrice is 1>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@
<<elseif $patrice gte 2 and $patrice lte 4>>@@color:lightyellow;Likes you@@
<<elseif $patrice gte 5 and $patrice lte 9>>@@color:lightgreen;Trust you@@
<<elseif $patrice is 10>>@@color:orange;Teresa@@
<<elseif $patrice is 11>>@@color:orange;Richard@@
Andres:<<if $andres is 0>>@@color:pink;Unkown@@
<<elseif $andres is 1>>@@color:lightpink;Cautious@@
<<elseif $andres is 2>>@@color:lightgreen;Trust you@@
<<elseif $andres is 10>>@@color:red;Untrusty@@
<<elseif $andres is 11>>@@color:orange;Teresa@@
<<elseif $andres is 12>>@@color:orange;Richard@@
Olgierd:<<if $olgierd is 0>>@@color:pink;Unkown@@
<<elseif $olgierd is 1>>@@color:pink;Cautious@@
<<elseif $olgierd is 10>>@@color:orange;Teresa@@
<<elseif $olgierd is 11>>@@color:orange;Richard@@
<<if $cheatboxparty is false>>\
@@color:orange;Enter the Code for Hints.
<i>(Code you can find in Patreon/Subscribestar)</i>@@
<<textbox "_input" "" autofocus>>
<<link "<h7>Enter the Code.</h7>">><<audio "click" play>>
<<if ["laluna", "laluna", "laluna"].includes(_input.toLowerCase())>>
<<set $cheatboxparty to true>><<upd>>
<<replace "#output">><<= either(["Please Support Dev.", "Please Support Dev."])>><</replace>>
<</link>><span id="output"></span>
<<if $cheatboxparty is true>>\
<div class="mombox">\
<<if $drugparty is false and $camilatrue is 2 and $key21 is true>>\
@@color:orange;Take pills from Room 21@@
<<if $drugparty is true and $camilatrue is 3>>\
@@color:orange;Go to Room 19 and decide what to do.@@
<<if $drugparty is true and $camilatrue is 2>>\
@@color:orange;Go to Camila and see what is going on.@@
<<if $olgierdtalk is 1 and $key19 is true>>\
@@color:orange;See what is inside Room 19@@
<<if $camilatrue is true>>\
@@color:orange;Have a serious talk with Camila@@
<<if $lucastold is true is $columbians is false or $richardinfo1 is false and $lucastold is true>>\
@@color:orange;See what is inside room 21@@
<<if $evatalkparty is 0>>\
@@color:orange;Talk with Eva in Left Wing@@
<<if $lucastalkparty is 0>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Talk with Lucas@@
<<elseif $lucastalkparty is 1 and $key21 is false>>\
@@color:pink;Lucas Eyes@@
<<if $andrestalk gte 2 and $andrestalk lte 3>>\
@@color:orange;Talk with Lucas about Emanuela@@
<<if $andrestalk is 4 and $camilastress is false>>\
@@color:orange;Tell Camila to get ready.@@
<<if $andrestalk is 7>>\
@@color:orange;Talk with Camila about Andres.@@
<<if $madisontalkparty gte 2 and $madisontalkparty lte 4>>\
@@color:white;Madison and Tyrone are together in Right Wing@@
<<if $madisontalkparty is 5>>\
@@color:white;Talk with Madison@@
<<if $madisontalkparty is 7>>\
@@color:white;Go to room 27@@
<<if $olgierdtalk is 0>>\
@@color:orange;Say hello to Olgierd@@
<<if $evacalm is false and $camilastress is true>>\
@@color:orange;Eva has something to unstress for Camila@@
<<if $stephdrink is false and $camilastress is true>>\
@@color:orange;Or Stephan will be able to give you a drink for Camila@@
@@color:pink;Or ask him to get something strong to get her drunk@@
<<if $camilastress gte 1 and $andrestalk is 4>>\
@@color:orange;Along with Camila, talk to Andres@@
<<if $andrestalk is 5>>\
@@color:orange;Go upstairs and Enter Room 25@@
<<if $meetmadison is true and $madisontalkparty is 0>>\
@@color:lightyellow;There someone you know in Right Wing.@@
<<elseif $madisontalkparty is 1>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Bring Letter to Tyrone.@@
<<if $evatalkparty gte 1>>\
<<if $burtalk is 0>>\
@@color:hotpink;Talk to Burnett in the left wing.@@
<<if $burbimbo is 1>>\
@@color:hotpink;Talk again to Burnett in the left wing.@@
<<if $camilatrue is 1>>\
@@color:orange;Talk with Eva about Camila.@@
<<if $burbimbo is 2>>\
@@color:hotpink;Give yourself to Burnett.
(It leads to a Bad End)@@
<<if $andrestalk gte 4 and $andrestalk lte 5>>\
<<link "<h7>Emanuela's Live!</h7>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "emlive">><</link>>\
<<elseif $lenapovright is 102>>\
<div class="mombox">\
<h3>Board People Votes:</h3>\
Nate:<<if $nate is 0>>@@color:red;Untrusty@@
<<elseif $nate is 10>>@@color:orange;Teresa@@
<<elseif $nate is 11>>@@color:orange;Richard@@
Alwyn:<<if $alwyn is 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@
<<elseif $alwyn gte 1 and $alwyn lte 3>>@@color:lightyellow;Likes you@@
<<elseif $alwyn is 10>>@@color:orange;Teresa@@
<<elseif $alwyn is 11>>@@color:orange;Richard@@
Tyrone:<<if $patrice is 0>>@@color:pink;Unkown@@
<<elseif $patrice is 1>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@
<<elseif $patrice gte 2 and $patrice lte 4>>@@color:lightyellow;Likes you@@
<<elseif $patrice gte 5 and $patrice lte 9>>@@color:lightgreen;Trust you@@
<<elseif $patrice is 10>>@@color:orange;Teresa@@
<<elseif $patrice is 11>>@@color:orange;Richard@@
Andres:<<if $andres is 0>>@@color:pink;Unkown@@
<<elseif $andres is 1>>@@color:lightpink;Cautious@@
<<elseif $andres is 2>>@@color:lightgreen;Trust you@@
<<elseif $andres is 10>>@@color:red;Untrusty@@
<<elseif $andres is 11>>@@color:orange;Teresa@@
<<elseif $andres is 12>>@@color:orange;Richard@@
Olgierd:<<if $olgierd is 0>>@@color:pink;Unkown@@
<<elseif $olgierd is 1>>@@color:pink;Cautious@@
<<elseif $olgierd is 10>>@@color:orange;Teresa@@
<<elseif $olgierd is 11>>@@color:orange;Richard@@
<h3>@@color:pink;Teresa: $teresawin/7@@
@@color:lightblue;Richard: $richardwin/7@@</h3>
ANNA POV=============================================
<<widget "annapov">>
Created by Livervt
<<if $annapov is 2>>\
<h3>Mad Sister</h3>
<img src="img/jackhouse/anna2.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $annapov is 3>>\
<h3>Mad Sister</h3>
<img src="img/jackhouse/anna2.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $annapov is 4>>\
<h3>Slutty Sister</h3>
<img src="img/jackhouse/anna3.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $annapov is 5>>\
<h3>Slutty Sister</h3>
<img src="img/jackhouse/anna4.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $annapov is 6>>
<h3><i>WHORE SISTER</i></h3>
<img src="img/jackhouse/anna5.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $annapov is 7>>
<h3><i>WHORE SISTER</i></h3>
<img src="img/jackhouse/anna6.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $annapov is 8>>
<h3><i>NYMPHO SISTER</i></h3>
<img src="img/jackhouse/anna7.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $annapov is 9>>
<h3>Happy Sister</h3>
<img src="img/jackhouse/anna8.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<widget "annapov2">>
<<if $annapov is 2>>
<h2>$name you fucking bitch.
You stealing my...
Little Brother...
My only love...</h2>
<video src="img/jackhouse/right0.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop>
<<elseif $annapov is 3>>
<h2>$name you fucking bitch.
You stealing my...
Little Brother...
My only love...</h2>
<video src="img/jackhouse/right1.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop>
<<elseif $annapov is 4>>
<h1>My little Brother...</h1>
<h3>If only Mom and Dad find out...</h3>
<h2>It's so big...</h2>
<img src="img/jackhouse/bj.webp" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $annapov is 5>>
<h1>This is all for you...</h1>
<h3>The plastic surgery was a great choice</h3>
<img src="img/jackhouse/tits.webp" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $annapov is 6>>
<h1>Oh My GOD!</h1>
<h3>MY BRO
<video src="img/jackhouse/right2.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop>
<<elseif $annapov is 7>>
<h3>MMm...My brother's dick</h3>
<img src="img/jackhouse/bj2.webp" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $annapov is 8>>
<h3>Like in the old times...</h3>
<h3>When Mom and Dad went for a trip...</h3>
<h3>We were fucking till they arrived...</h3>
<img src="img/jackhouse/fuck2.webp" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $annapov is 9>>
<h1>YES, GIVE ME MORE</h1>
<h3>You should cum inside my little brother...</h3>
<h3>I wanna have your babies...</h3>
<h3>Another Little Jack...</h3>
<img src="img/jackhouse/cumshot.webp" class='rbar'/>
PARTY POV=========================================
<<widget "partypov2">>
<div class="mombox">\
<<if $partytom is 2>>\
<b>Drinks:</b> @@color:orange;$drinks@@
<<if $drinks lte 2 and $tomdrugs is 0>>\
<<elseif $drinks gte 2 and $drinks lte 3 and $tomdrugs is 0>>\
<<set $partyface to 16>>\
<<elseif $drinks gte 4 and $tomdrugs is 0>>\
<<set $partyface to 4>>
<<elseif $tomdrugs gte 1>>\
<<set $partyface to 2>>
<<if $dancejack gte 1>>\
<b>@@color:lightgreen;Dancing with Jack:$dancejack@@</b>
<<if $dance gte 1>>\
<<if $tomdrugs gte 1 and $tomdrugs lte 9>>\
<b>@@color:black;Duration of the Pill:$tomdrugs@@</b>
<<if $partytom is 3>>\
<span class="drunk">
<h3>Duration of the Pill:$tomdrugs</h3>
<<if $tomdrugs is 5>>\
<<elseif $tomdrugs is 6>>\
<<elseif $tomdrugs is 7>>\
<h3>It feels so good...</h3>
<<elseif $tomdrugs gte 8>>\
<h2>My mind is empty...</h2>
<<if $tomdrugs lte 6>>\
<video src="img/party/drugged1.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop>
<<elseif $tomdrugs gte 7>>\
<video src="img/party/drugged2.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop>
<<if $partytom is 4>>\
<h2>My mind is empty...</h2>
<h3>My vision is blank...</h3>
<h3>I don't care...</h3>
<video src="img/party/bjdrugged.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop>
<<if $partytom is 5>>\
<h2>My mind is empty...</h2>
<h3>My vision is blank...</h3>
<h3>I don't care...</h3>
<video src="img/party/bjdrugged2.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop>
<<if $partytom is 6>>\
<h2>My mind is empty...</h2>
<h3>My vision is blank...</h3>
<h3>I don't care...</h3>
<video src="img/party/fuckdrugged.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop>
<<if $partytom is 7>>\
<h2>My mind is empty...</h2>
<h3>My vision is blank...</h3>
<h3>I don't care...</h3>
<video src="img/party/fuckdrugged2.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop>
<<if $partytom is 10>>\
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/faith.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<h3>@@color:red;It will be just one
time thing.
I'll promise...@@</h3>
<<if $partytom is 11>>\
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/slut1.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop>
<h3>@@color:red;Why this feels so GOOD!@@</h3>
<<if $partytom is 12>>\
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/chose.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop>
<h3>Huh? Why did he stop?</h3>
<sub>@@color:red;I'm so fucking horny!@@</sub>
<<if $partytom is 13>>\
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/slut.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop>
<h3>@@color:red;Sorry Jack.
Tom knows how to satisfies my needs!@@</h3>
<<widget "partypovleft">>
@@color:orange;Created by Livervt@@
<<if $partyface is 1>>
<img src="img/party/face1.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $partyface is 2>>
<img src="img/party/face2.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $partyface is 3>>
<img src="img/party/face3.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $partyface is 4>>
<img src="img/party/face4.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $partyface is 5>>
<video src="img/party/facedrug.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $partyface is 6>>
<img src="img/party/face6.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $partyface is 7>>
<img src="img/party/face7.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $partyface is 8>>
<img src="img/party/face8.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $partyface is 9>>
<img src="img/party/face9.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $partyface is 10>>
<img src="img/party/face10.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $partyface is 11>>
<img src="img/party/face11.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $partyface is 12>>
<img src="img/party/face12.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $partyface is 13>>
<img src="img/party/facepill2.webp" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $partyface is 14>>
<img src="img/party/face13.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $partyface is 15>>
<img src="img/party/facepill.webp" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $partyface is 16>>
<img src="img/party/face15.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $partyface is 17>>
<img src="img/party/face16.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $partyface is 20>>\
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/goth1.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $partyface is 21>>\
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/goth2.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $partyface is 22>>\
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/goth3.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $partyface is 23>>\
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/goth4.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop>
<<elseif $partyface is 24>>\
<<set _face to random(1,3)>>
<<if _face is 1>>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/goth5.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop>
<<elseif _face is 2>>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/goth6.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop>
<<elseif _face is 3>>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/goth7.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop>
<<elseif $partyface is 25>>\
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/goth8.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $partyface is 26>>\
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/goth9.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<div class="mombox">\
<h3>@@color:orange;''<<print $name>>''@@</h3>
@@color:lightgreen;''Money:$money $''@@
<<if $fitness lte 14>>\
@@color:turquoise;''Energy:$energy/100'' @@
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $fitness lte 39>>\
@@color:turquoise;''Energy:$energy/120'' @@
<<elseif $fitness gte 40 and $fitness lte 59>>\
@@color:turquoise;''Energy:$energy/150'' @@
<<elseif $fitness gte 60 and $fitness lte 99>>\
@@color:turquoise;''Energy:$energy/180'' @@
<<elseif $fitness is 100>>\
@@color:turquoise;''Energy:$energy/200'' @@
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $bimbolvl1 is true and $zizilia is true>>\
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;''Arousal:$arousal/999''@@</div>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $bimbolvl1 is false>>\
<<if $corruption1 is true>><<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<div class="corruptionstat">''Corruption:$corruption/100''</div>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>><div class="corruptionstat">''Corruption:$corruption/200''</div><</if>><</if>>\
<<if $bbcaddiction gte 2>>@@color:white;''Blacked:$bbcaddiction''@@<</if>>
<<widget "madisonpov">>\
<div class="statscorrupt"><b>@@color:lightyellow;Created by Livervt@@</b></div>\
<<if $madisonpov is 2>>\
<img src="img/madison/madison1.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $madisonpov is 3>>\
<img src="img/madison/madison2.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $madisonpov is 4>>\
<img src="img/madison/madison3.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $madisonpov is 5>>\
<img src="img/madison/madison4.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $madisonpov is 6>>\
<h2>@@color:hotpink;Lucas' Bitch@@</h2>
<img src="img/madison/madison5.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $madisonpov is 7>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/madisonpov.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<widget "madisonright">>\
<<if $madisonpov is 2>>\
<h3>...I thought it would be another normal day...</h3>
<img src="img/madison/bar1.webp" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $madisonpov is 3>>\
<h3>...Another Ordinary Customer...</h3>
<img src="img/madison/bar2.webp" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $madisonpov is 4>>\
<h3>...I was so wrong...</h3>
<h3>...He tamed me...</h3>
<h3>... Like a pet...</h3>
<img src="img/madison/bar4.webp" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $madisonpov is 5>>\
<h3>...I was so wrong...</h3>
<h3>...He tamed me...</h3>
<h3>... Like a pet...</h3>
<img src="img/madison/bar5.webp" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $madisonpov is 6>>\
<h3>...It was my destiny...</h3>
<h3>...To be his Bitch...</h3>
<h3>... a Slave...</h3>
<img src="img/madison/bar6.webp" class='avatarbar'/>
<<widget "mompov">>
<div class="statscorrupt"><b>@@color:lightyellow;Created by Livervt@@</b></div>\
<<if $mompov is 2>>\
<img src="img/mom/happy.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $mompov is 3>>\
<img src="img/mom/relaxed.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $mompov is 4>>\
<img src="img/mom/worried.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $mompov is 5>>\
<img src="img/mom/hypnotized.gif" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $mompov is 6>>\
<img src="img/mom/hypnotized.gif" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $mompov is 7>>\
<img src="img/mom/hotel1.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $mompov is 8>>\
<img src="img/mom/hotel2.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $mompov is 9>>\
<img src="img/mom/event/olena.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $mompov is 10>>\
<img src="img/mom/event/wakingup.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $mompov is 11>>\
<img src="img/mom/event/pissed.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $mompov is 12>>\
<video src="img/mom/event/dream.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $mompov is 13>>\
<div class="container1">
<img src="img/estateoffice/momoffice/mompov.jpg" class="mediumvisionavatar">
<div class="middle">
<div class="imageof"><img src="img/estateoffice/momoffice/mompov1.jpg" class="imagevisionavatar"></div>
<div class="containerb">Martha<div class="bimmiddle"><div class="imageof">Olena.</div></div></div>
<<elseif $mompov is 14>>\
<div class="container1">
<img src="img/estateoffice/momoffice/mompov1.jpg" class="mediumvisionavatar">
<div class="middle">
<div class="imageof"><img src="img/estateoffice/momoffice/mompov.jpg" class="imagevisionavatar"></div>
<div class="containerb">Olena<div class="bimmiddle"><div class="imageof">Martha.</div></div></div>
<<elseif $mompov is 15>>\
<div class="mombox">\
<img src="img/mom/momavatar.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
@@color:white;Suspicion: $momsus@@
<<widget "mompovright">>
<<if $mompovright is 2>>\
<<elseif $mompovright is 3>>\
...Take me...</h3>
<img src="img/mom/momlucas/tease.webp" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $mompovright is 4>>\
...I love being...
...A Cock Sucker...</h3>
<img src="img/mom/momlucas/suck.webp" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $mompovright is 5>>\
<h3>...OH FUCK!!...
...I love This!...</h3>
<img src="img/mom/momlucas/finger.webp" class='large'/>
<<elseif $mompovright is 6>>\
<h2>Addicted to Cock</h2>
<img src="img/mom/momlucas/riding.webp" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $mompovright is 7>>\
<img src="img/mom/momlucas/orgasm.webp" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $mompovright is 8>>\
<div class="posarousal">My dream Job</div>
<<widget "lenapov">>\
<div class="statslenabar">\
<<if $lenapov is 2>>\
<h3>Lena's POV</h3>
<img src="img/lena/lenalust.jpg" class='large'>
<div class="posarousal">Needy.</div>
<<elseif $lenapov is 3>>\
<h3>Lena's POV</h3>
<img src="img/lena/lenawall.jpg" class='large'>
<div class="posarousal">LUST!</div>
<<elseif $lenapov is 4>>\
<h3>Lena's POV</h3>
<img src="img/lena/lenanaked.jpg" class='large'>
<div class="posarousal">HARDER!</div>
<<elseif $lenapov is 5>>\
<h3>Lena's POV</h3>
<img src="img/lena/lenadestroy.jpg" class='large'>
<div class="posarousal">Heaven.</div>
<<elseif $lenapov is 6>>\
<h3>Lena's POV</h3>
<img src="img/lena/lenamasturbation.jpg" class='large'/>
<div class="posarousal">Horny.</div>
<<widget "bimbopov">>
<<if $bimboslut is 1>>
<h5>Who are you?</h5>
<img src="img/party/facepill.webp" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $bimboslut is 2>>\
<h5>BIMBO SLUT</h5>
<img src="img/endings/bimbostage2/mc1.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $bimboslut is 3>>\
<h5>BIMBO SLUT</h5>
<img src="img/endings/bimbostage2/mc3.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $bimboslut is 4>>\
<h5>BIMBO SLUT</h5>
<h3>@@color:red;Dirty Girl@@</h3>
<img src="img/endings/bimbostage2/mc4.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $bimboslut is 5>>\
<h5>BIMBO SLUT</h5>
<img src="img/endings/bimbostage2/mc2.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $bimboslut is 6>>\
<h5>BIMBO SLUT</h5>
<img src="img/endings/bimbostage2/mc7.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $bimboslut is 7>>\
<h5>BIMBO SLUT</h5>
<img src="img/endings/bimbostage2/mc10.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $bimboslut is 8>>\
<h5>BIMBO SLUT</h5>
<img src="img/endings/bimbostage2/mc11.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $bimboslut is 10>>\
<<if $needcock lte 49>>\
<h5>Trophy Wife</h5>
<<elseif $needcock gte 50>>\
<div class="stats"><b>\
@@color:lightyellow;Actions per Day:$actions @@
<<if $bimorgasm is 0 and $needcock lte 49>>
<b><i>@@color:lightyellow;Thirsty for Cock!@@</i></b>
<img src="img/endings/bimbostage2/mc5.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $bimorgasm gte 1 and $bimorgasm lte 2>>\
<h3>I want Cock!</h3>
<img src="img/endings/bimbostage2/mc9.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $bimorgasm gte 3 and $bimorgasm lte 4 and $needcock lte 49>>\
<h5>I need Cock!</h5>
<img src="img/endings/bimbostage2/mc6.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $bimorgasm gte 5 and $bimorgasm lte 7 and $needcock lte 49>>\
<h1>@@color:hotpink;Please Give me!@@</h1>
<img src="img/endings/bimbostage2/mc12.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $bimorgasm gte 8 and $needcock lte 49>>\
<h1>@@color:hotpink;BEGGING FOR COCK!@@</h1>
<img src="img/endings/bimbostage2/mc10.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $needcock gte 50>>\
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/fuckdoll.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif $bimboslut is 11>>\
<img src="img/endings/bimbostage2/party/mc.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $bimboslut is 12>>\
<h5>Bimbo Slut</h5>
<img src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/mc2.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $bimboslut is 13>>\
<h5>Tyrone's Bitch</h5>
<img src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/mc.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $bimboslut is 14>>\
<img src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/mc3.webp" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $bimboslut is 15>>\
<h5>Gang Whore</h5>
<img src="img/endings/bimbostage2/gang/gangwhore.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<widget "bimbopovright">>
<<if $bimboslut is 1>>\
<h5>Can't Think!</h5>
<<elseif $bimboslut is 2>>\
<h5>I need Cocks!</h5>
<h3>I need to lick them</h3>
<h3>I need to Suck them</h3>
<<elseif $bimboslut is 3>>\
<h5>Serve Your Master!</h5>
<<elseif $bimboslut is 4>>\
<h5>This is Heaven</h5>
<<elseif $bimboslut is 5>>\
<h3>Just a Little taste..</h3>
<h3>Can't take it anymore...</h3>
<<elseif $bimboslut is 7>>\
<h5>FUCK ME</h5>
<h3>My Pussy is so Wet!</h3>
<<elseif $bimboslut is 8>>\
<h5>My Mind</h5>
<h3>What is going on...</h3>
<<elseif $bimboslut is 10>>\
<table align="left">
<th><<link "<h7>Music 1</h7>">><<audio "mansion" play>><<audio "motel" pause>><<audio "myself" pause>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Music 2</h7>">><<audio "motel" play>><<audio "mansion" pause>><<audio "myself" pause>><</link>></th>
<table align="center">
<th><<link "<h7>Music 3</h7>">><<audio "myself" play>><<audio "mansion" pause>><<audio "motel" pause>><</link>></th></table>
<table align="center">
<th><<link "<h7>Stop</h7>">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th></table>
<div class="stats">Your Objective:
<<if $adam lte 9 or $leon lte 9>>\
@@color:orange;Raise Devotion to 10.@@<</if>>\
<<if $needcock lte 49>>\
@@color:pink;Raise need for Cocks to 50.@@<</if>>\
<<if $adam gte 10 and $leon gte 10 and $needcock gte 50>>\
<h3>@@color:hotpink;"The Party"@@</h3><</if>>\
<div class="stats">\
@@color:lightpink;Devotion to Leon:$leon/10@@
@@color:lightblue;Devotion to Adam:$adam/10@@
@@color:lightpink;Player's Arousal:$arousal%@@<progress max=100 @value="$arousal"></progress>
<<if $arousal gte 99>>\
<h5>I need to Cum!</h5>
<<button [[Orgasm!]]>><</button>>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/right3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif $arousal gte 50 and $arousal lte 98>>\
<h5>I am so fucking Horny!</h5>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/right2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif $arousal lte 49>>
<h3>I want Cock so Bad!</h3>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/right.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif $bimboslut is 11>>\
<<elseif $bimboslut is 12>>\
<h5>Big Fucking Cocks!</h5>
<h3>Only Real Men
Has them</h3>
<<elseif $bimboslut is 13>>\
<h5>I'm a Slut.</h5>
<<elseif $bimboslut is 14>>\
<h5>It's good to be alive!</h5>
<<elseif $bimboslut is 15>>\
<h3>Obedience is your only hope.</h3>
<<widget "cocks">><<set $needcock to Math.clamp($needcock + $args[0], 0, 50)>><</widget>>
<<widget "mccum">><<set $mccum to Math.clamp($mccum + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<widget "teachercum">><<set $teachercum to Math.clamp($teachercum + $args[0], 0, 100)>><</widget>>
<<widget "rightbarfuck">>
<<if $minifuck1 is 2>>\
<div class="stats">
<h3>$name Stamina:$mcstamina</h3>
@@color:lightpink;$name Arousal:$mccum%@@<div id="health"> <progress max=100 @value="$mccum"></progress></div>
<h3>@@color:lightblue;Bailey's Stamina:$teachstamina@@</h3>
@@color:lightblue;Teacher Arousal:$teachercum% @@<progress max=100 @value="$teachercum"></progress>
<<elseif $minifuck1 is 3>>\
<div class="stats">
@@color:lightpink;$name Arousal:$mccum%@@<div id="health"> <progress max=100 @value="$mccum"></progress></div>
@@color:grey;Guy's Arousal:$teachercum% @@<progress max=100 @value="$teachercum"></progress>
<<elseif $minifuck1 is 4>>\
<div class="stats">
<<if $mccum gte 75>>\
<img src="img/weareexclusive/client3/mc.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $mccum gte 50 and $mccum lte 74>>\
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/mc2.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $mccum lte 49 and $mccum gte 26>>\
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/mc3.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $mccum lte 25>>\
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/mc4.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<b>$name's Stamina:$mcstamina/2</b>
@@color:lightpink;$name Endurance:$mccum%@@<div id="health"> <progress max=100 @value="$mccum"></progress></div>
<<if $teachercum gte 75>>\
<img src="img/weareexclusive/client3/nadia1.jpg" class='avatarbar'/>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 50 and $teachercum lte 74>>\
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/nadia2.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $teachercum lte 49 and $teachercum gte 26>>\
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/nadia3.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $teachercum lte 25>>\
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/nadia4.webm" class='avatarbar' autoplay loop></video>
@@color:violet;Nadia's Endurance:$teachercum% @@<progress max=100 @value="$teachercum"></progress>
<b>Nadia's Uncle Happiness:$unclestamina/4</b>
@@color:grey;Nadia's Uncle Arousal:$unclecum% @@<progress max=100 @value="$unclecum"></progress>
<</widget>><div class="annadiv"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="sister">
<video controls src="img/jackhouse/annajack1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Anna">>Jaackk... my little brother...<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Anna Please...</h12>">><<replace "#sister">>
<video controls src="img/jackhouse/annajack2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h12>Mmmm Jack...</h12>">><<replace "#sister">>
<video controls src="img/jackhouse/annajack3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h12>Oh god My big sister...</h12>">><<replace "#sister">>
<<set $annapov to 4>><<upd>>
<video controls src="img/jackhouse/annajack4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h12>Let me show my new tits Jackyyy</h12>">><<replace "#sister">>
<<set $annapov to 5>><<upd>>
<video controls src="img/jackhouse/annajack5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Jack">>Anna, your new boobs are so gorgeous...<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>I knew you like them. I made them for you...<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>FUCK ME PLEASE LITTLE BROTHER!</h12>">><<replace "#sister">>
<<set $annapov to 6>><<upd>>
<video controls src="img/jackhouse/annajack6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h12>To my Bed NOW!</h12>">><<replace "#sister">>
<video controls src="img/jackhouse/annajack7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h12>I love sucking your cock my <i>Big</i> brother</h12>">><<replace "#sister">><<set $annapov to 7>><<upd>>
<video controls src="img/jackhouse/annajack8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h12>Fuck me! FUCK me! FUCK ME!!!</h12>" >><<replace "#sister">>
<<set $annapov to 8>><<upd>>
<video controls src="img/jackhouse/annajack9.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h12>MY SISTER IS SUCH A FUCKING WHORE! I'M FUCKING CUMMING!</h12>">> <<replace #sister>>
<<set $annapov to 9>><<upd>>
<video controls src="img/jackhouse/annajack10.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<speech "Jack">>Fuck Anna...<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Oh my god Jack... We've never fucked like that before.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>There is no Dad and Mom here...<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Haha yeah, you were worried about that one? Jeez they probably know about us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>ANNA! Please...<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>I hope $name heard us through the window.<</speech>>
Jack gather himself up and left mad.
Anna was never happy before.
<<speech "Anna">>Oh Jacky... If that bitch will hurt you. <sub>I'm gonna hurt her even more...</sub> <</speech>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[To your Character|citycenternight]]>><<set $annapov to 1>><</button>>
<<button [[To your Character|citycenter]]>><<set $annapov to 1>>
</b></div>\<div class="annadiv"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="sister">
<video controls src="img/jackhouse/annajack1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Anna">>Jaackk... my little brother...<</speech>>
<<link "<h2>Anna Please...</h2>">><<replace "#sister">>
<video controls src="img/jackhouse/annajack2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h2>Mmmm Jack...</h2>">><<replace "#sister">>
<video controls src="img/jackhouse/annajack3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h2>Oh god My big sister...</h2>">><<replace "#sister">>
<<set $annapov to 4>><<upd>>
<video controls src="img/jackhouse/annajack4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h2>Let me show my new tits Jackyyy</h2>">><<replace "#sister">>
<<set $annapov to 5>><<upd>>
<video controls src="img/jackhouse/annajack5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Jack">>Anna, your new boobs are so gorgeous...<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>I knew you like them. I made them for you...<</speech>>
<<link "<h2>FUCK ME PLEASE LITTLE BROTHER!</h2>">><<replace "#sister">>
<<set $annapov to 6>><<upd>>
<video controls src="img/jackhouse/annajack6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h2>To my Bed NOW!</h2>">><<replace "#sister">>
<video controls src="img/jackhouse/annajack7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h2>I love sucking your cock my <i>Big</i> brother</h2>">><<replace "#sister">><<set $annapov to 7>><<upd>>
<video controls src="img/jackhouse/annajack8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h2>Fuck me! FUCK me! FUCK ME!!!</h2>" >><<replace "#sister">>
<<set $annapov to 8>><<upd>>
<video controls src="img/jackhouse/annajack9.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h2>MY SISTER IS SUCH A FUCKING WHORE! I'M FUCKING CUMMING!</h2>">> <<replace #sister>>
<<set $annapov to 9>><<upd>>
<video controls src="img/jackhouse/annajack10.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<speech "Jack">>Fuck Anna...<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Oh my god Jack... We've never fucked like that before.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Beacuse there are no Dad and Mom here to judge us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Haha yeah, you were worried about that one? Jeez they probably know about us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>ANNA! Please...<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>I hope $name heard us through the window.<</speech>>
Jack gather himself up and left mad.
Anna was never happy before.
<<speech "Anna">>Oh Jacky... If that bitch will hurt you. <sub>I'm gonna hurt her even more...</sub> <</speech>>
<<button [[Return|mcroom]]>><<set $annapov to 1>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="penis"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/jackhouse/talk.jpg" class='medium'>
You are hanging out with Jack
<<set $time to $time +1>> <<energy -10>>@@color:lightblue;Energy -10@@
<<jstat 5>>@@color:Orange;Jack Relationship +5@@
<<button [[Jack's room]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/jackhouse/tv.jpg" class='medium'>
You are watching a TV Series on Pentrix.
<<switch random (3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Jack">>Damn i love this Show. Those kids are so badass.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow, i need to show it to my parents, they will love this!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>For sure!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey! That Kid look like Lena!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>No way... You are right! Maybe that's her?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm... I don't think so... That kid don't act slutty.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>WoW! You are so mean!<</speech>>
You both Laughed.
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>God dammit! They ruined everything in this show!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I've read the book about this fantasy and they ruined every hero. Even the lore... Jesus...<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Haha, in that case i'll change the series.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, no.. I see you are enjoying this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>How can i enjoy this if you don't enjoy this. Come on take me remote.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>NO!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>GIVE ME THE REMOTE!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OVER MY DEAD BODY!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Oh you little Peacock!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wait... you called me Peacock?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>YES! A peacook! BuEE BUEEE<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm sure the peacook doensn't make that sound. You are so stuuupid...<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>YOU ARE STUPID, STUPID PEACOOK!<</speech>>
You both laughed and enjoyed the moment a bit and after that Jack switch the tv series.
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Jack">>Now that i like! Star Battles!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's too much green screen to me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Oh special effects expert found himself.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah and the stunts are looking ridicioulus.<</speech>>
Jack looked at you. You were smiling whole time to make fun of him.
<<speech "Jack">>Oh you little...<</speech>>
He starts to tickle you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha STOP STOP!!! PLEASE! PLEASE! IM BEGGING YOU STOP!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>NEVER!!!<</speech>>
You both have fun and after you were watching his favorite tv serie.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>God dammit! They ruined everything in this show!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I've read the book about this fantasy and they ruined every hero. Even the lore... Jesus...<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Haha, in that case i'll change the series.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, no.. I see you are enjoying this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>How can i enjoy this if you don't enjoy this. Come on take me remote.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>NO!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>GIVE ME THE REMOTE!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OVER MY DEAD BODY!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Oh you little Peacock!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wait... you called me Peacock?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>YES! A peacook! BuEE BUEEE<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm sure the peacook doensn't make that sound. You are so stuuupid...<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>YOU ARE STUPID, STUPID PEACOOK!<</speech>>
You both laughed and enjoyed the moment a bit and after that Jack switch the tv series.
<<set $time to $time +1>> <<energy -10>>@@color:lightblue;Energy -10@@
<<jstat 5>>@@color:Orange;Jack Relationship +5@@
<<button [[Jack's room]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/jackhouse/games.jpg" class='medium'>
You are playing games with Jack.
<<switch random(3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Jack">>Oh my god! Why can't you let me win this time!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Beacuse you are LOSER! LOSER! You can't even keep up with Bots! What a loooooserrr!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Oh you little witch! I'm gonna show you this time. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha show me what you got. Loser.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wait. wait. What the hell is that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>It's @@color:gold;Ker'Mhod@@. He has vulnerable spots on the top of his head.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now you telling me this?? How can i get on the top of his head?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Jeeezzz! I told you early to get the <i>Moon Rope</i> But you weren't listening to me. You were busy with little monkey on the way.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I WAS! But that monkey was very annoying so i had to kill it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Yeah, after 30 deaths.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shut up.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh come on Jack! We can't let them Win this time!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Okay, wait for me at the other room. We'll make a trap for them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>JACK THEY ARE COMING HURRY UP!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Let them come closer.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>JACK!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING THEY ARE NEAR MY POSITION!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>This.<</speech>>
On the screen you see the title.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow Jack! You... suprised me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Haha!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wait. wait. What the hell is that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>It's @@color:gold;Ker'Mhod@@. He has vulnerable spots on the top of his head.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now you telling me this?? How can i get on the top of his head?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Jeeezzz! I told you early to get the <i>Moon Rope</i> But you weren't listening to me. You were busy with little monkey on the way.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I WAS! But that monkey was very annoying so i had to kill it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Yeah, after 30 deaths.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shut up.<</speech>>
<<set $time to $time +1>> <<energy -10>>@@color:lightblue;Energy -10@@
<<jstat 5>>@@color:Orange;Jack Relationship +5@@
<<button [[Jack's room]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/jackhouse/outside.webp" class='medium'>
You went out Jack outside.
<<switch random(3)>>
<<case 1>>
<<speech "Jack">>It's so hot today! I need to take jacket off.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ohh... Take more cloths...<</speech>>
Jack looked at you. You were having funny face.
<<speech "Jack">>Ohh.. You want some little striptease? Okay! Watch this!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>NO!! NO! PLEASE! MY EYES WILL BURN!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Oh you little...!!!!<</speech>>
He chased you all over the park.
<<case 2>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm, the smell of nature. It is so peaceful here....<</speech>>
Jack Farted. You looked at him with disgust.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks! Now you ruined it...<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Oh Pardon! I ate something not fresh today.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<<speech "Jack">>Look! A dog!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my god! I wish i could have a dog!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Then get one! Let me fetch him for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha no. My parents would kill me if i bring a dog to our house. Especially Dad.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Shame... Well if we will live together, we can take couple of dogs.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't promise so much because I'll hold you to your words.<</speech>>
Jack smiled a bit.
<<speech "Jack">>It's so hot today! I need to take jacket off.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ohh... Take more cloths...<</speech>>
Jack looked at you. You were having funny face.
<<speech "Jack">>Ohh.. You want some little striptease? Okay! Watch this!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>NO!! NO! PLEASE! MY EYES WILL BURN!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Oh you little...!!!!<</speech>>
He chased you all over the park.
<<set $time to $time +1>> <<energy -10>>@@color:lightblue;Energy -10@@
<<jstat 5>>@@color:Orange;Jack Relationship +5@@
<<button [[Jack's room]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<<widget "wearunder">>\
<<if $underwear is "red">>\
<img src='img/clothes/redlin.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $underwear is "linquest">>\
<img src='img/clothes/lingeriequest.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $underwear is "white">>\
<img src='img/clothes/whitelin.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $underwear is "black">>\
<img src='img/clothes/blacklin.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $underwear is "dad">>\
<img src='img/clothes/dadlin.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $underwear is "panties">>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<img src='img/clothes/under.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<img src='img/clothes/under2.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $underwear is "snowcloth">>\
<img src='img/clothes/snowbunny.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<widget "wear">>\
<<if $clotheswear is "basic">>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<img src='img/clothes/basic.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<img src='img/clothes/basic1.1.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "cloth1">>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<img src='img/clothes/cloth1.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<img src='img/clothes/cloth1.1.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "schooluniform">>\
<img src='img/clothes/schooluniform.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "schooluniform1">>\
<img src='img/clothes/schooluniform1.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "schooluniform2">>\
<img src='img/clothes/schooluniform2.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "schooluniform3">>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<img src='img/clothes/schooluniform3.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<if $schooly is 1>>\
<img src='img/clothes/schooluniform7.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $schooly is 2>>\
<img src='img/clothes/schooluniform5.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $schooly is 3>>\
<img src='img/clothes/schooluniform4.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $schooly is 4>>\
<img src='img/clothes/schooluniform6.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $schooly is 5>>\
<img src='img/clothes/schooluniformbim.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $schooly is 6>>\
<img src='img/clothes/schooluniformbim1.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $schooly is 7>>\
<img src='img/clothes/schooluniformbim2.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "uniformwork">>\
<img src='img/cafe/uniform.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "uniformwork2">>\
<img src='img/restaurant/uniform.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "uniformwork3">>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<img src='img/restaurant/uniform2.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<if $restar is 1>>\
<img src='img/restaurant/uniform3.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $restar is 2>>\
<img src='img/restaurant/uniform3.1.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $restar is 3>>\
<img src='img/restaurant/uniform3.2.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "sport">>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<img src='img/clothes/sport.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<img src='img/clothes/sport2.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "sport1">>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<img src='img/clothes/sport1.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<if $sporty is 1>>\
<img src='img/clothes/sport6.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $sporty is 2>>\
<img src='img/clothes/sport3.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $sporty is 3>>\
<img src='img/clothes/sport4.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $sporty is 4>>\
<img src='img/clothes/sport5.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "cloth2">>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<img src='img/clothes/cloth2.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<img src='img/clothes/cloth2.2.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "maid1">>\
<img src='img/clothes/maid1.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "maid2">>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<img src='img/clothes/maid2.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<img src='img/clothes/maid4.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "maid3">>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<img src='img/clothes/maid3.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<img src='img/clothes/maid4.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "suit1">>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<img src='img/clothes/suit1.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<img src='img/clothes/suitlewd3.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "suit2">>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<img src='img/clothes/suit2.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<img src='img/clothes/suitlewd2.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "suit3">>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<img src='img/clothes/suit3.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<img src='img/clothes/suitlewd4.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "suit1hot">>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<img src='img/clothes/officesuit.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<if $officy is 1>>\
<img src='img/clothes/suitlewd1.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $officy is 2>>\
<img src='img/clothes/suitlewd2.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $officy is 3>>\
<img src='img/clothes/suitlewd3.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $officy is 4>>\
<img src='img/clothes/suitlewd4.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $officy is 5>>\
<img src='img/clothes/suitlewd5.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $officy is 6>>\
<img src='img/clothes/suitlewd6.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "suit2hot">>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<img src='img/clothes/officesuit2.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<img src='img/clothes/suitlewd6.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "suit3hot">>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<img src='img/clothes/officesuit3.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<img src='img/clothes/suitlewd5.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "swim">>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<if $swimy is 1>>\
<img src='img/clothes/bik.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $swimy is 2>>\
<img src='img/clothes/bik2.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $swimy is 3>>\
<img src='img/clothes/bik3.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<if $swimy is 1>>\
<img src='img/clothes/beachwear.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $swimy is 2>>\
<img src='img/clothes/swim01.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $swimy is 3>>\
<img src='img/clothes/bikini1.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $swimy is 4>>\
<img src='img/clothes/bikinilena.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "snowbunnyup">>\
<img src='img/clothes/bbcclothes.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "cuteparty">>\
<img src='img/clothes/cute.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "hotparty">>\
<img src='img/clothes/hot.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "apron1">>\
<img src='img/clothes/apron.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "bimbowear">>\
<img src='img/clothes/bimbo.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "bimbofancy">>\
<img src='img/clothes/fancy.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "skimpyoutfit">>\
<img src='img/clothes/skimpyclothes.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "nurse">>\
<img src='img/clothes/nurse.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "dressquest">>\
<img src='img/clothes/dressquest.jpg' class='clothesui'/>
<<widget "lenawears">>\
<<switch random (4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/school/lenaschool1.jpg" class='medium'>
<<case 2>
<img src="img/school/lenaschool2.jpg" class='medium'>
<<case 3>>
<img src="img/school/lenameet.jpg" class='medium'>
<<case 4>>
<img src="img/school/lenaschool3.jpg" class='medium'>
<img src="img/school/lenaschool2.jpg" class='medium'>
<<widget "sportyfit">>\
<<if $sport1 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Sport Clothes</h6>">>
<img src='img/clothes/sport.jpg' class='small'>
A sport outfit (needable to exercise)
<<if $money gte 75>>\
<span id="buy1"><<button "Buy for 75$">>
<<replace "#buy1">>
<<money -75>><<set $sport1 to true>><<upd>>\
You bought the outfit
<span id="buy2"><<button "Buy for 75$">>
<<replace "#buy2">>
You can't afford it.
<<widget "sportyfit1">>\
<<if $sport2 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Sexy Sport Clothes</h6>">>
<img src='img/clothes/sport1.jpg' class='small'>
A sport outfit (needable to exercise)
<<if $money gte 125 and $corruption gte 35>>\
<span id="buy3"><<button "Buy for 125$">>
<<replace "#buy3">>
<<money -125>><<set $sport2 to true>><<upd>>\
You bought the outfit
<<elseif $corruption lte 34>>
<span id="buycorrupted"><<button "Buy for 125$">>
<<replace "#buycorrupted">>
@@color:orange;You need 35 Corruption.@@
<<elseif $money lte 124>>\
<span id="buy4"><<button "Buy for 125$">>
<<replace "#buy4">>
You can't afford it.
<</widget>>\<<widget "lenauniform">>\
<<if $stepc gte 2 and $gymteach is true and $buy_schooluniform1 is false>>\
<<button [[Lena wants to talk with you]]>><</button>>
<<widget "lenalucas">>\
<<if $stepc gte 2 and $lucas is false and $walletsteal gte 3>>\
<<button [[Skip class with Lena]]>><</button>>
<<widget "blackmailjack">>\
<<if $blackmailjack is true>>\
You can now tell Lena about Jack having a affair with his Sister.
<<button [[Tell Lena about Jack's secret]]>><</button>>
<<widget "lenalessons">>\
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 1 and $school1 is false>>\
<<button [[Ask Lena for lessons|Classes1 EVENT]]>><</button>>
<</widget>>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="fuck">
<video autoplay src="img/lucas/lenalucas1.webm" controls loop class='large'></video>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name">>Oh god.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>You purposely wanted to get caught, hmm?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Hihi.<</speech>>
<<link "<h2>You WHORE!</h2>">><<replace "#fuck">>
<video autoplay src="img/lucas/lenalucas2.webm" controls loop class='large'></video>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Swallow my dick bitch.<</speech>>
<<link "<h2>Sloppy Kissing</h2>">><<replace "#fuck">>
<video autoplay src="img/lucas/lenalucas3.webm" controls loop class='large'></video>
<<speech "Lena">>Mmmmm....<</speech>>
<<link "<h2>GIVE ME YOUR ASS</h2>">><<replace "#fuck">>
<video autoplay src="img/lucas/lenalucas4.webm" controls loop class='large'></video>
<<speech "Lena">>Jeez Lucas, you are so rough today.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>God i love young sluts.<</speech>>
<<link "<h2>FUCK ME FUCK ME</h2>">><<replace "#fuck">>
<video autoplay src="img/lucas/lenalucas5.webm" controls loop class='large'></video>
<<speech "Lena">>FUCK FUCK FUCK!!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Shhhhhhh...<</speech>>
<<link "<h2>FUCK ME! I'M CUMMING!</h2>">><<replace "#fuck">>
<video autoplay src="img/lucas/lenalucas6.webm" controls loop class='large'></video>
<<speech "Lena">>I'mm... I'm...!! CUMMING!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lena">>You fucking Whore!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<<widget "sleep">>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2 and $bimboend is 3>>\
<<set _mastur to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _mastur is 1>>\
<video src="img/dream/bimbodream1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _mastur is 2>>\
<video src="img/dream/bimbodream2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _mastur is 3>>\
<video src="img/dream/bimbodream3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
@@color:orange;You are dreaming about lewd stuff. Under the influence of Bimbo you are getting aroused.@@
<div class="posarousal">@@color:hotpink;Arousal 25+@@</div>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $bimboend is 3>>\
<div class="daddybox">\
<<set _mastur to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _mastur is 1>>\
<video src="img/dream/bimdream.webm" class='large100' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _mastur is 2>>\
<video src="img/dream/bimdream2.webm" class='large100' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _mastur is 3>>\
<video src="img/dream/bimdream3.webm" class='large100' autoplay loop muted>
<div class="pos">@@color:orange;During the sleep, Lustful dreams possess you.
Those dreams were so real, Like you were there and felt that sweetness of bliss...@@</div></div>
<<if $analon is true and $analhole lte 13>>\
@@color:grey;Anal plug tragically hinders ability to aroused.@@
<<elseif $analon is false or $analhole gte 14>>\
<div class="posarousal">Arousal +25</div>
<<arousal 25>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<set _sleep to random(1,4)>>\
<<if _sleep is 1>>\
<<if $teacherhorny gte 10>>\
<video src="img/chloe/memory.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop muted>
<div class="posarousal">Dreaming...
My night with Teacher...</div>
<<set _l to random (1,3)>>\
<<if _l is 1>>\
<video src="img/dream/lewd.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _l is 2>>\
<video src="img/dream/lewd2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _l is 3>>\
<video src="img/dream/lewd3.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted>
<div class="posarousal">Dreaming...
Perverted dreams...</div>
<<elseif _sleep is 2>>
<<if $lessons gte 3>>\
<video src="img/dream/lena.mp4" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<div class="posarousal">Dreaming...
Lena fucking with her own Father...</div>
<img src="img/dream/hypno.webp" class='medium'>
<<elseif _sleep is 3>>\
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 2>>\
<video src="img/mom/dinner/dadmemory.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<div class="posarousal">Dreaming...
The Special Night with my own Father...
Daddy and I were fucking till the last of drop of his yummy cum...</div>
<<button [[Repeat that night]]>><</button>>
You having a weird dream.
<img src="img/dream/hypno.webp" class='medium'>
<<elseif _sleep is 4>>\
<<set _l to random (1,3)>>\
<<if _l is 1>>\
<video src="img/dream/lewd.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _l is 2>>\
<video src="img/dream/lewd2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _l is 3>>\
<video src="img/dream/lewd3.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted>
@@.delayed;Some kinky dreams..@@
<</widget>>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $time gte 6>>\
<<button [[Watch a movie]]>><</button>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|citycenternight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenter]]>><</button>>
<<if $time lte 5.5>>\
<<button [[Leave|citycenternight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenter]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "tv" play>>\
<<switch random(3)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/livingroom/thegirl.webp" class='large'>
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<case 2>>
<img src="img/livingroom/banshee.gif" class='large'>
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<case 3>>
<img src="img/livingroom/sicario.gif" class='large'>
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<img src="img/livingroom/heat.gif" class='large'>
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<button [[Leave|cinema]]>><<audio "tv" stop>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
When you enter the room Jack got a message on the phone.
He smiled
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh.. you got another girlfriend?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Oh! Are you jealous?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Not at all. Keep talking with her, i'll wait. KEEP TALKING!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Haha! Sure... sure... But for real. It's my friend, Tom. He invites me for a party and he wants me to bring my Girlfriend? Hmm... Do i have one? I don't know...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh Shut up! But... Party?? Now??<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>What's wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I hate Parties. I'm always feel awkward there.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Oh come on! We will have great fun! I'll keep company with you. Trust me.<</speech>>
After some thinking, You decided to go with Jack to a party.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay...<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Great! It's on Saturday at 20:00. I'll come for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure sure... But probably you'll have to wait for me. I'll try to change in My Room for some time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Haha. Sure. I'll wait.<</speech>>
@@color:pink;Let's get ready for the party in Saturday 20:00 in My Room@@
Fuck... I hate going to parties!
<<set $jackevents to 2>>
<<set $partytom to 1>>
<<button [[Leave|jackhouse]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<set $partytom to 2>><<set $tomdrugs to 0>><<set $arousal to 0>>\
<img src="img/party/car.jpg" class='large'>
<<if $clotheswear is "hotparty">>\
When you said goodbye to your folks, Jack was already by the door. Waiting for you. When you came through the door. Jack couldn't believe his eyes when he saw you. He looked at you for so long, he was just blown away. He was so funny at this moment. His face says everything.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*Cough* Jack..?<</speech>>
Jack slowly opened his mouth wide
<<speech "Jack">>Wow... $name... I... You... Umm.. So hot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I take this as a compliment. Thank you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Umm.. Sorry. I just never seen you like this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I knew this outfit is too much. Maybe I should be wearing something else?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>It's perfect $name. I was just stunned by how beautiful you are.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah. Thank you.<</speech>>
<<if $clotheswear is "cuteparty">>\
You did a makeup, hair, nails... Everyting that ordinary Girl do for a party.
You meet Jack outside your house.
Jack looked at you.
<<speech "Jack">>Oh my god you are so pretty.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks!<</speech>>
Jack took your hand and lead you to the car.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nice car.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>This piece of junk? It should get us safely to our destination. I hope <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You Hope?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Haha. It's just a joke. Buckle up!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thank godness. It has seatbealts.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>No more complaining!<</speech>>
<<button [[Party]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "musicparty" play>>\
<img src="img/party/houseparty.jpg" class='medium'>
When you arrive, you hear loud music from a large house that lights up like a lighthouse, even from a distance away.
You feel uncomfortable when you get there, and you feel even more unusual when you see a crowd of people around the house where the party is taking place.
Jack noticed this, gave you a squeeze and started talking to you in a whisper.
<<speech "Jack">>Hey. Are you okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So many people are here...<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Yeah. Tom loves to organize big parties. $name, trust me. It's going to be great fun. If you don't feel right about it, we can leave at any time.<</speech>>
You are trying to smile but somehow you can't, not now. Not at this state.
At least Jack is smiling.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is Tom living by himself?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Tom? Yeah, I think so.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>House is looking big!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Yeah it is! He got it from his Papa. Let's just walk in. Okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh... Okay! Let's do it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Everything will be fine, $name. Don't be nervous!<</speech>>
Jack and you walked inside.
<<link "<h20>Go inside</h20>">><<audio "musicparty" stop>><<audio "tra1" play>><<goto "party2">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "party2" play>>\
<span id="dance">\
<img src="img/party/dance.jpg" class='large98'>
When you enter the dance floor, Jack was really excited about it.
He started dancing and you just stand there and watch how he is dancing.
For you it was too funny how he moved.
<<speech "Jack">>Stop laughing! Dance!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. Sorry! It is so funny to me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Why, you haven't seen the dance floor champion!? Watch and learn.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I am so impressed with your skills that my legs have given up in excitement. Sorry!<</speech>>
Jack get closer to you and grabbed your hands.
<<speech "Jack">>Excuses excuses. Let's dance!<</speech>>
<<link "<h20>Dance</h20>">><<replace "#dance">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/party/crowd.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<dancejack 1>>
Jack led you to dance, after a while you caught the rhythm.
Then he let you go and you danced alone.
It is strange for you, but you actually are having fun!
<<speech "Jack">>See!? Wow $name!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wooohoo!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Yeah! You got it!<</speech>>
You were dancing with Jack.
<th><<link "<h7>Leave</h7>">><<audio "party2" stop>><<goto "party3">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Dance More!</h7>">><<goto "dance">><</link>></th>
</b></div><<set $dancejack to 0>>
<<set $drinks to 0>>
<<set $dance to 0>>
<<widget "dance">>
<<set $dance to Math.clamp($dance + $args[0], 0, 25)>><</widget>>
<<widget "dancejack">>
<<set $dancejack to Math.clamp($dancejack + $args[0], 0, 25)>><</widget>>
<<widget "drinks">>
<<set $drinks to Math.clamp($drinks + $args[0], 0, 10)>><</widget>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "party2" play>>\
<video src="img/party/partydance.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop>
<<if $clotheswear is "hotparty">>\
@@color:orange;<b>Drinks: $drinks/3 Dance: $dancejack/6</b>@@
<<elseif $clotheswear is "cuteparty">>\
@@color:orange;<b>Drinks: $drinks/5 Dance: $dancejack/6</b>@@
<<dancejack 1>>Dancing with Jack and with a bunch of people around you.<<upd>>
<<if $dancejack gte 5 and $clotheswear is "cuteparty">>
<<button [[Jack needs go to the toilet]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "cuteparty">>
<th><<link "<h7>Dance</h7>">><<goto "dance">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Drink Alcohol</h7>">><<drinks 1>><<goto "Drink Beer">><</link>></th>
<<if $drinks gte 3 and $clotheswear is "hotparty" or $dancejack gte 6 and $clotheswear is "hotparty">>\
<<button [[You bump into rude Guy]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $clotheswear is "hotparty">>\
<th><<link "<h7>Dance</h7>">><<goto "dance">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Drink Alcohol</h7>">><<drinks 1>><<goto "Drink Beer">><</link>></th>
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "party3">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "party2" play>>\
<<switch random(3)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<img src="img/party/drinkingbeer1.gif" class='medium'>
<<case 2>>
<img src="img/party/drinkingbeer2.gif" class='medium'>
<<case 3>>
<img src="img/party/drinkingbeer3.gif" class='medium'>
<img src="img/party/drinkingbeer2.gif" class='medium'>
<<if $clotheswear is "hotparty">>\
@@color:orange;<b>Drinks: $drinks/3 Dance: $dancejack/6</b>@@
<<elseif $clotheswear is "cuteparty">>\
@@color:orange;<b>Drinks: $drinks/5 Dance: $dancejack/6</b>@@
You drink one bottle of beer. You're feeling a little... dizzy?<<upd>>
<<if $drinks gte 6 and $clotheswear is "hotparty">>\
<<button [[Go to the toilet]]>><<audio "party2" stop>><</button>>
<<elseif $drinks gte 3 and $clotheswear is "hotparty">>\
<<button [[You bump into rude Guy]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $drinks gte 5 and $clotheswear is "cuteparty">>\
<<button [[You bump into rude Guy]]>><</button>>
<th><<link "<h7>Dance</h7>">><<goto "dance">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Drink Alcohol</h7>">><<drinks 1>><<goto "Drink Beer">><</link>></th>
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "party3">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "partywc" play loop>><<set $partytom to 4>><<set $partyface to 5>><<set $time to 2>><<set $day to 7>><span id="tom">\
<video src="img/party/fuckdrug.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="pilka">@@color:orange;Everything you see and feel is empty and meaningless to you.
You just want to have fun and enjoy life, Clearly the drugs are working at their best!
You lust for the person next to you, you want them to enjoy themselves as much as you do.@@</div>\
<<timed 2s t8n>>\
<<speech "Tom" "???">>Go....dd... FU.!! Y^U!!!...$name!!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AAHHH!!...AHH!!...AHH!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>YEEESS...YESSS...PLEASE....PLEASE... PLEASEEEE MOREEE!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom" "???">>Hahah!! Lv05...Sl%6..<</speech>>
<<timed 3s t8n>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>More... More... More...</h6>">><<replace "#tom">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<<set $partytom to 5>><<upd>>\
<video src="img/party/fuckdrug2.webm" class='large98' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Tom" "???">>C0m3!! Sl8t!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haaa..!! Hahhh!!<</speech>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Lost Control</h12>">><<replace "#tom">><<set $partytom to 6>><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/party/bjdrug.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Tom" "???">>...Fuc...!!! Yes..!!! $name.....!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ohh.h..!!!..!! More.e..!!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>The best fun.</h12>">><<replace "#tom">><<set $partytom to 6>><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/party/cumdrug.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Tom" "???">>.aahhhHHH!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhhh.... I... Where is.. Jack...?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom" "???">>..Don't worry... It's going to be a long night...<</speech>>
<<set $partytom to 7>><<upd>>
<<addcorruption 2>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +2</div>
<<button [[Wake up...]]>><<audio "partywc" stop>><<set $partyface to 16>><<set $partytom to 2>><</button>>
<<silently>></b></div>\<</silently>><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "party2" play>>\
<span id="corruption">\
<img src="img/party/party.jpg" class='medium'>
As you were dancing you noticed Jack left you to meet his friends from school. You dont care... so you were dancing alone...
<<dance 1>>
Then from behind a stranger were touching your butt.
<<link "<h6>Dance with Him @@color:red;Corruption +2@@</h6>">><<replace "#corruption">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/party/flash.webp" class='medium'>
<<addcorruption 2>><div class="pilka">@@color:red;Corruption +2@@</div><<upd>>
You dont see Jack around and the booze makes you little lonely, horny.
Somehow you decided to flash with your petite body to this guy.
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>Damn girl! You are one the hottest chick i've seen here in the party!<</speech>>
His voice is really irritating and annoying, but you could give him a bit of slack.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks...!<</speech>>
It is suprising to you but it makes you excited how he dance and how he looks.
Or maybe it's beacuse of the booze?
<<if $camgirl gte 3>>\
You turn around a little, and he recognizned you from somewhere...
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>Wait... I know you! You are from <i>Camera x Show</i>!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? You watch these...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>Damn! That's so hot...<</speech>>
After a while you feel his hard-on.
<<arousal 20>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +20</div>
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>Hey... How about we go... Somewhere private?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>..Private..?<</speech>>
<<if $corruption gte 25 or $drinks gte 5>>\
<<link "<h6>Go with Him @@color:red;Corruption:$corruption/25 or Get Drunk!@@</h6>">><<replace "#corruption">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/party/lust.webp" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>O-Okay...? Sure...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Little fun with Stranger</h6>">><<audio "party2" stop>><<audio "tra2" play>><<goto "Little fun with Stranger">><</link>>
<<if $drinks lte 4>>\
You are so drunk, it would be sad to reject this guy!!!
<<link "<h4>Reject</h4>">><<replace "#corruption">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No way!<</speech>>
How could he asked me like that? I'm not a whore...
<img src="img/party/houseparty.jpg" class='medium'>
You left the dance floor and went outside.
That creepy guy is following you.
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>Hey, WAIT!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I told you LEAVE ME ALONE!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>I just want to know you better, come on...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>FUCK OFF!<</speech>>
Stranger tries to hit you but from behind someones Pushed him to the ground.
<<speech "Tom">>Fuck off from her Leny!<</speech>>
It was Tom, where the hell is Jack?
<<speech "Boy1" "Leny">>Tom, relax i was just playin...<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Get the fuck out off my house! I don't want you to see you here again!<</speech>>
Leny took the taxi and went to home.
You were really greatfull to Tom.
<<speech "Tom">>You okay? Did he hurt you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No... No... I'm okay Thanks!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>No mention. Come with me i know what's gonna relax you a bit.<</speech>>
You don't know what Tom is thinking about...
<<button [[Go with Tom]]>><<audio "party2" stop>><</button>>
<<button [[Find Jack]]>><<audio "party2" stop>><</button>>
<<elseif $corruption lte 24>>\
<<link "<h6>Go with Him @@color:grey;Corruption:$corruption/25@@</h6>">><</link>>
<<link "<h4>Reject</h4>">><<replace "#corruption">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No way!<</speech>>
How could he asked me like that? I'm not a whore...
<<set $partyface to 8>><<upd>>
<img src="img/party/houseparty.jpg" class='medium'>
You left the dance floor and went outside.
That creepy guy is following you.
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>Hey, WAIT!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I told you LEAVE ME ALONE!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>I just want to know you better, come on...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>FUCK OFF!<</speech>>
Stranger tries to hit you but from behind someones Pushed him to the ground.
<<speech "Tom">>Fuck off from her Leny!<</speech>>
It was Tom, where the hell is Jack?
<<speech "Boy1" "Leny">>Tom, relax i was just playin...<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Get the fuck out off my house! I don't want you to see you here again!<</speech>>
Leny took the taxi and went to home.
You were really greatfull to Tom.
<<speech "Tom">>You okay? Did he hurt you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No... No... I'm okay Thanks!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>No mention. Come with me i know what's gonna relax you a bit.<</speech>>
You don't know what Tom is thinking about...
<<button [[Go with Tom]]>><<audio "party2" stop>><</button>>
<<button [[Find Jack]]>><<audio "party2" stop>><</button>>
You are so drunk, it would be sad to reject this guy!!!
<<if $drinks lte 4>>\
<<link "<h4>React</h4>">><<replace "#corruption">><<set $partyface to 8>><<upd>>
<<audio "hey" play>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey! Stay away from me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>Come on girl! You are asking for it!<</speech>>
<img src="img/party/houseparty.jpg" class='medium'>
You left the dance floor and went outside.
That creepy guy is following you.
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>Hey, WAIT!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I told you LEAVE ME ALONE!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>I just want to know you better, come on...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>FUCK OFF!<</speech>>
Stranger tries to hit you but from behind someones Pushed him to the ground.
<<speech "Tom">>Fuck off from her Leny!<</speech>>
It was Tom, where the hell is Jack?
<<speech "Boy1" "Leny">>Tom, relax i was just playin...<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Get the fuck out off my house! I don't want you to see you here again!<</speech>>
Leny took the taxi and went to home.
You were really greatfull to Tom.
<<speech "Tom">>You okay? Did he hurt you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No... No... I'm okay Thanks!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>No mention. Come with me i know what's gonna relax you a bit.<</speech>>
You don't know what Tom is thinking about...
<<button [[Go with Tom]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<button [[Find Jack]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</span></div>\<div align="center"><div class="partydiv"><b><<audio "partytom" play loop>>\
<img src="img/party/tomroom.jpg" class='medium'>
Tom led you secretly to his room. You feel a little strange, but alcohol makes you feel like doing more daring things....
<<speech "Tom">>Sorry for the mess, of course someone used my room.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>You want something to drink?<</speech>>
Tom went for something to drink.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Tom... I want to say thanks for help back there... I don't know what he would do...<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>It's okay... You must be in shock. I'll give you something to relax. It will help you.<</speech>>
<img src="img/party/pills.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What are those?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>You need to take this if you want to find out. Trust me, you'll feel better.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Someone enters the room</h6>">>
<img src="img/party/kate.jpg" class='medium'>
A girl. She was looking for Tom.
<<speech "Tom">>Goddamit Kate... not now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>Oh... I see you are busy with someone. As always. Tom they are waiting for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Okay. okay tell them to wait for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>Sure. Bye sweetheart.<</speech>>
Tom led Kate out of the room, you noticed he had a grim smile.
<<speech "Tom">>Sorry for that. So you want it?<</speech>>
You still deciding...
<<button [[Take Pills]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave Tom alone]]>><<audio "partytom" stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="partydiv"><b><<audio "party3" play loop>><<set $partyface to 8>><<upd>>\
<img src="img/party/party2.jpg" class='medium'>
You came back to the floor. You were looking for Jack.
Someones pokes your back. It was Jack.
<<speech "Jack">>Where were you?? I was looking for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry... I had a little problem with someone and...<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>What? With WHO?!<</speech>>
You looked at Jack... You liked the way he react...
<<set $jackjealous to $jackjealous to +1>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okay Jack. Tom helped me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Tom?? Fuck... I wish i could help...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You can drive me back to my home.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>That i can do. Lets leave the party.<</speech>>
<<set $cute to $cute +1>>
<h2>@@color:lightblue;Love to Jack +1@@</h2>
<<button [[Leave the Party with Jack]]>><<audio "party3" stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<set $tomdrugs to $tomdrugs +1>><<upd>><<audio "partytom" play loop>>\
<video src="img/party/drug.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<div class="pilka">@@color:teal;Without hesitation You took Green Pills from Tom's hand and swallow them with a drink.@@</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh. That feels a bit.. Nice?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Be patient $name, In time they will kick in even nicer! And be a nice girl, Leave me at peace.<</speech>>
<<set $hot to $hot +1>><div class="pilka">@@color:red;Betrayal to Jack +1@@</div>
With a strange feeling, you obeyed Tom's command and left Tom alone.
<<button "Party">><<audio "partytom" stop>><<goto "party4">><</button>>
</div>\<div align="center"><div class="partydiv"><b><<audio "partytom" play loop>>\
You don't need drugs to pleasure yourself...
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No... Thanks... I'll go find Jack. Thanks again Tom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Sure.<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|Find Jack]]>><<audio "partytom" stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "party3" play loop>>\
<img src="img/party/dance.jpg" class='large98'>
The sense of excitement is back. You are dancing alone.
Till the someone pokes at your back.
It's Jack, He is confused and worried at the same time when looking at you.
<<speech "Jack">>$name!? What the hell?! Where have you been that long?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I could ask the same question!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>I was looking for you.<</speech>>
You had the urge to comfort him, but you held back because you thought it would make him sad or angry.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>C'mon Jack! Dance!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Are you okay? You look a little... Pale?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No... I'm fine! Let's Dance! DANCE! WOOHOO!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>O-Okay..?<</speech>>
<<button [[Dance with Jack|dancedrug2]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "party3" play>>\
<video src="img/party/partydance.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop>
<<set $tomdrugs to $tomdrugs +1>>\
<<if $tomdrugs lte 2>>\
<<dancejack 1>><div class="posarousal">@@color:lightyellow;You are dancing with Jack.@@</div><<upd>>\
<<speech "Jack">>....$name...?... ?... ?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Noo..!! No noonoo... Let's dannnceee!!<</speech>>
<<if $tomdrugs gte 3>>\
<<dancejack 1>><div class="posarousal">@@color:orange;You are dancing with Jack.@@</div><<upd>>\
<<speech "Jack">>But....$name.!!..?... ?... ?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Woohoo...!!! Yeah...!! Yeaheah!!!<</speech>>
<<if $tomdrugs gte 4>>\
<<button [[Dance|Dancedrug3]]>><<audio "party3" stop>><</button>>
<<button [[Dance|dancedrug2]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "partydrug" play>><<set $time to 23>><<upd>>\
<video src="img/party/party.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
</video><<set $partytom to 3>><<set $partyface to 3>><<upd>>
It feels so good. You dance in this way when you dance alone in a room.
<<dance 1>>You are dancing with yourself.<<upd>>
<<if $tomdrugs is 5>>\
<h3>I'm feeling like a feather... WOOO!!</h3>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>UUhhh...!! Yaaa..!! Yeahh...!!!<</speech>>
<<elseif $tomdrugs is 6>>\
<h3>These songs seem strangely long....</h3>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My... Legs.. Feels... Kinda... Funny...<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom" "???">>...$name...? Wh%281 J%ck?<</speech>>
<<elseif $tomdrugs is 7>>\
<h3>Oh Gosh!! I'm in HEAVEN! HAHA WOO!!!</h3>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh...?! Is.. Someone... Talking..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>T0m...? Oh...$name..^3t's g0... Okay..?!<</speech>>
<<set $tomdrugs to $tomdrugs +1>>
<<if $tomdrugs gte 8>>
<<button [[Dance...]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Dance|Dancedrug3]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<audio "partydrug" play>>\
<video src="img/party/party.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<set $tomdrugs to 10>>
@@.delayed;<<speech "Player" "$name">>AaHAHa..!! Sureeee!!!!! LET'S GOOO!!!<</speech>>@@
@@.delayed;<<speech "Tom" "???">>..D4m# Gi%l! Haha!!! T%is l0v3 i5!<</speech>>@@
@@.delayed;I don't feel anything at all...@@
@@.delayed;Someone is taking my hand...@@
@@.delayed;Where is he taking me...@@
@@.delayed;I don't care anymore...@@
@@.delayed;I am so... Happppyyy!!!@@
@@.delayed;<<button [[Happy Place|Go to the toilet]]>><<audio "partydrug" stop>><</button>>@@
<div align="center"><div class="partydiv"><b><<audio "partywc" play loop>>
@@.delayed;...You are being used...@@
@@.delayed;...Pussy is so hungry...@@
@@.delayed;...Part of you want get out of here...@@
@@.delayed;...But this time...@@
@@.delayed;...You don't care anymore...
<<linkreplace "<h9>...Just relax...</h9>">><<audio "fuck2" play>>
<<addcorruption 3>><h2>Corruption +3</h2>
<video src="img/party/fuckdrug.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<linkreplace "<h9>...Mmm.. Yes..</h9>">><<audio "fuck" play>>
<video src="img/party/fuckdrug2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<set $partytom to 7>><<upd>>
<<linkreplace "<h9>...Oh yes... Daddy...</h9>">>
<video src="img/party/cumdrug.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Tom" "???">>Ha......!!.P..l..s??<</speech>>
<<speech "Lucasgaze" "???">>T.m...?? ....! ....$name<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom" "???">>S..e......L...s..?<</speech>>
<<button [[Wake up...]]>><<audio "partywc" stop>><<set $partyface to 2>><<set $partytom to 2>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="partydiv"><b>\
<img src="img/party/afterparty.jpg" class='medium'>
<<set $time to 6>>
@@.delayed;...Someone trying to wake you up...
It was Jack...@@
@@.delayed;...You woke up with huge hangover...
All around the room you see people sleeping on the couches, on the floor...@@
@@.delayed;...<<speech "Jack">>$name.....!!!...???.....???<</speech>>
You don't understand what was he saying...@@
@@.delayed;...He led you out of the house...
To your home...
To the bed...@@
<<set $tomevents to 2>>
<<set $druggedbytom to true>>
@@.delayed;<<button [[Bed|Mom is worried]]>><<set $partytom to 1>><<set $clotheswear to "basic">><<set $time to 15>><</button>>@@
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<timed 17.3s t8n>><<audio "partywc2" play>><</timed>><<upd>>\
<span id="stranger">\
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<video src="img/party/partypussy.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<timed 2s t8n>>\
You enter with Stranger to empty Bathroom.<</timed>>
<<timed 3s t8n>>\
Stranger pushes you to the wall and took your pants down.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ohh!!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>>
Stranger eats your pussy, it feels so good.
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>Mmm.. I love young pussy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh!!<</speech>><</timed>>\
<<timed 4s t8n>><<link "<h6>Your pussy</h6>">>><<replace "#stranger">>\
<video src="img/party/partypussy1.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 30>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +30</div><<upd>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmmm!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>Fuck... So fucking tasty...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>More!</h6>">><<replace "#stranger">>\
<video src="img/party/partypussy2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 25>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +25</div><<upd>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah...!! Ah..!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>Damn girl... Your pussy is so fucking wet. I love horny sluts.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Oh yes!</h6>">><<replace "#stranger">>\
<video src="img/party/sloppykiss.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 15>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div><<upd>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhhh! Fuc-!! Mm!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>What a bitchy face. Swallow my spits!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Orgasm!!!</h12>">><<replace "#stranger">>\
<img src="img/party/strangercum.webp" class='large'><<audio "orgasm" play>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OOOOOHHHH!!!! YESSSS!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>Yes... Scream loud you slut.<</speech>>
You can't tell why but probably of the booze you are screaming out loud as he told you.
Then you are cumming on his face as he eats your wet pussy.
<<arousal -100>><div class="pilka"><h3>CUMMING!</h3></div><<upd>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>It's my fucking turn. Take it out.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Take his Cock out.</h6>">><<replace "#stranger">><<audio "partywc2" stop>><<audio "partywc3" play loop>>\
<video src="img/party/dickparty.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh... My .... God.. Woow..<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>God damn girl. You love the sight of my cock, don't you?!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Suck it</h6>">><<replace "#stranger">>\
<video src="img/party/dickparty2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*GURLP*! *GURLP*! *GAWK*!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>YEeeesss..!!! Suck it deeper... Deeeper I said!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Deeper..?</h6>">><<replace "#stranger">>\
<video src="img/party/dickparty3.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*GAWK!!!!* *GAWWWK!!!* PLE-*GAWK*!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>Don't talk! Choke on it, You fucking bi-<</speech>>
While you deepthroating guy's cock, someone is knocking on the doors.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Knocking</h4>">><<audio "knocking" play>>\
<<speech "Jack">><i>$name? Are you in the toilet??</i><</speech>>
It's Jack!? But how did he know i am here?!
Or is he looking for me?!
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>Please... Don't tell him I am here.</sub><</speech>>
Stranger smiled and laughed quietly. To silence him, you continued to suck his cock.
<<link "<h6>Jack</h6>">><<replace "#stranger">>\
<video src="img/party/dickparty4.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>It's occupied! FUCK OFF! Keep sucking....<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*Gawk*!! Hah-*GURLP!*<</speech>>
<<timed 1s t8n>><<speech "Jack">><sub>Fuck... Where the hell is she...?</sub><</speech>><</timed>>
<<link "<h6>Fucking whore!!!</h6>">><<replace "#stranger">>\
<video src="img/party/dickparty5.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmmm!!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Cumming!!</h6>">><<replace "#stranger">>\
<video src="img/party/dickcum.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>Fuccck!!! AHH...!!! AHH!! TAKE THE LOAD, YOU WHORE!!!!<</speech>>
<<if $camgirl gte 2>>
<<set $adorefan to 1>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>Damn... I've never been sucked by celebrity from net...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha! I'm not celebrity... yet!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>I'll make sure you'll be the one!<</speech>>
You gained @@color:orange;Adored Fan@@.
<<set $hot to $hot +1>><div class="pilka">@@color:red;Betrayal to Jack +1@@</div>
<<addcorruption 3>> <div class="posarousal">@@color:red;Corruption +3@@</div>
<<button [[Knocking]]>><<audio "partywc3" stop>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<set $partyface to 2>><<set $time to $time +1>><<upd>><<audio "knocking" play>>\
<img src="img/party/caught.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Tom">>EY!!? Get the fuck out of there! Do it somewhere else! Not on my fucking bathroom!<</speech>>
Stranger immediately open the door.
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>Shit...!</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>H-Hey T-Tom!! Fuck dude, Sorry. But me and chick here we-<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Leny for fuck sake! I told you.. Wait! Is that... $name!?!<</speech>>
Tom looked at you where you were still on the floor on the knees, half naked.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Tom... Please... Don't tell Jack. I... don't know.. How...<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Leny">>Yeah, whatever. I'm out. Thanks for the great party Tom! It was the best. Haha. See you around $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Fuck off Leny.<</speech>>
Leny left the toilet with satisfied face, Tom helps you to stand up. With a great remorse you wash the cum and sweat from your face. It is humilating for you to do it in front of Tom.
After you face him with begging face.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Tom... I'm begging you..!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>$name. You are asking a lot. How much did you drink?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I-I don't know... A lot? Please... Pretend you haven't seen me here.<</speech>>
Tom looked deeply into your eyes and nodded.
<<speech "Tom">>Come with me.<</speech>>
<<button [[Go with Tom|Tom2]]>><</button>>
</div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "partytom" play loop>>\
<img src="img/party/tomroom.jpg" class='medium'>
Tom led upstairs where no one were around. You still feel a little dizzy and funny.
<<speech "Tom">>Sit. I'll go get you a drink to refresh you a bit.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks. Tom... I...<</speech>>
Tom came back with a drink for you.
<<speech "Tom">>Don't worry $name. I won't tell a thing to Jack. It his problem, not yours.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh?! But I allowed it. It's not Jack fault.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>$name. $name. Shh. Girl, Calm down. Stop making excuses. I respect you for what you have done. After all, it's normal for girls to want to party! What I don't understand is why you had to go to the toilet in the first place, but that's probably the idiot's choice. <</speech>>
You don't know what to say, Tom is admiring the shit what you've done?
The hell...?!
<img src="img/party/pills.jpg" class='medium'>
Then Tom took some strange green pills from his drawer.
<<speech "Tom">>But here is the best part of the party.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh..?! What is these?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Someone enters the room</h4>">>
<img src="img/party/kate.jpg" class='medium'>
It is Kate, half-naked. She was happy at first, but when she caught you, her expression changed dramatically to confused.
<<speech "Kate">>Is this my gift?! Oh C'mon Tom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Goddamit Kate... I told you to wait.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>Seriously, how long do i have to wait?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Patience. I'll have to take care of my guest. She is... You know.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>Oh... Sure. Don't make me wait any longer, honey.<</speech>>
Kate left you and Tom alone.
Tom faced back to you with a nice smile. It is tempting to kiss him right now.
His smile is so nice to look at. And his body...
<<speech "Tom">>$name? Are you okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh Sorry. What you were saying?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Take this pills. I promise it will make you feel better.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>These pills?! Why not..? After all, you want to end this party with great blast!<</speech>>
<<button [[Take Pills]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave Tom alone]]>><<audio "partytom" stop>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "night" play>><<audio "crickets" play>>\
<img src="img/party/homenight.jpg" class='medium'>
Jack drive you back to your house like he promised.
<<if $corruption gte 10 and $clotheswear is "hotparty">>\
You wanted to thank him so by giving him a blow job.
<img src="img/party/bjcar.webp" class='medium'>
He already cummed
<img src="img/party/bjcum.webp" class='medium'>
<<speech "Jack">>Sorry... I was in a little stress. Your Dad can get out of the house and jumped on us...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha...<</speech>>
<<set $cute to $cute +1>>
<h2>@@color:lightblue;Love to Jack +1@@</h2>
<<if $clotheswear is "cuteparty" and $drinks gte 4>>\
You are so drunk...
Jack tries to led you to your house...
<<elseif $clotheswear is "cuteparty">>\
<<jstat 5>>@@color:lightgreen;Jack Relationship +5@@
You feel so romantic. You had to kiss him again...
<img src="img/party/kisscar.gif" class='medium'>
<<set $cute to $cute +3>>
<h2>@@color:lightblue;Love to Jack +3@@</h2>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks for the party. It was fun!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Me too! Rest well, my cute pie!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>shut up...<</speech>>
<<set $tomevents to 2>>
<<jstat 15>>@@color:lightgreen;Jack Relationship +15@@
<<button [[To the Bed|Bed]]>><<set $partytom to 1>><<set $clotheswear to "basic">><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "party2" play>>\
<span id="stranger"><<set $partyface to 16>><<upd>>
<img src="img/party/party.jpg" class='medium'>
In the middle of the dance, Jack points at the direction where is the bathroom.
<<speech "Jack">>$name i'll be right back...!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure, sure! Go ahead.<</speech>>
Few moves of your "dance", Some kind of weird Stranger pokes you from behind.
<<link "<h6>Stranger</h6>">><<replace "#stranger">>
<img src="img/party/party2.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>Hey. What's up!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey...<</speech>>
<<if $camgirl gte 3>>\
When he saw you clearly, he recognized you from somewhere.
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>Wait... I know you! You are from <i>Camera x Show</i>!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? You watch these...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>Yeah! You are so great at this. Do more shows!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>Do you want to drink the best beer?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>The best? Well. Sure. I'll try it.<</speech>>
Stranger left you for a second to take the drink.
<<link "<h6>@@color:red;Drink Beer@@</h6>">><<replace "#stranger">>
<img src="img/party/slapped.jpg" class='medium'>
He came back with the nice smile at his face. That beer looked a little odd for you.
When you tried to drink your beer, the girl snatched it out of your hand and smashed it on the floor.
It's Kate!
<<speech "Kate">>Don't drink that!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>Hell NO! You just wasted a good beer bitch!<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>Fucking Asshole! Get the fuck out from my party!<</speech>>
He wanted to say something, but Girl was standing still on her own.
Stranger left the party.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? What was that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>That beer wasn't marked by us. Even so, he put something into the drink.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn! Thanks. I'm new at that kind of parties.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>Stay focused next time.<</speech>>
Jack came back from the toilet and Greet Kate with the hug. You felt a strange feeling. A feeling of jealousy?
The way Kate smiled at Jack was a bit odd for you.
<<speech "Jack">>Hey Kate! How's Tom?<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>You didn't meet him?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>We did... but he is so busy right now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>Of course, Watch for you girlfriend. I gotta go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>See ya! Thanks again!<</speech>>
Kate nodded with a smile and went to dance with some girls.
<<speech "Jack">>What was her point?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah Nothing! Come on Jack. Let's go for the party!<</speech>>
<<button [[Dance with Jack|Dance with Jack2]]>><<audio "party2" stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "party3" play>>\
<span id="jack"><<set $partyface to 1>><<set $time to 1>><<set $day to $day +1>>\
<video src="img/party/partydance.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop>
<<dancejack 1>><<upd>>
Finally you are having good time with Jack!
During the dance, Jack was looking deeply into your eyes. Like he was in love.
<<speech "Jack">>Damn... $name. I can't believe how pretty you are.<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Kiss Jack</h4>">><<replace "#jack">><<audio "party3" stop>><<audio "partylove" play>>\
<img src="img/party/partykiss.gif" class='medium'>
Two of you kisses in the middle of the crowd. People around tried not to disturb your moment. DJ changed music to romantic vibe. Is that Jack's doing?!
The feeling is was out of this world. Like in the books you were reading till the late night. The fantasy came true!
<<set $cute to $cute +1>><div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Love +1@@</div>
<<speech "Jack">>God...We've never kissed like that before..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah... Let's just dance, only two of us...<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Dance one more time with Jack</h4>">><<replace "#jack">>\
<img src="img/party/dancecouple.gif" class='medium'>
You were dancing at slow tempto, hugging each other. The two of you finally had that moment of every couple wished for.
<<dancejack 1>><<upd>>
<<speech "Jack">>It's so... nice..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes...<</speech>>
You wished it will last a little longer but it's past the midnight, Your phone history is full of your parent's call.
<<button [[Leave the Party with Jack]]>><<audio "partylove" stop>><<set $partyface to 1>><</button>>
</div>\<<button [[Dress for a party]]>><<set $camgirl to 3>><<set $corruption to true>><<set $begin to true>><<set $day to 1>><<set $time to 14>><<set $hasList to true>><<set $schoolenter to true>>\<</button>><div align="center"><div class="partydiv"><b><<audio "hangover" play loop>>\
<img src="img/party/wakeup.jpg" class='medium'>
You are waking up...
You feel better but your vision is still not in good shape...
What time it is??
You try to stand...
Then in your room Mom came...
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Jesus Fucking Christ $name!<</speech>>
She was so loud that your head tried to explode...
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Are you okay? I wanted to call an ambulance.... I was so worried!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm... I'm.. Okay... I just need some time to rest... Please don't yell... My head is still hurting...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>What happened?!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't know... We were having fun... We were dancing... Drinking...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Drinking???<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course, Mom! You never drink in the parties??<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Of course... We were... But...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Is she woke up?<</speech>>
Dad enters the room. Of course when Mom tried to talk about her past.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Goddamit $name. I had a hunch that letting you go to the party would be a bad idea.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Dad... I am a grown woman now. Now I decide where I will go and what I will do with my life.<</speech>>
He wanted to say something, but Mom whispered something to Dad.
He made a grave face, but left the room.
Mom had worried face all the time.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Please understand him. He was up all night but then Jack brought you here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jack? Oh yes...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>He was also worried and sitting next to you wanted to wait until you woke up. I told him to go home to rest.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good... I'll call him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Yes, this is good idea no need to let him worry. I'll bring you something to eat.<</speech>>
Mom left the room.
You took Phone and call Jack
<<linkreplace "<h4>Call Jack</h4>">>
<<speech "Jack">><i>$name! you are fine! Thank god.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm okay... Jack... I'm... I'm Sorry... I don't know what happened.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">><i>It's okay. It's okay. Don't think about it. For now It's good that you are okay.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks Jack... I don't know what would happened if you didn't bring me to home.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">><i>Of course! Your Dad Would kill me!</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh Jack!<</speech>>
You were talking for few moments and your Mother came with Dinner.
After that you went asleep...
<<button [[Bed]]>><<audio "hangover" stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="welcome"><b>
<<linkreplace "<h3>Take a cute selfie</h3>">>
<<switch random(3)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src='img/phone/brokenselfie1.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shit... This quality of photo sucks!!! I need new phone...<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<img src='img/phone/brokenselfie2.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>YUCK!!! Who the hell is this?? IT IS ME??!?!<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<img src='img/phone/brokenselfie3.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Great... Now i look like a frog...<</speech>>
<img src='img/phone/brokenselfie2.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>YUCK!!! Who the hell is this?? IT IS ME??!?!<</speech>>
<<button "Return" `previous()`>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</div><div class="penis"><div align="center"><b><<set $druggedbytom to false>>\
<span id="tom">
Jack brought you out of school to talk about things that happened at the party. He was very worried about you, so you hugged him.
<img src="img/jackhouse/worry.gif" class='medium'>
<<speech "Jack">>$name, how are you feeling? Are you okay??<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. I'm fine. This hangover...<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Come on... When i found you on the floor, you were so like... Dead.. Like you were out of touch with reality.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah... I don't know... Maybe the booze was really hard to handle.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>I don't know... I felt you were on the drugs or something.<</speech>>
Now you remembered that Tom gave you strange green Pills.
Do you want to tell Jack about that accident?
<<link "<h6>Tell him @@color:lightblue;Jack's Love +2@@</h6>">><<replace "#tom">>
You decided to tell him about the pills.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jack... I... at the party... Took some drugs.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>WHAT?!? From who! How?!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well I don't know for sure... I think it was from Tom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>HUH?! TOM?? But why...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>He told they would ease my pain...<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>What pain?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>At the party some guy tried to molest me, but Tom defended me. Then we went to his room and he gave me green pills.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Jesus Christ $name... Now i understand... I'm gonna kill this Bastard!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No! Jack! Please... I bet he didn't know that those pills would hurt me like that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Come on $name, He gave you some random pills! That's really fucked up! I'm gonna talk with him.<</speech>>
Jack is going out of the school and took the car.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jack...<</speech>>
<<set $cute to $cute +2>>
<h2>@@color:blue;Love to Jack +2@@</h2>
<<button [[Classes]]>><</button>>
<<link "<h6>Keep that for yourself @@color:red;Jack's Betrayal +2@@</h6>">><<replace "#tom">>
After some thoughts you decided to keep that for yourself.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Drugs??! I would never take drugs on the party. I'm not that Dumb! Dude...<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Of course my little buffoon!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh... Shut up... At least we were having fun at the party.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>I definitely had a good time, not like you with hangover. You are too wild to control at the parties.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just, please dont tell Lena about this. She would invite me at every party to see me how i look drunk.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>No, sir! haha. OH SNAP! The lessons are rolling, we need to go!<</speech>>
You and Jack went to classes.
<<set $hot to $hot +2>>
<h2>@@color:red;Betrayal to Jack +2@@</h2>
<<button [[Classes]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
The store employee was very busy with customers, but found time to talk to you. You asked him if you could meet with Lucas.
<img src='img/mall/assistant.jpg' class='medium'>
<<speech "Boy1" "Assistant">>Wait here, i'll ask my boss.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah, sure.<</speech>>
While assistant went to his office you heard woman's laugh.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Assistant open the door</h4>">><<audio "laugh" play>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Who could it be? Lucas has a new secretary?<</speech>>
The assistant comes back to you.
<<speech "Boy1" "Assistant">>Okay, you can go ahead. They are waiting for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh okay, thanks.<</speech>>
<<button [[Lucas Office|Madisonmeet]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<h3>Estate Office</h3>
<<if $clotheswear is "suit1" or $clotheswear is "suit2" or $clotheswear is "suit3" or $clotheswear is "suit3hot" or $clotheswear is "suit2hot" or $clotheswear is "suit1hot" or $clotheswear is "bimbofancy">>
<<if $time gte 10 and $time lte 21>>
<<button [[Lift|officehallway]]>><<audio "lift" play>><</button>>
<<elseif $time lte 9.5 or $time gte 21.5>>
@@color:orange;<i>Office is Closed
10:00 - 21:00 It's open.</i>@@
@@color:orange;<i>Madison can't let you in without the Suit.</i>@@
<<if $money gte 5>>
<<button [[Uber to house for 5$|mcroom]]>><<money -5>><<masteraudio stop>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</button>>
<<if $time gte 20 or $time lte 6>>\
<<button [[Leave|citycenternight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenter]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "madisonoffice" play>>\
<<if $clotheswear is "bimbofancy">>
<div class="posarousal">Co-Workers are stunned with your new dress. Some of them stops from work and looking at you.</div>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Flash</h6>">>
<<set _fl to random(1,3)>>
<<if _fl is 1>>
<img src='img/clothes/teaseclothes/flash.webp' class='medium'>
<<elseif _fl is 2>>
<img src='img/clothes/teaseclothes/flash2.webp' class='medium'>
<<elseif _fl is 3>>
<img src='img/clothes/teaseclothes/flash3.webp' class='small'>
<div class="posarousal">Flashing with your body makes them wild! </div>
<<speech "Boy1" "Co-worker">>Damn $name! Looking hot today!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Thanks Pretty boy!<</speech>>
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<link "<img src='img/estateoffice/yourdesk.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "To your Desk">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/estateoffice/momsoffice.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "Your Mom's Desk">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/estateoffice/madisonoffice.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "Office Madison">><</link>></th>
<<button [[Leave|estateoffice]]>><<audio "madisonoffice" stop>><<audio "lift" play>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "madisonoffice" play>>\
<h2>Your Desk</h2>
<<if $clotheswear is "suit1hot" or $clotheswear is "suit2hot" or $clotheswear is "suit3hot" or $clotheswear is "bimbofancy">>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<img src='img/estateoffice/desk.jpg' class='medium'>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<img src='img/estateoffice/desk2.jpg' class='large'>
<img src='img/estateoffice/desk1.jpg' class='medium'>
<<if $joblevel is 1>>\
<h3>Fresh Employee</h3>
You are freshly recruited. The staff doesn't know you.
Doing only Madison paper work.
@@color:lightyellow;Work experience:$experience@@
<<if $joblevel is 2>>\
You are know a little about the job. Some people think you are coffee bringer.
@@color:lightyellow;Work experience:$experience@@
<<if $joblevel is 3>>\
<h3>Office Worker</h3>
You got some experience here. But sometimes you wish you could do more than this.
People here knows that you are working here but they don't respect you enough.
@@color:lightyellow;Work experience:$experience@@
<<if $joblevel is 4>>\
<h3>Experienced Worker</h3>
The working staff here knows you well. Thanks to Angelo, Your reputation here is increasing.
Working here is starting to become boring for you and you wish for some more work in the field.
@@color:lightyellow;Work experience:$experience@@
<<if $time gte 10 and $time lte 21 and $energy gte 25>>\
<<button [[Do a paper work]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $energy lte 26>>
@@color:purple;You are Exhausted@@
@@color:orange;Office is Closed@@
<<button [[Leave|officehallway]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "madisonoffice" play>>\
<img src="img/estateoffice/mom.jpg" class='potrate'>
<h2>Martha's Desk</h2>
It's your Mother's Desk. Martha mostly is working on the field.
She hates Paper work. You can see rarely here.
Sometimes she need to report
<<if $mcorruptionlevel gte 2 and $time gte 14 and $time lte 16 and $momandmadison gte 2>>\
<img src="img/estateoffice/momoffice/momclient.jpg" class='large'>
Mom is having a meeting with a client.
<<speech "Boy1" "Client">>Ma'am, this offer is a bit pricey. I'm willing to take it but... I'm not yet sure...<</speech>>
<<speech "MomOffice" "Mom">>Hmm....<</speech>>
<<if $momandmadison gte 3>>@@color:Event Repeatable@@<</if>>\
<<link "<h7>Mom's POV</h7>">><<set $mompovright to 2>><<set $mompov to 13>><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "momclientsex">><</link>>
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<img src="img/estateoffice/momoffice/mom1.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:orange;Your Mom seems very busy. All the time she is talking through the phone and types some boring stuff into the computer. @@
<<speech "MomOffice" "Martha">>...No! My client demands big pool! Not some lame shit for kids. Get it done!<</speech>>
<<if $time lte 13>>\
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Hey $name. I'm preparing for the meeting. Is something urgent?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No.. No. I just came to visit you. Sorry for trouble.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>I'm sorry sweety. That client is important! He is coming at 14.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay. Do you need something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Yeah. Some thing to relieve stress..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Relieve her of stress</h6>">><<set $time to $time +1>>
<video src="img/estateoffice/momoffice/kiss.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
Right away you went to her and starts to kiss with tongue.
At first Mother repulsed you, but after a few kisses she eased up and gave in to you.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>$name... Ah.. Thank you.<</speech>>
<<if $time gte 10 and $time lte 14 and $momandmadison is 1 and $joblevel gte 2>>\
<<button [[Mom is talking with Madison]]>><</button>>
<<if $mcorruptionlevel gte 2 and $mombbc gte 5 and $time lte 12.5>>
<<button [[Leave|officehallway]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "madisonoffice" play>>\
<h2>Madison Office</h2>
<img src="img/madison/impatient.jpg" class='potrate'>
Madison is busy, doing bussines stuff and things.
When she needs your assistance, she'll call you.
<<if $experience gte 14 and $joblevel is 1 and $madisonmad is 0>>\
<<if $bimboend is 3>>
<h3>@@color:hotpink;Bimbo Influence@@</h3>
<<button [[Madison wants to talk with you]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Madison wants to talk with you]]>><</button>>
<<if $experience gte 14 and $joblevel is 1 and $madisonmad is 1>>\
<<if $bimboend is 3>>\
<h3>@@color:hotpink;Bimbo Influence@@</h3>
<<button [[Madison waits for you]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Madison waits for you]]>><</button>>
<<if $experience gte 30 and $joblevel is 2 and $madisonmad gte 0>>\
<<if $bimboend is 3>>\
<h3>@@color:hotpink;Bimbo Influence@@</h3>
<<button [[Madison waiting]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Madison waiting]]>><</button>>
<<if $experience gte 49 and $joblevel is 3 and $madisonmad gte 0>>\
<<button [[Madison's Another Task]]>><</button>>
<<if $joblevel gte 2>>\
<h3>Events Replayable:</h3>
<<link "<h7>Madison First Job @@color:hotpink;((Bimbo Side Route))@@</h7>">><<goto "Madison wants to talk with you">><</link>>
<<if $joblevel gte 3>>\
<<link "<h7>Madison Second Job @@color:hotpink;((Bimbo Side Route))@@</h7>">><<goto "Madison waiting">><</link>>
<<if $joblevel gte 4>>\
<<link "<h7>Madison Third Job @@color:hotpink;((Bimbo Side Route))@@</h7>">><<goto "Madison's Another Task">><</link>>
<<button [[Leave|officehallway]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "madisonoffice" play>>\
<<if $experience lte 15 and $joblevel is 1>>
<h3>Fresh Employee</h3>
<img src='img/estateoffice/work1.jpg' class='medium'>
You do paper work for Madison. You gain some experience at the work.
@@color:grey;Two hours passed...@@
@@color:lightgrey;It is very exhausting and boring job...@@
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<div class="pos">
<<money 10>>@@color:lightgreen;Money + 10$@@
<<energy -25>>@@color:lightblue;Energy -25@@
<<set $experience +=random(1, 2)>>
@@color:lightyellow;Experience at work:$experience@@</div>
<<if $experience gte 14>>\
<h3>Madison wants you to meet at her Office.</h3>
<<elseif $joblevel lte 1 and $experience gte 14>>
You need to meet with Madison.
<<elseif $experience gte 14 and $experience lte 30 and $joblevel is 2>>\
<img src='img/estateoffice/work1.jpg' class='medium'>
You do paper work for Madison. You gain some experience at the work.
@@color:grey;Two hours passed...@@
@@color:lightgrey;It is little exhausting and boring job...@@
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<money 13>>@@color:lightgreen;Money + 13$@@
<<energy -20>>@@color:lightblue;Energy -20@@
<<set $experience +=random(1, 2)>>
@@color:lightyellow;Experience at work:$experience@@
<<if $experience gte 30>>\
<h3>Madison wants you to meet at her Office.</h3>
<<elseif $experience gte 30 and $experience lte 50 and $joblevel is 3 >>\
<h3>Office Worker</h3>
<img src='img/estateoffice/work1.jpg' class='medium'>
You do paper work for Madison. You gain some experience at the work.
@@color:grey;Two hours passed...@@
@@color:lightgrey;It is not that exhausting job like before...@@
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<money 15>>@@color:lightgreen;Money + 15$@@
<<energy -15>>@@color:lightblue;Energy -15@@
<<set $experience +=random(1, 2)>>
@@color:lightyellow;Experience at work:$experience@@<<upd>>
<<if $experience gte 50>>\
<h3>Madison wants you to meet at her Office.</h3>
<<elseif $joblevel is 4 and $experience gte 50>>\
<h3>Experienced Worker</h3>
<img src='img/estateoffice/work1.jpg' class='medium'>
You do paper work for Madison. You gain some experience at the work.
@@color:grey;Two hours passed...@@
@@color:lightgrey;It is not that exhausting job like before...@@
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<money 18>>@@color:lightgreen;Money + 18$@@
<<energy -15>>@@color:lightblue;Energy -15@@
<<set $experience +=random(1, 2)>>
@@color:lightyellow;Experience at work:$experience@@
<<if $experience gte 50 and $joblevel is 3>>\
<h3>Madison wants you to meet at her Office.</h3>
<<if $arousal gte 60>>
<<button [[Leave|To your Desk]]>><</button>>
<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "knocking" play>>
<<if $bimboend is 3>>
As you knock to her office, you hear the Madison voice.
<<speech "Madison">>Come in!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h2>Enter Madison Office.</h2>">>
<img src='img/madison/madisonoffice.jpg' class='medium2'>
She looks really seriously now that she's at her job.
Madison is sitting behind the desk.
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Hey! Boss What's up?<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Hmm? Oh yes. $name! Emm... Come in?<</speech>>
Madison were looking at the computer for a while...
Then she looked at you with confused face.
<<speech "Madison">>$name! Is something happened to you?.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>To me? Everything is Great, Boss!<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Oh, Okay. Well i have a task for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Task? I love task!<</speech>>
<img src='img/estateoffice/bimbo/madison.jpg' class='imageright'>
<<speech "Madison">>Hah... I need you to go to the Archieves and bring me @@color:orange;N052@@ Document. Are you okay with that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Sure Boss! Easy peasy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Cool...<</speech>>
Both of you got silent for a while. Madison looked at you confused again.
<<speech "Madison">>$name??? What are you waiting for?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Oh! Right! I'll be right back with your Lovely Documents!<</speech>>
<<button [[To the Archives]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
As you knock to her office, you hear the Madison voice.
<<speech "Madison">>Come in!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h2>Enter Madison Office.</h2>">>
<img src='img/madison/madisonoffice.jpg' class='medium2'>
She looks really seriously now that she's at her job.
Madison is sitting behind the desk.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You wanted to see me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Ah yes. $name! Come in... Come in.<</speech>>
Madison were looking at the computer for a while...
Then she looked at you with a smile.
<<speech "Madison">>$name! I have a special Job for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, Madison?<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Haha I like it! Calling me by my name. Okay. I need you to go to the Archieves and bring me @@color:orange;N052@@ Document. Are you up to that task?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course! Consider it done!<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Good Soldier! Now move out!<</speech>>
You laughed and left the room.
<<button [[To the Archives]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $bimboend is 3>>
<img src='img/estateoffice/elevatormen.jpg' class='medium'>
You are going to the Elevator.
The doors open and inside the elevator stands a Man, very attractive. He is smiled to you.
<<linkreplace "<h2>Enter the elevator</h2>">>
You enter the elevator and pressed the button to the archives.
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Hi, Handsome.<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo" "Office Worker">>Hey. You also going to the archives?<</speech>>
You smiled lustfull to him.
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Yep, I have imporntant task from Madison.<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo" "Office Worker">>Madison? Damn. She is tough woman.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Haha, yes she is...<</speech>>
Stading around him makes you horny. His scent and body wants you to fuck him!
<img src='img/estateoffice/bimbo/tease.webp' class='imageright'>
<<speech "Angelo" "Office Worker">>Oh... Girl. I didn't know-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>I'm Bad Girl.. Mister.<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo" "Office Worker">>Wow... You are something! My name's Angelo by the way.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Hey Angelo. $name is my name! Haha.<</speech>>
<img src='img/estateoffice/bimbo/ass.webp' class='imageleft'>
Angelo grabbed your ass.
You both smiled in desire. You are about to kiss him but Elevator opened.
<<button [[Leave the lift]]>><</button>>
<img src='img/estateoffice/elevatormen.jpg' class='medium'>
You are going to the Elevator.
The doors open and inside the elevator stands a Man, very attractive. He is smiled to you.
<<linkreplace "<h2>Enter the elevator</h2>">>
You enter the elevator and pressed the button to the archives.
<<speech "Angelo" "Office Worker">>Hey! You too going to Archives?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey. Yep, i am.<</speech>>
You smiled to him.
<<speech "Angelo" "Office Worker">>That's cool. You must be newbie in our office! I've never seen you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah. I work for Madison.<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo" "Office Worker">>Wooah... You work for her?!? Damn... I envy you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why is that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo" "Office Worker">>Oh, she is really demanding. I love women who takes control. Who has power...<</speech>>
You recognize that he speaks in foreign accent.
<<speech "Angelo">>By the way. My name is Angelo! Nice to meet you.<</speech>>
He greeted you with a handshake.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Angelo, $name nice to meet you too!<</speech>>
You both smiled.
But he did something you didn't expected
<<linkreplace "<h5>Angelo is up to something.</h5>">>
<img src='img/estateoffice/gropelift.webp' class='medium'>
You wanted to scream at him but elevator opens and some people were waiting for lift. It was the floor where Archives are.
You and Angelo get out the elevator.
<<button [[Leave the lift]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $bimboend is 3>>
<span id="angelo">
Both of you left the elevator. Angelo were so horny after that Elevator ride.
<<speech "Angelo">>If you need help, just ask. I'll be around here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Cool! Thanks Mister.<</speech>>
Angelo went to the end of the hallway.
You in other hand you were looking for <i>N052</i> Document.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Look for N052 Document</h6>">>
<img src='img/estateoffice/task1.2.webp' class='medium'>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>
You are looking for the documents. The way they sort the documents here makes you really stupid and mad that makes you a little headache.
After half of hour you gave up and went to Angelo for help or for little fun...
<<link "<h6>Ask Angelo</h6>">><<replace "#angelo">>
You went to the end of the hallway, No one was around only Angelo.
Angelo was waiting for you with the documents sitting behind the desk.
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Oh my gosh! You could told me you have them!<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>I could. Go get them.<</speech>>
<video src="img/estateoffice/bimbo/get1.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
You approached to the desk, Lifting your skirt up and bend down for the documents.
Angelo is looking at you sweet ass. His urge to slap them so hard...
<<speech "Angelo">>You bad, bad girl... You deserve to be punished!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>I'm so sorry sir! What kind of punishment?<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Just watch.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Angelo Punishes you</h6>">>
<video src="img/estateoffice/bimbo/get2.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
<<arousal 25>><div class="posarousal">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +25@@</div><<upd>>
Angelo slapped your buttcheeks. Being punished by Angelo makes you aroused.
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Ouch! Sir! Please! More Sir!<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Bad.. Bad Girl...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Angelo Punishes you</h6>">>
<video src="img/estateoffice/bimbo/get3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<arousal 25>><div class="posarousal">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +25@@</div><<upd>>
He was slapping every seconds, till your Buttcheeks got red.
<<speech "Angelo">>Your panties are getting wet, Dirty girl..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Mmm...!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Okay that is enough. Madison is gonna be angry if you don't bring those files. Go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Oh... Shit... You are right.<</speech>>
Angelo get up and left you alone with your pussy wet.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Masturbate!</h6>">>
<video src="img/estateoffice/bimbo/masturbate.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
@@color:hotpink;You are so horny after that interaction with Angelo...
Strongly aroused you had to touch yourself...@@
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">> Do Angelo knew I was going to do this? I don't care...<</speech>>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>My body would gone crazy without cum...<</speech>>
<<set $arousal to 0>>
<<if $joblevel is 1>>\
<<addcorruption 1>><div class="korup">Corruption +1</div>
<span id="shaker+50" class="shake1"><h3>CUMMING!</h3></span><<upd>>
With the documents, You went to Madison Office.
<<button [[To the Madison Office]]>><</button>>
<span id="angelo">
As you were leaving the elevator you stopped Angelo for a talk.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>HEY! What was that?!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Nothing. I just checked the area.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?!? You basta...<</speech>>
You were so mad! But apparently he didn't care what you said, so you let it go. He went to the end of the hallway.
You in other hand you were looking for <i>N052</i> Document.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Look for N052 Document</h4>">>
<img src='img/estateoffice/task1.2.webp' class='medium'>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
You were looking like one hour. They don't sort the documents here too well...
You are afraid that you won't find it.
After some time you see Angelo passing by through the hallway.
You could ask him for a guidance.
<<link "<h4>Ask Angelo</h4>">><<replace "#angelo">>
You ran out to him and shouted his name.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Angelo!<</speech>>
He stopped and turn to you.
<<speech "Angelo">>Yes?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey... Um... I need your help. Do you know where is N052 Document?<</speech>>
Angelo smiled one sided.
<<speech "Angelo">>Sure. I know where it is. What's in it for me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm... My gratitude?<</speech>>
Angelo rolled eyes and came up with the plan, He smiled to you.
<<speech "Angelo">>I want your panties.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh?! What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Panties. The one you are wearing right now.<</speech>>
You don't want to waste any time here. So..
<<link "<h4>Look by yourself one more time</h4>">><<replace "#angelo">>
You don't want to talk with this guy again.
You were looking for the Document for like 3 hours.
<<set $time to $time +3>>
You took the ladder and went to the top of first shelf.
You found it!
After that you got a phone call, it is Madison.
<<speech "Madison">>$name! Where the fuck are you? Nevermind. It's too late i dont need those documents anymore.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm sorry Madison...<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Go back to your office and do some paper work. There are a lot a work to do.<</speech>>
<<if $joblevel is 1>>\
<<set $experience to 0>><<set $madisonmad to $madisonmad +1>>
@@color:lightyellow;Your experience went to 0@@
You need do better next time.
<<if $time gte 21>>\
<<button [[Leave the Archives|citycenternight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave the Archives|To your Desk]]>><</button>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Give him Panties</h6>">><<replace "#angelo">>
<img src='img/estateoffice/task1.webp' class='medium'>
<<if $joblevel is 1>>\
<<addcorruption 1>><div class="korup">Corruption +1</div>
Angelo looked at you with a smile when you gave him your panties.
<<speech "Angelo">>Great. Come with me.<</speech>>
He lead you to first shelf and took from the top a documents.
He handed you a N052.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh! They were there all the time??<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Yep, thanks for the panties tho. See you soon, $name.<</speech>>
<img src='img/estateoffice/task1.1.webp' class='medium'>
He grabbed your ass, again and left the archives. You don't feel mad anymore, His touch makes you a little bit hornier...<<arousal 15>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +15@@
With the documents, You went to Madison Office.
<<button [[To the Madison Office]]>><</button>>
<<link "<h4>Look by yourself one more time</h4>">><<replace "#angelo">>
You don't want to talk with this guy again.
You were looking for the Document for like 3 hours.
<<set $time to $time +3>>
You took the ladder and went to the top of first shelf.
You found it!
After that you got a phone call, it is Madison.
<<speech "Madison">>$name! Where the fuck are you? Nevermind. It's too late i dont need those documents anymore.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm sorry Madison...<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Go back to your office and do some paper work. There are a lot a work to do.<</speech>>
<<if $joblevel is 1>>\
<<set $experience to 0>><<set $madisonmad to $madisonmad +1>>
@@color:lightyellow;Your experience went to 0@@
You need do better next time.
<<if $time gte 21>>\
<<button [[Leave the Archives|citycenternight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave the Archives|To your Desk]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
Madison were in the office waiting for you.
She has a video conferece with some people.
<img src='img/estateoffice/videoconfrence.webp' class='medium'>
You gave the documents and she smiled to you.
<<speech "Madison">><sub>Finally...</sub><</speech>>
She opens the documents and continue the conference.
<<speech "Madison">>Okay, the report says...<</speech>>
You left the office.
You got message that you received a little raise beacuse of experience in the work.
<<if $joblevel is 1>>\
<<set $joblevel to 2>><<set $experience to 15>>
<<button [[Leave|officehallway]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "knocking" play>>
As you knock to her office, you hear the Madison voice.
<<speech "Madison">>Enter!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "Enter Madison Office.">>
<img src='img/madison/madisonoffice.jpg' class='medium2'>
Madison looks really mad. Looks at you and starts talking.
<<speech "Madison">>$name! What the hell? What took you so long to look for that one piece of paper?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm sorry... I never been in archieves... The don't sort documents properly.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Jesus. Excuses and excuses... I want YOU! to find N053. In like an hour! <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. Of course Madison!<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Good, go.<</speech>>
You left and went to archives.
<<button [[To the Archives|achiwa]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
You were looking for the documents. Now you are eager to find it.
Those were <i>N053</i>.
<<set $time to $time + 0.5>>
After a half hour you found them.
<<button [[To the Madison Office]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/school/gym.gif" class="medium">
Jack called you to join him to the School Gym.
You met him in the hallway.
<<speech "Jack">>Hey my love!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Jack!<</speech>>
You wanted to hug him but he denied.
<<speech "Jack">>Sorry... I'm sweaty! We had a pretty good match! Could you wait for me? I'll take a quick shower.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure!<</speech>>
Jack went to the locker room.
You were wainting for him in the hallway.
Then you see Tom passing through the hallway.
Tom noticed you that you are here.
<<speech "Tom">>Oh hey $name!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>TOM? What are you doing here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>I'm looking for Katie. Do you know where she is??<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No. I've never seen her here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Mmm.. to shame.<</speech>>
After that party you had a fight with the stranger guy but Tom saved you so you wanted to show Tom some gratitude.
<<linkreplace "<h9>Show your gratitude</h9>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Tom. I never thanked you properly for defending me in party.<</speech>>
<<if $tomdrugs gte 2>>\
<<speech "Tom">>Sure $name. You never thanked me enough.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you have something on your mind?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Take a guess.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>It's okay! He was really a douche bag.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No... For real, Tom.<</speech>>
You touched his cock in pants.
<img src="img/school/touching.webp" class='medium'>
<<speech "Tom">>$name... You naughty girl...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah...<</speech>>
Tom grabbed your hand...
<<set $hot to $hot +1>><h2>@@color:hotpink;Betrayal to Jack +1@@</h2>
<<link "<h9>Follow Tom</h9>">><<goto "Tom lead you out of the school">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
You and Tom went to the back of the school, where no one was around.
<<linkreplace "<h7>Kissing</h7>">>
<img src="img/school/lustkiss.webp" class="imageleft">
The two of you started kissing sloppily. Kissing Tom is way much better thank with Jack.
<<arousal 10>>@@color:hotpink; Arousal +10@@
While he was kissing and touching you passionately, his his hard dick is poking you.
<img src="img/school/touching2.webp" class="imageright">
Tom with lust is looking at you.
<<speech "Tom">>Girl.. You are killing me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah... This thing, that we are doing right now... Is bad... Really bad...<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Who cares.<</speech>>
Tom can't get enough of you. His taking off the pants and you can his Hard cock pointing at you.
<<linkreplace "<h7>Suck his Cock</h7>">><<audio "bj" play>>
<img src="img/school/blowjob1.webp" class="imageleft">
<<arousal 25>>@@color:hotpink; Arousal +25@@
You get down to suck his Big Cock.
It's so risky to do this on the open but you don't care.
<<speech "Tom">>Damn girl... You so fucking hot...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>More...</h7>">><<audio "bj2" play>>
<img src="img/school/blowjob2.webp" class="imageright">
<<arousal 20>>@@color:hotpink; Arousal +20@@
He is getting close, you can feel it. Pleasing him makes you really happy.
Tom starts carrsing your head.
<<speech "Tom">>Fuck... I need to cum...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>He's Cumming</h7>">><<audio "moan4" play>>
<img src="img/school/cumshot.webp" class="medium">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmmmmm....<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Fuck!!! You so bad girl...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah...Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Damn $name Thanks! You are so fucking hot.<</speech>>
You wanted more action but your phone starts calling.
It was Jack. Of course.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck... Okay i need to go Tom. See you later?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Sure $name. I hope so.<</speech>>
After that you went to Jack and hung around with him as if nothing had happened. You were thinking mainly of Tom....
<<set $tomevents to 3>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><<set $time to 13>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="phonediv"><b>
<img src="img/phone/logoweare2.png" width="50%">\
We saw your performance at the<i>SocialPics</i> and we are intrigued by your @@color:lightblue;<i><b>Personality</b></i>@@.
We would like you to join our Club.
Our Company offers you prestigious offers and benefits.
We are elite and our sponsors are the most demanding people we care about.
For more information you must apply for our Job Offer.
Apply if you are really ready for a new wild journey. This is where the Little Girls becomes a Woman.
<<button [[Join the WeAreExclusive]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="exclusive"><b>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/teaser.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
Welcome to our Club @@color:lightpink;$name.@@
<<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "weare" play>>
<i>Our Club is highly respected by a variety of customers. Our clients are anonymous. By accepting the terms of our agreement, you cannot reveal their identity. If you don't fulfill these conditions, we can't protect you from the <b>consequences</b>.</i>@@ <</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>>
<i>Every one of our employees knows the limits of this agreement and so far every one of them is doing an outstanding <b>Job</b>.
I hope that you will fulfill every desire of our customers, and you will be generously rewarded. </i>@@<</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>>
<i>Now you have privilaged to see your Page Account. When you enter the Account the Random Machine will work to match with the Client.
At every meeting, you'll be equiped with special device to track your progress. In any session you can click the button to cancel the meeting if you don't like the atmosphere, but remember that you won't be charged a penny.
Before you are going to visit your page, upload your Picture with video Presentation and Interview.
Have a Good Run.
Sincerly WeAreExclusive.</i>@@<</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>>
<<linkreplace "<h1>@@color:white;Send@@</h1>">>
Uploading<<timed 1s t8n>>..<</timed>><<timed 2s 18n>>..<</timed>><<timed 3s t8n>>...<</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>>\
<<timed 5s t8n>>\
<<set $clubinvite to true>>
<<set $of to false>>
You can visit your Page.
<<button [[Your Page]]>><</button>><</timed>>
$(document).one(':passagerender', function (ev) {
$(ev.content).find("#blinky").fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1);
<</script>><div class="penis"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/cafe/rest.jpeg' class='medium '>
Resting in the room social.
<<energy 10>>@@color:lightblue; Energy +10@@
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>@@color:lightyellow;Half hour rest.@@
<<button [[To Cafe|cafe]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<<widget "pics">>
<div align="center">\
<span id="self">
<<if $selfie5 is true and $selfie27 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Upload Cute Selfie</h6>">>\
<img src='img/phone/selfie1.1.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $selfie27 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $selfie10 is true and $selfie28 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Upload Cute Selfie</h6>">>\
<img src='img/phone/selfie1.2.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $selfie28 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $selfie11 is true and $selfie29 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Upload Cute Selfie</h6>">>\
<img src='img/phone/selfie1.3.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $selfie29 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $selfie12 is true and $selfie30 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Upload Cute Selfie</h6>">>\
<img src='img/phone/selfie1.4.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $selfie30 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $selfie6 is true and $selfie23 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Upload Hot Selfie</h6>">>\
<img src='img/phone/selfie2.1.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $selfie23 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +2>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +2!@@
<<if $selfie7 is true and $selfie24 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Upload Hot Selfie</h6>">>\
<img src='img/phone/selfie2.2.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $selfie24 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +2>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +2!@@
<<if $selfie8 is true and $selfie25 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Upload Hot Selfie</h6>">>\
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<<set $selfie25 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +2>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +2!@@
<<if $selfie9 is true and $selfie26 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Upload Hot Selfie</h6>">>\
<img src='img/phone/selfie2.4.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $selfie26 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +2>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +2!@@
<<if $selfie27 is true or $selfie28 is true or $selfie29 is true or $selfie30 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Cute Selfies</h6>">>\
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<if $selfie27 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/selfie1.1.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<<run Dialog.setup("Cute Selfie")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<img src='img/phone/selfie1.1.jpg' class='large'>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<th><<if $selfie28 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/selfie1.2.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<<run Dialog.setup("Cute Selfie")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<img src='img/phone/selfie1.2.jpg' class='large'>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<if $selfie29 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/selfie1.3.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<<run Dialog.setup("Cute Selfie")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<img src='img/phone/selfie1.3.jpg' class='large'>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<th><<if $selfie30 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/selfie1.4.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<<run Dialog.setup("Cute Selfie")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<img src='img/phone/selfie1.4.jpg' class='large'>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<<if $selfie23 is true or $selfie24 is true or $selfie25 is true or $selfie26 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Hot Selfies</h6>">>\
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<if $selfie23 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/selfie2.1.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<<run Dialog.setup("Hot Selfie")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<img src='img/phone/selfie2.1.jpg' class='large'>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<th><<if $selfie24 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/selfie2.2.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<<run Dialog.setup("Hot Selfie")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<img src='img/phone/selfie2.2.jpg' class='large'>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<if $selfie25 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/selfie2.3.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<<run Dialog.setup("Hot Selfie")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<img src='img/phone/selfie2.3.jpg' class='large'>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<th><<if $selfie26 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/selfie2.4.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<<run Dialog.setup("Hot Selfie")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<img src='img/phone/selfie2.4.jpg' class='large'>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<<if $selfielvlsecond1 is true or $selfielvlsecond2 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Hotter Selfies</h6>">>
<<if $selfielvlsecond1 is true and $hotterup1 is false>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Hotter Selfie 1 Upload</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/hotselfiesoc.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $hotterup1 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $selfielvlsecond2 is true and $hotterup2 is false>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Hotter Selfie 2 Upload</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/hotselfiesoc2.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $hotterup2 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<if $hotterup1 is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/phone/hotselfiesoc.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<<run Dialog.setup("Hotter Selfie 1!")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<img src='img/phone/hotselfiesoc.jpg' class='large'>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<th><<if $hotterup2 is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/phone/hotselfiesoc2.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<<run Dialog.setup("Hotter Selfie 2!")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<img src='img/phone/hotselfiesoc2.jpg' class='large'>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<<if $selfiebimbo1 is true or $selfiebimbo2 is true or $selfiebimbo3 is true or $selfiebimbo4 is true or $selfiebim1 is true or $selfiebim2 is true or $selfiebim3 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Bimbo Pictures</h6>">>
<<if $selfiebim1 is true and $selfiebim1soc is false>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Bimbo Stage 3 Picture 1 Upload</h6>">>
<img src='img/phone/bim1soc.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $selfiebim1soc to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $selfiebim2 is true and $selfiebim2soc is false>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Bimbo Stage 3 Picture 2 Upload</h6>">>
<img src='img/phone/bim2soc.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $selfiebim2soc to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $selfiebim3 is true and $selfiebim3soc is false>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Bimbo Stage 3 Picture 3 Upload</h6>">>
<img src='img/phone/bim3soc.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $selfiebim3soc to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $selfiebimbo1 is true and $bimbup1 is false>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Bimbo Picture 1 Upload</h6>">>
<img src='img/phone/bimbosoc1.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $bimbup1 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $selfiebimbo2 is true and $bimbup2 is false>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Bimbo Picture 2 Upload</h6>">>
<img src='img/phone/bimbosoc2.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $bimbup2 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $selfiebimbo3 is true and $bimbup3 is false>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Bimbo Picture 3 Upload</h6>">>
<img src='img/phone/bimbosoc3.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $bimbup3 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $selfiebimbo4 is true and $bimbup4 is false>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Bimbo Picture 4 Upload</h6>">>
<img src='img/phone/bimbosoc4.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $bimbup4 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<if $bimbup1 is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/phone/bimbosoc1.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<<run Dialog.setup("Bimbo Selfie 1!")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<img src='img/phone/bimbosoc1.jpg' class='large'>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<th><<if $bimbup2 is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/phone/bimbosoc2.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<<run Dialog.setup("Bimbo Selfie 2!")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<img src='img/phone/bimbosoc2.jpg' class='large'>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<if $bimbup3 is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/phone/bimbosoc3.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<<run Dialog.setup("Bimbo Selfie 3!")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<img src='img/phone/bimbosoc3.jpg' class='large'>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<th><<if $bimbup4 is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/phone/bimbosoc4.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<<run Dialog.setup("Bimbo Selfie 4!")>>
<<run Dialog.wiki("<img src='img/phone/bimbosoc4.jpg' class='large'>")>>
<<run Dialog.open()>>
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<if $selfiebim1soc is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/phone/bim1soc.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/bim1soc.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<th><<if $selfiebim2soc is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/phone/bim2soc.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/bim2soc.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<th><<if $selfiebim3soc is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/phone/bim3soc.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/bim3soc.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Events</h6>">>
<h3>@@color:orange;Upload your Selfie's!@@</h3>
<<if $fatherselfie1 is true and $uploadfat1 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Father Tease.</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/daddysoc1.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $uploadfat1 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>\
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $fatherselfie2 is true and $uploadfat2 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Father's Love</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/daddysgirlsoc.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $uploadfat2 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>\
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $fatherselfie3 is true and $uploadfat3 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Daddy</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/daddyselfiesoc2.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $uploadfat3 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>\
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $selfieoffice is true and $uploadoffice1 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Office Start!</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/officesoc.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $uploadoffice1 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>\
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $selfieoffice1 is true and $uploadoffice2 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Another day in the Office.</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/officesoc2.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $uploadoffice2 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>\
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $restaurantselfie2 is true and $uploadselfieres2 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Restaurant Outfit Pic</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/socialres.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $uploadselfieres2 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>\
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $restaurantselfie is true and $uploadselfieres1 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Restaurant Selfie with Friend</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/socialres2.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $uploadselfieres1 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>\
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $bbcselfie1 is true and $uploadbbc1 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>BBC 1</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/bbcsoc1.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $uploadbbc1 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>\
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $bbcselfie2 is true and $uploadbbc2 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>BBC 2</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/bbcsoc2.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $uploadbbc2 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>\
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $bbcselfie3 is true and $uploadbbc3 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>BBC 3</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/bbcsoc3.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $uploadbbc3 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>\
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $hotselfieparty is true and $partyhotup is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Before the Party</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/beforepartysoc.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $partyhotup to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>\
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $selfiedrug is true and $partyhotup1 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>After the Party</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/afterpartysoc.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $partyhotup1 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>\
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $schoolseflie1 is true and $schoolup is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>School Girl</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/schoolslutsoc.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $schoolup to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>\
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $jackselfie is true and $jacksup is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>With Jack!</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/jacksoc.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $jacksup to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>\
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $selfietombefore is true and $betraytomup1 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Before Tom</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/beforetomsoc.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $betraytomup1 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>\
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $selfietomafter is true and $betraytomup2 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>After Tom</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/aftertomsocial.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $betraytomup2 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>\
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $momselfie1 is true and $momsup1 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>With Mom</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/momsoc.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $momsup1 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>\
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $momselfie2 is true and $momsup2 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>With Mom</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/momsoc2.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $momsup2 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>\
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $momselfie3 is true and $momsup3 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>With Mom</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/momsoc3.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $momsup3 to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>\
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $selfielvl3 is true and $selfielvl3soc is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>@@color:pink;After Surgery@@</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/lvl3soc.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $selfielvl3soc to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>\
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $selfiebro is true and $selfiebrosoc is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>@@color:orange;My Brother@@</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/brothersoc.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $selfiebrosoc to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>\
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $selfieschoollvl3 is true and $selfieschoollvl3soc is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>@@color:orange;After Surgery School@@</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/schoollvl3soc.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $selfieschoollvl3soc to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>\
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $selfieschoollvl33 is true and $selfieschoollvl33soc is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>@@color:orange;Correcting Grades!@@</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/schoolvl3soc1.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $selfieschoollvl33soc to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>\
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $selfielena is true and $selfielenasoc is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>@@color:orange;With Lena@@</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/lenasoc.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $selfielenasoc to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>\
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<<if $selfiedadmorning is true and $selfiedadmorningsoc is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>@@color:orange;Breakfast with Daddy.@@</h7>">>\
<img src='img/phone/selfiedaddysoc.jpg' class='medium2'>
<<set $selfiedadmorningsoc to true>><<set $reputation to $reputation +1>><<upd>>\
@@color:orange;Gained Reputation +1!@@
<h3>Your Gallery!</h3>
<<if $selfielvl3soc is true or $selfiebrosoc is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;After Surgery@@</h6>">>
<table style="width:100%">\
<th><<if $selfielvl3soc is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/lvl3soc.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/lvl3soc.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<th><<if $selfiebrosoc is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/brothersoc.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/brothersoc.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<if $uploadfat1 is true or $uploadfat2 is true or $uploadfat3 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;Daddy Selfies@@</h6>">>
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<if $uploadfat1 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/daddysoc1.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/daddysoc1.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<th><<if $uploadfat2 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/daddysgirlsoc.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/daddysgirlsoc.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<th><<if $uploadfat3 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/daddyselfiesoc2.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/daddyselfiesoc2.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<th><<if $selfiedadmorningsoc is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/selfiedaddysoc.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/selfiedaddysoc.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<if $momsup1 is true or $momsup2 is true or $momsup3 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;Mommy Selfies@@</h6>">>
<table style="width:100%">\
<th><<if $momsup1 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/momsoc.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/momsoc.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<th><<if $momsup2 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/momsoc2.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/momsoc2.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<th><<if $momsup3 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/momsoc3.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/momsoc3.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<if $selfielenasoc is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;Lena Selfies@@</h6>">>
<table style="width:100%">\
<th><<if $selfielenasoc is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/lenasoc.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/lenasoc.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<if $uploadbbc1 is true or $uploadbbc2 is true or $uploadbbc3 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Blacked Selfies@@</h6>">>
<table style="width:100%">\
<th><<if $uploadbbc1 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/bbcsoc1.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/bbcsoc1.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<th><<if $uploadbbc2 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/bbcsoc2.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/bbcsoc2.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<th><<if $uploadbbc3 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/bbcsoc3.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/bbcsoc3.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<if $uploadselfieres1 is true or $uploadselfieres2 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:orange;Restaurant Selfies@@</h6>">>
<table style="width:100%">\
<th><<if $uploadselfieres1 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/socialres2.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/socialres2.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<th><<if $uploadselfieres2 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/socialres.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/socialres.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<if $uploadoffice1 is true or $uploadoffice2 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:orange;Office Selfies@@</h6>">>
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<if $uploadoffice1 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/officesoc.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/officesoc.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<th><<if $uploadoffice2 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/officesoc2.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/officesoc2.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<if $partyhotup is true or $partyhotup1 is true or $jacksup is true or $betraytomup1 is true or $betraytomup2 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:orange;Boyfriend Selfies@@</h6>">>
<table style="width:100%">\
<th><<if $partyhotup is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/beforepartysoc.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/beforepartysoc.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<th><<if $partyhotup1 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/afterpartysoc.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/afterpartysoc.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<th><<if $jacksup is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/jacksoc.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/jacksoc.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<table style="width:100%">\
<th><<if $betraytomup1 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/beforetomsoc.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/beforetomsoc.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<th><<if $betraytomup2 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/aftertomsocial.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/aftertomsocial.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<if $schoolup is true or $selfieschoollvl3soc is true or $selfieschoollvl33soc is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:orange;School Selfies@@</h6>">>
<table style="width:100%">\
<th><<if $schoolup is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/schoolslutsoc.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/schoolslutsoc.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<th><<if $selfieschoollvl3soc is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/schoollvl3soc.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/schoollvl3soc.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<th><<if $selfieschoollvl33soc is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/phone/schoolvl3soc1.jpg' class='mediumpic'>">>
<img src='img/phone/schoolvl3soc1.jpg' class='large'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<widget "weareexclusive">>\
<img src="img/weareexclusive/avatar1.jpg" class='small'>
<div class="exclusive"><b><<audio "weare" play>>
<h2>Your Page</h2>
<<if $bimboend is 3>>\
<video src="img/weareexclusive/avatarbimbo.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>
<img src="img/weareexclusive/avatar2.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<img src="img/weareexclusive/avatar1.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<div align="left">
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
Type: Petite
Age: Young Adult
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>
Type: Fake Tits
Age: Young Adult
<<if $clublevel is 1>>\
Experience: Novice
Kinks: Undiscovered
<<elseif $clublevel is 2>>\
Experience: Rookie
Kinks: Undiscovered
<<elseif $clublevel is 3>>\
Experience: Good Student.
Kinks: Undiscovered
Hobby: Music, Films, Coffee, Hiking, Games, Running, Novel Books.
About yourself: This is my first time on this Exclusive Page.
I grew up in a small city and then moved out to another, larger one.
I'm really energetic, and i love to run around the city. I enjoy experiencing new places around the globe.
I'm a little shy at first, but when I get to know a person, I turn into a beast, haha!
Looking for new experiences. I hope I can fulfill your fantasies in a good way.
Videos Clips:
<span id="32"><<linkreplace "<h4>Interview</h4>">><<replace "#32">>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/interview.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Presentation</h4>">><<replace "#32">>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/presentation.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop>
<<if $premium is true>>
<<button [[Premium Clients]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Clients]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Your Room|mcroom]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<button "Return" `previous()`>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
$(document).one(':passagerender', function (ev) {
$(ev.content).find("#blinky").fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1).delay(200).fadeTo(1000, 0).fadeTo(1000, 1);
<</script>><div align="center"><img src="img/phone/logoweare2.png" width="75%"></div>
<<if $client1 is false>>\
<div class="client1box">
<img src="img/weareexclusive/client1.jpg" class='imageright'>
<b>Requirements: Corruption Level One</b>
Kinks: Feets, Photo Shot.
Message from Client: Hello. I've seen your profile and i am intrigued with your body...
I'd like to make a photo session with you.
Come to my Studio at :
<<button [[Message with the Client|Client 1]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<if $client2 is false>>\
<div class="client2box">\
<img src="img/weareexclusive/client2.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<b>Requirements: Corruption Level 2 and 40 Corruption.</b>
Kinks: Young, Unexperienced Girls.
Message from Client: Hey! You must be new here. I am intrested with your personality. I like young and fresh. I want to see if you can handle <i>US</i>. Yes, we are large group ready to feel you. Will you be up to the task?
<<if $corruption gte 40>>\
<<button [[Meet with the Client|Client 2]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
@@color:orange;Not enough Corruption@@
<<if $client3 is false>>\
<div class="client3box">
<img src="img/weareexclusive/client3.jpg" class='imageright'>
<b>Requirements: Corruption Level Two and Experience: Good Student.</b>
Kinks:Lesbian, Threesome.
Message from Client:Wow Girl... You look awesome.
My client would like you to join for our little session. We'll split reward in half.
I'll send you more details in the device.
<<if $corruption gte 40>>\
<<button [[Client wants to meet you|Client 3]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
@@color:orange;Not enough Corruption@@
<div align="center"><<button [[Go back to your page|Your Page]]>><</button>></div>
<div class="client1box"><b>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/meeting.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey!<</speech>>
<<speech "Client1">>Hello! Finally... I've been waiting for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry. I'm new at this. So you want to do a photo shoot for me? Just this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Client1">>Gladly. If you make me happy, of course. Otherwise, I'll come up with something interesting.<</speech>>
<<button [[Meet with the Client]]>><<set $firstclient to 1>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Clients]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="client2box"><b>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/meeting.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
You sent a message to a Client that you are intrested with a proposition.
He replied about which and where to go. He also wants to make sure you are comfortable with what the group can do for you.
At least you got a device that the company assured you would be safe.
<<button [[Go the Client's Adress]]>><<set $scene to 0>><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to 0>><<set $failclient to 0>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Clients]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="client1box"><b>\
You arrived to the place.
@@.pulse;<img src='img/weareexclusive/device.jpg' class='medium'>@@
Your Device wibrate. That means you are starting your session with Client.
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Hello to my Studio!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow... i've never been in studio before. It looks so profesional.<</speech>>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Yeah, it is not mine though. I borrowed it from a friend of mine. I'm retired photographer, but for some time i'm still craving for old times.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's cool! So what do you want me to do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>There is a bathroom. I'd like you to wear that red lingerie. I'll prepare the camera.<</speech>>
<img src="img/weareexclusive/client1/red.webp" class='medium'>
<<linkreplace "<h4>To the Bathroom</h4>">>
<<set $firstclient to 2>><<upd>>
You took the Lingerie and went to the bathroom.
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client1/changing.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
Wearing this piece of cloth makes you a little stressed, not to mention that he will demand task from you.
You dressed up at the customer's request.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well... here we go. Try not to fuck it up.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>To the Client</h4>">>
<<set $firstclient to 3>><<upd>>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Damn... You look great!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks hah!<</speech>>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Okay, Please stand there.<</speech>>
He shows you exactly how to pose for a photo.
<<button [[Photo Session]]>><</button>>
<div class="client1box"><b><<set $seconds to 5>>\
<<audio "photoshoot" play>>
<i>Minigame Rules:
You have 5 seconds to guess what Pose it is.
Right pose is with green border. Wrong red.
If timer goes down it will be considered as a failure.</i>
<<if $shoots is 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>First Pose</h4>">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/pose11.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<set _poseshoot to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _poseshoot is 1>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 2>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 3>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<timed 5s>><<goto "posefail1">><</timed>>
<<elseif $shoots is 1>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Second Pose</h4>">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/pose2.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<set _poseshoot to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _poseshoot is 1>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 2>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 3>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<timed 5s>><<goto "posefail1">><</timed>>
<<elseif $shoots is 2>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Third Pose</h4>">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/pose3.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<set _poseshoot to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _poseshoot is 1>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POS@@E</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 2>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 3>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<timed 5s>><<goto "posefail1">><</timed>>
<<elseif $shoots is 3>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Fourth Pose</h4>">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/pose4.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<set _poseshoot to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _poseshoot is 1>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 2>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 3>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<timed 5s>><<goto "posefail1">><</timed>>
<<elseif $shoots is 4>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Fifth Pose</h4>">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/pose5.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<set _poseshoot to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _poseshoot is 1>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 2>>
<<link "<div class='good'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 3>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<timed 5s>><<goto "posefail1">><</timed>>
<<elseif $shoots is 5>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Client ask for more</h4>">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/changepose.webm" class='large'></video>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Maybe spice it up a little bit?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh? what do you mean.<</speech>>
He points at your bra.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm Sure.<</speech>>
You willingly try to take off bra.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Sixth Pose</h4>">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/pose6.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<set _poseshoot to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _poseshoot is 1>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 2>>
<<link "<div class='good'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 3>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<timed 5s>><<goto "posefail1">><</timed>>
<<elseif $shoots is 6>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Seventh Pose</h4>">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/pose7.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<set _poseshoot to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _poseshoot is 1>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 2>>
<<link "<div class='good'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 3>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<timed 5s>><<goto "posefail1">><</timed>>
<<elseif $shoots is 7>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Eighth Pose</h4>">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/pose8.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<set _poseshoot to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _poseshoot is 1>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 2>>
<<link "<div class='good'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 3>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<timed 5s>><<goto "posefail1">><</timed>>
<<widget "firstclient">>
<div class="stats"><b>\
@@color:red;Failed Photos:$failphoto@@
@@color:rgba(0, 255, 104, 1);Successful Photos:$winphoto@@
<<if $firstclient is 1>>
<img src="img/weareexclusive/client1/enter.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $firstclient is 2>>
<img src="img/weareexclusive/client1/changing.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $firstclient is 3>>
<img src="img/weareexclusive/client1/wear.jpg" class='large'>
<<widget "posing">>
<<set _poseshoot to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _poseshoot is 1>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 2>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 3>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail1">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin1">><</link>>
<<widget "device">>\
<<linkreplace "Device">>\
@@.pulse;<img src="img/weareexclusive/device.jpg" class='small'>@@
<</widget>>\<div class="client1box"><b>\
<<if $shoots is 0>>\
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posefail1.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $failphoto to $failphoto +1>>
<h3>Failed Photos</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo Session]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 1>>\
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posefail2.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $failphoto to $failphoto +1>>
<h3>Failed Photos</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo Session]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 2>>\
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posefail3.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $failphoto to $failphoto +1>>
<h3>Failed Photos</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo Session]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 3>>\
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posefail4.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $failphoto to $failphoto +1>>
<h3>Failed Photos</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo Session]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 4>>\
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posefail5.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $failphoto to $failphoto +1>>
<h3>Failed Photos</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo Session]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 5>>\
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posefail6.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $failphoto to $failphoto +1>>
<h3>Failed Photos</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo Session]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 6>>\
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posefail7.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $failphoto to $failphoto +1>>
<h3>Failed Photos</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo Session]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 7>>\
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posefail8.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $failphoto to $failphoto +1>>
<h3>Failed Photos</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<if $winphoto gte 6>>\
<<button [[Client Happy]]>><<audio "photoshoot" stop>><</button>>
<<button [[Client upset]]>><<audio "photoshoot" stop>><</button>>
<div class="client1box"><b>\
<<if $shoots is 0>>\
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posewin1.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $winphoto to $winphoto +1>>
<h3>Successful Photo</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo Session]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 1>>\
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posewin2.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $winphoto to $winphoto +1>>
<h3>Successful Photo</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo Session]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 2>>\
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posewin3.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $winphoto to $winphoto +1>>
<h3>Successful Photo</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo Session]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 3>>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posewin4.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $winphoto to $winphoto +1>>
<h3>Successful Photo</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo Session]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 4>>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posewin5.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $winphoto to $winphoto +1>>
<h3>Successful Photo</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo Session]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 5>>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posewin6.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $winphoto to $winphoto +1>>
<h3>Successful Photo</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo Session]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 6>>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posewin7.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $winphoto to $winphoto +1>>
<h3>Successful Photo</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo Session]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 7>>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posewin8.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $winphoto to $winphoto +1>>
<h3>Successful Photo</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<if $winphoto gte 6>>\
<<button [[Client Happy]]>><<audio "photoshoot" stop>><</button>>
<<button [[Client upset]]>><<audio "photoshoot" stop>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="client1box"><b>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/clienthappy.webm" loop class='large'></video>
You succeeded in making the client happy.
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Wow!! You are such a good model! Working with was a really fun and profesional.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thank you! You are great a photographer. You should do it more!<</speech>>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Maybe... Okay there on the drawer is the money for flawless work.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Take the money</h4>">>
<<set $money to $money +500>>@@color:lightgreen;Money + 500$@@
<<set $clublevel to $clublevel +1>>@@color:orange;You gained new experience in the Club!@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow that's a lot of money.<</speech>>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Those are yours. Thanks for modeling. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure! See ya!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|Your Page]]>><<set $firstclient to 0>><<set $client1 to true>><<set $time to $time +2>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="client1box"><b>\
<span id="client">
By the look of the photographer you know he is dissapointed with your perfomance. So try to do something to make him happy.
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/clientupset.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Hmm... I like where it is going.<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Take the chance in your hand</h4>">><<replace "#client">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/makeclienthappy.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<link "<h4>Hmm i know What he Likes.</h4>">><<replace "#client">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/makeclienthappy1.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Mmm your Feets. Are so sexy.<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>He really do like them</h4>">><<replace "#client">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/makeclienthappy2.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<link "<h4>Foot Job</h4>">><<replace "#client">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/makeclienthappy3.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Your Pussy and Feets are so sexy... I like them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OH!<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>He takes it too well</h4>">><<replace "#client">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/makeclienthappy4.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>I was dissapointed with your posing but in that one... you are perfect.<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Cums on your Feets</h4>">><<replace "#client">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/makeclienthappy5.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Fuuuuuck......<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm...<</speech>>
<<button [[Clients pays you]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="client1box"><b>\
<<if $failphoto gte 8>>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Hmm... The photos are a failure but your Feets done a good job.<</speech>>
He hands you @@color:lightgreen; 80$@@ <<set $money to $money +80>> <<upd>>
<<elseif $failphoto gte 7>>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Hmm... The photos are a failure well except for one. But your Feets did a great job.<</speech>>
He hands you @@color:lightgreen; 100$@@ <<set $money to $money +100>> <<upd>>
<<elseif $failphoto gte 6>>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Hmm... Mostly photos are a failure but your Feets done a good job.<</speech>>
He hands you @@color:lightgreen; 125$@@ <<set $money to $money +125>> <<upd>>
<<elseif $failphoto gte 5>>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Hmm... Some photos are a failure but your Feets done a good job.<</speech>>
He hands you @@color:lightgreen; 150$@@ <<set $money to $money +150>> <<upd>>
<<elseif $failphoto gte 4>>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Hmm... Mostly the photos are good. But your Feets done a good job.<</speech>>
He hands you @@color:lightgreen; 200$@@ <<set $money to $money +200>> <<upd>>
<<elseif $failphoto gte 3>>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>I wanted good pictures and I got them. I like the pictures and your Feets did a good job.<</speech>>
He hands you @@color:lightgreen; 250$@@ <<set $money to $money +250>> <<upd>>
<<set $clublevel to $clublevel +1>>@@color:orange;You gained new experience in the Club!@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thank you and sorry for my mistakes. I'll be better next time!<</speech>>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>I hope so! See you around!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|Your Page]]>><<set $firstclient to 0>><<set $time to $time +2>><<set $client1 to true>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<<set $time to 23.5>>\
<img src="img/mom/momoutside.jpg" class="large">>
Martha, with a worried look, went outside into the yard to get away from suspicious ears and eyes.
In there she was looking around to be sure that no one is near her. After that she dials the number.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Please don't pick up...Please...<</speech>>
After several minutes the person who your mom tries to reach does not answer the phone.
She seems to be releaved?
Then the phone calls back.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>No żesz kurwa mać! Dobra... Uspokój się... Pogadaj z nim.. Tylko na spokojnie...<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Huh?! What the hell. I don't understand anything she says... What kind of language is that?<</speech>>
After a few rings, she calmed down and answered the phone.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Hello...?<</speech>>
Unfortunately you can't hear who is she talking with.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Well i rather speaking in Eng-<</speech>>
Martha changes her voice to a harsh one.
It was as if she did not respect this caller.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">><i>Dobrze... Niech będzie i tak.</i><</speech>>
<img src="img/ui/necklace.gif" width='25%' class='imageleft1'>
After this harsh answer, her necklace starts glowing pink and blue!
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">><i>Ja... Przepraszam.. Nie! Nie!!! Prosze! Zrobie wszystko! Tylko tego nie rób... Prosze...</i><</speech>>
You wonder what is going on... $mom is in trouble? Is she in....
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom?</h6>">>
<img src="img/mom/dad.jpg" class="large">>
Then, out of nowhere, you feel a strong tap on your back. You're jumping out of fear.
<div class="font150">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>!!!AHH!!!<</speech>></div>
It's $dad. He looked at you with serious and confused eye-brows.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>What are you doing at hour? $name it's late night!<</speech>>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nothing Daddy. I'm observing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nothing $dad. <</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>By the way... Did you see your $mom somewhere? Lately, she is very quiet.<</speech>>
You looked back at the backyard but she wasn't there. Where the hell did she go?
Now you can tell your $dad about this or Don't.
<span id ="father">
<<link "<h4>Tell@@color:teal;(Family Bond Trust)@@</h4>">><<replace "#father">>
<<set $momlucas to $momlucas +1>>\
<<set $onlydad to $onlydad +1>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom was here... Few minutes ago.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Huh. So that's why you were sneaking around?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad... I'm just worried about her. That's all.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I'm glad you worried about your $mom. But where is she now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't know... I've heard her talking through the phone. She was speaking in some foreign language.<</speech>>
$dad makes a concerned face and nods.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hmm.. Yeah. That's odd. Don't you think?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Right... Thank you $name. But you gotta go to the bed. I don't want you oversleep again before school.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But $dad! What about $mom?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>It's okay. $name. $mom is going to be alright.<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
or Watch Martha's POV
<<button [[Martha]]>><<set $mompov to 2>><<set $mompovright to 2>><</button>>
<<link "<h4>Don't@@color:purple;(Family Break)@@</h4>">><<replace "#father">>
<<set $momlucas to $momlucas +2>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom? No. At this hour she probably is sleeping.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>No. She is not. Anyway. Go to bed. It's late!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
or Watch Martha's POV
<<button [[Martha]]>><<set $mompov to 2>><<set $mompovright to 2>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="mombox"><b>\
<<set $time to 8>><h2>Martha's Day.</h2>
<video src="img/mom/morning.webm" width='35%' class='imageleft' controls autoplay loop muted></video>
As usual typical morning of Matha's..
Wake up.
Dress up.
Make up...
And going out into the city in search of Work.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Look for Work</h4>">>
<<set $mompov to 3>><<upd>>
<video src="img/mom/phone.webm" width='50%' class='imageright' controls autoplay loop></video>
So far you can't find your dream Job. You asked, you called, you sent to every agency to apply you as a real estate agent. Even David couldn't help you. You don't know why every company won't even talk to you. You wish to isolate yourself from David so you can make some real money.
Then in your purse you found the phone number of the guy in the jewelry store who gave you that necklace completely for nothing.
<<speech "Martha">>Do i really need to call him? Hmm... Maybe he'll help me.<</speech>>
You calling him.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Hello? Who is this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Martha">>Heyyy.... The woman that you gave her a Necklace for free haha!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Oh yes! I remember! It's great that you are calling! How are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Martha">>I'm fine! Thanks for asking. Listen, I was wondering. You must be famous in this part of town. Do you know who would hire me as a Real Estate Broker?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Wow... That came out of nowhere. <</speech>>
<<speech "Martha">>Yeah... Sorry.. I shouldn't.. that was stupid idea. Thanks for .....<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Wait! I could help you. If you would go with me for a cup of coffee.<</speech>>
He still want to date me... You still thinking this is bad idea... But whatever. You only live once!
<<speech "Martha">>Hmm... Okay!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Great! So we'll meet in the one hour. I'll send you location. Don't forget to wear the necklace I gave you. I'd like to see it on you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Martha">>Huh?! That was fast.. Sure i'll wear it!. Okay, haha Okay! We'll meet there.<</speech>>
<<button [[Go to the Coffee Place]]>><<set $mompov to 4>><<set $time to 12>><</button>>
<<widget "rightbar">>
<<if $paidgym gte 1>>\
<b><i>@@color:orange;$paidgym@@ @@color:lightgrey;Days of Gym.@@</i></b>
<b><<link "<h7>Objectives</h7>">><<goto "todolist">><</link>></b>
<<if $todolist is 1>>\
<<link "<h27>Disable Objectives Box</h27>">><<set $todolist to 0>><<upd>><</link>>
<<include "todolistright">>
<<elseif $todolist is 0>>\
<<link "<h27>Enable Objectives Box</h27>">><<set $todolist to 1>><<upd>><</link>>
<<if $analon is true>>\
<h27>@@color:orange;Anal Plug is On $analhole/14@@</h27>
<<if $analbox is false>>\
<<link "<h27>Disable Anal Plug Image</h27>">><<set $analbox to true>><<upd>><</link>>
<img src="img/mcroom/plugged.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $analbox is true>>\
<<link "<h27>Enable Anal Plug Image</h27>">><<set $analbox to false>><<upd>><</link>>
<<if $clothesbox is 1>>\
<<link "<h27>Disable Your Outfit</h27>">><<set $clothesbox to 0>><<upd>><</link>>
<<elseif $clothesbox is 0>>\
<<link "<h27>Enable Your Outfit</h27>">><<set $clothesbox to 1>><<upd>><</link>>
<<if $underwearbox is 1>>\
<<link "<h27>Disable Your Underwear</h27>">><<set $underwearbox to 0>><<upd>><</link>>
<<elseif $underwearbox is 0>>\
<<link "<h27>Enable Your Underwear</h27>">><<set $underwearbox to 1>><<upd>><</link>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true and $clotheswear is "schooluniform3" and $potem is false>>\
<div class="cougarlifebox">@@color:hotpink;Bimbo School Points:@@
<meter @value="$bimbopoints" min="0" max="5" align="center"></meter></div>
<div class="stats">
@@color:pink;$mom Relation:$mrelationship/100@@
<<if $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
@@color:pink;$mom Corruption:$mcorruption/50@@
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
@@color:pink;$mom Corruption:$mcorruption/100@@
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel is 2>>\
@@color:pink;$mom Corruption:$mcorruption/???@@
<<if $momsus gte 1>>\
@@color:pink;$mom Suspicion:$momsus@@
<<if $mombbc gte 2>>\
@@color:pink;$mom BBC Addiction:$mombbc@@
<<if $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Sweet $mom.@@
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
@@color:gold;Liberated $mom.@@
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel is 2>>\
@@color:lightblue;$dad Relation:$frelationship/100@@
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
@@color:lightblue;$dad Corruption:$fcorruption/50@@
<<elseif $fcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
@@color:lightblue;$dad Corruption:$fcorruption/100@@
<<elseif $fcorruptionlevel is 2>>\
@@color:lightblue;$dad Corruption:$fcorruption/???@@
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Traditional Parent.@@
<<elseif $fcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
@@color:gold;Platonic Relationship@@
<<elseif $fcorruptionlevel is 2>>\
@@color:hotpink;<i>Daddy's Girl</i>@@
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
@@color:rgba(104, 235, 255, 0.8);$bro Relation:$brelationship/100@@
<<if $bcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
@@color:rgba(104, 235, 255, 0.8);$bro Corruption:$bcorruption/100@@
<<elseif $bcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
@@color:rgba(104, 235, 255, 0.8);$bro Corruption:$bcorruption/150@@
<<elseif $bcorruptionlevel is 2>>\
@@color:rgba(104, 235, 255, 0.8);$bro Corruption:$bcorruption/200@@
<<if $momluke gte 5>>\
@@color:rgba(104, 235, 255, 0.8);Mommy's Boy:$momluke/100@@
<<if $bcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Sweet $bro.@@
<<elseif $bcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
@@color:gold;Doubtless $bro@@
<<elseif $bcorruptionlevel is 2>>\
<<if $chloecorruptionmc gte 1>>\
@@color:rgba(0, 255, 252, 0.8);Chloe's Corruption:$chloecorruptionmc@@
<<if $teacherhorny gte 1>>\
@@color:orange;Teacher's Corruption:$teacherhorny@@
<<if $boyfriendjack is true>>\
<b>@@color:rgba(224, 251, 185, 0.9);Jack:$jackstat/100@@</b>
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $lucas is true>>\
<div align="center"><<linkreplace "<h7>Work/School Stats</h7>">>\
@@color:orange;School Reputation: $reputationschool@@
<<if $meetmadison is true>>\
@@color:orange;<<if $joblevel is 1>>Fresh Employee<<elseif $joblevel is 2>>Rookie<<elseif $joblevel is 3>>Office Worker<<elseif $joblevel is 4>>Experienced Worker<</if>>@@
<<if $interview is true and $week gte 3>>
@@color:orange;Restaurant Level:$evalevel@@
<<if $phone is true>>\
<<if $phoneturn is 0>>\
@@color:orange;Turn Phone On@@
<<link "<img src='img/ui/newphone.jpg' class='largecity'/>">><<set $phoneturn to 1>><<upd>><</link>>
<<elseif $phoneturn is 1>>\
<div class="phonebox"><b>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/uber.jpg' class='largecity'/>">><<if $clotheswear is "apron1">><<goto "badsuit">>
<<else>><<goto "Uber">><</if>><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/selfie.jpg' class='largecity'/>">><<goto "Selfie">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/socialpics.jpg' class='largecity'/>">><<goto "SocialPics">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/msg.jpg' class='largecity'/>">><<goto "messages">><</link>></th>
<<if $of is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/ui/weare.jpg' class='mediumcity'/>">><<goto "WeAreExclusive">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>>
<<if $clubinvite is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/ui/weare.jpg' class='mediumcity'/>">><<goto "Your Page">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>><</if>>\
<<link "<h21>@@color:white;Turn Phone Off@@</h21>">><<set $phoneturn to 0>><<upd>><</link>>
<<elseif $phone is false>>\
<h3>Broken Phone</h3>
<<linkreplace "<img src='img/ui/brokenphone.jpg' class='medium2'/>">>
<div class="stats"><b>\
<<link "Uber">><<if $clotheswear is "apron1">><<goto "badsuit">>
<<else>><<goto "Uber">><</if>><<masteraudio stop>><</link>>
<<link "Selfie">><<goto "brokenselfie">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>>
@@color:lightorange;You can't post Social Media.@@
<div align="center"><<link "<h6>Messages</h6>">><<goto "messages">><</link>></div>
<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/mom/meet.jpg" class='medium'>
With concerened thoughts, You go to place where Lucas proposed you a date... Coffee! Your gut tells you he knows you, But when you try to think about it further, Your head starts to hurt more and more.
No matter, Chances are he'll get you your dream job.
As you enter inside the cafe, Lucas already waves at you. With a nice smile you approached him.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Huh. Hey. You look even more gorgeous than before! Please @@color:pink;<i>Sit down</i>@@<</speech>>
That voice... Why it feels so familiar...
<<speech "Martha">>Haha! Hey! Thank you so much. You're not bad either!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Haha. Here's your coffee, Martha.<</speech>>
After he snapped his fingers, A waitress came right away. with the two cups of coffee.
Two cups of black coffee. You love coffee without anything else.
<<speech "Martha">>Mmm... It's good! Did you know i like simple coffee?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Maybe i guessed. Maybe i'm not. Haha.<</speech>>
It's so strange... Why he is talking in riddles?
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Okay, Martha. You called me about the job you're seeking.<</speech>>
<<speech "Martha">>Yes! I gotta say. When i moved into this city, No one wished to talk to me about work. It's like... I was unlucky girl.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Unlucky Girl</h6>">>
<img src="img/lucas/lucashand.jpg" class='large'>
Lucas after a long sip of coffee, nods like he was understanding you.
He put the cup down on the table and looked deeply into your eyes, then took your hand to kiss it.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>It's simple my dear. That's because, I told them who you are.<</speech>>
<<speech "Martha">>Huh? What are you talking about?<</speech>>
Immediately you pulled your hand from his mouth with force
You are little shocked. What is he talking about? Who am i?
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Spokojnie Oleno @@color:orange;(Calm Down Olena)@@. Your Father is looking for you.<</speech>>
Huh!? My Father? No... My head... No... I.... Need to leave...
Quickly you got to your feet but Lucas holds you back.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Lucas</h4>">><<set $mompov to 6>><<upd>><<audio "hypnotise" play>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">><i>Sit Down</i><</speech>>
You can't control your legs...
You have to obey him...
Your Necklace....
Is taking control of you...
<<linkreplace "<h4>My mind...</h4>">>
<<set $mompov to 4>><<upd>>
Lucas speaks a different language that you can understand.
(translate to english)
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Listen to me Olena. Your father will find you sooner or later. You and your <i>Family</i>. $name and<</speech>>
You cut him off.
<<speech "Martha">>STOP THAT! Why? What do you want?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Not that fast... I can give you everything what you want. You want that Job? You got it. It's easy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Martha">>What?? Everything? Why is that? Why would you do that?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Calm your nerves. The only person who can help you. It's me. Right now i am helping you. But it's not easy as you think.<</speech>>
<<speech "Martha">>Then... What do you want?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>I would like you to willingly come with me to Hotel, Tonight.<</speech>>
<div class="pos">@@color:hotpink;HUH? This fucking pervert! I knew it!@@</div>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>It's your call, Olena. Think about this throughly. I'm going out. Call me if you change your mind.<</speech>>
Lucas leaves money on the table and leaves without goodbye.
I can't believe this... This guy know about me and my family. How?
But the worst of it... My Daddy is searching for me... And he is really, really close...
I need to do this...
I need to go...
<<button [[Home.]]>><<set $time to 19>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<img src="img/mom/momdavid.jpg" class='medium'>
Because of stress you walk around the house, you can't do ordinary things.
You can't even make tea in the kitchen your hands are shaking... like they were possessed.
Then you hear the door open.
<<speech "Dad" "David">>Hey! I'm home!<</speech>>
David went to the kitchen to greet you.
<<speech "Dad" "David">>My lovely Wifey! How are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "Martha">>It's great... It's great...<</speech>>
David looked at you. Do i need to tell him about this?
No... He...
<<speech "Dad" "David">>That's great to hear. And where is our Troublemaker?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "Martha">>Probably with out with friends... I think...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "David">>Is something wrong? You are a little pale.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "Martha">>No. No! It's okay! Haha. Can you mow the lawn? I was asking for that one thing like 2 weeks ago.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "David">>When I find the time. I had a lot of work to do at the office. I'll do it. Promise.<</speech>>
Again with excuses...I hate that...
<<speech "Dad" "David">>Okay when we are gonna eat?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "Martha">>In 5 minutes...<</speech>>
You hear door ring.
<<speech "Mom" "Martha">>Or now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Pizza Guy">>Pizza Delivery!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "David">>Oh i love PIZZA! Great! <</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "Martha">><sub>Yeah you fucking do.</sub><</speech>>
<<button [[To the Backyard]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/mom/momoutside.jpg" class="large">>
You walked to the courtyard. You look around to see if anyone is here, but it's empty. Good.
Okay... Okay.. Calm down! Let's call this bastard...
You are dialing his number on the phone and pressed to call.
<<speech "Martha">>Please don't pick up...Please...<</speech>>
He didn't answer my call... Maybe he changed his mind?
That's a relief...
Then the phone is ringing.
<<speech "Martha">>Goddamit! Okay... Okay... Let's talk... Calm down....<</speech>>
You pick up the phone while your hands are shaking.
<<speech "Martha">>Hello...<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Hello. Let's talk in our native language. <</speech>>
<<speech "Martha">>Well i rather speaking in Eng-.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Olena... Don't make it hard enough.<</speech>>
<<speech "Martha">>Okay... If you wish...<</speech>>
Your necklace is vibrating...
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>So. What is gonna be? Are you gonna do it or what? I can call him in any second and-<</speech>>
<<speech "Martha">>I-Sorry... No! No!!! Please! I'll do anything! Just please don't do it. I'm begging.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Hotel in one hour.<</speech>>
He hangs up.
Okay... Let's go... For the sake of the family.
<<button [[To the Hotel]]>><<set $mompov to 7>><</button>>
<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/mom/girl.webp" class='small'>
You arrived to the hotel and the receptionist approached you and gave you a key without a word. Like she was instructed?
There is a number room on the key.
You going to the room.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Knock the Door</h4>">><<audio "knocking" play>>
<img src="img/mom/lucas.jpg" class='imageright'>
Lucas opens the door.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Wow.. You look... Hot..<</speech>>
You enter the room without a word.
In the room you see a Camera pointed at the bed.
This guy wants to record a Porno shoot?
<<speech "Martha">>What is this?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>A Camera. Relax. I'll never post this on the public. I just want this for myself. At the beginning you have to smile and say something to make it looks real.<</speech>>
You heard the button pressed.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Other <i>YOU</i> is taking control</h4>">><<set $mompov to 5>><<upd>><<audio "hypnotise" play>>
Your Necklace is shining...
That Light...
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Do you understand? <i>My Pet</i> ?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena">>Of course... Master...<</speech>>
<<button [[My Head...]]>><</button>>
<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="hotel"><<set $mompovright to 3>><<upd>>
<video controls src="img/mom/momlucas/hotel1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Smile to the Camera Honey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena">>Haha Hey! We are gonna to fuck!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Lucas.</h12>">><<replace "#hotel">>
<video controls src="img/mom/momlucas/hotel2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Olena">>Mmm Master...<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>You are so fucking Hot Olena</h12>">><<replace "#hotel">>
<video controls src="img/mom/momlucas/hotel3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>You are so fucking Hot! You are fucking mine!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena">>Mmm...<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Suck my Fucking Cock</h12>">><<replace "#hotel">><<set $mompovright to 4>><<upd>>\
<video controls src="img/mom/momlucas/hotel4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Olena">>GURLP!! Oh GOD!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Yes.... Suck it whore...<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Your Pussy is soaking!</h12>">><<replace "#hotel">><<set $mompovright to 5>><<upd>>\
<video controls src="img/mom/momlucas/hotel5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Let me taste those juices before you gonna sit on my Dick.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena">>Oh yesss! PLEASE PLEASE!! MORE!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Let me Sit on it PLEASE</h12>">><<replace "#hotel">><<set $mompovright to 6>><<upd>>\
<video controls src="img/mom/momlucas/hotel6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Olena">>Oh my fucking GOD!!! Your DICK IS HUGE!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Smile to Camera</h12>">><<replace "#hotel">>
<video controls src="img/mom/momlucas/hotel7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Let's get better view for Camera.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena">>WHATEVER! JUST FUCK ME ALREADY!! PLEASE!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>FUCK ME FUCK ME!</h12>">><<replace "#hotel">>
<video controls src="img/mom/momlucas/hotel8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Olena">>PLEASE STRETCH THAT FUCKING HOLE!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>I'M CUMMING!</h12>">><<replace "#hotel">><<set $mompovright to 7>><<upd>>\
<video controls src="img/mom/momlucas/hotel9.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Holy shit! So much Love Juices! <</speech>>
<<speech "Olena">>AHH!! OH MY GOD!!! YES! YES! YES!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>LUCAS CUM</h12>">><<replace "#hotel">>
<video controls src="img/mom/momlucas/hotel10.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<speech "Olena">>Mmm... Yes... So delicious...<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Olena....<</speech>>
<<button [[Hotel|Hotel2]]>><<set $mompov to 8>><<set $mompovright to 2>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/mom/bed.jpg" class='medium'>
You woke up in the bed with Lucas beside you.
You don't know what Happened. Is he raped me???
<<speech "Martha">>What... What Happened!!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Finally... you woke up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Martha">>What... What is going on! Did you raped me?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Raped you? No. You wanted to be raped by me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Martha">>What?!? I've never...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lucas shows you a recording</h6>">>
<video src="img/mom/recording.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
Lucas shows you a recording from camera.
In that recording, Without hesitation gave yourself to Lucas.
You can't believe it... This is not you... No....
<<speech "Martha">>I.... No... It's not me...<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Don't be Stupid Martha. It's you. You willingly came to me. Don't be sorry for yourself. Everything is gonna be okay.<</speech>>
With haste you dress and head for the door, but Lucas stood in the way.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Martha. This is not over yet. I promised you a job. So you got it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Martha">>Huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>I promised. Tomorrow you'll get a call from my friend. That friend is really dear to me. You'll listen to her and do everything she will ask you. You understand me?<</speech>>
You looked suprised. Well he promised he'll get you a Job. Maybe he is man of word?
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>You could show some gratitude.<</speech>>
<<speech "Martha">>Thank you...<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Good. You can go now.<</speech>>
You are leaving the hotel with sadness and regret.
Well at least... you got a Job. But at what cost?
I need to protect family from this man.
Why did this happened? Does he know everything about my past?
It is why he can control me?
Like my...
<<button [[To your Character|hallway]]>><<set $time to 8>><<set $day to $day +1>><<set $mompov to 1>><<set $mompovright to 1>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="fuck"><<set $madisonpov to 2>><<upd>>
<video controls src="img/madison/lucas2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h2>Give him want he wants</h2>">> <<replace "#fuck">>
<video controls src="img/madison/lucas3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h2>You want him...</h2>">> <<replace "#fuck">><<set $madisonpov to 3>><<upd>>
<video controls src="img/madison/lucas4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h2>You need him...</h2>">> <<replace "#fuck">>
<video controls src="img/madison/lucas5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h2>Who you are?</h2>">> <<replace "#fuck">>
<video controls src="img/madison/lucas6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h2>You are his WHORE</h2>">> <<replace "#fuck">><<set $madisonpov to 4>><<upd>>
<video controls src="img/madison/lucas7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h2>I AM HIS WHORE!</h2>">> <<replace "#fuck">><<set $madisonpov to 5>><<upd>>
<video controls src="img/madison/lucas8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h2>I AM HIS PROPERTY</h2>">> <<replace "#fuck">>
<video controls src="img/madison/lucas9.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<h2>THAT IS WHO I AM</h2>">> <<replace "#fuck">><<set $madisonpov to 6>><<upd>>
<video controls src="img/madison/finish.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>From now on, you are my <i>bitch</i>. Obey me, and you'll be rewarded. If not, the punishment is not what you seek. <i>REMEMBER THAT</i>.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Yes, Master...<</speech>>
<<button [[Return|mcroom]]>><<set $madisonpov to 1>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id = "mom">
<img src='img/lucas/callsyou.jpg' class="medium">
Lucas was a little busy with the "<i>Paper Work</i>".
So you enter the room beacuse you got a message from him that he wants to ask you.
He smiled at you when you enter the room.
His smile...
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hello Lucas.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Hello $name. Sit down.<</speech>>
You're getting a headache....
<<linkreplace "<h6>My mind...</h6>">>
!!!<span class="glitch" data-text=" WHORE! ">He never ask...</span>
!!!<span class="glitch" data-text=" SLAVE! ">He demands....</span>
Lucas looked at you strangely.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You wanted to see me?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>So, how is working with Madison?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't know yet... She seems a good mentor. Likes control things over her hand.<</speech>>
Lucas laughed a bit.
God he laughed...
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>That's good! Okay enough of this. I want to see something.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>I want you too see a true nature of your Mother.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Your mind</h4>">>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>What is he trying to say? Did he corrupt her?<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Dirty Mind">>Oh my! My my! This guy... I adore him so much!<</speech>>
Lucas took the laptop and turned it to your side.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>She is not some ordinary Woman. She is wild beast that need to be tamed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Watch.<</speech>>
Click the Laptop.
<<link "<img src='img/lucas/lucashouse/laptop.jpg' class='medium'>">><<replace "#mom">>
What... is this...
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<video src="img/mom/recording.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<timed 2s t8n>>\
You can't believe it...
That's not her...<</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mom???<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>That's not your Mom. That's Olena.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wait. What are you talking about.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Your Mom is special... She was raised by powerfull Men. A Father who will do everything to find her. She has two personalities. One is Martha your Mom and other one is Olena. <</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Your Mind</h6>">>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Dirty Mind">>The whore, The slut.<</speech>>
Lucas is looking at you...
@@color:pink;His Eyes...
So Relaxing...@@
<<speech "Lucasgaze" "Lucas">>Like you. @@color:red;$name.@@ Come here. Show your true Nature.<</speech>>
<<button [[Go to Lucas]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div align="center"><div class="lewd"><b>\
<video controls muted src="img/lucas/lucasgaze.webm" class='medium2' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Lucasgaze" "Lucas">>Like Mother Like Daughter. Needs to be tamed.<</speech>>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/kiss.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<linkreplace "<h2>To be Tamed...</h2>">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/kiss2.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Dirty Mind">>Oh yes... Get me out of here...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lucasgaze" "Lucas">>You need to have that kind of special bond with your Mother.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h2>Your Destiny...</h2>">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/kiss3.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Lucasgaze" "Lucas">>This is your destiny.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Dirty Mind">>Let him control you.<</speech>>
<<button [[???]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="lewd"><b>\
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/transition.webm" controls class='large' autoplay loop>
<<button [[Lucas is taking control of you]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="lewd"><b>\
<span id="lucas">
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/1.webm" controls class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<span class='glitchy' data-text=' WHORE!'>Suck his cock...</span>">><<replace "#lucas">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/mclucas1.webm" controls class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<span class='glitchy' data-text='SLUT!'>Enjoy it...</span>">><<replace "#lucas">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/mclucas2.webm" controls class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<span class='glitchy' data-text='WHO CARES?'>Where am i???</span>">><<replace "#lucas">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/mclucas3.webm" controls class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<span class='glitchy' data-text='YES!'>I want this...</span>">><<replace "#lucas">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/mclucas4.webm" controls class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<span class='glitchy' data-text='YOU ARE HIS BITCH'>I Don't know who i am anymore...</span>">><<replace "#lucas">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/mclucas5.webm" controls class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<span class='glitchy' data-text='HIS PET!'>Who am i?</span>">><<replace "#lucas">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/mclucas7.webm" controls class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<span class='glitchy' data-text='GIVE IN.'>What is going on?</span>">><<replace "#lucas">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/mclucas8.webm" controls class='large' autoplay loop>
<<link "<span class='glitchy' data-text='TAKE HIS SEED!'>Mmmmmmmm</span>">><<replace "#lucas">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/mclucas9.webm" controls class='large' autoplay loop>
<<button [[Wake up]]>><<set $time to 15>><<set $day to $day +1>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/lucas/lucashouse/wakeup.jpg' class="imageleft">
You are waking up...
Did you had a dream??
Looking around...
Lucas is sitting in the chair looking at you.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name. You woke up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey... Did we?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Did we do it? Yes. Do you regret it?.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Do i regret it? I'm...<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>No... You don't.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mr.Lucas I feel no regret. Not at all..<</speech>>
Lucas smiled and approached to you and gently, caressing your head.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Can you do me a favor?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>You see... Your Mother is a special kind of women and I want you to help me with her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Help... how? What about my Dad? He loves her... I can't...<</speech>>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel gte 1>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>But you don't love your Dad? <i>Your Daddy...</i>?<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>My Daddy...<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Do really loves her? Did you asked him that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No. But i see that...<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>You see what you want to see. They only pretend to be a loving family. $name. Think about this.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>It this true?<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Of course it is! Just do what he says!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ok. I'll help you.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name. You've made me happy Men. For that i'm very grateful. Go now.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Hold on!<</speech>>
You are about to leave, but you need to remind him of things.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mr. Lucas?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Yes?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Next time ask, if you want to Fuck me! You don't need to work with my mind like before. I am glad that we are in this unique Relationship. You finally opened my eyes to certain things.<</speech>>
Lucas laughed and smiled kindly to you.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Of course Honey, and call me Lucas for now on. Okay Go!<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Good girl!<</speech>>
You gigled and left the house of Lucas.
<<set $momvision to true>><<set $lucashouse to true>><<set $arousal to 0>>
<h5>You are about to Corrupt your Mother</h5>
<<addcorruption 2>><h2>Corruption +2</h2>
<<button [[Leave|citycenter]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<<widget "teasekitchen">>\
<<if $teasedad is true or $teasedadcheat is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>@@color:hotpink;Tease your Dad@@</h12>">>\
<<if $fcorruption lte 34 or $daddrugged is true>>\
You drop the fork on the floor on your Dad's side.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh... I'm so clumsy today... Can you pass me a fork, Dad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Sure.<</speech>>
<<switch random (2)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/dad/kitchen/underflash2.webp" class='medium'>
He bends down to pick up a fork and looks at your pussy.
<<case 2>>
<img src="img/dad/kitchen/underflash.webp" class='medium'>
He bends down to pick up a fork and looks at your naked pussy.
<img src="img/dad/kitchen/underflash2.webp" class='medium'>
He bends down to pick up a fork and looks at your pussy.
@@color:pink;Dad hands you a fork in the presence of your mother, slightly excited by your teasing.@@
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<<fcorruption 5>><<arousal 15>>\
<div class="pos">@@color:Lightblue;Father Corruption +5@@ @@color:hotpink;Arousal +15@@</div>
<<elseif $fcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
@@color:orange;Father's corruption will be increased in some events.@@
You drop the fork on the floor on your Dad's side.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh... I'm so clumsy today... Can you pass me a fork, Dad?<</speech>>
Dad doesn't pay attention to you.
<</widget>>\STAGE 2
Payton Preslee <div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "knocking" play>>
As you knock to her office, you hear the Madison voice.
<<speech "Madison">>Come in!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h2>Enter Madison Office.</h2>">>
<img src='img/madison/madisonoffice.jpg' class='medium2'>
Madison is waiting for you by the desk.
<<speech "Madison">>Finally. Sit down. We need to wait for that slowpoke.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm? What slowpoke?<</speech>>
You sat down the chair
After a 5 minutes later someone knocks the door.
<<speech "Madison">>Enter!<</speech>>
The person who was entering it was your Mother.
<<speech "MomOffice" "Mom">>Madis... $name! You are here too?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Mom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Finally, we were waitng for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "MomOffice" "Mom">>Sorry. I had video call with <i>demanding client</i>. So, what was about?<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>I want you take your Daughter on the work field. To know some basic.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Me and my Mom? But i thought i work under you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>You are. Just watch and learn from a Pro. Okay $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "MomOffice" "Mom">>Okay. Let's go $name.<</speech>>
You both with Mother are about to leave, but Madison called you.
<<speech "Madison">>$name wait for a second.<</speech>>
Your mom went to the lift.
Madison looked at you without emotion.
You stood up and went to the exit.
Surely he want's something from you...
</b></div>\<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b>
You are little nervous... Last time he groped at you the elevator...
<<if $madisonmad is 0>>\
And he took my panties...
<<linkreplace "Knock the door">><<audio "knocking" play>>
<video src="img/estateoffice/angelo/enter.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Angelo">>Enter!<</speech>>
You enters his office. It smells with cologne that makes you a little dizzy and arousal.
<<speech "Angelo">>I was waiting for you. $name Hello.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Angelo.<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>So you came for something huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah. Madison asked me to get some Files.<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Oh yes. Theses files.<</speech>>
He bends down, takes the folders out of the drawer and throws them on the table.
You wanted to grab them but Angelo took them.
<<speech "Angelo">>Not so fast. Do you know what these files are?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No. Do i need to know?<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Hmm... she didn't tell you. These are Martha's Files. Your Mother.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So?<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Is that you want to say? Whatever. Lucas
</b></div>\<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "knocking" play>>
<<if $bimboend is 3>>
As you knock to her office, you hear the Madison voice.
<<speech "Madison">>Come in!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h2>Enter Madison Office.</h2>">>
<img src='img/madison/madisonoffice.jpg' class='medium2'>
Madison is waiting for you by the desk.
She looks a little worried.
<<speech "Madison">>$name. Good. Take theses files and bring me a signature from office number 67 and 69. It's on the 4 floor of the building. Then return to me after you done it. Okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Okey Dokey!<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Uhh...Just make it quicker this time okay? The courier is arriving soon.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Huh! Is he handsome?<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>$name! JUST GO!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|madisonquest]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
As you knock to her office, you hear the Madison voice.
<<speech "Madison">>Come in!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h2>Enter Madison Office.</h2>">>
<img src='img/madison/madisonoffice.jpg' class='medium2'>
Madison is waiting for you by the desk.
She looks a little worried.
<<speech "Madison">>$name. Good. Take theses files and bring me a signature from office number 67 and 69. It's on the 4 floor of the building. Then return to me after you done it. Okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure Boss.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Just make it quicker. The Courier is arriving soon and i don't like to stall him.<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|madisonquest]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<<if $bimboend is 3>>
<span id="angelo">
That was a lot of fun! You saw some girl sucking a guy's cock and after that you dominated some guys on the road.
What's behind these doors?
<<linkreplace "<h4>Knock</h4>">><<audio "knocking" play>>
<video src="img/estateoffice/bimbo/angelo.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
You enter the room.
Inside the room It smells of cologne, which makes you a little dizzy and horny...
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>What is going on... This scent... It remind me of something...<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>$name. It's great that you are here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Uh.. Angelo? Heey.... Madison told me to get the signature from you. UH! It's so hot here!<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Sure it is $name. Come here!<</speech>>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>Fuck. I need his Dick!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Convice him</h6>">><<replace "#angelo">>
<video src="img/estateoffice/bimbo/angelo2.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
Both of you kiss in sloppy way. Your horny side is taking control all over you.
When Angelo took dick out you get even hornier.
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Gosh... Sir your dick...<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>My dick what?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Can i.. Suck it?<</speech>>
Angelo calmly nodded.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Cock!</h6>">>
<video src="img/estateoffice/bimbo/angelo3.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
You are so happy when he nodded. His cock is the best reward for you.
Fuck this signature, Sucking cock is the best thing to relax!
<<speech "Angelo">>Fuck... You are so perfect!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Gurlp! GURLP! <</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>MORE!</h6>">>
<video src="img/estateoffice/bimbo/angelo4.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
Angelo love the way you are sucking. He seems really happy the way you suck.
While you are sucking his cock Angelo singed the papers.
<<speech "Angelo">>Fuck... I'm getting close...<</speech>>
Your phone is buzzing.
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>FUCK! Who the fuck is calling right now... <</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Oh. It's Madison. Shit! I need to go!<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>It's cool, I'll handle that by myself.<</speech>>
Sadly you have to leave Angelo alone with his hard dick.
After all you need to work!
<<if $joblevel is 2>>
<<addcorruption 1>><h2>Corruption +1</h2>
<<button [[To Madison]]>><</button>>
God.. After that guy you wish you could meet someone normal.
You found the number 69 office.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Knock</h4>">><<audio "knocking" play>>
<video src="img/estateoffice/angelo/enter.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
You enter the room.
Inside the room It smells of cologne, which makes you a little dizzy and excited.
<<speech "Angelo">>Yes?? Oh it's you $name! Good to see you.<</speech>>
Angelo is smiling at you.
Oh no.. this guy? I knew that this number was not a random...
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey, Angelo. I bring the files to signature from Madison.<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Files? What for? I don't need to signature any papers.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Please. Madison asked me to bring the signature from you and i don't have much time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Then Convice me.<</speech>>
<span id="angelo">
<<link "<h5>Convice him</h5>">><<replace "#angelo">>
<video src="img/estateoffice/angelo/sit.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What do you want...<</speech>>
Angelo stood and sat next to you.
<<speech "Angelo">>Sit on my lap.<</speech>>
you sigh but you do what he told.
<<link "<h5>Gropes you</h5>">><<replace "#angelo">>
<video src="img/estateoffice/angelo/groping.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh...<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>You have perfect body, but still it could be a lot thicker.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Please.. Angelo. Can you sing these documents?<</speech>>
<<link "<h2>Angelo</h2>">><<replace "#angelo">><<audio "spank" play>>
Angelo looked at you, grabbed you to stand up, and spanked your ass.
<img src='img/estateoffice/spank.webp' class='medium2'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ouch! hah...<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Hah... Okay. Don't let Madison wait. Here is your singnature. Go.<</speech>>
You kinda like it how he touched you...
Huliminate you...
Talks to you...
<<if $joblevel is 2>>
<<addcorruption 1>><h2>Corruption +1</h2><</if>>
<<button [[To Madison]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<<if $bimboend is 3>>
<span id="bim">
Lift takes you to 4 floor.
Slowly you are searching for Office number 67.
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Oh my gosh... So many rooms in this place!<</speech>>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>Open that door!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Office 66</h4>">>
<img src='img/estateoffice/bimbo/wrong.webp' class='medium2'>
As you open the door you see a young girl sucking old guy's cock.
<<speech "Boy2" "Office worker">>HEY! We are working here!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Ops! Pardon! Wrong door! Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Office worker">>Em... No problem. You can join us. Hah!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Tempting... but i need to go! I'm working for Madison... Bye!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Office worker">>Shit! My condolences! See ya!<</speech>>
You left the Office 66, What a show!
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>Okay, Focus! What Numer she says? 67 ? It must be the next 66?<</speech>>
Of course room 67 was after 66.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Knock</h4>">><<replace "#bim">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>><<audio "knocking" play>>
<img src='img/computer/talk.jpg' class='medium'>
<<speech "Boy1" "Office Worker">>Come in!<</speech>>
You enter the room, the office worker is looking at the monitor. Looked at you relieved.
<<speech "Boy1" "Office Worker">>Oh, finally a coffee. I was wainting for it so long...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Coffee? Did you say Coffee?!? Where?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Office Worker">>What? Did you bring the coffee?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>No. I thought you bring the coffee.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Office Worker">>HUH? Are fucking with me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Fucking? Where? Okay haha. Sorry! I was fucking with you. I just need yours signature for these boring papers.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Office Worker">>Very fucking funny. Gimme that!<</speech>>
You hand him a files.
Madly he signatures the papers. Instead of giving them to you, He threw them on the floor.
<<speech "Boy1" "Office Worker">>Ops! My Bad!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Ops! My Bad!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Office Worker">>Are you mocking me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Are you mocking me?<</speech>>
Irritating this guy is a lot of fun! But i don't have much time!
<<linkreplace "<h4>Enough</h4>">>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Okay but for real. Get them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Office Worker">>Or what?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Or i'm gonna report Madison that you are slacking on the job!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Office Worker">>What? You can't.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Really? I can't?<</speech>>
You get your phone out and ring Madison and you showed him to who are you calling to.
<<speech "Boy1" "Office Worker">>Okay! OKAY! I'll get it!<</speech>>
<img src='img/estateoffice/bimbo/getthem.webp' class='imageleft'>
You gigled and slaped him. That office worker liked the way you slaped and get those files for you.
<<speech "Boy1" "Office Worker">>Here! For you! I'm so sorry!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Cool! Bye, Bitch.<</speech>>
<<button [[Office 69]]>><</button>>
Lift takes you to 4 floor.
In a hurry you are searching for Office number 67.
You found it!
<<linkreplace "<h4>Knock</h4>">><<audio "knocking" play>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Office Worker">>Come in!<</speech>>
You enter the room, the office worker is looking at the monitor of the computer.
<<speech "Boy1" "Office Worker">>Oh, finally a coffee. I was wainting for it so long...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*cough* Nope. I'm here for a signature for these files.<</speech>>
You hand him a files.
He apologize you for a mistake.
<<speech "Boy1" "Office Worker">>Oh my bad! Sure.<</speech>>
He signed the papers and tries to hand you, but somehow he throws them on the floor.
<<speech "Boy1" "Office Worker">>Ops! My Bad!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure...<</speech>>
You bend over and try to gather these files.
<img src='img/estateoffice/task1.2.webp' class='medium2'>
That guy is such pain in the ass. He gigles a lot...
After this humiliation, you left the room and head to the next office.
<<button [[Office 69]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $bimboend is 3>>
Madison is talking with some co-workers.
With a little Stains of Angelo's dick in your Face you approached Madison
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Boss, Here's your lovely files.<</speech>>
She grab them and looked at you. She looked at you messy hair.
<img src="img/estateoffice/madison2.jpg" class='small'>
<<speech "Madison">>$name? What happened?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>What do you mean? I'm Fine. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>You sure?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Absolutely!<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Okay! After you leave the work, read the mail.<</speech>>
You left the office and returned to your desk.
In your Email Madison gave a raise and thanks note that you are giving your best here.
<<if $joblevel is 2>>\
!!!@@color:orange;You've been promoted.@@
<<set $joblevel to 3>><<set $experience to 30>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>FUCK YEAH!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|officehallway]]>><</button>>
Madison is talking with some co-workers.
You approached her to bring the files.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Madison, here's your files.<</speech>>
She grab them and smiled to you as an expression of appreciation
<img src="img/estateoffice/madison2.jpg" class='small'>
<<speech "Madison">>Good job. I sent you a email. Read it in your desk.<</speech>>
You left the office and returned to your desk.
In your Email Madison gave a raise and thanks note that you are giving your best here.
<<if $joblevel is 2>>\
!!!@@color:orange;You've been promoted.@@
<<set $joblevel to 3>><<set $experience to 30>>
<<button [[Leave|officehallway]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "uber" play>>
<<button "Return" `previous()`>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Uber">>Where do you want to go? Ride for 5$!<</speech>>
<<if $money gte 5>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/citycenter.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<money -5>><<audio "uber" stop>>
<<if $time gte 19.5>>
<<goto "citycenternight">><<else>>
<<goto "citycenter">><</if>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/outside.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<money -5>><<audio "uber" stop>>
<<if $time gte 19.5>><<goto "outsidenight">><<else>>
<<goto "outside">><</if>><</link>></th>
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $meetmadison is true>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/estate.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<money -5>><<audio "uber" stop>><<goto "estateoffice">>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/home.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<audio "uber" stop>><<money -5>>
<<if $day gte 6 and $time gte 20>>
<<goto "hallwaynight">>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<goto "hallwayweekend">>
<<elseif $time gte 20>>
<<goto "hallwaynight">>
<<goto "hallway">><</if>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/hospital.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<money -5>><<goto "hospital">><<audio "uber" stop>><</link>></th>
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/fitnesscenter.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<money -5>><<audio "uber" stop>><<goto "fitnesscenter">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/mall.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<money -5>><<audio "uber" stop>><<goto "mall">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/school.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<money -5>><<audio "uber" stop>>
<<if $time gte 20>>
<<goto "schoolnight">>
<<goto "school">>
<<button "Return" `previous()`>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<video src="img/dream/second.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay>
<i>You have learned some life lessons.
The life you are leading is not exciting enough for you. You want to experience something more. You desire to be liberated and to be proud of yourself.</i>@@
<span id="stick">
<<link "<h2>You are changing</h2>">><<replace "#stick">>
<video controls src="img/dream/wakingup2.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop>
<<timed 2s t8n>>\
<<timed 3s t8n>>\
<<timed 4s t8n>>\
<h3>...Thirst for More...</h3><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>>\
<<set $corruptionlevel to 2>>
<<set $avatar to 6>>
!!!Your corruption level is now 2 <i>DESIRE</i>.
<<speech"mcCorruptedMind" "$name">>FUCK YES!<</speech>>
<<button [[Another Dream.]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>
Dreams goes on...
<video src="img/dream/dream2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
...You are in the Airport...
...With a women and blurred boy...
<<speech "Olena1" "Mom">>Come on, $name! We need to hurry!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player2" "$name">>What is going on Mom! Where is our Daddy!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Child" "???">>$name! Don't cry!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena1" "Mom">>Your Daddy is.....<</speech>>
...The stewardess announces...
<<speech "Girl1" "Stewardess">>The boarding gate is opened! Please come in!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena1" "Mom">>That's ours flight. Let's go $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player2" "$name">>I don't want to! No without my Daddy!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena1" "Mom">>Sweety. Daddy is already in the plane. Come on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Child" "???">>C'mon! I've never been in the plane before! It's going to be cool!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player2" "$name">>O-Okay...<</speech>>
You reluctantly board the plane, worried about your dad.
There's nothing else you can remember.
<h2>The Dream Ends</h2>
<<button "Dream Ends">><<goto "Bed">><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<video src="img/school/teacher/enters.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
You quickly enters the class room where Teacher are waiting for you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm here. So what is going on Mr.Bailey?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Please sit down. Closer this time.<</speech>>
You sat down the chair opposite to him.
He looks a little nervous.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Teacher has something to say.</h4>">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/excited.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop>
Teacher looked at the book he was reading before you came inside.<<audio "cough" play>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>*cough* $name... I want to talk about the your behaviour in the classes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm? What did i do wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>You acting weird latetly and your perfomance is getting low. What is going on $name?<</speech>>
He looked at you with curiousity.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm Sorry Teach... I'm just can't concetrate latetly.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>What is the problem? Tell me. <</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Show him</h12>">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing4.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
You took your legs and message his crotch. He seems a bit shocked at first, but you feel his erection getting harder.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You see Teach... I can't concetrate beacuse of you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Ugh... $name... Please. It's so wrong.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why is that. Mr. Bailey?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>You are my Student. My job is to teach you, lead to a better future. Not to...<</speech>>
He can't control his desires to you.
You slowly unbutton your shirt buttons to reveal your cleavage.
<<linkreplace "<h12>Show him once more</h12>">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing5.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>$name... God... this really wrong...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I know you want me Mr.Bailey. I know your Desires to me. Just let it go..<</speech>>
You lead his hand to your chest.
Passionately grabbed your boobs to massage them.
<<linkreplace "<h12>His touch...</h12>">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing6.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>See Mr. Bailey... From the start of the school i always looked at you. Thinking about you. How to get you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>$name... Me too... Sometimes... I....<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Lick his Finger</h12>">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/interupt.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
You are sucking his finger. And then he...
<<timed 2s t8n>>
<<audio "knocking" play>>
You hear knocking to the class so you stopped doing naughty things.
The door opens. It was Mr. Bailey's colleague.
<img src='img/school/teacher/doors.webp' class='medium'>
<<speech "Boy1" "Teacher">>Hey Jonathan, I need.... Oh! You are busy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Eh.. No. NO! We just finished. $name you can go now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks for extra lessons, Mr.Bailey! See ya!<</speech>>
You left the school with lusty smile.
Hoping in the next meeting you'll experienced something good.
<<addcorruption 3>><div class="pilka">@@color:red;Corruption +3@@</div>
<<set $teacherhorny to $teacherhorny +1>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><</button>><</timed>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="daddybox"><b>\
@@color:orange;<i>After a sleep, breakfast and shower it's time to wear a school uniform.
And looking at it... You have a feeling that.... What is it supposed to be!
Wearing this outfit in this style is just plain boring.
You conclude that it needs to be changed.</i>@@
<<linkreplace "<img src='img/clothes/schooluniform1.jpg' class='image'/>">>
So you made a choice to cut it short.
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
Tie your shirt.<</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>\
To show cleavage.<</timed>>
<<timed 3s t8n>>\
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform3">>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 10>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<upd>><<set $changeclothes to 1>>\
<img src='img/clothes/schooluniform3.jpg' class='image'/><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now it looks way better!<</speech>>
<img src='img/gif/tease/schooltease.webp' class='small'/>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><</button>><</timed>>
</b></div>\<<widget "classlvl1">>
<<switch random(3)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/school/history.jpg" width="50%">
<<speech "Lena">>Jeez History is so boring<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<img src="img/school/math.jpg" width="50%">
<<if $teacherhorny gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Lena ask you something</h4>">>
<<speech "Lena">>$name. Mr.Bailey is really distracted lately. What have you done?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on. I'm trying to get him on my panties. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh you slutty girl!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher">>$name please pay attention<</speech>>
You whisper to Lena
<<speech "Player" "$name">>God. I don't understand anything here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Because you're staring at the teacher the whole lesson. Start focus on the lessons.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shut up...<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<img src="img/school/PE.jpg" width="50%">
<<speech "Lena">>PE Teacher is so handsome i wonder if he has girlfriend<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you interested in older men?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Of course they are so experienced in bed<</speech>>
In bed? She had sex?
<img src="img/school/english.jpg" width="50%">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Great another homework<</speech>>
<<if $corruption gte 15>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Tease the Teacher</h12>">>
<<switch random (3)>>
<<case 1>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<case 2>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<case 3>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
You got little excited in the class. So you try a little tease to your favorite teacher.
When he looked at you, you are touching your tits.
<<arousal 10>>@@color:hotpink; Arousal +10@@
<<speech "Teacher">>*Cough* So... if you already know...<</speech>>
He can't stop looking at you.
Lena whispers to you.
<<speech "Lena">>$name, your dirty girl! Haha.<</speech>>
<<if $teacherhorny is 0>>
He approached to you and gave you a @@color:orange;note.@@
You took the note and read it.
<<speech "Lena">>What the note says?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Meet me after the class.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Woah...! It's your chance to hit him!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You think? Hmm..<</speech>>
<<set $teacherhorny to 1>>
<<widget "classlvl2">>
<span id ="class">
<<if $week gte 5 and $chloe is false>>
<<link "<h4>Another Day in the Class</h4>">><<replace "#class">>
<<include "classchloe">>
<<switch random(3)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/school/history.jpg" width="50%">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jeez.. so boring.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>I told you so.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<img src="img/school/math.jpg" width="50%">
<<if $teacherhorny gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Lena ask you something</h4>">>
<<speech "Lena">>$name. Mr.Bailey is really distracted lately. What have you done?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on. I'm trying to get him on my panties. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh you slutty girl!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm.. Maths.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Your Favorite subject!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well i prefer when you teach me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>This can be arranged. Hah!<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<img src="img/school/PE.jpg" width="50%">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So tell me Lena. You had Sex with PE Teacher?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh... Your curiousity must be eating you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just tell me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Maybe.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh you fucking slut! That's... Wow!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haha!<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/english.jpg" width="50%">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jeez... Fucking Homework.. AGAIN!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Tease the Teacher</h12>">>
<<switch random (3)>>
<<case 1>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<case 2>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<case 3>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
You got little excited in the class. So you try a little tease to your favorite teacher.
When he looked at you, you are touching your tits.
<<arousal 10>>@@color:hotpink; Arousal +10@@
<<if $teacherhorny lte 3>>\
<<speech "Teacher">>Class. So... The main subject of this lesson is....<</speech>>
He is losing some control of himself.
<<set $teacherhorny to $teacherhorny +1>>
<<elseif $teacherhorny lte 5>>\
<<speech "Teacher">>So as you can see...<</speech>>
He is closer to give in...
<<set $teacherhorny to $teacherhorny +1>>
<<elseif $teacherhorny is 6>>\
<img src="img/school/teacher/smiles.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Teacher">>Class take your books to page 53 and read the 5 pages.<</speech>>
Whole Class is taking out the books and focus on the reading.
Mr.Bailey approached you to give you a note.
Note: @@color:hotpink;<i>Meet me after class after 16, you slutty girl</i>@@
<<speech "Lena">>No way... Again? <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shut up, it's my time earn some teacher dick.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh! You dirty girl!<</speech>>
You smiled at him with lust eyes.
<<widget "classlvl2chloe">>
<span id ="class">
<<set _class to random(1,5)>>
<<if _class is 1>>
<img src="img/school/history.jpg" class="medium">
Another Day in the School.
History Lessons. Chloe seems to like these lessons.
<img src="img/school/classroom1.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Chloe">>Wow... Fascinating!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yee.. Sure..<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>$name wake me up later.<</speech>>
<<elseif _class is 2>>
<img src="img/school/math.jpg" class="medium">
<img src="img/school/classroom2.jpg" class="imageleft">
Another Day in the School.
Math lessons, Chloe loves this type of subject.
<<if $teacherhorny gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Lena ask you something</h4>">>
<<speech "Lena">>$name. Mr.Bailey is really distracted lately. What have you done?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on. I'm trying to get him on my panties. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh you slutty girl!<</speech>>
Chloe couldn't hear what You and Lena were saying and looked at you confused.
<<speech "Chloe">>Guys what are you talking about?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh some fashion stuff.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yep!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Cool. Cool..<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>I love maths!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Yeah... it's okay.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh... I have a headache.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Come on. It's not so bad! It's easy!<</speech>>
You rolled eyes.
<<elseif _class is 3>>
<img src="img/school/PE.jpg" class="medium">
Another Day in the School.
PE Lessons. Chloe has some troubles in perfoming exercises.
She lacks both the strength and the will to do it correctly.
<<speech "Chloe">>Gosh... This so exhausting... How long... Till.. The end...<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/pe.webp" class="imagerightc">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on Chloe! Keep it up!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Ah... I'm... TRYING...!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Chloe move your ass!<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>One more Lap Girls!!! Chloe! Move your Ass!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haha.<</speech>>
<img src="img/chloe/tired.gif" class="imageleftc">
<<speech "Chloe">><sub>Fuck my...life... My muscles gonna thank me later...</sub><</speech>>
<<elseif _class is 4>>
<img src="img/school/english.jpg" class="medium">
Another Day in the School.
Teacher was about to end the classes but Chloe raised her hand.
<<speech "Chloe">>Hey Teach! Can you check my Homework?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Chloe! Shut up!<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/classroom3.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Girl1" "Teacher">>Oh right, Chloe. Everyone! Get your homework out!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>For fuck sake...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>I'm gonna kill her....</sub><</speech>>
<<elseif _class is 5>>
<img src="img/school/math.jpg" class="medium">
Meanwhile, In the class. Mr.Bailey writes a task on the board.
<<speech "Teacher">>Okay Class. Who wants to be first to solve this task?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Dylan">>Hah. Maybe Chloe? She is a nerd when it comes to these things.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher">>Dylan. As I recall you are the one who is way behind in correcting your grades. Stay after the class, We need to talk. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Uh-Oh! Dylan is in big mess.<</speech>>
<img src="img/chloe/lessons.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Chloe">><sub> Jesus...</sub><</speech>>
Chloe is a little uncomfortable when her father defends her in front of the class.
<<linkreplace "<h12>Tease the Teacher</h12>">>
<<switch random (3)>>
<<case 1>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<case 2>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<case 3>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
You got little excited in the class. So you try a little tease to your favorite teacher.
When he looked at you, you are touching your tits.
<<arousal 10>>@@color:hotpink; Arousal +10@@
<<if $teacherhorny lte 3>>\
<<speech "Teacher">>Class. So... The main subject of this lesson is....<</speech>>
He is losing some control of himself.
<<set $teacherhorny to $teacherhorny +1>>
<<elseif $teacherhorny lte 5>>\
<<speech "Teacher">>So as you can see...<</speech>>
He is closer to give in...
<<set $teacherhorny to $teacherhorny +1>>
<<elseif $teacherhorny is 6>>\
<img src="img/school/teacher/smiles.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Teacher">>Class take your books to page 53 and read the 5 pages.<</speech>>
Whole Class is taking out the books and focus on the reading.
Mr.Bailey approached you to give you a note.
Note: @@color:hotpink;<i>Meet me after class after 16, you slutty girl</i>@@
<<speech "Lena">>No way... Again? <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shut up, it's my time earn some teacher dick.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh! You dirty girl!<</speech>>
You smiled at him with lust eyes.
<<widget "classlvl3">>
<span id ="class">\
<<if $week gte 5 and $chloe is false>>
<<link "<h4>Another Day in the Class</h4>">><<replace "#class">>
<<include "classchloe">>
<<set _class to random(1,5)>>\
<<if _class is 1>>\
<img src="img/school/history3.jpg" class="medium">
Another Day in the School.
History Lessons.
<<speech "Margaret">>...And there she is. Lucrezia Borgia, Daughter of Pope Alexander VI Rodrigo Borgia.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaret">>Rodrigo to reunite Italy, Offered his daughter in marriage to other rich Families.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's... quite intresting.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>And there is a rumor that she had some quite intimate relationship with her brother and father.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaret">>It's only a rumor.<</speech>>
<<if $chloe is true>>\
<<speech "Chloe">>There is more! Pope Pius II reprimanded Rodrigo as Cardian with a letter, To forbade him to have group sex entertainment even though Rodrigo did not take it seriously. <</speech>>
<<speech "Margaret">>Chloe! How do you know these things?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>From Books.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Niceee!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Whoa that is hot! Where i can get that book?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haha. Chloe you enlightened $name to read books!<</speech>>
<<elseif _class is 2>>\
<img src="img/school/math.jpg" class="medium">
<img src="img/school/classroom2.jpg" class="imageleft">
Another Day in the School.
<<speech "Boy1" "Math Professor">>$name. This time, Focus! I don't want to repeat myself again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure Professor.<</speech>>
<<if $chloe is true>>\
Math lessons is Chloe's favorite subject, You decide to ask her for a hint.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't get it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Come on. It's simply! Just add this number to "X" then multiple with "Y" and devide with number "XY" and you'll get... <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>My god $name. It so simply. Even a dork can do it with one hand.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jeezz...<</speech>>
You lie your head on the desk with boredom.
<<elseif _class is 3>>\
<img src="img/school/PE.jpg" class="medium">
Another Day in the School.
<<if $chloe is true>>\
PE Lessons. Chloe has some troubles in perfoming exercises.
She lacks both the strength and the will to do it correctly.
<<speech "Chloe">>Gosh... This so exhausting... How long... Till.. The end...<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/pe.webp" class="imagerightc">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on Chloe! Keep it up!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Ah... I'm... TRYING...!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Chloe move your ass!<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>One more Lap Girls!!! Chloe! Move your Ass!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haha.<</speech>>
<img src="img/chloe/tired.gif" class="imageleftc">
<<speech "Chloe">><sub>Fuck my...life... My muscles gonna thank me later...</sub><</speech>>
PE Lessons.
<<speech "Lena">>Keep up $name!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Keep up?! You can't even jump properly.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>That's beacuse of my tits, you moron.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Pfff. Bitch please. Now i know what you mean...<</speech>>
<<elseif _class is 4>>\
<img src="img/school/english2.jpg" class="medium">
Another Day in the School.
Teacher is being asked by one of the students.
<<speech "Boy1" "Student">>Teach! Can i stay after class? I'm having a small problem.<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/helpingteacher.webp" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Margaret" "Teacher">>Of course Matt. I'd love to help with that problem.<</speech>>
Lena whispers to you.
<<speech "Lena">>It must be really "Hard" problem.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>For sure.<</speech>>
<<elseif _class is 5>>\
<img src="img/school/math.jpg" class="medium">
<<if $teacherhorny gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Lena ask you something</h4>">>
<<speech "Lena">>$name. Mr.Bailey is really distracted lately. What have you done?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on. I'm trying to get him on my panties. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh you slutty girl!<</speech>>
<<if $chloe is true>>\
Chloe couldn't hear what You and Lena were saying and looked at you confused.
<<speech "Chloe">>Guys what are you talking about?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh some fashion stuff.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yep!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Cool. Cool..<</speech>>
Meanwhile, In the class. Mr.Bailey writes a task on the board.
<<speech "Teacher">>Okay Class. Who wants to be first to solve this task?<</speech>>
<<if $chloe is true>>\
<<speech "Boy1" "Dylan">>Hah. Maybe Chloe? She is a nerd when it comes to these things.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher">>Dylan. As I recall you are the one who is way behind in correcting your grades. Stay after the class, We need to talk. <</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Uh-Oh! Dylan is in big mess.<</speech>>
<img src="img/chloe/lessons.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Chloe">><sub> Jesus...</sub><</speech>>
Chloe is a little uncomfortable when her father defends her in front of the class.
<<speech "Teacher">>Dylan?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Dylan">>Nahh.. I'm too stupid to understand that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>You bet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Dylan">>Shut up!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher">>Dylan, F.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Dylan">>What?! What for?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher">>For being stupid. Sit down.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haha.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Tease the Teacher</h12>">>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<switch random (3)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<case 2>>\
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<case 3>>\
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<set _tease to random(1,4)>>
<<if _tease is 1>>\
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasinglvl3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _tease is 2>>\
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasinglvl3.1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _tease is 3>>\
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasinglvl3.2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _tease is 4>>\
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasinglvl3.3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<div class="posarousal">You wonder what would teacher do to you if you would tease him a little bit.
Teacher looked at you with confusing eyes, While you are touching yourself in delicate places in your body.</div>
<<arousal 10>><div class="posarousal">@@color:hotpink; Arousal +10@@</div>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 3 and $teacherhorny lte 9>>\
<<if $teacherhorny lte 3>>\
<<speech "Teacher">>Class. So... The main subject of this lesson is....<</speech>>
He is losing some control of himself.
<<set $teacherhorny to $teacherhorny +1>>
<<elseif $teacherhorny lte 5>>\
<<speech "Teacher">>So as you can see...<</speech>>
He is closer to give in...
<<set $teacherhorny to $teacherhorny +1>>
<<elseif $teacherhorny is 6>>\
<img src="img/school/teacher/smiles.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Teacher">>Class take your books to page 53 and read the 5 pages.<</speech>>
Whole Class is taking out the books and focus on the reading.
Mr.Bailey approached you to give you a note.
Note: @@color:hotpink;<i>Meet me after class after 16, you slutty girl</i>@@
<<speech "Lena">>No way... Again? <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shut up, it's my time earn some teacher dick.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh! You dirty girl!<</speech>>
You smiled at him with lust eyes.
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $teacherhorny gte 10 and $ashleyblock is false>>\
<img src="img/school/ashley/smirk.jpg" class="imageleftc">
@@color:orange;Teacher expresses his disapproval at your behaviour.
<<if $ashley is true>>
After that he slowly approached to Ashley and handed her a piece of paper. She looks at you with a dumbfounded expression of satisfaction on her face.@@
<<speech "Teacher">>Ashley, We need to talk. After the class.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Of course Sir!<</speech>>
<<elseif $ashley is false>>\
After that he slowly approached to blonde girl and handed her a piece of paper. She looks at you with a dumbfounded expression of satisfaction on her face.@@
<<speech "Teacher">>Ashley, We need to talk. After the class.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Of course Sir!<</speech>>
<<if $ashleyslave is false and $ashleyblock is false>>\
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Why the fuck Ashley is smiling at me!? Is Teacher ignoring me!? I need to talk to him after the class.<</speech>>
<h3>Talk with Teacher after the Class 16:00-17:30</h3>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Goddamit. It's painful to see how Ashley wrapped Bailey around herself.<</speech>>
<</widget>>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<span id ="bailey">
Wondering what Teacher has to say you came to meet your teacher.
After when everyone left the school?
What he's up to...
<<linkreplace "<h2>Enter the class</h2>">><<replace "#bailey">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
Teacher was waiting for you behind the desk.
He don't know how to start this conversation.
He asked you to sit down.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mr.Bailey So what did i do wrong this time?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>$name you know exactly what are you doing. It's so wrong...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h9>Play the stupid game</h9>">><<replace "#bailey">><<audio "gigle" play>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But what i am doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Trying to seduce me... and it's not going to work.<</speech>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
You took your legs to position where he can view your panties.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh... Mr.Bailey i know you were looking at me the whole class. Trying to imagine me in naked, then ravage my little pussy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>That is not true... I..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h9>Provoke him</h9>">><<replace "#bailey">><<audio "cough" play>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>$name What are you doing!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mr.Bailey i know you want me...<</speech>>
Bailey throw you to his desk.
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Yes... $name... after the last time my colleague came in, I was mad that we didn't finish what we started.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my God! I knew it...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h9>Bailey Desires you</h9>">><<replace "#bailey">><<audio "doorlock" play>>
He went to the doors to lock it.
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>No one will interrupt us this time.<</speech>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/4.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh Mr. Bailey...<</speech>>
<<link "<h9>Touches you</h9>">><<replace "#bailey">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/5.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... touch me Mr.Bailey. I love your touch. Were you doing some dirty things, thinking about me after the last after class session?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>You dirty girl... I couldn't focus that day. My wife couldn't satisfy me enough. I had to look at some porn.<</speech>>
<<if $socialpics is true>>\
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>But i found your Profile page on <i>SocialPics</i>. I found my solace in them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my God... That is so arousing.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace"<h9>Gropes you</h9>">><<replace "#bailey">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/6.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<if $socialpics is true>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you always looks at your students Profile pictures pages?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Sometimes... until you posted your hottest pictures i couldn't take my eyes from them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I love how you treat your Students Mr.Bailey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>You are one of the kind. My <i>Favorite Student</i>.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h9>Desires you</h9>">><<replace "#bailey">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/7.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... be gentle Mr.Bailey.<</speech>>
<<link "<h9>Your Panties</h9>">><<replace "#bailey">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/8.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>God... This young Pussy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's all yours Mr.Bailey.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h5>Pleasure.</h5>">><<replace "#bailey">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/9.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm...<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>It's so juicy.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h9>Eats you</h9>">><<replace "#bailey">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You made me this way...<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>God... it's so delicious.<</speech>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/10.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<link "<h9>Take the prize out</h9>">><<replace "#bailey">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/11.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... i knew teacher cock would be thick.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>You slutty girl...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h9>Suck His Cock</h9>">><<replace "#bailey">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/12.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Fuck... I wish my wife could suck me like this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*GURLP* *GURLP*<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h9>Suck This COCK!</h9>">><<replace "#bailey">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/13.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<if $teacherhorny is 6>>
<<addcorruption 3>><h2>Corruption +3</h2>
<<set $teacherhorny to $teacherhorny +1>>
<<elseif $teacherhorny is 7>>\
<<addcorruption 2>><h2>Corruption +2</h2>
<<set $teacherhorny to $teacherhorny +1>>
<<elseif $teacherhorny is 8>>\
<<addcorruption 1>><h2>Corruption +1</h2>
<<set $teacherhorny to $teacherhorny +1>>
<<if $corruption gte 40>>
<<button [[Sex with Teacher]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $corruption lte 39>>
@@color:Hotpink; You need more corruption to continue <i>(40 points)</i>@@
<<button [[leave|outside]] >><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="bailey">
Teacher looks like took control. he can't control his body
He need to fuck your young body.
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/14.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Fucking teasing me throughout the lesson. I was wondering, how to teach you so that you have better grades for a better future. But you are one slutty student who just wants to be fucked!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h9>Slutty Student</h9>">><<replace "#bailey">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha... YES! FUCK ME!<</speech>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/15.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<link "<h9>Sit on his dick!</h9>">><<replace "#bailey">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/16.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... The desk is really sturdy, haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Just hop on it!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h5>Ride him</h5>">><<replace "#bailey">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/17.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>GOD! Mr.Bailey...<</speech>>
<<link "<h9>More... MORE!</h9>">><<replace "#bailey">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/18.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>I love fucking you $name.<</speech>>
<<link "<h9>FUCK ME!</h9>">><<replace "#bailey">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/19.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mr.Bailey! PLEASE FUCK ME HARDER!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>OH you FUCKING SLUT!<</speech>>
<<link "<h9>His Cum.</h9>">><<replace "#bailey">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/20.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>TAKE THIS CUM YOU FUCKING BITCH!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh fuuuckk.....<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h2>Clean up</h2>">>
After a wild sex with Mr.Bailey you are dressing up and smiling at the Teacher.
He seems to be happy.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks Mr.Bailey. I love those extra lessons.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Yeah i love giving them to my favorite students.<</speech>>
<<if $teacherhorny lte 9>>
<<addcorruption 3>><h2>Corruption +3</h2>
<<set $teacherhorny to 10>>\
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><span id="father">
<video src="img/dad/showerevent/shower.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop>
After a long sleep, You are about to take a shower.
$mom left the house and $dad is working in the home office.
Before the shower you are trying to figure out how to attract your $dad.
Well, you'll think of something later, Now the shower is waiting!
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm... <</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Undress</h6>">>
<video src="img/dad/showerevent/shower1.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
Your desire for your $dad is growing stronger, You can't stop thinking about him everyday.
While teasing him he was so uncomfortable. What makes you a little amused and excited.
Still some part of you got a feeling, he has a desires for you too. Or wishes it.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad... Why you are so complicated.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Hop into a shower</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/showerevent/shower2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
Inside the shower.
Fantasizing about your $dad, he joins you and washes your wet tits and then your pussy.
It gets you aroused. So aroused you are screaming of this thought.
<<arousal 15>><div class="pos">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +15@@</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmmm...Daddy!! Please... Take me....<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Wasn't it too loud?</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/showerevent/spot.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
It worked! He quietly open the door to see what are you doing.
<img src="img/shower/dadpeek.jpg" class='large'>
In the corner of the eye you spot him behind the doors.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Tease $dad</h6>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... My cunt is so wet for you Daddy. Can't stop masturbating because of you....<</speech>>
You are hoping he hear that.
<img src="img/dad/showerevent/masturbates.webp" class='medium'>
$dad heard what you were saying inside the shower.
He grabbed his veiny cock and starts furiously masturbating looking at you.
Carefully, with your eyes you try to spot him.
Then you slowly bend down and finally you caught him. Him and his huge cock...
<<arousal 15>><div class="pos">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +15@@</div>
<<link "<h6>Make a Show</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/showerevent/showertease.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
You are making him more and more horny.
Trying everything to make him Cum faster.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh... My pussy is lonely...<</speech>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
<img src="img/dad/showerevent/masturbates.webp" class='medium'>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">><sub>Oh god.. $name..</sub><</speech>><</timed>>
<<link "<h6>Give him More</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/showerevent/showertease2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm so naughty.. For you... Daddy...<</speech>>
Wishing he could shower with you...
<<link "<h6>Tease..</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/showerevent/showertease3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
You stick your naked pussy to the shower glass.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Give it to me.. Daddy! I promise.. I'll let you pump your sweet cum inside my pussy!!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$dad's Cum</h6>">>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh fuckk...!!<</speech>>
<img src="img/dad/showerevent/cum.webp" class='medium'>
$dad is cumming by watching you and your horny moans.
Shutting the door can be heard. He probably ran away so she wouldn't randomly catch him.
When you were cleaning off, You spot his cum on the floor! Your $dad's cum!
<<fcorruption 10>><<set $peekshower to true>><<upd>><<set $time to $time +2>>\
<div class="posarousal">$dad Corruption + 10</div>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Oh yes. Daddy... Lick that cum from the floor!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Lick that cum</h12>">>
<<addcorruption 1>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +1</div><<upd>>
<img src="img/dad/showerevent/floor.webp" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh.. Daddy's Cum... It tastes so weird... But i'll get used to it!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="father">
<video src="img/dad/tvevent/1.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
$mom and $dad were watching TV, some boring romantic movie. The way mom was lying she seems to be very Tired.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>*yawn* Mmm... Honey... I think i'm going to bed... Today was very a tiresome day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Sure Sweetheart, I'll finish the movie. i'll join you later.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Okay. Goodnight... *yawn* I'm going to sleep like a rock today.<</speech>>
$dad is alone so he turned the tv off and took the laptop.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Join $dad</h6>">>
<video src="img/dad/tvevent/2.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop>
After $mom went to the bedroom you decide to step into the Action.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey $dad!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh.. H-Hey Princess. Still not in bed?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No.. I can't sleep. So what are you watching?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Nothing...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh come on $dad! Show me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I know you are watching Porn. Just curious what type of porn are you watching.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Are you serious?! I'm not going to show you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>C'moooon. It's typical to watch porn. Just let me look at it for a bit.<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Look on the monitor</h12>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/tvevent/3.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name please...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just show me! I'd like to see.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>This is so weird... Watching porn with my Princess.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh Daddy.. Please let me watch with you. Please Please Pleaseee!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Fine...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>$dad played the clip</h12>">>
<video src="img/dad/tvevent/4.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop controls onloadstart="this.volume=0.2">
Suprised what he is watching. Two Teens roleplaying as step-sisters having sex with Older Man.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... This is so... hot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>*Sighs* Mhmm..<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Watch More</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/tvevent/5.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls onloadstart="this.volume=0.2">
$dad tries to watch porn, but it's a little awkward with you around.
Not for you. You slowly touch yourself under the blanket around your $dad.
<<linkreplace "<h12>Make a move</h12>">>
<video src="img/dad/tvevent/6.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop controls onloadstart="this.volume=0.2">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Daddy... My pussy is getting wet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Smell my Fingers $dad. Those are pussy juices. Want to suck them?<</speech>>
$dad without hesitation sucked your fingers.
Your juices are inside his mouth! It makes you really horny right now.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah.... How is the taste?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>It's... Nice...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Daddy...<</speech>>
<<arousal 25>><div class="posarousal">Arosual +25</div>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Take off your Panties</h12>">>
<video src="img/dad/tvevent/7.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop>
You are taking off the panties in front of your $dad.
He can't believe what his Princess is doing.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>This is wrong $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Daddy. Look at my pussy. Please.<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Temptation</h12>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/tvevent/8.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
$dad cannot control his desire for you. He wants you so badly he starts touching his cock.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm Daddy... Show me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name this is going in the bad way.... I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But $dad! I already lost myself to you. Please... show me.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Tease him</h12>">>
<video src="img/dad/tvevent/9.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I know you want me, You desire me. I was teasing your all the time Daddy. Don't you get it? <</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name... I don't...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>STOP LYING and Show me that Big! Hard! Juicy! COCK!<</speech>>
<<button "$dad's Cock">><<goto "Dad's Cock">><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><span id="father">
<video src="img/dad/cleanevent/maidtease.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop>
Before your $mom left the house, she asked you to clean the house.
Obviously you hate cleaning, but at least once a week you want to make your $mom happy.
Well you went to wardrobe to wear something comfy.
After some thought, you chose the Maid Suit, which Lucas did a little extras to the suit.
By extras, that means tearing a piece of cloth to flesh more body.
However, you came up with the idea to tease your Dad.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Go to your $dad's Office</h6>">>
<img src="img/computer/talk.jpg" class='medium'>
You went to the $dad's Office wearing a Slightly Modified Maid Suit. $dad is glued to the laptop focusing on the work.
<video src="img/dad/cleanevent/maidtease3.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey $dad! $mom asked to clean the house so i hope i won't disturb you!<</speech>>
When you enter his office he looks at you for a second. Back to monitor and back to you with huge eyes to say.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Su... Sure! Go ahead... Thanks.<</speech>>
He nervously looks at the laptop right now. But in the corner of his eye is looking at you.
<<link "<h6>Clean the Drawer</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/cleanevent/maidtease4.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
Throughly you clean the drawer then you bend over.
<<timed 1s t8n>><<audio "tablehit" play>>
You heard the sound of a slamming noise coming from the desk where Dad is working.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Ouch!..<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Did $dad hit his leg? Haha<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is everything okay? Daddy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>No.. I mean Yes. I just got a horrible mail. Carry on.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<link "<h12>Take care for Flowers</h12>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/cleanevent/maidtease5.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
Flowers are in the bad shape so you slowly walked to fix them.
In purpose you bend over your body for $dad view.
<img src="img/dad/cleanevent/cock.webp" class='medium'>
His cock is getting hard erection and starts to quickly click buttons on the keyboard.<</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<link "<h12>Fix your Panties</h12>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/cleanevent/maidtease6.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
Cleaning the dust from the shelf your panties slipped of...
When you were fixing your panties, by mistake you showed pussy.
$dad stood up.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I need to take a leak...<</speech>>
$dad left the office to the bathroom. Which makes you a little giggle.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah. It worked...<</speech>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<fcorruption 10>><div class="posarousal">$dad Corruption + 10</div>
<<set $peekcleaning to true>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Check the Laptop</h12>">>
You were shocked at what your $dad was the page on.
It was a forum site where people shared naughty interactions with young girls.
He even liked the video, that made you horny.
<img src="img/dad/cleanevent/laptop.webp" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh Daddy you are so naughty...Mmm...<</speech>>
<<arousal 25>><div class="pos">@@color:pink;Arousal +25@@</div><<addcorruption 1>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +1</div>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<set $clotheswear to "basic">><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><b>
I can't wearing like this.
People would molest me for sure.
<<button "Return" `previous()`>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<<widget "aprontease">>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel gte 1 and $clotheswear is "apron1">>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Tease your Dad.</h4>">>
<img src="img/clothes/teaseclothes/apron.webp" class='imageleft'>
<<widget "schoolslut">>
<<if $clotheswear is "schooluniform3">>\
<<set _slutuniform to either(true,false)>>\
<<if _slutuniform is true>>\
<<if $fcorruptionlevel lte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Dad seems to like your new Uniform</h6>">>
<<switch random(3)>>
<<case 1>>
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/teasewalk.mp4" class='mediumc' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Daddy!<</speech>>
Dad is looking at your slutty uniform.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>H-Heey...<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/teasewalk2.mp4" class='mediumc' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Daddy! I'm going out!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Wh-What? In that clothes?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh Dad! Every girls wears it now!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Ahh.. Okay.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/teasewalk3.webm" class='mediumc' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Dad!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Wow... Hey $name. How are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okay. Lil bit horny. My little pussy is soaking wet when i think about your Cock, Daddy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Fuck... Babe. I gotta to the Bathroom!.<</speech>>
Dad rushed to the bathroom with his hard-on. You gigle a lot.
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/teasewalk3.webm" class='mediumc' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Daddy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Wo-w... Hey $name. How are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>When I see you it's good!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Haha. Me too...<</speech>><</switch>>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Tease your Daddy with your Slutty School Outfit.</h6>">>
<<switch random (3)>>
<<case 1>>
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/teasewalk.mp4" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Dad!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hey, Little princess. Going to school?<</speech>>
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/under.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yep! Look here Daddy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Mmm... Good girl. Daddy is very proud.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/teasewalk2.mp4" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Dad! I'm leaving!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Cool Darling.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You don't mind if I go out in the outfit I'm wearing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I'm okay with that. After all, Daddy's Cock is not replaceable.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/teasewalk3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Dad!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Princess.<</speech>>
<img src="img/clothes/uniformslut/slap.webp" class='imageleft'>
Your Dad slaps your half-naked buttcheeks as you walk around.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ouch! Daddy!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Get used to it, Darling. Teasing your Daddy will only get you into trouble.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh. Really...?<</speech>>
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/teasewalk.mp4" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Daddy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hey my Little princess. Going to school?<</speech>>
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/under.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yep! Look here Daddy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Mmm... Good girl. Daddy is very proud.<</speech>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<link "<h7>@@color:hotpink;Tease even more@@</h7>">><<goto "slutfordaddy">><</link>>
<<link "<h7>Tease even more@@color:hotpink;(Corruption Level 3)@@</h7>">><</link>>
<<widget "gymslut">>
<<if $clotheswear is "sport1">>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Tease Guys in the Gym</h12>">>
<<set _tease to random(1,3)>>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<if _tease is 1>>\
<img src="img/gif/gym/gym4.webp" class='small'>
<<elseif _tease is 2>>\
<img src="img/gif/gym/gym6.webp" class='small'>
<<elseif _tease is 3>>\
<img src="img/gif/gym/gym7.webp" class='small'>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<if _tease is 1>>\
<video src="img/gym/tease.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<elseif _tease is 2>>\
<video src="img/gym/tease1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<elseif _tease is 3>>\
<video src="img/gym/tease2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
@@color:pink;Teasing some guys in the gym. Some of them are starting to take an interest in you.@@
<<set $sportfuck to $sportfuck +1>>\
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>\
<<if $bimboend is 3>>\
@@color:hotpink;<span class='glitchy' data-text='Let them look...'>Attention in the Gym:$sportfuck</span>@@
@@color:hotpink;Attention in the Gym:$sportfuck@@
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<if $sportfuck gte 3 and $bimboend is 3>>\
@@color:hotpink;Bimbo Influence@@
<<button [[Horny Guy]]>><<set $sportfuck to 0>><<set $minifuck1 to 3>><</button>>
<<elseif $sportfuck gte 5 and $corruption gte 50>>\
<<button [[Horny Guy]]>><<set $sportfuck to 0>><<set $minifuck1 to 3>><</button>>
<<elseif $sportfuck gte 4 and $corruption lte 49>>\
@@color:orange;Some dude wants to talk with you, but you don't feel like it. (You need 50 Corruption.)@@
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<</widget>>\<div class="daddybox"><b><<masteraudio stop>>\
<span id="bj">\
<img src="img/school/wc1.jpg" class='medium'>
<<if $reputationschool lte 14>>\
With a little shy, You teased a random guy from school hallway.
He's a little charming and handsome guy. Acts a bit cute for you. It will be a little fun for you.
<<elseif $reputationschool gte 15 and $reputationschool lte 34>>\
Random Boy asked you to go with him to the bathroom.
Wondering what will he do to you.
<<speech "Boy1" "Student">>You look so hot!<</speech>>
<<elseif $reputationschool gte 35>>\
Your reputation says a lot. You love inviting guys to bathroom for a little fun!
This guy can't keep his erection on his pants by looking at you.
<<speech "Boy1" "Student">>Wow.. I can't believe this. I'm with $name!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You better believe it! Haha. Come here.<</speech>>
<<if $energy gte 30>>
<span id="bj">\
<<link "<h7>@@color:pink;Suck His Dick@@</h7>">><<replace "#bj">>
<<switch random(3)>>
<<case 1>>\
<img src="img/clothes/uniformslut/bjtoilet.webp" class='imageleft'><<audio "bj3" play>>
<<case 2>>\
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/bjschool.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
</video><<audio "bj3" play>>
<<case 3>>\
<video muted src="img/clothes/uniformslut/bjschool2.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
</video><<audio "bj3" play>>
<img src="img/clothes/uniformslut/bjtoilet.webp" class='imageleft'><<audio "bj3" play>><</switch>>
You take his fat cock into your mouth with a desire.
His facial expression tells you that it feels good.
Now you know why you teased him in the hallway. <div class="posarousal">@@color:hotpink;You love having a dick in your mouth!@@</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>GURLP! GURLP!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Student">>Fuck! You are so pro at it!<</speech>>
<<arousal 25>><div class="pos">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +25@@ @@color:lightblue;Energy -15@@</div>
<<set $time to $time +1>><<energy -15>>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2 and $reputationschool lte 64>>\
<<set $reputationschool +=random(2, 4)>>You earning some reputation in Boy's Group.<<upd>>
@@color:orange;Reputation in School:$reputationschool@@
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $reputationschool lte 99>>\
<<set $reputationschool +=random(2, 4)>>You earning some reputation in Boy's Group.<<upd>>
@@color:orange;Reputation in School:$reputationschool@@
<<if $arousal gte 50>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm so fucking horny... Finger me! Please!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>@@color:pink;Let him Finger you@@</h7>">><<audio "bj3" stop>><<audio "moan4" play>>
<<switch random (2)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<video muted src="img/clothes/uniformslut/fingering.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop>
<<case 2>>\
<img src="img/clothes/uniformslut/squirt.webp" class='imageright'>
<video muted src="img/clothes/uniformslut/fingering2.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop>
His hands are so soft and massive.
Touching your pussy makes you so much aroused by it.
<div class="posarousal">@@color:hotpink;You are about to CUM!@@</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AH!! AH!! MY!! PUSSYY!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Student">>Wow... Fucking hot!<</speech>>
@@color:hotpink;<span id="shaker-1" class="shake">Cumming!</span>@@
<<arousal -50>><h3><span id="shaker+50" class="shake1">Arousal -50</span></h3>
<<button "Return" `previous()`>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<button "Return" `previous()`>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<span id="fuck">\
<<if $reputationschool gte 15>>\
<<link "<h7>@@color:pink;Let him Fuck you@@</h7>">><<replace "#bj">><<audio "fuck4" play>>
<<switch random (3)>>
<<case 1>>
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/fuck1.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
<<case 2>>
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/fuck2.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
<<case 3>>
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/fuck3.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/fuck1.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
Some guy you teased in the hallway, Grabbed you and threw you into the cabin.
Without resistance, his huge cock slid into your hungry pussy.
<<speech "Boy1" "Boy">>What a fucking slut!<</speech>>
<img src="img/clothes/uniformslut/expression.webp" class='imageright'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>FUCK... FUCK ME!<</speech>>
You want to scream loud but lessons have not yet begun.
You can't control of yourself. It gives you so much pleasure.
<div class="posarousal">@@color:hotpink;
Nothing turns you on more than just being used over and over!@@</div>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2 and $reputationschool lte 64>>\
<<set $reputationschool +=random(3, 6)>>You earning some reputation in Boy's Group.<<upd>>
@@color:orange;Reputation in School:$reputationschool@@
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $reputationschool lte 99>>\
<<set $reputationschool +=random(3, 6)>>You earning some reputation in Boy's Group.<<upd>>
@@color:orange;Reputation in School:$reputationschool@@
<<arousal 25>><div class="pos">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +25@@ @@color:lightblue;Energy -15@@</div>
<<set $time to $time +1>><<energy -15>>
<<if $arousal gte 80>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>@@color:hotpink;ORGASM!@@</h7>">>
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/fingering2.webm" class='mediumc' autoplay loop>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:hotpink;You're having an orgasm!@@</div>
School Boy couldn't believe how squirty you are.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AH!!!! YES!!!<</speech>>
<img src="img/clothes/uniformslut/cum.webp" class='imageright'>
<<speech "Boy1" "Boy">>God damn.. Fuck.. Come here.<</speech>>
He's too. Cumming on your pretty wattery mouth.
<img src="img/clothes/uniformslut/kiss.webp" class='imageleft'>
He sat down exhausted and watched you play with the cum in your mouth.
<<speech "Boy1" "Boy">>That is so hot...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha..<</speech>>
@@color:hotpink;<span id="shaker-1" class="shake">Cumming!</span>@@
<<arousal -70>><h3><span id="shaker+50" class="shake1">Arousal -70</span></h3>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2 and $reputationschool lte 64>>\
<<set $reputationschool +=random(3, 6)>>You earning some reputation in Boy's Group.<<upd>>
@@color:orange;Reputation in School:$reputationschool@@
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $reputationschool lte 99>>\
<<set $reputationschool +=random(3, 6)>>You earning some reputation in Boy's Group.<<upd>>
@@color:orange;Reputation in School:$reputationschool@@
<<button "Return" `previous()`>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<button "Return" `previous()`>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<button "Return" `previous()`>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<elseif $energy lte 29>>\
@@color:orange; You are exhausted!@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah... Sorry. I'm little tired for that..<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Guy">>What?! What a fucking joke!<</speech>>
<<set $reputationschool to $reputationschool - 3>>
@@color:orange;Lost Reputation in School -3@@
<<button "Return" `previous()`>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<<widget "uniformschool">>\
<<if $clotheswear is "schooluniform" and $schoolenter is false or $clotheswear is "schooluniform1" and $schoolenter is false or $clotheswear is "schooluniform3" and $schoolenter is false and $time lte 15 or $clotheswear is "uniformwork3" and $schoolenter is false and $time lte 15>>\
<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<slutty>></div></div>\
<<if $classeslesson is 0>>\
<<button "@@color:orange;History Lessons@@">><<goto "History Lessons">><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<elseif $classeslesson is 1>>\
<<button "@@color:orange;Math Lessons@@">><<goto "Math Lessons">><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<elseif $classeslesson is 3>>\
<<button "@@color:orange;English Lessons@@">><<goto "English Lessons">><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<if $classeslesson is 2 and $jackandjayce is true and $jayce is false>>
<<button "Jack">><<goto "jayce">><</button>>
<<if $linzee gte 1 and $classeslesson is 1>>\
<<button "Dylan and Benjamin">><<goto "linzeemilf">><</button>>
<<if $time gte 10 and $time lte 13.5>>\
<<button "Lunch Time: 10:00-13:30">><<goto "schoollunch">><</button>>
<<if $daddycock is true and $time gte 10 and $time lte 12 and $daddyend is false and $fcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<<dialog>><div align="center">\
<img src="img/dad/dadhallway.jpg" class="large">
By your suprise you met your Father in the school hallway.
He is here for you.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>D-Dad?! What are you doing here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I'm here for you. Come with me Darling.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But what about my classes?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>This time, I'll let you ditch them. Are you coming? Or not?<</speech>>
<<button "No">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<button "Go with Father">><<masteraudio stop>><<dialogclose>><<goto "dadend">><</button>></table>
<<if $classeslesson is 1 or $classeslesson is 3>>\
<<button "Scarlett">><<goto "scarlett">><</button>>
<<if $classeslesson gte 2 and $mitski gte 1>>\
<<button "Mitski">><<goto "mitski">><</button>>
<<if $classeslesson is 2 and $gina gte 2 and $ginapeek is false>>\
<<if $corruption gte 6 and $corruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<link "<h12>Peek Professor/Gina. @@color:hotpink;Corruption$corruption/6@@</h12>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "mathandgina">><</link>>
<<elseif $corruption lte 5>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Peek Professor/Gina. @@color:grey;Corruption$corruption/6@@</h12>">>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Why would i do that?<</speech>>
<<if $classeslesson is 0>>\
<<button [[Class Room Skip|Classes]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<if $classeslesson is 0 or $classeslesson is 3>>
<<button [[Lena]]>> <</button>>
<<if $eventjack1 is true>>\
<<button [[Jack|Jacks]]>><</button>>
<<if $chloe is true>>\
<<button [[Chloe|SchoolChloe]]>><</button>>
<<if $annawalks is false and $eventjack1 is true>>\
<<button [[You see Jack with Anna]]>><</button>>
<<if $ashley is false and $ashleyblock is false>>\
<<button [[Rumors in the School]]>><</button>>
<<if $ashley is true and $ashleyblock is false>>\
<<button [[Ashley]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $ashleyblock is true>>
@@color:orange;Ashley is in Sanctuary.@@
<<button [[Gym]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<elseif $schoolenter is false>>\
You need to wear School Uniform to participate the classes.
<<button [[Go home|mcroom]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<widget "slutty">>\
<<if $corruptionlevel is 2 and $clotheswear is "schooluniform3">>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Tease horny guys with your Lewd Outfit.</h12>">><<replace "#slut">>
<<set _whore to random(1,3)>>
<<if _whore is 1>>\
<img src="img/college/you.gif" class='imageleft'>
You're bringing attention to others students
<<speech "Boy1">>Damn! $name you look fine.<</speech>>
Some guys are watching you with jaw open
<<elseif _whore is 2>>\
<img src="img/college/you2.gif" class='medium'>
You're bringing attention to others students
<<speech "Boy2">>Shit... That booty will haunt me<</speech>>
<<elseif _whore is 3>>\
<img src="img/college/you3.gif" class='medium'>
You're bringing attention to others students
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena was right, less clothes, more boys.<</speech>>
<<if $reputationschool lte 14>>\
<<set _bj to either(true,false)>>\
<<if _bj is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Bold Student Approached</h12>">>
One of the boys ask you.
<<speech "Boy1" "Boy">>God you such a tease girl. Can you suck me off?<</speech>>
<<if $corruption gte 30>>\
<<link "<h12>Take him to the Bathroom @@color:hotpink;(Corruption 30)@@</h12>">><<goto "SchoolWC">><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Take him to the Bathroom @@color:hotpink;(Corruption 30)@@</h12>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry. That's not for me.<</speech>>
<<elseif _bj is false>>\
@@color:pink;One of the male student approaches you with the smile but you don't feel like to have him.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry Guys. I'm late for the class.<</speech>>
<<elseif $reputationschool gte 15 and $reputationschool lte 34>>\
<<set _bj to either(true,false)>>\
<<if _bj is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Bold Student Approached</h12>">>
One of the boys ask you.
<<speech "Boy1" "Boy">>Hey $name, want some fun in the bathroom?<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Take him to the Bathroom @@color:hotpink;(Corruption 30)@@</h6>">><<goto "SchoolWC">><</link>><</linkreplace>>
<<elseif _bj is false>>\
@@color:pink;One of the male student approaches you with the smile but you denied him.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry Guys. I'm late for the class.<</speech>>
<<elseif $reputationschool gte 35>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>@@color:hotpink;Ask for a fuck.@@</h12>">>
In the hallway, One of the students caught your intrest.
@@color:pink;You wonder how his cock would work on you.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey... Meet me in the bathroom. Discreetly, of course. <</speech>>
He is really suprised with the proposition!
<<speech "Boy1" "Guy">>Sure $name! Damn i'm the lucky one?<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Take him to the Bathroom @@color:hotpink;(Corruption 30)@@</h12>">><<goto "SchoolWC">><</link>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $clotheswear is "schooluniform3">>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Tease male students with your Lewd Outfit.</h12>">><<replace "#slut">>
<<set _tease to random(1,3)>>
<<if _tease is 1>>\
<video src="img/school/teasekiss.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<div class="pos">@@color:pink;
One of the students couldn't resists your charms.
You point him to the corner where no one is.
Both of you kiss intense and sloppy, While he is touching your whole body.
Mostly around your Pussy. @@</div>
<<arousal 15>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div>
<<elseif _tease is 2>>\
<video src="img/school/teasetits.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<div class="pos">@@color:pink;
One of the students couldn't resists your charms.
He's behind and stats groping your breasts.
His touch is delicate and boldness very admirable.@@</div>
<<arousal 15>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div>
<<elseif _tease is 3>>\
<img src="img/school/teaseshow.webp" class='small'>
Walking through the hallway, Some of the students whistle at you.
One of them shouts at you.
<<speech "Boy1" "Student">>$name! Show that ass!<</speech>>
<div class="pos">@@color:pink;
Without hesitation you flash him piece of your ass.
Boys expression was priceless, Two of them got boner and other one has mouth open to the floor.@@</div>
<<arousal 15>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div>
<<if $studentspent2 gte 1>>\
<<link "<h12>Go to the Bathroom @@color:hotpink;(Corruption 30)@@</h12>">><<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>><<goto "SchoolWC">><<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>><<goto "SchoolWC1">><</if>><</link>><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 100 and $corruption gte 65>>\
<<link "<h12>Take him to the empty room@@color:pink;(Arousal 100)@@ @@color:hotpink;(Corruption 65)@@</h12>">><<goto "emptyclassroom">><</link>>
<<elseif $arousal lte 99 or $corruption lte 64>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Take him to the empty room@@color:pink;(Arousal 100)@@ @@color:hotpink;(Corruption 65)@@</h12>">><<if $corruption lte 64>>@@color:red;I'm not sure is this good idea. Not enough Corruption.@@<</if>> <<if $arousal lte 99>>@@color:pink;I'm not in the mood. Arousal Failed.@@<</if>>\<</linkreplace>>
<</widget>>\<div class="daddybox"><b>
After a few days you were watching in TV a football matches with Dad. You were fascinated by the work that cheerleaders do. So you had the idea to become one of them. Maybe your coach could help you.
<img src="img/school/cheerleader/cheerleader.webp" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Coach!<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Newbie! What's up? Don't tell me you forgot your uniform!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No. I have a favor. Do you know if there is a cheerleader squad in our school?<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Hah! I knew it... Okay. As far as I remember Kate was looking for volunteers. Wait, there she is! Kate! Come here Sunshine!<</speech>>
Kate was entering to the gym with her Cheerleader outfit.
She approached you with the smile to the Coach.
<img src="img/school/cheerleader/kate.webp" class='medium'>
<<if $tomevents gte 2>>\
<<speech "Kate">>Sup Coach? Oh you must be $name. From the party.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah... That's me, haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>Hey Coach! What's going on? Who is this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Kate my dear. This is $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>Hey $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Kate. I heard you are looking for someone to join your group of cheerleaders.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>Yeah! Do you want to join?<</speech>>
<<button [[Join the Cheerleader]]>><</button>>
<<button [[No|school]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="father">\
<video src="img/dad/bschoolevent/wear.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
Waking up with a strong headache. You don't have energy to go to the school but your $mom and $dad are really strict about these stuff.
While taking a quick shower, $mom yells from downstairs.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I'm leaving!!! I'll back before the evening. Love you guys!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Go downstairs</h6>">>
<video src="img/dad/bschoolevent/lying.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop>
Hoping that everyone had left so you could skip today's lessons at school,
Unfortunately, $dad is still in house. Puzzled why you haven't left for school yet, On foot you certainly won't make it anymore.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name! What are you doing here?! School lessons are about to start!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okay $dad. Lena offered me a drive to school.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I hope so, Darling. I would take you but I have an urgent matter to do in the city.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okay. Thanks $dad. I think i see Lena. Gotta go! Have a nice day!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>You too sweetheart.<</speech>>
You took house keys and left the house.
<<link "<h6>Check the House</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/bschoolevent/enters.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
After some time sitting in the bush around the house, finally your $dad left home.
Your legs were exhausted from sitting in the bush.
It's time to go and rest in your sweet warm house.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Great. Coast is clear. What do we do....<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Watch TV</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/bschoolevent/tv.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
You are watching a movie that is very interesting to you but in the middle there is a sex scene.
It makes you totally aroused.
<<arousal 100>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +100</div><<upd>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Masturbate</h12>">>
<video src="img/dad/bschoolevent/masturbate.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
You are so aroused that you have to relief yourself. With a wet pussy you ran to your $parents bedroom, You were sure your $mom was holding some kind of sex toy. And you found it.
Now you came back to living room and watched this scene again and again.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck. It's so hot....<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Masturbate</h12>">>
<video src="img/dad/bschoolevent/masturbate2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
$mom's sex toy helps you a lot. Touching yourself with that toy feels so nice.
That toy is filled with your pussy juices.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow Mom... You are right... This toy is so goooood....!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Having good Time</h12>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/bschoolevent/watching.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
The sex scene passed and you had to help yourself with fantasies. Your perverted mind picked on your $dad.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm...Please... Finger me! Daddy...!!<</speech>>
While having a good time, Your $dad showed up. He stares at you how you masturbating in the coach through the window.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>What the.... $name...?!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Imagination</h12>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/bschoolevent/watching2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
He hears your moans....
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Daddy! Fuck me Daddy! Please fuck my little pussy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh my god...<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Lusting for $dad's Cock</h12>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/bschoolevent/dadmasturbate.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
It makes him aroused. He can't control of his boner...
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh GOD! FUCK ME! FUCK ME DADDY! CUM INSIDE ME! BREED ME!<</speech>>
Dad can't believe what are you saying...
<<link "<h12>Orgasm</h12>">><<replace "#father">><<audio "door" play>>
<video src="img/dad/bschoolevent/caught.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
You get an orgasm fantasizing about your dad.
But you hear the door open.
It's your $dad!<<set $arousal to 0>><<upd>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Oh no!<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Oh Yes!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Talk with $dad</h6>">>
<video src="img/dad/bschoolevent/talk.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey $dad...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>What the hell $name! What are you doing here? You should be in the school right now!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I know... but Lena didn't show up and...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>And you stayed in home. Great. You could call me to drive you to the school.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I didn't want to bother you...$dad.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Touch him</h12>">>
<video src="img/dad/bschoolevent/end.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>What.. are you doing...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad.. Oh Daddy... I'm.... I'm so sorry.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name... What... are...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>That's Enough! Go to your room! Now! This time i'll let you off.<</speech>>
You hugged your $dad and went your room.
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<fcorruption 10>><div class="posarousal">$dad Corruption + 10</div>
<<set $peektv to true>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Try to peak</h4>">>
Before you go to your room, $dad went to the office.
He left the door ajar, you can see his desires going wild. Masturbating furiously imagining you.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>This fucking girl... I can't get her out of my head.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>You want Your Daddy to fuck you, don't you..<</speech>>
He is cumming
<img src="img/dad/bschoolevent/cum.webp" class='medium'>
<<addcorruption 1>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +1</div>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><b>
You decided to join the group of cheerleaders.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes! I'd like to.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>Great! Meet me after the class around 17:00-18;00. I'll explain the details.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure! I'll be there!<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>Okay! Coach can we talk for a second?<</speech>>
Coach smiled suspiciously at Kate.
Kate and Coach went outside. You in other hand are preparing to be cheerleader.
<<set $cheerleader to true>>
<<button [[Leave|school]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<<widget "daddrug">>
<<if $daddrugged is true>>\
<img src="img/dad/daddrug.jpg" class='large'>\
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Martha! Come here my Love. Let's Fuck!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>David?! Oh my !!! Ah!!!<</speech>>
Father seems to be suffering from the side effects of the drugs.
<h3>Special Event</h3>
<<button [[Drugged Dad fucks Mom]]>><</button>>
<<widget "got">>
<<if $eventmomanddad1 is true and $mrelationship gte 40 and $frelationship gte 40 and $time gte 22.5 and $time lte 22.5>>\
<<switch random(4)>>
<<case 1>>
<img src="img/pbedroom/sex.jpg" class='large'>\
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Yes fuck me my little brother god that show was great<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Fuck that was so hot scene<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<img src="img/pbedroom/sex1.jpg" class='large'>\
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Jesus Incest porn is so hot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Spread your legs.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>YES! Hah.<</speech>>
<<case 3>>
<img src="img/pbedroom/sex2.jpg" class='large'>\
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>We need to be quiet, our little princess could hear us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>You need to be quiet..<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">> Haha.<</speech>>
<<case 4>>
<img src="img/pbedroom/sex3.jpg" class='large'>\
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Jesus David, you are so in the mood after that show.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>It reminded me of something.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Haha, yes.<</speech>>
<img src="img/pbedroom/sex4.jpg" class='large'>\
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Kiss me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I'm gonna lick your whole body.<</speech>>
<<widget "dildosteal">>
<<if $hasDildo is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Take a look around</h4>">>
You found a dildo under the bed.
<img src='img/mcroom/dildo.jpg' class='small'>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Wow Mom is really needy.<</speech>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<span id="dildo">
<<link "<h7>Steal the Dildo</h7>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<<set $hasDildo to true>>@@color:orange;You stole the dildo.@@
<span id="dildo1">
<<link "<h7>Steal the Dildo</h7>">><<replace "#dildo1">>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>I shouldn't. Why i need this?<</speech>>
<</widget>><div class="daddybox"><b>\
You are still wondering how to approach your Dad....
He keeps resisting you. Then you remembered that Lena is having an affair with her Father.
Which she can help you out. You found Lena in the hallway.
<img src="img/school/lenacurious.jpg" class='imageright'>
<<speech "Lena">>Hey Girrrl! How's teacher hunting?<</speech>>
<<if $teacherhorny gte 2>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>With Mr.Bailey? Haha. I must say... he's hungry for that young pussy for sure.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Damn $name! You slutty girl! Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mr.Bailey? I don't know.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Anyway, Lena I have a rather unusual question for you...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Go ahead.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Latetly i'm having odd kink... My father... i'm so attracted to him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh my God! Okay. Go on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay, so i'm thinking he is wants me too. I was such a tease whore in the house. Tempting him with my body, he was watching me when i was having a shower or when i was cleaning in my slutty maid uniform or...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>No fucking way! Someone got's Daddy Crush! You really want him. Don't you?<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/lenacurious2.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes! but he is still resisting me. Can you give a hint how to make him more vulnerable to my charms.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>I can't believe it. Wow. Hmm... From what you are saying is that you need to approach this in a gentle way. Try being alone with him, where he is going to be relaxed around you. For example, watch TV with him, and then through watching, show him your desires.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena... This is great idea! Thanks!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Sure. Have fun with your Daddy.<</speech>>
<<set $sexdad to 1>>Finally you have a Plan for your Father.
<<button [[Classes]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><b>\
<span id="father">
<video src="img/dad/tvevent/10.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
$dad is getting horny in every second you touch the pussy.
Finally, Your $dad shows you his cock.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh god...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Watching Masturbate Each other</h12>">>
<video src="img/dad/tvevent/11.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop controls>
You can't stop looking at his cock.
As he gently massages his cock, looking at your naked pussy.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name... You Pervert... Girl....<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes...Only for you...<</speech>>
Finally, his desires are coming out loud.
<<linkreplace "<h12>Ask for it</h12>">>
<video src="img/dad/tvevent/12.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can i touch your Cock. Daddy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yes. Do it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my... It's so hard.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>That's beacuse of you, darling.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha.<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Daddy's Cock</h12>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/tvevent/13.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
By your Father suprise, You licking his cock from bottom to top.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Ah... $name...!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can i suck your Cock $dad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Please... Yes.. <</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Suck it</h12>">>
<video src="img/dad/tvevent/14.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh my Baby Girl! Suck it hard.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmmm your cock taste so good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Naughty little girl.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Harder</h12>">>
<video src="img/dad/tvevent/15.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I always wanted to taste your Cock Daddy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>You are such a Bad Girl. FUCK! Why are you so good at this?<</speech>>
$dad couldn't believe how good you are, Such a good tool to pleasure Daddy's Cock.
He wants to touch and lick you so bad.
<<link "<h12>Taste you,</h12>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/tvevent/16.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop controls>
The forbidden boundries are crossed. After a long wait that your $dad is gonna adore you, has came. $dad-$daughter normal relationship is gone. It has turned into Special Bond.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm Yes! I love it Daddy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>So soft, God i'm like in heaven right now.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Adores you</h12>">>
<video src="img/dad/tvevent/17.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh FUCK! $dad.. Daddy...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Pussy is leaking wet my $daughter. I need to plug it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes $dad! Please I want to know how it feel inside me.<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>$dad's Cock is about to enter</h12>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/tvevent/18.webm" class='medium' autoplay controls onloadstart="this.volume=0.2">
He finally grabbed and took you to better position to enter you with his Cock. It is finally gonna to happen.
Try to Enters you
<<timed 5s t8n>><<audio "stairs" play>>
<img src="img/dad/tvevent/momawake.jpg" class='imageleft'>
Then both of you hear the footsteps from the stairs. $mom is awake.
Quickly you hide under the sofa and $dad is trying to his trousers on but he fails due to the fact that he has an erection.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Honey... What was that sound?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>What sound?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Were you watching porn? Come on Darling. I know you are... I see your erection.<</speech>>
<img src="img/dad/tvevent/momawake2.jpg" class='imageright'>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hah... Okay You got me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh you pervy boy. I'm gonna take a water and you to our bed. I'm gonna relieve your Desires.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Sure... let's go.<</speech>>
After the $dad and $mom left the room you are frustrated. You could have been quieter.
But $dad sent you a message on the phone.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">><i>We gonna finish what we started my $daughter. Wait for my message.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Of course, Daddy. Can't wait.</i><</speech>>
<<set $sexdad to 2>><<addcorruption 2>><<fcorruption 20>>\
<div class="posarousal">Corruption +2</div>
<div class="pos">@@color:violet;$dad Corruption + 20@@</div>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<set $time to $time +3>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><b>\
After that night with $dad, it was difficult to sleep for you normally. Still you are not satisfied beacuse of your $mom. She came in bad time. Then a $dad came to your room. You both smiled lustly each other, You jump on him to kiss him.
<video src="img/dad/hotel/kiss.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hey, $daughter.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey $dad. I can't take this anymore.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Huh? What is it? Is something wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes! I want your fucking big hard Cock inside my horny leaking wet pussy...!!<</speech>>
Saying these words, $dad got an erection and so you began to rub his Cock.
<img src="img/dad/hotel/rubbing.webp" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>God... My darling... $mom is in the house right now. She can't found out what we are doing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad... Please... I need you..<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Calm Down, Baby girl. Daddy has a suprise for you. Meet me by the car in 5 minutes okay? I'll tell Martha that you and i are going for a little trip.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh GOD! Yes! I'll be waiting $dad!<</speech>>
<<button [[Wait for him|MomandDad]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><b>
$dad was talking with $mom, though she is suprised that you and $dad are going out.
<img src="img/dad/hotel/mom01.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh Really? That is so sweet. Where are you going? Maybe i'll get along.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Don't bother, $name always talks about Johanna Falls, which she wants to visit. It's a long way to go. I don't know when we will return.<</speech>>
<img src="img/dad/hotel/mom03.jpg" class='imageright'>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Huh? That's like 8 hour drive from here. Wow David, that is remarkable to sarfice yourself for that long drive. Haha. Well Safe travel guys!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yeah. yeah... okay we are leaving now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Sure. Wait maybe i'll pack some sandwiches for travel?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">> No need, i arranged everything, bye!<</speech>>
<img src="img/dad/hotel/mom02.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>B-bye...<</speech>>
For Martha it is really strange, out of nowhere David said that he and $name are going for adventure. That is really odd for her. David always ask something to eat for the long trip.
<<button [[Driving]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><b>
Inside the car you are waiting for $dad to come out. Still thinking where he will lead you to take desires go away.
Finally $dad came out of the house smiling to you.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Relax baby girl, $mom won't expect us today. We've got plenty of time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>This is great $dad! So, we are going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>You'll see.<</speech>>
<img src="img/dad/hotel/car.webp" class='imageleft'>
You couldn't wait till the action. You had to touch your $dad.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name! Oh god...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can't wait Daddy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I know darling. But let's get there faster and safer, first!<</speech>>
Both of you arrived to the luxury Hotel.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Here nobody will disturb us Honey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>This is like a dream Daddy.<</speech>>
<<button [[To Hotel]]>><</button>>
<div class="daddybox"><b>
<span id="sex">
$dad has booked the hotel room. This is the Room where you'll crossed the forbidden lines with your $dad.
When you enter the room you'll never return as a $daughter, only as his personal fuck toy.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Daddy's Girl</h6>">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/mcdad1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Finally alone $dad!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>You are mine now.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Lusting for each other</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/mcdad2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Mmm This pussy is so juicy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I love your Cock $dad. It's so warm... and tasty.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh you fucking slutty girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Please.. Please Plug my HOLE!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>It's time</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/mcdad3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
The time come that $dad and $daughter reunited, by putting his Hard Cock into her Little Wet Pussy.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh God! Your HUGE COCK IS INSIDE ME!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>My $daughter's pussy is finally mine.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's yours $dad!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>So Tight</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/mcdad4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Does it feels good Daddy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I can't believe how good is this. It gets tighter when i thrust my dick deep inside you.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>From Behind</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/mcdad5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh Daddy you are so rough!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>You are so lewd my $daughter... My Slutty Whore.<</speech>>
Two of you are having a such good time, You were fucking non stop.
The hotel staff even called to see if everything was okay because of the moans.
After several orgasm the night came.
<<button [[Nightfall]]>><<set $time to 23>><<set $fcorruptionlevel to 2>><<set $fcorruption to 0>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><b>\
<span id="sex">
<video src="img/dad/hotel/mcdaddaytonight.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Countless of orgasms later, you and $dad is resting on the bed talking about the things you have done.
You went down to restaurant and eating in silence teasing each other. Then came back to room for another round or rounds...
As you walked into the room, with full of desire where it reeks of sex and sweat and on top of that, there are used condoms spread all around...
Your phone is ringing. It's your $mom.
<<speech "Mom" "Mom On the Phone">>Hey Sweety, did you get there safely? Are you two okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah, $mom. Me and $dad are having so much fun right now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "Mom On the Phone">>That's awesome! I'm glad you are having fun! Can you pass the phone to $dad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure..! Daddy it's $mom.<</speech>>
You passed the phone to $dad while he was fingering your pussy with his pointy finger.
<img src="img/dad/hotel/touches.jpg" class='imageright'>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hey Sweetheart.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "Mom On the Phone">>Hey Hubby, The road was okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yeah... The road was little bumpy but other than that it was okay.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "Mom On the Phone">>I heard you are having fun. I'm grateful that you are taking care of her. Maybe it will be good for her.<</speech>>
<img src="img/dad/hotel/suck.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh Martha. I'm her $dad. I need to take care of $daughter's needs.<</speech>>
Hearing this made you again horny that you were sucking his cock even harder and roughly, in and out.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Argh..! I-I need to g-go. Our $daughter is getting in the trouble right now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "Mom On the Phone">>Trouble? Is something wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I-AAh... Need to hang up!<</speech>>
<img src="img/dad/hotel/moan.jpg" class='imageright'>
$dad end call with $mom with a hurry and get back to you.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh you little troublemaker. You playing games now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha... I like when you were teasing me through that phone call, Daddy. Now take care of my needs!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>COME HERE!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Your Needs.</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/mcdad6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How many times have we done it Daddy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I've lost count... it feels so good...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Sweaty Sex</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/mcdad7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OH GOD DADDY YOU HAVE SO MUCH STAMINA...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh Baby Girl.. you giving me so much energy.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Lusting for Each Other</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/mcdad8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Mmm i love making out with you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Daddy..<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Your Pussy Belongs to Daddy.</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/mcdad9.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm gonna cum... AGAIN. AGAIN! AGAIIIIIIIIIN!!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yes Baby Girl. Cum on my Dick.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Daddy's Seed.</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/mcdad10.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Daddy's gonna cum!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my... $dad! So much Cum for your $daughter!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I've never cum like this before.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm.. i knew teasing you was a great idea.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh Darling, do you even regret it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, I love you $dad and i want to be with you forever!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name... I love you too.<</speech>>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/kiss2.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
You sloppy kissed each other.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Anyway, This has been the best Fuck of my LIFE!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Haha for me too, but $dad needs to rest right now. Tomorrow we need get back to our house or Your Mom will be suspicious.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course $dad. I know very well and I am sad that we have to hide it from everyone else.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Me too Sweetheart, We'll keep doing that in Secret.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I love that idea... $dad.<</speech>>
You two went to sleep hugging each other.
<<button [[Morning|Morninghotel]]>><<set $time to 10>><<set $day to $day +1>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><b>\
<span id="shower">
<video src="img/dad/hotel/shower1.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop controls>
Waking up in the morning after the day full of Lust and Desire for each other, you see $dad sleeping besides you.
You kissed him on the forehead and went for the shower.
<<linkreplace "<h2>Thinking about the last Day</h2>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/shower2.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop controls>
Still thinking about the wild sex with your $dad.
Finally he confess his feelings to you.
You are his Girl now.
It makes you really happy and horny at the same time thinking about it.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... You are mine now...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h2>Enjoying the Moment</h2>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/shower3.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop controls>
Masturbating and thinking about him made you suprised that
$dad is awake and he wants to join you.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Baby Girl started without me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Daddy! You looked so tired. I thought...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>You are so good to me.<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Shower with Daddy</h5>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/shower4.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Let me help you wash your back and other parts.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What others parts. $dad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Your little sweet Pussy.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h2>Sit on Dad</h2>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/shower5.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OH GOD! OH GOD ! I AM SO SENSITIVE TODAY!! I'M CUMMING!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>That's it. Cum my Baby Girl. You are so squirty today.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can't control myself Daddy...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h2>From Behind</h2>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/shower6.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>My favorite little fuck toy. Who owns this pussy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>IT'S YOURS DADDY! IT'S YOURS!! FUCK ME HARDER! FUCK ME WITH YOUR HARD COCK!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h2>Orgasm</h2>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/shower6.1.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>YES! YES! AGAIN. IM CUMMING DADDY!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Haha Wow... You are so pretty today.<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Holding you Tightly</h5>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/shower7.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>God.. you are so pretty and hot today. I am so addicted to your pussy Honey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I love this! I Love how you say that dirty words. I Love when you fuck my little pussy..<</speech>>
He keeps fucking harder and harder.
<<linkreplace "<h2>Suck</h2>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/shower8.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Augh... Your $mom Doesnt suck that roughly like you my dear.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really?? Thank you $dad.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h2>Sloppy Cum</h2>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/shower9.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Okay Dear we need to get going. Our $mom are waiting with dinner. We can't let her keep waiting.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure $ddad. Just last one Suck please.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Okay. Take it my Princess.<</speech>>
After that, you and your $dad collect all the things you left in the room and went to the car to head back home.
<<button [[Home]]>><<set $time to $time +6>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><b>\
Both of you returned to home and agreed that the stuff you did, stays in secret.
You regret the time you spent with you $dad end that quickly, but finally you don't have to hide your desires to your $dad. He will know, and he will act.
Before entering the house, both of you made up a story to keep $mom from suspicion.
<img src="img/dad/hotel/mom1.jpg" class='imageright'>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Finally! I was worried guys! The dinner is cold.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Sorry Sweatheart, we had a little problem with our Car.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah, but we had so much fun $mom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Our little $daughter was so Good to me. She was very entertaining during the trip. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh $dad.. Haha.<</speech>>
<img src="img/dad/hotel/mom2.jpg" class='imageleft'>
$mom was very happy that you and your $dad are getting along.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>That's Great! Let's go to the kitchen and tell the rest of the story.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure $mom.<</speech>>
All together you eat the dinner laughing and talking with the story you made up on the road with your $dad. Martha knew nothing about the affair you had with your $dad. The day you fucked all day, night and morning. It was the best day of your life.
$dad even had fun lying to his wife. You can't wait to see what your $dad will do for you next time.
Naughty adventure begins...
<<addcorruption +5>><h2>Corruption +5</h2>
<<set $sexdad to 3>>\
!!!@@color:violet;Next Phase of $dad's Corruption.@@
@@color:hotpink;Daddy's Girl.@@
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<span id="bat">
<<audio "showersex" play>>
<<switch random (2)>>
<<case 1>>
<video src="img/dad/bathroom/fuck.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
</video><<audio "fuck" play>>
<<case 2>>
<video src="img/dad/bathroom/fuck2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
</video><<audio "fuck2" play>>
<video src="img/dad/bathroom/fuck2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
</video><<audio "fuck" play>><</switch>>
<<arousal 25>>When you joined him his cock already was ready for you.
$dad smiled very kind to you and right away put into your pussy.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Darling. You don't how much i've missed your sweet little pussy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Daddy!!! Ah! AH! AH!!!<</speech>>
@@color:hotpink;Arousal 25@@
<<linkreplace "<h4>Licking Pussy</h4>">><<replace "#bat">><<audio "pussy1" play>>
<video src="img/dad/bathroom/lick.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
$dad stopped fucking you. Your clit is aching from lack of $dad's cock.
Both of your eyes locked each other with Arousal.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad... Please.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Please what Honey?<</speech>>
Your pussy is begging for attention.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I need to cum Daddy! Please make me cum Daddy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Sure, Everything for my little $daughter.<</speech>>
$dad starts licking your throbbing clit. He is really good at it, you starts moan harder.
<<arousal 35>>
@@color:hotpink;Arousal 35@@<<upd>>
<<if $arousal gte 60>>\
<<linkreplace "<h5>Cum</h5>">><<replace "#bat">><<audio "moan2" play>>
<<switch random (2)>>
<<case 1>>
<video src="img/dad/bathroom/orgasm.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<case 2>>
<video src="img/dad/bathroom/orgasm2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<video src="img/dad/bathroom/orgasm2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
His tongue driving you to mutliple orgasms, Pussy is getting wetter and wetter.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Daddy! I'm going to cum for you Daddy! Eat yours Daughter juicy cunt!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yes. That's it honey. Let Daddy takes care of you really good.<</speech>>
@@color:hotpink;<span id="shaker+50" class="shake1">CUMMING!</span>@@
<<arousal -80>><<upd>>\
</span><span id="bat">
<<audio "showersex" play>>
<video src="img/dad/bathroom/kissing01.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<arousal 25>>You joined him as he was showering by himself.
$dad's Cock is poking your body so you grabbed his dick.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>There's my girl. How's $dad's princess? Ready to have some more fun?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mhmm....<</speech>>
@@color:hotpink;Arousal 25@@
<<linkreplace "<h4>Suck $dad's Cock</h4>">><<replace "#bat">>
<<switch random (2)>>
<<case 1>>
<video src="img/dad/bathroom/bj01.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<case 2>>
<video src="img/dad/bathroom/bj02.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<video src="img/dad/bathroom/bj02.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
You get on your knees and suck your favorite Cock in this house..
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Fuck...My $daughter is really good for me today.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Fucks you</h4>">><<replace "#bat">><<audio "pussy1" play>>
<<set _fuck to random(1,2)>>
<<if _fuck is 1>>
<video src="img/dad/bathroom/fuck01.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
</video><<audio "fuck" play>>
<<elseif _fuck is 2>>
<video src="img/dad/bathroom/fuck02.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
</video><<audio "fuck2" play>>
<<arousal 35>>
$dad fucks your roughly.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>HARDER! HARDER DADDY! PLEASE HARDER!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>That's it baby, Show me you want it!<</speech>>
@@color:hotpink;Arousal 35@@<<upd>>
<<if $arousal gte 60>>\
<<linkreplace "<h5>Cum</h5>">><<replace "#bat">><<audio "moan2" play>>
<<switch random (2)>>
<<case 1>>
<video src="img/dad/bathroom/orgasm01.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AAHH!! DADDY!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>My little princess is cumming.<</speech>>
<<case 2>>
<video src="img/dad/bathroom/orgasm02.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Fuck Honey! Daddy's gonna Cum!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmmm Daddy's Cum is Delicious.<</speech>>
<video src="img/dad/bathroom/orgasm02.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Fuck Honey! Daddy's gonna Cum!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmmm Daddy's Cum is Delicious.<</speech>>
@@color:hotpink;<span id="shaker+50" class="shake1">CUMMING!</span>@@
<<arousal -80>><<upd>>
</span><<linkreplace "<h4>Fooling Around With $dad</h4>">>
<<switch random(3)>>
<<case 1>>
You sat down next to your $dad. He already starts to show you his affection to you.
<img src="img/dad/kitchen/mutual.webp" class='medium'>
<<arousal 15>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal 15@@
<<case 2>>
You sat down next to your $dad. You start to crave each other under the table.
<img src="img/dad/kitchen/mutual2.webp" class='medium'>
<<arousal 15>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal 15@@
<<case 3>>
You sat down opossite to $dad. You feel his touch under the table.
<img src="img/dad/kitchen/touch.webp" class='medium'>\
<<arousal 15>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal 15@@
You sat down next to your $dad. He already starts to show you his affection to you.
<img src="img/dad/kitchen/mutual.webp" class='medium'>
<<arousal 15>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal 15@@
<</linkreplace>><<widget "teasedad">>
<<if $teasedad is true or $teasedadcheat is true>>\
<<button "Tease $dad">><<goto "Tease Dad">><</button>>
<<elseif $teasedad is false>>
<sub>Tease $dad</sub>
@@color:orange;Not enough Corruption!@@
<<widget "dadbimbo1">>\
<<if $bimboend is 3 and $fcorruptionlevel gte 2>>
<<button [[Under Bimbo Influence|dadbimbo]]>><</button>>
<<widget "dadbimbo2">>\
<<if $bimboend is 3 and $fcorruptionlevel gte 2>>
<<button [[Under Bimbo Influence|dadbimbo2]]>><</button>>
<<widget "dadbimbo3">>\
<<if $bimboend is 3 and $fcorruptionlevel gte 2 and $bimbolvl1 is true>>
<<link "<h35>Bimbo Influence</h35>">><<goto "dadbimbo3">><</link>>
<<widget "daddysexkitchen">>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $teasedad is true and $time lte 10 and $time gte 8.5 and $day gte 6>>\
<<link "<h7>@@color:hotpink;Alone with your Daddy@@</h7>">><<goto "kitchensexdad">><</link>>
<</widget>><div class="client2box"><b>\
<span id="client">
<img src="img/weareexclusive/client2/house.jpg" class='medium'>
You went to the Location where your Client posted. The house is Big and Luxuries, that Client must be rich and powerful. As you walk to the entrance of the house, somebody from behind put the bag to your head and tied you up.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>H-HEY!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Client2" "Client">>Calm Down, my dear. Just play along. You need to satisfy the client don't you?<</speech>>
It must be some perverted fantasies of the client, so you need endure the pressure.
<<linkreplace "<h2>Wake up</h2>">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/client01.webm" controls class='large'></video>
Where am i?
Why am I tied up?
What is going on?
The man with the mask is coming for you.
<<speech "Client2" "Client">>Remember, it's only for fun. Treat my customers with respect, and you will be richly rewarded.<</speech>>
<<link "<h2>He leads you to his Herd</h2>">><<replace "#client">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/client02.webm" controls class='large'></video>
Took off the bag from your Head...
You can't believe what's going on here, A group of men with a mask are sitting and waiting for you.
It seems really serious...
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my...<</speech>>
<<speech "Client2" "Client">>This is her, my Friends! Let's Begin!<</speech>>
Group of Men are waiting for you.
<<button [[Serve Them|ClientPlay]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="client2box"><b>\
<<if $scene is 0>>\
<span id="blow">
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/suck.webm" loop class='large'></video>
Crawling to Client.
The clients is gonna hold his cock deep into your mouth.
@@color:orange;You got 8 Seconds to Endure (You need to press 3 Right Bars)@@
<<link "<h2>He starts to Choke you</h2>">><<replace "#blow">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/hold.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<include "endure">>
<<timed 8s t8n>>
<<if $holdsuc gte 3>>\
<<goto "sucgood">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to $succlient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<goto "sucfail">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to $failclient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<span id="blow">
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/suck3.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<div align="center"><h6>@@color:lightblue;You Endured the Pressure:$succlient@@</h6><h6>@@color:red;You Failed the Pressure:$failclient@@</h6></div>
<<link "<h5>Hold it!</h5>">><<replace "#blow">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/hold3.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<include "endure2">>
<<timed 8s t8n>>
<<if $holdsuc gte 3>>\
<<goto "sucgood">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to $succlient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<goto "sucfail">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to $failclient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<span id="blow">
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/position2.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<div align="center"><h6>@@color:lightblue;You Endured the Pressure:$succlient@@</h6><h6>@@color:red;You Failed the Pressure:$failclient@@</h6></div>
@@color:orange;You got 15 Seconds to Endure (You need to press 8 Right Bars)@@
<<link "<h5>The Group is around you</h5>">><<replace "#blow">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/hold5.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<include "endure3">>
<<timed 15s t8n>>
<<if $holdsuc gte 8>>\
<<goto "sucgood">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to $succlient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<goto "sucfail">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to $failclient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<elseif $scene is 6>>
<span id="blow">
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/position4.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<div align="center"><h6>@@color:lightblue;You Endured the Pressure:$succlient@@</h6><h6>@@color:red;You Failed the Pressure:$failclient@@</h6></div>
<<link "<h5>Choke on this Cock</h5>">><<replace "#blow">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/hold7.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<include "endure4">>
<<timed 15s t8n>>
<<if $holdsuc gte 8>>\
<<goto "sucgood">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to $succlient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<goto "sucfail">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to $failclient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<elseif $scene is 8>>\
<span id="blow">
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/position6.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<div align="center"><h6>@@color:lightblue;You Endured the Pressure:$succlient@@</h6><h6>@@color:red;You Failed the Pressure:$failclient@@</h6></div>
@@color:orange;You got 30 seconds to endure. (18 Bar Correct)@@
<<link "<h5>Cum Festiwal</h5>">><<replace "#blow">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/hold9.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<include "endure4">>
<<timed 30s t8n>>
<<if $holdsuc gte 18>>\
<<goto "sucgood">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to $succlient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<goto "sucfail">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to $failclient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
</b></div>\<<set $holdsuc to $holdsuc +1>>
<h2>@@color:white;Hold the Pressure :$holdsuc@@</h2>
<<set _hold to random(1,2)>>\
<span id="1">
<<if _hold is 1>>\
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'>HOLD IT!</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed">><</replace>> <</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'>BREATHE!</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<<elseif _hold is 2>>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'>ENDURE!</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'>HOLD IT!</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed">> <</replace>><</link>></span>
</span>\<div class="client2box"><b>\
<<if $scene is 1>>\
<span id="blow">
<div align="center"><h6>@@color:lightblue;You Endured the Pressure:$succlient@@</h6><h6>@@color:red;You Failed the Pressure:$failclient@@</h6></div>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/suck2.webm" loop class='large'></video>
@@color:lightblue;You Endured@@
<<link "<h5>Another One</h5>">><<replace "#blow">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/hold2.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<include "endure">>
<<timed 8s t8n>>
<<if $holdsuc gte 3>>\
<<goto "ClientPlay">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to $succlient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<goto "ClientPlay">><<audio "cough2" play>><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to $failclient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<elseif $scene is 3>>\
<span id="blow">
<div align="center"><h6>@@color:lightblue;You Endured the Pressure:$succlient@@</h6><h6>@@color:red;You Failed the Pressure:$failclient@@</h6></div>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/position1.webm" loop class='large'></video>
@@color:lightblue;You Endured@@
@@color:orange;You got 15 Seconds to Endure (You need to press 8 Right Bars)@@
<<link "<h5>Pussy Action</h5>">><<replace "#blow">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/hold4.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<include "endure3">>
<<timed 15s t8n>>
<<if $holdsuc gte 8>>\
<<goto "ClientPlay">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to $succlient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<goto "ClientPlay">><<audio "cough2" play>><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to $failclient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<elseif $scene is 5>>\
<span id="blow">
<div align="center"><h6>@@color:lightblue;You Endured the Pressure:$succlient@@</h6><h6>@@color:red;You Failed the Pressure:$failclient@@</h6></div>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/position3.webm" loop class='large'></video>
@@color:lightblue;You endured@@
<<link "<h5>HOLD IT!</h5>">><<replace "#blow">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/hold6.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<include "endure4">>
<<timed 15s t8n>>
<<if $holdsuc gte 8>>\
<<goto "ClientPlay">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to $succlient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<goto "ClientPlay">><<audio "cough2" play>><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to $failclient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<elseif $scene is 7>>\
<span id="blow">
<div align="center"><h6>@@color:lightblue;You Endured the Pressure:$succlient@@</h6><h6>@@color:red;You Failed the Pressure:$failclient@@</h6></div>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/position5.webm" loop class='large'></video>
@@color:lightblue;You endured@@
<<link "<h5>Front and Back</h5>">><<replace "#blow">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/hold8.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<include "endure4">>
<<timed 15s t8n>>
<<if $holdsuc gte 8>>\
<<goto "ClientPlay">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to $succlient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<goto "ClientPlay">><<audio "cough1" play>><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to $failclient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<elseif $scene is 9>>\
After the Multiple Cums in your mouth the Client approached you.
<<speech "Client2" "Client">>Perfect! BRAVISMO! We finally found the Girl of our dreams!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh Guys! It was most pleasent party i've ever been!<</speech>>
They did something you wouldn't believe in your own eyes.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Rain Money</h4>">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/moneyrain.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<money 800>> @@color:lightgreen;You gained 800 $@@
<<set $clublevel to $clublevel +1>>@@color:orange;You gained new experience in the Club!@@
<<button [[Leave|Your Page]]>><<set $client2 to true>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="client2box"><b>\
<<if $scene is 1>>\
<span id="blow">
<div align="center"><h6>@@color:lightblue;You Endured the Pressure:$succlient@@</h6><h6>@@color:red;You Failed the Pressure:$failclient@@</h6></div><<audio "cough1" play>>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/suck2.webm" loop class='large' onloadstart="this.volume=0.2"></video>
<<speech "Client2" "Client">>Hmm...<</speech>>
@@color:red;Failed the hold pressure @@
@@color:orange;Move on@@
<<link "<h2>Another One</h2>">><<replace "#blow">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/hold2.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<include "endure">>
<<timed 8s t8n>>
<<if $holdsuc gte 3>>\
<<goto "ClientPlay">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to $succlient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<goto "ClientPlay">><<audio "cough1" play>><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to $failclient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<elseif $scene is 3>>\
<span id="blow">
<div align="center"><h6>@@color:lightblue;You Endured the Pressure:$succlient@@</h6><h6>@@color:red;You Failed the Pressure:$failclient@@</h6></div><<audio "cough2" play>>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/position1.webm" loop class='large'></video>
@@color:red;Failed the hold pressure @@
@@color:orange;Move on@@
@@color:orange;You got 15 Seconds to Endure (You need to press 8 Right Bars)@@
<<link "<h5>Pussy Action</h5>">><<replace "#blow">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/hold4.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<include "endure3">>
<<timed 15s t8n>>
<<if $holdsuc gte 8>>\
<<goto "ClientPlay">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to $succlient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<goto "ClientPlay">><<audio "cough2" play>><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to $failclient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<elseif $scene is 5>>\
<span id="blow">
<div align="center"><h6>@@color:lightblue;You Endured the Pressure:$succlient@@</h6><h6>@@color:red;You Failed the Pressure:$failclient@@</h6></div><<audio "cough1" play>>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/position3.webm" loop class='large'></video>
@@color:red;Failed the hold pressure @@
@@color:orange;Move on@@
<<link "<h5>HOLD IT!</h5>">><<replace "#blow">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/hold6.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<include "endure4">>
<<timed 15s t8n>>
<<if $holdsuc gte 8>>\
<<goto "ClientPlay">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to $succlient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<goto "ClientPlay">><<audio "cough2" play>><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to $failclient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<elseif $scene is 7>>\
<span id="blow">
<div align="center"><h6>@@color:lightblue;You Endured the Pressure:$succlient@@</h6><h6>@@color:red;You Failed the Pressure:$failclient@@</h6></div><<audio "cough2" play>>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/position5.webm" loop class='large'></video>
@@color:red;Failed the hold pressure @@
@@color:orange;Move on@@
<<link "<h5>Front and Back</h5>">><<replace "#blow">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/hold8.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<include "endure4">>
<<timed 15s t8n>>
<<if $holdsuc gte 8>>\
<<goto "ClientPlay">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to $succlient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<goto "ClientPlay">><<audio "cough2" play>><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to $failclient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<elseif $scene is 9>><<audio "cough2" play>>\
After the Multiple Cums in your mouth the Client approached you.
<<speech "Client2" "Client">>Perfect! BRAVISMO! We finally found the Girl of our dreams!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh Guys! It was most pleasent party i've ever been!<</speech>>
They did something you wouldn't believe in your own eyes.
<<linkreplace "Rain Money">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/moneyrain.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<money 800>> @@color:lightgreen;You gained 800 $@@
<<set $clublevel to $clublevel +1>>@@color:orange;You gained new experience in the Club!@@
<<button [[Leave|Your Page]]>><<set $client2 to true>><</button>>
<<set $holdfail to $holdfail +1>>
<h2>@@color:white;Hold the Pressure :$holdsuc@@</h2>
<<set _hold to random(1,2)>>\
<span id="1">
<<if _hold is 1>>\
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'><span class='glitchy1' data-text='SLUT'>HOLD IT!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>BREATHE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endure">><</replace>> <</link>></span>
<<elseif _hold is 2>>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>HOLD IT!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endure">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' BITCH!'>ENDURE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold">><</replace>><</link>></span>
</span>\<div class="client2box"><b>
<h2>You failed the task.
The Client is not pleased with your perfomance. </h2>
<<button [[Leave|Clients]]>><</button>>
</b></div><<set _hold to random(1,3)>>\
<span id="1">
<h2>@@color:white;Hold the Pressure :$holdsuc@@</h2>
<<if _hold is 1>>\
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'>HOLD IT!</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'>BREATHE!</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'>ENDURE!</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<<elseif _hold is 2>>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'>BREATHE!</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'>HOLD IT!</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'>ENDURE!</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<<elseif _hold is 3>>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'>ENDURE</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'>BREATHE!</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'>HOLD IT!</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
</span>\<<set _hold to random(1,3)>>\
<span id="1">
<<if _hold is 1>>\
<<link "<div class='fail'>ENDURE</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endure1">><<set $holdfail to $holdfail +1>><</replace>> <</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>ENDURE</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endure1">><<set $holdsuc to $holdsuc +1>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>ENDURE</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endure1">><<set $holdfail to $holdfail +1>><</replace>> <</link>>
<<elseif _hold is 2>>
<<link "<div class='good'>ENDURE</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endure1">><<set $holdsuc to $holdsuc +1>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>ENDURE</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endure1">><<set $holdfail to $holdfail +1>> <</replace>><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>ENDURE</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endure1">><<set $holdfail to $holdfail +1>> <</replace>><</link>>
<<elseif _hold is 3>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>ENDURE</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endure1">><<set $holdfail to $holdfail +1>> <</replace>><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>ENDURE</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endure1">><<set $holdfail to $holdfail +1>> <</replace>><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>ENDURE</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endure1">><<set $holdsuc to $holdsuc +1>><</replace>><</link>>
Endure at least 3 times!
<<if $holdsuc gte 1>>\
<</if>></span>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
You can't sleep beacuse are too horny.
Try to sneak to your $dad's Bedroom
<<button "Go to your $parents Bedroom">><<goto "Go to Dad's Bedroom">><</button>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<set _m to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _m is 1>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/masturbate/horny.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop>
<<elseif _m is 2>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/masturbate/horny2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop>
<<elseif _m is 3>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/masturbate/horny3.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop>
@@color:hotpink;Waking up in the middle of the night.
So horny.... I have to touch myself....
If someone could see what i am doing...
I'll do anything for one big, juicy cock....@@
<<if $corruptionlevel is 3 and $doctortask is false and $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<div class="lewd">
<video src="img/dream/dumbbitch.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop>
<div class="posarousal">It feels so strange... My body craves for more... I Can't stop thinking about cocks and being fucked... Why... Ah.... Ah..
I need help...</div>
<<link "<h6>Call Doctor Burnett</h6>">><<goto "doctorburnetttask">><</link>>
<<if $dadvisitnight is true>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:pink;Moan Harder! ($dad)@@</h6>">><<goto "Dad hears your moan">><</link>>
<h3>Talk with your $dad in the Office.</h3>
<<if $bcorruption gte 60 and $bcorruptionlevel is 0>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:pink;A little More! ($bro)@@</h6>">><<goto "brothersneaks">><</link>>
<<elseif $bcorruptionlevel gte 1>>
<<if $underwear is "red">>
<<link "<h6>@@color:pink;Moan Harder!@@ @@color:orange;(Required: Red Lingerie)@@</h6>">><<goto "brothersneaks">><</link>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:pink;Moan Harder!@@ @@color:grey;(Required: Red Lingerie)@@</h6>">><</link>>
Try to sleep.
<<button [[Try to sleep again|Bed]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><b><span id="father">
<video src="img/dad/bednight/1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
Going to the $parents bedroom to see if $dad is still asleep.
$dad and $mom are asleep, You lay down quietly next to your $dad so as not to wake your $mom.
<<linkreplace "<h6>$dad woke up</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/bednight/2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
When you lied down to the bed, your Father woke up.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hey Baby Girl. You okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can't sleep Daddy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Me too.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Show why you came for.</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/bednight/3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
Finally, he knows what can calm you down in this non-peaceful night.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm. Daddy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Can't control my desires to you, my princess.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Takes you from Behind</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/bednight/4.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:hotpink;$dad take out his massive cock and slowly sliding it into your horny pussy.@@</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh God! $dad!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Be quiet! Your $mom may wake up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let her hear us. Daddy. Hihih.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>You slutty girl. She will not understand our forbidden love.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Can't control your Moans</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/bednight/5.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:hotpink;When $dad whispers dirty words.
You can't control of your moans. He knows exactly where and how to turn you on.
Bed slowly shakes due fucking you. @@</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>MMM!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>That's it Baby Girl. Take your Daddy's Cock.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Kisses you to be quiet.</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/bednight/6.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:hotpink;Your voice is getting louder from fucking.
To avoid waking $mom, $dad kisses you passionately and at the same time fucks you.@@</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>$dad's Cock</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/bednight/7.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:hotpink;$dad stops and guides your head to his cock. Cock is wet from your soaking pussy.@@</div>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>God. You are so good at this little girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So gooood.... I can't live a day without sucking your manly cock.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$dad's Cum</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/bednight/8.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
$dad's came at your face. You gather all his semen to your mouth.
<<set $arousal to 0>>
<<fcorruption 2>>@@color:violet;$dad Corruption +2@@
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yes.. That's it... Drink it, My princess.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Anything for you $dad.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Now. Go back to your bed. Before your $mom wakes up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are right $dad. Good night.<</speech>>
Back to your room.
Finally, you peacefully fall asleep with your $dad's semen in your mouth.
<<button [[Sleep|mcroom]]>><<set $tired to false>><<set $schoolenter to false>><<set $vacuum to false>><<set $dadisleaving to false>><<set $lucasday to false>><<set $daddrugged to false>><<set $paidgym to $paidgym -1>><<set $laundry to false>><<set $pworry to false>><<set $momsleep to false>><<set $momout to false>><<set $time to 7>><<energy 100>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><b><span id="father">
<video src="img/dad/momaway/1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
After some time, $mom got the idea to go to the park to spend time in the fresh air.
She was going to bring David with her. So she yell at him from upstairs.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Hey David! Come on! Let's go to the Park! We haven't been going out with each other much lately.<</speech>>
You sit in the living room with your $dad and watch TV.
This is the time where you and $dad could have a little fun in the house. Teasing him would let him stay. $dad looked at your naked Little Pussy.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh. Martha, Sorry. I don't feel so good today. Maybe Later?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Honeeyy. Sure! Take care of yourself. I'm going out! Bye!<</speech>>\
<<linkreplace "<h2>Finally</h2>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/momaway/2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
After the doors were closed you right away ran to $dad's Trousers and take them off to suck his balls.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jeez!I though she would never leave the house.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yeah... Me too Darling.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Take out that perfect cock!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Here it is. Princess take it slowly...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h2>Throws you to Sofa</h2>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/momaway/3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:pink;A rebellious girl you are. You don't listen to your $dad when you suck his cock hard around.@@
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name... Darling. That's too much. Let Daddy take care of you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm...<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Sweet Pussy</h5>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/momaway/4.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">You can't contain yourself with how good Daddy makes you feel.
He always eat your the weakest points.</div>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>So fucking delicious.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh Daddy! DADDY!! FUCK!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm about to.... CUM!!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h2>Puts inside</h2>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/momaway/5.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">That moment is your favirote one. $dad's Cock belongs to your cunt!</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes Daddy! This is where you Big Hard Cock belongs to!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Still i am amazed how your pussy is so wet.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h2>Deep and Hard</h2>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/momaway/6.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Daddy! Fuck me deep!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Sure My Baby Girl. Anything for you.<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Ride your Daddy</h5>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/momaway/7.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Fuck... So good My little Princess.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is my Pussy better than Mommy's?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h2>DEEPER!</h2>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/momaway/8.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yes Darling! Your $mom's Pussy is nothing to compare with your Sweet Little Pussy Honey<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm.. Daddy!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h2>HARDER DEEPER!</h2>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/momaway/9.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>FUCK!! YOU SLUTTY FUCKING WHORE!<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>$dad's Milk</h5>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/momaway/11.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Come here my Little whore!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my Daddy.. You spilled milk all over the sofa. Mommy will be really angry. Let me fix it.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h2>Clean it</h2>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/momaway/12.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh shit... Thank you so much honey. I would be in such trouble.<</speech>>
You have swallowed all semen that came out of your $dad's Dick.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm.. Yummy. Another Round Daddy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Sur...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h2>Doors</h2>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/hallway/momhallway.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
The doors are opening. $mom returned from the park.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Guys! I'm hooome!<</speech>>
Both of you quickly dressed up, opened the windows to air out the stench of sex and clean the sweat and cum from the floor.
When your $mom saw you pretending to watch something interesting on the TV. She noticed that your $dad was all sweaty.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>My god! David! You are so sweety! Go to the doctor! Immediately!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Calm down, Martha. I'll do it later.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okay $mom. While you were away, I took good care of my $dad.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh! $name. So sweet! Now it's mine turn. David. March to bed! <</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Pff... Okay...<</speech>>
You try not to laugh a lot while your $dad unwillingly made his way to the Bedroom.
<<fcorruption 2>>@@color:violet;$dad Corruption +2@@
<<set $arousal to 0>><<set $time to $time +1.5>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><</button>>
<</replace>> <</link>>
<<set _hold to random(1,3)>>\
<span id="1">
<h2>@@color:white;Hold the Pressure :$holdsuc@@</h2>
<<if _hold is 1>>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'><span class='glitchy1' data-text='SLUT'>BREATHE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold2">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>HOLD IT!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed2">><</replace>> <</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>ENDURE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed2">><</replace>> <</link>></span>
<<elseif _hold is 2>>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>HOLD IT!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed2">> <</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>ENDURE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed2">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' BITCH!'>BREATHE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold2">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<<elseif _hold is 3>>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' SLUT!'>HOLD IT!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed2">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>BREATHE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold2">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>ENDURE</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed2">><</replace>><</link>></span>
</span>\<<set _hold to random(1,2)>>\
<span id="1">
<h2>@@color:white;Hold the Pressure :$holdsuc@@</h2>
<<if _hold is 1>>\
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'>ENDURE!</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed">><</replace>> <</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'>BREATHE!</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<<elseif _hold is 2>>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'>ENDURE!</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'>HOLD IT!</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed">> <</replace>><</link>></span>
</span>\<<set $holdsuc to $holdsuc +1>>
<h2>@@color:white;Hold the Pressure :$holdsuc@@</h2>
<<set _hold to random(1,3)>>\
<span id="1">
<<if _hold is 1>>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>HOLD IT!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed2">><</replace>> <</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>BREATHE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed2">><</replace>> <</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'><span class='glitchy1' data-text='SLUT'>ENDURE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold2">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<<elseif _hold is 2>>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>BREATHE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed2">> <</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' BITCH!'>HOLD IT!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold2">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>ENDURE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed2">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<<elseif _hold is 3>>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>HOLD IT!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold2">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' SLUT!'>ENDURE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed2">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>BREATHE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed2">><</replace>><</link>></span>
</span>\<<set $holdfail to $holdfail +1>>
<h2>@@color:white;Hold the Pressure :$holdsuc@@</h2>
<<set _hold to random(1,3)>>\
<span id="1">
<<if _hold is 1>>\
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>HOLD IT!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed2">><</replace>> <</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'><span class='glitchy1' data-text='SLUT'>BREATHE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold2">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>ENDURE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed2">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<<elseif _hold is 2>>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' BITCH!'>BREATHE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold2">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>HOLD IT!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed2">> <</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>ENDURE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed2">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<<elseif _hold is 3>>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' SLUT!'>ENDURE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed2">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>ENDURE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed2">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>BREATHE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold2">><</replace>><</link>></span>
</span>\<<set $holdsuc to $holdsuc +1>>
<h2>@@color:white;Hold the Pressure :$holdsuc@@</h2>
<<set _hold to random(1,3)>>\
<span id="1">
<<if _hold is 1>>\
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'>BREATHE!</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'>ENDURE!</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'>HOLD IT!</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<<elseif _hold is 2>>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'>HOLD IT!</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'>ENDURE</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'>BREATHE!</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<<elseif _hold is 3>>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'>ENDURE</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'>BREATHE!</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'>HOLD IT!!</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
</span>\<<set $holdfail to $holdfail +1>>
<h2>@@color:white;Hold the Pressure :$holdsuc@@</h2>
<<set _hold to random(1,3)>>\
<span id="1">
<<if _hold is 1>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake2"><<link "<div class='fail'>ENDURE</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'>ENDURE</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'>HOLD</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<<elseif _hold is 2>>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'>ENDURE</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake2"><<link "<div class='good'>HOLD</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'>ENDURE</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<<elseif _hold is 3>>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'>HOLD</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake2"><<link "<div class='fail'>ENDURE</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'>ENDURE</div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed3">><</replace>><</link>></span>
</span>\<<set _hold to random(1,3)>>\
<span id="1">
<h2>@@color:white;Hold the Pressure :$holdsuc@@</h2>
<<if _hold is 1>>\
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>ENDURE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed4">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake2"><<link "<div class='good'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' BITCH!'>HOLD IT!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold4">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>BREATHE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed4">><</replace>> <</link>></span>
<<elseif _hold is 2>>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' BITCH!'>HOLD IT!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold4">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>BREATHE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed4">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake2"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>ENDURE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed4">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<<elseif _hold is 3>>
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake2"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' FUCKMEAT!'>BREATHE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed4">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>ENDURE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed4">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' BITCH!'>HOLD IT!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold4">><</replace>><</link>></span>
</span>\<<set $holdsuc to $holdsuc +1>>
<h2>@@color:white;Hold the Pressure :$holdsuc@@</h2>
<<set _hold to random(1,3)>>\
<span id="1">
<<if _hold is 1>>\
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' BITCH!'>HOLD IT!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold4">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>ENDURE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed4">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>BREATHE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed4">><</replace>> <</link>></span>
<<elseif _hold is 2>>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>BREATHE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed4">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'><span class='glitchy1' data-text='FUCKMEAT'>HOLD IT!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold4">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>ENDURE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed4">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<<elseif _hold is 3>>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' SLUT!'>ENDURE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed4">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>BREATHE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed4">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>HOLD IT!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold4">><</replace>><</link>></span>
</span>\<<set $holdfail to $holdfail +1>>
<h2>@@color:white;Hold the Pressure :$holdsuc@@</h2>
<<set _hold to random(1,3)>>\
<span id="1">
<<if _hold is 1>>\
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' BITCH!'>HOLD IT!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold4">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>BREATHE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed4">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>ENDURE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed4">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<<elseif _hold is 2>>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>BREATHE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed4">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'><span class='glitchy1' data-text='FUCKMEAT'>HOLD IT!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold4">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>ENDURE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed4">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<<elseif _hold is 3>>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='good'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>ENDURE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurehold4">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' FUCKMEAT!'>HOLD IT!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed4">><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="pulse1"><<link "<div class='fail'><span class='glitchy1' data-text=' WHORE!'>BREATHE!</span></div>">><<replace "#1">><<include "endurefailed4">><</replace>><</link>></span>
</span>\<<widget "camdildo">>\
<<if $camgirl gte 5 and $bimbo lte 1>>\
<<link "<h4>Masturbate with a Dildo</h4>">><<replace "#cam">>
<<set _pose to either(1,2,3,4)>>
<<if _pose is 1>>\
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/1.1.webp" class='medium'>
<<elseif _pose is 2>>\
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/1.2.webp" class='medium'>
<<elseif _pose is 3>>\
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/1.3.webp" class='medium'>
<<elseif _pose is 4>>\
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/1.4.webp" class='medium'>
<<set $time to $time +1>><<energy -15>>
<<set $viewers +=random(1, 7)>>
<h3>Your Viewers:@@color:black;$viewers@@</h3>
<<set $camtip +=random(1, 10)>>
Your tips:@@color:lightpink;$camtip@@
@@color:lightblue;Energy -15@@
<<arousal 15>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +15@@
<<if $arousal gte 65>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Orgasm</h4>">>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/orgasm.gif" class='medium'>
You are Cumming at the camera.
@@color:lightyellow;You gained few viewers and 10 Tips!@@
<<set $arousal to 0>><<set $viewers to $viewers +5>><<set $camptip to $camptip +10>>\
<<widget "camdildo2">>\
<<if $camgirl gte 5 and $bimbo gte 2>>\
<<link "<h4>Masturbate with a Dildo</h4>">><<replace "#cam">>
<<set _pose to either(1,2,3,4)>>
<<if _pose is 1>>\
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/2.1.webp" class='medium'>
<<elseif _pose is 2>>\
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/2.2.webp" class='medium'>
<<elseif _pose is 3>>\
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/2.3.webp" class='medium'>
<<elseif _pose is 4>>\
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/2.4.webp" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey, guys! Let's see how this big boy handles me!<</speech>>
<<set $time to $time +1>><<energy -15>>
<<set $viewers +=random(1, 9)>>
<h3>Your Viewers:@@color:black;$viewers@@</h3>
<<set $camtip +=random(1, 12)>>
Your tips:@@color:lightpink;$camtip@@
@@color:lightblue;Energy -15@@
<<arousal 15>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +15@@
<<if $arousal gte 65>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Orgasm</h4>">>
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/orgasm2.webp" class='medium'>
You are Cumming at the camera.
@@color:lightyellow;You gained few viewers and 10 Tips!@@
<<set $arousal to 0>><<set $viewers to $viewers +5>><<set $camptip to $camptip +10>>\
<<widget "camdance">>\
<<if $camgirl gte 3>>
<<link "<h4>Dance</h4>">><<replace "#cam">>
<<set _dance to either(1,2,3)>>
<<if _dance is 1>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/dance1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<div class="chatbox">\
@@color:yellow;XxSweetLolipopxX@@:So pretty!
<<if _dance is 2>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/dance4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<div class="chatbox">\
@@color:red;merrymeforpussyx@@:welp... what is this...
@@color:hotpink;MsIjtskfodk0@@:My feet stinks.
<<if _dance is 3>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/dance3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<div class="chatbox">\
@@color:lightyellow;masterdistasterxzz@@:Where can i tip???
@@color:teal;dontwatchhorsedick@@:can we meet?
<<set $time to $time +1>><<energy -15>>
<<set $viewers +=random(1, 2)>>
<h3>Your Viewers:@@color:black;$viewers@@</h3>
<<set $camtip +=random(1, 3)>>
Your tips:@@color:lightpink;$camtip@@
@@color:lightblue;Energy -15@@
<<if $viewers gte 40 and $camgirl lte 3>>
<<set $camgirl to 4>>
A massage:
@@color:gold;<i>You gained some experience, but this is it! Why not consider purchasing a premium service?</i>@@
<<if $camgirl gte 3 and $adorefan is 1>>
<<link "<h4>Dance for fans</h4>">><<replace "#cam">>
<<set _dance to either(1,2,3)>>
<<if _dance is 1>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/dance1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<if _dance is 2>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/dance4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<if _dance is 3>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/dance3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<set $time to $time +1>><<energy -15>>
<<set $viewers +=random(1, 5)>>
@@color:Orange;Some adored fans joined@@
<h3>Your Viewers:@@color:black;$viewers@@</h3>
<<set $camtip +=random(1, 6)>>
Your tips:@@color:lightpink;$camtip@@
@@color:lightblue;Energy -15@@
<<if $viewers gte 40 and $camgirl lte 3>>\
<<set $camgirl to 4>>\
A massage:
@@color:gold;<i>You gained some experience, but this is it! Why not consider purchasing a premium service?</i>@@
<<widget "toy1">>
<<if $sextoy1 is false>>\
<img src='img/mcroom/webcam/toy.webp' class="small">
A remote control vibrator for Cam shows!
A Toy where a viewer has control of your device.
<<if $money gte 150>>\
<span id="toy"><<button "Buy Remote control Vibrator for 150$">>
<<replace "#toy">>
Buying remote control vibrator for 150$
<<money -150>><<set $sextoy1 to true>>
<<elseif $money lte 149>>\
<span id="toy1"><<button "Buy Remote control Vibrator for 150$">>
<<replace "#toy1">>
You cant afford a Remote.
<<widget "toy2">>
<<if $sextoy2 is false>>\
<img src='img/mcroom/webcam/wandtoy.jpg' class="small">
<<if $money gte 200>>\
<span id="toy3"><<button "Buy Magic Wand for 200$">>
<<replace "#toy3">>
Buying Magic-wand for 200$
<<money -200>><<set $sextoy2 to true>>
<<elseif $money lte 199>>\
<span id="toy4"><<button "Buy Magic Wand for 200$">>
<<replace "#toy4">>
You cant afford a Magic-wand.
<<widget "camvibtoy">>\
<<if $camgirl gte 5>>\
<<link "<h4>Use Remote Control</h4>">><<replace "#cam">>
<<set _pose to either(1,2,3,4)>>
<<if _pose is 1>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/remote1.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif _pose is 2>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/remote2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif _pose is 3>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/remote3.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif _pose is 4>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/remote4.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Guys... Thank you so much for watching me! Enjoy the show...<</speech>>
<<set $time to $time +1>><<energy -25>>
<<set $viewers +=random(1, 14)>>
<h3>Your Viewers:@@color:black;$viewers@@</h3>
<<set $camtip +=random(3, 20)>>
Your tips:@@color:lightpink;$camtip@@
@@color:lightblue;Energy -25@@
<<arousal 35>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +35@@
<<if $arousal gte 65>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Orgasm</h4>">>
<<set _org to random(1,3)>>
<<if _org is 1>>
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/remotecum.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
By amount of tips they are giving you, You cumming on camera.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>FUUUUCCCKKK....!!! GUYSSS!!! CALM DOWWN!!!<</speech>>
<<elseif _org is 2>>
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/remotecum2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
By amount of tips they are giving you, You cumming on camera.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my !!! Thank you so much!!!<</speech>>
<<elseif _org is 3>>
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/remotecum3.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
By amount of tips they are giving you, You cumming on camera.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>JEEZZ!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! AAH AH!!!<</speech>>
@@color:lightyellow;You gained few viewers and 25 Tips!@@
<<set $arousal to 0>><<set $viewers to $viewers +5>><<set $camptip to $camptip +25>>\
<</widget>>\<<widget "wardrobe">>\
<<linkreplace "<h20>Outfits</h20>">>
<<if $buy_clothes2 is true and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/cloth2.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $clotheswear to "cloth2">>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 7>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<elseif $buy_clothes2 is true and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/cloth2.2.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "cloth2">>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 20>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $buy_clothesnormal is true and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/cloth1.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "cloth1">>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<elseif $buy_clothesnormal is true and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/cloth1.1.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "cloth1">>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 15>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/basic.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "basic">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 1>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/basic1.1.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "basic">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 10>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $buyskimpyoutfit is true and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/skimpyclothes.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "skimpyoutfit">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 14>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $snowbunnycloth1 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/bbcclothes.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "snowbunnyup">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 1>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 25>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>
<<linkreplace "<h20>School Uniform</h20>">>
<<if $buy_schooluniform1 is true and $corruptionlevel lte 1 or $corruptionlevel gte 2 and $changeclothes is 0>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/schooluniform1.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform1">>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<elseif $buy_schooluniform1 is true and $changeclothes gte 1 and $corruptionlevel is 2>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/schooluniform3.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform3">>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 10>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $buy_schooluniform1 is true and $changeclothes gte 1>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/schooluniform7.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform3">><<set $schooly to 1>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 15>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $buyxxxschol1 is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/schooluniform5.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform3">><<set $schooly to 2>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 19>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $buyxxxschol2 is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/schooluniform4.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform3">><<set $schooly to 3>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 30>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $buyxxxschol3 is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/schooluniform6.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform3">><<set $schooly to 4>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 23>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<elseif $buy_schooluniform1 is false>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/schooluniform.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform">>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to -5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $uniformwork1 is true or $uniformhot is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h20>Work Uniforms</h20>">>
<<if $uniformwork1 is true and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<<link "<img src='img/cafe/uniform.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "uniformwork">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>
<<set $reputationcloth to 0>>
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>
<<if $uniformhot is true and $uniformhot2 is false>>\
<<link "<img src='img/restaurant/uniform.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "uniformwork2">>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>
<<set $reputationcloth to 10>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>
<<if $uniformhot2 is true and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<link "<img src='img/restaurant/uniform2.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "uniformwork3">>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>
<<set $reputationcloth to 18>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>
<<if $uniformhot2 is true and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<link "<img src='img/restaurant/uniform3.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "uniformwork3">><<set $restar to 1>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>
<<set $reputationcloth to 18>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>
<<if $buyxxxres1 is true and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>
<<link "<img src='img/restaurant/uniform3.1.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "uniformwork3">><<set $restar to 2>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>
<<set $reputationcloth to 21>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>
<<if $buyxxxres2 is true and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>
<<link "<img src='img/restaurant/uniform3.2.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "uniformwork3">><<set $restar to 3>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>
<<set $reputationcloth to 21>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>
<<if $maid1 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h20>Maid</h20>">>
<<if $lucasrelationship lte 9>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/maid1.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "maid1">>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 2>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<elseif $lucasrelationship gte 10 and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/maid2.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "maid2">>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $lucasrelationship gte 10>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/maid4.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "maid2">>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $sport1 is true or $sport2 is true>>
<<linkreplace "<h20>Sport outfit</h20>">>
<<if $sport1 is true>>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/sport.jpg' class='image'>">><<set $clotheswear to "sport">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 1>>
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/sport2.jpg' class='image'>">><<set $clotheswear to "sport">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $sport2 is true>>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/sport1.jpg' class='image'>">><<set $clotheswear to "sport1">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/sport6.jpg' class='image'>">><<set $clotheswear to "sport1">><<set $sporty to 1>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 10>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $buyxxxgym1 is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/sport4.jpg' class='image'>">><<set $clotheswear to "sport1">><<set $sporty to 3>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 20>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $buyxxxgym2 is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/sport5.jpg' class='image'>">><<set $clotheswear to "sport1">><<set $sporty to 4>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 23>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $buyxxxgym3 is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/sport3.jpg' class='image'>">><<set $clotheswear to "sport1">><<set $sporty to 2>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 25>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $officesuit1 is true or $officesuit2 is true or $officesuit3 is true>>
<<linkreplace "<h20>Office Outfit</h20>">>
<<if $officesuit1 is true>>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/suit1.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "suit1">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/suitlewd3.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "suit1">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 5>>\<<set $officy to 3>>
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $officesuit2 is true>>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/suit2.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "suit2">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/suitlewd2.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "suit2">><<set $officy to 2>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $officesuit3 is true>>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/suit3.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "suit3">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/suitlewd4.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "suit3">><<set $officy to 4>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $officesuit1hot is true>>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/officesuit.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "suit1hot">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 15>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/suitlewd1.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "suit1hot">><<set $officy to 1>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 15>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $officesuit2hot is true>>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/officesuit2.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "suit2hot">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 15>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/suitlewd6.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "suit2hot">><<set $officy to 2>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 15>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $officesuit3hot is true>>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/officesuit3.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "suit3hot">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 15>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/suitlewd5.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "suit3hot">><<set $officy to 6>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 15>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $buy_bikini is true or $buy_bikini2 is true or $buy_bikini3 is true>>
<<linkreplace "<h20>Swimsuits</h20>">>
<<if $lenabikini gte 5>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/bikinilena.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "swim">><<set $swimy to 4>>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 25>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<if $buy_bikini is true>>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/bik.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "swim">><<set $swimy to 1>>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 0>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/beachwear.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "swim">><<set $swimy to 1>>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 15>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<if $buy_bikini2 is true>>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/bik2.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "swim">><<set $swimy to 2>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/swim01.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "swim">><<set $swimy to 2>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 15>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $buy_bikini3 is true>>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/bik3.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "swim">><<set $swimy to 3>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 2>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/bikini1.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "swim">><<set $swimy to 3>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 15>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $apron is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h20>Sexy Apron</h20>">>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/apron.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "apron1">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 15>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $buybimbowear1 is true or $buybimbofancy1 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h3>Bimbo Outifts</h3>">>
<<if $buybimbowear1 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/bimbo.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "bimbowear">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 15>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $buybimbofancy1 is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/fancy.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "bimbofancy">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 30>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $dressquest is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h20>@@color:orange;Dress@@</h20>">>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/dressquest.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "dressquest">>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 30>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<</widget>>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
Lying on the bored on the bed thinking what to do...
You invited Lena to your house for some girl's talk by the pool.
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/talkwithlena.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Lena">>So, you and Jack went to this party?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, we did. That party...<</speech>>
<<if $tomdrugs gte 2>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It was a such good party! I don't remember excatly how it ended haha!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>No way! Did you passed out?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I think so. Most of the time i was hanging around the Jack but he's not that caring as i thought. Tom, the guy who organized the party, managed to help me spend the time more ejoyable.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>So did you both fucked?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh Lena... I don't know! After talking to Tom, My mind went blank at that point.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>That's odd. He could drugged you? So, Mostly of the time you were talking with Tom, not Jack?<</speech>>
<<if $tomevents is 3>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>If you need to know, After the party. I... did something bad with Tom at the school.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Now you have made me more curious. I'm listening!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well... I was waiting for Jack then Tom came to look for the his girlfriend. We were talking and i wanted to thank him. Deep inside me, Wanted him... He is...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Hot? Attractive? <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I think so. It's hard to describe this guy! I mean, When I stare at him, I really wish he would screw me over.<</speech>>
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/lenatalk1.jpg" class="imageright">
Lena lean to you, hearing this story makes her a little horny.
She is playing with her breast while listening to you.
<<speech "Lena">>Mmm... That's... Wow. So both of you fucked?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No! No. Well... We kinda get closer one day. I wanted to show him so gratitude after that party. So i gave him a blowjob. It's not cheating, Right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>A blowjob? Girl! It's just a blowjob, not a big deal. Better don't tell him, Jack wouldn't understand that! Girls like us love to show gratitude to men.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah, You are right! It's great to hear that Lena. I knew you would understand me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It was okay. Jack was very lovely that day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Gosh. You don't go to the party for having time with your boyfriend but having time of your life!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Parties for me are not my thing... Huh. Wait.. What day it is...<</speech>>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/lenatease2.jpg" class="imageleft">
As you about to check the phone, Your Dad walked in.
Lena right away changed changed her postion for more appealing.
She squeezed her tits tighter. Your Dad looked at them with more curiosity.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hello Ladies!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh hey Dad!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Hello Mr. $name's Father!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Heh, you don't have to call me like that. I'm David.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Hello David. I'm Lena.<</speech>>
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/dadtalk.jpg" class="imageright">
Dad locked at Lena's body, Lena with smile teases him.
On the other hand, you don't like where this is going. To get his attention away from Lena, you try to draw his attention to yourself.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So Daddy. Do you need something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>*Cough*! Em... I just wanted to meet your friend.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Cool. That's Lena. My very best friend.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>It's nice to see that my daughter are having great time with her friend here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Sure it is. Are you looking for best friend too?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Haha. Maybe.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Dad!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I'm leaving, have a great time.<</speech>>
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/lenatease.jpg" class="imageleft">
Dad went to the house, You locked your eyes on Dad to make sure he left you all alone.
As he is leaving, David turned away for a moment to look again at Lena.
Lena take a step further and showed him her bare naked breast, which you could not see.
When Dad got inside, Lena right away hide her breast.
Then you turn to Lena.
<<set $lenameetdad to true>>\
<<speech "Lena">>Damn! Your dad is HOT!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>For fuck sake Lena...<</speech>>
<<button [[Message|dressup]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><b>\
<span id="lena">
<<if $bimboend lte 2>>
<img src="img/lena/lenadadmc/lena.jpg" class='imagelefty'>
You ring the bell to Lena's house, but no one responds. Then you get a message on the phone.
<<speech "Lena">><i>Hey Lady! I'm behind the House! Join me.</i><</speech>>
Walking around the house you found Lena, Relaxing in the sunshine.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Join Her</h4>">>
<img src="img/lena/lenadadmc/lena3.jpg" class='imagerighty'>
She stands naked in front of you. Damn... She has a nice body.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>H-Hey Lena! Wow. You look fabolous today!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haha Thanks, You too! I am finally relaxing after...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>After what? Fucking with Marcus?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haha! That too! I wanted to say after the school.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>For sure.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Hey, don't be so jealous about it! And get naked already! The sun is really hot today.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Undress yourself</h4>">>
<img src="img/lena/lenadadmc/mc1.jpg" class='imagelefty'>
Lena lies down on a chair and watches you. And you embarrassingly strip down to your underwear in front of Lena.
<<speech "Lena">>Heeey! I said naked! Your tits won't even get a one bit a sunshine.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you for real? I'm not-<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Take it off! NOW!<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Take off the Underwear</h5>">><<replace "#lena">>
<img src="img/lena/lenadadmc/mc2.jpg" class='medium'>
You took the underwear and looked at Lena.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Happy now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Now i am. Babe! Wow you have a such nice body!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't know... I wish for a bigger Tits.<</speech>>
Lena looked at your chest.
<<speech "Lena">>Oh... You want bigger breast?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah, i've been looking through the internet for the surgeon, But i know one of them are in the hospital and i've been thinking...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Do not, go to him! He is indeed a surgeon, but brain expert too. He'll make you stupid slutty bimbo shit. Let me show you, there is a video on the web.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Shows you a video</h4>">>
<video src="img/lena/lenadadmc/bimboshow.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
After the video ends still you are not conviced. You kinda like the way he did the work. Especially with the last woman.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Then who?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>I knew one talented Surgeon here in the city. And a week ago she moved out from Europe to here. The best part is that she is Lucas' sister.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No way! Lucas Sister?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Yeah! I was also surprised. Apparently he has a big family in Europe. Anyway, she has a clinic not far from here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Cool. maybe I'll check out her work.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Sure, now let's get back to our beloved sunshine.<</speech>>
<h3>You discovered <i>the Clinic</i></h3>
<<set $sophia to true>>\
You and Lena are sunbathing for some time.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Lena got Call</h4>">>
<img src="img/lena/lenadadmc/lena2.jpg" class='imageright'>
Lena's phone is ringing. She stands up and gets the phone. Lena's eyes are getting wide.
<<speech "Lena">>Oh shit! I forgot about something! FUCK! I need to go. You can stay here if you want. I'll be back soon! If you want the door are open.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is everything alright?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>It's okay! See ya!<</speech>>
You are sweating from the sunshine.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>God... I need a shower. Like right now. I think Lena would let me take her shower?<</speech>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<button [[Get a Shower]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><<if $lessons is 5>><<set $lessons to 6>><</if>><</button>>
<<elseif $bimboend gte 3>>\
<h3>You are under Bimbo Influence</h3>
<img src="img/lena/lenadadmc/lena.jpg" class='imagelefty'>
You ring the bell to Lena's house, but no one responds. Then you get a message on the phone.
<<speech "Lena">><i>Hey Lady! I'm behind the House! Join me.</i><</speech>>
Walking around the house you found Lena, Relaxing in the sunshine.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Join Her</h4>">>
<img src="img/lena/lenadadmc/lena3.jpg" class='imagerighty'>
She stands naked in front of you. Damn... She has a nice body.
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>HEY LENA! Sup! You lookin Smoking HOT!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haha Thanks, You too! I am finally relaxing after...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>After fucking with Marcus? GOD! I would like to be fucked by him!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haha! No way.. Are you for real?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Anyway... How's your tan?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>I'm trying to get some. Come on Join me!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Undress yourself</h4>">>
<img src="img/lena/lenadadmc/mcbim.jpg" class='imagelefty'>
Lena lies down on a chair and watches you. Right away you get rid of the clothes.
<<speech "Lena">>Damn! You don't fuck around don't you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Shut up!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Fuck your body is really...<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Lena comment</h5>">><<replace "#lena">>
<img src="img/lena/lenadadmc/mcbim2.jpg" class='medium'>
You are waiting for Lena response but she don't want to.
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Yeah, I fucking know! My body is really boring. Damn! I wish got bigger tits...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh... For real?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Yeah! This stupid plank tits gets me nowhere!<</speech>>
Lena looked at your chest.
<<speech "Lena">>Well there is a surgeon in the city...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Yeah, I know. Burnett. Damn but he is busy right now...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Do not, go to him! He is indeed a surgeon, but brain expert too. He'll make you stupid slutty bimbo shit. Let me show you, there is a video on the web.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Shows you a video</h4>">>
<video src="img/lena/lenadadmc/bimboshow.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Wow! They all are REALLY PRETTY!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Huh? What are you talking about?<</speech>>
@@color:hotpink;You are staring at this video with the lusty smile. Lena is confused at you but she tries to ignore it.@@
After the video ends still you are not conviced. You kinda like the way he did the work. Especially with the last woman.
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Then who?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>I knew one talented Surgeon here in the city. And a week ago she moved out from Europe to here. The best part is that she is Lucas' sister.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>No way! Lucas Sister?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Yeah! I was also surprised. Apparently he has a big family in Europe. Anyway, she has a clinic not far from here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Cool. maybe I'll check out her work.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Sure, now let's get back to our beloved sunshine.<</speech>>
<h3>You discovered <i>the Clinic</i></h3>
<<set $sophia to true>>\
You and Lena are sunbathing for some time.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Lena got Call</h4>">>
<img src="img/lena/lenadadmc/lena2.jpg" class='imageright'>
Lena's phone is ringing. She stands up and gets the phone. Lena's eyes are getting wide.
<<speech "Lena">>Oh shit! I forgot about something! FUCK! I need to go. You can stay here if you want. I'll be back soon! If you want the door are open.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Sure babe! I'll stick around a bit.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Cool, See ya soon!<</speech>>
You are sweating from the sunshine.
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>GOSH! My body is so sticky right now! Need a fucking shower!<</speech>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<button [[Get a Shower]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><<if $lessons is 5>><<set $lessons to 6>><</if>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><b>\
<span id ="lena">
<<if $bimboend lte 2>>
<video src="img/lena/lenadadmc/mc1.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop>
<h2>Lena's House</h2>
Nobody was inside the Lena's house. Where the hell is even her Dad? Is he still on the work trip?
Still naked and sweaty, you went to the upstairs to the bathroom for a shower.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I hope she won't be angry at me.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Taking the shower</h4>">>
<video src="img/lena/lenadadmc/mc2.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
As you are taking a shower, someones enters the house. It is Lena's Father.
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Lena? Honey, are you here?<</speech>>
Lena's Father are looking for Lena through the downstairs.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Lena's Father</h4>">>
<video src="img/lena/lenadadmc/mc3.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop>
Lena father is still searching but he hears a shower running upstairs.
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Lena?<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Caught you</h5>">><<replace "#lena">>
<video src="img/lena/lenadadmc/mc4.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
You've finished showering, but you get the feeling that someone is watching you.
He is really pleased with what he discovered in his bathroom.`
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OH SHIT! Mr.Anderson! You here?<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>I'm back from a long trip and i thought Lena was taking a shower. But i could ask you the same?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm so sorry! I was so sweaty... Me and Lena, after the sunbathe we-<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h3>Seduces you</h3>">>
<video src="img/lena/lenadadmc/mc5.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
He approached you closely... His smell makes you really horny and relaxed. It is so arousing for you.
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>No worries! I am really happy that you are here. I always wanted to know you better. $name.<</speech>>
<<if $corruption gte 40>>\
You can't control of yourself, his smell makes you even more horny. And his look...
<video src="img/lena/lenadadmc/mc6.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop>
The two of you started kissing. He craves you so much. He wants Lena's pussy, but Lena's friend may be better.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh, really? Me too Mr.Anderson.<</speech>>
<<button [[Lena's Father]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $corruption lte 39>>\
@@color:hotpink;You are not enough corrupted.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm so sorry! I need to leave! BYE!<</speech>>
You quickly ran away to the backyard for you things and get out of Lena's house.
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $bimboend gte 3>>\
<video src="img/lena/lenadadmc/mc1.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop>
<h2>Lena's House</h2>
Nobody was inside the Lena's house. Where the hell is even her Dad? Is he still on the work trip?
Still naked and sweaty, you went to the upstairs to the bathroom for a shower.
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Fuck yes! A shower!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Taking the shower</h4>">>
<video src="img/lena/lenadadmc/mc2.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
As you are taking a shower, someones enters the house. It is Lena's Father.
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Lena? Honey, are you here?<</speech>>
Lena's Father are looking for Lena through the downstairs.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Lena's Father</h4>">>
<video src="img/lena/lenadadmc/mc3.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop>
Lena father is still searching but he hears a shower running upstairs.
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Lena?<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Caught you</h5>">><<replace "#lena">>
<video src="img/lena/lenadadmc/mc4.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
You've finished showering, but you get the feeling that someone is watching you.
He is really pleased with what he discovered in his bathroom. He's having a hard-on by watching you.
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>OH SHIT! Mr.Anderson! You here?<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>I'm back from a long trip and i thought Lena was taking a shower. But i could ask you the same?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Mr. Anderson... Looks like you like me....<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h3>Seduces you</h3>">>
<video src="img/lena/lenadadmc/mc5.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
He approached you closely... His smell makes you really horny and relaxed. It's like a dream for you. You love where this is going...
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Yeah? How did you know. Girl.<</speech>>
<video src="img/lena/lenadadmc/mc6.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop>
You right away lustfuly kissed him on the mouth.
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Fuck... Mr. Anderson i've been waiting long for this...<</speech>>
<<button [[Lena's Father]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><b>\
<span id ="lena">
<<if $bimboend lte 2>>
<video src="img/lena/lenadadmc/lenaf1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mr.Anderson...<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Thank god you are here.<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Hop into his Cock.</h5>">><<replace "#lena">>
<video src="img/lena/lenadadmc/lenaf2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>As i thought. Tight and wet!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>His Strong Arms</h5>">><<replace "#lena">>
<video src="img/lena/lenadadmc/lenaf3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<link "<h5>Cumming</h5>">><<replace "#lena">>
<video src="img/lena/lenadadmc/lenaf4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<link "<h5>Seed inside your Ass.</h5>">><<replace "#lena">>
<video src="img/lena/lenadadmc/lenaf5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh God. Mr Anderson!<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>I knew you has pontential.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't know what does it mean, but okay! I need to go. Lena might come any minute now.<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Sure.. Sure... Can you tell you a secret? She really likes you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? I know! She is my best friend!<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Not like that. $name. Think.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh...? Oh.. My...<</speech>>
She really likes me...?
The doors are opening and you start dressing up quickly.
When Lena entered the house you dressed up everything in a messy way but thankfully Lena's father took her to another room. Just as you were about to leave, you hear moan noises from the room. God, he has such good stamina!
<<if $lessons lte 5>>\
<<addcorruption 1>> <h2>Corruption +1</h2>
<<set $lessons to 6>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
<<elseif $bimboend gte 3>>
<video src="img/lena/lenadadmc/lenaf1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Fuck me Mr. Anderson...<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>God $name. You are so hot.<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Hop into his Cock.</h5>">><<replace "#lena">>
<video src="img/lena/lenadadmc/lenaf2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>As i thought. Tight and wet!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>It's all yours! It's ALL YOURS!<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>His Strong Arms</h5>">><<replace "#lena">>
<video src="img/lena/lenadadmc/lenaf3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>My GOSH! Mr.Anderson! You are so fucking manly! I CAN't HANLDE IT!<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Cumming</h5>">><<replace "#lena">>
<video src="img/lena/lenadadmc/lenaf4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Fuck! You are so pretty when you cum.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>AH! AH ! OH! YES YES! YES!<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Seed inside your Ass.</h5>">><<replace "#lena">>
<video src="img/lena/lenadadmc/lenaf5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Oh Gosh...Mr Anderson!<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>I knew you had in you Nasty Girl!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>I love being nasty Mr.Anderson.<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Haha.. Okay You have to go before Lena finds out!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Huh? So? Let her find out! haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>No. I have better plan. Now go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Oh okay...<</speech>>
The doors are opening and you start dressing up quickly.
When Lena entered the house you dressed up everything in a messy way but thankfully Lena's father took her to another room. Just as you were about to leave, you hear moan noises from the room. God, he has such good stamina!
<<if $lessons lte 5>>\
<<addcorruption 3>> <h2>Corruption +3</h2>
<<set $lessons to 6>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
</b></div>\KANZIE ANNE
<<if $lucaseurope is true>>\
Recalled that you recorded Lucas' conversation.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I think so too! Lena, one time i recorded his converstation with some dude through his video call, but i can't understand a thing!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Huh? Girl, we are living in the age of technology. Play it! I'll turn on the voice translator.<</speech>>
<div class="lucasoffice">
<<speech "Unknownmen" "Unknown">><i>Wonderfull. We were looking for them for so many years. And they've settled here.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">><i>I wanted to lure Olena with your trick but apparently she is still immune. Rest assured, I'm working on it. And i got a little suprise for you.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Unknownmen" "Unknown">><i>That's good. I like surprises. Well, I still have a lot to do here in the country. I will come to America soon. Until then, keep working. I have to go, my daughters are calling me.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Daughters? and Olena... It's your mother? Isn't it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah. I think so. I don't know.<</speech>><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<h2>Sophia's Clinic</h2>
<<if $sophiagreet is false>>\
At the clinic you noticed Lucas's car, apparently he visits the place.
So you enter the building and inside of it you've been greeted by a Black Men. You can't believe who it is.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Enter the Building</h4>">>
<img src="img/sophia/marcus.jpg" class='imageright'>
<<speech "Marcus">>Hello... Oh! It's you $name! Damn! Cool to see you here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Marcus! Hey! You here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Sure i am! As a bodyguard. Suprised?<</speech>>
Bodyguard? But why?
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No... I don't mean like that. I just... Suprised. That's all. So, how you been?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Now it's great when i see you here. Anyway, What are you doing here? Don't tell me you want to meet Sophia?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm thinking about it..<</speech>>
Marcus smiled, you knew it would bring a smile to his face.
<<speech "Marcus">>You know.. We should hang out sometimes.<</speech>>
<<if $bimboend is 3>>\
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Yeah, We need to! Call me.<</speech>>
Then you see Lucas leaving the Room, he seems a little angry. But when he saw you, his mood change to a neutral tone. Marcus, on the other hand, stiffened a bit.
<img src="img/sophia/lucas.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name. To Sophia?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi, I was coming around. Then i thought it would be cool to see your Sister.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>So you know. Whatever. Sophia is a good surgeon. But not good as you think she is.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'll keep that in mind.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Do that. Bye $name. Marcus.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Mr.Lucas.<</speech>>
Lucas left the clinic and drove off in a car with a squeal of tires.
<<speech "Marcus">>You may go to Sophia Office now if you want.<</speech>>
<<button [[Enter Sophia Office]]>><<set $sophiagreet to true>>\<</button>>
<<if $sophiagreet is true>>\
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $time gte 18>>
@@color:orange;There are maybe two cars in the parking lot.
Nevertheless, you can see that the door is slightly open.
It's tempting to go inside.@@
<<button "Enter the Clinic">><<goto "sophiadredd">><</button>>
<<elseif $doctortask is true and $time lte 17.5>>\
@@color:orange;Sophia Clinic is still open.
It's a bit risky to do this with this many people inside.@@
<<elseif $doctortask is false and $time lte 17.5 and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
@@color:orange;Sophia Clinic is still open.
There are sign that say: "The clinic will be closed after 18:00 for electricity repairs.@@
<<if $bimboend is 3 and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<button [[Remove Bimbo Diseases]]>><</button>>
<<if $sophiameets gte 1>>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<<button [[Surgery]]>><</button>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|outsidenight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="clinicbox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/sophia/greet2.jpg" class='imageright'>
As you walked into the room the person who is here cleans things off the floor and on the desk.
<<speech "Sophia">>Come in! Come in. It won't take long.<</speech>>
She stand up and smiled to you kindly. God.. She has such a nice figure. And those tits...
<<speech "Sophia">>Hi. Marcus, as always let my customers too early into my office. I need to talk about this with him. Okay, nevermind. Welcome! What can i do for you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha, Hey. I've never seen a clinic like this before.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Yeah. I know. We just moved in into new place like a week ago.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh... that is really fast! Okay, i came here beacuse my friend recommended you to me. And I want my breasts to be enlarged.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Sure! but first I would like to examine you. Can you stand there and take off the clothes? <</speech>>
<img src="img/sophia/greet3.jpg" class='imageleft'>
Sophia goes to the curtains to get ready and you take off your clothes.
She stepped out of the curtains and immediately approached you. She writes some data into the paper she is holding.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I was wondering, do you know Doctor Burnett?<</speech>>
Sophia had grim look on her face.
<<if $bimboend is 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Sophia Sense</h4>">>
Sophia sense that you are in influence of Burnett.
<<speech "Sophia">>I can help you remove that burden.<</speech>>
<img src="img/sophia/sense.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>What Burden?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Burnett's. You are under his influence. I can see that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Ma'am! I'm alright! I love how I am!<</speech>>
Sophia looks at you with curiosity and nodded.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So where we are ? Ah yes. I was wondering, do you know Doctor Burnett?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>That asshole? Sure i know him and I doubt that he is a doctor.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why is that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Most of the time his work is sloppy and does it only in his own interest.<</speech>>
<img src="img/sophia/greet.jpg" class='imageright'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Me? Haha. I just love my job and yes. I got diploma and other certifications. So don't worry you are in good hands. Okay, you can dress up now.<</speech>>
After that she went to her desk and typed something into her Computer.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So how's results?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>I can do it without a problem, but do you really want it? Think it over, this is a decision that will change your life. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah, And how much does this treatment cost?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>It's not cheap. It's 1850$<</speech>>
You made a huge eyes. That's a lot of money.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh that's a lot of money!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>I wouldn't worried about the money. This is a major decision. Your body is gonna change. If this what you want, of course.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay... I'll think about this again... Thanks Dr. Sophia! Bye!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Goodbye!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><<set $sophiameets to 1>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<masteraudio stop>>\
Thinking of changing your physique, you went to Doctor Burnett.
<<speech "Anna" "Nurse">>Come in!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h2>Doors</h2><img src='img/hospital/doors.jpg' class='small'>">>
<<if $boyfriendjack is true>>\
You entered his office still deliberating whether it was a good idea to go to him with this.
<img src='img/hospital/stage2/nurse.jpg' class='imageright'>
In your suprise you see a familiar face.
<<speech "Anna">>No fucking way...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Anna?? No way you work here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Of course i'm working here. What are you..<</speech>>
Then Burnett stand up to silence Anna.
<img src='img/hospital/stage2/burnett.jpg' class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Burnett">>Anna! Silence! Don't talk like that with out finest patients.<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>I'm Sorry... Mr.Burnett. I was just...<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Nevermind. Hello $name. Did you came here for another session?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I was... thinking about this and...<</speech>>
<<elseif $boyfriendjack is false>>\
You entered his office still deliberating whether it was a good idea to go to him with this.
<img src='img/hospital/stage2/nurse.jpg' class='imageright'>
<<speech "Anna" "Nurse">>Hello please sit down Mr.Burnett will come shortly.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey, Sure.<</speech>>
After you sit down Burnett came to the office.
<<speech "Burnett">>Hey $name! You came! Good good. Ready for another session?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm...<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Better get rid of Arousal before procedur.<</speech>>
@@color:hotpink;Second stage of Bimbofication.@@
<<button [[Do Another Program|Another Session]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hospital]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/hospital/stage2/nurse2.jpg' class='medium'>
As you agreed with another session, Burnett with Anna leads you again to VR Room.
This time it feels a little diffrent, the scent of the room makes you a little dizzy and relaxed.
<<speech "Burnett">>Anna. Prepare room for $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Sure. Mr Burnett.<</speech>>
<<if $boyfriendjack is true>>\
<img src='img/hospital/stage2/obey.jpg' class='imageright'>
Anna is really odd around Burnett.
She obeys him like a good pet with a smile. Did he do something to her?
<<speech "Burnett">>Now we'll do things differently. This program needs certain senses. Excitement and Desire. Our Sweet nurse Anna is prepeparing this type of senses for you. The most crucial thing is not to give fully in this pleasure.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You mean.. i'm not allowed to cum?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Yes. You can't cum. Either the program fails, I can't predict the outcome of it. Just wave or tell the nurse you are ready. Okay, are you ready?<</speech>>
<<if $arousal gte 15>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't know... Can i use the Toilet?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Erm... Sure! Go, ahead.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Get rid of Arousal</h6>">>
<span id="shaker-2"><video src="img/hospital/stage2/arousal.webm" class='small' autoplay loop controls>
<<timed 6s t8n>>
<<addclass "#shaker-2" "shake">>
<<removeclass "#shaker-2" "shake">>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
@@color:hotpink;Masturbating in the bathroom...@@<</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>> @@color:hotpink;Getting the pleasure of touching yourself....@@<</timed>>
<<timed 3s t8n>> @@color:hotpink;Getting Closer...@@<</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>> @@color:hotpink;Closer...@@<</timed>>
<<timed 5s t8n>> @@color:hotpink;Cum...@@<</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>> @@color:hotpink;<span id="shaker-1" class="shake">CUMMING!</span>@@
<<set $arousal to 0>><<upd>><</timed>>\
After Dr.Burnett's words, you feel nervous about the program.
<h2>@@color:white;This may Lead to the End, Save Game before the Program@@</h2>
<<button [[Step into the Room]]>><</button>>
</b></div>STAGE 2 BIMBO
BOND SAVANNAH<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $boyfriendjack is true>>\
<span id="anna">
<img src='img/hospital/stage2/anna3.jpg' class='imageright'>
Upon entering the room, you realized that everything had been changed, unless it was a different room. Then, you unexpectedly saw Anna dressed in a different outfit. Impatiently waiting for you with suspicious face. The scent of this place makes you aroused and relaxed.
<<arousal 12>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +12@@
<<speech "Anna">>You are coming? I can't believe i have to do this with you...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes.. yes.. wait, What do you mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Just lie down.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Lie down</h4>">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna1.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
You feel uncomfortable laying down next to Anna. So instead of lying down you sat down
<<speech "Anna">>I see... Okay.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wait... What are you... ANNA!<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Touches you</h5>">><<replace "#anna">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Anna smirks a lot. Like she really enjoys making you a pleasure with her hand.
<<arousal 15>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +15@@<<upd>>
<<speech "Anna">>So, do you like it? Do you want faster bitch?<</speech>>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<link "<h5>FUCK YES!</h5>">><<replace "#anna">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
You can't control of your Body, Anna gives you pleasure that you can't imagine. It feels so good.
<<arousal 25>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +25@@<<upd>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my god!! Why it feels so good!<</speech>>
Anna keeps smiling all the time.
<<speech "Anna">>Yes, Give in. Taste the pleasure.<</speech>>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<link "<h5>Give in!</h5>">><<replace "#anna">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 32>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +32@@<<upd>>
The amount of pleasure it gives you makes you more and more horny every second. You want to let it all out!
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OH FUCK!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Haha, You fucking Whore. Give UP! Don't Deny it!<</speech>>
You are so aroused by her voice. Dr.Burnett thorough the speakers try to say something.
<<speech "Burnett">><i>ANNA! SLOW DOWN!</i><</speech>>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<link "<h5>You slut!</h5>">><<replace "#anna">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Burnett">><i>ANNA!! STOP!!!</i><</speech>>
Anna takes full control of you.
<<speech "Anna">>You are mine now.<</speech>>
<<arousal 40>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +40@@<<upd>>
<<button [[Losing your Mind]]>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
<th><<link "<h5>@@color:lightblue;Don't Give up!@@</h5>">><<replace "#anna">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna5.1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Anna">>Stop Struggling!<</speech>>
<<arousal 4>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +4@@<<upd>>
<<if $arousal gte 80>>\
<<speech "Burnett">><i>ANNA!! STOP!!!</i><</speech>>
Anna takes full control of you.
<<speech "Anna">>You are mine now.<</speech>>
<<button [[Losing your Mind]]>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
<<speech "Burnett">>This is enough Anna! Take her to VR Room!<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Sure... Doc!<</speech>>
Disappointed Anna takes you to VR Room
<<button [[To VR Room]]>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
<th><<link "<h5>@@color:lightblue;Deny it!@@</h5>">><<replace "#anna">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna4.1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Anna">>Are you resisting me?<</speech>>
<<arousal 5>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +5@@
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<link "<h5>You slut!</h5>">><<replace "#anna">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 40>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +40@@<<upd>>
<<if $arousal gte 80>>\
<<speech "Burnett">><i>ANNA!! STOP!!!</i><</speech>>
Anna takes full control of you.
<<speech "Anna">>You are mine now.<</speech>>
<<button [[Losing your Mind]]>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
<<speech "Burnett">>This is enough Anna! Take her to VR Room!<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Sure... Doc!<</speech>>
Disappointed Anna takes you to VR Room
<<button [[To VR Room]]>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
<th><<link "<h5>@@color:lightblue;Don't Give up!@@</h5>">><<replace "#anna">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna5.1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Anna">>Don't Fight, you fucking whore!<</speech>>
<<arousal 4>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +4@@<<upd>>
<<if $arousal gte 80>>\
<<speech "Burnett">><i>ANNA!! STOP!!!</i><</speech>>
Anna takes full control of you.
<<speech "Anna">>You are mine now.<</speech>>
<<button [[Losing your Mind]]>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
<<speech "Burnett">>This is enough Anna! Take her to VR Room!<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Sure... Doc!<</speech>>
Disappointed Anna takes you to VR Room
<<button [[To VR Room]]>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
<<silently>>TUTAJ DRUGA STRONA<</silently>>\
<th><<link "<h5>@@color:lightblue;Don't Give in.@@</h5>">><<replace "#anna">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna3.1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
You are trying no to give in. Trying to think about something else. Still... part of you body want to give in.
<<arousal 3>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +3@@<<upd>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah..<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Huh?! Are you resisting?<</speech>>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<link "<h5>Give in!</h5>">><<replace "#anna">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 25>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +25@@<<upd>>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<link "<h5>You slut!</h5>">><<replace "#anna">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 40>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +40@@<<upd>>
<<if $arousal gte 80>>\
<<speech "Burnett">><i>ANNA!! STOP!!!</i><</speech>>
Anna takes full control of you.
<<speech "Anna">>You are mine now.<</speech>>
<<button [[Losing your Mind]]>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
<<speech "Burnett">>This is enough Anna! Take her to VR Room!<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Sure... Doc!<</speech>>
Disappointed Anna takes you to VR Room
<<button [[To VR Room]]>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
<th><<link "<h5>@@color:lightblue;Don't Give up!@@</h5>">><<replace "#anna">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna5.1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 4>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +4@@<<upd>>
<<if $arousal gte 80>>\
<<speech "Burnett">><i>ANNA!! STOP!!!</i><</speech>>
Anna takes full control of you.
<<speech "Anna">>You are mine now.<</speech>>
<<button [[Losing your Mind]]>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
<<speech "Burnett">>This is enough Anna! Take her to VR Room!<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Sure... Doc!<</speech>>
Disappointed Anna takes you to VR Room
<<button [[To VR Room]]>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
<th><<link "<h5>@@color:lightblue;Deny it!@@</h5>">><<replace "#anna">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna4.1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 5>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +5@@<<upd>>
<<speech "Anna">>Fucking Bitch! Stop Fighting!<</speech>>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<link "<h5>You slut!</h5>">><<replace "#anna">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 40>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +40@@<<upd>>
<<if $arousal gte 80>>\
<<speech "Burnett">><i>ANNA!! STOP!!!</i><</speech>>
Anna takes full control of you.
<<speech "Anna">>You are mine now.<</speech>>
<<button [[Losing your Mind]]>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
<<speech "Burnett">>This is enough Anna! Take her to VR Room!<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Sure... Doc!<</speech>>
Disappointed Anna takes you to VR Room
<<button [[To VR Room]]>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
<th><<link "<h5>@@color:lightblue;Don't Give up!@@</h5>">><<replace "#anna">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna5.1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Anna">>Still struggling, You Dumb Bitch!<</speech>>
<<arousal 4>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +4@@<<upd>>
<<if $arousal gte 80>>\
<<speech "Burnett">><i>ANNA!! STOP!!!</i><</speech>>
Anna takes full control of you.
<<speech "Anna">>You are mine now.<</speech>>
<<button [[Losing your Mind]]>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
<<speech "Burnett">>This is enough Anna! Take her to VR Room!<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Sure... Doc!<</speech>>
Disappointed Anna takes you to VR Room
<<button [[To VR Room]]>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
<<if $boyfriendjack is false>>\
<span id="anna">
<img src='img/hospital/stage2/anna3.jpg' class='imageright'>
Entering the room, you unexpectedly saw Nurse dressed in a different outfit. Waiting with the smile on her face.
The scent of this place makes you aroused and relaxed.
<<arousal 12>>
<<speech "Anna" "Nurse">>Hey, Please come in.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure. So what is going on?<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna" "Nurse">>Just lie down and try to Endure it.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Lie down</h4>">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna1.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
You feel uncomfortable laying down next to this hot nurse. So instead of lying down you sat down
<<speech "Anna" "Nurse">>Just Relax Girl!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my! Wow!<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Touches you</h5>">><<replace "#anna">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Nurse is trying to treat you gently but she really enjoys making you a pleasure with her hand.
<<arousal 15>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +15@@<<upd>>
<<speech "Anna" "Nurse">>So, are you cool with this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah.. I think so.<</speech>>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<link "<h5>@@color:lightblue;Endure It!@@</h5>">><<replace "#anna">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna3.1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
You are trying no to give in. Trying to think about something else. Still... part of you body want to give in.
<<arousal 5>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +5@@<<upd>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah..<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna" "Nurse">>Hmm...<</speech>>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<link "<h5>Give in!</h5>">><<replace "#anna">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 25>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +25@@<<upd>>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<link "<h5>You slut!</h5>">><<replace "#anna">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 40>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +40@@<<upd>>
<<if $arousal gte 80>>\
<<speech "Burnett">><i>ANNA!! STOP!!!</i><</speech>>
Anna takes full control of you.
<<speech "Anna">>You are mine now.<</speech>>
<<button [[Losing your Mind]]>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
<<speech "Burnett">>This is enough Anna! Take her to VR Room!<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna" "Nurse">>Sure... Doc!<</speech>>
Nurse takes you to VR Room
<<button [[To VR Room]]>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
<th><<link "<h5>@@color:lightblue;Don't Give up!@@</h5>">><<replace "#anna">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna5.1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 4>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +4@@<<upd>>
<<if $arousal gte 80>>\
<<speech "Burnett">><i>ANNA!! STOP!!!</i><</speech>>
Anna takes full control of you.
<<speech "Anna">>You are mine now.<</speech>>
<<button [[Losing your Mind]]>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
<<speech "Burnett">>This is enough Anna! Take her to VR Room!<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna" "Nurse">>Sure... Doc!<</speech>>
Nurse takes you to VR Room
<<button [[To VR Room]]>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
<th><<link "<h5>@@color:lightblue;Deny it!@@</h5>">><<replace "#anna">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna4.1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 5>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +5@@<<upd>>
<<speech "Anna" "Nurse">>God... You are good at resisting.<</speech>>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<link "<h5>You slut!</h5>">><<replace "#anna">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 40>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +40@@<<upd>>
<<if $arousal gte 80>>\
<<speech "Burnett">><i>ANNA!! STOP!!!</i><</speech>>
Anna takes full control of you.
<<speech "Anna">>You are mine now.<</speech>>
<<button [[Losing your Mind]]>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
<<speech "Burnett">>This is enough Anna! Take her to VR Room!<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna" "Nurse">>Sure... Doc!<</speech>>
Nurse takes you to VR Room
<<button [[To VR Room]]>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
<th><<link "<h5>@@color:lightblue;Don't Give up!@@</h5>">><<replace "#anna">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna5.1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Anna" "Nurse">>You are so good at this.<</speech>>
<<arousal 4>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +4@@<<upd>>
<<if $arousal gte 80>>\
<<speech "Burnett">><i>ANNA!! STOP!!!</i><</speech>>
Anna takes full control of you.
<<speech "Anna">>You are mine now.<</speech>>
<<button [[Losing your Mind]]>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
<<speech "Burnett">>This is enough Anna! Take her to VR Room!<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna" "Nurse">>Sure... Doc!<</speech>>
Nurse takes you to VR Room
<<button [[To VR Room]]>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bimbo">
Your Mind, body, pride gave up...
Burnett is shouting through the speakers to stop the procedurs. But Anna doens't care, she locked the doors and takes full control of you. She is taking you to the land of Desires.
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<if $boyfriendjack is false>>\
<<speech "Anna">>Fuck the Doctor. I have been waiting for this opportunity all my life. I'm gonna take over you little slut!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uh....!!! What is ... Going on!!!<</speech>>
<<elseif $boyfriendjack is true>>\
<<speech "Anna">>Haha... $name. See what have you become? Jack would be so dissapointed...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah..!!! Jackk... No...<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>He is mine now! HE IS MINE!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND BITCH?!?<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>I DON'T CARE!</h5>">><<replace "#bimbo">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Anna">>GOD! I knew somehow, taking control of you is going to be so much FUN!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aaaaa....Aaaah..! pleasee... Let me Cum!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>The past is gone</h5>">><<replace "#bimbo">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>THIS IS TOO MUCH!! FUCKING LET ME CUM!<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>You fucking whore! You Belong to me. Only to me. No one else.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>WHATEVER. JUST LET ME CUM!<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>This new you</h5>">><<replace "#bimbo">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna9.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Anna">>Once you get used to it. We'll change that boring body of your into something better.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AH! WHAT?!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Yes. Honey, you can't resist it now. Brainless Whore.<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>A Bimbo Slut</h5>">><<replace "#bimbo">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/anna10.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aahh!!! MY BODY!!! I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!! WHY!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Calm down... This is just the beginning of your wonderful journey. <</speech>>
Anna had no mercy on you, She tortured you all night in the room.
No one could save you from that.
<<button [[Brainless]]>><<set $bimboslut to 1>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="vid">
<img src='img/hospital/stage2/anna3.jpg' class='imageleft'>
Both you of left the room and continue to the VR Room. Burnett stopped Anna for a Second for talk.
<<speech "Burnett">>Anna, Come here! The fuck was that back there?<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Nothing. Mr.Burnett, I wanted to see if she could handle other procedures.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>You know very well that she is not ready for it yet. Miraculously she survived it, but if she hadn't, it could have ended badly, for me for you and...<</speech>>
<img src='img/hospital/vrhelmet.webp' class='imageright'>
Burnett noticed that you were eavesdropping, so he stopped talking and went to the other place of the room where he can operate the device. Anna came back to you to help with the VR Helmet. She put the helmet on, the video is in pause mode.
<<speech "Burnett">><i>Hey $name! Can you hear me ?</i><</speech>>
You can now hear Burnett's voice through the VR Helmet.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. I am ready now!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Good, remember. Focus and don't interupt the procedur. Enjoy the image you are gonna to see.<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Procedur</h4>">><<replace "#vid">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/vr4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
After a few minutes, the video started looping in one place.
Watching this makes you calm and relaxed, like a feather.
Like a bird who wants to fly away...
<<button [[Another Video]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lustbox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<audio "evil" play>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/annamc.jpg' class='medium'>
After Anna finished with you, she lead you to the VR room. Burnett was already gone.
Anna were really in the mood. She was laughing and gigling all over the place.
<<speech "Anna">>Haha! I can't believe this! It's like a dream HAHA!<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>This is going to be so much Fun!! Come on, Pet. Let's put this thing on you.<</speech>>
Anna puts the VR Helmet and played the test version of procedur, where is still in testing...
<<linkreplace "<h4>Become a Bimbo!</h4>">><<audio "evil" stop>>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/bimbowash.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
This is who you are now...
A mindless piece of meat to be fucked....
Your Body and Mind need to be replaced....
<<button [[Few Months Ago]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/destroyed.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
You had no sense of time at all, for a few weeks Anna invited strangers to take care of you.
That was the best time of your life. You enjoyed being used by several Men.
Anna was observing your sluttines from the other room.
She made sure no one could find you, your Parents, friends, or even Jack.
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/boobs.jpg' class='imageright'>
After that. Anna took you to some shady Surgeon and changed your body. You were so happy about this.
Your boobs have been enlarged but your intelligence has gone downhill.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Transformation</h4>">><<set $bimboslut to 2>><<upd>>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/changed.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Anna changed you in the resemblance of herself. Boobs, Butt checks, Face. She was very proud of what she did to you.
Few weeks ago Anna visits you to see what her pet is doing.
When she checked what are you doing, you right away approached her on your knees, like a good pet. She looked at you from the top with the smile.
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/anna2.jpg' class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Anna">>Slave.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Good Morning Master!<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>If i know correctly... Today is your Birthday! What do you wish?<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Me? Really?!? I wish? Cock! I want a Cock inside my holes!!! Please ! Master! <</speech>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/anna.jpg' class='imageright'>
<<speech "Anna">>Of course! Today... i'll get you out of here! But for now. Let's take fun downstairs.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>No way!!! I can't wait Master! Thank you! THANK YOU!<</speech>>
<<if $boyfriendjack is true>>\
<<speech "Anna">>Sure! I'm having such a good day, Jack took good care of me. Finally, i made him stop thinking about you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>About me?? Is that a good thing? Master?<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Yes, in fact, I'll take care of you today too! Let me get out of here.<</speech>>
<<button [[Serve Anna]]>><<set $bimboslut to 3>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="annaslut">
Anna takes you to the downstairs. Somehow you recognize this place but you don't know why.
You don't care.
You just want to be fucked.
Anna, your master, wants you to satisfy her desire, first.
<<linkreplace "<h5>Anna</h5>">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/annamc1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls volume 0.05>
<<speech "Anna">>Get in here, You fucking Bimbo Slut.<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Serve your Master!</h5>">><<replace "#annaslut">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/annamc2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Gawd!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Your tits are so soft now. So fluffy! You like them?<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Of course! I love them! Thank you Master!<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>You are so Lucky!</h5>">><<replace "#annaslut">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/annamc3.webm" volume 0.05 class='large' autoplay loop controls >
<<speech "Anna">>Are you happy with what you have become?<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Yes!!! I love the new Me!<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Asking for More!</h5>">><<replace "#annaslut">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/annamc4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Anna">>My fucking Bimbo Slut!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Mm!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Someone is inside the house</h4>">><<replace "#annaslut">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jack.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls muted>
Both you hear that someone is inside the house. You got scared a bit, but Anna laughed and called for that guy.
<<speech "Anna">>Jack! I'm Here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Hey Anna... What the hell? Who is this? She looks like... you?<</speech>>
<<if $boyfriendjack is true>>\
Jack didn't recognize you at all. It was as if he was seeing you for the first time.
<<speech "Anna">>Haha! That's my friend.. She is...<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Heyyy! My name is Messy! Wow You have such nice Body! You must exercise a lot!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h5>Jack</h5>">><<set $bimboslut to 4>><<upd>>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jack1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Jack">>Messy? Hah... Nice Name. So both you are enjoying the time i see. <</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Yes, And Messy needs your Big Cock into her Pussy, my Little Brother.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Mmm.. Good. Let's fuck this bitch.<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Jack's Cock</h5>">><<replace "#annaslut">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jack2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Fuck me Harder!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Fuck! What a fucking slut you are!<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Haha!<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Family Reunion</h5>">><<replace "#annaslut">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jack3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Anna">>GOSH!! My Fucking Brother!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>This is so fucking hot!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Fucking whores. Both of you are acting like a fucking Sluts.<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Bimbo Bitch!</h5>">><<replace "#annaslut">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jack4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Jack">>It's so good to fuck you Messy, But I prefer Anna's Pussy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Oh my, little brother... Haha! You love me Don't you?<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Jack's Cum</h5>">><<replace "#annaslut">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jack5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Jack starts cumming into your mouths. Anna was a bit rude towards you beacuse she wanted to eat it first.
The first load has more flavor and quantity. But Anna wasn't a greedy bitch. She shares with you his cum.
<<speech "Jack">>God! What a fucking Slut!<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>So. How she is? Do you like the way she is?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Of course! Where did you get her?<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Oh Jackyyy, Now. She is gonna live with us... As living Fuck-doll! Do you like this idea Messy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>My gosh! That sounds awesome!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>No fucking way! Anna. Living with you. Is like a dream. Everyday having fuck with a sister is something beyond. But this! Fuck!<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>Oh Jackyyy! Everything i do, Is for you.<</speech>>
Jack and Anna laughed a lot and kissed sloppily. After that, they began to play with you little more... and more... till the end of the day. For you was the best experience, Since Anna changed you.
<<button [[Next Day]]>><<set $bimboslut to 2>><</button>>
<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/vr5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
When the video ended everything was back to normal.
But the bird is still in the cage.
And the feather turned into a stone.
<<set $bimboend to 3>>
<<set $avatar to 11>>
<h3>@@color:hotpink;Second Stage of Bimbofiction Completed.@@</h3>
<<button [[Take off the Helmet]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="doc">
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/doc1.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
When you took of the helmet, you filled with lust and desire. You want cock so much. Doc is all alone, The Nurse dissapeared.
<<speech "Burnett">>So. Have you felt any changes?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Yes. I need Cock! Right now...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h5>Suck</h5>">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/doc2.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Burnett">>Then suck it my Dear.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>MMmmm..!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h5>Sloppy Kisses</h5>">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/doc3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Burnett">>You have beautiful lips. But they need some improvement.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Aah... MM!! Yes..<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Sit on Him</h5>">><<replace "#doc">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/doc4.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Burnett">>Now let's see, how is your pussy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>My pussy is begging for your Cock!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>As any slutty hole. Good that means everything is going in the right direction.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h5>Ride Him</h5>">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/doc5.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Burnett">>Fuck, it's tigher than my previous clients!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Oh god... This is want i need!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h5>Fucks you </h5>">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/doc6.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Burnett">>Still, this area requires some improvement. Especially your Boobs.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Oh My God! Fuck Yeah!! <</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Fucks you More!</h5>">><<replace "#doc">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/doc7.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Burnett">>Oh it's gonna be so much Fun to change you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Please Let me Cum!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h5>Playing with you</h5>">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/doc8.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Burnett">>You want to Cum? Then Beg for it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Please.. I'm Begging. I want to CUM!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>You just cummed! You fucking SLUT! I'm gonna too!<</speech>>
You feeling Cum's Burnett inside you.
<<linkreplace "<h5>Cum inside you</h5>">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage2/doc9.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Burnett">>FUCK! I hope you don't get pregnant that easily?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Maybe? haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Fucking Whore. I like you! Okay Next Time. Be Ready! Beacuse there is no way back after the last procedur.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Sure Doc! Thanks Again!<</speech>>
The Second Stage is completed.
@@color:orange;(The next stage soon.)@@
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|outsidenight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="clinicbox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $sophiacure is 0>>
Without the hope you went to the Sophia to ask her for help.
<img src="img/sophia/greet2.jpg" class='imageright'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Doc? Can you please... @@color:hotpink;I need to Cum Really FAST@@! I Can't THINK STRAIGHT! Please Remove it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Oh my! $name, With me. Now!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Go with Sophia</h4>">>
<<speech "Sophia">>$name For fuck sake. Stop meeting with that asshole Burnett.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just please.. Make it stop! I can't Think! I think only about cocks!<</speech>>
Sophia Leads you to the room where is TV with VR Helmet. She puts in on you.
<img src="img/sophia/greet3.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wait... This is like in Burnett's Test Room!@@color:hotpink; I WANT TO SUCK COCKS!!@@<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Just get in there and get ready. It will hurt for a few seconds.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Peace and Quiet</h4>">>
<video src="img/sophia/cure.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
</video><<set $avatar to 6>>
<div class="posarousal"><<timed 1s t8n>>Part of you try to deny the vision you see...<</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>Then an epiphany appears in the brain...<</timed>>
<<timed 3s t8n>>Time to move on...<</timed>></div>
<<set $bimboend to 1>><<set $time to $time +1>><<upd>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<link "<h6>New Reality</h6>">><<goto "Remove Bimbo Diseases">><<set $sophiacure to 1>><</link>><</timed>>
<<if $sophiacure is 1>>\
<img src="img/sophia/back.jpg" class='medium'>
After hour later, You are feeling better. The headache is gone.
@@color:orange;The influence of Burnett's, is gone!@@
<<speech "Sophia">>Are you okay now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah Doc! So much Better! Thanks so much!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>I'm relieved! Next time don't go to this maniac. He is really fucked up!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course! Thanks again Doc!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><<set $sophiacure to 0>><</button>>
<<widget "gymsex">>
<<if $bimboend is 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>You are losing Control...@@color:hotpink; Bimbo Stage 2@@</h6>">>
<<switch random (3)>>
<<case 1>>
<video src="img/gif/gym/bimbo1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<case 2>>
<video src="img/gif/gym/bimbo2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<case 3>>
<video src="img/gif/gym/bimbo3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<video src="img/gif/gym/bimbo3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
@@color:orange;You lose control of your vision, your body, your memory. You see only scraps of what is happening to you. Some guy is using you.@@
<<arousal 25>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal 25@@<<set $time to $time +1>>
@@color:pink;Not sure what happened, but it was so good....@@
<<if $arousal gte 75>>\
<video src="img/gif/gym/bimbocum.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<arousal -50>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal -50@@
@@color:hotpink;It felt so good... You want more!@@
<<widget "officesex">>
<<if $bimboend is 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>You are losing Control...@@color:hotpink; Bimbo Stage 2@@</h6>">>
<<switch random (3)>>
<<case 1>>
<video src="img/estateoffice/bimbo1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<case 2>>
<video src="img/estateoffice/bimbo2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<case 3>>
<video src="img/estateoffice/bimbo3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<video src="img/estateoffice/bimbo3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
@@color:orange;You lose control of your vision, your body, your memory. You see only scraps of what is happening to you. Some guy is using you.@@
<<arousal 25>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal 25@@<<set $time to $time +1>>
@@color:pink;Not sure what happened, but it was so good....@@
<<if $arousal gte 75>>\
<video src="img/estateoffice/bimbocum.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<arousal -50>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal -50@@
@@color:hotpink;It felt so good... You want more!@@
<<widget "parksex">>
<<if $bimboend is 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>You are losing Control...@@color:hotpink; Bimbo Stage 2@@</h6>">>
<<goto "parksex">>
<<widget "mallsex">>
<<if $bimboend is 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>You are losing Control...@@color:hotpink; Bimbo Stage 2@@</h6>">>
<<switch random (3)>>
<<case 1>>
<video src="img/mall/bimbo/bimbo1.1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<case 2>>
<video src="img/mall/bimbo/bimbo2.1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<case 3>>
<video src="img/mall/bimbo/bimbo3.1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<video src="img/mall/bimbo/bimbo3.1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
@@color:lightyellow;You met a friend from school. She is really nice... and hot...@@
@@color:orange;You lose control of your vision, your body, your memory. You see only scraps of what is happening to you. Some guy is using you.@@
<<arousal 25>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal 25@@<<set $time to $time +1>>
@@color:pink;Not sure what happened, but it was so good....@@
<<if $arousal gte 75>>\
<img src='img/mall/bimbo/bimbocum.webp' class='medium'>
<<arousal -50>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal -50@@
@@color:hotpink;It felt so good... You want more!@@
<<widget "bimboinfluence">>
<video src="img/dream/bimbodream2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
<<widget "bimbohouse">>
@@color:pink;As you walk through the house your parents are worried about you.
They want to talk with you, what is going on. The way you walk and way you behave...@@
<<button [[Your Parents]]>><</button>>
<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bimbo">
<video src="img/dad/stage2/1.1.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
Again, you feel need for a cock. The influence Dr. Burnett has given you, non-stop gives you a headache.
All you want is to ride Daddy's Cock.
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Heeyy... $dad!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Mmm Baby girl want's something from Daddy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Yeah! I want you. Daddy!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Daddy Grabs you</h6>">>
<video src="img/dad/stage2/2.1.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Mm... I love kissing you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Your Dick is Hard $dad. Can i taste it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>You don't have to ask, it's yours.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Taste Daddy's Cock</h6>">>
<video src="img/dad/stage2/3.1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>It's so yummy! <</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh you are so good to me.. Here... Let me help you.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Daddy's Hand</h6>">><<replace "#bimbo">>
<video src="img/dad/stage2/4.1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Suck it!! Oh My Fucking Baby Girl!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>GHURLLP!!! GRULP!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Stand up!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Takes you</h6>">>
<video src="img/dad/stage2/5.1.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Aah!! Ah! Yes! Yes! Fuck me Harder!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>God... Your Pussy is so slippery.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Ride your Daddy</h6>">><<replace "#bimbo">>
<video src="img/dad/stage2/6.1.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>You have so much energy today. My Baby Girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>That's...Beacuse... I'm addicted to your Cock $dad!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Swallow Daddy's Seed</h6>">>
<video src="img/dad/stage2/7.1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Mm... So good! Fuck. I love your Cum. Daddy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Well now i know what meal i can serve you everyday.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Haha! I like this idea!<</speech>>
<span id="shaker+50" class="shake1">CUMMING!</span>
<<arousalcum 1>><div class="posarousal">Bimbo Orgasm +1!</div>
<<set $arousal to 0>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
</span></b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bimbo">
<video src="img/dad/stage2/1.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
You crave for a dick, fortunately the $dad is at home.
When you made sure $mom is asleep, You started masturbating in the Office $dad's.
Your $dad is watching what you're doing.
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Fuck...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh my... What is going on, my little princess?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Can't Get out Dicks of you Head!</h6>">>
<video src="img/dad/stage2/2.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Did you come here to tease me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Yess... $dad Pleasee.. Come here..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Dad joins you</h6>">>
<video src="img/dad/stage2/3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Are you okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Now.. Yes! Kiss me $dad!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Daddy</h6>">><<replace "#bimbo">>
<video src="img/dad/stage2/4.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Mmmm....<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>AH!! AH!! MMM...!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>More ! More !</h6>">>
<video src="img/dad/stage2/5.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>MMm! Daddy!! More!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Fuck.. You are so aroused my darling.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Touch me! Please!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Dad's Touch</h6>">><<replace "#bimbo">>
<video src="img/dad/stage2/6.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh God. My princess is leaking down there..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Fuck!! $dad... Don't STOP!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Orgasm</h6>">>
<video src="img/dad/stage2/7.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>AHH! AHH! YES DADDY! I'M <span id="shaker+50" class="shake1">CUMMING!</span><</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Mmm.. My hand is full of your juices. Swallow them darling.<</speech>>
<<arousalcum 1>><div class="posarousal">Bimbo Orgasm +1!</div>
<<set $arousal to 0>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Thank you Daddy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>My pleasure.<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
</span></b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
As every day you were sleeping in the Attic.
You were awakened by screams and sound of fighting.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Wake up!</h6>">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/rescue.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
When the shots were fired the screams stopped making a sound after that, you hear the footsteps.
The man in black suit is coming at you. You are scared of him, he still holding a gun. Does he want to kill you?
He then put down his gun and approached you gently.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Oh my fucking god... What the fuck they did to you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Who are you? Please! Don't kill me!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Calm Down, i don't want to hurt you. I'm getting you out of here of this mess.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Why?! I don't want to go! My place is here! With Anna!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>No. I'll take you to the better place.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>What about my Master?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Don't worry about her. Just get in the car.<</speech>>
When he helped you up he had some blood on his shirt, then your vision started to get blurry.
<<button [[To the Car]]>><<set $bimboslut to 5>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/ride1.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
Lucas took you in the car and you drove out of town. After many hours of driving you fall asleep.
You wake up, and see that you have reached the desert. Lucas was slowly running out of gas so you went to refuel. After refueling, the car wouldn't start.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>God Damit! Fucking piece of junk!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Nothing. Get out of the car. We'll stay in the motel today.<</speech>>
<<button [[Motel Room]]>><</button>>
<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<audio "motel" play>>
<h2>Motel Room</h2>
<<if $lucastart is false>>\
You and Lucas went to a nearby motel and rented a room. The room was a little nasty with a TV, but it was manageable.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Okay make yourself comfortable, I'll go get some provisions and call for roadside assistance.<</speech>>
Lucas went out.
<<set $lucastart to true>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Watch TV</h4>">>
<<if $batteries1 is 0>>
You try to turn on the TV with the remote control but the battery is missing.
<<set $batteries1 to 1>>
<<elseif $batteries1 is 1>>
You have to find the batteries.
<<elseif $batteries1 is 2>>\
<span id="tv"><<audio "motel" stop>>
You put the batteries is on. The TV is on!
There is only one channel with Nation News.
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/news1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Boy2" "Reporter">>In other news! Two dead bodies were found in the house, shot by this man. Please be vigilant. Immediately notify the police if you come across him.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Watch More</h4>">><<replace "#tv">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/news2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Boy2" "Reporter">>The missing people who appear on the screen may have been abducted by this man. It is not known if they are still alive after the murders.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Doctor Burnett is missing? And that woman? She remind me of someone... But who!? God, Lucas is really dangerous type... What do to..?<</speech>>
<<set $tvwatch to true>>
After the news, nothing interesting appeared on the screen.
<div class="posarousal">I need some air! Let's think outside.
Leave the Room</div>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Relief yourself</h6>">>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/masturbating.webp' class='medium'>
@@color:hotpink;Oh my Gawd! I'm so fucking horny!! I need fucking Cock!@@
<<button [[WC|Motelwc]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave the Room]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $batteries1 is 1>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Search for Batteries</h4>">>
You are looking through everything, you can't find any of them.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Take a Shower</h4>">>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/shower.webp' class='medium'>
@@color:hotpink;I would do anything for Big Cock in my Pussy!@@
<<button [[Leave|Motel Room]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
Couple of people are hanging around.
<<if $tyrone is false>>\
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/tyronecar.jpg' class='medium'>
One of them stares at you and gestures for you to approach him.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Talk with Him</h4>">>
<span id="bbc">
He smiled to you.
<<speech "Tyrone" "Black Men">>Hey, what's such a hot chick doing here in this shithole?<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Heeey! Me?? Fuck! I don't know ! Haha!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Black Men">>Hah! It's really dangerous here. Come with me on adventure. It's gonna be a lot of fun.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>OHh!! For Realzys? That's COOL!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Black Men">>Sure. I'm gonna stick around, So, think faster.<</speech>>
<<set $tyrone to true>>
<<if $batteries1 gte 1>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Ask for Batteries</h4>">>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Anyway, do you have any batteries?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Black Men">>Batteries?!? No. I don't. But i can show something else, inside.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Oh for real?? What is it?.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Inside the Car</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/car2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
Tyrone shows you his Cock. Without thinking about it, you suck his Cock.
<<speech "Tyrone">>I knew you gonna suck it right away, whore.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Inside the Car</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/car3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>FUCK ME! FUCK ME ! YES!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Inside the Car</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/car1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Aaah! Ah!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Inside the Car</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/car4.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Thanks, Fuck! Girl! You are so good at this!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Hihih!<</speech>>
<<elseif $tyrone is true and $batteries1 gte 1>>\
<span id="bbc">
<<linkreplace "<h4>Ask for Batteries</h4>">>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Anyway, do you have any batteries?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Black Men">>Batteries?!? No. I don't. But i can show something else, inside.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Oh for real?? What is it?.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Inside the Car</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/car2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
Tyrone shows you his Cock. Without thinking about it, you suck his Cock.
<<speech "Tyrone">>I knew you gonna suck it right away, whore.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Inside the Car</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/car3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>FUCK ME! FUCK ME ! YES!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Inside the Car</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/car1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Aaah! Ah!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Inside the Car</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/car4.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Thanks, Fuck! Girl! You are so good at this!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Hihih!<</speech>>
<<button [[Motel Room]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Reception]]>><</button>>
<<if $tvwatch is true>>\
<<button [[Wait for Lucas]]>><<audio "motel" stop>><<set $bimboslut to 6>><</button>>
<<button [[Run Away!]]>><<audio "motel" stop>><</button>>
<<if $tyrone is true and $tvwatch is true>>\
<<button [[Ride along with the Black guy]]>><<audio "motel" stop>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<h2>Motel Reception</h2>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/batteries.webp' class='medium'>
Behind the counter sits a guy reading a newspaper while chewing gum. Behind his back you can see batteries on the counter.
<<if $batteries1 is 1>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Ask for Batteries</h4>">>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Heey! Can i ask for batteries? Please?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Owner">>Huh? Batteries? For what? for you Dildo?? Haha!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>No.. I wish... I mean! Yes! For Remote Controller. I'd like to watch TV!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Owner">>Umm... It will cost ya! 30$.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Oh my Bobbies! I mean! Fuck! I don't have any money!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Owner">>No money, No batteries.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "Owner">>Is there any other way to get them? Please!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Owner">>Hmm... maybe? If you come with me to the room behind me.<</speech>>
<span id="rec">
<<linkreplace "<h4>Go with the owner</h4>">><<replace "#rec">>
He is taking to the room behind him. When you both of you enters the room he took dick out and pushed you to suck it.
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/toilet.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
@@color:hotpink;Oh my GAWD! Finally!@@
<<linkreplace "<h6>Pushed you to the bed</h6>">><<replace "#rec">><<audio "moan" play>><<audio "fuck" play>>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/rec1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
@@color:hotpink;Fuck me ! Fuck me! OH FUCK!@@
<<linkreplace "<h6>Fucks you harder</h6>">><<replace "#rec">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/rec2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
@@color:hotpink;Oh yes!!@@
<<linkreplace "<h6>Cum inside you</h6>">><<replace "#rec">><<audio "orgasm" play>><<audio "fuck2" play>>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/rec3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
@@color:hotpink;FUCK YES!!! I love this!@@
<<speech "Boy1" "Owner">>Fuck!! Thanks Bitch! Here.. Take the batteries and get the fuck out.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Oh my Gawd! Thanks A lot sweetie!<</speech>>
@@color:orange;You grabbed the batteries.@@
<<set $batteries1 to 2>>
<<button [[Leave|Leave the Room]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
You are running away!
To the desert...
<<timed 1s t8n>>
After some time. You get lost in the desert.
<</timed>><<timed 2s t8n>>
@@color:orange;The sun is burning your skin...
You are running out of the water...@@
<</timed>><<timed 4s t8n>>
@@color:red;After several hours on the sun...
You collapse on the sand...@@
<<timed 5s t8n>>
@@color:lightyellow;You hear Car noise...
Car is approaching...@@
<<timed 6s t8n>>
It's Lucas...
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name!<</speech>>
<<timed 8s t8n>>
Then another car is approaching...<<audio "shoot" play>>
It's some Local Gang...
They Start shooting at Lucas...
<<timed 10s t8n>>
Lucas collapse...
His Dead eyes are looking at you...@@
<<timed 10s t8n>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/gang/dead.jpeg' class='medium'>
<<speech "Boy1" "Gang Leader">>Who we have here? Damn... What do to with you... Morales! Save Her!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Gang Member">>Sure Boss! Damn Ese!! She's got more plastic than C4!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Gang Leader">>Shut the fuck up! I'd like to see That Bitch on our Turf!<</speech>>
You are being dragged in by gang members....
<<button [[Gang Whore]]>><<set $bimboslut to 15>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="sex">
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/lucas1.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
You are waiting for Lucas, you don't care about the TV Stuff that you watched.
Very Curious what Lucas is planning to do with you, where he leads you.
Finally Lucas came back to you.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Okay, someone will pick us up. In the meantime... get in!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>I was wondering when you would finally screw me over.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Motel Room</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/lucas2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Fuck $name. Your body...<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Mmmn!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Whore</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/lucas3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Your Fucking Tits are so Huge and Soft!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Slut</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/lucas4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Pussy is even better.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>oh GAWD! YESH! LICK ME THERE!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Bitch</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/lucas5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>GURLP! GURLP! Mmm!!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Fucking Whore. Deeper you Bitch!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Fuckdoll</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/lucas6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Just Fuck me Already!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Haha.<</speech>>
<<button [[Fuck Me!]]>><<set $bimboslut to 7>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/waiting.jpg' class='imageright'>
Decided to have Tyrone get you out of here before Lucas arrives, because of the TV news, you started to panic a bit so your only option is to get with the enigmatic guy who was making a pit stop at the motel.
Tyrone was about to drive off, but when he saw you come out of the motel room he pulled over to you.
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Oh thank Gawd you are here! Get me out of here! Please!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Cool. Get in.<</speech>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/lucas.jpg' class='medium'>
When you entered his car, Lucas returned to the Motel with shopping bags, he was looking around a bit. To avoid his sight you ducked down in the car. Tyrone smiled to you thinking you are eager to suck his cock.
<<speech "Tyrone">>Damn Girl! You want that Cock so Bad? Just ask.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>I'll fucking do it! Just DRIVE!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Journey</h6>">><<audio "drive" play>><<audio "bj" play>>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/drivesuck.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
With Tyrone you left the Motel Area. You were driving through the desert, you were so horny Tyrone let you suck his dick through the journey. Finally after a serveral hours laters you arrived to city at last. You asked Tyrone what are you going to do next.
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>So where we are going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>To my Place. We are going to fuck, later we will see.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>I am looking forward to this. This is going to be so much fun!<</speech>>
<<button [[Tyrone's Place]]>><<set $bimboslut to 12>><<audio "drive" stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="sex">
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/lucas7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
The Room wasn't soundproof, people passing by were really curious about the things you were doing inside the room. They were really jelous...
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Fuck... You changed a lot!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>YES YES! YES HARDER ! HARDER ! Dadddy....<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Lucas</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/lucas8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Who am i?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Who am i?!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Daddy!! Fuck me Daddy! RIGHT THERE!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Few hours of endless fucking.</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/lucas9.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
You began to addict to his cock. The whole room was filled with your smell from sex. You wanted to go out to get some air but Lucas kept you hard in the bed. Fucking never ends until Lucas says so.
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Oh my Gawd! DADDY!! I'M IN HEAVEN!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>This is just the beginning of your heaven.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Bimbo Slut!</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/lucas10.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>STUFF THIS FUCKING BIG COCK INSIDE MY PUSSY!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>It's soooo! GOOD!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Ride him Faster!</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/lucas11.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Harder! Harder!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Fucking Whore!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Don't stop!</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/lucas12.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Bimbo slut!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Haaa!!! YES!!! I AM!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Lucas Cum</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/lucas13.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>OH God! $name, you are so fucking hot. What have they done to you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Hihi! I love being fucked everyday Lucas. I am hoping to do this everyday with you.<</speech>>
You hear a knock on the door. Is it the help Lucas has called for?
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>I wish to do this but we can't. You are belong to someone else now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Huh? What do you mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>You'll see. His guy has just arrived. Just obey him and your life will be wonderful. <</speech>>
You and Lucas go with a shady guy who doesn't say anything to a place where he is very far from civilization.
<<button [[The Place where you Belongs]]>><<set $bimboslut to 8>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/security.jpg' class='imageleft'>
A man transported you to a place where it is surrounded by full of people with guns as if it were some big fortress .
Lucas seems to be a bit tense and nervous. Then Lucas leans to tell you something.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>It's your new home. A place where you'll live for the rest of your life $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>But... Why..? Why can't we just-<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>For greater good $name. Your miserable life for someone great.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>What...?! But i...<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Shut the fuck up.<</speech>>
You can't believe what you heard. My miserable life?
<<linkreplace "<h6>The Man in the middle age Greets you</h6>">>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/leon1.jpg' class='medium'>
The Man came out of the house to greet both of you. Looks like a serious and powerful man. The way he moves and talk makes you already obedient to him. Like it was with Lucas.
<<speech "Leon">>Good Afternoon! Finally! You arrived Lucas. <</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Pleased to meet you again, Leon.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>I hope the Journey was successful? I see you are not alone.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Yes. As we agreed. That's her Daughter. $name.<</speech>>
What is going on here? Her daughter? He mean... Me?!
<<speech "Leon">>Impressive! Then you made your promise! But... She has changed. What happened?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Some shit that should not happen. I took care of it. Besides, I heard you love these type of girls anyway.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>Indeed. You heard it well Lucas. However, Dante would be furious if you entrust her to me.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>I know the consequences and am willing to accept them. Now, Let Olena out!<</speech>>
Leon with a smile clapped his hands.
<<speech "Leon">>Of course. Guards! Bring her out!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>What is going on! Lucas!? Can you speak to me?!<</speech>>
Lucas bring you to the Leon's hand. He gently wrapped his arms around you.
You feel cozy and warm feeling around him.
<<speech "Leon">>Shhh... Child. Everything is going to be alright from now on. I'm gonna take care of you.<</speech>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/olena.jpg' class='imageright'>
Guard brings naked woman into courtyard. She is bound and cuffed. Somewhere in your Mind tells you that she reminds you strongly of someone. When they brought her in, woman was shocked seeing you here. She starts screaming at you direction.
<<speech "Olena">>It's that... $name!?! Oh my god! NO! Please! Leave her Alone!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Shut up!<</speech>>
Lucas releases Olena from her cuffs and gave her his jacket.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Leon. Do we have a deal?<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>Yes. I'm a man of my words. Take her. I don't need her anymore. Have fun Lucas. I don't know what you see in her but I appreciate for the effort you have made recently. <</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Thank you, Leon. Olena, get into the car.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena">>No!! $name! Can you hear me?!? Don't do this!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>It's over! Don't you understand this? $name is gone long ago!<</speech>>
The last time you see this woman crying and begging you to do something.
Somehow you don't know what she means by that. Then you your inner part whispers to you.
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">><sub>Mom?</sub><</speech>>
As they left Leon took you by the hand, smacked your butt and leads you to his mansion.
<<speech "Leon">>Come with me Child. Let's get to know each other. But first, meet my son. Adam. He adores girls like you<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Like me ? Sir?<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>Don't worry Child. Just obey. And everything will be fine.<</speech>>
@@color:hotpink;Obey him...@@
<<button [[Mansion]]>><<set $bimboslut to 8>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="leonbox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $adammeet is false>>\
Together with Leon, you enter his mansion. It's huge and richly decorated, as if you were in some fairy tale palace. Leon calls out to his son Adam. His son has appeared from the door where a lot of people has having sex.
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/mansion2.webp' class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Leon">>Adam, That's my new Wife. $name. <</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Huh? Wife? Oh Okay! Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>It's good to see you Mom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Umm Hi Adam. Hi Son! Oh My! I've got my Son!<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>Yes Hi! Haha.! I'm already in love Dad! Great find!<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>Sure Son! Show your New Mom her Room and explain to her what she is here for. I need to make some calls.<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>Of course. Come on $name i mean Mom. You gonna love this place.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>I'm already in love babe! I mean Son!<</speech>>
Adam is taking you to Leon's Bedroom.
<<button [[Your Room]]>><</button>>
<<if $needcock lte 49>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Entrance Doors</h6>">>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/security2.jpg' class='medium'>
There is an exit door but a couple of guards are hanging around.
They are strongly resistant to your charms.
Apparently, you are trapped here. Still, you can move around the house.
<<elseif $needcock gte 50>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Security Guards</h6>">>
@@color:orange;Security Guards are fucking you@@
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/belonghere.webp' class='medium'>
@@color:hotpink; Why would I run away when I have everything I wish for here?
This is your Home, your new Palace.
You are a Queen of this House@@
<<button [[Masturbate in the Hallway]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Bedroom|Your Room]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Kitchen|LeonKitchen]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Pool|Leon's Pool]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Adam's Bedroom]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leon's Office]]>><</button>>
<<if $bbcpal is true>> @@color:orange;Jamal is waiting inside.@@<</if>>
<<if $needcock gte 50 and $adam gte 10 and $leon gte 10>>\
<i>@@color:orange;The end of the Bimbo End@@</i>
<<link "<h6>The Party</h6>">><<set $bimboslut to 11>><<goto "TheParty">><</link>>
<<elseif $adam gte 10 and $leon gte 10 and $needcock lte 49>>\
<i>@@color:orange;The end of the Bimbo End@@</i>
@@color:hotpink;Required 50 Cocks.@@
</b></div>\<div class="leonbox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="dildo">
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/masturbate/kitchen.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
As you enter the Kitchen, you see that the cameras have pointed at you. So you start to showing off.
@@color:hotpink;You see the used wet dildo in the kitchen.@@
<<if $actions gte 1>>
<<include "bimbokitchen">>
<<elseif $actions is 0>>\
@@color:orange;You are exhausted.@@
<<button [[Leave|Mansion]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="leonbox"><div align="center"><b>\
<h3>Your Room</h3>
<<if $adammeet is false>>
The bedroom is enormous, here could be a dozen people sleeping. You already jumped on the bed.
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/confused.jpg' class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Adam">>Here it is. My dad's Bedroom, cool isn't it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>My gawd! This place is so HUGE! Is your Dad a playboy lord or something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>Playboy Lord? HAHA. Dad needs to hear this! No. He is... hmm.. i can't tell you. He will tell you in time what he does for a living.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>oh.. Okay! Can i suck you dick now?<</speech>>\
His tone has now changed dramatically
<<speech "Adam">>No. You have to prove to get a dick.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>What?! What i have to do? Please... I can't think straight!<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>I know. Beacuse you are our Bitch now. You need to Obey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>I don't understand... Why.. I need..<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>You see cameras?<</speech>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/cameras.jpg' class='imageright'>
He points at the ceiling which cameras are pointing at you all the time.
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Yes. But i don't...<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>They are for you. They'll be checking to see how aroused you are. After few orgasm you gonna earn a dick.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>But why? Isn't it better to be fucked by you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>We enjoy watching you suffer. Now go to sleep. Your Future is ours now Bitch.<</speech>>
Adam left the room.
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Am i dreaming? What is going on here.<</speech>>
You hardly fall asleep without a daily Cock inside your Pussy.
<<button [[Sleep]]>><<set $bimboslut to 10>><<set $adammeet to true>><</button>>
<<if $needcock lte 25>>
@@color:lightyellow;Your Bedroom is on the 4 floor. Jumping out of the window would be bad idea. anyway Where you
Still you have a nice Bedroom with a nice Bed. @@
<<elseif $needcock gte 26 and $needcock lte 49>>\
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/drink.webp' class='small'>
@@color:yellow;You don't care about running away. It so nice here. You get fucked so many times here that you want to stay here Forever.@@
<<elseif $needcock gte 50>>\
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/fuckdoll.webp' class='imageleft'>
@@color:hotpink;This is your New Home.Every day you are fucked and drink semen by every guy who lives here. You have come to accept that this is the way it should be and will be for the rest of your life. Being a Fuckdoll is your specialty.@@
<<if $adamfucks is true and $actions gte 3>>\
<<link "<h4>Son Fucks you Hard!</h4>">><<set $actions to $actions -3>><<goto "adamfucksagain">><</link>>
<<if $bbcfucks is true and $actions gte 3>>\
<<link "<h4>Double bbc!</h4>">><<set $actions to $actions -3>><<goto "bbcfucksyou">><</link>>
<<button [[Sleep]]>><</button>>
<<if $lockdoor is true>>\
<<button [[Doors|Fuck Machine]]>><</button>>
You wonder what's behind the door.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Door with Padlock</h4>">>
You can't open the doors, you need key to get inside.
@@color:lightblue;Adam might have it.@@
<<button [[Leave|Mansion]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="leonbox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $needcock lte 0>>\
<<if $arousal gte 1>>
<<arousal -35>>
@@color:hotpink;Arousal -35@@
<h3>You have trouble falling asleep...
No cock, no man inside you....</h3>
<<set $actions to 4>>
<<elseif $needcock gte 1 and $needcock lte 3>>\
<<if $arousal gte 1>>
<<arousal -25>>
@@color:hotpink;Arousal -25@@
<h3>You barely fall asleep.
Finally, you tasted some cock today, but it's not enough.</h3>
<<set $actions to 6>>\
<<elseif $needcock gte 4>>\
<h3>Fall asleep almost immediately.
The amount of cocks today made you really better and happy. </h3>
<<set $actions to 8>>
<<if $arousal gte 1>>
<<arousal -15>>
@@color:hotpink;Arousal -15@@
<<switch random (3)>>
<<case 1>>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/dream.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<case 2>>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/dream2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<case 3>>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/dream3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/dream3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<button [[Wake up|Your Room]]>><</button>>
<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="cl">
<video src="img/estateoffice/momoffice/clientmeet2.webm" class='large' autoplay muted>
To be better estate agent, You have to please your clients with your ideas and understanding.
But you had enough of this. That kind of trick is better and easier to attract clients to sing the papers.
Finally, your ratings will go up!
<<linkreplace "<h6>It's your Job</h6>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<video src="img/estateoffice/momoffice/csuck.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Boy1" "Client">>Fuck. My wife is gonna kill me if she will find out...<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena">>*GAWK! Don't you worry! GURLLP! Everything here stays in secret! *GAWK*<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Harder!</h6>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<video src="img/estateoffice/momoffice/csuck1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Olena">>Fuck my mouth! Fuck it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Client">>Fuck.. What a creazy slut...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Tell client to close the door@@</h6>">><<replace "#cl">>
<<timed 10ms t8n>>
<video src="img/estateoffice/momoffice/cbreak.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
Client with a smile agreed with your plan.
While he is closing the door you are getting ready for his big cock.
He got you behind and slams you on the table. With a rage he rips off your panties to get his cock inside you.
<<speech "Olena">>Yes.. Take that pussy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Client">>With a fucking pleasure.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>His Cock</h6>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<video src="img/estateoffice/momoffice/cfuck.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Client took it seriously and takes your pussy roughly by pressing your whole body into your desk.
<<speech "Olena">>AH! YES! FUCK ME! FUCK ME HARDER! <</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Client">>I take what is mine bitch!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Client desires.@@</h6>">><<replace "#cl">>
<<timed 10ms t8n>>
<video src="img/estateoffice/momoffice/cfuck1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
It's like dream... He's pounding your pussy better than your Husband David.
<<speech "Olena">>AH! MORE!! MORE!! OH MY !! FUCKING !! GOD!!! AH!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Client">>You like that don't you!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Deal is a Deal</h6>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<<timed 10ms t8n>>
<video src="img/estateoffice/momoffice/cfuck2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Olena">>Ooooooh .....Oooooh... Mmmph!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Who you are?@@</h6>">><<replace "#cl">>
<<timed 10ms t8n>>
<video src="img/estateoffice/momoffice/colena.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Boy1" "Client">>This is who you are! A dirty fucking slut. It's the only way to earn your clients bitch!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena">>Yes... You are right! I fucking love it!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Perfect Agent@@</h6>">><<replace "#cl">>
<video src="img/estateoffice/momoffice/ccum.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Both of you relief of the yourself. With his cum on your face you can see how he is happy with your services.
<<speech "Boy1" "Client">>God damn Ma'am! That was the best deal i've ever done in my life.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena">>I'm so happy to hear that. It's our duty to fulfill all your wishes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Client">>I will let my friends know about your professional services. They will definitely want to try it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena">>Really?! Thank you so much! Our company is happy to welcome any customer.<</speech>>
In the end Client signed the rest of the papers.
The big deal is end with the success for you.
Madison would be happy with the business deal.
<<set $momandmadison to 3>>
<<button [[Leave|officehallway]]>><<set $time to $time +2>><<set $mompov to 1>><<set $mompovright to 1>><</button>>
</b></div>\<<set _mastur to random(1,5)>>\
<span id="dildo">
<<if _mastur is 1>>\
<<link "<h6>Use Dildo</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/masturbate/kitchen1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<set $actions to $actions -1>>
<<arousal 15>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +15@@<<upd>>
<<if $actions gte 1>>
<<include "bimbokitchen">>
You are Exhausted.
<<elseif _mastur is 2>>
<<link "<h6>Use Dildo</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/masturbate/kitchen2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<set $actions to $actions -1>>
<<arousal 20>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +20@@<<upd>>
<<if $actions gte 1>>
<<include "bimbokitchen">>
You are Exhausted.
<<elseif _mastur is 3>>
<<link "<h6>Use Dildo</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/masturbate/kitchen3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<set $actions to $actions -1>>
<<arousal 20>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +20@@<<upd>>
<<if $actions gte 1>>
<<include "bimbokitchen">>
You are Exhausted.
<<elseif _mastur is 4>>
<<link "<h6>Use Dildo</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/masturbate/kitchen4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<set $actions to $actions -1>>
<<arousal 25>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +25@@<<upd>>
<<if $actions gte 1>>
<<include "bimbokitchen">>
You are Exhausted.
<<elseif _mastur is 5>>
<<link "<h6>Use Dildo</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/masturbate/kitchen5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<set $actions to $actions -1>>
<<arousal 25>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +25@@<<upd>>
<<if $actions gte 1>>
<<include "bimbokitchen">>
You are Exhausted.
</span>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<set _orgasm to random(1,3)>>\
<span id="dildo">
<<if _orgasm is 1>>\
<<link "<h6>ORGASM</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/masturbate/orgasm1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<set $bimorgasm to $bimorgasm +1>>
<<set $arousal to 0>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;You are cumming hard!@@
@@color:hotpink; Orgasm +1@@
<<button "Return" `previous()`>><</button>>
<<elseif _orgasm is 2>>\
<<link "<h6>ORGASM</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/masturbate/orgasm2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<set $bimorgasm to $bimorgasm +1>>
<<set $arousal to 0>>
@@color:orange;You are squirting all over the place!@@
@@color:hotpink; Orgasm +1@@<<upd>>
<<button "Return" `previous()`>><</button>>
<<elseif _orgasm is 3>>
<<link "<h6>ORGASM</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/masturbate/orgasm3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<set $bimorgasm to $bimorgasm +1>>
<<set $arousal to 0>>
@@color:orange;This is the best feeling!@@
@@color:hotpink; Orgasm +1@@<<upd>>
<<button "Return" `previous()`>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="leonbox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="dildo">
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/masturbate/pool.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
You get into the pool, the sun is strongly parching your skin. You want to look where the sun is and when you look up you see some person looking at you through the window.
@@color:hotpink;A dildo is waiting for you in the pool.@@
<<if $actions gte 1>>
<<include "bimbopool">>
<<elseif $actions is 0>>\
@@color:orange;You are exhausted.@@
<<button [[Leave|Mansion]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/tv.jpg' class='imageright'>
Adam is inside his room, Watching TV.
He noticed that you had come.
<<if $needcock gte 50>>\
<<speech "Adam">>Hello Mother. What is it Mom?<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Hey Son...I want your Juicy Cock inside my Mouth!<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>Then ask for it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>Hello Mother. What is it Mom?<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Hey Son...<</speech>>
<<if $bimorgasm gte 1 and $actions gte 1>>\
@@color:lightyellow;1 Action Per Day.@@
@@color:red;1 Orgasm@@
<<button [[Suck his Cock]]>><<set $bimorgasm to $bimorgasm -1>><</button>>
<<elseif $bimorgasm is 0>>\
@@color:hotpink;<s>Suck his Cock</s>- More Orgasm!@@
<<elseif $actions is 0>>\
@@color:orange; You are Exhausted@@
<<if $bimorgasm gte 3 and $actions gte 2>>\
@@color:lightyellow;2 Actions Per Day.@@
@@color:red;3 Orgasm@@
<<button [[Beg to be fucked!]]>><<set $bimorgasm to $bimorgasm -3>><</button>>
<<elseif $bimorgasm lte 2>>\
@@color:hotpink;<s>Beg to be Fucked!</s>- More Orgasm!@@
<<elseif $actions lte 1>>\
@@color:orange; You are Exhausted@@
<<if $adam gte 2 and $lockdoor is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Adam's Gift</h4>">>
Adam hands you a Key.
<<set $lockdoor to true>>
<<speech "Adam">>You are proving good to be a Slut Mom. Here, take this. It's a key for the door in your Room.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Thank you Son! What kind of room is this anyway?<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>It's a suprise for you. Have fun!<</speech>>
<<if $adam gte 5 and $actions gte 3>>\
@@color:lightyellow;3 Action Per Day.@@
<<button [[Adam is troubled]]>><<set $actions to $actions -3>><</button>>
<<elseif $actions lte 2 and $adam gte 5>>\
@@color:orange; You are Exhausted@@
<<button [[Leave|Mansion]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<<set _mastur to random(1,5)>>\
<span id="dildo">
<<if _mastur is 1>>\
<<link "<h6>Use Dildo</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/masturbate/pool1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<set $actions to $actions -1>>
<<arousal 15>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +15@@<<upd>>
<<if $actions gte 1>>
<<include "bimbopool">>
You are Exhausted.
<<elseif _mastur is 2>>
<<link "<h6>Use Dildo</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/masturbate/pool1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<set $actions to $actions -1>>
<<arousal 20>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +20@@<<upd>>
<<if $actions gte 1>>
<<include "bimbopool">>
You are Exhausted.
<<elseif _mastur is 3>>
<<link "<h6>Use Dildo</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/masturbate/pool3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<set $actions to $actions -1>>
<<arousal 20>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +20@@<<upd>>
<<if $actions gte 1>>
<<include "bimbopool">>
You are Exhausted.
<<elseif _mastur is 4>>
<<link "<h6>Use Dildo</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/masturbate/pool4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<set $actions to $actions -1>>
<<arousal 25>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +25@@<<upd>>
<<if $actions gte 1>>
<<include "bimbopool">>
You are Exhausted.
<<elseif _mastur is 5>>
<<link "<h6>Use Dildo</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/masturbate/pool5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<set $actions to $actions -1>>
<<arousal 25>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +25@@<<upd>>
<<if $actions gte 1>>
<<include "bimbopool">>
You are Exhausted.
</span>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<set _mastur to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _mastur is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Suck his Cock!</h6>">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/adam/suckadam1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Adam">>Mom... Fuck!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Gawd Son! Your dick is so fucking BIG!<</speech>>
<<if $needcock lte 10>>\
<<set $adam to $adam +1>>
<<set $needcock to $needcock +1>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;You finally got a taste of Adam's cock.@@
@@color:orange;Cocks +1@@
<<elseif $needcock gte 11>>\
@@color:red;I'd rather to do something better than sucking a Cock@@
<<elseif _mastur is 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Suck his Cock!</h6>">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/adam/suckadam2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>GURLP! GURLP! THANK YOU SON!<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>My pleasure Mom...<</speech>>
<<if $needcock lte 10>>\
<<set $adam to $adam +1>>
<<set $needcock to $needcock +1>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;You finally got a taste of Adam's cock.@@
@@color:orange;Cocks +1@@
<<elseif $needcock gte 11>>\
@@color:red;I'd rather to do something better than sucking a Cock@@
<<elseif _mastur is 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Suck his Cock!</h6>">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/adam/suckadam3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Adam">>Oh fuck Mom! You are such a slut! Suck my Cock!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>YES! I'm Fucking Slut! This dick is Delicious!!!<</speech>>
<<if $needcock lte 10>>\
<<set $adam to $adam +1>>
<<set $needcock to $needcock +1>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;You finally got a taste of Adam's cock.@@
@@color:orange;Cocks +1@@
<<elseif $needcock gte 11>>\
@@color:red;I'd rather to do something better than sucking a Cock@@
<<set $actions to $actions -1>><<upd>>
<<button [[Move on|Adam's Bedroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<set _mastur to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _mastur is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Beg to Fucked!</h6>">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/adam/fuckadam1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>YES! SON! YES ! FUCK ME ! FUCK ME!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>Fucking WHORE! God! You are such a good slut, Mom!<</speech>>
<<set $adam to $adam +1>>
<<set $needcock to $needcock +2>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Cocks +2@@
<<elseif _mastur is 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Beg to Fucked!</h6>">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/adam/fuckadam2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>YES! SON! YES ! FUCK ME ! FUCK ME!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>Fucking WHORE! God! You are such a good slut, Mom!<</speech>>
<<set $adam to $adam +1>>
<<set $needcock to $needcock +2>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Cocks +2@@
<<elseif _mastur is 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Beg to Fucked!</h6>">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/adam/fuckadam3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>YES! SON! YES ! FUCK ME ! FUCK ME!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>Fucking WHORE! God! You are such a good slut, Mom!<</speech>>
<<set $adam to $adam +1>>
<<set $needcock to $needcock +2>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Cocks +2@@
<<set $actions to $actions -2>><<upd>>
<<button [[Move on|Adam's Bedroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/paper.jpg' class='imageleft'>
Leon is reading a newspaper and drinking coffee.
He smiled at you as you entered his office.
<<if $needcock gte 50>>\
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Hubby... Please Fuck me.. Or let someone fuck me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>You know how it works Honey. Ask!<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>Hello my wife. Have you settled in yet?<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Yes... Husband...<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>Good.<</speech>>
<<if $bimorgasm gte 1 and $actions gte 1>>\
@@color:lightyellow;1 Action Per Day.@@
@@color:red;1 Orgasm@@
<<button [[Suck Leon's Cock]]>><<set $bimorgasm to $bimorgasm -1>><</button>>
<<elseif $bimorgasm is 0>>
@@color:hotpink;<s>Suck Leon's Cock</s>- More Orgasms!@@
<<elseif $actions is 0>>
@@color:orange; You are Exhausted@@
<<if $bimorgasm gte 3 and $actions gte 2>>\
@@color:lightyellow;2 Action Per Day.@@
@@color:red;3 Orgasm@@
<<button [[Leon Fucks you]]>><<set $bimorgasm to $bimorgasm -3>><</button>>
<<elseif $bimorgasm lte 2>>\
@@color:hotpink;<s>Leon Fucks you</s>- More Orgasm!@@
<<elseif $actions lte 1>>\
@@color:orange; You are Exhausted@@
<<if $leon gte 2 and $bbcpal is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Leon's Gift </h4>">>
<<set $bbcpal to true>>
Leon wants to talk you about his kinks.
<<speech "Leon">>Hey Wifey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Hi! Hubby! You look awesome today!<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>Of course beacuse of you! You know how i love watching you fucking by my son?<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Oh.. You love that? That's awesome. I had a little regret that I'm screwing your son behind your back.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>I am very please with it. But Now! Now I'd like you to meet our new Friend. Jamal! Come out!<</speech>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/jamal/jamalshow.jpg' class='imageleft'>
You see a Big Black Guy coming inside Leon's Office. He is fucking huge!
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Oh my...<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal">>Hello Wife of Leon's.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>Jamal! Hope you will be living comfortably here!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal">>It is already, Love your new Wife.<</speech>>
Leon laughed, then continue what he wants you to do.
<<speech "Leon">>Darling you know how i love watching? From now on. I'd like to watch how you two are going to fuck.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Are you for Real?!? That's... I'm so... HAPPY! I don't know what to say!<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>Haha. Anything for you Wifey!<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Jamal is living now inside the Mansion@@
<<if $leon gte 5 and $actions gte 3>>\
@@color:lightyellow;3 Action Per Day.@@
<<button [[Leon wants to Watch]]>><<set $actions to $actions -3>><</button>>
<<elseif $actions lte 2 and $leon gte 5>>\
@@color:orange; You are Exhausted@@
<<button [[Leave|Mansion]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<set _mastur to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _mastur is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Suck his Cock!</h6>">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/leon/leonsuck1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Leon">>You fucking Whore. Choke on this cock!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>MMM! GURLP! GURLP! FUCK YES!<</speech>>
<<if $needcock lte 10>>\
<<set $leon to $leon +1>>
<<set $needcock to $needcock +1>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;You finally got a taste of Leon's cock.@@
@@color:orange;Cocks +1@@
<<elseif $needcock gte 11>>\
@@color:red;I'd rather to do something better than sucking a Cock@@
<<elseif _mastur is 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Suck his Cock!</h6>">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/leon/leonsuck2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Leon">>CHOKE ON IT!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>This cock is so fucking good!<</speech>>
<<if $needcock lte 10>>\
<<set $leon to $leon +1>>
<<set $needcock to $needcock +1>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;You finally got a taste of Leon's cock.@@
@@color:orange;Cocks +1@@
<<elseif $needcock gte 11>>\
@@color:red;I'd rather to do something better than sucking a Cock@@
<<elseif _mastur is 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Suck his Cock!</h6>">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/leon/leonsuck3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Oh my Hubby! I'm gonna take care of you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>You are so good to me.<</speech>>
<<if $needcock lte 10>>\
<<set $leon to $leon +1>>
<<set $needcock to $needcock +1>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;You finally got a taste of Leon's cock.@@
@@color:orange;Cocks +1@@
<<elseif $needcock gte 11>>\
@@color:red;I'd rather to do something better than sucking a Cock@@
<<set $actions to $actions -1>><<upd>>
<<button [[Move on|Leon's Office]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="son">
Adam is having a bad day, saying about the things you don't understand. You don't understand beacuse you think only about his Cock inside your pussy.
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>I know what is gonna me you happy, my Son!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Show him new Outift</h6>">>
You started to pose him in the new outfit Leon bought in the city.
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/adam/adamfuck.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Adam">>Mom! Damn you are looking hot Today.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Come take care your Mommy.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Adam Oils your Body</h6>">><<replace "#son">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/adam/adamfuck2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Adam">>Fuck Mom. Now you look Hot!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Take out your Dick Son! I want to suck it!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Suck His Dick</h6>">><<replace "#son">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/adam/adamfuck3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Adam">>Your Bimbo Lips are made for sucking Dicks, Mom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>MMm.. You like Mommy Lips on your Big Dick don't you Son?<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>His dick Chokes you</h6>">><<replace "#son">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/adam/adamfuck4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>MMM!! AH!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>SWALLOW MY DICK!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Doggy style</h6>">><<replace "#son">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/adam/adamfuck5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>My Gawd! SON!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Pulls you Hair!</h6>">><<replace "#son">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/adam/adamfuck6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>HARDER! HARDER! YES YES! AH !<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>You are my Slut! Mom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>I AM! I AM ! FUCK!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Orgasm...</h6>">><<replace "#son">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/adam/adamfuck7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>I'm... I'mm....! CUMING! SON ! AH AH!<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>Yes Mom! Cum whenever you like! I'll fuck you until my balls are drained!<</speech>>
<<set $bimorgasm to $bimorgasm +2>>
@@color:hotpink;Orgasm +2@@
<<link "<h6>Non-Stop Fucking</h6>">><<replace "#son">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/adam/adamfuck8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>GAWD! OH MY GAWD! YES! YES ! MOAR ! MORE ! MOARR! I'M LOSING MY MIND!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>You already lost Mom. You are our Fuckdoll!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Another Orgasm...</h6>">><<replace "#son">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/adam/adamfuck9.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>AAH!! FUCK..! IM CUMMING AGAIN! AH! AAH!<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>Damn Mom, you're flooding the floor!<</speech>>
<<set $bimorgasm to $bimorgasm +2>>
@@color:hotpink;Orgasm +2@@
<<link "<h6>More More!</h6>">><<replace "#son">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/adam/adamfuck10.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Adam">>I'm feeling so much better now Mom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Haha. Pussy solves all the troubles Darling!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Adam's Cum</h6>">><<replace "#son">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/adam/adamfuck11.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Adam">>Fuck!! Mommy! I'm Cumming!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Cum for me Son! Do it!<</speech>>
<<set $adam to $adam +2>>Thanks to you Adam is having a better day now.
<<speech "Adam">>Another Round Mom?<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Sure! I'd love to my Son!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Fuck your Son Again!</h6>">><<set $adamfucks to true>><<goto "adamfucksagain">><</link>>
<<button [[Move on|Mansion]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<set _mastur to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _mastur is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Hubby Fucks You</h6>">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/leon/leonfuck1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>HARDER! HARDER !! AH ! AH!<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>I own you Bitch!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>YES ! YES ! I BELONG TO YOU! I BELONG TO YOU DADDY!<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>Good Girl.<</speech>>
<<set $leon to $leon +1>>
<<set $needcock to $needcock +2>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Cocks +2@@
<<elseif _mastur is 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Hubby Fucks You</h6>">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/leon/leonfuck2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>HARDER! HARDER !! AH ! AH!<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>I own you Bitch!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>YES ! YES ! I BELONG TO YOU! I BELONG TO YOU DADDY!<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>Good Girl.<</speech>>
<<set $leon to $leon +1>>
<<set $needcock to $needcock +2>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Cocks +2@@
<<elseif _mastur is 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Hubby Fucks You</h6>">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/leon/leonfuck3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>HARDER! HARDER !! AH ! AH!<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>I own you Bitch!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>YES ! YES ! I BELONG TO YOU! I BELONG TO YOU DADDY!<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>Good Girl.<</speech>>
<<set $leon to $leon +1>>
<<set $needcock to $needcock +2>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Cocks +2@@
<<set $actions to $actions -2>><<upd>>
<<button [[Move on|Leon's Office]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="dildo">
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/fuckmachine.jpg' class='medium'>
You enter a room where it's dark but after a while, weak lights turn on. There are cameras placed around this room and in the middle of the room there is a fucking machine.
<<if $actions gte 1>>\
<<include "fuckmachine">>
<<elseif $actions lte 0>>\
@@color:orange; You are Exhausted@@
<<button [[Leave|Your Room]]>><</button>>
</b></div><<set _mastur to random(1,4)>>\
<span id="dildo">
<<if _mastur is 1>>\
<<link "<h6>Use the Machine</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/adam/machine.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Cameras record everything you do in the room.
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Oh FUCK ! OH FUCK! YES ! YES ! WATCH ME! <</speech>>
<<set $actions to $actions -1>>
<<arousal 50>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +50@@<<upd>>
<<if $actions gte 1>>
<<include "fuckmachine">>
You are Exhausted.
<<elseif _mastur is 2>>
<<link "<h6>Use the Machine</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/adam/machine2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Cameras record everything you do in the room.
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Oh FUCK ! OH FUCK! YES ! YES ! WATCH ME! <</speech>>
<<set $actions to $actions -1>>
<<arousal 50>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +50@@<<upd>>
<<if $actions gte 1>>
<<include "fuckmachine">>
You are Exhausted.
<<elseif _mastur is 3>>
<<link "<h6>Use the Machine</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/adam/machine3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Cameras record everything you do in the room.
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Oh FUCK ! OH FUCK! YES ! YES ! WATCH ME! <</speech>>
<<set $actions to $actions -1>>
<<arousal 50>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +50@@<<upd>>
<<if $actions gte 1>>
<<include "fuckmachine">>
You are Exhausted.
<<elseif _mastur is 4>>
<<link "<h6>Use the Machine</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/adam/machine4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Cameras record everything you do in the room.
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Oh FUCK ! OH FUCK! YES ! YES ! WATCH ME! <</speech>>
<<set $actions to $actions -1>>
<<arousal 50>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +50@@<<upd>>
<<if $actions gte 1>>
<<include "fuckmachine">>
You are Exhausted.
</span>\<div class="leonbox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="dildo">
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/masturbate/hallway.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
Some securities are wondering around the hallway, but you don't care. You want to masturbate HERE!
<<if $actions gte 1>>\
<<include "masturbatehallway">>
@@color:orange;You are exhausted.@@
<<button [[Move on|Mansion]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<<set _mastur to random(1,3)>>\
<span id="dildo">
<<if _mastur is 1>>\
<<link "<h6>Masturbate</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/masturbate/hallway1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<set $actions to $actions -1>>
<<arousal 15>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +15@@<<upd>>
<<if $actions gte 1 and $bbcpal is true>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/jamal/jamalwatch.jpg' class='medium'>
Jamal is watching you.
<<speech "Jamal">>Hey Bitch. Want to taste real Cock?<</speech>>
<<include "jamalsuck">>
<<elseif $actions gte 1>>
<<include "masturbatehallway">>
You are Exhausted.
<<elseif _mastur is 2>>
<<link "<h6>Masturbate</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/masturbate/hallway2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<set $actions to $actions -1>>
<<arousal 15>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +15@@<<upd>>
<<if $actions gte 1 and $bbcpal is true>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/jamal/jamalwatch.jpg' class='medium'>
Jamal is watching you.
<<speech "Jamal">>Hey Bitch. Want to taste real Cock?<</speech>>
<<include "jamalsuck">>
<<elseif $actions gte 1>>
<<include "masturbatehallway">>
You are Exhausted.
<<elseif _mastur is 3>>
<<link "<h6>Masturbate</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/masturbate/hallway3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<set $actions to $actions -1>>
<<arousal 15>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal +15@@<<upd>>
<<if $actions gte 1 and $bbcpal is true>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/jamal/jamalwatch.jpg' class='medium'>
Jamal is watching you.
<<speech "Jamal">>Hey Bitch. Want to taste real Cock?<</speech>>
<<include "jamalsuck">>
<<elseif $actions gte 1>>
<<include "masturbatehallway">>
You are Exhausted.
<<set _mastur to random(1,3)>>\
<span id="dildo">
<<if _mastur is 1>>\
<<link "<h6>Suck Black Cock!</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jamal/jamalsuck1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>MMm!! What a fucking big Cock!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal">>It's for you Babe. Suck it.<</speech>>
<<arousal 20>><<upd>>
@@color:hotpink;Sucking Jamal's Cock makes you even hornier! Arousal +20@@
<<include "jamalfuck">>
<<elseif _mastur is 2>>\
<<link "<h6>Suck Black Cock!</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jamal/jamalsuck2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>MMm!! What a fucking big Cock!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal">>It's for you Babe. Suck it.<</speech>>
<<arousal 20>><<upd>>
@@color:hotpink;Sucking Jamal's Cock makes you even hornier! Arousal +20@@
<<include "jamalfuck">>
<<elseif _mastur is 3>>\
<<link "<h6>Suck Black Cock!</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jamal/jamalsuck3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>MMm!! What a fucking big Cock!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal">>It's for you Babe. Suck it.<</speech>>
<<arousal 20>><<upd>>
@@color:hotpink;Sucking Jamal's Cock makes you even hornier! Arousal +20@@
<<include "jamalfuck">>
<<set _mastur to random(1,3)>>\
<span id="dildo">
<<if _mastur is 1>>\
<<link "<h6>Fucks you!</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jamal/jamalfuck1.webm" class='large' autoplay muted controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Oh GAWD! YES YES! PLEASE MORE ! HARDER ! HARDER !<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal">>I love when bitches beg for my Dick<</speech>>
<<arousal 35>><<upd>>
@@color:hotpink;Jamal Fucks you Good. You are so Happy! Arousal +35@@
<<include "jamalfuckhard">>
<<elseif _mastur is 2>>\
<<link "<h6>Fucks you!</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jamal/jamalfuck2.webm" class='large' autoplay muted controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Oh GAWD! YES YES! PLEASE MORE ! HARDER ! HARDER !<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal">>I love when bitches beg for my Dick<</speech>>
<<arousal 35>><<upd>>
@@color:hotpink;Jamal Fucks you Good. You are so Happy! Arousal +35@@
<<include "jamalfuckhard">>
<<elseif _mastur is 3>>\
<<link "<h6>Fucks you!</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jamal/jamalfuck3.webm" class='large' autoplay muted controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Oh GAWD! YES YES! PLEASE MORE ! HARDER ! HARDER !<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal">>I love when bitches beg for my Dick<</speech>>
<<arousal 35>><<upd>>
@@color:hotpink;Jamal Fucks you Good. You are so Happy! Arousal +35@@
<<include "jamalfuckhard">>
<</if>></span>\<<set _mastur to random(1,3)>>\
<span id="dildo">
<<if _mastur is 1>>\
<<link "<h6>HARDER!</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jamal/jamalfucksrough.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted controls>
<<speech "Jamal">>TAKE IT YOU FUCKING BITCH ! TAKE IT! <</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>AH AH ! AH ! FUCK ! FUCK !!! I'M GONNA CUM SO HARD ! AH AH!<</speech>>
<<arousal 50>>
@@color:hotpink;Jamal Fucks you Good. You are so Happy! Arousal +50@@
<<set $needcock to $needcock +3>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Cocks +3@@
<<set $actions to $actions -1>><<upd>>\
<<elseif _mastur is 2>>\
<<link "<h6>HARDER!</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jamal/jamalfucksrough.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted controls>
<<speech "Jamal">>TAKE IT YOU FUCKING BITCH ! TAKE IT! <</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>AH AH ! AH ! FUCK ! FUCK !!! I'M GONNA CUM SO HARD ! AH AH!<</speech>>
<<arousal 50>>
@@color:hotpink;Jamal Fucks you Good. You are so Happy! Arousal +50@@
<<set $needcock to $needcock +3>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Cocks +3@@
<<set $actions to $actions -1>><<upd>>\
<<elseif _mastur is 3>>\
<<link "<h6>HARDER!</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jamal/jamalfucksrough.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted controls>
<<speech "Jamal">>TAKE IT YOU FUCKING BITCH ! TAKE IT! <</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>AH AH ! AH ! FUCK ! FUCK !!! I'M GONNA CUM SO HARD ! AH AH!<</speech>>
<<arousal 50>>
@@color:hotpink;Jamal Fucks you Good. You are so Happy! Arousal +50@@
<<set $needcock to $needcock +3>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Cocks +3@@
<<set $actions to $actions -1>><<upd>>\
<</if>></span>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bbc">
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jamal/watch.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Jamal invited some friend to Leon's House. Leon came with the idea to let them demolish your pussy hard.
<<speech "Leon">>Jamal could drain your balls into my wife's pussy today?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal">>Haha! Of course Leon. My friend was just about to ask.<</speech>>
Leon sits back and watching as two black men touch you
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Hey Boys! My hubby knows how to make me happy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal">>Yes he do. Now Suck this fucking cock Bitch!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Two Big Cocks</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jamal/watch1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Mmm Bring me that Black Cock!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Suck Them</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jamal/watch2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>GURLP!! YES! I LOVE SUCKING THEM!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal">>Oh Yes. You do.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Suck harder!</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jamal/watch3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Mmm!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>Jamal, i'd like you to fuck her. Now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal">>Your wish is my Command.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Ride Cock</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jamal/watch4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>YES! YES! GIVE ME THAT COCK! GURLP GURLP!<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>This is so good to watch.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Jump on it!</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jamal/watch5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Honey! AH AH! HONEY! THIS IS AMAZING! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>Anything for my Sweet Wife.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Behind and Front.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jamal/watch6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Leon">>Fuck! You boys are doing good job at fucking my wife!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Oh YES! MMMM STUFF MY MOUTH WITH THAT COCK! GURLP GURLP!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Behind and Front.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jamal/watch7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>I'M CUMMING!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal">>Cum you whore. What a fucking Hose!<</speech>>
<<set $bimorgasm to $bimorgasm +2>><<upd>>
@@color:hotpink;Orgasm +2@@
<<link "<h6>Harder! HARDER!</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jamal/watch8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Jamal">>We are not finished with you Bitch!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>YES! FUCK ME AGAIN! AGAIN! YES!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>On the floor.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jamal/watch9.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Leon">>Now this is a good place to watch!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Eat Cum!</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jamal/watch10.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Don't waste that cum! Let me eat it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal">>Sure Bitch! I'll serve you with my finger.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Mmm Delicious!<</speech>>
<<set $leon to $leon +2>>Leon is very pleased how they fucked you. Then he got a message on the phone.
<<speech "Leon">>Well done Boys! I need to go! You can continue. See ya Wifey!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Bye Leon! So. Boys? I see you are not satisfied yet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal">>Of course not, you Slut! Get on the sofa now!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Get Fucked AGAIN!</h6>">><<set $bbcfucks to true>><<goto "bbcfucksyou">><</link>>
<<button [[Move on|Mansion]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="party">
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/party/party.jpg' class='imageright'>
Leon and Adam organized a party in the mansion on the occasion of their birthdays. They were born on exactly the same day. In fact, they invited a large number of guests who like to party hard.
You dressed for the occasion as a Luxury Princess, which may be a bit much, but who cares. This is their party not yours. <<if $needcock gte 50>>Before joining the party, you took a pregnancy test.
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/party/preg.jpg' class='medium'>
It came Positive!
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Oh my... Whose can this be?<</speech>>
You don't know what do with this situation...
Then you decided to move on.<</if>>\
You are about to go downstairs to join the party where you will see something you have never seen in your life. As if it were a party for your celebration.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Leave the Room</h6>">><<audio "partysex" play>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/party/7.webp' class='imageright'>
You can't believe what's going on here. This is a real sex orgy. Everyone is fucking each other. You feel like you're in some kind of brothel but an elegant one. The scent and sound of this room is so arousing to you.
Inside that crowd you see Jamal drinking a Champange.
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/party/15.webp' class='imageleft'>
As you approach it every girl on the way is being fucked by middle-aged men. A couple of people even greeted you with a hug even though they were sweaty with sex.
Finally you reached Jamal.
<<speech "Jamal">>Hey Babe. You look nice today. Are you having fun?<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Yeah, this is the best party i've been to!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal">>Maybe you want to go to a better orgy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>What do you mean? There is a better orgy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal">>Come with me.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Go with Jamal</h6>">><<replace "#party">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/party/8.webp' class='imageleft'>
When you leave the hall, Jamal is taking you to room where he lives.
Inside this room are a dozen black guys doing their orgy.
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Oh Fuck!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Black Men">>Hey Gurl! Come on! Take this black dick inside your mouth!<</speech>>
Jamal smiled as you are drowining inside that orgy.
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/party/9.webp' class='imageright'>
Every one of this guys are fucking you in every position.
Even Jamal joined to fuck you.
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>OH YES! STUFF MY MOUTH WITH BIG BLACK COCK!<</speech>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/party/11.webp' class='imageleft'>
You are sucking every cock inside that room. They dont have mercy for you.
<<speech "Boy2" "Black Men">>Fuck! This Bitch is Good!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal">>Sure she is!<</speech>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/party/12.webp' class='medium'>
<<link "<h6>Jamal Rescue you</h6>">><<replace "#party">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/party/10.webp' class='imageleft'>
Jamal takes you from the herd of Black guys and takes you to other room to fuck you privately.
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>OH GAWD! JAMAL YOU WERE SO RIGHT ABOUT THIS PLACE!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal">>Come on bitch! I want to fuck you harder now!<</speech>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/party/13.webp' class='imageright'>
Jamal throws at the bed and start pounding you from behind.
<<speech "Jamal">>Fuck yes! Love fucking your pussy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Harder! Fuck harder!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Hop on his dick.</h6>">><<replace "#party">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/party/17.webp' class='medium'>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>I can't get enough of you Big Cock!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal">>Of course you Slut! You are addicted to this fucking Dick!<</speech>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/party/18.webp' class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>I'm FUCKING CUMMING!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal">>I'm glad this is your first orgasm with me in this party.<</speech>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/party/14.webp' class='imageright'>
<<speech "Jamal">>Now Taste my seed! Whore!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Yes! Cum on me! <</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Plenty of Sex</h6>">><<replace "#party">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/party/5.webp' class='imageleft'>
Jamal left you for other Girl.
When you left the room some random person are touching you and makes you arroused.
One of them are taking your head to his dick.
<<speech "Girl1" "Rich Wife">>Honey... please hurry up with this slut. Nanny called that our child is having a little fever.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Rich Husband">>Sure Honey... Fuck!! Take this you Whore!!<</speech>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/party/6.webp' class='imageright'>
Three guys approached you took advantage of you.
<<speech "Boy1" "Man in Mask">>So.. was i saying... The Mr.Liebarti is making a huge mistake doing a favor for this city. That city is already lost!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Man in Mask">>He is fucking imbecile. Liebarti doesn't know there is someone more powerful than him. And he will know that by tommorow.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Man in Mask">>What do you mean? Whore! Don't stop sucking!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Man in Mask">>My men are just about to kidnap his daughter.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Man in Mask">>You Genius!<</speech>>
After this conversation they ended up with you with seed on the floor.
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/party/1.webp' class='imageleft'>
This orgy continued until dawn. By then, you had never seen either Leon or Adam.
Until some guest were trying to leave, Adam pokes you from behind.
<<speech "Adam">>Hey Mom! Are you having fun?<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Fuck Yes! Son! That party is magnificent!<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>Darling! Finally we found you! You look Hot today!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Thank you Hubby! You too! OH i love this party!<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>We know! This party is for you Wifey! We are so proud of you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>You are so good to me you both! I'd like to repay you somehow... You know what? Let's go to my bedroom! Only three of us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>Mom! that's really good idea! Let's go!<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>Honey you are the best! Lead the way!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leon and Adam]]>><<audio "partysex" stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="end">
You are about to reveal them that you are in child...
But whatever! They are here! Ready for you!
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/party/leonadam.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Leon">>Look, she is waiting for us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>Damn, after that hard party, i thought she would go to sleep.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Leon and Adam</h6>">><<replace "#end">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/party/leonadam2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Both of you... You were so good to me...<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>Wifey...<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>Mom...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Leon and Adam</h6>">><<replace "#end">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/party/leonadam3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Your Cocks are so good! Can't decide which one!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Leon and Adam</h6>">><<replace "#end">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/party/leonadam4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Adam">>Damn... Party was great... But this!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Leon and Adam</h6>">><<replace "#end">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/party/leonadam5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Leon">>Come on, Let's make her even happier.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Leon and Adam</h6>">><<replace "#end">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/party/leonadam6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>MMMM!!! Fuck!! YES!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>Fuucckk!! Mom's Pussy is so Wet! <</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>No way! After some many interaction at the party and still wet?<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Leon and Adam</h6>">><<replace "#end">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/party/leonadam7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Leon">>You were Right Son! She is wet!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>MMM!! GURLP! GURLP!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Leon and Adam</h6>">><<replace "#end">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/party/leonadam8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>GuYS!! I'M GONNA... CUUM!!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Leon and Adam</h6>">><<replace "#end">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/party/leonadam9.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Leon">>I'm getting... Close!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>Fucck....<</speech>>
<<button [[The Bimbo End]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="penis"><b>
<span id="fucks">
<video src="img/pbedroom/daddrugged.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh God! David!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>This is just the beginning.<</speech>>
<<link "<h3>To the Bed, NOW!</h3>">><<replace "#fucks">>
<video src="img/pbedroom/daddrugged2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>COME HERE!<</speech>>
<<link "<h3>SUCK</h3>">><<replace "#fucks">>
<video src="img/pbedroom/daddrugged3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>SUCK IT!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>GULP! GULP! GULP!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>OH!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h3>FUCK</h3>">><<replace"#fucks">>
<video src="img/pbedroom/daddrugged4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Just like THAT!<</speech>>
<<link "<h3>CLOP CLOP CLOP</h3>">><<replace "#fucks">>
<video src="img/pbedroom/daddrugged5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I FUCKING LOVE IT! DEEPER!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>FUCK!<</speech>>
<<link "<h3>SIDE FUCK</h3>">><<replace "#fucks">>
<video src="img/pbedroom/daddrugged6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>MY GOD DAVID!!! YES!! FUCK ME!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h3>SUCK MY DICK</h3>">><<replace "#fucks">>
<video src="img/pbedroom/daddrugged7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh! CLEAN IT! I NEED TO FUCK YOU AGAIN!<</speech>>
<<link "<h3>NO MERCY FOR YOU PUSSY</h3>">><<replace "#fucks">>
<video src="img/pbedroom/daddrugged8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>FEELS SO GOOD! MY PUSSY IS IN HEAVEN!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h3>MORE MORE MORE</h3>">><<replace "#fucks">>
<video src="img/pbedroom/daddrugged9.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I'M GONNA CUM!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>OH YOU FUCKED ME SO GOOD I Can't!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>OLENA! DON'T YOU REST! I NEED MORE!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>OH DAVID!<</speech>>
<<link "<h3>PUSSY IS TOO WET</h3>">><<replace "#fucks">>
<video src="img/pbedroom/daddrugged10.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>JESUS CHRIST!<</speech>>
<<link "<h3>MARTHA MULTIPLE ORGASM</h3>">><<replace "#fucks">>
<video src="img/pbedroom/daddrugged11.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>FUCK FUCK FUCK! I'M GONNA CUM AGAIN!<</speech>>
<<link "<h3>CLIMAX!</h3>">><<replace "#fucks">>
<video src="img/pbedroom/daddrugged12.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh fuck! DAVID! You were fuckmachine today! What happened?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I am still ready for more.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>LET ME REST FOR A MOMENT PLEASE!<</speech>>
They fuck for like few hours.
<<button [[Move on|Scenes]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="client2box"><b>\
<<if $scene is 1>>\
<span id="blow">
<div align="center"><h6>@@color:lightblue;You Endured the Pressure:$succlient@@</h6><h6>@@color:red;You Failed the Pressure:$failclient@@</h6></div>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/suck2.webm" loop class='large'></video>
@@color:lightblue;You Endured@@
<<link "<h5>Another One</h5>">><<replace "#blow">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/hold2.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<include "endure2">>
<<timed 5s t8n>>
<<if $holdsuc gte 3>>\
<<goto "We are Exclusive Client 2">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to $succlient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<goto "We are Exclusive Client 2">><<audio "cough2" play>><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to $failclient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<elseif $scene is 3>>\
<span id="blow">
<div align="center"><h6>@@color:lightblue;You Endured the Pressure:$succlient@@</h6><h6>@@color:red;You Failed the Pressure:$failclient@@</h6></div>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/position1.webm" loop class='large'></video>
@@color:lightblue;You Endured@@
@@color:orange;You got 10 Seconds to Endure (You need to press 8 Right Bars)@@
<<link "<h5>Pussy Action</h5>">><<replace "#blow">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/hold4.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<include "endure3">>
<<timed 10s t8n>>
<<if $holdsuc gte 8>>\
<<goto "We are Exclusive Client 2">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to $succlient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<goto "We are Exclusive Client 2">><<audio "cough2" play>><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to $failclient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<elseif $scene is 5>>\
<span id="blow">
<div align="center"><h6>@@color:lightblue;You Endured the Pressure:$succlient@@</h6><h6>@@color:red;You Failed the Pressure:$failclient@@</h6></div>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/position3.webm" loop class='large'></video>
@@color:lightblue;You endured@@
<<link "<h5>HOLD IT!</h5>">><<replace "#blow">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/hold6.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<include "endure4">>
<<timed 10s t8n>>
<<if $holdsuc gte 8>>\
<<goto "We are Exclusive Client 2">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to $succlient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<goto "We are Exclusive Client 2">><<audio "cough2" play>><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to $failclient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<elseif $scene is 7>>\
<span id="blow">
<div align="center"><h6>@@color:lightblue;You Endured the Pressure:$succlient@@</h6><h6>@@color:red;You Failed the Pressure:$failclient@@</h6></div>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/position5.webm" loop class='large'></video>
@@color:lightblue;You endured@@
<<link "<h5>Front and Back</h5>">><<replace "#blow">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/hold8.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<include "endure4">>
<<timed 10s t8n>>
<<if $holdsuc gte 8>>\
<<goto "We are Exclusive Client 2">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to $succlient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<goto "We are Exclusive Client 2">><<audio "cough1" play>><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to $failclient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<elseif $scene is 9>>\
After the Multiple Cums in your mouth the Client approached you.
<<speech "Client2" "Client">>Perfect! BRAVISMO! We finally found the Girl of our dreams!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh Guys! It was most pleasent party i've ever been!<</speech>>
They did something you wouldn't believe in your own eyes.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Rain Money</h4>">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/moneyrain.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<button [[Leave|Scenes]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="client2box"><b>\
<<if $scene is 1>>\
<span id="blow">
<div align="center"><h6>@@color:lightblue;You Endured the Pressure:$succlient@@</h6><h6>@@color:red;You Failed the Pressure:$failclient@@</h6></div><<audio "cough1" play>>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/suck2.webm" loop class='large' onloadstart="this.volume=0.2"></video>
<<speech "Client2" "Client">>Hmm...<</speech>>
@@color:red;Failed the hold pressure @@
@@color:orange;Move on@@
<<link "<h2>Another One</h2>">><<replace "#blow">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/hold2.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<include "endure2">>
<<timed 5s t8n>>
<<if $holdsuc gte 3>>\
<<goto "We are Exclusive Client 2">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to $succlient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<goto "We are Exclusive Client 2">><<audio "cough1" play>><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to $failclient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<elseif $scene is 3>>\
<span id="blow">
<div align="center"><h6>@@color:lightblue;You Endured the Pressure:$succlient@@</h6><h6>@@color:red;You Failed the Pressure:$failclient@@</h6></div><<audio "cough2" play>>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/position1.webm" loop class='large'></video>
@@color:red;Failed the hold pressure @@
@@color:orange;Move on@@
@@color:orange;You got 10 Seconds to Endure (You need to press 8 Right Bars)@@
<<link "<h5>Pussy Action</h5>">><<replace "#blow">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/hold4.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<include "endure3">>
<<timed 10s t8n>>
<<if $holdsuc gte 8>>\
<<goto "We are Exclusive Client 2">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to $succlient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<goto "We are Exclusive Client 2">><<audio "cough2" play>><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to $failclient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<elseif $scene is 5>>\
<span id="blow">
<div align="center"><h6>@@color:lightblue;You Endured the Pressure:$succlient@@</h6><h6>@@color:red;You Failed the Pressure:$failclient@@</h6></div><<audio "cough1" play>>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/position3.webm" loop class='large'></video>
@@color:red;Failed the hold pressure @@
@@color:orange;Move on@@
<<link "<h5>HOLD IT!</h5>">><<replace "#blow">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/hold6.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<include "endure4">>
<<timed 10s t8n>>
<<if $holdsuc gte 8>>\
<<goto "We are Exclusive Client 2">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to $succlient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<goto "We are Exclusive Client 2">><<audio "cough2" play>><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to $failclient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<elseif $scene is 7>>\
<span id="blow">
<div align="center"><h6>@@color:lightblue;You Endured the Pressure:$succlient@@</h6><h6>@@color:red;You Failed the Pressure:$failclient@@</h6></div><<audio "cough2" play>>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/position5.webm" loop class='large'></video>
@@color:red;Failed the hold pressure @@
@@color:orange;Move on@@
<<link "<h5>Front and Back</h5>">><<replace "#blow">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/hold8.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<include "endure4">>
<<timed 10s t8n>>
<<if $holdsuc gte 8>>\
<<goto "We are Exclusive Client 2">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to $succlient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<goto "We are Exclusive Client 2">><<audio "cough2" play>><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to $failclient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<elseif $scene is 9>><<audio "cough2" play>>\
After the Multiple Cums in your mouth the Client approached you.
<<speech "Client2" "Client">>Perfect! BRAVISMO! We finally found the Girl of our dreams!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh Guys! It was most pleasent party i've ever been!<</speech>>
They did something you wouldn't believe in your own eyes.
<<linkreplace "Rain Money">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/moneyrain.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<button [[Leave|Scenes]>><</button>>
<div class="client2box"><b>\
<<if $scene is 0>>\
<span id="blow">
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/suck.webm" loop class='large'></video>
Crawling to Client.
The clients is gonna hold his cock deep into your mouth.
@@color:orange;You got 5 Seconds to Endure (You need to press 3 Right Bars)@@
<<link "<h2>He starts to Choke you</h2>">><<replace "#blow">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/hold.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<include "endure">>
<<timed 5s t8n>>
<<if $holdsuc gte 3>>\
<<goto "sucgood1">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to $succlient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<goto "sucfail1">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to $failclient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<elseif $scene is 2>>
<span id="blow">
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/suck3.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<div align="center"><h6>@@color:lightblue;You Endured the Pressure:$succlient@@</h6><h6>@@color:red;You Failed the Pressure:$failclient@@</h6></div>
<<link "<h5>Hold it!</h5>">><<replace "#blow">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/hold3.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<include "endure2">>
<<timed 5s t8n>>
<<if $holdsuc gte 3>>\
<<goto "sucgood1">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to $succlient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<goto "sucfail1">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to $failclient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<elseif $scene is 4>>
<span id="blow">
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/position2.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<div align="center"><h6>@@color:lightblue;You Endured the Pressure:$succlient@@</h6><h6>@@color:red;You Failed the Pressure:$failclient@@</h6></div>
@@color:orange;You got 10 Seconds to Endure (You need to press 8 Right Bars)@@
<<link "<h5>The Group is around you</h5>">><<replace "#blow">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/hold5.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<include "endure3">>
<<timed 10s t8n>>
<<if $holdsuc gte 8>>\
<<goto "sucgood1">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to $succlient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<goto "sucfail1">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to $failclient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<elseif $scene is 6>>
<span id="blow">
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/position4.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<div align="center"><h6>@@color:lightblue;You Endured the Pressure:$succlient@@</h6><h6>@@color:red;You Failed the Pressure:$failclient@@</h6></div>
<<link "<h5>Choke on this Cock</h5>">><<replace "#blow">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/hold7.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<include "endure4">>
<<timed 10s t8n>>
<<if $holdsuc gte 8>>\
<<goto "sucgood1">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to $succlient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<goto "sucfail1">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to $failclient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<elseif $scene is 8>>\
<span id="blow">
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/position6.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<div align="center"><h6>@@color:lightblue;You Endured the Pressure:$succlient@@</h6><h6>@@color:red;You Failed the Pressure:$failclient@@</h6></div>
@@color:orange;You got 20 seconds to endure. (18 Bar Correct)@@
<<link "<h5>Cum Festiwal</h5>">><<replace "#blow">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/hold9.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<include "endure4">>
<<timed 20s t8n>>
<<if $holdsuc gte 18>>\
<<goto "sucgood1">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $succlient to $succlient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
<<goto "sucfail1">><<set $holdfail to 0>><<set $holdsuc to 0>><<set $failclient to $failclient +1>><<set $scene to $scene +1>>
</b></div>\<div class="client2box"><b>\
<span id="client">
<img src="img/weareexclusive/client2/house.jpg" class='medium'>
You went to the Location where your Client posted. The house is Big and Luxuries, that Client must be rich and powerful. As you walk to the entrance of the house, somebody from behind put the bag to your head and tied you up.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>H-HEY!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Client2" "Client">>Calm Down, my dear. Just play along. You need to satisfy the client don't you?<</speech>>
It must be some perverted fantasies of the client, so you need endure the pressure.
<<linkreplace "<h2>Wake up</h2>">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/client01.webm" controls class='large'></video>
Where am i?
Why am I tied up?
What is going on?
The man with the mask is coming for you.
<<speech "Client2" "Client">>Remember, it's only for fun. Treat my customers with respect, and you will be richly rewarded.<</speech>>
<<link "<h2>He leads you to his Herd</h2>">><<replace "#client">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client2/client02.webm" controls class='large'></video>
Took off the bag from your Head...
You can't believe what's going on here, A group of men with a mask are sitting and waiting for you.
It seems really serious...
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my...<</speech>>
<<speech "Client2" "Client">>This is her, my Friends! Let's Begin!<</speech>>
Group of Men are waiting for you.
<<button [[Serve Them|We are Exclusive Client 2]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="client1box"><b>\
You arrived to the place.
@@.pulse;<img src='img/weareexclusive/device.jpg' class='medium'>@@
Your Device wibrate. That means you are starting your session with Client.
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Hello to my Studio!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow... i've never been in studio before. It looks so profesional.<</speech>>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Yeah, it is not mine though. I borrowed it from a friend of mine. I'm retired photographer, but for some time i'm still craving for old times.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's cool! So what do you want me to do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>There is a bathroom. I'd like you to wear that red lingerie. I'll prepare the camera.<</speech>>
<img src="img/weareexclusive/client1/red.webp" class='medium'>
<<linkreplace "<h4>To the Bathroom</h4>">>
<<set $firstclient to 2>><<upd>>
You took the Lingerie and went to the bathroom.
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client1/changing.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
Wearing this piece of cloth makes you a little stressed, not to mention that he will demand task from you.
You dressed up at the customer's request.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well... here we go. Try not to fuck it up.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>To the Client</h4>">>
<<set $firstclient to 3>><<upd>>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Damn... You look great!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks hah!<</speech>>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Okay, Please stand there.<</speech>>
He shows you exactly how to pose for a photo.
<<button [[Photo Session|Photo]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="client1box"><b><<set $seconds to 5>>\
<<audio "photoshoot" play>>
<i>Minigame Rules:
You have 5 seconds to guess what Pose it is.
Right pose is with green border. Wrong red.
If timer goes down it will be considered as a failure.</i>
<<if $shoots is 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>First Pose</h4>">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/pose11.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<set _poseshoot to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _poseshoot is 1>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 2>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 3>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<timed 5s>><<goto "posefail2">><</timed>>
<<elseif $shoots is 1>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Second Pose</h4>">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/pose2.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<set _poseshoot to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _poseshoot is 1>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 2>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 3>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<timed 5s>><<goto "posefail2">><</timed>>
<<elseif $shoots is 2>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Third Pose</h4>">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/pose3.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<set _poseshoot to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _poseshoot is 1>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POS@@E</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 2>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 3>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<timed 5s>><<goto "posefail2">><</timed>>
<<elseif $shoots is 3>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Fourth Pose</h4>">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/pose4.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<set _poseshoot to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _poseshoot is 1>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 2>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 3>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<timed 5s>><<goto "posefail2">><</timed>>
<<elseif $shoots is 4>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Fifth Pose</h4>">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/pose5.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<set _poseshoot to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _poseshoot is 1>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 2>>
<<link "<div class='good'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 3>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>POSE</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<timed 5s>><<goto "posefail2">><</timed>>
<<elseif $shoots is 5>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Client ask for more</h4>">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/changepose.webm" class='large'></video>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Maybe spice it up a little bit?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh? what do you mean.<</speech>>
He points at your bra.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm Sure.<</speech>>
You willingly try to take off bra.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Sixth Pose</h4>">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/pose6.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<set _poseshoot to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _poseshoot is 1>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 2>>
<<link "<div class='good'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 3>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<timed 5s>><<goto "posefail2">><</timed>>
<<elseif $shoots is 6>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Seventh Pose</h4>">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/pose7.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<set _poseshoot to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _poseshoot is 1>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 2>>
<<link "<div class='good'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 3>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<timed 5s>><<goto "posefail2">><</timed>>
<<elseif $shoots is 7>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Eighth Pose</h4>">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/pose8.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<set _poseshoot to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _poseshoot is 1>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 2>>
<<link "<div class='good'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<elseif _poseshoot is 3>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='fail'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posefail2">><</link>>
<<link "<div class='good'>@@.pulse;POSE@@</div>">><<goto "posewin2">><</link>>
<<timed 5s>><<goto "posefail2">><</timed>>
<div class="client1box"><b>\
<<if $shoots is 0>>\
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posewin1.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $winphoto to $winphoto +1>>
<h3>Successful Photo</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 1>>\
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posewin2.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $winphoto to $winphoto +1>>
<h3>Successful Photo</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 2>>\
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posewin3.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $winphoto to $winphoto +1>>
<h3>Successful Photo</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 3>>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posewin4.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $winphoto to $winphoto +1>>
<h3>Successful Photo</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 4>>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posewin5.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $winphoto to $winphoto +1>>
<h3>Successful Photo</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 5>>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posewin6.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $winphoto to $winphoto +1>>
<h3>Successful Photo</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 6>>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posewin7.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $winphoto to $winphoto +1>>
<h3>Successful Photo</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 7>>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posewin8.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $winphoto to $winphoto +1>>
<h3>Successful Photo</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<if $winphoto gte 6>>\
<<button [[Client Happy|clienthappy]]>><<audio "photoshoot" stop>><</button>>
<<button [[Client upset|clientupset]]>><<audio "photoshoot" stop>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="client1box"><b>\
<<if $shoots is 0>>\
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posefail1.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $failphoto to $failphoto +1>>
<h3>Failed Photos</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 1>>\
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posefail2.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $failphoto to $failphoto +1>>
<h3>Failed Photos</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 2>>\
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posefail3.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $failphoto to $failphoto +1>>
<h3>Failed Photos</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 3>>\
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posefail4.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $failphoto to $failphoto +1>>
<h3>Failed Photos</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 4>>\
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posefail5.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $failphoto to $failphoto +1>>
<h3>Failed Photos</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 5>>\
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posefail6.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $failphoto to $failphoto +1>>
<h3>Failed Photos</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 6>>\
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posefail7.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $failphoto to $failphoto +1>>
<h3>Failed Photos</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<button [[Next|Photo]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $shoots is 7>>\
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/posefail8.webm" class='large'></video>
<<set $failphoto to $failphoto +1>>
<h3>Failed Photos</h3>
<<set $shoots to $shoots +1>>
<<if $winphoto gte 6>>\
<<button [[Client Happy|clienthappy]]>><<audio "photoshoot" stop>><</button>>
<<button [[Client upset|clientupset]]>><<audio "photoshoot" stop>><</button>>
<div class="client1box"><b>\
<span id="client">
By the look of the photographer you know he is dissapointed with your perfomance. So try to do something to make him happy.
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/clientupset.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Hmm... I like where it is going.<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Take the chance in your hand</h4>">><<replace "#client">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/makeclienthappy.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<link "<h4>Hmm i know What he Likes.</h4>">><<replace "#client">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/makeclienthappy1.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Mmm your Feets. Are so sexy.<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>He really do like them</h4>">><<replace "#client">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/makeclienthappy2.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<link "<h4>Foot Job</h4>">><<replace "#client">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/makeclienthappy3.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Your Pussy and Feets are so sexy... I like them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OH!<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>He takes it too well</h4>">><<replace "#client">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/makeclienthappy4.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>I was dissapointed with your posing but in that one... you are perfect.<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Cums on your Feets</h4>">><<replace "#client">>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/makeclienthappy5.webm" loop class='large'></video>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Fuuuuuck......<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm...<</speech>>
<<button [[Clients pays you|paysyou2]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="client1box"><b>
<video autoplay src="img/weareexclusive/client1/clienthappy.webm" loop class='large'></video>
You succeeded in making the client happy.
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Wow!! You are such a good model! Working with was a really fun and profesional.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thank you! You are great a photographer. You should do it more!<</speech>>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Maybe... Okay there on the drawer is the money for flawless work.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Take the money</h4>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow that's a lot of money.<</speech>>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Those are yours. Thanks for modeling. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure! See ya!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|Scenes]]>><<set $firstclient to 0>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="client1box"><b>\
<<if $failphoto gte 8>>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Hmm... The photos are a failure but your Feets done a good job.<</speech>>
<<elseif $failphoto gte 7>>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Hmm... The photos are a failure well except for one. But your Feets did a great job.<</speech>>
<<elseif $failphoto gte 6>>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Hmm... Mostly photos are a failure but your Feets done a good job.<</speech>>
<<elseif $failphoto gte 5>>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Hmm... Some photos are a failure but your Feets done a good job.<</speech>>
<<elseif $failphoto gte 4>>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>Hmm... Mostly the photos are good. But your Feets done a good job.<</speech>>
<<elseif $failphoto gte 3>>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>I wanted good pictures and I got them. I like the pictures and your Feets did a good job.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thank you and sorry for my mistakes. I'll be better next time!<</speech>>
<<speech "Client1" "Client">>I hope so! See you around!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|Scenes]]>><<set $firstclient to 0>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/adam/fuckagain.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Adam">>God Damn Mom! Today I'm gonna sleep good!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Son! That was the best!<</speech>>
<<set $needcock to $needcock +3>>
<<set $bimorgasm to $bimorgasm +3>><<upd>>
@@color:hotpink;Orgasm +3@@
@@color:orange;Cocks +3@@
<<button [[Move on|Mansion]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/jamal/fuckagain.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Jamal">>Let's Destroy this Slut!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>FUCK! YES!<</speech>>
<<set $needcock to $needcock +3>>
<<set $bimorgasm to $bimorgasm +3>><<upd>>
@@color:hotpink;Orgasm +3@@
@@color:orange;Cocks +3@@
<<button [[Move on|Mansion]]>><</button>>
<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/gang/gang5.webp' class='imageleft'>
@@color:orange;After several years later you become a Gang Whore. At first, Boss made you his personal whore. You even breed him few childrens that you didn't care about. After those years, you bored him, so he handed you over to his gang.@@
<<timed 3s t8n>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/gang/gang4.webp' class='imageright'>
@@color:lightyellow;They've been using you everyday and night. You couldn't even count how many dicks you received every day.
You loved that... being a Gang Slut.@@
<<timed 5s t8n>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/gang/gang2.webp' class='imageleft'>
@@color:hotpink;The gang even offered you to another gang, as a down payment for some goods. They've been using you hard aswell.
You liked it so much that you begged them to let you stick with them. @@
<<timed 7s t8n>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/gang/gang3.webp' class='imageright'>
@@color:pink;Your Gang leader accepted and you joined to other gang...
But this gang was more furious and dangerous than before...
They were rougher and stronger...@@
<<timed 10s t8n>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/gang/gang7.webp' class='imageleft'>
They were so busy fucking you until some gang attacked their Turf!
In the middle of shootout you were running away..
But in the End you were trapped in the room...
<<timed 11s t8n>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/gang/bomb.gif' class='imageright'>
@@color:red;The gang who attacked, planted a bomb inisde the building...
They blew up the whole building with you...
<h5>Bad Ending</h5>@@
<<button [[Return|Motel Room]]>><<set $bimboslut to 5>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/party/end.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
After a long rough pouding all felt asleep together...
You woke up Before the morning you had the urge to puke, You rushed quickly to the toilet.
When you walk out of the bathroom Leon and Adam woke up and looked at you with smiling expressions.
<<speech "Leon">>Adam! Am i thinking right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>Yeah, Dad. She's a preggo!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Yes Guys... But i don't whose it is!<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>No one cares! From now on. We know you can be pregnant that easily. Me and Adam finally found the Woman of our dreams.<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>Fuck yeah. I can't wait till i'll get her pregnant again Dad!<</speech>>
You are so shocked what are they talking about. Then you hear knocking to the doors.
<<speech "Leon">>Oh! That must be our Wifes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Wifes???<</speech>>
<<speech "Adam">>Of course! Let's introduce you to them.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Doors</h6>">>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/party/harem.jpg' class='large'>
Leon and Adam open the door inside enter these strange women with large belly. They all are pregnant!
They have been hiding this secret all along!
<<speech "Girl1" "Margaret">>Huh... Leon? Is this another Girl of yours? Is she...<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>Yes Darling! Yes she is!<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl2" "Lizzy">>Hey Girl! Welcome to the Club, haha!<</speech>>
You couldn't believe what are you experienced, Which makes you little aroused. The family is now a lot bigger, You got new Sister where they help each other in hard times. That's the life you will be living now. Another Mommy to bear their children.
<h5>Bimbo Stage 2 END</h5>
<h3>Return to the Motel.</h3>
<<button [[Return|Motel Room]]>><<set $bimboslut to 5>><<set $bimorgasm to 0>><<set $needcock to 0>><<set $arousal to 0>><<set $actions to 0>><<set $adam to 0>><<set $leon to 0>><<set $bbcpal to false>><<set $lockdoor to false>><</button>>
<h3>To Hospital.</h3>
<<button [[Return|hospital]]>><<set $bimboend to 1>><<set $bimboslut to 0>><<set $bimorgasm to 0>><<set $needcock to 0>><<set $arousal to 0>><<set $actions to 0>><<set $adam to 0>><<set $leon to 0>><<set $bbcpal to false>><<set $lockdoor to false>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bbc">
When both of you arrived to his place, You asked Tyrone to use his pool to calm down after a long drive thorugh the desert. Tyrone was okay with this and went to his room for little nap.
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/pool.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
You've been through a lot these past few months.
Being a whore of Anna and being used by several men...
Then her Brother joined in, but you had a feeling you know him somewhere before...
And after that night when the guy in the suit killed them both.
Being in the pool doesn't rest you enough, Only Tyrone can calm you down.
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Tyrone...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Tyrone</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/tyrone.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Tyrone is already awake and waiting for you inside. Waiting for you.
<<speech "Tyrone">>You good now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>No. I need something else.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Say it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Your Cock...<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Louder!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Your Big Fucking Cock!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Tyrone</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/tyrone1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Suck it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>So fucking big... GURLP! GURLP! This taste...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Tyrone</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/tyrone2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>HARDER! FUCK ME! HARDER!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Who are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>I'm Nobody!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Wrong. Again!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>I'm .. I'm... WHORE! A SLUT! BIMBO FUCK MEAT!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Niceee!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Tyrone</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/tyrone3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Come on, Fuck Meat. Let's speed up the tempo<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>OH! OW!! AH! FUCK!!! YES!! MY PUSSY!! IS STRETCHING!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Tyrone</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/tyrone4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>GAWD!! YES! LIKE THAT!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Do you Love this? Do you want to do that every day? Being a fucking nasty slut?<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Yes! YES! IT'S MY DREAM! I Love Being Used! MY LIFE IS COMPLETE!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Tyrone</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/tyrone5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Surrender to your own pleasure.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>MY BRAIN IS MELTING OF THIS PLEASURE!! AH!! FUCK!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Tyrone</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/tyrone7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Tyrone">>HAHA! Looks like i finally dragged out of your nature!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>THIS IS TOO MUCH!! AH ! AH ! LET ME CUM!! AH! FUUCK!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Yes... you belong to us now.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Tyrone</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/tyrone8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Drink my Loyal Slave!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>My fucking Gawd! This is so good! I want MORE!<</speech>>
<<button [[You Belong to Tyrone now]]>><<set $bimboslut to 13>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
You and Tyron were having a busy week...
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<h3>Day 1</h3><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/day1.webp' class='medium'>
Sucking his cock...
<</timed>><<timed 5s t8n>>
<h3>Day 2</h3><</timed>><<timed 6s t8n>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/day2.webp' class='medium'>
Rough fucking...
<<timed 10s t8n>><h3>Day 3</h3><</timed>>
<<timed 11s t8n>><img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/day3.webp' class='medium'>
Riding on him...<</timed>>
<<timed 15s t8n>><h3>Day 4</h3><</timed>>
<<timed 16s t8n>><img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/day4.webp' class='medium'>
<<timed 21s t8n>><h3>Day 5 Your Favorite Day.</h3><</timed>>
<<timed 22s t8n>>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/day5.gif' class='medium'>
Drinking his semen...<</timed>>
<<timed 26s t8n>><h3>Day 6</h3><</timed>>
<<timed 27s t8n>><img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/day6.webp' class='medium'>
<<timed 30s t8n>><h3>Day 7</h3><</timed>>
<<timed 31s t8n>><img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/day7.webp' class='medium'>
More and more fucking through the whole day...
<<button [[Tyrone's Friends]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bbc">
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/group.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
After long week having sex, Tyrone invited his friend all over the town to meet you.
They were so excited and horny looking at you. You acting so naughty and lewd when you are surround by several men.
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Heeeyyy Booyys!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>This is her. Do what you want with her. It's all yours.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Black Guy">>FUCK! THOSE TITS!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Black Guy">>Meeen! Tyrone! Where did you find her?<</speech>>
Tyrone smiled and starts recording with his camera.
<<link "<h6>Suck</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/group1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Boy1" "Black Guy">>I'm next!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>GURLP! GURLP!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Suck 2</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/group2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Boy2" "Black Guy">>Damn her Pussy tastes good!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Black Guy">>After this it won't haha!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Boys are getting into you.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/group3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Boy1" "Black Guy">>Come on! Give me that Sweet Pussy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Fuck Boys! Everyone will get their Share!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Black Guy">>You fucking nasty Slut!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Fucking Festival</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/group4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>ah! Ah! AH! FUCK! GIVE ME THAT COOOOCK!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Black Guy">>Damn! She is so thirsty for that cock.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Black Guy">>I love when Sluts ask for it!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Fucking and Fucking!</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/group5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>MORE! MORE!!! DO ME MORE!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Black Guy">>God dammit Tyrone! I envy you! This girl is so slutty!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Everyone want you at once.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/group6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Boy2" "Black Guy">>Take that Cock BITCH!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>MMMM! MY HOLE IS SO STRETCHED!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Trash Whore!</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/group7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>TYRONE!!! AAH AH!! THEY ARE GONNA TO BREAKE ME!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Come on Boys! Rougher with her!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>I'm IN HEAVEN!!! AH!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Slut!</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/group8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Boy1" "Black Guy">>Damn... She so fucking hot in this postion.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Boys are ready for you.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/group9.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Boy2" "Black Guy">>Crawl pig! Beg for it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Ah... !! Please...!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Please!! Give me your MILK!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Black Guy">>Haha!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Cum Festival.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/group10.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Boy1" "Black Guy">>~Here it Comes~!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Black Guy">>Swallow it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Black Guy">>Look at her! She is so addicted to Sperm! Fuck!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>YEEESSS!! THIS TASTE IS SO DELICIOUS!<</speech>>
Tyrone end the recording.
<<button [[Tyrone's End]]>><<set $bimboslut to 14>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bbc">
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/bred.webp' class='imageright'>
After so many years, You became a Slave whore for Black Cocks. Tyrone trained you well, There wasn't a day without a black cock in your mouth. Their smell, taste and size were so perfect for you gaped holes. One day you got pregnant. Tyrone wanted to dump you. But you begged him so good that he asked the doctor to remove it and requested bigger boobs for you. After that he treated more rougher and cruel.
<<link "<h6>Slave</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/nympho.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Sit Bitch.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>Yes ! SIR!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Cock.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/nympho1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Tyrone">>My dick is dirty.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>YES! MASTER! I'M GONNA CLEAN IT RIGHT AWAY!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Dirty Pet.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/nympho2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>MASTER! YOUR HOLE IS CLEANED!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Then you'll receive a reward.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Reward.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/nympho3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>THANK YOU MASTER! THANK YOU!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Sure Pet. For Fuck sake! It got dirty again. CLEAN IT!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Clean it.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/nympho4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>GURLP!! GURRLP!! SORRY MASTER!! GURLP GURLP GURLP!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Ride him.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/nympho5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Come on. Ride it. I don't have all day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>SORRY FOR WASTING YOUR TIME MASTER!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Bimbo1" "$name">>I'M GONNA CUM AGAIN! MASTER!! MASTER!! I'M SORRY!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Ride him.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/tyrone/end.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
That was your Ordinary Day, being used and serve to your new master. Tyrone, Physically and mentally changed you a lot. You didn't care about the future or past, Every day you only think about one thing. The one thing is only to be fucked.
<h1>Bimbo End Tyrone</h1>
<<button [[Return|Motel Room]]>><<set $bimboslut to 5>><</button>>
</b></div>\<<widget "eroticbook">>
<<if $momvision is true>>\
<<if $bookerotic is true and $momerotic is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Put the book on the nightstand</h4>">>
<img src='img/ui/nightstand.jpg' class='medium'>
You put the Erotic Book on the Nightstand
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Enjoy reading. Mommy...<</speech>>
<<set $momerotic to 2>>
<<elseif $momerotic is 2>>
<img src='img/ui/nightstand.jpg' class='small'>
<<elseif $momvision is false>>
@@color:pink;I'm not sure this will be a good idea...@@
<<widget "momgiveyougift">>\
<<if $dadlin is false and $mrelationship gte 75 and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Mom's Gift @@color:orange;Mother Relationship:$mrelationship/75@@</h4>">>
<img src='img/hallway/gift.jpg' class='large'>
Out of nowhere, Mom hugged you and gives you a present.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow..!? Mom, what is the occasion?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I just wanted to say a big, big thank you for being such a wonderful daughter!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Unpack the gift</h6>">>
<img src='img/clothes/dadlin.jpg' class='image'>
Never expected such a gift from your own Mother.
A Red Lingerie?!
<<set $dadlin to true>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uh.. Wow... A lingerie?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I was just out shopping and I found this absolute beauty! The girl in the shop said it would fit you perfectly!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't know what to say?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Thank you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thank you so much! Mom. I love you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I love you too, darling!<</speech>>
<<elseif $mrelationship lte 74 and $dadlin is false and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<set _m to random(1,4)>>
<<if _m is 1>>\
<<link "<h4>Mom's Gift @@color:grey;Mother Relationship:$mrelationship/75@@</h4>">>
<<widget "shopwib">>
<<if $pantywib is false>>\
<img src='img/mall/panties.png' class='small'>
<<if $money gte 125>>\
<span id="vib"><<button "Buy Vibrating Panties for 125$">>
<<replace "#vib">>
Buying a Vibrating Panties for 125$
<<money -125>><<set $pantywib to true>>
<<elseif $money lte 124>>\
<span id="vib1"><<button "Buy Vibrating Panties for 125$">>
<<replace "#vib1">>
You cant afford a Panties.
<<widget "camerahidden">>
<<if $hiddencamera is false>>\
<img src='img/mall/hiddencamera.jpg' class='small'>
<<if $money gte 150>>\
<span id="camera"><<button "Buy Hidden Camera for 150$">>
<<replace "#camera">>
Buying a Camera for 150$
<<money -150>><<set $hiddencamera to true>>
<<elseif $money lte 149>>\
<span id="camera1"><<button "Buy Hidden Camera for 150$">>
<<replace "#camera1">>
You cant afford a Camera.
<<if $momvision is true and $bookerotic is false>>\
<h3>I need to find an idea for the Mother (Shop)</h3>
<<elseif $bookerotic is true>>\
<s>I need to find an idea for the Mother</s> - DONE
<<if $bookerotic is true and $momerotic is 1>>\
<h3>Plant or Gift your Mother a book</h3>
<<elseif $momerotic gte 2>>\
<s>Plant or Gift your Mother a book</s> - DONE
<<widget "yoga">>
Your Mom is doing a Joga.
<<if $momlucas gte 1 and $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Talk with Mom</h4>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>>
You see Mom is practices yoga too much lately.
<img src="img/livingroom/yogahard.jpg" class='medium2'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Mom. You okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Yeah Honey. Why are you asking?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lately, you are so stressed. Is something happened?<</speech>>
Martha still thinks about the night where she spent with Lucas. And the new job...
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Everything is okay! Nothing to worry about. I'm happy you asking.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay! Good.<</speech>>
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Mom practices yoga.</h4>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<img src="img/livingroom/yogahard1.jpg" class='medium2'>
Mom is so calm and relaxed.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Mmm... Hello Sweetie.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Mom. I can see that yoga is working well for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Of course. Even your presence is more calming.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah. I don't know what to say.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>It's okay. You can watch me or join me.<</speech>>
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<img src="img/livingroom/yogahard2.jpg" class='medium2'>
Mom's energy is inspiring! She's working hard in the living room.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>One... Two.. Three!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow. Mom. Where did you learn that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Ah... Where?! Haha... A nice gentlemen showed me some ropes.<</speech>>
<<if $mombbc gte 3>>\
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">> I can put you in contact with him. Hmm $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Tempting.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>His name is Tyrone. Madison recommended me him. Here's the number.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Maybe i'll call him.<</speech>>
<<set $tyronecall to true>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm glad you are having fun Mom. Keep it up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Thank you honey!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Mom practices yoga.</h4>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<img src="img/livingroom/yogahard.jpg" class='medium2'>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Hey $name, want to join?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, thanks Mom, maybe later<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>In that case, please don't interrupt my exercise<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay. Sorry Mom, i'm leaving<</speech>>
<<widget "erotbook">>
<video src="img/mom/livingroom/momread.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
Mom is reading a book! Let's talk with her.
<<linkreplace "<h7>Talk with Mom</h7>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Mom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh... O! o... Huh? Oh Hey sweetheart...<</speech>>
The book you gave her apparently took a strong interest in her.
She is glued to this book all the time.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How's the book Mom?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>It's... It's good. Yeah... It is very very... very.... good to read my princess...<</speech>>
<video src="img/mom/livingroom/tempt.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm?<</speech>>
You sat down next to her stretching and showing your young body.
@@color:hotpink;Is she trying to touch me?@@
Then she resisted the temptation of touching you.
<video src="img/mom/livingroom/tempt2.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Honey... Please can you leave me? I need to focus!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure Mom.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Dirty Mind">>She never called me "Princess"! Mom is getting more and more perverted?<</speech>>
@@color:violet;Mom's Corruption +5@@
<<mcorruption 5>><<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<widget "erotbookb">>
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/tempt1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
Mom is reading a book! Let's talk with her.
<<linkreplace "<h7>Talk with Mom</h7>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Mom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh... O! o... Huh? Oh Hey sweetheart...<</speech>>
The book you gave her apparently took a strong interest in her.
She is glued to this book all the time.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How's the book Mom?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>It's... It's good. Yeah... It is very very... very.... good to read my princess...<</speech>>
<video src="img/mom/livingroom/tempt.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm?<</speech>>
You sat down next to her stretching and showing your young body.
@@color:hotpink;Is she trying to touch me?@@
Then she resisted the temptation of touching you.
<video src="img/mom/livingroom/tempt2.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Honey... Please can you leave me? I need to focus!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure Mom.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Dirty Mind">>She never called me "Princess"! Mom is getting more and more perverted?<</speech>>
<<if $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
@@color:violet;Mom's Corruption +5@@
<<mcorruption 5>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<widget "momtalkbed">>\
<<if $mcorruption lte 49>>\
<img src='img/pbedroom/mominnocent.jpg' class="imageleft">
Your mother is about to go to bed.
She's wearing a silk robe.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name? What are you doing here at this hour? Go to bed, Honey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry. You're right. Goodnight Mom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Have a good sleep, Sweety.<</speech>>
<<if $hasDildo is false and $corruption gte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Dildo</h4>">>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Honey? What are you doing with my dildo?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh em... nothing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Nothing? Leave my things alone! Or i'll slap your ass.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry!<</speech>>
<<mrelationship -10>>
Mother Relationship -10
<<widget "teasmomsport">>
<<if $momvision is true and $clotheswear is "sport1" and $fitness gte 20>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Tease Mom</h7>">><<replace "#tease">>
<<set _momtease to random(1,3)>>
<<if _momtease is 1>>
<video src="img/mom/park/stretch1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _momtease is 2>>
<video src="img/mom/park/stretch2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _momtease is 3>>
<video src="img/mom/park/stretch3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
Teasing your Mom with your atlethic body.
Mom can't take her eyes of you.
<<if $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<<mcorruption 5>><<upd>>
@@color:violet;Mom Corruption +5@@
<<elseif $fitness lte 20 and $clotheswear is "sport1" and $momvision is true>>\
@@color:pink;You need to get more exercises to get Mom's attention! (Required 20 Fitness)@@
<<elseif $momvision is true>>\
You need to wear more naughty to get Mom's attention.
<<widget "bedroommom">>\
<<if $reputation lte 0 and $momlend is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Ask Mom for help</h4>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mom! Please. Can you lend me some money?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>This is new. You asking me for money?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhh... They are mocking me in the school for wearing these clown outfit.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Haha. Clown outfit? It's a proper uniform for a proper student!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah. Yeah. So can you give me? Please? <</speech>>
<<if $mrelationship gte 50 and $momlend is false>>\
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Sure honey! Here but don't spend on some stupid things..<</speech>>
<<money 100>><<set $momlend to true>>\
<div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;+50 money@@</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks mom! You are the best.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>And why would i give you that kind of money? At least you could help your mom for once or twice?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>GOSH! So be like that!<</speech>>
@@color:pink;Raise Mom's Relationship! (Requires Mom's Relation 50)@@
<<if $Fatherfirstevent is false and $sussy is true>>\
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name?! Dad is very angry. I don't know why but you better talk to him. Right now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is he..? Okay...<</speech>>
<<if $mcorruptionlevel gte 1 and $time gte 19.5>>\
<video autoplay src="img/pbedroom/momc.webm" muted loop class="large"></video>
Mom is undressing after the park time.
She without the problem lets you watch her.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I've been training a lot. Do you see any improvement?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course I can see! I mean, your body is perfect anyway.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Really?! That means a lot! Thank you so much Sweetheart!<</speech>>
<<if $time gte 19>>\
<img src="img/mom/bedroom/aftersport.jpg" class='medium'>
Mom is stretching after the exercise in the park.
<<if $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<img src="img/pbedroom/mom.jpg" class='imageleft'>
Mom has dressed up and is now putting on her makeup.
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<<set _momp to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _momp is 1>>\
<img src="img/pbedroom/momlvl1.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<elseif _momp is 2>>\
<img src="img/pbedroom/momlvl1.1.jpg" class="imageright">
<<elseif _momp is 3>>\
<img src="img/pbedroom/momlvl1.2.jpg" class="imageleft">
Mom is wearing a more revealing robe at this moment.
When you enter the room her attention is directed at you.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Talk with Mom</h4>">>
<<audio "heymom" play>>
<<if $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good Morning, Mom<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Good Morning Sweety! How are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's good! And how are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I'm fine too! How about we hang out later somewhere?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure. That sounds awesome.<</speech>>
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel is 1>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Mom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name! You look fantastic today!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks Mom! You too.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Seriously, Looking hot! Really... hot...<</speech>>
Mom is talking to you in a strange way. She looks at you with the deepest curiosity.
<<if $hasDildo is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Dildo</h4>">>
<<if $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Honey? What are you doing with my dildo?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh em... nothing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Nothing? Then leave it alone or i'll slap your ass.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay, Sorry.<</speech>>
<<mrelationship -10>><<upd>>
Mother Relationship -10
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel is 1>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>You looking at my Dildo?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Em... Yes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>You can borrow it. Just ask.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. No. Thanks Mom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Sure. Sure.<</speech>>
<</widget>>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id ="teach"><<audio "start" play>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/enters.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop controls>
As you got message that Teacher want's to meet you at the hotel, it made you think he doens't want talk about the subject of the school. So you dressed as slutty as you could for this occasion. You were so exicted when you got a message.
In hotel room Teach was already waiting for you with his Hard Cock.
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Finally you came.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Teacher</h6>">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/1.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop controls>
You approached slowly and turn around too let him see what are you wearing.
He couldn't resist you and right away starts to touch you.
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Fuck.. $name, you look so hot. Someone has to be disciplined!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm very... very...bad girl! Mr.Bailey.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Teacher</h6>">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/2.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop controls>
You pushed him back to the sofa and sat on his lap. He starts to touch all around the body.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh... Fuck Mr.Bailey! Please punish me!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Teacher</h6>">><<audio "start" stop>><<audio "begin" play>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Are you gonna behave?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No... Until you give something of yours...<</speech>>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<teachsuck>></th> <th><<teachsuckmc>></th> <th><<teachfuck>></th>
</b></div>\<<widget "teachermsg">>
<<if $msgteacher is 0 and $teacherhorny gte 10 and $messageteacher is 0 and $hasList is true>>\
Unknown Number sent you a message!<<audio "phonesms" play>>
<div align ="center">\
<table><th><<button "Close">><<dialogclose>> <<set $msgteacher to 1>><</button>></th>
<th><<button "Messages">><<goto "messages">> <<set $msgteacher to 1>><<dialogclose>><</button>></th></table></div>
<<widget "teachmsg">>\
<<if $teacherhorny gte 10 and $messageteacher is 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Unkown Number</h6>">><<audio "phoneodp" play>>\
<<set $messageteacher to 1>>\
<i>Hey $name, i was wondering...
You got free time after 20?
I'd like to meet you in the Hotel.
@@color:orange;Room 302. @@
@@color:hotpink; Your Teacher.@@
<<widget "teachmsg1">>\
<<if $teacherhorny gte 10 and $messageteacher is 0>>\
@@color:lightblue;<span class="blink">You Received a Message!</span>@@
<<widget "marcusmsg">>\
<<if $marcusmsg is 1 and $bbcaddiction gte 2 and $bimboend is 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Marcus</h6>">><<audio "phoneodp" play>>\
<i>Sup Babe.
My boys are up to something.
They asking for a@@color:hotpink; Bad Girl,@@
@@color:orange;On Saturday Night at 22:00.@@
You up to?</i>
<<if $bbcaddiction gte 6>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Respond</h12>">><<audio "phonesms" play>>\
<<set $marcusmsg to 2>>
<i>@@color:hotpink;Sure! Come Pick me up! @@
(MC Bedroom 22:00 Saturday)</i>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Send Him Tease Photo</h12>">>\
Marcus:Fuck Babe. My hungry cock can't wait to see ya.
<div align="center"><table>\
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<elseif $bbcaddiction lte 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Respond @@color:grey;Blacked:$bbcaddiction/6@@</h6>">>\
<h3>@@color:orange;Blacked Stats: Failed. Not enough Points!
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>NO!<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Not yet... Hah! Let's watch some BBC Porn!<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Our other part need to watch it! She will be enslaved to him!<</speech>>
<<elseif $bbcaddiction lte 5>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Respond @@color:grey;Blacked:$bbcaddiction/6@@</h6>">>\
<h3>@@color:orange;Blacked Stats: Failed. Not enough Points!
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Fuck... It's so tempting...<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Haha! She is weakening!<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Let's watch more Porn!<</speech>>
<<widget "teasephoto1">>\
<img src="img/mcroom/partybbc/fot.jpg" class='medium2'>
<<widget "jackdinner">>\
<<if $jackevents is 2 and $tomevents gte 2 and $jacksex is 1 and $jackmsg is 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>My love. Jack.</h6>">><<audio "phoneodp" play>>\
<<set $jackmsg to 1>>\
<i>Hey Beauty.
Anna left town for a weekend!
So I'd like you to come here to the "Palace" for a lovely dinner.
@@color:orange;Meet at my house at 16:00 (Saturday-Sunday).
Love you.@@
<<widget "jackdinnermsg">>\
<<if $jackevents is 2 and $tomevents gte 2 and $jacksex is 1 and $jackmsg is 0>>\
@@color:lightblue;<span class="blink">You Received a Message!</span>@@
<<widget "jackmatch">>\
<<if $jackevents is 2 and $tomevents gte 2 and $jacksex is 2 and $jackmsg is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>My love. Jack.</h6>">><<audio "phoneodp" play>>\
<<set $jackmsg to 2>>\
<i>Hey $name!
I just want let you know that in the
@@color:orange; Saturday 10:00-14:00,@@
We are playing a Basketball match.
I hope you are gonna to cheer me up!
Love ya!</i>
<<widget "jackmatchmsg">>\
<<if $jackevents is 2 and $tomevents gte 2 and $jacksex is 2 and $jackmsg is 1>>\
@@color:lightblue;<span class="blink">You Received a Message!</span>@@
<<widget "tomafter">>\
<<if $tomevents is 4 and $tommsg is 1>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Tom</h6>">><<audio "phoneodp" play>>\
<<set $tommsg to 2>>\
I can't forget about that thing we did.
We need to repeat it again!
<<linkreplace "<h6>Answer</h6>">>
<img src="img/phone/sendtom.jpg" class="medium">
@@color:pink;Me too...
I'm still thinking thinking about you.@@
<<widget "sophiamsg">>\
<<if $language is 2 and $day gte 3 and $sophiamsg is 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Sophia</h6>">><<audio "phoneodp" play>>\
<<set $sophiamsg to 1>>\
Sorry for last time.
But i'll be available in @@color:orange;Friday 20:00-23:00.@@
Meet me in Lucas House.
Lucas still is on the trip.
<<widget "sophiamsg1">>\
<<if $language is 2 and $day gte 3 and $sophiamsg is 0>>\
@@color:lightblue;<span class="blink">You Received a Message!</span>@@
<<widget "sophiamsg1">>\
<<if $language is 2 and $day gte 3 and $sophiaalert is 0>>\
Sophia sent you a message!<<audio "phonesms" play>>
<div align ="center">\
<table><th><<button "Close">><<dialogclose>> <<set $sophiaalert to 1>><</button>></th>
<th><<button "Messages">><<goto "messages">> <<set $sophiaalert to 1>><</button>></th></table></div>
<<widget "sophiamsg2">>\
<<if $language is 3 and $day is 3 and $sophiamsg is 1>>\
@@color:lightblue;<span class="blink">You Received a Message!</span>@@
<<widget "sophiamsg3">>\
<<if $language is 3 and $day is 3 and $sophiaalert is 1>>\
Sophia sent you a message!<<audio "phonesms" play>>
<div align ="center">\
<table><th><<button "Close">><<dialogclose>> <<set $sophiaalert to 2>><</button>></th>
<th><<button "Messages">><<goto "messages">> <<set $sophiaalert to 2>><</button>></th></table></div>
<<widget "sophiamsg4">>\
<<if $language is 3 and $day gte 3 and $sophiamsg is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Sophia</h6>">><<audio "phoneodp" play>>
<<set $sophiamsg to 2>>\
Meet me at Lucas House @@color:orange;Friday 20:00-23:00.@@
Don't worry about the Guards. They are friendly.
<<widget "tomvisit1">>\
<<if $tomevents gte 4 and $tomvisit is false and $time gte 16 and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Tom invites you</h6>">><<audio "phoneodp" play>>\
Tom sends you a message.<<audio "phoneodp" play>>
<<speech "Tom">>Hey $name. Wanna have some fun? Come to my crib.<</speech>>
<<link "<h7>@@color:hotpink;Visit Tom@@</h7>">><<goto "tomvisit">><</link>>
<<elseif $tomevents gte 4 and $tomvisit is false and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
Wait till the 16:00 to visit Tom.
<<widget "jackdate">>\
<<if $jackboxdate is true and $time gte 19 and $time lte 21 and $jackdate is false and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Jack's Suprise</h6>">><<audio "phoneodp" play>>
Jack sends you a message.<<audio "phoneodp" play>>
<<speech "Jack">>Hey Love. Let's meet. I have a little suprise for you. <</speech>>
<<link "<h7>@@color:lightblue;Meet with Jack@@</h7>">><<goto "jackvisit">><</link>>
<<elseif $jackboxdate is true and $jackdate is false and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
Wait till the 19:00 to meet with Jack
<<widget "lenaandluke">>\
<<if $lenaandluke is false and $lenamsg is 0 and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena</h6>">>
<img src="img/lena/lenamsg.jpg" class='mediumc'>
Lena sends you a message<<audio "phoneodp" play>>
It's been a long time since we've done anything together. @@
@@color:orange;Let's meet by the school after school.@@
<<set $lenamsg to 1>>\
<<widget "lenamc">>\
<<if $lenaandluke is true and $lenamsg is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena 2</h6>">>
<img src="img/lena/lenamsg2.jpg" class='mediumc'>
Lena sends you a message<<audio "phoneodp" play>>
The thing we did before.... It was unspeakable.
I'd like to repeat that again...
Nevertheless, we have to try out these bikinis.
I didn't waste that kind of money to have them lying around in my wardrobe!!! @@
@@color:hotpink;Goodnight :*@@</i>
<<set $lenamsg to 2>>\
<<widget "chloeclothes">>\
<<if $chloeclothes is 2 and $chloemsg1 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Chloe</h6>">><<audio "phoneodp" play>>\
<img src="img/chloe/chloemsg.jpg" class='imageleft'>
Thanks again for this break from school,
My dad is still angry at me but at least i can look at him again.@@
@@color:pink;Can't stop thinking about the thing we talked about...@@
@@color:lightblue;Anyway. Thanks again!
Sending you pic of me in that outfit you bought me.
By the way, I told you it shows way too much of my butt!@@
<<set $chloemsg1 to true>>\
<<elseif $chloeclothes is 1 and $chloemsg1 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Chloe</h6>">><<audio "phoneodp" play>>\
<img src="img/chloe/chloemsg0.jpg" class='imageleft'>
Thanks again for this break from school,
My dad is still angry at me but at least i can look at him again.@@
@@color:pink;Can't stop thinking about the thing we talked about...@@
@@color:lightblue;Anyway. Thanks again!
Sending you pic of me in that outfit you bought me.
It looks awesome! Thanks!@@
<<set $chloemsg1 to true>>\
<<widget "daddymsg">>\
<<if $daddymsg is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Father</h6>">><<set $daddymsg to 2>><<audio "phoneodp" play>>\
@@color:orange;<i>We need to talk.
In the basement 16:00.</i>@@
<<widget "burnettmsg">>\
<<if $doctorcall is true and $burnettmsg is 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Dr.Burnett</h6>">><<audio "phoneodp" play>>\
<<set $burnettmsg to 1>>
@@color:orange;<i>If you may.
I'd like to invite you to a routine inspection.
I'll be waiting in my Office in Hospital. 8:00-18:00.
<<widget "funeral">>
<<if $funeral is 0>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lucas</h6>">>\
<<set $funeral to 1>>\
Meet me in the Church, Take your brother along.
@@color:orange;<i>Saturday 12:00.</i>@@
Don't be late.
<<widget "jackandjayce">>\
<<if $jackmessagejayce is true and $jackandjayce is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Jack</h6>">><<audio "phoneodp" play>>\
<<set $jackandjayce to true>>\
Hey sunshine.
Can we talk?
I'll be somewhere in the @@color:orange;School Hallway.@@
Meet me after @@color:orange;Math Lessons.@@
<</widget>>\<<widget "teachsuck">>
<<link "<h7>Suck 1</h7>">><<replace "#teach">><<audio "first" play>><<audio "begin" stop>>
<<if $teachercum gte 99>>\
<<goto "teachcum">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><<upd>>
<<elseif $teachercum lte 98>>\
<<set $teachercum +=random(1, 10)>><<upd>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/suck.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<<if $mccum lte 99 or $teachercum lte 99>>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<teachsuck>></th> <th><<teachsuckmc>></th><th><<teachfuck>></th>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<teachsuck2>></th> <th><<teachsuckmc2>></th><th><<teachfuck2>></th>
<<if $teachercum gte 40 or $mccum gte 40>>\
<<if $teachercum gte 80 and $mccum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Orgasm!</h7>">><<goto "mcandteachcum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 80>>
<<link "<h7>$name Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "mccum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Teacher's Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "teachcum">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $mccum is 100>>\
<<goto "mccum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<if $teachercum is 100>>\
<<goto "teachcum">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<<widget "teachsuck2">>
<<link "<h7>Suck 2</h7>">><<replace "#teach">>
<<if $teachercum lte 98>>\
<<set $teachercum +=random(1, 10)>><<upd>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 99>>\
<<goto "teachcum">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/suck2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:lightblue;Teacher Arousal +15@@
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<<if $mccum lte 99 or $teachercum lte 99>>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<teachsuck>></th> <th><<teachsuckmc>></th><th><<teachfuck>></th>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<teachsuck2>></th> <th><<teachsuckmc2>></th><th><<teachfuck2>></th>
<<if $teachercum gte 40 or $mccum gte 40>>\
<<if $teachercum gte 80 and $mccum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Orgasm!</h7>">><<goto "mcandteachcum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 80>>
<<link "<h7>$name Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "mccum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Teacher's Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "teachcum">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $mccum is 100>>\
<<goto "mccum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<if $teachercum is 100>>\
<<goto "teachcum">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<<widget "teachsuckmc">>
<<link "<h7>Licking Pussy</h7>">><<replace "#teach">><<audio "first" play>><<audio "begin" stop>>
<<if $mccum lte 98>>\
<<set $mccum +=random(1, 10)>><<upd>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 99>>\
<<goto "mccum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/licking.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<<if $mccum lte 99 or $teachercum lte 99>>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<teachsuck>></th> <th><<teachsuckmc>></th><th><<teachfuck>></th>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<teachsuck2>></th> <th><<teachsuckmc2>></th><th><<teachfuck2>></th>
<<if $teachercum gte 40 or $mccum gte 40>>\
<<if $teachercum gte 80 and $mccum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Orgasm!</h7>">><<goto "mcandteachcum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 80>>
<<link "<h7>$name Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "mccum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Teacher's Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "teachcum">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $mccum is 100>>\
<<goto "mccum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<if $teachercum is 100>>\
<<goto "teachcum">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<<widget "teachsuckmc2">>
<<link "<h7>Licking Pussy</h7>">><<replace "#teach">>
<<if $mccum lte 98>>\
<<set $mccum +=random(1, 10)>><<upd>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 99>>\
<<goto "mccum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/licking2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<<if $mccum lte 99 or $teachercum lte 99>>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<teachsuck>></th> <th><<teachsuckmc>></th><th><<teachfuck>></th>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<teachsuck2>></th> <th><<teachsuckmc2>></th><th><<teachfuck2>></th>
<<if $teachercum gte 40 or $mccum gte 40>>\
<<if $teachercum gte 80 and $mccum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Orgasm!</h7>">><<goto "mcandteachcum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 80>>
<<link "<h7>$name Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "mccum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Teacher's Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "teachcum">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $mccum is 100>>\
<<goto "mccum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<if $teachercum is 100>>\
<<goto "teachcum">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<<widget "teachfuck">>
<<link "<h7>Fucking</h7>">><<replace "#teach">><<audio "first" play>><<audio "begin" stop>>
<<if $mccum lte 98 and $teachercum lte 98>>\
<<set $teachercum +=random(5, 15)>><<upd>>
<<set $mccum +=random(4, 13)>><<upd>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 99>>\
<<goto "mccum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 99>>\
<<goto "teachcum">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/fuck.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<<if $mccum lte 99 or $teachercum lte 99>>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<teachsuck>></th> <th><<teachsuckmc>></th><th><<teachfuck>></th>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<teachsuck2>></th> <th><<teachsuckmc2>></th><th><<teachfuck2>></th>
<<if $teachercum gte 40 or $mccum gte 40>>\
<<if $teachercum gte 80 and $mccum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Orgasm!</h7>">><<goto "mcandteachcum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 80>>
<<link "<h7>$name Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "mccum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Teacher's Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "teachcum">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $mccum is 100>>\
<<goto "mccum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<if $teachercum is 100>>\
<<goto "teachcum">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<<widget "teachfuck2">>
<<link "<h7>Fucking</h7>">><<replace "#teach">>
<<if $mccum lte 98 and $teachercum lte 98>>\
<<set $teachercum +=random(5, 15)>><<upd>>
<<set $mccum +=random(4, 13)>><<upd>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 99>>\
<<goto "mccum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 99>>\
<<goto "teachcum">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/fuck2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<<if $mccum lte 99 or $teachercum lte 99>>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<teachsuck>></th> <th><<teachsuckmc>></th><th><<teachfuck>></th>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<teachsuck2>></th> <th><<teachsuckmc2>></th><th><<teachfuck2>></th>
<<if $teachercum gte 40 or $mccum gte 40>>\
<<if $teachercum gte 80 and $mccum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Orgasm!</h7>">><<goto "mcandteachcum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 80>>
<<link "<h7>$name Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "mccum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Teacher's Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "teachcum">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $mccum is 100>>\
<<goto "mccum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<if $teachercum is 100>>\
<<goto "teachcum">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<<widget "teachfuckhard">>
<<link "<h7>Rough Fucking</h7>">><<replace "#teach">>
<<if $mccum lte 98 and $teachercum lte 98>>\
<<set $teachercum +=random(7, 20)>><<upd>>
<<set $mccum +=random(8, 21)>><<upd>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 99>>\
<<goto "mccum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 99>>\
<<goto "teachcum">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/roughfuck.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<<if $mccum lte 99 or $teachercum lte 99>>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<teachsuck>></th> <th><<teachsuckmc>></th><th><<teachfuck>></th>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<teachsuck2>></th> <th><<teachsuckmc2>></th><th><<teachfuck2>></th>
<<if $teachercum gte 40 or $mccum gte 40>>\
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $teachercum gte 80 and $mccum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Orgasm!</h7>">><<goto "mcandteachcum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 80>>
<<link "<h7>$name Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "mccum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Teacher's Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "teachcum">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $mccum is 100>>\
<<goto "mccum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<if $teachercum is 100>>\
<<goto "teachcum">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<<widget "teachfuckhard2">>
<<link "<h7>Rough Fucking 2</h7>">><<replace "#teach">>
<<if $mccum lte 98 and $teachercum lte 98>>\
<<set $teachercum +=random(7, 19)>><<upd>>
<<set $mccum +=random(6, 20)>><<upd>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 99>>\
<<goto "mccum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 99>>\
<<goto "teachcum">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/roughfuck2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<<if $mccum lte 99 or $teachercum lte 99>>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<teachsuck>></th> <th><<teachsuckmc>></th><th><<teachfuck>></th>
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<teachsuck>></th> <th><<teachsuckmc>></th><th><<teachfuck>></th>
<<if $teachercum gte 40 or $mccum gte 40>>\
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $teachercum gte 80 and $mccum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Orgasm!</h7>">><<goto "mcandteachcum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 80>>
<<link "<h7>$name Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "mccum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Teacher's Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "teachcum">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $mccum is 100>>\
<<goto "mccum">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<if $teachercum is 100>>\
<<goto "teachcum">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<<widget "suck1">>
<<link "<h7>Suck 1</h7>">><<replace "#teach">><<audio "first1" play>><<audio "begin1" stop>>
<<if $teachercum lte 98>>\
<<set $teachercum +=random(1, 10)>><<upd>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 99>>\
<<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/suck3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<<if $mccum lte 99 or $teachercum lte 99>>
<table style="width:100%">
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $teachercum gte 40 or $mccum gte 40>>\
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $teachercum gte 80 and $mccum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Orgasm!</h7>">><<goto "mcandteachcum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 80>>
<<link "<h7>$name Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Teacher's Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $mccum is 100>>\
<<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<if $teachercum is 100>>\
<<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<<widget "suck2">>
<<link "<h7>Suck 2</h7>">><<replace "#teach">><<audio "first1" play>><<audio "begin1" stop>>
<<if $teachercum lte 98>>\
<<set $teachercum +=random(1, 10)>><<upd>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 99>>\
<<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/suck4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<<if $mccum lte 99 or $teachercum lte 99>>
<table style="width:100%">
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $teachercum gte 40 or $mccum gte 40>>\
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $teachercum gte 80 and $mccum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Orgasm!</h7>">><<goto "mcandteachcum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 80>>
<<link "<h7>$name Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Teacher's Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $mccum is 100>>\
<<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<if $teachercum is 100>>\
<<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<<widget "licking1">>
<<link "<h7>Pussy 1</h7>">><<replace "#teach">><<audio "first1" play>><<audio "begin1" stop>>
<<if $mccum lte 98>>\
<<set $mccum +=random(1, 10)>><<upd>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 99>>\
<<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/licking3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<<if $mccum lte 99 or $teachercum lte 99>>
<table style="width:100%">
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $teachercum gte 40 or $mccum gte 40>>\
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $teachercum gte 80 and $mccum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Orgasm!</h7>">><<goto "mcandteachcum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 80>>
<<link "<h7>$name Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Teacher's Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $mccum is 100>>\
<<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<if $teachercum is 100>>\
<<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<<widget "licking2">>
<<link "<h7>Pussy 2</h7>">><<replace "#teach">><<audio "first1" play>><<audio "begin1" stop>>
<<if $mccum lte 98>>\
<<set $mccum +=random(1, 10)>><<upd>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 99>>\
<<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/licking4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<<if $mccum lte 99 or $teachercum lte 99>>
<table style="width:100%">
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $teachercum gte 40 or $mccum gte 40>>\
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $teachercum gte 80 and $mccum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Orgasm!</h7>">><<goto "mcandteachcum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 80>>
<<link "<h7>$name Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Teacher's Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $mccum is 100>>\
<<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<if $teachercum is 100>>\
<<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<<widget "fucking1">>
<<link "<h7>Fucking 1</h7>">><<replace "#teach">><<audio "first1" play>><<audio "begin1" stop>>
<<if $mccum lte 98 and $teachercum lte 98>>\
<<set $teachercum +=random(5, 15)>><<upd>>
<<set $mccum +=random(4, 13)>><<upd>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 99>>\
<<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 99>>\
<<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/fuck3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<<if $mccum lte 99 or $teachercum lte 99>>
<table style="width:100%">
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $teachercum gte 40 or $mccum gte 40>>\
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $teachercum gte 80 and $mccum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Orgasm!</h7>">><<goto "mcandteachcum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 80>>
<<link "<h7>$name Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Teacher's Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $mccum is 100>>\
<<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<if $teachercum is 100>>\
<<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<<widget "fucking2">>
<<link "<h7>Fucking 2</h7>">><<replace "#teach">><<audio "first1" play>><<audio "begin1" stop>>
<<if $mccum lte 98 and $teachercum lte 98>>\
<<set $teachercum +=random(5, 15)>><<upd>>
<<set $mccum +=random(4, 13)>><<upd>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 99>>\
<<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 99>>\
<<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/fuck4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<<if $mccum lte 99 or $teachercum lte 99>>
<table style="width:100%">
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $teachercum gte 40 or $mccum gte 40>>\
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $teachercum gte 80 and $mccum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Orgasm!</h7>">><<goto "mcandteachcum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 80>>
<<link "<h7>$name Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Teacher's Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $mccum is 100>>\
<<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<if $teachercum is 100>>\
<<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<<widget "fucking3">>
<<link "<h7>Fucking 3</h7>">><<replace "#teach">><<audio "first1" play>><<audio "begin1" stop>>
<<if $mccum lte 98 and $teachercum lte 98>>\
<<set $teachercum +=random(5, 15)>><<upd>>
<<set $mccum +=random(4, 13)>><<upd>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 99>>\
<<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 99>>\
<<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/fuck5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<<if $mccum lte 99 or $teachercum lte 99>>
<table style="width:100%">
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $teachercum gte 40 or $mccum gte 40>>\
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $teachercum gte 80 and $mccum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Orgasm!</h7>">><<goto "mcandteachcum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 80>>
<<link "<h7>$name Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Teacher's Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $mccum is 100>>\
<<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<if $teachercum is 100>>\
<<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<<widget "fuckhard1">>
<<link "<h7>HARDER 1</h7>">><<replace "#teach">>
<<if $mccum lte 98 and $teachercum lte 98>>\
<<set $teachercum +=random(7, 19)>><<upd>>
<<set $mccum +=random(6, 20)>><<upd>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 99>>\
<<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 99>>\
<<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/roughfuck3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<<if $mccum lte 99 or $teachercum lte 99>>
<table style="width:100%">
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $teachercum gte 40 or $mccum gte 40>>\
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $teachercum gte 80 and $mccum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Orgasm!</h7>">><<goto "mcandteachcum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 80>>
<<link "<h7>$name Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Teacher's Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $mccum is 100>>\
<<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<if $teachercum is 100>>\
<<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<<widget "fuckhard2">>
<<link "<h7>HARDER 2</h7>">><<replace "#teach">>
<<if $mccum lte 98 and $teachercum lte 98>>\
<<set $teachercum +=random(7, 19)>><<upd>>
<<set $mccum +=random(6, 20)>><<upd>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 99>>\
<<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 99>>\
<<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/roughfuck4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<<if $mccum lte 99 or $teachercum lte 99>>
<table style="width:100%">
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $teachercum gte 40 or $mccum gte 40>>\
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $teachercum gte 80 and $mccum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Orgasm!</h7>">><<goto "mcandteachcum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 80>>
<<link "<h7>$name Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Teacher's Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $mccum is 100>>\
<<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<if $teachercum is 100>>\
<<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<<widget "fuckhard3">>
<<link "<h7>HARDER 3</h7>">><<replace "#teach">>
<<if $mccum lte 98 and $teachercum lte 98>>\
<<set $teachercum +=random(7, 19)>><<upd>>
<<set $mccum +=random(6, 20)>><<upd>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 99>>\
<<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 99>>\
<<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/roughfuck5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<<if $mccum lte 99 or $teachercum lte 99>>
<table style="width:100%">
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $teachercum gte 40 or $mccum gte 40>>\
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $teachercum gte 80 and $mccum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Orgasm!</h7>">><<goto "mcandteachcum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $mccum gte 80>>
<<link "<h7>$name Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><</link>>
<<elseif $teachercum gte 80>>\
<<link "<h7>Teacher's Orgasm</h7>">><<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $mccum is 100>>\
<<goto "mccum2">><<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>>
<<if $teachercum is 100>>\
<<goto "teachcum2">><<set $teachstamina to $teachstamina -1>>
<</widget>><div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<<masteraudio stop>><span id="teach">
<<link "<h5>Orgasm!!!</h5>">><<replace "#teach">><<audio "begin1" play>>
<<set $teachercum to 0>><<upd>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/teachcum.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>FUCK! I'm CUMMING!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>To the bed!</h6>">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/next.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Come on. Let's take this to the bed, Slut.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let's go!<</speech>>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<table style="width:100%">
<table style="width:80%">
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="teach"><<masteraudio stop>>
<<link "<h5>Orgasm!</h5>">><<replace "#teach">><<audio "begin1" play>>
<<set $mccum to 0>><<upd>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/mccum2.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AAH!! AHH!! I'M CUMMING!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Haha..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>To the bed!</h6>">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/next.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Come on. Let's take this to the bed, Slut.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let's go!<</speech>>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<table style="width:100%">
<table style="width:80%">
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<<masteraudio stop>>
<span id="teach">
<<link "<h5>Orgasm!!!</h5>">><<replace "#teach">><<audio "begin1" play>>
<<set $mccum to 0>><<upd>>
<<set $teachercum to 0>><<upd>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/mccum.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AH ! AH CUMMING!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Me too! FUCK!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>To the bed!</h6>">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/next.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Come on. Let's take this to the bed, Slut.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let's go!<</speech>>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<table style="width:100%">
<table style="width:80%">
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh! Teach! You were awesome!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>You too $name. See you in school.<</speech>>
Both of you are exhausted of hard sex. You went home to relax.
<<set $mccum to 0>><<set $teachercum to 0>><<set $ to 0>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="teach">
<<set $teachercum to 0>><<upd>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/teachcum2.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Take this! Fuck!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow... Mr.Bailey! That's a lot of cum!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Swallow it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mm..!! So Good!<</speech>>
<<if $teachstamina gte 1 and $mcstamina gte 1>>\
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<table style="width:100%">
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $mcstamina is 0 and $teachstamina is 0>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh! Teach! You were awesome!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Fuck $name! That was the best sex i've ever had! You are so fucking bad girl!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mr.Bailey!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>I need you to discipline everyday for bad behaviour!<</speech>>
Both of you are exhausted of hard good sex.
You went home to relax.
<<set $mccum to 0>><<set $teachercum to 0>><<set $ to 0>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><</button>>
<<if $mcstamina is 0 and $teachstamina is 0>>\
<img src="img/school/teacher/hotel/bothhappy.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh! Teach! You were awesome!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Fuck $name! That was the best sex i've ever had! You are so fucking bad girl!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mr.Bailey!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>I need you to discipline everyday for bad behaviour!<</speech>>
Both of you are exhausted of hard good sex.
You went home to relax.
<<set $mccum to 0>><<set $teachercum to 0>><<set $ to 0>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><</button>>
<<if $mcstamina is 0 and $teachstamina is 0>>\
<img src="img/school/teacher/hotel/bothhappy.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh! Teach! You were awesome!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Fuck $name! That was the best sex i've ever had! You are so fucking bad girl!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mr.Bailey!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>I need you to discipline everyday for bad behaviour!<</speech>>
Both of you are exhausted of hard good sex.
You went home to relax.
<<set $mccum to 0>><<set $teachercum to 0>><<set $minifuck1 to 0>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<elseif $mcstamina is 1 or $teachstamina is 0>>\
<img src="img/school/teacher/hotel/teachhappy.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn Teach! You really good at this!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Everything for my students.<</speech>>
Both of you left the hotel in a good mood.
<<set $mccum to 0>><<set $teachercum to 0>><<set $minifuck1 to 0>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<elseif $mcstamina is 0 or $teachstamina is 1>>\
<img src="img/school/teacher/hotel/goodfuck.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Damn $name. You were really horny today. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck... That was so good. Mr.Bailey. I hope your wife doens't find out!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Oh don't worry about her, haha.<</speech>>
You are so exhausted of being pound by Teacher.
<<set $mccum to 0>><<set $teachercum to 0>><<set $minifuck1 to 0>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="teach">
<<set $mccum to 0>><<upd>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/mccum3.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fucccckk!! Mr.BAILEY! I"M CUMMING!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>That's it. Cum little Girl.<</speech>>
<<if $teachstamina gte 1 and $mcstamina gte 1>>\
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<table style="width:100%">
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $mcstamina is 0 and $teachstamina is 0>>\
<img src="img/school/teacher/hotel/bothhappy.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh! Teach! You were awesome!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Fuck $name! That was the best sex i've ever had! You are so fucking bad girl!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mr.Bailey!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>I need you to discipline everyday for bad behaviour!<</speech>>
Both of you are exhausted of hard good sex.
You went home to relax.
<<set $mccum to 0>><<set $teachercum to 0>><<set $minifuck1 to 0>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<elseif $mcstamina is 1 or $teachstamina is 0>>\
<img src="img/school/teacher/hotel/teachhappy.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn Teach! You really good at this!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Everything for my students.<</speech>>
Both of you left the hotel in a good mood.
<<set $mccum to 0>><<set $teachercum to 0>><<set $minifuck1 to 0>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<elseif $mcstamina is 0 or $teachstamina is 1>>\
<img src="img/school/teacher/hotel/goodfuck.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Damn $name. You were really horny today. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck... That was so good. Mr.Bailey. I hope your wife doens't find out!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Oh don't worry about her, haha.<</speech>>
You are so exhausted of being pound by Teacher.
<<set $mccum to 0>><<set $teachercum to 0>><<set $minifuck1 to 0>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="teach">
<<set $mccum to 0>><<upd>>
<<set $teachercum to 0>><<upd>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/hotel/mccum.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AH ! AH CUMMING!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Me too! FUCK!<</speech>>
<<if $teachstamina gte 1 and $mcstamina gte 1>>\
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<table style="width:100%">
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $mcstamina is 0 and $teachstamina is 0>>\
<img src="img/school/teacher/hotel/bothhappy.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh! Teach! You were awesome!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Fuck $name! That was the best sex i've ever had! You are so fucking bad girl!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mr.Bailey!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>I need you to discipline everyday for bad behaviour!<</speech>>
Both of you are exhausted of hard good sex.
You went home to relax.
<<set $mccum to 0>><<set $teachercum to 0>><<set $minifuck1 to 0>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<elseif $mcstamina is 1 or $teachstamina is 0>>\
<img src="img/school/teacher/hotel/teachhappy.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn Teach! You really good at this!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Everything for my students.<</speech>>
Both of you left the hotel in a good mood.
<<set $mccum to 0>><<set $teachercum to 0>><<set $minifuck1 to 0>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<elseif $mcstamina is 0 or $teachstamina is 1>>\
<img src="img/school/teacher/hotel/goodfuck.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Damn $name. You were really horny today. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck... That was so good. Mr.Bailey. I hope your wife doens't find out!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Oh don't worry about her, haha.<</speech>>
You are so exhausted of being pound by Teacher.
<<set $mccum to 0>><<set $teachercum to 0>><<set $minifuck1 to 0>>
<<set $time to $time +2>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="partybbc">\
<video src="img/mcroom/partybbc/start.webm" class='large98' autoplay controls muted>
You've been waiting all day for this, thinking what Marcus and the Boys planned tonight...
So you dress something daring for Boys. @@color:hotpink;Burnett's Influence@@ is working you perfectly. All the time you were dreaming to be fucked <i>@@color:hotpink;Very fucking hard@@</i>. And this may become true, tonight!
You didn't let your parents know you were going somewhere. There is no need to worry them. Therefore, you waited until they relaxed in front of the TV, as they do every day.
When you left the house, the Car was already waiting for you. A car full of horny black boys.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Get inside</h6>">>
<video src="img/mcroom/partybbc/1.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
Inside the van were full Black Guys waiting for you. These boys were very eager and smily when you got inside.
From this gang you knew only Marcus so you sat next to him.
Right away one of them and Marcus were touching you...
The guy in front of seat were recoding you.
<<speech "Marcus">>Here she is. C'mon here babe. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi guys! Woah!!! A lot of you here!<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>Dayum! What a bad bitch! Go on, Girl. Don't be shy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Here $name. Sit in the back! Can't wait to touch you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my Gawd! You guys are so sweet! This is going to be great night...<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>You bet! Bro! This ho was made for black cock!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>That's right. Look at her face. She's hungry.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Inside the Party</h6>">><<replace "#partybbc">>
<video src="img/mcroom/partybbc/2.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
As you thought you are here tonight to service them all night...
<<speech "Fynn">>Gotta admit! This kind of slut is the best to breed!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Naahh... Let's not over use her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>MGURLP!!! GURLP!! GIVE ME!! GIVE MORE!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Big Fucking Cocks</h6>">><<replace "#partybbc">>
<video src="img/mcroom/partybbc/3.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>SHOVE THAT COCK DOWN MY THROAT!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Oh Shiit!! Deepthroat it you fucking slut!!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>More and MORE!</h6>">><<replace "#partybbc">>
<video src="img/mcroom/partybbc/4.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm...!! I can't believe how these cocks are so fucking goooood....!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Ha! This is still the beginning.<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>Shiitt... This slut is so nasty!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Orgasm!!</h6>">><<replace "#partybbc">>
<video src="img/mcroom/partybbc/5.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OHHH!! FUUUCK!! I'M CUMING!! YES!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>First Cum for tonight! Let's fucking destroy that bitch!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Inside the Circle of Cocks</h6>">><<replace "#partybbc">>
<video src="img/mcroom/partybbc/6.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>I don't know which is tastier! GOD! THEY ALL ARE!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Orgasm Again...</h6>">><<replace "#partybbc">>
<video src="img/mcroom/partybbc/7.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>YES!! YES !! JUST LIKE THAT !! AH FUCK !! I'M GONNA...<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>Shiit.. This pussy is fucking wet!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Cumminng..!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Into the Sofa</h6>">><<replace "#partybbc">>
<video src="img/mcroom/partybbc/8.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Marcus">>Take her to the sofa.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Every Position</h6>">><<replace "#partybbc">>
<video src="img/mcroom/partybbc/9.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Fynn">>Dude! You're fucking her too hard! She can barely suck my dick!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>GOD!! Your Dicks ! ARE SO FUCKING BIG!! GURLP GURLP!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>More and More Cocks</h6>">><<replace "#partybbc">>
<video src="img/mcroom/partybbc/10.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Marcus">>Damn $name, You are so Fucking hot Today!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>AAHH!! OHH!! I'M CUMMING AGAIIN!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>Jeez! This bitch needs to be fucked regularly.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Another One.</h6>">><<replace "#partybbc">>
<video src="img/mcroom/partybbc/11.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>I can't!! I'm GONNA DIE!! I'M GONNA DIE!! AH AH!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Haha. Relax, girl. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>I can't Believe how many times i've cum...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Boys Cum's</h6>">><<replace "#partybbc">>
<video src="img/mcroom/partybbc/12.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Mmm... Empty those nuts...<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Fuck..<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>Damn.. $name you are something Girl...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Wheew!! You guys are fucking awesome.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>No. You are fucking awesome.<</speech>>
<<if $bbcaddiction lte 19>>\
<div class="posarousal">Blacked Increased +1!</div>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction +1>>
After a long sex with the guys, you came back to home exhausted and happy.
Bimbo's influence makes you truly horny every day....
You wish the event had lasted even longer
<<button [[Leave|Bed]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<<linkreplace "<h6>DEVLOPER</h6>">>
<<button "ashleyblockfalse">><<set $ashleyblock to false>><</button>>
$ashleyblock BLOCK ASHLEY
chloeout $chloeout
$doctortask TASK
$tabletsophia TABLET
$arguefamily ARGUE FAMILY
$onlydad - ONLY DAD
$linzee LINZEE
<<button "linze to 1">><<set $linzee to 1>><</button>>
$mitski MITSKI
<<button "lena2">><<goto "Lena">><</button>>
<<button "scarlett">><<set $scarlett to 3>><</button>>
<<button "report">><<set $rogersreport to 4>><</button>>
<<button "ddd">><<goto "schooldiary">><</button>>
<<button "le">><<goto "Take a Shower">><</button>>
<<button "fintess 0">><<set $fitness to 0>><</button>>
<<button "fintess 15">><<set $fitness to 15>><<goto "PE Lessons">><</button>>
<<button "fintess 40">><<set $fitness to 40>><<goto "PE Lessons">><</button>>
<<button "energy 0">><<set $energy to 15>><<goto "PE Lessons">><</button>>
$chloeclothes $chloealert $lukepov
<<button "Chloeclothes to 1">><<set $chloeclothes to 1>><</button>>
<<button "Chloe">><<set $changetochloe to 1>><<goto "schoolchloe">><</button>>
<<button "afterparty">><<goto "afterparty">><</button>>
<<button "surgerrry">><<goto "SurgeryMC">><</button>>
<<button "chloepark">><<set $chloepark to false>><</button>>
<<button "Lucas Office4">><<goto "Lucas Office4">><</button>>
<<button "Look at Lucas">><<goto "Look at Lucas">><</button>>
$warehouse $vickybimbo
<<button "arousal too">><<set $arousal to 100>><</button>>
<<button "ashleyslave true">><<set $ashleyslave to true>><</button>>
<<button "ashleyslave false">><<set $ashleyslave to false>><</button>>
<<button "talkwithchloe">><<set $talkwithchloe to false>><</button>>
<<button "joblevel4">><<set $joblevel to 4>><</button>>
<<button "bimboend1">><<set $bimboend to 1>><</button>>
$bimboend BIMBO END
$hasDildo dildo?
bimboend:$bimboend $corruptionlevel
<<button "Corruptionlevel2 school">><<set $corruptionlevel to 2>><<goto "school">><</button>>
<<button "cigar to 1">><<set $cigar to 1>><</button>>
<<button "violetpills">><<set $violetpills to 0>><</button>>
<<button [[Come back to Home]]>><</button>>
<<button "Energy-">><<set $energy to 10>><</button>>
<<button "Energy+">><<set $energy to 150>><</button>>
<<button "REPUTATION SCHOOL-">><<set $reputationschool to $reputationschool -5>><<goto "school">><</button>>
<<button "REPUTATION SCHOOL">><<set $reputationschool to $reputationschool +5>><<goto "school">><</button>>
<<button [[Dress for a party]]>><<set $drinks to 0>><</button>>
TOM VISIT:$tomvisit
<<button "BROTHER CORRUPTION 5">><<bcorruption 5>><</button>>
<<button "BROTHER CORRUPTION -5 COM">><<set $bcorruption to $bcorruption -5>><</button>>
<<button "BROTHER CORRUPTION -5">><<bcorruption -5>><</button>>
<<button "TOM EVENT TO 4">><<set $tomevents to 4>><</button>>
<<button [[Client 4]]>><</button>>
<<button "Jackboyfriend false">><<set $boyfriendjack to false>><</button>>
<<button "Jackboyfriend true">><<set $boyfriendjack to true>><</button>>
<<button "Phone false">><<set $phone to false>><</button>>
<<button "Phone true">><<set $phone to true>><</button>>
<<button "FatherLVL">><<set $fcorruptionlevel to $fcorruptionlevel +1>><</button>>
<<button "Father-LVL">><<set $fcorruptionlevel to $fcorruptionlevel -1>><</button>>
<<button "weeks">><<set $week to $week +1>><</button>>
<<button "interviewfalse">><<set $interview to false>><</button>>
<<button "bimbo-">><<set $bimboend to 1>><</button>>
<<button "bimbo+">><<set $bimboend to 3>><</button>>
<<button "bimboend2">><<set $bimboend to 2>><</button>>
<<button "suit3">><<set $officesuit3 to true>><</button>>
<<button "suit2">><<set $officesuit2 to true>><</button>>
<<button "suit1">><<set $officesuit1 to true>><</button>>
<<button "pooloff">><<set $cleanpool to 3>><</button>>
<<button "poolon">><<set $cleanpool to4>><</button>>
<<button "tomoff">><<set $tomevents to 2>><</button>>
<<button "tomon">><<set $tomevents to 3>><</button>>
<<button "tomdrugs">><<set $tomdrugs to 2>><</button>>
<<button "tomdrugsoff">><<set $tomdrugs to 0>><</button>>
<<button "momlvl+">><<set $mcorruptionlevel to $mcorruptionlevel +1>><</button>>
<<button "momlvl-">><<set $mcorruptionlevel to $mcorruptionlevel -1>><</button>>
<<button "clubinvitefallse">><<set $clubinvite to false>><</button>>
<<button "corruption +5">><<set $corruption to $corruption +5>><</button>>
<<button "corruption -5">><<set $corruption to $corruption -5>><</button>>
<<button "bbcaddiction +1">><<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction +1>><</button>>
<<button "bbcaddiction -1">><<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction -1>><</button>>
<<button "jacklove +1">><<set $cute to $cute +1>><</button>>
<<button "jackbetray +1">><<set $hot to $hot +1>><</button>>
<<button [[Change Dad]]>><</button>>
<<button "Mombook-">><<set $momerotic to $momerotic -1>><</button>>
<<button [[Shop2]] >><</button>>
<<button "cleanpool-">><<set $cleanpool to $cleanpool -1>><</button>>
<<button [[afterparty]] >><</button>>
<<button "Lucasrelation-">><<lrelation -5>><</button>>
<<button "MOMVISIONTRUE">><<set $momvision to true>><</button>>
<<button "Fitness-5">><<set $fitness to $fitness -5>><</button>>
<<button "Fitness+5">><<set $fitness to $fitness +5>><</button>>
<<button [[Set to Chloe|schoolchloe]]>><<set $changetochloe to 1>><</button>>
<<button [[Back to player|school]]>><<set $changetochloe to 0>><</button>>
<<button "MONEY500">><<money 500>><</button>>
<<button "MONEY-450">><<money -450>><</button>>
MOM GYM:$momgym
TOM DRUGS: $tomdrugs
TOM EVENTS: $tomevents
Tommy Record:$tomrecord
Violet pills:$violetpills
Sophia MSG:$sophiamsg
BBC MOM: $momwatchingbbc
BBC MOM:$mombbc
Teacher Horny:$teacherhorny
<</linkreplace>><div align="center"><div class="lewd"><b>\
<h3>Type Cheat Codes which is available in Patreon and SubscribeStar!
Link below:</h3>
<th><a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/cheat-codes-76540251">\
<img src="img/ui/patreon.png" class='mediumlogo2'>\
<th><a href="https://subscribestar.adult/posts/989593">\
<img src="img/ui/subscribestar.png" class='mediumlogo2'>\
<h3>Thanks for Support!</h3>
<<textbox "_input" "" autofocus>><<button "Enter the Code.">>
<<if ["laluna", "laluna", "laluna"].includes(_input.toLowerCase())>>
<<goto "cheatroom">>
<<replace "#output">><<= either(["Please Support Dev.", "Please Support Dev."])>><</replace>>
<span id="output"></span>
<<button "Return" `previous()`>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="mombox"><b>\
<div class="lucasoffice"><h3>@@color:orange;Attention!@@</h3>
@@color:lightyellow;Cheats currently are still in the testing phase.
Using cheats may cause troubles/bugs in game.
If you encounter them, Please post them in Discord Bug/Fixes Section or message me privately in support page.
Thank you kindly for your Support!@@</div>
<h38>Cheat Codes:</h38>
<<button "Money +100 ">><<money 100>><<goto "cheatroom">><</button>>
<<button "Fitness +10">><<fitness 10>><<goto "cheatroom">><</button>>
<<button "Corruption +10">><<addcorruption 10>><<goto "cheatroom">><</button>>
<<button "Blacked +1">><<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction +1>><<goto "cheatroom">><</button>>
<<button "Corruption Level 1">><<set $avatar to 1>><<set $lucas to true>><<set $corruptionlevel to 1>><<set $corruption1 to true>><<set $sussy to true>><<set $Fatherfirstevent to true>><<set $stepc to 4>><<set $buy_schooluniform1 to true>><<set $walletsteal to 2>><<goto "cheatroom">><</button>>
<<button "Corruption Level 2">><<set $avatar to 6>><<set $corruptionlevel to 2>><<set $lucas to true>><<set $corruption1 to true>><<set $sussy to true>><<set $Fatherfirstevent to true>><<set $stepc to 4>><<set $buy_schooluniform1 to true>><<set $walletsteal to 2>><<goto "cheatroom">><</button>>
<<if $mcorruptionlevel gte 2 and $fcorruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<<button "Corruption Level 3">><<set $sophia to true>><<set $fcorruptionlevel to 2>><<set $mcorruptionlevel to 2>><<set $bimboend to 2>><<set $bimbo to 2>><<set $box30 to true>><<set $boxbimbo to true>><<set $lucasrelationship to 20>><<set $pills to true>><<set $teasedad to true>><<set $corruption1 to true>><<set $corruption to true>><<set $stepc to 4>><<set $corruption to 50>><<set $girlday to 2>><<set $box5 to true>><<set $lucashouse to true>><<set $meetmadison to true>><<set $changeclothes to 1>><<set $sussy to true>><<set $Fatherfirstevent to true>><<set $walletsteal to 4>><<set $momtalk1 to true>><<set $peektv to true>><<set $peekcleaning to true>><<set $peekshower to true>><<set $sexdad to 3>><<set $box9 to true>><<set $chloe to true>>
<<set $momvib to true>><<set $ashley to true>><<set $gymteach to true>>
<<set $lucas to true>><<set $sophiagreet to true>>
<<set $buy_schooluniform1 to true>><<set $officesuit1 to true>>
<<set $momvision to true>><<set $bookerotic to true>><<set $pantywib to true>><<set $momerotic to 3>><<set $lucasgift to true>><<set $kissmom to true>>
<<set $touchmom to true>><<set $mompussy to true>><<set $lucasremote to true>><<set $mompussy2 to true>><<set $bathroomspy to true>><<set $momwatch to true>><<set $mompussy3 to true>>
<<set $momgym to true>><<set $momgympeek to true>>
<<set $mompovright to 0>><<set $begin to true>><<set $week to 10>><<set $day to 1>><<set $time to 14>><<set $hasList to true>><<set $schoolenter to true>><<set $language to 8>><<set $avatar to 16>><<set $corruptionlevel to 3>><<set $lucas to true>><<set $corruption1 to true>><<set $sussy to true>><<set $Fatherfirstevent to true>><<set $stepc to 4>><<set $buy_schooluniform1 to true>><<set $walletsteal to 2>><<goto "cheatroom">><</button>>
@@color:orange;Level Corruption 3 Requires Mother and Father's Corruption to Level 2.@@
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<<button "Bimbo Influence ON">><<set $bimboend to 3>><<if $corruptionlevel gte 3>><<set $bimbolvl1 to true>><<set $avatar to 24>><</if>><<if $corruptionlevel is 2>><<set $avatar to 11>><</if>><<goto "cheatroom">><</button>>
<<button "Bimbo Influence OFF">><<set $bimboend to 1>><<if $corruptionlevel gte 3>><<set $bimbolvl1 to false>><<set $avatar to 16>><</if>><<if $corruptionlevel is 2>><<set $avatar to 6>><</if>><<goto "cheatroom">><</button>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<button "Bimbo Stage 3 Start (SPOILER EVENT)">><<goto "Routine Inspection">><</button>>
@@color:hotpink;Bimbo Cheats requires Corruption Level 2@@
<<button "Father Relationship +10">><<frelationship 10>><<goto "cheatroom">><</button>>
<<button "Father Corruption +10">><<set $teasedadcheat to true>><<set $fcorruption to $fcorruption +10>><<goto "cheatroom">><</button>>
<<button "Father Corruption Lvl 1 Transformation">><<goto "Change Dad">><</button>>
<<button "Father Corruption Lvl 2 Transformation">><<goto "Special Bond">><</button>>
<<button "Mother Relationship +10">><<set $momteasecheat to true>><<mrelationship 10>><<goto "cheatroom">><</button>>
<<button "Mother Corruption +10">><<mcorruption 10>><<goto "cheatroom">><<set $bookerotic to true>><<set $pantywib to true>><</button>>
<<button "Mother Corruption Lvl 1 Transformation">><<set $momvision to true>><<goto "Lucas Gift for Mom">><</button>>
<<button "Mother Corruption Lvl 2 Transformation">><<set $momvision to true>><<set $bookerotic to true>><<set $pantywib to true>><<set $momerotic to 3>><<set $lucasgift to true>><<set $kissmom to true>>
<<set $touchmom to true>><<set $mompussy to true>><<set $lucasremote to true>><<set $mompussy2 to true>><<set $bathroomspy to true>><<set $momwatch to true>><<set $mompussy3 to true>>
<<set $momgym to true>><<set $momgympeek to true>>
<<set $mompovright to 0>><<goto "Mom's Corruption">><</button>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<button "Brother Relationship +10">><<brelationship 10>><<goto "cheatroom">><</button>><</if>>
<<button "Brother Corruption +10">><<bcorruption 10>><<goto "cheatroom">><</button>>
<<button "Brother Corruption Stage 1 Event">><<goto "lukecorruption1">><<set $bkiss to true>><<set $luketime to true>><</button>>
<<button "Jack Boyfriend ON">><<set $boyfriendjack to true>><<set $boy to true>><<set $eventjack1 to true>><<goto "cheatroom">><</button>>
<<button "Jack Boyfriend OFF">><<set $boyfriendjack to false>><<set $boy to false>><<set $eventjack1 to false>><<goto "cheatroom">><</button>>
<<button "Jack Relationship +5">><<jstat 5>><<goto "cheatroom">><</button>>
<<button "School Reputation +5">><<set $reputationschool to $reputationschool +5>><<goto "cheatroom">><</button>>
<<button "Estate Office Start">><<goto "Lucas wants you to meet someone">><</button>>
<<if $meetmadison is true>>\
<<button "Estate Office Promotion +1 ">><<set $joblevel to $joblevel +1>><<goto "cheatroom">><</button>>
<<button "Estate Office Demotion -1 ">><<set $joblevel to $joblevel -1>><<goto "cheatroom">><</button>>
<<button "Estate Office Experience +5">><<set $experience to $experience +5>><<goto "cheatroom">><</button>>
<<button "Warehouse Cheat">><<set $cheatwar to true>><<goto "cheatroom">><</button>><</silently>>
<h38>Special Potraits:</h38>
<<button "Special Potraits">><<goto "specialpotrate">><</button>>
<<button "Unlock All Potraits in Mirror">><<set $avatargod to true>><<goto "cheatroom">><</button>>
<<button "Disable All Potraits in Mirror">><<set $avatargod to false>><<goto "cheatroom">><</button>>
<<button [[Bimbo Stage 2|Losing your Mind]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Blacked|CALL MARCUS]]>><</button>>
<h38>Special Edit Scenes:</h38>
<div class="posarousal">!SPOILERS!</div>\
<<button [[Teacher Hotel Scene|Teacher is waiting in the Room]]>><<set $minifuck1 to 2>><<set $teachstamina to 3>><<set $mcstamina to 3>><</button>>
<<button "Sophia and Mc">><<set $sophiaspecial to true>><<set $sophiasex to 3>><<goto "Listen to her">><</button>>
<<button "Sophia's Mistake">><<set $sophiaspecial to true>><<goto "sophiabimbo">><</button>>
<<button "Madison's Special">><<goto "Madison">><</button>>
<<button [[Cheating with Tom (GOTH)|gothtom]]>><<set $partytom to 10>><<set $partyface to 20>><</button>>
<<button [[GangBang BBC|Party with the Boys]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Return|mcroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\As usual the class is starts ordinary. You were sitting next to Lena talking about some stupid stuffs. After a while The teacher passed out a complicated task to complete.
<<if $teacherhorny gte 10>>\
<div align="center">
@@color:hotpink;Of course, Teacher gave you a simpler one, for his favorite students. @@
<video src="img/chloe/memory.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop muted>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Someone is knocking</h4>">><<audio "knocking" play>>
Then the sound of knocking on the door resounded in the classroom.
<<speech "Teacher">>Oh... I forgot! Today we got a new student! Come in!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Take a look</h4>">>
<img src="img/chloe/entry3.jpg" class="mediumc">
You and Lena are now intrested who that might be?
That new student was a young cute girl. She shyly walked to the middle of the classroom.
<img src="img/chloe/class.webp" class="imagerightc">
She strongly stands out by her appearance in the classroom. The girls in the class wear skirts and have a lot of cleavage but she's not.
<<speech "Teacher">>Class, Welcome a new student! My daughter. Chloe.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Hey, Guys. Yeah.. I'm Chloe.<</speech>>
Lena whispers to you.
<<speech "Lena">>Oh my gosh $name! That's Teach daughter!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Did you see that? She looked pissed at her father.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah. I noticed too.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher">>Chloe, Here. She came back to us from long vacations. I hope you all be nice to her. And calm down. I'll treat her like other students. Don't be worry.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Jeez...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Welcome back Chloe!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Thanks.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher">>Chloe, sit near $name and Lena. Okay with that let's get back to lessons!<</speech>>
<img src="img/chloe/entry.jpg" class="imagerightc">
Chloe while going to the sit was a bit mad. But smiled when she met you and Lena.
<<speech "Chloe">>Hey Girls.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Chloe. Cool Vacations?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Yeah. I wish they could be longer.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>That's a shame.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Yeah.. Let's get back to reality-<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher">>Chloe. You'll talk with your friends later, Okay? Don't interupt.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Sure.. Dad- I mean Teacher.<</speech>>
Chloe looked pissed at her Father. As shivers ran through you.
<<set $chloe to true>>
@@color:orange;Chloe has joined the school!@@
<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "gym" stop>><<audio "begingym" play>>
<<if $bimboend is 3>>\
<span id="bimbo">
<video src="img/gif/gym/gymapproach.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay muted>
@@color:hotpink;Some guy approaches you. Guys is looking so manly...@@
<<speech "Boy1" "Guy from the Gym">>Hey. You look hella fine!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Haha! Thanks Sweety! Want to fuck?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Guy from the Gym">>Hah! That easy huh? Sure! I just wanted to ask you. Damn!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Invite him</h6>">>
<video src="img/gif/gym/gym2.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
He took you to a quiet corner where no one was exercising, where you could both satsify yourselves.
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>I was looking forward to this!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Guy from the Gym">>Fuck! You look so HOT!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Look at my sweet horny Pussy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Guy from the Gym">>Oh my fucking GOD!<</speech>>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<fuckgym1>></th> <th><<fuckgym2>></th><th><<fuckgym3>></th>
<<if $bimboend lte 2>>\
<span id="bimbo">
<video src="img/gif/gym/gymapproach.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay muted>
A nervous guy approached to ask you something.
<<speech "Boy1" "Guy from the Gym">>H-Hey, sup?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey! I'm fine, you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Guy from the Gym">>I'm cool. Cool... How many sets do you have left?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't know. Why do you ask?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Guy from the Gym">>Maybe... you'd like to go cardio with me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Cardio? oh.. OH!!! Ahaha. Sure. I know the spot.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Invite him</h6>">>
<video src="img/gif/gym/gym1.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Boy1" "Guy from the Gym">>Damn... I need to tell you something.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yea?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Guy from the Gym">>When I began exercising here... I got a huge crush on you. It's like a dream.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No way! That's cool. I love to hear that! Now come here...<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Guy from the Gym">>Oh my...<</speech>>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<fuckgym1>></th> <th><<fuckgym2>></th><th><<fuckgym3>></th>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="mombox"><b>\
<img src='img/mcroom/school.jpg' class='large98'>
<h3>Choose your Uniform</h3>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $buy_schooluniform1 is true and $changeclothes gte 1>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/schooluniform7.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform3">><<set $schooly to 1>>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 15>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $startnewbody is false>>
<<goto "schoolgreet">>
<<goto "school">>
<<if $buyxxxschol1 is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/schooluniform5.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform3">><<set $schooly to 2>>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 19>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $startnewbody is false>>
<<goto "schoolgreet">>
<<goto "school">>
<<if $buyxxxschol2 is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/schooluniform4.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform3">><<set $schooly to 3>>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 30>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $startnewbody is false>>
<<goto "schoolgreet">>
<<goto "school">>
<<if $buyxxxschol3 is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/schooluniform6.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform3">><<set $schooly to 4>>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 23>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $startnewbody is false>>
<<goto "schoolgreet">>
<<goto "school">>
<<if $buybimboschool1 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/schooluniformbim.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform3">><<set $schooly to 5>>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 40>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $startnewbody is false>>
<<goto "schoolgreet">>
<<goto "school">>
<<if $buybimboschool2 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/schooluniformbim1.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform3">><<set $schooly to 6>>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 40>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $startnewbody is false>>
<<goto "schoolgreet">>
<<goto "school">>
<<if $buybimboschool1 is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/schooluniformbim2.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform3">><<set $schooly to 7>>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 40>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $startnewbody is false>>
<<goto "schoolgreet">>
<<goto "school">>
<<button [[Return to the Bedroom|mcroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div><<widget "fuckgym1">>
<<link "<h7>Fuck 1</h7>">><<replace "#bimbo">><<audio "startgym" play>><<audio "begingym" stop>>
<<if $mccum lte 99 and $teachercum lte 99>>\
<video src="img/gif/gym/gymsex1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted controls>
<<set $mccum +=random(1, 10)>><<upd>>
<<set $teachercum +=random(1, 10)>><<upd>>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<fuckgym1>></th> <th><<fuckgym2>></th><th><<fuckgym3>></th>
<<if $teachercum gte 40 or $mccum gte 40>>\
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $bimboend is 3>>\
<<if $mccum gte 90>>\
<<if $teachercum gte 90>>\
<<elseif $bimboend lte 2>>
<<if $mccum gte 90>>\
<<if $teachercum gte 90>>\
<<elseif $mccum gte 100 and $bimboend gte 3>>\
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">\
<<elseif $mccum gte 100>>\
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">\
<<elseif $teachercum gte 100 and $bimboend gte 3>>\
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">\
<<elseif $teachercum gte 100>>\
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">\
<<widget "fuckgym2">>
<<link "<h7>Fuck 2</h7>">><<replace "#bimbo">><<audio "startgym" play>><<audio "begingym" stop>>
<<if $mccum lte 99 and $teachercum lte 99>>\
<video src="img/gif/gym/gymsex2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted controls>
<<set $mccum +=random(1, 10)>><<upd>>
<<set $teachercum +=random(1, 10)>><<upd>>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<fuckgym1>></th> <th><<fuckgym2>></th><th><<fuckgym3>></th>
<<if $teachercum gte 40 or $mccum gte 40>>\
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $bimboend is 3>>\
<<if $mccum gte 90>>\
<<if $teachercum gte 90>>\
<<elseif $bimboend lte 2>>
<<if $mccum gte 90>>\
<<if $teachercum gte 90>>\
<<elseif $mccum gte 100 and $bimboend gte 3>>\
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">\
<<elseif $mccum gte 100>>\
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">\
<<elseif $teachercum gte 100 and $bimboend gte 3>>\
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">\
<<elseif $teachercum gte 100>>\
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">\
<<widget "fuckgym3">>
<<link "<h7>Fuck 3</h7>">><<replace "#bimbo">><<audio "startgym" play>><<audio "begingym" stop>>
<<if $mccum lte 99 and $teachercum lte 99>>\
<video src="img/gif/gym/gymsex3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted controls>
<<set $mccum +=random(1, 10)>><<upd>>
<<set $teachercum +=random(1, 10)>><<upd>>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<fuckgym1>></th> <th><<fuckgym2>></th><th><<fuckgym3>></th>
<<if $teachercum gte 40 or $mccum gte 40>>\
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $bimboend is 3>>\
<<if $mccum gte 90>>\
<<if $teachercum gte 90>>\
<<elseif $bimboend lte 2>>
<<if $mccum gte 90>>\
<<if $teachercum gte 90>>\
<<elseif $mccum gte 100 and $bimboend gte 3>>\
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">\
<<elseif $mccum gte 100>>\
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">\
<<elseif $teachercum gte 100 and $bimboend gte 3>>\
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">\
<<elseif $teachercum gte 100>>\
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">\
<<widget "fuckgymhard">>
<<link "<h7>Harder 1</h7>">><<replace "#bimbo">><<audio "startgym" play>><<audio "begingym" stop>>
<<if $mccum lte 99 and $teachercum lte 99>>\
<video src="img/gif/gym/gymfuckhard.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted controls>
<<set $mccum +=random(5, 12)>><<upd>>
<<set $teachercum +=random(5, 12)>><<upd>>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<fuckgym1>></th> <th><<fuckgym2>></th><th><<fuckgym3>></th>
<<if $teachercum gte 40 or $mccum gte 40>>\
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $bimboend is 3>>\
<<if $mccum gte 90>>\
<<if $teachercum gte 90>>\
<<elseif $bimboend lte 2>>
<<if $mccum gte 90>>\
<<if $teachercum gte 90>>\
<<elseif $mccum gte 100 and $bimboend gte 3>>\
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">\
<<elseif $mccum gte 100>>\
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">\
<<elseif $teachercum gte 100 and $bimboend gte 3>>\
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">\
<<elseif $teachercum gte 100>>\
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">\
<<widget "fuckgymhard2">>
<<link "<h7>Harder 2</h7>">><<replace "#bimbo">><<audio "startgym" play>><<audio "begingym" stop>>
<<if $mccum lte 99 and $teachercum lte 99>>\
<video src="img/gif/gym/gymfuckhard2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted controls>
<<set $mccum +=random(5, 12)>><<upd>>
<<set $teachercum +=random(5, 12)>><<upd>>
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">
<table style="width:80%">
<th><<fuckgym1>></th> <th><<fuckgym2>></th><th><<fuckgym3>></th>
<<if $teachercum gte 40 or $mccum gte 40>>\
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $bimboend is 3>>\
<<if $mccum gte 90>>\
<<if $teachercum gte 90>>\
<<elseif $bimboend lte 2>>
<<if $mccum gte 90>>\
<<if $teachercum gte 90>>\
<<elseif $mccum gte 100 and $bimboend gte 3>>\
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">\
<<elseif $mccum gte 100>>\
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">\
<<elseif $teachercum gte 100 and $bimboend gte 3>>\
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">\
<<elseif $teachercum gte 100>>\
<div class="statsbox"><div align="center">\
<<widget "gymmc">>
<<link "<h7>Orgasm!</h7>">><<replace "#bimbo">>
<<if $teachercum gte 90>>
<<set $mccum to 0>><<set $teachercum to 0>><<upd>>
<video src="img/gif/gym/gymcum.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Boy1" "Guy from the Gym">>Oh God! Fuck that was intense!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Fuck yes! It was!<</speech>>
<video src="img/gif/gym/mccum.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<set $mccum to 0>><<upd>><<arousalcum 1>><div class="posarousal">Bimbo Orgasm +1!</div>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Oh... My Gosh!!! I'm Fucking CUMMING!<</speech>>
<<button [[Move on|fitnesscenter]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><<set $minifuck1 to 0>><<set $mccum to 0>><<set $teachercum to 0>><<masteraudio stop>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
<<widget "gymmc1">>
<<link "<h7>Orgasm!</h7>">><<replace "#bimbo">>
<<if $teachercum gte 90>>
<<set $mccum to 0>><<set $teachercum to 0>><<upd>>
<video src="img/gif/gym/gymcum.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Boy1" "Guy from the Gym">>Oh God! Fuck that was intense!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck yes! It was!<</speech>>
<video src="img/gif/gym/mccum.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<set $mccum to 0>><<arousalcum 1>><div class="posarousal">Bimbo Orgasm +1!</div><<upd>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah!! AH!! I'm cumming!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Guy from the Gym">>Fucking awesome!<</speech>>
<<button [[Move on|fitnesscenter]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><<set $minifuck1 to 0>><<set $mccum to 0>><<set $teachercum to 0>><<masteraudio stop>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
<<widget "gymcum">>
<<link "<h7>His Cum!</h7>">><<replace "#bimbo">>
<<if $mccum gte 90>>
<<set $mccum to 0>><<set $teachercum to 0>><<upd>>
<video src="img/gif/gym/mccum.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Boy1" "Guy from the Gym">>Oh God! Fuck that was intense!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Fuck yes! It was!<</speech>>
<video src="img/gif/gym/gymcum.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<set $mccum to 0>><<upd>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Guy from the Gym">>Ah!! Take this fucking cum you fucking slut!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Haha...<</speech>>
<<button [[Move on|fitnesscenter]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><<set $minifuck1 to 0>><<set $mccum to 0>><<set $teachercum to 0>><<masteraudio stop>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
<<widget "gymcum1">>
<<link "<h7>His Cum!</h7>">><<replace "#bimbo">>
<<if $mccum gte 90>>
<<set $mccum to 0>><<set $teachercum to 0>><<upd>>
<video src="img/gif/gym/mccum.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Boy1" "Guy from the Gym">>Oh God! Fuck that was intense!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck yes! It was!<</speech>>
<video src="img/gif/gym/gymcum.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<set $mccum to 0>><<upd>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Guy from the Gym">>Ah!! I'm cumming!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha...<</speech>>
<<button [[Move on|fitnesscenter]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><<set $minifuck1 to 0>><<set $mccum to 0>><<set $teachercum to 0>><<masteraudio stop>><<set $arousal to 0>><</button>>
<</widget>><div class="client3box"><b>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/meeting.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
A client is a young female employee who is working for the same club you are working for. She has a huge request for you. First of all, She wants to meet you by her client residence to talk about the details.
The offer is really intresting and you think this is going to be fun.
<<button [[Meet Her]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Clients]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="client3box"><b><<audio "client3" play>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/meet.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
A client were waiting by the gate, she is practilly young as you. She seems so much happy that you arrived. The client's residence is enormous.
<<speech "Client3" "Client">>Hey! It's so good to see you! My name is Nadia!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi! Mine is $name. It's nice to see you too! Wow. What a place!<</speech>>
<<speech "Client3" "Nadia">>Isn't it? But the garden is so much cooler than this. You have too see this!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Walk with Nadia</h4>">>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/meet2.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop controls></video>
Nadia showed you around the garden talking about some nonsense. You felt good in her company, She sometimes touches you, which you even like it.
It's a little strange that she knows everything about the place.
<<speech "Client3" "Nadia">>Haha. I knew you are cool girl!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You too! Nadia, i have to ask.<</speech>>
<<speech "Client3" "Nadia">>Yeah, go ahead.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's cool that we are hanging out but why did you request me here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Client3" "Nadia">>Oh yes! $name. Maybe let's go inside. I'll explaing everything.<</speech>>
<<button [[Nadia takes you in]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="client3box"><b>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/meet3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
Nadia takes you to the livingroom for little chat, then she is explaing why are you here.
<<speech "Client3" "Nadia">>So... i have to say, this client is my dearest person to me. He took good care of me for the past of several years.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow. He must be a good guy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Client3" "Nadia">>Yes, he is. After my parents hated what I was doing, he offered his place. So I want to thank him somehow. Then i saw you profile on our club. Finally, a girl i was looking for.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's great to hear. So what do you have in mind? <</speech>>
Nadia wanted to say something but then...
<<linkreplace "<h4>Footsteps</h4>">>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/meet4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted></video>
Then someone is coming downstairs, it's really good looking middle-aged guy.
<<speech "Boy1" "Client">>Hello!. Hey my Niece.<</speech>>
<<speech "Client3" "Nadia">>Hey Uncle!<</speech>>
Then both of them kissed each other. Apparently, they are not afraid to show their feelings in public.
<<speech "Boy1" "Client">>I need to go Nadia, have fun. I'll be back in a few hours.<</speech>>
<<speech "Client3" "Nadia">>Sure Uncle! Have a good day!<</speech>>
Her uncle left the house.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's your Uncle? Wow...<</speech>>
<<speech "Client3" "Nadia">>Yes he is. I love making him happy, Uncle loves young girls like us. Are you okay with that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure! Let's suprise him!<</speech>>
<<speech "Client3" "Nadia">>Cool!<</speech>>
<<button [[Wait|Uncle Client]]>><<set $minifuck1 to 4>><<set $mcstamina to 2>><<set $mccum to 100>><<set $teachercum to 100>><<set $unclestamina to 0>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="client3box"><b>
<span id="1">
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/start.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
Nadia is start earlier with her Uncle, you gotta step into the action later. The way she sucking his uncle makes you really horny and jealous.
<<speech "Boy1" "Client">>Fuck! Nadia! Why you are so good to me today?<</speech>>
<<speech "Client3" "Nadia">>I want to make you happy today Uncle!<</speech>>
She noticed you so as her Uncle, He seems very happy that they are having a suprise guest.
<<speech "Boy1" "Client">>AH! Nadia! Your friend....<</speech>>
<<speech "Client3" "Nadia">>Haha! There is your suprise!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hello!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Client">>I can't believe... it's like a dream.<</speech>>
<<speech "Client3" "Nadia">>Come no $name. Let's make him happy today.<</speech>>
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
$name interaction costs 20% endurance, Nadia gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox1">
Nadia interaction costs 20% endurance, $name gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Nadia and $name interaction costs 12% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<<silently>></span></b></div><</silently>>\<<widget "cmcsuck1">>
<<link "<h9>Suck - 20%</h9>">><<replace "#1">><<audio "client3go" play>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/suckmc1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
<<mccum -20>>
<<teachercum +5>>
<<set $unclecum to $unclecum +10>><<upd>>\
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum1>></span>
<<if $teachercum gte 1>>
<<if $mccum gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
$name interaction costs 20% endurance, Nadia gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox1">
Nadia interaction costs 20% endurance, $name gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Nadia and $name interaction costs 12% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<regain>></span>
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<exhaustedc>></span>
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum1>></span>
<<widget "cmcsuck2">>
<<link "<h9>Suck 2 - 20%</h9>">><<replace "#1">><<audio "client3go" play>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/suckmc2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
<<mccum -20>>
<<teachercum +5>>
<<set $unclecum to $unclecum +10>><<upd>>\
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum1>></span>
<<if $teachercum gte 1>>
<<if $mccum gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
$name interaction costs 20% endurance, Nadia gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox1">
Nadia interaction costs 20% endurance, $name gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Nadia and $name interaction costs 12% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<regain>></span>
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<exhaustedc>></span>
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum1>></span>
<<widget "cmcnadiasuck1">>
<<link "<h8>Suck with Nadia -12% </h8>">><<replace "#1">><<audio "client3go" play>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/suckmcnadia1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
<<mccum -12>>
<<teachercum -12>>
<<set $unclecum to $unclecum +10>><<upd>>\
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum1>></span>
<<if $teachercum gte 1>>
<<if $mccum gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
$name interaction costs 20% endurance, Nadia gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox1">
Nadia interaction costs 20% endurance, $name gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Nadia and $name interaction costs 12% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<regain>></span>
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<exhaustedc>></span>
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum1>></span>
<<widget "cmcnadiasuck2">>
<<link "<h8>Suck with Nadia 2 -12%</h8>">><<replace "#1">><<audio "client3go" play>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/suckmcnadia2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
<<mccum -12>>
<<teachercum -12>>
<<set $unclecum to $unclecum +10>><<upd>>\
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum1>></span>
<<if $teachercum gte 1>>
<<if $mccum gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
$name interaction costs 20% endurance, Nadia gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox1">
Nadia interaction costs 20% endurance, $name gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Nadia and $name interaction costs 12% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<regain>></span>
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<exhaustedc>></span>
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum1>></span>
<<widget "cnadiasuck1">>
<<link "<h8>Nadia Suck -20%</h8>">><<replace "#1">><<audio "client3go" play>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/nadiasuck1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
<<mccum +5>>
<<teachercum -20>>
<<set $unclecum to $unclecum +10>><<upd>>\
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum1>></span>
<<if $teachercum gte 1>>
<<if $mccum gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
$name interaction costs 20% endurance, Nadia gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox1">
Nadia interaction costs 20% endurance, $name gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Nadia and $name interaction costs 12% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<regain>></span>
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<exhaustedc>></span>
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum1>></span>
<<widget "cnadiasuck2">>
<<link "<h8>Nadia Suck 2 -20%</h8>">><<replace "#1">><<audio "client3go" play>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/nadiasuck2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
<<mccum +5>>
<<teachercum -20>>
<<set $unclecum to $unclecum +10>><<upd>>\
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum1>></span>
<<if $teachercum gte 1>>
<<if $mccum gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
$name interaction costs 20% endurance, Nadia gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox1">
Nadia interaction costs 20% endurance, $name gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Nadia and $name interaction costs 12% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<regain>></span>
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<exhaustedc>></span>
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum1>></span>
<<widget "regain">>
<<link "<h7>Exhausted</h7>">><<replace "#1">><<audio "client3go" play>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/regain1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
@@color:orange;You gained full Endurance with the cost of 1 Stamina.@@
<<set $mccum to 100>>
<<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><<upd>>
<<if $mcstamina gte 1>>\
<<if $teachercum gte 1>>
<<if $mccum gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
$name interaction costs 20% endurance, Nadia gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox1">
Nadia interaction costs 20% endurance, $name gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Nadia and $name interaction costs 12% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<regain>></span>
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<exhaustedc>></span>
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum1>></span>
<<elseif $mcstamina is 0>>\
<<button [[mcexhausted]]>><</button>>
<<widget "exhaustedc">>
<<link "<h7>Nadia's Regain</h7>">><<replace "#1">><<audio "client3go" play>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/suckmcrough.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
@@color:hotpink;Nadia can't control of herself, she forces you to suck his cock deeper.@@
<<mccum -35>>
<<teachercum +100>>
<<set $unclecum to $unclecum +10>><<upd>>\
<<if $teachercum gte 1>>
<<if $mccum gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
$name interaction costs 20% endurance, Nadia gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox1">
Nadia interaction costs 20% endurance, $name gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Nadia and $name interaction costs 12% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<regain>></span>
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<exhaustedc>></span>
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum1>></span>
<<widget "unclecum1">>
<<link "<h7>He's Cumming!</h7>">><<replace "#1">>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/unclecum1.webm" class='large' autoplay controls></video>
<<set $unclestamina to $unclestamina +1>>
<<set $unclecum to 0>>
<<set $mccum to 100>><<set $teachercum to 100>><<upd>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Client">>Damn Girls! Shit... This is the best.<</speech>>
<<speech "Client3" "Nadia">>Haha! Good job $name. This is so much fun doing this with you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes indeed!<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>To another position</h4>">><<replace "#1">><<masteraudio stop>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/next.webm" class='large' autoplay controls></video>
<<if $teachercum gte 1>>
<<if $mccum gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
$name interaction costs 20% endurance, Nadia gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox1">
Nadia interaction costs 20% endurance, $name gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Nadia and $name interaction costs 15% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<regain>></span>
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<exhaustedc1>></span>
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum2>></span>
<</widget>><<widget "cfuck1">>
<<link "<h7>Fuck -20%</h7>">><<replace "#1">><<audio "client3go" play>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/fuckmc1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<mccum -20>>
<<teachercum +5>>
<<set $unclecum to $unclecum +10>><<upd>>\
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum2>></span>
<<if $teachercum gte 1>>
<<if $mccum gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
$name interaction costs 20% endurance, Nadia gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox1">
Nadia interaction costs 20% endurance, $name gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Nadia and $name interaction costs 15% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<regain1>></span>
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<exhaustedc1>></span>
<<widget "cfuck2">>
<<link "<h7>Fuck 2 -20%</h7>">><<replace "#1">><<audio "client3go" play>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/fuckmc2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<mccum -20>>
<<teachercum +5>>
<<set $unclecum to $unclecum +10>><<upd>>\
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum2>></span>
<<if $teachercum gte 1>>
<<if $mccum gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
$name interaction costs 20% endurance, Nadia gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox1">
Nadia interaction costs 20% endurance, $name gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Nadia and $name interaction costs 15% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<regain1>></span>
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<exhaustedc1>></span>
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum2>></span>
<<widget "cfuck3">>
<<link "<h7>Fuck 3 -20%</h7>">><<replace "#1">><<audio "client3go" play>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/fuckmc3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<mccum -20>>
<<teachercum +5>>
<<set $unclecum to $unclecum +10>><<upd>>\
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum2>></span>
<<if $teachercum gte 1>>
<<if $mccum gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
$name interaction costs 20% endurance, Nadia gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox1">
Nadia interaction costs 20% endurance, $name gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Nadia and $name interaction costs 15% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<regain1>></span>
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<exhaustedc1>></span>
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum2>></span>
<<widget "cnadiafuck1">>
<<link "<h8>Nadia Fuck -20%</h8>">><<replace "#1">><<audio "client3go" play>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/nadiafuck1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<teachercum -20>>
<<mccum +5>>
<<set $unclecum to $unclecum +10>><<upd>>\
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum2>></span>
<<if $teachercum gte 1>>
<<if $mccum gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
$name interaction costs 20% endurance, Nadia gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox1">
Nadia interaction costs 20% endurance, $name gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Nadia and $name interaction costs 15% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<regain1>></span>
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<exhaustedc1>></span>
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum2>></span>
<<widget "cnadiafuck2">>
<<link "<h8>Nadia Fuck 2 -20%</h8>">><<replace "#1">><<audio "client3go" play>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/nadiafuck2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<teachercum -20>>
<<mccum +5>>
<<set $unclecum to $unclecum +10>><<upd>>\
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum2>></span>
<<if $teachercum gte 1>>
<<if $mccum gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
$name interaction costs 20% endurance, Nadia gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox1">
Nadia interaction costs 20% endurance, $name gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Nadia and $name interaction costs 15% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<regain1>></span>
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<exhaustedc1>></span>
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum2>></span>
<<widget "cnadiafuck3">>
<<link "<h8>Nadia Fuck 3 -20%</h8>">><<replace "#1">><<audio "client3go" play>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/nadiafuck3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<teachercum -20>>
<<mccum +5>>
<<set $unclecum to $unclecum +10>><<upd>>\
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum2>></span>
<<if $teachercum gte 1>>
<<if $mccum gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
$name interaction costs 20% endurance, Nadia gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox1">
Nadia interaction costs 20% endurance, $name gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Nadia and $name interaction costs 15% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<regain1>></span>
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<exhaustedc1>></span>
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum2>></span>
<<widget "cmcnadiafuck1">>
<<link "<h8>Fuck with Nadia -15%</h8>">><<replace "#1">><<audio "client3go" play>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/fucknadiamc1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<teachercum -15>>
<<mccum -15>>
<<set $unclecum to $unclecum +10>><<upd>>\
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum2>></span>
<<if $teachercum gte 1>>
<<if $mccum gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
$name interaction costs 20% endurance, Nadia gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox1">
Nadia interaction costs 20% endurance, $name gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Nadia and $name interaction costs 15% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<regain1>></span>
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<exhaustedc1>></span>
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum2>></span>
<<widget "cmcnadiafuck2">>
<<link "<h8>Fuck with Nadia 2 -15%</h8>">><<replace "#1">><<audio "client3go" play>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/fucknadiamc2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<teachercum -15>>
<<mccum -15>>
<<set $unclecum to $unclecum +10>><<upd>>\
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum2>></span>
<<if $teachercum gte 1>>
<<if $mccum gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
$name interaction costs 20% endurance, Nadia gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox1">
Nadia interaction costs 20% endurance, $name gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Nadia and $name interaction costs 15% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<regain1>></span>
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<exhaustedc1>></span>
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum2>></span>
<<widget "exhaustedc1">>
<<link "<h7>Nadia's Regain</h7>">><<replace "#1">><<audio "client3go" play>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/fuckrough.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
@@color:hotpink;Nadia can't control of herself, she tells uncle to fuck you harder.@@
<<mccum -35>>
<<teachercum +100>>
<<set $unclecum to $unclecum +10>><<upd>>\
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum2>></span>
<<if $teachercum gte 1>>
<<if $mccum gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
$name interaction costs 20% endurance, Nadia gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox1">
Nadia interaction costs 20% endurance, $name gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Nadia and $name interaction costs 15% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<regain1>></span>
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<exhaustedc1>></span>
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum2>></span>
<<widget "unclecum2">>
<<if $unclestamina lte 3>>
<<link "<h7>He's Cumming!</h7>">><<replace "#1">>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/unclecum2.webm" class='large' autoplay controls></video>
<<set $unclestamina to $unclestamina +1>>
<<set $unclecum to 0>>
<<set $mccum to 100>><<set $teachercum to 100>><<upd>>
<<if $teachercum gte 1>>
<<if $mccum gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
$name interaction costs 20% endurance, Nadia gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox1">
Nadia interaction costs 20% endurance, $name gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Nadia and $name interaction costs 15% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<regain1>></span>
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<exhaustedc1>></span>
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum2>></span>
<<elseif $unclestamina is 4>>
<<link "<h7>Her Uncle is exhausted</h7>">><<set $minifuck1 to 0>><<set $mccum to 0>><<set $teachercum to 0>><<set $unclestamina to 0>><<set $unclecum to 0>><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "uncleexhausted">><</link>>
<<widget "regain1">>
<<link "<h7>Exhausted</h7>">><<replace "#1">><<audio "client3go" play>>
<<if $mcstamina gte 1>>\
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/regain1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
@@color:orange;You gained full Endurance with the cost of 1 Stamina.@@
<<set $mccum to 100>>
<<set $mcstamina to $mcstamina -1>><<upd>>
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum2>></span>
<<if $teachercum gte 1>>
<<if $mccum gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
$name interaction costs 20% endurance, Nadia gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox1">
Nadia interaction costs 20% endurance, $name gaining 5% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Nadia and $name interaction costs 15% endurance.
<table style="width:100%">
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<regain1>></span>
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<exhaustedc1>></span>
<<if $unclecum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<unclecum2>></span>
<<elseif $mcstamina is 0>>\
<<link "<h7>Her Uncle is exhausted</h7>">><<set $minifuck1 to 0>><<set $mccum to 0>><<set $teachercum to 0>><<set $unclestamina to 0>><<set $unclecum to 0>><<goto "mcexhausted">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>>
<div class="client3box"><b>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client3/end.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
After a long good fucking, Nadia's Uncle had enough. Nadia seems happy that her Uncle is sleeping like a log.
Nadia is giving you a prize for doing a phenomenal job.
<<money 500>>@@color:lightgreen;Money 500$ + @@
<<speech "Client3" "Nadia">>Gosh! That was so fucking epic!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, it was! I was having a such good fun!<</speech>>
<<speech "Client3" "Nadia">>Me too! I need to recommend you to others. Thank you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, thank you! We need to do this again sometime!<</speech>>
<<speech "Client3" "Nadia">>Of course! See ya!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Bye!<</speech>>
<<set $clublevel to $clublevel +1>>@@color:orange;You gained new experience in the Club!@@
<<button [[Leave|Your Page]]>><<set $time to $time +2>><<set $client3 to true>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="client3box"><b>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="lucasoffice"><b>\
<span id="1">
<img src="img/backyard/angry.jpg" class='imageleft'>
You don't know why, but your mother seems incredibly mad with you.
In your guts, You feel this is going to be a thick conversation.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name! There you are! We need to talk.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure, $mom. What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Can you tell where did you get that kind of money?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? What money?<</speech>>
She took your purse and shows $dad's money from the coat.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Don't you dare lie to me. Young lady! I saw what you did! Give it back where it belongs! <</speech>>
$mom left the room, having with you a little doubt.
<<link "<h7>Give money back</h7>">><<replace "#1">>
<img src="img/mom/relaxed.jpg" class='small'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry. $mom. I don't know why I did it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>It's okay darling. Everyone makes mistakes.<</speech>>
<<if $money gte 75>>
<<set $walletsteal to 4>>
You are giving back the money you stole.
<<money -75>>@@color:lightgreen;Money -75$@@
<<elseif money lte 74>>\
You are broke? Shame!
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><</button>>
<<link "<h7>Where is Trust? @@color:red;Corruption +1@@ </h7>">><<replace "#1">>
<img src="img/mom/momcorrupt.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh thanks $mom! Thanks for trust! Do you think I'm some kind of thief!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>No... No.. I.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That hurt my feelings deeply!<</speech>>
$mom can't find the right word. $mom was deeply saddened by how it affected you.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I'm... Sorry. Sweetheart.<</speech>>
With that $mom left your Room.
When she left, You were very impressed with how your acting worked for your $mom!
The acting career remains open!
<<mcorruption 5>>@@color:violet;$mom's Corruption +5@@
<<addcorruption 1>> <h2>+1 Corruption</h2><<upd>>
<<set $walletsteal to 5>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/school/couple.jpg" class='medium'>
Thinking about him all the time, you up to courage to tell him what do you feel.
You see him outside the school sitting by himself in the bench.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jack. I'd like to talk with you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Huh? Sure $name. What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I... I... Okay! When you took me to that forest, it felt really great. But when you me in the forest...<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>$name...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let me finish! I... was having a little doubt. Now i know what i feel. Jack. I'm... in love to you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Oh... I.. I don't know what to say... Me too $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really? You do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Of course! That kiss... it felt so special to me. I knew somehow it was too quick for you, but i had to try. I felt so dumb by then. <</speech>>
<img src="img/school/kissschool.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jack. Wow. So are we?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Sure $name. Let's be a couple!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's Awesome! <</speech>>
Jack took you and picked you up to kiss you . Both of you are so happy now.
<<button [[Move on|school]]>><<set $boyfriendjack to true>><</button>>
<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<audio "mall" pause>><<audio "crowdrest" play>><<audio "restaurant" play>><b>
<<if $time lte 21.5>>\
<i>@@color:orange; The restaurant has two floors where you can only move around the first floor. Most customers are men by the style in which the restaurant is managed.@@</i>
<<if $interview is false>>\
<<button [[Ask for a Job]]>><</button>>
<<if $interview is true and $clotheswear is "uniformwork2" or $interview is true and $clotheswear is "uniformwork3">>
<<if $evalevel is 0>>
@@color:rgba(170, 65, 255, 1);Eva's Relationship:$evarelation/25@@
<<elseif $evalevel is 1>>\
@@color:rgba(170, 65, 255, 1);Eva's Relationship:$evarelation/50@@
<<elseif $evalevel is 2>>\
<<if $evarelation lte 125>>\
@@color:rgba(170, 65, 255, 1);Eva's Relationship:$evarelation/125@@
<<elseif $evarelation gte 126>>\
@@color:rgba(170, 65, 255, 1);Eva's Relationship:$evarelation/150@@
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<link "<img src='img/restaurant/changeroom.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "restaurantchange">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/restaurant/evaroom.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "evaroom">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/restaurant/rest.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "restaurantrest">><</link>></th>
<<if $energy gte 30>>\
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<link "<img src='img/restaurant/work.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "workres">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/restaurant/doors.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "doorres">><</link>></th>
<<elseif $energy lte 30>>
@@color:orange;You are Exhausted!@@<</if>>
<<elseif $interview is true>>
<h3>You need to change the outfit</h3>
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<link "<img src='img/restaurant/changeroom.jpg' class='mediumcity'>">><<goto "restaurantchange">><</link>></th>
<<elseif $time gte 22>>\
<h3>It's Closed!</h3>
<<button [[Leave|mall]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<audio "mall" pause>><b>\
<<if $interview is true>>
<video src="img/restaurant/restaurantstart.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
As usual you were going for the work but you got the message that cafe was taken by some big company.
They changed the cafe place to a restaurant with special policy. All the waitresses had to wear a skimpy outift.
As you entered you were greeted by a new manager.
<<speech "Eva">>$name! I heard a lot about you. Name's Eva, I'm your new boss. It's nice to meet you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi... What happened here? Yesterday, this place used to be a cafe.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Isn't it fabulous? My crew did a excellent job in rearranging this place. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah! You guys are so fast! So can i work here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Of course! Your new uniform is waiting for you. Don't mind that it looks little short. People here like the new style here that's beacuse we are crowded here. So... go change! Customers are waiting!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I... Okay! I'm on it!<</speech>>
<<button [[Change Room|restaurantchange]]>>
<video src="img/restaurant/restaurantstart.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
You are going to a freshly open restaurant. The restaurant is really intresting beacuse the waitress are wearing a daring outfits. As you went in the waitress are welcoming as their manager.
<<speech "Eva" "Manger">>Hello. Welcome to our Restaurant!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm HI! Nice place.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva" "Manager">>Thank you! Have a sit, i recommend you to try our Dish of the Day! Penne Pasta with Mushroom Sauce. It's magnificent! Or if you like, you can join to our staff!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks! I'll let you know.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva" "Manager">>Fantastic! See ya soon.<</speech>>
<<button [[Move on|restaurant]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<audio "mall" pause>><b>\
<h3>Change Room</h3>
<<if $restaurantstart is false>>\
<<link "<img src='img/restaurant/uniform.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "uniformwork2">><<set $uniformhot to true>><<set $restaurantstart to true>>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 10>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
@@color:orange;<i>Your uniform is lying on the bench. That outfit is bit revealing, shows mostly legs and tits. You had some doubts wearing this. All the girls seems doesn't have problem with that, then why don't you?</i>@@
<<if $uniformhot is true and $uniformhot2 is false>>\
<<link "<img src='img/restaurant/uniform.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "uniformwork2">>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>
<<set $reputationcloth to 10>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>
<<if $uniformhot2 is true and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<link "<img src='img/restaurant/uniform2.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "uniformwork3">>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>
<<set $reputationcloth to 18>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>
<<if $uniformhot2 is true and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<link "<img src='img/restaurant/uniform3.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "uniformwork3">><<set $restar to 1>>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>
<<set $reputationcloth to 18>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>
<<if $buyxxxres1 is true and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>
<<link "<img src='img/restaurant/uniform3.1.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "uniformwork3">><<set $restar to 2>>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>
<<set $reputationcloth to 21>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>
<<if $buyxxxres2 is true and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>
<<link "<img src='img/restaurant/uniform3.2.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "uniformwork3">><<set $restar to 3>>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>
<<set $reputationcloth to 21>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>
<<button [[To work|restaurant]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<masteraudio stop>>\
<i>Lucas's House is one of the luxuries houses in the city center. This build is surrounded by a huge facade which nobody could get in easily. Behind the house lies a small heliport beyond that there is a large pool. The interior of the house is decorated in modern european style.</i>
<<if $lucasrelationship gte 20 and $evatrust is false and $week gte 4>>\
<<button [[Lucas wants to talk with you]]>><</button>>
<<if $momvision is true and $mcorruption gte 50 and $lucasgift is false>>\
<<button [[Talk Lucas about the Mom]]>><</button>>
<<if $lucasremote is true and $language is 0 and $sophiagreet is true and $time gte 10 and $time lte 14 and $day gte 6>>\
<<button [[Learn the Language]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $sophia is true and $lucasremote is true and $language is 0 and $sophiameets is 0>>\
@@color:orange;(You need to visit Sophia's Clinic)@@
<<elseif $lessons lte 5 and $lucasremote is true>>
@@color:orange;(Progress Lena's Story)@@
<<elseif $time gte 14.5 and $language is 0 or $time lte 9.5 and $language is 0>>
@@color:orange;Lucas is busy right now.@@
<<if $language is 1 and $time gte 16 and $time lte 20 and $day is 1>>
<<button [[Learn the Language|Kolejny]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $language is 1>>
@@color:orange;Visit Sophia in Monday 16:00-20:00@@
<<if $language is 2 and $time gte 20 and $time lte 23 and $day is 5>>\
<<button [[Learn the Language|Sophia Sex]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $language is 2 and $sophiamsg is 0>>
@@color:orange;Sophia needs to think. She let you know when to meet.@@
<<elseif $sophiamsg is 1 and $language is 2>>
@@color:orange;Sophia is available in Friday 20:00-23:00.@@
<<elseif $language gte 3>>\
<<link "<h7>Learn the Language @@color:orange;((Repeatable Event))@@</h7>">><<goto "Sophia Sex">><<set $sophiasex to 0>><</link>>
<<if $language is 3 and $time gte 20 and $time lte 23 and $day is 5>>\
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/security2.jpg' class="mediumc">
Security is waiting by the mansion.
<<speech "Boy1" "Security">>$name? Sophia is waiting for you. Wait at the entrace.<</speech>>
<<button [[Look for Sophia|lookforsophiastart]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $language gte 4>>
<<link "<h7>Look for Sophia @@color:orange;((Repeatable Event))@@</h7>">><<goto "lookforsophiastart">><</link>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $introforlucas1 gte 0 and $time gte 15 and $time lte 19>>
<<button [[Meet with Lucas]]>><</button>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $warehouse is false>>
<<button [[Lucas Gift|lucasashley]]>><</button>>
<<if $evalevel gte 5>>
<<link "<h6>Report about Eva's Kink</h6>">><<goto "lucasevakink">><</link>>
<<if $lucashelp is 1 and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<<button [[Ask Lucas for Help]]>><</button>>
<<if $time gte 20 or $time lte 6.5>>\
<<button [[Leave|citycenternight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenter]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<set $time to $time +1>><<upd>>\
<img src='img/lucas/lucashouse/talking.jpg' class='imageleft'>
Lucas is talking through the phone with someone, From your observation, you can see that he's deeply annoyed by the conversation.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>I don't care. What? She even refused that?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>That fucking CUNT! Okay. okay... Meet me in half hour. I think i've got an idea.<</speech>>
Lucas noticed that you are here and hang out the phone.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name. It's very good that you came here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure. Lucas. Is something bad happened?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Kinda. I have a task for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? What kind of task?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Like you know, In the mall they opened a new restaurant. Which is led by a new Manager.<</speech>>
<<if $restaurantstart is true>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah, i know. Eva! She knows a lot of bussiness.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Yes she is.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I heard some rumors that the new restaurant is moving to mall.<</speech>>
<img src='img/lucas/lucashouse/eva.jpg' class='imageright'>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>It's her. She is blocking my bussinesses inside the mall. My shares have gone downhill since she starts that fucking restaurant.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So she won't cooperate?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Cooperate? With her? Never. I tried bribery, she refused that. But i have better plans for her. That plan is you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Me? I don't understand.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>She is looking for some young girls to work at her slutty restaurant. Try to gain her trust to you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But... it will take some time.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Then get to work. You can leave.<</speech>>
<<set $evatrust to true>>
@@color:hotpink;Gain Eva's trust@@
<<if $time gte 20 or $time lte 6>>\
<<button [[Leave|citycenternight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenter]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<audio "mall" pause>><b>\
<img src='img/restaurant/evaroom.jpg' class='medium'><<set $uniformhot to true>><<set $interview to true>><<upd>>
Some waitress points you to her manager to talk about the job. Manager smiled to you as you were entering her office.
<<speech "Eva" "Manager">>Come in! It's great to see you. My name is Eva.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey. My name is $name. It's great too see you too.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>You came here for work, I presume?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. I'd like to work here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Fantastic! Our crew is getting bigger and bigger. Let's sing some papers for formalities, of course.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, of course. <</speech>>
<img src='img/restaurant/waitress.jpg' class='imageleft'>
After you sing papers, Eva ask her employee to show you basics of the job.
Employee with patiance teached you well, then she showed you the uniform that you need to wear everyday.
<<speech "Tara" "Waitress">>And here is your uniform. It's simple and covers mostly of your top, still you can modify it if you want.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Cool. I'll think about it.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Uniform</h4>">>
<<if $uniformhotstart is false>>\
<<link "<img src='img/restaurant/uniform.jpg' class='small'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "uniformwork2">>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 10>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $time to $time +1>>
<<button [[Change Room|restaurantchange]]>><<set $restaurantstart to true>><<set $uniformhot to true>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<audio "mall" pause>><b>\
<<if $evalevel is 0>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/eva2.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:orange;Eva is doing some paper work and talking through the phone.@@
@@color:rgba(170, 65, 255, 1);Eva's Relationship:$evarelation/25@@
<<if $evarelation lte 24>>
<<speech "Eva">>$name? What is it?<</speech>>
<<elseif $evarelation gte 25>>
<<speech "Eva">>$name. It's good that you came here. Let's talk.<</speech>>
<<button [[Talk with Eva]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $evalevel is 1>>\
<<if $evarelation lte 49>>
<img src="img/restaurant/eva2.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:orange;Eva is doing some paper work and talking through the phone.@@
<<speech "Eva">>Now you are looking great $name! Very Good! Go back to work darling.<</speech>>
<<elseif $evarelation gte 50>>
<img src="img/restaurant/eva02.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:orange;Eva is doing some paper work and talking through the phone.@@
<<speech "Eva">>$name. We need to talk.<</speech>>
<<if $evatrust is true>>
<<button [[Talk with Eva|eva1]]>><</button>>
@@color:orange;Talk with Lucas first! (Lucas House)@@
@@color:rgba(170, 65, 255, 1);Eva's Relationship:$evarelation/50@@
<<elseif $evalevel is 2>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/eva03.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:orange;Eva is minding her own business.
Entering Eva's office, she returns the smile with a silly grin. @@
<<speech "Eva">>$name?! Shouldn't you be working?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Your Mind</h6>">>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>You're a fucking ugly bitch! I want to stab...<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>HEY HEY CHILL DOWN!<</speech>>
<<if $evarelation lte 125>>\
@@color:rgba(170, 65, 255, 1);Eva's Relationship:$evarelation/125@@
<<elseif $evarelation gte 126>>\
@@color:rgba(170, 65, 255, 1);Eva's Relationship:$evarelation/150@@
<<if $evarelation lte 99>>
<<elseif $evarelation gte 100 and $cigar is 0>>\
@@color:orange;Complete Tara's event in the Restroom (Check the Rest Room)@@
<<elseif $evarelation gte 100 and $cigar is 1>>\
<<button [[Go for a smoke]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<elseif $evarelation gte 125 and $cigar is 2>>\
<<button [[Go for a smoke(Part2)|Go for a smoke]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<if $evarelation lte 150 and $cigar is 3 and $evalevel is 2 and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $evatask is false or $evatask is true>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/evac.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Eva">>$name? Don't be shy. Close the door before you came in.<</speech>>
Eva, with a voice irritating to you, tells you.
<<button [[Eva|evaoffice]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|restaurant]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<audio "mall" pause>><b>\
<<if $evalevel is 0>>
<img src="img/restaurant/resting.jpg" class="imageright">
Resting in the room social.
Other waitress are resting here too.
<<speech "Girl2" "Hannah">>Hey $name, how is work?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey. It's okay. I guess...<</speech>>
<<speech "Tara" "Tara">>Is something wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well the pay is not that big as i expected.<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl2" "Hannah">>Haha, of course. Pay is not that good but the tips are much better. My advice, tits. They always look at the tits.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Tips and Tits? Okay. I'll think about it.<</speech>>
<<energy 10>>@@color:lightblue; Energy +10@@
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>@@color:lightyellow;Half hour rest.@@
<<elseif $evalevel is 1>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/resting.jpg" class='imageright'>
You rest and socialize some girls in the Rest room.
Some of them brag about how much big of a tip got after showing bare ass to some old perverts.
<<speech "Tara">>Fuck Yes! Today is my lucky Day!<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl2" "Hannah">>What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tara">>Some old Guy gave me a huge tip! Fucking 200$!<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl2" "Hannah">>No fucking way. Like that?<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/rubbing.webp" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Tara">>You dummy! Of course not! I let him watch and touch my bare pussy! It was worth it though.<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl2" "Hannah">>Girl! For 200$ I would let him fuck me.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;You pretty much envy her for that kind of money.
Maybe you need to change your attitude to this work?@@
<<energy 10>>@@color:lightblue; Energy +10@@
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>@@color:lightyellow;Half hour rest.@@
<<elseif $evalevel is 2>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/resting.jpg" class='imageright'>
You rest and socialize some girls in the Rest room.
Some of the Girls were taking a selfies.
<<speech "Tara">>$name! Can you take picture of us?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure!<</speech>>
<<set _pic to random(1,3)>>
<<if _pic is 1>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/selfies.webp" class="imageleft">
<<elseif _pic is 2>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/selfies2.webp" class="imageleft">
<<elseif _pic is 3>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/selfies3.webp" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Girl2" "Hannah">>Oh yeah! We look kinda hot!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tara">>Kinda?! Bitch please! We are super hot!<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl2" "Hannah">>Thanks $name!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No problem!<</speech>>
<<energy 10>>@@color:lightblue; Energy +10@@
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>@@color:lightyellow;Half hour rest.@@
<<if $evarelation gte 75 and $cigar is 0>>
<<button [[Tara]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $evarelation lte 74>>
@@color:orange;Tara with some Girls are chilling outside.@@
<<if $evarelation gte 100 and $cigar is 1 or $cigar gte 2 and $smokecigar is false>>\
<<button [[Go for a smoke]]>><<set $smokecigar to true>><<masteraudio stop>><<set $evapunish to either (0,3)>><</button>>
<<elseif $smokecigar is true>>\
@@color:orange;You already smoked a lot cigarettes today!@@
<<button [[Leave|restaurant]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<audio "mall" pause>><b>\
<<if $evalevel is 0>>\
<<set _work to random(1,2)>>\
<<if _work is 1>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/4.jpg" class='imageright'>
After accepting the order from the customer, you went to the kitchen to hand it over.
Coming back you see other waitresses serving other customers.
<<speech "Boy1" "Customer">>Wow... I need to visit this place every day! Here's your tip honey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "Waitress">>Thank you! Do you need something else?<</speech>>
<<energy -20>><<money 18>><<evarelation 5>><<set $time to $time +2>><<upd>>\
<div class="pos"><table>
<th>@@color:violet;Eva relationship +5@@</th>
<th><div class="power">-20 Energy</div></th><th><div class="money">+18 Money</div></th></table></div>
Working for 2 hours.
<<elseif _work is 2>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/5.jpg" class='imageleft'>
You were about to serve some customer but client prefered to talk with other waitress.
<<speech "Girl1" "Waitress">>$name, sorry but i have to take this order.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Emm.. Sure!<</speech>>
You left her, from the distance you see that customer is really happy with her services and gave her a tip.
<<energy -20>><<money 18>><<evarelation 5>><<set $time to $time +2>><<upd>>\
<div class="pos"><table>
<th>@@color:violet;Eva relationship +5@@</th>
<th><div class="power">-20 Energy</div></th><th><div class="money">+18 Money</div></th></table></div>
Working for 2 hours.
<<if $evalevel is 1>>\
<<set _work to random(1,3)>>\
<<if $evalevel is 1>>\
<<set _work to random(1,2)>>\
<<if _work is 1>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/work1.gif" class='imageright'>
When you were going up for the order, one of the male customers whistle at you.
<<speech "Boy1" "Customer">>Hey! Hurry up with that beer. Will ya?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure...<</speech>>
<<energy -20>><<money 22>><<evarelation 5>><<set $time to $time +2>><<upd>>\
<div class="pos"><table>
<th>@@color:violet;Eva relationship +5@@</th>
<th><div class="power">-20 Energy</div></th><th><div class="money">+22 Money</div></th></table></div>
Working for 2 hours.
<<elseif _work is 2>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/work2.jpg" class='imageleft'>
Some male customers are looking at your sweet ass. One of them slapped your buttcheeks!
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey!! Watch out!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Customer">>Hehe, Calm down girl. It must felt good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*Sighs*<</speech>>
<<energy -20>><<money 22>><<evarelation 5>><<set $time to $time +2>><<upd>>\
<div class="pos"><table>
<th>@@color:violet;Eva relationship +5@@</th>
<th><div class="power">-20 Energy</div></th><th><div class="money">+22 Money</div></th></table></div>
Working for 2 hours.
<<if $evalevel is 2>>\
<<set _work to random(1,2)>>\
<<if _work is 1>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/goup.webp" class="imageright">
When you were going up for the order, one of the male customers whistle at you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Coming!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Customer">>Hey! Hurry up! What you took it so long?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Apologize him</h6>">>
<img src="img/restaurant/apologize.webp" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm so sorry! I'm new here!<</speech>>
By resolving the temper of this guy, You try to seduce him with your body.
His eyes were wide open. Customer calm down and smiled at you.
<<speech "Boy1" "Customer">>It's okay! I love the way you treat here customers! Here's your tip!<</speech>>
<<evarelation 5>><<money 10>>
<div class="pos"><div class="money">+10 Money!</div>
@@color:violet;Eva relationship +5@@<<upd>></div>\
<<energy -20>><<money 15>><<set $time to $time +2>><<upd>>\
<div class="pos"><table>
<th><div class="power">-20 Energy</div></th><th><div class="money">+15 Money</div></th></table></div>
Working for 2 hours.
<<elseif _work is 2>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/work2.jpg" class='imageleft'>
Some male customers are looking at your sweet ass. One of them slapped your buttcheeks!
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh you naughty Boy! Do you like what you slapped?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Customer">>Hah! Yes. It felt great! <</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Encourage him</h6>">>
<img src="img/restaurant/getspanked.webp" class="imageright">
You've reached for the glasses but you acted clumsy and fell down on the customers legs.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ups! I'm so sorry! Punish me please!<</speech>>
Customer liked the idea and get's your skirt up and slapped your bare naked butt.
<<evarelation 5>><<money 10>>
<div class="pos">
<div class="money">+10 Money!</div>
@@color:violet;Eva relationship +5@@<<upd>></div>\
<<energy -20>><<money 15>><<set $time to $time +2>><<upd>>\
<div class="pos"><table>
<th><div class="power">-20 Energy</div></th><th><div class="money">+15 Money</div></th></table></div>
Working for 2 hours.
<<button [[Leave|restaurant]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<audio "mall" pause>><b>\
<<set _girls to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _girls is 1>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/notallowed.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif _girls is 2>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/notallowed1.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<<elseif _girls is 3>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/notallowed2.jpg" class='imageright'>
Trying to get in you see Eva's coming with some girls upstairs to this doors.
These girls is looking attractive and hot, every each one looked at you.
Eva in other hand, Blocked you to pass these girls inside.
<<if $evalevel is 1>>\
<<speech "Eva">>$name? What the hell are you doing here? Go back to work!<</speech>>
<<elseif $evalevel is 2>>\
<<speech "Eva">>$name? The fuck are you doing here!? Back to work!<</speech>>
<<elseif $evalevel is 3>>\
<<speech "Eva">>Do you want another round my Pet? Go back to work! Right now!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|restaurant]]>><</button>>
<<widget "evarelation">>
<<if $evalevel is 0>>
<<set $evarelation to Math.clamp($evarelation + $args[0], 0, 25)>>
<<elseif $evalevel is 1>>\
<<set $evarelation to Math.clamp($evarelation + $args[0], 0, 50)>>
<<elseif $evarelation gte 126 and $evarelation lte 150 and $evalevel is 2>>\
<<set $evarelation to Math.clamp($evarelation + $args[0], 0, 150)>>
<<elseif $evalevel is 2 and $evarelation lte 125>>\
<<set $evarelation to Math.clamp($evarelation + $args[0], 0, 125)>>
<<elseif $evalevel is 3>>\
<<set $evarelation to Math.clamp($evarelation + $args[0], 0, 200)>>
<</widget>>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<audio "mall" pause>><b>\
<img src="img/restaurant/eva.jpg" class='medium'>
Eva invites you for the talk. She closed the door and sat down across from you and smiled.
<<speech "Eva">>$name, how are you? How work is going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's cool, i like working here. The atmosphere of this place is friendly and cozy. Working with staff is wonderful. <</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>That's good to hear. Staff likes to work with you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>$name I wanted to talk about the job you are doing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes?<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Perfomance of your job is average! Mostly of the customers don't want to interact with you. $name! This is bad, You have to be better next time! Let's start with your outfit.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Outfit?<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/eva01.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Eva">>You gotta show more of your body my child. As you can see every girl here is getting adored by a lot of customers. That's why we got more customers.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay noted.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Good. You can go now. And remember smile more.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Leave</h4>">>
As you left Eva's Office you are frustrated by her words. Smile more? Show more Body? Whatever.
Let's change that outfit to more naughty...
<<link "<img src='img/restaurant/uniform2.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "uniformwork3">>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 18>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<button [[Leave|restaurant]]>><<set $uniformhot2 to true>><<set $evalevel to 1>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<masteraudio stop>><b>\
<span id="eva">
<img src="img/restaurant/evac.jpg" class='large'>
After you close the door, Eva with a grin smile on her face, Summons you with a pointy finger to you.
The way she did it makes you even more pissed off. Eva finds it funny how she can order her employee around.
<<speech "Eva">>Sit Darling.<</speech>>
While you were sitting, Eva was observing you, Mostly on your chest area.
Eva approached the desk to take cigarettes out of the top drawer.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Eva</h6>">>
<img src="img/restaurant/evasmoke.jpg" class='large'>
When you see her light a cigarette in front of you. Your nerves reach their limit.
After the way she treated you before and for smoking a cigarette, she broke several work rules and punished you without justification.
In your thoughts, you wish to knock out her cigarette and punch her in the face.
<<speech "Eva">>It's okay. In my office the smoke detector is off. After all. Smoking is for management only.<</speech>>
Her tone, her face and her confidence is out of your mind. Your clenched fist wants to make a move.
Eva with a cigarette in her hand get closer to you. She smiles kindly like you never seen before.
<<speech "Eva">>Congratulations $name. You are making progress. After our little therapy, resulted in some good lectures for you. Good $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Our company. No. I'm grateful that someone like you works here with perseverance and commitment.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Eva Smokes</h6>">>
<img src="img/restaurant/evasmoke2.jpg" class='imageleft'>
Eva paused to take a smoke, which made you feel awkward.
The silence makes you a bit sweaty thinking what is Eva up to?
So far no shouting for her side.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*Cough* Um... Thanks. Ma'am. I'm learned a lot. Here.<</speech>>\
<<speech "Eva">>Glad to hear that. That's why we are here. To improve the talents of our hard-working employees.<</speech>>
Eva stops smoking, slowly sits down with a serious face.
<<speech "Eva">>I rely my trust on the girls who want accomplish more. I have chosen you for a new assignment.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Me? Ma'am?<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Yes, you darling. I've seen why you are so special.<</speech>>
Eva changed her voice to a more serious one.
You've never heard her like that before.
<<speech "Eva">>Anyway. The thing I'm asking you to do may not be to your liking. For some it disgusts. It may humiliate you. But for you, it is a certain calling.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Think through darling. Because if I tell you every single detail of this assignment, it could cost you big.<</speech>>
The moment she stated her proposal was quite tense for you.
Is Eva is that serious? You wish to see her suffer, beg for mercy and she asks you for help?
Yet your curiosity would certainly like to accept it. See the outcome.
<<if $corruption gte 80>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:red;Accept Corruption:$corruption/80@@</h6>">><<goto "accepteva">><</link>>
<<elseif $corruption lte 79>>\
<<link>> "<h6>@@color:grey;Accept Corruption:$corruption/80</h6>">><</link>>
<<link "<h6>Think about it later.</h6>">><<goto "evaroom">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="daddybox"><b>\
<h3>Spy Cameras</h3>
<<if $mitskiafter gte 2 and $time gte 15 and $time lte 17 and $day lte 5>>
<<link "<h4>Mitski and Professor</h4>">><<goto "spycameramitski">><</link>>
<<elseif $mitskiafter gte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Professor Office</h4>">>
@@color:orange;Nothing is happening right now.@@
<<if $bedroomspy is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Bedroom</h4>">>
<<if $time is 7 and $momerotic gte 2>>\
<<set _mom to random(1,3)>>
<<if _mom is 1>>
<video controls src="img/mom/momspy/1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<elseif _mom is 2>>
<video controls src="img/mom/momspy/2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<elseif _mom is 3>>
<video controls src="img/mom/momspy/3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
@@color:hotpink;After Mom read the book she starts to masturbates. The camera is in a good position to see what's going on.@@
<<arousal 15>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mom... Your body.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Nothing is happening right now.@@
<<elseif $bedroomspy is false>>\
<h3>@@color:orange;<i>Plant camera inside the Bedroom</i>@@</h3>
<<if $bathroomspy is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Bathroom</h4>">>
<<if $time is 7.5>>\
<<set _moms to random(1,2)>>
<<if _moms is 1>>
<video controls src="img/mom/momspy/s1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<elseif _moms is 2>>
<video controls src="img/mom/momspy/s2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
@@color:orange;Nothing is happening right now.@@
<<elseif $bathroomspy is false>>\
<h3>@@color:orange;<i>Plant camera inside the Bathroom</i>@@</h3>
<<button [[Leave|computermc]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><b>\
<h3>Planting Vibrating Panties</h3>
<video controls src="img/mom/dinner/planting.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
$mom after the shower is making a make up. Easily you enters $parents room.
Quietly approached to the bed where her panties are lying. You switched them with Vibrating panties.
$mom still is taking her time at the second room. Without the problem you left the room.
<<linkreplace "<h7>Check if $mom is gonna wear them</h7>">>
<video controls src="img/mom/dinner/planting2.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
You were waiting by the doors to see if $mom correctly wears the panties you planted.
She did the make up and now is trying the bra and panties.
From now on, She is wearing <i> Vibrating Panties. </i>
<<set $momvib to true>>
@@color:hotpink;Let's test panties on the dinner or breakfast.@@
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</button>>
</b></div>\<<if $momvib is true>>\
<<link "<h6>Tease your $mom</h6>">><<replace "#mom">>
<video src="img/mom/dinner/start.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
All of you are eating the meal, $mom seems really happy with everone in here, eating together.
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 2>>\
$dad is talking with $mom but his attention is on you. He can't forget that night in the hotel, he wants to repeat it again. Sometimes when $mom is looking at him, $name is pointing her finger to $mom's cock and to her mouth, That makes $mom horny again.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Hotel Night...</h6>">>
<video src="img/mom/dinner/dadmemory.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
@@color:hotpink;Fuck... That night at the hotel was the best time i've ever been with my $dad. Fucking till the last drop of his cum... I've become Daddy's Girl!@@
$mom and $dad are talking each other talking about the chores and bussniess stuff. Nothing important to you.
It's time to test the panties that you planted in the $mom's bedroom. Hoping it is gonna work.
<<link "<h4>Level one Vibrating</h4>">><<replace "#mom">>
<video src="img/mom/dinner/lvl1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
You turn the level one, $mom made a big eyes.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>OH! Aah....!! What the...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>What is it Martha?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah $mom! Are you feeling alright?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Yes! I'm okay! Like i was saying.... My... Ah... The grocery shops should be... Done....<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Of course Honey. After the work, I'll take the ride to the shop.<</speech>>
<<if $mcorruption lte 19 and $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>
@@color:pink;By the look of the $mom she is really worried and horny right now.
Her mind is letting her down to the path of lust. @@
@@color:violet;$mom Corruption +5@@
@@color:lightyellow;Let's try it out next time. Watching $mom struggling is really fun!@@
<<mcorruption 5>><<upd>>\
@@color:orange;Now level one Vibrating doens't do anything for her. So let's try the other level!@@
<<link "<h4>Level two Vibrating</h4>">><<replace "#mom">>
<<set _vib to random(1,2)>>\
<<if _vib is 1>>\
<video src="img/mom/dinner/lvl2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _vib is 2>>\
<video src="img/mom/dinner/lvl3.1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
You turn the level two, $mom is trying to control her breath...
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>AH!! F... *Cough* Is... The food okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yeah! It's delicious as always!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Too spicy for me but i'll manage.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>AH...!!!A AH!! Oh thank you!!! Honey!!<</speech>>
<<if $mcorruption lte 29 and $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>
<<mcorruption 5>>@@color:violet;$mom Corruption +5@@
<<elseif $mcorruption gte 30 and $mcorruptionlevel is 0 or $mcorruptionlevel gte 1>>
@@color:orange;Damn... Second level is nothing for her! Let's try the maximum!@@
<<link "<h4>Level three Vibrating</h4>">><<replace "#mom">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<<set _vib to random(1,2)>>\
<<if _vib is 1>>\
<video src="img/mom/dinner/lvl3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _vib is 2>>\
<video src="img/mom/dinner/lvl3.2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
Level Three is on! $mom can't control of her body!
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>AAHH!!!! FUC.. HONEY!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>*cough* Martha? Are you alright?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>OH MY GOD!! I FORGOT ABOUT SOMETHING!!! UMMM....<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>About what $mom? Tell us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I... I... Have to.... AAHHHH!!!! BATHROOM!<</speech>>
$mom got up and rushed to the bathroom while holding her crotch.
$dad looked confused.
<<if $bathroomspy is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Spy Camera</h4>">>
<video src="img/mom/dinner/mommasturbate.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
Camera is in the best position!
$mom ripped off her stockings and fingered herself hard enough to bring her to orgasm.
<<arousal 15>>@@color:hotpink; Arousal +15@@
<<elseif $bathroomspy is false>>\
<h3>@@color:orange;What a shame there is no camera there@@</h3>
<<if $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<<mcorruption 5>>@@color:violet;$mom Corruption +5@@
<<if $mompussy is true>>
$mom came back to the table with a bit relief on her face.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>That was delicious. Okay gotta go. Duty calls! Have a nice day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Thanks hon. You too!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Bye $dad. Have a nice day.<</speech>>
You waved at him for goodbye.
<<link "<h4>$dad is away</h4>">><<replace "#mom">>
<video src="img/mom/dinner/dadaway.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
$dad is gone. $mom looked at you with suspicion and anger.
You can't hold back your laughter.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>My $daughter. Why are you looking at me so silly? What have you done with my panties!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm.. What is wrong with them?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>What is wrong with them!? What is wrong with you!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh $mom. Chill down. It's fun! <</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Huh?!? Chill down!!? FUN?! Tell me what did you do with my panties! Or something bad might happen!<</speech>>
$mom was about to stand but you had a better plan for this.
<<link "<h4>Level Four!</h4>">><<replace "#mom">>
<video src="img/mom/dinner/dadaway1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
You turned the maximum power of vibration.
$mom sat down and suffers of pleasure.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh!! OHH!!! $name!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What is it $mom?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>OHH!!! AAH!! TURN!! IT ... DOWN!!! AHHHHH!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do i have to?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>PLEASEEE!! $name!!! OH!!! FUCK!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>$dad came back</h4>">><<replace "#mom">>
<video src="img/mom/dinner/dadback.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
$mom was agonizing with pleasure, Her moan were louder...
Then you hear some footsteps, So you right away hide under the table.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Honey. What is going on?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>David!!!! What.. Are.. you doing here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>For my car keys, But then I head your loud screams. What happened?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh..!! I was... Screaming.. Because... OH.!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Martha? Are you okay? Maybe..<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>$mom is not okay.</h4>">><<replace "#mom">>
<video src="img/mom/dinner/dadback1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I think... That our...!! $daughter- Aahhh.....!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>What our $daughter?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name is growning... TOO FAST!! AH!! THAT IS VERY... VERY.. SAD!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>So is that what all the fuss is about? My god Martha.. C'mon on. There is no need to scream.<</speech>>
You can't help yourself... You need to taste $mom's wet cunt!
<<link "<h4>Mommy's $daughter</h4>">><<replace "#mom">>
<video src="img/mom/dinner/dadback2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
$mom surprisingly, trying to hold back her moan, listening to $dad while you lick her pussy.
$mom grabbed $dad hands.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Here.. Better? You need to come to accept the fact that our $daughter is no longer our little princess. She is grown up woman!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Yhmm!! Yes!! My $daughter...!! Is grown up!! Ah... That's... Not fair!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Damn! You've got a strong grip! It actually hurts!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I'm so... FRUSTRATED!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>$dad is about to leave.</h4>">><<replace "#mom">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<video src="img/mom/dinner/dadback3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I need to go. Stay strong, My dear. And remember. $name is grown up. She can do whatever she wants.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Thank you Honey!! Umm.. I'll think it over!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Sure. Anytime. Take care sweetheart. And don't be so hard for her. Bye!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Yhmm!! Of course my dear! Byeee!<</speech>>
<<if $mcorruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<<link "<h6>Alone with Mom @@color:orange;(Mother's Corruption Level 2)@@</h6>">><<goto "momdinnersex">><</link>>
<<link "<h6>Alone with Mom @@color:orange;(Mother's Corruption Level 2)@@</h6>">><</link>>
<<if $mcorruptionlevel lte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mom is mad</h6>">><<replace "#mom">>
<img src='img/mom/dinner/mom.jpg' class='mediumc'>
After the sound of closing door, $mom took you from under the table. She looked a bit angry and sweaty.
You sat down at the table and looked at her with a smile.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name! What the hell! This is driving me crazy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Did you like it? <</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>David could have spotted you! That was too risky!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Stop it $mom! There is no fun without risk!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I can't believe it.. My own $daughter, Licked my pussy in front her $dad...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And you had orgasm!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Okay... Okay! Stop it. Go clean the dishes!<</speech>>
<<if $mompussy3 is false>>\
<<set $mompussy3 to true>>
<<mcorruption 10>>@@color:violet;$mom Corruption +10@@
<</if>>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<set $time to $time +1>><<upd>>\
<span id="luk">
<img src='img/lucas/lucashouse/lucasrest.jpg' class="medium">
Entering Lucas' house, you see him sitting neutral in an chair. Browsing something on his phone, When he saw you his attention was drawn to you.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Yes $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Lucas, I'm having a lot of doubts about Mom thing.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lucas Stare</h6>">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/mc1.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name. Come here.<</speech>>
Lucas in demading voice, ordered you to walk up to him.
He pips off your top and starts to kiss all over the neck.
His touch is so magnetic and pleasing to you that you didn't want to get away from him.
<<linkreplace "<h7>Lucas is Mad</h7>">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/mc2.webm" class="imageright" autoplay loop muted>
With rage, Lucas throws you at the sofa and took off your panties.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lucas! AH!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Apparently, I have to explain it to you one by one.<</speech>>
<<link "<h7>Lucas</h7>">><<replace "#luk">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/mc3.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls muted>
Lucas is taking care of your pussy.
He knows how to take care of your needs.
His tongue and finger are giving you such pleasure as never before.
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/mc4.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Come here you slut.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>GOWK! GOWK! LUCAS! AH!!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Do you want more? Slut? Do you want fucking more?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes!! PLEASE MORE!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h7>Lucas</h7>">><<replace "#luk">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/mc5.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop muted>
Lucas stops and leads you to the kitchen. He is wearing his previous clothes.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh?!? Why did you stopped?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>You have not fulfilled my goals,<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You mean... My mother? I don't know how to reach her...<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>I'll help you with that. Take this powder and mix with water. It will remind of her young youth.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay... So. You know my mother that good?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Just go.<</speech>>
Lucas gets you out of his house with blue pills on your hand.
Those remorseful feelings about turning mom are gone.
But still a part of you tells you that it can do it a different way.
<<addcorruption 1>><h2>Corruption +1</h2>
<h3>@@color:lightblue;You received Lucas Gift @@</h3>
<<set $lucasgift to true>>
<<if $time gte 20 or $time lte 6>>\
<<button [[Leave|citycenternight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenter]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id ="dau">
<<set $pworry to true>>
<img src="img/hallway/bimbotalk/talkmomdad.jpg" class='large'>
Roaming around the house you see $mom and $dad having family fun in the Livingroom.
They've been talking about you, mostly.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Have you noticed that our Princess acting really weird last time?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Our little princess acting weird? That's new.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh David! It's serious!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Come on Martha. She is grown woman now. But.. yeah i happened to see something changed in her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>That's Right! Like she is not shy anymore. Acting a bit slutty...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Slutty? Wow. Martha i didn't know you this word.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh shut up. We need to talk with her what is going on.<</speech>>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 2>>\
<img src="img/hallway/bimbotalk/teasedad.jpg" class='imageleft'>
As you are listening to their talk, You are teasing your $dad with your body.
In the corner of his eye he sees you. His cock is getting harder.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I don't see the point here. She has her own life, My love.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Huh? David. It's really something bad is happening here! $name! Come here!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Martha...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Okay. $name! Come here!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Go to your $parents</h6>">>
<img src="img/hallway/bimbotalk/talk1.jpg" class='large'>
From behind you are approaching to your parents.
They don't see what are you doing behind their backs.
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Hey Folks! What's up?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name. We need to talk. We are worried.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Worried? Come on. Everything is alright!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>No! You are acting strange lately. What happened?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Nothing. I'm in love.<</speech>>
$dad turn around to see you. He made big eyes.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>*cough!*<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Honey. That's is great! But...<</speech>>
Then $mom's phone is ringing.
It's her work. Something really important.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">><i>Yes? That's right. Sure! I'll send it you. I need to get it first. Wait a second.</i><</speech>>
She hanged up the phone.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>David. Talk with her. I need to get something. I'll be right back. $name this talk is not over!<</speech>>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Daddy</h6>">><<replace "#dau">>
<img src="img/hallway/bimbotalk/daddygirl.jpg" class='large'>
When $mom left the room. You right away run to daddy's lap.
You can feel his hard cock through the jeans he is wearing.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name... What is..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Oh Daddy. Don't listen to her. She likes to be in control, Fuck her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Honey! That's not true. She is worried about you, As do i.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>But i'm a good girl. Don't you know it already, Daddy? Give me your hand.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Take his hand.</h6>">><<replace "#dau">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<img src="img/hallway/bimbotalk/daddygirl2.jpg" class='large'>
You guided his hand to your quivering pussy.
His thick fringers makes you more horny than before.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Babe. You are really wet down there.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Of course i am Daddy. I am always wet for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>You little daddy's whore...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Haha...<</speech>>
As his hands are massaging your clit, You bite your lower lip.
You are getting closer to cum...
But you hear footsteps are getting closer to the room.
@@color:hotpink;Arousal +25@@
@@color:violet;$dad Corruption +2@@
<<fcorruption 2>><<arousal 25>>\
$mom is coming from the upstairs.
$dad got up to take control of the situation there before something bad happened.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>That's enough. She is coming. I need to shout at you right now, so act like it was a serious talk okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Haha! Okay $dad.<</speech>>
Dad straightened up and made a serious face.
<img src="img/avatars/momworried.jpg" class='imageright'>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Go to your ROOM! NOW!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>UGH!!!! I HATE YOU! BOTH OF YOU!<</speech>>
$mom looked at you weirdly as you were leaving the room.
You ran to your room with happy face.
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Your Father</h6>">><<replace "#dau">>
<img src="img/hallway/bimbotalk/dadtalk.jpg" class='medium'>
Your $dad can't find the words to tell you how he is dissapointed on you.
Both of you look each other in quiet. After some time $dad find the courage to talk to you.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>So $name...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>$dad. You don't need to tell me anything. I know you don't like what i am doing right now. But i know part of you want me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>What?!? No... I-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Oh really? Then why your Cock got hard when you looked at my bare naked tits?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>It's not like that! You just suprised me and-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Sure $dad. You know <i>Daddy?</i>I'd like to see what kind of monster is hiding behind these pants. Your Little Princess is getting wetter...<</speech>>
<<fcorruption 5>>@@color:violet;$dad Corruption +5@@
It worked on your $dad! He can't express his words. His desires for you are getting closer and closer.
$dad get up and approached you then Mom is coming downstairs.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Okay... This is ENOUGH! GO BACK TO YOUR ROOM!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Sure, <i>Daddy.</i><</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "madisonoffice" stop>>\
<img src="img/estateoffice/momoffice/madisonmom.jpg" class='medium'>
Roaming around the office like a ordinary day. You make yourself a coffee, you remembered that today Mom has a lot of work to do at the office, so as a good daughter you will do a coffee too.
Coming to her office you see Madison arguing with your Mom.
When you walked to Mom's office, Madison looked at you then back to your Mom.
<<speech "Madison">>Martha, it's beyond discussion! I hate cleaning your mess, Again! Period.<</speech>>
Madison with madness, Looked at you.
<<speech "Madison">> Your daughter is here. $name. Thanks for the coffee.<</speech>>
She took the coffee and left the office, mad. Mom in other hand is a little sad and furious.
<<speech "MomOffice" "Mom">>Fuck...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mom? What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "MomOffice" "Mom">>Oh hey, Honey. I'm.. having a bad day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Tell me. I'm here for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "MomOffice" "Mom">>Ah... I've had a good run with one of our clients. Everything was well organized, Hourse, Location, Papers and etc.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But?<</speech>>
<<speech "MomOffice" "Mom">>But that client demanded more. Much more...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "MomOffice" "Mom">>$name... He wanted to touch me. I refused at first! But... Losing another client would make a bad reputation to our Company. After he touched he wanted more. I couldn't agree so i left Client alone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my god. Mom! That's horrible! I need to talk with Madison, she-<</speech>>
<<speech "MomOffice" "Mom">>No! Don't! Please, Honey. I'm okay. Madison just helped me enough with him. For now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mom. That's really fucked up. You should report that or find other job!<</speech>>
<<speech "MomOffice" "Mom">>$name. It's not that simple. I'm having a good time here, besides that. It's okay Honey. Thank you for listening to me. You are so good to me.<</speech>>
Both of you got silent for a while.
Your mother's career lies in the balance. She has to decide what to do next...
<<speech "MomOffice" "Mom">>$name. Just go, I'll be fine!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay Mom. I'll be around the corner if you need something okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "MomOffice" "Mom">>Sure, Honey. Thanks.<</speech>>
<<mrelationship 15>>@@color:pink;Mother relationship +15@@<<upd>>
<<button[[Leave|To your Desk]]>><<set $momandmadison to 2>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<img src='img/estateoffice/madisonangelo.jpg' class='medium'>
<<if $bimboend is 3>>
Just as you were about to knock, Madison called you in.
<<speech "Madison">>Don't knock. Just get in $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Yeah. Yeah. I'm here.<</speech>>
Inside Madison were talking with Angelo.
Madison looks a bit shaky, Her cleavage is a lot bigger than the last time. Angelo was sitting in a chair, looking at you with interest.
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Wait. Did you guys fucked?!?<</speech>>
Angelo and Madison is confused and looks at you with eyes wide open.
Madison got red a little.
<<speech "Madison">>$name! Please. Focus. Angelo want to say something.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Sorri!<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>*Cough* Yeah.. So. You are going with me on the field trip.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>NO WAY! That's awesome! I'll get a blanket and some drinks and...<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Jesus christ! Not that kind of field trip. You are going to work lady!<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Heh. Yeah, So Madison let me borrow $name from you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Sure.. Sure go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>See ya Boss! Arrivederci!<</speech>>
Angelo looked at you suprised.
<<speech "Madison">><sub>Gosh... Finally. How did she know Arrivederci means?</sub><</speech>>
Just as you were about to knock, Madison called you in.
<<speech "Madison">>Don't knock. Just get in $name.<</speech>>
Inside Madison were talking with Angelo.
Madison looks a bit shaky, Her cleavage is a lot bigger than the last time. Angelo was sitting in a chair, looking at you with interest.
<<speech "Angelo">>Hello $name. Good to see you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi... Madison?<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>$name, Angelo and I, disscused about your work. Angelo here is really impressed with your work.<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Yes, I am. You are fast learner!<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Yes. So today Angelo is going test you out. You are going on the field trip.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Field trip?<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Madison, we need to hurry. $name. Let's go.<</speech>>
Madison nodded and let you go with the Angelo. She fixed her cleavage after he left the room.
<<button [[Field Trip]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "night" play>>
<<if $bimboend is 3>>
<img src='img/estateoffice/angelo/car.jpg' class='imageright'>
You and Angelo are going to the car. He seem in hurry and looking at the phone all the time.
Then Angelo stoppped by his car and looked at your outfit.
<<speech "Angelo">>Before we go. You need to fix your Uniform.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Yes, I am of the same thinking. Let me get some school uniform...<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Not that kind of uniform! For the work! Hmm... Eternity it is! <</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>No way! That's Awesome!<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Cool. Let's go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>It's so cool! Can i get something rich?<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>We'll see. Now shut up and let me drive.<</speech>>
<img src='img/estateoffice/angelo/car.jpg' class='imageright'>
You and Angelo are going to the car. He seem in hurry and looking at the phone all the time.
Then Angelo stoppped by his car and looked at your outfit.
<<speech "Angelo">>Before we go. You need to fix your Uniform.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh!? What is wrong with it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>It's not gonna attract the customers. Eternity it is! <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my god...<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Shush Girl. It's gonna be a lot of fun. Hop in.<</speech>>
Riding with Angelo makes you a little stressed, but on the other hand Angelo chilled down a lot.
<<button [[Eternity]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "eternity" play loop>><<audio "night" stop>>\
<div class="glow">ETERNITY</div>
<img src='img/madison/store.jpg' class='medium'>
<<if $bimboend is 3>>
<<speech "Girl1" "Employee">>Welcome to Eternity. May i help you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Hey sweetheart. Me and my girlfriend were wandering around and she got the idea to visit this place-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Haha I am his girlfriend! Did you hear that?<</speech>>
Angelo silenced with his finger.
<<speech "Angelo">>Honey please, i'm talking here, okay? So... We're looking for office clothes, Short skirt, short top?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>And girlfriend want something to drink. Maybe cappucino.<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "Employee">>Sure! I'll arrange it right away! Please can you wait here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Sure Sunshine!<</speech>>
The shop employee went for the outfits and you looked at Angelo with mocking face.
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>SURE SUNSHINE!<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Nothing, You act really cute around the girls.<</speech>>
After a few minutes a girl came back and invites you to the locker room.
<<if $joblevel is 3>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Outfits!</h4>">>
Angelo almost jumped up with excitement, You never see him that happy.
<<speech "Girl1" "Employee">>So here it is! <</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Oh my! It is fabolous!!! $name? Go ahead, try it on!<</speech>>
<img src='img/estateoffice/bimbo/pinch.gif' class="imageleft">
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Of course. Honey. Anything for my sweet puddie pie!<</speech>>
You grabbed Angelo cheeks and play with them.
Angelo rolled his eyes and Employee didn't know how to act at this moment.
<h3>(Bimbo Influence continued soon!)</h3>
<table style="width:100%">
<th><img src='img/clothes/officesuit.jpg' class='clothess2'></th>
<th><img src='img/clothes/officesuit2.jpg' class='clothess2'></th>
<th><img src='img/clothes/officesuit3.jpg' class='clothess2'></th>
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<link "<h7>Number 1</h7>">><<set $clotheswear to "suit1hot">><<set $officesuit1hot to true>><<goto "buyofficeslut">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Number 2</h7>">><<set $clotheswear to "suit2hot">><<set $officesuit2hot to true>><<goto "buyofficeslut">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Number 3</h7>">><<set $clotheswear to "suit3hot">><<set $officesuit3hot to true>><<goto "buyofficeslut">><</link>></th>
<<button [[Wardrobe|buyofficeslut]]>><</button>>
<<speech "Girl1" "Employee">>Welcome to Eternity. May i help you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Hey sweetheart. Me and my girlfriend were wandering around and she got the idea to visit this place-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not your-!<</speech>>
Angelo silenced with his finger.
<<speech "Angelo">>Honey please, i'm talking here, okay? So... We're looking for office clothes, Short skirt, short top?<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "Employee">>Sure! I'll arrange it right away! Please can you wait here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Sure Sunshine!<</speech>>
The shop employee went for the outfits and you looked at Angelo angry.
Angelo smiled to nicley.
<img src='img/mall/employee.jpg' class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Angelo">>Isn't that nice?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shut up. I'm not your girlfriend.<</speech>>
Angelo laughed a bit. After a few minutes a consult came with the Outfits.
<<if $joblevel is 3>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Outfits!</h4>">>
Angelo almost jumped up with excitement, You never see him that happy.
<<speech "Girl1" "Employee">>So here it is! <</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Oh my! It is fabolous!!! $name? Go ahead, try it on!<</speech>>
<table style="width:100%">
<th><img src='img/clothes/officesuit.jpg' class='clothess2'></th>
<th><img src='img/clothes/officesuit2.jpg' class='clothess2'></th>
<th><img src='img/clothes/officesuit3.jpg' class='clothess2'></th>
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<link "<h7>Number 1</h7>">><<set $clotheswear to "suit1hot">><<set $officesuit1hot to true>><<goto "buyofficeslut">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Number 2</h7>">><<set $clotheswear to "suit2hot">><<set $officesuit2hot to true>><<goto "buyofficeslut">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Number 3</h7>">><<set $clotheswear to "suit3hot">><<set $officesuit3hot to true>><<goto "buyofficeslut">><</link>></th>
<<button [[Wardrobe|buyofficeslut]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "eternity" play loop>><<audio "night" stop>>\
<span id="angelo">
<video src="img/estateoffice/angelo/changing.webm" class='medium2' autoplay loop muted>
Chaning your outfit to the new suit, It looks a little too much naughty?
Angelo is gonna be thrilled!
<<linkreplace "<h4>Leave</h4>">>
When you were about to leave, employee of the shop stopped you.
<<speech "Girl1" "Employee">>Hey, your boyfriends asked me to lend these panties...<</speech>>
<video src="img/estateoffice/angelo/changing2.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh really...?<</speech>>
Employee of the shop were confused when she gave you a panties.
Inside those panties there was a note.
@@color:orange;Send me a Pics!@@
<<linkreplace "<h6>Selfie</h6>">>
<video src="img/estateoffice/angelo/changing3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
@@color:hotpink;Let's have him fun!@@
<<if $joblevel is 3>>
<<addcorruption 1>><h2>Corruption +1</h2><</if>>\
<<link "<h6>Other Panties</h6>">><<replace "#angelo">>
<video src="img/estateoffice/angelo/changing4.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
You are trying now the other panties.
These are more naughty and comfortable than the other one.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Hot Selfie</h6>">><<replace "#angelo">>
<video src="img/estateoffice/angelo/changing5.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
@@color:hotpink;Angelo... you fucking pervert! Fuck this let him have it!@@
<<if $joblevel is 3>>\
<<addcorruption 2>><h2>Corruption +2</h2><</if>>\
<<button [[Leave|angelothrill]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|angelothrill]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "eternity" play loop>><<audio "night" stop>>\
<img src='img/estateoffice/angelo/approve.jpg' class='imageright'>
Wearing the new outfit feels light and is much more comfortable than the previous one, Angelo was right. It feels very nice! When you left the fitting room, Angelo right away looked at you and approved with the smile.
<<speech "Angelo">>Now this is what i am talking about! $name! You look perfect. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah, Thanks! It is much better than previous one.<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Of course it is. We'll take it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "Employee">>We are pleased that you like it. Are you paying in cash or card?<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>In cash.<</speech>>
Angelo paid for the outfit you are wearing right now, It cost a lot of money but the amount of the money he got on wallet is enormous.
<<speech "Angelo">>$name, we need to hurry. Our customers are waiting.<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|housesell]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<span id ="cus">
<video src="img/estateoffice/angelo/house1.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
Angelo through the ride told what to do before the meeting with customers.
Your job was simple, prepare house for the guests. Check that everything is working properly.
House is huge, it took you some time, Angelo were talking through the phone by the house.
After an hour, You and Angelo have already shown several people around the house.
Most people were interested but you were a little sick of walking around with other people again. You went to relax by the pool.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Pool</h4>">>
<video src="img/estateoffice/angelo/house3.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
Relaxing by the pool gave you some clearity about the work. Angelo showed you some tricks at work and how to attract people's interest in buying. At this moment some Male customer were walking by the pool.
<<speech "Boy1" "Customer">>Hello young lady. Am i interupting you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hello! No, not at all. Haha. Are you looking for the house?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Customer">>I don't know yet. I just moved here a few weeks ago and am slowly looking around for a new place to live.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's great! I can show you interior of this house if you like?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Customer">>Cool! I'd like to.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Please follow me.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Customer</h4>">>
<video src="img/estateoffice/angelo/house2.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
You are showing the customer around the house, all this time he was silent and not interested in the house too much, only looking at you. Then you asked him a question.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So do you like it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Customer">>Mm? Yes.. yes. I like it very much.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is something wrong? Usually, customers ask a lot of questions. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Customer">>Mmm...<</speech>>
@@color:orange;You can't figure out what this guys wants. Is he wants me? Or just call for Angelo.
What to do...@@
<<linkreplace "<h6>Tease him</h6>">>
<video src="img/estateoffice/angelo/tease.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
You touched him at his chest and caress his face.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey... Now i know what you want.<</speech>>
He seems to like your touch. Finally, you reached him. Then he whispers to you.
<<speech "Boy1" "Customer">>Do you? Can you show me more? My boner is killing me, looking at you through all this time.<</speech>>
<<if $joblevel is 3>>
<<addcorruption 1>><h2>Corruption +1</h2><</if>>
@@color:pink;Angelo was right. New outfit attracts Customers.
More.. he wants more... God... Do i want this?@@
<<link "<h7>Get his cock out!</h7>">><<replace "#cus">>
<video src="img/estateoffice/angelo/bj1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Boy1" "Customer">>Now, I'm more interested in buying the house<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck... This cock is so huge!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Customer">>It's only for you babe.<</speech>>
<<link "<h7>Get his cock out!</h7>">><<replace "#cus">>
<video src="img/estateoffice/angelo/bj2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Boy1" "Customer">>Damn... You are so fucking good at this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>For my clients, everything must be perfect.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Customer">>Fuck.. I'm getting close...<</speech>>
<<link "<h7>Clients Satisfied.</h7>">><<replace "#cus">>
<video src="img/estateoffice/angelo/cum.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes, Babe. Cum on me. Don't spill on the floor. Please. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Customer">>I don't care. You just conviced me to buy this house.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really? That's great! Let me get the papers.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Customer">>Sure.. I'll get my shit together here.<</speech>>
<<if $joblevel is 3>>\
<<addcorruption 2>><h2>Corruption +2</h2><</if>>\
Happily you ran to Angelo for papers. He is strongly surprised by the fact that you managed to sell the house.
Angelo followed you and he sees little sweaty Client. Angelo somehow knew what happened here.
After the signed papers, you and Angelo ride back to the office. Through the ride Angelo is somehow proud of you.
<<speech "Angelo">>Good job $name, I knew getting you along will get the job easier. But next time, don't do it on the carpet. It is hard to clean.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What do you mean...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>$name. Don't treat me like a fool. I know what happened there. This is what i am talking about! Not like your mother...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My mother she is not used to sell house like this...<</speech>>
<<if $momvision is true>>\
<img src='img/estateoffice/momoffice/mom.jpg' class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Angelo">>We know $name. Lucas asks me to help you with her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh?! Are you Lucas's spy!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Hahaha! Spy? Jesus $name. You watch too many movies. I'm... Hmm... What it's called... A friend! Do what he says and everything is gonna be alright $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Everything...? Working on it. Sir.<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Chill Honey. Angelo is not stiff like Lucas. Let's get back to office.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just please leave her, let her sell house on her own.<</speech>>
<<speech "Angelo">>Whatever.<</speech>>
Both of you arrived to the Office.
<<button [[Madison Office|housesold]]>><<set $housesell to 1>><</button>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Call for Angelo</h4>">>
You called Angelo to handle the things here.
Customer somehow is not pleased with that.
<<speech "Angelo">>Hello, do you want to hear more history of this house?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Customer">>I'm... not intrested. Thank you for tour! Good bye.<</speech>>
Angelo somehow is dissapointed, he was hoping you could take care of him.
Then after a few hours finally a Couple came up and bought the house.
After that both of you returned to the Office.
<<button [[Madison Office|housesold]]>><<set $time to $time to 2>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<img src='img/estateoffice/madison3.jpg' class='medium'>
<<if $housesell is 1>>\
When you arrive, Angelo and you right away went to the Madison office.
Angelo were happy that you managed to sell the house on your own.
He told everything to Madison, She somehow is proud and a little sad.
Then Madison asks Angelo to leave the office.
<<speech "Madison">>It's great to hear it! Congratulations $name. You sold the house.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thank you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Yes. You know... You remind me of someone...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And what is that someone?<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Me, when i was young. I also tried at all costs to get appreciation from customers. I mean, is this what you want?<</speech>>
<img src='img/estateoffice/madison2.jpg' class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Madison. I don't regret what i am doing right now. Finally, my life is moving on. Is that what i want? I think... Yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Okay. It's great to hear that. I hoping that your future won't lead like my path here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What are you talking about? You are a great leader. When i'm working around here. Everyone is admiring you. I'm really proud working under you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Haha. Thank you $name. It is great to hear that from you. Now, get back to work!<</speech>>
<<if $joblevel is 3>>
<<set $joblevel to 4>><<set $experience to 60>><<money 150>>
You left the Madison's Office. Meanwhile in her office.
<<speech "Madison">><sub>At what cost?</sub><</speech>>
When you back to your desk you see a new mail.
!!!@@color:orange;You've been promoted.
Good job you get more Experience and Cash bonus for a good work!@@
@@color:lightyellow;Experience +10@@
@@color:lightgreen;Money +150@@
<<button [[Leave|officehallway]]>><<set $time to $time +3>><</button>>
When you arrive, Angelo and you right away went to the Madison office.
Angelo were not satisfied with your actions there, but somehow both of you managed to sell the house.
Madison asked Angelo to leave the office.
<<speech "Madison">>So, how is working with Angelo?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>He's okay. But deep down i know i failed him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>I noticed it too when you both entered my office. Nevermind. You can leave now.<</speech>>
When you back to your desk you see a new mail.
<<if $joblevel is 3>>\
!!!@@color:orange;You've been promoted. @@
<<set $joblevel to 4>><<set $experience to 50>>
<<button [[Leave|officehallway]]>><<set $time to $time +3>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id ="tom">
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/change.jpg" class="imageleft">
In the middle of the conversation you got a message from Jack. So sweet!
<<speech "Jack">><i>Hey beautiful! You remember that we are playing today the basketball match? I hope you'll come to watch me playing!</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh shit today is Saturday! I forgot, Jack has a basketball match! We need to go!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Cool. I got nothing to do today. So let's go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Cool!<</speech>>
<<if $hot gte 2>>\
<<speech "Lena">>By the way... Did you and Jack had sex?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eh... Yes, we did.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>So how was it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It was... Horrible. Don't ask...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Ouch...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Reply to Jack</h4>">>
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/normalday.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Of course i'll be there! Lena too!</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">><i>Lena? Cool. I'm gonna prepare. See ya there! </i><</speech>>
You put the phone away and with Lena you went inside to change.
<<if $tomevents gte 3>>\
Getting ready in the bathroom you got another message.
<<speech "Lena">>What does he want's now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's not Jack. It's from...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Message from...</h6>">>
It's Tom!
<<speech "Tom">><i>Hi Jack's Girlfriend! I can't forget what you did to me after the school. Come by to my house. I want you for myself. Fuck this loser.</i><</speech>>
After that message you looked at Lena with Phone on your hand.
Then you gave her the phone with the message.
<<speech "Lena">>Wow. This guy is something. Come on, Reply to him!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?! I don't know this is a good idea.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>It's the best idea! You are gonna regret it if you don't reply to him.<</speech>>
Gosh... What to do...
Fuck it. Let's write to him.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Write to Tom.</h6>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I don't know... That was only the one thing.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">><i>One thing is not enough. Come on.. it's gonna be a lot of fun!</i><</speech>>
@@color:pink;Is he sends me a photo?
Do i really... want this?@@
<<linkreplace "<h7>Sends you his Pic</h7>">>
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tompic.webp" class='imageleft'>
@@color:hotpink;Tom sends you a tempting picture.
Looking at his Big thick cock makes you aroused.
It's a lot bigger than Jack's...@@
<<arousal 15>>@@color:hotpink; Arousal +15@@
<<speech "Tom">><i>If you really want it. Come get it. </i><</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">><i>Suprise me with the outfit too. Latetly, goth is my kink!</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena. Look at that.<</speech>>
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/lenashocked.jpg" class='imageright'>
Lena looked at the picture Tom sent you. She is shocked how enormous his cock is.
<<speech "Lena">>Now, That's a huge pack! It's your call $name. I'll take care of Jack for a while.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can you? Hmm...<</speech>>
God. I want to resist it, but somehow i can't!
Thinking of betraying Jack is making me even hornier!
<<linkreplace "<h7>@@color:red;Accept his Invite@@</h7>">><<replace "#tom">><<set $partytom to 10>><<set $partyface to 20>><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>><<upd>>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/change.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
@@color:lightgrey;Goth he says... Thankfully Lena in her rebelious age knew something about goth.
She lent you her sexiest lingerie black lace set and helped you with heavy make up. You were under the feeling that it was too much but Lena knew what she is doing.@@
<<speech "Lena">>Fuck $name. Now you are smoking hot!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah. I think so too.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>I envy Tom. I'll better be going. Don't worry about Jack.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks Lena.<</speech>>
Accepting his invite you send him a clip of you, biting your lower lip.
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>I'll be there.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">><i>Fucking Hot. Can't wait to see you.</i><</speech>>
Before you go to Tom's house, It would be nice to come up with some excuse for Jack.
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Jack. I'm going to be a little late. Something Big came up.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">><i>Em... Sure! Anyway, what is that big problem you talking about?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>You don't need to worry about it.</i><</speech>>
<<link "<h7>@@color:red;Go to Tom's House@@</h7>">><<goto "tomsexevent">><</link>>
<<link "<h7>@@color:lightblue;Meet with Jack@@</h7>">><<goto "prebaskteball">><<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform3">><</link>>
<<link "<h7>@@color:lightblue;Meet with Jack@@</h7>">><<goto "prebaskteball">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "starttom" play>>\
<span id="tom">
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomkiss.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
Coming to Tom you are having a slitght concern that Jack could suspect what are you doing.
Jack is a very a nice guy, But you want more, much more.
As you arrived to Tom's house, Kate was driving off. Tom went out to greet you with long sloppy kiss.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>H-Hi... Tom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Damn. You're looking hotter than ever!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Kate left?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Kate? She went for some stupid game. Don't worry about her. Let's get inside.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Before we do that, I want to let you know that this is just this one time. After that we are done. Okay?<</speech>>
His eyes widened at you.
<<speech "Tom">>We'll see about it. Now convice me that you are a bad girl.<</speech>>
<<set $hot to $hot +1>>@@color:red;Betrayal +1@@<<upd>>
<<link "<h6>Tease Tom</h6>">><<replace "#tom">><<set $partyface to 21>><<audio "starttom" stop>><<upd>>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomsex1.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
Both of you kissed all over again until you get inside the house.
You threw him into the couch and show him what are you offering.
Tom while looking at you, unzips his cock in a hurry and stroke it gently.
<<speech "Tom">>God... You are so fucking hot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>His cock is ready.</h6>">><<replace "#tom">><<set $partyface to 22>><<upd>>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomsex2.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
On your knees, You approached him and slowly caress his cock.
Tom looks at you from above and waits for you to take it in your mouth.
Your mouth is handling his big cock, Tom is not patient and takes your head to fuck you.
<<speech "Tom">>Fucck.....<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>GOWK GOWK! GURLP!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Get ready.</h6>">><<replace "#tom">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomsex3.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
After 10 minutes sucking his cock, Tom get you up.
Both of you kissing and groping each other.
<<speech "Tom">>Lie down.<</speech>>
You have fulfilled Tom's request. His tongue starts licking your wet pussy.
Each lick get you hornier and hornier.
<<link "<h6>Tom is Awesome!</h6>">><<replace "#tom">><<set $partyface to 23>><<upd>>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomsex4.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
He is so good at this. $name vision began to blur, Remebering that Jack is waiting for you.
But every time Tom spends time with your pussy, You are in heaven. It was exactly what you thought is gonna happen. Tom is satisfying your needs better than Jack.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm!!! Ah! Ah! TOM!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Hmm?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>Fuck me...</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>What did you said?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck me...<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Again, i can't hear you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>FUCK ME ! FUCK ME!!<</speech>>
Tom smiled and ready his cock for you.
<<link "<h6>Now to the Action.</h6>">><<replace "#tom">><<set $partytom to 11>><<set $partyface to 24>><<upd>>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomsex5.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>FUCK!!! TOM!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Dirty girl.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Tom is Better!</h6>">><<replace "#tom">><<upd>>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomsex6.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's it! Fuck me like that!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>You're fucking amazing.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>My God!</h6>">><<replace "#tom">><<upd>>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomsex7.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Tom">>It's a lot better than Jack huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Tom stops.</h6>">><<replace "#tom">><<set $partyface to 25>><<set $partytom to 12>><<upd>>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomtalk.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay controls>
Tom stopped fucking you and threw you to the couch.
While masturbating each other, Tom slowed the pace.
<<speech "Tom">>Now tell me, this is the last time with me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Tom.. Please...<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>I bet Jack wouldn't satisfy you! So, it is going to be the last time?<</speech>>
He is right.. Tom is satisfying my needs. Tom is a lot better than Jack.
But is this the right thing to do?
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Tom!!! I...<</speech>>
You phone is vibrating. It's Lena.
<<speech "Lena">>Jack is losing his faith on the game. Whatever you are doing, do it faster.<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>No... I love Jack.</h4>">><<replace "#tom">>
@@color:lightyellow;In the middle of this you came to senses.
It's wrong what you're doing. You should be with Jack! @@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>This is wrong. I can't do this anymore.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Huh? For real? You love that loser over my dick? Your pussy says otherwise.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But my soul says no. I'm leaving.<</speech>>
You gather up and starts to wear your clothes.
Tom didn't protest as you thought. It's really strange.
<<speech "Tom">>Sure. Go ahead, leave. Eventually, you'll come back.<</speech>>
You left Tom alone with his bare naked Cock.
When you left Tom's house, Tom is calling to someone.
<<speech "Tom">><i>I got this recorded as you wanted. I'll send to you later.</i><</speech>>
Tom dismissed the call.
<<button [[Leave|basketballjack]]>><<set $partytom to 0>><<set $tomrecord to true>><</button>>
<<link "<h6>FUCK THIS LOSER!</h6>">><<replace "#tom">><<set $partyface to 26>><<set $partytom to 13>><<upd>>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomtalk2.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<addcorruption 1>><h2>Corruption +1</h2>
Jack... Jack? Am i happy with Jack?
I don't know, But thought of betraying him is so much better!
And Tom's Cock a lot better!
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I lied! I want to do this every time i visit you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Haha.. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jack's tiny cock can't even match with your huge cock!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>I love to hear that. You are so bad!!! God, that's so fucking hot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah... Please Tom! I want it! I'm so fucking Horny!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>So impatient. You are so cute when you beg for it.<</speech>>
<<set $hot to $hot +1>>@@color:red;Betrayal +1@@<<upd>>
<<link "<h6>Devotion.</h6>">><<replace "#tom">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomsex8.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck me HARDER!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Like Jack never could? You fucking cheating slut.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Losing Faith.</h6>">><<replace "#tom">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomsex7.1.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>YES! YES! I AM! I AM CHEATING SLUT!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>God. You are so fucking hot.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Cheating.</h6>">><<replace "#tom">><<set $partyface to 24>><<upd>>\
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomsex9.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AH!! YOU ARE SO FUCKING BETTER THAN HIM! AH!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Loyalty is not for you.</h6>">><<replace "#tom">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomsex10.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>FUCK!! TOM!!! I'M GONNA FUCKING CUM!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Yes.. Cum for me, Slut.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>His cock is ready.</h6>">><<replace "#tom">><<set $partyface to 26>><<upd>>\
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomcum.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
Long, rough sex helps you forget about Jack. You are becoming addicted to Tom's cock.
You and Tom had enough, His balls is drained to empty and you are exhausted.
Then you got a message from Lena.
<<speech "Lena">><i>Can you hurry up? Jack's team is losing right now..</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck! I need to go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Sure, Go back to this loser but you know who is the best one.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes.. Bye.<</speech>>
In hurry you gather your belongings, Tom helped you and walked you to the door.
You left Tom's house with a few regrets. But still, it was the best time you've ever had.
<<addcorruption 1>><h2>Corruption +1</h2>
<<set $hot to $hot +1>>@@color:red;Betrayal +1@@<<upd>>
<<button [[To the Jack Quickly!|basketballjack]]>><<set $tomevents to 4>><<set $partytom to 0>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "matchgym" play>>
<<if $tomevents is 4>><<set $time to 21>><<upd>>\
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/basketball.jpg" class="medium">
You quickly changed your outfit at home and ran to the School Gym.
After few minutes you were inside the gym but you can hear that the match is over.
In the middle of the gym you can see Jack with Lena. When you approached them Jack was sad and mad at you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>H-hey! I'm here. How's the game?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Yeah, You are. We just lost.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh no... I'm so sorry Jack.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Where were you? I was hoping for your help!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I... something important came up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>What could have been so important?<</speech>>
You had a fuzzy head after all the rough sex with Tom.
Thanfully, Lena came up with excuses.
<<speech "Lena">>Oh $name! Just tell him already that your Father had a head accident on the basement.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes! yes.. I had to help my Dad.<</speech>>
Jack looked at you confused, but changed his tone to concerned.
<<speech "Jack">>Oh.. Is he okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes! He is okay. Dad is okay. Dad is fine now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>That's great to hear. You could call me if that was important. I could help.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You had a match to play. I didn't mean to disturb you<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>$name! I'm your boyfriend! I could ask coach for replacement.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You could do that? Sorry...<</speech>>
Both of you look each other in silence.
You hate lying, by this talk you are thinking. Is Jack suspected you of something? Is he know? I hope not...
Lena to break the silence wanted to says something, but Jack said first.
<<speech "Jack">>I'm going home, Exhausted of this... shit..<</speech>>
Jack left you with Lena alone.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jack!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Leave him, he just need to time to think.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You think so?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Yeah. So.. How was Tom?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh Lena. That was the best fuck ever!<</speech>>
Your mood changed drastically.. You forget about the Jack and told Lena the stuff were you doing with Tom.
Lena with strong curiosity listened as both of you return to your homes.
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<masteraudio stop>><<set $time to $time +2>><</button>>
<<elseif $tomrecord is true>>\
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/basketball.jpg" class="medium">
Quickly changed your outfit at home and ran to the cinema.
As you get inside the gym, You can see Jack's team loses by a couple of points.
You try to squeeze into the middle of the match then Lena taps you from behind.
<<speech "Lena">>$name! Follow me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay! Lead the way.<</speech>>
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/cheering.jpg" class="imageleft">
Lena finally takes you the position where you could see Jack. He is tired of this game.
Then when you shout his name. Lena too.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jack! Don't give up! Keep Playing!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Jack! Jack!<</speech>>
Jack spot you on the crowd and smiled. He starts playing a lot better.
Team Jack finally is playing a lot better than before. But the countdown is slowly coming to an end.
The match ended and Jack's team lost by 1 point. Jack seems a bit down but when he comes and you hugged him.
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/hug.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Jack">>$name! Thank god, You came.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm so sorry Jack. I was trying to get here fast as i could.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>No matter. You are here. Thanks to you finally, I was having a fun.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's great to hear.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Me too. If you need to know.<</speech>>
Both of you and Jack laughed at Lena.
Lena rolled her eyes when you and jack happily hugging each other.
<<speech "Lena">>Fucking love birds. Let's get out of here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah, let's get some pizza.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Pizza?!? Again?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Pizza is better than your tanned duck!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Tanned duck? What are you talking about?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Haha, Nevermind. She is just jealous of my cooking.<</speech>>
All of you left the Gym school in good mood for some pizza.
<<set $cute to $cute +1>>@@color:lightblue;Love +1@@
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<masteraudio stop>><<set $time to $time +2>><</button>>
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/basketball.jpg" class="medium">
After several minutes, Cheerleaders starts doing their work. Kate is very energetic and lead the team very well.
Some of the players are watching cheerleaders perfomance with strong desire.
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/cheerleader.gif" class="imageright">
Most of the time you were trying to spot Jack, But finally after some minutes you spot him on the Bench waiting for the game.
Most of the time he was looking at Kate's act. She were more and more daring towards to Jack's team, like biting her lower lips and showing off her thick thighs. You can't shake these feelings of jealousy of your mind.
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/katecheer.webp" class="imageleft">
Finally, after cheerleaders perfomance the game started.
<<speech "Lena">>Dude look at this guy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What guy?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Lena points at Guy</h4>">>
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/cheerfan.gif" class="imageright">
Watching the guy made you a light laughter. Lena was a bit suprised how many people here get heavily involved in supporting for their lovely team.
<<speech "Boy1" "Fan">>LET THE BLODSHEED BEGIN!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Gosh. These guys are fucking serious.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let's just focus on the game.<</speech>>
After several breaks and games, Match is paused for little break.
Jack's team currently is losing with only 2 points, They went to discuss the tactics for the game point.
In the meantime, cheerleaders again went support their team but you see that Kate is taking Jack to locker room.
<<link "<h7>Check it out</h7>">><<goto "jacklose">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/jackhouse/dinner/doors.jpg" class='imageleft'>
Finally, Jack invites you to his home that no one will interupt your sweet time.
For that occasion you wear something cute and did a little light make up. You ring the bell.
Jack after a few seconds, open doors for you.
<<speech "Jack">>M'lady! Please Enter.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What a gentlemen!<</speech>>
As you enter his house you can smell that something is burning.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*snif* Mmm.. I think dinner is burning.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Dinner? ...OH FUCK!!!<</speech>>
<img src="img/jackhouse/dinner/oven.jpg" class='imageright'>
Jack right away ran to the kitchen to turn off the oven.
After that he open the windows to get rid of the smell.
<<speech "Jack">>Fuck... My Duck!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh no! Your Duck just got a lovely tan.<</speech>>
You laughing at Jack but he was a little furious at his mistake.
<<speech "Jack">>Shut up! Well, here is... Our dinner. Bon Appetit! <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nah. I'll pass. Let's call for some pizza.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Good idea, I'll serve that duck my sister later.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now this is the best idea!<</speech>>
After a lot of laughs and talk the pizza arrived.
When you were about to eat, Jack to impress you bring some red wine.
To your suprise Jack starts to talk about it.
<img src="img/jackhouse/dinner/wine.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Jack">>That beverage is <i>Merlot</i>. Comes from very Bordeaux. Merlot has a smooth, well-rounded style. Typically medium-bodied, it's very much a fruit-forward grape variety, offering low acidity and reasonably high alcohol levels. The style-..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow! Jack. It's impressive! But can you just pour this wine?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>This Wine?!? Gosh... what a typical inbred.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>INBRED? Oh, i'm gonna hit you so hard!<</speech>>
$name stood up and point at wine to the table.
Jack in stress left the wine on the table, began to panic and ran away from you, while you throw several pillows at him.
After a few minute of fun both of you stopped exhausted.
<img src="img/jackhouse/dinner/pillow.gif" class='imageright'>
<<speech "Jack">>Okay! Sorry! Sorry! Enough! Enough... Gosh Girl. Can we eat? It's gonna be cold!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure! But don't think I've forgiven you yet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>$name! I was just joking around!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... Good pizza.<</speech>>
Both of you eats in silence, While you pretend to be offended at him.
<<button [[Jack wants to apologize]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<h2>Jack's House</h2>
<<if $time gte 15 and $time lte 21 or $day gte 6 and $time gte 7 and $time lte 21>>\
<<speech "Jack">>Hey Let's go to my room.<</speech>>\
<<button [[Jack's room]]>><</button>>
<<if $jackstat gte 30 and $jackevents is 1>>\
<<button [[Jack invites you to a Party]]>><</button>>
<<if $jackevents is 2 and $tomevents gte 2 and $jacksex is 1>>\
<<button [[Jack Invites you to dinner]]>><</button>>
<<if $time gte 20 or $time lte 6.5>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenternight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenter]]>><</button>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="jack">
<video src="img/jackhouse/dinner/1.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
After both of ate the pizza and drink some wine in silence, You approached to the window.
Jack to lose the tension between you, approached you from behind.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmph.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>$name...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>This guy...</h4>">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/dinner/2.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
Jack starts to touch you from behind.
You can't control of yourself. Is he want to do this?
He tries to kiss you so you return his kiss.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jack...What are you...<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>$name. I don't know.. But i know that i'm in love with you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jack...<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Jack</h4>">><<replace "#jack">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/dinner/3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Jack slowly kisses you all over you neck.
<<speech "Jack">>$name... Do you want-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes... I think so...<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Tease him</h4>">><<replace "#jack">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/dinner/jackmc1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Jack">>$name. Wow...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sit down.<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Licks you</h4>">><<replace "#jack">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/dinner/jackmc2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:pink;He is not taking care of your pleasure, properly but at least he tries his best.
Still, you felt something.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah... Jack...<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Jack's Dick</h4>">><<replace "#jack">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/dinner/jackmc3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
You had enough from his poor attempts to make you cum.
Hopefully, maybe his Dick will fix it.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay, Jack enough. Let's take care of your needs..<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Huh... Okay $name..<</speech>>
<<if $hot gte 3>>\
@@color:violet;After you get his dick out, You are disappointed.
It's a bit smaller than you expected. @@
<<if $tomevents is 3>>\
<h3>@@color:red;Tom's Dick is a lot bigger than his.@@</h3>
<<link "<h4>Sex with Jack</h4>">><<replace "#jack">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/dinner/jackmc4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:orange;You want him inside to make it easier, You're positioning yourself
Jack has doubts but ask anyway for permission.@@
<<speech "Jack">>Can i?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes! Fuck me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>$name...<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Jack</h4>">><<replace "#jack">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/dinner/jackmc5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:lightyellow;Both of you, It is doing right now. For now, His dick is not reaching your womb.
Jack seems really bit stressed with this moment. @@
<<speech "Jack">>Fuck.. You are so hot $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Faster! Ah..<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Jack</h4>">><<replace "#jack">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/dinner/jackmc6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jack! Harder! HARDER!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>I'm... About to cum!<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Jack</h4>">><<replace "#jack">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/dinner/jackcum.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Jack couldn't hold the pressure. You are not yet satisfied.
He cum on you and fell on the couch, exhausted.
<<if $hot gte 3>>\
@@color:pink;You were almost at border of orgasm. What a shame.@@
<<speech "Jack">>Sorry $name. But you are to hot!<</speech>>
<<if $hot gte 3>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha Thanks...<</speech>>
Jack got up and starts to wear.
You in other hand regret that this moment is over.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>@@color:red;<sub>For Nothing.</sub>@@<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Huh? What?<</speech>>
Jack looked at you confused.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nevermind! I'm just.. Happy that we done that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Me too. Are we gonna watch some tv?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure. Let's watch.<</speech>>
@@color:rgba(255, 106, 106, 1);Jack turned on the TV, and you lie next to him with small thoughts regretting being with him.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do i? Thanks!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Let me rest a bit.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okay. Let's just relax lie down and watch the movie.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Are you sure? We could continue in few minutes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>We'll see. Let's just enjoy the moment.<</speech>>
Jack smiled at you and turned the TV on.
Both of you enjoyed the moment of your couple life.
<<set $cute to $cute +1>>
@@color:lightblue;Love +1@@<<upd>>
<<jstat 15>>@@color:green;Jack Relationship +15@@
<<set $jacksex to 2>><<set $time to $time +2>><<set $jackmsg to 1>><<upd>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|citycenternight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenter]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/cheerleader.webp" class="imageleft">
When Jack messaged you about the match, With Lena you get inside the school gym before the match to see Jack.
In the hall you can see dozens of players and cheerleader preparing for the game. Luckily, Jack was in the front of that crowd. When he saw you, his mood from worry change to happy.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jack!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>$name! It's so great too see you. Lena.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Jack.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah. Are you okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Yeah, i think so. I'm just stressed about this game.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on! You are gonna kick their asses!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>You think so?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course you do. Here let me give you a luck.<</speech>>
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/kiss.gif" class="imageright">
<<set $cute to $cute +1>><h3>@@color:lightblue;Love +1@@</h3><<upd>>
You kissed on the cheek for the go.
When you did that, The announcer called Jack's team to greet them.
<<speech "Jack">>Huh... Okay. Let's do this. OH Kate is here!<</speech>>
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/kate.webp" class="imageleft">
When every player went inside the circle of the hall, Jack's eyes were locked at Kate.
She was wearing a cheerleader outfit.
<<speech "Kate">>Come on Jack! Kick their fucking asses!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Wow Kate. You are looking good!<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>Haha Thanks, Oh hey Lena and $name!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Hi Kate! It's so good to see you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi.. Kate. Yea. You are cheerleader huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>Captain, We will show them who they are dealing with! Isn't that right Jack?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Hah! Yeah we are!<</speech>>
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tease.jpg" class="imageright">
When are you looking at Jack, His eyes are locked at her chest.
You are trying to get his attention by showing your ass, But still nothing.
Is Kate trying to seduce Jack? Are you jealous?
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*Hmph* Jack! Do i-- <</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>JACK! We need to go! They are waiting for you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Yep! Wish us luck girls!<</speech>>
Kate took Jack's hand and lead him into the hall. For you this view was already quite upsetting and humiliating.
Lena is looking at you with some curiosity.
<<speech "Lena">>Are you alright?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What the fuck! Did you see them?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Chill down. She is just trying to get Jack's hopes Up!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No... No.. I don't think so.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Come on. Let's get a seat.<</speech>>
In jealousy mood you went inside with Lena.
You found the place by the field with the good view on the field.
<<button [[Match|basketballjack]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="kate">
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/sneak.jpg" class="medium">
Sneaking into the locker room, You can hear clearly Kate's voice.
Jack is sitting down and looked a bit dissapointed at his game.
<<speech "Kate">>Jack. What is going on. When i see how you are playing today you are disoriented.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Yeah. I can't focus on the game. I don't know why...<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>Maybe, i can help you with that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>What do you mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>Let me show you.<</speech>>
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/kateseduce.webp" class="imageleft">
Kate is taking skirt off then slowly taking her panties off.
Jack is watching confused but somehow he likes it.
<<speech "Jack">>Kate!<</speech>>
You don't know what to do...
She is trying to seduce my Jack!
<<link "<h7>Step in</h7>">><<replace "#kate">><<audio "punch" play>>
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/punch.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You fucking BITCH!<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>Huh?!?<</speech>>
You came out of hiding and punched her in the face. Kate out of shock, fell to the floor and starts crying.
<<speech "Kate">>Ahh!! Ouch...<</speech>>
Jack right away went for Kate to check if she is okay.
Kate's nose is bleeding.
<<speech "Jack">>What the fuck $name?!? Why did you do it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She was trying to get you for herself!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>So you don't trust me?! It is right to hit her?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't know!<</speech>>
You got silenced, Jack helps Kate to get up.
<<speech "Jack">>Kate. Are you alright?<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>Ouch.. Kinda... My head is hurting alot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Let's get you to the hospital. $name. We'll talk about this later.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jack! I'm sorry!<</speech>>
Jack took a semi-conscious Kate over his shoulder to the car and drove to the hospital.
Jack's team lost the match due to Jack's absence. You get back home with little regret.
<<addcorruption 1>><h2>Corruption +1</h2>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<set $jealousy to 1>><<set $time to $time +2>><</button>>
<<link "<h7>Trust Jack</h7>">><<replace "#kate">>
You decided to see what happens next.
Jack get up and hold Kate's hands.
<<speech "Jack">>Kate! Don't do it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>Jack. Let me relax you a bit.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>NO! Leave me alone!<</speech>>
When you see Jack heading for the locker room exit, you flee the scene.
<<button [[End of the Match|jackwin]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "matchgym" play>>
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/basketball.jpg" class="medium">
Jack in hurry joined the squad. The last game is about to start.
You in other hand try to get close to the field as you can to support him.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on JACK! JACK!!!<</speech>>
Jack hearing your voice plays more aggressively. His gameplay is getting better and better.
Now the last seconds are getting coutdown. Lena joins you.
<<speech "Lena">>God $name. Jack is playing like a pro!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jack!! Do it for me!!!<</speech>>
<img src="img/jackhouse/boredday/jackscore.jpg" class="medium">
Jack hearing this breaks through opponents in the blink of an eye. He get's closer to the opponent rim. At the last second he jumped and throws the ball into the hoop. Scores point for his team by winning the match. Everyone in the hall is screaming happily and loudly. Jack's team ran to Jack with joy and started throwing him up in the air. Once they were done Jack ran straight back to you.
<<speech "Jack">>Did you see that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my God Jack! You are awesome!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>No, $name. It's thanks to you! I Love you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I love you too Jack!<</speech>>
You kissed each other in passionate way. Everyone one in the crowd were looking at both of you.
$name felt embarrassed. Jack took your hand and led you out of the school.
<<button [[Jack get you out]]>><<set $time to $time +2>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id ="jack">
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/jackmc.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
The two of you headed to Jack's house for a little celeberation.
Unfortunately, Jack was heavily fatigued after the match but in sweet way, While hugging felt asleep.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Wake up</h4>">><<set $day to $day +1>><<set $time to 7>><<upd>>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/jackmc1.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
Jack woke you up with the kiss on the cheek.
When you open your eyes and see him, you feel as strongly happy as ever.
<<speech "Jack">>Hey...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey... How's my champion?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>When you are around me, I'm in heaven.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh Jack... You are so...<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>I am what? Darling.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nothing. You breath stinks.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Oh! Like your breath don't stinks!<</speech>>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/jackmc2.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. I'm just kidding. Let me take care of you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Hmm?? Oh..<</speech>>
As Jack was lying on the bed, you take his dick.
With passionate you slowly suck his cock making him feel good.
<<speech "Jack">>$name! Oh..!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Jack.</h4>">><<replace "#jack">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/jackmc3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Jack couldn't leave you behind with the feeling.
With desire, Jack gently was eating your pussy.
Finally, His skills getting better.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jack!! Ah Fuck!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Jack.</h4>">><<replace "#jack">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/jackmc4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Can't wait for him to finally fuck you.
Jack is teasing you, by slapping his cock around your pussy lips.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck me Jack!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>$name!<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Jack.</h4>">><<replace "#jack">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/jackmc5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Through the hard pouding you hugged each other.
Such a position made the best experience of sex. Both of you are getting close to cum.
<<speech "Jack">>$name FUCK!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>JAACK!!! YES!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Jack.</h4>">><<replace "#jack">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/jackmc6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Both of you cummed at the same time.
His seed is spilled around your pussy lips. Still, you take his dick inside your womb.
<<speech "Jack">>$name? Why...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Calm down... It's safe day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Are you sure?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yhmm.. Let's cuddle. That was good Jack.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>God i love you so much.<</speech>>
After the morning interaction, you were cuddling and talking.
Until Jack fell asleep again. And you decided to leave him on the bed and move on.
<<set $cute to $cute +2>><h3>@@color:lightblue;Love +2@@</h3>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<set $time to $time +2>><<set $jacksex to 3>><</button>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="mom">
<video src="img/mom/event/drink1.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop>
On Lucas' advice, you prepared a drink for your $mom. As usual, after a hard workout, $mom drinks water from the Refrigerator after she returns to home.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Gosh... I am so exhausted!<</speech>>
Under exhaustion, she didn't notice what color her drink was.
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom</h6>">>
<video src="img/mom/event/drink2.webm" class="imageright" autoplay loop>
She poured herself a glass and then noticed that there was something wrong.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Huh? What the... Well, i'll try if it tastes good.<</speech>>
Thankfully, she did not dump the drink and tasted a little.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Mmm..!! It's so GOOD!<</speech>>
<video src="img/mom/event/drink3.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop controls>
After the taste, She had little glimpses of the past.
$mom took the drink and went to the living room. After some sips, She felt that something within her is gaining control over her. Something from the past.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Daddy... Please... Don't...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>$mom's Corruption.</h6>">><<replace "#mom">>
<video src="img/mom/event/drink4.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
@@color:hotpink;<i>The past of her youth, came back. She could not control her hands, they began to furiously touch her body.
Her willpower is starting to become less and less.</i>@@
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Ah!! AH!! YES DADDY! IMPREGNATE ME!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Do anything to me!! But Please!!! Don't take my $daughter away!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>She is my only $daughter!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Daddy... You can take Him away... I know he'll come back to me soon or later...<</speech>>
After a few minutes, under the influence of the drink, she slowly begins to fall asleep.
<h2>@@color:hotpink;Next Stage $mom's Corruption@@</h2>
<<set $mcorruptionlevel to 1>><<set $mcorruption to 0>>
<<button [[Move on|Bed]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="mom">
<video src="img/mom/kitchen/momkiss.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop>
You didn't had a good sleep after that kiss with $mom.
The whole night you were thinking about her.
You wonder if you slightly went too far with the drink.
Then someone from behind slaps you butt.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Hey Sweetheart.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom!!! You scared me!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom</h6>">>
<video src="img/mom/kitchen/momkiss2.webm" class="imageright" autoplay loop>
$mom is getting slowly to you. She pushed you to the fridge and starts caress your belly.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Ups my mistake!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom. What is going on?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom</h6>">>
<video src="img/mom/kitchen/momkiss3.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop muted>
She takes the cherry from the frigdes and plays with it around your mouth.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Nothing. I just want to greet my lovely $daughter!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah.. $mom... It's cold...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh... Let Mommy warm you up.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>$mom's Kiss</h6>">><<replace "#mom">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<video src="img/mom/kitchen/momkiss4.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
Again that kiss. It's so weird and feels so nice. She was so good at this.
After that kiss your nipples gets hard, $mom looked down and watch at your tits.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Mmm... Hah. Your nipple. Are hard sweety.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah.. Because you're squeezing me into the fridge.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom</h6>">>
<video src="img/mom/kitchen/momkiss5.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop muted>
$mom takes off your top to see them.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Really..? Let me see them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah! OH! $mom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>They really are... Where are you going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I need to get to school. See ya.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>See ya... Mommy will wait.<</speech>>
<<if $touchmom is false>>
<<set $touchmom to true>><<mcorruption 10>>\
<h3>@@color:violet;$mom corruption +10@@</h3>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="mom">
<video src="img/mom/livingroom/mom1.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop muted>
$dad is about to leave the house for exercise in the park.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Guys, I'm leaving! Please Behave!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Sure Honey. We'll try! Good luck!<</speech>>
When $dad left the house completely, $mom joined you in the Living Room.
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom</h6>">>
<video src="img/mom/livingroom/mom2.webm" class="imageright" autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Hey Sweety!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey $mom, Can you please sit down with me? We need to talk.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Sure Honey. What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You know... After that kiss. I have mixed feelings lately. I don't know if it's wrong what we're doing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>No.. Darling. It's nothing wrong! We simply show how we love. You and Me meant to be loved in that way. Here, Lets hug each other.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom</h6>">>
<video src="img/mom/livingroom/mom3.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Do you love me $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course $mom! I..<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Then why do you think it is wrong? I've always looked at you as a my little girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom... Are you sure?<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>$mom can't control of herself.</h6>">><<replace "#mom">>
<video src="img/mom/livingroom/mom4.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
$mom slowly and in passionate way touches you all over your chest. She takes off your top and starts carrasing your little tits.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh Baby... I would do anything for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah! $mom! Why are you so... Good to me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$mom will take care of you.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>$mom can't control of herself.</h6>">><<replace "#mom">>
<video src="img/mom/livingroom/mom5.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
$mom can't control of herself. She is so excited to lick all over your body.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah.!! $mom...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>My perfect girl. Such a young and beautiful $daughter<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Please.. More!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>$mom can't control of herself.</h6>">><<replace "#mom">>
<video src="img/mom/livingroom/mom6.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
She took off your panties and starts to smell them.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh... Yes.. That smell... Bring good memories...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>My innocent child... I...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>$dad's came early...</h4>">>
$mom was about to say something but you hear that someone enters the house.
Both of you quickly starts dressing up.
<img src="img/mom/livingroom/pain.jpg" class="imageleftc">
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Guys! I'm back. Fuck! My leg hurts badly!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh my! What happened!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>God damn path was full of holes. I stepped one of them and my knee started to hurt a lot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Lay down! I'll call for the doctor.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It must really hurt.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yeah. It is.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Or better yet! My massage technician will come help you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>What? Massage Technician? Since when do you take his services?<</speech>>
<img src="img/mom/livingroom/momafter.jpg" class="imagerightc">
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Since I have a problem with my back!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Ouch! You could have told me! Oh FUCK! Whatever. Just call him right away!<</speech>>
$mom while going to the phone, Smiled to you with lusty smile.
Hmm interesting, $mom is taking a massage!
<<if $mompussy is false>>\
<<set $mompussy to true>><<mcorruption 10>>\
<h3>@@color:violet;$mom corruption +10@@</h3>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="lewd"><b> \
<<set _porn to random(1,3)>>
<<if _porn is 1>>
<video src="img/gif/sex/lesbian1.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _porn is 2>>
<video src="img/gif/sex/lesbian2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _porn is 3>>
<video src="img/gif/sex/lesbian3.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted>
Watching some Lesbian Porn.
<<arousal 25>><div class="posarousal"> @@color:hotpink; Arousal + 25@@</div>
<<if $arousal gte 60>>\
<<linkreplace "<h31>Masturbate</h31>">>
<<arousal -50>><div class="posarousal">@@color:lightpink;Arousal -50@@</div>
<<energy -30>><div class="pos">@@color:Lightblue;Energy -30@@</div>
<img src="img/gif/sex/orgasm.webp" class='medium'>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<link "<h6>ANOTHER ONE</h6>">><<goto"Lesbian Videos">><</link>>
<<button [[Back|Porn]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
Roaming around parents room to find if Mom hides something deep.
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox">\
<<if $bimbolvl1 is false>>\
<img src="img/avatars/mcbimbo03.jpg" class="imageleft">
@@color:hotpink;<b>Name:Huh!? My name is $name!</b>
<b>Status: Bimbo</b>@@
@@color:pink;My brain doens't work in 100% or maybe even 50% or 30%?? I don't know! So Fuck you and fuck everyone who gets in my way!
No but for real, I'd like to meet someone who could finally satisfy my slutty needs! @@
<<elseif $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<img src="img/avatars/bimboavatar2.jpg" class="imageleft">
@@color:hotpink;<b>Name:It's $name!</b>
<b>Age: You shouldn’t ask a woman her age because it’s rude!!!</b>
<b>Status: I love being a Bimbo! It's so much fun!</b>@@
<h39>@@color:pink; Somehow, I absolutely love the way I am! I love being used and being dominated by some huge men.
But it is getting boring. I'd like to change someone's life! Oh yes! That would be my purpose. I love giving other people happiness.@@</h39>
<<button [[Leave|Profiles]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox">
<img src="img/avatars/tom.jpg" class="imageleft">
<b>Status:Bad boy</b>@@
@@color:lightyellow;Tom is Jack's old pal. Jack mention that Tom had a pretty rough childhood, Jack became a close friend back then. But a few years he lost contact with him when he had to move out seek his purpose in life. Since then, he has not contacted Jack until now.
His hobby is to enjoys having a wild party and hot girls. His father passed away a month ago, and instead of mourning him he is organizing edgy parties.@@
<<if $tomevents gte 3>>\
<b>@@color:red;After the party, You decided to get closer to Tom. So close that his big cock was in your mouth.@@</b>
<<if $tomevents gte 4>>\
<b>@@color:red;His charm has a deadly effect on you. You couldn't resist him and you had the best experience inside his House. You can see why Jack no longer wants to hang out with him. Does it feel bad? Who cares!@@</b>
<<button [[Leave|Profiles]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox">
<img src="img/avatars/marcus.jpg" class="imageleft">
<b>Status: Big Muscular Men </b>@@
@@color:lightyellow;When you met Marcus you were petrified at how big and muscular he was. Marcus loves pure and innocent girls who submit to him and his group of boys.@@
<<if $bbcaddiction gte 2>>\
<b>@@color:hotpink;After seeing what he and his group of boys did to Lena, you couldn't believe what an amazing experience it was. Part of you wish to be adored by him...@@</b>
<<if $bbcaddiction gte 7>>\
<img src="img/mcroom/partybbc/fot.jpg" class="imageright">
<b>@@color:hotpink;Finally, you had an unforgettable night with him and boys. It is impossible to erase the memory of this festival of big black cocks. They were throwing me around and using me like a fuckdoll. I wish that night wouldn't end...@@</b>
<<button [[Leave|Profiles]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox">
<img src="img/madison/impatient.jpg" class="imageleft">
<b>Status:Estate Office Boss. Unmarried.</b>@@
@@color:lightyellow;History of Madison is unkown for you. She and Lucas knows very well, So she must be his close friend or something more. As a boss, She knows what she wants and what she needs. In the work, You can hear that she is a strict and patient woman. For you, however, treat more gently and in a friendly manner. Madison is deeply jealous of your mother. Is she trying to win Lucas attention?@@
<<button [[Leave|Profiles]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
You were chilling in the home by yourself. Everyone is left the house expect of you.
After some sweet shower, you hear a phone rining.
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Who might it be?<</speech>>
You pick up the phone, it's a unkown number.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes? Hello?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">><i>$name. Come outside. Let's talk.</i><</speech>>
He hang up the phone before you could say anything.
<img src="img/mom/event/blackcar.jpg" class="imageleft">
Confused with the call, You got dressed and left the house. On the drive you see a black car.
Some well dressed guy left the car and opens the door for you.
<<speech "Boy1" "Shady Men">>Get in Miss.<</speech>>
Inside the car Lucas were sitting and watching the scenery around your house.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Nice House. Your $dad picked a good place to live.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah. It is. Well, My $mom choosed the place. $dad just bought the place.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Yes indeed. Let's talk about her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>About my $mom?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Do you remember the Necklace i gift her? <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yea... I think so. From the Jewerly store.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Necklace?</h6>">>
<video src="img/mom/event/mom.webm" class="imageright" autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Good. That necklace is a rare thing. With it, it will open a gateway to your $mom's past.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wait. Hold on. What are you talking about? What past? Is my $mom in danger?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name. It's not up to me to reveal all this to you. If you <i>Reach Her</i> past, In time, she will be able to answer all your questions.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I knew she was hiding something! But how?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>I'll tell you, Here is the note with key words. I'll teach you to learn them. When you learn them, speak these words to your $mom and the necklace affects her. I'm not sure with the results but the real her shall return someday.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Someday... Lucas, I don't understand. How do you know all of this?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>I can't. You are not ready, it is for the sake of Olena's faith.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Leave before your Folks return. Have a nice day.<</speech>>
You left the car with the note.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Open</h4>">>
<div class="mombox">
@@color:lightyellow; -Oleno wybaczam ci, moje dziecko. @@
@@color:pink; -Morze które pragniesz, Się ziści @@
@@color:hotpink; -A tama pomiędzy tobą a domem, Ulegnie zniszczeniu.@@
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>It's so foreing to me.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Come on! Let's learn it and help her out!<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Or just don't and let's make sweet and loving family...<</speech>>
<<if $bimbo gte 2>>
<video src="img/mom/event/momb.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>Oh my fucking gosh! What would we do without Lucas?<</speech>>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>Mommy! Let's show her the true meaning of love!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Think.</h6>">>
<<set $lucasremote to true>><<upd>>
From now on, You can choose the sides of your Mom.
@@color:lightblue;<i>Family side</i>
Where the whole family are gonna be together.@@</th>
@@color:hotpink;<i>Devoted to Lucas</i>
Will forsake the commitments of her family in favor of her desires@@</th></table>
<img src="img/mom/event/momside.jpg" class="medium">
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Let's Visit Lucas!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
var x = document.getElementById("myVideo");
function getVolume() {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x.volume;
function setHalfVolume() {
x.volume = 0.2;
function setFullVolume() {
x.volume = 1.0;
</script><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<masteraudio stop>><b>\
<span id="eva">
<img src="img/restaurant/eva.jpg" class='medium'>
Eva sighs while closing the doors and came back to you with a angry face.
<<speech "Eva">>$name. What is going on?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm? Is something wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Yes! Your results at work are pretty awful, Very horrible i must say! You are a disgrace to our business!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>WHAT?! Horrible? I'm working my ass off!<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>This fucking bitch.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Do you?!? STAND UP!<</speech>>
<video src="img/restaurant/punish.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop>
Normally you wouldn't be able to stand her but for Lucas you want to sacrifice yourself.
Eva stood up and takes out the ruler from the draw by your suprise you feel like in school right now.
<<speech "Eva">>Oh you fucking brad! I'm gonna have to teach you some manners!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eva... Why do you keep Ruler-<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">><h3><span id="shaker-1" class="shake">For you, It's Mistress Eva! Take off your panties! Immediately!</span></h3><</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Off your Panties</h6>">>
<video src="img/restaurant/punish1.webm" class="imageright" autoplay loop>
Having no choice, you obediently remove your panties in front of Eva.
<<speech "Eva" "Mistress Eva">>Good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eva, I don't-<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva" "Mistress Eva">><h3><span id="shaker-1" class="shake">I TOLD YOU! MISTRESS EVA!</span></h3><</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>OBEY!</h6>">>
<video src="img/restaurant/punish2.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop>
She toss you to the chair and hits you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ouch!!! That HURT!<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva" "Mistress Eva">><h3><span id="shaker-1" class="shake">Have you learned my name!?! You skank!?</span></h3><</speech>>
<<link "<h6>MISTRESS!</h6>">><<replace "#eva">>
<video src="img/restaurant/punish3.webm" class="imageright" autoplay loop>
Eva hits even harder and harder! That pain makes you hornier and obedient to Eva.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Please! STOP!<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva" "Mistress Eva">><h3><span id="shaker-1" class="shake">By disobeying, you expose yourself to punishment !</span></h3><</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>BEG FOR IT!</h6>">>
<video src="img/restaurant/punish4.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop>
She gave you like 30 times hit, till your Buttcheks gets red.
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Why it turns me on?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mistress! Please! I'm learned my lesson!<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva" "Mistress Eva">>And this I like to hear. Now! Will you work hard from now on?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes... Mistress Eva. I will!<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva" "Mistress Eva">>Very Good. Please your Mistress with the best results! GO TO THE WORK!<</speech>>
Eva open the door to you and smiled like it was acted.
You feel humiliated after this awful experience. You begining to hate Eva more!
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Let her enjoy that.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Sooner or later, She'll get what she deserves! <</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Let's hope, Lucas has a really good suprise for her!<</speech>>
<<addcorruption 1>><h2>Corruption +1</h2>
<<button [[Leave|restaurant]]>><<set $evalevel to 2>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox">
<img src="img/restaurant/eva01.jpg" class="imageleft">
@@color:lightyellow;A business woman who likes to take a challange. So far, she doesn't seem to be afraid of competition on Lucas' part. Still unkown why she take over the Cafe place. Strange, because there are better places than in the Mall. Rumor has it that she was expelled from school for beating up one female student.
Sometimes you can see that she leads some girls through the black doors. @@
<<if $evalevel gte 2>>\
@@color:pink; You saw her true nature. She enjoys to abuse employees who don't show results. Her methods are quite brutal and quite intriguing. Part of you liked that.@@
<<button [[Leave|Profiles]]>><</button>>
<div class="mombox3"><div align="center"><b>\
<h3><i>Phone Messages:</i></h3>\
<h3>Archive Messages:</h3>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Archive</h4>">>
<<if $sophiamsg gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h20>Sophia</h20>">>
Sorry for last time.
But i'll be available in @@color:orange;Friday 20:00-23:00.@@
Meet me in Lucas House.
Lucas still is on the trip.
<<if $sophiamsg gte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h20>Sophia 2</h20>">>
Meet me at Lucas House @@color:orange;Friday 20:00-23:00.@@
Don't worry about the Guards. They are friendly.
<<if $jackmsg gte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h20>My love. Jack.</h20>">>
<i>Hey $name!
I just want let you know that in the@@color:orange; Saturday,@@
We are playing a Basketball match.
I hope you are gonna to cheer me up!
Love ya!</i>
<<if $jackmsg gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h20>My love. Jack</h20>">>
<i>Hey Beauty.
Anna left town for a weekend!
So I'd like you to come here to the "Palace" for a lovely dinner.
@@color:orange;Meet at my house at 16:00 (Saturday-Sunday).
Love you.@@</i>
<<if $messageteacher gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h20>Teacher</h20>">>
<i>Hey $name, i was wondering...
You got free time after 20?
I'd like to meet you in the Hotel.
@@color:orange;Room 302. @@
@@color:hotpink; Your Teacher.@@
<<if $tommsg is 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h20>Tom</h20>">>
I can't forget about that thing we did.
We need to repeat it again!
<img src="img/phone/sendtom.jpg" class="medium">
@@color:pink;Me too...
I'm still thinking thinking about you.@@
<<if $marcusmsg gte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h20>Marcus</h20>">>
<i>Hey Gurl.
My boys are up to something.
They asking for a@@color:hotpink; Bad Girl.@@
@@color:orange;On Saturday Night at 22:00.@@
You up to?</i>
<i>@@color:hotpink;Sure! Come Pick me up! @@
(MC Bedroom 22:00 Saturday)</i>
<<if $lenamsg gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h20>Lena</h20>">>
<img src="img/lena/lenamsg.jpg" class='medium'>
Lena sends you a message
It's been a long time since we've done anything together. @@
@@color:orange;Let's meet by the school after school.@@
<<if $lenamsg gte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h20>Lena 2</h20>">>
<img src="img/lena/lenamsg2.jpg" class='medium'>
Lena sends you a message
The thing we did before.... It was unspeakable.
I'd like to repeat that again...
Nevertheless, we have to try out these bikinis.
I didn't waste that kind of money to have them lying around in my wardrobe!!! @@
@@color:hotpink;Goodnight :*@@</i>
<<if $chloeclothes is 2 and $chloemsg1 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h20>Chloe</h20>">>
<img src="img/chloe/chloemsg.jpg" class='medium'>
Thanks again for this break from school,
My dad is still angry at me but at least i can look at him again.@@
@@color:pink;Can't stop thinking about the thing we talked about...@@
@@color:lightblue;Anyway. Thanks again!
Sending you pic of me in that outfit you bought me.
By the way, I told you it shows way too much of my butt!@@
<<elseif $chloeclothes is 1 and $chloemsg1 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h20>Chloe</h20>">>
<img src="img/chloe/chloemsg0.jpg" class='medium'>
Thanks again for this break from school,
My dad is still angry at me but at least i can look at him again.@@
@@color:pink;Can't stop thinking about the thing we talked about...@@
@@color:lightblue;Anyway. Thanks again!
Sending you pic of me in that outfit you bought me.
It looks awesome! Thanks!@@
<<if $daddymsg gte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h20>Father</h20>">>
@@color:orange;<i>We need to talk.
In the basement 16:00. @@
<<if $burnettmsg gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h20>Dr.Burnett</h20>">>
If you may.
I'd like to invite you to a routine inspection.
I'll be waiting in my Office in Hospital. 8:00-18:00.
<<if $funeral gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h20>Lucas</h20>">>
I'd like you and your brother to come to the Church.
@@color:orange;<i>Saturday 12:00.</i>@@
Don't be late.
<<if $jackmessagejayce is true and $jackandjayce is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h20>Jack</h20>">>
<<set $jackandjayce to true>>\
Hey sunshine.
Can we talk?
I'll be somewhere in the school hallway.
Meet me after Math Lessons.
<<button "Return" `previous()`>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="lewd"><b>\
<<if $moviebbc is true>>\
<<set _porn to random(1,6)>>\
<<if _porn is 1>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/moviebbc.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Another Ashley's movie.. She's slowly becoming quite popular.<</speech>>
<<elseif _porn is 2>>\
<img src="img/gif/sex/bbc1.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _porn is 3>>\
<img src="img/gif/sex/bbc2.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _porn is 4>>\
<img src="img/gif/sex/bbc3.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _porn is 5>>\
<img src="img/gif/sex/bbc4.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _porn is 6>>\
<img src="img/gif/sex/bbc5.gif" class="medium">
<<set _porn to random(1,6)>>\
<<if _porn is 1>>\
<img src="img/gif/sex/bbc.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _porn is 2>>\
<img src="img/gif/sex/bbc1.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _porn is 3>>\
<img src="img/gif/sex/bbc2.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _porn is 4>>\
<img src="img/gif/sex/bbc3.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _porn is 5>>\
<img src="img/gif/sex/bbc4.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _porn is 6>>\
<img src="img/gif/sex/bbc5.gif" class="medium">
Watching some Black Cocks!
<<arousal 45>> <div class="posarousal">@@color:hotpink; Arousal + 45@@</div>
<<if $arousal gte 60>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Masturbate (There is a chance you might addicted to it)</h12>">>
<div class="daddybox">
<<if $bbcaddiction lte 21>>\
<<set _bbc to random(1,3)>>
<<if _bbc is 1>>\
<<if $bbcaddiction lte 20>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction +1>>\
Watching how these boys are treating these Sluts makes you hornier and lost.
<div class="posarousal">BBC addiction +1</div>
<<elseif $bbcaddiction gte 21>>\
<h2>I'm sick of watching! I would rather try to taste them!</h2>
<<elseif _bbc is 2>>\
My gosh... How these brutes treats these poor girls...! It's so... Arousing!!!
<<elseif _bbc is 3>>\
God damn...!!! That's someone's daughter..! Fuck... I'm so fucking wet right now!!!
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake">@@color:hotpink;The amount of this kind of porn makes you gush!@@</span>
<<arousal -80>><div class="posarousal">@@color:lightpink;Arousal -80@@<div>
<<energy -30>><div class="pos">@@color:Lightblue;Energy -30@@</div>
<img src="img/gif/sex/orgasm2.webp" class="medium">
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>\
<<if $mcorruptionlevel gte 1 and $momwatchingbbc is false and $time gte 14 or $day gte 6 and $mcorruptionlevel gte 1 and $momwatchingbbc is false>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Someone is knocking at your door.</h6>">>
<video src="img/mom/gym/momwatches.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop muted>
Mom knocked at your door but you purposefully don't respond to her.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Sweetie! Open.. Oh your doors are...<</speech>>
She reaches for the handle and for some reason the door opens easily.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mom shocked</h6>">>
Her face is shocked what she is witness.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">><sub>Oh my! What my little princess are watching...</sub><</speech>>
<video src="img/mom/gym/momwatches2.webm" class="imageright" autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">><sub>Big Black Cocks?!? Fuck... They are so huge... </sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">><sub>It's long and big. I'm so damn wet right now.</sub><</speech>>
<<set $momwatchingbbc to true>>
<<if $mombbc is 1>>
<<mcorruption 10>><div class="pos">@@color:purple;Mom's Corruption +10@@</div>
<<set $mombbc to 2>><div class="pos">@@color:black;Mom's being addicted to BBC!@@</div>
<<link "<h6>ANOTHER ONE</h6>">><<goto"BBC Videos">><</link>>
<<button [[Back|Porn]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>
Lucas promised you to learn the foreing language.
As you enter the house, You shout for someone but nobody responds.
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Where is Lucas?<</speech>>
You roamed the half of the house but through the window you could see someone by the pool.
She waved at you.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Go to the backyard</h4>">><<audio "sophia" play>>
<img src='img/lucas/lucashouse/sophiaback.jpg' class="largec">
By your suprise it was Sophia! Lena mention that she is Lucas Sister.
She's in the good mood and wearing a robe.
<<speech "Sophia">>Hey! Over here!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Coming!<</speech>>
You approached her.
<img src='img/lucas/lucashouse/sophiaback4.jpg' class="imageleftc">
<<speech "Sophia">>$name! It is so good to see you!<</speech>>
Sophia smiled and turns her body to you.
You can see her huge cleaveage.
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Fuck! Those milkers!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Likewise Sophia. How are you doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Great! Chilling and eating. And you? What are you doing here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I came here for language lessons. But i can't find Lucas.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>For language lessons with Lucas?!? Haha! I need to see this. Unfortunately, He left the city for a couple of days.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shit... That's not cool.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Well, I'm free so i can teach you a little bit.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you? Well, I just need to learn these few words that he gave me in the note.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Few words? Give me that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Here.<</speech>>
<img src='img/lucas/lucashouse/sophiaback2.jpg' class="mediumc">
Sophia took the note and read it. At first she was surprised, but then she cast her seductive glance at you.
Then she wishpers to herself.
<<speech "Sophia">><sub>You found her...</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>*Cough*! I'll teach you. Come sit down.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Two hours laters.</h4>">>
<<set $time to $time +2>><<upd>>\
Sophia taught you the language from scratch so you could understand a little bit. By her suprise, You have even begun to pronounce some words correctly. Don't know why but learning this language was going really well. As if you already knew the language.
<div class="mombox">
@@color:lightyellow; -Oleno wybaczam ci, Moje dziecko.@@
<i>-Olena I forgive you, My child.</i>
@@color:pink; -Morze które pragniesz, Się ziści @@
@@color:hotpink; -A tama pomiędzy tobą a domem, Ulegnie zniszczeniu.@@
<h3>@@color:orange;<i>Lessons Language 1/3</i>@@</h3>
<<set $language to 1>>\
<<speech "Sophia">>Wow! This is going well!<</speech>>
<img src='img/lucas/lucashouse/sophiaback3.jpg' class="imagerightc">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You think so?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Even the accent is very good! <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well, You have the ability to teach well! You are patient and able to show mistakes. Not like other teachers in our school...<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>You think so? Thank you! You too, My dear. Okay, gotta go! Other matters calls. Come again. Maybe Monday? at 16:00 got some free time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Cool! See ya!<</speech>>
You left Lucas house, Thinking how are these lessons are going too well?
<<button [[Leave|citycenter]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="sophia">
Sophia promised to teach you another language lessons.
Some guy was leaving the Lucas house and he let you in. You couldn't find Sophia that easily. Maybe she's in upstairs?
<<linkreplace "<h4>Look for Sophia</h4>">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/smasturbate.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop>
Searching the upper floor, you hear moaning voices from some room. As you open a little door you could see Sophia.
<<linkreplace "<h6>More</h6>">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/smasturbate2.webm" class="imageright" autoplay loop>
Sophia seems a bit mad at herself, She's trying to masturbate but she can't reach the point.
<<speech "Sophia">>Fuck...! Ah...<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Why is this so... HARD!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Wait for her.</h6>">><<replace "#sophia">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/sophiajoins.webm" class="imagerightc" autoplay loop>
You left her alone and went to the downstairs.
After few minutes, Sophia left the room and with suprise she greets you.
She is wearing a huge cleaveage... and odd looking necklace.
<<speech "Sophia">>Oh! $name! Hey. I didn't know anyone was home.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Emm, Sorry. Some guy without the word, Let me in.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>*Cough*!! Haha. That's great... really great. Please, Don't say that to Lucas. He is really mad if some random guys are roaming around his house.<</speech>>
<img src='img/lucas/lucashouse/sophialearn1.jpg' class="imageleftc">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course Sophia! My secrets are sealed! Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Uff... That's a big relief! Haha! <</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Gosh... Those tits are calling me...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Sophia joins you</h4>">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/sophiajoins2.webm" class="imagerightc" autoplay loop>
<<speech "Sophia">>Okay, I can see that you are already comfortable. Let's start the lessons.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ehm.. Sure! Let's get on it!<</speech>>
Hardly you said the words while looking at her cleavage.
<<link "<h6>Can't Concentrate!</h6>">><<replace "#sophia">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/sophialearn2.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop>
As Sophia tries explain her best lessons. You in other hand can't hear what she is saying.
Her cleavage and odd looking necklace are getting your attention.
Then Sophia snaps her fingers.
<<speech "Sophia">>$name! Are you listening to me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah! Sorry! Yes! Yes...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Sophia Seduction.</h6>">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/sophialearn3.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop>
<<speech "Sophia">>Are you looking at my boobs? $name...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What!?! No... I'm just...<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Oh you dirty girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>You are! Haha. You love looking at them? Don't you lie to me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not lying. I was just distracted... that's all.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Yeah. Distracted by my tits.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay! Okay. Yes! I am just jealous of your body. That's all!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Then let me see your body! Undress right now!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh!? Sophia! I'm..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Sophia influence you..</h6>">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/sophialearn4.webm" class="imageright" autoplay loop>
<<speech "Sophia">>It's okay $name. Take off your clothes.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Wow.! She's so... Hot!.<</speech>>
Sophia's voice reached you and you undress without hesitation.
She locked her eyes on your body, nodding.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm feeling so...<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Feeling so light? My darling?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Light...</h6>">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/sophialearn5.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah... Yes...<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>It's okay $name. Wake up.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Huh!?! What is going on! Is it some kind of trance?<</speech>>
You woke up from your blurry visions.
You are standing near Sophia with your only underwear.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh?!? Sophia! Why... I'm so...<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Calm down. Breathe $name. You need to go. Please leave.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't understand! Sophia? Why?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Leave! I'm not feeling so good... Please...<</speech>>
<<set $language to 2>><<addcorruption 2>>
<div class="glow">@@color:black;Corruption +2@@</div>
With your thoughts confused, you left Sophia alone. Sadly, you didn't learn anything from her.
Sophia were looking at me really strange.
<<button [[Leave|citycenter]]>><<set $time to $time +2>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<<if $sophiasex is 0>>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/friday.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop>
Coming to Lucas house to learn the language gave you a some confused thoughts.
Sophia was a bit weird, You don't know why but part of you, She attracts you.
As you enter the house, Sophia was already waiting for you.
<<speech "Sophia">>Come in! Come in. I'm glad you came by!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah. Me too, Sophia.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Listen. I'm sorry for earlier. It wasn't my good day. But i did some thinking.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Just Relax. And Listen to me. $name.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Listen to Sophia</h6>">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/friday2.webm" class="imageright" autoplay loop>
As Sophia were speaking to you, Her necklace starts to shine in some kind of calm colour.
That necklace were speaking to you but you couldn't understand it.
It is so calm and relaxing...
<<speech "Sophia">>...$name.... Just listen....<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh...Sophia!<</speech>>
<<if $corruption gte 50>>
<<link "<h7>Sophia Influence @@color:orange;(Corruption 50)@@</h7>">><<goto "Sophia Sex">><<set $sophiasex to 2>><</link>>
<<link "<h7>Don't listen to her.</h7>">><<goto "Sophia Sex">><<set $sophiasex to 1>><</link>></table>
<<link "<h7>Sophia Influence @@color:orange;(Corruption 50)@@</h7>">><</link>>
<<link "<h7>Don't listen to her.</h7>">><<goto "Sophia Sex">><<set $sophiasex to 1>><</link>></table>
<<if $sophiasex is 2>>
<<speech "Sophia">>$name... Just feel this breeze and hear it.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Listen...</h6>">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/friday3.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
Sophia's necklace is speaking to you.
<div class="mombox">
@@color:hotpink;Olena. Don't deny your Heritage. Listen to your senses.
They'll lead you to the path you are seeking. Your closes ones needs to hear it.
Powróć moje dziecko.@@</div>
<h3>@@color:orange;<i>Lessons Language 2/3</i>@@</h3>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. I hear you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Come here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sophia... Please Kiss me. Just... one... kiss...<</speech>>
<<link "<h7>Kiss..</h7>">><<goto "Listen to her">><<set $sophiasex to 3>><</link>>
<<if $sophiasex is 1>>
<img src='img/lucas/lucashouse/deny.jpg' class="mediumc">
Sophia is dissapointed with your behaviour.
<<speech "Sophia">>Hmm... $name. This is going nowhere. Leave at once. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm so sorry Sophia. I'll-<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Leave!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenternight]]>><<set $sophiasex to 0>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox">
<img src="img/lucas/lucashouse/sophiaprofile.jpg" class="imageleft">
@@color:lightyellow;She is hard to crack so far. Lena told you that she is a Lucas's Sister but visiting her Office you could say it was something different. Sophia is a kind and has a smoking hot body!@@
<<button [[Leave|Profiles]]>><</button>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<<if $sophiasex is 3>>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/sophiasex1.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<h3>@@color:rgba(201, 0, 104, 0.8);Sophia's necklace is talking to you...
It says to turn yourself in...
It's so hard to resist...@@</h3>
<<speech "Sophia">>Give in.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Give in</h6>">><<goto "Listen to her">><<set $sophiasex to 4>><</link>>
<<if $sophiasex is 4>>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/sophiasex2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<h3>@@color:rgba(228, 0, 118, 0.8);Her touch eases your suffering into pleasure....
It reminds you of something...
But you can't recall it...@@</h3>
<<speech "Sophia">>My girl.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Obey</h6>">><<goto "Listen to her">><<set $sophiasex to 5>><</link>>
<<if $sophiasex is 5>>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/sophiasex3.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<h3>@@color:rgba(255, 65, 163, 0.8);She has a body of goddess...
Lust is overflowing your body...
The surrounding area is slowly fading away ...@@</h3>
<<speech "Sophia">>That's right.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Lust</h6>">><<goto "Listen to her">><<set $sophiasex to 6>><</link>>
<<if $sophiasex is 6>>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/sophiasex4.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<h3>@@color:rgba(255, 139, 199, 0.8);Sophia is taking control of your body...
You are losing your Vision... @@</h3>
@@color:hotpink;You lost your vision...
Shame... If other sense could hold it...@@
<<if $bimboend gte 3>>\
<<link "<h7>Wake your Senses!@@color:hotpink;(Bimbo Level 2)@@</h7>">><<goto "bimbosoph">><<set $sophiasex to 7>><</link>>
<<link "<h7>Sleep</h7>">><<set $sophiasex to 0>><<if $sophiaspecial is true>><<set $sophiaspecial to false>><<goto "cheatroom">><<else>><<goto "Sophia's Bedroom">><</if>><</link>></table>
<table><<link "<h7>Wake your Senses!@@color:hotpink;(Bimbo Level 2)@@</h7>">><</link>>
<<link "<h7>Sleep</h7>">><<set $sophiasex to 0>><<if $sophiaspecial is true>><<set $sophiaspecial to false>><<goto "cheatroom">><<else>><<goto "Sophia's Bedroom">><</if>><</link>></table>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<set $time to 7>><<set $day to $day +1>>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/after1.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop muted>
Sophia took a test tube and took vaginal fluids from you and left you alone in the bed.
She took out her phone to call someone.
<<speech "Sophia">>Hey... it's me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>You were absolutely right...<</speech>>
<img src='img/lucas/lucashouse/after2.jpg' class="imagerightc">
<<speech "Sophia">>I think, She has inherited gift.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Yes. I got some samples. I'll test it right away.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Anyway, Wait till Nataly get things done first.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>At least, We got Subject B.<</speech>>
<img src='img/lucas/lucashouse/tube.jpg' class="imageleftc">
Sophia put the phone down, took a look at tube and smiled to herself.
<<speech "Sophia">>Oh big bro. You fucking bastard... Let's get to work.<</speech>>
Sophia left you all alone with note.
Then you woke up in the bed.
You can't recall what happened here but you felt a lot better than before. After recovery, You found the note.
<<speech "Sophia">><i>$name. Something urgent came up. You can leave house anytime. See you, next time. Take care.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My head... What happened here?<</speech>>
<<if $language is 2>><<set $language to 3>><<addcorruption 2>><h2>Corruption +2</h2>
<<button [[Leave|lucashouse]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="Center"><b>
<img src="img\mcroom\webcam\test.png" width="25%" align="left">
<img src="img\mcroom\webcam\live.gif" class='medium'>
Hello Guys! And Girls... of course, haha!
Welcome to my sweet little cave!
Let's have fun! Pay me a penny Pretty boy!
<<if $time gte 15 and $time lte 17>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena's Show</h6>">>
<<set _lena to random(1,4)>>
<<if _lena is 1>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/lenacam.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<elseif _lena is 2>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/lenacam2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<elseif _lena is 3>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/lenacam3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<elseif _lena is 4>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/lenacam4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<div class="chatbox">\
@@color:orange;SexyPrettyBoi52@@: You are fucking hot :>
@@color:black;Pussydestroyer062@@:Jeez... I would fuck that pussy for real!
@@color:pink;MommysWhore21@@:Nice body! Are you real!?!
<<if $time gte 20 and $time lte 23>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena's Show</h6>">>
<span id="lenashow">
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/lenastart.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Lena">><i>Guys!! You won't believe! Some guy is taking a shower! Let's suprise him!</i><</speech>>
<div class="chatbox">\
@@color:red;Patso24@@: For real?!
@@color:green;Smokeweed420@@:That's a nice suprise...
@@color:pink;Daddyslut02@@:That's me!
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena's Show</h6>">><<replace "#lenashow">>
<<set _lena to random(1,3)>>
<<if _lena is 1>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/lenanight.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<div class="chatbox">\
@@color:hotpink;SlutsForLife996@@: That guy is in the trouble!
@@color:purple;Hotbejbi52@@:Suck him!
@@color:pink;motherfucker523@@:Undress you bitch!
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena's Show</h6>">><<replace "#lenashow">>
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/lenanight1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
</video><<audio "tip" play>>
<div class="chatbox">\
@@color:hotpink;SlutsForLife996@@:fuck... That is hoooottt!!!
@@color:purple;Hotbejbi52@@:my my...
@@color:pink;motherfucker523@@:here's my tip for ya!
<<elseif _lena is 2>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/lenanight.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<div class="chatbox">\
@@color:hotpink;LongDick663@@: Show Boobies!
@@color:purple;Whore1263@@:Do it!
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena's Show</h6>">><<replace "#lenashow">>
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/lenanight2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
</video><<audio "tip" play>>
<div class="chatbox">\
@@color:pink;MenPowERXXXX11@@: Damn...
@@color:hotpink;LongDick663@@: :OOO
@@color:purple;Whore1263@@: Is he for real?!
<<elseif _lena is 3>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/lenanight.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<div class="chatbox">\
@@color:hotpink;LickBallzzzx55@@:Go Check on him!
@@color:purple;Samuelee0119@@:This is getting intresting!
@@color:pink;ButtCheezzz211@@: SHOW YOUR ASS!
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena's Show</h6>">><<replace "#lenashow">>
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/lenanight3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
</video><<audio "tip" play>>
<div class="chatbox">\
@@color:purple;RTX900x01@@: Fuck! my dick!
@@color:pink;ButtCheezzz211@@:OH MY GOD!
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena's Show</h6>">><<replace "#lenashow">>
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/lenanight4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
</video><<audio "tip" play>><<timed 1s>><<audio "tip" play>><</timed>><<timed 2s>><<audio "tip" play>><</timed>>
<div class="chatbox">\
@@color:purple;RTX900x01@@: NO FUCKING WAY!
@@color:hotpink;LickBallzzzx55@@: Fucking LOVE IT!
@@color:pink;Daddyslut02@@:Damn!!! MORE!
<<if $time gte 7 and $time lte 9>>\
<span id="lenam">\
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/lenamorning.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Lena">>Guyss.... I need to be quiet! I'm in the school right now! It's a risky take but fuck it! Haha!<</speech>>
<div class="chatbox">\
@@color:orange;525MrLumbago5235@@: My Dick is so fucking hard!
@@color:black;SluttyStudent251@@:I knew taking day's off would pay off!
@@color:pink;Lickithardxxx@@:THAT OUTFIT IS HOT!
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena's Show</h6>">><<replace "#lenam">>
<<set _lena to random(1,3)>>
<<if _lena is 1>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/lenamorning1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Lena">>My boobs need some air.<</speech>>
<div class="chatbox">\
@@color:teal;Redmoney34@@: So fucking huge!
@@color:hotpink;Slutforpenis1@@:LOVE THEM!
@@color:pink;Cupcakepeach@@:Milk them!
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena's Show</h6>">><<replace "#lenam">>
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/lenamorning1.5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Lena">>Mmm....<</speech>>
<div class="chatbox">\
@@color:brown;SlashPenisGuitar211@@: I WANT TO FUCK THEM!
@@color:hotpink;BlairWitchAnal@@:SUCK THEM MORE!
@@color:pink;Cupcakepeach@@:MORE MORE!
<<elseif _lena is 2>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/lenamorning2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Lena">>Mmm.. let's take off these panties...<</speech>>
<div class="chatbox">\
@@color:orange;ThatMen000@@: FUUUCK>.<
@@color:pink;Lickithardxxx@@:Such a hotttiieee!!!
@@color:hotpink;SluttyStudent251@@:Let me snifff them!!!
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena's Show</h6>">><<replace "#lenam">>
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/lenamorning2.5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<div class="chatbox">\
@@color:lightyellow;THEO5@@: CUMMINGG!!!!
@@color:lightblue;zaacckkxx@@:GIMME THAT PUSSY!
@@color:hotpink;xBrutallyMolestedx@@:WHERE IS THAT SCHOOL!?
<<elseif _lena is 3>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/lenamorning3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Lena">>SHIT! I need to turn off the tip sounds...<</speech>>
<div class="chatbox">\
@@color:orange;GIGAPEACH@@: Those LEGS!
@@color:pink;xxxsusxxx@@:Where is the Principal?
@@color:hotpink;SluttyStudent251@@:DAMN THAT ASS THO!!!
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena's Show</h6>">><<replace "#lenam">>
<video src="img/mcroom/webcam/lenamorning3.5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<div class="chatbox">\
@@color:hotpink;LickBALZZ@@: What a SLUT!
@@color:yellow;Angelo@@:Where i can find that girl?
@@color:red;sandybanana@@:Can't wait for another show!
<<button [[Leave|Camera Show]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
</b><div class="daddybox">
<img src="img/avatars/burnett.jpg" class="imageleft">
@@color:orange;<b>Name:Sonny Burnett</b>
<b>Status: Doc.</b>@@
@@color:lightyellow;Burnett is not typical Doctor. He does not accept male patients, only female especially young and weak. His opinions are mixed, Half of the women love his work and the rest actually hate him. Sometimes women come out of his room confident and transformed into sex dolls. He and Lucas have some kind of special friendship.@@
<<if $bimbo gte 2>>\
<b>@@color:pink;Session with Burnett changed you completly. His ways show you what is true meaning of life.@@</b>
<<if $bimboend gte 3>>\
<b>@@color:hotpink;Another session changed you again. He knows how to treat girls like you. Finally you see true colors of life. That sound and sight is so pretty. It is much better to be tamed by a real conqueror. But who that might be?@@</b>
<<button [[Leave|Profiles]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<audio "mall" pause>><b>\
After a lot of work in stress, You went to the rest room for a little rest. In the restroom some girls are already there.
One of them, Kindly welcomes you.
<img src="img/restaurant/smokinggirl.jpg" class="imagerightc">
<<speech "Tara">>Hey $name! How's work?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey... I'm exhuasted! And a little too stressed...<</speech>>
<<speech "Tara">>Stressed? Why?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Some customers are really assholes, you know. I'm trying to work harder but sometimes i don't see the point working here. And Eva she's..<</speech>>
<<speech "Tara">>Shh!! Don't talk about her. Come let's talk somewhere else.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? Sure. <</speech>>
<<button [[Bathroom|restbotm]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<audio "mall" pause>><b>\
<img src="img/restaurant/smoke.jpg" class="imageleftc">
Tara lead you to the bathroom. She opened of the stall and take out the cigarettes.
<<speech "Tara">>Here. Take one.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Em.. I don't smoke.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tara">>Come on! Try it. For me it relief some stress from work.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm...<</speech>>
<<speech "Tara">>Here. Taste it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck... Okay. Thanks.<</speech>>
Tara with a smile gave you one cigarette. With hesitation you put it in your mouth.
She handed you a lighter. With some difficulty You finally light a cigarette.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*COUGH!* *COUGH!* Fu-- FUCK!! *Cough!*<</speech>>
<<speech "Tara">>Haha! Don't smoke it that quickly! Just breathe... And exhale...<</speech>>
<video src="img/restaurant/smoking1.webm" class="imagerightc" autoplay loop>
After a bit smoking, you got used to his smoke but don't see the results of it.
Only the bad smell of it. Tara gave you another one.
<<speech "Tara">>So... You had some problems with Eva?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*COUGH!* Ev-Eva? Damn.. She is a fucking bitch.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tara">>Hah. Ye.. She is. She loves to be in control. I heard you had a fight with her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fi-Fight!? *Cough*! She just fucking hit me with a fucking ruler. It's like i was in the school!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tara">>Her methods are quite cruel, She has it after school.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She was a teacher? What a fucking joke...<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/tara2.jpg" class="imageleftc">
<<speech "Tara">>Okay my time is up! My shift is starting. Here take another one. See ya!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Cool. See ya.<</speech>>
<<set $cigar to 1>>
<<button [[Leave|restaurantrest]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<audio "mall" pause>><b>\
<<if $evapunish is 0>>
<video src="img/restaurant/smoking1.webm" class="imagerightc" autoplay loop>
After a some work at the shift, You went to the bathroom.
Tara was probably right, though.
Smoking gives you some solace for your nerves.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*Cough*! Uh... What am i doing...<</speech>>
Then minute after, Someone enters the bathroom.
You can hear the tapping of heels against the floor.
<<speech "Eva">>What is that smell...?!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>HIDE!</h6>">>
<video src="img/restaurant/smoking2.webm" class="imageleftc" autoplay loop>
You try to hide but not successfully.
Eva enters you stall and grabbed your hand with rage.
<<speech "Eva">>$name! What are you doing!?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah!! Eva! That hurts!<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Haven't you read company's policies? There is several points to no smoke in the bathroom!
You could have caused an accident!<</speech>>
<<if $corruption gte 35>>\
<<link "<h7>Say Sorry.</h7>">><<goto "Go for a smoke">> <<set $evapunish to 1>> <</link>>
<<link "<h7>Talk back! @@color:orange;(Corruption 35)@@</h7>">><<goto "Go for a smoke">> <<set $evapunish to 2>> <</link>>
<<link "<h6>Talk back! @@color:orange; (Corruption 35)@@</h6>">><</link>>
<<link "<h6>Say Sorry.</h6>">><<goto "Go for a smoke">><<set $evapunish to 1>><</link>>
<<if $evapunish is 1>>
<img src="img/restaurant/eva.jpg" class='medium'>
Too smoth the mood, You dump your smoke into the toilet and flush it.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm so sorry. I didn't know...<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Good! This time, i am letting you off! Go back to work!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|restaurant]]>><<set $evapunish to 0>><</button>>
<<if $evapunish is 2>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What accident? There is nothing to worry about!<</speech>>
<video src="img/restaurant/smoking3.webm" class="imagerightc" autoplay loop>
<<speech "Eva">>Don't you see fucking smoke detectors here? <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah! That hurts! Let me go!<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>You fucking brat. Do you think you are allowed to do everything? Let's take this somewhere else. It's time for serious talk!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?!? No.!<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Shut the fuck up! It's time to teach you some lessons!<</speech>>
<<button [[Eva drag your ass]]>><<set $evapunish to 3>><</button>>
<<if $evapunish is 3>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/smoke.jpg" class="mediumc">
A little time for a little smoke...
<<energy 25>>@@color:lightblue;Energy +25@@
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<button [[Smoke A little longer|Go for a smoke]]>><<set $evapunish to 0>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|restaurant]]>><<set $evapunish to 0>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<audio "mall" pause>><b>\
<<if $evapunish is 3>>
<video src="img/restaurant/punishcl1.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls volume 0.05>
At first, Eva look around in the hallway if there was nobody.
Then she drags your by the hair to some kind of basement.
She opens the doors and leads you inside. By your suprise the room looks like a classroom.
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>What is this place?<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Here we are, My lovely dangeon.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AH!! GET OFF ME!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Eva toss you to the desk</h6>">><<goto "Eva drag your ass">><<set $evapunish to 4>><</link>>
<<if $evapunish is 4>>
<video src="img/restaurant/punishcl2.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls volume 0.05>
Eva without the mercy hits your buttcheeks.
Every hit is getting harder and harder...
<<speech "Eva">>It's finally time to teach you some manners, you fucking brat!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>EVA! THAT HURTS!<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">><h2><span id="shaker-1" class="shake">MISTRESS EVA FOR YOU!!</span></h2><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>!!! AH !!! AH !! AH!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">><h2><span id="shaker-1" class="shake">SAY IT YOU FUCKING BITCH!</span></h2><</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Is she insane? Hmm...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Eva enjoys it.</h6>">><<goto "Eva drag your ass">><<set $evapunish to 5>><</link>>
<<if $evapunish is 5>>
<video src="img/restaurant/punishcl3.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
You get quiet, Eva without hesistation take off the ruler to hit you.
<<speech "Eva">><h2><span id="shaker-1" class="shake">THIS WILL TEACH YOU A LESSON!</span></h2><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>PLEASE... STOP!<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">><h2><span id="shaker-1" class="shake">THAT IS NOT WHAT I WANT HEAR! HOLD THIS FUCKING SKIRT!</span></h2><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah... it's so...<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Let's suprise her.<</speech>>
@@color:lightyellow;Other part of you welcomes Eva's beating....@@
<<link "<h6>Punishes you more.</h6>">><<goto "Eva drag your ass">><<set $evapunish to 6>><</link>>
<<if $evapunish is 6>>
<video src="img/restaurant/punishcl4.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
@@color:lightyellow;Eva with every hit enjoys it alot. She didn't let you rest for a bit.
On the other hand, It excites you. @@
@@color:pink;The inner you, trying to say the words louder...@@
<<arousal 25>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal 25+@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah! Ah! MISTRESS! HARDER!<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">><h2>Good... This what i like to hear from student.</h2><</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>I knew it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>PUNISH ME HARDER MISTRESS!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Eva's Kink</h6>">><<goto "Eva drag your ass">><<set $evapunish to 7>><</link>>
<<if $evapunish is 7>>
<video src="img/restaurant/punishcl5.webm" class="medium" autoplay controls>
Eva with a smile, smacks you harder. In the agony of pleasure you embrace it.
<<arousal 25>>@@color:hotpink;Arousal 25+@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>FUCK YES! I AM SUCH A BAD STUDENT! <</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">><h2>YES! YES! YOU ARE!</h2><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AH! MISTRESS!!! I'm.... Cum... CUMMING!<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>HUH?!? Are you?! Hmm...<</speech>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $cigar gte 2 and $evarelation gte 105>>
<<link "<h6>She's not over yet! @@color:orange;Available!@@</h6>">><<goto "Eva drag your ass">><<set $evapunish to 9>><</link>>
<<link "<h6>She's not over yet! @@color:orange;Smoke again! (Caught by Eva)@@ @@color:violet;(Eva's Relationship 105)@@ @@color:red;(Corruption Level 3)@@ </h6>">><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Cum for you Mistress!</h6>">>
<img src="img/restaurant/evadom.jpg" class="imagerightc">
Her spanking and talking brought you to the point of having an orgasm.
Eva paused and sat down on the table. She stared at you with amusement and curiosity.
<<speech "Eva">>Good... Cum for Momma.<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/squirt.webp" class="imageleftc">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AHHHH!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Fuck...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Eva Laugh.</h6>">><<goto "Eva drag your ass">><<set $evapunish to 8>><</link>>
<<if $evapunish is 8>>
<img src="img/restaurant/evadom1.jpg" class="imagerightc">
Eva is acting really horny while looking at you.
She touches herself while you suffer in agony of pleasure.
<<speech "Eva">>Very Good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What... was that..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>At last! I found what I was looking for...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh...? What do you mean...<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>I'll explain to you later. Now leave. Mistress wants to be herself alone. You can take a day off <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah... Thank you.... Ev-Mistress....<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/evasmile.jpg" class="mediumc">
@@color:lightyellow;Eva grim smiled will haunt you till the end of this day.
But you found the hint of her desires.@@
<<if $cigar is 1>>\
<<set $cigar to 2>>
<<evarelation 10>><div class="pos">@@color:violet;Eva relationship +10@@</div>\
<<addcorruption 1>><h2>Corruption +1</h2>
<<button [[Leave|restaurant]]>><<set $evapunish to 0>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
<<if $evapunish is 9>>
<video src="img/restaurant/punishcl6.webm" class="large" autoplay controls>
Eva acts confident towards you. She's enjoying her harsh methods. Domination over you makes her intensely turned on. Especially on your brand new Tits!
<<speech "Eva">>You think this is over?! Hmm?! What a nice pair of tits! Mistress really like them very much! Oh! What slutty girl you are!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah! Mistress! That hurts!<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Really? Do i give a fuck!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Please!!! My pussy is suffering!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Your pussy, You say?!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Eva slams you to the table.</h6>">><<goto "Eva drag your ass">><<set $evapunish to 10>><</link>>
<<if $evapunish is 10>>
<video src="img/restaurant/punishcl7.webm" class="large" autoplay controls>
You are on the verge of reaching orgasm. Eva smacks and caress your pussy with her brutality.
<<speech "Eva">>My... My... That young fresh pussy looks so delicious...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Please! Mistress! I can't take this anymore!<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Then Cum my dear.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<img src='img/restaurant/evalust.jpg' class='largeorgasm'>">>
With a smile she's observing you how you suffer in pleasure.
<img src="img/restaurant/squirt.webp" class="imageleftc">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AHH!! AHH!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Mmm. It's so arousing...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Lick your own juice.</h6>">><<goto "Eva drag your ass">><<set $evapunish to 11>><</link>>
<<if $evapunish is 11>>
<video src="img/restaurant/punishcl8.webm" class="large" autoplay controls>
Eve's fingers are overflowing with your cunt juices.
She forcefully pushed those fingers into your mouth.
<<speech "Eva">>Lick it, Slut!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>MM!! GURP!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>$name... $name... My Slutty $name. For once you make your Mistress happy. In reward, I'll let you go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thank you! Thank you Mistress!<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/evadom1.jpg" class="imagerightc">
<<speech "Eva">>Yes... This time i'll let you go. I need to get on the meeting, darling...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm?<</speech>>
Eva gazed out but she looked back at you with the anger on her face.
<<speech "Eva">>What are you still doing here!? Get the fuck out here! Right fucking now!<</speech>>
<<if $cigar is 2>>
<<set $cigar to 3>>
<<set $evarelation to 135>><div class="pos">@@color:violet;Eva relationship +10@@</div>\
<<addcorruption 2>><h2>Corruption +2</h2>
In a hurry, You grab the outfit and leave Eva alone.
After that Eva's been touching herself furiously.
<<speech "Eva">>Mmm..!!! I still got it!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|restaurant]]>><<set $evapunish to 0>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><img src="img/phone/logoweare2.png" width="75%"></div>
<div class="client1box">
<h2>@@color:orange;Premium Client@@</h2>
<img src="img/weareexclusive/client4.jpg" class='imageleft'>
Kinks: Anal, Blonde Girls.
Message from Client: Greetings, I'm very pleased with your profile and I'd love to meet you.
My requirements are quite high, I expect you to fulfill them.
Message me:
<<button [[Message with the Client|Client 4]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<div align="center"><<button [[Go back to your page|Your Page]]>><</button>></div><div class="client1box"><b>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/meeting.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
You've sent a message to the client for details. After a few moments, he sent you directions to the public locker. You were quite curious about what it could be.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Public Locker</h4>">>
<img src="img/weareexclusive/client4/plug.jpg" class='imageleft'>
Arriving at this locker, you entered the code the client had provided you. In the inside there was an anal plug and a note.
In that note it says...
<<speech "Client4">><i>Meet me at Hotel, Room 323. Do not come without a plug in your Hole and with some sexy black lingerie.</i><</speech>>
<<button [[Room 323]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="client1box"><b>
<span id="1">
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client4/start.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
</b></div>\sadas<<widget "clientlick1">>
<<link "<h8>Client Lick 1</h8>">><<replace "#1">><<audio "client4go" play>><<audio "actionclient4" play>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client4/lick1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<mccum 10>>
<<if $mccum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<asscum>></span>
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
Client kinks are licking your other hole. 10%
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<clientlick1>> <<clientlick2>></th>
<th><<clientlick3>> <<clientlick4>></th>
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Suck Client's Cock. 10%
<table style="width:100%">
<<widget "clientlick2">>
<<link "<h8>Client Lick 2</h8>">><<replace "#1">><<audio "client4go" play>><<audio "actionclient4" play>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client4/lick2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<mccum 10>>
<<if $mccum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<asscum>></span>
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
Client kinks are licking your other hole. 10%
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<clientlick1>> <<clientlick2>></th>
<th><<clientlick3>> <<clientlick4>></th>
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Suck Client's Cock. 10%
<table style="width:100%">
<<widget "clientlick3">>
<<link "<h8>Client Lick 3</h8>">><<replace "#1">><<audio "client4go" play>><<audio "actionclient4" play>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client4/lick3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<mccum 10>>
<<if $mccum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<asscum>></span>
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
Client kinks are licking your other hole. 10%
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<clientlick1>> <<clientlick2>></th>
<th><<clientlick3>> <<clientlick4>></th>
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Suck Client's Cock. 10%
<table style="width:100%">
<<widget "clientlick4">>
<<link "<h8>Client Lick 4</h8>">><<replace "#1">><<audio "client4go" play>><<audio "actionclient4" play>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client4/lick4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<mccum 10>>
<<if $mccum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<asscum>></span>
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
Client kinks are licking your other hole. 10%
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<clientlick1>> <<clientlick2>></th>
<th><<clientlick3>> <<clientlick4>></th>
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Suck Client's Cock. 10%
<table style="width:100%">
<<widget "clientblj1">>
<<link "<h7>Suck 1</h7>">><<replace "#1">><<audio "client4go" play>><<audio "actionclient4" play>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client4/bj1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<teacher 10>>
<<if $mccum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<asscum>></span>
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
Client kinks are licking your other hole. 10%
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<clientlick1>> <<clientlick2>></th>
<th><<clientlick3>> <<clientlick4>></th>
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Suck Client's Cock. 10%
<table style="width:100%">
<<widget "clientblj2">>
<<link "<h7>Suck 2</h7>">><<replace "#1">><<audio "client4go" play>><<audio "actionclient4" play>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client4/bj2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<teacher 10>>
<<if $mccum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<asscum>></span>
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
Client kinks are licking your other hole. 10%
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<clientlick1>> <<clientlick2>></th>
<th><<clientlick3>> <<clientlick4>></th>
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Suck Client's Cock. 10%
<table style="width:100%">
<<widget "clientblj3">>
<<link "<h7>Suck 3</h7>">><<replace "#1">><<audio "client4go" play>><<audio "actionclient4" play>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client4/bj3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<teacher 10>>
<<if $mccum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<asscum>></span>
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
Client kinks are licking your other hole. 10%
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<clientlick1>> <<clientlick2>></th>
<th><<clientlick3>> <<clientlick4>></th>
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Suck Client's Cock. 10%
<table style="width:100%">
<<widget "clientblj4">>
<<link "<h7>Suck 4</h7>">><<replace "#1">><<audio "client4go" play>><<audio "actionclient4" play>>
<video src="img/weareexclusive/client4/bj4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<teacher 10>>
<<if $mccum gte 95>>\
<span id="shaker-1" class="shake"><<asscum>></span>
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox">
Client kinks are licking your other hole. 10%
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<clientlick1>> <<clientlick2>></th>
<th><<clientlick3>> <<clientlick4>></th>
<div align="center"><div class="statsbox2">
Suck Client's Cock. 10%
<table style="width:100%">
<</widget>><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "crowd" stop>>\
<span id="chloe">
<<if $chloelvl is 0>>\
<<set _chl to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _chl is 1>>\
<img src="img/chloe/schoolchloe.jpg" class="smallleft">
<<elseif _chl is 2>>\
<img src="img/chloe/schoolchloe2.jpg" class="smallleft">
<<elseif _chl is 3>>\
<img src="img/chloe/schoolchloe1.jpg" class="smallleft">
<<elseif $chloelvl is 1>>\
<<set _chl to random(1,4)>>\
<<if _chl is 1>>\
<img src="img/chloe/schoolchloe.jpg" class="smallleft">
<<elseif _chl is 2>>\
<img src="img/chloe/schoolchloe2.jpg" class="smallleft">
<<elseif _chl is 3>>\
<img src="img/chloe/schoolchloe1.jpg" class="smallleft">
<<elseif _chl is 4>>\
<img src="img/chloe/schooltalking.jpg" class="large">
<<if $chloelvl is 0>>\
Chloe is in the hallway, sitting and writing some stuff on the note. She doens't pay attention to others only to her books. She still covers her body with a ridiculous amount of clothes.
<<elseif $chloelvl is 1>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Chloe is wandering around the corridor, wearing very little makeup. It's quite unlike her but she seems a bit chatty with some students.
Now she unbuttoned a pair of buttons from her shirt to show her cleavage.@@
<span id="talk">
<<if $bimboend is 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Chloe is worried about you</h4>">><<replace "#chloe">>
<img src="img/chloe/shocked.jpg" class="imageright">
Chloe is the only one who notices that something is wrong with you.
<<speech "Chloe">>$name? Hey, Are you okay? Did you drink something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Heeeey! Me?! Nooooo. I never drink! Or maybe? Maybe sometimes! Yes. Sometimes! Occasionally!<</speech>>
<img src="img/chloe/chloelisten3.jpg" class="large">
Chloe looked at you confused with what are you trying to say.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And yes!!! I'm Super Duper-Okay! And why do you ask, my sweety pie?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Emm... It's that... Recently, you are acting weird. So weird that got me worried.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You worried?! Bitch please! Don't be! I'm feeling awesome!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Yeah, Righ-<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/bimbo/chloe.jpg" class="large">
A bulky student appears around the corner. He smiles at Chloe and walks away.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My gosh!!! Chloe! Look at that hawt boy!! What a hottie!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>$name...! Please... Calm down.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhh... I can't...!! Look at him... My gosh! His third leg must be long and thick... I wish-<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Jesus! I'm leaving.<</speech>>
<<if $chloeclothes is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $chloepark is true>>\
<<link "<h6>Chloe is worried.</h6>">><<goto "chloeashley">><</link>>
<<if $chloelukepark gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Chloe typing on the phone</h4>">>
<<set $lukechloe to true>>\
Chloe is very busy on the phone.
She seems happy while typing on the phone rapidly.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Chloe!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Mmm... He-Hey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How is your day going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Haha... Yeah... Yeah... Good....<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Chloe?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Hahaha. Sorry $name but your Brother is so funny!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No way. You are texting with Luke?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Mhm!<</speech>>
With that you left Chloe alone. It's so weird to you that Chloe is getting closer with your Brother.
You feel... Jealousy.
<<if $chloetalk is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Talk with Chloe</h4>">><<replace "#chloe">>
Chloe looked away from the book to talk with you.
<<speech "Chloe">>Hey $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Chloe. What are you doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Trying to catch up on missed materials for the maths and for some history.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You like to get educated, eh? Well, Lena has some tips if you want.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Lena? Nah... You guys are too cool to hang around with me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't say that!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>$name, The classes are starting soon. Can we end this converstation later?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure. See ya in the classes.<</speech>>
Chloe returned to the book and corrected her hat.
<<set $chloetalk to true>>
<<if $chloetalk is true and $chloeenter is false>>
<h3>Let's talk with Lena about Chloe. (Talk with Lena before Classes)</h3>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Talk with Chloe</h4>">><<replace "#chloe">>
<<if $chloelvl is 0>>\
Chloe looked away from the book to talk with you.
<<speech "Chloe">>$name! Hi<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Chloe. Still trying reading those stuffs?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Haha Yeah!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay. See ya later!<</speech>>
Chloe nods and get back to the book.
<<elseif $chloelvl is 1>>\
<img src="img/chloe/schooltalking2.jpg" class="smallleft">
Chloe with a smile, waves happily at you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Chloe, Hey!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>$name! Sup?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Whoah! Sup? You acting cool, now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Ha-ha. Why not?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow. Happy to hear you loosen up a bit.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Yes, some people helped me understand how stiff I was.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really? Am i one of them?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Oh yes, girl. You are. Ha-ha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah.<</speech>>
<<if $chloeclothes is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Talk about her Father</h4>">><<replace "#chloe">>
Chloe is busy with the books.
You were looking at her till she looks at you.
She looked at you with the smile.
<<speech "Chloe">>$name? Do you want something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah. I'm just curious. How's your relationship with your Dad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Em... Good? I guess. Why are you asking?<</speech>>
<img src="img/chloe/look.jpg" class="imagerightc">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>When Mr.Bailey introduced you, I had the impression that you don't like him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Well. I don't see why it would interest you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eh... Yeah. You're right. Sorry.<</speech>>
<<elseif $chloeclothes lte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Talk about her Father</h6>">><<replace "#chloe">>
<img src="img/chloe/schoolchloe3.jpg" class="medium">
Chloe with her warm smile greets you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Chloe. Nice smile!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Hey. Thanks! Finally, I had a serious talk with my father.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That sounds good. Does it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Of course! Thanks to you, I realized that it was my fault. I never let my father explain the things that hurt me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's nice to hear that.<</speech>>
<<if $chloeenter is true and $chloeenter2 is false>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Chloe</h6>">><<replace "#chloe">>
Chloe still is sitting all by herself in the hallway with the books.
You approached her to meet her.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Chloe! Hey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Oh. Hey $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Chloe, I was wondering. Maybe we'll hang out somewhere?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Huh? Hang out? With me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course, With you Silly. Where do you want to go? Mall? Cinema? Park?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>I'm... Hmm... Okay. Park would be cool. Can we meet there at Saturday in the morning? And don't forget to wear something Sporty!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure. Great! See you there.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Em... Cool. Thanks $name.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;<i>Meet Chloe at the park on Saturday morning</i>@@
<<set $chloeenter2 to true>>
<<if $chloeenter2 and $ashley is true and $ashleyblock is false>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Ashley</h4>">><<replace "#chloe">>
<img src="img/school/ashley/ashley.jpg" class="imagerightc">
Chloe is getting ready for lessons.
She's about to go but Ashley stops her.
<<speech "Ashley">>Hey nerd.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Hi. Yourself.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>There are rumors about your Daddy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>If you are referring to the rumors everyone is talking about. They are not true.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Oh really? Are you sure about that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Yes. My Dad wouldn't risk his career for some dumb slut.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Your Daddy is lying! That blonde girl! It was me!!!<</speech>>
<img src="img/chloe/slap.gif" class="medium">
Chloe couldn't take it anymore. She slapped Ashley.
In rage, Ashley was about to raise her hand and hit her.
But you saved Chloe from being hit by covering up for her.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Leave her alone!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>It's not over. Bitch!<</speech>>
Ashley left Chloe alone.
<img src="img/chloe/shocked.jpg" class="imageright">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>$name... Thanks. Is this true?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't believe her. She wants to be popular at all costs.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>What if this is true? What if my Dad is lying?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Chloe... I don't believe it. Mr.Bailey is a cool teacher. He wouldn't do that.<</speech>>
<<if $teacherhorny gte 6>>\
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Wow! You lying bitch. You are way worse than Ashley!<</speech>><</if>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let's go. Lessons about to start.<</speech>>
<<if $talkwithchloe is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $chloepark is true>>\
<<button [[Talk with Chloe about your Brother|Schoolbrother]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $chloepark is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
@@color:orange;Develop your relationship with Chloe!@@
<<button "Return">><<goto "school">><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "mommoan" play>>
<span id="mom">
As you walk past your $parents bedroom, you hear moaning sounds.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Peek</h6>">><<replace "#mom">>
<img src='img/mom/bedroom/peeking.jpg' class='imageleftc'>
When you getting close to $parents bedroom, Sounds getting louder.
You open the door slightly to see what's going on inside.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">><sub>Ah... My beautiful $daughter!</sub><</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom.</h6>">><<audio "mommoan" stop>>
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/momcamera.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
@@color:pink;$mom is lying naked on the bed watching a naked girl on the laptop.@@
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Ah! Ah..!! You Dirty Girl!!! AH!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Yes...!! Fuck.... Why does this make me hot?<</speech>>
@@color:hotpink;You try to focus your sight on the video. By your suprise, $mom is watching the footage of your bath! Is $mom discovered my spy cams?@@
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Wow... But how? Nevermind. At least we know what $mom likes to watch! Hah.<</speech>>
<<mcorruption 10>>@@color:violet;$mom Corruption +10@@
<<button [[Leave her|hallwaynight]]>><<set $momwatch to true>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
<<button [[Don't Peek|hallwaynight]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<<if $momgoinggym is 0>>
<img src="img/mom/gym/sleepyhead.jpg" class="medium">
Early in the morning you were awakened by some tempo music.
As you were trying to ignore it and go to sleep a little longer, You hear now footsteps with the music coming to your room.
<img src="img/mom/gym/sport.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name! Wake up!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>$mom... Leave me alone...</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Come on, Sleepyhead! Today is a beautiful day for training! It's time for some exercises!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>Fuck... Just leave me...</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name! You've got 5 minutes! I'm waiting downstairs!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't want to. Just turn the music down!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Mommy has a suprise!! Let's go! and don't forget to wear something sporty!<</speech>>
$mom went downstairs and you get out of bed with tiredness and unwillingness. Well, you love surprises, so you were intrigued by this surprise.
<<elseif $momgoinggym gte 1>>\
<img src="img/mom/gym/sport.jpg" class="imageleft">
Again in the early morning you hear loud tempo music.
So you are getting up before $mom comes in.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name! Wake up... Oh you. I see you are ready!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yep! I am. Let's go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>That's the spirit! Go change! I'll wait on the downstairs.<</speech>>
<th><<if $sport1 is true>>
<div class="tooltip">
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/sport.jpg' class='image'>">><<set $clotheswear to "sport">>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 1>>
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $momgoinggym is 0>>
<<goto "enermom">><<else>><<goto "Go with Mom to the Gym">><</if>>
<th><<if $sport2 is true>>
<div class="tooltip">
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/sport1.jpg' class='imageslut'>">><<set $clotheswear to "sport1">>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<if $momgoinggym is 0>>
<<goto "enermom">><<else>><<goto "Go with Mom to the Gym">><</if>>
<<upd>><</link>><span class="tooltiptext">This might be the best option for this event!</span></div><<else>><<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Maybe it's better to buy something fitter?<</speech>><</if>></th>\
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<<if $clotheswear is "sport1">>
When you were coming downstairs you see $mom still stretching by the door.
Then she looked at you with the smile but changed her mood a bit when she noticed your outift.
<img src="img/mom/gym/momhorny.jpg" class="imageright">
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Mmm.. There you are.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. I am here... Thanks to you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh stop whining! Let's go!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Go where?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>To the Fitness Club! Of course!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>This is a nightmare...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Adjust your Pants</h6>">>
<<if $fitness gte 30>>
<img src="img/mom/gym/pants.webp" class="imageleft">
When you try to adjust your pants, $mom was quite impressed with your body, Her eyes were locked at your trained legs and buttcheeks.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name... You have a such great body.. I envy you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks $mom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Okay! Let's go!<</speech>>
<<button "Go with $mom">><<goto "Go with Mom to the Gym">><</button>>
@@color:lightyellow;Not enough Fitness to tease your $mom...@@
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Haha! This is gonna be so much fun!<</speech>>
<<button "Go with $mom">><<goto "Go with Mom to the Gym">><</button>>
When you were coming downstairs you see $mom still stretching by the door.
$mom looked at you with the smile.
<img src="img/mom/gym/momwaiting.jpg" class="imageright">
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name! Hurry!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh!! I'm coming! What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Let's go!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wait! Where we are going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>To the Fitness Club! Of course!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>This is a nightmare...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh! Stop whining!<</speech>>
<<button "Go with $mom">><<goto "Go with Mom to the Gym">><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<timed 1s t8n>><<audio "gymmom" play>><</timed>>
<span id="mom">
<img src="img/mom/gym/gym.jpg" class="medium">
Without the willingless you arrived with $mom to Fitness Club.
Inside there was a dozen of people exercising. $mom were a bit shy.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Damn... I didn't know so many people were here at this hour.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? It is a gym, $mom. Why wouldn't there be many people here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Well... Screw it. Let's go $name!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure. Sure...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Exercise with $mom</h4>">>
<video src="img/mom/gym/spotguy.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop muted>
You with $mom are exercising at peace for a few minutes. One of the guy from the gym can't take eyes from you and your Mom.
<<if $clotheswear is "sport1">>\
<video src="img/mom/gym/exercise.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name, Look. This guy are looking at you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. You think so? I think he is looking at you. Mostly...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Haha Stop it! Im too old for him!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh shut up. $mom. You are looking smoking hot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>You think so?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course! $mom. Maybe show him some of your charms....<</speech>>
<img src="img/mom/gym/guy.jpg" class="medium">
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>You are right, Darling! Wait for me sweety.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure $mom.<</speech>>
<<if $clotheswear is "sport1">>\
<video src="img/mom/gym/exercise2.webm" class="imageright" autoplay loop muted>
$mom walked away from you to get closer to guy who were watching. Then some other guy are watching your sweet little progress with your body.
<<speech "Boy2" "Buffed Guy">>Hey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey.<</speech>>
Both of you greeted each other with a kinky smile.
<<arousal 15>><div class="posarousal">Arousal 15+</div>
<<fitness 4>><<energy -30>><<upd>>\
<div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;Energy - 30@@@@color:yellow; Fitness +4@@</div>
You exercise with $mom a bit.
<<fitness 4>><<energy -30>><<upd>>\
<div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;Energy - 30@@@@color:yellow; Fitness +4@@</div>
<<if $fitness gte 30 and $clotheswear is "sport1">>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Talk with the Guy@@color:yellow;(Fitness 30)@@ </h6>">><<replace "#mom">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<video src="img/mom/gym/talkwithguy.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop muted>
This guy couldn't look away from you. His eyes are raping your body.
After some time, He takes a small step towards you and starts talking.
<<speech "Boy2" "Buffed Guy">>Nice form!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah. Thanks! You too.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Buffed Guy">>You must working a lot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Heh. You think so? Well your muscles are looking great. <</speech>>
<video src="img/mom/gym/hornyguy.webm" class="imagerightc" autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Boy2" "Buffed Guy">>You like them? Want to touch them?<</speech>>
<span class="drunk">@@color:orange;You couldn't deny it. You wanted to touch them... But there are some other matters to attend to. But... I wonder... If $mom catches you with guy... What would she do?@@</span>
<<arousal 15>><div class="posarousal">Arousal 15+</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah. Maybe. See ya.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Buffed Guy">>Uh.. Okay..?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Exercise more.</h6>">><<replace "#mom">>
<video src="img/mom/gym/exercise3.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop muted>
You went on to exercise but still you can feel the gaze from the guy.
After a while, You can't take this anymore. His eyes makes you horny.
<<arousal 30>><div class="posarousal">Arousal 30+</div><div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;Energy - 15@@@@color:yellow; Fitness +2@@</div>
<<fitness 2>><<energy -15>><<upd>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Look for $mom</h6>">>
<video src="img/mom/gym/momguy.webm" class="imageleftc" autoplay loop muted>
In the distance, you see a $mom exercising with an unknown man.
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>$mom is not fucking around! Go girl!<</speech>>
<<if $momguygym1 is false>>\
<<mcorruption 5>><span class="fade-in-out">@@color:hotpink;Mom Corruption +5@@</span>
<<set $momguygym1 to true>>
<video src="img/mom/gym/hornyguy1.webm" class="imageright" autoplay loop muted>
After a few sets, you've had enough for today. You sent a text-massage to your $mom to meet in the locker room in 5 minutes.
But you can't miss the chance with the buffed guy...
You came up with the risky plan.
On purpose, you left phone on the bench and went to the locker room.
Let's hope, He'll take the bait.
<<button [[Locker Room|momend]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $fitness lte 29>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Talk with the Guy@@color:yellow;(Fitness 30)@@ </h6>">>@@color:orange;This guy is busy with his workout. If my body would be fitter. (Need 30 Fitness points)@@<</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom Is teasing guy</h6>">><<set $mompov to 10>><<upd>><<replace "#mom">>
<video src="img/mom/gym/tease1.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop muted>
From the distance, You can see that she stretching her leg but she actually shows off her cleavage.
She is taking some hot postion in front of the guy.
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>God damn. $mom. You are natural.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Mmm..<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Gym Guy">><sub>Wow... What a hot MILF!</sub><</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>$mom Is teasing guy</h4>">>
<video src="img/mom/gym/tease2.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop muted>
$mom is showing off with her sexy hips.
<<speech "Boy1" "Gym Guy">><sub>My god...</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh yes...<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>This boy is in at her mercy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>You like it?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>$mom Is teasing guy</h4>">>
<video src="img/mom/gym/tease3.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Boy1" "Gym Guy">>*Cough* Excuse me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I said... Do you like watching me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Gym Guy">>Yes... Can i... Help you out?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Sure! Come here.<</speech>>
<<if $momguygym is false>>\
<<set $momguygym to true>>\
<<mcorruption 5>><span class="fade-in-out"><h3>
This guy is hitting on me!
@@color:hotpink;$mom Corruption +5@@</h3></span>
<<button [[Random Guy Helping]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="sex">
<img src="img/mom/gym/takingoff.webp" class="small">
Nobody was inside the locker room, You hope you don't find anyone until the guy you like finds you.
Quickly, You undress the clothes and find position to suprise the guy.
You got 5 minutes till $mom comes, <div class="chmura">@@color:pink;Wondering what would she think about this.@@<span class="textchmura"><img src="img/mom/gym/think.jpg" class="medium">
@@color:hotpink;<div class="daddybox">Watch me $mom. Your Naughty $daughter is doing some dirty stuff with a random guy.</div>@@</span></div>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Wait for him</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/mom/gym/locker.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop muted>
You hear someone is coming to the doors, Praying for this guy.
<<speech "Boy2" "Buffed Guy">>Hey, You left.... HOLY FUCK!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey. Haha. I left, what?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Buffed Guy">>God Damn! What... What are you doing...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And what do you think, I am doing?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Guy has a hard-on.</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/mom/gym/locker1.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted>
He is stunned by what he is looking at.
<<speech "Boy2" "Buffed Guy">>Well... You left the phone on the bench... and...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh really? I'm so clumsy. Haha. Come in. I won't bite.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Buffed Guy">>Are you sure? Are we alone?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't know. Does this excites you? Give me back my phone.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Buffed Guy</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/mom/gym/locker2.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Boy2" "Buffed Guy">>Hah.. Sure. Here.... God damn!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you like what you see?<</speech>>
You turn around and lean to the table to show off your bare naked ass.
Expression of his face is priceless. But his hard cock is poking you, out of his shorts.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well.. Your Cock says Yes. haha.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Take out his Cock.</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/mom/gym/locker3.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop muted>
Buffed Guy tries to say something, but can't take his eyes off your naked body.
You are taking the initiative
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my... Are you married?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Buffed Guy">>I can't believe this... I just met you. Yeah... I am...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Isn't this crazy? Haha. Relax. No one will tell your wife about it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Buffed Guy">>Fuck.. You are so hot.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Suck it.</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/mom/gym/locker4.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow.. Your cock looks so good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Buffed Guy">>You dirty girl...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes.. I am...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Guy is taking control</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/mom/gym/locker6.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
This guy is taking control.
He roughly fucks your mouth.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gurlp! GURLP! GURLP!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm!!! GURLP GURLP!!!<</speech>>
<img src="img/mom/gym/momcoming.jpg" class="imageleftc">
<div class="pos">@@color:hotpink;Sucking the dick of a random guy at the gym makes you think you're a slut! @@</div>
Meanwhile your $mom is coming to the locker room.
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom opens the door</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/mom/gym/locker5.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
As you are occupied by Guy's Dick. Mom by the door hear moan voices, she slowly opens the door.
$mom can't believe what she is seeing right now.
<img src="img/avatars/momworried.jpg" class="imageright">
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">><sub>Oh my... God...</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">><sub>$name... What are you doing. </sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">><sub>My $daughter is a slut...</sub><</speech>>
@@color:pink;Hungry for cock, Her own daughter is doing nasty stuff in the sight of her Mother.
$mom can't stop looking away. As if she were in hypnosis.@@
<div class="chmura">@@color:hotpink;It reminds her of her past...@@<span class="textchmura"><img src="img/avatars/dante.jpg" class="medium">
@@color:rgba(110, 154, 199, 0.8);Don't hide my Child@@</span> </div>
<<if $momgympeek is false>>\
<<addcorruption 1>><div class="korup">Corruption +1</div>
<<mcorruption 5>><div class="pos">@@color:violet;$mom's Corruption +5@@</div>
<<set $momgympeek to true>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Olena Past</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/mom/gym/youngolena.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop muted>
<h3>My memory is filled with holes.
One of them, came back.
I remember the room, filled with happiness and sadness.
I remember the window where the sun was shining my weakness.
And finally, the person who is dear to me...</h3>
<<speech "Dante" "???">>Olena, My Darling.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena1" "Olena 18 Years Old">>Daddy... You came back...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dante" "???">>For you. Always. Come to Papa.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena1" "Olena 18 Years Old">>Don't leave me again!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Return to your Reality</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/mom/gym/locker7.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Boy2" "Buffed Guy">>Fuck your pussy is so tight!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck me HARDER! YES LIKE THAT!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena">><sub>Yes... that's it... Pound my $daughter...</sub><</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>God.. Why can't stop looking at it!?</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/mom/gym/locker8.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Boy2" "Buffed Guy">>Fuccckk.....<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck yeah! Wow... So much... Cum..<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Buffed Guy">>Yeah. You drained me pretty well. Better than my wife!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena">><sub>He's got a wife?!? My god. My $name is bad girl!</sub><</speech>>
Guy is about to leave.
<<speech "Olena">><sub>Oh shit! I need to hide.</sub><</speech>>
Guy left the locker room happy and satisfied.
$mom silently peek inside the locker room.
$name is probaly taking a shower. Let's just take a shower too.
<<arousal -100>><<upd>>
<<button [[To the shower|momend2]]>><</button>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Guy wants more</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/mom/gym/locker7.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
In the corner of your eye you see $mom by the door.
Her face is in shock state and covers her mouth with the hand.
But her eyes..
<video src="img/mom/gym/momwatches.webm" class="imageright" autoplay loop muted>
Her Eyes says otherwise, They like what they see.
<<speech "Boy2" "Buffed Guy">>Fuck your pussy is so tight!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck me HARDER! YES LIKE THAT!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Guy are about to Cum</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/mom/gym/locker8.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Boy2" "Buffed Guy">>Ah! I'm... About... To... Cum!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Go ahead.<</speech>>
<video src="img/mom/gym/momwatches2.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Boy2" "Buffed Guy">>Fuccckk.....<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck yeah! Wow... So much... Cum..<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Buffed Guy">>Yeah. You drained me pretty well. Better than my wife!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. Of course! I need to take shower. You better go. before any girl comes into the locker room.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Buffed Guy">>You right! See ya.<</speech>>
<<arousal -100>><<upd>>
When you looked at the door, $mom was still around.
She still waits till the guy leave the locker room.
Happilly you went to the shower to wash the sweat and cum.
<<button [[To the shower|momend2]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "shower" play>>
<img src="img/mom/gym/shower.webp" class="imageleft">
After rough pounding you are washing off your cum from your belly.
You can hear that someone join the next stall for the shower.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name Honey. You here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah. I'm here.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Of course, I am here Mommy. You liked the show?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>God... That workout was so good! How was yours?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh.. Mine was perfect! <</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I hope you didn't forget to stretch?<</speech>>
<img src="img/mom/gym/showermom.jpg" class="imageright">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course not. Some guy helped me to stretch my legs...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">> <sub>and some others hole...</sub><</speech>>
You can hear, the quiet sounds of fingering.
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Is she masturbating?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>What...? Can you re-repeat?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nothing! Anyway, Thanks $mom! That was good idea to come here at this hour!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Didn't i tell you? Wash that sweat of your body.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course!<</speech>>
After the shower, You and $mom return to home.
$mom was pretty quiet through the journey.
<div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;Energy +15@@</div>
<<energy 15>><<upd>>
<<button [[Home|mcroom]]>><<set $time to $time +3>><<set $momgoinggym to $momgoinggym +1>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="sex">
<video src="img/mom/gym/guyhelps.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop muted>
Guy joined to Martha for little exercises.
She's smiking while he is taking little steps towards to $mom.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Come on. Don't be shy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Gym Guy">>Haha.. I'm not shy.. I'm just new here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>It's cool. Just hold my legs.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Guy is a bit shy.</h4>">>
<video src="img/mom/gym/guyhelps2.webm" class="imageright" autoplay loop muted>
When he touches $mom, his hands are shaking.
She can't stop smiling.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>It's okay. You are doing great! What's your name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Brian">>B-Brian! Ma'am.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>You are so sweet Brian. See. Hold my muscles.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Brian">>They are Pe-Perfect. You are in a good shape Ma'am!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Haha. Thank you! You too Brian.<</speech>>
$mom is getting closer to Brian.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Tease Him</h4>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/mom/gym/guyhelps3.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop muted>
Martha is teasing him, By touching him with her Butt.
He feels uncomfortable with this position.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Yes... You are so handsome, Brian. I wonder what your fat cock looks like..<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Brian">>Ha... Ma'am... Please.. I'm..<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Brian... Brian! Wow...! I can feel it...<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Brian">>Ah..! OH! M-My girlfriend just arrived! I gotta go! See ya!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Sure.. See you next time, Brian.<</speech>>
<<if $momgym is false>>\
<<set $momgym to true>>
<h3>Martha is a bit dissapointed. She was hoping for some little fun
<<mcorruption 5>><span class="fade-in-out">@@color:hotpink;$mom Corruption +5@@</span></h3>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Join your $mom</h4>">>
<img src="img/mom/gym/joins.jpg" class="imageright">
$mom is streching her muscles alone. You joined her.
There was an expression of regret on her face, But when you joined her, $mom tries his best to smile kindly at you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom? Are you okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Of course, Honey. Why you ask?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You seem a bit down. Is something wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I-It's nothing... Sweetie. Let's get back to exercises. Let's do a cool down and go back home. Hmm... How about we eat breakfast at the restaurant?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure! That's sounds awesome. But you are paying!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Pff. It would be a miracle if you were paying now.<</speech>>
You end with your $mom exercises and spent some sweet time with your $mom.
<<button [[Home|mcroom]]>><<set $mompov to 1>><<set $time to $time +4>><<set $momgoinggym to $momgoinggym +1>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "forest" play>>\
<img src="img/chloe/chloepark.jpg" class="imageleft">
When you arrived to the park, You spot some familiar girl in the end of the park.
It must be Chloe. In the sound of the nature she is focus on the stretching her legs.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey! Chloe.<</speech>>
@@color:pink;Out of nowhere.. Your head are getting hurt.
As she turned her back on you, you got a blurry vision. Is this Chloe???@@
<<linkreplace "<h7>Chloe?</h7>">>
((Hover mouse at the image below))
<div class="container">
<img src="img/chloe/chloepark3.jpg" class="mediumvision">
<div class="middle">
<div class="imageof"><img src="img/chloe/vision.jpg" class="imagevision"></div>
Chloe looked back to you with the smile.
<<speech "Chloe">>$name! Finally. You here. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah. Yeah. Sorry. I'm not morning bird.<</speech>>
<img src="img/chloe/chloepark4.jpg" class="imageright">
<<speech "Chloe">>That's okay. Me too. But Dad was leaving the house early today and he wake me up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yeah. My dad too. Sometimes. So, I see you stretched enough. Are we racing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Haha. Okay. But be warned! I like the competition.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Then who will be the last. Buys ice cream!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Sure. You already lost!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uh-huh. Sure. Bring it on!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Race with Chloe</h4>">>
<<if $fitness gte random(1, 25)>>
<img src="img/chloe/chloeexhaust.jpg" class="imageright">
After a few laps around the park, Chloe is leaving you behind.
She can't keep up with you. Chloe stops for a little breathe.
<<speech "Chloe">>$name...! Wait...WAIT!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh?<</speech>>
You looked back at Chloe.
<img src="img/chloe/chloeshy.jpg" class="imageleft">
She tries to take a breathe, But you can see her Tits feel off her top.
With embarrassment, Hides them under her bra
<<speech "Chloe">>Shit... Did you... Saw them?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah. Maybe.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Jeez... I need to buy bigger Top.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And bigger ice cream for me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Yeah... Yeah. You won. Congratulations. For now.<</speech>>
<<if $chloepark is false>>
<<fitness 4>><div class="pos">@@color:lightyellow;Fitness +4@@</div><</if>>
<img src="img/chloe/chloepark2.jpg" class="imageright">
@@color:grey;You lost the race, You lack some fitness and luck.@@
Chloe at first let you take a lead.
However, after a few miles she overtakes and gains a big lead.
Unfortunately, you fall on your feet due to fatigue.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh...Ah...!..Ch...Chloe...<</speech>>
Chloe was having a good time,
She didn't notice that you feel on the ground.
After few minutes she came back to you.
<img src="img/chloe/chloepark5.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Chloe">>$name! Are you alright?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm... Fine... I caught a cramp...<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Does it mean i won? I WON! HAHA!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah. This time i let you win. Next time I won't let you win again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Mhm. Sure. Pay now. Loser.<</speech>>
<<if $chloepark is false>>
<<money -5>><<fitness 2>><div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen; Money -5@@ @@color:lightyellow;Fitness +2@@</div><</if>>
After eating Ice creams, Chloe and you sat down on the bench to spend quality time on the nature.
It's time to talk with her.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Soooo... How are you holding up after coming back here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Hmm. I don't know. After i came back. Everything has changed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Changed how?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Well... My parents just divorced. I don't know why. But i think it's my father's fault. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh... That's sounds bad.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Yes it is. Since my Brother and Mom left the house, It's a bit quiet. Too quiet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You got Brother?<</speech>>
<img src="img/chloe/chloepark6.jpg" class="imageright">
<<speech "Chloe">>Arthur. My older brother. Without him, Mom would leave sooner.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So.. You think this is your Father's fault. Why is that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>My brother told me before leaving, That our father cheated on our mother with brother's girlfriend and with other couple of girls. They are mostly young. God... I can't believe this.<</speech>>
<<if $teacherhorny gte 6>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>You can't believe this?</h7>">>
<video src="img/chloe/teach.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Oh you innocent Girl. You don't know how many times he fucks me...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't believe this. Mr. Bailey? No way.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Right? Sometimes my Brother likes to made up things... But this. I need to see it on my own eyes.<</speech>>
<<if $teacherhorny gte 10>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Yes. That would Reasonable.</h7>">>
<video src="img/chloe/teach2.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>You like to watch? You dirty, dirty girl!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Chloe. I'm so sorry. It must be hard for you. I don't know what i would do in your place.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>$name. Thank you... Your sympathy is a lot to me. Anyway! It was fun to be here with you! <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Me too! We need to repeat it again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>You bet! I'm exhausted. I need to prepare for History exams.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yeah! Exams... Shit! I'm so bad at it...<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Hmm.. If you want. You can come to me to learn with me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not sure. I don't want to push myself in.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>$name. Don't be dumb. Just visit me. I'm living around here. I'm usually at house after 15:00.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay! Cool. See ya there.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>See ya. Friend.<</speech>>
<<set $chloepark to true>>
<h3>You Discover Bailey's House!</h3>
@@color:hotpink;As you are about to leave, Again the Blurry Vision haunt you.
Her face... Dripping cum from her mouth...
Is this some kind of her destiny?@@
<div class="container">
<img src="img/chloe/chloesit.jpg" class="medium">
<div class="middle">
<div class="imageof"><video src="img/chloe/vision2.webm" class='imagevision' autoplay loop muted>
Chloe hugged with and went to the exit.
You don't know what to say about this story of her.
<<if $teacherhorny gte 6>>\
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>This will be interesting.<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|Park]]>><<set $time to $time +3>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id ="sop">
<img src='img/lucas/lucashouse/mess.jpg' class="imageleft">
Going upstairs you see a mess. Vase broken. Chair knocked over. Some marks on the wall.
As if someone was looking for something here, but there were also clothes that leads you to the bathroom.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Walk through the trail</h4>">><<audio "sophiasex" play>>
<img src='img/lucas/lucashouse/doors.jpg' class="imageright">
Near the bathroom trail ends.
By the door, You hear sounds coming from the half-open door.
<<link "<h9>Peek</h9>">><<replace "#sop">><<masteraudio stop>>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/shower.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
Attempting to see what's going on inside there, The only thing you see is probably Sophie with someone in the middle of the shower. That other person is quiet familar to you.
<<speech "Sophia">>Mmm!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h9>Sophia and..</h9>">><<replace "#sop">><<masteraudio stop>>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/shower2.webm" class="medium" autoplay controls>
It's hard to see what is going on.
But they have both familiar voices.
<<speech "Sophia">>Yes! YES!! MORE!! AGAIN!! AND AGAIN!!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>You missed that. Huh?<</speech>>
<<link "<h9>Is this... Lucas?</h9>">><<replace "#sop">><<masteraudio stop>>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/shower3.webm" class="medium" autoplay controls>
<<speech "Sophia">>YES!!! YOU'RE THE ONLY GUY WHO MADE ME CUM THAT EASILY!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!! I WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR YOU MY BIG BRO!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>That's it. Your pussy is so needy today.<</speech>>
<<link "<h9>Their Secret.</h9>">><<replace "#sop">><<masteraudio stop>>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/shower4.webm" class="medium" autoplay controls>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>I'm glad. You did a excellent job, Sister. Hah..Funny...<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Ah! AH!! Funny? What... AH!! is .. Funny?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>I remembered the moment when you were young and aggressive. You were not obedient to us. And now? Now you cannot get away from me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>I was too dumb. I had no idea What I was missing. Now our family can finally reunite... Fuck me harder!! Please!! Breed me!<</speech>>
<<link "<h9>Sophia is Insane!</h9>">><<replace "#sop">><<masteraudio stop>>
Sophia couldn't pull away from Lucas' body. She wants to touch him and kiss him, Lucas's cock was still hard enough to fuck her but somehow he didn't have the need for it. Lucas left Sophia alone in the shower to wash his mouth.
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/shower5.webm" class="imageleftc" autoplay loop>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Sophia. I told you, It's not time for this. Not yet. I'm a litte tired of this jorney.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Of course. So, how is he?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>We finally spoke. At the start we were speaking about his condition and some stupid stuff. At least he inherited humor and warmth from his mother.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>That's great. Did you tell him?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>No. He is slowly getting back together but Doc said that in a few weeks he will come back here with me.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Are they talk about this guy on the Picture?</h6>">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/shower6.webm" class="imagerightc" autoplay loop>
<<speech "Sophia">>Wow. I wonder...<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Will she recognize him? Yeah, Me too.. Sophia! Stop it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Please.! Lucas! Make me cum again! I was so lonely these days...<</speech>>
Sophia was still teasing Lucas with her body inside the shower. Lucas was a bit mad at her and his cock is still hard by looking at her body.
<<if $sophialucas is false>>
<<addcorruption 1>><div class="korup">Corruption 1</div><<set $sophialucas to true>><</if>>\
You in other hand left before Lucas catches you in the act.
<<button [[Leave them|lookforsop]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="luc">
<img src='img/lucas/lucashouse/sophiashower2.jpg' class="medium">
<<if $sophialucas is true>>
In disbelief, you left them and went downstairs. Strange but the clothes that were lying around, Disappeared.
Not knowing what to do, You try to leave the property. But you are stopped by Sophia's voice.
You done waiting. When you are about to leave you were stopped by Sophia's Voice.
<<speech "Sophia">>$name! Where are you going?<</speech>>
When you turn around you see Sophia in a silk robe.
Her cleavage is still seductive to you. You can't stop looking at it and Sophia somehow knows it.
<<arousal 15>><div class="posarousal">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +15@@</div><<upd>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Sophia</h6>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah! I-I was about to leave. I thought no one was home.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>I told my security guy to tell you to wait. I had some matter to take care off. $name, Stay.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay. Sure. I'll stay. So... Lucas came back?<</speech>>
<img src='img/lucas/lucashouse/sophiashower3.jpg' class="imageleft">
<<speech "Sophia">>Em.. Lucas? Not yet. He is coming back tommorow.<</speech>>
Sophia acts cool and hard when she is lying and drag you attention to her body.
Her boobs are looking so full of...
<<speech "Sophia">>$name? Do you hear me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm... Sorry. Can you repeat?<</speech>>
<img src='img/lucas/lucashouse/sophiashower4.jpg' class="imageright">
<<speech "Sophia">>Hah... Like i was saying. I've got some tips for language study. Unless, You want something else?<</speech>>
Sophia turn around to show her big butt cheeks.
You don't what to do. Her body is so mesmerizing.
<<arousal 25>><div class="pos">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +25@@</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes! Right. Yeah. Sure. Cool.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Haha. Sit down. <</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Sit down</h6>">>
<img src='img/lucas/lucashouse/sophiashower6.jpg' class="imageleftc">
Hardly, You sat down with Sophia while she still teasing you with her huge tits.
As Sophia were explaining some tips, You feel that something is wrong.
Still resisting her charm, You learned a lot of language.
<div class="mombox">
@@color:hotpink;$name and Olena. Don't deny your Heritage. Listen to your senses.
They'll lead you to the path you are seeking. Your closes ones needs to hear it.
Return to me, My child.@@</div>
<<if $language is 3>>\
<h3>@@color:orange;<i>Lessons Language 3/3</i>@@</h3>
<<set $language to 4>>
<div class="container">
<img src="img/lucas/lucashouse/sophiashower7.jpg" class="mediumvision">
<div class="middle">
<div class="imageof"><video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/vision.webm" class='imagevision' autoplay loop muted>
After the study, She looked at you. Sophia eyes are looking at yours eye deep enough to see, What you desire.
Her charm is irresistible.
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Do it! Consume her fruits. Before...<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">> $name. Wake up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>$name. You are so cute. Don't deny it. You love them. Don't you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. I envy you so much.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>We can change that $name. Talk with your folks about it. Remember. I'll be in my clinic.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Your offer is so tempting, Sophia.<</speech>>
Sophia kindly smiled at you.
<<link "<h9>Is this real?</h9>">><<replace "#luc">>
<img src='img/lucas/lucashouse/sophiashower2.jpg' class="medium">
Then she stood up, You feel a bit confused. Like you were in the trance.
<<speech "Sophia">>Well. That's a wrap! I can't teach you anything anymore. You still need to work on your accent. <</speech>>
<<if $lucaseurope is true>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Oh! I just remembered that we have a recording from Lucas' office. It's time to study.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really? That's... Great. Thank you Sophia.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Your welcome! Now... I'm bit tired. Bed is waiting for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah. Me too, Thank you again. Bye!<</speech>>
<<if $time gte 20>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenternight]]>><<set $time to $time +2>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenter]]>><<set $time to $time +2>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/security2.jpg' class="mediumc">
Sophia called you to attend to another study of lanuage. You were surprised to see a security at the gate.
<img src='img/lucas/lucashouse/bag.jpg' class="imagelefts">
The guard at the post allowed you to pass with permission from Sophia.
As you step into the house, The door was open and luggage were lying in the hallway.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Search his luggage</h6>">>
<img src='img/lucas/lucashouse/unkown.jpg' class="medium">
While searching through his luggage, you came across nothing of interest except a blurry photo.
On the back of the photo it says that the patient is already back in shape.
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>That's why Lucas was away. Who is that? Photo is too blurry. It's hard to tell who that might be.<</speech>>
When you finished searching the bag, In the stairs you see clothes lying around.
It looks like a trail of clothes. Mostly from a women wardrobe.
<<button [[Follow the trail of clothes|Look for Sophia]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Wait for Sophia|lookforsop]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div align="center"><div class="daddybox"><b>\
<h3>Recording from the Lucas Office</h3>
<span id="lol">
<<if $language gte 4>>
<<speech "Dante" "Unknown">><i>Wspaniale! Szukaliśmy ich tyle lat... A oni tutaj się zaszyli.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Jest mały problem. Olena straciła pamięć. Tak samo jak ona.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dante" "Unknown">><i>Słucham?! A co z nim?!</i><</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Pracuje nad tym ale mam dla ciebie małą niespodziankę.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dante" "Unknown">><i>Dobrze. Wiem doskonale ze dasz z tym rade. A ja lubie niespodzianki. Wkrótce dołaczę do ciebie. Do tej pory działaj. Musze kończyć. Moje córki mnie wołają.</i><</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Translate</h4>">>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<<speech "Dante" "Unknown">><i>Splendid. We were looking for them for so many years. And they've settled over there.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>There is small problem. Olena lost her memory. Same the other one.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dante" "Unknown">><i>What?! What about him?!</i><</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Working on it. Still i've got a little suprise for you.<</speech>>
><<speech "Dante" "Unknown">><i>Good. I'm sure you handle it well. I'm very fond of suprises. Soon, I'll join you. Till then, work. Gotta go. My daughters are calling me. </i><</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 5s t8n>><<speech "Player" "$name">>What are they doing to my Mother?! Immune to what?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And that Guy. His voice... somehow is familiar to me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dante" "Unknown">><i>Wspaniale! Szukaliśmy ich tyle lat... A oni tutaj się zaszyli.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Jest mały problem. Olena straciła pamięć. Tak samo jak ona.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dante" "Unknown">><i>Słucham?! A co z nim?!</i><</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Pracuje nad tym ale mam dla ciebie małą niespodziankę.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dante" "Unknown">><i>Dobrze. Wiem doskonale ze dasz z tym rade. A ja lubie niespodzianki. Wkrótce dołaczę do ciebie. Do tej pory działaj. Musze kończyć. Moje córki mnie wołają.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can't understand what they were saying.<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|computermc]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "outside" pause>>\
<img src="img/school/night/door.jpg" class='medium'>
You enter the school. It's still open.
Moving through the corridors of the school, You see on one classroom further there is a light on.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What is going on there?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Check it out@@color:orange;(Corruption 8-30)@@</h6>">>
<<if $corruption gte random(8, 30)>>
You slowly approach the classroom, <<timed 1s t8n>>When you got quite close. You hear the voice of a girl and a man.<</timed>>
<<timed 3s t8n>>
<img src="img/school/night/student.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Ashley" "Student">>Ah.. Mr. Bailey. For those few nights when you sex-texting me... I'm feel really horny.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 5s t8n>><<speech "Teacher">>Ashley...<</speech>>
<<button [[Peek|nighttech]]>><<set $ashleyteach to 0>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|outsidenight]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>><</timed>>
You slowly approach the classroom, <<timed 1s t8n>>When you got quite close.<</timed>><<timed 2s t8n>>You hear the voice of a girl and a man.<</timed>> <<timed 3s t8n>>Part of you want to check it but...
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>I'm... not brave enough...<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Gain more corruption@@<</timed>>
<<timed 5s t8n>>
You don't have much confidence in yourself to see what's going on there. On your way out you see that your teacher Bailey's car is still parked at the school.
<<button [[Leave|outsidenight]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "files" play loop>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Luke</h4>">><<audio "computer" play>>
<img src="img/sophia/luke.jpg" class="medium">
@@color:lightyellow;During our princess's plastic surgery, Martha received a mysterious message. She wouldn't reveal to me who the message was from but all she could tell me was that Luke had been found! I couldn't believe this! Our Luke who was lost for long time, Is found? Just like that? And the strangest thing is he was placed in the hospital where $name is taking a surgery. Is this a coincidence? My gut is saying no.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Lucas, The jewerly guy.</h4>">><<audio "computer" play>>
<img src="img/computer/lucas.jpg" class="medium">
@@color:orange;<i>My intel has nothing on this guy. All i know that he is very suspicious and careful.
From observation, it appears that he handles matters through his employees. Well, His "employees" can't or they don't want to say anything. Mostly likely, They are afraid of him or they are well paid. I'm not sure.
One time, We tried to bring a "Song Bird", Inside his group. Two weeks later our "Song Bird" has been silenced, We can't reach him. Probably, Our "Song Bird" is dead or something worse. I don't want to think about it... Fucking Bastard!
Now, It's been hard for us to find something or someone to reach Lucas.
Sooner or later, This guy is gonna face the justice!</i>@@
<<linkreplace "<h4>Plane Crash Old File.</h4>">><<audio "computer" play>>
<img src="img/computer/crash.jpg" class="medium">
@@color:orange;<i>It's so bizzare. It happened so not long ago. Plane Crash of the "targets" was 12 year ago. Plane was flying from Eastern Europe into Western Europe . On the way, There was an engine accident. Some of my intel says that it wasn't an accident, Someone on purpose damaged them. 94 People died. Only three survivors. Two Females and One Male. One male...?</i>@@
<<linkreplace "<h4>Memories</h4>">><<audio "computer" play>>
<img src="img/computer/memory.jpg" class="medium">
@@color:lightgreen;Fuck... This picture of plane crash is still hauting me. Recently...I've got some small flashbacks of memory.
A unkown old man in a dark room told me, There is another chance to enter their "family". After that my Memory has blank spot. I can't figure out what is going on with my head lately. Was i brainshwashed? God... This pain in my head... Is killing me. <<if $fcorruptionlevel gte 2>>But $name knows how to calm my nerves down. She's a good girl.<</if>>\
My colleague sent me a file of "BlackWater" Program. He says it has some connection with me.
Damn there is a code. I can't get in.@@
<<set $blackwater to true>>
<<if $code is false>>
<span id="output">
<<textbox "_input" "" autofocus>><<button "Program Blackwater.">>
<<if ["06281993", "06281993", "06281993"].includes(_input.toLowerCase())>>
<<goto "dadcomputer2">><<audio "computer" play>>
<<replace "#output">><<= either(["@@color:red;ACCESS DENIED. TYPE PASSWORD CORRECTLY!@@ Talk with Lucas", "@@color:red;ACCESS DENIED. TYPE PASSWORD CORRECTLY! @@Talk with Lucas"])>><</replace>></span>
<<elseif $code is true>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:orange;Type the code@@</h6>">><<goto "dadcomputer2">><<audio "computer" play>><</link>><</if>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>$name</h4>">><<audio "computer" play>>
<img src="img/computer/daughter.jpg" class="imagerightc">
@@color:lightblue;My princess, Young and Innocent. As it should be.
Before we moved from Europe, She was still a small, pretty and sweet girl. She told me then that she wanted to be an actress. Her dream is to play as a princess. As a princess, she is waiting for her Prince Charming to get married and live happily. Yes... I wonder who could that be. She's got a lot from her Mother.
Now after we moved out, She shut her feelings to us. She hates new place, new people. It's typical in that age. We just need to wait till she's get it. I love her so much. One day she will find out the truth. But it's not yet time to tell her all this. I hope she will forgive me.@@
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 1>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$name Behaviour</h6>">><<audio "computer" play>>
@@color:white;$name behaves sometimes unbearably and irresponsibly, lately. What happened to her? After a few weeks of moving, she has already started meeting various people who show her her new forbidden life. I would really like to explain to her that this is wrong what she is doing. But she no longer listens to me. As far as i know she's been lying to me. Maybe i need to talk with Martha about this.@@<</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 2>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Dream of $name</h6>">><<audio "computer" play>>
@@color:pink;$name after a few weeks is now a different girl. Sometimes I feel like it's not her. She wears clothes differently than before. She no longer covers her body entirely but the opposite way. When i see her, $name sometimes teases me. And it's working... My god. I can't admit it but i... I like it. It's very wrong. Very, Very wrong.
Sometimes i'm dreaming about her. These dreams are messed up and arousing.
<img src="img/computer/daughter1.jpg" class="imageleft">
One day, when i came back from the work. I caught her in my bedroom. She was smelling my clothes. I took the picture. But sometimes when i look at it. I see her riding on my cock.
I don't know how to react over all this. What is going on with me? I need to go to therapy.
<<if $fcorruptionlevel gte 1>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Is $name trying to seduce me?</h6>">><<audio "computer" play>>
@@color:hotpink;$name, My princess. What happened to you. I can't stop looking at you. Not as a daughter.. but as a woman. Is this forbidden love? God... What is going on with me? If she keeps doing this, I will go crazy.<</linkreplace>>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel gte 2>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Forbidden Love.</h6>">><<audio "computer" play>>
<img src="img/computer/daddygirl.jpg" class="imagerightc">
@@color:hotpink;It happened. We did it. Is this too far? I don't care. My thoughts no longer torment me. My princess showed me what is true love and I've accepted it. For now we will hide our love. Martha would be devastated by this. Maybe i need to think how to resolve it. But one thing is certain. I know what I desire.
Recently, she asked if I would be ok with her having plastic surgery. That's a little fucked up... But it turned me on, So much!
Having my princers a larger pair of titties... I should oppose her but part of me says no.
I'd like to help her with that. And i will!
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>New $name <<if $alertcomputer is false>>@@color:orange;*NEW*@@<<set $alertcomputer to true>><</if>></h6>">><<audio "computer" play>>
<img src="img/computer/newname.webp" class="imageleftc">
@@color:hotpink;My princess is a grown woman now. She made a decision which made her Daddy very pleased.
Her body, voice and smile have all changed. Am I a failure? to let it happened? Fuck no! I did everything as a Parent to make my child happy. After all, it's too late. I love my daughter and i hope she loves her daddy too.
<<linkreplace "<h4>House</h4>">><<audio "computer" play>>
@@color:orange;<i>After a long day in work, I had a couple of offers proposed by Martha. She was really excited and dedicated. But my friend from the work gave me a lead on some woman named Madison, who showed me the perfect house at an attractive price and a great location!
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<img src="img/computer/house.jpg" class="imageleftc">Madison insisted strongly on buying this house because it was watched by a large amount of people. I won't say... She has a gift for convincing! Madison is an attractive and intelligent woman who I would love to get to know further. But my love is with Martha and $name. After meeting with her, I talked to Martha about it and she was convinced by this house. Finally, I bought my dream house for my family. I hope our life will get better and happier. How about leaving it to my princess or grandchildren in my will?
<<linkreplace "<h4>TOP SECRET</h4>">><<audio "computer" play>>
<<if $hacking gte 10>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Moving out.</h4>">><<audio "computer" play>>
@@color:orange;<i>It's been a few nice years since me, my wife and $name settled in America. Back then, My love was further baffled by all the great commotion. At least, $name woke up from coma in new country. Martha still suffers on memory lapses. Before the accident, she told me that they were chasing her, and she kept repeating that one sentence. @@color:white; My Luke is in trouble.@@</i>@@
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Damn. It's blocked. I need to find a password or come up with something else.<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><<masteraudio stop>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "outside" pause>>\
<<if $ashleyteach is 0>>\
<video src="img/school/night/night.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
You discreetly observe what is occurring within the room. It appears to be Mr. Bailey with a young blonde girl. She is seated on the teacher's lap and kissing him with great enthusiasm.
Her moan is so loud even in the hallway you can hear it clearly.
<<speech "Ashley">>Ah.. Mr.Bailey... You really don't mess around, do you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>God dammit, Ashley. Stop it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Forget about your wife for a second! It'll be great!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>You are asking too much. What if someone caught us?!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Student</h6>">>
<video src="img/school/night/night2.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Ashley">>Who could caught us in the middle of the night?!<</speech>>
With a grin, Ashley moved closer to his ear.
<<speech "Ashley">>Yesterday... After you sent me your naughty picture, it drove me crazy. Throughout the night I masturbated about 15 times. All night I was thinking about your juicy vainy cock...<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>And from that moment, my cunt is getting wetter and wetter from these naughty thoughts. All it needs to get pouding till-! AH!!! YES!!<</speech>>
Mr. Bailey was powerless against her charms.
He grabbed her in a powerful embrace on the table and began to lavish her with passionate kisses.
<<link "<h6>Mr.Bailey</h6>">><<set $ashleyteach to 1>><<goto "nighttech">><</link>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $ashleyteach is 1>>\
<video src="img/school/night/night1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
The teacher begins to caress her pussy with a violent intensity, his fingers exploring her luscious folds with abandon. Ashley moans in rapture, overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of the experience.
<<speech "Ashley">>AH! AH! THAT'S IT! AH! OH YES!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher">>You are naughty... bad... girl...<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Don't stop! My Gosh!! It feels so awesome!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Continue watching.</h6>">><<set $ashleyteach to 2>><<goto "nighttech">><</link>>
<<if $ashleyteach is 2>>\
<span id ="ash">
<img src="img/school/night/student2.jpg" class='medium'>
Bailey paused to consider his options. He was weighing his choices.
But Ashley grabbed Bailey's pants and pulled out his cock.
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Ashley, wait! We can't-<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>It's too late! You are gonna fuck me! Right. Fucking. Now! <</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Horny Ashley</h6>">>
<video src="img/school/night/night3.webm" class='imageleftc' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Ashley">>First. Let me taste this bad boy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Fuck... Ash...<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>GURLP! GURLP! It's so biiiiiigg! Fuck... GURLP GURLP!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>A bad student@@color:orange;(Corruption 15-32)@@</h6>">><<replace "#ash">>
<<if $corruption gte random(15, 32)>>
<video src="img/school/night/night3.1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 15>>@@color:hotpink;<div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div>@@
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Wow. What a slut! I wish I was in her shoes.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Continue watching.</h6>">><<set $ashleyteach to 3>><<goto "nighttech">><</link>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Damn.. Mr.Bailey is so huge! I... I need to go... Before they catch me.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;You are not brave enough. Gain more Corruption@@
<<button [[Leave|outsidenight]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><<set $teachercum to 0>><</button>>
<<if $ashleyteach is 3>>\
<video src="img/school/night/night4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Ashley sucked Bailey's cock with her pretty mouth, which made him stop doubting his decision.
Ash teases with her juicy pussy on the table. Bailey immediately buries his head in her cunt and starts eating.
<<speech "Ashley">>Mmmm!!! Yes... There... Eat me there...!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Fuck... You smell so good...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Continue watching.</h6>">><<set $ashleyteach to 4>><<goto "nighttech">><</link>>
<<if $ashleyteach is 4>>\
<span id ="ash">
<video src="img/school/night/night4.1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Bailey can't take it anymore, He is taking his chance to shove his cock into that tight hole.
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Fuck it! I'm gonna fuck you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Haha! Yes!! Take me! TAKE ME!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Bailey's Cock inside her Pussy</h6>">><<replace "#ash">>
<video src="img/school/night/night4.2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Ashley got exactly what she'd been requesting all along.
Their expression says it all. Their desire, and mostly Ashley's, has finally been fulfilled.
<<speech "Ashley">>THIS FEELS SO GOOOOD!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>My god. You were right... Pussy is so wet and tight.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>I told you! That pussy is made only for you!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Continue watching.</h6>">><<set $ashleyteach to 5>><<goto "nighttech">><</link>>
<<if $ashleyteach is 5>>\
<span id ="ash">
<video src="img/school/night/night4.3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Bailey take the tempo faster and harder. He's taking that hole harder and harder
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>My personal slut!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Ah! AH! MR BAILEY!! YES! I'M YOUR SLUT!! FUCK MEE!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Fucking slut!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>I'M GONNA CUM AGAIN! JEESUS!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Continue watching.</h6>">><<set $ashleyteach to 6>><<goto "nighttech">><</link>>
<<if $ashleyteach is 6>>\
<span id ="ash">
<video src="img/school/night/night4.4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
By the looks of it, Bailey is at his limit.
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Fuck... I'm gonna...<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Cum!? CUM INSIDE PLEASE! INSIDE ME!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Ashley...!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Bailey's Cumming</h6>">><<replace "#ash">>
<video src="img/school/night/night4.5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Woow...<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Mr.Bailey! That's a lot of cum. What a shame..<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>That pretty cum should be inside my pussy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Ashley! What are you thinking? Do you even imagine, parading around school with a preg belly?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Her lusty face</h6>">>
<img src="img/school/night/student3.jpg" class='imageleftc'>
<<speech "Ashley">>Yes! That's my dream! Next time-<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>There won't be a next time. We need to go. Before someone catches us!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Okay, Sure.Mr.Bailey. But i don't see why we should end our love relationship.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Ashley.. We'll talk about it later.<</speech>>
<<if $ashley is false>>
<<addcorruption 1>><div class="corrupting">Corruption +1</div>
<<link "<h6>Run! Before they catch you.@@color:yellow;(Fitness 15-18)@@</h6>">><<set $ashley to true>><<set $ashleyteach to 0>>
<<if $fitness gte random (15,18)>><<goto "nightcatch3">><<else>><<goto "nightcatch2">><</if>><</link>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "outside" pause>>\
<img src="img/school/night/tripped.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:yellow;Fitness check failed.@@
Ashley and Bailey are in the hallway, preparing to leave the school.
As you were making your way out, you unfortunately stumbled over something on the floor.
<img src="img/school/night/catch.jpg" class='imageleftc'>
<<speech "Ashley">>Huh..?! Did you hear that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Hear what?<</speech>>
Ashley looked over and happened to see you.
At this point, you know you've messed up. You're sure Ashley will turn you in to a teacher.
But it's quite opposite.
<<speech "Ashley">>Hah. It's nothing. So can you drop me to my house?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Uhh.. Sure. Few steps to your house. I don't want anyone to suspect a thing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Oh c'mon teach. I'm not some stupid blonde girl.<</speech>>
Ashley, with her usual pleasant grin, looked your way from where you were hiding.
<<set $ashleycatch to true>>
<<button [[Leave|outsidenight]]>><<set $time to $time +2>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "outside" pause>><<audio "crowd" play>>
<span id="ash">
Entering the school, You see a lot of male and female students. Teachers rushing to classrooms. A bit of hustle and bustle in the lobby Among the crowd you notice Lena. Walking up to her you see that she is chatting with some girl a little like you.
<img src="img/school/ashley/lenaoutside.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Ashley" "Student">>...are you jealous Lena?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Of course i am! I'm so jealous of you. Jeez... At least i don't have to make a BJ to boost my grades.<</speech>>
Lena spots you.
<<speech "Lena">>$name! Come here.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Join them</h4>">><<replace"#ash">>
<img src="img/school/ashley/ashley.jpg" class='imagerightc'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey girls. What's BJ?<</speech>>
Girls looked at you confused.
After that, their expression changed to amusing.
<<speech "Ashley" "Student">>Haha. Ridiculous company you have. See ya losers.<</speech>>
She left you alone.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh.. Who was that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Nobody that important. Looking for attention. That's all.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I have a hunch she doesn't like me<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Don't worry about her!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Lena and her silly smile.</h4>">><<replace "#ash">>
<img src="img/school/ashley/lenaoutside2.jpg" class='imageleftc'>
Lena was about say something but unknown to you guy approached Lena from behind.
<<speech "Boy1" "Taylor">>Lena! Have you heard this shit?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Hear, what?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Taylor">>Girl! You won't believe this! Last night, my best pal, on the way out from the school. Witnessed something insane.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Yeah?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Taylor">>Our English Teacher, Bailey! Alone with some blonde girl at his classroom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>So? What were they doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Taylor">>Certainly not algebra! Guess Lena.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>What?! No way!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Taylor">>Yeaahh.. Haha. Gotta go! See ya!<</speech>>
Taylor left. Lena with wide open mouth could not believe the rumor.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena? What does he mean?<</speech>>
<<timed 3s t8n>>
<<audio "bell" play>>
Lena was about to say but bell just rang for the lesson.
<<speech "Teacher">>Students! To the classroom!<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/ashley/ashley2.jpg" class='imagerightc'>
<<speech "Ashley" "Student">>Of course, Mr. Bailey!<</speech>>
You thinking to yourself.
What did Taylor mean when he told Lena about this?
<<set $nightschool to true>>\
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>During the night? At school? Let's check it out.<</speech>>
<<button [[Classes]]>><</button>><</timed>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<<if $language is 4>>\
<video src="img/mom/event/necklace.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
Martha or Olena whatever she is.
She's relaxing in the living room. Right now she's wearing a Necklace. It is time to test the words.
You quietly approached from behind.
<<linkreplace "<h7>Say it</h7>">><<audio "hypnotise" play>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Oleno. Return my Child.</i><</speech>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
<video controls src="img/mom/event/necklace2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
Her necklace is glowing!
In a color it's hard to describe. But you can hear calming music and whispers that can't be heard.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Ah.. My... Necklace..<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>My head... What is it... Who are you?!<</speech>>
<div class="chmura">
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Who are... Ah... ah...<</speech>><span class="textchmura"><<speech "Olena">>Don't Speak. Just Embrace It.<</speech>></span></div>
<<speech "Olena">>Our Necklace! Are calling us.<</speech>>
<<mcorruption 10>><div class="pos">@@color:purple;$mom's Corruption +10@@</div>
<<link "<h7>Necklace is vibrating</h7>">><<goto "Say the Words">><<audio "hypnotise" play>><<set $language to 5>><</link>><</timed>>
<<if $language is 5>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">><div class="posarousal">@@color:pink;<i>Oleno. Return as a Queen. For your Children.</i>@@</div><</speech>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
<video controls src="img/mom/event/necklace2.5.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
Her body is shivering and sweating. $mom non stop message her tits. She want them out...
<<mcorruption 10>><div class="pos">@@color:purple;$mom's Corruption +10@@</div>
<<speech "Olena">>My baby... Why i can't hear you...<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena">>Is this... you?<</speech>>
<<link "<h7>Necklace is vibrating</h7>">><<goto "Say the Words">><<audio "hypnotise" play>><<set $language to 6>><</link>><</timed>>
<<if $language is 6>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">><div class="posarousal">@@color:hotpink;<i>Oleno. Hear what your desires are telling you.</i>@@</div><</speech>>
<video controls src="img/mom/event/necklace3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Olena">>Ah!! My $son! My sweet, sweet... $son!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena">>Finally, I can see...<</speech>>
<<mcorruption 10>><div class="pos">@@color:purple;Mom's Corruption +10@@</div>
$mom lost consciousness and fall on the floor.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Check $mom</h6>">><<goto "Say the Words">><<set $language to 7>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $language is 7>>\
<img src="img/mom/event/sleep.jpg" class='medium'>
With worry, You ran to her to help her. Thank god! She is breathing.
Then her eyes open. She looked at you then around the room. She was confused by it.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom! You scared me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Ah... My Head... $name. Are you okay? Wait... Where... Are we?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? We are at home, $mom. Why do you ask?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>What..? But we were on the plane. Where is... Ah! My head... Why does it hurt so much.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Plane? What are you talking about? Here, Let me take you to the bed. I'll call for $dad-<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>No! Don't call him. Just.. help me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure. Here, Grab my arm.<</speech>>
You helped $mom take her to the bedroom. Through the way she was holding her necklace.
She mumbled something but you couldn't understand anything.
You put her to bed.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Take a rest. I'm going to go get some medicine.<</speech>>
<img src="img/mom/event/memory.jpg" class='imageleft'>
You left $mom alone in the bedroom.
She still mumbles.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$son...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Where are you. My $son. Ah! M hea...d....<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Fall asleep</h6>">><<goto "Say the Words">><<set $language to 8>><<set $mompov to 9>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $language is 8>>
<span id="olena">
<div class="container">
<img src="img/mom/event/olena1.jpg" class="mediumvision">
<div class="middle">
<div class="imageof"><img src="img/mom/event/olena2.jpg" class="imagevision"></div>
<div class="posarousal">You wake up in a room and see yourself from the past.
She seductively stares at you and slowly approaches. She is smiling and undresses her skimpy lingerie.</div>
<<speech "Olena">>We are finally alone.<</speech>>
<<link "<h7>Olena's Desire</h7>">><<replace "#olena">>
<video controls src="img/mom/event/necklace4.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<div class="posarousal">Your vision got blurry. Olena on her knees sucking your cock.</div>
<<speech "Olena">>Finally! I've been waiting for this so long... Come here.<</speech>>
<<link "<h7>Olena's Desire</h7>">><<replace "#olena">>
<video controls src="img/mom/event/necklace5.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Olena">>Come here...<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "???">>What about $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena">>Don't you worry about her. Mommy took care of everything. <</speech>>
<<speech "Olena">>It's family tradition! Both of you should be unite! You'll get her preg-<</speech>>
<div class="posarousal">Vision is getting blurry...
Your senses are waking up...
Dream end!</div>
<<button [[Wake up|saywords2]]>><<set $mompov to 1>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "crowd" stop>>\
<<if $warehouse is true and $ashleyslave is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>KIDNAP ASHLEY</h6>">>
<h3>@@color:violet;In School?! This is a bad idea. Too many witnesses.
Wait for the right opportunity.@@</h3>
<span id="ash">
<<set _ash to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _ash is 1>>\
<img src="img/school/ashley/ashley.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<elseif _ash is 2>>\
<img src="img/school/ashley/ashley3.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<elseif _ash is 3>>\
<img src="img/school/ashley/ashley4.jpg" class="imageleft">
Ashley is near Gym, She leans against the wall and winks at the guys and make naughty gesture to them.
Her outfit is a bit revealing. You can see her small tits coming out of her shirt.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Talk with Ashley</h4>">>
When you approached Ashley. She stopped smiling and looked at you with disgrace.
<<speech "Ashley">>What do you want. Loser.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow. You are so friendly.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>I don't have time with losers like you. Go away.<</speech>>
<<if $teacherhorny gte 9 and $ashleyjelly is false>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley is looking for you</h6>">>
<img src="img/school/ashley/ashleytalk2.jpg" class="mediumc">
When you walk past her you see her face pissed and then she blocked your path.
<<speech "Ashley">>We need to talk!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Talk about what.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Jonathan Bailey, My tutor. He's been avoiding me. Beacuse he's meeting with someone else.<</speech>>
How does she know it is me.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Avoiding you? What do you...<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Don't play stupid! That night, You caught us and watched us. Did you like that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ashley. I don't know what to say... I was..<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Horny? Jealous? Obssesed by it? Is that why you stole him from me? Fucking whore!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jesus. Ashley. The world doesn't revolve around you.<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/ashley/ashleytalk.jpg" class="imagerightc">
<<speech "Ashley">>Admit it! I know what are you doing after classes! Bailey is mine! MINE! You understand!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are so funny. No wonder why Bailey lost intrest in you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Mark my words. Bitch. You are gonna regret that. I'll do everything to make him mine.<</speech>>
You were clobbered. You don't know what to even think about it.
So you left Ashley alone. What is she planning?
<<set $ashleyjelly to true>>
<<if $ashleyblock is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $teacherhorny gte 10 and $ashleyjelly is true>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley Stupid Smile.</h6>">><<replace "#ash">>
<img src="img/school/ashley/smirk1.jpg" class="medium">
@@color:orange;Walking through the school hallway you bumped into Ashley with her stupid smile.@@
<<if $ashleyreveal is true>>
@@color:lightyellow;After what you saw what she did with the teacher, you're not surprised why she's smiling so much.@@<</if>>\
<<speech "Ashley">>Hello Slut. How is your tits going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>They are okay. And how is going with your planky tits?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Haha. You are so naive $name. Gosh. Taking a breast implants to look even sluttier. How stupd is that?<</speech>>
@@color:pink;You want to hit her so hard! But this is not the time.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Whatever. What do you want Ashley.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Well.. I'm just want to let you know. That i.... Won!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? What are you saying?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>I beat you! Mr.Bailey is mine, bitch.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What the fuck Ashley.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>And don't you dare to take him again. Or else you will deeply regret it.<</speech>>
<<if $ashleyreveal is false>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh?! What do you mean by that. Ashley!<</speech>>
Ashley with a smile leaves you alone and enter the class.
It is getting serious for her and for you.
Ashley with a smile leaves you alone and enter the class.
@@color:lightyellow;Now you know what leverage she has on you.
These are pictures of you and Mr.Bailey's
You need to prevent before she reveals everything in to the light.@@
<<button [[Leave|school]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "memory" play>>\
<span id="rem">
<<if $memory is 0>>
<img src="img/mom/event/room.jpg" class="large">
<div class="posarousal">Memories brought you back to your past. They bring you back to childhood. Inside them. You see a huge bedroom in pink colours, Lots of toys, Window to big gaden. The smell of this place is nostalgic to you. Fragrance of jasmine and rose. Walking around the room, Your senses are awakening. Hearing child, women and men laugh in joyness.
As you approached the bed, You see a girl sleeping on it. She reminds you of someone. You try to wake her up. When your hand reaches out to her she disappears.</div>
<<link "<h4>Time.</h4>">><<audio "gigle" play>><<set $memory to 1>><<goto "memory">><</link>>
<<if $memory is 1>>
<img src="img/mom/event/time.gif" class="medium">
<div class="posarousal">
Through the window, time passes quickly. From sunny day to cold night.
After a while, Day stopped to time where sun changed to orange colour. Then two figures appeared behind your back playing with toys. A boy which has a blurry face and girl the one you tried to wake up. When you try to look at this face, Your Focus ability is blocked and your head is starting to hurt. Somehow your senses are telling you they are related. The boy and girl giggled out loud. </div>
<<speech "Child" "???">>Haha..!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player2" "???">>$mom! Look what he's done!<</speech>>
<<speech "Child" "???">>Snitcher! Snitcher!<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Dust.</h4>">><<audio "fade" play>><<set $memory to 2>><<goto "memory">><</link>>
<<if $memory is 2>>
<img src="img/mom/event/fade.jpg" class="medium">
<div class="posarousal">And then they disappeared as sand scattered all over the room.
After a few moments, The little birds are chirping. While peeking through the window. The garden grows and sparkles with green colors. The same children have appeared but their form has changed. They're now teenagers. Boy chase a girl through a garden maze, having fun. By looking at them, Your mind is at peace and joyness. </div>
<<link "<img src='img/mom/event/maze.webp' class='mediumcity'>">><<set $memory to 3>><<goto "memory">><</link>>
<<if $memory is 3>>\
<img src="img/mom/event/kiss.jpg" class="medium">
<div class="posarousal">
Boy reached her in the middle of the maze.
They were hugging. After the hug, they looked at each other for a while and began to kiss passionately.
After the kiss, the girl was blushing. She looked back and noticed you looking at them through the window. The girl pulled away from the boy's hug in shame and pushed him. In which the boy vanished into the ground.
Your head began to ache from the scene you saw. Body is shaking and can't control of itself. You collapsed into the other room.</div>
<<link "<h4>Dining</h4>">><<set $memory to 4>><<goto "memory">><</link>>
<<if $memory is 4>>
<img src="img/mom/event/dinner.jpg" class="medium">
<div class="posarousal">
In this room you're at the table. Around you, Several people are eating and drinking.
At the end of that table, Sits a person who radiates towards you feelings that are loving and frightening.
His face is dark.
You can't recognize him. But his smile is familiar to you.
Across from you sit the same teenagers who were in the maze. They were looking at you with the smile and joy.
While eating, the Teens acted suspiciously toward each other. </div>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Under Table</h4>">>
<img src="img/mom/event/undertable.jpg" class="medium">
<div class="posarousal">They had one hand on the table and the other underneath. Boy glanced sneakily at her with lusty smile. The girls' eyes were turned upward. As if she was in an agony of pleasure. Suddenly, Girl gasped and ran away from the table. Boy smirked. He lifted his hand which was under the table. His fingers were wet and he took them into his mouth. Expression on his face sealed the picture.
Your mind began to melt from the ecstasy of lust and your body was getting hotter and hotter.
A person stood up from the end of the table and led you to another room.</div>
<<speech "Dante" "???">>Come my Child.<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Room with the window</h4>">><<set $memory to 5>><<goto "memory">><</link>>
<<if $memory is 5>>\
<img src="img/mom/event/window.jpg" class="medium">
<div class="posarousal">
In this room there is a window. It is glowing in white form. It gives you a bit quiet and relaxing tone.
Reaching out that window, Light slowly disappears inside. The window shows you the view of the other room. </div>
<<speech "Dante" "???">>This is it. The end.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Look at it.</h6>">><<set $memory to 6>><<goto "memory">><</link>>
<<if $memory is 6>>
<video src="img/mom/event/memory1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">Throught the window you see a couple.
Girl is sitting on the boy and kisses lovingly.</div>
<<speech "Girl1" "???">>Mmm!! I love you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "???">>I love you too.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Couple?</h6>">><<set $memory to 7>><<goto "memory">><</link>>
<<if $memory is 7>>\
<video src="img/mom/event/memory2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">Boy stood up.
Girl on the knees right away is taking off his pants.
She's so eager to suck his big cock.</div>
<<speech "Girl1" "???">>I can't believe how big is this...<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "???">>I have been waiting for this for so long....<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "???">>Haha. We've got a whole week before they come back. It's plenty of time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "???">>Finally..<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Plenty of time</h6>">><<set $memory to 8>><<goto "memory">><</link>>
<<if $memory is 8>>\
<video src="img/mom/event/memory3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal"> They are doing missionary and kiss each other with passion and lust.</div>
<<speech "Girl1" "???">>YES! Yes..!! That's it!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "???">>Fuck.. This is like a dream... I love you so much. I wish it would be like this forever!<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "???">>Me... Too! AH! AH! YOU ARE SO ROUGH! I'm cumming! My.. Big... B-<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Forever.</h6>">><<set $memory to 9>><<goto "memory">><</link>>
<<if $memory is 9>>
<video src="img/mom/event/memory3.5.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">They have no boundaries, they are fucking for a few hours.
Your body is getting hotter and hotter by looking at it.</div>
<<speech "Girl1" "???">>My god... What if... What if we got caught. Ah!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "???">>We would run away. You and Me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "???">>Really? Would you do it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "???">>It's our destiny. To be together.<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "???">>That's so.. Romantic...<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "???">>I wonder... What would happened... If she had caught us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "???">>Who..? Our.. $mom?<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Destiny.</h6>">><<set $memory to 10>><<goto "memory">><</link>>
<<if $memory is 10>>\
<video src="img/mom/event/memory4.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">Image is so bright. You can't see what is going on inside. But sounds...
These sounds were already enough for you to know what is going on there. Voice of the girl and boy is very familiar to you. </div>
<<speech "Boy1" "???">>I think she knows... During that dinner.. When we were fooling around. She was looking at us. Her face. I think she suspect something.<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "???">>It was your fault! If you were polite and patient then she would not suspect anything.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "???">>$name. That's beacuse i can't get enough of you...<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "???">>OH my GOD! That's the spot! I'm gonna cum again..! AHHH!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>$name?!?</h6>">><<set $memory to 11>><<goto "memory">><</link>>
<<if $memory is 11>>\
<video src="img/mom/event/memory5.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">After a few rounds of cum inside her pussy. Both of them were exhausted of endless sex.
For them, the day flew by quickly. </div>
<<speech "Boy1" "???">>I love you so much $sister. Even if we got seperate. I will find you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "???">>Why would you say that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "???">>I don't know, it feels like I had to say it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "???">>My big $bro... Let me rest for a bit.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "???">>Damn. "He" is calling. I'll be right back.<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "???">>Sure. I'm not going anywhere, Love. Go.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>$bro and $sister?</h6>">><<set $memory to 12>><<goto "memory">><</link>>
<<if $memory is 12>>\
<img src="img/mom/event/kissperson.jpg" class="medium">
<div class="posarousal">As you were leaving them, a person from the previous table came up to you hugged and kissed you. His embrace is warm and calm. You felt safe in his arms. As safe as it is with $dad's. He looked at you and smiled.</div>
<<speech "Dante" "???">>Olena. My baby girl. My little princess. Finally, you're back.<</speech>>
<h3>Mom's Corruption Next Stage.</h3>
<<link "<h6>Wake up!</h6>">><<set $memory to 13>><<goto "memory">><</link>>
<<if $memory is 13>>
<img src="img/mom/event/wakingup2.jpg" class="medium">
<div class="posarousal">You are waking up with a little headache.
You look at the celling. Part of your memory have returned to you. </div>
<<speech "Martha">>Luke... My god. Where are you.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Wake up.</h6>">><<goto "mcroom">><<set $mompov to 1>><<set $mompovright to 1>><<set $mcorruptionlevel to 2>><<set $mcorruption to 0>><<set $time to 7>><<set $day to $day +1>><<masteraudio stop>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<img src="img/mom/event/sleep.jpg" class='medium'>
You walked to $parents Bedroom. $mom is asleep.
You left some medicine on the counter left her alone.
When you left the room. $mom woke up.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>NO! No..<</speech>>
<img src="img/mom/event/wokeup.jpg" class='imagerightc'>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh! Why don't i remember anything? <</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I don't know what to do. Maybe....<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>He'll answer my questions.<</speech>>
<<set $momson to true>>
<<button [[Move on|mcroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $momdad is 0>>
<img src="img/mom/event/morning.jpg" class='large'>
It's 7:00 in the morning. Time for waking up. Martha sees David next to her. She's smiling to him as he slowly waking up. David looked at you with his mysterious eyes. Then he smiled at Martha too. He's about to do...
<<speech "Dad" "David">>Hey. You look pretty today.<</speech>>
<<speech "Martha">>Thank you. Have you slept well? <</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "David">>By your side. Always.<</speech>>
<img src="img/mom/event/morning2.jpg" class='imagerightc'>
David starts kisses your neck. It tickles you and aroused you.
<<speech "Martha">>Oh... Charmer.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "David">>God. You smell so good.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>David's Touch</h6>">><<goto "Mom's Corruption">><<set $momdad to 1>><</link>>
<<if $momdad is 1>>\
<video src="img/mom/event/wakingup1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
His massive hands massage you. He's about to do something bad.
<<speech "Martha">>David... What are you...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "David">>Shhh... <</speech>>
<<link "<h6>David's Touch</h6>">><<goto "Mom's Corruption">><<set $momdad to 2>><</link>>
<<if $momdad is 2>>\
<video src="img/mom/event/wakingup2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Slowly his hands approach to your panties. Starts to rub your innocent hole.
<<speech "Martha">>Ah.. Ah..<</speech>>
<<speech "Martha">>David...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>David's Touch</h6>">><<goto "Mom's Corruption">><<set $momdad to 3>><</link>>
<<if $momdad is 3>>\
<video src="img/mom/event/wakingup3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
He speeds up the pace by massaging your pussy, passionately kisses your neck.
<<speech "Dad" "David">>Martha... I could stay like that forever..<</speech>>
<<speech "Martha">>Ah..! That's a good idea... Ah David-<</speech>>
You were almost at the limit but David's phone ringing.
<<link "<h6>David's Phone</h6>">><<goto "Mom's Corruption">><<set $momdad to 4>><<set $mompov to 11>><</link>>
<<if $momdad is 4>>\
<video src="img/mom/event/wakingup4.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
Phone is ringing. David unwillignly picks up the phone.
<<speech "Dad" "David">>Yes?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "David">>Ok... Okay! I'm coming. Tell the others to meet me there.<</speech>>
He hang up the phone and looked at you with sadness in his eyes.
<<speech "Dad" "David">>Sorry Martha. Duty calls. I'll make it up to you somehow.<</speech>>
<<speech "Martha">>Yeah.. Sure. Go.<</speech>>
David quickly dressed up and left the house in hurry.
You in other hand lying on the bed pissed off at your husband.
So pissed off you need to relief your desires. You open the shelf but there is nothing that could satisfy you.
Your old dildo is missing. Blaming the only person that came up to your mind. Your Daughter.
<<speech "Martha">>For fuck sake... $name! Ah...!!!!<</speech>>
You get even more angry but somehow your necklace on the shelf is calling you.
<<link "<h6>Necklace</h6>">><<goto "Mom's Corruption2">><<set $momdad to 5>><<set $mompov to 6>><<audio "hypnotise" play>><</link>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $momdad is 5>>\
<video src="img/mom/event/alone.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">Necklace is calling you..
Touch yourself!!! Touch Yourself!! Touch Yourself!</div>
<div class="posarousal"> @@color:orange;<i>Voice is echoing in your head.</i>@@ </div>
<<link "<h6>Necklace</h6>">><<goto "Mom's Corruption2">><<set $momdad to 6>><<audio "hypnotise" play>><</link>>
<<if $momdad is 6>>\
<video src="img/mom/event/alone2.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<div class="posarousal">Your urges are starting to grow...
Don't Stop. Don't Stop. Don't Stop!</div>
<<link "<h6>Necklace</h6>">><<goto "Mom's Corruption2">><<set $momdad to 7>><</link>>
<<if $momdad is 7>>\
<video src="img/mom/event/alone3.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<div class="posarousal">Feel it.
Taste it.
Embrace it. </div>
<<link "<h6>Necklace</h6>">><<goto "Mom's Corruption2">><<set $momdad to 8>><<audio "hypnotise" play>><<set $mompov to 9>><</link>>
<<if $momdad is 8>>\
<video src="img/mom/event/alone4.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<div class="posarousal">Wake up.
Liberate your memories
Reach for it.</div>
<<link "<h6>Necklace</h6>">><<goto "Mom's Corruption2">><<set $momdad to 9>><</link>>
<<if $momdad is 9>>\
<video src="img/mom/event/alone5.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<div class="posarousal">Just like that.
Don't deny it.
Sleep my Child.
It's time to go back.</div>
<<speech "Boy1" "???">>$mom!<</speech>>
<<link "<h9>Sleep.</h9>">><<goto "memory">><<audio "hypnotise" play>><<set $mompov to 12>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><h2>Bedroom</h2><b>
<span id="ol">
<img src="img/mom/momreads2.jpg" class='medium'>
You see that the book you gave her is open. Apparently, the book has caught her interest.
Then she looked at you with her lusty eyes and placed book on the shelf.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Hey. $name. It's so sweet that you came here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey... $mom. Wow.. You look...<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Good? Come here. Let Mommy kiss you for a good day.<</speech>>
<<link "<h9>Kiss her.</h9>">><<replace "#ol">>
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/kiss.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
Without remorse, You lie down on the bed next to her.
She already starts to touch you and kiss you with the tongue.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mom... Mmmm.!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>God.. You are so pretty today.<</speech>>
<<arousal 25>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +25</div>
<<link "<h9>Kiss $mom.</h9>">><<replace "#ol">>
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/kiss2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
While kissing, her hands slowly moved closer to your cunt.
She with passionat starts to massage it.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Mmm... Your pussy is so wet today my dear.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah! Ah...!<</speech>>
<<arousal 25>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +25</div>
<<link "<h9>Kiss her.</h9>">><<replace "#ol">>
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/kiss3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
$mom can't stop kissing you.
<<if $momkissmc is 1>>
<<addcorruption 1>><div class="posarousal">@@color:black;Corruption +1@@</div>
But her alarm starts to ring.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Ah.. Shame. $name. Honey. We need to go. Before $dad catch us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You're right. Mommy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>My sweet. Naughty Princess.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Visit her again.@@
<<if $momkissmc is 2>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Let me close the door.<</speech>>
$mom with a lusty smile left you in the bed and locked the doors.
<<link "<h6>Love of your $mom</h6>">><<goto "mombedroomkiss2">><</link>>
<<if $day lte 5>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><<set $momkissmc to 2>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><<set $momkissmc to 2>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="ol1">
<video src="img/mom/dinner/away1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
When $dad left you both alone. Without holding back, $mom immediately rushed at you.
Both of you kisses with lust and desire. Sloppy kisses makes you very aroused by it.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Finally, Alone! You little devil!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah! You are so rough!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Now it's my turn you little slut!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Mom's Lust</h6>">><<replace "#ol1">>
<video src="img/mom/dinner/away2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Both you undressed and with passion touch each other.
With every kiss, you felt how nice it is. After all, $mom is looking after you. It's her duty.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Fuck... You taste so good my $daughter.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah... $mom... You too.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Mommy.</h6>">><<replace "#ol1">>
<video src="img/mom/dinner/away3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
She wasn't lying. $mom crawled to your pussy and went on licking and kissing.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Mmmm... So sweet...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AH!! Ah..!! It's too much!! AH!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Mommy.</h6>">><<replace "#ol1">>
<video src="img/mom/dinner/away4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
You are about to cum...
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom!! AH!! Ah....!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Yes... Cum for $mom.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>$mom.</h6>">><<replace "#ol1">>
<video src="img/mom/dinner/away5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
$mom called you to please her even more.
You land on her and start kiss each other. Then your hips starts moving into her pussy.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Taste me sweety. Taste your juices.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I've... never... Seen you like that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>It's time to teach you a lesson. My sweet innocent baby. Ah! Ah!! Yes... That's it..<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Mommy.</h6>">><<replace "#ol1">>
<video src="img/mom/dinner/away6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Under of ecstasy of lust, You thrust your hips into her. Again and again until both of you get to the point of orgasm.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>YES! YES! YES! SHOW LOVE TO YOUR MOMMY!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom! Ah! $mom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>AHHH!! CUM WITH ME!! AAHH...!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OH! AH!! $mom!!! This is so...<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Nice... Yes. It was my love. Let's repeat it sometimes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course. Mommy.<</speech>>
<<if $mompussy3 is false>>\
<<set $mompussy3 to true>>
<<mcorruption 10>>@@color:violet;$mom Corruption +10@@
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="ol">
<video src="img/mom/livingroom/momalone.webm" class="mediumv" autoplay loop controls>
Camera has a record on. $mom with grace demonstrate her body.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>And now look at my pretty tits...<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Oh...! Do you want to see them?? Haha.<</speech>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<img src="img/luke/mom/think.jpg" class="medium">
@@color:orange;$mom is recording herself in skimpy lingerie. You wonder how your $bro would react on this.@@
<<if $bcorruption gte 50 and $bcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<<link "<h6>Call Luke. @@color:orange;($bro Corruption 50)@@</h6>">><<goto "lukepeepmom">><</link>>
<<elseif $bcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<link "<h6>Call Luke. @@color:orange;($bro Corruption Stage:$bcorruptionlevel/1)@@</h6>">><<goto "lukepeepmom">><</link>>
<<elseif $bcorruption lte 49>>\
<<linkreplace"<h6>Call Luke. @@color:orange;($bro Corruption 50)@@</h6>">>Luke is busy right now.<</linkreplace>>
<<link "<h6>Peek</h6>">><<replace "#ol">>
<video src="img/mom/livingroom/momalone2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>There it is!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Mmm...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Peek</h6>">><<replace "#ol">>
<video src="img/mom/livingroom/momalone3.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
She act really slutty in front of camera...
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>My lonely pussy is waiting for you...<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>I hope you get the message...<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>I'll help you choose what is right. I'll do everything for my favorite clients. Ciao!<</speech>>
<<set $time to $time +1>><<set $momclientshow to true>>\
$mom ends the recording with the kiss on camera.
<<if $meetmadison is true>>\
She's been offering herself to attract clients?
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Who is she... It's time to go.<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave her|mcroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $mompark is 1>>\
<video src="img/mom/park/guytease.webm" class="large" autoplay loop>
Just as you were about to join her, A suspicious guy behind a tree glanced at your $mom.
She was stretching her chest in the air. In the middle of the stretch, $mom also became suspicious that someone was watching her. After that she show even more.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Breath. Exhale... Breath. Exhale...<</speech>>
<img src="img/mom/park/mom.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Breath... Oh. Is that Boy looking at me? Hmm...<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>$mom Milf</h4>">><<set $mompark to 2>><<goto "mompark2">><</link>>
<<if $mompark is 2>>\
<video src="img/mom/park/guytease2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop>
Finally. Hook has been caught. Let the prey come at me...
Guy approaches.
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Hey!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Oh hey! I was wondering if you'd come up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Really? You caught me, right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>It's not that hard. That tree wasn't thin enough. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Haha. Silly me! Well... I'm taking some shots in the park but you... <</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Yes?<</speech>>
<img src="img/mom/park/guy.jpg" class='medium'>
Curiously you asking him why. Behind his back he pulled out a camera which he was holding.
Suprised by it you smiled at him.
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>You looking so hot. Can i take some pics for you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Wow. Pretty straight forward. Sure. Of course!<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Mom Milf</h4>">><<set $mompark to 3>><<goto "mompark2">><</link>>
<<if $mompark is 3>>\
<video src="img/mom/park/guytease3.webm" class="large" autoplay loop>
<div class="posarousal">This guy is so firm and handsome. It's for show time.
It's time to get some.</div>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>In this position? Or in this...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Ah! Yes! Like this. Wow!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Wait. In stretching position. Mmm. My buttcheeks. Touch it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Touch it. Are they firm?<</speech>>
Boy is touching your buttcheeks with delicate approach.
It takes him a while.
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Yes.. Yes. They are very firm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>That's good.<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Mom Milf</h4>">><<set $mompark to 4>><<goto "mompark2">><</link>>
<<if $mompark is 4>>\
<img src="img/mom/park/guy.jpg" class='medium'>
After that touch, he stopped taking pictures of you.
You think he's probably even ready for the next step by now. However, he looked into the distance and saw someone who caught his attention.
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Ah! Shit. My wifey is coming.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Wifey? Hah.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>I need to go! See you next time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Sure sure. I'll be here.<</speech>>
<div class="posarousal">Now park is even better! Next time we need to tease this guy even more!</div>
<<button [[Leave|Park]]>><<set $time to $time +1.5>><<set $mompov to 1>><<set $mompark to 5>><</button>>
<<if $mompark is 5>>\
<video src="img/mom/park/next.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop>
Through the joga, The same very guy came up to you with the smile.
He's holding his camera.
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Hey!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Oh hey! No wifey around?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Hah. Not this time. After our meet i've been editing photos. Could you look at them?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Sure!<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Mom Milf</h4>">><<set $mompark to 6>><<goto "mompark2">><</link>>
<<if $mompark is 6>>\
<img src="img/mom/park/guy2.jpg" class='medium'>
He sat down on the grass and shows you the edits.
By bending down you provoke him with your cleavage. You smirk a bit when his hands starts shaking.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Wow! It looks fantastic!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Really?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Bend down</h6>">>
<video src="img/mom/park/next2.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>And from this angle! I look very... Hot!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Yeah. You look very very hot.<</speech>>
You think to yourself
<div class="posarousal">Is this guy were jerking off to me while editing?
Haha. That's so adorable.</div>
<<link "<h4>Mom Milf</h4>">><<set $mompark to 7>><<goto "mompark2">><</link>>
<<if $mompark is 7>>\
<video src="img/mom/park/next3.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop>
<div class="posarousal">Wait. Is he has hard-on?!!</div>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Oh.. Does it hurt?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Huh?!! What do you mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>You are trying to hide your... Boner!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>OH! Ah! Haha! I-I-I-<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Mom Milf</h4>">><<set $mompark to 8>><<goto "mompark2">><</link>>
<<if $mompark is 8>>\
<video src="img/mom/park/next4.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Chill down. There is nothing to be embarrassed about!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Huh..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Quite the opposite. It's so arousing. Young healthy men having a boner for old gal like me.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>His Boner.</h6>">>
<video src="img/mom/park/next5.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>No..! You look very hot! Hotter than any other young girls.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Hotter than your... Wifey?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Yes!<</speech>>
After that from his confirmation, You took his phone away and shorts.
<<link "<h4>Mom Milf</h4>">><<set $mompark to 9>><<goto "mompark2">><</link>>
<<if $mompark is 9>>\
<video src="img/mom/park/suck.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Oh! What a nice cock.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Ma'am...! What about..<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Chill down! GURLP GURLP!<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Mom Milf</h4>">><<set $mompark to 10>><<goto "mompark2">><</link>>
<<if $mompark is 10>>\
<video src="img/mom/park/suck2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>We might be caught! How about...<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Shut up! Give me that cock! GURLP GURLP!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Fuck...<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Mom Milf</h4>">><<set $mompark to 11>><<goto "mompark2">><</link>>
<<if $mompark is 11>>\
<video src="img/mom/park/together.webm" class="large" autoplay controls>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>I-I... Can't!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>GURLP! What?!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>He pushes you away.</h6>">>
<img src="img/mom/park/mom2.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>I can't! That's too much! I need to go..<</speech>>
He couldn't stand the pressure and left you without the reason.
With dissapointed, You stand up and starts to pack the things up.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Haha. He is so adorable.<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Mom Milf</h4>">><<set $mompark to 1>><<goto "Park">><<set $time to $time +1.5>><<set $mompov to 1>><</link>>
</b></div><div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>
<<if $momkissmc is 2>>\
<img src="img/mom/bedroom/momready.jpg" class='medium'>
After locking the doors, She slowly turned arround and looked at you.
She slowly approaching to the bed and then she get on to you.
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom's Love</h6>">>
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/kiss4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Fuck... I can't stop kissing you...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah..! $mom. What would $dad..<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Forget $dad.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>$mom's Love</h6>">><<goto "mombedroomkiss2">><<set $momkissmc to 3>><</link>>
<<if $momkissmc is 3>>\
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/kiss5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Mmm.. Tell me honey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah! Oh! Yes?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Have you been with someone before?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You mean...<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>You know exaclty what i mean.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>$mom's Love</h6>">><<goto "mombedroomkiss2">><<set $momkissmc to 4>><</link>>
<<if $momkissmc is 4>>\
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/kiss6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
With a suprise you looked at your $mom.
While she was pleasing you she looked you directly into your eyes.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Don't lie to your Mommy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes...<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>How many times?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom! I don't.. want to talk about this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Why not?! Tell me.<</speech>>
<<if $corruption gte 50>>
<<link "<h6>Tell your $mom@@color:orange; (Corruption 50)@@</h6>">><<goto "mombedroomkiss2">><<set $momkissmc to 5>><</link>><<link "<h6>You're not comfortable with it</h6>">><<goto "mombedroomkiss2">><<set $momkissmc to 6>><</link>>
<<link "<h6>Tell your $mom@@color:orange; (Corruption 50)@@</h6>">><</link>><<link "<h6>You're not comfortable with it</h6>">><<goto "mombedroomkiss2">><<set $momkissmc to 6>><</link>>
<<if $momkissmc is 6>>\
<img src="img/mom/bedroom/deny.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Tell me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not comfortable with it. I need to go... <</speech>>
With awkwardness, You pushed $mom out the way and took key from the shelf and left the room.
Her nosiness has upset you.
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<set $momkissmc to 2>><</button>>
<<if $momkissmc is 5>>\
<img src="img/mom/bedroom/accept.jpg" class='medium'>
Without shame you told her how much you've been fucked.
During the course of the story, she became intensely excited.
<<if $fcorruptionlevel gte 2>>@@color:orange;However, you didn't tell her about your Daddy Issues. She is not ready for it. Yet.@@<</if>>\
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>My god. My $daughter is a proper slut...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you okay with this?<</speech>>
<<if $momslut is false>>\
<<set $momslut to true>><<addcorruption 1>><div class="posarousal">@@color:black;Corruption +1@@</div><</if>>
Martha looked at you with her lusty face. You couldn't read her minds.
<<link "<h6>$mom's respond</h6>">><<goto "mombedroomkiss2">><<set $momkissmc to 7>><</link>>
<<if $momkissmc is 7>>\
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/kiss7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
She smiled and starts rubbing your pussy wither pointy finger.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>I'm so.. so...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah! $mom!!! That's... too much!! I'm gonna cum again!!!<</speech>>
As you were cumming she starts kissing you deeply.
<<link "<h6>Her kiss</h6>">><<goto "mombedroomkiss2">><<set $momkissmc to 8>><</link>>
<<if $momkissmc is 8>>\
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/kiss8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>My $daughter. You were so innocent. And now? <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I-<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Her smile</h6>">>
<img src="img/mom/bedroom/proudmom.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>I am so proud. Proud of what have you became.<</speech>>
$mom hugged you and kissed you before you leave her.
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<set $momkissmc to 2>><</button>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $momtrainee is 1>>
<video src="img/mom/livingroom/trainee.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted>
By your suprise, Mom is training in the living room with a muscular black man.
It's so weird to look at them.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Ah... Oh...<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Trainee">>Keep it cool Ma'am. You are doing great.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Really? I'm not so sure.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Trainee">>Don't hesitate. Raise a little higher.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Ah! That's so.. Heavy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Trainee">>Here give me your hands.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh my!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Mom's Traning</h6>">><<goto "mombbchouse">><<set $momtrainee to 2>><</link>>
<<if $momtrainee is 2>>
<video src="img/mom/livingroom/trainee2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Trainee">>Okay. Your shoulders must be in pain. Time for biceps.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>That's a relief! Ah! Your biceps are much bigger than my hubby!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Trainee">>Hah. I've been exercising for a long time to have them Ma'am. But i have to say. I have trained with many women but you are in much greater shape than they are.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>No way! Really!? I'm so glad to hear it from you.<</speech>>
<img src="img/mom/livingroom/mombbc2.jpg" class='medium'>
Mom was very happy with the company. She was trying to impress him with her body, Sometimes she was trying pushing her buttcheeks at him to feel him.
After a few minutes, they changed the pace.
<<speech "Tyrone" "Trainee">>Are you cool with that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Cool? I'm always cool.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Trainee">>Haha. I mean with the pace. Ma'am. You look like you need a break.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I mean. We can take a break for a second. Gosh! Your hands are so strong... Not like my Husband.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Trainee">>That's too bad. Your husband could take some practice with you ma'am.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Mom's Traning</h6>">><<goto "mombbchouse">><<set $momtrainee to 3>><</link>>
<<if $momtrainee is 3>>
<video src="img/mom/livingroom/trainee3.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Haha. He hasn't been keeping up with me lately. Unlike you. Big Boy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Trainee">>Unlike me? Ma'am. What are you thinking by that?<</speech>>
<<if $mcorruptionlevel gte 2 and $mombbc gte 3>>
<<link "<h7>Mom's Desire @@color:orange;(Mom's Corruption Level 2)@@ @@color:hotpink;(Mom Adddiction BBC 3)@@</h7>">><<goto "mombbchouse">><<set $momtrainee to 5>><</link>>
<<link "<h7>Finish the Exercise.</h7>">><<goto "mombbchouse">><<set $momtrainee to 4>><</link>>
<<link "<h7>Mom's Desire @@color:orange;(Mom's Corruption Level 2)@@ @@color:hotpink;(Mom Adddiction BBC 3)@@</h7>">><</link>>
<<link "<h7>Finish the Exercise.</h7>">><<goto "mombbchouse">><<set $momtrainee to 4>><</link>></table>
<<if $momtrainee is 4>>\
<img src="img/mom/livingroom/mombbc.jpg" class='medium'>
Mom smiled at him and slowly starts to end the exercises.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Haha. It's nothing. I'm just kidding around. Thank you so much for the help. See you next time?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Trainee">>Uh. Sure. Ma'am. Till the next time.<</speech>>
Trainee with the disssapointed face left her alone in the livingroom.
He hoped for some fun.
<<if $mombbc is 2>>\
<<set $mombbc to 3>>
<div class="posarousal">Mom's BBC Addiction Raised!</div>
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "hallway">><<set $momtrainee to 1>><<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $momtrainee is 5>>\
<video src="img/mom/livingroom/bbckiss.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted>
Mom without hesitation kissed him on the lips.
They were kissing each other without the remorse.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Mmm...<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Trainee">>Ma'am... What about your husband.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>We've got plenty of time.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Mom with Trainee</h6>">><<goto "mombbchouse">><<set $momtrainee to 6>><</link>>
<<if $momtrainee is 6>>\
<video src="img/mom/livingroom/bbc.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Ah..!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Trainee">>Let's see that pussy of yours.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>I knew you were a bad boy! Haha.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Mom with Trainee</h6>">><<goto "mombbchouse">><<set $momtrainee to 7>><</link>>
<<if $momtrainee is 7>>\
<video src="img/mom/livingroom/bbc2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Trainee">>Fuck... Milf's Pussy is the best!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>AH!! MY GOD!! LIKE THAT!!!<</speech>>
<<if $mombbc gte 4>>
<<link "<h7>His Cock!@@color:hotpink;(Mom Adddiction BBC 4)@@</h7>">><<goto "mombbchouse">><<set $momtrainee to 9>><</link>>
<<link "<h7>You are not ready for it</h7>">><<goto "mombbchouse">><<set $momtrainee to 8>><</link>></table>
<<link "<h7>His Cock!@@color:hotpink;(Mom Adddiction BBC 4)@@</h7>">><</link>>
<<link "<h7>You are not ready for it</h7>">><<goto "mombbchouse">><<set $momtrainee to 8>><</link>></table>
<<if $momtrainee is 8>>\
<video src="img/mom/livingroom/bbcdeny.webm" class="large" autoplay controls>
Then her trainee take his big cock out.
<<speech "Tyrone" "Trainee">>Now-<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>NO! No...! I'm not... Ready for that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Trainee">>What?!? I thought-<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Go! Before i'll fire you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Trainee">>Okay! okay..<</speech>>
<<if $mombbc is 3>>\
<<set $mombbc to 4>>
<div class="posarousal">Mom's BBC Addiction Raised!</div>
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "hallway">><<set $momtrainee to 1>><<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $momtrainee is 9>>
<video src="img/mom/livingroom/bbc3.webm" class="large" autoplay controls>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Trainee">>I'm not backing out now! Ma'am!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Fuck it! Enter my... AH!! OH!! MY GOD!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Trainee">>Fuccck.... Finally!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>My god! It's so fucking big!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Mom is loving it!</h6>">><<goto "mombbchouse">><<set $momtrainee to 10>>
<<if $momtrainee is 10>>
<video src="img/mom/livingroom/bbc4.webm" class="large" autoplay controls>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Trainee">>Shitt...!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>YOU ARE SO ROUGH!! AH!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>I'm gonna cum!!! AH!!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Mom is loving it!</h6>">><<goto "mombbchouse">><<set $momtrainee to 11>>
<<if $momtrainee is 11>>
<video src="img/mom/livingroom/bbc5.webm" class="large" autoplay controls>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Trainee">>I'm gonna cum too!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Mmm!! Let me lick it...<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Trainee">>Ma'am..!! That is so fine! We need to reapeat it again!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Of course! We must! That's your priority!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Trainee">>I like the sound of that! Haha.<</speech>>
<<if $mombbc is 4>>\
<<set $mombbc to 5>>\
<div class="posarousal">Mom's BBC Addiction Raised!</div>
<<if $bbcaddiction lte 19>>\
<div class="posarousal">Blacked Increased +1!</div>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction +1>>
<<link "<h6>Mom is loving it!</h6>">><<goto "hallway">><<set $momtrainee to 1>><<set $time to $time +1>>
<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>
<<if $mommcsleep is 1>>
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/momkiss3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
$mom began to kiss you, and every kiss became hotter and hotter. In the middle of the kissing, she starts to lick you. For the first time, you felt this passion from a woman, and that woman was your $mom.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom...! It feels so nice...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Just enjoy it, Sweety. Mommy is here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mommy...<</speech>>
<<set $momsleep to true>><<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<if $kissmom is false>>
<<set $kissmom to true>><<mcorruption 10>>\
<h3>@@color:violet;$mom Corruption +10@@</h3>
<div class="posarousal">Your kiss with your $mom is the sweetest thing that ever happened to you.</div>
<<if $mcorruption gte 50 or $mcorruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<div class="posarousal">Your kiss with your $mom is the sweetest thing that ever happened to you.</div>
<<link "<h7>$mom Stops @@color:hotpink;($mom's corruption 50)@@ or @@color:purple;($mom's Corruption level 2)@@</h7>">><<goto "momconfess">><<set $mommcsleep to 2>><</link>>
<<link "<h7>It feel so weird to you.</h7>">><<goto "mcroom">><<set $mommcsleep to 0>><</link>></table>
<<link "<h7>$mom Stops for a Second. @@color:hotpink;($mom's corruption 50)@@ or @@color:purple;($mom's Corruption level 2)@@</h7>">><</link>>
<<link "<h7>It feel so weird to you.</h7>">><<goto "mcroom">><<set $mommcsleep to 0>><</link>></table>
<<if $mommcsleep is 2>>
<img src="img/mom/bedroom/talkmom.jpg" class="imageleftc">
Mom paused for a second and starts looking at your eyes with desire.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name. Do you find me attractive?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? $mom...We are..<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$mom and $daughter. Yes. But is this wrong for you?<</speech>>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel gte 2>>
<img src="img/mom/bedroom/talkmom2.jpg" class="imagerightc">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Maybe... I don't know $mom... What would $dad said?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Somehow I get the feeling that you and David are hiding something from me.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Does she knows?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Me and $dad? We just like to spend time with each other. <</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I can see that. Like you and me right now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>This is different..<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Different. you say... Get closer to Mommy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>This is kinda... Weird and... Exciting?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Right? Lately, I didn't give you much loving attention. But now i am looking at you as a women. Are you lesbian my dear?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? I don't know.. Somehow, I don't want to stop it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>That's nice... Come closer to Mommy.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Get Closer</h6>">><<goto "momconfess">><<set $mommcsleep to 3>><</link>>
<<if $mommcsleep is 3>>
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/mompussy1.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
$mom with desire starts kissing you and unbotting your pants.
Her touch is so soft and arousing. She starts touching your cunt.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>It's so wet...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can't control of it...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>You are so adorable.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Forbidden Love.</h6>">><<goto "momconfess">><<set $mommcsleep to 4>><</link>>
<<if $mommcsleep is 4>>
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/mompussy2.webm" class="medium" autoplay controls>
That feeling when $mom and you used to act like a happy family is already slowly fading.
Martha begins to fall into the forbidden fruits of her labor.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah!! $mom. This is...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>It is time to you understand my feelings to you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>ahh!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Her Voice.</h6>">><<goto "momconfess">><<set $mommcsleep to 5>><</link>>
<<if $mommcsleep is 5>>
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/olena.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
$mom starts kissing you, Her saliva is dripping from her mouth.
Her stare controls you to not stop.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom...!! I'm getting closer...<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena">>You are so cute when you moan...<</speech>>
<<link "<h7>Mom...?</h7>">><<goto "momconfess">><<set $mommcsleep to 6>><</link>>
<<if $mommcsleep is 6>>
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/mompussy3.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
You've never seen, Her from that side. She behaves completely different.
She touches herself and you at the same time furiously.
<<speech "Olena">>Yes... My $name. Give in.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck...!!! I'm gonna...!! Cum!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena">>Me too!! AH AH!!<</speech>>
<<if $mcorruptionlevel gte 2>>
<<link "<h7>Her Charm @@color:hotpink;($mom Corruption 2 Level)@@</h7>">><<goto "momponk">><<set $mommcsleep to 7>><</link>>
<<link "<h7>Her Charm @@color:hotpink;($mom Corruption 2 Level)@@</h7>">><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Exhausted...</h6>">>
Both of you starts cumming.
<img src="img/mom/bedroom/talkmom3.jpg" class="imagerightc">
You and $mom lie down on the bed and look at each other in a passionate way.
After a few moments, Martha turned around and touches her face.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>My head... $name... Can you leave?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom? Is everything...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>It's okay my dear. Mommy need to think alone. Just go, Please.<</speech>>
You left her alone in the bedroom.
<<if $mompussy2 is false>>\
@@color:hotpink;$mom is slowly falling into her inner presence...@@
<<set $mompussy2 to true>>
<<mcorruption 10>>@@color:violet;$mom Corruption +10@@
<<link "<h6>Leave her</h6>">><<goto "mcroom">><<set $time to $time +1>><<set $mommcsleep to 0>><</link>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "night" play>>\
@@color:yellow;Fitness check Success!@@
Ashley and Bailey are in the hallway to leave the school.
You with the swiftness hide in the bush around the parking lot.
<img src="img/school/night/car.jpg" class='imageleftc'>
<<speech "Ashley">>Teach. Maybe we'll do it again in your house?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>NO! I'm waitng for my daughter and she can arrive in any second.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Seriously? You got a daughter? Gosh... Can you drop me to my house at least?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Few steps to your house. I don't want anyone to suspect.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>It's okay Teach! It's only our little dirty secret. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Seriously Ashley. Keep it to yourself. I might be fired if anyone find it out.<</speech>>
<<set $ashleycatch2 to true>>
<<button [[Leave|outsidenight]]>><<set $time to $time +2>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>
<<if $mommcsleep is 7>>\
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/ponk1.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<<link "<h6>Mom's Charm</h6>">><<goto "momponk">><<set $mommcsleep to 8>><</link>>
<<if $mommcsleep is 8>>\
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/ponk2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<<link "<h6>Mom's Charm</h6>">><<goto "momponk">><<set $mommcsleep to 9>><</link>>
<<if $mommcsleep is 9>>\
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/ponk3.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<<link "<h6>Mom's Charm</h6>">><<goto "momponk">><<set $mommcsleep to 10>><</link>>
<<if $mommcsleep is 10>>
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/ponk4.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<<link "<h6>Mom's Charm</h6>">><<goto "momponk">><<set $mommcsleep to 11>><</link>>
<<if $mommcsleep is 11>>
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/ponk5.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mom!! MOMMY!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>YES! YES! LIKE THAT! AGAIN!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mommy! What was.. That!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Wasn't it Beautiful? My princess is such a naughty girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My god! I've never felt that feeling before. That was..<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Fun! Isn't it?<</speech>>
Both of you cuddle with the sweat under ecstasy of lust.
You were so comfortable with your mother's embrace that you forgot everything. Then! You remembered that your father could spot you.
<<link "<h6>Run to your room</h6>">><<goto "mcroom">><<set $mommcsleep to 0>><<set $time to $time +1>><</link>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<<if $sophiasex is 7>>
Sophia's kisses and touch woke you up.
You returned her favor with a more sloppy kiss and looked at her with lustful eyes.
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>I'm not done yet, Bitch.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>There you are.<</speech>>
<<link "<h7>Wake your Senses!</h7>">><<goto "bimbosoph">><<set $sophiasex to 8>><</link>>
<<if $sophiasex is 8>>
<span id="sophia">
<<link "<h6>Bimbo's Influence</h6>">><<replace "#sophia">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/bimbos1.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<<link "<h6>Bimbo's Influence</h6>">><<replace "#sophia">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/bimbos2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<<link "<h6>Bimbo's Influence</h6>">><<replace "#sophia">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/bimbos3.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<<link "<h6>Bimbo's Influence</h6>">><<replace "#sophia">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/bimbos4.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<<link "<h6>Bimbo's Influence</h6>">><<replace "#sophia">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/bimbos5.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<<link "<h6>Bimbo's Influence</h6>">><<replace "#sophia">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/bimbos6.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<<link "<h6>Bimbo's Influence</h6>">><<replace "#sophia">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/bimbos7.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<<link "<h6>Bimbo's Influence</h6>">><<replace "#sophia">>
<video src="img/lucas/lucashouse/bimbos8.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Sophia">>You did good my child... Sleep right now...<</speech>>
After a long interaction with Sophia you felt asleep...
<<link "<h12>Sleep</h12>">><<if $sophiaspecial is true>><<set $sophiaspecial to false>><<goto "cheatroom">><<else>><<goto "Sophia's Bedroom">><</if>><</link>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/mom/momkitchen.jpg" class='medium'>
Everyone is in the kitchen. You and $dad are sitting by the table drinking coffee, $mom washing dirty plates on the sink.
Then she looked at your father with an expressionless face
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>David. Are you free in Thursday at 13:00?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hmm? Martha. You know perfectly well, that I get a lot of work on Thursdays. But what do you need?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Oh nothing... Nothing!<</speech>>
<img src="img/mom/momphone.jpg" class='imageleft'>
She left the dirty plates in the sink and take off her phone.
$mom is typing on the phone. After a few seconds she got message.
After reading the message her expression changed to very pleased.
<<button "Return" `previous()`>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<img src="img/estateoffice/momoffice/madison.jpg" class='potrate'>
Madison and your Mom are talking and laughing.
You try to get closer to hear what are they talking about.
<<speech "Madison">>So how was he?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>My god! Madison. That was the best experince in my life! At first, I was a bit skeptical about it but now...<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>I know. That's a bit addictive, <</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Addictive?! I'm obssesed with it!<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>What are they talking about?<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Haha. If you'd like. I can arrange you a meeting with another "Big Boy".<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Really!? That would be awesome Madison!<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>It's cool.<</speech>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="doc">
<img src='img/endings/bbc/change.jpg' class='medium'>
Idea of Marcus to change your body makes you a little exicted.
Burnett was already waiting in his room and leads you to room for a little changes.
<<speech "Burnett">>$name. You came. Good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey doc. My boyfriend-<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Marcus, I know. Come with me. He says that we need to change your lips.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my. Yes!! It will be interesting to see how these cocks will be sucked by these new lips!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Haha. I tell you. It will be a lot better.<</speech>>
<<link "<h7>Don't do it!</h7>">><<goto "mcroom">><</link>>
<<link "<h7>Become a BBC Whore!@@color:hotpink;(This decision lead to the end)@@</h7>">><<replace "#doc">><<audio "lvl1" play>>
<img src='img/endings/bbc/changes.jpg' class='medium'>
After several hours, Doc is waking you up.
Right away you touch your lips.
<div class="posarousal">My god! They are huge! I can't wait to suck black cock.</div>
<<set $corruptionlevel to 10>>
<<set $arousal to -100>><<upd>>
<<speech "Player3" "$name Blacked">>Thanks doc.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Sure, little suck for the trip?<</speech>>
<img src='img/endings/bbc/changes2.jpg' class='medium'>
<<speech "Player3" "$name Blacked">>Doc. White dicks are for losers. Ask diffrent girl for it. I have to go. My boys needs me.<</speech>>
Burnett smiled.
<<button [[Boys]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="boys">
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/double4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
<div class="posarousal">These guys have no mercy on you. They are pouding you and cumming on you all night.
You can't imagine how to live without them. This is your new purpose. To serve them.</div>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Look at her! Haha!<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>She can't stop cumming on my cock! Shieet!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player3" "$name Blacked">>PLEASE DON'T STOP! OH GOD!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Girl! We got whole night! It's not over yet.<</speech>>
<<link "<h9>MORE!!! GIVE ME MORE!!!</h9>">><<replace "#boys">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/double5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player3" "$name Blacked">>I CAN'T WAIT! PLEASE HURRY UP!<</speech>>
<<link "<h9>Three Hours later</h9>">><<replace "#boys">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/double6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Let's go to other room. Floor is so slippery of her wet cunt.<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>Yeah! Let's fucking go bitch.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player3" "$name Blacked">>TAKE ME THERE!<</speech>>
Tyrone take you to the other room and toss you on the bed.
<<link "<h9>Slut</h9>">><<replace "#boys">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/double7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player3" "$name Blacked">>RAPE MY PUSSY!<</speech>>
<<link "<h9>Worship them</h9>">><<replace "#boys">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/double8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
<div class="posarousal">Your mind woke up, and thought... WHAT AM I DOING??!
But now.. Now you can't escape it. You love to be fucked by them. </div>
<<speech "Player3" "$name Blacked">>GURLP! GURLP! MMM!!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Ye.. Like this bitch. Suck it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>Damn. She is so fucked up! Tyrone. Let's finish this quickly before she'll get a brain disorder. Haha.<</speech>>
<<link "<h9>Slave</h9>">><<replace "#boys">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/doubleend.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Haha... Take that. Bitch.<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>What a good little slut. You deserver for some rest.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player3" "$name Blacked">>Fuck....<</speech>>
<<button [[Dad texts you]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bbc">
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/group5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
<div class="posarousal">You had enough of arguing of the boys over you. It's time to take initiative.</div>
<<speech "Player5" "Queen $name">>Boys! Marcus is gonna lead this time. Wait for your turn.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Didn't i tell you boys? She is the one.<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>Our QUEEN!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Yes! My Queen!<</speech>>
<div class="posarousal">Guys marked you as a Queen!</div>
<<link "<h6>They Serve You.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/group6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
Boys without hesitation listens to your command.
You feel like you have control over them.
<<speech "Player5" "Queen $name">>Come on Tyrone! Keep it up!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>FUCK!!! THAT IS SO FUCKING HOT!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player5" "Queen $name">>Hey! You! Don't look at me like that. Come here!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Black Guy">>Me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player5" "Queen $name">>Are you deaf?! Your cock into my mouth! Right fucking now!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Black Guy">>YES! MY QUEEN!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Get them in Line.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/group7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
Marcus is intensely proud. Boys were waiting in the line like in the army.
Waiting for your command.
<<speech "Marcus">>Fuck... $name. You changed!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player5" "Queen $name">>Only for you. Daddy. Only.. For you! Fynn! Your turn!<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>Can... I.. My queen?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player5" "Queen $name">>Yes. Get in here.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Command them.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/group8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
Now it's time to show how Queen can handle this couple of big cocks at the same time.
<<speech "Player5" "Queen $name">>Marcus rest down. You are special one. And you Tyrone, Get me from behind.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>My queen!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player5" "Queen $name">>Harder! Tyrone! Hardeeerr!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Your wish is my wish!!! FUCK!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Guys waiting for your wish.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/group9.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
After several hours of rough fucking and command. Guys were ready to deliver their special prize for you.
A gift!
<<speech "Player5" "Queen $name">>Ahh!! AH! Yes! Like that!! Guys! You are so superb!<</speech>>
<<speech "Fynn">>Anything for our Queen!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Like that? My Queen!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player5" "Queen $name">>Yes! That tempo is very fucking nice!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>I'm gonna cum!!! My Queen! Can i!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player5" "Queen $name">>NO! WAIT!!! Till Marcus get's his cum first!<</speech>>
Tyrone was a bit down by it. But you don't care.
For you, Only Marcus counts in this group. You wanted to be breed by him. Have his childrens!
<<speech "Marcus">>I'm ready. It's time breed our Queen.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Breeding time.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/group10.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
You get into postion that Marcus could easily cum into your Pussy.
From that amount of cum you were sure that you would be breed.
<<speech "Player5" "Queen $name">>That's it. Daddy! Our First Baby!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Fuck...!! You are so... So... Beautiful!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player5" "Queen $name">>I am so spent... Take me to shower.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Shower Time.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/group11.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
After a couple of hours of fucking your wish is to wash the sweat.
<<speech "Fynn">>My queen! I can't take this anymore! Please let me cum!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player5" "Queen $name">>Of course Fynn. Let me taste it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player5" "Queen $name">>Mmm... It taste nice Very nice. I can't wait for another meal in other days.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>It will be an honor to satiate you, My Queen.<</speech>>
<<button [[Couple years later|Marcus's Proposition]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bbc">
<img src='img/avatars/mc1.jpg' class='small'>
<h3>@@color:lightblue;A couple of years have passed since you separated from your parents. They were leading to you the path where you became a sweet innocent girl. Their love was a special thing... But it's too late for that.@@
@@color:red;You realized that they kept you on a leash in front of a world that is not so colorful.@@ </h3>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena</h6>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<img src='img/endings/bbc/lena.jpg' class='medium'>
<h3>Not so colorful after Lena showed you the true life. Lena was the girl you wanted to be. After you discovered that she was fucking her father it was something you couldn't comprehend. Fucking with your own Father?! It is a taboo. a taboo that aroused you. Crossing that line is something that you dreamed of. </h3>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel gte 2>><<linkreplace "<h7>@@color:hotpink;Daddy@@</h7>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>><img src='img/endings/bbc/daddy.webp' class='medium'>
<div class="posarousal">And you crossed that line with your Own Father. But at what cost? It wasn't enough. You hate hiding your love for your Daddy from the whole world. Greed hinted that this was not enough to fulfill your hidden dreams. Nevertheless, it was a very interesting experience.</div>
<<linkreplace "<h6>A new destiny</h6>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<img src='img/endings/bbc/lenaparty.jpg' class='small'>
<div class="posarousal">It was the time to meet Marcus. Lena was crazy about this guy. She told you that this guy is life changer.
At first I was afraid of him. So I avoided him as much as I could, but the pressure was stronger than me.
But Marcus told you to watch. Only to watch.</div>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Watch</h6>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<img src='img/endings/bbc/lena.webp' class='medium'>
<div class="posarousal">After what you saw, You were jealous of Lena. Wished you were there instead of her.
But at last you found your purpose. Becoming a girl in a harem of gentlemen.</div>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Dreams came true.</h6>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<img src='img/endings/bbc/ending.jpg' class='medium'>
<div class="posarousal">And one day, You managed to fulfill it! That work was so hard for you.
Your mind couldn't comprehand, How much it's going to cost.
Losing contact with your family.
To become a...</div>
<<link "<h6>QUEEN</h6>">><<goto "queen">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bbc">
<img src='img/endings/bbc/start.webp' class='imageleft'>
<h3>Guys have claimed you as their Queen.</h3>
Every day, They were obeying your command.
Whatever time it was.
If you wished to be fucked one of them.
It was their pleasure to fulfill your wishes.
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>CHOKE ME! CHOKE MEE!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lucky one</h6>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<img src='img/endings/bbc/line.jpg' class='medium'>
Everyday after waking up, shower and eating breakfast...
In the entrance hall of the house, Boys with their ready cock were stading in line and waiting for your wish.
Who will be the lucky one on that day?
Mainly they were jealous of Marcus.
Since you only chose him to spend the day.
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>Marcus. Come with me.<</speech>>
But sometimes Marcus for the great of good for his boys, declined your propostion.
<<speech "Marcus">>I'm so sorry Queen. Today, I can't fullfill your needs.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Your Request Denied?</h6>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<img src='img/endings/bbc/start2.webp' class='medium'>
With anger you pulled Fynn. After one hour you called for rest of the boys.
You hoped to make Marcus jealous.
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>Tyrone, Fynn and YOU!! WITH ME! NOW!<</speech>>
But Marcus was hardly impressed by it. He didn't care about that. He wanted something else.
<<link "<h6>Transformation</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">><<set $body to 5>><<upd>>
<img src='img/endings/bbc/years.jpg' class='small'>
At first, Boys were a bit skeptical about the decision you made. But it was your request not theirs. So, you take a surgery and now you got a bigger tits. Thinking maybe it will make Marcus to change his mind.
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>Marcus? Do you want to try the new me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>I'm so sorry Queen. But no.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Another your request denied...</h6>">><<scrolldown 1.5s t8n>>
<img src='img/endings/bbc/after2.webp' class='imageleft'>
That transformation made boys a really happy but it has a side effects.
Now it is harder to please you.
<<speech "Tyrone">>Fuck!!! Queen! Your udders are so perfect!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>Hader! Gosh!!! Marcus would know how to do it!<</speech>>
<img src='img/endings/bbc/after.webp' class='imageright'>
Marcus was a bit mad at you for saying things like that.
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>HARDER!! AH!! YES!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Queen!! I'm gonna cum!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>No!!! Don't!<</speech>>
Tyrone couldn't handle the pressure. Just like other boys.
You were mad at them for not taking care of you.
The only person you need is Marcus!
<<link "<h6>Marcus</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "wave" play>><</timed>>
<img src='img/endings/bbc/beach.jpg' class='medium'>
Lately Marcus was a bit nervous and shy. You never see him like this before. Boys wouldn't tell you what it was all about. Then one day in the night Marcus invite you to the beach where hut is stading near the sea.
Night was really cozy and nice. Hearing water splash into the beach sounds peacufuly to you. It was so lovely.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Horse?</h6>">><<scrolldown 2s t8n>>
<img src='img/endings/bbc/horse.jpg' class='small'>
Then out of nowhere, Horse came. You were thrilled by it. Marcus with a happy face took your hand and put you on a horse.
<img src='img/endings/bbc/dinner.webp' class='imageright'>
He leads you to the place where the table were waiting for both you. For a moment you think he wants to propose to you. Is he?
After eating lovely dinner. Marcus stood up and lead you to the sea.
Then he kneel before you and take out the ring. You got so excited and happy.
<<speech "Marcus">>$name. After what you become. I never knew i would find a girl- Sorry.. a Woman who could made me so happy. That's why... I want you to be my Wife.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>I-I-... YES! MARCUS I WANT TO BE YOUR WIFE!<</speech>>
Both of you laughed, hugged and kiss on the sea.
<<link "<h6>Bride!</h6>">><<goto "bride">><<set $body to 6>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bbc">
<img src='img/endings/bbc/doctor.jpg' class='medium'>
After the wedding, few weeks laters you felt sick. You and Marcus went to the hospital.
The Doctor had an amazing news for you.
<<speech "Boy1" "Doctor">>You are in Child! Congratulations.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>Oh my god!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>No fucking way! Wow!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Two Decades</h6>">><<set $body to 7>><<upd>>
<img src='img/endings/bbc/child.jpg' class='medium'>
Two decades later you and Marcus raised a pretty blonde girl.
She was sweet and innocent like you.
After your daughter aged to adult life, Marcus interest in you dropped and starts to take care of your daughter throughly.
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>Remember! Listen to me and your Daddy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "Daughter">>Of course! I wouldn't dare. Lately Daddy is fun to hang around.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>Oh really?<</speech>>
You don't want to think about this.
But somehow you know something is wrong with your Daughter.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Daughter</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<img src='img/endings/bbc/daughter.webp' class='medium'>
In fact, she's just like you.
From the moment that Marcus showed her weeding picture.
She desired to be just like you. To be a new Queen.
So your daughter evantually meet with some black boys and get fuck everyday when you are out of the house.
<<speech "Tyrone">>Fuck... You are so good. Better than your Mom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "Daughter">>Haha! Really? It so nice to hear that!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Discover the Truth.</h6>">><<goto "endbbc">><</link>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bbc">
<img src='img/endings/bbc/ceremony1.jpg' class='medium'>
That ceremony wasn't ordinary. Before going into the altar Marcus invited you to the room where the photograher was waiting. He was a bit weird with this situation.
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>Marcus!? What is going on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Calm down, Wifey. We'll take a some memory pictures for our kids.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>Really?! Kids?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>I want you to make me a babies.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>That's... Wow! Okay! Haha! I never thought about it!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Memory Photo</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">><<audio "photo" play>>
<img src='img/endings/bbc/ceremony.jpg' class='medium'>
Photographer hearing this converstation, became a little uncomfortable.
<<speech "Boy1" "Photographer">>Are.. you ready..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Yeah. Like this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Photographer">>*cough*! Yes...! This is good!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Cool. Now get out.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Ceremony</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/wed.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
Finally alone. You and Marcus.
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>Marcus...<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>You are so pretty. I can't wait. I need to fuck you right now.<</speech>>
His massive hands starts slowly pulling your panties down.
<<link "<h6>Ceremony</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/wed1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
Carefully Marcus starts pouding you from behind to not destroy your dress.
Guest are waiting for both of you. But you didn't care.
<<speech "Marcus">>Fuck....<</speech>>
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>My god! Your Cock! It feels so fucking good!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Ceremony</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/wed2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
He slowly undress your weeding dress.
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>Haha! Yes... Careful! We have a weeding party.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Fuck this... Let them wait. <</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Ceremony</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/wed3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
Marcus cock inside and his whisper makes you so exicted.
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>YES! JUST LIKE THAT! FUCK ME!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>I'm gonna...CUM!!!! NO FUCKING WAY!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Let's make a baby. <</speech>>
Orgasm and another orgasm.
<<link "<h6>Ceremony</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/wed4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
Another one. Finally you feel the way it should be before. Being a whore to your husband's cock.
<<speech "Marcus">>After we raised our child... We're gonna be a Incest Family.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>AHH!! AGAIN!! MY GOD!!! THAT IS SO GOOD TO HEAR!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Ceremony</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/wed5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
You don't know if Marcus was telling the truth but it brought you to a powerful orgasm.
Ograsm and his semen inside your cunt, you will surely become a mother.
What a kind of Mother?
<<speech "Marcus">>I'm hoping for a girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>Me too. Husband.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>My wife.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Pregnancy</h6>">><<goto "pregnancy">><</link>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bbc">
<img src='img/endings/bbc/daughter2.jpg' class='medium'>
One day you came back to house early than the usually. You were trying to call for you daughter but moaning noises makes you stop. These sounds were coming from your bedroom. You discover a thing you couldn't believe your own eyes.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Peek</h6>">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/fdaughter.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
You found that she was fucking with her own father. Marcus.
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">><sub>My god... Marcus with and my daughter. So he was telling the truth.</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Fuck...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "Daughter">>DADDY!! PLEASE!! FUCK ME MORE!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>The way it should be.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/fdaughter2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
At first you were dissapointed but watching how Marcus is showing his love to his daughter...
<<speech "Marcus">>Come on baby girl. Show your Daddy some love.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "Daughter">>It so good! Better than with your friends. Daddy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>I know. I told them to you fucked you good. But i'm better than them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jeez! Daddy! You are so bad... Haha!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Only for you. I hope your Mommy will join us soon.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Join them</h6>">><<goto "endbbc2">><<set $body to 8>><</link>>
</b></div><div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bbc">
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/wdaughter.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
That view is gonna mark your memory forever.
Watching your Daughter sucking Daddy's cock was so weird to you at first.
Marcus smiled to you and points his finger to join them.
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>Marcus...<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Shhh. $name. Come. Join to the family.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "Daughter">>Mommy! Come! Join us! <</speech>>
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>Make space, My little princess.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "Daughter">>Haha!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>See my Daughter? Not only does she enjoy watching, she'll also teach you something. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "Daughter">>Yes Daddy.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Taboo Family.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/wdaughter1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
The feeling of watching a daughter having a meaningful sexual interaction with Marcus has lost its meaning.
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>Mmm... Pussy's daughter must taste good. Don't you Marcus?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Hell yeah. It taste so sweet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "Daughter">>Ah..! My god! I'm gonna cum. Please keep going!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Taboo Family.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/wdaughter2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
Watching how your daughter gushed with joy when she's taking daddy's cock makes you happy.
Very happy.
<<speech "Player" "Daughter">>Ah!! Mommy! DADDY FEELS SO GOOD!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>I know honey. Feel his cock. Embrace it.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>End.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video controls src="img/endings/bbc/wdaughter3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop></video>
After several hours later, Marcus breed his own daughter and the rest of cum let you to drink.
<<speech "Player" "Daughter">>Oh my.. Daddy's cum is inside me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>Isn't this lovely honey?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>I'm so proud. Both of you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "Daughter">>I'm so happy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player5" "$name Queen">>Yes. A happy family...<</speech>>
This is the end. The choice you made lead you to the path where you never dreamed of.
You have everything you wanted. Husband, Child, New Friends and Place to live.
But you banished your lost family. They don't know where are you and what have you become.
Thinking maybe you should reconnect with them?
But... Why?
You are happy. Happy with your New Family.
<h3>The End of BBC Route</h3>
</span></b></div><<widget "chloecaption">>\
<div class="statscorrupt"><b>@@color:lightyellow;Created by Livervt@@</b></div>\
<div class="statschloe">
<div class="statscorrupt"><i>@@color:teal;''Chloe''@@</i></div>
<<if $chloecorruption gte 1 and $chloecorruption lte 5>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:red;Truth:$chloecorruption@@</div>\
<<elseif $chloecorruption is true>>\
<div class="stats">\
<<if $timechloe is 0>>\
<<elseif $timechloe is 1>>\
@@color:white;Late Morning@@
<<elseif $timechloe is 2>>\
<<elseif $timechloe is 3>>\
@@color:orange;Late Afternoon@@
<<elseif $timechloe is 4>>\
@@color:lightpink;Evening @@
<<elseif $timechloe is 5>>\
<<widget "rightchloe">>\
<<if $chloeclothes is 1 and $ubranachloe is 0>>\
<img src="img/chloe/cloth7.jpg" class='avatarbarchloe'/>
<<elseif $chloeclothes is 2 and $ubranachloe is 0>>\
<img src="img/chloe/cloth6.jpg" class='avatarbarchloe'/>
<<elseif $ubranachloe is 1>>\
<img src="img/chloe/beachsuit.jpg" class='avatarbarchloe'/>
<<widget "chloeavatar">>\
<<if $chloecorruption is false>>\
<img src="img/chloe/chloe.jpg" class='avatarbarchloe'/>
<<elseif $chloecorruption is 1>>\
<img src="img/chloe/chloe1.jpg" class='avatarbarchloe'/>
<<elseif $chloecorruption is 2>>\
<img src="img/chloe/chloe2.jpg" class='avatarbarchloe'/>
<<elseif $chloecorruption is 3>>\
<img src="img/chloe/chloe3.jpg" class='avatarbarchloe'/>
<<elseif $chloecorruption is 4>>\
<img src="img/chloe/chloe4.jpg" class='avatarbarchloe'/>
<<elseif $chloecorruption is 5>>\
<video src="img/chloe/chloe.webm" class='avatarbarchloe' autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif $chloeavatar is 1>>\
<img src="img/chloe/chloe.jpg" class='avatarbarchloe'/>
<</widget>>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "outside" pause>>
<<button [[Player|playerchloe]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Lena|Lenachloe]]>><</button>>
<<button [[To the Class|classeschloe]]>><</button>>
<<button [[To Home|chloehouse2]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="schoolclass1"><b>\
<img src="img/school/history.jpg" width="50%">
Class is starting.
<<speech "Girl1" "Teacher">>During World War II, a Great Dane named Juliana was awarded the Blue Cross Medal. She extinguished an incendiary bomb by peeing on it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>No way! A dog awarded a medal?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Huh!? It's fascinating.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My god. I'm falling asleep...<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|chloehouse2]]>><<set $timechloe to 2>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "outside" pause>>
<img src="img/chloe/pov/player.jpg" class="imageleft">
You see $name hanging around in the hallway. She's wearing a daring outfit that makes you confused.
Emma, once she saw you, with a kind smile approached you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Chloe. What's up?<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>SHE CORRUPTS YOU!</h6>">><<goto "playerchloe">><<set $corruptionchloe to $corruptionchloe +1>><</link>>
<<button [[Go back to School|schoolchloe]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $sophiasurgery is 0>>
<span id="soph">
<img src="img/sophia/greet.jpg" class='medium'>
Sophia is sitting on the desk and writing some reports.
As you enter, She smiled at you kindly and ask you to sit.
<<speech "Sophia">>Oh hey $name. What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sophia. I have made a decision. I am ready for surgery.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Are you sure?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Sophia Advice</h4>">>
<<speech "Sophia">>If you need financial support ask Lucas. I'll let him know. Just go to him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really? Thanks Sophia!<</speech>>
<<if $lucashelp is 0>>\
<<set $lucashelp to 1>>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel gte 2 and $mcorruptionlevel gte 2 and $corruption gte 50 and $bimboend is 3 and $money gte 1850 and $corruptionlevel is 2>>
<<link "<h7>Surgery @@color:lightgreen;1850$@@ @@color:violet; $parents Corruption Level 2@@ @@color:red; Corruption 50@@ @@color:hotpink; Bimbo Stage 2@@</h7>">><<set $sophiasurgery to 1>><<goto "Surgery">><</link>>
<<link "<h7>Don't</h7>">><<goto "clinicsophia">><</link>></table>
<th><<linkreplace "<h7>Surgery @@color:lightgreen;1850$@@ @@color:violet; $parents Corruption Level 2@@ @@color:red; Corruption 50@@ @@color:hotpink; Bimbo Stage 2@@</h7>">><<replace "#soph">>
<<if $money lte 1849>>@@color:lightgreen;You don't have enough of money@@
<<if $lucashelp is 0>>\
<<set $lucashelp to 1>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'll try ask Lucas for Financial Support.<</speech>><</if>>
<<if $corruption lte 49>>@@color:hotpink;Not enough Corruption@@<</if>>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel lte 1 and $mcorruptionlevel lte 1 or $fcorruptionlevel lte 1 or $mcorruptionlevel lte 1 >>@@color:orange;You need to Corrupt your Parents@@<</if>>
<<if $bimboend lte 2>><div class="posarousal">You need to be Bimbofied by Barnett</div><</if>><<link "<h6>Leave.</h6>">><<goto "clinicsophia">><</link>>
<th><<link "<h7>Don't</h7>">><<goto "clinicsophia">><</link>></th></table>
<<if $sophiasurgery is 1>>
<<money -1850>>
<img src="img/sophia/greet3.jpg" class='medium'>
Money is gone, Sophia with a kind smile looks at you.
<<speech "Sophia">>Before that, I need to remove your "little diseases"<</speech>>
<<set $bimboend to 1>><<upd>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh! Okay. So, What do i have to do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Relax and lie down on the bed. I'll come back to you later.<</speech>>
Sophia left you alone.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Your Body. Your Choice.</h6>">>
This time has come. It's time to change your Body into something else. You are bothered by having a small tits.
Today, Sophia is prepraring the room where you in stress are waiting for surgery by lying in the bed.
Before going to the clinic you called your $parents with the decision. Before you corrupted their minds, They did not accept with your decision. But now your $mom and $dad have changed.
<<speech "Sophia">>$name. You have a visitor.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom Shows up.</h6>">>
<img src="img/sophia/mom.jpg" class='medium'>
They are now thrilled to have a girl with big tits. Your $mom even showed up in the clinic to support you.
She even showed you tips before going for surgery due to the fact that she herself has enlarged breasts.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>I'm so proud with your Decision!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really? Are you okay with this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Of course! Having a big titty $daughter is my one of my dreams! And how many guys will be looking at you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow.. $mom! I don't know what to say.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>It's your choice. And you did the right thing. Long ago i did it too! Before... Before I gave birth to you and...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm... $mom? Me and... Who?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Shhh.... Just relax. I'll tell you later. You've got a big day.<</speech>>
<img src="img/sophia/kiss.jpg" class='medium'>
Tongue kisses with your $mom before the surgery calmed you down completely. It even led you to sleep.
<<link "<h6>Surgery </h6>">><<goto "SurgeryMC">><<set $sophiasurgery to 2>><</link>>
</b></div><div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="c3">
<img src="img/sophia/whisper.jpg" class='medium'>
Sophia with the nurses leads you in the sleep into the operation room.
Nurses puts you into the coma. Sophia before the surgery whispers you to the ear.
<<speech "Sophia">>I wonder if your $bro will recognize you?<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Sleep</h6>">><<replace "#c3">>
<<set $corruptionlevel to 3>><<set $avatar to 16>><<upd>>
<video controls src="img/dream/wakingup3.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop>
Choose New Portrait:
<th><<link "<h7>Previous</h7>">><<avatar -1>><<upd>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Next</h7>">><<avatar +1>><<upd>><</link>></th></table>
<div class="posarousal">Your corruption level is now 3. </div>
<video src="img/dream/lust.webm" class="mediumc" autoplay loop>
<<link "<h6>Dreaming</h6>">><<goto "corruptionlevel3">><<set $bimboend to 2>><</link>>
</b></div><div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><<audio "wakingup" play>><b>\
<img src="img/dream/brother.jpg" class="medium">
<div class="posarousal">Somewhere in the Europe.
You are packing up your stuff with your $bro Luke.
The Day The "Your" World Went Away. </div>
<<speech "Luke">>$name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. Big $bro?<</speech>>
<img src="img/dream/bear.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Luke">>Don't forget to pack your favorite toy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh Luke! I think I shouldn't keep it with me anymore. It's a bit childish. Anyway, I don't know where is he.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Don't say it. Mr.Papi brings some good memories!<</speech>>
<img src="img/dream/kiss.jpg" class="medium">
<div class="posarousal">Luke hugged you and you were about to kiss but someone interfered with your private moment and you went back to packing your things
<<speech "Olena" "Olena">>Come on kids! They are waiting for us. Chop-Chop!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>We'll be in a second. $mom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "Olena">>Hurry up! Rush your $sister! We need to catch a plane.<</speech>>
<div class="posarousal">Mother left with the sound of a whipping suitcase.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's so weird. Leaving without goodbye. Again!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>I know. But we need to go with our $mom. Go $name. I'll find Mr.Papi.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is it necessary? Let it go. Big $bro.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Shh. Just go. I'll be behind you.<</speech>>
<div class="posarousal">End of the dream</div>
<<button [[Wake up|surgerymc2]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b><<set $week to $week +3>>\
<img src="img/dream/window.jpg" class='medium'><<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "wave" play>><</timed>>
<<timed 10s t8n>><<audio "wave" play>><</timed>><<timed 20s t8n>><<audio "wave" play>><</timed>>
Waking in a different empty room. You don't what day, time or a month is.
Through the window you can see that it is a sunny day, You can hear a sea waves and sound of seagulls.
Still, Your Head is in a lot of pain. You want to stand but are blocked by the pain you suffer on your chest.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Where.. Where am i?<</speech>>
After a few minutes you give up of getting up and starts to look at the celling. Reflecting on the dream you experienced.
That wasn't a dream. That was your past!
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom... $dad...? Luke...<</speech>>
One of the nurses called for Sophia. After a few minutes, Sophia came to the room and smiled at you.
<<speech "Sophia">>Hello $name. How are you feeling?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Not so good... Everything hurts.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Just as I was expecting. The wounds need to heal.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But... Mostly my head...<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Your head? That's odd. Nurse! Give her more medicines.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Where is $mom... and $dad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>About that. We had to relocate. Rest assured, they've been informed everyday about your condition. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh..? Why? Where am i?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>In Europe. Southern Europe. The reason to relocate is we had some complication. Here is the best way to treat this type of wound.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah... My head...<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>$name. Please you need to rest. I'll tell you later.<</speech>>
Sophia typed something on the computer near you. After you right away went to sleep.
<<button [[Few weeks later]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/mcroom/mirror.jpg' class='large98'>
<<if $start is false>>\
<h3>@@color:orange;Welcome to the game and thank your for Playing!@@</h3>
Choose the Portrait.
<<set $start to true>>\
<h38>Portrait:</h38><<if $corruptionlevel gte 1>>
<<if $avatar is 16 and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $avatargod is false>>
<th><<link "<h20>Previous</h20>">><<audio "click" play>><<avatar -1>><<goto "Mirror">><</link>></th><</if>>\
<<if $avatar is 23 and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $avatargod is false>>
<th><<link "<h20>Next</h20>">><<audio "click" play>><<avatar +1>><<goto "Mirror">><</link>></th><</if>>
<table style="width:35%">
<<if $avatarvid is false and $bimbolvl1 is true or $avatargod is true and $avatarvid is false>>\
<<link "<h20>Animation OFF</h20>">><<audio "click" play>><<goto "Mirror">><<set $avatarvid to true>><</link>>
<<elseif $bimbolvl1 is true and $avatarvid is true or $avatargod is true and $avatarvid is true>>\
<<link "<h20>Animation ON</h20>">><<audio "click" play>><<goto "Mirror">><<set $avatarvid to false>><</link>>
<<link "<h7>Avatar</h7>">><<set $avatar to 0>><<goto "Mirror">><</link>>
<table style="width:35%">
<div class="posarousal"><h38>Special Mirror</h38></div>
@@color:orange;<i>(For supporters)</i>@@
<<textbox "_input" "" autofocus>>
<<link "<h20>Enter the Code.</h20>">><<audio "click" play>>
<<if ["laluna", "laluna", "laluna"].includes(_input.toLowerCase())>>
<<goto "specialpotrate">>
<<replace "#output">><<= either(["Please Support Dev.", "Please Support Dev."])>><</replace>>
<</link>><span id="output"></span>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<h2>Bailey's House</h2>
The house is modest and pleasant to look at. There is a room inside that is empty and Chloe's Dad room has double bed which only one side is used a lot.
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/chloeroom.jpg' class='mediumcity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "chloeroom">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/bayleyroom.jpg' class='mediumcity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "bayleroom">><</link>></th>
<<if $time gte 20>>
<<button [[Leave|outsidenight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<masteraudio stop>>\
<img src='img/lucas/help/start.jpg' class="medium">
You came here for financial help from Lucas. The cost of surgery is Enormous. Feeling desperate you want to do everything to make your dream come true. But to make it happen, You'll try to fulfill everything Lucas asks you to do.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lucas</h6>">>
As you walked into his house.
Lucas was sitting in the hallway, Reading some newspaper.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lucas.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name. What can i do for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Um... I am asking for you help.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Help? You mean. Money?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh. Yes. Money. I don't know where to go. But all of the people i know... You got a lot of money.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Huh. You are smart one. I have to give you that. But i wonder... How will you convice me to hand you that kind of money?<</speech>>
Few options to choose.
<<if $mcorruptionlevel gte 2 and $ml is false>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:red;Help him to date your Mother@@</h6>">><<goto "lucasmomdate">><</link>>
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel lte 1>>\
<<link "<h6>Help him to date your Mother@@color:red;((Mother Corruption Level 2))@@</h6>">><</link>>
<<if $evalevel gte 2 and $mraport is false>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:green;Report about Eva's Kink@@</h6>">><<goto "lucasevakink">><</link>>
<<elseif $evalevel lte 1>><<link "<h6>Report about Eva's Kink@@color:green;((Restaurant Level 2))@@</h6>">><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $blackwater is true and $lwater is false or $blackwater is false and $lwater is false>>\
<<if $davidsecret is true>>
<<link "<h6>Program BlackWater</h6>">><<goto "blackwater">><</link>>
<<elseif $davidsecret is false>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:black;Ask Lucas for a Task@@</h6>">><<goto "dadsecrets">><</link>><</if>>\
<<button [[Leave|lucashouse]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<h2>Chloe's Room</h2>
<span id="talk">\
Chloe's room is a bit of a mess. She has a huge bilbiotica and a stack of papers on the shelf.
<<if $time gte 13 and $time lte 20 and $chloeout is false or $chloeout is true and $time lte 17.5 and $time gte 13>>\
<span id="talk">\
<<set _c to random(1,2)>>\
<<if _c is 1>>\
<img src='img/chloe/chloeroom.jpg' class='large'>
<<elseif _c is 2>>\
<img src='img/chloe/chloereading.jpg' class='large'>
Chloe is in the room, Reading books and listening to some kind of girly music, you don't like.
<<speech "Chloe">>Hey $name.<</speech>>
<<include "chloeout1">>\
<<if $chloecorruptionmc gte 5 and $chloelvl is 0>>\
<<link "<h6>Chloe's Transformation @@color:orange;Chloe's Corruption $chloecorruptionmc/5 @@</h6>">><<set $day to 6>><<set $chloeright to 1>><<set $changetochloe to 1>><<set $chloelvl to 1>><<goto "chloe1">><</link>>\
<<elseif $chloecorruptionmc lte 4>>\
<<link "<h6>Chloe's Transformation @@color:grey;Chloe's Corruption $chloecorruptionmc/5@@</h6>">><</link>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Talk with Chloe</h4>">><<replace "#talk">>\
<img src='img/chloe/talk.jpg' class='large98'>
<<speech "Chloe">>Sorry for the mess. I'm still settling in.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't mind at all. By the way, you have a nice house!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>It's a bit small but it can manage. After all, It's not my house. It's a bit empty without my Brother and Mother.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh. You must be a bit lonely after they gone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Yes and No. Sometimes I don't know who to talk to but often i visit my Mom at the hospital<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hospital? Is she ill or something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Haha. No. Quiet opposite. She's working there. As receptionist.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh! Cool! Hmm... What about your Dad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Dad?! Jeez. I'm avoiding him. He's impossible to talk to. He only complains and complains...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's a shame. You mention your Brother. Is he living in the same city?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Oh yeah. He is. My brother is the best guy i know. He knows how to humor me and is very lovely. But latetly he's changed after the moved out with Mom. My brother and Mom are changed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What do you mean by that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Uhh... It's hard to say. I hope it's not that wrong what i think.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What do you suspect?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>I... I don't know if i want to reveal that you. I'm barely know you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course. Chloe. I don't want to push you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Thanks $name and for talk.<</speech>>
<<if $chloecorruptionmc gte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Chloe likes you</h4>">><<replace "#talk">>\
<img src='img/chloe/talk2.jpg' class='large98'>
Chloe is smiling and a bit relaxed when you are around.
She sees you as a friend.
<<speech "Chloe">>$name! Thanks for the visit! Come. Sit!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>H-Hey! Happy to hear that. It's everything alright?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>You were right.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Was i? With what?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Thanks to you, I've finally come to understand that my Father is human too and has his own needs.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh. You mean what you encountered the other day? Your father with some booby chick?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Exactly, and I've made my peace with it. After this last conversation we had, I see my father in a different way.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is that so?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Ha-ha, yeah... He is okay, now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Cool to hear that.<</speech>>
<<if $chloetalking is false>>\
<<set $chloetalking to true>><<set $chloecorruptionmc to $chloecorruptionmc +1>><<upd>>\
<div class="posarousal">Chloe's Corruption +1</div><</if>>\
<h38>Chloe is out of the house.</h38>
<<button [[Leave|housechloe]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<h2>Jonathan's Room</h2>
Jonathan's room is well organized and smells gingerly.
<<if $time gte 18>>\
<img src='img/computer/talk.jpg' class='mediumc'>
Teacher is inside the room. He is busy at working in his laptop.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Talk with Teacher</h4>">>
<<if $teacherhorny gte 6>>\
When the teacher looked at you, he turned pale.
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>$name?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Heeyy. Mr.Bailey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>How did you get here?! Chloe is next room!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I know. Calm down Mr.Bailey. Chloe invited me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>$name. What are you doing here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm just looking around. Nice room you got here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>$name? What are you doing here?<</speech>>
<<if $ashley is true and $corruptionlevel lte 2 and $bayleysex is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Talk about Ashley @@color:red;((Corruption Level 3))@@</h7>">>
You need 3 Stage of Corruption<</linkreplace>>
<<elseif $ashleyreveal is true and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $ashleyslave is false>>
<<link "<h12>Talk about Ashley @@color:red;((Corruption Level 3))@@</h12>">>
<<goto "baylehousesex">>
<<if $afterschool1 is true or $afterschool2 is true>>\
<<link "<h6>Seduce Bailey</h6>">><<set $baileysexhouse to 5>><<goto "bayleyseeeex">><</link>>\
<<if $baileyscary is true>>\
<<link "<h6>Chloe is out! @@color:orange;(Repeatable Event)@@</h6>">><<goto "baylexsex">><</link>>\
<<if $afterschool1 is true and $chloeout is true and $baileyscary is false or $afterschool2 is true and $chloeout is true and $baileyscary is false>>\
<<link "<h6>Chloe is out! @@color:orange;(Skipping half part of event: Seduce Bailey)@@</h6>">><<goto "baylexsex">><</link>>\
Mr.Bailey is not here.
<<button [[Leave|housechloe]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<h2>Bailey's House</h2>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/chloeroom.jpg' class='mediumcity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "chloeroom2">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/bayleyroom.jpg' class='mediumcity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "bayleroom2">><</link>></th>
<<button [[To the School|schoolchloe]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<h2>Chloe's Room</h2>
<img src='img/chloe/entry1.jpg' class='small'>
<<button [[Leave|housechloe]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<h2>Jonathan's Room</h2>
<<button [[Leave|housechloe]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bimbo">
<video src="img/park/bimbo1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
@@color:orange;You lose control of your vision, your body, your memory.@@
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Yes! Use me pretty well!<</speech>>
<<arousal 25>><div class="posarousal">Arousal 25</div><<upd>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Two guys at once.</h6>">><<replace "#bimbo">>
<video src="img/park/bimbo2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
@@color:orange; You see only scraps of what is happening to you. Some guy is using you.@@
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>GURLLP! GAWK! Ah!!!<</speech>>
<<arousal 25>><div class="posarousal">Arousal 25</div><<upd>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Inside the car.</h6>">><<replace "#bimbo">>
<video src="img/park/bimbo3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>Fuuuck...!!!!<</speech>>
@@color:orange;You have flashbacks that they carried you inside the car.@@
<<arousal 25>><<set $time to $time +1>>
<div class="posarousal">Arousal 25
You don't recall what occurred here.</div>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>I'm a such whore!<</speech>>
<<if $arousal gte 75>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Reaching your Limits</h6>">><<replace "#bimbo">>
<video src="img/park/bimbocum.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<arousalcum 1>><div class="posarousal">Bimbo Orgasm +1!</div><<arousal -50>><div class="posarousal">Arousal -50</div>
<<speech "Player4" "$name">>More! More!! Fuck me More!!!<</speech>>
<div class="posarousal">It felt so good... You want more! Even more!
You couldn't tell if it was for real or dream...</div>
<<button [[Wake up|Bed]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Wake up|Bed]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "starttom" play>>\
<span id="tom">
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomkiss.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
Coming to Tom you are having a slitght concern that Jack could suspect what are you doing.
Jack is a very a nice guy, But you want more, much more.
As you arrived to Tom's house, Kate was driving off. Tom went out to greet you with long sloppy kiss.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>H-Hi... Tom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Damn. You're looking hotter than ever!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Kate left?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Kate? She went for some stupid game. Don't worry about her. Let's get inside.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Before we do that, I want to let you know that this is just this one time. After that we are done. Okay?<</speech>>
His eyes widened at you.
<<speech "Tom">>We'll see about it. Now convice me that you are a bad girl.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Tease Tom</h6>">><<replace "#tom">><<set $partyface to 21>><<audio "starttom" stop>><<upd>>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomsex1.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
Both of you kissed all over again until you get inside the house.
You threw him into the couch and show him what are you offering.
Tom while looking at you, unzips his cock in a hurry and stroke it gently.
<<speech "Tom">>God... You are so fucking hot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>His cock is ready.</h6>">><<replace "#tom">><<set $partyface to 22>><<upd>>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomsex2.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
On your knees, You approached him and slowly caress his cock.
Tom looks at you from above and waits for you to take it in your mouth.
Your mouth is handling his big cock, Tom is not patient and takes your head to fuck you.
<<speech "Tom">>Fucck.....<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>GOWK GOWK! GURLP!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Get ready.</h6>">><<replace "#tom">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomsex3.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
After 10 minutes sucking his cock, Tom get you up.
Both of you kissing and groping each other.
<<speech "Tom">>Lie down.<</speech>>
You have fulfilled Tom's request. His tongue starts licking your wet pussy.
Each lick get you hornier and hornier.
<<link "<h6>Tom is Awesome!</h6>">><<replace "#tom">><<set $partyface to 23>><<upd>>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomsex4.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
He is so good at this. $name vision began to blur, Remebering that Jack is waiting for you.
But every time Tom spends time with your pussy, You are in heaven. It was exactly what you thought is gonna happen. Tom is satisfying your needs better than Jack.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm!!! Ah! Ah! TOM!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Hmm?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>Fuck me...</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>What did you said?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck me...<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Again, i can't hear you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>FUCK ME ! FUCK ME!!<</speech>>
Tom smiled and ready his cock for you.
<<link "<h6>Now to the Action.</h6>">><<replace "#tom">><<set $partytom to 11>><<set $partyface to 24>><<upd>>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomsex5.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>FUCK!!! TOM!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Dirty girl.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Tom is Better!</h6>">><<replace "#tom">><<upd>>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomsex6.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's it! Fuck me like that!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>You're fucking amazing.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>My God!</h6>">><<replace "#tom">><<upd>>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomsex7.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Tom">>It's a lot better than Jack huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Tom stops.</h6>">><<replace "#tom">><<set $partyface to 25>><<set $partytom to 12>><<upd>>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomtalk.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay controls>
Tom stopped fucking you and threw you to the couch.
While masturbating each other, Tom slowed the pace.
<<speech "Tom">>Now tell me, this is the last time with me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Tom.. Please...<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>I bet Jack wouldn't satisfy you! So, it is going to be the last time?<</speech>>
He is right.. Tom is satisfying my needs. Tom is a lot better than Jack.
But is this the right thing to do?
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Tom!!! I...<</speech>>
You phone is vibrating. It's Lena.
<<speech "Lena">>Jack is losing his faith on the game. Whatever you are doing, do it faster.<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>No... I love Jack.</h4>">><<replace "#tom">>
@@color:lightyellow;In the middle of this you came to senses.
It's wrong what you're doing. You should be with Jack! @@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>This is wrong. I can't do this anymore.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Huh? For real? You love that loser over my dick? Your pussy says otherwise.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But my soul says no. I'm leaving.<</speech>>
You gather up and starts to wear your clothes.
Tom didn't protest as you thought. It's really strange.
<<speech "Tom">>Sure. Go ahead, leave. Eventually, you'll come back.<</speech>>
You left Tom alone with his bare naked Cock.
When you left Tom's house, Tom is calling to someone.
<<speech "Tom">><i>I got this recorded as you wanted. I'll send to you later.</i><</speech>>
Tom dismissed the call.
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<set $partytom to 0>><</button>>
<<link "<h6>FUCK THIS LOSER!</h6>">><<replace "#tom">><<set $partyface to 26>><<set $partytom to 13>><<upd>>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomtalk2.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
Jack... Jack? Am i happy with Jack?
I don't know, But thought of betraying him is so much better!
And Tom's Cock a lot better!
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I lied! I want to do this every time i visit you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Haha.. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jack's tiny cock can't even match with your huge cock!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>I love to hear that. You are so bad!!! God, that's so fucking hot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah... Please Tom! I want it! I'm so fucking Horny!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>So impatient. You are so cute when you beg for it.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Devotion.</h6>">><<replace "#tom">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomsex8.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck me HARDER!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Like Jack never could? You fucking cheating slut.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Losing Faith.</h6>">><<replace "#tom">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomsex7.1.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>YES! YES! I AM! I AM CHEATING SLUT!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>God. You are so fucking hot.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Cheating.</h6>">><<replace "#tom">><<set $partyface to 24>><<upd>>\
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomsex9.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AH!! YOU ARE SO FUCKING BETTER THAN HIM! AH!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Loyalty is not for you.</h6>">><<replace "#tom">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomsex10.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>FUCK!! TOM!!! I'M GONNA FUCKING CUM!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Yes.. Cum for me, Slut.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>His cock is ready.</h6>">><<replace "#tom">><<set $partyface to 26>><<upd>>\
<video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/tomcum.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
Long, rough sex helps you forget about Jack. You are becoming addicted to Tom's cock.
You and Tom had enough, His balls is drained to empty and you are exhausted.
Then you got a message from Lena.
<<speech "Lena">><i>Can you hurry up? Jack's team is losing right now..</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck! I need to go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Sure, Go back to this loser but you know who is the best one.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes.. Bye.<</speech>>
In hurry you gather your belongings, Tom helped you and walked you to the door.
You left Tom's house with a few regrets. But still, it was the best time you've ever had.
<<button [[End|mcroom]]>><<set $partytom to 0>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="lewd"><b>\
<table style width="100%">
<th><video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/chose.webm" class='potratespecial' autoplay loop></video>
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 100>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th>
<th><video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/slut.webm" class='potratespecial' autoplay loop></video>
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 101>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th>
<th><video src="img/jackhouse/boredday/slut1.webm" class='potratespecial' autoplay loop></video>
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 102>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th></table>
<table style width="100%">
<th><img src="img/avatars/bimboavatar.jpg" class="potratespecial">
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 103>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th>
<th><img src="img/party/facepill.webp" class="potratespecial">
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 104>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th>
<th><img src="img/phone/aftertom.jpg" class="potratespecial">
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 105>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th></table>
<table style width="100%">
<th><img src="img/phone/beforetom.jpg" class="potratespecial">
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 106>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th>
<th><img src="img/phone/drugselfie.jpg" class="potratespecial">
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 107>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th>
<th><img src="img/endings/bbc/queenavatar.jpg" class="potratespecial">
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 108>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th>
<table style width="100%">
<th><video src="img/endings/bbc/family.webm" class='potratespecial' autoplay loop></video>
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 109>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th>
<th><video src="img/endings/bimbostage2/fuckdoll.webm" class='potratespecial' autoplay loop></video>
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 111>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th>
<th><video src="img/endings/bbc/bbchypno.webm" class='potratespecial' autoplay loop></video>
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 112>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th>
<table style width="100%">
<th><video src="img/endings/bbc/bbchypno2.webm" class='potratespecial' autoplay loop></video>
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 113>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th>
<th><video src="img/mom/event/dream.webm" class='potratespecial' autoplay loop></video>
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 114>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th>
<th><video src="img/dream/newyou.webm" class='potratespecial' autoplay loop></video>
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 115>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th>
<table style width="100%">
<th><video src="img/dream/special.webm" class='potratespecial' autoplay loop></video>
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 116>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th>
<th><video src="img/dream/special2.webm" class='potratespecial' autoplay loop></video>
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 117>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th>
<th><video src="img/dream/special3.webm" class='potratespecial' autoplay loop></video>
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 118>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th>
<table style width="100%">
<th><video src="img/dream/special4.webm" class='potratespecial' autoplay loop></video>
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 122>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th>
<th><video src="img/dream/special5.webm" class='potratespecial' autoplay loop></video>
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 123>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th>
<th><video src="img/dream/special6.webm" class='potratespecial' autoplay loop muted></video>
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 124>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th>
<table style width="100%">
<th><video src="img/church/sin.webm" class='potratespecial' autoplay loop muted></video>
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 119>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th>
<th><video src="img/church/sin2.webm" class='potratespecial' autoplay loop muted></video>
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 120>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th>
<th><video src="img/church/sin3.webm" class='potratespecial' autoplay loop muted></video>
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 121>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th>
<th><video src="img/dream/special7.webm" class='potratespecial' autoplay loop></video>
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 125>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th>
<th><video src="img/chloe/chloe.webm" class='potratespecial' autoplay loop></video>
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 126>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th>
<th><video src="img/sophia/clinic/zizilia/avatar.webm" class='potratespecial' autoplay loop></video>
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 127>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th>
<th><video src="img/sophia/clinic/zizilia/avatar2.webm" class='potratespecial' autoplay loop></video>
<<link "<h7>Special</h7>">><<set $avatar to 128>><<goto "specialpotrate">><</link>></th>
<<button "Return" `previous()`>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id ="tom">
<video src="img/tom/visit.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop>
You accept Tom's invitation. He was waiting with his dick ready at the entrace.
<<speech "Tom">>Fuck $name. You are smoking hot!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Kiss Him</h6>">>
<video src="img/tom/visit1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
As you are kissing, Tom is teasing your pussy with his delicate fingers.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm.. Tom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Take my cock out.<</speech>>
<<link "<h7>@@color:red;Take his Cock out@@</h7>">><<replace "#tom">>
<video src="img/tom/visit2.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls muted>
This moment always excites you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck... What a Big Bad Boy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Suck it Babe.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Suck it</h6>">>
<video src="img/tom/visit3.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls muted>
Sucking his cock is the best thing!
<<speech "Tom">>Yeah... Just like that.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:red;Tom Holds you@@</h6>">>
<video src="img/tom/visit4.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls muted>
Tom is roughing you up!
<<speech "Tom">>Fucking slut...!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>GAWK!! GAWK!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Get his Cock inside you!@@</h6>">><<set $time to $time +2>><<goto "tomvisit2">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id ="tom">
<video src="img/tom/visit5.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay muted loop>
You submissively stands up and turn around for Tom.
<<speech "Tom">>Stand up. This pussy needs my cock.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Fucking you</h6>">>
<video src="img/tom/visit6.webm" class='large' autoplay muted controls loop>
Tom is sliding your pussy with his big cock. It's a pleasure you want to enjoy every day from now on.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck Tom! It's so fucking big!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Isn't it?! Is it better than Jack?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Ride his Cock@@</h6>">>
<video src="img/tom/visit7.webm" class='large' autoplay muted controls loop>
Again, Tom know how to hit your weak spot. Being a Jack girlfriend makes you regret that he can't satisfies your needs like Tom is doing right now.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course! It's even better than his tiny cock!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>That's the best thing i heard from you! Haha<</speech>>
<<link "<h7>@@color:red;He pulls you to the table@@</h7>">><<replace "#tom">>
<video src="img/tom/visit8.webm" class='large' autoplay muted controls loop>
After a rough riding, you submit to him on your knees. But he is not done yet.
Tom pulls you to the table.
<<speech "Tom">>Come my slut.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haaa....<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:red;Rough fucking!@@</h6>">>
<video src="img/tom/visit9.webm" class='large' autoplay muted controls loop>
He is pressing you to the table and fucks you roughly.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my fucking god! It feels so fucking good!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:red;On the chair!@@</h6>">>
<video src="img/tom/visit10.webm" class='large' autoplay muted controls loop>
You love jumping on his dick but Tom is about to cum.
<<speech "Tom">>Fuck babe! You are so fucking hot!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah! AH!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h7>@@color:orange;Tom's Cum@@</h7>">><<replace "#tom">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<video src="img/tom/visit11.webm" class='large' autoplay muted controls loop>
Tom stands up and starts to cum on your pretty face.
<<speech "Tom">>Ahhh!! Take this load bitch!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm! It's so pretty on my face.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Yes, It is. Thanks for coming. Jack must be worried.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Speaking of Devil</h6>">>
Phone is ringing. It's Jack!
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha! Look. Jack is calling. He is worried!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Hah! Well i'm off to shower.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Jack!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">><i>Hey my love. Are you free at the moment?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now? Hah. Yes, I am. Wait a second. I'll say goodbye.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">><i>Cool. I'll wait.</i><</speech>>
<video src="img/tom/visit12.webm" class='imageright' autoplay muted loop>
You muted phone for a second.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>See ya Tom. Thanks for fun!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Yeah, Yeah. Bye $name. See you till the next time.<</speech>>
<div class="posarousal"> Another act of betrayal. Do you regret it? Well maybe you'll need to think about this later. Beacuse today you had a great fun!</div>
<<if $tomcheating is 0>>
<<set $tomcheating to 1>><<set $hot to $hot +1>><div class="posarousal">@@color:red;Betrayal +1@@</div><</if>>\
<<set $tomvisit to true>><<set $arousal to 0>>
<<if $time gte 6 and $time lte 20>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenter]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenternight]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<img src="img/jackhouse/date/date2.jpg" class="medium">
Jack gave you a direction where to meet. It is somewhere outside the town. On some kind of hill.
When you arrived there. You can see Jack waving at you from the hill. The view was beautiful when you got there.
<<speech "Jack">>$name! Sorry for you the trouble but the view from here is-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my god! It's so pretty here!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Huh. So. I'm relieved!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jack. You are full of suprises!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Hah. Then follow me. Let's eat.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eat?! Jack! This is too much!<</speech>>
<<if $tomvisit is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Remorse about Tom@@</h6>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<img src="img/jackhouse/date/cheat.jpg" class="medium">
@@color:red;And Again...
You feel a little sorry.
Before going for a Date with Jack.
You cheated on him with Tom.@@
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Hah. Jack is trying his best. But it is not enough. I want to have a lot of having hardcore sex and fun!<</speech>>
Jack lead you to a picnic with full of food and drinks.
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:lightblue;Cuddle with Jack@@</h6>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<img src="img/jackhouse/date/date.jpg" class="medium">
<<if $jackdatecute is false>>\
<<set $jackdatecute to true>> <<set $cute to $cute +1>> <div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Love +1@@</div><</if>>\
After you eat and talk for a few hours. You and Jack went to the hill.
Cuddling with Jack on the hill at sunset. It feel so romantic and nice for a change.
<img src="img/jackhouse/date/kiss.webp" class="medium">
You looked at Jack's face and he did the same. Jack kissed you with the passionate and love.
It feels so nice... Finally, you feel a little happier.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jack. Let's go.<</speech>>
<<link "<h7>Jack's Place.</h7>">><<goto "jackvisit2">><</link>>\
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="jack">
<video src="img/jackhouse/date/date1.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop muted>
You and Jack went to his House.
Thankfully, Anna was out of the house. You want to do a nice thing for Jack for the date.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lie down, Bad Boy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Bad boy? Haha sure. Damn. $name!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:lightblue;Please him@@</h6>">><<replace "#jack">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/date/date2.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop muted>
Jack is trying his best to hold on by sucking him deeply.
<<speech "Jack">>God damn $name. It feels so good!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jack...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:lightblue;Please him@@</h6>">><<replace "#jack">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/date/date3.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop muted>
You want this moment to last longer. Slowly sucking Jack's Dick.
<<speech "Jack">>Ah...<</speech>>
<<if $jacksex gte 2>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Sex with Jack ((Jack Dinner Completed))@@</h6>">><<goto "jackvisit3">><</link>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Sex with Jack ((Required:Jack Dinner))@@</h6>">><</link>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:orange;Jack is having enough.@@</h6>">><<replace "#jack">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/date/date4.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop muted>
Jack couldn't hold it even longer. He is coming to the edge.
<<speech "Jack">>Fuck..!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh Yes! Give me your Cum!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>$name. That felt so good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I love you so much.<</speech>>
After that, Jack felt asleep under exhaustion. It's time to leave him be.
<<set $jackdate to true>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenternight]]>><<set $time to $time +2>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="jack">
<video src="img/jackhouse/date/datesex.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop muted>
You can't hold it any longer.
This time you want to ride Jack's Cock.
<<speech "Jack">>$name. What about-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okay Jack. Today its a safe day.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Ride his Cock.@@</h6>">><<replace "#jack">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/date/datesex1.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop muted>
Riding Jack's cock somehow makes you feel good.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah... Ah!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Slower... $name. Fuck...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Faster!@@</h6>">><<replace "#jack">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/date/datesex2.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop muted>
The feeling is surreal! You are feeling so aroused you need to ride it faster and faster!
<<speech "Jack">>$name... $name...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jack... Jack!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Doggy Style..@@</h6>">><<replace "#jack">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/date/datesex3.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop muted>
Jack is taking initiative. He is pouding you from behind with delicate approach.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck me harder Jack!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Fuck $name... I'm about to explode!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:orange;Jack's Cum@@</h6>">><<replace "#jack">>
<video src="img/jackhouse/date/date4.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop muted>
<<set $jackdate to true>>
Jack couldn't hold it even longer. He is coming to the edge.
<<speech "Jack">>Fuck..!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh Yes! Give me your Cum!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>$name. That felt so good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I love you so much.<</speech>>
After that, Jack felt asleep under exhaustion. It's time to leave him be.
<<button [[Leave|citycenternight]]>><<set $time to $time +2>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<masteraudio stop>>\
<img src='img/lucas/help/mom.jpg' class="medium">
@@color:orange;By the bless of Lucas, You changed Mother. She behaves much differently than before.
Sometimes, You can see that Mom and Dad are not talking like they used to. Mom is a bit selfish but now she is showing her@@@@color:pink; <i>Love</i>@@ @@color:orange;to you with the most desire. @@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I know what you want.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Suprise me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My Mother.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lucas Got Your Attention</h6>">>
<img src='img/lucas/lucas2.jpg' class="imageright">
Lucas glanced at you from beneath the newspaper with the curious face.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Am i right?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name. What are you up to.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lucas. I'll help you to win her over.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Yes. I like this idea.<</speech>>
Lucas nodded with the approval and hands you a 850$.
<<money 850>><div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;850$+@@</div>
<<set $ml to true>><div class="posarousal">You've made an unforgettable promise.</div>
<<button [[Go Back|Ask Lucas for Help]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<masteraudio stop>>\
<img src='img/lucas/help/eva.jpg' class="medium">
One day Lucas asked you to gain a kind of trust from Eva. You've been working on restaurant for couple of days, You know the drill. At first Eva was a kind and understanding manager, but over time she showed her true face. One day, Eva caught you on smoking in the forbidden area. As a punishment she showerd her true kink. She loves having sexual and dominant control over the people.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I discovered some news about Eva.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Good. Let me hear it.<</speech>>
You told him about the incident that happened after the smoking break. He is glad to hear about the secret of Eva's underground. Lucas hands you 500$
<<if $mraport is false>>\
<<set $mraport to true>>\
<<money 500>><div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;500$+@@</div><</if>>\
<<button [[Go Back|Ask Lucas for Help]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<masteraudio stop>>\
<<if $blackwater is false>>
<img src='img/lucas/help/lucas.jpg' class="medium">
Lucas has a mission for you.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>I want you to hack your Dad's Computer. I'm very curious about one file named program Blac-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?! That's... Impossible!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Impossible? Every one has some vulnerabilities $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lucas.. It is impossible.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Hmph. If you surrender that easily then forget it.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Do we give up that easily? Maybe let's try hack at night? Sometimes Dad ends his work around 23:00.<</speech>>
<<if $blackwater is true>>
<img src='img/lucas/help/lucas.jpg' class="medium">
Lucas is still waiting for you report.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>So... You came back. Did you hacked your Dad's Computer?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I did.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Huh? Impressive. And what did you find?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Some files about you, Plane crash and Program BlackWater.<</speech>>
Lucas's eyes shined.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Program BlackWater... Have you read them?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I couldn't. There is some kind of code.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>06281993.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh!? You know the code!?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>No. But i am guessing. Try to type it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lucas... Why do you need to know this? Is something big?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>I am helping you $name. The secrets your family hides... Eventually, one day it will come out.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh...<</speech>>
You are leaving Lucas with a strange thoughts.
At least you know the code. It's time to check it out!
<<linkreplace "<h6>Memorise the Code</h6>">>
<div class="pos">06281993</div>
<<set $code to true>><</linkreplace>>
<<button [[Leave|Ask Lucas for Help]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "files" play loop>>
<h2>Program BlackWater</h2>
<img src="img/computer/crash.jpg" class="medium">
Report by *CLASSIFIED*:
Targets have been grounded by the malfunction of one the engine. Agent gave them a heads up to jump out the plane in the right time as he was instructed. People were a "Collateral damage", Thanks to our program, "Our" agent had no remorseful thoughts after this. Program is working.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Day 1</h6>">><<audio "computer" play>>
<h3>Day 1</h3>
<div align="left">
4:36: Plane crash in the middle of the forest.
5:17: We found Woman and Daughter in the woods near the crash site. Their son is Missing. I doubled the number of my men to look for him.
Officials have been informed of the plane accident by some locals.
6:02: Women and her daughter were transported to the public hospital. So as not to hide suspicion from the real target. Their son remains missing. Officials are already on site of the accident. As expected, Work is getting harder.
8:09: Two hours later, Male target "Son" is still missing. Officials are digging the site. They fish out the corpses. My men are losing hope to find the "Son".
8:36: "Our" Agent have informed that the Woman and Daughter are now safe but are still unconscious. He does not know for how long. We have to find that boy faster before they wake up!
12:43: We tracked the parachute of the boy. He's Alive!
16:39: My men can't find the boy. We'll continue the search for the rest of the day.
22:58: Officials counted 12 bodies. We've got time till tomorrow to find the boy. It was a long day. @@
<<linkreplace "<h6>Day 3</h6>">><<audio "computer" play>>
<h3>Day 3</h3>
<div align="left">
9:00: It is decided. Woman and Daughter are taking the program without the boy. It will be harder but it may work.
It has to be!
12:00: BlackWater have never been tested on female type. We are taking a huge risk. The Program have began.
12:43: Girl woke up in the middle of the procedure! "Our" agent calmed her down and put her to sleep.
14:00: The Procedure have been finished. It's time to wait.
20:32: Officials counted 27 bodies.@@
<<linkreplace "<h6>Day 14</h6>">><<audio "computer" play>>
<h3>Day 14</h3>
<div align="left">
3:52: Girl is waking up. We call "Our" agent to get in touch with her.
4:32: It's working! She called him Father! They were talking about mostly about the past and her Mother. She can't remember her brother named *CLASSIFIED*.
15:30: Officials finished the counting with 94 bodies. The press will no longer push so hard. Work will be easier.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Day 21</h6>">><<set $davidsecret to true>><<audio "computer" play>>
<h3>Day 21 </h3>
<div align="left">
7:32: Woman is waking up. We call "Our" agent to get in touch with her.
8:12: It's working. Woman called our Agent a Husband! She was crying and worrying about her own daughter. Nothing about her son. It's working correctly.
8:30 Program is completed. "Our" Agent can now step the things up.
12:36 We received a strange message from the other Authorities. Saying about "our" missing person. It could be Son. My other agents are going to look at it.@@</div>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Day 46</h6>">><<audio "computer" play>>
<h3>Day 46 </h3>
<div align="left">
5:43: I couldn't sleep. Got call from embassy. Agents are dead. They know.
8:00: 8 Agents KIA in search. No results. Goddamit!
9:34: Daughter, Wife and "Husband" are moving out to the bigger city.
10:34: Associates are dissolving our program. Need to prepare for the worst.
14:53: We lost contact with the Family! What is going on?! Why everything is falling apart?!
23:34: My last log. Departuring to my trusted source and ally. Other *CLASSIFIED* is taking control of the program. @@
Matt. If you reading this.
I'm counting on you. It is bigger than you think. Daughter is the key.
If they reach her, Terminate her. Do not let them capture our grail.
The risk is worth for the sake of our operation.@@ </div>
<<button [[Back|Use Dad's Computer]]>><<audio "computer" play>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<masteraudio stop>>\
<img src='img/dream/moon.jpg' class="medium">
When you discover the secret's files of your Father it makes you wonder who is he?
You told Lucas about the documents you read in late night.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Hmph. It's quite a bit of a mess. Kill that many people... What do you think by it $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I...I don't know! My head is in big mess... Does that mean that... That Agent could be my Dad?! and... And that Women and Daughter... And Son....<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name. Just breathe in. I know it's alot to take in.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>NO! How do you know all of this?!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name. Just-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Every step I take. Somehow you have a connection to it. Who the fuck are you?<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Lucas Eyes</h6>">><<goto "secretlucas">><</link>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "hypnotise" play>><<audio "blackwater" play>>
<video controls muted src="img/lucas/lucasgaze.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<div class="posarousal">Lucas stood up and took a deep look into your eyes.
His voice is in your head. You can't escape from him. He has control over you.</div>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
<<speech "Lucasgaze" "Lucas">>Who the fuck am i? I am that men who have control all over of this town.<</speech>>
<</timed>><<timed 4s t8n>>
<<speech "Lucasgaze" "Lucas">>Don't deny it. You like the way I control you. Don't you? Your life has changed, Your surrouding has changed, Your Family has changed.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><img src='img/lucas/help/smile.jpg' class="medium"><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>><<speech "Lucasgaze" "Lucas">>Yes. Bringing all you here was a part of my plan. <</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 10s t8n>><<speech "Lucasgaze" "Lucas">>And the best it? You did it with a pleasure. Mostly, You just made that all by yourself. I only turned the light on.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 12s t8n>><<speech "Lucasgaze" "Lucas">>This time. You'll change into something worse. Everyone will adore you. Why? Reason is simple, You love having Control. Control over the people. Don't deny it.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 14s t8n>><<speech "Lucasgaze" "Lucas">>You're made for it. Why? Because you inherited it from your parents. Through your Mother and "real" Father. Same with your Luke... <</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 16s t8n>><<speech "Lucasgaze" "Lucas">>Luke. Your Brother.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 18s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h6>Speak up</h6>">>
<img src='img/dream/brother.jpg' class="medium">
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>My head is in shambles...<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Why can't i memorise my child memories...<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>You banished these memories.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke" "???">>$name?<</speech>>
My brother?!
How i could forget my brother?!
That's fucked up...
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My... Head... Luke...? My Brother??<</speech>>
<img src='img/lucas/help/home.jpg' class="large">
<<speech "Lucasgaze" "Lucas">>Yes. Luke. These <i>People</i> made you forget your legacy... your heritage.. your real home...<</speech>>
<<timed 5s t8n>>
<<speech "Lucasgaze" "Lucas">>Go. Take the money. Do what you must do.<</speech>>
<<money 1000>><div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;Money 1000$+@@</div>
<div class="posarousal">Slowly by the minute you are falling asleep. </div>
<<link "<h6>Wake up</h6>">><<set $lucashelp to 2>><<goto "Bed">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>><</timed>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b><<set $week to $week +2>>\
<img src="img/sophia/sense.jpg" class='medium'>
After two weeks of treatment. Finally, You get out of the bed.
Sophia agreed to roam around the hospital.
<<speech "Sophia">>$name. It's time to walk.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thank god!<</speech>>
<<button [[To the hallway|sugery1]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/sophia/newbody.jpg" class='medium'>
You are walking through the hallway. Sophia helps you out by leaning on her shoulder
She stops by the mirror and take out your robe. You can finally see what you look like after surgery
<<speech "Sophia">>So. Do you like the new you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm... I'm... Speechless! It's incredible!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>I'm so glad! I like it too! You look very hot!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes! I am hot!<</speech>>
You and Sophia smile at each other.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Sophia Ask about your Headache</h4>">>
<img src="img/sophia/greet.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Sophia">>Okay. Now let's talk about your headache.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Headache...? Oh.. Yes. Well now it's a lot better.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Yhm... Anyway. Are you having dreams, Lately?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Dreams? Hmm. Yes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>What kind of dreams are they?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's so odd. They are so real. Like they were telling my about my past.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Possible. Have you experienced some kind of trauma in the past?<</speech>>
You try to think about your past but the more you think about it, It hurts you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah! I don't know...<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Okay, Breathe. How about think about someone who appear in your dream?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah... Yes... I think it's my... $bro. Luke. Do i have a $bro?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Sophia's Opinion</h4>">>
<img src="img/sophia/memory.jpg" class='imageright'>
Sophia looks at you with curiosity. She leads you back to the room where you sleep.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sophia? What does it mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>It is possible that you had some kind of accident in the past that you lost memory.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Accident?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>I'm not a expert. But I have been in contact with patients with similar symptoms as you have. Most of them had a tragic accident in the past which was Amensia.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah... it means... I had some kind of crash accident in the past? That's why i can't memorise my childhood? Or my $bro?! Why didn't my $parents tell me....<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>$name. Please. You need to rest.<</speech>>
Nurse is helping you to put you to the bed. Right away you fall on sleep.
Sophia went to the hallway and she is calling through the phone.
<<speech "Sophia">>It's time.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Hallway.</h6>">><<audio "ashgasp" play>>
<img src="img/warehouse/vickygun.jpg" class='large'>
After Sophia ends the call, She hear scream in the hallway.
<<speech "Vicky" "???">>SOPHIA!<</speech>>
Sophia turn her back to girl.
She screamed when she noticed the gun
<<speech "Girl1" "Nurse">>She's got the GUN!<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky" "???">>WHERE IS NATALY, SOPHIA!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Please... Calm down.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky" "???">>WHERE IS SHE?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>This is not necessary! Please. Put that gun down.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky" "???">>DON'T YOU DARE TO CALM ME DOWN, BITCH! TELL ME RIGHT NOW. OR I'LL SHOOT!<</speech>>
Sophia was at a loss. Where is the guards?!
Then, someone jumped out from one of the rooms at her and threw her weapon away. He pressed her hard to the ground as she began loudly scream.
<<speech "Luke" "???">>Stay down!<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky" "???">>GET OFF ME!!! YOU FUCKER!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke" "???">>Stop it!<</speech>>
One of the Sophia Guard's came in quickly and gagged the offender of this commotion.
<<speech "Boy1" "Guard">>It's okay kid. I got this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke" "???">>Okay. Okay. Okay... Ah.. my head...<</speech>>
That Kid Collapsed into the floor from exhaustion.
<<speech "Sophia">>Nurse! Assistance now! <</speech>>
Sophia and Nurse took him back to the bed.
<<speech "Sophia">>Thank you, Luke. I see that you inherited a lot from your Father.<</speech>>
@@color:lightblue;Sophia sits beside Luke and caresess his head while he is sleeping.@@
<<link "<h6>$name Sleeping</h6>">><<goto "nightsurgery">><<set $time to 23>><</link>>
</b></div><div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/sophia/mom2.jpg" class='medium'>
Slowly you are waking up by someone's voice.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">><sub>$name.. I'm so sorry.</sub><</speech>>
In the night you see someone is sitting in the chair beside you.
She's very familiar to you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>$name! Are you okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm fine $mom but why are you here? Is $dad here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>$dad couldn't come. But he is worried as i am.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okay $mom. You don't have to worry anymore. After all, I've got to move on without you someday.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>I don't care, You are still my baby girl. Gosh.. $name. You look so beautiful.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You think so? Hah... Sophia is an expert. <</speech>>
<img src="img/sophia/mom3.jpg" class='imageright'>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>If you think so. Listen $name. I have something to tell you. About someone who are dear to you and-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>About Luke. My $bro. Why didn't you tell me before?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>$name. It's not that easy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why?! What is going on?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Shut up for a minute $name! Let me speak!<</speech>>
<img src="img/mom/event/memory.jpg" class='mediumc'>
Your $mom for a second got silenced and tries to breathe normally to gather thoughts.
<<speech "Olena" "Mother">>I don't know what happened. But i know this. We suffer some kind of amensia after an unkown accident.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Accident..? A car crash?<</speech>>\
<<speech "Olena" "Mother">>I don't know Sweety.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But.. What about $dad...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "Mother">>David says he suffers it too. Which is very weird to me. My gut tells me that he hides something.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom! How can you say stuff like that?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "Mother">>Ah.. Forget it $name. Anyway! I found Luke!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No way! Where?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "Mother">>In the same hospital as we are. Isn't that.. Strange?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't care! Let's go! I need to see him!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Honey! Slowly! Stiches might come off!<</speech>>
$mom carefully took you to the room where your Brother is.
<<button [[Visit Luke]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/sophia/luke.jpg" class='medium'><<audio "wakingup" play>>
You are pretty nervous entering the room where your $bro is.
$mom is entering first and sits near Luke.
She hold his hand.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Luke, My dear. I brought you someone..<</speech>>
Luke looked at you, He's been a bit confused who you are.
Then after a couple of seconds he smiles.
<<speech "Luke">>$name...? Is that really you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$bro... It is really you! My god!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>You... You changed! I'm so glad to see you here. We are... Together.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Luke! My big $bro! I have so much to tell you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Of course. We'll talk it through while heading back to home.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can't wait! When are going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Our flight is tommorow. I just need to sing some papers.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can't believe this... My $bro... Is going to live with us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yhm. From now on, you will suffer my presence.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. I'll manage. Haha. I can't stop crying.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Me too. Me too $name.<</speech>>
You stayed with Luke and talk through the morning. After that.
You and your $bro got singed off from the hospital.
Three of you are coming back to your Home.
<<button [[Come back to Home]]>><<masteraudio stop>><<set $day to $day +2>><<set $time to 5>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="dad">
<img src="img/sophia/journey.jpg" class='medium'>
Through the journey you and Luke chatted about your new life, friends, your new home and places.
Everything for him is quite strange. After you told him enough, You asked him whah happened before his incident. Luke couldn't say. He only remembers that someone were chasing him through the woods. That's the only thing he can memorise.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh Luke... I'm so happy that you are here with us. $dad will be delighted!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$dad? Huh... Yeah. I bet he will.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>I told David to make seperate room for Luke. He assures that it will be a surprise.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No way! Which room?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>$name. Patiance. Your $dad will shows us sooner or later.<</speech>>
Intercom has activated.
<<speech "Boy2" "Flight Pilot">><i>Attention! Please sit down and fasten your seatbelts! We are Landing.</i><</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Airport</h4>">><<replace "#dad">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>
<<timed 10ms t8n>>
<img src="img/sophia/hugdaddy.jpg" class='small'>
When you stepped off the plane, $dad was already waiting for you in the lobby.
You left Luke and $mom behind to run to $dad. He picked you up to hug you. While hugging him, you squeeze him with your new boobs.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Wow.. $name. You look so pretty.<</speech>>
<img src="img/sophia/tease.webp" class='medium'>
While your back is still to them, You tease your $dad with your tits and whisper into his ear.
<<speech "Player6" "$name">><sub>I missed you Daddy.</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">><sub>Fuck $name. Daddy is very horny with your new look.</sub><</speech>>
You smiled lustfully at your $dad and stopped so as not to raise any suspicion.
Luke and $mom joined to your company.
When $dad notice Luke, He right away hugged Luke.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$son! Wow... You look so.. Thin!<</speech>>
By the look of Luke's face is a bit confused with the situation.
<<speech "Luke">>Umm... Yeah. $dad. And you look very different.<</speech>>
To relieve the awkward tension, Mom spoke up.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Hey David. Missed me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Of course. Come here.<</speech>>
They kissed each other but without passion.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>So. Let's get you all to home.<</speech>>
<<button [[Home|homeluke]]>><<set $time to $time +2>><</button>><</timed>>
<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/sophia/movein.jpg" class='medium'>
As you get back home $dad with Luke helps with the luggage.
Inside you see some difference. Before you were to rest $dad wants to show you some kind of suprise.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Luke and everyone. Come. Let me show you the room.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You got room for Luke? No way.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Room for me? Wow.<</speech>>
$dad with a smile lead all of you to the basement.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why are we going to the basement?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Just wait till you see.<</speech>>
<<button [[Follow your Dad|homeluke2]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<<if $lukepov is 0>>\
<h38>Luke's Room</h38>
Back then it was a basement but thanks to David this room is Luke's Bedroom.
It has some style and a lot of space. Your $dad did his best.
<<if $bkiss is true and $goingout is false and $time gte 18 and $time lte 19.5>>\
<<link "<h6>Go out with Luke @@color:orange;Event Repeatable@@</h6>">><<goto "Take your Brother to the Amusment Park">><</link>>
<<if $chloe is true and $talkwithchloe is true and $lukechloe is false and $time gte 15 and $time lte 16>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Luke! Let's go to the park. Such beautiful weather and it's a shame to waste it at home.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Hmm? Okay?<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Introduce Chloe at Park</h6>">><<goto "Talk about Chloe with Luke">><</link>>
<<if $day gte 6>>
<<link "<h6>Luke's Pov</h6>">><<goto "lukeroom">><<set $lukepov to 1>><</link>>
@@color:orange;Luke's Pov is working only in the weekend@@
<<if $time gte 20 or $time lte 6.5>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $lukepov gte 1>>\
<h38>My Room</h38>
My room! It's the best in the house. My $dad did the great job.
$name must be jealous of my big room.
<div class="poleluke">\
@@color:lightblue;Your Room Activity@@
</div><<if $bgrass gte 1 and $bclean gte 1 and $bkitchen is 0 or $bgrass gte 1 and $bclean is 0 and $bkitchen gte 1 or $bgrass is 0 and $bclean gte 1 and $bkitchen gte 1 or $bkitchen gte 1 and $bclean gte 1 and $bgrass gte 1 or $momhappycheat is true>>\
<<if $time gte 8.5 and $time lte 10 and $lukemomhiking is false>>\
<<link "<h11>$mom calls you outside</h11>">><<goto "momhiking">><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 8.5 and $time lte 10 and $lukemomhiking is true>>\
<<link "<h11>$mom calls you outside @@color:orange;Event Repeatable@@</h11>">><<goto "momhiking">><</link>><</if>>
<<elseif $bgrass is 0 and $bclean is 0 and $bkitchen is 0 and $time gte 8.5 and $time lte 10 or $bgrass gte 1 and $bclean is 0 and $bkitchen is 0 and $time gte 8.5 and $time lte 10 or $bgrass is 0 and $bclean gte 1 and $bkitchen is 0 and $time gte 8.5 and $time lte 10 or $bgrass is 0 and $bclean is 0 and $bkitchen gte 1 and $time gte 8.5 and $time lte 10>>\
<<linkreplace "<h11>$mom calls you outside</h11>">>
<h3>Improve $mom's Mood to Happy.</h3><</linkreplace>>
<<if $dadandmomargue is false and $time gte 17.5 and $momluke gte 25 or $bcorruptionlevelmom gte 1 and $dadandmomargue is false and $time gte 17.5>>\
<<link "<h11>$parents Quarrel</h11>">><<goto "Roam through the house">><</link>>
<<if $momluke gte 50 and $jobluke is false and $time lte 20 or $bcorruptionlevelmom gte 1 and $jobluke is false and $time lte 20>>\
<<link "<h11>Ask for a Job</h11>">><<goto "jobluke">><</link>>
<<if $momntr is true and $picofmom is false and $time gte 14 and $time lte 15 or $picofmom lte 3 and $time gte 14 and $time lte 15>>\
<<link "<h11>$mom's Favor</h11>">><<goto "momcougarpics">><</link>>
<<if $chloefavor is true and $time gte 18 and $time lte 19 and $lukemoney gte 25>>\
<<link "<h11>Cinema with Chloe</h11>">><<goto "chloecinema">><</link>>
<<elseif $lukemoney lte 24 and $chloefavor is true and $time gte 18 and $time lte 19>>\
<<linkreplace "<h11>Cinema with Chloe</h11>">>@@color:lightgreen;I need some kind of money to go to the cinema. At least 25$!@@<</linkreplace>>
<<if $time gte 23 or $time lte 6>>\
<<link "<h4>Sleep</h4>">><<goto "lukesleep">><</link>>\
<th><<link "<h18>Computer</h18>">><<goto "computerluke">><</link>></th>
<div class="poleluke">\
<th><<link "<h18>Go to Livingroom</h18>">><<goto "livingroomlukemom">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h18>Go to Backyard</h18>">><<goto "backyardmomluke">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h18>Go to Kitchen</h18>">><<goto "kitchenlukemom">><</link>></th></table>
<<link "<h18>Time Forward 30 Minutes+</h18>">><<goto "lukeroom">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</link>>
<div class="poleemma">\
<<link "<h7>Go back to $name</h7>">><<goto "lukeroom">><<set $lukepov to 0>><</link>>
</b></div><div class="mombox">
<img src="img/avatars/luke.jpg" class="imageleft">
<b>Status: Brother</b>@@
@@color:lightyellow;It is surreal. You found your lost brother. He's suffering strong amnesia. Similar like you and your parents. From the moment of waking up from a coma, it overwhelms how much time and things he missed. @@
<<button [[Leave|Profiles]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "shower" play>>\
<<if $bcorruptionlevel is 0>><<audio "doorlock" play>>
<img src="img/shower/lukeshower.jpg" class='medium'>
Door is locked.
You hear $bro is taking a shower and... Singing?
<<speech "Luke">>Ain't NOTHINGGGGG BUT THEEEEE Heart-ACHE!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>Oh fuck. My ears..</sub><</speech>><</if>>\
<<if $bcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<img src="img/shower/lukeshower.jpg" class='medium'>
Luke forgot to close the door completely and left it ajar.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Peek at your $bro.</h6>">>
<<set _peek to random(1,3)>>
<<if _peek is 1>>
<img src="img/shower/masturbatepeek.webp" class='medium'>
<<elseif _peek is 2>>
<img src="img/shower/masturbatepeek2.webp" class='small'>
<<elseif _peek is 3>>
<img src="img/shower/masturbatepeek3.webp" class='medium'>
<div class="posarousal">Peeking at him makes you a bit aroused by it.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck... My big $bro... Why it makes me so wet!<</speech>>
<<arousal 15>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div>
<<if $arousal gte 75>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Relief yourself</h6>">>
<img src="img/shower/masturbateorgasm.webp" class='medium'>
<<arousal -100>><div class="posarousal">Orgasm!</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah..!! Luke!!<</speech>>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><<audio "shower" stop>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><<audio "shower" stop>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><<audio "shower" stop>><</button>>
</b></div><div align="center"><div class="secondfloor"><b>\
<h2>Second Floor.</h2><<audio "moans" stop>>
<<if $time gte 20 or $time lte 5.5>>\
<<goto "hallwaynight">>
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $time lte 7 or $time is 19.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/pbeedroommom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BedroomMom">><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 18.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/pbedroomdad.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BedroomDad">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/pbedroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "Bedroom">><</link>>
<<if $time is 7 and $day is 2 or $time is 7 and $day is 4>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroomdad.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BathroomDad">><</link>>
<<elseif $time is 7 and $day is 1 or $time is 7 and $day is 3 or $time is 7 and $day is 5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroomluke.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "bathroomluke">><</link>>
<<elseif $time is 7.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroommom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BathroomMom">><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 11 and $time lte 12 and $day gte 6 and $mcorruptionlevel lte 1>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BathroomDadMom">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "Bathroom">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/mcroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "mcroom">><</link>>
<div align="center"><div class="firstfloor"><<audio "outside" pause>>
<h2>''First Floor.''</h2>
<<if $evatask is 1 and $time gte 14 and $time lte 15>>\
@@color:orange;It is strange, but Dad walks around the house with anxiety.@@
<<if $time gte 9 and $time lte 13.5>>\
@@color:orange;$dad is at Work.@@
<<if $time gte 9 and $time lte 12.5>>\
@@color:orange;$bro is looking for a job.@@
<<if $time gte 14.5 and $time lte 15.5 and $day lte 3 or $day gte 5 and $time gte 14.5 and $time lte 15.5>>\
@@color:orange;$bro is in the Park.@@
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $time gte 15 and $time lte 15.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/kitchenmom.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "KitchenMom">>
<<elseif $time gte 16 and $time lte 16.5 or $time gte 8 and $time lte 8.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/everyonekitchen.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "everyonekitchen">><</link>>
<<elseif $time is 7 and $day is 1 or $time is 7 and $day is 3 or $time is 7 and $day is 5 or $time is 7.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/kitchendad.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "KitchenDad">><</link>>
<<elseif $time is 7 and $day is 2 or $time is 7 and $day is 4>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/kitchenluke.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "kitchenluke">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/kitchen1.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "Kitchen">><</link>>
<<if $time gte 14 and $time lte 15.5 or $time gte 17 and $time lte 18>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/officedad.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "OfficeDad">>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/office.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "Office">><</link>>
<<if $day is 2 or $day is 4>>\
<<if $time gte 13 and $time lte 14.5 or $time gte 17 and $time lte 17.5>>\
<<link "<img src='img/ui/livingroommom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "LivingroomMom">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/livingroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "LivingRoom">><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 17 and $time lte 17.5>>\
<<link "<img src='img/ui/livingroommom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "LivingroomMom">><</link>>
<<elseif $day is 1 and $time gte 13 and $time lte 14 or $day is 3 and $time gte 13 and $time lte 14 or $day is 5 and $time gte 13 and $time lte 14>>\
<<link "<img src='img/ui/livingroomluke.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "livingroomluke">><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 18.5 and $time lte 19>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/livingroomluke.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "livingroomluke">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/livingroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "LivingRoom">><</link>>
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $day is 1 or $day is 3 or $day is 5>>
<<if $time gte 13.5 and $time lte 14.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/backyardmom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "backyardmom">><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 17.5 and $time lte 18>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/backyardluke.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "backyardluke">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/backyard.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "Backyard">><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 17.5 and $time lte 18>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/backyardluke.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "backyardluke">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/backyard.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "Backyard">><</link>>
<<if $time is 7.5 or $time is 17 or $time gte 19.5 or $day is 4 and $time gte 14 and $time lte 15.5 or $time gte 18.5 and $time lte 19.5 and $day is 2 or $day is 4 and $time gte 18.5 and $time lte 19.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/lukeroomluke.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "lukeroomluke">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/lukeroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "lukeroom">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/outside.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<if $clotheswear is "apron1">>
<<goto "badsuit">>
<<goto "outside">><</if>>\<</link>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<h2>Luke's Room</h2>
<span id ="luke">\
<<if $day gte 6>>\
<<link "<h6>Luke's Pov</h6>">><<goto "lukeroom">><<set $lukepov to 1>><</link>>
@@color:orange;Luke's Pov is working only in the weekend@@
<<if $mcandlukenight is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Talk about the night you spent with Luke</h6>">><<replace "#luke">>\
<img src="img/luke/reminder.jpg" class='large98'>
Luke was a bit off after that wild night, Maybe we should talk about this.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Luke we should talk... About the "wild" night.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Oh... That night. It was a bit...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>A bit too much. Don't you think?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Too much happened, yes. But... Somehow that one time it was nice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It was. Very nice.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:pink;Remind the night@@</h6>">><<goto "revisitlukenight">><</link>>
<<if $luketime is false and $bcorruption gte 25>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Is Luke Sad?</h6>">><<replace "#luke">>
When you knocked on Luke's door, He didn't answer anything or you just didn't hear his voice. You went inside to see what is going on.
Luke is sitting by himself on the bed with head down. He looks misarble.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Luke? Are you okay?<</speech>>
Luke looked at you and tried to smile but without emotion
<<speech "Luke">>Oh.. Yeah... I'm okay...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Luke, it doesn't look that you are "Okay". What happened?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>I don't know how to describe it. Everything is so... Strange!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Strange. How?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>People here are so odd. No offence but you too. Sometimes you act like a spoiled girl. I don't remember that you were that back then. But still you spend time with me which is nice. $dad is sometimes hard to read and ignore our $mom for some reason. And.. $mom? She's too caring... Caring? It's hard to explain this but her love for me sometimes crosses boundaries. <</speech>>
<<linkreplace"<h6>@@color:purple;Your Mind@@</h6>">>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Dirty Mind">>SPOILED?! ME?!<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Of course you think of yourself.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Dirty Mind">>Shut up you piece of shit!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm... I like you honesty Big $bro. It's just that we are still in shock that you are with us Luke. Don't think about this for now. How about you and spoiled girl have some fun time outside the house?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Hmm... Okay! It's good time $name. I'd like to know you better.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$namer">>Cool! Get ready after 18:00!<</speech>>
Luke with a smile agreed with your proposal.
<<set $luketime to true>>
<h3>Go out with Luke (Your Room 18:00)</h3>
<<if $time lte 10 and $time gte 7>>\
<img src="img/luke/reading.jpg" class='medium'>
Luke is in his room. He's reading some kind of fantasy book.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Spend time with Luke</h4>">><<replace "#luke">>
You jumped on Luke's bed to have quality time with him.
He enjoys your presence.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You reading?! Woow.... I wonder what my brother is reading.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Strange, isn't it? Your Brother is reading a book. It must be a amusing view for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It is! I never thought my $bro is a dork!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Huh.. At least from now on, Someone in this house has some style and brains! <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OH YOU!!! YOU ARE IN BIG TROUBLE!!! COME HERE!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Haha. We'll see about that!<</speech>>
<img src="img/luke/pillowfight.jpg" class='medium'>
You and Luke were fighting each other with the pillows.
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<brelationship 5>><div class="pos">$bro Relationship +5</div>
<img src="img/luke/gaming.jpg" class='medium'>
Luke is in his room. Playing some video games on the computer.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Spend time with Luke</h4>">><<replace "#luke">>
To avoid distracting your $bro, you sat next to him and watched him play.
After a few minutes he felt your presence and paused the game.
<<speech "Luke">>$name?! You could say something.<</speech>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Something.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Ha-ha. Very Funny. Smart ass.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My ass is smart?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>What? Oh. You're pulling my tongue. Right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Got me thinking. How long is your tongue?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Jeez. $name. It's a metaphor.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My gosh. Meta-What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>A metaphor. It is a figure of speech that impl-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh shut up with your IQ bullshit! Gimme another controller.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Haha. Okay.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh. I didn't want trouble you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Now you did. Want to join?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I thought you never asked. Let's go!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name... That sounds so cringe.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shut up.<</speech>>
<img src="img/luke/gamingtogether.jpg" class='medium'>
Having some bond time with your $bro.
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<brelationship 5>><div class="pos">$bro Relationship +5</div>
<<if $time lte 10 and $time gte 7>>
<<if $brelationship gte 20>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Bed fun @@color:orange;($bro Relationship 20)@@</h4>">><<replace "#luke">><<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<img src="img/luke/bed.jpg" class='imageleft'>
You joined Luke beside him on the bed.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on Luke. Let's do something... Fun!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Fun? Right now i am having fun. With the book.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Dork!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Goofball!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Dummy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Goofy!<</speech>>
<img src="img/luke/tickle.jpg" class='medium'>
This word worked on you so much that you went under his sheet and started tickling his feet.
<<speech "Luke">>$name!!! STOP!! HAHA!! STOP!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Tickle him more!</h6>">><<scrolldown 1s>>
<img src="img/luke/bedfun1.jpg" class='medium'>
Luke couldn't hold the pressure and starts kicking. Because of his kicking, you had to get out of bed quickly so he wouldn't give you bruises. As you get out of bed, your boobs come out of your bra. For Luke, it was an awkward situation.
<<if $bcorruption lte 34 and $bcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Awkward Situation</h6>">><<scrolldown 2.5s>>
<img src="img/luke/bedfun3.jpg" class='medium'>
His eyes still were locked into your tits. You cover them with your hands.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My eyes are up here. Dummy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Haa.. Sorry. That.. was a bit awkward.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? You never seen tits? Did you like them?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Ah.. $name.. Please.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. I'm fucking with you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Very funny.<</speech>><<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<bcorruption 5>><div class="posarousal">@@color:pink;$bro's Corruption +5@@</div>
<<linkreplace "<h7>@@color:pink;Tease him@@ @@color:orange;(Brother Corruption 35)@@</h7>">>
Luke is distracted with the situation. He can't focus on you anymore.
<<elseif $bcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>@@color:pink;Tease him@@ @@color:orange;($bro Corruption Level:$bcorruptionlevel/1)@@</h7>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/luke/bedfun4.jpg" class='medium'>
<<elseif $bcorruption gte 35>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>@@color:pink;Tease him@@ @@color:orange;($bro Corruption 35)@@</h7>">>
<img src="img/luke/bedfun4.jpg" class='medium'>
You lie down on the bed and press your tits together.
His reaction is priceless.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So... Big $bro. You like them?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name... Yeah... I like them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really? How much?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Very.. Very much.<</speech>>
<img src="img/luke/bedfun5.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That is nice to hear that... Big $bro.<</speech>>
<<bcorruption 5>><div class="posarousal">@@color:pink;$bro's Corruption +5@@</div>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Bed fun @@color:orange;($bro Relationship 20)@@</h4>">><<replace "#luke">>
You are about sneak but Luke doesn't feel like playing any more.
<<speech "Luke">>$name. Please. I'm reading.<</speech>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Watch Luke @@color:hotpink;(Bimbo)@@</h12>">><<replace "#luke">>
<img src="img/luke/roomnight.jpg" class='large'>
You came up with a plan to distract your brother from the games, dress up in sexy lingerie.
With a seductive look, you knocked on your brother's door.
<<speech "Luke">>Uh...! What is it?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$bro! Can i come in?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah! Yeah! Come in.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Luke is focused on something else</h6>">>
<img src="img/luke/roomnight2.jpg" class='large'>
He does not yet know, That a sexy vixen has entered his den.
Luke is still deeply focused on his stupid game!
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey! Can i ask you a question?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah.. Yeah..-Fuck! Dude! Cover my back for once!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Luke!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Luke</h12>">><<replace "#luke">>
<img src="img/luke/roomnight3.jpg" class='large'>
Luke turned his eyes on you. When he caught sight of you, he burst his eyes into orbit.
<<speech "Luke">>Fuck... $name...?!<</speech>>
That's the reaction you wanted.
<<bcorruption 5>><div class="posarousal">@@color:pink;$bro's Corruption +5@@</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So. How do you like it? Mom says it's okay. Is it okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Damn... I mean. Is it okay? It is very... Very super okay!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Very super okay? Hmm...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>More</h12>">><<replace "#luke">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<div class="containerlarge">\
<img src="img/luke/bim.jpg" class='largevision'>
<div class="middlelarge">\
<div class="imageof"><div class="tooltipmaly"><img src="img/luke/bim2.jpg" class='imagevisionlargebim'></div></div>
<<bcorruption 5>><div class="posarousal">@@color:pink;$bro's Corruption +5@@</div>
You jumped on his bed and begin to correct your bra, Luke with an open mouth watches what you are doing. In his imagination it draws something better.
<<speech "Luke">>Now... It's awesome... Very fucking awesome.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. Awesome? Hmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name... I-I...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes..?<</speech>>
<<if $bcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<link "<h12>Luke's Cock @@color:hotpink;Bimbo Influence@@</h12>">><<goto "lukesuckbimbo">><</link>>
<<speech "Luke">>I have to leave!<</speech>>
Luke rushed out of his room to the bathroom.
As he ran away you saw him correcting his crotch.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my. It worked on him. Hihi!<</speech>>
<<if $brelationship gte 20 or $bcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Watch Luke@@color:orange;($bro Relationship 20)@@</h4>">><<replace "#luke">>
<img src="img/luke/nightin.jpg" class='medium'>
You come to Luke's sofa and watch him play computer games.
After a few minutes you getting bored. It's time to play with Luke.
<<speech "Luke">>Damn! Watch where you throwning these granades dude!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Luke.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Come on! Sector A is empty! Hurry!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lukeeeee.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>What the fuck! Is he aimbotting or what?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>LUKE!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Wha-! Oh...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Luke looked at you</h4>">><<scrolldown 2s t8n>><<set $time to $time +0.5>>
@@color:pink;((Hover mouse at the image below))@@
<div class="container">
<img src="img/luke/night.jpg" class='mediumvisionwide'>
<div class="middle">
<div class="imageof"><div class="tooltipmaly"><img src="img/luke/night01.jpg" class='imagevisionwide'><span class="tooltiptextmaly">Hey Big $bro...</span></div></div>
<<bcorruption 5>><div class="posarousal">@@color:pink;$bro's Corruption +5@@</div>
Luke looked at you. His face at first had a weird expression.
He never looked at you like that before.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Luke? Hello?<</speech>>
Then he woke up and his face changed radically to normal.
<<speech "Luke">>Oh! Sorry. I'm... busy here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I see. You rather play video games than spend some time with your $sis?<</speech>>
<<if $bcorruption gte 40 or $bcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Luke's Eyes @@color:orange;($bro Corruption 40)@@</h6>">><<replace "#luke">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>><<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<timed 10ms t8n>>
<div class="container1">
<img src="img/luke/night2.jpg" class='mediumvision'>
<div class="middle">
<div class="imageof"> <div class="tooltipmaly"><img src="img/luke/night2.2.jpg" class='imagevision'><span class="tooltiptextmaly">Do you like what you see Big $bro?</span></div></div>
Luke gazed at you a little longer than before. His jaw was wide open. Is he daydreaming?
<<speech "Luke">>Yes... I love it...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm? You love what?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Your tits and... *COUGH*<</speech>>
Luke came back from daydreaming.
His desires are growing.
<<speech "Luke">>$name?! What do you want?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now? Nothing. I have everything now i wanted. Thank bro!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Huh? What do you mean?<</speech>>
You left Luke alone in the room.
After you left his room he locked the door.
Is he... Masturbating?
<<speech "Player6" "$name">>Haha. Big $bro... You horny boy...<</speech>>
<<bcorruption 5>><div class="posarousal">@@color:pink;$bro's Corruption +5@@</div><</timed>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Luke's Eyes @@color:orange;($bro Corruption 40)@@</h6>">>
<<speech "Luke">>$name. You asking at the wrong time! I'm playing something big here!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Pff. Loser.<</speech>>
<img src="img/luke/night1.jpg" class='mediumc'>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Watch Luke@@color:orange;($bro Relationship 20)@@</h4>">><<replace "#luke">>
Luke is busy gaming right now.
<<include "sexual">>\
<<if $bkiss is true and $goingout is false and $time gte 18 and $time lte 19.5>>\
<<link "<h6>Go out with Luke @@color:orange;Event Repeatable@@</h6>">>\<<goto "Take your $bro to the Amusment Park">><</link>>\
<<if $bcorruption gte 25 and $bkiss is false and $luketime is true and $goingout is false and $time gte 18 and $time lte 19.5>>\
<<button [[Go out with Luke|Take your Brother to the Amusment Park]]>><</button>>
<<if $chloe is true and $talkwithchloe is true and $lukechloe is false and $time gte 15 and $time lte 16>><<scrolldown 2s t8n>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Luke! Let's go to the park. Weather is Superb! Let's go out!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Now?! We are raiding the boss!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So? Move that lazy ass outside!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Are you for real? Why all of sudden now?<</speech>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Beacuse your pretty $sis said so! Come on!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Jeez...<</speech>>
Luke with regret says farewell to his fellow game players and go out with you to the park.
<<link "<h6>Introduce Chloe at Park</h6>">><<goto "Talk about Chloe with Luke">><</link>>\
<<if $tabletsophia is true>>\
<<link "<h6>Ask Luke for help with the Sophia Tablet.</h6>">><<goto "luketablethelp">><</link>>\
<<if $time gte 20 or $time lte 6.5>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="mom">\
<img src="img/kitchen/eat.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:rgba(207, 255, 178, 1);$mom cooked a great meal!
Time for dining!@@
<<if $mombbc gte 2>>\
<<button "$mom asks $dad">><<goto "Mom asks Dad">><</button>>
<<speech "Luke">>Mmm... It smells nice $mom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>That's so sweet to hear from you sweety!<</speech>>
<<if $time gte 16 >>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Dinner</h4>">><<scrolldown 2s t8n>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<img src="img/kitchen/dinner.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Dinner served!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Whoa! It looks delicious!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Thank you Luke!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah. $mom is the best!.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I'm starving.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I'm so happy that we can eat together.<</speech>>
<<frelationship 5>><<mrelationship 5>><<brelationship 5>>
<div class="pos">@@color:pink;$mom Relationship +5 @@
@@color:lightblue;$dad Relationship +5 @@ @@color:orange;$bro Relationship +5@@
<div class="power">Energy +25</div></div><<energy +25>>
<<if $time lte 9>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Breakfast</h4>">><<scrolldown 2s t8n>>
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<img src="img/kitchen/lukemom.jpg" class='mediumc'>
$mom is behaving a bit weird around Luke.
She shows off her cleavage a bit too much.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Here is the meal for my special boy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Special? Is he retarted?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>$name!!! Stop being mean!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Haha! Nice one $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry! I'm just kidding, The meal is awesome! Like always, $mom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Like $name says, It is the best! Thanks!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Thank you guys! Eat till your belly is full!<</speech>>
$dad is a bit jealous of the portion he got.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks $mom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Thanks Hon.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Haha. Ben Appetite.<</speech>>
<<frelationship 5>><<mrelationship 5>><<brelationship 5>>
<div class="pos">@@color:pink;$mom Relationship +5 @@
@@color:lightblue;$dad Relationship +5 @@ @@color:orange;$bro Relationship +5@@
<div class="power">Energy +25</div></div><<energy +25>>
<<if $day gte 6>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>After breakfast</h4>">><<scrolldown 1.5s t8n>>
<img src="img/luke/mom/mombreakfast.jpg" class='mediumc'>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Me and Luke are going out in half of hour. <</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>We are?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Yes Luke, Get ready. So... $name and you David. Take care of this place. Would you? Thanks.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm... Okay.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Where are you going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Somewhere where is pretty with the landscapes. I want to show him how beautiful is here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh. Okay. Safe travel.<</speech>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $buybimboschool1 is false and $buybimboschool2 is false and $buybimboschool3 is false>>\
<h3>@@color:hotpink;Bimbo School Uniforms@@</h3>
<table style width="100%">\
<th><<if $buybimboschool1 is false>><img src='img/clothes/schooluniformbim.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (150$) Reputation +40</h7>">>
<<if $money gte 150>><<money -150>><<set $buybimboschool1 to true>>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform3">><<set $schooly to 5>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 40>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<goto "Buy XXX Clothes">>
<<elseif $money lte 149>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<th><<if $buybimboschool2 is false>><img src='img/clothes/schooluniformbim1.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (150$) Reputation +40</h7>">>
<<if $money gte 150>><<money -150>><<set $buybimboschool2 to true>>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform3">><<set $schooly to 6>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 40>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<goto "Buy XXX Clothes">>
<<elseif $money lte 149>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<th><<if $buybimboschool3 is false>><img src='img/clothes/schooluniformbim2.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (150$) Reputation +40</h7>">>
<<if $money gte 150>><<money -150>><<set $buybimboschool3 to true>>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform3">><<set $schooly to 7>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 40>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<goto "Buy XXX Clothes">>
<<elseif $money lte 149>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<<if $buyxxxres1 is false or $buyxxxres2 is false>>\
<h3>Restaurant Uniforms</h3>
<table style width="100%">\
<th><<if $buyxxxres1 is false>><img src='img/restaurant/uniform3.1.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (150$) Reputation +21</h7>">>
<<if $money gte 150>><<money -150>><<set $buyxxxres1 to true>>
<<set $clotheswear to "uniformwork3">><<set $restar to 2>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 21>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<goto "Buy XXX Clothes">>
<<elseif $money lte 149>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<th><<if $buyxxxres2 is false>><img src='img/restaurant/uniform3.2.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (150$) Reputation +21</h7>">>
<<if $money gte 150>><<money -150>><<set $buyxxxres2 to true>>
<<set $clotheswear to "uniformwork3">><<set $restar to 3>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 21>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<goto "Buy XXX Clothes">>
<<elseif $money lte 149>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<<if $buyxxxschol1 is false or $buyxxxschol2 is false or $buyxxxschol3 is false>>\
<h3>School Uniforms</h3>
<table style width="100%">\
<th><<if $buyxxxschol1 is false>><img src='img/clothes/schooluniform5.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (125$) Reputation +19</h7>">>
<<if $money gte 125>><<money -125>><<set $buyxxxschol1 to true>>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform3">><<set $schooly to 2>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 19>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<goto "Buy XXX Clothes">>
<<elseif $money lte 124>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<th><<if $buyxxxschol2 is false>><img src='img/clothes/schooluniform4.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (175$) Reputation +30</h7>">>
<<if $money gte 175>><<money -175>><<set $buyxxxschol2 to true>>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform3">><<set $schooly to 3>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 30>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<goto "Buy XXX Clothes">>
<<elseif $money lte 174>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<th><<if $buyxxxschol3 is false>><img src='img/clothes/schooluniform6.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (150$) Reputation +23</h7>">>
<<if $money gte 150>><<money -150>><<set $buyxxxschol3 to true>>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform3">><<set $schooly to 4>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 23>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<goto "Buy XXX Clothes">>
<<elseif $money lte 149>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<<if $buyxxxgym1 is false or $buyxxxgym2 is false or $buyxxxgym3 is false>>\
<h3>Gym Outfits</h3>
<table style width="100%">\
<th><<if $buyxxxgym1 is false>><img src='img/clothes/sport4.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (150$) Reputation +23</h7>">><<if $money gte 150>><<money -150>><<set $buyxxxgym1 to true>><<set $sporty to 3>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 23>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>
<<set $clotheswear to "sport1">>
<<goto "Buy XXX Clothes">>
<<elseif $money lte 149>>
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<th><<if $buyxxxgym2 is false>><img src='img/clothes/sport5.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (175$) Reputation +23</h7>">><<if $money gte 175>><<money -175>><<set $buyxxxgym2 to true>><<set $sporty to 4>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 23>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>
<<set $clotheswear to "sport1">>
<<goto "Buy XXX Clothes">>
<<elseif $money lte 174>>
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<th><<if $buyxxxgym3 is false>><img src='img/clothes/sport3.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (200$) Reputation +25</h7>">><<if $money gte 200>><<money -200>><<set $buyxxxgym3 to true>><<set $sporty to 2>><<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 25>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>
<<set $clotheswear to "sport1">>
<<goto "Buy XXX Clothes">>
<<elseif $money lte 199>>
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<<if $officesuit1 is false or $officesuit2 is false or $officesuit3 is false or $officesuit1hot is false or $officesuit2hot is false or $officesuit3hot is false>>\
<h3>Office Uniforms</h3>
<table style width="100%">\
<th><<if $officesuit1 is false>><img src='img/clothes/suitlewd3.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (200$) Reputation +25</h7>">><<if $money gte 200>><<money -200>><<set $officesuit1 to true>><<set $officy to 3>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $clotheswear to "suit1hot">><<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 25>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>
<<goto "Buy XXX Clothes">>
<<elseif $money lte 199>>
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<th><<if $officesuit2 is false>><img src='img/clothes/suitlewd2.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (200$) Reputation +25</h7>">><<if $money gte 200>><<money -200>><<set $officesuit2 to true>><<set $officy to 2>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $clotheswear to "suit1hot">><<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 25>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>
<<goto "Buy XXX Clothes">>
<<elseif $money lte 199>>
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<th><<if $officesuit3 is false>><img src='img/clothes/suitlewd4.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (200$) Reputation +25</h7>">><<if $money gte 200>><<money -200>><<set $officesuit3 to true>><<set $officy to 4>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $clotheswear to "suit1hot">><<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 25>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>
<<goto "Buy XXX Clothes">>
<<elseif $money lte 199>>
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<<if $joblevel gte 4>>
<table style width="100%">\
<th><<if $officesuit1hot is false>><img src='img/clothes/suitlewd1.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (200$) Reputation +25</h7>">><<if $money gte 200>><<money -200>><<set $officesuit1hot to true>><<set $officy to 1>>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $clotheswear to "suit1hot">><<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 25>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>
<<goto "Buy XXX Clothes">>
<<elseif $money lte 199>>
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<th><<if $officesuit2hot is false>><img src='img/clothes/suitlewd6.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (200$) Reputation +25</h7>">><<if $money gte 200>><<money -200>><<set $officesuit2hot to true>><<set $officy to 6>><<set $clotheswear to "suit1hot">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 25>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>
<<goto "Buy XXX Clothes">>
<<elseif $money lte 199>>
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<th><<if $officesuit3hot is false>><img src='img/clothes/suitlewd5.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (200$) Reputation +25</h7>">><<if $money gte 200>><<money -200>><<set $officesuit3hot to true>><<set $officy to 5>>
<<set $clotheswear to "suit1hot">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 25>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>
<<goto "Buy XXX Clothes">>
<<elseif $money lte 199>>
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<th><<if $snowbunnycloth1 is false>><img src='img/clothes/bbcclothes.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (150$) Reputation +25 Blacked +1</h7>">><<if $money gte 150>><<money -150>><<set $snowbunnycloth1 to true>>
<<set $clotheswear to "snowbunnyup">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 1>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 25>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>
<<goto "Buy XXX Clothes">>
<<elseif $money lte 149>>
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<<button [[Leave|clothingstore]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bro">\
<img src="img/kitchen/luke/luke.jpg" class='medium'>
Luke is busy at reading newspaper and drinking coffee.
<<if $bcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Interupt Luke</h12>">>
<img src="img/luke/bimmorning.jpg" class='large'>
You loosened a few buttons of your shirt, exposing your boobs.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Morning Luke.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>H-Hi $name? What's up...?<</speech>>
Luke acts quite awkward when he sees your deep cleavage.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's cool. Another beautiful day to waste.<</speech>>
<<if $bcorruptionlevel is 0 and $brelationship gte 30 or $bcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Tease More. @@color:orange;($bro Relationship:$brelationship/30)@@</h6>">>
<<set _t to random(1,2)>>
<<if _t is 1>>\
<img src="img/luke/bimmorning2.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif _t is 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/bimmorning2.1.jpg" class='large'>
You turn around and pretend to look for something.
The view for Luke must be quite spectacular.
<<bcorruption 5>><div class="pos">$bro Corruption +5</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn. Where is these keys...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Hmm... Maybe in the upper closet?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh! Nevermind. They were in my bag! Haha. Silly me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Cool.<</speech>>
<<elseif $brelationship lte 29 and $bcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<<link "<h6>Tease More. @@color:grey;($bro Relationship:$brelationship/30)@@</h6>">><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Interupt Luke</h4>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Luke.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Hmm? Oh... Hey $name. How.. are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good... Good.<</speech>><<set $time to $time +1>>
<<if $fitness gte 30>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Tease your $bro @@color:yellow;(Fitness 30)@@</h6>">>
<<set _pose to random (1,3)>>
<<if _pose is 1>>\
<img src="img/kitchen/luke/fitness.webp" class='medium'>
<<elseif _pose is 2>>\
<img src="img/kitchen/luke/fitness2.webp" class='medium'>
<<elseif _pose is 3>>\
<img src="img/kitchen/luke/fitness3.webp" class='medium'>
<div class="posarousal">You stand at the edge of the stove and pretend to do something. And in fact you are showing your half-naked body to your brother. </div>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Look at him @@color:orange;$bro Relationship 75@@</h6>">>
<<if $brelationship gte 75>>
<<set _tes to random (1,2)>>\
<<if _tes is 1>>\
<img src="img/kitchen/luke/tease2.webp" class='medium'>
<<elseif _tes is 2>>\
<img src="img/kitchen/luke/tease.webp" class='medium'>
It's effective! Luke looked at you from beneath the newspaper.
<<bcorruption 5>><div class="pos">$bro Corruption +5</div>
Luke remains busy reading the newspaper.
@@color:orange;((Improve relationship with $bro))@@
<<elseif $fitness lte 29>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Tease your $bro @@color:yellow;(Fitness 30)@@</h6>">>Not enough Fitness<</linkreplace>><</if>>\
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
((Hover mouse at the image below))
<div class="container">
<img src="img/school/before.jpg" class="mediumvision">
<div class="middle">
<div class="imageof"><img src="img/school/after.jpg" class="imagevision"></div>
It's been a while since your operation. At least your parents came up with an excuse with your absence.
Now you are wondering, how everyone at school will react to new "you".
Looking back then, Everyone was making fun of you how innocent and nerdy you were. Only Lena was kind enough to show you the ropes. Thanks to her, You changed.
Maybe it's time to thank her somehow...?
<<if $boyfriendjack is true>>\
When you were about to enter the school. You hear rushed footsteps.
It's Jack!
Jack stopped for a second to look at you. From his face it was hard to judge what he was thinking.
<img src="img/school/jackhug.jpg" class="imagerightc">
After that, He picked you and hugged you tightly.
<<speech "Jack">>$name! I've missed you so much.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Me too! My, my... I see that you have also changed. You have put on some muscle!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>I didn't know what to do with myself. Instead of worrying, I started to work on myself a little. Anyway. $name.. You look so pretty. I mean you looked pretty back then but Wow!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Am i? Thank you Jack. We need to make up for this lost time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>That's right. Okay, We'll see later? I need to go. Gym teach is waiting for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course. See you.<</speech>>
<<if $tomevents gte 3 or $hot gte 6>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:red;
Oh Jack. I don't know if this is going to work.
I have someone else on my mind.
Someone who could satisfy my needs.@@</div><</if>>\
<<button [[Enter the school]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/school/introlvl3.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<<addcorruption 1>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +1</div>
The moment you step in, Everyone in the hallway stares at you.
Some of the boys were hiding their boners, Few girls was staring at you in disbelief with jaw open.
Even some teachers stopped walking and looked at you with interest. With your success, You smiled at yourself.
Lena was the first who approached you.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Lena</h4>">>
<img src="img/school/lenashock.jpg" class="imagerightc">
<<speech "Lena">>Oh my gosh! $name! It is really you?! <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. Yep. That's me! New $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Damn! You look so hot! At those tits! Jeez!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>They are bigger isn't!? Oh Lena! I just missed you so badly.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Me too Girl!<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/groping.webp" class="mediumc">
You hugged each other but Lena couldn't help herself and starts groping your tits.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Those are fantastic! Okay gotta go. See you in the class!<</speech>>
<<if $chloe is true>>\
After the welcome from Lena, Chloe joins you.
She is watching you from top to bottom and has quite an interesting glance.
<img src="img/chloe/intro.jpg" class="imageleftc">
<<speech "Chloe">>Huh $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Chloe. Missed me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Yeah. A little. What has happened to you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I had to deal with a few things in my life. I'll tell you later.<</speech>>
<<if $teacherhorny gte 6>>\
<<speech "Chloe">>Well. My father asked about you all the time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's so sweet. I'll talk to him.<</speech>>
<div class="posarousal">Somehow you knew that your teacher would miss you deeply.
This time i'll tease him slowly.</div>
<<if $ashley is true>>\
<img src="img/school/ashley/ashleytalk.jpg" class="imagerightc">
When you were about to enter the class, Ashley poked you with her shoulder.
<<speech "Ashley">>Oh! Look who we have here. $name. In the flesh.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi to you too.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>So. You got a new pair of tities. Like a good slut. No worries. Maybe this time someone evantually will want you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I hear jealousy in your voice. Are you afraid of something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Haha. We'll see about that. Later Bitch.<</speech>>
Ashley still behaves like a bitch.
<<button [[Enter The Class]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/school/entryclass.jpg" class='small'>
Teacher was waiting for the class to get sitted. Then he noticed that you came for the classes.
He is keeping hig eyes on your chest mostly. It is hard for him, beacuse mostly of the time you are teasing him with your deep cleaveage.
<<speech "Teacher">>$name! It is good to see you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks teach! Sorry for long absence.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher">>Yes. Chloe can assist you in keeping up with lost materials. Anyway. Have a sit.<</speech>>
You sit next to Lena like you used to.
Through the class, Teacher was a bit clumsy. You noticed how the teacher could not take his eyes off you.
Lena couldn't stop smiling. She leans to you and whispers to you ear.
<img src="img/school/sitting.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Lena">><sub>$name. Mr.Bailey wants you so bad. Look. He didn't even stand. He must hide his boner!</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>You think so?</sub><</speech>>
Chloe look at you suspiciously.
Teacher stands up with a huge boner inside his pants and calls you to the board.
<<speech "Teacher">>*Cough* $name. Come up to the board, We will help you solve the task.<</speech>>
You walk seductively to the board and by mistake threw the chalk on the floor.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ups. I'm so clumsy today!<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/stand.webp" class='small'>
<<addcorruption 1>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +1</div>
You bend down next to the teacher. His face is priceless. Half of the class has open mouth. Boys were drooling at the sight of you.
After a few minutes class helped you solve the task on the board.
<<speech "Teacher">>Nice class. And you $name. We'll talk after the class.<</speech>>
<<if $ashley is true>>\
<img src="img/school/ashley/ash.jpg" class='small'>
Ashley was pissed off by your behaviour around the teacher.
She nervously tapped her feet on the floor
It gave you a slight pleasure.<</if>>\
Class is over.
<h3>New Selfie Unlocked!</h3>
<<button [[Leave|school]]>><<set $schoolenter to true>><<set $time to $time +5>><<set $startnewbody to true>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="mombox"><b>\
<img src='img/mcroom/job.jpg' class='large98'>
<h3>Choose your Uniform</h3>
<<if $officesuit1 is true>>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/suit1.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "suit1">>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<money -5>>
<<goto "estateoffice">><</link>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/suitlewd3.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $officy to 3>>
<<set $clotheswear to "suit1hot">>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<money -5>>
<<goto "estateoffice">><</link>>
<<if $officesuit2 is true>>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/suit2.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "suit2">>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<money -5>>
<<goto "estateoffice">><</link>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/suitlewd2.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $officy to 2>>
<<set $clotheswear to "suit1hot">>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<money -5>>
<<goto "estateoffice">><</link>>
<<if $officesuit3 is true>>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/suit3.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "suit3">>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<money -5>>
<<goto "estateoffice">><</link>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/suitlewd4.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $officy to 4>>
<<set $clotheswear to "suit1hot">>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<money -5>>
<<goto "estateoffice">><</link>>
<<if $officesuit1hot is true>>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/officesuit.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "suit1hot">>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 15>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<money -5>>
<<goto "estateoffice">><</link>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/suitlewd1.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $officy to 1>>
<<set $clotheswear to "suit1hot">>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 15>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<money -5>>
<<goto "estateoffice">><</link>>
<<if $officesuit2hot is true>>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/officesuit2.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "suit2hot">>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 15>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<money -5>>
<<goto "estateoffice">><</link>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/suitlewd6.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $officy to 6>>
<<set $clotheswear to "suit1hot">>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 15>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<money -5>>
<<goto "estateoffice">><</link>>
<<if $officesuit3hot is true>>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/officesuit3.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $clotheswear to "suit3hot">>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 15>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<money -5>>
<<goto "estateoffice">><</link>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/suitlewd5.jpg' class='image'>">><<set $officy to 5>>
<<set $clotheswear to "suit1hot">>
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 15>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<money -5>>
<<goto "estateoffice">><</link>>
<h3>@@color:orange;(Remember. You are paying 5$ for Uber!)@@</h3>
<<button [[Return to the Bedroom|mcroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "outside" pause>>
<span id="teach">\
<img src="img/school/afterschool/before.jpg" class="medium">
Math teacher invited you to his home.
At the entrance to the apartment, he kept touching you without hesitation.
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Bailey told me a lot about you. He said he had never fucked such a slut in his life.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. Care to find out? But... Grades are not gonna change itself, Right Professor?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Of course $name. After you learn the hard lessons from me.<</speech>>
In a hurry, you undressed and gave in a dose of fantasy.
<<linkreplace "<h7>@@color:hotpink;Tease With Your Body@@</h7>">>
<video src="img/school/afterschool/teacher1.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
You were having fun with teasing him with your body, driving him crazy to the point of desire.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my! I am feeling something hard in your pants. Mr. Professor!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Then find out what it is, Slut.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>@@color:hotpink;Get his Cock@@</h7>">>
<video src="img/school/afterschool/teacher2.webm" class='large' autoplay controls loop>
A math teacher not only knows analytical geometry, but also how to show you how to suck a good dick by fucking you in the mouth.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>GURLP! GURLP!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Yes!! Fuck! $name. I am finally fucking $name. Dreams came true.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>GAWK! OH-GAWK! PROF-GAWK! PROFESSOR-GURLP!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h7>@@color:hotpink;Continue@@</h7>">><<replace "#teach">>
<video src="img/school/afterschool/teacher3.webm" class='large' autoplay controls loop>
When he lifted you with his strong arms his cock penetrated your wet cunt without resistance.
By then he roughly fucks you around the apartment.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck!!! HARDER!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>You don't have tell me twice, Slut. <</speech>>
<<link "<h7>@@color:hotpink;Continue@@</h7>">><<replace "#teach">>
<video src="img/school/afterschool/teacher4.webm" class='large' autoplay controls loop>
He led you to his bedroom and threw you into bed.
You threw yourself at him and sat on his cock. Riding him gave you a dose of pleasure.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah!! That's it! <</speech>>
<<link "<h7>@@color:hotpink;His about to Finish.@@</h7>">><<replace "#teach">>
<video src="img/school/afterschool/teacher5.webm" class='large' autoplay controls loop>
Professor rides you without remorse.
His dick keep thrusting your wet pussy. You feel he's about to finish.
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>I'm getting so close!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes! YES! HARDER!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Fuuucckkk!!!! $name!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my! You came inside me! <</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Calm Down. My sperm is shooting blanks. Anyway. You'll get your grades improved. Nice one $name. Keep it up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. Thank you Professor.<</speech>>
Professor leads you to the exit and with smile slaps your buttcheeks.
You feel proud that you have improved your grades. This time you enjoyed these lessons.
<<if $mathteacher is false>><<set $reputationschool to $reputationschool +5>><div class="pos">@@color:orange;Reputation School +5@@</div>
<<set $mathteacher to true>><<addcorruption 3>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +3</div>
<h3>New Selfie Unlocked!</h3>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><<set $time to $time +2.5>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "outside" pause>>
<span id="sex">
<img src="img/school/afterschool/before01.jpg" class="medium">
You approached the professor who was disappointed in you. He's probably concerned about the performance you're behind on and it's pretty disastrous.
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>$name. You failed the test, again! Your grades are mostly F.<</speech>>
<th><<linkreplace "<h7>@@color:hotpink;Take a Risk@@</h7>">><<replace "#sex">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Again?! Professor... Is there any possible way to change these grades?<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/afterschool/tease.jpg" class="medium">
You took a risk and started teasing him with your huge cleaveage.
His eyes were locked at your chest.
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Hmm... Bailey told me a lot about you. Let's take a ride.<</speech>>
Professor leads you to his car.
<<link "<h7>@@color:hotpink;Go with Professor..@@</h7>">><<goto "sexafter">><</link>>
<th><<linkreplace "<h7>Promise to improve</h7>">><<replace "#sex">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'll be better next time Professor! I'll promise.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Then start harder. Beacuse next time... You may fail the class.<</speech>>
With that you left the class.
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "outside" pause>>
<span id="st">
<img src="img/school/afterschool/before02.jpg" class="medium">
Boy couldn't take his hands off you when you lead him to the empty class.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come here...<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Student">>Whoaa!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>@@color:hotpink;Taste him@@</h7>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<video src="img/school/afterschool/student1.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
Teasing this boy makes you so much pleasure.
When his hands touch your large boobs, you get even hornier.
<<speech "Boy1" "Student">>Fuck... I'm with $name... It's like a dream!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well. Sometimes dreams do come true.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Student">>Damn!!! Look at those Tits! So big!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha.<</speech>>
<<link "<h7>@@color:hotpink;Continue@@</h7>">><<replace "#st">>
<span id="sj">
<<timed 10ms t8n>>
<video src="img/school/afterschool/student3.webm" class='large' autoplay controls loop>
When Student rides between your breasts you realized...
You finally feel satisfied with the breast enlargement.
<<speech "Boy1" "Student">>Fuck... It feels so fucking good!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes it does!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Student">>I can't take it anymore. Suck it! Please!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Suck his Cock</h6>">><<replace "#sj">>
<<timed 10ms t8n>>
<video src="img/school/afterschool/student2.webm" class='large' autoplay controls loop>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>GURLP! GURLP!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Student">>Wowww.....<</speech>>
<<link "<h7>@@color:hotpink;Continue@@</h7>">><<replace "#st">>
<<timed 10ms t8n>>
<video src="img/school/afterschool/student4.webm" class='large' autoplay controls loop>
You take the action on the desk.
His dick without resistance entered your wet pussy.
<<speech "Boy1" "Student">>You are so hot $name. I can't believe it! I'm gonna fuck so hard!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah..!! Yes!! Fuck me!! Harder! HARDER!!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<link "<h7>@@color:hotpink;Continue@@</h7>">><<replace "#st">>
<<timed 10ms t8n>>
<video src="img/school/afterschool/student5.webm" class='large' autoplay controls loop>
His endurance is slowly decreasing.
To continue this pleasure you hop on his dick and ride it.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on, Pretty boy! Give it all till you can!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Student">>Fuuuckk... You are such a slut!!!<</speech>>
After these words, He wants to show you how manly he is and starts fucking you roughly.<</timed>>
<<link "<h7>@@color:hotpink;His Cum@@</h7>">><<replace "#st">>
<<timed 10ms t8n>>
<video src="img/school/afterschool/student6.webm" class='large' autoplay controls loop>
But in the end, he can't stand it anymore.
To end it perfectly you lie on the desk and take his dick upside down.
<<speech "Boy1" "Student">>Shittt....!!! Take this load!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm...Give me all.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Student">>Ufff.... You are so fucking hot. $name. Can i meet you again?<</speech>>
<<if $boyfriendjack is true>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>We'll see if my boyfriend would be okay with this. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Student">>No way. I'll talk to him if he wouldn't agree.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>There is no need. We'll get along somehow.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>We'll see. How about next time you try harder.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Student">>Of course! For you? Always.<</speech>>
<<if $hornystudent is false>><<set $reputationschool to $reputationschool +5>><div class="pos">@@color:orange;Reputation School +5@@</div>
<<set $hornystudent to true>><<addcorruption 3>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +3</div><</if>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><<set $time to $time +2.5>><</button>><</timed>>
</b></div><div align="center"><div class="secondfloor"><b>\
<h2>Second Floor</h2><<audio "moans" stop>>
<<if $time gte 20 or $time lte 5.5>>\
<<goto "hallwaynight">>
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $time is 7.5 or $time is 11.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/pbedroomdad.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BedroomDad">><</link>>
<<elseif $time is 7 or $time is 19.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/pbeedroommom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BedroomMom">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/pbedroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "Bedroom">><</link>>
<<if $time is 7 or $time is 15.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroomdad.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BathroomDad">><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 19>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroomluke.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "bathroomluke">><</link>>
<<elseif $time is 7.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroommom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BathroomMom">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "Bathroom">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/mcroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "mcroom">><</link>>
<div align="center"><div class="firstfloor">\
<h2>First Floor</h2><b>
<<if $time gte 8.5 and $time lte 10>>\
<<if $time is 8.5>>\
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Guys! Luke and I are leaving! Ciao!<</speech>><</if>>\
@@color:orange;$mom and Luke left the house@@
<<if $time gte 14 and $time lte 15>>\
@@color:orange;$dad is in the park.@@
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $time gte 15 and $time lte 15.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/kitchenmom.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "KitchenMom">>
<<elseif $time gte 16 and $time lte 16.5 or $time is 8>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/everyonekitchen.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "everyonekitchen">><</link>>
<<elseif $time is 8.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/kitchendad.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "KitchenDad">><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 17 and $time lte 17.5>>\
<<link "<img src='img/ui/kitchenlukemom.jpg' class='mediumluke'>">><<set $lukepov to 1>><<goto "kitchenlukemom">><</link>>
<<elseif $time is 7.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/kitchenluke.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "kitchenluke">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/kitchen1.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "Kitchen">><</link>>
<<if $time gte 9 and $time lte 10>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/officedad.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "OfficeDad">><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 10.5 and $time lte 11>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/officemomdad.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "OfficeMomandDad">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/office.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "Office">><</link>>
<<if $time is 11.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/livingroommom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "LivingroomMom">><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 17 and $time lte 17.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/livingroomdad.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "LivingroomDad">><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 12 and $time lte 13>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/livingroomlukemom.jpg' class='mediumluke'>">><<set $lukepov to 1>><<goto "livingroomlukemom">><</link>>
<<elseif $time is 13.5 or $time gte 18 and $time lte 18.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/livingroomluke.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "livingroomluke">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/livingroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "LivingRoom">><</link>><</if>>
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $time gte 14 and $time lte 14.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/backyardmomluke.jpg' class='mediumluke'>">><<set $lukepov to 1>><<goto "backyardmomluke">><</link>>
<<elseif $time is 13.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/backyardmom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "backyardmom">><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 12 and $time lte 13>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/backyarddad.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "backyardad">><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 10.5 and $time lte 11.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/backyardluke.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "backyardluke">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/backyard.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "Backyard">><</link>>
<<if $time is 7 or $time gte 15 and $time lte 15.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/lukeroomluke.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "lukeroomluke">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/lukeroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "lukeroom">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/outside.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<if $clotheswear is "apron1">>
<<goto "badsuit">>
<<goto "outside">><</if>>\<</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<h2>''Living Room.''</h2>
<span id="bro">
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<goto "livingroomlukemomnight">>
<div class="poleluke">\
@@color:lightblue;Luke's Activity@@
<<if $bclean lte 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Clean the livingroom</h4>">><<replace "#bro">>
<img src="img/luke/dust.jpg" class="medium">
@@color:lightgreen;You are cleaning dust from the shelfes and organize some stuff in order. It should take 3 days to get dusty again.
$mom is very pleased with it.@@
<<set $bclean to 3>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>
<<link "<h4>LivingRoom</h4>">><<goto "livingroomlukemom">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</link>>
@@color:orange;Living room looks clean! $mom is delightfull with your job.@@
<<if $time gte 10 and $time lte 13>>\
<<include "momlivingroom">>
<<include "emmalivingroom">>
<th><<link "<h18>Go to Your Room</h18>">><<goto "lukeroom">><<set $insidemom to 0>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h18>Go to Backyard</h18>">><<goto "backyardmomluke">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h18>Go to Kitchen</h18>">><<goto "kitchenlukemom">><</link>></th></table>
<div class="poleemma">\
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<th><<link "<h7>Go back to $name</h7>">><<goto "hallwaynight">><<set $lukepov to 0>><<set $insidemom to 0>><</link>></th>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<th><<link "<h7>Go back to $name</h7>">><<goto "hallwayweekend">><<set $lukepov to 0>><<set $insidemom to 0>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Go back to $name</h7>">><<goto "hallway">><<set $lukepov to 0>><<set $insidemom to 0>><</link>></th>
<<link "<h7>Time Forward 30 Minutes+</h7>">><<goto "livingroomlukemom">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</link>>\
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<h2>''Living Room.''</h2>
<span id="luke">
<img src="img/luke/watchingtv.webp" class='medium'>
Luke is watching TV.
<<if $bclean lte 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Luke cleans the livingroom</h4>">><<replace "#luke">>
<img src="img/luke/dust.jpg" class="medium">
@@color:lightgreen;Luke are cleaning dust from the shelfes and organize some stuff in order. It should take 3 days to get dusty again.
$mom is very pleased with Luke's Help.@@
<<set $bclean to 3>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>
<<link "<h4>LivingRoom</h4>">><<goto "livingroomluke">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Watch Tv with Luke</h4>">><<replace "#luke">><<set $time to $time +1>>
You joined Luke.
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yo, Handsome $bro!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Oh hey, $name. Hey! I'm watching here!<</speech>>
You're watching the scientific bullshit that your $bro used to watch. You forcibly take the TV remote control and start looking for the right channel for you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah. Sorryyy $bro. But it's my turn!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Really?! Since it was your turn when I was here first!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh, Chiiil. It's nothing biggie. Oh. Here! The right channel for us! <</speech>>
<img src="img/livingroom/fashion.webp" class='medium'>
The channel where the fashion model show takes place.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ulalaa! Mama mia! Such a hottie body! Don't you agree, $bro?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah... Well. Let's watch more!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hihi! It's so kewl to watch it with you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So what's on the TV.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Nothing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nothing you say? Before I walked in, I swear that I heard moaning noises. Have you were watching porn? Big $bro?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Oh no! You got me! Please! Don't arrest me.<</speech>>
<img src="img/luke/living.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Pfff... I knew it! Pervert!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Pervert? Wow... That's all you got?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? So you want me to keep trying?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>No. Please. Don't! My pride may suffer!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. You are so silly. $bro. I like you for that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Haha..<</speech>>
<<brelationship 5>><div class="pos">@@color:orange;$bro Relationship +5@@</div>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Tease Luke @@color:hotpink;(Bimbo)@@</h12>" t8n>><<replace "#luke">>
<div class="daddybox"><img src="img/luke/bimliv.jpg" class='medium'>
<div class="posarousal">As you enter the livingroom, Luke was watching TV. His eyes traveled to your body.
The teasing outfit you are wearing, worked. As you expected. You made a seductive face and looked at him passionately.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Big Bro. I'm going out. You need something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Umm... No... Thanks.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>@@color:hotpink;Give him more!@@</h12>" t8n>><<scrolldown 1s>>
<img src="img/luke/bimliv2.jpg" class='medium'>
<div class="posarousal">You lean against his sofa and slowly massage your big pair of titties.
Luke awkwardly leaned away from you but continued to stare at your deep cleavage.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No...? Nothing at all...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>*Gulp* No... $sister. You... It's good you ask. But thanks...<</speech>>
<<bcorruption 5>><div class="posarousal">$bro Corruption +5</div>
You instantly stood up straight and smiled at him.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okei! Bye Big $bro!<</speech>>
<<if $brelationship gte 20>>\
<<set _mc to random(1,2)>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Tease Luke @@color:orange;($bro Relationship 20)@@</h4>" t8n>><<replace "#luke">>
<<timed 1ms t8n>>\
<<if _mc is 1>>\
<img src="img/luke/livingroom.jpg" class='medium'>
<<elseif _mc is 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/livingroom00.jpg" class='medium'>
<<set $time to $time +1>>
Luke is busy watching Tv. To get his attention you wear a bit revealing outfit and sits near him.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Still watching Porn. Big $bro?<</speech>>
Luke faced at you and noticed your huge cleavage.
<<speech "Luke">>And it looks like I'm watching porn? $name... What are you doing?<</speech>><</timed>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>@@color:hotpink;Give him more!@@</h7>" t8n>><<scrolldown 1s>>
<<if _mc is 1>>\
<img src="img/luke/livingroom2.jpg" class='medium'>
<<elseif _mc is 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/livingroom01.jpg" class='medium'>
His eyes drill into your cleavage. To tease him more you bite your finger.
Your charm and new boobs effect on him. His eyes can't get any peace.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What it looks like? Big $bro?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name.. I-I need to go. Something urgent c-came up....<</speech>>
Luke left you alone in the livingroom. It sounds he locked himself in the bathroom.
You smirk that you have such a good effect on your $bro.
<<bcorruption 5>><div class="posarousal">$bro Corruption +5</div>
<<elseif $brelationship lte 19>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Tease Luke @@color:orange;($bro Relationship 20)@@</h4>">><<replace "#luke">>
Luke is busy watching TV.
<<include "sexual">>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="leonbox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="mom">
<img src='img/mom/family/teaseson.jpg' class='medium'>
After moving back in with your Brother, Your $mom is more happier then ever.
When she is around Luke, $mom loves to spoil his $son. But you also notice that she looks at it from a different angle.
She's wearing a bit more revealing clothes, Sometimes suggestive comments and extra physical with her $son.
But now $mom calls you to her bedroom for a talk.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Talk with $mom</h4>">>
<img src='img/mom/family/1.jpg' class='medium'>
$mom with her new lingerie is waiting you by the door.
She smirks when you came inside.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>$name. Honey. I'm so envy of your new body!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh.. Thanks $mom. Still i have to get used to it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Yes. You have to. $name listen. As you know. Your lovely $bro has living with us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. House is getting a bit louder from now on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Oh $name don't whine. So. I'd like you to take care of him. Get closer to him...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom it's obvious. He's my $bro. Of course I'll take care of him.<</speech>>
<img src='img/mom/family/2.jpg' class='medium'>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>I know $name, I know. But in a special way. A special bond.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What... What do you mean by that $mom?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>$mom means that you need to develop a special Bond with your $bro. A very... Very special secret bond.<</speech>>
The way your $mom is saying these things makes you...
Excited. She is obsessed with this kind of thing. To have her youths to take care of each other in sexual way.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow... $mom... That's a huge proposition from you. I don't know-<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom's Wish</h6>">>
<img src='img/mom/family/whisper.jpg' class='imageleft'>
You wanted to see what your $mom would do to change your mind.
$mom leans to you and whispers. She never fails.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>$name. I'm obsessed with it so much... It's my desire to have you two, who gift each other most love. $sister and $bro.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>$sister and $bro?</h7>">><<replace "#mom">>
<img src='img/mom/family/kiss.webp' class='mediumc'>
After these words, you couldn't stand the tension.
You threw yourself at your $mom with your kisses promising what she asked for.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>My sweet $daughter...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes! I promise...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Obsession</h7>">>
<img src='img/mom/family/clit.webp' class='mediumc'>
$mom's tongue is pleasing your clit.
Deeply, She is aggressive and committed to it.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'll show $bro our Cherished Secret.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>I'm so proud of you $name.... Yess.... I knew you'll like it. You have it inside you.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Obsession.</h7>">>
<img src='img/mom/family/lust.webp' class='mediumc'>
$mom pressed you to the wall.
Kissing you from top to bottom in the ecstasy of lust.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom!!! This feeling is wonderful! I'm so in love with you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena">><div class="posarousal">Mommy is delighted to hear this.</div><</speech>>
<div class="posarousal">Martha leads you to the bed and starts carrasing you from behind.
You've already given so much of yourself that you can't do any more
But $mom loves touching her $daughter...
One more time.</div>
<img src='img/mom/family/orgasm.webp' class='mediumc'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom... <</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>@@color:hotpink;$mom's Smile@@</h7>">><<replace "#mom">>
<img src='img/mom/family/mommyhappy.jpg' class='medium'>
$mom stops and smiled at you.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>$name. You made the promise. Fulfill this dream for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. $mom.<</speech>>
You made a promise to your $mom.
Show your $bro a Secret.
<h3>Secret Taboo.</h3>
<<mcorruption 20>><div class="posarousal">@@color:violet;$mom's Corruption +20@@</div>
<<addcorruption 2>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +2</div>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<set $mombrother to true>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
You approached your $bro.<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<speech "Luke">>Wow. $name is here! Care to join me $sister?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Join</h4>">>
<<if $clotheswear is "sport" and $energy gte 26 or $clotheswear is "sport1" and $energy gte 26>>
You and your Brother went for a run
<img src="img/park/dad.gif" class='medium'>
<<fitness 1>>@@color:yellow;Fitness +1@@
<<brelationship 5>>@@color:orange;$bro Relationship +5@@
<<energy -25>>@@color:lightblue;Energy -25@@<<upd>>
<<elseif $energy lte 25>>
<img src="img/avatars/exhaust.jpg" class='medium'>
I'm exhausted.
<<speech "Luke">>Seriously $name. You are tired again? Pfff...<</speech>>
<<brelationship -5>>@@color:orange;$bro Relationship -5@@
<img src="img/park/shorts.jpg" class='small'>
You need to wear something sporty.
<<button [[Leave|Park]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "church" play>>\
<<if $church is false>>\
When you get back after the surgery, You noticed that the church has finally rebuilt.
With interest, you went inside to see what it looked like from the inside
After a few seconds some kind of Priest came up to you.
<img src="img/church/priest.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Priest">>Hello Child. Have i seen you before?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hello Father. No. I don't think so?<</speech>>
<<speech "Priest">>Is that so? I must have seen you somewhere before... Ah.. Nevermind. Welcome to God's holy house.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It is nice here. Yeah.. It's nice and so rich.<</speech>>
<<speech "Priest">>It is will of the God, Child.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Will of the god?<</speech>>
<<speech "Priest">>Naturally, my child. Our faith is founded on his wisdom and clarity.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can you enlight me, Father?<</speech>>
<<speech "Priest">>The truth is hidden in you. Seek it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Everything you say is so enigmatic.<</speech>>
<<speech "Priest">>In time, you will understand $name. Farewell my child.<</speech>>
Priest left you alone with confused thoughts.
But after a few seconds you realized that he had said your name!
It's a bit odd for you that Priest knows you well when you never seen him before.
<<set $church to true>><<set $time to $time +1>>\
<<button "Church">><<goto "newchurch">><</button>>
<<elseif $church is true and $time lte 19.5 and $time gte 7>>
<img src="img/church/inside.jpg" class='medium'>
There are few believers inside.
Priest is busy at Church Mass.
Some Nuns are asking for Donations for the poor.
<<button [[Donation]]>><</button>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
Church is empty right now.
Some of the nuns are preparing for the bed.
<<button [[Leave|outsidenight]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "church" play>><b>\
<h3>Church's Donation:$moneychurch/2000</h3>
@@color:orange;Nun's Secrets:$corruptionchurch@@
<<if $moneychurch gte 2000>>
<img src="img/church/nun.webp" class='medium'>
<<speech "Nun">>Thank you $name. Your donations will be used to continue our beautiful faith.<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "Nun">>Hello Child. By paying for a donation, you help those most in need.<</speech>>
<<if $corruptionchurch lte 2 and $moneychurch lte 1999>>
<th><<if $money gte 50>>\
<<link "<h6>50$</h6>">><<money -50>><<set $moneychurch to $moneychurch +50>><<goto "Donation">><</link>>
Not enough money!<</if>></th>\
<th><<if $money gte 100>>\
<<link "<h6>100$</h6>">><<money -100>><<set $moneychurch to $moneychurch +100>><<goto "Donation">><</link>>
Not enough money!<</if>></th>\
<th><<if $money gte 250>>\
<<link "<h6>250$</h6>">><<money -250>><<set $moneychurch to $moneychurch +250>><<goto "Donation">><</link>>
Not enough money!<</if>></th>\
<<if $moneychurch gte 500>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Stories</h4>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<<if $moneychurch gte 500 and $corruptionchurch is 0>>\
<img src="img/church/nun.webp" class='medium'>
<div class="posarousal">Out of nowhere Nun appeared and take your hands.
A lot of intimate parts were showing through her clothes.</div>
<<speech "Nun">>$name. Come with me.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Sweet Sins@@</h6>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "sinchurch">><</link>>
<<elseif $corruptionchurch gte 1>>\
<img src="img/church/sweetsin.jpg" class='small'>
<<link "<h6>@@color:pink;Sweet Sins@@</h6>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "sinchurch">><</link>>
<<if $moneychurch gte 1000 and $corruptionchurch is 1>>\
<img src="img/church/nun.webp" class='medium'>
<div class="posarousal">Out of nowhere the very same Nun before, Appeared and take your hands.
A lot of intimate parts were showing through her clothes.</div>
<<speech "Nun">>$name. Come with me.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Blasphemy@@</h6>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "sinchurch1">><</link>>
<<elseif $corruptionchurch gte 2>>\
<img src="img/church/blashpemy.jpg" class='small'>
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Blasphemy@@</h6>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "sinchurch1">><</link>>
<<if $moneychurch gte 2000 and $corruptionchurch is 2>>\
<img src="img/church/nun.webp" class='medium'>
<div class="posarousal">Out of nowhere the very same Nun before, Appeared and take your hands.
A lot of intimate parts were showing through her clothes.</div>
<<speech "Nun">>$name. Come with me.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:red;Ritual@@</h6>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "sinchurch2">><</link>>
<<elseif $corruptionchurch gte 3>>\
<img src="img/church/ritual.jpg" class='medium'>
<<link "<h6>@@color:red;Ritual@@</h6>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "sinchurch2">><</link>>
<<button [[Leave|newchurch]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="sin">
<img src="img/church/corridors.jpg" class='medium'>
She's guiding you around the church. Through the walk she how this place changed her life.
<<speech "Nun">>After one week, Church was built completely. Magnificent, Isn't?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah.. Yes. It is.<</speech>>
<<speech "Nun">>Anyway! Everything here is new to us. Well... We come from very far away. Our @@color:orange;<i>Father</i> @@guided us here to show you our knowledge and peace in the soul.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's Admirable.<</speech>>
<<speech "Nun">>See $name! You understand. But other parishes do not accept our teaching methods. They say it is forbidden...<</speech>>
<<speech "Nun">>Forbidden?! How it is Forbidden?! It's the way it should be taught!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What do you mean by that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Nun">>There is no other wiser and more beloved than our Father!<</speech>>
You don't know what to say. For you she's completly insane and difficult to understand.
After a few minutes of walking Nun stopped by the doors.
<<speech "Nun">>$name. Come in. There is rest story to tell.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Hear her story</h6>">><<replace "#sin">>
<<timed 10ms t8n>>
<video src="img/church/sin.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
@@color:hotpink;She tells you her story. How she attends church mass every day.
At first it was difficult to get acquainted with other nuns.
During supper, Our Holy Father put some kind of aphrodisiac to the meal.
After several nights later, we knew each other well. Several suppers later...
In the night Sister Pola came to my room told me what she desires... What her sins are.. And they all were sweet.
She couldn't hold the tension. We kissed.. Kissed so hard we touch each other through the all night...
Sister Pola and I did a forbidden lust act... May bless her soul..
A most pleasant night at the monastery.@@
Without the shame she reveals all of it to you.
She spoke as if it was nothing out of the ordinary.
In the course of the story you had some visions that went deep into your soul.
<<if $corruptionchurch is 0>><h3>You are being Corrupted</h3>
<div class="posarousal">Corruption +5</div>
<<set $corruptionchurch to $corruptionchurch +1>><<addcorruption 5>><</if>>\
<<speech "Nun">>$name. Father was right about you.<</speech>>
With the confused thoughts, Nun leads you to the entrance of the church.
<<button [[Leave|newchurch]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
</b></div>\ <div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/church/sin2.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
@@color:hotpink;Another Story...
Nun tells you how much loves Sundays.
Every Sunday after night mass. Father brings believers to their rooms to copulate.
He says that it is essential ritual to purify the impurities of believers.
One of the nuns resist the urge and says it was...
A Blasphemy?! How could she... How could. But Father has a plan for her. Great Plan.
That Nun was me! I was so stupid back then. I didn't understand my desires... to God!
After that word... Blasphemy... The men, along with my father, took care of me the entire night.
Only the Holy Father knew where to hit my tender spot. And he knew perfectly well, and I love him for it.
It was the finest learning lesson of my life, which i will never forget!
<<if $corruptionchurch is 1>><h3>You are being Corrupted</h3>
<div class="posarousal">Corruption +5</div>
<<set $corruptionchurch to $corruptionchurch +1>><<addcorruption 5>><</if>>\
<<speech "Nun">>Thank you $name for listening. It calmed my soul...<</speech>>
With the confused thoughts, Nun leads you to the entrance of the church.
<<button [[Leave|newchurch]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/church/sin3.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">The tale goes on...
By the Father's will and blessing.
He picked me to show the new Sister's the fundamentals of our holy sanctuary.
At first, They defied our special faith. Newcomers object in our method of teaching. They had as a scheme to announce the blasphemy and sins that are committed here to the Holy Father in Vatican. But our <i>Father</i> saved them from these thoughts and showed them a true purpose of our Church.
<img src="img/church/newcomer.jpg" class='imagerightc'>
In time, Our divine of the church, changed their minds. Newcomers were addicted... To our special faith.
Sisters participate in a special ritual during which they were baptized with buckets of cum from the believers.
Father was pleased of my accomplishments and as a reward...
<img src="img/church/nun1.webp" class='imageleft'>
He bred me couple times inside that day. Father and other rich believers...
That was the day I fully committed myself to our Father.</div>
<<if $corruptionchurch is 2>><h3>You are being Corrupted</h3>
<div class="posarousal">Corruption +5</div>
<<set $corruptionchurch to $corruptionchurch +1>><<addcorruption 5>><</if>>\
<<speech "Nun">>Thank you $name for listening. You are special girl with <i>Potential</i>...<</speech>>
With the confused thoughts, Nun leads you to the entrance of the church.
<<button [[Leave|newchurch]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/chloe/house/talk.webm" class='mediumc' autoplay loop muted>
As you were about to leave Bailey's room, you see that he is a under stress.
You think that Ashley is blackmailing him after what you saw after school.
Time to ask him about it.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mr. Bailey. Is something wrong? You looked... Nervous?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Huh...?! What are you talking about. Everything is okay $name. Don't worry about me. Just go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's Ashley. Isn't?<</speech>>
Teacher looked at you with a suprised look.
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Ash-Ashley? What are you-<</speech>>
<<if $ashleyreveal is true and $ashleyblock is false>>\
@@color:orange;Come on Mr.Bailey.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sir. I saw everything. You and Ashley were fucking after the class.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Please $name. Leave it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ashley has some kind of a dirt on you. Does it? Tell me what it is before it gets any worse. Sir.<</speech>>
@@color:lightblue;Teacher sits down and starts touching his hair nervously.@@
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>I fucked up... Fuck.. Fuck!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Hear his story with Ashley</h6>">>
<img src="img/chloe/house/serious.jpg" class='medium'>
Mr.Bailey finally opens up to you. With deep concern you begin to listen to him.
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Ashley... Ashley and I have a secret relationship... It's been long. Before you join the school.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>At first we were deeply in love with each other. We've been keeping this relationship in secret for quite a long time, Until...<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Once Ashley went too far and broke into my home and waited all naked in my bed. Unfortunately, my wife had already finished her shift and discovered Ashley in our bedroom. My wife saw naked Ashley in her bed! God... After this... My marriage collapsed. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Whoa.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>I lost my wife and son. Thank god, Chloe was not here at the time. Back then she was with her grandparents. After Chloe came back she decide to stay here with me. Anyway, I realized I have to end this for good. Ashley didn't take this easy. At first, Ashley threatened me with committing suicide which put me in a difficult position and I had to stay until I came up with something else.
Then she was even smarter and recorded me and her having sex with a hidden camera. Now this recording is a deadswitch to my future and my work.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's why... What a fucked up girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>$name... I'm so sorry... But it's not over. She also showed me picture and recording of us... At the hotel, School.... I... Don't know what to do right now...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>God dammit.. Mr.Bailey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>I'm trying to do my best to not harm you $name. But-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Forget it. What's done is done. I wont let this happen.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>$name? What are you trying to do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mr.Bailey. Call me when Ashley try something stupid towards you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Huh?! $name. Can you at least tell me what are you up to?<</speech>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Just call. Everything is gonna be okay.<</speech>>
With that you are leaving Mr.Bailey alone in his room.
<<if $warehouse is false>>
<h3>Talk with Lucas. Surely he will help you to find an idea for Ashley.</h3>
<<elseif $warehouse is true>>\
<h3>The only thing to break free from Ashley is Sanctuary.</h3>
<<set $ashleyslave to true>>
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "housechloe">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<set $baileysexhouse to 0>><</link>>
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "housechloe">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<set $baileysexhouse to 0>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="secondfloor"><b>\
<<if $time gte 6 and $time lte 19.5>>\
<<goto "hallway">>
<h2>''Second Floor.''</h2>
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $time gte 23 and $time lte 23.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/pnightmom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BedroomMomNight">><</link>>
<<elseif $time is 22 and $momsleep is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/pnightmom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BedroomMomNight">><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 24 and $arguefamily is true or $time lte 6 and $arguefamily is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/pnightmom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BedroomMomNight2">><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 24 and $arguefamily is false or $time lte 6 and $arguefamily is false or $arguefamily is 0 and $time gte 23.5 or $time lte 6 and $arguefamily is 0>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/pbnightdadmom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BedroomNight">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/pbedroomnight.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BedroomNight">><</link>>
<<if $time is 22.5>>
<<if $momsleep is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "BathroomNight">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroommom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BathroomMom">><</link>>
<<elseif $time is 21.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "BathroomDad">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "BathroomNight">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/mcroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "mcroom">><</link>>
<div align="center"><div class="firstfloor">\
<h2>''First Floor''</h2><b>
<<button "Pass the Time">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "hallwaynight">><</button>>
<table style="width:80%">
<<if $time is 20 or $time is 20.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/everyonekitchen.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "everyonekitchen">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/kitchen1.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "Kitchen">><</link>>
<<if $time gte 22 and $time lte 23>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/officedadnight.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "officedadnight">>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/officenight.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "officenight">>
<<if $time gte 21 and $time lte 21.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/everyonelivingroomnight.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "livingroomnight">><</link>>
<<elseif $time gte 23.5 and $arguefamily is true or $time lte 6 and $arguefamily is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/livingroomdadnight.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "livingroomdadnight">><</link>>
<<elseif $time is 22>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/lukemomlivingroomnight.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "livingroomnight">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/livingroomnight.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "livingroomnight">><</link>>
<table style="width:80%">
<<link "<img src='img/ui/backyardnight.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<goto "Backyardnight">><</link>>
<<if $time gte 22.5 or $time lte 6.5>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/lukeroomluke.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<if $time gte 23 or $time lte 6.5>>
<<goto "lukeroomnight">>
<<else>><<goto "lukeroomluke">><</if>><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/lukeroom.jpg' class='medium1'>">>
<<goto "lukeroom">><</link>>
<<link "<img src='img/ui/outsidenight.jpg' class='medium1'>">><<if $clotheswear is "apron1">><<goto "badsuit">><<else>><<goto "outsidenight">><</if>><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/luke/mom/livingroom.jpg" class='mediumc'>
<<if $bcorruptionlevel gte 1 and $momandluketalk is true>>\
$mom and Luke are sitting comfortable in the sofa.
She acts somewhat seductively toward her $son.
<<speech "Luke">>How was your day, $mom?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>It was fine, Darling. What about you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Day like everyday.<</speech>>
<<if $momandluketalk is false>>
$mom and Luke are sitting comfortable in the sofa.
She acts somewhat seductively toward her $son.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Oh Luke. I'm so glad you are with us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah. I'm happy too $mom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>And how do you feel here? In your new place?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>I'm not quite sure. It's so odd to me. Everything. But it's so nice to have spend time with you guys.<</speech>>
<img src="img/luke/mom/hug.jpg" class='mediumc'>
$mom hugged Luke but that hug was something more...
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Oh honey! It's okay. You are not alone anymore. $mom is here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Ah.. Thanks $mom. It's good to be back.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>$son. It's been a long time since you've been with someone. Remember. $mom is always happy to help you with it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Ahmm... Okay. $mom. I will keep that in my mind. I'm going to bed i'm bit sleepy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Of course sweetheart. Nighty nighty!<</speech>>
<img src="img/luke/mom/momtease.jpg" class='small'>
Luke confused with the $mom's behaviour left the room with the hard-on.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>My sweet innocent $son. It's so good to have you back...<</speech>>
<<momluke 5>><<set $momandluketalk to true>>Luke's attraction to Mother is increased.
<div class="posarousal">$mom's Boy +5</div>
<<elseif $bcorruptionlevel is 0>>
$mom and Luke are watching together TV.<<audio "tv" play>>
<<speech "Luke">>Is $dad sleeping?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>I don't know Honey. Let's just keep watching this show.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah, You are right.<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<audio "tv" stop>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/ui/dooropen.jpg' class='mediumcity'>
Nobody is home.
<<if $time gte 20>>
<<button [[Leave|outsidenight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="dad">
When Luke and $mom left home, Your $dad was in the kitchen busy reading some newspaper.
You seductively approached to the kitchen draw.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey $dad...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Huh? Oh hey $name.<</speech>>
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/tease.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop muted>
$dad was playing hard.
He pretends not to be distracted by the sight of you when you show off your half-naked body
To get his attention, You take off the banana and starts licking it. Like a lollipop.
That technic worked on him.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name... Is everyone left?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes $dad.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Daddy</h6>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/kiss.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop muted>
When he heard that no one was home, he rushed at you.
With his strong hands, he picked you up and started pushing you into the refrigerator to kiss you passionately
<<speech "Player" "$name">>MMM!! Daddy!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Come here.. My Little Princess.<</speech>>
<<arousal 15>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div><<upd>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Longer</h6>">>
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/kiss1.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>You don't know how much i've missed you..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah..!!<</speech>>
<<arousal 15>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div><<upd>>
<<if $arousal gte 60>>\
<<link "<h6>Undress @@color:hotpink;$arousal/60 Arousal@@</h6>">><<goto "kitchensexdad2">><<set $time to $time +1>><</link>>
<<elseif $arousal lte 59>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Undress @@color:grey;$arousal/59 Arousal@@</h6>">>
<img src="img/dad/kitchen/dont.jpg" class='medium'>
You pushed away your Dad.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry $dad. I'm not in the mood.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name?<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "mcroom">><<set $time to $time +1>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="dad">
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/undress.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls>
$dad roughly takes off your shirt and panties.
His hands are groping your new tits.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>My $daughter's tits. So huge.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>These are made for you. Daddy!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Get on your knees</h6>">><<replace "#dad">>
<span id="bj3">
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/suck.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls>
A nostalgic old taste.
Your $dad's Cock.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Daddy's Cock I missed so much! It's even better than before!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Daddy's Little Princess...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Longer</h6>">><<replace "#bj3">>
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/suck1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Sucking $dad's Cock roughly.
<<speech "Player6" "Horny $name">>*GURLP* I LOVE IT! I LOVE PLEASING YOUR COCK DADDY! *GURLP*<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Fuck $name... You learned so much!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Harder!@@</h6>">><<replace "#dad">>
<span id="bj">
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/suckharder.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls></video>
$dad's Roughly fucks your head with his cock.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*BREATHE* GAWK! Daddy! GULP! MMM!! DADDY!! *BREATHE*<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>You are so fucking hot! Fuck... My cock feels so good in your mouth Darling.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$dad's Mouth</h6>">><<replace "#bj">>
<span id="bj2">
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/lick.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls></video>
$dad loves licking your fresh juicy pussy.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>It taste so sweet!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player6" "$name">>AHH!! Lick it Daddy! Lick the nectar of your own $daughter!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Longer</h6>">><<replace "#bj2">>
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/lick1.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Player6" "$name">>There... Yes! It's yours Daddy! It's fucking yours!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Straight to the Action@@</h6>">><<replace "#dad">>
<span id="sex">
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/fuck.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls></video>
With a smile you are taking your $dad's cock.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>YES!!! FUCK ME DADDY!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>My fucking little slut is taking daddy's cock... You like it... Don't you?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>YES!! I LOVE IT! LOVE IT!!! <</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Longer</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/fuck1.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Player6" "$name">>You like pounding my pussy Daddy?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>It is the best!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Harder!@@</h6>">><<replace "#dad">>
<span id="rough">
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/fuckharder.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls></video>
Daddy raised the tempo to maximum. His cock is hitting you deep!
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>THAT PUSSY IS MINE! DADDY'S DICK MADE YOU WELL BEHAVED!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AH!! YES!! AH! AH! IT'S YOURS!! AH!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>AGAIN DADDY!</h6>">><<replace "#rough">>
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/fuckharder1.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name!! Fuck...!!! I'm getting there..!! God damn i can't believe how slutty you are!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player6" "$name">>Yes!! Keep pouding $daughter's slutty pussy daddy!! Cum inside your own $daughter pussy!!! Don't you dare pull out $dad!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Daddy's Cum@@</h6>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/cum.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls></video>
$dad can't believe how you are so good at this.
With the pleasure he cums inside your pussy.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OH MY!!! I FEEL IT!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>AHHH!! YES!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player6" "$name">>My god... $dad! It's so much... What if i get pregnant?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Whoah.... Wait.. what?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. It's okay. Today is a safe day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name... You scared me little. $mom would kill me.<</speech>>
Another lie. You don't know if it safe day. Maybe it's not?
But you wanted to give your $dad peace of mind in the future
<<set $arousal to 0>>
<<if $daddymorning is false>>\
<h3>New Selfie Unlocked!</h3>
<<fcorruption 10>><div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;$dad Corruption +10@@</div>
<<set $daddymorning to true>><<addcorruption 2>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +2</div><</if>>\
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "mcroom">><<set $time to $time +1>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><span id="father">
<<set _uniform1 to random(1,2)>>
<<if _uniform1 is 1>>\
<video src="img/dad/school/uniform1.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _uniform1 is 2>>\
<video src="img/dad/school/uniform3.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop muted>
$dad can't takes off his eyes of your new school uniform. It looks slutty and sexy. For you it's appealing how others stare at your body but for $dad's eyes you show special attention.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So.. How do you like my outfit?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I... I like it very much. Darling.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Show more</h6>">>
<<set _uniform2 to random(1,2)>>
<<if _uniform2 is 1>>
<video src="img/dad/school/uniform2.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _uniform2 is 2>>
<video src="img/dad/school/uniform4.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop muted>
$dad is trying control himself to not touch you but his will fails.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>God damn Princess. You are such a hottie girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Only for you Daddy!<</speech>>
<<if $arousal gte 80>>
<<link "<h6>$dad wants more @@color:hotpink;(Arousal >80)@@</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/school/enter.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop muted>
$dad shoves you into his bedroom and starts slowly undressing in front of you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my! Daddy! You are so rough!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I can't help it Darling. You are so alluring as you ask for my cock.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Ready your Daddy's Cock for your Pussy.</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/school/hj.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls>
$dad's Cock...
You slowly and carefully wipe him with your saliva.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I love touching it Daddy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>That's my girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's so big...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Enter His Cock.</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/school/fuck.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
$dad so impantient with you slowly perfomance.
He pressed you into his bed and starts pouding your Pussy.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OH! AH!!! YES!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Continue</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/school/fuck2.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls>
Now you want to show your $dad's Place.
You are riding his cock on top of him.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name... $name...! How's my cock darling?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It feels so fucking good, Daddy!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Continue</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/school/fuck3.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls>
$dad and you are getting to the edge of your orgasm.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yes..! Feel Daddy's Cock!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AH! AH! I'M GONNA CUM DADDY!! DADDY!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Daddy's Cum.</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/dad/school/cum.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls>
$dad's cum is pouring all over your ass.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Ah...!! $name...!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck Daddy! That is a lot!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I can't help it. It's beacuse of you darling.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm flattered, Daddy.. Haha.<</speech>>
<<set $arousal to 0>>
<<if $daddyuniform is false>><<set $daddyuniform to true>>
<<addcorruption 2>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +2</div><</if>>\
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Daddy wants more @@color:hotpink;(Arousal >80)@@</h6>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry Daddy. I've got some things to do right now.<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><span id="father"><<audio "door" play>>
<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<<set _finvade to random (1,2)>>
<<if _finvade is 1>>
<video src="img/mcroom/masturbate/interuptdad.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop>
Suddenly, You hear that someone is trying to get in.
The door is locked.. Who might be?
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh... Yes? Who is this...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>It's $dad. Open the door.<</speech>>
With the hurry you try to open the door.
<<elseif _finvade is 2>>
You hate being lonely and horny in the same time.
Still it would be fun to send a teasing photo which you are doing it right now.
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/teasephoto.jpg" class='medium'>
Suddenly, You hear that someone is trying to get in.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name. Open the doors.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah.. Sure $dad.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Open the Door</h6>">><<replace "#father">><<audio "doorlock" play>>
<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/masturbate/dad.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop muted>
@@color:orange;$dad is behind the doors. He lets you know that everyone is asleep.
With the smile and your naked body you invite him inside your room.
When he got in, $dad locked the door with the key. @@
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name... I promised you something.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I've been waiting so long.. Touch me....<</speech>>
@@color:pink;Guiding his firm hands to your enlarged tits makes you giggle and horny.
His touch is so gentle and manly. This wanted to feel. The best investment of your life. @@
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>My $daughter has grown up.... It feels so nice to touch them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now kiss me... $dad...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<link "<h6>Other Lips</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<span id="pus">
<video src="img/mcroom/masturbate/dad1.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">$dad can't wait anylonger.
His need to touch you and lick every part of your body is greater than him. </div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh daddy...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Longer</h6>">><<replace "#pus">>
<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/masturbate/dad2.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes!! Just like that! My pussy feels so good!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Continue</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/masturbate/dad3.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:hotpink;You are having a little difficulty gettting hiz zipper apart but $dad is a patient man.
After a few seconds, Sight of Daddy's cock makes you even hornier. @@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My favorite toy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Only for naughty girls.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I am the naughty girl. My tight little pussy is waiting Daddy...<</speech>><</timed>>\
<<if $fcorruption gte 20 and $fcorruptionlevel gte 2>>
<<link "<h7>Take him to the bed @@color:hotpink;($dad Corruption Level 2 and Father Corruption 20)@@</h7>">><<goto "dadmcbed">><</link>>
<<link "<h7>Take him to the bed@@color:hotpink;($dad Corruption Level 2 and Father Corruption 20)@@</h7>">><</link>>
<<link "<h6>Daddy's Cock</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<span id="cock">
<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/masturbate/dadfuck1.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">The dirty talk worked on your $dad. His giant staff is ready for you tight pussy hole.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AH!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>How does it feel Princess? How is $dad's cock?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So fucking good! Your Big Cock is the best!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Longer</h6>">><<replace "#cock">>
<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/masturbate/dadfuck1.1.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes.. That's it! Harder Daddy! DADDY!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Fuck $name... Daddy's gonna cum!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<link "<h6>Daddy's Cum</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/mcroom/masturbate/daddycum1.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:pink;Father is about to cum. You knelt down and took his cock in your mouth.
Dad is filling your mouth with hot cum.@@
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Here is your meal angel. Take it slowly. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes Daddy!<</speech>>
@@color:hotpink; You slowly swollow every drop of $dad's cum.
The flavour amazes you! It taste everytime even better. It is possible that you are addicted to his cum.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*GULP* DADDY *GULP* It taste so fucking good!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>My little cum dumpster...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I gotta go before $mom or your $bro wakes up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay... Good Night Daddy!<</speech>>
<<set $arousal to 0>>
<<if $daddybed is false>>
<<set $daddybed to true>><<fcorruption 10>><div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;$dad Corruption +10@@</div>
<<addcorruption 2>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +2</div><</if>>\
<<link "<h6>Sleep Tight</h6>">><<goto "Bed">><</link>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><span id="father">
<video src="img/mcroom/masturbate/dad4.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay controls>
@@color:pink;Both of you are kissing sloppy and moved to the bed.@@
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Come. Let's get comfy angel.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Quickly $dad!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Slow down babe...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Naughty $daughter</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<span id="f">
<video src="img/mcroom/masturbate/dadbed1.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:hotpink;$dad wants to take it slowly but you don't want to wait.
Right away take his cock inside your pussy.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck!!! That's where you belong! My tight pussy was so lonely without my $dad's cock.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Darling. You are so hot when you are dominating...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Suck Daddy's Cock</h6>">><<replace "#f">>
<video src="img/mcroom/masturbate/dadbeds.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Ah.. Princess. Is this what you wanted?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*GAWK* Yes! *GAWK* Desperately! *GAWK*<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Harder!</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/mcroom/masturbate/dadbed2.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">Daddy loves to pound you even harder.
Your moan could awake everyone in the house but you don't care.</div>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name.. Shh... You are such a good girl but keep it quiet...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Keep fucking me harder $dad! Let them hear what we are doing!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Daddy's Cum!</h6>">><<replace "#father">>
<video src="img/mcroom/masturbate/daddycum2.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes!! That's it... Cum for me Daddy...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Lick it Princess. It's your reward.<</speech>>
Licking $dad's Cum is your new favorite hobby.
Finally, you can sleep with $dad's cum in your mouth for the rest of the night.
<<link "<h6>Sleep Tight</h6>">><<goto "Bed">><</link>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><b><<masteraudio stop>>
You and some random guy from the school was about to have some fun...
But someone already occupied the empty class.
<<set _random to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _random is 1>>\
<video muted src="img/school/emptyclass/occupied.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif _random is 2>>\
<video muted src="img/school/emptyclass/occupied1.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif _random is 3>>\
<video muted src="img/school/emptyclass/occupied2.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Girl1" "Girl">>Yes!! Pound me har-Hey! It's Occupied! Fuck off!!!<</speech>>
Girl throw shoe at your male student.
Both of you left the place with regret of not having fun.
<<button "Return" `previous()`>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/luke/mom/peek.jpg" class="small">
You went after Luke to show him what $mom is doing in the livingroom
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Take a look Luke.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Luke Peeps</h6>">>
<<timed 10ms t8n>>
<video src="img/luke/mom/mompeep.webm" class="mediumv" autoplay loop controls>
With a curiosity he is peeking through the door.
He can't believe what his $mom is doing right now.
<<speech "Luke">>Whaattt?! Why is she doing this? <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You tell me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Huh... I have no clue.<</speech>>
Luke couldn't take his eyes off. He got silent for a few seconds.
You noticed his huge bulge under the pants.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Luke?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Oh... Yeah.. It looks like she is recording herself.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well that's what I came up with too. Sherlock.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Recordings. Maybe she is sending her recordings to on-line?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You think so? But why?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>I don't know. I'll look into it.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Yeah. Look into it Big Bro.<</speech>>
<<if $lukepeepmom is false>>
<<set $lukepeepmom to true>><<momluke 5>>
<div class="posarousal">$mom's Boy +5</div>
Luke's attraction to Mother is increased.<</if>>\
<<if $day lte 5>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lukebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="luke">
<img src="img/luke/lukebackyard.jpg" class='medium'>
Luke is in the backyard.
It looks like he is taking care of the garden. Looking at him, you can see his attractive buffed chest.
<<if $bgrass lte 0>>\
@@color:lightpink; Grass is grown to the brim. The yard looks neglected. $mom is unhappy with it.
Someone should take care of this.@@
<<linkreplace "<h4>Luke mows the grass</h4>">><<replace "#luke">>
<img src="img/luke/mower.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:lightgreen;Luke is mowing the grass.
Over a week it should grow back.
$mom is pleased with Luke's Help!@@
<<set $bgrass to 7>><<set $time to $time +1>><<upd>>
<<link "<h4>Backyard</h4>">><<goto "backyardluke">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</link>>
<<if $day gte 6>>
<<link "<h6>Luke's POV</h6>">><<set $lukepov to 1>><<goto "backyardmomluke">><</link>><</if>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Talk with Luke</h4>">><<replace "#luke">><<set $time to $time +0.5>>
You approaches Luke. He smiles to you kindly.
<<speech "Luke">>Finally! $name came to help $bro. Right?<</speech>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Meee..?! But with what, Sexy $bro?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Umm. Sexy? I mean, With gardening?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jeez. It's such a boring stuff. Let the weed grow itself! Let's have some fun!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Fun?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of coursy! But first! Undress your top and show your manly muscles...<</speech>>
<img src="img/mom/momb.jpg" class='imageright'>
Luke was confused with your proposition but then your $mom came out of the house to join you.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Hey kids. I see you are getting along.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah Mommy! Luke is so cooool.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Emm. Yeah. Lately, $name somehow been kind to me. Which is very strange.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>$son, don't be so cruel to her. She's just giving you some righteous love!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. Like $mom says!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Okay. Sorry. I'm not used to it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Me?! Help you? Maybe in your dreams. <</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Ah. Of course. Such a noble person is not supposed to do physical work.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh. You are so annoying!<</speech>>
<img src="img/luke/mombackyard.jpg" class='imageright'>
$mom came out the house. By the look of her eyes, You are annoying Luke.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>$name! Honey. Stop harrasing your $bro! And help him at once!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Hah! You heard our $mom! Help me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But.. But... $mom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Don't $mom me! Help Luke! Chop Chop!<</speech>>
<img src="img/luke/garden.jpg" class='large'>
With angry face, you help your $bro with gardening.
During this time, Luke couldn't stop laughing and smiling.
<<speech "Luke">>Haha. M'lady. Do you need help?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh?! I am gonna hit you so hard after this!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Haha. Thanks $sister. I needed that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmph... Any time.<</speech>>
<<brelationship 5>><div class="pos">@@color:orange;$bro Relationship +5@@</div>
<<if $brelationship gte 35>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Distract your $bro @@color:orange;($bro Relationship 35)@@</h4>">><<replace "#luke">><<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<img src="img/luke/backyard.jpg" class='medium'>
To distract Luke from his work. You run up to him like you were after a long, grueling marathon.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*pant* Uff! *pant* Whoah...<</speech>>
Luke looked at you confused look.
<<speech "Luke">>Damn $name. Since when have you been running?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha! *Pant* I don't know. *Pant*<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Tease him</h6>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<img src="img/luke/backyard01.jpg" class='medium'>
After you got Luke's interest. You stretch your arms in the air by showing your huge cleaveage which hides your big tits. His eyes got more wider that before. You trying not to laugh after his expression.
<<speech "Luke">>*Cough* Nice $name. Keep it up..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks Big $bro!<</speech>>
<<bcorruption 5>><div class="posarousal">@@color:pink;$bro Corruption +5@@</div>
<<if $bcorruption gte 35 or $bcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Show more. @@color:pink;(Brother Corruption 35)@@</h7>">><<scrolldown 2s t8n>>
<img src="img/luke/backyard02.jpg" class='medium'>
Luke looks at you with fascination. Now it's time to stretch your legs. By accident your boobs pop out from the bra.
You act like nothing happened. For a moment you saw him trying to hide his erection but his mouth is wide open.
<<speech "Luke">>$name... Your Boobs...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm..??<</speech>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>\
<<speech "Luke">>They've came out.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OH! Ups! I can't control them. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah.. I can see that.<</speech>>
<<bcorruption 5>><div class="posarousal">@@color:pink;$bro Corruption +5@@</div><</timed>>
<<elseif $bcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Show more. @@color:pink;($bro Corruption Stage:$bcorruptionlevel/1)@@</h7>">><<scrolldown 2s t8n>>
<img src="img/luke/backyard02.jpg" class='medium'>
Luke looks at you with fascination. Now it's time to stretch your legs. By accident your boobs pop out from the bra.
You act like nothing happened. For a moment you saw him trying to hide his erection but his mouth is wide open.
<<speech "Luke">>$name... Your Boobs...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm..??<</speech>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>\
<img src="img/luke/backyard03.jpg" class='medium'>
Luke grabbed your top and pressed them down.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$bro! What are you doing!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Apologies but I have to see them. Fuck... How beautiful they are....<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh.. Sure. Next time, just ask.<</speech>>
<<bcorruption 5>><div class="posarousal">@@color:pink;$bro Corruption +5@@</div><</timed>>
<<elseif $bcorruption lte 34 and $bcorruptionlevel is 0>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Show more. @@color:pink;($bro Corruption 35)@@</h7>">>
Luke has lost interest. He proceeds with work in the garden
<<linkreplace "<h4>Distract your $bro @@color:orange;($bro Relationship 35)@@</h4>">><<set $time to
$time +0.5>>
Luke is busy with gardening.
<<include "sexual">>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
It wasn't basement anymore.
$dad went inside with the dancing move and shows you the room with happy smile.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Ta-dam!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow! It's pretty. Better than mine..<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>It's awesome! Thanks!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Nice one David. Luke settle in! It's your home after all.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>I'm glad to be back. I'm so lucky to have you!<</speech>>
<img src="img/luke/mom/hug.jpg" class='medium'>
$mom looks proudly at Luke. She hugged Luke tightly and whispers something.
Luke burst out his eyes and looked confused. Then his mood changed to normal after a few seconds.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is something wrong $bro?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Eh.. No. Everything is fine! Haha. Let me unpack stuff.<</speech>>
After unpacking his stuff, You helped your $bro with decorating his Room.
<h3>Two new Selfies Unlocked!</h3>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<img src="img/luke/sleeps.jpg" class='medium'>
Luke is sleeping...
<<if $lukepeepmom is true or $bkiss is true>>\
<<link "<h6>Luke's Dreaming</h6>">><<goto "lukesleep">><<set $lukepov to 1>><</link>>
<<if $time gte 20 or $time lte 6.5>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="madisonoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<video src="img/estateoffice/momoffice/clientmeet.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop muted>
Martha can't lose another client on her watch. Madison didn't tell her directly what she thought of her, But you don't want to let her down once again.
At the beginning, with a smile, She explains to the customer what are the advantages in taking in this investment.
The client listens and nods but somehow he still have hesistations.
<<speech "Boy1" "Client">>Em... Still... I don't see myself in there...<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "Martha">>This place is for you! Your children has a school just few steps. Your job place is around the corner! Is perfect place. After a few years, This here house will gain a lot of value!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Client">>Well... Maybe you're right. But i want to show you something.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "Martha">>Hmm? What is it?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Your video</h6>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<img src="img/estateoffice/momoffice/evidence.jpg" class='medium'>
Client with a grim smile hands you a phone with video on it.
On this video it's you posing half naked in lingerie in the living room.
Instead of pretending to be surprised. You smiled. After all.
You wanted to promote yourself for the clients.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Take the advantage</h6>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<video src="img/estateoffice/momoffice/clientmeet1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Olena" "Martha">>Haha. That's what you came for? For me?<</speech>>
With the certainly, You get him closer and starts carrasing his lower area.
<<speech "Boy1" "Client">>Wait... Are you for real? Is that you? Fuck... I must be dreaming.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena">>Oh it's reality honey. I'll tell you what. You'll sing the papers and I'll show you more than on this video.<</speech>>
You've convinced him completely. Client with a trembling hand signed all the papers and hands you.
With a lustful smile, you accepted the papers from him.
<<link "<h7>@@color:hotpink;Show him more@@</h7>">><<goto "momclientsex1">><<set $mompov to 14>><<set $mompovright to 8>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<<if $introforlucas1 is 0>>\
<video src="img/lucas/lvl3/intro.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop muted>
The time has come to meet with Lucas. One of the housemaid welcomes you and asks you to wait.
She leads you to the living room and offers you a drink. While waiting, Thinking how your life went forward.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lucas Presence</h6>">><<scrolldown>>
<video src="img/lucas/lvl3/intro1.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
Your thoughts are interupted by Lucas.
He came to you and you thought you would surprise him with your new modified body but you were wrong. Dead wrong...
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name. Hello.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Lucas.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Is something urgent?<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Huh??</h6>">><<set $introforlucas1 to 1>><<goto "Meet with Lucas">><</link>>
<<if $introforlucas1 is 1>>\
<<if $lucasbusy is false>>
<video src="img/lucas/lvl3/intro2.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop muted>
Is he joking? Urgent?!
I came here to show him my new boobs, and he looks like he doesn't care at all!
Look at my boobs! You Bastard!
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can you take a guess?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name. I don't have time for games right now. What is it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lucas! Have you noticed anything different about me?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Show your goods</h6>">><<scrolldown 2s t8n>>
<video src="img/lucas/lvl3/tease.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop muted>
You stand up and slowly undress your robe. He looked at you the same way as before.
Lifeless look.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you like?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name. If that's all it is. Then I don't know what you're doing here.<</speech>>
You don't know what to say. Is he mad at you?
<<if $ml is true>>\
@@color:pink;Or is that you promised you something.
That promise is your mother Martha.@@
@@color:orange;Next Update@@
<<link "<h7>Lucas Obsession. @@color:purple;(Mother Accept)@@</h7>">><</link>>
<<link "<h6>You don't know what to say</h6>">><<goto "Meet with Lucas">><<set $introforlucas1 to 2>><</link>>
<<elseif $lucasbusy is true>>\
You enter his house and his housemaid welcomes you with a bad news.
<<speech "Girl1" "Housemaid">>I'm so sorry. Mr. Lucas is not available at this moment.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "citycenter">><<set $introforlucas1 to 1>><<set $lucasbusy to true>><</link>>
<<if $introforlucas1 is 2>>\
<span id="sop1">\
<img src='img/lucas/lvl3/body.jpg' class='medium'>
It's gotten pretty out of hand.. For you.
Stading here half naked toward Lucas where he looks at you without emotion.
He rejects you!
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I... Thought... Nevermind...<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Hmph. Cristina will escort you to the exit. Bye.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "citycenter">><<set $introforlucas1 to 1>><<set $lucasbusy to true>><</link>>
<<if $ml is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Leave House</h6>">><<replace "#sop1">>
<img src='img/lucas/lvl3/sophia.jpg' class='medium'>
As you were leaving. You met Sophia outside Lucas House.
She's looking at you the way you never seen before.
<<speech "Sophia">>$name! My my. You look so beautiful.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It is thanks to you Sophia. Thank you so much! Finally, My life is gonna be a lot diffrent than before.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>I'm glad to hear that. By the way. What Lucas wants from you this time?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm. Nothing. I just wanted to say Hi.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Haha. Don't make me laugh. $name. He wants something did he? <</speech>>
<span id="sop">
<th><<linkreplace "<h7>Don't.</h7>">><<replace "#sop">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I just wanted to say thanks to Lucas. That's all.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Well. It is funny beacuse Lucas don't have friends. Anyway. Bye $name. I have to talk with Lucas.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure. Bye Sophia.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "citycenter">><<set $introforlucas1 to 1>><<set $lucasbusy to true>><</link>>
<th><<linkreplace "<h7>Tell Her</h7>">><<replace "#sop">>
<img src='img/lucas/lvl3/tell.jpg' class='medium'>
Sophia looks at you more deeper into your eyes.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah.. You are right. I made him a promise.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>What kind of promise?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do date my mother.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>What?! Haha.. No.. Haha!! I can't... That's so absurd.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>He can't... He's ... <sub>mine</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sophia?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>$name, Thank you. I know what to do. I think. I have to go.<</speech>>
<<set $tellsophia to false>>
Sophia get's in the car and drives off.
You don't know what to think of this.
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "citycenter">><<set $introforlucas1 to 1>><<set $lucasbusy to true>><</link>>
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "citycenter">><<set $introforlucas1 to 1>><<set $lucasbusy to true>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="textbox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="luk">
<img src="img/luke/event1/1.jpg" class='medium'>
Luke reluctantly went out on the town with you. Before leaving, Lena gave you an idea of where to go out so you could have a fun time with your brother.
Luke drives with you to the local parkinglot. As you are going downstairs you see that Luke is going a bit slowly than before.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hurry up!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>I'm going! I'm going. So, Where are we going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's a suprise.<</speech>>
<img src="img/luke/event1/2.jpg" class='medium'>
From above, Luke can see your enormous cleavage.
<<linkreplace "<h4>City Pier</h4>">><<scrolldown 1.5s t8n>>
<img src="img/luke/event1/pier.jpg" class='large'>
You can see that Luke can't take his eyes off you.
While walking you see him that he almost trip on something.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you okay Big $bro?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah! Yeah.. Sorry. I'm a little sleepy today.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>We are almost there Sleepyhead.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Oh $name. Come on! Where are we going? It's hot today and that walk is so tiresome...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just hold a little longer.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Luke is Suprised</h6>">><<replace "#luk">><<audio "funpark" play>>
<<timed 10ms t8n>>
<img src="img/luke/event1/park.jpg" class='large'>
<img src="img/luke/event1/pier1.jpg" class='imageleft'>
After a few walk you getting into the destination of your journey.
It's a Amusment Park!
<<speech "Luke">>Wow! But why we are here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on Luke! To have some fun! Let's take that ride over there!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Su-Sure. Let's go. But $name. That is huge ride! I'm little bit scared to be honest.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. I'll protect you. Come on. Don't chicken out!<</speech>>
You and Luke went to the huge rollercoaster.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Luke's First Ride</h4>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<img src="img/luke/event1/laugh.jpg" class='medium'>
Luke had a horrified look on his face as he sat in the wagon with you. You had a good fun of him when he screamed hard during the roller coaster ride. After the ride, His hands were shaking.
<<speech "Luke">>My fucking god! That was intense! Jeez...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hahaha. It was fun! Let's go again but bigger one!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Again!? Bigger one!? No.. Please NO!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't whine. Let's go!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>After the Ride</h6>">><<replace "#luk">>
<<timed 10ms t8n>>
<img src="img/luke/event1/popcorn.jpg" class='medium'>
After the ride, you wanted to try popcorn apart from Luke.
His stomach is still shaky after the ride.
<<speech "Luke">>$name... How do you even want to eat that after that long ride?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh i just want to taste it. Calm down. You want some?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Uhhh.... No.<</speech>>
When you were buying popcorn, Luke was distracted by local girls.
She was waving at him and he waved back with a smile.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Have fun with Luke</h6>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<img src="img/luke/event1/popcorn1.jpg" class='medium'>
You came back to Luke with the popcorn.
He still was looking at the Girl. To get his attention, you purposely threw a piece of popcorn to your boobs.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ups! I'm so clamsy. Haha.<</speech>>
That's got Luke attention.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Luke's eyes</h6>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<img src="img/luke/event1/popcorn2.jpg" class='large'>
Slowly you pick up that piece of popcorn.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let me grab that. Big $bro.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name... Your Boobs are...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>They are very Pretty.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>His Eyes don't Lie.</h6>">><<replace "#luk">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<img src="img/luke/event1/popcorn3.jpg" class='medium'>
After that you eat that piece of popcorn with a smile.
His eyes don't lie. Luke adore the way you tease him. He is daydreaming about you...
<<speech "Player6" "$name">>Umm... Good. Very good. You want to taste?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah... I'd like to taste them..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Earth to Luke! Hey!<</speech>>
Luke shake his head and came back to himself.
<<speech "Luke">>*Cough* Umm.. Sorry. I'm still thrilled after the ride. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You silly! Let's go for another ride!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>No... No! $name. That's enough. I'm-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on! Do it for Little $sis. Pleaseeee.<</speech>>
Luke looked at you and with a nod agreed with another ride.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yay! Let's go!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Having Fun</h6>">><<audio "funpark" stop>><<scrolldown>>
<video src="img/luke/event1/fun.webm" class="mediumv" autoplay loop controls>
Luke and you are having fun for some time.
Mostly of the time he records you with the phone. It was for you a bit awkward, but you get used to it. Sometimes you noticed that he recorded your intimate places. It made you chuckle.
When it got dark, you and Luke got back in the car to go home.
<<link "<h6>Home</h6>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "takebrotherhome">><<set $time to $time +2>><</link>>
</b></div><div class="textbox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bro">
<img src="img/luke/event1/backhome.jpg" class="largec">
As you get home, You and Luke took a long talk through the journey.
You never seen him that happy before. $bro forget about the bad things and finally had a good fun with you.
<<speech "Luke">>Whoa... $name. It was so much fun. Thanks!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah! I had very good fun with you too Luke. Anyway. I've never though you are so silly sometimes! Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Hah. Only around you $name. Only around you.<</speech>>
Both of you looked each other in silence.
His look attracts you to...
<<if $bcorruption gte 50>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Kiss Luke @@color:pink;($bro's Corruption 50)@@</h6>">><<replace "#bro">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm? What about-<</speech>>
<video src="img/luke/event1/kiss.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop muted>
@@color:pink;You can't control of yourself. You had to kiss him right now.
He was shocked but in a good way. In the middle of kiss he returned to that feeling.@@
<<speech "Luke">>$name. That felt.... Nice...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah... $name... You are-<</speech>>
Luke was about to kiss you but You heard footsteps coming from upstairs.
It is $mom calling for you both.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>$name! Luke! You are back? How is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah. We are back $mom. It was cool!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It was! Spoiled girl had to step up and get our gaming boy out the town!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Come on $name...<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>It is so good to hear that! Next time i'll join you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eeh.. Sure. $mom.<</speech>>
You and Luke seperate to the room.
The whole night you were thinking about the kiss with your $bro.
@@color:pink;You and your $bro take a next step to your relationship.@@
<<set $bkiss to true>>
<h3>Sexual Interaction Unlocked</h3>
<<button [[Move on|mcroom]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Move on</h6>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So... I'm going to my room.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Cool... Me too. Thanks again for fun time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Anytime!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><<set $goingout to true>><</button>>
<<link "<h6>Kiss Luke @@color:pink;($bro's Corruption 50)@@</h6>">><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Move on</h6>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So... I'm going to my room.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Cool... Me too. Thanks again for fun time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Anytime!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><<set $goingout to true>><</button>>
</b></div> <div class="daddybox">
<<set _kiss to random(1,3)>>\
<i>Luke Kissing:</i>
<meter @value="$lukekiss" min="0" max="15" align="center"></meter>
<<if $lukekiss lte 14>>\
<<if $lukekiss lte 7>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Luke is so odd when you try to kiss him. In the middle of the kiss, Luke denies you.@@
@@color:orange;Luke used to your exploits. Sometimes he returns the kiss, which creates a pleasant feeling.@@
<<if _kiss is 1>>\
<video src="img/luke/interaction/shykiss.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Luke">>Em.. $name... What are you doing? You are my $sister... and..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on Big $bro. Just one more time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>One more time..<</speech>>
<<elseif _kiss is 2>>\
<video src="img/luke/interaction/shykiss1.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Luke">>$name... Stop.. that's... Weird....<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's not weird. We are just $sister and $bro who love each other.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name..<</speech>>
<<elseif _kiss is 3>>\
<video src="img/luke/interaction/shykiss2.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You taste so sweet big $bro..<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>It is so weird.. You are my... $sister. And...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shut up for a second.<</speech>>
<<if $lukekiss lte 13>>\
<<set $lukekiss to $lukekiss +1>><<upd>>
<<elseif $lukekiss is 14 and $bcorruption gte 75>>\
<<link "<h7>One more time</h7>">><<goto "One more time">><</link>>
<<elseif $bcorruption lte 74 and $lukekiss is 14>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>One more time @@color:orange;($bro Corruption 75)@@</h7>">>
<h3>Corrupt your $bro</h3><</linkreplace>>
<<elseif $lukekiss gte 15>>\
@@color:pink;Luke likes the way you kiss. Sometimes in the middle of the kiss you can feel his boner poking your leg.@@
<<if _kiss is 1>>\
<video src="img/luke/interaction/kiss3.webm" class="large" autoplay loop>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... Big $bro...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name...<</speech>>
<<elseif _kiss is 2>>\
<video src="img/luke/interaction/kiss1.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Isn't it nice... Big $bro?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah...<</speech>>
<<elseif _kiss is 3>>\
<video src="img/luke/interaction/kiss2.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh... Big $bro...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Sorry... I can't control myself sometimes...<</speech>>
</div><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>><div align="center"><div class="lewd"><b>\
<span id="bro">\
<video src="img/mcroom/masturbate/horny.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop>
@@color:pink;Masturbating so hard, You are about to blast! @@
<<if $bcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<link "<h6>Luke's Curiosity.</h6>">><<set $lukepov to 1>><<goto "brothersneaks1">><</link>>
@@color:lightblue;In the meantime Luke is heading to the bathroom. When he was about to enter he hears moan inside your room.@@
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/listen.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:lightblue;With the curiosity, $bro slowly came up to your doors.
He hears your loud moan insides the room.
Luke came up with idea to go out the house and try to see what are you doing inside, through the window.
For Luke's benefit, $dad left the ladder in the backyard of the house. He climbed slowly and quietly to your window.@@
<<linkreplace "<h6>Window</h6>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 3s>><<audio "ladder" play>><</timed>>
<video src="img/mcroom/masturbate/interuptb.webm" class='mediumv' autoplay loop>
@@color:lightblue;Luke can't believe how pretty you. How pretty is your tits and how you are masturbating in the bed. His eyes drill into $name body.
$bro desires to be inside. But because of your sloppiness, the ladder begins to sway and you slowly lose control of your balance. With a hurry you drop down to the ground. Then ladder fell down with a huge noise. You ran to the house to not get spotted by $name.@@
@@color:pink;Hearing a loud noise, you rushed out the window to see what it was.
You see a ladder but no one else. Who could it be?
Well the fun is over, It's better go to sleep.@@
<<set $brothernight to true>>
<<button [[Sleep|Bed]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lukebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bro">\
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<goto "backytardmomlukenight">>
<div class="poleluke">\
@@color:lightblue;Luke's Activity@@
<<if $time gte 13.5 and $time lte 15>>\
<<if $bgrass lte 0>>\
@@color:lightpink; Grass is grown to the brim. The yard looks neglected. $mom is unhappy with it.
Someone should take care of this.@@
<<linkreplace "<h4>Mow the grass</h4>">><<replace "#bro">>
<img src="img/luke/mower.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:lightgreen;You are mowing the grass.
Over a week it should grow back.
$mom is pleased with your help!@@
<<set $bgrass to 7>><<set $time to $time +1>><<upd>>
<<link "<h4>Backyard</h4>">><<goto "backyardmomluke">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</link>>
@@color:lightgreen;The lawn is well mowed. Your $mom is pleased with your accomplishments.@@
<<include "mombackyardluke">>
<<elseif $time lte 13 or $time gte 15.5>>\
<<include "lukepovemma">>
<<if $bgrass gte 1 and $bclean gte 1 and $bkitchen is 0 or $bgrass gte 1 and $bclean is 0 and $bkitchen gte 1 or $bgrass is 0 and $bclean gte 1 and $bkitchen gte 1 or $bgrass gte 1 and $bclean gte 1 and $bkitchen gte 1 or $momhappycheat is true>>\
<<if $mombackyardtease is false and $momluke gte 50 and $time gte 12 and $time lte 15 and $dadandmomargue is true>>\
<<link "<h6>Reflect on your Life.@@color:pink;$momluke/50 $mom Corruption@@</h6>">><<goto "Mom alone in Backyard">><</link>>
<<elseif $momluke lte 49 and $time gte 12 and $time lte 15 and $dadandmomargue is true>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:grey;Reflect on your Life. $momluke/50 $mom Corruption@@</h6>">><</link>>
<<elseif $momluke gte 50 and $time gte 12 and $time lte 15 and $dadandmomargue is true and $mombackyardtease is false>>\
<h3>Improve your $mom's Mood to <i>'Happy to have you.'</i></h3>
<th><<link "<h18>Go to Your Room</h18>">><<goto "lukeroom">><<set $insidemom to 0>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h18>Go to Livingroom</h18>">><<goto "livingroomlukemom">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h18>Go to Kitchen</h18>">><<goto "kitchenlukemom">><</link>></th></table>
<div class="poleemma">\
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<th><<link "<h7>Go back to $name</h7>">><<goto "hallwaynight">><<set $lukepov to 0>><<set $insidemom to 0>><</link>></th>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<th><<link "<h7>Go back to $name</h7>">><<goto "hallwayweekend">><<set $lukepov to 0>><<set $insidemom to 0>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Go back to $name</h7>">><<goto "hallway">><<set $lukepov to 0>><<set $insidemom to 0>><</link>></th>
<<link "<h7>Time Forward + 30 Minutes </h7>">><<goto "backyardmomluke">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</link>>\
</div>\<<widget "lukepov">>\
<<if $lukepov gte 1>>\
<div class="statslukebar">
<<if $bcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<img src="img/avatars/luke.jpg" class="avatarbarluke">
<<elseif $bcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<img src="img/avatars/luke1.jpg" class="avatarbarluke">
<div class="statscorrupt"><i>@@color:lightblue;''Luke''@@</i></div>
<<if $bcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Stage 0@@</div>
<<elseif $bcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Stage 1@@</div>
<div class="timeluke"><<time>><<days>>''Week:$week''</div>\
<div class="statsluke">\
<<if $bcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
@@color:pink;Corruption $name:$bcorruption/100@@
<<elseif $bcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
@@color:pink;Corruption $name:$bcorruption/150@@
<<if $bcorruptionlevelmom is 0>>\
@@color:violet;Corruption $mom:$momluke/100@@
<<if $chloelove gte 1>>\
@@color:lightblue;Chloe's Bond:$chloelove@@
<<if $lenalove gte 1>>\
@@color:pink;Lena's Bond:$lenalove@@
<<if $bcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<if $momhappycheat is false>>\
<<widget "lukearousal">>\
<<set $lukearousal to Math.clamp($lukearousal + $args[0], 0, 100)>>
<<widget "lukepovright">>\
<<if $cougaraudio is 1>>\
<div class="cougarlifebox">\
Music Cougar Life:
<th><<link "<h25>Stop</h25>">><<audio "backcougar" stop>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h25>Play</h25>">><<audio "backcougar" play>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h25>Pause</h25>">><<audio "backcougar" pause>><</link>></th>
<h15>(FBI WARNING - Visual Entropy)</h15>
<<if $todolist is 1>>\
<<link "<h27>Disable Objectives Box</h27>">><<set $todolist to 0>><<upd>><</link>>
<<include "todolistrightluke">>
<<elseif $todolist is 0>>\
<<link "<h27>Enable Objectives Box</h27>">><<set $todolist to 1>><<upd>><</link>>
<<link "<h11>Things to do</h11>">><<goto "todolistluke">><</link>>
<<if $textshow is true>>\
<<link "<h11>Hide Mood</h11>">><<set $textshow to false>><<upd>><</link>>
<div class="statsluke">
<h3>$mom's Mood</h3>
<<if $bgrass is 0 and $bclean is 0 and $bkitchen is 0 and $momhappycheat is false or $bgrass gte 1 and $bclean is 0 and $bkitchen is 0 and $momhappycheat is false or $bgrass is 0 and $bclean gte 1 and $bkitchen is 0 and $momhappycheat is false or $bgrass is 0 and $bclean is 0 and $bkitchen gte 1 and $momhappycheat is false>>\
<video src="img/luke/pov/tired.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted></video>
<<elseif $bgrass gte 1 and $bclean gte 1 and $bkitchen is 0 and $momhappycheat is false or $bgrass gte 1 and $bclean is 0 and $bkitchen gte 1 and $momhappycheat is false or $bgrass is 0 and $bclean gte 1 and $bkitchen gte 1 and $momhappycheat is false>>\
<video src="img/luke/pov/rest.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted>
<h3>@@color:lightyellow;Happy to have you.@@</h3>
<<elseif $bgrass gte 1 and $bclean gte 1 and $bkitchen gte 1 or $momhappycheat is true>>\
<video src="img/luke/pov/proud.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted>
<h3>@@color:orange;Proud of you.@@</h3>
$mom Schedule:
Living Room: 10:00-13:00
Backyard: 13:30-15:00
Kitchen: 7:00-9:00. 15:00-17:30
<<link "<h11>Show Mood</h11>">><<set $textshow to true>><<upd>><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h11>My view of my family</h11>">>
<div class="statsluke">\
<<if $dadandmomargue is false and $momluke lte 54>>\
<b><h3>@@color:violet;My Beloved $mom:@@</h3></b>
<img src="img/luke/pov/mom.jpg" class="large">
@@color:white;<i>The image of my Mom after we got reunited.
I don't remember what she looked like before. Mom looked a bit thin... Smaller tits? And had more blonde colour hair, but when I woke up from the coma. And smiled to me. That warm smile... I knew immediately that she was my Mom.</i>@@
<<elseif $dadandmomargue is true and $momluke gte 55>>\
<b><h3>@@color:violet;Caring Mother:@@</h3></b>
<img src="img/luke/pov/mom1.jpg" class="large">
@@color:orange;<i>After i moved back in with my family, My mom was a bit protective. At first it didn't bother me because I knew Mum was missing me but as I've been here longer I have a strange feeling that it's something else. Like she's missing something. My mum has changed a lot. This feeling when I see her.... Am I attracted to her?</i>@@
<<if $bcorruption lte 49 and $bkiss is false and $bboob is false>>\
<h3>@@color:pink;My Little $sister $name:@@</h3>
<img src="img/luke/pov/mc.jpg" class="large">
@@color:white;<i>The image of $name before the Accident.
I still have empty memories, but her cute smile I can't forget.
My sweet little $sister.</i>@@
<<elseif $bcorruption gte 50 and $bcorruption lte 74 and $bkiss is true and $bboob is false>>\
<h3>@@color:pink;Caring $sister $name:@@</h3>
<img src="img/luke/pov/mc1.jpg" class="large">
@@color:orange;<i>The image of $name in the Amusment Park.
God. Her smile is so pretty. That was memorable day.
After we got back home, $name... $name kissed me.
I don't know what to think of that.</i>
<<elseif $bcorruption gte 75 and $bkiss is true or $bcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<h3>@@color:pink;Loving $sister $name:@@</h3>
<img src="img/luke/pov/mc2.jpg" class="large">
@@color:orange;<i>The image of $name in our house.
I think... We crossed the line?
She was teasing me with her own body everyday...
And i couldn't stop myself.
$name... What have we become?
<</widget>>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<set _sleep to random(1,2)>>
<<if _sleep is 1>>
<video src="img/luke/mom/trancemom.webm" class="mediumv" autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">Dreaming...
$mom? What are you doing?!
Huh... We are going?
Bedroom??? You want me to join you?!</div>
<<elseif _sleep is 2>>
<video src="img/luke/event1/dream.webm" class="mediumv" autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">Dreaming...
$name and I... Making love...
Our Little Secret...</div>
<<button [[Sleep|Bed]]>><<set $lukepov to 0>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="lukebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="pool"><<set $insidemom to 1>><<upd>>
<img src="img/luke/mom/momlukeback1.jpg" class='medium'>
$mom waves at you to join her.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Luke! Come on! Swim with me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Cool $mom. But I'm not going to rush... My muscles are a little sore today after the last workout.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Really? Then get on the float. $mom will help you out.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Hmm? Float? But i don't think i'll fit in. And i'm a bit heavy-<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>You are talking nonsense!!! Get in there right now!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Get in!</h4>">><<replace "#pool">>
<video src="img/luke/mom/mompool.webm" class="mediumv" autoplay loop muted>
@@color:pink;Like a good little son, you listened to your $mom.
She lay down on top of you and slowly began to massage your back.@@
<<speech "Luke">>Wow! That feels nice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Isn't it? Damn.. Your muscles are really stiff.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>$mom's Message</h4>">>
<video src="img/luke/mom/mompool1.webm" class="mediumv" autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Luke">>It's okay $mom. You don't-OH! Wow! That spot! That spot!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Haha. Sure honey.<</speech>>
You got more comfortable and starts enjoying your $mom's message.
The message makes you falling asleep.
<<if $bgrass gte 1 and $bclean gte 1 and $bkitchen gte 1 or $momhappycheat is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<img src='img/luke/mom/trace03.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>><<set $time to $time +1>><<set $insidemom to 3>><<upd>>
<div class="container1">
<img src="img/luke/mom/trace4.jpg" class="mediumvision">
<div class="middle">
<div class="imageof"><div class="tooltipmaly"><img src="img/luke/mom/trace4.1.jpg" class="imagevision"><span class="tooltiptextmaly">$mom will take care of you... </span></div></div>
@@color:lightblue;Is it a dream? $mom... What are you doing. This is so odd. You are my $mom. You can't do this...
You can't... Ah... Why it feel so nice... @@
@@color:pink;I'm so proud of you my Big $son. My god! I can't belive how you are so big and handsome. $mom will never let you go! Never! You'll stay with me... Forever!@@
<<momluke 5>>
<div class="posarousal">$mom's Boy +5</div>
You slowly wake up. $mom left you alone in the pool.
She didn't want to wake you from a good dream.
<h3>Improve your $mom's Mood to Proud.</h3>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<th><<link "<h7>Go back to $name</h7>">><<goto "hallwaynight">><<set $lukepov to 0>><<set $insidemom to 0>><</link>></th>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<th><<link "<h7>Go back to $name</h7>">><<goto "hallwayweekend">><<set $lukepov to 0>><<set $insidemom to 0>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Go back to $name</h7>">><<goto "hallway">><<set $lukepov to 0>><<set $insidemom to 0>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h18>Go back to your Room</h18>">><<goto "lukeroom">><<set $insidemom to 0>><</link>></th></table>
<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id ="talk">
$dad is watching TV.
<<if $onlydad is 1 and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>$dad want's to talk about $mom</h6>">><<replace "#talk">>
<span id="dad">
$dad asked you to close the door behind and sit down.
$dad looks worried. You've never seen him like this.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name. It's good that you are here. I don't know who i could talk to.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure $dad. What is going on? Is something wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I don't know. Maybe. Have you noticed how your $mom has changed?<</speech>>
You think to yourself.
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Of course! It's my fault. She's changed for a better person! <</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">> She's been avoiding me. When you all came back to home after your surgery. Martha doesn't talk to me anymore.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>And... After that night. When you told me that your $mom had some strange conversation on the phone and she was stressed a lot after the call.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yeah. I remember that. Yes. It was so weird...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name. I think... She is having an affair.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh!? $dad! Are you serious?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Can't you see?! $name. Martha returned to home quite late that night. She's been quiet since then.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Motivate your $dad @@color:orange;(Family)@@</h4>">><<replace "#dad">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad. Maybe it's bigger than you think? At least give $mom one more chance.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hmm... You think so? Okay $name. Thank you. I'll hold with my thoughts for now. I have to see it on my own eyes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course!<</speech>>
@@color:orange; You managed to convince your $dad before making a bad decision.@@
<<set $onlydad to 2>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Hypocrite.@@color:pink;(Daddy's Girl)@@</h6>">><<replace "#dad">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
You shook your head with dissaprove.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on, Daddy. You got me. You don't have to think about $mom now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name... I-I-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't you love me Daddy!? You don't love your little princess anymore?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name... It's not like that. Our family is in shambles and-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Dad! Ever since you penetrated me with your rock hard cock, Our family has not been the same since then. <</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>What have we done...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on. This is a beautiful love. Forbidden but beautiful. I.. Never dreamed of it. But i get it now. And now... I thinking of having a babe... With you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name. Let me think... It's too much.<</speech>>
<video src="img/dad/daddyflash.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
Teasing your $dad.
With bare pussy and ass.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay. But remember. I'm yours Daddy.<</speech>>
You wink at your $dad with your ass and eyes as you are leaving him alone with his thoughts.
<<set $onlydad to 10>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Talk with $dad</h4>">>
<<if $corruptionlevel is 0>>
<img src="img/computer/talk.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hey my little princess, you need something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No $dad, I just came to see if you needed any help.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Nah, i'm very busy right now with new project. But thanks for asking darling.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay $dad, i won't bother you, bye.<</speech>>
<<frelationship 5>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>\
$dad Relationship +5
<<elseif $fcorruptionlevel is 2>>\
<<set _f to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _f is 1>>\
<img src="img/dad/teasebent.webp" class="imageleft">
<<elseif _f is 2>>\
<img src="img/dad/teasebent2.webp" class="imageright">
<<elseif _f is 3>>\
<img src="img/dad/teasebent3.webp" class="imageleft">
$dad took a time off for you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey $dad...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name. Gosh... You are such a tease.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... He's hard... Can Slutty $daughter suck you off?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Now this is not good idea. But don't you worry. My Slutty princess will get what deserves in the night.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm looking foward to it!<</speech>>
<<set $dadvisitnight to true>>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 1>>
<img src="img/computer/talk.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>There is my trouble maker!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ha ha ha. Very funny. Come on $dad. I'm grown up now. Anyway, you need something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Wow... I don't know yet, but thanks for asking.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure $dad.<</speech>>
<<frelationship 5>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>\
$dad Relationship +5
<<if $frelationship gte 51 and $corruption gte 10 and $corruption lte 30>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Check $dad</h4>">>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>\
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hey little princess, you need something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I just want to check on you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Haha again? I'm fine, i just have a lot of work here<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Before you leave kiss me on the cheek.<</speech>>
<img src="img/computer/kisscheek.jpg" width="500" height="325">
<<if $sophiameets is 1 and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Talk with $dad about the operation</h4>">>
$dad is focused on doing some work stuff.
You approached him with kind and sweet way.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Daddy! What are you doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Ah.. Some work stuff. And you? My little princess need something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yep! Your little princess want bigger tits!<</speech>>
$dad shocked throw the work away and looked at you with mouth open and eyes widened.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>What?! $name! This is a big deal! We need to talk about this throughly!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad. There is nothing to talk about!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Huh? Don't you know this is a life changer?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. I am hating my body what it is. Just look how my friend changed!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Show Picture</h4>">>
<img src="img/dad/talkoperation.jpg" class="medium">
$dad is looking at this picture with curiosity.
Your eyes spot his erection through the trousers. He likes it!
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Daddy! Your Cock..<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Fuck $name! Give me time to think about this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course.<</speech>>
You left $dad with this picture alone.
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="bro">\
<div class="poleluke">\
@@color:lightblue;Luke's Activity@@
<<if $time is 20 or $time is 16>>\
<img src="img/kitchen/eat.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:rgba(207, 255, 178, 1);Mom cooked a great meal!
Time for dining!@@
<<speech "Luke">>Mmm... It smells nice $mom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>That's so sweet to hear from you sweety!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Dinner</h4>">>
<<set $time to $time +1>>\
<img src="img/kitchen/dinner.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Dinner served!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Whoa! It looks delicious!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Thank you Luke!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah. $mom is the best!.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I'm starving.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I'm so happy that we can eat together.<</speech>>
<<if $time gte 15 and $time lte 17.5 or $time lte 9 and $time gte 7>>
<<include "lukekitchenmom">>
<<if $bkitchen lte 0>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Clean the dishes</h4>">><<replace "#bro">>
@@color:lightgreen;You are making the dishes for 2 days.
$mom is very pleased with it.@@
<<set $bkitchen to 2>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>
@@color:lightgreen;Dishes are clean@@
<th><<link "<h18>Go to Your Room</h18>">><<goto "lukeroom">><<set $insidemom to 0>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h18>Go to Livingroom</h18>">><<goto "livingroomlukemom">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h18>Go to Backyard</h18>">><<goto "backyardmomluke">><</link>></th></table>
<div class="poleemma">\
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<th><<link "<h7>Go back to $name</h7>">><<goto "hallwaynight">><<set $lukepov to 0>><<set $insidemom to 0>><</link>></th>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<th><<link "<h7>Go back to $name</h7>">><<goto "hallwayweekend">><<set $lukepov to 0>><<set $insidemom to 0>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Go back to $name</h7>">><<goto "hallway">><<set $lukepov to 0>><<set $insidemom to 0>><</link>></th>
<<link "<h7>Time Forward 30 Minutes+</h7>">><<goto "kitchenlukemom">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</link>>\
<img src="img/luke/lukebackyard.jpg" class='medium'>
<<if $bgrass lte 0>>\
@@color:lightpink; Grass is grown to the brim. The yard looks neglected. $mom is unhappy with it.
Someone should take care of this.@@
<<linkreplace "<h4>Mow the grass</h4>">><<replace "#bro">>
<img src="img/luke/mower.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:lightgreen;You are mowing the grass.
Over a week it should grow back.
$mom is pleased with your help!@@
<<set $bgrass to 7>><<set $time to $time +1>><<upd>>
<<link "<h4>Go back</h4>">><<goto "backyardmomluke">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</link>>
@@color:lightgreen;The lawn is well mowed. Your $mom is pleased with your accomplishments.@@
<<linkreplace "<h4>$name</h4>">><<replace "#bro">>
<<if $bgrass gte 1>>\
<img src="img/luke/pov/mcbackyard.jpg" class='large'>
$name is resting and takes some sun.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... It's so nice here! Good job Big $bro. Keep it up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Well, you could help me a bit.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But you did excellent job! With me, you would take longer to do it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Of course. Princess always find excuses.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And princess want to rest a bit. You can leave.<</speech>>
<img src="img/luke/pov/mcbackyard1.jpg" class='large'>
$name is resting and takes some sun.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhh... It's so much grass here. $bro can you take care of this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Maybe? If you would move your butt to help me that one time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Naah... I'm exhausted! And my hands are not made for gardening. Pleeaaaseee!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Pfff...<</speech>>
<<if $lukekiss gte 15>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Kiss her</h6>">><<replace "#bro">>
<video src="img/luke/interaction/kissbackyard.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh.. Big $bro...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It feels so nice...<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Go back</h4>">><<goto "backyardmomluke">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</link>>
<</replace>><</linkreplace>><img src="img/luke/relax.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:lightblue;Peace and Quiet, Alone in the Backyard...
Finally... Some relax time!@@
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom joins you.</h6>">><<replace "#bro">><<set $insidemom to 1>><<upd>>
@@color:pink;While chilling in the sunset, Your $mom is stepping out the house to join you.
She wearing a bit revealing bikini that caught your eyes. @@
<<set _mom to random(1,3)>>
<<if _mom is 1>>
<img src="img/luke/mom/momback.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Oh Luke! You look pretty muscular!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Hah. Thanks $mom. Latetly, I'm exercsing a lot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>I can see that... Mmm...<</speech>>
<<elseif _mom is 2>>
<img src="img/luke/mom/momback1.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Mmm... It's such a nice day to have suntan! Don't you think $son?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah. No clouds so far..<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Isn't it? Can i lie next to you? I feel safe around you, Hah.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Of course! I love your company.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Ohhhhh. You are so sweet!<</speech>>
<<elseif _mom is 3>>
<img src="img/luke/mom/momback2.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Oh $son! The yard looks a hundred times better since you started taking care of it! I'm so proud of you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Really? Thanks $mom.<</speech>>
<<if $bgrass gte 1 and $bclean gte 1 and $bkitchen gte 1 or $momhappycheat is true>>\
<span id="mom">
<h3>Falling Asleep...</h3>
<<linkreplace "<img src='img/luke/mom/trace1.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>><<set $time to $time +1>><<set $insidemom to 3>><<upd>>
@@color:lightblue;After a few minutes you fall asleep.@@
@@color:pink;$mom wakes you up while gettin up.@@
@@color:lightblue;You can't believe what you're seeing. Is she take the top off?! Am i dreaming...? @@
<<if _mom is 1>>\
<img src="img/luke/mom/mombacklewd.jpg" class='medium'>
<<elseif _mom is 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/mom/mombacklewd1.jpg" class='medium'>
<<elseif _mom is 3>>\
<img src="img/luke/mom/mombacklewd2.jpg" class='medium'>
<<linkreplace "<h4>$mom?</h4>">><<replace "#mom">>
<img src="img/luke/mom/momlukeback.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:pink;$mom sees that you are waking up.@@
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Oh. You woke up!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Uhh. Really? Was I asleep?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Yep! You looked so sweet when you were sleeping. Here. $mom made you a cup of coffee.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Mmm! Thanks $mom. You are so good to me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Oh... My handsome boy.<</speech>>
<<momluke 5>>
<div class="posarousal">$mom's Boy +5</div>
<h3>Improve your $mom's Mood to Proud.</h3>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mom going to the pool</h6>">>
<img src="img/luke/mom/momlukeback.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:pink;While chilling in the sunset, Your Mom is stepping out the house to join you.
She wearing a bit revealing bikini that caught your eyes.
Mom approaches you with the smile.@@
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Hey Sweety. I'm going to the pool. Care to join me?<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Join Mom</h4>">><<goto "momlukepool">><</link>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mom.</h6>">><<replace "#bro">><<set $insidemom to 1>><<upd>>
$mom and Luke are chilling and talking in the Livingroom.
Most of the time, $mom repays with giggles and kind words to her $son.
But Luke feels a bit odd around her.
<<set _talk to random (1,4)>>
<<if _talk is 1>>
<video src="img/luke/mom/momtalk.webm" class="mediumv" autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Listen Luke. $mom loves you so much.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Of course. I love you too $mom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena">>Your $sister too! She can't get off her mind of you! Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Umm... Really? Me too... Sometimes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Oh my! Really?! I'm so glad to hear that! You are so adorable!<</speech>>
<<elseif _talk is 2>>
<video src="img/luke/mom/momtalk1.webm" class="mediumv" autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>You are soooo cutteeee!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$mom...<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>My only! My very very handsome Boy! $mom will take care of you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>It's... Nice to hear that $mom.<</speech>>
<<elseif _talk is 3>>
<video src="img/luke/mom/momtalk2.webm" class="mediumv" autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>$name is very pretty isn't it, $son?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Umm.. Yeah.. She is.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Are you in love in her?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Eee.. Of course. She's my $sister.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Hah. Of course!<</speech>>
<<elseif _talk is 4>>
<video src="img/luke/mom/momtalk3.webm" class="mediumv" autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>I'm so glad you are here. Luke.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah. Me too $mom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>I feel very safe around my $son. You'll take care of me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Umm... Yeah?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Oh.. I love you so much! My handsome Boy!<</speech>>
<<if $bgrass gte 1 and $bclean gte 1 and $bkitchen gte 1 or $momhappycheat is true>>\
<div class="textbox"><div align="center">
<<linkreplace "<img src='img/luke/mom/trace.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>><<set $time to $time +1>><<set $insidemom to 3>><<upd>>
<<set _mom to random(1,2)>>
<<if _mom is 1>>\
<div class="container1">
<img src="img/luke/mom/trace2.jpg" class="mediumvision">
<div class="middle">
<div class="imageof"><div class="tooltipmaly"><img src="img/luke/mom/trace1.1.jpg" class="imagevision"><span class="tooltiptextmaly">Mommy feels so lonely... </span></div></div>
<<elseif _mom is 2>>\
<div class="container1">
<img src="img/luke/mom/trace3.jpg" class="mediumvision">
<div class="middle">
<div class="imageof"><div class="tooltipmaly"><img src="img/luke/mom/trace3.1.jpg" class="imagevision"><span class="tooltiptextmaly">Mommy feels so lonely... </span></div></div>
@@color:lightblue;My $mom.. She... She looks so hot!. She is so gorgeous... I'd like to... I'd like to... I...
UHH!! Why am i thinking like that? That's my $mom! Am i fucked up?!@@ <<silently>></div></div><</silently>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Luke?</h4>">><<set $insidemom to 2>><<upd>>
Luke shakes his head with disbelief. $mom noticed that.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Is something wrong? My darling?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yes! I mean... No! Ah..! I don't know. It is so-<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Shhhh.. Love.. Come here. Hug your $mom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Thanks $mom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Anytime Darling. Anytime.<</speech>>
<img src='img/luke/mom/hug1.jpg' class='medium'>
@@color:orange;$mom is hugging tightly his $son. $mom's boobs press against Luke's chest.@@
<<momluke 5>><div class="posarousal">Mommy's Boy +5</div>
<h3>Improve your $mom's Mood to Proud.</h3>
<</replace>><</linkreplace>> <img src="img/luke/mom/momkitchen.jpg" class='mediumc'>
$mom is cleaning after the dinner.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Help her out</h4>">><<replace "#bro">>
<img src="img/luke/dishes.jpg" class='large'>
You are helping your $mom with cleaning the dishes.
She is amazed how helpfull you are.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Luke! You don't have to!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>It's okay $mom. I love helping you out. It's hard to look at you when you are working so hard.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Oh... $mom is about to cry! You really know how to lift someone's spirit!<</speech>>
<<if $bkitchen is 0>>
@@color:lightgreen;You are making the dishes for 2 days.
$mom is very pleased with it.@@
<<set $bkitchen to 2>><<set $time to $time +1>><<upd>>
@@color:lightgreen;Dishes are clean@@
<<if $bgrass gte 1 and $bclean gte 1 and $bkitchen gte 1 or $momhappycheat is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<img src='img/luke/mom/trace5.2.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<scrolldown 1.5s t8n>><<set $time to $time +1>><<set $insidemom to 3>><<audio "water" play>><<upd>>
<div class="container1">
<img src="img/luke/mom/trace5.1.jpg" class="mediumvision">
<div class="middle">
<div class="imageof"><div class="tooltipmaly"><img src="img/luke/mom/trace5.jpg" class="imagevision"><span class="tooltiptextmaly">You only think about $mom, don't you?</span></div></div>
@@color:lightblue;Why is she looking at me like that.... Her gaze... Is she tempting me..?@@
@@color:pink;My handsome boy! Only you are helping your $mom like a good boy! My sweet innocent Boy.
Mommy would make you feel so nice....@@
<<linkreplace "<h6>Luke?</h6>">><<scrolldown 1.5s t8n>><<set $insidemom to 2>><<upd>>
<img src="img/luke/mom/momkitchen1.jpg" class='large'><<audio "water" stop>>
After a few seconds $mom looked at you confused.<<audio "water1" play>>
Water still splashes the same plate you washing for long time. $mom with worry look stops the water.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Luke! Sweety! Don't waste the water!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Oh! Shit! Sorry. <</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Honey! It's okay. You're still recovering from the hospital. Take it easy next time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah... You are right $mom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>My good boy! Go. I'll take care of the rest of the things here. You've already helped me enough!<</speech>>
<<momluke 5>>
<div class="posarousal">$mom's Boy +5</div>
<h3>Improve your Mother's Mood to Proud.</h3>
<</replace>><</linkreplace>><div class="daddybox"><b>
<span id="sex">
Dad has booked the hotel room. This is the Room where you'll crossed the forbidden lines with your Father.
When you enter the room you'll never return as a Daughter, only as his personal fuck toy.
<<linkreplace "<h5>Daddy's Girl</h5>">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/mcdad1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Finally alone Dad!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>You are mine now.<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Lusting for each other</h5>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/mcdad2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Mmm This pussy is so juicy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I love your Cock Daddy. It's so warm... and tasty.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh you fucking slutty girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Please.. Please Plug my HOLE!<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>It's time</h5>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/mcdad3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
The time come that Father and Daughter reunited, by putting his Hard Cock into her Little Wet Pussy.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh God! Your HUGE COCK IS INSIDE ME!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>My daughter's pussy is finally mine.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's yours FATHER!<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>So Tight</h5>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/mcdad4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Does it feels good Daddy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I can't believe how good is this. It gets tighter when i thrust my dick deep inside you.<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>From Behind</h5>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/mcdad5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh Daddy you are so rough!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>You are so lewd my Daughter... My Slutty Whore.<</speech>>
Two of you are having a such good time, You were fucking non stop.
The hotel staff even called to see if everything was okay because of the moans.
After several orgasm the night came.
<<button [[Day next|Repeat that night 2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Go back to sleep|Bed]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><b>\
<span id="sex">
<video src="img/dad/hotel/mcdaddaytonight.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Countless of orgasms later, you and Dad is resting on the bed talking about the things you have done.
You went down to restaurant and eating in silence teasing each other. Then came back to room for another round or rounds...
As you walked into the room, with full of desire where it reeks of sex and sweat and on top of that, there are used condoms spread all around...
Your phone is ringing. It's your Mother.
<<speech "Mom" "Mom On the Phone">>Hey Sweety, did you get there safely? Are you two okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah, Mom. Me and Dad are having so much fun right now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "Mom On the Phone">>That's awesome! I'm glad you are having fun! Can you pass the phone to Dad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure.. Daddy it's Mom.<</speech>>
You passed the phone to Dad while he was touching you.
<img src="img/dad/hotel/touches.jpg" class='imageright'>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hey Sweetheart.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "Mom On the Phone">>Hey Hubby, The road was okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yeah... The road was little bumpy but other than that it was okay.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "Mom On the Phone">>I heard you are having fun. I'm grateful that you are taking care of her. Maybe it will be good for her.<</speech>>
<img src="img/dad/hotel/suck.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh Martha. I'm her Father. I need to take care of daughter's needs.<</speech>>
Hearing this made you again horny. So you sucking his cock again.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Argh..! I-I need to g-go. Our Daughter is getting in the trouble right now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "Mom On the Phone">>Oh.. Sure. Have fun!<</speech>>
<img src="img/dad/hotel/moan.jpg" class='imageright'>
Dad end call with Mom
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh you little troublemaker. You playing games now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha... I like when you were teasing me through that phone call, Daddy. Now take care of my needs!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>COME HERE!<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Your Needs.</h5>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/mcdad6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How many times have we done it Daddy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I've lost count... it feels so good...<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Sweaty Sex</h5>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/mcdad7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OH GOD DADDY YOU HAVE SO MUCH STAMINA...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh Baby Girl.. you giving me so much energy.<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Lusting for Each Other</h5>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/mcdad8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Mmm i love making out with you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Daddy..<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Your Pussy Belongs to Daddy.</h5>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/mcdad9.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm gonna cum... AGAIN. AGAIN! AGAIIIIIIIIIN!!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yes Baby Girl. Cum on my Dick.<</speech>>
<<link "<h5>Daddy's Seed.</h5>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/mcdad10.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Daddy's gonna cum!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my... Dad! So much Cum for your Daugher!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I've never cum like this before.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm.. i knew teasing you was a great idea.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh Darling, do you even regret it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No, I love you Daddy and i want to be with you forever!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name... I love you too.<</speech>>
<video src="img/dad/hotel/kiss2.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
You sloppy kissed each other.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Anyway, This has been the best Fuck of my LIFE!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Haha for me too, but daddy needs to rest right now. Tomorrow we need get back to our house or Your Mom will be suspicious.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure Daddy. I know, We'll just do it in Secret.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Anything for my Baby Girl.<</speech>>
You two went to sleep hugging each other.
<<button [[Go back to sleep|Bed]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\ <div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="bro">
<video src="img/luke/interaction/lastshykiss.webm" class="large" controls autoplay loop></video>
@@color:pink;Your $bro enjoys tongue kisses. In the middle of the kiss, You looked at each other.
His hands yearn to touch them, your breasts. @@
@@color:lightblue;My $sister... She is very dear to me. I don't know where this is going but i can't deny it.
That feeling is so good... To deny...@@
<<speech "Player6" "$name">>Big $bro... Finally... You understand now, don't you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name... That feeling between us... Is very special.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player6" "$name">>It is my Big $bro. Do you wish to see them?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Uhmm... Yes, $sister. Very much.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Take a look $bro@@</h6>">><<replace "#bro">>
<video src="img/luke/interaction/boobkissfirst.webm" class="large" controls autoplay loop></video>
@@color:lightblue;$name tits... Fuck... I can't stop myself. I need to do it.@@
@@color:pink;Luke.. My Sweet $bro. He did it. Our bond has evolved.
My own $bro sucking my tits.@@
<<speech "Player6" "$name">>Oh. Ah.! Luuukee...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Every time. When you were walking around me... Teasing me with your body and those tits. I...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player6" "$name">>What.. Big $bro?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>I've been dreaming of taking those clothes off you and licking your tits.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player6" "$name">>My big $bro... You love them... Don't you?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:hotpink;My sweet $bro@@</h6>">><<replace "#bro">>
<video src="img/luke/interaction/boobkisssecond.webm" class="large" controls autoplay loop></video>
@@color:pink;Your $bro kisses and sucking your boobs it makes you feel horny and sweat. You lead him to the couch while kisssing sloppily each other.@@
<<speech "Player6" "$name">>Luke...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name. You give me so much joy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh..? Really? Do you.. Love me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>What silly question...<</speech>>
@@color:pink;You stopped him before something serious happened.
He couldn't understand why you can't keep going.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I-I need to go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name?<</speech>>
You are leaving your $bro.
<h3>New Sexual Interaction Unlocked
((More coming soon!))</h3>
<<button [[Leave|mcroom]]>><<set $lukekiss to 15>><<set $bboob to true>><</button>>
</b></div> <div class="daddybox">
<<set _boob to random(1,3)>>\
<i>Luke Boob Sucking:</i>
<meter @value="$lukeboob" min="0" max="15" align="center"></meter>
<<if _boob is 1>>\
<video src="img/luke/interaction/boobkiss1.webm" class="large" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Luke">>They are so nice to touch and to...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lick? Big $bro not so rough!<</speech>>
<<elseif _boob is 2>>\
<video src="img/luke/interaction/boobkiss.webm" class="large" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes! Just like that big $bro!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Mmmm!<</speech>>
<<elseif _boob is 3>>\
<video src="img/luke/interaction/boobkisssecond.webm" class="large" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Luke">>Fuck.. $name...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah! Luke!<</speech>>
</div><<if $bkiss is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Sexual Interaction</h6>">><<replace "#luke">>\
<h3>Sexual Interactions</h3>
<span id="sex">\
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Kiss Luke</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>\
<<include "kissluke">>
<<if $bcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Tits Sucking</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>\
<<include "boobkiss">>
<<elseif $bcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<<link "<h6>Tits Sucking @@color:grey;$bro's Corruption Stage:$bcorruptionlevel/1@@</h6>">><</link>>\
<<if $lukeeat is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Pussy Eating</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>\
<<include "pussyeat">>
<</if>>\<<linkreplace "<h4>$name</h4>">><<replace "#bro">>
<<if $lukekiss gte 15>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Kiss her</h6>">><<replace "#bro">>
<video src="img/luke/interaction/kisslivingroom.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh.. Big $bro...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It feels so nice...<</speech>>
<<if $bclean gte 1>>\
<img src="img/luke/pov/mclivingroom1.jpg" class='large'>
$name is resting on the couch while looking at you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow. Luke! $mom will be proud of you! <</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah.. Right. What about you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't have to worry about that. After all, I'm her favorite child.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>We'll see about that!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. Oh big $bro. You are so funny.<</speech>>
<img src="img/luke/pov/mclivingroom2.jpg" class='large'>
$name is resting on the couch while looking at you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Luke. Care to join?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>It's pretty dusty here. Maybe you could join me to clean that shit?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Naah... It's boring and tiresome! After all, It's your time to clean it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Pfff...<</speech>>
<</replace>><</linkreplace>><div class="lukebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bro">\
<<audio "crickets" play>>
<img src='img/ui/summernight.gif' class='medium'>
<<if $bgrass lte 0>>\
@@color:lightpink; Grass is grown to the brim. The yard looks neglected. $mom is unhappy with it.
Someone should take care of this.@@
<<linkreplace "<h4>Mow the grass</h4>">><<replace "#bro">>
@@color:orange;It's too dark! Anyway people are sleeping in that kind of hour.@@
<<link "<h4>Backyard</h4>">><<goto "backyardmomluke">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</link>>
@@color:lightgreen;The lawn is well mowed. Your $mom is pleased with your accomplishments.@@
<th><<link "<h7>Go back to your Room</h7>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "lukeroom">><<set $insidemom to 0>><</link>></th>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<th><<link "<h7>Go back to $name</h7>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "hallwaynight">><<set $lukepov to 0>><<set $insidemom to 0>><</link>></th>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<th><<link "<h7>Go back to $name</h7>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "hallwayweekend">><<set $lukepov to 0>><<set $insidemom to 0>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Go back to $name</h7>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "hallway">><<set $lukepov to 0>><<set $insidemom to 0>><</link>></th>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<h2>''Living Room.''</h2>
<span id="bro">
<<if $time gte 21 and $time lte 22.5>>\
<<include "momlivingroom">>
<<include "emmalivingroom">>
<<link "<h4>Go back to your Room</h4>">><<goto "lukeroom">><<set $insidemom to 0>><</link>>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<link "<h4>Go back to $name</h4>">><<goto "hallwaynight">><<set $lukepov to 0>><<set $insidemom to 0>><</link>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<link "<h4>Go back to $name</h4>">><<goto "hallwayweekend">><<set $lukepov to 0>><<set $insidemom to 0>><</link>>
<<link "<h4>Go back to $name</h4>">><<goto "hallway">><<set $lukepov to 0>><<set $insidemom to 0>><</link>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<img src="img/luke/mom/event1/momoutside.jpg" class='large'>
$mom promised you to take you out for a little journey with her.
By your suprise, She is giving you a key to car.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Come on, Young men. This time it's your turn to drive.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Really? You trust me that much?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Honeyyy. Don't be silly. Someday, $mom may be drunk and my favorite $son has to give his dear $mom a lift. <</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>I knew it is some kind of trick. Anyway, I'd love to drive. Thanks $mom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Of course! I'll show you my favorite spot. I haven't shown it to anyone yet except you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Oh. Really? Cool. Let's drive.<</speech>>
<<button [[Drive|momhiking2]]>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="mom">
<img src="img/luke/mom/event1/momoutside1.jpg" class='large'>
$mom gave you direction where to go. Through the drive, You were amazed how pretty is out the town.
You arrived to the destination.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Finally! The weather is beautiful today! Look at that landscape.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Wooow $mom! This place is dope! I had no idea it was only a few kilometres from our house.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>And this is just the beginning! Let's go Luke. Follow me.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Follow your $mom</h4>">><<replace "#mom">>
<video src="img/luke/mom/event1/hiking.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
$mom and You are going for a long adventure.
In the middle of the trail you slowly get tired. Your $mom however, With a smile beat another distance without getting a sweat.
<<speech "Luke">>*pant* $mom...? *Pant* can we... *pant* stop for a few *pant* minutes?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Oh? We are almost there! Just a few steps!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>These were not Just a few steps...</h4>">>
After a few miles away. $mom stops.
Thank heavens!
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Okay. We are here. I told you it's-<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Few steps?! *Pant* Feeew... Steepss *Pant* For me it was a marathon!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Oh silly me! I forgot you are still exhausted after that long coma. I'm so sorry Luke.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>$mom stretch session</h4>">><<replace "#mom">><<set $insidemom to 1>><<upd>>
<video src="img/luke/mom/event1/stretch.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
$mom take out blanket from her bag and rolled on the surface.
After that she starts to stretch. It is quite strange, The way she stretch is a bit sexual towards you...
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Here! Lie down. I have to stretch a bit.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Thanks... Are you sure it is okay to stretch now? It is sunny and we have to get back...<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>SHH! Don't interrupt! I need to focus!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Ummm....<</speech>>
<<momluke 5>>
<div class="posarousal">$mom's Boy +5</div>
<<if $momluke gte 50>>\
<img src="img/luke/mom/event1/momtease.jpg" class='large'>
<<link "<h6>$mom stretch @@color:orange; (Corruption $mom 50)@@</h6>">><<goto "momhiking3">><<set $insidemom to 2>><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Go back to Car</h4>">>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>It's getting late honey. $name and your $dad must be worried. Let's get back to the home.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah. You are right. But this time you drive. My legs feel a little bit numb.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Hah. We'll have to work on this somehow later, Honey.<</speech>>
<<button [[Return|lukeroom]]>><<set $time to $time +1.5>><</button>>
<img src="img/luke/mom/event1/deny.jpg" class='large'>
<<link "<h6>$mom stretch @@color:orange; (Corruption Mom 50)@@</h6>">><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Go back to Car</h4>">>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>It's getting late honey. $name and your $dad must be worried. Let's get back to the home.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah. You are right. But this time you drive. My legs feel a little bit numb.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Hah. We'll have to work on this somehow later, Honey.<</speech>>
<<button [[Return|lukeroom]]>><<set $time to $time +1.5>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="mom">
<video src="img/luke/mom/event1/tease.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
@@color:pink;$mom was about to finish but she caught your eyes on her butt. @@
@@color:lightblue;Fuck... My $mom has a nice piece of ass! Why is she doing this to me?!@@
@@color:pink;She continues to lean more foward to show you even more.@@
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Mmm... My legs are so sore...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>*cough* Uh.. Are they?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Yhm.. Honey. Can you check my Butt? It feels scratchy there.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Check her buttcheeks</h6>">><<replace "#mom">>
<video src="img/luke/mom/event1/butt.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
@@color:pink; $mom squeeze her buttcheeks as you approach her closer to check the thing.@@
@@color:lightblue;God... I can't take this anymore! Why is she doing this to me?! Is it some kind of trick? To lure me? I don't see a thing that could stretch her nice piece of ass.@@
@@color:pink;$mom can't stop smiling when you're struggling with yourself@@
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Hoooney? It something wrong? Why it is tooking so long?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Em... Just a moment. Hmm... I don't see anything.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Hmm... Strange. I swear that something is there.. Luke... Luke... My handsome boy...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>@@color:hotpink;$mom?@@</h12>">><<replace "#mom">><<set $insidemom to 3>><<upd>>
<video src="img/luke/mom/event1/boobs.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
@@color:pink;$mom turn around and shows you naked tits but sun shines them away.@@
@@color:lightblue;What is going with my head.. I thinking i'm losing my mind...@@
<<linkreplace "<h12>Fainting</h12>">><<replace "#mom">><<set $insidemom to 0>><<upd>>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<audio "sigh" play>>\
<img src="img/luke/mom/event1/mom.jpg" class='mediumc'>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Luke! Luke! Wake up! Luke! Honey! Wake up! Please!<</speech>>
You hear $mom's voice. Waking up near her.
<<speech "Luke">>Huh..<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh my god! Oh my god!!! Thank god! You're awake! Luke you fainted!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>I... My-My head..<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Can you stand? Wait. I'll call for help.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>No.. Don't call... I'll stand. Just give me a second.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>My god.. I knew this is bad idea... My only $son... Here. Drink the water.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Wait.. $mom.. Calm down for a second. Everything is alright. I'm a little dehydrated. <</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Okay... Okay. Luke... don't scare your $mom like that! I thought i'm going to panic!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Well.. you are panicking right now. Relax a bit. I'll try to stand.<</speech>>
Without the sweat you stading up without $mom's help.
She hugged you so tightly and starts to cry.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I'm such a bad... $mom...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>What?! You are the best $mom! Stop saying nonsense!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I... Didn't know you were that far away! And... My head is messed up! I was thinking only about $name.. I-I thought you were dead and-<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$mom... It's okay. It's not your fault! I couldn't reach you. Don't think about it. Let's just embrace the moment from now on. Okay $mom? I love you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>My god.. I love you too! You are just like him. Let's go $son... Let's go back to home.<</speech>>
@@color:lightblue;Just like him? Just like my $dad?@@
<<momluke 5>>
<div class="posarousal">$mom's Boy +5</div>
<<button [[Return|lukeroom]]>><<set $time to $time +1.5>><<set $lukemomhiking to true>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="todolist"><b>\
<div align="center"><h1>@@color:lightyellow;To do List@@</h1></div>
<div align="center">
<<button "Return" `previous()`>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<if $chloelvl gte 1 and $chloefavor is false>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;Chat with Chloe (Luke's Computer)@@</h3>
<<if $chloefavor is true>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;Movie with Chloe (Luke's Room 18:00)@@</h3>
<<if $bgrass gte 1 and $bclean gte 1 and $bkitchen gte 1>>\
@@color:pink;Chores done. I can finally rest! But still. $mom wants to talk to me. She acts weird though.@@
<<elseif $bgrass is 0 and $bclean is 0 and $bkitchen is 0 and $momhappycheat is false>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;Do chores!@@</h3>
<<if $lukemomhiking is false>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;$mom says something about going out? (Your Room 8:30-10:00)@@</h3>
<<if $momntr is true and $picofmom is false or $picofmom lte 3 and $momntr is true>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;$mom Photo Session #1 (Saturday or Sunday 14:00-15:00)@@</h3>
<<if $dadandmomargue is false and $momluke gte 25>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;$mom and $dad. (Luke's Room 17:30-19:30)@@</h3>
<<if $mombackyardtease is false and $momluke gte 50 and $dadandmomargue is true>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;Reflect on your life. (Backyard 12:00-15:00)@@</h3>
<<elseif $momluke lte 49>>\
<h3>Required Corruption to $mom : 50% </h3>
<<if $milfluke is false and $momluke gte 50 and $lukepeepmom is true>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;Surf the Web until you find something interesting (Luke's Computer)@@</h3>
<<if $milf7choice is false and $milfluke is true>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;Check Web Page Cougar Life until you find some kind of lead of your $mom's Side Activity.@@</h3>
<<if $milf7choice is true and $momntr is 0>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;Write with Olena. (Cougar Life)@@</h3>
<<if $chatmilf5 lte 9 and $cougarpass is true>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;Write with Alicia. (Cougar Life)@@</h3>
<<if $momluke gte 50 and $jobluke is false>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;Ask for Job (7:00-20:00 Luke's Room)@@</h3>
<<if $chloetext is 0 and $chloelukepark gte 1>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;Chat with Chloe (Luke's Computer)@@</h3>
<<if $lenatext is 0 and $lenaandluke is true>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;Chat with Lena (Luke's Computer)@@</h3>
<<silently>>$lukepeepmom Luke szuka brudne rzeczy na swojej matki w internecie<</silently>>
</b></div><b><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<timed 2s>><<audio "wave" play>><</timed>><<timed 10s>><<audio "wave" play>><</timed>>
<<timed 30s>><<audio "wave" play>><</timed>>
<img src="img/ui/title1.png" class="banner">
Choose your name:
<<textbox "$name" "Emma">>
How would you describe the connection towards them?:
<<textbox "$mom" "Step-Mother">>
<<textbox "$dad" "Step-Father">>
Their connection to you:
<<textbox "$daughter" "Step-Daughter">>
Your connection to them:
<<textbox "$parents" "Step-Parents">>
<<textbox "$bro" "Step-Brother">>
Your connection to Luke:
<<textbox "$sister" "Step-Sister">>
<<button "Choices">><<goto "skip1">><</button>>
<<widget "studentspent2">><<set $studentspent2 to Math.clamp($studentspent2 + $args[0], 0, 10)>><</widget>>
<<widget "startbathroom">>
<<link "<h6>Begin.@@color:pink;(Arousal +10)@@ @@color:lightblue;(Energy +5)@@</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/lvl3enter.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="pos">@@color:orange;His tease arouses you!@@</div>
<<arousal 10>><<energy 5>><<upd>><<set $startstagestudent to true>>\
<div class="posarousal">+10 Arousal</div>@@color:lightblue;+5 Energy@@
<<link "<h7>Move on</h7>">><<goto "SchoolWC1">><</link>>
<<widget "startbathroom2">>
<<link "<h6>Mid. @@color:pink;(Arousal +10)@@ @@color:lightblue;(Energy +5)@@</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/lvl3enter2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="pos">@@color:orange;Your talk arouses him!@@</div>
<div class="posarousal">+10 Arousal</div>@@color:lightblue;+5 Energy@@<<set $midstagestudent to true>>
<<arousal 10>><<energy 5>><<upd>>\
<<link "<h7>Move on</h7>">><<goto "SchoolWC1">><</link>>
<<widget "suckbathroom">>
<<if $arousal gte 15>>
<<link "<h7>Suck his Cock! @@color:pink;(Arousal +8)@@ @@color:lightblue;(Energy -3)@@</h7>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/lvl3suck.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">He loves the way you suck his Cock! It arouses you!</div>
<div class="posarousal">+8 Arousal</div><div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;-3 Energy@@</div>
@@color:orange;Reputation in School:$reputationschool@@
<<arousal 8>><<energy -3>><<studentspent2 -1>><<set $reputationschool to $reputationschool +1>>@@color:orange;You earning +1 Reputation in Boy's Group.@@<<upd>>
<<link "<h7>Another</h7>">><<goto "SchoolWC1">><</link>>
<<link "<h7>Suck him Good! @@color:pink;(Arousal +10)@@ @@color:lightblue;(Energy -5)@@</h7>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/lvl3suck1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">He loves the way you suck his Cock! It arouses you!</div>
<div class="posarousal">+10 Arousal</div><div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;-5 Energy@@</div>
@@color:orange;Reputation in School:$reputationschool@@
<<arousal 10>><<energy -5>><<studentspent2 -1>><<set $reputationschool to $reputationschool +1>>@@color:orange;You earning +1 Reputation in Boy's Group.@@<<upd>>
<<link "<h7>Another</h7>">><<goto "SchoolWC1">><</link>>
<<link "<h7>Sucking Stage @@color:hotpink;(Arousal >15)@@ @@color:lightblue;(Energy >5)</h7>">><</link>>
<<widget "lickbathroom">>
<<if $arousal gte 15>>
<<link "<h7>Licks Your Wet Pussy @@color:pink;(Arousal +18)@@ @@color:lightblue;(Energy -6)@@</h7>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/lvl3lick.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">He loves the way you suck his Cock! It arouses you!</div>
<div class="posarousal">+18 Arousal</div><div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;-6 Energy@@</div>
@@color:orange;Reputation in School:$reputationschool@@
<<arousal 18>><<energy -6>><<studentspent2 -1>><<set $reputationschool to $reputationschool +1>>@@color:orange;You earning +1 Reputation in Boy's Group.@@<<upd>>
<<link "<h7>Another</h7>">><<goto "SchoolWC1">><</link>>
<<link "<h7>Licks Your Wet Pussy @@color:pink;(Arousal +15)@@ @@color:lightblue;(Energy -5)@@</h7>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/lvl3lick1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">He loves the way you suck his Cock! It arouses you!</div>
<div class="posarousal">+15 Arousal</div><div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;-5 Energy@@</div>
@@color:orange;Reputation in School:$reputationschool@@
<<arousal 15>><<energy -5>><<studentspent2 -1>><<set $reputationschool to $reputationschool +1>>@@color:orange;You earning +1 Reputation in Boy's Group.@@<<upd>>
<<link "<h7>Another</h7>">><<goto "SchoolWC1">><</link>>
<<widget "fuckbathroom">>
<span id="fuck">
<<if $arousal gte 35>>
<<link "<h7>Fuck on the Sink @@color:pink;(Arousal +23)@@ @@color:lightblue;(Energy -14)@@</h7>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/lvl3fucking.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 23>><<energy -14>><<studentspent2 -1>><<set $reputationschool +=random(1, 3)>>@@color:orange;You earning some reputation in Boy's Group.@@<<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">+23 Arousal</div><div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;-14 Energy@@</div>@@color:orange;Reputation in School:$reputationschool@@
<<link "<h7>Another</h7>">><<goto "SchoolWC1">><</link>>
<<link "<h7>Fuck Standing @@color:pink;(Arousal +28)@@ @@color:lightblue;(Energy -16)@@</h7>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/lvl3fucking1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 28>><<energy -16>><<studentspent2 -1>><<set $reputationschool +=random(1, 3)>>@@color:orange;You earning some reputation in Boy's Group.@@<<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">+28 Arousal</div><div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;-16 Energy@@</div>@@color:orange;Reputation in School:$reputationschool@@
<<link "<h7>Another</h7>">><<goto "SchoolWC1">><</link>>
<<link "<h7>Fuck from Behind @@color:pink;(Arousal +30)@@ @@color:lightblue;(Energy -17)@@</h7>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/lvl3fucking2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 30>><<energy -17>><<studentspent2 -1>><<set $reputationschool +=random(1, 3)>>@@color:orange;You earning some reputation in Boy's Group.@@<<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">+30 Arousal</div><div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;-17 Energy@@</div>@@color:orange;Reputation in School:$reputationschool@@
<<link "<h7>Another</h7>">><<goto "SchoolWC1">><</link>>
<<link "<h7>Fuck Riding @@color:pink;(Arousal +35)@@ @@color:lightblue;(Energy -18)@@</h7>">><<replace "#sex">>
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/lvl3fucking3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 35>><<energy -18>><<studentspent2 -1>><<set $reputationschool +=random(1, 3)>>@@color:orange;You earning some reputation in Boy's Group.@@<<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">+35 Arousal</div><div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;-18 Energy@@</div>@@color:orange;Reputation in School:$reputationschool@@
<<link "<h7>Another</h7>">><<goto "SchoolWC1">><</link>>
<<elseif $arousal lte 49>>\
<<link "<h7>Fucking Stage @@color:hotpink;(Arousal >35)@@ @@color:lightblue;(Energy >15)@@</h7>">><</link>>
<</widget>><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<masteraudio stop>>\
<span id="sex">
<<if $studentspent2 gte 1>>
<div class="statsluke"><i>Student's Action:$studentspent2</i></div>
<<if $studentspent2 gte 6 and $startstagestudent is true>>\
<h3>Start Stage</h3>
<<if $energy gte 5>>
<img src="img/clothes/uniformslut/s.jpg" class='medium'>
<<elseif $energy lte 4>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Sucking Stage @@color:pink;(Arousal 15)@@ @@color:lightblue;(Energy -5)</h7>">>
@@color:orange; You are exhausted!@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah... Sorry. I'm little tired for that..<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Guy">>What?! What a fucking joke!<</speech>>
<<set $reputationschool to $reputationschool - 3>>
@@color:orange;Lost Reputation in School -3@@
<<if $energy gte 5>>\
<img src="img/clothes/uniformslut/l.jpg" class='medium'>
<<elseif $startstagestudent is false>>
<<if $energy gte 5>>\
<img src="img/clothes/uniformslut/b.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $energy lte 4>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Start @@color:pink;(Arousal 10)@@</h7>">>
@@color:orange; You are exhausted!@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah... Sorry. I'm little tired for that..<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Guy">>What?! What a fucking joke!<</speech>>
<<set $reputationschool to $reputationschool - 3>>
@@color:orange;Lost Reputation in School -3@@
<<if $studentspent2 is 5 and $midstagestudent is false>>\
<img src="img/clothes/uniformslut/b2.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $studentspent2 lte 10 and $studentspent2 gte 5>>
@@color:orange;Have some fun time with him!@@
<<if $studentspent2 gte 1 and $midstagestudent is true>>\
<h3>Mid Stage</h3>
<<if $energy gte 15>>\
<img src="img/clothes/uniformslut/f.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $energy lte 14>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Fucking Stage @@color:hotpink;(Arousal >50)@@ @@color:lightblue;(Energy >15)@@</h7>">>
@@color:orange; You are exhausted!@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah... Sorry. I'm little tired for that..<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Guy">>What?! What a fucking joke!<</speech>>
<<set $reputationschool to $reputationschool - 3>>
@@color:orange;Lost Reputation in School -3@@
<video src="img/clothes/uniformslut/lvl3cum.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">His cum is covering your whole face. A satisfying experience</div>
<<speech "Boy1" "Student">>Damn $name that was...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That was so cool! Let's repeat that again next day!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Student">>Really?! That sounds awesome. I'll be waiting. Bye!<</speech>>
<<if $corruption lte 64>><<addcorruption 1>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +1</div><</if>>
<<if $arousal gte 100 and $startstagestudent is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Cumming!!!@@</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>
<<set _or to random(1,2)>>
<<if _or is 1>>
<img src="img/clothes/uniformslut/squirtlvl3.webp" class='medium'>
<<elseif _or is 2>>
<img src="img/clothes/uniformslut/squirtlvl3.1.webp" class='medium'>
<<energy -10>>
<<set $arousal to random (25,50)>><<set $reputationschool to $reputationschool +3>>@@color:orange;You earning +3 Reputation in Boy's Group.@@<<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">You are cumming!</div>
<div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;Energy -10@@</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AH!! AH!! FUCKK!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Student">>Fuck... You are so fucking hot!<</speech>>
<<link "<h7>Continue</h7>">><<goto "SchoolWC1">><</link>>
<<button "Return" `previous()`>><<masteraudio stop>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<<if $afterschool3 is 0 and $ashleyblock is false>>\
<span id="ash">
@@color:lightyellow;You intend to enter the classroom, but the door is locked. So you are waiting by the classroom.@@
<<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "ashleyschool" play>>@@color:orange; After a few seconds you hear sounds that are familiar to you. It's Ashley who is making moans of pleasure. Above the door is a small window on which you can look at what is happening inside. Nearby there is a chair on which you can hop up. @@
<img src="img/school/ashley/window.jpg" class="medium">
<<linkreplace "<h6>Look Inside</h6>">><<replace "#ash">><<audio "ashleyschool" stop>><<set $ashpov to 1>><<upd>>
<video src="img/school/ashley/ash.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:orange;Looking through a small window you see Ashley being fucked by a teacher. Unfortunately, your predictions have come true. Bailey and Ashley still continue to maintain their secret relationship after that memorable night in the school.@@
<<speech "Ashley">>HARDER !! HARDER !! HAH!! AH!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Shh... Ashley... Keep it down...<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Haha.. Calm down. Jonathan... Let them hear what we are doing, haha!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Ashley.. Fuck... I'm gonna cum again...<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Mmmm... Do it inside!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>No.. I can't...<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Chill Mr.Bailey. Today is safe day. Do it.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley Plan.</h6>">><<replace "#ash">><<audio "ashleyschool" stop>><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<video src="img/school/ashley/ash1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:orange;For you the sight is making you angry. Ashley is getting what she wants. And why Mr.Bailey agreed to this?@@
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>That's fucked up. Ashley Please!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>I swear.. If you don't cum inside... $name will be in deep trouble! <</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Ashley.... Fuck!!! I'm getting close.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Good. Cum inside me....<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>What is going on? Why would i be in big trouble?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley enjoys jumping on his Cock</h6>">><<replace "#ash">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<video src="img/school/ashley/ash2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:orange;Ashley's persuaded Mr.Bailey. You don't know why. Ashley somehow controls him.
<<speech "Ashley">>Yes! Yes!!! My my! It feels so good to have your seed inside me...<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Ahhhh!! Ashleyy!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Ohh... Yes... Nice. Jonathan. Very nice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Ashley. Please. This is getting too far. Please be reasonable.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>I don't fucking care. You fucked with $name and here's the results!!! No one can replace me! No one! <</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Ash! Please. It's not her fault. It's mine. Just delete them and i will be yours. Forever.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Really? You would do that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Yes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>No Jonathan. I'm not that dumb.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley's stupid smile</h6>">><<replace "#ash">><<set $ashpov to 0>><<upd>>
<img src="img/school/ashley/smirk.jpg" class="medium">
@@color:orange;Ashley has a grim smile while she was blackmailing Mr.Bailey.@@
<<speech "Ashley">>Now. Drive me off to my house, It's getting late.<</speech>>
<<if $ashleyreveal is false>>
<<set $ashley to true>>
<<set $ashleyreveal to true>><h3>Talk with Mr.Bailey in his House.</h3>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>She's is fucked up! Ashley is crazy about Bailey. We need to talk with Mr.Bailey to find out what is going on here.<</speech>><</if>>\
<<link "<h6>Leave </h6>">><<goto "school">><<set $time to $time +2>><</link>>
<<if $afterschool3 is 0 and $ashleyblock is true>>\
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/lvl3.1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
After you kidnapped Ashley, Mr. Bailey seemed reluctant to see you. He avoids you in the corridor or in the class.
The thing is. Bailey doesn't want to have anything to do with you anymore which makes you mad.
You waited until the later classes were over until Bailey was left alone in the classroom.
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Questions about the exams are over, please come bac-$name?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Teacher. Can we talk?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>No. It's late. Chloe is waiting for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's it? Our little thing. Is over?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>It's over. Let me go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't you understand? I had to do it. Ashley would destroy you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>At least tell me she is safe.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ashley is safe. I promise no one is going to hurt her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>So let me go now, I've caused enough trouble for myself and you.<</speech>>
<<if $corruption gte 70>>\
<img src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/tits.jpg" class='largec'>
<<link "<h12>Convice Him @@color:hotpink;((Corruption 70))@@</h12>">><<goto "bayleylvl3">><<set $afterschool3 to 1>><</link>>
<<link "<h6>Let him go</h6>">><<set $afterschool3 to 0>><<goto "school">><</link>>
<img src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/tits.jpg" class='largec'>
<<link "<h12>Convice Him @@color:hotpink;((Corruption 70))@@</h12>">><</link>>
<<link "<h6>Let him go</h6>">><<set $afterschool3 to 0>><<goto "school">><</link>>
<<if $afterschool3 is 1>>\
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/lvl3.2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Mr.Bailey was about to leave but you stopped him by showing him your huge breasts, lies and charm.
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>$name. Stop it! That is insane!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I dont care Mr.Bailey. Just look at them. I made them for you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Enough!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Look at them Mr.Bailey. Don't you see how hard I've sacrificed? For you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>$name... That's too.. Much..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Feel them. Mr.Bailey. I know you want to touch them.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Got him</h12>">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/lvl3.3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 10>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +10</div><<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">Bailey with a shaking hands feel your tits.
Apparently he already forgot the grudge and lust won over him.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>See? Aren't they great?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Fuck.. $name. They are... Amazing...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha.. Oh my.. It's already hard!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Bailey's Lust </h12>">><<goto "bayleylvl3">><<set $afterschool3 to 2>><</link>>
<<if $afterschool3 is 2>>\
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/lvl3.4.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<div class="posarousal">Teacher can't get away with you, As you lie on the desk, his tongue can't stop licking your giant tits making you moan with excitement.</div>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>They are... Surreal! You don't know how i missed you $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh.. Have you? That's so sweet.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Stand up!</h12>">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/lvl3.5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 15>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div><<upd>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>God... $name. Your pussy is so swell and pretty. I need to..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm!! Ah..!! Yes... Like that!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Bailey's Lust </h12>">><<goto "bayleylvl3">><<set $afterschool3 to 3>><</link>>
<<if $afterschool3 is 3>>\
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/lvl3.6.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
Your pussy is wet with the teacher's saliva. You can't wait to be screwed with his huge cock.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My my... Mr.Bailey... Your Cock.. Fuck me... Please!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>I-I have to! Can't wait anymore. God.. You are so fucking hot $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mr.Bai-AAH!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Hurry's up</h12>">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/lvl3.7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 15>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div><<upd>>
Bailey in a hurry takes out the pants and start's pouding you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh! AH!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Shh... $name. Somebody could hear us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck me... I don't care. Just pound my pussy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>It sounds so bad... Teacher fucking his favorite student.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's why it sounds and feels so good!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>You are right $name. I can't get away from young pussies!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Bailey's Whore</h12>">><<goto "bayleylvl3">><<set $afterschool3 to 4>><</link>>
<<if $afterschool3 is 4>>\
<span id="teach">
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/lvl3.8.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<arousal 15>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div><<upd>>
His dick slides your pussy with quite a bit of roughness.
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Fuck. You missed that cock, huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>YHM!!! Ah!! Oh!! Mr.Bailey! Harder! HARDER!<</speech>>
<<if $arousal gte 100>>
@@color:hotpink;Your Arousal is too high!@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Like that! I'm... Going to..!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>You are about to CUM!</h12>">><<replace "#teach">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/lvl3.9.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal -80>><div class="posarousal">Cumming!</div>
In each thrust, You feel his Cock even deeper. It gives you so much pleasure!
He knows how to hit the right spot. You are about to plunge into the abyss of pleasure.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AH!! MY GOD!!! YESSSS!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Damn... My favorite slutty student... It so arousing to watch... I can't endure it...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Bailey's Cum</h12>">><<replace "#teach">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/lvl3cum.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
You guide his cock between your Tits and starts massasing his cock.
It is so intense for him that he spills his cum into your chest.
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>$name!! Just like that! Ah!! God damn!!.<</speech>>
<<if $ashley is true>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm.. So much cum. You must saving these for me. Huh Teacher? Ashley's absence has affected you, eh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>$name. Please. Don't talk about her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry Teacher. I can't help myself.<</speech>>
Teacher in silance dress up and slowly about to leave the room.
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Turn off the lights before leaving.<</speech>>
He left you alone in the class room.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm.. So much cum. You must saving these for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>You guessed it. Only for my Favorite Student.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Happy to hear that.<</speech>>
You and Teacher left the school together.
Finally, You don't have to worry about your grades.
<<if $afterschool1 is false>>\
<<set $afterschool1 to true>><<addcorruption 2>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +2</div>
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<set $afterschool3 to 0>><<goto "school">><<set $time to $time +1.5>><</link>>
<<elseif $arousal lte 99>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:grey;You are about to CUM!@@ @@color:pink;$arousal/100@@</h6>">><</link>>
<<link "<h12>He is not finished with you yet!</h12>">><<goto "bayleylvl3">><<set $afterschool3 to 5>><</link>>
<<if $afterschool3 is 5>>\
<span id="ponk">
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/lvl3lust.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Harder!</h12>">><<replace "#ponk">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/lvl3lust1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Finish me!</h12>">><<replace "#ponk">>
<video src="img/school/teacher/afterclass2/lvl3lust2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal -80>><div class="posarousal">Cumming!</div>
@@color:pink;Both of you were enjoying the rough sex.
Mr. Bailey gave it his all as never before.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow... Mr.Bailey... That was the best!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Damn $name. You really are worthy to wait.<</speech>>
<<if $afterschool2 is false>>\
<<set $afterschool2 to true>><<addcorruption 2>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +2</div>
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<set $afterschool3 to 0>><<goto "school">><<set $time to $time +2>><</link>>
</b></div><div class="lukebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $chloelukepark is 0>>\
You and Luke went to the Park. Luke was a bit skeptical to leave the house but you managed to persuade him to leave.
After all, He does not suspect what surprise you have prepared for him.
Chloe sent you a message that she is waiting for you.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Look for Chloe.</h6>">>
<img src="img/luke/chloe/meetchloe.jpg" class='large'>
You look around and after a few seconds you spot someone.
It's Chloe! Huh. She Looks a little different than before. She is so...
<<speech "Luke">>Wow. $name. Look at this girl. She is so pretty!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is she? Then. Let's talk with her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Hold on! What?! $name! STOP!<</speech>>
Luke was about to stop you but you waved at Chloe
She returns wave with the smile.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Chloe! Sorry for being late. Luke is still a slow-poke.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Heey! Wait! You tricked me! <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah. Yeah. Don't cry about it. Let me introduce you. It's my Brother Luke.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name. You know i can talk? Hello Chloe. I'm Luke. Nice to meet you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>Hey Luke. I'm Chloe. Nice to meet you too!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh Chloe. You look so pretty in that dress. That makeup. Nice Girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>Uh.. Yes.. Thanks $name.<</speech>>
<<if $ashleyblock is false and $ashleyslave is true>>\
During the conversation your phone started vibrating. You got a message?
<<linkreplace "<h6>Read a message.</h6>">>
<span class="pulselong"><<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">><i>yyyy Help-House-Ashley. beforeeeey47</i><</speech>></span>
The message was pretty weird to you. But you are having a feeling that Bailey is in trouble.
It's time to hurry up.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Guys. I need to go. Something urgent. Have fun!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Wait. What?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>Huh?! Where are you going?<</speech>>
You are leaving them without explanation. Luke and Chloe are alone. Together.
<<link "<h4>Uncomfortable Silence@@color:lightblue;(Luke POV)@@</h4>">><<goto "Talk about Chloe with Luke">><<set $chloelukepark to 1>><<set $lukepov to 1>><<upd>><</link>>
<<link "<h6>Help Mr.Bailey @@color:pink;($name POV)@@</h6>">><<goto "Talk about Chloe with Luke">><<set $chloelukepark to 4>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</link>>
<<elseif $ashleyslave is false and $ashleyblock is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Chloe and Luke. @@color:red;(Jealousy)@@</h6>">>
You notice how Luke and Chloe look at each other. Some jealousy has come over you and you think to yourself that this was not a good idea after all. Although you arranged the meeting you do not see the profit in it.
<<speech "Luke">>So Chloe. How long you two know each other.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>By the time I returned from my vacations at my grandparents. Isn't $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. Chloe came back to school a little later.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>I had long vacations. Haha. Not long as you Luke. I never heard about you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>I also had a slightly longer vacations. Shame we didn't meet back then. Haha.<</speech>>
You can't believe how they are already catching up with each other. Luke and Chloe laugh at silly things that aren't funny to you.
<img src='img/chloe/shocked.jpg' class='imageleft'>
It annoys you so much that you can't stand it. By suprise of Chloe, You pretend that your stomach hurts a lot by squatting and grabbing your stomach.
<<speech "Player" "$name">> Ah... My stomach... Ah!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>$name? Are you alright?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name? What is going on?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It hurts... So much... It must be the fish we ate. Luke... Please can you take me to home...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Emm... Of course. Sorry Chloe. I have to care $name. She's a bit-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ouch!!! Please. Now. Luke!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Bye!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>Bye.<</speech>>
<h3>@@color:orange;((Expand Ashley's storyline with Mr.Bailey.))@@</h3>
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "hallway">><<set $time to $time +1>><</link>>
<<if $chloelukepark is 1>>
<img src="img/luke/chloe/meetchloe1.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:lightblue;$name in hurry leave you alone with Chloe. She is so pretty.
You don't know what to do... Both of you couldn't hold the eye contact.
Chloe make a first move.@@
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>So. Shall we sit?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Umm.. Sure! Sure, Let's sit down.<</speech>>
@@color:lightblue;After a few seconds in silence, You couldn't came up how to talk with her.
Maybe let's talk what her interest?@@
<<speech "Luke">>Hmm.. What do you like to do in a free time?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>Oh. Mmm. I like to read. Yes. Lately books.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Really?! That's so cool. What kind of books do you read?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>Mostly Fantasy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Wow! Me too!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>You do? What's your favorite book?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Oh this is going to take me a long time to think about. Because I have a lot of books that I love. Let me think...<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>Haha, It's okay. I'll wait.<</speech>>
@@color:lightblue;You and Chloe talked in the park for several hours about your hobbies and sometimes made rather lame jokes that Chloe enjoyed. You love the way she laughs. You finally feel that you mean something to someone.@@
<<link "<h4>Few Hours Later</h4>">><<set $time to $time +2>><<goto "Talk about Chloe with Luke">><<set $chloelukepark to 2>><</link>>
<<if $chloelukepark is 2>>
<img src="img/luke/chloe/meetchloe2.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:lightblue;Few hours later, Chloe was more relaxed around you. Talk about her life and troubles which you would wish to solve them. Then she got silenced and looked at your eyes@@
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>You are so funny Luke. It's so good to know you better. <</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Chloe. I feel the same way. I mean. You are pretty and- Ah.. It's good to know you too!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>Haha. Relax Luke. I'm glad you see me pretty. I don't hear that quiet often.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Whoa... Really? Then.. I'm glad to be the one would say that you are pretty, Everyday!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>Jeez! Luke... You are such a charmer! <</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Well. I need to practice on someone.<</speech>>
<<if $boyfriendjack is true>>\
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>Haha, You are so funny Luke! God... Where is $name? Is he with Jack?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Jack? Who's Jack?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>Wait. You don't know who Jack is? It's $name Boyfriend. She didn't tell you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Em... No. She didn't. Probably she didnt want to tell me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>Probably.<</speech>>
Chloe was a bit awkard beacuse you got silence for a minute.
@@color:lightblue;$name has a boyfriend?! Why she didnt tell me?@@
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>Luke? $name is coming. Anyway. I was having a blust fun talking with you Luke. I was thinking...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Can i get your number? I was having a fun too.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>Hah! Here it is. Call me anytime!<</speech>>
$name is approaching to you.
<<set $boyfriendreveal to true>>
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>Oh my Luke! And what else are you hiding in the back of your mind?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Couple of things. You know... I was thinking... Shall we exchange numbers?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>Of course! Here's mine.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Cool. I'll call you later!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>I'll be waiting. Oh! Look. $name came back.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah. She is.<</speech>>
$name is approaching to you with a happy face.
<<set $lukechloe to true>>
<img src="img/luke/chloe/mc.jpg" class='mediumc'>
<<if $ashleyblock is false>>\
<<link "<h6>Help Mr.Bailey. @@color:pink;($name POV)@@</h6>">><<set $lukepov to 0>><<goto "baileyash1">><<set $ashbailey to 0>><</link>>
<<elseif $ashleyblock is true>>\
<<link "<h6>$name@@color:pink;($name POV)@@</h6>">><<goto "Talk about Chloe with Luke">><<set $chloelukepark to 3>><</link>>
<<if $chloelukepark is 3>>
<img src="img/luke/chloe/behind.jpg" class='large'>
Coming to Luke and Chloe you see that they are pretty close to each other. Luke seems happy around her. Somehow, You feel jealous. Jealous beacuse Luke is having a lot of fun around the Chloe instead of you.
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>Hey $name. You came back?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yep. Here i am. I see that you get along. It is so sweet to watch you like this brother. Both of you act like a loverbirds haha!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Jeez. $name...<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>Yeah yeah... I have to go. Dad is going to be angry at me again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">> Wait. I'll walk you home.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh what a gentelmen!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe1" "Chloe">>It's okay Luke. No need. I live pretty close to the park. Again thank you Luke. See you soon.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Bye.<</speech>>
Chloe with a happy face waved at you and look at Luke as she was in love and left you alone with Brother.
<<speech "Luke">>My god $name. I think i'm in love.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh?! With Chloe? No way.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>What? What is wrong with her?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I mean... It's okay! But. She's just a simple plain girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Oh my god. $name. You are so blind. At least Chloe knows what she wants. The way she talks... And she know how to listen. And her Eyes... Chloe is just like out of this world!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Whatever Let's go Big bro. I'm a bit hungry.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Hungry? Already?<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|Park]]>><<set $lukepov to 0>><</button>>
<<if $chloelukepark is 4>>\
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<img src='img/chloe/house/ash/phone.jpg' class='large'>
After receiving the Message, you had to act quickly before Ashley could hurt Bailey.
You call for the help. Help of your Lucas Men.
@@color:orange;It's time to settle the score.@@
<<link "<h6>Meanwhile in the Bailey's House. @@color:orange;(Ashley's POV)@@ </h6>">><<goto "baileyash1">><<set $ashpov to 1>><<set $ashbailey to 1>><<set $mompovright to 19>><</link>>
<<if $ashbailey is 0>>\
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<img src='img/chloe/house/ash/phone.jpg' class='large'>
<h3>Rewind time to $name.</h3>
After receiving the Message, you had to act quickly before Ashley could hurt Bailey.
You call for the help. Help of your Lucas Men.
@@color:orange;It's time to settle the score.@@
<<link "<h6>Meanwhile in the Bailey's House.</h6>">><<goto "baileyash1">><<set $ashpov to 1>><<set $ashbailey to 1>><<set $mompovright to 19>><</link>>
<<if $ashbailey is 1>>\
<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<video src="img/chloe/house/ash/ash1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:orange;Mr.Bailey... He's mine... Only mine.. I love him so much!
It was worth the wait for that skank Chloe to finally come out of the fucking house.
It's so funny that they were hiding the key, under the carpet. What silly place!
Now... It's waiting game... I hate it but whatever...
Mr.Bailey will be so pleased when he sees me here... Inside his house. Half naked... Horny... Hot... Only for him!
I'll show him... What a true love is... I'll make him forget about $name for good!@@</div>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Bailey came back to home</h6>">>
<video src="img/chloe/house/ash/ash2.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Chloe! Chloe? Where are you. Chloe-Ashley?!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Bailey is Shocked</h6>">><<goto "baileyash1">><<set $ashbailey to 2>><</link>>
<<if $ashbailey is 2>>\
<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<video src="img/chloe/house/ash/ash3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:orange;Oh my... He is so fucking handsome... My god..
I can't take this anymore... Take me! Plug my pussy hole right fucking now!@@</div>
<<speech "Ashley">>Mr.Bailey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>What the fuck Ashley?! How did you get inside?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Chloe left the doors open. You should scolde your own daughter.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Ashley! We had an agreement! Not at my house!<</speech>>
<img src='img/chloe/house/ash/ash.jpg' class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Ashley">>I've changed my mind. I can't take this anymore. We are going to show your Daughter what we are doing behind her back!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>No... Ashley. Don't.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Don't what? New agreement. You are going to pound me until your daughter finds us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>No!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Ha-ha! No? Do i have to repeat myself? I'll fucking post our sweet moment publicly. Don't you forget you fucked that stupid cunt $name too! So. What is going to be?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Ash... Why...<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>I only crave for one thing Mr.Bailey. You! Only you! And i want to you to be mine! Forever!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Bailey is in Trouble.</h6>">><<goto "baileyash1">><<set $ashbailey to 3>><</link>>
<<if $ashbailey is 3>>\
<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="dad">
<video src="img/chloe/house/ash/ash4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:orange;Haahaa Yess.... I got him on my own terms!
Now Love me Bailey... Take me Mr.Bailey.
We are going show the world who are the winners.@@</div>
<<speech "Ashley">>Don't Hesitate.. Kiss me...<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Ashley...<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Yes.. Just like that... Can i call you.. Daddy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Daddy?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Daddy... It's my fantasy! For you to be my Daddy.<</speech>>
While kissing, Bailey recalled a recent conversation with you. To call for help in case of emergency.
He doesn't know if it's a good idea to put you at risk. But he has decided to ask for help.
Without raising any suspicion, Bailey texted you. Hoping you'll arrive soon.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Bailey is not giving up.</h6>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/chloe/house/ash/ash5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Ashley">>Enough Daddy... Plug my pussy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Ah... Ash...<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Call me your Slut! Say it!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Ashley</h6>">><<goto "baileyash1">><<set $ashbailey to 4>><</link>>
<<if $ashbailey is 4>>\
<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="dad">
<video src="img/chloe/house/ash/ash6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:orange;Yes... Take me... Put inside! Fuck me already!
I can't fucking wait..@@</div>
<<speech "Ashley">>Come on, Fuck me next to Chloe's bed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Yes...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Chloe's Bed.</h6>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/chloe/house/ash/ash7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>S-Slut...<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Say it Louder! LOUDER!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>You are my slut! FUCKING SLUT!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Yes!! YES!!! Keep it up... Daddy!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Harder!</h6>">><<goto "baileyash1">><<set $ashbailey to 5>><</link>>
<<if $ashbailey is 5>>\
<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="dad">
<video src="img/chloe/house/ash/ash8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:orange;I can't believe this! He is totally mine!
Fucking mine! Let's just wait till Chloe see this!
It's going to be so much fun! I can't believe this! Fuck me Daddy! It gives me so much joy!!!@@</div>
<<speech "Ashley">>Daddy!! Harder!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Fucking Bitch. Take that cock like a good girl!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>My little pussy is filled with your cock Daddy!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley Loves it.</h6>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/chloe/house/ash/ash9.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Ashley">>Isn't the best Mr.Bailey? To be your fucktoy for the rest of your life?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Ash...!! Ah.. Fuck!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>How long Chloe is gonna be here? Huh? I want to see her face!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>$name POV</h6>">><<set $ashpov to 0>><<set $mompovright to 0>><<goto "baileyash2">><<set $ashbailey to 6>><</link>>
<<widget "ashpov">>\
<<if $ashpov gte 1>>\
<div class="statsashbar">
<<if $avatarmove is 0>>\
<video src="img/chloe/house/ash/ashpov.webm" class='avatarbarash' autoplay loop>
<th><<link "<h7>Stop</h7>">><<set $avatarmove to 1>><<upd>><</link>></th>
<<elseif $avatarmove is 1>>\
<img src='img/chloe/house/ash/ashpov.jpg' class='avatarbarash'>
<th><<link "<h7>Play</h7>">><<set $avatarmove to 0>><<upd>><</link>></th>
<div class="statscorrupt"><i>@@color:orange;''Ashley''@@</i></div>
<<if $ashleylevel is 0>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:orange;Delusional@@</div>
<div class="statsash">\
@@color:orange;No one can take my Bailey.
<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/chloe/chloeb.jpg' class='large'>
The day your brother returned to your house. You notice that he doesn't know the local people.
You are worried about your brother so much that you want to introduce him to new friends.
Instead of Lena who would have been able to trick your brother you chose Chloe. She is more reasonable than Lena.
<<speech "Chloe">>It's so good to see you back $name. I was worried I would never see you again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Chloe Really?! That's so sweet to hear! I'm sorry I didn't let you know I was leaving. I had to leave. At least I didn't come back alone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Yeah. I can see that.<</speech>>
Chloe looked at your tits with a smile.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh! These. Haha. Yeah it is also but i finally found my brother. Luke.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Are you serious?! Your brother?! That is so cool $name! How is he?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Brother</h6>">>
<img src='img/chloe/shocked.jpg' class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well... He settling in. But it's hard to find him a new friends to talk to. And... I was thinking...<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Wait. Let me guess. You want me, To meet your Brother. Luke.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes! He's a bit shy at first and all. I thought you and Luke would be a good friends?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>$name... I'm honored. But i'm not sure if he want to know me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Chloe! Come on. Just one talk. Please. Do it for me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Jeez $name. Don't make me..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Please! Please! Please!<</speech>>
You get on your kness and beg her.
Chloe can't watch how you fooling around the students.
<<speech "Chloe">>Okay! One talk!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes! Thank you Chloe!<</speech>>
You hugged Chloe with happiness.
She pat your back to stop it but you don't want to stop hugging her.
<h3>Introduce Chloe with your Brother, Luke. (Luke's Room 15:00-16:00)</h3>
<<set $talkwithchloe to true>>
<<if $ashley is true>>
<img src='img/school/ashley/hear.jpg' class='large'>
@@color:orange;Ashley around the corner overheard your conversation.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So are you free after the class?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Umm. Sure! It would great around 15:00.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No problem. Thanks again Chloe. You wont regret that!<</speech>>
<<button [[Lessons|Classes]]>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<masteraudio stop>>\
<img src="img/mom/event/blackcar.jpg" class="mediumc">
Lucas is in front of his residence with an escort. His mood is slightly unlike before. Like he is having fun. Is he drunk?
His bodyguard allow you to speak with him.
<<if $ashleyslave is true>>\
@@color:orange;I need to talk to him about Ashley.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hello Lucas. I need to talk to you about something important and-<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name! Good you came. We'll talk later. Now I wish to show you a little small surprise for you. Hop into the car.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now? It is very serious Lucas and...<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>We'll talk later. Chill down $name. Just get inside the car.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Where are we going?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>You'll see.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name! Good you came. Hop into the car. I wish to show you something.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Where are we going Lucas?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>It's a suprise. Get in. <</speech>>
Together with Lucas, you sat in a luxury car for the first time. You feel a little nervous and curious about where he wants to take you.
<<link "<h6>Outside the City.</h6>">><<goto "warehouse">><</link>>
</b></div><div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<masteraudio stop>>\
You stopped at a creepy place on the outskirts of town.
The building looks like some kind of warehouse.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name. You have changed. Sophia told me a lot about you after your surgery. Not only physical way but inside too. Is it right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. You are right Lucas. I crave a lot of things... Still i'm not sure what-<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>A Power. Control over weak. To lead.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh.. Like you were reading my mind.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>That's why i bring you here. It will be your little playground. My gift for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>This place?<</speech>>
Lucas exit the car with you and lead you inside.
<<link "<h6>Enter the building</h6>">><<goto "warehouse1">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<masteraudio stop>>\
When you enter the building you don't see anything beacuse of lack of light.
Lucas then pressed the button on the wall.
Inside you see something you would never believe.
A couple of rooms and one of them is like a prison cell. Then after a few walks you hear a scream.
<<speech "Vicky" "???">>Ahh!! You fucking bastards! Let me fucking out! I told you! There's been a mistake!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>What was that?</h6>">>
You looked at Lucas with a puzzled expression. He then gestured you to the underground.
Walking through you see some empty rooms. Lucas led you to the end of the corridor, where there is a window through which you can see what is happening in the room where the screaming took place.
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/cell.jpg" class="mediumc">
In the center of this room is a small light that shows a frightened woman.
In the corner you see that he has a bed and a toilet next to it.
<<speech "Vicky" "???">>Is someone there?! Hello!? LET ME OUT OF HERE!<</speech>>
Right now she is looking at the window. Instinctively you tried to hide but Lucas stopped you.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Vicky can't see us from her side $name. It's Venice Mirror.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lucas. What is going on? Who is she?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Vicky here is a little brat who messed with the wrong people. Vicky tried to murder my sister, Sophia.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is Sophia okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Thanfkully, Yes. It's quite intresting. Vicky attempt to kill when Sophia was perfoming the procedure on you. Since that day, Vicky is located here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What are you doing to do with her?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Not me. You $name. This place is yours. From now on you'll manage this place on my behalf. It is a good place away from unnecessary eyes. I'll grant you even my experienced crew to squeeze whatever you like .@@color:pink; <i>Corrupt their Mind. Change Them. Here's your Playground $name.</i> @@ It is my gift, for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Am i dreaming?!<</speech>>
<img src="img/lucas/help/smile.jpg" class="mediumc">
Lucas gives you the most pleasant opportunity to be yourself.
Then you look at the mirror with a grim smile.
<<speech "Player6" "$name">>My playground.<</speech>>
<<addcorruption 5>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +5
Discovered Sanctuary </div>
<<set $warehouse to true>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Warehouse</h6>">>
Your Playground Instructions.
<img src="img/warehouse/sanctuary.jpg" class="large">
<<link "<h6>Go inside</h6>">><<goto "warehouseplay">><<set $namewar to 1>><</link>>\
</b></div><div class="lucasoffice2"><div align="center">
<div align="left"><h3>@@color:white;Basement Level:@@</h3></div>
<<if $invadevictim is true>>\
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<speech "Boy1" "Lerry">>SUCK IT HARDER BITCH!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>\
<<speech "Boy2" "Matt">>Fuck yeah. Finally some bitches to fuck!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 3s t8n>>\
<<speech "Boy1" "Vincent">>Take that load, Whore!<</speech>>
<table style="width:100%">\
<th><<if $vickybimboslut is false>><<link "<img src='img/ui/vickycell.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<if $invadevictim is false>><<goto "vickycell">><<elseif $invadevictim is true>><<run Dialog.setup("Vicky is Abducted")>><<run Dialog.wiki("<<vickyabduct>>")>><<run Dialog.open()>><</if>><</link>><<elseif $vickybimboslut is true>><<link "<img src='img/ui/vickybim.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<if $invadevictim is false>><<goto "vickyroom">><<elseif $invadevictim is true>><<run Dialog.setup("Vicky is Abducted")>><<run Dialog.wiki("<<vickyabductbimbo>>")>><<run Dialog.open()>><</if>><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $cellroom1 is false>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/emptywar.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<elseif $cellroom1 is true>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/emptycell.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<elseif $cellroom1 is 2>>
<th><<if $surgeryashley lte 9>><<link "<img src='img/ui/ashleycell.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "ashleycell">><</link>><<elseif $surgeryashley gte 10>><<link "<img src='img/ui/ashleybim.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "ashleyroom">><</link>><</if>></th>
<<elseif $cellroom1 is 3>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/evacell.jpg' class='largecity'>">><</link>></th>
<<if $cellroom2 is false>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/emptywar.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<elseif $cellroom2 is true>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/emptycell.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<elseif $cellroom2 is 2>>
<th><<if $surgeryashley lte 9>><<link "<img src='img/ui/ashleycell.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "ashleycell">><</link>><<elseif $surgeryashley gte 10>><<link "<img src='img/ui/ashleybim.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "ashleyroom">><</link>><</if>></th>
<<elseif $cellroom2 is 3>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/evacell.jpg' class='largecity'>">><</link>></th>
<div class="lucasoffice">\
<div align="left"><h3>@@color:white;Ground Level:@@</h3></div>
<table style="width:100%">\
<<if $room1 is false>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/emptywar.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<elseif $room1 is 1>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/therapy.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "therapyroom">><</link>></th>
<<elseif $room1 is 2>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/privateroom.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "privateroom">><</link>></th>
<<elseif $room1 is 3>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/staffjoy.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "staffjoy">><</link>></th>
<<if $room2 is false>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/emptywar.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<elseif $room2 is 1>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/therapy.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "therapyroom">><</link>></th>
<<elseif $room2 is 2>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/privateroom.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "privateroom">><</link>></th>
<<elseif $room2 is 3>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/staffjoy.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "staffjoy">><</link>></th>
<<if $room3 is false>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/emptywar.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<elseif $room3 is 1>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/therapy.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "therapyroom">><</link>></th>
<<elseif $room3 is 2>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/privateroom.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "privateroom">><</link>></th>
<<elseif $room3 is 3>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/staffjoy.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "staffjoy">><</link>></th>
<div class="lucasoffice1">\
<div align="left"><h3>@@color:white;First Floor:@@</h3></div>
<table style="width:100%">\
<<if $room4 is false>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/emptywar.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<elseif $room4 is 1>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/surgery.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "surgeryroom">><</link>></th>
<<elseif $room4 is 2>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/consult.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "consultroom">><</link>></th>
<<elseif $room4 is 3>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/studio.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "studio">><</link>></th>
<<if $room5 is false>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/emptywar.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<elseif $room5 is 1>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/surgery.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "surgeryroom">><</link>></th>
<<elseif $room5 is 2>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/consult.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "consultroom">><</link>></th>
<<elseif $room5 is 3>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/studio.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "studio">><</link>></th>
<<if $room6 is false>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/emptywar.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<elseif $room6 is 1>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/surgery.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "surgeryroom">><</link>></th>
<<elseif $room6 is 2>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/consult.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "consultroom">><</link>></th>
<<elseif $room6 is 3>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/studio.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "studio">><</link>></th>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button [[Leave|outsidenight]]>><<masteraudio stop>><<set $namewar to 0>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|outside]]>><<masteraudio stop>><<set $namewar to 0>><</button>>
</div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $vicky is 5>>\
<<if $vickybimbo is 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickycell.jpg" class='mediumc'>
<<elseif $vickybimbo gte 2>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickybrain.webp" class='mediumc'>
@@color:pink;Vicky feels a lot better after the session with Burnett. Right now she is chilling in her own room.
Often she is speaking to herself which is hard to understand.
When you step into her cell, Vicky doesn't mind your presence. @@
<<speech "Vicky1" "Vicky">>So! What we are doing next?<</speech>>
<<if $foodvicky is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Food</h6>">>
<<link "<h7>Bad Food @@color:lightblue;(Vicky Energy +1)@@</h7>">><<set $foodvicky to true>><<vickyfit 1>><<goto "vickycell">><</link>>
<<if $money gte 25>>\
<<link "<h7>Average food @@color:lightgreen;25$@@ @@color:lightblue;(Vicky Energy +3)@@</h7>">><<set $foodvicky to true>><<money -25>><<vickyfit 3>><<goto "vickycell">><</link>>
<<elseif $money lte 64>>\
<<link "<h7>@@color:grey;Average Food 25$ (Vicky Energy +3)@@</h7>">><</link>>
<<if $money gte 65>>
<<link "<h7>Delicious Food @@color:lightgreen;65$@@ @@color:lightblue;(Vicky Energy +6)@@</h7>">><<set $foodvicky to true>><<money -65>><<vickyfit 6>><<goto "vickycell">><</link>>
<<elseif $money lte 64>>\
<<link "<h7>@@color:grey;Delicious Food 65$ (Vicky Energy +6)@@</h7>">><</link>>
<<if $vicky is -1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/sleeping.jpg" class='large'>
Vicky fell asleep.
She is clearly dreaming well.
<<if $vicky is 0 and $vickycorruption is 0>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/scaredvicky.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:orange;Vicky is sitting on the bed. She is very confused with the situation.
When you enter her cell, Vicky stands up.@@
<<speech "Vicky">>Thank god! Please. Let me out. These people kidnapped me! Call for police!<</speech>>
@@color:pink;You stay in silent to obeserve her.@@
<<speech "Vicky">>Are you deaf?! We need to run! Now! Before they'll catch-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shut the fuck up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Huh?! Don't tell me you-<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Whistle</h6>">><<audio "slap" play>><<set $vicky to 1>><<upd>>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/scaredvicky1.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:red;You whistle. One of Lucas men appeared in the inside and hit her with a slap.@@
<<speech "Vicky">>Ahh!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now. I'll ask a question and you answer. If I don't like the answer, I'll whistle again. Nod if you got it.<</speech>>
@@color:pink;Vicky nod in sadness and dispair. Lucas told you before that Vicky know how to act innocent.
You need to be rough with her. For start you want to ask easy questions.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good. Is your name Vicky?<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Yes. Name Vicky.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you know who i am?<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>No.<</speech>>
So far it is working.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Where are you from?<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Emm.. From Alamos.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alamos?<</speech>>
One of your staff speaks out.
<<speech "Boy1" "Matthew">>Alamos is in Mexico.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mexico. Long way from here. Now the hard question. Sophia. Do you know her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Sophia..? No.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Whistle</h6>">><<audio "slap" play>>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/scaredvicky2.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:red;Lucas Guard gave her another slap. She is crying in the corner.@@
<<speech "Vicky">>Leave me alone! Why are you doing this?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Again! Who is Sophia?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>No!!! I don't know who Sophia is!!! Leave me alone!<</speech>>
@@color:pink;You are about to whistle again but you have a better idea to break her.
It's time to test her in Therapy Room.@@
<<set $vickycorruption to 1>><<vickyfit -1>><<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:violet;Vicky Corruption +1@@</div>
<<if $vicky is 0 and $vickycorruption gte 1 and $vickycorruption lte 99>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/angry.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:lightyellow;Vicky nervously strolls around the cell.
It's good time to test her in Therapy Room.@@
<<speech "Vicky">>How long do I have to be here?! Let me out!<</speech>>
<<if $foodvicky is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Food</h6>">>
<<link "<h7>Normal Food @@color:lightblue;(Vicky Energy +1)@@</h7>">><<set $foodvicky to true>><<vickyfit 1>><<goto "vickycell">><</link>>
<<if $money gte 25>>
<<link "<h7>Average Food @@color:lightgreen;25$@@ @@color:lightblue;(Vicky Energy +3)@@</h7>">><<set $foodvicky to true>><<money -25>><<vickyfit 3>><<goto "vickycell">><</link>>
<<elseif $money lte 24>>\
<<link "<h7>@@color:grey;Average Food 25$ (Vicky Energy +3)@@</h7>">><</link>>
<<if $money gte 65>>
<<link "<h7>Delicious Food @@color:lightgreen;65$@@ @@color:lightblue;(Vicky Energy +6)@@</h7>">><<set $foodvicky to true>><<money -65>><<vickyfit 6>><<goto "vickycell">><</link>>
<<elseif $money lte 64>>\
<<link "<h7>@@color:grey;Delicious Food 65$ (Vicky Energy +6)@@</h7>">><</link>>
<<elseif $vickycorruption gte 100 and $vicky is 0>>\
<<if $vickybimbo lte 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickychill.jpg" class='medium'>
<<elseif $vickybimbo gte 2>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickycell1.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:lightyellow;Vicky is resting in her own cell.
Clearly Vicky is slowly growning to like this place.@@
<<speech "Vicky">>So. Are we going to do this. Or what?<</speech>>
<<if $foodvicky is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Food</h6>">>
<<link "<h7>Normal Food @@color:lightblue;(Vicky Energy +1)@@</h7>">><<set $foodvicky to true>><<vickyfit 1>><<goto "vickycell">><</link>>
<<if $money gte 25>>
<<link "<h7>Average Food @@color:lightgreen;25$@@ @@color:lightblue;(Vicky Energy +3)@@</h7>">><<set $foodvicky to true>><<money -25>><<vickyfit 3>><<goto "vickycell">><</link>>
<<elseif $money lte 24>>\
<<link "<h7>@@color:grey;Average Food 25$ (Vicky Energy +3)@@</h7>">><</link>>
<<if $money gte 65>>
<<link "<h7>Delicious Food @@color:lightgreen;65$@@ @@color:lightblue;(Vicky Energy +6)@@</h7>">><<set $foodvicky to true>><<money -65>><<vickyfit 6>><<goto "vickycell">><</link>>
<<elseif $money lte 64>>\
<<link "<h7>@@color:grey;Delicious Food 65$ (Vicky Energy +6)@@</h7>">><</link>>
<<if $vicky is 1>>\
<<if $vickyraped gte 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/restraped.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:red; Vicky, Wasted after the your Staff did to her.
Her soul and pride hurt. Vicky doesn't even feel like moving out of bed
She needs some time regain her energy.@@
<<elseif $vickyraped is 0 and $vickycorruption lte 99>>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/scaredvicky2.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:lightyellow; Vicky is scared and exhausted. She is hiding her emotion under her hands as you walk by around her cell. @@
@@color:orange;Vicky won't get a decent rest in that sate.@@
<<set _talk to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _talk is 1>>
<<speech "Vicky">>*sobbing* You bastards.. Let me out.. Please! *sobbing*.<</speech>>
<<elseif _talk is 2>>
<<speech "Vicky">>*sobbing* Leave me ALONE!!! *sobbing*.<</speech>>
<<elseif _talk is 3>>
<<speech "Vicky">>*sobbing* Why are you doing this to me?! *sobbing*.<</speech>>
@@color:lightyellow; You are not sure if Lucas is right about her. She is really crying and it's painfull to watch.
It is better to wait until she calms down.@@
<<elseif $vickyraped is 0 and $vickycorruption gte 100>>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/sleeping.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:lightyellow;Vicky is trying to sleep. @@
@@color:orange;Vicky won't get a decent rest in that sate.@@
<<speech "Vicky">>Can you leave? I can't sleep when you are looking at me.<</speech>>
<<if $bbcplayground is true and $bbcvisitvicky is false and $vicky is 0>>\
<<button [[Vicky and Jason]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|warehouseplay]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<<widget "warehousepov">>
<<if $staffmood is -2 and $invadevictim is true>>\
<<if $vickybimbo lte 3>>
<<set _t to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _t is 1>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/attack.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _t is 2>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/attack1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _t is 3>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/attack2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif $vickybimbo gte 4>>\
<<set _t to random(1,5)>>\
<<if _t is 1>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/smallattack.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _t is 2>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/smallattack1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _t is 3>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/attack.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _t is 4>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/attack1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _t is 5>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/attack2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<span class="blink"><div align="center"><<link "<h6>@@color:red;NIGHT RAID@@</h6>">><<set $invadevictim to false>><<set $ashleyraped to 0>>
<<set $staffmood to 0>><<if $privateroom is true>><<goto "cctv">><<else>><<goto "warehouseplay">><</if>>\
<<if $musicware is true>>\
<<link "<h24>Music Off</h24>">><<set $musicware to false>><<upd>><</link>>
<h15>(Like Home - Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross)</h15>
<table align="center">\
<th><<link "<h17>⏯</h17>">><<audio "computer" play>><<audio "background" stop>><<audio "chris" stop>><<audio "background" play>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h17>⏵</h17>">><<audio "computer" play>><<audio "chris" pause>><<audio "background" play>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h17>⏸</h17>">><<audio "computer" play>><<audio "background" pause>><<audio "chris" pause>><</link>></th></table>
<<if $chris is true>>\
<h15>(Capo Blanco - Liza Love Symphony)</h15>
<table align="center">\
<th><<link "<h17>⏯</h17>">><<audio "computer" play>><<audio "background" stop>><<audio "chris" stop>><<audio "chris" play>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h17>⏵</h17>">><<audio "computer" play>><<audio "background" pause>><<audio "chris" play>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h17>⏸</h17>">><<audio "computer" play>><<audio "chris" pause>><<audio "background" pause>><</link>></th></table><</if>>\
<<elseif $musicware is false>>\
<<link "<h24>Music</h24>">><<set $musicware to true>><<upd>><</link>>
<div class="textbox">\
<<include "objwar">>\
<div class="textbox">\
<<if $staffmood is 0>>\
Staff Mood:@@color:lightyellow;Neutral@@
<<elseif $staffmood is 1>>\
Staff Mood:@@color:lightgreen;Happy@@
<<elseif $staffmood is -1>>\
Staff Mood:@@color:violet;Bad@@
<<elseif $staffmood is -2>>\
Staff Mood:@@color:red;Dangerous@@
<<if $staffjoy is false and $stafffood is 0 and $staffcheat is false>>\
Staff Energy:@@color:orange;$warstaff/10@@
<<elseif $staffjoy is true and $stafffood is 0 and $staffcheat is false>>\
Staff Energy:@@color:orange;$warstaff/15@@
<<elseif $stafffood gte 1 and $staffjoy is true and $staffcheat is false>>\
Staff Energy:@@color:orange;$warstaff/20@@
<<elseif $staffcheat is true>>\
<<set $warstaff to 999>>\
Staff Energy:@@color:orange;$warstaff/999@@
<<if $stafffood is 0 and $staffjoyentrance is true and $staffcheat is false>>\
<<link "<h24>Energy</h24>">>
<<if $invadevictim is false>>\
<<if $money gte 100 and $stafffood is 0>>\
<<link "<h7>Swedish Buffet for 3 Days. @@color:lightgreen;(100$)@@ @@color:orange;(Staff Energy +5)@@</h7>">>
<<money -100>><<set $time to $time +1>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff +5>><<set $stafffood to 3>><<upd>><<dialogclose>><</link>><</if>>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<elseif $invadevictim is true>>\
@@color:red;Your Staff is somewhere else, Raiding one of your victim!@@
<div class="statsvicky">\
<<if $vickybimboslut is false>>\
<<if $vicky is 0 and $vickybimbo lte 2>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/vicky1.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $vicky is 0 and $vickybimbo gte 3>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/vicky4.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $vicky is 1 and $vickyraped is 0>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/vicky2.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $vickyraped gte 1 and $vicky is 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/vicky2.5.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $vicky is 2 and $vickycorruption lte 199>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/vicky3.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $vicky is 2 and $vickycorruption is 200>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/vicky4.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $vicky is 3>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/vicky4.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $vicky is 4>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/vicky4.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $vicky is 5>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/vicky5.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $vicky is -1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/vicky0.jpg" class="large">
Status:<<if $vicky is 0 and $vickybimbo lte 2>>\
<<elseif $vicky is 0 and $vickybimbo gte 3>>\
<<elseif $vicky is 1 and $vickyraped is 0>>\
<<elseif $vicky is 1 and $vickyraped gte 1>>\
<<elseif $vicky is 2 and $vickybimbo lte 2>>\
<<elseif $vicky is 2 and $vickybimbo gte 3>>\
<<elseif $vicky is 3>>\
<<elseif $vicky is 4>>\
<<elseif $vicky is 5>>\
<<elseif $vicky is -1>>\
<<if $vickycorruptionlvl is 1>>\
@@color:Violet;Vicky Corruption:$vickycorruption/15@@
<<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 2>>\
@@color:orange;Trying to Survive@@
@@color:Violet;Vicky Corruption:$vickycorruption/100@@
<<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $vickycorruption lte 199>>\
@@color:Violet;Vicky Corruption:$vickycorruption/200@@
<<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $vickycorruption gte 200>>\
@@color:Violet;Vicky Corruption:$vickycorruption/200@@
<<if $foodvicky is false and $vickycorruptionlvl is 1 and $cheatvickyfood is false>>\
@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy:$vickyfit/5 @@
<<elseif $foodvicky is true and $vickycorruptionlvl is 1 and $cheatvickyfood is false>>\
@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy:$vickyfit/11 @@
<<elseif $foodvicky is false and $vickycorruptionlvl is 2 and $cheatvickyfood is false>>\
@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy:$vickyfit/6 @@
<<elseif $foodvicky is true and $vickycorruptionlvl is 2 and $cheatvickyfood is false>>\
@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy:$vickyfit/12 @@
<<elseif $foodvicky is false and $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $vickybimbo lte 2 and $cheatvickyfood is false>>\
@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy:$vickyfit/8 @@
<<elseif $foodvicky is true and $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $vickybimbo lte 2 and $cheatvickyfood is false>>\
@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy:$vickyfit/14 @@
<<elseif $foodvicky is false and $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $vickybimbo gte 3 and $cheatvickyfood is false>>\
@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy:$vickyfit/10 @@
<<elseif $foodvicky is true and $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $vickybimbo gte 3 and $cheatvickyfood is false>>\
@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy:$vickyfit/16 @@
<<elseif $cheatvickyfood is true>>\
<<set $vickyfit to 999>>\
@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy:$vickyfit/999 @@
<<if $vickybimbo is 1>>\
@@color:pink;First Stage of Burnett's Influence@@
<<elseif $vickybimbo is 2>>\
@@color:violet;Second Stage of Burnett's Influence@@
<<elseif $vickybimbo is 3>>\
@@color:hotpink;Third Stage of Burnett's Influence@@
<<if $bbcvicky gte 1>>\
<<elseif $vickybimboslut is true>>\
<<if $vickyraped gte 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickybimbo1.jpg" class="large">
<div class="posarousal">Inactive</div>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickybimbo.jpg" class="large">
<div class="posarousal">Bimbo</div>
<<if $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $vickybimbo gte 4 and $cheatvickyfood is false and $foodvicky is false>>\
@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy:$vickyfit/18 @@
<<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $vickybimbo gte 4 and $cheatvickyfood is false and $foodvicky is true>>\
@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy:$vickyfit/24 @@
<<elseif $cheatvickyfood is true>>\
<<set $vickyfit to 999>>\
@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy:$vickyfit/999 @@
<<if $vickyprostitute is true>>\
@@color:pink;Vicky Experience:$vickyjob@@
<<if $bbcvicky gte 1>>\
<<if $vickyprostituteday is false and $vickyfit gte 1 and $vickyprostitute is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Street Work</h7>">>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<if $foodvicky is false and $vickyfit gte 1 and $cheatvickyfood is false>>\
<<link "<h24>Food</h24>">>
<<if $ashleyblock is true and $ashleybimbo lte 8>>\
<div class="statsashbar1">
<<if $ashleymood is 0>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashley1.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $ashleymood is 1 and $ashleyraped is 0>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashley3.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $ashleymood is 1 and $ashleyraped gte 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashley3.5.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $ashleymood is 2>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashley2.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $ashleymood is 3>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashley4.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $ashleymood is 4>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashley5.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $ashleymood is -1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashley6.jpg" class="large">
<<if $ashleymood is 0>>\
<<elseif $ashleymood is 1 and $ashleyraped is 0>>\
<<elseif $ashleymood is 1 and $ashleyraped gte 1>>\
<<elseif $ashleymood is 2>>\
<<elseif $ashleymood is 3>>\
<<elseif $ashleymood is 4>>\
<<elseif $ashleymood is -1>>\
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl is 0>>\
@@color:Violet;Ashley Corruption:$ashleycorruption/15@@
<<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 1>>\
@@color:orange;Spoiled Little Brat@@
@@color:Violet;Ashley Corruption:$ashleycorruption/50@@
<<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 2>>\
@@color:orange;Obedient Sheep.@@
@@color:Violet;Ashley Corruption:$ashleycorruption/100@@
<<if $foodashley is false and $ashleycorruptionlvl is 0 and $cheatashfood is false>>\
@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy:$ashleyfit/5 @@
<<elseif $foodashley is true and $ashleycorruptionlvl is 0 and $cheatashfood is false>>\
@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy:$ashleyfit/11 @@
<<elseif $foodashley is false and $ashleycorruptionlvl is 1 and $cheatashfood is false>>\
@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy:$ashleyfit/6 @@
<<elseif $foodashley is true and $ashleycorruptionlvl is 1 and $cheatashfood is false>>\
@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy:$ashleyfit/12 @@
<<elseif $foodashley is false and $ashleycorruptionlvl is 2 and $cheatashfood is false>>\
@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy:$ashleyfit/12 @@
<<elseif $foodashley is true and $ashleycorruptionlvl is 2 and $cheatashfood is false>>\
@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy:$ashleyfit/16 @@
<<elseif $foodashley is false and $ashleycorruptionlvl is 3 and $cheatashfood is false>>\
@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy:$ashleyfit/12 @@
<<elseif $foodashley is true and $ashleycorruptionlvl is 3 and $cheatashfood is false>>\
@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy:$ashleyfit/16@@
<<elseif $cheatashfood is true>>\
<<set $ashleyfit to 999>>\
@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy:$ashleyfit/999 @@
<<if $ashleybimbo is 1>>\
@@color:pink;First Stage of Burnett's Influence@@
<<elseif $ashleybimbo is 2>>\
@@color:violet;Second Stage of Burnett's Influence@@
<<elseif $ashleybimbo is 3>>\
@@color:hotpink;Third Stage of Burnett's Influence@@
<<if $bbcashley gte 1>>\
<<if $foodashley is false and $ashleyfit gte 1 and $cheatashfood is false>>\
<<link "<h24>Food</h24>">>
<<elseif $ashleybimbo gte 9>>\
<<include "ashleybim">>
<<widget "vickywork">>\
<h3>Vicky's Work</h3>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/job.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<set $vickyjob to $vickyjob +1>><<vickyfit -3>><<set $vickyprostituteday to true>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;Vicky is working on the streets. She is losing 3 energy points.@@
@@color:pink;Vicky Experience:$vickyjob@@
<<if $vickyjob lte 10>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Vicky has no experience and she is trying her best to satisfy clients.@@
<div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;Money +39@@</div><<money 39>>
<<elseif $vickyjob gte 11 and $vickyjob lte 25>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Vicky starts doing her best and earns more money than before.@@
<div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;Money +62@@</div><<money 62>>
<<elseif $vickyjob gte 26 and $vickyjob lte 59>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Vicky has some experience and starts earning fans on the street.@@
<div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;Money +84@@</div><<money 84>>
<<elseif $vickyjob gte 60 and $vickyjob lte 100>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Vicky is pro and earns pretty good money! Fans are eagerly awaiting the next service. @@
<div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;Money +121@@</div><<money 121>>
<<link "<h7>Observe her Work</h7>">><<goto "vickysexwork">><</link>>
<<widget "warstaff">>
<<if $staffjoy is false and $stafffood is 0>>\
<<set $warstaff to Math.clamp($warstaff + $args[0], 0, 10)>>
<<elseif $staffjoy is true and $stafffood is 0>>\
<<set $warstaff to Math.clamp($warstaff + $args[0], 0, 15)>>
<<elseif $stafffood gte 1 and $staffjoy is true>>\
<<set $warstaff to Math.clamp($warstaff + $args[0], 0, 20)>>
<<widget "vickyabduct">>
<video src="img/warehouse/attack1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
@@color:pink;One of your Worker is blocking and with a serious face denies you access to her cell. You can't do anything about it and you give them free rein to relieve staff stress. @@
<<widget "vickyabductbimbo">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/smallattack1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
@@color:hotpink;One of your Worker is blocking and with a serious face denies you access to her cell. You can't do anything about it and you give them free rein to relieve staff stress. @@
<<widget "foodvicky">>
<h3>What kind of Food for Vicky?</h3>
<th><<link "<h7>Bad Food @@color:lightblue;(Vicky Energy +1)@@</h7>">><<dialogclose>><<set $foodvicky to true>><<vickyfit 1>><<upd>><</link>></th>
<<if $money gte 25>>
<th><<link "<h7>Average food @@color:lightgreen;25$@@ @@color:lightblue;(Vicky Energy +3)@@</h7>">><<dialogclose>><<set $foodvicky to true>><<money -25>><<vickyfit 3>><<upd>><</link>></th>
<<elseif $money lte 64>>
<th><<link "<h7>@@color:grey;Average Food 25$ (Vicky Energy +3)@@</h7>">><</link>></th>
<<if $money gte 65>>
<th><<link "<h7>Delicious Food @@color:lightgreen;65$@@ @@color:lightblue;(Vicky Energy +6)@@</h7>">><<dialogclose>><<set $foodvicky to true>><<money -65>><<vickyfit 6>><<upd>><</link>></th>
<<elseif $money lte 64>>
<th><<link "<h7>@@color:grey;Delicious Food 65$ (Vicky Energy +6)@@</h7>">><</link>></th>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<widget "foodashley">>
<h3>What kind of Food for Ashley?</h3>
<<link "<h7>Normal Food @@color:lightblue;(Ashley Energy +1)@@</h7>">><<dialogclose>><<set $foodashley to true>><<ashleyfit 1>><<upd>><</link>>
<<if $money gte 25>>
<<link "<h7>Average Food @@color:lightgreen;25$@@ @@color:lightblue;(Ashley Energy +3)@@</h7>">><<dialogclose>><<set $foodashley to true>><<money -25>><<ashleyfit 3>><<upd>><</link>>
<<elseif $money lte 24>>\
<<link "<h7>@@color:grey;Average Food 25$ (Ashley Energy +3)@@</h7>">><</link>>
<<if $money gte 65>>
<<link "<h7>Delicious Food @@color:lightgreen;65$@@ @@color:lightblue;(Ashley Energy +6)@@</h7>">><<dialogclose>><<set $foodashley to true>><<money -65>><<ashleyfit 6>><<upd>><</link>>
<<elseif $money lte 64>>\
<<link "<h7>@@color:grey;Delicious Food 65$ (Ashley Energy +6)@@</h7>">><</link>>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<widget "ashleyfit">>
<<if $cheatwar is true and $ashleycorruption lte 99>>
<<set $ashleyfit to Math.clamp($ashleyfit + $args[0], 50, 50)>>
<<elseif $ashleycorruption is 0 and $cheatwar is false>>\
<<set $ashleyfit to Math.clamp($ashleyfit + $args[0], 0, 1)>>
<<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 0 and $cheatwar is false and $foodashley is false>>\
<<set $ashleyfit to Math.clamp($ashleyfit + $args[0], 0, 5)>>
<<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 0 and $cheatwar is false and $foodashley is true>>\
<<set $ashleyfit to Math.clamp($ashleyfit + $args[0], 0, 11)>>
<<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 1 and $cheatwar is false and $foodashley is false>>\
<<set $ashleyfit to Math.clamp($ashleyfit + $args[0], 0, 6)>>
<<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 1 and $cheatwar is false and $foodashley is true>>\
<<set $ashleyfit to Math.clamp($ashleyfit + $args[0], 0, 12)>>
<<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 2 and $cheatwar is false and $foodashley is false>>\
<<set $ashleyfit to Math.clamp($ashleyfit + $args[0], 0, 12)>>
<<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 2 and $cheatwar is false and $foodashley is true>>\
<<set $ashleyfit to Math.clamp($ashleyfit + $args[0], 0, 18)>>
<<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 3 and $cheatwar is false and $foodashley is false and $ashleytrain lte 2>>\
<<set $ashleyfit to Math.clamp($ashleyfit + $args[0], 0, 12)>>
<<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 3 and $cheatwar is false and $foodashley is true and $ashleytrain lte 2>>\
<<set $ashleyfit to Math.clamp($ashleyfit + $args[0], 0, 18)>>
<<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 3 and $cheatwar is false and $foodashley is false and $ashleytrain is 3>>\
<<set $ashleyfit to Math.clamp($ashleyfit + $args[0], 0, 15)>>
<<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 3 and $cheatwar is false and $foodashley is true and $ashleytrain is 3>>\
<<set $ashleyfit to Math.clamp($ashleyfit + $args[0], 0, 21)>>
<<widget "vickyfit">>
<<if $cheatwar is true and $vickycorruption lte 99>>
<<set $vickyfit to Math.clamp($vickyfit + $args[0], 50, 50)>>
<<elseif $vickycorruption is 0 and $cheatwar is false>>\
<<set $vickyfit to Math.clamp($vickyfit + $args[0], 0, 1)>>
<<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 1 and $cheatwar is false and $foodvicky is false>>\
<<set $vickyfit to Math.clamp($vickyfit + $args[0], 0, 5)>>
<<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 1 and $cheatwar is false and $foodvicky is true>>\
<<set $vickyfit to Math.clamp($vickyfit + $args[0], 0, 11)>>
<<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 2 and $cheatwar is false and $foodvicky is false>>\
<<set $vickyfit to Math.clamp($vickyfit + $args[0], 0, 6)>>
<<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 2 and $cheatwar is false and $foodvicky is true>>\
<<set $vickyfit to Math.clamp($vickyfit + $args[0], 0, 12)>>
<<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $cheatwar is false and $foodvicky is false and $vickybimbo lte 2>>\
<<set $vickyfit to Math.clamp($vickyfit + $args[0], 0, 8)>>
<<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $cheatwar is false and $foodvicky is true and $vickybimbo lte 2>>\
<<set $vickyfit to Math.clamp($vickyfit + $args[0], 0, 14)>>
<<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $cheatwar is false and $foodvicky is false and $vickybimbo is 3>>\
<<set $vickyfit to Math.clamp($vickyfit + $args[0], 0, 10)>>
<<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $cheatwar is false and $foodvicky is true and $vickybimbo is 3>>\
<<set $vickyfit to Math.clamp($vickyfit + $args[0], 0, 14)>>
<<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $cheatwar is false and $foodvicky is false and $vickybimbo gte 4>>\
<<set $vickyfit to Math.clamp($vickyfit + $args[0], 0, 18)>>
<<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $vickybimbo gte 4 and $cheatvickyfood is false and $foodvicky is true>>\
<<set $vickyfit to Math.clamp($vickyfit + $args[0], 0, 24)>>
<<widget "ashcorr">>
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl is 0>>\
<<set $ashleycorruption to Math.clamp($ashleycorruption + $args[0], 1, 15)>>
<<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 1>>\
<<set $ashleycorruption to Math.clamp($ashleycorruption + $args[0], 15, 50)>>
<<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 2>>\
<<set $ashleycorruption to Math.clamp($ashleycorruption + $args[0], 50, 100)>>
<<widget "vickycor">>
<<if $vickycorruptionlvl is 1>>\
<<set $vickycorruption to Math.clamp($vickycorruption + $args[0], 1, 15)>>
<<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 2>>\
<<set $vickycorruption to Math.clamp($vickycorruption + $args[0], 15, 100)>>
<<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 3>>\
<<set $vickycorruption to Math.clamp($vickycorruption + $args[0], 100, 200)>>
<<widget "cellroom1">>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Build Cell @@color:lightgreen;(250$)@@</h7>">><<if $money gte 250>><<dialogclose>><<audio "build" play>><<money -250>><<goto "warehouseplay">><<set $cellroom1 to true>>
You can't afford it!<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<widget "cellroom2">>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Build Cell @@color:lightgreen;(250$)@@</h7>">><<if $money gte 250>><<dialogclose>><<audio "build" play>><<money -250>><<goto "warehouseplay">><<set $cellroom2 to true>>
You can't afford it!<</if>><</linkreplace>>
<<widget "cellroom3">>
<<if $ashleyblock is true and $ashleyslave2 is false>>\
<<link "<h7>Put Ashley</h7>">><<dialogclose>><<set $cellroom1 to 2>><<set $ashleyslave2 to true>><<goto "warehouseplay">><</link>>
<<if $evaslave1 is true and $evaslave2 is false>>\
<<link "<h7>Put Eva</h7>">><<dialogclose>><<set $cellroom1 to 3>><<set $evaslave2 to true>><<goto "warehouseplay">><</link>>
<<if $ashleyblock is false and $evaslave1 is false>>\
There is nobody to put inside.
<<elseif $ashleyslave2 is true and $evaslave1 is false>>\
There is nobody to put inside.
<<elseif $ashleyblock is false and $evaslave1 is true>>\
There is nobody to put inside.
<<widget "cellroom4">>
<<if $ashleyblock is true and $ashleyslave2 is false>>\
<<link "<h7>Put Ashley</h7>">><<dialogclose>><<set $cellroom2 to 2>><<set $ashleyslave2 to true>><<goto "warehouseplay">><</link>>
<<if $evaslave1 is true and $evaslave2 is false>>\
<<link "<h7>Put Eva</h7>">><<dialogclose>><<set $cellroom2 to 3>><<set $evaslave2 to true>><<goto "warehouseplay">><</link>>
<<if $ashleyblock is false and $evaslave1 is false>>\
There is nobody to put inside.
<<elseif $ashleyslave2 is true and $evaslave1 is false>>\
There is nobody to put inside.
<<elseif $ashleyblock is false and $evaslave1 is true>>\
There is nobody to put inside.
<<widget "roomwarehouse1">>
<<if $treatment is false>>
@@color:pink;This is where you corrupt these weak minds!@@
<<linkreplace "<h13>Build Therapy Room @@color:lightgreen;(400$)@@</h13>">><<if $money gte 400>><<money -400>><<audio "build" play>><<dialogclose>><<goto "warehouseplay">><<set $treatment to true>><<set $room1 to 1>>
You can't afford it!<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $privateroom is false>>
@@color:lightblue;Your own room for reflection.@@
<<linkreplace "<h13>Build Private Room @@color:lightgreen;(250$)@@</h13>">><<if $money gte 250>><<money -250>><<audio "build" play>><<dialogclose>><<goto "warehouseplay">><<set $privateroom to true>><<set $room1 to 2>>
You can't afford it!<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $staffjoy is false>>
@@color:orange;Staff needs Entertainment too.@@
<<linkreplace "<h13>Build Entertainment Room @@color:lightgreen;(300$)@@</h13>">><<if $money gte 300>><<money -300>><<audio "build" play>><<dialogclose>><<goto "warehouseplay">><<set $staffjoy to true>><<set $room1 to 3>>
You can't afford it!<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<widget "roomwarehouse2">>
<<if $treatment is false>>
@@color:pink;This is where you corrupt these weak minds!@@
<<linkreplace "<h13>Build Therapy Room @@color:lightgreen;(400$)@@</h13>">><<if $money gte 400>><<money -400>><<audio "build" play>><<dialogclose>><<goto "warehouseplay">><<set $treatment to true>><<set $room2 to 1>>
You can't afford it!<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $privateroom is false>>
@@color:lightblue;Your own room for reflection.@@
<<linkreplace "<h13>Build Private Room @@color:lightgreen;(250$)@@</h13>">><<if $money gte 250>><<money -250>><<audio "build" play>><<dialogclose>><<goto "warehouseplay">><<set $privateroom to true>><<set $room2 to 2>>
You can't afford it!<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $staffjoy is false>>
@@color:orange;Staff needs Entertainment too.@@
<<linkreplace "<h13>Build Entertainment Room @@color:lightgreen;(300$)@@</h13>">><<if $money gte 300>><<money -300>><<audio "build" play>><<dialogclose>><<goto "warehouseplay">><<set $staffjoy to true>><<set $room2 to 3>>
You can't afford it!<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<widget "roomwarehouse3">>
<<if $treatment is false>>
@@color:pink;This is where you corrupt these weak minds!@@
<<linkreplace "<h13>Build Therapy Room @@color:lightgreen;(400$)@@</h13>">><<if $money gte 400>><<money -400>><<audio "build" play>><<dialogclose>><<goto "warehouseplay">><<set $treatment to true>><<set $room3 to 1>>
You can't afford it!<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $privateroom is false>>
Your own room for reflection.
<<linkreplace "<h13>Build Private Room @@color:lightgreen;(250$)@@</h13>">><<if $money gte 250>><<money -250>><<audio "build" play>><<dialogclose>><<goto "warehouseplay">><<set $privateroom to true>><<set $room3 to 2>>
You can't afford it!<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $staffjoy is false>>
@@color:orange;Staff needs Entertainment too.@@
<<linkreplace "<h13>Build Entertainment Room @@color:lightgreen;(300$)@@</h13>">><<if $money gte 300>><<money -300>><<audio "build" play>><<dialogclose>><<goto "warehouseplay">><<set $staffjoy to true>><<set $room3 to 3>>
You can't afford it!<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<widget "roomwarehouse4">>
<<if $operationcell is false>>
@@color:hotpink;This is where you'll change girl's body ((Sophia's Speciality)) @@
<<linkreplace "<h12>Build Surgery Room @@color:lightgreen;(850$)@@</h12>">><<if $money gte 850>><<money -850>><<audio "build" play>><<dialogclose>><<goto "warehouseplay">><<set $operationcell to true>><<set $room4 to 1>>
You can't afford it!<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $consult is false>>
@@color:pink;Change their views on life. ((Burnett's Speciality))@@
<<linkreplace "<h12>Build Consultation Room @@color:lightgreen;(350$)@@</h12>">><<if $money gte 350>><<money -350>><<audio "build" play>><<dialogclose>><<goto "warehouseplay">><<set $consult to true>><<set $room4 to 2>>
You can't afford it!<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $studioroom is false>>
@@color:lightgreen;Time to earn some money!@@
<<linkreplace "<h12>Build Studio @@color:lightgreen;(450$)@@</h12>">><<if $money gte 450>><<money -450>><<audio "build" play>><<dialogclose>><<goto "warehouseplay">><<set $studioroom to true>><<set $room4 to 3>>
You can't afford it!<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<widget "roomwarehouse5">>
<<if $operationcell is false>>
@@color:hotpink;This is where you'll change girl's body ((Sophia's Speciality)) @@
<<linkreplace "<h12>Build Surgery Room @@color:lightgreen;(850$)@@</h12>">><<if $money gte 850>><<money -850>><<audio "build" play>><<dialogclose>><<goto "warehouseplay">><<set $operationcell to true>><<set $room5 to 1>>
You can't afford it!<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $consult is false>>
@@color:pink;Change their views on life. ((Burnett's Speciality))@@
<<linkreplace "<h12>Build Consultation Room @@color:lightgreen;(350$)@@</h12>">><<if $money gte 350>><<money -350>><<audio "build" play>><<dialogclose>><<goto "warehouseplay">><<set $consult to true>><<set $room5 to 2>>
You can't afford it!<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $studioroom is false>>
@@color:lightgreen;Time to earn some money!@@
<<linkreplace "<h12>Build Studio @@color:lightgreen;(450$)@@</h12>">><<if $money gte 450>><<money -450>><<audio "build" play>><<dialogclose>><<goto "warehouseplay">><<set $studioroom to true>><<set $room5 to 3>>
You can't afford it!<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<widget "roomwarehouse6">>
<<if $operationcell is false>>
@@color:hotpink;This is where you'll change girl's body ((Sophia's Speciality)) @@
<<linkreplace "<h12>Build Surgery Room @@color:lightgreen;(850$)@@</h12>">><<if $money gte 850>><<money -850>><<audio "build" play>><<dialogclose>><<goto "warehouseplay">><<set $operationcell to true>><<set $room6 to 1>>
You can't afford it!<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $consult is false>>
@@color:pink;Change their views on life. ((Burnett's Speciality))@@
<<linkreplace "<h12>Build Consultation Room @@color:lightgreen;(350$)@@</h12>">><<if $money gte 350>><<money -350>><<audio "build" play>><<dialogclose>><<goto "warehouseplay">><<set $consult to true>><<set $room6 to 2>>
You can't afford it!<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<if $studioroom is false>>
@@color:lightgreen;Time to earn some money!@@
<<linkreplace "<h12>Build Studio @@color:lightgreen;(450$)@@</h12>">><<if $money gte 450>><<money -450>><<audio "build" play>><<dialogclose>><<goto "warehouseplay">><<set $studioroom to true>><<set $room6 to 3>>
You can't afford it!<</if>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<h3>Therapy Room</h3>
<img src="img/warehouse/therapy.jpg" class='medium'>
This is a place where people who messed with you wouldn't want to be.
There is a window where you can look at the work of Lucas' people who are waiting at your command.
<<if $vicky is 0 and $vickycorruption gte 1 and $staffmood gte -1 and $warstaff gte 1 and $vickybimbo lte 3>>\
<<button [[Vicky|vickytherapy]]>><<set $vicky to 2>><</button>>
<<elseif $vicky gte 5>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Vicky Therapy@@</h6>">><<goto "vickytherapybim">><</link>>
<<elseif $vicky is 1 and $vickybimbo lte 3>>\
@@color:red;Vicky is too scared. In such a state, she will not be responsive to therapies.@@
<<elseif $staffmood is -2 and $vickybimbo lte 3>>\
@@color:red;Today your staff rebelled against you and they have no desire to listen to your wishes.@@
<<elseif $warstaff is 0 and $vickybimbo lte 3>>\
@@color:orange;Staff are Exhausted to work on Vicky.@@
<<if $ashleybimbo lte 8>>\
<<if $ashleymood is 3 and $ashleycorruption gte 1 and $staffmood gte -1 and $warstaff gte 1>>\
<<button [[Ashley|ashleytherapy]]>><<set $ashleymood to 2>><</button>>
<<elseif $ashleymood is 1>>\
@@color:red;Ashley is too scared. In such a state, she will not be responsive to therapies.@@
<<elseif $staffmood is -2 and $ashleyblock is true>>\
@@color:red;Today your staff rebelled against you and they have no desire to listen to your wishes.@@
<<elseif $warstaff is 0 and $ashleyblock is true>>\
@@color:orange;Staff are Exhausted to work on Ashley.@@
<<button [[Leave|warehouseplay]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<h3>Private Room</h3>
<span id="chat">
<<if $vickynormalphoto is true or $vickynormalphoto1 is true or $vickyunderwearphoto is true or $vickyunderwearphoto1 is true or $vickybimbophoto1 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<img src='img/warehouse/wallui.jpg' class='mediumcity'>">>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Vicky</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<<if $vickynormalphoto is true>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/normalphotos.jpg" class='large100'>
@@color:orange;Vicky's First Session@@
<<if $vickynormalphoto1 is true>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/normalphotos1.jpg" class='large100'>
@@color:orange;Vicky's Second Session@@
<<if $vickyunderwearphoto is true>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/underwearphoto.jpg" class='large100'>
@@color:orange;Vicky's First Underwear Session@@
<<if $vickyunderwearphoto1 is true>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/underwearphoto1.jpg" class='large100'>
@@color:orange;Vicky's Second Underwear Session@@
<<if $vickybimbophoto1 is true>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/brainphoto.jpg" class='large100'>
@@color:orange;Vicky's Under Burnett's Influence@@
<<if $vickybimbophoto2 is true>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/vickynaughtyphoto.jpg" class='large100'>
@@color:orange;Vicky's Naughty Session.@@
<<if $vickybimbophotoses is true>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/bimbophotoses.jpg" class='large100'>
@@color:orange;Vicky's Bimbo Session.@@
<<if $ashleyphotonormal is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<<if $ashleyphotonormal is true>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/ashleynormalphotoshot.jpg" class='large100'>
@@color:orange;Ashley's First Session@@
<<if $ashleyphotohotsession is true>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/ashleyphotohot.jpg" class='large100'>
@@color:orange;Ashley's First Underwear Session@@
<<if $ashleyphotonormal1 is true>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/ashleynormalphotoshot1.jpg" class='large100'>
@@color:orange;Ashley's Second Session@@
<<if $ashleyphotohotsession1 is true>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/ashleyphotohot1.jpg" class='large100'>
@@color:orange;Ashley's Second Underwear Session@@
<<if $ashleyphotonormal2 is true>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/ashleynormalphotoshot2.jpg" class='large100'>
@@color:orange;Ashley's Third Session@@
<table style="width:100%">\
<th><<link "<img src='img/warehouse/cctvui.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "cctv">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/warehouse/filesui.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "taskplayground">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/warehouse/sleepui.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<if $invadevictim is true>><<set $invadevictim to false>><<set $staffmood to 0>><</if>><<goto "privatesleep">><</link>></th>
<<link "<h6>Sanctuary Cheat's</h6>">>
<<dialog>><div class="warehouseboxdialog">
<h3>Type Cheat Codes which is available in Patreon and SubscribeStar!</h3>
Link below:
<th><a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/cheat-codes-76540251">\
<img src="img/ui/patreon.png" class='mediumlogo2'>\
<th><a href="https://subscribestar.adult/posts/989593">\
<img src="img/ui/subscribestar.png" class='mediumlogo2'>\
<<textbox "_input" "" autofocus>><<button "Enter the Code.">>
<<if ["laluna", "laluna", "laluna"].includes(_input.toLowerCase())>>
<<goto "cheatroomwarehouse">><<dialogclose>>
<<replace "#output">><<= either(["Please Support Dev.", "Please Support Dev."])>><</replace>>
<span id="output"></span>
<<button "close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|warehouseplay]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<h3>Entertainment Room</h3>
<<if $staffjoyentrance is false>>\
<<speech "Boy1" "Vincent">>Damn that room looks cool! Time to relax.<</speech>>
@@color:lightgreen;Staff Mood Raised up!@@
@@color:orange;Staff Energy increased to 15 Points!@@
<<set $staffmood to 1>><<set $staffjoyentrance to true>><</if>>
From now on your staff has a more motivation to work.
<<if $invadevictim is false>>\
<<set _talk to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _talk is 1>>\
<<speech "Boy2" "Lerry">>It would be cool to invite that one gal from the underground.<</speech>>
<<elseif _talk is 2>>\
<<speech "Boy1" "Vincent">>It's a bit cozy here.<</speech>>
<<elseif _talk is 3>>\
<<speech "Boy1" "Manuel">>Damn this booze is really strong!<</speech>>
<<if $vicky is 5 and $vickybimbo gte 1 and $vickybimbo lte 3 and $vickyfit gte 1>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Vicky Dancing@@</h6>">><<goto "vickydance">><</link>>
<<elseif $vickybimbo gte 1 and $vicky lte 4 and $vickybimbo lte 3>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:grey;Vicky Dancing (Brainwashed Status)@@</h6>">><</link>>
<<elseif $vickybimbo is 4 and $vickyfit gte 5>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Vicky Bimbo Dance@@</h6>">><<goto "vickydancebimbo">><</link>>
<<elseif $vickyfit lte 0 or $vickybimbo is 4 and $vickyfit lte 4>>
@@color:orange;Vicky is Tired.@@
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl lte 2 and $ashleybimbo gte 2 and $ashleyfit gte 2>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Ashley wants to have Fun.@@</h6>">><<goto "ashleyfunfuck">><</link>>
<<elseif $ashleyfit lte 1 and $ashleycorruptionlvl lte 2 and $ashleybimbo gte 2>>
@@color:orange;Ashley is Tired.@@
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl gte 3 and $ashleyfit gte 2>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Bimbo Ashley Strip@@</h6>">><<goto "ashleystaff">><</link>>
<<elseif $ashleyfit lte 1>>\
@@color:orange;Ashley is Tired.@@
<<if $staffmood lte 0 and $money gte 100>>\
<<link "<h6>Call for Girls @@color:lightgreen;(100$)@@ @@color:orange;(Staff Mood Up)@@</h6>">><<money -100>><<set $staffmood to $staffmood +1>><<goto "staffsex">><</link>>
<<elseif $staffmood is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:grey;Call for Girls@@</h6>">>@@color:orange;There is no need to do that.@@<</linkreplace>>
<<if $money gte 100 and $stafffood is 0>>\
<<link "<h6>Swedish Buffet for 3 Days. @@color:lightgreen;(100$)@@ @@color:orange;(Staff Energy +5)@@</h6>">>
<<money -100>><<goto "staffjoy">><<set $time to $time +1>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff +5>><<set $stafffood to 3>><</link>><</if>>
<<elseif $invadevictim is true>>\
@@color:red;Your Staff is somewhere else, Raiding one of your victim!@@
<<button [[Leave|warehouseplay]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="vicky">
<<if $vickycorruptionlvl is 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/tied.jpg" class='medium'>
<<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 2>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/tied1.jpg" class='medium'>
<<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $vickycorruption lte 199>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/tied3.jpg" class='medium'>
<<elseif $vickycorruption is 200>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickytherapy4.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop>
<<if $warstaff gte 1>>\
<<if $vickycorruptionlvl lte 2>>\
@@color:pink;Lucas men with a force lead Vicky to the therapy room and tied her up to the wooden pool@@
<<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl gte 3 and $vickycorruption lte 199>>\
@@color:pink;Vicky is tied up and waiting for therapy.@@
<<elseif $vickycorruption is 200>>\
@@color:hotpink;Your staff have already massed up her mind.
Vicky is teasing and masturbate in front of your men .@@
<<if $vickybimbo gte 3 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $vickycorruption lte 199>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>I'm so fucking ready. Give me what you got!<</speech>>
<<if $vickybimbo gte 3 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $vickycorruption is 200>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>Who want to taste my pussy!? Gosh... I want to be raped so bad!<</speech>>
<<if $vickyfit gte 10 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $vickybimbo lte 2>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>I'm... Ready.<</speech>>
<<elseif $vickyfit lte 9 and $vickyfit gte 4 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $vickybimbo lte 2>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>It's okay... I've got this...<</speech>>
<<elseif $vickyfit lte 3 and $vickyfit gte 1 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $vickybimbo lte 2>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>*Pant* I can do this *Pant*<</speech>>
<<elseif $vickyfit is 0 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $vickybimbo lte 2>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>Mmm....<</speech>>
<<if $vickyfit gte 9 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 2>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>Ahhh.... That hurts!<</speech>>
<<elseif $vickyfit lte 7 and $vickyfit gte 4 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 2>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>Isn't that too much?!<</speech>>
<<elseif $vickyfit lte 3 and $vickyfit gte 1 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 2>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>*Pant* Stop this... Please..<</speech>>
<<elseif $vickyfit is 0 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 2>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>*Sobbing*<</speech>>
<<if $vickyfit gte 4 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 1>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Ah..! What are you doing?! Give my clothes back!<</speech>>
<<elseif $vickyfit lte 3 and $vickyfit gte 1 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 1>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Ah... Leave me... Be...<</speech>>
<<elseif $vickyfit is 0 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 1>>
<<speech "Vicky">>*Sobbing*<</speech>>
<<if $vickyfit gte 1 and $warstaff gte 1 or $vickyl1 is 3 or $vickyl1 is 5>>\
<<if $vickycorruption gte 1 and $vickycorruption lte 14 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 1>>\
<<if $vickyl1 gte 3>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Interrogate</h6>">><<replace "#vicky">>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/angry.jpg" class='medium'>
Vicky is still resisting, but her mind is being corrupted.
<<vickycor 2>><<set $vickyl1 to 0>><<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:violet;Vicky Corruption +2@@</div>
<<link "<h7>Back to Therapy</h7>">><<goto "vickytherapy">><</link>>
Light hit $vickyl1/3
<meter @value="$vickyl1" min="0" max="3" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h6>Light Therapy</h6>">><<goto "vickylight">><</link>>
<<if $vickycorruption gte 5 and $vickycorruption lte 14 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 1>>\
<<if $vickyl1 gte 5>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Interrogate 2</h6>">><<replace "#vicky">>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/angry.jpg" class='medium'>
Vicky is still resisting, but her mind is being corrupted.
<<vickycor 4>><<set $vickyl1 to 0>><<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:violet;Vicky Corruption +4@@</div>
<<link "<h7>Back to Therapy</h7>">><<goto "vickytherapy">><</link>>
Light hit $vickyl1/5
<meter @value="$vickyl1" min="0" max="5" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h6>Light Therapy 2</h6>">><<goto "vickylight1">><</link>>
<<elseif $vickyfit lte 0>>
@@color:orange;Vicky is Exhuasted@@
<<elseif $warstaff lte 0>>
@@color:orange;Staff is Exhausted@@
<<if $vickyfit gte 1 and $warstaff gte 1 or $vickyl1 is 4 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 2>>\
<<if $vickycorruption gte 15 and $vickycorruption lte 99 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 2>>\
<<if $vickyl1 gte 4>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Interrogate</h6>">><<replace "#vicky">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bdlvl2cum.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
Vicky is slowly getting used to the pain and that pain is turning into pleasure.
<div class="posarousal">Vicky can't take this anymore. She having an orgasm during the therapy.</div>
<<speech "Vicky">>AHHH!!! YES!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmph.<</speech>>
<<vickycor 5>><<set $vickyl1 to 0>><<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:violet;Vicky Corruption +5@@</div>
<<link "<h7>Back to Therapy</h7>">><<goto "vickytherapy">><</link>>
Light hit $vickyl1/4
<meter @value="$vickyl1" min="0" max="4" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h6>Therapy</h6>">><<goto "vickytherapy1">><</link>>
<<if $vickyfit gte 1 and $warstaff gte 1 or $vickyl1 is 5 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 3>>\
<<if $vickycorruption gte 100 and $vickycorruption lte 199 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 3>>\
<<if $vickyl1 gte 5>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Interrogate</h6>">><<replace "#vicky">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bdlvl4cum.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
Vicky slowly getting used to the pain and that pain is turning into pleasure.
<div class="posarousal">Vicky can't take this anymore. She having an orgasm during the therapy.</div>
<<speech "Vicky">>*Muffled Noise*<</speech>>
<<vickycor 15>><<set $vickyl1 to 0>><<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:violet;Vicky Corruption +15@@</div>
<<link "<h7>Back to Therapy</h7>">><<goto "vickytherapy">><</link>>
Average hit $vickyl1/5
<meter @value="$vickyl1" min="0" max="5" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h6>Therapy</h6>">><<goto "vickytherapy3">><</link>>
<<if $vickyfit gte 1 and $warstaff gte 1 or $vickylm is 4 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 3>>\
<<if $vickycorruption gte 130 and $vickycorruption lte 199 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 3>>\
<<if $vickylm gte 4>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Interrogate</h6>">><<replace "#vicky">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bdlvl4.5cum.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
Vicky slowly getting used to the pain and that pain is turning into pleasure.
<div class="posarousal">Matthew is taking care of Vicky while she suffer in pleasureable pain.</div>
<<speech "Vicky">>*Muffled Noise*<</speech>>
<<vickycor 25>><<set $vickylm to 0>><<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:violet;Vicky Corruption +25@@</div>
<<link "<h7>Back to Therapy</h7>">><<goto "vickytherapy">><</link>>
Tease Vicky $vickylm/4
<meter @value="$vickylm" min="0" max="4" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h6>Therapy</h6>">><<goto "vickytherapy4">><</link>>
@@color:orange;Your Staff is Exhausted!@@
<<if $vickycorruption gte 35 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 2>>\
<<link "<h6>Change Position</h6>">><<goto "vickytherapy2">><</link>>
<<if $vickycorruption gte 15 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 1 and $vickyfit gte 1 >>\
<<link "<h6>Increase the Therapy</h6>">><<goto "vickylvl2">><</link>>
<<if $vickycorruption gte 100 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 2 and $vickyfit gte 1 >>\
<<link "<h6>Increase the Therapy</h6>">><<goto "vickylvl3">><</link>>
<<if $vickyfit lte 0>>\
<<button [[Leave|therapyroom]]>><<set $vicky to 1>><</button>>
<<elseif $vickyfit gte 1>>\
<<button [[Leave|therapyroom]]>><<set $vicky to 0>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $vickyl1 gte 0 and $vickyl1 lte 1>>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bdtit.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<elseif $vickyl1 is 2>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bdtit1.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<elseif $vickyl1 is 3>>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bdtit2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<set _talk to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _talk is 1>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>Ah! What the fuck!<</speech>>
<<elseif _talk is 2>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>What the fuck are you doing?! Ahh!<</speech>>
<<elseif _talk is 3>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>Is this for real?! Ah!<</speech>>
Lucas people slowly warming up with Vicky.
<<if $vickyl1 lte 2>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy -1@@
@@color:orange;Stuff Energy -1@@</div>
<<set $vickyl1 to $vickyl1 +1>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -1>>\
<<vickyfit -1>><<upd>>\
Light hit $vickyl1/3
<meter @value="$vickyl1" min="0" max="3" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h7>Back to the Therapy</h7>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "vickytherapy">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="lewd"><b>\
<h3>Sleeping inside your Workplace.</h3>
<<include "sleepreset">>\
<<link "<h6>Wake up</h6>">><<if $staffmood is -2 and $invadevictim is false>><<set $invadevictim to true>><</if>><<goto "privateroom">><</link>>\
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $vickyl1 gte 0 and $vickyl1 lte 2>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bdmas.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<elseif $vickyl1 gte 2 and $vickyl1 lte 3>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bdmas2.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<elseif $vickyl1 is 4>>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bdmas1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<set _talk to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _talk is 1>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>Ahh!! AH!!<</speech>>
<<elseif _talk is 2>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>Don't.... AH!!<</speech>>
<<elseif _talk is 3>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>My fucking god!!!<</speech>>
Lucas people slowly warming up with Vicky.
<<if $vickyl1 lte 4>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy -1@@
@@color:orange;Stuff Energy -1@@</div>
<<set $vickyl1 to $vickyl1 +1>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -1>>\
<<vickyfit -1>><<upd>>\
Light hit $vickyl1/5
<meter @value="$vickyl1" min="0" max="5" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h7>Back to the Therapy</h7>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "vickytherapy">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bdlvl2.webm" class='large' autoplay muted>
@@color:orange;One of the experienced staff Matthew starts to pinching Vicky's upper body with staples to increase her arousal Vicky somehow used to the pain. You want to question her but Matthew stops you.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is she ready to talk?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Matthew">>Not yet. We still need some time with her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay. Proceed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Please... Stop....<</speech>>
<<set $vickycorruptionlvl to 2>><<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">New Quests for Vicky!</div>
<<link "<h7>Back to the Therapy</h7>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "vickytherapy">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $vickyl1 is 0>>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bdlvl2.1.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<elseif $vickyl1 gte 1 and $vickyl1 lte 2>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bdlvl2.2.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<elseif $vickyl1 gte 3>>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bdlvl2.3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<set _talk to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _talk is 1>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>Ah... Yes...<</speech>>
<<elseif _talk is 2>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>My god.... Why...<</speech>>
<<elseif _talk is 3>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>Am i... going crazy?<</speech>>
Lucas staff working great on Vicky.
<<if $vickyl1 lte 4>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy -1@@
@@color:orange;Stuff Energy -1@@</div>
<<set $vickyl1 to $vickyl1 +1>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -1>>\
<<vickyfit -1>><<upd>>\
Light hit $vickyl1/4
<meter @value="$vickyl1" min="0" max="4" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h7>Back to the Therapy</h7>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "vickytherapy">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $consulttalk is false>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/sophiaburnet.jpg" class="large">
As you enter the Consultation Room you hear some two people arguing. They are very familiar to you.
It's Burnett and Sophia.
Burnett is sitting comfortable in the chair and Sophia in disbelief sits in front of him.
<<speech "Sophia">>How stupid you can be?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Sophia... Darling. Lucas didn't hire me for nothing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Stop calling me darling! Do you even realize what are you doing?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>I know better than you. Why do you even care? Oh! $name. Finally you came! Can you Tell Sophia here what we are doing here?<</speech>>
Burnett with a smile greets you and point to Sophia which looks at you with disapproval..
<<speech "Sophia">>$name?! Tell me why do you hire this idiot?! Do you know what he does with his patients?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sophia. I am fully aware of that. Still Burnett has his ways to crack the victims here.
So it's not your decision Sophia. Let it go.<</speech>>
Burnett with his creepy smile laugh a bit which Sophia made even angry than before.
Sophia gets up and head to the exit. Before the exit she replies to you.
<<speech "Sophia">>You sound like Lucas. But you are right, It's your decision $name. I hope you know what are you doing.<</speech>>
Sophia with a rage left consultation room.
<<speech "Burnett">> Don't worry $name. She'll get over it sooner or later.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">> I'm happy to assists you with the work $name. Let's get to work!<</speech>>
<<set $consulttalk to true>>
<h3>@@color:orange;Burnett is at your disposal@@</h3>
<<if $consulttalk is true>>
<img src="img/warehouse/burnett.jpg" class="medium">
@@color:lightyellow;Burnett is already waiting for you new candidate.@@
<<set _talk to random(1,3)>>
<<if _talk is 1>>\
<<speech "Burnett">>Hey $name. I gotta say! This place is superb!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Glad to hear that.<</speech>>
<<elseif _talk is 2>>\
<<speech "Burnett">>Ready to roll!<</speech>>
<<elseif _talk is 3>>\
Burnett is on the phone.
<<speech "Burnett">>Calm down Lexi, Don't think. Just do it.<</speech>>
<<if $invadevictim is false>>\
<<if $vickybimbo lte 1>>
<<if $vickycorruption gte 30 and $vickyfit gte 1 and $vicky is 0 and $vickycorruption lte 200>>\
<<link"<h6>@@color:pink;Vicky First Stage@@ @@color:violet;(Vicky Corruption $vickycorruption/30)@@</h6>">><<goto "vickybimbo">><</link>>
<<elseif $vickycorruption lte 29>>\
<<linkreplace"<h6>@@color:grey;Vicky@@ @@color:violet;(Vicky Corruption $vickycorruption/30)@@</h6>">>@@color:violet;Vicky is not corrupted enough!@@<</linkreplace>>
<<if $vickybimbo is 1 and $consule lte 0 and $vickycorruption gte 100 and $vickycorruption lte 300 and $vickyfit gte 1 and $vicky is 0>>\
<<link"<h6>@@color:pink;Vicky Second Stage@@ @@color:violet;(Vicky Corruption $vickycorruption/100)@@</h6>">><<goto "vickybimbo2">><</link>>
<<elseif $consule gte 1 and $vickybimbo is 1 or $vickycorruption lte 99 and $vickybimbo is 1>>\
@@color:violet;Days till next Consultation:$consule@@
@@color:purple;Vicky's Corruption Requirements:100@@
<<if $vickybimbo is 2 and $consule lte 0 and $vickycorruption gte 150 and $vickycorruption lte 299 and $vickyfit gte 1 and $vicky is 0>>
<<link"<h6>@@color:pink;Vicky Third Stage@@ @@color:violet;(Vicky Corruption $vickycorruption/150)@@</h6>">><<goto "vickybimbo3">><</link>>
<<elseif $consule gte 1 and $vickybimbo is 2 or $vickycorruption lte 149 and $vickybimbo is 2>>\
@@color:violet;Days till next Consultation:$consule@@
@@color:purple;Vicky's Corruption Requirements:150@@
<<if $ashleycorruption gte 1>>\
<<if $ashleyfit gte 1>>\
<<if $ashleycorruption gte 30 and $ashleyfit gte 1 and $ashleybimbo is false>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:pink;Ashley First Stage@@ @@color:violet;(Ashley Corruption $ashleycorruption/30)@@</h6>">><<goto "ashleybimbo">><</link>>
<<elseif $ashleycorruption lte 29 and $ashleybimbo is false>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:pink;Ashley First Stage@@ @@color:violet;(Ashley Corruption $ashleycorruption/30)@@</h6>">><</link>>
<<if $ashleycorruption gte 65 and $ashleyfit gte 1 and $ashleybimbo is 1>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:pink;Ashley Second Stage@@ @@color:violet;(Ashley Corruption $ashleycorruption/65)@@</h6>">><<goto "ashleybimbo1">><</link>>
<<elseif $ashleycorruption lte 64 and $ashleybimbo is 1>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:pink;Ashley Second Stage@@ @@color:violet;(Ashley Corruption $ashleycorruption/65)@@</h6>">><</link>>
<<if $ashleycorruption gte 85 and $ashleyfit gte 1 and $ashleybimbo is 2>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:pink;Ashley Third Stage@@ @@color:violet;(Ashley Corruption $ashleycorruption/85)@@</h6>">><<goto "ashleybimbo2">><</link>>
<<elseif $ashleycorruption lte 84 and $ashleybimbo is 2>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:pink;Ashley Second Stage@@ @@color:violet;(Ashley Corruption $ashleycorruption/85)@@</h6>">><</link>>
<<elseif $ashleyfit lte 0>>\
@@color:orange;Ashley is Exhausted@@
<<elseif $invadevictim is true>>\
@@color:red;Victims are under raid!@@
<<button [[Leave|warehouseplay]]>><</button>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $sophiawarehouse is false>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/sophiaintro.jpg" class="medium">
Lucas' trusted people built the operating room under Sophia's supervision. She still has some plans for the operating room, And by the looks on the staff's faces they are slowly getting sick of her requests. But Sophia doesn't seem to mind a bit. She is even angry at them.
<<speech "Boy1" "Lerry">>Is this all... Ma'am?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Wait a second! Where is infusion pumps?! I told you twenty fucking times to install them before operating table. Jesus christ Larry!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Lerry">>It's Lerry, Ma'am. Mister Burnett told us it would be easier to install it first.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Burnett?! Jesus Fucking Christ! Why the fuck Lucas hired you? Here is the instruction. Do as the fucking instruction says, LARRY! Get it done till tommorow!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Lerry">>Right, Ma'am. Boys!<</speech>>
<img src="img/warehouse/sophiasmile.jpg" class="medium">
Lerry rejoin his team to pass the bad news.
You, on the other hand, came to greet a nervous Sophia but she managed to smile at you.
<<speech "Sophia">>$name! I have to say you look even prettier than before!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks, I have to thank the person who made it possible for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>You bet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is everything alright?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Minor problems. Don't you worry. In few hours it will be full operational.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Great to hear that. I'm glad to have you in my team Sophia. Finally some reasonable mind here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Haha. Happy to hear that $name. After all, We girl need to stay together with this buffoons here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Lerry">>Vincent you idiot! If you break it again i swear-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can see that.<</speech>><<set $sophiawarehouse to true>>
@@color:orange;<h3>Sophia is at your disposal!</h3>@@
<<elseif $sophiawarehouse is true>>\
<<set _w to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _w is 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/sophiasmile.jpg" class="medium">
<<elseif _w is 2>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/sophiawaiting.jpg" class="medium">
<<elseif _w is 3>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/sophiaeyes.jpg" class="medium">
@@color:lightyellow;Sophia is ready to do a surgery for the victim.@@
<<set _talk to random(1,2)>>
<<if _talk is 1>>\
<<speech "Sophia">>$name. How are you?<</speech>>
<<elseif _talk is 2>>\
<<speech "Sophia">>God dammit. These heels are killing me.<</speech>>
<<if $bbcplayground is false>>\
<<button [[Sophia's Bodyguard]]>><</button>>
<<if $vickycorruption is 200 and $vickybimboslut is false>>\
<<button [[Vicky and Sophia]]>><</button>>
<<if $sophianataly is false and $vickybimbo lte 3>>\
<<button [[Ask about Nataly]]>><</button>>
<<if $surgeryashley lte 4 and $surgeryashley gte 1 and $surgeyday is false>>\
<<link "<h6>Ashley Surgery</h6>">><<goto "ashleysurgery3">><</link>>
<<elseif $surgeyday is true>>\
@@color:orange;Burnett and Sophia are occupied on Ashley's Surgery, Come tommorow.@@
<<if $ashleybimbo is 3 and $ashleycorruption gte 100>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:pink;Ashley Surgery@@ @@color:violet;(Ashley Corruption $ashleycorruption/100)@@</h6>">><<goto "ashleysurgery">><</link>>
<<elseif $ashleybimbo is 3 and $ashleycorruption lte 99>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:pink;Ashley Surgery@@ @@color:violet;(Ashley Corruption $ashleycorruption/100)@@</h6>">><</link>>
<<button [[Leave|warehouseplay]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/warehouse/studio.jpg" class="large100">
Place where your girls became a models!
<<if $chris is false>>\<<audio "background" stop>><<audio "chris" play>>
@@color:lightblue;There is already a man in the studio, unknown to you, who is working at the camera.
By the looks of it, he is in his 40s and is quite handsome.
When you made a noise he looked at you without emotion.@@
<<speech "Chris">>Take a seat. The session is not ready yet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You take it wrong. I'm $name. Owner of this place.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Really? A young girl?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is that a problem?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Very suprised. I have to say.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I didn't catch your name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>That's beacuse, I didn't say my name. Didn't you read my files?<</speech>>
@@color:pink;Before you renovate that place you read a file.
His photos have been published almost all over the world.
Chris has taken Photos of the most famous models and even the President.@@
<img src="img/warehouse/chriscaught.jpg" class="large">
@@color:hotpink;All this, however, was lost. Paparazzi took photo of him and President Daughter fucking during the campaing party.
The next day, the News published it worldwide. President didn't take it kindly and from now on Chris is most wanted.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Chris. So in this picture it's you and the president's daughter? Was it worth it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>The best pussy ever!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">> That's it? Are you really that annoying?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>I do make exceptions. Sometimes. <</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>You are the owner here, anytime you can fire me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Indeed, I have. And why i shouldn't?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>You are very curious of me. Anyway, Where you would find guy like me with that kind of experience?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And Lucas is very fond of you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Is he? Another reason not to fire me. So. Can i work now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure Chris.<</speech>>
<<set $chris to true>>
@@color:orange;Chris is ready for work.@@
<<if $invadevictim is false>>\
<<if $vickybimbo gte 4 and $vickyfit gte 1>>\
<<button [[Vicky|vickybimbochris]]>><</button>>
<<if $vickyfit gte 1 and $staffmood gte -1 and $vickybimbo lte 3>>\
<<if $chrisvicky is false and $vickycorruptionlvl gte 2>>\
<<button [[Vicky|vickychris]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $chrisvicky is true and $vickycorruptionlvl gte 2>>\
<<button [[Vicky|Vickyphoto]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl lte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:grey;Vicky@@</h6>">>@@color:lightyellow;Vicky is not ready yet.<</linkreplace>>
<<elseif $staffmood is -2 and $vickybimbo lte 3>>\
@@color:red;Today your staff rebelled against you and they have no desire to listen to your wishes.@@
<<elseif $vicky lte 0 and $staffmood gte -1 and $vickybimbo lte 3>>\
@@color:violet;Vicky is tired@@
<<if $ashleyporn gte 1 and $ashrape is false>>\
<<button "Ashley's Porn Career">><<goto "ashleypornc">><</button>>
<<elseif $ashrape is true and $ashleyporn gte 1>>\
@@color:orange;Ashley is occupied by your Staff!@@
<<if $ashleyfit gte 1 and $staffmood gte -1>>\
<<if $chrisashley is false and $ashleycorruptionlvl gte 1>>\
<<button [[Ashley|ashleychris]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $chrisvicky is true and $ashleycorruptionlvl gte 1 and $surgeryashley lte 8>>\
<<button [[Ashley|Ashleyphoto]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl lte 1 and $ashleyblock is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:grey;Ashley@@</h6>">>@@color:lightyellow;Ashley is not ready yet.<</linkreplace>>
<<elseif $staffmood is -2>>\
@@color:red;Today your staff rebelled against you and they have no desire to listen to your wishes.@@
<<elseif $ashleymood is 1 and $staffmood gte -1>>\
@@color:violet;Ashley is tired@@
<<elseif $invadevictim is true>>\
@@color:red;Victims are under raid!@@
<<button [[Leave|warehouseplay]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<include "vickymoodphoto">>\
<<if $vickycorruptionlvl lte 5>>\
<<if $vickyfit gte 1>>\
<<if $vickyphoto lte 4>>\
Vicky's Photos:$vickyphoto/5
<meter @value="$vickyphoto" min="0" max="5" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h6>Vicky's First Photo Session</h6>">><<audio "photo" play>><<goto "vickyphotonormal">><</link>>
<<if $vickyphoto is 5 and $vickynormalphoto is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Vicky's First Photo Session - Results</h6>">>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/normalphotos.jpg" class='large'>
You are surprised how these photos came out. Chris has a knack for putting Vicky at ease.
<<speech "Chris">>Here's the photos. Lucas client is pleased with them and sends you some money.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Not bad.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Well it's something at first. Still Vicky has some resistance in her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm working on it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Don't overwork yourself.<</speech>>
You skip over his unnecessary comment.
<<set $vickynormalphoto to true>><<money 300>><div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;Money +300@@</div><<upd>>
<<if $vickyphoto gte 2 and $vicky is 3 and $vickyfit gte 2 and $vickyphotohot lte 2 and $vickybimbo lte 2 or $vickygod is true and $vickyphoto gte 2 and $vickyfit gte 2 and $vickyphotohot lte 2 and $vickybimbo lte 2>>\
Vicky's Naughty Photo:$vickyphotohot/3
<meter @value="$vickyphotohot" min="0" max="3" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h6>Vicky's First Underwear Photo Session @@color:orange;(Vicky Mood Drop)@@</h6>">><<if $vickygod is true>><<else>><<set $vicky to 0>><</if>><<audio "photo" play>><<goto "vickyundearwear">><</link>>
<<elseif $vickybimbo gte 3 and $vickyfit gte 2 and $vickyphotohot lte 2 and $vickyphoto gte 2>>\
Vicky's Naughty Photo:$vickyphotohot/3
<meter @value="$vickyphotohot" min="0" max="3" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h6>@@color:lightyellow;Vicky's First Underwear Photo Session@@</h6>">><<audio "photo" play>><<goto "vickyundearwear">><</link>>
<<elseif $vickyphoto gte 2 and $vicky lte 2 and $vickybimbo lte 2>>\
@@color:pink;Vicky is not in the mood for Undearwear Session@@
<<elseif $vickyfit lte 1>>\
@@color:orange;Vicky is exhausted@@
@@color:orange;Vicky is exhausted.@@
<<elseif $vickyphoto lte 1>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:grey;Vicky's First Underwear Photo Session @@</h6>">><</link>>
<<if $vickyphotohot is 3 and $vickyunderwearphoto is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Vicky's First Underwear Photo Session - Results</h6>">>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/underwearphoto.jpg" class='large'>
Chris looks a bit dissapointed when he hands you a photos of Vicky.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is something wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Vicky was not herself during this session. Look at the expression on her face and the body poses.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Too stiff and embarrassed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Yes. Anyway. Here's the pay.<</speech>>
Chris hands you a payout from the session which is small.
Vicky needs to do better next time.
<<set $vickyunderwearphoto to true>><<money 150>><div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;Money +150@@</div><<upd>>
<<if $vickycorruptionlvl gte 3>>\
<<if $vickyfit gte 1 or $vickyphoto1 is 5 and $vickynormalphoto1 is false>>\
<<if $vickyphoto1 lte 4>>\
Vicky's Photos:$vickyphoto1/5
<meter @value="$vickyphoto1" min="0" max="5" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h6>Vicky's Second Photo Session</h6>">><<audio "photo" play>><<goto "vickyphotonormal1">><</link>>
<<if $vickyphoto1 is 5 and $vickynormalphoto1 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Vicky's Second Photo Session - Results</h6>">>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/normalphotos1.jpg" class='large'>
Chris is pleased to show you his work on Vicky.
<<speech "Chris">>I must tell you $name. Finally Vicky has this thing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nice! Very Nice Chris!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Client paid a pretty good too!<</speech>>
You skip over his unnecessary comment.
<<set $vickynormalphoto1 to true>><<money 450>><div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;Money +450@@</div><<upd>>
<<if $vickyphoto1 gte 2 and $vicky is 3 and $vickyfit gte 2 and $vickyphotohot1 lte 2 and $vickybimbo lte 2 or $vickygod is true and $vickyphoto1 gte 2 and $vickyfit gte 2 and $vickyphotohot1 lte 2 and $vickybimbo lte 2>>\
Vicky's Naughty Photo:$vickyphotohot1/3
<meter @value="$vickyphotohot1" min="0" max="3" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h6>Vicky's Second Underwear Photo Session@@color:orange;(Vicky Mood Drop)@@</h6>">><<if $vickygod is true>><<else>><<set $vicky to 0>><</if>><<audio "photo" play>><<goto "vickyundearwear1">><</link>>
<<elseif $vickybimbo gte 3 and $vickyphoto1 gte 2 and $vickyfit gte 2 and $vickyphotohot1 lte 2>>\
Vicky's Naughty Photo:$vickyphotohot1/3
<meter @value="$vickyphotohot1" min="0" max="3" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h6>@@color:lightyellow;Vicky's Second Underwear Photo Session@@</h6>">><<audio "photo" play>><<goto "vickyundearwear1">><</link>>
<<elseif $vickyphoto1 lte 1>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:grey;Vicky's Second Underwear Photo Session@@</h6>">><</link>>
<<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl lte 2 or $vicky is 5 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 5>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:grey;Vicky's Second Photo Session@@</h6>">><</link>>
<<if $vickyphotohot1 is 3 and $vickyunderwearphoto1 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Vicky's Second Underwear Photo Session - Results</h6>">>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/underwearphoto1.jpg" class='large'>
Chris once again is happy to show you his work.
<<speech "Chris">>Look at this!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Whoah!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Vicky did a great job. She is born to be a model!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah.. Maybe..<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Here's the pay.<</speech>>
Chris hands you a payout from the session..
<<set $vickyunderwearphoto1 to true>><<money 500>><div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;Money +500@@</div><<upd>>
<<if $vicky is 5 and $vickyfit gte 2 and $vickybimbo gte 1 and $vickyphotohotb lte 3 and $vickybimbophoto1 is false or $vickybimbo gte 3 and $vickyfit gte 2 and $vickyphotohotb lte 3 and $vickybimbophoto1 is false>>\
Vicky's Kinky Photo:$vickyphotohotb/4
<meter @value="$vickyphotohotb" min="0" max="4" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h6>@@color:pink;Take a Undearwear Photo@@</h6>">><<audio "photo" play>><<goto "vickybimboundear">><</link>>
<<elseif $vickybimbo gte 1 and $vicky lte 4 and $vickybimbophoto1 is false>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:grey;Take a Undearwear Photo (Brainswashed Status)@@</h6>">><</link>>
<<if $vickyphotohotb is 4 and $vickybimbophoto1 is false>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;Take a look on the underwear photos@@</h6>">>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/brainphoto.jpg" class='largepink'>
<<speech "Chris">>Here is the results.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Burnett did a great job on her. Vicky felt a lot calmer and had a great time doing the photoshoot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nice!<</speech>>
<<set $vickybimbophoto1 to true>><<money 500>><div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;Money +500@@</div><<upd>>
<<if $vickybimbo gte 3 and $vickyfit gte 2 and $vickybimbophoto2 is false and $vickyphotohotb1 lte 4>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Take a Naughty Photo@@</h6>">><<audio "photo" play>><<goto "vickybimboundear1">><</link>>
<<elseif $vickyphotohotb1 is 5 and $vickybimbophoto2 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;Vicky's Naughty Session - Results@@</h6>">>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/vickynaughtyphoto.jpg" class='large'>
Chris can't comprehend how Vicky was amazing in the Photosession.
<<speech "Chris">>I don't know how you did it but Vicky is out of this planet!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good. This place is at last seeing results.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>I must admit that I had some doubts about you $name. Lucas was right about you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Em.. Thanks?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Here is the pay check.<</speech>>
<<set $vickybimbophoto2 to true>><<money 800>><div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;Money +800@@</div><<upd>>
<<if $vickybimbo gte 2 and $vicky is 5 and $vickyvideo is false>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Vicky's Video Tease!@@</h6>">><<goto "vickybimbofilm">><</link>>
<<if $vickychris is 1 and $vicky is 0 and $vickybimbo lte 2>>\
<<link "<h6>Let Chris do the magic Work. @@color:orange;(Vicky Mood Raise)@@</h6>">><<set $vicky to 3>><<set $vickychris to true>><<goto "Vickyphoto">><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $vickyfit lte 0>>\
<<button [[Leave|studio]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><<if $vicky is 5 or $vicky is 4>><<set $vicky to -1>><<else>><<set $vicky to 1>><</if>><</button>>
<<elseif $vickyfit gte 1>>\
<<button [[Leave|studio]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><<if $vicky lte 3>><<set $vicky to 0>><</if>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $vicky is 0 and $vickybimbo lte 2 and $vickygod is false>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/failphoto.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:red;Vicky is stressed. Chris can't take a proper photo of her.@@
<<vickyfit -1>><div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy -1@@</div>
<<elseif $vicky is 3 or $vickybimbo gte 3 or $vickygod is true>>\
<<if $vickyphoto is 0>>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/photo1.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $vickyphoto is 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/photo2.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $vickyphoto is 2>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/photo3.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $vickyphoto is 3>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/photo4.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $vickyphoto is 4>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/photo5.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:orange;Vicky is smiling to the camera. Chris took a good photo of Vicky.@@
<<set $vickyphoto to $vickyphoto +1>><<vickyfit -1>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy -1@@</div>
<<button [[Leave|Vickyphoto]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $chrisvicky is false>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/firststudio.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:orange;Vicky hasn't been in a normal place for so long.
You were surprised at how Chris approached the subject well.
Vicky feels nice after Chris cheered her up with jokes and warm words.@@
<<speech "Vicky">>Ha.. Thanks Chris.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Oh! What a beauty smile! It's perfect to take a picture. <</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Vicky smiles</h6>">><<set $vicky to 3>><<upd>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Really...? <</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Of course my dear! So darling. Can i count on you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>I guess...<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Then take that Pretty smile to the stage. In no time, You'll become a model!<</speech>>
@@color:pink;Chris did a great job. Vicky is ready for the photoshot.@@
<<link "<h6>Take a Normal Photo</h6>">><<audio "photo" play>><<goto "vickyphotonormal">><</link>>
<<set $chrisvicky to true>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $vicky is 1 and $vickybimbo lte 2 and $vickygod is false>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/failphoto.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:grey;Vicky is stressed. Chris can't take a proper photo of her.@@
<<elseif $vicky is 0 or $vickybimbo gte 3 or $vickygod is true>>\
<<if $vickyphotohot is 0>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/underwear1.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $vickyphotohot is 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/underwear2.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $vickyphotohot is 2>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/underwear3.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:orange;Vicky is not happy with the underwear session.
At least Christ took a good picture.@@
<<set $vickyphotohot to $vickyphotohot +1>><<vickyfit -2>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy -2@@</div>
<<button [[Leave|Vickyphoto]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/burnettmeet.jpg" class="large">
<<if $vickybimbo is false>>\
@@color:pink;Vicky feels weird near Burnett and tries to avoid him.
Burnett approached Vicky and examine her throughly. Then he is trying to touch her but Vicky takes his hand away.@@
<<speech "Vicky">>Get away from me Creep!!! Who the fuck are you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Oh. Right. We didn't introduce ourselves. Name is Burnett. I'm here to help you, Vicky. <</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Help me?! You?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>I'll release you Vicky. From the burden you keep inside you. Now, Vicky. Let's begin.<</speech>>
<<set $vickybimbo to 0>>
Vicky shudders as Burnett slowly approaches her.
<<link "<h6>Burnett Influence on Vicky</h6>">>
<<if $vickybimbo is 0>>
<<set $consule to 3>>
<<goto "vickywash">><</link>>
<<button [[Leave|consultroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickyconsult1.webm" class='large' autoplay>
@@color:orange;Burnett with the help of Lucas staff took Vicky to the silence room.
In the center of this room is a Big Screen and around it are loudspeakers. Burnett inject her some kind of serum.
Vicky is kinda dizzy but stable. After a few minutes, until the serum took effect, Burnett turned on peaceful music and a movie about nature. You and Burnett are in the other watching the procedure.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is this same procedure as i had?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>No. It's a bit complicated. The equipment here is a useless. At least this thing should work. A my specialty. A serum. Should work perfectly!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Burnett. Isn't that too much?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>I know what i am doing $name. Just sit and drink some coffee.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Burnett and you wait for the results.@@
<<linkreplace "<h6>Hour Later</h6>">><<set $vicky to 5>><<upd>>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickybrain.jpg" class="large">
<div class="posarousal">After one hour, Vicky starts gigling and smirking.
Burnett opens the door and take Vicky out of the room.
She seems happy. Vicky's hand are touching Burnett body and herself.
Then she looks at you with a kinky smile.</div>
<<speech "Vicky1" "Vicky">>Whoah! Look Doc... What a smoking gal!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Burnett? What the hell? Is she alright?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>It's not temporary. Yet. I gave her a very small doze of serum.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky1" "Vicky">>Mmmm... Moreeee!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh.. Now it's useless to interrogate her. How it supposed work?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Patiance $name. Patiance. It's not that simple. She needs to take a few sessions till her resistance gave up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Whatever. What now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>It's not over. Preprare her for me in the next week. I'll increase the dose.<</speech>>
<<set $vickybimbo to 1>>@@color:hotpink;First Stage of Burnett's Influence@@<<upd>>
<<button [[Leave|consultroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickydance.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">Vicky stepped on stage and dances during the Burnett's trance.
Staff at the complex enjoys the show. </div>
<<speech "Boy2" "Lerry">>Yeah! Shake it babe!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Manuel">>Fine ass!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Vincent">>STRIP! STRIP! STRIP!<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky1" "Vicky">>Ha-ha. Patiance Boys!<</speech>>
<<if $vickybimbo is 2>>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/afterdance.webp" class='medium'>
<div class="posarousal">Vicky teases guys in the crowd with her new trick. </div>
<<speech "Vicky1" "Vicky">>After all. I'm not going anywhere. Ha-ha<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Vincent">>God damn!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Manuel">>That tongue needs to lick a fat cock!<</speech>>
The staff got motivated to work but Vicky is slowly losing her energy.
<<set $staffday to 0>>@@color:lightgreen;Staff gained some patiance during her perfomance (The days have reset to zero.)@@
<<vickyfit -1>><<warstaff +4>>
<div class="pos">@@color:orange;Staff Energy +4@@ @@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy -1@@</div>
<<elseif $vickybimbo is 1>>\
The staff got motivated to work but Vicky is slowly losing her energy.
<<set $staffday to 0>>@@color:lightgreen;Staff gained some patiance during her perfomance (The days have reset to zero.)@@
<<vickyfit -1>><<warstaff +2>>
<div class="pos">@@color:orange;Staff Energy +2@@ @@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy -1@@</div>
<<if $vickyfit lte 0>>\
<<button [[Leave|staffjoy]]>><<set $vicky to -1>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
<<elseif $vickyfit gte 1>>\
<<button [[Leave|staffjoy]]>><<set $vicky to 5>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickyconsult2.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop>
Before the consultation, Burnett asked you to stay in other room. In order not to interfere with her performance on her behaviour.
Vicky with hesitation enters the Burnett's Office.
<<speech "Burnett">>Vicky! Please, sit down.<</speech>>
Vicky sits down and avoids his creepy look.
<<speech "Burnett">>Vicky... Tell me. How are you feeling?<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Em... Right... Now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Yes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Are you for real?! You asking me that kind of question!? You want to know how i am feeling?!
I'm fucking scared! This place... $name... And you! Especially you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Why is that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>I don't know... You remind me of some creepy guy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Or.. I remind you of someone. Like your Father?<</speech>>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickyconsult3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
Vicky right away glance at Burnett with confused look.
Burnett hit the weak spot of Vicky.
<<speech "Vicky">>Huh?! How do you know how my Father looks?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Do you hate your Father?<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Ah... Why do you-<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Has your Father beat you in the past?<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Stop it...!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>@@color:pink;Shhh.. Vicky... It's okay... Don't think... Breathe... Don't think...@@<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>The Scent</h6>">><<goto "vickybimbo1">><</link>>
<<button [[Leave|consultroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $vickybimbo is 1>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickytherapy3.webm" class='largepink' muted autoplay loop>
<<elseif $vickybimbo is 2>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickytherapy2.webm" class='largepink' muted autoplay loop>
<<elseif $vickybimbo gte 3>>\
<<set _bimbo to random(1,3)>>
<<if _bimbo is 1>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickytherapy1.webm" class='largepink' muted autoplay loop>
<<elseif _bimbo is 2>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickytherapy2.webm" class='largepink' muted autoplay loop>
<<elseif _bimbo is 3>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickytherapy3.webm" class='largepink' muted autoplay loop>
@@color:pink;To the surprise of the Lucas Staff,
Vicky willingly steps into the Therapy Room without the force.
She even strips down with a smile on her face and slaps her butt to tease the staff.@@
@@color:red;Unfortunately, the condition she is in is not suitable for therapy@@
<<if $vickyfit lte 0>>\
<<button [[Leave|therapyroom]]>><<set $vicky to -1>><</button>>
<<elseif $vickyfit gte 1>>\
<<button [[Leave|therapyroom]]>><<set $vicky to 5>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="vicky">
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/tied2.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:pink;Staff repositioned Vicky to enhance her suffering.@@
<<if $warstaff gte 1>>\
<<if $vickyfit gte 1>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>What is going on?! What are you trying to do?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>*Sobbing*<</speech>>
<<if $vickyfit gte 1 or $vickylm is 6>>\
<<if $vickycorruption gte 35 and $vickycorruption lte 99 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 2>>\
<<if $vickylm gte 6>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Interrogate</h7>">><<replace "#vicky">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bdlvl3.cum.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
Vicky is slowly getting used to the pain and that pain is turning into pleasure.
<div class="posarousal">Vicky has an orgasm during the therapy.</div>
<<speech "Vicky">>NO MORE!! PLEASE! AAHHHHHHHHHH!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What a pleasing sight.<</speech>>
<<vickycor 20>><<set $vickylm to 0>><<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:violet;Vicky Corruption +20@@</div>
<<link "<h7>Back to Therapy</h7>">><<goto "vickytherapy2">><</link>>
Average hit $vickylm/6
<meter @value="$vickylm" min="0" max="6" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h6>Therapy</h6>">><<goto "vickymedium">><</link>>
@@color:orange;Vicky is Exhausted@@
<<elseif $warstaff lte 0>>
@@color:orange;Your Staff is Exhausted!@@
<<link "<h6>Change Position</h6>">><<goto "vickytherapy">><</link>>
<<if $vickyfit lte 0>>\
<<button [[Leave|therapyroom]]>><<set $vicky to 1>><</button>>
<<elseif $vickyfit gte 1>>\
<<button [[Leave|therapyroom]]>><<set $vicky to 0>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $vickylm gte 0 and $vickylm lte 1>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bdlvl3.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<elseif $vickylm gte 2 and $vickylm lte 3>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bdlvl3.1.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<elseif $vickylm is 4>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bdlvl3.2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<elseif $vickylm is 5>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bdlvl3.3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<set _talk to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _talk is 1>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>Stop it!<</speech>>
<<elseif _talk is 2>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>Are you crazy?!<</speech>>
<<elseif _talk is 3>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>LET ME OUT!<</speech>>
Lucas people slowly warming up with Vicky.
<<if $vickylm lte 5>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy -1@@
@@color:orange;Stuff Energy -2@@</div>
<<set $vickylm to $vickylm +1>><<warstaff -2>>\
<<vickyfit -1>><<upd>>\
Average hit $vickylm/6
<meter @value="$vickylm" min="0" max="6" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h7>Back to the Therapy</h7>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "vickytherapy2">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="vicky">
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bdlvl4start1.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay muted loop>
@@color:pink;Vicky has been through enough in therapy. One of the staff gag Vicky's mouth then he lead her other room, where it was slightly cosier than the previous room.
You point to the guard to ungag her. Time to interrogate her. You have a guy named Matthew who is an expert on body language. @@
<<speech "Vicky">>*Cough!* *Pant*<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Vicky. Vicky. Are you okay? Do you need some water?<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Ahh.. Yes... Please...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure. Matt bring some water for our Vicky. So, Are you enjoying therapy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Ah... Yes... Enjoying... Very... Much...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Vicky</h6>">>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/honest.jpg" class='medium'>
You can see Vicky trying to answer in such a way as to please you.
Matthew denies what Vicky says.
Slowly you smile at her and approached her closely.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Glad to hear that Vicky. Now. Let's back to the question that matters to me. Sophia. Who is she?<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>I know.. I know... Sophia... Is a Doctor...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nice! Matt. Where is that water? <</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Matthew">>Here. Boss.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Great.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Water</h6>">>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickywater.jpg" class='medium'>
Matt release Vicky's hand and she message her wrists. Then she slowly drinks the water.
You and Matt watch her in silence, which makes her feel even more uncomfortable.
<<speech "Vicky">>*Cough* Thanks *Cough*. As like i was saying... Sophia is a doctor. Is this why i am here? <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. Vicky. This time let you ask the question.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>I'm... So Sorry.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now let me ask you... Why did you assault her. Why you assault Sophia.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Sophia... Sophia know where is my Sister...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sister? So you got Sister.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Yes. Nataly. My only family.<</speech>>
Matthew nods in confirmation of her words.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And how did you find out that Sophia knows where your sister is? <</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Before Nataly was abducted, She sent a picture and last message: "Vicky. My team is almost ready. If all goes well, I'll be back in three days. Anyway, there is a woman in my team called Sophia. Me and her... We kissed each other! My goodness. It was an amazing feeling! See ya!" <</speech>>
Matthew searched through Vicky's belongings and found a photograph in her bag which confirms Vicky's story.
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/natalyandsophia.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:orange;It's great evidence to talk to Sophia..@@
<<speech "Vicky">>That was her last message. Sophia must know where is my sister is!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't get it. Why you assault her then?<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Sophia lied to me. She lied to my face that she didn't know any Nataly.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>The next day I brought a gun and threatened her that if she didn't tell me the truth I would kill her.<</speech>>
With her eyes wide open, Vicky speaks to you with pity.
Then Matthew smacks Vicky's face
<<speech "Boy1" "Matthew">>Vicky is lying.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>I'm not fucking lying! I'M TELLING THE TRU-*GAG* <</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Staff Gag Her</h6>">><<replace "#vicky">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bdlvl4start.webm" class='large' autoplay muted loop>
<<speech "Vicky">>!!!!*GRRUP*!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Matthew">>Boss. What are we doing with her?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Continue the therapy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Matthew">>Come pet. It's time to play.<</speech>>
Staff gag her mouth. Vicky still has some resistance in her.
Vicky still hides something, Let staff have some fun with her first.
<<set $vickycorruptionlvl to 3>><<upd>>
<<link "<h7>Back to the Therapy</h7>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "vickytherapy">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $vickyl1 gte 0 and $vickyl1 lte 1>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bdlvl4.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<elseif $vickyl1 gte 2 and $vickyl1 lte 3>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bdlvl4.1.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<elseif $vickyl1 is 4>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bdlvl4.2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<set _talk to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _talk is 1>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>Mmm...<</speech>>
<<elseif _talk is 2>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>Yes...<</speech>>
<<elseif _talk is 3>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>More...<</speech>>
Vicky is slowly adapting to the new methods of therapy.
<<if $vickyl1 lte 4>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy -1@@
@@color:orange;Stuff Energy -1@@</div>
<<set $vickyl1 to $vickyl1 +1>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -1>>\
<<vickyfit -1>><<upd>>\
Average hit $vickyl1/5
<meter @value="$vickyl1" min="0" max="5" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h7>Back to the Therapy</h7>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "vickytherapy">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $vicky is 0 and $vickybimbo lte 2 or $vicky is 5>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/failphoto.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:red;Vicky is stressed. Chris can't take a proper photo of her.@@
<<vickyfit -1>><div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy -1@@</div>
<<elseif $vicky is 3 or $vickybimbo gte 3 or $vickygod is true>>\
<<if $vickyphoto1 is 0>>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/photolvl2.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $vickyphoto1 is 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/photolvl2.1.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $vickyphoto1 is 2>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/photolvl2.2.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $vickyphoto1 is 3>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/photolvl2.3.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $vickyphoto1 is 4>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/photolvl2.4.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:orange;Vicky is comfortable in front of the camera. Chris is taking a good photo of Vicky.@@
<<set $vickyphoto1 to $vickyphoto1 +1>><<vickyfit -1>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy -1@@</div>
<<button [[Leave|Vickyphoto]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $vicky is 1 or $vickybimbo lte 2 and $vickygod is false>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/failphoto.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:grey;Vicky is stressed. Chris can't take a proper photo of her.@@
<<elseif $vicky is 0 or $vickybimbo gte 3 or $vickygod is true>>\
<<if $vickyphotohot1 is 0>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/underwearlvl2.1.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Chris">>Very nice Vicky... Very nice... Hold like this.<</speech>>
<<elseif $vickyphotohot1 is 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/underwearlvl2.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Chris">>Darling! You look so beautiful!<</speech>>
<<elseif $vickyphotohot1 is 2>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/underwearlvl2.2.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Chris">>Superb!<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Vicky is no longer as stiff as before.
Chris is trying his best to take a good picture of Vicky.@@
<<set $vickyphotohot1 to $vickyphotohot1 +1>><<vickyfit -3>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy -3@@</div>
<<button [[Leave|Vickyphoto]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickyconsult4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Vicky while breathing, Smells some kind of Aphrodisiac which makes her nice and warm.
Burnett stands up and helps Vicky to stand.
<<speech "Burnett">>@@color:pink;Undress Vicky... Father wants to see you naked.@@<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>What is going... On... Why... It... feels.. So familiar...<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>@@color:pink;Shh... Embrace it... Don't think Vicky... Be happy... Be Proud....@@<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Be wild... Wait... I heard that before... Sis-<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>@@color:pink;Shhhhh....@@<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Be Happy. Be proud.</h6>">><<goto "vickywash2">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickywash.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
</video><<set $vicky to 5>><<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">Before the tick came in Vicky realized that Burnett may did something to her Sister.
But it's too late. Burnett has Vicky in his grasp, He gently touches her Body.
Vicky is in a trance and is haunted by mysterious visions from Burnett.</div>
<<speech "Burnett">>@@color:hotpink;Good Vicky... Don't Think Darling... Father will take care of you.@@<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky1" "Vicky">>Father... You are here...<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>@@color:hotpink;Fear not. Everything will be fine from now on.@@<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky1" "Vicky">>Father... Nataly. She...<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>@@color:hotpink;It's okay Vicky... She's safe. Now. Go. Join your Father later.@@<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky1" "Vicky">>Thank you. Father.<</speech>>
<<if $vickybimbo is 1>>\
<<link "<h6>Talk with Burnett.</h6>">><<goto "vickywash2end">><</link>>
<<elseif $vickybimbo is 2>>\
<<link "<h6>Leave.</h6>">><<goto "consultroom">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/warehouse/burnett3.jpg" class="large">
@@color:orange;Waiting in your private room for Burnett. Nevertheless, you are aware of what has happened there thanks to hidden microphones and cameras.@@
@@color:pink;Burnett happily knocks on the door and enters the room and sits down opposite you with a proud smile.
In some ways it even drives you angry.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Report.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Vicky has trauma from the past. It's her Father.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Father Issues...<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>She was listening to me like i was a God to her. Yeah. It must be her Father.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good. Still, She mention her sister Nataly.<</speech>>
Burnett's smile disappeared, Stands up and pretends to think while circling the room.
<<speech "Burnett">>Nataly. Hmm.. No clue.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Burnett.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>$name. Is this all? I have some paper work to do.<</speech>>
Burnett without asking left your room.
<<set $vickybimbo to 2>>@@color:hotpink;Second Stage of Burnett's Influence@@<<upd>>
<<set $consule to 2>>
<<button [[Leave|consultroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickyconsult4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Vicky enters Burnett's office without any doubt. Burnett points her finger to come closer.
Immediately Vicky undresses in front of him, which he approves with a nod.
<<speech "Burnett">>I can finally see some improvements. Vicky you are nearly ready!<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Am... I?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Yes. Vicky. Has your past haunt you still?<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Part of... But thanks to you... I'm finally thinking clearly.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>That's good. Vicky.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>One thought that does not give me peace of mind. My sister. Nataly.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Nataly.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Yes... The last time i spoke with her. She said. Be happy. Be proud. Be-<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Wild.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>It's you! Where is my sister! Where is she! Where is.... Ah... Why.. It's so... Hot...<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Vicky. Don't think. Just breathe. Calm your mind.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">><div class="posarousal">Be happy with yourself. Be proud of who you are becoming. Be wild to your surroundings.</div><</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">><div class="posarousal">Let's start again Vicky. How about your past with your Father.</div><</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky1" "Vicky">>Father...?<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Vicky's Past.</h6>">><<goto "vickywash3">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div align="center">\
<<button [[Leave|privateroom]]>><</button>>
<<linkreplace "<h14>Vicky</h14>">><<audio "computer" play>>
<div class="statsvicky">
<<if $vickybimbo lte 3>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/avatarvicky.jpg" class='imageright'>
<<elseif $vickybimbo gte 4>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/vickyprofile.jpg" class='imageright'>
<div align="left">Name:Vicky
<<if $vickybimbo lte 3>>\
<<elseif $vickybimbo gte 4>>\
Body:Fake Tits, Fake Lips, Fake Butt-Cheeks.
Age:Young Adult
<<if $vickybimbo is false>>\
@@color:pink;Influence:Pure @@<</if>>\
@@color:lightyellow;You don't know much about Vicky. The only thing Lucas told you that during your Surgery, She tried to attack Sophia. Thankfully, Your brother prevented this from happening.
Reason? Unkown.
Lucas Men imprisoned her for questioning. Maybe it is a test from Lucas? To see how you will handle her. @@
<<if $vickybimbo gte 4>>\
@@color:pink;From now on Vicky is your Loyal Bimbo. Vicky forgot everything what messed her up and now she lives like never before. The staff love the new Vicky, but are sometimes terrified of her. One time, Vicky sucked one worker almost out of his life. Since then, staff have been cautious about Vicky.@@<</if>>\
<<if $vickycorruption is 0>>\
Pay Vicky a Visit. (Her Cell)
<<if $vickycorruption gte 1 and $vickycorruption lte 14>>\
@@color:violet;Vicky needs to learn some manners. Take her to the Therapy Room@@
<<if $vickycorruption gte 15 and $vickycorruption lte 99>>\
@@color:violet;Vicky needs to learn some manners. Take her to the Therapy Room@@
<<if $vickybimbo is false>>\
@@color:pink;Burnett would like to meet Vicky in Consultation Room.@@<</if>>
<<if $vickyphoto lte 4 or $vickyphotohot lte 2>>\
@@color:lightblue;Vicky is ready for the Photo Shoot.@@<</if>>
<<if $vickycorruption gte 100 and $vickycorruption lte 199>>\
@@color:violet;Vicky needs to learn some manners. Take her to the Therapy Room@@
<<if $vickybimbo is 1>>\
@@color:pink;Burnett would like to meet Vicky in Consultation Room.@@<</if>>
<<if $vickyphoto lte 4 or $vickyphotohot lte 2 or $vickyphoto1 lte 4 or $vickyphotohot1 lte 2>>\
@@color:lightblue;Vicky is ready for the Photo Shoot.@@<</if>>
<<if $ashleyblock is true>>
<<linkreplace "<h14>Ashley</h14>">><<audio "computer" play>>
<div class="statsashbar1">
<<if $surgeryashley lte 0>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/avatarashley.jpg" class='imageright'>
<<elseif $surgeryashley gte 10>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/ashleyprofile.jpg" class='imageright'>
<div align="left">Name:Ashley
<<if $surgeryashley lte 0>>\
<<elseif $surgeryashley gte 1 and $surgeryashley lte 9>>\
<<elseif $surgeryashley gte 10>>\
Body:Fake Tits, Fake Lips, Fake Butt-Cheeks.
Age:Young Adult
<<if $ashleybimbo is false>>\
@@color:pink;Influence:Brat @@<</if>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Ash... Ashi.... Ashley. A cunt who dared to mess with you.
Ashley is obsessed with Mr.Bailey. They had a hidden affair for quite a long time until you stepped in and had the same affair with Mr.Bailey yourself.
Ashley was pissed and desperate when she found out what you were doing with Mr. Bailey. From the moment you left for surgery, Ashley was blackmailing her love interest with some kind of photos or videos to stay with her until the end. But you couldn't let her do that. It would bring down both you and Mr.Bailey. @@
<<if $surgeryashley gte 10>>\
@@color:pink;From now on Ashley is your Loyal Bimbo. No one should be so mean to others so she got what she deserved. The surgery and Burnett's influence has changed Ashley completely. Her body has totally changed into plastic tools for servicing the joys of dicks, and her mentality no longer resembles herself because it only considers obeying me and her future masters. Now... Her life depends on my decisions.@@<</if>>\
<<if $ashleycorruption is 0>>\
Pay Ashley a Visit. (Her Cell)
<<if $ashleycorruption gte 1 and $ashleycorruption lte 14>>\
@@color:violet;It's time to let Ashley know where she belongs to! Take her to the Therapy Room@@
<<linkreplace "<h14>Your Staff</h14>">><<audio "computer" play>>
<div class="textbox">\
@@color:orange;<b><i>Staff Morale depends on how you handle the things here.
If you overwork your employees or couple of day pass, Their mood will change to a worsening that can result in a bad outcome for your victims and your work.
To improve their working conditions build an Entertainment Room. There your staff will rest and enjoy time spending here.</i></b>@@
<div align="center">
<<if $staffmood is 0>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Staff is in relaxed shape.
Half of them are okay with you but some of them has doubts about your management.@@
<<elseif $staffmood is 1>>\
@@color:lightgreen;Staff is enjoying working here.
The majority is very happy with your management and tries to handle the work smooth.
<<elseif $staffmood is -1>>\
@@color:violet;Staff is stressed.
The majority is not happy with the way you handle the stuff here. Couple of them are forming into the group and whispers some plans about the victims here.@@
<<elseif $staffmood is -2>>\
@@color:red;Staff is Mad and Furious!
They are planning to raid the cells and rape the victims.@@
<<linkreplace "<h14>Chris File's</h14>">><<audio "computer" play>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<img src="img/warehouse/chrislcet.jpg" class='medium'>
Chris L'cet.
<<if $studioroom is false>>
@@color:orange;<b>To experience his professional work, build a Studio.</b>@@<</if>>
A famous photographer and director from France.
Chris has rich history as Artist. He is sometimes harsh and arrogant but at work he treats models with respect and has a gift for releasing stress.
He has interacted with glamorous models, famous actors and even the President of United States. Unfortunately, during the presidential ball he was caught having sexual interaction with the <<linkreplace "@@color:pink;President's Daughter (Photo)@@">><<audio "computer" play>><img src="img/warehouse/chriscaught.jpg" class="large">
President Daughter<</linkreplace>> where his reputation and career ended.
The President did not take this lightly and even asked his secret service to catch him immediately.
But with help came his old pal, Lucas.
Lucas and Chris have a unique relationship,, that's why Lucas entrusted you with Chris on photography and also directing.
<<linkreplace "<h14>Burnett File's</h14>">><<audio "computer" play>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<img src="img/warehouse/burnettposter.jpg" class='large'>
Dr. Burnett
<<if $consult is false>>
@@color:orange;<b>To experience his work on the Victims, Build a Consultation Room.</b>@@<</if>>
Specialised Doctor in Psychology
Burnett and You already has a story where Burnett's influence has helped you to be more courageous and stop worrying about unnecessary things.
Burnett has helped liberate many women from their worries. Mostly of them are now walking plastic figures. You don't know yet if he's doing it out of his own wishes or at Lucas' request. Sophia disapproves of his actions but, because of Lucas, she is unable to do anything which Burnett has free hand.
Burnett would like to transform you into something <<linkreplace "@@color:pink;Unimaginable@@">><<audio "computer" play>><img src="img/warehouse/slut.jpg" class="large">
Unimaginable<</linkreplace>>. Part of you tells you to take a risk and the other part says no.
After all, It's your choice. Time is your ally.
<<linkreplace "<h14>Sophia File's</h14>">><<audio "computer" play>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<img src="img/warehouse/sophia.jpg" class='large'>
<<if $operationcell is false>>
@@color:orange;<b>To experience her work on the Victims, Build a Operation Room.</b>@@<</if>>
A Surgeon Doctor.
Sophia has already had the opportunity to show that how perfect she as surgeon. After all, she has already performed surgery on you! She is a kind and talented woman who approaches her work with respect and seriousness.
Sophia and Lucas are siblings and have a rather strange relationship where in public they hate each other but secretly have quite close <<linkreplace "@@color:pink;Feelings@@">><<audio "computer" play>><img src="img/warehouse/sophialuc.jpg" class="large">
Feelings..<</linkreplace>>. If it wasn't for Lucas, Sophia would have made a deal with Burnett where she hates him for what he does to innocent girls. A bit strange for you after the way she treated you while you were learning a foreign language at Lucas House
<div align="center">\
<<button [[Leave|privateroom]]>><</button>>
</div>\<<if $vicky is 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/scared.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:red;Vicky is very weird with the situation here.
She is terrifed which it would be hard to take a photo.@@
<<if $vicky is 0 and $vickybimbo lte 2>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/nope.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:lightyellow;Vicky is acting weird and without willignless listen to your orders in the studio.@@
<<elseif $vicky is 0 and $vickybimbo gte 3>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickybrain.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:hotpink;Vicky is having a great fun in the studio. She is eager to try a new things.@@
<<if $vicky is 3>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/happy.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:orange;Vicky is having fun. Chris says she is ready for the photoshoot.@@
<<if $vicky is 5>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickybrain.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:hotpink;Vicky don't mind to take topless pictures. Chris is amazed and eager to take pictures of her.@@
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/warehouse/cctv.jpg" class="large100">
This is where you can watch Tape Recordings.
<span id="vhs">
<<if $ashleymovie is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;Ashley Video@@</h6>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/movie.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<if $sophianataly is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;Nataly First Footage@@</h6>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/nataly/1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;Nataly Second Footage@@</h6>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/nataly/2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;Nataly Third Footage@@</h6>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/nataly/3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Nataly Reborn@@</h6>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/nataly/nataly.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<if $bbcvicky gte 3 or $vickycctv is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;Vicky and Jason@@</h6>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/finish.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<if $vickyvideo is true or $vickycctv is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;Vicky's Video Tease@@</h6>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickyinfluence.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<if $invadebim gte 1 or $cctv is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Invade Tapes: Vicky Bimbo@@</h6>">>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Play First Tape</h7>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/attack1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<if $invadebim gte 2 or $cctv is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Play Second Tape</h7>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/attack2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<if $invadebim gte 3 or $cctv is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Play Third Tape</h7>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/attack3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<if $invade gte 1 or $cctv is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Invade Tapes: Vicky</h6>">>
<<if $invade gte 1 or $cctv is true>>\
@@color:orange;While you were not present, CCTV recorded an incident where there was an assault by your staff on the cell victims. @@
<<linkreplace "<h7>Play First Tape</h7>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/attack.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<if $invade gte 2 or $cctv is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Play Second Tape</h7>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/attack1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<if $invade gte 3 or $cctv is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Play Third Tape</h7>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/attack2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif $invade is 2.5 and $vickycorruption lte 99>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:grey;Play Third Tape@@ @@color:Violet;(Vicky Corruption >100)@@</h6>">><</link>>
<<if $invade gte 4 or $cctv is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Play Fourth Tape</h7>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/attack3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<if $invade gte 5 or $cctv is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Play Fifth Tape</h7>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/attack4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif $invade is 4.5>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:grey;Play Fifth Tape@@ @@color:Violet;(Vicky Corruption >200)@@</h6>">><</link>>
<<if $invade gte 6 or $cctv is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Play Last Tape</h7>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/attack5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<if $ashleybim gte 1 or $cctv is true and $ashleyblock is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Invade Tapes: Bimbo Ashley@@</h6>">>
<<if $ashleybim gte 1 or $cctv is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Play First Tape</h7>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/attackbimbo.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<if $ashleybim gte 2 or $cctv is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Play Second Tape</h7>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/attackbimbo1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<if $ashleybim gte 3 or $cctv is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Play Third Tape</h7>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/attackbimbo2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<if $ashinvade gte 1 or $cctv is true and $ashleyblock is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Invade Tapes: Ashley</h6>">>
@@color:orange;While you were not present, CCTV recorded an incident where there was an assault by your staff on the cell victims. @@
<<linkreplace "<h7>Play First Tape</h7>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/attack.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<if $ashinvade gte 2 or $cctv is true and $ashleyblock is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Play Second Tape</h7>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/attack1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<if $ashinvade gte 3 or $cctv is true and $ashleyblock is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Play Third Tape</h7>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/attack2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<if $ashinvade gte 4 or $cctv is true and $ashleyblock is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Play Third Tape</h7>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/attack3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<button [[Move on|privateroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<<if $analon is true>><<analhole +1>><</if>>\
<<if $lipsur is 1>><<set $lipsur to 2>><</if>>\
<<if $lipsur gte 3 and $lipsur lte 9>><<set $lipsur to $lipsur +1>><</if>>\
<<set $surgeyday to false>><<set $tired to false>><<set $schoolenter to false>><<set $vacuum to false>><<set $dadisleaving to false>><<set $lucasday to false>><<set $daddrugged to false>><<set $paidgym to $paidgym -1>><<set $laundry to false>><<set $pworry to false>><<set $momsleep to false>><<set $momout to false>><<set $momwatchingbbc to false>><<set $tomvisit to false>><<set $jackdate to false>><<set $momclientshow to false>><<set $bayleysex to false>><<set $lucasbusy to false>><<set $goingout to false>><<set $studentspent2 to 10>><<set $midstagestudent to false>><<set $startstagestudent to false>><<set $foodvicky to false>><<set $foodashley to false>><<set $ashleychris to false>><<set $vickyprostituteday to false>><<set $smokecigar to false>><<set $classeslesson to 0>><<set $laundry to false>><<set $schooleat to false>>
<<if $bgrass gte 1>> <<set $bgrass to $bgrass -1>> <</if>>\
<<if $bclean gte 1>> <<set $bclean to $bclean -1>> <</if>>\
<<if $bkitchen gte 1>> <<set $bkitchen to $bkitchen -1>> <</if>>\
<<set $time to 7>><<if $day lte 7>><<set $day to $day +1>><<elseif $day is 8>><<set $day to 1>><</if>><<set $vickyl1 to 0>><<set $vickychris to 1>><<set $vickyl2 to 0>><<set $vickylm to 0>><<set $ashleyl to 0>>
<<if $vickycorruptionlvl is 1 and $vicky is 0>><<set $vickyfit to 5>><<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 1 and $vicky is 1>><<set $vickyfit to 4>><</if>>\
<<if $vickycorruptionlvl is 2 and $vicky is 0>><<set $vickyfit to 6>><<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 2 and $vicky is 1>><<set $vickyfit to 5>><<elseif $vicky is -1>><<set $vickyfit to 6>><<elseif $vicky is 5>><<set $vickyfit to 6>><</if>>\
<<if $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $vicky is 0 and $vickybimbo lte 2>><<set $vickyfit to 8>><<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $vicky is 1 and $vickybimbo lte 2>>
<<set $vickyfit to 7>><<elseif $vicky is -1 and $vickybimbo lte 2>><<set $vickyfit to 8>><<elseif $vickybimbo gte 3 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 3>><<set $vickyfit to 10>><<elseif $vicky is 5>><<set $vickyfit to 8>><</if>>\
<<if $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $vickybimbo is 4>><<set $vickyfit to 18>><</if>>\
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl is 0 and $ashleymood is 3>><<set $ashleyfit to 5>><<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 0 and $ashleymood is 1>><<set $ashleyfit to 4>><</if>>\
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl is 1 and $ashleymood is 3>><<set $ashleyfit to 6>><<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 1 and $ashleymood is 1>><<set $ashleyfit to 5>><<elseif $ashleymood is -1>><<set $ashleyfit to 6>><</if>>\
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl is 2 and $ashleymood is 3>><<set $ashleyfit to 12>><<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 2 and $ashleymood is 1>><<set $ashleyfit to 10>><<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 3 and $ashleytrain lte 2>><<set $ashleymood to 1>><<set $ashrape to false>><<set $ashleyfit to 12>><<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 3 and $ashleytrain is 3>><<set $ashrape to false>><<set $ashleymood to 1>><<set $ashleyfit to 15>><</if>>\
<<set $consule to $consule -1>><<set $bbcvisitvicky to false>>\
<<if $warehouse is true>>\
<<set $vicky to 0>>
<<if $ashleycorruption gte 1 and $ashleycorruptionlvl lte 2>>
<<set $ashleymood to 3>><</if>>\
<<if $vickyraped gte 1>><<set $vickyraped to $vickyraped -1>><</if>>\
<<if $ashleyraped gte 1>><<set $ashleyraped to $ashleyraped -1>><</if>>\
<<if $warehouse is true>>
<<if $warstaff is 0 and $vickycorruption gte 1>>\
@@color:orange;After yesterday your team was tired and they are losing patience with you because of it.
<<elseif $vickycorruption gte 1>>\
<span class="blinkslow"><h3>@@color:orange;Your Staff are losing patiance. Days until the change their mood:$staffday/3@@</h3></span>
<<if $staffmood gte -1 and $vickycorruption gte 1>>\
<<if $staffday is 3>><<set $staffmood to $staffmood -1>><<set $staffday to 0>><<elseif $staffday lte 2>><<set $staffday to $staffday +1>><<elseif $warstaff is 0>><<set $staffday to $staffday +1>><</if>><</if>>
<<if $staffjoy is true and $stafffood gte 1>><<set $stafffood to $stafffood -1>><<warstaff 20>><<elseif $staffjoy is true>><<warstaff 15>><<else>><<warstaff 10>><</if>>\
<<if $staffmood is -2 and $invadevictim is false>><<set $warstaff to 2>>\
<<if $ashleyblock is true>>\
<<set _victim to either("ashley","vicky")>>
<<if _victim is "vicky">>\
<<if $vickybimbo gte 4>>
<<if $invadebim lte 3>>\
<<set $invadebim to $invadebim +1>>
@@color:orange;New Recording of the Assault in CCTV!@@
<<set $vickyraped to 2>>
<div class="posarousal">Vicky is being raided!
Vicky doesn't mind and really enjoys it, very much!</div>
<<set $vickyraped to 2>><<vickycor -10>>\
<<if $invade lte 1 and $vickycorruption lte 99>><<set $invade to $invade +1>>@@color:orange;New Recording of the Assault in CCTV!@@<</if>><<if $vickycorruption gte 100 and $vickycorruption lte 199 and $invade lte 3>><<set $invade to $invade +1>>@@color:orange;New Recording of the Assault in CCTV!@@<<elseif $invade gte 2 and $vickycorruption lte 99>><<set $invade to 2.5>><</if>><<if $vickycorruption gte 200 and $invade lte 5>><<set $invade to $invade +1>>@@color:orange;New Recording of the Assault in CCTV!@@<<elseif $invade gte 4 and $vickycorruption lte 199>><<set $invade to 4.5>><</if>>\
@@color:red;Vicky is being raided!@@
<div class="posarousal">@@color:grey;Vicky Corruption -10@@</div>
<<elseif _victim is "ashley">>\
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl is 3 and $ashleybimbo gte 9 and $ashleybim lte 2>>\
<<set $ashleybim to $ashleybim +1>><<set $ashrape to true>><<set $ashleymood to 3>>\
<div class="posarousal">Ashley is being raided!
Ashley doesn't mind and really enjoys it, very much!</div>
@@color:orange;New Recording of the Assault on Bimbo Ashley is in CCTV!@@
<<elseif $ashleybim gte 3>>\
<<set $ashrape to true>><<set $ashleymood to 3>>
<div class="posarousal">Ashley is being raided!
Ashley doesn't mind and really enjoys it, very much!</div>
<<if $ashinvade lte 1 and $ashleycorruption lte 99 and $ashleybimbo lte 3>>@@color:orange;New Recording of the Assault in CCTV!@@<<set $ashinvade to $ashinvade +1>><</if>><<if $ashleycorruption gte 100 and $ashleycorruption lte 199 and $ashinvade lte 3 and $ashleybimbo lte 3>>@@color:orange;New Recording of the Assault in CCTV!@@<<set $ashinvade to $ashinvade +1>><<elseif $ashinvade gte 2 and $ashleycorruption lte 99 and $ashleybimbo lte 3>><<set $ashinvade to 2.5>><</if>>\
<<if $ashleybimbo lte 3>>\
<<set $ashleyraped to 2>><<ashcorr -10>>\
@@color:red;Ashley is being raided!@@
<div class="posarousal">@@color:grey;Ashley Corruption -10@@</div>
<<elseif $ashleyblock is false and $vickycorruption gte 1>>\
<<if $vickybimbo gte 4>>
<<set $vickyraped to 2>>
<<if $invadebim lte 3>>\
<<set $invadebim to $invadebim +1>>
@@color:orange;New Recording of the Assault in CCTV!@@
<div class="posarousal">Vicky is being raided!
Vicky doesn't mind and really enjoys it, very much!</div>
<<set $vickyraped to 2>><<vickycor -10>>\
<<if $invade lte 1 and $vickycorruption lte 99>>@@color:orange;New Recording of the Assault in CCTV!@@<<set $invade to $invade +1>><</if>><<if $vickycorruption gte 100 and $vickycorruption lte 199 and $invade lte 3>><<set $invade to $invade +1>>@@color:orange;New Recording of the Assault in CCTV!@@<<elseif $invade gte 2 and $vickycorruption lte 99>><<set $invade to 2.5>><</if>><<if $vickycorruption gte 200 and $invade lte 5>><<set $invade to $invade +1>>@@color:orange;New Recording of the Assault in CCTV!@@<<elseif $invade gte 4 and $vickycorruption lte 199>><<set $invade to 4.5>><</if>>\
@@color:red;Vicky is being raided!@@
<div class="posarousal">@@color:grey;Vicky Corruption -10@@</div>
@@color:red;Staff is getting ready to assault one of your Victims.
One of the victim might be in not shape till the 2 days and losing some sanity.@@<</if>>\
<<if $ashleyraped gte 1>>\
<<set $ashleymood to 1>><<set $ashleyfit to 0>>
<<if $vickyraped gte 1>>\
<<set $vicky to 1>><<set $vickyfit to 0>>
<</if>>\<<widget "burnetttalk1">>\
<<if $burnetttalk is false and $consult is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Burnett would like to talk to you.</h6>">><<replace "#chat">>
<img src="img/warehouse/burnett2.jpg" class="large">
Burnett was waiting by your room.
You invited him inside so as not to raise suspicion in front of others.
You sat down at your desk while Burnett was looking around your room and nodded with approval.
<<speech "Burnett">>Nice room. $name I have to say. Sophia did a great job with you. You look so magnificent!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks. Sophia indeed did a great job but you didn't came here to talk about this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>No... I'm just a bit jealous but it's alright. Now $name. I must say... After our sessions, You have achieved a lot. It's like you were right hand of Lucas.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm... Am i? I never thought about it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Isn't that odd that Lucas is giving you this place for free? Sophia must be furious right now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Burnett... What are you trying to say?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>I'm just curious but I see you don't know nothing at all. Shame. Anyway. I'll be in my office.<</speech>>
Burnett leaves your room, leaving you confused with mixed thoughts.
<<set $burnetttalk to true>>
<<widget "sophiatalk1">>\
<<if $sophiatalk1 is false and $sophiawarehouse is true and $burnetttalk is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Sophia would like to talk to you.</h6>">><<replace "#chat">>
<img src="img/warehouse/sophiatalk2.jpg" class="large">
Out of nowhere, you heard someone knocking on the door.
You open the door and see Sophia. When you invite her in, she hands you Red Wine and Chocolates.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm.. Thanks. What is the occasion?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>And there has to be an occasion to drink a wine and eat sweet chocolates? Come on, Let's drink!<</speech>>
She opened the wine without any problems and poured it into glasses. Then she handed you a glass and you clinked each other.
<<speech "Sophia">>Cheers!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Cheer.<</speech>>
You start to drink wine quite quickly and start to choke.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*Cough!*<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>$name! Gently! Enjoy the taste of this exquisite wine.<</speech>>
Clearly the Red Wine doesn't suit you beacuse the taste of this wine makes you wana puke.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's... Okay. I-I like it...<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Haha. Really? Another one?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No! no.. Let's not waste it under one night.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Come on $name. Clearly I can see you don't like it a bit. It's okay. You are still young girl. You have a lot to learn.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Young Girl?</h6>">>
<img src="img/warehouse/sophiatalk.jpg" class="large">
@@color:pink;Does Sophia have something in mind? After talking to Burnett, you have the strange feeling that Sophia has a grudge against you after all. It's time to ask her.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Not old enough to manage this place?<</speech>>
She stopped smiling and her eyes turned towards you.
<<speech "Sophia">>No. Why would you think like that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I've heard rumours that I'm not up to it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Huh?! I don't- Wait. Burnett! He told you! Did he? Fucking bastard.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sophia.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>It's not like that $name. This place was once ours. Mine and Burnett's.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So you two have worked together. What happened?<</speech>>
<img src="img/warehouse/sophiatalk3.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Sophia">>Five years ago I lost a friend. His daughter and wife were killed in a tragic accident.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn...<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Burnett was on the verge of suicide, I tried to help him as much as I could but he wouldn't listen. Until he met my Brother. Lucas gave him a new destination. And you can see what its his new destination. <</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>One day, Burnett wanted to show me something. And it was my biggest mistake of my life.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Burnett</h6>">><<goto "sophiabimbo">><</link>>
<</widget>><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="soph">
<video src="img/warehouse/bsophia.webm" class="large" autoplay controls></video>
<div class="posarousal">As Sophia relates what happened during the event, A vision that happened to Sophia is brought to you.
What you see is that Burnett has forcefully influenced Sophia's mind. Still you hear Sophia's talk in the background.</div>
<span class="blinkslow"><<speech "Sophia">>@@color:pink;<i>Biggest mistake of my life.</i>@@<</speech>></span>
<<link "<h6>Next Vision</h6>">><<replace "#soph">>
<video src="img/warehouse/bsophia1.webm" class="large" autoplay controls></video>
<div class="posarousal">As Sophia relates what happened during the event, A vision that happened to Sophia is brought to you.
What you see is that Burnett has forcefully influenced Sophia's mind. Still you hear Sophia's talk in the background.</div>
<span class="blinkslow"><<speech "Sophia">>@@color:pink;<i>Biggest mistake of my life.</i>@@<</speech>></span>
<<link "<h6>Next Vision</h6>">><<replace "#soph">>
<video src="img/warehouse/bsophia2.webm" class="large" autoplay controls></video>
<div class="posarousal">As Sophia relates what happened during the event, A vision that happened to Sophia is brought to you.
What you see is that Burnett has forcefully influenced Sophia's mind. Still you hear Sophia's talk in the background.</div>
<span class="blinkslow"><<speech "Sophia">>@@color:pink;<i>Biggest mistake of my life.</i>@@<</speech>></span>
<<link "<h6>Next Vision</h6>">><<replace "#soph">>
<video src="img/warehouse/bsophia3.webm" class="large" autoplay controls></video>
<div class="posarousal">As Sophia relates what happened during the event, A vision that happened to Sophia is brought to you.
What you see is that Burnett has forcefully influenced Sophia's mind. Still you hear Sophia's talk in the background.</div>
<span class="blinkslow"><<speech "Sophia">>@@color:pink;<i>Biggest mistake of my life.</i>@@<</speech>></span>
<<link "<h6>Next Vision</h6>">><<replace "#soph">>
<video src="img/warehouse/bsophia4.webm" class="large" autoplay controls></video>
<div class="posarousal">As Sophia relates what happened during the event, A vision that happened to Sophia is brought to you.
What you see is that Burnett has forcefully influenced Sophia's mind. Still you hear Sophia's talk in the background.</div>
<span class="blinkslow"><<speech "Sophia">>@@color:pink;<i>Biggest mistake of my life.</i>@@<</speech>></span>
<<link "<h6>Next Vision</h6>">><<replace "#soph">>
<video src="img/warehouse/bsophia5.webm" class="large" autoplay controls></video>
<div class="posarousal">As Sophia relates what happened during the event, A vision that happened to Sophia is brought to you.
What you see is that Burnett has forcefully influenced Sophia's mind. Still you hear Sophia's talk in the background.</div>
<span class="blinkslow"><<speech "Sophia">>@@color:pink;<i>Biggest mistake of my life.</i>@@<</speech>></span>
<<link "<h6>@@color:white;Go back to Reality@@</h6>">><<if $sophiaspecial is true>><<set $sophiaspecial to false>><<goto "cheatroom">><<else>><<goto "sophiatalk">><</if>><</link>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:grey;Go back to Reality@@</h6>">><<if $sophiaspecial is true>><<set $sophiaspecial to false>><<goto "cheatroom">><<else>><<goto "sophiatalk">><</if>><</link>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:grey;Go back to Reality@@</h6>">><<if $sophiaspecial is true>><<set $sophiaspecial to false>><<goto "cheatroom">><<else>><<goto "sophiatalk">><</if>><</link>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:grey;Go back to Reality@@</h6>">><<if $sophiaspecial is true>><<set $sophiaspecial to false>><<goto "cheatroom">><<else>><<goto "sophiatalk">><</if>><</link>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:grey;Go back to Reality@@</h6>">><<if $sophiaspecial is true>><<set $sophiaspecial to false>><<goto "cheatroom">><<else>><<goto "sophiatalk">><</if>><</link>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:grey;Go back to Reality@@</h6>">><<if $sophiaspecial is true>><<set $sophiaspecial to false>><<goto "cheatroom">><<else>><<goto "sophiatalk">><</if>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<set $sophiatalk1 to true>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/sophiatalk.jpg" class="large">
Sophia told you in detail what had happened.
But you experienced it anyway in your own visions.
<<speech "Sophia">>So yeah. Beacuse of Burnett's Stupid Influence, I've fucked with the whole staff and after that i lost control over the place. And since then Lucas has held the place for someone like you $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's insane! But why Burnett hurt you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Beacuse of griev? Of jealousy? I don't know. It's no longer important. After all. Everybody Lies $name. Take care.<</speech>>
Sophia leaves you alone with your thoughts.
<<button [[Leave|privateroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<<if $ashbailey is 6>>\
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="dad">
<img src='img/chloe/house/ash/guard.jpg' class='large'>
Here you arrived to the Bailey's House with your men. The doors are closed.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Be ready. Matthew.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Matthew">>Sure boss.<</speech>>
You instructed your men to stay and be ready for the command and went to look around the house to see what was going on inside.
Walking to the back of the house you didn't notice anything suspicious until you heard moans coming from the window.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Window</h6>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/chloe/house/ash/ashkidnap.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Just as you thought, Ashley continues to harass Bailey. But you can see that you get a lot of pleasure out of it.
Nevertheless, Ashley has evidence against you and him so you need to finish it your way.
You have called in your people. To Kidnap Ashley
<<link "<h6>Call Guys</h6>">><<set $ashpov to 0>><<audio "kidnap" play>><<goto "baileyash2">><<set $ashbailey to 7>><</link>>
<<if $ashbailey is 7>>\
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="dad">
<img src='img/chloe/house/ash/window.jpg' class='medium'>
The sound of breaking glass erupted.
<<speech "Ashley">>Huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>What the?<</speech>>
@@color:red;Less than a minute, your men wearing a disguise, Burst into the Bailey House through the window and grabbed forcefully Ashley from Bailey's hands. @@
<<speech "Ashley">>What the fuck!? Who the fuck are you! Mr.Bailey Help!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>What is going on?! Wait.. $name?!<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Not knowing what was happening Ashley was swearing and kicking and screaming until you came in. @@
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley's Face.</h6>">><<audio "ashgasp" play>>
<img src='img/chloe/house/ash/ashleyabduct.jpg' class='large'>
@@color:pink;Your people are holding Ashley and have dragged her to you by force, Naked as her pride.
Ashley's stare will burn a mark on you in your memory for the rest of your life. @@
@@color:lightyellow;A great satisfaction.@@
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>We got you BITCH!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey Ashley. Suprised?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>$name?! What the fuck!? Who do you think you are?! Let me -*Gag Noise*<</speech>>
Your men gagged her mouth.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Take her away.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>$name! What the hell! What are you going to do with her?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okay, Mr.Bailey. Ashley is going to meet a new teacher.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>$name... Don't hurt her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Guys go. I'll meet you later.<</speech>>
Your people took Ashley into the van and drove off to the @@color:pink;Sanctuary@@ where Ashley will find her a new home.
Luke and Chloe are still in the Park.
<div class="posarousal">You kidnapped Ashley!</div>
<<if $lukechloe is false>>\
<<link "<h4>Back to Luke@@color:lightblue;(Luke POV)@@</h4>">><<set $ashleymood to 0>><<goto "Talk about Chloe with Luke">><<set $chloelukepark to 1>><<set $lukepov to 1>><<set $ashleyblock to true>><<upd>><</link>>
<<elseif $lukechloe is true>>\
<<link "<h6>Go back to the Park </h6>">><<set $ashleymood to 0>><<set $ashleyblock to true>><<goto "Talk about Chloe with Luke">><<set $chloelukepark to 3>><</link>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl is 3 and $ashleybimbo is 9>>\
@@color:orange;Ashley is in the Surgery Room.@@
<<if $ashleymood is -1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/sleeping.jpg" class='large'>
Ashley fell asleep.
She is clearly dreaming well.
<<if $ashleymood is 3>>\
<<if $ashleybimbo gte 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleyhappy.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:pink;Ashley is in her cell, Happily lying on the bed and smiling to herself.
Time to take her to the Therapy Room.@@
<<speech "Ashley">>Actually... I like this place!<</speech>>
<<if $ashleycorruption gte 50 and $ashleycorruptionlvl is 1>>\
<<link "<h6>Ashley Obedient</h6>">><<goto "ashleylvl2">><</link>>
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl gte 2>>\
<<include "ashleycell2">>
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleyneutral.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:lightyellow;Ashley is in her cell, Chilling on the bed.
Time to take her to the Therapy Room.@@
<<speech "Ashley">>Jeez... How long do i have to be here!<</speech>>
<<if $foodashley is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Food</h6>">>
<<link "<h7>Normal Food @@color:lightblue;(Ashley Energy +1)@@</h7>">><<set $foodashley to true>><<ashleyfit 1>><<goto "ashleycell">><</link>>
<<if $money gte 25>>
<<link "<h7>Average Food @@color:lightgreen;25$@@ @@color:lightblue;(Ashley Energy +3)@@</h7>">><<set $foodashley to true>><<money -25>><<ashleyfit 3>><<goto "ashleycell">><</link>>
<<elseif $money lte 24>>\
<<link "<h7>@@color:grey;Average Food 25$ (Ashley Energy +3)@@</h7>">><</link>>
<<if $money gte 65>>
<<link "<h7>Delicious Food @@color:lightgreen;65$@@ @@color:lightblue;(Ashley Energy +6)@@</h7>">><<set $foodashley to true>><<money -65>><<ashleyfit 6>><<goto "ashleycell">><</link>>
<<elseif $money lte 64>>\
<<link "<h7>@@color:grey;Delicious Food 65$ (Ashley Energy +6)@@</h7>">><</link>>
<<if $ashleymood is 0 and $ashleycorruption is 0>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleycell.jpg" class='mediumc'>
@@color:orange;Ashley is in her cell room, Naked and Mad.
With the smile you enter inside. It's time to introduce her to new reality. @@
<<speech "Ashley">>$name?! What the fuck is going on! What is this place?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sanctuary. Your new home.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Huh!? Let me out at once!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's not going to happen.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>What do you want from me!? Do you think you can scare me?
You're dead wrong, Bitch.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Whistle</h6>">><<audio "slap" play>><<timed 0.7s t8n>><<audio "girlpain1" play>><</timed>><<set $ashleymood to 2>><<upd>>
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleycell2.jpg" class='imageright'>
@@color:violet;As you whistled, One of your men came in and slapped Ashley.
Ashley was hit so hard that she fell off the chair. Her right cheek turned red.@@
<<speech "Ashley">>AH!!! That hurts!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>This is just the beginning. Now. Where are the evidence?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Evidence?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Recordings and materials with which you blackmail my teacher.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Your Teacher?! So it that how it is? It's only yours?! You fucking slut-<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Whistle</h6>">><<audio "slap" play>><<timed 0.4s t8n>><<audio "girlpain" play>><</timed>><<set $ashleycorruption to 1>><<upd>>
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleycell1.jpg" class='imageleft'>
@@color:violet;And again. Ashley was slapped once again. This time, her left cheek became red.
Ashley trying to hold her tears.@@
<<speech "Ashley">>Ah!!! What the fuck!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Recordings. Where are they.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>I won't fucking give you shit! Fuck you! I'd rather die than give it to you!<</speech>>
@@color:violet;You want to whistle so bad. Still, it's better to teach her a lesson in another way.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay. Matthew. It's your turn.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Matthew">>Sure. With pleasure.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;As you and Matthew were walking out of Ashley's cell.
Ashley yells furiously.@@
<<speech "Ashley">>Fuck you all! $name! One Day You'll Get What You Deserve!!!<</speech>>
<<set $ashleycorruption to 1>><<ashleyfit -1>><<upd>>
<<set $ashleymood to 1>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:violet;Ashley Corruption +1@@</div>
<<if $ashleymood is 1>>\
<<if $ashleyraped gte 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/restraped.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:red; Ashley, Wasted after the your Staff did to her.
Her soul and pride hurt. Ashley doesn't even feel like moving out of bed
She needs some time regain her energy.@@
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleyexhausted.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:lightyellow;Ashley trying to sleep in her own cell of tiredsome. When you walk by around her cell she is getting angry.@@
@@color:orange;Ashley won't get proper rest in her exhausted state.@@
<<set _talk to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _talk is 1>>\
<<speech "Ashley">>Can you fuck off? I'm trying to sleep here!<</speech>>
<<elseif _talk is 2>>\
<<speech "Ashley">>Did you come here to look at me like I'm some monkey in a zoo? Fuck off!<</speech>>
<<elseif _talk is 3>>\
<<speech "Ashley">>Fucking jealous bitch! Mr.Bailey is mine! Don't you dare to even touch him!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|warehouseplay]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="ashley">
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl is 0>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleytied.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleytied2.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 2>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleytied3.jpg" class='large'>
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl lte 1>>\
@@color:orange;Your Men locked Ashley in the middle of the therapy room.
Ashley seems a bit terrified with the situation she's in.@@
<<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl gte 2>>\
@@color:pink;Ashley willingly lied down on the table and even let Your Men to tie her up.
Ashley is a bit delighted with the situation she's in. She can't wait for more Therapy.@@
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl is 0>>\
<<if $ashleyfit gte 5>>\
<<speech "Ashley">>Huh...!? Where am i!? What is going on! Let me fucking go!<</speech>>
<<elseif $ashleyfit lte 4 and $ashleyfit gte 2>>\
<<speech "Ashley">>Ah... Stop... It...<</speech>>
<<elseif $ashleyfit lte 1>>\
<<speech "Ashley">>Fuck... you...<</speech>>
<<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 1>>\
<<if $ashleyfit gte 5>>\
<<speech "Ashley">>Let me goo!!! Why are you doing this to me..?!<</speech>>
<<elseif $ashleyfit lte 4 and $ashleyfit gte 2>>\
<<speech "Ashley">>Ahh... You can't... Do this... It's not real... It's not real...<</speech>>
<<elseif $ashleyfit lte 1>>\
<<speech "Ashley">>Mmm!!! Why...<</speech>>
<<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl gte 2>>\
<<if $ashleyfit gte 5>>\
<<speech "Ashley">>Haha. Go on! I'm waiting!<</speech>>
<<elseif $ashleyfit lte 4 and $ashleyfit gte 2>>\
<<speech "Ashley">>Oh... Yes.. More... More... Give me... More... I like it...<</speech>>
<<elseif $ashleyfit lte 1>>\
<<speech "Ashley">>Oh.. You guys... have made me so exhausted...<</speech>>
<<if $ashleyfit gte 1 and $warstaff gte 1>>\
<<include "ashleytherapy1">>\
<<include "ashleytherapy2">>\
<<include "ashleytherapy3">>\
<<elseif $warstaff is 0>>\
@@color:orange;Staff Energy is too low to work.@@
<<if $ashleyfit lte 0>>\
<<button [[Leave|therapyroom]]>><<set $ashleymood to 1>><</button>>
<<elseif $ashleyfit gte 1>>\
<<button [[Leave|therapyroom]]>><<set $ashleymood to 3>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $ashleyl is 0>>
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleylight.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif $ashleyl gte 1>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleylight1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Ashley">>*Muffled Noises* Aaaa! *Muffled Noises*<</speech>>
Your Staff is working on Ashley.
<<if $ashleyl lte 2>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy -1@@
@@color:orange;Stuff Energy -1@@</div>
<<set $ashleyl to $ashleyl +1>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -1>>\
<<ashleyfit -1>><<upd>>\
Light hit $ashleyl/3
<meter @value="$ashleyl" min="0" max="3" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h7>Back to the Therapy</h7>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "ashleytherapy">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $ashleyl lte 2>>
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleylight3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif $ashleyl gte 3>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleylight4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Ashley">>*Muffled Noises* Aaaa! *Muffled Noises*<</speech>>
Your Staff is working on Ashley.
<<if $ashleyl lte 4>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy -1@@
@@color:orange;Stuff Energy -1@@</div>
<<set $ashleyl to $ashleyl +1>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -1>>\
<<ashleyfit -1>><<upd>>\
Light hit $ashleyl/5
<meter @value="$ashleyl" min="0" max="5" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h7>Back to the Therapy</h7>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "ashleytherapy">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $chrisashley is false>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/firststudio.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:orange;Chris and Ashley are talk in the studio.
She seems confused with it. But Chris is having a fun talking with her.@@
<<speech "Ashley">>My god. Are you for real? Studio in this shit hole?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>I know. Right? At least this space has some charm. <</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Kinda. Why do you work for this people? Are you hostage too? <</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Sorta. I fucked a president daughter and after that i cleaned my cock off with a window curtain. Maid wasn't happy about that and still have that scar on my head.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley laughs</h6>">><<set $ashleymood to 4>><<upd>>
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/smiles.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Ashley">>Pff... Haha! That's a good one. Nice one Chris.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>But it's true!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Yeah. Yeah. Pic or didn't happened.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>I'll show you. If you stay still with that smile. It's perfect!.<</speech>>
@@color:pink;Once again Chris know how to de-stress the victim on the job.@@
<<link "<h6>Take a Normal Photo</h6>">><<audio "photo" play>><<goto "ashleyphotonormal">><</link>>
<<set $chrisashley to true>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<if $ashleygod is true>><<set $ashleymood to 4>><</if>>\
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl lte 2>>\
<<if $ashleymood is 4>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/smiles.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:orange;Ashley seems having fun in the studio.@@
<<elseif $ashleymood is 3>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleyneutral.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:orange;Ashley is not feeling up to the task today. Maybe Chris could cheer her up with his skill?@@
<<if $ashleyfit gte 1>>\
<<include "firstash">>
<<include "firstunderash">>
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl gte 1>>\
<<include "secondash">>
<<include "secondunderash">>
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl gte 2 and $ashleybimbo gte 2>>\
<<include "thirdash">>
<<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl gte 2 and $ashleybimbo lte 1>>\
@@color:pink;Ashley needs Second Stage of Burnett's Influence to get new Photo Shoot.@@
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl gte 2 and $ashleybimbo gte 2 and $ashleymood is 4 and $ashleymovie is false>>\
<<link "<h6>Ashley's Video</h6>">><<goto "ashleyvideo">><</link>>
@@color:orange;Ashley is exhausted.@@
<<if $ashleychris is false and $ashleymood is 3 and $ashleygod is false>>\
<<link "<h6>Let Chris do the magic Work. @@color:orange;(Ashley Mood Raise)@@</h6>">><<set $ashleymood to 4>><<set $ashleychris to true>><<goto "Ashleyphoto">><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $ashleyfit lte 0>>\
<<button [[Leave|studio]]>><<if $ashleymood is 4>><<set $ashleymood to -1>><<else>><<set $ashleymood to 1>><</if>><</button>>
<<elseif $ashleyfit gte 1>>\
<<button [[Leave|studio]]>><<set $ashleymood to 3>><</button>>
@@color:orange;Ashley is occupied in Surgery Room@@
<<button "Leave">><<goto "studio">><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleylvl1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:orange;Matthew has some difficulties with Ashley. She seems enjoys the therappy.
The victim should suffer and be scared! Still, Matthew don't give up. He came up with new idea.@@
You in the other side of the Room watch the how Ashley is smiling and chilling.
Ashley noticed and taunt you with the laugh.
<<speech "Ashley">>Watch Mister! Watch who came! Watch who it is! Your Lady! Is she suck good? Huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Is this all $name?! Jeez this is pathetic!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Matthew">>Shut the fuck up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okay Matthew. Let Ash talk. After all, That's all she good at. At talking and sucking cocks.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Hmph... Look at yourself, Bitch.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm? What is it Ashley. Come on. Tell me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>That body. The power you got here. Jealousy over me and Mr.Bailey. It changed you. And now? You turn every shit the way you want!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No! I did not blackmail anyone close to me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>And you think I would do that to him? If i would. Me and him would be happy. Forever! But noooo. $name has to fucking ruin everything!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is this all? Tell me at least where are the pictures.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>No. Not in a fucking milion years $name. And time is ticking!<</speech>>
@@color:pink;Ashley is right. If relatives or someone find out that Ashley gone missing for a long time. They'll call the authorities for help. For you it's nothing but for Bailey it can be a big problem keeping a secret.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Matthew. Proceed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Matthew">>Sure Boss.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Hah. Pathetic. You are fucking Pathetic $name!<</speech>>
<<set $ashleycorruptionlvl to 1>><<upd>>
<<link "<h7>Back to the Therapy</h7>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "ashleytherapy">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $ashleymood lte 3>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/fail.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:red;Ashley doesn't feel right to do Photoshoot. Chris can't take a proper photo of her.@@
<<ashleyfit -1>><div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy -1@@</div>
<<elseif $ashleymood is 4>>\
<<if $ashleyphoto is 0>>
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/photo0.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $ashleyphoto is 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/photo1.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $ashleyphoto is 2>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/photo2.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $ashleyphoto is 3>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/photo3.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $ashleyphoto is 4>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/photo4.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:orange;Ashley smiles to the camera. Chris took a good photo of Ashley.@@
<<set $ashleyphoto to $ashleyphoto +1>><<ashleyfit -1>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy -1@@</div>
<<button [[Leave|Ashleyphoto]]>><</button>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<if $ashleygod is true>><<set $ashleymood to 4>><</if>>\
<<if $ashleyphotohot is 0>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/photo5.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $ashleyphotohot is 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/photo6.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $ashleyphotohot is 2>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/photo7.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:orange;Ashley poses very seductively. Chris loves his job and does the great photo.@@
<<set $ashleyphotohot to $ashleyphotohot +1>><<ashleyfit -1>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy -1@@</div>
<<button [[Leave|Ashleyphoto]]>><</button>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<div class="posarousal">Your Boys are eager what you prepared for them.</div>
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<img src="img/warehouse/enter.webp" class='medium'>
<div class="posarousal">So there it is.
The strippers, hookers, nymphomaniacs came here to entertain your men.</div>
<<timed 3s t8n>>
<img src="img/warehouse/enter1.webp" class='medium'>
<div class="posarousal">Your Men are having great time.
The booze pours for miles between switching slut to pound.
<<timed 5s t8n>>
<img src="img/warehouse/enter2.webp" class='small'>
<div class="posarousal">Every one of them are not leaving this room without cumming at least three-five times.
<<timed 7s t8n>>
<img src="img/warehouse/enter3.webp" class='medium'>
<div class="posarousal">This room is one big mess that reeks of sex and alcohol.
Your staff are very grateful for a great party.
<<button [[Leave|staffjoy]]>><<set $time to $time +2>><</button>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickyinfluence.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<div class="posarousal">Vicky, in just her lingerie, teases in front of the camera. Chris is having a blast while recoding. Surprised by what's going on here, finally seeing progress in therapy.</div>
<<speech "Chris">>Did you see that $name?! Wooah!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah, Indeed! Wow.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>This girl! Wow! She is born to do this. It's ART!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm happy that with you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>I've sent couple of samples to my clients. And look at this. One of them offer a one thousand dollars! And wants more!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No fucking way! That's great!<</speech>>
<<money 1000>><div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;Money +1000@@</div><<upd>>
<<set $vickyvideo to true>>\
<<button [[Leave|Vickyphoto]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $vickylm is 0>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bdlvl4.3.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<elseif $vickylm gte 1 and $vickylm lte 2 >>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bdlvl4.4.webm" class='large' autoplay>
<<elseif $vickylm is 3>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bdlvl4.5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<set _talk to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _talk is 1>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>Mmm...<</speech>>
<<elseif _talk is 2>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>Yes...<</speech>>
<<elseif _talk is 3>>\
<<speech "Vicky">>More...<</speech>>
Now it's time for a new method. Teasing the victim.
<<if $vickylm lte 4>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy -1@@
@@color:orange;Stuff Energy -1@@</div>
<<set $vickylm to $vickylm +1>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -1>>\
<<vickyfit -1>><<upd>>\
Tease $vickylm/4
<meter @value="$vickylm" min="0" max="4" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h7>Back to the Therapy</h7>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "vickytherapy">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickypast.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">My Father...
After Mother's death...
Turned into a monster...
He used to beat and humiliate. Mostly on my sister Nataly...
Nataly couldn't take this anymore...
I convinced her to run away...
To take his attention away from Nataly...
I did what i could...
I turned into a slut...
For my Sister and Daddy...
And I liked it...
He and I were....
<<link "<h6>Together.</h6>">><<goto "vickywash3end">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickypast1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">My Daddy...
After Nataly ran away from us...
Punished me daily...
In the beginning it felt wrong and it was sick...
But Daddy raped me till i get used to...
I was Daddy's Whore...
Every day it was a blessing to me...
Until he brought someone...
My Sister...
He found her....
And raped her in front my eyes...
Since that day...
I am a murderer....
I've chosen Sister over my Father...
<<link "<h6>Together.</h6>">><<goto "vickywash3end1">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<div class="container1">
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimimage1.jpg" class="mediumvision">
<div class="middle">
<div class="imageof"><div class="tooltipmaly"><img src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimimage.jpg" class="imagevision"></div></div>
<div class="posarousal">Vicky slowly waking up. For a split second she sees familiary face.</div>
Burnett hands her a mirror and tells her to look.
<<speech "Burnett">>Look at the mirror, Vicky.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>You are a murderer Vicky. By this you must atone. Your Father wants the best for you. And this sin from now on yours for ever.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Whos fault is it. Vicky?<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky1" "Vicky">>I've killed my Father. My sins are unforgivable. Every sin of mine is due to my sister Nataly.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Good. Vicky. Another step foward into your true self! You are nearly ready. For the true sacrifice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky1" "Vicky">>Thank you! Thanks to you... I feel a sense of relief.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Be happy with yourself. Be proud of who you are becoming. Be wild to your surroundings. Repeat that every night. Do not think of these words. Just say it. Go Vicky. Ceremony is around the corner.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky1" "Vicky">>Be happy with yourself. Be proud of who you are becoming. Be wild to your surroundings.<</speech>>
<<set $vickybimbo to 3>>@@color:hotpink;Last Stage of Burnett's Influence
Corrupt Vicky until she is ready for surgery.@@<<upd>>
<<set $consule to 2>>
<<button [[Leave|consultroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $vicky is 5 or $vickybimbo gte 3 or $vickygod is true>>\
<<if $vickyphotohotb is 3>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/photob1.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $vickyphotohotb is 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/photob2.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $vickyphotohotb is 2>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/photob3.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $vickyphotohotb is 0>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/photob4.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:hotpink;Vicky under the Burnett's Influence is having fun during the session.
Chris is very pleased with it and the picture are superb!@@
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy -2@@</div>
<<set $vickyphotohotb to $vickyphotohotb +1>><<vickyfit -2>>
<<button [[Leave|Vickyphoto]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $vicky is 5 or $vickybimbo gte 3 or $vickygod is true>>\
<<if $vickyphotohotb1 is 4>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/naughty4.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $vickyphotohotb1 is 3>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/naughty3.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $vickyphotohotb1 is 2>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/naughty2.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $vickyphotohotb1 is 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/naughty1.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $vickyphotohotb1 is 0>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/naughty0.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:hotpink;Vicky under the Burnett's Influence is having fun during the session.
Chris is very pleased with it and the picture are superb!@@
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy -2@@</div>
<<set $vickyphotohotb1 to $vickyphotohotb1 +1>><<vickyfit -2>>\
<<button [[Leave|Vickyphoto]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/warehouse/introducebbc.jpg" class="medium">
Sophia is not alone in her workshop. She and some unkown you to you black men are pretty close each other.
When Sophia sensed your presence. Returned to her desk while adjusting her dress.
<<speech "Sophia">>Oh.*Cough* $name! Meet my new Bodyguard. Jason.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Welcome.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hello. Have I seen you before by any chance?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Possible.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What about Marcus, Sophia?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Marcus retired.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Yes. Marcus was not fit for this job. Anyway, Jason has a proposition for you. Speak Jason.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>This place. Is fucking epic. And i thought maybe I and my Guys could help you with your <i>Victims</i>.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>It's your decision $name.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Jason's offer is somewhat interesting for you but for the victims...@@
<span id="bbc">
<<linkreplace "<h6>Accept @@color:pink;(BBC Content)@@</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure Jason. Go ahead.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Cool! I won't disappoint you.<</speech>>
<<set $bbcplayground to true>>
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "surgeryroom">><</link>>
<<link "<h6>Think About this later</h6>">><<goto "surgeryroom">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $vicky is 0 and $vickybimbo lte 0>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/firststudio.jpg" class='mediumc'>
Jason tries to seduce Vicky with his smile and charm, but she feels unsafe and terrified around him.
She pushes him away and tells him to back off.
<<speech "Vicky">>Fuck off!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Relax Girl. Don't be like that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>I told you. FUCK OFF!<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Jason can't get through. Maybe Burnett's Influence would help.@@
<<if $vicky is 0 and $vickybimbo gte 1 and $bbcvicky is 0>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/try.jpg" class='mediumc'>
Vicky feels a bit confident. Jason did a first move by carassing Vicky's leg.
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>So. Are we cool?<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>I... I don't know.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Sure Vicky. If you behave good i'll let out for a little dinner. How about it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>R-Really?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Yea! I promise.<</speech>>
<<set $bbcvicky to 1>><<vickyfit -2>><<set $bbcvisitvicky to true>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:violet;Vicky Blacked +1@@ @@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy -2@@</div>
<<if $vicky is 0 and $vickybimbo gte 2 and $bbcvicky is 1>>\
When you enter Vicky's cell, you find no one.
Nervously, you raise the alarm in search of Vicky, but Sophia comes running and calms you down.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Sophia.</h6>">>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/soph.jpg" class='mediumc'>
<<speech "Sophia">>$name. Cancel the alarm. Jason took Vicky.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?! Without my permission? Call him immediately!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Jason and Vicky</h6>">>
As Sophia take out her phone, Jason and Vicky in a happy mood enter the Sactuary.
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/1.jpg" class='mediumc'>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Call for who?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What the fuck Jason! Guys take Vicky back to the cell.<</speech>>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/3.jpg" class='large'>
Your Staff grabbed Vicky from Jason's hug and took her to her cell.
<<speech "Vicky">>Ah..!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Damn. Relax.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you out of the fucking mind?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>$name. Darling please. Calm down. Jason took her on my permission.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why? Vicky could escape!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Vicky is already influenced with this place. Burnett did a number on her and It was a test which came out with positive note.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sophia. That was a risky move. At least inform me before with your stupid decisions.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Of course $name.<</speech>>
<img src="img/warehouse/sophiatalk3.jpg" class='imageleft'>
Since when can Sophia allow herself to do that?
You don't know what to make of this but from your point of view Sophia are trying to gain back control of this place. Or you are wrong and yet she wants to help you.
In any case, Vicky didn't run away and even got into Jason's charms.
<<set $bbcvicky to 2>><<vickyfit -4>><<set $bbcvisitvicky to true>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:violet;Vicky Blacked +1@@ @@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy -2@@</div>
<<elseif $vickybimbo is 1>>\
@@color:pink;Vicky is not enough influenced with the place.
Required Second stage of Burnett's Influence.@@
<<if $vicky is 0 and $vickybimbo gte 2 and $bbcvicky is 2>>\
<span id="bbc">
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/firstkiss.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Jason and Vicky seems bit in a good relationship.
In a very good relationship beacuse Vicky can't take of her eyes and her tongue of Jason.
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Damn Babe... You are so sexy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Mmm.. Jason. You are the only one who makes me happy here.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Vicky and Jason</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/secondkiss.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Vicky is so into Jason that she is trying to see how big is his Cock.
The moment her hand reached his panties and felt his hard cock, she couldn't believe how big it was.
<<speech "Vicky">>Fuck! It so big!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Only for you babe.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Can... I?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Sure Girl. Kiss it.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Vicky Kiss</h6>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/thirdkiss.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Vicky">>Mmm... It taste so good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Fuck girl... So sexy...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Vicky Bj.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/bj.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Jason has some kind of Control of Vicky. She listens to Jason with a desire and lust.
<<speech "Vicky">>Gurlp! It's so fucking big! Gurlp!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Fuck Babe. You love sucking big black cock don't you Girl?<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>I love it!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Harder</h6>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/bj2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Vicky">>*GAWK* *GAWK*<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Shiiiitt....<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Vicky Fuck.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/fuck.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Vicky can't comprehend how Jason's cock hits her weak spots. Jason has not limit and wants her to be addicted to him.
<<speech "Vicky">>Fuuuuck!!! It's sooo fucking goood!!!! I'm gonna cum so fast!! AAHHHH!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Cum babe.. It's not over yet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Uhh... It feels so goooood!<</speech>>
@@color:pink;Jason grins that he needs to try harder to make Vicky even more addicted to his Cock.
Let's step up the tempo.@@
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Vicky and Jason@@</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/finish.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">Vicky lost in her mind and fucked with Jason several times.
This is where after long time Vicky enjoyed the interaction with the men. </div>
<<speech "Vicky">>Fuck Jason... That was... Awesome!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Haha. Cool isn't it? Damn you are something girl. My pal would like to know you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Your... Friend?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Yeah. Wouldn't be cool to taste two cocks at once? Chill Girl. Now go rest and drink a lot of water.<</speech>>
With that Vicky listen to Jason went to bed for a rest after rough intercourse.
She is slowly losing sight of her past, her family and, above all, her sister, Nataly.
<<set $bbcvicky to 3>><<vickyfit -50>><<set $bbcvisitvicky to true>><<set $vicky to -1>><<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:violet;Vicky Blacked +1@@ @@color:lightblue;Vicky Tired@@</div>
<<if $bbcvicky is 3>>\
<<goto "jasontalk">>
<<if $bbcvicky gte 4>>\
<span id="bbc">
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/bbcvicky.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Jason left for Vicky a gift and letter. Vicky with excitment reading the letter from Jason and open the box.
Inside this box is a collar where some confusion fell upon Vicky.
When you opened the box, Jason and someone you didn't know appeared.
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Vicky.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal" "Asher">>Damn Jason. She is fine!<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>I-I don't understand, Jason. What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Did you read the letter?<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Not to the end.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>My pal Asher here. Is getting married. And as best man need to fullfill his wish. I've choose you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Me...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Vicky, Babe. Do it for me. I'll promise. You'll enjoy every second of it.<</speech>>
Vicky look terrifiend but excited.
She wants to make happy for Jason and agree.
<<speech "Vicky">>I'm happy with that Jason.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Glad to hear it. Before we go, Wear it. Asher has his own Kink to enjoy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal" "Asher">>Babe. Don't worry. It won't hurt. For long.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>O-okay.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Good. Let's bang that slut.<</speech>>
Vicky never heard bad word from Jason which makes her confused.
<<link "<h6>Jason leads you to a VIP Room</h6>">><<goto "jasonasher">><</link>>
<<button [[Leave|vickycell]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bbc">
<<if $mcandjason is 0>>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/computer.jpg" class='large'>
<div class="tooltip">When you saw the video of Jason treating Vicky, you started to get@@color:pink;
Pissed and Annoyed@@<span class="tooltiptext"><div class="posarousal">Horny and Excited</div></span></div>at the direction this was going. How is this going to help with your work on her?
You don't see the point in it so you have to cancel it. You call Jason into your office.
<<arousal 25>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +25</div>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Jason</h6>">>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/talk.jpg" class='large'>
By letting Jason into your room you can't belive how tall he his.
But this has to wait. You cannot be easily distracted by him and you have to tell him what is on your heart.
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Sup $name? Cool room.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>We need to talk.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>I can see by your face that I'm in serious shit. Go ahead.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm pissed Jason. The fuck are you doing with Vicky?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Working on her. Chill $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?! Chill?! I'm fucking Chill, Alright! We are working on Vicky days and weeks. And you? You are using Vicky for your sexual pleasure!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>You done?<</speech>>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/bbcmc.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No! This has to end Jason.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Come here Girl. You are so stressed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not...<</speech>>
<th><<linkreplace "<h7>Don't</h7>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/talk.jpg" class='large'>
You rejects his Charms.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No.. Jason. It's not going to work.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>It's cool. Anyway. Let me work on her more. If this is not going to work i'll back off. Okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah... Sure. One more chance.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Great. See ya.<</speech>>
<<set $bbcvicky to 4>>
<<button [[Leave|warehouseplay]]>><</button>>
<th><<link "<h7>Give in @@color:red;(BBC Addiction +1)@@</h7>">><<set $mcandjason to 1>><<goto "jasontalk">><<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction +1>><</link>></th></table>
<<if $mcandjason is 1>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/bbcmc1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">Jason with his smile and manliness leads you to the other room and kisses you.
At last you feel a sense of serenity in this work.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm.. Jason we... can't..<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Shut up. $name.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Jason's Cock</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/bbcmc2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">Jason's Cock makes you aroused so much you need to feel it... Inside your gaping pussy.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Whoah... Jason.. Your..<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Fuck $name. You so fucking hot. Lay down.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Do it.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/bbcmc3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">For once someone is here a boss. With every thrust you screamed out. Jason's cock pouding your gaping swollen pussy harder and harder. The ecstasy is kicking in now.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh god... Oh Fuck!!! I fucking need this...!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Damn... So fucking sexy.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Losing your Mind,</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/bbcmc4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">With each motion you let out a squeal.
Jason's Cock slammed to the hilt inside your pussy which makes you losing your mind how amazing it feels.
It feels so fucking good that makes cum like never before.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>FUCK!! AH!! MY GOD!!! UHHHH!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Fuck, I love watching that kind of face.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Jason's Cum</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/bbcmc5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">Jason's empited his balls into your mouth and face. Slowly you swallow and lick the rest of his cum. Jason smiles in return</div>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Damn $name. You are... Special. I've never cum like that before.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Me too Jason. Now i feel... Chill. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Haha. That's cool $name. So, Let me work on Ashley.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course Jason. Do whatever you want. I'm fine from now on.<</speech>>
<<set $bbcvicky to 4>>
<<button [[Leave|warehouseplay]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bbc">
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/bbcvicky1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Asher and Jason throw you roughly on the bed and force you to suck Asher's cock and rub your pussy while Jason jerks off. Vicky in agony of pleasure starts to moan loudly.
<<speech "Vicky">>Mmm!! It's so fucking big!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal" "Asher">>You like big black cocks, huh? Take that dick into your throat.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Suck it hard honey. Like the other you sucked me good darling.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Yes... D-*COUGH*<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Be careful girl. Don't choke on it. Let me pound that pussy, again.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Jason and Asher</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/vickybbc2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
After a few minutes. Jason and Asher fuck the brains out of Vicky. After a few hard thrusts from Jason's cock, Vicky is about to cum. Again.
<<speech "Vicky">>AHH!!! UUHHH!!!! DADDYY!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal" "Asher">>Haha. You hear that? That slut has Daddy kink!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Niceeee! Come on girl! This is not over yet.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Not.. Over?</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/vickybbc3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Jason and Asher take care of Vicky front and back.
Vicky chokes on Jason's cock while Asher pounds rhytmically her pussy from behind.
<<speech "Vicky">>*GAWK* *GAWK* HAR-*GAWK*-ER<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal" "Asher">>God damn!!! She nasty!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Ain't she cool?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal" "Asher">>Fucking cool!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Pleasure</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/vickybbc4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Once again, Vicky is about to collaps of the orgasm.
<<speech "Jamal" "Asher">>Whose pussy is this, Bitch!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Ahh!! It's Daddy's!!! Fuck my Pussy!!! Daddy!! I'm about to-<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Cum Bitch. Cum.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>UHHH!!! Ahhhh!!!!<</speech>>
Both of them can't stop laughing how Vicky easily cum which made Asher more happy with Jason's choice.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Rodeo</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/vickybbc5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Jason took Vicky like a trash to his Cock. It's her best rodeo ever.
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Ride on Daddy's Cock. <</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Ahh!! IT FEELS SO GOOD!!! DADDY!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal" "Asher">>Shit. By the look of her face she's about to.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>AAHHH!!! CUMMINGG!!!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Asher's Cum.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/vickybbc6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Asher slaps your pussy, squeezing you to the bed.
<<speech "Jamal" "Asher">>You like it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Mmm!!!! Yes! Harder! Harder! Please!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal" "Asher">>Nasty slut. This nasty pussy is mine bitch! Fuucckk...<</speech>>
After a few hard slams, Asher cum inside your pussy. Now it's Jason turn.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Jason's Cum.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bbc/vickybbc7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Jason doesn't mind pound your pussy which it's full of Asher's cum.
Still, Jason makes you feel even better. His cock slams your weakest point.
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Ah.. Fuck... Daddy is about...<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>DO IT! YOU FEEL SO GOOD DADDY. CUM INSIDE ME!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Oh shit... Here it comes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>IT FEELS SO GOOD!!!<</speech>>
Jason's sperm has filled in the gaps in Vicky's Pussy.
After dozens of orgams, Vicky collapsed on the bed and lost her consciousness.
Jason took the semi-conscious woman in his arms and took her to her cell.
<<speech "Jamal" "Asher">>Damn Jason. That piece of ass is fine to fuck. Wish i could marry her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Not this one Asher. Boss has plans for her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal" "Asher">>Cool. Very cool. Ha-ha.<</speech>>
<<vickyfit -50>><<set $bbcvisitvicky to true>><<set $vicky to -1>>
<<set $bbcvicky to 5>>
<<button [[Leave|warehouseplay]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/soph.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop>
<div class="posarousal">Vicky and Sophia meet for the first time after the attempted murder incident.
Vicky no longer has any regrets after the therapy and consultation from Burnett because she almost doesn't remember why she wanted to do it. She forget her sister for good. Sophia came with proposition to talk with Vicky before the surgery.</div>
<<speech "Sophia">>Vicky. Do you recognize me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Should I?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Hmm. You don't? Burnett did a number on you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Whatever. What am i doing here? Where is Doctor Burnett.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>He'll join soon.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Cool. Are we done here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Not yet. Before you'll go, I want to show you one thing.<</speech>>
Sophia slowly take the VHS Tape and put in on the TV which made Ashley really confused.
<h3>Play the Tape</h3>
<<linkreplace "<img src='img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/nt.webp' class='blink1'>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/nataly.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop>
Vicky are watching the tape in silence. In the corner of the recording you see the name of the Pantient. It's Nataly.
In the end of the tape Vicky looked a bit suprised but still don't know why.
<<speech "Sophia">>Do you recognize her?<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>This... Face... Why it is so familiar to me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>It's your Sister. Nataly.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Nataly... Nataly? My sister?<</speech>>
<img src='img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/nataly.jpg' class='largec'>
<div class="posarousal">Sophia paused the tape when Nataly shows her face. Vicky, looking at her, has some flashbacks in her mind that she has a sister by that name but after a few moments her head began to hurt badly. </div>
<<speech "Vicky">>AAhh! No!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Hmm?<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Nataly is gone. I don't care anymore. So please... Take me too. I don't want to think anymore. I want to feel better! I want to be great!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Vicky lost herself</h6>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/before.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop>
After these words, You and Burnett came in. Sophia can't believe how Vicky willingly want's to be in part of Burnett's plan and forget her sorry past.
And so Sophia agrees with the rest of the group to be in part of ceremony.
<<speech "Burnett">>She is ready.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>So be it.<</speech>>
Time to turn her life.
<<link "<h6>Transform Vicky</h6>">><<goto "vickytransform">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/surgery.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop>
<div class="posarousalbimb">Do you like yourself?
Do you want to be like that?
Are you happy with it?
So many paths to choose from...
And you still feel empty...
It's time to choose...</div>
<<link "<h6>Embrace New Future</h6>">><<goto "vickytransform1">><<set $vickybimbo to 4>><<set $vickybimboslut to true>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/surgery2.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop>
<div class="posarousalbimb">The memories haunts you...
Makes you weak...
Your Childhood. Your Family. Your Friends. Your Home.
Destroy everything!
Be happy with yourself!
Be proud of who you are becoming!
Be wild to your surroundings!
It's time for New You.</div>
<<speech "Vicky">>Yes!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Wake up.</h6>">><<goto "vickytransform2">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/observe.jpg" class='large'>
You are in a room where you can observe the whole process of the operation.
Sophia carries out the surgical procedure while Burnett assists her and whispers a formula into Vicky's ear.
For you it's hardly to look. The amount of chemicals and plastic pumping into Vicky makes you sick.
After a few hours, Sophia and Burnett joins you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And???<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Well... I must say. It went very well if not Burnett. The operation has been successful.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Sophia did a great job, $name. Vicky is almost ready. She needs some rest for now. From now on Vicky is yours.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nice job guys. Proud of you.<</speech>>
Sophia and Burnett looked at each other and smiled for the first time in a long time.
<<link "<h6>One week ago</h6>">><<goto "vickytransform3">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/wakeup.jpg" class='large'>
A week of Vicky's rehabilitation has passed. Vicky slowly waking up in her new room.
While looking around she noticed a mirror where she sees a refecletion of herself.
In amazement, she jumps out of bed and makes a pose in front of the mirror.
<<speech "Vicky">>My gosh! That's... me? Wow!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>New Vicky</h6>">>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/dance.webp" class='imageleft'>
She cannot believe how beautiful she is now.
With excitement, Vicky starts to dance.
During the dance her new tits are boucing like golf balls.
Impressed, she began to touch herself as they felt in her hand.
<<speech "Vicky">>Gosh!! They are so huge! Whoah!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Join Vicky</h6>">>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/meet.jpg" class='large'>
As you enter Vicky's room you see a satisfied Vicky dancing in the middle of the room. You are happy with that.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Vicky!<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Oh hey! Come! Dance with me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. I'm good. Glad you are happy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>I am super happy! Jeez. Look at my body! My hands can't get away from them! Touch my boobies!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>They are massive! Anyway. Tell me, do you recall anything from recent weeks?<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Umm... Huuuuhh.... No. Maybe one thing. When Burnett and you were trying to help me.<</speech>>
@@color:pink;Seems like Vicky can't remember her past. It worked. Vicky is Bimbofied!@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh. That's good! Very good. Vicky. I'm so happy to have you here. Are you happy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>I'm so Happy!!! Very fucking happy!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm glad. From now on Vicky, call me $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Nice name! I love it!<</speech>>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/happy.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop muted>
You are leaving Vicky alone while she still admires her body.
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "warehouseplay">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="vicky">\
<<if $vickyraped gte 1>>\
<<set _rape to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _rape is 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/afterrape.webp" class='large'>
<<elseif _rape is 2>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/afterrape1.webp" class='large'>
<<elseif _rape is 3>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/afterrape2.webp" class='large'>
<div class="posarousal">Vicky won't let your employees leave her, but they are already exhausted. At least one of them kept Vicky company.</div>
<<speech "Vicky">>More!! More!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Vincent">>Please... I've had enough!<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Shut the fuck up and fuck me harder!<</speech>>
<<set _vicky to random(1,2)>>\
<<if _vicky is 1>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/outfit.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _vicky is 2>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/happy.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop muted>
Vicky in her own room, Admires herself in front of the mirror.
<<speech "Vicky">>Gosh... So sexy.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Vicky Masturbates</h6>">><<replace "#vicky">>
<<set _masturbate to random(1,2)>>
<<if _masturbate is 1>>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/masturbatebed.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _masturbate is 2>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/masturbateshower.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop muted>
Vicky is so horny she masturbates in front of you.
<<speech "Vicky">>Ahh!! I wish to be fucked right now!<</speech>>
<<if $vickyprostitute is false>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Vicky as prositute on the street</h6>">><<replace "#vicky">>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/vicky.jpg" class='large'>
Time to ask Vicky to earn her place in here.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Vicky!<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>$name! So happy to see you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Likewise Vicky. There something i'd like you to do. It would be a huge help to the cause.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Oh my! I'm so ready! What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wear something sexy and skimpy and go to this address. I hope you understand the allusion.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Am i going to suck some cocks?! That's wonderful! I can't wait!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Happy to hear that.<</speech>>
It went better than you thought. Vicky has no grudges and no shame.
@@color:orange;Vicky from now on works on the streets!@@
<<set $vickyprostitute to true>>
<<if $bbcplayground is true>>\
<<button [[Vicky BBC]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|warehouseplay]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bbc">
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/jason.jpg" class='large'>
Vicky is so horny, she craves for something big and long.
The first thing in her mind came is Jason. Vicky typed into the phone to Jason to come over.
Then after a few minutes someone knock the door.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Jason?</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/bbc1.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop muted>
It's not Jason but his best friend Asher.
<<speech "Vicky">>The fuck are you doing here? Where is Jason?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal" "Asher">>DAMN! You look fucking hot Vicky!<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Yeah yeah. Where is Jason?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal" "Asher">>He's very busy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Goshh!!! Get in here. I'm freaking horny and you need to fuck me right fucking now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal" "Asher">>Okay!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Asher</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/bbc2.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop>
Asher can't believe how lucky he is.
Vicky with her big lips sucking his cock is out of this world.
<<speech "Vicky">>GURLP! GURLP!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal" "Asher">>Daaaamnnn... Girl... You like that don't you...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Sofa</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/bbc3.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop>
Vicky throws Asher to the sofa and starts roughly jumping on his cock.
<<speech "Jamal" "Asher">>Fuckk... So fucking hot!<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Ah! Finally!!! It feels so good!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>More!</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/bbc4.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop>
Asher is trying his best to satisfy Vicky needs.
<<speech "Vicky">>Ah! Fuck me!! Harder!! HARDER!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal" "Asher">>Fucking Slut for big black cock. Harder you say?!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Harder!!!</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/bbc5.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop>
Asher pounds pussy Vicky so bad she starts to scream.
<<speech "Vicky">>AaahH!!!! YeS!!! I'm GONNA CUM!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal" "Asher">>Cum you whore! God fucking damn!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Jump on it.</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/bbc6.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop>
Asher stamina is running low but Vicky wants more and more.
<<speech "Jamal" "Asher">>Ah... Ah! Fuck Bitch...<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Come on! More. Jason would fuck me better!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal" "Asher">>Fuck you... I'm trying... I'm about to...<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>No!! Don't you dare!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Asher's Cum</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/bbc7.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop>
Asher can't handle Vicky well and starts cumming.
Vicky with disbelief, take his cum.
<<speech "Jamal" "Asher">>Shittt!!! Take that load!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Hmph....<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal" "Asher">>Fuck... Sorry babe but that is all i got.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Typical. Just let Jason know i'm waiting for him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jamal" "Asher">>Sure babe. No problem.<</speech>>
<<if $bbcvicky lte 5>>\
<<set $bbcvicky to 6>><</if>>\
@@color:orange;Vicky is not satisfied with Asher perfomance. She can't wait till Jason came in and fuck her brains out!@@
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "vickyroom">><</link>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="vicky">
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/job.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
@@color:pink;Your staff are ready. One of them has a camera to show you proof of how Vicky works.@@
<<linkreplace "<h6>Monitor Vicky Work</h6>">><<replace "#vicky">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/job1.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop muted>
Some random guy came over and sees Vicky.
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Hey darling. You work here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Yes. I am.. Wow! It's already waiting for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>It is!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Take out your tits out</h6>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/job2.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop muted >
<<set $vickyjob to $vickyjob +1>><div class="posarousal">Vicky Experience +1</div>
Vicky takes out her big melons in front of her client.
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Holy Fuck! Love them!<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Ha-ha.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Monitor Vicky Work</h7>">><<replace "#vicky">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/job3.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop >
Vicky service her client.
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Suck it Slut.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Mmm... So fucking good!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Choke!</h6>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/job4.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop >
Client can't take this anymore and choke Vicky on his dick.
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Fuck you Bimbo Whore!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>MMM!!<</speech>>
<<set $vickyjob to $vickyjob +1>><div class="posarousal">Vicky Experience +1</div>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Monitor Vicky Work</h7>">><<replace "#vicky">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/job5.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop>
Client cum inside Vicky Mouth.
<<set $vickyjob to $vickyjob +1>><div class="posarousal">Vicky Experience +1</div>
<div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;Money +10@@</div><<money 10>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Fuucck... Nice Sweetheart. Very nice. Here is the money.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Happy to you like it! Come back anytime!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>You bet.<</speech>>
<<if $vickyjob gte 15>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Monitor Vicky Work 2</h6>">><<replace "#vicky">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/job6.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop muted>
Vicky hops into a client's car. Client still can't believe how huge her tits are.
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Love how your tits bounce!<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Ah! Ha!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Vicky hard worker</h6>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/job7.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop muted>
<<set $vickyjob to $vickyjob +1>><div class="posarousal">Vicky Experience +1</div>
Vicky enjoys riding his cock.
<<speech "Vicky">>I LOVE IT! IT FEELS SO GOOD!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Holy fuck darling... You are making me cum!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Monitor Vicky Work 2</h6>">><<replace "#vicky">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/job8.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop muted>
Client finished inside Vicky's Pussy.
<<speech "Boy1" "Men">>Fuuckkk!!!! That was fucking worth it. Here's the money.<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>It felt so good honey! Thank you so much!<</speech>>
<<set $vickyjob to $vickyjob +1>><div class="posarousal">Vicky Experience +1</div>
<div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;Money +12@@</div><<money 12>>
<<elseif $vickyjob lte 14>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:grey;Monitor Vicky Work 2 $vickyjob/15 @@</h6>">><</link>>
<<link "<h7>Back to Sanctuary</h7>">><<goto "warehouseplay">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/bimbo/dance.webm" class='largepink' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">Vicky dances on the pole </div>
<<speech "Vicky">>Heeyy Boyys!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Manuel">>Holy Moly!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Vincent">>STRIP! STRIP! STRIP!<</speech>>
@@color:lightgreen;Staff is thrilled with the Vicky's Perfomance on the stage! (The days have reset to zero.)
<div class="pos">@@color:orange;Staff Energy +2@@ @@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy -5@@</div>
<<warstaff +2>><<set $staffday to 0>><<vickyfit -5>><<upd>>
<<button [[Leave|staffjoy]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/bimbo.jpg" class="large100">
<div class="posarousal">Vicky is ready for the photoshot!</div>
<<if $vickyfit gte 1>>\
<<if $vickybimboshot lte 4>>\
Vicky's Photos:$vickybimboshot/5
<meter @value="$vickybimboshot" min="0" max="5" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h6>Vicky Bimbo Photo Session</h6>">><<audio "photo" play>><<goto "vickybimboshot">><</link>>
<<if $vickybimboshot is 5 and $vickybimbophotoses is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Vicky Bimbo Photo Session - Results</h6>">>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/bimbophotoses.jpg" class='large'>
You and Chris are looking at the photos. Chris can't stop smiling how proud is of Vicky and himself.
Bimbo Photo Shot came out much better than you had anticipated.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Whoah. Vicky looks even better in the pictures.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>She is. Vicky with that kind of body gonna conquer top models!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Anyway, My client became a fan of her. Here's the cash for the photos.<</speech>>
<<set $vickybimbophotoses to true>><<money 950>><div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;Money +950@@</div><<upd>>
<<button [[Leave|studio]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $vickybimboshot is 0>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/bimbo1.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Chris">>Just like that!<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Okeey!<</speech>>
<<elseif $vickybimboshot is 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/bimbo2.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Chris">>Fucking hell! Don't move!<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Okeey!<</speech>>
<<elseif $vickybimboshot is 2>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/bimbo3.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Boy1" "Vincent">>Like this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Yes. Now squeeze them!<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Hihi.<</speech>>
<<elseif $vickybimboshot is 3>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/bimbo4.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Boy1" "Lerry">>Damn.. You smell good!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Vicky. More tough! Mean face!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Vicky">>Arrrr!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Yes! Ha-ha Very good!<</speech>>
<<elseif $vickybimboshot is 4>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/bimbo5.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Vicky">>Mmm My boobies!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>They look superb! Now look at the camera!<</speech>>
@@color:hotpink;Vicky as a Bimbo loves to be adored, which is exactly what Chris does. Adores her.
After all Chris is having a blast doing his work.@@
<<set $vickybimboshot to $vickybimboshot +1>>
<<vickyfit -2>><<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Vicky Energy -2@@</div>
<<button [[Leave|vickybimbochris]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $baileysexhouse is 5>>
<img src="img/chloe/house/lust.jpg" class='medium'>
You walk around Bailey's room making seductive movements and facial expressions as he works. He can't concentrate because of this. Bailey can't take this anymore. He looked at you with his angry look making you laugh hard.
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Can you stop?! Chloe is in the next room!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ha-ha... Sure Sir. I'll stop. Until you'll lick my young-wet-horny-Pusssyyyy....<</speech>>
<video src="img/chloe/house/cocktease1.webm" class='mediumc' autoplay loop muted>
Bailey was stunned by what you said and when you started feeling around his penis you felt him getting harder.
You refrain from doing so and slowly make your way to the exit, but Bailey stops you by force.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Bailey Stops you</h6>">><<scrolldown 2s t8n>>
<video src="img/chloe/house/talk2.webm" class='mediumc' autoplay loop muted>
Bailey in hurry locked the door and stops you from behind.
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Fuck.. $name.... You little...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes... Sir?<</speech>>
<video src="img/chloe/house/talk3.webm" class='imageleftc' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Slut.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sir! Language!<</speech>>
Bailey is massaging your intimate areas where you willingly allow him to do so.
<<link "<h6>Continue</h6>">><<goto "bayleyseeeex">><<set $baileysexhouse to 1>><</link>>
<<if $baileysexhouse is 1>>\
<video src="img/chloe/house/talk4.webm" class='mediumc' autoplay loop muted>
</video><<set $time to $time +0.5>> <<set $bayleysex to true>>
His massive hands grope your large breasts, making you moan and become more and more aroused.
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>God... Your Tits. They are so pretty.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Isn't it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>I want to lick them so baad...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah...Do it! Do it please!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Shh... Be quiet.. Chloe is inside.<</speech>>
<<if $chloeout is false>>
@@color:orange;Mr.Bailey is right about that. Chloe is in the next room.
It's not going to be so much fun at all...@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okay Mr.Bailey. Chloe is out. I took care of her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Wow. $name. You'll think of everything huh?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Continue</h6>">><<scrolldown 2s t8n>>
<video src="img/chloe/house/b1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
You take Mr.Bailey to the chair and slowly undress your shirt.
By his suprise you don't wear anything under it.
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Holy fuck... So pretty...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... It feels so nice...<</speech>>
When Bailey started sucking your breasts, the feeling is so much better than before the surgery.
Your breasts are so sensitive to his tongue that you slowly feel yourself coming.
<<link "<h6>Continue</h6>">><<goto "bayleyseeeex">><<set $baileysexhouse to 2>><</link>>
<<if $baileysexhouse is 2>>\
<video src="img/chloe/house/b2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Bailey had enough of pleasing you so it's time to make him good.
You slowly and gently tease him with licks around his cock.
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>You are such a tease $name...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't you love it. Sir?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Just suck it...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Deeper</h6>">><<goto "bayleyseeeex">><<set $baileysexhouse to 3>><</link>>
<<if $baileysexhouse is 3>>\
<video src="img/chloe/house/b3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
</video><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<set $bayleysex to true>>
You wanted to tease him even more, but he couldn't handle the pressure.
Jonathan stands up furiously and shoves your head on his erected cock.
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>That's enough... Suck it properly!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gawkk! GAWK!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Bailey's Obsession..</h6>">><<goto "bayleyseeeex">><<set $baileysexhouse to 4>><</link>>
<<if $baileysexhouse is 4>>\
<video src="img/chloe/house/b4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>$name what have you done... This body is so hot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ha-ha Thank you Sir.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Students must be over you.<</speech>>
You looked at him with the smile.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you jealous, Mr.Bailey?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Hmph... It's not that i-<</speech>>
<<if $chloeout is false>>\
As you suck his cock, you hear Chloe slowly approaching to the room you're in.
Bailey wants to get away from you, but you won't give up.
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>$name..!! You have to go!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Chloe?</h6>">><<scrolldown 1.5s t8n>>
<video src="img/chloe/house/b5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
In a hurry you sucked a little deeper to end this unfinnished bussiness with Mr.Bailey.
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Mmm!!! Okay! That's enough $name. Go! Through the window!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Seriously? Through window? I-<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Window! Right fucking now! Go!<</speech>>
Angry but also excited by the situation, you obeyed him and started to escape out the window.
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<link "<h6>Leave House</h6>">><<goto "outsidenight">><<set $baileysexhouse to 0>><</link>>
<<link "<h6>Leave House</h6>">><<goto "outside">><<set $baileysexhouse to 0>><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Bailey's Dick @@color:orange;((Chloe Inside))@@</h6>">>@@color:orange;Mr. Bailey feels uncomfortable when Chloe is in the next room @@<</linkreplace>>
<<if $ashleyblock is false>>\
<<link "<h6>Bailey's Dick @@color:orange;((Chloe Out))@@</h6>">><<goto "baylehousesex">><<set $baileysexhouse to 5>><</link>>
<<elseif $ashleyblock is true>>\
<<link "<h6>Bailey is Eager @@color:orange;((Chloe Out))@@</h6>">><<goto "baylexsex">><<set $baileysexhouse to 5>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="lukebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="luk"><<set $mombackyardtease to true>>\
<img src="img/luke/outside.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:orange;You walk in the garden on a hot day. Reflecting on the meaning of life and which direction you want to go. It is quite difficult. After an unknown accident occurs, you have lost a lot of time and are unable to recall what happened before. Still... Your family behaves a little too strange. $mom and $name were never like that before. And $dad? It's so hard to recollect $dad beacuse of the massive headache.@@
<<speech "Luke">>Ah.. My head... It hurts so bad-<</speech>>
Through walking around the garden you hear loud noises.
<<linkreplace "<h6>A moan noise?</h6>">><<audio "mommoan" play>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">><sub>Mmm.... Oh my Sweetheart...</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Huh?<</speech>>
You heard a moan coming from the Pool. Curiosity makes you want to see what's out there.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Peep on your $mom</h6>">>
<video src="img/luke/mom/event2/backyard2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted>
@@color:lightblue;This is what i'm talking about. $mom wearing a skimpy bikini and heels???
Recently, My $mom is behaving so weird! I've never seen her like that before... She is a bit too caring towards me. It's a bit too much though...@@
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom...</h6>">><<replace "#luk">><<audio "mommoan" stop>>
<div class="daddybox">\
<video src="img/luke/mom/event2/backyard1.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted>
@@color:pink;But.... That Body... God damnit! I can't stop looking away. Why my $mom is so arousing.... It is so wrong. Wrong to desire for $mom's Body...@@
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Mmm... It is so hot today. Gosh... I wish for a massage.... My tits needs manly hands...<</speech>>
@@color:lightblue;What!? Why is she saying stuff like that?!@@
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">><sub>Ahhh.. Ahh... Luke..... Ahh..</sub><</speech>>
@@color:lightblue;I can't hear what is she saying. Fuck... $mom got pretty body!@@
<<momluke 5>><div class="posarousal">$mom's Boy +5</div><<upd>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$name steps out.</h6>">><<replace "#luk">><<audio "hey" play>>
<img src="img/luke/mom/event2/mc.jpg" class='large'>
As $name steps out the house while carrying the pool skimmer net, $mom quickly stopped being naughty and started to sunbathe. $mom kindly greet her with a smile.
@@color:lightblue;Whoa! $mom is quick! It's a shame it ended that quickly.@@
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Hey honey. What you up to?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm... I thought i'd clean the pool. But i see you are here so-<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Wow! $dad told you to do it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad? No. Pool seems need some cleaning.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Admirable! Luke has been very supportive lately. He must have inspired you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh.. $mom...<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Ha-ha. Go ahead. sweety. I won't disturb you anymore.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks.<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|lukeroom]]>><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
</b></div>\<<widget "momhappy">>
<<if $bgrass gte 1 and $bclean gte 1 and $bkitchen is 0 or $bgrass gte 1 and $bclean is 0 and $bkitchen gte 1 or $bgrass is 0 and $bclean gte 1 and $bkitchen gte 1>>
<<widget "momluke">>
<<if $momluke lte 49>>\
<<set $momluke to Math.clamp($momluke + $args[0], 0, 50)>>
<<elseif $momluke is 50 and $dadandmomargue is false>>\
@@color:orange;To Progress with $mom's Corruption.
Finish Event: $parents Quarrel@@
<<elseif $momluke gte 50 and $mombackyardtease is true or $dadandmomargue is true and $momluke gte 50>>\
<<set $momluke to Math.clamp($momluke + $args[0], 0, 100)>>
<<widget "bcorruption">>\
<<if $bcorruptionlevel is 0 and $bkiss is false>>\
<<if $bcorruption is 50 and $luketime is false>>\
<h3>It didn't work on Luke.</h3>
@@color:orange;<i>((Talk with your $mom in his Room))</i>@@
<<elseif $bcorruption is 50 and $luketime is true>>\
<h3>It didn't work on Luke.</h3>
@@color:orange;<i>((Go out with your $bro!))</i>@@
<<set $bcorruption to Math.clamp($bcorruption + $args[0], 0, 50)>>
<<elseif $bcorruptionlevel is 0 and $bkiss is true>>\
<<set $bcorruption to Math.clamp($bcorruption + $args[0], 0, 100)>>
<<elseif $bcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<<if $lukeisready is true>>
<<set $bcorruption to Math.clamp($bcorruption + $args[0], 0, 150)>>
@@color:orange;Next Corruption Coming Soon!@@
<<elseif $bcorruptionlevel is 2>>\
<<set $bcorruption to Math.clamp($bcorruption + $args[0], 0, 200)>>
<</widget>><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<img src="img/luke/gaming.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:orange;To relieve your suffering eyes, you switched off the computer and decided to leave the house. Just as you were about to leave, you became intrigued by the voice of your $mom and $dad coming from the kitchen.
It was the first time you had heard them arguing.@@
<<linkreplace "<h6>Sneak</h6>">>
<img src="img/luke/mom/event2/luke.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:lightblue;$mom and $dad? What is going on?@@
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>...For fuck sake David. Be a men for once!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Huh?! I told you hundred times! I'll get on with it! I don't see the point of doing it straight away! <</speech>>
<img src="img/mom/momdavid.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Oh... I see. Your wife's demands are worth a shit to you. <</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Well. My wife could at least give me some slack for once. I pay for bills and for your stupid clothes, Goddamit!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Bravo David! Bravo! Trophy for my dearest husband of the year! <</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>My god David! If you having issue with Money, Don't bother! I'll pay it from my own.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Whoah! So do you actually have any money? Don't tell me you earn such large amounts in your shitty job.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Maybe i did...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Sure. Somehow i don't want to believe it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Don't you fucking worry about money!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>All i need some manly help in our house! Gosh... At least Luke is helping me. Like Men should do!<</speech>>
<<if $lukepeepmom is true>>\
<img src="img/luke/mom/event2/mom.jpg" class='large'>
If i recall... One day $mom recorded herself in the livingroom. I've got to find out why.
Perhaps I could find a clue on the internet?
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yeah, Yeah. Luke this. Luke that. He does everything what his $mom says.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Ohhh! That hurts you? At least he is trying his best.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>He is. But sometimes you're behaving too protective towards Luke. I mean... When i look at two of you it looks very weird.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>What!?! Our $son was lost for long time, David!! I'm trying to take good care of him! Goddamit!!! <</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom?</h6>">>
<<set $dadandmomargue to true>>\
<div class="container1">
<img src="img/luke/mom/event2/mommy1.jpg" class="mediumvision">
<div class="middle">
<div class="imageof"><div class="tooltipmaly"><img src="img/luke/mom/event2/mommy2.jpg" class="imagevision"><span class="tooltiptextmaly">My only $son!</span></div></div>
<<momluke 5>><div class="posarousal">$mom's Boy +5</div><<upd>>
@@color:lightblue;Whoah... $mom...@@
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Jesus Fucking Christ David! One thought has just been nagging at me from some time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>You and Emma are also behaving rather strangely after that recent trip of yours.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I don't know what your point is. Me and Emma simply refreshed family ties.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Family Ties? Gosh David... You are her $dad.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Martha are you done? My work calls me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Go. I don't see the point to talk to you anymore.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>...<</speech>>
When $dad was leaving the kitchen, Luke quickly run to his room.
In his room, He reflect on what they were saying.
<img src="img/luke/sleeps.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:lightblue;What was that? I've never seen them like that.
$dad was a bit harsh towards $mom... But $mom... Fuck!
I don't understand... Why?@@
<<link "<h6>Go on.</h6>">><<goto "lukeroom">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<h3>@@color:lightblue;Luke's Computer@@</h3>
<<link "<h4>Web</h4>">><<goto "webluke">><</link>>
<<link "<h4>Chat</h4>">><<goto "chatluke">><</link>>
<<link "<h4>Cheats For Luke</h4>">><<goto "cheatluke">><</link>>
<<if $milfluke is true>>\
<<link "<h4>Cougar Life</h4>">><<set $cougaraudio to 1>><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h18>Go back</h18>">><<goto "lukeroom">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<set _web to random(1,5)>>\
<<if _web is 1>>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
@@color:lightyellow;Are you Lonely Mother looking for some company?
Do you wish to be desire by young male?
Do you wish to earn some pretty good money?
Join us.@@
<h3>@@color:orange;Cougar Life@@</h3>
@@color:orange;Grants you a perfect opportunity to raise money and meet hot men!@@
@@color:lightblue;Or are you a good lad who wants to see what our performers have to offer?
We promise not to let you down!
Join us! @@
<<speech "Luke">>Whoah... Fuck.. Those Ladies are looking hot!<</speech>>
<<if $lukepeepmom is true>>\
@@color:orange;Then you recall your $mom in her lingerie in the living room posing in front of the camera.@@
<<speech "Luke">>Wait. Maybe $mom is there? That's a right lead to search!<</speech>>
<<if $milfluke is false>>\
<h3>Cougar Life Unlocked!</h3>
<<set $milfluke to true>>\
<<elseif _web is 2>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/comercial.jpg" class='large100'>
A brand new Restaurant is opened!
Come visit us and eat fresh and cheap food in the city!
We are also looking for Girls to work with.
Friendly Atmosphere and Great Experience.
Join to the best team!
<<speech "Luke">>Nah... They are looking only for Girls.<</speech>>
<<elseif _web is 3>>\
<img src="img/luke/webinfo.jpg" class='large100'>
<h3>@@color:grey;New Regulations for Immigrants.@@</h3>
@@color:lightyellow;After the horrible bomb attack around Alamos on fuel sources, New comers will be required to carry a Purple Permit by the end of the month. It allows our government officials to better identify and serve the unique needs of Immigrants and citizens. So far, No comment from the Minister for Security about the bomb that went off. The question is will fuel prices go up?@@
<i>Samuel Perez AT6TV
News around the world.</i>
<<elseif _web is 4>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/ceo.jpg" class='large100'>
<h3>@@color:grey;Legendary CEO on the brink of death?@@</h3>
@@color:lightyellow;The legendary Joseph Cassan, creator of the clothing fashion brand Vargelis and largest restaurant network, gives no sign of life for several weeks. He was last shown at the Hot Shell awards ceremony five weeks ago. Since our last article about his shady dealings in the sex business, contact with Joseph has been lost.
His own daughter, Teresa Cassan refuses to comment. Is Teresa the successor to her father's company? Most likely!@@
<i>Linda Tycho AT6TV
News around the world.</i>
<<elseif _web is 5>>\
<img src="img/mcroom/computer/cartel.jpg" class='large100'>
<h3>@@color:grey;Great Uncle of Cartel Arrested.@@</h3>
@@color:lightyellow;The people voted and here are the results. Tsar of the Border has managed to capture and shut down the biggest Colombian cartel lord called Great Uncle.
Cartel of Jose Pena circulated drugs in the human host for five years, with 500-1000 people dying in the process. Still his family is quite large and their business continues to spread between our borders.
The Border Tsar assured that this was the only supplication, quoting, ‘The carnage of the varmints is yet to begin’.
<i>Matt Tavish AT6TV
News around the world.</i>
<<link "<h18>Go back</h18>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "computerluke">><</link>>
<<link "<h18>Surf More</h18>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "webluke">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "backcougar" play>>\
<<set _logo to random(1,4)>><<set $cougarpassluke to true>>\
<<if _logo is 1>>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/logo5.webm" class="cougarlarge" autoplay loop>
<<elseif _logo is 2>>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/logo4.webm" class="cougarlarge" autoplay loop>
<<elseif _logo is 3>>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/logo6.webm" class="cougarlarge" autoplay loop>
<<elseif _logo is 4>>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/logo9.webm" class="cougarlarge" autoplay loop>
<<link "<h20>JOIN US</h20>">><<goto "cougarcontact">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>GET ACCESS</h20>">><<goto "cougarjoin">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "profile">><</link>>
<<set _baner to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _baner is 1>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/baner.jpg" class='largercougar'>
<<elseif _baner is 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/baner2.jpg" class='largercougar'>
<<elseif _baner is 3>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/baner3.jpg" class='largercougar'>
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/logo2.webm" class="cougarlarge" autoplay loop>
<h3>@@color:purple;JOIN US@@
@@color:white;JUST NOW <s>300$</s> 150$!
<<link "<h20>JOIN US</h20>">><<goto "cougarcontact">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>GET ACCESS</h20>">><<goto "cougarjoin">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "profile">><</link>>
<h3>@@color:white;----------------------------------- PERFORMERS ------------------------------------@@</h3>
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>View</h21>">><<goto "model1">><</link>></div>
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model2.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>View</h21>">><<goto "model2">><</link>></div>
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model3.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>View</h21>">><<goto "model3">><</link>></div>
<<if $cougarpass is true>>\
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>View</h21>">><<goto "model4">><</link>></div>
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model4.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>View</h21>">><<goto "model5">><</link>></div>
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model7.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>View</h21>">><<goto "model6">><</link>></div>
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model6.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>View</h21>">><<goto "model7mom">><</link>></div>
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model8.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>View</h21>">><<goto "model8">><</link>></div>
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model9.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>View</h21>">><<goto "model9">><</link>></div>
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/logo8.webm" class="cougarlarge" autoplay loop>
<h3>@@color:white;------------------------------ GET ACCESS TO SEE MORE --------------------------------@@</h3>
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/logo1.webm" class="cougarlarge" autoplay loop>
<<link "<h28>EXIT</h28>">><<set $cougaraudio to 0>><<goto "computerluke">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/logo3.webm" class="cougarleft" autoplay loop>
<h3>@@color:white;Join us.@@</h3>
<h3>@@color:white;If you would like to join us, send your video footage, photographs and your personal details.
Our exeperts will evaluate your work. We'll be in touch with you after a few days!@@</h3>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>GET ACCESS</h20>">><<goto "cougarjoin">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "profile">><</link>>
The rules are simple.
You give us a content, We edit and publish into the web with a respect of your privacy.
Earn money on views. More information after you join our company.
<<linkreplace "<h20>SEND</h20>">><<speech "Luke">>Umm... I'm not a woman. Wtf i am doing?<</speech>>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>BACK</h20>">><<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>><</link>>
<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center">
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/logo7.webm" class="cougarlarge" autoplay loop>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>JOIN US</h20>">><<goto "cougarcontact">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "profile">><</link>>
<h3>@@color:white;Limited Time Offer.
Get Access now for 150$@@</h3>
<h1><b>@@color:white;Cougars can't wait to see you.@@</b></h1>
<<if $cougarpass is false>>\
<h3>@@color:white;By Gaining Access, you agree to our Policies.@@</h3>
<<set $cougarpassluke to true>>
<<if $lukemoney gte 150>>\
<<link "<h20>PAY 150$ TO GET ACCESS</h20>">><<set $cougarpass to true>><<set $lukemoney to $lukemoney -150>><<goto "profile">><</link>>
<<elseif $lukemoney lte 149>>\
<<linkreplace "<h20>PAY 150$ TO GET ACCESS</h20>">>Your card has been declined.
<<speech "Luke">>Hmm... Where can I find that much money?<</speech>> <</linkreplace>>
<<elseif $cougarpass is true>>\
<h3>@@color:orange;Thank you for Joining us!
Enjoy your Stay!@@</h3>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>BACK</h20>">><<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>><</link>>
<<if $cougarpass is true>>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/logo8.webm" class="cougarlarge" autoplay loop>
</div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/modelshow1.jpg" class='cougarlarge'>
<<if $profileluke is true>>\
<<link "<h20>MODEL PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "milf1">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>JOIN US</h20>">><<goto "cougarcontact">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>GET ACCESS</h20>">><<goto "cougarjoin">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "profile">><</link>>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/modelshow2.jpg" class='leftmodel'>
@@color:white;Hot Teacher@@
Another face that you may well have clapped eyes on before. Her long legs and perfect pert breasts start a list of traits that are capable of melting the coldest of hearts. Pair this with her sexual confidence and expertise and you can see why she is a perfect addition.
<<link "<h20>BACK</h20>">><<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model2show.jpg" class='cougarlarge'>
<<if $profileluke is true>>\
<<link "<h20>MODEL PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "milf2">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>JOIN US</h20>">><<goto "cougarcontact">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>GET ACCESS</h20>">><<goto "cougarjoin">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "profile">><</link>>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model2show2.jpg" class='rightmodel'>
@@color:white;Blonde Bombshell@@
She is seductive, beautiful and renders any man completely powerless when he is in her grasp. She oozes female sexual tension and knows exactly what it takes to give a younger man absolute satisfaction.
<<if $milf2choice is false and $profileluke is true>>\
<<link "<h20>PICK HER</h20>">><<set $milf2choice to true>><<goto "profile">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>BACK</h20>">><<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model3show.jpg" class='cougarlarge'>
<<if $profileluke is true>>\
<<link "<h20>MODEL PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "milf3">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>JOIN US</h20>">><<goto "cougarcontact">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>GET ACCESS</h20>">><<goto "cougarjoin">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "profile">><</link>>
<<set _m to random(1,2)>>\
<<if _m is 1>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model3show2.jpg" class='leftmodel'>
<<elseif _m is 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model3show3.jpg" class='leftmodel'>
@@color:white;Latina Mommy@@
Lusty Latina Mommy, huge cohones can't comprehend her lovers with pleasureable desire. Her long eye lashes seduce any innocent boy.
She looks after the good boys and even rewards them with more than a cream cake. Be vigilant!
<<link "<h20>BACK</h20>">><<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model4show.jpg" class='cougarlarge'>
<<if $profileluke is true>>\
<<link "<h20>MODEL PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "milf4">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>JOIN US</h20>">><<goto "cougarcontact">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>GET ACCESS</h20>">><<goto "cougarjoin">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "profile">><</link>>
<div class="redboss">RETIRED</div>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model4show2.jpg" class='leftmodel'>
@@color:white;Red Rose@@
Her red hair and equally hot body adds to her exquisite talents in front of the camera.
Her fascination with cosplay and the realm of seductive attire acted as a gateway to more provocative imagery, ultimately fueling her growing curiosity, which she described as an undeniable craving. Possessing an imposing stature and exuding an undeniable aura, this talented star is well-acquainted with shaping her own path in life.
<<link "<h20>BACK</h20>">><<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5show.jpg" class='cougarlarge'>
<<if $profileluke is true>>\
<<link "<h20>MODEL PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "milf5">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>JOIN US</h20>">><<goto "cougarcontact">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>GET ACCESS</h20>">><<goto "cougarjoin">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "profile">><</link>>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5show2.jpg" class='rightmodel'>
@@color:white;Glamorous Woman@@
This one is fairly new to the business but you wouldn't know that by the way she fucks! This hot and horny MILF has a great body with a plump ass, sound round big tits and a sexy wry smile.
<div class="newcougar">NEW!</div>
<<link "<h20>BACK</h20>">><<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model6show.jpg" class='cougarlarge'>
<<if $profileluke is true>>\
<<link "<h20>MODEL PROFILE</h20>">><<dialog>><div class="cougarlifebox">
Please forgive us, but the model's profile will be available only after she sends you an invitation herself.
@@color:orange;(Coming Soon)@@
<<link "<h20>Close</h20>">><<dialogclose>><</link>></div><</dialog>><</link>>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>JOIN US</h20>">><<goto "cougarcontact">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>GET ACCESS</h20>">><<goto "cougarjoin">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "profile">><</link>>
<<set _m to random(1,2)>>\
<<if _m is 1>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model6show2.jpg" class='leftmodel'>
<<elseif _m is 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model6show3.jpg" class='rightmodel'>
@@color:white;Hunger for More@@
What else can be said about this legendary blonde MILF babe? She commands attention in every scene that she's involved with and will show you a few new tricks to boot! Watch her get every hole plugged like a champ and get pleasured throughout!
<<link "<h20>BACK</h20>">><<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model7show.jpg" class='cougarlarge'>
<<if $profileluke is true>>\
<<link "<h20>MODEL PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "milf7mom">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>JOIN US</h20>">><<goto "cougarcontact">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>GET ACCESS</h20>">><<goto "cougarjoin">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "profile">><</link>>
<<set _m to random(1,2)>>\
<<if _m is 1>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model7show2.jpg" class='leftmodel'>
<<elseif _m is 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model7show3.jpg" class='rightmodel'>
@@color:white;Mommy's Boy@@
A new addition to our circle.
Loves to keep people happy - and she does this with absolute assurance. Blonde or Brown, amply breasted and with unbelievable curves in all the right places, this stunning performer will make sure you get the very best of her - every time.
<<if $cougarmom is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h11>Luke's Discovery</h11>">>
<<speech "Luke">>Wait. These photos are so familiar to me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Mom!?<</speech>>
<<set $cougarmom to true>>\
<div class="newcougar">NEW!</div>
<<if $milf7choice is false>>\
<<link "<h20>PICK HER</h20>">><<set $milf7choice to true>><<goto "profile">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>BACK</h20>">><<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model8show.jpg" class='cougarlarge'>
<<if $profileluke is true>>\
<<link "<h20>MODEL PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "milf8">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>JOIN US</h20>">><<goto "cougarcontact">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>GET ACCESS</h20>">><<goto "cougarjoin">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "profile">><</link>>
<<set _m to random(1,2)>>\
<<if _m is 1>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model8show2.jpg" class='leftmodel'>
<<elseif _m is 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model8show3.jpg" class='rightmodel'>
@@color:white;Life Support@@
She begins with some tease that leads to her amazing athletic ass and thighs. S+ Rank. Miss finds her way to a glass coffee table and does an incredible job of making even the smashing of her tits and twat on the glass seem sexy. Just the real deal here. Once on her knees, the view gets truly mesmerizing, back, hips and ass...
<<link "<h20>BACK</h20>">><<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model9show.jpg" class='cougarlarge'>
<<if $profileluke is true>>\
<<link "<h20>MODEL PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "milf9">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>JOIN US</h20>">><<goto "cougarcontact">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>GET ACCESS</h20>">><<goto "cougarjoin">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "profile">><</link>>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model9show2.jpg" class='leftmodel'>
An incredibly captivating woman with a radiant blonde appearance. She possesses a physique that can only be described as divine, reminiscent of a goddess. What sets her apart is not only her stunning looks but also her wealth of experience, making her an undeniable force to be reckoned with. For those seeking a woman who truly understands the art of satisfying a man, The perfect choice.
<<link "<h20>BACK</h20>">><<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<set _logo to random(1,4)>>
<<if _logo is 1>>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/logo5.webm" class="cougarlarge" autoplay loop>
<<elseif _logo is 2>>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/logo4.webm" class="cougarlarge" autoplay loop>
<<elseif _logo is 3>>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/logo6.webm" class="cougarlarge" autoplay loop>
<<elseif _logo is 4>>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/logo9.webm" class="cougarlarge" autoplay loop>
<<if $cougarpass is true>>\
<<if $profileluke is false>>\
<h3>@@color:white;Complete the profile to attract Milfs in your area!@@</h3>
<<link "<h20>COMPLETE PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "profile">><<set $profileluke to true>><</link>>
<<link "<h20>COUGARS PROFILES</h20>">><<goto "cougarmilfs">><</link>>
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/avatar.jpg' class='cougarsmallright'>
Your Profile:
<div align="left">\
Name: L
Age: Young Adult
Height: 185cm/6'1'
Hobby:Sport, Games, Books, Movies, Photography, Travel, Art, Music.
Description: So far I am looking around here and seeing how the site works.
A Shy Boy looking for some Love. Hoping you will not be disappointed by my awkwardness.
<<if $profileluke is true>>\
Your Cougars:
<<if $notif1 is false>>\
<<audio "notif2" play>>
<span class="blink">*NEW MASSAGE*</span>
<<if $notif2 is false and $chatmilf5 is 4>>\
<<audio "notif2" play>>
<span class="blink">*NEW MASSAGE*</span>
<<elseif $chatmilf5 gte 1 and $chatmilf5 lte 3>>\
<<set $chatmilf5 to $chatmilf5 +1>>
<<if $notif1 lte 8 and $notif1 gte 1 and $chatmilf5 is 7>>\
<<set $notif1 to $notif1 -1>>\
<<elseif $notif1 is 0 and $chatmilf5 is 7>>\
<<audio "notif2" play>>\
<span class="blink">*NEW MASSAGE*</span>
<div class="perf1"><img src="img/luke/cougarlife/modelbaner.jpg" class='cougarbanerlarge'> <div class="perfmiddle1">
<div class="textperf1"><<link "<h21>Alicia</h21>">><<goto "milf5">><</link>></div>
<<if $milf7choice is true>>\
<div class="perf1"><img src="img/luke/cougarlife/modelbaner2.jpg" class='cougarbanerlarge'> <div class="perfmiddle1"><div class="textperf1"><<link "<h21>Olena</h21>">><<goto "milf7mom">><</link>></div>
<<if $milf2choice is true>>\
<<if $chatmilf2 is 1>>\
<<audio "notif2" play>>
<span class="blink">*NEW MASSAGE*</span>
<div class="perf1"><img src="img/luke/cougarlife/modelbaner5.jpg" class='cougarbanerlarge'> <div class="perfmiddle1"><div class="textperf1"><<link "<h21>Irina</h21>">><<goto "milf2">><</link>></div>
<<set _baner to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _baner is 1>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/baner.jpg" class='largercougar'>
<<elseif _baner is 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/baner2.jpg" class='largercougar'>
<<elseif _baner is 3>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/baner3.jpg" class='largercougar'>
<<link "<h20>GET ACCESS</h20>">><<goto "cougarjoin">><</link>>
Get Access to receive your own Profile.
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>BACK</h20>">><<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>><</link>>
<sub>Remember to follow our privacy policy for individuals.</sub>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<img src="img/luke/worried.jpg" class="large">
@@color:lightblue;I'm so broke. Finding a reasonable job is tough!
Without experience, I can't find anything. The only job waiting for me is in fast food.
Well... Maybe my folks has some work to do?@@
<<if $jobdadluke is false and $time lte 20>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Ask $dad</h4>">>
@@color:lightblue;Let's ask $dad. Maybe he has some work to do.@@
<img src="img/luke/dad.jpg" class="large">
@@color:orange;$dad is watchning TV in the livingroom by himself.@@
<<speech "Luke">>Hey $dad.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hi Luke. What's good?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>I've got a question. Do you have any work for me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Work you say? As a matter of fact. Yes. I was going to ask you for help but it's good that you asked.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>The roof on the side of $name's room is leaking a little. Are you up to help me replace the roof tiles?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Umm... Yeah.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Great! Let's go $son.<</speech>>
<<link "<h18>Help $dad Replace the Roof</h18>">><<goto "jobdadluke">><</link>>
<<if $jobnameluke is false and $time lte 20>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Ask $name</h4>">><<goto "jobmcluke">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</linkreplace>>
<<if $jobmomluke is false and $time lte 20>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Ask $mom</h4>">><<goto "jobmomluke">><</linkreplace>>
<<link "<h4>Back</h4>">><<goto "lukeroom">><<if $jobdadluke is true and $jobnameluke is true and $jobmomluke is true>><<set $jobluke to true>><</if>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="dad">
<img src="img/luke/ladder.jpg" class="large">
@@color:orange;When you left the house together you see that the ladder is lying on the grass.
From the look on his face, he wonder why.@@
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Come Luke. Help with the Ladder.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Both of you took a ladder and positioned it to access the roof. $dad was the first to go up on the roof now it was your turn. About halfway up in front of you is a window into your $sister's room. @@
<<linkreplace "<h18>Peek</h18>">>
<video src="img/luke/mc.webm" class="mediumc" autoplay loop>
</video><<set $peekmc to true>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>I wonder... Does this dress still fit me....</sub><</speech>>
@@color:lightblue;Whoah $name's Tits...@@
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Luke! Are you coming or what?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Get on the Roof</h4>">><<replace "#dad">>
<img src="img/luke/roof.jpg" class="large">
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Cool. Now watch Luke. I'll show you the how it works.<</speech>>
With patience and curiosity you learn something new from the $dad. He demonstrates how to remove and lay a new tile on a roof.
After that it was your turn. Without any difficulty you did the same which makes your $dad proud.
<<speech "Luke">>Huh. It's easy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Atta boy! I see you are very handy with his Luke!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah. Thanks $dad.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Great, I'll start from the other side. Shout if you need anything.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Okay. Let's do it.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Few Minutes Later</h4>">><<set $time to $time +1>><<upd>><<audio "build" play>>
<img src="img/luke/roof1.jpg" class="large">
@@color:orange;After a tense hour of hard work, you managed to replace a piece of the roof. $dad evaluated the quality with which you laid that roof. You can see from his gaze no sense of disappointment.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>*Whistle* Nice! Nice Luke. We did it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Are we? If you say so.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>No leaks so far. $son. You can be proud of your work. $name would be thrilled.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;From downstairs you can hear Emma calling you.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad! $dad! Are you done!? Is it finished?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yes Darling! You don't have to worry about the rain anymore!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Great! Thank you $dad!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Thank your $bro. He did a good job.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Luke? Wow. Thank you so much Big $bro.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Anything for my $sister.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Anyway. I hope you enjoyed the view!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Huh?<</speech>>
$name without response leave you both alone with confused face.
<<if $peekmc is true>>@@color:lightblue;Did she catch me on peeking?<</if>>
You helped bring the tools back to the garage. After this Father hands you $100.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Here. For the work.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Thanks $dad! I learned a lot today.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Sure! Anytime $son. Anytime.<</speech>>
<div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;Money +100$@@</div>
<<set $lukemoney to $lukemoney +100>><<set $jobdadluke to true>><<upd>>
<<link "<h4>Back</h4>">><<goto "lukeroom">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
@@color:orange;It wouldn't hurt to try and ask your $sister if she has heard of any work for you.
Knocking on the door to her room, you hear a sound when she bangs against something.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>AUGH!!! Coming!</sub><</speech>><<audio "girlpain" play>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>$sister opens the Door.</h4>">><<audio "doorlock" play>>
<img src="img/luke/sister.jpg" class="large">
@@color:orange;As $name opens the door she hold her ankle. A bit uncomfortable as your $sister is wearing lingerie, her bra has trouble hiding her large breasts.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahhhh... Luke? What are you doing here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Sister, Hey. You okay? I heard a scream.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah. Yeah. Trying to do some yoga but your knocking disturbed my inner presence.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Inner Presence? Haha. Sure. Sorry for that. Anyway, Do you have a moment?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Emm... Yeah. What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>I gotta ask... Do you got any job for me? I mean.. Have you heard of one? Well-paid of course.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well-Paid Job? No. Sorry $bro. But I'll try to ask around.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Oh. That's Cool. Thank you $sister. Love ya!<</speech>>
<<if $jobdadluke is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h18>$sister Holds you.</h18>">>
<<if $bkiss is true>>\
<video src="img/luke/interaction/kiss3.webm" class="large" autoplay loop>
@@color:pink;As you were about to leave her alone, She stops and kiss you with the tongue. The spark of desire begins to ignite.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That was for reparing the roof. Thank you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Um.. No problem $sister.<</speech>>
<<bcorruption 5>><div class="posarousal">@@color:pink;$bro's Corruption +5@@</div>
<i>Luke Kissing: @@color:pink;$lukekiss/15@@</i>
<meter @value="$lukekiss" min="0" max="15" align="center"></meter>
<<if $lukekiss lte 13>>\
<<set $lukekiss to $lukekiss +1>><<upd>>
<<if $lukekiss gte 15>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>$name's Boobs</h4>">>
<video src="img/luke/interaction/boobkiss2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop>
<<if $lukeboob lte 13>>\
<<set $lukeboob to $lukeboob +2>><<upd>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmmm.... Luke...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name...<</speech>>
<i>$name's Boobs: @@color:hotpink;$lukeboob/15@@</i>
<meter @value="$lukeboob" min="0" max="15" align="center"></meter>
<<elseif $bkiss is false>>\
<img src="img/luke/sis.jpg" class="large">
@@color:pink;As you were about to leave her alone, She stops you from leaving her room by adjusting her bra.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I wish you a good day. $bro.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Emm.. Thanks $name.<</speech>>
<<set $bcorruption to $bcorruption +5>><div class="posarousal">@@color:pink;$bro's Corruption +5@@</div>
<<link "<h4>Back</h4>">><<set $jobnameluke to true>><<goto "lukeroom">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<img src="img/luke/momalone.jpg" class="large">
@@color:orange;At home you look around for your $mom. After a few seconds you can hear her in the Kitchen.
Entering the kitchen you can see how hard she is working. Washing and cleaning is severely tiring for her.@@
<<speech "Luke">>$mom! Please. Relax for a sec. I'll clean these.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>It's fine Luke. I'm slowly wrapping up now.<</speech>>
<<if $jobdadluke is true>>\
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>I see that you and your $dad have done a phenomenal job. For a long time I asked David to fix this piece of roof. Finally, someone manage to persuade him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Nah.. I just asked if he needs some help.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Of course... Of course.<</speech>>
<img src="img/luke/momalone2.jpg" class="imageright">
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Sweatheart. You seems worried with something. What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Ah... Just looking for a job. So far I'm not doing very well with that<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>It takes some time, honey. Maybe i'll ask around? Surely someone has some work for you. <</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>It would be cool $mom. Most of the job requires experience which i lack. Anyway. I wanted to ask you . If you have any work for me right now? Money would be a nice addition.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Haha. Luke. Work for you.. Now?<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Right now in the hallway, $dad calls that he is leaving.@@
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Guys! I'm leaving! I'm gonna be late!<</speech>>
<img src="img/luke/momalone3.jpg" class="imageright">
@@color:orange;When the sound of the door closing was heard, $mom smiles at herself and jumps out of the sink.@@
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>You know? I've got one! I've got one!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>In 15 minutes join me in my bedroom. Or in 30 minutes! Or i'll call you! Wait!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Bedroom?! $mom! What you up to? $mom?!<</speech>>
@@color:orange;$mom without response left you alone in the kitchen and went upstairs.
You with stupid look wait more than 30 minutes.@@
<<link "<h4>Enter her Bedroom</h4>">><<goto "jobmomluke2">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="mom">
@@color:orange;After half of hour, You enter the $parents Bedroom. Slowly you open the door.
Your eyes can't believe what they see.@@
<div class="containerlarge">
<img src="img/luke/work1.jpg" class="largevision">
<div class="middlelarge">
<div class="imageof"><img src="img/luke/work2.jpg" class="imagevisionlarge"></div>
<h3>@@color:lightblue;You are not dreaming!
Your $mom is lying half naked on the bed. In front of you. All alone.@@</h3>
<<linkreplace "<h4>@@color:hotpink;$mom?@@</h4>">><<replace "#mom">>
<img src="img/luke/work5.jpg" class="large">
@@color:orange;Worried $mom waves at you, speaks to you but you don't respond. For some reason you can't hear or understand her. Her body is so magnificent...@@
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>...Luke! Luke? Hello? Luke! Darling!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Oh... Ah.. Sorry. What.. What is this $mom? Why you dress like that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>It's your work, darling.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>What?!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>No way!</h4>">>
@@color:lightblue;No way... $mom wants me to...?@@
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Jeez Honey. Did you not hear me? Over there.<</speech>>
<img src="img/luke/camera.jpg" class="medium">
@@color:orange;$mom points to the camera which is behind you. A sense of relief and disappointment follows through you. You thought $mom had something else in mind.
But you still wonder why $mom is lying half naked on the bed with the camera pointed at her.@@
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Darling. Pick up the Camera and start shooting.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Oh. Sure! Sure. But.. Can i ask... Why?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Come on. Darling. Do i need to repeat myself again? For my little hobby.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Okay. Cool. Hobby. Cool. You got a hobby?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Sweety. Please. Can we talk about this later? It's getting cold here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah. Yeah. Sure. Ready?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Let me correct the posture first. This underwear is making me a little uneasy.<</speech>>
@@color:lightblue;My god, It's a torture! My cock can't rest for a sec.@@
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Okay. Ready!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Shoot</h4>">><<replace "#mom">><<audio "photo" play>>
<img src="img/luke/work3.jpg" class="large">
@@color:orange;It is difficult for you to stay a focused when your $mom poses in front of you in just her lingerie. Her smile... And her Body... Makes your Dick even harder.@@
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Is it better this way?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Umm. Yeah. It's perfect.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>You think so? Okay. I trust you.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Another One.</h4>">><<replace "#mom">><<audio "photo" play>>
<img src="img/luke/work4.jpg" class="large">
@@color:lightblue;God damn! Why $mom? Why are you doing this to me?!@@
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Darling. Is something wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>No.. It's pefrect. $mom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Glad to hear that! I'm so happy you helping me with this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Anything for you. $mom.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Another One.</h4>">><<replace "#mom">><<audio "photo" play>>
<img src="img/luke/work6.jpg" class="large">
@@color:orange;$mom poses in front of you with a seductive face. When you look into Her eyes, they are so mysterious and predatory as if they want to lure you in. The feeling is so awkward to you.@@
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Luke...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>*Cough* Yes?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Have you finished?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Finished?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>With taking pictures. Here. Let me look at them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Oh. Right! Yes. Have a look.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Show her</h4>">>
<img src="img/luke/work7.jpg" class="large">
@@color:orange;You sat next to your $mom. Her scent and touch when you get close to her brings you more into a strange emotion. As you handed her the Camera, You look at her deeply trying to read what she really wants from you. Does she want you?@@
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Wow! Honey! They look great!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Really? You okay with them?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Of course! I love them so much! Give me a hug!<</speech>>
<img src="img/luke/mom/hug1.jpg" class="medium">
@@color:lightblue;Wow... She is so warm. And her smell... So nice...@@
<<momluke 5>><div class="posarousal">$mom's Boy +5</div>
<<set $lukemoney to $lukemoney +100>><<set $jobmomluke to true>><div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;Money +100$@@</div><<upd>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Oh. Right. Honey here is for you great work.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>That's a lot $mom! I can't-<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Don't you worry. I've got plenty. Now shu! I have to look at them, again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Okay. Thanks $mom! You are the best.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;You left $mom alone with the pictures.
Still, You wonder why she needs them?@@
<<link "<h4>Back</h4>">><<goto "lukeroom">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $milf5stage lte 2>>\
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelbaner.jpg' class='cougarbanerlarge1'>
<<elseif $milf5stage gte 3>>\
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelbaner1.jpg' class='cougarbanerlarge1'>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "model5">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>GALLERY</h20>">><<goto "milf5pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>VIDEOS</h20>">><<goto "milf5vid">><</link>>
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelavatar.jpg' class='cougarsmallright'>
<<if $milf5stage is 1>>\
<h3>@@color:white;First Stage@@</h3>
<<elseif $milf5stage is 2>>\
<h3>@@color:white;Second Stage@@</h3>
<<elseif $milf5stage is 3>>\
<h3>@@color:white;Third Stage@@</h3>
<<elseif $milf5stage is 4>>\
<h3>@@color:white;Last Stage@@</h3>
<div align="left">\
Name: Alicia
Experience: New
Hobby: Travel, Health, A lot of Sport, Music, Shy Boys.
Description: Queen looking for a love. My arms would like to be hugged by a good boy.
Support the actress's real work: https://onlyfans.com/kendralust
<<include "chatmilf5">>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>BACK TO PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "profile">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/logo7.webm" class="cougarlarge" autoplay loop>
<<link "<h20>JOIN US</h20>">><<goto "cougarcontact">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>GET ACCESS</h20>">><<goto "cougarjoin">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "profile">><</link>>
<<if $barslide is 1>>\
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>View</h21>">><<goto "model1">><</link>></div>
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model2.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>View</h21>">><<goto "model2">><</link>></div>
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model3.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>View</h21>">><<goto "model3">><</link>></div>
<<elseif $barslide is 2>>\
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>View</h21>">><<goto "model4">><</link>></div>
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model4.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>View</h21>">><<goto "model5">><</link>></div>
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model7.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>View</h21>">><<goto "model6">><</link>></div>
<<elseif $barslide is 3>>\
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model6.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>View</h21>">><<goto "model7mom">><</link>></div>
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model8.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>View</h21>">><<goto "model8">><</link>></div>
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model9.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>View</h21>">><<goto "model9">><</link>></div>
<<link "<h20>PREVIOUS</h20>">><<if $barslide gte 2>><<set $barslide to $barslide -1>><<else>><<set $barslide to 3>><</if>><<goto "cougarmilfs">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>NEXT</h20>">><<goto "cougarmilfs">><<if $barslide lte 2>><<set $barslide to $barslide +1>><<else>><<set $barslide to 1>><</if>><</link>></table>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/logo1.webm" class="cougarlarge" autoplay loop>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>BACK</h20>">><<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $milf5stage lte 2>>\
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelbaner.jpg' class='cougarbanerlarge1'>
<<elseif $milf5stage gte 3>>\
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelbaner1.jpg' class='cougarbanerlarge1'>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "model5">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>CHAT</h20>">><<goto "milf5">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>VIDEOS</h20>">><<goto "milf5vid">><</link>>
<<if $specialmilf5 gte 1>>\
<<link "<h20>SPECIAL</h20>">><<set $milf5 to 20>><<goto "milf5pic">><</link>><</if>>\
<<link "<h20>LINGERIE</h20>">><<set $milf5 to 5>><<goto "milf5pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>HOUSEWIFE</h20>">><<set $milf5 to 1>><<goto "milf5pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>DOCTOR</h20>">><<set $milf5 to 10>><<goto "milf5pic">><</link>></table>\
<<if $milf5 lte 4>>\
<<link "<h20> << </h20>">><<if $milf5 gte 2>><<set $milf5 to $milf5 -1>><</if>><<goto "milf5pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20> >> </h20>">><<if $milf5 lte 3>><<set $milf5 to $milf5 +1>><</if>><<goto "milf5pic">><</link>>
<<elseif $milf5 gte 5 and $milf5 lte 9>>\
<<link "<h20> << </h20>">><<if $milf5 gte 6>><<set $milf5 to $milf5 -1>><</if>><<goto "milf5pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20> >> </h20>">><<if $milf5 lte 7>><<set $milf5 to $milf5 +1>><</if>><<goto "milf5pic">><</link>>
<<elseif $milf5 gte 10 and $milf5 lte 15>>\
<<link "<h20> << </h20>">><<if $milf5 gte 11>><<set $milf5 to $milf5 -1>><</if>><<goto "milf5pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20> >> </h20>">><<if $milf5 lte 12>><<set $milf5 to $milf5 +1>><</if>><<goto "milf5pic">><</link>>
<<elseif $milf5 gte 20 and $specialmilf5 lte 3>>\
<<link "<h20> << </h20>">><<if $milf5 gte 21>><<set $milf5 to $milf5 -1>><</if>><<goto "milf5pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20> >> </h20>">><<if $milf5 lte 23>><<set $milf5 to $milf5 +1>><</if>><<goto "milf5pic">><</link>>
<<if $milf5 is 1>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/1.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf5 is 2>>\
<<if $milf5stage gte 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/1.1.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/errorpic.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf5 is 3>>\
<<if $milf5stage gte 3>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/1.2.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/errorpic.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf5 is 4>>\
<<if $milf5stage gte 4>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/1.3.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/errorpic.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf5 is 5>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/2.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf5 is 6>>\
<<if $milf5stage gte 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/2.1.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/errorpic.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf5 is 7>>\
<<if $milf5stage gte 3>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/2.2.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/errorpic.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf5 is 8>>\
<<if $milf5stage gte 4>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/2.3.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/errorpic.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf5 is 10>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/3.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf5 is 11>>\
<<if $milf5stage gte 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/3.1.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/errorpic.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf5 is 12>>\
<<if $milf5stage gte 3>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/3.2.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/errorpic.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf5 is 13>>\
<<if $milf5stage gte 4>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/3.3.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/errorpic.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf5 is 20>>\
<<if $specialmilf5 gte 1>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/chat.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/errorpic.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf5 is 21>>\
<<if $specialmilf5 gte 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/chat2.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/errorpic.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf5 is 22>>\
<<if $specialmilf5 gte 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/chat3.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/errorpic.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf5 is 23>>\
<<if $specialmilf5 gte 3>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/chat4.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/errorpic.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf5 is 24>>\
<<if $chatmilf5 gte 10>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/chat5.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/errorpic.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<if $milf5 lte 4>>\
<<link "<h20> << </h20>">><<if $milf5 gte 2>><<set $milf5 to $milf5 -1>><</if>><<goto "milf5pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20> >> </h20>">><<if $milf5 lte 3>><<set $milf5 to $milf5 +1>><</if>><<goto "milf5pic">><</link>>
<<elseif $milf5 gte 5 and $milf5 lte 9>>\
<<link "<h20> << </h20>">><<if $milf5 gte 6>><<set $milf5 to $milf5 -1>><</if>><<goto "milf5pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20> >> </h20>">><<if $milf5 lte 7>><<set $milf5 to $milf5 +1>><</if>><<goto "milf5pic">><</link>>
<<elseif $milf5 gte 10 and $milf5 lte 15>>\
<<link "<h20> << </h20>">><<if $milf5 gte 11>><<set $milf5 to $milf5 -1>><</if>><<goto "milf5pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20> >> </h20>">><<if $milf5 lte 12>><<set $milf5 to $milf5 +1>><</if>><<goto "milf5pic">><</link>>
<<elseif $milf5 gte 20 and $specialmilf5 lte 3>>\
<<link "<h20> << </h20>">><<if $milf5 gte 21>><<set $milf5 to $milf5 -1>><</if>><<goto "milf5pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20> >> </h20>">><<if $milf5 lte 23>><<set $milf5 to $milf5 +1>><</if>><<goto "milf5pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>BACK</h20>">><<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>><</link>>
<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $milf5stage lte 2>>\
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelbaner.jpg' class='cougarbanerlarge1'>
<<elseif $milf5stage gte 3>>\
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelbaner1.jpg' class='cougarbanerlarge1'>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "model5">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>CHAT</h20>">><<goto "milf5">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>GALLERY</h20>">><<goto "milf5pic">><</link>>
<<if $milf5vid is 1>>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/vid.webm" class="cougarlarge" autoplay loop>
<<elseif $milf5vid is 2>>\
<<if $milf5stage gte 2>>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/vid2.webm" class="cougarlarge" autoplay loop>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/error.jpg" class='cougarlarge'>
<<elseif $milf5vid is 3>>\
<<if $milf5stage gte 3>>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/vid3.webm" class="cougarlarge" autoplay loop>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/error.jpg" class='cougarlarge'>
<<elseif $milf5vid is 4>>\
<<if $milf5stage gte 4>>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/vid4.webm" class="cougarlarge" autoplay loop>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/error.jpg" class='cougarlarge'>
<<link "<h20> << </h20>">><<if $milf5vid gte 2>><<set $milf5vid to $milf5vid -1>><</if>><<goto "milf5vid">><</link>>
<<link "<h20> >> </h20>">><<if $milf5vid lte 3>><<set $milf5vid to $milf5vid +1>><</if>><<goto "milf5vid">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>BACK</h20>">><<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>><</link>>
</b></div>\<<if $chatmilf5 is 0>>\
<div class="chatboxmilf">\
<<if $notif1 is false>>\
<span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</if>>\
<div align="left">
<<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Hey.<</speech>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Just want to say hi.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<scrolldown>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>You new here?<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><<scrolldown>><<set $notif1 to 1>><<upd>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>Hey Alicia.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "reply" play>><<speech "L">>Yeah. A new addition to this charming establishment. How are you?<</speech>><</timed>>
<<if $notif1 is 1>><<timed 5s t8n>><span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>><</if>><div align="left">
<<timed 7s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Ha-ha. That's great. I'm very good actually. <</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 9s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Looking for the gift for my daughter. Care to help me?<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 10s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><<scrolldown>><<set $notif1 to 2>><<upd>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>Of course, I'm not an expert in choosing gifts. But i'll try!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "reply" play>><<speech "L">>Anyway. What does she like to do in free time?<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<if $notif1 is 2>><<timed 4s t8n>><span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>><</if>><div align="left">
<<timed 6s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>That's the thing... I'm not sure.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>But mostly she reads the books and do sports.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<span id="book"><table>
<th><<timed 10s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>BOOK</h20>">><<replace "#book">><<audio "reply" play>><<scrolldown>><<set $notif1 to 3>><<upd>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>How about a Book?<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "reply" play>><<speech "L">>If she likes Fiction. I recommend 'Two Thrones'. She would love to read it.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<if $notif1 is 3>><<timed 3s t8n>><span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>><</if>><div align="left">
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Two Thrones...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>I love that idea!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Thank you for helping me out :)<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<set $notif1 to 5>><<set $chatmilf5 to 1>>\
<div align="left">\
<<timed 10s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>I'm off to look for the book. Bye!<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 11s t8n>><span class="blink">*Alicia logs off*</span><</timed>>
<</replace>><</linkreplace>> <</timed>></th>
<th><<timed 10s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>SHOES</h20>">><<replace "#book">><<audio "reply" play>><<scrolldown>><<set $notif1 to 3>><<upd>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>How about a running Shoes?<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "reply" play>><<speech "L">>Most injuries are from differences in the shoes on which we do sport.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<if $notif1 is 3>><<timed 4s t8n>><span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>><</if>><div align="left">
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>You are right.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>I'm off to look for the boots :P<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Bye!<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 10s t8n>><span class="blink">*Alicia logs off*</span><</timed>>
<<set $chatmilf5 to 1>><<set $notif1 to 4>>
<</replace>><</linkreplace>> <</timed>></th></table>
<<if $chatmilf5 is 4>>\
<div class="chatboxmilf">\
<<if $notif1 is 5>>\
<span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><div align="left">
<<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Hey L. Your book worked! She is delighted with the book!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Daughter was impressed with my choice, I mean your choice of the book. Hah!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Thank you so much. Here's your reward :*<</speech>><</timed>></div>\
<div algin="center">
<<timed 8s t8n>><<audio "riseup" play>><img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/chat.jpg" class='chatpicmodel'>
<h3>@@color:white;Alicia grants you Second Stage!@@</h3><<set $milf5stage to 2>><<set $specialmilf5 to 1>><</timed>></div><<upd>>
<<timed 10s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>Whoah! You are so beautiful... <</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 3s t8n>><<audio "reply" play>><<speech "L">>Glad i helped with the book selection :)<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 5s t8n>><span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 7s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Thank you so much :*<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 9s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Gotta go, See you soon, Love :)<</speech>>
<<timed 10s t8n>><span class="blink">*Alicia logs off*</span><</timed>>
<<set $chatmilf5 to 5>><<set $notif2 to 1>>
<<elseif $notif1 is 4>>\
<span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><div align="left">
<<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Hey L.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Unfortunately, she didn't like her new shoes.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>She already has a dozen shoes. Anyway, Thanks for helping out.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>Damn... Sorry to hear that.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 3s t8n>><<audio "reply" play>><<speech "L">>At least it is the gesture and spending time with her that counts.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 5s t8n>><span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 7s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>I guess...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 9s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Recently, It's hard to hang out with her.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 11s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>I don't want to talk about it. I gotta go. Bye L!<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 12s t8n>><span class="blink">*Alicia logs off*</span><</timed>>
<<set $chatmilf5 to 5>><<set $notif2 to 2>>\
<<if $chatmilf5 gte 1 and $chatmilf5 lte 3>>\
<div class="chatboxmilf">\
<span class="blink">*Alicia is Offline*
(Keep visiting her until she's online)</span>
<<set $chatmilf5 to $chatmilf5 +1>>
<<if $chatmilf5 is 5>>\
<div class="chatboxmilf">\
<span class="blinkslow">*Alicia is Online*</span>
<span id="chat">
<th><<include "chatmilf5special">></th>
<th><<linkreplace "<h20>WRITE</h20>">><<replace "#chat">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>Hey Alicia.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 2s t8n>> <span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 4s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Heyyy. I'll try to chat a little.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 5s t8n>> <<linkreplace "<h20>ASK</h20>">> <<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>> <<speech "L">>Hmm? Are you going somewhere?<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 2s t8n>> <span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span> <</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 4s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Actually, I'm at the gym.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>> <<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>A little break never hurt 😅<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 7s t8n>> <span class="blink">*Alicia sends you Picture*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/chat3.jpg" class='chatpicmodellarge'> <</timed>>
<<timed 9s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>> <<speech "L">>Whoah! You look... Great!!!<</speech>> <</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>> <<audio "reply" play>> <<speech "L">>It would be fun to train with you one day.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 3s t8n>> <span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 4s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Yeah! It would be awesome.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Damn, Sorry L. I gotta go! Big workout calls me.<</speech>><<set $chatmilf5 to 6>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 7s t8n>><span class="blink">*Alicia logs off*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>><<link "<h20>REFRESH CHAT</h20>">><<goto "milf5">><</link>><</timed>>
<<if $chatmilf5 is 6>>\
<div class="chatboxmilf">\
<span class="blinkslow">*Alicia is Online*</span>
<span id="chat">\
<th><<include "chatmilf5special">></th>
<th><<linkreplace "<h20>WRITE</h20>">><<replace "#chat">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>Good morning, Alicia. How's your workout?<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 2s t8n>> <span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 4s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Gm! <</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>It was exhausting 😭😭😭. I'm still recovering...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>I'm gonna murder that dumb psychopath...<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 9s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>> <<speech "L">>Whoah! Dumb psychopath? Who?<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 2s t8n>> <span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 4s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>My personal trainee.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Yesterday, He gave me such a hard time that I can barely stand on my feet.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>I fucking hate him!<</speech>><</timed>></div>\
<table><th><<timed 9s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>ADVISE</h20>">><<replace "#chat">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>> <<speech "L">>Then how about a change of trainer?<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "reply" play>> <<speech "L">>If you don't get along with your current trainee, It is no use to suffer with this guy.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 4s t8n>> <span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 6s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Yeah. You are right...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Why didn't i think of that. I am so stupid! I could have done this a long time ago.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 9s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REASSURE</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>> <<speech "L">>Alicia! You are not stupid.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "reply" play>> <<speech "L">>You just have a lot on your mind. Sometimes you just need someone to give you a simple hint.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 4s t8n>> <span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 6s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Hmm... I've never given it much thought. But when i think of it... You are 100% right!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>I... Really like you. L. 💕<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 9s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REVEAL</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>> <<speech "L" "Luke">>Huh... I really like you too... Alicia. 💕<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "reply" play>> <<speech "L" "Luke">>Don't call me L. My name is Luke.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 4s t8n>> <span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 6s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Ohhh.... Luke. That is a nice name.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>That name sounds so nice. It would be a great name for my future baby.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 9s t8n>> <span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 12s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Fuck Luke.. I have to go.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 13s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>> <<speech "L" "Luke">>Is something wrong?<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 1s t8n>> <span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 4s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>I hope not. Got an urgent message from work. I'll let you know later how it went. See ya love!<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<set $chatmilf5 to 7>><<set $notif1 to 8>><<upd>>\
<<timed 5s t8n>><span class="blink">*Alicia logs off*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<link "<h20>REFRESH CHAT</h20>">><<goto "milf5">><</link>><</timed>>
<th><<timed 9s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>SYMPATHISE</h20>">><<replace "#chat">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>> <<speech "L">>I'm so sorry to hear that...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "reply" play>> <<speech "L">>Can i help you out somehow?<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 4s t8n>> <span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 5s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>No. I don't think so.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 7s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>I'm so sorry! I really don't know why I'm making you worry.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 9s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Anyway. I've got to go. Something important came up. Bye.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 10s t8n>><span class="blink">*Alicia logs off*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 11s t8n>><<link "<h20>RETRY</h20>">><<goto "milf5">><</link>><</timed>>
<<if $chatmilf5 is 7 and $notif1 is 0>>\
<div class="chatboxmilf">\
<<audio "notif2" play>>\
<span class="blinkslow">*Alicia is Online*</span>
<span id="chat">\
<div align="left"><<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Luke! Hey! Do you have a moment to chat?<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>> <<speech "L" "Luke">>Hi Alicia. Of course. I was just about to write to you!<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 2s t8n>> <span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>I'm really grateful to you for your advice. It was the right move to dump that trainer of mine! Finally feeling so much better without him. 😮💨
<<timed 5s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>> <<speech "L" "Luke">>That's good to hear that, Alicia. 😀
<<timed 2s t8n>> <span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Oh you were so right about him. And you know what? This guy is a real fucked up creep! 🤨<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>ASK</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>> <<speech "L" "Luke">>It doesn't sound good. What did he do?<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 2s t8n>> <span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Well... After what he pulled off, I'm happy to say that the self-defense classes have really paid off in the last few months.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Let me tell you that this guy couldn't take the defeat! As I walked back to my car, this creep assaulted me!<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 7s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>WORRY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>> <<speech "L" "Luke">>What!? Are you alright?!<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 2s t8n>> <span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Better ask him. He probably must crying out in pain in the hospital right now.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>All i can say. His gross little balls will not rest from the pain for a couple of weeks. 👊<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 8s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>> <<speech "L" "Luke">>Whoah!!! You're such a Bad-Ass!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>> <<audio "reply" play>><<speech "L" "Luke">>Remind me not to mess with you. 🫡
<<timed 4s t8n>> <span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 6s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Rest assured, I have no intention of beating my love interests 💓. Unless they deserve it. 😈<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 7s t8n>> <span class="blink">*Alicia sends you Picture*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>> <img src="img/luke/cougarlife/modelbaner1.jpg" class='cougarbanerlarge1'><</timed>>
<<timed 9s t8n>><<audio "riseup" play>><h3>@@color:white;Alicia grants you Third Stage!@@</h3><<set $milf5stage to 3>><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 10s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Here you go, sexy boy 😍! It's my little reward for you.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 11s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>> <<speech "L" "Luke">>Wow... Alicia. You are such a stunning lady. I’m not sure what I’d do if we met!<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 2s t8n>> <span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>It's only one way to find out.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 5s t8n>><span class="blink">*Alicia logs off*</span><</timed>><div align="right"><<set $chatmilf5 to 8>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<audio "reply" play>> <<speech "L" "Luke">>Alicia..?<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<link "<h20>REFRESH CHAT</h20>">><<goto "milf5">><</link>><</timed>>
<<elseif $notif1 gte 1 and $chatmilf5 is 7>>\
<div class="chatboxmilf">\
<span class="blink">*Alicia is Offline*
(Wait for her Message)</span></div>\
<<set $notif1 to $notif1 -1>>\
<<if $chatmilf5 is 8>>\
<div class="chatboxmilf">\
<span id="chat">\
<span class="blinkslow">*Alicia is Online*</span>
<th><<include "chatmilf5special">></th>
<<if $bcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<th><<linkreplace "<h20>@@color:orange;ASK HER OUT@@</h20>">><<replace "#chat">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right"><<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L" "Luke">>Good day, Alicia. I was wondering...<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<audio "reply" play>><div align="right"><<timed 2s t8n>><<speech "L" "Luke">>Do you want by any chance to meet me? For a coffee?<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 4s t8n>> <span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left"><<timed 6s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Good day to you too, Tiger.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<div align="left"><<timed 8s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Coffee? Hmm... Sure. But in my place.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 9s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>> <<speech "L" "Luke">>Really..? I mean.. Cool! That's awesome. When can I come?<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 2s t8n>> <span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>>
<div align="left"><<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>How about... Now?<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>> <<speech "L" "Luke">>Sure! I'm heading to you, right away!<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 2s t8n>> <span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>>
<div align="left"><<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Cool. Can't wait 😈<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<link "<h20>Go to her</h20>">><<set $chatmilf5 to 9>><<goto "milf5house">><</link>>
I can't... Yet. (Required: Luke Stage 1)
<<if $chatmilf5 is 9>>\
<div class="chatboxmilf">\
<span id="chat">\
<span class="blinkslow">*Alicia is Online*</span>
<div align="left"><<timed 50ms t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Luke! Hey! I am so sorry about that. I completely forgot that I have a visit with my daughter today, and I promised not to meet with any guys for a while <</speech>><</timed>></div>
<div align="left"><<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Can you forget me? Pretty please?<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right"><<timed 50ms t8n>> <<speech "L" "Luke">>Alicia, It's okay. I'm not mad :)<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<audio "reply" play>><div align="right"><<timed 2s t8n>> <<speech "L" "Luke">>I've had a great time, Seriously. Family must always come first, and the greatest way to strengthen your bond with your daughter is to spend time with her. We'll meet again, soon :)<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 4s t8n>> <span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>>
<div align="left"><<timed 6s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Thank you for your understanding, not only are you handsome, but you are also a smart and funny guy...<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 6s t8n>> <span class="blink">*Alicia sends you Picture*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/chat5.jpg" class='chatpicmodellarge'> <</timed>>
<div align="left"><<timed 10s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Thank you again and until our next chat... Handsome 💓<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<set $chatmilf5 to 10>>
<<timed 11s t8n>><span class="blink">*Alicia logs off*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 12s t8n>><<link "<h20>REFRESH CHAT</h20>">><<goto "milf5">><</link>><</timed>>
<</if>>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelbaner2.jpg' class='cougarbanerlarge1'>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "model7mom">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>GALLERY</h20>">><<goto "milf7pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>VIDEOS</h20>">><<goto "milf7vid">><</link>>
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelavatar2.jpg' class='cougarsmallright'>
<<if $milf7choice is false>>\
<<link "<h20>PICK HER</h20>">><<set $milf7choice to true>><<goto "profile">><</link>>
<<if $milf7stage is 1>>\
<h3>@@color:white;First Stage@@</h3>
<<elseif $milf7stage is 2>>\
<h3>@@color:white;Second Stage@@</h3>
<<elseif $milf7stage is 3>>\
<h3>@@color:white;Third Stage@@</h3>
<<elseif $milf7stage is 4>>\
<h3>@@color:white;Last Stage@@</h3>
<div align="left">\
Name: Olena
Experience: New
Hobby: Sport, Hiking, Cooking, Dancing, Decorating.
Description: A lady looking for a fun. Have you got any chance to hit me?
Anyway, I'm new here. Wait till i'll get better pics and clips. They are in the process of making!
I hope I have caught your attention ;P
Support the actress's real work: https://onlyfans.com/cheriedeville
<<if $milf7choice is true>>\
<<include "chatmilf7">>
<<elseif $milf7choice is false>>\
<h3>@@color:white;To start the chat, Select Option "Pick Her" to become one of your Cougars.@@</h3>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>BACK TO PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "profile">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelbaner2.jpg' class='cougarbanerlarge1'>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "model7mom">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>CHAT</h20>">><<goto "milf7mom">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>VIDEOS</h20>">><<goto "milf7vid">><</link>>
<<if $milf7choice is true>>\
<<if $milf7 is 1>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model7/pic1.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf7 is 2>>\
<<if $milf7stage gte 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model7/pic2.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/errorpic.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf7 is 3>>\
<<if $milf7stage gte 3>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model7/pic3.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/errorpic.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf7 is 4>>\
<<if $milf7stage gte 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model7/pic4.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/errorpic.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<if $milf7 lte 4>>\
<<link "<h20> << </h20>">><<if $milf7 gte 2>><<set $milf7 to $milf7 -1>><</if>><<goto "milf7pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20> >> </h20>">><<if $milf7 lte 3>><<set $milf7 to $milf7 +1>><</if>><<goto "milf7pic">><</link>>
<<elseif $milf7choice is false>>\
<h3>@@color:white;To see her Gallery, Select Option "Pick Her" to become one of your Cougars.@@</h3>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>BACK</h20>">><<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelbaner3.jpg' class='cougarbanerlarge1'>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "model4">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>GALLERY</h20>">><<goto "milf4pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>VIDEOS</h20>">><<goto "milf4vid">><</link>>
<div class="redboss">RETIRED</div>
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelavatar3.jpg' class='cougarsmallright'>
<div align="left">\
Name: Madison
Experience: Professional
Hobby: Cars, Yoga, Literature, Photography.
Description: The day will come when you will see me on the street.
From that moment, your life will change forever.
Kill my boredom!
Support the actress's real work: https://onlyfans.com/maitlandward
<span class="blink">*Madison is Offline*</span>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>BACK TO PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "profile">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelbaner3.jpg' class='cougarbanerlarge1'>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "model4">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>CHAT</h20>">><<goto "milf4">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>VIDEOS</h20>">><<goto "milf4vid">><</link>>
<div class="redboss">With the departure of the model, Pictures of Madison are available for everyone.</div>
<<link "<h20> << </h20>">><<if $milf4 gte 2>><<set $milf4 to $milf4 -1>><</if>><<goto "milf4pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20> >> </h20>">><<if $milf4 lte 3>><<set $milf4 to $milf4 +1>><</if>><<goto "milf4pic">><</link>>
<<if $milf4 is 1>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model4/pic1.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf4 is 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model4/pic2.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf4 is 3>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model4/pic3.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf4 is 4>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model4/pic4.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<link "<h20> << </h20>">><<if $milf4 gte 2>><<set $milf4 to $milf4 -1>><</if>><<goto "milf4pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20> >> </h20>">><<if $milf4 lte 3>><<set $milf4 to $milf4 +1>><</if>><<goto "milf4pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>BACK</h20>">><<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelbaner3.jpg' class='cougarbanerlarge1'>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "model4">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>CHAT</h20>">><<goto "milf4">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>GALLERY</h20>">><<goto "milf4pic">><</link>>
<div class="redboss">With the departure of the model, Video of Madison are available for everyone.</div>
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/model4/vid.webm" class="cougarlarge" autoplay loop>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>BACK</h20>">><<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelbaner2.jpg' class='cougarbanerlarge1'>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "model7mom">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>CHAT</h20>">><<goto "milf7mom">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>GALLERY</h20>">><<goto "milf7pic">><</link>>
<<if $milf7choice is true>>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/model7/vid1.webm" class="cougarlarge" autoplay loop>
Note from Olena:This is just a prelude to my performance. The next videos will be up soon!
<<elseif $milf7choice is false>>\
<h3>@@color:white;To see her Videos, Select Option "Pick Her" to become one of your Cougars.@@</h3>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>BACK</h20>">><<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>><</link>>
</b></div>\<<if $chatmilf7 is 0>>\
<div class="chatboxmilf">\
<span class="blink">*Olena is Online!*</span>
<<linkreplace "<h20>WRITE</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>Hi Olena.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "reply" play>><<speech "L">>You're new here, aren't you?<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 5s t8n>><span class="blink">*Olena Types to you!*</span><</timed>>
<div align="left">
<<timed 7s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf7" "Olena">>L! Hey. Thanks for picking me.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 9s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf7" "Olena">>Yes! New mommy on the board. Haha.
<<timed 11s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf7" "Olena">>You too? Right?<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 12s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>Yeah! A new lamb in the herd.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "reply" play>><<speech "L">>Love your profile. The Video and the gallery... Wow!<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 3s t8n>><span class="blink">*Olena Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf7" "Olena">>Haha. Glad to hear.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf7" "Olena">>It's only a teaser. Next time you'll see a bomb!<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 7s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>Can't wait! When do i can expect that?<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 3s t8n>><span class="blink">*Olena Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf7" "Olena">>Umm... Right now it's hard to say.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf7" "Olena">>It depends on someone. But i'm working on it!<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 7s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>Okay... Wow... That's.. Great!<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 2s t8n>><span class="blink">*Olena Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 3s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf7" "Olena">>Is something wrong?<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>No. No! It's that i can't wait for your work and all.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 2s t8n>><span class="blink">*Olena Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 3s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf7" "Olena">>My. My... I got adored fan! Haha.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 5s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf7" "Olena">>Then i'll get back to work! See ya!<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 6s t8n>><span class="blink">*Olena logs off*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<dialog>>Someone knocks at your door.<<audio "doorknock" play>>
<<link "<h21>Close</h21>">><<dialogclose>><</link>><<link "<h21>Check</h21>">><<set $chatmilf7 to 1>><<set $cougaraudio to 0>><<audio "backcougar" stop>><<goto "momlukecougar">><<dialogclose>><</link>><</dialog>><</timed>>
<<if $chatmilf7 is 1>>\
<div class="chatboxmilf">\
<span class="blink">*Olena is Offline!*</span>
<</if>>\<div align="center"><b>
<<if $chloelukepark gte 1>>\
<div class="lukebox">\
<img src="img/luke/chloe/chloe.jpg" class='large100'>
<<if $chloetext gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Chloe's Trophies</h4>">>
<img src="img/luke/chloe/text.jpg" class='large100'>
<<if $lenaandluke is true>>\
<div class="daddybox">\
<img src="img/luke/lena/lena.jpg" class='large100'>
<<if $lenatext gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Lena's Trophies</h4>">>
<<if $videolenatease gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Lena's Video</h4>">>
<video src="img/luke/lena/tease.webm" class="medium" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<if $piclena gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Lena's Pictures</h4>">>
<img src="img/luke/lena/lenamsg.jpg" class='large100'>
<<link "<h18>Go back</h18>">><<goto "computerluke">><</link>>
</b><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<set $lenaalert to 1>><<set $lenamsg to 1>>\
<img src="img/lena/luke/lenaschool.jpg" class='medium'>
Walking to the entrance, you meet Lena, alone and smiling at you as you walk closer.
She waves at you to join her.
<<speech "Lena">>Sis! Here!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena! You are so fine, girl!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh stop it! You even more. All the boys must simping over you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah! Do i hear a note of jealousy in your voice?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Bitch Please.<</speech>>
Two of you started laughing, while some of the boys, as they passed you, stared at you with a strange look on their faces, which made you laugh even more.
<<speech "Lena">>Okay. Let's leave.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>To where?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Your House, Stupid!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why is that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>I've bought a new bikini! For my bestie and me! Let's check them out.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Bullshit. You are fucking with me. You don't-<</speech>>
<img src="img/lena/luke/bikini.jpg" class='medium'>
Lena takes out bikini to prove you wrong.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My god Lena! You're insane.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Shush! Let's go!<</speech>>
@@color:pink;Lena rushes you to go faster, Meanwhile you ask her why it can't be at her place.
Lena's excuse was a closed swimming pool and that's it.
Somehow, You've been thinking that she lied about the pool and did this on purpose...@@
<<link "<h6>Your House</h6>">><<goto "lenaluke2">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<img src="img/lena/luke/lenaandmc.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:lightblue;Both of you get home. So far nobody is inside. Mom and Dad must be at work and no sing of Luke. Which makes you a bit calmer. The thought of meeting Lena and Luke passes you by with a strange feeling. Knowing her, she would seduce Luke in a heartbeat. @@
@@color:pink;But Lena was behaving strange to you. Like she was looking around. @@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can you stop doing that?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Doing what?<</speech>>
You mock Lena like a dog looking around for a master where Lena made a silly face with your tongue.
Now you went upstair.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>This and That. Can we go to my room, now?<</speech>>
Lena was still in the downstairs. looking around.
<<speech "Lena">>Ha-ha, Sure, go ahead. I'll be right behind you. Wow!!! What a nice big tv! The paintings!
<<speech "Lena">><sub>Big ass kitchen...</sub><</speech>>
Lena went on further through the house leaving you behind.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena.... Lena. Lena! What is she doing?<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Lena</h4>">><<goto "lenaluke3">><<set $lukepov to 1>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id ="lena">
<img src="img/lena/luke/meetluke.jpg" class='large'>
<h3>Lena at last found the victim she was seeking.
Your Brother, Luke.</h3>
<<speech "Lena">>My... My... Hotter than I expected. $name, You lucky girl.<</speech>>
Luke was talking through the phone by the pool, half naked.
His upper torso is red from the sun, probably due to a lack of tanning oil.
<<if $chloelukepark gte 1>>\
<<speech "Luke">>... You liked it? That's great to hear that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Ha-ha. Your laugh is so cute..<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Really? That's awesome! Can't wait to see!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>... No. But i'm young and hardworking. I can handle anything.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>No... No skills... No... But i can learn. This stuff interests me and <</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yes... Yes.. Okay. Thanks for your time though. Bye.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena</h6>">>
<img src="img/lena/luke/meetluke2.jpg" class='large'>
No sing of $name yet. Lena examines Luke with her pretty eyes from top to bottom.
It's time to get acquainted with this hot product.
<<speech "Lena">>Hey. I'm Lena.<</speech>>
In complete surprise Luke turned around, He did not know there was a stranger at the pool.
<<speech "Luke">>Huh?! How did you get here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>I'm so sorry! $name told me to wait for her by the pool.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name? Oh... It's okay. I just wasn't expecting anyone. Lena was it? I'm Luke. $name's Brother. Pleasure to meet $name's friend.<</speech>>
<img src="img/lena/luke/tease.jpg" class='imageright'>
Lena seductively stood next to Luke continuing to study him from top to bottom.
Luke was troubled by the situation. Lena charm's starts working on him.
<<speech "Lena">>Best Friend. $name never told me how hot her brother is.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Really? T-Thanks. So... Two of you are going to sunbathing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>We'll be sunbathing if you join us, Luke.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Join... You?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Yes. It would be cool if you rubbed my back and-<</speech>>
Lena was about to finish her tease with Luke but $name came in with an indignant face.
<<linkreplace "<h6>$name</h6>">>
<img src="img/lena/luke/angrymc.jpg" class='large'>
Luke let out a breath and hid his erection with his hands.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena! What the fuck.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Opsie! You got me. Ha-ha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Satisfied with your discovery?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena Tease</h6>">><<replace "#lena">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<img src="img/lena/luke/tease2.jpg" class='imageright'>
Lena bends over, showing off her bare ass under her skirt.
Luke's reaction was priceless by opening his mouth and widening his eyes, making $name angry.
<<speech "Lena">>Very... No wonder why you're hiding this hottie from me.<</speech>>
You face palmed as Lena was trying to bend even harder to show Luke her bare butt.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My god... Sorry for her.<</speech>>
<<if $chloelukepark gte 1>>\
<<speech "Luke">>Haha. It's okay. Cool friends you have $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Friends? You met someone before... Me?! Who?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah. Chloe.<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/lenashock.jpg" class='imageleft'>
Lena did not take the news well.
<<speech "Lena">>Chloe... Chloe?!? $name!!! Explain yourself, Now!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks Luke. That very helped me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Right! I see you have some things to discuss. I'll leave you alone... See you later!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Haha. It's cool.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>See? It's cool! Are we cool enough for you to join us?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>What? Let Luke enjoy quality time with two best girls in the neighbourhood.<</speech>>
Luke would love to stay and see where this situation would lead but after seeing his sister it would be better if he left them both alone
<<speech "Luke">>Hahaha. That sounds awesome but i've got to go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Ohh... Why? Don't leave us! <</speech>>
<video src="img/lena/luke/tease.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
Lena starts touching Luke's arm, which angers $name even more.
Luke feels awkward. A person who met not long ago, Friend of $name. Starts to hit on him.
<<speech "Lena">>Wow! Your muscles are so tough!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Thanks.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena</h6>">><<replace "#lena">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<video src="img/lena/luke/tease1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
Lena get even closer to Luke. $name was shocked by her move.
When Luke felt her warm hands on his bare shoulders he felt a soothing sensation.
<<speech "Lena">>Are you working a lot?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah... Trying my best to make them even stronger.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's it!<</speech>>
<img src="img/lena/luke/jealous.jpg" class='large'>
$name couldn't stand it any longer and pulled Lena into the house.
Lena, being dragged, waves at you with a smile and shouts back.
<<speech "Lena">>I'll call you!<</speech>>
Luke waved back with a smile.
<<link "<h6>Lena and $name</h6>">><<goto "lenaluke4">><<set $lukepov to 0>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id ="lena">
<img src="img/lena/luke/lena.jpg" class='large'>
You dragged Lena to your room and she was still laughing after what happened earlier. Now, you were deeply embarrassed about the situation. Inviting your friend to your home and she hits on your brother. Right before your eyes.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you out of the fucking mind?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haha! Come on... That was fun!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>This isn't funny Lena! That's my brother!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>And? Can't i talk to him? Nobody is hurt.<</speech>>
Lena now realized that $name were angry all the time.
$name was very jealous.
<<addcorruption 1>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +1</div>
<img src="img/school/lenashock.jpg" class='imageright'>
<<speech "Lena">>Wait... Wait... You? You have a crush on him!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>N-No!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>No fucking way! Haha! $name has a crush on her Brother!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena... Don't make me hit you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haha. Okay! Okay. Before i'll your hit me, let's wear these bikini first.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Undress</h6>">><<replace "#lena">>
<<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/lena/luke/mc.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
@@color:hotpink;In silence, Two of you start undressing. Lena couldn't stop staring at you when you stripped naked. She had never seen you naked. Your body, Your enlarged boobs.
Anger passed when you saw Lena. Naked in front of you, looking at you with her seductive gaze.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena...?<</speech>>
Two hot naked girls staring at each other. Waiting to make a move.
Lena is slowly coming towards you.
<img src="img/lena/luke/lenamc.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Lena">>I'm so sorry for that before $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena. It's okay... Can i...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Yes.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Kiss her</h6>">>
<<timed 10ms t8n>>
<img src="img/lena/luke/lenamc2.jpg" class='large'>
Amd you were only supposed to see if bikini fits you.
This was unavoidable. You had to kiss her. Lena hold that kiss for like a few seconds.
The kiss was great.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow... Lena. Did we...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Gosh... You're so sexy, $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You too Lena... What about the-<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Lena.</h6>">><<goto "lenaluke6">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id ="lena">
<video src="img/lena/luke/change.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:pink;You stopped Lena to taste her lips one more time, changing the position you never practice in. Lena want to show you how good it is.@@
<<speech "Lena">>Mmmm. $name. I think you'll like this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can't wait.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Scissor</h6>">><<replace "#lena">>
<video src="img/lena/luke/scisor.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:pink;While huumping your hips furiosuly, You seductively look at each other. Her face and moans, slowly bring you to the point of climax with pleasureable sensation.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Holy Fuck!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haa. Ah! You love it?! You love it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes! It feels so good!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Scissor</h6>">><<replace "#lena">>
<video src="img/lena/luke/scisor2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:pink;Lena and You are moaning and screaming so hard that everyone could hear that but you don't care.
Holding Lena as she reached her climax was the best feeling you had ever experienced. @@
<<speech "Lena">>$name!! $name!!! Ahh!!! Cumming!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Me too! Me too!!! Kiss me!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Kiss her</h6>">><<replace "#lena">>
<video src="img/lena/luke/end.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<set $arousal to 0>><<upd>>\
@@color:pink;During the kiss, you were climaxing together with Lena. She bites your lips and tongue in an ecstasy of lust. It felt wonderful. Her eyes, her touch, her scent. Everything. Wishing that moment last forever.@@
<<speech "Lena">>$name... How was it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I... I never felt that nice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Hmm... Me too... Sis... Me too...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ha-ha.<</speech>>
Then someone knock to your doors. It was Luke.
<<speech "Luke">>Girls?! Are you okay? Can i come in?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okay. Me and Lena. Mmm...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Decorating some stuff. $name just felt from the ladder. But it's okay.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Oh. You sure? The scream was quite horrifying.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Hahaha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. It's okay, Big Bro. Everything is okay.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Okay. If you say so. I'll be in my room if you need me.<</speech>>
<img src="img/lena/luke/lenamc3.jpg" class='large'>
You couldn't stop rolling with laughter as Luke were leaving you alone.
After getting dressed. You cuddled up in bed and kept talking about past memories and stupid stuff for a few hours.
For once in your life it was great to have a great friend like Lena.
<<addcorruption 1>><div class="posarousal"> Corruption +1</div>
<h3>One Selfie Unlocked!</h3>
<<link "<h6>Move on</h6>">><<goto "mcroom">><<set $lenaandluke to true>><<set $time to $time +3>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id ="lena">\
<span id="lena1">\
<<timed 10ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/lena/luke/kiss2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Both of you threw yourself into messy kissing and touching in places where you had not yet touched her.
Her body presses you into the floor. Kissing has never been so amazing.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>$name. Mmm!!<</speech>>
<<arousal 10>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +10</div><<upd>><</timed>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:hotpink;All over you@@</h6>">><<replace "#lena1">>
<<timed 10ms t8n>>
<video src="img/lena/luke/kiss3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Lena">>You so fucking hot $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh... Ahh!<</speech>>
<<arousal 15>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div><<upd>><</timed>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena.</h6>">><<replace "#lena">>
<<timed 10ms t8n>>
<video src="img/lena/luke/lick.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:pink;Lena stops kissing you and reaches for your vagina.
The feeling of the kiss is still stuck into you. But your best friend wants even more!@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Le-Lena?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>I've got to taste you.<</speech>>
<<arousal 5>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +5</div><<upd>><</timed>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena</h6>">><<replace "#lena">>
<video src="img/lena/luke/lick2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:pink;Lena turned into a nympho beast.
Licking your entire pussy as your moans increased to a level where Luke could hear them. You try to stop her but it was useless. Just accept the great feeling.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AH... AH!! AH!! Don't stop!! Don't Stop!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Mmm!! $name's Pussy... taste so great!<</speech>>
<<arousal 25>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +25</div><<upd>>
<<if $arousal gte 130>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Orgasm $arousal/130@@</h6>">><<replace "#lena">>
<video src="img/lena/luke/lick3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:pink;Lena is suprised how beautiful you are as you orgasm. @@
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Change Position@@</h6>">><<goto "lenaluke5">><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:lightblue;Scream!@@</h6>">>
@@color:pink;Unfortunately, your moans are so loud that Luke knocks on the door to see what's going on.
<<set $arousal to 0>><<upd>>\
<<speech "Luke">>Girls?! Are you okay? Can i come in?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Ye-<</speech>>
Lena with a smiling face wanted to say yes but you brutally pushed her to the floor with your body and silenced her mouth with a hand.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>NO! No! D-Don't! W-We are okay! Lena just didn't play fair.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>You sure? The scream was quite horrifying.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">><sub>Hahaha</sub><</speech>>
Lena squirms and laughs quietly as your hands still holds her mouth.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeaaah... Lena laugh is quite horrifying... I can tell that. It's okay Luke. Don't worry about us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Okay. If you say so. I'll be in my room if you need me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Cool! Thanks..<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Thank you Luke! Ha-ha!<</speech>>
After Luke came downstairs, You released Lena and sat naked on the floor.
After a few moments, you both started laughing at the stupid situation that had happened.
<<speech "Lena">>Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. Lena... It was the best.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Yes. It was. Look. We haven't put those damn bikinis on yet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Maybe later. Let's cuddle.<</speech>>=
<<speech "Lena">>Sure Sis.<</speech>>
<img src="img/lena/luke/lenamc3.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:pink;Both of you lie down on the bed and cuddle for a few minutes.
Talking and laughing about silly stuff. Finally, you're glad to have such a friend.@@
<<addcorruption 1>><div class="posarousal"> Corruption +1</div>
<h3>One Selfie Unlocked!</h3>
<<link "<h6>Move on</h6>">><<goto "mcroom">><<set $lenaandluke to true>><<set $time to $time +3>><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:orange;Orgasm $arousal/130@@</h6>">>
<h3>Arousal Check Failed.
Keep having fun with Lena.</h3>
<<link "<h6>Change Position</h6>">><<goto "lenaluke5">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="mombox"><b>\
<div class="lucasoffice"><h3>@@color:orange;Attention!@@</h3>
@@color:lightyellow;Cheats currently are still in the testing phase.
Using cheats may cause troubles/bugs in game.
If you encounter them, Please post them in Discord Bug/Fixes Section or message me privately in support page.
Thank you kindly for your Support!@@</div>
<h3>Warehouse Cheat's Room</h3>
<<button "Staff Mood Increase">><<dialog>>
<img src="img/warehouse/sophiaintro.jpg" class="large">
Staff Mood Increased!
<<if $staffmood lte 0>>\
<<set $staffmood to $staffmood +1>><<upd>>\
<<if $staffmood is 0>>\
Staff Mood:@@color:lightyellow;Neutral@@
<<elseif $staffmood is 1>>\
Staff Mood:@@color:lightgreen;Happy@@
<<elseif $staffmood is -1>>\
Staff Mood:@@color:violet;Bad@@
<<elseif $staffmood is -2>>\
Staff Mood:@@color:red;Dangerous@@
<<elseif $staffmood is 1>>\
It is increased to a maximum.
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>><</dialog>><</button>>
<<button "Staff Mood Decrease">><<dialog>>
<img src="img/warehouse/sophiaburnet.jpg" class="large">
Staff Mood Decreased!
<<if $staffmood gte -1>>\
<<set $staffmood to $staffmood -1>><<upd>>\
<<if $staffmood is 0>>\
Staff Mood:@@color:lightyellow;Neutral@@
<<elseif $staffmood is 1>>\
Staff Mood:@@color:lightgreen;Happy@@
<<elseif $staffmood is -1>>\
Staff Mood:@@color:violet;Bad@@
<<elseif $staffmood is -2>>\
Staff Mood:@@color:red;Dangerous@@
<<elseif $staffmood is -2>>\
It is decreased to a maximum.
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>><</dialog>><</button>>
<<button "Staff Energy Inhuman On">><<dialog>>
<img src="img/warehouse/staffsuper.webp" class="large">
Staff Energy has Superman Powers!
<<set $staffcheat to true>><<upd>>\
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>><</dialog>><</button>>
<<button "Staff Energy Inhuman Off">><<dialog>>
<img src="img/warehouse/burnett2.jpg" class="large">
Staff Energy is back to normal.
<<set $staffcheat to false>><<set $warstaff to 15>><<upd>>\
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>><</dialog>><</button>>
<<button "Vicky Corruption +1">>
<<vickycor 1>><<upd>>
<<button "Vicky Corruption +5">>
<<vickycor 5>><<upd>>
<<button "Unlock CCTV Invade Tapes">><<dialog>>
<img src="img/warehouse/cctvcheat.jpg" class="large">
All invade tapes are Unlocked in CCTV Room!<<set $cctv to true>>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>><</dialog>><</button>>
<<button "Unlock Vicky Videos ">><<dialog>>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/vickybrain.webp" class="large">
All Vicky Videos are Unlocked in CCTV Room!<<set $vickycctv to true>>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>><</dialog>><</button>>
<<button "Vicky Bimbo On">><<dialog>>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/bimbo5.jpg" class="large">
Vicky transforms into a Bimbo!
<<set $vickybimbo to 4>><<set $vickybimboslut to true>><<upd>>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>><</dialog>><</button>>
<<if $vickybimbo gte 4>>\
<<button "Vicky Bimbo Off">><<dialog>>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/studio/naughty0.jpg" class="large">
Vicky transforms into her former self!
<<set $vickybimbo to 3>><<set $vickybimboslut to false>><<upd>>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>><</dialog>><</button>>
<<button "Vicky Bimbo Influence Off">><<dialog>>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/profile.jpg" class="large">
Vicky transforms into her former self!
<<set $vickybimbo to 0>><<set $vickybimboslut to false>><<upd>>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>><</dialog>><</button>>
<<button "Vicky Inhuman Energy On">><<dialog>>
<img src="img/warehouse/vickyinhuman.webp" class="large">
Vicky is ready for anything!
<<set $cheatvickyfood to true>><<upd>>\
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>><</dialog>><</button>>
<<button "Vicky Inhuman Energy Off">><<dialog>>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/honest.jpg" class="large">
Vicky is back to normal!
<<set $vickyfit to 10>>\
<<set $cheatvickyfood to false>><<upd>>\
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>><</dialog>><</button>>
<<button "Vicky's Mood in Photo Session Relaxed">><<set $vickygod to true>>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/afterdance.webp" class='large'>
Vicky happily takes the photos!
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<if $ashleyblock is true>>\
<<button "Ashley Corruption +1">>
<<ashcorr 1>><<upd>>
<<button "Ashley Corruption +5">>
<<ashcorr 5>><<upd>>
<<button "Ashley Inhuman Energy On">><<dialog>>
<video src="img/warehouse/ashinhuman.webm" class='large100' autoplay loop muted>
Ashley is ready for anything!
<<set $cheatashfood to true>><<upd>>\
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>><</dialog>><</button>>
<<if $ashleyblock is true>>\
<<button "Ashley Inhuman Energy Off">><<dialog>>
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleyexhausted.jpg" class="large">
Ashley is back to normal!
<<set $cheatashfood to false>><<upd>>\
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>><</dialog>><</button>>
<<button "Reset Ashley">><<set $ashleypage to 0>><<set $ashleyreel to 0>><<set $ashleyphotonormal2 to false>><<set $ashleyphotohotsession1 to false>><<set $ashleyphotohotsession to false>><<set $ashleyphotonormal1 to false>><<set $ashleyphotonormal to false>><<set $ashleymovie to false>><<set $ashleyphotohot1 to 0>><<set $ashleyphotohot to 0>><<set $ashleyphoto2 to 0>><<set $ashleyfans to 0>><<set $ashleyphoto1 to 0>><<set $ashleyphoto to 0>><<set $ashleycorruptionlvl to 0>><<set $ashleyl to 0>><<set $ashleymood to 0>><<set $ashleycorruption to 0>><<set $ashleyj to 0>><<set $ashleyt to 0>><<set $ashleybimbo to 0>><<set $surgeryashley to 0>><<set $bbcashley to 0>>
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleycell.jpg" class='mediumc'>
Ashley Stats reset to 0!
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<button "Ashley's Mood in Photo Session Relaxed">><<set $ashleygod to true>>
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/smiles.jpg" class='large'>
Ashley happily takes the photos!
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<<button [[Return|privateroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/warehouse/sophiaphone.jpg" class="large">
Sophia seems be in a good mood. She works behind the desk and types some work-related things into the computer.
After what Vicky revealed to you during the interview, You don't know what to think about it. The only thing left for you to do is to ask the person by whom Vicky is imprisoned here.
Sophia with a smile greets you inside her office.
<<speech "Sophia">>$name! Good to see you. How are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's fine, Thanks.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Is something wrong? I see you are not moody today.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's about Vicky. Can we talk about what happened?<</speech>>
Sophia's smile disappeared.
<<speech "Sophia">>I'd rather not.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>What is there to talk about? Vicky stormed into the hospital and threatened me with a gun. That bitch deserves to be punished.<</speech>>
<<if $vickycorruptionlvl gte 3>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Show picture of Her and Nataly</h6>">>
<img src="img/warehouse/vicky/natalyandsophia.jpg" class="large">
When you handed her the photo, Sophie was shocked by it.
<<speech "Sophia">>How!? Whe-Where did you get this?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>From Vicky. That person next to you. It's Nataly. Right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>$name. Don't. It's harder than you think.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Explain me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Gosh... Lucas is gonna kill me. All right!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Yes. That is Nataly, My former student. Nataly and I were working on lab project. We were working on a cure.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Cure?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>For Nymphomania.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Nataly with such illness, volunteered to be part of the project.<</speech>>
<<link "<img src='img/warehouse/sophianataly.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<goto "sophianataly">><</link>>
<<speech "Sophia">>I do not wish to talk about it. It was a traumatic situation.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Leave me alone.<</speech>>
Sophia do not wish to talk with you anymore.
@@color:orange;You need to find something to open Sophia.@@
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "surgeryroom">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="nataly">\
<img src='img/warehouse/sophianataly.jpg' class='large100'>
@@color:orange;Nataly heard that our lab is working on Nymphomania cure, She therefore volunteered to be tested and monitored.
The place you manage "Sanctuary" was a test lab.
Our laboratory launched the first test. The results were disastrous. Nataly did not feel any changes. After few hours, She fled from the facility. We lost contact with her for a few days.
Security tracked her through the GPS signal on her phone. @@
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;Nataly and Students.@@</h6>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/nataly/1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:pink;The security found her in some student house. Found her destroyed by couple of horny students.
As she told us, this was not enough for her to satisfy the urge for arousal. Clearly, the drug was making her condition worse instead of healing it.@@
@@color:orange;Nataly returned to the lab to test another sample of the drug.
This time, my team reduced the chemicals that produced strong excitatory stimulation. For the first time the results were positive. For 50 minutes. @@
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;Nataly and Security.@@</h6>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/nataly/2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:pink;Nataly was in a terrible state, She was screaming and begging for it to stop.
Of course, there was no shortage of volunteers who ended her misery and gave her what she asked for.
Nataly's nymphomania gave no peace, The drug we created, Didn't help her but still plunged her deep. I had to find a new idea to keep Nataly from escaping, so I invited Jason. Jason made sure to make her suffering more pleasant until I found the right drug.@@
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;Nataly and Jason..@@</h6>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/nataly/3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:hotpink;Seeing as how our security is not useful, I replaced it with Jason and his friend. It was a good idea, Nataly was finally feeling relieved every time she faced them. @@
@@color:orange;We spent a lot of money, time and perseverance to make the perfect medicine. Ideas were running out and Nataly, without five daily sexual activities, could no longer stand on her own. I had a hunch she was going to do something awful to herself.
I decided to ask for help. Help from my former colleague, Burnett. With his knowledge and experience, I was very confident that he would help me cure Nataly.
How foolish I was.@@
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Nataly@@</h6>">><<replace "#nataly">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/nataly/begin.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:orange;Back then, It was right after the Burnett's Family Accident.@@<<if $sophiatalk1 is false>>@@color:violet;I'll tell you about Burnett back in your room.@@<</if>>@@color:orange;Anyway, I entrusted him with everything about the new drug, I even hoped it would help him to grieve for his family.
Burnett was delighted and was keen to help me develop a new cure. Few days later, A Proud Burnett came to me with his own cure which made me a bit confused but happy. Happy that Burnett finally is proud of his new work.@@
@@color:hotpink;Nataly had her doubts about future testing. To convince her, I took Burnett's medicine.
Then also Nataly. The results were... @@
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Nataly and Sophia@@</h6>">><<goto "sophianataly2">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="nataly">\
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/nataly/soph.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">
Burnett's drug was addictive.
It made us lose ourselves in each other.
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Nataly and Sophia@@</h6>">><<replace "#nataly">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/nataly/soph2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Nataly and Sophia@@</h6>">><<replace "#nataly">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/nataly/soph3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">
THAT DAY...</div>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Nataly and Sophia@@</h6>">><<replace "#nataly">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/nataly/soph4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">
<<linkreplace "<h6>Gone?</h6>">><<replace "#nataly">>\
<img src='img/warehouse/sophianataly2.jpg' class='large100'>
Sophia got silenced in which made you confused.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gone? Is she dead?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Reborn.<</speech>>
Sophia takes out the VHS tape and puts it in the recorder.
<<speech "Sophia">>Watch.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Nataly Reborn</h6>">>
<video src="img/warehouse/vicky/nataly/nataly.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">New footage received at CCTV.</div>
<<speech "Sophia">>Nataly turned into Burnett and my Brother's first project.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>After a large amount of drug consumption, Drugged Nataly without hesitation gave herself to them. To be transformed into something she has vowed to fight.<</speech>>
She got silenced and breathes calmly.
<<speech "Sophia">>$name. Tell me. How do I explain all of this to Vicky?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't. Let me handle it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Do whatever you want.<</speech>>
Sophia calms down and slowly returns to her work.
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<set $sophianataly to true>><<goto "warehouseplay">><<set $time to $time +1>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/chloe/chloeworry.jpg' class='medium'>
Chloe seems a bit worried and sad.
She is somehow lost in her thoughts. With curiosity you want to ask her what happened.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey. Hey Chloe! Chloe?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Hmm?<</speech>>
Chloe looked at you and try to smile.
But then she changed her tone to confused tone.
<<speech "Chloe">>$name? Hey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is everything alright?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>I don't know. I don't know anymore. My Dad. He.... He...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What did he do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>I don't want to look at him again! Gosh!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Chloe! Hey. Calm down. What happened?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Lessons are about to start and my father will be teaching right now. What the F!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay! If you don't want to tell me then pack your things. Let's leave.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Leave?! Leave!? Are you out of your mind? I-I can't! It's absurd!<</speech>>
<img src='img/chloe/chloeworry2.jpg' class='large'>
Chloe looks around with disbelief.
How could she leave the school during the classes.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And why is that? You said you didn't want to look at him anymore.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Yeah, But the rules says-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck the rules! Screw your father, whatever he did to you! Show him! Show him what kind of girl you are.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Show him?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Rebel for once. Chloe. Stand your ground.<</speech>>
Chloe still remains doubtful. She looks toward the classroom and still has reluctant thoughts.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Whatever. I'm going out. You got 5 seconds .<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;Chloe@@</h6>">>
Chloe nodded and agreed to leave the school with you.
<<speech "Chloe">>Ahhh... Okay! Okay! Let's go!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah! That's my girl.<</speech>>
<<set $chloecorruptionmc to $chloecorruptionmc +1>><<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:rgba(0, 255, 252, 0.8);Chloe's Corruption +1@@</div>
<<link "<h6>Leaving school with Chloe</h6>">><<goto "chloeout">><</link>>
</b></div><div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/chloe/chloeout.jpg' class='large100'>
Chloe still has doubts. For the first time she did the rebellious act. And it's thanks to you.
After you left the school, Chloe demanded that you stop by her house. Looks like she had to take off the school uniform which made you a little confused for a few minutes but you let it go.
Looking at her style of dress, you already know where to go first.
<<speech "Chloe">>Okay. Where we are going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you going out in this? Jeans and a black blouse?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Huh? I like how i wear!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah. For a nerd. Let's go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Hey! Don't call me like that! $name! Walk slowly!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't be such a nerd and keep up with me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>$name!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Clothing Store</h6>">><<goto "chloeout2">><</link>>
</b></div><div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/chloe/mcandchloe.jpg' class='large100'>
The clothing store seems a bit empty during these hours, which has made Chloe a bit calmer. She is still stressed about leaving school and the new plan for her outfit.
<<speech "Chloe">>$name. What are we doing here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>We are here to change your style. <</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>I like my style!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shush! As your cool friend i want to help you. Go to the dressing room.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Uhhh!!!<</speech>>
Chloe left you all alone. With rubbing your hands together, you now planning how to dress Chloe.
Choices, choices, choices...
<span id="clt">
<<linkreplace "<h6>For the Start</h6>">>
<th><<linkreplace "<img src='img/chloe/clothw6.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<replace "#clt">>
<img src='img/chloe/cloth3.jpg' class='medium'>
Chloe seems happy with the style.
<<speech "Chloe">>I like it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Bleh!!! Go back.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Huh?! Why?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Change it! Right now!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>You are so mean!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Another Choice</h6>">><<goto "chloeout3">><</link>>
<th><<linkreplace "<img src='img/chloe/clothw.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<replace "#clt">>
<img src='img/chloe/cloth.jpg' class='medium'>
Chloe seems confused with the style.
It's a bit revealing for her.
<<speech "Chloe">>Emm... It's a bit too much for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's cool! Why not?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>No.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Duuuhh...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Another Choice</h6>">><<goto "chloeout3">><</link>>
</b></div><div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="clt">
<th><<linkreplace "<img src='img/chloe/clothw3.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<replace "#clt">>
<img src='img/chloe/cloth4.jpg' class='medium'>
Chloe seems happy with the style.
<<speech "Chloe">>Wow! It's looks good!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ummm... Yeah. But it's something is off.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Really? I mean. You might be right? It's more suitable for office work, though.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Right. But it looks very pretty on you. Anyway, let's change to something better!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Last Choice</h6>">><<goto "chloeout4">><</link>>
<th><<linkreplace "<img src='img/chloe/clothw2.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<replace "#clt">>
<img src='img/chloe/cloth2.jpg' class='medium'>
Chloe seems confused with the style.
It's a bit revealing for her.
<<speech "Chloe">>Uummm....<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wooow! You look so hot!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>$name! What the F! No way. I'm not wearing this! <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jesus... Okay, okay!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Last Choice</h6>">><<goto "chloeout4">><</link>>
</b></div><div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="clt">
<th><<linkreplace "<img src='img/chloe/clothw4.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<replace "#clt">>
<img src='img/chloe/cloth7.jpg' class='medium'>
Chloe seems happy with your choice.
<<speech "Chloe">>I mean... I like the red and flourish style. But isn't that too much?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No. You look very pretty! Can you turn around, please?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Chloe turns</h6>">><<replace "#clt">>
<img src='img/chloe/cloth8.jpg' class='medium'>
Chloe turns around in your command.
<<speech "Chloe">>How is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You look gorgeous! If I were a guy, I'd hit on you.<</speech>>
<<if $chloelukepark gte 3>>\
Chloe whispers to herself with a smile.
<<speech "Chloe">><sub>It would be cool if you were Luke for a second.</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Excuse me? Can you speak louder?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>I said it looks nice! Let's buy it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Really? I'm not conviced. It's too revealing and these short jeans...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My gosh. We'll sit here until later the night. Come on! Buy it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Okay! okay! Let's go.<</speech>>
<<set $chloeclothes to 1>>\
While you were buying Chloe clothes, you see her smiling for the first time on that nasty day.
Apparently, you managed to make her forget something that made her have a bad day.
<<link "<h6>Mall</h6>">><<goto "chloeout5">><</link>>
<th><<linkreplace "<img src='img/chloe/clothw5.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<replace "#clt">>
<img src='img/chloe/cloth5.jpg' class='medium'>
Chloe seems a little confused with your choice.
<<speech "Chloe">>It's a bit revealing, but plain and boring, don't you think?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm.. Can you turn around?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Chloe turns</h6>">><<replace "#clt">>
<img src='img/chloe/cloth6.jpg' class='medium'>
Chloe turns around in your command.
<<speech "Chloe">>And? How it looks?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Chloe's Ass</h6>">>
<img src='img/chloe/chloeass.jpg' class='medium'>
Short jeans show off her ass.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh Yeah! You look fabolous! Take it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Fabolous?! Wait. My ass is showing off!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>My god! $name!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Chloe, Please! As your friend. I'm telling you. It looks good on you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>As my friend, you saying? Jeez... Okay.... Okay!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha! Great!<</speech>>
<<set $chloeclothes to 2>>\
While you were buying Chloe clothes, you see her smiling for the first time on that nasty day.
Apparently, you managed to make her forget something that made her have a bad day.
<<link "<h6>Mall</h6>">><<goto "chloeout5">><</link>>
</b></div><div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<video autoplay src="img/chloe/chloeschoolout.webm" controls loop class='large'></video>
After shopping, You went out to a cafe for coffee and for sweets.
Chloe has never had so much fun in your company in a long time and even stopped worrying about school.
Thought you still wanted to ask her what her father was all about, Why she has a big disagreement with Mr. Bailey.
Chloe interrupted the thought.
<<speech "Chloe">>$name. Thank you. I really mean that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>For what?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>This. For the first time i feel somehow nice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's... Good to hear that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>But... It is still hard for me to back to reality.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Reality? You mean your father?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Yes... Can we leave? To my place?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Chloe's House</h6>">><<goto "chloeout6">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="chloe">\
You have returned to Chloe's room. Chloe had to go to the bathroom before entering the house, she asked you to wait for her in her room. In the meantime, you can search her room.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Look around Chloe's Room</h6>">>
<img src='img/chloe/chloeandmom.jpg' class='large100'>
As you look around, the photo that is next to her bed caught your eye.
Behind the picture, it says:
<h3>@@color:orange;Me and my beautiful Mother.
Wedding day of my Mom and Dad. It's the day my family is together and happy!@@</h3>
So... it's Chloe's Mom.
Chloe surprised you, You didn't hear her enter the room.
<<speech "Chloe">>That's my mom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Your mom? She looks pretty. Is this her wedding?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Yhm. Two years ago.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Where is she?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Around the city... I'm not sure.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really? You two don't talk?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Me and my mother very rarely meet. All the time she is busy. I mean, she works at the hospital. She also has another job that she doesn't want to tell me about.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's rough. Not seeing your mom and talk with her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Yeah. All i've got is my Father.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is it that bad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>No... He is trying. My father is a good guy. But his other side loses it. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What do you mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Ummm... I'll tell you a secret.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Chloe tells her encouter with her father.</h6>">><<timed 1s t8n>><<audio "chloesex" play>><</timed>>
<img src='img/chloe/chloehouse.jpg' class='large100'>
<<speech "Chloe">><i>It was yesterday. My mother and I went out for lunch. But in the middle of the meeting she had to leave for reasons unknown to me. Anyway. I came back home very earlier. When I was already at the door, I heard a woman moaning.</i><</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Peek</h6>">><<audio "chloesex" stop>>
<video autoplay src="img/chloe/chloepeek.webm" controls loop class='large'></video>
<<speech "Chloe">><i>I quietly went inside and took a peek at what was going on.
At the time, I was stunned. My Dad was having sex with some woman!</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Abi" "Bimbo">>AH! AH! YES! DARLING!<</speech>>
Chloe stops with the story. Is this all?
Is this her secret?
<<link "<h6>Break the silence</h6>">><<goto "chloeout7">><</link>>
</b></div>\<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Why it is so hot?@@</h6>">><<replace "#chloe">>
<video autoplay src="img/chloe/chloepeek1.webm" controls loop class='large'></video>
I couldn't stop touching myself. For the first time i've seen my father fucking other girl.
And the worst is?
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:hotpink;More@@</h6>">><<replace "#chloe">>
<video autoplay src="img/chloe/chloepeek2.webm" controls loop class='large'></video>
I masturbated in front of my father and in the course of it he caught me.
I was so ashamed! I wanted to puke! But my dad.. He just smiled! My god! He kept fucking that women even harder.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So that's why you don't want to see him?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Yes...<</speech>>
<</replace>><</linkreplace>><div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="chloe"><<set $time to 15>>
<img src='img/chloe/curious.jpg' class='large'>
It's good time to ask her.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So. You caught your dad. How was it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>What do you think?! It was Horrible!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Have you ever caught a naked father fucking??<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;Corrupt her@@</h6>">>
<img src='img/chloe/chloelisten.jpg' class='large'>
There. You got her.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course. Not once.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>My god. Really? What did you do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I was shocked, at first. But... It got me very horny.<</speech>>
<img src='img/chloe/chloelisten2.jpg' class='large'>
Chloe listens with great interest.
<<speech "Chloe">>H-horny?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes... I couldn't stop touching myself.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>The way he fucks.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How dominant he is.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How he is able to satisfy the needs.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;Chloe@@</h6>">>
<img src='img/chloe/curious2.jpg' class='large'>
Chloe swallowed your every word with great interest.
<<set $chloecorruptionmc to $chloecorruptionmc +1>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:rgba(0, 255, 252, 0.8);Chloe's Corruption +1@@</div><<upd>>
<<speech "Chloe">>I... I never thought like this of my father.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Then you should be.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>You know... I-<</speech>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "door2" play>><</timed>>
Chloe was interrupted by the sound of a door opening.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Doors are opening</h6>">>
<img src='img/chloe/chloelisten3.jpg' class='large'>
Mr. Bailey has just returned from school.
He seems to be very upset at Chloe.
<<speech "Chloe">>Dad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>Chloe! We have to-$name?! What are you doing here?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hello, Mr.Bailey. I see you two have to talk. I've got to go. Bye Chloe.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Mr.Bailey">>$name. We will discuss later with your bad behaviour towards my daughter. Now. Leave us. I've got talk with her..<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Bye $name...<</speech>>
You left Chloe alone with Mr.Bailey with a proud smile.
Can Chloe look at her father again, but in a different way?
We'll see.
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "outside">><</link>>
</b></div>\<<widget "lenachat1">>
<<if $lenatext is 0>>\
<div class="chatboxluke">
<span id="lena">\
<<timed 1s t8n>><span class="blink">*Lena Types to you!*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 3s t8n>><<audio "phoneodp" play>><<speech "Lena">>Hello $name's Brother. Finally, I found you!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<linkreplace"<h11>Reply</h11>">><<audio "phonesms" play>>
<<timed 10ms t8n>><<speech "Luke">>You found me. Hey Lena.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><span class="blink">*Lena Types to you!*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "phoneodp" play>><<speech "Lena">>I gotta say. $name was a bit protective towards you. She never let us know about you.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<audio "phoneodp" play>><<speech "Lena">>How attractive her $bro is. 😏<</speech>><</timed>>
<th><<timed 7s t8n>><<linkreplace"<h11>@@color:pink;Reply with Tease@@</h11>">><<replace "#lena">><<audio "phonesms" play>>
<<timed 10ms t8n>><<speech "Luke">>Haha. It's a long story. Thanks for your compliment, though🫣.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 1s t8n>><<audio "phonesms" play>><<speech "Luke">>$name never told me how beautiful friends she has 😏<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><span class="blink">*Lena Types to you!*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "phoneodp" play>><<speech "Lena">>Sexy and Hot 🔥🔥🔥?<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 7s t8n>><<linkreplace"<h11>Reply</h11>">><<audio "phonesms" play>>
<<timed 10ms t8n>><<speech "Luke">>Most of her friends are very hot. Indeed...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><span class="blink">*Lena Types to you!*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 3s t8n>><<audio "phoneodp" play>><<speech "Lena">>Haha. What about me?<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<linkreplace"<h11>@@color:pink;Reply Tease@@</h11>">><<audio "phonesms" play>>
<<timed 10ms t8n>><<speech "Luke">>Isn't that obvious?<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "phonesms" play>><<speech "Luke">>Your touch still haunts me. And that kinky smile. The body...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 3s t8n>><span class="blink">*Lena Types to you!*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "phoneodp" play>><<speech "Lena">>Yes? Go on.<</speech>>
<<timed 5s t8n>><<linkreplace"<h11>@@color:pink;Reply Tease@@</h11>">><<audio "phonesms" play>>
<<timed 10ms t8n>><<speech "Luke">>Drive me crazy. Never seen so smoking hot girl.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2.5s t8n>><span class="blink">*Lena Types to you!*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "phoneodp" play>><<speech "Lena">>Fuck... My pussy is so wet right now...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 5s t8n>><span class="blink">*Lena is Sending you a Video!*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<audio "phoneodp" play>><<set $videolenatease to 1>><video src="img/luke/lena/tease.webm" class="medium" controls autoplay loop></video><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<set $lenalove to $lenalove +2>><div class="pos">@@color:pink;Lena's Love +2@@</div><<set $lenatext to 1>><</timed>>
<<timed 7s t8n>><<audio "phoneodp" play>><<speech "Lena">>Here is my sample.<</speech>>
<<timed 9s t8n>><<audio "phoneodp" play>><<speech "Lena">>Gotta go. See you next time. Handsome.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 10s t8n>><<link "<h11>End the Chat</h11>">><<goto "chatluke">><</link>><</timed>>
<th><<timed 7s t8n>><<linkreplace"<h11>@@color:lightblue;Reply Normally@@</h11>">><<replace "#lena">><<audio "phonesms" play>>
<<timed 10ms t8n>><<speech "Luke">>Emm.. It's a long story. Thanks for nice words. How did you find me, anyway?<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><span class="blink">*Lena Types to you!*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 3s t8n>><<audio "phoneodp" play>><<speech "Lena">>It's very simple. In the search button, Typed the name of Luke's brother. And there he is. The handsome boy.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<linkreplace"<h11>Reply</h11>">><<audio "phonesms" play>>
<<timed 10ms t8n>><<speech "Luke">>Ahh! I get it now. Not only pretty, but also smart😏.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2.5s t8n>><span class="blink">*Lena Types to you!*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "phoneodp" play>><<speech "Lena">>Wow... Coming from you, It's a big compliment. Thank you!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 4.5s t8n>><span class="blink">*Lena Sends you a Picture!*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 5s t8n>><<set $piclena to 1>><img src="img/luke/lena/lenamsg.jpg" class='medium'><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<set $lenalove to $lenalove +1>><div class="pos">@@color:pink;Lena's Love +1@@</div><<set $lenatext to 1>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<audio "phoneodp" play>><<speech "Lena">>Gotta go! Bye.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 7s t8n>><<link "<h11>End the Chat</h11>">><<goto "chatluke">><</link>><</timed>>
<<widget "chloechat2">>
<<if $chloelvl gte 1 and $chloefavor is false and $chloetext is 1>>\
<div class="chatboxluke">
<span id="chloe">\
<<linkreplace"<h11>Write to Chloe</h11>">><<replace "#chloe">><<audio "phonesms" play>>
<<timed 10ms t8n>><<speech "Luke">>Hey Chloe! I renew the question, Do you feel like going out somewhere this weekend?<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><span class="blink">*Chloe Types to you!*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "phoneodp" play>><<speech "Chloe">>Hey Luke! I am so sorry! Recently, I've been busy 🫣. Do you have something on your mind, where to go? <</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<linkreplace"<h11>Reply</h11>">><<audio "phonesms" play>>
<<timed 10ms t8n>><<speech "Luke">>Nothing to worry about! How about going to cinema? Movie called: "Champion 2"?<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><span class="blink">*Chloe Types to you!*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "phoneodp" play>><<speech "Chloe">>Oh my god! Yes! I loved the first one... I must admit that the first movie made me cry a lot.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<linkreplace"<h11>Reply</h11>">><<audio "phonesms" play>>
<<timed 10ms t8n>><<speech "Luke">>That is so cute! I'm really excited to watch you crying in this movie, haha.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><span class="blink">*Chloe Types to you!*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "phoneodp" play>><<speech "Chloe">>Oh my god! You are so meaaan!!!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<linkreplace"<h11>Reply</h11>">><<audio "phonesms" play>>
<<timed 10ms t8n>><<speech "Luke">>Sorry, can't help myself. I have to! At least for someone else.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><span class="blink">*Chloe Types to you!*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "phoneodp" play>><<speech "Chloe">>Is that so? Today, $name is off the hook, So you're going to go all out on me, huh? You better prepare large caliber, mister.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<linkreplace"<h11>Reply</h11>">><<audio "phonesms" play>>
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "Luke">>😂😂😂<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "phonesms" play>><<speech "Luke">>I can't wait to try!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "phonesms" play>><<speech "Luke">>So... Let's meet at 18:00 by the cinema, Hmm?<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 5s t8n>><span class="blink">*Chloe Types to you!*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 7s t8n>><<audio "phoneodp" play>><<speech "Chloe">>Cool! I can't wait to see you :)<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>><<linkreplace"<h11>Reply</h11>">><<audio "phonesms" play>>
<<timed 10ms t8n>><<speech "Luke">>Awesome, Me too! See you there!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<set $chloelove to $chloelove +1>><div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;Chloe's Love +1@@</div><<set $chloefavor to true>><<set $chloetext to 2>><<upd>>
@@color:lightblue;Meet Chloe at 18:00 (Luke's Room)@@<</timed>>
<<widget "chloechat1">>\
<<if $chloetext is 0>>\
<div class="chatboxluke">
<span id="chloe">\
<<linkreplace"<h11>Write to Chloe</h11>">><<replace "#chloe">><<audio "phonesms" play>>
<<timed 10ms t8n>><<speech "Luke">>Hello Chloe. Once again. Thank you so much for a wonderful time in the park.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><span class="blink">*Chloe Types to you!*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "phoneodp" play>><<speech "Chloe">>Hey Luke! Yeah. It was fun! It would be cool to hang out again someday!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<linkreplace"<h11>Reply</h11>">><<audio "phonesms" play>>
<<timed 10ms t8n>><<speech "Luke">>Sure! It would be foolish of me to say no to such a beautiful girl.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><span class="blink">*Chloe Types to you!*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "phoneodp" play>><<speech "Chloe">>Ha-ha. What a charmer. You are something else Luke.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<linkreplace"<h11>Reply</h11>">><<audio "phonesms" play>>
<<timed 10ms t8n>><<speech "Luke">>You too Chloe. You too.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "phonesms" play>><<speech "Luke">>So... Are you free in the next weekend?<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><span class="blink">*Chloe Types to you!*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<audio "phoneodp" play>><<speech "Chloe">>Of course. I'll let you know more near the weekend. Okay?<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>><<audio "phonesms" play>><<speech "Luke">>Okay, Very Okay.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 10s t8n>><span class="blink">*Chloe is Sending you a Picture!*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 12s t8n>><<audio "phoneodp" play>><img src="img/luke/chloe/text.jpg" class='large100'><</timed>>
<<timed 14s t8n>><<audio "phoneodp" play>><<speech "Chloe">>Ha-ha, Great! Can't wait. Ciao!<</speech>>
<<timed 14s t8n>><<set $chloelove to $chloelove +1>><div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;Chloe's Love +1@@</div><</timed>>
<<timed 14s t8n>><<link "<h4>End</h4>">><<goto "chatluke">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</link>><</timed>>
<<set $chloetext to 1>>\
<</widget>>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelbaner4.jpg' class='cougarbanerlarge1'>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "model1">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>GALLERY</h20>">><<dialog>><div class="cougarlifebox">
To unlock her gallery, Pick her as her your own cougar.
@@color:orange;(Coming Soon)@@
<<link "<h20>Close</h20>">><<dialogclose>><</link>></div><</dialog>>
<<link "<h20>VIDEOS</h20>">><<dialog>><div class="cougarlifebox">
To unlock her gallery, Pick her as her your own cougar.
@@color:orange;(Next Update)@@
<<link "<h20>Close</h20>">><<dialogclose>><</link>></div><</dialog>><</link>>
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelavatar4.jpg' class='cougarsmallright'>
<div align="left">\
Name: Margaret
Experience: Average
Hobby: Education, Hiking, Art, Classical Music.
Description: Your dream to bang a milf teacher will finally come true.
Support the actress's real work: https://onlyfans.com/thereaganfoxx
<span class="blink">*Margaret is Offline*</span>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>BACK TO PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "profile">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelbaner3.jpg' class='cougarbanerlarge1'>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "model4">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>CHAT</h20>">><<goto "milf4">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>VIDEOS</h20>">><<goto "milf4vid">><</link>>
<<link "<h20> << </h20>">><<if $milf4 gte 2>><<set $milf4 to $milf4 -1>><</if>><<goto "milf4pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20> >> </h20>">><<if $milf4 lte 3>><<set $milf4 to $milf4 +1>><</if>><<goto "milf4pic">><</link>>
<<if $milf4 is 1>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model4/pic1.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf4 is 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model4/pic2.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf4 is 3>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model4/pic3.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf4 is 4>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model4/pic4.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<link "<h20> << </h20>">><<if $milf4 gte 2>><<set $milf4 to $milf4 -1>><</if>><<goto "milf4pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20> >> </h20>">><<if $milf4 lte 3>><<set $milf4 to $milf4 +1>><</if>><<goto "milf4pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>BACK</h20>">><<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelbaner5.jpg' class='cougarbanerlarge1'>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "model2">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>GALLERY</h20>">><<if $milf2choice is false>><<dialog>><div class="cougarlifebox">
To unlock her gallery, Pick her as her your own cougar.
@@color:orange;(Coming Soon)@@
<<link "<h20>Close</h20>">><<dialogclose>><</link>></div><</dialog>><<elseif $milf2choice is true>><<goto "milf2pic">><</if>>
<<link "<h20>VIDEOS</h20>">><<if $milf2choice is false>><<dialog>><div class="cougarlifebox">
To unlock her gallery, Pick her as her your own cougar.
@@color:orange;(Next Update)@@
<<link "<h20>Close</h20>">><<dialogclose>><</link>></div><</dialog>><<elseif $milf2choice is true>><<goto "milf2vid">><</if>><</link>>
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelavatar5.jpg' class='cougarsmallright'>
<div align="left">\
Name: Irina
Experience: Professional
Hobby: Shopping, Pop Music, Traveling, Drinking.
Description: Absolutely! I was a gold digger. So what?
Guess what! I've become so rich that I'm now offering you the chance to become your Sugar Momma!
Support the actress's real work: https://onlyfans.com/brandi_love
<<include "chatmilf2">>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>BACK TO PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "profile">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelbaner6.jpg' class='cougarbanerlarge1'>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "model3">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>GALLERY</h20>">><<dialog>><div class="cougarlifebox">
To unlock her gallery, Pick her as her your own cougar.
@@color:orange;(Coming Soon)@@
<<link "<h20>Close</h20>">><<dialogclose>><</link>></div><</dialog>>
<<link "<h20>VIDEOS</h20>">><<dialog>><div class="cougarlifebox">
To unlock her gallery, Pick her as her your own cougar.
@@color:orange;(Next Update)@@
<<link "<h20>Close</h20>">><<dialogclose>><</link>></div><</dialog>><</link>>
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelavatar6.jpg' class='cougarsmallright'>
<div align="left">\
Name: Pamela
Experience: Average
Hobby: Family, Travel, Cooking, Sport,
Description: Latina Mommy eager to feed her men with her specialities!
Support the actress's real work: https://onlyfans.com/ariellaferrera
<span class="blink">*Pamela is Offline*</span>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>BACK TO PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "profile">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelbaner7.jpg' class='cougarbanerlarge1'>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "model8">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>GALLERY</h20>">><<dialog>><div class="cougarlifebox">
To unlock her gallery, Pick her as her your own cougar.
@@color:orange;(Coming Soon)@@
<<link "<h20>Close</h20>">><<dialogclose>><</link>></div><</dialog>>
<<link "<h20>VIDEOS</h20>">><<dialog>><div class="cougarlifebox">
To unlock her gallery, Pick her as her your own cougar.
@@color:orange;(Next Update)@@
<<link "<h20>Close</h20>">><<dialogclose>><</link>></div><</dialog>><</link>>
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelavatar7.jpg' class='cougarsmallright'>
<div align="left">\
Name: Cynthia
Experience: Average
Hobby: Shopping, Yoga, Piano, Sport, Night Ride, Wrestling.
Description: So horny, Eager to be in possession of a handy boy.
Care to take responsibility?
Support the actress's real work: https://onlyfans.com/thereallisaann
<span class="blink">*Cynthia is Offline*</span>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>BACK TO PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "profile">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelbaner8.jpg' class='cougarbanerlarge1'>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "model9">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>GALLERY</h20>">><<dialog>><div class="cougarlifebox">
To unlock her gallery, Pick her as her your own cougar.
@@color:orange;(Coming Soon)@@
<<link "<h20>Close</h20>">><<dialogclose>><</link>></div><</dialog>>
<<link "<h20>VIDEOS</h20>">><<dialog>><div class="cougarlifebox">
To unlock her gallery, Pick her as her your own cougar.
@@color:orange;(Next Update)@@
<<link "<h20>Close</h20>">><<dialogclose>><</link>></div><</dialog>><</link>>
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelavatar8.jpg' class='cougarsmallright'>
<div align="left">\
Name: Susan
Experience: Average
Hobby: Sport, Cooking, Movies, Dance, Travel.
Description: A lot of men compare me to a woman named Karen.
What the F?! Can't a woman ask for the service of more qualified managers?
As a woman, I have my rights and demands. So don't piss me off!
Support the actress's real work: https://onlyfans.com/corychasexxx
<span class="blink">*Susan is Offline*</span>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>BACK TO PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "profile">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="lukebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="ntr">
<img src="img/luke/mom/momask.jpg" class="large">
@@color:lightyellow;Quickly logging off the computer, as someone enters your room without asking.
When you turn around you see $mom, Smiling at you.@@
<<speech "Luke">>$mom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>There you are!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>At least wait a few seconds before you go in!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I'm so sorry!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Is she sad?</h4>">>
<img src="img/luke/mom/momask3.jpg" class="medium">
@@color:orange;After seeing how it made your $mom feel sad, you took a deep breath and said you were sorry for your behavior.@@
<<speech "Luke">>It's okay. It's that i'm having a bad day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>No, no. It is my fault, $son. Don't ever be sorry.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>So, why are you here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I was looking for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Me? Why?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>For a favor.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Which is...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>In assistance to my hobby. Yes. Another Photo Session with your $mom. Can i count on your help? <</speech>>
@@color:lightblue;So is it true. It's her in the Cougar Life profile! @@
<th><<linkreplace "<h11>Disagree</h11>">><<replace "#ntr">>
<img src="img/luke/mom/momask3.jpg" class="large">
@@color:lightblue;It's not right. $mom should not public her body into public!@@
<<speech "Luke">>I'm sorry, $mom. But i don't feel it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Hmm? Why?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>My $mom posing in her underwear? A very weird hobby.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Huh?! It's nothing weird! It's an art!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Art? $mom. If someone had found these hobbies of yours, a horny guy would already be eager to hook up with you and fuck you. After that, he would put you away and forget you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I can't believe what i am hearing!<</speech>>
$mom in anger leaves your room. Is this was a right choice?
Or maybe you don't like to share with the woman who you love...
<<link "<h4>Go on</h4>">><<set $momntr to false>><<goto "lukeroom">><</link>>
<th><<linkreplace "<h11>Agree @@color:red;(NTR Route)@@</h11>">><<replace "#ntr">>
<img src="img/luke/mom/momask2.jpg" class="large">
@@color:pink;With curiosity you think what her profile would look like after doing a few sessions.@@
<<speech "Luke">>Of course $mom! I'll be glad to help you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Really? I'm so happy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>When do we do this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Not right now. Not around $name and David. I'll give you details later.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Sure.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Can't wait. See you $son. Love you so much!<</speech>>
$mom with happiness leaves your room. Is this was a right choice?
Or do you just enjoy fulfilling your $mom's every wishes?
<<link "<h4>Go on</h4>">><<set $momntr to true>><<goto "lukeroom">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="boxtodolist">
<h27>To do List</h27>
<<if $lenabikini is 5 and $analplug is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:pink;Buy Anal Plug (Shop Mall)@@</h3></div>
<<if $lenabikini is 5 and $analhole gte 14>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:pink;Go to Lena Again (Lena House 15:00, Wear Anal Plug)@@</h3></div>
<<if $analhole lte 13 and $analplug is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:pink;Wear Anal Plug until you'll get used to the pain.@@</h3></div>
<<if $lenabikini is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:pink;Go to Lena (Lena House 15:00)@@</h3></div>
<<if $lenaandluke is true and $lenabikini is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:pink;Lena wants to talk.(School)@@</h3></div>
<<if $lipsur is 10>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:hotpink;Visit Clinic (Burnett, Hospital)@@</h3></div>
<<if $lipsur gte 3 and $lipsur lte 9>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:hotpink;Wait for next visit with Burnett.@@</h3></div>
<<if $lipsur is 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:hotpink;Visit Clinic for lips injection.(Burnett, Hospital)@@</h3></div>
<<if $lipsur is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:hotpink;Come Tomorrow for planned lips injection.@@</h3></div>
<<if $lipsur is 0 and $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:hotpink;Visit Clinic (Burnett, Hospital)@@</h3></div>
<<if $funeral is false and $aunt is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Visit your Aunts (Hills)</h3></div>
<<if $lukeeat is false and $bcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:pink;$bro's Curiosity (Sleeping Aroused Moan a little more)@@</h3></div>
<<if $bimbobj1 is false and $bcorruptionlevel gte 1 and $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:hotpink;Watch Luke (Luke Room Bimbo Influence)@@</h3></div>
<<if $brotherkitchenfuck is false and $bcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Say hi to your $bro (Luke Kitchen 7:00)</h3></div>
<<if $bcorruption gte 100 and $bcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Home alone with $bro (Your Room Friday 18:00)</h3></div>
<<if $lucasandmom is true and $momgoingout is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>$mom's Night Drive (Parents Bedroom 23:00-23:30)</h3></div>
<<if $arguefamily is true and $lucasandmom is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>$mom's Necklace is Reacting (Parents Bedroom 23:00-23:30)</h3></div>
<<if $chloecorruptionmc gte 5 and $chloelvl is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:teal;Chloe's Corruption (Chloe's Room)@@</h3></div>
<<if $chloeout is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $chloecorruptionmc gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:teal;Convice Chloe to go out (Chloe's Room)@@</h3></div>
<<if $elijah is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Talk with Elijah (Sophia Clinic: Sophia and Elijah Event)</h3></div>
<<if $doctortask is true and $tabletsophia is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Find something interesting on Sophia (Sophia's Clinic 18:00-20:00)</h3></div>
<<if $doctortask is false and $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Go to sleep (My Room. Aroused)</h3></div>
<<if $bcorruption gte 50 and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $arguefamily is false or $bcorruptionlevel gte 1 and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $arguefamily is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>House Dinner (My Room 15:00-17:00)</h3></div>
<<elseif $bcorruption lte 49 and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $bcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Corrupt your $bro</h3></div>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $daddydildo is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Dildo Play with Daddy (Bedroom Morning Dad)</h3></div><</if>>\
<<if $daddybathroom is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Take shower with Daddy (Bathroom Dad)</h3></div>
<<if $mombathroom is false and $mcorruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Take shower with Mommy (Bathroom Mom)</h3></div>
<<if $warehouse is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Manage your Playground (Sanctuary)</h3></div>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $bimbolvl1 is false and $burnettmsg is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:hotpink;Routine Inspection (Hospital Clinic 8:00-18:00)@@</h3></div>
<<if $burnettmsg is 0 and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $doctorcall is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Check Message.(Phone)</h3></div>
<<if $daddycock is true and $daddyend is false and $fcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Unexpected Visit (School 10:00-12:00)</h3></div>
<<if $sexdad is 2 and $fcorruptionlevel is 1 and $daddycock is false and $daddykissfirst is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Good Morning. (Your Room 7:00-8:00)</h3></div>
<<if $daddymsg is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Read the Message</h3></div>
<<if $daddymsg is 2 and $daddykissfirst is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Meet with your $dad (Basement 16:00-17:00)</h3></div>
<<if $peekdadshower is false and $fcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Peep your $dad (Bathroom Dad)</h3></div>
<<if $dadphone is false and $fcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Check $dad's Office (Office)</h3></div>
<<if $buyskimpyoutfit is false and $fcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Buy Skimpy Outfit (Clothing Store)@@</h3></div>
<<if $dadphone lte 2 and $fcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<<if $dadphone is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Ask $dad for Ride. (Kitchen Dad 7:30 Moday-Friday)</h3></div>
<<elseif $dadphone is 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Ask $dad for Ride. Once more. (Kitchen $dad 7:30 Moday-Friday)</h3></div>
<<if $sussy is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>I need to find out about my past... Maybe $dad's computer? (Dig deeper into his Computer)</h3></div>
<<if $Fatherfirstevent is false and $sussy is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>My $dad wants to talk with me in my room...</h3></div>
<<if $walletsteal lte 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>$dad often leaves wallet in the First Floor. (8:00-10:00 Monday-Friday) </h3></div>
<<if $walletsteal is 3 and $corruptionlevel is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>$mom somehow is Pissed at you (Your Bedroom)</h3></div>
<<if $corruption gte 3 and $stepc lte 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>$dad is waiting for you (Your Room)</h3></div>
<<if $momtalk1 is false and $buy_schooluniform1 is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>$mom wants to talk with me in my room.</h3></div>
<<if $girlday is 1 and $corruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>$mom wants to go shopping with me at Weekend</h3></div>
<<if $teasedad is true and $fcorruptionlevel is 0 and $fcorruption lte 49>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Tease your $dad</h3></div>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 0 and $fcorruption is 35>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Go to Lucas for advice.</h3></div>
<<elseif $violetpills gte 1 and $fcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Drug your $dad(Kitchen From 13:30)</h3></div>
<<elseif $violetpills lte 0 and $fcorruption gte 35 and $fcorruption lte 49 and $fcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Ask Lucas for more Pills</h3></div>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 0 and $fcorruption is 50>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Change $dad (My Room)</h3></div>
<<if $girlday gte 2 and $corruption gte 10 and $momlucas is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>$mom seems worried. (Hallway night)</h3></div>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 1 and $peektv is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Before the School (7:00-9:00 Monday-Friday Your Bedroom)</h3></div>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 1 and $peekcleaning is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Cleaning Duty (12:00-14:00 Weekend Your Bedroom)</h3></div>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel is 1 and $peekshower is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Long Shower (8:00-10:00 Weekend Your Bedroom)</h3></div>
<<if $peekshower is true and $peekcleaning is true and $peektv is true and $sexdad is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Ask Lena for Advice (School)</h3></div>
<<if $sexdad is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Approach your $dad (21:00-23:30 Your Bedroom)</h3></div>
<<if $sexdad is 2 and $fcorruption is 100 and $fcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Weekend with Daddy (Weekend Bedroom)</h3></div>
<<if $corruptionlevel is 1 and $corruption gte 25>>\
<div align="center"><h3>It's time for another Stage of your Life. (Bedroom)</h3></div>
<<if $lessons is 5>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Visit Lena in her House (Weekend 10:00-14:00)</h3></div>
<<if $momvision is true and $bookerotic is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>I need to find an idea for the $mom (Shop)</h3></div>
<<if $momvision is true and $pantywib is true and $momvib is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Change $mom's Panties 7:30-8:00 (My Room)</h3></div>
<<if $bookerotic is true and $momerotic is 1 and $momvision is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Plant or Gift your $mom a book (Parents Bedroom)</h3></div>
<<if $momerotic lte 3 and $momerotic gte 2 and $mcorruption lte 49 and $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Check if $mom likes the book. (Livingroom,Bedroom)</h3></div>
<<if $momvib is true and $mcorruption lte 49 and $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Check if $mom likes the panties. (Breakfast,Dinner)</h3></div>
<<if $momvision is true and $momerotic gte 3 and $momerotic lte 4 and $mcorruption lte 49 and $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Tease your $mom in the Park</h3></div>
<<if $lucasgift is false and $mcorruption gte 50 and $mcorruptionlevel is 0 and $momvision is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Talk with Lucas (Lucas house)</h3></div>
<<if $lucasgift is true and $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Mix the Drink (Your Room 20:00)</h3></div>
<<if $momerotic lte 2 and $momerotic gte 0 and $mcorruptionlevel is 1 and $bookerotic is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Give your $mom a Erotic Book and check the results.</h3></div>
<<elseif $mcorruptionlevel is 1 and $kissmom is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Visit your $mom in the Bedroom (Night)</h3></div>
<<if $kissmom is true and $touchmom is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>$mom acts weird after that kiss (Kitchen 7:00-7:30 or 9:00-10:00)</h3></div>
<<if $touchmom is true and $mompussy is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Alone with $mom (14:00-15:00 Living Room Monday,Wednesday,Friday )</h3></div>
<<if $lucasremote is false and $mcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>A black car parked by your house (Your Room Saturday-Sunday 10:00-12:00)</h3></div>
<<if $bathroomspy is true and $momwatch is false and $mcorruptionlevel is 1 and $momerotic gte 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Check $parents Bedroom (21:00-21:30)</h3></div>
<<if $mompussy is true and $mompussy2 is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Visit your $mom at her Bedroom (Night)</h3></div>
<<if $mompussy is true and $mompussy3 is false and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Have fun with $mom at Breakfast/Dinner</h3></div>
<<if $mcorruptionlevel gte 1 and $momgym is false or $momgympeek is false and $mcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>$mom wakes you up (Weekend 7:00-10:00)</h3></div>
<<if $mcorruptionlevel gte 1 and $mombbc is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Watch BBC Porn (14:00 Computer)</h3></div>
<<if $language is 4 and $lucasremote is true>> \
<div align="center"><h3>$mom with Necklace. (Living Room $mom)</h3></div>
<<elseif $lucasremote is true and $language lte 3>>
<div align="center"><h3>Get help with language lessons(Lucas)</h3></div>
<<if $mcorruption gte 100 and $mcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>$mom's Corruption Next Stage (Your Room Saturday)</h3></div>
<<if $lucashelp is 1 and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Ask Lucas for Financial Help</h3></div>
<<if $fcorruptionlevel gte 2 and $mcorruptionlevel gte 2 and $corruption gte 50 and $corruptionlevel is 2 and $bimboend is 3>>\
<div align="center"><div class="posarousal">Get Ready for the Surgery (Sophia's Clinic)</div></div>
<<elseif $fcorruptionlevel gte 2 and $mcorruptionlevel gte 2 and $corruption gte 50 and $corruptionlevel is 2 and $bimboend lte 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Visit Burnett to Receive Bimbo Stage 2 (For Surgery)</h3></div>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $mombrother is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Talk with $mom (14:00-15:00 Your Room)</h3></div>
<<if $bcorruption lte 74 and $bcorruptionlevel is 0 and $mombrother is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Corrupt your $bro</h3></div>
<<if $luketime is false and $bcorruption gte 25>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Talk with Luke in his Room</h3></div>
<<if $bcorruption gte 25 and $bkiss is false and $luketime is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Fun time with $bro (My Room 18:00)</h3></div>
<<if $lukekiss lte 13 and $bkiss is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Kiss your $bro till you he returns the feeling</h3></div>
<<if $lukepeepmom is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Show Luke $mom Mystery ($mom Living Room Camera Peep Show)</h3></div>
<<if $momandluketalk is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Luke and $mom Talk (22:00 Living Room)</h3></div>
<<if $mombbc gte 2 and $mombbc lte 4>>\
<div align="center"><h3>$mom Exercises with... (Living Room Thursday 13:00-13:30)</h3></div>
<<if $cigar gte 1 and $cigar lte 2 and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Take a Smoke (Restaurant Rest Room)</h3></div>
<<if $doctorcall is true and $burnettmsg is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Read Message from Dr.Burnett.</h3></div>
<<if $burnettmsg gte 1 and $bimbolvl1 is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Routine Check (Clinic 8:00-18:00)</h3></div>
<<if $evatask is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Meet Camila (Mall 14:00-15:00)</h3></div>
<<if $evatask is 2 and $richardwin lte 3 and $teresawin lte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Meet Camila (City Center 18:00) Make sure to wear the right Dress and Lingerie!*</h3></div>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true and $daddykitchenbimbo is false>>\
<div align="center"><div class="posarousal">Daddy's Girl BIMBO (Kitchen Morning Bimbo)</div></div>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $daddymorning is false>>\
<div align="center"><i>@@color:hotpink;Daddy's Girl (Kitchen Morning Alone)@@</i></div>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $daddyuniform is false>>\
<div align="center"><i>@@color:hotpink;Daddy's Girl With Uniform (Tease Daddy with your School Uniform)@@</i></div>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $daddybed is false>>\
<div align="center"><i>@@color:hotpink;Daddy's Girl (Going to sleep with high Arousal)@@</i></div>
<<if $daddypool is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><i>@@color:hotpink;Daddy's Girl (Teasing Daddy in the Pool with high Arousal)@@</i></div>
<<if $elijah is 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:white;Answer your Phone (My Room)@@</h3></div>
<<if $elijahpoints is 1 and $blackdildo is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:white;Buy Black Dildo (Store Mall)@@</h3></div>
<<if $blackdildo is true and $elijahpoints is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:white;Show your new Toy (White Bunnies)@@</h3></div>
<<if $blackdildo is true and $elijahpoints is 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:white;Make sure to wear School Uniform, Talk with your Master. (White Bunnies)@@</h3></div>
<<if $elijahpoints gte 3 and $deepthroat1 lte 4>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:white;Practice Deep Throating. (Drawer or White Bunnies)@@</h3></div><</if>>\
<<if $elijahpoints is 3 and $deepthroat1 gte 4>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:white;Talk with your Master (White Bunnies)@@</h3></div><</if>>\
<<if $elijahpoints is 4 and $qosjewdisc is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:white;Ask Lena for Advice (School)@@</h3></div><</if>>\
<<if $elijahpoints is 4 and $qosjewdisc is true and $qosjew is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:white;Look for Jewerly (Jewerly Store)@@</h3></div><</if>>\
<<if $elijahpoints is 4 and $qosjewdisc is true and $snowbunnycloth1 is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:white;Buy Blacked Clothes (Clothing Store)@@</h3></div><</if>>\
<<if $elijahpoints is 4 and $qosjewdisc is true and $snowbunnycloth is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:white;Buy Blacked Underwear (Clothing Store)@@</h3></div><</if>>\
<<if $scarlettbbctalk is true and $scarlettandcoach is false and $mitski gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Scarlett's Solution (Scarlett-School Lunch)@@</h3></div>
<<if $mitski is 3 and $scarlettbbctalk is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Eavesdrop at the Mitski-Scarlett talk. (Mitski-School)@@</h3></div>
<<if $chloetalking is false and $chloecorruptionmc gte 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Talk with Chloe (Chloe's House)</h3>@@</div>
<<if $afterschool1 is true and $chloeout is true and $baileyscary is false or $afterschool2 is true and $chloeout is true and $baileyscary is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Chloe is out! Seduce Bailey (Chloe's House)@@</h3></div>
<<if $jackandjayce is true and $jayce is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Meet Jack in the School Hallway@@</h3></div>
<<if $jackmessagejayce is true and $jackandjayce is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Read Message from Jack@@</h3></div>
<<if $linzee is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Dylan and Benjamin (Hallway School After History Class)@@</h3></div>
<<if $reputationschool lte 49 and $corruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Raise your Reputation in School (School)@@</h3></div>
<<if $reputationschool gte 50 and $scarlett lte 4>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Raise your Relationship with Scarlett (Lunch Time)@@</h3></div>
<<if $mitskiafter is 2 and $ryancabinet is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Watch Mitski and Professor (15:00-17:00 Computer)@@</h3></div>
<<if $mitskiafter is 1 and $hiddencamera is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Put Hidden Camera in Professor's Office. (18:00-19:30)@@</h3></div>
<<if $mitskiafter is 1 and $hiddencamera is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Buy Hidden Camera@@</h3></div>
<<if $mitskiafter is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Mitski and Professor (15:00-17:00 School)@@</h3></div>
<<if $gina lte 4 and $ginapeek is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Check Gina in Math Lessons (School Lessons)@@</h3></div>
<<elseif $ginapeek is true and $gina lte 4>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Peek Gina After the Class (School)@@</h3></div>
<<if $mitski lte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Check Mitski in Math Lessons (School Lessons)@@</h3></div>
<<if $nightschool is true and $ashley is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Check school at night.@@</h3></div>
<<if $rogersreport is 4>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Report back to Ms.Rogers (Headmistress Office, After the Classes)@@</h3></div>
<<if $rogers gte 1 and $rogersreport lte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Collect information at each class lessons for Ms.Rogers.@@ </h3></div>
<<if $gina is 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;See what Gina and the professor do after class. (School after Math Lessons)@@</h3></div>
<<if $gymteach is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Visit the School Gym.@@</h3></div>
<<if $lucas is false and $walletsteal gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Skip class with Lena.@@</h3></div>
<<if $boy is false and $buy_schooluniform1 is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Jack wants to talk with me? (School)@@</h3></div>
<<if $buy_schooluniform1 is false and $stepc gte 2 and $gymteach is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Talk with Lena about your Uniform.@@</h3></div>
<<if $school1 is false and $sussy is true and $Fatherfirstevent is true and $corruptionlevel is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Ask Lena for help@@</h3></div>
<<if $lenahouse is true and $lessons lte 4>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Lena as Teacher (Lena House 13:00-15:00 from Thursday to Sunday)@@</h3></div>
<<elseif $school1 and $lenahouse is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Lena as Teacher (Lena House 13:00-15:00 from Thursday to Sunday)@@</h3></div>
<<if $teacherhorny is 0 and $corruption gte 15>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Tease the teacher in the class@@</h3></div>
<<if $teacherhorny is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Meet your Teacher after the Class@@</h3></div>
<<if $teacherhorny lte 5 and $corruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Tease Mr.Bailey (Teacher) till you get his full attention.@@</h3></div>
<<if $teacherhorny gte 6 and $teacherhorny lte 9>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Meet Mr.Bailey after the Class (16:00-17:30)@@</h3></div>
<<if $teacherhorny gte 10 and $messageteacher is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Check a Message on the Phone@@</h3></div>
<<if $chloe is false and $week gte 6 and $corruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;A newcomer to the school. (Class Lessons)@@</h3></div>
<<if $chloe is true and $chloetalk is false>>
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Talk with Chloe before classes.@@</h3></div>
<<if $chloetalk is true and $chloeenter is false>>
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Talk with Lena about Chloe before classes.@@</h3></div>
<<if $chloeenter is true and $chloeenter2 is false>>
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Invite Chloe before classes.@@</h3></div>
<<if $chloeenter2 is true and $chloepark is false>>
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Meet Chloe in the Park (Satuday 7:00-10:00)@@</h3></div>
<<if $startnewbody is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Enter the School After Surgery@@</h3></div>
<<if $talkwithchloe is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $chloepark is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Talk with Chloe about your $bro (Chloe School)@@</h3></div>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $ashleyreveal is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Visit Mr.Bailey after the Class (16:00-17:30)@@</h3></div>
<<if $afterschool2 is false and $ashleyblock is true and $afterschool1 is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Talk with Mr.Bailey after the Class. (16:00-17:30)@@</h3></div>
<<if $ashleyslave is false and $ashleyreveal is true and $chloepark is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Talk with Mr.Bailey about Ashley Blackmail (Chloe's House)@@</h3></div>
<<elseif $chloepark is false and $ashleyreveal is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Progress Story with Chloe.@@</h3></div>
<<if $talkwithchloe is true and $lukechloe is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Introduce Chloe to Luke (Luke Room 15:00-16:00)@@</h3></div>
<<if $bayleysex is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $ashleyblock is true and $afterschool1 is true and $afterschool1 is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Meet your Teacher at his House.(Chloe's House 18:00-20:00)@@</h3></div>
<<if $ashleyslave is true and $warehouse is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Ask Lucas for Help with Ashley @@</h3></div>
<<elseif $warehouse is true and $ashleyblock is false and $ashleyslave is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Kidnap Ashley@@</h3></div>
<<if $lenaandluke is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Meet Lena After the Class (13:00-15:00 School) @@</h3></div>
<<if $chloeclothes is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $chloepark is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Chloe seems worried. Talk with her before Classes.(School Chloe)@@</h3></div>
<<if $boy is true>>\
<<if $boy is true and $eventjack1 is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Jack waits for you at the school@@</h3></div>
<<if $entryhouse is false and $eventjack1 is true and $boyfriendjack is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Visit Jack, his house is in the center of the city@@</h3></div>
<<if $eventjack1 is true and $annawalks is false or $eventjack1 is true and $blackmailjack is false and $annawalks is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Anna walks Jack to school@@</h3></div>
<<elseif $annawalks is true>>\
<<if $jackevents is 1 and $jackstat gte 30 and $boyfriendjack is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Jack want's to talk with you in his House (entrance)@@</h3></div>
<<elseif $jackstat lte 29 and $corruptionlevel gte 1 and $boyfriendjack is true>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;You need 30 Relationship with Jack to unlock event.@@</h3></div>
<<if $tomevents is 1 and $jackevents is 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Go to a party (Saturday 20:00 My Room)@@</h3></div>
<<if $tomevents is 2 and $hot gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Meet with Jack in the school@@</h3></div>
<<if $jackevents is 2 and $tomevents gte 2 and $jacksex is 1 and $jackmsg is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Check out the message</h3></div>
<<elseif $jackmsg is 1 and $jacksex is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:lightyellow;Jack invites you for dinner. (Saturday-Sunday 16:00-18:00 Jack's House)@@</h3></div>
<<if $tomevents lte 3 and $jacksex is 2 and $cleanpool is 4 and $jealousy is 0 and $tomrecord is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:red;Lazy Day.@@ (Saturday-Sunday Bedroom 10:00-14:00)</h3></div>
<<elseif $cleanpool lte 3 and $tomevents lte 3 and $jacksex is 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Clean the Pool.</h3></div>
<<if $lucas is true>>\
<<if $girlday gte 2 and $corruptionlevel gte 1 and $lucasrelationship lte 14>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Visit Lucas in the Jewerly Store@@</h3></div>
<<elseif $girlday gte 2 and $corruptionlevel gte 1 and $lucasrelationship is 15 and $fcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Corrupt your $dad to Level 1@@</h3></div>
<<elseif $girlday gte 2 and $corruptionlevel gte 1 and $lucasrelationship is 15 and $fcorruptionlevel is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Visit Lucas in the Jewerly Store@@</h3></div>
<<if $bimbo is 1 and $corruptionlevel gte 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Meet with the Doctor (Hospital)@@</h3></div>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel lte 1 and $bimbo is 1>>\
@@color:orange;You need Another stage Corruption to visit the Doctor@@
<<if $corruption gte 15 and $lucasrelationship gte 10 and $meetmadison is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Meet a friend of Lucas. (Jewerly Store)@@</h3></div>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 2 and $momlucas gte 1 and $meetmadison is true and $momvision is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Lucas wants to see you (Jewerly Store)@@</h3></div>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 1 and $meetmadison is true and $momlucas gte 1>>\
@@color:orange;You need higher Corruption Level@@
<<if $sophia is true and $sophiagreet is false>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Visit the Clinic (Outside)@@</h3></div>
<<if $evatrust is false and $lucasrelationship gte 20 and $week gte 4>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Talk with Lucas (Lucas House)@@</h3></div>
<<if $evatask is false and $evarelation is 125 and $cigar is 3 and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Eva calls you to her Office (Eva's Office)@@</h3></div>
<<if $evatask is true and $evarelation gte 150>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;(Event will continue with the next update)@@ </h3></div>
<<if $lucasremote is true and $language is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Visit Lucas House (10:00-14:00 Saturday-Sunday)@@</h3></div>
<<if $language is 1>>
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Another Lessons with Sophia. (Lucas House Monday 16:00-20:00)@@</h3></div>
<<if $language is 2 and $sophiamsg is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Sophia is waiting for you (Lucas House Friday 20:00-23:00)@@</h3></div>
<<elseif $sophiamsg is 0 and $language is 2 >>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Wait for the Message(Wednesday) @@</h3></div>
<<if $language is 3 and $sophiamsg is 2>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Sophia is waiting for you (Lucas House Friday 20:00-23:00)@@</h3></div>
<<elseif $sophiamsg is 1 and $language is 3 >>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Wait for the Message(Wednesday) @@</h3></div>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $introforlucas1 is 0>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Present yourself for Lucas (15:00-19:00)@@</h3></div>
<<if $warehouse is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:orange;Pay Lucas a Visit@@</h3></div>
<<if $bimbo gte 2 and $bimboend is 1>>\
<div align="center"><h3>@@color:hotpink;You are ready for <i>Bimbo Stage 2</i>@@</h3></div>
<<elseif $bimboend gte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h5>Bimbo Influence's Events:</h5></div>
<<if $joblevel gte 1>>\
-Estate Office (First two task and half of third task from Madison) (Madison Office)
<<if $lessons gte 6>>\
-Lena Pool. (10:00-14:00 Lena House)
<<if $marcusmsg is 0 and $bbcaddiction gte 2 and $bimboend is 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Check a Message on the Phone</h3></div>
<<if $meetmadison is true>>\
<<if $joblevel lte 3>>\
<div align="center"><h3>Gain experience to get promotion.</h3></div>
<<if $meetmadison is true>>\
@@color:lightgreen;Estate Office Job@@
<<if $interview is true and $week lte 3>>\
@@color:lightgreen;Cafe Worker@@
<<elseif $week gte 4 and $interview is true>>\
@@color:lightgreen;Restaurant Worker@@
</div><div class="lukeboxtodolist">
<h27>To do List</h27>
<<if $chloelvl gte 1 and $chloefavor is false>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;Chat with Chloe (Luke's Computer)@@</h3>
<<if $chloefavor is true>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;Movie with Chloe (Luke's Room 18:00)@@</h3>
<<if $bgrass gte 1 and $bclean gte 1 and $bkitchen gte 1>>\
@@color:pink;Chores done. I can finally rest! But still. $mom wants to talk to me. She acts weird though.@@
<<elseif $bgrass is 0 and $bclean is 0 and $bkitchen is 0 and $momhappycheat is false>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;Do chores!@@</h3>
<<if $lukemomhiking is false>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;$mom says something about going out? (Your Room 8:30-10:00)@@</h3>
<<if $momntr is true and $picofmom is false or $picofmom lte 3 and $momntr is true>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;$mom Photo Session #1 (Saturday or Sunday 14:00-15:00)@@</h3>
<<if $dadandmomargue is false and $momluke gte 25>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;$mom and $dad. (Luke's Room 17:30-19:30)@@</h3>
<<if $mombackyardtease is false and $momluke gte 50 and $dadandmomargue is true>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;Reflect on your life. (Backyard 12:00-15:00)@@</h3>
<<elseif $momluke lte 49>>\
<h3>Required Corruption to $mom : 50% </h3>
<<if $milfluke is false and $momluke gte 50 and $lukepeepmom is true>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;Surf the Web until you find something interesting (Luke's Computer)@@</h3>
<<if $milf7choice is false and $milfluke is true>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;Check Web Page Cougar Life until you find some kind of lead of your $mom's Side Activity.@@</h3>
<<if $milf7choice is true and $momntr is 0>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;Write with Olena. (Cougar Life)@@</h3>
<<if $chatmilf5 lte 5 and $cougarpass is true>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;Write with Alicia. (Cougar Life)@@</h3>
<<if $momluke gte 50 and $jobluke is false>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;Ask for Job (7:00-20:00 Luke's Room)@@</h3>
<<if $chloetext is 0 and $chloelukepark gte 1>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;Chat with Chloe (Luke's Computer)@@</h3>
<<if $lenatext is 0 and $lenaandluke is true>>\
<h3>@@color:lightblue;Chat with Lena (Luke's Computer)@@</h3>
<<silently>>$lukepeepmom Luke szuka brudne rzeczy na swojej matki w internecie<</silently>>
</div><div class="lukebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Ring the bell</h4>">><<audio "belldoor" play>>
<img src="img/jackhouse/annalnight.jpg" class='large'>
You can hear that someone yells behind the closed doors.
<<speech "Anna">>What the fuck?! Who the hell rings at this hour?<</speech>>
Quickly you ran away. Better not to annoy her even more.
<<button [[Leave|citycenternight]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><b><<masteraudio stop>>\
<img src='img/endings/bimbostage2/security2.jpg' class="mediumc">
Security stops by the gate.
<<speech "Boy1" "Security">>Mr. Lucas is not present at the moment. Leave.<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|citycenternight]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="schoolclass1"><b>\
<<set $time to $time +1.5>><<audio "crowd" stop>>\
<<if $classeslesson lte 3>>\
<<set $classeslesson to $classeslesson +1>><<elseif $classeslesson is 4>><<set $schoolenter to true>><</if>>\
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 1>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 2 and $chloe is true>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel is 2>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>
<<button [[Class over|school]]>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "crowd" stop>>\
<<set $time to $time +1.5>><<set $classeslesson to $classeslesson +1>>\
<span id ="class">\
<<set _h to random(1,4)>>
<<if _h is 1>>\
<img src="img/school/history3.jpg" class="medium">
History Lessons. Borgia.
<img src="img/school/history/1.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Margaret">>...And there she is. Lucrezia Borgia, Daughter of Pope Alexander VI Rodrigo Borgia in Renaissance.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaret">>Rodrigo to reunite cities in Italy, Offered his daughter in marriage to other rich Families.<</speech>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<img src="img/school/bimbo/history.jpg" class="large">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's kinda kinky!<</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">>Kinky?! Being used by some old fools to get some piece of land?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of coursy!!! I'd do anything for my precious medieval family!<</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">>You can't be serious.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh. I am "Serious". Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's... quite intresting.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Anyway! There is a rumor that Lucrezia had some quite intimate relationship with her brother and father.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaret">>It's only a rumor. May have been propaganda at a time of bitter politics and little truthfulness.<</speech>>
<<if $chloe is true>>\
<<speech "Chloe">>There is more! Pope Pius II reprimanded Rodrigo as Cardian with a letter, To forbade him to have group sex entertainment even though Rodrigo did not take it seriously and continued to do so. <</speech>>
<img src="img/school/history/2.jpg" class="imageright">
<<speech "Margaret">>Chloe!? How do you know these things?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Books Ma'am.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Niceee!<</speech>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh! Books?! Is there any hot pictures in these books?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Hot? No. Historical, Yes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jeez... What a boring shit!<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaret">>$name! Language!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorri Ms.Margaret!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Whoa that is hot! Where i can get that book?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haha. Chloe you enlightened $name to read books!<</speech>>
<<if $selfiemargaret is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Dylan and Benjamin</h6>">>
<img src="img/school/history/teacher.jpg" class="large">
Dylan and Benjamin giggle quietly when Teacher tells deviant stories.
Margaret noticed them.
<<speech "Margaret">>Dylan and Benjamin? Is something funny?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dylan">>Umm.. No. Ma'am.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaret">>Really? Since you enter my class, you two only laugh and talk. Respect my time or you'll regret to mess with me. You understand?! Or perhaps I need to say it louder!?<</speech>>
These guys have never seen a teacher so pissed off.
Together Dylan and Benjamin obediently nodded their heads and said in unison.
<<speech "Dylan">>Yes! Ma'am!<</speech>>
<<speech "Benjamin">>Yes! Ma'am!<</speech>>
<<elseif _h is 2>>\
<img src="img/school/history/julie.jpg" class="medium">
History Lessons. Julie D’Aubigny
<<speech "Margaret">>Julie D’Aubigny! A famous bisexual woman opera singer. You may be interested to know that she had a bait of seducing women at parties, which would lead their husbands to challenge her to a duel. Ten men was killed by her hand.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>That is one hardcore woman!<</speech>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<img src="img/school/bimbo/history2.jpg" class="large">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So... Let me get it straight. She killed some dudes to have sex with the gals?<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaret">>Eh. Yeah... It's like you say. $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ulalala!!! Love her!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes.. She is.<</speech>>
<<if $chloe is true>>\
<<speech "Chloe">>Also! She once took the holy vows to enter a convent just so she could have a sex intercouse with a nun!<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaret">>My god. Chloe...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>No way!!! That is awesome!<</speech>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My gawd!!! She was fucking nun's...!!! That is so hawt!!!!<</speech>>
<<if $selfiemargaret is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Dylan and Benjamin</h6>">>
<img src="img/school/history/teacher.jpg" class="large">
Dylan and Benjamin giggle quietly when Teacher tells deviant stories.
Margaret noticed them.
<<speech "Margaret">>Dylan and Benjamin? Is something funny?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dylan">>Umm.. No. Ma'am.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaret">>Really? Since you enter my class, you two only laugh and talk. Respect my time or you'll regret to mess with me. You understand?! Or perhaps I need to say it louder!?<</speech>>
These guys have never seen a teacher so pissed off.
Together Dylan and Benjamin obediently nodded their heads and said in unison.
<<speech "Dylan">>Yes! Ma'am!<</speech>>
<<speech "Benjamin">>Yes! Ma'am!<</speech>>
<<elseif _h is 3>>\
<img src="img/school/history/rome.jpg" class="large">
History Lessons. Roman Empire
<<speech "Lena">>Teacher? What about some kinky story from Roman Empire?<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/history/drusilla.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Margaret">>Well Lena... There was a Gaius Julius known as Caligula. He had an intimate relationship with his own sisters. His favorite was Drusilla. Caligula forced his sister Drusilla to divorce her husband so that she would remain only his. The rest of the sister lovers indulged in sexual orgies for guest parties.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Huh! What a nice family.<</speech>>
<<if $bimboend is 3 and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<img src="img/school/bimbo/history3.jpg" class="large98">
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>Is it...?! I wonder if Luke could do this to me...</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Margaret">>But history says it was a propaganda or so. We won't know if it was true or false.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Anyway, Thank you for that Teach!<</speech>>
<<if $chloe is true>>\
<<speech "Chloe">>If i may. Some books says Caligula killed his pregnant sister and, believing he was Zeus, ripped open her belly to consume his own fetus.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>That's... Disgusting!<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaret">>This could be truth or propaganda.<</speech>>
<<if $selfiemargaret is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Dylan and Benjamin</h6>">>
<img src="img/school/history/teacher.jpg" class="large">
Dylan and Benjamin giggle quietly when Teacher tells deviant stories.
Margaret noticed them.
<<speech "Margaret">>Dylan and Benjamin? Is something funny?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dylan">>Umm.. No. Ma'am.<</speech>>
<<speech "Margaret">>Really? Since you enter my class, you two only laugh and talk. Respect my time or you'll regret to mess with me. You understand?! Or perhaps I need to say it louder!?<</speech>>
These guys have never seen a teacher so pissed off.
Together Dylan and Benjamin obediently nodded their heads and said in unison.
<<speech "Dylan">>Yes! Ma'am!<</speech>>
<<speech "Benjamin">>Yes! Ma'am!<</speech>>
<<elseif _h is 4>>\
<img src="img/school/history/linzee.jpg" class="large">
Today you have lessons with Ms. Linzee.
Apparently, she doesn't know history and is trying to get the boys to pay attention to her cleavage.
<<speech "Linzee">>So tell me, Boys. Who won the world war 2?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dylan">>Umm.. Us!<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/history/linzee1.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Linzee">>Of course!!! You are so smart Dylan!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dylan">>Thanks... Ma'am! *Gulp*<</speech>>
Benjamin and Dylan can't believe how pretty is she.
They imagine Ms.Linzee naked on a table.
<<speech "Linzee">>Benjamin, Honey. Is something wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Benjamin">>N-No Ma'am...<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/history/linzee2.jpg" class="imageright">
Ms. Linzee smiled and she unbottons her shirt.
<<speech "Linzee">>Really...? It doesn't look like.<</speech>>
<<speech "Benjamin">>Uhh... Now it's fine.. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Linzee">>Glad to hear it! Everything for my favorite students.<</speech>>
<<set $linzee to 1>>
<<if $rogers is 1 and $rogersreport lte 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Make a note</h6>">><<set $rogersreport to $rogersreport +1>>
<h3>Reports for Ms.Rogers:$rogersreport/4</h3>
<<if $week gte 5 and $chloe is false>>
<<include "classchloe">>
<<button [[Another|school]]>><<if $classeslesson gte 4>><<set $schoolenter to true>><</if>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "schoolcrowd" stop>>\
<<set $time to $time +1.5>><<set $classeslesson to $classeslesson +1>>\
<span id ="class">\
<<set _l to random(1,3)>>
<<if _l is 1>>\
<img src="img/school/math.jpg" class="medium">
Another Day in the School.
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>$name. Focus this time! I don't want to repeat myself again.<</speech>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<img src="img/school/bimbo/math.jpg" class="large">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okey-Dokey Prof!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Eh... Whatever.<</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">>Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure Professor.<</speech>>
Math Professor, slowly approached Gina.
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Gina. Darling, Are you up for the task?<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/math/gina.jpg" class="large">
<<speech "Gina">>Of course, professor.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan">>Very Good. Explain your solution to the rest of the class.<</speech>>
<<if $chloe is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Ask Chloe</h4>">><<replace "#class">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<img src="img/chloe/chloeclass.jpg" class="large">
Math lessons is Chloe's favorite subject, You decide to ask her for a hint.
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Chloe. Darling. Can you translate this shit into human language?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Human...? Hmm. Take number "X" and mutliple-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My gash!!! My brain is hurting when you speak like that!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Eh... Then i'll give you a solution in a few seconds.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Atta girl! I'll let you take a selfie with my after the class!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Emm... Sure...<</speech>>
<<if $chloeandbimboselfie is 0>>
<<set $chloeandbimboselfie to 1>><</if>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't get it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Come on. It's simply! Just add this number to "X" then multiple with "Y" and devide with number "XY" and you'll get... <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>My god $name. It so simply. Even a dork can do it with one hand.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jeezz...<</speech>>
You lie your head on the desk with boredom
<<button [[Another|school]]>><<if $classeslesson gte 4>><<set $schoolenter to true>><</if>>
<<audio "schoolcrowd" play>><</button>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Gina</h4>">><<replace "#class">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>><<set $ginapeek to false>>
<<set _g to random(1,2)>>
<<if _g is 1>>\
<img src="img/school/math/gina2.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif _g is 2>>\
<img src="img/school/math/gina3.jpg" class="large">
<<speech "Gina">>It is very simple. With your method Professor the task is very easy to do.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Is that so? Explain.<</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">>Pythagoras Theorem. Do i need to explain that? Everyone else should know by now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Bravo. Gina. Yes. Everyone should know. Do you $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*Cough* Yes. Of course!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Really? Come here and show us.<</speech>>
Unfortunately, you didn't know.
You let yourself be mocked in front of the whole class.. And most importantly, you frustrated Mr. Ryan
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Jesus Christ. Sit down! F!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh....<</speech>>
<<if $gina lte 2>>\
<img src="img/school/math/ginac.jpg" class="large">
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Gina. Please stay after the class. Need to show you something.<</speech>>\
<<speech "Gina">>Sure, Professor.<</speech>>
<<if $gina is 1>>\
<<set $gina to 2>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Gina and Math Professor, Alone? This could be interesting.<</speech>>
<<if $rogers is 1 and $rogersreport lte 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Make a note</h6>">><<set $rogersreport to $rogersreport +1>>
<h3>Reports for Ms.Rogers:$rogersreport/4</h3>
<<button [[Another|school]]>><<if $classeslesson gte 4>><<set $schoolenter to true>><</if>>
<<audio "schoolcrowd" play>><</button>>
<<elseif _l is 2>>\
<img src="img/school/math.jpg" class="medium">
Professor in front of the class gives the task to solve.
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Remember. Read carefully everything. It's not simple as you think.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mitski">>For sure. Prof!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Good.<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Mitski</h4>">><<if $mitski lte 3 and $mitski gte 1>><<set $mitski to $mitski +1>><</if>><<goto "mitskimath">><</link>>
<<elseif _l is 3>>\
<img src="img/school/math.jpg" class="medium">
Ordinary math lessons.
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true and $arousal gte 80>>\
<div class="daddybox">
<video src="img/school/bimbo/masturbation.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls muted></video>
<div class="posarousal1">Math lessons are so boring!!!
I'm so bored and horny.
I gotta take care of my nasty pusyy...</div>
<div class="posarousal">Arousal -50</div><<arousal -50>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... Mmm...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>$name...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah... Lena...? What..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Hah! $name... You little minx. Next time, ask. I'll-<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Girls! For the love of God, Can you be quiet for once?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm...Professor Ryan! Sorri!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Ahm... We are Sorry Professor.<</speech>>
<<elseif $bimbolvl is true>>\
<img src="img/school/bimbo/math1.jpg" class="large">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh.. Lena... Wtf is this. Can you understand any of this shit?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Of course you dummy. Read it carefully.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That is so stupid!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>$name. Is something wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes. Prof! Can you come here and explain me this throughly?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena? Do you understand... Any of this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Gosh. You are such a dork... It is very simple-<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Ladies! Is something wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>No. It's fine. Professor. Dunno about $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>$name. If you have any diffuclty with the exercise, please ask me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Emm... Sure. Professor.<</speech>>
<<if $week gte 5 and $chloe is false>>
<<include "classchloe">>
<<button [[Another|school]]>><<if $classeslesson gte 4>><<set $schoolenter to true>><</if>>
<<audio "schoolcrowd" play>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<audio "crowd" stop>><<set $ginapeek to true>>\
<span id ="class">\
<img src="img/school/math/ginamath.jpg" class='large'>
Gina and the professor of mathematics left the door open.
You were surprised how Gina displays herself in front of the professor who is standing at the desk.
Professor is stading by the desk.
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>...look so naughty. Darling.<</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">>Hah. Thank you Professor.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Your Professor is kinda impatient, Gina. Show me.<</speech>>
With curiosity, you peep through the ajar door.
<div class="perf"><img src="img/school/math/prelude.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<linkreplace "<h6>Peek!</h6>">><<replace "#class">>
<<if $gina is 2>>\
<video src="img/school/math/gina.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Gina">>Show... these? Is this enough for the grade boost?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Not enough. But slowly you're getting on the right track.<</speech>>
<<if $gina is 2>>
<<addcorruption 1>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +1</div><<upd>><</if>>\
<<if $rogers gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Make a Note</h6>">>
<div class="daddybox">
<<if $rogersreportgina is 0>>
<img src="img/school/math/ginac.jpg" class='large100'>
<div class="pos">@@color:orange;New Secret!@@</div>
<<set $rogersreportgina to $rogersreportgina +1>>\
<h3>Gina and Math Professor? Hmm... This could be intresting for Ms.Rogers.</h3>
The math professor smiles, then looks around.
In a swiftness you run away from the scene.
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Nice...<</speech>>
<<set $gina to 3>>\
Wondering what will happen next but from someone knocking on your back.
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>*COUGH*! *COUGH*! Young lady.<</speech>>
<<button [[Who is that?|headmistresscaught]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $gina is 3>>\
<video src="img/school/math/gina2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls muted></video>
Gina leaned back and teased the math professor with her bare butt under her skirt.
<<speech "Gina">>Really...? Impatient? What about these Professor?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Ah.. Yes... That's right.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Peek Longer</h6>">>
<video src="img/school/math/gina3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls muted></video>
<<speech "Gina">>And maybe these...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Gina... Fuck... Teasing me with such a beauty....<</speech>>
<<if $gina is 3>>
<<addcorruption 2>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +2</div><<upd>><</if>>\
<<set $gina to 4>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "school">><</button>>
<<elseif $gina is 4 or $gina is 5>>\
<video src="img/school/math/gina4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Professor seems not interested while Gina is teasing with her huge saggy tits.
<<speech "Gina">>Professor...? Look at them...! Prof? What is going on?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Ah.. Yes... Sorry, My dear. I'm a bit off today.<</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">>Can i help you? It's Betty. Right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Hah. Once again, you guessed right.<</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">>She will be fine, Sir. After all, We all agreed. Haha.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Peek Longer</h6>">>
<video src="img/school/math/gina5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
Gina teases the professor by slowly removing her bra. She managed to get his attention and finally his worry turned into arousal at the sight of her
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Yes. You are right. You all agreed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Gina">>Mmm.. I can't wait for my turn... Sir.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Patience... Gina. Patience...<</speech>>
<<if $gina is 4>><<set $gina to 5>>
<<addcorruption 2>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +2</div><<upd>><</if>>\
<<button "Leave">><<goto "school">><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|school]]>><</button>>
</b></div></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "gympe" play>><<timed 3s t8n>><<audio "gymwhistle" play>><</timed>>\
<span id="train">\
<<set $time to $time +1.5>><<set $classeslesson to $classeslesson +1>>\
<<set _l to random(1,4)>>\
<<if _l is 1>>\
<img src="img/school/gym2.jpg" class='large100'>
<<if $chloe is true>>\
PE Lessons. Chloe has some troubles in perfoming exercises.
She lacks both the strength and the will to do it correctly.
<<speech "Chloe">>Gosh... This so exhausting... How long... Till.. The end...<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/pe.webp" class="imagerightc">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Come on Chloe! Keep it up!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Ah... I'm... TRYING...!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Chloe move your ass!<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>One more Lap Girls!!! Chloe! Move your Ass!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haha.<</speech>>
<img src="img/chloe/tired.gif" class="imageleftc">
<<speech "Chloe">><sub>Fuck my...life... My muscles gonna thank me later...</sub><</speech>>
PE Lessons.
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Chop! Chop! Move it! Move it!<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/pe/lena.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Lena">>Sure... Sure...<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>C'mon Lena. I know you can do it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>I'm a bit... Sore... Today..<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>It's cool. Lena. Keep it up.<</speech>>
<<elseif _l is 2>>\
<img src="img/school/gym2.jpg" class='large100'>
PE Lessons.
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Come on girls! One more lap. After that. Fifty pushups.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>FIFTY?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>WHAT?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Lena, $name! Stop whining! Move your asses!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh... He's gonna kill us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>I'm already dying....<</speech>>
<<elseif _l is 3>>\
<img src="img/school/pe/cheerleaders.jpg" class='large100'>
PE Lessons.
Cheerleader are occuping the gym hall.
<img src="img/school/pe/scarlett.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Kate">>One! Two! Three! Go!<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>One! Two! Three! Let's go! Hihi!<</speech>>
<<speech "Betty">>Ah.. One... Two.. Three..<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Betty?! What is wrong with you? <</speech>>
<img src="img/school/pe/betty.jpg" class='imageright'>
<<speech "Betty">>Ah.. I don't know... I'm not feeling right.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Wait here. I'll give you some water.<</speech>>
Betty is very tired and sweaty, And they have just started warming up.
<<elseif _l is 4>>\
<img src="img/school/pe/cheerleaders.jpg" class='large100'>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Scarlett! How's your arm?<</speech>>
<<set _s to random(1,2)>>\
<<if _s is 1>>\
<img src="img/school/pe/scarlett2.jpg" class="medium">
<<elseif _s is 2>>\
<img src="img/school/pe/scarlett3.jpg" class="medium">
<<speech "Scarlett">>It's great! After... You know.. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Glad to hear that, honey.<</speech>>
<<if $mitski gte 4>>\
<img src="img/school/pe/scarletthappy.jpg" class="large">
<<if $scarlettandcoach is true>>
After what happened in the trainer's room, they seem to be even closer.<</if>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>You did good today. Scarlett.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Thank you Coach. Hihi.<</speech>>
<<if $scarlettandcoach is false>>\
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Why these two are smiling and looking at each other so fondly??<</speech>><</if>>
<<speech "Kate">>Scarlett! Where are you?! <</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Coming!<</speech>>
<<if $rogers is 1 and $rogersreport lte 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Make a note</h6>">><<set $rogersreport to $rogersreport +1>>
<h3>Reports for Ms.Rogers:$rogersreport/4</h3>
<<include "trainpe">>
<<button [[Another|Gym]]>><<if $classeslesson gte 4>><<set $schoolenter to true>><</if>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="schoolclass1"><div align="center"><b><<audio "schoolcrowd" stop>>\
<<set $time to $time +1.5>><<set $classeslesson to $classeslesson +1>>\
<span id ="class">\
<img src="img/school/english.jpg" class="medium">
Meanwhile, In the class. Mr.Bailey writes a task on the board.
<div class="font150"><<speech "Teacher">>Okay Class. Who wants to be first to solve this task?<</speech>></div>
<<if $chloe is true>>\
<<speech "Dylan">>Hah. Maybe Chloe? She is a nerd when it comes to these things.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher">>Dylan. As I recall you are the one who is way behind in correcting your grades. Stay after the class, We need to talk. <</speech>>
<img src="img/chloe/lessons.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Lena">>Uh-Oh! Dylan is in big mess.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">><sub> Jesus...</sub><</speech>>
Chloe is a little uncomfortable when her father defends her in front of the class.
<<speech "Teacher">>Dylan?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dylan">>Nahh... I'm too stupid to understand that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>You bet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dylan">>Shut up!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher">>Dylan, F.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dylan">>What?! What for?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher">>For not even trying and for being stupid.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dylan">>Oh meeeen! My Dad is gonna kill me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haha.<</speech>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 2 and $teacherhorny gte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Tease the Teacher</h12>">>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<switch random (3)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<case 2>>\
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<case 3>>\
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $teacherhorny gte 2>>\
<<set _tease to random(1,4)>>
<<if _tease is 1>>\
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasinglvl3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _tease is 2>>\
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasinglvl3.1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _tease is 3>>\
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasinglvl3.2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _tease is 4>>\
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasinglvl3.3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop muted>
<div class="posarousal">You wonder what would teacher do to you if you would tease him a little bit.
Teacher looked at you with confusing eyes, While you are touching yourself in delicate places in your body.</div>
<<arousal 10>><div class="posarousal">@@color:hotpink; Arousal +10@@</div>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 3 and $teacherhorny lte 9>>\
<<if $teacherhorny lte 3>>\
<<speech "Teacher">>Class. So... The main subject of this lesson is....<</speech>>
He is losing some control of himself.
<<set $teacherhorny to $teacherhorny +1>>
<h3>@@color:orange;Bailey's Corruption:$teacherhorny/6@@</h3>
<<elseif $teacherhorny lte 5>>\
<<speech "Teacher">>So as you can see...<</speech>>
He is closer to give in...
<h3>@@color:orange;Bailey's Corruption:$teacherhorny/6@@</h3>
<<set $teacherhorny to $teacherhorny +1>>
<<elseif $teacherhorny is 6>>\
<img src="img/school/teacher/smiles.jpg" class='imageleft'>
<<speech "Teacher">>Class take your books to page 53 and read the 5 pages.<</speech>>
Whole Class is taking out the books and focus on the reading.
Mr.Bailey approached you to give you a note.
<h3>@@color:orange;Bailey's Corruption:$teacherhorny/6@@</h3>
Note: @@color:hotpink;<i>Meet me after class after 16, you slutty girl</i>@@
<<speech "Lena">>No way... Again? <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shut up, it's my time earn some teacher dick.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh! You dirty girl!<</speech>>
You smiled at him with lust eyes.
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $teacherhorny gte 10 and $ashleyblock is false>>\
<img src="img/school/ashley/smirk.jpg" class="imageleftc">
@@color:orange;Teacher expresses his disapproval at your behaviour.
<<if $ashley is true>>
After that he slowly approached to Ashley and handed her a piece of paper. She looks at you with a dumbfounded expression of satisfaction on her face.@@
<<speech "Teacher">>Ashley, We need to talk. After the class.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Of course Sir!<</speech>>
<<elseif $ashley is false>>\
After that he slowly approached to blonde girl and handed her a piece of paper. She looks at you with a dumbfounded expression of satisfaction on her face.@@
<<speech "Teacher">>Ashley, We need to talk. After the class.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Of course Sir!<</speech>>
<<if $ashleyslave is false and $ashleyblock is false>>\
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Why the fuck Ashley is smiling at me!? Is Teacher ignoring me!? I need to talk to him after the class.<</speech>>
<h3>Talk with Teacher after the Class 16:00-17:30</h3>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Goddamit. It's painful to see how Ashley wrapped Bailey around herself.<</speech>>
<<if $corruption gte 15 and $teacherhorny is 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Tease the Teacher</h12>">>
<<switch random (3)>>
<<case 1>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<case 2>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<<case 3>>
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
<video src="img/school/teacher/teasing1.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop>
You got little excited in the class. So you try a little tease to your favorite teacher.
When he looked at you, you are touching your tits.
<<arousal 10>>@@color:hotpink; Arousal +10@@
<<speech "Teacher">>*Cough* So... if you already know...<</speech>>
He can't stop looking at you.
Lena whispers to you.
<<speech "Lena">>$name, your dirty girl! Haha.<</speech>>
<<if $teacherhorny is 0>>
He approached to you and gave you a @@color:orange;note.@@
You took the note and read it.
<<speech "Lena">>What the note says?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Meet me after the class.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Woah...! It's your chance to hit him!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You think? Hmm..<</speech>>
<<set $teacherhorny to 1>>
<<if $rogers is 1 and $rogersreport lte 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Make a note</h6>">><<set $rogersreport to $rogersreport +1>>
<h3>Reports for Ms.Rogers:$rogersreport/4</h3>
<<if $week gte 5 and $chloe is false>>
<<include "classchloe">>
<<button [[Another|school]]>><<if $classeslesson gte 4>><<set $schoolenter to true>><</if>><<audio "schoolcrowd" play>><</button>>
</b></div>\ <<if $energy gte 30>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Train More @@color:lightblue;(Energy 30)@@</h4>">><<replace "#train">>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Light Training @@color:lightyellow;Fitness: $fitness/0@@</h4>">><<replace "#train">>
<<if $fitness gte 0>>\
<<set _f to random(1,3)>>
<<if _f is 1>>
<img src="img/school/pe/trainlvl1.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _f is 2>>\
<img src="img/school/pe/trainlvl1.2.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _f is 3>>\
<img src="img/school/pe/trainlvl1.3.webp" class="medium">
Nothing out of the ordinary has happened.
Exercise and stretching like a typical physical education lessons.
<<fitness 2>><<energy -30>><div class="pos">@@color:lightyellow;Fitness +2@@ @@color:lightblue;Energy -30@@</div><<upd>><</if>>\
<<if $fitness gte 15 and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Medium Training @@color:lightyellow;Fitness: $fitness/20@@</h4>">><<replace "#train">>
<<set _f to random(1,3)>>
<<if _f is 1>>
<img src="img/school/pe/trainlvl2.1.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _f is 2>>\
<img src="img/school/pe/trainlvl2.2.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _f is 3>>\
<img src="img/school/pe.webp" class="medium">
Nothing out of the ordinary has happened.
Exercise and stretching like a typical physical education lessons.
<<fitness 3>><<energy -30>><div class="pos">@@color:lightyellow;Fitness +3@@ @@color:lightblue;Energy -30@@</div><<upd>>
<</replace>> <</linkreplace>>
<<elseif $fitness gte 15 and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Medium Training @@color:lightyellow;Fitness: $fitness/20@@ (BIG TITS)</h4>">><<replace "#train">>
<<set _f to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _f is 1>>\
<img src="img/school/pe/trainlvl3.2.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _f is 2>>\
<img src="img/school/pe/trainlvl3.3.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _f is 3>>\
<img src="img/school/pe/trainlvl3.1.webp" class="medium">
Exercise and stretching like a typical physical education lessons.
<<fitness 3>><<energy -30>><div class="pos">@@color:lightyellow;Fitness +3@@ @@color:lightblue;Energy -30@@</div><<upd>>
<</replace>> <</linkreplace>>
<<elseif $fitness lte 14>>\
<<link "<h4>Medium Training @@color:lightyellow;Fitness: $fitness/15@@</h4>">><</link>>
<<if $fitness gte 35 and $energy gte 50>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Rough Training @@color:lightblue;Energy 50@@ @@color:lightyellow;Fitness: $fitness/35@@</h4>">><<replace "#train">>
<<set _f to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _f is 1>>\
<img src="img/school/pe/trainlvl3.2.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _f is 2>>\
<img src="img/school/pe/trainlvl3.3.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _f is 3>>\
<img src="img/school/gyms3.webp" class="medium">
Working hard!
<<fitness 5>><<energy -50>><div class="pos">@@color:lightyellow;Fitness +5@@ @@color:lightblue;Energy -50@@</div><<upd>>
<<include "coachtease">>
<</replace>> <</linkreplace>>
<<elseif $fitness lte 34 or $energy lte 49>>\
<<link "<h4>Rough Training @@color:lightblue;Energy 50@@ @@color:lightyellow;Fitness: $fitness/35@@</h4>">><</link>>
<<elseif $energy lte 29>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Train even harder @@color:grey;(Energy 30)@@</h4>">>
@@color:red;Lack of Energy!@@
<</if>>\ <<if $couchtease is 1>>\
<img src="img/school/pe/coach2.jpg" class="large">
Coach writes results while observing girls perfomance.
Then he approaches to Kate.
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Kate? We gotta talk.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>Umm.. Okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Girls! Continue with the exercises! When I return, it must smell of sweat and flesh in here! You understand?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Yes, Coach!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, Coach!<</speech>>
Coach and Kate went to the trainer's room.
Lena pokes you during exercise.
<<speech "Lena">>What do you think? What are they doing there?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No clue.<</speech>>
<<set $couchtease to $couchtease +1>>
<<if $couchtease is 0>>\
<img src="img/school/pe/coach.jpg" class="large">
Gym Coach glances, how hard you are exercising.
You've never see his smile before.
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Glad you are making progress $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thank you, Coach.<</speech>>
For a moment he kept an eye on your sweaty half-naked body.
Then Headmistress came by.
<img src="img/school/pe/head.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Keep it up $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Aaron! Can you come to my office for a second?<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Coming Ms.Rogers!<</speech>>
<<set $couchtease to $couchtease +1>>
<div class="schoolclass1"><b><<audio "crowd" stop>>
<span id ="class">\
<img src="img/school/head/caught.jpg" class='large'>
In a big stress, you turned around and encountered her. The headmistress of the school.
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Khe khe! What are you doing here. Young lady?!<</speech>>
<<if $rogers gte 1>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>A reports for you. Ma'am.<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Oh. Right. But $name honey. Don't peek it any longer or they might catch you. Okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure Ms.Rogers.<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>It's okay $name. Do not perform this task hastily. Now carry on. I'll wait for you report.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm... Hello Ms.Rogers! Nothing! Waiting for my friend!<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Here? Aren't you supposed to be in the Gym already? The PE lessons are about to start!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Right! I'm on my way.<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>I request you to be punctual next time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|Gym]]>><</button>>
<div align="center"><div class="mombox"><b><<audio "shower" stop>>\
Your Tits:
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2 and $fitness lte 29>>\
<img src="img/mcroom/tits.jpg" class='medium'>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel lte 2 and $fitness gte 30 and $fitness lte 49>>\
<img src="img/mcroom/tits2.jpg" class='medium'>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel lte 2 and $fitness gte 50>>\
<img src="img/mcroom/tits3.jpg" class='medium'>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel lte 2 and $fitness gte 50>>\
<img src="img/mcroom/tits4.jpg" class='medium'>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $fitness lte 49>>\
<img src="img/mcroom/tits5.jpg" class='medium'>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $fitness gte 50>>\
<img src="img/mcroom/tits6.jpg" class='medium'>
<<if $time gte 20 or $time lte 6.5>>\
<<button [[Leave|BathroomNight]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Bathroom]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<img src="img/school/head/talk1.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Come in. Sit.<</speech>>
The director stands at her desk and waits with a patient look.
What does she want from you? Are you in trouble? These thoughts makes you a little stress which Headmistress caught on you.
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>$name? Are you under stress? Please. Don't be. On stress you lose your looks points, girl!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. I'm fine. Just wondering why would you call me? Ma'am.<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Let's talk about you, first. How do you like our school?<</speech>>
She asks, How do I like school?
I don't know. At start it was very strange. Everyone was wearing naughty skirts and laughing at me, as if I was some kind of loser. Later thanks to my friend Lena, It changed.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's... Great. Yeah. It's great.<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Why are you hesitating with the answer?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Am i?<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Of course! It can be heard in your voice. Please no more cat-dog shit. Tell me everything. How you feel in school. How was it at the beginning and how is it now?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Headmistress</h4>">>
<img src="img/school/head/talk3.jpg" class='large'>
You shared what she wanted to hear from you. In fact, she listened with full attention.
In the middle of the story, the headmistress of the school unbuttons her shirt in your confusing way.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>...and after that class finally starts to respect. Without my friend, I couldn't that accomplish.<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Yes. These days it is difficult to be acknowledged by your equals.<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>I'm speaking from my experience. Ha-ha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You too. Ma'am?<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Oh yes. You even remind me of myself. Hah.<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>My parents kept me on a short leash, I was chubby, A nerd. I was just the laughing stock of the class.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>Wow. She tells us her story? Just like that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my! Really? Me too! Did you do something about it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Everything what a respected girl would do! Smoking, Drinking, Going out of the school. A bit of drugs and meeting with boys.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That worked?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Headmistress</h4>">>
<img src="img/school/head/talk2.jpg" class='large'>
Headmistress looked at you and got silenced. Slowly she gets up from the desk to sit down by the desk.
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>If it interests you, do something for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm? What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>$name honey. I've been watching you for some time and I think you are the right candidate for the job. To help me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>At every lesson, I want you to monitor the teachers of my school.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can i ask why?<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>For my curiosity, my dear. Anyway, I am not interested in their teaching methods. But in their behavior toward student, secrets, any inappropriate detail about them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>For starters. Tomorrow observe every teacher in every lesson. Can you do it. My dear?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure. Ma'am.<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Glad to hear it, $name.<</speech>>
<h3>A Headmistress task. For you!? It's better not to let her down.</h3>
<<set $rogers to 1>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "school">><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="vis">\
<img src="img/school/head/report.jpg" class='large98'>
Before you went inside, through the ajar door you see a man next to your headmistress. He appears quite massive and heavily confident as he smokes his cigar in the middle of the school.
Ms.Rogers apparently has no problem with it, Even is happy around his presence.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh Sorry! I'll come another time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>No! no. Please. Enter my dear.<</speech>>
A massive men smiled as you try to avoid his gaze when you were sitting down the chair.
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Sorry for my hubby. He's helping me with my.... Work. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okay.<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Can you introduce yourself. Honey?<</speech>>
<<speech "Gerald">>Hello miss. Name is Gerald. And yes. I'm here to help my wifey.<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/head/greet.jpg" class='large'>
He hands you his firm hand to greet you.
During the touch, a strange vision appears....
<<linkreplace "<h12>Vision</h12>">><<replace "#vis">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/school/head/vision.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">Corruption +1</div>
<h3>What kind of help?
Is that what they were doing?</h3>
<<if $bimboend is 3>>\
<div class="daddybox"><div class="posarousal">Oh my gawd...
I'd like to see more!</div></div>
<<addcorruption 1>><<upd>>\
<</timed>><<timed 6s t8n>>\
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>$name?! $name? Hallo?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh sorry! Little dizzy today. Haha. I'm $name. Nice to meet you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Okay. Great! Now. $name. Is something i can do for you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Right. I came here with the reports you asked for.<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Lovely! I'm all ears.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Deliver</h6>">><<replace "#vis">>
<img src="img/school/head/report4.jpg" class='large'>
By your suprise, Ms.Rogers didn't send Gerald away. You moved on with your reports.
She was looking deeply into your eyes and listening with more attention to your report.
First, you told about history teacher and her intresting method of teaching.
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>So. Margarett teaches naughty history facts... Good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's... good?<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Yes, students are enjoying history lessons more and more. As a result, we have a lot of enthusiasm around the students.<</speech>>
You did not comment on this and continued with your report.
Math Professor. He is very harsh to a lot of student and they are also his admirers.
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Yeah. Ryan is very strict but know how to teach. Is there anything else?<</speech>>
<<if $rogersreportgina gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Gina</h6>">>
<img src="img/school/head/gina.jpg" class='large'>
<<addcorruption 1>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +1</div><<upd>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mr.Ryan asked Gina to stay after the lessons. Then I stay put untit they were all alone in the class room...<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Hah. So that is how Gina gets better grades. Haha. Ryan... You bastard.<</speech>>
<<speech "Gerald">>Haha.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>End the report</h6>">><<replace "#vis">>
<img src="img/school/head/report3.jpg" class='large'>
You have completed the report with Coach and Mr. Bailey has nothing of interest to Mrs. Rogers, for today.
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>$name. Darling i'm very, very delightfull with your report.<</speech>>
<<speech "Gerald">>Nice one $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thank you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>$name honey. Let me gather some thoughts. Meet me in other day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course. Have a nice day! To both of you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>To you too $name. Bye.<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/head/report2.jpg" class='large'>
As you were leaving, Gerald passionately kissed the Director.
Better to leave them be.
<<set $rogersreport to 5>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "school">><</button>>
</span></b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="dad">
<video src="img/shower/peekingdad.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
You walked into the bathroom while your $dad is taking a shower.
As you lean out of the corner, you see his bare muscular back and his firm ass.
<<arousal 10>><<addcorruption 1>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:pink;Arousal +10@@</div><<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">Perverted thoughts fill you...
Corruption +1</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh God.... Daddy...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Touch yourself</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/shower/peekingdad2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:pink;Seeing all this makes you horny and wet...@@
<<arousal 10>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +10</div><<upd>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What a man...!!! Those Muscles...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Touch yourself</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/shower/peekingdad3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:pink;Your hungry pussy crave for him...@@
<<arousal 10>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +10</div><<upd>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad's body... Ah... Ah!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Touch yourself</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/shower/peekingdad4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:pink;$dad is taking a shower, Then he turn around with his erected cock.@@
<<arousal 10>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +10</div><<upd>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh... Fuck... His cock!! Oh my.... Is so huge..!!! Ahh.... I can't take it anymore....!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Touch yourself</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/shower/peekingdad5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:pink;$dad finished his shower. It was time for us to go. Before he...@@
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Huh?! $name?! What the-<</speech>>
@@color:orange;You got caught!@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shit!<</speech>>
You ran away to your room.
David smiled to himself.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>What a pervert girl. Daddy likes it... Very... Very much...<</speech>>
<<fcorruption 10>><<set $peekdadshower to true>>\
<div class="posarousal">$dad Corruption +10</div>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "mcroom">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</button>>
<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<<if $scarlettandcoach is true>>\
<<link "<h6>Scarlett's Secret (Repetable)</h6>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "scarlettcoachrept">><</link>><</if>>\
<<if $classeslesson is 1>>\
<<if $scarlett is 0>>\
<img src="img/school/pe/withboyfriend.jpg" class='large'>
Scarlett with a boyfriend is in the school corridor.
<<speech "Scarlett">>Jeez... Can you stop touching me like that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Benjamin">>C'mon. We haven't been together so long.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>That's right. You've been avoiding me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Benjamin">>I've been avoiding you? Scar... Please. Stop saying nonsense and let's go to the bathroom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>I'm not in the mood.<</speech>>
<<speech "Benjamin">>C'mooon... Girl. Stop killing me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Na-ah. Go wank yourself somewhere else.<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/pe/phone.jpg" class='large'>
Scarlett expressionless face took out and started typing something.
Benjamin annoyed left her alone.
<<elseif $scarlett gte 1>>\
<<set _t to random (1,2)>>\
<<if _t is 1>>\
<img src="img/school/pe/scarletttalk.jpg" class='medium'>
Scarlett is in the hallway and waves at you.
<<speech "Scarlett">>Hey $name!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Scarlett! Hey. What's up?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Cool. Haha. I'm about to go change my uniform. Girls are waiting for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Cheerleaders?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Yep! $name! That would be cool if you join us!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm... I'm not sure.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Think about it! Me and You. Rocking in the stage!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah. That would be cool.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Gotta go! Girls gonna kill me if i'm gonna late again. See ya!<</speech>>
<<elseif _t is 2>>\
<img src="img/school/pe/withboyfriend.jpg" class='large'>
Scarlett with a boyfriend is in the school corridor.
<<speech "Scarlett">>Jeez... Can you stop touching me like that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Benjamin">>C'mon. We haven't been together so long.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>That's right. You've been avoiding me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Benjamin">>I've been avoiding you? Scar... Please. Stop saying nonsense and let's go to the bathroom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>I'm not in the mood.<</speech>>
<<speech "Benjamin">>C'mooon... Girl. Stop killing me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Na-ah. Go wank yourself somewhere else.<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/pe/phone.jpg" class='large'>
Scarlett expressionless face took out and started typing something.
Benjamin annoyed left her alone.
<<if $classeslesson is 3>>\
<img src="img/school/pe/scarlettblack.jpg" class='medium'>
Scarlett is in the gym with a half naked Black guy.
<<speech "Scarlett">>Haha. Stop... Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Devan">>Damn Girl. You are so fine today.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Thanks Devan... Haha... You too look good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Devan">>Why don't we repeat this thing from last Monday one more time? You and me in my crib after school?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Devan... I can't... That was one thing... And Benjamin may suspect something.<</speech>>
<<speech "Devan">>Gosh Girl. Fuck that weak ass dude. C'mon. Who has bigger package. Me or him?<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/pe/scarlettlust.jpg" class='large'>
Scarlett made a lustyface as he was near Devan.
<<speech "Scarlett">>Ah... Of course.. It's you. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Devan">>This is what I like to hear. Meet me later.<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|Gym]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "shower" stop>>\
<span id="dad">
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/dadtease.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
$dad is in the kitchen reading a newspaper. It's time to step in. In your new outfit.
The excitment of getting him eyes on you, turns you on.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey $dad!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Daddy</h6>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/dadtease1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
As you expected. It works so perfectly. His eyes are wide open on your half naked body.
To get him more you turn around to see your naughty butt.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>*Cough* Darling? What...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad! I have favor to ask. Can you drive me to school today?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Ahhhh.<</speech>>
$dad is stunned by your new look.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Pleaseeee!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Su-Sure! But... for some reason I can't find my phone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Crap! Here! Let me help you find it.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Search for phone</h6>">>
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/dadtease2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
Preteding to look for a phone for your $dad.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm... Where is it..<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I swear I've seen this damn phone somewhere in house.<</speech>>
$dad is distracted by your new outfit. He can't take his eyes off your butt!
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Maybe in the living room?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Ah.. Maybe.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Living Room</h6>">><<goto "dadphone2">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="dad">
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/dadtease3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
Living room. $dad and you sweep through almost the entire room. It's time to tease him more.
You jump on sofa and lean back slighlty to show off your butt. Once again, $dad has a pleasant view to look at.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hmm...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Where is it....<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Phone</h6>">>
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/dadtease4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
$dad stops searching and looks at your half naked butt with his mouth open.
With your delicate hands you reach the $dad's phone.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Found it! $dad!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name! Thank you, Sweetheart...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Outfit</h6>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/dadtease5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
$dad can't stop looking at your outfit. He is in disbelief at how slutty you dress.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Darling... Gotta ask. What is with that outfit?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What do you mean? Does it look good on me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>You look... Great. But... Are you going like that to school?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And what if i am?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Y-You can't! That's too much! If some guys looked at it... I...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>A Little Tease</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/dadtease6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You.. What? Daddy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I don't know.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>We talked about this $name. Rules of school says clearly. No uniform, no enter.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But-<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$daughter. Please. Go to your room and change. If you are gonna be late again, your mom is going to kill me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay! Okay...<</speech>>
Leaving your $dad alone with his perveted thoughts about you.
<<set $dadphone to 2>><<fcorruption 5>><<upd>>\
<div class="posarousal">$dad's Corruption +5</div>
<<if $time gte 7 and $day lte 5 and $time lte 13>>\
<<button "School">>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2 and $buy_schooluniform1 is true and $changeclothes gte 1>>\
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform3">>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform3">>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 10>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<goto "school">>
<<elseif $buy_schooluniform1 is true and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform1">>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform1">>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<goto "school">>
<<elseif $buy_schooluniform1 is false and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform">>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform">>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to -5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<goto "school">>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<goto "wardrobeschool">>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "shower" stop>>\
<span id="dad">
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/dadtease1.1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
$dad is in kitchen drinking coffee. Last time he was resisted your naughty charm.
Maybe you should go even further?
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Heeey. $dad.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Sweetheart? Didn't i tell you before about your style of clothing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But i can wear anything i want our house. Right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Right... What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry to bother you with this but can i ask you again for a ride to school?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>It's okay. Get ready. I'll get my keys.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Living Room</h6>">><<goto "dadphone4">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "shower" stop>>\
<span id="dad">
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/dadtease7.1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
$dad is in the living room and searching for keys.
He is very confused how you enter the room still in that outfit.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ready!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name! I told you before! It's not going to happened!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why? Why do you care that much?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Beacuse... It's inappropriate! You look like...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Tease</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/dadtease7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Like what. Daddy?<</speech>>
To make it further, You slowly undress your pants. Showing $dad your new underwear.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Don't make me say that.. What are you doing!? Stop!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm. Do you like my new underwear? Aahh!! Daddy!<</speech>>
$dad took your shorts and put them back on you. His touch in your ass excited you a little.
<<linkreplace "<h12>Tease</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/dadtease7.2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
$dad can't believe what his daughter is doing in front of him.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name. Stop it! What if your $mom comes in?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh calm down, $dad. She is still in upstairs. Look at them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh my god...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Tease</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/dadtease7.3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
$dad sits with his mouth open, looking at your almost naked ass.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Huh... Darling.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You really like them? Don't you, Daddy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yes... I.. Really like...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you wish to see my bra? Daddy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Your... Bra? I...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Bra</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/kitchen/dadtease8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
By suprise of your $dad, there is no bra. He's looking at your tits with shocking eyes.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ups! I forgot to wear! Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name... my god. Stop it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Sweetheart! It's not right!<</speech>>
$dad looked at the time. It's near school time.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>We have to stop this! We gotta go. Now or you'll be late for school.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You're right $dad.<</speech>>
<<set $dadphone to 3>><<fcorruption 10>><<upd>>\
<div class="posarousal">$dad's Corruption +10</div>
<<button "School">>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2 and $buy_schooluniform1 is true and $changeclothes gte 1>>\
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform3">>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform3">>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 10>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<goto "school">>
<<elseif $buy_schooluniform1 is true and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform1">>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform1">>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to 5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<goto "school">>
<<elseif $buy_schooluniform1 is false and $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform">>
<<set $clotheswear to "schooluniform">>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation-$reputationcloth>>\
<<set $reputationcloth to -5>>\
<<set $reputation to $reputation+$reputationcloth>>\
<<goto "school">>
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<goto "wardrobeschool">>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<<if $mitski lte 1>>\
<img src="img/school/math/mitskitalk.jpg" class='large'>
Mitski is in the corridor talking with cheerleaders.
They are in the middle of conversation.
<<speech "Mitski">>....It is so easy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Betty">>Is it really?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Damn!!! It's so cool! I wonder if he is into blondes?<</speech>>
<<speech "Betty">>He must be!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mitski">>Emm... I'm not so sure. Somehow lately, he doesn't get along with new girls. $name had F for fucking with him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>So what? I'll try it anyway. Gotta boost my grade or my folks gonna kill me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Betty">>Scarlett!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>What?! Kate. C'mon! After all. It sounds so awesome!<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/pe/scarlettlust.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Mitski">>Yeah. He is!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mitski">>If you are gonna do it. Do it discreetly then.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>I'm not that dumb Mitski! But thanks!<</speech>>
<<speech "Betty">>Scarlett. I'm telling you. It's a bad idea.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>From my point of view, it's a good idea!<</speech>>
Scarlett and Mitski starts gigling in the corridor.
What are they talking about?
<<if $mitski gte 3 and $scarlettandcoach is false>>\
<img src="img/school/math/scarlettmad2.jpg" class="large">
After the class of Math lessons, Scarlett, Betty and Mitski are in the hallway.
Scarlett is upset that she failed and Mitski and Betty try to comfort her but to no effect
<<speech "Mitski">>...What can i say?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>That's unfair!!! How could he not want me?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mitski">>Scar...<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>What the fuck!!! Ahhh.... I'm gonna fail this class... Again!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Betty">>No Scarlett! Everything is gonna be fine and-<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Jesus Betty! FUCK OFF, WILL YOU?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mitski">>My god, Scarlett! Chill the fuck down! We'll find the other way!<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Oh i fucking hope so!<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/math/bettymitski.jpg" class="large">
Mitski and Betty try to hug Scarlett but she moves away from them with a bigger step and flees through the corridor.
<<speech "Betty">>Scarlett!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mitski">>Scarlett!? Where you going? Benjamin is waiting for us!<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Fuck Him. I'm going somewhere to de-stress!<</speech>>
<<set $scarlettbbctalk to true>>@@color:orange;Where did she go?
Ask her later at lunchtime.@@
<<elseif $mitski is 3 and $scarlettandcoach is true>>\
<img src="img/school/math/mitskitalk.jpg" class='large'>
Mitski is in the hallway, Talking with some cheerleaders.
<<if $scarlettandcoach is true and $mitski gte 4 and $scarlettknows is false>>\
<img src="img/school/math/mitskitalk.jpg" class='large'>
Mitski is in the corridor talking with Scarlett and Betty.
<<speech "Scarlett">>Don't worry about me. Jeez!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mitski">>Scarlett! It's for your greater good. Let me handle it. Besides, someone has to save your sorry ass.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Oh fuck you too. Mitski. And what about you Kate?<</speech>>
<<speech "Betty">>Don't involve me into this. All I need to do is devote a few days to learning these simple formulas.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Suit yourself, You nerd! Ha-ha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mitski">>Ha-ha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Betty">>My god.. Girls..<</speech>>
<<if $scarlettknows is true>>\
<img src="img/school/math/mitskiscar.jpg" class="large">
Mitski and Scarlett are in the hallway.
Scarlett talks to Mitski but she is somehow not happy about it.
<<speech "Scarlett">>I'm telling you a truth!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mitski">>I don't believe this. Betty?! How can you be sure?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>I'm not sure either, but I have my sources<</speech>>
<<speech "Mitski">>Damn.. And i thought she was a nerd.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>By the way. Where is she?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mitski">>That's strange. She texted to me that she wasn't very well today and needed to go to the doctor.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>It is that bad, huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mitski">>Probably it is...? Gosh, Yesterday she threw up almost every hour in the bathroom! Yikes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Damn! That's nasty! She need to change her diet. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mitski">>For sure!<</speech>>
<<button [[Leave|school]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<h2>School Cafeteria</h2>
<span id="lunch">
<img src="img/school/cafeteria/buffet.jpg" class="large">
<<if $schooleat is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Eat Lunch Alone</h6>">><<replace "#lunch">>\
Eating Lunch alone.
<<energy 20>><<upd>><<set $schooleat to true>>\
<div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;Energy +20@@</div>
<<if $time gte 11.5>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Eat Lunch with Lena</h6>">><<replace "#lunch">>\
<img src="img/school/cafeteria/lena.jpg" class="large">
Sitting next to Lena, Seems she is very tired after PE Classes.
<<speech "Lena">>Ah. Heey.. $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn! Are you alright?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Alright?! You were there! Coach is insane! How i'm supposed to do that many exercises in one hour?!<</speech>>
<<if $fitness lte 20>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Both of you are exhausted after the PE Lessons. It is probably of the lack of your fitness skills.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah... It's not right. Fuck that guy!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Yeah. Fuck that dude...<</speech>>
@@color:lightyellow;Lena is very exhausted after the PE Lessons. You in other hand feels great. That's because you exercise a lot.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It wasn't that bad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh gawd! You too... $name?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?! I'll tell you what. Next time, eat more vitamins!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh!!! What a mister of everything knowing!!! I'm eating alright!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Look at my muscles.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>$name... I'm eating!<</speech>>
<<energy 20>><<upd>><<set $schooleat to true>>\
<div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;Energy +20@@</div>
<<if $reputationschool gte 30>>\
<img src="img/school/cafeteria/scarlett.jpg" class="large">
Scarlett Relationship: $scarlett/5
<meter @value="$scarlett" min="0" max="5" align="center"></meter>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Eat Lunch with Scarlett:@@color:orange;$reputationschool/30 Reputation in School@@</h6>">><<replace "#lunch">>
<<if $scarlett gte 2 and $scarlettandcoach is false and $mitski gte 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Scarlett Alone</h6>">><<replace "#lunch">>
<img src="img/school/cafeteria/scar.jpg" class="large">
Scarlett is eating alone in bad mood.
You decide to join her.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Scarlett? Can i..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Umm.. Sure. Please.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is something wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Everything is fucked up. $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Uhh.. Can i tell you something? Do not relly your burden on boys. Only hardcore men can fix you up!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm? What hardcore men?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Ha-ha. I'll tell you a secret. I'm fucking with Coach.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Whaat?! That is so... So... Cool!<</speech>>
Scarlett laughed as you approve her secret. She finally has a friend who has her back.
<<speech "Scarlett">>Really..? You like that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah. That sounds so naughty. Tell me more!<</speech>>
Scarlett leans to you a tells you a story.
<<link "<h6>Scarlett's Secret</h6>">><<set $scarlettandcoach to true>><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "scarlettcoach">><</link>>
<<if $scarlett gte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Scarlett with Girls</h6>">><<replace "#lunch">>
<img src="img/school/cafeteria/scar5.jpg" class="large">
Scarlett is eating with some girls. By the look of her she is very bored.
<<speech "Girl1" "Olivia">>You can't believe what i bought!<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl2" "Stacy">>Don't tell me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "Olivia">>I'm gonna! A green dress!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl2" "Stacy">>OH MY GOD!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Great....<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/cafeteria/scar4.jpg" class="large">
When you approaches to the table where they sit, Scarlett livened up at the sight of you.
<<speech "Scarlett">>$name! Hey! Let's go eat somewhere else.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>O-Okay? Hey.<</speech>>
Scarlett leaves Olivia and Stacy with wide mouth open.
They can't believe Scarlett prefer your company then theirs.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Scarlett found the empty table</h6>">>
<img src="img/school/cafeteria/scar3.jpg" class="large">
Scarlett and you sits in the other table, Away from Olivia and Stacy.
<<speech "Scarlett">>My god... My ears! These suckers just talk and talk!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. And I don't?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>You? You at least understand the person you are talking to and you mean something here. At least for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh.. I'm honored. I can say the same.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Haha.<</speech>>
<<if $proflist is true and $scarlettknows is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Talk about the list you found in Office</h6>">><<replace "#lunch">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<img src="img/school/cafeteria/scar3.jpg" class="large">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Scarlett? I found something intresting about you and me, but please! Please don't tell anyone. Okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Huh? Okay. I'll try. What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I-I broke into the Professor's office and-<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/cafeteria/scar6.jpg" class="large">
<<speech "Scarlett">>You did... WHAT?!?<</speech>>
Scarlett almost screamed out loud, but you immediately covered her mouth with your hand. It was disgusting. Scarlett was eating some kind of cheesy food and it's all over your hand.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shh..!! Let me finish, first! I broke into the Professor's office and i found a list of names. It includes me, you and other girls.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Other girls?! List of girls, you mean? Me...? And you...? Who else? C'mon spit it out!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gina, Mitski, Betty. These three girls are crossed off for some reason. You and Me are on this list too but with the question mark.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Me and you with question mark? That's it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. There are other girls, but they are not relevant to our case.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Wait! Hold on! Mitski... Gina... and Betty...? There was Betty?! Are you sure Betty was there?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. I'm one hundred percent sure she was on that list.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Betty?! My god! I can't fucking believe this! This fucking bitch...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What is it Scarlett?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>My god $name! Think! What these three have in common?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm. Mitski and Gina are very close with Professor and... Oh my God! No fucking way!<</speech>>
Thanks to Scarlett, you realised what these girls had in common. They used to stay after lessons with the maths teacher. It's pretty obvious what they were doing there.
It's a fuck list, or at least you think it is.
<img src="img/school/pe/scarlettlust.jpg" class="large">
<<speech "Scarlett">>You get it now. Don't you? What a fucking pervert. Goshh... Shame, i'm not his type for some reason.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well. There is question mark! Maybe he will consider you! Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Oh he fucking better!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But I don't understand why he needs this list for.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Who knows? Anyway thanks for letting me know. Maybe one i'll get into his pants. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>For sure!<</speech>>
<<energy 20>><<upd>><<set $schooleat to true>><<set $scarlettknows to true>>\
<div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;Energy +20@@</div>
<<set $scarlett to $scarlett +1>><div class="posarousal">@@color:rgba(255, 174, 216, 1);Scarlett +1@@</div>
@@color:orange;Scarlett was talking about some school stuff and you listen to her.
Unfortunately, you had no new topic to talk about.@@
<<if $scarlett gte 2 and $selfiemargaret is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Scarlett with Benjamin and Dylan</h6>">><<replace "#lunch">>
<img src="img/school/cafeteria/scar.jpg" class="large">
Scarlett wave at you join her.
Benjamin and Dylan are sitting next to her.
<<speech "Scarlett">>$name! It's great to see you. Come!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's great to see you too. Hey Benjamin. Dylan.<</speech>>
Benjamin and Dylan did not respond. They giggled and high-fived as they watched the phone.
<<speech "Scarlett">>Hey! Dumbasses. $name says hi!<</speech>>
<<speech "Benjamin">>Yeah... Hi. Hi...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dylan">>Bro...!!! She's hot AF!<</speech>>
Puzzled you looked at Scarlett, She did not know how to comment on the behavior of the boys.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What are they doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Oh? These buffoons? They drool over picture of our history teacher.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Picture? What picture?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Dylan here, <i>Accidentally</i> found her picture on some porn site.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dylan">>Yep! Like i said! Accidentally.<</speech>>
<<speech "Benjamin">>It is so sick! $name! Take a look! Isn't she hot?!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Look</h6>">>
<img src="img/school/history/selfie.jpg" class="large">
You look at the photo and see a half-naked woman,
Caption. <i>Hubby's gone! :)</i>
This is obviously Ms.Margarett.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow! It is her!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dylan">>She is FIRE! If i could bang that woman...<</speech>>
<<speech "Benjamin">>In your dreams, bro.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>My gosh. Boys! Go wank yourself somewhere else.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha.<</speech>>
<<energy 20>><<upd>><<set $schooleat to true>><<set $selfiemargaret to true>>\
<div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;Energy +20@@</div>
<<set $scarlett to $scarlett +1>><div class="posarousal">@@color:rgba(255, 174, 216, 1);Scarlett +1@@</div>
<<if $scarlett is 1>>\
<img src="img/school/cafeteria/scar2.jpg" class="large">
Scarlett once again invited you to her table.
She is sitting with her boyfriend, Benjamin.
Seems her boyfriend is very horny today.
<<speech "Scarlett">>$name! Join us!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure. Thanks. Hey Guys.<</speech>>
<<speech "Benjamin">>Heyyy. $name, Right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yep. And you are?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Oh it's my BF. Benjamin.<</speech>>
<<speech "Benjamin">>Ha-ha Yep. I'm her BF!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Under the Table</h6>">>
<img src="img/school/cafeteria/finger.webp" class="mediumc">
<<speech "Scarlett">>Benjamin...! Ah...! Stop it! $name is here... and-<</speech>>
Apparently, her boyfriend is touching her intimate place under the table.
In the past you would have had a problem with this but now it is an everyday thing for you.
<img src="img/school/cafeteria/scarlust.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okay. I understand. Ha-ha. Carry on, guys.<</speech>>
<<speech "Benjamin">>See..!? That's the spirit $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>...Really..?! It won't bother you...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>On the contrary, It makes me very turned on. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Benjamin">>Damn... Maybe you'd like to-<</speech>>
Scarlett slaps Benjamin in the arm. She was pissed that he could suggest such a thing to you.
Benjamin then fingers Scarlett even harder and harder where she gets to the point of orgasm
<<speech "Scarlett">>Ah....!! Ahh!!! Ha-Ha... You are so cool $name... Ah...<</speech>>
<<energy 20>><<upd>><<set $schooleat to true>>\
<div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;Energy +20@@</div>
<<set $scarlett to 2>><div class="posarousal">@@color:rgba(255, 174, 216, 1);Scarlett +1@@</div>
<<if $scarlett is 0>>\
<img src="img/school/cafeteria/scar1.jpg" class="large">
As you were looking for table, Scarlett waves at you join her.
<<speech "Scarlett">>$name! Over here!<</speech>>
It's very suprising that she wants you to join her. Scarlett is sitting around the girls.
<<speech "Scarlett">>OMG Olivia! Move!<</speech>>
She then asked one of them to move over to make room for you.
Scarlett seems curious about you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks Scarlett.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>No problem! Somehow we haven't had a chance to get to know each other better so I thought this was a good time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Happy to hear that. I feel the same.<</speech>>
You feel that she is talking to you because you have a pretty good reputation at school.
The girls next to Scalett have mixed feelings about you, So they left you alone with Scalett.
<<speech "Scarlett">>Finally, We are alone. $name. Yeah about that. You probably think that I don't get along with you before because I'm an upper-class girl. Don't you? <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. How did you know?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>I have a gift for reading thoughts, Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. You probably are right, Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Then i want you to apologize and get to know you better and better!<</speech>>
You were deeply surprised how she saw through you and in what polite tone she speaks to you. Clearly she is different than you thought.
Throughout lunch you talked and gossip about school. You became closer with each other.
<<energy 20>><<upd>><<set $schooleat to true>>\
<div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;Energy +20@@</div>
<<set $scarlett to 1>><div class="posarousal">@@color:rgba(255, 174, 216, 1);Scarlett +1@@</div>
<<elseif $reputationschool lte 29>>\
<<link "<h6>Eat Lunch with Scarlett:@@color:grey;$reputationschool/30 Reputation in School@@</h6>">><</link>>
<<elseif $schooleat is true>>\
@@color:orange;You ate today!@@
<<button [[School|school]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="scar">\
<video src="img/school/pe/scarlettcoach.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls muted></video>
Scarlett tells you a story about her and Coach.
After Scarlett was stressed after Math lessons, She wanted to de-stress on someone mature and manly.
Lucky for her it fell on Coach.
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Scarlett?! What are you doing here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Coach... I gotta talk with someone...<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Okay. Sit down.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Scarlett hand</h6>">>
<video src="img/school/pe/scarlettcoach1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls muted></video>
Scarlett talks about some silly excuse that confuses Coach.
Then she grabbed his muscular leg. Coach now knows what she wants.
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Scarlett..? What are you up to?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Sir... I... Need..<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Hold on naughty girl. Before you are going say it. Let me close the door.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Of course sir! Hihi.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Scarlett and Coach</h6>">><<replace "#scar">>
<video src="img/school/pe/scarlettcoach2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls muted></video>
Coach closed the doors and return to the sofa.
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Now.. What do you need?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Your Big Juicy Black Cock!<</speech>>
Scarlett try to take his huge cock out of his trousers, Coach takes the initiative.
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Calm down Girl. Here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Oh shitt.... It is twice the size of my boyfriend's dick...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Scarlett</h12>">><<replace "#scar">>
<video src="img/school/pe/coachbj.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
Scarlett right away takes Coach's big cock into her sweet little mouth.
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Ahh... Yes... That's it darling.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>*GURLP* *GURLP*<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Let's take out your shirt...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Scarlett</h12>">><<replace "#scar">>
<video src="img/school/pe/coachbj1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
Scarlett is taking this tempo even faster and faster.
Which makes Coach's a bit smile.
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Shitt... Girl...<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Mmm!! Fuck..! How do you like it, Coach?<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>It's great... Keep going...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Scarlett</h12>">><<replace "#scar">>
<video src="img/school/pe/coachbj2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>It's even better than your boyfriend's!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Fuck... It's a lot ... A lot... Better!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Scarlett</h12>">><<replace "#scar">>
<video src="img/school/pe/coachbj3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Shitt. That's it... Swallow my cock.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>*COUGH*! <</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Scarlett</h12>">><<replace "#scar">>
<video src="img/school/pe/coachcum.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
Coach is at his limit.
Scarlett is begging for his cum.
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Fuck.. That's it.. Here is your reward...<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Mmm... It's so good...<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Now... Leave. Before someone sees us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Sure Coach! Thank you! HIhi!<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>My girl.<</speech>>
<div class="daddybox">\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction +1>><<addcorruption 1>>\
<div class="pos">@@color:grey;Blacked +1@@</div><div class="posarousal">Corruption +1</div>
<<button "End">><<goto "scarlettcoach2">><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="dad">
<img src="img/dad/basement/mc.jpg" class='large'>
Waiting in the basement after the mysterious message you received from $dad.
That message sounds not good. Are you in trouble? You hope he won't change his mind about you after that night in the living room.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name...?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$dad</h6>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/basement/daddy.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls muted>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm here!<</speech>>
$dad slowly walked up to you with a suitcase and look at you with his harsh eyes.
It makes you a little nervous. You've never seen him like that. Why is he acting like that?
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes...?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Daddy?</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/basement/daddykiss.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls muted>
Something unexpected has happened!
Your first kiss with your $dad!
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my god... $dad... I..<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Shh.... After that night... I wanted to kiss you so badly....<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really..?! Ahh.. $dad...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Shh.... $mom is upstairs.<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Daddy</h12>">><<goto "daddykiss2">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="dad">
<video src="img/dad/basement/daddy2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls muted>
Gently removes your top and messages your tits.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aahh... Dad...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Daddy</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/basement/daddykiss2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls muted>
Again... You kiss your Dad. Slowly and gentle.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Gosh... $name.. You taste so... so nice...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... Daddy...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Daddy</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/basement/daddy3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls muted>
Dad's hand massages your pussy under your panties.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Ah.. Your panties... Are wet.. My darling.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm... Sorry.. Daddy..<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Mmm...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Daddy</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/basement/daddy4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls muted>
Father showed how strong he is when he put you on the washing machine.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Daddy..! Ahh..!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Be quiet...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Daddy</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/basement/daddy5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls muted>
Dad are about to bury his face into your wet pussy.
Then you made a loud noise. Father shake his head with dissaprove.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm!!!<</speech>>
And then both of you hear a loud stair noise.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>David!? Are you here?<</speech>>
<img src="img/dad/basement/mom.jpg" class='large'>
It's mom. For your luck she stays in upstairs and call for your Father.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Aah... Yes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>My love. I need your help. Come over here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Coming!<</speech>>
Father whisper to you.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>We'll finish this later, My Princess.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course Daddy.<</speech>>
<<fcorruption 5>><div class="posarousal">Father's Corruption +5</div>
<<set $daddykissfirst to true>>\
<<button "Leave">><<goto "Basement">><</button>>
<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="dad">\
<img src="img/dad/bedday/mom.jpg" class='large'>
You woke up feeling good and well rested.
When you went to the kitchen, your $mom had finished making breakfast, but no sing of your $dad.
By the look of your $mom it made her very nervous.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>David!!!<</speech>>
No response so far.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Goddamit...!<</speech>>
Then her face changed to a more calm one and she turned to you.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Sweetheart? Your $dad overslept... Could you wake up him?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I don't have nerves to do that. He still has his uses... Before i'm going to beat him up....<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. It's okay. Are you and $dad had a rough night?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Sweety... Do you wish to get new bruises?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. Sorry!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$parents Bedroom</h6>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/bedday/daddy.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls muted>
Leaving a nervous $mom alone in the kitchen, you ran to your $parents bedroom. You see $dad. He is half naked in bed and his lower part is covered by a piece of quilt. He is snoring soundly.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Daddy...?<</speech>>
$dad is sleeping hard.
<<linkreplace "<h12>$dad?</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/bedday/daddy2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls muted>
Your perverted side dominates you. Slowly you uncover the other part of his body.
And there is. His cock resting. Ready to be touched. Every night you wished to touch his cock with your sweet innocent hands.
This is a great opportunity.
<<linkreplace "<h12>Touch it...</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/bedday/daddy3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls muted>
Slowly and slowly you reach to his naked dick. Your hands reached it and then $dad grabbed your hand.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name?! What... What are you doing?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry!! I thought... I thought..<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>You thought, what? And where is your $mom?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okay $dad. Mom left for work.<</speech>>
You don't know why you lied to your $dad but it's a great opportunity to seduce him.
<<linkreplace "<h12>I thought...</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/bedday/daddy4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls muted>
You can't find the right words...
By making it right, you massage the area around his cock.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name... What are you doing...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Waking you up... Daddy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>My...God... Your hands are so delicate...<</speech>>
His warm hand holds you other hand, which makes you a aroused.
You wanted to kiss him so badly.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can.. I... Kiss you Daddy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Come here.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Kiss</h6>">><<goto "dadcock2">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="dad">\
<video src="img/dad/bedday/daddykiss.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
You moved closer to him but he forcefully pulled you in to kiss you. This kiss was more expressive and full of emotion. His tongue slid into your mouth, it was so good until you got wet.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm...Daddy..<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Darling... I'm so horny... Daddy's cock is so hard... and..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can.. I relief that pain...?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Daddy's Cock</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/bedday/daddycock.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
After that kiss, His cock got erection. You can't believe how hard and long it is...
Your perverted thoughts tell you that you need to lick it.... kiss it.... suck it!!!
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh goood.... Sweetheart... Fuck....<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Daddy's Cock</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/bedday/daddycock2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
It tastes better than before. With every second that his cock fills your mouth, you feel like you're in heaven.
It's like your calling...
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*GURLP* Mmmm!!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Daddy's Cock</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/bedday/daddycock3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
When you give him a blowjob, your father can't continue to believe that his daughter is doing it to him....
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Fuck... Come here...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But.. Ah.... MMmm!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Daddy's Cock</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/bedday/daddycock4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
$dad pushes your mouth into his cock. He is showing who the boss is.
You love it so much...
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*GURLP* *GAWK* GAWK*<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Ahh.. That's it... Honey... Daddy are about to cum...!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*COUGH* *GAWK* Y-YES! *GAWK* DADDY.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Daddy's Cum</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/bedday/daddycum.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
$dad stands over you and spray his cum into your pretty face.
The feeling his hot cum on your face makes you crazy.
You can't believe how much he came.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Ahhh... Fuuuuck...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh!! My god... There's more $dad?! Oh My!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I've... Never came like that... Fuck...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hihi... It's so much... What i'm gonna do?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Daddy's Cum</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/bedday/end.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
With your hand you gather his cum from your face and try to swallow it.
$dad is so stunned by it.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Fuck.. What a pervy $daughter i have...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And what a pervy $dad i have. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hah...<</speech>>
<<set $daddycock to true>>\
<<fcorruption 10>><div class="posarousal">$dad Corruption +10</div>
<img src="img/dad/bedday/kitchen.jpg" class='large'>
Now it remains to get punished for lying. You quickly ran to the Kitchen to report to $mom but she was not there. Apparently she had left for work to your luck.
<<button "Leave">><<goto "hallway">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="dad">\
<video src="img/dad/nearly/daddy.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
You agreed to run away from school with your $dad. With his car, you returned home and he immediately took you to $parents bedroom. In fact, you were confused about the whole situation, why he took you out of school. But when he led you to his bed you already knew that your father was horny. His tongue kisses changed your mind and right away you start giving yourself to him.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm...!! Daddy!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>My little princess...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Naughty</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/nearly/daddy2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
$dad took you out of school earlier to have you exclusively.
When your $mom is away from home.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh... God... $dad... It feels so good...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>It should be... My princess should be spoiled all the time... <</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Naughty</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/nearly/daddy3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
All the time when he was touching you, You could see his hard cock under his pants.
$dad asked you to do something about it.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yes.. $name... Take it slowly...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah.. Just can't believe once again how big and hard your cock is... Daddy..<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>It's beacuse of you, Darling. Suck it...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Daddy</h6>">><<goto "dadend2">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bimbo">\
<video src="img/dad/bimbo/1.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop muted>
<div class="posarousalbimb">Lust has overhelmed you.
All your thoughts are clouded by your $dad's cock.
Today you need to be satisfied. This satisfaction must be granted by only your Father.</div>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name? Why are you... Wow....Fuck... You look so good honey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thank you $dad! Do you love me, Daddy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Of course, You silly. What kind of question is that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>The thing is... Daddy... I'm like, sooper dooper horny... and uhh...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h20>$dad!</h20>">><<replace "#bimbo">>
<video src="img/dad/bimbo/2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop muted>
<div class="posarousalbimb">Come on. A good girl needs to satisfy his Daddy.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And! If you love me! Then... Take out your beautiful cock of yours!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>My darling... What is with you... Oh god...!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h20>Daddy...</h20>">><<replace "#bimbo">>
<video src="img/dad/bimbo/3.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop muted>
<div class="posarousalbimb">Salivating at Daddy's cock.</div>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>God damn $name... Your tits feel so amazing<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh it's so great to hear that Daddy... After all, I made these boobs bigger for you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Fuck.. Daddy loves to hear that.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h20>Daddy...</h20>">><<replace "#bimbo">>
<video src="img/dad/bimbo/4.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop muted>
<div class="posarousalbimb">Daddy's fucking your tight pussy.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh!!! Mmm..!!! Daddy!!! It's feel so great..!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I bet...! My cock feels a lot better fucking your tight hole!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h20>Daddy...</h20>">><<replace "#bimbo">>
<video src="img/dad/bimbo/5.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousalbimb">Reaching your favourite orgasm</div>
<<set $arousal to 0>><<upd>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>UHHH!!! DADDY!!! I'M CUMMINGGG!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Cum... Cum on Daddy's cock, Honey.<</speech>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "mcroom">><</button>>
</span></b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="dad">\
<video src="img/dad/nearly/daddy4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
While giving him a blowjob, $dad couldn't take it anymore and had to taste your inner body part.
He grabbed, kissed and takes off your clothes.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh..!! $dad... What...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Shhh.. Girl... Enjoy this..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Enjoy</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/nearly/daddy5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
$dad fingers your wet tight pussy, The sensation was insane. With every thrust he knows where to hit the spot.
It felt so good that you had to touch his erected cock. You hate leaving $dad alone.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aahh!! $dad...!!! Daddy!!! That's it!!! Yes!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I know... Darling... I feel it...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Enjoy</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/nearly/daddy6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Then he grabbed you and push to the bed. You positioned yourself to where your $dad had the perfect position to lick your exclusive intimate area. His tongue as his finger knows excatly how to make you feel nice.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My... God!!! Ahh!!! Daddy...!!! How...!! It feels... So... Awesome!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Everything for you...!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Enjoy</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/nearly/daddy7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
This is it. You are about to cum. But it would be feel awesome to have his cock inside your pussy.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Dadddy!!! Slowly!! Please!!! I can't!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>It's okay... Cum my little darling..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No...!! I want... I want... I want your Cock!!! I want your cock inside my pussy!!! Please!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Daddy</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/nearly/daddy8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
$dad stands up and looked at you. Then he grabs your legs and postion himself to your pussy.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>You... Really want it... Darling?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>More than anything!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Daddy</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/nearly/daddy9.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
His cock slides around your pussy, The tease is crazy for you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad...!! Daddy..! Please...! Don't tease me...!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh... No tease? All the time you were teasing me with your uniforms, gestures, smell and body...
Why can't I?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh.. You are so mean $dad!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Likewise.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Daddy</h12>">><<replace "#dad">>
<video src="img/dad/nearly/daddy9.webm" class='large' autoplay muted>
He stops the tease and slowly with his tip of the cock tries to enter...
<<timed 2s t8n>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm.... Ah...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Shhh....<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Yess... Please.. Take me...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>><<speech "Dad" "$dad">>That's my... wish...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 10s t8n>><<scrolldown>><<audio "door2" play>>
<img src="img/dad/nearly/mom.jpg" class='large'>
Then from the downstair you hear a doors opening and loud voice.
It's your $mom!!!
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>David?! Are you here?! I saw you car!<</speech>>
$dad almost entered your pussy but out of shock, he picked you up and hid you in the closet before your $mom realized what had happened here.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mom</h6>">><<replace "#dad">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<img src="img/dad/nearly/mom.jpg" class='large'>
While you were hiding in the closet, $mom faced a half-naked $dad. He only managed to dress the pants.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Martha..?! What are you doing here at this hour?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I can ask the same? What happened?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Ah... Accident in work... My co-worker spilled the dinner on me. Had to change the suit. And you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Today we had a meeting with the board which ended much faster. The boss let me leave early.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh... Okay.<</speech>>
$dad caught your backpack in near you closet. He forgot to hide it.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Martha? How about we go grab some lunch in the city? Huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Really? That would be awesome!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Great. Wait for me by the car.<</speech>>
$mom with a happy noise leave $dad alone. He slowly went to the close and whispers.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I'm sorry $name. We'll finish this later.<</speech>>
<<fcorruption 10>><<upd>><div class="posarousal">$dad Corruption +10</div>
<<set $daddyend to true>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "mcroom">><<set $time to $time +2>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="ReplaceMe">\
<img src="img/lena/masturbate.jpg" class='medium'>
Lena lay down on the bed and spread out so that she had better access to her wet pussy. She fingers her hard and carefully to get to that spot where she feels wonderful. She was thinking of $name, And her Father.
<<speech "Lena">>Oh my god...!!! $name...!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>I wish... You were fucked by your own Dad right now...!!! Ahh...!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Masturbate</h12>">>
<<replace "#ReplaceMe">>
<img src="img/gif/masturbate.gif" class='medium2'>
Lena massages her pussy harder and harder.
<<speech "Lena">>$name...!!!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>More</h12>">>
<<replace "#ReplaceMe">>
<video controls muted src="img/lena/lenamasturbate.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Lena">>Mmmm...!!!! Ahh....!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Another One</h12>">>
<<replace "#ReplaceMe">>
<video controls muted src="img/lena/lenamasturbate2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Lena">>Ahh... Why... I can't... Cum....<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>It's not enough</h12>">>
<<replace "#ReplaceMe">>
<img src="img/lena/lenam1.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Lena">>Gosh... It's no use!!! Where is my Daddy when i need him...<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Take the phone</h12>">><<set $lenapov to 2>><<set $lenapovright to 2>><<upd>>\
<<replace "#ReplaceMe">>
<img src="img/lena/lenam2.jpg" class='medium'>
Lena, with her fingers wet with pussy juices, pulls out the phone and starts calling.
<<speech "Lena">>Please... Pick up... Faster...<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Call Daddy</h12>">>
<<replace "#ReplaceMe">>
<img src="img/lena/lenam3.jpg" class='medium'>
For Lena's luck her father answered the phone. But in his voice you can see he is very busy.
<<speech "Lena">>Daddy!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Little Pumpkin? Is something wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Yes... My... Pussy is so needy... Please Daddy... Come faster...<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>*Cough* I can't. I have important clients. Let's meet tonight.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>But!!! Daddy!!! I need your Cock!!! Your naughty daughter is so horny right now!!! <</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>I'm sorry but it must-<</speech>>
Lena ended the call irritated and threw the phone on the floor.
<<speech "Lena">>AHHH!!!! FUCK YOU!<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Dress up</h12>">>
<<replace "#ReplaceMe">>
<img src="img/gif/dress.webp" class='medium2'>
Lena stands up and start dressing up.
She just got an idea who can fulfill her needs.
<<link "<h6>Go out</h6>">>
<<replace "#ReplaceMe">>
<video src="img/lena/bbc/lenawalk.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
Lena is going out with her lusty needs to the city.
<<speech "Lena">>Marcus... I'm coming for you.<</speech>>
<<button [[Marcus]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="schoolclass1"><div align="center"><b><<audio "schoolcrowd" stop>>\
<<if $mitski is 0>>\
As you pondered solving the assignment, the professor gave Mitski a slip of paper quietly.
After a few minutes Mitski raise her hand.
<img src="img/school/math/mitski.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Mitski">>Done! Prof!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Well done Mitski! <</speech>>
<<speech "Mitski">>Hihi.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>How is this possible?! It takes half an hour to understand and complete this task!<</speech>>
<<if $rogers is 1 and $rogersreport lte 4>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Make a note</h6>">><<set $rogersreport to $rogersreport +1>>
<h3>Reports for Ms.Rogers:$rogersreport/4</h3>
<<if $mitski is 1>>\
<img src="img/school/math/mitski3.jpg" class="large">
Math Professor asked for a volunteer to solve a task in the border.
Mitski right away raised her hand.
<<speech "Mitski">>Me! Me! Prof!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Mitski! My amazing Mitski! Come, come.<</speech>>
Mitski solves the task on the board without any problems. Her behavior leaves you a little out of the room. She keeps glancing at the professor who he is looking at her bottom.
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Good... And what about the value of the second result?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mitski">>Emm.....<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/math/mitski3.1.jpg" class="large">
Mitski feels a little troubled with what Math Professor are saying. But Math Professor approached her and whisper in her. Then Mitski write that value on the border with a stupid smile.
<<speech "Mitski">>Is it... Right?! Prof?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Yes! Just like that Mitski! Bravo girl!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mitski">>Hihi!<</speech>>
<<if $mitski is 2 or $mitski is 3>>\
<img src="img/school/math/scarlett3.jpg" class="large">
<<speech "Scarlett">><sub>Psst! Mitski..?</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Mitski">><sub>Yeah..?</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">><sub>Help me... I can't understand shit!</sub><</speech>>
Scarlett seems having a trouble with the task.
Mitski as her friend tries to help her but Math Professor denies it.
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Mitski! My dear. Focus on yourself. Your friend will manage on her own.<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/math/scarlett.jpg" class="large">
Professor approaches to Scarlett to see what is going on.
She then tries to smile with kinky way.
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Are you feeling well. Scarlett? What is going on?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Em... I don't understand that one. Professor.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Excuse me? How you do not understand that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Umm... I'm sorry. Professor. Though. Can i ask you to explain me that again... after the class?<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/math/scarlett2.jpg" class="large">
Scarlett unbottons her shirt, which makes Mitski a little gigle.
The professor was not in the mood and looked at her harshly.
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>No. I do not have time to explain you this again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>But Prof-!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Scarlett! Read it carefully and slowly. Maybe then you'll undestand.<</speech>>
<<if $mitski is 2>>\
<<set $mitski to 3>><</if>>\
<img src="img/school/math/scarlettmad.jpg" class="large">
It seems Scarlett fails to tease Math Professor.
<<if $mitski is 4 and $mitskiafter is false>>\
<img src="img/school/math/mitski4.jpg" class="large">
Mitski get up and approached to Math Professor.
Whispering to him and give him a note. The professor smiled and nodded after he read the note.
He threw the note in the trash.
Then the bell are rining.
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Class! Before you go. Prepare for tommorow's exam!<</speech>>
Students were upset after this announcement.
<<if $corruption gte 35>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Take the note from the bin.@@color:red;$corruption/35 Corruption@@</h6>">>
<div class="lucasoffice">@@color:orange;<i>
Your naughty student wish to meet you after 15:00 in your Office?
My holes are so itchy today due to the lack of your yummy cock🤤.<<set $mitskiafter to true>>
<<elseif $corruption lte 34>>\
<<link "<h6>Take the note from the bin.@@color:grey;$corruption/35 Corruption@@</h6>">><</link>>
<<if $mitskiafter is true or $mitskiafter gte 1>>\
As you pondered solving the assignment, the professor gave Mitski a slip of paper quietly.
After a few minutes Mitski raise her hand.
<img src="img/school/math/mitski.jpg" class="imageleft">
<<speech "Mitski">>Done! Prof!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Once again! You are perfect Mitski!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mitski">>Hihi.<</speech>>
<<if $scarlett gte 1>>\
<img src="img/school/math/scarlett3.jpg" class="large">
Scarlett looked at you with an annoyed face.
<<speech "Scarlett">><sub>Gosh. Perfect my ass.</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>They probably fuck, for sure.</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">><sub>Of course they are. She told me.</sub><</speech>>
Math Professor raise his voice at you.
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Scarlett! $name! Stop talking! Or else I'll call your parents.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>We are sorry, Professor!<</speech>>
<<button [[Another|school]]>><<if $mitski is 0>><<set $mitski to 1>><</if>><<if $classeslesson gte 4>><<set $schoolenter to true>><</if>>
<<audio "schoolcrowd" play>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/school/diary/lena.jpg" class='imageleft'>
Lena Lessons:
<<showmeter 'lessons' `$lessons / $lenalessonsmax`>>
<<button "lessons">><<set $lessons to $lessons +1>><<goto "schooldiary">><</button>>
<meter @value="$lessons" min="0" max="6" align="center"></meter>
</b></div><div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="scar">\
<img src="img/school/pe/after.jpg" class='large'>
A fascinating story for you, You'd like to hear more but Scarlett doens't want to open up.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is there more?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Yes! I'll tell you about it later.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>By the way, $name. Thanks for listening. I finally open myself to someone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's my pleasure! Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Haha.<</speech>>
<<energy 20>><<upd>><<set $schooleat to true>>\
<div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;Energy +20@@</div>
<<set $scarlett to $scarlett +1>><div class="posarousal">@@color:rgba(255, 174, 216, 1);Scarlett +1@@</div>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "school">><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<<if $mitskiafter is 1>>\
<img src="img/school/math/door.jpg" class="large">
@@color:orange;The doors are closed, Behind them you can hear the sound of tapping and knocking. You are thinking that Mitski and the Professor are doing something kinky.@@
@@color:pink;Headmistress gave you a key to his office but it's not right moment to enter.
After 18:00 hour it would be good time to enter and plant hidden camera.@@
<<button "Leave">><<goto "school">><</button>>
<<if $mitskiafter is true>>\
<img src="img/school/math/door.jpg" class="large">
@@color:orange;The doors are closed, Behind them you can hear the sound of tapping and knocking. You are thinking that Mitski and the Professor are doing something kinky. Unfortunately, you have no way to watch it. If you had any camera and access to the room.@@
@@color:lightyellow;As you where about to leave, A headmistress come by in the hallway.@@
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>$name? Have you been to see Professor Ryan at this hour?<</speech>>
<<if $rogersreport gte 5>>\
@@color:orange;Maybe Headmistress would help you out?
After all, She wants to know what is it with Professor Ryan.@@
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ask for Help</h6>">>
<img src="img/school/math/headmistress.jpg" class="large">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ma'am. I stumbled on something juicy. Can you help me out?<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Is that so? What i can do for you, my dear?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>A key to Professor Ryan's Office.<</speech>>
The headmistress looked at you without emotion and hands you a key.
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Listen. If you get caught, You are on your own. You understand me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, Ma'am! Thank you. I thought you ma'am wouldn't give me the key. <</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>I trust you $name. And besides, we have something in common.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>In common? Ma'am?<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/math/headmistress2.jpg" class="large">
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Oh my dear. I like you so much. Everything will become clear in its own time.<</speech>>
Headmistress with a kind smile leaves you with mixed feelings.
You and her have something in common? What is it?
Your curiosity is getting bigger and bigger. Let's now focus on how to peep Professor's Office.
<<set $mitskiafter to 1>><<if $hiddencamera is false>>\
<h3>Buy Hidden Camera in Electronic Shop and put it in Professor's Office.</h3>
<<elseif $hiddencamera is true>>\
<h3>Put Hidden Camera in Professor's Office.</h3>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh no! I'm just forgot to take my stuff from class.<</speech>>
<<speech "Rogers" "Headmistress">>Okay... Carry on.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Headmistress has some power over the school. If you could help her out somehow?@@
<<button "Leave">><<goto "school">><</button>>
</b></div><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<img src="img/school/math/desk.jpg" class="large">
Key from the Headmistress fits on the door. You are inside Professor Office, Alone.
It reeks a bit of alcohol and cigars. Professor clearly is not following health and safety rules.
It is still strange that the School has supplied the professor with an office at the school.
It's good time to search his room and something else.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Search Room</h6>">>
There some points that might be intrested to look out.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Huge Cabinet</h4>">>
<img src="img/school/math/cupboard.jpg" class="medium">
Large Cabinet adjacent to the wall.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn.. It's closed.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Desk</h4>">>
You carefully look around and find a polaroid photo on the desk under the clock and open letter from hospital.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Polaroid Photo</h6>">>
<<timed 50ms t8n>>
<<link '<img src="img/school/math/mitskiselfie.jpg" class="smallcity">'>><<dialog>>
<img src="img/school/math/mitskiselfie.jpg" class="large">
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>><</dialog>><</link>>
Mitski's perverted photo for Math Professor...
<<if $mitskiselfie is false>>\
<<set $mitskiselfie to true>><<addcorruption 1>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +1</div><<upd>><</if>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So that's how she knows all the answers to the Professor's questions.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Hospital Letter</h4>">>
<img src="img/school/math/dna.jpg" class="large">
There is some DNA results from hospital. <<set $ryanfather to true>>
On these results it says that the woman is pregnant and he is 98% the father of this child.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh... Professor is going to become a father.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Bookshelf</h4>">>
On the bookshelf there is a large book and between this book and the other is a list.
<div class="cougarlifebox">
<img src="img/school/math/note.jpg" class="large">
<div class="font150">
Ashley (-)
Lena (+)
Scarlett (-)(?)
$name (?)</div></div>
There is a list of names on this list. Among them is you!
Mitski, Gina and Betty have been crossed off.
Lena has plus symbol, Scarlett has minus but with question mark like me. Ashley is minus.
<<if $proflist is false>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Professor's List. What is he up to?<</speech>>
<<set $proflist to true>><</if>>\
<<if $hiddencamera is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Plant Camera</h6>">>
<<set $mitskiafter to 2>>\
<h3>@@color:orange;Camera is Planted! Now it's time watch it in your Home!@@</h3>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "school">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="mit">\
<video src="img/school/math/mitskiafter.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls muted></video>
The cameras are in a good place and record everything that is happening now.
Mitski and the Professor kiss each other like naughty couples.
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Come here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mitski">>Mmm...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Next</h4>">><<replace "#mit">>
<video src="img/school/math/mitskiafter1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls muted></video>
Mitski sits on the professor's lap and grinds her pussy into his hidden cock under his pants.
By the professors face it looks like he likes what is she doing to him.
<<speech "Mitski">>Ah.. It is so hard...<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Oh you teasing bitch....<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Next</h4>">><<replace "#mit">>
<video src="img/school/math/mitski1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls ></video>
@@color:orange;Camera stutter but it came back online.@@
Professors is stading above Mitski and roughly pushing his large cock into her sweet little mouth.
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>...Ugh...!!! You fucking Bitch!!! Ahhh... Take it!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mitski">>*GAWK*! *GAWK*!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Next</h4>">><<replace "#mit">>
<video src="img/school/math/mitski3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls ></video>
Mitski was about to throw up while being plugged by his cock.
Professor showed mercy and helped her up to kiss one more time.
The juice's of his cock is inside Mitski mouth...
<<speech "Mitski">>*COUGH*!!! Pr!!- *GAWK*! *GAWK*! *COUGH*!!! Prof!!- *GAWK* GAWK*!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Hey... Hey... Calm down... Take it easy...!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mitski">>It was *Cough*! A bit to rough... *Cough*<</speech>>
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Sh... Come here.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Next</h4>">><<replace "#mit">>
<video src="img/school/math/mitski4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls ></video>
@@color:orange;Camera stutter but it came back online.@@
Professor is about to enter her tight pussy.
Mitski is so aroused she is begging for it. She begged him to raise the tempo.
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Here... Let your Professor plugged that hole.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mitski">>Aahhh..!! Yes...!! Enter...!! Please!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Next</h4>">><<replace "#mit">>
<video src="img/school/math/mitski5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls ></video>
@@color:orange;Camera stutter but it came back online.@@
Professor and Mitski standing by the desk. She is being held by his arms while being fucked.
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>...Ugghh!! Hold onto me now Mitski!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mitski">>Ahhh!! AHhh!! AHHH!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Next</h4>">><<replace "#mit">>
<video src="img/school/math/mitski6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls ></video>
@@color:orange;Camera stutter but it came back online.@@
Mitski is being choked and pressed by Professor's body.
Professor takes her from every angle, her mouth, ass and pussy.
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>...Is this better...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mitski">>Oh my!!! Ahh!! *GAWK*!!! Yes!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Next</h4>">><<replace "#mit">>
<video src="img/school/math/mitski7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<set $mitskiafter to 3>><<set $time to $time +1>><<upd>>
Professor and Mitski continued to play on the table, After a few seconds later...
<<speech "Ryan" "Math Professor">>Here. Hold my arms... Let's go to the bed...<</speech>>
Professor picked up aroused Mitski and led to a room where your camera doest not reach.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh!? Where are they going?! There was no any bed back there!<</speech>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "computermc">><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="scar">\
<video src="img/school/pe/scarlettcoach.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls muted></video>
Scarlett tells you a story about her and Coach.
After Scarlett was stressed after Math lessons, She wanted to de-stress on someone mature and manly.
Lucky for her it fell on Coach.
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Scarlett?! What are you doing here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Coach... I gotta talk with someone...<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Okay. Sit down.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Scarlett hand</h6>">>
<video src="img/school/pe/scarlettcoach1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls muted></video>
Scarlett talks about some silly excuse that confuses Coach.
Then she grabbed his muscular leg. Coach now knows what she wants.
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Scarlett..? What are you up to?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Sir... I... Need..<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Hold on naughty girl. Before you are going say it. Let me close the door.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Of course sir! Hihi.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Scarlett and Coach</h6>">><<replace "#scar">>
<video src="img/school/pe/scarlettcoach2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls muted></video>
Coach closed the doors and return to the sofa.
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Now.. What do you need?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Your Big Juicy Black Cock!<</speech>>
Scarlett try to take his huge cock out of his trousers, Coach takes the initiative.
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Calm down Girl. Here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Oh shitt.... It is twice the size of my boyfriend's dick...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Scarlett</h12>">><<replace "#scar">>
<video src="img/school/pe/coachbj.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
Scarlett right away takes Coach's big cock into her sweet little mouth.
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Ahh... Yes... That's it darling.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>*GURLP* *GURLP*<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Let's take out your shirt...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Scarlett</h12>">><<replace "#scar">>
<video src="img/school/pe/coachbj1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
Scarlett is taking this tempo even faster and faster.
Which makes Coach's a bit smile.
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Shitt... Girl...<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Mmm!! Fuck..! How do you like it, Coach?<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>It's great... Keep going...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Scarlett</h12>">><<replace "#scar">>
<video src="img/school/pe/coachbj2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>It's even better than your boyfriend's!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Fuck... It's a lot ... A lot... Better!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Scarlett</h12>">><<replace "#scar">>
<video src="img/school/pe/coachbj3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Shitt. That's it... Swallow my cock.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>*COUGH*! <</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Scarlett</h12>">><<replace "#scar">>
<video src="img/school/pe/coachcum.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
Coach is at his limit.
Scarlett is begging for his cum.
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Fuck.. That's it.. Here is your reward...<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Mmm... It's so good...<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>Now... Leave. Before someone sees us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Scarlett">>Sure Coach! Thank you! HIhi!<</speech>>
<<speech "Gym" "Coach">>My girl.<</speech>>
<<button "End">><<goto "school">><</button>>
</b></div><div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>
<span id="jay">
<img src="img/school/history/linzeedream.jpg" class='large'>
Benjamin and Dylan after history classes with Ms.Linzee are so pumped up.
They were talking and dreaming only about her.
<<speech "Benjamin">>Bro... No way! Ms.Linzee has crush on me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dylan">>Naah... She is on me! For sure!<</speech>>
<<speech "Benjamin">>Meen.. Shut the fuck up. She was eye balling on me all the time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dylan">>In your dream, Bro! She was smiling on me all the time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Benjamin">>Whatever! Ms. Linzee is #1 MILF in school for sure.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dylan">>You bet!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Black Student</h6>">><<replace "#jay">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/school/jayce/talk.jpg" class='large'>
Jayce comes in and joins to their conversation.
You probably seen him once or twice in school.
<<speech "Jayce">>Sup douchebags.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dylan">>Whoah! Look who graced with his presence.<</speech>>
<<speech "Benjamin">>No fucking way! One more dumbass in our school.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>Ha-ha Whatever. What are ya yapping about, you fools?<</speech>>
<<speech "Benjamin">>It's nothing, Bro.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dylan">>Yo Jay. Who is the #1 Milf in school?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>Shieet. I never thought about it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dylan">>So, uh, what do you think of Ms. Linzee?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>Linzee? Wait. That Linzee?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Linzee</h6>">>
<img src="img/school/jayce/phone.jpg" class='large'>
Jayce took the phone out and show them a photo.
It's Ms.Linzee on the end of a thick black cock.
<<speech "Dylan">>What the Fuck!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Benjamin">>Bro!!! But how?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>"Your" #1 MILF is so nasty. I'm telling you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Benjamin">>Yooo. Stop fucking us and start talking!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>Naaah.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dylan">>Oh c'mon dudeee! Tell us!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>Na-ah! I'm not going to sell my secrets! See ya.<</speech>>
Jayce with a smile leaves them behind.
<<button [[Leave|school]]>><<if $linzee is 1>>
<<set $linzee to 2>><</if>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|school]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<masteraudio stop>>\
<span id="doc">\
<img src='img/hospital/stage3/intro.jpg' class="large">
Dr. Burnett is waiting for you in his office. He appears to be alone this time without a nurse.
Meanwhile you are confident and thinking to yourself what does he want this time? A blowjob?
Well you agreed to this program after all so you must obey it.
<<speech "Burnett">>$name! Glad to see you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>To you as well Doc. I see you've got a new nurse?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Oh. You are talking about Naomi? Yes... S-She is new. Yes.<</speech>>
Burnett got silenced for few minutes while he was typing some stuff on computer.
You got tired of the silence so you started talking.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So. Doc? A routine check?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Don't worry $name. It's been a while since our last program and after that surgery of yours.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is that bad thing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>On the contrary, I think it is a very good thing. Thanks to you, I can at last believe that I am capable of inventing something that others have failed to do. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't understand. What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>I'm just talking to myself $name. So.. Are you ready?<</speech>>
<th><<link "<h12>Not Ready</h12>">><<goto "Clinic">><</link>></th>
<th><<linkreplace "<h12>@@color:hotpink;Bimbo Stage 3@@</h12>">><<replace "#doc">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage3/intro.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay Doc. I'm ready. What i need to do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Take a seat and relax.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure Doc.<</speech>>
You sit down with great confidence, following the doctor's instructions.
<<speech "Burnett">>Now i'm going to ask you a several questions.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Um.. Sure.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Have you had any recent nightmares?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nightmares..? No. I don't. Quite the opposite. I have beautiful dreams now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Good. What about a headaches?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sometimes. These headaches don't hurt as much as they used to.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Is it? Good. Very good.<</speech>>
Burnett asked you more question. Then he stands up and get closer to you.
<<speech "Burnett">>Now. Let's check your cardio.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Cardio?</h6>">><<replace "#doc">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src='img/hospital/stage3/cardio.jpg' class="large"><</timed>>
<span class="drunk"><<timed 50ms t8n>>Burnett with a cold stethoscope examines your heart. <</timed>></span>
<div class="posarousal"><<timed 1s t8n>>You feel that something is wrong....
From behind you felt a certain sting...<</timed>></div>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Cardio? What for.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah!!! What was.. that...?!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><span class="drunk"><<speech "Burnett">>$name. Just trust me.<</speech>></span>
<span class="drunk"><<speech "Player" "$name">>My... head... my... eyes... is so blurry...<</speech>></span><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><span class="drunk"><<speech "Burnett1" "???">>$name. Shhh... Breathe... Let it out... Breathe... Let it out....<</speech>></span>
<<speech "Player6" "$name">>It's... it's... so... cold...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h6>Breathe</h6>">>
<video src="img/hospital/stage3/tits.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<div class="posarousal">Everything is going to be okay, honey.
Just breathe...
Embrace the new air...</div>
<<speech "Player6" "$name">>Ahh... Doc..? What is.. Going-<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett1" "???">>Stop resisting $name. It's for you greater good.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$name</h6>">><<replace "#doc">>
<<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/hospital/stage3/pussy.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<div class="posarousal"><<timed 1s t8n>>Do you feel it...?<</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>Do you want it...?<</timed>>
<<timed 3s t8n>>Do not fight...!<</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>>Do not...<</timed>>
<<timed 5s t8n>>Sleep...<</timed>></div>
<<timed 6s t8n>>
<<speech "Burnett1" "???">>Naomi. She's ready.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Be happy...</h6>">><<set $arousal to 0>><<set $avatar to 24>><<set $bimbolvl1 to true>><<goto "bimbo3">><</link>><</timed>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b><<masteraudio stop>>\
<video src="img/hospital/stage3/vision1.webm" class='large100' autoplay loop controls>
<<timed 1s t8n>><h3>@@color:lightblue;Where am i..?@@</h3>
<div class="posarousalbimb">So pretty...</div><</timed>>
<<timed 3s t8n>><h3>@@color:lightblue;What is this smell...? @@</h3>
<div class="posarousalbimb">So stunning...</div><</timed>>
<<timed 5s t8n>><h3>@@color:lightblue;Why it so sugary...?@@</h3>
<div class="posarousalbimb">So lovely...</div><</timed>>
<<timed 7s t8n>><<speech "Burnett1" "???">>Join her.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 9s t8n>><<speech "Naomi">>Yes. Master.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 10s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h12>Lusty</h12>">><<set $clotheswear to "sport1">><<goto "lusty">><</linkreplace>><</timed>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b><<masteraudio stop>>\
<span id="bimbo">\
<video src="img/hospital/stage3/naomi.webm" class='large100' autoplay loop controls>
<<timed 2s t8n>><h3>@@color:lightblue;What is going on...?@@</h3>
<div class="posarousalbimb">Let me take the weight off you, Miss $name.....</div><</timed>>
<<timed 10s t8n>><h3>@@color:lightblue;Ohhh....@@</h3>
<div class="posarousalbimb">Mmm....</div><</timed>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>$name</h12>">><<replace "#bimbo">>\
<video src="img/hospital/stage3/naomi1.webm" class='large100' autoplay loop controls>
<<timed 2s t8n>><h3>@@color:rgba(170, 94, 255, 1);Oh god. It's so good..@@</h3>
<div class="posarousalbimb">Isn't it. Ms.$name?</div><</timed>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>$name</h12>">><<replace "#bimbo">>\
<video src="img/hospital/stage3/naomi2.webm" class='large100' autoplay loop controls>
<<timed 2s t8n>><h3>@@color:rgba(196, 72, 255, 1);It feels so awesome! More... More...!@@</h3>
<div class="posarousalbimb">With pleasure. Ms.$name....</div><</timed>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>$name</h12>">><<replace "#bimbo">>\
<video src="img/hospital/stage3/naomi3.webm" class='large100' autoplay loop controls>
<<timed 2s t8n>><h3>@@color:rgba(236, 0, 255, 1);I need more....!!!! More...!!!@@</h3>
<div class="posarousalbimb">Of course....</div><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>><h3>@@color:rgba(255, 0, 199, 1);MORE...!! MORE...!!!!@@</h3>
<div class="posarousalbimb">Ahh... Master... She... Is... Incredible... </div><</timed>>
<<timed 14s t8n>><<speech "Burnett1" "???">>Stop it!!!<</speech>>
<div class="posarousalbimb">Sir...?!</div><</timed>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>$name</h12>">><<replace "#bimbo">>\
<video src="img/hospital/stage3/naomi4.webm" class='large100' autoplay loop controls>
<<timed 3s t8n>><<speech "Burnett1" "???">>Wake her up!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 5s t8n>><<speech "Naomi">>But... Sir... She was almost there...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>><<speech "Burnett1" "???">>Patience is our luxury, my dear. We can't risk it. Wake her up. Slowly...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 10s t8n>><<link "<h12>Rise</h12>">><<set $time to 15>><<set $day to $day +1>><<goto "docwakeup">><</link>><</timed>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b><<masteraudio stop>>\
<video src="img/hospital/stage3/vision2.webm" class='large100' autoplay loop controls>
<<timed 3s t8n>><h3>@@color:lightblue;Who are you...?@@</h3>
<div class="posarousalbimb">Don't think...</div><</timed>>
<<timed 5s t8n>><h3>@@color:lightblue;Why...? @@</h3>
<div class="posarousalbimb">You are better than that...</div><</timed>>
<<timed 7s t8n>><h3>@@color:lightblue;I don't understand...!@@</h3>
<div class="posarousalbimb">And what is there to understand...?!</div><</timed>>
<<timed 10s t8n>><<speech "Naomi">>Miss.$name! The patient is in your care.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 11s t8n>><<speech "Naomi">>Promise me you'll be a Good Girl.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 13s t8n>><<speech "Player" "$name">>I'll promise.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 15s t8n>><<link "<h6>Wake up</h6>">><<set $clotheswear to "nurse">> <<goto "hospitalnurse">><</link>><</timed>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<masteraudio stop>>\
<img src='img/hospital/stage3/wakingup.jpg' class="large">
Slowly you open your eyes, in front of you is a person. It is the nurse you met in the corridor before.
This place is familiar to you, you have been here before where Dr.Burnett sent you for the program.
Also here is the very same VR Gear.
<<speech "Naomi">>Miss $name? Hello?<</speech>>
You try to answer. But you have some difficulty. Your head is spinning, you can barely smell anything, and everything seems to be blurred.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm. Aaa. Www....<</speech>>
<<speech "Naomi">>Mas-! Doctor Burnett! She's conscious!<</speech>>
As Naomi called out for the doctor, Doctor Burnett reply over the intercom.
<<speech "Burnett">><i>Perfect. Do what i told you and get back here.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hee.. Heel.... Heeeeelpp....<</speech>>
<<speech "Naomi">>Everything will be okay Miss $name. I'll be near if you want my.... ah. Nevermind. You'll get it soon enough!<</speech>>
<img src="img/hospital/vrhelmet.webp" class='medium'>
Naomi takes VR Helmet and puts on you and left the room.
<div class="posarousal">You are not allowed to think from now on.
Who are you?</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm a Good Girl...<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Be proud...</h12>">><<goto "beproud">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b><<masteraudio stop>>\
<span id="bimbo">\
<video src="img/hospital/stage3/subject.webm" class='large100' autoplay loop controls>
<<timed 2s t8n>><h3>@@color:rgba(196, 72, 255, 1);Mmm... What a handsome fellow...@@</h3>
<div class="posarousalbimb">Gotta taste your... Yummy... Cock!!!</div><</timed>>
<<timed 10s t8n>><h3>@@color:rgba(175, 16, 98, 1);Oh yeeeesss.... It taste so goooood.....! @@</h3>
<div class="posarousalbimb">I'm such a good girl!!</div><</timed>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>$name</h12>">><<replace "#bimbo">>\
<video src="img/hospital/stage3/subject2.webm" class='large100' autoplay loop controls>
<<timed 2s t8n>><h3>@@color:rgba(175, 16, 98, 1);Fuck... I'm such a slut....@@</h3>
<div class="posarousalbimb">Keep... Fucking me...!!!</div><</timed>>
<<timed 10s t8n>><h3>@@color:rgba(175, 16, 98, 1);Mmm...!!! Give me your fucking cum!!! @@</h3>
<div class="posarousalbimb">I need more... And more... And more...!!!!!</div><</timed>>
<<timed 20s t8n>><<speech "Dante" "???">>The way I see it, you're holding up your end of the bargain. Well done.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 22s t8n>><<speech "RichGuy" "???">>Thank you, sir but it's not over yet.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 23s t8n>><<speech "Irina" "???">>You were right. She has inherited it. Our family has a gift.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 24s t8n>><<speech "Dante" "???">>My sweet little $name. How unbelievably beautiful you are now... When will she be fully prepared?<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 26s t8n>><<speech "Burnett" "???">>She can be even now.. But with the risk of losing her completely. Sir<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 28s t8n>><<speech "Dante" "???">>Hmm...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 30s t8n>><<speech "Dante" "???">>Let's wait and see. Sooner or later, she will come to us of her own free will.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 32s t8n>><<speech "Irina" "???">>Most certainly, Father.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Lusty</h12>">><<set $clotheswear to "cloth1">><<goto "bimbostage3">><</linkreplace>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b><<masteraudio stop>>\
<img src='img/hospital/stage3/naomi.jpg' class="large">
<h3>You are starting to wake up. Vision is still blurred, but you can see what a little better.
The same beautiful nurse is in front of you. There is something about her that is kind and gentle to you.
The smell and the atmosphere of this room, it is so familiar to you. It reminds you of when you used to grow up.
But that memory is blocked by the pain in your head.
A nurse called Naomi is trying to reach you. She sounds so sweet and gentle.</h3>
<<speech "Naomi">>Can you hear me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Y-Yes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Naomi">>I'm glad to hear that. Your name, please?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh... My.. name? $name...<</speech>>
<<speech "Naomi">>Now be careful. What is your mother's name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>M-Martha....? <</speech>>
<img src='img/hospital/stage3/naomi2.jpg' class="large100">
<h3>Naomi leans to you and looked deeply into your eyes.
That gaze is so mesmerizing...</h3>
<<speech "Naomi">>Shh... Everything will be fine. And now... Last question.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes...?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>@@color:hotpink;Last Question@@</h12>">><<scrolldown 1s>>
<video src="img/hospital/stage3/naomieyes.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">Are you a Good Girl?</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><div class="posarousal">Oh, I'm a Good Girl..!</div><</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Good Girl</h6>">><<goto "bimbostage33">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<set $bimboend to 3>>\
<h3>Pick your new portrait:</h3>
<table style="width:35%">
<div class="posarousal">You're one step closer to being Bimbofied!</div>
<<if $avatarvid is false>>\
<<link "<h20>Animation OFF</h20>">><<audio "click" play>><<goto "bimbostage33">><<set $avatarvid to true>><</link>>
<<link "<h20>Animation ON</h20>">><<audio "click" play>><<goto "bimbostage33">><<set $avatarvid to false>><</link>>
<th><<link "<h20>Previous</h20>">><<audio "click" play>><<if $avatar lte 27>><<avatar -1>><<goto "bimbostage33">><</if>>\<</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h20>Next</h20>">><<audio "click" play>><<if $avatar gte 24>><<avatar +1>><<goto "bimbostage33">><</if>><</link>></th></table>
<<link "<h20>Move on</h20>">><<goto "leavebimbo">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="doc">
<img src='img/hospital/stage3/naomi4.jpg' class="large">
Having regained full consciousness, You came back to the Burnett's office. Upon entry to the room, you are in for an unexpected sight. Naomi's eyes seem to go blank. Burnett is holding her by the neck.
<div class="posarousal">Somehow you get turned on by how manly Burnett is.
Manly, Handsome and that Power! You wish he would hold you like this too!</div>
<<speech "Naomi">>...Thank you sir! Is there i can do? Take the top-Sir! Miss $name is here!<</speech>>
Burnett faced you. He smiled at you as if you were a good friend.
<<speech "Burnett">>$name! So good to see you. I had some concerns!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's cool! I am here. Doc!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Oh yes. You are! My dear! How are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm...Fine! Even better...!! So much better... It's kewl to be here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>You are feeling it. Do you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Feeling it? My gosh, Doc! I don't feel any cock inside me!<</speech>>
<img src='img/hospital/stage3/naomi5.jpg' class="large">
<div class="posarousal">You answered it without a single thought to which Burnett nodded his head with a big smile on his face.
Naomi moved a little closer to Burnett.</div>
<<speech "Burnett">>Bravo $name! It seems to work Naomi.<</speech>>
<<speech "Naomi">>Yes. Sir. It is.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh Naomi. What a stiffy girl! You okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Don't worry about her $name. She is like that because...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Naomi</h6>">><<replace "#doc">><<audio "clap" play>>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src='img/hospital/stage3/naomi6.jpg' class="large100">
Burnett clapped his hands. In his command, Naomi right away took her top off with her blank eyes.
<<speech "Burnett">>Naomi obeys me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck me! You're awesome, Doc! So kewl!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>There is more.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Naomi.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Naomi</h6>">><<replace "#doc">><<audio "clap" play>>\
<video src="img/hospital/stage3/bj.webm" class='large100' autoplay loop controls>
Once again, Burnett clapped his hands. Naomi immediately rushed to the floor and pulled the doctor's trousers down. She took his cock with pleasure and began to suck it.
<<speech "Naomi">>Gurlp!! Master! Gurlp!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My my... It looks so delicious... Doc... Why is she like that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Naomi here is...<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">><div class="posarousal"> One of my Bimbo servant.</div><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Bimbo? What is a Bimbo?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Naomi</h6>">><<replace "#doc">><<audio "clap" play>>\
<video src="img/hospital/stage3/panties.webm" class='large100' autoplay loop controls>
And again. Burnett clapped his hands. Naomi stands up and take her pants off.
<<speech "Naomi">>Do you want me to spread my legs, Master?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Yes.<</speech>>
Burnett turn his face to you and starts explaining.
<<speech "Burnett">>Bimbo my dear, Is a object. A thing. A tool.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Bimbo</h6>">><<replace "#doc">><<audio "clap" play>>\
<video src="img/hospital/stage3/ass.webm" class='large100' autoplay loop controls>
Naomi gets fucked in the ass. She tries to have fun with it but it looks like she is faking it
<<speech "Naomi">>Oh yes. Yes. Yes. Fuck me. Fuck my ass. Fuck my ass.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Bimbo is supposed to be proud. Proud of being used as a toy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Naomi">>Yes! This is my calling! To be used! <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my! It sound super sexy..!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Bimbo</h6>">><<replace "#doc">><<audio "clap" play>>\
<video src="img/hospital/stage3/ass2.webm" class='large100' autoplay loop controls>
Burnett gets angrier and angrier as Naomi can't handle his desire.
<<speech "Burnett">>Take it Bitch! Fucking Slut! You Dumb Fucking Whore!<</speech>>
<<speech "Naomi">>Ah! I love it! I'm stupid fucktoy! I want to be used every fucking minute! <</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Ah!! Yes, You are fucking are!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... So fucking hawd...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Bimbo</h6>">><<replace "#doc">><<audio "clap" play>>\
<video src="img/hospital/stage3/cum.webm" class='large100' autoplay loop controls>
Burnett expresses his anger on Naomi's face. She as object, Like it. She wants more.
More of his sweet cum.
<<speech "Naomi">>Mmm. Is there more? Master?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Shut the fuck up! Go back to your room, you whore!<</speech>>
<<speech "Naomi">>Of course! Thank you, Master!<</speech>>
Naomi all naked walked away to other room.
You and Burnett are all alone in the his office.
<<speech "Burnett">>As you can see. She did her job.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh gawd! I like it very much! Can i be your... Bimbo?<</speech>>
Burnett looked at you with curiosity.
<<speech "Burnett">>It would be cool. Isn't it, My dear?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>No. My dear. You can't. Because you are beyond that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Am i...?! A Super Bim-bo?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Haha. You may say that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>The thing is, $name. You inherited something wonderful! Something incredible!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Yes. But it take time. Patiance, my dear. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh gawd dammit! Why it can't be right now?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Because you're worth it, my dear. Certain people care about you. That's why you need to take it slowly.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Who? Who are they?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>$name. You may go. Now. Please.<</speech>>
<div class="posarousal">Something wonderful... Certain People? Patiance?!
Whatever! Why worry about these stuff?!
<<addcorruption 5>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +5
New Selfies Unlocked!</div><<upd>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "hospital">><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b><<audio "gym" stop>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "crowd" stop>>\
<span id="jay">
<<if $jayce is false>>\
<img src="img/school/jayce/jackjayce.jpg" class='large'>
Jack sent you a message to meet him the hallway. The message is a bit odd and unexpected.
You are looking for Jack in the hallway.
After a large group passed by, You see Jack. He is not alone but with Jayce.
Jayce and Jack talks like a good friends.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Go to jack</h6>">>
As you get closer, you can hear what are they saying.
<<speech "Jack">>...No way. This is fucking cool!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>Thanks bro. Whoah! And what do we have here?<</speech>>
Jayce spots you as you get closer to Jack's arm.
<<speech "Jack">>That's my girlfriend, $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>Shut up. Your girlfriend?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Yep. $name this is Jayce. Best basketball player in this town.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>Bro stop with the sugarcoating. Sup $name.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Introduce yourself</h6>">><<replace "#jay">>
<img src="img/school/jayce/jackhug.jpg" class='large'>
With a smile you give a hand to Jayce.
Jayce shakes your hand with a pleasant smile.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Jayce. I haven't seen you here before.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>Shiit... If I only knew that such hot chicks walk around the school then who knows? No offense Jack.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Yeaaah.. I'll try not to.<</speech>>
You started laughing at his text.
Jayce seems bold in expressing his opinion of you in front of Jack.
<<speech "Jayce">>It's cool to see you and all but gotta go. See ya.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Bye.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>See ya.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Jack</h6>">>
<img src="img/school/jayce/jackjelly.jpg" class='large'>
When Jayce left, Jack remained motionless.
Then he came back to himself.
<<speech "Jack">>Heh. That's Jayce.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So. What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Hmm?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You wanted to talk, Jack.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Oh! Ah.. Umm. It can wait.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?! Jack!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>$name please. I gotta go!<</speech>>
Jack behaved so strange. You've never seen him like that before.
<<set $jayce to 1>>
<<button [[Leave|school]]>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</b></div><div align="center"><div class="lewd"><b>\
<<if $movie2 is true and $movie1 is true>>\
<<set _porn to random (1,5)>>\
<<if _porn is 1>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/movie2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Another Ashley's movie.. She's slowly becoming quite popular.<</speech>>
<<elseif _porn is 2>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/movie.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh... Ashley's first porn movie!<</speech>>
<<elseif _porn is 3>>\
<img src="img/gif/sex/bimbo3.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _porn is 4>>\
<img src="img/gif/sex/bimbo4.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _porn is 5>>\
<img src="img/gif/sex/bimbo5.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _porn is 6>>\
<img src="img/gif/sex/bimbo.webp" class="medium">
<<if $movie1 is true and $movie2 is false>>\
<<set _porn to random (1,5)>>\
<<if _porn is 1>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/movie.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh... Ashley's first porn movie!<</speech>>
<<elseif _porn is 2>>\
<img src="img/gif/sex/bimbo2.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _porn is 3>>\
<img src="img/gif/sex/bimbo3.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _porn is 4>>\
<img src="img/gif/sex/bimbo4.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _porn is 5>>\
<img src="img/gif/sex/bimbo5.webp" class="medium">
<<if $movie1 is false and $movie2 is false>>\
<<set _porn to random(1,5)>>\
<<if _porn is 1>>\
<img src="img/gif/sex/bimbo.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _porn is 2>>\
<img src="img/gif/sex/bimbo2.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _porn is 3>>\
<img src="img/gif/sex/bimbo3.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _porn is 4>>\
<img src="img/gif/sex/bimbo4.webp" class="medium">
<<elseif _porn is 5>>\
<img src="img/gif/sex/bimbo5.webp" class="medium">
Watching Bimbo Porn Clips.
<<arousal 45>> <div class="posarousal">@@color:hotpink; Arousal + 45@@</div>
<<if $arousal gte 60>>\
<<linkreplace "<h31>Masturbate</h31>">>
<<arousal -50>><div class="posarousal">@@color:lightpink;Arousal -50@@</div>
<<energy -30>><div class="pos">@@color:Lightblue;Energy -30@@</div>
<img src="img/gif/sex/orgasm.webp" class='medium'>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<link "<h6>ANOTHER ONE</h6>">><<goto"Bimbo Videos">><</link>>
<<button [[Back|Porn]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="lucasoffice"><b><<audio "shower" stop>>\
<span id="shower">\
<img src="img/dad/bathroom/shower.jpg" class='large'>
Your $dad was just finishing his shower, but when you joined him all naked, he couldn't stop the water. It's the perfect opportunity. The sound of shower should silence your moans and act of perversion.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Daddy... I need you.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$dad</h6>">>
<video src="img/dad/bathroom/intro.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 5>><<upd>>\
<div class="posarousal">Arousal +5</div>
The sight of your body and your horny call makes him so aroused that he jumps on you and kissed all over you and after that he sticks his huge cock inside your horny pussy without the foreplay.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmmm..! $dad.. Wait...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Shhh... Let me take what is his.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Daddy</h6>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/dad/bathroom/fuck03.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 10>><<upd>>\
<div class="posarousal">Arousal +10</div>
His strong hand hold your leg up while fucking you standing up with his hot cock in your wet pussy.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh god! Yes... There...! Take me Daddy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>That's my girl.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Harder!</h6>">><<replace "#shower">>`
<span id="shower2">\
<video src="img/dad/bathroom/fuck05.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 15>><<upd>>\
<div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div>
$dad throws you to the wall and starts pouding you harder and faster. It feels so good. The dream came true!
After all, you asked for it.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That feels great... I like when you take control of me, Daddy...!!<</speech>>
<<if $arousal gte 65>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Cum! @@color:hotpink;Arousal:$arousal/65@@</h6>">><<replace "#shower2">>
<video src="img/dad/bathroom/orgasm03.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<set $arousal to 0>><<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">Cumming!</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Daddy...!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Cum my little girl... Daddy loves it so much how my sweetheart gets what she deserves.<</speech>>
<<button "Leave">>
<<if $daddybathroom is false>><<goto "bathroomsus">><<else>>
<th><<button "Go to your Room">><<dialogclose>><<goto "mcroom">><</button>></th>
<th><<button "Stay (Mom Event)">><<dialogclose>><<goto "bathroomsus">><</button>></th></table>
<</if>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</button>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>More Daddy!</h6>">>
<div class="posarousal">I can't... I'm about to cum!</div>
<<elseif $arousal lte 64>>\
<<link "<h6>Cum! @@color:grey;Arousal:$arousal/65@@</h6>">><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>I need more!</h6>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/dad/bathroom/fuck04.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 15>><<upd>>\
<div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Good girl... Keep going...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh fuck! Daddy!!! It's sooo gooood... Your big cock feels awesome...!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Daddy!</h6>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/dad/bathroom/fuck06.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 15>><<upd>>\
<div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oww... Daddy!!! It hurts so good! Yes... keep going!!! Keep fucking me like that daddy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh fuck... Daddy's about to cum...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Daddy's Cum</h6>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/dad/bathroom/daddycum.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<set $arousal to 0>><<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">Cumming!</div>
$dad pours his cum on your pretty wet face.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>F-Fuuuccckkkk!!! Take the fucking load...!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm.... Daddy... It taste so good...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Damn... Darling. I love you so much...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I love you too, Daddy.<</speech>>
<<button "Leave">>
<<if $daddybathroom is false>><<goto "bathroomsus">><<else>>
<th><<button "Go to your Room">><<dialogclose>><<goto "mcroom">><</button>></th>
<th><<button "Stay (Mom Event)">><<dialogclose>><<goto "bathroomsus">><</button>></th></table>
<</if>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</button>>
</div>\<div align="center"><div class="lucasoffice"><b><<audio "shower" stop>>\
<span id="shower">
<img src="img/dad/bathroom/leave2.jpg" class='large'>
After this long delightful shower, once again you washed with your $dad.
Then $dad get out shower before you and changed to his clothes. He seems worried that someone in the house could caught us.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Thank you, princess. I gotta go before Luke or your $mom sees us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okay, $dad. After all, It's our little secret.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Our dirty little secret, my lovely $daughter. Till the next time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can't wait.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Dress up</h4>">><<replace "#shower">>
<img src="img/dad/bathroom/leave.jpg" class='medium'>
$dad left you all alone in the steamy bathroom.
You are about to drop the towell and dress up.
Then you hear someone reach the door and slowly open it.
<<timed 3s t8n>><<replace "#shower">><<timed 50ms t8n>><<audio "door3" play>>
<img src="img/dad/bathroom/momsus.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:orange;It's your $mom!@@
$mom is quite surprised to see you here.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name?! You?! Here? But i just...<</speech>>
$mom paused and looked deeply at your eyes.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Just saw David coming out of the bathroom a minute ago and thought no one was here. What have you two been doing here?<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Oh fuck!
I have to think of something before she figures it out.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm... Nothing?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom</h6>">><<scrolldown 1.5s t8n>>
<img src="img/dad/bathroom/momsus2.jpg" class='large'>
$mom raised her eyebrows up.
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Great job $name. Maybe try harder?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Nothing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I mean...T-there was a problem with the shower... a-and I asked $dad for help. Yeah. Haha. Silly situation.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Silly situation..? That's strange...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can i go? I am in a hurry, $mom.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/dad/bathroom/mom.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
Once you were at the door.
Unsurprisingly, $mom grabbed you and pressed you to the wall and get closer to you.
Her eyes has changed and says with her strict tone.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Wait sweetie.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah! $mom?! What are you doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Mommy is not finished with you yet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But $mom! I-<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom?!</h6>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/dad/bathroom/momkiss.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 15>><<upd>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div>
<div class="posarousal">Before you are about to say something, $mom pressed her lips to yours.
$mom kisses you all over your neck, face and lips.
Her tongue licks every bit of your face. It's like she's looking for something.
Although you had no idea about it, you love what your $mom is doing to you.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh..!! Mmm..!! $mom..!!! Mm..!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Mmm... Your lips taste so... good... and salty..? Is this...<</speech>>
It's starting to get pretty bad. It's time to bail out before she gets more suspicious.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm.. I really... gotta go. $mom. See ya!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Mmm... It that cum...?<</speech>>
<h3>$mom is getting suspicious</h3>
<<set $momsus to $momsus +1>><<set $daddybathroom to true>><<upd>>\
<<button "Run">><<goto "mcroom">><</button>>
</div>\<div align="center"><div class="lucasoffice"><b>\
<span id="shower">\
<video src="img/mom/bathroom/intro2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
$mom gladly embraced you in the shower. Slowly and passionately washed your back. You couldn't hold back anymore and washed her wet breasts. The feeling of that touch makes her a little horny and playful. So playful she get closer and closer to you.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Mmm.. darling. It's been so long since we showered together.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhh... I can't remember when it happened...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh... It was back then you were so tiny and... Uh..! Ah... M-My head...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom? Are you okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>It's nothing. But Honey. I have to say! Your hands on me feels so nice. I-I can't control myself... I have to...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom...?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom</h6>">>
<video src="img/mom/bathroom/intro3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 10>><<upd>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +10</div>
$mom is pressing you with her body into the warm wall.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Mmm... Kiss me my dearest $daughter.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... $mom...<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Here... Lick me there.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom</h6>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/mom/bathroom/lick.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 10>><<upd>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +10</div>
As you get on your knees, $mom guide your head to her pussy.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Ah..! Ah!! Fuck! Yes...!! There!! My beautiful girl!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm!!<</speech>>
<<if $arousal gte 60>>\
<<link "<h6>Make her cum! @@color:hotpink;Arousal:$arousal/60@@</h6>">><<set $mombathroom to true>><<goto "momshowersex">><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Make her cum! @@color:grey;Arousal:$arousal/60@@</h6>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/mom/bathroom/no.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<h3>Arousal Check: Failed!</h3>
$mom with a happy smile gets up and kisses you.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>It's okay... Come here..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom..? But..<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Shh.. Let's just enjoy ourselves together.<</speech>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "mcroom">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div align="center"><div class="lucasoffice"><b>\
<span id="shower">\
<video src="img/mom/bathroom/momcum.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<h3>Arousal Check: Success!</h3>
$mom is screaming with pleasure how good it feels how her $daughter is licking $mom's cunt.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Ahh...!!!! Don't stop, $name...!!! Ow fuck...!! Mommy is cumming!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah.. Mmmm.. Pleasing you gets me horny... Mommy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "Mom">>Ah... Ah... Thank you... Is that right... Honey?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom</h6>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/mom/bathroom/momgetdown.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
After these words, $mom right away kneel down to get closer her lips to your pussy.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Now it's my turn to taste your sweet pussy, honey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha... I can't wait...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom</h6>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/mom/bathroom/momlick.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
You can't comprehend how pleasant it feels. $mom always knows how to hit the right spot in your not-so-small pussy with her tongue.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Owww..!!! Right there!! It's the right spot!!! Don't stop, Mommy...!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "Mom">>*Slurp!* It taste so good...!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Cum</h6>">><<replace "#shower">>
<video src="img/mom/bathroom/cum.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<set $arousal to 0>><<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">Cumming!</div>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Yes... Cum for Mommy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh..!!! Mommy!!!<</speech>>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<timed 8s t8n>><<audio "hardknock" play>><<set $lbathroom to true>>
While you were still recovering from that huge orgasm, someone started knocking on your door.
<<speech "Luke">>Hey! $name? How long does it take to wash your ass?!<</speech>>
<img src="img/mom/bathroom/momsilence.jpg" class='large'>
Out of shock, you didn't know what to answer. Your $mom couldn't stop laughing so you covered her mouth with your pussy to silence her.
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">><sub>Mmm..Haha..Mmm</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name?! What are you doing there that long?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Give me... Aah... few minutes! Ahh..<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Few minutes?! Five minutes and i'll barge these doors!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah. Yeah...Mm.. Sure. I'd like to see that.<</speech>>
Luke was quite annoyed by the whole situation and returned to his room.
$mom got up with a smile and kissed you on the way out.
<img src="img/mom/bathroom/momsmile.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>It would be very interesting if he got in here. Hmm?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Maybe? After all, It takes time to used to this. He is not ready yet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>He will. $daughter. He will.<</speech>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "mcroom">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</button>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "mcroom">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</button>>
</b></div>\<<widget "bimbotease">>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h35>Bimbo Influence</h35>">>
<<set _m to random(1,3)>>
<<if _m is 1>>\
<video src="img/school/bimbo/tease.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<div class="posarousal">Another boring school lessons made you a bit corny.
Next to you sits Dylan. As you look at him, you wonder how big the cock hiding under his pants?
It's time to find out.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh.. What we got here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dylan">>$name?! What are you doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shh! Oh my. Slight touch and already boner?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dylan">>Girl. I just wans't prepared for that!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah... It is so biiiig. Tell me, will it fit in my little horny mouth?<</speech>> <<speech "Dylan">>Fuck.. $name. There is only one way to find out.<</speech>>
<<elseif _m is 2>>\
<video src="img/school/bimbo/tease2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<div class="posarousal">Another boring school lessons made you a bit corny. </div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh! These panties are soaked wet!<</speech>>
<<speech "Benjamin">>Bro... Do you see what i am seeing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dylan">>Dude! What $name are doing...?!<</speech>>
<<elseif _m is 3>>\
<video src="img/school/bimbo/tease3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
<div class="posarousal">Another boring school lessons made you a bit corny.
Through the lessons you are playing with you pencil and seductively look at male students.
Especially on Jayce. He also couldn't take his eyes off you when you were licking that pencil of yours so passionately.</div>
<<speech "Jayce">>Damn girl...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah. What is it? Something got you excited, handsome?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>You are one of fine bitches, i've seen today.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh gawd... You are not so bad either.<</speech>>
<<if $bimbopoints gte 0 and $bimbopoints lte 4 and $potem is false>>\
<div class="posarousal">Bimbo School Points +1</div>
<<set $bimbopoints to $bimbopoints +1>><<upd>>
<<elseif $potem is false>>\
<div class="posarousal">That's enough points</div>
<</widget>>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="sex">\
<video src="img/chloe/house/prebed.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
The sensation was amazing, you love how bossy he is. This time you like to be submissive and controlled by someone older than you.
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>Lie down, bitch!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh..!!! Teach..!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mr. Bailey!</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/chloe/house/pussy.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
His skill in pleasing your pussy is markable. He knows how to hit the spot with his thick tongue.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My... God...!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>Umm.....<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How... it taste... Mr.Bailey...!? How young... AH!!! Student's pussy taste... Like...?! Ah...!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>It's too delicious to describe.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Teasing</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/chloe/house/prefuck1.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
Mr.Bailey stops and slowly gets up.
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>What is it...? You want it..?<</speech>><</timed>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Huh..?!</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/chloe/house/prefuck2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
Your eyes are matched with his eyes in heat of the moment, He slowly guides his cock and gently rides outside of your messy pussy. You hate how teasy he is.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes!!! Enter me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>Tsk.. Tsk... Now, now... Once again you didn't beg.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah..!! Please...!!! I'm begging you..!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>I don't hear you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>That's my girl.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Beg for his cock!</h12>">><<replace "#sex">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/chloe/house/fuck2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
This time, teacher got on the bed and lay down. Bailey command you to hop into his cock, to ride it. Like a cowgirl.
You're thrilled because this is incredible, after a few thrusts of his magnificent cock and you're already starting to have orgasms.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh!! Yes..!!! Yes..!! Myy... GOD...!! ARRGH!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>Fuck... $name... Already..?!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mr. Bailey!</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/chloe/house/fuck3.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
The many previous orgasms have made you quite tired but Bailey demanded you to ride his cock.
You turn around to face Bailey's face and ride his cock at your own pace.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>C'mon, whore! Faster!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah..! Please... Sir... I can't...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mr. Bailey!</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/chloe/house/fuck4.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
Bailey had had enough of your games and pushed you on the bed, fucking you harder and harder.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ohh!! Ohh!! Mr.Bailey... I'm... Gonna.. Cum... Againnnn...!!!! AHH!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>Fucking slut!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mr. Bailey!</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/chloe/house/cum.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
Fortunately for you, Bailey is finally getting there.
His wish was to arrive on your breasts, wrapped around your huge tits.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes..!! Let your little student feel your warmth on their chest. Do it for your favorite student!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>Oh...!! Yes..!! Fuck....!! $name...!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My... My..! It's so much cum... It's so warm and milky...<</speech>>
Bailey couldn't stop panting. Both of you were so exhausted of this rough passionate sex.
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>God damnit... $name.. That was.. Great...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah!! It was fucking great! My goodness, you really gave me a workout!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Bailey's Smile</h6>">><<goto "balyeover">><</link>>
</span></b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="mom">
<img src="img/luke/corruption/mom.jpg" class='large'>
The family all together, eating dinner in the kitchen.
For some reason, $mom looks frustrated as she watches $dad eat and drink without care.
Luke noticed it first and is trying his best to relax his $mom with kind words.
<<speech "Luke">>Wow! Mom... That was superb! The best dinner in my life!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Thank you... Honey. It took me some time and effort in contrast to those who do not.<</speech>>
<img src="img/luke/corruption/plate.jpg" class='mediumc'>
Then without knowing why, $mom stood up and took with the strength of $dad's plate where he had not yet finished eating. He was confused by this strange situation.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>What are you doing?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Doing the dishes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>But i'm not finished!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$dad stands</h6>">>
<img src="img/luke/corruption/parentsargue2.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I don't care!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>What the fuck, Martha? What is your problem?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>My problem..? My problem!? Looked at yourself!<</speech>>
Together with your $bro, you looked at each other. The atmosphere became quite tense.
You and Luke were going to leave the table, but $mom told you to stay with strict voice.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Sit. Down! Both of you!<</speech>>
$mom looked back to $dad with an angry face.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Let me tell you one thing. Do you have any idea... Any fucking idea... What the day was yesterday?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yesterday..? The day...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Think! You moron.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Uhhh... Right... Fuck.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Uhhh!! Yeah! Uhhh!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I'm so sorry, Martha! I totally forgot... The job and-<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>And there's your excuses again!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom and $dad</h6>">><<replace "#mom">>
<img src="img/luke/corruption/parentsargue.jpg" class='large'>
$dad wanted to embrace $mom but she pushed his arm away.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>I'm sorry... Really!<</speech>>
You don't know what to answer in such a situation.
Are they going to divorce?
Luke seeing this, has spoken out with his heart.
<<speech "Luke">>$mom! Can't you see? $dad is truly sorry. Give him a chance to prove himself. Isn't that right, $name?<</speech>>
<h3>Here is the Major Decision. Choose Wisely.</h3>
<th><<linkreplace "<h12>Yes @@color:orange;(Bond)@@</h12>">><<replace "#mom">>
<img src="img/luke/corruption/yes.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:lightblue;Big $bro has step up!
It's going to be worse if don't say anything.@@
<<set $onlydad to 0>><<set $arguefamily to 0>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Luke is right! $dad! Maybe you could take $mom somewhere?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Yes. You are right, guys and I am very sorry. I gotta take care of you Martha. I'm going to fix this. I'll promise.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>We'll see, David. We'll see.<</speech>>
@@color:lightblue;$mom put plate back in place. All of you returned to eating together in a quite slightly nervous mood.@@
<<button "Leave">><<goto "mcroom">><</button>>
<th><<linkreplace "<h12>I don't know @@color:red;(Decay)@@</h12>">><<replace "#mom">>
<img src="img/luke/corruption/no.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:red;Let them fight, it's none of your concern.
I just want to enjoy some wine and food.@@
<div class="posarousal">Corruption +1</div>\
<<addcorruption 1>><<set $onlydad to $onlydad +10>><<set $arguefamily to true>><<upd>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uh.. Sorry but i don't want to be involved in this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name...? But... Why?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Don't bother Luke. $name is right. It's not use. Your $dad always has some dumb excuse for his problems.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Martha! Just let me explain! I-<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mom's Mad</h6>">><<audio "plate" play>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>You had your moment, David!<</speech>>
<img src="img/luke/corruption/plate2.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:purple;$mom throws plate into the floor.
The sound of breaking porcelain will go down in your memory as part of the rotten part of life.@@
<<button "Leave">><<goto "mcroom">><</button>>
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "mcroom">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id ="talk">\
<img src="img/dad/livingroom/sleeping.jpg" class="large">
$dad is sleeping in the Living room.
$mom threw him out from his own bed?
Is this really going that far?
<<if $time gte 20 or $time lte 6>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><h2>Bedroom</h2><b>
<img src="img/pbedroom/sleeping/momalone.jpg" class='large'>
Noticed that the rest of the bed is empty.
Could your $mom have kicked your $dad out the door?
<<if $time gte 20 or $time lte 6>>\
<<button [[Leave|hallwaynight]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $day gte 6>>
<<button [[Leave|hallwayweekend]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|hallway]]>><</button>>
</div><div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="office">\
<img src="img/sophia/clinic/sign.jpg" class='large98'>
There is another sign that says they are closed today due some troublities with eletricity.
Now that you are in, You can explore the Sophia's Clinic.
<<if $doctortask is true>>@@color:lightyellow;You may look for the documents that Burnett asked to look for.@@<</if>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Explore</h6>">>\
@@color:lightyellow;Once, when you were in the clinic, you were surprised to see the lights go on one by one in the corridor. Apparently they've fixed it, or it was misunderstood in the sign.
In the first two rooms in the hall, there is nothing interesting.
<<if $doctortask is true>>\
Finally you reached to third room which looked promising. The doors to that room were closed, but the key Burnett gave you fitted the lock.@@
<<link "<h6>Enter</h6>">><<goto "archievessophia">><</link>>\
<<elseif $doctortask is false>>\
@@color:orange;The third room looks quite interesting. You pressed the door handle, but the door is unfortunately locked. There should be a key here somewhere, but it's a large complex, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.@@
<<if $elijah gte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Move on @@color:orange;(Repeatable Event)@@</h6>">>
<<audio "sophiasexbbc1" play>>
Then when you are getting deeper into the lobby you can hear screams.
They were not the screams of pain but of joy.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Screams?</h6>">><<replace "#office">><<audio "sophiasexbbc1" stop>><<audio "sophiasexbbc" play>>\
You follow the sound of screams deeper into the corridor. After a few seconds of walking, you already know where the sound is coming from.
The sounds are coming from Sophia's Office.
<<link "<h6>Peek</h6>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "sophiadredd2">><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Move on</h6>">>
<<audio "sophiasexbbc1" play>>
Then when you are getting deeper into the lobby you can hear screams.
They were not the screams of pain but of joy.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Screams?</h6>">><<replace "#office">><<audio "sophiasexbbc1" stop>><<audio "sophiasexbbc" play>>\
You follow the sound of screams deeper into the corridor. After a few seconds of walking, you already know where the sound is coming from.
The sounds are coming from Sophia's Office.
<<link "<h6>Peek</h6>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "sophiadredd2">><</link>>
<<link "<h4>Exit</h4>">><<goto "clinicsophia">><</link>>\
</b></div><span id="tablet">\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Project: Ziva.</h6>">><<replace "#tablet">>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/sophia/clinic/ziva.jpg" class='large98'><</timed>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<img src="img/sophia/clinic/pic1.jpg" class='large'>
<span id="pol">
Pierwsza Notatka: Elijah wybrał mnie do pomocy przy badaniach. Mam nadzieję że nie zawiode jego i zespołu.
Pierwsza osoba która badam. Pierwotne wyniki były dość znakomite, jest wręcz idealną kandydatką do badań! Natalia choruje na nimofomanie, to dość interesujące że osoba z tak dużym potencjałem na seks miała wyniki wręcz doskonałe na lekarstwo. Wystarczy, że odizolujemy Natalie od świata na kilka tygodni, a jej śluz będzie miał stałą konsystencję idealną do ukończenia "naszego" eksperymentu.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Translate</h6>">><<replace "#pol">>
<<timed 50ms t8n>>
First Note: Elijah chose me to help with the research. I hope I won't let him and the team down.
The first person I am researching. The initial results were quite excellent, she is an ideal candidate for the research. Natalia is suffers from nymophomania, it's quite interesting that a person with such a high potential for sex had results that were downright perfect for the cure. All we need to do is isolate Natalia from the world for a few weeks and her saliva will have a solid texture perfect for completing "our" experiment. <</timed>>
<span id="pol1">
Druga Notatka: Mój bliski przyjaciel Burnett wrócił do pracy, choć Elijah nalegał aby został jeszcze pare tygodni na wypoczynku. Burnett nie miał ochoty zostawać w domu ani sekundy dłużej. Zdziwił się w dość można powiedzieć w negatywny sposób widząc mnie w jego zespole.
Jak przepuszczałam, zmienił się po wypadku jego żony i córki. Cieżko się patrzy jak on dusi w siebie cierpienie straty swoich bliskich.
Opowiedziałam mu że odnalazłam perfekcyjna biorcę do naszego eksperymentu. Po jego wyrazie twarzy, nie miał ochoty słuchać moich osiągnięć. Wręcz odwrotnie. Był dość wściekły.
Wracając do Natali, tak jak przewidziałam była dość trudna do oponowania przez straże. Miotała się, wyklinała, trzęsała się.
To było dość okropne doświadczenie, musiałam wytrzymać To wszystko dla dobra naszego świata i eksperymentu.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Translate</h6>">><<replace "#pol1">>
<<timed 50ms t8n>>
Second Note: My close friend Burnett had returned to work, even though Elijah had insisted he stay on for a few more weeks to rest. Burnett didn't feel like staying home for a second longer. He was surprised, in a rather negative way, to see me on his team.
As I predicted, he changed after his wife and daughter's accident.It's hard to watch him suppress the pain of losing his loved ones. I told him that I had found the perfect match for our experiment. By the look on his face, he didn't feel like listening to my achievements. Quite the opposite. He was quite furious.
Back to Natali, as I predicted she was quite difficult to oppose by the guards. She was thrashing about, cursing, shaking. It was awful experience to watch, But I had to endure It was all for the sake of our world and the experiment.<</timed>>
<span id="pol2">
Trzecia Notatka: Nasz "Pacjent" zwiał! Natalia uciekła! To koniec!
Moje... Nasze...! Osiągniecia poszły na marne? Od tak?!
Nie moge w to uwierzyć! Jakim cudem Natalii udało się zbiec?
Elijah jest mocno dość wkurwiony ta całą sytuacją, tak samo i ja.
To wszystko wyglądało na kogoś z wewnątrz.
Kamery ochrony były w ten dzień wyłączone, A Płot pod napięciem elektrycznym został wyłączony.
Ochrona miała utrudnienia z systemami wejść/wyjść.
To nie może być zbieg okoliczności!
<<linkreplace "<h6>Translate</h6>">><<replace "#pol2">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
Third Note: Our "Patient" has escaped! Natalia has escaped! It's over!
My... Our...! Achievements have gone to waste? Just like that?!
I can't believe it! How on earth did Natalia manage to escape?
Elijah is quite pissed off about this whole situation, and so am I.
It all looked like an insider.
The security cameras were turned off that day, and the Electric Fence was turned off.
Security had difficulties with the entrance/exit systems.
This can't be a coincidence!
<span id="pol3">
Czwarta Notatka: To Burnett...
To on i ktoś jeszcze. Ale to wszystko przez tego pierdolonego sukinsyna!
Nie mam zamiaru mówić o tym Elijah dopóki sama się nie przekonam w stu procentach.
Jacy my byliśmy ślepi! Od czasu jego "rodzinnego wypadku", Burnett przestał pracować nad naszymi badaniami a zamiast tego udoskonalał swoje prywatne badania. Nie wiem czemu to zrobił ale nie wybaczę temu skurwysynowi. Dziś w nocy dostane wszystkie odpowiedzi!
<<linkreplace "<h6>Translate</h6>">><<replace "#pol3">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
Fourth Note: It's Burnett...
It's him and someone else. But it's all because of that fucking son of a bitch!
I'm not going to tell Elijah this until I'm one hundred percent sure.
How blind we were! Ever since his "family accident", Burnett stopped working on our research and instead refined his own private research. I don't know why he did it, but I will never forgive that son of a bitch. Tonight I'll get all the answers!
<span id="pol4">
Piąta Notatka: Ta noc była długa i dość interesująca. Nie przepuszczałam że Burnett miał pomoc w postaci mojego Brata.
Lucas pokazał mi Natalię a wręcz inną. Odmienioną, Było widać tu rękę Burnetta.
Nie byla tą osobą co kiedyś. Odpowiedziałam że ona mogła odmienić losy świata lecz Lucas uspokoił mnie tym że Natalia nie była idealnym katalizatorem od paru lat gdyż jej Ojciec znędzał się nad nią.
Miał rację, Zadziała to tylko na osobie która była obdarzona miłościa i szczęściem od młodzieńczych lat ale też musi mieć wysoką tolerancje na seksualizm.
Elijah nie przyjął tej wiadomości dobrze i zwolnił Burnetta z pracy.
Kilka set milionów poszło na marne.
Zamykamy Projekt Ziva.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Translate</h6>">><<replace "#pol4">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
Fifth Note: This night was long and quite interesting. I didn't think that Burnett had help in the form of my Brother.
Lucas showed me Natalia, and a different one. Changed. Burnett's hand was visible here.
She wasn't the person she used to be. I replied that she could change the fate of the world but Lucas reassured me that Natalia hadn't been the ideal catalyst for a few years because her Father had been abusing her.
He was right. It would only work on someone who had been blessed with love and happiness since their teenage years but also had to have a high tolerance for sexuality.
Elijah didn't take this news well and he fired Burnett. Several hundred million went down the drain.
We're closing Project Ziva.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Show Image</h6>">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/sophia/clinic/nataliebimbo.jpg" class='large98'><</timed>>
<<link "<h6>Return to the Tablet</h6>">><<goto "tabletsophia">><</link>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Project: Lada.</h6>">><<replace "#tablet">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/sophia/clinic/lada.jpg" class='large98'><</timed>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<<timed 1s t8n>>
<span id="lada1">
Projekt Lada: Ten projekt był dla mnie szczególnie intrygujący. Była to osobista inicjatywa Elijaha, który nie podał istotnych szczegółów na temat obiektu, a jedynie to, że miała na imię Rane i pochodziła ze Skandynawii.
Badamy płodność kobiety. Nie jest w stanie zajść w ciążę z powodu stresu i leków, które są szkodliwe dla układu rozrodczego.
Towarzyszył nam w tym projekcie mężczyzna o nieco osobliwej postawie, mniej więcej w tym samym wieku co nasz przełożony. Był ubrany w sposób, który można określić jako „elegancki” i przez cały czas nosił okulary przeciwsłoneczne. Było oczywiste, że on i Elijah znają się od dłuższego czasu.
Dopiero później zdałem sobie sprawę, że jest to projekt dla prywatnego klienta i zrobiony nie dla nauki, ale dla pieniędzy.
Eksperymentalna dawka od "Ziva" zadziałała!
Płodność dziewczyny zaczęła działać! Mieliśmy właśnie świętować lecz ten dziwny człowiek w okularach zabrał ją stąd.
Po około roku Elijah ujawnił pozytywne zmiany dotyczące projektu. Przedstawił nam dowody fotograficzne, które spotkały się z dużym entuzjazmem.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Translate</h6>">><<replace "#lada1">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
Project Lada: This project was particularly intriguing to me. It was Elijah's personal initiative, and he did not provide substantial details about the subject, only that her name was Rane and that she originated from Scandinavia.
We are researching female fertility. She is unable to get pregnant due to stress and drugs that are detrimental to the reproductive system.
Accompanying us on this project was a man of somewhat peculiar demeanor, approximately the same age as our superior. He was attired in a manner that could be described as "elegant," and he wore sunglasses at all times. It was evident that he and Elijah had been acquainted for a considerable length of time.
Only later did I realize that this is a project for a private client and done not for science but for money.
The experimental dose from "Ziva" did worked on speciment!
The girl's fertility began to work! We were about to celebrate but this strange man took her away from here.
After approximately one year, Elijah revealed the positive developments regarding the project. He presented us with photographic evidence, which was met with considerable enthusiasm.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Image</h6>">>
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/sophia/clinic/ladapreg.jpg" class='large98'><</timed>>
<span id="lada2">
Otrzymał zapłatę i zamknął Projekt Lada.
Stało się dla mnie jasne, że nasza praca nie jest napędzana zasadami naukowymi, ale interesami finansowymi.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Translate</h6>">><<replace "#lada2">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
He got paid and closed Project Lada.
It has become clear to me that our work is not driven by scientific principles, but by financial interests.
<<link "<h6>Return to the Tablet</h6>">><<goto "tabletsophia">><</link>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Project: Dogoda.</h6>">><<replace "#tablet">>\
<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/sophia/clinic/dogoda.jpg" class='large98'><</timed>>
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<span id="dogoda">
Projekt Dogoda: Stary projekt zespołu Burnetta. Jedyne co wiem, że był z niego zadowolony. Udostępniam cały projekt. Może okazać się przydatny w przyszłości.
Z jej informacji wynikało, że była sierotą. Jej rodzice zmarli, gdy miała dwanaście lat i nikt z jej dalszej rodziny nie mógł się nią zająć.
Cztery lata później opuściła sierociniec i rozpoczęła naukę. Nie było jej łatwo z kolegami z klasy. Znęcali się nad nią i nie lubili jej towarzystwa, dopóki nie zaczęła pić, brać narkotyków i była wykorzystywana jako obiekt seksualny.
W niesamowitym obrocie wydarzeń żona Burnetta odkryła ją przed ich domem, leżącą i półprzytomną. Ale oto najbardziej fascynująca część: w rzeczywistości jest kuzynką Burnetta! Dlatego tak bardzo chciał jej pomóc.
Dalsze informacje zostały ograniczone.
Na razie wiem tylko, że pracuje jako dyrektor w jednej z tutejszych szkół. Najwyraźniej widać tu wpływy mojego brata.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Translate</h6>">><<replace "#dogoda">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
Project Dogoda: An old project of the Burnett team. I am aware that he was gratified by it. I'll keep that project here. It may prove useful at some future date.
Her information indicated that she was an orphan. Her parents had died when she was twelve years old, and no one in her far family could take care of her.
Four years later she left the orhpanage and starts to study. She had a rough time with her classmates. They bullied her and didn't like her company until she started drinking, taking drugs, and was used as a sexual object.
In an incredible turn of events, Burnett's wife discovered her outside their home, lying down and semi-conscious. But here's the most fascinating part: she's actually Burnett's cousin! That's why he was so eager to help her.
Further the information has been restricted.
The only thing I know for now is that she works as a principal with one of the schools here. Apparently you can see my brother's influence here.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Image</h6>">>
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/sophia/clinic/dogoda1.jpg" class='large98'><</timed>>
<<link "<h6>Return to the Tablet</h6>">><<goto "tabletsophia">><</link>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Project: Zizilia.</h6>">><<replace "#tablet">>\
<div class="daddybox">\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/sophia/clinic/zizilia.jpg" class='large98'>
<span id="polska">
Pierwsza Notatka: (Pierwsze Spotkanie)
Minęło kawał czasu gdy opuściłam zespół Elijahy.
Wraz z moim bratem założyłam klinikę, wreszcie zaczełam pomagać ludziom i czułam się przy tym można to ujmić, szcześliwa?
Ale czy spełniona? Nie. Nie widzę żadnego sposobu aby wynależć ten pierdolony lek!
Aż do momentu gdy poznałam ją. $name... Mocno mi ją przypomninała.
Mam różne obawy co do tego, Pokłóciłam się o to z Lucasem jak nigdy dotąd.
Nie wiem. Nie chce aby kolejna osoba cierpiała za moje błędy!
Chyba że znajdzie się nadzieja.
Druga Notatka: (Nauka Języka)
Wreszcie! Nareszcie to mam! Mój lek wreszcie może się ziścić! I to dzięki mojemu bratu.
Zadziwiające jest to że dziewczyna jest pod wpływem trucizn Burnett'a, i z związku tym śluz obiektu, okazuje się być jeszcze "barwniejsza" do moich badań!
Akurat udało mi się ją pobrać! Było to dość... Przyjemne doświadczenie.
Jak Lucas przewidział, $name miała chęć nauki naszego rodzimego języka. A jeszcze zadziwiające było to że nauczyła się go w ciągu paru tygodni! Jakby już znała go od dawna?
Kolejną pozytywną informację dostałam od Lucasa. Ma on sposób na pomoc w ulżeniu cierpieniu dziewczyny. Nie wiem co mu chodzi po głowie, Ale jestem gotowa na ryzyko. Lucas nazwał ten projekt Zizilia z nie wiadomo mi przyczyn lecz zgodziłam się na to. Czas się przygotować.
Trzecia Notatka: (Chirurgia)
Nadszedł ten upragniony dzień. W ciągu jednego tygodnia oddam $name Burnettowi jak Lucas zaplanował, To jest ryzyko które podejme za wszelką cene.
Powtarzam sobie że to wszystko dla niego. Mojego Aniołka.
Ekipa Lucasa wysłała mi nagranie.
Z trudnością to obejrzałam. Musiałam się przekonać czy to prawda.
O mój boże! Jak jest to możliwe że ona żyje po tym wszystkim?!
<div align="center"><<linkreplace "<h6>Translate</h6>">><<replace "#polska">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
First note: (First appointment)
It's been a while since I left the Elijah's team.
I set up a clinic with my brother, finally started to help people and felt, you could put it, happy?
But was I fulfilled? No. I couldn't see any way to find the fucking cure!
Until I met her. $name... She reminded me strongly of her.
I have all sorts of concerns about it, I've argued with Lucas about it like never before.
I don't know. I don't want another person to suffer for my mistakes!
Unless there is hope to be found.
Second Note: (Language Teaching)
Finally! I finally got it! My cure can finally come true! And it's thanks to my brother.
Surprisingly, the girl is under the influence of Burnett's poisons, and because of this object's slime turns out to be even ‘more colourful’ for my research!
I just happened to be able to retrieve it! It was quite a ... Pleasant experience.
As Lucas predicted, $name had a desire to learn our native language. And it was even more amazing that she learned it within a few weeks! As if she had already known it for a long time?
Another positive piece of information I got from Lucas. He has a way to help relieve the girl's suffering. I don't know what is on his mind, But I am ready to take the risk. Lucas called this project Zizilia for reasons I don't know but I agreed. It's time to get ready.
Third Note: (Surgery)
The longed-for day has arrived. In one week I will give $name to Burnett as Lucas has planned, This is a risk I will take at all costs.
I keep repeating to myself that it's all for him. My Angel.
Lucas' team sent me the video.
I watched it with difficulty. I had to see if it was true.
Oh my God! How is it possible that she is alive after all of this stuff!
<<link "<h20>Zizilia</h20>">><<goto "zizilia">><</link>>
<div align="center">
<<link "<h6>Return to the Tablet</h6>">><<goto "tabletsophia">><</link>></div>\
<<button "Leave">><<goto "computermc">><</button>>
<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/sophia/clinic/archive.jpg" class='large98'>
As you entered that room, The scent of fresh paper hit your smelling nostrils. This room is quite enormous, filled with shelves of documents.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck me... How am I supposed to find it in these tons of shitty papers!!<</speech>>
When you think to yourself that you're going to look for something interesting in these tons of papers, your head starts to hurt.
For now, you are looking for something interesting that will catch your eyes.
<<if $language gte 3 and $tabletsophia is false>>\
@@color:orange;After a few minutes, One of the cabinets caught your eye. It was in the language Sophia had taught you to speak.
Locker named "Moje Obiecane Potomstwo - Zofia". It can be translated to "My Promised Offspring - Sophia".@@
<<linkreplace "<h12>My Promised Offspring</h12>">>\
<img src="img/sophia/clinic/tablet.jpg" class='medium'>
Luckily for you, there are no papers there, just a tablet. It looks rather old and worn.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh...? Which brand's logo is the tablet?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Dammit! It's broken.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;When you try to turn it on it's not use. You can hear only the audio but no visual images.
You place the tablet in your bag in the hope that someone could help you fix the tablet.@@
<<set $tabletsophia to true>>\
<<elseif $tabletsophia is true>>\
I got what i need. There is no use to look for more. I think...
@@color:grey;But no use. These papers are so numerous that it would take you a long time to find what you are looking for, and time is running out. @@
<<link "<h6>Leave the Archives</h6>">><<goto "sophiadredd">><</link>>\
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b><<masteraudio stop>><<set $tired to false>><<set $schoolenter to false>><<set $vacuum to false>><<set $dadisleaving to false>><<set $lucasday to false>><<set $daddrugged to false>><<set $paidgym to $paidgym -1>><<set $laundry to false>><<set $pworry to false>><<set $momsleep to false>><<set $momout to false>><<set $momwatchingbbc to false>><<set $tomvisit to false>><<set $jackdate to false>><<set $momclientshow to false>><<set $bayleysex to false>><<set $lucasbusy to false>><<set $goingout to false>><<set $studentspent2 to 10>><<set $midstagestudent to false>><<set $startstagestudent to false>><<set $foodvicky to false>><<set $foodashley to false>><<set $ashleychris to false>><<set $vickyprostituteday to false>><<set $smokecigar to false>><<set $classeslesson to 0>><<set $laundry to false>><<set $schooleat to false>><<if $bgrass gte 1>> <<set $bgrass to $bgrass -1>> <</if>><<if $bclean gte 1>> <<set $bclean to $bclean -1>> <</if>><<if $bkitchen gte 1>> <<set $bkitchen to $bkitchen -1>> <</if>><<set $vickyl1 to 0>><<set $vickychris to 1>><<set $vickyl2 to 0>><<set $vickylm to 0>><<set $ashleyl to 0>><<if $vickycorruptionlvl is 1 and $vicky is 0>><<set $vickyfit to 5>><<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 1 and $vicky is 1>><<set $vickyfit to 4>><</if>>\
<<if $vickycorruptionlvl is 2 and $vicky is 0>><<set $vickyfit to 6>><<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 2 and $vicky is 1>><<set $vickyfit to 5>><<elseif $vicky is -1>><<set $vickyfit to 6>><<elseif $vicky is 5>><<set $vickyfit to 6>><</if>>\
<<if $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $vicky is 0 and $vickybimbo lte 2>><<set $vickyfit to 8>><<elseif $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $vicky is 1 and $vickybimbo lte 2>>\
<<set $vickyfit to 7>><<elseif $vicky is -1 and $vickybimbo lte 2>><<set $vickyfit to 8>><<elseif $vickybimbo gte 3 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 3>><<set $vickyfit to 10>><<elseif $vicky is 5>><<set $vickyfit to 8>><</if>>\
<<if $vickycorruptionlvl is 3 and $vickybimbo is 4>><<set $vickyfit to 18>><</if>>\
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl is 0 and $ashleymood is 3>><<set $ashleyfit to 5>><<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 0 and $ashleymood is 1>><<set $ashleyfit to 4>><</if>>\
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl is 1 and $ashleymood is 3>><<set $ashleyfit to 6>><<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 1 and $ashleymood is 1>><<set $ashleyfit to 5>><<elseif $ashleymood is -1>><<set $ashleyfit to 6>><</if>>\
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl is 2 and $ashleymood is 3>><<set $ashleyfit to 8>><<elseif $ashleycorruptionlvl is 2 and $ashleymood is 1>><<set $ashleyfit to 7>><</if>>\
<<set $consule to $consule -1>><<set $bbcvisitvicky to false>>\
<span id="bimbo">\
<video src="img/dream/dumbbitch.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop>
You are calling Burnett in the middle of the night.
Burnett answered your phone after a minute of dialing.
<<speech "Burnett">><i>Ah... Hello?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Doc...! Help me...!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">><i>What is it... Darling?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I...I can't... think straight...!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">><i>It's alright. Calm down. This is normal after our treatment.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>B-But i can't stand it! Please!!! Help me!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">><i>Hmm... You want my help? Sure but first you need to do something for me.</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Anything!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">><i>Good. In the morning I'll send you a letter with a key and task you have to complete. Do you understand?</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh gawd... Yes! I understand... But.. What about now..?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett1" "Burnett">><i>Sleep, my little silly lamb.</i><</speech>>
After these words you went to sleep like a newborn babe.
<<linkreplace "<h12>Sleep</h12>">><<replace "#bimbo">><<set $time to 8>><<upd>><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>\
<img src='img/mcroom/sleep1.jpg' class='large98'>
As you woke up, Luke wakes you up by poking your body with his lean fingers.
<<speech "Luke">>...Sleepyhead! Wake up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Hey! Sleepy princess!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name!?! $name! $name!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah... Stop...! I hear you! Let me sleep...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>C'mon! Get up!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck... What time is it...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>It's after 8! Oh! Before I forget. Here is the letter for you. Hmm... From hospital?<</speech>>
You recalled that you were just about to get a letter. Pissed off, you got up and chased Luke around the room.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>HEY! Give me that!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Jezz!! Chill princess! Here. Hah!<</speech>>
Luke left the room with a stupid smile.
<<linkreplace"<h6>Open the Letter</h6>">>
<img src='img/mcroom/letter.jpg' class='medium'>
Just as Burnett said, There was a key inside and a task for you.
@@color:orange;<i>$name. Infiltrate Sophia's clinic. The best opportunity for this is after 18:00.
Once you are inside, find some dirt on Sophia. I'll be waiting for you call.</i>@@
It was a letter without a signature.
<<set $doctortask to true>>\
<<button "Leave">><<goto "mcroom">><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bbc">\
<video src="img/sophia/clinic/soph.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
The door is not locked, you can peep through the open door.
Through the ajar, You can see almost everything inside but what is interesting is in the middle of the room.
Sophia with a Black Man giving into their fantasies.
<<speech "Elijah" "???">>C'mon Slut! Ride on it! Impress me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Ah..!! Ah!! Sir...!!! It's too fucking much...!! Your enormous cock is spreading my holes!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah" "???">>Does it hurt?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Yes...!!! It hurt so bloody good!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>And it should be, Bitch!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Enormous cock?</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/sophia/clinic/soph2.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
Sophia struggles to take his long cock into her mouth. With both hands she wanks and gags his cock.
When you look at it, you can't believe how big it is! You've never seen one of this size!
<<speech "Sophia">>My fucking God! Elijah...!!! I mean... Sir!!! I'm missed you so fucking much.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Suck my Big Black Cock, Slut! Suck it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Mmm...!!! So fucking biiigg!! It spreads my mouth so wiiideee!! AAhhhhh... I can't help myself! I need to ride you... Again!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lean in</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/sophia/clinic/enter.jpg" class='large'>
As Sophia mounted on Elijah's cock, her face turn back.
She recognised you when you leaned your head out of the open doorway.
<<speech "Sophia">>Huh...!? $name..?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ups!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Get inside!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Caught on act</h6>">>
<img src="img/sophia/clinic/enter2.jpg" class='large'>
Feeling embarrassed, you enter Sophia's office.
Sophia and Elijah looked at you in confusion. Still they didn't stop screwing each other.
<<speech "Sophia">>Ah... $name.. What the fuck are you doing here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Is she going to be trouble?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>No. Elijah. Uhh...!! Ahh..!!! Now answer me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm looking for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Uh... ah...! You found me...!!! Ahh..!!! Ahhh.. Now leave..!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>No. Let her stay.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Eli... Sir..?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Let her fucking stay.<</speech>>
Sophia nodded her head in agreement when Elijah said a firm word.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okay. I'll-<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Don't you dare fucking leave. You ruined the moment. And now you gotta watch it. Got it?<</speech>>
The man said it in a serious and harsh way. You had the feeling that if you were to leave, something unpleasant might happen, so it would be better if you did his bidding.
<<link "<h6>Watch</h6>">><<goto "sophiadredd3">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="bbc">\
<video src="img/sophia/clinic/watch.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
Obediently, you sat down in the chair and watched the whole scene.
It makes you feel somewhat turned on when Sophia is staring at you and hopping on his huge dick.
<<speech "Sophia">>Fuck... It's so fucking gooooddd...!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>What is your name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$name. Sir.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Tell me. Do you like watch you see?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes... I like it....<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Watch</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/sophia/clinic/watch2.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Sophia">>Oh my fucking god. $name!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Yes..! Keep going...!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Look...!!! Look how he fucks me...!!<</speech>>
After a few thrust, Elijah got silent and stopped fucking Sophia's pussy.
Then he stood up and forcefully pinned her to the sofa.
<<speech "Sophia">>Uhh..!!! What are you... doing..? Elijah..?!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Elijah</h6>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<img src="img/sophia/clinic/anal.jpg" class='large'>
Sophia is very confused what Elijah is doing. She craves to be fucked more and more.
Elijah, with an indifferent face, took his fat black cock in his hand and shoved it forcefully into Sophia's anus despite her protests.
<<speech "Sophia">>Sir..!!!! Elijah!! Noooo!!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Sophia's Pain</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/sophia/clinic/anal01.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
Elijah didn't listen to Sophia's objections. He kept fucking her anus, harder and harder.
<<speech "Sophia">>AHH!!! AHH!!! HOLY SHIT!!!!! PLEASE!!!! ELIJAH!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Yeah Bitch...!! Take it, You Slut!! Don't deny it... You'll love it.<</speech>>
Sophia was in pain! But through the pain, pleasure was born.
After a few moments, Sophia got used to this beautiful pain and started crying out for more.
<<speech "Sophia">>Oh... My ... God..!!! THIS FEEL SO FUCKING GOOOD!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>See $name?! She loves it! Haha!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow... Sophia...<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Isn't She beautiful when She begs for more?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Sophia's Sweet Pain</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/sophia/clinic/anal.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
You just can't believe it. Sophia has asked to be fucked anally once again.
Your eyes can't keep away from this scene. Part of you wish to be in Sophia's Place.
<<if $elijah is 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction +1>><<set $elijah to 1>><<upd>>\
<div class="posarousal">Blacked +1</div><</if>>\
<<speech "Sophia">>YESS..!!! YESSS!!! Ahh.... Ohh.. It's... So...ah...<</speech>>
After a few hard thurst, Sophia dropped down onto the sofa with empty eyes.
She lost her consciousness! Quickly you ran to her to wake her up, but Elijah stopped you with strong hands.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sophia?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Calm down, Girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>B-But she could be gone and-<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Quit it. It's not the first time she lost her senses. Let her sleep.<</speech>>
You glance over at Sophia and see her happy smile as she sleeps.
It seems Elijah is right, She need a pleasant rest.
<<speech "Elijah">>Let's go $name. We need to talk.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Talk with Elijah</h6>">><<goto "elijah">><</link>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "clinicsophia">><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
</b></div>\<<if $specialmilf5 is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h26>SPECIAL</h26>">><<replace "#chat">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>Hey Alicia. <</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "reply" play>><<speech "L">>How was the day with your daughter?<</speech>><</timed>></div><div align ="center">
<<timed 3s t8n>><span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>></div><div align="left">
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Hey!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>It went very well!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Thanks to your help, I was able to reach my daughter!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 10s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>And guess what? I finally made her laugh! Her smile made me feel so good. I felt so happy!<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 10s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>That sounds awesome!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "reply" play>><<speech "L">>The credit was not mine but yours!<</speech>><</timed>></div><div align="center">
<<timed 3s t8n>><span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>></div><div align="left">
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Haha. Maybe partially.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 5s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>ASK</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>Sorry to ask. But why you don't talk much with your own daughter?<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 1s t8n>><span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>I wouldn't tell it anyone one, but i'll tell you.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>This is due to the divorce with my husband.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>My daughter did not take it well and moved out to her grandparents for a few months.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>From the very beginning, she absolutely adored her father and was always right there by his side. But now she feels betrayed by her father. Because it's all his fault. But I'm not going to tell you that.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 10s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Anyway... After she came back from grandparents, i've been trying everything to get her back. To Daughter-Mother relationship...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 12s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>For now she really pissed of with this all situation. I was hoping she would understand but so far no good. And that's the story so far.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 14s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>Damn. I'm so sorry to hear that.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "reply" play>><<speech "L">>Crossing my fingers that your old relationship gets back on track.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 3s t8n>><span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>It's nice to hear that, L.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Thank you.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<div align="center">\
<<timed 8s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/chat2.jpg" class='chatpicmodellarge'><<set $specialmilf5 to 2>><</timed>></div><div align="left">
<<timed 10s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Here is my selfe to make you think of me later :P<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 11s t8n>><span class="blink">*Alicia logs off*</span><</timed>><div align="right">
<<timed 12s t8n>><<audio "reply" play>><<speech "L">>Wow...<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 13s t8n>><<link "<h20>REFRESH CHAT</h20>">><<goto "milf5">><</link>><</timed>>
<<if $specialmilf5 is 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h26>SPECIAL</h26>">><<replace "#chat">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>Heyyy Alicia. About that photo you sent me. I must say 🫨...<</speech>><</timed>>
</div><div align ="center">
<<timed 2s t8n>><span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>></div><div align="left">
<<timed 4s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>L. I apologise for this previous picture. It was a bit too much.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Back then, i was a little emotional and i still can't comprehend why I sent you this type of photo...<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 7s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>Don't be sorry! In fact, It is a privilege to be able to see you in such a light. I've never seen a more beautiful lady.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "reply" play>><<speech "L">>Uhh Sorry. It sounds a bit cringey when I read what I've written...<</speech>><</timed>></div><div align="center">
<<timed 3s t8n>><span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>></div><div align="left">
<<timed 4s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Haha. Not at all. L.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>For once it felt nice to hear that 😊. <</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Do you really think like that?<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 9s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>> <<speech "L">>Of course! I look forward to chatting with you and seeing what you come up with next!<</speech>><</timed>></div><div align="center">
<<timed 2s t8n>><span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>></div><div align="left">
<<timed 4s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Me too. Me too 🫦.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Thanks to you, the day just got better. L.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 7s t8n>> <span class="blink">*Alicia sends you Picture*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>> <img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/chat4.jpg" class='chatpicmodellarge'><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 10s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>I don't know why. But i love sending you my spicy pics 🫦.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 12s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>> <<speech "L">>Oh my God! You look so hot, Alicia!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>> <<audio "reply" play>><<speech "L">>You just made my day even better, too!<</speech>><</timed>></div><div align="center">
<<timed 3s t8n>><span class="blink">*Alicia Types to you!*</span><</timed>></div><div align="left">
<<timed 4s t8n>> <<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">>Haha. Cool to hear that, Love. Ciao!<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<set $specialmilf5 to 3>>\
<<timed 5s t8n>><span class="blink">*Alicia logs off*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<link "<h20>REFRESH CHAT</h20>">><<goto "milf5">><</link>><</timed>>
<</if>>\<<widget "musicmall1">>\
<<audio "mall" play>><<audio "mallaudio1" pause>><<audio "mallaudio2" pause>><<audio "mallaudio3" pause>>
<<timed 71s t8n>>\
<<audio "mallaudio1" play>><</timed>>\
<<timed 130s t8n>>\
<<audio "mallaudio2" play>><</timed>>\
<<timed 202s t8n>>\
<<audio "mallaudio3" play>><</timed>>\
<<widget "musicmall2">>\
<<audio "mallaudio1" play>><<audio "mall" pause>><<audio "mallaudio2" pause>><<audio "mallaudio3" pause>>\
<<timed 58s t8n>>\
<<audio "mallaudio2" play>><</timed>>\
<<timed 130s t8n>>\
<<audio "mall" play>><</timed>>\
<<timed 202s t8n>>\
<<audio "mallaudio3" play>><</timed>>\
<<widget "musicmall3">>\
<<audio "mallaudio3" play>><<audio "mallaudio1" pause>><<audio "mallaudio2" pause>><<audio "mall" pause>>
<<timed 71s t8n>>\
<<audio "mall" play>><</timed>>\
<<timed 143s t8n>>\
<<audio "mallaudio1" play>><</timed>>\
<<timed 202s t8n>>\
<<audio "mallaudio3" play>><</timed>>\
<<widget "mansionmusic">>\
<<audio "mansiontrack1" play>><<audio "mansiontask" pause>><<audio "mansiontrack2" pause>>\
<<timed 41s t8n>>\
<<audio "mansiontrack2" play>><</timed>>\
<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelbaner5.jpg' class='cougarbanerlarge1'>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "model2">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>CHAT</h20>">><<goto "milf2">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>VIDEOS</h20>">><<goto "milf2vid">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>LINGERIE</h20>">><<set $milf2 to 1>><<goto "milf2pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>OFFICE</h20>">><<set $milf2 to 5>><<goto "milf2pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>WIDOW</h20>">><<set $milf2 to 10>><<goto "milf2pic">><</link>></table>\
<<if $milf2 lte 4>>\
<<link "<h20> << </h20>">><<if $milf2 gte 2>><<set $milf2 to $milf2 -1>><</if>><<goto "milf2pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20> >> </h20>">><<if $milf2 lte 3>><<set $milf2 to $milf2 +1>><</if>><<goto "milf2pic">><</link>>
<<elseif $milf2 gte 5 and $milf2 lte 9>>\
<<link "<h20> << </h20>">><<if $milf2 gte 6>><<set $milf2 to $milf2 -1>><</if>><<goto "milf2pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20> >> </h20>">><<if $milf2 lte 7>><<set $milf2 to $milf2 +1>><</if>><<goto "milf2pic">><</link>>
<<elseif $milf2 gte 10 and $milf2 lte 15>>\
<<link "<h20> << </h20>">><<if $milf2 gte 11>><<set $milf2 to $milf2 -1>><</if>><<goto "milf2pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20> >> </h20>">><<if $milf2 lte 12>><<set $milf2 to $milf2 +1>><</if>><<goto "milf2pic">><</link>>
<<if $milf2 is 1>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model2/1.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf2 is 2>>\
<<if $milf2stage gte 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model2/1.1.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/errorpic.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf2 is 3>>\
<<if $milf2stage gte 3>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model2/1.2.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/errorpic.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf2 is 4>>\
<<if $milf2stage gte 4>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model2/1.3.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/errorpic.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf2 is 5>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model2/2.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf2 is 6>>\
<<if $milf2stage gte 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model2/2.1.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/errorpic.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf2 is 7>>\
<<if $milf2stage gte 3>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model2/2.2.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/errorpic.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf2 is 8>>\
<<if $milf2stage gte 4>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model2/2.3.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/errorpic.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf2 is 10>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model2/3.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf2 is 11>>\
<<if $milf2stage gte 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model2/3.1.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/errorpic.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf2 is 12>>\
<<if $milf2stage gte 3>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model2/3.2.jpg" class='middlemodel'>]
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/errorpic.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<elseif $milf2 is 13>>\
<<if $milf2stage gte 4>>\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model2/3.3.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/errorpic.jpg" class='middlemodel'>
<<if $milf2 lte 4>>\
<<link "<h20> << </h20>">><<if $milf2 gte 2>><<set $milf2 to $milf2 -1>><</if>><<goto "milf2pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20> >> </h20>">><<if $milf2 lte 3>><<set $milf2 to $milf2 +1>><</if>><<goto "milf2pic">><</link>>
<<elseif $milf2 gte 5 and $milf2 lte 9>>\
<<link "<h20> << </h20>">><<if $milf2 gte 6>><<set $milf2 to $milf2 -1>><</if>><<goto "milf2pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20> >> </h20>">><<if $milf2 lte 7>><<set $milf2 to $milf2 +1>><</if>><<goto "milf2pic">><</link>>
<<elseif $milf2 gte 10 and $milf2 lte 15>>\
<<link "<h20> << </h20>">><<if $milf2 gte 11>><<set $milf2 to $milf2 -1>><</if>><<goto "milf2pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20> >> </h20>">><<if $milf2 lte 12>><<set $milf2 to $milf2 +1>><</if>><<goto "milf2pic">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>BACK</h20>">><<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="cougarlifebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src='img/luke/cougarlife/modelbaner5.jpg' class='cougarbanerlarge1'>
<<link "<h20>PROFILE</h20>">><<goto "model2">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>CHAT</h20>">><<goto "milf2">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>GALLERY</h20>">><<goto "milf2pic">><</link>>
<<if $milf2vid is 1>>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/model2/vid.webm" class="cougarlarge" autoplay loop>
<<elseif $milf2vid is 2>>\
<<if $milf2stage gte 2>>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/model2/vid2.webm" class="cougarlarge" autoplay loop>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/error.jpg" class='cougarlarge'>
<<elseif $milf2vid is 3>>\
<<if $milf2stage gte 3>>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/model2/vid3.webm" class="cougarlarge" autoplay loop>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/error.jpg" class='cougarlarge'>
<<elseif $milf2vid is 4>>\
<<if $milf2stage gte 4>>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/model2/vid4.webm" class="cougarlarge" autoplay loop>
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/error.jpg" class='cougarlarge'>
<<link "<h20> << </h20>">><<if $milf2vid gte 2>><<set $milf2vid to $milf2vid -1>><</if>><<goto "milf2vid">><</link>>
<<link "<h20> >> </h20>">><<if $milf2vid lte 3>><<set $milf2vid to $milf2vid +1>><</if>><<goto "milf2vid">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>MAIN SITE</h20>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
<<link "<h20>BACK</h20>">><<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>><</link>>
</b></div>\<<if $chatmilf2 is 0>>\
<div class="chatboxmilf">\
<span class="blink">*Irina is Online*</span>
<<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>Hello Irina.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY AGAIN</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>Hello?<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 4s t8n>><span class="blink">*Irina logs off*</span><<set $chatmilf2 to 1>><</timed>>
<<if $chatmilf2 is 1>>\
<div class="chatboxmilf">\
<span id="irina">
<span class="blink">*Irina is Online*</span>
<<timed 50ms t8n>><span class="blink">*Irina Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf2" "Irina">>Hello Young Boy.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 3s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf2" "Irina">>Tell me what you want.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>To get to know you better. If you don't mind?<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 3s t8n>><span class="blink">*Irina Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 5s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf2" "Irina">>Ask then.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<th><<timed 7s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>HOBBY</h20>">><<replace "#irina">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>So, What is your hobby?<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 3s t8n>><span class="blink">*Irina Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 5s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf2" "Irina">>My godness.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 7s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf2" "Irina">>I can see you are another moron, so I'll spell it out for you. I’ve got all the info you want on my profile.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 9s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf2" "Irina">>I don't have time for this.<</speech>>
<<timed 10s t8n>><span class="blink">*Irina logs off*</span><</timed>>
<<timed 11s t8n>><<link "<h20>RETRY</h20>">><<goto "milf2">><</link>><</timed>>
<th><<timed 7s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>NAME</h20>">><<replace "#irina">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>Your name. Irina. I've never heard that name here before, but somehow it sounds so familiar to me.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<audio "reply" play>><<speech "L">>I wonder if this name has European roots?<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 3s t8n>><span class="blink">*Irina Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf2" "Irina">>It depends. But partly yes.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf2" "Irina">>I'm intrigued. No one here asked about it.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf2" "Irina">>Let me ask you this Young Boy, how familiar is this name to you?<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 9s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>Hmm... It is hard to explain. But this name reminds me of someone close.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 2s t8n>><span class="blink">*Irina Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf2" "Irina">>Is that so.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf2" "Irina">>You must have been to Europe at some point, my darling.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 7s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>REPLY</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>I may have been. And you?<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 2s t8n>><span class="blink">*Irina Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf2" "Irina">>I own a few apartments in there and there.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf2" "Irina">>But uhh.... I don't see myself living there anymore.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 7s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h20>ASK</h20>">><<audio "reply" play>><div align="right">
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<speech "L">>Can i ask why?<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 2s t8n>><span class="blink">*Irina Types to you!*</span><</timed>><div align="left">
<<timed 4s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf2" "Irina">>Uhhh... No. I don't see why i would tell you this.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf2" "Irina">>Are you here to bang me or you are some kind of weirdo?<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf2" "Irina">>I've had enough of this boring chit-chat. Good bye.<</speech>><</timed>></div>
<<timed 9s t8n>><span class="blink">*Irina logs off*</span><<set $chatmilf2 to 2>><</timed>>
<<timed 10s t8n>><<link "<h20>REFRESH CHAT</h20>">><<goto "milf2">><</link>><</timed>>
<<if $chatmilf2 is 2>>\
<div class="chatboxmilf">\
<span id="irina">
<span class="blink">*Irina is Online*</span>
<<linkreplace "<h20>WRITE</h20>">>
I don't know if this is good idea. Perhaps when I gain more confidence in myself.
<</if>>\<div class="lukebox"><div align="center"><b>\
You are relaxing in peace and quiet. It's just after 14:00 and you hear someone leaving the house. Your mother has knocking on your door, this time waiting for you to answer.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Luke?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>It's open. You can come in.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Are you sure?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Oh, $mom. Please don't be like that.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>$mom</h4>">>
<img src="img/luke/mom/momask4.jpg" class="large">
$mom's smile is so beautiful, you still can't believe it.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Luke, It's time.<</speech>>
$mom with a happy voice responded.
It took you few seconds to realize that $mom wants to take photo session.
For the CougarLife.
<<speech "Luke">>Hmm? Oh! Alright. I'll get the camera.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Cool! Before you go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>At first, we'll do this at home, and I'm having a little trouble deciding which outfit to go with. Would you be so kind as to help me with the selection?<</speech>>
$mom shows you three part of outfits to go with.
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model7/ask1.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>Select</h21>">><<goto "momwife">><<set $momroom to 1>><</link>></div>
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model7/ask2.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>Select</h21>">><<goto "momwife">><<set $momroom to 2>><</link>></div>
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model7/ask3.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>Select</h21>">><<goto "momwife">><<set $momroom to 3>><</link>></div>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I decided to go with a housewife theme, which I think is a great idea!<</speech>>
</b></div>\<div class="lukebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $momroom is 3>>
<img src="img/luke/mom/choice3.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $momroom is 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/mom/choice2.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $momroom is 1>>\
<img src="img/luke/mom/choice1.jpg" class="large">
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh! I think so too! Wait for me at livingroom. I'll be right back!<</speech>>
When you showed her what would suit her best, she happily ran upstairs to change.
<<link "<h4>Prepare</h4>">><<goto "momwife2">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="lukebox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="mom">\
<<if $momroom is 3>>\
<img src="img/luke/mom/choice3.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $momroom is 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/mom/choice2.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $momroom is 1>>\
<img src="img/luke/mom/choice1.jpg" class="large">
Preparing you for what was to come didn't take much. You were very surprised when she quickly changed into the clothes that you had chosen for her. It is clear that she is concerned that no one should disturb you during the session.
When she came into the light, you couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Luke? Are you okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Ye..Yes! It's just. You look so pretty.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Really..? It's great to hear that from you. But please hurry. We don't have much time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah. Right. So let's do it.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>First Photo</h4>">><<replace "#mom">><<audio "photo" play>><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<<if $momroom is 3>>\
<img src="img/luke/mom/choice3firstphoto.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $momroom is 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/mom/choice2firstphoto.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $momroom is 1>>\
<img src="img/luke/mom/choice1firstphoto.jpg" class="large">
<</if>><</timed>><<set $picofmom to 1>>\
After taking a few pictures, one of them turned out to be the best.
<<speech "Luke">>Wow. $mom! Come take a look.<</speech>>
$mom came over to see how it turned out.
She nodded her head and replied with delightful voice.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh my god! That look awesome! You are great Luke!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>But it lack something... Spicy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Spicy? Hmm... Uncover a bit yourself, $mom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh. I see you where you head. Let's do it!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Second Photo</h4>">><<replace "#mom">><<audio "photo" play>><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<<if $momroom is 3>>\
<img src="img/luke/mom/choice3secondphoto.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $momroom is 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/mom/choice2secondphoto.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $momroom is 1>>\
<img src="img/luke/mom/choice1secondphoto.jpg" class="large">
<</if>><</timed>><<set $picofmom to 2>>\
Once again, You took several photos and one of them stands out.
But you were struggling to concentrate. During this session. $mom was very seductive.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>And how it's looking?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Oh.. It's... It's..<</speech>>
$mom took your camera to take a look.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Wow!!! This one is a winner, for sure.<</speech>>
<<if $momluke lte 59>>\
<<link "<h4>Third Photo @@color:grey;$mom's Corruption:$momluke/60@@</h4>">><</link>>
<<link "<h4>End</h4>">><<goto "momwifefail">><</link>>
<<elseif $momluke gte 60>>\
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Okay. I have an idea for next one.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Which is..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>You'll love it.<</speech>>
$mom starts undressing herself to the lingerie.
<<speech "Luke">>Oh... Okay!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Third Photo @@color:orange;$mom's Corruption:$momluke/60@@</h4>">><<replace "#mom">><<audio "photo" play>><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<<if $momroom is 3>>\
<img src="img/luke/mom/choice3thirdphoto.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $momroom is 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/mom/choice2thirdphoto.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $momroom is 1>>\
<img src="img/luke/mom/choice1thirdphoto.jpg" class="large">
<</if>><</timed>><<set $picofmom to 3>>\
And again, Few photos and one of them looks... Hot!
It was the best and probably the "hardest" feeling. $mom and her seducitve face.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Luke..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Fuck... $mom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Is it okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>You look absolutely amazing! Take a look!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh my goodness, you are absolutely right! It looks absolutely amazing!<</speech>>
<<if $bcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Now let's take a step foward. And please, Luke. Focus. I know it is hard for you but your $mom been never happy before.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Sure. Everything for you $mom. So...Ummm!! $mom!?<</speech>>
$mom is taking her clothes off and slowly position herself.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Fourth Photo @@color:orange;$mom's Corruption:$momluke/60@@</h4>">><<replace "#mom">><<audio "photo" play>><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<<if $momroom is 3>>\
<img src="img/luke/mom/choice3fourthphoto.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $momroom is 2>>\
<img src="img/luke/mom/choice2fourthphoto.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $momroom is 1>>\
<img src="img/luke/mom/choice1fourthphoto.jpg" class="large">
<</if>><</timed>><<set $picofmom to 4>>\
At first you were so stressed. Your hands were trembling.
Your $mom is stading in front of you, naked.
<<speech "Luke">>Uhh... Woow. You look stunning, $mom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Thank you, $son. But what about the picture?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Take a look.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh wow!!! My god! It surely will land on my pag-*Cough* I mean on my hobby book!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Hobby book?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Of course. Thank you. Luke, promise me you won't tell anyone about this, okay? This will be our little secret.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>O-okay. Sure.<</speech>>
$mom smiled at you with cute eyes. She dressed up and took the camera upstairs.
Now all you have to do is wait for her to send the photos to CougarLife.
<<link "<h4>Leave</h4>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "lukeroom">><</link>>
<<link "<h4>Last Photo (Coming Soon) @@color:grey;Luke's Stage:$bcorruptionlevel/1 @@</h4>">><</link>>
<<link "<h4>End</h4>">><<goto "momwifefail">><</link>>
</span></b></div>\<div class="lukebox"><div align="center"><b><<audio "door3" play>>\
<span id="mom">\
<img src="img/luke/mom/fail.jpg" class="large">
Because of your faltering and lack of concentration, quite a bit of time has passed.
Someone enters the house when the $mom wants to pose for the photo.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh shit! Give me your camera. We'll finish it later.<</speech>>
@@color:pink;You did $picofmom/4 of the pictures.
It's not enough picture for the CougerLife Housewife theme.@@
<<link "<h4>Your Room</h4>">><<goto "lukeroom">><<set $time to $time +1.5>><</link>>
</span></b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>
<h3>Type Cheat Codes which is available in Patreon and SubscribeStar!
Link below:</h3>
<th><a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/cheat-codes-76540251">\
<img src="img/ui/patreon.png" class='mediumlogo2'>\
<th><a href="https://subscribestar.adult/posts/989593">\
<img src="img/ui/subscribestar.png" class='mediumlogo2'>\
<h3>Thanks for Support!</h3>
<<textbox "_input" "" autofocus>><<button "Enter the Code.">>
<<if ["laluna", "laluna", "laluna"].includes(_input.toLowerCase())>>
<<goto "cheatluke1">>
<<replace "#output">><<= either(["Please Support Dev.", "Please Support Dev."])>><</replace>>
<span id="output"></span>
<<link "<h18>Go back</h18>">><<goto "computerluke">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<div class="lucasoffice"><h3>@@color:orange;Attention!@@</h3>
@@color:lightyellow;Cheats currently are still in the testing phase.
Using cheats may cause troubles/bugs in game.
If you encounter them, Please post them in Discord Bug/Fixes Section or message me privately in support page.
Thank you kindly for your Support!@@</div>
<h3>Cheat Codes</h3>
<<button "No Chores!">><<set $momhappycheat to true>><<goto "cheatluke1">><</button>>
<<button "Give me Chores!">><<set $momhappycheat to false>><<goto "cheatluke1">><</button>>
<<button "$mom's Corruption +5">><<set $momluke to $momluke +5>><<goto "cheatluke1">><</button>>
<<button "$mom's Corruption -5">><<set $momluke to $momluke -5>><<goto "cheatluke1">><</button>>
<<button "$name's Corruption +5">><<set $bcorruption to $bcorruption +5>><<goto "cheatluke1">><</button>>
<<link "<h18>Go back</h18>">><<goto "computerluke">><</link>>
</b></div>\<<if $chloeout is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3 and $chloecorruptionmc gte 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Convice Chloe to go out @@color:orange;Chloe's Corruption:$chloecorruptionmc/3@@</h6>">><<replace "#talk">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src='img/chloe/chloereading.jpg' class='large98'>
As an introvert, Chloe doesn't like to leave the house much. You can understand why, but maybe you can convince her to leave the house for a few hours?
<<speech "Chloe">>Hi $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey there, Chloe! Are you still languishing in your room all day?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Yeah. It's comfy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well. Get your clothes on. We are going out!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Chloe's Eyes</h4>">>\
<img src='img/chloe/chloereading2.jpg' class='large98'>
Chloe took a moment to look up from her book with her disoriented face.
<<speech "Chloe">>What?! You and me? Now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yep! You and me. Now!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Uhh! But i've got things to do and-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh it can wait! C'mooon!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>But why me?! Why do you have to bother me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Beacuse i like you.<</speech>>
Chloe looked at you with an troubled look, Then she smiled and nodded.
<<speech "Chloe">>UHhhhh.... Okay! Give me a few minutes, i've got to change. Leave.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Stay</h6>">><<replace "#talk">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video autoplay src="img/chloe/house/dress0.webm" loop muted class='large'></video>
Chloe was about to go and change her clothes, but then she noticed that you were still in the room.
She looked perplexed, but it was an adorable look.
<<speech "Chloe">>$name?! What the! Get out!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my goodness, you've never dressed up with a girl?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>No! Do you mind?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's such fun! Go ahead and be yourself! Don't be shy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>But-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't be a wuss<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>I'm not. Okay! But don't you dare to laugh.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How could i?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Chloe naked</h6>">><<replace "#talk">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video autoplay src="img/chloe/house/dress.webm" loop muted class='large'></video>
In front of you, Chloe began to undress with embarrassment. You couldn't believe how beautiful her breasts were when she showed them. You stared at them and Chloe caught it.
<<speech "Chloe">>$name!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow, Chloe, you are absolutely gorgeous!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Stop it...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh c'mon! Don't be like that. Jiggle your tities!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Jiggle?!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Show her</h6>">>
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video autoplay src="img/chloe/house/mcjiggle.webm" loop muted class='large'></video>
Chloe watches you with a curious expression on her face as you, without hesitation, pull your large breasts out in front of her and start shaking them.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes! Like that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Huh.. I don't know.<</speech>>
She still can't keep her eyes of your tits. Like she was mesmerized.
<<set $chloecorruptionmc to $chloecorruptionmc +1>>\
<div class="posarousal">Chloe's Corruption +1</div>
<<speech "Chloe">>Okay... Okay! But don't laugh!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Have I ever laughed? Absolutely!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Chloe Tits.</h6>">><<replace "#talk">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video autoplay src="img/chloe/house/jiggle.webm" loop muted class='large'></video>
Chloe is trying her best to squeze and jiggle her tits.
<<speech "Chloe">>And how is that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's cool!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>I can see you're not being honest with me. I'm not upset, I just want to understand. Please tell me what's going on..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well. They are a bit small.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>You think so? I thought they were... Okayish.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yep they are very "Okaiysh". But they don't show sparks.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Chloe Tits.</h6>">><<replace "#talk">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video autoplay src="img/chloe/house/dress2.webm" loop muted class='large'></video>
Chloe didn't take it personally and she kept on dressing.
But with a seductive way that left you a bit shocked.
<<set $chloecorruptionmc to $chloecorruptionmc +1>>\
<div class="posarousal">Chloe's Corruption +1</div>
<<speech "Chloe">>So do you enjoy it now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ohh... You dirty girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Ha-ha.<</speech>>
At last, you witness Chloe's happier side and see her laughing.
Chloe has changed her clothes and is ready to go.
Both of you went for a walk in the park for about an hour.
<<set $chloeout to true>><<set $time to $time +1>><<upd>>\
<<elseif $chloecorruptionmc lte 2 and $chloeout is false and $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<link "<h6>Convice Chloe to go out @@color:grey;Chloe's Corruption:$chloecorruptionmc/3@@</h6>">><</link>>\
<</if>>\<video src="img/chloe/corruption.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<timed 1s t8n>>\
<<speech "Chloe">>Huh... Where on earth am I?<</speech>><</timed>>\
<<timed 3s t8n>>\
<<linkreplace '<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "Purity">>Your Home.<</speech>>'>><<audio "fade" play>>\
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "Decay">>Oh, you know excatly where you are! This is where you you'll reborn.<</speech>><<set $chloecorruption to $chloecorruption +1>><<set $chloelust to $chloelust +5>><<upd>><<if $chloecorruption is 4>>\
<<timed 8s t8n>><<goto "chloe2">><</timed>>
<<timed 5s t8n>>\
<<speech "Chloe">>Why? Why i am here?<</speech>><</timed>>\
<<timed 7s t8n>>\
<<linkreplace '<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "Decency">>To be free. To be fully yourself.<</speech>>'>><<audio "fade" play>>\
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "Degradation">>Yeah. yeah. You can't deny that you hate yourself. Don't you?<</speech>><<set $chloecorruption to $chloecorruption +1>><<set $chloelust to $chloelust +5>><<upd>><<if $chloecorruption is 4>>\
<<timed 8s t8n>><<goto "chloe2">><</timed>>
<<timed 9s t8n>>\
<<speech "Chloe">>In this dream... I see myself as...<</speech>><</timed>>\
<<timed 11s t8n>>\
<<linkreplace '<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "Grace">>As innocent, pretty lady.<</speech>>'>><<audio "fade" play>>\
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "Degradation">>Come on, don’t be ridiculous. Innocent?! You?!<</speech>><<set $chloecorruption to $chloecorruption +1>><<set $chloelust to $chloelust +5>><<if $chloecorruption is 4>>\
<<timed 8s t8n>><<goto "chloe2">><</timed>>
<<timed 13s t8n>>\
<<speech "Chloe">>I love myself. This is who i am.<</speech>><</timed>>\
<<timed 15s t8n>>\
<<linkreplace '<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "Honesty">>Embrace yourself. Keep doing your part.<</speech>>'>><<audio "fade" play>>\
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "Malicious">>Don't you dare to lie. You've always hated yourself. You've become something you never wanted to be. You have failed to achieve every one of your goals. The sweet truth, You are running away from.<</speech>><<set $chloelust to $chloelust +5>><<set $chloecorruption to $chloecorruption +1>><<if $chloecorruption is 4>>\
<<timed 8s t8n>><<goto "chloe2">><</timed>>
<<timed 20s t8n>>\
Does this assertion have merit?
(Search for Answers)</h38>
<<timed 50s t8n>>\
(Click on Blue Speech)
</b></div>\<video autoplay src="img/chloe/back1.webm " muted loop id="myVideo"><<set $chloelust to 100>>
</video><<set $chloecorruption to 5>>
<video src="img/chloe/corruption2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="content">\
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "Lie">>Leave that place! What are you doing!?<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "Truth">>Silence! Let her hear the truth!<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "Truth">>Do what you want, Girl. Youth is not eternal.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "Truth">>Stop being so judgmental. Let them be what they want. It's their shit, not yours.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "Truth">>Pain is everywhere. The only remedy is to get used to it.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "Truth">>And the most important thing. Grow up. The only thing that matters is you.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "Truth">>Take the bull by the horns and go!<</speech>>
<<button "Wake up">><<set $chloecorruption to 6>><<set $chloeavatar to 1>><<goto "chloe3">><</button>>
<div class="mombox3"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="chloe">\
<video src="img/chloe/masturbate.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
After a peaceful sleep, you wake up with a strange feeling. You feel this peculiar feeling growing inside you.
It's not something you can control. You feel changed.
It's a bit embarrassing and shameful to admit but you want to do that..
You desire it to...
<div class="posarousal">Touch Yourself</div>\
<<speech "Chloe">>Ahh.. Why it's so...<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Why it feels so good...<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>My god... I needed that... But... Still it's not enough...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Imagine Naughty Things</h12>">><<replace "#chloe">><<set $chloelust to 200>><<upd>>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/chloe/masturbate2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">You try so hard to imagine something that would bring you closer to orgasm.
But there is only one memory stuck inside your head.
That memory was when your Dad caught you masturbating while he was having intercourse with a woman.</div>
<<speech "Chloe">>Fuck... Dad... How could you...<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>How could you do this to me... Ahh....<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>I'm going to...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Cum</h12>">><<replace "#chloe">><<set $chloelust to 0>><<upd>>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src='img/chloe/cums.webp' class='medium'>
<img src='img/chloe/cum.webp' class='imageright'>
<h38>You let yourself be carried away in the fantasy until it brought you to a mind-blowing, orgasm. It was such an amazing feeling that I had never experienced anything like it before.</h38><</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<speech "Chloe">>Ahhh...!!!!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<speech "Chloe">>Mmm....!!!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<speech "Chloe">>Oh my God!!!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>><<set $chloecorruptionmc to $chloecorruptionmc +1>><<upd>>\
<div class="posarousal">Chloe's Corruption +1</div>\
It was a surprise to you that you were so good that you had no idea if your mother had accidentally heard your moans. But after that amazing orgasm, you went to sleep with no worries.<</timed>>
<<timed 10s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h40>Sleep</h40>">><<replace "#chloe">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src='img/chloe/mompeeking.jpg' class='large98'>
All this time, Alicia was peeping and observing her daughter's reactions.
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">><sub>Oh my...</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">><sub>It's working... Sleep well, my daughter.</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">><sub>Sleep well...</sub><</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Morning</h6>">><<goto "chloe7">><</link>>\
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="chloe">\
<img src='img/chloe/mom.jpg' class='large98'>
Upon seeing her, your father let out a sigh.
Your mom is already waiting by the door. She looks a bit gloomy, it's nothing new. She always like this when you are around with your father.
You wish that for once, they talk. They're avoiding doing that, it makes you angry, at them.
You can't get over the fact that they have no desire to do things right in their marriage.
<<speech "Teacher" "Father">>Uh... There she is.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>You are not coming?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Father">>I'm not sure it's the best idea. Have you noticed her eyes? She's got that evil gaze on me, and I know what it means.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>But it's her natural look. Can you at least talk with her for a few seconds?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Father">>My dear. I know you're upset. I'm sorry. Mom and I need some time. I'd like to fix it, I really do. But by the look on her face it's no use.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h40>Recall</h40>">>
<<timed 50ms t8n>><<audio "fade" play>>\
<img src='img/chloe/fathersins.jpg' class='large98'>
He spoke with such maturity, yet you still recall when Mother explained her reasons for leaving him.
You still can't get over the fact that your father was screwing some college girl behind Mom's back.
When you are thinking about this, it's making you a little sick.
<h38><div class="pilka">@@color:pink;Arousal -5@@</div></h38>\
<<set $chloelust to $chloelust -5>><<upd>>\
<<speech "Teacher" "Father">>I'll pick you up tommorow. Have fun.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Bye Dad.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h40>Mom</h40>">>
<img src='img/chloe/mom2.jpg' class='medium'>
Mom changed her mood as you father drive away from the yard.
Happily, she hugs you gently.
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>My baby girl! I was worried!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Uhh.. Mom. It's not Dad's fault and stop calling me like that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Oh don't be like that Chloe. Anyway, You look nice today!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Thanks. You too..?<</speech>>
You look at her and she seems happy, Very happy. From the day she left Father, she was hearthbroken. You felt she was depressed and were afraid she would do something to herself.
It's good thing you were wrong.
<<if $milf5stage gte 2>>\
<h38>@@color:orange;Cougar Life Alicia Stage 2: Success!@@</h38>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Really?! That is nice to hear!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>What happened?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>What? Your mommy can't be happy for once?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>No, I just. I've never seen you that happy before.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Ha-ha. Get used to it, honey.<</speech>>
<<elseif $milf5stage lte 1>>\
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Thank you, darling.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>So? Where are we going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Oh, right. To the beach!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>What?!<</speech>>
<<link "<h40>Beach</h40>">><<goto "chloe5">><</link>>
</b></div>\<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Well... I can share with you that i have met someone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>What?! You already found someone?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Yes, I think so. Are you angry at me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>I don't know what to say. Does Dad know about this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>No. I don't see any point in telling him that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>But two of you are still married! <div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<set $ubranachloe to 1>><<audio "beach" play loop>><<upd>>\
<span id="chloe">\
<img src='img/chloe/mombeach.jpg' class='large98'>
You've been on the beach with your Mother for almost an hour and you still feel weird in that suit your mom gave you as a gift. She couldn't wait any longer to spend the time with you. But why on earth on the beach?
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Isn't that lovely?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>It's sunny, alright.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Oh my, you are so grumpy! Just chill out and lie down, you'll feel better in no time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Okay Mom, I'm really trying! You know how I hate the sun and heat!<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Honey, it's just the way things are. Get used to it. Life is not just about sitting at home and reading books.<</speech>>
<img src='img/chloe/chloebeach.jpg' class='large98'>
You don't feel like fighting with Mom. It would be pointless anyway, and you might end up ruining her day anyway.
Mom stands up and with her warm smile asks you.
<<speech "Alicia" "Mom">>Alright! Are you going with me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Go ahead. I'll watch your stuff.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mom">>Oh my goodness, I forgot about that. How lucky I am to have a smart daughter. I'll beack in few minutes.<</speech>>
Mom heads to the water.
<<linkreplace "<h40>Mother</h40>">><<replace "#chloe">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/chloe/mombeach2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop muted>
From the moment she came out of the sea, you couldn't believe what she was pulling off.
Mom is showing off her body around the beach where all the young boys have their eyes on her.
<img src='img/chloe/beachboy.jpg' class='medium'>
She did it with a big smile, And her facial expression could convince any guy that she wanted him.
After that mom came back to you with a bit of laugh.
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Did you see that? This guy has a hard-on! On me! Ha-ha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>What the F. Mom?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>C'mon! Take a chill pill. It's totally fun!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Fun?! I don't see what's funny about that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Chloe. Stop with this attitude, Really. Look around you, try to live and stop being so pessimistic.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Just please, for once. Have some quality fun with your Mother. Just once.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Uh... Mom I-<</speech>>
<<speech "Eric" "???">>Hello ladies!<</speech>>
The guy who looked at your mother for a long time cut in on your conversation.
<<linkreplace "<h40>Ladies</h40>">><<replace "#chloe">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/chloe/beachboy.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop muted>
The guy approached you unexpectedly, with courage and determination he greeted you and especially your mother.
Mom couldn't stop smiling at him and teasing him with a bite of her lip.
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Oh hey!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Hi?<</speech>>
<<speech "Eric">>My name is Eric. A lifeguard here on this wonderful beach. Can i get your names, Pretty ladies?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>My name is Alicia and this is Chloe.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Umm...<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Don't mind her. She is a little shy. Ha-ha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eric">>That's cool. Alicia? Damn nice name. How do you like it here? On the beach?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>It's awesome! The water is warm, The sand is even warmer, And boys here are looking good. Ha-ha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eric">>Hah. I thought it was going to be a boring day, but I must admit that it got even more interesting and hotter when you entered the beach.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Oh..<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Ha-ha. That's so cool to hear that. You don't look so bad yourself.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eric">>Am i? How about now?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h40>This guy</h40>">>
<video src="img/chloe/beachboy2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop muted>
Eric just take off his jacket like some kind of striptease.
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Well. Well! Now we are talking. Isn't that Chloe?<</speech>>
To encourage you to make a bold decision, Mom looked at you. You recalled her last advise.
<<speech "Chloe">>Y-Yeah. It's pretty cool.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Oh.. Don't listen to her. For me you look pretty attractive, to be honest.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eric">>Really? So how about we go somewhere? For a cup of coffee?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>That sounds great, but we can't. Today, I gotta take care of my daughter here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eric">>No way! It's your daughter? Such a young hottie?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Ha-ha I'm flattered.<</speech>>
<img src='img/chloe/beachboy2.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "Eric">>Damn. Your rejection of my proposal is the breaking of my heart. How about... I leave you my number? You know. In case of emergency, here on the beach.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Ha-ha. Sure.<</speech>>
Your mother's flirtation in front of a stranger was too much for you to believe.
Mother take out her phone and typed his number. Just like that.
<<speech "Eric">>Fantastic. I will be waiting for your call with your greatest desires. See ya.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>See ya, handsome.<</speech>>
Eric left you alone with your Mother.
With a smile on her face, she laid herself down on the blanket. You, with your mouth open, couldn't believe what had just happened moments before.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Try to Smile</h6>">>
<img src='img/chloe/smile.jpg' class='medium'>
Mom noticed it, but you were so quick to turn it around and be positive. Maybe your mom is right? Maybe it's time to change your life around?
<h38><div class="pilka">@@color:pink;Arousal +15@@</div></h38>\
<<set $chloelust to $chloelust +15>><<upd>>\
<<set $chloecorruptionmc to $chloecorruptionmc +1>><<upd>>\
<div class="posarousal">Chloe's Corruption +1</div>\
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Look! There she is! My beautiful daughter's smile! Keep it going!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Ha-ha.<</speech>>
You and your mother stayed on the beach until it was dark, even though you could have left much earlier.
<<link "<h40>Mom's House</h40>">><<audio "beach" stop>><<goto "chloe6">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<set $chloelust to 25>><<audio "alarmclock" play>>\
<span id="chloe">\
<img src='img/chloe/waking.jpg' class='large'>
The nightmares that tormented you during your sleep are waking you up. You've had enough of them, they've been bothering you ever since you moved back to your father's house. Before you moved, Alarm clock activated before.
Still, the heat in the bed makes you back to sleep, but just about your father calls out to you.
<<speech "Teacher" "Father">>Chloe...? Are you ready?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h40>Get ready</h40>">><<replace "#chloe">>
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src='img/chloe/waking2.jpg' class='large'>
Now you just recalled, it is now Saturday Morning and it is time to be on your way to your Mother for visit.
Yesterday you agreed with your Mom to spend time with her on the weekends.
You're having trouble with getting up. You've slept so well today you feel like going back to snoozing.
<<speech "Chloe">>Uhh... Give me five minutes!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Father">>Sure. Just hurry up. I'll get the car running.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h40>Car</h40>">>
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src='img/chloe/car.jpg' class='large'>
It wasn't five minutes. Father is going to be angry but you don't care.
You dressed more and more loosely today, thanks to $name's advice with choice of outfit. And yet you put on a little make up, knowing it would surprise your father.
His face is priceless.
<<speech "Chloe">>Hey Dad.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Father">>C-Chloe? You look different today. I've never seen your like this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Is something wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Father">>N-No. Not at all.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>If you have to know. Me and Mom are about to go out somewhere in the city. and as you haven't noticed yet, today it's a bit warmer than usual.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Father">>Right, weatherman mentioned something about it...<</speech>>
Father is still looking at you like a creep without saying a word.
<<speech "Chloe">>Can we go?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Father">>Oh right!<</speech>>
When your father started his car, you couldn't help but smile.
After a long time, you finally succeeded in stunning him.
<<link "<h40>Mother's Place</h40>">><<goto "chloe4">><</link>>
</span></b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<set $ubranachloe to 0>>\
<img src='img/chloe/sleep.jpg' class='large98'>
When you returned mom's home, you were exhausted and had a strong desire to sleep.
Usually you had trouble falling asleep, but this time you fell asleep within few seconds.
This time it’s going to be Beautiful Dreams.
<<link "<h6>Beautiful Dreams</h6>">><<goto "chloecorruptionlvl1">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<set $day to 7>>\
<span id="chloe">\
<img src='img/chloe/breakfast.jpg' class='large98'>
This time, you oversleep. Oversleep big time. It's after the lunchtime.
You never sleep that long, but finally you slept well, but still you feel a little dizzy. You enter the kitchen to eat and see your mother cooking.
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Oh there you are. Hello my sleeping queen!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Hello... Mom. I-I just never slept that long... It's so bizzare...<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Ha-ha. That's good to hear. It will do you good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>I don't know. I feel a little...<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Drunk? It's nothing wrong. Just sit down and drink the water. I'll prepare you something to eat.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Umm.. Thanks.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h40>Sit down</h40>">><<replace "#chloe">>\
<<timed 25ms t8n>>\
<img src='img/chloe/breakfast2.jpg' class='large98'>
Mom took her eyes off the blender and looked at you occasionally. This is quite strange. Usually, the mother is very concentrated while cooking. She hates it when people interrupt her while she is doing something in the kitchen.
Her reactions makes you a little nervous.
<<speech "Chloe">>Is something wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Hmm? What do you mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>You just glance at me weirdly.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Am i? Sorry darling. Just checking if you are okay.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>You could just ask? I'm okay, Mom.<</speech>>
When you went back to sipping water, your mother turned and asks you.
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Honey, would you be so kind to lend me your hand?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Umm... Sure. But i don't know how.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>It's really simple! I'll show you how.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Okay... Are you sure? I don't want to get you mad.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Oh, don't like that Chloe! I just wish to show my daughter how to cook for once!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<linkreplace "<h40>Cook</h40>">><<replace "#chloe">>\
<<timed 25ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/chloe/cook.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
Your mom wants to teach you a cook!? It is so weird. Even for you.
Mom let you stand by the bowl and let you mix the ingredients all together.
<<speech "Chloe">>Am i doing good?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>More finesse honey. Here. Let me show you.<</speech>>
Slowly and gently, she leads your hand to mix the stuff inside the bowl as her body presses you against the kitchen counter. You realized her smell is not quite the small than usual. It's a bit sugary and lemony.
<<set $chloelust to $chloelust +15>><<upd>>\
<h38><div class="pilka">@@color:pink;Arousal +15@@</div></h38>\
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Like this...<</speech>><</timed>>
<<linkreplace "<h40>First rule of the cooking</h40>">><<replace "#chloe">>\
<<timed 25ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/chloe/cook2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
Mom reach for some kind of cream.
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Now. First rule of the cooking. Always try ingredients before and during the cooking.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Why..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>To know how the texture and taste of the food! And we don't want the food to taste bad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>N-No. Of course not.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Here. Taste it. From my finger.<</speech>>
<img src='img/chloe/cook3.jpg' class='large98'>
Mom with her seductive voice, hands you her finger to taste a cream.
<<set $chloelust to $chloelust +15>><<upd>>\
<h38><div class="pilka">@@color:pink;Arousal +15@@</div></h38>\
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>How is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>It's... Sugary... Yeah... It taste good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>That's right, Chloe. Let's add it to the dough.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h40>Mom is behaving weirdly</h40>">><<replace "#chloe">>\
<<timed 25ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/chloe/cook4.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
Mom is getting closer to your arm.
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Ops! Sorry. I left some leftovers in your arm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>It's okay. I-<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>No, no. I'll clean it.<</speech>>
Her warm tongue caresses your shoulder and licks the cream off it.
<<speech "Chloe">>Mom...?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Oh c'mon! It's fun!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>But somehow... weird.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>It's nothing wrong! Keep going with the mixing, honey.<</speech>>
<img src='img/chloe/cook4.jpg' class='large98'>
<<set $chloelust to $chloelust +20>><<upd>>\
<h38><div class="pilka">@@color:pink;Arousal +20@@</div></h38>\
<<set $chloecorruptionmc to $chloecorruptionmc +1>><<upd>>\
<div class="posarousal">Chloe's Corruption +1</div>\
You felt at that moment, a warmth you had never experienced from your mother.
You felt that it was ok.
<<speech "Chloe">>Ah.. If you say so...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h40>Stop it..</h40>">><<replace "#chloe">>\
<<timed 25ms t8n>>\
<img src='img/chloe/cook5.jpg' class='large98'>
She still sucking your arm with some seductive moans, Mom is really pushing the boundaries right now.
<<speech "Chloe">>Mom..! Stop it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Hmm?! Why?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>I'm your daughter! It's wrong at some many levels, Mom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Daughter...? Oh my god...! Yes. I'm... I'm so sorry.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Are you... okay? You have been acting weird lately.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>No, it's nothing like that! I just felt a little lonely, but that's okay!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Mom? If you wish. I could stay longer. We could watch movie or...<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Sounds amazing! Next time, though. Unfortunately, tonight I have the night shift.<</speech>>
You noticed through the window that Father arrived in the front of your mom's house.
<<speech "Chloe">>Right. Hospital. So that's why Dad is already in the driveway?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Yeah. I messaged him to come early. Sorry Chloe.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>It's okay. It was... Fun.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia" "Mother">>Ha-ha. Glad to hear it. See ya.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Bye mom.<</speech>>
You felt a little strange and sad that you were leaving Mom. She felt lonely, she said.
But during this weekend, you noticed how Mom has changed. She was simply not the same.
What is going on?
<<link "<h6>Back to $name</h6>">><<set $chloeright to 0>><<set $time to 23>><<set $changetochloe to 0>><<goto "Bed">><</link>><</timed>>\
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="sex">\
<video src="img/chloe/house/prefuck.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
Bailey is so fascinated with how you naughty you are around him. He forcibly leads you up the stairs, thinking you're going to his bedroom, but he holds you down at the bottom of the stairs and slowly teases you, inserting the tip of his cock into your needy pussy.
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>Oh don't you dare go there. Stay.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But.. I thought... Ahh... Oh!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>Here...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>His magnifecent cock</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>\
<video src="img/chloe/house/fuck.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
Teach is taking his time with your needy pussy.
But in your mind you beg for an even harder fuck.
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>Fuck... You slutty girl...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ha... I am...!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Harder...<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>Beg for it..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm.... Pl...Please...!!! Fuck me harder!!! Please!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Rough!</h6>">><<replace "#sex">>\
<video src="img/chloe/house/fuck1.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
Bailey with your command, starts roughly fucks your wet cunt.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh!!! AHhh!!! FFFFUCCKK!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>Fuck... $name..!!<</speech>>
<<link"<h6>To the bedroom!</h6>">><<goto "baylexsex1">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox2"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="evil">\
<img src="img/chloe/house/finish.jpg" class='medium'>
After a few minutes of resting, Bailey gets up and starts getting dressed.
You wish to lie still a little longer but his semen slowly dries on your chest.
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>Fuck... $name... We should do it more frequently... But it's still a big risk.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't worry about it, sir. I'll take care of everything.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>No. I'm talking about Chloe. Can't imagine now if she had caught us right now. And now $name, I can see how much of an impact you're having on her. I'm really concerned, though.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't be. She's my friend.<</speech>>
Bailey looked at you with his serious eyes. He cares little too much about his daughter.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sir, don't you think you're being a little harsh on your daughter? Surely you can't keep her locked up for the rest of her life!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>No. It's not like that.<</speech>>
He covered his head with his hand in disbelief that he was about to share his life problems with you.
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>I... I know she is hurt. Every move I make hurts her. I just don't want to overdo it.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>What a hypocrite.</h6>">>
<img src="img/chloe/house/cloths.jpg" class='large98'>
With a dismissive gesture, you stood up and got dressed.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmph. And yet Chloe caught you earlier, with some bimbo girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>What?! Bimbo?! Oh fuck! Did she tell you?! Jesus fucking Christ!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course, she did. I told you, She's my friend.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>Fuck... Fuck! I need to talk with her. I need-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh, Mr.Bailey! Don't worry about it. I took care of everything. She’s completely at peace with what happened, there's no need to worry about that anymore.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>Wait.. What the fuck are you talking about?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Chloe is not little kid anymore. It's time to teach her about adult stuff.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>My god... $name. This whole Ashley thing has been creeping me out. But now..? You are crossing the line.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Crossing the line</h6>">><<replace "#evil">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/chloe/house/bitch.jpg" class='large98'>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>I helped him get Ashley out of his life and this is how he repays me?! Let's show him we're not fooling around.<</speech>>
<<if $baileyscary is false>><div class="pilka">Corruption +1 <<addcorruption 1>><<set $baileyscary to true>><<upd>></div><</if>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And what are you going to do about it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Everything I've done is for you. I turned into someone I never thought I would be. I did things that feel horrible. I sold my soul to make you happy. You! Don't you fucking get it?! I fucking love you!<</speech>>
Bailey couldn't believe what he just heard. He just swallowed everything you said.
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>$name... I don't know what to say... It's insane... I'm... I'm sorry...<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Hahaha. My godness! How mean and cruel we are!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okay, Jonathan. I don't feel any remorse, just happiness!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teacher" "Bailey">>$name... Please. Leave. I need to think about this throughly.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Think about it. Think how it changed my life. Mr. Bailey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Before i leave. Don't worry. Everything is going be alright. After all... Secrets always come out sooner or later.<</speech>>
With that you left Bailey alone in his room with mixed emotions.
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "bayleroom">><</link>>
</b></div>\<<if $momerotic is 2>>\
<img src="img/mom/momreads.jpg" class='medium'>
$mom is reading the book.
<<linkreplace "<h12>Book</h12>">>
You see that the book you gave her is open. Apparently, the book has caught her interest. You may proceed with the action.
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<set $momerotic to 3>><<mcorruption 5>> @@color:violet;$mom Corruption +5@@
<<if $momerotic gte 3 and $momsleep is false and $mcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<span id ="book">
<img src="img/mom/momreads.jpg" class='medium'>
<<linkreplace "<h3>$mom reads a book</h3>">>
You see that the book you gave her is open. Apparently, the book has caught her interest. You may proceed with the action.
<<link "<h7>Join your $mom</h7>">><<replace "#book">>
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/tempt1.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
$mom is halfway through the book, That book got her intrested.
Let's see if it works! You head to $mom's bed.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So.. How's the book?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>It is... very... pretty... good...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Tease your $mom</h7>">>
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/tempt2.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
$mom takes her eye off the book.
She is looking at your young body.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name... Wow... you have such a nice body...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks $mom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Can...i...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Ah! Nevermind! I'm feeling sleepy! Get out!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay... $mom.<</speech>>
$mom got up and showed you where the doors are. After that she went to sleep.
<<mcorruption 5>><<set $momsleep to true>><<set $time to $time +0.5>>@@color:violet;$mom corruption +5@@
<<elseif $momerotic gte 3 and $momsleep is false and $mcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<if $mommcsleep is 0>>
<span id ="book">
<img src="img/mom/momreads.jpg" class='medium'>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom reads a book</h6>">><<replace "#book">>
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/momkiss1.webm" class='imageright' autoplay loop muted>
$mom is reading a book.
When you walked inside. $mom with a smile, invites you to her Bed.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Honey, Come here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey $mom, How's the book?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh it's very erotic, i have to say.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom's Love</h6>">>
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/momkiss2.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop muted>
$mom put the book to the side and hugged you tightly.
Then you both looked straight into each other's eyes very closely.
It feels like she wants to kiss you.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Sweety.. I need to confess.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes... $mom?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>I'm attracted to you...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow... $mom, I...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>$mom Confess</h6>">><<goto "momconfess">><<set $mommcsleep to 1>><</link>>
<<elseif $momsleep is true>>
<img src="img/pbedroom/sleeping/momalone.jpg" class='medium'>
$mom is sleeping at this moment.
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<</if>>\<span id="momspeak">\
<<set _m to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _m is 1>>\
<img src="img/mom/family/momalone.jpg" class='large98'>
<<elseif _m is 2>>\
<img src="img/mom/family/momalone1.jpg" class='large98'>
<<elseif _m is 3>>\
<img src="img/mom/family/momalone2.jpg" class='large98'>
<h39>After the not-so-distant family squabble, $mom doesn't let anyone inside the bedroom.
Expect you, $mom allowed you to go inside. She has no problem at all in revealing her body to you as she lies in bed.</h39>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Talk about $dad</h6>">><<replace "#momspeak">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<img src="img/mom/family/momspeak.jpg" class='medium'>
<h39>$mom slowly goes to the drawer, You decide to take a risky subject with her.
She noticed that you were struggling to speak, so she leaned over to you and slowly began to look serious.</h39>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>What is in your mind, My sweet little $daughter?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhh $mom... Is everything okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Why you do ask?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's just that... I noticed that for some time $dad has been sleeping alone in the living room.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Duhh...! I just couldn't stand his snoring! And his smell! Duh! But don't worry $name, it's comfy for him there.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>If you say so, $mom.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom's Necklace</h6>">><<replace "#momspeak">>
<img src="img/mom/family/momneck.jpg" class='medium'>
<h39>$mom is sitting down on the couch with a big, warm smile on her face, looking right at you.
You noticed that she's wearing a lovely necklace from Lucas. It's a bit shiny.</h39>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Huh...? Oh. You are looking at my necklace! Isn't it gorgeous?<</speech>>
<<if $lucasandmom is 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Talk about Lucas</h6>">><<replace "#momspeak">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>
<img src="img/mom/family/momneck2.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It is, it is very beautiful. I can't believe how much has happened since this man gave you the incredible necklace!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Right, His name is Lucas. Very... Very interesting man.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>If I remember correctly, he offered you lovely dinner.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Yes. You remember it well.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So... You never thought about his proposal?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Going out... With him? Um... I was but... $name? What's your point?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My point is... For once i just want to see you happy, A real happy. So the idea of going with Lucas isn't so bad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Uhh... $name. I really appreciate your care. It means a lot. I... I gotta think about this.<</speech>>
<<if $language gte 4>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:red;Recite the Words@@ @@color:orange;Language Learnt!@@</h6>">><<replace "#momspeak">>
<img src="img/mom/family/momneck3.jpg" class='large98'>
<h39>Quietly you recite the words, but something is wrong. The necklace has stopped glowing, and $mom doesn't respond to your words. She just looks at you confused.</h39>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name? What did you say?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhh... It's that I....<</speech>>
<img src="img/mom/family/mommy.jpg" class='large98'>
<h39>Only now you remembered that these words work when a person is in the lust sphere</h39>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm so horny when you i'm looking at you, $mom.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Mommy</h6>">><<goto "mommyfuck">><</link>>\
<<elseif $language lte 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:red;Recite the Words@@ @@color:grey;Learn Language@@</h6>">>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Don't you think it could lead to something bad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't know. But i'm sure of one thing. That you are not happy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Maybe i am...<</speech>>
<<if $lucasandmom is true>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:pink;Naughty Time with Mommy@@</h6>">><<goto "mommyfuck">><</link>>\
<<if $momgoingout is false and $lucasandmom is true>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:orange;Night Drive@@</h6>">><<goto "momout">><</link>>\
</span>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="mom">\
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/stage3mom.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +5@@</div><<arousal 5>><<upd>>\
<h39>@@color:pink;Slowly and softly you take off the top. At that moment, $mom knew exactly what you were up to.
$mom bit her lower lip and immediately made sure the door was locked before she did what she was going to do to you.@@</h39>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>I knew... I knew that $daughter's peevish look before you enter my bedroom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah. Am I that predictable?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Oh... You are. Don't you dare to leave before you are gonna make mommy cum!<</speech>>
<h39>@@color:pink;$mom threw herself at you with a big, excited grin on her face, and together you ended up on the couch in front of the bed.@@</h39>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mommy</h6>">><<replace "#mom">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/stage3mom1.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +5@@</div><<arousal 5>><<upd>>\
<h39>@@color:pink;She kissed you and licked your tits from top to bottom. She couldn't get enough of them! It was the most fantastic feeling. You had no idea your mother had such incredible skills when it came to giving you pleasure!@@</h39>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Fuck $name... These new tits..! Ah..!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My god..! $mom!!! Ohh!!! Ahh..!! Yes...!! It feels fantastic!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Mmm..!! My $daughter's tits.. They are so gorgeous! So perfect..!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah..! Haha... Show me yours.!!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mommy</h6>">><<replace "#mom">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<span id="mom2">\
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/stage3mom2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +15@@</div><<arousal 15>><<upd>>\
<h39>@@color:pink;She stripped her top, and you couldn't help but be turned on by her beautiful body. You wanted to massage her breasts with your mouth, but she began to ride your pussy with her dominant, seductive moves.@@</h39>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck...!! $mom...!! How are you so fucking good...!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "$mom">>Oh, mommy knows a few naughty tricks and she's ready to show you all of them!<</speech>>
<<if $arousal gte 130>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Mommy roughly rides your pussy! @@color:hotpink;$arousal/130 Arousal@@</h12>">><<replace "#mom2">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/stage3mom2.1.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<if $momcummy lte 3>>\
<<set $momcummy to $momcummy +1>><div class="posarousal">Mom's Lust increased!
$momcummy/4 Mom's Lust</div>\
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Arousal -20@@</div><<arousal -20>><<upd>>\
<h39>@@color:pink;$mom is riding you hard and rough against that gorgeous pussy of yours!@@</h39>
<<speech "Olena" "Mommy">>Yes..!! Fuck $name... I can't believe we are doing this..!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Me too! Me too, Mommy!!!<</speech>>
<<elseif $arousal lte 129>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Mommy roughly rides your pussy! @@color:grey;$arousal/130 Arousal@@</h12>">>
<h39>@@color:pink;Not aroused enough!@@</h39>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mommy</h6>">><<replace "#mom">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/stage3mom3.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +5@@</div><<arousal 5>><<upd>>\
<h39>@@color:pink;The ecstasy of lust is flowing through your veins. As soon as the $mom took off her panties, you immediately jumped on her and sucked on her to feel all the sweat she had given off all day.@@</h39>
<<speech "Olena" "Mommy">>Oh yes...My godness.. You look so fucking hot when you are rubbing my dirty panties around your lips. Do you like it..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's the best...! They remind me of something...<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "Mommy">>What is it.. Darling?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That you are the best $mom in the world.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "Mommy">>Oh.. You are so fucking sweet...! Come here.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Kiss Mommy!</h7>">>
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/stage3momkiss.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +10@@</div><<arousal 10>><<upd>>\
<h39>@@color:pink;Kissing her was somehow different. Her saliva was so warm and fluid when you had her in your mouth.@@</h39>
<<speech "Olena" "Mommy">>My... mmm!! Sweet Princess...!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm...!! $mom...!! Ahhh!!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mommy</h6>">><<replace "#mom">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<span id="mom3">\
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/stage3mom3.1.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +10@@</div><<arousal 10>><<upd>>\
<h39>@@color:pink;Licking her pussy is like a reward. Licking, eating and kissing it feels so amazing that you feel she is about to cum.@@</h39>
<<speech "Olena" "Mommy">>Yes... Yes!!! Like that! My fucking god!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm!!!<</speech>>
<<if $arousal gte 140>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Mommy's Cum! @@color:hotpink;$arousal/140 Arousal@@</h12>">><<replace "#mom3">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/stage3momcum.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<h39>@@color:pink;With every touch, the excitement is building. As the perfect $daughter, you are caressing and kissing your $mom's pussy with such love and desire that you are helping her reach the most intense orgasms.@@</h39>
<<if $momcummy lte 3>>\
<<set $momcummy to $momcummy +1>><div class="posarousal">$mom's Lust increased!
$momcummy/4 $mom's Lust</div>\
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Arousal -25@@</div><<arousal -25>><<upd>>\
<<speech "Olena" "Mommy">>Ah...!! Yes..!!! Oufff..!!! My... God...!!! Cumming..!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... So pretty...<</speech>>
<<elseif $arousal lte 139>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Mommy's Cum! @@color:grey;$arousal/140 Arousal@@</h12>">>
<h39>@@color:pink;Not aroused enough!@@</h39>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mommy</h6>">><<replace "#mom">>\
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/stage3momtits.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<h39>@@color:pink;It's absolutely incredible how experienced your $mom is when she does you good by sweetly suckling your breasts!@@</h39>
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +5@@</div><<arousal 5>><<upd>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhh!! Yessssss!! Ahh...!!! FUcck!! Mommy!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "Mommy">>Mmm..!! I can't believe you had surgery on them! They are so perfect..!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ha...Ha...Somehow... I knew it would pay off...!! Uhh...!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mommy</h6>">><<replace "#mom">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>><span id="mom4">\
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/stage3mcpussy.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<h39>@@color:pink;$mom rides your pussy with her mouth.@@</h39>
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +15@@</div><<arousal 15>><<upd>>\
<<speech "Olena" "Mommy">>So fucking delicious...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes...! Right there...!!<</speech>>
<<if $arousal gte 145>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Mommy makes you cum! @@color:hotpink;$arousal/145 Arousal@@</h12>">><<replace "#mom4">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/stage3mccum.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<h39>@@color:pink;It's incredible! In just a few of her spot-on licks, she took you on a journey to an amazing, unforgettable experience!@@</h39>
<<if $momcummy lte 3>>\
<<set $momcummy to $momcummy +1>><div class="posarousal">Mom's Lust increased!
$momcummy/4 $mom's Lust</div>\
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Arousal -30@@</div><<arousal -30>><<upd>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>MMMM!!!!! YYYESSS!!! UUHHHH!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "Mommy">>Oh... Yes.. I love the look on your face... I love making you cum...!<</speech>>
<<elseif $arousal lte 144>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Mommy makes you cum! @@color:grey;$arousal/145 Arousal@@</h12>">>
<h39>@@color:pink;Not aroused enough!@@</h39>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mommy</h6>">><<replace "#mom">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/stage3momride.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<h39>@@color:pink;$mom is rubbing her pussy against yours and it's so sexy. You're really starting to enjoy this position and it feels amazing.@@</h39>
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +10@@</div><<arousal 10>><<upd>>\
<<speech "Olena" "Mommy">>Oh yes! Yes! You are such a hottie my $daughter!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You too mommy! You too!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h7>More!</h7>">>
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/stage3momride1.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +10@@</div><<arousal 10>><<upd>>\
<<speech "Olena" "Mommy">>My god... I just can't stop touching these pair of titties of yours...!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't mind. Haha!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mommy</h6>">><<replace "#mom">>\
<<timed 50ms t8n>><span id="mom5">\
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/stage3momride2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<h39>@@color:pink;$mom's pace picked up! You can see it on her face, she's going to the point of orgasm! @@</h39>
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +10@@</div><<arousal 10>><<upd>>\
<<speech "Olena" "Mommy">>$name...!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom...!<</speech>>
<<if $arousal gte 145>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Mommy's lust!@@color:hotpink;$arousal/145 Arousal@@</h12>">><<replace "#mom5">>
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/stage3momcum2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<h39>@@color:pink;You made her realize that there was something else she liked by rubbing her pussy and belly with your fingers. Her face was a picture of pleasure and happiness.@@</h39>
<<if $momcummy lte 3>>\
<<set $momcummy to $momcummy +1>><div class="posarousal">Mom's Lust increased!
$momcummy/4 $mom's Lust</div>\
<<speech "Olena" "Mommy">>FUUUCKK!!! $name..!!!!! How..!!! Ahh!!!! YESS!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah... Wow...!! Mommy... Oh my goodness, you're getting my fingers wet!<</speech>>
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Arousal -30@@</div><<arousal -30>><<upd>>\
<<elseif $arousal lte 144>>\
<<linkreplace "<h12>Mommy's lust!@@color:grey;$arousal/145 Arousal@@</h12>">>
<h39>@@color:pink;Not aroused enough!@@</h39>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mommy</h6>">><<replace "#mom">>\
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/stage3momkiss3.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:pink;<h39>$mom and you kiss all over again. You are both absolutely exhausted and absolutely full of sweat.</h39>@@
<<if $momcummy gte 4 and $lucasandmom is 0>>\
<<link "<h6>Mommy @@color:hotpink;$momcummy/4 Mom's Lust@@</h6>">><<goto "mommyfuck2">><</link>>
<<link "<h6>End this</h6>">><<goto "mommyfuckendfail">><<set $arousal to 0>><</link>>
<<elseif $lucasandmom is true>>\
<<link "<h6>End this</h6>">><<goto "mommyfuckendfail">><<set $arousal to 0>><</link>>
<<elseif $momcummy lte 3>>\
<<link "<h6>$mom is exhausted @@color:grey;$momcummy/4 Mom's Lust@@</h6>">><<set $arousal to 0>><<goto "mommyfuckendfail">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="olena"><<set $arousal to 0>>\
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/stage4kiss.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<div class="posarousal"><h39>@@color:hotpink;You can really tell that $mom is ready! She’s overcome with lust and just can’t get enough of kissing your gorgeous lips. It's time to say it. @@</h39></div>
<<speech "Olena" "Mommy">>Fuck...Mmm..!! $name...! I love you so fucking much.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I love you too! Wait...! Wait... Please listen to me..<</speech>>
<<speech "Olena" "Mommy">>What is it?<</speech>>
<h39>@@color:hotpink;You put the necklace back on your $mom's neck. She thought this was some weird kink of yours, but you backed off a little. To prepare yourself.@@</h39>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:red;Recite the words@@</h6>">><<replace "#olena">><<audio "words" play>>\
<<timed 2s t8n>>\
<video src="img/mom/bedroom/mompast.webm" class='large98' autoplay controls></video><</timed>>\
<<timed 6s t8n>>\
<div class="pilka"><h39>@@color:red;After reciting the words, she walked over to the mirror with a slow and deliberate pace. She stared at her reflection with rapture, her hands trembling from the overwhelming emotions. She then placed her hands over her face and began mumbling to herself.@@</h39></div><</timed>>
<<timed 8s t8n>>\
<<linkreplace '<<speech "Olena">>Jak? Jakim cudem ja żyje?!<</speech>>'>>\
<<speech "Olena">>How? How it is possible i am alive?<</speech>><</linkreplace>><</timed>>\
<<timed 10s t8n>>\
<<linkreplace '<<speech "Olena">>To... To wszystko moja wina...! Jak mogłam do tego dopuścić...<</speech>>'>>\
<<speech "Olena">>It's... It's my fault...! How i could lead this happen...<</speech>><</linkreplace>><</timed>>\
<<timed 12s t8n>>\
<<linkreplace '<<speech "Olena">>Powinnam była cię posłuchać!<</speech>>'>>\
<<speech "Olena">>I should have listened to you!<</speech>><</linkreplace>><</timed>>\
<<timed 14s t8n>>\
<<linkreplace '<<speech "Olena">>Jestem okropną siostrą...<</speech>>'>>\
<<speech "Olena">>I'm terrible sister...<</speech>><</linkreplace>>
<h39>(Click on Olena's speech to translate)</h39>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Olena</h6>">><<replace "#olena">>\
<<timed 2s t8n>>\
<img src="img/mom/family/momnecklace.jpg" class='large98'><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>>
<div class="pilka"><h39>@@color:red;During the mumbling she plays with her necklace and tries to control herself. She's so caught up in her own world that she doesn't even notice you're there, right in this room with her. You feel you just can't stop it, so you wait with bated breath for things to develop.@@</h39></div>
<<if $lucasandmom is 0>>\
<<mcorruption 10>><<set $lucasandmom to true>><<upd>><div class="posarousal">$mom's Corruption +10</div><</if>>\
<<link "<h6>Necklace</h6>">><<goto "mommyfuck3">><</link>><</timed>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/mom/family/tired.jpg" class='medium'>
After a long and exhausting session of passionate sex, you both collapsed onto the bed, completely spent but blissfully satisfied.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My god... I'm so exhausted.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Me too... I wish you could stay here... But we must be careful not to arouse suspicion from the boys.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>If you say so. Night... $mom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Good night... $daughter.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Go back to sleep</h6>">><<goto "Bed">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/mom/family/momout.jpg" class='large98'>
<h39>By your suprise, $mom strides into the room and begins getting ready. Her makeup is flawless, and her outfit is absolutely amazing.</h39>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$mom..? Wow...! You look... Great!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Huh...? You think so? Isn't that too much?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh definitely no! Isn't it a bit too late for going out with $dad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$dad? With him? Haha, Very funny Sweety. No. I'm going out to.. Umm... Talk! Yes. Talk with someone!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? Talk?! At this hour? With who?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Uhh.. $name. It's hard to explain for me right now. I gotta go before i'm going to be late. Ciao!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wait. $mom! Wait!<</speech>>
<img src="img/mom/family/driveway.jpg" class='large98'>
<h39>Without saying goodbye, she left you alone. Through the window you see your mother driving off. It's sucks that you can't drive, there is the one car left and you could follow her.</h39>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<audio "toiletflush" play>>
<img src="img/mom/family/luke.jpg" class='large98'>
<h39>When you came out of your $parents bedroom, Wearing only bra and panties. Luke just came out of the bathroom. He had a funny look on his face when he saw you in your underwear.</h39>
<<speech "Luke">>Oh boy, what could this special occasion be?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ask him for lift!</h6>">>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Luke! I've got no time for fooling around. I need your help.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Hmm? That sound serious. What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can you drive?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Emm... Maybe... One time $mom let me drive and-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Cool! Let's go! Fast!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Uh!! Okay! Wait... At least let me wear some jeans!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Night Drive</h6>">><<goto "lukeandmc">><</link>>
</b></div>\<video src="img/mom/family/drive.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<h39>@@color:orange;$dad was asleep and did not notice that you had 'borrowed' the keys to your $dad's car. Luke struggled with his $dad's car at first, but after a few seconds he caught up and went where you told him, where your $mom had driven. You really hoped you would find her along the way. Meanwhile, Luke was feeling a little bit confused about the whole situation. You didn't feel like explaining all this to him. You know that sooner or later he will find out. After all your family is very curious about everything.@@</h39>
<<speech "Luke">>$name. We need to talk. Where are we going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's... Complicated. Keep driving!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>What is going on? I need to know what has happened! Is $mom in danger?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't know, yet! Wait... Is that her car?<</speech>>
<h39>Fortunately for you, You found $mom's car on the road. You were a few meters behind her.</h39>
<<speech "Luke">>Yes. It's $mom's car!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't accelerate! We need to see where she is going.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Emm.. Sure. If you say so, $sister.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Follow $mom's Car</h6>">><<goto "lukeandmc2">><</link>>
</b></div>\<video src="img/mom/family/drive2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<h39>After just a few minutes of driving, you find yourself right in the heart of the city. You have a feeling you might know where $mom is going. </h39>
<<speech "Luke">>So. Any idea where she is going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Probably.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Care to share?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>To Luc-Huh?! She is going to the wrong direction!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Is she? Where was $mom supposed to go then?<</speech>>
<h39>You thought he was going to drive towards Lucas's house but you were foolishly surprised. She kept driving forward until she reached the other end of the city.</h39>
<<link "<h6>Other Part of the City.</h6>">><<goto "lukeandmc3">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/mom/family/momsleep.jpg" class='large'>
<h39>Mom collapse into the bed with her necklace inside her mouth. She fell asleep with a smile on her face, breathing calmly and peacefully. Your mother's last words were quite the surprise! "Terrible Sister"? What could she mean by that? You don't remember your mother having any siblings. You are leaving her alone, Fearing that this could lead to something worse or maybe better?</h39>
<<link "<h6>Go to the Bed</h6>">><<goto "Bed">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<img src="img/mom/family/mansion.jpg" class='large98'>
<h39>You made it all the way to the hills, behind you had a beautiful panorama of the city.
And eventually, $mom's car rolled up slowly, stopping at a large gate where a large, rather old, former mansion could be seen behind the gate. The gate opened by itself after a few moments. $mom pulled up and parked at the entrance to the building.</h39>
<<speech "Luke">>Ulala. Look at this mansion! Who owns it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't know... Stay in the car.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name? Wait!<</speech>>
<h39>Without a word, you jumped out of the car and quickly peeked through the fence to see what was going on in the courtyard before someone noticed your presence.</h39>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Take a Look</h6>">>
<img src="img/mom/family/mommen.jpg" class='large98'>
<h39>From the distance you can see pretty everything inside the courtyard. A man in an elegant suit just came out of the mansion to greet her. He was so happy to see her that he wanted to hug her, but she just shook hands with him in greeting. Somehow you caught a feeling that this shady guy is looking at you. $mom turned back to him and took his hand and they walked toward the estate. </h39><<timed 3s t8n>><<audio "silenceshoot" play>>
<h39>@@color:lightyellow;Then, from the distance where your car was parked, you heard a strange sound you never heard before.
You were about to go inside the mansion but then someone's hand stopped you from doing so.@@</h39>
<</timed>><<timed 6s t8n>><<audio "bush" play>>\
<<speech "Luke">>$name?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my god! Luke! Stop scaring me like that!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name! We must hurry. Now!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>This is not time to discuss! To the car. Now!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Car</h6>">>
<img src="img/mom/family/body.jpg" class='large98'>
<h39>In a startling turn of events, you come across a body right by your car.
@@color:orange;This guy had a gun in his hand!@@
You turn to Luke, who looks at you with a stressed face.</h39>
<<speech "Luke">>Hurry up! Get inside!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Drive away</h6>">><<audio "car" play>><<goto "lukeandmc4">><</link>>
</b></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="luke">\
<video src="img/mom/family/drive.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<h39>In a flash, you were out of the place where the unexpected event took place. It was so fast, Your heart was beating faster like never before. During the escape, Luke was trying his best to put you at ease and then he told you to look behind for any strange cars. Your eyes kept checking behind you to see if anyone was following you but so far nothing suspicious. Finally you got out to the other part of the city. At last, the situation has calmed down.</h39>
<<speech "Luke">>Damn...! $name?! Are you okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes..! Yes! I think so! Luke? Your hands are shaking! What happened!?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>I-I don't know! I was right behind you and this fucking huge guy just pop out from the bush! With a fucking gun!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wh-What..?! What then?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Fuck... I heard some kind of shot? I think..?! From the distance...! This guy h-he grabbed his neck and stared at me with his those cold eyes and... he fainted! This guy just fell down in front of me...! I-I wanted to make sure if he is okay, but I started to fear for my life, so I ran for you...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thank god you are okay!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>I got feeling that someone was there... On the hills.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you think someone could've shot from there?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Fuck... Maybe? I don't know...! Fuck! I hope he's alive... I.. I didn't see any blood... And...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Luke! Stop the car.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Luke stops the car</h6>">><<replace "#luke">>\
<video src="img/mom/family/waves.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<h39>Luke stops the car by the beach with racing hearts. Both of you jump out of the car and walked to the beach.
To calm yourself, You both sit down on the beach and hug, soaking up the sound of the waves.</h39>
<<speech "Luke">>$name... What was it all for anyway? We could have talked with out mom about it...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's not that simple. I... I think it's my fault.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Tell him Everything</h6>">>\
<img src="img/mom/family/mc.jpg" class='large98'>
<h39>You looked out to sea and watched the waves in the distance. You were filled with a sense of possibility as you realised that you needed to talk to someone about it, with someone dear to you.</h39>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Everything happened during your absence... I was lost, dumb and naive...! This guy just... came into our life... and...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Guy? Who is this guy? Did he hurt you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No! No... He's name is Lucas. After I and $mom met this guy... Everything just turn around. But this is not it! Before we found you in hospital, I discovered that i was experiencing a memory loss.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Like me... Isn't that odd?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. Somehow i know that our $mom is too.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>If this is true, what caused it? All of this? And why the hell us?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't know yet. That is why i'm trying to figure out.<</speech>>
<h39>Luke gazed at the stars, lost in thought. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes wide and looked back at you, his eyes alight with wonder. </h39>
<<speech "Luke">>$mom, You and Me are suffering the memory loss, and what about our $dad..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad..? I... I never thought about this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Isn't that weird? I have a feeling that this is not the same $dad I remembered.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well... Time flies by.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>It is not what I had in mind, $name. Since our reunion, part of me nags me that he's not the same $dad who raised me before.<</speech>>
<h39>With your wide open eyes, you looked at him in disbelief. What is he talking about!?</h39>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You mean... He is not out $dad?!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>I... Yes... I think so... Yes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No... It can't be. You are wrong. I would know or feel that!<</speech>>
<h39>Luke looked at you and nodded. But he's suspicious could be right?</h39>
<<speech "Luke">>I hope you are right. Woah... What a wild night.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm so sorry Luke. If I had known this was going to happen, I would have gone alone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Hah. Alone? You? No-no-no! I'd never let you sit behind the wheel if you were carry my ass with you behind the wheel, And yet I'd be scared for the people on the road beside you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Pff... Ha-Ha. Very fucking funny.<</speech>>
<h39>You both had a little laugh, still enjoying the view and sound of the sea. </h39>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhh... Let's go back to car. It's getting cold.<</speech>>
<h39>@@color:pink;Before you stand, Luke gave you his jacket. You can't understand why but it felt nostalgic.
The way this jacker smell, the way he gave you, The way he warmly smiles at you. The way he holds your arms.
Luke still holds your tight till you get to the car. The feelings are flowing around you both.
You feel you have to...@@</h39>
<<if $bcorruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<<link "<h6>Kiss</h6>">><<goto "lukeandmc5">><</link>>\
<<elseif $bcorruption gte 50 and $bcorruptionlevel is 0>>\
<<link "<h6>Kiss @@color:orange;Brother's Corruption:$bcorruption/50@@</h6>">><<goto "lukeandmc5">><</link>>\
<<elseif $bcorruption lte 49>>\
<<link "<h6>Kiss @@color:grey;$bcorruption/50@@</h6>">><</link>>\
<<link "<h6>Get inside the car</h6>">><<goto "lukeandmcend">><</link>>\
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="luk">\
<video src="img/mom/family/kiss.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<h39>Under the bright stars and the sound of the crashing waves, Luke kisses you softly. It felt so real. So incredbile... So warm and nice. It was like the first kiss of your life, or the lost one.</h39>
<<speech "Luke">>$name...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Luke...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Enjoy the Moment</h6>">><<replace "#luk">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mom/family/kiss2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<h39>Both of you holds the kiss and gently touch each other. You passionately kiss Luke in a romantic way, and your heart is racing with joy as you wish it could last forever! </h39>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Luke.... Luke... Mmm...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name... Kissing you... It feels so nice... Why...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Luke's Touch</h6>">><<replace "#luk">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mom/family/kiss3.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<h39>You let him to touch and squeeze your tits. Then he takes off your top and looks at them</h39>
<<speech "Luke">>$name... You've changed so much.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Luke's Touch</h6>">><<replace "#luk">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mom/family/boobs.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<h39>Luke is squeezing and sucking your nipples makes you even more aroused.</h39>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh.. Yes! Luke... I gotta say... I love how you handle with my tits.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Fuck $name... I just can't keep my eyes from them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Luke... Luke... I need... I want to taste... I want to taste your cock...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Luke's Cock!</h6>">><<replace "#luk">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mom/family/bj.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<h39>Luke didn't protest and stands in front you. You kneeled down and quickly you unzip his jeans and finally his cock is in front of your eyes. Without a question you took his cock inside your mouth.</h39>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gulp..!! GURPL!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>My fucking god... $name...!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Luke's Cock!</h6>">><<replace "#luk">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mom/family/bj2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<h39>To make things even more interesting, You climb up on the bonnet of your $dad's car. Luke was brimming with energy and enthusiasm. He was a dominant and loving person, and you could see that right away.</h39>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lu-GURLP!! GAWK!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Ah.. Yes...!! That's it...!! My $name...!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$nane">>Mmm!!! GAWK!!! Luke..!!! GURLP!!! My...!! Luke..!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Oh.. $name... I need to taste your pussy. Right now... I can't wait any longer.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$name's Pussy.</h6>">><<replace "#luk">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mom/family/pussy.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<h39>In hurry you took of your pants and soaking wet panties. With a smile you invite him to taste your sweet nectar. His tongue feels like it meant to belong there.</h39>
<<speech "Luke">>Fuck $name... Your pussy taste reminds me of many things... !!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ohh.!! Ah..!! Lukeee..!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>I... Can't hold it...!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Luke's Cock!</h6>">><<replace "#luk">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mom/family/cum.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<h39>Luke was still a little out of shape after spending a long time in hospital and you can see that he was trying his best to keep going.
You were so close! Yet Luke could'nt hold back the senstation inside him and burst his seed into your pretty titties. </h39>
<<if $mcandlukenight is false>>\
<h39><<set $mcandlukenight to true>><<bcorruption 10>><div class="pilka">Brother's Corruption +10</div></h39>
<<speech "Luke">>Ahh..!!!! $name..!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uff..!! Luke... Whoah...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Fuck... What... What have we... Done..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't worry... Let's just.. Leave...<</speech>>
<h39>Both of you get back on the car. After this one, night will be memorable for sure.</h39>
<<link "<h6>Back to Home</h6>">><<goto "lukeandmcend">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<set $time to 2>><<if $day gte 7>><<set $day to 1>><<set $week to $week +1>><<else>><<set $day to $day +1>><</if>>\
<img src="img/mom/family/house.jpg" class='large98'>
<h39>Luke slowly parks the $dad's car in the place where it was before. On the driveway you see a light on in one of the rooms of the house. This is the room where your father has a temporary bedroom.
You and Luke entered the house unperturbed by what had happened and also from fear that $dad would spot you.
As you were making your way upstairs, Luke couldn't help himself and went to see what $dad was doing in the room with the light on. </h39>
<<speech "Luke">>$name!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shhh!!! Be quiet!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$dad is not here.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Check</h6>">>
<img src="img/mom/family/emptysofa.jpg" class='large98'>
<h39>You ran downstairs to Luke. The living room is empty. The sofa is a mess, with a blanket and a pile of pillows on top. </h39>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh god...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Are we screwed? He must noticed that his car is gone and-<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$dad?!<</speech>>
<<timed 5s t8n>>
<img src="img/mom/family/dadhallway.jpg" class='large98'>
<h39>Luke was speechless at the sight of his $dad in his strange black clothes. You can tell he is sweaty and his face is slightly red. He is breathing heavily, as if after a tough run.</h39>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Ah... Uh... Kids?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$dad..?! Wh-Where have you been?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh! I couldn't sleep..! So i went for a little jog. And what about you, guys? Why aren't you sleeping?<</speech>>
<h39>You don't know how to answer him, That you took the car and drove after your mother and you were almost killed in the process? Luke took the initiative.</h39>
<<speech "Luke">>I..We are sorry, $dad. We took your car and went for a little... Ride.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Hmm? Is that so? So how is my ride, $son?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>What..? What do you mean..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Isn't that machine good? I was thinking to change to something faster but 195 horse power is enough, don't you think?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Ummm.. Yes. Wait. I thought you are gonna be mad!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Ha-ha. Come on buddy! Why would i? In my younger days, I also used to pick up my $dad's car at night. The best days ever!<</speech>>
<h39>You with Luke starts smiling with $dad.</h39>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Great to hear about your wild youth. But can you continue it tommorow? But we are so exhausted...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Of course, Sleep well, Guys.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Room</h6>">><<goto "lukeandmcend2">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox3"><div align="center"><b><<audio "crowd" stop>>\
<span id="jay">
<img src="img/school/jayce/talkgym.jpg" class='large'>
Jayce sees you walking around the school. He comes up to you to have a little chat.
<<speech "Jayce">>Hi $name. Sup?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh hey! It's good!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>Cool.<</speech>>
<<include "jaycequestion">>
<<if $whiteavatar gte 1 and $jaycebunny lte 1 and $elijahpoints gte 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h50>Jayce's Smiles</h50>">><<replace "#jay">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/school/jayce/laug.jpg" class='large'>
Jayce couldn't stop smiling for some reason as he looks into you.
Sometimes he burst his laugh out.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>Haaah!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What's so funny?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>God damn $name, You dirty bitch.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What did you call me?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>You heard me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What the fuck?! I'll report you!<</speech>>
Jayce just burst his laugh even louder.
<<speech "Jayce">>Pff! Go ahead. White Bunny.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>White Bunny</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
Right now, you were simply in shock. How could he possibly know?
Try to play a dumb game.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>White Bunny? What the fuck does that mean!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>C'mon! Stop playing games. Look.<</speech>>
<img src="img/elijah/baner.jpg" class='large98'>
Jayce shows his phone to you where the White Bunnies page is. Your pulse has accelerated. On this page, your profile is displayed. This page doesn't provide any evidence that this is you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can't understand. I mean... Yuck! What kind of page is thisss...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>Oh is that so? Then who the fuck plays with this thing, huh?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Video</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/elijah/first/lick.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
You want to cover your face with hands and just walk away.
There is a video where a girl is licking a black dildo. Slowly you are getting headache of what you see.
How is this get online?!
<<speech "Jayce">>I knew deep down you were a fan. But damnnnn!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shut up! Don't tell anyone!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>So is that you?! Haaahaa!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Fantastic! Also, maybe reveal your credit card number to him!? Moron!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>Chill slut! Don't be mad!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck! Is this online?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>It is only a teaser of your work. Your “Master” hasn't yet given full access.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh...! Jayce don't you dare to tell anyone about this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>Or what? Calm down! I'll keep your secrets.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>For now. See ya, White Bunny.<</speech>>
<<if $jaycebunny is 0>>\
<<set $jaycebunny to 1>>@@color:orange;Jayce knows that you belong to White Bunnies.@@
<<button "Leave">><<goto "Gym">><</button>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "Gym">><</button>>
</span></b></div>\<div class="mombox3"><div align="center"><b><<set $time to 3>>\
<img src="img/mom/family/bed.jpg" class='large98'>
Both of you gone to your rooms and gone sleep. You want to end this night as soon as possible but for the first time after moving out you are having trouble sleeping. Remorsefulness, Concerns, These types of emotions followed you trough the night. Luke probably got into trouble beacuse of you. $mom is probably in some kind of trouble and $dad doesn't give a single shit about all of that.
After hour later, You hear a car in your driveway.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Peek through the window</h6>">>
<img src="img/mom/family/momcar.jpg" class='medium'>
Your fears melted away when you saw your $mom getting out of the car through the window. From this distance and night, it's hard to tell, but she looks somehow happy.
Your brain is finally getting a chance to unwind, and your eyes are ready to close.
<<set $momgoingout to true>>
<<link "<h6>Sleep</h6>">><<goto "Bed">><</link>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<span id="luk">\
<video src="img/mom/family/kiss.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<h39>Under the bright stars and the sound of the crashing waves, Luke kisses you softly. It felt so real. So incredbile... So warm and nice. It was like the first kiss of your life, or the lost one.</h39>
<<speech "Luke">>$name...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Luke...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Enjoy the Moment</h6>">><<replace "#luk">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mom/family/kiss2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<h39>Both of you holds the kiss and gently touch each other. You passionately kiss Luke in a romantic way, and your heart is racing with joy as you wish it could last forever! </h39>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Luke.... Luke... Mmm...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name... Kissing you... It feels so nice... Why...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Luke's Touch</h6>">><<replace "#luk">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mom/family/kiss3.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<h39>You let him to touch and squeeze your tits. Then he takes off your top and looks at them</h39>
<<speech "Luke">>$name... You've changed so much.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Luke's Touch</h6>">><<replace "#luk">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mom/family/boobs.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<h39>Luke is squeezing and sucking your nipples makes you even more aroused.</h39>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh.. Yes! Luke... I gotta say... I love how you handle with my tits.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Fuck $name... I just can't keep my eyes from them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Luke... Luke... I need... I want to taste... I want to taste your cock...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Luke's Cock!</h6>">><<replace "#luk">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mom/family/bj.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<h39>Luke didn't protest and stands in front you. You kneeled down and quickly you unzip his jeans and finally his cock is in front of your eyes. Without a question you took his cock inside your mouth.</h39>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gulp..!! GURPL!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>My fucking god... $name...!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Luke's Cock!</h6>">><<replace "#luk">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mom/family/bj2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<h39>To make things even more interesting, You climb up on the bonnet of your $dad's car. Luke was brimming with energy and enthusiasm. He was a dominant and loving person, and you could see that right away.</h39>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lu-GURLP!! GAWK!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Ah.. Yes...!! That's it...!! My $name...!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$nane">>Mmm!!! GAWK!!! Luke..!!! GURLP!!! My...!! Luke..!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Oh.. $name... I need to taste your pussy. Right now... I can't wait any longer.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$name's Pussy.</h6>">><<replace "#luk">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mom/family/pussy.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<h39>In hurry you took of your pants and soaking wet panties. With a smile you invite him to taste your sweet nectar. His tongue feels like it meant to belong there.</h39>
<<speech "Luke">>Fuck $name... Your pussy taste reminds me of many things... !!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ohh.!! Ah..!! Lukeee..!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>I... Can't hold it...!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Luke's Cock!</h6>">><<replace "#luk">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mom/family/cum.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<h39>Luke was still a little out of shape after spending a long time in hospital and you can see that he was trying his best to keep going.
You were so close! Yet Luke could'nt hold back the senstation inside him and burst his seed into your pretty titties. </h39>
<<if $mcandlukenight is false>>\
<h39><<set $mcandlukenight to true>><<bcorruption 10>><div class="pilka">Brother's Corruption +10</div></h39>
<<speech "Luke">>Ahh..!!!! $name..!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uff..!! Luke... Whoah...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Fuck... What... What have we... Done..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't worry... Let's just.. Leave...<</speech>>
<h39>Both of you get back on the car. After this one, night will be memorable for sure.</h39>
<<link "<h6>Go back</h6>">><<goto "lukeroomluke">><</link>>
0.3.2 Version:
- Sanctuary Update.
# Ashley's Corruption journey to the Bimbo Version of her.
# Small UI Changes.
# Cheats Updates.
- Bimbo preparation.
# It's a small preparation to the next stage of MC's Bimbo Path.
- Lena's Content.
- Cougar Life: Alicia progress.
- Chloe Progress with Luke
- Skip game to Level 3.
- Random Encounter in City, Mall, Park.
- Relatives changes
0.3b Fix Version:
-Fixed "Home alone with brother" Event.
-Elijah's passages freezes, removed blinking/glowing text.
0.3a Fix Version:
- To do list "Meet Camila in City Center" and "Mom wakes you up" fix.
- Few Typos fix.
- Added Tara's Avatar.
0.3 Version:
-Restaurant Big Event:
# To start this event, It is required to have at least 125 points relationship with Eva and finished second smoke event.
# There are multiple endings to this event.
- White Bunnies:
# Blacked Content.
# After meeting Elijah, He will call MC in the "My Room" to ask her to join the secret society.
# From now on, You don't need to be Bimbofied to meet Elijah. After the surgery when you'll get Corruption Stage 3, After 18:00 You can meet Elijah inside Sophia's Office.
- New Clothes.
- New Characters.
- Few fixes.
2.91 Version:
-Reworked Party.
# Changed Scenes, New Music, New Side Scenes. Just take a look.
- Fixed Dildo Event with Dad.
- Missing files included.
- New dialogue with your mother in the hallway. Requires: Petite body and Good Relationship with your Mom.
- Changed few images in early stage of the game.
2.90 Version:
- Luke Corruption to Stage 1 Event.
# After the event has been completed, there is a new few events and scenes with Luke/MC and one new event MC as a Bimbo.
# Please note that this is for MC only. Luke should have an event with his Mother in later version of the game. Stay tuned!
- A continuation of Elijah Content (Bimbo Content).
# It's during an event with Sophia, In objective list there should be a hint where to start it.
- A continuation of the Sophia tablet content.
# MC can now get help to repair the tablet and have access to it.
# Edited sex scenes for Supporters only.
# Several new information.
- Re-worked few early events.
# In "My dad wants to talk to me" there is option to say the Truth. Father may reward MC for telling the truth.
# Minor cosmetic adjustments of Cafe Work.
- One new event with Father (Mother's suspicion).
- New type of clothes: Lingerie and Swim Suits.
# In this version, the lingerie is used in one event. Underwear set you can wear in the Drawer section.
- New Locations: Beach and one location which I don't want to spoil.
# In this version, do not expect much content on the beach.
- New Characters.
- 2 New Special Potraits for Supporters.
- Few bug fixes and UI improvements.
2.80.3 Fix:
- Added Temporary Event "Family Dinner", for those who chosed the Bond Path and would like to experience the new content in this version. You can find in MC Room under the Event list.
- Added Changelog Button
- Fixed the bug: A video background in Bimbo and Restaurant Event.
- Added Missing Pics.
- Fixed the Typo's in School Converstation.
- Todolist (Objectives) Updated for Ashley's Content.
2.80 Version:
- Mom's story continues: Two big events. (It should appear when you select the Decay option in the Family Dinner).
- Chloe's Corruption: Two events. (These events activate in Chloe's Room)
- Bailey's Content: If Chloe is going out after 18:00.
- Cougar Life's Content. (NTR Event for Mom, Alicia new dialog, Irine is available to pick her).
- Small Changes in School.
- Chloe's Special Potrait in Mirror.
- Few changes in UI.
- Few Changes in Cheat Room.
2.75 Early Version:
- Bimbo Stage 3
- Start to new Stage, Event from Burnett (Sophia Clinic Event), Two new Dad's Events, Few changes in School, A new tease's, New potraits, New selfies, New dreams, New Clothes.
- Shower event with Mom.
- Shower event with Dad.
- New Character in School
- Few changes in UI. (I'm not sure if you like the new UI in Mc's Room, so please give a comment)
2.65 Version:
- New School System:
- Includes new students and teachers which you''ll experience their story. It contains a new students and teachers which you''ll experience their story. And also there is Cafetria.
- Reworked Events:
Runaway's with Lena in school. Lena's entire teachings. Lucas entire events in his Jewerly store office. First visit Dr.Burnett. Jack's visit park.
- Reworked Father's teasing corruption (4 New additional scenes for corruption lvl 1).
- 10 New Special Potrait's.
- New dreams.
- Bug fixes.
2.65.2 Fix:
- Has a small fix in todolist and missing aud files.
- Peek at bathroom Fixed
- Midnight Kitchen Parents Fixed.
2.60 Version:
- Luke Content: New events with Family, Jobs and Computer.
Surf the web, which can discover you to your mother's secret. On a computer you can chat too. While surfing, you will discover a site called Cougar Life.
- Cougar Life - A website where you will chat and pursue there to meet the Milfs! Luke gonna discover his new kink. For now, you can chat with 2 Milfs, and 3 Milfs has its own gallery and video.
Well, I have to say that I was a bit overwhelmed with work during the creation and writing of Cougar Life content, but I love how it looks now.
- Chloe Corruption:
Finally, Chloe will be slowly corrupted by the MC. Meet her in before classes, after the event in the park and the surgery.
- Lena Content:
Lena sends you a messages to meet. Your friendship is about to be changed.
- Sanctuary Content Background:
Discover why Sophia is hiding information about Sister Vicky.
- Restaurant event. Unfortunately, it is not yet fully completed.
- Cheats in Sanctuary for Patreons from Desire to Lust Rank.
- Changes in Chloe's School Images.
- Two new Selfies.
- Changes and fixes in UI.
2.60.3 Fix:
- Message pop up, Ratcher's bug reports, codes for mirror and new small todolist on the right side bar.
- Chloe Newcomer fix.
- Vicky's Corruption fix.
2.35 Version:
- Corruption Level Stage 3:
Surgery! MC finally get a new pair of boobs.
Three new Sex scenes with Father and One with Mother. ( Unfortunately, it's hard to find scenes with mum as MC Big tits, so some of those scenes remain.)
Teacher sex scene at his house.
School: New 2 sex scenes and stage of school reputations.
Church Rebuilt! (3 Scenes after you pay donations)
Mother Estate Office sex scene with the client in her office.
Couple scenes changes.
After surgery your Wardrobe will change.
New outfits in Clothing Store.
4 New Seflies.
- Brother:
A lot of you ask for Brother so here it is. He will appear after the surgery.
Raise his relationship and then corruption to get a new scenes and sexual interaction.
In the weekends, You'll get to play as your Brother. (It's in development mode)
Unfortunately you'll get corrupt him to 75 points in this version. More coming soon!
- Before Surgery:
If you don't have enough money for Surgery, Lucas can aid you.
Check him on his house. He'll give you some kind of task.
Be aware that this could lead you to a other ending. (In in future Update)
- Mirror:
You can change your potrait (In the Left side bar). Supporters will get access to Special Potrait's Room. Visit your room and there is a mirror section to change potrate.
- Jack/Tom Small Content:
They'll invite via Messager. This does happen as petite body.
- Few changes in UI.
- Few fixed bugs.
2.35.5 Fix:
- Leave button (Present you to Lucas)
- Park Luke activity before surgery
- Added time forward in Luke POV
- New dialog with Sophia before Surgery (Lucas Financial Aid)
- Missing Files 18.09. Another Missing File 19.09
- Lena enter school FIX
2.05 Version:
- Rework of BBC Ending.
- Two new outfits for Bimbo.
- Fix file size.
2.00 Version:
- Mom's Corruption Level 2.
- Severals sex scenes. (Mostly Martha's)
- Sophia's Event.
- New Characters (School)
- Restaurant Event.
- Story Content.
- More Replayable Events
- UI Changes
1.9 Version:
- 4 New Events.
- Restaurant new upgrade.
- CamShow.
- New Seflies and SocialPics.
- Reworked Profiles.
1.8 Version:
- Mom's Corruption.
- 2 Events for Jack.
- New Location - Restaurant. (Where it appears after 3 weeks)
- New Event for Estate Office.
- Bimbo Influance for two first Estate Office Quests.
- Third Client and some changes for second client.
- Some minor changes and content for Dad and others.
1.6 Version:
- Bimbo Stage 2
- Bimbo End Stage 2
- Lena Event. (Which leads you to the New Clinic)
- Teacher Sex Mini game. (I'd like hear from you if this concept would suit you).
- Some Bimbo Influance Scenes.
- New Sport Cloth and Gym Scene.
1.4 Version:
- Father Content: 5 Events and Daily Content.
- Mother Content
- Lucas Content
- School Content: Teacher and Random Events.
- Office Content: Another Promotion.
- The Club Event (Side job)
1.2 Version:
- New Characters.
- 3 New Sex scenes and 2 Sex Scenes reworked. (Anna and Lena)
- Jack Update.
- UI Changes.
- New Audio
<section class="paper">\
<article class="paperheader"></article>\
<div class="papertext">Hey Martha!
Sorry for leaving you a note but my phone has died and i'm bit late.
I am about to pick up the car from the Mechanic, so please wake our little sleepyhead.
Let her stop worrying about it and please reassure her it is for the greater good.
I really hope you're feeling well too! I know you're not a fan of moving out, but this is it! The. Last. One! I promise.
God, I don't know why, but it feels like a past trip from Europe, don't you think?
Love you. David. <img src="img/ui/love.jpg" width="25" height="25">
<b><div class="daddybox">\
Europe?!? They never told me about that trip!@@
<<timed 3s t8n>>\
You were snapped out of your thoughts by a loud voice from outside your room.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Sleepyhead!!! We are leaving!<</speech>>
<img src="img/gif/trip.gif" class="large">@@
<<timed 4s t8n>>\
<<button [[To the Journey|start3]]>><</button>>
</b><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<audio "mall" pause>><b>\
<img src='img/cafe/coffee.jpg' class='large98'>
<h3>Get comfortable, relax, and enjoy a half-hour break.
The coffee here is very delicious!</h3>
<<money -5>><<energy 25>>
<div class="pilka">@@color:lightblue;Energy +25@@
@@color:lightgreen;Money -5@@</div>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>\
<<button "Back">><<goto "cafe">><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><<audio "beach" play>>
<h2>Beach</h2><<if $time gte 20 or $time lte 6>><<goto "beachnight">><</if>>
<<if $clotheswear is "swim">>\
<<if $energy gte 20>>\
<<link "<h4>Go for a swim! @@color:lightblue;(Energy - 20)@@</h4>">><<goto "swimbeach">><</link>>
<<elseif $energy lte 19>>\
<<linkreplace "<h4>Go for a swim! @@color:grey;(Energy - 20)@@</h4>">><<goto "swimbeach">><</link>>
<<link "<h4>Chill on the Beach! @@color:lightblue;(Energy + 5)@@</h4>">><<goto "chillbeach">><</link>>
<h3>To spend time at the beach, wear a swimsuit!</h3>
<<link "<h4>Beach Changing Room</h4>">><<goto "lockerbeach">><</link>>
<<button "Leave">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "outside">><</button>>
<div class="mombox">\
<img src="img/beach/changeroom.jpg" class='large98'>
<<button "Back">><<goto "beach">><</button>>
</div><div class="mombox">\
<h3>Chilling on the beach for an hour!</h3>
<img src="img/beach/chill.jpg" class='large98'>
<<energy 5>><<set $time to $time +1>>
<div class="pilka">@@color:lightblue;Energy +5@@</div>
<<button "Back to Beach">><<goto "beach">><</button>>
</div><div class="mombox">\
<h3>Swimming in the ocean for an half hour!</h3>
<img src="img/beach/swimming.jpg" class='large98'>
<<energy -20>><<fitness 1>><<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<div class="pilka">@@color:lightblue;Energy -20@@ @@color:lightyellow;Fitness +1@@</div>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button "Back to Beach">><<goto "beachnight">><</button>>
<<button "Back to Beach">><<goto "beach">><</button>>
</div><div class="mombox"><<audio "beach" play>>
<h3>Night at the beach</h3>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "outsidenight">><</button>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<span id="bimbo">\
<img src="img/sophia/clinic/elijahtalk.jpg" class='large98'>
<h3>@@color:orange;You watched with keen interest as Elijah changed into his previous clothes that were on the floor. You felt a sense of disappointment when he hid his impressive manhood under his underwear.
Then Elijah sits down behind Sophia's Desk. He regarded you with his calm eyes, while you were unsure of how to behave around him. After what he did with Sophia, you were uneasy.@@
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;What does he want?! Is he want me to dance? Is he want me to make him happy? My gosh!!! I can't think straight how huge is his cock...!!!
That's it! I can't leave this room without kissing his cock!@@</div></h3>
<<speech "Elijah">>So. I see some resemblance of Burnett's work.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh! you do?! You know him?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Of course. I used to be his boss. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow! So you are some kind of huge egghead?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>I see you read a lot of comic books, it messes your head, girl. I prefer to be called a Researcher.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm sowwy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Whatever. Question is, What is with you, girl? Burnett had a plenty of chances to make you... Hmm... how to interpret it? Brainless. Yes. <</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Make a Move</h6>">><<replace "#bimbo">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>\
<video src="img/sophia/clinic/talkelijah.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<div class="pilka"><h3>Seductively and slowly you approach to Sophia's desk. Elijah didn't change his facial tone one bit.</h3></div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I dunno... Maybe am i Good Girl?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Good girl? ...Good Girl?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes. I am Good Girl! Ha-ha!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Is that so?<</speech>>
Elijah nodded decisively as he thought.
<<speech "Elijah">>Hmph. That explains a lot. Burnett you fucking lucky guy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Are you the one I'm looking for? Let's find out.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Elijah's Secret Word</h6>">><<replace "#bimbo">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>>\
<video src="img/sophia/clinic/kiss.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<<speech "Elijah">>Tell me girl. Do you happen to be... <</speech>>
<h3><<speech "Elijah">>@@color:orange;Zizilia?@@<</speech>></h3>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:hotpink;Elijah kissed your mouth. That name Zizilia, it reminds you of someone but you can't tell who!@@</div>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Zizilia</h50>">><<scrolldown 2s t8n>>
<img src="img/sophia/clinic/truezizilia.jpg" class='large98'>
@@color:orange;His kiss unleashes the wild, untamed beast within you!
The heartbeat gets faster and faster as you think about your accomplishment's in the past.
But the past of this vessel is no longer meaningful! Now you are beyond that and you are craving even more!
You feel this incredible rush of desire, a sinful, delicious temptation of lust!
You have an insatiable appetite for pleasure, and you're eager to bring the same to your matriarch's!
Get ready for the sweetest pleasure you've ever had!!@@
<<if $elijah is 1>><<set $elijah to 2>><<addcorruption 1>><<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction +1>>
<div class="pilka">Blacked +1</div><div class="posarousal">Corruption +1</div><</if>>\
<<set $zizilia to true>><<arousal 999>><<upd>><div class="pilka">@@color:red;Arousal Maximum!@@</div>
<<speech "Zizilia">>Tak... Jestem...<</speech>>
<<timed 3s t8n>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AHHH!!!! Ummmm!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Huh. So it's true.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OH...!!! My God!!!! My pussy!!! Ufff!!! I've never felt that way..!!! It's so fucking great..!!! Uhhff!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>MY GAWD! WHAT A GREAT DAY IT IS!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Do you? Such a young body is already so perfected? How did Burnett accomplish it?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Elijah's Secret Word</h6>">><<replace "#bimbo">><<run window.scrollTo(0, 0)>><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/sophia/clinic/coc.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Elijah stands over you and he zips out his pants. You are filled with eager enthusiasm, on the edge of your desk, waiting with a smile on your face to see what he is about to pull out!@@ </div>
<<speech "Zizilia">>Tak... Czekałam na ten moment od tak dawna...!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Elijah's Cock!</h6>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<video src="img/sophia/clinic/coc2.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;There is!!!@@</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OH MY FUCKING GOD! I'VE NEVER SEEN THAT LONG... THICK... HARD.... COCK!!!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Zizilia">>Na co czekasz?!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>I would've been disappointed if it wasn't, Girl.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>KISS IT! LICK IT! SUCK IT!</h6>">><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<video src="img/sophia/clinic/coc3.webm" class='large' autoplay controls>
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;This it... It's going to be so much fun!
My god... His Cock is so heavy!!!@@ </div>
<<speech "Zizilia">>Oh! Tak!!! Moje Pragnienie zostanie zaspokojone...!<</speech>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<img src="img/sophia/clinic/lucas.jpg" class='large98'>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>@@color:orange;Dìdelis!@@<</speech>>
<<speech "Zizilia">><sub>Ahhh!!!!</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aahhh...!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Przestań.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Lucas?!</h6>">><<set $zizilia to false>><<set $arousal to 0>><<goto "elijah2">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<img src="img/sophia/clinic/stop.jpg" class='large98'>
<h3>You feel as if you have been woken from a deep sleep. Your legs are like jelly and your hands are shivering from the cold, your strength is slowly failing and you have no way to hold Elijah's cock.
Your heart is beating more slowly, and you're taking much deeper breath than before. Lack of strength makes you fall to your knees.</h3>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uh..?! What was that..!?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Elijah. Stop it.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lucas and Elijah</h6>">>
<img src="img/sophia/clinic/hide.jpg" class='medium'>
<h3>Elijah pulls his pants and hides his enormous cock into his underwear.</h3>
<<speech "Elijah">>Ah. There he is. Lucas!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>As always, ruining the moment.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>You've already had your "fun".<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>You mean your Sister over there? I had hoped that Sophia would meet my expectations like before. Unfortunately, she did not.<</speech>>
<h3>Elijah points at you with a smile.</h3>
<<speech "Elijah">>But that girl here. *Whistle* She might be the one.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>I told you, She is off the limits.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>And why is that, huh?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lucas</h6>">>
<img src="img/sophia/clinic/lucasandelijah.jpg" class='large98'>
<h3>Lucas looked at him with a serious eyes. Looking at them you get the feeling that they are about to beat each other up.</h3>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Elijah, You've changed. Maybe it may be worth to reconsider with whom you're associating? With a guy such like Leon, Clearly does not benefit you at all.<</speech>>
<h3>By Elijah face you can see that it made him angry for some reason.</h3>
<<speech "Elijah">>Bravo. There it is! That's why I have so much respect and admiration for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Our Lucas! Always few step ahead. Didn't i te-<</speech>>
<h3>Elijah got silenced when caught Sophia's presence inside her office.</h3>
<<speech "Sophia">>Are you two, finished already?<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Sophia</h6>">><<goto "elijah3">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<img src="img/sophia/clinic/sophialucas.jpg" class='large98'>
<h3>Sophia storms into the room and glares at Lucas as she heads over to you. </h3>
<<speech "Sophia">>For fuck sake, Lucas. You could at least help $name to stand up!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">><sub>Co za niedojda.</sub><</speech>>
<h3>Sophia leans to you and slowly helps you to stand up.</h3>
<<speech "Sophia">>Grab my arm, $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks... Uhhhhh, Like for real... My little head... Ouch... What are they doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Don't mind these two fools. Come. Let's get you out of here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Such a good sister. Till the next time, girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Don't listen to him, $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Oh she will.<</speech>>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>MAYBE I WILL?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Jesus. Can you shut up? Both of you?!<</speech>>
<h3>Sophia leads you to the hallway of the clinic.</h3>
<<link "<h6>Get out</h6>">><<goto "elijah4">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<img src="img/sophia/clinic/sophiaout.jpg" class='large98'>
<h3>When Sophia led you to the exit, she was unusually quiet. You could tell from her expression that she was upset.
You both left the clinic and she called an Uber. After the call, she gave you a look that seemed to say she was disappointed.</h3>
<<speech "Sophia">>Now that we are alone. Could you kindly explain what the fuck are you doing here?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I... I don't know... Sowwy Sophia!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>For fuck sake! $name! What the fuck! Again?! Why the fuck did you go this idiot!? I see that you are like to be bimbo for the rest of your life?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm... Why do you care? HMM? Like for REAL Sophia!? Maybe i like the way i am!? Hmm??<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Jeez! I warned you to stay way from Burnett. And look at you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My gawd, Sophia. Just let me be myself. I like the way i am! Gosh!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Fine. Suit yourself! This time I don't know if I'm gonna help you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jeez... Girl! Like for real... Don't worrrry about it.<</speech>>
<h3>Sophia shakes her head with dissatisfaction</h3>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Anyway... This huge dude back there... Elijah.. Is he available? He is soooo sooo Hawt!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>$name... Don't. Just fucking don't. Listening to your babbling makes me want to vomit.<</speech>>
<h3>Uber just drive in by the clinic, Without a will you get inside and drive to home. What a day that was!</h3>
<<button "Home">><<goto "mcroom">><<set $time to $time +2>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<img src="img/luke/lukewatching.jpg" class='large98'>
Entering Luke without knocking.
Apparently, Luke doesn't mind you entering his room without knocking. He's used to it.
He is watching some kind of action-drama series on PC, which is way too serious for you. On the monitor you see a handsome guy is interrogated by some serious cops.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh. Who is that, big $bro?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Lucas Hood. Shh.. I'm trying to listen what they are saying!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? Robin Hood? Uhh.... Cool. But can you pause for your lovely little $sister? Pretty pleaseeeee?<</speech>>
Luke looked at you with an annoyed look on his face. Then he hit the Pause button.
<<speech "Luke">>Argh..!! What is it, this time?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gee, so happy to help me I see. Luke, I've got a little issue here....<</speech>>
Luke's expression changed to one of confusion when you handed him Sophia's tablet.
<<speech "Luke">>Where did you get this old piece of junk?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm. Duh! I stole it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>What the F. $name?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh. I don't have time for you lecture. Do you help me or not?<</speech>>
<<if $brelationship gte 75>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Helps you @@color:orange;$brelationship/75 $bro Relationship@@</h6>">>
<<speech "Luke">>Let me take a look.<</speech>>
<h3>At first, Luke had a bit of trouble turning it on but he plugged tablet to battery charger and it was heard that the tablet started working but the screen showed only a blank.</h3>
<<speech "Luke">>Okay... It's working... But the screen is so damaged that the pixels can't work.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So... is it kaput?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Patience... Let me think.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Give him some time</h6>">>
<h3>Luke did not give up and took the cable that brings the image to another screen. And it worked! Finally you can see the image from the tablet on his computer! You hugged your $bro tightly.</h3>
<img src="img/luke/image.jpg" class='large98'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow!!! Luke you are super super genius guy! <</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Hah... It was easy. But thanks.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>So... What is inside this tablet?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sowwy! I gotta see it on my own!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>C'mon! Let me take a look!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course! But maybe later! Bye bye!<</speech>>
<h3>With a small smile, you take the tablet with the cable.
Tablet's Sophia is Unlocked in Computer Mc's room!</h3>
<<set $tabletsophia to 1>>
<<elseif $brelationship lte 74>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Helps you @@color:grey;$brelationship/75 $bro Relationship@@</h6>">>
@@color:red;$bro Relationship Failed!@@
<<speech "Luke">>No! Take that tablet back!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Pff.. Chicken! Kwa! Kwa!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>It sounded more like a duck than a chicken, $sister.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>BLA BLA! Fuck off.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yhm. You are in my room, $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>UHHH!! You are so fucking annoying!<</speech>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "mcroom">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox">\
<video src="img/sophia/clinic/zizilia.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<h3>It was my Brother plan. And i agreed to it. For my son!</h3>
@@color:orange;This content is for Supporters!
Enter the password from the support page:@@
<<textbox "_input" "" autofocus>>
<<link "<h45>Zizilia</h45>">>
<<if ["laluna", "laluna", "laluna"].includes(_input.toLowerCase())>>
<<audio "computer" play>><<set $avatar to 127>><<set $zizilia to true>><<arousal 999>><<goto "zizilia2">>
<<replace "#output">><<= either(["Please Support Dev.", "Please Support Dev."])>><</replace>> <</if>>
<</link>><span id="output"></span>
<<link "<h45>Return</h45>">><<audio "computer" play>><<goto "tabletsophia">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<span id="zizilia">\
<video src="img/sophia/clinic/zizilia/one.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Next</h6>">><<replace "#zizilia">><<audio "computer" play>><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/sophia/clinic/zizilia/two.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Next</h6>">><<replace "#zizilia">><<audio "computer" play>><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/sophia/clinic/zizilia/three.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Next</h6>">><<replace "#zizilia">><<audio "computer" play>><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/sophia/clinic/zizilia/four.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<link "<h6>Next</h6>">><<set $avatar to 128>><<goto "zizilia3">><<audio "computer" play>><</link>>
</div><div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<span id="zizilia">\
<video src="img/sophia/clinic/zizilia/five.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Next</h6>">><<replace "#zizilia">><<audio "computer" play>><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/sophia/clinic/zizilia/six.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Next</h6>">><<replace "#zizilia">><<audio "computer" play>><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/sophia/clinic/zizilia/seven.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Next</h6>">><<replace "#zizilia">><<audio "computer" play>><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/sophia/clinic/zizilia/eight.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Next</h6>">><<replace "#zizilia">><<audio "computer" play>><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/sophia/clinic/zizilia/nine.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls></video>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Your Thoughts</h6>">>
<h3>This footage is before the plastic surgery, apparently they had to give me something to make me not remember things that happened!
You have a lot of mixed feelings in your mind after what you have seen. First of all, you think to yourself that you were used! It didn't bother you that you were used sexually, but that you were used as an object for Sophia's drug experiment.
Second, Burnett apparently wanted to show that Sophia also has her bad side. But it's clear that he put me in a trance.</h3>
<<speech "Zizilia">>Córuś! Co oni ci zrobili?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh... Not again!!! My head...!!!<</speech>>
<h3>Third, This code name. Zizilia. It's so strange, but I recall that name. If I'm thinking right, it was my Grandmother's name. The only thing that reminds you of your grandmother is the way she used to smile in a crowd of people. As I try to think more about it, my head gets more persistent because of the pain.</h3>
<img src="img/sophia/clinic/zizilia/grandma.jpg" class="large98">
<div class="posarousal">You can feel how the memory is coming back to you.
The grandmother who used to take care of you when you were a little girl. She thought you so many things! She loved you so dearly, more than your own mother.</div>\
<<if $babcia is false>><<addcorruption 3>><<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction +1>><<upd>>
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Corruption +3@@
Blacked +1</div>
<<set $babcia is true>><</if>>\
<<link "<h6>Return to the Tablet</h6>">><<avatar +1>><<set $zizilia to false>><<goto "tabletsophia">><<set $arousal to 0>><</link>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="dildo">
<video src="img/dad/bedday/dildo.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<h3>When $dad had locked the door, you took the dildo with a lewd smile, lubricated it from top to bottom with your thick saliva, and waited for $dad to sit comfortably in the chair.</h3>
<<arousal 5>><<upd>><div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +5@@</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmmm...!!! Fuck... Look at it Daddy! $mom's Dildo is so fucking big...!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't worry... I definitely prefer real meat.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>You better be.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Fuck your mouth</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/dad/bedday/dildo2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 10>><<upd>><div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +10@@</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>GAWK!!! GAWK!!! *Cough*!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Honey... Be careful.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lubricate more!</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/dad/bedday/dildo3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 15>><<upd>><div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +15@@</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It so... so... so sad! You can't give me your real cock... Daddy's cock is so veiny and manly. He is the only one who can stuff my needy dirty hole...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name... You are teasing me too much...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Fuck yourself</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/dad/bedday/dildo4.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 15>><<upd>><div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +15@@</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ohhh. Yeeeess!!! Daddy!!! This dildo is so fucking good!!! Oh my!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Shhh...!!! $mom is right next room!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ohh!! Yes..!!! It fucks me so fucking good!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Fuck yourself</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/dad/bedday/dildo5.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 15>><<upd>><div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +15@@</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh Daddy...!!! My god...!!! Dildo is so long it makes me cum!!! Your naughty $daughter is about to squirt her juices!!! Mmmm!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>$name... You....<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>MMMMMMmmm!!!!! Maybe i should keep it?<</speech>>
<<if $arousal gte 150>>\
<h3>You can see by the expression on your $dad's face how frustrated he was by the way you teased him with the dildo.</h3>
<<link "<h6>$dad is so fucking jealous! @@color:hotpink;$arousal/150 Arousal@@</h6>">><<goto "daddydildo2">><</link>>
<<elseif $arousal lte 149>>\
<<link "<h6>$dad is mad! @@color:grey;$arousal/150 Arousal@@</h6>">><</link>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "mcroom">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="dildo">
<video src="img/dad/bedday/dadcontrol.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<h3>$dad with a force, took his cock and pinned you down to the bed and roughly fucks your pussy.</h3>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>UHHH!! Daddy!!! OHH!!! That hurts!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Shut the fuck up! You're gonna see how your $dad is going to make you squirt!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AAHH!! MMM!!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Daddy!</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/dad/bedday/dadcontrol2.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls></video>
<h3>He is at his peak. $dad turned you around and screwed you fiercely on the missionary.
Getting fucked hard makes you feel so good and hot that you go crazy.</h3>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm!!!! DADDY!!! DADDY!!! MORE!! MORE!! OH MY GOD!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Fucking bitch. Look what you did. Look what you did to your $dad! <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>HAHA..!!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$dad!</h6>">><<replace "#dildo">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/dad/bedday/dadcontrol3.webm" class='medium' autoplay loop controls></video>
<h3>$dad strangles your little neck to make you squeal and begs for the end. But your $dad, seeing your lewd face, has reached the point.</h3>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*COUGH*..!! D-*COUGH*AAH*<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Ahhhh.. Take it! You fucking whore...!!! Ahhh....<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ohh.... My... God...!!! So much cum!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>My god... What have we done... That was...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It was the so fucking awesome, $dad! The choking part was so fucking hot, $dad!<</speech>>
<<if $daddydildo is false>>\
<h3>After a few seconds, $dad came to his senses.</h3>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh no... $name! To your room! Now! Before your $mom comes here and sees us!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jeez... Relax!<</speech>>
<h3>$dad grabbed your hand with force and led you out the door.</h3>
<<link "<h6>Leave!</h6>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "momsus2">><</link>>
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "mcroom">><</link>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">
<img src="img/dad/bedday/dadtalk.jpg" class='large'>
<h3>$dad with that forcible touch, hurts you so bad that probably make you a little bruise.</h3>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ouch!!! That hurts!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Go!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Fuck! Before you go. Wash your face!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No daddy. I'll lick and swallow your sweet cum! Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Whatever... Just go before your $mom leave the bathroom.<</speech>>
<<timed 3s t8n>><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<img src="img/dad/bedday/momsus.jpg" class='large'><<set $mompov to 15>><<set $mompovright to 9>><<upd>>
Martha perspective: <</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>>\
<h3>@@color:orange;The sounds that were quite unsettling and frightening for you came from your bedroom. It was like someone was being murder or something worse!
You quickly got dressed and wanted to see what was going on. Once you opened the door, you see them at the end of the hallway.@@ </h3>
<img src="img/dad/bedday/dadtalksus.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Mom" "Martha">>Wait... Is that $name and David? Why are they arguing about?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "David">><sub>Fuck! Bef*muble* you **,, wash *muble* fa*muble*!</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>No *muble*. I'll li*mumble* swall*mumble*. Haha.</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "Martha">>Damn. I can't hear them! Why are the so quiet?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "David">><sub>Whatever. Just go *Mumble* $mom. *Mumble*</sub><</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Go to your Room</h6>">><<goto "momsus02">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">
<img src="img/dad/bedday/momsus2.jpg" class='large'>
<h3>@@color:orange;With a confused look on his face, you went to your room, where David was. He was slightly sweaty and focused on getting dressed.
You spooked him when you made a little noise after coming inside.@@</h3>
<<speech "Dad" "David">>Uh! Martha! Please.. Don't scare me like that!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "Martha">>Jeez. Chill down, Mister. Is something wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "David">>Huh..? Noooo! no! no! Why do you ask?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "Martha">>You are acting weird, David. Perhaps you seen $name somewhere here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "David">>Here!? Here?! Noooo noo. She is at her room.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "Martha">>Really? Strange. I could have sworn I heard her here before leaving the bathroom.<</speech>>
<h3>@@color:lightblue;David got big-eyed when he finished tying his tie.@@</h3>
<<speech "Dad" "David">>Martha. I got to go. Today is going to be big day in work. Wish me luck.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "Martha">>Sure. Good luck, Hubby...<</speech>>
<h3>@@color:orange;David during the converstation was really stressed and sweaty. What is he... They hiding?@@</h3>
<div class="pilka">@@color:pink;$mom's Suspicious +1@@</div>
<<set $momsus to $momsus +1>><<set $daddydildo to true>><<upd>>\
<<button "Leave">><<set $mompov to 0>><<set $mompovright to 0>><<goto "mcroom">><</button>>
</div><div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<img src='img/luke/corruption/momhelp.jpg' class='medium'>
@@color:orange;Luke helped his $mom with her bags, then took her to the airport. It's going to be a tough week for $mom. Madison has chosen her to be an assistant at some event where they will lecture young people on how to become real estate agents. You didn't know this until yesterday when she asked Luke for help. As they left, $dad was packing his things too to your disappointment. You had hoped to spend more time with each other after your $mom left. @@
<<linkreplace "<h6>$dad</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src='img/luke/corruption/dad.jpg' class='large98'>
@@color:lightblue;As for your $dad, he had some big reunion with his old friends in the wilderness. You have never seen him so happy about this meeting. He told you that he wouldn't be home for the whole weekend and not to worry about him. Sureee.. How would you ever worry about him!? @@
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Bye darling!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Farewell Kiss</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/luke/corruption/dadkiss.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted controls></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wait Daddy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Oh. $name...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... Have fun, $dad.<</speech>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>We'll MISS Youuuu for your hawt Daddy's coCk!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Thanks. I promise you, next time I'll take you somewhere nice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I hope so.<</speech>>
With the farewell kiss from your $dad, you were left alone in home.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Doors</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src='img/luke/corruption/bro.jpg' class='medium'>
Well no that alone. Luke came back from the airport just right now.
<<speech "Luke">>$name! $dad! I'm back!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Dad is gone. For the entire weekend.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Really?! That's amazing! It means we get to enjoy our house all to ourselves!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah. We are! Do you have any plans?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Hmm... Not yet. First, I've got take a shower.<</speech>>
<<button "House">><<goto "lc1">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<set $time to 20>><<upd>>\
<span id="bro">\
<<if $lukeday1 is false>>\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/1.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls></video>
After your computer crashed, you hoped that Luke could watch your favorite drama. But no, he's watching some stupid sports game they're just broadcasting
Luke was so loud and annoying. In your mind you wonder how to kill him with your hands.
<<speech "Luke">>Go! Take his fucking ball for fuck sake!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my gosh. Luke!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>C'mon!!! You almost there!!! Go go goooo!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>For fuck sake, Luke! My ears!<</speech>>
<video src="img/luke/corruption/annoyed.webm" class="imageleft" autoplay loop muted></video>
<<speech "Luke">>YES! Did you see that?! Whoah!!!<</speech>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>JEEZ! DIZ IZ BORING!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow. Yeah. Yuppi. Hooray. Now, Give me the fucking remote.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Wait a second! Watch! There will be penalty kicks!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>That's Enough!</h6>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
That's it. You had enough of this bullshit. You took remote from the desk and turn on the other channel.
<<speech "Luke">>HEYY! I WAS WATCHING!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Buuhuu! Now it's my time to watch!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>NO! GIVE ME THAT!<</speech>>
Luke snatched the remote from your hand with swift precision. You can't stand it anymore, you are calling your Mom.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>UUHHH!!! You are so fucking annoying!!! I'm calling Mom!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah. Right. She is so busy right now. Even now she-<</speech>>
$mom picked up your call.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">><i>$name..? Is every-</i><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh hey $mom! Luke here is behaving so annoyingly and he farts and-! HEEY!<</speech>>
This time Luke snatched the phone from your hand as much as the remote control and greeted your $mom with his annoying voice for you.
<<speech "Luke">>Hee-eyy $mom! How was the flight? OUCH!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Luke</h6>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/3.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
Now He outdone himself! It's time to tell him who's in charge!
<<speech "Player" "$name">>LUUKE!!! GIMME MY PHONE BACK!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>No no no. It's okay. Just having fun with my lovely $sister here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>UHH!!! I"M GOING TO MAKE YOU HURT!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Haha. Yes. She is adorable. OUCH!!! A-Anyway, have a nice time at work! BYEE!!<</speech>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>TAKE HIS COCK AND EAT IT!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Luke ends the call</h6>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/4.1.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
After an unsuccessful fight over the phone, your $bro disconnected the call with $mom.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh for fuck sake $bro!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Calm down! If you want to watch your show so badly, then go watch it in your own computer!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can't! My computer is fucked up.<</speech>>
Luke looked at you with disbelief look and he thought a few seconds.
<<speech "Luke">>Then how about you go and get your $mom's laptop. Hmm?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hang on. I never heard that she got the laptop!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yep! I don't know why, but she is hiding it somewhere in the bedroom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is that so?<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Go find $mom's Laptop@@
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<set $lukeday1 to 1>><<goto "lc1">><</link>>
<<if $lukeday1 is 2>>\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/4.2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I couldn't find it. I'm going watch it on your computer. Give me your password.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Jeez! Wait! I'll come and help you find it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh.. Are you hiding something, Brother?<</speech>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>MMM! My Brother iz TOTALLY masturbating! <</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Everyone is hiding $name, But you are not ready for my collection of hardcore granny midget porn.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ohhh. Haha. Is that what are you hiding.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Come with me. I'll help you find it.<</speech>>
<<button "Parents Bedroom">><<goto "lukecorruption3">><<set $time to $time +1>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<span id="bro">
<<if $mess gte 1>>\
<img src='img/luke/corruption/bedclean.jpg' class='large'>
Luke was amazed at how well-cleaned the place was. He looked at you with his mouth wide open.
<<speech "Luke">>No way. Have you tidied up the parents room? <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>I'm shocked. My little $name did something for her dear parents. Wow!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player "$name">>Well if you care that much, then leave. You are littering that place with your charm enough.<</speech>>
Luke just smiled at you without a word.
<img src='img/luke/corruption/bedroomp.jpg' class='large'>
You and Luke got inside.
<<speech "Luke">>Typical. Mom left shit everywhere.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Whatever. Where is the laptop?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Luke finds the Laptop</h6>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/luke/corruption/5.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
Right away Luke took mom's laptop out from the bed.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What on earth?! How did you know?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Eyes! Use your eyes next time, you little dork. Okay, Let's see if it's working....<</speech>>
When laptop starts working, A porn just started rolling.
<<speech "Luke">>Ups!!! Wow!!! That was...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow! Mom watching porn! Haha!<</speech>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>PORN! I'M SO EXCITED! PORN!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>That is so... Weird. Ha-ha.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Show Mom's toy</h6>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/6.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>$name Like... Totally! Show him Dat HOTTIE DILDO!<</speech>>
You took Mom's dildo out from the drawer.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Look what i got! Haha. Mommy's Dildo!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Wooaaahh!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you like it? Do you want it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>What the f! $name. That's grossss! Take it back!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nope! Haha! C'mon let's watch that porn!<</speech>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>Dat iz soooo kewl. Luke's iz going to love this!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Watch it!</h6>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/7.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
<<speech "Luke">>Why would we watch it?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why not? Are you not curious what her kink is?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Ummm... Maybe..? I-I don't know. That is so weird at so many levels.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh c'mon, don't be a pussy. Watch it with me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Uhhh... Sure.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mom's Kink</h6>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/8.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
@@color:orange;It's a porn video, about lonely Mother who raised her two children at young age, daughter and brother. Her desire was to teach them to love each other at other angle, In taboo way. She want's to watch how they kiss. How they love, how they touch each other, how they are having sex, how they got unexpected childrens and how their childrens would enjoy-@@
<<speech "Luke">>Oh my god! What the fuck?! That's our Mom's kink?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm... It's Interesting.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Interesting? Watching it with you this shit is weird enough, but hearing to this story? Is so fucked up!<</speech>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>Luke... like... totally has a boner! My gawd. I must see his cock!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>C'mon, I can see you how you are trying to hide your boner by listening this story. That got you pretty horny, huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name!? Stop it. I.. It doesn't me make... Uhh...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Take it out.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>What?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><i>Take it out. Big Brother.</i><</speech>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>Gosh! Why hawt boyz always complain?<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Luke's Cock</h6>">><<audio "hypnotise" play>><<set $lukepov to 1>><<goto "lukecorruption4">><</link>>
<div class="statsluke2"><div align="center">\
<span id="bro">\
<h3>Luke's Pov</h3>
<img src='img/luke/corruption/past.jpg' class='large'>
@@color:lightyellow;When i see her like that, it reminds me a certain place and time where i was alone with $name in hotel. We were hiding... Hiding from everyone else. We were alone. Finally alone.@@
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>It's okay, Big $bro. I've always been curious about how big your dick is....<</speech>>
<<timed 1s t8n>><<speech "mcDirtyMind" "Luke's Mind">>I heard that before... The same voice.. The same phrase... The same smile... <</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 3s t8n>>\
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "Luke's Mind">>Why would i do that?! She is my $sister i... I can't!<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "Luke's Mind">>Of course you can! Do it. Stop resisting you idiot! Do what she asks.<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 14s t8n>><<speech "Player" "$name">>$bro...?<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<linkreplace "<h4>Do what she asks</h4>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/lukecock.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "Luke's Mind">>Just for a few seconds...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Uhh. If you say so...<</speech>>
Embarrassed, you slowly remove your panties and show your erect cock to your sister. You can see from her expression that she is very amused and surprised. Her hand reaches out to touch it.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My god... Luke!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Don't touch it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But... But It is so... So... So big!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Can... We... Go back to-<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Your sister gets up.</h4>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/pussy.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
$name is stading up on the bed and with her lustful smile takes off her shorts. The nerve moment is taking so long, you wish to escape. But you can't. The other side says to stay longer to see what is going to happen next.
<<speech "Luke">>$name... What are you do-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shhh. Just take a look.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Take a look</h6>">>
<img src='img/luke/corruption/juice.webp' class='medium'>
Out of her naked pussy, juices run down through her knees.
<<speech "Luke">>Fuck... $name... Don't... Make me... Stop it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't understand. Why big $bro?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>I said. No! It's... Wrong!<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "Luke's Mind">>You fucking idiot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How about... You touch me...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Touch you..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Just guide... $mom's dildo into my pussy... Luke.<</speech>>
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;She speaks in the most lustful way you've ever heard from your $sister.@@</div>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "Luke's Mind">>Do it. Do what she says.<</speech>>
<<link "<h4>Do what she says</h4>">><<goto "lukecorruption5">><</link>>
</span></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<set $time to 22>><<set $bcorruptionlevel to 1>><<set $bcorruption to 0>>\
<span id="bro">\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/masturbate.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Here.. Let me show you how.<</speech>>
Your $sister has taken your $mom's dildo and is slowly grinding her pussy to squeeze out the juice to make a slippery dildo.
After a few seconds she took your hand and guide it to $mom's dildo inside $name pussy and speaks to you softly and quiet.
<<speech "Luke">>Ok-Okay... How-How it feels?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh... My... God... It's so goooood....!<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "Luke's Mind">>Everything you do, it's for her. Remember it.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Remember it</h4>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/luke/corruption/masturbate1.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh yes... Oh yes..!! It's.. coming...!!! Ahh!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Shit... $name. Wow...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm!!! Kiss me... Kiss me... Please... Kiss me...<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "Luke's Mind">>Make her happy. Make your $sister happy.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Make her happy</h4>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/luke/corruption/kiss.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>Tak.... Tak Całuj mnie..!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Huh..?<</speech>>
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;You could swear that you heard young voice of $name.@@</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm..? Just keep kissing me, Luke.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "Luke's Mind">>Your only goal is to make her happy.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Serve</h6>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/luke/corruption/kisstits.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
$sister in lust slowly reveals her big tits, from the moment you reunited, you wanted to see them with your own eyes... And there they are.
$name whisper quietly.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Luke... Kiss them... Please...<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "Luke's Mind">>Whatever she says, your purpose is to make her happy.<</speech>>
You did as she asked, but then licked and sucked her with the utmost desire as you pushed the dildo into her hot wet pussy.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my god... $bro...!!! Yes...!!! Yess!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>Będziemy razem! Na zawsze!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yes...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Serve</h6>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/luke/corruption/kiss2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... Oh.. Ah...!! Luke... It's so unreal...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>I feel the same thing too... $sister...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$bro... Please... I want... To taste it...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Go ahead...<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "Luke's Mind">>It seems that you have learned your way. My dear boy.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Your Way</h6>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/luke/corruption/bj.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
The feeling when Emma took your cock in her mouth is so surreal. You just found out that she is not doing it for the first time. She does it in the most delicate and pleasurable way.
<<speech "Luke">>Oh fuckk..... $name... How...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm...! Don't think about it. Just feel it.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Feel it</h6>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/luke/corruption/bj2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
The way she pleasures your cock is being unreal. You are about to burst.
<<speech "Luke">>$name... $name... $name...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes... Cum... Cum on my titties, My big $bro.<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "Luke's Mind">>It is for greater good. Remember it. My dear boy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yes..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Feel it</h6>">><<replace "#bro">><<set $time to 23>><<upd>><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/luke/corruption/cum.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
This is it. You couldn't take it any longer. You had to burst it. Burst it on your $sis breasts.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yess.... My god... Yes... Luke!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Uhh..!!!! Ffffuuuckk....!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It so white... My god, how much you got there?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>Luke..? Luuuukke...?</sub><</speech>>
You could not answer... Your strength and energy drained away. Your eyes shut down and went to rest.
<<link "<h4>Sleep</h4>">><<audio "hypnotise" play>><<goto "lc6">><<set $time to 8>><<set $day to $day +1>><</link>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "bellring" play>>\
<span id="bro">\
<img src='img/luke/corruption/woke.jpg' class='large98'>
<div class="pilka">Luke's Stage Increased!</div>
You are awakened by the sound of the doorbell. Trying to get up, you grabbed your head, an immense headache accompanied you. Another bell sounds.
You quickly jumped off the bed and looked around to see if Emma was here. When you got down to the first floor you already knew she wasn't here. Another bell rings.
<<speech "Luke">>I'm... I'm coming...! Ummm my head...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Open the doors</h4>">><<timed 50ms t8n>><<scrolldown 1.5s t8n>><<audio "bellring" stop>>
<img src='img/luke/corruption/aunties.jpg' class='large98'>
There were two women waiting behind the door. You opened the door and to your surprise they smiled radiantly at you. It was as if you had seen that smile somewhere before.
<<timed 4s t8n>><<speech "Antonya" "???">>Oh my! How he has grown into a beautiful boy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Uuhhh...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Irina" "???">>Is this how you greet your Aunties!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Who?! A-aunts?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Antonya" "???">>I told you it's a bad idea!<</speech>>
<<speech "Irina" "???">>Oh shush! Luke. My Dear Boy. Let us in.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Ummm? Okay? Come in.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Aunties?</h4>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src='img/luke/corruption/aunties2.jpg' class='large98'>
Are you in dream? What is going on? You just let in two unkown to you women inside your house.
Aunties? You just can't think straight thanks to the damn huge headache.
<<speech "Luke">>Uhh.. Please. Sit down. Water? Tea? Coffee?<</speech>>
<<speech "Antonya" "???">>Wow! What an absolutely wonderful gentleman!<</speech>>
<<speech "Irina" "???">>We are fine, Luke. It seems that you are the one who need water. Sit down i'll get you one.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>There is no nee-<</speech>>
<<speech "Irina" "???">>Shush! My Dear Boy.<</speech>>
After the words, @@color:orange;"My Dear Boy"@@, you became quiet and calm. You don't know why, but you felt like you were in a family home when you were next to them.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Water and Pill</h4>">>
<img src='img/luke/corruption/irina.jpg' class='large98'>
Few seconds later, she returned with water and a weird pill.
<<speech "Irina" "???">>Here. Swallow the pill. It should be better from now on.<</speech>>
<img src='img/luke/corruption/pills.jpg' class='medium'>
<<speech "Luke">>Umm.. Thanks?<</speech>>
With a little trust, You slowly took the pill and quickly drink the water. They looked at you still with the same smile that made you a little nervous.
<img src='img/luke/corruption/aunties3.jpg' class='large98'>
The other woman smiled so radiantly that you could see how white her teeth were.
<<speech "Antonya" "???">>Haha. He is so cute.<</speech>>
<<speech "Irina" "???">>Yes and that look!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>Who are they?</h4>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src='img/luke/corruption/aunties4.jpg' class='large98'>
<<speech "Luke">>I'm sorry? But I don't know who are you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Antonya" "???">>See! I told you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Irina" "???">>Shh! Luke. You don't recognize your lovely aunties?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>No? My parents never mentioned that I had aunts.<</speech>>
<<speech "Irina" "???">>That's quite a pitty.<</speech>>
<<speech "Antonya">>Well then. My name is Antonya! The youngest, haha! Nice to meet you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Irina">>Irina. The oldest. We are Your Mother's Sisters.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>That's... Insane! I don't know what to say. I-I mean it's great! It's great to hear that. I have two beautiful aunts...<</speech>>
<<speech "Irina">>Oh Luke. You are such a charmer.<</speech>>
<<speech "Antonya">>My my! Irina. He is like his father!<</speech>>
<<speech "Irina">>Haha. Yes he is!<</speech>>
<<speech "Antonya">>We've got a lot of things to catch up on!<</speech>>
What the fuck is going on here?! Mom never told me she had Sisters! Two hot Milfs. God. Why i am thinking like that?
Jeez... Where is $name?! Does she knew about them?!
<<link "<h6>$name POV</h6>">><<goto "lc7">><<set $lukepov to 0>><<set $time to $time +1>><</link>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<set $time to 7.5>>\
<span id="bro">\
<img src='img/luke/corruption/bakery.jpg' class='medium'>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>$name... What the f?! Why are we doing here?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. Two bagels and coffee, please.<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "Worker">>Sure, Ma'am.<</speech>>
@@color:lightyellow;The sun from the window woke you up that early that you decide to make your brother little suprise. A breakfast!
Last night was amazing, And tonight may be even more so! Can't stop thinking about my Luke. I feel so relaxed and happy with him. That's what I needed. To spend time alone with Luke.@@
<<linkreplace "<h4>Your Thoughts.</h4>">><<scrolldown 2s t8n>>
<img src='img/luke/corruption/dan.jpg' class='large'>
At that moment, your train of thought was interrupted by the arrival of a man whose identity was not immediately apparent.
<<speech "Dante2" "???">>Miss?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dante2" "???">>You left your bagels.<</speech>>
<<timed 2s t8n>>
Only now did you realize that you were already at the exit of the bakery and you forgot to pick up the stuff you ordered. It's strange. You could have sworn you picked them up from the counter. It didn't matter, the important thing was that this man was somehow familiar to you for reasons unknown.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh right. Thank you! Sorry for the trouble.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dante2" "???">>No trouble, My Dear.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>His smile...</h4>">><<set $time to 8>><<upd>><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src='img/luke/corruption/smile.jpg' class='large'>
A man hands you a bagels and coffee with a smile.
<div class="pilka">@@color:orange;His smile. Reminds me of the days of my youth.@@</div>
<<speech "Dante2" "???">>Be careful.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dante2" "???">>It's hot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hot?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dante2" "???">>Your Coffee. My Dear.<</speech>>
<img src='img/luke/corruption/coffee.jpg' class='medium'>
Now you realized your hand are burning from touching coffee.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ouuch!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>It hurts!</h4>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
The man helped you, taking the hot coffee from your hand as if it was not hot for him.
<img src='img/luke/corruption/compress.jpg' class='medium'>
To your wonder, he went to the bathroom and came back with a wet, cold cloth. He gently and warmly put on your injured hand with bright smile.
<<speech "Dante2" "???">>Now it should be better. My Dear.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh... Thanks. I-I'm so silly lately.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dante2" "???">>No need for explanation, Dear.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm Sorry.. But do i know you from somewhere?<</speech>>
His smile. How kind and warm. It's like i want to...
<<speech "Dante2" "???">>Hmm... Look at the time. It was good to see you again, $name. Till the next time.<</speech>>
With that, he left you alone. After a few moments, you realized that Man had said your name.
It was good to see you again?! What was that?
It's time go home, Luke probably are awake.
<<link "<h4>Home</h4>">><<goto "lc8">><<set $time to 8.5>><</link>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<img src='img/luke/corruption/aunties5.jpg' class='large98'>
When you got back home, you could swear that you hear loud voices in livingroom.
You approached slowly to the livingroom and you see two ladies hugging each other and Luke. His face is priceless, you've never seen his facial expression before.
<<speech "Antonya">>...going, right now. Don't we, Sister?<</speech>>
<<speech "Irina">>Yes. Thank for you hos- Oh! Our little princess is here! $name!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name! There you are!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h4>What the?</h4>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src='img/luke/corruption/aunties6.jpg' class='large98'>
Two ladies stands up and right away rushed to you with a big hug.
You have no idea what's going on. You're being hugged and kissed by two women you don't know.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uuuuh?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Antonya">>My god! Look how pretty she is. Our $name is not little anymore!<</speech>>
<<speech "Irina">>Oh for me, She is. Look! That look at her face! Haha. Like her Mother.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What is going on? Who are you?! Luke?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name. These... Are our Aunts? Antonya and Irina...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wait. Hold on... What!?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah. I was also quite surprised, to be honest.<</speech>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>Oh my GAWWDD!! Like no wayZ! Dis is so KEWL! Two GOODIE MILFS! Dis is amazing!<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "$name's Mind">>Huh.. This is quite a surprise! Your mom has two hot sisters? Niceee!<</speech>>
<<speech "Antonya">>I hope it was a pleasant surprise? Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Irina">>Of course, it is Sister! It was worth it to see their little amused fac-es! Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Aunts? Woooow! It is great to meet you..? It's so cool to hear that we have Aunts! Umm... Do you live here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Antonya">>Oh my gosh! We moved here a little while ago, but somehow we didn't get a chance to see you before.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Question</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src='img/luke/corruption/aunties7.jpg' class='large98'>
They moved here? Is it possible they travelled here from Europe?
<<speech "Player" "$name">>May I ask from where?<</speech>>
Irina and Antonya looked at you with intrigued eyes and nodded.
<<speech "Antonya">>You don't remember where you come from? Oh my!<</speech>>
<<speech "Irina">>Poland. Your home country.<</speech>>
You and Luke look each other with shocked eyes. Finally. You've found out a bit about your heritage.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's... Insane...! Sorry, It's just a little too much. Knowing that we have two aunts and about our homeland. Wow...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Wow. Indeed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Antonya">>This is understandable, after all, you have left us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>We left you? What do you mean by that?<</speech>>
Irina looked at the watch and give a sing to Antonya to leave.
<<speech "Irina">>Hmm... $name, Luke. It was great to see you again but we gotta go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Antonya">>Here's our address if you'd like to meet us! Ciao guys!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Bye...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>We will definitely come to visit you.<</speech>>
Irina and Antonya with a bright smile left your house.
<<set $aunt to true>>
<h3>New Location Discovered!</h3>
<<link "<h4>Aunties</h4>">><<set $time to 15>><<goto "lc9">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<img src='img/luke/corruption/talk.jpg' class='large98'>
Luke and You discussed after that unexpected visit from your Aunts.
<<speech "Luke">>...and that Irine.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What about her?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>I can't tell but she somehow had some kind of influence on me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Duuuh! She charmed you with her look.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>No. No that. Her voice. She sounded so commanding, Like she had me in control. I couldn't put my finger on why, but there was just something about her that made me think of someone. Someone who were close to me.<</speech>>
You looked at Luke and he was so serious about what he was saying.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yes.. I think so. We have to tell $parents about them.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Don't!</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Huh?! No? Why is that?<</speech>>
<<if $momgoingout is true>>\
<div class="mombox2">\
<img src='img/mom/family/mansion.jpg' class='large98'>
@@color:orange;You brought up that night when $mom went to the big mansion on the hill.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And that's why. We should see what will happen next. Let $mom doing her thing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>I don't know $name. That's little risky. Leaving $mom with all of this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. You are right. But we will be there for her, no matter how harsh that truth is.<</speech>>
<img src='img/luke/corruption/dont.jpg' class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My gut tells me that our $mom is running away from her family. $mom is trying to hide her past from us.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Your gut tells you that? My god $name. We should tell $mom about them. She would be thrilled to find out about her $sister's.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No! Please Luke! Trust me on this one. Just once.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Uh. You are very serious about this, $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. I am Luke. I am. Please. We need to find the real truth.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Uhh... Okay. I just hope you know what you're doing.<</speech>>
Silence surrounded the room you were in. Then Luke came up with a plan for the night.
<<speech "Luke">>How about we'll go to the cinema? They rolling in two hours and great action movie!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm, Sure! That is a great plan! I'll go get changed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Oh, do you think you will have time to changed in such a short time?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ha-ha. Very fucking funny.<</speech>>
You left Luke with a big smile. Sometimes you hate his sarcastic side.
<<link "<h6>Continue</h6>">><<set $lukepov to 1>><<goto "lc2">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<set $time to 19.5>>\
Time passes and your sister is still sitting in her own room. She does things that are not necessary for you, why so much makeup and powder on your face? After all, you are just going to the movie and not to some art show.
<<speech "Luke">>$name... I swear... If this shit.... Ouch...<</speech>>
<div class="pilka">@@color:pink;Somehow you feel a little off. You can't define it, but your senses and body are like a feather.@@
@@color:hotpink;Along with it, you feel the growth... Growth in your panties. You can't control it but you have a lot of desire to masturbate.@@</div>
<<speech "Luke">>What is going on with me...?<</speech>>
@@color:pink;Your eyes are shutting down@@
<<link "<h6>My head.</h6>">><<goto "lc11">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><<set $time to 30>>\
<img src='img/luke/corruption/drea.jpg' class='large'>
@@color:lightyellow;As you open your eyes, $name is standing in front you, waving at you.
When your eyes went up, you see only the darkness that covers half of her face.@@
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>Are you coming, Luke?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name...? But.. How...<</speech>>
<<speech "mcCorruptedMind" "Luke's Mind">>Shhhh...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>C'mon slowpok! The movie is starting!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Cinema</h6>">><<goto "lc12">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><<set $time to 30>>\
<span id="bro">
<img src='img/luke/corruption/drea2.jpg' class='large'>
<div class="pilka">@@color:lightyellow;You and $name appeared from the back of the cinema seats. The movie is so blurry and meaningless to you, your attention now focused on your sister. She looked the same as before but somehow different. You don't know why but you feel her eyes with a strong desire.@@</div>
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>Luke....<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>You promised me to do this, remember?<</speech>>
<div class="pilka">@@color:lightyellow;You want to say something but your tongue refuses to obey. @@
@@color:pink;Your hand obediently went to her knee and then your fingers gently slide underneath her crotch.@@</div>
<img src='img/luke/corruption/pussy.jpg' class='medium'>
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;You feel her moist naked pussy.@@ </div>
<<speech "Zizilia" "$name">>Yes... Relax, Big bro. No one is watching.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$name...</h6>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/cinema.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls></video>
<div class="pilka">@@color:orange;$name took out your cock and wrapped her little fingers around your cock like never before. Her hand is a bit cold, but your hot cock warms her touch.@@</div>
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>Oh... Ah...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>Luke... My gosh... It is so hot...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>I can't believe we are doing this... Here... In front of these stupid people...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>$name...</h6>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/cinema2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls></video>
<div class="pilka">@@color:orange;$name gets off the sit and crouch in front of you. She loosened the buttons and brought her naked breasts out to your pleasure. You further could not believe that she had enlarged those breasts for you.@@</div>
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>Ha-ha... I knew you'll like it. Brother.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>I am very grateful Luke.. With your hard work you gave me resources to make them... But, I was thinking...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>How about making them even larger? What do you think?<</speech>>
<h3>The choice here does not impact the rest of the storyline.</h3>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<th><div class="bimbobox"><div align="center">\
<<speech "Zizilia" "$name Bimbo">>Luke. Do you desire me to be a Bimbo?<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>My love @@color:hotpink; (BIMBO)@@</h12>">><<goto "lcbimbo">><</link>></div></div></th>\
<th><div class="bimbobox2"><div align="center">\
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>Luke. Do you love me just the way I am?<</speech>>
<<link "<h12>My love</h12>">><<goto "lc13">><</link>></div></div></th>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:grey;Zizilia (Bimbo Influence)@@</h6>">><</link>>\
<<link "<h6>Zizilia</h6>">><<goto "lc13">><</link>>\
</span></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><<audio "fade" play>>\
<span id="bro">
<video src="img/luke/corruption/cinema3.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls></video>
<div class="pilka">@@color:orange;$name's mouth is so eager to taste your cock. She savors the taste of your cock by gently licking and sucking you.@@</div>
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>Mmm!!!! *GAWK* *GURLP* So... *GURLP* tasty..!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h45>Salvation</h45>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/cinema4.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls></video>
<div class="posarousal">Desire me. Love me. Bless me.</div>
<<speech "Luke">>$name. We meant to be together.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Forever.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>I love to hear that, Brother.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h45>Temptation</h45>">><<audio "fade" play>><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/dream.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls></video>
<div class="posarousal">Desire me. Love me. Bless me.</div>
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>Fate has determined our past, present and future.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>We are meant to be together.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>Don't you ever leave me again.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h45>Seduction</h45>">><<audio "fade" play>><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/dream2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls></video>
<div class="posarousal">Desire me. Love me. Bless me.</div>
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>If you leave me.<</speech>>
<h3><<speech "Zizilia" "$name">>I'll kill you.<</speech>></h3>
<<speech "Luke">>I'll never leave you.<</speech>>
<<link "<h45>My love</h45>">><<goto "lc14">><</link>>
</span></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><<audio "fade" play>>\
<span id="bro">\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/dream3.1.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>Me and You. Together we can conquer the world.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>But why would we do that when all that matters is our love?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>Luke.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h45>My $name</h45>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/dream3.2.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>Kiss me... Adore me... Love me...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>Make me cum.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h45>My $name</h45>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/dream3.3.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>I'm yours... You are mine....!!! Forever!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yes... My wife...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player7" "$name">>Haha. Wife.... I love the sound of that...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Luke!</h6>">><<goto "lc15">><<set $time to 10>><<set $day to 7>><</link>>
</span></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><<audio "fade" play>>\
<span id="bro">\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/dreambimbo.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Zizilia" "$name">>Ohh... You adore me in that way?<</speech>>
<<speech "Zizilia" "$name">>I don't mind at all! Anything you want, I'll do for you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Zizilia" "$name">>Luke.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h45>Bimbo $name</h45>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/dreambimbo2.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Zizilia" "$name">>Yes!!! Yesssss...!!! Love me...!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Zizilia" "$name">>Use me... Use me... Use me like a fuck toy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Zizilia" "$name">>I'm yours... I'm fucking yours... Luke.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h45>Bimbo $name</h45>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/dreambimbo3.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Zizilia" "$name">>Kill me with your lust! <</speech>>
<<speech "Zizilia" "$name">>I don't care. I don't fucking care just fucking squeeze your lust into me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Zizilia" "$name">>Do whatever you want with me. I'm yours!!! Luke.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h45>Bimbo $name</h45>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/dreambimbo4.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Zizilia" "$name">>That's it... Brother. <</speech>>
<<speech "Zizilia" "$name">>Release your anger at me. Release into me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Zizilia" "$name">>Now sleep... Sleep my darling.<</speech>>
<<speech "Zizilia" "$name">>Until next time. Luke.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Luke!</h6>">><<goto "lc15">><<set $time to 10>><<set $day to 7>><</link>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<div class="eventsbox">\
@@color:orange;Main Task:@@
<<if $computerbroke is false>>\
- Watch your favorite drama show on your Computer.<</if>>\
<<if $computerbroke is true and $lukeday1 is false>>\
-Watch your favorite drama on TV in Living Room.<</if>>\
<<if $lukeday1 is 1>>\
-Find $mom's Laptop in Parents Bedroom
<<if $lukeday1 is 2>>\
-Go back to Luke.
@@color:pink;Side Task:@@
<<if $mess is false>>\
- Clean $parents Bedroom.<</if>>
<<if $lukehacklc is false>>\
- Take a look around Luke's Room.<</if>>
<<if $showerlc is false>>\
- Take a Shower.<</if>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/pbedroom.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<goto "lcbedroom">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
<<if $time lte 18.5 and $computerbroke is false>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroomluke.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<audio "shower" play>>\
<h3>It's closed!</h3>
All you hear is him taking a shower and his annoying singing voice.
<<if $time is 18>>\
<<speech "Luke">>♫ Ground control to Major Tom. ♫<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>♫♫ I AM THE STORM THAT IS APPROACHING!!! ♫♫<</speech>>
<<button "Close">><<audio "shower" stop>>\<<dialogclose>><</button>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroom.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<goto "lcbathroomempty">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/mcroom.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<goto "lcmyroom">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/kitchen1.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<goto "lckitchen">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
<<if $time gte 19 or $computerbroke is true>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/livingroomluke.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<goto "lclivingroomluke">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/livingroom.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<goto "lclivingroom">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/lukeroom.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<goto "lclukeroom">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<h3>My Room</h3>
<<if $lukepov gte 1>>\
$name's room. It smells here so girly and sugary. This time room is in order which is odd to me, usually in her room there was a mess.
Her gardrobe is enormous, filled almost to the brim with clothes. There is a computer.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Computer</h6>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<span id="comp">\
<img src='img/luke/corruption/start.jpg' class='large'>
$name computer is secured!
<<speech "Luke">>Hmm...<</speech>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Try typing 1234@@color:pink; $name under Bimbo Influence@@</h6>">><<replace "#comp">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src='img/luke/corruption/computer.jpg' class='large'>
After typing "1234" you successfully logged in!
<<speech "Luke">>Oh, My little $name. You dork.<</speech>>
After roaming around $name computer there is nothing interesting here... Expect file named "Watch this Everyday".
<<linkreplace "<h6>Open file: Watch this Everyday</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/hospital/stage3/naomieyes.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls>
<<set $bimbodisco to true>>\
<<lukearousal 10>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +10</div><<upd>>
It's a loop video, You don't know how to think of this.
<<speech "Luke">>What the... Fuck...?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Try typing 1234@@color:grey; $name under Bimbo Influence@@</h6>">>
It's not working.
<<speech "Luke">>You clever girl...<</speech>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "lc2">><</button>>
Here is my cave, my corner of life. After a few weeks of living here i kinda like that room. I feel good in here.
There is nothing i would change here. At least for now.
<span id="nap">
<<if $naplc is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Take a Nap.</h6>">><<replace "#nap">><<set $naplc to true>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<energy 5>><<timed 50ms t8n>>
Taking a sweet nap.<<timed 1s t8n>>.<</timed>><<timed 2s t8n>>.<</timed>><<timed 3s t8n>>.<</timed>><<timed 4s t8n>>.<</timed>>
<<timed 5s t8n>>
<<goto "lcmyroom">><</timed>><</replace>><</linkreplace>>\
<<if $computerbroke is false>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:orange;Computer@@</h6>">><<goto "lccomputer">><</link>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Computer</h6>">>\
<img src='img/luke/corruption/death.jpg' class='large'>
Fucking Computer is corrupted. I can't do nothing about it.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Wardrobe</h6>">>\
<<button "Leave">><<goto "lc1">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
There is nothing interesting here. Just an ordinary bathroom.
<<button "Leave">><<goto "lc2">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
There is nothing interesting here. Just an ordinary bathroom.
<<if $time lte 20>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Take a Shower</h6>">>
<<set _m to random(1,2)>>\
<<if _m is 1>>\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/shower.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
<<elseif _m is 2>>\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/shower2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
Taking a refreshing shower.
<<set $showerlc to true>>
<<energy 5>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>
<div class="pilka">@@color:lightblue;Energy +5@@</div>
@@color:lightyellow;During the shower, you felt a disturbing presence. @@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is someone here? Luke? I swear if you are watching me, I'm going to kill you!<</speech>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "lc1">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<h3>Parent's Bedroom</h3>
<<if $lukepov gte 1>>\
<<if $mess is false>>\
<img src='img/luke/corruption/bedroomp.jpg' class='large'>
Parents bedroom. Usually, $mom is taking care of this room. It's in mess. I wonder if even $dad helps $mom with all of this?
<<elseif $mess gte 1>>\
<img src='img/luke/corruption/bedclean.jpg' class='large'>
Parents bedroom. $name cleaned this room, which was a big surprise to me.
<<linkreplace "<h6>$mom's Laptop</h6>">>
<video src="img/luke/corruption/porn.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls></video>
@@color:orange;A situation in which a $mom discovers the hidden truth behind her children's backs. She was just about to take the laundry out of her $daughter's room, but inside she experienced a shocking scene.
Step-Brother roughly fucks $sister against a wardrobe.@@
<<lukearousal 5>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +5</div>
<<speech "Luke">>Oh god, $mom... What are you watching...?<</speech>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "lc2">><</button>>
<span id="laptop">
<<if $mess is false>>\
<span id="mess">\
<img src='img/luke/corruption/bedroomp.jpg' class='large'>
It's empty and in a mess. Probably because the $mom was in a hurry to catch a flight And you know perfectly well that she could not leave it like that.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Clean</h6>">><<replace "#mess">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src='img/luke/corruption/bedclean.jpg' class='large'>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<energy -20>><<upd>><div class="pilka">@@color:lightblue;Energy -20@@</div>
Few minutes after and there is. A clean bedroom, $mom should be proud!
During the cleaning you found a 200$ cash under the bed!
Is it wise to take it?
<<set $mess to 1>>\
<th><<linkreplace "<h6>Take it!</h6>">>
<<money 200>><<addcorruption 1>><<set $mess to 2>><<upd>>
<div class="pilka">@@color:lightgreen;Money +200@@</div>
<div class="posarousal">Corruption +1</div>
<img src='img/luke/corruption/bedclean.jpg' class='large'>
Now after the clean up, everything looks in order. Thanks to you.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Look Around</h6>">>\
<img src='img/luke/corruption/dildo.jpg' class='large'>
By your suprise, you found a new dildo.
$mom is really like to spend her money on sex toys.
Other than there is nothing intresting to find.
<<if $lukeday1 is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Look for $mom's Laptop</h6>">><<replace "#laptop">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/luke/corruption/search.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
You are searching everywhere in parents bedroom for $mom's Laptop.
So far, nothing. <<timed 2s t8n>>Under the bed? Nope.<</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>>In the drawer? Nope, only stupid $mom's Dildo.<</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>>Where the fuck is it?
Gotta ask Luke for a clue.<</timed>>
<<set $lukeday1 to 2>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "lc1">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="com">\
<img src='img/luke/corruption/computer.jpg' class='large'>
<<if $bathroomspy is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Spy camera Bathroom</h6>">><<replace "#com">>\
<<if $time lte 18.5>>\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/spycam.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop muted></video>
Spy camera is working!
There is image of Luke's Cock!
<<arousal 15>><<energy -5>><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div>
<div class="pilka">@@color:lightblue;Energy -5@@</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my god.... How huge he is!!!<</speech>>
<img src='img/luke/corruption/computer.jpg' class='large'>
<h3>@@color:orange;No one is in the Bathroom.@@</h3>
<<link "<h6>Go back to Computer</h6>">><<goto "lccomputer">><</link>>
<<button "Turn Off">><<goto "lcmyroom">><</button>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:orange;Watch Your Favorite Show@@</h6>">><<replace "#com">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src='img/luke/corruption/computer2.jpg' class='large'>
You are having a cozy time, watching your favorite drama show in some shady streaming site.
<<timed 5s t8n>><<replace "#com">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src='img/luke/corruption/computererror.jpg' class='large'>
Then suddenly, a blue screen of death appear!
<<set $time to $time +1>><<set $computerbroke to true>><<upd>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What the f!?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Restart</h6>">><<replace "#com">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
Computer is restarting.<<timed 0.5s t8n>>.<</timed>><<timed 1s t8n>>.<</timed>><<timed 1.5s t8n>>.<</timed>>
<<timed 2s t8n>><<replace "#com">>
<img src='img/luke/corruption/death.jpg' class='large'>
Once again blue screen!
<<speech "Player" "$name">>For fuck sake!!!<</speech>>
<<button "Turn Off">><<goto "lcmyroom">><</button>>
<<button "Turn Off">><<goto "lcmyroom">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
A dream place for anyone who loves to enjoy a moment in front of the TV or alone with a book or a cup of coffee.
Every Friday evening with my parents we enjoy a moment in this room.
<<if $lukepov gte 1>>\
<<button "Leave">><<goto "lc2">><</button>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "lc1">><</button>><</if>>\
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<h3>Luke's Room</h3>
<<if $lukepov gte 1>>\
My room. Simple room for simple guy like me. I've got everything i need.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Computer</h6>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<upd>>
<<if $lukehacklc is true>>\
<img src='img/luke/corruption/start.jpg' class='large'>
@@color:orange;It feels odd but i've never put my computer on sleep mode before. Why it is now?@@
<<linkreplace "<h6>Log in</h6>">><<set $lukehacklc to 3>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Seek $mom's Kinky Porn</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/luke/corruption/porn2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
<<lukearousal 15>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div><<upd>>
@@color:orange;<i>Step-Mom and her Step-Son finally shows some intimate love after her husband left for work....</i>@@
To your surprise, there are a lot of these types of videos on the Internet what your $mom is watching. Most of them have a silly or funny formula, but $mom's Preferences has a pretty serious one.
It's Bizarre but slowly you like $mom's porn kink...
<<elseif $lukehacklc is 1>>\
<img src='img/luke/corruption/start.jpg' class='large'>
@@color:orange;It feels odd but i've never put my computer on sleep mode before. Why it is now?@@
<<linkreplace "<h6>Type Password</h6>">>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/logo9.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop>
When you log in, you are already on the CougarLife website and you were sure that you did not go to this Web site before you turned off your computer.
The only thing that came to your mind was that only $name could do it.
<<speech "Luke">>$name..?<</speech>>
<<set $lukehacklc to 2>>\
<<link "<h6>Go Back</h6>">><<goto "lclukeroom">><</link>>
<img src='img/luke/corruption/computer.jpg' class='large'>
My computer. It's the best thing that a human could have created.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Seek $mom's Kinky Porn</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/luke/corruption/porn2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
<<lukearousal 15>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div><<upd>>
@@color:orange;<i>Step-Mom and her Step-Son finally shows some intimate love after her husband left for work....</i>@@
To your surprise, there are a lot of these types of videos on the Internet what your $mom is watching. Most of them have a silly or funny formula, but $mom's Preferences has a pretty serious one.
It's Bizarre but slowly you like $mom's porn kink...
<<button "Leave">><<goto "lc2">><</button>>
$bro's room. It's strange but i like the smell here. Perhaps it's Luke's perfume or something else? I don't know but i like it.
Luke's vibe of this room is very simple. The computer on which he plays video games in his spare time or watches porn ( You like to think of your $bro this way), Couple of criminal/fantasy books on the shelf and big stereo.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Boot Luke's Computer</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<<if $profileluke is true>>\
<img src='img/luke/corruption/computer.jpg' class='large'>
<img src='img/luke/corruption/start.jpg' class='large'>
<<if $lukehacklc is false>>\
<<set $lukehacklc to true>>
You were surprised to see that Luke's computer turns on very quickly! Clearly, he has a better computer than you. It's time to have a chat with your parents about it!
<<if $profileluke is true>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh. Oh Big $bro. Someone forgot to log off?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Cougar Life</h6>">>
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/logo9.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop>
<<set $lukehacklc to 1>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Cougar Life? What are you up to, Big $bro?<</speech>>
<<if $chatmilf5 gte 1>>\
<<timed 3s t8n>><<audio "notif" play>><<speech "milf5" "Alicia">><i>L.? Are you online?</i><</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh Shit!!! Time to Log Off!!!<</speech>><</timed>>
Unfortunately, when you boot the computer, it asks you for access through a password.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Dammit! I wish to see what kind of porn you are hiding!<</speech>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "lc1">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
An ordinary kitchen with ordinary equipment for ordinary people.
I don't understand the cooking stuff, but at least I know how to make a sandwich when I'm hungry.
<span id="com">\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Make a Coffee</h6>">><<replace "#com">>
<img src="img/kitchen/coffee.gif" class='medium'>
<<if $lukepov gte 1>>\
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>\
@@color:orange;Simple Black Coffee. I like the taste, the smell and the colour.@@
<<speech "Luke">>Mmm... Hmm... I've got to... I've got to poo...<</speech>>
@@color:lightyellow;The bitter taste of coffee awakens the senses.@@
<<energy 10>><<upd>><div class="pilka">@@color:lightblue;Energy +10@@</div>
<<if $lukepov gte 1>>\
<<button "Leave">><<goto "lc2">><</button>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "lc1">><</button>><</if>>\
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<<if $computerbroke is true>>\
<<goto "lukecorruption2">>
<img src='img/luke/corruption/tvluke.jpg' class='large'>
Luke is watching some stupid sports game that doesn't interest me.
<<speech "Luke">>$name! Join! Watch with me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Noo... It's dumb and boring.<</speech>>
Luke looked at you with silly face and shook his head in disbelief.
<<speech "Luke">>Fine. Suit yourself. Go, go, go Derris! Go! Goddammit!<</speech>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "lc1">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "raindoor" play loop>>\
It's raining...
<<if $lukepov gte 1 and $lukearousal gte 100 and $bcorruptionlevel is 1 and $dreamluke is false or $time gte 20>>\
<<goto "lc10">><<masteraudio stop>>
<<if $lukepov gte 1>>\
<div class="eventsbox">\
@@color:orange;Main Task:@@
<<if $dreamluke is false>>\
-Reach 100 Arousal
@@color:pink;Side Task@@
<<if $mcshowerlc is false and $time lte 16.5>>\
-Peek at $name in Bathroom.
<<if $mcroomlc is false and $time gte 17>>\
-Peek at $name in her Room.
<div class="eventsbox">\
@@color:orange;Main Task:@@
<<if $computerbroke is false>>\
- Watch your favorite drama show on your Computer.<</if>>\
<<if $computerbroke is true and $lukeday1 is false>>\
-Watch your favorite drama on TV in Living Room.<</if>>\
<<if $lukeday1 is 1>>\
-Find $mom's Laptop in Parents Bedroom
<<if $lukeday1 is 2>>\
-Go back to Luke.
@@color:pink;Side Task:@@
<<if $mess is false>>\
- Clean Parents Bedroom.<</if>>
<<if $lukehacklc is false>>\
- Take a look around Luke's Room.<</if>>
<<if $showerlc is false>>\
- Take a Shower.<</if>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/pbedroom.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<goto "lcbedroom">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
<<if $time lte 16.5>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroommc.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<if $mcshowerlc is false>>
<<goto "lcbathroommc">><<masteraudio stop>>
<<elseif $mcshowerlc is true>>
<<dialog>><<audio "door" play>>
Damn. $name closed the doors...
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/bathroom.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<goto "lcbathroom">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
<<if $time gte 17>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/myroommc.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<goto "lcroommc">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/mcroom.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<goto "lcmyroom">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/kitchen1.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<goto "lckitchen">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/livingroom.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<goto "lclivingroom">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/lukeroom.jpg' class='largecity'>">>
<<goto "lclukeroom">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>></th>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/bath.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
$name is taking a bath! My god, she is really doing that?!
Damn... It looks so hot...
<<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<<lukearousal 15>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div>
<<link "<h6>Peek Longer</h6>">><<set $mcshowerlc to true>><<goto "lcbath">><</link>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "lc2">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<span id="name">
<video src="img/luke/corruption/peek.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
$name is taking her sweet time with a showerhead. Under the strong pressure of the water, she is enjoying herself.
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>Oh my god....!!</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Damn $name. If i could watch this everyday i would...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Huh... What if...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Record!</h6>">><<replace "#name">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/luke/corruption/peek2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
<<lukearousal 5>><<upd>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +5</div>\
This is a good chance to record the whole thing!
<<speech "Luke">>I can't believe how $name is so fucking horny.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>That smile...!!</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Smile..?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Record!</h6>">><<replace "#name">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/luke/corruption/peek3.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
<<lukearousal 15>><<upd>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>How is it possible that it made me so horny...!!!</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>Oh Daddy...!</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Huh?!<</speech>>
$name heard your shocking voice.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>LUKE?! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Ups! Sorry!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry?! Is this how you respect my privacy?! Get the fuck out of here!!!<</speech>>
<<button "Leave">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "lc2">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/peekmc.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
$name is taking ready for the cinema. Somehow i can't control myself and i have a need to watch her naked body.
<<lukearousal 5>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +5</div><<upd>>
<<link "<h6>Peek Longer</h6>">><<set $mcroomlc to true>><<goto "lcroommc2">><</link>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "lc2">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<span id="luk">\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/peekmc2.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
Damn. I'm still amazed how hot she is. $name is really taking care of herself.
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>♫ Sooo keeeep your HeArt! CauSe i already got oneee!! ♫</sub><</speech>>
My god! Her singing is awful...
<<linkreplace "<h6>Peek Longer</h6>">><<replace "#luk">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/peekmc3.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
Those boobs. Fuck. I mean.. They are big but what if she got even... Bigger...?
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>♫ I'm nooot a martYR, I'm a Proooblem!♫</sub><</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Peek Longer</h6>">><<replace "#luk">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/peekmc4.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
<<lukearousal 15>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div>
$name is dressing up! My god her figure is so hot... I wish
<<if $mcshowerlc is true>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>LUKE! YOU FUCKED UP PERVERT! AGAIN!? <</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>UPS! SORRY! I JUST-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>COME HERE! DON'T YOU RUN!!! UHH!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>SEE YA!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>LUKE! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>UPS! SORRY! Just checking if you are ready!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>FUCK OFF! NOW!<</speech>>
<<button "Leave">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "lc2">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<set $lukearousal to 0>>\
<img src='img/luke/corruption/worried.jpg' class='large98'>
My eyes can't open wide, my ears feel like they're plugged, and my head screams in pain. Where the fuck am i...?
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>Luke.</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">><sub>Honey...! Wake up..! Please...</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">><sub>It's not use... We got to- OH! Luke!</sub><</speech>>
You find yourself in a bright room, though you are unsure of where you are. $name, Mom and Dad are stading over the bed looking very worried.
The pain is gone when you heard their voice.
<<speech "Luke">>Uh..? Where am i...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>My god... My little boy...! You made your Mom so worried! You are in hospital.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Hospital...?! Why..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Luke... Y-You collapsed... After the cinema... You don't remember?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Huh..? After the cinema..? So we... Did..<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Shh... Luke. Rest. Doctor said you have to rest.<</speech>>
Rest... I need to rest...
<<link "<h6>Rest</h6>">><<goto "lc16">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<video src="img/luke/corruption/dreamluke.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
<div class="pilka">You are in the middle of the white room.
A blurry man points to another man and speaks to you.
All you can clearly see is the gun.</div>
<<speech "Dante" "???">>I hope I've managed to make things clearer for you, my son.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>There is no other way..? Why does everything have to go this way?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Dante" "???">>That's a question I'm not able to answer for you. With time and reflection, you may be able to understand it on your own.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dante" "???">>Do it. For your Family.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "David">>N-No! Don't listen to him!<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Shoot</h6>">><<audio "shoot" play>><<goto "lc17">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<div class="pilka">A man collapse in front of you.
His blood splattered onto your face.</div>\
<<speech "Dante" "???">>Good... My Dear Boy...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>My Dear Boy</h6>">><<goto "lc18">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<img src='img/luke/corruption/alicia.jpg' class='large98'>
As your eyes try to focus, you see your Father talking to a brunette woman. She seems to be a Doctor.
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">><sub>... Ali... I mean Doc.. Is he..</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia2" "Doctor">><sub>The issue here is-</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Huh..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Thank God! He is awake.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia2" "Doctor">>Hello Mister. Do you hear me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Y-yes..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia2" "Doctor">>What is your name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Luke...<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia2" "Doctor">>Good. Are you in any pain?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>My.. Head... It's...<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Doc?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia2" "Doctor">>This is typical in these symptoms. Luke, Anything else?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>My head...</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<<if $chatmilf5 gte 1>>\
<div class="container1">
<img src="img/luke/corruption/aliciadream.jpg" class="mediumvision">
<div class="middle">
<div class="imageof"><div class="tooltipmaly"><img src="img/luke/corruption/aliciadream2.jpg" class="imagevision"></div></div>
You can't tell but somehow you know her somewhere. Is she from Cougar Life?
You're trying to control your emotions and act as if you don't know her.
<<speech "Luke">>I... Noo... no..<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>No..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia2" "Doctor">>Good. In few days you should be rested and fine, Luke.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Ok...Okay.. But... What was the cause of this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia2" "Doctor">>I believe that your situation may be the result of experiencing significant challenges in your life.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>But... Luke just came back to us few weeks ago from other Hospital. He is living in a peaceful and relaxed life at home with his family.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia2" "Doctor">>Davi... Sir. I understand this may be challenging, but the results says positive. Perhaps the best course of action would be for him to take some time to rest and consult with me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>A consultation? You mean... Therapy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia2" "Doctor">>Yes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>I... I'll try.<</speech>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">>Sure. Can we speak in private... Doc?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia2" "Doctor">>Of course. This way.<</speech>>
@@color:lightyellow;Doctor and Father left you alone and you could see that they know each other.
Still the headache is big enoug you can think straight. @@
@@color:orange;A few days later, Dad helped you pack your things and drove you back to home.
Mom and $name greeted you with a happy hug. At first they were worried about me, but when I smiled and repeated that I was all ok, everything returned to normal.
Everything just came back to normal.
For now.@@
<<link "<h6>Home</h6>">><<set $time to 23>><<set $lukepov to 0>><<goto "mcroom">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<table style="width:100%">
<<if $time gte 19.5>>\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/outside.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<if $fitness lte 14>><<energy -10>><</if>><<goto "outsidenight">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/outside.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<if $fitness lte 14>><<energy -10>><</if>><<goto "outside">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/mansion.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<if $funeral is true>><<goto "aunthouse">><<else>><<goto "aunt1">><</if>><</link>></th>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<table style="width:100%">\
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/outsidenight.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>>
<<set $time to $time +0.5>><<if $fitness lte 14>><<energy -10>><</if>><<goto "outsidenight">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<img src='img/ui/mansion2.jpg' class='largecity'>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "aunthousenight">><</link>></th>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<img src="img/aunties/sign.jpg" class="medium">
Passing through the gate, you noticed the mourning signs.
Joseph Charles Cassan died at the age of 78.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Cassan...?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>A familiar presence</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<img src="img/aunties/deny.jpg" class="large98">
Your thoughts were disturbed by a familiar presence.
To greet you came Antonya, dressed all in black. Apparently it was the wrong time to come for a visit.
<<speech "Antonya">>$name? It is great to see you, my child. Is Luke around?<</speech>>
<<timed 50ms t8n>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hello Aunt Antonya. Luke couldn't come. Is this a bad time to come?<</speech>>
<<speech "Antonya">>Sadly, yes. My brother-in-law left our world yesterday. Irina's husband. Our old Jose...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my! I'm so sorry to hear that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Antonya">>Yes. It is sad. But as you are here, I wanted to invite you and Luke and even your whole family to the funeral ceremony.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Y-Yeah... Yes. We'll try to come.<</speech>>
<<speech "Antonya">>That is what i am hoping, my dear. I'm so sorry but I gotta go. I... I have to keep my sister company during this terrible time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I understand. Once again, I'm so sorry. Please send my codelences.<</speech>>
Antonya simply nodded her head with a small smile and went back inside.
<<set $funeral to 1>><h3>Funeral Coming Soon!</h3>
<<if $time gte 20>>\
<<button "Leave">><<goto "hillsnight">><</button>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "hills">><</button>>
</div>\<<widget "kitchenteasebro">>\
<<if $time is 7 and $energy gte 80>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Say hi @@color:lightblue;Energy:$energy/80@@</h6>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/kitchen/start.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls muted>
@@color:lightyellow;Luke is by himself in the kitchen drinking coffee and reading newspaper, like our father used to. After the fainting incident, he is somehow different, more open and smiling.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good Morning Luke!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Good morning to you too $name. Wow! Nice outfit.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You think so? I think it's a little too tight for me and this tie is really stupid to wear.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Tie</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/kitchen/start2.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls muted>
Luke walked over to you and fixed your tie in the right place. The way he smiles makes you little aroused, you can't stop looking at his lips.
You try not to bite the lip but Luke noticed it.
<<speech "Luke">>Stupid...Stupid you say... My little $name. God $name. You...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah...? Go on..<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>So pretty...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Luke.</h6>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/kitchen/kis.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls loop>
@@color:pink;As you predict, Luke has his own desires to you. Which is very nice. He is bombarding you with kisses and slowly licks your neck.@@
<<arousal 10>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +10</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh.. Ummm!!! Mmmm... Luke..<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Your tie...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>I can help you with that.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Tie</h6>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/kitchen/tie.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls>
@@color:pink;Luke got rid of your tie and after that he unbuttons your shirt till he gets his hand on your bra. With confidence, Luke pulls your tits out.@@
<<arousal 5>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +5</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh...Oh..<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>There they are.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My god. Luke... What about our parents. They.. Ohh!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Luke</h6>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/kitchen/kiss2.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls loop>
<<arousal 15>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div>
@@color:pink;Luke shuts you up with his deep kisses. Surprisingly, his other hand finds its way to your panties and goes under them to rub your wet clit.@@
<<speech "Luke">>Shh... Shh..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh... Ah..! <</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Luke</h6>">><<replace "#bro">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/kitchen/rub.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls loop>
<<arousal 20>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +20</div>
@@color:pink;Your Brother kisses and you and rubs roughly your pussy. You can't comprehend how good he is at this. The feeling of your brother's hands inside your pussy feels heavenly. You don't want to stop this but you know you can't keep doing that for long.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fffffuucckk!! Brother... Stop...!! We... We can't...!! Ah.. Ohh..<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name... $name.. My little $name..<</speech>>
<<if $brotherkitchenfuck is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Stop..</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/luke/kitchen/push.jpg" class="medium">
<<energy -40>><div class="pilka">@@color:lightblue;Energy -40@@</div>
You were absolutely sure you heard your parents coming down the stairs! You had to push him away, but with more force.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Luke! That's Enough! Our parents could come any minute now!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah... You are right. $name. I'm sorry, I couldn't control myself.<</speech>>
<<set $brotherkitchenfuck to 1>>\
<<set $bcorruption to $bcorruption +10>><div class="pilka">@@color:orange;Brother's Corruption +10@@</div><<upd>>
<<elseif $brotherkitchenfuck is 1>>\
<<energy -40>><div class="pilka">@@color:lightblue;Energy -40@@</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$bro... We can't! Our parents could come any minute now!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Sure... Of course, $sister.<</speech>>
<<elseif $energy lte 79>>\
<h6>Say hi @@color:grey;Energy:$energy/80@@</h6>
<</widget>>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><span id="luke"><<audio "bimbo2" play>>\
<video src="img/luke/bimbo/bj.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Awareness has returned to normal.
For reasons unknown to you, you have Luke's cock on your lips.@@ </div>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>Like for Realzys! WaKe UP!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*COUGH*!!...!! Hmm..?!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>$name...!!! Oh..!! Yes...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">> Mmmmm...*Gurlp!*<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yes... Like that..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Choke on it! Bitch!</h12>">><<replace "#luke">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/bimbo/bj1.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Luke">>My fucking god... $name! You are so fucking good at it...<</speech>>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>Compliments! I love compliments!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">> *Gawk* *Gawk!* Mmmmm.. Hihi...*Gurlp!*<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Receive your yummy prize!</h12>">><<replace "#luke">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/bimbo/bj3.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;That's it. Do it for your love.@@ </div>
<<speech "Luke">>$name...! $name...!!! Ahh!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeeessss...!!! Gimme them... Mmmm!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Whoah... $name... What was that...? You were so... Naughty!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Only for my favorite $bro! Hi-hi!<</speech>>
<<if $bimbobj1 is false>>\
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;A Bimbo presence slowly becomes embedded in you permanently.@@</div>
<<addcorruption 1>><div class="posarousal">Corruption +1</div>
<<set $bimbobj1 to 1>><</if>>\
<<button "Leave">><<goto "lukeroomluke">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><</button>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="luke">\
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/listen.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:lightblue;During the night pee, Once again in the bathroom, I heard $sister moan loud voice. I can't resist my urges, but after peeing I have to get closer to their doors to listen more. Somehow it makes me aroused when i listen to her moans.@@
<<lukearousal 5>><div class="pilka">@@color:pink;Arousal +5@@</div><<upd>>
<<speech "Luke">>Damn... She can't help herself? My little $name.<</speech>>
You don't know why but you said it outloud! You heard her coming to the doors.
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>$bro..?! Is that you?</sub><</speech>>
<<if $fitness gte 35>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Gotta go! @@color:lightyellow;$name Fitness: $fitness/35@@</h6>">><<replace "#luke">><<timed 50ms t8n>><<audio "door" play>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/masturbate/luke.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls muted>
Before you could escape, $name quickly opened the door. You were impressed by her strength as she grabbed your hand and dragged you to her room.
$name drilled her alluring eyes deeply into your eyes and kisses you with her tongue.
<<lukearousal 5>><div class="pilka">@@color:pink;Arousal +5@@</div><<upd>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh.. $bro. Knock next time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Sorry! I was...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Shut up. Do you like my new lingerie?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>*Gulp* Khem! Yeah..! It looks good. On you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good..? Only good?<</speech>>
$name lied down into her bed and teases you slowly.
After a few seconds, she unzips her red lingerie in front of your eyes.
<<linkreplace"<h6>$name's lingerie.</h6>">><<replace "#luke">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/masturbate/luke1.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls muted>
<<lukearousal 10>><div class="pilka">@@color:pink;Arousal +10@@</div><<upd>>
You don't know what to do and to say. Your $sister is lying on her bed, half naked.
$name knew your weak point and she reveals her big breasts.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm... Luke... I was wondering when you would come.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>God damn, $sister. You are killing me...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is that so? And what are you going to about it? Huh, big $bro?<</speech>>
Shall i make her pay what she is doing to me?!
<<if $lukearousal gte 50>>\
<<linkreplace"<h6>Do it @@color:hotpink;Arousal:$lukearousal/50@@</h6>">><<replace "#luke">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/masturbate/luke4.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
With great anger you turn $name around and rip off her panties.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OH! Fuck! $bro!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace"<h6>Eat $name</h6>">><<replace "#luke">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/masturbate/taste.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Luke">>You whore...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah...! Yes...!! I am...!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace"<h6>Eat her</h6>">><<replace "#luke">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/mcroom/masturbate/taste2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Luke">>Fuck $name... You are so fucking hot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$bro.. I'm..<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Hmm..?<</speech>>
<<timed 5s t8n>>\
<img src="img/mcroom/masturbate/cun.webp" class='medium'>
Your sister are cumming on your lips.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm... Fucking.. Cumming!!! AHHH!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Damn...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah... Oh... My.. God... Thank... You... $bro..<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Sure. Anytime.<</speech>>
<<set $arousal to 0>><<set $lukearousal to 0>><<upd>>
<<if $lukeeat is false>>\
<h3>New Sexual Interaction!</h3>
<<set $lukeeat to true>><<set $bcorruption to $bcorruption +10>>
<div class="pilka">@@color:orange;$bro's Corruption +10@@</div>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "Bed">><<set $lukepov to 0>><</button>>
<h6>Do it @@color:grey;Arousal:$lukearousal/50@@</h6>
<<link "<h6>Leave Her. Let her suffer</h6>">><<set $lukepov to 0>><<goto "Bed">><</link>>
<<button "Leave">><<set $lukepov to 0>><<goto "Bed">><</button>>
</span></div><<widget "underclothes">>\
<<linkreplace "<h20>Undergarments</h20>">>
<<linkreplace "<h20>Basic</h20>">>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/under.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $underwear to "panties">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/under2.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $underwear to "panties">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<if $snowbunnycloth is true>>\
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/snowbunny.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $snowbunnycloth to true>>
<<set $underwear to "snowcloth">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 1>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
@@color:orange;Snowbunny Underwear: Blacked +1@@
<<if $buyredlin is true or $dadlin is true or $buyblacklin is true or $buywhitelin is true or $lingeriequest is true>>
<<linkreplace "<h20>Lingerie</h20>">>
<<if $lingeriequest is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/lingeriequest.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $underwear to "linquest">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<if $buyredlin is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/redlin.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $underwear to "red">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<if $buyblacklin is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/blacklin.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $underwear to "black">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<if $buywhitelin is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/whitelin.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<set $underwear to "white">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<if $dadlin is true>>
<<link "<img src='img/clothes/dadlin.jpg' class='image'>">>
<<if $corruptionlevel lte 2>>
<<set $underwear to "dad">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
@@color:orange;I can't! It's just so tight for me!@@
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<</widget>>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<table style width="100%">\
<th><<if $buyredlin is false>><img src='img/clothes/redlin.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (150$)</h7>">>
<<if $money gte 150>><<money -150>><<set $buyredlin to true>>
<<set $underwear to "red">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<goto "buylin">>
<<elseif $money lte 149>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<th><<if $buyblacklin is false>><img src='img/clothes/blacklin.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (150$)</h7>">>
<<if $money gte 150>><<money -150>><<set $buyblacklin to true>>
<<set $underwear to "black">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<goto "buylin">>
<<elseif $money lte 149>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<th><<if $buywhitelin is false>><img src='img/clothes/whitelin.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (150$)</h7>">>
<<if $money gte 150>><<money -150>><<set $buywhitelin to true>>
<<set $underwear to "white">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<goto "buylin">>
<<elseif $money lte 149>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel lte 2 and $corruptionlevel gte 1>>\
<table style width="100%">\
<th><<if $dadlin is false>><img src='img/clothes/dadlin.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (150$)</h7>">>
<<if $money gte 150>><<money -150>><<set $dadlin to true>>
<<set $underwear to "dad">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 0>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<goto "buylin">>
<<elseif $money lte 149>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
@@color:orange;As you look around these sizes are not for you.@@
<th><<if $snowbunnycloth is false>><img src='img/clothes/snowbunny.jpg' class='image'>
<<linkreplace "<h7>Buy (150$) (Blacked +1)</h7>">>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<if $money gte 150>><<money -150>><<set $snowbunnycloth to true>>
<<set $underwear to "snowcloth">>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction-$bbcstats>>\
<<set $bbcstats to 1>>\
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction+$bbcstats>>\
<<goto "buylin">>
<<elseif $money lte 149>>\
You don't have enough money!<</if>>\
<<elseif $corruptionlevel lte 2>>\
It's not right size for me.
<<button [[Leave|clothingstore]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\ <div class="daddybox">
<<set _pussy to random(1,3)>>\
<i>Luke Pussy Eating:</i>
<<if _pussy is 1>>\
<video src="img/luke/interaction/pussy.webm" class="large" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Luke">>Ah... The smell is so incredible...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh fuck..!! $bro...!!<</speech>>
<<elseif _pussy is 2>>\
<video src="img/luke/interaction/pussy2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fcuuuuk!!! Ahh..!! Ohh!! Yes..!! Like That!!! Ahh!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Mmmm!<</speech>>
<<elseif _pussy is 3>>\
<video src="img/luke/interaction/pussy3.webm" class="large" autoplay loop></video>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>MY GOD! OHH!! AHH!! EAT MY PUSSY!<</speech>>
</div><div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<h2>Aunt House</h2>
<h3>@@color:orange;It's better not to disturb them at this hour.@@</h3>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "hillsnight">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center">
<video src="img/hospital/stage3/naomieyes.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<arousal 25>><div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +25@@</div><<upd>>
<h3><div class="posarousal">Good Girl.</div></h3>
<<if $lipsur gte 11>>\
<<link "<h50>Good Girl...</h50>">><<goto "bimbolip">><</link>>
<<set $bimbovid to $bimbovid +1>>
<<button "Leave">><<set $time to $time +1>><<goto "computermc">><</button>>
</div><<if $classeslesson gte 2 and $linzee gte 2 and $jayce is false and $bbcaddiction gte 2>>\
Jayce is near the gym hall.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Jayce</h6>">>
<</if>>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<video src="img/party/prepare.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop>
Getting ready for a party you don't even feel like going to.
Jack in his own "cute" way talked you into it. It is very much to be hoped that there will not be a very large number of people there.
<<linkreplace "<h4>Mom</h4>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/party/mom.jpg" class='large'>
Without knocking, Mom entered the bathroom. You were about to yell at her but you've let her off this time.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Honey. As we talked before. Be back before Midnight. No drinking, No smoking and No-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhh! Mom! Don't stress me out any more. Trust me. Please.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>We're all stressed, sweetheart.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mom...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Right. I know the feeling perfectly well. You probably got it from me, haha.<</speech>>
You looked at your Mother, she was smiling, but nervously.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Guess what! I've brought you two amazing outfits to relieve you of that burden.<</speech>>
You looked at them and you were amazed! Mom knew excatly what is your type.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow! Mom! I'm... out of words!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Just promise me. You'll be back. Alive.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Have fun, baby.<</speech>>
Mom left you alone with two outfits.
<<linkreplace "<h20>Outfits</h20>">>
<th><img src='img/clothes/cute.jpg' class='image'></th>
<th><img src='img/clothes/hot.jpg' class='image'></th>
<div class="daddybox">\
<table style="width:100%">
<th><<link "<h3>@@color:lightblue;Cute Outfit@@</h3>">><<set $clotheswear to "cuteparty">><<goto "jackcomes">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h3>@@color:red;Hot Outfit@@</h3>">><<set $clotheswear to "hotparty">><<goto "jackcomes">><</link>></th>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<timed 15.4s t8n>><<audio "musicparty1" play>><</timed>>\
<span id="tom">\
<<set $tommeet to 2>>\
<img src="img/party/crowd.jpg" class='large'>
At the entrace you see bunch people dancing, having drinks and talking each other.
<<linkreplace "<h20>Look Around</h20>">>
You don't recognise anyone in the crowd, but after a while you see someone you wouldn't want to meet in your lifetime at this party.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Not her...</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/party/anna.jpg" class='medium'>
What is she doing her? What kind of outfit is this and why she is dancing on the table?!
Jack snapped you out of your thoughts. Jack would be furious if he find out that her sister is here.
<<speech "Jack">>$name? Are you coming? I'd like you to meet the owner of this house.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jack. But there is-<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Tom!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h20>Tom.</h20>">><<replace "#tom">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/party/tom.jpg" class='large'>
Jack took your hand and lead you to the guy.
A handsome guy like you've never seen before.
<<speech "Jack">>Tom! Hey!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Jack?! You came! Damn, Man. It's good to see you! You look... Buffed!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Haha. Great to see you too. Meet my Girlfriend.<</speech>>
<<if $clotheswear is "hotparty">>\
<div class="daddybox">
<img src="img/party/look.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:orange;Tom studied you with his eyes from top to bottom, most of the time focusing on your thighs and cleavage. Then he lean to Jack.@@
<<speech "Tom">><sub>Damn bro... she is HOT!...</sub><</speech>>
You couldn't hear what Tom said to Jack beacuse of the loud noise and music.
Somehow Jack's tone had changed to something more serious, although he tried to keep his expression under control.
Then Tom greet you by shaking his hand.
<<speech "Tom">>Oh, my manners! Hi. I'm Tom! It's great that pretty ladies as you, came to my party!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$name. Thanks for invite! Great Party!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Oh, Girl. Regret you weren't at my previous birthday party. It was a blast! Next time I send out invitations, I'll think of you. And Jack! Of course. Haha!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>And for me? Niceee.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is that so? Thanks, I'll think about it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Don't be so grumpy Jack! I'm just kidding! Sadly, I need you to leave. My duties calls.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Sure. Go ahead.<</speech>>
As Tom walked away, he winked at you and disappeared into the crowd.
Somehow you see that Jack was a mad? Or Jealous?
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are you okay? Jack?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>That's Tom... Okay Let's dance!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Now? Like Right now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>YEAH!! Let's fucking go!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Whoah! O-Okay!<</speech>>
<<if $clotheswear is "cuteparty">>\
Tom looked at you and Jack, and pushed a little Jack.
<<speech "Tom">>Dude! You've finally brought your girl!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey! Name is $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Tom! It's cool you came here! Have fun at my party! Gotta go other guest are trying something funny.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>Sure Tom! We'll be fine.<</speech>>
Tom with a nice smile leaves you.
<<speech "Jack">>Okay let's go DANCE!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>NOW? We just came here!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jack">>COME ON!!!<</speech>>
<<button [[Dance with Jack]]>><<audio "musicparty1" stop>><</button>>
</div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "musicparty3" play>>\
<<if $partyair is false>>\
<<set $partyair to true>>\
<<speech "Jack">>Where are you going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Off I go to get some fresh air. I'll be back!<</speech>>
There are several groups of people, talking and drinking.
This house is like a maze, each room is so different to each other.
<th><<link "<h7>Exit</h7>">><<goto "partyexit">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Tom and Girl</h7>">><<goto "tomgirl">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Next Room</h7>">><<goto "annaparty">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Upstairs</h7>">><<goto "partyup">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Drink Beer</h7>">><<drinks 1>><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "Drink Beer">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Go back to Dancing Floor.</h7>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "dance">><</link>></th></table>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "musicparty3" play>>\
<video src="img/party/anna.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
In other room you can see bunch of guys looking at the stripper on the pole
How you were suprised that the girl who were dancing was Anna.
The guys around her are very excited to watch her perfomance.
Fortunately, she is busy with herself and didn't catch you here.
Does Jack know about this?
<<speech "Anna">>Ahh... You like what you see?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "???">>YEAH! IT'S AWESOME!<</speech>>
<<if $annaparty is 0>>\
One of the guy tipped her like 200$! Anna lustfully smiled at him and lean to him.
<<speech "Anna">>Ohhh! Cool... Later honey.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Leave</h6>">>\
As you were leaving this establishment, Tom just came by.
<<speech "Tom">>Damn $name! I had no idea you were fan of strippers!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. No. It's not like that. I just love to roaming around.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Oh really? That's a shame! That girl on stage... Her name... Fuck what was her name...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Anna.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Right! So you do know her?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. That's Jack Sister.<</speech>>
Tom acted suprised when he heard that.
<<speech "Tom">>Her?! Sister? No fucking way!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm... Don't tell anyone, especially Jack. It would make him sad.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Of... Of course! Damn. That's ... Wow! Thank you for letting me know $name.<</speech>>
You left Tom alone. Somehow
<th><<link "<h7>Leave</h7>">><<set $annaparty to 1>><<goto "party3">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Leave</h7>">><<goto "party3">><</link>></th>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "musicparty3" play>>\
<img src="img/party/tomandgirl.jpg" class='medium'>
As you walk through the hallway you spot Tom with a Girl. You couldn't recognize till you heard her Voice.
<<speech "Kate">>For fuck sake. Tom...<</speech>>
It's Kate! A cheerleader from PE Lessons.
They were close to each other.
<<speech "Tom">>Don't be like that, Kate. Please be more patient!<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>I... Can't! At every fucking party I see someone you're trying to flirt with! Or even to FUCK! And how am i gonna be patient when you are having fun around.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>C'mon Kate. It's not like that. I just can't be myself. Everyone want to be with Big Tom! Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>Fuck you... I love you, Dummy! But fuck you! It's my turn. Remember?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>I know, honey. My gift needs a little time. I promise you'll be delighted.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>You better, Tom. Or else...<</speech>>
Tom hugged Kate and pushed his finger into the panties. It calm down Kate's behaviour toward Tom.
It is insane what you heard. What kind of relationship is that?
Poor Kate.
<th><<link "<h7>Leave</h7>">><<goto "party3">><</link>></th>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "musicparty3" play>>\
<<if $marcusparty is 0>>\
<video src="img/party/partyup.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
Upstairs, Diffrent Music, Various type of people and a slutty girl dancing in the middle
in front of black big guys.
<<if $lessons gte 5>>\
@@color:orange;You know these guys, It's Marcus and his Band! They were in the Lena's party. @@
<<speech "Rachel" "???">>Wooohoo..! Marcus! You were fucking right! What great Party!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Everything for my little fav gal.<</speech>>
<<if $lessons gte 5 and $marcusparty is 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Marcus</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/party/girl.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
Marcus l
As you glanced at Marcus he spotted you immediately in the crowd. He kissed the girl and left her to get closer to you.
You can see in the distance that the girl is occupied by Marcus band.
<<speech "Marcus">>My eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing! $name!<</speech>>
<<if $clotheswear is "hotparty">>\
As Marcus drew nearer, he couldn't help but admire your outfit, giving a slight, almost playful expression.
<<speech "Marcus">>God Damn, Girl! You look fine! So fucking fine! <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>H-hey Marcus. Yeah, I'm here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Gosh, You look so. Stressed. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? What do you mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>I can see that the Parties are not your thing. C'mon! Cheer up. What about a booze?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm.. Sure?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Cool. Wait here.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Booze</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/party/booze.jpg" class='medium'>
<<drinks 1>><<set $marcusparty to 1>>Marcus took a beer from the fridge and came to you. <<upd>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Cheers.<</speech>>
Somehow being with Marcus makes you calm and drinking this beer makes you a bit courage toward the party.
Then that girl just came by to the Marcus and grabbed his arms.
<<speech "Rachel" "???">>Marcuuus. I'm ready.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Girl</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/party/girl2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
Marcus gave you a wink as a gesture of farewell.
He and his boys took the girl on their shoulders and went into the corridor.
<<speech "Rachel" "???">>Haha. Let's fucking party!<</speech>>
This girl was really happy and excited, so as the boys.
You wonder what they are going to do in the room where they left.
<<elseif $marcusparty gte 1>>
<video src="img/party/crowd.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
People are dancing here too.
@@color:pink;In the corridor you can see the door slightly ajar probably Marcus forgot to lock it or wished it wasn't locked.@@
<<if $corruption gte 30>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Peek @@color:red;Corruption:$corruption/30@@</h6>">>
<<set _m to random(1,2)>>
<<if _m is 1>>\
<video src="img/party/girlpeek.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif _m is 2>>\
<video src="img/party/girlpeek2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
The sight of a girl with a group of black guys with big dicks is something unusual.
<<if $marcusparty is 1>>\
<<arousal 20>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +20</div>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction +1>><<set $marcusparty to 2>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;<div class="pilka">Blacked +1</div>@@<</if>>\
<<speech "Rachel" "???">>*GAWK* *GURLP!!!** FUCCK!! MMM!!!*GAWK* *GAWK*!<</speech>>
<<elseif $corruption lte 29>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Peek @@color:grey;Corruption:$corruption/30@@</h6>">>
@@color:orange;Not enough Corruption!@@
<th><<link "<h7>Leave</h7>">><<goto "party3">><</link>></th>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "musicparty3" play>>\
<img src="img/party/exit1.jpg" class='medium'>
As you were trying to leave, Tom let inside a naked Escort.
<<speech "Girl1" "Escort">>C'mon! What kind of party is this?! Is this what you got guys!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Girl1" "Escort">>LET'S ROCK THE PARTY!<</speech>>
After that sound every man around just came to her and starts having fun.
Even two guys starts touching her body.
<<speech "Boy1" "???">>Toooom! This is so fucking great!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Tom's the guy to bring the party! Don't hold back on the energy – let's keep the fucking party going until WHITE DAWN! WOOOHOO!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "???">>WOOOHOO!!! YOU ARE THE MAN!<</speech>>
It's no way you are going to join them or even leave.
Better to go back to the dancing floor.
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "party3">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "musicparty4" play>>\
There are several groups of people, talking and drinking.
This house is like a maze, each room is so different to each other.
<th><<link "<h7>Anna</h7>">><<goto "annaroom">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Tom's Room.</h7>">><<goto "tomgirl2">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h7>Upstairs</h7>">><<goto "partyup2">><</link>></th>
<<link "<h6>Dancing Floor</h6>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "dancedrug">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "musicparty4" play>>\
<img src="img/party/kate2.jpg" class='medium'>
Tom let Kate inside.
Four men gather around Kate while he has lusty smile.
<<speech "Tom">>Have fun, Babe.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>My gosh...! Tom! You are the best!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tom">>Guys. Don't spare on my girlfriend. She wants it rough.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "???">>Of course, Tom. To the bed Slut!<</speech>>
<<speech "Kate">>HaaaHAA!!<</speech>>
<th><<link "<h7>Leave</h7>">><<goto "party4">><</link>></th>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "musicparty4" play>>\
<<if $marcusparty is 0>>\
<video src="img/party/partyup.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
Upstairs, Diffrent Music, Various type of people and a slutty girl dancing in the middle
in front of black big guys.
<<if $lessons gte 5>>\
@@color:orange;You know these guys, It's Marcus and his Band! They were in the Lena's party. @@
<<speech "Rachel" "???">>Wooohoo..! Marcus! You were fucking right! What great Party!<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Everything for my little fav gal.<</speech>>
<<if $lessons gte 5 and $marcusparty is 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Marcus</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/party/girl.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
Marcus l
As you glanced at Marcus he spotted you immediately in the crowd. He kissed the girl and left her to get closer to you.
You can see in the distance that the girl is occupied by Marcus band.
<<speech "Marcus">>My eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing! $name!<</speech>>
<<if $clotheswear is "hotparty">>\
As Marcus drew nearer, he couldn't help but admire your outfit, giving a slight, almost playful expression.
<<speech "Marcus">>God Damn, Girl! You look fine! So fucking fine! <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>H-hey Marcus. Yeah, I'm here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Gosh, You look so. Stressed. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? What do you mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>I can see that the Parties are not your thing. C'mon! Cheer up. What about a booze?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm.. Sure?<</speech>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Cool. Wait here.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Booze</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/party/booze.jpg" class='medium'>
<<drinks 1>><<set $marcusparty to 1>>Marcus took a beer from the fridge and came to you. <<upd>>
<<speech "Marcus">>Cheers.<</speech>>
Somehow being with Marcus makes you calm and drinking this beer makes you a bit courage toward the party.
Then that girl just came by to the Marcus and grabbed his arms.
<<speech "Rachel" "???">>Marcuuus. I'm ready.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Girl</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/party/girl2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
Marcus gave you a wink as a gesture of farewell.
He and his boys took the girl on their shoulders and went into the corridor.
<<speech "Rachel" "???">>Haha. Let's fucking party!<</speech>>
This girl was really happy and excited, so as the boys.
You wonder what they are going to do in the room where they left.
<<elseif $marcusparty gte 1>>
<video src="img/party/crowd.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
People are dancing here too.
@@color:pink;In the corridor you can see the door slightly ajar probably Marcus forgot to lock it or wished it wasn't locked.@@
<<if $corruption gte 30>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Peek @@color:red;Corruption:$corruption/30@@</h6>">>
<<set _m to random(1,2)>>
<<if _m is 1>>\
<video src="img/party/girlpeek.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif _m is 2>>\
<video src="img/party/girlpeek2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
The sight of a girl with a group of black guys with big dicks is something unusual.
<<if $marcusparty is 1>>\
<<arousal 20>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +20</div>
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction +1>><<set $marcusparty to 2>><<upd>>
@@color:orange;<div class="pilka">Blacked +1</div>@@<</if>>\
<<speech "Rachel" "???">>*GAWK* *GURLP!!!** FUCCK!! MMM!!!*GAWK* *GAWK*!<</speech>>
<<elseif $corruption lte 29>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Peek @@color:grey;Corruption:$corruption/30@@</h6>">>
@@color:orange;Not enough Corruption!@@
<th><<link "<h7>Leave</h7>">><<goto "party4">><</link>></th>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "musicparty4" play>>\
The room where Anna danced is empty, but moans can be heard further in. With a slight approach you see the door ajar.
<<if $corruption gte 35>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Peek @@color:red;Corruption:$corruption/35@@</h6>">>
<<set _m to random(1,2)>>\
<<if _m is 1>>\
<video src="img/party/annaafter.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
<<elseif _m is 2>>\
<video src="img/party/annaafter1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop>
Anna being fucked anally by a customer.
<<speech "Anna">>AAHH!! Gaawdd!! Yes!! FUCK ME THERE!!! MISTER!! MMM!!! MORE MORE!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "???">>God damn, You fucking Bimbo Slut! You worth every fucking dollar! Burnett must be proud of you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Anna">>HaaaHaa!! He issssss!! Ahahha!! OHh! Ah!!<</speech>>
<<if $vrhelmet is true>>\
@@color:pink;Are they talking about Dr.Burnett?
Bimbo Slut? So she is one of Burnett's experiments? @@
<<elseif $corruption lte 34>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Peek @@color:red;Corruption:$corruption/35@@</h6>">>
@@color:orange;Not enough Corruption.@@
<th><<link "<h7>Leave</h7>">><<goto "party4">><</link>></th>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<if _m is 1>><<musicmall1>><<elseif _m is 2>><<musicmall2>><<elseif _m is 3>><<musicmall3>><</if>><<audio "outside" pause>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camila.jpg" class='large'>
Camila is waiting for you by the fountain.
<<if $time is 14>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Camila.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Good. You are here. Come, we don't have much time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>Yeah. Hi to you too...</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Hmm? Can you speak louder?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nothing! Soooo... What do we do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Simple, we make ourselves into Goddesses. There is the shop.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi... Sorry for being late.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Unbelievable. Waiting for you sorry Ass. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm sorry! Seriously!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Whatever. We don't have much time. Join me.<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilasmall.jpg" class='imageright'>
Camila took you to the most expensive boutique shop.
Before entering, Camila stopped and turned to face you.
<<speech "Camila">>Has Eva given you any cash?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No? She didn't.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Uhhh... Typical! Whatever, It's on me. This time.<</speech>>
<<button "Enter">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "camilashop">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">
<img src="img/restaurant/evac.jpg" class='large'>
Eva with a smile nodded as you accept and relaxed in her chair.
<div class="pos">@@color:violet;Eva's Relationship Increased!@@</div>
<<speech "Eva">>Wonderful. Camila, Come out!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>A girl?</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camila.jpg" class='large'>
A young girl is coming to the Eva's office with most confidence. For a second she glamps at you and with crossed arms looked at Eva with dissapointed look.
You get the feeling she doesn't like something about you.
<<speech "Camila">>Seriously? That's my partner?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? Partner?<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>$name and Camila. You two are going to be mine private weapons! Isn't that great $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Evaa... Just cut the bullshit and speak what is on your mind.<</speech>>
You were impressed how Camila is confident. Eva just smiled at her. Like they knew each other for so long.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Eva's Plan</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/restaurant/ceo.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Eva">>As you may be aware, People from the management board are heading our way. And you Girl... Will be mine distraction.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>To do... What?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Shhh Newbie. Let her speak.<</speech>>
Eva takes out the phone and shows you the picture of the newspaper.
In the first plan there is a blonde woman and old men sitting in a cafe.
<<speech "Eva">>For her. Daughter of our dying CEO, Joseph Cassan. Teresa Cassan inherits a chair in our company.<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camila2.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Camila">>So let me guess. This "Ladyyy" is coming to inspect our billings. And you worry that Teresa will reveal our profitable secret which leads you to ruin. So me and ...What is your name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Yeah, Yeah.... Myself and $name are going to turn to the main board to get higher support and convince Teresa that she is mistaken? Or... Or choose another candidate for the throne!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>That's why I dearly adore you Camila. This candidate is Richard.<</speech>>
You are so confused. Camila knew the secret of this place.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Secret? Richard?! What the...</h6>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm sorry. But... What kind of secret? And who is Richard?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>$name. I'll tell you every secret of this place if you help me with this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How i am supposed to help you without knowing everything about this place?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Leave the talking to me. You just smile and shine with your body.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Main board just landed as we speak. Here's the address where they placed themselves. It's a big mansion, be careful. Anyway, Teresa should arrive two days later. You don't have much time. The main problem is... Olgierd.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>We'll manage.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wait, wait, wait! Hold on! Are you two serious? Do you want me to be an escort?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Are you scared?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>N.. No! But that's a lot!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Whatever. I'll find the other-<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>No! $name must go. $name... You agreed to everything. You promised.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I did.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Good. Then Good luck Ladies. Camila help her out, darling.<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camila3.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Camila">>$name meet me at Mall 14:00. Don't make me wait any longer.<</speech>>
Camila left Eva's room in a hurry.
What have you just agreed to?
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "evaroom">><<set $evatask to 1>><<set $evarelation to 150>><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "eternity" play>>\
<span id="lin">\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilashop.jpg" class='large98'>
<div class="glow">ETERNITY</div>
The boutique employee let Camila and you in with a full smile, she reciprocated the same to the clerk of the shop.
<<speech "Boy2" "Employee">>Welcome to the Eternity! May i help you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Hello. Not at this moment. Thank you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Employee">>Of course.<</speech>>
Employee left you alone. Camila without a word went deep inside.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Camila! Wait!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Join her</h6>">>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilashop2.jpg" class='large98'>
Camila's first port of call was the lingerie aisle.
She spent a few minutes in the there, searching every nook and cranny of the place.
Finally, Camila found her pray.
<<speech "Camila">>This is it. Try it on.<</speech>>
She hands you a transparent lingerie.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm. Isn't that too much?<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilasmall2.jpg" class='imageright'>
<<speech "Camila">>Oh for god's sake $name... So what's your plan? Go in with nothing but your rags and sit there until you get them to like you? Don't be naive.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Listen, My Plan is more than these clothes and cosmetics. Stop asking stupid questions and put it on, right now.<</speech>>
You were about to say something but it would pointless.
Without a word you went to the changing room.
Just as you were about to enter the changing room, Camila entered the other room with practically the same underwear as yours.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Put it on</h6>">><<replace "#lin">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<<set $lingeriequest to true>>\
<<set $underwear to "linquest">><<upd>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilalin.jpg" class='medium'>
Camila was already waiting for you in the cozy area of the changing room.
She was wearing the same type of lingerie as you.
<<speech "Camila">>Yes... For these dickheads it's a spot on..<</speech>>
Camila pointed to the mirror so you could see for yourself what you looked like.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Mirror</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/lingerie.jpg" class='medium'>
You eagerly walked over to the mirror to see the amazing results. Camila nodded and looked closely at your body, as if she could hardly believe her eyes. Did she like what she saw?
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You think so?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Yes... It will work! Now let's see the other? Shall we? Oh there it is. This one....<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Moment Later</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<<set $dressquest to true>><<set $clotheswear to "dressquest">><<upd>>\
It took a while to try different lingerie and new dress, but you both agreed in the end that the first choice was the best. It looks like Camila had a great time trying things on and helping you choose. It's pretty crazy how she can change her mood just like that.
With a happy face, Camila paid everything from her account.
<<speech "Boy2" "Employee">>Thank you so much for choosing us! We really hope to see you again very soon!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Oh, I will! Thanks!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Bye!<</speech>>
<<button "Leave">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "camilaleave">><</button>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<span id="dad">\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/mall.jpg" class='large98'>
After spending some time with the hair and make-up artist, Camila and you look incredibly beautiful, like goddesses.
You'll be able to tell by the huge grin on her face that she is really happy.
<<speech "Camila">>Hah. That was fun!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can see that. You like shopping, make-up and this type of stuff, right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Oh i fucking love it. Like every girl should. Don't you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I mean... Yeah. I like it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Oh c'mon, don't bullshit me, $name. The way-<</speech>>
Camila's phone buzzed, making her start to feel serious.
<<speech "Camila">>Umm. Gotta go. Meet me in City Center at 18:00. Don't be late.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay?<</speech>>
Camila just left you in a hurry without a confirmation from you. She is heading deeper into the mall.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Follow her</h6>">><<replace "#dad">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/kiss.jpg" class='large98'>
You decide to follow Camila in a slow tempo. She is heading to a small café near the shopping centre.
When she went inside, through the window you see a man kissing her neck.
But when the kiss was over, you recognised the man. You could hardly believe your eyes.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Is this..</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/dad.jpg" class='large98'>
<<if $dadcheating is false>><<set $dadcheating to true>>
@@color:pink;The man in the cafe who kissed Camila in the neck was your Dad!@@<</if>>
<<speech "Dad" "$dad">><sub>...How's the shopping?</sub><</speech>>
You couldn't believe what you just happened. Is he cheating on my Mom with Camila?!
What game is my Father playing! You couldn't think clearly after what you had just seen.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Dad...?! What the... Fuck?!<</speech>>
@@color:pink;Most important is that... Is he loves me anymore?@@
<<button "Leave">><<set $time to $time +2>><<set $evatask to 2>><<goto "mall">><</button>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<masteraudio stop>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilacar.jpg" class='large98'>
Camila is already waiting for you by the classic car. With curiosity you see she is packing luggage into the car.
<<if $dadcheating is true>>\
@@color:pink;You looked at her from a completely different angle, after what you just witnessed in the cafe, you don't know what to think of her. She was hugging and kissing my dad!@@<</if>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Are we staying there longer?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Possible, Ready?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No.<</speech>>
After your honesty, Camila get closer to you and put her hand into your arm.
<<speech "Camila">>It's okay, Me too. But we are the killers here! Let's show them what we've got! Blow their fucking minds with our charm, honey.<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/kisscity.jpg" class='large98'>
This speech was so lame and awkard for you.
But Then Camila looked deeply into your eyes and air changed. She looked at your lips and kisses you. During that kiss you felt like kidnapping her in the car and sexually abusing her. Camila finished kissing and smiles at you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... Hah...<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Hop in. On the way I'll explain my plan.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? You got a plan?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Of course i do!<</speech>>
<<button "Plan">><<goto "camilaplan">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "mansiontask" play>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/parklot.jpg" class='large98'>
You and Camila have reached the location. As Eva said, the mansion on the hill is quite big. Workers and maids were eager to pick up your baggage from your car as they went about the home.
There are several high-end and sports vehicles in the parking lot when you exit your car.
Then a woman may be heard shouting from the other way.
<<speech "Emanuela" "???">>¡Idiota! ¡Esa maleta vale más que tu familia junta!<</speech>>
You were unable to understand anything, but suddenly Camila grabs your arm, tells you not to worry, and points to the direction of the open entrance of this large home.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Enter</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/place.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop>
As you came inside, the inside appeared to be incredibly luxurious. You could see diamond lighting and glittering vases everywhere. The music is of a classical genre you may not be familiar with.
The pressure of your blood veins rises when you experience all this.
Camila's face expresses nothing. Your perception suggests that she used to take part in similar events.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Goddamn! This place! Must cost fortune!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Quite possibly, $name please. Concentrate on the task <</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Elegant Man</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/restaurant/task/serve.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop>
A senior gentleman with a charming smile and an earphone in his ear just entered. He welcomed you with a bow and reviewed the guest list.
<<speech "Stephan" "Servant">>Hello Ladies, Mr. Olgierd mention about two pretty girls are coming to join the dinner. My name is Stephan and I'm here to show you around. Please that way.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Thank you. Are we late?<</speech>>
<<speech "Stephan">>But please do not trouble yourself about it, your beauty will reward any man for his lack of patience.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That is kind of you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Stephan">>Happy to hear that Miss. Please, This way.<</speech>>
<<button "The Show">><<goto "mansioneat">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/party.jpg" class='large98'>
<<speech "Camila">>When we arrive, the Party organised by Teresa will begin. It will be a private staff party and only a few will be allowed in. Eva made sure we had invitations. At the beginning just smile and try to get in touch with the people I'll introduce you to in the plan.<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/teresa.jpg" class='large98'>
<<speech "Camila">>There are seven people on the board. Daughter of the CEO, Teresa Cassan herself. Joseph put a lot of work and trust on her, Even now he vote for her. She has the strongest chances of becoming CEO. Anyway, We need no to worry about her, For now.<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/sonstask.jpg" class='large98'>
<<speech "Camila">>Next... There is her three brothers. Richard, Alwyn and Nate.
All I know is that Alwyn and Nate have a poor track record with Father.
Let's just observe and judge what they are like, okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Teresa and Richard have been competing for the Daddy stool for a couple of nice years. And just then we step in to win favour for Richard. I don't know much about him and i don't care.
Oh! Before i finish, One thing from Eva. Under no circumstances are we to seduce Richard. Don't ask why.<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/investor.jpg" class='large98'>
<<speech "Camila">>Investor. A columbian, who just invested a lot of money to Joseph's Company. He has some kind of vote on board. I don't know much of this guy. I think he hides shady shit behind him. Let's just talk with guest and find more about this guy.<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/blackmen.jpg" class='large98'>
<<speech "Camila">>Now the part where is going the best. Teresa introduced to the board With the approval of her own father, Tyrone a handsome guy. After a while, Joseph grew to like the guy and even began to respect him more than his own sons. Apparently the board lacked protection from nosy or annoying fans, so Joseph give him control of security. Tyrone is quite bad at what he does, as in this photo he was captured by the paparazzi having fun with Teresa. Tyrone would be a good addition to convice her.<</speech>>
<<if $bbcaddiction gte 4>>\
@@color:orange;Blacked:$bbcaddiction/4 Points Passed!@@
<div class="posarousal">Your head began to imagine what it looked like next.</div>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Imagine</h6>">>
<video src="img/restaurant/task/teresa.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">I'm picturing nasty stuff. Tyrone fucking hard and deep Teresa...</div>
@@color:grey;Blacked$bbcaddiction/4 Points Not enough to start imagining what happened next.@@
<img src="img/restaurant/task/olgierdplan.jpg" class='large98'>
<<speech "Camila">>And here is the guy who we are aiming for the most. Olgierd... Joseph's Cassan right hand and most trusted man. Mostly, He is the source of everything want goes around. If Olgierd is out, Joseph's Legacy is going to collapse.
Anyway, it won't be simple because he is now Teresa's most trusted man. The only remaining choice is to improvise.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn... Camila. How do you know all of this?!<</speech>>
Camila became silent for a minute, as if she was considering it over.
<<speech "Camila">>From Eva.<</speech>>
You don't know what to think of this but somehow you feel she was lying at this moment.
Camila speed up the car.
<<speech "Camila">>$name. Just study on these files and be prepared. We will be there shortly.<</speech>>
<<button "Place">><<goto "mansiontask">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "mansiontask" play>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/entry.jpg" class='large98'>
The Servant leads you to the big hall, Everything was so shiny and elegant around.
What first came across you were four men drinking wine or champagne, apparently these are the three sons and fourth must be Tyrone. Camila leans to you and whispers quietly.
<<speech "Camila">>Oh my. Joseph must be shooting with golden sperm. Look how good-looking these bad boys are!<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/brothers2.jpg" class='large98'>
Camila was right about that one. Joseph's sons are incredibly handsome and they're in great shape.
One of them just looked at you and Camila and started laughing like hyena from the farm.
<<speech "Nate">>Look what we have here! Eva's Lackeys just arrived! Haahaa!<</speech>>
The other brother just stand up from the chair and right away patted Nate on the back, attempting to calm him down. Nate's expression indicates that he took it poorly.
<<speech "Richard">>Nate...! Hello, I'm Richard.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alwyn">>And my name-<</speech>>
<<speech "Nate">>Shut the fuck up. Who gives a fucking thing about your name, dude.<</speech>>
Alwyn closed up and Richard looked at Nate with anger as he, with a shrug of his shoulders, simply began to sip another glass of champagne.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Awkward Situation</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilatease.jpg" class='large98'>
Then Camila stepped away from you and walked up to Alwyn embracing his arm with the confident approach and talks with most seductive or charming voice you've never heard before.
<<speech "Camila">>Is it Alwyn? You must work a lot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alwyn">>Y-Yeah! Yeah i do!<</speech>>
Nate and Richard looked at each other with their eyes wide open.
You can admit that Camila managed to impress them with her charm. Then Nate gulped down the entire contents of his glass in one gulp.
<<speech "Nate">>Hmph. Whatever. Little advice girls, Alwyn loves being anally licked.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alwyn">>Fuck you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Nate">>Yeah, That is incest Brother but maybe later? After this shitty party?<</speech>>
With that absurd text, Nate head to the exit of the hall.
In the middle of the walk, He stumbles on Tyrone.
<<speech "Nate">>For fuck sake Tyrone! Be useful for once! Get the fucking the shit I asked you ages ago, Eh?<</speech>>
Nate with mad face left the room. Tyrone was confused with all of this same as you.
<<speech "Tyrone">><sub>Fucking Nate.</sub><</speech>>
Tyrone paid no mind to Nate's words and went back to drinking.
Camila tries to remain calm and whispers to Alwyn's ear. He smiled a lot and looked at you.
<img src="img/restaurant/task/champagne.webp" class='medium'>
Then from behind Richard hands you a glass and pour the champange.
<<speech "Richard">>Here. Take a drink. Try to loosen up. In our family, this type of shit happens every day.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is that so? I can say the same. Do you have any suggestions?<</speech>>
<<speech "Richard">>Suggestions? Care less, Worry later. Uhh... Gotta leave you before Nate do something way wrong.<</speech>>
Richard leaves and goes to the place where Nate disappeared.
@@color:lightyellow;Watching the behaviour of these three brothers, you can see that Nate is the worst of the family. Could it be that he has some kind of childhood trauma?
Alwyn behaves like an introvert, with Camila he is not confident and looks a bit pale.
Richard is clearly the most serious and sensible of them all so far. But you get the feeling he's a lot worse than they are.@@
<<button "Event">><<masteraudio stop>><<set $lenapovright to 100>><<goto "mansionevent">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "classparty" play>>
<span id="event">\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/alwyn2.jpg" class='medium'>
Alwyn is being occupied by Camila.
<<linkreplace "<h53>Alwyn</h53>">><<replace "#event">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<<if $alwyn is 0>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/alwyn2.jpg" class='large'>
Camila is charming Alwyn with her smile and beauty. It seems that he already enjoys company of pretty ladies.
<<speech "Camila">>..Stop making me laugh! Haha! Oh hey! $name! Here. Let me introduce you. It's Alwyn, the honest and cutest boy I've ever met!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are right! He is cuteee!<</speech>>
<<speech "Alwyn">>Hah... S-Stop it. Don't make me blush. H-Hi $name. So cool that you came h-here. I though this party would b-be boring.<</speech>>
Alwyn seems a little nervous about the situation he finds himself in. It's as if he's looking around for help, but Camila tries to reassure him by hugging his arm.
<<speech "Camila">>It's alright Alwyn. Don't worry, $name and I will make this boring time more enjoyable! I promise.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alwyn">>Huh.. I don't know what to say! T-Thanks!<</speech>>
<<set $alwyn to $alwyn +1>>
<div class="pilka">Alwyn Approbation Gained</div>
<<elseif $alwyn is 1>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/alwyn.jpg" class='large'>
Alwyn and Camila are busy.
<<if $alwyntalk is 0>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ask about Family</h6>">>\
Alwyn was talking to Camila at the moment, but when you joined them he looked at you curiously.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey, Can i ask you a question?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alwyn">>O-Of course!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>About your brother, Nate. Why is he like that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alwyn">>Oh. I.. I don't know if I should talk about it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Relax, Alwyn. I want to know too!<</speech>>
When Alwyn saw Camila's sweet smile, he turned a little red in the face and nodded.
<<speech "Alwyn">>It's a different story with Nat. He wasn't the person he is today. He was an understanding man who often supported me. Until our mother passed away. I'm not sure why, but Nate held himself responsible for what happened to her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Why is that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alwyn">>I-I don't know. I think... It is related with Richard... I... no... Noo. Sorry but i can't tell more.<</speech>>
Camila nodded and looked at me.
<<speech "Camila">>That sounds bad. But what about your Father?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alwyn">>Father? What about him?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Is he took care of you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alwyn">>Hmph... Dad? It would be saint day. Our Papa never took care of me or Nate.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Never? How about Teresa or Richard?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alwyn">>Dad's company would have gone out of business long ago if Teresa and Richard hadn't been with him. I'm sure you already know the answer.<</speech>>
Alwyn glanced over to someone and coughed nervously. His facial expression changed to one of slight nervousness.
<<speech "Alwyn">>Emm.. Sorry but can we change the subject? I hate gossip about my stupid family.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Of course Alwyn. Me and $name are sorry for being so noisy.<</speech>>
<<set $nateinfo to $nateinfo +1>>\
<<set $alwyntalk to 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Camila</h6>">><<replace "#event">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilatease.jpg" class='large98'>
You excused Alwyn to speak alone with Camila.
<<speech "Camila">>Oh my... It is so easy! Alwyn can't just stop looking at me. What about others, $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm...<</speech>>
<<include "camilaquest">>
<<button "Leave Her">><<goto "mansionevent">><</button>>
<<button "Leave Them">><<goto "mansionevent">><</button>>
<<include "patricetalkkk">>
<<if $richardtalk is 5>>\
<h3>@@color:orange;Before you go to listen to what Olgierd has to say, be aware that you won't be coming back.@@</h3>
<<link "<h55>Olgierd's Speech.</h55>">><<audio "classparty" stop>><<audio "speech" play>><<goto "mansionevent2">><</link>>
<th><<link "<h54>Go to left side</h54>">><<goto "leftmasion">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h54>Go deeper</h54>">><<goto "mansioncenter">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h54>Go to right side</h54>">><<goto "rightmansion">><</link>></th></table>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "classparty" play>>
<h2>Left Wing</h2>
<span id="left">\
<<if $richardtalk lte 4>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/richard2.jpg" class='medium'>
Richard is busy with someone.
<<linkreplace "<h53>Richard</h53>">><<replace "#left">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<<if $richardtalk is 0>><<audio "richlaugh" play>>\
<th><img src="img/restaurant/task/mantalk.jpg" class='imageleft'></th>
<th><img src="img/restaurant/task/lucastalk.jpg" class='imageright'></th>
Deep in the corridor by the window, Richard is talking with two men. One of them is a grey haired man. It is difficult for you to tell who it is, as his back is turned to you.
The other man by your suprise is Lucas.
<<speech "Leon" "???">><sub>...Haven't you heard?</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">><sub>I don't even fucking feel like thinking about it.</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Richard">><sub>Gentlemen, do not get carried away.</sub><</speech>>
It seems that their conversation is quite serious, Judging by the expression on Richard's face that he is quite troubled about what they are talking about.
@@color:orange;Now is not a good time to speak with Richard.
At least Lucas has separated himself from them, He went towards the right wing.@@
<<set $richardtalk to 1>>
<<elseif $richardtalk gte 1 and $richardtalk lte 3 and $richardinfo is 0>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/mantalk.jpg" class='medium'>
Richard keeps the conversation with the misterious man.
<<if $richardtalk is 1>>\
<<speech "Leon" "???">><sub>How much this time?</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Richard">><sub>It's on the house.</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">><sub>This is why i like you Richy.</sub><</speech>>
<<elseif $richardtalk is 2>>\
<<speech "Richard">><sub>Cargo is halfway through</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Leon" "???">><sub>Excellent, but what about next month?</sub>
<<speech "Richard">><sub>It will be on time.</sub><</speech>>
<<elseif $richardtalk is 3>>\
<<speech "Leon" "???">><sub>Haha. My son's tastes are increasingly exorbitant. </sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Richard">><sub>Don't worry. We'll manage.</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Leon" "???">><sub>Great. I'll go get refresh.</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Richard">><sub>Sure. A little extra is waiting already.</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Leon" "???">><sub>Damn Richy, You always amaze me.</sub><</speech>>
@@color:orange;Keep visiting until Richard is left alone.@@
<<set $richardtalk to $richardtalk +1>>
<<elseif $richardtalk is 4 or $richardinfo is 1>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/richard2.jpg" class='medium'>
Richard is finally alone.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Talk with Richard</h6>">>
Richard seems tired and emotionless. As you get closer he looked at you with nothing but a smile.
<<speech "Richard">>Camila.. Right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No. $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Richard">>Oh right. $name. Apologies. So many chicks wonder around.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's alright. Enjoying the event?<</speech>>
<<speech "Richard">>I'm trying my best, $name. Anyway, I'm curious why Eva chose you to come here.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Eva?</h6>">>
<<audio "richlaugh" play>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Me? How do you know?<</speech>>
<<speech "Richard">>Camila fits here perfectly, But you... Hmm... Yes...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Richard">>Please, forgive me. But i need to talk with someone.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Richard leaves you behind, but you can see that there is a lot of confusion in the centre of the wing.@@
<<set $richardtalk to 5>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "leftmasion">><</button>>
<<elseif $richardtalk is 5>>\
@@color:orange;Richard gone somewhere.@@
<img src="img/restaurant/task/nate2.jpg" class='medium'>
Nate is looking at his phone now.
<<linkreplace "<h53>Nate</h53>">><<replace "#left">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/nate2.jpg" class='medium'>
Nate is watching something at the Phone.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Approach</h6>">>
<<if $natetalk is 0>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/nate.jpg" class='medium'>
It was impossible to see what was on the phone, but Nate was excited by what he was watching.
<<speech "Nate">>For fuuuck saaake!!! How these imbeciles are so useless!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey? What are you watching?<</speech>>
Nate looked at you with angry face.
<<speech "Nate">>Why do you even care? What do you want?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>To get to know you..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Nate">>Yeah right. Look, if you want to suck my cock, don't bother! I've got a lot of bitches in line. Fuck off!<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>That went well...<</speech>>
When you were about to leave him, Nate whistles at you.
<<speech "Nate">>Oh, Right! Hey chick! Before you leave, tell this moron Tyrone that my car is waiting to be washed. Okay? Do you get it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ummm? Yeah...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Nate">>Great! Now you can fuck off.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Well... At least you can talk with Tyrone.@@
<<set $natetalk to 1>>\
<<elseif $natetalk is 1>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/nate.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Nate">>Jesus Christ! What a fucking horrible team!!!<</speech>>
@@color:orange;It's better not to disturb Nate.@@
<<button "Leave">><<goto "leftmasion">><</button>>
<th><<link "<h54>Go to center</h54>">><<goto "mansionevent">><</link>></th>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "classparty" play>>
<h2>Right Wing</h2>
<span id="right">\
<<if $meetmadison is true and $madisontalkparty is 0>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/madison2.jpg" class='medium'>
<<linkreplace "<h53>A familiar Face</h53>">><<replace "#right">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/madison.jpg" class='medium'>
It's Madison!
<<linkreplace "<h53>Talk with her</h53>">>\
She was busy drinking champagne and looking at Tyrone. You surprised her when you approached her.
<<speech "Madison">>$name?! You here? What a suprise.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can say the same, Boss.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Please. Don't call me that. Especially here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can i ask what are you doing here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>And what do you think? I was invited. What about you?<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/madison3.jpg" class='large98'>
Madison glanced at the centre of the room
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Me too. It seems to me that you have some business to whip up here, eh? <</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Huh? Oh. $name. Perceptive as usual. I know we are not at work but... Can i ask you for a favor?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure?<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Bring this letter to that guy over there. Please, don't ask why. Just bring this letter to him. Thank you.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Madison hands you a letter and points at the Tyrone. @@
<<set $madisontalkparty to 1>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "rightmansion">><</button>>
<<if $madisontalkparty gte 1>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/madison2.jpg" class='medium'>
<<linkreplace "<h53>Madison</h53>">><<replace "#right">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<<if $madisontalkparty is 1>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/madison3.jpg" class='large'>
Madison sips red wine. She looks at you with curiosity.
<<speech "Madison">>So? Did you do it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Not yet.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Bring Madison's letter to Tyrone.@@
<<elseif $madisontalkparty is 2>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/madison4.jpg" class='large98'>
Madison is looking at the reaction of Tyrone in the center of the room.
<<speech "Madison">>Sooo? Did he say something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Apart from smiling, he told me to tell you that he understand.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>That's... Good. Hah. One less thing to worry about. Thank you $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure.<</speech>>
<<set $madisontalkparty to 3>>\
@@color:orange;Madison with a happy smile back to the drinking the wine@@
<<elseif $madisontalkparty is 3>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/madison4.jpg" class='large98'>
Madison is drinking and glancing at Tyrone.
<<button "Leave">><<goto "rightmansion">><</button>>
<<if $richardtalk gte 1>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/lucas2.jpg" class='medium'>
Lucas is alone, Sipping some wine.
<<link "<h53>Lucas</h53>">><<goto "lucasmansion">><</link>>
<th><<link "<h54>Go to center</h54>">><<goto "mansionevent">><</link>></th>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "classparty" play>>\
<span id="center">\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/andres.jpg" class='medium'>
Andres looks around at the guests with a confident attitude.
<<linkreplace "<h53>Andres</h53>">><<replace "#center">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<<if $andrestalk is 0>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/andres2.jpg" class='medium'>
As you get closer to Andres, he looked at you with curiosity.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Talk to him</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/emanuela.jpg" class='medium'>
When you were about to begin to talk, A certain lady came to Andres. She hugged his arm and looked at you with an unwillingness though her attention was devoured on Andres.
<<speech "Emanuela" "???">>¡Andrés, mi amor! Ohhh.... What do we have here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hello.<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Se acercó a mí. Realmente! Créeme!<</speech>>
<<speech "Emanuela" "???">>Silencio. Hablaremos de ello más tarde.<</speech>>
You don't understand anything they are saying.
A lady face back to you with a smile. Now you do recognize by her voice, At the start she was at the parking lot.
<<speech "Emanuela">>Name is Emanuela, and yours?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$name. Nice to-<</speech>>
<<speech "Emanuela">>Yes. Yes. Pleasure is mine too. $name, I've never seen you before. Good.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why?<</speech>>
Andres looked at Emanuela as he asked her to stop.
<<speech "Andres">>Emanuela.<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/emanuela2.jpg" class='large'>
Emanuela moves so close to you until you can smell her velvety perfume. She looked down at you only now you noticed how much taller she was by a couple of inches.
<<speech "Emanuela">>I adore the fresh faces. The more you get to know someone, the more you fall in love with them, even if they may first appear a little boring or average. And with that love, all you desire to do is RIP! Off! Their Corpses. Do you understand?!<</speech>>
A shiver went through you when she finished speaking. Emanuela said it with a grim smile on her face, and her voice was as disgusting sweet. Andres coughed and took Emanuela's hand.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I... do..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Please. Leave. Me and my wife need to talk.<</speech>>
<<set $andres to 1>>
@@color:orange;Andres took Emanuela to a secluded place and they could be seen arguing. Emanuela just laughed it off and didn't care what her husband said. said.@@
<<set $andrestalk to 1>>\
<<elseif $andrestalk is 1>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/emanuela.jpg" class='medium'>
Andres and Emanuela talk to each other in a language in which you understand nothing while sipping champagne.
@@color:orange;Look for the clue, Maybe talk with someone about them?@@
<<elseif $andrestalk is 2>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/emanuela.jpg" class='medium'>
Andres and Emanuela talk to each other in a language in which you understand nothing while sipping champagne.
@@color:lightgreen;Lucas promised you to help with Emanuela, but you need to talk with Camila about Andres@@
<<elseif $andrestalk is 3>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/emanuela.jpg" class='medium'>
Andres and Emanuela talk to each other in a language in which you understand nothing while sipping champagne.
@@color:lightgreen;Lucas promised you to help with Emanuela.
Camila is ready and waiting for your sign.@@
<<button "Leave">><<goto "mansioncenter">><</button>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/burnet.jpg" class='medium'>
In the crowd of the people you spot Burnett.
<<linkreplace "<h53>Burnett</h53>">><<replace "#center">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/burnet.jpg" class='medium'>
Burnett is speaking with certain good looking ladies. Then his eyes directed to you.
<<speech "Burnett">>$name?<</speech>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true and $burtalk gte 1>>\
<div class="posarousal">Burnett looked at you deeply and deeply... Somehow your mind is a little off. It is like a feather. </div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh doc! I thought you would never-<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Quiet. Don't think, Act. Hmm... Let's go somewhere else. Shall we?<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Bimbo Senses Activated!@@ Go with Burnett.</h6>">><<goto "bimbobjbur">><</link>>
Burnett looked deeply into your eyes and he gave up.
@@color:grey;You are not bimbofied enough for Burnett to help you.@@
<<speech "Burnett">>Eh... Nevermind.<</speech>>
<<if $burtalk is 1 and $burbimbo gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Talk</h6>">>
Burnett smiles at you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sir. About that...<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Later, $name. We will talk about it later.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes... Sir.<</speech>>
<<if $burtalk is 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Talk</h6>">><<set $burtalk to 1>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Burnett? I was not expecting you to be here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Why is that $name? How could I have missed such a worthy opportunity to meet new people. How about you? What are you doing here, babe?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I have been invited... To meet new people.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Ah! I understand. But it seems to me that you are a little too tense, my dear.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I... Guess?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>How about i could help you with that?<</speech>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<div class="posarousal">Burnett looked at you deeply and deeply... Somehow your mind is a little off. It is like a feather. </div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh doc! I thought you would never-<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Quiet. Don't think, Act. Hmm... Let's go somewhere else. Shall we?<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Bimbo Senses Activated!@@ Go with Burnett.</h6>">><<goto "bimbobjbur">><</link>>
Burnett looked deeply into your eyes and he gave up.
@@color:grey;You are not bimbofied enough for Burnett to help you.@@
<<speech "Burnett">>Eh... Nevermind.<</speech>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "mansioncenter">><</button>>
<th><<link "<h54>Go Back</h54>">><<goto "mansionevent">><</link>></th>
</div>\<span id="cam">\
<<if $burbimbo gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Camila's suspicions</h6>">><<replace "#cam">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\\
<<speech "Camila">>Are you... Okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm..? What do you mean?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Beacuse i have eyes. You and some guy just left a few minutes ago to the restroom. I understand the sacrifices, but next time try to correct your make-up properly.<</speech>>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>Oh fuck off!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's not... Ah.. Whatever.<</speech>>
<<if $patrice gte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Tyrone</h6>">>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I might get chance with Tyrone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Good. I have to say, I didn't know you like this type of men.<</speech>>
<<if $bbcaddiction gte 5>>\
@@color:orange;Blacked $bbcaddiction/5 Points validated@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm telling you, these gents know how to please a woman!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Hah. Good to know. So get to work with him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But i can ask for a favor of my friend.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Really? Who?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My boss, Madison. She could help me to win him over.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Wow. At least you got two options. Get to work girl!<</speech>>
<<elseif $bbcaddiction lte 4>>\
@@color:grey;Blacked $bbcaddiction/5 Points. Not enough!@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... I'm little scared to be honest. But i there someone who could help me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Hmm? Who?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My boss, Madison. She could help me to win him over.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Hmm... It's reassuring. Cool. Get to work.<</speech>>
<<elseif $patricetalk is 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:orange;Hint with Tyrone@@</h6>">><<replace "#cam">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
You told Camila about the Nate's Favour for Tyrone.
<<speech "Camila">>Wow.. Our little Nate might be jealous.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You think so?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>You've seen how Nate is treating Tyrone poorly. He is humiliating Tyrone. Or he is simply a racist.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let's just think that he is jealous. But of what?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>First thing that cames me in mind is... Nate has the same position as Tyrone. Second is... Romantic relationship with Teresa. Third... I don't know.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good point Camila.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Talk Tyrone about Nate.@@
<<set $patricetalk to 3>>\
<<elseif $patricetalk is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Tyrone</h6>">>\
<<speech "Camila">>And..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Emm... Nothing yet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Gosh... Maybe look around or talk with someone? Get to work!<</speech>>
<<elseif $patricetalk is 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Tyrone</h6>">>\
<<speech "Camila">>So, How about Parice?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I need to talk to him, first.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Then go!<</speech>>
<<if $andrestalk is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Andres</h6>">>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Camila. We might have problem with Andres.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>His wife Emanuela. I think she... Threatened me. It sounds bad. Really bad. Do you know something about her?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Damn... No. Nothing. What if i talk with her?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No. I don't like it. Let me find the other solution.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Sure but time is not in our favour, $name.<</speech>>
<<if $richardtalk gte 1>>\
@@color:orange;Maybe Lucas could help?@@<</if>>\
<<elseif $andrestalk is 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Andres</h6>">>\
Thanks to Lucas you find something on Andres.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Camila! I know how to get through Andres.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Cool. Hit me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I managed to get help with Emanuela but I think i'll need you help with this one.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Okay. Sure. What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Andres likes to take pictures of young girls I think-<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>I'll be the model.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh...? Are you sure?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>One hundred percent. After we get inside, Andres was glancing at me all time. I'm sure I caught his eye.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>O-Okay! I'll call you.<</speech>>
<<set $andrestalk to 3>>@@color:orange;Wait for the right moment@@
</span>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "classparty" play>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/lucas.jpg" class='medium'>
<span id="talk">\
<<if $lucastalkparty is 0>>\
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name. I knew you'd be here. How is the party?<</speech>>
As always, Lucas is very informed of everything.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lucas! Oh It is very great.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Don't lie. You hate parties.<</speech>>
He knows me very well. I do... I hate parties.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Who is that girl you came here?<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilarest.jpg" class='large'>
Lucas points his head towards Camila where she is enjoying company with Alwyn.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Camila? I don't know much about her to be honest.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Other than that she came with you and working for Eva? Camila... Fascinating<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah... Other than that. Why is it fascinating?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>It's nothing. Just be careful.<</speech>>
<<set $lucastalkparty to 1>>@@color:orange;Be careful? Around her? Why?@@
<<button "Back to Lucas">><<goto "lucasmansion">><</button>>
<<elseif $lucastalkparty gte 1>>\
Lucas is looking good as always.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>I see you are troubled. What is it?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Ask why is he here.</h50>">><<replace "#talk">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>May i ask you... Why are you here, exactly? I thought you hate Eva.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Hate? It's not about hate but about competition. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So it's all about money.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name. Money is the poor people's currency. I'll give you some piece of advice. These types of meetings are a excellent opportunity to gain respect, information and favour. This is a major currency in these days. It is hard to earn but easy to spent.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I like it. Wise words.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>That is why i am here.<</speech>>
<<set $lucasadvice to true>>\
<<button "Ask something else">><<goto "lucasmansion">><</button>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Ask about Richard</h50>">><<replace "#talk">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I seen you two talk each other, Can you help me with him?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Richard... Richy. It depends.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>On?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>How far you can take it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Let's assume a lot, what then?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Then you are gone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm... Can you elaborate?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Do not go this way, $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What if i wish to?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Okay. This is your choice. Burnett is a gatekeeper.<</speech>>
<<set $richardinfo to 1>>
@@color:orange;Burnett might help you with Richard.@@
<<button "Ask something else">><<goto "lucasmansion">><</button>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Ask about Nate</h50>">><<replace "#talk">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I have a little trouble with the one brother over here.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>With Nate.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. Any advice on him?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Seen him once, he causes more trouble than happiness. I don't know him and I don't care.<</speech>>
<<button "Ask something else">><<goto "lucasmansion">><</button>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Ask about Alwyn</h50>">><<replace "#talk">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Alwyn, Do you know him?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Until this party, I had never seen him.<</speech>>
<<button "Ask something else">><<goto "lucasmansion">><</button>>
<<if $madisontalkparty gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h50>Ask about Madison</h50>">><<replace "#talk">>
You looked at Madison in the othe part of this wing, She shamefully try not to make contact eye with Lucas.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Madison is there. Why don't you join her?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>It's not your business, $name.<</speech>>
<<button "Ask something else">><<goto "lucasmansion">><</button>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Ask About Olgierd</h50>">><<replace "#talk">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you know Olgierd?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Of course, I know him. This shit show wouldn't be without him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What about his history?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>History? Hmm... Someone betrayed him one year ago, and he ended up in jail. For a day or so.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>For what?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>He was accused of fraud and narcotics trafficking. Of course, he denied it and had a great defense attorney. As i remembered, Police had to pay him a large compensation for infamy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Not bad....<</speech>>
<<set $olgierdcamila to true>>
<<if $andrestalk gte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h50>@@color:orange;Ask about Columbians@@</h50>">><<replace "#talk">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lucas... I think I have messed with a woman. Emanuela.<</speech>>
For the first you see how Lucas can't control his laugh. With a smile on his face he replies.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Haha. Never speak with Andres when he is alone, my dear. Emanuela she... She is the most dangerous and jealous woman I've ever seen. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh?! Then how i am supposed to get to know him?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Emanuela may be the jealous type but she herself is a hypocrite and cheats on Andres many times. She enjoys company of young lads. I can help you with that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What about Andres?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Andres has mentioned about photography, he loves to take pictures of young girls in their lingerie. Think about it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks Lucas!<</speech>>
<<if $andrestalk is 1>>\
<<set $andrestalk to 2>>@@color:orange;Now speak with Camila about the plan.@@
@@color:orange;Speak to Andres when the opportunity arises.@@
<<linkreplace "<h50>About other Guy</h50>">><<replace "#talk">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I saw you having a conversation with Richard and the other man. Who was he?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name, you shouldn't pry into other people's business. Change the subject.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;It seems that Lucas does not want to reveal his identity.@@
<<button "Ask something else">><<goto "lucasmansion">><</button>>
<<if $subtolucas is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h50>Jewerly</h50>">><<replace "#talk">>
@@color:orange;Since the day Lucas voluntarily let you take the QOS necklace, you have had a fond relationship with him. When he looks at you with that look of his, you know you are devoted to him.@@
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Is something wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh. Nothing.<</speech>>
<<button "Leave him">><<goto "rightmansion">><</button>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<masteraudio stop>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/bj.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls>
<div class="posarousal">You are awakening with a cock in your mouth. The taste of it makes you aroused... You wish to suck it!
So you do it with the greatest pleasure!
This is your purpose.</div>\
<<timed 2s t8n>>\
<<speech "Burnett">>Waakee up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah...!!! Mm!!! *Gawk*<</speech>><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Haa.. Good slut. Choke on it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*SLURRP* Mmm!! So..*SLURRP* Fuck-*SLUURP* Delicious!! *Gawk*<</speech>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><<speech "Burnett">>Yeaah... There... Theereee. This is your purpose, My Bimbo Slut!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Bimbo Slut</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/bj2.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">The yummy white stuff is coming from your favorite part of men's body. A gallon of his cum leaked straight onto your insensitive face. Gather his sperm with your tongue and enjoy it.
You love having it in your mouth. The taste is #1 on this world. Nothing makes you happier than having this inside your mouth.
The swallowing part is like the most delicious dessert with a cherry on the pie.</div>
<<speech "Burnett">>...Dear.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Never mind, don't think. Did you enjoy it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Absolutely, sir! There's nothing I enjoy more than licking and sucking dicks to loosen up! It so much fun!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Glad to hear. Boys would be pleased.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Boys..? Sir?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Keep sucking...<</speech>>
@@color:hotpink;You obeyed his command and kept sucking until he cums on your pretty face. Afterwards, Burnett helps you get up and wash yourself.@@
<<if $burbimbo is 0>>\
<<set $arousal to $arousal +15>><div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +15@@</div><<set $burbimbo to 1>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "mansioncenter">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/olgierdspeech.jpg" class='large98'>
In the middle of the event, Everything in the room got silenced. Each servant went to the table to get a new batch of glasses and distributed one by one to each guest.
A bald man enters the room and greets his visitor with a polite smile on the way.
As he reached the centre of the room, someone ran up to him and whispered something in his ear. He nodded as a sign of understanding and began to speak.
<<speech "Olgierd">>My dear friends, I would like to thank you all for coming on behalf of Teresa.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h53>Alwyn and Nate</h53>">>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/alwynnate.jpg" class='large98'>
@@color:orange;During the Olgierd's speech, Nate and Alwyn are sitting nervously and drinking in the couch. They appear concerned about what may happen, looking at the floor for some sign of hope.@@
<<speech "Olgierd">>Unfortunately, she is unable to honour her presence as she is currently engaged in the finalisation of significant developments for the company.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h53>Look Around</h53>">>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/richardburnett.jpg" class='large98'>
@@color:orange;At the corner of the room you see Richard and Burnett talking to each other, As if they don't give a damn about Olgierd's speech. It felt strange when Richard started whispering in Doc's ear, Burnett looked at you with a smile. He then replied with a nod to Richard.@@
<<speech "Olgierd">>We would like to take this opportunity to celebrate the achievements and awards gained here in short time through the dedicated efforts of our employees... <</speech>>
<<if $madisontalkparty gte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h53>Madison</h53>">>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/madisonpatrice.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:orange;In other corner you see Madison and Tyrone. Madison gives him her hand and he embraces her and leads her out of the room.@@
<<elseif $madisontalkparty is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h53>Madison</h53>">>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/madison3.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:orange;Madison is glancing at the opposite corner of the room, At Tyrone
Then Madison looked towards you with a frustrated expression. You were supposed to hand a letter from her.@@
<<elseif $madisontalkparty is 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h53>Familiar Lady</h53>">>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/madison3.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:orange;While looking around the room, you noticed a familiar person. It was Madison. She doesn't appear interested in the party. Madison is glancing to the opposite side of the room, as if she is seeking for something.@@
<<speech "Olgierd">>On behalf of the board, we would like to express our gratitude for your contributions and..<</speech>>
<<if $andrestalk gte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h53>Andres & Emanuela</h53>">>
<th><img src="img/restaurant/task/andresem.jpg" class='imageleft'></th>
<th><img src="img/restaurant/task/lucastalk.jpg" class='imageright'></th>
@@color:orange;Emanuela and Andres are looking at Olgierd, but then Lucas approached to them and hands a letter to Emanuela's hands. As she was reading this letter, she smiled.@@
<<elseif $andrestalk is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h53>Andres & Emanuela</h53>">>
@@color:orange;Emanuela and Andres are gossiping with each other. Then Emanuela were distracted with a young male waitress.
As male waitress were leaving them both, Emanuela left Andres and goes to the waitress. She leaned toward him with a smile and whispered something in the waiter's ear. At first he looked surprised by what he heard but after a moment he hurriedly left the room.@@
<<elseif $andrestalk is 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h53>Andres</h53>">>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/andresem.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:orange;You caught Andres at the center of this room. He is with a woman who smiles warmly at a bunch of young males.@@
<<speech "Olgierd">>I believe that we can improve even more. That's why, I... No. Joseph dreams to expand even beyond it...<</speech>>
<<speech "Olgierd">>...That is why part of the board are moving to Europe. To ignite a dream that is close to our hearts. Nate and Alwyn. Come here.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Announcement</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>><<audio "clapping" play>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/olgierdandsons.jpg" class='large98'>
Nate and Alwyn obediently appeared by Olgierd's side. Alwyn was visibly uneasy, while Nate was clearly upset and looking around angrily.
<<speech "Olgierd">>We are delighted to share the news that Joseph's two trusted sons, Alwyn and Nate, will be at the helm of the expedition team. Please join us in applauding them for their courage and dedication to the cause.<</speech>>
After Olgierd finished his speech, Alwyn and Nate looked more stressed and shocked by this news.
Olgierd begins to clap in a slow, measured manner, and soon others join him in this gesture of appreciation.
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilaevent.jpg" class='large98'>
Then Camila caught up with you and whispers to you ear.
<<if $alwyn is 0 and $alwyntalk is 0>>\
<<speech "Camila">>Goddamit $name, You could at least approach to Alwyn for a moment to talk.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry? I was busy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Sure you were... Poor Alwyn.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What about him?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Alwyn and Nate are not that useful to the family, That's what he tried to explain to me. So now they have a chance to peel it off.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What about other two? Teresa and Richard?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>I didn't ask. Who cares anyway, $name? We are here to gain votes for Richard.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah... I know.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Then stop being useless and do something.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm trying!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Try harder, I gotta go.<</speech>>
<<elseif $alwyntalk gte 1 and $alwyn gte 1>>
<<speech "Camila">>Have a look at them. They're really nervous. Poor Alwyn.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Isn't it strange that Joseph sends his two sons whom he doesn't trust?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>I don't know. Perhaps so they can rehabilitate themselves? Who cares $name. We are here for something else.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>This does complicate our mission.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>On the contrary, it might be to our advantage.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Camila?<</speech>>
You wanted to ask Camila what she meant, but she vanished
<<elseif $alwyn is 1 and $alwyntalk is 0>>
<<speech "Camila">>Poor Alwyn, He is indeed nervous.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah, He is. Isn't that bad for the mission?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>On the contrary. It might be to our advantage!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Camila?<</speech>>
You wanted to ask Camila what she meant, but she vanished
Olgierd just finished speaking and invited guest to toast.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Salute</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>><<audio "speech" play>>
<<speech "Olgierd">>To Joseph!<</speech>>
Everyone around shouts ‘To Joseph’ in a gesture at the health and continued success of the company.
When it got silenced, You thought everything will be back to normal but then Out of nowhere you hear a familiar voice.
<<speech "Eva">>To Joseph! So that his legacy triumphs and flourishes!<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/evaparty.jpg" class='medium'>
As you look around the room, You spot Eva with Richard beside her.
Olgierd seems troubled with t
<<speech "Olgierd">>Eva, it's great to have you here! We're glad you could make it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Olgierd, Charmer as always. Thank you all for coming to my city. <</speech>>
There was slight confusion about where Lucas was stationed.
Now everything is back to normal and every guest enjoyed champagne and food from the buffet. It was time to continue the task.
<<button "Event">><<set $lenapovright to 101>><<set $time to 19>><<goto "mansionevent3">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "classparty2" play>>\
<span id="center">\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/lucas2.jpg" class='small'>
Lucas is alone, Sipping some wine.
<<link "<h53>Lucas</h53>">><<goto "lucasmansion2">><</link>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/olg.jpg" class='medium'>
Olgierd is talking with some guests.
<<linkreplace "<h53>Olgierd</h53>">><<replace "#center">>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/olg2.jpg" class='large'>
<<if $olgierdtalk lte 2>>\
Olgierd is occupied by guests.
<<speech "Olgierd">>$name.<</speech>>
<<if $camilatrue is 3>>\
<<speech "Olgierd">>Teresa might arrive anytime, $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm trying fast as I can. Just give me few minutes.<</speech>>
<<if $olgierdtalk is 0>>\
As you approach, the guests disperse and you are left alone with Olgierd.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Talk</h6>">>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/champagne2.webp" class='medium'>
When you try to speak your mind, Olgierd waves at someone.
Stephan appeared with a tray of two champagne glasses. He serves you one of them and Olgierd the other one.
<<speech "Stephan">>Miss.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thank you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Stephan">>Sir. Is there anything else I can do for you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olgierd">>This is all. Thank you, Stephan. You may go.<</speech>>
Stephan with a nice smile, bowed and left you alone with Olgierd.
<<speech "Olgierd">>Greetings $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hello. You know my name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olgierd">>A host needs to know the name of each guest who has been invited.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You must have a huge head for this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olgierd">>Is it a compliment? Anyway, let's get over the nonsense and speak about the important stuff. About Eva. Do you enjoy working for her?<</speech>>
@@color:lightyellow;You are thinking and the only thing that comes to your mind is a no. But how does Olgierd know that you are working for her? @@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It depends. But no. I don't<</speech>>
<<speech "Olgierd">>I'd be astonished if you liked her. Camila, for example, enjoys working for her. Strange...<</speech>>
Olgierd now looked in the direction where Camila was standing and drank his entire champagne. After that he leaned into your ear.
<<speech "Olgierd">>Did you know that Camila used to work for me? I must say, She is very talented lady.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No. I've never heard that.<</speech>>
Why didn't Camila say anything about it? It would be easier!
<<speech "Olgierd">>That's funny.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What happened? Why she is no longer working for you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olgierd">>Here. Take the key. Everything is inside.<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilatease.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:lightyellow;During this strange talk. Olgierd hands you a key to room. Number 19.
You were still holding the glass of Champagne. You were ready to consume its contents when Camila appeared and snatched your glass from your hand and placed it on the table.@@
<<set $key19 to true>>
<<speech "Camila">>$name, you silly! I told you before! You are driving today.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh... Right. Silly me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olgierd">>Camila! It is so good to see you again.<</speech>>
Camila did not honor her gaze in Olgierd's direction for a second, She just looked at you with a stubborn gaze.
<<speech "Camila">>$name. We need to talk. Now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure, If Olgierd don't mind?<</speech>>
<<speech "Olgierd">>Not at all, dear. Go ahead. See ya next time, Camila!<</speech>>
Camila took your hand with a force and pulled you out. As she was pulling, Olgierd was gazing at you with a smile.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Camila</h6>">><<replace "#center">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilaargue.jpg" class='medium'>
She leads you to a dark. seperate room where is no one inside.
<<speech "Camila">>What the fuck, $name!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Have you gone completely fucking retarded? Don't talk to Olgierd until we find out his vulnerabilities.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh fuck you too! Why didn't you tell me that you know him?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Listen! $name. I-<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Girls. Stop this.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Eva</h6>">>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/evaroslve.jpg" class='medium'>
Eva satisfied the argument between you and Camila by entering the room and turning on the light.
<<speech "Eva">>My god, Girls. I hoped it would not come to that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't understand, She-<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>She just saved your sorry ass, $name. Olgierd was about you to drug you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>With the drink. Never drink on the job, you Dummy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But it was Stephan who gave us the drinks, How could he have drugged me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>My $name, but how short-sighted you are. Stephan is Olgierd's personal slave. He will do anything to make Olgierd smile.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Don't trust anyone from here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't trust anyone? And how can i trust even you? Eva! Did you know Camila knows Olgierd?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>I do.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can't believe this. It would be easier to approach with Olgierd<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Gosh $name. Respect that my connection with Olgierd is private matter, and I don't feel like telling you about it, okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I... Okay!<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Get back to the work girls. Fast! Richard must win by a majority of votes.<</speech>>
Eva and Camila leaves the room.
@@color:orange;You don't know what to think of this. The gut tells you they are lying about the drink.
Before Camila step in, Olgierd gave you key to Room 19. It may be something useful there.
Let's just get back to work.@@
<<set $olgierdtalk to 1>>\
<<button "Leave">><<goto "mansionevent3">><</button>>
<<button "Leave him">><<goto "mansionevent3">><</button>>
<<link"<h53>Stairway</h53>">><<goto "stair2">><</link>>
<th><<link "<h54>Go to left side</h54>">><<goto "leftmasion2">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h54>Go deeper</h54>">><<goto "mansioncenter2">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h54>Go to right side</h54>">><<goto "rightmansion2">><</link>></th></table>
<<if $olgierdtalk gte 1>>\
<<link "<h55>Wait till the End</h55>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "mansionend">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "classparty2" play>>\
<span id="talk">\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/lucas.jpg" class='medium'>
Lucas stands in the middle of the room, As if he is waiting for someone.
<<if $lucastalkparty is 3>>\
<<link "<h6>Lucas Eyes (repeat)</h6>">><<goto "lucasfuckrepeat">><</link>>
<<if $burluc is true and $key21 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h50>Help with Camila</h50>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lucas, Burnett mention you have a certain way to persuade someone.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Did he? Maybe I have.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Care to help me?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Everything has own price, $name.<</speech>>
<<if $money gte 500>>\
<<linkreplace "<h50>Buy it @@color:lightgreen; 500$@@</h50>">>
<<money -500>><<set $key21 to true>><<upd>>@@color:lightgreen; <div class="pilka">Money -500$</div>@@
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Okay. Here is the key to my room. Inside there is a syringe which will help you convice in a certain way.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Buy it @@color:lightgreen; 500$@@</h50>">>
@@color:orange;You don't have enough money to buy.@@<</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Olgierd</h50>">><<replace "#talk">>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/lucas.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you know Olgierd?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Of course, I know him. This shit show wouldn't be without him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What about his history?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>History? Hmm... Someone betrayed him one year ago, and he ended up in jail. For a day or so.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>For what?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>He was accused of fraud and narcotics trafficking. Of course, he denied it and had a great defense attorney. As i remembered, Police had to pay him a large compensation for infamy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Not bad....<</speech>>
<<set $olgierdcamila to true>>
<<if $lucastalkparty is 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h50>Talk with Lucas</h50>">><<replace "#talk">>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name. I knew you'd be here. How is the party?<</speech>>
As always, Lucas is very informed of everything.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lucas! Oh It is very great.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Don't lie. You hate parties.<</speech>>
He knows me very well. I do... I hate parties.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Who is that girl you came here?<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilarest.jpg" class='large'>
Lucas points his head towards Camila where she is enjoying company with Alwyn.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She? It's Camila. I don't know much about her.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Other than that she came with you and working for Eva? Camila... Fascinating<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah... Other than that. Why is it fascinating?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>It's nothing. Just be careful.<</speech>>
<<set $lucastalkparty to 1>>@@color:orange;Be careful? Around her? Why?@@
<<button "Back to Lucas">><<goto "lucasmansion2">><</button>>\
<<if $lucastalkparty is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h50>@@color:pink;Lucas Eyes.@@</h50>">><<replace "#talk">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/lucasmc2.jpg" class='large98'>
As you get closer to him, Lucas gently pull your arm and whispers to your ear.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>I realise now that I should have told you how beauty you are.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lucas...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>His question.</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/lucasmc.jpg" class='large98'>
Lucas pulls you even closer to his lips. Clearly you can smell his alluring scent of masculine perfume. His hand gently grips your hip.
@@color:pink;At this point, you desire that he picks you up and uses you sexually to the limit.@@
<div class="posarousal">Arousal +15</div>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name. Tell me... About Camila. Where she was during Olgierd's speech.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is that a question...?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Don't play game with me. I saw you two talked.<</speech>>
<th><<linkreplace "<h7>Camila.</h7>">><<replace "#talk">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I have no clue.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Don't lie.<</speech>>
<<if $dadcheating is true>>\
@@color:orange;There was. She was meeting with my Father. Should i tell him?@@
<table><th><<linkreplace "<h7>Tell him</h7>">><<replace "#talk">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Before the event, Camila was meeting with someone.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>With who?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>With my Father. They were kissing.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>This is interesting. How do you feel about it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't know... It was quite a shock actually. Seeing them, Kissing. My Father is cheating on my Mother!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Stop being naive, $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Naive?! I'm fucking not! This bitch... Camila.. She..<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Yes? Go on. Release the anger. What do you think they are doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>They are fucking! I'm so fucking sure of this. Camila and my Dad... My Daddy... My only Daddy! He is mine!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>If that's what you think they are doing, Then stop standing there and do something.<</speech>>
Lucas stands, get dressed. He was about to leave you.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Here is the key to my room. I might left something useful for your... Task.<</speech>>
@@color:red;Camila. She is trying to take my Daddy!@@
<<set $lucastold to true>><<set $key21 to true>>
<<set $lucastalkparty to 2>>
<th><<linkreplace "<h7>No</h7>">><<replace "#talk">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I swear! Why would I lie to you? She is a mystery to me.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Just... Watch your back.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Why Lucas care so much? Why is he so suspicious of Camila?
For a moment I thought he was going to kidnap me and we were going to do something I wouldn't regret for the rest of the day.@@
<<set $lucastalkparty to 2>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I swear! Why would I lie to you? She is a mystery to me.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Just... Watch your back.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Why Lucas care so much? Why is he so suspicious of Camila?
For a moment I thought he was going to kidnap me and we were going to do something I wouldn't regret for the rest of the day.@@
<<set $lucastalkparty to 2>>\
<<if $subtolucas is false or $subtolucas is true>>\
<th><<linkreplace "<h7>Suggest.</h7>">><<replace "#talk">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/lucasmc.jpg" class='large98'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What if we go somewhere... Private..?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>I like where you going with that. There are, however, many eyes and ears.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So let them listen and watch.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Room 21. In five minutes.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;With that Lucas in a hurry leaves you alone in the room.
Probably doesn't want the other guests to see you going out somewhere together.
Clever guy.@@
<<set $key21 to true>>
<<button "Five minutes">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "lucasfuck">><</button>>
<<elseif $subtolucas is 2 or $subtolucas is 1>>\
<th><<linkreplace "<h7>Suggest.</h7>">><<replace "#talk">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What if we go somewhere... Private..?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>You have a lot of nerve to ask that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What do you...<</speech>>
@@color:orange;You just remembered what happened at the Jewerly Store.
Lucas is still mad at you.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh.. You mean what happened in your Store?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Nevermind. I don't want to know anything about her.<</speech>>
<<set $lucastalkparty to 50>>
<<if $andrestalk gte 2 and $andrestalk lte 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h50>@@color:lightgreen;Emanuela@@</h50>">><<replace "#talk">>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/lucas.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Emanuela is she...<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>See for yourself.<</speech>>
Lucas hands you his phone.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lucas Phone</h6>">>
As you look in the phone you see Live Recording.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>My men plant camera all around Emanuela's room. As we are speaking, one of them are... Enjoying time with her.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Take a look.</h6>">><<replace "#talk">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/restaurant/task/emanuelacheat.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
You and Lucas went somewhere where there weren't many people and you could watch the footage on your phone in peace.
Emanuela just right now is being fucked by Lucas men.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>I'll send you link to live recording.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow! Thank you so much Lucas.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>My pleasure.<</speech>>
You can view Emanuela's live on your phone.<<upd>>
<<set $andrestalk to 4>>
@@color:orange;Emanuela is Busy, Andres should be alone.@@
<<button "Leave him">><<goto "mansionevent3">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<<if $emlive is 1>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/emanuelacheat2.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<set $emlive to 2>>\
<<elseif $emlive is 2>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/emanuelacheat3.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<set $emlive to 3>>
<<elseif $emlive is 3>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/emanuelacheat.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<set $emlive to 1>>\
Emanuela is busy fucking with a young stud.
<<button "Return" `previous()`>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "classparty2" play>>
<h2>Right Wing</h2>\
<span id="right">\
<<if $madisontalkparty is 6>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/madisonpatricetalk4.jpg" class='medium'>
Madison seems happy with Tyrone. They don't want to talk to anyone.
At least You got Tyrone's Trust.
<<if $madisontalkparty is 7>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/madison2.jpg" class='medium'>
Madison is alone.
<<linkreplace "<h53>Madison</h53>">><<replace "#right">>\
<<speech "Madison">>$name, Like i told you. Wait in the room 27.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okay.<</speech>>
<<button "Leave her">><<goto "rightmansion2">><</button>>
<<if $madisontalkparty is 16>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/madison3.jpg" class='medium'>
Madison don't want to talk to you anymore.
<<if $madisontalkparty is 15>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/madison2.jpg" class='medium'>
<<linkreplace "<h53>Madison</h53>">><<replace "#right">>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/madison3.jpg" class='medium'>
Madison looks little nervous.
<<speech "Madison">>$name! Come here!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Talk</h6>">>
<<speech "Madison">>$name! You useless cunt-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>You heard me! Patrice is pissed, thanks to you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Madison? I don't know why are you so angry at me, I tried everything what I could to satisfy him.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>I thought you were ready. Now get the out my sight. I don't want to see you anymore.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Madison...<</speech>>
@@color:orange;You never seen that side of Madison. She is truly committed to this man.@@
<<set $madisontalkparty to 16>>\
<<button "Leave her">><<goto "rightmansion2">><</button>>
<<if $madisontalkparty is 5 and $madisontalkparty lte 6>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/madisonpatricetalk4.jpg" class='medium'>
Madison seems happy with Tyrone.
<<linkreplace "<h53>Madison</h53>">><<replace "#right">>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/madisonpatricetalk3.jpg" class='large'>
As you approached, Madison smiles at you when you get closer. Meanwhile, Tyrone looks menacingly around the room. Is something bad happened?
<<linkreplace "<h6>Talk</h6>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I see the private conversation has been successful.<</speech>>
Tyrone flashed Madison a small smirk.
<<speech "Madison">>We... Yes. We talked. A lot. It was... Conductive? Wasn't it, Tyrone?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Conductive. Yes. That is a good word.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>$name, We need to talk. Me and you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure.<</speech>>
Madison grabs you by the hand and lead you to the other end of the room.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Private Talk</h6>">><<replace "#right">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/madisonprivate.jpg" class='large'>
Both of you stopped by the stairs where no one is around.
<<speech "Madison">>I see you playing a role here. And you are trying to fit in.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Oh c'mon $name. I don't know what are you doing here exactly, but I know how you are looking at Tyrone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Do you want to fuck him?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I...<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Yes or No?<</speech>>
<<if $bbcaddiction gte 10>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Yes. @@color:orange;Blacked:$bbcaddiction/10@@</h6>">><<replace "#right">>
At first you looked at her with shocked but then you made a lusty face.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes... I would like to.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Good. Wait inside my room. Here is the key, Room 27.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Madison hands you the keys to her room and leaves you alone by the stairs.@@
<<set $madisontalkparty to 7>>\
<<button "Back">><<goto "rightmansion2">><</button>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ask her for approbation from Tyrone.</h6>">><<replace "#right">>
You looked at her in disbelief. You made a face like: <i>How could she ask such a thing?</i>
She nodded her head in a sing of understanding.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No... I don't. I just want one thing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>His vote. Against Teresa.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>You got it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow... I.. don't know what to say. Thanks Madison?<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>No mention. Now let's get back to Party.<</speech>>
<div class="pilka">Tyrone's Approbation Gained</div>
<<set $patrice to 5>><<set $madisontalkparty to 6>>\
<<button "Leave with Madison">><<goto "rightmansion2">><</button>>
<<elseif $bbcaddiction lte 9>>\
<<link "<h6>Yes. @@color:grey;Blacked:$bbcaddiction/10@@</h6>">><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ask her for approbation from Tyrone.</h6>">><<replace "#right">>
You looked at her in disbelief. You made a face like: <i>How could she ask such a thing?</i>
She nodded her head in a sing of understanding.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No... I don't. I just want one thing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>His vote. Against Teresa.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>You got it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow... I.. don't know what to say. Thanks Madison?<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>No mention. Now let's get back to Party.<</speech>>
<div class="pilka">Tyrone's Approbation Gained</div>
<<set $patrice to 5>><<set $madisontalkparty to 6>>\
<<button "Leave with Madison">><<goto "rightmansion2">><</button>>
<<button "Leave them">><<goto "rightmansion2">><</button>>
<<if $madisontalkparty gte 2 and $madisontalkparty lte 4>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/madisonpatricetalk2.jpg" class='medium'>
Tyrone and Madison are having a private conversation.
<<linkreplace "<h53>Madison</h53>">><<replace "#right">>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/madisonpatricetalk.jpg" class='large'>
As you approached, Tyrone and Madison were clearly occupied with each other. You had already decided to leave them, but Tyrone took her hand and led her upstairs without hesitation.
<<linkreplace"<h6>Follow them</h6>">><<replace "#right">>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/stairmadison.jpg" class='large98'>
You attempt to evade their gaze as you trail behind them. They, in turn, are unable to tear their eyes away from each other and let out a hearty laugh as they ascend.
Your curiosity is insatiable, and you are determined to find out why they went in there.
You slowly ascend the stairs and hear quiet moans in the right wing of the upper level of the house.
<<link "<h6>Take a look</h6>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "madisonpatricefuck">><</link>>
<<button "Don't Bother">><<goto "rightmansion2">><</button>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/alwynnate.jpg" class='medium'>
Nate and Alwyn are sipping some alchohol in a peace.
<<linkreplace "<h53>Talk with Them</h53>">><<replace "#right">>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/alwynnate.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:orange;Nate looks dissapointed and Alwyn tries to cheer him up with a drink.
They are not in the mood for talking. @@
<<button "Don't Bother">><<goto "rightmansion2">><</button>>
<<link "<h50>Go to center</h50>">><<goto "mansionevent3">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "classparty2" play>>
<h2>Left Wing</h2>
<span id="left">\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/evaalone2.jpg" class='medium'>
Eva is alone smiling at the guests.
<<linkreplace "<h53>Eva</h53>">><<replace "#left">>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/evaalone.jpg" class='medium'>
Eva try to smile at everyone but when you are around her she changed her tone to a little serious.
<<if $camilatrue is 4 and $evamad is false>>\
<<speech "Eva">>$name! We need to talk! Right now!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Eva</h6>">><<replace "#left">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/evamad.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Eva">>Where the fuck were you?! Why Camila is alone!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I couldn't, Eva. This is sick.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>What?! What did you say?! $name... $name! You fucking bitch! I'll fucking destroy-<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Eva was in meltdown, She tried to grab you in the middle of the party. Guests starts looking at you two, But Richard came in right time and embrace Eva with a hug.@@
<<speech "Richard">>Eva! Please! Keep it civil. I am so sorry for Eva! Recently, She is under pressure!<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Richy... I..<</speech>>
<<speech "Richard">>We'll talk about this later, dear.<</speech>>
<<speech "Richard">>$name. I admire your choice. I understand that it was hard for you, yet I expected it. So, I'm letting you go while you still can.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;You don't know what to think of this. You just wanted to leave of this goddamn fucked up party.@@
<<set $evamad to true>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "leftmasion2">><</button>>
<<speech "Eva">>$name.<</speech>>
<<if $camilatrue is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Camila and Olgierd</h6>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eva. We need to talk about Camila.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Camila told me you'll come here. And yes. I know everything.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Soooo?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Isn't that obvious? Olgierd will get what he desires.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really? Are you going to sacrifice Camila?<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Why not? Camila is no longer useful, do what Olgierd asks. His voice is loud in choosing a successor.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>C'mon $name, Don't be like that. I'll help you out.<</speech>>
<<set $camilatrue to 2>>\
@@color:orange;Sacrifice Camila...?@@
<<if $camilastress is true and $evacalm is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Camila is Stressed</h6>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eva, We've got little issue here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Speak up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Camila. She is very stressed out. I need her to persuade Andres and-<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Oh god. Here. Take this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What is it?<</speech>>
Eva hands you a Peppermint Gum.
<<speech "Eva">>It's a gum. Camila's favorite.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>And that's it? That will help?<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>I've known her for a long time, so I know fucking well how to calm her down.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Okaaay.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;You received Peppermint Gum from Eva.@@
<<set $evacalm to true>>
<<if $evatalkparty is 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Talk</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So you've joined us?<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Sort of. I'm here for observation and so you both don't fuck it up entirely.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's... nice of you.<</speech>>
At this point Eva smiled radiantly, You were very surprised by this but after a while you know why. Richard approached you, gave Eva a hug.
<img src="img/restaurant/task/richardeva.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Richard">>Sorry. Have I interrupted your conversation?<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>No! Not at all, darling!<</speech>>
<<speech "mcDirtyMind" "$name's Mind">>What the hell? Darling? And the way Richard is holding Eva's arm! Huh. Are they two...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>We were talking about work. $name are leaving so-<</speech>>
<<speech "Richard">>$name, I'd like to know more about you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Richy, I think there is no point-<</speech>>
Richard silenced Eve by casting his arm in a gesture of silence.
<<speech "Richard">>Yes, You. You seem interesting to me, Even a couple of guests here know you and I don't know anything about you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So.. I moved here from other state and...<</speech>>
You told him a piece of your life leaving out a few private life events until you got here.
<<speech "Richard">>Cool. Yeah, Sorry but i lied. Burnett has already told me a little bit about you. Well at least I know more about you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Richy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Richard">>Chill $name, I know what are you doing here. And I am grateful to you and Eva specially for that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>No mention, Richy.<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/richkiss.jpg" class='medium'>
Richard got silenced as he get closer to Eva, As he want to kiss her neck.
But then He caught.
<<speech "Richard">>You can go. Oh! Before you go, $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah?<</speech>>
<<speech "Richard">>Best of Luck.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks?<</speech>>
<<set $richard to $richard +1>><div class="pilka">Richard Approbation Gained</div>
<<set $evatalkparty to 1>>@@color:orange;What the fuck was that? Is he checking on me? That was so fucking weird. Eva's taste in men is, quite frankly, awful.@@
<<button "Leave">><<goto "leftmasion2">><</button>>
<<if $madisontalkparty lte 1>>\
<<include "patricetalk2">>
<<if $evatalkparty gte 1>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/burnet.jpg" class='medium'>
Burnett apperead in the left wing.
<<linkreplace "<h53>Burnett</h53>">><<replace "#left">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/burnet.jpg" class='medium'>
Burnett is speaking with certain good looking ladies. Then his eyes directed to you.
<<speech "Burnett">>$name?<</speech>>
<<if $camilatrue is 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ask Burnett for help with Camila</h6>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Doc. I need your help.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>I always trying to help you. What is going on?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I need your help... To persuade a girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Persuade? Darling. I Can't just like that do it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? But you know how to get-<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Shh... If you need so desperately, speak to Lucas.<</speech>>
<<set $burluc to true>>@@color:orange;Well Lucas could help.@@\
<<if $burbimbo is 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Talk with Burnett</h6>">>
@@color:hotpink;You want more... You wish to become his slut... This is your puropse... Your purpose to became his toy...@@
<<speech "Burnett">>Good. You are here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Doc... Please... What is going on with me...! I can't think straight! My head... It hurts so bad..!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Honey, I told you. Stop thinking. It just makes it more difficult for you to fulfill your duty.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>To do..? What..? Ahh... <</speech>>
<div class="posarousal">Do not think. Do not think. Do not think.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I... Yes. You are right, Doc. Oh my... Godness... It is so eeeasyy..!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Good. Take my hand, You are ready.<</speech>>
With a great smile you took his by the hand and you allow him to lead you.
The pink darkness is covering your eyes.
<<link "<h6>Pink Darkness</h6>">><<goto "bimbobj3">><</link>>
<<if $burbimbo is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Talk with Burnett</h6>">>
@@color:hotpink;After the experience with Burnett in that "room" or whatever it was, you crave for more.@@
<<speech "Burnett">>How is my favorite girl?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good! Even better after the... You know.. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Is that so? I am very glad to hear that. Are you ready for another round?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ohhh... YeesSS Ssir! Butt... Can i ask... Whyyy.. are you dooing this...?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Why? Isn't that fun to find out yourself?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh.. Of course... You are right as always, Doc.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Bimbo Senses Activated! #2@@ Follow Burnett</h6>">><<goto "bimbobjbur2">><</link>>
<<if $burtalk gte 1 and $burbimbo gte 2>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Bimbo Senses Activated! #2 (Repeatable)@@ Follow Burnett</h6>">><<goto "bimbobjbur2">><</link>>\
<<if $burtalk gte 1 and $burbimbo gte 1>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Bimbo Senses Activated! #1 (Repeatable)@@ Go with Burnett.</h6>">><<goto "bimbobjbur">><</link>>\
<<if $burtalk is 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Talk</h6>">><<set $burtalk to 1>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Burnett? I was not expecting you to be here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Why is that $name? How could I have missed such a worthy opportunity to meet new people. How about you? What are you doing here, babe?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I have been invited... To meet new people.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Ah! I understand. But it seems to me that you are a little too tense, my dear.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I... Guess?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>How about i could help you with that?<</speech>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<div class="posarousal">Burnett looked at you deeply and deeply... Somehow your mind is a little off. It is like a feather. </div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh doc! I thought you would never-<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Quiet. Don't think, Girl. Hmm... Let's go somewhere else. Shall we?<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Bimbo Senses Activated!@@ Go with Burnett.</h6>">><<goto "bimbobjbur">><</link>>
Burnett looked deeply into your eyes and he gave up.
@@color:grey;You are not bimbofied enough for Burnett to help you.@@
<<speech "Burnett">>Eh... Nevermind.<</speech>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "leftmasion2">><</button>>
<th><<link "<h50>Go to center</h50>">><<goto "mansionevent3">><</link>></th>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "classparty2" play>>
<span id="center">\
<<if $andrestalk is 7 or $andrestalk is 8>>\
@@color:orange;There is no sing of Andres here.@@
<<if $andrestalk lte 1>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/emanuela.jpg" class='medium'>
Andres looks around at the guests with a confident attitude, like before.
<<linkreplace "<h53>Andres</h53>">><<replace "#center">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/emanuela.jpg" class='medium'>
They looked at you without a sing of intrest.
<<speech "Emanuela">>Uhh.. Yeesss..?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Talk</h6>">><<replace "#center">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/emanuela2.jpg" class='medium'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hello, my name is $name. I'd li-<</speech>>
<<speech "Emanuela">>Oh Dios mío, marido! Un tonto de cuello que quiere comprarnos.<</speech>>
<<if $columbians is true>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Teresa sends me here to talk to you.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;With Lucas's info about Emanuela's and Teresa side business, you attempt to bluf.
Emanuela turned to face you, looking confused yet curious.@@
<<speech "Emanuela">>Teresa? What does she want?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She would like to meet you, Right now. Alone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Emanuela?<</speech>>
<<speech "Emanuela">>Shh, Andres! So she wants to meet. Why now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why would she tell me that? I'm just a messenger.<</speech>>
<<speech "Emanuela">>Alright. Where?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>The place where you usually meet. She told me you would understand.<</speech>>
<<speech "Emanuela">>Okay. Andres. Stay here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>But Emanuela!<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Emanula without a word left him alone, She left the party.@@
<<set $andrestalk to 15>>
<<speech "Andres">>Tienes razón, esposa. Sorry, But we don't wish to talk with you. Leave us, please.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;They do not wish to talk to you.@@
<<button "Leave them">><<goto "mansioncenter2">><</button>>
<<button "Leave them">><<goto "mansioncenter2">><</button>>
<<elseif $andrestalk gte 2 and $andrestalk lte 4 or $andrestalk is 15>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/andres.jpg" class='medium'>
Andres looks around at the guests with a confident attitude, like before.
<<linkreplace "<h53>Andres</h53>">><<replace "#center">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/andres2.jpg" class='medium'>
Andres is finally alone.
<<if $andrestalk is 4>>@@color:pink;Lucas kept his promise and Emanuela is occupied by Lucas' people.
<<if $camilastress is 1 or $camilastress is 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Camila and You</h6>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hello, You are finally free.<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Maybe I am. I see you bring a friend with you. Hey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Hey! Oh, you're not one of those famous paparazzi, are you? You're far too handsome for that!<</speech>>
Andres starts smiling and nods.
<<speech "Andres">>Hah. I've got tell you. I love taking photos of beauty chicks like you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really? Maybe Camila here, would volunter to be a model? What do you say? Here? Right now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Of course I want to be! What do you say, Mr.Andres? <</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Here? Are you out of your mind? Emanuela... She-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't worry, She won't find out. We'll promise.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Pleasseee!<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Hmm... Where?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Yay!!! Room 25! There we got everything you need!<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Okay. Let's go.<</speech>>
@@color:ornage;With pretended delight, Camila grabbed his arm but he shook her off. Clearly he was still afraid of Emanuela's heat.
Andres and Camila went upstairs to the room 25.
<<set $andrestalk to 5>>@@
<<elseif $andrestalk is 15>>\
<<if $camilastress is 1 or $camilastress is 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Camila and You</h6>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hello, You are finally free.<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Maybe I am. I see you bring a friend with you. Hey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Hey! Oh, you're not one of those famous paparazzi, are you? You're far too handsome for that!<</speech>>
Andres starts smiling and nods.
<<speech "Andres">>Hah. I've got tell you. I love taking photos of beauty chicks like you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Really? Maybe Camila here, would volunter to be a model? What do you say? Here? Right now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Of course I want to be! What do you say, Mr.Andres? <</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Here? Are you out of your mind? Emanuela... She-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't worry, She won't find out. We'll promise.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Pleasseee!<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Hmm... Where?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Yay!!! Room 25! There we got everything you need!<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Okay. Let's go.<</speech>>
@@color:ornage;With pretended delight, Camila grabbed his arm but he shook her off. Clearly he was still afraid of Emanuela's heat.
Andres and Camila went upstairs to the room 25.
<<set $andrestalk to 5>>@@
<<elseif $andrestalk gte 2 and $andrestalk lte 3>>@@color:lightyellow;Talk to Lucas to find out if he has managed to settle the matter with Elizabeth.@@<</if>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "mansioncenter2">><</button>>
<<elseif $andrestalk is 5>>
@@color:orange;Andres and Camila is in the Room 25.@@
<<if $camilatrue is 3>>\
@@color:orange;Camila went upstairs. She is waiting for you by the Room 19.@@
<<if $camilatrue is 99>>\
@@color:orange;Olgierd took Camila away.@@
<<if $andrestalk is 5 or $camilatrue is 3 or $camilatrue is 99>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilacenter.jpg" class='medium'>
Camila is trying to relax.
<<linkreplace "<h53>Camila</h53>">><<replace "#center">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilacenter2.jpg" class='medium'>
When you get closer to her, Her eyes shine at you.
<<if $camilatrue is 4 and $camilaend is false>>\
<<speech "Camila">>$name... Can we talk?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Camila</h6>">><<replace "#center">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilaevent3.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Camila">>I was so wrong about you. I am very sorry that I had doubts about you. For the first time in my life I can say that I feel that I have a true friend.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Camila...<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>You were right about her... Eva.. Fuck... What a feelingless bitch she is!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hah. At least we are both right about one thing. She is a fucking bitch.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What about Olgierd?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>He can wait. Sooner or later, He'll be in jail.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's cool to hear that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Let's wait for the end of this goddamn mess event. I am curious how it will end.<</speech>>
<<set $camilaend to true>>
<<link "<h55>Wait till the End</h55>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "mansionend">><</link>>
<<button "Leave her">><<goto "mansioncenter2">><</button>>
<<speech "Camila">>$name.<</speech>>
<<if $camilatrue is 2 and $drugparty is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Eva and Camila</h6>">><<replace "#center">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilaeva.jpg" class='medium'>
Eva is currently talking with Camila, She looks really exicited.
<<speech "Camila">>No way. Eva. That's great news!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>$name! I told Camila here that We've done nearly everything. One more thing has to be done.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>C'mon, Don't keep us waiting.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>I've managed to collect some information about Olgierd. In room 19, Under the bed there is a case. I'm curious what is inside...<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>$name! You got the keys, right?! We are going. Now!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Camila! Wait!<</speech>>
Camila in a hurry went to the staircase, leaving you behind.
<<speech "Eva">>Now it's your chance $name. Don't ruin it.<</speech>>
<<set $camilatrue to 3>>\
<<button "Leave">><<goto "mansioncenter2">><</button>>
<<if $camilatrue is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Serious Talk</h6>">><<replace "#center">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilaevent.jpg" class='large'>
Camila right away sensed that it is going the serious talk.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>We must talk. I mean. What the fuck!! Who the fuck are you?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>So. Did he told you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That you are fucking cop?! That you tried to arrest him?! What the fuck, Camila?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Now Ex-cop. I'm sorry, $name. I couldn't tell you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Then what the fuck are you doing here?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>To fix the mistakes of my past.<</speech>>
You couldn't believe what you just heard, by shaking your head with disbelief.
<<speech "Camila">>You don't understand, I get that. At least give me a chance to prove myself.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My god! Does Eva know about it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Sort of.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sort of. Sort of, how?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>I can't tell you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Right. Right. Of course, you can't. Everything is now confidential, right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>$name...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Olgierd</h6>">>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilaevent2.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:orange;Following this discussion, Camila's mood grew increasingly serious. She gave your eyes her whole attention.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Olgierd. I know what he wants.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Hmm? What is it? What is this jerk after?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Me...?! Don't... Don't tell me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Camila, I've read his personal notes. He wants to have sex with you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>No. No. Fucking no. I won't fucking do it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Then it's gone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>There must other way. After all this time working for him. I can't fucking look at this perverted bastard.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>There must be other way, $name.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Camila isn't even interested in seeing Olgierd.
Time to look for other options.@@
<<set $camilatrue to 1>>
<<button "Leave her">><<goto "mansioncenter2">><</button>>
<<if $andrestalk gte 2 and $andrestalk lte 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Camila's Question</h6>">>
<<speech "Camila">>Have you finally got rid of Emanuela?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm.. Not yet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Then hurry up!<</speech>>
<<include "andrescam">>
<<if $andrestalk is 7>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>What's going on with Andres?</h6>">><<replace "#center">>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilacenter2.jpg" class='medium'>
Camila greets you back with a smile.
<<speech "Camila">>Hah. $name, what's up?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm fine. But what about you? With Andres back there?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Oh. With Andres? It was quite interesting. I played with this dumb guy and he was on my mercy. Anyway, We don't need to worry about him anymore. Andres will approve our vote.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn! At first I thought you were wrong about him and exaggerated but I was wrong. Well done Camila.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Come onnnnn! I told you to trust me.<</speech>>
<<set $andres to 2>><<set $andrestalk to 8>><div class="pilka">Andres Approbation Gained</div>
<<button "Leave her">><<goto "mansioncenter2">><</button>>
<<if $evacalm is true and $camilastress is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Offer her a gum</h6>">><<replace "#center">>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilaangry.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Camila">>Oh for fuck sake, $name. You talked with Eva?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So what? <</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Thanks to your dumbass request, I won't be getting a bonus. Uhhh! Give me that!<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Camila is chewing gum and has loosened up, but she's angry with you.@@
<<set $evacalm to 1>><<set $camilastress to 1>>
<<button "Leave her">><<goto "mansioncenter2">><</button>>
<<if $stephdrink is 1 and $camilastress is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Offer her a drink</h6>">><<replace "#center">>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilacenter2.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Here. Drink this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Trust me, It will calm you down.<</speech>>
Camila sips the drink.
<<speech "Camila">>Mmm.. Tasty.<</speech>>
Camila drank the entire drink.
<<speech "Camila">>Okay. Thanks $name. I'm ready.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Camila is loseen up and ready for the action!@@
<<set $camilastress to 1>><<set $stephdrink to 3>>
<<button "Leave her">><<goto "mansioncenter2">><</button>>
<<elseif $stephdrink is 2 and $camilastress is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Offer her a stronger drink</h6>">><<replace "#center">>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camiladrunk.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Here. Drink this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Trust me, It will calm you down.<</speech>>
Camila sips the drink and right away coughed.
<<speech "Camila">>OHH FUCK!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>C'mon. Drink it.<</speech>>
Camila drank the entire drink without further questions.
<<speech "Camila">>Uhh... Wow... Yeah... Whoah... Yeah!!! Let's fucking do this!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's the spirit!<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Camila is drunk but ready for the action!@@
<<set $camilastress to 2>><<set $stephdrink to 4>>
<<button "Leave her">><<goto "mansioncenter2">><</button>>
<<if $andrestalk gte 4 and $camilastress is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Andres</h6>">>\
<<speech "Camila">>Good job with Emanuela, She is off. How did you do it anyway?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well i have my ways.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Hmph... Cool. Have your secrets. Anyway, About Andres hobby. I spoke with Eva and she arranged a room. Here is the key. Room 25.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Whoah. That was fast.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Yeah... I'm fucking stressed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You voluntered.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>I know... But he's looking at me... In such a fucking creepy way...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm. Wait.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Camila is too stressed by this action. You must give her something to relax her. @@
<<set $camilastress to true>>
<<elseif $camilastress is true>>\
@@color:orange;Camila is too stressed by this action. You must give her something to relax her.@@
<<button "Leave her">><<goto "mansioncenter2">><</button>>
<th><<link "<h50>Go Back</h50>">><<goto "mansionevent3">><</link>></th>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<span id="mad">\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/patricemadison.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
You walk up and the sounds are loud and clear. You lean out behind the walls and get a good look at the scene.
Tyrone couldn't help himself and threw himself at Madison, Kissing her all around.
<<speech "Tyrone">>...<sub>Goddamn... Foxy.... So you missed me that much, huh?! You nasty bitch..</sub><</speech>>
During this passionate kiss, his hand went to her soaking wet pussy and he proceeded to caress her with his fingers.
<<speech "Madison">><sub>Ohh...I am so sorry!!! Umm... Yes..!! Please forgive me...!!! Mmm...!!</sub><</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Madison and Tyrone</h6>">><<replace "#mad">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/madisonpatrice1.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls muted></video>
Tyrone's fingers rapidly fuck her hot pussy driving Madison to insanity and ecstasy.
<<speech "Madison">><sub>AHHH!!...AAAAAHHHHH!!! MY FUCKING GOD!!!! SIR!!! PLEASE!!! MORE!!!!</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">><sub>Drag yourself inside, Whore. Can't wait to fucking taste my favourite dish.</sub><</speech>>
Madison obeyed Tyrone and in her residual strength ran inside giggling.
Unfortunately, they locked themselves out.
<<set $madisontalkparty to 5>>
<<link "<h6>Madison's POV</h6>">><<set $madisonpov to 7>><<goto "madisonpatricefuck2">><</link>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "rightmansion2">><</button>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<span id="mad">\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/madisonpov.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
@@color:pink;My Tyrone... My ex defender... My ex lover... My ex owner...!
How i missed him so much...@@
<<speech "Madison">>Ohh... Fuckk!!!! OHh!! Master!!! You love my tasting my nasty pussy, don't you!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Mm... After these years... Yeah... It taste even better.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>More!</h6>">><<replace "#mad">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/madisonpov1.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>\
@@color:pink;He knows exactly how to please a woman! I love this.
Sex with with Tyrone is much enjoyable and authentic!
Let's see if he adores Teresa...@@
<<speech "Madison">>Aha..! Ahaaa..!! Isn't it better!? Am i better than this bitch Teresa?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Don't you fucking mention her, Slut! <</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Foxxyy... Just concentrate on me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Orr... What?! Teresa is just a fucking snob who take everything from everyone else and she-<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Tyrone's Anger</h6>">><<replace "#mad">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/madisonpov2.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
@@color:pink;As i expected, He got mad and roughes me up!
I knew it! I fucking knew every his move.
Sooner or Later Tyrone is going to ask me about $name... My worker.
He had that Patric look about him at the party as she was around me.@@
<<speech "Madison">>HAAA..!!! AAhh!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>More!</h6>">><<replace "#mad">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/madisonpov3.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
@@color:pink;Thank goodness I forgave him. If it hadn't been for that letter I don't know if I could have...@@
<<speech "Madison">>AHhh!! I'm so sorry..!!! Uhh!! Fuck!! Just... Keep Fucking me..!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>God damn Foxy... And this girl... $name...?<</speech>>
@@color:pink;There it is... Old Tyrone! He always asks about the girls who work for me.@@
<<speech "Madison">>What... What...UUHH!! You want her..?! MMm!!! You fucking want her?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Yeah. I can see in her eyes that she wants to taste my cock.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>More!</h6>">><<replace "#mad">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/madisonpov4.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
@@color:pink; I had forgotten what it felt like to have hot semen inside me. It's so fucking good!!!@@
<<speech "Tyrone">>UUUHHH!!!! Fuuuuckk...!! I hope you get pregnant this time!<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>Oh my god... You know excatly that i can't...!!! Jesus Tyrone... How much load you produce?! Fuucck... I can feel how it is moving inside me...<</speech>>
Me and Tyrone went back to hugging in the bedroom.
Then Tyrone slowly stands up and looked at me with his sweet grin.
<<speech "Tyrone">>So... About that girl..<</speech>>
<<speech "Madison">>My god Tyrone... Uhh... I'll talk with her. But i don't promise nothing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Sure. Just talk with her.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Back to $name</h6>">><<set $madisonpov to 0>><<goto "rightmansion2">><</link>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<set $lucastalkparty to 3>>\
<span id="luc">\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/luc.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">Without a single word, Lucas jumped on you and kisses all over you till you get to the sofa. Your heart is beating harder and harder.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmmm!!! Mmmm!! Luc-MMmm!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Come here...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lucas.</h6>">><<replace "#luc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/luc1.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">You give yourself over to him in front of him and you stick his fat, long, veiny cock into your sweet pretty mouth.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*GAWK* *GAWK*!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Damn Slut. You're getting better and better. You love sucking cocks, huh?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm..!! Yes... Sir...!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lucas.</h6>">><<replace "#luc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/luc2.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">Lucas couldn't take it anymore and forcibly took you on top of him on the sofa. Just as you do, you feel this beautiful desire and start riding his cock, slippery from your drool.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AHH! AHH!! FFFFUCCK!!!! LUCAS!!! LUCAS!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Keep it like that, Whore. Yess... You are my pretty whore, don't you?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I am! I am your fucking whore!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lucas.</h6>">><<replace "#luc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/luc3.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">Now Lucas took the initiative and started fucking you harder and deeper. What he was doing was something amazing for you, with deeper and deeper entry you felt until your body exploded with pleasure and that's what it came to.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OOHHH MY GODDDDD!!!! YEEEESSSS!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Scream... Scream Bitch!!! C'mon! Do it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'MMMM FUCKINNG.... CUUUUMINGG!! OOAAAHHH!!!!!<</speech>>
<<set $arousal to 0>><<upd>><div class="posarousal">Cumming!</div>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lucas.</h6>">><<replace "#luc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/luc4.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls>
<div class="posarousal">Being graceful to you is difficult so you threw yourself at his cock immediately and start licking it, sucking it, nibbling on it until you felt his vibrating veins. This is it, his cum are about to burst.</div>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Ohhh!!! Fuckk..!!! Heree... Let me paint your pretty face.<</speech>>
<div class="posarousal">\
Obediently you knelt down and accepted his gift on your beautiful, make-up-dirty face.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... It's so good...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lucas</h6>">>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/lucasaftertalk.jpg" class='large98'>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>That was beautiful, $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I've got a good mentor.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Hah. Now about that girl... Camila.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm sorry Lucas, I don't know about her much. I only know that she is Eva's favourite...<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>That's it...? Are you sure..?<</speech>>
<span id="dec">\
<<if $dadcheating is true>>\
@@color:orange;There was. She was meeting with my Father. Should i tell him?@@
<table><th><<linkreplace "<h7>Tell him</h7>">><<replace "#dec">>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/lucasaftertalk2.jpg" class='large98'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Before the event, Camila was meeting with someone.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>With who?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>With my Father. They were kissing.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>This is interesting. How do you feel about it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't know... It was quite a shock actually. Seeing them, Kissing. My Father is cheating on my Mother!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Stop being naive, $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Naive?! I'm fucking not! This bitch... Camila.. She..<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Yes? Go on. Release the anger. What do you think they are doing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>They are fucking! I'm so fucking sure of this. Camila and my Dad... My Daddy... My only Daddy! He is mine!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>If that's what you think they are doing, Then stop standing there and do something.<</speech>>
Lucas stands, get dressed. He was about to leave you.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Here is the key to my room. I might left something useful for your... Task.<</speech>>
<<if $lucastold is false>>\
@@color:red;Camila. She is trying to take my Daddy!@@
<<set $lucastold to true>>
<<button "To Event">><<goto "mansionevent3">><</button>>
<th><<linkreplace "<h7>Don't</h7>">><<replace "#dec">>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No. I'm sorry.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Let's leave. Guest might be curious.<</speech>>
<<button "To Event">><<goto "mansionevent3">><</button>>
<<elseif $dadcheating is false>>\
<<button "To Event">><<goto "mansionevent3">><</button>>
</span></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<span id="luc">\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/luc.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">Without a single word, Lucas jumped on you and kisses all over you till you get to the sofa. Your heart is beating harder and harder.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmmm!!! Mmmm!! Luc-MMmm!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Come here...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lucas.</h6>">><<replace "#luc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/luc1.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">You give yourself over to him in front of him and you stick his fat, long, veiny cock into your sweet pretty mouth.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*GAWK* *GAWK*!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Damn Slut. You're getting better and better. You love sucking cocks, huh?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm..!! Yes... Sir...!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lucas.</h6>">><<replace "#luc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/luc2.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">Lucas couldn't take it anymore and forcibly took you on top of him on the sofa. Just as you do, you feel this beautiful desire and start riding his cock, slippery from your drool.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AHH! AHH!! FFFFUCCK!!!! LUCAS!!! LUCAS!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Keep it like that, Whore. Yess... You are my pretty whore, don't you?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I am! I am your fucking whore!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lucas.</h6>">><<replace "#luc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/luc3.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">Now Lucas took the initiative and started fucking you harder and deeper. What he was doing was something amazing for you, with deeper and deeper entry you felt until your body exploded with pleasure and that's what it came to.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OOHHH MY GODDDDD!!!! YEEEESSSS!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Scream... Scream Bitch!!! C'mon! Do it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'MMMM FUCKINNG.... CUUUUMINGG!! OOAAAHHH!!!!!<</speech>>
<<set $arousal to 0>><<upd>><div class="posarousal">Cumming!</div>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lucas.</h6>">><<replace "#luc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/luc4.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls>
<div class="posarousal">Being graceful to you is difficult so you threw yourself at his cock immediately and start licking it, sucking it, nibbling on it until you felt his vibrating veins. This is it, his cum are about to burst.</div>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Ohhh!!! Fuckk..!!! Heree... Let me paint your pretty face.<</speech>>
<div class="posarousal">\
Obediently you knelt down and accepted his gift on your beautiful, make-up-dirty face.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm... It's so good...<</speech>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "mansionevent3">><</button>>
</span></div><div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<h2>Second Floor</h2>
<<if $key19 is true>>\
<<link "<h6>Room 19 @@color:orange;(Open)@@</h6>">><<if $camilatrue is 3>><<goto "camiladrug">><<else>><<goto "room19">><</if>><</link>>\
<<elseif $key19 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Room 19</h6>">>@@color:orange;The door are closed!@@
<<if $lucastold is true or $key21 is true>>\
<<link "<h6>Room 21 @@color:orange;(Open)@@</h6>">><<goto "lucasroom21">><</link>>\
<<elseif $lucastold is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Room 21</h6>">>\
@@color:orange;The door are closed!@@
<<if $camilastress is true or $andrestalk is 5>>\
<<link "<h6>Room 25 @@color:orange;(Open)@@</h6>">><<goto "andres25">><</link>>\
<<if $madisontalkparty is 7>>\
<<link "<h6>Room 27 @@color:orange;(Open)@@</h6>">><<goto "tyronemc">><</link>>\
<<elseif $madisontalkparty lte 6>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Room 27</h6>">>\
@@color:orange;The door are closed!@@
<<link "<h53>Back to Ground Floor</h53>">><<goto "stair2">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<h2>Lucas Room</h2>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/bedphotos.jpg" class='large98'>
After you revealed Camila's secret to Lucas, Lucas gave you the key to his room.
Right away your eyes caught interesting stuff on the bed.
<<linkreplace "<h53>Columbians</h53>">>
<th><img src="img/restaurant/task/columbians.jpg" class='large98'></th>
There is a note under the photo:
@@color:orange;After what the Americans did to Great Uncle of Cartel, it was clear that only Emanuela could take over the business.
It astonished me that she came here. What is she doing here, really? She can't possibly be so jealous of him. She has been fucking or toying with other males behind his back, let's face it.
I have a feeling there's something fishy going on here. After all, Leon is here too.
Andres came here on a special invitation from Joseph and at the request of Emanuela. Although he didn't feel like going because he had already arranged a photo shoot with some latina girl. Cannot say why he is so obsessed with it, but every guy has his fetish.@@
<<if $columbians is false>>\
@@color:lightyellow;You learnt about Andres and Emanuela's lore.@@
<<set $columbians to true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h53>Richard</h53>">><<set $richardinfo1 to true>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/richardinf.jpg" class='large98'>
There is a note under the photo:
@@color:lightyellow;Picture from few months ago. Richard talks to a Great Uncle of Cartel and Leon. The first evidence where Richard is gaining "money".
After the meeting, Richard started working all across the nation, using his brothers! Nate and Alwyn. Probably to avoid taking the blame. @@
@@color:orange;It's funny, but I've never would thought Richard likes mature ladies, Eva. He gave her the position that every restaurant manager dreams of. She is making a fortune. More than that she gives herself to him. The pictures says everything, they are in Eva's Files.@@
<<linkreplace "<h6>New Update</h6>">>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/teresaem.jpg" class='large98'>
@@color:orange;Today Update from my Source:@@
Fascinating. Teresa surprised me by selling the distributor sites of Great Uncle to the authorities, who then locked up Richard's primary source of revenue, perhaps with Olgierd's assistance. She contacted with Emanuela and from now on they are co-operating.
Latetly they are now meeting in the Church. Nice place for the private chat, I have to say.@@
<<linkreplace "<h53>Eva</h53>">>
<th><img src="img/restaurant/task/evaphoto.jpg" class='large98'></th>
<th><img src="img/restaurant/task/evaphoto2.jpg" class='large98'></th></table>
There is a note under the photos:
@@color:orange;My source were correct. Eva has a secret relationship with Richard.
My men just send me these photos from her workplace and Richard home.
As i predicted. Her ambitions are beyond her thinking.
She wants Richard to win the stool. And once he wins, Eva might have tremendous power.
A very interesting play on her part, I must say. Interesting and foolish.@@
<<if $evainfo is 0>>\
@@color:lightyellow;You learnt about Eva's history with Richard.@@
<<set $evainfo to 1>><</if>>\
<<if $drugparty is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h53>@@color:orange;Syringe and Note@@</h53>">>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/syringe.jpg" class='medium'>
You found syringe and note:
@@color:pink;Syringe contains a pretty high grade drug, With this it is easy to manipulate a person.
Good Luck L.@@
@@color:orange;Reminder: Burnett and I got into another argument. Who the fuck brings this kind of drugs to this kind of event?
I must speak with him after that. This time seriously.@@
<<linkreplace "<h6>Take</h6>">>
@@color:orange;You took a syringe with a strange substance inside.@@
<<set $drugparty to true>><<upd>>\
<<elseif $drugparty is true>>\
@@color:orange;You already took Syringe with strange sunbstance.@@
<<button "Leave">><<goto "upmansion">><</button>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<span id="cam">\
You are surprised what this place holds. You thought every room was the same and yet it's not. Here is the perfect place for someone who enjoys photography.
<<if $camilastress is 1>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilaun.jpg" class='large98'>
As you enter the room, The session already began. Andres is behind the camera, look very delighted with it and in front of him is Camila, Wearing a skimpy black lingerie. Posing by the table of full cash, Probably Andres' idea.
<<speech "Camila">>Like... This?<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>No... No... Pues no.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>$name!<</speech>>
Camila spot you as you came in.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh wow! The scenery looks a really-<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>SHHH! Silencio!!!!<</speech>>
You, along with Camila, fell humbly silent. Shocked by how loud and commanding his voice was.
<<speech "Andres">>Camila! Pose! Pose like it was your money! Like it was your power! Like a fucking Boss!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>More expression of your divinity!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Divinity? O-Okay!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Pose</h6>">><<replace "#cam">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilaun2.jpg" class='large98'>
Camila leaned over the table to show more of her ass and started looking seductively at the camera.
<<speech "Camila">>My money!<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Ahaaa.. Yes!!! Your Moneeyyy!! Una Perfectoo!! Mi jefe!!!! Mi patrona!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>My fucking power!<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Sí, muy bueno! Siii!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Now get on the table! MORE GRACE! MORE ASS!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Pose</h6>">><<replace "#cam">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilaun3.jpg" class='large98'>
Andres was so stoked and absorbed in what he was doing. As Camila shines off her butt, Andres just jumped of over joy.
<<speech "Andres">>Caarraambaa! That's the oneeee!!! ¡Te ves perfecta! ¡¡¡¡Te pareces a ella!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>I don't understand but i like it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Oh, mi amor. Yo también. Yo también.<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Now. Surprise me.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Camila</h6>">><<replace "#cam">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilaun4.jpg" class='large98'>
At first she was apprehensive but after a while she pulled herself up from the table and put her foot on the chair.
<<speech "Andres">>Oooo Siiii! Bueno! My Jeeefee!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Huh. That's why.<</speech>>
Andres looked over the camera to her with a curious expression on his face.
<<speech "Andres">>Hmm?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>You like to take pictures of girls who resemble your wife Emanuela. Am i right?<</speech>>
Andres exposed his forehead to the air. As if Camila had hit the spot. You don't like where this is going.
<<speech "Andres">>You...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Cam-<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>And you love how girls have power. Power over you. Don't you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>It is ridiculous, I-<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Shut the fuck up when i am speaking!<</speech>>
Andres was simply stunned. Camila shouted so loudly in commanding voice that you don't know if you are going to leave this place alive.
Then Andres smiled. He just fucking smiled.
<<speech "Camila">>Oh you fucking pervert son of a bitch. Do you think you can use me for your passionate desires? Not a fucking chance. Get on your knees.<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>What? I-<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>On your FUCKING Knees! Right fucking now!<</speech>>
Now you realised that Camila had seduced Andres under her commanding performance. By the time you got rid of the thought Andres was already on his knees waiting for her next command.
<<speech "Camila">>Huh?! Is that all you can really do? Pathetic! Idiota!<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Emanuel! Por favor!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Oh no my dear. You deserve Punishment!<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>No, por favor!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>$name. Leave. Right fucking now. I've got to show this fucking dipshit who's got the bigger balls.<</speech>>
You leave them be, Assured that Camila got this.
<<set $andrestalk to 7>>
<<if $camilastress is 2>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilaphoto.jpg" class='large98'>
As you enter the room, The session already began. Andres is behind the camera, look very delighted with it and in front of him is Camila, Wearing a skimpy white lingerie.
They did not pay any attention to you, they were deeply absorbed in their hobby.
<<speech "Andres">>Aiii!! Muy bueno!!! Eres preciosa.... Over your head! Like that!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Keep Looking</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilaphoto2.jpg" class='large98'>
<<speech "Camila">>Hoowww about this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Aiii... Caramba. Hold... Ya! Una chica sexy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Haha. Sexy... Am i..?! Haha...!<</speech>>
It seems that the strong drink hit her right and she is very brave and shows with her flesh more and more daring.
You joined in with your comments on her performance.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey! Camila! C'mon girl. Show more!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Haha!! Andresss. What about this?!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;Drunken Camila@@</h6>">><<replace "#cam">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilaphotohot.jpg" class='large98'>
Camila displays the inside of her panties to Andres' joy.
<<speech "Andres">>Mierda! Jaja!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Haah... Is it that nice?! To look at my young body?<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Qué hermosa eres, mi zorra sexy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Did you see that Camila? He loves it. You sexy bitch.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Yeeess! I am sexy bitch! I love being sexy bitch. This is how i ammm!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You are!<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Ahhh... Chica! Qué cachonda estás!! I'd have you...<</speech>>
As Camila pose even more seductively, Andres stops taking a photos and put the camera away. She teased him enough that Andres is rock hard.
<<speech "Camila">>You'd have me?! C'mooon!! Do ittt!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Haha. Sure, In one condition. $name must watch.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mee..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Of courrrseee!!! $name alwaaaays loooove to watch.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She's right!<</speech>>
You followed them when they went into another room.
It seems Camila is really into him.
<<link "<h6>Andres Desire</h6>">><<goto "andres26">><</link>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "upmansion">><</button>>
</div><div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<span id="cam">\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/camiladrunk.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
Andres and Camila landed in another room and he took her from behind, his hands all over her gorgeous wet pussy as he maced her.
<<speech "Camila">>Haaa..!! Ohh!! AAHH!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Sexy Chica... Eres tan mojada! Kiss me, you sexy bitch.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Mmm... My...My...!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Camila and Andres</h6>">><<replace "#cam">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/camiladrunk2.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
In a sudden move, Andrés threw her onto the sofa and began to fuck her doggy-style. With intense enthusiasm, he moved her like a wild animal in heat.
<<speech "Camila">>$name!!! OHH WATCH ME!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Yess... $name watch how I bang sexy bitch!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn...<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>OOOHHHH FUUUUUUUU!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>PUTA! MALDITA ZORRA!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>AAHHHH!! AHH!!! HARDER!!! HARRRR-MMMM!!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Camila and Andres</h6>">><<replace "#cam">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/camiladrunk3.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
Camila's eyes were a window to her pleasure, darting upward with each thrilling climax. Simply put, she was in the right place at the right time when it came to the delightful pleasure of sex.
<<speech "Camila">>MY FUCKING GOD!!! IT FEEEELLLSSS SOO GOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Aha! AHA! AH!AAHA!!! TAKE MY COCK YOU SEXY BITCH!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Camila and Andres</h6>">><<replace "#cam">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/camiladrunk4.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
But this was not about her but about him. Andres was delighted but was it worth it?
Andres cums on Camila's face.
<<speech "Andres">>Do not drink, chica. Show me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Mmm.. Like thhhhatt?<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Yeeee... Oh yeee... Play with it.<</speech>>
Camila is playing with Andres cum on her mouth.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Soo.. Andres. We have a favor-<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Andres Laughs</h6>">>
<<speech "Andres">>Haha! Favor?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Yes a favor after we-<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>No.. no.. no... No favors.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What? But we-<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Do you think I can be manipulated? No. This goes only in one way. I never be in favor. Never.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>What?! After what we've done?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Chica... Chica... Chica. You wanted me to fuck you, and you enjoyed it. Throughout this sweet time. Don't be ungrateful.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>No! No! You misunderstood.<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Stop. I don't want to hear any lie from your lips ever again.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But what about Emanuela? She is cheating on you. Look!<</speech>>
You try to show him the live footage But Andres didn't give a damn when he put on his trousers.
<<speech "Andres">>This is not the first and last time I have seen my wife with someone. You know how man<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>I don't want to see you and Camila, Again! FUCK OFF!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>But-!<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>You have 10 seconds. Or I'll tell Emanuela about this. She'll deal with you in most brutal way. Sooner or Later.<</speech>>
What a bastard, He took advantage of Camila and now he won't pay back?!
<<speech "Camila">>HUH?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Nine.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my god. Camila let's fucking leave.<</speech>>
<<speech "Andres">>Eight.<</speech>>
You collected Camila's clothes and phone. Andres continued to count.
<<speech "Andres">>Seven.<</speech>>
Camila with cum on her face was already by the door and grabbed some her things.
<<button "Leave">><<goto "andres27">><<set $andrestalk to 6>><<set $camilastress to "fucked">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<set $andres to 10>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilasad.jpg" class='medium'>
Camila is both angry and sad. You don't know what to do at this point.
<<speech "Camila">>Fuuuckk... Fuck. We had him... Why...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>He's an asshole.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Yes, He is. But... Why? Did I do something wrong? No... Oh my god. It's my fucking fault.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No! It's not, He just-<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Whatever... Let's go.<</speech>>
Clearly this defeat has sobered Camila up.
<<button "Leave">><<goto "upmansion">><</button>>
</div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "classparty2" play>>\
<span id="center">\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/stephan.jpg" class='medium'>
Stephan speaks to the waiters by the stairs.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Stephan</h6>">><<replace "#center">>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/stephan.jpg" class='medium'>
As you approach, Stephan smiles at you with the most kindest way.
<<speech "Stephan">>Miss $name!<</speech>>
<<if $camilastress is true and $stephdrink is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Camila Stressed</h6>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Stephan! I have a favor to ask.<</speech>>
<<speech "Stephan">>Of course! What is your wish?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>A good drink, the kind that loosens you up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Stephan">>Most Certainly. Anything else?<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Stephan servers you a Drink.@@
<<set $stephdrink to 1>>
@@color:pink;Or you can ask him for a Stronger Drink, It may effect on the Task.@@
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:red;Stronger Drink@@</h6>">>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can you make it stronger?<</speech>>
<<speech "Stephan">>Of course Miss. I must warn you, It kicks a lot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's why i like you Stephan.<</speech>>
<<speech "Stephan">>I am delighted to hear that, Miss.<</speech>>
<<set $stephdrink to 2>>
@@color:hotpink;Stephan servers you a Stronger Drink.@@
<<button "Leave him">><<goto "stair2">><</button>>
<<link "<h53>Go up</h53>">><<goto "upmansion">><<masteraudio stop>><</link>>
<<link "<h53>Back to Party</h53>">><<goto "mansionevent3">><</link>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox3"><div align="center"><b>\
<<audio "phonecall" play>>\
During the chill time in your own room, An unknown number calls you.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Answer the Phone</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hello? Who is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>$name. Elijah here.<</speech>>
<img src="img/elijah/cock.jpg" class="large">
@@color:hotpink;You were really blown away at that moment. Just now you got a call from a guy who has the most enormous cock you've ever held on your hand.@@
<<linkreplace "<h6>Take it easy!</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh, hey there! How are you? I was so surprised to get your call. How did you get my number?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>I have my own ways. How are you doing darling?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm goood! Haha. What about you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>I was thinking about you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Me? *Cough* Say... What kind of thoughts were they?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Only the Naughty and dirty ones.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhh... Just the way i like it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Is that so? I bet you were thinking about my huge dick, eh darling?<</speech>>
<span id="bbc">\
<th><<linkreplace "<h20>Deny it</h20>">><<replace "#bbc">>\
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<th><<linkreplace "<h20>@@color:hotpink;Admit it@@ (Blacked)</h20>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<div class="pilka">@@color:orange;When you met him, he revealed a name that was familiar to you, but you did not know how or why. And then you felt that you were completely different, as if the void that was inside you had been filled.@@</div>
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:hotpink;Bimbo Thoughts@@</h6>">>
<video src="img/sophia/clinic/coc3.webm" class='large' autoplay controls muted loop>
<div class="posarousal">You had the opportunity to feel his heavy, massive cock on your hands, but Lucas appeared and destroyed your desire for a taste.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haa... Yeaaaa! I've never seen a dick bigger than yours! <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gosh... I don't know why... But my pussy is so freaking wet now when I think about it. I wish... I wish I had it in me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>I like it when a nasty girl like you says that. Come on, be honest with me. Do you really want it that badly?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ooooh Yeasss!!! I was fucking envious of Sophia. The way she was jumping on your long cock... My gawwd.. I need it... I need your big fucking black cock inside my soaking wet pussy!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>God Daamnn! So you do like black cocks, huh? Then check your Computer. I sent you a link.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>A gift. My little Snowbunny.<</speech>>
<div class="pilka">@@color:violet;Snowbunny..? I likeeee it!@@</div>
<<button "Computer">><<set $elijah to 3>><<goto "elijahcomp">><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="bbc">
As you enter Elijah's link, Your computer's camera activated and you can see live feed on the link.
Elijah is smiling and waving at you.
<<speech "Elijah">>There you are, My Snowbunny.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Woah. Are you some kind of hacker?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Perhaps. Put a smile on your pretty face.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Smile</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/elijah/selfie.jpg" class="medium">
You weren't just going to smile. You wanted to do more. You did a naughty pose with your tits naked in front of the camera.
<<speech "Elijah">>Yeaah... I like it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haaah...<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Fuck.... When I look at you... My thoughts are only about how to ruin this cute little face.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmmm!!!! I can't wait to find out what it's like!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Look what you did to me.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Elijah's Image</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/elijah/cock.webp" class="medium">
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction +1>><<arousal 50>><<upd>>
<div class="pilka">Blacked +1 @@color:hotpink;Arousal +50@@</div>
<div class="posarousal">Right away when you open Elijah's image the ecstasy is filling your broken mind. You wish to taste it. You wish to take it. You wish to embrace it!</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OOOHHH MYYY GAAAWWD!!!! SOOO HUUUGEE!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Calm down, In the picture it seems to be smaller than in reality, My Horny Snowbunny.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>You can't take this anymore</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/elijah/more.mp4" class='medium' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I WANT ITTT!! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>You wish to have my Big Black Cock inside you, huh? First, You have to earn it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nooo... Noo..! Please... Don't tease me like that...<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Rewards comes later after the favors, Honey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhhh!!! What do you want me to do?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>I sent you a link.<</speech>>
<<button "Elijah's Web">><<goto "elijahweb">><</button>>
</span></div>\<div class="whitebox"><div align="center">\
<<set _m to random(1,4)>>\
<<if _m is 1>>\
<img src="img/elijah/baner.jpg" class='large98'>
<<elseif _m is 2>>\
<img src="img/elijah/banerlarge.jpg" class='large98'>
<<elseif _m is 3>>\
<img src="img/elijah/banerlarge2.jpg" class='large98'>
<<elseif _m is 4>>\
<img src="img/elijah/banerlarge3.jpg" class='large98'>
<<if $elijah is 3>>\
The screen displayed a website featuring women being submissively dominated by Black men. More and more you feel like getting to know Elijah better.
<<speech "Elijah">>I am offering you a unique opportunity to become a member of our exclusive, invitation-only circle.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Woow! Me?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Listen. You dream of fun, you dream of sex, you dream of good company, you dream of money. Here is the place.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That's like a dream... But what about your favor?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>I'll send you details later. Now click on your own Profile.<</speech>>
<<link "<h50>PROFILE</h50>">><<set $elijah to 4>><<goto "whiteprofile">><</link>>
<<if $elijah gte 4>>\
<h3>@@color:lightyellow;Become what you ever desired.
Our Little Snowbunny.@@</h3>\
<<link "<h51>Master</h51>">><<goto "elijahwhite">><</link>>
<th><<link "<h50>Bunnies</h50>">><<dialog>>You are not allowed to Enter.
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>><</dialog>><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h50>Profile</h50>">><<goto "whiteprofile">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h50>Clients</h50>">><<goto "whiteclients">><</link>></th>
<<link "<h50>Leave White Bunnies</h50>">><<goto "mcroom">><</link>>
<<set _m to random(1,4)>>\
<<if _m is 1>>\
<img src="img/elijah/baner3.jpg" class='large98'>\
<<elseif _m is 2>>\
<img src="img/elijah/baner2.jpg" class='large98'>\
<<elseif _m is 3>>\
<img src="img/elijah/baner4.jpg" class='large98'>\
<<elseif _m is 4>>\
<img src="img/elijah/baner5.jpg" class='large98'>\
</div>\<div class="whitebox"><div align="center">\
<<set _m to random(1,5)>>\
<<if _m is 1>>\
<img src="img/elijah/baner6.jpg" class='large98'>\
<<elseif _m is 2>>\
<img src="img/elijah/baner2.jpg" class='large98'>\
<<elseif _m is 3>>\
<img src="img/elijah/baner4.jpg" class='large98'>\
<<elseif _m is 4>>\
<img src="img/elijah/baner5.jpg" class='large98'>\
<<elseif _m is 4>>\
<img src="img/elijah/baner3.jpg" class='large98'>\
<<if $whiteavatar is 0>>\
<h3>@@color:orange;Welcome to White Bunnies, a heaven for girls like you. You have received an invitation from Elijah, one of the founders of this private organization.@@</h3>
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Do you succumb to BBC and the Sexual Domination of Black Men?
No Boundries, No Hesitation, No Remorse.
<span id="bbc">
<th><<linkreplace "<h51>No.</h51>">>
@@color:orange;Are you sure?
So be it, there are dozens of whores who wish to be enslaved by us.@@
<<button "Leave">><<goto "computermc">><</button>>
<th><<linkreplace "<h52>I do!</h52>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<div class="pilka">@@color:lightyellow;On your knees, Slut.@@</div><</timed>>
<<timed 1.5s t8n>><div class="pilka">@@color:orange;Your White Pussy Belongs to Us.@@</div><</timed>>
<<timed 3s t8n>><div class="pilka">@@color:pink;From now on, You are Property Of A Big Black Cock.@@</div><</timed>>
<<timed 4s t8n>><div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;You won't be satisfied with anything other than our Big Black Cock.@@</div><</timed>>
<<timed 5s t8n>><video src="img/elijah/submit.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
<div class="pilka">@@color:red;Embrace it. Your place in the world is to Worship Big Black Cocks.@@</div>
<div class="posarousal"><h3>Down the Snowbunny Hole.</h3></div>
@@color:orange;When you click the accept button, you feel like you've made a huge mistake. After taking a moment to look at what they are offering, you slowly come to the conclusion that this might be something for you.
Yes, you want to be a part of it.@@
<<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction +5>><div class="pilka">Blacked +5</div>
<<link "<h50>Your Profile</h50>">><<set $whiteavatar to 1>><<goto "whiteprofile">><</link>><</timed>>
<<elseif $whiteavatar gte 1>>\
<h3>@@color:white;$name Profile@@</h3>\
Snowbunny of: Elijah.
Hair: Blonde
Skin: White
Age: Teen
<<if $elijahpoints gte 3>>\
Deepthroating Skills: <<if $deepthroat1 lte 4>>@@color:lightyellow;Rookie@@<<elseif $deepthroat1 gte 5>>@@color:pink;Practiced@@<</if>>
@@color:orange;Now in your own Mirror you can change Potrait with Exclusive White Bunny Potraits!@@
<<link "<h50>Black Dildo Event</h50>">><<goto "firstjobagain">>
<<if $elijahpoints gte 3>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightyellow;Train your Throat for your future Masters.@@</div>
<<link "<h50>Practice</h50>">><<goto "trainthroat">><</link>>
<<if $clotheswear is "schooluniform3" and $elijahpoints is 2>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightyellow;Talk with your Master.@@</div>
<<elseif $elijahpoints is 2>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:orange;Wear School Uniform@@</div>
<<if $elijahpoints is 1 and $blackdildo is false>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightyellow;Your Assignment: Buy Black Dildo!@@</div>
<<elseif $blackdildo is true and $elijahpoints is 1>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightyellow;Talk with your Master.@@</div>
<th><<link "<h50>Reminder</h50>">><<goto "hypnobbc">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h50>Picture</h50>">><<goto "whiteup">><</link>></th>
<<link "<h50>Leave</h50>">><<goto "elijahweb">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="whitebox"><div align="center">\
<th><<link "<h50>Previous</h50>">><<audio "click" play>><<avatarwhite2 -1>><<goto "whiteup">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h50>Next</h50>">><<audio "click" play>><<avatarwhite2 +1>><<goto "whiteup">><</link>></th></table>
<<link "<h50>BACK</h50>">><<goto "whiteprofile">><</link>>
</div>\<<widget "avatarwhite2">>
<<if $elijahpoints lte 2>>\
<<set $avatarwhite to Math.clamp($avatarwhite + $args[0], 0, 2)>>
<<elseif $elijahpoints gte 3>>\
<<set $avatarwhite to Math.clamp($avatarwhite + $args[0], 0, 4)>>
<<widget "avatarwhite">>
<<if $avatarwhite is 0>>\
<<elseif $avatarwhite is 1>>\
<img src="img/elijah/selfie.jpg" class='bunavatar'>
<<elseif $avatarwhite is 2>>\
<img src="img/phone/selfiebimbo2.jpg" class='bunavatar'>
<<elseif $avatarwhite is 3>>\
<img src="img/elijah/first/selfie.jpg" class='bunavatar'>
<<elseif $avatarwhite is 4>>\
<img src="img/elijah/first/selfie2.jpg" class='bunavatar'>
<</widget>><div class="whitebox"><div align="center">\
<video src="img/elijah/submit.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
<div class="pilka">@@color:lightyellow;On your knees, Slut.@@</div>
<div class="pilka">@@color:orange;You are Property Of A Big Black Cock.@@</div>
<div class="pilka">@@color:pink;Your White Pussy Belongs to Us.@@</div>
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;You won't be satisfied with anything other than our Big Black Cock.@@</div>
<div class="pilka">@@color:red;Embrace it. Your place in the world is to Worship Big Black Cocks.@@</div>
<<link "<h50>Back</h50>">><<goto "whiteprofile">><</link>>
<div class="whitebox"><div align="center">\
<<set _m to random(1,4)>>\
<<if _m is 1>>\
<img src="img/elijah/baner.jpg" class='large98'>
<<elseif _m is 2>>\
<img src="img/elijah/banerlarge.jpg" class='large98'>
<<elseif _m is 3>>\
<img src="img/elijah/banerlarge2.jpg" class='large98'>
<<elseif _m is 4>>\
<img src="img/elijah/banerlarge3.jpg" class='large98'>
<<if $elijahpoints lte 5>>\
<div class="posarousal">Where are you going Snowbunny?
Did you get your Master's Approval?</div>
<<link "<h50>Leave</h50>">><<goto "elijahweb">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="whitebox"><div align="center">\
<<set _m to random(1,4)>>\
<<if _m is 1>>\
<img src="img/elijah/baner.jpg" class='large98'>
<<elseif _m is 2>>\
<img src="img/elijah/banerlarge.jpg" class='large98'>
<<elseif _m is 3>>\
<img src="img/elijah/banerlarge2.jpg" class='large98'>
<<elseif _m is 4>>\
<img src="img/elijah/banerlarge3.jpg" class='large98'>
<h3>@@color:orange;Your Master is Elijah.
Obey him. Don't question him. Pay attention to what he says. There is no boundaries for you.@@</h3>\
<div class="posarousal">Worship your Master!</div>\
<<if $elijahpoints is 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h52>First Assignment</h52>">>
<<include "firsttalkeli">>\
<<elseif $elijahpoints is 1>>\
<<if $blackdildo is false>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightyellow;Your Assignment: Buy Black Dildo!@@</div><</if>>\
<<if $blackdildo is true and $elijahpoints is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h52>Your New Favorite Toy</h52>">>
<<include "sectalkeli">>\
<<if $clotheswear is "schooluniform3" and $elijahpoints is 2>>\
<<if $energy gte 50>>\
<<link "<h50>Talk with your Master @@color:lightblue;$energy/50 Energy@@</h50>">><<goto "firstjob">>
<<elseif $energy lte 49>>\
<<linkreplace "<h50>Talk with your Master @@color:grey;$energy/50 Energy@@</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
@@color:lightblue;It is better to recover energy before talking with Eli... Master.@@
<<elseif $elijahpoints is 2>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:orange;Wear School Uniform@@</div>
<<if $elijahpoints is 3 and $deepthroat1 lte 3>>\
@@color:orange;Your Master has no time for you at this moment, Other sluts needs his Guidance.@@
<<if $deepthroat1 gte 4 and $elijahpoints is 3>>\
<<include "thirdtalkeli">>
<<if $elijahpoints is 4>>\
<<include "fourttalkeli">>
<<if $elijahpoints is 99>>\
<<speech "Elijah">>Good. Now then. First task. It's easy. Find a fine Black Stud. Get to know him and Suck him off. In Daylight, In Public.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhh.. What? Public? But-<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Look at ME! You adress me as "Sir"! You address to me as "Master"! Do you understand, Piece of Meat?!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>@@color:hotpink;Obey!@@</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, Sir!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Again!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>@@color:hotpink;Obey!@@</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, Master!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>What is the trouble, My Snowbunny?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Its nothing, Master. I'll do it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Good. Only BJ! Nothing else, You hear me?! Before you go, Don't forget to send me a proof.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, Master.<</speech>>
<<set $elijahpoints to 1>><div class="pilka">Public he says. Let's get some sun on the beach!</div>
<<link "<h50>Leave</h50>">><<goto "elijahweb">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="whitebox"><div align="center">\
<span id="bbc">\
<img src="img/elijah/dildoshow.jpg" class='large98'>
With a blush, You grabbed your own Black Dildo as Elijah watches through the feed. Now you are waiting for his instructions, but he is not responding. This entire idea of being his submissive slut is strongly arousing for you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sir, do you want me to do it on cam?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Only if you beg to be allowed to do so.<</speech>>
With drool on your lips, you changed your expression to a slightly lustful one.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Pleeeease Sir, May I please masturbate with my dildo while you watch me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>I guess you are very horny, eh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Hmm... Since you asked so kindly. You are allowed, my little slutbunny. But before that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Lubricate it with your own saliva, My little Snowbunny.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h52>Lick it</h52>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/elijah/first/lick.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 5>><<energy -5>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +5</div><div class="pilka">@@color:lightblue;Energy -5@@</div><<upd>>
When you got your master's approval, you licked Black Didlo with a grin on your face. The taste of fresh rubber is a bit unpleasant, but after a while you can get used to the impression that it is a real man's cock.
<<speech "Elijah">>Look at me when you lick it, slut.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes... Sir.<</speech>>
Obediently, you look at the face of your Master through the screen.
<<speech "Elijah">>Your lips... Are made for sucking.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do.. Can... I... Suck it... Sir..?<</speech>>
Elijah simply smiled, but after a moment to your joy he nodded his head as a sign of permission.
<<linkreplace "<h52>Suck it</h52>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/elijah/first/suck.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 10>><<energy -5>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +10</div><div class="pilka">@@color:lightblue;Energy -5@@</div><<upd>>
You imagine, as if it were Elijah's cock. That smell and that weight when you once had it in your hand you continue to imagine it when you suck Black Dildo.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm!!! *Gurlp* So... Gooooood. Yeeeesss....<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Nice... Do you enjoy suck it, Snowbunny?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes... Very muuuch!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>You enjoy sucking rubber thing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I guess... But I would enjoy more if I would suck... Yours... Master.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Your enjoyment is the most important?<</speech>>
This is a test. That look on his face says it all.
<th><<linkreplace "<h50>Snowbunny Enjoyment</h50>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/elijah/first/snowbunny.jpg" class='large98'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Isn't that I am here, Sir? To watch me enjoy? To watch me how I suffer with joy as you fuck me till I lose my mind?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>You are no one, Slut. Your joy do not matter to me or anyone else, here in our Society. This is over. Next time, Choose your words.<</speech>>
You thought you passed the test but you did not. Elijah feed is offline.
<<link "<h50>Leave</h50>">><<set $energy to 15>><<set $time to $time +1>><<goto "elijahweb">><</link>>
<th><<linkreplace "<h50>Black Men Enjoyment</h50>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/elijah/first/blackmen.jpg" class='large98'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No... Sir. The pleasure of a black man is much more important.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Very nice. You know your place, My little Snowbunny.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Tell me, Are you wet?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My pussy's soaking, Sir.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Is that so? Show me. Let me see those juices.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h52>Pussy</h52>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/elijah/first/showpussy.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
With pleasure you lie down on the bed and show your naked wet pussy.
<<speech "Elijah">>Hmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah.. Sir... Please...<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>What do you want, Snowbunny.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can... I masturbate...? Can i ... Stuff my pussy with the black dildo?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>You are Allowed.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h52>Masturbate</h52>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/elijah/first/put.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 10>><<energy -5>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +10</div><div class="pilka">@@color:lightblue;Energy -5@@</div><<upd>>
The rubber dildo pushes your drool deeper into your pussy. The feeling of being submissive and having him look at you while you do it is extraordinary.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmmmmhhg... Yyyeesss!!! Yeeesss!! Ohhh my fucking .... Goddd!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Good. Slap your ass cheeks, while your doing it.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h52>Slap your Ass</h52>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/elijah/first/slap.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 10>><<energy -10>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +20</div><div class="pilka">@@color:lightblue;Energy -10@@</div><<upd>>
Obediently you listen to your master and start spanking yourself on your ass cheeks.
<<speech "Elijah">>Harder! Who are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah! I am.. slut... AH!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Louder!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I AM SLUT! AHH!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Again!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I AM FUCKING SLUT!<</speech>>
Your butt cheeks are getting red.
<<speech "Elijah">>That's enough. Clean your dildo.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can i get permission to go to the bathroom?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Bathroom?! You dumb Slut. Clean it with your own mouth!<</speech>>
It is so arousing how he raises his voice.
<<linkreplace "<h52>Clean it.</h52>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/elijah/first/aftersuck.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
You start sucking a dildo full of your pussy juice.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm..!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>C'mon, Slut. Amaze me! Suck it deeper!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h52>Deeper!</h52>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/elijah/first/aftersuck2.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
<<arousal 20>><<energy -5>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +20</div><div class="pilka">@@color:lightblue;Energy -5@@</div><<upd>>
You feel the rubber dildo enter your throat, causing a feeling of vomiting and breathlessness. But you want to endure to impress him what an obedient girl you are.
After a few thrusts, Elijah nods with a happy smile.
<<speech "Elijah">>Good. Enough my little Snowbunny.<</speech>>
You take the dildo out of your mouth, Finally you can breathe.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*Cough*! Uhh..!! Thank you.. Master.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Hmm. Train your throat, Slut. In future you'll need it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, Sir!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>I am happy to say that you impressed me today. You'll get a nice little treat. Here it is.<</speech>>
When he finished speaking you heard a buzz from your cell phone, You check what it is. It is a notification from the bank.
<<if $elijahpoints is 2>>\
<div class="pilka">@@color:lightgreen;Money +250$@@ </div><</if>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my god! Thank you, Master!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>I'll take care of you, My little snowbunny. It's my duty.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>For today is enough, Bye Snowbunny.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Bye Sir.<</speech>>
When Elijah signed on, you felt huge joy. Listening to him was an interesting and valuable experience for you. You can't wait for the next time.
<<if $elijahpoints is 2>>\
<div class="pilka">Blacked +1
A new selfies for the profile has been unlocked.</div>
<<if $elijahpoints is 2>>\
<<money 250>><<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction +1>><<set $elijahpoints to 3>><<upd>>
<<link "<h50>Leave</h50>">><<goto "whiteprofile">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="whitebox"><div align="center">\
<span id="bbc">\
<img src="img/elijah/dildoshow.jpg" class='large98'>
With a blush, You grabbed your own Black Dildo as Elijah watches through the feed. Now you are waiting for his instructions, but he is not responding. This entire idea of being his submissive slut is strongly arousing for you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sir, do you want me to do it on cam?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Only if you beg to be allowed to do so.<</speech>>
With drool on your lips, you changed your expression to a slightly lustful one.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Pleeeease Sir, May I please masturbate with my dildo while you watch me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>I guess you are very horny, eh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Hmm... Since you asked so kindly. You are allowed, my little slutbunny. But before that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Lubricate it with your own saliva, My little Snowbunny.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h52>Lick it</h52>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/elijah/first/lick.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
When you got your master's approval, you licked Black Didlo with a grin on your face. The taste of fresh rubber is a bit unpleasant, but after a while you can get used to the impression that it is a real man's cock.
<<speech "Elijah">>Look at me when you lick it, slut.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes... Sir.<</speech>>
Obediently, you look at the face of your Master through the screen.
<<speech "Elijah">>Your lips... Are made for sucking.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do.. Can... I... Suck it... Sir..?<</speech>>
Elijah simply smiled, but after a moment to your joy he nodded his head as a sign of permission.
<<linkreplace "<h52>Suck it</h52>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/elijah/first/suck.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
You imagine, as if it were Elijah's cock. That smell and that weight when you once had it in your hand you continue to imagine it when you suck Black Dildo.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm!!! *Gurlp* So... Gooooood. Yeeeesss....<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Nice... Do you enjoy suck it, Snowbunny?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes... Very muuuch!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>You enjoy sucking rubber thing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I guess... But I would enjoy more if I would suck... Yours... Master.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Your enjoyment is the most important?<</speech>>
This is a test. That look on his face says it all.
<th><<linkreplace "<h50>Snowbunny Enjoyment</h50>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/elijah/first/snowbunny.jpg" class='large98'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Isn't that I am here, Sir? To watch me enjoy? To watch me how I suffer with joy as you fuck me till I lose my mind?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>You are no one, Slut. Your joy do not matter to me or anyone else, here in our Society. This is over. Next time, Choose your words.<</speech>>
You thought you passed the test but you did not. Elijah feed is offline.
<<link "<h50>Leave</h50>">><<set $energy to 15>><<set $time to $time +1>><<goto "elijahweb">><</link>>
<th><<linkreplace "<h50>Black Men Enjoyment</h50>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/elijah/first/blackmen.jpg" class='large98'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No... Sir. The pleasure of a black man is much more important.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Very nice. You know your place, My little Snowbunny.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Tell me, Are you wet?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My pussy's soaking, Sir.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Is that so? Show me. Let me see those juices.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h52>Pussy</h52>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/elijah/first/showpussy.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
With pleasure you lie down on the bed and show your naked wet pussy.
<<speech "Elijah">>Hmm.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah.. Sir... Please...<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>What do you want, Snowbunny.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can... I masturbate...? Can i ... Stuff my pussy with the black dildo?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>You are Allowed.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h52>Masturbate</h52>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/elijah/first/put.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
The rubber dildo pushes your drool deeper into your pussy. The feeling of being submissive and having him look at you while you do it is extraordinary.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmmmmhhg... Yyyeesss!!! Yeeesss!! Ohhh my fucking .... Goddd!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Good. Slap your ass cheeks, while your doing it.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h52>Slap your Ass</h52>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/elijah/first/slap.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
Obediently you listen to your master and start spanking yourself on your ass cheeks.
<<speech "Elijah">>Harder! Who are you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ah! I am.. slut... AH!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Louder!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I AM SLUT! AHH!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Again!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I AM FUCKING SLUT!<</speech>>
Your butt cheeks are getting red.
<<speech "Elijah">>That's enough. Clean your dildo.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can i get permission to go to the bathroom?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Bathroom?! You dumb Slut. Clean it with your own mouth!<</speech>>
It is so arousing how he raises his voice.
<<linkreplace "<h52>Clean it.</h52>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/elijah/first/aftersuck.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
You start sucking a dildo full of your pussy juice.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm..!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>C'mon, Slut. Amaze me! Suck it deeper!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h52>Deeper!</h52>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/elijah/first/aftersuck2.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
You feel the rubber dildo enter your throat, causing a feeling of vomiting and breathlessness. But you want to endure to impress him what an obedient girl you are.
After a few thrusts, Elijah nods with a happy smile.
<<speech "Elijah">>Good. Enough my little Snowbunny.<</speech>>
You take the dildo out of your mouth, Finally you can breathe.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*Cough*! Uhh..!! Thank you.. Master.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Hmm. Train your throat, Slut. In future you'll need it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, Sir!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>I am happy to say that you impressed me today. You'll get a nice little treat. Here it is.<</speech>>
When he finished speaking you heard a buzz from your cell phone, You check what it is. It is a notification from the bank.
<<if $elijahpoints is 2>>\
<div class="pilka">@@color:lightgreen;Money +250$@@ </div><</if>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my god! Thank you, Master!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>I'll take care of you, My little snowbunny. It's my duty.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>For today is enough, Bye Snowbunny.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Bye Sir.<</speech>>
When Elijah signed on, you felt huge joy. Listening to him was an interesting and valuable experience for you. You can't wait for the next time.
<<if $elijahpoints is 2>>\
<div class="pilka">Blacked +1
A new selfie for the profile has been unlocked.</div>
<<if $elijahpoints is 2>>\
<<money 250>><<set $bbcaddiction to $bbcaddiction +1>><<set $elijahpoints to 3>><<upd>>
<<link "<h50>Leave</h50>">><<goto "whiteprofile">><</link>>
</div>\<<linkreplace "<h50>Talk with your Master</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
The live feed from his camera is on, as is yours.
<<speech "Elijah">>How do you like it here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's... Amazing! Never seen place like this!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Good.. Good.. Now, the other big question to be answered is, what do you want?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Elijah, I-<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>What did you call me?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Look at ME! You address me as "Sir"! You address to me as "Master"! Do you understand!?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h52>Obey!</h52>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, Sir!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Again!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h52>Obey!</h52>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, Master!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Good! Now, once again I ask. What do you fucking want?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>To... Serve. The thought of submitting to a man...a black man... Is making me thinking crazy. Made me feel more.... Alive! Sir!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>There are so many white sluts asking for that. Asking for my attention, which I don't have time for with anyone special. But you. You caught my eye when you enter Sophia's Room.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h52>Be grateful!</h52>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thank you, Master!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Now my little Snowbunny, are you ready for your first assignment?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes sir!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Go to the store and buy Dildo. It must be Black! Size doesn't matter.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'll do it! Master!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Remember, Do not use it if i say so.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sir!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Good. Do not worry. Your Master will cover the costs. Go my Snowbunny. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thank you, Sir.<</speech>>
<<set $elijahpoints to 1>><div class="posarousal">Buy Black Dildo!</div>
<</timed>><</linkreplace>><<linkreplace "<h50>Talk with your Master</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
The live feed from his camera is on, as is yours.
<<speech "Elijah">>Hello, My little Snowbunny.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Master. I did what you asked.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Show me.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h52>Show your Favorite Toy!</h52>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/elijah/dildoshow.jpg" class='large98'>
You take out the Black Dildo from the drawer and show it on the Camera.
<<speech "Elijah">>It's not as big as mine, but it gets the job done. Have you used it yet?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No sir. Like you said.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>And did you have the desire to do so?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes... Most likely... Sir. Can I?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Hmm. I was planning something else, but this could be too. Before I'll allow to do it. Dress as a schoolgirl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>With Pleasure, Sir.<</speech>>
<<set $elijahpoints to 2>><div class="posarousal">Wear School Uniform</div>
<</timed>><</linkreplace>><div class="whitebox"><div align="center">\
<h3>Black Dildo</h3>
<h3>@@color:white;Deepthroating Skills:@@ <<if $deepthroat1 lte 4>>@@color:lightyellow;Rookie@@<<elseif $deepthroat1 gte 5>>@@color:pink;Practiced@@<</if>></h3>
<<if $deepthroat1 lte 5>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Your Master caught that you are gagging while deepthroating your Dildo. @@
Train your Throat:
<<if $energy gte 25>>\
<<if $deepthroat1 lte 2 or $deepthroat1 gte 4>>\
<<linkreplace "<h50>Pratice @@color:lightblue;$energy/25@@</h50>">>
<<if $deepthroat1 is 1>>\
<video src="img/elijah/train/first.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif $deepthroat1 is 2>>\
<video src="img/elijah/train/second.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif $deepthroat1 is 3>>\
<video src="img/elijah/train/third.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif $deepthroat1 is 4>>\
<video src="img/elijah/train/fourth.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif $deepthroat1 is 5>>\
<video src="img/elijah/train/five.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
<<energy -15>><<set $deepthroat1 to $deepthroat1 +1>><<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<div class="pilka">@@color:lightblue;Energy -15@@ </div>
<div class="pos">Learning Deep-Throat Skills</div>
Practicing for half an hour of your time.
<<button "Again">><<goto "trainthroat">><</button>>
<<elseif $energy lte 24>>\
<<linkreplace "<h50>Pratice @@color:grey;$energy/24@@</h50>">>
Not enough Energy.
<<elseif $deepthroat1 is 3>>\
<<link "<h50>Pratice @@color:lightblue;$energy/25@@</h50>">><<goto "interupt">><</link>>
<<elseif $deepthroat1 gte 5 and $deepthroat1 lte 8>>\
@@color:pink;At last you can be proud some of your deep throat skills. Still there is a lot of learn.@@
<<if $energy gte 35>>\
<<linkreplace "<h50>Pratice Harder@@color:lightblue;$energy/35@@</h50>">>
<<if $deepthroat1 is 6>>\
<video src="img/elijah/train/trainthroat1.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif $deepthroat1 is 7>>\
<video src="img/elijah/train/trainthroat2.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif $deepthroat1 is 8>>\
<video src="img/elijah/train/trainthroat3.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
<<energy -25>><<set $deepthroat1 to $deepthroat1 +1>><<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<div class="pilka">@@color:lightblue;Energy -25@@ </div>
<div class="pos">Learning Deep-Throat Skills</div>
Practicing for half an hour of your time.
<<button "Again">><<goto "trainthroat">><</button>>
<<elseif $energy lte 34>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Pratice Harder@@color:grey;$energy/35@@</h50>">>
Not enough Energy.
<<if $deepthroat1 gte 9>>\
@@color:pink;You have learned various kinds of techniques, but you don't feel like learning anything from this rubber thing. It's better to learn it on a real flesh.@@
<<if $energy gte 35>>\
<<linkreplace "<h50>Use Black Dildo@@color:lightblue;$energy/35@@</h50>">>
<<set _m to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _m is 1>>\
<video src="img/elijah/train/trainthroat1.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif _m is 2>>\
<video src="img/elijah/train/trainthroat2.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif _m is 3>>\
<video src="img/elijah/train/trainthroat3.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
<<energy -25>><<set $time to $time +0.5>>
<div class="pilka">@@color:lightblue;Energy -25@@ </div>
Sucking your favourite Dildo for half an hour of your time.
<<button "Again">><<goto "trainthroat">><</button>>
<<button "White Bunnies">><<goto "elijahweb">><</button>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "mcroom">><</button>>
<div class="whitebox"><div align="center"><<audio "hardknock" play>>\
<span id="mom">\
<video src="img/elijah/train/third.webm" class="medium" autoplay controls>
Someone is knocking at your doors when you are sucking your Black Dildo!
<<linkreplace "<h6>Who is this?!</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">><sub>Oh for fuck sake! </sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Who is it?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>The Holy Jesus. Open the door!<</speech>>
The door handle are moving, but thankfully you closed the doors.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhh! Wait!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name! Why are you locking yourself up?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Beacuse it's my room and I'd like to have some privacy?<</speech>>
Sometimes you can't understand how your Mom ask some dumb question.
In a hurry you hide your dildo in the drawer.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Let her in</h6>">><<replace "#mom">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/elijah/train/mom.jpg" class='large'>
As you open the doors, Mom without question burst into your room.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What do you want?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>What do i want?! Your dear mother washed your underwear! Next time, You'll do it when you behave like such a whiney brat!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh.. Right... Thanks. Sorry about that...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>My god! Why are you sitting here in the dark?<</speech>>
You were a little embarrassed and because of that you drifted away in your thoughts. It wasn't until seconds later that you realized that your mother was just putting your washed underwear back into the drawer, where your black dildo had just been lying!
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mom! Don't!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name?! What is... this..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>No privacy at all!</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/elijah/train/momdildo.jpg" class='large'>
Mom just take out your dildo out of your drawer.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's not what you think!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Huh?! Then what the hell is this?! It's a Dildo! And it's Black! <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I... I.. Mom! Please!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Oh god! It is so Slippery! Did you stuff it in...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No! Mooom! Can you put it back?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>First of all, tell me where you got it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>From Store..<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>God Damn! It is so big...! $name... I.. don't know what to say...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mom...?<</speech>>
Mom with wide eyes open holds this dildo and looking at it.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>In store you say? And have you seen a size larger there, perhaps?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Maybe there are? Why?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>Hmm. Just curious.<</speech>>
Mother carefully puts the Dildo back in the drawer.
<<speech "Mom" "$mom">>$name... Next time, try to hide these stuff somewhere deeper.<</speech>>
Mom left your underwear in your room and left without a word.
<<set $deepthroat1 to 4>><<set $momblackdildo to true>><<upd>>
<<linkreplace "<h37>What was that?!</h37>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/elijah/baner6.jpg" class='large98'>\
<<audio "phonecall" play>><h3>@@color:white;White Bunnies Notification!@@</h3>
Just as you were taking the dildo out of the drawer, you got a notification that the Master had found time for you.
<<button "Leave">><<goto "mcroom">><</button>>
</span></div>\<span id="bbc">\
<<linkreplace "<h50>Talk with your Master</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
Elijah has some time to talk with you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Sir! Thank you for your time!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Hey, My little Snowbunny. How are your deep throat pratices going?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>They are doing great!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Are you enjoying them?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes! Very much, Sir. They are my favourite. Until...<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Hmm? Until what $name? Speak up.<</speech>>
You can't tell, but you clearly heard some sort of slurping noises from Elijah's microphone.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>As long as someone doesn't interrupt me, Sir.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Go on... Explain.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h52>Reveal. About Your Mother</h52>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>While pracitising, I invented a certain technique to not have the sensation of vomiting. I tried to improve it but... My Mom... She prevented me from doing so.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Your Mom? Did she caught you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No! Thank god, I locked my doors.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>You did what, Slut?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is this bad, Sir?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Another rule: Never be ashamed of what you do. Do not lock your doors.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm... Yes, sir!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Tell me more about your Mother.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My mom... She is very protective and lovable. Also very curious. Like me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Good. Like Mother, Like Daughter. Is there anything you didn't say?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h52>On your Mom's fascination with the Dildo</h52>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>There is. My mom... She found my dildo.<</speech>>
Slurping noises are getting louder and louder. Elijah looked at you more closely and smiled broadly.
<<speech "Elijah">>What was her reaction?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She asked where I got it from and... She asked if there was a size larger.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>My! My! You impressed me, $name! You really do!<</speech>>
Then slurping noises stops and you can hear some dispute in the other screen.
So your hunch was telling the truth, There was some girl who was sucking Elijah's cock during the whole conversation.
<<speech "Girl1" "???">><sub>...Mmm!! Fuuck, I loveeee big black cocks!!! So delicious...!-</sub><</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">><sub>Quiet Woman and Keep sucking!</sub><</speech>>
Elijah faced back to you.
<<speech "Elijah">>Snowbunny, Look at the veteran. This is the slut I've trained for a years.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h51>Elijah's Camera</h51>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/elijah/second/rogers.webm" class="medium" autoplay loop controls>
Elijah's cam shook slightly, and when it stopped moving, you were stunned by what you saw with your own eyes.
Ms. Rogers sucking Elijah's Big Hard Cock! A Headmistress of the School!
But what especially caught your attention was his cock. Itt was a glorious moment because his cock wasn't big, it was a giant. Maybe Mom is right? Maybe you should get the bigger size Dildo to prepare your hole for your Master.
<<speech "Rogers">>Mmm!!! $name..!! Look what kind of Slut I am!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Yeaaah. That's right. Isn't she good, $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow... Ms.Rogers?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Isn't that a small world?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuuuck....<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h51>Back to Elijah</h51>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
Elijah cam's feed is back to his face.
<<speech "Elijah">>Hah. You wish this was you? Huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yessss.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>It could be you, someday. Another assignment for you. Are you ready?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes Sir.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Next time, Bring something that resemblances that you are ours.<</speech>>
Resemblances that i am their? What is he trying to say?
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry for asking, Sir. But what would that be?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>C'mon slut. Do the thinking.<</speech>>
Then Mrs. Rogers reappeared into the picture camera with a pleasant smile with saliva dripping down her face.
<img src="img/elijah/train/rogers.jpg" class='large'>
<<speech "Rogers">>Haha. Isn't she cute? $name, Honey. Talk or look around the shops. Maybe Le-<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">><sub>I told you to suck this fucking Big Black Cock, Bitch! $name can handle herself!</sub><</speech>>
Elijah grabbed her head and she disappeared from the vision, hearing only a slurping voice
<<speech "Elijah">>You have to surprise me, Slut. Do you understand?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, I think so. Sir.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Good. Now, I'm going to fuck your "Ms. Rogers" until the bitch gets fainted. See you later, Snowbunny.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Bye Sir!<</speech>>
<<set $elijahpoints to 4>><<blacked +1>><<upd>>
<div class="pilka">Blacked +1</div>
<div class="pilka">Do the thinking, he says.
Something that resemblances them...
<<if $lessons gte 5>>\
One memory that springs to me is Lena's party with Marcus' boys.
I should talk to her.<</if>></div>
<<link "<h50>Leave</h50>">><<goto "whiteprofile">><</link>>
</span><span id="bbc">\
<<linkreplace "<h50>Talk with your Master</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
Elijah found some time to talk with you.
<<speech "Elijah">>What is it. my White Bunny?<</speech>>
<<if $clotheswear is "snowbunnyup">>\
<<linkreplace "<h52>Present your Outfit</h52>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/elijah/second/outfit.jpg" class='medium'>
You put the camera on the table and presented your favorite outfit.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Sir! Look what I'm wearing!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Hmm. Are you proud of what you are wearing?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes sir.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>You do know that only sluts wears like that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course sir! After all, I am your personal Slut!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Personal, you say? It might change.<</speech>>
<<if $underwear is "snowcloth">>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sir. Wait till you see something else.<</speech>>
You are about to take off your top but Elijah's voice stops from doing so.
<<speech "Elijah">>Stop. Did I allowed you to undress, slut?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm.. I'm sorry, Sir!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Ask for it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can i... Take off my clothes. Sir?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>You may. Go on, Slut.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h52>Show more</h52>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/elijah/second/underwear.jpg" class='medium'>
Your heart began to beat a little faster as you slowly took off your outfit to show him what was underneath.
You were nervous, but as he smiled and nodded, you eased down.
<<if $qosjew is false>>\
<<speech "Elijah">>Very nice $name. I must say. You impressed with the choice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Glad to hear that, sir!<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Though, I hoped for something more.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I am so Sorry. Sir.<</speech>>
<<if $qosjewdisc is true>>\
Lena mention about some kind of Jewerly. It would be a proper gift for my master.
<<elseif $qosjew is true>>\
<img src="img/elijah/second/neckqos2.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:orange;You were relaxed enough to show him what you've got from Jewerly Store.@@
<<if $subtolucas is true>>\
@@color:red;Though you give yourself willingly to Lucas, You are waiting for his instruction about the plan with Elijah.@@
<<speech "Elijah">>What is this...? Show it more closely to camera.<</speech>>
You submit to his will and show it closer to the camera.
Elijah stared at her with fascination, tilted his head and nodded once more with a curious expression.
<<speech "Elijah">>Slut... Where did you get this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>From Jewerly Store.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>From the mall? Lucas shop?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. Sir. Is that bad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>No, it's even better. Much better. But... How?! Did Lucas gave it you, just like that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>One of his employees gave it to me. He said something interesting, though. <</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>What is it, Snowbunny?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>The employee is a fan and customer of your group. His name is Eric.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Name doesn't ring a bell to me, Customers here are under anonymous nicknames. And what makes that fascinating?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I... Sir. Customer? Here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Ahh. Slut, You don't understand. Do you? That's how we make most of the money, here on this site. White guys, or what we call by a ridiculous name, 'Cucks' spent a lot of money to jerk their cocks off to you. To watch you how you are treated.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow. That sounds... Humiliating, for them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Whatever. Your owner like being paid for his work. Now let's back to your necklace, Slut.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, sir?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>You are not allowed to wear it. Not until i say so.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes.. Can I ask why, Sir?<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>This symbol is a Queen of Spades. A woman who fucks only Big Black Cocks. You slut, You have to earn it. Get it?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh.. I do. Sir. I am not worthy, yet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>Yet, still you are in the right track. Enough of this chat, slut. Your owner has other duties to do.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course, sir. Goodbye!<</speech>>
Elijah just logged off from your feed.
<div class="pilka">@@color:orange;New Content coming soon!@@</div>
<<set $elijahpoints to 5>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh, it sound exciting. Sir.<</speech>>
<<speech "Elijah">>So. Is that all? Is that why you wasted my time on this shit?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I am sorry, Sir!<</speech>>
Elijah feed is gone. You did not meet his expectations.
Look for more to impress him, Maybe new underwear in Clothing Store?
It's better to put on something related to the Blacked kink stuff.
<</timed>><</linkreplace>></span><div class="whitebox"><div align="center">\
<span id="luc">\
<img src="img/elijah/second/looking.jpg" class='large98'>
<<if $qosjewdisc is true>>\
@@color:lightyellow;On Lena's advice, you entered a jewelry store to see if there was any jewelry that symbolized what you were looking for.@@<</if>>
As you look around the jewelry store, nothing catches your eye connection to the Blacked.
By now you were about to give up and leave, but a store employee with a smile stood in your way.
<<speech "Eric">>Hello Miss. Can I help you with the choice?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey. I'm looking for... Hmm.. How to say it...<</speech>>
You look around the shop for the sing of help but nothing came to your mind.
<<speech "Eric">>Yes. Miss?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhhh. Something related to Black Culture?<</speech>>
His smile changed to a more serious tone. He looked behind you and nodded.
<<speech "Eric">>Oh! Right... I think I know what you mean. Come with me please.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Follow</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/elijah/second/corner.jpg" class='large98'>
He leads you to the corner of the store, where there is no one and stops. He looked to the side as if checking to see if anyone was around and after a while, turned to you.
<<speech "Eric">>Good. We are alone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What is going on?<</speech>>
<<speech "Eric">>I want to help you. First, I have to be sure that you are this very type of girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You mean If i... I submitted to...<</speech>>
<<speech "Eric">>Oh. So you do? Don't you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes..<</speech>>
<<speech "Eric">>God damn! That is...<</speech>>
Eric paused, as if searching for words Overthinking that it might be a bad idea to reveal your secret to him.
<<linkreplace "<h50>Disgusting?</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
After that few seconds of paused, he just smiled at you.
<<speech "Eric">>Fucking Awesome! Damn! It's cool to see a girl who just give herself to them. I mean... It is so lewd! Hey! I'm Eric by the way!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>$name. I don't know what to say. Are you fan?<</speech>>
<<speech "Eric">>More than that! Fan and Customer! Love the way you are treated by these guys.<</speech>>
The surprise struck you totally, This type just said he was paying for White Bunnies to watch! So these types of guys are sponsors? Your thoughts were interrupted by Eric.
<<speech "Eric">>But now I'm thinking. I didn't see your show before.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm new... Can we get back to what I'm looking for?<</speech>>
<<speech "Eric">>Right! Before I showed it you, Please don't tell Mr. Lucas anything about this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'll promise. Show it to me.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Necklace</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/elijah/second/neckqos.jpg" class='large98'>
Eric continues down the alley and stops. He then bends down to the lower section of the cabinet as if where no one could tell that the jewelry is kept there. After a moment he pulls out what he wanted to show you.
<<speech "Eric">>There it is $name.<</speech>>
It is a necklace and on it is the symbol of the Queen of Spades in bright white background.
You expected something more naughty or kinky. But this you did not expected.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>This?! Really Eric?<</speech>>
<<speech "Eric">>It's odd but Lucas kept it away from others. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why? And what does it have to do with the culture.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eric">>Not sure why he kept, But it surely has some symbolism. Trust me.<</speech>>
Here you came for something and you think you found it. It would be pretty silly to go home empty-handed.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How much?<</speech>>
<<speech "Eric">>I'll give it to you... For free.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Seriously? What is the catch?<</speech>>
<<speech "Eric">>Treat it as a gift from a new fan. I can't wait to see your show.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haha. Then I can't let you down in that case. Thank you Eric!<</speech>>
<<speech "Eric">>My pleasure.<</speech>>
<div class="pilka">Received a New Necklace</div><<set $erictalk to true>><<set $qosjew to true>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Leave the Jewerly Store</h50>">><<replace "#luc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/elijah/second/lucascaught.jpg" class='large98'>
Calmy you are leaving the store until you heard a familiar voice from the doors you were just passing.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>$name. To my office. Now.<</speech>>
Lucas opens the door and points his finger to his office.
In his voice you can find anger. To his words you are aware that it was not a proposition but an order.
<th><<link "<h50>Go inside</h50>">><<goto "qosjew2">><</link>></th>
<th><<linkreplace "<h50>Leave Jewerly Store</h50>">><<replace "#luc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/elijah/second/people.jpg" class='large98'>
You don't even feel like going in there so you head towards the exit and Lucas just froze.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Where do you think you are going?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What? Can't I leave?!<</speech>>
After you shouted the last word, people began to look at both of you.
It may work in your favor to put Lucas' work to shame.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Well look, People! That the manager of this resort would forbid a customer to leave is the height of rudeness!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Fine. You won. Go.<</speech>>
Got some strange sense of feeling and reconsidered the choice.
<th><<link "<h50>Leave</h50>">><<set $subtolucas to 1>><<goto "mall">><</link>></th>
<th><<link "<h50>Go inside</h50>">><<goto "qosjew2">><</link>></th>
</span></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><span id="luc"><<masteraudio stop>>\
<video src="img/elijah/second/lucas.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls>
Lucas lets you inside with a dissapointed look and shouts the door with loud bang.
You are trying to understand what this is all about, but it is hard to do when he is looking at you so hard, right in front of your eyes.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lucas?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Show it to me.<</speech>>
How the hell does he know? Could it be that he has hidden cameras installed in the dark corners of the place?
<<linkreplace "<h52>Show him</h52>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/elijah/second/show.jpg" class='large'>
Without whining, you took the necklace out of your purse. Lucas looked at it and shook his head disapprovingly.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Just as I thought. Did you steal it?!<</speech>>
<th><<linkreplace "<h52>Rat Eric</h52>">><<replace "#luc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/elijah/second/mad.jpg" class='large'>
Lucas approaches you and looks deeply into your eyes to see if you are lying.
<<addcorruption 1>><<set $erictalk to 1>><<upd>><div class="pilka">Corruption +1</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course not! Eric... Eric gave it to me.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Hmph. I've got to talk to him about it but first I'll be done with you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>You heard me. Still, What were you thinking to go in here? Did you talked with Elijah?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I... He... We...<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>God damnit, $name. So, it's true! Elijah is trying to work his way up to you? Did he?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Maybe he did? What if is true? Gosh! I don't understand why do you care.<</speech>>
<img src="img/elijah/second/mad3.jpg" class='large'>
Lucas gently squeezes your neck and looks even deeply into your eyes.
While you think to yourself about this place is where you first caught Lena with Lucas. Was he going to punish me the same way?
<<link "<h52>Lucas Eyes</h52>">><<goto "qosjew3">><</link>>
<th><<linkreplace "<h52>Lie</h52>">><<replace "#luc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/elijah/second/mad2.jpg" class='large'>
Lucas approaches you and looks deeply into your eyes to see if you are lying.
Then he squeezes gently your neck.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm... Maybe I did?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>God damnit $name! Did Elijah force you to do it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No! I swear! I really swear!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Yet here you are, looking for something in common with his allegedly private organization. Some kind of luck you just happened to come across this necklace, huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I swear to you, Elijah never mention about this necklace. He-<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>So, it's true! Elijah is trying to work his way up to you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Maybe he did? Gosh! I don't understand why do you care so much?!<</speech>>
<img src="img/elijah/second/mad3.jpg" class='large'>
Lucas squeezes even harder your neck and looks even deeply into your eyes.
While you think to yourself about this place is where you first caught Lena with Lucas. Was he going to punish me the same way?
<<link "<h52>Lucas Eyes</h52>">><<goto "qosjew3">><</link>>
</span></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><span id="luc">\
<video src="img/elijah/second/lucas2.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>You still don't understand anything. Do you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can i fucking go?! I ha-Uff!!<</speech>>
Lucas pushed you to the wall even harder and struggles you with his hand.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>You wish to be dominated?! Huh?!<</speech>>
<th><<linkreplace "<h50>Escape</h50>">><<replace "#luc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/elijah/second/escape.jpg" class='large'>
You punched Lucas in the balls. His hands just grabbed the painful area of his body after that, you finally managed to free yourself from his strong grip.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>OH! FUCK!!! $name! STOP!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck off!<</speech>>
<<link "<h50>Exit</h50>">><<set $subtolucas to 2>><<goto "qosjew4">><</link>>
<th><<linkreplace "<h50>Dominate me!</h50>">><<replace "#luc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/elijah/second/mad4.jpg" class='large'>
You never seen him like that, The way he is mad. Mad at you.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>So you'll fucking be.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Get down on your knees, Bitch.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm..<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Don't make me tell you that again, Whore.<</speech>>
<div class="posarousal">Arousal +5</div><<arousal 5>><<upd>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Submit to him</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/elijah/second/lucas3.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls>
<div class="posarousal">Arousal +10</div><<arousal 10>><<upd>>
You are turned on by his voice and his gaze fixed directly on you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes...<</speech>>
Obediently you fell on the floor in front of his pants. At this point, My heart skipped a beat again as I watched his mesmerized stare.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Take out what you need.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Yes Lucas</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/elijah/second/lucas3.1.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls>
<div class="posarousal">Arousal +10</div><<arousal 10>><<upd>>
As you grabbed his hard fat cock, You can't think straight.
You felt hypnotised by its stiffness and hardness and staring at it makes you aroused.
You licked and bit your lips when you hold his dick.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sir..?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Is this what you want?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I... Yes Sir.<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Yes sir, What?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes Sir! Give me your yummy cock! I need it as a whore! I want to suck it!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Good. Suck it.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Suck it!</h50>">><<replace "#luc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/elijah/second/lucas4.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">Arousal +10</div><<arousal 10>><<upd>>
It was all the that you needed, Permission and his Hard Cock.
You grabbed his cock and ran your tongue over his member until it completely filled your mouth.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmmm!!! *GURLP* I love *GAWK* it!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Of course you do. You are Cock Addict.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Suck it!</h50>">><<replace "#luc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/elijah/second/lucas4.1.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
<div class="posarousal">Arousal +10</div><<arousal 10>><<upd>>
He was so right about you. The truth is that You love to please him as he pleases you with his cock in your mouth. As you think this makes you Cock Addict.
You looked up as he slides his hard cock in your mouth. His face and penetrating eyes were alive with the excitement of the situation.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*GAWK* *GAWK* *GAWK*<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>You filthy slut. Get on the table!<</speech>>
Lucas firmly gripped your wrist. His masculine strong hands were leading you to his table in silence.
Your head was in total mess, you can't deny how aroused you were at this point.
You just can't wait for more of that.
<<linkreplace "<h50>Table</h50>">><<replace "#luc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/elijah/second/lucas5.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls></video>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:red;Arousal +20@@</div><<arousal 20>><<upd>>
You just couldn't know what he was going to next.
Lucas just threw you like garbage on the table and forcibly ripped your panties. Exposing your naked, wet pussy to him.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh! Sir...<</speech>>
His taking control of the situation left me confused and stunned with total desire.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Get ready for what you wanted from the beginning, Whore.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>What I want?</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<video src="img/elijah/second/lucas6.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:red;Arousal +30@@</div><<arousal 30>><<upd>>
At first his cock buried deeply in your pussy, but then he fucked deeply and roughly.
After you wanted this this. You wanted to be punished hard by his cock.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh!! Ohh!! Fuu-!!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Take it SLUT!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Harder!</h50>">><<replace "#luc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/elijah/second/lucas7.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:red;Arousal +35@@</div><<arousal 35>><<upd>>
By now you have even forgotten why you were here and how it happened. Your mind was focused only on the pleasure it gave you. Lucas firmly grabs your tits and slams me with his erected cock.
When he fucked me like this, I couldn't control my screams.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AAAHhhhh!! AAHHH!!! PLEASE!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Scream bitch. Don't worry. The room is soundproof. No one will hear your pleading voice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OHH MY GODD!!!!<</speech>>
You got to the point where you were supposed to get there but unfortunately Lucas interrupted it by taking his cock out from your gaping hole.
You looked at him with a begging face, Lucas with a serious face just laid his back on his table and grabs you by the hips.
<<linkreplace "<h50>Pleading!</h50>">><<replace "#luc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/elijah/second/lucas8.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:red;Arousal +30@@</div><<arousal 30>><<upd>>
Immediately, when he grabbed your hips, you helped yourself to position yourself on his cock and began to ride his rod, which was slippery from pussy juices.
When you ride him like this you feel that you have lost control over your body and it just does it by itself.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Yes, bitch! Ride on it. Fuck!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>YES!! YESS!! AAHH!! OOHH!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Ecstasy!</h50>">><<replace "#luc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/elijah/second/lucas9.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:red;Cumming!@@</div><<arousal 30>><<upd>>
You were screaming in ecstasy.
You were wracked by the most powerful orgasm of my life.
So powerful it made you cry tears of pleasure.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'M FUCKING CUUMMMINGG!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Do it, You slut! Cum on my cock!<</speech>>
And you did.
After this wonderful orgasm, your head just swam into bliss and you just had to lie down on his chest to rest.
<<set $arousal to 0>><<upd>>\
<<linkreplace "<h50>Ecstasy!</h50>">><<replace "#luc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/elijah/second/lucas10.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
Then Lucas just pushed your head away and stood in front of you with his erected cock. Obediently you jumped out of the table and get on your knees to please him.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Yes... Keep going...Slut, Yes.. Like that..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Give me.. Give me that!. Give me yummy cum! Gimme Cum, Daddy!<</speech>>
When Lucas heard your last word, His cock starts paiting your slutty wet face.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Fuuucc!!! Ahhh..! Take it, you fucking slut!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oohhhh my goddnesss! It is so thiiick!<</speech>>
As you collected his thick cum with your tongue and finger from your face, you slowly enjoyed the taste of it.
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Fuck... $name. You've shown me your slutty whore nature. Would you like to treat in this way, Slutty $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>MMm! Yesshm Sir!<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>In fact, you let me down by talking with the scumbag Elijah.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I aaammm so sooorrry...<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>But... When I think about it like that, it is a good thing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Siiir?<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Yes, my dear. I'll use you as my ears and eyes. As my bait...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Ease your thoughts.</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
Further on, you couldn't understand what he was saying.
Your thoughts was still hazy after that incredible climax. Even with sperm on your lips, you admired him as the most magnificent statue.
Once you consumed his sperm, your brain progressively returned to normal, gluing together the things he had said.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmmm.. Oh. I understand. I think..<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>There is nothing to understand $name. Continue what you were doing. At least you are honest in following orders as slut.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thank you, Sir...<</speech>>
<<speech "RichGuy" "Lucas">>Good. Go and get yourself cleaned up before you leave. Nobody should be able to see you in that filthy state. Not yet.<</speech>>
Before leaving, you pick up your things and get dressed. And most importantly you take the necklace from Lucas hands as he still deeply looks into your eyes.
After what he's done to you, you hope you won't disappoint his expectations.
After all, you are now his bitch. That's how he thinks of it but do you?
<<addcorruption 5>><div class="pilka">@@color:red;Corruption +5@@</div><<upd>>
<<link "<h50>Leave</h50>">><<set $subtolucas to true>><<goto "mall">><</link>>
</span></div>\<div class="whitebox"><div align="center">\
<img src="img/elijah/second/people.jpg" class='large98'>
As you burst your way out from Lucas office, People looked at you with questionable eyes. Lucas was still in his office, Probably recovering after that punch.
You didn't give a shit, You just wanted to get out of the damn place.
<<link "<h50>Leave</h50>">><<goto "mall">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="whitebox"><div align="center">\
<img src="img/elijah/second/lenatalk.jpg" class='large98'>
You continue to have no idea what Elijah had in mind.
With some thought, you hope Lena has some kind of an idea. At one time you would have had trouble revealing that you wanted to please the Black Men, but she is your friend, Surely she will understand.
Lena welcomed you with a smile.
<<speech "Lena">>Hi Guuurrl! What's up?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Heey Lena! Fine as usual. Can we talk?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>You want to talk. Then let's talk. I love talking. Talking with you is always interesting.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Surreee. Somewhere... Let's say.. Private?<</speech>>
<<if $lenaandluke is true>>\
<<speech "Lena">>Ohhh!!! You naughty giiirl!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't mean that!<</speech>>
@@color:lightyellow;After I introduced her to Luke, Me and Lena did amazing things together. It was incredible day.@@
<<speech "Lena">>Is something wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No! Not at all.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Hmm. Follow me.<</speech>>
<<link "<h50>Follow Lena</h50>">><<goto "lenaqos2">>,<</link>>
</div>\<div class="whitebox"><div align="center">\
<img src="img/elijah/second/lenatalk2.jpg" class='large98'>
Lena and you enter the school bathroom, You made sure that every stall is empty.
After Lena faced at you with her hands on the hip.
<<speech "Lena">>So what did you do, my lovely $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nothing! I just want to ask you. For advice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Of course. After all, I'm a walking encyclopedia.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Very funny. Okay. How to say this..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Think</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/elijah/second/lena.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls>
Only these images you can think of. Marcus Boys with Lena.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Right!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you remember that day, when you were teaching me. When Marcus Boys came in?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>God $name. How could I forget that!? <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What kind of things did you... Fuck... How to say this..? <</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Hold on. $name. What are you trying to say?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I wish to become their... Pet. A BBC Slut.<</speech>>
<img src="img/elijah/second/lenatalk3.jpg" class='large98'>
Lena just changed her posture and got silenced. The way you said to her, maybe it was too extreme?
<<linkreplace "<h50>Lena</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/elijah/second/lenatalk4.jpg" class='large98'>
After few seconds Lena smiled and starts playing with her hair.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Wow! $name! That was unexpected. Damn! It's kinda lewd!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>I mean... I've never submited to them as that far. I just love being fucked by them but being obedient slut? Never. But damn... That is so fucking hot.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okay.. I..<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Wait. Let me finish. Marcus once proposed to me to become one of them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>First, it was just ordinary outfits or undergarments available in stores.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Clothes. Noted.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>But there was one thing, He and his boys was crazy about.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Go on. Tell me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>It was some type of jewelry. He told me to steal it. Guess who is selling them.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lucas.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Correct.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I doubt he will be willing to bring me the jewels.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Of course not, You dummy. Lucas has some sort of 'issue' with these types of men. Don't ask why.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Great.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Well. Good luck then.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks Lena.<</speech>>
<div class="pilka">Buy Blacked Clothes/Underwear in Clothing Store.
Visit Jewerly Store.</div>
<<set $qosjewdisc to true>>
<<link "<h50>Leave</h50>">><<goto "school">><</link>>
</div>\<<linkreplace "<h50>Jayce's Question</h50>">>\
<<speech "Jayce">>Gotta ask you somethin beacuse it's not giving me a peace on my mind.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure. Go ahead.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>How the hell, A fine pretty girl like you is fooling around with Jack?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm. First of. Thank you for the compliment? Secondly. What is it to you? Are you jealous or something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>Maybe i am? I'm just curious. You, of all the girls in this school, look like a very hot attractive woman and you can pick anyone. But why Jack? He's so mid.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh. I just love him the way he is.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>Yeah, yeah. Don't bullshit me, babe. I know what type of girl you are.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh really? If so, please enlighten me then. What type of girl am i?<</speech>>
<<if $reputationschool gte 50>>\
@@color:orange;School Reputation:$reputationschool/50 Success!@@
@@color:violet;Jayce smiles at you and get closer to you.@@
<<speech "Jayce">>C'mon. I just got back here like... I don't know? One week ago? And i already know what type of girl are you. The nasty one!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't appreciate your tone and i don't what are you talking about.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>Haha. Pleaseee... Deny all you want and I still know a lot about you. But one thing makes me thinkin... Does Jack know?<</speech>>
<img src="img/school/jayce/danger.jpg" class='large98'>
You got silenced at stared at him with your grin face. This time you don't know what to say.
Jayce can't stop laughing because he figured you out after just one conversation!
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What do you want?<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>Chill $name. Chill. We are just talking.<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>For now. Haha.<</speech>>
<<elseif $reputationschool lte 49>>\
@@color:grey;School Reputation:$reputationschool/50 Failed!@@
<<speech "Jayce">>A classy one. That's for sure. Like the other girls.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm not like other girls!<</speech>>
<<speech "Jayce">>Hah. You know how many times i heard that line? Whateva, see ya.<</speech>>
<</linkreplace>>\<<if $andrestalk is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Andres</h6>">>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Camila. We might have problem with Andres.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>His wife Emanuela. I think she... Threatened me. It sounds bad. Really bad. Do you know something about her?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Damn... No. Nothing. What if i talk with her?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No. I don't like it. Let me find the other solution.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Sure but time is not in our favour, $name.<</speech>>
<<if $richardtalk gte 1>>\
@@color:orange;Maybe Lucas could help?@@<</if>>\
<<elseif $andrestalk is 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Andres</h6>">>\
Thanks to Lucas you find something on Andres.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Camila! I know how to get through Andres.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Cool. Hit me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I managed to get help with Emanuela but I think i'll need you help with this one.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Okay. Sure. What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Andres likes to take pictures of young girls I think-<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>I'll be the model.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh...? Are you sure?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>One hundred percent. After we get inside, Andres was glancing at me all time. I'm sure I caught his eye.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>O-Okay! I'll call you.<</speech>>
<<set $andrestalk to 3>>@@color:orange;Wait for the right moment@@
<</if>>\<img src="img/restaurant/task/patrice.jpg" class='medium'>
Tyrone is drinking by himself.
<<linkreplace "<h53>Tyrone</h53>">><<replace "#event">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<<if $patricetalk lte 2 or $patricetalk gte 4>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/patrice.jpg" class='large'>
Tyrone drinks champagne alone away from the other guests, He is clearly not interested in interacting with others but looks at you in a friendlier way.
Most of the time he glimpes at the right side of this room.
<<elseif $patricetalk gte 3>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/natepatrice.jpg" class='medium'>
Nate with grim smile is leaving Tyrone.
They must have had their own conversation because by the look on Tyrone's face he is quite upset.
<<if $natetalk gte 1 and $patricetalk lte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Nate's Favour</h6>">>\
You went to Tyrone to tell him about Nate's favour.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm.. Tyrone? Nate asked you to wash his car.<</speech>>
Tyrone shook his head in disbelief.
<<speech "Tyrone">>Pff! This fucking asshole! What is he thinking! That I'm his slave!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah... Nate sounds like fussy brat.<</speech>>
Tyrone smiled a little bit.
@@color:orange;Talk with Camila. Maybe she will give you a hint.@@
<<set $patricetalk to 2>>\
<<if $patricetalk is 2>>\
@@color:orange;Tyrone is very angry, Talk with Camila first.@@
<<if $patricetalk is 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Talk</h6>">>
<<speech "Tyrone">>What do you want this time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Excuse me Tyrone but it is not right how Nate is treating you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Right... And..?<</speech>>
<<if $alwyntalk gte 1>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I think he is jealous of you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Right. You think. Nate jealous?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can't you see it? You've got something that drives him mad.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>What you have in mind, $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Use it. Stop being his errand boy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>I'm not... Uhh.. I can't. Sooner or later he will run off to Daddy's laps to cry on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why would he. Tell me, Is Joseph treating you bad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>N-No! He is alright. More than alright. He is the best men I've know!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Find Courage</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Maybe it's time to show who is the man here and teach this little brat a lesson?<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/patriceconf.jpg" class='large'>
Tyrone looked at you and for a second you thought he will hesistate.
But after each seconds his smile grows up. Finally, He nodded with a smile.
<<speech "Tyrone">>Haha... Yes... You are right. God. I forgot but one time Joseph admitted that He hates Nate. He even talked about disinheriting.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>His father says that?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>I was there. I heard everything Joseph said to Teresa after the meeting ended. Shit. At the time I even felt sorry for the fucking bastard.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That is a big deal. Do you know why?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Naah... But Teresa knows.<</speech>>
Tyrone stopped with the gossip, but thanks to you He found the courage to stand up to Nate.
<<set $patricetalk to 4>>
<<set $patrice to $patrice +1>>
<div class="pilka">Tyrone's Approbation Gained</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhh...<</speech>>
@@color:orange;You need more information about Nate.@@
<<if $patricetalk is 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Talk</h6>">>\
You approach him slowly, a little smile playing on your lips and thinking what to say?
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey! Tyrone, Right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Yep. And you are $name. What do you want?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How is the party?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Girl. Go mind someone else. I'm busy.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Tyrone turn his back to you. Maybe it's not right time to talk.@@
<<set $patricetalk to 1>>
<<elseif $patricetalk is 1 and $natetalk is 0>>\
@@color:orange;It's better not to talk with without empty handed.@@
<<if $madisontalkparty is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;Give him a Letter from Madison@@</h6>">><<replace "#event">>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/letter.jpg" class='large'>
Tyrone was confused when you hands him a letter.
<<speech "Tyrone">>Huh..?! This is Madison's writing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She told me to give it to you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Hmm... Wow... I see... Thank you. Tell her... I understand.<</speech>>
<<set $madisontalkparty to 2>>\
@@color:orange;Tyrone seems quite pleased after what he has read.@@
<<set $patrice to $patrice +1>>\
<div class="pilka">Tyrone's Approbation Gained</div>
<<button "Leave him">><<goto "mansionevent">><</button>>
<<button "Leave him">><<goto "mansionevent">><</button>>
<</timed>><</replace>><</linkreplace>>\<img src="img/restaurant/task/patrice.jpg" class='medium'>
Tyrone is drinking by himself.
<<linkreplace "<h53>Tyrone</h53>">><<replace "#left">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<<if $patricetalk lte 2 or $patricetalk gte 4>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/patrice.jpg" class='large'>
Tyrone drinks champagne alone away from the other guests, He is clearly not interested in interacting with others but looks at you in a friendlier way.
Most of the time he glimpes at the right side of this room.
<<elseif $patricetalk gte 3>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/natepatrice.jpg" class='medium'>
Nate with grim smile is leaving Tyrone.
They must have had their own conversation because by the look on Tyrone's face he is quite upset.
<<if $natetalk gte 1 and $patricetalk lte 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Nate's Favour</h6>">>\
You went to Tyrone to tell him about Nate's favour.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm.. Tyrone? Nate asked you to wash his car.<</speech>>
Tyrone shook his head in disbelief.
<<speech "Tyrone">>Pff! This fucking asshole! What is he thinking! That I'm his slave!?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah... Nate sounds like fussy brat.<</speech>>
Tyrone smiled a little bit.
@@color:orange;Talk with Camila. Maybe she will give you a hint.@@
<<set $patricetalk to 2>>\
<<if $patricetalk is 2>>\
@@color:orange;Tyrone is very angry, Talk with Camila first.@@
<<if $patricetalk is 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Talk</h6>">>
<<speech "Tyrone">>What do you want this time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Excuse me Tyrone but it is not right how Nate is treating you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Right... And..?<</speech>>
<<if $alwyntalk gte 1>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I think he is jealous of you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Right. You think. Nate jealous?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Can't you see it? You've got something that drives him mad.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>What you have in mind, $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Use it. Stop being his errand boy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>I'm not... Uhh.. I can't. Sooner or later he will run off to Daddy's laps to cry on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why would he. Tell me, Is Joseph treating you bad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>N-No! He is alright. More than alright. He is the best men I've know!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Find Courage</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Maybe it's time to show who is the man here and teach this little brat a lesson?<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/patriceconf.jpg" class='large'>
Tyrone looked at you and for a second you thought he will hesistate.
But after each seconds his smile grows up. Finally, He nodded with a smile.
<<speech "Tyrone">>Haha... Yes... You are right. God. I forgot but one time Joseph admitted that He hates Nate. He even talked about disinheriting.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>His father says that?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>I was there. I heard everything Joseph said to Teresa after the meeting ended. Shit. At the time I even felt sorry for the fucking bastard.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That is a big deal. Do you know why?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Naah... But Teresa knows.<</speech>>
Tyrone stopped with the gossip, but thanks to you He found the courage to stand up to Nate.
<<set $patricetalk to 4>>
<<set $patrice to $patrice +1>>
<div class="pilka">Tyrone's Approbation Gained</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhh...<</speech>>
@@color:orange;You need more information about Nate.@@
<<if $patricetalk is 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Talk</h6>">>\
You approach him slowly, a little smile playing on your lips and thinking what to say?
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey! Tyrone, Right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Yep. And you are $name. What do you want?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>How is the party?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Girl. Go mind someone else. I'm busy.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Tyrone turn his back to you. Maybe it's not right time to talk.@@
<<set $patricetalk to 1>>
<<elseif $patricetalk is 1 and $natetalk is 0>>\
@@color:orange;It's better not to talk with without empty handed.@@
<<if $madisontalkparty is 1>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:pink;Give him a Letter from Madison@@</h6>">><<replace "#left">>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/letter.jpg" class='large'>
Tyrone was confused when you hands him a letter.
<<speech "Tyrone">>Huh..?! This is Madison's writing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She told me to give it to you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Hmm... Wow... I see... Thank you. Tell her... I understand.<</speech>>
<<set $madisontalkparty to 2>>\
@@color:orange;Tyrone seems quite pleased after what he has read.@@
<<set $patrice to $patrice +1>>\
<div class="pilka">Tyrone's Approbation Gained</div>
<<button "Leave him">><<goto "leftmasion2">><</button>>
<<button "Leave him">><<goto "leftmasion2">><</button>>
<</timed>><</replace>><</linkreplace>>\<div class="whitebox"><div align="center">\
<span id="bbc">\
<b>Inside the room there is nobody here. The thing is you are stressed and you don't know what do to before Tyrone get in here.
While you roam around the room, you see on the bed a little gift and note behind it.</b>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Read Note</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
@@color:orange;<i>$name, Tyrone is very dear friend of mine, and I hope you exceed his expectations. Here is a gift from me to win him over.
Wear it. He'll love to see you on it.
<<timed 3s t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/mctyson.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls muted></video>
@@color:orange;The present did actually include white undergarments. To your amazement, the size fit you perfectly, as if it had been designed specifically for you.@@
<<linkreplace "<h50>Wait for him</h50>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/mctyson1.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls muted></video>
@@color:pink;After dressing up, you wait for him nervous but also a little excited.
It seems forever before you heard the doors opening. You took deep breathes to calm your hearth as your chest was pounding so fast. Tyrone appeared in his fancy suit inside the room.@@
<<linkreplace "<h50>Tyrone</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/mctyson2.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls muted></video>
@@color:pink;From the distance, you knew that Tyrone loves what he sees, It calmed you down a bit.
In silence Tyrone moved next to you, His scent of cologne filled your nostrils making you a little dizzy of lust.
So, dizzy that his kisses makes you even hornier than before. During the kiss, his strongs hands ran over your body, You gasped as he starts pulling your butt cheeks apart.@@
<<linkreplace "<h50>Tyrone</h50>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/mctyson3.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls muted></video>
@@color:pink;After undoing the buttons from his shirt with your delicate hands, your heart racing faster. You were aroused and amazed by how muscular his body was, but also how many bullet scars he had. Two around his stomach and one in the side.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh my god... Tyrone... Are thesee...<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Shh...Slut. Take it out.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Unzip it!</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<video src="img/restaurant/task/mctyson4.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls muted></video>
@@color:pink;The way his cock flopped out made your legs shake with excitement. Tyrone to make it easy, He took your face with his big black hands and starts kissing you as you softly jerks his cock off.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmmm!!<</speech>>
Tyrone pull of from your face and whisper into your ear.
<<speech "Tyrone">>Let's see how your pretty mouth can handle my massive black cock, slut. Get down on them knees. Now!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>On your knees!</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/mctyson5.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls></video>
@@color:pink;Complex feelings of desire took control of you. Your delicate white fingers wrapped around his cock, his warmth, weight and the veins that worked on his cock made you wet down there.@@
<<speech "Tyrone">>You like it, Babe?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh... Yes...!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>What'cha gonna do with that big black cock?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Whatever you want, Sir.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Good. Get that Cock, Little Cocksucker!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Submit</h50>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/blacksuck.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls></video>
@@color:pink;Tyrone gasped as you took his cock fully inside your warm mouth.
The way he controls, the way his cock feels, makes your body tingled and your pussy watered. In slower pace you are taking his cock, in and out.@@
<<speech "Tyrone">>C'mon.. Slut! Get it all the way your throat!!!<</speech>>
<<if $deepthroat1 gte 5>>\
@@color:orange;Fortunately, you were prepared for it.@@
<<linkreplace "<h50>Choke it! @@color:orange;Deepthroating Skilled.@@</h50>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/sucksuc.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls></video>
@@color:pink;Tyrone with huge smile on his face, threw you onto the sofa with force and rushed on top of you to get into position to fuck your mouth. It happened in the blink of an eye, Your whole body was trembling with excitement @@
<<speech "Tyrone">>God damn!!! It feels so fucking good!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*GawK!* *Gawk*! *GURLP*!!<</speech>>
<<link "<h50>Tyrone!</h50>">><<goto "tyronemc2">><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Choke it! @@color:grey;Not skilled in Deepthroating.@@</h50>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/suckfail.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls></video>
@@color:lightyellow;Tyrone was dissapointed with what you shown.@@
<<speech "Tyrone">>What the fuck was that Slut?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>*Cough*! Sorr*COugh* Sorry!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Jeez, Seriously! I said all the way down ya throat! Not some lazy ass shit tip of my cock! Is this all you can do?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No! I swear... I can-<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Don't lie to me, bitch. Get the fuck out of my place. Now!<</speech>>
<<set $madisontalkparty to 15>><<set $patrice to 0>>
<<link "<h50>Leave</h50>">><<goto "upmansion">><</link>>
</span></div>\<div class="whitebox"><div align="center">\
<span id="bbc">\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/mctyson7.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls loop></video>
@@color:pink;You've been gagging and drolling on Tyson's huge cock. Your spit was by now streaming down from your mouth to your body. @@
<<speech "Tyrone">>Fuck slut. You love sucking black cocks, huh?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm!!! Sir. Oh fuck... Please... let me have that dick inside me...!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Huh?! Louder bitch. I can't hear you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>PLEASE! I'VE BEEN A GOOD SLUT! SUCKING YOUR ENORMOUS COCK! PLEASE!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>FUCK MY TIGHT LITTLE PUSSY!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Damn girl! You asked for this, Slut!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Tyrone</h50>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/rough.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls loop></video>
@@color:pink;Tyrone stood up and held you in the air as he slammed his entire massive cock into your pussy. As you were bouncing up and down on Tyrone's Cock you starts screaming at the top of your lungs. Room was echoing the sound of slapping noises.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AAHH!! YESS!! FUUCK ME! MMM!!! KEEP POUDING MY PUSSY!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>What a nasty slut!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Tyrone</h50>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/rough2.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls loop></video>
@@color:pink;Tyrone threw you into the sofa once again and starts roughing you up in a doggystyle.@@
<<speech "Tyrone">>You like that shit?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AAHH! OHH!! YES! I LOVE IT! SLAM ME ON THAT DICK!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Tyrone Cum</h50>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/tyronecum.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls loop></video>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Shiit... Here comes...!! Take that load, slut!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm! Thank you for cum!!!<</speech>>
<<if $elijahpoints gte 2>>\
<<speech "Tyrone">>Damn.. Elijah knows what he's doing. With that kind of attitude, you're sure to become his number 1# bitch.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh... You know... Don't you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Of course, White Bunny! C'mon. How about after that party you joined me for more? Huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>More..? I'll... Think about it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Don't make me wait.<</speech>>
<<if $madisontalkparty is 7>>\
<<set $patrice to 5>> <<set $madisontalkparty to 8>><</if>>\
<<button "Leave">><<goto "upmansion">><</button>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="lap">\
<h2>Room 19</h2>
<<if $camilatrue is false>>\
During searching the room, You see a laptop.
The strange thing it is turned on without a password.
<<linkreplace "<h53>Laptop</h53>">>
The only one folder appears in the desktop of the laptop.
<<linkreplace "<h6>My Camila</h6>">><<replace "#lap">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/youngcamila.jpg" class='large98'>
Camila, My Camila.
A girl who appeared in my office out of nowhere. To this day I regret that I did not kicked her out from the office. I was so foolish and young at the time, but she shocked me with her perseverance and intelligence. Her smile. Her goddamn smile with a braces. As she knew that was my kink.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Camila year ago</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/youngcamila2.jpg" class='large98'>
After nearly a year of working with her. She appeared changed. Different, prettier, and the worst thing was that she had already taken off her braces.
I must admit, Since that day, I have longed to fuck her.
I taught her almost everything then, was the perfect secretary and assistant.
One day Camila wanted to get to know me even more. So yeah, I showed her other documents, billings and other paper stuff.
Foolish me, I didn't yet know what she was up to, I was so fucking horny at that time.
At one of the investors' events, Camila demonstrated to me that she could swallow a coke in a single breath. At that point, I was in love.
I must turn her into my private bitch.
<<linkreplace "<h6>After Party</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>><<scrolldown 1s t8n>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/youngcamila3.jpg" class='medium'>
After the party in that damned night, She just came to my house wearing a hot underwear. My horniness was at limit and I just couldn't helped myself. I had to have her. I wanted to fuck her so fucking bad.
I grabbed her shoulders and everything was plunged into darkness.
How fortunate that my hunch was accurate.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Camila's True Colours</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>><<scrolldown 2s t8n>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/youngcamila4.jpg" class='medium'>
I knew she was a fucking cop. What a shame.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What the fuck?!<</speech>>
A SWAT Team raided my house, handcuffed me and said my rights. Once they lifted me up, Camila stood next to me, With her badge dangling around her neck. She smiled at me as if this was her triumph. What a fool she was, she thought she had me. Since my attorney got me out, I wanted Camila or whatever her name is, even more...
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She is a Cop?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olgierd">>Life's Such A Bitch, Isn't it?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Turn Around</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/olgierdstay.jpg" class='medium'>
You turned around surprised, You did not hear any sound entering the room. Olgierd was here, Standing looking very seriously.
<<speech "Olgierd">>What do you think of it?<</speech>>
Nothing comes to mind, the shock still does not let it go.
You realized after reading how Olgierd desires Camila.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>At least i know one thing, Olgierd.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olgierd">>Yes?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You want Camila. You wish to have her. Don't you?<</speech>>
Olgierd looked at you with a serious eyes.
<<speech "Olgierd">>Yes... I want that. So fucking much.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can arrange that, give me some time. Instead you do what I want.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olgierd">>Good $name. I'll wait.<</speech>>
<<set $camilatrue to true>>
<<set $olgierd to $olgierd +1>><<set $olgierdtalk to 2>>
@@color:orange;Talk with Camila@@
<<button "Leave">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "upmansion">><</button>>
<<elseif $camilatrue is true or $camilatrue gte 1>>\
Laptop is gone, Olgierd probably took it away.
<<button "Leave">><<goto "upmansion">><</button>>
</div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<masteraudio stop>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/bim.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls>
<div class="posarousal">Once again, You are awakening. The aroused body is moving by itself. You can feel or tell that your body moves in and out. Like someone pushes you from behind.</div>\
<<timed 2s t8n>>\
<<speech "Burnett">>Hello... $name. Wakey, wakey bimbo.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oooohh... Mmmm!!! So... good....<</speech>><</timed>><<timed 4s t8n>>\
<<speech "Burnett">>You love this, Bimbo Slut?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I LOVE IT! KEEP FUCKING ME!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Haha. Girl. Look behind you.<</speech>>
<</timed>><<timed 5s t8n>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Look</h12>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/restaurant/task/bim2.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls>
<div class="posarousal">You suspected Mr. Burnett was fucking you, but there was a rubber dildo in your hand where you shove in and out into your wet pussy. You were a little let down since you thought it would be an actual cock.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>But... Sir... Can you't fuck me?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>No, beatufiul. You are reserved for someone else.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is that so..? Who..? When..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>You'll love this. I promise.<</speech>>
<<if $burbimbo is 1>>\
<<set $burbimbo to 2>><div class="posarousal">Arousal +30</div><</if>>\
<<button "Leave">><<goto "leftmasion2">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<masteraudio stop>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/bims.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls>
<div class="posarousal">The darkness is fading away. Something heavy is on top of you, and your back and legs suffer. Nothing in particular was captured by the blurred sight. As you try to say something out loud, your head refuses to obey. The only word cames into your mind is..</div>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>SToP ThInKInG.<</speech>>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>STuPiD MaKeS YoU HAppY.<</speech>>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>GoOD BImBoS GIrLS GEt to CuuuuM.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h60>GOOD GIRL</h60>">>
<video src="img/restaurant/task/bims2.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls>
<div class="posarousal">The air of this place is makes you even dizzer than before, You crave only for sex. You want to be used. You want to be destroyed. You wish to be come someone's pet.
The finger appeared out of nowhere. Only thing what comes to your mind is to lick it, suck it, please it. After that everything just turn around. Your wishes has just been realized beacuse your mouth was occupied by someone's hard cock.
The words still shouts inside your stupid mind.</div>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>GooDD SLuut!<</speech>>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>BimBo's GiRlS' JoB is TO PleasuRE MEN!<</speech>>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>NoW AwwaKE!<</speech>>
<<link "<h60>Awake</h60>">><<goto "bimbobj4">><</link>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<masteraudio stop>>\
<span id="bim">\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/bims3.1.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls>
<div class="posarousal">All you hear in your dumb little mind are these words played over and over again. Muffled laughter and breathing of the guys you serve. You have an inner sense of fulfillment, and your parents are undoubtedly pleased of what kind of girl you have become.</div>\
<<linkreplace "<h60>Bimbo</h60>">><<replace "#bim">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/bims3.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls>
<div class="posarousal">All you hear in your dumb little mind are these words played over and over again. Muffled laughter and breathing of the guys you serve. You have an inner sense of fulfillment, and your parents are undoubtedly pleased of what kind of girl you have become.</div>\
<<linkreplace "<h60>Bimbo</h60>">><<replace "#bim">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/bims4.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls>
<div class="posarousal">All you hear in your dumb little mind are these words played over and over again. Muffled laughter and breathing of the guys you serve. You have an inner sense of fulfillment, and your parents are undoubtedly pleased of what kind of girl you have become.</div>\
<<set $bimbosluttybitch to true>>
<<link "<h60>Wake up Bitch</h60>">><<goto "bimbobj5">><</link>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<masteraudio stop>><span id="bim">\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/leond.jpg" class='large98'>
<div class="pilka">@@color:orange;Your mind is awoke but you can't open your eyes.
In the room you're in, you hear two men conversing. One of them can be recognized by his voice, it's Burnett. The other, you can't tell.@@</div>
<<speech "Leon" "???">>...Fantastic... Doctor.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>My pleasure.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon" "???">>Do not worry, Doctor. Soon enough, The claws over your shoulder will be removed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>As we agreed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon" "???">>At long last, I shall have reign over Dante's finest treasure.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Look, Leon. She is waking up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Leon">>Regrettably, I must depart.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Of course. Now little $name. Sleep a little bit longer...<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Sleep... Sleep...</h6>">><<set $lenapovright to 0>><<if $camilatrue is 99>><<goto "Bed">><<else>><<goto "bimbobj6">><</if>><</link>>
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<masteraudio stop>><span id="bim">\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilafail.jpg" class='large98'>
<div class="pilka">@@color:orange;You are awakened by a friendly voice@@</div>
<<speech "Camila">>...$name... Hey.... $name...!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>uhh... My head..! Camila..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>$name! What happened?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I.. I don't know...<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Jesus, $name. You look like you were raped. Someone must drugged you!<</speech>>
It's a false. No one drugged you, You willingly agreed to be Burnett's pet.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No.. It's alright. I'm good. How is the party going..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>It's over.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?! Fuck...!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Yeah. We fucked up, $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So it's too late?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>It seems so. Today is a vote. Teresa has a majority.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>That was fast?! Fuck... Eva must be pissed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>About her.... Eva is gone. I've lost contact with her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Gone?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>I suspect she is dead by now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fuck! Are you sure?! What about us?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Calm down, We are fine.<</speech>>
Eva is dead. Everything in the party what you tried to accomplish is ruined...
Camila bring plate of food near the bed.
<<speech "Camila">>Eat it and take the shower. I must go. Don't worry $name, Everything will be okay.<</speech>>
<<button "Leave">><<set $evatask to 99>><<goto "citycenter">><</button>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<masteraudio stop>><<set $time to 23>><<set $lenapovright to 102>><<set $teresawin to $teresawin +1>><<upd>><<set $richardwin to $richardwin +1>><<upd>><<audio "speech" play>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/teresaend.jpg" class='large98'>
@@color:orange;Looking at the hour is already around midnight, And half of the guests are already going home.
Suddenly, there was no more chatting, laughing, loud overeating, or waiter squabbling. The person everyone had been waiting for stepped through the doorway. Joseph's daughter, Teresa Cassan. Olgierd like a loyal dog, he appeared beside her and whispered a few words in her ear, confirming with a head nod.
Teresa looks stunning in a white dress and sparkling jewelry. She steps inside the middle of the mansion.@@
<<speech "Teresa">>I apologize for arriving late, everyone! I hope you had a good time tonight!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olgierd">>Of course we do. Welcome Teresa!<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Once again, everyone cheered along with Teresa, giving a toast. @@
Then Richard comes in to Welcome her Sister. He just approached at her and without and shake or hug just smiled kindly at her.
<<speech "Richard">>Teresa.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teresa">>Richard.<</speech>>
<<speech "Richard">>After greeting your guests, please join us for the roundtable. We have a lot to talk about.<</speech>>
<<speech "Teresa">>Sure.<</speech>>
<<include "olgierdend">>
<<link "<h50>Next</h50>">><<goto "mansionend2">><</link>>
</div>\<<if $madisontalkparty gte 5 and $madisontalkparty lte 8>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/madisonpatricetalk.jpg" class='large98'>
@@color:white;Tyrone is unconcerned by Teresa's presence and continues to enjoy the occasion with Madison. Teresa looked really confused or mad when she caught Tyrone with someone else.@@
<<if $patrice gte 5>>\
<span id="te">@@color:pink;At least you menage to get his trust. It would be wise to tell him who you choose to win?@@
<th><<link "<h54>Teresa</h54>">><<replace "#te">>
<<set $patrice to 10>><<set $teresawin to $teresawin +1>>@@color:orange;You told Tyrone to vote for Teresa.@@<<upd>>
<<link "<h50>Next</h50>">><<goto "mansionend3">><</link>>\
<th><<link "<h54>Richard</h54>">><<replace "#te">>
<<set $patrice to 11>><<set $richardwin to $richardwin +1>>@@color:orange;You told Tyrone to vote for Richard.@@<<upd>>
<<link "<h50>Next</h50>">><<goto "mansionend3">><</link>>\
<<elseif $patrice lte 4>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Unfortunately, you failed to gain his trust and you can see by his eyesight that he will vote for Teresa.@@
<<set $patrice to 10>><<set $teresawin to $teresawin +1>><<upd>>
<<link "<h50>Next</h50>">><<goto "mansionend3">><</link>>\
<<if $madisontalkparty gte 15>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/patriceconf.jpg" class='large98'>
@@color:white;Madison left the event after you failed with expectation for Tyrone.
Tyrone gave Teresa a hug in greeting, and Teresa smiled back at him.@@
<<speech "Teresa">>Tyrone. Are you enjoying yourself?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Not yet, but the night has just started.<</speech>>
You were certain that Teresa bit her lip as she greeted Tyrone, and she couldn't help but smile.
<<set $patrice to 10>><<set $teresawin to $teresawin +1>><<upd>>
<<if $patrice gte 5>>\
<span id="te">@@color:pink;At least you menage to get his trust. It would be wise to tell him who you choose to win?@@
<th><<link "<h54>Teresa</h54>">><<replace "#te">>
<<set $patrice to 10>><<set $teresawin to $teresawin +1>>@@color:orange;You told Tyrone to vote for Teresa.@@<<upd>>
<<link "<h50>Next</h50>">><<goto "mansionend3">><</link>>\
<th><<link "<h54>Richard</h54>">><<replace "#te">>
<<set $patrice to 11>><<set $richardwin to $richardwin +1>>@@color:orange;You told Tyrone to vote for Richard.@@<<upd>>
<<link "<h50>Next</h50>">><<goto "mansionend3">><</link>>\
<<elseif $patrice lte 4>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Unfortunately, you failed to gain his trust and you can see by his eyesight that he will vote for Teresa.@@
<<set $patrice to 10>><<set $teresawin to $teresawin +1>><<upd>>
<<link "<h50>Next</h50>">><<goto "mansionend3">><</link>>\
<<if $patrice lte 4 and $madisontalkparty lte 3>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/patriceconf.jpg" class='large98'>
Tyrone gave Teresa a hug in greeting, and Teresa smiled back at him.
<<speech "Teresa">>Tyrone. Are you enjoying yourself?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone">>Not yet, but the night has just started.<</speech>>
You were certain that Teresa bit her lip as she greeted Tyrone, and she couldn't help but smile.
@@color:lightyellow;Unfortunately, you failed to gain his trust and you can see by his eyesight that he will vote for Teresa.@@
<<set $patrice to 10>><<set $teresawin to $teresawin +1>><<upd>>
<<link "<h50>Next</h50>">><<goto "mansionend3">><</link>>\
<</if>>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="lap">\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilasus.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:orange;Together you burst inside the Room. Camila nervously looks around for additional clues to suspicious business with Olgierd.
You are just looking at her, stunned. Thinking how to approach with this.@@
<<speech "Camila">>Is something wrong, $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sorry. My headache can't let it go.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>C'mon. Umm.. Eva told us there is something under the bed... Let's look.<</speech>>
<th><<linkreplace "<h54>Drug her</h54>">><<replace "#lap">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camiladrug.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:red;As Camila get on her fours and get under the bed, You in a hurry grabbed syringe from the purse and injected all the contents of the substance into her ass cheek.@@
<<speech "Camila">>OUCH! $name?! What was... Ah..<</speech>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>
<div class="posarousal">At this point your Bimbo consciousness awoke.</div>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oopsiee!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>$name?! What did you do?! Why is it so... So... So... Hot...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okay girl! It will do you good!<</speech>>
<<elseif $bimbolvl1 is false>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I am so sorry Camila.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Why...?<</speech>>
<<addcorruption 2>><div class="pilka">@@color:red;Corruption +2@@</div><<upd>>
Camila lost consciousness. For a second You thought she died but thanks godness you can feel her pulse and breathing.
<<linkreplace "<h50>Camila?</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
After several seconds, Not knowing what to do, You look around the room.
Then you hear Camila's voice, When you get back to her, Camila's eyes are open wide.
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilapussy.jpg" class='medium'>
Feeling groggy at first, in this one she approached the bed and began insistently rubbing her intimate area on the pillow. She could not withstand the pressure and forcibly pulled down her pants, showing her naked pussy.
<<speech "Camila2" "Camila">>Aahhh..Mmmm! Ahhh! My pussy...!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Camila?<</speech>>
What's more, she started to feel an uncontrollable urge, not only to be filled, but to have a man spend himself within her.
<<speech "Camila2" "Camila">>I... I... Need....<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Camila. Sit. down.<</speech>>
Camila obediently sits down on the floor. Waiting for other instructions like a puppy.
<<linkreplace "<h50>Someone is by the door</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/evaol.jpg" class='medium'>
When you open the door, Olgierd and Eva are there. Olgerd did not try to stop smiling when he saw Camila on the floor where she was giving herself over to pleasure by fingering her pussy.
All you can see from Eva's face is a mischievous grimace on her face.
<<speech "Olgierd">>$name. You kept your words! I like you. Very much.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Hmph... Yeah... I must say... you impressed me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>As we. Agreed. Camila is here at your service.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Good. Still, there is one thing to do, $name.<</speech>>
Olgierd with a smile goes to the other room where is the bedroom. Eva laid a gentle palm over Camila's face and caressed her cheek. Then Eva with a evil grin looked at you.
<<speech "Eva">>Olgierd will be very pleased to have you both. At least for that one time. $name.<</speech>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fantastic! I can't wait!<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Haha. That's my girl!<</speech>>
<<elseif $bimbolvl1 is false>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?! There was-<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Just this once, $name! I promise, the reward will be great.<</speech>>
Eva with a smile points to the room where Olgierd went. Camila is still numb and mumbles quietly to herself about the filthiest fantasies. She whispers to herself:<<speech "Camila2" "Camila">><i>Use me... Fuck me... Slam me with your precious cock... Don't stop... I am your whore... I never going to leave you... Use me... Use meeee..</i><</speech>>
She didn't protest as you were taking her hand and leads her to the room where Eva is pointing.
<<link "<h50>Go to Olgierd</h50>">><<goto "olgierdsex">><</link>>
<<set $camilatrue to 99>>
<th><<linkreplace "<h54>Don't</h54>">><<replace "#lap">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilasus2.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:orange;You stopped Camila before she could shift positions on her hands and knees, and you tried to reason with her while feeling anxious and guilty.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Stop. Camila. Stop! We need to talk!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Can it wait? Eva said-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Eva lied! There is nothing here! Nothing at all!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>What are you talking about?! There must be-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm telling the truth! Her wish was to lure you here and sacrifice to Olgierd.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>No.. It's not true. She couldn't... She... She promised!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>We don't have much time, Camila.<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Uhh... Fine. If I find out that you are lying $name, I'm going to hurt you. So bad.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Whatever! Can we fucking leave?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Let's go.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;You saved Camile, With this Eva will not be happy with your decisions.@@
<<button "Leave with Camila">><<set $camilatrue to 4>><<goto "upmansion">><</button>>
</span></div>\<<if $camilatrue is 4>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilamc.jpg" class='large98'>
@@color:orange;You and Camila were standing far away from all the commotion. Olgierd looked in your direction but was not very concerned about it. He will definitely vote for Teresa.
For the first time in this fucked-up party, you feel that you have committed a good thing. You didn't betray your partner and instead as you look at her you think to yourself that you gained a friend.
Eva is angry at your decision, and she may even fire you.
Still you don't want to think of this anymore, you just want to quit that stupid event.@@
@@color:lightyellow;Through the end of the event, Camily's eyes wandered toward Olgierd.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Camila? Are you okay?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Yeah... I am okay..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You thinking about Olgierd, don't you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>It sucks. How these kind of people are getting away from the justice.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I've learned one thing through my whole life. Patience is a virtue that we sometimes cannot afford. Sooner or later they will get a foot wrong.<</speech>>
Camila looked at you and nodded with a sad face.
<<set $olgierd to 10>><<set $teresawin to $teresawin +1>><<upd>>
<<elseif $camilatrue is 99>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/olgierdend.jpg" class='large98'>
@@color:red;Olgierd is acting nice around her. However, the fact is that he will stab Teresa in the back since he already had what he wanted while he was imprisoned and chose to punish Camila, the one who had placed him there. You agreed that for Camila, Olgierd would vote for Richard and he kept his promise.@@
<<speech "Olgierd">>This way... Teresa.<</speech>>
<<set $richardwin to $richardwin +1>>
<<set $olgierd to 10>><<set $teresawin to $teresawin +1>><<upd>>
<</if>>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="sex">\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/olgierd.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
@@color:orange;Olgierd was standing in silence beside the bed. His eyes were glaring at Camila. Then he looked at you for a while and smiled with a side mouth. Then his pose changed @@
<<speech "Olgierd">>Strip off. Now!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila2" "Camila">>Haa..<</speech>>
@@color:orange;After several deep breaths, Camila willingly stripped down to the underwear. You had a little hesistation then you were reminded with Olgierd's harsh eyes. After your outfit went down to the floor, He applauded the view with his nod.@@
<<speech "Olgierd">>Crawl to the bed. Bitches.<</speech>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Camila? You first, bitch!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila2" "Camila">>Oh! You are so kind!<</speech>>
<<elseif $bimbolvl1 is false>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What..?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila2" "Camila">>You heard him, Sister!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h53>Crawl</h53>">><<replace "#sex">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/olgierd1.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls></video>
@@color:orange;Obediently you crawl into bed. Waiting for his requests.@@
<<speech "Olgierd">>Good.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Olgierd took his manhood from the underwear and moved closer to the bed. Two of you were waiting for his instructions who deserves the first taste. @@
<<speech "Olgierd">>Who deservers the most....<</speech>>
@@color:pink;Camila eye's widened with suprise of how his Manhood is huge. She couldn't control her body, moans. Her hands wants to reach for it.@@
<<speech "Camila2" "Camila">>Me! Please...!! Mee!! Choose me! Sir!<</speech>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No! Let me suck it! Sir! After all, I deserve this prize!<</speech>>
<<elseif $bimbolvl1 is false>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>...<</speech>>
<<speech "Olgierd">>I don't know how you did it, $name... This may be the best gift I've ever received.<</speech>>
<span id="sex2">\
<th><<linkreplace "<h54>Camila</h54>">><<replace "#sex2">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/restaurant/task/olgierd2.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
@@color:orange;Olgierd with his index finger pointed at Camila, She to her delight threw herself right back and started licking every angle of his cock.@@
<<speech "Camila">>I'm...*GAWK* so... Glad *GAWK* *GAWK* my mouth pleases you... *GURLP GURLP*.. Master..!<</speech>>
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h54>@@color:hotpink;$name@@</h54>">><<replace "#sex">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/olgierd3.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
<div class="posarousal">Camila was taking his cock too long! You just shoved her a little and took Olgierd's cock immediately into your mouth. You want to show her how pretty suckers do it right! Olgierd was really fascinated by this.</div>
<<link "<h50>Olgierd</h50>">><<goto "olgierdsex2">><</link>>
<<elseif $bimbolvl1 is false>>\
<<link "<h50>Olgierd</h50>">><<goto "olgierdsex2">><</link>>
<th><<linkreplace "<h54>$name</h54>">><<replace "#sex2">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/restaurant/task/olgierd3.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
@@color:orange;Olgierd with his index finger pointed at you, Right away you approach to his cock and starts sucking forward and back. At first, It taste horrible but then you get used to it and you even liked it.@@
<<if $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h54>Camila</h54>">><<replace "#sex2">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/restaurant/task/olgierd2.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
@@color:pink;Camila was indeed jealous how long you are deeply suck his cock. To not make her angry, you hand over to her Olgierd's cock. She with a smile took it with grace and starts tasting. With her lips she wrapped his cock and starts sucking forward and back.@@
<<link "<h50>Olgierd</h50>">><<goto "olgierdsex2">><</link>>
<<elseif $bimbolvl1 is false>>\
<<link "<h50>Olgierd</h50>">><<goto "olgierdsex2">><</link>>
</span></div><<if $andres is 2>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/andresem.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:orange;Emanuela and Andres are waiting for greeting from Teresa.
Andres was delightful by Camila's perfomance at the studio and he is willingly to persuade Emanuela to vote whatever you'd like to.@@
<span id="te2">\
<th><<link "<h54>Teresa</h54>">><<replace "#te2">>
<<set $andres to 11>>@@color:orange;You told Andres to vote for Teresa.<<set $teresawin to $teresawin +1>>@@<<upd>>
<<link "<h50>Next</h50>">><<goto "mansionend4">><</link>>\
<th><<link "<h54>Richard</h54>">><<replace "#te2">>
<<set $andres to 12>><<set $richardwin to $richardwin +1>>@@color:orange;You told Andres to vote for Richard.@@<<upd>>
<<link "<h50>Next</h50>">><<goto "mansionend4">><</link>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/andresem.jpg" class='medium'>
@@color:orange;Emanuela and Andres are waiting for greeting from Teresa.
Andres did nothing but only a greet, Emanuela and Teresa were speaking a like a good friends.@@
@@color:lightyellow;You did nothing to gain their trust. Emanuela is looking at Teresa with the most kind way. Surely their vote would be for Teresa.@@
<<set $teresawin to $teresawin +1>><<set $andres to 11>><<upd>>
<<link "<h50>Next</h50>">><<goto "mansionend4">><</link>>\
<</if>>\<img src="img/restaurant/task/alwynante.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:lightyellow;Alwyn and Nate are still sitting in the hall drinking together.
It is most likely they've regained their trust to each other. @@
<<if $camilatrue is 4>>\
@@color:orange;During the event, Richard stuck closely to his brothers. He entertained them and asked the waiters to get them drunk. But before Teresa arrival, Olgierd approached them, exchanged a few words, and it was as if the stress they had been holding inside them drifted away. Teresa approached them, Nate and Alwyn right away stand up and with a smile greet her.@@
<<speech "Nate">>Hey, Sis. Glad you are here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alwyn">>Hi Teresa!<</speech>>
<<speech "Teresa">>Hey guys! I am also glad to see you too! I hope to see you later at our meeting?<</speech>>
<<speech "Nate">>Sure thing, Sis.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alwyn">>Of course! We'll be happy to attend to.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Alwyn and Nate never been so happy to see her. It seems they are voting for her.@@
<<set $teresawin to $teresawin +2>>
<<set $nate to 10>><<set $alwyn to 10>><<upd>>
<<link "<h50>Who won?</h50>">><<goto "mansionend5">><</link>>\
<<if $camilatrue is 99>>\
@@color:orange;Before Teresa arrival, Olgierd speak with them and exchanged a few words with them. Then Richard joins too and nodded with approval.
Now, when Teresa approached them, Nate and Alwyn looked at her and stands up without willingles.@@
<<speech "Teresa">>Hey guys! Are you enjoying the party?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alwyn">>Hey. It's... Alright. For now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Nate">>C'mon Sis. What are you actually doing? Huh?? Didn't our Daddy give you enough?<</speech>>
<<speech "Teresa">>What do you mean, Nate?<</speech>>
<<speech "Nate">>Our Dad's Will, Sis! He never mention us before that me and Alwyn and I had gone overseas. Why? Are you trying to get rid of us, Sis?<</speech>>
Olgierd just steps into the converstation and reasurred them with a kind voice.
<<speech "Olgierd">>Guys. Let's talk about this later, okay? Guests are watching.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Alwyn and Nate were angry at her somehow. It seems they are voting for Richard.@@
<<set $richardwin to $richardwin +2>>
<<set $nate to 11>><<set $alwyn to 11>><<upd>>
<<link "<h50>Who won?</h50>">><<goto "mansionend5">><</link>>\
@@color:orange;Richard remained near his brothers during the incident, especially with Nate. Alwyn chatted to Olgierd outside the house periodically since he was a little bored with the whole thing. Richard kept with Nate to ensure that he voted for him, and it is most likely that Olgierd persuaded Alwyn to support Teresa.@@
<<set $teresawin to $teresawin +1>><<set $alwyn to 10>>
<<set $richardwin to $richardwin +1>><<set $nate to 11>><<upd>>
<<link "<h50>Who won?</h50>">><<goto "mansionend5">><</link>>\
<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="sex">\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/olgierd4.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
@@color:orange;As you occupied yourself with your filthy throat on Olgierd's cock, he grabbed Camila by the neck and drew her nearer to him so he could look her in the eyes.@@
<<speech "Camila2" "Camila">>Ha... Ah... Is this want you want.. Sir? Do you want me to be fucktoy for you? Forever... and ever...? I will... I will do anything... for you. Just fuck me! Use me!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Olgierd">>Good Girl. From now on... You belong to me.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h53>Fucktoy</h53>">><<replace "#sex">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<span id="sex2">\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/olgierd5.webm" class="large98" autoplay controls></video>
@@color:orange;Olgierd shoved you aside and collapsed on the bed. Camila with shaking legs, laid down on his body and stuck his cock into her hungry pussy while smiling maliciously.
Olgierd without a foreplay, starts domanting Camila's pussy hard and roughly.
When you supported her with a caressing touch, you felt that her mind was probably gone. @@
<<speech "Camila2" "Camila">>OOOOHHH FUUUUUUU!!!!! YEEEE!! YEEESSS!!!! KEEP GGGGOING SIR!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h54>Even harder.</h54>">><<replace "#sex2">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/olgierd6.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<speech "Camila2" "Camila">>OOHHH! AHHHH!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h53>Your Turn</h53>">><<replace "#sex">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<span id="sex3">\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/olgierd7.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
@@color:orange;Olgierd stops, throws Camila off and with his strong hands drags you onto the bed and positions you facing Camila's pussy. With the greatest vigor he began to fuck you from behind.@@
<<speech "Olgierd">>Taste my juice's on Camila's pussy, bitch!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>AHH! OHH!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila2" "Camila">>Haaa.. Yes... Master... Keep slamming her with your hard cock! This dumb slut deserves it!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h54>Harder!</h54>">><<replace "#sex3">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/olgierd8.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
@@color:orange;Olgierd kept fucking you harder and harder, until you reach the climax!@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>OOOOHH... SSHIIIITT!!! I AM FUCKING CUM!!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila2" "Camila">>Haaa.!!! Look at her face!! Sooo fucking hoooot!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h53>Camila's Turn</h53>">><<replace "#sex">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/olgierd9.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
@@color:orange;Olgierd had to prove to Camila who was the true boss because he didn't have enough. For the rest of her life, the only male who will make her insane will be him.@@
<<speech "Camila2" "Camila">>OOOOHHHHH MY FUCKING GOD!!!! THIS IS SO GOOOOOOOOD!!! MY PUSSYYY!!!! MMMMM<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h53>Olgierd</h53>">><<replace "#sex">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/restaurant/task/olgierd10.webm" class="large98" autoplay loop controls></video>
@@color:orange;Camila felt the pulse on his cock, She wanted and fought for his cock to stay in her cunt, Olgierd simply with his dominating power threw her next to you and you started waiting for his nectar.@@
<<speech "Olgierd">>Oh fuck!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila2" "Camila">>Mmmm!!! Soooo goooood.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olgierd">>Great job $name... Great job... Now leave... Me and Camila are not finished yet...<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila2" "Camila">>Haahaa! I can't wait for more, Master!<</speech>>
<img src="img/restaurant/task/camilaslave.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:red;As you were leaving, Camila were busy with pleasuring Olgierd's cock. This is her life now. She will be at his mercy for the rest of her life.@@
<<button "Leave">><<goto "upmansion">><<set $olgierd to 11>><</button>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<masteraudio stop>>\
<<include "tyroneend">>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<masteraudio stop>>\
<<include "andresend">>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<masteraudio stop>>\
<<include "alwynnateend">>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<masteraudio stop>>\
<<if $teresawin gte 4>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/teresawon.jpg" class='large98'>
@@color:pink; Teresa won by a majority of votes.@@
@@color:orange;Eva is mad and furious after the news she heard. Teresa is going to be next CEO of largest restaurant chain and the premium clothing brand called "Vargelis".@@
<<speech "Teresa">>Thank you all again for coming. With sadness I must annouce that my father, Passed away.<</speech>>
<<speech "Olgierd">>It is trully the sad news, Teresa. We are so sorry for your loss.<</speech>>
@@color:lightyellow;Camila leans to you and whisper.@@
<<speech "Camila">>It's odd how they are reacted. Brothers and everyone in the board took the news so well...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Maybe they knew it already?<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>I think, they were waiting for this. They hoped he'll die soon and they'll took the reigns.<</speech>>
<<elseif $richardwin gte 4>><<set $evatask to 3>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/task/evawon.jpg" class='large98'>
@@color:lightblue; Richard won by a majority of votes.@@
@@color:orange;Eva is delighted with the news. She has what she wanted all along, Richard seated on the throne who has authority over the largest restaurant chain and the premium clothing brand Vargelis. Surely, Eva will get the rich and powerful.@@
@@color:lightyellow;After this nightmarish party, Eva approached you with load of cash.@@
<<if $richardwin gte 6>>\
@@color:orange;Eva is giving you for 6 votes:@@
<<money 3500>><div class="pilka">@@color:lightgreen;Money +3500@@</div><<upd>>
<<elseif $richardwin gte 5>>\
@@color:orange;Eva is giving you for 5 votes:@@
<<money 3000>><div class="pilka">@@color:lightgreen;Money +3000@@</div><<upd>>
<<elseif $richardwin gte 4>>\
@@color:orange;Eva is giving you for 4 votes:@@
<<money 2500>><div class="pilka">@@color:lightgreen;Money +2500@@</div><<upd>>
<<if $camilatrue is 99>>\
<<speech "Eva">>$name... $name.. $name! I am so so proud of you. Without a Olgierd's influence, everything would collapse.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thank you. Eva. Happy to hear that. What about Camila, though?<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Oh! Don't worry about her! She served herself well in this particular case. And now She must bear the cost of her decisions, $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>If you say so.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;Thanks to you and Eva, Camila is now under Olgierd's command.@@
@@color:orange;Camila and You were waiting for her response.@@
<<speech "Eva">>Ladies! This is truly, Truly great piece of work what you did!<</speech>>
<<speech "Camila">>Thank you, Eva. We are glad to help you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. We are.<</speech>>
Now all you wanted to do is lie down on the warm bed and sleep to forget everything what happened here.
<<link "<h50>Leave the Party</h50>">><<set $lenapovright to 0>><<goto "Bed">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<audio "mall" pause>>
<span id="eva">\
<img src="img/restaurant/tara.jpg" class="medium">
@@color:orange;On the way to Eva's office, you met Tara. Her face expressed quite embarrassment but also a lustful look. As she seens something surreal.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Tara.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tara">>Hey $name. Are you going to Eva?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah. She is waiting for me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tara">>She is busy at this moment.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's urgent.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tara">>Hah. Okay! If you say so. I warned you.<</speech>>
As you reach the door handle, you can't tell but you must heard some banging noise inside Eva's Office. With curiosity you want to see what is going on inside.
<<linkreplace "<h50>Open the doors</h50>">><<replace "#eva">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/evarichy.jpg" class="large">
@@color:orange;As you open the doors a little more the sound of banging noises intensified then you heard Eva's load voices. When you lean your head out of the door, you can clearly see Eva. She is getting fucked pressed on her desk. Papers, stamps and a mug are tossed around her office.
Above her is Richard. He is firmly focused on her and her needy cunt. @@
<<linkreplace "<h50>Eva?</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/restaurant/evarichard.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls></video>
Then Richard caught your presence. You felt a little embarrassed, but also excited as he smiled at you and fucked Eva's pussy even harder. Richard kept his eyes on you as Eva yelled loudly in pleasure.
You can't take his piercing eyes any longer. After closing it behind you, you choose to wait for them to be done.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Wait.</h6>">><<replace "#eva">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/evarichard.jpg" class="medium">
@@color:orange;After long hour, Sound of moans and baning are finished. Richard opens the doors for you. As you get inside, Richard still couldn't take away from him from Eva. You have to admit that Eva knows how to mask the traces of sex. Everything around is clean and her hair and clothing are in good order.@@
<<speech "Richard">>Look who came. Our good little lamb.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Ohh.. $name! Come here, darling. Sit!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Sit</h6>">><<replace "#eva">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/restaurant/evarichard2.jpg" class="medium">
You are taking your sit beside Eva and Richard where they still were hugging each other. Then Eva looked seductively at Richard.
<<speech "Eva">>Richard and I had really long... Long talk. About you too.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Richard">>That's right, Babe. I really apprieciate for your actions in the last party. Teresa had it coming...<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Of course. $name, Listen. As you may know, High revenue are being made by our restaurant in this place.<</speech>>
<<speech "Richard">>Eva cut the bullshit, And get to the point.<</speech>>
<<speech "Eva">>Sure, Richy. $name follow me.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6
</span></div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><<masteraudio stop>>\
<img src='img/hospital/smile.jpg' class='large'>
Burnett was sitting in his office, working on paperwork. When you walked in, he looked at you without sense of confuse or shock. He just smiled gently, as if he knew you'd come there.
Burnett gestured you to sit down and talk.
After several nights, the lewd dreams are hauting you all the time. Beacuse of these dreams you wish to become beyond what you are. To become more sexy, slutty, bitchy. After all... @@color:hotpink;Bimbo Girls have all the fun!@@
Eventually you dared to come here again.
<<speech "Burnett">>Good morning, $name. What brings you here?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Is something wrong, my @@color:Orange;Good Girl?@@<</speech>>
@@color:hotpink;After Burnett said these two words, Your mind went completly crazy with several lewd stuff.@@
<<linkreplace "<h50>Control Yourself</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>><<set $arousal to 200>><<upd>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Doc.. Hey. There was one thing I did want to ask you. Haah..!! I hope it isn't inappropriate...<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Inappropriate? For me? Never!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player"" $name">>Hah. I've seen your work, Doc. And i gotta say... I am pretty envy of them. Envy of these... Big... Round... Breast. I want mine to even bigger...!<</speech>>
Burnett with his professionalism kept his straight face, But you can see that he is smiling inside.
<<speech "Burnett">>Slow down, my @@color:orange;Good Girl.@@ Did I hear correctly? Do you want to have bigger breasts?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes!!! I desire to have them bigger!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Of course, $name. Of course! Give me a second.<</speech>>
Burnett stands up from his desk chair and with slowly movement came to you.
<<speech "Burnett">>I think.... 34G should suits you perfectly... Yes! Take your top off. I need to be sure, my dear!<</speech>>
<img src='img/hospital/stage4/topoff.jpg' class='medium'>
You took your top off and endured five minute of his prodding, pulling, measuring and marking up your breasts. Then Doc got hack to his seat and nodded.
<<speech "Burnett">>Yes. As i expected. 34G Is perfect for you.<</speech>>
You don't know what to say but only to nod. Then Doc shows you his screen.
<<speech "Burnett">>Look at them. Aren't they nice?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>@@color:hotpink;Look.@@</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src='img/hospital/stage4/boobs.jpg' class='large'>
As you look at the screen, Your mind is overflow with a joy! You expected something a little smaller but this?! You just can't help yourself but jump with excitement. You want them now!
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh em! Geeee!!! I am so happy! Are they gonna be mine?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Haha. Calm down, $name. Before we do it, I need to tell you my thoughts.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">> This is a big decision and at that size, they will impact your life. Not just physically, but how people react to you too. $name, Are you sure about this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I understand the consequences, Doc! I'm 100% Sure!!! I want to become a Bimbo!! But... How much money I need to bring?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Don't worry about the money, @@color:orange;Good Girl@@. Before we are going to make it happen. There are other parts of your body to be made first.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Such as?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Your lips for starts.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Lips?</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src='img/hospital/stage4/lipsbefore.jpg' class='large'>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lips? But why?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>To be perfect Bimbo, Of course! You don't want them?<</speech>>
You licked your own lips, the thought of having them bigger is making you even crazier. Doc is right, it would be perfect to have them enchanced, The hard cocks sliding up and down, came to your mind.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Um... No.. I mean.. I want them! I agree, Doc! Can we do it now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Slow down, $name. It will take some time. Lips injection will be ready for you tommorow. My @@color:orange;Good Girl@@.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. I'll come tommorow, Doc!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Good. You won't regret it.<</speech>>
<div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;As of tomorrow, there will be Lip Augmentation available!@@</div>
<<set $lipsur to 1>>
<<link "<h50>Leave</h50>">><<goto "Clinic">><</link>>
<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><span id="doc"><<masteraudio stop>>\
<img src='img/hospital/stage3/naomi5.jpg' class='large'>
Once you get inside the Burnett's Office in the hospital, Your stress let you down, As you see Naomi, Her words soothed your mind and soul.
<<speech "Naomi">>Hello $name! Don't worry, It was the right call. Trust me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hi Naomi, Thanks.. I Guess?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Naomi, darling go prepare the needle.<</speech>>
Naomi and Burnett were preparing the needles, But you went on to think if it was a good idea? Burnett caught your troubled face.
<<speech "Burnett">>What's wrong, My @@color:orange; Good Girl?@@<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I... is it good.. Idea? I mean...<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Why are you still having doubts, my dear? Here. Let me show you something.<</speech>>
<img src='img/hospital/stage4/lipsbefore.jpg' class='large'>
Burnett went for the mirror and hands to you.
<<speech "Burnett">>Look at your reflection. Look at your thin lips and think, How gorgeous they will be once they are enlarged. Here look at these photos.<</speech>>
<img src='img/hospital/stage4/picture.jpg' class='medium'>
Looking at the photo, you had to admit you'd look hot after the enhancement.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm... Yes.. You are right.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Good. Are you ready?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. Let's do it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>@@color:orange;Good Girl!@@ Naomi! Fill the syringe with the fluid that was delivered this morning.<</speech>>
<<speech "Naomi">>Yes, Mast-Doctor!<</speech>>
After a few minutes Naomi, with a fake smile, came with a syringe and handed it to Burnett. Doctor looked at the syringe with a smile and nodded with satisfaction that it was all correct.
<<speech "Burnett">>$name. I'll be injecting Hyaluronic Acid. It's kind of fillers who makes your lips a little fat. My @@color:orange; Good Girl@@, Look at my eyes and be relaxed.<</speech>>
After these words, your eyes directed at Burnett's eyes and you finally calmed down. The feeling of lightness and calmness flow through you as Burnett starts injecting your lips.
<<linkreplace "<h50>Lips Injection</h50>">><<replace "#doc">><<timed 50ms t8n>><<audio "inject" play>>
<img src='img/hospital/stage4/lipsafter.jpg' class='large'>
After a few hours later, you woke up without a pain. You quickly ran to the mirror and starts looking at the effect.
Your lips are puffy and large, as you starts licking your lips you desire to try them out on random cock to test them out. Then you heard door's opening.
<<speech "Burnett">>$name, How do you feel and your new look?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't know... It is so strange to have them like these... They are looking.... So puffy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Don't worry, It's normal. Please rest for a few days, and their appearance should improve accordingly. I look forward to seeing you next week.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Next week? Okay! Thank you doc.<</speech>>
Visit Burnett next week.<<set $lipsur to 3>>
<<button "Leave">><<set $time to $time +3>><<goto "Clinic">><</button>>
</span></div>\<<if $bimbolvl1 is true and $corruption gte 125 and $time gte 8 and $time lte 18 and $lipsur is 0>>\
<<linkreplace "<h50>@@color:hotpink;Consult with the Doctor $corruption/125 Corruption@@</h50>">><<goto "bimboprep">><</linkreplace>>
<<elseif $corruption lte 124 and $bimbolvl1 is true>>\
<<linkreplace "<h50>@@color:grey;Consult with the Doctor $corruption/125 Corruption@@</h50>">>Not enough Corruption.<</linkreplace>>
<<if $lipsur is 2 and $time gte 8 and $time lte 18>>\
<<link "<h50>Lips</h50>">><<goto "lipssur">><</link>>
<<if $lipsur is 10 and $time gte 8 and $time lte 18>>\
<<link "<h50>Lips Inspection</h50>">><<goto "lipsins">><</link>>
<<if $lipsur is 11>>\
@@color:orange;Further preparations are Coming Soon!@@
<</if>>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">
<img src="img/luke/chloe/out.jpg" class='medium'>
You were thrilled and astounded by Chloe's beauty when you saw her outside the movie theater. It still amazes you that a girl like her accepted your invitation.
As you come closer to her, your heart beat are getting faster and faster.
<<speech "Chloe">>Luke!! Hey!!!<</speech>>
You shake her hand and smile warmly. Her eyes are so pretty when you are looking at them so long.
<<speech "Luke">>Hi Chloe. Wow... You look so beautiful.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Hihi... Thanks! You too. This kind of shirt, suits you well.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Haha. Thanks. I am trying my best to look good at first date.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Oh. Is it a date?<</speech>>
<img src="img/luke/chloe/out2.jpg" class='medium'>
You now feel embarrassed and stressed even more. "Why did I say that?!" You think to yourself.
<<speech "Luke">>Ah..!! Did i said that loud? D-date? I...<</speech>>
Then Chloe starts smiling and laughing a lot, patting you on your strong shoulders.
<<speech "Chloe">>Haha! Stop being so stressed, Luke. I'm just messing with you! It is a date. Wow... You have strong arms!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Haha. Thank you. They can be yours.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Oh. I hope so..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Chloe</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/luke/chloe/out2.jpg" class='large'>
You can't tell why but you felt little aroused when she say that.
Without thinking much, you look at your watch and see that the movie is about to start.
<<speech "Luke">>C'mon Chloe, We need to hurry up.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Oh right. Wait! I'll pull my money.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Don't you dare. I'll paying!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Oh. Okay! Don't be so agressive. Jeeez... What gentleman...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>For you. Always.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>My god. You are really a charmer, Luke.<</speech>>
With a smile you went with Chloe to the booth and paid for two tickets.
@@color:lightgreen;Money -25@@<<set $lukemoney to $lukemoney -25>>
<<link "<h50>Watch</h50>">><<goto "chleocinema2">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "battle" play>><span id="movie">\
<img src="img/luke/chloe/movie.jpg" class='large'>
The movie is about a young man who was banished from the royal family by his cruel mother after his father passed away, so that the daughter, not the son, would take the throne.
The man growned up and makes every effort to get back what is rightly his by fighting in the Arena where Evil mother and her daughter is enjoying the fights.
You enjoy the movie so far, But you can't tell if Chloe likes it beacuse it is dark and it is hard to capture her emotions.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Middle of the movie</h6>">><<replace "#movie">><<timed 50ms t8n>><<audio "gasp" play>><<audio "battle" stop>>\
<img src="img/luke/chloe/middle.jpg" class='large'>
As the plot continues, the secret between mother and daughter was revealed by the short sex scene. It makes you aroused how it was showed.
Then you Chloe moved a little bit closer to your side and She gasped a little bit.
<<speech "Chloe">><sub>Huh... Wow...</sub><</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>End of the movie</h6>">><<replace "#movie">><<timed 50ms t8n>><<audio "endmov" play>>
<img src="img/luke/chloe/end.jpg" class='large'>
Then the movie cames into the emotional scene, where the sad music is playing and character is dying in the last battle. His sister realized everything and kills her own Mother to save the kingdom from cruelty.
You're not sure, but you see out of the corner of your eye that Chloe is covering her face with her hands.
<img src="img/luke/chloe/cry.jpg" class='medium'>
You can see how beautiful Chloe is when she displays her feelings in public, as she is sobbing by herself. You wanted to give her a hug or do anything else to reassure her, but you weren't sure what to do.
<<speech "Chloe">>Wow... *sobbing* my... *sobbing* god...*sobbing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah.. What a sad ending.<</speech>>
<<link "<h50>Leave Cinema</h50>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "chloecinema3">><</link>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<set $time to 21>>\
<img src="img/luke/chloe/out3.jpg" class='large'>
Chloe gather up herself in way out from the cinema. In front of the building, Chloe looked at you.
<<speech "Chloe">>Sorry.. About that.. I told you that i am being emotional...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>It's okay! Really! Don't be sorry for being human. It is fine. You look pretty when you are crying.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>You... Think so? Thanks Luke.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Umm... It will sound strange but.. I have favor to ask.. Can we... Go to the store?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Sure. Why not? Do you need something specific?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Thanks! I need to buy some ingredients for the cake, my mother has a birthday in few days and I wanted to surprise her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>That's a cool idea! Let's go.<</speech>>
<<link "<h50>Store</h50>">><<goto "chloecinema4">><</link>>
</div>\<div align="center"><div class="lucasoffice">
Choose your name:
<<textbox "$name" "Emma">>
How would you describe the connection towards them?:
<<textbox "$mom" "Step-Mother">>
<<textbox "$dad" "Step-Father">>
Their connection to you:
<<textbox "$daughter" "Step-Daughter">>
Your connection to them:
<<textbox "$parents" "Step-Parents">>
<<if $corruptionlevel gte 3>>\
<<textbox "$bro" "Step-Brother">>
Your connection to Luke:
<<textbox "$sister" "Step-Sister">><</if>>\
<<button "Leave">><<goto "computermc">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="ali">\
<img src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/meet.jpg" class='large98'>
As you first meet Alicia, You were stunned how she is prettier in real life.
Alicia with confident smile, She lets you in inside her house.
<<speech "Alicia">>Luke! Finally, We meet! Gosh, you look so handsome...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>A-Alicia.. Wow! You look so pretty!<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia">>Hah. Thanks, Go ahead, Let's talk somewhere where is comfy.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Sofa</h50>">><<replace "#ali">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/meet1.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted></video>
Still stressed with how her she looks and how hard you try to impress her, you sit with confident on the sofa. Alicia joins to you as she drill her sight on your body.
<<speech "Alicia">>You arrived here so shortly!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Y-Yeah.. I'm always fast when Good-looking girls wants my company. Ha-ha.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Alicia</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/meet2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted></video>
<<speech "Alicia">>Oh! So there are other girls?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>N-No! No no no! I didn't mean it. Is that, I-<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia">>Haha. Calm down, handsome. I'm just trying to loseen you up! You are so stressed!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Alicia</h50>">><<replace "#ali">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/meet3.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted></video>
Alicia get's her hands into your arm and starts touching you until she reacher other arm. Her touch makes you hot, inside. You were so troubled by it.
<<speech "Alicia">>Wow... You are so buffed, Luke. Your arms... Your chest... They feel so great to touch...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Uh. You think so..? Thanks, But I think there are a lot to improve.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia">>Trust me, You already impressed me with your look.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia">>Oh. Sorry for my manners, I forgot to ask. Do you want to drink something?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>I'm absolutely parched! Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia">>Hah. What do you want, handsome?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Water. If you got any.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia">>Haha. Sure. Wait here.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Alicia</h50>">><<replace "#ali">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/meet4.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted></video>
As she gets up, Right away you looked at her ass, You were impressed how her butt-cheeks are round, She seems exercises a lot to get them.
After a few minutes later, Alicia comes back with a water.
<<speech "Alicia">>Here you go, my boy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Thanks!<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia">>So... Tell me about yourself.<</speech>>
Alicia sits down and get closer. You couldn't tell but her smell or perfume was out of this world, you wished to smell her from up to the bottom.
You start talking about your hobbies, your favortie movies/books, everything about you. Alicia asked backed and listened with a warm smile.
<<linkreplace "<h50>Alicia</h50>">><<replace "#ali">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/meet5.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted></video>
<<speech "Luke">>And that is how I've trained my muscles. Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia">>Fascinating! Oh! Damn!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Hmm? Is something wrong?<</speech>>
Alicia stands up and starts looking around. Then she walked over to the seat in front of you and started looking for something in it, As she did so, to your surprise you noticed that when Alicia lean down.
<<linkreplace "<h50>Look Closely</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/luke/cougarlife/model5/meet6.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted></video>
She was not wearing panties and you could see her naked pussy.
<<speech "Alicia">>I'm so sorry, Luke. I promised my daughter to find her purse.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>It's... Ok! Don't worry about me...! Haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia">>Ah... There it is!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Is she coming.. Right now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia">>Yeah... In few minutes. I am so sorry, Luke. I forgot about it... Can i ask you to leave?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Of course! No problem, at all! Thank you for drink and great company!<</speech>>
<<speech "Alicia">>Haha. It was the best time I've enjoyed. Really, Luke. Till the next time?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Sure! Till the next time.<</speech>>
Alicia leads you to the doors and two of you hugged each other with a most warm way. Her smell was the best.
<<link "<h50>Leave</h50>">><<goto "cougarlife">><</link>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="chloe"><<set $time to 21.5>>\
<img src="img/luke/chloe/out4.jpg" class='large'>
You went along with Chloe to the store, She was looking for the specifics items.
Chloe was smiling all the time, mostly when she faced at you. Her smile, her face and her eyes are so beautiful. You wished to have her somewhere in calm place and looked at them for long time.
<<speech "Chloe">>Luke..? Are you coming?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Y-yeah! Coming!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Chloe</h50>">><<replace "#chloe">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/luke/chloe/out5.jpg" class='medium'>
Chloe starts wearing some weird stuff.
<<speech "Chloe">>Hmmm... What do you think? Am I looking sexy, now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Oh. Girl!!! Very hot, indeed!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Is that so... Wait till you see this...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Chloe</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/luke/chloe/out6.jpg" class='medium'>
Chloe starts playing with her fingers around her lips.
<<speech "Luke">>God! You are killing me, Chloe!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Haha!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Chloe</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/luke/chloe/out7.jpg" class='medium'>
Now Chloe is starting to play with some kind of glowstick.
<<speech "Chloe">>Luke! Look! I am a JEDI! C'mon! Fight me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Em... Hardly. This kind of lightsaber won't do anything, Maybe he'll cut a bread or something like that..<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Chloe</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/luke/chloe/out8.jpg" class='medium'>
Then Chloe slipped it under her shirt and looked at you with a lustful expression.
When you look at the place where she glows, you can see her hard nipples under her shirt, your dick slowly gets hard at this sight.
<<speech "Chloe">>Or maybe cut open my shirt to reveal what you want to see underneath me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Chloe...<</speech>>
Chloe just smiled and went to the other alley of the shop.
<<speech "Chloe">>C'mon slowpoke, Oh I think i found it!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Chloe</h50>">><<replace "#chloe">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/luke/chloe/out9.jpg" class='medium'>
Chloe already has some stuff inside her hand and she is looking for some kind of toys. You still couldn't shake off what happened there, back in the alley.
<<speech "Chloe">>Oh look! What a cute bear!<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Uh.. Ye.. Yeah!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>What's wrong? Is... Oh!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Chloe</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/luke/chloe/out10.jpg" class='medium'>
Chloe starts pressing her tits together.
<<speech "Chloe">>Is that what you keeping in your mind, Luke?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>I.. No. Chloe! Let's proceed with the shopping...<</speech>>
You backed off from Chloe.
<<speech "Chloe">>Luke. Luke! Look at me!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Chloe</h50>">><<replace "#chloe">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/luke/chloe/out11.jpg" class='large'>
Chloe rolled up her shirt up and shows you in public her naked tits.
<<speech "Luke">>Whoah.. Chloe...!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>So... Do you like them?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Absolutely... They are fantastic... I ... Wow..!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Haha. You are so cute, Luke. I like that. Very much.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>And i like you, Chloe. I'm so lucky that I've dating with so beautiful, incredible girl in the world.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Oh... It is so nice to hear that...<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Hmm. It's pretty late.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Oh, Right! Let me take you back to home.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Sure. Thanks!<</speech>>
Chloe and you left the store and head to her house.
<<link "<h50>Chloe's House</h50>">><<goto "chloecinema5">><</link>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="chloe"><<set $time to 22.5>>\
<video src="img/luke/chloe/kiss.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted></video>
As you walked with Chloe back to her house, It's hard to describe for you but you finally feel amazing around her. Two of you were talking about your hobbies and some weird stuff that you like. She was very understanding and happy with you. Now when you got to the place, two of you were looking at each other for long time without a word. Like you were waiting for some kind of sign.
You wanted to kiss her so badly, but does she wants too? Is this bad to ask it? Or just do it?
<<linkreplace "<h50>Chloe</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/luke/chloe/kiss1.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted></video>
<<speech "Chloe">>Luke...<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Chloe..<</speech>>
Chloe get closer and closer to your face, you looked deeply into her eyes, you know right away, she wants this.
<<linkreplace "<h50>Kiss her.</h50>">><<replace "#chloe">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/luke/chloe/kiss2.webm" class="large" autoplay loop muted></video>
The kiss was out of this world, you can felt her and yourself heart beating faster during the kiss. Chloe lips are amazing to touch.
<<set $chloelove to $chloelove +2>><div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;Chloe's Love +2@@</div>
<<speech "Chloe">>Wow... Luke... It feels so nice..<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah... It is. I dreamed of kissing you since our meeting at the park.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Really..? It is so nice to hear that.<</speech>>
Two of you again looked each other eyes, You wanted to kiss her again.
<<speech "Chloe">>Luke... I need to go... It was amazing date. Till the next time?<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Yeah.. Till the next time, Chloe.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chloe">>Good night, Tiger.<</speech>>
<<speech "Luke">>Sleep well.<</speech>>
When Chloe closes her door, you start jumping up as happy men. It's a fantastic feeling, you can't tell what's going on inside you, but you know it's love.
The true love.
<<set $chloefavor to 1>>
<<link "<h50>Go back to your Home</h50>">><<goto "lukeroom">><</link>>
</span></div>\<<if $ashleycorruption gte 1 and $ashleycorruption lte 14 and $ashleycorruptionlvl is 0>>\
<<if $ashleyl gte 3>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Interrogate 1</h6>">><<replace "#ashley">>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleylight2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Ashley resists the therapy. Quite opposite. She enjoys it.
<<ashcorr 2>><<set $ashleyl to 0>><<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:violet;Ashley Corruption +2@@</div>
<<link "<h7>Back to Therapy</h7>">><<goto "ashleytherapy">><</link>>
Light hit $ashleyl/3
<meter @value="$ashleyl" min="0" max="3" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h6>Light Therapy 1</h6>">><<goto "ashleylight">><</link>>
<<if $ashleycorruption gte 5 and $ashleycorruption lte 14 and $ashleycorruptionlvl is 0>>\
<<if $ashleyl gte 5>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Interrogate 2</h6>">><<replace "#ashley">>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleylight5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Ashley resists the therapy. Quite opposite. She enjoys it.
<<ashcorr 4>><<set $ashleyl to 0>><<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:violet;Ashley Corruption +4@@</div>
<<link "<h7>Back to Therapy</h7>">><<goto "ashleytherapy">><</link>>
Light hit $ashleyl/5
<meter @value="$ashleyl" min="0" max="5" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h6>Light Therapy 2</h6>">><<goto "ashleylight1">><</link>>
<<if $ashleycorruption is 15 and $ashleycorruptionlvl is 0>>\
<<link "<h6>Next Stage</h6>">><<goto "ashleylvl1">><</link>>
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl is 1>>\
<<if $ashleyt gte 5>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Interrogate 1</h6>">><<replace "#ashley">>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashmachincum.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Ashley seems enjoying the treatment very much. She is slowly succumbing to our will.
<<ashcorr 5>><<set $ashleyt to 0>><<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:violet;Ashley Corruption +5@@</div>
<<link "<h6>Back to Therapy</h6>">><<goto "ashleytherapy">><</link>>
<<elseif $ashleyt lte 4>>\
Sexual Treatment $ashleyt/5
<meter @value="$ashleyt" min="0" max="5" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h6>Sexual Treatment 1</h6>">><<goto "ashleysexual1">><</link>>
<<if $ashleycorruption gte 25>>\
<<if $ashleyt gte 6>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Interrogate 2</h6>">><<replace "#ashley">>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashmachincum2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Ashley seems enjoying the treatment very much. She is slowly succumbing to our will.
<<ashcorr 12>><<set $ashleyt to 0>><<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:violet;Ashley Corruption +12@@</div>
<<link "<h7>Back to Therapy</h7>">><<goto "ashleytherapy">><</link>>
Sexual Treatment $ashleyt/6
<meter @value="$ashleyt" min="0" max="6" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h6>Sexual Treatment 2</h6>">><<goto "ashleysexual2">><</link>>
<</if>>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<<if $ashleyt is 0>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashwib.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif $ashleyt gte 1 and $ashleyt lte 2>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashwib2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif $ashleyt gte 3>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashwib3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Ashley">>*Muffled Noises* Aaaa! *Muffled Noises*<</speech>>
Your Staff is working on Ashley.
<<if $ashleyt lte 4>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy -1@@
@@color:orange;Stuff Energy -1@@</div>
<<set $ashleyt to $ashleyt +1>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -1>>\
<<ashleyfit -1>><<upd>>\
Sexual Treatment: $ashleyt/5
<meter @value="$ashleyt" min="0" max="5" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h7>Back to the Therapy</h7>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "ashleytherapy">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<<if $ashleyt is 0>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashmachin.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif $ashleyt gte 1 and $ashleyt lte 2>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashmachin2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif $ashleyt gte 3 and $ashleyt lte 4>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashmachin3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif $ashleyt gte 5>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashmachin4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Ashley">>*Muffled Noises* Aaaa! *Muffled Noises*<</speech>>
Your Staff is working on Ashley.
<<if $ashleyt lte 6>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy -1@@
@@color:orange;Stuff Energy -1@@</div>
<<set $ashleyt to $ashleyt +1>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -1>>\
<<ashleyfit -1>><<upd>>\
Sexual Treatment: $ashleyt/6
<meter @value="$ashleyt" min="0" max="6" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h7>Back to the Therapy</h7>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "ashleytherapy">><</link>>
</div>\ <<if $ashleyphoto lte 4>>\
Ashley's Photos:$ashleyphoto/5
<meter @value="$ashleyphoto" min="0" max="5" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h6>Ashley's First Photo Session</h6>">><<audio "photo" play>><<goto "ashleyphotonormal">><</link>>
<<if $ashleyphoto is 5 and $ashleyphotonormal is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley's First Photo Session - Results</h6>">>
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/ashleynormalphotoshot.jpg" class='large'>
You get enough of Ashley's face but these photos look great.
Chris did a great job on doing these.
<<speech "Chris">>Ashley has pontential.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yeah. Maybe.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Is something wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No. Everything is fine. Good job Chris.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Really $name? Anyway. One of the clients pay very good cash for the blonde ones. Here it is.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Damn! That's a lot! Hmm. Keep it up Chris.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>It's my job.<</speech>>
Chris hands you a pile of cash.
<<set $ashleyphotonormal to true>><<money 450>><div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;Money +450@@</div><<upd>>
<</if>>\ <<if $ashleyphoto gte 2 and $ashleymood is 4 and $ashleyfit gte 2 and $ashleyphotohot lte 2>>\
Ashley's Naughty Photo:$ashleyphotohot/3
<meter @value="$ashleyphotohot" min="0" max="3" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h6>Ashley's First Underwear Photo Session @@color:orange;(Ashley Mood Drop)@@</h6>">><<set $ashleymood to 3>><<audio "photo" play>><<goto "ashleyunderwear">><</link>>
<<elseif $ashleyphoto gte 2 and $ashleymood lte 2>>\
@@color:pink;Ashley is not in the mood for Undearwear Session@@
<<elseif $ashleymood lte 3 and $ashleyphoto gte 2 and $ashleyphotohot lte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:grey;Ashley's First Underwear Photo Session @@</h6>">>@@color:orange;Ashley is not in the mood to do Photoshoot.@@<</linkreplace>>
<<if $ashleyphotohot is 3 and $ashleyphotohotsession is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley's First Underwear Session - Results</h6>">>
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/ashleyphotohot.jpg" class='large'>
Another Ashley's Session. Chris tells you how she is very professional on the set.
<<speech "Chris">>Like i said $name. She is born to be Model! Fuck... That body!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yhm... I can see that... I can see that...<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>What's wrong?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's nothing. What about that client of yours? Did he pay good?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>He did. Generously.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Whoah! Wow. Nice. Very nice!<</speech>>
Chris hands you a pile of cash.
<<set $ashleyphotohotsession to true>><<money 650>><div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;Money +650@@</div><<upd>>
<<elseif $ashleyfit lte 1>>\
@@color:orange;Ashley is Tired for Underwear Session.@@
<<if $ashleyphoto1 lte 4>>\
Ashley's Photos:$ashleyphoto1/5
<meter @value="$ashleyphoto1" min="0" max="5" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h6>Ashley's Second Photo Session</h6>">><<audio "photo" play>><<goto "ashleyphotonormal1">><</link>>
<<if $ashleyphoto1 is 5 and $ashleyphotonormal1 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley's Second Photo Session - Results</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/ashleynormalphotoshot1.jpg" class='large'>
Chris hands you a photos of Ashley's and money.
<<speech "Chris">>$name. She is truly amazing, But I can't understand why do you hate her that much?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You want know why? Beacuse Ashley is bully! She so stupid that she can't realize there are better person than her! Ashley manipulates, Ashley wants to have control of everything! I would go and on and on...<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Huh.. You describe as yourself, $name. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What did you say?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>You heard me. Here is the money.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I... Thanks Chris.<</speech>>
<<set $ashleyphotonormal1 to true>><<money 550>><div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;Money +550@@</div><<upd>>
<</if>>\ <<if $ashleyphoto1 gte 2 and $ashleymood is 4 and $ashleyfit gte 2 and $ashleyphotohot1 lte 2>>\
Ashley's Naughty Photo:$ashleyphotohot1/3
<meter @value="$ashleyphotohot1" min="0" max="3" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h6>Ashley's Second Underwear Photo Session @@color:orange;(Ashley Mood Drop)@@</h6>">><<set $ashleymood to 3>><<audio "photo" play>><<goto "ashleyunder2">><</link>>
<<elseif $ashleyphoto1 gte 2 and $ashleymood lte 2>>\
@@color:pink;Ashley is not in the mood for Undearwear Session@@
<<elseif $ashleymood lte 3 and $ashleyphoto1 gte 2 and $ashleyphotohot1 lte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>@@color:grey;Ashley's Second Underwear Photo Session @@</h6>">>@@color:orange;Ashley is not in the mood to do Photoshoot.@@<</linkreplace>>
<<if $ashleyphotohot1 is 3 and $ashleyphotohotsession1 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley's Second Underwear Session - Results</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/ashleyphotohot1.jpg" class='large'>
Another Ashley's Session. Chris tells you how she is very professional on the set.
<<speech "Chris">>God damn! She is trully amazing!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I can see that.. How much did we earn?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Pff... You care only about money, huh? Here...<</speech>>
Chris hands you a pile of cash.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow! That's a lot of money! Keep it up!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Don't worry about me, Worry about yourself, Girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm? What do you mean?<</speech>>
Chris did not answer your question and went back to polishing lenses.
<<set $ashleyphotohotsession1 to true>><<money 700>><div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;Money +700@@</div><<upd>>
<<elseif $ashleyfit lte 1>>\
@@color:orange;Ashley is Tired for Underwear Session.@@
<</if>>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $ashleymood lte 3>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/fail.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:red;Ashley doesn't feel right to do Photoshoot. Chris can't take a proper photo of her.@@
<<ashleyfit -1>><div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy -1@@</div>
<<elseif $ashleymood is 4>>\
<<if $ashleyphoto1 is 0>>
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/photo8.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $ashleyphoto1 is 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/photo9.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $ashleyphoto1 is 2>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/photo10.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $ashleyphoto1 is 3>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/photo11.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $ashleyphoto1 is 4>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/photo12.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:orange;Ashley smiles to the camera. Chris took a good photo of Ashley.@@
<<set $ashleyphoto1 to $ashleyphoto1 +1>><<ashleyfit -1>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy -1@@</div>
<<button [[Leave|Ashleyphoto]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b><<if $ashleygod is true>><<set $ashleymood to 4>><</if>>\
<<if $ashleyphotohot1 is 0>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/photo13.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $ashleyphotohot1 is 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/photo14.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $ashleyphotohot1 is 2>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/photo15.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:orange;Ashley poses very seductively. Chris loves his job and does the great photo.@@
<<set $ashleyphotohot1 to $ashleyphotohot1 +1>><<ashleyfit -1>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy -1@@</div>
<<button [[Leave|Ashleyphoto]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/ashb1.jpg" class="large">
Doctor greet Ashley with most humble, Ashley with hesitation hands him her hand.
<<speech "Burnett">>Hello Ashley, Nice to finally meet you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>What is this place? What you are going do with me?! Who are you?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Calm down. It is a safe place, Nobody is going to hurt you. I am Doctor Burnett.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>What..?! Doctor? Here?! Then.. You are aware of what they have been doing to me for so long! You are like everyone else!<</speech>>
Burnett squeezed her hand and looked deeply into her eyes and says gently.
<<speech "Burnett">>Please, Ashley. Do not think. Now, Think of something good... Something nice...<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Uhh... Right. Of course...<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Close your eyes and tell me.. What do you see?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/ashb3.jpg" class="large">
Ashley turn her back to the Doctor, To think, to reflect.
<<speech "Ashley">>I See, Myself, Lying in the field, Around me there are flowers but i can't reach them because wind are waving them further away from me... Bees flying past me, Trees growing so fast, Clouds rushing somewhere in their own direction.
Burnett listens to her what is she saying. During her tale, Doctor studied her body from top to bottom. Ashley was distracted by what he was doing.
<<speech "Ashley">>Doctor?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>What about these flowers, Ashley? Do you feel their scent?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Yes. At first...They are so pretty to smell! Then their smell changed... Into something awful. They simple decayed...<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Why is that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Beacuse of these awfull people! Oh i hate them so much!! They just laugh at me, smoke cigarettes, throw garbage, stomp on everything around them....<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/ashb2.jpg" class="large">
As Ashley is deeply concertate on her tale, Burnett quietly removes a syringe from the drawer next to Ashley. He slowly gives her an injection from behind in the neck.
<<speech "Ashley">>Ahh!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>And now? What about these people?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Ah... They just waved back at me and... And left me. Alone. They just vanished! Finally... I am alone, At peace.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>What do you see around you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Time is finally back to normal! I can finally touch the flower... It is so nice to touch it... Doctor... Thank you...!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Good Ashley, Open your eyes.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/ashb4.jpg" class="large">
Ashley obediently opens her eyes and looked back to Doctor.
<<speech "Burnett">>How do you feel?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Good... Very good!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Glad to hear that, Ashley. You can go back to your room.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Thank you... Doctor.<</speech>>
<<set $ashleybimbo to 1>><div class="posarousal">First Stage of Burnett's Influence</div><<upd>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "consultroom">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleyhappy.jpg" class='medium'>
When you and Matthew enter Ashley's cell, she is smiling and at ease, Therapy and Consultation changed her. Deep inside you smile and triumph, But deep down you feel disgusted about her.
<<speech "Ashley">>$name... It is good to see you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It is?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>I've learned my lessons. You were right about me... I am sorry. Trully.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>If so, you have not yet earned my trust.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Of course, I understand. Tell me how can I gain your trust?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>First of. You'll call your parents or who ever takes care of you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>I can't.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmph... Figures, I kn-<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>I can't, because no one cares about me! I live by myself!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is this true..?<</speech>>
You asked this question to Matthew.
He is an expert in detecting lies.
<<speech "Boy1" "Matthew">>She is speaking the truth.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Why would I lie about my past?! My parents... They left me. Abandoned me to the orphanage. No one wanted me. Especially my Father.. I trusted him... He loved me so much, more than my bitchy Mom... Why... Daddy..?<</speech>>
You don't know what to say, A part of you are sorry for her, But you still fight it.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ashley... Tell me where are the recordings, photos... Evidence of Mr.Bailey's actions.<</speech>>
Ashley looked sideways for some time, Then she nodded.
<<speech "Ashley">>How can I be sure that you won't hurt me anymore? How can I be sure that you keep me here for enternity?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ashley, I do not wish you to keep here. I wished only to teach you a lesson, Now I want to trust you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>I am sorry. But no.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Fine, if that's what you want.<</speech>>
You and Matthew are leaving Ashley alone in her cell.
Some part of you feel bad, sad for her. But the other part still feel angry at her.
She deservers to be punished!
<<set $ashleycorruptionlvl to 2>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "warehouseplay">><</button>>
</div>\<<if $vickyprostitute is false and $vickybimbo is 4>>\
@@color:violet;Ask Vicky to Work@@
<<if $vickycorruption is 0>>\
@@color:violet;Vist Vicky@@
<<elseif $vickycorruption lte 199>>\
@@color:violet;Corrupt Vicky@@
<<if $vickycorruption gte 30 and $vickybimbo is false or $vickycorruption gte 100 and $vickybimbo is 1 or $vickybimbo is 2 and $vickycorruption gte 150>>\
<span class="glowsmall">@@color:pink;Take Vicky to the Consultation Room@@</span>
<<if $vickycorruption lte 300 and $vickycorruptionlvl is 2 and $vickycorruption gte 15 and $vickynormalphoto is false or $vickycorruption lte 300 and $vickycorruption gte 15 and $vickyunderwearphoto is false and $vickycorruptionlvl is 2>>\
@@color:lightblue;Take Vicky to the Studio@@
<<elseif $vickycorruption lte 300 and $vickycorruption gte 100 and $vickynormalphoto1 is false and $vickybimbo lte 3 or $vickycorruption lte 300 and $vickycorruption gte 100 and $vickyunderwearphoto1 is false and $vickybimbo lte 3>>\
@@color:lightblue;Take Vicky to the Studio@@
<<if $vickybimbo gte 4 and $vickybimbophotoses is false>>\
@@color:hotpink;Take Vicky to the Studio@@
<<if $vickyjob lte 15 and $vickyprostitute is true>>\
@@color:hotpink;Send Vicky to Work@@
<<if $bbcvicky lte 4 and $bbcvisitvicky is false and $bbcplayground is true>>\
@@color:pink;Jason visits Vicky (Blacked)@@
<<if $bbcvicky lte 5 and $bbcvisitvicky is false and $bbcplayground is true and $vickybimbo is 4>>\
@@color:pink;Jason visits Vicky@@
<<if $sophianataly is false and $vickybimbo lte 3 and $vickycorruptionlvl gte 3>>\
@@color:hotpink;Show evidence to Sophia.@@
<<if $vickycorruption is 200 and $vickybimboslut is false>>\
<span class="glowsmall">@@color:hotpink;Take Vicky to the Surgery Room@@</span>
<<if $ashleyblock is true and $ashleycorruption is 0>>\
<span class="glowsmall">@@color:orange;Lock Ashley in a cell room.@@</span>
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl is 1 and $ashleycorruption lte 49 and $ashleyblock is true>>\
@@color:violet;Corrupt Ashley@@
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl is 1 and $ashleybimbo gte 1>>\
@@color:orange;Talk with Ashley in her Cell.@@
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl is 2 and $ashleycorruption gte 50 and $ashleycorruption lte 99 and $ashleyblock is true>>\
@@color:violet;Corrupt Ashley@@
<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl gte 2 and $bbcashley is false>>\
@@color:pink;Jason visits Ashley (Blacked)@@
<<if $ashleyfunt is 0 and $ashleycorruptionlvl gte 2 and $ashleybimbo gte 2>>\
@@color:pink;Ashley's Fun (Entertainment Room)@@
<<if $ashleycorruption gte 50 and $ashleybimbo is 1>>\
@@color:pink;Take Ashley to the Consultation Room@@
<<if $ashleycorruption gte 85 and $ashleybimbo is 2>>\
@@color:hotpink;Take Ashley to the Consultation Room@@
<<if $ashleycorruption gte 100 and $ashleybimbo is 3>>\
@@color:orange;Take Ashley to the Surgery Room@@
<<if $ashleycorruption gte 30 and $ashleybimbo is false>>\
@@color:pink;Take Ashley to the Consultation Room@@
<<if $surgeryashley gte 1 and $surgeryashley lte 4>>\
@@color:orange;Visit Ashley's Surgery.@@
<<if $ashleycorruption gte 15 and $ashleyphotohotsession is false or $ashleycorruption gte 15 and $ashleyphotonormal is false>>\
@@color:lightblue;Take Ashley to the Studio@@
<<if $treatment is false>>\
<span class="glowsmall">@@color:orange;Build Therapy Room@@</span>
<<if $studioroom is false>>\
@@color:orange;Build Studio@@
<<if $staffjoy is false>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Build Entertainment Room@@
<<if $burnetttalk is false and $consult is true>>\
Burnett would like to talk (Private Room)
<<elseif $consult is false>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Build Consultation Room@@
<<if $sophiatalk1 is false and $sophiawarehouse is true and $burnetttalk is true>>\
Sophia would like to talk (Private Room)
<<elseif $sophiawarehouse is false>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Build Operation Room@@
<</if>>\<<if $ashleycorruptionlvl is 2>>\
<<if $ashleyj gte 5>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Interrogate 1</h6>">><<replace "#ashley">>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashtc.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:pink;Ashley seems enjoying very much the new treatment, Even so, Matthew was very harsh towards her.
Ashley is slowly succumbing to our will.@@
<<ashcorr 5>><<set $ashleyj to 0>><<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:violet;Ashley Corruption +5@@</div>
<<link "<h6>Back to Therapy</h6>">><<goto "ashleytherapy">><</link>>
<<elseif $ashleyj lte 4>>\
Sexual Treatment $ashleyj/5
<meter @value="$ashleyj" min="0" max="5" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h6>Sexual Treatment 3</h6>">><<goto "ashleysexual3">><</link>>
<<if $ashleycorruption gte 65>>\
<<if $ashleyj gte 8>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Interrogate 2</h6>">><<replace "#ashley">>
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashjcum.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:pink;Ashley seems enjoying very much the new treatment, Even so, Matthew was very harsh towards her.
Ashley is slowly succumbing to our will.@@
<<ashcorr 15>><<set $ashleyj to 0>><<upd>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:violet;Ashley Corruption +15@@</div>
<<link "<h7>Back to Therapy</h7>">><<goto "ashleytherapy">><</link>>
Sexual Treatment $ashleyj/8
<meter @value="$ashleyj" min="0" max="8" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h6>Sexual Treatment 4</h6>">><<goto "ashleysexual4">><</link>>
<</if>>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<<if $ashleyj is 0>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/asht1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Ashley">>*GAWK*! *GAWK*! AAh *GAWK*! *GRULP*!<</speech>>
<<elseif $ashleyj gte 1 and $ashleyj lte 2>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/asht2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Ashley">>AAHH!! AAHH!! <</speech>>
<<elseif $ashleyj gte 3>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/asht3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Ashley">>OHH MMYY GOD!!! AHHH!!! MMMM!!!! <</speech>>
Your Staff is working on Ashley.
<<if $ashleyj lte 4>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy -1@@
@@color:orange;Stuff Energy -1@@</div>
<<set $ashleyj to $ashleyj +1>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -1>>\
<<ashleyfit -1>><<upd>>\
Sexual Treatment: $ashleyj/5
<meter @value="$ashleyj" min="0" max="5" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h7>Back to the Therapy</h7>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "ashleytherapy">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<<if $ashleyj is 0>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashj.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif $ashleyj gte 1 and $ashleyj lte 4>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashj1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif $ashleyj gte 5>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashj2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Ashley">>*Muffled Noises* Aaaa! *Muffled Noises*<</speech>>
Your Staff is working on Ashley.
<<if $ashleyj lte 7>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy -1@@
@@color:orange;Stuff Energy -1@@</div>
<<set $ashleyj to $ashleyj +1>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -1>>\
<<ashleyfit -1>><<upd>>\
Sexual Treatment: $ashleyj/8
<meter @value="$ashleyj" min="0" max="8" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h7>Back to the Therapy</h7>">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<goto "ashleytherapy">><</link>>
</div>\<<if $bbcplayground is true and $bbcashley is false and $ashleymood is 3>>\
<<link "<h6>Ashley Meets Jason (Blacked Ashley)</h6>">><<goto "ashleybbc1">><</link>>\
<<if $bbcplayground is true and $bbcashley is 1 and $ashleymood is 3>>\
<<link "<h6>Ashley out with Jason(Blacked Ashley)</h6>">><<goto "ashleybbc2">><</link>>\
<<if $bbcplayground is true and $bbcashley is 2 and $ashleymood is 3>>\
<<link "<h6>Jason's Gang (Blacked Ashley)</h6>">><<goto "ashleybbc3">><</link>>\
<</if>>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="bbc">\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bbc/meet.jpg" class='medium'>
Your Men directed Ashley to wear a nice dress which they gave her from Senctuary Wardrobe.
Ashley was very confused with it, at first but she liked the dress. As you step in into her cell, Ashley looked back at you.
<<speech "Ashley">>What is going on, $name? Is this some new sick game of yours?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No. My friend, Jason wants to meet you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Jason?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't worry, You two get along. I'm sure of it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>$name! Wait!<</speech>>
As you leaving, You invited Jason into her cell. He with kind smile comes to her and looked at her for some time which made Ashley more weird about it.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley and Jason</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bbc/meet1.jpg" class='medium'>
Jason acts cool around her and he gives her a hand to shake, Ashley little stuned how Jason is tall and big, gave him a her hand. With troubling hand they shake together hands.
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Sup Ash. You are so fine, Girl!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Em.. Thanks, Jason. Right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Right, Jason. Cool down, Girl. I'm not going to hurt you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Hah... Sure. So what are you doing here, then?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>To get to know ya. Sit down, Ash. Let's chit-chat.<</speech>>
As Ashley sits down. When Jason sits next to her and wrap his arm around her, Ashley was startled by this and jumped up a bit, but Jason held her with his warmth, began to look at her and said something in a whisper that was de-stressing to her. Apparently, Ashley felt better after it.
Jason told you before the meeting, to leave them at peace for few minutes.
<<linkreplace "<h6>One hour later</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bbc/meet2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Jason sends you a message that he is done with her. When you return to the cell, you find her smeared and full of cum all over her face. You see her smiling and happy about it. Clearly you missed quite a scene.
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>God damn! You are fine, as hell! See ya, Bitch. Till the next time.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Bye... Jason!<</speech>>
<<set $bbcashley to 1>><<ashleyfit -2>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:violet;Ashley Blacked +1@@ @@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy -2@@</div>
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "ashleycell">><</link>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="ash">\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/talk.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Burnett proceed with his consultation with Ashley. During the conversation, Burnett instructed her to talk about her past. Ashley was quite open and forthright, sometimes trying to wiggle out of her unpleasant incidents but Doctor insisted to tell.
<<speech "Ashley">>Mom... I hated her.... She never wanted me. Sometimes she would remind me out loud, What a bother I am for her, How I destroyed her life...<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>What about your Dad?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>He is... Was the only person who I trusted. He loved me as Parents should. He took care of me, with love and sympathy.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>You say "was". Why?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>He vanished. Left me alone with my horrible mother. She couldn't stand me so she put me in the care of an orphanage.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Do you wonder, why your dad left you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Of course! Every day! I can't stop thinking of it, it makes me mad!<</speech>>
Burnett nodded his head and went to the drawer.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/talk2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Burnett take out some kind of psychological tool. Then he directed that tool at Ashley and instructed her, What she sees.
<<speech "Burnett">>What do you see.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Hmm.. Ice... Mountains?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Okay. Now from this angle.<</speech>>
Burnett turned around the tool.
<<speech "Ashley">>Clouds... No... Waterfall...<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Good. Ashley stand up and close your eyes.<</speech>>
As Ashley did everything what doctor told her to do.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/talk3.webm" class='large' muted autoplay loop controls>
Burnett approached Ashley from behind.
<<speech "Burnett">>Now... Relax. Imagine you are in your own place. Room where you can feel relaxed... Where you can feel free...<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Yes... I see it.. It is so empty... Like my heart...<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Good.. Good... It will hurt a little bit.. Keep your eyes closed.<</speech>>
Doctor took out a syringe and injected the content into Ashley's neck.
<<speech "Ashley">>Ahh..!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Shhhh... What do you see now?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>My father... He is waving at me... His smile is so nice to see... It is so good to see him, again...<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Isn't that nice, Ashley? To be reunited?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>I've missed you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Wake up, Naughty Student. It is time to move on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Oh Teacher... I've missed you so much!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Yes.. I am. From now on, I'll take care of you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Thank you, I'll do anything.... I am at your service... Teacher...<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Oh you are? You've been a bad student!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>I was... I am so sorry for this. How can I redeem myself?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley</h6>">><<replace "#ash">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/talk4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Burnett seated Ashley back on the sofa and pulled his cock out in front of her face.
<<speech "Burnett">>To begin with. You'll please my hard cock.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Of course, Teacher!.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/talk5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Ashley's mouth was occupied by Burnett's Cock. She didn't protest yet she willingly do it with passion.
Burnett pressed her head against his cock to strangle her even harder.
<<speech "Ashley">>MM!!! MMM!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Good Girl...<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>*COUGH*!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Sshhh...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley</h6>">><<replace "#ash">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/talk6.jpg" class="large">
Burnett is at his limit, He freed Ashley's head from his cock and right away squirt his white semen into her delighted face.
Then Ashley runs to Burnett's arms and starts crying.
<<speech "Ashley">>Ohh.. Doctor... Why I can't change? Why everything is so challenging? Why everyone hates me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Ashley. You are too hard on yourself, give yourself a break, relax, let your emotions run wild, be free. <</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Can you help me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Of course. If you feel to change, Visit me. I'll help you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>I don't know what to say... No one cares about me like you do, doctor.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Sshhh... Go to your room. Sleep. You need some rest.<</speech>>
<<set $ashleybimbo to 2>><div class="posarousal">Second Stage of Burnett's Influence</div><<upd>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "consultroom">><</button>>
</span></div>\ <<if $ashleyphoto2 lte 4>>\
Ashley's Photos:$ashleyphoto2/5
<meter @value="$ashleyphoto2" min="0" max="5" align="center"></meter>
<<link "<h6>Ashley's First Photo Session</h6>">><<audio "photo" play>><<goto "ashleyphotonormal2">><</link>>
<<if $ashleyphoto2 is 5 and $ashleyphotonormal2 is false>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley's Third Photo Session - Results</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/ashleynormalphotoshot2.jpg" class='large'>
You get enough of Ashley's face but these photos look great.
Chris did a great job on doing these.
<<speech "Chris">>Ashley is phenomenal! You should see how she squeezes everything out of herself to make the photos come out beautifully.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>She? Ashley?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Seriously, $name. Stop being so mean to her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>It's okay. I trust you. And her...<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Good. Here is the money.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow! That's quite a lot!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>It's my job.<</speech>>
Chris hands you a pile of cash.
<<set $ashleyphotonormal2 to true>><<money 1000>><div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;Money +1000@@</div><<upd>>
<</if>>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><b>\
<<if $ashleymood lte 3>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/fail.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:red;Ashley doesn't feel right to do Photoshoot. Chris can't take a proper photo of her.@@
<<ashleyfit -1>><div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy -1@@</div>
<<elseif $ashleymood is 4>>\
<<if $ashleyphoto2 is 0>>
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/photo16.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $ashleyphoto2 is 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/photo17.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $ashleyphoto2 is 2>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/photo18.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $ashleyphoto2 is 3>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/photo19.jpg" class='large'>
<<elseif $ashleyphoto2 is 4>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/photo20.jpg" class='large'>
@@color:orange;Ashley smiles to the camera. Chris took a good photo of Ashley.@@
<<set $ashleyphoto2 to $ashleyphoto2 +1>><<ashleyfit -1>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy -1@@</div>
<<button [[Leave|Ashleyphoto]]>><</button>>
</b></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashf.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
The birthday party of one of your staff Larry, has just started in the entertainment room, There are a lot of booze, music and girls. Despite Ashley's strong objections, you let her to join since she despises your crew.
After a few drinks, Ashley loosens up and starts having fun. She even starts talk openly with other men, Mostly with Matthew.
<<speech "Boy1" "Vincent">>Happy Birthday, Lerry! I told you man we'd get you chicks for the party!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Lerry">>Guys, You all are awesome! Don't tell my wife! <</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Matthew">>Don't think about that old rag! Look what i have for you.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleyf.webm" class='large' autoplay loop muted>
Matthew took Ashley by the hand and brought her to Larry, She looked very alluring, As if she wanted to jump on someone's cock.
A smug expression crossed the faces of Matthew and Vincent as they left them.
<<speech "Ashley">>Heeyyy! Your name is Larry, Right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Lerry">>Y-Yeeahh! It's my name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>You know what I want?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Lerry">>Tell me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>I would like to be fucked in that bathroom over there, by you until my legs starts shaking.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Lerry">>F-fuck...!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>C'mon Tiger. Let's ride.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Bathroom</h6>">><<masteraudio stop>><<goto "ashleyfunfuck2">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="ash">\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleyf1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Meanwhile... In the Bathroom...
<<speech "Boy1" "Lerry">>Fuck....<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Mmm... Ahh!!! Ahh....!! <</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley</h6>">><<replace "#ash">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleyf2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Ashley">>Uh!!! C'mon... Fuck mee.....!! Fuck me harder!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Lerry">>Fucking whore!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley</h6>">><<replace "#ash">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleyf4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Boy1" "Lerry">>Bitch... Fucking Bitch!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Yees.. Yess... Fuck me harder... Harderr...!!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley</h6>">><<replace "#ash">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleyf5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Lerry couldn't hold anymore. He is sprying his cum on Ashley's body.
<<speech "Ashley">>Ah... Lerry... You liked that?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Lerry">>It was great...!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Hah...<</speech>>
@@color:lightgreen;Matthew is pleased with Ashley, Your crew mood is improved and days have reset to zero.@@
<div class="pos">@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy -2@@</div>
<<ashleyfit -2>><<set $staffday to 0>><<if $staffmood lte 0>><<set $staffmood to $staffmood +1>><</if>><<set $ashleyfunt to 1>>
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "staffjoy">><<set $time to $time +1>><</link>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="bbc">\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bbc/out.jpg" class='large98'>
Ashley is in Jason's bathroom, enjoying themselves. As you join them, Jason with a sweet smile soothes Ashley as she jumped up when she saw you.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Jason?! I need some explaining. Why is she out of the cell?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Ssh... Ash. Let me talk with her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>$name, Chill down. I need to know a bit better. To see what i am going with.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Going with?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Sure. Me and Ashley are going out. For a fancy dinner, what do you say Ash?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Cool..<</speech>>
You know perfectly well that you will not convince Jason, Sophia explained it to you perfectly when you recruited him. You have to trust him.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhhh.... I'm not letting you out, Alone.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>It's cool, Take your boyfriends, bodyguard or crew... whatever you called them, with us. We'll behave.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Right.<</speech>>
You called Matthew and the other members of the team. Jason and Ashley went outside, and you order Matthew to watch them and told them not to let Ashley escape.
<<link "<h6>Ashley and Jason</h6>">><<goto "ashleybbc21">><</link>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="bbc">\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bbc/out1.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Matthew and his men, in your order are observing Jason and Ashley. After dinner, Ashley loosened up a lot, when they left the restaurant all the way through the walk Ashley was hugging Jason.
Matthew knew where they were headed and at this point positioned his men around Jason's house to prevent Ashley from escaping.
Meanwhile, Jason kissed Ashley, A lot.
<<speech "Ashley">>Mmm... Jason. I've waited for this.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Me too, darling. Want to see the rest of the house?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>No. I've been craving your cock since we left.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Jason and Ashley</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bbc/out2.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Jason granted Ashley's wish, Matthew sees everything and see them fucking, A lot in the stairwell.
<<speech "Ashley">>Jasssoon!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Good girl. You want that big black cock, don't you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>AAhhh..!!! Ohh...!! Yeeess!!! It's the best!!! I want to pleaseee it so baaaadd!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>You want to please me..?! C'monn!!! Ask for it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Aahh!! Fuck me!! Pleaseeee!! Fuck mee!!! Pleasee Jason!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Good slut, Let's go to my bedroom.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bbc/out3.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Before that... Crawl to my bedroom, Whore.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Yes... Sir...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Jason and Ashley</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bbc/out4.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
Ashley is pleasing Jason's cock in the bed for few hours.
<<speech "Ashley">>Aahh..!! Ohh..!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Yeah... Just like that, bitch.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Jason and Ashley</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bbc/out5.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls></video>
Jason undoubtedly cums inside Ashely's pussy at the risk of impregnating her.
Ashley didn't protest or anything, she just enjoys it very much.
<<speech "Ashley">>My god.. Jason... It feel so awesome... And the way you fuck... Is impressive.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>You liked it, Huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Yeah... Very... I wish to do it.. everyday..<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>How about... I asked my friends. They are eager to know you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Oh...! I've never fucked with bunch of men!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Haha. Then you'll love it. Trust me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>I can't wait...<</speech>>
After a few minutes of rest, Jason led Ashley back to Sanctuary.
<<set $bbcashley to 2>><<ashleyfit -20>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:violet;Ashley Blacked +1@@ @@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy -20@@</div><<set $ashleymood to 1>>
<<link "<h6>Sanctuary</h6>">><<goto "ashleycell">><</link>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="ash">\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/talk6.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Ashley went to the consultation a rather changed. She is wearing flashy outfit and behaving towards Burnett's a little too funny.
<<speech "Burnett">>Ashley, I am proud to see that you have changed.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Yeaaah! I've been thinking a lot of things here and... You are right. I was really too serious... Too mad... About a lot of things!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>I worried too much! It is so silly of me. I want to enjoy... Enjoy life. I want to be changed!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>I am proud of you, Ashley. Very much.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/talkpus.webm" class='imageleft' autoplay loop controls>
Ashley lay down on the couch and immediately took off the wet panties from her moist pussy.
<<speech "Burnett">>What are you trying to show me? <</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>My holes, Teacher... After last consultation, The hole I am presenting is always wet...<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Is that so?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Y-yes... Do you have some kind of remedy for my... Pain? For your slutty student?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Of course. I am your Teacher! The only remedy for this kind of pain is...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Remedy</h6>">><<replace "#ash">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/talk7.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Burnett get closer to Ashley's hole and starts licking her nectar off her wet pussy.
<<speech "Ashley">>Ohh Yess... This is perfffectt!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Hmm... Such a young student shouldn't suffer any longer.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Toy</h6>">><<replace "#ash">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/talk8.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Burnett for the moment stopped satisfying Ashley and went to the table to get the thing. That thing is a massager vibrator and he handed it to Ashley.
<<speech "Ashley">>Ah... What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>It's magic wand. Turn it on.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Oh my god! It vibrates!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Yes. You are smart girl, You know where to put it?<</speech>>
After Burnett explained what it was, Ashley immediately pressed it to her pussy lips and turned it on.
<<speech "Ashley">>OOHHH...!! FUUUUCCCC!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Isn't that a good feeling, Ashley?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>It ISSSS!!! AAHHH!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Toy and another Remedy</h6>">><<replace "#ash">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/talk9.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Ashley slowly got bored with her new toy but Burnett pulled out his cock and, to Ashley's delight, plugged the gaping hole.
<<speech "Ashley">>AAHHH.!!! THIS IS SO GOOODDD!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Remember this lesson, repeat it every day and be obedient.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Yess... Teacher!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Toy and another Remedy</h6>">><<replace "#ash">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/talk10.webm" class='large' autoplay loop controls>
Burnett couldn't take it any longer, his cock felt so good fucking wet tight Ashley's pussy. As Burnett pulled his cock out of her hole, his semen flowed out of her gaping pussy.
<<speech "Burnett">>Ahhh... Good... Very excelent, my student.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Ooohh... The feeling of your hot cum is great...<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>You are ready, Ashley. The process is complete.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Ready..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Yes. Ready to become a Bimbo.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Bimbo..? What is it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>A ideal life, My dear.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>I don't understand...<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>And you don't have to. Last thing is required you to become Bimbo is you to look fabulous. A surgery.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Surgery..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Is something wrong, my Good Student? Remember what I thought you.<</speech>>
Ashley looked from side to side as if pondering a decision of her life but after a moment she just smiled and looked the doctor in the eye.
<<speech "Ashley">>I... Agree. Yes! I love that idea!!! I want to look... Good!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Very good.<</speech>>
<<set $ashleybimbo to 3>><div class="posarousal">Third Stage of Burnett's Influence.
Ashley is ready for the Surgery.</div><<upd>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "consultroom">><</button>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="bbc">\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bbc/gang.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
Jason took Ashley to his house to meet his best friends. Best friends? More like horny men looking at the pray. When Ashley sat down nervously on the couch, surrounded by black men, They couldn't stop looking at her with most desire, to fuck her, to destroy her pretty young mouth and stick their big black cocks inside her tight pussy.
Ashley was thrilled within because she knew exactly what was going to happen in mere moments.
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Guys, This is Ashley.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Hi...! Wow... There is so many of you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Tyrone">>Hey Ashley. It's cool, Relax Baby girl. We won't hurt you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Ekon">>C'mon ho, don't be shy! Show us what you got there.<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Chill guys, Patience. She is still learning.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Fuck... This is going to be a long night...<</speech>>
Jason with his strong hands took Ashley by the hips and carried her on his shoulder. His boys followed him as he was heading to the bedroom, where it would be most comfortable and pleasant.
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bbc/gang1.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
The guys effortlessly assisted her in taking off her unnecessary piece of clothes and immediately got to work with their deft fingers on her hot, wet pussy, where a swarm of their enormous cocks were going to dominate her.
Ashley's mouth was busy with their big black long dicks until each was properly licked and sucked.
<<speech "Ashley">>*GURLP* YEEE-*GAWK* FUUUu-*GURLP*<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Ekon">>Suck my cock, Cunt.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Tyrone">>She's good! Real good!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Tyrone</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bbc/gang2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
Tyrone got his cock ready and thrust with the most force into her wet, needy cunt.
With each thrust he accelerated.
Ashley at this point sucked as hard as she could but it was impossible for her to satisfy everyone.
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Ever had a white girl?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Tyrone">>Shit man. Never had white girl before, Now I know why. What a nasty slut!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>AAHH!! Ohh!! UUMMMM!!!! MOREE!! FUCK ME MORE!!! HARDER!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>See what I'm saying? Little bitch want's more. C'mon boys. Fuck her harder.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Harder</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bbc/gang3.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
Now it was Ekon's turn, and he knows no mercy. Ekon claimed her pussy like true men and keep roughly keep fucking her, harder and harder.
Ashley is screaming and mouning loudly. Her body was helpless under the powerful surge of sexual excitement.
<<speech "Ashley">>OOOOHHH FUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Ekon">>Look at me!! Look at me fucking bitch! Is this what you want?! Is this what you want to be fucked?! Huh?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>YEEEESSS SSIIIIRRR!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Tyrone">>Fuck man, This is so fucked up. I like it!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Haha. I knew you liked it. It's my turn to take her from behind. Crawl Ashley!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Bunch of Men</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bbc/gang4.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
Ashley moaned out loud, felt her knees seem to give way beneath her. Jason's strong hand tightened its grip on her side, held her there ready to receive him.
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Good Girl. You love this, don't you?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Ahh! Ohh!! Yes..!!! Black Daddy!! I Love this!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Tyrone">>Haha. She called you Black Daddy?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Ekon">>Proper ho, She is.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Bunch of Men</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bbc/gang5.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
Ashley jumps and riding on the big black cock, uknown to her man. Jason, Ekon and Tyrone stands above her with their erected cocks and starts wanking.
<<speech "Boy1" "Tyrone">>Enjoying yourself?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>oHH!! ShiiitT!!! WooowW!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Ekon">>That's right you cock whore, your purpose is only to pleasure us!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>YEEESS! I AM YOUR COCK WHORE! I AM YOUR WHITE SLUT! <</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Bunch of Men</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bbc/gang6.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
Ashley position herself to ride Tyrone's cock and being gagged on Ekon's magnificent black cock.
<<speech "Ashley">>Glluhrggghhhg!!! GAWWK!!! ghhhggmnngg!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Ekon">>Yeaahh. This kind of Ho should be fucked reguarly.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Tyrone">>Fuuucck!! What a nasty bitchhh!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Few Hours later...</h6>">><<replace "#bbc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bbc/gang7.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
After a few hours, Everyone was sweaty and the room reek of sex and booze.
Jason's guys fucked severly times Ashley's needy hole and mouth. Ashley finally got take some time to relief in peace by receiving their loads.
<<speech "Boy2" "Ekon">>Fuuuuuucck.... DRINK IT BIITCH!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Tyrone">>AAHHH!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Mmmm!!! What a nice loads... Guys..!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Good job, Girl. You enjoyed it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>I loved it. Black Daddy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Good. Go to the shower, you earned it.<</speech>>
<<set $bbcashley to 5>><<ashleyfit -20>>\
<<ashcorr 15>><<upd>>\
<div class="posarousal">@@color:violet;Ashley Corruption +5@@</div>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:violet;Ashley Blacked +3@@ @@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy -20@@</div><<set $ashleymood to 1>>
<<link "<h6>Sanctuary</h6>">><<goto "ashleycell">><</link>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/studio/movie.webm" class='large98' autoplay controls>
<div class="pilka">Chris finished the recording Ashley and now he is editing the material, You can see how thrill he is with his work. He is showing you half of his work, and you already see how excited he is.</div>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Chris! This looks amazing!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>You think so? Wait until I finish the editing. Ashley is superb, I can tell you that!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Great. I can't wait.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Anyway, I've sent some samples to my customers. They can't wait too and money is flowing!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I'm impressed!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>You should praise Ashley, She is the one who did a good job.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>We'll see about that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Suit yourself, Here is the money.<</speech>>
<<money 1000>><div class="pos">@@color:lightgreen;Money +1000@@</div><<upd>>
<<set $ashleymovie to true>>\
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "Ashleyphoto">><</link>>
</div>\<b><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<timed 2s>><<audio "wave" play>><</timed>><<timed 10s>><<audio "wave" play>><</timed>>
<<timed 30s>><<audio "wave" play>><</timed>>
<img src="img/ui/title1.png" class="banner">
@@color:orange;In your story, Told my $dad about my $mom's late-night sneaking out.
(Lucas calls Martha late at night)@@
<span id="dad"><<linkreplace "<h7>Yes</h7>">><<replace "#dad">>
<img src="img/mom/momworried.jpg" class="large100">
@@color:lightblue;You chose to tell your $dad about $mom's strange late night behaviours.@@<<upd>><<set $onlydad to 1>><<set $momlucas to 1>>
<<button "Another Choice">><<goto "skip2">><</button>>
<</replace>><</linkreplace>><<linkreplace "<h7>No</h7>">><<replace "#dad">>
<img src="img/dream/mom.jpg" class="large100">
@@color:lightblue;You chose not to tell your $dad about $mom's strange late night behaviours.@@
<<set $momlucas to 2>>
<<button "Another Choice">><<goto "skip2">><</button>>
</div></div></b><b><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<timed 2s>><<audio "wave" play>><</timed>><<timed 10s>><<audio "wave" play>><</timed>>
<<timed 30s>><<audio "wave" play>><</timed>>
<img src="img/ui/title1.png" class="banner">
@@color:orange;In your story, You have discovered Sophia's dirty secret with Lucas.@@
<span id="sophia"><<linkreplace "<h7>Yes </h7>">><<replace "#sophia">>
<img src="img/dream/sophia.jpg" class="large100">
@@color:lightblue;Lucas and Sophia are doing taboo things.@@<<set $language to 8>><<set $sophialucas to true>><<set $language to 8>>
<<button "Another Choice">><<goto "skip3">><</button>>
<</replace>><</linkreplace>><<linkreplace "<h7>No</h7>">><<replace "#sophia">><<set $language to 8>>
<img src="img/lucas/lvl3/tell.jpg" class="medium">
@@color:lightblue;I don't know what are you talking about.@@
<<button "Another Choice">><<set $choices to 2>><<goto "skip3">><</button>>
</div></div></b><b><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<timed 2s>><<audio "wave" play>><</timed>><<timed 10s>><<audio "wave" play>><</timed>>
<<timed 30s>><<audio "wave" play>><</timed>>
<img src="img/ui/title1.png" class="banner">
<span id="bbc">
@@color:orange;In your story, Observed the whole event of Lena with Marcus boys. (Blacked Event)@@
<<linkreplace "<h7>Yes </h7>">><<replace "#bbc">>
<img src="img/dream/bbc.jpg" class="large100">
@@color:lightblue;Thanks to Lena, you learned a lot about the benefits of these guys.@@<<set $bbcaddiction to 3>><<set $lenahouse to true>><<set $lessons to 5>><<set $metfriend to true>>
<<button "Another Choice">><<goto "skip4">><</button>>
<</replace>><</linkreplace>><<linkreplace "<h7>No</h7>">><<replace "#bbc">><<set $bbcaddiction to 0>>
<img src="img/school/lenatrouble.jpg" class="large100">
@@color:lightblue;I don't know what are you talking about.@@
<<button "Another Choice">><<goto "skip4">><</button>>
</div></div></b><b><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<timed 2s>><<audio "wave" play>><</timed>><<timed 10s>><<audio "wave" play>><</timed>>
<<timed 30s>><<audio "wave" play>><</timed>>
<img src="img/ui/title1.png" class="banner">
<span id="teacher">
@@color:orange;In your story, You and your teacher, Mr. Bailey, are in an intimate connection.@@
<<linkreplace "<h7>Yes</h7>">><<replace "#teacher">>
<img src="img/dream/teacher.jpg" class="large100">
@@color:lightblue;You have teased Mr. Bailey to the point that the two of you have a taboo relationship between student and teacher.@@<<set $teacherhorny to 10>>
<<button "Another Choice">><<goto "skip5">><</button>>
<</replace>><</linkreplace>><<linkreplace "<h7>No</h7>">><<replace "#teacher">><<set $teacherhorny to 0>>
<img src="img/school/leaving.jpg" class="large100">
@@color:lightblue;I don't know what are you talking about.@@
<<button "Another Choice">><<goto "skip5">><</button>>
</div></div></b><b><div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><<timed 2s>><<audio "wave" play>><</timed>><<timed 10s>><<audio "wave" play>><</timed>>
<<timed 30s>><<audio "wave" play>><</timed>>
<img src="img/ui/title1.png" class="banner">
<h3>Remember: You will miss a large part of the game.</h3>
Now you'll begin a story in which you are recovering from body surgery. You reunited with your $bro Luke and returned to your sweet warm home.
The story continues...
<<button [[Story|Mirror]]>>
<<set $school1 to true>><<set $corruptionlevel to 3>><<set $metfriend to true>><<set $fcorruptionlevel to 2>><<set $mcorruptionlevel to 2>><<set $bimboend to 2>><<set $bimbo to 2>><<set $box30 to true>><<set $boxbimbo to true>><<set $lucasrelationship to 20>><<set $pills to true>><<set $teasedad to true>><<set $corruption1 to true>><<set $corruption to true>><<set $stepc to 4>><<set $corruption to 75>><<set $girlday to 2>><<set $box5 to true>><<set $lucashouse to true>><<set $meetmadison to true>><<set $changeclothes to 1>><<set $sussy to true>><<set $Fatherfirstevent to true>><<set $walletsteal to 4>><<set $momtalk1 to true>><<set $peektv to true>><<set $peekcleaning to true>><<set $peekshower to true>><<set $sexdad to 3>><<set $box9 to true>><<set $chloe to true>><<set $money to 250>>
<<set $momvib to true>><<set $ashley to true>><<set $gymteach to true>>
<<set $lucas to true>><<set $sophiagreet to true>>
<<set $buy_schooluniform1 to true>><<set $officesuit1 to true>>
<<set $momvision to true>><<set $bookerotic to true>><<set $pantywib to true>><<set $momerotic to 3>><<set $lucasgift to true>><<set $kissmom to true>>
<<set $touchmom to true>><<set $mompussy to true>><<set $lucasremote to true>><<set $mompussy2 to true>><<set $bathroomspy to true>><<set $momwatch to true>><<set $mompussy3 to true>>
<<set $momgym to true>><<set $momgympeek to true>>
<<set $mompovright to 0>><<set $begin to true>><<set $week to 10>><<set $day to 1>><<set $time to 14>><<set $hasList to true>><<set $schoolenter to true>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</div></div></b><<linkreplace "<h12>Guy comes to say hi.</h12>">><<set _m to random(1,3)>><<if _m is 1>><<audio "men1" play>><<elseif _m is 2>><<audio "men3" play>><<elseif _m is 3>><<audio "men2" play>><</if>>\
@@color:orange;Whore Public: $bjpublic@@
<<if _m is 1>>\
<img src='img/mall/stranger/handsome.jpg' class='large98'>
Attractive, well-built, charming guy comes at you with an inquisitive smile.
<<speech "Boy1" "Handsome">>Hey girl.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Handsome">>Ever since I saw you, your beauty compels me. How about we speak in private, away from other people?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow, I don't know what to say...<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Handsome">>I'll pay you. In cash.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ohhhh... Sure. Let's go, handsome.<</speech>>
<<elseif _m is 2>>\
<img src='img/mall/stranger/nerd.jpg' class='large98'>
A young, nerdy looking guy comes at you with nervous smile.
<<speech "Boy1" "Nerd Guy">>Hi!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Nerd Guy">>Ah. Yes. My manners, My name is-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I don't care what your name is. What do you want?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Nerd Guy">>Oh. Yes. Sorry. I'd like to consume you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Nerd Guy">>I mean... I want you to... You know! I'll pay!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhh.... Hmmm...<</speech>>
<<elseif _m is 3>>\
<img src='img/mall/stranger/fat.jpg' class='large98'>
A rather old, fatter, disgusting man approaches you with a strange smile.
<<speech "Boy2" "Ugly Guy">>Hi baabe. Fuck, you look hot!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ummm... Thanks?<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Ugly Guy">>I'd like to see my fat big cock inside your mouth.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Great. Another pervert..<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Ugly Guy">>C'moon! I'll pay you in cash!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Hmm...<</speech>>
<<if $energy gte 20>>\
<<link "<h6>Private @@color:lightblue;Energy:$energy/20@@</h6>">><<goto "bjpublic">><</link>>
<<elseif $energy lte 19>>\
<<link "<h6>Private @@color:grey;Energy:$energy/20@@</h6>">><</link>>
<</linkreplace>><div class="daddybox"><div align="center">\
<<set _m to random (1,3)>>\
<<if _m is 1>>\
<video src="img/mall/stranger/bj.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif _m is 2>>\
<video src="img/mall/stranger/bj2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<elseif _m is 3>>\
<video src="img/mall/stranger/bj3.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">You satisfy the Stranger's Cock for money in some low hidden place, away from people.</div>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:orange;Whore Public +1@@</div>
<<set _m to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _m is 1>>\
<div class="pilka">@@color:lightblue;Energy -20@@ @@color:lightgreen;Money +25@@</div>
<<energy -20>><<money 25>><<whore 1>><<upd>>\
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>Fuck! Thanks slut! Here is your money.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh.. Thanks. I guess.<</speech>>
<<elseif _m is 2>>\
<div class="pilka">@@color:lightblue;Energy -20@@ </div>
<<energy -20>><<whore 1>><<upd>>\
<<speech "Boy2" "Stranger">>Great job! See ya later!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>HEY! WHERE IS MY MONEY?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Stranger">>Sorry Darling. I am too beautiful to pay for this kind of services. Adios!<</speech>>
Unfortunately, Stranger disappeared when you had the will to catch up with him.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>HEEY!!!<</speech>>
<<elseif _m is 3>>\
<div class="pilka">@@color:lightblue;Energy -20@@ @@color:lightgreen;Money +5@@</div>
<<energy -20>><<money 5>><<whore 1>><<upd>>\
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>Cool, Take it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>What the f?! Only 5?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Stranger">>I was going to get the fuck out anyway, but I felt a little sorry to leave you without anything, see ya.<</speech>>
<<button "Return">><<set $time to $time +0.5>><<print '<<goto "' + previous() + '">>'>><<masteraudio stop>><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="ash">\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/surgery.jpg" class="large98">
Burnett and Sophia talk to each other about Ashley. Sophia has a worried look on her face, while Burnett seems relaxed and confident in his procedure towards the operation
Still Sophia is waiting for your response.
<<speech "Sophia">>$name!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Finally, we were talking about Ashley's surgery! Body modifications, silicones and-<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Is this true?! You want turn her into the Bimbo doll?!<</speech>>
<th><<linkreplace "<h7>Agree</h7>">><<replace "#ash">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/surgery2.jpg" class="large98">
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>See, Sophia? Why can't you accept this?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Are you sure about this, $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sophia. Just do it in Burnett's way. It's on me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Fine, I won't argue anymore. I'll assist you, Burnett.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Good. Let's do it.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Ashley</h6>">><<goto "ashleysurgery2">><</link>>
<th><<link "<h7>Not yet</h7>">><<goto "surgeryroom">><</link>></th></table>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="ash">\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/sur.jpg" class="large98">
Ashley was sitting in the hallway, waiting for the procedure. Her face seems relaxed but her body seems scared.
<<speech "Ashley">>$name. Hey.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ashley.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>I don't know what to think, $name. What's going to happen to me?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't worry, Ashley. Upon entering that room, You'll be one hundred percent alive. Transforming your body, erasing your mind, deleting your precious or bitter memories, your personality. Leaving nothing but blank canvas for us to rewrite.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Huh... $name...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>There is nothing you can do about it. And you know the best part of it? Once they are done with you...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You'll thank me.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>$name. That sounds... Good! I'll be happy to serve you! as a sign of my gratitude, I'll give Matthew location of recordings.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Don't worry, Ashley. It doesn't matter anymore, Matthew already found it before your consultations with Burnett.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>We are ready!<</speech>>
Burnett shouts from the operation room, Ashley gets up and looks more stressed.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Burnett is waiting for you. Say farewell to your petite body and your meaningless personality.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Yes. Bye sucker! Time to be alive!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good. Bye, Ashley.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Thank you, $name.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Ashley's Surgery</h6>">><<set $ashleymood to 4>><<set $ashleycorruptionlvl to 3>><<set $ashleybimbo to 9>><<goto "ashleysurgery3">><</link>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="ash">\
<<if $surgeryashley lte 2>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/surgery.jpg" class="large98">
Burnett, along with Sophia, are performing surgery on Ashley all night. They were testing and planning the right dosages for her body.
You see Ashley wearing VR Device and headsets, She repeats words over and over, such as:
<<speech "Ashley">><div class="posarousal">"I am fuck doll" "My purpose is to serve my master" "This is new happy life" "Be Happy, Be Proud, Be Wild".</div><</speech>>
Burnett said it was necessary to lower her intelligence quotient to make her an obedient bimbo.
<<if $surgeryashley is 0>>\
<<speech "Sophia">>...Is this right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Not yet, wait till it heat to the right temeperature.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>$name. We are under stress here. It's going to be long 3 days. Wait outside!<</speech>>
<<if $surgeryashley is 1>>\
They've made modifiction on face: Puffier lips to her drool when she's sucking cocks, eyes, cheeks etc.
<<speech "Burnett">>Inject in the center and sides of the upper and lower lips, after some time they should become larger.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>Right, Burnett. Hopefully it won't look too bad.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Don't worry about that.<</speech>>
<<elseif $surgeryashley is 2>>\
Surgery get further on Ashley's chest area: Enhanced Large Breasts, large areola nipples.
<<speech "Burnett">>There it is. Silicone implants are slowly adapting with her body.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>My god, They are huge!<</speech>>
For last their perfomed on her vagina and ass. Her holes are widened, Burnett tight them all to make her hurt during sex.
Burnett caught your presence.
<<speech "Burnett">>$name. It would be great if you leave at once, This is crucial moment. Let Ashley at peace. <</speech>>
<<speech "Sophia">>$name. Leave!<</speech>>
<<elseif $surgeryashley is 3>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/burnett.jpg" class="medium">
Burnett is alone in the surgery room, waiting for you.
<<speech "Burnett">>$name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Is it done?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Yes. Ashley is ready. In the way you wanted.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good. Take me to her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Of course, Follow me.<</speech>>
<<set $surgeryashley to $surgeryashley +1>>
<<set $surgeyday to true>>\
<<if $surgeryashley lte 3>>\
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "surgeryroom">><</link>>
<<elseif $surgeryashley is 4>>\
<<link "<h6>New Ashley</h6>">><<set $surgeryashley to 10>><<goto "ashleysurgery4">><</link>>
</span></div>\<div class="statsashbar1">
<<if $ashleyfit is 0>>\
<<set $ashleymood to 2>>\
<<if $surgeryashley is 0>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleybimbo5.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $surgeryashley is 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleybimbo4.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $surgeryashley is 2>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleybimbo6.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $surgeryashley is 3>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleybimbo7.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $surgeryashley is 4>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleybimbo1.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $surgeryashley is 10>>\
<<if $ashleymood is 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleybimbo.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $ashleymood is 2>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleybimbo1.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $ashleymood is 3>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleybimborape.jpg" class="large">
<<elseif $ashleymood is 9>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleybimbo2.jpg" class="large">
<<if $ashrape is true>>\
<div class="posarousal">Inactive</div>
<<if $surgeryashley is 10>>\
<div class="posarousal">Bimbo</div>
Days until surgery is complete:$surgeryashley/4
<<if $foodashley is false and $ashleycorruptionlvl is 0 and $cheatashfood is false>>\
@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy:$ashleyfit/5 @@
<<elseif $foodashley is true and $ashleycorruptionlvl is 0 and $cheatashfood is false>>\
@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy:$ashleyfit/11 @@
<<elseif $foodashley is false and $ashleycorruptionlvl is 1 and $cheatashfood is false>>\
@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy:$ashleyfit/6 @@
<<elseif $foodashley is true and $ashleycorruptionlvl is 1 and $cheatashfood is false>>\
@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy:$ashleyfit/12 @@
<<elseif $foodashley is false and $ashleycorruptionlvl is 3 and $cheatashfood is false and $ashleytrain lte 2>>\
@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy:$ashleyfit/12 @@
<<elseif $foodashley is true and $ashleycorruptionlvl is 3 and $cheatashfood is false and $ashleytrain lte 2>>>\
@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy:$ashleyfit/18 @@
<<elseif $ashleytrain is 3 and $foodashley is false and $ashleycorruptionlvl is 3 and $cheatashfood is false>>\
@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy:$ashleyfit/15 @@
<<elseif $ashleytrain is 3 and $foodashley is true and $ashleycorruptionlvl is 3 and $cheatashfood is false>>\
@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy:$ashleyfit/21 @@
<<elseif $cheatashfood is true>>\
<<set $ashleyfit to 999>>\
@@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy:$ashleyfit/999 @@
<<if $ashleyporn gte 1>>\
@@color:pink;Ashley's Porn Career:$ashleyporn@@
<<if $ashleyporn gte 2>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Ashley's Fans:$ashleyfans@@
<<if $bbcashley gte 1>>\
<<if $foodashley is false and $ashleyfit gte 1 and $cheatashfood is false>>\
<<link "<h24>Food</h24>">>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="ash">\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleystart.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">Burnett takes you to the place where Chris and your crew recording a busty, booty, blonde girl. Burnett point at her, You can't believe that this girl is Ashley. Her nails, makeup and teeth were all perfect. Her plump lips were huge, about the size of her little finger, Ideal for receiving hungry cocks. Her body was covered all over with tattoos, probably at her request.
Ashley's chest was fitted with two perfectly rounded orbs. Her areola seemed lighter, stretched out with the inflation. Her ass was rounded as well, You can clearly see perfect Burnett's work. She looked obscene. She looked smoking hot.</div>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley?</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<<speech "Burnett">>Ashley, My dear. Bring your sweet, fluffy butt straight to us and say hello to your Mistress.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Heeey, Mistress! I'm such a horny slut! <</speech>>
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleybim.jpg" class="medium">
Seriously, You don't know what to say. Up close, Ashley is so transformed that she doesn't resemble her before the surgery.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>My god, Burnett. She look... Really Hot!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Hi-hi! Thaankkk youuu!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>As you can see, Her previous outfits are no longer useful to her so I asked the guys to acquire a larger size of bras, panties, clothes, etc.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Mmm... It is to so coomffyy..<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Thank you. Ashley, my dear. Get on your knees and open your mouth.<</speech>>
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleybim3.jpg" class="medium">
Burnett put his thick cock in Ashley's mouth and continued talking about his achievement.
<<speech "Ashley">>*GAWK*! Gaaaagaggggahhhaaaaggggghhahgggaaa! *Gawk*!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Also, I am proud of her lips. When Ashley is going to get some clients, they'll form a perfect fat ring around client's dick.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Excellent! Every client around the city would like to get sucked by Ashley.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Good, My dear. You can stop.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Mmm!!! Ohhhhh!! That is so kewl! Can't waiiitt to get some other cocks in my swollen lipssss.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Ashley, My dear. Display your breasts naked in front of us.<</speech>>
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/ashleybim1.jpg" class="large98">
At Burnett's command, Ashley removes her top and begins posing in her best glow.
<<speech "Burnett">>In the end, her boobs were the most difficult task. Ashley's previous body was so resistant to my work, but thanks to Sophia's method, we did it! The XL implants are inside her. Is that magnificent?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes. It is.. You two did great job! Although, As I can see, Ashley got brain damaged?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Of course, As you requested, $name. During the surgery, Ashley was hooked up to a device under which lewd scenes were played over and over again with flashing key words. To make her stay the way she is now. To become a total and dedicated fuck doll, Her Bimbo body and mind fully devoted to seduction and pleasuring.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Very good, Burnett. I'll give a good words to Lucas about your perfect job.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>It's my pleasure. Now, I have to back to paper work. Ashley, My dear, Listen to your mistress from now on. $name.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Of coursyyy!! She is my best paaal!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Before we go... Ashley?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Huuh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Say: "Thank you $name. Thank you for turning me into into a bimbo!"<</speech>>
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/thanks.jpg" class="large">
<<speech "Ashley">>Thank you $name!!! Thank you for turning me into into a bimbo! I love it! The feeling is totally kewl!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good enough. Ah... Ashley?.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Yeeesss?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Told you so. Okay. Follow me, Ashley.<</speech>>
<<addcorruption 2>><div class="pilka">@@color:red;Corruption +2@@</div>
<<button "Ashley new room">><<goto "ashleyroom">><</button>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<span id="ashley">\
<<if $ashrape is true>>\
<<set _rape to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _rape is 1>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/assault.webm" class='large' controls autoplay loop>
<<elseif _rape is 2>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/assault1.webm" class='large' controls autoplay loop>
<<elseif _rape is 3>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/assault2.webm" class='large' controls autoplay loop>
<div class="posarousal">Ashley refuses to let your employees leave her, but they are already worn out. At least one of them kept Ashley company.</div>
<<speech "Ashley">>C'mon sweetheart! Fuck me harderrr!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Tommy">>Fuucckk...!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Sweeeettyyy!!! AAhhh! Pound me harder!!!<</speech>>
<<if $ashleyfit lte 0>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/sleep.jpg" class='large'>
Ashley sleeps from exhaustion.
<<set _ashley to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _ashley is 1>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/room.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _ashley is 2>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/room1.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop muted>
<<elseif _ashley is 3>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/room2.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop muted>
@@color:pink;Ashley is in her room, enjoying herself.@@
<<set _ashtalk to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _ashtalk is 1>>\
<<speech "Ashley">>Ulalaaa.. Me look so prettyyyyyy!!!!<</speech>>
<<elseif _ashtalk is 2>>\
<<speech "Ashley">>Oh-em-gee! $name! You look so ADORABLE!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Hihi! Yeeesss!! You look totally hot!<</speech>>
<<elseif _ashtalk is 3>>\
<<speech "Ashley">>🎵 Duh! I love Pink. Duh! I love bright colours! Duh!🎵<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Ashley Masturbates</h50>">><<replace "#ashley">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<<set _ash to random(1,3)>>\
<<if _ash is 1>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/masturbate.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop>
<<elseif _ash is 2>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/masturbate2.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop></video>
<<elseif _ash is 3>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/masturbate3.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop></video>
Ashley is masturbating.
<<speech "Ashley">>AAh..!!! OOohh!!! Uuuuhh!!!<</speech>>
<<if $ashleyfit gte 1>>\
<<if $ashleytrain is false or $ashleytrain lte 3>>\
<<link "<h6>Improve Ashley's Energy</h6>">><<goto "ashleyfitness">><</link>>\
<<if $ashleyporn is false>>\
<<link "<h6>Ashley Porn Star?</h6>">><<goto "ashleyporn">><</link>>\
<<if $ashleyporn is true or $ashleyporn gte 1>>\
<<link "<h6>Porn Career</h6>">><<goto "ashleypornc">><</link>>\
<<if $ashleyfans gte 50>>\
<<link "<h6>Ashley's Official Page</h6>">><<goto "ashleyfanpage">><</link>>\
</span><<button "Leave">><<goto "warehouseplay">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<span id="ashley">\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/pornstar.jpg" class='large98'>
Chris smiled boldly as he walked into your office without knocking. He couldn't keep his eyes off Ashley's room since she turned into a Bimbo. He was fascinated by your actions and you knew he came with an interesting idea.
<<speech "Chris">>$name. Glad you are here.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Chris. What can I do for you?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>We need to talk about Ashley.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>I don't get what is your motive to make her suffer like that.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Chris...<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>I won't understand it, but I can help you spread your wings. Ashley looks... Great. She even has a body to make her-<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I was hoping you would just come with an idea, With an idea like me. Turning her into a celebrity. Porn-Star.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>If you wish, I can make it work. But you still have to pay for this huge investment. At least 500$.<</speech>>
<th><<linkreplace "<h7>Not yet</h7>">><<replace "#ashley">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I need to think about this.<</speech>>
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "ashleyroom">><</link>>
<th><<if $money gte 500>>\
<<linkreplace "<h7>Yes @@color:lightgreen;$500@@</h7>">><<replace "#ashley">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<<set $ashleyporn to 1>><<money -500>><<upd>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Consider it done. Before I go. Do you want to call Ashley with a fake name?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ashley's Nickname</h6>">>
How fans should call Ashley?
<<textbox "$ashleynick" "Lula">>
<<link "<h6>Leave</h6>">><<goto "ashleyroom">><</link>>
<<elseif $money lte 499>>
<<link "<h6>Yes @@color:grey;$500@@</h6>">><</link>><</if>></th></table>\
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<set $ashleymood to 9>>\
<span id="ashley">\
<<set _ash to random(1,2)>>\
<<if _ash is 1>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/pornstar.jpg" class='large98'>
<<elseif _ash is 2>>\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/pornstar2.jpg" class='large98'>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>Oh! Em! GEEEE!! I can't WAAAITT!!<</speech>>
Ashley is in the makeup room and can't wait to perform in front of the camera.
Meanwhile, Chris is preparing for the shooting.
@@color:lightyellow;$ashleynick's Fans: $ashleyfans@@
<<if $ashleyfit gte 1>>\
<<if $ashleyfans gte 50>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:orange;$ashleynick's Official Page@@</h6>">><<goto "ashleyfanpage">><</link>>
<<if $ashleyporn gte 1>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:pink;First Movie@@</h6>">><<goto "ashleyporn1">><</link>>\
<<if $ashleyporn gte 2>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:pink;Second Movie@@</h6>">><<goto "ashleyporn2">><</link>>\
<<elseif $ashleyporn lte 1>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:grey;Second Movie@@</h6>">><</link>>\
<<if $ashleyporn gte 2 and $bbcashley gte 1>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:pink;Blacked Movie@@</h6>">><<goto "ashleypornbbc">><</link>>\
<<elseif $ashleyporn lte 1 and $bbcashley gte 1>>\
<<link "<h6>@@color:grey;Blacked Movie@@</h6>">><</link>>\
<<elseif $ashleyfit lte 0>>\
@@color:orange;$ashleynick is Exhausted!@@
<<button "Leave">><<set $ashleymood to 1>><<goto "warehouseplay">><</button>>
</span></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><span id="ashley">\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/ashley.jpg" class='large98'>
<<if $ashleyporn1 lte 5>>\
$ashleynick is ready to act and Chris is eager to start behind the camera.
$ashleynick's Clips $ashleyporn1/6
<meter @value="$ashleyporn1" min="0" max="6" align="center"></meter>
<<elseif $ashleyporn1 gte 6>>\
@@color:orange;First Movie is done!
Chris has a lot of materials and should make a proper movie. @@
<<link "<h50>Chris's Edit</h50>">><<goto "ashleyporn1edit">><</link>>
<<if $ashleyfit gte 2 and $warstaff gte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Introduction @@color:pink; $ashleynick Energy -4@@ @@color:orange; Staff Energy - 1@@</h6>">><<replace "#ashley">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/mov1.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Chris">>My dear. Now we- I mean... You'll do a lot of posing. Here. In front of me. Ashley. Listen to me!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>Uhhh!!! It's no faiiiiir!! I thought, I'm gonna be fucked!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Don't worry, My dummy pretty bimbo. Meet my pal, Mason.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Mason">>Fuck! Woman. You look hot!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>Ha-ha. Om-Em-Gee! What a stud!!! My name is... $ashleynick!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Mason">>Hey $ashleynick!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Okay.. Now shut the fuck up! Let me focus! Okay.. Okay.. Ashley, My little bimbo, get closer to him and show more your fake tits! Not at him! At the camera, Honey!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>Oh! Oki! Yaaay!!! Here is my Boooobieees!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Mason">>Fuck, Chris. Is she for real?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>I'll tell you about it later, Now. Please. Work with me.<</speech>>
<<ashleyfit -4>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -1>><<set $ashleyporn1 to $ashleyporn1 +1>><<upd>>\
$ashleynick's Clips $ashleyporn1/6
<meter @value="$ashleyporn1" min="0" max="6" align="center"></meter>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;$ashleynick Energy -4@@ @@color:orange;Stuff Energy -3@@
@@color:lightyellow;Clips +1@@</div>
<<link "<h50>Another Take</h50>">><<goto "ashleyporn1">><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Missioniary @@color:pink; $ashleynick Energy -3@@ @@color:orange; Staff Energy - 3@@</h6>">><<replace "#ashley">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/mov2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>AAhh!! Oohh!! Fuck me! Fuck me! Oohh!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Mason">>Fucking Bitch!<</speech>>
<<ashleyfit -3>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -3>><<set $ashleyporn1 to $ashleyporn1 +1>><<upd>>\
$ashleynick's Clips $ashleyporn1/6
<meter @value="$ashleyporn1" min="0" max="6" align="center"></meter>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;$ashleynick Energy -3@@ @@color:orange;Stuff Energy -3@@
@@color:lightyellow;Clips +1@@</div>
<<link "<h50>Another Take</h50>">><<goto "ashleyporn1">><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Doggy @@color:pink; $ashleynick Energy -3@@ @@color:orange; Staff Energy - 3@@</h6>">><<replace "#ashley">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/mov3.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>AAAHHH!! YEEEESS!! YYEEEESS!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Mason">>Do you like it? HUH?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>UUUHH!!!<</speech>>
<<ashleyfit -3>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -3>><<set $ashleyporn1 to $ashleyporn1 +1>><<upd>>\
$ashleynick's Clips $ashleyporn1/6
<meter @value="$ashleyporn1" min="0" max="6" align="center"></meter>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;$ashleynick Energy -3@@ @@color:orange;Stuff Energy -3@@
@@color:lightyellow;Clips +1@@</div>
<<link "<h50>Another Take</h50>">><<goto "ashleyporn1">><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Reverse Cowgirl @@color:pink; $ashleynick Energy -4@@ @@color:orange; Staff Energy - 2@@</h6>">><<replace "#ashley">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/mov4.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>AAhh!! Oohh..<</speech>>
<<ashleyfit -4>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -2>><<set $ashleyporn1 to $ashleyporn1 +1>><<upd>>\
$ashleynick's Clips $ashleyporn1/6
<meter @value="$ashleyporn1" min="0" max="6" align="center"></meter>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;$ashleynick Energy -4@@ @@color:orange;Stuff Energy -2@@
@@color:lightyellow;Clips +1@@</div>
<<link "<h50>Another Take</h50>">><<goto "ashleyporn1">><</link>>
<<elseif $ashleyfit lte 1>>\
@@color:orange;$ashleynick is Exhausted!@@
<<elseif $warstaff lte 1>>\
@@color;lightyellow;Staff is Exhausted!@@
<<button "Leave">><<set $time to $time +1>><<goto "ashleypornc">><</button>>\
</div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center">\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/movie.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<if $movie1 is false>>\
<<set $ashleyporn to $ashleyporn +1>><<money +350>><<set $ashleyfans to $ashleyfans +80>>
<<addcorruption 2>><<set $movie1 to true>><<upd>>\
<div class="pilka">@@color:lightgreen;Money +350$@@ @@color:lightyellow;$ashleynick's Fans +80@@
@@color:pink;$ashleynick's Porn Career Level Up!@@
@@color:red;Corruption +2@@</div>
<<speech "Chris">>And there's our first video, Ashley... I mean our $ashleynick as our star!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Nice. Is it already online?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Yes. For the start of her debut as a porn star, it's going pretty well! $ashleynick already has a couple of dozen fans.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Money is starting flowing. To get more, We need to keep doing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Of course.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Before you go, I made $ashleynick's Official Page.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Why?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>C'mon $name, You want to make her celebrity, right? So we need to expend her popularity even more. Fans love to see other side of $ashleynick.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Good, so far you have never let me down. Thanks Chris.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>My pleasure.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;From now on, You can find this clip on the Bimbo Porn Sites!@@
<<button "Leave">><<set $time to $time +1>><<goto "ashleypornc">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center">\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/ashley.jpg" class='large98'>
<h3>$ashleynick's Official Page!</h3>
Enter into my kinky world and lets be naughty together! 😈
$ashleynick Fans: $ashleyfans
<meter @value="$ashleyfans" min="0" max="500" align="center"></meter>
<<if $ashleypage is 0>>\
<<if $ashleyfans gte 50>>\
<<link "<h50>First Tease Photo @@color:orange;$ashleyfans/50 $ashleynick Fans@@</h50>">>
<<audio "photo" play>><<goto "ashleypage1">><</link>>
<<elseif $ashleyfans lte 49>>\
<<link "<h50>First Tease Photo @@color:black;$ashleyfans/50 $ashleynick Fans@@</h50>">>
<<include "photoashley">>
<<elseif $ashleypage is 1>>\
<<if $ashleyfans gte 100>>\
<<link "<h50>Second Tease Photo @@color:orange;$ashleyfans/100@@</h50>">>
<<audio "photo" play>><<goto "ashleypage2">><</link>>
<<elseif $ashleyfans lte 99>>\
<<link "<h50>Second Tease Photo @@color:black;$ashleyfans/100 $ashleynick Fans@@</h50>">>
<<include "photoashley">>
<<elseif $ashleypage is 2>>\
<<if $ashleyfans gte 200>>\
<<link "<h50>Second Tease Photo @@color:orange;$ashleyfans/200 $ashleynick Fans@@</h50>">>
<<audio "photo" play>><<goto "ashleypage3">><</link>>
<<elseif $ashleyfans lte 199>>\
<<link "<h50>Second Tease Photo @@color:black;$ashleyfans/200 $ashleynick Fans@@</h50>">>
<<include "photoashley">>
<<elseif $ashleypage is 3>>\
<<include "photoashley">>
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/ashley1.jpg" class='large98'>
<<if $ashleyreel is 0>>
<<if $ashleyfans gte 125>>\
<<link "<h50>First Reel @@color:orange;$ashleyfans/125 $ashleynick Fans@@</h50>">>
<<goto "ashleyreel1">><</link>>
<<elseif $ashleyfans lte 124>>\
<<link "<h50>First Reel @@color:black;$ashleyfans/125 $ashleynick Fans@@</h50>">>
<<include "reelashley">>
<<if $ashleyreel is 1>>\
<<if $ashleyfans gte 200>>\
<<link "<h50>Second Reel @@color:orange;$ashleyfans/200 $ashleynick Fans@@</h50>">>
<<goto "ashleyreel2">><</link>>
<<elseif $ashleyfans lte 199>>\
<<link "<h50>Second Reel @@color:black;$ashleyfans/200 $ashleynick Fans@@</h50>">>
<<include "reelashley">>
<<if $ashleyreel is 2>>\
<<if $ashleyfans gte 400>>\
<<link "<h50>Third Reel @@color:orange;$ashleyfans/400 $ashleynick Fans@@</h50>">>
<<goto "ashleyreel3">><</link>>
<<elseif $ashleyfans lte 399>>\
<<link "<h50>Third Reel @@color:black;$ashleyfans/400 $ashleynick Fans@@</h50>">>
<<include "reelashley">>
<<if $ashleyreel is 3>>\
<<include "reelashley">>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "ashleyroom">><</button>>\
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/teasephoto.jpg" class='medium'>
<<if $ashleypage is 0>>\
<<set $ashleypage to 1>>\
@@color:lightyellow;$ashleynick gained 25 fans!@@
<<set $ashleyfans to $ashleyfans +25>>
$ashleynick posted a new Picture in her Page!
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>Do I look good in that outift?<</speech>>
<<link "<h50>Back to Main Site</h50>">><<goto "ashleyfanpage">><</link>>
</div>\<<if $ashleypage is 0>>\
<th><div class="perflose"><img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/fans.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"></div>
<th><div class="perflose"><img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/fans.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"></div>
<th><div class="perflose"><img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/fans.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"></div>
<<if $ashleypage is 1>>\
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/teasephoto.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>View</h21>">><<dialog>><img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/teasephoto.jpg" class='medium'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<th><div class="perflose"><img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/fans.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"></div>
<th><div class="perfloseperflose"><img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/fans.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"></div>
<<if $ashleypage is 2>>\
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/teasephoto.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>View</h21>">><<dialog>><img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/teasephoto.jpg" class='medium'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/teasephoto1.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>View</h21>">><<dialog>><img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/teasephoto1.jpg" class='medium'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<th><div class="perflose"><img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/fans.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"></div>
<<if $ashleypage is 3>>\
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/teasephoto.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>View</h21>">><<dialog>><img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/teasephoto.jpg" class='medium'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/teasephoto1.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>View</h21>">><<dialog>><img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/teasephoto1.jpg" class='medium'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<th><div class="perf"><img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/teasephoto2.jpg" class='largecougar'> <div class="perfmiddle">
<div class="textperf"><<link "<h21>View</h21>">><<dialog>><img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/teasephoto2.jpg" class='medium'>
<<button "Close">><<dialogclose>><</button>>
<</if>>\<<if $ashleyreel is 0>>\
<th><div class="perflose"><video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/fans1.webm" class='largecougar' loop>
<th><div class="perflose"><video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/fans1.webm" class='largecougar'>
<th><div class="perflose"><video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/fans1.webm" class='largecougar'>
<<if $ashleyreel is 1>>\
<th><video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/reel1.webm" class='largecougar' loop controls>
<th><div class="perflose"><video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/fans1.webm" class='largecougar'>
<th><div class="perflose"><video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/fans1.webm" class='largecougar'>
<<if $ashleyreel is 2>>\
<th><video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/reel1.webm" class='largecougar' loop controls>
<th><video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/reel2.webm" class='largecougar' loop controls>
<th><div class="perflose"><video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/fans1.webm" class='largecougar'>
<<if $ashleyreel is 3>>\
<th><video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/reel1.webm" class='largecougar' loop controls>
<th><video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/reel2.webm" class='largecougar' loop controls>
<th><video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/reel3sex.webm" class='largecougar' loop controls>
<</if>>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "photo" play>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/reel1.webm" class='medium' loop controls>
<<if $ashleyreel is 0>>\
<<set $ashleyreel to 1>>\
@@color:lightyellow;$ashleynick gained 30 fans!@@
<<set $ashleyfans to $ashleyfans +30>>
<<link "<h50>Back to Main Site</h50>">><<goto "ashleyfanpage">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/teasephoto1.jpg" class='medium'>
<<if $ashleypage is 1>>\
<<set $ashleypage to 2>>\
@@color:lightyellow;$ashleynick gained 40 fans!@@
<<set $ashleyfans to $ashleyfans +40>>
$ashleynick posted a new Picture in her Page!
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>Seeing that many fans makes my large heart happy! Kisses!<</speech>>
<<link "<h50>Back to Main Site</h50>">><<goto "ashleyfanpage">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<span id="ashley">\
<<set _m to random(1,2)>>\
<<if _m is 1>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/fitness.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Ashley">>uuuuHHH!! My aassssss!! Is so heavvyyyy to lift!!!<</speech>>
<<elseif _m is 2>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/fitness1.webm" class='largepink' controls autoplay loop muted>
<<speech "Ashley">>Aahh.. Uff. Oofff. It's so heaaavvyyy..!!<</speech>>
<<if $ashleytrain lte 2>>\
<<ashleyfit -20>><<set $ashleytrain to $ashleytrain +1>><<set $ashleymood to 2>><<upd>>\
<div class="pilka">@@color:lightblue;Ashley is exhausted after a long sweaty workout@@</div>
<<if $ashleytrain lte 2>>\
$ashleytrain/3 Trainings left to go.
@@color:orange;Ashley is already in athletic shape!@@
<<button "Leave">><<goto "ashleyroom">><</button>>
</span></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><span id="ashley">\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/ashley1.jpg" class='large98'>
<<if $ashleyporn2 lte 9>>\
$ashleynick is ready to act and Chris is eager to start behind the camera.
$ashleynick's Clips $ashleyporn2/10
<meter @value="$ashleyporn2" min="0" max="10" align="center"></meter>
<<elseif $ashleyporn2 gte 10>>\
@@color:orange;Second Movie is done!
Chris has a lot of materials and should make a proper movie. @@
<<link "<h50>Chris's Edit</h50>">><<goto "ashleyporn2edit">><</link>>
<<if $ashleyfit gte 2 and $warstaff gte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Introduction @@color:pink; $ashleynick Energy -3@@ @@color:orange; Staff Energy - 1@@</h6>">><<replace "#ashley">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/move1.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Chris">>Ash- I mean $ashleynick! You ready? Nick?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>Reaaaddyy!! Ha-ha! Like... I can't wait to be fucked!! Duuuh!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Nick">>Ya. Me ready!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Okay. Listen. Scenario is simple. Nick here who is chilling in his own house and got a call from wife that her sister is coming over. He lets $ashleynick in and she right away got in intrested in her sister's husband, Nick.<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Nick">>Okay, Cool.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>Veri Coool!!! And we fuck?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Not yet, Honey. You tease him with your melons. Bounce them in front of him. Dance or Jump, whatever. Just let them bounce!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>Yeeees! I gettt it! Let's do iitt!! Gosh... I can't wait!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Nick">>Very coool!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Jesus. I hope it's going to work with this two dumb actors... Let's roll!<</speech>>
<<ashleyfit -3>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -1>><<set $ashleyporn2 to $ashleyporn2 +1>><<upd>>\
$ashleynick's Clips $ashleyporn2/10
<meter @value="$ashleyporn2" min="0" max="10" align="center"></meter>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;$ashleynick Energy -3@@ @@color:orange;Stuff Energy -1@@
@@color:lightyellow;Clips +1@@</div>
<<link "<h50>Another Take</h50>">><<goto "ashleyporn2">><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Tits-Job @@color:pink; $ashleynick Energy -3@@ @@color:orange; Staff Energy - 2@@</h6>">><<replace "#ashley">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/move2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>Haahaa!! I'm so turned oonnnn!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Nick">>Oh my god! I love your tits! Work the tip slut...<</speech>>
<<ashleyfit -3>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -2>><<set $ashleyporn2 to $ashleyporn2 +1>><<upd>>\
$ashleynick's Clips $ashleyporn2/10
<meter @value="$ashleyporn2" min="0" max="10" align="center"></meter>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;$ashleynick Energy -3@@ @@color:orange;Stuff Energy -2@@
@@color:lightyellow;Clips +1@@</div>
<<link "<h50>Another Take</h50>">><<goto "ashleyporn2">><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Reverse Cowgirl @@color:pink; $ashleynick Energy -3@@ @@color:orange; Staff Energy - 2@@</h6>">><<replace "#ashley">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/move3.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>AAAHHH!! YEEEESS!! YYEEEESS!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Mason">>Do you like it? HUH?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>UUUHH!!!<</speech>>
<<ashleyfit -3>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -2>><<set $ashleyporn2 to $ashleyporn2 +1>><<upd>>\
$ashleynick's Clips $ashleyporn2/10
<meter @value="$ashleyporn2" min="0" max="10" align="center"></meter>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;$ashleynick Energy -3@@ @@color:orange;Stuff Energy -2@@
@@color:lightyellow;Clips +1@@</div>
<<link "<h50>Another Take</h50>">><<goto "ashleyporn2">><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Missionary @@color:pink; $ashleynick Energy -2@@ @@color:orange; Staff Energy - 3@@</h6>">><<replace "#ashley">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/move4.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>AHH!!!!! OHHH!!!! DEEPER!! DEEPERR!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Nick">>Fucking whore! Do you like it?! Huh?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>YESS!! YESS!! YEESS!!!<</speech>>
<<ashleyfit -2>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -3>><<set $ashleyporn2 to $ashleyporn2 +1>><<upd>>\
$ashleynick's Clips $ashleyporn2/10
<meter @value="$ashleyporn2" min="0" max="10" align="center"></meter>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;$ashleynick Energy -2@@ @@color:orange;Stuff Energy -3@@
@@color:lightyellow;Clips +1@@</div>
<<link "<h50>Another Take</h50>">><<goto "ashleyporn2">><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Side-Fuck @@color:pink; $ashleynick Energy -2@@ @@color:orange; Staff Energy - 3@@</h6>">><<replace "#ashley">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/move5.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>Mmmm!!! AAhh!! OoohhH!! More!!! Hardeeeer!!!<</speech>>
<<ashleyfit -2>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -3>><<set $ashleyporn2 to $ashleyporn2 +1>><<upd>>\
$ashleynick's Clips $ashleyporn2/10
<meter @value="$ashleyporn2" min="0" max="10" align="center"></meter>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;$ashleynick Energy -2@@ @@color:orange;Stuff Energy -3@@
@@color:lightyellow;Clips +1@@</div>
<<link "<h50>Another Take</h50>">><<goto "ashleyporn2">><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Sucking @@color:pink; $ashleynick Energy -2@@ @@color:orange; Staff Energy - 3@@</h6>">><<replace "#ashley">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/move6.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Boy1" "Nick">>Suck it hard! Bitch!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>GAWWK!! GUURLPP!! GURRLP!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Nick">>Good Slut!!!<</speech>>
<<ashleyfit -3>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -2>><<set $ashleyporn2 to $ashleyporn2 +1>><<upd>>\
$ashleynick's Clips $ashleyporn2/10
<meter @value="$ashleyporn2" min="0" max="10" align="center"></meter>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;$ashleynick Energy -2@@ @@color:orange;Stuff Energy -3@@
@@color:lightyellow;Clips +1@@</div>
<<link "<h50>Another Take</h50>">><<goto "ashleyporn2">><</link>>
<<elseif $ashleyfit lte 1>>\
@@color:orange;$ashleynick is Exhausted!@@
<<elseif $warstaff lte 1>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Staff is Exhausted!@@
<<button "Leave">><<set $time to $time +1>><<goto "ashleypornc">><</button>>\
</div>\<<widget "whore">><<set $bjpublic to Math.clamp($bjpublic + $args[0], 0, 20)>>
<<if $bjpublic gte 20>>@@color:orange;Wait for contact@@<</if>><</widget>>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center">\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/movie2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<if $movie2 is false>>\
<<set $ashleyporn to $ashleyporn +1>><<money +500>><<set $ashleyfans to $ashleyfans +125>>
<<addcorruption 1>><<set $movie2 to true>><<upd>>\
<div class="pilka">@@color:lightgreen;Money +500$@@ @@color:lightyellow;$ashleynick's Fans +125@@
@@color:pink;$ashleynick's Porn Career Level Up!@@
@@color:red;Corruption +1@@</div>
<<speech "Chris">>Another beautiful performance by our charming actress $ashleynick! She even gained a decent amount of fans!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Great, Our Ashley finally is paying off. I'm curious to see what the future holds for her.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>It depends. On you. Or her.<</speech>>
@@color:orange;From now on, You can find this clip on the Bimbo Porn Sites!@@
<<button "Leave">><<set $time to $time +1>><<goto "ashleypornc">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/teasephoto2.jpg" class='medium'>
<<if $ashleypage is 2>>\
<<set $ashleypage to 3>>\
@@color:lightyellow;$ashleynick gained 50 fans!@@
<<set $ashleyfans to $ashleyfans +50>>
$ashleynick posted a new Picture in her Page!
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>Selfie after I sucked off a couple of guys after a porn session! Haha!<</speech>>
<<link "<h50>Back to Main Site</h50>">><<goto "ashleyfanpage">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "photo" play>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/reel2.webm" class='medium' loop controls>
<<if $ashleyreel is 1>>\
<<set $ashleyreel to 2>>\
@@color:lightyellow;$ashleynick gained 50 fans!@@
<<set $ashleyfans to $ashleyfans +50>>
<<link "<h50>Back to Main Site</h50>">><<goto "ashleyfanpage">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><<audio "photo" play>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/reel3sex.webm" class='medium' loop controls>
<<if $ashleyreel is 2>>\
<<set $ashleyreel to 3>>\
@@color:lightyellow;$ashleynick gained 100 fans!@@
<<set $ashleyfans to $ashleyfans +100>>
<<link "<h50>Back to Main Site</h50>">><<goto "ashleyfanpage">><</link>>
</div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center">\
<span id="ashley">\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/enter.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:orange;Ashley half naked dances and poses in front of the guys in the entertainment room, you can see that the guys are tight-lipped, Their dicks are strong and hard. They are waiting for your signal to fuck her with pleasure.@@
<<speech "Ashley">>Uuuulaaa!! Heelloo Boooyyss!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Tommy">>God damn! Her boobs are so enormous!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Jerry">>This dumb bimbo makes me want to shove my cock inside of her.<</speech>>
<div class="pos">@@color:orange;Staff Energy +1@@ @@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy -2@@</div>\
<<warstaff +1>><<ashleyfit -2>><<upd>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Let your boys fuck her</h6>">><<replace "#ashley">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/enter1.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
@@color:lightgreen;Staff is glad you let them enjoy Ashley! Their mood is very pleased.(The days have reset to zero.)
<div class="pos">@@color:orange;Staff Energy +3@@ @@color:lightblue;Ashley Energy -4@@</div>
<<warstaff +3>><<ashleyfit -4>><<upd>>
<<set $staffday to 0>>
<<speech "Ashley">>Haah!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy1" "Tommy">>Fucking stupid whore! Suck it harder!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>GAWK! GAWK!<</speech>>
<<speech "Boy2" "Jerry">>God damn! What a nice tight pussy! Let's fuck this shit up!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley">>AAAAHHH!! YEEESS!! FUCK ME!!! FUCK MY PUSSY!!! <</speech>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "staffjoy">><</button>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "staffjoy">><</button>>
</span></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center"><span id="ashley">\
<img src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/ashley.jpg" class='large98'>
<<if $ashleypornbc lte 9>>\
$ashleynick is ready to act with Jason! Chris is ready to start.
$ashleynick's Clips $ashleypornbc/10
<meter @value="$ashleypornbc" min="0" max="10" align="center"></meter>
<<elseif $ashleypornbc gte 10>>\
@@color:orange;Blacked Movie is done!
Chris has a lot of materials and should make a proper movie. @@
<<link "<h50>Chris's Edit</h50>">><<goto "ashleypornbcedit">><</link>>
<<if $ashleyfit gte 2 and $warstaff gte 2>>\
<<linkreplace "<h6>Introduction @@color:pink; $ashleynick Energy -3@@ @@color:orange; Staff Energy - 1@@</h6>">><<replace "#ashley">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/movebbc.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>So. I just fuck her?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Fuck her like a beast! Fuck her like fucking doll. $ashleynick. Ready?<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>Oh! Em! Geee!! Jason and I!? That is so keeeewl!! So ready to be fucked! Am i looking goooood?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Don't worry, You look very sexy. Chris? Are we going to do it. Or what?<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Yes. Scenario is very simple. $ashleynick got a phone call from her boyfriend that he missed his flight. Jason here met $ashleynick in the pool and invited her to his room and the rest you probably already know what happens next.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>Woooow! My brain is on fire when I think about what's next!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Huh. It's very simple.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Of course, it is! It's a porn movie! Are you two ready?<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Sure, let's do it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>Oh i am sooo readdyy!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Action!<</speech>>
<<ashleyfit -3>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -1>><<set $ashleypornbc to $ashleypornbc +1>><<upd>>\
$ashleynick's Clips $ashleypornbc/10
<meter @value="$ashleypornbc" min="0" max="10" align="center"></meter>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;$ashleynick Energy -3@@ @@color:orange;Stuff Energy -1@@
@@color:lightyellow;Clips +1@@</div>
<<link "<h50>Another Take</h50>">><<goto "ashleypornbbc">><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Doggy! @@color:pink; $ashleynick Energy -2@@ @@color:orange; Staff Energy - 3@@</h6>">><<replace "#ashley">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/movebbc1.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>UUUUHH!!! AAAHHH!! IIII!!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Damn Slut! You like black cock, Huh?! Huh?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>YEEESS!! I LOVE BIG BLACK COCK!!!<</speech>>
<<ashleyfit -2>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -3>><<set $ashleypornbc to $ashleypornbc +1>><<upd>>\
$ashleynick's Clips $ashleypornbc/10
<meter @value="$ashleypornbc" min="0" max="10" align="center"></meter>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;$ashleynick Energy -2@@ @@color:orange;Stuff Energy -3@@
@@color:lightyellow;Clips +1@@</div>
<<link "<h50>Another Take</h50>">><<goto "ashleypornbbc">><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Doggy Pain! @@color:pink; $ashleynick Energy -3@@ @@color:orange; Staff Energy - 2@@</h6>">><<replace "#ashley">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/movebbc2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>C'mon Bitch! Take it! Take that huge cock!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>YEssS!! Pleassse!! PUT IT IN ME!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>What a slut!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>AAHHH!!! YEEESSS!!!<</speech>>
<<ashleyfit -3>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -2>><<set $ashleypornbc to $ashleypornbc +1>><<upd>>\
$ashleynick's Clips $ashleypornbc/10
<meter @value="$ashleypornbc" min="0" max="10" align="center"></meter>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;$ashleynick Energy -3@@ @@color:orange;Stuff Energy -2@@
@@color:lightyellow;Clips +1@@</div>
<<link "<h50>Another Take</h50>">><<goto "ashleypornbbc">><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Ride on it! @@color:pink; $ashleynick Energy -3@@ @@color:orange; Staff Energy - 2@@</h6>">><<replace "#ashley">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/movebbc3.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>OH! EMMM!! GEEE!!! IT'S SO DEEEP INSIDE ME!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>God damn, You nasty slut! Jumping on in it harder!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>YESS!! YESS!! YEESS!!!<</speech>>
<<ashleyfit -3>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -2>><<set $ashleypornbc to $ashleypornbc +1>><<upd>>\
$ashleynick's Clips $ashleypornbc/10
<meter @value="$ashleypornbc" min="0" max="10" align="center"></meter>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;$ashleynick Energy -3@@ @@color:orange;Stuff Energy -2@@
@@color:lightyellow;Clips +1@@</div>
<<link "<h50>Another Take</h50>">><<goto "ashleypornbbc">><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Reverse Cow-Girl @@color:pink; $ashleynick Energy -2@@ @@color:orange; Staff Energy - 3@@</h6>">><<replace "#ashley">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/movebbc4.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>SOOO!! FUCKIIING GOOOODD!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>Nasty fucking slut.<</speech>>
<<ashleyfit -2>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -3>><<set $ashleypornbc to $ashleypornbc +1>><<upd>>\
$ashleynick's Clips $ashleypornbc/10
<meter @value="$ashleypornbc" min="0" max="10" align="center"></meter>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;$ashleynick Energy -2@@ @@color:orange;Stuff Energy -3@@
@@color:lightyellow;Clips +1@@</div>
<<link "<h50>Another Take</h50>">><<goto "ashleypornbbc">><</link>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Missionary @@color:pink; $ashleynick Energy -2@@ @@color:orange; Staff Energy - 3@@</h6>">><<replace "#ashley">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/movebbc5.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>FUCK ME! FUCK ME BLACK DADDY!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>You like that shit, huh? Bitch?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Ashley" "$ashleynick">>SLAM ME ON THAT DICK! POUND MY TIGHT PUSSY!!<</speech>>
<<ashleyfit -3>><<set $warstaff to $warstaff -2>><<set $ashleypornbc to $ashleypornbc +1>><<upd>>\
$ashleynick's Clips $ashleypornbc/10
<meter @value="$ashleypornbc" min="0" max="10" align="center"></meter>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:lightblue;$ashleynick Energy -2@@ @@color:orange;Stuff Energy -3@@
@@color:lightyellow;Clips +1@@</div>
<<link "<h50>Another Take</h50>">><<goto "ashleypornbbc">><</link>>
<<elseif $ashleyfit lte 1>>\
@@color:orange;$ashleynick is Exhausted!@@
<<elseif $warstaff lte 1>>\
@@color:lightyellow;Staff is Exhausted!@@
<<button "Leave">><<set $time to $time +1>><<goto "ashleypornc">><</button>>\
</div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center">\
<video src="img/warehouse/ashley/bimbo/moviebbc.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<<if $moviebbc is false>>\
<<set $ashleyporn to $ashleyporn +1>><<money +500>><<set $ashleyfans to $ashleyfans +150>>
<<addcorruption 1>><<set $moviebbc to true>><<upd>>\
<div class="pilka">@@color:lightgreen;Money +500$@@ @@color:lightyellow;$ashleynick's Fans +150@@
@@color:pink;$ashleynick's Porn Career Level Up!@@
@@color:red;Corruption +1@@</div>
<<speech "Tyrone" "Jason">>That was fun. Chris, I got few ideas for the future movies.<</speech>>
<<speech "Chris">>Sure, We'll talk about this later.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Wow you guys, You really did a great job!<</speech>>
@@color:orange;From now on, You can find this clip on the BBC Porn Sites!@@
<<button "Leave">><<set $time to $time +1>><<goto "ashleypornc">><</button>>
</div>\<div class="lucasoffice"><div align="center"><span id="doc"><<masteraudio stop>>\
<img src='img/hospital/smile.jpg' class='large'>
Burnett sent Naomi outside his office as you enter inside. Burnett with a great smile looked at your lips and starts examing them.
<<speech "Burnett">>They are looking magnificent! How is the pain? Is it gone?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Yes, doctor. I can finally start eating and drinking normally.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>@@color:orange;Good Girl@@ How about we test them on something else. Hmm?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Doc..?<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">><div class="posarousal">Come here my Good Girl.</div><</speech>>
<<link "<h12>Good Girl</h12>">><<goto "lipsins2">><</link>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="doc"><<masteraudio stop>>\
<video src="img/hospital/stage4/lips1.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">Awaken as you slowly savor the taste of the thick cock in front of you.</div>\
<<speech "Burnett1" "Burnett">>Good Girl, Lick it slowly.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmmm!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Suck it!</h12>">><<replace "#doc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/hospital/stage4/lips2.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">You wrapped your new lips around his hard cock and starts sliding down and up. Finally, you feel doing a great job at sucking cocks.</div>
<<speech "Burnett1" "Burnett">>It is so nice to feel your puffy lips on my cock.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>GURLP! GURLP!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett1" "Burnett">>Oh yeah... Suck it...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h12>Suck it!</h12>">><<replace "#doc">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video src="img/hospital/stage4/lips3.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop controls>
<div class="posarousal">The feeling of sucking a dick with a new mouth is probably the best feeling you will experience in your life. You wanted more but the doctor stops you after touching your arm.</div>
<<speech "Burnett">>Good Girl. Good.. You can slow down. You did well.I can already tell that your mouth is ready. Are you pleased with the result?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Very, Doc! I am so happy. Thank you so much!<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett">>Glad to hear it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Burnett1" "Burnett">>Before you leave, Watch it. On your computer.<</speech>>
<<speech "bimbomind" "$name's Mind">>Yes sir!<</speech>>
<<set $lipsur to 11>>
<<button "Leave">><<goto "Clinic">><</button>>
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="lena">\
Lena sent you a message that the door to the house is open and you can go inside without any doubt. She also mentioned that she is waiting for you in her room.
You find yourself in front of Lena's room and as a courtesy knock on Lena's door.
<<speech "Lena">>Why are you knocking? It's open! Come inside!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Go inside</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/lena/house/lena.jpg" class='medium'>
Lena's room was intensely bright from the sunlight coming through the windows. When you enter, you had a moment's hesitation whether you could or not because you see that Lena is getting dressed in the bikini she promised you. In addition to this bikini you see that she has chosen a white fishnet and some kind of choker around her neck.
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh, Don't be shy! Come inside!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena Bikini</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/lena/house/lena1.jpg" class='medium'>
Lena is already dressed and appears very sexy in this new outfit.
<<speech "Lena">>And how does it look? I thought over this kinky fishnet for my top and a choker! Doesn't it look sexy?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh god! You look fantastic!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Like a slut?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Like a proper slutty slut!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Ha-ha! C'mon! Now it's your turn!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Umm. Sure. Let me go to the bathroom.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Naaa-aah!! You are dressing, here! I didn't wait for you to get yourself dressed somewhere I was unable to see you!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Tss... Okay. Gimme these rags!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Those are not rags honey, But lovely sexy bikini for my bestie! I can't wait to see you in these!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Dress up</h6>">><<replace "#lena">><<timed 50ms t8n>><<set $clotheswear to "swim">><<set $swimy to 4>><<upd>>\
<img src="img/lena/house/mc.jpg" class='large'>
Slowly and slowly, you strip out of your previous clothes and begin to put on the clothes that Lena gave you. Lena looks at your body with fascination, which makes you quite a bit nervous by her observations, though how could you be nervous since you can see that she desires you.
<<speech "Lena">>Mmmm... What a hot pair of titties!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Do you like them?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Of course, I do. I wish to motorboat them. Right now.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Haa-Haa! No chance, There is still the lower part of my bikini left!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Yes.. You are right.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Bikini</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>><<set $clotheswear to "swim">><<set $swimy to 4>><<upd>>\
<img src="img/lena/house/mc1.jpg" class='medium'>
<h3>New Swimwear added to your Wardrobe!</h3>
The rest of the bikini is on your body.
Lena looks at you, More and more with lusty eyes.
<<speech "Player "$name">>So. How does it look? Lena? Leeena?<</speech>>
<<if $arousal gte 100>>\
<<speech "Lena">>Fuck it... Come here!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh?! Lenaa! AAahh....<</speech>>
<<link "<h50>Lena jumps on you @@color:hotpink;$arousal/100 Arousal@@</h50>">><<goto "lenabiki1">><</link>>\
<<elseif $arousal lte 99>>\
<<speech "Lena">>Oh god. You look so hot!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Thanks.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Come here...<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh? Oh... No. Lena. Please. I'm not in the mood.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Uuuhhh.... Suit yourself.<</speech>>
The rest of the time you spent awkward with Lena.
<<link "<h50>Lena jumps on you @@color:grey;$arousal/100 Arousal@@</h50>">><</link>>\
<<button "Leave">><<set $time to $time +2>><<goto "lenahouse">><</button>>\
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="lena">\
<video controls src="img/lena/house/lena.webm" class='large98' autoplay>
@@color:orange;Lena throws you to the sofa and jumps on you with bunch of kisses in your lips and around you neck.
Before you wore her bikini, you had some feelings that she desired you, but you didn't really expect that much.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Mmm!! Fucking hell, $name. You are such a tease!! Look. How easily, Your titties are just popping out!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>So that's why you made me wear it, huh? <</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>I guess?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena</h6>">><<replace "#lena">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video controls src="img/lena/house/lena1.webm" class='large98' autoplay>
@@color:pink;Lena continued kissing youbut she kept lower and lower until gets into your big titties. She keep sucking, licking, kissing them with the greatest desire, making you crazy and horny.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Ahh!! OOHH!!! Mmmm Leeenaa!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>*Suck* Mmm!!! They are so yummy...!! *Suucck*<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena</h6>">><<replace "#lena">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video controls src="img/lena/house/lena2.webm" class='large98' autoplay>
@@color:pink;Lena parted your legs, without a problem took off your soaked panties, tossed them aside and moved her head into your wet smelly pussy. For starts, Lena starts teasing you by kissing your pussy lips, but a moment later she began to lick every part of your pussy from top to bottom.@@
<<speech "Lena">>Gosh... You have such a lovely-looking pussy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>MMMM!!! Leeenaa...!!! I can't believe we are doing this...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>I want to do everything with you. Mm...!! This smell... So fucking sexy...!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>A little suprise from me...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena</h6>">><<replace "#lena">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video controls src="img/lena/house/lena4.webm" class='large98' autoplay>
@@color:pink;Lena breaks pleasuring your pussy and stands up to get some kind of sex toy. To your surprise because you thought she was going to push it into your pussy but she carried this toy to your anus hole.@@
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena..?! What are you-<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Sshh.. I want to test your anus.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Without lube?! That's insane! No!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>SSHH!!<</speech>>
@@color:pink;The pain when she starts pushing this toy into your anus is unbereable. You can't take it!@@
<<if $analhole lte 13 and $analon is false>>\
<<speech "Player" "$name">>No! Take it out! Now!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Uhhh... Alright! Gosh! What the F, $name?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Huh?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Do you know what year we are living? Do you even train your anus hole before?<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Not really. I haven't had a chance yet.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Seriously? $name! I've trained anus ever since I've fucked first guy. His obsession was how long my ass could accept his fat, long cock. Thus, I had already extended it thanks to training. Here. Let me show you.<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena's widened hole</h6>">><<replace "#lena">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video controls src="img/lena/house/lenaplug.webm" class='large98' autoplay>
Lena take out from the drawer some kind of pointed item. Lena forcelessly put the thing in her ass and smiles with satisfaction at how good it is.
<<speech "Lena">>Ah. See? Without a lube! My ass is ready for any cock!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Oh! Right. How long does it take to train it?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>At least week or two. Just wear it. At first It would be pain in the ass, hah! But slowly you will get used to it, and even love it.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Cool. I'll go buy it then.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Great! I can't wait to try it out, haha.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Sure, sure!<</speech>>
<<set $lenabikini to 5>>@@color:orange;Train your Anus by using anal plug.@@
<<button "Leave">><<goto "lenahouse">><</button>>
<<elseif $analhole gte 14 and $analon is true>>\
<<link "<h50>Anal</h50>">><<goto "lenabiki4">><</link>>\
</span></div>\<div class="daddybox"><div align="center">
<video src="img/hospital/stage4/lipeyes.webm" class="large" autoplay loop controls></video>
<<arousal 25>><div class="pilka">@@color:hotpink;Arousal +25@@</div><<upd>>
<h3><div class="posarousal">Good Girl.</div></h3>
<<set $bimbovid to $bimbovid +1>>
<<button "Leave">><<set $time to $time +1>><<goto "computermc">><</button>>
</div><div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="lena"><<set $clotheswear to "swim">><<set $swimy to 4>><<upd>>\
<img src="img/lena/house/lena.jpg" class='medium'>
Lena was wearing the same bikini outfit. With the lustful smile she greets you back and throws the bikini at you and told to you wear.
<<speech "Lena">>So...<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Anal Plug</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<img src="img/mcroom/off.gif" class='medium'>
During the dressing, you show off your anal plug. To her delight you slowly pull out the anal plug from your butthole.
<img src="img/school/lenashock.jpg" class='imageright'>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh fuck! $name! It looks amazing!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>You bet, it is! Fuck... Having this thing in my anus for the last few weeks has been pretty uncomfortable.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Haha. Trust me, it was worth it. Now you can take in both holes for sure!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I would rather you put this hole to the test for me yourself.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>I was afraid you wouldn't ask for it. Come here...<</speech>>
<<link "<h50>Lena</h50>">><<goto "lenabiki4">><</link>>\
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="lena">\
<video controls src="img/lena/house/lena4.webm" class='large98' autoplay>
Lena slowly teases your butthole with her toy. After a few seconds she sticks inside you and pushes deeply into your anus, but to your disappointment, she took it completely out of your hole and began to watch your hole work.
<<speech "Lena">>Mmm.. Let's see. Oh... it's getting further than before... Wow... Your butthole is so sweet, It craves for proper fuck. Hahaa. <</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Lena.. Stop teasing me like that...<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Shussh.. After your surgery, you were teasing with your body me all the time! Now let me play with you, baby.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uuhh.. I'm sorry! Now you played your part! Fuck me, P-Please!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Well, if you said “please” then so be it!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena</h6>">><<replace "#lena">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video controls src="img/lena/house/lena3.webm" class='large98' autoplay>
@@color:pink;At first Lena played around a bit, but then she started to slide her sex toy in and out of her anus. She kept doing this until she started doing it faster and deeper, driving you crazy with pleasure. When she noticed this, she started to eat your needy pussy with her magnificent mouth.@@
<<speech "Lena">>Mmm!!! So fucking tasty!! Damn... I love your delicious pussy!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhhh!! Oohh!! Lena!!! Leeenaaa!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>God damn.. Your ass is taking it so deeply... I love the way you moan for me..<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Uhhh!!! Lenaa!! I'm gonna cum!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Naa-aah.. It's your turn to pleasure me, honey!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena</h6>">><<replace "#lena">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video controls src="img/lena/house/lena5.webm" class='large98' autoplay>
Lena with a thrill took your head and guided you to her beautiful moist pussy. You start licking, sucking it slowly until you increased the speed. Lena was delighted with how well you were treating her, letting out sweet moans.
<<speech "Lena">>$name..!!!! Uhh.. Good Girl!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>MMm!!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Lena's Toy</h50>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video controls src="img/lena/house/lena6.webm" class='large98' autoplay loop>
Lena wanted more, so she handed her toy to you.
You were so busy eating her pussy that you completely forgot about it.
<<speech "Lena">>$name..! Here.. Take it and Fuck me...!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena</h6>">><<replace "#lena">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video controls src="img/lena/house/lena7.webm" class='large98' autoplay>
Making your best friend pleased is something you've always wanted to do. Lena's body shakes shivered with excitement of how good she feels right now. Her screams get louder and louder as you eat her pussy and fuck her ass with the erotic toy at the same time.
<<speech "Lena">>OOHHHH!!! FUUUCK!!! YEESS!! JUST LIKE THAT!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>MmMM!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>OH FUCK! OH FUUUCK! DON'T STOP! DON'T YOU DARE TO STOP!!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Lena</h6>">><<replace "#lena">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video controls src="img/lena/house/lena8.webm" class='large98' autoplay>
Lena asked for more and more, while you were not even intended to interrupt her a beautiful feeling. Your tongue licked from top to bottom and then along the sides until you felt Lena's pussy begin to tremble from those touches of your sweet tongue, Lena had just begun to have an orgasm.
<<speech "Lena">>MMM!!! $name!!!! YEEESSS!!! I'M CUMMINGG!!!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Oh!! Ohh... Ohh... Oh my ... God...!! $name... That was... So... Cooool!!<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h50>Lena</h50>">><<replace "#lena">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video controls src="img/lena/house/lena9.webm" class='large98' autoplay>
<<speech "Lena">>Come here.. Kiss me!!<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>Mmm!!! L-Mm!!! Lena..!<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Fuck $name. You are so perfect $name. I love you.<</speech>>
<<speech "Player" "$name">>I love you too, Lena. Lena..?<</speech>>
Lena fell asleep peacefully on the sofa, exhausted after this intense sex. The only thing left to do is to leave her alone.
<<if $lenabikini is 5>><<set $lenabikini to 6>><<addcorruption 1>>
<div class="posarousal">@@color:red;Corruption +1@@</div>
<<link "<h50>Leave</h50>">><<goto "lenabiki5">><</link>>\
</span></div>\<div class="mombox"><div align="center"><span id="lena">\
<img src="img/lena/lenaworrie.jpg" class='medium'>
Lena walked to the window with a smile, she sees $name walking away into the city. At first she felt a familiar male touch on her shoulder and then down to her anal hole. Then she felt two of his fingers slide forward deep, she had the urge to gasp with desire but his hand stops at the right moment, He perfectly know how to turn her on.
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>How was it, My baby girl?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Ah... Daddy.. She... Is fantastic. You watched us. Right?<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Of course. As usual, you've done a great job. Watching you girls, was the most pleasant thing.<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Really? Better than me and Marcus?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>Daddy..?<</speech>>
<<linkreplace "<h6>Daddy?</h6>">><<timed 50ms t8n>>\
<video controls src="img/lena/house/len.webm" class='medium' autoplay>
Lena felt something hard and wet between her thighs. He pushed it into her butt and started pounding hard, deep. Lena's Step-Father pushed the two fingers that were in her anus into her mouth.
<<speech "Lena">>MMm!!! Daddy!! Uhh..!!<</speech>>
<<speech "LenaFather" "Lena's Step-Father">>Here is my reward, Darling. You know what to do next. Right?<</speech>>
<<speech "Lena">>AAhh.. Of .. Course!! Aah.. Ooh.. Fuck me... Harder...!!<</speech>>
<<button "Leave">><<set $time to $time +1>><<goto "lenahouse">>