<<button [[English]]>><</button>>@@.text-normal-margin;The text was translated by a person.@@
<<button [[Русский]]>><</button>>@@.text-normal-margin;переведено человеком (могут быть ошибки, будут исправлены к следующей версии).@@
<<button [[Deutsch]]>><</button>>@@.text-normal-margin;von Menschenhand übersetzt (es können Fehler enthalten sein, die in der nächsten Version korrigiert werden).@@
<<button [[Français]]>><</button>>@@.text-normal-margin;traduit par un humain (il peut y avoir des erreurs, elles seront corrigées dans la prochaine version).@@
<<button [[Español]]>><</button>>@@.text-normal-margin;El texto ha sido traducido traductor.@@
<<button [[中国人]]>><</button>>@@.text-normal-margin;文本已被翻译 翻译者。@@<<switch $lang>><<case "EN">>@@.big-name;
Well come!
@@.text-normal;This game starts with a storyline of a female character. However, after a short yet spicy intro, you can switch between the characters' storylines (male and female).@@
@@.text-normal;If you like the game, support its development <a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam?fan_landing=true" target="_blank">Patreon!</a>@@
@@.text-normal;Enjoy the game. We hope you'll like it. @@
@@.text-normal;<label class="container_check">''If you are playing from your phone check the box.'' <<checkbox "$mobileGame" false true autocheck>><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label class="container_check">''When activated, the left and right panels become static and do not close/open during gameplay.'' <<checkbox "$showPanels" false true autocheck>><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label class="container_check">''When activated, random events may appear at the entrance to the city.'' <<checkbox "$randomEventsActivator" false true autocheck>><span class="checkmark"></span></label>@@
<<button [[I`m 18+|Im18]]>><</button>>
<<button [[I'm not 18+|I'm not 18+]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>@@.big-name;
Well come!
@@.text-normal;Эта игра начинается с сюжетной линии женского персонажа. Однако после короткого, но пикантного вступления вы сможете переключаться между сюжетными линиями персонажей (мужской и женский).@@
@@.text-normal;Если вам нравится игра, поддержите ее развитие <a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam?fan_landing=true" target="_blank">Patreon!</a>@@
@@.text-normal; Наслаждайтесь игрой. Мы надеемся, что она вам понравится.@@
@@.text-normal;<label class="container_check">''Если вы играете с телефона, установите флажок''. <<checkbox "$mobileGame" false true autocheck>><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label class="container_check">''При активации этой функции левая и правая панели становятся статичными и не закрываются/открываются во время игры.'' <<checkbox "$showPanels" false true autocheck>><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label class="container_check">''При активации этой опции на входе в город могут появляться случайные события''. <<checkbox "$randomEventsActivator" false true autocheck>><span class="checkmark"></span></label>@@
<<button [[Мне 18+|Im18]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Мне нет 18+|I'm not 18+]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>@@.big-name;
Well come!
@@.text-normal;Dieses Spiel beginnt mit der Geschichte einer weiblichen Spielfigur. Nach einer kurzen, aber pikanten Einführung kann man zwischen den Handlungssträngen der männlichen und weiblichen Charaktere wechseln.@@
@@.text-normal;Wenn Sie das Spiel mögen, unterstützen Sie seine Entwicklung <a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam?fan_landing=true" target="_blank">Patreon!</a>@@
@@.text-normal;Viel Spaß mit dem Spiel. Wir hoffen, dass es Ihr gefallen wird.@@
@@.text-normal;<label class="container_check">''Wenn Sie von Ihrem Telefon aus spielen, aktivieren Sie das Kästchen.'' <<checkbox "$mobileGame" false true autocheck>><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label class="container_check">''Wenn aktiviert, werden die linke und rechte Seite statisch und schließen/öffnen sich nicht während des Spiels.'' <<checkbox "$showPanels" false true autocheck>><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label class="container_check">''Wenn aktiviert, können zufällige Ereignisse am Eingang der Stadt erscheinen.'' <<checkbox "$randomEventsActivator" false true autocheck>><span class="checkmark"></span></label>@@
<<button [[Ich bin 18+|Im18]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Ich bin nicht 18+|I'm not 18+]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>@@.big-name;
Well come!
@@.text-normal;Ce jeu commence par l'histoire d'un personnage féminin. Cependant, après une courte mais piquante introduction, vous pouvez passer d'un personnage à l'autre (masculin et féminin).@@
@@.text-normal;Si vous aimez le jeu, soutenez son développement <a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam?fan_landing=true" target="_blank">Patreon!</a>@@
@@.text-normal;Appréciez le jeu. Nous espérons qu'il vous plaira.@@
@@.text-normal;<label class="container_check">''Si vous jouez depuis votre téléphone, cochez la case.'' <<checkbox "$mobileGame" false true autocheck>><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label class="container_check">''Lorsque cette option est activée, les panneaux gauche et droit deviennent statiques et ne se ferment pas/ne s'ouvrent pas pendant le jeu.'' <<checkbox "$showPanels" false true autocheck>><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label class="container_check">''Lorsque cette option est activée, des événements aléatoires peuvent apparaître à l'entrée de la ville.'' <<checkbox "$randomEventsActivator" false true autocheck>><span class="checkmark"></span></label>@@
<<button [[J'ai 18 ans et plus|Im18]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Je n'ai pas 18 ans|I'm not 18+]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>@@.big-name;
Well come!
@@.text-normal;Este juego comienza con la historia de un personaje femenino. Sin embargo, después de una breve pero picante introducción, puedes cambiar entre las historias de los personajes (masculino y femenino).@@
@@.text-normal;Si te gusta el juego, apoya su desarrollo <a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam?fan_landing=true" target="_blank">Patreon!</a>@@
@@.text-normal;Disfruta del juego. Esperamos que te guste.@@
@@.text-normal;<label class="container_check">''Si juegas desde tu teléfono marca la casilla.'' <<checkbox "$mobileGame" false true autocheck>><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label class="container_check">''Cuando se activa, los paneles izquierdo y derecho se vuelven estáticos y no se cierran/abren durante el juego.'' <<checkbox "$showPanels" false true autocheck>><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label class="container_check">''Cuando se activa, pueden aparecer eventos aleatorios en la entrada de la ciudad.'' <<checkbox "$randomEventsActivator" false true autocheck>><span class="checkmark"></span></label>@@
<<button [[Soy mayor de 18 años|Im18]]>><</button>>
<<button [[No soy 18+|I'm not 18+]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>@@.big-name;
Well come!
@@.text-normal;如果您喜欢这款游戏,请支持它的开发 <a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam?fan_landing=true" target="_blank">Patreon!</a>@@
@@.text-normal;<label class="container_check">''如果您使用手机进行游戏,请勾选该复选框。'' <<checkbox "$mobileGame" false true autocheck>><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label class="container_check">''激活后,左右面板会变成静态,在游戏过程中不会关闭/打开。'' <<checkbox "$showPanels" false true autocheck>><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label class="container_check">''激活后,城市入口处可能会出现随机事件。'' <<checkbox "$randomEventsActivator" false true autocheck>><span class="checkmark"></span></label>@@
<<button [[我已满 18 岁|Im18]]>><</button>>
<<button [[我未满 18 岁|I'm not 18+]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Change language|Start]]>><</button>><<set $lang = "EN">><<goto Welcome>><<set $lang = "RU">><<goto Welcome>><<set $lang = "GE">><<goto Welcome>><<set $lang = "FR">><<goto Welcome>><<set $lang = "ES">><<goto Welcome>><<set $lang = "CH">><<goto Welcome>><<if $patreon_buttons == false>><div class="buttons-patreon"><button data-passage='patreon_buttons' tabindex='0' class="buttons-patreon">WHERE BUTTONS?</button></div><</if>>
<div class="square left-bar"><img src="0.2.6/images/avatar.png" width="200" height="200" alt="Avatar"></div>
<<set $money = Math.floor($mia.money)>>
<div class="container"><<if $mia.money >99999>> <div class="square half-size">
<div class="text-top" style="color: #969696;">Money</div>
<div class="text-middle" style="font-weight: bold;">$money</div>
<div class="square half-size">
<div class="text-top" style="color: #969696;">Money</div>
<div class="text-middle" style="font-weight: bold;">$ $mia.money</div>
<div class="square double-half-size">
<div class="text-top" style="color: #969696;">Actions</div>
<div class="text-middle" style="font-weight: bold;">$mia.ac_c</div>
<div class="square double-half-size">
<div class="text-top" style="color: #969696;">Days</div>
<div class="text-middle" style="font-weight: bold;">$days</div>
</div><div class="square">
<div class="text-top" style="color: #969696;">Corruption</div>
<div class="text-middle" style="font-weight: bold;">$mia.cor</div>
<div class="progress-bar-container">
<progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.cor" style="accent-color:#FF4040;" min="0" max="200"></progress></div>
</div><div class="square">
<div class="text-top" style="color: #969696;">Fitness</div>
<div class="text-middle" style="font-weight: bold;">$mia.fit</div>
<div class="progress-bar-container">
<progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.fit" style="accent-color:#FF4040;" min="0" max="200"></progress></div>
</div><div class="square">
<div class="text-top" style="color: #969696;">Beauty</div>
<div class="text-middle" style="font-weight: bold;">$mia.bea</div>
<div class="progress-bar-container">
<progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.bea" style="accent-color:#FF4040;" min="0" max="200"></progress></div>
</div><<set $person =1 >>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia's eighteenth birthday was a beautiful day. It was clear to everyone in the club that today was hers because the air was filled with energy as she enjoyed the party.<</st>>
<<st>>Cocktails kept coming, one after another. Mia and her friends laughed, and the neon lights danced to the beat. The music pumped through her blood. She's free and happy. How much did she drink?<</st>>
<<st>>This is MIA'S night, and she can do anything. Would she keep dancing the night away or go into the club's dark, intimate corners, where she could meet new people? The choice is all hers.<</st>>
<<button [[Approach the Bar|Approach the Bar]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Восемнадцатый день рождения Мии был прекрасным днем. Всем в клубе было ясно, что сегодня её день рождения, воздух был наполнен энергией, а она наслаждалась вечеринкой.<</st>>
<<st>>Коктейли лились рекой, а задорный смех Мии и ее друзей эхом разносился по залу. Неоновые огни, словно в танце, вторили зажигательному ритму музыки, пульсирующей в жилах именинницы. Она чувствовала себя свободной и безгранично счастливой. Вот черт, сколько она выпила?<</st>>
<<st>>Это ее ночь, и она может сделать все, что угодно. Продолжит ли она танцевать до утра, отдаваясь безграничному веселью, или же ускользнет в темные, манящие уголки клуба, где ее ждут новые знакомства и приключения? Выбор за ней.<</st>>
<<button [[Подойти к бару|Approach the Bar]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia's achtzehnter Geburtstag war ein wunderschöner Tag. Im Club war für jeden spürbar, dass er ihr gehörte. Die Luft knisterte vor Energie, während sie die Feier genoss.<</st>>
<<st>>Ein Cocktail folgte dem nächsten. Mia und ihre Freunde lachten ausgelassen, und die Neonlichter tanzten im Takt der Musik. Die Bässe dröhnten in ihrem Blut. Frei und glücklich war sie. Wie viel hat sie dabei wohl getrunken?<</st>>
<<st>>Die ganze Nacht gehört Mia! Die Tanzfläche glüht, aber auch die dunklen Ecken des Clubs locken mit geheimnisvollen Begegnungen. Was entscheidet sie? Die Nacht liegt ihr zu Füßen!<</st>>
<<button [[Zur Bar|Approach the Bar]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Le dix-huitième anniversaire de Mia était une journée magnifique. Pour tout le monde au club, c'était clairement son jour. L'air vibrait d'énergie alors qu'elle profitait à fond de la fête.<</st>>
<<st>>Les cocktails défilaient les uns après les autres. Mia et ses copines n'arrêtaient pas de rire, et les néons pulsaient au rythme de la musique. Le son lui rentrait dans le sang. Elle était libre et heureuse. Elle avait dû en boire pas mal, par contre.<</st>>
<<st>>C'est LA soirée de Mia, et elle peut tout faire. Continuer à danser jusqu'au bout de la nuit, ou se perdre dans les coins sombres et intimistes du club, à la rencontre de nouvelles personnes ? À elle de décider.<</st>>
<<button [[Approcher du bar|Approach the Bar]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>El decimoctavo cumpleaños de Mia fue un día precioso. Todo el mundo en el club tenía claro que hoy era su día porque el aire estaba lleno de energía mientras ella disfrutaba de la fiesta.<</st>>
<<st>>Los cócteles se sucedían uno tras otro. Mia y sus amigas reían y las luces de neón bailaban al ritmo de la música. La música bombeaba por su sangre. Es libre y feliz. ¿Cuánto ha bebido?<</st>>
<<st>>Esta es la noche de MIA, y ella puede hacer cualquier cosa. ¿Seguirá bailando toda la noche o se adentrará en los rincones oscuros e íntimos del club, donde podría conocer gente nueva? Ella decide.<</st>>
<<button [[Acércate al bar|Approach the Bar]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>米娅的 18 岁生日是个美好的日子。俱乐部里的每个人都清楚,今天是她的生日,因为在她享受派对的时候,空气中充满了活力。<</st>>
<<button [[走近吧台|Approach the Bar]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
@@.text-normal;Are you sure?@@
<<button [[No|Im18]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Yes! Back to the beginning... |Welcome]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
@@.text-normal;Вы уверены?@@
<<button [[Нет|Im18]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Да. Вернемся к началу...|Welcome]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
@@.text-normal;Sind Sie sicher?@@
<<button [[Nein|Im18]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Ja! Zurück zum Anfang...|Welcome]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
@@.text-normal;En êtes-vous sûr ?@@
<<button [[Non|Im18]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Oui ! Reprenons depuis le début...|Welcome]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<button [[No|Im18]]>><</button>>
<<button [[¡Sí! Volvamos al principio...|Welcome]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<button [[不确定|Im18]]>><</button>>
<<button [[是的!回到开头...|Welcome]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>As she walked up to the bar, a stranger caught her eye. There was something sinful about him, exactly what she needed tonight. His offer to buy her a drink was filled with a hint of risk and intimacy. They both ended up having too much fun, downing shots one after another while flirting shamelessly.<</st>>
<<str>>''I can't stop thinking about what I want to do to you later tonight.'' He whispered to her after a couple of shots, and his breath felt warm against her ear.<</str>>
<<str>>''Wanna dance?''<</str>>
<<st>>They hit the dance floor, bodies pressed close, feeling each other out, wondering what might happen later tonight. The music drowned out everything else as they moved in sync, teasing with the promise of what will come next.<</st>>
<<st>>As the dance heated up, lust flickered in their eyes. A playful wink lit a fire in him, stirring a thrilling tension between Mia's legs.<</st>>
<<st>>Visualizing licking his cock, then feeling his fingers slide up her smooth, naked legs, sent a surge of excitement through her.<</st>>
<<st>>In the heat of the moment, she pressed against him, perhaps a bit closer than expected. He reciprocated, gripping Mia tighter than social norms allowed. They both silently acknowledged it was time to find a more private place.<</st>>
<<str>>''Your place or mine?'' he breathed, his voice husky with desire.<</str>>
<<mia>>''Mine,'' Mia replied, her tone firm with anticipation.<</mia>>
<<st>>With a shared nod, they grabbed a cab, both eager to get to Mia's place.
Minutes later, they arrived, ready to pick up where they left off at the club.<</st>>
<<button [[House|MiaHouse]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Подходя к барной стойке, она поймала на себе взгляд незнакомца. В нем было что-то дерзкое, как раз то, что ей хотелось сегодня вечером. Его предложение угостить ее выпивкой прозвучало с легким намеком на опасность и близость. Они оба слишком разгулялись, залпом опрокидывая стопку за стопкой и с каждым глотком теряя контроль над собой.<</st>>
<<str>>''Не могу перестать думать о том, что сделаю с тобой позже,'' - прошептал он ей после пары шотов, и его дыхание коснулось ее уха.<</str>>
<<st>>Они оказались на танцполе, их тела прижались друг к другу. Они изучали друг друга, предвкушая то, что произодет этой ночью. Музыка заглушила все вокруг, пока они двигались в такт, дразня друг друга обещанием того, что будет дальше.<</st>>
<<st>>По мере того, как танец становился более жарким, в их глазах вспыхнул огонек желания. Игривое подмигивание зажгло в нем огонь, вызвав волнующее напряжение между ног Мии.<</st>>
<<st>>Представив, как она ласкает его член, а затем чувствует, как его пальцы скользят по её гладким голым ногам, она ощутила всплеск возбуждения.<</st>>
<<st>>В пылу момента она прижалась к нему, возможно, чуть сильнее, чем ожидала. Он ответил взаимностью, сжав Мию крепче, чем позволяли социальные нормы. Оба молча признали, что пора найти более уединенное место.<</st>>
<<str>>''Ко мне или к тебе?'' - прохрипел он, голос его охрип от желания.<</str>>
<<mia>>''Ко мне,'' - твердо ответила Мия, предвкушая продолжение.<</mia>>
<<st>>Кивнув друг другу, они поймали такси, оба горя нетерпением добраться до квартиры Мии. Через несколько минут они прибыли, готовые продолжить то, что начали в клубе.<</st>>
<<button [[Дом|MiaHouse]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Auf ihrem Weg zur Bar fiel ihr Blick auf einen Fremden. Er strahlte etwas Verruchtes aus, genau das, wonach ihr heute Abend war. Sein Angebot, ihr einen Drink auszugeben, war voller prickelnder Gefahr und Vertrautheit. Sie amüsierten sich beide prächtig, kippten die Shots nacheinander und flirteten hemmungslos.<</st>>
<<str>>''Später heute Nacht kann ich nicht aufhören daran zu denken, was ich mit dir anstellen will'', flüsterte er ihr nach ein paar Shots ins Ohr. Sein warmer Atem streifte ihre Haut und ließ wohlige Schauer über ihren Rücken laufen.<</str>>
<<str>>''Bock auf Tanzen?''<</str>>
<<st>>Die Musik dröhnte ihnen in den Ohren, als sie auf die Tanzfläche stolperten. Ihre Körper rieben sich aneinander, sie checkten sich gegenseitig ab und fragten sich heimlich, was wohl später in der Nacht passieren würde. Alles andere war wie weggeblasen, sie bewegten sich im Takt, während die Spannung zwischen ihnen knisterte und das Versprechen kommender Abenteuer in der Luft hing.<</st>>
<<st>>Während der Tanz wilder wurde, flackerte in ihren Augen Begierde auf. Ein freches Grinsen von ihr zündete bei ihm die Rakete, was bei Mia ein kribbelndes Gefühl zwischen den Beinen auslöste.<</st>>
<<st>>Die Vorstellung, wie sie seinen Schwanz leckte und dann spürte, wie seine Finger über ihre glatten, nackten Beine glitten, löste in ihr eine Woge der Erregung aus.<</st>>
<<st>>Im ganzen Tanz-Flow drückte sie sich an ihn, vielleicht etwas enger als geplant. Er erwiderte das prompt, packte sie fester als gesellschaftlich angebracht. Beiden war klar, ohne Worte: Zeit für was Abgeschirmteres.<</st>>
<<str>>''Zu mir oder zu dir?'', hauchte er, seine Stimme rau vor Begehren.<</str>>
<<mia>>''Zu mir'', antwortete Mia, ihre Stimme fest vor Vorfreude.<</mia>>
<<st>>Ein kurzer Blick, wortlose Absprache – sie schnappten sich ein Taxi, beide Feuer und Flamme, schnell zu Mias Wohnung zu kommen. Nur Minuten später trafen sie ein, bereit, genau da weiterzumachen, wo sie im Club aufgehört hatten.<</st>>
<<button [[Haus|MiaHouse]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>En se faufilant vers le bar, un inconnu capta son attention. Il y avait un je-ne-sais-quoi de sulfureux chez lui, pile ce qu'il lui fallait ce soir. Sa proposition de lui offrir un verre était chargée d'un soupçon de danger et d'une pointe d'intimité. Finalement, ils s'amusèrent follement tous les deux, enchaînant les shots sans répit tout en flirtant sans la moindre retenue.<</st>>
<<str>>Deux verres cul sec, sa voix rauque lui frôle l'oreille. ''J'arrête pas d'imaginer ce que je vais te faire plus tard…'' glisse-t-il, son souffle un frisson contre son lobe.<</str>>
<<str>>''On se frotte un peu?'' réplique-t-elle, le regard chargé de défi.<</str>>
<<st>>La piste devient leur terrain de jeu. Corps collés, ils entament une danse sensuelle, se jaugeant du regard à la recherche d'une faille, d'une invitation. La musique, un martellement sourd, épouse leurs mouvements, amplifie la tension qui monte à chaque frôlement, à chaque regard brûlant. Une danse de désirs secrets, un délicieux prélude à ce qui pourrait se jouer plus tard.<</st>>
<<st>>À mesure que la danse montait en température, le désir s'embrasait dans leurs yeux. Un clin d'œil malicieux de Mia alluma un feu en lui, un frisson de tension électrique parcourant son bas-ventre.<</st>>
<<st>>Des images torrides lui traversèrent l'esprit : sa langue effleurant sa queue, ses doigts glissant le long de ses jambes nues et satinées. Une vague d'excitation la submergea.<</st>>
<<st>>Emportée par la passion, elle se colla contre lui, un geste plus osé qu'à l'accoutumé. Il lui emboîta le pas, la serrant dans ses bras avec une possessivité qui dépassait les conventions sociales. Un silence éloquent s'installa. Plus besoin de mots, ils savaient tous deux qu'il était temps de trouver un endroit plus discret.<</st>>
<<str>>''Chez toi ou chez moi?'' souffla-t-il, sa voix rauque de désir.<</str>>
<<mia>>''Chez moi,'' répondit Mia, sa voix ferme et vibrante d'impatience.<</mia>>
<<st>>Un regard complice suffit. Ils hélèrent un taxi d'un geste pressé, brûlant tous les deux de filer chez Mia. Quelques minutes plus tard, ils débarquaient sur le palier, impatients de retrouver le terrain brûlant quitté en boîte.<</st>>
<<button [[Maison|MiaHouse]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mientras se acercaba a la barra, un desconocido le llamó la atención. Tenía algo pecaminoso, justo lo que necesitaba esa noche. Su oferta de invitarle un trago sonó cargada de un toque de riesgo e intimidad. Ambos terminaron divirtiéndose demasiado, tomando chupitos uno tras otro mientras flirteaban descaradamente.<</st>>
<<str>>''No dejo de pensar en lo que quiero hacerte más tarde esta noche.'' Le susurró al oído después de un par de tequilas, y su aliento se sintió cálido contra su oreja.<</str>>
<<str>>''¿Quieres bailar?''<</str>>
<<st>>Llegaron a la pista, los cuerpos rozándose, explorándose mutuamente, preguntándose qué podría pasar más tarde. La música ahogó todo lo demás mientras se movían sincronizados, jugando con la promesa de lo que vendría después.<</st>>
<<st>>A medida que el baile se calentaba, la lujuria brillaba en sus ojos. Un guiño juguetón le encendió un fuego, despertando una tensión emocionante entre las piernas de Mia. Imaginar lamiendo su miembro y luego sentir sus dedos deslizarse por sus piernas suaves y desnudas, le envió una oleada de excitación.<</st>>
<<st>>En el calor del momento, se presionó contra él, tal vez un poco más cerca de lo esperado. Él le correspondió, abrazando a Mia con más fuerza de lo que las normas sociales permitían.<</st>>
<<st>>Ambos reconocieron en silencio que era hora de encontrar un lugar más privado.<</st>>
<<str>>''¿Tu apartamento o el mío?'' respiró él, su voz ronca por el deseo.<</str>>
<<mia>>''El mío,'' respondió Mia, su tono firme con anticipación.<</mia>>
<<st>>Con un gesto compartido, tomaron un taxi, ambos ansiosos por llegar al apartamento de Mia. Minutos después, llegaron, listos para continuar donde lo habían dejado en el club.<</st>>
<<button [[Casa|MiaHouse]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<button [[房屋|MiaHouse]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<if $person==1>>
<div class="square right-bar"><span class="smaller">
<<elseif $person==0>><div class="square right-bar"><span class="smaller">
</span></div><<else>><div class="square right-bar"></div><</if>>
<<if $canTravel ==0>><div class="square left-bar-fast-travel">
<div class="square left-bar-fast-travel-map">
<img src="0.2.6/images/fast_house.jpg" alt="Image 1">
<div class="square left-bar-fast-travel-map">
<img src="0.2.6/images/fast_cafe.jpg" alt="Image 2">
<div class="square left-bar-fast-travel-map">
<img src="0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg" alt="Image 3">
<div class="square left-bar-fast-travel">
<div class="square left-bar-fast-travel-map">
<a data-passage="Mia's room" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="0.2.6/images/fast_house.jpg" alt="Image 1">
<div class="square left-bar-fast-travel-map">
<a data-passage="CafeWork_mia" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="0.2.6/images/fast_cafe.jpg" alt="Image 2">
<div class="square left-bar-fast-travel-map">
<a data-passage="Univer" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg" alt="Image 3">
<div class="right-bar-quest">
<<if $quests.quest_stranger==false>>
<div class="todo">🛑 Play a game</div>
<div class="todo">Move along the storyline</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_jack==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #1</div>
<div class="todo">Go to the park</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_univer_1==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #2</div>
<div class="todo">Go to University</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_wallet==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #3</div>
<div class="todo">Go to Mia's room</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_return_wallet==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #4</div>
<div class="todo">Go to Residential area</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_talk_family==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #5</div>
<div class="todo">Go to the kitchen</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_find_work==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #6</div>
<div class="todo">Go to the Cafe</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_jack_cry==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #7</div>
<div class="todo"><<if $mia.exp_cafe <5>>🛑 Cafe exp 5 or more<<else>>✅ Cafe exp 5 or more<</if>></div>
<div class="todo">Go to Mia's room.</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_ukrali==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #8</div>
<div class="todo"><<if $mia.exp_cafe>9>>✅Cafe exp - 10<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 10<</if>></div>
<div class="todo"><<if $is_need_to_ukrast>5>>✅Waitress work 6 times<<else>>🛑Waitress work 6 times<</if>></div>
<div class="todo">Go to the Map</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_mother_1==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #9</div>
<div class="todo">Go to your mother first</div>
<div class="todo"><<if $buy_mother_dress ==2>>✅Buy a dress for mom<<else>>🛑Buy a dress for mom<</if>></div>
<div class="todo">Go to your mother second</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_return_to_room==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #10</div>
<div class="todo">Go to Mia's room</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_go_to_cafe==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #11</div>
<div class="todo">Go to the Cafe</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_univer_2==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #12</div>
<div class="todo">Go to University</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_working==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #13</div>
<div class="todo"><<if $need_to_work >4>>✅Work five shifts at work<<else>>🛑 Work five shifts at work<</if>></div>
<div class="todo">Go to the Cafe</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_go_to_boss==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #14</div>
<div class="todo"><<if $need_to_work >9>>✅Work five shifts at work<<else>>🛑 Work five shifts at work<</if>></div>
<div class="todo">Go to boss's office</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_go_to_room_2==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #15</div>
<div class="todo">Go to Mia's room</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_cafe_elein==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #16</div>
<div class="todo">Go to the Cafe</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_maskarad==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #17</div>
<div class="todo">Go to residential area</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #18</div>
<div class="todo">Go to the kitchen</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_father_2==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #19</div>
<div class="todo">Meet Mia's dad in parents' room</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_go_to_room_3==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #20</div>
<div class="todo">Go to Mia's room</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_univer_3==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #21</div>
<div class="todo">Go to University</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_maman_2==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #22</div>
<div class="todo">Meet Mia's mom in parents' room</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_jack_2==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #23</div>
<div class="todo">Go to Mia's room.</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_unexpected_connection==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #24</div>
<div class="todo">Meet Mia's dad in parents' room</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_awkward_talk==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #25</div>
<div class="todo">Meet Mia's mom in parents' room</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_casino_adventure==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #26</div>
<div class="todo">Go to Mia's room</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_persistent_desire==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #27</div>
<div class="todo">Meet Mia's dad in parents' room</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_last_sex==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #28</div>
<div class="todo">Go to the Cafe</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_room_secrets==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #29</div>
<div class="todo">Meet Mia's dad in parents' room</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_close_call==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #30</div>
<div class="todo">Meet Mia's mom in parents' room</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_final_preparations==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #31</div>
<div class="todo">Go to the Lounge Room</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_doors_open==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest: Final Preparations</div>
<div class="todo">Go to the Brothel</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_daddys_little_secret==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest: The Doors Are Open</div>
<div class="todo">Go to the Living Room</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_family_ties_redefined==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #32</div>
<div class="todo">Go to the Brothel</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_university_routine_1==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #33</div>
<div class="todo">Go to the Cafeteria</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_university_routine_2==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #34</div>
<div class="todo">Go to the Smoking Area</div>
<<elseif $quests.quest_extra_credit==false>>
<div class="todo">✅Pass quest #35</div>
<div class="todo">Go to the Auditorium</div>
<div class="todo">For additional quests, see the "Quests" tab, also check brothel tab</div>
<<button "Quests">>
Dialog.setup("Quests", "quest");
<<button "Perks">>
Dialog.setup("Perks", "perks");
<<button "Brothel">>
Dialog.setup("Brothel", "perks");
<</button>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>As they walked into the house, Mia pulled his face back, wanting to be touched. The hot stranger gladly did what she asked for, and his lips found their way to her neck. He sent chills down Mia's spine with every kiss.<</st>>
<<str>>''What is your name?'' he asked, his voice excited and husky.<</str>>
<<mia>>''Mia,'' she whispered, and her breath shook with desire.<</mia>>
<<str>>''Mia, tell me what you want me to do.''<</str>>
<<mia>>''Everything,'' she said, singing with sexiness and confidence. Her body was aching for more.<</mia>>
<<str>>''Everything?'' - his voice full of promise.<</str>>
<<st>>Mia put her hand down on his pants, eager to see what was there. She felt the undeniable erection under his pants and grabbed his dick with complete confidence, driven by desire. The stranger released a low, excited hiss that lit a fire inside her.<</st>>
<<mia>>''I want it all,'' Mia said, with a voice full of hunger and excitement.<</mia>>
<<str>>''Then I'll give it to you...''<</str>>
<<button [[Sex...|SexWithStrangerPrologue]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Когда они вошли в дом, Миа притянулась к его лицу, желая, чтобы к ней прикоснулись. Горячий незнакомец с радостью выполнил ее просьбу, и его губы коснулись её шеи. С каждым поцелуем по спине Мии пробегали мурашки.<</st>>
<<str>>''Как тебя зовут?'' - спросил он, его голос был возбужденным и хриплым.<</str>>
<<mia>>''Миа '', - прошептала она, и ее дыхание задрожало от желания.<</mia>>
<<str>>''Миа, скажи мне, чего ты хочешь от меня''.<</str>>
<<mia>>''Все'', - ответила она, воспевая сексуальность и уверенность. Ее тело жаждало большего.<</mia>>
<<str>>''Все?'' - его голос был полон обещаний.<</str>>
<<st>>Мия опустила руку на его брюки, желая увидеть, что там. Нащупав под брюками несомненную эрекцию, она схватила его за член с полной уверенностью, движимая желанием. Незнакомец издал низкое возбужденное шипение, которое разожгло в ней огонь.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Я хочу все'', - сказала Миа голосом, полным голода и возбуждения.<</mia>>
<<str>>''Тогда я дам тебе это…''<</str>>
<<button [[Секс...|SexWithStrangerPrologue]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Kaum in der Wohnung angekommen, zog Mia sein Gesicht zu sich heran. Sie brauchte dringend Berührung. Der heiße Fremde ließ sich nicht zweimal bitten und seine Lippen wanderten an ihren Hals. Mit jedem Kuss jagte er wohlige Schauer über ihren Rücken.<</st>>
<<str>>''Wie heißt du überhaupt?'', fragte er heiser vor Aufregung.<</str>>
<<mia>>''Mia'', hauchte sie zurück, der Atem stockte ihr vor Verlangen.<</mia>>
<<str>>''Mia, sag mir, was du willst.''<</str>>
<<mia>>''Alles'', sagte sie und ihre Stimme vibrierte vor Sexappeal und Selbstbewusstsein. Ihr Körper schrie förmlich nach mehr.<</mia>>
<<str>>''Alles?'', wiederholte er, seine Stimme voller Versprechen und einem Hauch Unglauben.<</str>>
<<st>>Mia legte ihre Hand auf seine Hose und wollte unbedingt sehen, was da war. Sie spürte die unbestreitbare Erektion unter seiner Hose und packte seinen Schwanz voller Selbstvertrauen, getrieben von Verlangen. Der Fremde stieß ein leises, aufgeregtes Zischen aus, das ein Feuer in ihr entfachte.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Ich will alles'', sagte Mia, ihre Stimme rau und voller Hunger, ihre Augen funkelten vor Aufregung.<</mia>>
<<str>>''Dann kriegst du auch alles...''<</str>>
<<button [[Sex...|SexWithStrangerPrologue]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>En franchissant le seuil de la maison, Mia tend son cou vers l'arrière, avide de caresses. L'étranger au charme envoûtant se plie avec empressement à son désir, ses lèvres effleurant sa nuque. Chaque baiser fait frissonner sa colonne vertébrale.<</st>>
<<str>>''Quel est ton nom ?'' demanda-t-il, la voix excitée et rauque.<</str>>
<<mia>>''Mia,'' murmura-t-elle, le souffle coupé par le désir.<</mia>>
<<str>>''Mia, dis-moi ce que tu veux que je fasse.''<</str>>
<<mia>>''Tout,'' répondit-elle, sa voix chantante de désir et de confiance. Son corps n'en pouvait plus.<</mia>>
<<str>>''Tout ?'' - sa voix pleine de promesses.<</str>>
<<st>>Mia mit la main sur son pantalon, impatiente de voir ce qu'il contenait. Elle sentit l'érection indéniable sous son pantalon et saisit sa bite en toute confiance, poussée par le désir. L'inconnu émit un sifflement grave et excité qui alluma un feu en elle.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Je veux tout'', dit Mia d'une voix pleine de faim et d'excitation.<</mia>>
<<str>>''Alors je te le donnerai...''<</str>>
<<button [[Sexe...|SexWithStrangerPrologue]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Cuando entraron en la casa, Mia le apartó la cara, deseando que la tocara. El ardiente desconocido hizo con gusto lo que ella le pedía, y sus labios encontraron el camino hasta su cuello. Con cada beso, Mia sentía escalofríos.<</st>>
<<str>>''¿Cómo te llamas?'', preguntó con voz excitada y ronca.<</str>>
<<mia>>''Mia'', susurró ella, y su respiración se agitó con deseo.<</mia>>
<<str>>''Mia, dime qué quieres que haga''.<</str>>
<<mia>>''Todo'', dijo ella, cantando con sensualidad y confianza. Su cuerpo pedía más.<</mia>>
<<str>>''¿Todo?'' - su voz llena de promesas.<</str>>
<<st>>Mia bajó la mano por los pantalones de él, ansiosa por ver qué había allí. Sintió la innegable erección bajo los pantalones y le agarró la polla con total confianza, impulsada por el deseo. El desconocido soltó un siseo bajo y excitado que encendió un fuego en su interior.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Lo quiero todo'', dijo Mia, con una voz llena de hambre y excitación.<</mia>>
<<str>>''Entonces te lo daré...''<</str>>
<<button [[Sexo...|SexWithStrangerPrologue]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<mia>>''一切,'' 她说,唱出了性感和自信。她的身体在渴望更多。<</mia>>
<<str>>''一切?'' - 他的声音充满承诺。<</str>>
<<button [[性别...|SexWithStrangerPrologue]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>As Mia woke up with a pounding headache, she noticed she wasn't alone in her bed. Next to her lay a handsome stranger.<</st>>
<<st>>With a groan, she rubbed her temples, trying to piece together the events of the night before. All she could remember was a blur of drinks from the previous evening.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Oh no, what the fuck did I do?'' She muttered under her breath, panic rising as she remembered her parents were due back from vacation that morning.<</mia>>
<<st>>Her muttered curse woke the stranger.<</st>>
<<str>>''Morning, Mia,'' his hand trailing lightly down her back, hinting at morning intimacy. But she wasn't in the mood for games; she needed to get him out of the house before her dad caught them together.<</str>>
<<mia>>''Save this flirting for someone else. It's time for you to leave,'' she insisted, voice firm as she pushed his hand away from her body.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Damn, what did I get myself into? This isn't like me at all. I acted like such a slut,'' Mia thought, cheeks flushing with embarrassment.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Come on, time for you to go!'' she turned to the guy beside her and said, summoning up her courage.<</mia>>
<<str>>''What, not even going to ask my name?'' he protested with a hint of amusement in his voice.<</str>>
<<mia>>''I didn't even bother to ask his name. What was I thinking?''<</mia>>
<<mia>>''I don't give a damn about your name. Last night was a mistake. Get the hell out of here.''<</mia>>
<<str>>''Such a shame, considering last night was absolutely mind-blowing.''<</str>>
<<st>>After these words, Mia grabbed his belongings and forcefully guided him towards the door. As she pushed him out, she couldn't help but marvel at her own audacity and the absurdity of the situation.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia was busy pushing her one-night stand out the door and didn't realize she had an audience. As she shoved the guy towards the exit, she suddenly noticed her brother's curious face in the doorway. She hoped he wouldn't say anything, but Mia's brother just couldn't keep quiet.<</st>>
<<br>>''Wow, Mia, this guy doesn't look like your Jack.''<</br>>
<<str>>''Who's Jack?''<</str>>
<<mia>>''My boyfriend,'' and she finally pushed him out of the house.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Not a word to anyone.'' She turned to her brother and said firmly.<</mia>>
<<st>>With that, Mia retreated back into her own room, only to hear her brother call after her.<</st>>
<<br>>''Your secret's safe with me... for a price!''<</br>>
<<st>>Mia knew she would have to pay him for keeping this secret. But what in the world can he ask her to do?<</st>>
<<button [[Your room|Mia room quest]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Проснувшись с раскалывающейся головой, Мия обнаружила, что не одинока в постели. Рядом с ней лежал красивый незнакомец.<</st>>
<<st>>Сдавленным стоном она потерла виски, пытаясь собрать воедино события прошлой ночи. Все, что ей удалось вспомнить, было туманное воспоминание о вчерашних напитках.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Черт возьми, что я, блять, сделала?'' - пробормотала она себе под нос, паника нарастала, когда она вспомнила, что родители должны были вернуться из отпуска этим утром.<</mia>>
<<st>>Ее бормотание разбудило незнакомца.<</st>>
<<str>>''Доброе утро, Мия,'' - его рука легко скользнула по ее спине, намекая на утреннюю близость. Но ей было не до игр; ей нужно было выставить его из дома, прежде чем отец застанет их вместе.<</str>>
<<mia>>''Прибереги эти флирты для кого-нибудь другого. Тебе пора уходить,'' - настаивала она твердым голосом, отталкивая его руку от своего тела.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Бля, во что я ввязалась? Это совсем не похоже на меня. Я вела себя, как настоящая шлюха'', - подумала Мия, щеки залились краской от смущения.
<<mia>>''Эй! Тебе пора идти!'' - повернулась она к парню рядом с ней и сказала, набравшись смелости.<</mia>>
<<str>>''Что, даже не спросишь, как меня зовут?'' - запротестовал он с оттенком веселья в голосе.<</str>>
<<mia>>Я даже не потрудилась спросить его имени. О чем я только думала?<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Мне плевать на твое имя. Прошлая ночь была ошибкой. Убирайся к чертовой матери отсюда.''<</mia>>
<<str>>'Обидно, учитывая, что вчерашняя ночь была просто шикарной.''<</str>>
<<st>>После этих слов Мия схватила его вещи и силой потащила к двери. Выталкивая его, она не могла не восхититься своей собственной дерзостью и абсурдностью ситуации.<</st>>
<<st>>Мия была занята тем, что выставляла парня на ночь на улицу, и не заметила, что у нее есть зритель. Когда она толкала незнакомца к выходу, то вдруг заметила любопытное лицо своего брата в дверном проеме. Она надеялась, что он ничего не скажет, но брат Мии просто не мог молчать.<</st>>
<<br>>''Ух ты, Мия, этот парень не похож на твоего Джека.''<</br>>
<<str>>''Кто такой Джек?''<</str>>
<<mia>>''Мой парень,'' - сказала она, вслед закрывающейся перед ним двери дома.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Никому ни слова,'' - твердо сказала она, повернувшись к брату.<</mia>>
<<st>>С этими словами Мия начала возвращаться к себе в комнату, и услышала как он кричит ей вслед.<</st>>
<<br>>''Твой секрет в безопасности... за определенную плату!''<</br>>
<<st>>Мия знала, что ей придется заплатить ему за то, чтобы он хранил этот секрет. Но что, черт возьми, он может попросить ее сделать?<</st>>
<<button [[Ваша комната|Mia room quest]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mit pochendem Kopf wachte Mia auf und bemerkte, dass sie ihr Bett nicht alleine teilte. Neben ihr lag ein gutaussehender Fremder.<</st>>
<<st>>Sie stöhnte auf, rieb sich die Schläfen und versuchte, die Ereignisse der letzten Nacht zusammenzusetzen. Alles, woran sie sich erinnern konnte, war ein verschwommenes Durcheinander von Drinks.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Oh nein, was zur Hölle hab ich getan?'', fluchte sie leise vor sich hin. Panik stieg in ihr auf, als ihr einfiel, dass ihre Eltern heute Morgen aus dem Urlaub zurückkommen sollten.<</mia>>
<<st>>Ihr unterdrücktes Fluchen weckte den Fremden.<</st>>
<<str>>''Mhh, Morgen, Mia'', murmelte er und strich ihr leicht über den Rücken, wohl auf Kuschelkurs. Aber dafür hatte sie jetzt echt keinen Nerv. Sie musste ihn da rauskriegen, bevor ihr Dad die Bude stürmt.<</str>>
<<mia>>''Lass den Quatsch mal stecken'', sagte sie knapp und schob seine Hand locker von sich weg. ''Hau ab.''<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Verdammt, worauf hab ich mich da bloß eingelassen? Das ist ja gar nicht meine Art. Sowas von der Rolle, so 'ne...'' Mia biss sich auf die Lippe und vermied das Wort, das ihr durch den Kopf ging. Ihre Wangen färbten sich rot vor Scham.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Ab dafür ist jetzt echt keine Zeit!'' Sie warf dem Typen neben sich einen entschlossenen Blick zu. ''Hau ab!''<</mia>>
<<str>>''Was, nicht mal meinen Namen willst du wissen?'' konterte er mit einem leichten Grinsen in der Stimme.<</str>>
<<mia>>''Nicht mal nach seinem Namen hab ich gefragt. Was ist bloß in mich gefahren?''<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Dein Name interessiert mich jetzt grad null. Gestern Abend war ein Fehler. Verschwinde hier, sofort!''<</mia>>
<<str>>''Schade eigentlich, fand ich gestern Abend ziemlich... krass.''<</str>>
<<st>>Nach diesen Worten packte Mia flugs seine Sachen und schob ihn Richtung Tür. Beim Rauswurf musste sie kurz grinsen – ihre eigene Dreistigkeit und die ganze absurde Situation waren einfach unglaublich.<</st>>
<<st>>Mitten beim Rauswurf ihres One-Night-Stands fiel Mia plötzlich der neugierige Gesichtsausdruck ihres Bruders in der Türöffnung auf. Sie hatte gar nicht gemerkt, dass er Zeuge der Aktion war. Hoffentlich sagt er nichts, dachte Mia, doch ihr Bruder – der konnte einfach nie den Mund halten.<</st>>
<<br>>''Wow, Mia, der sieht ja gar nicht nach deinem Jack aus.''<</br>>
<<str>>''Wer ist Jack?''<</str>>
<<mia>>''Mein Freund'', presste sie heraus und schob ihn dann endgültig aus dem Haus.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Kein Sterbenswörtchen zu irgendjemandem'', wandte sie sich mit fester Stimme an ihren Bruder.<</mia>>
<<st>>Damit verschwand sie in ihrem Zimmer, nur um im nächsten Moment den Ruf ihres Bruders zu vernehmen.<</st>>
<<br>>''Deine Geheimnisse sind bei mir sicher... für den richtigen Preis!''<</br>>
<<st>>Mia wusste, dass sie ihren Bruder dafür bezahlen lassen musste, dass er den Mund hielt. Aber was zur Hölle würde er sich nur einfallen lassen?<</st>>
<<button [[Ihr Zimmer|Mia room quest]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Au réveil, un mal de tête atroce fit grimacer Mia. Elle s'aperçut alors qu'elle n'était pas seule dans son lit. Un bel inconnu était allongé à côté d'elle.<</st>>
<<st>>En poussant un gémissement, elle se frotta les tempes, essayant de recoller les morceaux de la nuit précédente. Elle n'avait plus qu'un souvenir flou des verres enchaînés la veille.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Oh non, qu'est-ce que j'ai bien pu faire ?'' marmonna-t-elle, la panique montant en elle quand elle se souvint que ses parents devaient rentrer de vacances ce matin-là.<</mia>>
<<st>>Son juron murmuré réveilla l'inconnu.<</st>>
<<str>>''Bonjour, Mia,'' glissa-t-il en descendant lentement sa main le long de son dos, suggérant une intimité matinale. Mais elle n'était pas d'humeur à jouer à ce jeu. Elle devait le faire sortir avant que son père ne les surprenne ensemble.<</str>>
<<mia>>''Garde ça pour quelqu'un d'autre. Il est temps que tu partes,'' insista-t-elle, la voix ferme en repoussant sa main d'un geste net.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Merde, dans quoi je me suis fourrée ? Ce n'est pas du tout moi. Je me suis comportée comme une vraie salope,'' pensa Mia, les joues brûlantes de honte.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Allez, oust ! C'est l'heure de partir !'' lança-t-elle sèchement au type à côté d'elle, rassemblant son courage.<</mia>>
<<str>>''Quoi, tu ne me demandes même pas mon nom?'' protesta-t-il avec une pointe d'amusement dans la voix.<</str>>
<<mia>>''Je n'ai même pas pensé à lui demander son nom. À quoi j'ai pu bien réfléchir ?'' pensa Mia, agacée.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Je me fiche de votre nom. Hier soir, c'était une erreur. Foutez le camp d'ici.'' lâcha-t-elle sèchement.<</mia>>
<<str>>''C'est dommage, vu que la nuit dernière était absolument époustouflante.''<</str>>
<<st>>Après ces mots, Mia attrapa ses affaires et le poussa fermement vers la porte. En le jetant dehors, elle ne put s'empêcher de s'émerveiller de sa propre audace et de l'absurdité de la situation.<</st>>
<<st>>Occupée à expulser son coup d'un soir, Mia n'avait pas réalisé qu'elle avait un public. Alors qu'elle poussait le type vers la sortie, elle aperçut soudain le visage curieux de son frère encadrant la porte. Elle espérait qu'il ne dirait rien, mais le frère de Mia ne pouvait tout simplement pas rester silencieux.<</st>>
<<br>>''Waouh, Mia, ce mec ne ressemble pas à ton Jack.''<</br>>
<<str>>''C'est qui, Jack ?''<</str>>
<<mia>>''Mon copain,'' lâcha-t-elle en le poussant finalement dehors.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Pas un mot à personne,'' ordonna-t-elle fermement à son frère.<</mia>>
<<st>>Sur ce, Mia se retira dans sa chambre, pour entendre aussitôt son frère l'appeler.<</st>>
<<br>>''Ton secret est en sécurité avec moi... à un certain prix !''<</br>>
<<st>>Mia savait qu'elle devrait le payer pour garder le silence. Mais que diable pouvait-il bien lui demander de faire?<</st>>
<<button [[Votre chambre|Mia room quest]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Cuando Mia se despertó con un fuerte dolor de cabeza, se dio cuenta de que no estaba sola en su cama. A su lado yacía un apuesto desconocido.<</st>>
<<st>>Con un gemido, se frotó las sienes, tratando de reconstruir los acontecimientos de la noche anterior. Lo único que recordaba era un borrón de bebidas de la noche anterior.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Oh no, ¿qué coño he hecho?'' Murmuró en voz baja, sintiendo pánico al recordar que sus padres regresaban de vacaciones esa mañana.<</mia>>
<<st>>Su maldición en voz baja despertó al desconocido.<</st>>
<<str>>''Buenos días, Mia'', su mano recorrió ligeramente su espalda, insinuando intimidad matutina. Pero ella no estaba de humor para juegos; necesitaba sacarlo de la casa antes de que su padre los descubriera juntos.<</str>>
<<mia>>''Deja este coqueteo para otra persona. Es hora de que te vayas'', insistió ella, con voz firme mientras apartaba la mano de él de su cuerpo.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Maldita sea, ¿en qué me he metido? Esto no es propio de mí en absoluto. Me comporté como una zorra'', pensó Mia, con las mejillas sonrojadas por la vergüenza.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''¡Vamos, es hora de que te vayas!'', se volvió hacia el chico que tenía al lado y le dijo, armándose de valor.<</mia>>
<<str>>''¿Qué, ni siquiera vas a preguntarme mi nombre?'', protestó él con un deje de diversión en la voz.<</str>>
<<mia>>''Ni siquiera me molesté en preguntarle su nombre. En qué estaba pensando?<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Me importa un bledo su nombre. Lo de anoche fue un error. Lárgate de aquí''.<</mia>>
<<str>>''Qué pena, teniendo en cuenta que anoche fue absolutamente alucinante''.<</str>>
<<st>>Tras estas palabras, Mia agarró sus pertenencias y lo guió a la fuerza hacia la puerta. Mientras lo empujaba fuera, no pudo evitar maravillarse de su propia audacia y de lo absurdo de la situación.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia estaba ocupada empujando a su ligue de una noche hacia la puerta y no se dio cuenta de que tenía público. Mientras empujaba al chico hacia la salida, se dio cuenta de repente de la cara curiosa de su hermano en la puerta. Esperaba que no dijera nada, pero el hermano de Mia no podía quedarse callado.<</st>>
<<br>> ''Vaya, Mia, este tipo no se parece a tu Jack''.<</br>>
<<str>>''¿Quién es Jack?''<</str>>
<<mia>>''Mi novio'', y finalmente lo empujó fuera de la casa.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Ni una palabra a nadie''. Se volvió hacia su hermano y le dijo con firmeza.<</mia>>
<<st>>Con eso, Mia se retiró de nuevo en su propia habitación, sólo para escuchar a su hermano llamar después de ella.<</st>>
<<br>>''Tu secreto está a salvo conmigo... ¡por un precio!''.<</br>>
<<st>>Mia sabía que tendría que pagarle por guardar el secreto. Pero, ¿qué demonios podía pedirle que hiciera?<</st>>
<<button [[Su habitación|Mia room quest]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<mia>>''哦,不,我到底做了什么?'' 她小声嘟囔着,当她想起父母当天早上就要从度假地回来时,恐慌感油然而生。<</mia>>
<<mia>>''把这种调情留给别人吧。你该走了。'' 她坚持说,声音坚定地把他的手从自己身上推开。<</mia>>
<<mia>>''该死,我到底惹上了什么麻烦?这一点都不像我。我表现得像个荡妇,'' 米娅想,脸颊因尴尬而泛红。<</mia>>
<<mia>>''谁也不许说。'' 她转身对弟弟坚定地说。<</mia>>
<<button [[你的房间|Mia room quest]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<if $mobileGame==false>>
<div class="main">
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">>
<<if $quests.quest_stranger == false and $active_quests.q1 == true>>
<<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_stranger == true and $active_quests.q1 == true>>
<<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">>
<</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #1">>
Dialog.setup("Quest Intro", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest Intro").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_wallet == false and $active_quests.q3 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_wallet == true and $active_quests.q3 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #4">>
Dialog.setup("Quest Unexpected find", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest Unexpected find").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_return_to_room == false and $active_quests.q8 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_return_to_room == true and $active_quests.q8 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #11">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Consequences", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Consequences").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_working == false and $active_quests.q11 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_working == true and $active_quests.q11 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #14">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Plans about the future", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Plans about the future").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_3 == false and $active_quests.q17 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_go_to_room_3 == true and $active_quests.q17 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #21">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Startup", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Startup").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/jk.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_jack == false and $active_quests.q2 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_jack == true and $active_quests.q2 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #2">>
Dialog.setup("Quest Meeting with Jack", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest Meeting with Jack").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/jk.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_jack_cry == false and $active_quests.q18 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_jack_cry == true and $active_quests.q18 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #8">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Warm meeting", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Warm meeting").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/jk.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_jack_2 == false and $active_quests.q22 == true and $active_quests.q23 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_jack_2 == true and $active_quests.q22 == true and $active_quests.q23 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #24">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Breakup", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Breakup").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/jk.jpg]]</div><div class="square quests"><<button "Quest ?">>
Dialog.setup("Quest ?", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest ?").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/str.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_return_wallet == false and $active_quests.q4 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_return_wallet == true and $active_quests.q4 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #5">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Coming to Roy's house", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Coming to Roy's house").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/str.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_ukrali == false and $active_quests.q7 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_ukrali == true and $active_quests.q7 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #9">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Kidnapping", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Kidnapping").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/str.jpg]]</div><div class="square quests"><<button "Quest ?">>
Dialog.setup("Quest ?", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest ?").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_talk_family == false and $active_quests.q5 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_talk_family == true and $active_quests.q5 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #6">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Talk about work", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Talk about work").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_find_work == false and $active_quests.q6 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_find_work == true and $active_quests.q6 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #7">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Finding a job", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Finding a job").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe == false and $active_quests.q10 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_go_to_cafe == true and $active_quests.q10 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #12">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Back to work", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Back to work").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_go_to_boss == false and $active_quests.q12 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_go_to_boss == true and $active_quests.q12 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #15">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: New ideas", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: New ideas").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div><div class="square quests"><<button "Quest ?">>
Dialog.setup("Quest ?", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest ?").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div><<if $counter_of_povishenie < 1>><div class="square quests"><<button "Quest #6.1">>
Dialog.setup("Quest #6.1", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest #6.1").processText());
<</button>></div><<else>><div class="square quests completed"><<button "Quest #6.1">>
Dialog.setup("Quest #6.1", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest #6.1").processText());
<</button>></div><</if>><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div><<if $counter_of_povishenie < 2>><div class="square quests"><<button "Quest #6.2">>
Dialog.setup("Quest #6.2", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest #6.2").processText());
<</button>></div><<else>><div class="square quests completed"><<button "Quest #6.2">>
Dialog.setup("Quest #6.2", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest #6.2").processText());
<</button>></div><</if>><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div><<if $counter_of_povishenie < 3>><div class="square quests"><<button "Quest #6.3">>
Dialog.setup("Quest #6.3", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest #6.3").processText());
<</button>></div><<else>><div class="square quests completed"><<button "Quest #6.3">>
Dialog.setup("Quest #6.3", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest #6.3").processText());
<</button>></div><</if>><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div><<if $counter_of_povishenie < 4>><div class="square quests"><<button "Quest #6.4">>
Dialog.setup("Quest #6.4", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest #6.4").processText());
<</button>></div><<else>><div class="square quests completed"><<button "Quest #6.4">>
Dialog.setup("Quest #6.4", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest #6.4").processText());
<</button>></div><</if>><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div><<if $counter_of_povishenie < 5>><div class="square quests"><<button "Quest #6.5">>
Dialog.setup("Quest #6.5", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest #6.5").processText());
<</button>></div><<else>><div class="square quests completed"><<button "Quest #6.5">>
Dialog.setup("Quest #6.5", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest #6.5").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_mother_1 == false and $active_quests.q8 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_mother_1 == true and $active_quests.q8 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #10">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Family values", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Family values").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_maman_2 == false and $active_quests.q23 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_maman_2 == true and $active_quests.q23 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #23">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Mommy?", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Mommy?").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_awkward_talk == false and $active_quests.q26 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_awkward_talk == true and $active_quests.q26 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #26">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Awkward Talk", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Awkward Talk").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_last_sex == false and $active_quests.q29 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_last_sex == true and $active_quests.q29 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #29">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Last Sex", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Last Sex").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_close_call == false and $active_quests.q34 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_close_call == true and $active_quests.q34 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #31">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Close Call", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Close Call").processText());
<div class="container"><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_family_ties_redefined == false and $active_quests.q39 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_family_ties_redefined == true and $active_quests.q39 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #33">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Family Ties, Redefined", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Family Ties, Redefined").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_2 == false and $active_quests.q13 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_go_to_room_2 == true and $active_quests.q13 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #16">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Meeting a friend", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Meeting a friend").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_cafe_elein == false and $active_quests.q14 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_cafe_elein == true and $active_quests.q14 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #17">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Revelation", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Revelation").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_maskarad == false and $active_quests.q15 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_maskarad == true and $active_quests.q15 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #18">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Erotic masquerade", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Erotic masquerade").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_casino_adventure == false and $active_quests.q27 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_casino_adventure == true and $active_quests.q27 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #27">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Casino Adventure", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Casino Adventure").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div><div class="square quests"><<button "Quest ?">>
Dialog.setup("Quest ?", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest ?").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen == false and $active_quests.q16 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen == true and $active_quests.q16 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #19">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Family talk", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Family talk").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_father_2 == false and $active_quests.q24 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_father_2 == true and $active_quests.q24 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #20">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Classics", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Classics").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_unexpected_connection == false and $active_quests.q25 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_unexpected_connection == true and $active_quests.q25 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #25">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Unexpected Connection", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Unexpected Connection").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_persistent_desire == false and $active_quests.q28 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_persistent_desire == true and $active_quests.q28 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #28">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Persistent Desire", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Persistent Desire").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_room_secrets == false and $active_quests.q33 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_room_secrets == true and $active_quests.q33 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #30">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Dressing Room Secrets", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Dressing Room Secrets").processText());
<div class="container"><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_daddys_little_secret == false and $active_quests.q38 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_daddys_little_secret == true and $active_quests.q38 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #32">>
Dialog.setup("Quset: Daddy’s Little Secret", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quset: Daddy’s Little Secret").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_univer_1 == false and $active_quests.q19 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_univer_1 == true and $active_quests.q19 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #3">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Girlie secrets", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Girlie secrets").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_univer_2 == false and $active_quests.q20 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_univer_2 == true and $active_quests.q20 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #13">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Retake", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Retake").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_univer_3 == false and $active_quests.q21 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_univer_3 == true and $active_quests.q21 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #22">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Business Thoughts", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Business Thoughts").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_university_routine_1 == false and $active_quests.q40 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_university_routine_1 == true and $active_quests.q40 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #34">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: University Routine 1", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: University Routine 1").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_university_routine_2 == false and $active_quests.q41 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_university_routine_2 == true and $active_quests.q41 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #35">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: University Routine 2", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: University Routine 2").processText());
<div class="container"><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/prof.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_extra_credit == false and $active_quests.q42 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_extra_credit == true and $active_quests.q42 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #36">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Extra Credit", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Extra Credit").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/dlc.png]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests patreon">><<if $quests.quest_dlc_club == false and $active_quests.q31 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_dlc_club == true and $active_quests.q31 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Patreon #1">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Club meeting", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Club meeting").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/dlc.png]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests patreon">><<if $quests.quest_dlc_beach == false and $active_quests.q32 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_dlc_beach == true and $active_quests.q32 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Patreon #2">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Party on a yacht", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Party on a yacht").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/dlc.png]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests patreon">><<if $quests.quest_dlc_last == false and $active_quests.q35 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_dlc_last == true and $active_quests.q35 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Patreon #3">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: The last day", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: The last day").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/br.jpg]]</div><div class="square quests"><<button "Quest ?">>
Dialog.setup("Quest ?", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest ?").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">>
<<if $quests.quest_stranger == false and $active_quests.q1 == true>>
<<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_stranger == true and $active_quests.q1 == true>>
<<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">>
<</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #1">>
Dialog.setup("Quest Intro", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest Intro").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_wallet == false and $active_quests.q3 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_wallet == true and $active_quests.q3 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #4">>
Dialog.setup("Quest Unexpected find", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest Unexpected find").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_return_to_room == false and $active_quests.q8 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_return_to_room == true and $active_quests.q8 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #11">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Consequences", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Consequences").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_working == false and $active_quests.q11 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_working == true and $active_quests.q11 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #14">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Plans about the future", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Plans about the future").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_3 == false and $active_quests.q17 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_go_to_room_3 == true and $active_quests.q17 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #21">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Startup", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Startup").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/jk.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_jack == false and $active_quests.q2 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_jack == true and $active_quests.q2 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #2">>
Dialog.setup("Quest Meeting with Jack", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest Meeting with Jack").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/jk.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_jack_cry == false and $active_quests.q18 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_jack_cry == true and $active_quests.q18 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #8">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Warm meeting", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Warm meeting").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/jk.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_jack_2 == false and $active_quests.q22 == true and $active_quests.q23 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_jack_2 == true and $active_quests.q22 == true and $active_quests.q23 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #24">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Breakup", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Breakup").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/str.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_return_wallet == false and $active_quests.q4 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_return_wallet == true and $active_quests.q4 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #5">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Coming to Roy's house", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Coming to Roy's house").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/str.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_ukrali == false and $active_quests.q7 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_ukrali == true and $active_quests.q7 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #9">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Kidnapping", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Kidnapping").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_talk_family == false and $active_quests.q5 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_talk_family == true and $active_quests.q5 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #6">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Talk about work", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Talk about work").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_find_work == false and $active_quests.q6 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_find_work == true and $active_quests.q6 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #7">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Finding a job", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Finding a job").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe == false and $active_quests.q10 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_go_to_cafe == true and $active_quests.q10 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #12">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Back to work", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Back to work").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_go_to_boss == false and $active_quests.q12 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_go_to_boss == true and $active_quests.q12 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #15">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: New ideas", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: New ideas").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div><<if $counter_of_povishenie < 1>><div class="square quests"><<button "Quest #6.1">>
Dialog.setup("Quest #6.1", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest #6.1").processText());
<</button>></div><<else>><div class="square quests completed"><<button "Quest #6.1">>
Dialog.setup("Quest #6.1", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest #6.1").processText());
<</button>></div><</if>><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div><<if $counter_of_povishenie < 2>><div class="square quests"><<button "Quest #6.2">>
Dialog.setup("Quest #6.2", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest #6.2").processText());
<</button>></div><<else>><div class="square quests completed"><<button "Quest #6.2">>
Dialog.setup("Quest #6.2", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest #6.2").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div><<if $counter_of_povishenie < 3>><div class="square quests"><<button "Quest #6.3">>
Dialog.setup("Quest #6.3", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest #6.3").processText());
<</button>></div><<else>><div class="square quests completed"><<button "Quest #6.3">>
Dialog.setup("Quest #6.3", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest #6.3").processText());
<</button>></div><</if>><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div><<if $counter_of_povishenie < 4>><div class="square quests"><<button "Quest #6.4">>
Dialog.setup("Quest #6.4", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest #6.4").processText());
<</button>></div><<else>><div class="square quests completed"><<button "Quest #6.4">>
Dialog.setup("Quest #6.4", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest #6.4").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div><<if $counter_of_povishenie < 5>><div class="square quests"><<button "Quest #6.5">>
Dialog.setup("Quest #6.5", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest #6.5").processText());
<</button>></div><<else>><div class="square quests completed"><<button "Quest #6.5">>
Dialog.setup("Quest #6.5", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest #6.5").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_mother_1 == false and $active_quests.q8 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_mother_1 == true and $active_quests.q8 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #10">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Family values", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Family values").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_maman_2 == false and $active_quests.q23 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_maman_2 == true and $active_quests.q23 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #23">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Mommy?", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Mommy?").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_awkward_talk == false and $active_quests.q26 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_awkward_talk == true and $active_quests.q26 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #26">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Awkward Talk", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Awkward Talk").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_last_sex == false and $active_quests.q29 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_last_sex == true and $active_quests.q29 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #29">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Last Sex", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Last Sex").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_close_call == false and $active_quests.q34 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_close_call == true and $active_quests.q34 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #31">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Close Call", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Close Call").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_family_ties_redefined == false and $active_quests.q39 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_family_ties_redefined == true and $active_quests.q39 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #33">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Family Ties, Redefined", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Family Ties, Redefined").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_2 == false and $active_quests.q13 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_go_to_room_2 == true and $active_quests.q13 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #16">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Meeting a friend", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Meeting a friend").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_cafe_elein == false and $active_quests.q14 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_cafe_elein == true and $active_quests.q14 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #17">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Revelation", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Revelation").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_maskarad == false and $active_quests.q15 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_maskarad == true and $active_quests.q15 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #18">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Erotic masquerade", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Erotic masquerade").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_casino_adventure == false and $active_quests.q27 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_casino_adventure == true and $active_quests.q27 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #27">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Casino Adventure", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Casino Adventure").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen == false and $active_quests.q16 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen == true and $active_quests.q16 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #19">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Family talk", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Family talk").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_father_2 == false and $active_quests.q24 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_father_2 == true and $active_quests.q24 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #20">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Classics", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Classics").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_unexpected_connection == false and $active_quests.q25 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_unexpected_connection == true and $active_quests.q25 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #25">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Unexpected Connection", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Unexpected Connection").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_persistent_desire == false and $active_quests.q28 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_persistent_desire == true and $active_quests.q28 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #28">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Persistent Desire", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Persistent Desire").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_room_secrets == false and $active_quests.q33 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_room_secrets == true and $active_quests.q33 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #30">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Dressing Room Secrets", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Dressing Room Secrets").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_daddys_little_secret == false and $active_quests.q38 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_daddys_little_secret == true and $active_quests.q38 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #32">>
Dialog.setup("Quset: Daddy’s Little Secret", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quset: Daddy’s Little Secret").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_univer_1 == false and $active_quests.q19 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_univer_1 == true and $active_quests.q19 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #3">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Girlie secrets", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Girlie secrets").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_univer_2 == false and $active_quests.q20 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_univer_2 == true and $active_quests.q20 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #13">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Retake", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Retake").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_univer_3 == false and $active_quests.q21 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_univer_3 == true and $active_quests.q21 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #22">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Business Thoughts", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Business Thoughts").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_university_routine_1 == false and $active_quests.q40 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_university_routine_1 == true and $active_quests.q40 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #34">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: University Routine 1", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: University Routine 1").processText());
<div class="container"><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_university_routine_2 == false and $active_quests.q41 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_university_routine_2 == true and $active_quests.q41 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #35">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: University Routine 2", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: University Routine 2").processText());
<div class="container"><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/prof.jpg]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_extra_credit == false and $active_quests.q42 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_extra_credit == true and $active_quests.q42 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Quest #36">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Extra Credit", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Extra Credit").processText());
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/dlc.png]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests patreon">><<if $quests.quest_dlc_club == false and $active_quests.q31 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_dlc_club == true and $active_quests.q31 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Patreon #1">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Club meeting", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Club meeting").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/dlc.png]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests patreon">><<if $quests.quest_dlc_beach == false and $active_quests.q32 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_dlc_beach == true and $active_quests.q32 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Patreon #2">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Party on a yacht", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Party on a yacht").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><div class="krug quests">[img[0.2.6/images/dlc.png]]</div><<set _quest_class = "square quests patreon">><<if $quests.quest_dlc_last == false and $active_quests.q35 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests active">>
<<elseif $quests.quest_dlc_last == true and $active_quests.q35 == true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Patreon #3">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: The last day", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: The last day").processText());
<</if>><<if $mia.lvl != getLevel($mia.exp)>><<set $mia.lvl = getLevel($mia.exp)>><<set $perk_points +=1>><</if>><<set $value = $exp_needed[$mia.lvl]>><div class="container_perks"><div class="lvl and points"><p>Level: {{$mia.lvl}}</p></div><div class="progress perks"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.exp" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="200"></progress></div><div class="exp"><p>Exp: {{$mia.exp}} / {{$value}}</p></div><div class="lvl and points"><p>Points: $perk_points</p></div></div>
<<if $mobileGame==false>>
<div class="perks-container"><div class="container perks"><div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/sponsor.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Sudden Sponsor</div><div class="description_perk"> You receive money one-time.</div><div class="additional_perk">+1000 money per point</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.sponsor ==0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $mia.money+=1000>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/heart.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">The Way to the Heart</div><div class="description_perk">You know exactly what and how to say to a person to win their favor.</div><div class="additional_perk">+1 to relationship during conversations.</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.heart == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.heart = 1>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="container perks"><div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/boundless.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Boundless Sex</div><div class="description_perk">You know how to approach all of a person's hidden desires.</div><div class="additional_perk">+1 to corruption in conversation. </div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.boundless == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.boundless = 1>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/aura_of_success.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Mysterious Aura of Success</div><div class="description_perk">People can't resist your smile.</div><div class="additional_perk">+5 clients when attracting clients.</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.aura_of_success == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.aura_of_success = 5>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="container perks"><div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/arena_of_life.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Arena of Life Lessons</div><div class="description_perk">You gain more experience while working.</div><div class="additional_perk">+1 experience when working.</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.arena_of_life == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.arena_of_life = 1>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/muscles.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Champion Muscles</div><div class="description_perk">You know exactly how to exercise to gain more benefits.</div><div class="additional_perk">+1 to fitness during training.</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.muscles == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.muscles = 1>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="container perks"><div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/dance.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Dance Soul</div><div class="description_perk">You feel the beat of any music.</div><div class="additional_perk">+1 to dance skill advancement.</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.dance == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.dance = 1>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/memory.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Good Memory</div><div class="description_perk">Your skills degrade at a slower rate.</div><div class="additional_perk">Skill degradation occurs every 14 days instead of 7.</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.memory == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.memory = 14>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="container perks"><div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/brilliance.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Brilliance in Every Accent</div><div class="description_perk">You do makeup better than professional salons.</div><div class="additional_perk">+10 to beauty.</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.brilliance == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.brilliance = 10>><<set $perk_points -=1>><<set $mia.bea +=10>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/nimble.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Nimble Fingers</div><div class="description_perk">You can delve into your clients' pockets to take their money.</div><div class="additional_perk">+15% to funds acquired.</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.nimble == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.nimble = 1.15>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="container perks"><div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/listening_and_seeing.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Listening and Seeing</div><div class="description_perk">You know what topics to discuss with a person to make them like you.</div><div class="additional_perk">Correct dialogue topics are highlighted in green.</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.listening_and_seeing = 1>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/magic.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Magic of Wakefulness Part 1</div><div class="description_perk">You know exactly how to get a good night's sleep.</div><div class="additional_perk">+1 to action points.</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.magic_1 == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.magic_1 = 1>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="container perks"><div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/magic.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Magic of Wakefulness Part 2</div><div class="description_perk">You know exactly how to get a good night's sleep.</div><div class="additional_perk">+1 to action points.</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.magic_2 == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.magic_2 = 1>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/magic.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Magic of Wakefulness Part 3</div><div class="description_perk">You know exactly how to get a good night's sleep.</div><div class="additional_perk">+1 to action points.</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.magic_3 == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.magic_3 = 1>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="container perks"><div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/joke.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Joker</div><div class="description_perk">You really know how to lift the mood.</div><div class="additional_perk">+30 to Boss Mood.</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.joke == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.joke = 30>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="perks-container"><div class="container perks"><div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/sponsor.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Sudden Sponsor</div><div class="description_perk"> You receive money one-time.</div><div class="additional_perk">+1000 money per point</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.sponsor ==0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $mia.money+=1000>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<div class="container perks"><div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/heart.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">The Way to the Heart (Future)</div><div class="description_perk">You know exactly what and how to say to a person to win their favor.</div><div class="additional_perk">+1 to relationship during conversations.</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.heart == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.heart = 1>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="container perks"><div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/boundless.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Boundless Sex (Future)</div><div class="description_perk">You know how to approach all of a person's hidden desires.</div><div class="additional_perk">+1 to corruption in conversation. </div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.boundless == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.boundless = 1>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="container perks"><div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/aura_of_success.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Mysterious Aura of Success</div><div class="description_perk">People can't resist your smile.</div><div class="additional_perk">+5 clients when attracting clients.</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.aura_of_success == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.aura_of_success = 5>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="container perks"><div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/arena_of_life.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Arena of Life Lessons</div><div class="description_perk">You gain more experience while working.</div><div class="additional_perk">+1 experience when working.</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.arena_of_life == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.arena_of_life = 1>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="container perks"><div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/muscles.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Champion Muscles</div><div class="description_perk">You know exactly how to exercise to gain more benefits.</div><div class="additional_perk">+1 to fitness during training.</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.muscles == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.muscles = 1>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="container perks"><div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/dance.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Dance Soul</div><div class="description_perk">You feel the beat of any music.</div><div class="additional_perk">+1 to dance skill advancement.</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.dance == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.dance = 1>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="container perks"><div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/memory.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Good Memory</div><div class="description_perk">Your skills degrade at a slower rate.</div><div class="additional_perk">Skill degradation occurs every 14 days instead of 7.</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.memory == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.memory = 14>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="container perks"><div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/brilliance.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Brilliance in Every Accent</div><div class="description_perk">You do makeup better than professional salons.</div><div class="additional_perk">+10 to beauty.</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.brilliance == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.brilliance = 10>><<set $perk_points -=1>><<set $mia.bea +=10>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="container perks"><div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/nimble.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Nimble Fingers</div><div class="description_perk">You can delve into your clients' pockets to take their money.</div><div class="additional_perk">+15% to funds acquired.</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.nimble == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.nimble = 1.15>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="container perks"><div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/listening_and_seeing.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Listening and Seeing</div><div class="description_perk">You know what topics to discuss with a person to make them like you.</div><div class="additional_perk">Correct dialogue topics are highlighted in green.</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.listening_and_seeing = 1>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="container perks"><div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/magic.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Magic of Wakefulness Part 1</div><div class="description_perk">You know exactly how to get a good night's sleep.</div><div class="additional_perk">+1 to action points.</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.magic_1 == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.magic_1 = 1>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="container perks"><div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/magic.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Magic of Wakefulness Part 2</div><div class="description_perk">You know exactly how to get a good night's sleep.</div><div class="additional_perk">+1 to action points.</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.magic_2 == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.magic_2 = 1>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="container perks"><div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/magic.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Magic of Wakefulness Part 3</div><div class="description_perk">You know exactly how to get a good night's sleep.</div><div class="additional_perk">+1 to action points.</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.magic_3 == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.magic_3 = 1>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
<div class="container perks"><div class="square perks"><img src="0.2.6/perks/joke.png"></div><div class="square perks text"><div class="title_perk">Joker</div><div class="description_perk">You really know how to lift the mood.</div><div class="additional_perk">+30 to Boss Mood.</div></div><div class="link activate"><<if $perks.joke == 0>><<if $perk_points==0>><<link "Points:0">><</link>><<else>><<link "Activate">>
<<set $perks.joke = 30>><<set $perk_points -=1>>
<<run $('#ui-dialog-body').empty().wiki(Story.get("Perks").processText())>>
<span style="font-size: 50px; color: #FF4040; text-align: center; line-height: 50px;">✔</span>
</div><</if>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/intro/intro_4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Standing 1|Standing 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 2|Standing 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl|Cowgirl]]>><</button>> <<button [[Anal|Anal_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Doggy style 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Doggy style 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Sideways sex|Sideways sex_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Blow job 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Blow job 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Blow job 3_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Cum_Intro]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Morning|NextMorning]]>><</button>><<if $mobileGame==false>><svg viewBox="0 0 1000 1600" width="30%" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="house-image">
<image width="1000" height="1600" href="0.2.6/backgrounds/new_house.png" />
<a data-passage="City">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 150.37173,1360.4011 244.29893,-1.7639 1.76389,90.3994 -245.18088,1.323 z" />
<a data-passage="Kitchen">
<path class="clickable-area" d="M 151.25367,108.03834 317.05945,25.13545 479.77841,105.83347 V 308.23999 L 316.1775,390.26093 150.8127,307.79902 Z" />
<a data-passage="Living room">
<path class="clickable-area" d="M 516.37915,107.59736 679.98006,24.694477 843.14,106.27445 844.02195,307.79902 679.98006,389.81996 516.37915,307.79902 Z" />
<a data-passage="Parents room">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 151.25367,500.06316 163.60091,-82.90289 164.04189,82.46192 0.88194,201.0836 -164.48286,82.02094 -164.04188,-82.46192 z" />
<a data-passage="Mia's room">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 515.05624,500.94511 165.3648,-82.90289 163.60091,81.57997 V 700.26481 L 679.98006,782.72673 515.05624,701.14676 Z" />
<a data-passage="Pool">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 152.57659,901.78938 164.48286,-83.34386 164.92382,83.78484 v 201.52454 l -165.3648,82.4619 -164.92383,-82.9028 z" />
<a data-passage="Bathroom">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 515.49721,895.61576 165.3648,-82.46191 163.60091,82.02094 v 201.52461 l -164.04188,81.139 -165.3648,-82.021 z" />
<a data-passage="Thomas's room">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 515.05624,1304.8385 164.04188,-82.4619 163.60091,82.4619 0.44097,199.7607 -164.48285,82.4619 -163.60091,-81.5799 z" />
</a></svg><<else>><svg viewBox="0 0 1000 970" width="30%" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="house-image">
<image width="1000" height="970" href="0.2.6/backgrounds/house_mobile.png" />
<a data-passage="City">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 6.9508337,901.46966 162.0078963,0.53468 0.80202,59.34943 H 7.2181734 Z" />
<a data-passage="Kitchen">
<path class="clickable-area" d="M 171.09744,106.13388 335.24406,23.258559 498.85599,104.79718 499.12333,305.56934 334.97672,386.57329 171.09744,305.83668 Z" />
<a data-passage="Living room">
<path class="clickable-area" d="M 661.6659,23.258559 826.07985,105.5992 826.34719,305.302 662.20058,387.10797 499.12333,305.302 499.65801,104.79718 Z" />
<a data-passage="Parents room">
<path class="clickable-area" d="M 7.5615102,389.0397 170.89013,306.61924 335.73105,388.28355 334.59683,587.15127 169.7559,669.57173 7.9395857,588.28549 Z" />
<a data-passage="Mia's room">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 498.6816,306.24116 163.70669,81.66431 -0.37807,201.13617 -162.57247,80.53009 -162.95055,-81.66431 -0.37807,-200.7581 z" />
<a data-passage="Pool">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 169.76075,670.22077 164.14661,-82.34064 164.41395,82.0733 -1.3367,200.77216 -163.07725,81.53862 -165.21597,-82.34064 z" />
<a data-passage="Bathroom">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 661.93324,588.68215 163.34459,81.80596 0.80202,200.77216 -163.87927,81.27128 -164.14661,-81.80596 1.3367,-199.97014 z" />
<a data-passage="Thomas's room">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 825.71691,305.48501 163.7067,82.04239 0.37808,201.13617 L 825.71691,669.9498 662.01022,588.66357 V 388.28355 Z" />
</a></svg><</if>><div class="house-cont">
<<if $clothes_top_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/verh/v0.png" and $clothes_bottom_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/niz/n0.png">>
<<set $random to random(1)>>
<<if $random==0>>
<<st>>Mia strolled out of her room naked. As she rounded the corner into the living room, she nearly collided with her mom, standing there with a laundry basket in hand. Jenny's eyes widened as if she was shocked or… turned on?<</st>>
<<mom>>"Mia, why are you walking around naked?" she asked, and Mia noticed how her eyes fixed on her boobs.<</mom>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Step closer (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Say sorry and leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia froze for a second, her cheeks flushing slightly.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, what was I thinking leaving my room like that? This is so awkward,'' she thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<st>>She quickly played it cool, flashing her mom a mischievous smile.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Oops! Sorry, Mom. I thought I was home alone,'' she finished the sentence, already running away from there, completely embarrassed.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia walked out of her room naked, feeling comfortable and not thinking much about it. She made her way toward the kitchen and came face-to-face with her dad.<</st>>
<<dad>>He looked up just in time to see Mia walk in, his eyes widening slightly as he took in her outfit or, more precisely, its absence. "Mia, what are you doing here undressed?"<</dad>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Stay and flirt (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Say sorry and leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia stopped, her face flushing with embarrassment. "Oh, Dad! I didn’t know you were home," she said quickly, giving him an awkward smile. "I thought I was alone."<</st>>
<<dad>>Her dad cleared his throat, pretending he didn't stare at her naked body. "Maybe you should go put on something a bit more...uh, appropriate?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, already backing out of the room. "Yeah, definitely. I’ll go get dressed."<</mia>>
<<set $random to random(45)>><<if $random>8>><<st>>You stand in the corridor, nothing happens.<</st>><<else>><<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Mia was walking down the hallway when she heard strange sounds coming from her parents' room. Curious, she stopped and listened. Well, it's impossible to not recognize those sounds. Mia quickly realized her parents were having sex in there.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor<25>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Don`t Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Deciding it was better to respect their privacy, Mia walked away.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>25 and $mia.cor<75>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Unable to resist, Mia slowly pushed the door open a crack and peeked inside. She saw her dad fucking her mom.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Wow, aren't they having too much fun for their age?'' she thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''But they look kind of hot,'' Mia suddenly realized that watching them having sex turns her on.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Jerk off (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Go back to your room'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Shit, this is not okay. What the hell is she thinking? Watching her parents having sex turns her on?<</mia>>
<<mia>>''No, that's wrong, I have to go,'' she thought and walked away.<</mia>>
<<link 'Don`t Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Deciding it was better to respect their privacy, Mia walked away.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>75 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Unable to resist, Mia slowly pushed the door open a crack and peeked inside. She saw her dad fucking her mom.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Wow, aren't they having too much fun for their age?'' she thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''But they look kind of hot,'' Mia suddenly realized that watching them having sex turns her on.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Jerk off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Yeah, this definitely turns her on, she decided to watch them a bit more and masturbate.<</st>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Join (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Don`t Join'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>>
<<mia>>Nah, this is wrong; I’m not going to do it; I have to leave.<</mia>>
<<link 'Go back to your room'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Shit, this is not okay. What the hell is she thinking? Watching her parents having sex turns her on?<</mia>>
<<mia>>''No, that's wrong, I have to go,'' she thought and walked away.<</mia>>
<<link 'Don`t Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Deciding it was better to respect their privacy, Mia walked away.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $mom.cor>99 and $dad.cor>99 and $mom.relation>99 and $dad.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Unable to resist, Mia slowly pushed the door open a crack and peeked inside. She saw her dad fucking her mom.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Wow, aren't they having too much fun for their age?'' she thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''But they look kind of hot,'' Mia suddenly realized that watching them having sex turns her on.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Jerk off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Yeah, this definitely turns her on, she decided to watch them a bit more and masturbate.<</st>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Join'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>Shit, maybe watching them is not enough?<</mia>>
<<mia>>Mia knocked on the door and walked towards them, swaying her hips and asking ''Hey, do you need company, guys?''<</mia>>
<<mia>>OH YEAH<</mia>>
<<link 'Don`t Join'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>>
<<mia>>Nah, this is wrong; I’m not going to do it; I have to leave.<</mia>>
<<link 'Go back to your room'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Shit, this is not okay. What the hell is she thinking? Watching her parents having sex turns her on?<</mia>>
<<mia>>''No, that's wrong, I have to go,'' she thought and walked away.<</mia>>
<<link 'Don`t Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Deciding it was better to respect their privacy, Mia walked away.<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Unable to resist, Mia slowly pushed the door open a crack and peeked inside. She saw her dad fucking her mom.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Wow, aren't they having too much fun for their age?'' she thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''But they look kind of hot,'' Mia suddenly realized that watching them having sex turns her on.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Jerk off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Yeah, this definitely turns her on, she decided to watch them a bit more and masturbate.<</st>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Join (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Don`t Join'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>>
<<mia>>Nah, this is wrong; I’m not going to do it; I have to leave.<</mia>>
<<link 'Go back to your room'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Shit, this is not okay. What the hell is she thinking? Watching her parents having sex turns her on?<</mia>>
<<mia>>''No, that's wrong, I have to go,'' she thought and walked away.<</mia>>
<<link 'Don`t Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Deciding it was better to respect their privacy, Mia walked away.<</mia>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia walked into the living room and saw her mom, covered with a blanket, reading a book. Normally, she would continue walking, but she noticed something was off. Her mom was acting weird, her hand was moving under the blanket and she was blushing.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor <25>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Find out what`s wrong (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Keep walking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided it was best to leave it alone. She continued walking, pretending she didn't notice anything.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>25 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Find out what`s wrong'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia couldn't ignore it. She walked over to her mom and asked, "Hey, what are you doing?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mom looked up. "Just reading," she said, blushing even more.<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia, curious, walked closer and looked at the book cover. It was "50 Shades of Grey."<</st>>
<<mia>>She couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Mom, really?"<</mia>>
<<st>>But then Jenny started moaning, and Mia noticed that one of her arms was still moving under the blanket. Suddenly, Mia understood what Jenny was doing.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Offer Jenny help (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave Jenny alone'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Not willing to interrupt Mia said ''Sorry, Mom, I'll let you finish what you've started,'' and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Keep walking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided it was best to leave it alone. She continued walking, pretending she didn't notice anything.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $mom.relation>99 and $mom.cor>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Find out what`s wrong'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia couldn't ignore it. She walked over to her mom and asked, "Hey, what are you doing?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mom looked up. "Just reading," she said, blushing even more.<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia, curious, walked closer and looked at the book cover. It was "50 Shades of Grey."<</st>>
<<mia>>She couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Mom, really?"<</mia>>
<<st>>But then Jenny started moaning, and Mia noticed that one of her arms was still moving under the blanket. Suddenly, Mia understood what Jenny was doing.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Offer Jenny help'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Jenny was jerking off on one of the dirty scenes, and Mia interrupted her. Well, that wasn't right.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Let me help you with that,'' Mia said quietly and got under Jenny's blanket.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave Jenny alone'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Not willing to interrupt Mia said ''Sorry, Mom, I'll let you finish what you've started,'' and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Keep walking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided it was best to leave it alone. She continued walking, pretending she didn't notice anything.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Find out what`s wrong'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia couldn't ignore it. She walked over to her mom and asked, "Hey, what are you doing?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mom looked up. "Just reading," she said, blushing even more.<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia, curious, walked closer and looked at the book cover. It was "50 Shades of Grey."<</st>>
<<mia>>She couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Mom, really?"<</mia>>
<<st>>But then Jenny started moaning, and Mia noticed that one of her arms was still moving under the blanket. Suddenly, Mia understood what Jenny was doing.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Offer Jenny help (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave Jenny alone'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Not willing to interrupt Mia said ''Sorry, Mom, I'll let you finish what you've started,'' and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Keep walking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided it was best to leave it alone. She continued walking, pretending she didn't notice anything.<</st>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Richard lay down on the mechanic's creeper and rolled himself under the car, ready to start the repairs. He had a toolbox beside him and was already deep in concentration.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia walked into the garage, noticing her dad’s legs sticking out from under the car.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor <50>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Offer help (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Well, he's clearly busy; there’s no need to bother him,'' Mia thought and left.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>50 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Offer help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>She stepped over the creeper with one leg and called out, "Hey, Dad, need any help?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Richard paused his work and slid out from under the car, looking up and realizing he was looking right at Mia's pussy. Well, she definitely didn't bother to wear panties. His dick hardened immediately.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Sit on his face (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hi, honey. Actually, some help would be great. Can you help me get rid of my boner?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>“Oh, I… I don’t know, Dad. Emmm, let me call Mom, okay? Maybe she can help?” she ran out of the garage.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Well, he's clearly busy; there’s no need to bother him,'' Mia thought and left.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $dad.relation>99 and $dad.cor>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Offer help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>She stepped over the creeper with one leg and called out, "Hey, Dad, need any help?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Richard paused his work and slid out from under the car, looking up and realizing he was looking right at Mia's pussy. Well, she definitely didn't bother to wear panties. His dick hardened immediately.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Sit on his face'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hi, honey. Actually, some help would be great. Can you help me get rid of my boner?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>“That’s exactly what I came here for, Dad,” she smiled.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hi, honey. Actually, some help would be great. Can you help me get rid of my boner?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>“Oh, I… I don’t know, Dad. Emmm, let me call Mom, okay? Maybe she can help?” she ran out of the garage.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Well, he's clearly busy; there’s no need to bother him,'' Mia thought and left.<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Offer help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>She stepped over the creeper with one leg and called out, "Hey, Dad, need any help?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Richard paused his work and slid out from under the car, looking up and realizing he was looking right at Mia's pussy. Well, she definitely didn't bother to wear panties. His dick hardened immediately.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Sit on his face (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hi, honey. Actually, some help would be great. Can you help me get rid of my boner?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>“Oh, I… I don’t know, Dad. Emmm, let me call Mom, okay? Maybe she can help?” she ran out of the garage.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Well, he's clearly busy; there’s no need to bother him,'' Mia thought and left.<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia's mother was busy cooking in the kitchen. As Mia walked in, she saw Jenny chopping vegetables and stirring pots on the stove.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor <15>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help with Cooking (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided not to interrupt. "Smells great, Mom," she said with a smile.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother glanced up, smiling back. "Thanks, Mia. Dinner will be ready soon."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia nodded and walked out of the kitchen.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor >15 and $mia.cor <150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help with Cooking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to help. "Hey, Mom, need any help with dinner?" she asked, walking over to the counter.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother looked up and smiled. "That would be great, Mia. Can you peal that grapefruit for me?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, I can do it,'' Mia said with a dirty smile and started putting her fingers right into the grapefruit.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Mia, what are you doing?'' her Mother's cheeks flushed, and she couldn't take her eyes off of Mia licking her fingers.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Approach Jenny (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Pretend that nothing`s happened'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Oh, sorry, mom. I was just hungry. Let me help you with something else.''<</mia>>
<<st>>And she kept helping Jenny with dinner as if nothing had happened.<</st>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided not to interrupt. "Smells great, Mom," she said with a smile.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother glanced up, smiling back. "Thanks, Mia. Dinner will be ready soon."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia nodded and walked out of the kitchen.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor >150>>
<<if $mom.cor>99 and $mom.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help with Cooking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to help. "Hey, Mom, need any help with dinner?" she asked, walking over to the counter.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother looked up and smiled. "That would be great, Mia. Can you peal that grapefruit for me?'<</mom>>'
<<mia>>''Sure, I can do it,'' Mia said with a dirty smile and started putting her fingers right into the grapefruit.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Mia, what are you doing?'' her Mother's cheeks flushed, and she couldn't take her eyes off of Mia licking her fingers.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Approach Jenny'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mom>>''Let me show you what I'm doing,'' she said, placing the grapefruit back on the counter and walking closer to Jenny.<</mom>>
<<link 'Pretend that nothing`s happened'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Oh, sorry, mom. I was just hungry. Let me help you with something else.''<</mia>>
<<st>>And she kept helping Jenny with dinner as if nothing had happened.<</st>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided not to interrupt. "Smells great, Mom," she said with a smile.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother glanced up, smiling back. "Thanks, Mia. Dinner will be ready soon."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia nodded and walked out of the kitchen.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help with Cooking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to help. "Hey, Mom, need any help with dinner?" she asked, walking over to the counter.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother looked up and smiled. "That would be great, Mia. Can you peal that grapefruit for me?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, I can do it,'' Mia said with a dirty smile and started putting her fingers right into the grapefruit.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Mia, what are you doing?'' her Mother's cheeks flushed, and she couldn't take her eyes off of Mia licking her fingers.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Approach Jenny (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Pretend that nothing`s happened'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Oh, sorry, mom. I was just hungry. Let me help you with something else.''<</mia>>
<<st>>And she kept helping Jenny with dinner as if nothing had happened.<</st>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided not to interrupt. "Smells great, Mom," she said with a smile.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother glanced up, smiling back. "Thanks, Mia. Dinner will be ready soon."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia nodded and walked out of the kitchen.<</st>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mia walked into the living room and saw her dad, Richard, sitting on the couch and watching TV. He seemed engrossed in a show, his attention fully captured by the screen.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor<100>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch TV'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to join him. "Hey, Dad, what are you watching?" she asked, plopping down on the couch next to him.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Richard smiled at her ''Hi, sweetheart. Some random movie; it just started. Want to watch it with me?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, settling in. "Sure, why not." They sat together when suddenly the movie took a crazy twist, and the main characters started fucking.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Keep watching (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hmm, you know, Dad, I just remembered I have some plans. Why don't we catch up later?'' she whispered and walked out of the room, feeling uncomfortable.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided not to interrupt. She walked out of the living room, giving her dad some space to enjoy his program.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>100 and $mia.cor<150>>
<<if $dad.cor>49 and $dad.relation>49>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch TV'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to join him. "Hey, Dad, what are you watching?" she asked, plopping down on the couch next to him.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Richard smiled at her ''Hi, sweetheart. Some random movie; it just started. Want to watch it with me?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, settling in. "Sure, why not." They sat together when suddenly the movie took a crazy twist, and the main characters started fucking.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Wow, what the hell are they doing? I didn't know you could bend like that!'' Mia said that and stood up in front of the TV, trying to copy the actress and covering the screen with her body.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Hey, Mia, I can't see anything! Move!''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''If you want to continue watching it, make me move!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh I can do that,'' he said, grabbing Mia by the waist. Richard sat down and put her on his knee, taking off her tiny shorts and starting to slap her ass.<</dad>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Fix the situation (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Okay, okay, sorry. I've made a mistake. I will not distract you from a movie again, Dad,'' Mia said and walked out of the room.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hmm, you know, Dad, I just remembered I have some plans. Why don't we catch up later?'' she whispered and walked out of the room, feeling uncomfortable.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided not to interrupt. She walked out of the living room, giving her dad some space to enjoy his program.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch TV'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to join him. "Hey, Dad, what are you watching?" she asked, plopping down on the couch next to him.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Richard smiled at her ''Hi, sweetheart. Some random movie; it just started. Want to watch it with me?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, settling in. "Sure, why not." They sat together when suddenly the movie took a crazy twist, and the main characters started fucking.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Keep watching (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hmm, you know, Dad, I just remembered I have some plans. Why don't we catch up later?'' she whispered and walked out of the room, feeling uncomfortable.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided not to interrupt. She walked out of the living room, giving her dad some space to enjoy his program.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $dad.cor>99 and $dad.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch TV'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to join him. "Hey, Dad, what are you watching?" she asked, plopping down on the couch next to him.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Richard smiled at her ''Hi, sweetheart. Some random movie; it just started. Want to watch it with me?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, settling in. "Sure, why not." They sat together when suddenly the movie took a crazy twist, and the main characters started fucking.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Wow, what the hell are they doing? I didn't know you could bend like that!'' Mia said that and stood up in front of the TV, trying to copy the actress and covering the screen with her body.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Hey, Mia, I can't see anything! Move!''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''If you want to continue watching it, make me move!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh I can do that,'' he said, grabbing Mia by the waist. Richard sat down and put her on his knee, taking off her tiny shorts and starting to slap her ass.<</dad>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Fix the situation'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<dad>>''You see, I've missed a few minutes of the movie because of you!''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''I know how I can make up for it! Looks like they enjoy themselves in this scene. Why don't we try it out?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Hmm, this can work,'' he said, letting Mia start redeeming herself.<</dad>>
<<mia>>Oh fuck, your cock is perfect!<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Okay, okay, sorry. I've made a mistake. I will not distract you from a movie again, Dad,'' Mia said and walked out of the room.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hmm, you know, Dad, I just remembered I have some plans. Why don't we catch up later?'' she whispered and walked out of the room, feeling uncomfortable.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided not to interrupt. She walked out of the living room, giving her dad some space to enjoy his program.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch TV'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to join him. "Hey, Dad, what are you watching?" she asked, plopping down on the couch next to him.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Richard smiled at her ''Hi, sweetheart. Some random movie; it just started. Want to watch it with me?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, settling in. "Sure, why not." They sat together when suddenly the movie took a crazy twist, and the main characters started fucking.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Wow, what the hell are they doing? I didn't know you could bend like that!'' Mia said that and stood up in front of the TV, trying to copy the actress and covering the screen with her body.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Hey, Mia, I can't see anything! Move!''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''If you want to continue watching it, make me move!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh I can do that,'' he said, grabbing Mia by the waist. Richard sat down and put her on his knee, taking off her tiny shorts and starting to slap her ass.<</dad>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Fix the situation (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Okay, okay, sorry. I've made a mistake. I will not distract you from a movie again, Dad,'' Mia said and walked out of the room.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hmm, you know, Dad, I just remembered I have some plans. Why don't we catch up later?'' she whispered and walked out of the room, feeling uncomfortable.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided not to interrupt. She walked out of the living room, giving her dad some space to enjoy his program.<</st>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Mia walked into the living room and saw her mom doing yoga on a mat in the center of the room.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Hey, Mom," Mia greeted.<</mia>>
<<mom>>"Hi, honey! How's it going?" Jenny didn't shift from the warrior pose while replying to Mia.<</mom>>
<<mia>>"Not bad," Mia replied, glancing at the yoga mat. "Doing yoga again?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny chuckled. "Yeah, do you want to join? I have an extra mat right here."<</mom>>
<<if $mia.fit <15>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.fit >15 and $mia.fit<25>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to give it a try. "Sure, why not?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia rolled out the spare mat and stood next to her mom. Every time Jenny changed a pose or stretched, it looked like her tits were about to jump out of her bra.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, why do I feel like I wanna see more?'' Mia thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>"Mom, this is kind of boring. Let's spice it up a bit," Mia offered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny laughed. "Yeah? Do you have any offers?" she asked, now staring at Mia's sports bra.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'I have an idea (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'I dont have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''My idea is that I'm way too bored and wanna leave. Why don't I go and let you do the rest of your workout?'' Mia asked her, smiling.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sure, honey, I don't mind. I'm still not over with a doggy pose''.<</mom>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.fit > 25>>
<<if $mia.cor>100 and $mom.cor>49 and $mom.relation>49 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to give it a try. "Sure, why not?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia rolled out the spare mat and stood next to her mom. Every time Jenny changed a pose or stretched, it looked like her tits were about to jump out of her bra.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, why do I feel like I wanna see more?'' Mia thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>"Mom, this is kind of boring. Let's spice it up a bit," Mia offered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny laughed. "Yeah? Do you have any offers?" she asked, now staring at Mia's sports bra.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'I have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>"Let's do a small competition. We do some yoga poses, and the one of us who fails to do a pose takes off their clothes. What do you think?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>''I'm up for it,'' Jenny smiled, watching how Mia's nipples hardened under her bra.<</mom>>
<<st>>A couple of minutes later, they both were on their mats, completely naked and turned on.<</st>>
<<mom>>''This time, I have an idea,'' Jenny said, stepping closer to Mia and putting a hand on her boobs. Why don't we try yoga poses for two? They can be quite… challenging.''<</mom>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Agree (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Yeah, Mom, it sounds great. But I'm kind of tired already. Not sure that I'm ready for anything challenging.'' Mia said, thinking to herself that she was not ready for what might come next.<</mia>>
<<link 'I dont have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''My idea is that I'm way too bored and wanna leave. Why don't I go and let you do the rest of your workout?'' Mia asked her, smiling.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sure, honey, I don't mind. I'm still not over with a doggy pose''.<</mom>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to give it a try. "Sure, why not?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia rolled out the spare mat and stood next to her mom. Every time Jenny changed a pose or stretched, it looked like her tits were about to jump out of her bra.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, why do I feel like I wanna see more?'' Mia thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>"Mom, this is kind of boring. Let's spice it up a bit," Mia offered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny laughed. "Yeah? Do you have any offers?" she asked, now staring at Mia's sports bra.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'I have an idea (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'I dont have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''My idea is that I'm way too bored and wanna leave. Why don't I go and let you do the rest of your workout?'' Mia asked her, smiling.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sure, honey, I don't mind. I'm still not over with a doggy pose''.<</mom>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.fit>50>>
<<if $mia.cor>150 and $mom.cor>99 and $mom.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to give it a try. "Sure, why not?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia rolled out the spare mat and stood next to her mom. Every time Jenny changed a pose or stretched, it looked like her tits were about to jump out of her bra.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, why do I feel like I wanna see more?'' Mia thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>"Mom, this is kind of boring. Let's spice it up a bit," Mia offered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny laughed. "Yeah? Do you have any offers?" she asked, now staring at Mia's sports bra.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'I have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>"Let's do a small competition. We do some yoga poses, and the one of us who fails to do a pose takes off their clothes. What do you think?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>''I'm up for it,'' Jenny smiled, watching how Mia's nipples hardened under her bra.<</mom>>
<<st>>A couple of minutes later, they both were on their mats, completely naked and turned on.<</st>>
<<mom>>''This time, I have an idea,'' Jenny said, stepping closer to Mia and putting a hand on her boobs. Why don't we try yoga poses for two? They can be quite… challenging.''<</mom>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<st>>Mia looked into her mom's eyes, intrigued and turned on, thinking about what would come next.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Let's do it. But I choose the first pose.''<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Yeah, Mom, it sounds great. But I'm kind of tired already. Not sure that I'm ready for anything challenging.'' Mia said, thinking to herself that she was not ready for what might come next.<</mia>>
<<link 'I dont have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''My idea is that I'm way too bored and wanna leave. Why don't I go and let you do the rest of your workout?'' Mia asked her, smiling.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sure, honey, I don't mind. I'm still not over with a doggy pose''.<</mom>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to give it a try. "Sure, why not?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia rolled out the spare mat and stood next to her mom. Every time Jenny changed a pose or stretched, it looked like her tits were about to jump out of her bra.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, why do I feel like I wanna see more?'' Mia thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>"Mom, this is kind of boring. Let's spice it up a bit," Mia offered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny laughed. "Yeah? Do you have any offers?" she asked, now staring at Mia's sports bra.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'I have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>"Let's do a small competition. We do some yoga poses, and the one of us who fails to do a pose takes off their clothes. What do you think?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>''I'm up for it,'' Jenny smiled, watching how Mia's nipples hardened under her bra.<</mom>>
<<st>>A couple of minutes later, they both were on their mats, completely naked and turned on.<</st>>
<<mom>>''This time, I have an idea,'' Jenny said, stepping closer to Mia and putting a hand on her boobs. Why don't we try yoga poses for two? They can be quite… challenging.''<</mom>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Agree (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Yeah, Mom, it sounds great. But I'm kind of tired already. Not sure that I'm ready for anything challenging.'' Mia said, thinking to herself that she was not ready for what might come next.<</mia>>
<<link 'I dont have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''My idea is that I'm way too bored and wanna leave. Why don't I go and let you do the rest of your workout?'' Mia asked her, smiling.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sure, honey, I don't mind. I'm still not over with a doggy pose''.<</mom>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<<case 6>>
<<st>>Mia heard her mom calling and went to find her. She found her with a basket of clothes.<</st>>
<<mom>>"Mia, could you help me out and do the laundry today?" Jenny asked, setting the basket down.<</mom>>
<<if $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia looked at the basket and then at her mom. "Sure, Mom. No problem."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny smiled, "Thanks, honey."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia took the basket and went to the washing machine. As she bent down to put the laundry into the washer, she saw her panties in the drum from the previous washing. She got into the drum to retrieve it, when suddenly someone put her hands on her ass while she was in there.<</st>>
<<dad>>''Well, well, what an interesting view, Mia. It's almost inviting, you know.''<</dad>>
<<st>>She understood it was her dad, and with his hands trying to get under her shorts, his intentions were clear as day.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay where you are (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Get out of the drum'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Mia decided to get out of the drum, she wasn't ready to see how far it could get.<</st>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia glanced at the laundry basket and saw her brother's dirty underwear. "Sorry, Mom, but I'm really not in the mood for laundry today," she said.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $dad.cor>99 and $dad.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia looked at the basket and then at her mom. "Sure, Mom. No problem."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny smiled, "Thanks, honey."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia took the basket and went to the washing machine. As she bent down to put the laundry into the washer, she saw her panties in the drum from the previous washing. She got into the drum to retrieve it, when suddenly someone put her hands on her ass while she was in there.<</st>>
<<dad>>''Well, well, what an interesting view, Mia. It's almost inviting, you know.''<</dad>>
<<st>>She understood it was her dad, and with his hands trying to get under her shorts, his intentions were clear as day.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay where you are'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Almost? I guess it's clear enough.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia laughed and decided to stay inside and see what's gonna happen next.<</st>>
<<link 'Get out of the drum'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Mia decided to get out of the drum, she wasn't ready to see how far it could get.<</st>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia glanced at the laundry basket and saw her brother's dirty underwear. "Sorry, Mom, but I'm really not in the mood for laundry today," she said.<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia looked at the basket and then at her mom. "Sure, Mom. No problem."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny smiled, "Thanks, honey."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia took the basket and went to the washing machine. As she bent down to put the laundry into the washer, she saw her panties in the drum from the previous washing. She got into the drum to retrieve it, when suddenly someone put her hands on her ass while she was in there.<</st>>
<<dad>>''Well, well, what an interesting view, Mia. It's almost inviting, you know.''<</dad>>
<<st>>She understood it was her dad, and with his hands trying to get under her shorts, his intentions were clear as day.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay where you are (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Get out of the drum'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Mia decided to get out of the drum, she wasn't ready to see how far it could get.<</st>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia glanced at the laundry basket and saw her brother's dirty underwear. "Sorry, Mom, but I'm really not in the mood for laundry today," she said.<</mia>>
<<case 7>>
<<st>>Mia was cleaning the house. Everything was going smoothly until she got stuck while her ass was sticking up.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Seriously?" Mia muttered to herself, trying to wiggle free.<</mia>>
<<if $mia.cor<50>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Cry for help (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Try to break free'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>She shifted her position, gave a few determined tugs, and finally managed to break free.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Thank God I did it myself. Would've been stupid to cry for help like a helpless idiot.''<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>50 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Cry for help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Heyyyy! Guys, someone! Help me, I'm stuck!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>Just a minute later, she could hear footsteps approaching and her father asking, ''Mia? What are you doing?'' with a weird hoarseness in his voice. And she couldn't see the way he looked at her ass and naked legs.<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Dad! Great, you're here. My hand is stuck. Can you bring me some oil or something else so I could lubricate it?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh, hehe… I have something to lubricate it just enough. Do you want me to help?'' he asked, hinting at something else rather than helping her.<</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Agree (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Laugh it off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hahaha, very funny, Dad! I am really stuck here. Can you call mom?'' Mia pretended to not understand what he meant. She wasn't ready for what might happen next.<</mia>>
<<link 'Try to break free'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>She shifted her position, gave a few determined tugs, and finally managed to break free.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Thank God I did it myself. Would've been stupid to cry for help like a helpless idiot.''<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $dad.cor>99 and $dad.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Cry for help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Heyyyy! Guys, someone! Help me, I'm stuck!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>Just a minute later, she could hear footsteps approaching and her father asking, ''Mia? What are you doing?'' with a weird hoarseness in his voice. And she couldn't see the way he looked at her ass and naked legs.<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Dad! Great, you're here. My hand is stuck. Can you bring me some oil or something else so I could lubricate it?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh, hehe… I have something to lubricate it just enough. Do you want me to help?'' he asked, hinting at something else rather than helping her.<</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Help me, Daddy,'' she said, already feeling horny and thinking that not wearing her panties today was a smart decision.<</mia>>
<<link 'Laugh it off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hahaha, very funny, Dad! I am really stuck here. Can you call mom?'' Mia pretended to not understand what he meant. She wasn't ready for what might happen next.<</mia>>
<<link 'Try to break free'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>She shifted her position, gave a few determined tugs, and finally managed to break free.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Thank God I did it myself. Would've been stupid to cry for help like a helpless idiot.''<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Cry for help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Heyyyy! Guys, someone! Help me, I'm stuck!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>Just a minute later, she could hear footsteps approaching and her father asking, ''Mia? What are you doing?'' with a weird hoarseness in his voice. And she couldn't see the way he looked at her ass and naked legs.<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Dad! Great, you're here. My hand is stuck. Can you bring me some oil or something else so I could lubricate it?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh, hehe… I have something to lubricate it just enough. Do you want me to help?'' he asked, hinting at something else rather than helping her.<</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Agree (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Laugh it off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hahaha, very funny, Dad! I am really stuck here. Can you call mom?'' Mia pretended to not understand what he meant. She wasn't ready for what might happen next.<</mia>>
<<link 'Try to break free'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>She shifted her position, gave a few determined tugs, and finally managed to break free.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Thank God I did it myself. Would've been stupid to cry for help like a helpless idiot.''<</mia>>
<<case 8>>
<<st>>Mia walked into her parents' room without knocking, thinking they were out. But as she stepped inside, she froze. Her mom was almost naked, dancing and moving in front of a camera.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/home_events/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<if $mia.cor<25>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep watching (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia quickly backed out of the room, closing the door behind her. She couldn't shake the awkward feeling but decided it was best not to think about it.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>25 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Jenny was so horny and turned on, so involved into what she was doing, that Mia couldn't look away. Deep inside her, she knew it was wrong, but the way Jenny moved, it really turned her on.<</st>>
<<mom>>Suddenly, her mom noticed Mia in a doorframe. Confused by Mia's sudden entrance, she quickly turned off the camera and looked over at her. "Mia! I didn’t hear you come in."<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay and film together (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Say sorry and leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Mia stood there, unsure of what to say. "Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. I'll go and let you finish… whatever you were doing,'' she smiled awkwardly and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia quickly backed out of the room, closing the door behind her. She couldn't shake the awkward feeling but decided it was best not to think about it.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $mom.cor>99 and $mom.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Jenny was so horny and turned on, so involved into what she was doing, that Mia couldn't look away. Deep inside her, she knew it was wrong, but the way Jenny moved, it really turned her on.<</st>>
<<mom>>Suddenly, her mom noticed Mia in a doorframe. Confused by Mia's sudden entrance, she quickly turned off the camera and looked over at her. "Mia! I didn’t hear you come in."<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay and film together'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Don't stop. You look so hot. Can I join you?'' she asked, already closing the door behind her, and taking off her clothes.<</mia>>
<<st>>Jenny's eyes lit up at Mia's suggestion.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Sure, come on in. We can spice it up a bit, you know. Take off your panties while I set up the camera,'' she offered.<</mom>>
<<link 'Say sorry and leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Mia stood there, unsure of what to say. "Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. I'll go and let you finish… whatever you were doing,'' she smiled awkwardly and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia quickly backed out of the room, closing the door behind her. She couldn't shake the awkward feeling but decided it was best not to think about it.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Jenny was so horny and turned on, so involved into what she was doing, that Mia couldn't look away. Deep inside her, she knew it was wrong, but the way Jenny moved, it really turned her on.<</st>>
<<mom>>Suddenly, her mom noticed Mia in a doorframe. Confused by Mia's sudden entrance, she quickly turned off the camera and looked over at her. "Mia! I didn’t hear you come in."<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay and film together (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Say sorry and leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Mia stood there, unsure of what to say. "Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. I'll go and let you finish… whatever you were doing,'' she smiled awkwardly and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia quickly backed out of the room, closing the door behind her. She couldn't shake the awkward feeling but decided it was best not to think about it.<</st>>
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var houseImage = document.querySelector('.house-image');
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// Первоначальная установка позиции изображения
// Отслеживание клика по кнопке сворачивания панели
var toggleButton = document.getElementById("right-ui-bar-toggle");
toggleButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
// Подождем, пока класс обновится
setTimeout(updateHouseImagePosition, 100);
});<</script>><</done>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>function hideBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.add('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.add('stowed');
}hideBars();</script><</if>><<set $canTravel =1>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>In future updates, you will be able to play as this character. Also, he and Mia will have a shared storyline.
Did you enjoy the game and want more content? Support us!
Stay tuned for updates, share your comments and ideas. We'd love to hear your feedback!
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<button [[Leave|House]]>><</button>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>В будущих обновлениях вы сможете играть за этого персонажа. Кроме того, у него и Мии будет общая сюжетная линия.
Вам понравилась игра и вы хотите больше контента? Поддержите нас!
Следите за обновлениями, делитесь своими комментариями и идеями. Мы будем рады услышать ваши отзывы!
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<button [[Уйти|House]]>><</button>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>In zukünftigen Updates wirst du die Möglichkeit haben, als dieser Charakter zu spielen. Außerdem werden er und Mia eine gemeinsame Handlung haben.
Hat dir das Spiel gefallen und möchtest du mehr Inhalte? Unterstütze uns!
Bleib dran für Updates, teile deine Kommentare und Ideen. Wir würden uns über dein Feedback freuen!
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<button [[Verlassen|House]]>><</button>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Dans les prochaines mises à jour, vous pourrez incarner ce personnage. De plus, Mia et lui auront un scénario commun.
Vous avez aimé le jeu et vous voulez plus de contenu ? Soutenez-nous!
Restez à l'écoute des mises à jour, partagez vos commentaires et vos idées. Nous sommes ravis de recevoir vos commentaires !
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<button [[Hinterlasse|House]]>><</button>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>En futuras actualizaciones, podrás jugar como este personaje. Además, Mia y él compartirán historia.
¿Te ha gustado el juego y quieres más contenido? ¡Apóyanos!
Permanece atento a las actualizaciones, comparte tus comentarios e ideas. Nos encantará recibir tus comentarios.
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<button [[Deja|House]]>><</button>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
<<case "CH">>
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<button [[离开|House]]>><</button>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>><<done>><<script>>
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var houseImage = document.querySelector('.rooms-image');
// Функция для обновления позиции изображения
function updateHouseImagePosition() {
if (rightUiBar.classList.contains('stowed')) {
houseImage.style.left = '80%'; // Увеличиваем значение left
} else {
houseImage.style.left = '71%'; // Обычная позиция
// Первоначальная установка позиции изображения
// Отслеживание клика по кнопке сворачивания панели
var toggleButton = document.getElementById("right-ui-bar-toggle");
toggleButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
// Подождем, пока класс обновится
setTimeout(updateHouseImagePosition, 100);
});<</script>><</done>><svg viewBox="0 0 1920 1080" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="rooms-image">
<image width="1920" height="1080" href="0.2.6/backgrounds/Parents.png" />
<a data-passage="House">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 474.25075,955.91965 200.80195,-0.5116 0.76739,74.18165 H 474.76235 Z" />
</a><a data-passage="FatherPassage">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 911.92227,938.14163 3.70909,3.06959 5.88335,1.1511 4.47649,-2.17429 0.8953,-2.4301 3.45328,-1.02319 11.25514,-6.13916 7.41815,-6.39498 0.2558,-2.81379 -1.79057,-1.91846 -3.70909,-0.6395 -7.92977,1.79057 -4.22066,1.27899 -1.53479,-0.2558 1.66269,-26.21936 1.66269,-24.68456 6.01126,-28.39366 2.94169,-20.46388 0.3837,-14.58052 3.19749,-3.70909 -0.5116,-13.04573 -2.81379,-14.19683 -3.06959,-11.76674 -1.9185,-7.16237 0.8953,-7.29025 2.30219,0.8953 5.88338,2.94166 h 8.69715 l 6.13915,-6.26705 -0.12787,-9.72035 -4.34859,-13.68522 -4.47648,-13.17364 -5.24386,-10.61566 -8.82507,-6.39495 -7.54605,-4.34859 -2.81379,-2.04639 -1.15109,-2.55799 0.1279,-6.77866 6.01128,1.5348 2.68586,-0.7674 0.8953,-2.94169 -0.5116,-3.83699 v -3.19746 l 1.0232,-1.66269 -1.4069,-5.24389 -1.08715,-2.62194 1.34295,-3.19746 0.3837,-3.32539 -2.94167,-4.92413 1.15107,-6.01126 -2.17426,-4.79623 -4.66834,-2.62194 -7.7379,0.63949 -9.46456,2.11035 -7.03445,4.47648 -5.11599,6.01126 -1.02319,9.27272 2.17429,8.82504 4.98808,6.26705 2.30217,4.02884 -1.15107,1.4069 -4.73229,-1.21505 -6.39498,0.83135 -6.64032,5.21086 -4.02453,7.68728 -1.04005,10.21956 0.85918,10.21953 c 0,0 5.42632,21.16262 5.24542,21.38871 -0.18087,0.22611 1.37964,12.86885 1.37964,12.86885 l -1.66269,14.19683 -3.32539,19.05701 v 12.78993 l 2.81379,3.06959 -0.1279,30.82372 v 19.82441 l -3.32539,6.26706 -3.19749,9.84826 -1.53479,12.15044 1.0232,19.82438 -1.0232,16.75482 0.1279,11.51093 1.15109,3.06959 4.60439,2.8138 5.62758,-0.1279 4.47646,-4.60439 0.7674,-3.83696 3.32539,-2.30219 6.65075,-8.31348 0.6395,-5.49965 -1.279,-2.04639 -5.24386,1.40689 h -2.30219 l 0.6395,-3.70909 5.62758,-25.06826 3.58116,-17.39432 3.19749,-11.89463 0.8953,20.2081 -2.81379,7.29025 -1.4069,12.91784 0.7674,19.6965 0.7674,18.28959 z" />
</a><a data-passage="MotherPassage">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 1072.308,896.83015 6.7787,-1.279 5.7555,-4.86016 2.1743,-7.67397 0.8953,-21.74288 -1.1511,-1.02319 0.5116,-13.30153 3.0695,-27.37046 0.3837,-3.83699 -1.1511,-9.59244 -4.4764,-11.12724 -1.0232,-7.80187 3.5812,-17.52222 4.988,-24.30087 0.7674,-10.74353 -2.1743,-9.46455 -2.558,-5.88338 10.6157,-6.39498 16.3711,-13.30153 1.5348,-2.55796 -0.1279,-3.96489 -11.2551,-26.60306 -4.4765,-7.67397 -7.9298,-8.95295 -9.5924,-7.03445 -3.4533,-3.32539 8.0577,-3.83699 3.1974,-5.75548 0.5116,-5.75545 -3.3254,-5.88338 2.3022,-2.94167 1.279,-5.24388 -0.7674,-7.16238 -2.3022,-5.24385 -4.7322,-4.09279 -8.3135,-2.55799 -8.825,1.279 -6.7787,3.19748 -5.4997,5.24389 -0.7674,4.73226 v 4.34858 l -0.5116,5.49968 -1.0232,1.40687 0.2558,3.70909 0.2558,11.25514 1.1511,2.68589 1.4069,0.8953 -4.988,11.76673 -3.7091,6.39498 -2.6859,6.01125 0.5116,6.39498 2.8138,4.47649 0.2558,4.34856 -15.9875,-7.29025 -7.6739,-5.75548 -4.6044,-2.4301 -5.6275,0.8953 -3.0696,-1.66269 -2.0464,0.63949 -0.2558,2.0464 c 0,0 -3.5812,-2.55799 -4.0928,-2.55799 -0.5116,0 -3.1975,1.53479 -3.1975,1.53479 l -1.0232,3.45329 1.1511,3.19749 5.2439,3.06959 5.4997,3.19746 6.5228,-1.66269 h 4.7323 l 24.3009,18.28961 0.8953,3.83699 -1.6627,4.09279 -0.5116,4.73225 -1.9185,7.54608 -1.0232,10.99934 -0.6395,20.20808 -0.1279,32.99804 0.6395,12.27833 1.6627,8.82507 2.4301,7.67395 1.5348,9.08084 1.6627,1.4069 1.6626,13.55733 0.6395,19.05701 0.1279,8.18555 -1.0232,8.95297 -1.151,4.98805 -0.8953,3.06959 -1.7906,0.5116 -1.279,3.96489 -1.4069,4.47646 0.2558,2.43009 3.5812,0.3837 6.7786,-2.43009 4.9881,-3.83696 1.9185,-3.58119 1.1511,-7.67398 1.0232,-1.15107 0.3837,8.18555 2.1743,0.1279 0.2558,-11.25514 0.5116,-5.11598 0.5116,-5.49966 -3.3254,-3.96488 -1.4069,-2.4301 -0.8953,-3.96488 0.5116,-8.82505 0.7674,-10.48774 2.9417,-1.40689 3.837,1.15109 v 3.83697 l 1.5347,9.46456 1.7906,10.61564 1.279,11.63884 -1.4069,12.15043 -0.7674,6.90658 -0.6395,5.11596 -1.1511,2.68589 -2.43,2.81379 -1.0232,4.60438 0.3837,3.45327 0.8953,2.30219 z" />
<div class="house-cont">
<<if $clothes_top_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/verh/v0.png" and $clothes_bottom_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/niz/n0.png">>
<<set $random to random(1)>>
<<if $random==0>>
<<st>>Mia strolled out of her room naked. As she rounded the corner into the living room, she nearly collided with her mom, standing there with a laundry basket in hand. Jenny's eyes widened as if she was shocked or… turned on?<</st>>
<<mom>>"Mia, why are you walking around naked?" she asked, and Mia noticed how her eyes fixed on her boobs.<</mom>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Step closer (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Say sorry and leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia froze for a second, her cheeks flushing slightly.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, what was I thinking leaving my room like that? This is so awkward,'' she thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<st>>She quickly played it cool, flashing her mom a mischievous smile.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Oops! Sorry, Mom. I thought I was home alone,'' she finished the sentence, already running away from there, completely embarrassed.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia walked out of her room naked, feeling comfortable and not thinking much about it. She made her way toward the kitchen and came face-to-face with her dad.<</st>>
<<dad>>He looked up just in time to see Mia walk in, his eyes widening slightly as he took in her outfit or, more precisely, its absence. "Mia, what are you doing here undressed?"<</dad>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Stay and flirt (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Say sorry and leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia stopped, her face flushing with embarrassment. "Oh, Dad! I didn’t know you were home," she said quickly, giving him an awkward smile. "I thought I was alone."<</st>>
<<dad>>Her dad cleared his throat, pretending he didn't stare at her naked body. "Maybe you should go put on something a bit more...uh, appropriate?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, already backing out of the room. "Yeah, definitely. I’ll go get dressed."<</mia>>
<<set $random to random(45)>><<if $random>8>><<st>>You stand in the corridor, nothing happens.<</st>><<else>><<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Mia was walking down the hallway when she heard strange sounds coming from her parents' room. Curious, she stopped and listened. Well, it's impossible to not recognize those sounds. Mia quickly realized her parents were having sex in there.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor<25>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Don`t Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Deciding it was better to respect their privacy, Mia walked away.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>25 and $mia.cor<75>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Unable to resist, Mia slowly pushed the door open a crack and peeked inside. She saw her dad fucking her mom.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Wow, aren't they having too much fun for their age?'' she thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''But they look kind of hot,'' Mia suddenly realized that watching them having sex turns her on.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Jerk off (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Go back to your room'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Shit, this is not okay. What the hell is she thinking? Watching her parents having sex turns her on?<</mia>>
<<mia>>''No, that's wrong, I have to go,'' she thought and walked away.<</mia>>
<<link 'Don`t Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Deciding it was better to respect their privacy, Mia walked away.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>75 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Unable to resist, Mia slowly pushed the door open a crack and peeked inside. She saw her dad fucking her mom.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Wow, aren't they having too much fun for their age?'' she thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''But they look kind of hot,'' Mia suddenly realized that watching them having sex turns her on.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Jerk off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Yeah, this definitely turns her on, she decided to watch them a bit more and masturbate.<</st>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Join (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Don`t Join'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>>
<<mia>>Nah, this is wrong; I’m not going to do it; I have to leave.<</mia>>
<<link 'Go back to your room'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Shit, this is not okay. What the hell is she thinking? Watching her parents having sex turns her on?<</mia>>
<<mia>>''No, that's wrong, I have to go,'' she thought and walked away.<</mia>>
<<link 'Don`t Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Deciding it was better to respect their privacy, Mia walked away.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $mom.cor>99 and $dad.cor>99 and $mom.relation>99 and $dad.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Unable to resist, Mia slowly pushed the door open a crack and peeked inside. She saw her dad fucking her mom.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Wow, aren't they having too much fun for their age?'' she thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''But they look kind of hot,'' Mia suddenly realized that watching them having sex turns her on.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Jerk off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Yeah, this definitely turns her on, she decided to watch them a bit more and masturbate.<</st>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Join'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>Shit, maybe watching them is not enough?<</mia>>
<<mia>>Mia knocked on the door and walked towards them, swaying her hips and asking ''Hey, do you need company, guys?''<</mia>>
<<mia>>OH YEAH<</mia>>
<<link 'Don`t Join'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>>
<<mia>>Nah, this is wrong; I’m not going to do it; I have to leave.<</mia>>
<<link 'Go back to your room'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Shit, this is not okay. What the hell is she thinking? Watching her parents having sex turns her on?<</mia>>
<<mia>>''No, that's wrong, I have to go,'' she thought and walked away.<</mia>>
<<link 'Don`t Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Deciding it was better to respect their privacy, Mia walked away.<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Unable to resist, Mia slowly pushed the door open a crack and peeked inside. She saw her dad fucking her mom.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Wow, aren't they having too much fun for their age?'' she thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''But they look kind of hot,'' Mia suddenly realized that watching them having sex turns her on.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Jerk off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Yeah, this definitely turns her on, she decided to watch them a bit more and masturbate.<</st>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Join (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Don`t Join'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>>
<<mia>>Nah, this is wrong; I’m not going to do it; I have to leave.<</mia>>
<<link 'Go back to your room'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Shit, this is not okay. What the hell is she thinking? Watching her parents having sex turns her on?<</mia>>
<<mia>>''No, that's wrong, I have to go,'' she thought and walked away.<</mia>>
<<link 'Don`t Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Deciding it was better to respect their privacy, Mia walked away.<</mia>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia walked into the living room and saw her mom, covered with a blanket, reading a book. Normally, she would continue walking, but she noticed something was off. Her mom was acting weird, her hand was moving under the blanket and she was blushing.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor <25>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Find out what`s wrong (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Keep walking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided it was best to leave it alone. She continued walking, pretending she didn't notice anything.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>25 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Find out what`s wrong'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia couldn't ignore it. She walked over to her mom and asked, "Hey, what are you doing?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mom looked up. "Just reading," she said, blushing even more.<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia, curious, walked closer and looked at the book cover. It was "50 Shades of Grey."<</st>>
<<mia>>She couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Mom, really?"<</mia>>
<<st>>But then Jenny started moaning, and Mia noticed that one of her arms was still moving under the blanket. Suddenly, Mia understood what Jenny was doing.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Offer Jenny help (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave Jenny alone'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Not willing to interrupt Mia said ''Sorry, Mom, I'll let you finish what you've started,'' and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Keep walking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided it was best to leave it alone. She continued walking, pretending she didn't notice anything.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $mom.relation>99 and $mom.cor>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Find out what`s wrong'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia couldn't ignore it. She walked over to her mom and asked, "Hey, what are you doing?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mom looked up. "Just reading," she said, blushing even more.<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia, curious, walked closer and looked at the book cover. It was "50 Shades of Grey."<</st>>
<<mia>>She couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Mom, really?"<</mia>>
<<st>>But then Jenny started moaning, and Mia noticed that one of her arms was still moving under the blanket. Suddenly, Mia understood what Jenny was doing.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Offer Jenny help'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Jenny was jerking off on one of the dirty scenes, and Mia interrupted her. Well, that wasn't right.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Let me help you with that,'' Mia said quietly and got under Jenny's blanket.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave Jenny alone'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Not willing to interrupt Mia said ''Sorry, Mom, I'll let you finish what you've started,'' and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Keep walking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided it was best to leave it alone. She continued walking, pretending she didn't notice anything.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Find out what`s wrong'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia couldn't ignore it. She walked over to her mom and asked, "Hey, what are you doing?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mom looked up. "Just reading," she said, blushing even more.<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia, curious, walked closer and looked at the book cover. It was "50 Shades of Grey."<</st>>
<<mia>>She couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Mom, really?"<</mia>>
<<st>>But then Jenny started moaning, and Mia noticed that one of her arms was still moving under the blanket. Suddenly, Mia understood what Jenny was doing.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Offer Jenny help (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave Jenny alone'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Not willing to interrupt Mia said ''Sorry, Mom, I'll let you finish what you've started,'' and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Keep walking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided it was best to leave it alone. She continued walking, pretending she didn't notice anything.<</st>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Richard lay down on the mechanic's creeper and rolled himself under the car, ready to start the repairs. He had a toolbox beside him and was already deep in concentration.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia walked into the garage, noticing her dad’s legs sticking out from under the car.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor <50>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Offer help (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Well, he's clearly busy; there’s no need to bother him,'' Mia thought and left.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>50 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Offer help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>She stepped over the creeper with one leg and called out, "Hey, Dad, need any help?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Richard paused his work and slid out from under the car, looking up and realizing he was looking right at Mia's pussy. Well, she definitely didn't bother to wear panties. His dick hardened immediately.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Sit on his face (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hi, honey. Actually, some help would be great. Can you help me get rid of my boner?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>“Oh, I… I don’t know, Dad. Emmm, let me call Mom, okay? Maybe she can help?” she ran out of the garage.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Well, he's clearly busy; there’s no need to bother him,'' Mia thought and left.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $dad.relation>99 and $dad.cor>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Offer help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>She stepped over the creeper with one leg and called out, "Hey, Dad, need any help?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Richard paused his work and slid out from under the car, looking up and realizing he was looking right at Mia's pussy. Well, she definitely didn't bother to wear panties. His dick hardened immediately.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Sit on his face'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hi, honey. Actually, some help would be great. Can you help me get rid of my boner?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>“That’s exactly what I came here for, Dad,” she smiled.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hi, honey. Actually, some help would be great. Can you help me get rid of my boner?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>“Oh, I… I don’t know, Dad. Emmm, let me call Mom, okay? Maybe she can help?” she ran out of the garage.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Well, he's clearly busy; there’s no need to bother him,'' Mia thought and left.<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Offer help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>She stepped over the creeper with one leg and called out, "Hey, Dad, need any help?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Richard paused his work and slid out from under the car, looking up and realizing he was looking right at Mia's pussy. Well, she definitely didn't bother to wear panties. His dick hardened immediately.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Sit on his face (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hi, honey. Actually, some help would be great. Can you help me get rid of my boner?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>“Oh, I… I don’t know, Dad. Emmm, let me call Mom, okay? Maybe she can help?” she ran out of the garage.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Well, he's clearly busy; there’s no need to bother him,'' Mia thought and left.<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia's mother was busy cooking in the kitchen. As Mia walked in, she saw Jenny chopping vegetables and stirring pots on the stove.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor <15>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help with Cooking (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided not to interrupt. "Smells great, Mom," she said with a smile.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother glanced up, smiling back. "Thanks, Mia. Dinner will be ready soon."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia nodded and walked out of the kitchen.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor >15 and $mia.cor <150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help with Cooking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to help. "Hey, Mom, need any help with dinner?" she asked, walking over to the counter.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother looked up and smiled. "That would be great, Mia. Can you peal that grapefruit for me?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, I can do it,'' Mia said with a dirty smile and started putting her fingers right into the grapefruit.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Mia, what are you doing?'' her Mother's cheeks flushed, and she couldn't take her eyes off of Mia licking her fingers.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Approach Jenny (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Pretend that nothing`s happened'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Oh, sorry, mom. I was just hungry. Let me help you with something else.''<</mia>>
<<st>>And she kept helping Jenny with dinner as if nothing had happened.<</st>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided not to interrupt. "Smells great, Mom," she said with a smile.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother glanced up, smiling back. "Thanks, Mia. Dinner will be ready soon."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia nodded and walked out of the kitchen.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor >150>>
<<if $mom.cor>99 and $mom.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help with Cooking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to help. "Hey, Mom, need any help with dinner?" she asked, walking over to the counter.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother looked up and smiled. "That would be great, Mia. Can you peal that grapefruit for me?'<</mom>>'
<<mia>>''Sure, I can do it,'' Mia said with a dirty smile and started putting her fingers right into the grapefruit.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Mia, what are you doing?'' her Mother's cheeks flushed, and she couldn't take her eyes off of Mia licking her fingers.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Approach Jenny'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mom>>''Let me show you what I'm doing,'' she said, placing the grapefruit back on the counter and walking closer to Jenny.<</mom>>
<<link 'Pretend that nothing`s happened'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Oh, sorry, mom. I was just hungry. Let me help you with something else.''<</mia>>
<<st>>And she kept helping Jenny with dinner as if nothing had happened.<</st>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided not to interrupt. "Smells great, Mom," she said with a smile.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother glanced up, smiling back. "Thanks, Mia. Dinner will be ready soon."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia nodded and walked out of the kitchen.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help with Cooking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to help. "Hey, Mom, need any help with dinner?" she asked, walking over to the counter.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother looked up and smiled. "That would be great, Mia. Can you peal that grapefruit for me?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, I can do it,'' Mia said with a dirty smile and started putting her fingers right into the grapefruit.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Mia, what are you doing?'' her Mother's cheeks flushed, and she couldn't take her eyes off of Mia licking her fingers.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Approach Jenny (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Pretend that nothing`s happened'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Oh, sorry, mom. I was just hungry. Let me help you with something else.''<</mia>>
<<st>>And she kept helping Jenny with dinner as if nothing had happened.<</st>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided not to interrupt. "Smells great, Mom," she said with a smile.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother glanced up, smiling back. "Thanks, Mia. Dinner will be ready soon."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia nodded and walked out of the kitchen.<</st>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mia walked into the living room and saw her dad, Richard, sitting on the couch and watching TV. He seemed engrossed in a show, his attention fully captured by the screen.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor<100>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch TV'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to join him. "Hey, Dad, what are you watching?" she asked, plopping down on the couch next to him.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Richard smiled at her ''Hi, sweetheart. Some random movie; it just started. Want to watch it with me?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, settling in. "Sure, why not." They sat together when suddenly the movie took a crazy twist, and the main characters started fucking.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Keep watching (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hmm, you know, Dad, I just remembered I have some plans. Why don't we catch up later?'' she whispered and walked out of the room, feeling uncomfortable.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided not to interrupt. She walked out of the living room, giving her dad some space to enjoy his program.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>100 and $mia.cor<150>>
<<if $dad.cor>49 and $dad.relation>49>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch TV'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to join him. "Hey, Dad, what are you watching?" she asked, plopping down on the couch next to him.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Richard smiled at her ''Hi, sweetheart. Some random movie; it just started. Want to watch it with me?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, settling in. "Sure, why not." They sat together when suddenly the movie took a crazy twist, and the main characters started fucking.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Wow, what the hell are they doing? I didn't know you could bend like that!'' Mia said that and stood up in front of the TV, trying to copy the actress and covering the screen with her body.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Hey, Mia, I can't see anything! Move!''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''If you want to continue watching it, make me move!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh I can do that,'' he said, grabbing Mia by the waist. Richard sat down and put her on his knee, taking off her tiny shorts and starting to slap her ass.<</dad>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Fix the situation (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Okay, okay, sorry. I've made a mistake. I will not distract you from a movie again, Dad,'' Mia said and walked out of the room.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hmm, you know, Dad, I just remembered I have some plans. Why don't we catch up later?'' she whispered and walked out of the room, feeling uncomfortable.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided not to interrupt. She walked out of the living room, giving her dad some space to enjoy his program.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch TV'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to join him. "Hey, Dad, what are you watching?" she asked, plopping down on the couch next to him.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Richard smiled at her ''Hi, sweetheart. Some random movie; it just started. Want to watch it with me?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, settling in. "Sure, why not." They sat together when suddenly the movie took a crazy twist, and the main characters started fucking.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Keep watching (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hmm, you know, Dad, I just remembered I have some plans. Why don't we catch up later?'' she whispered and walked out of the room, feeling uncomfortable.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided not to interrupt. She walked out of the living room, giving her dad some space to enjoy his program.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $dad.cor>99 and $dad.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch TV'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to join him. "Hey, Dad, what are you watching?" she asked, plopping down on the couch next to him.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Richard smiled at her ''Hi, sweetheart. Some random movie; it just started. Want to watch it with me?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, settling in. "Sure, why not." They sat together when suddenly the movie took a crazy twist, and the main characters started fucking.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Wow, what the hell are they doing? I didn't know you could bend like that!'' Mia said that and stood up in front of the TV, trying to copy the actress and covering the screen with her body.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Hey, Mia, I can't see anything! Move!''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''If you want to continue watching it, make me move!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh I can do that,'' he said, grabbing Mia by the waist. Richard sat down and put her on his knee, taking off her tiny shorts and starting to slap her ass.<</dad>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Fix the situation'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<dad>>''You see, I've missed a few minutes of the movie because of you!''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''I know how I can make up for it! Looks like they enjoy themselves in this scene. Why don't we try it out?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Hmm, this can work,'' he said, letting Mia start redeeming herself.<</dad>>
<<mia>>Oh fuck, your cock is perfect!<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Okay, okay, sorry. I've made a mistake. I will not distract you from a movie again, Dad,'' Mia said and walked out of the room.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hmm, you know, Dad, I just remembered I have some plans. Why don't we catch up later?'' she whispered and walked out of the room, feeling uncomfortable.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided not to interrupt. She walked out of the living room, giving her dad some space to enjoy his program.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch TV'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to join him. "Hey, Dad, what are you watching?" she asked, plopping down on the couch next to him.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Richard smiled at her ''Hi, sweetheart. Some random movie; it just started. Want to watch it with me?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, settling in. "Sure, why not." They sat together when suddenly the movie took a crazy twist, and the main characters started fucking.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Wow, what the hell are they doing? I didn't know you could bend like that!'' Mia said that and stood up in front of the TV, trying to copy the actress and covering the screen with her body.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Hey, Mia, I can't see anything! Move!''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''If you want to continue watching it, make me move!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh I can do that,'' he said, grabbing Mia by the waist. Richard sat down and put her on his knee, taking off her tiny shorts and starting to slap her ass.<</dad>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Fix the situation (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Okay, okay, sorry. I've made a mistake. I will not distract you from a movie again, Dad,'' Mia said and walked out of the room.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hmm, you know, Dad, I just remembered I have some plans. Why don't we catch up later?'' she whispered and walked out of the room, feeling uncomfortable.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided not to interrupt. She walked out of the living room, giving her dad some space to enjoy his program.<</st>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Mia walked into the living room and saw her mom doing yoga on a mat in the center of the room.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Hey, Mom," Mia greeted.<</mia>>
<<mom>>"Hi, honey! How's it going?" Jenny didn't shift from the warrior pose while replying to Mia.<</mom>>
<<mia>>"Not bad," Mia replied, glancing at the yoga mat. "Doing yoga again?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny chuckled. "Yeah, do you want to join? I have an extra mat right here."<</mom>>
<<if $mia.fit <15>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.fit >15 and $mia.fit<25>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to give it a try. "Sure, why not?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia rolled out the spare mat and stood next to her mom. Every time Jenny changed a pose or stretched, it looked like her tits were about to jump out of her bra.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, why do I feel like I wanna see more?'' Mia thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>"Mom, this is kind of boring. Let's spice it up a bit," Mia offered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny laughed. "Yeah? Do you have any offers?" she asked, now staring at Mia's sports bra.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'I have an idea (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'I dont have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''My idea is that I'm way too bored and wanna leave. Why don't I go and let you do the rest of your workout?'' Mia asked her, smiling.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sure, honey, I don't mind. I'm still not over with a doggy pose''.<</mom>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.fit > 25>>
<<if $mia.cor>100 and $mom.cor>49 and $mom.relation>49 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to give it a try. "Sure, why not?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia rolled out the spare mat and stood next to her mom. Every time Jenny changed a pose or stretched, it looked like her tits were about to jump out of her bra.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, why do I feel like I wanna see more?'' Mia thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>"Mom, this is kind of boring. Let's spice it up a bit," Mia offered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny laughed. "Yeah? Do you have any offers?" she asked, now staring at Mia's sports bra.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'I have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>"Let's do a small competition. We do some yoga poses, and the one of us who fails to do a pose takes off their clothes. What do you think?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>''I'm up for it,'' Jenny smiled, watching how Mia's nipples hardened under her bra.<</mom>>
<<st>>A couple of minutes later, they both were on their mats, completely naked and turned on.<</st>>
<<mom>>''This time, I have an idea,'' Jenny said, stepping closer to Mia and putting a hand on her boobs. Why don't we try yoga poses for two? They can be quite… challenging.''<</mom>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Agree (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Yeah, Mom, it sounds great. But I'm kind of tired already. Not sure that I'm ready for anything challenging.'' Mia said, thinking to herself that she was not ready for what might come next.<</mia>>
<<link 'I dont have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''My idea is that I'm way too bored and wanna leave. Why don't I go and let you do the rest of your workout?'' Mia asked her, smiling.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sure, honey, I don't mind. I'm still not over with a doggy pose''.<</mom>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to give it a try. "Sure, why not?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia rolled out the spare mat and stood next to her mom. Every time Jenny changed a pose or stretched, it looked like her tits were about to jump out of her bra.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, why do I feel like I wanna see more?'' Mia thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>"Mom, this is kind of boring. Let's spice it up a bit," Mia offered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny laughed. "Yeah? Do you have any offers?" she asked, now staring at Mia's sports bra.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'I have an idea (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'I dont have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''My idea is that I'm way too bored and wanna leave. Why don't I go and let you do the rest of your workout?'' Mia asked her, smiling.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sure, honey, I don't mind. I'm still not over with a doggy pose''.<</mom>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.fit>50>>
<<if $mia.cor>150 and $mom.cor>99 and $mom.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to give it a try. "Sure, why not?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia rolled out the spare mat and stood next to her mom. Every time Jenny changed a pose or stretched, it looked like her tits were about to jump out of her bra.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, why do I feel like I wanna see more?'' Mia thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>"Mom, this is kind of boring. Let's spice it up a bit," Mia offered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny laughed. "Yeah? Do you have any offers?" she asked, now staring at Mia's sports bra.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'I have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>"Let's do a small competition. We do some yoga poses, and the one of us who fails to do a pose takes off their clothes. What do you think?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>''I'm up for it,'' Jenny smiled, watching how Mia's nipples hardened under her bra.<</mom>>
<<st>>A couple of minutes later, they both were on their mats, completely naked and turned on.<</st>>
<<mom>>''This time, I have an idea,'' Jenny said, stepping closer to Mia and putting a hand on her boobs. Why don't we try yoga poses for two? They can be quite… challenging.''<</mom>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<st>>Mia looked into her mom's eyes, intrigued and turned on, thinking about what would come next.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Let's do it. But I choose the first pose.''<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Yeah, Mom, it sounds great. But I'm kind of tired already. Not sure that I'm ready for anything challenging.'' Mia said, thinking to herself that she was not ready for what might come next.<</mia>>
<<link 'I dont have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''My idea is that I'm way too bored and wanna leave. Why don't I go and let you do the rest of your workout?'' Mia asked her, smiling.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sure, honey, I don't mind. I'm still not over with a doggy pose''.<</mom>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to give it a try. "Sure, why not?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia rolled out the spare mat and stood next to her mom. Every time Jenny changed a pose or stretched, it looked like her tits were about to jump out of her bra.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, why do I feel like I wanna see more?'' Mia thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>"Mom, this is kind of boring. Let's spice it up a bit," Mia offered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny laughed. "Yeah? Do you have any offers?" she asked, now staring at Mia's sports bra.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'I have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>"Let's do a small competition. We do some yoga poses, and the one of us who fails to do a pose takes off their clothes. What do you think?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>''I'm up for it,'' Jenny smiled, watching how Mia's nipples hardened under her bra.<</mom>>
<<st>>A couple of minutes later, they both were on their mats, completely naked and turned on.<</st>>
<<mom>>''This time, I have an idea,'' Jenny said, stepping closer to Mia and putting a hand on her boobs. Why don't we try yoga poses for two? They can be quite… challenging.''<</mom>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Agree (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Yeah, Mom, it sounds great. But I'm kind of tired already. Not sure that I'm ready for anything challenging.'' Mia said, thinking to herself that she was not ready for what might come next.<</mia>>
<<link 'I dont have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''My idea is that I'm way too bored and wanna leave. Why don't I go and let you do the rest of your workout?'' Mia asked her, smiling.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sure, honey, I don't mind. I'm still not over with a doggy pose''.<</mom>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<<case 6>>
<<st>>Mia heard her mom calling and went to find her. She found her with a basket of clothes.<</st>>
<<mom>>"Mia, could you help me out and do the laundry today?" Jenny asked, setting the basket down.<</mom>>
<<if $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia looked at the basket and then at her mom. "Sure, Mom. No problem."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny smiled, "Thanks, honey."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia took the basket and went to the washing machine. As she bent down to put the laundry into the washer, she saw her panties in the drum from the previous washing. She got into the drum to retrieve it, when suddenly someone put her hands on her ass while she was in there.<</st>>
<<dad>>''Well, well, what an interesting view, Mia. It's almost inviting, you know.''<</dad>>
<<st>>She understood it was her dad, and with his hands trying to get under her shorts, his intentions were clear as day.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay where you are (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Get out of the drum'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Mia decided to get out of the drum, she wasn't ready to see how far it could get.<</st>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia glanced at the laundry basket and saw her brother's dirty underwear. "Sorry, Mom, but I'm really not in the mood for laundry today," she said.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $dad.cor>99 and $dad.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia looked at the basket and then at her mom. "Sure, Mom. No problem."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny smiled, "Thanks, honey."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia took the basket and went to the washing machine. As she bent down to put the laundry into the washer, she saw her panties in the drum from the previous washing. She got into the drum to retrieve it, when suddenly someone put her hands on her ass while she was in there.<</st>>
<<dad>>''Well, well, what an interesting view, Mia. It's almost inviting, you know.''<</dad>>
<<st>>She understood it was her dad, and with his hands trying to get under her shorts, his intentions were clear as day.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay where you are'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Almost? I guess it's clear enough.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia laughed and decided to stay inside and see what's gonna happen next.<</st>>
<<link 'Get out of the drum'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Mia decided to get out of the drum, she wasn't ready to see how far it could get.<</st>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia glanced at the laundry basket and saw her brother's dirty underwear. "Sorry, Mom, but I'm really not in the mood for laundry today," she said.<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia looked at the basket and then at her mom. "Sure, Mom. No problem."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny smiled, "Thanks, honey."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia took the basket and went to the washing machine. As she bent down to put the laundry into the washer, she saw her panties in the drum from the previous washing. She got into the drum to retrieve it, when suddenly someone put her hands on her ass while she was in there.<</st>>
<<dad>>''Well, well, what an interesting view, Mia. It's almost inviting, you know.''<</dad>>
<<st>>She understood it was her dad, and with his hands trying to get under her shorts, his intentions were clear as day.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay where you are (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Get out of the drum'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Mia decided to get out of the drum, she wasn't ready to see how far it could get.<</st>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia glanced at the laundry basket and saw her brother's dirty underwear. "Sorry, Mom, but I'm really not in the mood for laundry today," she said.<</mia>>
<<case 7>>
<<st>>Mia was cleaning the house. Everything was going smoothly until she got stuck while her ass was sticking up.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Seriously?" Mia muttered to herself, trying to wiggle free.<</mia>>
<<if $mia.cor<50>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Cry for help (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Try to break free'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>She shifted her position, gave a few determined tugs, and finally managed to break free.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Thank God I did it myself. Would've been stupid to cry for help like a helpless idiot.''<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>50 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Cry for help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Heyyyy! Guys, someone! Help me, I'm stuck!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>Just a minute later, she could hear footsteps approaching and her father asking, ''Mia? What are you doing?'' with a weird hoarseness in his voice. And she couldn't see the way he looked at her ass and naked legs.<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Dad! Great, you're here. My hand is stuck. Can you bring me some oil or something else so I could lubricate it?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh, hehe… I have something to lubricate it just enough. Do you want me to help?'' he asked, hinting at something else rather than helping her.<</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Agree (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Laugh it off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hahaha, very funny, Dad! I am really stuck here. Can you call mom?'' Mia pretended to not understand what he meant. She wasn't ready for what might happen next.<</mia>>
<<link 'Try to break free'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>She shifted her position, gave a few determined tugs, and finally managed to break free.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Thank God I did it myself. Would've been stupid to cry for help like a helpless idiot.''<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $dad.cor>99 and $dad.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Cry for help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Heyyyy! Guys, someone! Help me, I'm stuck!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>Just a minute later, she could hear footsteps approaching and her father asking, ''Mia? What are you doing?'' with a weird hoarseness in his voice. And she couldn't see the way he looked at her ass and naked legs.<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Dad! Great, you're here. My hand is stuck. Can you bring me some oil or something else so I could lubricate it?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh, hehe… I have something to lubricate it just enough. Do you want me to help?'' he asked, hinting at something else rather than helping her.<</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Help me, Daddy,'' she said, already feeling horny and thinking that not wearing her panties today was a smart decision.<</mia>>
<<link 'Laugh it off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hahaha, very funny, Dad! I am really stuck here. Can you call mom?'' Mia pretended to not understand what he meant. She wasn't ready for what might happen next.<</mia>>
<<link 'Try to break free'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>She shifted her position, gave a few determined tugs, and finally managed to break free.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Thank God I did it myself. Would've been stupid to cry for help like a helpless idiot.''<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Cry for help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Heyyyy! Guys, someone! Help me, I'm stuck!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>Just a minute later, she could hear footsteps approaching and her father asking, ''Mia? What are you doing?'' with a weird hoarseness in his voice. And she couldn't see the way he looked at her ass and naked legs.<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Dad! Great, you're here. My hand is stuck. Can you bring me some oil or something else so I could lubricate it?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh, hehe… I have something to lubricate it just enough. Do you want me to help?'' he asked, hinting at something else rather than helping her.<</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Agree (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Laugh it off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hahaha, very funny, Dad! I am really stuck here. Can you call mom?'' Mia pretended to not understand what he meant. She wasn't ready for what might happen next.<</mia>>
<<link 'Try to break free'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>She shifted her position, gave a few determined tugs, and finally managed to break free.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Thank God I did it myself. Would've been stupid to cry for help like a helpless idiot.''<</mia>>
<<case 8>>
<<st>>Mia walked into her parents' room without knocking, thinking they were out. But as she stepped inside, she froze. Her mom was almost naked, dancing and moving in front of a camera.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/home_events/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<if $mia.cor<25>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep watching (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia quickly backed out of the room, closing the door behind her. She couldn't shake the awkward feeling but decided it was best not to think about it.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>25 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Jenny was so horny and turned on, so involved into what she was doing, that Mia couldn't look away. Deep inside her, she knew it was wrong, but the way Jenny moved, it really turned her on.<</st>>
<<mom>>Suddenly, her mom noticed Mia in a doorframe. Confused by Mia's sudden entrance, she quickly turned off the camera and looked over at her. "Mia! I didn’t hear you come in."<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay and film together (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Say sorry and leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Mia stood there, unsure of what to say. "Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. I'll go and let you finish… whatever you were doing,'' she smiled awkwardly and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia quickly backed out of the room, closing the door behind her. She couldn't shake the awkward feeling but decided it was best not to think about it.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $mom.cor>99 and $mom.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Jenny was so horny and turned on, so involved into what she was doing, that Mia couldn't look away. Deep inside her, she knew it was wrong, but the way Jenny moved, it really turned her on.<</st>>
<<mom>>Suddenly, her mom noticed Mia in a doorframe. Confused by Mia's sudden entrance, she quickly turned off the camera and looked over at her. "Mia! I didn’t hear you come in."<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay and film together'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Don't stop. You look so hot. Can I join you?'' she asked, already closing the door behind her, and taking off her clothes.<</mia>>
<<st>>Jenny's eyes lit up at Mia's suggestion.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Sure, come on in. We can spice it up a bit, you know. Take off your panties while I set up the camera,'' she offered.<</mom>>
<<link 'Say sorry and leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Mia stood there, unsure of what to say. "Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. I'll go and let you finish… whatever you were doing,'' she smiled awkwardly and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia quickly backed out of the room, closing the door behind her. She couldn't shake the awkward feeling but decided it was best not to think about it.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Jenny was so horny and turned on, so involved into what she was doing, that Mia couldn't look away. Deep inside her, she knew it was wrong, but the way Jenny moved, it really turned her on.<</st>>
<<mom>>Suddenly, her mom noticed Mia in a doorframe. Confused by Mia's sudden entrance, she quickly turned off the camera and looked over at her. "Mia! I didn’t hear you come in."<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay and film together (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Say sorry and leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Mia stood there, unsure of what to say. "Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. I'll go and let you finish… whatever you were doing,'' she smiled awkwardly and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia quickly backed out of the room, closing the door behind her. She couldn't shake the awkward feeling but decided it was best not to think about it.<</st>>
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// Функция для обновления позиции изображения
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if (rightUiBar.classList.contains('stowed')) {
houseImage.style.left = '80%'; // Увеличиваем значение left
} else {
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// Первоначальная установка позиции изображения
// Отслеживание клика по кнопке сворачивания панели
var toggleButton = document.getElementById("right-ui-bar-toggle");
toggleButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
// Подождем, пока класс обновится
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<image width="1920" height="1080" href="0.2.6/backgrounds/mia_room.png" />
<a data-passage="House">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 483.64269,987.54266 219.21276,-1.08521 1.44695,80.66745 -220.65971,0.7234 z" />
</a><a data-passage="Dancing">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 732.15617,865.63721 83.19957,-41.59978 183.40078,91.51952 -77.05004,48.47279 z" />
</a><a data-passage="Laptop">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 867.80764,605.90987 55.34579,-29.30071 0.45218,-1.62782 -0.18087,-2.71303 -41.87109,-13.38428 -2.62259,0.54261 0.2713,-2.98433 -14.74079,-34.45547 -2.17043,-0.63304 -1.71825,0.72347 -48.64147,23.96372 -0.9592,1.15104 c 0,0 0.1279,1.79051 0.19184,2.11024 0.064,0.31973 14.89959,39.0075 14.89959,39.0075 l 0.19184,2.36602 z" />
</a><a data-passage="Sleep">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 1128.5956,933.43018 1.151,1.08709 1.8544,0.70342 c 0,0 2.3021,0.0639 2.6858,-0.0639 0.3837,-0.12789 2.2381,-0.70341 2.2381,-0.70341 v -11.6383 l 244.9496,-122.65226 0.5426,7.95822 2.7131,1.08521 2.5321,-0.36173 2.5322,-1.26608 0.7234,-1.80869 -0.7234,-9.04343 4.3408,-2.35129 0.1809,-26.58769 -1.8087,-2.8939 -2.3513,-2.71303 -4.16,-1.44695 h -1.6278 l 0.5426,-83.74217 -208.1798,-103.99945 -11.3023,4.51098 0.088,2.90463 1.0852,57.51622 -241.82135,121.36284 0.36174,20.98076 -12.1182,6.51127 v 27.6729 l 5.24519,3.07477 0.54261,0.90434 -0.36174,9.58604 2.8939,1.08521 h 3.4365 l 2.35129,-0.90434 -0.18087,-7.59648 201.66853,101.46729 z" />
</a><a data-passage="Wardobe">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 533.92416,708.28151 0.36174,73.7944 2.53216,1.44695 v 19.17207 l 87.17868,42.685 207.27543,-103.45685 V 648.95661 L 623.99674,753.13693 Z" />
</a><a data-passage="Onlyfans">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 729.35271,654.56353 3.61737,0.90435 3.25564,-1.26608 1.53738,-2.6226 1.17565,2.80347 2.53216,2.89389 2.17042,1.35652 c 0,0 2.71303,0.90434 3.25563,0.90434 0.54261,0 5.33563,-0.36174 5.33563,-0.36174 l 3.4365,-1.35651 1.71825,-3.25564 1.17565,-2.17042 0.63304,-1.08521 3.61737,-0.0904 3.1652,-0.2713 v -9.67647 l -0.18086,-10.49038 -1.53739,-1.71825 -2.62259,-0.63304 -4.25042,-0.18087 0.27131,-4.15998 -3.07477,-0.45217 -4.79302,-0.0904 h -5.69736 l -1.26608,0.0904 -0.36174,3.25564 v 2.62259 l -7.86778,-0.2713 -1.98956,-1.35652 -1.80868,-0.36173 -1.89912,0.2713 -1.35652,1.17564 -0.45217,3.16521 0.18087,20.43815 0.72347,1.26608 z" />
<div class="house-cont">
<<if $mia.cor < 50 and $clothes_top_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/verh/v0.png" and $clothes_bottom_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/niz/n0.png">>
<<mia>>How could I even think of leaving the room naked? I'm not a whore.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor > 49 and $mia.cor < 100 and $clothes_top_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/verh/v0.png" and $clothes_bottom_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/niz/n0.png">>
<<mia>>Hmm, would it be weird if I left the room naked? Probably shouldn't try it.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor > 149 and $clothes_top_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/verh/v0.png" and $clothes_bottom_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/niz/n0.png">>
<<mia>>I'll go naked. Let's see where it goes.<</mia>>
<<elseif $quests.quest_stranger==true and $see_text.see_1 == 0>>
<<mia>>I cheated on my boyfriend today, and the worst part about it is that I enjoyed it.<</mia>>
<<set $see_text.see_1 = 1>>
<<elseif $quests.quest_jack == true and $see_text.see_2 == 0>>
<<mia>>Wow, and before this I thought parks were only for walking. I wonder if Jack is thinking the same thing?<</mia>>
<<set $see_text.see_2 = 1>>
<<elseif $quests.quest_univer_1 == true and $see_text.see_3 == 0>>
<<mia>>I like Lily. Going to a party with her would probably be unforgettable.<</mia>>
<<set $see_text.see_3 = 1>>
<<elseif $quests.quest_wallet == true and $see_text.see_4 == 0>>
<<mia>>It's a good thing my parents are only back now. I'm already embarrassed about last night, and if they found out about it, it would be even worse.<</mia>>
<<set $see_text.see_4 = 1>>
<<elseif $quests.quest_return_wallet == true and $see_text.see_5 == 0>>
<<mia>>He's such an asshole. How did I not realize that in the first place?<</mia>>
<<set $see_text.see_5 = 1>>
<<elseif $quests.quest_talk_family == true and $see_text.see_6 == 0>>
<<mia>>It pisses me off that they're right! I guess it really is time to get a job.<</mia>>
<<set $see_text.see_6 = 1>>
<<elseif $quests.quest_mother_1 == true and $see_text.see_7 == 0>>
<<mia>>After what my mom did at the club, it’s clearer to me who I take after.<</mia>>
<<set $see_text.see_7 = 1>>
<<elseif $quests.quest_univer_2 == true and $see_text.see_8 == 0>>
<<mia>>I wonder if anyone has found Roy's body yet? Is it worth doing anything at all? Should I tell anyone?<</mia>>
<<set $see_text.see_8 = 1>>
<<elseif $quests.quest_working == true and $see_text.see_9 == 0>>
<<mia>>Mom and Dad were so proud of me for getting a job. I wonder if they knew what I was doing now, would they still be happy?<</mia>>
<<set $see_text.see_9 = 1>>
<<elseif $quests.quest_go_to_room_2 == true and $see_text.see_10 == 0>>
<<mia>>I'm tired of thinking about it. I don't want to remember being kidnapped anymore.<</mia>>
<<set $see_text.see_10 = 1>>
<<elseif $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen == true and $see_text.see_11 == 0>>
<<mia>>Not recognizing my own father? Do I have my eyes on the back of my head or something?<</mia>>
<<set $see_text.see_11 = 1>>
<<elseif $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen == true and $see_text.see_12 == 0>>
<<mia>>I haven't seen Elain in a while. We should go out again sometime.<</mia>>
<<set $see_text.see_12 = 1>>
<<elseif $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen == true and $see_text.see_13 == 0>>
<<mia>>I mean, how am I supposed to deal with my dad now?<</mia>>
<<set $see_text.see_13 = 1>>
<<elseif $quests.quest_univer_3 == true and $see_text.see_14 == 0>>
<<mia>>Am I really going to start my own business?<</mia>>
<<set $see_text.see_14 = 1>>
<<elseif $quests.quest_jack_2 == true and $see_text.see_15 == 0>>
<<mia>>Seriously? Jack dumped me? Jack? ME?<</mia>>
<<set $see_text.see_15 = 1>>
<<elseif $girls.girl1 == true and $see_text.see_16 == 0>>
<<mia>>I can't believe Lily actually said yes!<</mia>>
<<set $see_text.see_16 = 1>>
<<elseif $girls.girl1 == true and $see_text.see_17 == 0>>
<<mia>>Two girls have already agreed to work for me! I can't believe it! I wonder how many there will be?<</mia>>
<<set $see_text.see_17 = 1>>
<!-- Добавьте остальные квесты по аналогии -->
<<set $random to random(6)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<mia>>Hmm, isn't that a bit much? I think it looks a little flashy, but I like it.<</mia>>
<<case 1>>
<<mia>>Ahahaha, wow, I've never walked like this before. It's gonna be a blast.<</mia>>
<<case 2>>
<<mia>>What would I do today?<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<mia>>I can see why guys want me.<</mia>>
<<case 4>>
<<if $mia.bea > 50>>
<<mia>>//looking in the mirror// I can see why guys want me.<</mia>>
<<mia>>Hmm, isn't that a bit much? I think it looks a little flashy, but I like it.<</mia>>
<<case 5>>
<<if $mia.cor > 100>>
<<mia>>//touching her boobs// So firm, I can see why guys can't get enough of them.<</mia>>
<<mia>>Ahahaha, wow, I've never walked like this before. It's gonna be a blast.<</mia>>
<<case 6>>
<<if $mia.fit > 50>>
<<mia>>My ass looks awesome. There's a reason I sweat at the gym.<</mia>>
<<mia>>What would I do today?<</mia>>
</div><<if $quests.quest_univer_1==true and $quests.quest_wallet==false>><<goto Wallet_quest_3>><</if>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
</script><</if>><<if $quests.quest_ukrali==true and $quests.quest_return_to_room==false>><<goto 7_quest_return_to_room>><</if>><<if $quests.quest_go_to_boss==true and $quests.quest_go_to_room_2==false>><<goto 11_quest_go_to_room_2>><</if>><<if $quests.quest_father_2==true and $quests.quest_go_to_room_3==false>><<goto 15_quest_go_to_room_3>><</if>><<if $quests.quest_find_work==true and $quests.quest_ukrali==false and $mia.exp_cafe >4 and $quests.quest_jack_cry==false>><<goto 2_1_quest_jack_cry>><</if>><<if $quests.quest_maman_2==true and $quests.quest_univer_3==true and $quests.quest_jack_2==false>><<goto 20_quest_jack_2>><</if>><<set $canTravel =1>><<if $quests.quest_casino_adventure==false and $quests.quest_awkward_talk==true>><<goto quest_casino_adventure>><</if>><<set $clothes_top_mia=$top_wear_saver>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia=$niz_wear_saver>><<if $quests.brothel_other_1==true and $girls.girl3==true and $mia.money>5500 and $quests.brothel_money_1==false>><<goto Brothel_Money_1>><</if>><<if $quests.brothel_money_1==true and $quests.brothel_money_2==false and $need_sleep==false>><<goto Brothel_Money_2>><</if>><<if $quests.brothel_money_5==true and $quests.brothel_place_1==false>><<goto Brothel_Place_1>><</if>><svg viewBox="0 0 1920 1080" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="rooms-image">
<image width="1920" height="1080" href="0.2.6/backgrounds/bath.png" />
<a data-passage="House">
<path class="clickable-area" d="M 481.85628,958.64798 H 681.9062 l 1.08527,74.15952 H 482.21801 Z" />
</a><a data-passage="Shower">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 793.14555,538.83252 0.90437,92.06638 300.97928,150.85139 146.1486,-76.69183 -0.3617,-89.35323 -299.98858,-150.15165 z" /></a></svg>
<div class="house-cont">
<<if $clothes_top_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/verh/v0.png" and $clothes_bottom_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/niz/n0.png">>
<<set $random to random(1)>>
<<if $random==0>>
<<st>>Mia strolled out of her room naked. As she rounded the corner into the living room, she nearly collided with her mom, standing there with a laundry basket in hand. Jenny's eyes widened as if she was shocked or… turned on?<</st>>
<<mom>>"Mia, why are you walking around naked?" she asked, and Mia noticed how her eyes fixed on her boobs.<</mom>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Step closer (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Say sorry and leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia froze for a second, her cheeks flushing slightly.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, what was I thinking leaving my room like that? This is so awkward,'' she thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<st>>She quickly played it cool, flashing her mom a mischievous smile.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Oops! Sorry, Mom. I thought I was home alone,'' she finished the sentence, already running away from there, completely embarrassed.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia walked out of her room naked, feeling comfortable and not thinking much about it. She made her way toward the kitchen and came face-to-face with her dad.<</st>>
<<dad>>He looked up just in time to see Mia walk in, his eyes widening slightly as he took in her outfit or, more precisely, its absence. "Mia, what are you doing here undressed?"<</dad>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Stay and flirt (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Say sorry and leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia stopped, her face flushing with embarrassment. "Oh, Dad! I didn’t know you were home," she said quickly, giving him an awkward smile. "I thought I was alone."<</st>>
<<dad>>Her dad cleared his throat, pretending he didn't stare at her naked body. "Maybe you should go put on something a bit more...uh, appropriate?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, already backing out of the room. "Yeah, definitely. I’ll go get dressed."<</mia>>
<<set $random to random(45)>><<if $random>8>><<st>>You stand in the corridor, nothing happens.<</st>><<else>><<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Mia was walking down the hallway when she heard strange sounds coming from her parents' room. Curious, she stopped and listened. Well, it's impossible to not recognize those sounds. Mia quickly realized her parents were having sex in there.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor<25>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Don`t Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Deciding it was better to respect their privacy, Mia walked away.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>25 and $mia.cor<75>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Unable to resist, Mia slowly pushed the door open a crack and peeked inside. She saw her dad fucking her mom.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Wow, aren't they having too much fun for their age?'' she thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''But they look kind of hot,'' Mia suddenly realized that watching them having sex turns her on.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Jerk off (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Go back to your room'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Shit, this is not okay. What the hell is she thinking? Watching her parents having sex turns her on?<</mia>>
<<mia>>''No, that's wrong, I have to go,'' she thought and walked away.<</mia>>
<<link 'Don`t Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Deciding it was better to respect their privacy, Mia walked away.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>75 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Unable to resist, Mia slowly pushed the door open a crack and peeked inside. She saw her dad fucking her mom.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Wow, aren't they having too much fun for their age?'' she thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''But they look kind of hot,'' Mia suddenly realized that watching them having sex turns her on.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Jerk off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Yeah, this definitely turns her on, she decided to watch them a bit more and masturbate.<</st>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Join (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Don`t Join'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>>
<<mia>>Nah, this is wrong; I’m not going to do it; I have to leave.<</mia>>
<<link 'Go back to your room'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Shit, this is not okay. What the hell is she thinking? Watching her parents having sex turns her on?<</mia>>
<<mia>>''No, that's wrong, I have to go,'' she thought and walked away.<</mia>>
<<link 'Don`t Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Deciding it was better to respect their privacy, Mia walked away.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $mom.cor>99 and $dad.cor>99 and $mom.relation>99 and $dad.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Unable to resist, Mia slowly pushed the door open a crack and peeked inside. She saw her dad fucking her mom.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Wow, aren't they having too much fun for their age?'' she thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''But they look kind of hot,'' Mia suddenly realized that watching them having sex turns her on.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Jerk off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Yeah, this definitely turns her on, she decided to watch them a bit more and masturbate.<</st>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Join'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>Shit, maybe watching them is not enough?<</mia>>
<<mia>>Mia knocked on the door and walked towards them, swaying her hips and asking ''Hey, do you need company, guys?''<</mia>>
<<mia>>OH YEAH<</mia>>
<<link 'Don`t Join'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>>
<<mia>>Nah, this is wrong; I’m not going to do it; I have to leave.<</mia>>
<<link 'Go back to your room'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Shit, this is not okay. What the hell is she thinking? Watching her parents having sex turns her on?<</mia>>
<<mia>>''No, that's wrong, I have to go,'' she thought and walked away.<</mia>>
<<link 'Don`t Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Deciding it was better to respect their privacy, Mia walked away.<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Unable to resist, Mia slowly pushed the door open a crack and peeked inside. She saw her dad fucking her mom.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Wow, aren't they having too much fun for their age?'' she thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''But they look kind of hot,'' Mia suddenly realized that watching them having sex turns her on.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Jerk off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Yeah, this definitely turns her on, she decided to watch them a bit more and masturbate.<</st>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Join (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Don`t Join'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>>
<<mia>>Nah, this is wrong; I’m not going to do it; I have to leave.<</mia>>
<<link 'Go back to your room'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Shit, this is not okay. What the hell is she thinking? Watching her parents having sex turns her on?<</mia>>
<<mia>>''No, that's wrong, I have to go,'' she thought and walked away.<</mia>>
<<link 'Don`t Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Deciding it was better to respect their privacy, Mia walked away.<</mia>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia walked into the living room and saw her mom, covered with a blanket, reading a book. Normally, she would continue walking, but she noticed something was off. Her mom was acting weird, her hand was moving under the blanket and she was blushing.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor <25>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Find out what`s wrong (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Keep walking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided it was best to leave it alone. She continued walking, pretending she didn't notice anything.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>25 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Find out what`s wrong'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia couldn't ignore it. She walked over to her mom and asked, "Hey, what are you doing?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mom looked up. "Just reading," she said, blushing even more.<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia, curious, walked closer and looked at the book cover. It was "50 Shades of Grey."<</st>>
<<mia>>She couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Mom, really?"<</mia>>
<<st>>But then Jenny started moaning, and Mia noticed that one of her arms was still moving under the blanket. Suddenly, Mia understood what Jenny was doing.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Offer Jenny help (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave Jenny alone'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Not willing to interrupt Mia said ''Sorry, Mom, I'll let you finish what you've started,'' and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Keep walking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided it was best to leave it alone. She continued walking, pretending she didn't notice anything.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $mom.relation>99 and $mom.cor>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Find out what`s wrong'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia couldn't ignore it. She walked over to her mom and asked, "Hey, what are you doing?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mom looked up. "Just reading," she said, blushing even more.<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia, curious, walked closer and looked at the book cover. It was "50 Shades of Grey."<</st>>
<<mia>>She couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Mom, really?"<</mia>>
<<st>>But then Jenny started moaning, and Mia noticed that one of her arms was still moving under the blanket. Suddenly, Mia understood what Jenny was doing.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Offer Jenny help'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Jenny was jerking off on one of the dirty scenes, and Mia interrupted her. Well, that wasn't right.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Let me help you with that,'' Mia said quietly and got under Jenny's blanket.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave Jenny alone'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Not willing to interrupt Mia said ''Sorry, Mom, I'll let you finish what you've started,'' and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Keep walking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided it was best to leave it alone. She continued walking, pretending she didn't notice anything.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Find out what`s wrong'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia couldn't ignore it. She walked over to her mom and asked, "Hey, what are you doing?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mom looked up. "Just reading," she said, blushing even more.<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia, curious, walked closer and looked at the book cover. It was "50 Shades of Grey."<</st>>
<<mia>>She couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Mom, really?"<</mia>>
<<st>>But then Jenny started moaning, and Mia noticed that one of her arms was still moving under the blanket. Suddenly, Mia understood what Jenny was doing.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Offer Jenny help (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave Jenny alone'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Not willing to interrupt Mia said ''Sorry, Mom, I'll let you finish what you've started,'' and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Keep walking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided it was best to leave it alone. She continued walking, pretending she didn't notice anything.<</st>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Richard lay down on the mechanic's creeper and rolled himself under the car, ready to start the repairs. He had a toolbox beside him and was already deep in concentration.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia walked into the garage, noticing her dad’s legs sticking out from under the car.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor <50>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Offer help (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Well, he's clearly busy; there’s no need to bother him,'' Mia thought and left.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>50 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Offer help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>She stepped over the creeper with one leg and called out, "Hey, Dad, need any help?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Richard paused his work and slid out from under the car, looking up and realizing he was looking right at Mia's pussy. Well, she definitely didn't bother to wear panties. His dick hardened immediately.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Sit on his face (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hi, honey. Actually, some help would be great. Can you help me get rid of my boner?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>“Oh, I… I don’t know, Dad. Emmm, let me call Mom, okay? Maybe she can help?” she ran out of the garage.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Well, he's clearly busy; there’s no need to bother him,'' Mia thought and left.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $dad.relation>99 and $dad.cor>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Offer help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>She stepped over the creeper with one leg and called out, "Hey, Dad, need any help?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Richard paused his work and slid out from under the car, looking up and realizing he was looking right at Mia's pussy. Well, she definitely didn't bother to wear panties. His dick hardened immediately.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Sit on his face'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hi, honey. Actually, some help would be great. Can you help me get rid of my boner?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>“That’s exactly what I came here for, Dad,” she smiled.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hi, honey. Actually, some help would be great. Can you help me get rid of my boner?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>“Oh, I… I don’t know, Dad. Emmm, let me call Mom, okay? Maybe she can help?” she ran out of the garage.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Well, he's clearly busy; there’s no need to bother him,'' Mia thought and left.<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Offer help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>She stepped over the creeper with one leg and called out, "Hey, Dad, need any help?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Richard paused his work and slid out from under the car, looking up and realizing he was looking right at Mia's pussy. Well, she definitely didn't bother to wear panties. His dick hardened immediately.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Sit on his face (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hi, honey. Actually, some help would be great. Can you help me get rid of my boner?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>“Oh, I… I don’t know, Dad. Emmm, let me call Mom, okay? Maybe she can help?” she ran out of the garage.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Well, he's clearly busy; there’s no need to bother him,'' Mia thought and left.<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia's mother was busy cooking in the kitchen. As Mia walked in, she saw Jenny chopping vegetables and stirring pots on the stove.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor <15>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help with Cooking (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided not to interrupt. "Smells great, Mom," she said with a smile.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother glanced up, smiling back. "Thanks, Mia. Dinner will be ready soon."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia nodded and walked out of the kitchen.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor >15 and $mia.cor <150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help with Cooking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to help. "Hey, Mom, need any help with dinner?" she asked, walking over to the counter.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother looked up and smiled. "That would be great, Mia. Can you peal that grapefruit for me?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, I can do it,'' Mia said with a dirty smile and started putting her fingers right into the grapefruit.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Mia, what are you doing?'' her Mother's cheeks flushed, and she couldn't take her eyes off of Mia licking her fingers.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Approach Jenny (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Pretend that nothing`s happened'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Oh, sorry, mom. I was just hungry. Let me help you with something else.''<</mia>>
<<st>>And she kept helping Jenny with dinner as if nothing had happened.<</st>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided not to interrupt. "Smells great, Mom," she said with a smile.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother glanced up, smiling back. "Thanks, Mia. Dinner will be ready soon."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia nodded and walked out of the kitchen.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor >150>>
<<if $mom.cor>99 and $mom.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help with Cooking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to help. "Hey, Mom, need any help with dinner?" she asked, walking over to the counter.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother looked up and smiled. "That would be great, Mia. Can you peal that grapefruit for me?'<</mom>>'
<<mia>>''Sure, I can do it,'' Mia said with a dirty smile and started putting her fingers right into the grapefruit.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Mia, what are you doing?'' her Mother's cheeks flushed, and she couldn't take her eyes off of Mia licking her fingers.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Approach Jenny'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mom>>''Let me show you what I'm doing,'' she said, placing the grapefruit back on the counter and walking closer to Jenny.<</mom>>
<<link 'Pretend that nothing`s happened'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Oh, sorry, mom. I was just hungry. Let me help you with something else.''<</mia>>
<<st>>And she kept helping Jenny with dinner as if nothing had happened.<</st>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided not to interrupt. "Smells great, Mom," she said with a smile.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother glanced up, smiling back. "Thanks, Mia. Dinner will be ready soon."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia nodded and walked out of the kitchen.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help with Cooking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to help. "Hey, Mom, need any help with dinner?" she asked, walking over to the counter.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother looked up and smiled. "That would be great, Mia. Can you peal that grapefruit for me?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, I can do it,'' Mia said with a dirty smile and started putting her fingers right into the grapefruit.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Mia, what are you doing?'' her Mother's cheeks flushed, and she couldn't take her eyes off of Mia licking her fingers.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Approach Jenny (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Pretend that nothing`s happened'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Oh, sorry, mom. I was just hungry. Let me help you with something else.''<</mia>>
<<st>>And she kept helping Jenny with dinner as if nothing had happened.<</st>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided not to interrupt. "Smells great, Mom," she said with a smile.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother glanced up, smiling back. "Thanks, Mia. Dinner will be ready soon."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia nodded and walked out of the kitchen.<</st>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mia walked into the living room and saw her dad, Richard, sitting on the couch and watching TV. He seemed engrossed in a show, his attention fully captured by the screen.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor<100>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch TV'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to join him. "Hey, Dad, what are you watching?" she asked, plopping down on the couch next to him.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Richard smiled at her ''Hi, sweetheart. Some random movie; it just started. Want to watch it with me?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, settling in. "Sure, why not." They sat together when suddenly the movie took a crazy twist, and the main characters started fucking.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Keep watching (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hmm, you know, Dad, I just remembered I have some plans. Why don't we catch up later?'' she whispered and walked out of the room, feeling uncomfortable.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided not to interrupt. She walked out of the living room, giving her dad some space to enjoy his program.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>100 and $mia.cor<150>>
<<if $dad.cor>49 and $dad.relation>49>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch TV'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to join him. "Hey, Dad, what are you watching?" she asked, plopping down on the couch next to him.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Richard smiled at her ''Hi, sweetheart. Some random movie; it just started. Want to watch it with me?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, settling in. "Sure, why not." They sat together when suddenly the movie took a crazy twist, and the main characters started fucking.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Wow, what the hell are they doing? I didn't know you could bend like that!'' Mia said that and stood up in front of the TV, trying to copy the actress and covering the screen with her body.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Hey, Mia, I can't see anything! Move!''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''If you want to continue watching it, make me move!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh I can do that,'' he said, grabbing Mia by the waist. Richard sat down and put her on his knee, taking off her tiny shorts and starting to slap her ass.<</dad>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Fix the situation (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Okay, okay, sorry. I've made a mistake. I will not distract you from a movie again, Dad,'' Mia said and walked out of the room.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hmm, you know, Dad, I just remembered I have some plans. Why don't we catch up later?'' she whispered and walked out of the room, feeling uncomfortable.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided not to interrupt. She walked out of the living room, giving her dad some space to enjoy his program.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch TV'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to join him. "Hey, Dad, what are you watching?" she asked, plopping down on the couch next to him.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Richard smiled at her ''Hi, sweetheart. Some random movie; it just started. Want to watch it with me?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, settling in. "Sure, why not." They sat together when suddenly the movie took a crazy twist, and the main characters started fucking.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Keep watching (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hmm, you know, Dad, I just remembered I have some plans. Why don't we catch up later?'' she whispered and walked out of the room, feeling uncomfortable.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided not to interrupt. She walked out of the living room, giving her dad some space to enjoy his program.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $dad.cor>99 and $dad.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch TV'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to join him. "Hey, Dad, what are you watching?" she asked, plopping down on the couch next to him.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Richard smiled at her ''Hi, sweetheart. Some random movie; it just started. Want to watch it with me?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, settling in. "Sure, why not." They sat together when suddenly the movie took a crazy twist, and the main characters started fucking.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Wow, what the hell are they doing? I didn't know you could bend like that!'' Mia said that and stood up in front of the TV, trying to copy the actress and covering the screen with her body.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Hey, Mia, I can't see anything! Move!''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''If you want to continue watching it, make me move!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh I can do that,'' he said, grabbing Mia by the waist. Richard sat down and put her on his knee, taking off her tiny shorts and starting to slap her ass.<</dad>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Fix the situation'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<dad>>''You see, I've missed a few minutes of the movie because of you!''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''I know how I can make up for it! Looks like they enjoy themselves in this scene. Why don't we try it out?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Hmm, this can work,'' he said, letting Mia start redeeming herself.<</dad>>
<<mia>>Oh fuck, your cock is perfect!<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Okay, okay, sorry. I've made a mistake. I will not distract you from a movie again, Dad,'' Mia said and walked out of the room.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hmm, you know, Dad, I just remembered I have some plans. Why don't we catch up later?'' she whispered and walked out of the room, feeling uncomfortable.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided not to interrupt. She walked out of the living room, giving her dad some space to enjoy his program.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch TV'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to join him. "Hey, Dad, what are you watching?" she asked, plopping down on the couch next to him.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Richard smiled at her ''Hi, sweetheart. Some random movie; it just started. Want to watch it with me?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, settling in. "Sure, why not." They sat together when suddenly the movie took a crazy twist, and the main characters started fucking.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Wow, what the hell are they doing? I didn't know you could bend like that!'' Mia said that and stood up in front of the TV, trying to copy the actress and covering the screen with her body.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Hey, Mia, I can't see anything! Move!''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''If you want to continue watching it, make me move!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh I can do that,'' he said, grabbing Mia by the waist. Richard sat down and put her on his knee, taking off her tiny shorts and starting to slap her ass.<</dad>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Fix the situation (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Okay, okay, sorry. I've made a mistake. I will not distract you from a movie again, Dad,'' Mia said and walked out of the room.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hmm, you know, Dad, I just remembered I have some plans. Why don't we catch up later?'' she whispered and walked out of the room, feeling uncomfortable.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided not to interrupt. She walked out of the living room, giving her dad some space to enjoy his program.<</st>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Mia walked into the living room and saw her mom doing yoga on a mat in the center of the room.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Hey, Mom," Mia greeted.<</mia>>
<<mom>>"Hi, honey! How's it going?" Jenny didn't shift from the warrior pose while replying to Mia.<</mom>>
<<mia>>"Not bad," Mia replied, glancing at the yoga mat. "Doing yoga again?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny chuckled. "Yeah, do you want to join? I have an extra mat right here."<</mom>>
<<if $mia.fit <15>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.fit >15 and $mia.fit<25>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to give it a try. "Sure, why not?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia rolled out the spare mat and stood next to her mom. Every time Jenny changed a pose or stretched, it looked like her tits were about to jump out of her bra.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, why do I feel like I wanna see more?'' Mia thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>"Mom, this is kind of boring. Let's spice it up a bit," Mia offered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny laughed. "Yeah? Do you have any offers?" she asked, now staring at Mia's sports bra.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'I have an idea (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'I dont have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''My idea is that I'm way too bored and wanna leave. Why don't I go and let you do the rest of your workout?'' Mia asked her, smiling.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sure, honey, I don't mind. I'm still not over with a doggy pose''.<</mom>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.fit > 25>>
<<if $mia.cor>100 and $mom.cor>49 and $mom.relation>49 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to give it a try. "Sure, why not?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia rolled out the spare mat and stood next to her mom. Every time Jenny changed a pose or stretched, it looked like her tits were about to jump out of her bra.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, why do I feel like I wanna see more?'' Mia thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>"Mom, this is kind of boring. Let's spice it up a bit," Mia offered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny laughed. "Yeah? Do you have any offers?" she asked, now staring at Mia's sports bra.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'I have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>"Let's do a small competition. We do some yoga poses, and the one of us who fails to do a pose takes off their clothes. What do you think?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>''I'm up for it,'' Jenny smiled, watching how Mia's nipples hardened under her bra.<</mom>>
<<st>>A couple of minutes later, they both were on their mats, completely naked and turned on.<</st>>
<<mom>>''This time, I have an idea,'' Jenny said, stepping closer to Mia and putting a hand on her boobs. Why don't we try yoga poses for two? They can be quite… challenging.''<</mom>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Agree (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Yeah, Mom, it sounds great. But I'm kind of tired already. Not sure that I'm ready for anything challenging.'' Mia said, thinking to herself that she was not ready for what might come next.<</mia>>
<<link 'I dont have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''My idea is that I'm way too bored and wanna leave. Why don't I go and let you do the rest of your workout?'' Mia asked her, smiling.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sure, honey, I don't mind. I'm still not over with a doggy pose''.<</mom>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to give it a try. "Sure, why not?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia rolled out the spare mat and stood next to her mom. Every time Jenny changed a pose or stretched, it looked like her tits were about to jump out of her bra.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, why do I feel like I wanna see more?'' Mia thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>"Mom, this is kind of boring. Let's spice it up a bit," Mia offered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny laughed. "Yeah? Do you have any offers?" she asked, now staring at Mia's sports bra.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'I have an idea (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'I dont have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''My idea is that I'm way too bored and wanna leave. Why don't I go and let you do the rest of your workout?'' Mia asked her, smiling.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sure, honey, I don't mind. I'm still not over with a doggy pose''.<</mom>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.fit>50>>
<<if $mia.cor>150 and $mom.cor>99 and $mom.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to give it a try. "Sure, why not?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia rolled out the spare mat and stood next to her mom. Every time Jenny changed a pose or stretched, it looked like her tits were about to jump out of her bra.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, why do I feel like I wanna see more?'' Mia thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>"Mom, this is kind of boring. Let's spice it up a bit," Mia offered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny laughed. "Yeah? Do you have any offers?" she asked, now staring at Mia's sports bra.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'I have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>"Let's do a small competition. We do some yoga poses, and the one of us who fails to do a pose takes off their clothes. What do you think?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>''I'm up for it,'' Jenny smiled, watching how Mia's nipples hardened under her bra.<</mom>>
<<st>>A couple of minutes later, they both were on their mats, completely naked and turned on.<</st>>
<<mom>>''This time, I have an idea,'' Jenny said, stepping closer to Mia and putting a hand on her boobs. Why don't we try yoga poses for two? They can be quite… challenging.''<</mom>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<st>>Mia looked into her mom's eyes, intrigued and turned on, thinking about what would come next.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Let's do it. But I choose the first pose.''<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Yeah, Mom, it sounds great. But I'm kind of tired already. Not sure that I'm ready for anything challenging.'' Mia said, thinking to herself that she was not ready for what might come next.<</mia>>
<<link 'I dont have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''My idea is that I'm way too bored and wanna leave. Why don't I go and let you do the rest of your workout?'' Mia asked her, smiling.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sure, honey, I don't mind. I'm still not over with a doggy pose''.<</mom>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to give it a try. "Sure, why not?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia rolled out the spare mat and stood next to her mom. Every time Jenny changed a pose or stretched, it looked like her tits were about to jump out of her bra.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, why do I feel like I wanna see more?'' Mia thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>"Mom, this is kind of boring. Let's spice it up a bit," Mia offered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny laughed. "Yeah? Do you have any offers?" she asked, now staring at Mia's sports bra.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'I have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>"Let's do a small competition. We do some yoga poses, and the one of us who fails to do a pose takes off their clothes. What do you think?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>''I'm up for it,'' Jenny smiled, watching how Mia's nipples hardened under her bra.<</mom>>
<<st>>A couple of minutes later, they both were on their mats, completely naked and turned on.<</st>>
<<mom>>''This time, I have an idea,'' Jenny said, stepping closer to Mia and putting a hand on her boobs. Why don't we try yoga poses for two? They can be quite… challenging.''<</mom>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Agree (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Yeah, Mom, it sounds great. But I'm kind of tired already. Not sure that I'm ready for anything challenging.'' Mia said, thinking to herself that she was not ready for what might come next.<</mia>>
<<link 'I dont have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''My idea is that I'm way too bored and wanna leave. Why don't I go and let you do the rest of your workout?'' Mia asked her, smiling.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sure, honey, I don't mind. I'm still not over with a doggy pose''.<</mom>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<<case 6>>
<<st>>Mia heard her mom calling and went to find her. She found her with a basket of clothes.<</st>>
<<mom>>"Mia, could you help me out and do the laundry today?" Jenny asked, setting the basket down.<</mom>>
<<if $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia looked at the basket and then at her mom. "Sure, Mom. No problem."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny smiled, "Thanks, honey."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia took the basket and went to the washing machine. As she bent down to put the laundry into the washer, she saw her panties in the drum from the previous washing. She got into the drum to retrieve it, when suddenly someone put her hands on her ass while she was in there.<</st>>
<<dad>>''Well, well, what an interesting view, Mia. It's almost inviting, you know.''<</dad>>
<<st>>She understood it was her dad, and with his hands trying to get under her shorts, his intentions were clear as day.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay where you are (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Get out of the drum'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Mia decided to get out of the drum, she wasn't ready to see how far it could get.<</st>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia glanced at the laundry basket and saw her brother's dirty underwear. "Sorry, Mom, but I'm really not in the mood for laundry today," she said.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $dad.cor>99 and $dad.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia looked at the basket and then at her mom. "Sure, Mom. No problem."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny smiled, "Thanks, honey."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia took the basket and went to the washing machine. As she bent down to put the laundry into the washer, she saw her panties in the drum from the previous washing. She got into the drum to retrieve it, when suddenly someone put her hands on her ass while she was in there.<</st>>
<<dad>>''Well, well, what an interesting view, Mia. It's almost inviting, you know.''<</dad>>
<<st>>She understood it was her dad, and with his hands trying to get under her shorts, his intentions were clear as day.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay where you are'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Almost? I guess it's clear enough.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia laughed and decided to stay inside and see what's gonna happen next.<</st>>
<<link 'Get out of the drum'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Mia decided to get out of the drum, she wasn't ready to see how far it could get.<</st>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia glanced at the laundry basket and saw her brother's dirty underwear. "Sorry, Mom, but I'm really not in the mood for laundry today," she said.<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia looked at the basket and then at her mom. "Sure, Mom. No problem."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny smiled, "Thanks, honey."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia took the basket and went to the washing machine. As she bent down to put the laundry into the washer, she saw her panties in the drum from the previous washing. She got into the drum to retrieve it, when suddenly someone put her hands on her ass while she was in there.<</st>>
<<dad>>''Well, well, what an interesting view, Mia. It's almost inviting, you know.''<</dad>>
<<st>>She understood it was her dad, and with his hands trying to get under her shorts, his intentions were clear as day.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay where you are (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Get out of the drum'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Mia decided to get out of the drum, she wasn't ready to see how far it could get.<</st>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia glanced at the laundry basket and saw her brother's dirty underwear. "Sorry, Mom, but I'm really not in the mood for laundry today," she said.<</mia>>
<<case 7>>
<<st>>Mia was cleaning the house. Everything was going smoothly until she got stuck while her ass was sticking up.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Seriously?" Mia muttered to herself, trying to wiggle free.<</mia>>
<<if $mia.cor<50>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Cry for help (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Try to break free'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>She shifted her position, gave a few determined tugs, and finally managed to break free.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Thank God I did it myself. Would've been stupid to cry for help like a helpless idiot.''<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>50 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Cry for help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Heyyyy! Guys, someone! Help me, I'm stuck!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>Just a minute later, she could hear footsteps approaching and her father asking, ''Mia? What are you doing?'' with a weird hoarseness in his voice. And she couldn't see the way he looked at her ass and naked legs.<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Dad! Great, you're here. My hand is stuck. Can you bring me some oil or something else so I could lubricate it?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh, hehe… I have something to lubricate it just enough. Do you want me to help?'' he asked, hinting at something else rather than helping her.<</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Agree (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Laugh it off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hahaha, very funny, Dad! I am really stuck here. Can you call mom?'' Mia pretended to not understand what he meant. She wasn't ready for what might happen next.<</mia>>
<<link 'Try to break free'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>She shifted her position, gave a few determined tugs, and finally managed to break free.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Thank God I did it myself. Would've been stupid to cry for help like a helpless idiot.''<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $dad.cor>99 and $dad.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Cry for help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Heyyyy! Guys, someone! Help me, I'm stuck!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>Just a minute later, she could hear footsteps approaching and her father asking, ''Mia? What are you doing?'' with a weird hoarseness in his voice. And she couldn't see the way he looked at her ass and naked legs.<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Dad! Great, you're here. My hand is stuck. Can you bring me some oil or something else so I could lubricate it?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh, hehe… I have something to lubricate it just enough. Do you want me to help?'' he asked, hinting at something else rather than helping her.<</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Help me, Daddy,'' she said, already feeling horny and thinking that not wearing her panties today was a smart decision.<</mia>>
<<link 'Laugh it off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hahaha, very funny, Dad! I am really stuck here. Can you call mom?'' Mia pretended to not understand what he meant. She wasn't ready for what might happen next.<</mia>>
<<link 'Try to break free'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>She shifted her position, gave a few determined tugs, and finally managed to break free.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Thank God I did it myself. Would've been stupid to cry for help like a helpless idiot.''<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Cry for help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Heyyyy! Guys, someone! Help me, I'm stuck!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>Just a minute later, she could hear footsteps approaching and her father asking, ''Mia? What are you doing?'' with a weird hoarseness in his voice. And she couldn't see the way he looked at her ass and naked legs.<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Dad! Great, you're here. My hand is stuck. Can you bring me some oil or something else so I could lubricate it?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh, hehe… I have something to lubricate it just enough. Do you want me to help?'' he asked, hinting at something else rather than helping her.<</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Agree (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Laugh it off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hahaha, very funny, Dad! I am really stuck here. Can you call mom?'' Mia pretended to not understand what he meant. She wasn't ready for what might happen next.<</mia>>
<<link 'Try to break free'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>She shifted her position, gave a few determined tugs, and finally managed to break free.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Thank God I did it myself. Would've been stupid to cry for help like a helpless idiot.''<</mia>>
<<case 8>>
<<st>>Mia walked into her parents' room without knocking, thinking they were out. But as she stepped inside, she froze. Her mom was almost naked, dancing and moving in front of a camera.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/home_events/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<if $mia.cor<25>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep watching (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia quickly backed out of the room, closing the door behind her. She couldn't shake the awkward feeling but decided it was best not to think about it.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>25 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Jenny was so horny and turned on, so involved into what she was doing, that Mia couldn't look away. Deep inside her, she knew it was wrong, but the way Jenny moved, it really turned her on.<</st>>
<<mom>>Suddenly, her mom noticed Mia in a doorframe. Confused by Mia's sudden entrance, she quickly turned off the camera and looked over at her. "Mia! I didn’t hear you come in."<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay and film together (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Say sorry and leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Mia stood there, unsure of what to say. "Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. I'll go and let you finish… whatever you were doing,'' she smiled awkwardly and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia quickly backed out of the room, closing the door behind her. She couldn't shake the awkward feeling but decided it was best not to think about it.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $mom.cor>99 and $mom.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Jenny was so horny and turned on, so involved into what she was doing, that Mia couldn't look away. Deep inside her, she knew it was wrong, but the way Jenny moved, it really turned her on.<</st>>
<<mom>>Suddenly, her mom noticed Mia in a doorframe. Confused by Mia's sudden entrance, she quickly turned off the camera and looked over at her. "Mia! I didn’t hear you come in."<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay and film together'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Don't stop. You look so hot. Can I join you?'' she asked, already closing the door behind her, and taking off her clothes.<</mia>>
<<st>>Jenny's eyes lit up at Mia's suggestion.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Sure, come on in. We can spice it up a bit, you know. Take off your panties while I set up the camera,'' she offered.<</mom>>
<<link 'Say sorry and leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Mia stood there, unsure of what to say. "Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. I'll go and let you finish… whatever you were doing,'' she smiled awkwardly and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia quickly backed out of the room, closing the door behind her. She couldn't shake the awkward feeling but decided it was best not to think about it.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Jenny was so horny and turned on, so involved into what she was doing, that Mia couldn't look away. Deep inside her, she knew it was wrong, but the way Jenny moved, it really turned her on.<</st>>
<<mom>>Suddenly, her mom noticed Mia in a doorframe. Confused by Mia's sudden entrance, she quickly turned off the camera and looked over at her. "Mia! I didn’t hear you come in."<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay and film together (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Say sorry and leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Mia stood there, unsure of what to say. "Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. I'll go and let you finish… whatever you were doing,'' she smiled awkwardly and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia quickly backed out of the room, closing the door behind her. She couldn't shake the awkward feeling but decided it was best not to think about it.<</st>>
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toggleButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
// Подождем, пока класс обновится
setTimeout(updateHouseImagePosition, 100);
});<</script>><</done>><svg viewBox="0 0 1920 1080" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="rooms-image">
<image width="1920" height="1080" href="0.2.6/backgrounds/pool.png" />
<a data-passage="House">
<path class="clickable-area" d="M 481.85628,958.64798 H 681.9062 l 1.08527,74.15952 H 482.21801 Z" />
<div class="house-cont">
<<st>>Mia's lounging by the pool at home; the water’s perfect for swimming or sunbathing.<</st>>
<<button[[Lie down and sunbathe|Lie_down_and_sunbathe]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Swim in the pool|Swim_in_the_pool]]>><</button>>
<<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><<script>>function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
<</script>><</if>><<set $canTravel =1>><<done>><<script>>
var rightUiBar = document.getElementById("right-ui-bar");
var houseImage = document.querySelector('.rooms-image');
// Функция для обновления позиции изображения
function updateHouseImagePosition() {
if (rightUiBar.classList.contains('stowed')) {
houseImage.style.left = '80%'; // Увеличиваем значение left
} else {
houseImage.style.left = '71%'; // Обычная позиция
// Первоначальная установка позиции изображения
// Отслеживание клика по кнопке сворачивания панели
var toggleButton = document.getElementById("right-ui-bar-toggle");
toggleButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
// Подождем, пока класс обновится
setTimeout(updateHouseImagePosition, 100);
var rightUiBar = document.getElementById("right-ui-bar");
var houseImage = document.querySelector('.rooms-image');
// Функция для обновления позиции изображения
function updateHouseImagePosition() {
if (rightUiBar.classList.contains('stowed')) {
houseImage.style.left = '80%'; // Увеличиваем значение left
} else {
houseImage.style.left = '71%'; // Обычная позиция
// Первоначальная установка позиции изображения
// Отслеживание клика по кнопке сворачивания панели
var toggleButton = document.getElementById("right-ui-bar-toggle");
toggleButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
// Подождем, пока класс обновится
setTimeout(updateHouseImagePosition, 100);
});<</script>><</done>><svg viewBox="0 0 1920 1080" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="rooms-image">
<image width="1920" height="1080" href="0.2.6/backgrounds/Living.png" />
<a data-passage="House">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 481.85628,958.28621 200.41168,-0.36173 1.08527,75.24482 H 481.49451 Z" />
</a><a data-passage="Yoga">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 601.59682,820.09622 89.715,-45.58101 173.64188,90.80026 -84.65042,46.30449 z" />
</a><a data-passage="TV">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 630.54372,647.17064 0.5116,-152.20021 213.8477,-98.48249 6.65075,5.11598 0.7674,151.43281 -71.36781,32.23064 34.78861,21.48708 -1.02685,2.43922 -108.75229,49.74117 -37.98417,-21.16262 -29.48294,12.29963 z" />
</a><a data-passage="CleanHouse">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 936.99054,622.10237 85.69256,1.0232 0.2558,-198.75558 -88.25056,0.2558 z" />
<div class="house-cont">
<<if $clothes_top_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/verh/v0.png" and $clothes_bottom_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/niz/n0.png">>
<<set $random to random(1)>>
<<if $random==0>>
<<st>>Mia strolled out of her room naked. As she rounded the corner into the living room, she nearly collided with her mom, standing there with a laundry basket in hand. Jenny's eyes widened as if she was shocked or… turned on?<</st>>
<<mom>>"Mia, why are you walking around naked?" she asked, and Mia noticed how her eyes fixed on her boobs.<</mom>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Step closer (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Say sorry and leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia froze for a second, her cheeks flushing slightly.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, what was I thinking leaving my room like that? This is so awkward,'' she thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<st>>She quickly played it cool, flashing her mom a mischievous smile.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Oops! Sorry, Mom. I thought I was home alone,'' she finished the sentence, already running away from there, completely embarrassed.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia walked out of her room naked, feeling comfortable and not thinking much about it. She made her way toward the kitchen and came face-to-face with her dad.<</st>>
<<dad>>He looked up just in time to see Mia walk in, his eyes widening slightly as he took in her outfit or, more precisely, its absence. "Mia, what are you doing here undressed?"<</dad>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Stay and flirt (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Say sorry and leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia stopped, her face flushing with embarrassment. "Oh, Dad! I didn’t know you were home," she said quickly, giving him an awkward smile. "I thought I was alone."<</st>>
<<dad>>Her dad cleared his throat, pretending he didn't stare at her naked body. "Maybe you should go put on something a bit more...uh, appropriate?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, already backing out of the room. "Yeah, definitely. I’ll go get dressed."<</mia>>
<<set $random to random(45)>><<if $random>8>><<st>>You stand in the corridor, nothing happens.<</st>><<else>><<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Mia was walking down the hallway when she heard strange sounds coming from her parents' room. Curious, she stopped and listened. Well, it's impossible to not recognize those sounds. Mia quickly realized her parents were having sex in there.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor<25>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Don`t Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Deciding it was better to respect their privacy, Mia walked away.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>25 and $mia.cor<75>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Unable to resist, Mia slowly pushed the door open a crack and peeked inside. She saw her dad fucking her mom.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Wow, aren't they having too much fun for their age?'' she thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''But they look kind of hot,'' Mia suddenly realized that watching them having sex turns her on.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Jerk off (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Go back to your room'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Shit, this is not okay. What the hell is she thinking? Watching her parents having sex turns her on?<</mia>>
<<mia>>''No, that's wrong, I have to go,'' she thought and walked away.<</mia>>
<<link 'Don`t Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Deciding it was better to respect their privacy, Mia walked away.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>75 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Unable to resist, Mia slowly pushed the door open a crack and peeked inside. She saw her dad fucking her mom.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Wow, aren't they having too much fun for their age?'' she thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''But they look kind of hot,'' Mia suddenly realized that watching them having sex turns her on.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Jerk off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Yeah, this definitely turns her on, she decided to watch them a bit more and masturbate.<</st>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Join (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Don`t Join'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>>
<<mia>>Nah, this is wrong; I’m not going to do it; I have to leave.<</mia>>
<<link 'Go back to your room'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Shit, this is not okay. What the hell is she thinking? Watching her parents having sex turns her on?<</mia>>
<<mia>>''No, that's wrong, I have to go,'' she thought and walked away.<</mia>>
<<link 'Don`t Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Deciding it was better to respect their privacy, Mia walked away.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $mom.cor>99 and $dad.cor>99 and $mom.relation>99 and $dad.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Unable to resist, Mia slowly pushed the door open a crack and peeked inside. She saw her dad fucking her mom.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Wow, aren't they having too much fun for their age?'' she thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''But they look kind of hot,'' Mia suddenly realized that watching them having sex turns her on.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Jerk off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Yeah, this definitely turns her on, she decided to watch them a bit more and masturbate.<</st>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Join'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>Shit, maybe watching them is not enough?<</mia>>
<<mia>>Mia knocked on the door and walked towards them, swaying her hips and asking ''Hey, do you need company, guys?''<</mia>>
<<mia>>OH YEAH<</mia>>
<<link 'Don`t Join'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>>
<<mia>>Nah, this is wrong; I’m not going to do it; I have to leave.<</mia>>
<<link 'Go back to your room'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Shit, this is not okay. What the hell is she thinking? Watching her parents having sex turns her on?<</mia>>
<<mia>>''No, that's wrong, I have to go,'' she thought and walked away.<</mia>>
<<link 'Don`t Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Deciding it was better to respect their privacy, Mia walked away.<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Unable to resist, Mia slowly pushed the door open a crack and peeked inside. She saw her dad fucking her mom.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Wow, aren't they having too much fun for their age?'' she thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''But they look kind of hot,'' Mia suddenly realized that watching them having sex turns her on.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Jerk off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Yeah, this definitely turns her on, she decided to watch them a bit more and masturbate.<</st>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Join (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Don`t Join'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>>
<<mia>>Nah, this is wrong; I’m not going to do it; I have to leave.<</mia>>
<<link 'Go back to your room'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Shit, this is not okay. What the hell is she thinking? Watching her parents having sex turns her on?<</mia>>
<<mia>>''No, that's wrong, I have to go,'' she thought and walked away.<</mia>>
<<link 'Don`t Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Deciding it was better to respect their privacy, Mia walked away.<</mia>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia walked into the living room and saw her mom, covered with a blanket, reading a book. Normally, she would continue walking, but she noticed something was off. Her mom was acting weird, her hand was moving under the blanket and she was blushing.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor <25>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Find out what`s wrong (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Keep walking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided it was best to leave it alone. She continued walking, pretending she didn't notice anything.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>25 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Find out what`s wrong'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia couldn't ignore it. She walked over to her mom and asked, "Hey, what are you doing?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mom looked up. "Just reading," she said, blushing even more.<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia, curious, walked closer and looked at the book cover. It was "50 Shades of Grey."<</st>>
<<mia>>She couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Mom, really?"<</mia>>
<<st>>But then Jenny started moaning, and Mia noticed that one of her arms was still moving under the blanket. Suddenly, Mia understood what Jenny was doing.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Offer Jenny help (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave Jenny alone'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Not willing to interrupt Mia said ''Sorry, Mom, I'll let you finish what you've started,'' and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Keep walking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided it was best to leave it alone. She continued walking, pretending she didn't notice anything.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $mom.relation>99 and $mom.cor>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Find out what`s wrong'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia couldn't ignore it. She walked over to her mom and asked, "Hey, what are you doing?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mom looked up. "Just reading," she said, blushing even more.<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia, curious, walked closer and looked at the book cover. It was "50 Shades of Grey."<</st>>
<<mia>>She couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Mom, really?"<</mia>>
<<st>>But then Jenny started moaning, and Mia noticed that one of her arms was still moving under the blanket. Suddenly, Mia understood what Jenny was doing.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Offer Jenny help'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Jenny was jerking off on one of the dirty scenes, and Mia interrupted her. Well, that wasn't right.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Let me help you with that,'' Mia said quietly and got under Jenny's blanket.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave Jenny alone'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Not willing to interrupt Mia said ''Sorry, Mom, I'll let you finish what you've started,'' and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Keep walking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided it was best to leave it alone. She continued walking, pretending she didn't notice anything.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Find out what`s wrong'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia couldn't ignore it. She walked over to her mom and asked, "Hey, what are you doing?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mom looked up. "Just reading," she said, blushing even more.<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia, curious, walked closer and looked at the book cover. It was "50 Shades of Grey."<</st>>
<<mia>>She couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Mom, really?"<</mia>>
<<st>>But then Jenny started moaning, and Mia noticed that one of her arms was still moving under the blanket. Suddenly, Mia understood what Jenny was doing.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Offer Jenny help (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave Jenny alone'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Not willing to interrupt Mia said ''Sorry, Mom, I'll let you finish what you've started,'' and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Keep walking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided it was best to leave it alone. She continued walking, pretending she didn't notice anything.<</st>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Richard lay down on the mechanic's creeper and rolled himself under the car, ready to start the repairs. He had a toolbox beside him and was already deep in concentration.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia walked into the garage, noticing her dad’s legs sticking out from under the car.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor <50>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Offer help (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Well, he's clearly busy; there’s no need to bother him,'' Mia thought and left.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>50 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Offer help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>She stepped over the creeper with one leg and called out, "Hey, Dad, need any help?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Richard paused his work and slid out from under the car, looking up and realizing he was looking right at Mia's pussy. Well, she definitely didn't bother to wear panties. His dick hardened immediately.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Sit on his face (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hi, honey. Actually, some help would be great. Can you help me get rid of my boner?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>“Oh, I… I don’t know, Dad. Emmm, let me call Mom, okay? Maybe she can help?” she ran out of the garage.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Well, he's clearly busy; there’s no need to bother him,'' Mia thought and left.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $dad.relation>99 and $dad.cor>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Offer help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>She stepped over the creeper with one leg and called out, "Hey, Dad, need any help?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Richard paused his work and slid out from under the car, looking up and realizing he was looking right at Mia's pussy. Well, she definitely didn't bother to wear panties. His dick hardened immediately.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Sit on his face'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hi, honey. Actually, some help would be great. Can you help me get rid of my boner?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>“That’s exactly what I came here for, Dad,” she smiled.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hi, honey. Actually, some help would be great. Can you help me get rid of my boner?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>“Oh, I… I don’t know, Dad. Emmm, let me call Mom, okay? Maybe she can help?” she ran out of the garage.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Well, he's clearly busy; there’s no need to bother him,'' Mia thought and left.<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Offer help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>She stepped over the creeper with one leg and called out, "Hey, Dad, need any help?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Richard paused his work and slid out from under the car, looking up and realizing he was looking right at Mia's pussy. Well, she definitely didn't bother to wear panties. His dick hardened immediately.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Sit on his face (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hi, honey. Actually, some help would be great. Can you help me get rid of my boner?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>“Oh, I… I don’t know, Dad. Emmm, let me call Mom, okay? Maybe she can help?” she ran out of the garage.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Well, he's clearly busy; there’s no need to bother him,'' Mia thought and left.<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia's mother was busy cooking in the kitchen. As Mia walked in, she saw Jenny chopping vegetables and stirring pots on the stove.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor <15>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help with Cooking (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided not to interrupt. "Smells great, Mom," she said with a smile.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother glanced up, smiling back. "Thanks, Mia. Dinner will be ready soon."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia nodded and walked out of the kitchen.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor >15 and $mia.cor <150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help with Cooking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to help. "Hey, Mom, need any help with dinner?" she asked, walking over to the counter.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother looked up and smiled. "That would be great, Mia. Can you peal that grapefruit for me?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, I can do it,'' Mia said with a dirty smile and started putting her fingers right into the grapefruit.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Mia, what are you doing?'' her Mother's cheeks flushed, and she couldn't take her eyes off of Mia licking her fingers.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Approach Jenny (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Pretend that nothing`s happened'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Oh, sorry, mom. I was just hungry. Let me help you with something else.''<</mia>>
<<st>>And she kept helping Jenny with dinner as if nothing had happened.<</st>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided not to interrupt. "Smells great, Mom," she said with a smile.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother glanced up, smiling back. "Thanks, Mia. Dinner will be ready soon."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia nodded and walked out of the kitchen.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor >150>>
<<if $mom.cor>99 and $mom.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help with Cooking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to help. "Hey, Mom, need any help with dinner?" she asked, walking over to the counter.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother looked up and smiled. "That would be great, Mia. Can you peal that grapefruit for me?'<</mom>>'
<<mia>>''Sure, I can do it,'' Mia said with a dirty smile and started putting her fingers right into the grapefruit.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Mia, what are you doing?'' her Mother's cheeks flushed, and she couldn't take her eyes off of Mia licking her fingers.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Approach Jenny'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mom>>''Let me show you what I'm doing,'' she said, placing the grapefruit back on the counter and walking closer to Jenny.<</mom>>
<<link 'Pretend that nothing`s happened'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Oh, sorry, mom. I was just hungry. Let me help you with something else.''<</mia>>
<<st>>And she kept helping Jenny with dinner as if nothing had happened.<</st>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided not to interrupt. "Smells great, Mom," she said with a smile.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother glanced up, smiling back. "Thanks, Mia. Dinner will be ready soon."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia nodded and walked out of the kitchen.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help with Cooking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to help. "Hey, Mom, need any help with dinner?" she asked, walking over to the counter.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother looked up and smiled. "That would be great, Mia. Can you peal that grapefruit for me?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, I can do it,'' Mia said with a dirty smile and started putting her fingers right into the grapefruit.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Mia, what are you doing?'' her Mother's cheeks flushed, and she couldn't take her eyes off of Mia licking her fingers.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Approach Jenny (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Pretend that nothing`s happened'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Oh, sorry, mom. I was just hungry. Let me help you with something else.''<</mia>>
<<st>>And she kept helping Jenny with dinner as if nothing had happened.<</st>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided not to interrupt. "Smells great, Mom," she said with a smile.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother glanced up, smiling back. "Thanks, Mia. Dinner will be ready soon."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia nodded and walked out of the kitchen.<</st>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mia walked into the living room and saw her dad, Richard, sitting on the couch and watching TV. He seemed engrossed in a show, his attention fully captured by the screen.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor<100>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch TV'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to join him. "Hey, Dad, what are you watching?" she asked, plopping down on the couch next to him.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Richard smiled at her ''Hi, sweetheart. Some random movie; it just started. Want to watch it with me?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, settling in. "Sure, why not." They sat together when suddenly the movie took a crazy twist, and the main characters started fucking.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Keep watching (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hmm, you know, Dad, I just remembered I have some plans. Why don't we catch up later?'' she whispered and walked out of the room, feeling uncomfortable.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided not to interrupt. She walked out of the living room, giving her dad some space to enjoy his program.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>100 and $mia.cor<150>>
<<if $dad.cor>49 and $dad.relation>49>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch TV'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to join him. "Hey, Dad, what are you watching?" she asked, plopping down on the couch next to him.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Richard smiled at her ''Hi, sweetheart. Some random movie; it just started. Want to watch it with me?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, settling in. "Sure, why not." They sat together when suddenly the movie took a crazy twist, and the main characters started fucking.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Wow, what the hell are they doing? I didn't know you could bend like that!'' Mia said that and stood up in front of the TV, trying to copy the actress and covering the screen with her body.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Hey, Mia, I can't see anything! Move!''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''If you want to continue watching it, make me move!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh I can do that,'' he said, grabbing Mia by the waist. Richard sat down and put her on his knee, taking off her tiny shorts and starting to slap her ass.<</dad>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Fix the situation (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Okay, okay, sorry. I've made a mistake. I will not distract you from a movie again, Dad,'' Mia said and walked out of the room.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hmm, you know, Dad, I just remembered I have some plans. Why don't we catch up later?'' she whispered and walked out of the room, feeling uncomfortable.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided not to interrupt. She walked out of the living room, giving her dad some space to enjoy his program.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch TV'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to join him. "Hey, Dad, what are you watching?" she asked, plopping down on the couch next to him.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Richard smiled at her ''Hi, sweetheart. Some random movie; it just started. Want to watch it with me?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, settling in. "Sure, why not." They sat together when suddenly the movie took a crazy twist, and the main characters started fucking.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Keep watching (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hmm, you know, Dad, I just remembered I have some plans. Why don't we catch up later?'' she whispered and walked out of the room, feeling uncomfortable.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided not to interrupt. She walked out of the living room, giving her dad some space to enjoy his program.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $dad.cor>99 and $dad.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch TV'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to join him. "Hey, Dad, what are you watching?" she asked, plopping down on the couch next to him.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Richard smiled at her ''Hi, sweetheart. Some random movie; it just started. Want to watch it with me?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, settling in. "Sure, why not." They sat together when suddenly the movie took a crazy twist, and the main characters started fucking.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Wow, what the hell are they doing? I didn't know you could bend like that!'' Mia said that and stood up in front of the TV, trying to copy the actress and covering the screen with her body.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Hey, Mia, I can't see anything! Move!''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''If you want to continue watching it, make me move!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh I can do that,'' he said, grabbing Mia by the waist. Richard sat down and put her on his knee, taking off her tiny shorts and starting to slap her ass.<</dad>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Fix the situation'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<dad>>''You see, I've missed a few minutes of the movie because of you!''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''I know how I can make up for it! Looks like they enjoy themselves in this scene. Why don't we try it out?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Hmm, this can work,'' he said, letting Mia start redeeming herself.<</dad>>
<<mia>>Oh fuck, your cock is perfect!<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Okay, okay, sorry. I've made a mistake. I will not distract you from a movie again, Dad,'' Mia said and walked out of the room.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hmm, you know, Dad, I just remembered I have some plans. Why don't we catch up later?'' she whispered and walked out of the room, feeling uncomfortable.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided not to interrupt. She walked out of the living room, giving her dad some space to enjoy his program.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch TV'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to join him. "Hey, Dad, what are you watching?" she asked, plopping down on the couch next to him.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Richard smiled at her ''Hi, sweetheart. Some random movie; it just started. Want to watch it with me?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, settling in. "Sure, why not." They sat together when suddenly the movie took a crazy twist, and the main characters started fucking.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Wow, what the hell are they doing? I didn't know you could bend like that!'' Mia said that and stood up in front of the TV, trying to copy the actress and covering the screen with her body.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Hey, Mia, I can't see anything! Move!''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''If you want to continue watching it, make me move!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh I can do that,'' he said, grabbing Mia by the waist. Richard sat down and put her on his knee, taking off her tiny shorts and starting to slap her ass.<</dad>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Fix the situation (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Okay, okay, sorry. I've made a mistake. I will not distract you from a movie again, Dad,'' Mia said and walked out of the room.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hmm, you know, Dad, I just remembered I have some plans. Why don't we catch up later?'' she whispered and walked out of the room, feeling uncomfortable.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided not to interrupt. She walked out of the living room, giving her dad some space to enjoy his program.<</st>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Mia walked into the living room and saw her mom doing yoga on a mat in the center of the room.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Hey, Mom," Mia greeted.<</mia>>
<<mom>>"Hi, honey! How's it going?" Jenny didn't shift from the warrior pose while replying to Mia.<</mom>>
<<mia>>"Not bad," Mia replied, glancing at the yoga mat. "Doing yoga again?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny chuckled. "Yeah, do you want to join? I have an extra mat right here."<</mom>>
<<if $mia.fit <15>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.fit >15 and $mia.fit<25>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to give it a try. "Sure, why not?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia rolled out the spare mat and stood next to her mom. Every time Jenny changed a pose or stretched, it looked like her tits were about to jump out of her bra.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, why do I feel like I wanna see more?'' Mia thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>"Mom, this is kind of boring. Let's spice it up a bit," Mia offered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny laughed. "Yeah? Do you have any offers?" she asked, now staring at Mia's sports bra.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'I have an idea (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'I dont have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''My idea is that I'm way too bored and wanna leave. Why don't I go and let you do the rest of your workout?'' Mia asked her, smiling.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sure, honey, I don't mind. I'm still not over with a doggy pose''.<</mom>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.fit > 25>>
<<if $mia.cor>100 and $mom.cor>49 and $mom.relation>49 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to give it a try. "Sure, why not?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia rolled out the spare mat and stood next to her mom. Every time Jenny changed a pose or stretched, it looked like her tits were about to jump out of her bra.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, why do I feel like I wanna see more?'' Mia thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>"Mom, this is kind of boring. Let's spice it up a bit," Mia offered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny laughed. "Yeah? Do you have any offers?" she asked, now staring at Mia's sports bra.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'I have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>"Let's do a small competition. We do some yoga poses, and the one of us who fails to do a pose takes off their clothes. What do you think?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>''I'm up for it,'' Jenny smiled, watching how Mia's nipples hardened under her bra.<</mom>>
<<st>>A couple of minutes later, they both were on their mats, completely naked and turned on.<</st>>
<<mom>>''This time, I have an idea,'' Jenny said, stepping closer to Mia and putting a hand on her boobs. Why don't we try yoga poses for two? They can be quite… challenging.''<</mom>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Agree (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Yeah, Mom, it sounds great. But I'm kind of tired already. Not sure that I'm ready for anything challenging.'' Mia said, thinking to herself that she was not ready for what might come next.<</mia>>
<<link 'I dont have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''My idea is that I'm way too bored and wanna leave. Why don't I go and let you do the rest of your workout?'' Mia asked her, smiling.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sure, honey, I don't mind. I'm still not over with a doggy pose''.<</mom>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to give it a try. "Sure, why not?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia rolled out the spare mat and stood next to her mom. Every time Jenny changed a pose or stretched, it looked like her tits were about to jump out of her bra.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, why do I feel like I wanna see more?'' Mia thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>"Mom, this is kind of boring. Let's spice it up a bit," Mia offered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny laughed. "Yeah? Do you have any offers?" she asked, now staring at Mia's sports bra.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'I have an idea (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'I dont have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''My idea is that I'm way too bored and wanna leave. Why don't I go and let you do the rest of your workout?'' Mia asked her, smiling.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sure, honey, I don't mind. I'm still not over with a doggy pose''.<</mom>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.fit>50>>
<<if $mia.cor>150 and $mom.cor>99 and $mom.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to give it a try. "Sure, why not?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia rolled out the spare mat and stood next to her mom. Every time Jenny changed a pose or stretched, it looked like her tits were about to jump out of her bra.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, why do I feel like I wanna see more?'' Mia thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>"Mom, this is kind of boring. Let's spice it up a bit," Mia offered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny laughed. "Yeah? Do you have any offers?" she asked, now staring at Mia's sports bra.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'I have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>"Let's do a small competition. We do some yoga poses, and the one of us who fails to do a pose takes off their clothes. What do you think?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>''I'm up for it,'' Jenny smiled, watching how Mia's nipples hardened under her bra.<</mom>>
<<st>>A couple of minutes later, they both were on their mats, completely naked and turned on.<</st>>
<<mom>>''This time, I have an idea,'' Jenny said, stepping closer to Mia and putting a hand on her boobs. Why don't we try yoga poses for two? They can be quite… challenging.''<</mom>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<st>>Mia looked into her mom's eyes, intrigued and turned on, thinking about what would come next.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Let's do it. But I choose the first pose.''<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Yeah, Mom, it sounds great. But I'm kind of tired already. Not sure that I'm ready for anything challenging.'' Mia said, thinking to herself that she was not ready for what might come next.<</mia>>
<<link 'I dont have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''My idea is that I'm way too bored and wanna leave. Why don't I go and let you do the rest of your workout?'' Mia asked her, smiling.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sure, honey, I don't mind. I'm still not over with a doggy pose''.<</mom>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to give it a try. "Sure, why not?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia rolled out the spare mat and stood next to her mom. Every time Jenny changed a pose or stretched, it looked like her tits were about to jump out of her bra.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, why do I feel like I wanna see more?'' Mia thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>"Mom, this is kind of boring. Let's spice it up a bit," Mia offered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny laughed. "Yeah? Do you have any offers?" she asked, now staring at Mia's sports bra.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'I have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>"Let's do a small competition. We do some yoga poses, and the one of us who fails to do a pose takes off their clothes. What do you think?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>''I'm up for it,'' Jenny smiled, watching how Mia's nipples hardened under her bra.<</mom>>
<<st>>A couple of minutes later, they both were on their mats, completely naked and turned on.<</st>>
<<mom>>''This time, I have an idea,'' Jenny said, stepping closer to Mia and putting a hand on her boobs. Why don't we try yoga poses for two? They can be quite… challenging.''<</mom>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Agree (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Yeah, Mom, it sounds great. But I'm kind of tired already. Not sure that I'm ready for anything challenging.'' Mia said, thinking to herself that she was not ready for what might come next.<</mia>>
<<link 'I dont have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''My idea is that I'm way too bored and wanna leave. Why don't I go and let you do the rest of your workout?'' Mia asked her, smiling.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sure, honey, I don't mind. I'm still not over with a doggy pose''.<</mom>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<<case 6>>
<<st>>Mia heard her mom calling and went to find her. She found her with a basket of clothes.<</st>>
<<mom>>"Mia, could you help me out and do the laundry today?" Jenny asked, setting the basket down.<</mom>>
<<if $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia looked at the basket and then at her mom. "Sure, Mom. No problem."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny smiled, "Thanks, honey."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia took the basket and went to the washing machine. As she bent down to put the laundry into the washer, she saw her panties in the drum from the previous washing. She got into the drum to retrieve it, when suddenly someone put her hands on her ass while she was in there.<</st>>
<<dad>>''Well, well, what an interesting view, Mia. It's almost inviting, you know.''<</dad>>
<<st>>She understood it was her dad, and with his hands trying to get under her shorts, his intentions were clear as day.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay where you are (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Get out of the drum'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Mia decided to get out of the drum, she wasn't ready to see how far it could get.<</st>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia glanced at the laundry basket and saw her brother's dirty underwear. "Sorry, Mom, but I'm really not in the mood for laundry today," she said.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $dad.cor>99 and $dad.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia looked at the basket and then at her mom. "Sure, Mom. No problem."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny smiled, "Thanks, honey."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia took the basket and went to the washing machine. As she bent down to put the laundry into the washer, she saw her panties in the drum from the previous washing. She got into the drum to retrieve it, when suddenly someone put her hands on her ass while she was in there.<</st>>
<<dad>>''Well, well, what an interesting view, Mia. It's almost inviting, you know.''<</dad>>
<<st>>She understood it was her dad, and with his hands trying to get under her shorts, his intentions were clear as day.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay where you are'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Almost? I guess it's clear enough.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia laughed and decided to stay inside and see what's gonna happen next.<</st>>
<<link 'Get out of the drum'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Mia decided to get out of the drum, she wasn't ready to see how far it could get.<</st>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia glanced at the laundry basket and saw her brother's dirty underwear. "Sorry, Mom, but I'm really not in the mood for laundry today," she said.<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia looked at the basket and then at her mom. "Sure, Mom. No problem."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny smiled, "Thanks, honey."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia took the basket and went to the washing machine. As she bent down to put the laundry into the washer, she saw her panties in the drum from the previous washing. She got into the drum to retrieve it, when suddenly someone put her hands on her ass while she was in there.<</st>>
<<dad>>''Well, well, what an interesting view, Mia. It's almost inviting, you know.''<</dad>>
<<st>>She understood it was her dad, and with his hands trying to get under her shorts, his intentions were clear as day.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay where you are (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Get out of the drum'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Mia decided to get out of the drum, she wasn't ready to see how far it could get.<</st>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia glanced at the laundry basket and saw her brother's dirty underwear. "Sorry, Mom, but I'm really not in the mood for laundry today," she said.<</mia>>
<<case 7>>
<<st>>Mia was cleaning the house. Everything was going smoothly until she got stuck while her ass was sticking up.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Seriously?" Mia muttered to herself, trying to wiggle free.<</mia>>
<<if $mia.cor<50>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Cry for help (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Try to break free'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>She shifted her position, gave a few determined tugs, and finally managed to break free.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Thank God I did it myself. Would've been stupid to cry for help like a helpless idiot.''<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>50 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Cry for help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Heyyyy! Guys, someone! Help me, I'm stuck!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>Just a minute later, she could hear footsteps approaching and her father asking, ''Mia? What are you doing?'' with a weird hoarseness in his voice. And she couldn't see the way he looked at her ass and naked legs.<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Dad! Great, you're here. My hand is stuck. Can you bring me some oil or something else so I could lubricate it?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh, hehe… I have something to lubricate it just enough. Do you want me to help?'' he asked, hinting at something else rather than helping her.<</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Agree (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Laugh it off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hahaha, very funny, Dad! I am really stuck here. Can you call mom?'' Mia pretended to not understand what he meant. She wasn't ready for what might happen next.<</mia>>
<<link 'Try to break free'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>She shifted her position, gave a few determined tugs, and finally managed to break free.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Thank God I did it myself. Would've been stupid to cry for help like a helpless idiot.''<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $dad.cor>99 and $dad.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Cry for help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Heyyyy! Guys, someone! Help me, I'm stuck!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>Just a minute later, she could hear footsteps approaching and her father asking, ''Mia? What are you doing?'' with a weird hoarseness in his voice. And she couldn't see the way he looked at her ass and naked legs.<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Dad! Great, you're here. My hand is stuck. Can you bring me some oil or something else so I could lubricate it?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh, hehe… I have something to lubricate it just enough. Do you want me to help?'' he asked, hinting at something else rather than helping her.<</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Help me, Daddy,'' she said, already feeling horny and thinking that not wearing her panties today was a smart decision.<</mia>>
<<link 'Laugh it off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hahaha, very funny, Dad! I am really stuck here. Can you call mom?'' Mia pretended to not understand what he meant. She wasn't ready for what might happen next.<</mia>>
<<link 'Try to break free'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>She shifted her position, gave a few determined tugs, and finally managed to break free.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Thank God I did it myself. Would've been stupid to cry for help like a helpless idiot.''<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Cry for help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Heyyyy! Guys, someone! Help me, I'm stuck!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>Just a minute later, she could hear footsteps approaching and her father asking, ''Mia? What are you doing?'' with a weird hoarseness in his voice. And she couldn't see the way he looked at her ass and naked legs.<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Dad! Great, you're here. My hand is stuck. Can you bring me some oil or something else so I could lubricate it?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh, hehe… I have something to lubricate it just enough. Do you want me to help?'' he asked, hinting at something else rather than helping her.<</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Agree (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Laugh it off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hahaha, very funny, Dad! I am really stuck here. Can you call mom?'' Mia pretended to not understand what he meant. She wasn't ready for what might happen next.<</mia>>
<<link 'Try to break free'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>She shifted her position, gave a few determined tugs, and finally managed to break free.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Thank God I did it myself. Would've been stupid to cry for help like a helpless idiot.''<</mia>>
<<case 8>>
<<st>>Mia walked into her parents' room without knocking, thinking they were out. But as she stepped inside, she froze. Her mom was almost naked, dancing and moving in front of a camera.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/home_events/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<if $mia.cor<25>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep watching (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia quickly backed out of the room, closing the door behind her. She couldn't shake the awkward feeling but decided it was best not to think about it.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>25 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Jenny was so horny and turned on, so involved into what she was doing, that Mia couldn't look away. Deep inside her, she knew it was wrong, but the way Jenny moved, it really turned her on.<</st>>
<<mom>>Suddenly, her mom noticed Mia in a doorframe. Confused by Mia's sudden entrance, she quickly turned off the camera and looked over at her. "Mia! I didn’t hear you come in."<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay and film together (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Say sorry and leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Mia stood there, unsure of what to say. "Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. I'll go and let you finish… whatever you were doing,'' she smiled awkwardly and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia quickly backed out of the room, closing the door behind her. She couldn't shake the awkward feeling but decided it was best not to think about it.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $mom.cor>99 and $mom.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Jenny was so horny and turned on, so involved into what she was doing, that Mia couldn't look away. Deep inside her, she knew it was wrong, but the way Jenny moved, it really turned her on.<</st>>
<<mom>>Suddenly, her mom noticed Mia in a doorframe. Confused by Mia's sudden entrance, she quickly turned off the camera and looked over at her. "Mia! I didn’t hear you come in."<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay and film together'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Don't stop. You look so hot. Can I join you?'' she asked, already closing the door behind her, and taking off her clothes.<</mia>>
<<st>>Jenny's eyes lit up at Mia's suggestion.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Sure, come on in. We can spice it up a bit, you know. Take off your panties while I set up the camera,'' she offered.<</mom>>
<<link 'Say sorry and leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Mia stood there, unsure of what to say. "Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. I'll go and let you finish… whatever you were doing,'' she smiled awkwardly and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia quickly backed out of the room, closing the door behind her. She couldn't shake the awkward feeling but decided it was best not to think about it.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Jenny was so horny and turned on, so involved into what she was doing, that Mia couldn't look away. Deep inside her, she knew it was wrong, but the way Jenny moved, it really turned her on.<</st>>
<<mom>>Suddenly, her mom noticed Mia in a doorframe. Confused by Mia's sudden entrance, she quickly turned off the camera and looked over at her. "Mia! I didn’t hear you come in."<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay and film together (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Say sorry and leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Mia stood there, unsure of what to say. "Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. I'll go and let you finish… whatever you were doing,'' she smiled awkwardly and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia quickly backed out of the room, closing the door behind her. She couldn't shake the awkward feeling but decided it was best not to think about it.<</st>>
</div><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
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</script><</if>><<set $clothes_top_mia=$top_wear_saver>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia=$niz_wear_saver>><<set $canTravel =1>><<if $quests.quest_final_preparations==false and $quests.quest_close_call==true>><<goto quest_final_preparations>><</if>><<if $quests.quest_daddys_little_secret==false and $quests.quest_doors_open==true and $dad.relation>50 and $dad.cor>50>><<goto quest_daddys_little_secret>><</if>><<done>><<script>>
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// Первоначальная установка позиции изображения
// Отслеживание клика по кнопке сворачивания панели
var toggleButton = document.getElementById("right-ui-bar-toggle");
toggleButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
// Подождем, пока класс обновится
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<image width="1920" height="1080" href="0.2.6/backgrounds/kitchen.png" />
<a data-passage="House">
<path class="clickable-area" d="M 481.85628,958.64798 H 681.9062 l 1.08527,74.15952 H 482.21801 Z" />
</a><a data-passage="Cooking">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 532.14007,767.64189 -0.36176,-115.39951 68.37151,-34.00488 71.62728,36.17539 0.36174,22.88096 2.8036,1.35657 0.0904,3.52711 -2.98447,1.62787 -0.0653,86.6602 -67.01925,33.25384 z" />
</a><a data-passage="Eat">
<path class="clickable-area" d="M 1369.5461,774.04679 V 497.78422 l -79.8092,-40.41619 -81.344,41.43939 -0.1279,6.77865 3.837,2.43009 -0.3837,131.22473 -0.2558,124.82976 5.6596,3.1655 1.183,0.33573 -0.064,2.47806 9.4645,4.63634 23.5335,11.51094 25.0683,12.15043 21.1034,11.12724 z" />
</a><a data-passage="EatWithFamily">
<path class="clickable-area" d="M 951.82686,803.71944 1084.5864,737.97918 954.89645,672.4947 822.39275,739.00238 Z" />
<div class="house-cont">
<<if $clothes_top_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/verh/v0.png" and $clothes_bottom_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/niz/n0.png">>
<<set $random to random(1)>>
<<if $random==0>>
<<st>>Mia strolled out of her room naked. As she rounded the corner into the living room, she nearly collided with her mom, standing there with a laundry basket in hand. Jenny's eyes widened as if she was shocked or… turned on?<</st>>
<<mom>>"Mia, why are you walking around naked?" she asked, and Mia noticed how her eyes fixed on her boobs.<</mom>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Step closer (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Say sorry and leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia froze for a second, her cheeks flushing slightly.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, what was I thinking leaving my room like that? This is so awkward,'' she thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<st>>She quickly played it cool, flashing her mom a mischievous smile.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Oops! Sorry, Mom. I thought I was home alone,'' she finished the sentence, already running away from there, completely embarrassed.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia walked out of her room naked, feeling comfortable and not thinking much about it. She made her way toward the kitchen and came face-to-face with her dad.<</st>>
<<dad>>He looked up just in time to see Mia walk in, his eyes widening slightly as he took in her outfit or, more precisely, its absence. "Mia, what are you doing here undressed?"<</dad>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Stay and flirt (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Say sorry and leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia stopped, her face flushing with embarrassment. "Oh, Dad! I didn’t know you were home," she said quickly, giving him an awkward smile. "I thought I was alone."<</st>>
<<dad>>Her dad cleared his throat, pretending he didn't stare at her naked body. "Maybe you should go put on something a bit more...uh, appropriate?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, already backing out of the room. "Yeah, definitely. I’ll go get dressed."<</mia>>
<<set $random to random(45)>><<if $random>8>><<st>>You stand in the corridor, nothing happens.<</st>><<else>><<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Mia was walking down the hallway when she heard strange sounds coming from her parents' room. Curious, she stopped and listened. Well, it's impossible to not recognize those sounds. Mia quickly realized her parents were having sex in there.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor<25>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Don`t Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Deciding it was better to respect their privacy, Mia walked away.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>25 and $mia.cor<75>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Unable to resist, Mia slowly pushed the door open a crack and peeked inside. She saw her dad fucking her mom.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Wow, aren't they having too much fun for their age?'' she thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''But they look kind of hot,'' Mia suddenly realized that watching them having sex turns her on.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Jerk off (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Go back to your room'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Shit, this is not okay. What the hell is she thinking? Watching her parents having sex turns her on?<</mia>>
<<mia>>''No, that's wrong, I have to go,'' she thought and walked away.<</mia>>
<<link 'Don`t Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Deciding it was better to respect their privacy, Mia walked away.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>75 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Unable to resist, Mia slowly pushed the door open a crack and peeked inside. She saw her dad fucking her mom.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Wow, aren't they having too much fun for their age?'' she thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''But they look kind of hot,'' Mia suddenly realized that watching them having sex turns her on.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Jerk off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Yeah, this definitely turns her on, she decided to watch them a bit more and masturbate.<</st>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Join (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Don`t Join'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>>
<<mia>>Nah, this is wrong; I’m not going to do it; I have to leave.<</mia>>
<<link 'Go back to your room'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Shit, this is not okay. What the hell is she thinking? Watching her parents having sex turns her on?<</mia>>
<<mia>>''No, that's wrong, I have to go,'' she thought and walked away.<</mia>>
<<link 'Don`t Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Deciding it was better to respect their privacy, Mia walked away.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $mom.cor>99 and $dad.cor>99 and $mom.relation>99 and $dad.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Unable to resist, Mia slowly pushed the door open a crack and peeked inside. She saw her dad fucking her mom.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Wow, aren't they having too much fun for their age?'' she thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''But they look kind of hot,'' Mia suddenly realized that watching them having sex turns her on.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Jerk off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Yeah, this definitely turns her on, she decided to watch them a bit more and masturbate.<</st>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Join'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>Shit, maybe watching them is not enough?<</mia>>
<<mia>>Mia knocked on the door and walked towards them, swaying her hips and asking ''Hey, do you need company, guys?''<</mia>>
<<mia>>OH YEAH<</mia>>
<<link 'Don`t Join'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>>
<<mia>>Nah, this is wrong; I’m not going to do it; I have to leave.<</mia>>
<<link 'Go back to your room'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Shit, this is not okay. What the hell is she thinking? Watching her parents having sex turns her on?<</mia>>
<<mia>>''No, that's wrong, I have to go,'' she thought and walked away.<</mia>>
<<link 'Don`t Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Deciding it was better to respect their privacy, Mia walked away.<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Unable to resist, Mia slowly pushed the door open a crack and peeked inside. She saw her dad fucking her mom.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Wow, aren't they having too much fun for their age?'' she thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''But they look kind of hot,'' Mia suddenly realized that watching them having sex turns her on.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Jerk off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Yeah, this definitely turns her on, she decided to watch them a bit more and masturbate.<</st>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Join (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Don`t Join'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>>
<<mia>>Nah, this is wrong; I’m not going to do it; I have to leave.<</mia>>
<<link 'Go back to your room'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Shit, this is not okay. What the hell is she thinking? Watching her parents having sex turns her on?<</mia>>
<<mia>>''No, that's wrong, I have to go,'' she thought and walked away.<</mia>>
<<link 'Don`t Watch'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Deciding it was better to respect their privacy, Mia walked away.<</mia>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia walked into the living room and saw her mom, covered with a blanket, reading a book. Normally, she would continue walking, but she noticed something was off. Her mom was acting weird, her hand was moving under the blanket and she was blushing.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor <25>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Find out what`s wrong (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Keep walking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided it was best to leave it alone. She continued walking, pretending she didn't notice anything.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>25 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Find out what`s wrong'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia couldn't ignore it. She walked over to her mom and asked, "Hey, what are you doing?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mom looked up. "Just reading," she said, blushing even more.<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia, curious, walked closer and looked at the book cover. It was "50 Shades of Grey."<</st>>
<<mia>>She couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Mom, really?"<</mia>>
<<st>>But then Jenny started moaning, and Mia noticed that one of her arms was still moving under the blanket. Suddenly, Mia understood what Jenny was doing.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Offer Jenny help (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave Jenny alone'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Not willing to interrupt Mia said ''Sorry, Mom, I'll let you finish what you've started,'' and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Keep walking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided it was best to leave it alone. She continued walking, pretending she didn't notice anything.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $mom.relation>99 and $mom.cor>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Find out what`s wrong'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia couldn't ignore it. She walked over to her mom and asked, "Hey, what are you doing?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mom looked up. "Just reading," she said, blushing even more.<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia, curious, walked closer and looked at the book cover. It was "50 Shades of Grey."<</st>>
<<mia>>She couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Mom, really?"<</mia>>
<<st>>But then Jenny started moaning, and Mia noticed that one of her arms was still moving under the blanket. Suddenly, Mia understood what Jenny was doing.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Offer Jenny help'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Jenny was jerking off on one of the dirty scenes, and Mia interrupted her. Well, that wasn't right.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Let me help you with that,'' Mia said quietly and got under Jenny's blanket.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave Jenny alone'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Not willing to interrupt Mia said ''Sorry, Mom, I'll let you finish what you've started,'' and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Keep walking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided it was best to leave it alone. She continued walking, pretending she didn't notice anything.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Find out what`s wrong'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia couldn't ignore it. She walked over to her mom and asked, "Hey, what are you doing?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mom looked up. "Just reading," she said, blushing even more.<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia, curious, walked closer and looked at the book cover. It was "50 Shades of Grey."<</st>>
<<mia>>She couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Mom, really?"<</mia>>
<<st>>But then Jenny started moaning, and Mia noticed that one of her arms was still moving under the blanket. Suddenly, Mia understood what Jenny was doing.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Offer Jenny help (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave Jenny alone'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Not willing to interrupt Mia said ''Sorry, Mom, I'll let you finish what you've started,'' and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Keep walking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided it was best to leave it alone. She continued walking, pretending she didn't notice anything.<</st>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Richard lay down on the mechanic's creeper and rolled himself under the car, ready to start the repairs. He had a toolbox beside him and was already deep in concentration.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia walked into the garage, noticing her dad’s legs sticking out from under the car.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor <50>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Offer help (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Well, he's clearly busy; there’s no need to bother him,'' Mia thought and left.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>50 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Offer help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>She stepped over the creeper with one leg and called out, "Hey, Dad, need any help?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Richard paused his work and slid out from under the car, looking up and realizing he was looking right at Mia's pussy. Well, she definitely didn't bother to wear panties. His dick hardened immediately.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Sit on his face (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hi, honey. Actually, some help would be great. Can you help me get rid of my boner?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>“Oh, I… I don’t know, Dad. Emmm, let me call Mom, okay? Maybe she can help?” she ran out of the garage.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Well, he's clearly busy; there’s no need to bother him,'' Mia thought and left.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $dad.relation>99 and $dad.cor>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Offer help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>She stepped over the creeper with one leg and called out, "Hey, Dad, need any help?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Richard paused his work and slid out from under the car, looking up and realizing he was looking right at Mia's pussy. Well, she definitely didn't bother to wear panties. His dick hardened immediately.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Sit on his face'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hi, honey. Actually, some help would be great. Can you help me get rid of my boner?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>“That’s exactly what I came here for, Dad,” she smiled.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hi, honey. Actually, some help would be great. Can you help me get rid of my boner?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>“Oh, I… I don’t know, Dad. Emmm, let me call Mom, okay? Maybe she can help?” she ran out of the garage.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Well, he's clearly busy; there’s no need to bother him,'' Mia thought and left.<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Offer help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>She stepped over the creeper with one leg and called out, "Hey, Dad, need any help?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Richard paused his work and slid out from under the car, looking up and realizing he was looking right at Mia's pussy. Well, she definitely didn't bother to wear panties. His dick hardened immediately.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Sit on his face (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hi, honey. Actually, some help would be great. Can you help me get rid of my boner?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>“Oh, I… I don’t know, Dad. Emmm, let me call Mom, okay? Maybe she can help?” she ran out of the garage.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Well, he's clearly busy; there’s no need to bother him,'' Mia thought and left.<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia's mother was busy cooking in the kitchen. As Mia walked in, she saw Jenny chopping vegetables and stirring pots on the stove.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor <15>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help with Cooking (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided not to interrupt. "Smells great, Mom," she said with a smile.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother glanced up, smiling back. "Thanks, Mia. Dinner will be ready soon."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia nodded and walked out of the kitchen.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor >15 and $mia.cor <150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help with Cooking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to help. "Hey, Mom, need any help with dinner?" she asked, walking over to the counter.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother looked up and smiled. "That would be great, Mia. Can you peal that grapefruit for me?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, I can do it,'' Mia said with a dirty smile and started putting her fingers right into the grapefruit.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Mia, what are you doing?'' her Mother's cheeks flushed, and she couldn't take her eyes off of Mia licking her fingers.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Approach Jenny (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Pretend that nothing`s happened'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Oh, sorry, mom. I was just hungry. Let me help you with something else.''<</mia>>
<<st>>And she kept helping Jenny with dinner as if nothing had happened.<</st>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided not to interrupt. "Smells great, Mom," she said with a smile.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother glanced up, smiling back. "Thanks, Mia. Dinner will be ready soon."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia nodded and walked out of the kitchen.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor >150>>
<<if $mom.cor>99 and $mom.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help with Cooking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to help. "Hey, Mom, need any help with dinner?" she asked, walking over to the counter.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother looked up and smiled. "That would be great, Mia. Can you peal that grapefruit for me?'<</mom>>'
<<mia>>''Sure, I can do it,'' Mia said with a dirty smile and started putting her fingers right into the grapefruit.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Mia, what are you doing?'' her Mother's cheeks flushed, and she couldn't take her eyes off of Mia licking her fingers.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Approach Jenny'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mom>>''Let me show you what I'm doing,'' she said, placing the grapefruit back on the counter and walking closer to Jenny.<</mom>>
<<link 'Pretend that nothing`s happened'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Oh, sorry, mom. I was just hungry. Let me help you with something else.''<</mia>>
<<st>>And she kept helping Jenny with dinner as if nothing had happened.<</st>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided not to interrupt. "Smells great, Mom," she said with a smile.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother glanced up, smiling back. "Thanks, Mia. Dinner will be ready soon."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia nodded and walked out of the kitchen.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Help with Cooking'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to help. "Hey, Mom, need any help with dinner?" she asked, walking over to the counter.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother looked up and smiled. "That would be great, Mia. Can you peal that grapefruit for me?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, I can do it,'' Mia said with a dirty smile and started putting her fingers right into the grapefruit.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Mia, what are you doing?'' her Mother's cheeks flushed, and she couldn't take her eyes off of Mia licking her fingers.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Approach Jenny (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Pretend that nothing`s happened'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Oh, sorry, mom. I was just hungry. Let me help you with something else.''<</mia>>
<<st>>And she kept helping Jenny with dinner as if nothing had happened.<</st>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided not to interrupt. "Smells great, Mom," she said with a smile.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Her mother glanced up, smiling back. "Thanks, Mia. Dinner will be ready soon."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia nodded and walked out of the kitchen.<</st>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mia walked into the living room and saw her dad, Richard, sitting on the couch and watching TV. He seemed engrossed in a show, his attention fully captured by the screen.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor<100>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch TV'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to join him. "Hey, Dad, what are you watching?" she asked, plopping down on the couch next to him.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Richard smiled at her ''Hi, sweetheart. Some random movie; it just started. Want to watch it with me?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, settling in. "Sure, why not." They sat together when suddenly the movie took a crazy twist, and the main characters started fucking.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Keep watching (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hmm, you know, Dad, I just remembered I have some plans. Why don't we catch up later?'' she whispered and walked out of the room, feeling uncomfortable.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided not to interrupt. She walked out of the living room, giving her dad some space to enjoy his program.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>100 and $mia.cor<150>>
<<if $dad.cor>49 and $dad.relation>49>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch TV'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to join him. "Hey, Dad, what are you watching?" she asked, plopping down on the couch next to him.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Richard smiled at her ''Hi, sweetheart. Some random movie; it just started. Want to watch it with me?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, settling in. "Sure, why not." They sat together when suddenly the movie took a crazy twist, and the main characters started fucking.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Wow, what the hell are they doing? I didn't know you could bend like that!'' Mia said that and stood up in front of the TV, trying to copy the actress and covering the screen with her body.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Hey, Mia, I can't see anything! Move!''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''If you want to continue watching it, make me move!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh I can do that,'' he said, grabbing Mia by the waist. Richard sat down and put her on his knee, taking off her tiny shorts and starting to slap her ass.<</dad>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Fix the situation (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Okay, okay, sorry. I've made a mistake. I will not distract you from a movie again, Dad,'' Mia said and walked out of the room.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hmm, you know, Dad, I just remembered I have some plans. Why don't we catch up later?'' she whispered and walked out of the room, feeling uncomfortable.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided not to interrupt. She walked out of the living room, giving her dad some space to enjoy his program.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch TV'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to join him. "Hey, Dad, what are you watching?" she asked, plopping down on the couch next to him.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Richard smiled at her ''Hi, sweetheart. Some random movie; it just started. Want to watch it with me?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, settling in. "Sure, why not." They sat together when suddenly the movie took a crazy twist, and the main characters started fucking.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Keep watching (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hmm, you know, Dad, I just remembered I have some plans. Why don't we catch up later?'' she whispered and walked out of the room, feeling uncomfortable.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided not to interrupt. She walked out of the living room, giving her dad some space to enjoy his program.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $dad.cor>99 and $dad.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch TV'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to join him. "Hey, Dad, what are you watching?" she asked, plopping down on the couch next to him.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Richard smiled at her ''Hi, sweetheart. Some random movie; it just started. Want to watch it with me?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, settling in. "Sure, why not." They sat together when suddenly the movie took a crazy twist, and the main characters started fucking.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Wow, what the hell are they doing? I didn't know you could bend like that!'' Mia said that and stood up in front of the TV, trying to copy the actress and covering the screen with her body.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Hey, Mia, I can't see anything! Move!''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''If you want to continue watching it, make me move!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh I can do that,'' he said, grabbing Mia by the waist. Richard sat down and put her on his knee, taking off her tiny shorts and starting to slap her ass.<</dad>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Fix the situation'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<dad>>''You see, I've missed a few minutes of the movie because of you!''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''I know how I can make up for it! Looks like they enjoy themselves in this scene. Why don't we try it out?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Hmm, this can work,'' he said, letting Mia start redeeming herself.<</dad>>
<<mia>>Oh fuck, your cock is perfect!<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Okay, okay, sorry. I've made a mistake. I will not distract you from a movie again, Dad,'' Mia said and walked out of the room.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hmm, you know, Dad, I just remembered I have some plans. Why don't we catch up later?'' she whispered and walked out of the room, feeling uncomfortable.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided not to interrupt. She walked out of the living room, giving her dad some space to enjoy his program.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Watch TV'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to join him. "Hey, Dad, what are you watching?" she asked, plopping down on the couch next to him.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Richard smiled at her ''Hi, sweetheart. Some random movie; it just started. Want to watch it with me?"<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, settling in. "Sure, why not." They sat together when suddenly the movie took a crazy twist, and the main characters started fucking.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Wow, what the hell are they doing? I didn't know you could bend like that!'' Mia said that and stood up in front of the TV, trying to copy the actress and covering the screen with her body.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Hey, Mia, I can't see anything! Move!''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''If you want to continue watching it, make me move!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh I can do that,'' he said, grabbing Mia by the waist. Richard sat down and put her on his knee, taking off her tiny shorts and starting to slap her ass.<</dad>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Fix the situation (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Okay, okay, sorry. I've made a mistake. I will not distract you from a movie again, Dad,'' Mia said and walked out of the room.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hmm, you know, Dad, I just remembered I have some plans. Why don't we catch up later?'' she whispered and walked out of the room, feeling uncomfortable.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia decided not to interrupt. She walked out of the living room, giving her dad some space to enjoy his program.<</st>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Mia walked into the living room and saw her mom doing yoga on a mat in the center of the room.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Hey, Mom," Mia greeted.<</mia>>
<<mom>>"Hi, honey! How's it going?" Jenny didn't shift from the warrior pose while replying to Mia.<</mom>>
<<mia>>"Not bad," Mia replied, glancing at the yoga mat. "Doing yoga again?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny chuckled. "Yeah, do you want to join? I have an extra mat right here."<</mom>>
<<if $mia.fit <15>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.fit >15 and $mia.fit<25>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to give it a try. "Sure, why not?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia rolled out the spare mat and stood next to her mom. Every time Jenny changed a pose or stretched, it looked like her tits were about to jump out of her bra.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, why do I feel like I wanna see more?'' Mia thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>"Mom, this is kind of boring. Let's spice it up a bit," Mia offered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny laughed. "Yeah? Do you have any offers?" she asked, now staring at Mia's sports bra.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'I have an idea (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'I dont have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''My idea is that I'm way too bored and wanna leave. Why don't I go and let you do the rest of your workout?'' Mia asked her, smiling.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sure, honey, I don't mind. I'm still not over with a doggy pose''.<</mom>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.fit > 25>>
<<if $mia.cor>100 and $mom.cor>49 and $mom.relation>49 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to give it a try. "Sure, why not?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia rolled out the spare mat and stood next to her mom. Every time Jenny changed a pose or stretched, it looked like her tits were about to jump out of her bra.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, why do I feel like I wanna see more?'' Mia thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>"Mom, this is kind of boring. Let's spice it up a bit," Mia offered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny laughed. "Yeah? Do you have any offers?" she asked, now staring at Mia's sports bra.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'I have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>"Let's do a small competition. We do some yoga poses, and the one of us who fails to do a pose takes off their clothes. What do you think?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>''I'm up for it,'' Jenny smiled, watching how Mia's nipples hardened under her bra.<</mom>>
<<st>>A couple of minutes later, they both were on their mats, completely naked and turned on.<</st>>
<<mom>>''This time, I have an idea,'' Jenny said, stepping closer to Mia and putting a hand on her boobs. Why don't we try yoga poses for two? They can be quite… challenging.''<</mom>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Agree (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Yeah, Mom, it sounds great. But I'm kind of tired already. Not sure that I'm ready for anything challenging.'' Mia said, thinking to herself that she was not ready for what might come next.<</mia>>
<<link 'I dont have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''My idea is that I'm way too bored and wanna leave. Why don't I go and let you do the rest of your workout?'' Mia asked her, smiling.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sure, honey, I don't mind. I'm still not over with a doggy pose''.<</mom>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to give it a try. "Sure, why not?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia rolled out the spare mat and stood next to her mom. Every time Jenny changed a pose or stretched, it looked like her tits were about to jump out of her bra.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, why do I feel like I wanna see more?'' Mia thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>"Mom, this is kind of boring. Let's spice it up a bit," Mia offered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny laughed. "Yeah? Do you have any offers?" she asked, now staring at Mia's sports bra.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'I have an idea (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'I dont have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''My idea is that I'm way too bored and wanna leave. Why don't I go and let you do the rest of your workout?'' Mia asked her, smiling.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sure, honey, I don't mind. I'm still not over with a doggy pose''.<</mom>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.fit>50>>
<<if $mia.cor>150 and $mom.cor>99 and $mom.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to give it a try. "Sure, why not?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia rolled out the spare mat and stood next to her mom. Every time Jenny changed a pose or stretched, it looked like her tits were about to jump out of her bra.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, why do I feel like I wanna see more?'' Mia thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>"Mom, this is kind of boring. Let's spice it up a bit," Mia offered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny laughed. "Yeah? Do you have any offers?" she asked, now staring at Mia's sports bra.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'I have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>"Let's do a small competition. We do some yoga poses, and the one of us who fails to do a pose takes off their clothes. What do you think?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>''I'm up for it,'' Jenny smiled, watching how Mia's nipples hardened under her bra.<</mom>>
<<st>>A couple of minutes later, they both were on their mats, completely naked and turned on.<</st>>
<<mom>>''This time, I have an idea,'' Jenny said, stepping closer to Mia and putting a hand on her boobs. Why don't we try yoga poses for two? They can be quite… challenging.''<</mom>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<st>>Mia looked into her mom's eyes, intrigued and turned on, thinking about what would come next.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Let's do it. But I choose the first pose.''<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Yeah, Mom, it sounds great. But I'm kind of tired already. Not sure that I'm ready for anything challenging.'' Mia said, thinking to herself that she was not ready for what might come next.<</mia>>
<<link 'I dont have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''My idea is that I'm way too bored and wanna leave. Why don't I go and let you do the rest of your workout?'' Mia asked her, smiling.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sure, honey, I don't mind. I'm still not over with a doggy pose''.<</mom>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Work out'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia decided to give it a try. "Sure, why not?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia rolled out the spare mat and stood next to her mom. Every time Jenny changed a pose or stretched, it looked like her tits were about to jump out of her bra.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, why do I feel like I wanna see more?'' Mia thought to herself.<</mia>>
<<mia>>"Mom, this is kind of boring. Let's spice it up a bit," Mia offered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny laughed. "Yeah? Do you have any offers?" she asked, now staring at Mia's sports bra.<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'I have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>"Let's do a small competition. We do some yoga poses, and the one of us who fails to do a pose takes off their clothes. What do you think?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>''I'm up for it,'' Jenny smiled, watching how Mia's nipples hardened under her bra.<</mom>>
<<st>>A couple of minutes later, they both were on their mats, completely naked and turned on.<</st>>
<<mom>>''This time, I have an idea,'' Jenny said, stepping closer to Mia and putting a hand on her boobs. Why don't we try yoga poses for two? They can be quite… challenging.''<</mom>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Agree (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Yeah, Mom, it sounds great. But I'm kind of tired already. Not sure that I'm ready for anything challenging.'' Mia said, thinking to herself that she was not ready for what might come next.<</mia>>
<<link 'I dont have an idea'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''My idea is that I'm way too bored and wanna leave. Why don't I go and let you do the rest of your workout?'' Mia asked her, smiling.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sure, honey, I don't mind. I'm still not over with a doggy pose''.<</mom>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Maybe another time, Mom. I’m not really in the mood for it right now."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny looked up at her while standing in a doggy pose with her ass up and said, "Yeah, fine, sweetie. I'll see you later, then.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, Mom. Have fun.''<</mia>>
<<case 6>>
<<st>>Mia heard her mom calling and went to find her. She found her with a basket of clothes.<</st>>
<<mom>>"Mia, could you help me out and do the laundry today?" Jenny asked, setting the basket down.<</mom>>
<<if $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia looked at the basket and then at her mom. "Sure, Mom. No problem."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny smiled, "Thanks, honey."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia took the basket and went to the washing machine. As she bent down to put the laundry into the washer, she saw her panties in the drum from the previous washing. She got into the drum to retrieve it, when suddenly someone put her hands on her ass while she was in there.<</st>>
<<dad>>''Well, well, what an interesting view, Mia. It's almost inviting, you know.''<</dad>>
<<st>>She understood it was her dad, and with his hands trying to get under her shorts, his intentions were clear as day.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay where you are (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Get out of the drum'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Mia decided to get out of the drum, she wasn't ready to see how far it could get.<</st>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia glanced at the laundry basket and saw her brother's dirty underwear. "Sorry, Mom, but I'm really not in the mood for laundry today," she said.<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $dad.cor>99 and $dad.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia looked at the basket and then at her mom. "Sure, Mom. No problem."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny smiled, "Thanks, honey."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia took the basket and went to the washing machine. As she bent down to put the laundry into the washer, she saw her panties in the drum from the previous washing. She got into the drum to retrieve it, when suddenly someone put her hands on her ass while she was in there.<</st>>
<<dad>>''Well, well, what an interesting view, Mia. It's almost inviting, you know.''<</dad>>
<<st>>She understood it was her dad, and with his hands trying to get under her shorts, his intentions were clear as day.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay where you are'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Almost? I guess it's clear enough.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia laughed and decided to stay inside and see what's gonna happen next.<</st>>
<<link 'Get out of the drum'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Mia decided to get out of the drum, she wasn't ready to see how far it could get.<</st>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia glanced at the laundry basket and saw her brother's dirty underwear. "Sorry, Mom, but I'm really not in the mood for laundry today," she said.<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia looked at the basket and then at her mom. "Sure, Mom. No problem."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny smiled, "Thanks, honey."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia took the basket and went to the washing machine. As she bent down to put the laundry into the washer, she saw her panties in the drum from the previous washing. She got into the drum to retrieve it, when suddenly someone put her hands on her ass while she was in there.<</st>>
<<dad>>''Well, well, what an interesting view, Mia. It's almost inviting, you know.''<</dad>>
<<st>>She understood it was her dad, and with his hands trying to get under her shorts, his intentions were clear as day.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay where you are (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Get out of the drum'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>Mia decided to get out of the drum, she wasn't ready to see how far it could get.<</st>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia glanced at the laundry basket and saw her brother's dirty underwear. "Sorry, Mom, but I'm really not in the mood for laundry today," she said.<</mia>>
<<case 7>>
<<st>>Mia was cleaning the house. Everything was going smoothly until she got stuck while her ass was sticking up.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Seriously?" Mia muttered to herself, trying to wiggle free.<</mia>>
<<if $mia.cor<50>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Cry for help (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Try to break free'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>She shifted her position, gave a few determined tugs, and finally managed to break free.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Thank God I did it myself. Would've been stupid to cry for help like a helpless idiot.''<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>50 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Cry for help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Heyyyy! Guys, someone! Help me, I'm stuck!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>Just a minute later, she could hear footsteps approaching and her father asking, ''Mia? What are you doing?'' with a weird hoarseness in his voice. And she couldn't see the way he looked at her ass and naked legs.<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Dad! Great, you're here. My hand is stuck. Can you bring me some oil or something else so I could lubricate it?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh, hehe… I have something to lubricate it just enough. Do you want me to help?'' he asked, hinting at something else rather than helping her.<</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Agree (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Laugh it off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hahaha, very funny, Dad! I am really stuck here. Can you call mom?'' Mia pretended to not understand what he meant. She wasn't ready for what might happen next.<</mia>>
<<link 'Try to break free'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>She shifted her position, gave a few determined tugs, and finally managed to break free.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Thank God I did it myself. Would've been stupid to cry for help like a helpless idiot.''<</mia>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $dad.cor>99 and $dad.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Cry for help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Heyyyy! Guys, someone! Help me, I'm stuck!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>Just a minute later, she could hear footsteps approaching and her father asking, ''Mia? What are you doing?'' with a weird hoarseness in his voice. And she couldn't see the way he looked at her ass and naked legs.<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Dad! Great, you're here. My hand is stuck. Can you bring me some oil or something else so I could lubricate it?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh, hehe… I have something to lubricate it just enough. Do you want me to help?'' he asked, hinting at something else rather than helping her.<</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Help me, Daddy,'' she said, already feeling horny and thinking that not wearing her panties today was a smart decision.<</mia>>
<<link 'Laugh it off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hahaha, very funny, Dad! I am really stuck here. Can you call mom?'' Mia pretended to not understand what he meant. She wasn't ready for what might happen next.<</mia>>
<<link 'Try to break free'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>She shifted her position, gave a few determined tugs, and finally managed to break free.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Thank God I did it myself. Would've been stupid to cry for help like a helpless idiot.''<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Cry for help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Heyyyy! Guys, someone! Help me, I'm stuck!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>Just a minute later, she could hear footsteps approaching and her father asking, ''Mia? What are you doing?'' with a weird hoarseness in his voice. And she couldn't see the way he looked at her ass and naked legs.<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Dad! Great, you're here. My hand is stuck. Can you bring me some oil or something else so I could lubricate it?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh, hehe… I have something to lubricate it just enough. Do you want me to help?'' he asked, hinting at something else rather than helping her.<</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Agree (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Laugh it off'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Hahaha, very funny, Dad! I am really stuck here. Can you call mom?'' Mia pretended to not understand what he meant. She wasn't ready for what might happen next.<</mia>>
<<link 'Try to break free'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>She shifted her position, gave a few determined tugs, and finally managed to break free.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Thank God I did it myself. Would've been stupid to cry for help like a helpless idiot.''<</mia>>
<<case 8>>
<<st>>Mia walked into her parents' room without knocking, thinking they were out. But as she stepped inside, she froze. Her mom was almost naked, dancing and moving in front of a camera.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/home_events/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<if $mia.cor<25>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep watching (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia quickly backed out of the room, closing the door behind her. She couldn't shake the awkward feeling but decided it was best not to think about it.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>25 and $mia.cor<150>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Jenny was so horny and turned on, so involved into what she was doing, that Mia couldn't look away. Deep inside her, she knew it was wrong, but the way Jenny moved, it really turned her on.<</st>>
<<mom>>Suddenly, her mom noticed Mia in a doorframe. Confused by Mia's sudden entrance, she quickly turned off the camera and looked over at her. "Mia! I didn’t hear you come in."<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay and film together (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Say sorry and leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Mia stood there, unsure of what to say. "Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. I'll go and let you finish… whatever you were doing,'' she smiled awkwardly and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia quickly backed out of the room, closing the door behind her. She couldn't shake the awkward feeling but decided it was best not to think about it.<</st>>
<<elseif $mia.cor>150>>
<<if $mom.cor>99 and $mom.relation>99>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Jenny was so horny and turned on, so involved into what she was doing, that Mia couldn't look away. Deep inside her, she knew it was wrong, but the way Jenny moved, it really turned her on.<</st>>
<<mom>>Suddenly, her mom noticed Mia in a doorframe. Confused by Mia's sudden entrance, she quickly turned off the camera and looked over at her. "Mia! I didn’t hear you come in."<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay and film together'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Don't stop. You look so hot. Can I join you?'' she asked, already closing the door behind her, and taking off her clothes.<</mia>>
<<st>>Jenny's eyes lit up at Mia's suggestion.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Sure, come on in. We can spice it up a bit, you know. Take off your panties while I set up the camera,'' she offered.<</mom>>
<<link 'Say sorry and leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Mia stood there, unsure of what to say. "Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. I'll go and let you finish… whatever you were doing,'' she smiled awkwardly and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia quickly backed out of the room, closing the door behind her. She couldn't shake the awkward feeling but decided it was best not to think about it.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep watching'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Jenny was so horny and turned on, so involved into what she was doing, that Mia couldn't look away. Deep inside her, she knew it was wrong, but the way Jenny moved, it really turned her on.<</st>>
<<mom>>Suddenly, her mom noticed Mia in a doorframe. Confused by Mia's sudden entrance, she quickly turned off the camera and looked over at her. "Mia! I didn’t hear you come in."<</mom>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Stay and film together (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Say sorry and leave'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>Mia stood there, unsure of what to say. "Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. I'll go and let you finish… whatever you were doing,'' she smiled awkwardly and left.<</mia>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia quickly backed out of the room, closing the door behind her. She couldn't shake the awkward feeling but decided it was best not to think about it.<</st>>
</div><<if $quests.quest_return_wallet==true and $quests.quest_talk_family == false>><<goto Talk_with_family_quest_5>><</if>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
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</script><</if>><<if $quests.quest_maskarad==true and $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen==false>><<goto 14_quest_go_to_kitchen>><</if>><<set $canTravel =1>><<set $already_name_brothel=false>>
<<set $videos_bj to [
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hard_sex: 0,
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bbc: 0,
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bought_hard_sex: 0,
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<<set $phrases to [
"<<st>>You see two girls, excited and waiting for something thrilling.<</st>>\n[img[0.3.1/brothel/1.gif]]", "<<mia>>What should I do today... Maybe put on a private show?<</mia>>", "<<mia>>What else should I add to the brothel for some hot fun?<</mia>>", "<<mia>>I wonder who’s going to spend a fortune here tonight.<</mia>>", "<<mia>>Another night full of dirty happenings.<</mia>>", "<<ele>>Hope he’s got a huge dick.<</ele>>", "<<ele>>Hope this guy’s got cash… and a big dick in his pants.<</ele>>", "<<ele>>Time to see if he fucks as good as he talks.<</ele>>", "<<ele>>Let’s find out who’s the real alpha and who’s just pretending.<</ele>>", "<<ele>>I’m always up for surprises… especially the big ones.<</ele>>", "<<soph>>On my way, daddy… Hope you can handle me.<</soph>>", "<<soph>>Did someone say ‘good girl’? That’s me… but not always.<</soph>>", "<<soph>>I can tell you're in the mood for a good fuck… Lucky for you, so am I.<</soph>>", "<<michelle>>Come on in. Hope you're ready for this.<</michelle>>", "<<michelle>>How much are you willing to pay for the best time of your life?<</michelle>>", "<<michelle>>You look like you've been dying to fuck someone real good.<</michelle>>", "<<michelle>>Wanna see just how good I am? Let’s find out.<</michelle>>", "<<ali>>Don’t be shy, baby. Everything here is for pleasure.<</ali>>", "<<ali>>You know why you came here… so don’t keep me waiting.<</ali>>", "<<ali>>Go on, impress me… or at least try.<</ali>>", "<<ali>>I don’t bite… unless you beg for it.<</ali>>", "<<lily>>Think you can handle me? Most guys just talk big.<</lily>>", "<<lily>>You can look all you want… but touching? That’s gonna cost you.<</lily>>", "<<lily>>I can be sweet, or I can be filthy. Guess which one I prefer?<</lily>>", "<<lily>>I like it when they think they’re in charge… until they’re not.<</lily>>", "<<lily>>Go on, make me moan—if you think you’ve got what it takes.<</lily>>", "<<mia>>I love a man who knows how to use his cock… Think you’re one of them?<</mia>>", "<<mia>>Mmm, I can already tell… You’re dying to feel how tight and wet I am.<</mia>>", "<<ele>>I don’t just give good sex—I make it unforgettable.<</ele>>", "<<ele>>You bring the dick, I’ll bring the sweetest ride of your life.<</ele>>", "<<lily>>Come closer… I wanna feel just how hard you are for me.<</lily>>", "<<lily>>I promise you, my pussy’s worth every damn second.<</lily>>", "<<soph>>Let’s skip the teasing… and get straight to making you moan.<</soph>>", "<<soph>>A good fuck is an art… Lucky for you, I’m a masterpiece.<</soph>>"
<<set $brothel_name="Stark Whorehouse">>
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music: 1,
movies: 1,
science: 1,
technology: 1,
yoga: 0,
cooking: 0,
fixing: 0,
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help_request: 1,
joint_training: 1,
massage: 1,
cleaning: 1,
show: 0,
new_dress: 0,
hot: 0,
bath: 0,
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phone: 0,
car: 0,
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books: 1,
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nature: 1,
gardening: 1,
shopping: 1,
watching: 1,
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gardening_2: 1,
peeping: 1,
drinking_together: 1,
unexpected_cooking: 1,
laundry: 1,
photos: 1,
touch_tits: 1,
slap: 1,
photo_shoot: 1,
bathroom: 1,
lift: 1,
laundry_two: 1,
pool: 1,
passion: 1,
video: 1,
forgotten_towel: 1,
bathing_together: 1,
naked_mom: 1,
helping_mom: 1,
<<set $ibiza_club_first=0>>
<<set $ibiza_beach_first=0>>
<<set $mobileGame=false>>
<<set setup.levels = [10, 15, 25, 40, 60, 85, 115, 150, 190, 235, 285, 340, 400, 465, 535, 610, 690, 775, 865, 960, 99999, Infinity]>>
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girl1: false,
girl2: false,
girl3: false,
girl4: false,
<<set $girl1 = { <!--Девка 1 аудитория-->
id: "lily",
nom: "Lily",
img: "0.2.6/images/lilu.jpg",
exp: 0,
<<set $girl2 = { <!--Девка 2 аудитория-->
id: "lily",
nom: "Lily",
img: "0.2.6/images/lilu.jpg",
exp: 0,
<<set $girl3 = { <!--Девка 3 аудитория-->
id: "lily",
nom: "Lily",
img: "0.2.6/images/lilu.jpg",
exp: 0,
<<set $girl4 = { <!--Девка 4 курилка-->
id: "soph",
nom: "Sophia",
img: "0.2.6/images/soph.jpg",
exp: 0,
<<set $randomEventsActivator=false>>
<<set $casino_event_counter = 0>>
<<set $active_quests = { <!-- Квесты активные для прохождения-->
q2: false,
q3: false,
q4: false,
q5: false,
q6: false,
q7: false,
q41: false,
q42: false,
<<set $need_to_work = 0>>
<<set $cheats={
lightMoney: 0,
lightCor: 0,
lightFit: 0,
lightBea: 0,
lightCafe: 0,
lightPerks: 0,
mediumMoney: 0,
mediumCor: 0,
mediumFit: 0,
mediumBea: 0,
mediumCafe: 0,
mediumPerks: 0,
mediumDance: 0,
mediumSexDance: 0,
mediumPoleDance: 0,
hardMoney: 0,
hardCor: 0,
hardFit: 0,
hardBea: 0,
hardCafe: 0,
hardPerks: 0,
hardDance: 0,
hardSexDance: 0,
hardPoleDance: 0,
ibiza: false,
<<set $top_wear_saver='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d21.png'>>
<<set $niz_wear_saver='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d22.png'>>
<<set $cafe_map=0>>
<<set $beauty_counter=0>>
<<set $stats_decreaser=7>>
<<set $is_need_shower =1>>
<<set $buy_mother_dress =0>>
<<set $toy_set_is_bought = false>>
<<set $camera_is_bought = true>>
<<set $gained_stats = 0>>
<<set $photos_in_folder = { <!-- сколько фото в папке -->
cumInside: 13,
cumOutside: 26,
gangBang: 34,
anal: 65,
vaginal: 79,
dance: 11,
sexDanceWebp: 5,
poleDance: 7,
soloWebp: 8,
dildoWebp: 15,
machineWebp: 20,
yogaWebp: 15,
yogaPornWebp: 18,
stuckWebp: 6,
porn: 61,
flashWebp: 10,
street: 28,
forest: 6,
pjDanceCafe: 6,
restroomWebp: 26,
gymTraining: 10,
gym: 18,
bj: 46,
bjForced: 29,
cafeWebp: 11,
cumAnal: 7,
glory: 6,
lesb: 20,
office: 29,
webcumToysWebp: 19,
bjCafeWebp: 22,
clean: 5,
showerWebp: 3,
world_sex: 14,
world_car: 8,
world_show: 11,
world_bus: 12,
bbc: 20,
<<set $attempts_to_escape =3>>
<<set $is_need_to_ukrast=0>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=0>>
<<set $is_need_find_work = 0>>
<<set $beauty_saver_verh=0>>
<<set $beauty_saver_niz=0>>
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<<set $beauty_wear_pluser_niz = 0>>
<<set $beauty_saver_pl=0>>
<<set $beauty_wear_pluser_pl = 0>>
<<set $perk_points = 0>> <!-- Перк поинты -->
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sponsor: 0,
heart: 0,
boundless: 0,
aura_of_success: 0,
arena_of_life: 0,
muscles: 0,
dance: 0,
memory: 0,
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nimble: 0,
listening_and_seeing: 0,
magic_1: 0,
magic_2: 0,
magic_3: 0,
joke: 0,
<<set $lang = "EN">> <!-- Это переменная для выбора языка -->
<<set $days = 0>> <!-- Это переменная для кол-ва дней -->
<<set $clothes_top_mia ='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d21.png'>> <!-- Верхняя часть одежды мии -->
<<set $clothes_bottom_mia ='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d22.png'>> <!-- Нижняя часть одежды мии -->
<<set $clothes_top_thomas ='0.2.6/clothes/'>> <!-- Верхняя часть одежды томаса -->
<<set $clothes_bottom_thomas ='0.2.6/clothes/'>> <!-- Нижняя часть одежды томаса -->
<<set $person = 3>> <!-- Какой персонаж был выбран -->
<<set $bought_room = { <!-- Куплены ли комнаты -->
parents: 1,
pool: 1,
onlyfans: 1,
<<set $exp_needed = { <!-- опыта для левелапа -->
0: 10,
1: 15,
2: 25,
3: 40,
4: 60,
5: 85,
6: 115,
7: 150,
8: 190,
9: 235,
10: 285,
11: 340,
12: 400,
13: 465,
14: 535,
15: 610,
16: 690,
17: 775,
18: 865,
19: 960,
20: 99999,
<<set $mia = { <!-- Мия и характеристики-->
id: "mia",
nom: "Mia",
img: "0.2.6/images/mia.jpg",
exp: 0,
lvl: 0,
cor: 0,
fit: 0,
money: 100,
ac_c: 3,
subs: 0,
can_eat: 1,
food: 5,
salary: 10,
brothel_energy: 3,
<<set $thomas = { <!-- Томас и характеристики -->
id: "thomas",
nom: "Thomas",
img: "0.2.6/images/br.jpg",
exp: 0,
cor: 0,
fit: 0,
bea: 0,
money: 100,
ac_c: 3,
<<set $st = { <!-- Сторителлер -->
id: "st",
nom: "Storyteller",
img: "0.2.6/images/st.png",
<<set $str = { <!-- Незнакомец -->
id: "str",
nom: "Stranger",
img: "0.2.6/images/str.jpg",
<<set $mom = { <!-- Мать -->
id: "mom",
nom: "Mother",
img: "0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg",
cor: 0,
relation: 0,
<<set $dad = { <!-- Отец -->
id: "dad",
nom: "Father",
img: "0.2.6/images/dad.jpg",
cor: 0,
relation: 0,
<<set $jk = { <!-- Бывший -->
id: "jk",
nom: "Jack",
img: "0.2.6/images/jk.jpg",
<<set $boss = { <!-- босс -->
id: "boss",
nom: "Boss",
img: "0.2.6/images/boss.jpg",
<<set $client = { <!-- клиент -->
id: "client",
nom: "Client",
img: "0.2.6/images/client.jpg",
number: 10,
<<set $ins = { <!-- инспектор гаджет -->
id: "ins",
nom: "Inspector",
img: "0.2.6/images/ins.png",
<<set $str2 = { <!-- незнакомка -->
id: "str2",
nom: "Unknown girl",
img: "0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg",
<<set $ele = { <!-- элейн -->
id: "ele",
nom: "Elain",
img: "0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg",
brothel_energy: 3,
<<set $roy = { <!-- рой -->
id: "roy",
nom: "Roy",
img: "0.2.6/images/str.jpg",
<<set $gua = { <!-- охранник -->
id: "gua",
nom: "Guard",
img: "0.2.6/images/client.jpg",
<<set $old = { <!-- лесник -->
id: "old",
nom: "Forester",
img: "0.2.6/images/old.png",
<<set $un = { <!-- неизсвестный -->
id: "un",
nom: "Unknown",
img: "0.2.6/images/client.jpg",
<<set $dr = { <!-- водитель -->
id: "dr",
nom: "Driver",
img: "0.2.6/images/dr.jpg",
<<set $coach = { <!-- тренер -->
id: "coach",
nom: "Сoach",
img: "0.2.6/images/coach.jpg",
<<set $str_g = { <!-- незнакомая тёлка -->
id: "str_g",
nom: "Stranger Girl",
img: "0.2.6/images/str_g.jpeg",
<<set $lily = { <!-- лили -->
id: "lily",
nom: "Lily",
img: "0.2.6/images/lily.jpeg",
brothel_energy: 3,
<<set $prof = { <!-- профессор -->
id: "prof",
nom: "Professor",
img: "0.2.6/images/prof.jpg",
<<set $michelle = { <!-- michelle -->
id: "michelle",
nom: "Michelle",
img: "0.2.6/images/girl2.jpeg",
brothel_energy: 3,
<<set $rich = { <!-- richard -->
id: "richard",
nom: "Richard",
img: "0.2.6/images/dad.jpg",
<<set $jn = { <!-- Jenny -->
id: "jenny",
nom: "Jenny",
img: "0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg",
<<set $soph = { <!-- Sophia -->
id: "sophia",
nom: "Sophia",
img: "0.2.6/images/soph.jpg",
brothel_energy: 3,
<<set $vit = { <!-- Vitto -->
id: "vitto",
nom: "Vitto",
img: "0.2.6/images/vit.jpg",
<<set $ali = { <!-- alissa -->
id: "alissa",
nom: "Alissa",
img: "0.2.6/images/girl3.jpeg",
brothel_energy: 3,
<<set $spas = { <!-- spasatel -->
id: "spas",
nom: "Lifeguard",
img: "0.2.6/images/lifeguard.jpg",
<<set $roma = { <!-- Romeo -->
id: "roma",
nom: "Romeo",
img: "0.2.6/images/romeo.jpg",
<<set $host = { <!-- Host -->
id: "host",
nom: "Host",
img: "0.2.8/images/host.png ",
<<set $and = { <!-- Andew -->
id: "and",
nom: "Andew",
img: "0.2.8/images/andrew.png",
<<set $land = { <!-- Laureen -->
id: "land",
nom: "Laureen",
img: "0.2.9/images/land.png",
<<set $con = { <!-- Concierge -->
id: "con",
nom: "Concierge",
img: "0.3/images/con.png",
<<set $inst = { <!-- Instructor -->
id: "ins",
nom: "Instructor",
img: "0.3/images/ins.png",
<<set $lib = { <!-- Librarian -->
id: "lib",
nom: "Librarian",
img: "0.3/images/lib.png",
<<set $yeti = { <!-- yeti -->
id: "yeti",
nom: "Sex Yeti",
img: "0.3/images/yeti.png",
<<set $elf = { <!-- Elf -->
id: "elf",
nom: "Elf",
img: "0.3/images/elf.png",
<<set $waiter = { <!-- waiter -->
id: "waiter",
nom: "Waitress",
img: "0.3.1/images/waitress.png",
<<set $quests = { <!-- Квесты -->
quest_jack: false,
quest_wallet: false,
quest_return_wallet: false,
quest_talk_family: false,
quest_find_work: false,
quest_ukrali: false,
quest_room_secrets: false,
quest_close_call: false,
quest_final_preparations: false,
quest_doors_open: false,
quest_daddys_little_secret: false,
quest_family_ties_redefined: false,
quest_university_routine_1: false,
quest_university_routine_2: false,
quest_extra_credit: false,
<<set $is_cafe_closed = 0>>
<<set $is_need_to_the_boss = 0>>
<<set $wear={
$("#menu-item-saves a").addClass("saveANDrestart");
$("#menu-item-restart a").addClass("saveANDrestart");
<</script>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $quests.quest_jack == false and $quests.quest_stranger==true>>
<<goto Meet_jack_quest_2>>
<</if>><<st>>It's just a cozy place to get away from the noise and chaos of the city, with no fancy fountains or scenery. Green trees make lanes that are dense and cool, flowers bloom in the spring, and the air smells clean. People come here to relax and enjoy nature. They might go for a walk or sit on a rock and listen to the birds sing or the leaves fall.<</st>>
<<button[[Run in the park|Run in the park]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Take a walk|Take a walk]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Rest on a bench|Rest on a bench]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Walk in the forest|Walk in the forest]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|City]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $quests.quest_jack == false and $quests.quest_stranger==true>>
<<goto Meet_jack_quest_2>>
<</if>><<st>>Это просто уютное место, где можно уединиться от городского шума и хаоса, без причудливых фонтанов и пейзажей. Зеленые деревья создают густые и прохладные аллеи, весной распускаются цветы, а воздух пахнет чистотой. Люди приезжают сюда, чтобы расслабиться и насладиться природой. Они могут прогуляться или посидеть на камне и послушать пение птиц или падение листьев.<</st>>
<<button[[Бегать в парке|Run in the park]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Прогуляться|Take a walk]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Отдых на скамейке|Rest on a bench]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Прогулка по лесу|Walk in the forest]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Уйти|City]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $quests.quest_jack == false and $quests.quest_stranger==true>>
<<goto Meet_jack_quest_2>>
<</if>><<st>>Es ist einfach ein gemütlicher Ort, um dem Lärm und Chaos der Stadt zu entkommen, ohne schicke Springbrunnen oder Landschaften. Grüne Bäume bilden dichte und kühle Alleen, Blumen blühen im Frühling, und die Luft riecht sauber. Die Leute kommen hierher, um sich zu entspannen und die Natur zu genießen. Sie machen vielleicht einen Spaziergang oder setzen sich auf einen Felsen und hören den Vögeln beim singen oder den Blättern beim Fallen zu.<</st>>
<<button[[Im Park laufen|Run in the park]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Spazierengehen|Take a walk]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Auf einer Bank ausruhen|Rest on a bench]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Spazieren im Wald|Walk in the forest]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Verlassen|City]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $quests.quest_jack == false and $quests.quest_stranger==true>>
<<goto Meet_jack_quest_2>>
<</if>><<st>>Il s'agit simplement d'un endroit confortable où l'on peut s'éloigner du bruit et du chaos de la ville, sans faire appel à des fontaines ou à des décors fantaisistes. Les arbres verts forment des allées denses et fraîches, les fleurs fleurissent au printemps et l'air sent bon. Les gens viennent ici pour se détendre et profiter de la nature. Ils peuvent se promener ou s'asseoir sur un rocher et écouter le chant des oiseaux ou la chute des feuilles.<</st>>
<<button[[courir dans le parc|Run in the park]]>><</button>>
<<button[[se promener|Take a walk]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Se reposer sur un banc|Rest on a bench]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Se promener dans la forêt|Walk in the forest]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Partir|City]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $quests.quest_jack == false and $quests.quest_stranger==true>>
<<goto Meet_jack_quest_2>>
<</if>><<st>>Es sólo un lugar acogedor para alejarse del ruido y el caos de la ciudad, sin fuentes ni paisajes extravagantes. Los árboles verdes forman carriles densos y frescos, las flores florecen en primavera y el aire huele a limpio. La gente viene aquí a relajarse y disfrutar de la naturaleza. Pueden dar un paseo o sentarse en una roca a escuchar el canto de los pájaros o la caída de las hojas.и<</st>>
<<button[[Correr por el parque|Run in the park]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Dar un paseo|Take a walk]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Descansar en un banco|Rest on a bench]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Paseo por el bosque|Walk in the forest]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Vete|City]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $quests.quest_jack == false and $quests.quest_stranger==true>>
<<goto Meet_jack_quest_2>>
<<button[[公园跑步|Run in the park]]>><</button>>
<<button[[散步|Take a walk]]>><</button>>
<<button[[在长椅上休息|Rest on a bench]]>><</button>>
<<button[[漫步森林|Walk in the forest]]>><</button>>
<<button [[走开|City]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
</script><</if>><<set $canTravel =1>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="container_cafe_main"><div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>Dance skill</p></div><div class="progress exp_dance"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.dance" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="10"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$mia.dance</p></div></div><div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>Sexy Dance</p></div><div class="progress exp_dance"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.sex_dance" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="25"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$mia.sex_dance</p></div></div><div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>Pole Dance</p></div><div class="progress exp_dance"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.pole_dance" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="50"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$mia.pole_dance</p></div></div></div>
<<st>>Dancing is not only a way to keep Mia's body in shape, but also an opportunity to enjoy freedom of movement, express her emotions and improve her dancing skills.<</st>>
<<button[[Regular Dancing|Regular_Dancing]]>><</button>>
<<if $mia.fit > 24 and $mia.dance>9>>
<<button[[Sexy dancing|Sexy_dancing]]>><</button>>
<<link "Sexy dancing. (25+ fitness and 10 dancing skill needed)">><</link>>
<</if>><<if $mia.fit > 49 and $mia.sex_dance>24>>
<<button[[Pole dancing|Pole_Dancing]]>><</button>>
<<link "Pole dancing. (50+ fitness and 25 Sexy dancing skill needed)">><</link>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="container_cafe_main"><div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>Опыт танцев</p></div><div class="progress exp_dance"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.dance" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="10"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$mia.dance</p></div></div><div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>Сексуальные танцы</p></div><div class="progress exp_dance"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.sex_dance" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="25"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$mia.sex_dance</p></div></div><div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>Танцы на шесте</p></div><div class="progress exp_dance"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.pole_dance" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="50"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$mia.pole_dance</p></div></div></div>
<<st>>Танцы - это не только способ поддерживать тело Мии в форме, но и возможность наслаждаться свободой движений, выражать свои эмоции и совершенствовать танцевальные навыки.<</st>>
<<button[[Обычные танцы|Regular_Dancing]]>><</button>>
<<if $mia.fit > 24 and $mia.dance>9>>
<<button[[Сексуальные танцы|Sexy_dancing]]>><</button>>
<<link "Сексуальные танцы. (Необходимо 25+ фитнеса и 10 опыта танцев)">><</link>>
<</if>><<if $mia.fit > 49 and $mia.sex_dance>24>>
<<button[[Танцы на шесте|Pole_Dancing]]>><</button>>
<<link "Танцы на шесте. (Необходим фитнес 50+ и 25 опыта сексуальных танцев)">><</link>>
<<button[[Уйти|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="container_cafe_main"><div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>Tänzerisches Können</p></div><div class="progress exp_dance"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.dance" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="10"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$mia.dance</p></div></div><div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>Sexy Dance</p></div><div class="progress exp_dance"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.sex_dance" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="25"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$mia.sex_dance</p></div></div><div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>Pole Dance</p></div><div class="progress exp_dance"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.pole_dance" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="50"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$mia.pole_dance</p></div></div></div>
<<st>>Tanzen ist nicht nur eine Möglichkeit, Mias Körper in Form zu halten, sondern auch eine Gelegenheit, die Freiheit der Bewegung zu genießen, ihre Emotionen auszudrücken und ihre Tanzfähigkeiten zu verbessern.<</st>>
<<button[[Regelmäßiges Tanzen|Regular_Dancing]]>><</button>>
<<if $mia.fit > 24 and $mia.dance>9>>
<<button[[Sexy Tanzen|Sexy_dancing]]>><</button>>
<<link "Sexy Tanzen. (25+ Fitness und 10 Tanzfähigkeiten erforderlich)">><</link>>
<</if>><<if $mia.fit > 49 and $mia.sex_dance>24>>
<<button[[Pole Dance|Pole_Dancing]]>><</button>>
<<link "Pole Dance. (50+ Fitness und 25 sexy Tanzfähigkeiten erforderlich)">><</link>>
<<button[[Verlassen|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="container_cafe_main"><div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>Dance compétance</p></div><div class="progress exp_dance"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.dance" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="10"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$mia.dance</p></div></div><div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>Danse sexy</p></div><div class="progress exp_dance"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.sex_dance" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="25"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$mia.sex_dance</p></div></div><div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>Pôle Danse</p></div><div class="progress exp_dance"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.pole_dance" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="50"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$mia.pole_dance</p></div></div></div>
<<st>>La danse n'est pas seulement un moyen de maintenir le corps de Mia en forme, mais aussi une occasion de profiter de la liberté de mouvement, d'exprimer ses émotions et d'améliorer ses compétences en danse.<</st>>
<<button[[Danse ordinaire|Regular_Dancing]]>><</button>>
<<if $mia.fit > 24 and $mia.dance>9>>
<<button[[Danses sexy|Sexy_dancing]]>><</button>>
<<link "Danse sexy. (25+ fitness et 10 compétences en danse nécessaires)">><</link>>
<</if>><<if $mia.fit > 49 and $mia.sex_dance>24>>
<<button[[Pôle dance|Pole_Dancing]]>><</button>>
<<link "Pôle dance. (50+ fitness et 25 compétences en danse nécessaires)">><</link>>
<<button[[Partir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="container_cafe_main"><div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>Destreza en el baile</p></div><div class="progress exp_dance"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.dance" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="10"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$mia.dance</p></div></div><div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>Baile sexy</p></div><div class="progress exp_dance"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.sex_dance" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="25"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$mia.sex_dance</p></div></div><div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>Baile en barra</p></div><div class="progress exp_dance"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.pole_dance" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="50"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$mia.pole_dance</p></div></div></div>
<<st>>Bailar no es sólo una forma de mantener el cuerpo de Mia en forma, sino también una oportunidad de disfrutar de la libertad de movimiento, expresar sus emociones y mejorar sus dotes de bailarina.<</st>>
<<button[[Baile regular|Regular_Dancing]]>><</button>>
<<if $mia.fit > 24 and $mia.dance>9>>
<<button[[Baile sexy|Sexy_dancing]]>><</button>>
<<link "Baile sexy. (25+ aptitud y 10 habilidad de baile necesaria)">><</link>>
<</if>><<if $mia.fit > 49 and $mia.sex_dance>24>>
<<button[[Baile en barra|Pole_Dancing]]>><</button>>
<<link "Baile en barra. (50+ de forma física y 25 de destreza en el baile sexy)">><</link>>
<<button[[Vete|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="container_cafe_main"><div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>舞蹈技能</p></div><div class="progress exp_dance"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.dance" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="10"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$mia.dance</p></div></div><div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>性感舞蹈</p></div><div class="progress exp_dance"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.sex_dance" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="25"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$mia.sex_dance</p></div></div><div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>钢管舞</p></div><div class="progress exp_dance"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.pole_dance" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="50"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$mia.pole_dance</p></div></div></div>
<<if $mia.fit > 24 and $mia.dance>9>>
<<link "性感舞蹈。(需要 25 分以上的体能和 10 分以上的舞蹈技巧)">><</link>>
<</if>><<if $mia.fit > 49 and $mia.sex_dance>24>>
<<link "钢管舞。(需要 50 分以上的体能和 25 分以上的性感舞蹈技巧)">><</link>>
<<button[[走开|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<button [[Cheats|Cheats]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Advent calendar|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<button [[Cheats|Cheats]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Advent calendar|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Уйти|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<button [[Cheats|Cheats]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Advent calendar|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Verlassen|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<button [[Cheats|Cheats]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Advent calendar|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Partir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<button [[Cheats|Cheats]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Advent calendar|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Vete|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<button [[Cheats|Cheats]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Advent calendar|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<button[[走开|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>><<set $mia.brothel_energy=3>><<set $lily.brothel_energy=3>><<set $ele.brothel_energy=3>><<set $michelle.brothel_energy=3>><<set $soph.brothel_energy=3>><<set $ali.brothel_energy=3>><<set $need_sleep=false>><<set $parents.mom.books=1>><<set $parents.mom.cooking=1>><<set $parents.mom.nature=1>><<set $parents.mom.gardening=1>><<set $parents.mom.shopping=1>><<set $parents.mom.watching=1>><<set $parents.mom.beauty=1>><<set $parents.mom.gardening_2=1>><<set $parents.mom.peeping=1>><<set $parents.mom.drinking_together=1>><<set $parents.mom.unexpected_cooking=1>><<set $parents.mom.laundry=1>><<set $parents.mom.photos=1>><<set $parents.mom.touch_tits=1>><<set $parents.mom.slap=1>><<set $parents.mom.photo_shoot=1>><<set $parents.mom.lift=1>><<set $parents.mom.laundry_two=1>><<set $parents.mom.pool=1>><<set $parents.mom.passion=1>><<set $parents.mom.video=1>><<set $parents.mom.forgotten_towel=1>><<set $parents.mom.bathing_together=1>><<set $parents.mom.naked_mom=1>><<set $parents.mom.helping_mom=1>><<set $parents.mom.bathroom=1>><<set $parents.dad.technology=1>><<set $parents.dad.mp4ies=1>><<set $parents.dad.science=1>><<set $parents.dad.music=1>><<set $parents.dad.drunkenness=1>><<set $parents.dad.help_request=1>><<set $parents.dad.joint_training=1>><<set $parents.dad.daddy_opinion=1>><<set $parents.dad.cooking=1>><<set $parents.dad.yoga=1>><<set $parents.dad.evening=1>><<set $parents.dad.fixing=1>><<set $parents.dad.show=1>><<set $parents.dad.new_dress=1>><<set $parents.dad.hot=1>><<set $parents.dad.cleaning=1>><<set $parents.dad.massage=1>><<set $parents.dad.bath=1>><<set $parents.dad.bdsm=1>><<set $parents.dad.phone=1>><<set $parents.dad.car=1>><<set $parents.dad.night_sex=1>><<set $parents.dad.coach_sex=1>><<set $parents.dad.kitchen_suck=1>><<set $parents.dad.help_sex=1>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia's exhausted, and fell into a deep sleep, and she started having interesting dreams, but she only remembers a few fragments.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.porn)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/porn/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">><<timed 1s>>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</timed>>
<<set $days +=1>><<if $is_cafe_closed >0>><<set $is_cafe_closed -=1>><</if>>
<<if $mia.fit < 50>><<set $mia.ac_c = 3 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >49 and $mia.fit < 100>><<set $mia.ac_c = 4 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >99 and $mia.fit < 150>><<set $mia.ac_c = 5 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >149 and $mia.fit < 190>><<set $mia.ac_c = 6 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >189>><<set $mia.ac_c = 7 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><</if>><<if $mia.cor >200>><<set $mia.cor =200>><</if>><<if $mia.fit >200>><<set $mia.fit =200>><</if>><<set $is_need_shower=1>><<set $mia.can_eat=1>><<set $mia.subs -=1>><<if $mia.subs<0>><<set $mia.subs = 0>><</if>><<set $client.number -=2>><<if $client.number<0>><<set $client.number =0>><</if>><<set $stats_decreaser-=1>><<if $stats_decreaser==0>><<set $mia.cor -=3>><<set $mia.fit -=3>><<set $stats_decreaser = 7 + $perks.memory>><</if>><<if $mia.cor <0>><<set $mia.cor =0>><</if>><<if $mia.fit <0>><<set $mia.fit =0>><</if>><<if $mia.fit > 24 and $beauty_counter == 0>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 49 and $beauty_counter == 1>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 74 and $beauty_counter == 2>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 99 and $beauty_counter == 3>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 124 and $beauty_counter == 4>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 149 and $beauty_counter == 5>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 174 and $beauty_counter == 6>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><</if>><<if $client.number >20>><<set $client.number -=2>><</if>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Мия уснула, погрузилась в глубокий сон, и ей начали сниться интересные сны, но она помнит лишь несколько фрагментов.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.porn)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/porn/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">><<timed 1s>>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</timed>>
<<set $days +=1>><<if $is_cafe_closed >0>><<set $is_cafe_closed -=1>><</if>>
<<if $mia.fit < 50>><<set $mia.ac_c = 3 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >49 and $mia.fit < 100>><<set $mia.ac_c = 4 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >99 and $mia.fit < 150>><<set $mia.ac_c = 5 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >149 and $mia.fit < 190>><<set $mia.ac_c = 6 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >189>><<set $mia.ac_c = 7 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><</if>><<if $mia.cor >200>><<set $mia.cor =200>><</if>><<if $mia.fit >200>><<set $mia.fit =200>><</if>><<set $is_need_shower=1>><<set $mia.can_eat=1>><<set $mia.subs -=1>><<if $mia.subs<0>><<set $mia.subs = 0>><</if>><<set $client.number -=2>><<if $client.number<0>><<set $client.number =0>><</if>><<set $stats_decreaser-=1>><<if $stats_decreaser==0>><<set $mia.cor -=3>><<set $mia.fit -=3>><<set $stats_decreaser = 7 + $perks.memory>><</if>><<if $mia.cor <0>><<set $mia.cor =0>><</if>><<if $mia.fit <0>><<set $mia.fit =0>><</if>><<if $mia.fit > 24 and $beauty_counter == 0>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 49 and $beauty_counter == 1>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 74 and $beauty_counter == 2>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 99 and $beauty_counter == 3>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 124 and $beauty_counter == 4>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 149 and $beauty_counter == 5>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 174 and $beauty_counter == 6>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><</if>><<if $client.number >20>><<set $client.number -=2>><</if>>
<<button[[Уйти|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia ist erschöpft und fällt in einen tiefen Schlaf. Sie beginnt, interessante Träume zu haben, kann sich aber nur an ein paar Fragmente erinnern.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.porn)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/porn/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">><<timed 1s>>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</timed>>
<<set $days +=1>><<if $is_cafe_closed >0>><<set $is_cafe_closed -=1>><</if>>
<<if $mia.fit < 50>><<set $mia.ac_c = 3 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >49 and $mia.fit < 100>><<set $mia.ac_c = 4 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >99 and $mia.fit < 150>><<set $mia.ac_c = 5 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >149 and $mia.fit < 190>><<set $mia.ac_c = 6 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >189>><<set $mia.ac_c = 7 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><</if>><<if $mia.cor >200>><<set $mia.cor =200>><</if>><<if $mia.fit >200>><<set $mia.fit =200>><</if>><<set $is_need_shower=1>><<set $mia.can_eat=1>><<set $mia.subs -=1>><<if $mia.subs<0>><<set $mia.subs = 0>><</if>><<set $client.number -=2>><<if $client.number<0>><<set $client.number =0>><</if>><<set $stats_decreaser-=1>><<if $stats_decreaser==0>><<set $mia.cor -=3>><<set $mia.fit -=3>><<set $stats_decreaser = 7 + $perks.memory>><</if>><<if $mia.cor <0>><<set $mia.cor =0>><</if>><<if $mia.fit <0>><<set $mia.fit =0>><</if>><<if $mia.fit > 24 and $beauty_counter == 0>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 49 and $beauty_counter == 1>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 74 and $beauty_counter == 2>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 99 and $beauty_counter == 3>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 124 and $beauty_counter == 4>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 149 and $beauty_counter == 5>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 174 and $beauty_counter == 6>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><</if>><<if $client.number >20>><<set $client.number -=2>><</if>>
<<button[[Verlassen Sie|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Mia, épuisée, s'endort profondément et commence à rêver, mais elle ne se souvient que de quelques fragments.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.porn)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/porn/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">><<timed 1s>>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</timed>>
<<set $days +=1>><<if $is_cafe_closed >0>><<set $is_cafe_closed -=1>><</if>>
<<if $mia.fit < 50>><<set $mia.ac_c = 3 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >49 and $mia.fit < 100>><<set $mia.ac_c = 4 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >99 and $mia.fit < 150>><<set $mia.ac_c = 5 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >149 and $mia.fit < 190>><<set $mia.ac_c = 6 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >189>><<set $mia.ac_c = 7 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><</if>><<if $mia.cor >200>><<set $mia.cor =200>><</if>><<if $mia.fit >200>><<set $mia.fit =200>><</if>><<set $is_need_shower=1>><<set $mia.can_eat=1>><<set $mia.subs -=1>><<if $mia.subs<0>><<set $mia.subs = 0>><</if>><<set $client.number -=2>><<if $client.number<0>><<set $client.number =0>><</if>><<set $stats_decreaser-=1>><<if $stats_decreaser==0>><<set $mia.cor -=3>><<set $mia.fit -=3>><<set $stats_decreaser = 7 + $perks.memory>><</if>><<if $mia.cor <0>><<set $mia.cor =0>><</if>><<if $mia.fit <0>><<set $mia.fit =0>><</if>><<if $mia.fit > 24 and $beauty_counter == 0>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 49 and $beauty_counter == 1>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 74 and $beauty_counter == 2>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 99 and $beauty_counter == 3>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 124 and $beauty_counter == 4>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 149 and $beauty_counter == 5>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 174 and $beauty_counter == 6>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><</if>><<if $client.number >20>><<set $client.number -=2>><</if>>
<<button[[Partir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mia está agotada y ha caído en un sueño profundo, y ha empezado a tener sueños interesantes, pero sólo recuerda algunos fragmentos.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.porn)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/porn/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">><<timed 1s>>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</timed>>
<<set $days +=1>><<if $is_cafe_closed >0>><<set $is_cafe_closed -=1>><</if>>
<<if $mia.fit < 50>><<set $mia.ac_c = 3 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >49 and $mia.fit < 100>><<set $mia.ac_c = 4 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >99 and $mia.fit < 150>><<set $mia.ac_c = 5 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >149 and $mia.fit < 190>><<set $mia.ac_c = 6 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >189>><<set $mia.ac_c = 7 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><</if>><<if $mia.cor >200>><<set $mia.cor =200>><</if>><<if $mia.fit >200>><<set $mia.fit =200>><</if>><<set $is_need_shower=1>><<set $mia.can_eat=1>><<set $mia.subs -=1>><<if $mia.subs<0>><<set $mia.subs = 0>><</if>><<set $client.number -=2>><<if $client.number<0>><<set $client.number =0>><</if>><<set $stats_decreaser-=1>><<if $stats_decreaser==0>><<set $mia.cor -=3>><<set $mia.fit -=3>><<set $stats_decreaser = 7 + $perks.memory>><</if>><<if $mia.cor <0>><<set $mia.cor =0>><</if>><<if $mia.fit <0>><<set $mia.fit =0>><</if>><<if $mia.fit > 24 and $beauty_counter == 0>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 49 and $beauty_counter == 1>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 74 and $beauty_counter == 2>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 99 and $beauty_counter == 3>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 124 and $beauty_counter == 4>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 149 and $beauty_counter == 5>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 174 and $beauty_counter == 6>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><</if>><<if $client.number >20>><<set $client.number -=2>><</if>>
<<button[[Deja|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.porn)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/porn/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">><<timed 1s>>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</timed>>
<<set $days +=1>><<if $is_cafe_closed >0>><<set $is_cafe_closed -=1>><</if>>
<<if $mia.fit < 50>><<set $mia.ac_c = 3 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >49 and $mia.fit < 100>><<set $mia.ac_c = 4 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >99 and $mia.fit < 150>><<set $mia.ac_c = 5 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >149 and $mia.fit < 190>><<set $mia.ac_c = 6 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >189>><<set $mia.ac_c = 7 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><</if>><<if $mia.cor >200>><<set $mia.cor =200>><</if>><<if $mia.fit >200>><<set $mia.fit =200>><</if>><<set $is_need_shower=1>><<set $mia.can_eat=1>><<set $mia.subs -=1>><<if $mia.subs<0>><<set $mia.subs = 0>><</if>><<set $client.number -=2>><<if $client.number<0>><<set $client.number =0>><</if>><<set $stats_decreaser-=1>><<if $stats_decreaser==0>><<set $mia.cor -=3>><<set $mia.fit -=3>><<set $stats_decreaser = 7 + $perks.memory>><</if>><<if $mia.cor <0>><<set $mia.cor =0>><</if>><<if $mia.fit <0>><<set $mia.fit =0>><</if>><<if $mia.fit > 24 and $beauty_counter == 0>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 49 and $beauty_counter == 1>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 74 and $beauty_counter == 2>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 99 and $beauty_counter == 3>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 124 and $beauty_counter == 4>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 149 and $beauty_counter == 5>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><<elseif $mia.fit > 174 and $beauty_counter == 6>><<set $mia.bea += 5>><<set $beauty_counter += 1>><</if>><<if $client.number >20>><<set $client.number -=2>><</if>>
<<button[[离开|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<button[[Set of clothes|SetOfClothes]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<set $top_wear_saver=$clothes_top_mia>><<set $niz_wear_saver=$clothes_bottom_mia>>
<<case "RU">>
<<button[[Верхняя часть|VerhClothes]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Нижняя часть|NizClothes]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Комплект одежды|SetOfClothes]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Уйти|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<set $top_wear_saver=$clothes_top_mia>><<set $niz_wear_saver=$clothes_bottom_mia>>
<<case "GE">>
<<button[[Verlassen|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<set $top_wear_saver=$clothes_top_mia>><<set $niz_wear_saver=$clothes_bottom_mia>>
<<case "FR">>
<<button[[Ensemble de vêtements|SetOfClothes]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Le miroir|Mirror]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Partir|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<set $top_wear_saver=$clothes_top_mia>><<set $niz_wear_saver=$clothes_bottom_mia>>
<<case "ES">>
<<button[[Parte inferior|NizClothes]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Conjunto de ropa|SetOfClothes]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Dejar|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<set $top_wear_saver=$clothes_top_mia>><<set $niz_wear_saver=$clothes_bottom_mia>>
<<case "CH">>
<<button[[离开|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<set $top_wear_saver=$clothes_top_mia>><<set $niz_wear_saver=$clothes_bottom_mia>>
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>Subs</p></div><div class="progress subs_only"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.subs" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="999"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$mia.subs</p></div></div><<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<if $camera_is_bought == false>>
<<st>>Mia opens up her laptop and surfs the internet looking for something to entertain herself. But instead of the usual memes, she sees that she can earn money on OnlyYou. But can she show her body to the world? What if someone finds out?<</st>>
<<st>>Mia needs to buy a camera to start making content.<</st>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>She creates her OnlyYou account, and welcomes her viewers.<</st>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -= 1>>
<<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<linkreplace "Hands">>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.soloWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/soloWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money += Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>><<set $imagechoice to random(1)>><<set $mia.subs +=$imagechoice>><<set $onlysalary = Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>>
<<flash `"Money +" + $onlysalary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<linkreplace "Toy set">>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.dildoWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/dildoWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money += Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>><<set $imagechoice to random(3)>><<set $mia.subs +=$imagechoice>><<set $onlysalary = Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>>
<<flash `"Money +" + $onlysalary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<linkreplace "Machine">>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.machineWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/machineWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money += Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>><<set $imagechoice to random(5)>><<set $mia.subs +=$imagechoice>><<set $onlysalary = Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>>
<<flash `"Money +" + $onlysalary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>Подписчики</p></div><div class="progress subs_only"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.subs" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="999"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$mia.subs</p></div></div><<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>У тебя не осталось сил ни на что, тебе поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Спать|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<if $camera_is_bought == false>>
<<st>>Мия открывает ноутбук и сидит в интернете в поисках развлечения. Но вместо привычных мемов она видит, что может зарабатывать на OnlyYou. Но может ли она показать свое тело всему миру? А вдруг кто-то узнает?<</st>>
<<st>>Мие нужно купить камеру, чтобы начать создавать контент.<</st>>
<<button[[Уйти|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Она создает свой аккаунт на OnlyYou и приветствует своих зрителей.<</st>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -= 1>>
<<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<linkreplace "Руками">>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.soloWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/soloWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money += Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>><<set $imagechoice to random(1)>><<set $mia.subs +=$imagechoice>><<set $onlysalary = Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>>
<<flash `"Деньги +" + $onlysalary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<linkreplace "Набор игрушек">>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.dildoWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/dildoWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money += Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>><<set $imagechoice to random(3)>><<set $mia.subs +=$imagechoice>><<set $onlysalary = Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>>
<<flash `"Деньги +" + $onlysalary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<linkreplace "Машина">>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.machineWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/machineWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money += Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>><<set $imagechoice to random(5)>><<set $mia.subs +=$imagechoice>><<set $onlysalary = Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>>
<<flash `"Деньги +" + $onlysalary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<button[[Еще раз|Onlyfans]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Уйти|Mia's room]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>Subs</p></div><div class="progress subs_only"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.subs" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="999"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$mia.subs</p></div></div><<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Dir geht die Energie aus, eine gute und solide Schlaf wird dir helfen.<</st>>
<<button [[Schlafen|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<if $camera_is_bought == false>>
<<st>>Mia öffnet ihren Laptop und surft im Internet, auf der Suche nach etwas zur Unterhaltung. Doch statt der üblichen Memes sieht sie, dass sie auf OnlyYou Geld verdienen kann. Aber kann sie ihren Körper der Welt zeigen? Was ist, wenn es jemand herausfindet?<</st>>
<<st>>Mia muss 'ne Kamera kaufen, um mit dem Content-Erstellen loszulegen.<</st>>
<<button[[Verlassen|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Sie erstellt ihren OnlyYou-Account und begrüßt ihre Zuschauer.<</st>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -= 1>>
<<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<linkreplace "Hände">>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.soloWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/soloWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money += Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>><<set $imagechoice to random(1)>><<set $mia.subs +=$imagechoice>><<set $onlysalary = Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>>
<<flash `"Geld +" + $onlysalary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<linkreplace "Spielzeug-Set">>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.dildoWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/dildoWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money += Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>><<set $imagechoice to random(3)>><<set $mia.subs +=$imagechoice>><<set $onlysalary = Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>>
<<flash `"Geld +" + $onlysalary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<linkreplace "Maschine">>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.machineWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/machineWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money += Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>><<set $imagechoice to random(5)>><<set $mia.subs +=$imagechoice>><<set $onlysalary = Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>>
<<flash `"Geld +" + $onlysalary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<button[[Verlassen|Mia's room]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>Subs</p></div><div class="progress subs_only"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.subs" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="999"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$mia.subs</p></div></div><<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Tu n'as plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, une bonne nuit de sommeil t'aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<if $camera_is_bought == false>>
<<st>>Mia ouvre son ordinateur portable et surfe sur Internet à la recherche de quelque chose pour se divertir. Mais au lieu des mèmes habituels, elle voit qu'elle peut gagner de l'argent sur OnlyYou. Mais peut-elle montrer son corps au monde entier ? Et si quelqu'un le découvre ?<</st>>
<<st>>Mia doit acheter un appareil photo pour commencer à produire du contenu.<</st>>
<<button[[Partir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Elle crée son compte OnlyYou et accueille ses spectateurs.<</st>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -= 1>>
<<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<linkreplace "Les mains">>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.soloWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/soloWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money += Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>><<set $imagechoice to random(1)>><<set $mia.subs +=$imagechoice>><<set $onlysalary = Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>>
<<flash `"Argent +" + $onlysalary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<linkreplace "Jeu de jouets">>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.dildoWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/dildoWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money += Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>><<set $imagechoice to random(3)>><<set $mia.subs +=$imagechoice>><<set $onlysalary = Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>>
<<flash `"Argent +" + $onlysalary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<linkreplace "La machine">>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.machineWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/machineWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money += Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>><<set $imagechoice to random(5)>><<set $mia.subs +=$imagechoice>><<set $onlysalary = Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>>
<<flash `"Argent +" + $onlysalary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<button[[Partir|Mia's room]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>Subs</p></div><div class="progress subs_only"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.subs" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="999"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$mia.subs</p></div></div><<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>No te queda energía para hacer nada, un buen sueño reparador te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<if $camera_is_bought == false>>
<<st>>Mia abre su portátil y navega por Internet buscando algo con lo que entretenerse. Pero en lugar de los habituales memes, ve que puede ganar dinero en OnlyYou. Pero, ¿puede mostrar su cuerpo al mundo? ¿Y si alguien se entera?<</st>>
<<st>>Mia necesita comprarse una cámara para empezar a hacer contenidos.<</st>>
<<button[[Vete|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Crea su cuenta OnlyYou y da la bienvenida a sus espectadores.<</st>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -= 1>>
<<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<linkreplace "Manos">>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.soloWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/soloWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money += Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>><<set $imagechoice to random(1)>><<set $mia.subs +=$imagechoice>><<set $onlysalary = Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>>
<<flash `"Dinero +" + $onlysalary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<linkreplace "Juego de juguetes">>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.dildoWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/dildoWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money += Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>><<set $imagechoice to random(3)>><<set $mia.subs +=$imagechoice>><<set $onlysalary = Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>>
<<flash `"Dinero +" + $onlysalary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<linkreplace "Máquina">>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.machineWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/machineWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money += Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>><<set $imagechoice to random(5)>><<set $mia.subs +=$imagechoice>><<set $onlysalary = Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>>
<<flash `"Dinero +" + $onlysalary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<button[[Vete|Mia's room]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>Subs</p></div><div class="progress subs_only"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.subs" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="999"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$mia.subs</p></div></div><<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you<</st>>
<<button [[走开|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<if $camera_is_bought == false>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>她创建了自己的 OnlyYou 账户,并欢迎她的观众。<</st>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -= 1>>
<<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<linkreplace "手">>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.soloWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/soloWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money += Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>><<set $imagechoice to random(1)>><<set $mia.subs +=$imagechoice>><<set $onlysalary = Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>>
<<flash `"钱 +" + $onlysalary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<linkreplace "玩具套装">>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.dildoWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/dildoWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money += Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>><<set $imagechoice to random(3)>><<set $mia.subs +=$imagechoice>><<set $onlysalary = Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>>
<<flash `"钱 +" + $onlysalary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<linkreplace "机器">>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.machineWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/machineWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money += Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>><<set $imagechoice to random(5)>><<set $mia.subs +=$imagechoice>><<set $onlysalary = Math.round((1/10)*($mia.bea+$mia.subs))>>
<<flash `"钱 +" + $onlysalary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<button[[走开|Mia's room]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>>
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $bought_room.onlyfans== 0>><<st>>Buying this room will allow Mia to lead her OnlyYou account and make money from it.<</st>><<if $mia.money>4999>>
<<linkreplace "Buy this room for 5000$">><<flash "Money - 5000">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $bought_room.onlyfans = 1>><<set $mia.money -= 5000>><<goto House>><</linkreplace>><<else>>
<<link "5000$ needed">><</link>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $bought_room.onlyfans== 0>><<st>>Купив эту комнату, Миа сможет вести свой аккаунт OnlyYou и зарабатывать на нем деньги.<</st>><<if $mia.money>4999>>
<<linkreplace "Купить эту комнату за 5000$">><<flash "Деньги - 5000">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $bought_room.onlyfans = 1>><<set $mia.money -= 5000>><<goto House>><</linkreplace>><<else>>
<<link "Необходимо 5000$">><</link>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $bought_room.onlyfans== 0>><<st>>Wenn du dieses Zimmer kaufst, kann Mia ihr OnlyYou-Konto führen und damit Geld verdienen.<</st>><<if $mia.money>4999>>
<<linkreplace "Kaufen dieses Zimmer für 5000 $.">><<flash "Geld - 5000">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $bought_room.onlyfans = 1>><<set $mia.money -= 5000>><<goto House>><</linkreplace>><<else>>
<<link "5000 $ nötig">><</link>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $bought_room.onlyfans== 0>><<st>>L'achat de cette pièce permettra à Mia de diriger son compte OnlyYou et de gagner de l'argent.<</st>><<if $mia.money>4999>>
<<linkreplace "Acheter cette pièce pour 5000$">><<flash "Argent - 5000">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $bought_room.onlyfans = 1>><<set $mia.money -= 5000>><<goto House>><</linkreplace>><<else>>
<<link "5000$ nécessaire">><</link>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $bought_room.onlyfans== 0>><<st>>La compra de esta habitación permitirá a Mia dirigir su cuenta OnlyYou y ganar dinero con ella.<</st>><<if $mia.money>4999>>
<<linkreplace "Compre esta habitación por 5000$">><<flash "Dinero - 5000">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $bought_room.onlyfans = 1>><<set $mia.money -= 5000>><<goto House>><</linkreplace>><<else>>
<<link "Se necesitan 5000$.">><</link>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $bought_room.onlyfans== 0>><<st>>买下这个房间后,米娅就可以管理她的 OnlyYou 账户并从中赚钱。<</st>><<if $mia.money>4999>>
<<linkreplace "以 5000 美元购买此房间">><<flash "钱 - 5000">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $bought_room.onlyfans = 1>><<set $mia.money -= 5000>><<goto House>><</linkreplace>><<else>>
<<link "需要 5000 美元">><</link>><</if>><</if>>
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>><div class="window-sized-div"><<if $mobileGame==false>>
<button data-passage='Brothel_Location' tabindex='0' class="map_btn brothel">
<div class="sign"><svg viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M377.9 105.9L500.7 228.7c7.2 7.2 11.3 17.1 11.3 27.3s-4.1 20.1-11.3 27.3L377.9 406.1c-6.4 6.4-15 9.9-24 9.9c-18.7 0-33.9-15.2-33.9-33.9l0-62.1-128 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32l0-64c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32l128 0 0-62.1c0-18.7 15.2-33.9 33.9-33.9c9 0 17.6 3.6 24 9.9zM160 96L96 96c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32l0 256c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32l-64 0c-53 0-96-43-96-96L0 128C0 75 43 32 96 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32z"></path></svg>
<div class="text-map">Brothel</div>
<button data-passage='CafeWork_mia' tabindex='0' class="map_btn cafe">
<div class="sign"><svg viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M377.9 105.9L500.7 228.7c7.2 7.2 11.3 17.1 11.3 27.3s-4.1 20.1-11.3 27.3L377.9 406.1c-6.4 6.4-15 9.9-24 9.9c-18.7 0-33.9-15.2-33.9-33.9l0-62.1-128 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32l0-64c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32l128 0 0-62.1c0-18.7 15.2-33.9 33.9-33.9c9 0 17.6 3.6 24 9.9zM160 96L96 96c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32l0 256c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32l-64 0c-53 0-96-43-96-96L0 128C0 75 43 32 96 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32z"></path></svg>
<div class="text-map">Cafe</div>
<button data-passage='The_Loft' tabindex='0' class="map_btn loft">
<div class="sign"><svg viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M377.9 105.9L500.7 228.7c7.2 7.2 11.3 17.1 11.3 27.3s-4.1 20.1-11.3 27.3L377.9 406.1c-6.4 6.4-15 9.9-24 9.9c-18.7 0-33.9-15.2-33.9-33.9l0-62.1-128 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32l0-64c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32l128 0 0-62.1c0-18.7 15.2-33.9 33.9-33.9c9 0 17.6 3.6 24 9.9zM160 96L96 96c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32l0 256c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32l-64 0c-53 0-96-43-96-96L0 128C0 75 43 32 96 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32z"></path></svg>
<div class="text-map">Loft</div>
<button data-passage='House' tabindex='0' class="map_btn house">
<div class="sign"><svg viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M377.9 105.9L500.7 228.7c7.2 7.2 11.3 17.1 11.3 27.3s-4.1 20.1-11.3 27.3L377.9 406.1c-6.4 6.4-15 9.9-24 9.9c-18.7 0-33.9-15.2-33.9-33.9l0-62.1-128 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32l0-64c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32l128 0 0-62.1c0-18.7 15.2-33.9 33.9-33.9c9 0 17.6 3.6 24 9.9zM160 96L96 96c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32l0 256c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32l-64 0c-53 0-96-43-96-96L0 128C0 75 43 32 96 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32z"></path></svg>
<div class="text-map">House</div>
<button data-passage='Park' tabindex='0' class="map_btn park">
<div class="sign"><svg viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M377.9 105.9L500.7 228.7c7.2 7.2 11.3 17.1 11.3 27.3s-4.1 20.1-11.3 27.3L377.9 406.1c-6.4 6.4-15 9.9-24 9.9c-18.7 0-33.9-15.2-33.9-33.9l0-62.1-128 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32l0-64c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32l128 0 0-62.1c0-18.7 15.2-33.9 33.9-33.9c9 0 17.6 3.6 24 9.9zM160 96L96 96c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32l0 256c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32l-64 0c-53 0-96-43-96-96L0 128C0 75 43 32 96 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32z"></path></svg>
<div class="text-map">Park</div>
<button data-passage='Mall' tabindex='0' class="map_btn mall">
<div class="sign"><svg viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M377.9 105.9L500.7 228.7c7.2 7.2 11.3 17.1 11.3 27.3s-4.1 20.1-11.3 27.3L377.9 406.1c-6.4 6.4-15 9.9-24 9.9c-18.7 0-33.9-15.2-33.9-33.9l0-62.1-128 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32l0-64c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32l128 0 0-62.1c0-18.7 15.2-33.9 33.9-33.9c9 0 17.6 3.6 24 9.9zM160 96L96 96c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32l0 256c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32l-64 0c-53 0-96-43-96-96L0 128C0 75 43 32 96 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32z"></path></svg>
<div class="text-map">Mall</div>
<button data-passage='Casino' tabindex='0' class="map_btn casino">
<div class="sign"><svg viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M377.9 105.9L500.7 228.7c7.2 7.2 11.3 17.1 11.3 27.3s-4.1 20.1-11.3 27.3L377.9 406.1c-6.4 6.4-15 9.9-24 9.9c-18.7 0-33.9-15.2-33.9-33.9l0-62.1-128 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32l0-64c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32l128 0 0-62.1c0-18.7 15.2-33.9 33.9-33.9c9 0 17.6 3.6 24 9.9zM160 96L96 96c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32l0 256c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32l-64 0c-53 0-96-43-96-96L0 128C0 75 43 32 96 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32z"></path></svg>
<div class="text-map">Casino</div>
<button data-passage='Univer' tabindex='0' class="map_btn univer">
<div class="sign"><svg viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M377.9 105.9L500.7 228.7c7.2 7.2 11.3 17.1 11.3 27.3s-4.1 20.1-11.3 27.3L377.9 406.1c-6.4 6.4-15 9.9-24 9.9c-18.7 0-33.9-15.2-33.9-33.9l0-62.1-128 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32l0-64c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32l128 0 0-62.1c0-18.7 15.2-33.9 33.9-33.9c9 0 17.6 3.6 24 9.9zM160 96L96 96c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32l0 256c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32l-64 0c-53 0-96-43-96-96L0 128C0 75 43 32 96 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32z"></path></svg>
<div class="text-map">University</div>
<button data-passage='Airport' tabindex='0' class="map_btn airport">
<div class="sign"><svg viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M377.9 105.9L500.7 228.7c7.2 7.2 11.3 17.1 11.3 27.3s-4.1 20.1-11.3 27.3L377.9 406.1c-6.4 6.4-15 9.9-24 9.9c-18.7 0-33.9-15.2-33.9-33.9l0-62.1-128 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32l0-64c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32l128 0 0-62.1c0-18.7 15.2-33.9 33.9-33.9c9 0 17.6 3.6 24 9.9zM160 96L96 96c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32l0 256c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32l-64 0c-53 0-96-43-96-96L0 128C0 75 43 32 96 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32z"></path></svg>
<div class="text-map">Airport</div>
</button><<else>><button data-passage='Brothel_Location' tabindex='0' class="map_btn_mobile brothel"><div class="text-map-mobile">Brothel</div>
<button data-passage='CafeWork_mia' tabindex='0' class="map_btn_mobile cafe"><div class="text-map-mobile">Cafe</div>
<button data-passage='The_Loft' tabindex='0' class="map_btn_mobile loft"><div class="text-map-mobile">Loft</div>
<button data-passage='House' tabindex='0' class="map_btn_mobile house"><div class="text-map-mobile">House</div>
<button data-passage='Park' tabindex='0' class="map_btn_mobile park"><div class="text-map-mobile">Park</div>
<button data-passage='Mall' tabindex='0' class="map_btn_mobile mall"><div class="text-map-mobile">Mall</div>
<button data-passage='Casino' tabindex='0' class="map_btn_mobile casino"><div class="text-map-mobile">Casino</div>
<button data-passage='Univer' tabindex='0' class="map_btn_mobile univer"><div class="text-map-mobile">University</div>
<button data-passage='Airport' tabindex='0' class="map_btn_mobile airport"><div class="text-map-mobile">Airport</div>
</div><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>function hideBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.add('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.add('stowed');
}hideBars();</script><</if>><<if $quests.quest_talk_family==true and $quests.quest_jack_cry==true and $quests.quest_ukrali==false>><<if $is_need_to_ukrast>5 and $mia.exp_cafe >9>><<goto Ukrali_quest_6>><</if>><</if>><<set $clothes_top_mia=$top_wear_saver>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia=$niz_wear_saver>><<set $canTravel =1>><<if $randomEventsActivator==true>>
<<set $random to random(100)>>
<<if $random>90>><<goto random_events>><</if>>
<<else>><</if>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>You walk into the kitchen. Spoons, knives, and pots and pans are everywhere! The oven is hot and ready. Food and forks are already on the table. You look at all the stuff and imagine the yummy food you'll cook today!<</st>>
<<flash "Food + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.food +=5>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<if $mia.food >10>><<set $mia.food = 10>><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>У вас не осталось сил ни на что, вам поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Спать|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Вы заходите на кухню. Повсюду ложки, ножи, кастрюли и сковородки! Духовка раскалена и готова. Еда и вилки уже на столе. Вы смотрите на все это и представляете, какую вкуснятину вы сегодня приготовите!<</st>>
<<flash "Еда + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.food +=5>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<if $mia.food >10>><<set $mia.food = 10>><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Sie haben keine Energie mehr, um irgendetwas zu tun, ein guter, fester Schlaf wird Ihnen helfen.<</st>>
<<button [[Schlaf|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Du betrittst die Küche. Überall liegen Löffel, Messer, Töpfe und Pfannen herum! Der Ofen ist heiß und bereit. Essen und Gabeln stehen schon auf dem Tisch. Du schaust dir all die Sachen an und stellst dir vor, was du heute leckeres Essen kochen wirst!<</st>>
<<flash "Essen + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.food +=5>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<if $mia.food >10>><<set $mia.food = 10>><</if>>
<<button[[Verlassen Sie|Kitchen]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Vous n'avez plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, un bon sommeil vous aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Vous entrez dans la cuisine. Il y a des cuillères, des couteaux, des casseroles et des poêles partout ! Le four est chaud et prêt. La nourriture et les fourchettes sont déjà sur la table. Tu regardes tout ce qu'il y a et tu imagines les délicieux plats que tu vas préparer aujourd'hui !<</st>>
<<flash "Alimentation + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.food +=5>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<if $mia.food >10>><<set $mia.food = 10>><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>No te queda energía para hacer nada, un buen sueño reparador te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Entras en la cocina. Hay cucharas, cuchillos, ollas y sartenes por todas partes. El horno está caliente y listo. La comida y los tenedores ya están en la mesa. Miras todas las cosas e imaginas la deliciosa comida que vas a preparar hoy.<</st>>
<<flash "Comida + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.food +=5>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<if $mia.food >10>><<set $mia.food = 10>><</if>>
<<button[[Sal de|Kitchen]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<button [[睡眠|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<flash "食品 + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.food +=5>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<if $mia.food >10>><<set $mia.food = 10>><</if>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.can_eat ==1>><<if $mia.food >0>><<st>>You take a bite of your food and feel good! Each mouthful gives you more energy, like a battery being recharged. You feel stronger and ready to take on anything. This yummy food fills you up and gives you the power to keep exploring the world!<</st>>
<<flash "Action + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Food - 1 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.can_eat = 0>><<set $mia.food-=1>><<set $mia.ac_c +=1>><<else>><<st>>After looking through the fridge, you realize there's no food ready to eat, perhaps you should make some?<</st>><</if>><<else>>
<<st>>You've already eaten today and you don't want any more.<</st>><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.can_eat ==1>><<if $mia.food >0>><<st>>Вы откусываете от еды и чувствуете себя хорошо! Каждый глоток дает вам больше энергии, как будто аккумулятор подзаряжается. Вы чувствуете себя сильнее и готовы взяться за что угодно. Эта вкусная еда наполняет вас и дает силы продолжать исследовать мир!<</st>>
<<flash "Очко действия + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Еда - 1 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.can_eat = 0>><<set $mia.food-=1>><<set $mia.ac_c +=1>><<else>><<st>>Заглянув в холодильник, вы понимаете, что там нет готовой еды, может быть, стоит ее приготовить?<</st>><</if>><<else>>
<<st>>Вы уже поели сегодня и больше не хотите.<</st>><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.can_eat ==1>><<if $mia.food >0>><<st>>Sie nehmen einen Bissen von Ihrem Essen und fühlen sich gut! Jeder Bissen gibt Ihnen mehr Energie, wie eine Batterie, die wieder aufgeladen wird. Du fühlst dich stärker und bist bereit, alles zu tun. Dieses leckere Essen macht dich satt und gibt dir die Kraft, weiter die Welt zu erkunden!<</st>>
<<flash "Aktion + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Essen - 1 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.can_eat = 0>><<set $mia.food-=1>><<set $mia.ac_c +=1>><<else>><<st>>Nachdem du in den Kühlschrank geschaut hast, stellst du fest, dass es kein fertiges Essen gibt, vielleicht solltest du etwas zubereiten?<</st>><</if>><<else>>
<<st>>Du hast heute schon gegessen und willst nicht noch mehr.<</st>><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.can_eat ==1>><<if $mia.food >0>><<st>>Vous prenez une bouchée de votre nourriture et vous vous sentez bien ! Chaque bouchée vous donne plus d'énergie, comme une batterie qui se recharge. Vous vous sentez plus fort et prêt à tout affronter. Ce délicieux repas vous remplit et vous donne la force de continuer à explorer le monde !<</st>>
<<flash "Action + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Alimentation - 1 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.can_eat = 0>><<set $mia.food-=1>><<set $mia.ac_c +=1>><<else>><<st>>Après avoir jeté un coup d'œil dans le réfrigérateur, vous vous rendez compte qu'il n'y a pas de nourriture prête à être consommée, peut-être devriez-vous en préparer ?<</st>><</if>><<else>>
<<st>>Tu as déjà mangé aujourd'hui et tu n'en veux plus.<</st>><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.can_eat ==1>><<if $mia.food >0>><<st>>Das un bocado a tu comida y te sientes bien. Cada bocado te da más energía, como una batería que se recarga. Te sientes más fuerte y preparado para enfrentarte a cualquier cosa. Esta deliciosa comida te llena y te da fuerzas para seguir explorando el mundo.<</st>>
<<flash "Acción + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Comida - 1 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.can_eat = 0>><<set $mia.food-=1>><<set $mia.ac_c +=1>><<else>><<st>>Después de echar un vistazo a la nevera, te das cuenta de que no hay comida lista para comer, ¿tal vez deberías preparar algo?<</st>><</if>><<else>>
<<st>>Ya has comido hoy y no quieres más.<</st>><</if>>
<<button[[Sal de|Kitchen]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.can_eat ==1>><<if $mia.food >0>><<st>>你吃一口食物,就会感觉良好! 每吃一口都能给你带来更多能量,就像电池在充电一样。你会感觉更有力量,准备好迎接一切挑战。美味的食物让你饱腹,给了你继续探索世界的力量!<</st>>
<<flash "行动 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "食品 - 1 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.can_eat = 0>><<set $mia.food-=1>><<set $mia.ac_c +=1>><<else>><<st>>翻了翻冰箱,你发现没有可以吃的食物,也许你应该做一些?<</st>><</if>><<else>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<if $mia.food >= 3>>
<<st>>You are sitting at the table in the cozy atmosphere of your home. The aroma of freshly cooked food fills the air, creating an atmosphere of comfort and warmth. There are friendly conversations about recent events, travels, and future plans. Family dinners have become a kind of meeting and news exchange, where each family member shares their impressions and experiences, creating a warm atmosphere.<</st>>
<<flash "Relationship mom and dad + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Food - 3">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<set $mia.food -=3>><<else>><<st>>Not enough cooked food, maybe it's time to cook something?<</st>><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>У вас не осталось сил ни на что, вам поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Спать|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<if $mia.food >= 3>>
<<st>>Вы сидите за столом в уютной обстановке своего дома. Аромат свежеприготовленной пищи наполняет воздух, создавая атмосферу уюта и тепла. Идут дружеские разговоры о последних событиях, путешествиях и планах на будущее. Семейные ужины стали своеобразным местом встреч и обмена новостями, где каждый член семьи делится своими впечатлениями и опытом, создавая теплую атмосферу.<</st>>
<<flash "Отношения мамы и папы + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Еда - 3">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<set $mia.food -=3>><<else>><<st>>Не хватает готовой еды, может, пора что-то приготовить?<</st>><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Sie haben keine Energie mehr, um irgendetwas zu tun, ein guter, fester Schlaf wird Ihnen helfen.<</st>>
<<button [[Schlaf|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<if $mia.food >= 3>>
<<st>>Sie sitzen am Tisch in der gemütlichen Atmosphäre Ihres Zuhauses. Der Duft von frisch gekochtem Essen erfüllt die Luft und schafft eine Atmosphäre der Behaglichkeit und Wärme. Es gibt freundliche Gespräche über die jüngsten Ereignisse, Reisen und Zukunftspläne. Das Familienessen ist zu einer Art Treffen und Austausch von Neuigkeiten geworden, bei dem jedes Familienmitglied seine Eindrücke und Erfahrungen mitteilt und so eine warme Atmosphäre schafft.<</st>>
<<flash "Beziehung Mama und Papa + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Lebensmittel - 3">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<set $mia.food -=3>><<else>><<st>>Nicht genug gekochtes Essen, vielleicht ist es an der Zeit, etwas zu kochen?<</st>><</if>>
<<button[[Verlassen Sie|Kitchen]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Vous n'avez plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, un bon sommeil vous aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Le sommeil|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<if $mia.food >= 3>>
<<st>>Vous êtes assis à table dans l'atmosphère chaleureuse de votre maison. L'arôme des plats fraîchement préparés emplit l'air, créant une atmosphère de confort et de chaleur. Les conversations amicales portent sur les événements récents, les voyages et les projets d'avenir. Les dîners en famille sont devenus une sorte de rencontre et d'échange de nouvelles, où chaque membre de la famille partage ses impressions et ses expériences, créant ainsi une atmosphère chaleureuse.<</st>>
<<flash "Relation maman et papa + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Alimentation - 3">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<set $mia.food -=3>><<else>><<st>>Il n'y a pas assez de plats cuisinés, il est peut-être temps de cuisiner quelque chose ?<</st>><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>No te queda energía para hacer nada, un buen sueño reparador te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<if $mia.food >= 3>>
<<st>>Estás sentado a la mesa en el ambiente acogedor de tu casa. El aroma de la comida recién hecha llena el aire, creando una atmósfera de confort y calidez. Hay conversaciones amistosas sobre acontecimientos recientes, viajes y planes futuros. Las cenas familiares se han convertido en una especie de reunión e intercambio de noticias, donde cada miembro de la familia comparte sus impresiones y experiencias, creando un ambiente cálido.<</st>>
<<flash "Relación mamá y papá + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Comida - 3">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<set $mia.food -=3>><<else>><<st>>No hay suficiente comida cocinada, ¿quizás es hora de cocinar algo?<</st>><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<button [[睡眠|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<if $mia.food >= 3>>
<<flash "爸妈关系 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "食品 - 3">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<set $mia.food -=3>><<else>><<st>>熟食不够吃,也许是时候做点什么了?<</st>><</if>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $is_need_shower == 0>><<st>>Mia's already showered today.<</st>>
<<button[[Leave|Bathroom]]>><</button>><<else>><<st>>When she takes shower, the flow of water washes over her body, washing away the fatigue and tension of the day. The warm water soothes her thoughts and the scents of the shower gel create an atmosphere of relaxation.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.showerWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/showerWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Action point + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.ac_c +=1>><<set $is_need_shower=0>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $is_need_shower == 0>><<st>>Миа уже приняла душ сегодня.<</st>>
<<button[[Уйти|Bathroom]]>><</button>><<else>><<st>>Когда она принимает душ, поток воды омывает её тело, смывая усталость и напряжение прошедшего дня. Теплая вода успокаивает её мысли, а ароматы геля для душа создают атмосферу расслабления.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.showerWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/showerWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Очко действия + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.ac_c +=1>><<set $is_need_shower=0>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $is_need_shower == 0>><<st>>Mia hat sich heute schon geduscht.<</st>>
<<button[[Verlassen|Bathroom]]>><</button>><<else>><<st>>Während sie duscht, fließt das Wasser über ihren Körper und wäscht die Müdigkeit und Anspannung des Tages weg. Das warme Wasser beruhigt ihre Gedanken, und die Düfte des Duschgels schaffen eine entspannte Atmosphäre.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.showerWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/showerWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Aktionspunkt + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.ac_c +=1>><<set $is_need_shower=0>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $is_need_shower == 0>><<st>>Mia a déjà pris une douche aujourd'hui.<</st>>
<<button[[Partir|Bathroom]]>><</button>><<else>><<st>>Lorsqu'elle prend sa douche, l'eau coule sur son corps, éliminant la fatigue et la tension de la journée. L'eau chaude apaise ses pensées et les parfums du gel douche créent une atmosphère de détente..<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.showerWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/showerWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Point d'action + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.ac_c +=1>><<set $is_need_shower=0>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $is_need_shower == 0>><<st>>Mia ya se ha duchado hoy.<</st>>
<<button[[Vete|Bathroom]]>><</button>><<else>><<st>>Cuando se ducha, el chorro de agua baña su cuerpo y elimina el cansancio y la tensión del día. El agua caliente calma sus pensamientos y los aromas del gel de ducha crean una atmósfera de relajación.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.showerWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/showerWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Punto de acción + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.ac_c +=1>><<set $is_need_shower=0>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $is_need_shower == 0>><<st>>米娅今天已经洗过澡了。<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.showerWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/showerWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "行动点 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.ac_c +=1>><<set $is_need_shower=0>>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $bought_room.parents== 0>><<st>>Buying this room will allow Mia to interact with her father and mother.<</st>><<if $mia.money>499>>
<<linkreplace "Buy this room for 500$">><<flash "Money - 500">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $bought_room.parents = 1>><<set $mia.money -= 500>><<goto House>><</linkreplace>><<else>>
<<link "500$ needed">><</link>><</if>><</if>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
<<case "RU">>
<<if $bought_room.parents== 0>><<st>>Купив эту комнату, Мия сможет взаимодействовать со своими отцом и матерью.<</st>><<if $mia.money>499>>
<<linkreplace "Купить эту комнату за 500$">><<flash "Деньги - 500">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $bought_room.parents = 1>><<set $mia.money -= 500>><<goto House>><</linkreplace>><<else>>
<<link "500$ нужно">><</link>><</if>><</if>>
<<button[[Уйти|House]]>><</button>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
<<case "GE">>
<<if $bought_room.parents== 0>><<st>>Wenn Mia dieses Zimmer kauft, wird sie in der Lage sein, mit ihrem Vater und ihrer Mutter zu interagieren.<</st>><<if $mia.money>499>>
<<linkreplace "Kaufen dieses Zimmer für 500 $.">><<flash "Geld - 500">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $bought_room.parents = 1>><<set $mia.money -= 500>><<goto House>><</linkreplace>><<else>>
<<link "500 $ benötigt">><</link>><</if>><</if>>
<<button[[Verlassen|House]]>><</button>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
<<case "FR">>
<<if $bought_room.parents== 0>><<st>>L'achat de cette pièce permettra à Mia d'interagir avec son père et sa mère.<</st>><<if $mia.money>499>>
<<linkreplace "Acheter cette chambre pour 500$">><<flash "Money - 500">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $bought_room.parents = 1>><<set $mia.money -= 500>><<goto House>><</linkreplace>><<else>>
<<link "500$ nécessaire">><</link>><</if>><</if>>
<<button[[Partir|House]]>><</button>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
<<case "ES">>
<<if $bought_room.parents== 0>><<st>>Comprar esta habitación permitirá a Mia relacionarse con su padre y su madre.и<</st>><<if $mia.money>499>>
<<linkreplace "Compre esta habitación por 500$">><<flash "Dinero - 500">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $bought_room.parents = 1>><<set $mia.money -= 500>><<goto House>><</linkreplace>><<else>>
<<link "500$ necesario">><</link>><</if>><</if>>
<<button[[Vete|House]]>><</button>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
<<case "CH">>
<<if $bought_room.parents== 0>><<st>>购买这个房间可以让米娅与父亲和母亲互动。<</st>><<if $mia.money>499>>
<<linkreplace "以 500 美元购买此房间">><<flash "金钱 - 500">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $bought_room.parents = 1>><<set $mia.money -= 500>><<goto House>><</linkreplace>><<else>>
<<link "500$ 用得上">><</link>><</if>><</if>>
<<button[[走开|House]]>><</button>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>This location will be available in future updates.
Did you enjoy the game and want more content? Support us!
Stay tuned for updates, share your comments and ideas. We'd love to hear your feedback!
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Эта локация будет доступна в будущих обновлениях.
Вам понравилась игра и вы хотите больше контента? Поддержите нас!
Следите за обновлениями, делитесь своими комментариями и идеями. Мы будем рады услышать ваши отзывы!
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<button [[Уйти|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Diese Location wird in zukünftigen Updates verfügbar sein.
Hat dir das Spiel gefallen und möchtest du mehr Inhalte? Unterstütze uns!
Bleib dran für Updates, teile deine Kommentare und Ideen. Wir würden gerne dein Feedback hören!
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<button [[Verlassen|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Cet lieu sera disponible dans les prochaines mises à jour.
Vous avez aimé le jeu et vous voulez plus de contenu ? Soutenez-nous !
Restez à l'écoute des mises à jour, partagez vos commentaires et vos idées. Nous sommes ravis d'entendre vos commentaires !
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<button [[Partir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Esta ubicación estará disponible en futuras actualizaciones.
¿Te ha gustado el juego y quieres más contenido? ¡Apóyanos!
Mantente atento a las actualizaciones, comparte tus comentarios e ideas. Nos encantará recibir tus comentarios.
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<button [[Vete|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<button [[走开|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>''For every 50 fitness Mia gets +1 actions''<</st>>
<<st>>When Mia works out, she gives her body the fuel it needs to deal with challenges. She is really committed to her training routine and gives each activity her all. Maintaining a healthy weight and regular exercise routine becomes second nature.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.yogaWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/yogaWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.muscles>>
<<flash `"Your fitness +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp +1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -= 1>>
<<button[[Leave|Living room]]>><</button>><<set $clothes_top_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d161.png'>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d162.png'>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>У тебя не осталось сил ни на что, тебе поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Спать|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>''За каждые 50 очков фитнеса Мия получает +1 действие''<</st>>
<<st>>Когда Миа тренируется, она дает своему телу топливо, необходимое для преодоления трудностей. Она по-настоящему предана своему режиму тренировок и выкладывается на полную. Поддержание здорового веса и регулярные тренировки становятся для неё второй натурой.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.yogaWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/yogaWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.muscles>>
<<flash `"Фитнесс + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -= 1>>
<<button[[Ещё раз|Yoga]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Уйти|Living room]]>><</button>><<set $clothes_top_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d161.png'>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d162.png'>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Dir geht die Energie aus, eine gute und solide Schlaf wird dir helfen.<</st>>
<<button [[Schlafen|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>''Für jede Steigerung von 50 Fitness bekommt Mia +1 Aktionen.''<</st>>
<<st>>Wenn Mia trainiert, gibt sie ihrem Körper den nötigen Boost, um Herausforderungen zu meistern. Sie ist wirklich voll dabei bei ihrem Trainingsprogramm und gibt jede Übung ihr Bestes. Ein gesundes Gewicht und regelmäßige Bewegung sind für sie ganz normal.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.yogaWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/yogaWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.muscles>>
<<flash `"Your fitness +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -= 1>>
<<button[[Verlassen|Living room]]>><</button>><<set $clothes_top_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d161.png'>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d162.png'>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Tu n'as plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, une bonne nuit de sommeil t'aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Partir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>''Pour chaque tranche de 50 de condition physique, Mia obtient +1 actions''<</st>>
<<st>>Lorsque Mia s'entraîne, elle donne à son corps le carburant dont il a besoin pour relever les défis. Elle s'engage à fond dans son programme d'entraînement et donne le meilleur d'elle-même à chaque activité. Le maintien d'un poids santé et d'une routine d'exercice régulière devient une seconde nature.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.yogaWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/yogaWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.muscles>>
<<flash `"Fitness + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -= 1>>
<<button[[Partir|Living room]]>><</button>><<set $clothes_top_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d161.png'>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d162.png'>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>No te queda energía para hacer nada, un buen sueño reparador te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>''Por cada 50 de forma física Mia obtiene +1 acciones''<</st>>
<<st>>Cuando Mia hace ejercicio, le da a su cuerpo el combustible que necesita para enfrentarse a los retos. Está realmente comprometida con su rutina de entrenamiento y da lo mejor de sí misma en cada actividad. Mantener un peso saludable y una rutina de ejercicio regular se convierte en algo natural.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.yogaWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/yogaWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.muscles>>
<<flash `"Fitness +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -= 1>>
<<button[[Vete|Living room]]>><</button>><<set $clothes_top_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d161.png'>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d162.png'>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<button [[走开|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>''每 50 次健身,米娅的行动次数就会+1 次''<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.yogaWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/yogaWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.muscles>>
<<flash `"健身 + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -= 1>>
<<button[[走开|Living room]]>><</button>><<set $clothes_top_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d161.png'>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d162.png'>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Mia stares at the TV screen, scrolling through the movie choices. With so many to pick from, she wonders which one would be fun to watch tonight.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor>49>><<button [[Watch Porn|Watch_porn]]>><</button>><<else>><<link "Watch Porn (50 corr needed)">><</link>><</if>>
<<button [[Watch TV with family|Watch_TV_with_family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Living room]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>У тебя не осталось сил ни на что, тебе поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Спать|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Мия смотрит на экран телевизора, прокручивая варианты фильмов. В мире так много фильмов, и она размышляет, какой из них будет интересно посмотреть сегодня вечером.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor>49>><<button [[Смотреть порно|Watch_porn]]>><</button>><<else>><<link "Смотреть порно (требуется 50 корр.)">><</link>><</if>>
<<button [[Семейный просмотр|Watch_TV_with_family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Уйти|Living room]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Dir geht die Energie aus, eine gute und solide Schlaf wird dir helfen.<</st>>
<<button [[Schlafen|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Mia glotzt auf den Fernseher und checkt die Filmoptionen. Mit so vielen zur Auswahl fragt sie sich, welcher heute Abend gut wäre.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor>49>><<button [[Pornos anzuschauen|Watch_porn]]>><</button>><<else>><<link "Pornos anzuschauen (50 Korr. erforderlich)">><</link>><</if>>
<<button [[mit der Familie fernsehen|Watch_TV_with_family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Verlassen|Living room]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Tu n'as plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, une bonne nuit de sommeil t'aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Mia regarde fixement l'écran de télévision, faisant défiler les choix de films. Elle se demande lequel serait le plus amusant à regarder ce soir.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor>49>><<button [[Regarder du porno|Watch_porn]]>><</button>><<else>><<link "Regarder du porno (50 corruption nécessaires)">><</link>><</if>>
<<button [[Regarder la TV avec la famille|Watch_TV_with_family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Partir|Living room]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>No te queda energía para hacer nada, un buen sueño reparador te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Mia mira fijamente la pantalla del televisor, desplazándose por las opciones de películas. Con tantas para elegir, se pregunta cuál sería divertida para ver esta noche.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor>49>><<button [[Ver porno|Watch_porn]]>><</button>><<else>><<link "Ver porno (50 corr necesarios)">><</link>><</if>>
<<button [[Ver la televisión en familia|Watch_TV_with_family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Deja|Living room]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<button [[睡眠|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<if $mia.cor>49>><<button [[观看色情|Watch_porn]]>><</button>><<else>><<link "观看色情电影(需要 50 个字幕)">><</link>><</if>>
<<button [[与家人一起看电视|Watch_TV_with_family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[走开|Living room]]>><</button>><</if>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>When Mia cleans her home, her hands move rhythmically, removing dust and giving her space a fresh feel. The sounds of the vacuum cleaner fill the house, making it clean. Her home is transformed, becoming a cozy and tidy place to live.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.clean)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/clean/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<set $random to random(100)>><<if $random >70>>
<<mia>>Oh no, I think I'm stuck! HELLO! CAN SOMEONE HELP ME?! I'M STUCK HERE!<</mia>>
<<un>>Today is my lucky day.<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.stuckWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/stuckWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<button[[Leave|Living room]]>><</button>><<set $clothes_top_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d171.png'>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d172.png'>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>У тебя не осталось сил ни на что, тебе поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Спать|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Когда Мия убирается в доме, её руки ритмично двигаются, удаляя пыль и придавая помещению свежесть. Звуки пылесоса наполняют дом, делая его чистым. Дом преображается, становясь уютным и опрятным местом для жизни.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.clean)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/clean/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<set $random to random(100)>><<if $random >70>>
<<mia>>О нет, кажется, я застряла! ЕЙ! КТО-НИБУДЬ МОЖЕТ МНЕ ПОМОЧЬ?! Я ЗАСТРЯЛА ТУТ!<</mia>>
<<un>>Сегодня мой счастливый день.<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.stuckWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/stuckWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<button[[Уйти|Living room]]>><</button>><<set $clothes_top_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d171.png'>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d172.png'>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Dir geht die Energie aus, eine gute und solide Schlaf wird dir helfen.<</st>>
<<button [[Schlafen|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Wenn Mia ihr Zuhause putzt, bewegen sich ihre Hände rhythmisch, entfernen Staub und verleihen ihrem Raum eine frische Atmosphäre. Die Geräusche des Staubsaugers erfüllen das Haus und machen es sauber. Ihr Zuhause verwandelt sich und wird zu einem gemütlichen und ordentlichen Ort zum Leben.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.clean)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/clean/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<set $random to random(100)>><<if $random >70>>
<<mia>>Oh nein, ich glaube, ich stecke fest! HALLO! KANN MIR JEMAND HELFEN?! ICH STECKE HIER FEST!<</mia>>
<<un>>Heute ist mein Glückstag.<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.stuckWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/stuckWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<button[[Verlassen|Living room]]>><</button>><<set $clothes_top_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d171.png'>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d172.png'>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Tu n'as plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, une bonne nuit de sommeil t'aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Partir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Lorsque Mia nettoie sa maison, ses mains bougent en rythme, enlevant la poussière et donnant à son espace une sensation de fraîcheur. Le bruit de l'aspirateur remplit la maison, la rendant propre. Sa maison est transformée, devenant un endroit confortable et bien rangé où il fait bon vivre<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.clean)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/clean/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<set $random to random(100)>><<if $random >70>>
<<mia>>Oh non, je crois que je suis coincé ! HELLO ! QUELQU'UN PEUT-IL M'AIDER ?! JE SUIS COINCÉ ICI !<</mia>>
<<un>>Aujourd'hui, c'est mon jour de chance.<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.stuckWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/stuckWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<button[[Partir|Living room]]>><</button>><<set $clothes_top_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d171.png'>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d172.png'>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>No te queda energía para hacer nada, un buen sueño reparador te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Cuando Mia limpia su casa, sus manos se mueven rítmicamente, quitando el polvo y dando a su espacio una sensación de frescura. El sonido de la aspiradora llena la casa, dejándola limpia. Su hogar se transforma, convirtiéndose en un lugar acogedor y ordenado para vivir.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.clean)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/clean/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<set $random to random(100)>><<if $random >70>>
<<mia>>¡Oh no, creo que estoy atascado! ¡HOLA! ¡¿ALGUIEN PUEDE AYUDARME?! ¡ESTOY ATASCADO AQUI!<</mia>>
<<un>>Hoy es mi día de suerte.<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.stuckWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/stuckWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<button[[Vete|Living room]]>><</button>><<set $clothes_top_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d171.png'>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d172.png'>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<button [[睡眠|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.clean)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/clean/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<set $random to random(100)>><<if $random >70>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.stuckWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/stuckWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<button[[走开|Living room]]>><</button>><<set $clothes_top_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d171.png'>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d172.png'>>
<</switch>><div class="mom-main-cont"><div class="mom-cont-buttons"><div class="mom-cont-button green"><div class="mom-cont-button-half green"><div class="mom-button"><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<if $parents.dad.music==1>><<button[[Music|Father_d1_music]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>>
<<if $parents.dad.mp4ies==1>><<button[[Movies|Father_d1_movies]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>>
</div><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<if $parents.dad.science==1>><<button[[Science|Father_d1_science]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>>
<<if $parents.dad.technology==1>><<button[[Technology|Father_d1_technology]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>></div></div></div><div class="mom-cont-button-half green"><div class="mom-button"><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<if $parents.dad.drunkenness==1>><<button[[Drunkenness|Father_a1_drunkenness]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>>
<<if $parents.dad.daddy_opinion==1>><<button[[Opinion|Father_a1_daddy_opinion]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>>
<<if $parents.dad.massage==1>><<button[[Massage|Father_a1_massage]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>></div><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<if $parents.dad.help_request==1>><<button[[Get Help|Father_a1_help_request]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>>
<<if $parents.dad.joint_training==1>><<button[[Training|Father_a1_joint_training]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>>
<<if $parents.dad.cleaning==1>><<button[[Cleaning|Father_a1_cleaning]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>></div></div></div></div><<if $dad.cor>20 and $dad.relation>20>><div class="mom-cont-button orange"><div class="mom-cont-button-half orange"><div class="mom-button"><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<if $parents.dad.yoga==1>><<button[[Yoga|Father_d2_yoga]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>>
<<if $parents.dad.cooking==1>><<button[[Cooking|Father_d2_cooking]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>></div><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<if $parents.dad.fixing==1>><<button[[Cars|Father_d2_fixing]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>>
<<if $parents.dad.evening==1>><<button[[Jogging|Father_d2_evening]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>></div></div></div><div class="mom-cont-button-half orange"><div class="mom-button"><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<if $parents.dad.show==1>><<button[[Show|Father_a2_show]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>>
<<if $parents.dad.new_dress==1>><<button[[Dress|Father_a2_new_dress]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>></div><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<if $parents.dad.hot==1>><<button[[Hot|Father_a2_hot]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>></div></div></div></div><<else>><div class="mom-cont-button orange"><div class="mom-cont-button-half orange blurred-div"><div class="mom-button"><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<button Yoga>><</button>>
<<button Cooking>><</button>></div><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<button Cars>><</button>>
<<button Jogging>><</button>></div></div></div><div class="mom-cont-button-half orange blurred-div"><div class="mom-button"><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<button Show>><</button>>
<<button Dress>><</button>></div><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<button Hot>><</button>></div></div></div></div><</if>><<if $dad.cor>50 and $dad.relation>50 and $quests.quest_daddys_little_secret==true>><div class="mom-cont-button orange"><div class="mom-cont-button-half orange"><div class="mom-button"><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<if $parents.dad.bath==1>><<button[[Bath|Father_d3_bath]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>>
<<if $parents.dad.bdsm==1>><<button[[Bdsm|Father_d2_bdsm]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>></div><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<if $parents.dad.phone==1>><<button[[Phone|Father_d2_phone]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>>
<<if $parents.dad.car==1>><<button[[Car|Father_d2_car]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>></div></div></div><div class="mom-cont-button-half orange"><div class="mom-button"><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<if $parents.dad.night_sex==1>><<button[[Night Sex|Father_a2_night_sex]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>>
<<if $parents.dad.coach_sex==1>><<button[[Coach|Father_a2_coach]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>></div><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<if $parents.dad.kitchen_suck==1>><<button[[Kitchen|Father_a2_kitchen]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>><<if $parents.dad.help_sex==1>><<button[[Help|Father_a2_help_sex]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>></div></div></div></div><<else>><div class="mom-cont-button red"><div class="mom-cont-button-half red blurred-div"><div class="mom-button"><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<button Bath>><</button>>
<<button Bdsm>><</button>></div><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<button Phone>><</button>>
<<button Car>><</button>></div></div></div><div class="mom-cont-button-half red blurred-div"><div class="mom-button"><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<button Night>><</button>>
<<button Coach>><</button>></div><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<button Kitchen>><</button>>
<<button Help>><</button>></div></div></div></div><</if>></div><div class="mom-cont-stats"><div class="mom-cont-photo"><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/images/dad.jpg">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]</div><div class="statistic"><div class="square-mom">
<div class="text-top" style="color: #969696;">Father Corruption</div>
<div class="text-middle" style="font-weight: bold;">$dad.cor</div>
<div class="progress-bar-container">
<progress class="progress-bar mom" @value="$dad.cor" style="accent-color:#FF4040;" min="0" max="200"></progress></div>
</div><div class="square-mom">
<div class="text-top" style="color: #969696;">Father Relationship</div>
<div class="text-middle" style="font-weight: bold;">$dad.relation</div>
<div class="progress-bar-container">
<progress class="progress-bar mom" @value="$dad.relation" style="accent-color:#FF4040;" min="0" max="200"></progress></div>
</div><div class="square-mom">
<div class="text-top" style="color: #969696;">Father Lust</div>
<div class="text-middle" style="font-weight: bold;">$dad.lust</div>
<div class="progress-bar-container">
<progress class="progress-bar mom" @value="$dad.lust" style="accent-color:#FF4040;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div>
<<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen==true and $quests.quest_father_2==false>><<goto 19_quest_father_2>><</if>><<if $quests.quest_jack_2==true and $quests.quest_unexpected_connection==false>><<goto quest_unexpected_connection>><</if>><<if $quests.quest_casino_adventure==true and $quests.quest_persistent_desire==false>><<goto quest_persistent_desire>><</if>><<if $quests.quest_last_sex==true and $quests.quest_room_secrets==false>><<goto quest_room_secrets>><</if>><<if $dad.lust>100>><<set $dad.lust=100>><</if>><<if $dad.cor>200>><<set $dad.cor=200>><</if>><<if $dad.relation>200>><<set $dad.relation=200>><</if>>
<<if $quests.quest_room_secrets==true>><<button [[Where`s Daddy?|Where`s Daddy?]]>><</button>><<else>><<button "Complete 30 quests 🤟">><</button>><</if>>
<<button [[Leave|House]]>><</button>><<set $canTravel =1>><div class="mom-main-cont"><div class="mom-cont-buttons"><div class="mom-cont-button green"><div class="mom-cont-button-half green"><div class="mom-button"><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<if $parents.mom.books==1>><<button[[Books|Mom_d1_books]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>>
<<if $parents.mom.cooking==1>><<button[[Cooking|Mom_d1_cooking]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>>
</div><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<if $parents.mom.nature==1>><<button[[Nature|Mom_d1_nature]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>>
<<if $parents.mom.gardening==1>><<button[[Gardening|Mom_d1_gardening]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>></div></div></div><div class="mom-cont-button-half green"><div class="mom-button"><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<if $parents.mom.peeping==1>><<button[[Peeping|Mom_a1_peeping]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>>
<<if $parents.mom.drinking_together==1>><<button[[Drinking|Mom_a1_drinking]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>><<if $parents.mom.photos==1>><<button[[Photo|Mom_a1_photo]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>></div><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<if $parents.mom.unexpected_cooking==1>><<button[[Cooking|Mom_a1_cooking]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>>
<<if $parents.mom.laundry==1>><<button[[Laundry|Mom_a1_laundry]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>></div></div></div></div><<if $mom.cor>20 and $mom.relation>20>><div class="mom-cont-button orange"><div class="mom-cont-button-half orange"><div class="mom-button"><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<if $parents.mom.gardening_2==1>><<button[[Gardening|Mom_d2_gardening_2]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>>
<<if $parents.mom.shopping==1>><<button[[Shopping|Mom_d2_shopping]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>></div><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<if $parents.mom.watching==1>><<button[[Movie|Mom_d2_watching]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>>
<<if $parents.mom.beauty==1>><<button[[Beauty|Mom_d2_beauty]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>></div></div></div><div class="mom-cont-button-half orange"><div class="mom-button"><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<if $parents.mom.touch_tits==1>><<button[[Tits|Mom_a2_touch_tits]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>>
<<if $parents.mom.slap==1>><<button[[Slap|Mom_a2_slap]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>></div><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<if $parents.mom.photo_shoot==1>><<button[[Photo|Mom_a2_photo_shoot]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>><<if $parents.mom.bathroom==1>><<button[[Bathroom|Mom_a2_bathroom]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>></div></div></div></div><<else>><div class="mom-cont-button orange"><div class="mom-cont-button-half orange blurred-div"><div class="mom-button"><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<button Gardening>><</button>>
<<button Shopping>><</button>></div><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<button Movie>><</button>>
<<button Beauty>><</button>></div></div></div><div class="mom-cont-button-half orange blurred-div"><div class="mom-button"><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<button Tits>><</button>>
<<button Slap>><</button>></div><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<button Photo>><</button>> <<button Bathroom>><</button>></div></div></div></div><</if>><<if $mom.cor>50 and $mom.relation>50 and $quests.quest_family_ties_redefined==true>><div class="mom-cont-button orange"><div class="mom-cont-button-half orange"><div class="mom-button"><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<if $parents.mom.lift==1>><<button[[Elevator|Mom_d3_lift]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>>
<<if $parents.mom.laundry_two==1>><<button[[Laundry|Mom_d3_laundry]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>></div><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<if $parents.mom.pool==1>><<button[[Pool|Mom_d3_pool]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>>
<<if $parents.mom.passion==1>><<button[[Passion|Mom_d3_passion]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>></div></div></div><div class="mom-cont-button-half orange"><div class="mom-button"><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<if $parents.mom.video==1>><<button[[Video|Mom_a3_video]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>>
<<if $parents.mom.forgotten_towel==1>><<button[[Towel|Mom_a3_forgotten_towel]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>><<if $parents.mom.helping_mom==1>><<button[[Helping mom|Mom_a3_helping_mom]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>></div><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<if $parents.mom.bathing_together==1>><<button[[Bathing|Mom_a3_bathing_together]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>><<if $parents.mom.naked_mom==1>><<button[[Naked mom|Mom_a3_naked_mom]]>><</button>><<else>>@@.parents-done;<<button 🔒>><</button>>@@<</if>></div></div></div></div><<else>><div class="mom-cont-button orange"><div class="mom-cont-button-half orange blurred-div"><div class="mom-button"><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<button Elevator>><</button>>
<<button Laundry>><</button>></div><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<button Pool>><</button>>
<<button Passion>><</button>></div></div></div><div class="mom-cont-button-half orange blurred-div"><div class="mom-button"><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<button Video>><</button>>
<<button Towel>><</button>> <<button Helping>><</button>></div><div class="mom-double-half-cont"><<button Bathing>><</button>> <<button Naked>><</button>></div></div></div></div><</if>></div><div class="mom-cont-stats"><div class="mom-cont-photo"><<set $imagechoice to random(4)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/images/mom/" + $imagechoice + ".jpeg">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]</div><div class="statistic"><div class="square-mom">
<div class="text-top" style="color: #969696;">Mother Corruption</div>
<div class="text-middle" style="font-weight: bold;">$mom.cor</div>
<div class="progress-bar-container">
<progress class="progress-bar mom" @value="$mom.cor" style="accent-color:#FF4040;" min="0" max="200"></progress></div>
</div><div class="square-mom">
<div class="text-top" style="color: #969696;">Mother Relationship</div>
<div class="text-middle" style="font-weight: bold;">$mom.relation</div>
<div class="progress-bar-container">
<progress class="progress-bar mom" @value="$mom.relation" style="accent-color:#FF4040;" min="0" max="200"></progress></div>
</div><div class="square-mom">
<div class="text-top" style="color: #969696;">Mother Lust</div>
<div class="text-middle" style="font-weight: bold;">$mom.lust</div>
<div class="progress-bar-container">
<progress class="progress-bar mom" @value="$mom.lust" style="accent-color:#FF4040;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div>
<<if $quests.quest_mother_1 == false and $quests.quest_wallet ==true and $bought_room.parents == 1>><<button[[Talk with mother|Mother_quest_1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $quests.quest_mother_1==true and $quests.quest_univer_3==true and $quests.quest_maman_2==false>><<goto Mother_quest_2>><</if>><<if $quests.quest_unexpected_connection==true and $quests.quest_awkward_talk==false>><<goto quest_awkward_talk>><</if>><<if $quests.quest_room_secrets==true and $quests.quest_close_call==false>><<goto quest_close_call>><</if>>
<<if $mom.lust>100>><<set $mom.lust=100>><</if>><<if $mom.cor>200>><<set $mom.cor=200>><</if>><<if $mom.relation>200>><<set $mom.relation=200>><</if>>
<<if $quests.quest_close_call==true>><<button[[Where`s Mommy?|Where`s Mommy?]]>><</button>><<else>><<button "Complete 31 quests 🤟">><</button>><</if>>
<<button[[Leave|Parents room]]>><</button>><<set $canTravel =1>><<if $quests.brothel_place_1==true and $quests.brothel_place_2==false>><<goto Brothel_Place_2>><</if>><<if $quests.quest_casino_adventure==true and $quests.brothel_other_1==false>><<goto Brothel_Other_1>><</if>><<if $quests.quest_last_sex==false and $quests.quest_persistent_desire==true>><<goto quest_last_sex>><</if>><<if $quests.quest_talk_family == false>><<goto cafe_closed_quest>><</if>><<if $quests.quest_return_to_room==true and $quests.quest_go_to_cafe==false>><<goto 8_quest_go_to_cafe>><</if>><<if $quests.quest_univer_2==true and $quests.quest_working==false and $need_to_work>4>><<goto 9_quest_working>><</if>><<if $quests.quest_working==true and $quests.quest_go_to_boss==false and $need_to_work>9>><<goto 10_quest_go_to_boss>><</if>><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_2==true and $quests.quest_cafe_elein==false>><<goto 12_quest_cafe_elein>><</if>>
<div class="container_cafe_main"><div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>Work exp</p></div><div class="progress exp_cafe"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$mia.exp_cafe" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$mia.exp_cafe</p></div></div><div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>Boss Mood</p></div><div class="progress exp_cafe"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$boss.mood" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$boss.mood</p></div></div><div class="container_cafe_exp"><div class="exp_cafe"><p>Clients</p></div><div class="progress exp_cafe"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$client.number" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div><div class="current_exp_cafe"><p>$client.number</p></div></div></div><<if $is_cafe_closed >0>><<goto cafe_closed>><<elseif $is_need_find_work == 0 and $quests.quest_talk_family==true>><<goto FindWork>><<else>><<if $cafe_map==0>><svg viewBox="0 0 1470 720" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<image width="1470" height="720" href="0.2.6/backgrounds/cafe_with_toilet_boss.png" />
<a data-passage="City">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 220.66991,610.64068 188.11205,-0.36177 1.08527,70.54202 -188.11206,-0.36174 z" />
</a><a data-passage="Toilet">
<path class="clickable-area" d="M 488.06388,68.042448 487.55228,233.79999 355.24238,299.89404 218.45207,231.7536 217.42887,68.554044 351.97899,1.0231947 Z" />
</a><a data-passage="Waitress">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 354.79275,463.25141 -0.7674,-162.94377 254.5197,-130.71312 512.36475,256.82187 V 591.66233 L 866.03897,719.52862 Z" />
</a><a data-passage="Boss">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 988.67356,198.60292 133.84894,-66.20097 132.402,66.20097 0.7235,161.34227 -133.849,66.92448 -133.12544,-67.28624 z" />
</a></svg><<elseif $cafe_map==1>><svg viewBox="0 0 1470 720" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<image width="1470" height="720" href="0.2.6/backgrounds/cafe_with_toilet_boss_street.png" />
<a data-passage="City">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 220.66991,610.64068 188.11205,-0.36177 1.08527,70.54202 -188.11206,-0.36174 z" />
</a><a data-passage="Toilet">
<path class="clickable-area" d="M 488.06388,68.042448 487.55228,233.79999 355.24238,299.89404 218.45207,231.7536 217.42887,68.554044 351.97899,1.0231947 Z" />
</a><a data-passage="Waitress">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 354.79275,463.25141 -0.7674,-162.94377 254.5197,-130.71312 512.36475,256.82187 V 591.66233 L 866.03897,719.52862 Z" />
</a><a data-passage="Boss">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 988.67356,198.60292 133.84894,-66.20097 132.402,66.20097 0.7235,161.34227 -133.849,66.92448 -133.12544,-67.28624 z" />
</a><a data-passage="Attract">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 1254.2009,656.22167 136.3207,-67.88473 -1.5348,-161.15316 -133.0153,-66.50765 -134.5501,67.01925 1.0232,162.17635 z" />
</a></svg><<elseif $cafe_map==2>><svg viewBox="0 0 1470 720" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<image width="1470" height="720" href="0.2.6/backgrounds/cafe_with_toilet_boss_street_pj.png" />
<a data-passage="City">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 220.66991,610.64068 188.11205,-0.36177 1.08527,70.54202 -188.11206,-0.36174 z" />
</a><a data-passage="Toilet">
<path class="clickable-area" d="M 488.06388,68.042448 487.55228,233.79999 355.24238,299.89404 218.45207,231.7536 217.42887,68.554044 351.97899,1.0231947 Z" />
</a><a data-passage="Waitress">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 354.79275,463.25141 -0.7674,-162.94377 254.5197,-130.71312 512.36475,256.82187 V 591.66233 L 866.03897,719.52862 Z" />
</a><a data-passage="Boss">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 988.67356,198.60292 133.84894,-66.20097 132.402,66.20097 0.7235,161.34227 -133.849,66.92448 -133.12544,-67.28624 z" />
</a><a data-passage="Attract">
<path class="clickable-area" d="m 1254.2009,656.22167 136.3207,-67.88473 -1.5348,-161.15316 -133.0153,-66.50765 -134.5501,67.01925 1.0232,162.17635 z" />
</a><a data-passage="PJ">
<path class="clickable-area" d="M 219.94641,529.6078 354.51888,461.59806 353.79538,297.36174 221.13795,231.7536 86.097442,298.80877 85.735688,463.40683 Z" /></a></svg><</if>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>function hideBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.add('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.add('stowed');
}hideBars();</script><</if>><</if>><<if $mia.exp_cafe >19 and $counter_of_povishenie==0>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss = 1>><<elseif $mia.exp_cafe >39 and $counter_of_povishenie==1>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss = 1>><<elseif $mia.exp_cafe >59 and $counter_of_povishenie==2>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss = 1>><<elseif $mia.exp_cafe >79 and $counter_of_povishenie==3>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss = 1>><<elseif $mia.exp_cafe >99 and $counter_of_povishenie==4>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss = 1>><</if>><<if $is_need_to_the_boss == 1>>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('a[data-passage="Boss"] path.clickable-area').removeClass('clickable-area').addClass('clickable-area need_to_the_boss');
<</if>><<if $counter_of_povishenie ==0>><<set $clothes_top_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/of2_v.png'>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/of2_n.png'>><<elseif $counter_of_povishenie ==1>><<set $clothes_top_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/of3_v.png'>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/of3_n.png'>><<elseif $counter_of_povishenie ==3>><<set $clothes_top_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/of4_v.png'>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/of4_n.png'>><<elseif $counter_of_povishenie>3>><<set $clothes_top_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/of4_v.png'>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/of4_n.png'>><</if>><<set $canTravel =1>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.cor >149 and $client.number>49>>
<<button [[Toilet sex|Toilet_Events]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<link "Toilet sex. (Corruption >150 and Clients >50)">><</link>><</if>><<if $mia.cor >149 and $client.number>49>>
<<button [[GloryHole|Toilet_GloryHall]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<link "GloryHole. (Corruption >150 and Clients >50)">><</link>><</if>>
<<button [[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.cor >149 and $client.number>49>>
<<button [[Секс в туалете|Toilet_Events]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<link "Секс в туалете. (Коррупция >150 и Клиенты >50)">><</link>><</if>><<if $mia.cor >149 and $client.number>49>>
<<button [[Дыра славы|Toilet_GloryHall]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<link "Дыра славы. (Коррупция >150 и клиенты >50)">><</link>><</if>>
<<button [[Уйти|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.cor >149 and $client.number>49>>
<<button [[Toilettensex|Toilet_Events]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<link "Toilettensex. (Korruption >150 und Kunden >50)">><</link>><</if>><<if $mia.cor >149 and $client.number>49>>
<<button [[Glory Hole|Toilet_GloryHall]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<link "Glory Hole. (Korruption >150 und Kunden >50)">><</link>><</if>>
<<button [[Verlassen|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.cor >149 and $client.number>49>>
<<button [[Sexe aux toilettes|Toilet_Events]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<link "Sexe aux toilettes. (Corruption >150 et Clients >50)">><</link>><</if>><<if $mia.cor >149 and $client.number>49>>
<<button [[Trou de gloire|Toilet_GloryHall]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<link "Trou de gloire. (Corruption >150 et Clients >50)">><</link>><</if>>
<<button [[Partir|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.cor >149 and $client.number>49>>
<<button [[Sexo en el retrete|Toilet_Events]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<link "Sexo en el retrete. (Corrupción >150 y Clientes >50)">><</link>><</if>><<if $mia.cor >149 and $client.number>49>>
<<button [[Glory Hole|Toilet_GloryHall]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<link "Glory Hole. (Corrupción >150 y Clientes >50)">><</link>><</if>>
<<button [[Vete|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.cor >149 and $client.number>49>>
<<button [[厕所性爱|Toilet_Events]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<link "厕所性爱(腐败 >150,顾客 >50)">><</link>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor >149 and $client.number>49>>
<<button [[光荣洞|Toilet_GloryHall]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<link "光荣洞。(腐败>150,顾客>50)">><</link>><</if>>
<<button [[走开|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
</script><</if>><<set $canTravel =1>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">><<if $boss.mood < 10>><<st>>The boss is not in the mood, cheer him up and you can work.<</st>>
<<if $mia.ac_c >0>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe==true>><<set $need_to_work += 1>><</if>><<set $is_need_to_ukrast +=1>><<if $perks.nimble==0>><<set $salary = $mia.salary + $client.number + random(20)>><<else>><<set $salary = Math.floor(($mia.salary + $client.number + random(20))*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<set $boss.mood -=5>><<set $exp_gained = 1+$perks.arena_of_life>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe <=30>>
<<st>>An ordinary day at the café passed by just like any other for the staff. To make everyone happy, waiters ran from one side to the other bringing food and drinks to the tables. There were a lot of people in the hall, and Mia could feel their gazes on all parts of her body. It felt weird, but she didn't pay much attention to it, focusing instead on her tasks.<</st>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafe_1)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/waitres/1/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>
[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<set $random to random(5)>><<if $random >2>><<flash `"Money +" + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Cafe exp + " + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><</if>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<client>>Oh no, I lost my wallet! I'm sure I took it with me when I left the café.<</client>>
<<mia>>Please don't worry. We'll help you find it. Maybe you accidentally dropped it on the street? Let's check around the café.<</mia>>
<<st>>While walking to the front door of the Cafe, Mia spots the wallet under one of the chairs and points it out.<</st>>
<<mia>>Oh, there it is! Let me grab it for you.<</mia>>
<<st>>As she bent down to grab it, the customer's grubby hands suddenly grope her ass.<</st>>
<<mia>>What the hell?!<</mia>>
<<st>>She jerks away, tossing the wallet back at the customer, seething with rage.<</st>>
<<mia>>Take your fucking wallet, you perv! And keep your filthy hands to yourself, you fucking creep!<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia's boss storms over into the hall<</st>>
<<boss>>Mia, what the hell was that?! You can't speak to customers like that!<</boss>>
<<mia>>But he fucking groped me, boss! I ain't gonna take that shit from anyone!<</mia>>
<<boss>>I get it, Mia, but you can't just go off like that. We have standards here.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Standards?! What about my fucking dignity, huh?<</mia>>
<<boss>>I understand you're upset, but you can't let it affect your professionalism. We're in the service industry, for fuck's sake!<</boss>>
<<mia>>Fine, whatever. But if that asshole ever comes back here, he's gonna get a fucking earful from me!<</mia>>
<<boss>>Just try to keep your cool, Mia. We'll talk about this later.<</boss>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $boss.mood-=10>><<if $boss.mood <0>><<set $boss.mood =0>><</if>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $client.number-=1>><<if $client.number <0>><<set $client.number =0>><</if>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Money + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Boss mood - 10 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Clients - 1 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 1>>
<<client>>Hey, we've been waiting forever for our order! Where the hell is it?<</client>>
<<mia>>I'm really sorry for the delay. Let me go check with the kitchen and get your order sorted out right away.<</mia>>
<<client>>This is ridiculous! We've been waiting forever!<</client>>
<<boss>>Mia, you need to handle this properly! Get moving and fix the situation!<</boss>>
<<mia>>I'll sort this out right away, I promise.<</mia>>
<<boss>>You better! We can't afford to keep customers waiting like this.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Here you go. We sincerely apologize for the delay, and as a gesture of goodwill, this dessert is on the house. We appreciate your patience.<</mia>>
<<client>>Finally! It's about time. But it's not just about the wait, it's the principle of the matter!<</client>>
<<mia>>I completely understand. We'll do better next time, I promise.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Good job, Mia. Make sure this doesn't happen again.<</boss>>
<<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Money + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 2>>
<<client>>Hey, you, waitress! What's taking so long for this to go down? Are you really just here to be dumb?<</client>>
<<mia>>Look, I'm doing my best to get your order out as quickly as possible. But you're not the only one here. So why don't you just relax and have a little patience?<</mia>>
<<client>>I hope you know how to work faster than you talk. I don't have time to wait in this place forever.<</client>>
<<mia>>Well, I hope you know how to eat faster than you complain, because your food will be ready when it's ready. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have other tables to attend to.<</mia>>
<<st>>15 minutes later, Mia was called into her boss's office, where she nervously awaited a lecture.<</st>>
<<boss>>Mia! What the hell was that? You can't talk to customers like that! Get your act together or you're out of here!<</boss>>
<<mia>>Look, I'm sorry, okay? But that guy was being a complete jerk, and I'm not just gonna stand there and take it. I'll go check on the order, but don't expect miracles.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Mia, I don't give a fuck about what he said to you or how he treated you. He's a customer, and your job is to smile to the customers. If you keep acting like this with our clients, you'll be out of here faster than you can blink, got it?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Yeah, yeah, I got it boss. I'll keep it together next time.<</mia>>
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $boss.mood -=10>><<if $boss.mood <0>><<set $boss.mood =0>><</if>><<set $client.number-=1>><<if $client.number <0>><<set $client.number =0>><</if>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Money + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Boss mood - 10 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Clients - 1 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>30 and $mia.exp_cafe <= 60>>
<<st>>Things have changed a lot since Mia started working here, so a normal workday isn't so normal anymore. Here and there, she sees customers groping waitresses and offering them services for money. She doesn't tell anyone that she sees waitresses under the tables sometimes. The customers are pleased, and the waitresses get extra tips.<</st>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafe_2)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/waitres/2/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>
<<set $random to random(10)>><<if $random >5>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Money + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><</if>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<boss>>Mia, one of our customers at Table 6 needs your assistance. Go check it out.<</boss>>
<<st>>Mia approaches Table 6 and sees the customer sitting there. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Hi, how can I help you?''<</mia>>
<<client>>''Hey, I dropped my fork on the floor. Could you grab it for me?''<</client>>
<<st>>Mia bends down to retrieve the fork and notices a napkin nearby with a note on it. She blushes as she reads the explicit message: ''You're so hot. If you give me a blowjob right now, I'll give you $200.''<</st>>
<<st>>Feeling shy but tempted by the offer, Mia stands up and looks at the customer, who places $200 on the table.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia hesitated for a moment, considering the proposition. <</st>>
<<mia>>Oh, um, I think I saw your knife fall too. Let me just check.<</mia>>
<<st>>She goes back under the table, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement, and decides to go through with it, providing the customer with what he requested.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/cafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=200>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money + 200">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 1>>
<<client>>Hey, we've been waiting forever for our order! Where the hell is it?<</client>>
<<mia>>I'm terribly sorry for the delay. Let me go straight to the kitchen and ensure your order gets prioritized.<</mia>>
<<client>>This is ridiculous! We've been waiting forever!<</client>>
<<boss>>Mia, you need to handle this properly! Get moving and fix the situation!<</boss>>
<<mia>>Absolutely, boss. I'll make sure everything's taken care of promptly.<</mia>>
<<boss>>You better! We can't afford to keep customers waiting like this.<</boss>>
<<st>>Mia returns with the order and a complimentary dessert.<</st>>
<<mia>>Here you are, folks. Please accept our sincerest apologies for the wait. And as a token of our apology, dessert's on the house. And here's a sincere apology from me personally. <</mia>>
<<st>>Mia shows them her tits.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/cafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Customer's eyes widen in surprise<</st>>
<<client>>Uh, well, thank you. We appreciate the gesture.<</client>>
<<mia>>Of course, enjoy your meal! And once again, sorry for the inconvenience.<</mia>>
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Money + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 2>>
<<client>>Hey, you, waitress! What's taking so long for this to go down? Are you really just here to be dumb?<</client>>
<<mia>>Look, I'm doing my best to get your order out as quickly as possible. But you're not the only one here. So why don't you just relax and have a little patience?<</mia>>
<<client>>I hope you know how to work faster than you talk. I don't have time to wait in this place forever.<</client>>
<<mia>>Well, I hope you know how to eat faster than you complain, because your food will be ready when it's ready. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have other tables to attend to.<</mia>>
<<st>>15 minutes later, Mia was called into her boss's office, where she nervously awaited a lecture.<</st>>
<<boss>>Mia! What the hell was that? You can't talk to customers like that! Get your act together or you're out of here!<</boss>>
<<mia>>Look, I'm sorry, okay? But that guy was being a complete jerk, and I'm not just gonna stand there and take it. I'll go check on the order, but don't expect miracles.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Mia, I don't give a damn about what he said or did to you! This is my café, and if I tell you to be nice to your clients, you will be nice. And if I tell you to get on your knees and suck my dick, you will suck it.<</boss>>
<<boss>>What, you didn't hear me?<</boss>>
<<st>>He grabs Mias' hair, pulling her down onto her knees, and unzips his pants.<</st>>
<<boss>>If I tell you to get on your knees and suck my dick, you will suck it.<</boss>>
<<st>>Mia hesitates because she's shocked, angry, and can't believe what he is saying. But her boss's strong hold on her hair and authoritative tone give her no other option.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.office)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/office/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Money + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia enters the men's room to tidy up, assuming it's empty. As she bends down to pick up some trash, she feels a sudden smack on her butt.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Ouch,'' she exclaims, taken aback.<</mia>>
<<client>>''Hey, baby,'' a voice calls out. ''Wanna earn a little tip?''<</client>>
<<st>>Confused, Mia turns around, looking at an attractive customer ''What? What do you want me to do?''<</st>>
<<st>>He leans in closer, a mischievous glint in his eyes. ''I know it sounds unusual, but since I've entered this place and saw you, I decided I want to do one simple thing. I really want to come on your pretty face.'' he purrs.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia understands that this is absolutely disgusting, but somehow his voice and the idea of him doing it sends a shiver down her spine. ''Come on my face?'' she repeats, her voice barely above a whisper, her cheeks flushing with weird excitement. Despite feeling surprisingly shy, a part of her is intrigued. With a coy smile, she nods in agreement, her pulse quickening with anticipation.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bj)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Money + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 4>>
<<client>>''Hey, I've been waiting forever for our order! Where the hell is it?'' the customer's voice booms across the café, cutting through the usual chatter.<</client>>
<<st>>Mia's heart sinks as she realizes her mistake. She forgot about his order. Panic sets in as she imagines her boss's wrath.<</st>>
<<mia>>Desperate to solve the situation, she approaches the angry customer apologizing, ''I'm so sorry, sir. It was my mistake. Please accept my apologies. Can I offer you a dessert on the house as a gesture of goodwill? I promise we'll get your order out to you right away.''<</mia>>
<<st>>She holds her breath, hoping the offer will appease him and prevent any further escalation.<</st>>
<<client>>''I don't want a fucking dessert! I've been waiting for forty minutes already! You seriously think a dessert is enough? I doubt that!''<</client>>
<<mia>>''What if I offer you something better than that while you're waiting for your order, sir?'' Mia asked, biting her lip and unbuttoning the top of her blouse.<</mia>>
<<client>>''Well, that might change my mood.'' - Man's eyes were stuck on her cleavage.<</client>>
<<mia>>''Follow me than, I've got something to show you'' - Mia said, taking him into a private area of the Cafe.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.flashWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/flashWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Money + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>As Mia approached the bar to take another order, she realized the bartender was nowhere in sight. She waited, glancing around in search of him, but before she could locate him, she felt a sudden pair of hands grabbing her boobs from behind.<</st>>
<<st>>Startled, Mia spun around to find a customer standing there with a mischievous grin on his face. Despite her shock, he seemed unfazed as he casually inquired, ''I have a special order, but I didn't find it on the menu. Can I order now?''<</st>>
<<st>>Mia's heart raced with a mix of shock at the brazenness of his actions. But you know what? Sometimes she loves brazenness.<</st>>
<<mia>>She smiled to the customer ''What exactly were you looking for, sir?'' - letting him grope her.<</mia>>
<<client>>''I couldn't find ''fuck the hottest waitress'' option on the menu,'' - he whispered into her ear, placing his hand on her ass.<</client>>
<<mia>>''Well, maybe you didn't check the desserts Menu? But since you're already here, I'll take your order. Come with me.''<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/cafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Money + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>60>>
<<st>>It's not really a cafe anymore; it looks more like a brothel. Girls dancing on a pole. There are waitresses getting fucked right at the tables; they almost don't have clothes on, and now it's weird to hide under the table to give someone a blow job…<</st>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafe_3)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/waitres/3/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>
<<set $random to random(10)>><<if $random >5>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Money + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><</if>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Mia noticed a regular customer sitting alone at a corner table. He was always friendly and seemed interested in her. Today, she decided to flirt back.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia approached his table with a subtle sway in her hips, a playful smile dancing on her lips. <</st>>
<<mia>>Hey there! You seem to enjoy our coffee a lot. Is it the taste, or something else that keeps you coming back?<</mia>>
<<client>>''I'd say it's a bit of both. But mostly, it's the company,'' he replied, his tone suggestive.<</client>>
<<st>>Mia leaned in closer, the scent of his cologne intoxicating her senses.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Is that so? Well, I'm glad to hear that,'' Mia murmured, voice husky with desire.<</mia>>
<<st>>Her playful banter with the customer took a sudden turn when he leaned in closer, his gaze lingering on her curves. <</st>>
<<client>>''You know, Mia. I come here every day, not just for the coffee, but to catch a glimpse of that hot ass of yours as you move around the tables.''<</client>>
<<st>>Her cheeks flushed at his bold admission, but she maintained her composure. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Is that so? Well, I'm flattered, to say the least.''<</mia>>
<<st>>The customer didn't hold back, his desire evident in his next words. <</st>>
<<client>>''Honestly, Mia, ever since I laid eyes on you here, I've been dreaming about fucking the hell out of you.''<</client>>
<<mia>>''Oh, really? Well, you've certainly got a way with words,'' The customer's bold confession sent a thrill through Mia's veins, stirring her own desires. <</mia>>
<<st>>Feeling a rush of excitement, she took his hand without hesitation, a playful glint in her eyes. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Come with me,'' Mia whispered, leading him to the secluded bathroom with an air of anticipation.<</mia>>
<<st>>Once inside, she leaned in close, her breath hot against his ear. <</st>>
<<mia>>''I've got a 15-minute break right now. Looks like your wish might just come true,'' She whispered seductively.<</mia>>
<<st>>With a mischievous grin, Mia pulled him into a passionate embrace, her desires finally unleashed in the heat of the moment.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Money + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 1>>
<<client>>Hey, I've been waiting forever for our order! Where the hell is it?<</client>>
<<mia>>I'm terribly sorry for the delay. Let me go straight to the kitchen and ensure your order gets prioritized.<</mia>>
<<client>>This is ridiculous! I've been waiting forever!<</client>>
<<mia>>Oh I'm so sorry! Let me take care of this issue. Please accept my apologies for the wait. Normally, I'd offer you a dessert's on the house. But as you're one of our most loyal and regular clients, I want to give you a different kind of dessert as my own sincere apology. But shh, don't tell anyone. <</mia>>
<<st>>Mia gets on her knees and goes under the table.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/cafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Money + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 2>>
<<client>>Hey, you, waitress! What's taking so long for this to go down? Are you really just here to be dumb?<</client>>
<<mia>>Look, I'm doing my best to get your order out as quickly as possible. But you're not the only one here. So why don't you just relax and have a little patience?<</mia>>
<<client>>I hope you know how to work faster than you talk. I don't have time to wait in this place forever.<</client>>
<<mia>>Well, I hope you know how to eat faster than you complain, because your food will be ready when it's ready. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have other tables to attend to.<</mia>>
<<client>>Are you out of your mind? How are you talking to your client? Maybe I should teach you some manners and show you how to be polite?<</client>>
<<mia>>And what are you gonna do?<</mia>>
<<st>>And at that moment Mia could see the anger in his eyes fading away and something new replacing it - lust and violence.<</st>>
<<client>>I'm going to show you what happens to naughty girls like you, - whispering in her ear, he grabbed Mia's hair and pulled her closer.<</client>>
<<st>>He started dragging Mia down to the restroom, she could feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins, unsure of what would happen next but unable to resist the thrill of the unknown. The sudden shift in power dynamics left her both exhilarated and slightly terrified, a dangerous combination that only added to the intensity of the moment. <</st>>
<<st>>By the time the restroom's door closed behind her back, she knew there was no turning back. The thought of what was to come next sent chills down Mia's spine. Outside, the cafe's quiet chatter died away, leaving only the sound of her heart beating fast in the small bathroom.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Money + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia was going about her usual tasks, pleasing her customers, when she noticed a new face at one of the tables – none other than her classmate Jack.<</st>>
<<client>>''Hey, Mia, didn't expect to run into you here!'' Jack exclaimed, his eyes lighting up with delight.<</client>>
<<mia>>''Oh God! Jack? Hi! Yeah, it's me,'' Mia grinned, adjusting her apron. ''Just serving up some drinks and…hmmm… good vibes. What can I get you?''<</mia>>
<<client>>Jack's gaze lingered on Mia's uniform, a playful smile tugging at his lips. ''Well, I must say, you're looking absolutely stunning in that uniform.''<</client>>
<<mia>>Mia always liked this guy. She chuckled, feeling a warmth spread through her body. ''Thanks, Jack. We're trying out something new here, you know, a bit of eye candy to go with the orders.''<</mia>>
<<client>>Jack leaned in a little closer, his tone teasing. ''Oh, it's definitely eye-catching, alright. But I must admit, it's not just the uniform that's got my attention. I always wanted to see what's under your clothes.''<</client>>
<<mia>>Mia felt a flutter in her stomach at Jack's flirtatious words. ''Well, I'm glad you like it,'' she replied, trying to keep her cool. ''So, what'll it be today? Coffee? Tea? Or maybe something a bit stronger?''<</mia>>
<<client>>''You know, ever since school, I never had the guts to hit on you,'' Jack admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of regret and arousal. ''But now that we've bumped into each other here, maybe I'll finally get that chance?''<</client>>
<<mia>>It's you lucky day, honey. I liked you too, we'll get the chance to know each other better… Come to the restroom in 5 minutes. Let's see if there's a spark between us.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Money + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>As Mia moved smoothly through the busy café, she looked over the tables to find the next person she had to serve. She walked up to the table with a friendly smile when she saw a young man sitting alone.<</st>>
<<mia>>''What would you like to order?'' she asked, her voice was as sweet as the smell of freshly made coffee. Her eyes met his, a twinkle of anticipation dancing within their depths.<</mia>>
<<client>>The man looked up at her, his lips curling into a dirty smile. ''I'll have a cappuccino and a blowjob, please,'' the man replied, his gaze lingering on Mia's face a moment longer than necessary.<</client>>
<<st>>Mia's heart overturned at his audacity and arrogance, but she couldn't ignore her skin tingling with the subtle electricity of their exchanged glances.<</st>>
<<mia>>Coming right up, Sir.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bj)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Money + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Mia moved smoothly through the busy café while holding a tray full of hot plates of food. Suddenly, someone pushed her in the back. As she gasped for air, she fell forward, tipping over her tray of food.<</st>>
<<st>>Everything went wrong in an instant. The tray slipped from her hands, and food fell onto a nearby customer. When the man jumped to his feet, his voice rang out with anger, and his face turned into a mask of rage.<</st>>
<<client>>''What the hell is wrong with you?!'' He yelled, his face red with anger as he looked at the mess on his clothes.<</client>>
<<mia>>Mia's heart sank as she realized the extent of the chaos she had caused. ''I'm so sorry,'' she said, raising her arms to her chest. ''Let me help you clean up.''<</mia>>
<<st>>The customer's eyes have shifted to her wet white blouse. It was so wet, that he could see every bit of her body, noticing Mia didn't wear a bra under the blouse.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia noticed where he looked at, at smiled sinfully. Grabbing the customer's hand, Mia guided the him towards the restroom, asying she will help him to clean up. Despite the tension hanging in the air, she knew exactly what to do to make this man forget about that unfortunate incident.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Money + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<</switch>><</if>><<button [[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">><<if $boss.mood < 10>><<st>>Босс не в настроении, развеселите его, и вы сможете работать.<</st>>
<<if $mia.ac_c >0>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe==true>><<set $need_to_work += 1>><</if>><<set $is_need_to_ukrast +=1>><<if $perks.nimble==0>><<set $salary = $mia.salary + $client.number + random(20)>><<else>><<set $salary = Math.floor(($mia.salary + $client.number + random(20))*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<set $boss.mood -=5>><<set $exp_gained = 1+$perks.arena_of_life>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe <=30>>
<<st>>Обычный день в кафе прошёл для персонала как обычно. Чтобы все были довольны, официанты бегали из стороны в сторону, разнося по столикам еду и напитки. В зале было много людей, и Мия чувствовала их взгляды на всех частях своего тела. Это было странно, но она не обращала на это внимания, сосредоточившись на своих задачах.<</st>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafe_1)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/waitres/1/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>
[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<set $random to random(5)>><<if $random >2>><<flash `"Опыт кафе + " + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Деньги + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><</if>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<client>>О нет, я потерял бумажник! Я уверен, что взял его с собой, когда уходил из кафе.<</client>>
<<mia>>Пожалуйста, не волнуйтесь. Мы поможем вам найти его. Может быть, вы случайно уронили его на улице? Давайте поищем.<</mia>>
<<st>>Подойдя к входной двери кафе, Миа замечает бумажник под одним из стульев и указывает на него.<</st>>
<<mia>>О, вот он! Я подниму его.<</mia>>
<<st>>Когда она наклоняется, чтобы взять его, руки клиента неожиданно ощупывают ее задницу.<</st>>
<<mia>>Что за черт?!<</mia>>
<<st>>Она отпрыгивает в сторону и бросает кошелек обратно покупателю, кипя от ярости.<</st>>
<<mia>>Забери свой гребаный кошелек, извращенец! И держи свои грязные руки при себе, урод!<</mia>>
<<st>>В зал врывается босс Мии. <</st>>
<<boss>>Миа, что это было, черт возьми?! Ты не можешь так разговаривать с клиентами!<</boss>>
<<mia>>Но он, блядь, лапал меня, босс! Я не собираюсь терпеть это ни от кого!<</mia>>
<<boss>>Я понимаю Миа, но ты не можешь вот так просто взять и уйти. У нас здесь есть стандарты.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Стандарты?! А как же мое гребаное достоинство, а?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ты расстроена, но ты не должна позволять этому влиять на твой профессионализм. Мы работаем в сфере обслуживания, черт возьми!<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ладно, как скажешь. Но если этот придурок еще раз сюда заявится, он получит от меня по ушам!<</mia>>
<<boss>>Просто постарайся сохранять спокойствие, Миа. Мы поговорим об этом позже.<</boss>><<flash `"Опыт кафе + " + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Деньги + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Настроение босса - 10 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Клиенты - 1 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $boss.mood-=10>><<if $boss.mood <0>><<set $boss.mood =0>><</if>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $client.number-=1>><<if $client.number <0>><<set $client.number =0>><</if>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 1>>
<<client>>Эй, мы уже целую вечность ждем наш заказ! Где он, черт возьми?<</client>>
<<mia>>Я очень извиняюсь за задержку. Я уточню на кухне, и скажу через сколько заказ будет готов.<</mia>>
<<client>>Это просто смешно! Мы уже целую вечность ждём!<</client>>
<<boss>>Миа, ты должна разобраться с этой проблемой! Шевелись и исправьте ситуацию!<</boss>>
<<mia>>Я сейчас же все исправлю, обещаю.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Уж надеюсь! Мы не можем позволить себе заставлять клиентов ждать.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Вот, пожалуйста. Мы искренне извиняемся за задержку, и в качестве жеста доброй воли этот десерт за счет заведения. <</mia>>
<<client>>Наконец-то! Но дело не только в ожидании, а в самом сути того что это произошло!<</client>>
<<mia>>Я вас полностью понимаю. В следующий раз это не произойдёт, обещаю.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Молодец, Миа. Сделай так, чтобы это никогда не повторилось.<</boss>>
<<flash `"Опыт кафе + " + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Деньги + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 2>>
<<client>>Эй, ты, официантка! Почему так долго? Ты что, действительно здесь только для того, чтобы тупить?<</client>>
<<mia>>Послушайте, я делаю все возможное, чтобы ваш заказ принесли как можно быстрее. Но вы здесь не единственный. Так почему бы вам не расслабиться и проявить немного терпения?<</mia>>
<<client>>Надеюсь, ты умеете работать быстрее, чем говорить. У меня нет времени ждать в этом месте вечно.<</client>>
<<mia>>А я надеюсь, что вы умеете есть быстрее, чем жаловаться, потому что ваша еда будет готова, когда она будет готова. А сейчас, если вы меня извините, мне нужно обслужить другие столики.<</mia>>
<<st>>Через 15 минут Мию вызвали в кабинет босса, где она нервно ожидала лекции.<</st>>
<<boss>>Миа! Что это было, черт возьми? Ты не можешь так разговаривать с клиентами! Соберись с мыслями или вылетишь отсюда!<</boss>>
<<mia>>Послушайте, мне очень жаль. Но этот парень вел себя как полный придурок, и я не собираюсь просто стоять и терпеть это. Я пойду проверю его заказ, но не ждите от меня чудес, я не буду перед ним извиняться.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Миа, мне плевать на то, что он тебе сказал и как он с тобой обращался. Он клиент, а твоя работа - улыбаться клиентам. Если ты и дальше будешь так вести себя с нашими клиентами, то вылетишь отсюда быстрее, чем успеешь моргнуть, поняла?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Да, да, я поняла, босс. В следующий раз я буду держать себя в руках.<</mia>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $boss.mood -=10>><<if $boss.mood <0>><<set $boss.mood =0>><</if>><<set $client.number-=1>><<if $client.number <0>><<set $client.number =0>><</if>><<flash `"Опыт кафе + " + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Деньги + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Настроение босса - 10 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Клиенты - 1 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>30 and $mia.exp_cafe <= 60>>
<<st>>С тех пор как Мия начала здесь работать, все сильно изменилось, и обычный рабочий день уже не кажется таким уж обычным. То тут, то там она видит, как клиенты лапают официанток и предлагают им услуги за деньги. Она никому не говорит, что иногда видит официанток под столиками. Клиенты довольны, а официантки получают дополнительные чаевые.<</st>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafe_2)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/waitres/2/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>
[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<set $random to random(10)>><<if $random >5>>
<<flash `"Опыт кафе + " + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Деньги + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><</if>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<boss>>Миа, одному из наших клиентов за столиком 6 нужна твоя помощь. Иди и проверь его.<</boss>>
<<st>>Миа подходит к столику 6 и видит сидящего там клиента. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Здравствуйте, чем я могу вам помочь?''<</mia>>
<<client>>''Эй, я уронил вилку на пол. Не могли бы вы поднять её для меня?''<</client>>
<<st>>Мия наклоняется, чтобы поднять вилку, и замечает рядом салфетку с запиской. Она краснеет, читая откровенное послание: ''Ты такая горячая. Если ты сделаешь мне минет прямо сейчас, я дам тебе 200 долларов''.<</st>>
<<st>>Чувствуя себя стесненной, но соблазненной предложением, вы встаете и смотрите на клиента, который кладет 200 долларов на стол.<</st>>
<<st>>Миа на мгновение замешкалась, обдумывая предложение.<</st>>
<<mia>>О, кажется, я тоже видела, как упал ваш нож. Позвольте мне проверить.<</mia>>
<<st>>Она возвращается под стол, чувствуя смесь нервов и волнения, и решает пойти до конца, предоставив клиенту то, что он просил.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/cafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash `"Опыт кафе + " + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Деньги + 200">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=200>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 1>>
<<client>>Эй, мы уже целую вечность ждем наш заказ! Где он, черт возьми?<</client>>
<<mia>>Я очень извиняюсь за задержку. Я уточню на кухне, и скажу через сколько заказ будет готов.<</mia>>
<<client>>Это просто смешно! Мы ждем уже целую вечность!<</client>>
<<boss>>Миа, ты должна разобраться с этой проблемой! Шевелись и исправьте ситуацию!<</boss>>
<<mia>>Я сейчас же все исправлю, обещаю.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Надеюсь на это! Мы не можем позволить себе заставлять клиентов ждать.<</boss>>
<<st>>Миа возвращается с заказом и бесплатным десертом.<</st>>
<<mia>>Вот, друзья. Примите наши искренние извинения за ожидание. И в знак наших извинений - десерт за счёт заведения. И искренние извинения от меня лично.<</mia>>
<<st>>Мия показывает им свои сиськи.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/cafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Глаза клиента расширяются от удивления.<</st>>
<<client>>Спасибо. Мы ценим этот жест.<</client>>
<<mia>>Конечно, приятного аппетита! И еще раз извините за причиненные неудобства.<</mia>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<flash `"Опыт кафе + " + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Деньги + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 2>>
<<client>>Эй, ты, официантка! Почему так долго? Ты что, действительно здесь только для того, чтобы тупить?<</client>>
<<mia>>Послушайте, я делаю все возможное, чтобы ваш заказ принесли как можно быстрее. Но вы здесь не единственный. Так почему бы вам не расслабиться и проявить немного терпения?<</mia>>
<<client>>Надеюсь, ты умеете работать быстрее, чем говорить. У меня нет времени ждать в этом месте вечно.<</client>>
<<mia>>А я надеюсь, что вы умеете есть быстрее, чем жаловаться, потому что ваша еда будет готова, когда она будет готова. А сейчас, если вы меня извините, мне нужно обслужить другие столики.<</mia>>
<<st>>Через 15 минут Мию вызвали в кабинет босса, где она нервно ожидала лекции.<</st>>
<<boss>>Миа! Что это было, черт возьми? Ты не можешь так разговаривать с клиентами! Соберись с мыслями или вылетишь отсюда!<</boss>>
<<mia>>Послушайте, мне очень жаль. Но этот парень вел себя как полный придурок, и я не собираюсь просто стоять и терпеть это. Я пойду проверю его заказ, но не ждите от меня чудес, я не буду перед ним извиняться.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Миа, мне плевать на то, что он тебе сказал или сделал! Это мое кафе, и если я скажу тебе быть вежливой с клиентами, ты будешь вежливой. А если я скажу тебе встать на колени и сосать мой член, ты будешь его сосать.<</boss>>
<<boss>>Ты меня не услышала?<</boss>>
<<st>>Он хватает Мию за волосы, опуская её на колени, и расстегивает штаны.<</st>>
<<boss>>Если я скажу тебе встать на колени и сосать мой член, ты будешь его сосать.<</boss>>
<<st>>Мия колеблется, потому что она шокирована, рассержена и не может поверить в то, что он говорит. Но крепкая хватка босса за волосы и властный тон не оставляют ей другого выбора. <</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.office)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/office/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"Опыт кафе + " + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Деньги + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Мия заходит в мужской туалет, чтобы навести порядок, полагая, что он пуст. Когда она наклоняется, чтобы собрать мусор, то чувствует неожиданный шлепок по жопе.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Ой!'' - восклицает она, опешив.<</mia>>
<<client>>''Эй, детка'', - окликает ее голос. ''Хочешь заработать немного чаевых?''<</client>>
<<st>>Мия в замешательстве оборачивается и смотрит на привлекательного клиента: ''Что? Что ты хочешь, чтобы я сделала?''<</st>>
<<st>>Он наклоняется ближе, в его глазах появляется озорной блеск. ''Я знаю, это звучит необычно, но с тех пор как я вошел в это место и увидел вас, я решил, что хочу сделать одну простую вещь. Я очень хочу кончить на твое милое личико'', - мурлычет он.<</st>>
<<st>>Мия понимает, что это совершенно отвратительно, но почему-то его голос и сама мысль о том, что он это делает, вызывают дрожь по позвоночнику. ''Кончить мне на лицо?'' - повторяет она, ее голос едва превышает шепот, а щеки пылают от странного возбуждения. Несмотря на удивительную застенчивость, какая-то ее часть заинтригована. С жеманной улыбкой она кивает в знак согласия, ее пульс учащается от предвкушения.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bj)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash `"Опыт кафе + " + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Деньги + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 4>>
<<client>>''Эй, я уже целую вечность жду наш заказ! Где он, черт возьми?'' - раздается в кафе голос покупателя, прорываясь сквозь обычную болтовню.<</client>>
<<st>>У Мии замирает сердце, когда она осознает свою ошибку. Она забыла о его заказе. Паника охватывает ее, когда она представляет себе гнев своего босса. Отчаянно пытаясь разрешить ситуацию, она подходит к разгневанному клиенту и извиняется: ''Мне очень жаль, сэр. Это была моя ошибка.''<</st>>
<<mia>>Пожалуйста, примите мои извинения. Могу ли я предложить вам десерт за счет заведения в качестве жеста доброй воли? Я обещаю, что мы сразу же доставим вам ваш заказ.<</mia>>
<<st>>Она затаила дыхание, надеясь, что это предложение успокоит его и предотвратить дальнейшую эскалацию.<</st>>
<<client>>''Я не хочу гребаный десерт! Я жду уже сорок минут! Ты серьезно думаешь, что десерта будет достаточно? Сомневаюсь!<</client>>
<<mia>>''А что, если я предложу вам что-нибудь получше, пока вы ждете свой заказ, сэр?'' спросила Миа, прикусив губу и расстегивая верхнюю пуговицу блузки.<</mia>>
<<client>>''Ну, это может изменить мое настроение''. - Глаза мужчины задержались на ее декольте.<</client>>
<<mia>>''Иди за мной, я и я кое-что сделаю для вас", - сказала Миа и повела его в укромный уголок кафе.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.flashWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/flashWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"Опыт кафе + " + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Деньги + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Когда Миа подошла к барной стойке, чтобы принять очередной заказ, она поняла, что бармена нигде нет. Она ждала, оглядываясь по сторонам в его поисках, но не успела найти его, как внезапно почувствовала, что сзади ее схватили за грудь.<</st>>
<<st>>Испугавшись, Мия обернулась и увидела, что перед ней стоит клиент с озорной ухмылкой на лице. Несмотря на ее шок, он выглядел невозмутимым, небрежно поинтересовавшись: ''У меня особый заказ, но я не нашел его в меню. Могу я сделать заказ сейчас?''<</st>>
<<st>>Сердце Мии заколотилось от шока, вызванного дерзостью его поступка. Но знаете что? Иногда ей нравится наглость.<</st>>
<<mia>>Она улыбнулась клиенту: ''Что именно вы искали, сэр?'' - позволяя ему лапать ее.<</mia>>
<<client>>''Я не нашел в меню пункта трахнуть самую сексуальную официантку", - прошептал он ей на ухо, положив руку на ее задницу.<</client>>
<<mia>>Может, ты не заглянул в меню десертов? Но раз уж ты уже здесь, я приму твой заказ. Пойдем со мной.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/cafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"Опыт кафе + " + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Деньги + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>60>>
<<st>>Это уже не совсем кафе, это место больше похоже на бордель. Девушки танцуют на шесте. Официантки трахаются прямо за столами, на них почти нет одежды, и теперь странно прятаться под столом, чтобы сделать кому-то минет...<</st>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafe_3)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/waitres/3/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>
[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<set $random to random(10)>><<if $random >5>><<flash `"Опыт кафе + " + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Деньги + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><</if>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Миа заметила постоянного посетителя, одиноко сидящего за угловым столиком. Он всегда был дружелюбен и, как ей казалось, был заинтересован в ней. Сегодня она решила пофлиртовать в ответ.<</st>>
<<st>>Мия подошла к его столику, слегка покачивая бедрами, и на её губах заиграла игривая улыбка. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Привет! Кажется, вам очень нравится наш кофе. Дело в еде или в чем-то другом, что заставляет вас возвращаться?''<</mia>>
<<client>>''Я бы сказал, и то, и другое. Но в основном это окружающие меня люди'', - ответил он, его тон был располагающим к себе.<</client>>
<<st>>Миа наклонилась ближе, аромат его одеколона опьянил её чувства.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Неужели? Что ж, я рада это слышать'', - пробормотала Миа, голос был немного хриплым от желания.<</mia>>
<<st>>Её игривая перепалка с клиентом приняла неожиданный оборот, когда он наклонился ближе, его взгляд задержался на её изгибах. <</st>>
<<client>>''Знаешь, Миа. Я прихожу сюда каждый день, и не только ради кофе, но и для того, чтобы мельком увидеть твою горячую попку, когда ты проходишь между столиками''.<</client>>
<<st>>Её щеки покраснели от его смелого признания, но она сохранила самообладание. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Неужели? Что ж, я польщена, если не сказать больше''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Клиент не сдержался, и в его следующих словах прозвучало желание. <</st>>
<<client>>''Честно говоря, Миа, с тех пор как я увидел тебя здесь, я мечтал оттрахать тебя до смерти''.<</client>>
<<mia>>''А ты знаешь как общаться с девушками'', - смелое признание клиента пронеслось по венам Мии, разжигая её собственные желания. <</mia>>
<<st>>Почувствовав прилив возбуждения, она, не раздумывая, взяла его за руку, в её глазах появился игривый блеск. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Пойдем со мной'', - прошептала Миа, с предвкушением ведя его в уединенную кабинку в туалете.<</mia>>
<<st>>Оказавшись внутри, она наклонилась к нему вплотную, её дыхание обжигало его ухо. <</st>>
<<mia>>''У меня сейчас 15-минутный перерыв. Похоже, твое желание может исполниться'', - соблазнительно прошептала она.<</mia>>
<<st>>Озорно ухмыльнувшись, Миа заключила его в страстные объятия, давая волю своим желаниям в самый ответственный момент.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<flash `"Опыт кафе + " + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Деньги + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 1>>
<<client>>Эй, я уже целую вечность жду наш заказ! Где он, черт возьми?<</client>>
<<mia>>Я очень сожалею о задержке. Я пойду на кухню и прослежу, чтобы ваш заказ был в приоритете.<</mia>>
<<client>>Это просто смешно! Я жду уже целую вечность!<</client>>
<<mia>>Мне очень жаль! Позвольте мне разобраться с этой проблемой. Пожалуйста, примите мои извинения за ожидание. Обычно я предлагаю вам десерт за счёт заведения. Но поскольку вы один из наших самых преданных и постоянных клиентов, я хочу подарить вам другой десерт в качестве извинений. Но тссс, никому не говорите. <</mia>>
<<st>>Мия встает на колени и лезет под стол.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/cafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<flash `"Опыт кафе + " + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Деньги + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 2>>
<<client>>Эй, ты, официантка! Почему так долго? Ты что, действительно здесь только для того, чтобы тупить?<</client>>
<<mia>>Послушайте, я делаю все возможное, чтобы ваш заказ принесли как можно быстрее. Но вы здесь не единственный. Так почему бы вам не расслабиться и проявить немного терпения?<</mia>>
<<client>>Надеюсь, ты умеете работать быстрее, чем говорить. У меня нет времени ждать в этом месте вечно.<</client>>
<<mia>>А я надеюсь, что вы умеете есть быстрее, чем жаловаться, потому что ваша еда будет готова, когда она будет готова. А сейчас, если вы меня извините, мне нужно обслужить другие столики.<</mia>>
<<client>>Ты с ума сошла? Как ты разговариваешь с клиентом? Видимо, мне стоит научить тебя хорошим манерам и показать, как быть вежливой.<</client>>
<<mia>>И что ж ты собираешься мне сделать?<</mia>>
<<st>>В этот момент Мия увидела, как гнев в его глазах угасает, а на смену ему приходит нечто новое - похоть и жестокость.<</st>>
<<client>>Я покажу тебе, что бывает с такими непослушными девочками, как ты, - прошептав ей на ухо, он схватил Мию за волосы и притянул ближе.<</client>>
<<st>>Он начал тащить Мию в уборную, она чувствовала, как адреналин бурлит в её венах, не зная, что произойдет дальше, но не в силах противостоять азарту неизвестности. Внезапное изменение динамики власти привело её в восторг и легкий ужас - опасная комбинация, которая только усилила накал момента. <</st>>
<<st>>Когда дверь уборной закрылась за её спиной, она поняла, что обратного пути нет. От одной мысли о том, что будет дальше, по позвоночнику Мии побежали мурашки. Снаружи тихая болтовня кафе стихла, и в маленькой уборной комнате слышался только стук её сердца.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<flash `"Опыт кафе + " + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Деньги + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Мия занималась своими обычными делами, ублажая клиентов, когда заметила за одним из столиков новое лицо - никто иной, как её одноклассник Джек.<</st>>
<<client>>''Привет, Миа, не ожидал встретить тебя здесь!'' воскликнул Джек, его глаза загорелись от восторга.<</client>>
<<mia>>''О Боже! Джек? Привет! Да, это я'', - усмехнулась Миа, поправляя фартук. ''Просто подаю напитки и... хммм... распространяю хорошее настроение. Что тебе принести?''<</mia>>
<<client>>Взгляд Джека задержался на униформе Мии, и на его губах заиграла игривая улыбка. ''Должен сказать, что в этой форме ты выглядишь просто потрясающе''.<</client>>
<<mia>>Миа всегда нравился этот парень. Она захихикала, чувствуя, как по телу разливается тепло. ''Спасибо, Джек. Мы тут пробуем кое-что новое, ну, знаешь, немного привлекательности в дополнение к заказам''.<</mia>>
<<client>>Джек наклонился ближе, его тон был дразнящим. ''О, это определенно привлекает внимание, хорошо. Но должен признать, что мое внимание привлекла не только форма. Мне всегда хотелось посмотреть, что у тебя под одеждой''.<</client>>
<<mia>>Миа почувствовала трепет в животе от кокетливых слов Джека. ''Что ж, я рада, что тебе это нравится'', - ответила она, стараясь сохранять спокойствие. ''Итак, что будем сегодня? Кофе? Чай? Или, может, что-нибудь покрепче?''<</mia>>
<<client>>''Знаешь, со школы у меня никогда не хватало смелости приударить за тобой'', - признался Джек, в его голосе прозвучали нотки сожаления и возбуждения. ''Но теперь, когда мы столкнулись здесь, может быть, у меня наконец-то появится такой шанс?''<</client>>
<<mia>>Сегодня твой счастливый день, милый. Ты мне тоже понравился, у нас будет шанс узнать друг друга получше... Зайди в уборную через 5 минут. Посмотрим, есть ли между нами искра.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<flash `"Опыт кафе + " + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Деньги + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Плавно двигаясь по оживленному кафе, Мия оглядывала столики в поисках следующего человека, которого ей нужно обслужить. Она подошла к столику и приветливо улыбнулась, увидев молодого человека, сидящего в одиночестве.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Что бы вы хотели заказать?'' - спросила она, её голос был таким же сладким, как запах свежеприготовленного кофе. Ее глаза встретились с его глазами, в глубине которых плясали искорки предвкушения.<</mia>>
<<client>>Мужчина поднял на нее глаза, его губы скривились в непристойной улыбке. ''Мне капучино и минет, пожалуйста'', - ответил мужчина, его взгляд задержался на лице Мии на мгновение дольше, чем нужно.<</client>>
<<st>>Сердце Мии сжалось от его наглости и высокомерия, но она не могла игнорировать покалывание кожи от тонкого электричества их взглядов.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Сейчас будет, сэр.''<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bj)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<flash `"Опыт кафе + " + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Деньги + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Мия плавно двигалась по оживленному кафе, держа в руках поднос, полный тарелок с горячей едой. Внезапно кто-то толкнул ее в спину. Задыхаясь, она упала вперед, опрокинув поднос с едой.<</st>>
<<st>>В одно мгновение все пошло наперекосяк. Поднос выскользнул из ее рук, и еда упала на стоящего рядом покупателя. Когда мужчина вскочил на ноги, его голос зазвенел от гнева, а лицо превратилось в маску ярости.<</st>>
<<client>>''Да что с тобой такое?!'' крикнул он, глядя на еду на своей одежде, и его лицо покраснело от гнева.<</client>>
<<mia>>Сердце Мии сжалось, когда она осознала масштабы хаоса, который она устроила. ''Мне очень жаль'', - сказала она, прижимая руки к груди. ''Давайте я помогу вам убраться''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Взгляд покупателя переместился на ее мокрую белую блузку. Она была настолько мокрой, что он мог видеть каждую частичку ее тела, заметив, что под блузкой Миа не надела бюстгальтер.<</st>>
<<st>>Мия заметила, куда он смотрит, и грешно улыбнулась. Взяв клиента за руку, Миа повела его в сторону уборной, пообещав, что поможет ему привести себя в порядок. Несмотря на повисшее в воздухе напряжение, она точно знала, что нужно сделать, чтобы заставить этого мужчину забыть о том прискорбном инциденте.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<flash `"Опыт кафе + " + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Деньги + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<</switch>><</if>><<button [[Уйти|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>У вас не осталось сил ни на что, вам поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Сон|Mia's room]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "GE">><<if $boss.mood < 10>><<st>>Der Chef ist nicht in Stimmung, heitere ihn auf und du kannst arbeiten.<</st>>
<<button[[Verlassen Sie|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<else>>
<<if $mia.ac_c >0>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe==true>><<set $need_to_work += 1>><</if>><<set $is_need_to_ukrast +=1>><<if $perks.nimble==0>><<set $salary = $mia.salary + $client.number + random(20)>><<else>><<set $salary = Math.floor(($mia.salary + $client.number + random(20))*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<set $boss.mood -=5>><<set $exp_gained = 1+$perks.arena_of_life>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe <=30>>
<<st>>Ein gewöhnlicher Tag im Café verging für das Personal genauso wie jeder andere auch. Um alle zufrieden zu stellen, liefen die Kellner von einer Seite zur anderen und brachten Essen und Getränke an die Tische. Der Saal war voller Leute, und Mia konnte ihre Blicke auf allen Teilen ihres Körpers spüren. Es fühlte sich seltsam an, aber sie schenkte dem nicht viel Beachtung und konzentrierte sich stattdessen auf ihre Aufgaben.<</st>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafe_1)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/waitres/1/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>
[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<set $random to random(5)>><<if $random >2>><<flash `"Geld + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Cafe exp + " + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><</if>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<client>>Oh nein, ich habe meine Geldtasche verloren! Ich bin mir sicher, dass ich sie mitgenommen habe, als ich das Café verlassen habe.<</client>>
<<mia>>Bitte keine Sorge. Wir werden Ihnen helfen, sie zu finden. Vielleicht haben Sie sie versehentlich auf der Straße fallen lassen? Lassen Sie uns um das Café herum nachsehen.<</mia>>
<<st>>Während sie zum Eingang des Cafés ging, entdeckte Mia die Geldtasche unter einem der Stühle und zeigte darauf.<</st>>
<<mia>>Oh, da ist sie! Lassen Sie mich sie für Sie holen.<</mia>>
<<st>>Als sie sich bückte, um sie aufzuheben, tasteten die schmuddeligen Hände des Kunden plötzlich nach ihrem Hintern.<</st>>
<<mia>>Was zum Teufel?!<</mia>>
<<st>>Sie zuckt zurück und wirft die Geldtasche dem Kunden wütend entgegen.<</st>>
<<mia>>Nimm deine verdammte Geldtasche, du Mistkerl! Und behalte deine dreckigen Hände bei dir, du verdammter Freak!<</mia>>
<<st>>Mias Chef stürmt in den Saal.<</st>>
<<boss>>Mia, was zum Teufel war das?! Du kannst nicht so mit Kunden sprechen!<</boss>>
<<mia>>Aber er hat mich verdammterweise betatscht, Chef! Ich lasse mir von niemandem so eine Scheiße gefallen!<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ich verstehe, Mia, aber du kannst nicht einfach so ausflippen. Wir haben hier Standards.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Standards?! Was ist mit meiner verdammten Würde, huh?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ich verstehe, dass du aufgebracht bist, aber du darfst deine Professionalität nicht beeinträchtigen lassen. Wir sind verdammt noch mal in der Dienstleistungsbranche!<</boss>>
<<mia>>In Ordnung, schon gut. Aber wenn dieser Arsch je wieder hier auftaucht, wird er von mir richtig eins auf die Mütze bekommen!<</mia>>
<<boss>>Versuch einfach, die Nerven zu behalten, Mia. Wir reden später noch darüber.<</boss>>
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $boss.mood-=10>><<if $boss.mood <0>><<set $boss.mood =0>><</if>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $client.number-=1>><<if $client.number <0>><<set $client.number =0>><</if>><<flash `"Geld + " + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Geld + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Die Stimmung des Chefs - 10 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Kunden - 1 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 1>>
<<client>>Hey, wir warten schon ewig auf unsere Bestellung! Wo zum Teufel bleibt sie?<</client>>
<<mia>>Es tut mir wirklich leid für die Verzögerung. Lassen Sie mich schnell in der Küche nachsehen und Ihre Bestellung sofort in Ordnung bringen.<</mia>>
<<client>>Das ist lächerlich! Wir warten schon eine Ewigkeit!<</client>>
<<boss>>Mia, du musst das richtig regeln! Beeil dich und löse die Situation!<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ich werde das sofort in Ordnung bringen, versprochen.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Du solltest besser! Wir können es uns nicht leisten, Kunden so lange warten zu lassen.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Hier bitte. Wir entschuldigen uns aufrichtig für die Verzögerung, und als Geste des guten Willens ist dieses Dessert aufs Haus. Wir danken Ihnen für Ihre Geduld.<</mia>>
<<client>>Endlich! Es wurde aber auch Zeit. Aber es geht nicht nur um die Wartezeit, es geht ums Prinzip!<</client>>
<<mia>>Ich verstehe das vollkommen. Wir werden es beim nächsten Mal besser machen, das verspreche ich.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Gut gemacht, Mia. Stell sicher, dass so etwas nicht wieder passiert.<</boss>>
<<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Geld + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>>
<<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 2>>
<<client>>Hey, du, Kellnerin! Warum dauert das so lange? Bist du wirklich nur hier, um dumm zu sein?<</client>>
<<mia>>Schauen Sie, ich gebe mein Bestes, um Ihre Bestellung so schnell wie möglich herauszubekommen. Aber Sie sind nicht der Einzige hier. Warum entspannen Sie sich nicht einfach ein wenig und haben etwas Geduld?<</mia>>
<<client>>Ich hoffe, du weißt, wie man schneller arbeitet als man spricht. Ich habe keine Lust, ewig hier zu warten.<</client>>
<<mia>>Nun, ich hoffe, du weißt, wie man schneller isst als man sich beschwert, denn dein Essen wird fertig sein, wenn es fertig ist. Jetzt, wenn Sie mich entschuldigen, ich habe andere Tische zu bedienen.<</mia>>
<<st>>15 Minuten später wurde Mia ins Büro ihres Chefs gerufen, wo sie nervös auf eine Standpauke wartete.<</st>>
<<boss>>Mia! Was zum Teufel war das? Du kannst nicht so mit Kunden reden! Krieg dich zusammen, oder du fliegst hier raus!<</boss>>
<<mia>>Schau, es tut mir leid, okay? Aber dieser Typ war ein totaler Idiot, und ich werde nicht einfach dastehen und das hinnehmen. Ich gehe nachsehen, wie es mit der Bestellung steht, aber erwarte keine Wunder.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Mia, es interessiert mich einen Scheißdreck, was er zu dir gesagt hat oder wie er dich behandelt hat. Er ist ein Kunde, und deine Aufgabe ist es, den Kunden ein Lächeln zu schenken. Wenn du weiterhin so mit unseren Kunden umgehst, wirst du schneller draußen sein, als du blinzeln kannst, verstanden?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ja, ja, ich hab's verstanden, Chef. Ich werde nächstes Mal die Fassung wahren.<</mia>>
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $boss.mood -=10>><<if $boss.mood <0>><<set $boss.mood =0>><</if>><<set $client.number-=1>><<if $client.number <0>><<set $client.number =0>><</if>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Geld + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Die Stimmung des Chefs - 10 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Kunden - 1 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>30 and $mia.exp_cafe <= 60>>
<<st>>Seit Mia hier angefangen hat zu arbeiten, haben sich die Dinge sehr verändert, sodass ein normaler Arbeitstag nicht mehr so normal ist. Hier und da sieht sie Kunden, die Kellnerinnen betatschen und ihnen Geld für Dienstleistungen anbieten. Sie erzählt niemandem davon, dass sie manchmal Kellnerinnen unter den Tischen sieht. Die Kunden sind zufrieden, und die Kellnerinnen bekommen extra Trinkgeld.<</st>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafe_2)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/waitres/2/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>
[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<set $random to random(10)>><<if $random >5>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Geld + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><</if>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<boss>>Mia, einer unserer Kunden an Tisch 6 braucht deine Hilfe. Geh mal nachschauen.<</boss>>
<<st>>Mia geht zu Tisch 6 und sieht den Kunden dort sitzen. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Hallo, wie kann ich Ihnen helfen?''<</mia>>
<<client>>''Hey, ich habe meine Gabel auf den Boden fallen lassen. Könnten Sie sie für mich aufheben?''<</client>>
<<st>>Mia bückt sich, um die Gabel aufzuheben, und bemerkt eine Serviette in der Nähe mit einer Notiz darauf. Sie errötet, als sie die explizite Nachricht liest: ''Du bist so heiß. Wenn du mir jetzt einen Blowjob gibst, gebe ich dir 200 Dollar.''<</st>>
<<st>>Sich schüchtern, aber von dem Angebot versucht fühlend, steht Mia auf und schaut den Kunden an, der 200 Dollar auf den Tisch legt.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia zögerte einen Moment, während sie das Angebot erwog. <</st>>
<<mia>>Oh, ähm, ich glaube, ich habe auch Ihr Messer fallen sehen. Lassen Sie mich nur kurz nachschauen.<</mia>>
<<st>>Sie geht wieder unter den Tisch, fühlt eine Mischung aus Nervosität und Aufregung und entscheidet sich schließlich dafür, dem Kunden das zu geben, was er verlangt hat.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/cafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=200>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Geld + 200">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 1>>
<<client>>Hey, wir warten schon eine Ewigkeit auf unsere Bestellung! Wo zum Teufel bleibt sie?<</client>>
<<mia>>Es tut mir furchtbar leid für die Verzögerung. Lassen Sie mich direkt in die Küche gehen und sicherstellen, dass Ihre Bestellung priorisiert wird.<</mia>>
<<client>>Das ist lächerlich! Wir warten schon eine Ewigkeit!<</client>>
<<boss>>Mia, du musst das ordentlich regeln! Beeil dich und löse die Situation!<</boss>>
<<mia>>Absolut, Chef. Ich werde sicherstellen, dass alles schnell erledigt wird.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Das solltest du auch! Wir können es uns nicht leisten, Kunden so lange warten zu lassen.<</boss>>
<<st>>Mia kehrt mit der Bestellung und einem kostenlosen Nachtisch zurück.<</st>>
<<mia>>Hier sind Sie, Leute. Bitte akzeptieren Sie unsere aufrichtigsten Entschuldigungen für die Wartezeit. Und als Entschuldigung gibt es den Nachtisch aufs Haus. Und hier ist auch eine aufrichtige Entschuldigung von mir persönlich.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia zeigt ihnen ihre Brüste.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/cafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Der Kunde bekam große Augen vor Überraschung.<</st>>
<<client>>Uh, na gut, danke. Wir schätzen die Geste.<</client>>
<<mia>>Natürlich, genießen Sie Ihr Essen! Und nochmals, sorry für die Unannehmlichkeiten.<</mia>>
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Geld + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 2>>
<<client>>Hey, du, Kellnerin! Was dauert denn so lange? Bist du hier, um dumm zu sein?<</client>>
<<mia>>Schau mal, ich gebe mein Bestes, um deine Bestellung so schnell wie möglich herauszubekommen. Aber du bist nicht der Einzige hier. Warum entspannst du dich nicht einfach ein wenig und hast ein bisschen Geduld?<</mia>>
<<client>>Ich hoffe, du weißt, wie man schneller arbeitet als spricht. Ich habe keine Lust, ewig hier zu warten.<</client>>
<<mia>>Nun, ich hoffe, du weißt, wie man schneller isst als sich beschwert, denn dein Essen wird fertig sein, wenn es fertig ist. Jetzt, wenn Sie mich entschuldigen, ich habe andere Tische zu bedienen.<</mia>>
<<st>>15 Minuten später wurde Mia ins Büro ihres Chefs gerufen, wo sie nervös auf eine Standpauke wartete.<</st>>
<<boss>>Mia! Was zur Hölle war das? Du kannst nicht so mit Kunden reden! Krieg dich zusammen, oder du fliegst hier raus!<</boss>>
<<mia>>Schau, es tut mir leid, okay? Aber dieser Typ war ein totaler Idiot, und ich werde nicht einfach dastehen und das hinnehmen. Ich gehe nachsehen, wie es mit der Bestellung steht, aber erwarte keine Wunder.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Mia, mir ist scheißegal, was er zu dir gesagt oder getan hat! Das hier ist mein Café, und wenn ich dir sage, dass du nett zu deinen Kunden sein sollst, dann wirst du nett sein. Und wenn ich dir sage, dass du auf die Knie gehen und mir einen blasen sollst, dann wirst du es tun.<</boss>>
<<boss>>Was, hast du mich nicht gehört?<</boss>>
<<st>>Er packt Mias Haare, zieht sie auf die Knie und öffnet seine Hose.<</st>>
<<boss>>Wenn ich dir sage, dass du auf die Knie gehen und mir einen blasen sollst, dann wirst du es tun.<</boss>>
<<st>>Mia zögert, weil sie schockiert, wütend und ungläubig darüber ist, was er sagt. Aber der starke Griff ihres Chefs an ihren Haaren und sein autoritärer Ton lassen ihr keine andere Wahl.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.office)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/office/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Geld + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia huscht schnell auf die Männertoilette, um fix was zu checken, und denkt, da wär grad keiner. Gerade will sie 'nen Müll hochheben, da kriegt sie plötzlich 'nen Klaps auf den Po.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Autsch!'', schreit sie auf, völlig perplex<</mia>>
<<client>>''He, Schätzchen'', ertönt eine Stimme. ''Wie wär's mit 'nem kleinen Trinkgeld?''<</client>>
<<st>>Verwirrt dreht Mia sich um und sieht in ein attraktives Männergesicht. ''Hä? Was soll das denn heißen? Was willst du von mir?''<</st>>
<<st>>Er kommt näher, ein schelmischer Blick in den Augen. ''Ich weiß, das klingt komisch, aber seit ich den Laden betreten und dich gesehen hab, will ich eigentlich nur eins. Ich möchte wirklich auf dein hübsches Gesicht kommen'', schnurrt er.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia begreift schlagartig, wie widerlich das ist, aber seltsamerweise jagt ihr seine Stimme und die Vorstellung, dass er das tut, einen Schauer über den Rücken. ''Komm mir ins Gesicht?'' - sie nuschelt schon wieder, total aufgeregt, und ihre Backen brennen auch noch. Dabei ist ihr eigentlich ganz schön mulmig. Aber irgendwie reizt sie das ja auch. Grinsend nickt sie zustimmend, und ihr Herz klopft wie wild vor Vorfreude.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bj)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Geld + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 4>>
<<client>>''Also hallo! Wo bleibt denn unser Essen? Wir warten hier schon seit einer Ewigkeit!''- schallt die Stimme des Kunden durchs Café und übertönt die übliche Unterhaltung.<</client>>
<<st>>Mia lässt schlagartig die Luft aus. Ihr ist eingefallen, dass sie die Bestellung des Kunden komplett vergessen hat. Panik steigt in ihr auf, als sie sich den Zorn ihres Chefs vorstellt.<</st>>
<<mia>>Schweißgebadet steuert Mia auf den wütenden Kunden zu. ''Entschuldigung, tut mir echt leid! Das ist natürlich mein Fehler. Bitte nehmen Sie meine Entschuldigung an. Um Ihnen die Wartezeit zu versüßen, würde ich Ihnen gerne ein Dessert aufs Haus anbieten. Ihr Essen kriegen Sie natürlich sofort in die Küche!''<</mia>>
<<st>>Mit angehaltenem Atem wartet Mia auf die Antwort des Kunden. Sie hofft inständig, dass ihr Angebot ihn besänftigt und die Situation nicht weiter aus dem Ruder läuft.<</st>>
<<client>>Der Kunde blafft zurück: ''Verschonen Sie mich mit dem verdammten Nachtisch! Ich warte hier schon seit vierzig Minuten! Glauben Sie im Ernst, ein Dessert reicht da aus? Wohl kaum!''<</client>>
<<mia>>''Was wäre, wenn ich Ihnen etwas Besseres anbiete, während Sie auf Ihre Bestellung warten, Sir?'', fragte Mia, biss sich auf die Lippe und knöpfte das Oberteil ihrer Bluse auf.<</mia>>
<<client>>''Tja, das könnte meine Laune vielleicht etwas bessern.'' Die Augen des Mannes klebten an ihrem Dekolleté, als er das sagte.<</client>>
<<mia>>''Folge mir dann, ich muss Ihnen etwas zeigen'', sagte Mia und führte ihn in einen privaten Bereich des Cafés.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.flashWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/flashWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Geld + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Mia trat an die Bar, um eine neue Bestellung aufzunehmen, als ihr auffiel, dass der Barkeeper spurlos verschwunden war. Sie wartete und suchte sich nach ihm um. Doch bevor sie ihn finden konnte, spürte sie plötzlich, wie ihr von hinten zwei Hände an die Brüste griffen.<</st>>
<<st>>Erschrocken fuhr Mia herum und sah einen Kunden mit einem schiefen Grinsen im Gesicht vor sich stehen. Trotz ihres Schocks wirkte er völlig gelassen, als er sich beiläufig erkundigte: ''Ich hätte da eine spezielle Bestellung, die ich auf der Karte nicht gefunden habe. Kann ich die jetzt in Auftrag geben?''<</st>>
<<st>>Mia spürte, wie ihr Herz angesichts der Dreistigkeit seines Verhaltens raste. Aber Moment mal, dachte sie, manchmal mag sie ja genau diese Dreistigkeit.<</st>>
<<mia>>Sie lächelte den Kunden an: ''Was genau haben Sie gesucht, Sir?'' – und ließ sich von ihm befummeln.<</mia>>
<<client>>''Ich konnte die Option ''Fick die heißeste Kellnerin'' nicht auf der Speisekarte finden'', flüsterte er ihr ins Ohr und legte seine Hand auf ihren Arsch.<</client>>
<<mia>>''Na ja, vielleicht haben Sie sich die Dessertkarte nicht angeschaut? Aber da Sie bereits hier sind, nehme ich Ihre Bestellung entgegen. Komm mit mir.''<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/cafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Geld + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>60>>
<<st>>Es ist nicht mehr wirklich ein Café; es sieht eher wie ein Bordell aus. Mädchen tanzen an einer Stange. Es gibt Kellnerinnen, die direkt an den Tischen gefickt werden; sie haben kaum noch Kleidung an, und jetzt ist es seltsam, sich unter den Tisch zu verstecken, um jemandem einen Blowjob zu geben...<</st>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafe_3)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/waitres/3/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>
[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<set $random to random(10)>><<if $random >5>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Geld + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><</if>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Mia bemerkte einen Stammkunden, der alleine an einem Tisch in der Ecke saß. Er war immer freundlich und schien an ihr interessiert zu sein. Heute beschloss sie, zurückzuflirten.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia ging mit einer subtilen Schwungbewegung ihrer Hüften auf seinen Tisch zu, ein verspieltes Lächeln tanzte auf ihren Lippen.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Hey! Du scheinst unseren Kaffee wirklich zu genießen. Ist es der Geschmack oder etwas anderes, das dich immer wieder zurückkommen lässt?''<</mia>>
<<client>>''Ich würde sagen, es ist beides. Aber hauptsächlich ist es die Gesellschaft'', antwortete er, sein Tonfall andeutend.<</client>>
<<st>>Mia lehnte sich näher, der Duft seines Parfüms berauschte ihre Sinne.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Ist das so? Nun, das freut mich zu hören'', murmelte Mia, ihre Stimme von Verlangen heiser.<</mia>>
<<st>>Ihr spielerisches Geplänkel mit dem Kunden nahm eine plötzliche Wendung, als er sich näher lehnte und sein Blick auf ihren Kurven verweilte.<</st>>
<<client>>''Weißt du, Mia, ich komme hier jeden Tag her, nicht nur wegen des Kaffees, sondern um einen Blick auf deinen heißen Hintern zu erhaschen, wenn du zwischen den Tischen herumgehst.''<</client>>
<<st>>Ihre Wangen röteten sich bei seinem kühnen Geständnis, aber sie bewahrte ihre Fassung.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Ist das so? Nun, ich fühle mich geschmeichelt, um es gelinde auszudrücken.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Der Kunde hielt sich nicht zurück, sein Verlangen war offensichtlich in seinen nächsten Worten.<</st>>
<<client>>''Ehrlich gesagt, Mia, seitdem ich dich hier gesehen habe, träume ich davon, dich zu ficken.''<</client>>
<<mia>>''Oh, wirklich? Nun, du hast sicherlich ein Talent für Worte'', Das kühne Geständnis des Kunden schickte Mia einen Schauer durch die Adern und weckte ihre eigenen Begierden.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mit einem Anflug von Aufregung nahm sie seine Hand ohne zu zögern, ein verspieltes Funkeln in ihren Augen.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Komm mit mir'', flüsterte Mia und führte ihn mit einer Luft der Erwartung ins abgelegene Badezimmer.<</mia>>
<<st>>Einmal drinnen, lehnte sie sich nah an ihn heran, ihr Atem heiß an seinem Ohr.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Ich habe gerade eine 15-minütige Pause. Es sieht so aus, als könnte sich dein Wunsch vielleicht erfüllen'', flüsterte sie verführerisch.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mit einem verschmitzten Grinsen zog Mia ihn in eine leidenschaftliche Umarmung, ihre Begierden endlich im Moment der Leidenschaft entfesselt.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Geld + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 1>>
<<client>>Hey, wir warten schon eine Ewigkeit auf unsere Bestellung! Wo zum Teufel bleibt sie?<</client>>
<<mia>>Es tut mir furchtbar leid für die Verzögerung. Lassen Sie mich direkt in die Küche gehen und sicherstellen, dass Ihre Bestellung priorisiert wird.<</mia>>
<<client>>Das ist lächerlich! Ich warte schon eine Ewigkeit!<</client>>
<<mia>>Oh, es tut mir so leid! Lassen Sie mich dieses Problem beheben. Bitte akzeptieren Sie meine Entschuldigung für die Wartezeit. Normalerweise würde ich Ihnen einen Nachtisch aufs Haus anbieten. Aber da Sie einer unserer treuesten und regelmäßigsten Kunden sind, möchte ich Ihnen eine andere Art von Dessert als meine persönliche aufrichtige Entschuldigung geben. Aber pssst, erzählen Sie es niemandem.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia geht auf die Knie und kriecht unter den Tisch.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/cafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Geld + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 2>>
<<client>>Hey, du, Kellnerin! Warum dauert das so lange? Bist du hier, um dumm zu sein?<</client>>
<<mia>>Schau, ich gebe mein Bestes, um Ihre Bestellung so schnell wie möglich herauszubekommen. Aber Sie sind nicht der Einzige hier. Warum entspannen Sie sich nicht einfach ein wenig und haben etwas Geduld?<</mia>>
<<client>>Ich hoffe, du weißt, wie man schneller arbeitet als spricht. Ich habe keine Lust, ewig hier zu warten.<</client>>
<<mia>>Nun, ich hoffe, Sie wissen, wie man schneller isst als sich beschwert, denn Ihr Essen wird fertig sein, wenn es fertig ist. Jetzt, wenn Sie mich entschuldigen, ich habe andere Tische zu bedienen.<</mia>>
<<client>>Sind Sie verrückt? Wie reden Sie mit Ihrem Kunden? Vielleicht sollte ich Ihnen ein paar Manieren beibringen und Ihnen zeigen, wie man höflich ist?<</client>>
<<mia>>Und was werden Sie tun?<</mia>>
<<st>>Und in diesem Moment konnte Mia sehen, wie die Wut in seinen Augen nachließ und etwas Neues sie ersetzte - Lust und Gewalt.<</st>>
<<client>>Ich werde Ihnen zeigen, was mit unartigen Mädchen wie Ihnen passiert. - flüsterte er ihr ins Ohr, griff nach Mias Haaren und zog sie näher heran.<</client>>
<<st>>Er begann, Mia in Richtung der Toilette zu ziehen, sie konnte das Adrenalin durch ihre Adern schießen fühlen, unsicher, was als nächstes passieren würde, aber unfähig, dem Reiz des Unbekannten zu widerstehen. Der plötzliche Wechsel in den Machtverhältnissen ließ sie sowohl berauscht als auch leicht verängstigt zurück, eine gefährliche Kombination, die nur zur Intensität des Moments beitrug.<</st>>
<<st>>Als sich die Tür des Badezimmers hinter ihrem Rücken schloss, wusste sie, dass es kein Zurück mehr gab. Der Gedanke daran, was als nächstes kommen würde, schickte Schauer über Mias Rücken. Draußen verstummte das leise Gespräch im Café, und es blieb nur das Geräusch ihres schnell schlagenden Herzens im kleinen Badezimmer.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Geld + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia ging ihrer gewohnten Arbeit nach und bediente ihre Kunden mit einem Lächeln, als sie plötzlich ein neues Gesicht an einem der Tische entdeckte – niemand Geringerer als ihr Klassenkamerad Jack.<</st>>
<<client>>''Hey, Mia! Irre, dich hier zu sehen!'', rief Jack freudig und seine Augen leuchteten förmlich auf.<</client>>
<<mia>>''Oh Gott! Jack? Hi! Ja, bin ich ja wirklich'', grinste Mia und zupfte an ihrer Schürze. ''Bediene hier gerade Gäste und sorge für… hmm… gute Laune. Was darf's denn sein?''<</mia>>
<<client>>Jacks Blick blieb an Mias Uniform hängen, ein spitzbübisches Lächeln huschte über seine Lippen. ''Na muss ich sagen, die Uniform steht dir ja echt fantastisch.''<</client>>
<<mia>>Mia hatte Jack schon immer toll gefunden. Sie lachte leise, und eine wohlige Wärme breitete sich in ihrem Körper aus. ''Danke, Jack. Wir probieren hier gerade was Neues aus, sozusagen ein bisschen 'Hingucker' zu den Bestellungen dazu.''<</mia>>
<<client>>Jack beugte sich etwas näher zu ihr hin, seine Stimme klang neckisch. ''Oh, ins Auge fällt sie definitiv, die Uniform. Aber ich muss gestehen, es ist nicht nur die Kleidung, die mich fesselt. Ich habe mich schon immer gefragt, was sich darunter verbirgt.''<</client>>
<<mia>>Mia spürte ein Prickeln im Bauch bei Jacks forscher Ansage. ''Schön zu hören'', erwiderte sie und versuchte dabei, gelassen zu wirken. ''Also, was darf's denn sein? Kaffee, Tee oder vielleicht doch etwas Kräftigeres?''<</mia>>
<<client>>''Ach Mensch, Mia, seit der Schule schon hab ich mich nie getraut, dich anzusprechen'', räumte Jack ein, seine Stimme mit einem Hauch von Bedauern und prickelnder Spannung. ''Aber jetzt, wo wir uns hier so zufällig treffen, kriege ich vielleicht endlich meine Chance?''<</client>>
<<mia>>Blitz trifft dich heute wohl, Süßer. Du hast mir damals auch gefallen, also ja, da können wir gerne was nachholen... Komm in fünf Minuten rüber zur Toilette. Dann können wir ja mal schauen, ob's da zwischen uns prickelt.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Geld + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mia schlängelte sich gekonnt durch das geschäftige Café und suchte mit einem Blick über die Tische nach dem nächsten Gast, der bedient werden wollte. Mit einem freundlichen Lächeln näherte sie sich einem Tisch, an dem ein junger Mann alleine saß.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Was darf's denn sein?'', fragte Mia mit einer Stimme, so süß wie der Duft von frisch gebrühtem Kaffee. Ihr Blick traf seinen, und in ihren Augen funkelte – ganz unverfänglich – die Freude, den nächsten Gast bedienen zu dürfen.<</mia>>
<<client>>Der Mann sah zu ihr auf und seine Lippen verzogen sich zu einem schmutzigen Lächeln. ''Ich nehme bitte einen Cappuccino und einen Blowjob'', antwortete der Mann und verweilte einen Moment länger als nötig auf Mias Gesicht.<</client>>
<<st>>Mia spürte pure Wut über seine Dreistigkeit und Arroganz. Trotzdem kribbelte es unter ihrer Haut – dieser winzige Funke elektrisierte sie bei jedem Blickwechsel.<</st>>
<<mia>>Gleich bei Ihnen, Sir.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bj)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Geld + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Mia bahnte sich gekonnt ihren Weg durch das geschäftige Café, ein Tablett voller heißer Teller mit Essen in den Händen. Plötzlich spürte sie einen heftigen Stoß von hinten. Mit einem Aufschrei verlor sie den Gleichgewicht und stürzte nach vorne, wobei das Tablett mit dem Essen umkippte.<</st>>
<<st>>In Sekundenschnelle ging alles schief. Das Tablett rutschte ihr aus den Händen und das Essen landete auf einem Gast in der Nähe. Als der Mann aufsprang, schallte seine Stimme voller Wut und sein Gesicht verzerrte sich zu einer grimmigen Fratze.<</st>>
<<client>>''Was zur Hölle soll denn das?!'', brüllte er und starrte wutentbrannt auf die verfleckte Kleidung. Sein Gesicht war puterrot angelaufen.<</client>>
<<mia>>Mia fühlte sich, als wäre sie vom Blitz getroffen. Ihr wurde schlagartig klar, was für ein Chaos sie angerichtet hatte. ''Oh nein, ist ja alles voll daneben gegangen!'', rief sie bestürzt. ''Tut mir echt leid! Lass mich helfen, das wieder sauber zu machen.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Der Blick der Kundin ist auf ihre nasse weiße Bluse gerichtet. Es war so nass, dass er jeden Teil ihres Körpers sehen konnte und bemerkte, dass Mia unter der Bluse keinen BH trug.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia bemerkte, wohin er blickte, und lächelte sündig. Mia ergriff die Hand des Kunden, führte ihn zur Toilette und hoffte, dass sie ihm beim Aufräumen helfen würde. Trotz der Spannung, die in der Luft lag, wusste sie genau, was sie tun musste, um diesen Mann diesen unglücklichen Vorfall vergessen zu lassen.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Geld + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<</switch>><</if>><<button [[Verlassen Sie|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Du hast keine Energie mehr, um irgendetwas zu tun, ein guter, fester Schlaf wird dir helfen.<</st>>
<<button [[Schlaf|Mia's room]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "FR">><<if $boss.mood < 10>><<st>>Le patron n'est pas d'humeur, réconfortez-le et vous pourrez travailler.<</st>>
<<if $mia.ac_c >0>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe==true>><<set $need_to_work += 1>><</if>><<set $is_need_to_ukrast +=1>><<if $perks.nimble==0>><<set $salary = $mia.salary + $client.number + random(20)>><<else>><<set $salary = Math.floor(($mia.salary + $client.number + random(20))*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<set $boss.mood -=5>><<set $exp_gained = 1+$perks.arena_of_life>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe <=30>>
<<st>>Une journée ordinaire au café s'est déroulée comme toutes les autres pour le personnel. Pour que tout le monde soit content, les serveurs couraient d'un côté à l'autre pour apporter de la nourriture et des boissons aux tables. Il y avait beaucoup de monde dans la salle, et Mia pouvait sentir leurs regards sur toutes les parties de son corps. Cela lui faisait bizarre, mais elle n'y prêtait pas attention, se concentrant plutôt sur ses tâches.<</st>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafe_1)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/waitres/1/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>
[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<set $random to random(5)>><<if $random >2>><<flash `"Argent +" + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Cafe exp + " + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><</if>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<client>>Oh non, j'ai perdu mon portefeuille ! Je suis sûre de l'avoir pris avec moi quand j'ai quitté le café.<</client>>
<<mia>>Ne vous inquiétez pas. Nous vous aiderons à le retrouver. Peut-être l'avez-vous laissé tomber dans la rue par accident ? Allons voir autour du café.<</mia>>
<<st>>Alors qu'elle se dirige vers la porte d'entrée du café, Mia aperçoit le portefeuille sous l'une des chaises et le montre du doigt.<</st>>
<<mia>>Oh, il est là ! Je vais l'attraper pour toi.<</mia>>
<<st>>Alors qu'elle se penche pour l'attraper, les mains sales du client lui tripotent soudain les fesses.<</st>>
<<mia>>Qu'est-ce que c'est que ce bordel ?<</mia>>
<<st>>Elle s'éloigne d'un coup sec, jetant le portefeuille au client, bouillonnante de rage.<</st>>
<<mia>>Prends ton putain de portefeuille, espèce de pervers ! Et garde tes sales pattes pour toi, espèce de sale type !<</mia>>
<<st>>Le patron de Mia arrive en trombe dans le hall. <</st>>
<<boss>>Mia, qu'est-ce que c'était que ça ? Vous ne pouvez pas parler aux clients comme ça !<</boss>>
<<mia>>Mais il m'a tripotée, patron ! Je ne vais pas accepter ça de qui que ce soit !<</mia>>
<<boss>>Je comprends, Mia, mais tu ne peux pas partir comme ça. Nous avons des normes ici.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Des normes ?! Et ma putain de dignité, alors ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Je comprends que tu sois contrariée, mais tu ne peux pas laisser cela affecter ton professionnalisme. Nous sommes dans le secteur des services, bordel !<</boss>>
<<mia>>D'accord, peu importe. Mais si jamais ce connard revient ici, il va avoir droit à une putain de leçon de la part de moi !<</mia>>
<<boss>>Essayez de garder la tête froide, Mia. Nous en reparlerons plus tard.<</boss>>
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $boss.mood-=10>><<if $boss.mood <0>><<set $boss.mood =0>><</if>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $client.number-=1>><<if $client.number <0>><<set $client.number =0>><</if>><<flash `"Argent +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Money + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "L'humeur du patron. - 10 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Clients - 1 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 1>>
<<client>>Hé, on attend notre commande depuis une éternité ! Où diable est-elle ?<</client>>
<<mia>>Je suis vraiment désolée pour le retard. Laissez-moi aller vérifier en cuisine et régler votre commande immédiatement.<</mia>>
<<client>>C'est ridicule ! On attend depuis des lustres !<</client>>
<<boss>>Mia, tu dois gérer ça correctement ! Bouge-toi et règle la situation !<</boss>>
<<mia>>Je vais régler ça tout de suite, promis.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Tu ferais mieux ! On ne peut pas se permettre de faire attendre les clients comme ça.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Tenez. Nous vous présentons nos sincères excuses pour le retard, et en guise de geste commercial, ce dessert est offert par la maison. Nous apprécions votre patience.<</mia>>
<<client>>Finalement ! Il était temps. Mais ce n'est pas seulement l'attente, c'est le principe !<</client>>
<<mia>>Je comprends parfaitement. Nous ferons mieux la prochaine fois, promis.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Bon travail, Mia. Assure-toi que ça ne se reproduise plus.<</boss>>
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>>
<<flash `"Argent +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Argent + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 2>>
<<client>>Hé, toi, la serveuse ! Qu'est-ce qui prend autant de temps pour que ça arrive ? T'es vraiment là juste pour faire la cruche ?<</client>>
<<mia>>Écoute, je fais de mon mieux pour sortir ta commande le plus vite possible. Mais t'es pas le seul client ici. Alors pourquoi tu te détends pas un peu et n'aurais pas un peu de patience ?<</mia>>
<<client>>J'espère que tu sais travailler plus vite que tu ne parles. J'ai pas le temps d'attendre éternellement dans cet endroit.<</client>>
<<mia>>Bah, j'espère que tu sais manger plus vite que tu te plains, parce que ta bouffe sera prête quand elle sera prête. Maintenant, si tu m'excuses, j'ai d'autres tables à servir.<</mia>>
<<st>>15 minutes plus tard Mia est convoquée dans le bureau du chef, où elle attend nerveusement une remontrance.<</st>>
<<boss>>Mia ! Qu'est-ce que c'était que ça ? On parle pas aux clients comme ça ! Reprends-toi ou t'es virée d'ici !<</boss>>
<<mia>>Écoute, je suis désolée, d'accord ? Mais ce type était un crétin complet, et j'vais pas rester là sans rien faire. Je vais aller vérifier la commande, mais n'espère pas de miracles.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Mia, j'en ai rien à foutre de ce qu'il t'a dit ou comment il t'a traitée. C'est un client, et ton boulot c'est de sourire aux clients. Si tu continues à agir comme ça avec nos clients, tu seras dehors plus vite que tu peux le penser, compris ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ouais, ouais, j'ai compris chef. Je garderai mon calme la prochaine fois.<</mia>>
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $boss.mood -=10>><<if $boss.mood <0>><<set $boss.mood =0>><</if>><<set $client.number-=1>><<if $client.number <0>><<set $client.number =0>><</if>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Argent + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "L'humeur du patron. - 10 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Clients - 1 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>30 and $mia.exp_cafe <= 60>>
<<st>>Les choses ont beaucoup changé depuis que Mia a commencé à travailler ici, si bien qu'une journée de travail normale n'est plus si normale que cela. Ici et là, elle voit des clients tripoter des serveuses et leur proposer des services contre de l'argent. Elle ne dit à personne qu'elle voit parfois les serveuses sous les tables. Les clients sont contents et les serveuses reçoivent des pourboires supplémentaires.<</st>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafe_2)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/waitres/2/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>
[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<set $random to random(10)>><<if $random >5>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Argent + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><</if>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<boss>>Mia, un de nos clients de la table 6 a besoin de ton aide. Va le voir.<</boss>>
<<st>>Mia s'approche de la table 6 et voit le client assis là.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Bonjour, que puis-je faire pour vous ?<</mia>>
<<client>>''J'ai fait tomber ma fourchette par terre. Pourriez-vous la récupérer pour moi ?''<</client>>
<<st>>Mia se penche pour récupérer la fourchette et remarque une serviette de table à proximité avec une note dessus. Elle rougit en lisant le message explicite : ''Tu es si sexy. Si tu me fais une pipe tout de suite, je te donnerai 200 dollars''.<</st>>
<<st>>Timide mais tentée par l'offre, Mia se lève et regarde le client, qui dépose 200 dollars sur la table.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia hésite un instant, réfléchissant à la proposition. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Oh, je crois que j'ai vu votre couteau tomber aussi. Laissez-moi vérifier.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Elle retourne sous la table, avec un mélange de nervosité et d'excitation, et décide d'aller jusqu'au bout et de fournir au client ce qu'il a demandé.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/cafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=200>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Argent + 200">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 1>>
<<client>>Hé, ça fait une éternité qu'on attend notre commande ! Où est-elle donc passée ?<</client>>
<<mia>>Je suis terriblement désolée pour le retard. Permettez-moi d'aller directement en cuisine et de m'assurer que votre commande soit prioritaire.<</mia>>
<<client>>C'est ridicule ! On attend depuis des lustres !<</client>>
<<boss>>Mia, il faut gérer ça correctement ! Bouge-toi et règle la situation !<</boss>>
<<mia>>Absolument, chef. Je vais m'assurer que tout soit réglé rapidement.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Tu ferais mieux ! On ne peut pas se permettre de faire attendre les clients comme ça.<</boss>>
<<st>>Mia revient avec la commande et un dessert offert.<</st>>
<<mia>>Voilà, messieurs. Veuillez accepter nos plus sincères excuses pour l'attente. Et pour nous excuser, le dessert est offert par la maison. Et de ma part également, veuillez accepter mes excuses les plus sincères.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia leur montre ses seins<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/cafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Les yeux du client s'écarquillent de surprise.<</st>>
<<client>>Euh, eh bien, merci. On apprécie le geste.<</client>>
<<mia>>Naturellement, régalez-vous ! Et encore une fois, veuillez nous excuser pour le désagrément.<</mia>>
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Argent + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 2>>
<<client>>Hé, toi, la serveuse ! Qu'est-ce qui prend autant de temps pour que ça arrive ? T'es vraiment là juste pour faire la cruche ?<</client>>
<<mia>>Écoute, je fais de mon mieux pour sortir ta commande le plus vite possible. Mais t'es pas le seul client ici. Alors pourquoi tu te détends pas un peu et n'aurais pas un peu de patience ?<</mia>>
<<client>>J'espère que tu sais travailler plus vite que tu ne parles. J'ai pas le temps d'attendre éternellement dans cet endroit.<</client>>
<<mia>>Bah, j'espère que tu sais manger plus vite que tu te plains, parce que ta bouffe sera prête quand elle sera prête. Maintenant, si tu m'excuses, j'ai d'autres tables à servir.<</mia>>
<<st>>15 minutes plus tard Mia est convoquée dans le bureau du chef, où elle attend nerveusement une remontrance.<</st>>
<<boss>>Mia ! Qu'est-ce que c'était que ça ? Tu ne peux pas parler aux clients comme ça ! Reprenez tes esprits ou tu es virée d'ici !<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ecoutez, je suis désolée, d'accord ? Mais ce type a été un vrai con, et je ne vais pas rester là à le supporter. Je vais aller vérifier la commande, mais ne vous attendez pas à des miracles.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Mia, je me fiche complètement de ce qu'il a pu te dire ou te faire ! C'est mon café, et si je te dis d'être gentille avec tes clients, tu le seras. Et si je te dis de te mettre à genoux et de me sucer, tu le feras.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Quoi ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Quoi, tu ne m'as pas entendu ?<</boss>>
<<st>>Il attrape les cheveux de Mia, la met à genoux et ouvre son pantalon.<</st>>
<<boss>>Si je te dis de te mettre à genoux et de me sucer, tu le feras.<</boss>>
<<st>>Mia hésite parce qu'elle est choquée, en colère et n'arrive pas à croire ce qu'il dit. Mais la forte emprise de son patron sur ses cheveux et son ton autoritaire ne lui laissent pas d'autre choix. <</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.office)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/office/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Argent + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia entre dans les toilettes des hommes pour les ranger, supposant qu'elles sont vides. Alors qu'elle se penche pour ramasser quelques déchets, elle sent un coup soudain sur ses fesses.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Aïe'', s'exclame-t-elle, interloquée.<</mia>>
<<client>>Une voix l'interpelle : ''Hey, baby''. Tu veux gagner un petit pourboire ?<</client>>
<<st>>Confuse, Mia se retourne vers un client séduisant. Qu'est-ce que tu veux que je fasse ?<</st>>
<<st>>Il se penche plus près, une lueur malicieuse dans les yeux. ''Je sais que cela peut paraître inhabituel, mais depuis que je suis entré dans cet endroit et que je t'ai vue, j'ai décidé de faire une chose toute simple. J'ai vraiment envie de jouir sur ton joli visage'', ronronne-t-il.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia comprend que c'est absolument dégoûtant, mais sa voix et l'idée qu'il le fasse la font frissonner. '' Jouir sur mon visage ? '' répète-t-elle, sa voix dépassant à peine un murmure, ses joues rougissant d'une étrange excitation. Bien qu'elle se sente étonnamment timide, une partie d'elle est intriguée. Avec un sourire coquin, elle acquiesce, son pouls s'accélérant avec impatience.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bj)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Argent + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 4>>
<<client>>''Hé, ça fait une éternité que j'attends notre commande ! Où diable est-elle ?'' La voix du client retentit dans le café, coupant court au bavardage habituel.<</client>>
<<st>>Le cœur de Mia s'effondre lorsqu'elle réalise son erreur. Elle a oublié sa commande. Elle panique en imaginant la colère de son patron.<</st>>
<<mia>>Désireuse de résoudre la situation, elle s'approche du client en colère et lui présente ses excuses : ''Je suis vraiment désolée, monsieur. C'est moi qui ai fait l'erreur. Veuillez accepter mes excuses. Puis-je vous offrir un dessert maison en signe de bonne volonté ? Je vous promets que nous vous ferons parvenir votre commande immédiatement.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Elle retient son souffle, espérant que cette offre l'apaisera et évitera toute escalade.<</st>>
<<client>>''Je ne veux pas d'un putain de dessert ! Ça fait déjà quarante minutes que j'attends ! Vous pensez sérieusement qu'un dessert est suffisant ? J'en doute !''<</client>>
<<mia>>''Et si je vous offrais quelque chose de mieux pendant que vous attendez votre commande, monsieur ?'' demanda Mia en se mordant la lèvre et en déboutonnant le haut de son chemisier.<</mia>>
<<client>>''Eh bien, cela pourrait changer mon humeur.'' - Les yeux de l'homme étaient rivés sur son décolleté.<</client>>
<<mia>>''Suis-moi, j'ai quelque chose à vous montrer'' - dit Mia en l'emmenant dans une partie privée du café.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.flashWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/flashWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Argent + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Alors que Mia s'approchait du bar pour prendre une autre commande, elle réalisa que le barman n'était pas en vue. Elle attendit, jetant des coups d'œil autour d'elle à sa recherche, mais avant de pouvoir le localiser, elle sentit soudain une paire de mains lui attraper les seins par derrière.<</st>>
<<st>>Surprise, Mia se retourna pour découvrir un client qui se tenait là, un sourire malicieux sur le visage. Malgré le choc, il ne semble pas perturbé et demande nonchalamment : ''J'ai une commande spéciale, mais je ne l'ai pas trouvée sur le menu. Puis-je commander maintenant ?''<</st>>
<<st>>Le cœur de Mia s'emballa, choqué par l'audace de son geste. Mais vous savez quoi ? Parfois, elle aime l'audace.<</st>>
<<mia>>Elle sourit au client : ''Que cherchiez-vous exactement, monsieur ? - le laissant la tripoter.<</mia>>
<<client>>''Je n'ai pas trouvé l'option ''baiser la serveuse la plus sexy'' dans le menu'', lui a-t-il chuchoté à l'oreille, en posant sa main sur ses fesses.<</client>>
<<mia>>''Peut-être que vous n'avez pas vérifié le menu des desserts ? Mais puisque tu es déjà là, je vais prendre votre commande. Venez avec moi.''<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/cafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Argent + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>60>>
<<st>>Ce n'est plus vraiment un café, cela ressemble plus à une maison close. Des filles dansent sur un poteau. Il y a des serveuses qui se font baiser à même les tables ; elles n'ont presque pas de vêtements, et maintenant c'est bizarre de se cacher sous la table pour faire une pipe à quelqu'un...<</st>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafe_3)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/waitres/3/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>
[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<set $random to random(10)>><<if $random >5>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Argent + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><</if>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Mia se fijó en un cliente habitual sentado solo en una mesa de la esquina. Siempre era amable y parecía interesado en ella. Hoy decidió corresponderle.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia se acercó a su mesa con un sutil contoneo de caderas y una sonrisa juguetona bailando en sus labios. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Hola. Parece que te gusta mucho nuestro café. ¿Es el sabor o algo más lo que te hace volver?''.<</mia>>
<<client>>''Yo diría que un poco de las dos cosas. Pero, sobre todo, es la compañía'', respondió él, con tono sugerente.<</client>>
<<st>>Mia se inclinó hacia él, el aroma de su colonia embriagaba sus sentidos.<</st>>
<<client>>''¿Ah, sí? Me alegra oírlo'', murmuró Mia, con la voz ronca por el deseo.<</client>>
<<st>>Sus bromas juguetonas con el cliente dieron un giro repentino cuando él se inclinó más hacia ella, posando su mirada en sus curvas. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Sabes, Mia. Vengo aquí todos los días, no sólo por el café, sino para ver ese culo tuyo tan sexy cuando te mueves por las mesas''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Sus mejillas se sonrojaron ante su atrevida confesión, pero mantuvo la compostura. <</st>>
<<client>>''¿Ah, sí? Me siento halagada, como mínimo''.<</client>>
<<st>>El cliente no se contuvo, su deseo se hizo evidente en sus siguientes palabras. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Sinceramente, Mia, desde que te vi aquí, he estado soñando con follar contigo''.<</mia>>
<<client>>''¿Ah, sí? La atrevida confesión del cliente provocó un estremecimiento en las venas de Mia, despertando sus propios deseos.<</client>>
<<st>>Sintiendo una oleada de excitación, le cogió la mano sin dudarlo, con un brillo juguetón en los ojos. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Acompáñame'', susurró Mia, conduciéndole al solitario cuarto de baño con aire de anticipación.<</mia>>
<<st>>Una vez dentro, se inclinó hacia él, con su aliento caliente en la oreja. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Tengo un descanso de 15 minutos ahora mismo. Parece que tu deseo se va a hacer realidad'', susurró seductoramente.<</mia>>
<<st>>Con una sonrisa pícara, Mia lo abrazó apasionadamente, dando rienda suelta a sus deseos en el calor del momento.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Argent + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 1>>
<<client>>Hé, j'attends notre commande depuis une éternité ! Où diable est-elle ?<</client>>
<<mia>>Je suis vraiment désolée pour ce retard. Permettez-moi d'aller directement à la cuisine et de m'assurer que votre commande est traitée en priorité.<</mia>>
<<client>>C'est ridicule ! Cela fait une éternité que j'attends !<</client>>
<<mia>>Je suis vraiment désolée ! Laissez-moi m'occuper de ce problème. Veuillez accepter mes excuses pour l'attente. Normalement, je vous offrirais un dessert offert par la maison. Mais comme vous êtes l'une de nos clientes les plus fidèles et les plus régulières, je veux vous offrir un autre type de dessert en guise d'excuses sincères. Mais chut, ne le dites à personne.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia se met à genoux et passe sous la table.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/cafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Argent + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>>
<<case 2>>
<<client>>Hé, toi, la serveuse ! Qu'est-ce qui prend tant de temps à se passer ? Tu es là pour faire l'imbécile ?<</client>>
<<mia>>Ecoutez, je fais de mon mieux pour que votre commande soit traitée le plus rapidement possible. Mais vous n'êtes pas le seul ici. Alors pourquoi ne pas vous détendre et faire preuve d'un peu de patience ?<</mia>>
<<client>>J'espère que tu sais travailler plus vite que tu ne parles. Je n'ai pas le temps d'attendre ici indéfiniment.<</client>>
<<mia>>J'espère que vous savez manger plus vite que vous ne vous plaignez, parce que votre repas sera prêt quand il sera prêt. Maintenant, si vous voulez bien m'excuser, je dois m'occuper d'autres tables.<</mia>>
<<client>>Tu es devenu fou ? Comment parles-tu à ton client ? Je devrais peut-être t'apprendre les bonnes manières et te montrer comment être polie ?<</client>>
<<mia>>Et qu'allez-vous faire?<</mia>>
<<st>>Et à ce moment-là, Mia a pu voir la colère dans ses yeux s'estomper pour laisser place à quelque chose de nouveau : la passion et la violence.<</st>>
<<client>>Je vais te montrer ce qui arrive aux vilaines filles comme toi, - lui chuchotant à l'oreille, il a attrapé les cheveux de Mia et l'a rapprochée.<</client>>
<<st>>Il commença à entraîner Mia vers les toilettes, elle sentait l'adrénaline couler dans ses veines, incertaine de ce qui allait se passer mais incapable de résister à l'excitation de l'inconnu. Le changement soudain dans la dynamique du pouvoir la laissait à la fois exaltée et légèrement terrifiée, une combinaison dangereuse qui ne faisait qu'ajouter à l'intensité du moment. <</st>>
<<st>>Lorsque la porte des toilettes s'est refermée derrière elle, elle savait qu'elle ne pouvait plus faire marche arrière. L'idée de ce qui allait suivre donnait des frissons à Mia. À l'extérieur, le bavardage silencieux du café s'éteignit, ne laissant que le bruit de son cœur battant à toute allure dans la petite salle de bains.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Argent + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia vaquait à ses occupations habituelles, satisfaire ses clients, lorsqu'elle remarqua un nouveau visage à l'une des tables : ce n'était autre que son camarade de classe Jack.<</st>>
<<client>>Hé, Mia, je ne m'attendais pas à te croiser ici ! s'exclame Jack, les yeux brillants de joie.<</client>>
<<mia>>''Oh, mon Dieu ! Jack ? Salut! Oui, c'est moi'', sourit Mia en ajustant son tablier. ''Je sers juste quelques boissons et... hmmm... de bonnes vibrations. Qu'est-ce que je vous sers ?''<</mia>>
<<client>>Le regard de Jack s'attarde sur l'uniforme de Mia, un sourire amusé se dessine sur ses lèvres. ''Je dois dire que tu es absolument magnifique dans cet uniforme.''<</client>>
<<mia>>Mia a toujours aimé ce garçon. Elle gloussa, sentant une chaleur se répandre dans son corps. ''Merci, Jack. Nous essayons quelque chose de nouveau ici, tu sais, un peu de plaisir pour les yeux pour accompagner les commandes.''<</mia>>
<<client>>Jack se pencha un peu plus près, le ton taquin. ''Oh, c'est vraiment accrocheur, d'accord. Mais je dois admettre que ce n'est pas seulement l'uniforme qui a attiré mon attention. J'ai toujours voulu voir ce qu'il y avait sous tes vêtements''.<</client>>
<<mia>>Mia sentit un frémissement dans son estomac à la phrase de Jack qui la flattait. ''Je suis contente que ça te plaise'', répondit-elle en essayant de garder son sang-froid. ''Alors, qu'est-ce qu'on fait aujourd'hui ? Un café ? Un thé ? Ou peut-être quelque chose d'un peu plus fort ?''<</mia>>
<<client>>''Tu sais, depuis l'école, je n'ai jamais eu le courage de te draguer'', admet Jack, la voix teintée d'une pointe de regret et d'excitation. ''Mais maintenant que nous sommes tombés l'un sur l'autre ici, peut-être que j'aurai enfin cette chance ?''<</client>>
<<mia>>C'est ton jour de chance, chérie. Je t'aimais bien aussi, on va avoir la chance de mieux se connaître... Viens aux toilettes dans 5 minutes. Voyons s'il y a une étincelle entre nous.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Argent + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Tout en se déplaçant avec aisance dans le café animé, Mia regarde les tables pour trouver la prochaine personne qu'elle doit servir. Elle s'approcha de la table avec un sourire amical lorsqu'elle vit un jeune homme assis seul.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Que voulez-vous commander ?'' demanda-t-elle, sa voix était aussi douce que l'odeur du café fraîchement préparé. Ses yeux rencontrèrent les siens, une lueur d'impatience dansant au fond d'eux.<</mia>>
<<client>>L'homme leva les yeux vers elle, ses lèvres se retroussant en un sourire coquin. ''Je prendrai un cappuccino et une pipe, s'il vous plaît'', répondit l'homme, son regard s'attardant sur le visage de Mia un instant de plus que nécessaire.<</client>>
<<st>>L'audace et l'arrogance de cet homme font chavirer le cœur de Mia, mais elle ne peut ignorer que sa peau picote sous l'effet de l'électricité subtile de leurs regards échangés.<</st>>
<<mia>>J'arrive tout de suite, Monsieur.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bj)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Argent + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Mia se déplace doucement dans le café animé tout en tenant un plateau rempli d'assiettes chaudes. Soudain, quelqu'un l'a poussée dans le dos. En cherchant de l'air, elle est tombée en avant, renversant son plateau de nourriture.<</st>>
<<st>>Tout a basculé en un instant. Le plateau lui a échappé des mains et la nourriture est tombée sur un client qui se trouvait à proximité. Lorsque l'homme se lève d'un bond, sa voix résonne de colère et son visage se transforme en un masque de rage.<</st>>
<<client>>''Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas chez vous ?'' Il hurla, le visage rouge de colère en regardant le désordre de ses vêtements.<</client>>
<<mia>>Le cœur de Mia se serra lorsqu'elle réalisa l'ampleur du chaos qu'elle avait causé. ''Je suis vraiment désolée'', dit-elle en levant les bras sur sa poitrine. ''Laissez-moi vous aider à nettoyer''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Les yeux du client se sont portés sur son chemisier blanc mouillé. Il était si mouillé qu'il pouvait voir chaque parcelle de son corps, remarquant que Mia ne portait pas de soutien-gorge sous le chemisier.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia a remarqué l'endroit où il regardait et a souri d'un air sinistre. Prenant la main du client, Mia le guida vers les toilettes en lui disant qu'elle l'aiderait à se nettoyer. Malgré la tension qui régnait dans l'air, elle savait exactement ce qu'il fallait faire pour que cet homme oublie ce malheureux incident.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<flash `"Cafe exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Argent + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<</switch>><</if>><<button [[Partir|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Vous n'avez plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, un bon sommeil vous aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "ES">><<if $boss.mood < 10>><<st>>El jefe no está de humor, anímale y podrás trabajar.<</st>>
<<if $mia.ac_c >0>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe==true>><<set $need_to_work += 1>><</if>><<set $is_need_to_ukrast +=1>><<if $perks.nimble==0>><<set $salary = $mia.salary + $client.number + random(20)>><<else>><<set $salary = Math.floor(($mia.salary + $client.number + random(20))*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<set $boss.mood -=5>><<set $exp_gained = 1+$perks.arena_of_life>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe <=30>>
<<st>>Un día cualquiera en el café transcurre como cualquier otro para el personal. Para contentar a todo el mundo, los camareros corrían de un lado a otro llevando comida y bebida a las mesas. Había mucha gente en la sala, y Mia podía sentir sus miradas en todas las partes de su cuerpo. Le resultaba extraño, pero no le prestó mucha atención y se concentró en sus tareas.<</st>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafe_1)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/waitres/1/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>
[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<set $random to random(5)>><<if $random >2>><<flash `"Dinero +" + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Café exp + " + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><</if>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<client>>¡Oh no, he perdido mi cartera! Seguro que me la llevé cuando salí de la cafetería.<</client>>
<<mia>>Por favor, no se preocupe. Le ayudaremos a encontrarla. ¿Se le habrá caído accidentalmente en la calle? Vamos a echar un vistazo por la cafetería.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mientras camina hacia la puerta principal del Café, Mia ve la cartera debajo de una de las sillas y la señala.<</st>>
<<mia>>¡Ahí está! Deja que te la coja.<</mia>>
<<st>>Cuando se agacha para cogerla, las manos sucias del cliente le tocan el culo.<</st>>
<<mia>>¡¿Qué demonios?!<</mia>>
<<st>>Se aparta de un tirón y le devuelve la cartera al cliente, furiosa.<</st>>
<<mia>>¡Coge tu puta cartera, pervertido! Y guárdate tus sucias manos para ti, maldito asqueroso.<</mia>>
<<st>>El jefe de Mia sale corriendo al pasillo.<</st>>
<<boss>>Mia, ¿qué coño ha sido eso? No puedes hablar así a los clientes.<</boss>>
<<mia>>¡Pero si me ha metido mano, jefe! No voy a aguantar esa mierda de nadie.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Lo entiendo, Mia, pero no puedes irte así. Aquí tenemos normas.<</boss>>
<<mia>>¡¿Normas?! ¿Qué pasa con mi puta dignidad, eh?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Entiendo que estés enfadada, pero no puedes dejar que afecte a tu profesionalidad. Estamos en el sector servicios, ¡joder!<</boss>>
<<mia>>Vale, como quieras. Pero si ese gilipollas vuelve por aquí, ¡se va a llevar una bronca de mi parte!<</mia>>
<<st>>Intenta mantener la calma, Mia. Hablaremos de esto más tarde.<</st>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $boss.mood-=10>><<if $boss.mood <0>><<set $boss.mood =0>><</if>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $client.number-=1>><<if $client.number <0>><<set $client.number =0>><</if>><<flash `"Café exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Dinero + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corrupción + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Estado de ánimo del jefe - 10 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Clients - 1 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 1>>
<<client>>¡Eh, llevamos una eternidad esperando nuestro pedido! ¿Dónde diablos está?<</client>>
<<mia>>Siento mucho el retraso. Permítanme que vaya a la cocina y les prepare el pedido enseguida.<</mia>>
<<client>>¡Esto es ridículo! Llevamos una eternidad esperando.<</client>>
<<boss>>¡Mia, tienes que manejar esto como es debido! ¡Muévete y arregla la situación!<</boss>>
<<mia>>Lo solucionaré enseguida, lo prometo.<</mia>>
<<boss>>¡Más te vale! No podemos permitirnos que los clientes esperen así.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Aquí tiene. Nos disculpamos sinceramente por el retraso, y como gesto de buena voluntad, este postre va por cuenta de la casa. Le agradecemos su paciencia.<</mia>>
<<client>>¡Por fin! Ya era hora. Pero no se trata sólo de la espera, ¡es el principio del asunto!<</client>>
<<mia>>Lo entiendo perfectamente. Lo haremos mejor la próxima vez, lo prometo.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Buen trabajo, Mia. Asegúrate de que no vuelva a ocurrir.<</boss>>
<<flash `"Café exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Dinero + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>>
<<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 2>>
<<client>>¡Eh, tú, camarera! ¿Por qué tarda tanto en bajar? ¿De verdad estás aquí para hacer el tonto?<</client>>
<<mia>>Mira, estoy haciendo todo lo posible para que tu pedido salga lo antes posible. Pero no eres el único aquí. Así que, ¿por qué no se relaja y tiene un poco de paciencia?<</mia>>
<<client>>Espero que sepas trabajar más rápido de lo que hablas. No tengo tiempo para esperar aquí eternamente.<</client>>
<<mia>>Bueno, espero que sepas comer más rápido de lo que te quejas, porque tu comida estará lista cuando esté lista. Ahora, si me disculpas, tengo otras mesas que atender.<</mia>>
<<st>>15 minutos más tarde, Mia fue llamada al despacho de su jefe, donde esperaba nerviosa un sermón.<</st>>
<<boss>>¡Mia! ¿Qué demonios ha sido eso? No puedes hablar así a los clientes. O te pones las pilas o te largas.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Mira, lo siento, ¿vale? Pero ese tipo estaba siendo un completo idiota, y no voy a quedarme ahí y aguantarlo. Iré a comprobar el pedido, pero no esperes milagros.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Mia, me importa una mierda lo que te dijo o cómo te trató. Es un cliente, y tu trabajo es sonreír a los clientes. Si sigues actuando así con nuestros clientes, te irás de aquí más rápido de lo que pestañeas, ¿entendido?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Sí, sí, lo tengo jefe. Mantendré la compostura la próxima vez.<</mia>><<flash `"Café exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Dinero + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Estado de ánimo del jefe - 10 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Clients - 1 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $boss.mood -=10>><<if $boss.mood <0>><<set $boss.mood =0>><</if>><<set $client.number-=1>><<if $client.number <0>><<set $client.number =0>><</if>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>30 and $mia.exp_cafe <= 60>>
<<st>>Las cosas han cambiado mucho desde que Mia empezó a trabajar aquí, así que un día normal de trabajo ya no lo es tanto. Aquí y allá, ve a clientes metiendo mano a las camareras y ofreciéndoles servicios a cambio de dinero. No le dice a nadie que a veces ve camareras debajo de las mesas. Los clientes están contentos y las camareras reciben propinas extra.<</st>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafe_2)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/waitres/2/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>
[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<set $random to random(10)>><<if $random >5>><<flash `"Café exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Money + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><</if>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<boss>>Mia, uno de nuestros clientes de la mesa 6 necesita tu ayuda. Ve a comprobarlo.<</boss>>
<<st>>Mia se acerca a la Mesa 6 y ve al cliente sentado allí. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Hola, ¿en qué puedo ayudarle?''.<</mia>>
<<client>>''Oye, se me ha caído el tenedor al suelo. ¿Podría cogerlo por mí?''.<</client>>
<<st>>Mia se agacha para recoger el tenedor y se da cuenta de que hay una servilleta cerca con una nota. Sge se sonroja al leer el explícito mensaje: ''Estás muy buena. Si me la chupas ahora mismo, te doy 200 dólares''.<</st>>
<<st>>Sintiéndose tímida pero tentada por la oferta, se levanta y mira al cliente, que pone 200 dólares sobre la mesa.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia duda un momento, considerando la proposición.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Creo que también he visto caer tu cuchillo. Deja que lo compruebe''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Vuelve a meterse debajo de la mesa, sintiendo una mezcla de nervios y excitación, y decide seguir adelante, proporcionando al cliente lo que ha pedido.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/cafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=200>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"Café exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Dinero + 200">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corrupción + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 1>>
<<client>>¡Eh, llevamos una eternidad esperando nuestro pedido! ¿Dónde diablos está?<</client>>
<<mia>>Siento mucho el retraso. Permítanme ir directamente a la cocina y asegurarme de que su pedido tenga prioridad.<</mia>>
<<client>>¡Esto es ridículo! Llevamos una eternidad esperando.<</client>>
<<boss>>¡Mia, tienes que manejar esto como es debido! ¡Muévete y arregla la situación!<</boss>>
<<mia>>Por supuesto, jefe. Me aseguraré de que todo se solucione rápidamente.
Más te vale. No podemos permitirnos hacer esperar así a los clientes.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia vuelve con el pedido y un postre de cortesía.<</st>>
<<mia>>Aquí tienen, amigos. Por favor, acepten nuestras más sinceras disculpas por la espera. Y como muestra de nuestra disculpa, el postre va por cuenta de la casa. Y aquí tienen una sincera disculpa de mi parte. <</mia>>
<<st>>Mia les enseña las tetas.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/cafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Los ojos del cliente se abren de sorpresa<</st>>
<<client>>Uh, bueno, gracias. Apreciamos el gesto.<</client>>
<<mia>>Por supuesto, ¡disfruten de la comida! Y una vez más, disculpen las molestias.<</mia>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"Café exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Dinero + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corrupción + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 2>>
<<client>>¡Eh, tú, camarera! ¿Por qué tarda tanto en bajar? ¿De verdad estás aquí para hacer el tonto?<</client>>
<<mia>>Mira, estoy haciendo todo lo posible para que tu pedido salga lo antes posible. Pero no eres el único aquí. Así que, ¿por qué no se relaja y tiene un poco de paciencia?<</mia>>
<<client>>Espero que sepas trabajar más rápido de lo que hablas. No tengo tiempo para esperar aquí eternamente.<</client>>
<<mia>>Bueno, espero que sepas comer más rápido de lo que te quejas, porque tu comida estará lista cuando esté lista. Ahora, si me disculpas, tengo otras mesas que atender.<</mia>>
<<st>>15 minutos más tarde, Mia fue llamada al despacho de su jefe, donde esperaba nerviosa un sermón.<</st>>
<<boss>>¡Mia! ¿Qué demonios ha sido eso? No puedes hablar así a los clientes. O te pones las pilas o te largas.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Mira, lo siento, ¿vale? Pero ese tipo estaba siendo un completo idiota, y no voy a quedarme ahí y aguantarlo. Iré a comprobar el pedido, pero no esperes milagros.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Mia, ¡me importa un bledo lo que te haya dicho o hecho! Esta es mi cafetería, y si te digo que seas amable con tus clientes, lo serás. Y si te digo que te pongas de rodillas y me la chupes, me la chuparás.<</boss>>
<<boss>>¿Qué, no me has oído?<</boss>>
<<st>>Le agarra el pelo a Mia, tirando de ella hasta ponerla de rodillas, y se baja la cremallera de los pantalones.<</st>>
<<boss>>Si te digo que te pongas de rodillas y me la chupes, me la chuparás.<</boss>>
Mia duda porque está sorprendida, enfadada y no puede creer lo que está diciendo. Pero el fuerte agarre de su jefe sobre su pelo y su tono autoritario no le dan otra opción.
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.office)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/office/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"Café exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Dinero + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corrupción + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia entra en el servicio de caballeros para recoger, suponiendo que está vacío. Cuando se agacha para recoger la basura, siente un golpe repentino en el trasero.<</st>>
<<mia>>''¡Ay!'', exclama, sorprendida.<</mia>>
<<client>>''Hola, nena'', le dice una voz. "¿Quieres ganarte una propina?''<</client>>
<<st>>Confundida, Mia se da la vuelta, mirando a un atractivo cliente ''¿Qué? ¿Qué quieres que haga?''<</st>>
<<st>>Se inclina hacia ella, con un brillo travieso en los ojos. ''Sé que suena raro, pero desde que he entrado en este sitio y te he visto, he decidido que quiero hacer una cosa muy sencilla. Quiero correrme en tu preciosa cara'', ronronea.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia entiende que esto es absolutamente repugnante, pero de alguna manera su voz y la idea de que lo haga le produce un escalofrío. ''¿Venir a mi cara?'', repite, con la voz apenas por encima de un susurro y las mejillas sonrojadas por una extraña excitación. A pesar de sentirse sorprendentemente tímida, una parte de ella está intrigada. Con una sonrisa tímida, asiente con la cabeza, y su pulso se acelera por la expectación.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bj)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"Café exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Dinero + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corrupción + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 4>>
<<client>>''¡Eh, llevo una eternidad esperando nuestro pedido! ¿Dónde demonios está?'', la voz del cliente retumba en la cafetería, interrumpiendo la charla habitual.<</client>>
<<st>>El corazón de Mia se hunde al darse cuenta de su error. Se había olvidado de su pedido. El pánico se apodera de ella al imaginar la ira de su jefe.<</st>>
<<mia>>Desesperada por resolver la situación, se acerca al enfadado cliente disculpándose: ''Lo siento mucho, señor. Ha sido un error mío. Por favor, acepte mis disculpas. ¿Puedo ofrecerle un postre a cuenta de la casa como gesto de buena voluntad? Le prometo que le llevaremos su pedido enseguida''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Ella contiene la respiración, esperando que la oferta lo apacigüe y evite una escalada mayor.<</st>>
<<client>>''¡No quiero un puto postre! Ya llevo cuarenta minutos esperando. ¿De verdad crees que un postre es suficiente? Lo dudo.<</client>>
<<mia>>¿Y si le ofrezco algo mejor mientras espera su pedido, señor? preguntó Mia, mordiéndose el labio y desabrochándose la blusa.<</mia>>
<<client>>''Bueno, eso podría cambiar mi humor''. - Los ojos del hombre se clavaron en su escote.<</client>>
<<mia>>''Sígueme, tengo algo que enseñarte'' - dijo Mia, llevándole a una zona privada del Café.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.flashWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/flashWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash `"Café exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Dinero + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corrupción + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Cuando Mia se acercó a la barra para tomar otro pedido, se dio cuenta de que el camarero no estaba a la vista. Esperó, mirando a su alrededor en busca de él, pero antes de que pudiera localizarlo, sintió de repente un par de manos que le agarraban las tetas por detrás.<</st>>
<<st>>Sobresaltada, Mia se giró y vio a un cliente de pie con una sonrisa pícara en la cara. A pesar de su sorpresa, no pareció inmutarse y le preguntó despreocupadamente: ''Tengo un pedido especial, pero no lo he encontrado en el menú. ¿Puedo pedir ahora?''<</st>>
<<st>>El corazón de Mia se aceleró con una mezcla de asombro ante la desfachatez de sus acciones. Pero, ¿sabe qué? A veces le encanta el descaro.<</st>>
<<mia>>Sonrió al cliente ''¿Qué buscaba exactamente, señor?'' - dejando que la manosease.<</mia>>
<<client>>''No encontré la opción follarme a la camarera más buena en el menú'' - le susurró al oído, poniéndole la mano en el culo.<</client>>
<<mia>>''Bueno, ¿quizás no has mirado la carta de postres? Pero ya que estás aquí, te tomaré nota. Ven conmigo''.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/cafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash `"Café exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Dinero + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corrupción + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>60>>
<<st>>Ya no es realmente un café; parece más un burdel. Chicas bailando en un poste. Hay camareras follando justo en las mesas; casi no llevan ropa, y ahora es raro esconderse debajo de la mesa para hacerle una mamada a alguien...<</st>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafe_3)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/waitres/3/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>
[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<set $random to random(10)>><<if $random >5>><<flash `"Café exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Dinero + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><</if>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Te fijas en un cliente habitual sentado solo en una mesa de la esquina. Siempre era simpático y parecía interesado en ti. Hoy has decidido devolverle el flirteo.<</st>>
<<st>>Te acercas a su mesa con un sutil contoneo de caderas y una sonrisa juguetona bailando en tus labios.<</st>>
<<mia>>Hola. Parece que te gusta mucho nuestro café. ¿Es el sabor o algo más lo que te hace volver?<</mia>>
<<client>>Yo diría que un poco de las dos cosas. Pero, sobre todo, es la compañía -responde él, con tono sugerente.<</client>>
<<st>>Te acercas más, el aroma de su colonia embriaga tus sentidos.<</st>>
<<mia>>¿Ah, sí? Me alegra oírlo, murmuraste, con la voz ronca por el deseo.<</mia>>
<<st>>Tus bromas juguetonas con el cliente dieron un giro repentino cuando él se inclinó más hacia ti, posando su mirada en tus curvas.<</st>>
<<client>>Sabes, Mia. Vengo aquí todos los días, no sólo por el café, sino para echar un vistazo a ese culo tuyo tan sexy cuando te mueves por las mesas.<</client>>
<<st>>Tus mejillas se sonrojaron ante su atrevida confesión, pero mantuviste la compostura.<</st>>
<<client>>¿Ah, sí? Bueno, me siento halagada, como mínimo.<</client>>
<<st>>El cliente no se contuvo, su deseo evidente en sus siguientes palabras.<</st>>
<<client>>Sinceramente, Mia, desde que te vi aquí, he soñado con follar contigo.<</client>>
<<mia>>¿Ah, sí? La atrevida confesión del cliente provocó un estremecimiento en tus venas, despertando tus propios deseos.<</mia>>
<<st>>Sintiendo una oleada de excitación, le cogiste la mano sin dudarlo, con un brillo juguetón en los ojos.<</st>>
<<mia>>Ven conmigo, susurraste, conduciéndole al cuarto de baño aislado con un aire de anticipación.<</mia>>
<<st>>Una vez dentro, te inclinaste hacia él y le rozaste la oreja con tu aliento.<</st>>
<<mia>>Ahora tengo un descanso de quince minutos. Parece que tu deseo podría hacerse realidad, susurraste seductoramente.<</mia>>
<<st>>Con una sonrisa pícara, le estrechaste en un apasionado abrazo, desatando por fin tus deseos en el calor del momento.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash `"Café exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Dinero + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corrupción + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 1>>
<<client>>¡Eh, llevo una eternidad esperando nuestro pedido! ¿Dónde diablos está?<</client>>
<<mia>>Siento mucho el retraso. Permítame ir directamente a la cocina y asegurarme de que su pedido tenga prioridad.<</mia>>
<<client>>¡Esto es ridículo! Llevo una eternidad esperando.<</client>>
<<mia>>¡Oh, lo siento mucho! Permítame que me ocupe de este asunto. Por favor, acepte mis disculpas por la espera. Normalmente, te ofrecería un postre por cuenta de la casa. Pero como es usted uno de nuestros clientes más fieles y habituales, quiero ofrecerle otro tipo de postre como mi más sincera disculpa. Pero shh, no se lo digas a nadie. <</mia>>
<<st>>Mia se arrodilla y se mete debajo de la mesa.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/cafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash `"Café exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Dinero + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corrupción + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>>
<<case 2>>
<<client>>¡Eh, tú, camarera! ¿Por qué tarda tanto en bajar? ¿De verdad estás aquí para hacer el tonto?<</client>>
<<mia>>Mira, estoy haciendo todo lo posible para que tu pedido salga lo antes posible. Pero no eres el único aquí. Así que, ¿por qué no se relaja y tiene un poco de paciencia?<</mia>>
<<client>>Espero que sepas trabajar más rápido de lo que hablas. No tengo tiempo para esperar aquí eternamente.<</client>>
<<mia>>Bueno, espero que sepas comer más rápido de lo que te quejas, porque tu comida estará lista cuando esté lista. Ahora, si me disculpa, tengo otras mesas que atender.<</mia>>
<<client>>¿Estás loco? ¿Cómo le hablas a tu cliente? ¿Quizá debería enseñarte modales y enseñarte a ser educada?<</client>>
<<mia>>¿Y qué vas a hacer?<</mia>>
<<st>>Y en ese momento Mia pudo ver cómo la ira de sus ojos se desvanecía y algo nuevo la sustituía: lujuria y violencia.<</st>>
<<client>>Te voy a enseñar lo que les pasa a las chicas traviesas como tú, - susurrándole al oído, agarró a Mia del pelo y tiró de ella para acercarla.<</client>>
<<st>>Empezó a arrastrar a Mia hasta el baño, ella podía sentir la adrenalina corriendo por sus venas, insegura de lo que ocurriría a continuación pero incapaz de resistirse a la emoción de lo desconocido. El repentino cambio en la dinámica de poder la dejó a la vez excitada y ligeramente aterrorizada, una peligrosa combinación que no hizo sino aumentar la intensidad del momento. <</st>>
<<st>>Cuando la puerta del baño se cerró a sus espaldas, sabía que ya no había vuelta atrás. Pensar en lo que vendría a continuación hizo que Mia sintiera escalofríos. Afuera, la tranquila charla de la cafetería se apagó, dejando sólo el sonido de su corazón latiendo rápidamente en el pequeño cuarto de baño.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash `"Café exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Dinero + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corrupción + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia estaba realizando sus tareas habituales, complaciendo a sus clientes, cuando se fijó en una cara nueva en una de las mesas: nada menos que su compañero de clase Jack.<</st>>
<<client>>''¡Hola, Mia, no esperaba encontrarme contigo aquí!''. exclamó Jack, con los ojos encendidos de alegría.<</client>>
<<mia>>''¡Oh, Dios! ¿Jack? Hola, soy yo. Sí, soy yo'', sonrió Mia, ajustándose el delantal. ''Sólo sirviendo algunas bebidas y... hmmm... buenas vibraciones. ¿Qué te pongo?''<</mia>>
<<client>>La mirada de Jack se detuvo en el uniforme de Mia, una sonrisa juguetona se dibujó en sus labios. ''Bueno, debo decir que estás absolutamente impresionante con ese uniforme''.<</client>>
<<mia>>A Mia siempre le gustó este tipo. Se rió entre dientes, sintiendo que un calor se extendía por su cuerpo. ''Gracias, Jack. Estamos probando algo nuevo aquí, ya sabes, un poco de caramelo para los ojos para ir con las órdenes ''.<</mia>>
<<client>>Jack se inclinó un poco más cerca, su tono burlón. ''Oh, es definitivamente llamativo, de acuerdo. Pero debo admitir que no es sólo el uniforme lo que me llama la atención. Siempre quise ver qué hay debajo de tu ropa''.<</client>>
<<mia>>Mia sintió un aleteo en el estómago ante las coquetas palabras de Jack. ''Bueno, me alegro de que te guste'', respondió, tratando de mantener la calma. ''Entonces, ¿qué será hoy? ¿Café? ¿Té? ¿O tal vez algo un poco más fuerte?''<</mia>>
<<client>>''Sabes, desde la escuela, nunca tuve las agallas de coquetear contigo'', admitió Jack, su voz teñida con un toque de arrepentimiento y excitación. ''Pero ahora que nos hemos encontrado aquí, ¿quizá por fin tenga esa oportunidad?''.<</client>>
<<mia>>Es tu día de suerte, cariño. Tú también me has gustado, tendremos la oportunidad de conocernos mejor... Ven al baño dentro de 5 minutos. A ver si hay chispa entre nosotros.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash `"Café exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Dinero + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corrupción + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mientras Mia se movía con soltura por la concurrida cafetería, echó un vistazo a las mesas para encontrar a la siguiente persona a la que tenía que servir. Se acercó a la mesa con una sonrisa amable cuando vio a un joven sentado solo.<</st>>
<<mia>>''¿Qué desea pedir?'', preguntó con voz tan dulce como el aroma del café recién hecho. Sus ojos se cruzaron con los de él, con un brillo de expectación bailando en sus profundidades.<</mia>>
<<client>>El hombre la miró y sus labios se curvaron en una sucia sonrisa. ''Un capuchino y una mamada, por favor'', respondió el hombre, con la mirada clavada en el rostro de Mia un instante más de lo necesario.<</client>>
<<st>>A Mia le dio un vuelco el corazón ante su audacia y arrogancia, pero no pudo ignorar el cosquilleo que le produjo en la piel la sutil electricidad de las miradas que intercambiaron.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Enseguida, señor.''<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bj)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash `"Café exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Dinero + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corrupción + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Mia se movía con soltura por la concurrida cafetería mientras sostenía una bandeja llena de platos calientes de comida. De repente, alguien la empujó por la espalda. Mientras jadeaba, cayó hacia delante, volcando su bandeja de comida.<</st>>
<<st>>Todo se torció en un instante. La bandeja se le resbaló de las manos y la comida cayó sobre un cliente cercano. Cuando el hombre se puso en pie de un salto, su voz se llenó de rabia y su rostro se transformó en una máscara de ira.<</st>>
<<client>>''¡¿Qué demonios te pasa?!'' Gritó, con la cara roja de ira mientras miraba el desastre en su ropa.<</client>>
<<mia>>El corazón de Mia se hundió al darse cuenta de la magnitud del caos que había causado. ''Lo siento mucho'', dijo, levantando los brazos hacia el pecho. ''Déjame ayudarte a limpiar''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Los ojos del cliente se desviaron hacia su blusa blanca mojada. Estaba tan mojada, que él podía ver cada parte de su cuerpo, notando que Mia no llevaba sujetador debajo de la blusa.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia se dio cuenta de dónde miraba, y sonrió pecaminosamente. Agarrando la mano del cliente, Mia le guió hacia el baño, asegurándole que le ayudaría a limpiarse. A pesar de la tensión que flotaba en el ambiente, sabía exactamente qué hacer para que aquel hombre olvidara aquel desafortunado incidente.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash `"Café exp +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Dinero + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corrupción + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<</switch>><</if>><<button [[Deja|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>No te quedan energías para hacer nada, un buen sueño reparador te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Duerme|Mia's room]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "CH">><<if $boss.mood < 10>><<st>>老板心情不好,让他高兴起来,你就能工作了。<</st>>
<<if $mia.ac_c >0>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe==true>><<set $need_to_work += 1>><</if>><<set $is_need_to_ukrast +=1>><<if $perks.nimble==0>><<set $salary = $mia.salary + $client.number + random(20)>><<else>><<set $salary = Math.floor(($mia.salary + $client.number + random(20))*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<set $boss.mood -=5>><<set $exp_gained = 1+$perks.arena_of_life>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe <=30>>
<<st>>对咖啡馆的员工来说,平凡的一天就这样过去了。为了让大家开心,服务员们从一边跑到另一边,把食物和饮料端到桌子上。大厅里有很多人,米娅能感觉到他们的目光落在她身体的各个部位。这种感觉很奇怪,但她并没有太在意,而是专注于自己的工作。<</st>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafe_1)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/waitres/1/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>
[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<set $random to random(5)>><<if $random >2>><<flash `"钱 +" + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"咖啡馆体验 + " + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><</if>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>米娅的老板冲进大厅 <</st>>
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $boss.mood-=10>><<if $boss.mood <0>><<set $boss.mood =0>><</if>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $client.number-=1>><<if $client.number <0>><<set $client.number =0>><</if>><<flash `"咖啡馆体验 +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"钱 + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐败 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "老板心情 - 10 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "客户 - 1 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 1>>
<<client>>顾客 这太荒唐了!我们已经等了很久了!<</client>>
<<client>>顾客 终于来了 是时候了。但这不仅仅是等待的问题,而是事情的原则问题!<</client>>
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>>
<<flash `"咖啡馆体验 +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"钱 + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 2>>
<<client>> 嘿,你,服务员!怎么这么久还不下来?你真的只是来当哑巴的吗?<</client>>
<<client>>顾客 我希望你知道如何干活比说话快。我可没时间在这里一直等下去。<</client>>
<<st>>15 分钟后,米娅被叫到老板的办公室,紧张地等待着训话。<</st>>
<<mia>>听着,我很抱歉,好吗?但那家伙是个十足的混蛋 我不会就这样站在那里忍气吞声的 我会去检查订单,但别指望奇迹。<</mia>>
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $boss.mood -=10>><<if $boss.mood <0>><<set $boss.mood =0>><</if>><<set $client.number-=1>><<if $client.number <0>><<set $client.number =0>><</if>><<flash `"咖啡馆体验 +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"钱 + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "老板心情 - 10 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "客户 - 1 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>30 and $mia.exp_cafe <= 60>>
<<st>>自从米娅在这里工作以来,情况发生了很大的变化,所以正常的工作日不再那么正常了。在这里,她时不时会看到一些顾客对女服务员动手动脚,并向她们提供服务以换取金钱。她没有告诉任何人她有时会看到女服务员躲在桌子底下。顾客很高兴,女服务员也能得到额外的小费。<</st>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafe_2)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/waitres/2/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>
[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<set $random to random(10)>><<if $random >5>><<flash `"咖啡馆体验 +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"钱 + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><</if>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<boss>>米娅,6 号桌的一位顾客需要你的帮助。去看看吧。<</boss>>
<<st>>米娅走近 6 号桌,看到了坐在那里的顾客。<</st>>
<<st>>米娅弯下腰去捡叉子,注意到旁边有一张餐巾纸,上面写着一张纸条。当 Sge 读到这条露骨的信息时,脸红了: ''你真性感。如果你现在给我口交,我就给你 200 美元''。<</st>>
<<st>>你感到害羞,但又被这个提议所诱惑,你站起来看着顾客,他把 200 美元放在桌子上。<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/cafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash `"咖啡馆体验 +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "钱 + 200">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐败 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=200>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 1>>
<<client>>顾客 这太荒唐了!我们已经等了很久了!<</client>>
<<mia>>给你们,伙计们。请接受我们最诚挚的歉意,让您久等了。为了表示我们的歉意,甜点免费。这是我个人诚挚的歉意 <</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/cafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"咖啡馆体验 +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"钱 + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐败 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 2>>
<<client>>顾客 我希望你知道如何干活比说话快。我可没时间在这里一直等下去。<</client>>
<<st>>15 分钟后,米娅被叫到老板的办公室,紧张地等待着训话。<</st>>
<<mia>>听着,我很抱歉,好吗?但那家伙是个十足的混蛋 我不会就这样站在那里忍气吞声的 我会去检查订单,但别指望奇迹。<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.office)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/office/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash `"咖啡馆体验 +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"钱 + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐败 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 3>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bj)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash `"咖啡馆体验 +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"钱 + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐败 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 4>>
<<client>>''嗯,那可能会改变我的心情。- 曼的目光停留在她的乳沟上。<</client>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.flashWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/flashWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"咖啡馆体验 +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"钱 + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐败 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 5>>
<<mia>>她微笑着对顾客说:''先生,您到底在找什么?- 让他摸索她<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/cafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<flash `"咖啡馆体验 +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"钱 + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐败 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>60>>
<<st>>这已经不是一家真正的咖啡馆了,看起来更像是一家妓院。女孩们在钢管上跳舞。女服务员就在桌边被操;她们几乎不穿衣服,现在躲在桌下给人口交已经很奇怪了...<</st>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafe_3)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/waitres/3/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>
[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<set $random to random(10)>><<if $random >5>><<flash `"咖啡馆体验 +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"钱 + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><</if>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<mia>>''我现在有 15 分钟的休息时间。看来你的愿望可能会实现。''她诱惑地低声说道。<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash `"咖啡馆体验 +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"钱 + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐败 + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 1>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.cafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/cafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash `"咖啡馆体验 +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"钱 + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐败 + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 2>>
<<client>>顾客 我希望你知道如何干活比说话快。我可没时间在这里一直等下去。<</client>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash `"咖啡馆体验 +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"钱 + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐败 + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 3>>
<<client>>''嘿,米娅,没想到会在这里碰到你!'' 杰克惊呼道,眼睛里闪烁着喜悦的光芒。<</client>>
<<mia>>今天是你的幸运日,亲爱的。我也喜欢你,我们会有机会更好地了解对方的......5 分钟后到洗手间来。看看我们之间会不会擦出火花。<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash `"咖啡馆体验 +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"钱 + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐败 + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 4>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bj)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash `"咖啡馆体验 +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"钱 + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐败 + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<<case 5>>
<<client>>''你到底有什么毛病!'' 他大喊着,看着自己衣服上的一团糟,脸气得通红。<</client>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.money +=$salary>><<set $mia.cor +=2>><<flash `"咖啡馆体验 +" + $exp_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"钱 + " + $salary`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐败 + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp_cafe+=$exp_gained>><<set $mia.exp+=1>>
<</switch>><</if>><<button [[离开|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<button [[睡觉|Mia's room]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>>
<</switch>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
</script><</if>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $is_need_to_the_boss == 0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe <=25>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<set $random to random(4)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<mia>>Hey boss, how's your day going?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Not bad, Mia. Just another day at work.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Well, I'm here to brighten it up a bit.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Oh yeah? How so?<</boss>>
<<mia>> With my charm and wit, of course.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ah, I see. Well, I hope you're ready for some banter then.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Always ready for a good laugh.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Alright, here goes. What did the toaster say to the slice of bread?<</boss>>
<<mia>>I don't know, what?<</mia>>
<<boss>>I want you inside me!<</boss>>
<<mia>>//laughs// That's hilarious, boss.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Glad you liked it, Mia. Keep up the good work.<</boss>>
<<case 1>>
<<mia>>Hey boss, how's your day?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Oh, you know, the usual grind. But seeing your smile always makes it better.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Smooth talker, aren't you?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Guilty as charged. So, ready for a little office humor?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Hit me with your best shot.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Alright, here it goes. What do a penis and a Rubik’s Cube have in common?<</boss>>
<<boss>>The more you play with it, the harder it gets.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//chuckles// Classic one, boss.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Glad you liked it, Mia. Keep that positivity flowing.<</boss>>
<<case 2>>
<<mia>>Hey boss, how's it hanging?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Just hanging in there, Mia. But seeing you stroll in here always perks me up.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Well, I aim to please.<</mia>>
<<boss>>So, ready for a little office humor?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Lay it on me, boss.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Alright, here goes. What do you get when you mix LSD and birth control?<</boss>>
<<mia>>I don't know, what?<</mia>>
<<boss>>A trip without kids.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//laughs// That's cheesy, boss.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Cheesy but effective. Keep up the good work, Mia.<</boss>>
<<case 3>>
<<mia>>Morning, boss. How's it hanging?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Just another day in paradise, Mia. But seeing you stroll in here always brightens it up.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Flattery will get you everywhere, boss.<</mia>>
<<boss>>So, you up for a little office banter?<</boss>>
<<boss>>Alright, brace yourself. What did the clitoris say to the vulva?<</boss>>
<<mia>>I'm all ears.<</mia>>
<<boss>>It’s all good in the hood!<</boss>>
<<mia>>//laughs// That's a good one, boss.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Thanks, Mia. Keep that smile shining.<</boss>>
<<case 4>>
<<mia>>Hey boss, what's shaking?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Oh, you know, the usual grind. But seeing your smiling face makes it all worthwhile.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Aw, you always know how to sweet talk me.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Gotta keep my favorite employee happy. Ready for a little office humor?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Hit me with your best shot.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Alright, brace yourself. Why do women wear panties with flowers on them? <</boss>>
<<boss>>In loving memory of all the faces that have been buried there.<</boss>>
<<mia>>That's excellent, boss.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Glad you approve, Mia. Keep spreading that positivity around the cafe.<</boss>>
<</switch>><<set $gained_mood =20+$perks.joke>>
<<flash `"Boss mood +" + $gained_mood`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $boss.mood +=20+$perks.joke>><<if $boss.mood > 100>><<set $boss.mood=100>><</if>>
<<button [[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>25 and $mia.exp_cafe<=50>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<set $random to random(3)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<mia>>Hi boss. Do you have a moment?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Of course, Mia. Always glad to see you. What's up?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Just wanted to lift your spirits a bit. You know, work can be so stressful sometimes, and I thought we could use a little tension relief.<</mia>>
<<boss>>That's for sure. What do you have there?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Mia smiles and slowly starts unbuttoning the top button of her blouse, exposing her ample tits// Well, I just thought you might enjoy a little entertainment.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bjCafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bjCafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>Well, that certainly improves my mood. Thanks, Mia. You're always so... considerate.<</boss>>
<<mia>>No problem, boss. Happy to help. If you need anything else, you know where to find me.<</mia>>
<<case 1>>
<<mia>>Hey there, boss. Mind if I interrupt?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Not at all, Mia. What's on your mind?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Just thought I'd swing by and add a little spice to your day. You know, work can get dull, and I figured we could use a bit of excitement.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Can't argue with that. What have you got for me?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//grins mischievously and begins to undo the top button of her blouse, revealing her big breasts// Just a little distraction to brighten your day.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bjCafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bjCafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>//chuckles// Well, consider my day brightened. You always know how to lift spirits, Mia.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//winks// It's all part of the job, boss. Anything else you need while I'm here?<</mia>>
<<case 2>>
<<mia>>Hey there, boss. Mind if I interrupt?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Not at all, Mia. What's on your mind?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Just thought I'd swing by and add a little spice to your day. You know, work can get dull, and I figured we could use a bit of excitement.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Can't argue with that. What have you got for me?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Mia grins mischievously and drops to her knees, undoing his pants and taking his dick into her mouth// Just a little distraction to brighten your day.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bjCafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bjCafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>//moans softly// Well, consider my day brightened. You always know how to lift spirits, Mia.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//continues with enthusiasm// It's all part of the job, boss.<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<mia>> Knock, knock! Mind if I pop in for a moment?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Mia, always a pleasure. What's up?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Just thought I'd swing by and shake things up a bit. You know, inject some excitement into our routine.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Can't say no to a little excitement. What do you have in mind?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Mia winks playfully and drops to your knees, undoing his belt and taking his dick in her mouth// Just a little pick-me-up to spice up your day.<</mia>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bjCafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>//moans with pleasure// Well, I must say, you certainly know how to liven things up, Mia.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//continues with fervor// It's all about keeping morale high, boss. <</mia>>
<</switch>><<set $gained_mood =20+$perks.joke>>
<<flash `"Boss mood +" + $gained_mood`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $boss.mood +=20+$perks.joke>><<if $boss.mood > 100>><<set $boss.mood=100>><</if>>
<<button [[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>50>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<set $random to random(2)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<mia>>Boss, got a minute?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Of course, Mia. What's on your mind?<</boss>>
<<mia>>I've been thinking about how hard you've been working lately, and I thought you might need a little stress relief.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Stress relief, huh? And what exactly are you suggesting?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//slowly moves closer, running a hand down his chest// I was thinking we could blow off some steam together.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.office)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/office/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>//grins// I like that.<</boss>>
<<case 1>>
<<mia>>Boss, do you have a moment?<</mia>>
<<boss>> Always have time for you, Mia. What's up?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Well, I've noticed you've been under a lot of pressure lately, and I thought I could help you unwind.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Oh? And how do you propose we do that?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Steps closer, trailing a finger along his arm// Maybe we could find a way to release some tension together.<</mia>>
<<boss>> think I could definitely get on board with that.<</boss>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.office)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/office/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>>
<<mia>>Hey boss, can I talk to you for a sec?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Sure thing, Mia. What's on your mind?<</boss>>
<<mia>>I've been thinking about how stressed you've seemed lately, and I wanted to offer a solution.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Oh, really? And what's your solution?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Leans in, brushing her lips against his ear// Maybe a little one-on-one time to help you relax?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Well, that sounds like just what the doctor ordered.<</boss>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.office)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/office/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<</switch>><<set $gained_mood =20+$perks.joke>>
<<flash `"Boss mood +" + $gained_mood`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $boss.mood +=20+$perks.joke>><<if $boss.mood > 100>><<set $boss.mood=100>><</if>>
<<button [[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >19 and $counter_of_povishenie==0>>
<<st>>Mia was working as usual, taking orders and serving drinks, when suddenly her boss called her to come to his office.<</st>>
<<boss>>Mia, come on in. Take a seat, sweetheart.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Sure, what is it, boss?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Let's cut to the chase, Mia. I've been checking in on how you're doing, and, honestly, I'm a bit disappointed.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Oh? What's wrong?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Well, darling, it seems like you're holding back, not giving our customers the full experience they deserve. They come in here expecting a little extra… attention. And you're not giving them enough.<</boss>>
<<mia>>I... I didn't realize I was supposed to flirt with them.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Sweetheart, it's not just about taking orders and serving dishes. It's about creating an atmosphere, creating special //bonds// with our customers. You should make our guests feel like they're in paradise. And part of that is making them feel special, desirable, you know?<</boss>>
<<mia>>I guess... but isn't that a bit... inappropriate?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Inappropriate? Honey, in this industry, it's called charm. And trust me, a little charm goes a long, long way. A wink here, a compliment there... it's all part of the game.<</boss>>
<<mia>>I'll try to be more... charming, I suppose.<</mia>>
<<boss>>That's my girl. Now, onto the next matter at hand. We're rolling out a new uniform policy, and let's just say it's a bit more... tantalizing than what you're used to.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Really? What does it look like?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Take a peek, darling. It's all about accentuating your assets, making heads turn when you walk by. You catch my drift?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//*blushing*// Uh, yeah, I think so.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Good. Because starting today, that's what you'll be wearing on the job. It's all part of the package, Mia. If you want to stay on board, you've got to play by the rules.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//*nervously*// I... I suppose I can give it a try.<</mia>>
<<boss>>That's my girl. Now, go knock 'em dead out there. And remember, a little flirtation never hurt anyone.<</boss>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=1>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "Perks exp + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Beauty + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<st>>New uniforms and salary + 20.<</st>><<set $mia.salary +=10>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>39 and $counter_of_povishenie==1>>
<<boss>>Hey Mia, I've been thinking. To bring in more customers to the café, we need someone who can promote it. And who can do it better than you?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Me? But I've never done anything like that before.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Look, Mia, it's not rocket science. You just gotta wiggle that ass of yours, flash a flirty grin at people passing by, and reel 'em in.<</boss>>
<<boss>>Trust me, once they catch sight of you, they won't be able to resist. And the more of 'em you bring in, the juicier those tips will be.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Um, I don't know... It feels a bit, you know, out of my comfort zone…<</mia>>
<<boss>>Come on, Mia, don't be shy. You got the goods, and we need all the help we can get around here. Plus, think about those fat stacks of cash you'll be raking in.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Hmm, I guess it could be a good opportunity to earn some extra cash. Okay, I'll give it a try.<</mia>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=2>><<set $cafe_map+=1>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "Perks exp + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Beauty + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>59 and $counter_of_povishenie==2>>
<<st>>Mia was in her boss's office again, the familiar scent of coffee mingling with the tension in the air. She shifted uncomfortably in her revealing uniform as her boss leaned back in his chair, eyeing her with a predatory gaze.<</st>>
<<boss>>So, Mia, tell me. Why do you think I called you here?<</boss>>
<<mia>>I... I'm not sure, I was just doing what you asked. Wearing the new uniform, smiling more, being... flirtatious.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Exactly. And let me be frank with you, Mia. You see how our clients look at you? They're practically undressing you with their eyes. They think you're... sexy.<</boss>>
<<st>>Mia's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, a mixture of discomfort and defiance in her eyes.<</st>>
<<boss>>Like it or not, Mia, you've taken a liking to it. You enjoy the attention, don't you?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Maybe... a little.<</mia>>
<<boss>>And you've noticed, haven't you? That the other girls are making more money than you.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Yeah, I have.<</mia>>
<<boss>>I want our clients to keep coming back, Mia. And I think you know what needs to be done to make sure of that.<</boss>>
<<mia>>What do you want me to do?<</mia>>
<<boss>>You see how the other girls please our clients, don't you? I want you to start doing the same.<</boss>>
<<st>>Her eyes widened in shock and disbelief.<</st>>
<<mia>>What? You want me to... to what? To let them...?<</mia>>
<<boss>>No need to use any dirty words, Mia. You know what I mean. And deep down, I think you want it too. I can see it in your eyes, darling. Besides, I'll make it worth your while. I'll pay you handsomely.<</boss>>
Mia hesitated, torn between desperation and disgust, but ultimately nodded her agreement.
<<boss>>Good. But before we proceed, I need to be sure you won't disappoint our clients. I need to know... you know what you're doing.<</boss>>
<<st>>He gave her a dirty look, his gaze lingering on Mia's lips before trailing down to his own pants, unzipping them slowly.<</st>>
<<st>>Her eyes widened in shock and disbelief.<</st>>
<<mia>>Wh-what? You want me to... to blow you?<</mia>>
<<boss>>I told you, Mia. I need to know what you're capable of. And besides, I've been wanting this for a long time.<</boss>>
<<st>>He smirked, his expression filled with lust as he gestured for her to come closer.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia's heart raced as she knelt before him, her hands trembling as she prepared to fulfill his desires, her own sense of shame drowned out by the promise of money and the heat of the moment.<</st>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=3>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>>
<<st>>New uniforms and salary + 20.<</st>><<set $mia.salary +=15>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "Perks exp + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Beauty + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>79 and $counter_of_povishenie==3>>
<<st>>Mia entered her boss's office, her heart pounding with anticipation. She was here to collect her monthly salary, but deep down, she craved something more, something she couldn't quite put into words.<</st>>
<<boss>>Hey there, Mia. What's on your mind?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Oh, you know, the usual. Just here to pick up my paycheck.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Right, right. So, how do you feel about your performance this month?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Honestly, I think I did pretty well. Especially with the... extra duties you gave me.<</mia>>
<<st>>The boss handed her the envelope, a sly smile playing on his lips as Mia eagerly counted the bills inside.<</st>>
<<mia>>Oh wow, this is... this is four times more than what I used to get!<</mia>>
<<boss>>And was it worth it? All those new responsibilities?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Absolutely. I actually love my new job duties. They've... opened up a whole new world for me.<</mia>>
<<st>>The boss leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a seductive whisper.<</st>>
<<boss>>And what is it about those duties that you enjoy so much, Mia?<</boss>>
<<st>>Mia's cheeks flushed with desire as she met his gaze, her voice barely above a whisper.<</st>>
<<mia>>I love the thrill of flirting with the clients, the rush of excitement when they drop their forks and I have to... bend down to pick them up. And coming here, to your office, at the end of the day... it's become my favorite part.<</mia>>
<<st>>The boss's eyes darkened with desire as he moved even closer, his breath hot against her ear.<</st>>
<<boss>>Is that so?<</boss>>
<<st>>Mia's pulse quickened as she felt his hand brush against her thigh, sending shivers down her spine.<</st>>
<<mia>>Yes... I like it here.<</mia>>
<<st>>With a swift motion, the boss locked the door to his office, his hands roaming hungrily over Mia's body as he pulled her close.<</st>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=4>>
<<st>>New uniforms and salary + 20.<</st>><<set $mia.salary +=20>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "Perks exp + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Beauty + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>99 and $counter_of_povishenie==4>>
<<st>>As Mia stepped into the boss's office, she caught sight of him inhaling a line of white powder, his eyes slightly wild from the drugs.<</st>>
<<boss>>Hey there, Mia. Come on in, beautiful. How's everything going?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Hi boss, it's been busy as usual. <</mia>>
<<boss>>Good to hear. Listen, business has been booming, and I think it's time we spice things up a bit. I want to add a dance floor to the café, you know, with some sexy pole dancing and private rooms for... well, you know, intimate encounters with our guests. <</boss>>
<<mia>>Dance floor? Special interactions?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Hell yeah, baby. Pole dancing and, uh, taking care of our clients in those private rooms.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Oh, I see... But, uh, who's gonna be doing all that?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Well, Mia, that's where you come in. You've been one of my hottest employees, always making those cocks hard and dripping all over you. Plus, you've got that special something that makes them wanna shove their dicks right in your mouth. Now, you'll just start dancing in front of them, and they'll be lining up for more.<</boss>>
<<mia>>But I've never done anything like that before. It's a bit much, don't you think?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Mia, look at yourself. You're already getting down and dirty with half the clientele here. Might as well make it official and show off what you've got. Time to stop being such a prude and let your inner whore shine.<</boss>>
<<mia>>I don't know if I'm ready for all that.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Come on, Mia, you've got it in you. And trust me, you'll be swimming in cash if you play your cards right. Plus, think of all the cocks you'll be servicing. It's a win-win.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ugh, fine. I guess I can give it a shot. <</mia>>
<<boss>>That's the spirit, Mia! You won't regret it, I promise.<</boss>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=5>><<set $cafe_map+=1>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "Perks exp + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Beauty + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</if>><<button [[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $is_need_to_the_boss == 0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<st>>У вас не осталось сил ни на что, вам поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe <=25>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<set $random to random(4)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<mia>>Привет, босс, как проходит день?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Неплохо, Мия. Очередной день на работе.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ну, я пришла немного его оживить.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Правда ли? И как же?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Своим обаянием и остроумием, конечно.<</mia>>
<<boss>>А, понимаю. Что ж, тогда надеюсь, ты готова к легкой перепалке.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Всегда готова посмеяться.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Хорошо, тогда слушай. Что тостер сказал ломтику хлеба?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Не знаю, что?<</mia>>
<<boss>>''Я хочу тебя внутри!''<</boss>>
<<mia>>//смеется// Это забавно, босс.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Рад, что тебе понравилось, Мия. Продолжай в том же духе.<</boss>>
<<case 1>>
<<mia>>Привет, босс, как прошёл день?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Да, как обычно. Но вот когда вижу твою улыбку, он становиться лучше.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Лесть это приятно.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Виноват. Чтож, готова к офисному юмору?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Засади свою лучшую шутку.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Что общего между членом и кубиком Рубика? <</boss>>
<<boss>>Чем больше ты с ним играешь, тем сложнее он становится.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//хихикает// Классика, босс.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Рад, что тебе понравилось.<</boss>>
<<case 2>>
<<mia>>Привет босс, как дела?<</mia>>
<<boss>>С каждым разом как вижу тебя, становиться всё лучше и лучше. <</boss>>
<<mia>>Ну, я стараюсь угодить.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Что, ж готова к юмору?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Давай узнаем.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Чтож. Что вы получите, если смешаете ЛСД и противозачаточные средства?<</boss>>
<<boss>>Трип без детей.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//смеется// Это глупо, босс.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Классика жанра. <</boss>>
<<case 3>>
<<mia>>Доброе утро, босс. Как оно?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Просто еще один день в раю, Миа. Но вид, как ты прогуливаешься здесь, всегда скрашивает ситуацию.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Лесть поможет тебе везде.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Итак, ты готова к порции шуток?<</boss>>
<<boss>>Хорошо. Почему сиськи и жопа никогда не ссорятся?<</boss>>
<<boss>>Потому что у каждой свой взгляд на вещи!<</boss>>
<<mia>>//смеется// Это было хорошо, босс.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Спасибо, Миа. Сохраняйте эту улыбку сияющей всегда.<</boss>>
<<case 4>>
<<mia>>Эй, босс, как дела?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ну, знаешь, обычная рутина. Но вид твоего улыбающегося лица поднимает мне настроение.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Оу, это мило, спасибо.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Надо порадовать моего любимого сотрудника. Ты готова?<</boss>>
<<boss>>Почему женщины носят трусики с цветами?<</boss>>
<<boss>>В светлую память всем лицам, которые там были похоронены.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Хихикает, хорошая, но не про меня, босс.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Рад, что ты одобряешь, Миа. <</boss>>
<</switch>><<set $gained_mood =20+$perks.joke>>
<<flash `"Boss mood +" + $gained_mood`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $boss.mood +=20>><<if $boss.mood > 100>><<set $boss.mood=100>><</if>>
<<button [[Уйти|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>25 and $mia.exp_cafe<=50>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<set $random to random(3)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<mia>>Привет, босс. У тебя есть минутка?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Конечно, Миа. Всегда рад вас видеть. Как дела?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Просто хотела немного поднять тебе настроение. Знаешь, работа иногда может быть такой напряженной, и я подумал, что нам не помешало бы немного снять напряжение.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Это факт, хочешь что-то предложить?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Миа улыбается и медленно начинает расстегивать верхнюю пуговицу блузки, обнажая свои сиськи// Ну, я просто подумала, что тебе понравится немного развлечься.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bjCafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bjCafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>Ну, это определенно улучшает мое настроение. Спасибо, Миа. Ты всегда такая... внимательная.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Нет проблем, босс. Всегда, рада помочь. Если тебе будет нужно что-то еще, ты знаешь, где меня найти.<</mia>>
<<case 1>>
<<mia>>Привет, босс. Не возражаешь, если я войду?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Нисколько, Миа. Что у тебя на уме?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Просто подумала, что заскочу и добавлю немного остроты в твой день. Знаешь, работа может наскучить, и я подумала, что нам не помешало бы немного развлечься.<</mia>>
<<boss>>С этим не поспоришь.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//озорно ухмыляется и начинает расстегивать верхнюю пуговицу блузки, обнажая грудь// Просто немного отвлекусь, чтобы скрасить твой день.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bjCafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bjCafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>//смеется// Что ж, считайте, что мой день стал светлее. Ты всегда умеешь поднять настроение, Миа.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//подмигивает// Это часть работы, босс. Что-нибудь еще нужно, пока я здесь?<</mia>>
<<case 2>>
<<mia>>Привет, босс. Не возражаешь, если я зайду?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Нисколько, Миа. Что у тебя на уме?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Просто подумала, что заскочу и добавлю немного красоты в твой день. Знаешь, работа может наскучить, и я подумала, что нам не помешало бы немного развлечься.<</mia>>
<<boss>>С этим не поспоришь. Что у тебя есть для меня?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Миа озорно ухмыляется и становиться на колени, расстегивая его штаны и беря его член в рот// Просто немного отвлекся, чтобы скрасить твой день.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bjCafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bjCafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>//тихо стонет// Что ж, считай, что мой день стал светлее. Ты всегда умеешь поднять настроение, Миа.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//продолжает с энтузиазмом// Это часть работы, босс.<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<mia>>Тук-тук! Не возражаешь, если я загляну на минутку?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Миа, всегда приятно. Как дела?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Просто подумала, что заскочу и немного отвлеку вас от забот. Знаешь, внести немного азарта в нашу рутину.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Никогда не мог такому отказать.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Миа игриво подмигивает и падает к тебе на колени, расстегивает его ремень и берет его член в рот// Просто немного взбодрит тебя, чтобы оживить твой день.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bjCafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bjCafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>//стонет от удовольствия// Ну, должен сказать, ты точно умеешь отвлечь от забот.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//продолжает с энтузиазмом// Все дело в том, чтобы поддерживать высокий боевой дух, босс.<</mia>>
<<flash "Настроение босса +20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $boss.mood +=20>><<if $boss.mood > 100>><<set $boss.mood=100>><</if>>
<<button [[Уйти|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>50>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<set $random to random(2)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<mia>>Босс, есть минутка?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Конечно, Миа. Что у тебя на уме?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Я думала о том, как много ты работал в последнее время, и подумала, что тебе, возможно, нужно снять стресс.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Снять стресса, да? И что именно ты предлагаешь?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//медленно приближается, проводя рукой по его груди// Я подумала, что мы могли бы вместе выпустить пар.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.office)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/office/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>//ухмыляется// Это отличная идея.<</boss>>
<<case 1>>
<<mia>>Босс, у тебя есть минутка?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Для тебя всегда есть время, Миа. Как дела?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ну, я заметила, что в последнее время ты находишься под большим давлением, и подумала, что смогу помочь тебе расслабиться.<</mia>>
<<boss>>О? И как ты предлагаешь это сделать?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Подходит ближе, проводя пальцем по его руке// Возможно, мы могли бы вместе найти способ снять напряжение.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Думаю, я определенно могу с этим согласиться.<</boss>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.office)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/office/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>>
<<mia>>Эй, босс, могу я поговорить с тобой минутку?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Конечно, Миа. О чём?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Я думала о том, каким напряженным ты выглядел в последнее время, и хотела предложить решение.<</mia>>
<<boss>>О, правда? И какое решение?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Наклоняется, касаясь губами его уха// Может быть, немного пообщаться один на один, чтобы помочь тебе расслабиться?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ну, это похоже на то, на то что выписал мне доктор.<</boss>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.office)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/office/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Настроение босса +20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $boss.mood +=20>><<if $boss.mood > 100>><<set $boss.mood=100>><</if>>
<<button [[Уйти|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >19 and $counter_of_povishenie==0>>
<<st>>Миа работала как обычно, принимала заказы и разносила напитки, как вдруг начальник позвал её к себе в офис.<</st>>
<<boss>>Миа, проходи. Присаживайся, зайка.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Конечно, что такое, босс?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Давайте перейдем к делу, Миа. Я проверял, как у тебя дела, и, честно говоря, я немного разочарован.<</boss>>
<<mia>>О? В чем дело?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ну, похоже, ты сдерживаешься и не даешь нашим клиентам тот опыт, которого они заслуживают. Они приходят сюда, ожидая немного дополнительного… внимания. И ты не даешь им достаточно.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Я... я не думала, что должна была с ними флиртовать.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Дорогая, дело не только в том, чтобы принимать заказы и подавать блюда. Речь идёт о создании атмосферы, создании особых связей с нашими клиентами. Вы должны дать нашим гостям почувствовать себя как в раю. И отчасти это заставляет их чувствовать себя особенными, желанными, понимаете?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Наверное... но разве это не немного... неуместно?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Неуместно? Дорогая, в этой индустрии это называется обаянием. И поверьте мне, немного обаяния имеет большое значение. Подмигивание здесь, комплимент там... все это часть игры.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Полагаю, я постараюсь быть более... очаровательной.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Вот это правильный настрой. Теперь перейдем к следующему вопросу. Мы вводим новую униформу, и, скажем так, она немного более... соблазнительная, чем то, к чему вы привыкли.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Да? Как он выглядит?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Сейчас покажу. Все дело в том, чтобы подчеркнуть твои достоинства, заставить головы поворачиваться, когда вы проходите мимо. Вы уловили мою мысль?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//краснея//. Да, думаю да.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Хорошо. Потому что с сегодняшнего дня вы будете носить это на работе. Это все часть твоей работы, Миа. Если ты хочешь остаться на борте, тебе придется подчиняться требованиям.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//нервно//, Я... думаю, можно попробовать.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Это моя девочка. А теперь иди и срази их там. И помните, немного флирта еще никому не повредило.<</boss>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=1>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>>
<<st>>Новая форма и зарплата + 20.<</st>><<set $mia.salary +=10>><<flash "Опыт перков + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Красота + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Фитнесс + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>39 and $counter_of_povishenie==1>>
<<boss>>Привет, Миа, я тут подумал. Чтобы привлечь в кафе больше клиентов, нам нужен кто-то, кто сможет его раскрутить. А кто может сделать это лучше тебя?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Я? Но я никогда раньше не занималась ничем подобным.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Послушай, Миа, это не ракетостроение. Ты просто должна вилять своей задницей, кокетливо улыбаться проходящим мимо людям и завлекать их.<</boss>>
<<boss>>Поверь мне, как только они увидят тебя, они не смогут устоять. И чем больше ты их приведешь, тем сочнее будут чаевые.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ну, я не знаю... Мне кажется, что это немного, ну, знаете, выходит за рамки моей зоны комфорта...<</mia>>
<<boss>>Давай, Миа, не стесняйся. У тебя есть способности, а нам нужна любая помощь, которую мы можем получить. К тому же, подумайте о тех толстых пачках денег, которые ты сможешь получать.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Хм, думаю, это может стать хорошей возможностью подзаработать. Хорошо, я попробую.<</mia>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=2>><<set $cafe_map+=1>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "Опыт перков + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Красота + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Фитнесс + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>59 and $counter_of_povishenie==2>>
<<st>>Мия снова была в кабинете своего босса, знакомый запах кофе смешивался с напряжением в воздухе. Босс откинулся в кресле и хищно посмотрел на неё.<</st>>
<<boss>>Итак, Миа, скажи мне. Как ты думаешь, зачем я вызвал тебя сюда?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Я... Я не уверена, я просто делала то, что вы просили. Надела новую форму, больше улыбалась, была... кокетливой.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Именно. И позвольте мне быть с вами откровенным, Миа. Видишь, как на тебя смотрят наши клиенты? Они практически раздевают тебя глазами. Они считают вас... сексуальной.<</boss>>
<<st>>Щеки Мии покраснели от смущения, в глазах появилась смесь неловкости и непокорности.<</st>>
<<boss>>Нравится тебе это или нет, Миа, но тебе это нравится. Тебе нравится внимание, не так ли?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Может быть... немного.<</mia>>
<<boss>>И ты заметила, не так ли? Что другие девушки зарабатывают больше, чем ты.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Да, заметила.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Я хочу, чтобы наши клиенты продолжали возвращаться, Миа. И я думаю, ты знаешь, что нужно сделать, чтобы добиться этого.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Что вы хотите, чтобы я сделала?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ты же видишь, как другие девушки ублажают наших клиентов? Я хочу, чтобы ты начала делать то же самое.<</boss>>
<<st>>Ее глаза расширились от шока и неверия.<</st>>
<<mia>>Что? Вы хотите, чтобы я... что? Чтобы я позволила им...?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Не нужно использовать эти грязные слова, Миа. Ты знаешь, что я имею в виду. И в глубине души, я думаю, ты тоже этого хочешь. Я вижу это в твоих глазах, дорогая. Кроме того, я сделаю так, что это будет стоить твоих усилий. Я буду хорошо платить тебе.<</boss>>
<<st>>Миа заколебалась, разрываясь между отчаянием и отвращением, но в конце концов кивнула в знак согласия.<</st>>
<<boss>>Хорошо. Но прежде чем мы приступим, я должен быть уверен, что ты не разочаруешь наших клиентов. Мне нужно знать... что ты знаешь, и что умеешь.<</boss>>
<<st>>Он бросил на неё непристойный взгляд, его взгляд задержался на губах Мии, а затем опустился к собственным брюкам и медленно расстегнул их.
Ее глаза расширились от шока и неверия.<</st>>
<<mia>>Ч-что? Ты хочешь, чтобы я... отсосала тебе?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Я же говорил тебе, Миа. Мне нужно знать, на что ты способна. И, кроме того, я давно этого хотел.<</boss>>
<<st>>Он ухмыльнулся, его выражение лица было наполнено вожделением, и он жестом попросил её подойти ближе.
Сердце Мии бешено колотилось, когда она опустилась перед ним на колени, руки дрожали, готовясь исполнить его желания, а чувство стыда заглушалось обещанием денег и жаром момента.<</st>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=3>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>>
<<st>>Новая форма и зарплата + 20.<</st>><<set $mia.salary +=15>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "Опыт перков + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Красота + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Фитнесс + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>79 and $counter_of_povishenie==3>>
<<st>>Мия вошла в кабинет своего босса, её сердце колотилось от предвкушения. Она пришла получить свою месячную зарплату, но в глубине души ей хотелось чего-то большего, чего она не могла выразить словами.<</st>>
<<boss>>Привет, Миа. О чём думаешь?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ну, знаешь, всё как обычно. Просто пришла за зарплатой.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Точно, точно. Итак, как ты оцениваешь свою работу в этом месяце?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Честно говоря, я думаю, что справилась неплохо. Особенно с теми... дополнительными обязанностями, которые вы мне поручили.<</mia>>
<<st>>Босс протянул ей конверт, на его губах играла лукавая улыбка, пока Миа с нетерпением пересчитывала купюры внутри.<</st>>
<<mia>>О, ничего себе, это... это в четыре раза больше, чем я получала раньше!<</mia>>
<<boss>>И стоило ли оно того? Все эти новые обязанности?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Безусловно. Мне очень нравятся мои новые обязанности. Они... открыли для меня целый новый мир.<</mia>>
<<st>>Босс наклонился ближе, его голос понизился до соблазнительного шепота.<</st>>
<<boss>>И что же в этих обязанностях тебе так нравится, Миа?<</boss>>
<<st>>Щеки Мии вспыхнули от желания, когда она встретила его взгляд, а её голос стал едва выше шепота.<</st>>
<<mia>>Мне нравится флиртовать с клиентами, волноваться, когда они роняют вилки и мне приходится... нагибаться, чтобы их поднять. А приходить сюда, в ваш офис, в конце рабочего дня... это стало моим любимым занятием.<</mia>>
<<st>>Глаза босса потемнели от желания, он придвинулся еще ближе, его дыхание обжигало ее ухо.<</st>>
<<st>>Пульс Мии участился, когда она почувствовала, как его рука коснулась её бедра, вызвав мурашки по позвоночнику.<</st>>
<<mia>>Да... Мне здесь нравится.<</mia>>
<<st>>Быстрым движением босс закрыл дверь в свой кабинет, его руки жадно блуждали по телу Мии, когда он притягивал её к себе.<</st>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=4>>
<<st>>Новая униформа и зарплата + 20.<</st>><<set $mia.salary +=20>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "Опыт перков + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Красота + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Фитнесс + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>99 and $counter_of_povishenie==4>>
<<st>>Когда Мия вошла в кабинет босса, она увидела, как он вдыхает струйку белого порошка, а его глаза слегка диковаты от наркотиков.<</st>>
<<boss>>Привет, Миа. Заходи, красавица. Как дела?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Привет, босс. Как обычно, было много работы.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Приятно слышать. Слушай, бизнес процветает, и я думаю, что нам пора немного скрасить его. Я хочу добавить в кафе танцпол, ну, знаешь, с сексуальными танцами на шесте и приватными комнатами для... ну, ты знаешь, интимных встреч с нашими гостями.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Танцпол? Особых встреч?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Да, черт возьми, детка! Танцы на шесте и, эм, забота о наших клиентах в этих приватных комнатах.<</boss>>
<<mia>>О, я понимаю... Но кто будет всем этим заниматься?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ну, Миа, вот тут-то ты и пригодишься. Ты была одной из моих самых горячих сотрудниц, всегда заставляла эти члены напрягаться и пускать на тебя слюни. Кроме того, у тебя есть что-то особенное, что заставляет их засовывать свои члены прямо тебе в рот. А теперь ты просто начнешь танцевать перед ними, и они выстроятся в очередь за добавкой.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Но я никогда раньше не делала ничего подобного. Это немного чересчур, тебе не кажется?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Миа, посмотри на себя. Ты уже вступаешь в половые отношения с половиной клиентов. Может, лучше сделать это официально и показать, что у тебя есть. Пора перестать быть такой ханжой и дать волю своей внутренней шлюхе.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Не знаю, готова ли я к этому.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Давай, Миа, у тебя все получится. И поверь мне, ты будешь купаться в деньгах, если правильно разыграешь свои карты. К тому же, подумай, сколько членов ты будешь обслуживать. Это беспроигрышный вариант.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ладно. Думаю, я могу попробовать.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Вот это что я хотел услышать Миа! Ты не пожалеешь, обещаю.<</boss>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=5>><<set $cafe_map+=1>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "Опыт перков + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Красота + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Фитнесс + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</if>><<button [[Уйти|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $is_need_to_the_boss == 0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<st>>Sie haben keine Energie mehr, um irgendetwas zu tun, ein guter, fester Schlaf wird Ihnen helfen.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe <=25>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<set $random to random(4)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<mia>>Hey Chef, wie läuft dein Tag so?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Nicht schlecht, Mia. Nur ein weiterer Tag im Büro.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Nun, ich bin hier, um ihn ein bisschen aufzuheitern.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ach ja? Inwiefern?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Mit meinem Charme und Witz natürlich.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ah, verstehe. Dann solltest du dich wohl auf ein bisschen Geplänkel gefasst machen.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Immer bereit für einen guten Lacher.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Na schön, also gut. Was hat der Toaster zur Brotscheibe gesagt?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Keine Ahnung, was?<</mia>>
<<boss>>''Ich will dich in mir haben!''<</boss>>
<<mia>>//lacht// Das ist ja ulkig, Chef.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Freut mich, dass es dir gefallen hat, Mia. Mach weiter so mit der guten Arbeit.<</boss>>
<<case 1>>
<<mia>>Hey Chef, wie läuft dein Tag?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ach du weißt schon, der übliche Wahnsinn. Aber dein Lächeln zu sehen, macht es immer besser.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Charmeur, was?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Erwischt. Also, bereit für ein bisschen Bürohumor?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Hau raus, was du hast.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Na gut, also was haben ein Penis und ein Zauberwürfel gemeinsam?<</boss>>
<<boss>>Je mehr man damit spielt, desto härter wird's.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//kichert// Ein Klassiker, Chef.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Freut mich, dass es dir gefallen hat, Mia. Lass die positive Einstellung nicht nachlassen.<</boss>>
<<case 2>>
<<mia>>Hey Chef, wie läuft's denn so?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ach, ich halte mich gerade so über Wasser, Mia. Aber dich hier reinzuspazieren sehen, muntert mich immer auf.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Nun, ich will ja schließlich gefallen.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Also, bist du bereit für ein bisschen Büro-Flachs?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Immer her damit, Chef.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Na gut, was kriegst du, wenn du LSD und Verhütung mischst?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Keine Ahnung, was?<</mia>>
<<boss>>'Ne Reise ohne Kinder.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//lacht// Das ist ja ziemlich platt, Chef.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Platt, aber wirkungsvoll. Mach weiter so mit der guten Arbeit, Mia.<</boss>>
<<case 3>>
<<mia>>Morgen, Chef. Wie läuft's denn so?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Nur ein weiterer Tag im Paradies, Mia. Aber dich hier reinzuspazieren sehen, hellt es immer auf.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Schmeichelei bringt einen überall hin, Chef.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Also, bist du bereit für ein bisschen Geplänkel im Büro?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ab damit.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Na gut, mach dich gefasst. Was hat die Klitoris zur Vulva gesagt?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ich bin ganz Ohr.<</mia>>
<<boss>>''Alles tutti im Hut!'' <</boss>>
<<mia>>//lacht// Der ist gut, Chef.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Danke, Mia. Lass dein Lächeln weiter strahlen.<</boss>>
<<case 4>>
<<mia>>Hey Chef, was geht ab?<</mia>>
<<boss>> Ach du weißt schon, der übliche Wahnsinn. Aber dein lächelndes Gesicht zu sehen, macht das alles wieder wett.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ach Mensch, du weißt ja immer, wie du mir Honig ums Maul schmierst.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Muss ja schließlich meinen Lieblingsmitarbeiter bei Laune halten. Bereit für ein bisschen Büro-Flachs?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Immer her damit.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Na gut, stell dich drauf ein. Warum tragen Frauen Höschen mit Blumen drauf?<</boss>>
<<boss>>In liebevoller Erinnerung an all die Gesichter, die dort schon begraben wurden.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Der ist ja echt super, Chef.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Freut mich, dass er dir gefällt, Mia. Verbreite diese positive Einstellung weiter im ganzen Café.<</boss>>
<</switch>><<set $gained_mood =20+$perks.joke>>
<<flash `"Boss mood +" + $gained_mood`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $boss.mood +=20>><<if $boss.mood > 100>><<set $boss.mood=100>><</if>>
<<button [[Verlassen Sie|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>25 and $mia.exp_cafe<=50>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<set $random to random(3)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<mia>>Hey Chef, hast du kurz Zeit?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Natürlich, Mia. Schön dich zu sehen. Was ist los?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Wollte dir nur ein bisschen die Laune heben. Arbeit kann ja manchmal echt stressig sein, und ich dachte, wir könnten etwas Spannung abbauen.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Stimmt! Was hast du denn da?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Mia lächelt und beginnt langsam, den obersten Knopf ihrer Bluse aufzuknöpfen, wodurch ihre üppigen Titten zum Vorschein kommen.// Nun, ich dachte, Sie könnten vielleicht eine kleine Unterhaltung genießen.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bjCafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bjCafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>Na das hebt ja auf jeden Fall die Stimmung. Danke, Mia. Du bist immer so... zuvorkommend.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Kein Problem, Chef. Gerne geschehen. Wenn Sie sonst noch etwas brauchen, wissen Sie ja, wo Sie mich finden.<</mia>>
<<case 1>>
<<mia>>Hey Chef, störe ich gerade?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Gar kein Problem, Mia. Was kann ich denn für dich tun?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ich dachte nur, ich komm mal vorbei und würze deinen Tag etwas. Weißt du ja, die Arbeit kann ganz schön langweilig werden, und ich dachte, wir könnten etwas Spannung gebrauchen.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Da kann man ja nicht widersprechen. Was hast du denn vor?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//grinst schelmisch und beginnt, den obersten Knopf ihrer Bluse zu öffnen, wodurch ihre großen Brüste zum Vorschein kommen//Nur eine kleine Ablenkung, um dir den Tag zu versüßen.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bjCafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bjCafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>//lacht leise// Nun, dann ist mein Tag ja gerettet. Du weißt immer, wie man die Stimmung hebt, Mia.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//zwinkert// Ist ja alles Teil des Jobs, Chef. Brauchst du sonst noch etwas, wo ich schon mal hier bin?<</mia>>
<<case 2>>
<<mia>>Hey Chef, wie wär's mit einer kleinen Unterbrechung?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Immer her damit, Mia. Was gibt's denn?<</boss>>
<<mia>>ch dachte nur, ich schau mal vorbei und sorge für etwas Abwechslung. Du weißt ja, die Arbeit kann ganz schön eintönig werden. Wie wäre es mit ein bisschen Spaß?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Kann man ja nicht von der Hand weisen. Was hast du denn vor?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Mia grinst schelmisch und fällt auf die Knie, öffnet seine Hose und nimmt seinen Schwanz in ihren Mund// Nur eine kleine Abwechslung, um deinen Tag zu versüßen.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bjCafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bjCafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>//stöhnt leise// Dann ist mein Tag ja gerettet. Du weißt ja immer, wie man für gute Laune sorgt, Mia.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//weiter mit Begeisterung// Ist ja alles Routine, Chef.<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<mia>>Klopft, klopft! Kann ich kurz reinschauen?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Mia, immer wieder schön. Was gibt's denn?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Dachte nur, ich schau mal vorbei und bringe etwas Schwung in die Bude. Du weißt schon, etwas Spannung in unseren Alltag bringen.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Gegen ein bisschen Spannung ist ja nichts einzuwenden. Was hast du vor?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Mia zwinkert spielerisch und fällt auf die Knie, öffnet seinen Gürtel und nimmt seinen Schwanz in ihren Mund// Nur eine kleine Aufmunterung, um deinen Tag etwas zu würzen.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bjCafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bjCafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>//stöhnt vor Vergnügen// Muss ich ja sagen, du weißt ja ganz schön, wie man die Stimmung hebt, Mia.<</boss>>
<<mia>>// Feuert weiter an // Genau darum geht's, Chef! Die Moral muss ja hochgehalten werden!<</mia>>
<<flash "Die Stimmung des Chefs + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $boss.mood +=20>><<if $boss.mood > 100>><<set $boss.mood=100>><</if>>
<<button [[Verlassen Sie|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>50>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<set $random to random(2)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<mia>>Chef, haben Sie kurz Zeit?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Natürlich, Mia. Was kann ich denn für dich tun?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ich hab mir so gedacht, wie viel Sie in letzter Zeit arbeiten, und dachte, vielleicht brauchen Sie etwas zum Abschalten.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Abschalten, sagst du? Und was genau schwebt dir da vor?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//bewegt sich langsam näher und fährt sich mit der Hand über die Brust//...dachte ich, könnten wir vielleicht mal gemeinsam etwas Dampf ablassen.<</mia>>
<<boss>>//grinst// Klingt gut.<</boss>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.office)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/office/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>//grinst// Das hört sich gut an.<</boss>>
<<case 1>>
<<mia>>Hey Chef, haben Sie 'ne Minute?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Immer für dich, Mia. Was gibt's denn?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Also, mir ist aufgefallen, dass Sie in letzter Zeit ganz schön unter Strom stehen. Wie wär's, wenn wir mal ein bisschen abschalten?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ach ja? Klingt gut. Was schwebt Ihnen denn vor?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Kommt näher und lässt einen Finger über seinen Arm gleiten// Wie wär's, wenn wir mal zusammen den Stress ablassen?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Klingt gut, da bin ich dabei.<</boss>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.office)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/office/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>>
<<mia>>Hey Chef, kann ich Sie kurz sprechen?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Klar doch, Mia. Was ist denn los?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Mir ist aufgefallen, dass Sie in letzter Zeit ziemlich gestresst wirken, und ich wollte Ihnen gerne eine Lösung anbieten.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ach ja? Na, was wäre denn deine Lösung?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Lehnt sich vor und berührt sein Ohr mit ihren Lippen// Wie wär's mit etwas persönlicher Entspannung zu zweit?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Na wenn das der Doktor verschrieben hat...<</boss>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.office)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/office/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Die Stimmung des Chefs + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $boss.mood +=20>><<if $boss.mood > 100>><<set $boss.mood=100>><</if>>
<<button [[Verlassen Sie|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >19 and $counter_of_povishenie==0>>
<<st>>Mia arbeitete wie gewohnt, nahm Bestellungen entgegen und servierte Getränke, als ihr Chef sie plötzlich in sein Büro rief.<</st>>
<<boss>>Mia, komm herein. Nimm Platz, Liebling.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Klar, was ist los, Chef?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Kommen wir direkt zur Sache, Mia. Ich habe beobachtet, wie du arbeitest, und ehrlich gesagt, bin ich etwas enttäuscht.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Oh? Was ist denn los?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Nun, Liebling, es scheint, als würdest du dich zurückhalten und unseren Kunden nicht das volle Erlebnis bieten, das sie verdienen.Sie kommen hierher und erwarten etwas mehr… Aufmerksamkeit. Und du gibst ihnen nicht genug.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ich... ich wusste nicht, dass ich mit ihnen flirten sollte.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Schatz, es geht nicht nur darum, Bestellungen entgegenzunehmen und Gerichte zu servieren. Es geht darum, eine Atmosphäre zu schaffen, besondere Bindungen zu unseren Kunden aufzubauen. Du solltest unsere Gäste das Gefühl geben, im Paradies zu sein. Und ein Teil davon ist es, sie sich besonders, begehrenswert zu fühlen zu lassen, verstehst du?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ich nehme an... aber ist das nicht ein bisschen... unangebracht?<</mia>>
<<boss>> Unangebracht? Schätzchen, in dieser Branche nennt man das Charme. Und glaub mir, ein bisschen Charme bringt dich sehr weit. Ein Zwinkern hier, ein Kompliment da... das gehört alles zum Spiel.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ich werde versuchen, etwas... charmanter zu sein, nehme ich an.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Das ist meine Kleine. Nun, weiter zum nächsten Thema. Wir führen eine neue Uniformrichtlinie ein, und sagen wir einfach, sie ist etwas... verlockender als das, was du gewohnt bist.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Wirklich? Wie sieht sie denn aus?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Schau mal kurz, Liebes. Es geht darum, deine Vorzüge zu betonen, Köpfe drehen zu lassen, wenn du vorbeigehst. Verstehst du, was ich meine?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//*errötend*// Äh, ja, ich glaube schon.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Gut. Denn ab heute wirst du das auf der Arbeit tragen. Das gehört alles zum Gesamtpaket, Mia. Wenn du an Bord bleiben willst, musst du nach den Regeln spielen.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//*nervös*// Ich... ich denke, ich kann es versuchen.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Das ist meine schatzi. Jetzt geh da raus und begeistere sie. Und denk daran, ein wenig Flirten hat noch niemandem geschadet.<</boss>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=1>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Schönheit + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<st>>Neue Uniformen und Gehalt + 20.<</st>><<set $mia.salary +=10>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>39 and $counter_of_povishenie==1>>
<<boss>>Also, Mia, ich hab da so 'ne Idee. Um mehr Kunden in den Laden zu kriegen, brauchen wir jemanden, der Werbung macht. Und wer wär' da besser geeignet als du?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ich? Aber sowas hab ich noch nie gemacht!<</mia>>
<<boss>>Hey, Mia, das ist doch kein Hexenwerk. Du musst einfach nur ein bisschen in den Hüften wackeln, den Leuten, die vorbeigehen, ein freches Grinsen zuwerfen und sie damit reinlocken.<</boss>>
<<boss>>Glaub mir, wenn die dich erst mal sehen, können die gar nicht widerstehen. Und je mehr Kunden du anlockst, desto dicker werden deine Trinkgelder.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ähm, ich weiß nicht so recht... Das ist irgendwie außerhalb meiner Komfortzone...<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ach komm schon, Mia, sei nicht so schüchtern. Du hast das Zeug dazu, und wir brauchen jede Hilfe, die wir kriegen können. Und außerdem, denk mal an die dicken Scheine, die du dann einstreichen kannst.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Hmm, okay, als zusätzliches Einkommen wär' das echt nicht schlecht. Also gut, ich versuch's mal.<</mia>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=2>><<set $cafe_map+=1>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Schönheit + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>59 and $counter_of_povishenie==2>>
<<st>>Mia war wieder in ihrem Chefzimmer, der vertraute Duft von Kaffee mischte sich mit der Spannung in der Luft. Sie rutschte unbehaglich auf ihrem freizügigen Outfit herum, während ihr Chef sich in seinem Stuhl zurücklehnte und sie mit einem raubtierhaften Blick betrachtete.<</st>>
<<boss>>Also, Mia, sag mir. Warum denkst du, habe ich dich hierher gerufen?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ich... ich bin mir nicht sicher, ich habe nur gemacht, was du gefragt hast. Das neue Outfit tragen, mehr lächeln, flirtend sein...<</mia>>
<<boss>>Genau. Und lass mich dir gegenüber ehrlich sein, Mia. Siehst du, wie unsere Kunden dich ansehen? Sie entkleiden dich praktisch mit ihren Blicken. Sie denken, du bist... sexy.<</boss>>
<<st>>Mias Wangen röteten sich vor Verlegenheit, eine Mischung aus Unbehagen und Trotz lag in ihren Augen.<</st>>
<<boss>>Ob du es magst oder nicht, Mia, du hast Gefallen daran gefunden. Du genießt die Aufmerksamkeit, oder?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Vielleicht... ein bisschen.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Und du hast bemerkt, oder? Dass die anderen Mädchen mehr Geld verdienen als du.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ja, das ist mir aufgefallen.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ich möchte, dass unsere Kunden wiederkommen, Mia. Und ich denke, du weißt, was getan werden muss, um das sicherzustellen.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Was möchtest du, dass ich tue?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Siehst du, wie die anderen Mädchen unsere Kunden zufriedenstellen, oder? Ich möchte, dass du dasselbe tust.<</boss>>
<<st>>Ihre Augen weiteten sich vor Schock und Unglauben.<</st>>
<<mia>>Was?! Das willst du von mir? Dass ich die Männer... lassen soll, die...?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Muss ja nicht gleich vulgär werden, Mia. Du verstehst schon, was ich meine. Und tief in dir drinnen willst du es doch auch, glaub mir. Ich seh's dir in den Augen, Schätzchen. Außerdem mach ich's dir schon lukrativ. Du wirst fürstlich dafür bezahlt.<</boss>>
<<st>>Mia zögerte, hin- und hergerissen zwischen Verzweiflung und Ekel. Letztendlich nickte sie jedoch zustimmend.<</st>>
<<boss>>Gut so. Aber bevor wir weitermachen, muss ich sichergehen, dass du unsere Kunden nicht enttäuschst. Ich muss wissen, ob du... du weißt schon, ob du das hinkriegst.<</boss>>
<<st>>Er warf ihr einen schmutzigen Blick zu, sein Blick verweilte auf Mias Lippen, bevor er langsam seinen eigenen Hosenschlitz öffnete.<</st>>
<<st>>Ihre Augen weiteten sich vor Schock und Unglauben.<</st>>
<<mia>>W-was? Du willst, dass ich... dass ich dir einen blase?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ich habe es dir gesagt, Mia. Ich muss wissen, wozu du fähig bist. Und außerdem, ich habe das schon lange gewollt.<</boss>>
<<st>>Er grinste, seine Miene voller Lust, als er ihr bedeutete, näher zu kommen.<</st>>
<<st>>Mias Herz raste, als sie sich vor ihm niederließ, ihre Hände zitterten, während sie sich darauf vorbereitete, seine Wünsche zu erfüllen. Ihr eigenes Schamgefühl wurde vom Versprechen des Geldes und der Hitze des Augenblicks übertönt.<</st>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=3>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>>
<<st>>Neue Uniformen und Gehalt + 20.<</st>><<set $mia.salary +=15>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Schönheit + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>79 and $counter_of_povishenie==3>>
<<st>>Mia betrat das Büro ihres Chefs, ihr Herz schlug vor Aufregung. Sie war hier, um ihr monatliches Gehalt abzuholen, aber tief in ihrem Inneren sehnte sie sich nach etwas mehr, etwas, das sie nicht ganz in Worte fassen konnte.<</st>>
<<boss>>Na, Mia, was geht dir durch den Kopf?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Oh, du weißt schon, das Übliche. Ich bin nur hier, um meinen Gehaltsscheck abzuholen.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Richtig, richtig. Und wie fühlst du dich über deine Leistung diesen Monat?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ehrlich gesagt, denke ich, dass ich ziemlich gut war. Besonders mit den... zusätzlichen Aufgaben, die du mir gegeben hast.<</mia>>
<<st>>Der Chef reichte ihr den Umschlag, ein verschmitztes Lächeln spielte um seine Lippen, während Mia begierig die Geldscheine darin zählte.<</st>>
<<mia>>Oh wow, das ist... das ist viermal mehr als das, was ich früher bekommen habe!<</mia>>
<<boss>>Und hat es sich gelohnt? All die neuen Verantwortungen?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Absolut. Ich liebe meine neuen Aufgaben tatsächlich. Sie haben... mir eine ganz neue Welt eröffnet.<</mia>>
<<st>>Der Chef lehnte sich näher heran, seine Stimme wurde zu einem verführerischen Flüstern.<</st>>
<<boss>>Und was ist es an diesen Aufgaben, das du so sehr genießt, Mia?<</boss>>
<<st>>Mias Wangen glühten vor Verlangen, als sie seinen Blick erwiderte, ihre Stimme kaum mehr als ein Flüstern.<</st>>
<<mia>>Ich liebe den Nervenkitzel, mit den Kunden zu flirten, die Aufregung, wenn sie ihre Gabeln fallen lassen und ich mich bücken muss, um sie aufzuheben. Und hierher zu kommen, in dein Büro, am Ende des Tages... es ist mein Lieblingsteil geworden.<</mia>>
<<st>>Die Augen des Chefs verdunkelten sich vor Verlangen, als er sich noch näher bewegte, sein Atem heiß an ihrem Ohr.<</st>>
<<boss>>Ist das so?<</boss>>
<<st>>Mias Puls beschleunigte sich, als sie seine Hand an ihrem Oberschenkel spürte, Schauer liefen ihr den Rücken hinunter.<</st>>
<<mia>>Ja... Ich mag es hier.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mit einer schnellen Bewegung verschloss der Chef die Tür seines Büros, seine Hände wanderten hungrig über Mias Körper, als er sie fest an sich zog.<</st>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=4>>
<<st>>Neue Uniformen und Gehalt + 20.<</st>><<set $mia.salary +=20>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Schönheit + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>99 and $counter_of_povishenie==4>>
<<st>>Als Mia das Büro ihres Chefs betrat, sah sie, wie er gerade eine Linie weißen Pulvers zog. Seine Augen wirkten durch die Drogen leicht verrückt.<</st>>
<<boss>>Hey Mia, hereinspaziert, meine Schöne! Wie läuft's denn so?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Hallo Chef, wie immer viel Betrieb.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Gut zu hören. Also, der Laden brummt ja gerade richtig, und ich glaube, es wird Zeit, dass wir die Sache etwas aufpeppen. Weißt du, ich will eine Tanzfläche im Café einbauen, mit sexy Pole Dance und separaten Räumen für... naja, du verstehst schon, intime Begegnungen mit unseren Gästen.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Tanzfläche? Spezielle Dienstleistungen?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Genau so, Baby! Pole Dance und ähm, sich in den privaten Räumen um unsere Kunden kümmern.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ach so... Aber, ähm, wer soll das denn alles machen?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Nun, Mia, das ist deine Chance. Du warst eine meiner heißesten Mitarbeiterinnen, hast immer diese Schwänze hart und triefend gemacht, wenn sie dich angesehen haben. Außerdem hast du dieses gewisse Etwas, das sie dazu bringt, ihre Schwänze direkt in deinen Mund zu stecken. Jetzt wirst du einfach vor ihnen tanzen, und sie werden sich für mehr anstellen.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Aber ich habe so etwas noch nie gemacht. Das ist doch etwas übertrieben, findest du nicht?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Mia, sieh dich an. Du vergnügst dich bereits halb mit der Kundschaft hier. Da kann man auch mal zeigen, was man draufhat. Es wird Zeit, dass du aufhörst, so prüde zu sein, und deine innere Schlampe zum Vorschein lässt.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ich weiß nicht, ob ich dafür bereit bin.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Komm schon, Mia, du kannst das. Und glaub mir, du wirst im Geld schwimmen, wenn du deine Karten richtig spielst. Und denk mal an all die Schwänze, die du bedienen wirst. Es ist ein Gewinn für alle.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Oh Mann, okay. Ich kann es zumindest versuchen.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Das ist der Geist, Mia! Du wirst es nicht bereuen, das verspreche ich.<</boss>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=5>><<set $cafe_map+=1>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Schönheit + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</if>><<button [[Verlasse|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $is_need_to_the_boss == 0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<st>>Vous n'avez plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, un bon sommeil vous aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe <=25>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<set $random to random(4)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<mia>>Hé, Patron, comment se passe votre journée ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Pas mal, Mia. Un jour comme les autres au travail.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Eh bien, je suis là pour l'égayer un peu.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ah oui ? Et comment ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Avec mon charme et mon esprit, bien sûr.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ah, je vois. J'espère que tu es prête pour un peu d'humour.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Toujours prête à rire.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Très bien, c'est parti. Qu'a dit le grille-pain à la tranche de pain ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Je ne sais pas, quoi ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Je veux que tu sois en moi !<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Rires// C'est hilarant, patron.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Content que ça te plaise, Mia. Continue à faire du bon travail.<</boss>>
<<case 1>>
<<mia>>Hé, patron, comment se passe votre journée ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Oh, tu sais, le travail habituel. Mais ton sourire la rend toujours meilleure.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Vous êtes un beau parleur, n'est-ce pas ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Je suis coupable. Alors, prête pour un peu d'humour au bureau ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Fais-moi une démonstration de votre talent.<</mia>>
<<boss>>D'accord, c'est parti. Quel est le point commun entre un pénis et un Rubik's Cube ? <</boss>>
<<mia>>Quoi ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Plus on joue avec, plus c'est dur.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//chuckles// Classique, patron.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Content que ça te plaise, Mia. Continue à faire circuler la positivité.<</boss>>
<<case 2>>
<<mia>>Hé, patron, comment ça se passe ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ça se passe bien, Mia. Mais te voir débarquer ici me fait toujours plaisir.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Eh bien, je cherche à être agréable.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Alors, prête pour un peu d'humour de bureau ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Faites-moi plaisir, patron.<</mia>>
<<boss>>D'accord, c'est parti. Qu'est-ce qu'on obtient quand on mélange du LSD et des contraceptifs ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Je ne sais pas, quoi ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Un voyage sans enfants.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Rires// C'est ringard, patron.<</mia>>
<<boss>>C'est ringard mais efficace. Continuez à faire du bon travail, Mia.<</boss>>
<<case 3>>
<<mia>>Bonjour, patron. Comment ça se passe ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Un jour comme les autres au paradis, Mia. Mais te voir débarquer ici l'égaye toujours.<</boss>>
<<mia>>La flatterie vous mènera partout, patron.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Alors, tu es partante pour une petite discussion de bureau ?<</boss>>
<<boss>>D'accord, prépare-toi. Pourquoi les seins et les fesses ne se disputent jamais?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Je suis toute ouïe.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Parce qu'ils ont chacun leur point de vue!<</boss>>
<<mia>>//rires// Elle est bonne celle-là, patron.<</mia>>
<<case 4>>
<<mia>>Hé, patron, qu'est-ce qui se passe ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Oh, tu sais, le travail habituel. Mais voir ton visage souriant en vaut la peine.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ah, vous savez toujours comment m'amadouer.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Je dois garder mon employée préférée heureuse. Prêt pour un peu d'humour au bureau ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Faites-moi parvenir votre meilleur coup.<</mia>>
<<boss>>D'accord, prépare-toi. Pourquoi les femmes portent-elles des culottes avec des fleurs ? <</boss>>
<<mia>>Pourquoi ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>En souvenir de tous les visages qui y ont été enterrés.<</boss>>
<<mia>>C'est excellent, patron.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Content que vous approuviez, Mia. Continuez à répandre la positivité dans le café.<</boss>>
<</switch>><<set $gained_mood =20+$perks.joke>>
<<flash `"Boss mood +" + $gained_mood`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $boss.mood +=20>><<if $boss.mood > 100>><<set $boss.mood=100>><</if>>
<<button [[Partir|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>25 and $mia.exp_cafe<=50>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<set $random to random(3)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<mia>>Bonjour patron. Avez-vous un moment ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Bien sûr, Mia. Je suis toujours heureux de te voir. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Je voulais juste vous remonter le moral. Vous savez, le travail peut être très stressant parfois, et j'ai pensé que nous aurions besoin d'un peu de détente.<</mia>>
<<boss>>C'est sûr. Qu'est-ce que tu as là ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Mia sourit et commence lentement à déboutonner le bouton supérieur de son chemisier, dévoilant ses gros seins// Eh bien, j'ai pensé que vous aimeriez un peu de divertissement.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bjCafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bjCafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>Voilà qui me met de bonne humeur. Merci, Mia. Tu es toujours si... prévenante.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Pas de problème, patron. Je suis heureuse de vous aider. Si vous avez besoin d'autre chose, vous savez où me trouver.<</mia>>
<<case 1>>
<<mia>>Bonjour, patron. Ça vous dérange si je vous interromps ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Pas du tout, Mia. Qu'est-ce qui te préoccupe ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>J'ai juste pensé que je pourrais passer et ajouter un peu de piment à votre journée. Vous savez, le travail peut être ennuyeux, et je me suis dit que nous aurions besoin d'un peu d'excitation.<</mia>>
<<boss>>On ne peut pas dire le contraire. Qu'est-ce que tu as pour moi ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Sourire malicieux et commencer à défaire le bouton du haut de son chemisier, révélant ses gros seins// Juste une petite distraction pour égayer votre journée.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bjCafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bjCafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>//ricane// Eh bien, considérons que j'ai égayé ma journée. Tu sais toujours comment remonter le moral, Mia.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//cligne// de l'œil Cela fait partie du travail, patron. Vous avez besoin d'autre chose pendant que je suis là ?<</mia>>
<<case 2>>
<<mia>>Bonjour, patron. Ça vous dérange si je vous interromps ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Pas du tout, Mia. Qu'est-ce qui te préoccupe ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>J'ai juste pensé que je pourrais passer et ajouter un peu de piment à votre journée. Vous savez, le travail peut être ennuyeux, et je me suis dit que nous aurions besoin d'un peu d'excitation.<</mia>>
<<boss>>On ne peut pas dire le contraire. Qu'est-ce que tu as pour moi ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Mia sourit malicieusement et se met à genoux, défaisant son pantalon et prenant sa bite dans sa bouche// Juste une petite distraction pour égayer votre journée.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bjCafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bjCafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>//gémit doucement// Eh bien, je crois que j'ai égayé ma journée. Tu sais toujours comment remonter le moral, Mia.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Continue avec enthousiasme// Ça fait partie du boulot, patron.<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<mia>>Toc, toc ! Ça vous dérange si je passe un moment ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Mia, c'est toujours un plaisir. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Je me suis dit que j'allais faire un petit tour pour changer un peu les choses. Vous savez, injecter un peu d'excitation dans notre routine.<</mia>>
<<boss>> On ne peut pas dire non à un peu d'excitation. A quoi penses-tu ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Mia fait un clin d'œil amusé et se met à genoux, défaisant sa ceinture et prenant sa bite dans sa bouche// Juste un petit remontant pour pimenter votre journée.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bjCafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bjCafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>//gémit de plaisir// Eh bien, je dois dire que vous savez comment animer les choses, Mia.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Continue avec ferveur// Il faut garder le moral, patron. <</mia>>
<<flash "L'humeur du patron + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $boss.mood +=20>><<if $boss.mood > 100>><<set $boss.mood=100>><</if>>
<<button [[Partir|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>50>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<set $random to random(2)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<mia>>Patron, vous avez une minute ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Bien sûr, Mia. Qu'est-ce qui vous préoccupe ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>J'ai réfléchi à vos efforts ces derniers temps et j'ai pensé que vous auriez peut-être besoin d'un peu de soulagement.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Soulager le stress, hein ? Et que suggères-tu exactement ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Se rapproche doucement de lui en passant une main sur son torse// Je me disais qu'on pourrait se défouler un peu tous les deux.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.office)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/office/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>//rictus// J'aime bien ça.<</boss>>
<<case 1>>
<<mia>>Patron, avez-vous un moment ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>J'ai toujours du temps pour toi, Mia. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>J'ai remarqué que vous étiez sous pression ces derniers temps et j'ai pensé que je pourrais vous aider à vous détendre.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Oh ? Et comment est-ce que tu proposes qu'on fasse ça ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Se rapproche de lui et pose un doigt sur son bras// Peut-être que nous pourrions trouver un moyen de relâcher la tension ensemble.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Je pense que je peux tout à fait adhérer à cette idée.<</boss>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.office)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/office/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>>
<<mia>>Patron, je peux vous parler une seconde ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Bien sûr, Mia. Qu'est-ce qui te préoccupe ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>J'ai réfléchi à votre stress ces derniers temps et je voulais vous proposer une solution.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ah bon ? Et quelle est ta solution ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Se penche vers lui, effleure ses lèvres de son oreille// Peut-être un peu de temps en tête-à-tête pour vous aider à vous détendre ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Eh bien, c'est exactement ce que le médecin a ordonné.<</boss>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.office)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/office/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "L'humeur du patron 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $boss.mood +=20>><<if $boss.mood > 100>><<set $boss.mood=100>><</if>>
<<button [[Partir|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >19 and $counter_of_povishenie==0>>
<<st>>Mia travaillait comme d'habitude, prenant des commandes et servant des boissons, quand soudain son patron l'a appelée pour qu'elle vienne dans son bureau.<</st>>
<<boss>>Mia, entre. Assieds-toi, ma chérie.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Bien sûr, qu'est-ce qu'il y a, patron ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Allons droit au but, Mia. J'ai pris des nouvelles de toi et, honnêtement, je suis un peu déçu.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Oh ? Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Eh bien, chérie, on dirait que tu te retiens, que tu ne donnes pas à nos clients toute l'expérience qu'ils méritent. Ils viennent ici en espérant un peu plus... d'attention. Et tu ne leur en donnes pas assez.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Je... Je n'avais pas réalisé que je devais flirter avec eux.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Chérie, il ne s'agit pas seulement de prendre les commandes et de servir les plats. Il s'agit de créer une atmosphère, de tisser des liens particuliers avec nos clients. Tu dois faire en sorte que nos clients se sentent au paradis. Et pour cela, il faut qu'ils se sentent spéciaux, désirables, tu comprends ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Je suppose... mais n'est-ce pas un peu... inapproprié ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Inapproprié ? Chérie, dans ce secteur, on appelle ça le charme. Et croyez-moi, un peu de charme fait beaucoup, beaucoup de bien. Un clin d'œil par-ci, un compliment par-là... ça fait partie du jeu.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Je vais essayer d'être plus... charmante, je suppose.<</mia>>
<<boss>>C'est ma fille. Maintenant, passons au sujet suivant. Nous mettons en place une nouvelle politique en matière d'uniformes, et disons qu'elle est un peu plus... alléchante que celle à laquelle tu es habituée.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Vraiment ? À quoi ça ressemble ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Jette un coup d'œil, chérie. Il s'agit de mettre en valeur tes atouts, de faire tourner les têtes quand tu passes devant. Tu vois ce que je veux dire ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//*rougissante*// Euh, oui, je pense que oui.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Bien. Parce qu'à partir d'aujourd'hui, c'est ce que tu vas porter au travail. Ça fait partie du package, Mia. Si tu veux rester à bord, tu dois respecter les règles.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//*nerveusement*// Je... Je suppose que je peux essayer.<</mia>>
<<boss>>C'est ma fille. Maintenant, va les frapper à mort là-bas. Et souviens-toi qu'un peu de flirt n'a jamais fait de mal à personne.<</boss>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=1>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>>
<<st>>Nouveaux uniformes et salaire + 20.<</st>><<set $mia.salary +=10>><<flash "Avantages exp + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Beauté + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>39 and $counter_of_povishenie==1>>
<<boss>>Mia, j'ai réfléchi. Pour attirer plus de clients au café, nous avons besoin de quelqu'un qui puisse en faire la promotion. Et qui peut le faire mieux que toi ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Moi ? Mais je n'ai jamais rien fait de tel.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Écoute, Mia, ce n'est pas sorcier. Il te suffit de remuer ton cul, d'afficher un sourire enjôleur aux passants et de les attirer.<</boss>>
<<boss>>Crois-moi, une fois qu'ils t'auront vu, ils ne pourront pas résister. Et plus tu en ramènes, plus ces pourboires seront juteux.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Je ne sais pas... Je me sens un peu, vous savez, hors de ma zone de confort...<</mia>>
<<boss>>Allez, Mia, ne sois pas timide. Tu as les qualités requises, et nous avons besoin de toute l'aide possible ici. Et puis, pensez aux grosses sommes d'argent que ça va te rapporter.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Hmm, je pense que c'est une bonne occasion de gagner un peu plus d'argent. D'accord, je vais essayer.<</mia>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=2>><<set $cafe_map+=1>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "Avantages exp + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Beauté + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>59 and $counter_of_povishenie==2>>
<<st>>Mia se trouvait à nouveau dans le bureau de son patron, l'odeur familière du café se mêlant à la tension qui régnait dans l'air. Elle se sentait mal à l'aise dans son uniforme révélateur tandis que son patron s'appuyait sur sa chaise, la regardant d'un air prédateur.<</st>>
<<boss>>Alors, Mia, dis-moi. Pourquoi crois-tu que je t'ai fait venir ici ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Je... Je ne sais pas trop, je faisais juste ce que vous m'aviez demandé. Je portais le nouvel uniforme, je souriais davantage, j'étais... flirteuse.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Exactement. Et laissez-moi être franc avec toi, Mia. Tu vois comment nos clients te regardent ? Ils te déshabillent pratiquement du regard. Ils te trouvent... sexy.<</boss>>
<<st>>Les joues de Mia rougissent d'embarras, un mélange de gêne et de défi se lit dans ses yeux.<</st>>
<<boss>>Que cela te plaise ou non, Mia, tu t'es prise d'affection. Tu aimes l'attention, n'est-ce pas ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Peut-être... un peu.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Et tu as remarqué, n'est-ce pas ? Que les autres filles gagnent plus d'argent que toi.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Oui, je l'ai remarqué.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Je veux que nos clients reviennent, Mia. Et je pense que tu sais ce qu'il faut faire pour y arriver.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Que voulez-vous que je fasse ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Tu vois comment les autres filles font plaisir à nos clients, n'est-ce pas ? Je veux que tu commences à faire la même chose.<</boss>>
<<st>>Ses yeux s'écarquillent de choc et d'incrédulité.<</st>>
<<mia>>Quoi ? Tu veux que je... que je fasse quoi ? Que je les laisse... ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Pas besoin d'utiliser de gros mots, Mia. Tu sais ce que je veux dire. Et au fond de toi, je pense que tu le veux aussi. Je le vois dans tes yeux, ma chérie. D'ailleurs, je vais faire en sorte que cela en vaille la peine. Je te paierai grassement.<</boss>>
<<st>>Mia hésite, partagée entre le désespoir et le dégoût, mais finit par acquiescer.<</st>>
<<boss>>Bien. Mais avant de commencer, je dois m'assurer que tu ne vas pas décevoir nos clients. J'ai besoin de savoir... que vous savez ce que vous faites.<</boss>>
<<st>>Il lui lance un regard noir, s'attardant sur les lèvres de Mia avant de descendre jusqu'à son propre pantalon, qu'il ouvre lentement. Elle écarquille les yeux de choc et d'incrédulité.<</st>>
<<mia>>Qu-Quoi ? Vous voulez que je... que je vous suce ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Je te l'ai dit, Mia. J'ai besoin de savoir de quoi tu es capable. Et puis, ça fait longtemps que j'en ai envie.<</boss>>
<<st>>Il sourit, l'expression remplie de désir, et lui fait signe de s'approcher.
Le cœur de Mia s'emballa alors qu'elle s'agenouillait devant lui, ses mains tremblant alors qu'elle se préparait à satisfaire ses désirs, son propre sentiment de honte étant noyé par la promesse d'argent et la chaleur du moment.<</st>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=3>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>>
<<st>>Nouveaux uniformes et salaire + 20.<</st>><<set $mia.salary +=15>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "Avantages exp + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Beauté + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>79 and $counter_of_povishenie==3>>
<<st>>Mia entre dans le bureau de son patron, le cœur battant d'impatience. Elle était là pour toucher son salaire mensuel, mais au fond d'elle-même, elle avait envie de quelque chose de plus, quelque chose qu'elle n'arrivait pas à exprimer.<</st>>
<<boss>>Bonjour, Mia. Qu'est-ce qui te préoccupe ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Oh, vous savez, comme d'habitude. Je viens juste chercher mon salaire.<</mia>>
<<boss>>D'accord, d'accord. Alors, que penses-tu de ta performance ce mois-ci ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Honnêtement, je pense que je me suis bien débrouillée. Surtout avec les tâches supplémentaires que vous m'avez confiées.<</mia>>
<<st>>Le patron lui tend l'enveloppe, un sourire narquois se dessine sur ses lèvres tandis que Mia compte avec empressement les argents qui s'y trouvent.<</st>>
<<mia>>Oh wow, c'est... c'est quatre fois plus que ce que je recevais avant !<</mia>>
<<boss>>Et cela en valait-il la peine ? Toutes ces nouvelles responsabilités ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Absolument. En fait, j'adore mes nouvelles fonctions. Elles m'ont ouvert un nouveau monde.<</mia>>
<<st>>Le patron se rapproche, sa voix devient un murmure séduisant.<</st>>
<<boss>>Et qu'est-ce qui vous plaît tant dans ces fonctions, Mia ?<</boss>>
<<st>>Les joues de Mia rougissent de désir tandis qu'elle croise son regard, sa voix s'élevant à peine au-dessus d'un murmure.<</st>>
<<mia>>J'aime le plaisir de flirter avec les clients, l'excitation lorsqu'ils font tomber leur fourchette et que je dois... me baisser pour la ramasser. Et venir ici, dans votre bureau, à la fin de la journée... c'est devenu mon moment préféré.<</mia>>
<<st>>Les yeux du patron s'assombrissent de désir alors qu'il se rapproche encore plus, son souffle chaud contre son oreille.<</st>>
<<boss>>C'est vrai ?<</boss>>
<<st>>Le pouls de Mia s'accélère lorsqu'elle sent sa main frôler sa cuisse, la faisant frissonner.<</st>>
<<mia>>Oui... Je me sens bien ici.<</mia>>
<<st>>D'un geste rapide, le patron ferma la porte de son bureau, ses mains parcourant avec avidité le corps de Mia tandis qu'il l'attirait contre lui.<</st>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=4>>
<<st>>Nouveaux uniformes et salaire + 20.<</st>><<set $mia.salary +=20>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "Avantages exp + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Beauté + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>99 and $counter_of_povishenie==4>>
<<st>>En entrant dans le bureau du patron, Mia l'aperçoit en train d'inhaler une ligne de poudre blanche, les yeux un peu fous à cause de la drogue.<</st>>
<<boss>>Salut, Mia. Entre, ma belle. Comment ça se passe ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Bonjour patron, j'ai été très occupée comme d'habitude. <</mia>>
<<boss>>C'est bon à savoir. Les affaires marchent bien et je pense qu'il est temps de mettre un peu de piment dans tout ça. Je veux ajouter une piste de danse au café, tu sais, avec un peu de pole dance sexy et des chambres privées pour... eh bien, tu sais, des rencontres intimes avec nos clients. <</boss>>
<<mia>>Piste de danse ? Des interactions spéciales ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Bien sûr que oui, bébé. La pole dance et, euh, prendre soin de nos clients dans ces salles privées.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Oh, je vois... Mais, euh, qui va faire tout ça ?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Eh bien, Mia, c'est là que tu interviens. Tu as été l'une de mes employées les plus sexy, faisant toujours bander nos clients et couler sur toi. De plus, tu as ce petit quelque chose de spécial qui leur donne envie d'enfoncer leur bite dans ta bouche. Maintenant, il suffit que tu commences à danser devant eux, et ils feront la queue pour en avoir plus.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Mais je n'ai jamais rien fait de tel auparavant. C'est un peu trop, vous ne trouvez pas?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Mia, regarde-toi. Tu te frottes déjà à la moitié de la clientèle d'ici. Autant l'officialiser et montrer ce que tu as dans le ventre. Il est temps d'arrêter d'être aussi prude et de laisser briller la pute qui est en toi.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Je ne sais pas si je suis prête pour tout ça.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Allez, Mia, tu as tout ce qu'il faut. Et crois-moi, tu nageras dans l'argent si tu joues bien tes cartes. De plus, pensez à toutes les bites que vous servirez. C'est tout bénéfice.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ugh, d'accord. Je pense que je peux essayer. <</mia>>
<<boss>>C'est ça l'esprit, Mia ! Tu ne le regretteras pas, je te le promets.<</boss>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=5>><<set $cafe_map+=1>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "Avantages exp + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Beauté + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</if>><<button [[Partir|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $is_need_to_the_boss == 0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<st>>No te queda energía para hacer nada, un buen sueño reparador te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe <=25>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<set $random to random(4)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<mia>>Hola jefe, ¿cómo te va el día?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Nada mal, Mia. Otro día más de trabajo.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Bueno, estoy aquí para alegrarlo un poco.<</mia>>
<<boss>>¿Ah, sí? ¿Cómo?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Con mi encanto e ingenio, por supuesto.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ah, ya veo. Bueno, entonces espero que estés lista para un poco de chanza.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Siempre lista para una buena carcajada.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Muy bien, allá vamos. ¿Qué le dijo la tostadora a la rebanada de pan?<</boss>>
<<mia>>No lo sé, ¿qué?<</mia>>
<<boss>>¡Te quiero dentro de mí!<</boss>>
<<mia>>//risas// Qué gracioso, jefe.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Me alegro de que te haya gustado, Mia. Sigue así.<</boss>>
<<case 1>>
<<mia>>Hola jefe, ¿qué tal el día?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Oh, ya sabes, lo de siempre. Pero ver tu sonrisa siempre lo mejora.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Eres un charlatán, ¿verdad?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Culpable de los cargos. ¿Listo para un poco de humor de oficina?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Dame tu mejor golpe.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Muy bien, allá va. ¿Qué tienen en común un pene y un cubo de Rubik?<</boss>>
<<boss>>Cuanto más juegas con él, más difícil se hace.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//risas// Un clásico, jefe.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Me alegro de que te haya gustado, Mia. Que siga fluyendo la positividad.<</boss>>
<<case 2>>
<<mia>>Hola jefe, ¿cómo te va?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Solo aguanto, Mia. Pero verte entrar por aquí siempre me anima.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Bueno, mi objetivo es complacer.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Entonces, ¿estás listo para un poco de humor en la oficina?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Déjamelo a mí, jefe.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Muy bien, aquí va. ¿Qué obtienes cuando mezclas LSD y anticonceptivos?<</boss>>
<<mia>>No sé, ¿qué?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Un viaje sin niños.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//risas// Eso es cursi, jefe.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Cursi pero efectivo. Sigue con el buen trabajo, Mía.<</boss>>
<<case 3>>
<<mia>>Buenos días, jefe. ¿Cómo lo llevas?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Otro día más en el paraíso, Mia. Pero verte pasear por aquí siempre lo alegra.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Los halagos te llevarán a todas partes, jefe.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Entonces, ¿te apetece una pequeña broma en la oficina?<</boss>>
<<boss>>Muy bien, prepárate. ¿Qué le dijo el clítoris a la vulva?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Soy todo oídos.<</mia>>
<<boss>>¡Todo está bien en el capó!<</boss>>
<<mia>>//risas// Esa es buena, jefe.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Gracias, Mía. Mantén esa sonrisa brillante.<</boss>>
<<case 4>>
<<mia>>Hola jefe, ¿qué tiembla?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Oh, ya sabes, la rutina habitual. Pero ver tu cara sonriente hace que todo valga la pena.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Oh, siempre sabes cómo hablarme dulcemente.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Tengo que mantener feliz a mi empleado favorito. ¿Listo para un poco de humor en la oficina?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Pégame con tu mejor tiro.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Muy bien, prepárate. ¿Por qué las mujeres usan bragas con flores?<</boss>>
<<mia>>¿Por qué?<</mia>>
<<boss>>En memoria de todos los rostros que han sido enterrados allí.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Eso es excelente, jefe.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Me alegra que lo apruebes, Mia. Sigue difundiendo esa positividad en el café.<</boss>>
<</switch>><<set $gained_mood =20+$perks.joke>>
<<flash `"Boss mood +" + $gained_mood`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $boss.mood +=20>><<if $boss.mood > 100>><<set $boss.mood=100>><</if>>
<<button [[Deja|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>25 and $mia.exp_cafe<=50>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<set $random to random(3)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<mia>>Hola jefe. ¿Tienes un momento?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Por supuesto, Mía. Siempre me alegro de verte. ¿Qué pasa?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Sólo quería levantarte un poco el ánimo. Sabes, el trabajo puede ser muy estresante a veces y pensé que nos vendría bien un poco de alivio de la tensión.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Eso es seguro. ¿Qué tienes ahí?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Mia sonríe y lentamente comienza a desabrocharse el botón superior de su blusa, dejando al descubierto sus amplias tetas// Bueno, pensé que podrías disfrutar de un poco de entretenimiento.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bjCafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bjCafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>Bueno, eso ciertamente mejora mi estado de ánimo. Gracias, Mía. Siempre eres tan... considerado.<</boss>>
<<mia>>No hay problema, jefe. Encantado de ayudarle. Si necesitas algo más ya sabes dónde encontrarme.<</mia>>
<<case 1>>
<<mia>>Hola, jefe. ¿Te importa si interrumpo?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Para nada, Mia. ¿Qué tienes en mente?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Solo pensé en pasarme y agregarle un poco de sabor a tu día. Sabes, el trabajo puede volverse aburrido y pensé que nos vendría bien un poco de emoción.<</mia>>
<<boss>>No puedo discutir eso. Que tienes para mi?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//sonríe con picardía y comienza a desabrocharse el botón superior de su blusa, dejando al descubierto sus grandes pechos// Sólo una pequeña distracción para alegrarte el día.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bjCafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bjCafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>//risitas// Bueno, considero que mi día se alegró. Siempre sabes cómo levantar el ánimo, Mia.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//guiña un ojo// Todo es parte del trabajo, jefe. ¿Necesitas algo más mientras estoy aquí?<</mia>>
<<case 2>>
<<mia>>Hola, jefe. ¿Te importa si interrumpo?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Para nada, Mia. ¿Qué tienes en mente?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Solo pensé en pasarme y agregarle un poco de sabor a tu día. Sabes, el trabajo puede volverse aburrido y pensé que nos vendría bien un poco de emoción.<</mia>>
<<boss>>No puedo discutir eso. Que tienes para mi?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Mia sonríe con picardía y se arrodilla, le desabrocha los pantalones y se lleva la polla a la boca// Solo una pequeña distracción para alegrarte el día.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bjCafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bjCafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>//gime suavemente// Bueno, considera que mi día se ha alegrado. Siempre sabes cómo levantar el ánimo, Mia.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//continúa con entusiasmo// Todo es parte del trabajo, jefe.<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<mia>>¡Toc, toc! ¿Te importa si paso un momento?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Mía, siempre es un placer. ¿Qué pasa?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Sólo pensé en pasarme y cambiar un poco las cosas. Ya sabes, inyecta algo de emoción en nuestra rutina.<</mia>>
<<boss>>No puedo decir que no a un poco de emoción. ¿Qué tienes en mente?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Mia te guiña un ojo juguetonamente y se arrodilla, le desabrocha el cinturón y se lleva la polla a la boca// Solo un pequeño estímulo para darle vida a tu día.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bjCafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bjCafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>> //gime de placer// Bueno, debo decir que ciertamente sabes cómo animar las cosas, Mia.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//continúa con fervor// Se trata de mantener la moral alta, jefe.<</mia>>
<<flash "Estado de ánimo del jefe + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $boss.mood +=20>><<if $boss.mood > 100>><<set $boss.mood=100>><</if>>
<<button [[Deja|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>50>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<set $random to random(2)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<mia>>Jefe, ¿tienes un minuto?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Por supuesto, Mía. ¿Qué tienes en mente?<</boss>>
<<mia>>He estado pensando en lo duro que has estado trabajando últimamente y pensé que tal vez necesitas un poco de alivio para el estrés.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Alivio del estrés, ¿eh? ¿Y qué estás sugiriendo exactamente?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//se acerca lentamente, pasando una mano por su pecho// Estaba pensando que podríamos desahogarnos juntos.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.office)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/office/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>//sonríe// Eso me gusta.<</boss>>
<<case 1>>
<<mia>>Jefe, ¿tienes un momento?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Siempre tendrás tiempo para ti, Mia. ¿Qué pasa?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Bueno, he notado que has estado bajo mucha presión últimamente y pensé que podría ayudarte a relajarte.<</mia>>
<<boss>>¿Ah? ¿Y cómo propones que hagamos eso?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//Se acerca y pasa un dedo por su brazo// Quizás podamos encontrar una manera de liberar algo de tensión juntos.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Creo que definitivamente podría sumarme a eso.<</boss>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.office)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/office/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>>
<<mia>>Hola jefe, ¿puedo hablar contigo un segundo?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Claro, Mia. ¿Qué tienes en mente?<</boss>>
<<mia>>He estado pensando en lo estresada que pareces últimamente y quería ofrecerte una solución.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ah, ¿en serio? ¿Y cuál es tu solución?<</boss>>
<<mia>> //Se inclina y le roza la oreja con los labios// ¿Tal vez un poco de tiempo a solas para ayudarte a relajarte?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Bueno, eso parece exactamente lo que recetó el médico.<</boss>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.office)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/office/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Estado de ánimo del jefe + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $boss.mood +=20>><<if $boss.mood > 100>><<set $boss.mood=100>><</if>>
<<button [[Deja|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >19 and $counter_of_povishenie==0>>
<<st>>Mia estaba trabajando como de costumbre, tomando pedidos y sirviendo bebidas, cuando de repente su jefe la llamó para que fuera a su despacho.<</st>>
<<boss>>Mia, pasa. Siéntate, cariño.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Claro, ¿qué pasa, jefe?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Vamos al grano, Mia. He estado comprobando cómo te va y, sinceramente, estoy un poco decepcionado.<</boss>>
<<mia>>¿Qué pasa?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Bueno, cariño, parece que te estás conteniendo, que no estás dando a nuestros clientes toda la experiencia que se merecen. Vienen aquí esperando un poco más de... atención. Y tú no les estás dando suficiente.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Yo... No me había dado cuenta de que se suponía que tenía que flirtear con ellos.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Cariño, no se trata solo de tomar pedidos y servir platos. Se trata de crear un ambiente, de crear //vínculos// especiales con nuestros clientes. Debes hacer que nuestros clientes se sientan como en el paraíso. Y parte de eso es hacerles sentir especiales, deseables, ¿sabes?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Supongo... ¿pero no es un poco... inapropiado?<</mia>>
<<boss>>¿Inapropiado? Cariño, en esta industria, se llama encanto. Y créeme, un poco de encanto llega muy, muy lejos. Un guiño aquí, un cumplido allá... todo forma parte del juego.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Intentaré ser más... encantadora, supongo.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Esa es mi chica. Ahora, pasemos al siguiente asunto. Vamos a poner en marcha una nueva política de uniformes, y digamos que es un poco más... tentadora de lo que estáis acostumbrados.<</boss>>
<<mia>>¿En serio? ¿Qué aspecto tiene?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Echa un vistazo, cariño. Se trata de acentuar tus activos, de hacer que las cabezas se giren cuando pasas. ¿Me entiendes?<</boss>>
<<mia>>//*sonrojada*// Eh, sí, creo que sí.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Bien. Porque a partir de hoy, eso es lo que llevarás en el trabajo. Todo forma parte del paquete, Mia. Si quieres seguir a bordo, tienes que seguir las reglas.<</boss>>
<<mia>>//*nerviosamente*// Yo... Supongo que puedo intentarlo.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Esa es mi chica. Ahora, ve a noquearlos ahí fuera. Y recuerda, un poco de coqueteo nunca hace daño a nadie.<</boss>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=1>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Belleza + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<st>>Nuevos uniformes y salario + 20.<</st>><<set $mia.salary +=10>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>39 and $counter_of_povishenie==1>>
<<boss>>Oye Mia, he estado pensando. Para traer más clientes a la cafetería, necesitamos a alguien que pueda promocionarla. ¿Y quién puede hacerlo mejor que tú?<</boss>>
<<mia>>¿Yo? Pero si nunca he hecho nada parecido.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Mira, Mia, no es ciencia espacial. Sólo tienes que mover ese culo tuyo, mostrar una sonrisa coqueta a la gente que pasa y atraerlos.<</boss>>
<<boss>>Confía en mí, una vez que te vean, no podrán resistirse. Y cuantos más traigas, más jugosas serán las propinas.<</boss>>
<<mia>>No sé... Se siente un poco, ya sabes, fuera de mi zona de confort...<</mia>>
<<boss>>Vamos, Mia, no seas tímida. Tienes talento, y necesitamos toda la ayuda posible por aquí. Además, piensa en los montones de dinero que ganarás.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Hmm, supongo que podría ser una buena oportunidad para ganar algo de dinero extra. Vale, lo intentaré.<</mia>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=2>><<set $cafe_map+=1>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Belleza + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>59 and $counter_of_povishenie==2>>
<<st>>Mia estaba de nuevo en el despacho de su jefe, con el aroma familiar del café mezclado con la tensión del ambiente. Se removió incómoda en su revelador uniforme mientras su jefe se reclinaba en la silla y la observaba con mirada depredadora.<</st>>
<<boss>>Dime, Mia. ¿Por qué crees que te he hecho venir?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Yo... No estoy segura, solo hacía lo que me pediste. Llevar el nuevo uniforme, sonreír más, ser... coqueta.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Exacto. Y déjame ser franco contigo, Mia. ¿Ves cómo te miran nuestros clientes? Prácticamente te desnudan con la mirada. Piensan que eres... sexy.<</boss>>
<<st>>Las mejillas de Mia se sonrojaron de vergüenza, con una mezcla de incomodidad y desafío en sus ojos.<</st>>
<<boss>>Te guste o no, Mia, le has cogido gusto. Disfrutas con la atención, ¿verdad?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Quizá... un poco.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Y te has dado cuenta, ¿verdad? De que las otras chicas ganan más dinero que tú.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Sí, lo he notado.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Quiero que nuestros clientes sigan viniendo, Mia. Y creo que sabes lo que hay que hacer para asegurarnos de ello.<</boss>>
<<mia>>¿Qué quieres que haga?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ves cómo las otras chicas complacen a nuestros clientes, ¿verdad? Quiero que empieces a hacer lo mismo.<</boss>>
<<st>>Mia abrió los ojos de sorpresa e incredulidad.<</st>>
<<mia>>¿Qué? ¿Quieres que... qué? ¿Que les deje...?<</mia>>
<<boss>>No hace falta que digas palabrotas, Mia. Sabes lo que quiero decir. Y en el fondo, creo que tú también lo quieres. Puedo verlo en tus ojos, cariño. Además, haré que merezca la pena. Te pagaré generosamente.<</boss>>
<<st>>Mia dudó, dividida entre la desesperación y el asco, pero al final asintió.<</st>>
<<boss>>Bien. Pero antes de proceder, necesito estar seguro de que no decepcionarás a nuestros clientes. Necesito saber... que sabes lo que haces.<</boss>>
<<st>>Le dirigió una mirada sucia y se detuvo en los labios de Mia antes de bajar hasta sus propios pantalones y bajárselos lentamente.
Mia abrió los ojos, sorprendida e incrédula.<</st>>
<<mia>>¿Qué? ¿Quieres que... te la chupe?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ya te lo he dicho, Mia. Necesito saber de lo que eres capaz. Y además, llevo mucho tiempo deseándolo.<</boss>>
<<st>>Sonrió satisfecho, con una expresión llena de lujuria, mientras le hacía un gesto para que se acercara.
El corazón de Mia se aceleró cuando se arrodilló ante él, con las manos temblorosas mientras se preparaba para satisfacer sus deseos, su propio sentimiento de vergüenza ahogado por la promesa de dinero y el calor del momento.<</st>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=3>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>>
<<st>>Nuevos uniformes y sueldo + 20.<</st>><<set $mia.salary +=15>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Belleza + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>79 and $counter_of_povishenie==3>>
<<st>>Mia entró en el despacho de su jefe con el corazón palpitante. Estaba aquí para cobrar su sueldo mensual, pero en el fondo ansiaba algo más, algo que no podía expresar con palabras.<</st>>
<<boss>>Hola, Mia. ¿Qué tienes en mente?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Oh, ya sabes, lo de siempre. Vengo a recoger mi paga.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Claro, claro. ¿Qué te parece tu rendimiento este mes?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Sinceramente, creo que lo he hecho bastante bien. Sobre todo con las... tareas extra que me asignó.<</mia>>
<<st>>El jefe le entregó el sobre, con una sonrisa socarrona en los labios, mientras Mia contaba ansiosamente los billetes que había dentro.<</st>>
<<mia>>¡Vaya, esto es... esto es cuatro veces más de lo que solía cobrar!<</mia>>
<<boss>>¿Y ha merecido la pena? ¿Todas esas nuevas responsabilidades?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Por supuesto. De hecho, me encantan mis nuevas tareas. Me han... abierto todo un mundo nuevo.<</mia>>
<<st>>El jefe se inclinó más hacia ella y bajó la voz hasta convertirla en un susurro seductor.<</st>>
<<boss>>¿Y qué es lo que te gusta tanto de esas tareas, Mia?<</boss>>
<<st>>Las mejillas de Mia se sonrojaron de deseo mientras lo miraba, con la voz apenas por encima de un susurro.<</st>>
<<mia>>Me encanta la emoción de flirtear con los clientes, el subidón de excitación cuando se les caen los tenedores y tengo que... agacharme a recogerlos. Y venir aquí, a su despacho, al final del día... se ha convertido en mi parte favorita.<</mia>>
<<st>>Los ojos del jefe se oscurecieron de deseo mientras se acercaba aún más, su aliento caliente contra la oreja de ella.<</st>>
<<boss>>¿Ah, sí?<</boss>>
<<st>>A Mia se le aceleró el pulso cuando sintió que su mano rozaba su muslo, provocándole escalofríos.<</st>>
<<mia>>Sí... Me gusta estar aquí.<</mia>>
<<st>>Con un rápido movimiento, el jefe cerró la puerta de su despacho y sus manos recorrieron hambrientas el cuerpo de Mia mientras tiraba de ella.<</st>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=4>>
<<st>>Nuevos uniformes y sueldo + 20.<</st>><<set $mia.salary +=20>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Belleza + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>99 and $counter_of_povishenie==4>>
<<st>>Cuando Mia entró en el despacho del jefe, lo vio inhalando una raya de polvo blanco, con los ojos ligeramente desorbitados por la droga.<</st>>
<<boss>>Hola, Mia. Pasa, guapa. ¿Cómo va todo?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Hola jefe, ha estado ajetreado como siempre.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Me alegro de oírlo. Escucha, el negocio ha estado en auge, y creo que es hora de darle un poco de vida a las cosas. Quiero añadir una pista de baile a la cafetería, ya sabes, con algún baile sexy en barra y habitaciones privadas para... bueno, ya sabes, encuentros íntimos con nuestros invitados.<</boss>>
<<mia>>¿Pista de baile? ¿Interacciones especiales?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Claro que sí, nena. Pole dancing y, eh, atender a nuestros clientes en esas habitaciones privadas.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Oh, ya veo... Pero, ¿quién va a hacer todo eso?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Bueno, Mia, ahí es donde entras tú. Has sido una de mis empleadas más calientes, siempre poniendo esas pollas duras y chorreando por todas partes. Además, tienes ese algo especial que hace que quieran meterte la polla en la boca. Ahora, sólo tienes que empezar a bailar delante de ellos, y estarán haciendo cola para más.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Pero nunca he hecho algo así antes. Es un poco exagerado, ¿no crees?<</mia>>
<<boss>>Mia, mírate. Ya te estás ensuciando con la mitad de la clientela de aquí. Será mejor que lo hagas oficial y muestres lo que tienes. Es hora de dejar de ser tan mojigata y dejar que brille la puta que llevas dentro.<</boss>>
<<mia>>No sé si estoy preparada para todo eso.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Vamos, Mia, lo llevas dentro. Y créeme, nadarás en efectivo si juegas bien tus cartas. Además, piensa en todas las pollas a las que darás servicio. Es un ganar-ganar.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ugh, bien. Supongo que puedo intentarlo.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ese es el espíritu, Mia. No te arrepentirás, te lo prometo.<</boss>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=5>><<set $cafe_map+=1>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Belleza + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</if>><<button [[Deja|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $is_need_to_the_boss == 0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<st>>你已经没有精力做任何事情了,好好睡一觉会对你有帮助。<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe <=25>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<set $random to random(4)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<case 1>>
<<mia>>//咯咯笑// 经典一题,老板。<</mia>>
<<case 2>>
<<boss>>坚持住,米娅。 但看到你在这里漫步总是让我精神振奋。<</boss>>
<<boss>>好的,就到这里吧。 当LSD和避孕药混合使用时,你会得到什么?<</boss>>
<<boss>>俗气但有效。 继续努力,米娅。<</boss>>
<<case 3>>
<<mia>>早上好,老板。 挂得怎么样了?<</mia>>
<<boss>>又是天堂里的一天,米娅。 但看到你在这里漫步总是让人心情愉悦。<</boss>>
<<boss>>好吧,你做好准备吧。 阴蒂对外阴说了什么?<</boss>>
<<boss>>谢谢,米娅。 保持那灿烂的笑容。<</boss>>
<<case 4>>
<<boss>>哦,你知道,平常的苦差事。 但看到你的笑脸,一切都值得了。<</boss>>
<<boss>>一定要让我最喜欢的员工开心。 准备好来点办公室幽默了吗?<</boss>>
<<boss>>好吧,你做好准备吧。 为什么女人要穿带花的内裤?<</boss>>
<<boss>>很高兴你批准,米娅。 继续在咖啡馆周围传播这种积极性。<</boss>>
<</switch>><<set $gained_mood =20+$perks.joke>>
<<flash `"Boss mood +" + $gained_mood`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $boss.mood +=20>><<if $boss.mood > 100>><<set $boss.mood=100>><</if>>
<<button [[离开|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>25 and $mia.exp_cafe<=50>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<set $random to random(3)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<mia>>嗨,老板。 你有空吗?<</mia>>
<<boss>>当然,米娅。 总是很高兴见到你。 这是怎么回事?<</boss>>
<<mia>>只是想让你精神振奋一点。 你知道,有时工作压力很大,我想我们可以缓解一下紧张情绪。<</mia>>
<<boss>>那是肯定的。 你那里有什么?<</boss>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bjCafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bjCafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>嗯,这确实改善了我的心情。 谢谢,米娅。 你总是那么……体贴。<</boss>>
<<mia>>没问题,老板。 很高兴能帮助你。 如果你还需要什么,你知道在哪里可以找到我。<</mia>>
<<case 1>>
<<mia>>嘿,老板。 介意我打扰一下吗?<</mia>>
<<boss>>一点也不,米娅。 你在想什么?<</boss>>
<<mia>>我只是想过来给你的一天增添一点情趣。 你知道,工作可能会变得乏味,我想我们需要一点兴奋。<</mia>>
<<boss>>无法反驳这一点。 你有什么给我的?<</boss>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bjCafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bjCafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>//咯咯笑//好吧,想想我的一天都开心了。 你总是知道如何振奋精神,米娅。<</boss>>
<<mia>>//眨眼//这都是工作的一部分,老板。 我在这儿的时候你还需要什么吗?<</mia>>
<<case 2>>
<<mia>>嘿,老板。 介意我打扰一下吗?<</mia>>
<<boss>>一点也不,米娅。 你在想什么?<</boss>>
<<mia>>我只是想过来给你的一天增添一点情趣。 你知道,工作可能会变得乏味,我想我们需要一点兴奋。<</mia>>
<<boss>>无法反驳这一点。 你有什么给我的?<</boss>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bjCafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bjCafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<boss>>//轻声呻吟//好吧,想想我的一天都明亮了。 你总是知道如何振奋精神,米娅。<</boss>>
<<case 3>>
<<mia>>敲门,敲门! 介意我插一下吗?<</mia>>
<<boss>>米娅,总是很高兴。 这是怎么回事?<</boss>>
<<mia>>我只是想顺便过来一下,稍微改变一下事情。 你知道,给我们的日常生活注入一些兴奋。<</mia>>
<<boss>>不能拒绝一点兴奋。 你有什么考虑?<</boss>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bjCafeWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bjCafeWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "福利消耗 + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $boss.mood +=20>><<if $boss.mood > 100>><<set $boss.mood=100>><</if>>
<<button [[离开|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>50>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<set $random to random(2)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<boss>>当然,米娅。 你在想什么?<</boss>>
<<boss>>缓解压力吧? 你到底有什么建议?<</boss>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.office)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/office/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 1>>
<<boss>>总是有时间陪你,米娅。 这是怎么回事?<</boss>>
<<boss>>哦? 您建议我们如何做到这一点?<</boss>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.office)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/office/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>>
<<boss>>当然可以,米娅。 你在想什么?<</boss>>
<<boss>>哦,真的吗? 你的解决方案是什么?<</boss>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.office)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/office/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "福利消耗 + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $boss.mood +=20>><<if $boss.mood > 100>><<set $boss.mood=100>><</if>>
<<button [[离开|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >19 and $counter_of_povishenie==0>>
<<mia>>我... 我不知道我应该和他们调情<</mia>>
<<boss>>亲爱的,这不仅仅是点菜和上菜的问题 而是要营造一种氛围,与我们的顾客建立特殊的//纽带//。你应该让我们的客人感觉他们就像在天堂一样。其中的一部分就是让他们觉得自己很特别,很受欢迎,你明白吗?<</boss>>
<<boss>>好样的 现在,说说手头的下一件事。我们正在推出一项新的制服政策,可以说它比你以前习惯的制服更......诱人。<</boss>>
<<mia>>//脸红// 呃,是的,我想是的。<</mia>>
<<mia>>//紧张地//我... 我想我可以试试<</mia>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=1>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "福利消耗 + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "美容 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "健身 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.salary +=10>>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>39 and $counter_of_povishenie==1>>
<<mia>>我? 但我以前从没做过这样的事。<</mia>>
<<mia>>嗯,我不知道... 感觉有点,你知道,超出了我的舒适区...<</mia>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=2>><<set $cafe_map+=1>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "福利消耗 + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "美容 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "健身 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>59 and $counter_of_povishenie==2>>
<<mia>>我... 我也不清楚,我只是按你说的做。穿上新制服,多笑笑,......调调情。<</mia>>
<<boss>>没错 让我坦白地告诉你,米娅。你看到我们的客户是怎么看你的吗?他们的眼神几乎是在脱你的衣服 他们觉得你很......性感。<</boss>>
<<mia>>什么? 你要我......做什么?让他们......?<</mia>>
<<boss>>没必要说脏话,米娅。你知道我的意思。在内心深处,我觉得你也想这样。我能从你的眼睛里看出来 亲爱的 另外,我会让你觉得值得的。我会给你丰厚的报酬<</boss>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=3>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>><<set $mia.salary +=15>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "福利消耗 + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "美容 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "健身 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>79 and $counter_of_povishenie==3>>
<<mia>>是的 我喜欢这里。<</mia>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=4>><<set $mia.salary +=20>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "福利消耗 + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "美容 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "健身 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<elseif $mia.exp_cafe>99 and $counter_of_povishenie==4>>
<<mia>>哦,我明白了...... 但是,谁来做这些事呢?<</mia>>
<<boss>>米娅,这就需要你了。你是我最性感的员工之一,总能让那些鸡巴硬起来,滴在你身上。另外,你有种特别的魅力 让他们想把老二直接塞进你嘴里 现在,你只要开始在他们面前跳舞,他们就会排队等你了。<</boss>>
<<mia>>但我以前从没做过这样的事 你不觉得有点过分吗?<</mia>>
<<set $counter_of_povishenie=5>><<set $cafe_map+=1>><<set $is_need_to_the_boss=0>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea+=1>><<flash "福利消耗 + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "美容 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "健身 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</if>><<button [[离开|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
</script><</if>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.ac_c >0>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<st>>Mia stands on the street, casting glances at people passing by. In her hands, she holds a menu booklet and sample dishes from the café. With a smile on her face, she approaches passersby, trying to draw their attention to the cafe.<</st>>
<<set $random to random(100)>><<set $beauty_test = $random+$mia.bea>>
<<if $beauty_test >99>><<st>>After a few hours of standing on the street, Mia understood that her efforts had not been wasted. She was able to attract the attention of many clients with her flamboyance and beauty. Passersby began to stop to learn more about the café that Mia had so diligently advertised.<</st>>
<<set $clients = 5+random(5)+$perks.aura_of_success>><<set $client.number+=$clients>><<if $client.number>100>><<set $client.number=100>><</if>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Clients + " + $clients`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<else>><<st>>After a few hours of being out on the street, Mia realized that her efforts hadn't yielded any results. Despite her best attempts, she failed to capture the attention of passersby. If only she was more beautiful, Mia pondered, perhaps it could have made a difference in catching the eye of passersby and igniting their curiosity about the café she was promoting.<</st>>
<<set $clients = 1+random(3)+$perks.aura_of_success>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Clients + " + $clients`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $client.number+=$clients>><<if $client.number>100>><<set $client.number=100>><</if>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><</if>>
<<set $random to random(5)>><<switch $random>><<case 0>>
<<st>>As Mia stood outside the bustling restaurant, a sleek car pulled up beside her. The tinted window rolled down, revealing a man with a sly grin.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia flashed her most alluring smile. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Welcome! Looking for a good time? Our restaurant has plenty to offer, especially for someone like you.''<</mia>>
<<st>>The stranger leaned in closer, his gaze lingering on Mia's curves. Instead of responding, he slipped her a folded note. With a raised eyebrow, Mia unfolded it, her eyes scanning the contents.''Get in the car if you're up for some easy cash. I've got something special waiting for you at my place.''<</st>>
<<st>>Mia's heart raced as she read the suggestive words. What should she do?<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Her mind raced as she considered the offer. The promise of easy money beckoned, tempting Mia with visions of a more lavish lifestyle. With a mixture of excitement and trepidation, she made her decision.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Sure, I'm in,'' Mia replied, voice tinged with anticipation.<</mia>>
<<st>>The man's grin widened as he gestured for her to hop into the car. Without another word, she climbed in, her heart pounding with excitement and nerves.<</st>>
<<st>>The car ride was silent, tension thick in the air as he drove her further away from the restaurant. Mia's doubts began to surface, but she pushed them aside, focusing on the allure of the unknown.<</st>>
<<st>>Finally, the car came to a stop, and she followed the stranger up to his apartment. As she stepped inside, her eyes widened at the sight of several men waiting in the dimly lit room.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia's initial confidence wavered, a bad feeling settling in her stomach. Before she could voice her doubts, the door slammed shut behind her, trapping Mia inside.<</st>>
<<st>>Her heart raced as she glanced around the room, realizing the true nature of the situation. Panic set in as she attempted to retreat, but strong hands grabbed her, holding Mia in place.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Guys, just be gentle,'' she pleaded, voice trembling with fear.<</mia>>
<<st>>The stranger's smirk turned sinister as he gave a nod to his companions. Without hesitation, they closed in on her, their intentions clear.<</st>>
<<st>>As the men closed in around Mia, her body responded to their touch, betraying her inner turmoil with a mixture of fear and arousal. Despite the chaos and uncertainty, a primal instinct took over, driving her to embrace the pleasure amidst the chaos.<</st>>
<<st>>In that dark room, surrounded by strangers, Mia found yourself caught in a whirlwind of sensation, each touch igniting a fire within her. With each passing moment, she let go of her inhibitions, allowing herself to be consumed by the primal desires that coursed through her veins.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gangBang)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gangBang/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<flash "Money + 200">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=200>><<set $mia.cor +=2>>
<<link 'Refuse'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Tempting as the offer seemed, Mia hesitated. Despite the allure of quick money, she couldn't ignore the warning bells ringing in her mind.<</st>>
<<st>>With a shake of her head, she handed the note back to the man.
<<mia>>''Sorry, but I'm not interested. I have a job to do here.''<</mia>>
<<st>>The man's grin faltered, replaced by a look of frustration. She held her ground, refusing to be swayed by his persistence.<</st>>
<<st>>As the car pulled away, Mia let out a sigh of relief. She may be a promoter, but she wasn't about to compromise her safety for a quick buck. With renewed determination, Mia turned back to the restaurant, ready to charm more customers.<</st>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>As Mia stood outside the café, a passerby approached her with a suggestive grin.<</st>>
<<client>>Well, hello there, beautiful. You here all alone?<</client>>
<<mia>>Hi. Yes, I'm here representing our café. I can assist you with information about our dishes and promotions.<</mia>>
<<client>>And besides the dishes, do you have anything else tasty? Because when I look at you, I want you. You could make some money too, how about 50 bucks?<</client>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia felt a rush of hesitation, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts. The allure of quick cash mingled with a sense of apprehension, but the need for extra money won out.<</st>>
<<mia>>Alright, why not? Let's make it 100 bucks, and I'll give you something extra special.<</mia>>
<<st>>With a mischievous grin, Mia beckoned the passerby to follow her to a quiet corner. <</st>>
<<st>>Mia happily made him feel good; her actions were driven by instinct and a need to please.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>At the end, Mia took the money with a smirk on her face. She knew that her charms had worked to get what she wanted and that her partner was happy and ready for more.<</st>><<flash "Money + 100">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=100>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<link 'Refuse'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia's smile faltered, a flicker of discomfort crossing her face.<</st>>
<<mia>>Um, no thanks. I'm here to promote our café, not to entertain offers like that.<</mia>>
<<st>>The passerby's grin turned into a smirk as he shrugged, walking away. Mia watched him go, feeling a mixture of relief and unease. She may be a promoter, but she wasn't about to compromise her integrity for a quick buck. With a determined shake of her head, she focused on enticing more customers into the café.<</st>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>As Mia was chatting up people passing by the café, the lively street buzzed around her. Each conversation was a chance to discuss the café's food and vibe, hoping to lure in more customers.<</st>>
<<st>>But out of the blue, things took a scary turn. Someone sneaked up behind her, dragging Mia into a dark alley before she could even blink.<</st>>
<<mia>>No, no, no, don't do that!<</mia>>
<<client>>Shut the fuck up! Do you think you can stand there practically naked, and nothing happens?!<</client>>
<<st>>Her heart pounded with fear, adrenaline coursing through her veins. His aggressive tone sent chills down her spine, leaving Mia with a gut-wrenching choice.<</st>>
<<mia>>Please, just let me go!<</mia>>
<<client>>Not until you give me what I want. You can do this the easy way or the hard way.<</client>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>//*trembling with fear*// I-I'll... I'll give you what you want.<</mia>>
<<client>>Good choice, sweetheart. Let's go somewhere more private.<</client>>
<<st>>As she followed the person into the dark lane behind the café, fear crept up to her core. The dark surroundings cast scary shadows, which made the stress in the air even higher.<</st>>
<<st>>He starts taking off her clothes with rough hands, and the feeling of his touch sends chills down your spine. A deep-seated desire takes over as he takes what he wants, beating her original fear.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Despite what's going on, she feels a rush of excitement, and his touch makes her hungry in a way she didn't know existed. Mia gives in to the raw passion of the moment in the dark alley and loses herrself in the heat of the forbidden meeting.<</st>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<link 'Refuse'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>As fear gripped her, she stood firm.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Screw you, creep!'' Mia yelled, her voice shaking.<</mia>>
<<st>>Summoning courage, she kicked his balls as hard as possible and bolted for the café.<</st>>
<<st>>Heart racing, she burst inside, finding safety in the crowd.<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.ac_c >0>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<st>>Мия стоит на улице, бросая взгляды на проходящих мимо людей. В руках она держит буклет с меню и образцами блюд из кафе. С улыбкой на лице она подходит к прохожим, пытаясь привлечь их внимание к кафе.<</st>>
<<set $random to random(100)>><<set $beauty_test = $random+$mia.bea>>
<<if $beauty_test >99>><<st>>После нескольких часов стояния на улице Мия поняла, что её усилия не пропали даром. Своей броскостью и красотой она смогла привлечь внимание многих клиентов. Прохожие стали останавливаться, чтобы узнать больше о кафе, которое Мия так усердно рекламировала.<</st>>
<<set $clients = 5+random(5)+$perks.aura_of_success>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Клиенты + " + $clients`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $client.number+=$clients>><<if $client.number>100>><<set $client.number=100>><</if>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<else>><<st>>Через несколько часов работы на улице Мия поняла, что её усилия не принесли никаких результатов. Несмотря на все попытки, ей не удавалось привлечь внимание прохожих. Если бы она была красивее, размышляла Мия, возможно, это помогло бы ей привлечь внимание прохожих и разжечь их любопытство к кафе, которое она рекламировала.<</st>>
<<set $clients = 1+random(3)+$perks.aura_of_success>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Клиенты + " + $clients`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $client.number+=$clients>><<if $client.number>100>><<set $client.number=100>><</if>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><</if>>
<<set $random to random(5)>>
<<switch $random>><<case 0>><<st>>Когда Мия стояла у входа в шумный ресторан, рядом с ней остановился элегантный автомобиль. Тонированное стекло опустилось, открыв мужчину с лукавой ухмылкой.<</st>>
<<st>>Мия сверкнула своей самой соблазнительной улыбкой. ''Добро пожаловать! Хотите хорошо провести время? Наш ресторан может многое предложить, особенно для таких, как вы''.<</st>>
<<st>>Незнакомец наклонился ближе, его взгляд задержался на изгибах Мии. Вместо ответа он протянул ей сложенную записку. Приподняв бровь, Миа развернула её и просмотрела содержимое.<</st>>
<<client>>''Садись в машину, если хочешь получить немного легких денег. У меня дома тебя ждет кое-что особенное''.<</client>>
<<st>>Сердце Мии заколотилось, когда она прочитала эти заманчивые слова. Что ей делать?<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Согласиться'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Её мысли неслись вскачь, пока она обдумывала предложение. Обещание легких денег манило, искушая Мию видениями более роскошного образа жизни. Со смесью волнения и трепета она приняла решение.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Конечно, я согласна'', - ответила Миа, в её голосе прозвучали нотки предвкушения.<</mia>>
<<st>>Ухмылка мужчины расширилась, и он жестом показал ей, чтобы она садилась в машину. Не говоря больше ни слова, она забралась внутрь, её сердце колотилось от волнения и нервов.<</st>>
<<st>>Поездка в машине была молчаливой, в воздухе витало напряжение, пока он вез её все дальше от ресторана. Мия начала сомневаться, но отодвинула их в сторону, сосредоточившись на манящей неизвестности.<</st>>
<<st>>Наконец машина остановилась, и она последовала за незнакомцем в его квартиру. Когда она вошла внутрь, её глаза расширились при виде нескольких мужчин, ожидавших в тускло освещенной комнате.<</st>>
<<st>>Первоначальная уверенность Мии развеялась, в животе поселилось неприятное чувство. Не успела она высказать свои сомнения, как дверь захлопнулась за ней, заперев Мию внутри.<</st>>
<<st>>Её сердце бешено забилось, когда она оглядела комнату, осознавая истинную природу ситуации. В панике она попыталась отступить, но сильные руки схватили ее, удерживая Мию на месте.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Ребята, будьте понежнее'', - взмолилась она, голос дрожал от страха.<</mia>>
<<st>>Ухмылка незнакомца стала зловещей, когда он кивнул своим спутникам. Не раздумывая, они набросились на неё, их намерения были ясны.<</st>>
<<st>>Когда мужчины сомкнулись вокруг Мии, её тело ответило на их прикосновения, выдавая её внутреннее смятение со смесью страха и возбуждения. Несмотря на хаос и неопределенность, первобытный инстинкт взял верх, побуждая её к наслаждению среди хаоса.<</st>>
<<st>>В этой темной комнате, в окружении незнакомцев, Миа оказалась в вихре ощущений, каждое прикосновение разжигало в ней огонь. С каждым мгновением она отпускала свои запреты, позволяя себе быть поглощенной первобытными желаниями, которые текли по её венам.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gangBang)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gangBang/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<flash "Деньги + 200">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=200>><<set $mia.cor +=2>>
<<link 'Отказаться'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Каким бы заманчивым ни казалось это предложение, Миа колебалась. Несмотря на соблазн быстрых денег, она не могла игнорировать тревожные звоночки в своем сознании.<</st>>
<<st>>Покачав головой, она протянула записку обратно мужчине.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Извините, но мне это неинтересно. У меня здесь есть работа''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Ухмылка мужчины померкла, сменившись выражением разочарования. Миа осталась на своем, не поддавшись его настойчивости.<</st>>
<<st>>Когда машина отъехала, Миа вздохнула с облегчением. Может, она и промоутер, но не собиралась жертвовать своей безопасностью ради быстрой наживы. С новой решимостью Мия вернулась в ресторан, готовая очаровать еще больше клиентов.<</st>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Когда Мия стояла у входа в кафе, к ней подошел прохожий с заманчивой ухмылкой.<</st>>
<<client>>Ну, привет, красавица. Ты здесь одна?<</client>>
<<mia>>Здравствуйте. Да, я представляю наше кафе. Я могу помочь вам с информацией о наших блюдах и акциях.<</mia>>
<<client>>А кроме блюд, у вас есть еще что-нибудь вкусненькое? Потому что когда я смотрю на вас, я хочу вас. Ты сможете заработать немного денег, как насчет 50 баксов?<</client>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Согласиться'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Мия почувствовала прилив нерешительности, в голове зашевелились противоречивые мысли. Привлекательность быстрой наживы смешивалась с чувством страха, но потребность в дополнительных деньгах взяла верх.<</st>>
<<mia>>Хорошо, почему бы и нет? Давай 100 баксов, и я дам тебе что-нибудь особенное.<</mia>>
<<st>>Озорно ухмыляясь, Миа пригласила прохожего следовать за ней в тихий уголок. <</st>>
<<st>>Мия с удовольствием делала ему приятное; её действиями руководили инстинкт и желание угодить.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>В конце концов Мия взяла деньги с ухмылкой на лице. Она знала, что её чары сработали и она получила то, что хотела, а её партнер был счастлив и готов к большему.<</st>><<flash "Деньги + 100">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=100>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<link 'Отказ'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Улыбка Мии померкла, на лице появилось выражение дискомфорта.<</st>>
<<mia>>Нет, спасибо. Я здесь для того, чтобы рекламировать наше кафе, а не для того, чтобы принимать подобные предложения.<</mia>>
<<st>>Ухмылка прохожего превратилась в злую гримасу, и он, пожав плечами, пошел прочь. Мия смотрела ему вслед, чувствуя облегчение и тревогу. Может, она и промоутер, но не собиралась жертвовать своей честностью ради быстрой наживы. Решительно покачав головой, она сосредоточилась на том, чтобы привлечь в кафе побольше клиентов.<</st>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Пока Миа болтала с проходящими мимо кафе людьми, оживленная улица шумела вокруг неё. Каждый разговор был шансом обсудить еду и атмосферу кафе, надеясь привлечь больше клиентов.<</st>>
<<st>>Но неожиданно ситуация приняла пугающий оборот. Кто-то подкрался к ней сзади и утащил Мию в темный переулок, не успела она и глазом моргнуть.<</st>>
<<mia>>Нет, нет, нет, не делайте этого!<</mia>>
<<client>>Заткнись, сука! Думаешь, ты можешь стоять там практически голая, и ничего не случится?!<</client>>
<<st>>Её сердце колотилось от страха, адреналин бурлил в венах. От его агрессивного тона по позвоночнику побежали мурашки, и Мия оказалась перед выбором.<</st>>
<<mia>>Пожалуйста, просто отпустите меня!<</mia>>
<<client>>Нет, пока ты не дашь мне то, что я хочу. Ты можешь сделать это легким или трудным путем.<</client>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Согласиться'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>//дрожит от страха// Я... Я дам тебе то, что ты хочешь.<</mia>>
<<client>>Хороший выбор, милая. Иди за мной.<</client>>
<<st>>Когда она последовала за человеком в темный переулок кафе, страх закрался в ее душу. Темное окружение отбрасывало пугающие тени, что еще больше усиливало напряжение в воздухе.<</st>>
<<st>>Он начал снимать с неё одежду грубыми руками, и от его прикосновений по позвоночнику бегут мурашки. Глубоко запрятанное желание берет верх, когда он берет то, что хочет, побеждая её первоначальный страх.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Несмотря на происходящее, она чувствует прилив возбуждения, а его прикосновения заставляют её изголодаться так, как она и не подозревала. Мия отдается необузданной страсти в темном переулке и теряет себя в пылу запретной встречи.<</st>><<flash "Коррупция + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<link 'Отказаться'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Страх охватил её, но она твердо стояла на своем.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Иди нахуй мудак ебанный!'' кричала Мия, её голос дрожал.<</mia>>
<<st>>Набравшись храбрости, она изо всех сил ударила его по яйцам и бросилась к кафе.<</st>>
<<st>>Сердце бешено колотилось, и она ворвалась внутрь, найдя в толпе безопасное место.<</st>>
<<button [[Уйти|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>У вас не осталось сил ни на что, вам поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Сон|Mia's room]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.ac_c >0>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<st>>Mia steht auf der Straße und checkt die Leute ab, die vorbeilaufen. Sie hält ein Menüheft und Probegerichte vom Café in den Händen. Mit einem Lächeln spricht sie Passanten an, um ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf das Café zu lenken.<</st>>
<<set $random to random(100)>><<set $beauty_test = $random+$mia.bea>>
<<if $beauty_test >99>><<st>>Nach 'nem paar Stunden auf der Straße hat Mia gemerkt, dass sich ihre Mühe gelohnt hat. Sie konnte 'ne Menge Kunden mit ihrer Schickimicki und ihrem Aussehen anlocken. Passanten blieben stehen, um mehr über das Café zu erfahren, das Mia so fleißig beworben hat.<</st>>
<<set $clients = 5+random(5)+$perks.aura_of_success>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Kunden + " + $clients`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $client.number+=$clients>><<if $client.number>100>><<set $client.number=100>><</if>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<else>><<st>>Nach 'nem paar Stunden auf der Straße hat Mia gemerkt, dass ihre Bemühungen nichts gebracht haben. Trotz aller Anstrengungen konnte sie die Aufmerksamkeit der Passanten nicht auf sich ziehen. Wenn sie nur hübscher wäre, hat sich Mia gedacht, hätte das vielleicht 'nen Unterschied gemacht, um die Passanten auf das Café neugierig zu machen, das sie beworben hat.<</st>>
<<set $clients = 1+random(3)+$perks.aura_of_success>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Kunden + " + $clients`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $client.number+=$clients>><<if $client.number>100>><<set $client.number=100>><</if>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><</if>>
<<set $random to random(5)>>
<<switch $random>><<case 0>><<st>>Während Mia draußen vor dem belebten Restaurant stand, hielt ein elegantes Auto neben ihr. Das getönte Fenster wurde heruntergelassen und ein Mann mit einem verschmitzten Grinsen wurde sichtbar.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia zeigte ihr verführerischstes Lächeln. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Willkommen! Suchst du nach Spaß? Unser Restaurant hat viel zu bieten, besonders für jemanden wie dich.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Der Fremde lehnte sich näher, sein Blick verweilte auf Mias Kurven. Anstatt zu antworten, steckte er ihr einen gefalteten Zettel zu. Mit hochgezogener Augenbraue entfaltete Mia ihn, während ihre Augen den Inhalt lasen.<</st>>
<<client>>Steig ein, wenn du Lust auf schnelles Geld hast. Ich habe etwas Besonderes für dich an meinem Platz.''<</client>>
<<st>>Mias Herz raste, als sie die anzüglichen Worte las. Was sollte sie tun?<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Zustimmen'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Während sie das Angebot überdachte, raste ihr Geist. Das Versprechen von leicht verdientem Geld lockte sie und verlockte Mia mit Visionen eines luxuriöseren Lebensstils. Mit einer Mischung aus Aufregung und Beklommenheit traf sie ihre Entscheidung.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Klar, ich bin dabei'', antwortete Mia, ihre Stimme von Vorfreude durchdrungen.<</mia>>
<<st>>Das Grinsen des Mannes weitete sich, als er sie aufforderte, ins Auto zu steigen. Ohne ein weiteres Wort stieg sie ein, ihr Herz pochte vor Aufregung und Nervosität.<</st>>
<<st>>Die Autofahrt war still, die Spannung lag schwer in der Luft, als er sie weiter vom Restaurant entfernt fuhr. Mias Zweifel begannen aufzutauchen, aber sie schob sie beiseite und konzentrierte sich auf die Verlockung des Unbekannten.<</st>>
<<st>>Schließlich hielt das Auto an, und sie folgte dem Fremden zu seiner Wohnung. Als sie eintrat, weiteten sich ihre Augen beim Anblick mehrerer Männer, die im schwach beleuchteten Raum warteten.<</st>>
<<st>>Mias anfängliches Selbstvertrauen schwankte, ein schlechtes Gefühl breitete sich in ihrem Magen aus. Bevor sie ihre Zweifel äußern konnte, fiel die Tür hinter ihr zu und sperrte Mia ein.<</st>>
<<st>>Ihr Herz raste, als sie sich im Raum umsah und die wahre Natur der Situation erkannte. Panik brach aus, als sie versuchte zurückzuweichen, aber starke Hände packten sie und hielten Mia fest.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Jungs, seid bitte sanft'', flehte sie, ihre Stimme zitterte vor Angst.<</mia>>
<<st>>Das verschmitzte Grinsen des Fremden wurde finster, als er seinen Begleitern zunickte. Ohne zu zögern, kamen sie auf sie zu, ihre Absichten klar.<</st>>
<<st>>Als sich die Männer um Mia versammelten, reagierte ihr Körper auf ihre Berührungen und verriet ihre innere Zerrissenheit mit einer Mischung aus Angst und Erregung. Trotz des Chaos und der Unsicherheit übernahm ein urtümlicher Instinkt die Kontrolle und trieb sie dazu, das Vergnügen inmitten des Chaos zu umarmen.<</st>>
<<st>>In diesem dunklen Raum, umgeben von Fremden, fand sich Mia in einem Wirbelwind der Empfindung wieder, jede Berührung entfachte ein Feuer in ihr. Mit jedem vergehenden Moment ließ sie ihre Hemmungen los und erlaubte sich, von den urtümlichen Begierden, die durch ihre Adern strömten, verzehrt zu werden.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gangBang)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gangBang/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<flash "Geld + 200">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=200>><<set $mia.cor +=2>>
<<link 'Ablehnen'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>So verlockend das Angebot auch schien, zögerte Mia. Trotz der Anziehungskraft schnellen Geldes konnte sie die Warnsignale in ihrem Kopf nicht ignorieren.<</st>>
<<st>>Mit einem Kopfschütteln gab sie den Zettel dem Mann zurück. ''Entschuldigung, aber ich bin nicht interessiert. Ich habe hier eine Arbeit zu erledigen.''<</st>>
<<st>>Das Grinsen des Mannes schwand, einem Ausdruck der Frustration wich. Sie blieb standhaft und ließ sich nicht von seiner Hartnäckigkeit beeinflussen.<</st>>
<<st>>Als das Auto davonfuhr, atmete Mia erleichtert aus. Sie mag eine Promoterin sein, aber sie war nicht bereit, ihre Sicherheit für schnelles Geld zu opfern. Mit erneuter Entschlossenheit wandte sich Mia dem Restaurant zu, bereit, mehr Kunden zu bezaubern.<</st>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Als Mia draußen vor dem Café stand, kam ein Passant mit einem anzüglichen Grinsen auf sie zu.<</st>>
<<client>>Na, hallo, Schöne. Bist du hier ganz allein?<</client>>
<<mia>>Hey. Ja, ich vertrete hier unser Café. Ich kann dir Informationen über unsere Gerichte und Aktionen geben.<</mia>>
<<client>>Und neben den Gerichten hast du noch etwas anderes Leckeres? Denn wenn ich dich anschaue, will ich dich. Du könntest auch etwas Geld verdienen, wie wäre es mit 50 Euro?<</client>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Einverstanden'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia fühlte einen plötzlichen Moment des Zögerns, ihr Kopf wirbelte vor widersprüchlichen Gedanken. Die Anziehungskraft von schnellem Geld vermischte sich mit einem Gefühl der Besorgnis, aber der Bedarf an zusätzlichem Geld setzte sich durch.<</st>>
<<mia>>Na gut, warum nicht? Machen wir es zu 100 Euro, und ich gebe dir etwas ganz Besonderes.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mit einem verschmitzten Grinsen winkte Mia dem Passanten, ihr zu folgen, in eine ruhige Ecke.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia machte ihn glücklich; ihre Handlungen wurden vom Instinkt und dem Bedürfnis, zu gefallen, geleitet.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Am Ende nahm Mia das Geld mit einem Grinsen im Gesicht. Sie wusste, dass ihre Reize funktioniert hatten, um das zu bekommen, was sie wollte, und dass ihr Partner glücklich und bereit für mehr war.<</st>><<flash "Geld + 100">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=100>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<link 'Ablehnen'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mias Lächeln verschwand kurz, und ein Hauch von Unbehagen huschte über ihr Gesicht.<</st>>
<<mia>>Ähm, nein danke. Ich bin hier, um unser Café zu bewerben, nicht um solche Angebote zu unterhalten.<</mia>>
<<st>>Das Grinsen des Passanten wurde zu einem fiesen Grinsen, als er mit den Schultern zuckte und davon ging. Mia sah ihm nach und fühlte sich erleichtert und ein wenig unbehaglich zugleich. Sie mag zwar eine Promoterin sein, aber sie würde nicht ihre Integrität für schnelles Geld aufs Spiel setzen. Mit einem entschlossenen Kopfschütteln konzentrierte sie sich darauf, mehr Kunden ins Café zu locken.<</st>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Während Mia mit Leuten vor dem Café plauderte, brummte die lebhafte Straße um sie herum. Jedes Gespräch war eine Gelegenheit, über das Essen und die Atmosphäre des Cafés zu sprechen, in der Hoffnung, mehr Kunden anzulocken.<</st>>
<<st>>Aber aus heiterem Himmel nahmen die Dinge eine beängstigende Wendung. Jemand schlich sich von hinten an sie heran und zog Mia in eine dunkle Gasse, bevor sie auch nur blinzeln konnte.<</st>>
<<mia>>Nein, nein, nein, mach das nicht!<</mia>>
<<client>>Halt die Klappe! Denkst du, du kannst hier fast nackt rumstehen, und nichts passiert?!<</client>>
<<st>>Ihr Herz pochte vor Angst, Adrenalin rauschte durch ihre Adern. Sein aggressiver Ton ließ Mia das Blut in den Adern gefrieren, und sie stand vor einer zermürbenden Entscheidung.<</st>>
<<mia>>Bitte, lass mich einfach gehen!<</mia>>
<<client>>Nicht, bevor du mir gibst, was ich will. Du kannst das auf die leichte oder auf die harte Tour machen.<</client>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Stimmen Sie zu'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>//mit Angst zitternd// I-Ich werde... Ich werde dir geben, was du willst.<</mia>>
<<client>>Gute Wahl, Süße. Lass uns an einen privateren Ort gehen.<</client>>
<<st>>Als sie der Person in die dunkle Gasse hinter dem Café folgte, kroch die Angst bis in ihr Innerstes. Die dunkle Umgebung warf unheimliche Schatten, was die Spannung in der Luft noch verstärkte.<</st>>
<<st>>Er begann, ihre Kleidung mit groben Händen auszuziehen, und das Gefühl seiner Berührung jagte ihr Schauer über den Rücken. Ein tief verwurzelter Wunsch übernahm die Kontrolle, als er nahm, was er wollte, und ihre anfängliche Angst überwand.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Trotz allem, was passiert, spürte sie einen Hauch von Aufregung, und seine Berührung machte sie auf eine Weise hungrig, die sie nicht kannte. Mia gibt sich der rohen Leidenschaft des Moments in der dunklen Gasse hin und verliert sich in der Hitze des verbotenen Treffens.<</st>><<flash "Korruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<link 'Ablehnen'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Als die Angst sie packte, blieb sie standhaft.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Verpiss dich, du Mistkerl!'' Mia schrie, ihre Stimme zitternd.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mut zusammennehmend trat sie ihm so fest wie möglich in die Eier und rannte zum Café.<</st>>
<<st>>Mit rasendem Herzen stürmte sie hinein und fand Sicherheit in der Menge.<</st>>
<<button [[Verlasse|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Du hast keine Energie mehr, um irgendetwas zu tun, ein guter, fester Schlaf wird dir helfen.<</st>>
<<button [[Schlaf|Mia's room]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.ac_c >0>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<st>>Mia se tient debout dans la rue, lançant des regards aux passants. Dans ses mains, elle tient un menu et des échantillons de plats du café. Le sourire aux lèvres, elle aborde les passants, essayant d'attirer leur attention sur l'établissement.<</st>>
<<set $random to random(100)>><<set $beauty_test = $random+$mia.bea>>
<<if $beauty_test >99>><<st>>Après quelques heures passées sur le trottoir, Mia a compris que ses efforts n'avaient pas été vains. Elle a réussi à attirer l'attention de nombreux clients grâce à sa flamboyance et sa beauté. Les passants ont commencé à s'arrêter pour en savoir plus sur le café que Mia faisait si consciencieusement connaître.<</st>>
<<set $clients = 5+random(5)+$perks.aura_of_success>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Clients + " + $clients`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $client.number+=$clients>><<if $client.number>100>><<set $client.number=100>><</if>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<else>><<st>>Au bout de quelques heures passées dans la rue, Mia a dû se rendre à l'évidence : ses efforts ne portaient pas leurs fruits. Malgré tous ses efforts, elle n'arrivait pas à capter l'attention des passants. Si seulement elle était plus belle, songeait Mia, cela aurait peut-être fait une différence pour attirer le regard des passants et éveiller leur curiosité pour le café qu'elle faisait la promotion.<</st>>
<<set $clients = 1+random(3)+$perks.aura_of_success>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Clients + " + $clients`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $client.number+=$clients>><<if $client.number>100>><<set $client.number=100>><</if>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><</if>>
<<set $random to random(5)>>
<<switch $random>><<case 0>><<st>>Plantée devant le restaurant animé, Mia vit une voiture élégante s'arrêter à ses côtés. La vitre teintée descendit lentement, dévoilant un homme au sourire narquois.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia lui offrit son plus beau sourire aguicheur. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Bienvenue ! En quête d'un bon moment ? Notre restaurant a beaucoup à offrir, surtout à quelqu'un comme vous.''<</mia>>
<<st>>L'inconnu se rapprocha, son regard glissant sur les formes de Mia. Au lieu de répondre, il lui glissa un billet plié. Un sourcil levé, Mia le dépliait, ses yeux parcourant rapidement le contenu.<</st>>
<<client>>''Monte si tu veux te faire de l'argent facile. J'ai quelque chose de spécial qui t'attend chez moi.''<</client>>
<<st>>Le cœur de Mia s'emballa à la lecture des mots suggestifs. Que devait-elle faire ?<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'D`accord'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Son esprit s'emballa face à l'offre. La promesse d'argent facile laissait entrevoir une vie plus luxueuse, tentant Mia. C'est avec un mélange d'excitation et d'appréhension qu'elle prit sa décision.<</st>>
<<mia>>''D'accord, je suis partante,'' répondit Mia, la voix teintée d'anticipation.<</mia>>
<<st>>Le sourire de l'homme s'élargit alors qu'il lui faisait signe de monter dans la voiture. Sans un mot de plus, elle entra, son cœur battant la chamade d'excitation et d'inquiétude.<</st>>
<<st>>Le trajet en voiture se déroula en silence, la tension épaisse dans l'air alors qu'il l'éloignait du restaurant. Les doutes de Mia commencèrent à faire surface, mais elle les repoussa, se concentrant sur le charme de l'inconnu.<</st>>
<<st>>Enfin, la voiture s'arrêta et elle suivit l'inconnu jusqu'à son appartement. Lorsqu'elle entra, ses yeux s'écarquillèrent à la vue de plusieurs hommes qui attendaient dans la pièce faiblement éclairée.<</st>>
<<st>>La confiance initiale de Mia vacilla, un mauvais sentiment s'installant dans son estomac. Avant qu'elle ne puisse exprimer ses doutes, la porte se referma derrière elle, emprisonnant Mia à l'intérieur.<</st>>
<<st>>Son cœur s'emballa tandis qu'elle jetait un coup d'œil autour de la pièce, réalisant la véritable nature de la situation. Paniquée, elle tenta de battre en retraite, mais des mains puissantes l'attrapèrent et la maintinrent en place.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Les gars, soyez gentils'', supplia-t-elle, la voix tremblante de peur.<</mia>>
<<st>>Le sourire de l'inconnu devint sinistre et il fit un signe de tête à ses compagnons. Sans hésiter, ils se rapprochèrent d'elle, leurs intentions étant claires.<</st>>
<<st>>Alors que les hommes se rapprochaient de Mia, son corps réagissait à leur contact, trahissant son trouble intérieur par un mélange de peur et d'excitation. Malgré le chaos et l'incertitude, un instinct primaire a pris le dessus, la poussant à embrasser le plaisir au milieu du chaos.<</st>>
<<st>>Dans cette pièce sombre, entourée d'inconnus, Mia s'est retrouvée prise dans un tourbillon de sensations, chaque contact allumant un feu en elle. À chaque instant, elle se libère de ses inhibitions, se laissant dévorer par les désirs primaires qui coulent dans ses veines.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gangBang)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gangBang/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<flash "Argent + 200">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=200>><<set $mia.cor +=2>>
<<link 'Refuser'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Aussi alléchante que paraissait l'offre, Mia hésita. Malgré l'attrait de l'argent facile, elle ne pouvait ignorer les signaux d'alarme qui retentissaient dans son esprit.<</st>>
<<st>>D'un hochement de tête, elle rendit la note à l'homme. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Désolée, mais ça ne m'intéresse pas. J'ai un travail à faire ici.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Le sourire de l'homme vacilla, remplacé par un air de frustration. Elle tint bon, refusant de se laisser influencer par son insistance.<</st>>
<<st>>Alors que la voiture s'éloignait, Mia poussa un soupir de soulagement. Elle était peut-être promotrice, mais elle n'allait pas compromettre sa sécurité pour un gain rapide. Avec une détermination renouvelée, Mia se retourna vers le restaurant, prête à charmer d'autres clients.<</st>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Alors que Mia se trouve à l'extérieur du café, un passant s'approche d'elle avec un sourire suggestif.<</st>>
<<client>>Eh bien, bonjour, ma belle. Tu es toute seule ici ?<</client>>
<<mia>>Bonjour. Oui, je suis ici pour représenter notre café. Je peux vous renseigner sur nos plats et nos promotions.<</mia>>
<<client>>Et à part les plats, as-tu quelque chose d'autre de savoureux ? Parce que quand je te regarde, j'ai envie de toi. Tu pourrais aussi te faire un peu d'argent, que dis-tu de 50 dollars ?<</client>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'D`accord'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia est prise d'hésitation, son esprit est en proie à des pensées contradictoires. L'attrait de l'argent rapide se mêlait à un sentiment d'appréhension, mais le besoin d'argent supplémentaire l'emporta.<</st>>
<<mia>>D'accord, pourquoi pas ? Disons 100 dollars, et je te donnerai quelque chose de spécial.<</mia>>
<<st>>Avec un sourire malicieux, Mia fait signe au passant de la suivre dans un coin tranquille. <</st>>
<<st>>Mia lui fait plaisir, ses actions sont guidées par l'instinct et le besoin de plaire.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>À la fin, Mia a pris l'argent avec un sourire en coin. Elle savait que ses charmes avaient fonctionné pour obtenir ce qu'elle voulait et que son partenaire était heureux et prêt à en redemander.<</st>><<flash "Argent + 100">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=100>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<link 'Refus'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Le sourire de Mia s'estompe, une lueur d'inconfort traverse son visage.<</st>>
<<mia>>Euh, non merci. Je suis ici pour faire la promotion de notre café, pas pour recevoir des offres de ce genre.<</mia>>
<<st>>Le sourire du passant se transforma en sourire en coin et il haussa les épaules, s'éloignant. Mia le regarda partir, éprouvant un mélange de soulagement et de malaise. Elle était peut-être une promotrice, mais elle n'était pas prête à compromettre son intégrité pour un gain rapide. Avec un hochement de tête déterminé, elle se concentra sur la manière d'attirer plus de clients dans le café.<</st>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Tandis que Mia discute avec les gens qui passent devant le café, la rue animée bourdonne autour d'elle. Chaque conversation était l'occasion de parler de la cuisine et de l'ambiance du café, dans l'espoir d'attirer plus de clients.<</st>>
<<st>>Mais tout à coup, les choses ont pris une tournure effrayante. Quelqu'un s'est faufilé derrière elle, entraînant Mia dans une ruelle sombre avant même qu'elle ne puisse cligner des yeux.<</st>>
<<mia>>Non, non, non, ne faites pas ça !<</mia>>
<<client>>Ferme ta gueule ! Tu crois que tu peux rester là, pratiquement nue, sans que rien ne se passe ?<</client>>
<<st>>Son cœur battait la chamade, l'adrénaline coulait dans ses veines. Son ton agressif lui donna des frissons, laissant Mia devant un choix déchirant.<</st>>
<<mia>>S'il vous plaît, laissez-moi partir !<</mia>>
<<client>>Pas tant que tu ne m'auras pas donné ce que je veux. Tu peux le faire de la manière la plus facile ou la plus difficile.<</client>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Accepter'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>//tremblant de peur// Je... Je... Je vous donnerai ce que vous voulez.<</mia>>
<<client>>Bon choix, ma chérie. Allons dans un endroit plus privé.<</client>>
<<st>>Alors qu'elle suivait la personne dans la ruelle sombre derrière le café, la peur s'insinua en elle. L'environnement sombre projette des ombres effrayantes, ce qui fait monter le stress dans l'air.<</st>>
<<st>>Il commence à lui enlever ses vêtements avec des mains rugueuses, et la sensation de son contact vous donne des frissons. Un désir profond s'empare d'elle alors qu'il prend ce qu'il veut, battant en brèche sa peur originelle.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Malgré ce qui se passe, elle ressent une poussée d'excitation, et son contact lui donne une faim qu'elle ne soupçonnait pas. Mia s'abandonne à la passion brute du moment dans la ruelle sombre et se perd dans la chaleur de la rencontre interdite.<</st>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<link 'Refuser'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Alors que la peur l'envahit, elle reste ferme.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Va te faire voir, sale type !'' Mia hurle, la voix tremblante.<</mia>>
<<st>>Prenant son courage à deux mains, elle lui a donné un coup de pied dans les couilles aussi fort que possible et s'est précipitée vers le café.<</st>>
<<st>>Le cœur battant, elle s'engouffra à l'intérieur, se réfugiant dans la foule.<</st>>
<<button [[Partir|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Vous n'avez plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, un bon sommeil vous aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.ac_c >0>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<st>>Mia está de pie en la calle, lanzando miradas a la gente que pasa. En sus manos lleva un folleto con el menú y muestras de platos de la cafetería. Con una sonrisa en la cara, se acerca a los transeúntes para llamar su atención sobre la cafetería.<</st>>
<<set $random to random(100)>><<set $beauty_test = $random+$mia.bea>>
<<if $beauty_test >99>><<st>>Tras unas horas de pie en la calle, Mia comprende que sus esfuerzos no han sido en vano. Consiguió atraer la atención de muchos clientes con su extravagancia y belleza. Los transeúntes empezaron a detenerse para saber más sobre el café que Mia había anunciado con tanta diligencia.<</st>>
<<set $clients = 5+random(5)+$perks.aura_of_success>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Clientes + " + $clients`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $client.number+=$clients>><<if $client.number>100>><<set $client.number=100>><</if>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<else>><<st>>Al cabo de unas horas de estar en la calle, Mia se dio cuenta de que sus esfuerzos no habían dado ningún resultado. A pesar de sus mejores intentos, no conseguía captar la atención de los transeúntes. Si al menos fuera más guapa, pensó Mia, tal vez habría conseguido captar la atención de los transeúntes y despertar su curiosidad por el café que promocionaba.<</st>>
<<set $clients = 1+random(3)+$perks.aura_of_success>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"Clientes + " + $clients`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $client.number+=$clients>><<if $client.number>100>><<set $client.number=100>><</if>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><</if>>
<<set $random to random(5)>><<switch $random>><<case 0>>
<<st>>Mientras Mia se encontraba fuera del bullicioso restaurante, un elegante coche se detuvo a su lado. Bajó la ventanilla tintada y vio a un hombre con una sonrisa pícara.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia esbozó su sonrisa más seductora. ''Bienvenida. ¿Te apetece divertirte? Nuestro restaurante tiene mucho que ofrecer, especialmente para alguien como tú''.<</st>>
<<st>>El desconocido se inclinó más hacia ella y su mirada se detuvo en las curvas de Mia. En lugar de responder, le entregó una nota doblada. Con una ceja levantada, Mia la desdobló, sus ojos escudriñaron el contenido.<</st>>
<<client>>''Sube al coche si quieres dinero fácil. Tengo algo especial esperándote en mi casa''.<</client>>
<<st>>El corazón de Mia se aceleró al leer las sugerentes palabras. ¿Qué debía hacer?<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Aceptar'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Su mente se agitó al considerar la oferta. La promesa de dinero fácil atraía a Mia, tentándola con visiones de un estilo de vida más lujoso. Con una mezcla de emoción y temor, tomó una decisión.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Claro, me apunto'', respondió Mia, con la voz teñida de expectación.<</mia>>
<<st>>La sonrisa del hombre se ensanchó y le hizo un gesto para que subiera al coche. Sin decir nada más, subió, con el corazón palpitando de emoción y nervios.<</st>>
<<st>>El trayecto en coche fue silencioso, con la tensión en el aire mientras él la alejaba del restaurante. Las dudas de Mia empezaron a aflorar, pero las apartó y se centró en el encanto de lo desconocido.<</st>>
<<st>>Finalmente, el coche se detuvo y Mia siguió al desconocido hasta su apartamento. Al entrar, sus ojos se abrieron de par en par al ver a varios hombres esperando en la habitación poco iluminada.<</st>>
<<st>>La confianza inicial de Mia vaciló y un mal presentimiento se apoderó de su estómago. Antes de que pudiera expresar sus dudas, la puerta se cerró tras ella, atrapándola en el interior.<</st>>
<<st>>Su corazón se aceleró al echar un vistazo a la habitación y darse cuenta de la verdadera naturaleza de la situación. El pánico se apoderó de ella e intentó retirarse, pero unas manos fuertes la agarraron y mantuvieron a Mia en su sitio.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Chicos, tened cuidado'', suplicó con la voz temblorosa por el miedo.<</mia>>
<<st>>La sonrisa del desconocido se tornó siniestra mientras asentía a sus compañeros. <</st>>
<<st>>Sin vacilar, se acercaron a ella, con sus intenciones claras.<</st>>
<<st>>A medida que los hombres se acercaban a Mia, su cuerpo respondía a sus caricias, traicionando su agitación interior con una mezcla de miedo y excitación. A pesar del caos y la incertidumbre, un instinto primario se apoderó de ella, impulsándola a abrazar el placer en medio del caos.<</st>>
<<st>>En aquella habitación oscura, rodeada de desconocidos, Mia se encontró atrapada en un torbellino de sensaciones, cada caricia encendía un fuego en su interior. Con cada momento que pasaba, se desprendía de sus inhibiciones, dejándose consumir por los deseos primarios que corrían por sus venas.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gangBang)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gangBang/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<flash "Dinero + 200">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corrupción + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=200>><<set $mia.cor +=2>>
<<link 'Rechazar'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>A pesar de lo tentadora que parecía la oferta, Mia dudó. A pesar del atractivo del dinero rápido, no podía ignorar las señales de alarma que sonaban en su mente.<</st>>
<<st>>Con un movimiento de cabeza, devolvió la nota al hombre. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Lo siento, pero no me interesa. Tengo un trabajo que hacer aquí''.<</mia>>
<<st>>La sonrisa del hombre vaciló, sustituida por una expresión de frustración. Ella se mantuvo firme, negándose a dejarse convencer por su insistencia.<</st>>
<<st>>Cuando el coche se alejó, Mia dejó escapar un suspiro de alivio. Puede que fuera una promotora, pero no iba a poner en peligro su seguridad por dinero fácil. Con renovada determinación, Mia regresó al restaurante, dispuesta a seducir a más clientes.<</st>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mientras Mia estaba fuera de la cafetería, un transeúnte se le acercó con una sonrisa sugerente.<</st>>
<<client>>Hola, preciosa. ¿Estás aquí sola?<</client>>
<<mia>>Hola. Sí, vengo en representación de nuestra cafetería. Puedo ayudarle con información sobre nuestros platos y promociones.<</mia>>
<<client>>Y además de los platos, ¿tienes algo más sabroso? Porque cuando te miro, te deseo. También podrías ganar algo de dinero, ¿qué tal 50 pavos?<</client>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'De acuerdo'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia sintió una oleada de dudas y su mente se agitó con pensamientos contradictorios. El atractivo del dinero rápido se mezclaba con una sensación de aprensión, pero la necesidad de dinero extra se impuso.<</st>>
<<mia>>De acuerdo, ¿por qué no? Que sean cien pavos y te daré algo especial.<</mia>>
<<st>>Con una sonrisa pícara, Mia hizo señas al transeúnte para que la siguiera a un rincón tranquilo.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia le hacía sentir bien con mucho gusto; sus acciones estaban impulsadas por el instinto y la necesidad de complacer.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Al final, Mia cogió el dinero con una sonrisa de satisfacción. Sabía que sus encantos habían funcionado para conseguir lo que quería y que su pareja estaba contenta y dispuesta a más.<</st>><<flash "Dinero + 100">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corrupción + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=100>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<link 'Rechazar'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>La sonrisa de Mia vaciló, un parpadeo de incomodidad cruzó su rostro.<</st>>
<<mia>>No, gracias. Estoy aquí para promocionar nuestra cafetería, no para recibir ofertas como esa.<</mia>>
<<st>>La sonrisa del transeúnte se convirtió en una mueca y se encogió de hombros, alejándose. Mia lo miró marcharse, sintiendo una mezcla de alivio e inquietud. Puede que fuera una promotora, pero no estaba dispuesta a comprometer su integridad por dinero fácil. Con un movimiento decidido de la cabeza, se centró en atraer a más clientes al café.<</st>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Mientras Mia charlaba con la gente que pasaba por la cafetería, la animada calle zumbaba a su alrededor. Cada conversación era una oportunidad para hablar de la comida y el ambiente de la cafetería, con la esperanza de atraer a más clientes.<</st>>
<<st>>Pero, de repente, las cosas se pusieron feas. Alguien se acercó sigilosamente por detrás y arrastró a Mia a un callejón oscuro antes de que pudiera pestañear.<</st>>
<<mia>>¡No, no, no, no hagas eso!<</mia>>
<<client>>¡Cállate de una puta vez! ¡¿Crees que puedes quedarte ahí prácticamente desnuda y que no pase nada?!<</client>>
<<st>>Su corazón palpitaba de miedo, la adrenalina corría por sus venas. Su tono agresivo le provocó escalofríos, dejando a Mia con una decisión que le estrujaba las tripas.<</st>>
<<mia>>¡Por favor, suéltame!<</mia>>
<<client>>No hasta que me des lo que quiero. Puedes hacerlo por las buenas o por las malas.<</client>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Acepta'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>//temblando de miedo// Yo... yo... Te daré lo que quieres.
<<client>>Buena elección, cariño. Vayamos a un lugar más privado.<</client>>
<<st>>Mientras seguía a la persona hacia la oscura callejuela que había detrás de la cafetería, el miedo se apoderó de ella. El entorno oscuro proyectaba sombras aterradoras, lo que aumentaba aún más la tensión en el ambiente.<</st>>
<<st>>Él comienza a quitarle la ropa con manos ásperas, y la sensación de su tacto le produce escalofríos. Un deseo profundamente arraigado se apodera de ella mientras él toma lo que quiere, venciendo su miedo original.<</st>>
<<st>>A pesar de lo que está pasando, siente una oleada de excitación, y su tacto le provoca un hambre que no sabía que existía. Mia se entrega a la cruda pasión del momento en el oscuro callejón y se pierde en el calor del encuentro prohibido.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Buena elección, cariño. Vayamos a un lugar más privado.<</st>><<flash "Corrupción + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<link 'Rechaza'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mientras el miedo se apoderaba de ella, se mantuvo firme.<</st>>
<<mia>>''¡Que te jodan, asqueroso!'' gritó Mia, con la voz temblorosa.<</mia>>
<<st>>Haciendo acopio de valor, le pateó las pelotas lo más fuerte que pudo y salió corriendo hacia la cafetería.<</st>>
<<st>>Con el corazón acelerado, irrumpió en el interior, encontrando seguridad entre la multitud.<</st>>
<<button [[Sal de|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>No te queda energía para hacer nada, un buen sueño te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Duerme|Mia's room]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.ac_c >0>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<set $random to random(100)>><<set $beauty_test = $random+$mia.bea>>
<<if $beauty_test >99>><<st>>在街上站了几个小时后,米娅明白她的努力没有白费。她的妩媚和美丽吸引了许多顾客的注意。路人开始停下脚步,想更多地了解米娅辛勤宣传的咖啡馆。<</st>>
<<set $clients = 5+random(5)+$perks.aura_of_success>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"客户 + " + $clients`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $client.number+=$clients>><<if $client.number>100>><<set $client.number=100>><</if>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<set $clients = 1+random(3)+$perks.aura_of_success>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash `"客户 + " + $clients`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $client.number+=$clients>><<if $client.number>100>><<set $client.number=100>><</if>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><</if>>
<<set $random to random(5)>><<switch $random>><<case 0>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link '同意'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>她一边考虑着这个提议,一边思绪万千。轻松赚钱的承诺在向米娅招手,更奢华的生活方式在诱惑着米娅。带着兴奋和惶恐,她做出了决定。<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gangBang)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gangBang/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<flash "钱 + 200">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐败 + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=200>><<set $mia.cor +=2>>
<<link '拒绝'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>虽然这个提议看起来很诱人,但米娅还是犹豫了。尽管有快速赚钱的诱惑,但她还是无法忽视心中敲响的警钟。
<<case 1>>
<<client>>路人 你好啊,美女。你一个人来的吗?<</client>>
<<client>>除了菜肴,你们还有什么好吃的吗?因为看着你,我就想吃你。你也可以赚点钱,50 块怎么样?<</client>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link '同意'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>米娅感到一阵犹豫,她的脑海中闪过各种矛盾的念头。快钱的诱惑和忧虑交织在一起,但对额外金钱的需求战胜了一切。<</st>>
<<mia>>好吧,为什么不呢?就 100 美元吧,我会给你一些特别的东西。<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>最后,米娅笑眯眯地收下了钱。她知道,她的魅力已经达到了她的目的,而她的伙伴也很高兴,并准备好了更多。<</st>><<flash "钱 + 100">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐败 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=100>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<link '拒绝'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>米娅的笑容一僵,脸上闪过一丝不快。<</st>>
<<case 2>>
<<client>>路人 闭上你的臭嘴 你以为你可以一丝不挂地站在那里,什么事都不会发生吗?<</client>>
<<client>>路人 除非你给我我想要的东西。你可以选择简单的方式,也可以选择困难的方式。<</client>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link '同意'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>我...... 我会给你想要的<</mia>>
<<client>>选得好 亲爱的 我们去更隐秘的地方吧。<</client>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>尽管发生了这一切,她还是感到一阵兴奋,他的抚摸让她产生了前所未有的饥渴感。米娅在黑暗的小巷中屈服于那一刻的原始激情,在禁忌会面的热浪中迷失了自我。<</st>><<flash "腐败 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<link '拒绝'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>恐惧攫住了她,但她还是坚定地站了起来。<</st>>
<<mia>>''去你妈的,变态!'' 米娅大叫着,声音在颤抖。<</mia>>
<<button [[离开|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<button [[睡觉|Mia's room]]>><</button>><</if>>
<</switch>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><<script>>function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
<</script>><</if>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Get ready to welcome customers and provide them with an unforgettable experience. Set the stage for a fun and pleasurable atmosphere. And remember, this isn't just a job – it's a chance to dance, delight customers, and, of course, earn good money.<</st>>
<<if $mia.pole_dance < 49>><<link "Private Dance (50+ Pole dance skill needed)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Private Dance|Privat_PJ]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Приготовьтесь встречать клиентов и дарить им незабываемые впечатления. Создайте атмосферу веселья и удовольствия. И помните, это не просто работа - это шанс танцевать, радовать клиентов и, конечно же, зарабатывать хорошие деньги.<</st>>
<<if $mia.pole_dance < 49>><<link "Приватный танец (Необходим навык танца на шесте 50+)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Приватный танец|Privat_PJ]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Bereiten Sie sich darauf vor, Kunden zu empfangen und ihnen ein unvergessliches Erlebnis zu bieten. Schaffen Sie die Voraussetzungen für eine lustige und angenehme Atmosphäre. Und denken Sie daran, dass dies nicht nur ein Job ist - es ist eine Chance zu tanzen, Kunden zu begeistern und natürlich gutes Geld zu verdienen.<</st>>
<<if $mia.pole_dance < 49>><<link "Privater Tanz (50+ Pole Dance Kenntnisse erforderlich)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Privater Tanz|Privat_PJ]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<button[[Verlassen Sie|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Préparez-vous à accueillir les clients et à leur faire vivre une expérience inoubliable. Préparez le terrain pour créer une atmosphère agréable et plaisante. Et n'oubliez pas qu'il ne s'agit pas seulement d'un travail - c'est une chance de danser, de ravir les clients et, bien sûr, de gagner de l'argent.<</st>>
<<if $mia.pole_dance < 49>><<link "Danse privée (50+ Compétences en pole dance requises)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Danse privée|Privat_PJ]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Prepárese para recibir a los clientes y ofrecerles una experiencia inolvidable. Prepara el escenario para crear un ambiente divertido y agradable. Y recuerda, esto no es sólo un trabajo: es una oportunidad para bailar, deleitar a los clientes y, por supuesto, ganar un buen dinero.<</st>>
<<if $mia.pole_dance < 49>><<link "Baile privado (50+ Pole dance habilidad necesaria)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Baile privado|Privat_PJ]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<button[[Salir de|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.pole_dance < 49>><<link "私人舞蹈 (需要 50 岁以上钢管舞技能)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[私人舞蹈|Privat_PJ]]>><</button>><</if>>
<</switch>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
</script><</if>><<set $canTravel =1>>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Intro</div><div class="quest description text">Come with Mia to her 18th birthday party, which turns out to be a very steamy one. Unexpected meetings and heated moments are in store for Mia when she meets a mysterious stranger. What will Mia do, and will she come to regret her choices in the future?
Go to: Start the game
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+10 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 corruption</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_stranger == true>>✅ Play a game<<else>>🛑 Play a game<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_stranger == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#1]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Intro</div><div class="quest description text">Отправляйтесь вместе с Мией на яркую вечеринку в честь ее 18-летия. Впереди куча неожиданных встреч и еще более жарких моментов. Как поступит Мия встретив таинственного незнакомца и будет ли она жалеть о своем выборе в будущем?
Перейти к: Старт игры
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+10 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 corruption</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_stranger == true>>✅ Play a game<<else>>🛑 Play a game<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_stranger == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#1]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Intro</div><div class="quest description text">Komm mit Mia auf ihre 18. Geburtstagsfeier, die sich als ziemlich heiß herausstellt. Unerwartete Begegnungen und hitzige Momente erwarten Mia, als sie einen mysteriösen Fremden trifft. Was wird Mia tun, und wird sie ihre Entscheidungen später bereuen?
Los geht's: Spiel starten
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+10 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 corruption</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_stranger == true>>✅ Play a game<<else>>🛑 Play a game<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_stranger == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#1]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Intro</div><div class="quest description text">Accompagnez Mia à la fête de son 18e anniversaire, qui s'avère très torride. Des rencontres inattendues et des moments torrides attendent Mia lorsqu'elle rencontre un mystérieux inconnu. Que fera Mia, et regrettera-t-elle ses choix à l'avenir ?
Aller à : Aller à : Commencer le jeu
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+10 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 corruption</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_stranger == true>>✅ Play a game<<else>>🛑 Play a game<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_stranger == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#1]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Intro</div><div class="quest description text">Acompaña a Mia a su fiesta de 18 cumpleaños, que resulta ser muy tórrida. A Mia le esperan encuentros inesperados y momentos acalorados cuando conozca a un misterioso desconocido. ¿Qué hará Mia? ¿Llegará a arrepentirse de sus decisiones en el futuro?
Ir a: Iniciar el juego
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+10 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 corruption</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_stranger == true>>✅ Play a game<<else>>🛑 Play a game<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_stranger == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#1]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Intro</div><div class="quest description text">和米娅一起来参加她的 18 岁生日派对吧,这将是一个非常热辣的派对。当米娅遇到一个神秘的陌生人时,她将面临意想不到的会面和激烈的时刻。米娅会怎么做?她会为自己将来的选择后悔吗?
转到 开始游戏
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+10 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 corruption</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_stranger == true>>✅ Play a game<<else>>🛑 Play a game<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_stranger == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#1]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<</switch>><<return "Go Back">><<return "Go Back">>
<<st>>Standing 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/intro/intro_4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Standing 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/intro/intro_2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Standing 3<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/intro/intro_10.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/intro/intro_9.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/intro/intro_7.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Doggy style 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/intro/intro_1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Doggy style 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/intro/intro_12.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Sideways sex<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/intro/intro_11.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Blow job 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/intro/intro_8.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Blow job 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/intro/intro_5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Blow job 3<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/intro/intro_3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/intro/intro_6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
</script><<set $mia.exp +=10>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.cor+=1>><<set $quests.quest_stranger = true>><<set $active_quests.q2=true>>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>As Mia went to her room, her mind was full of regret, shame, and a little excitement. The threat her brother made as a joke left her feeling worried. What would he want from her if he kept her secret?<</st>>
<<st>>One thought stood out, though: the stranger from last night. As she thought about their passionate meeting, guilt crushed her mind. Jack was her boyfriend, who was nice but not as hot as the stranger.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia felt torn between the thrill of the forbidden and the guilt of betraying Jack's trust. She felt confused and upset as she lay in bed, but she knew she had to soon face the results of what she had done.<</st>>
<<st>>As Mia reflected on her night, Jack's text popped up on her phone.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Hey babe, how was last night?''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''It was fun! I just chilled with the girls.''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Awesome! So, about your birthday... I've got a surprise for you. How about we meet up at the park later?''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Sounds perfect, can't wait to see you.''<</mia>>
<<st>>As she agreed to meet Jack, a wave of guilt washed over her. She knew she needed to figure out if she should come clean about last night when she meets him at the park.<</st>>
<<button [[Continue|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<flash "Perks exp + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Мия, направляясь в комнату, ощущала целый спектр эмоций: сожаление, стыд и немного волнения. Шутливая угроза брата не на шутку ее встревожила. Чего он потребует в обмен на молчание?<</st>>
<<st>>Однако одна мысль преобладала над остальными: незнакомец прошлой ночи. Вспоминая их страстную встречу, её терзало чувство вины. Джек - её парень, хороший парень, но совсем не такой горячий, как этот незнакомец.<</st>>
<<st>>Мия разрывалась между острыми ощущениями запретного и чувством вины за предательство доверия Джека. Она лежала в постели, растерянная и расстроенная, понимая, что скоро ей предстоит столкнуться с последствиями своего поступка.<</st>>
<<st>>Пока Мия размышляла о ночи, на её телефоне появилось сообщение от Джека.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Привет, детка, как вчерашний вечер?''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Было весело! Просто отдыхала с девчонками.''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Отлично! Ну, насчет твоего дня рождения... у меня есть для тебя сюрприз. Как насчет встречи в парке позже?''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Звучит идеально, не могу дождаться встречи.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Соглашаясь встретиться с Джеком, Мию накрыла волна вины. Она понимала, что на встрече в парке ей нужно решить, стоит ли признаться ему в том, что произошло прошлой ночью.<</st>>
<<button [[Продолжить|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<flash "Опыт перков + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Фитнесс + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Auf dem Weg nach ihre Zimmer Mia die ganze Sache ganz schön auf den Magen. Total mies, peinlich und irgendwie auch ein bisschen aufregend. Die Drohung ihres Bruders, die der ja sowieso nur als Scherz losgelassen hatte, ließ sie jetzt nicht mehr los. Was würde der denn bloß von ihr wollen, wenn er ihre Geheimnisse ausplaudern würde?<</st>>
<<st>>In ihrem Zimmer angekommen drückte Mia erstmal alles ganz schön den Kopf runter. Total mies irgendwie, denn da war ja noch der Typ von gestern Nacht. Bäm! Heiße Nacht, klar, aber jetzt stach das schlechte Gewissen wie irre. Jack, ihr Freund, der ja nett war und so, konnte da einfach nicht mithalten.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia hing total fest – zwischen dem Kick des Verbotenen und den Gewissensbissen, weil sie Jack hintergangen hatte. Total durcheinander und fertig warf sie sich ins Bett. Aber sie wusste, dass sie die Konsequenzen ihres Handelns bald ausbaden müsste.<</st>>
<<st>>Während Mia über ihre Nacht nachdachte, ploppte plötzlich Jacks Nachricht auf ihrem Handy auf.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Hey Süße, wie lief's gestern Abend?''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''War cool! Hab einfach nur mit den Mädels abgehangen.''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Voll cool! Apropos Geburtstag... ich hab da 'ne Überraschung für dich am Start. Lust, später im Park abzuhängen?''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Klingt super! Freu mich schon mega!''<</mia>>
<<st>>Als sie Jack zusagte, traf sie eine Welle der Schuldgefühle mit voller Wucht. Ihr war klar, sie musste sich entscheiden, ob sie bei ihrem Treffen im Park reinen Tisch machen sollte.<</st>>
<<button [[Weiter|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Replongeant dans sa chambre, l'esprit de Mia nageait dans un cocktail de regret, de honte et d'un soupçon d'excitation. La menace à peine voilée de son frère la laissait vaguement inquiète. Qu'est-ce qu'il pourrait bien lui demander en échange de son silence?<</st>>
<<st>>Une pensée, pourtant, s'imposait : l'inconnu d'hier soir. A la remémoration de leur rencontre passionnée, la culpabilité lui broyait l'esprit. Jack, son copain, était gentil, certes, mais pas aussi canon que ce type.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia se sentait tiraillée entre le frisson de l'interdit et le poids de la trahison envers Jack. Allongée dans son lit, confuse et contrariée, elle savait qu'elle devrait bientôt affronter les conséquences de ses actes.<</st>>
<<st>>Alors qu'elle ressassait sa nuit, un message de Jack s'afficha sur son téléphone.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Coucou ma chérie, comment était ta soirée hier?''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Super cool ! Juste une soirée tranquille entre filles.''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Génial! Bon, et à propos de ton anniversaire... J'ai une surprise pour toi. On se retrouve au parc plus tard, qu'en dis-tu ?''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Nickel, j'ai hâte de te voir.''<</mia>>
<<st>>En acceptant de voir Jack, une vague de culpabilité l'envahit. Elle savait qu'elle devait absolument décider si elle allait lui avouer sa nuit d'égarement lors de leur rencontre au parc.<</st>>
<<button [[Continuer|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<flash "Avantages exp + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mia subió a su habitación con la mente llena de arrepentimiento, vergüenza y un poco de emoción. La amenaza que su hermano había hecho en broma la dejó preocupada. ¿Qué querría de ella si guardaba su secreto?<</st>>
<<st>>Sin embargo, un pensamiento destacaba: el extraño de la noche anterior. Al pensar en su encuentro apasionado, la culpa la aplastaba. Jack era su novio, un chico agradable pero no tan atractivo como el extraño.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia se sentía dividida entre la emoción de lo prohibido y la culpa de traicionar la confianza de Jack. Estaba confundida y molesta mientras se acostaba, pero sabía que pronto tendría que enfrentar las consecuencias de lo que había hecho.<</st>>
<<st>>Mientras Mia reflexionaba sobre su noche, el mensaje de Jack apareció en su teléfono.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Hola nena, ¿cómo estuvo la noche de ayer?''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''¡Fue divertida! Solo estuve con las chicas.''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''¡Genial! Entonces, sobre tu cumpleaños... Tengo una sorpresa para ti. ¿Qué tal si nos encontramos en el parque más tarde?''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Suena perfecto, no puedo esperar verte.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Al aceptar encontrarse con Jack, una ola de culpa la inundó. Sabía que necesitaba averiguar si debía confesar lo de la noche anterior cuando lo viera en el parque.<</st>>
<<button [[Continúe en|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corrupción + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "CH">>
<<jk>>''太棒了!那么,关于你的生日... 我给你准备了一个惊喜。我们待会儿在公园见面怎么样?''<</jk>>
<<button [[继续|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<flash "福利消耗 + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "健身 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐败 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>As she held his gift in her hands, looking into his eyes, Mia realized she didn't want to lose this fantastic, loving boyfriend. So, she decided deep within herself that he would never find out about what happened on the night of her 18th birthday.<</st>>
<<mia>>''OMG! Jack, this is for me? I LOVE IT'' She opened the gift and saw a beautiful, elegant golden bracelet.<</mia>>
<<jk>>''I'm so glad you like it. I wanted to get you something special for your birthday,'' he said, his voice filled with warmth and affection.<</jk>>
<<st>>She understood that he had been saving up for a long time to get her the perfect gift, and once again, she felt ashamed for what she had done.<</st>>
<<st>>For how long could she live with this guilt? Was there something she could do to forget about last night and move on with her life with Jack?<</st>>
<<st>>Suddenly, an idea struck her. What if she could use this moment to forget about the stranger and what happened last night? What if she could express her gratitude to her boyfriend for this perfect gift in a more sensual way? Maybe she could do it right here, in the park?<</st>>
<<st>>As the idea formed in Mia's mind, a surge of desire swept through her. She looked at Jack, a glint of mischief in her eyes.<</st>>
<<mia>>''I don't even know how to express how much I love this gift, baby,'' Mia said, her voice laced with seduction.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Oh wait, I guess I know how to thank you.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Without hesitation, she closed the distance between her and Jack, pressing her lips against his in a passionate kiss.<</st>>
<<st>>At first, Jack was taken aback by her sudden boldness.<</st>>
<<jk>>''What are you doing, Mia?'' She'd never initiated anything like this before, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of surprise wash over him.<</jk>>
<<st>>But as he looked into her eyes, full of desire, he could not resist. Without a word, he leaned in, meeting her lips with his own in a gentle yet passionate kiss.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia stroked Jack's hair and kissed him. Initial kisses were nice and bashful, but she didn't want that. Not after her passionate sex with the stranger. She wanted to have sex with Jack to forget last night. Their tongues danced as they kissed deeper. Mia realized she wanted Jack to stop being shy and get to work.<</st>>
<<st>>Her grind against his gorgeous dick on his lap. He put his hand inside her dress, and she gasped and laughed sensually. Jack went insane after touching her damp underwear. His hand moved higher along the wet lace. Mia moaned when he touched her clit.<</st>>
<<st>>She wasn't worried about her loud moans anymore, echoing through the secluded clearing in the park where anyone could hear them. They finally moved on to the passionate sex she'd been craving…<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_jack = true>>
<<button [[Sex...|SexWithjackQuest_2]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Глядя ему в глаза, держа в руках его подарок, Мия поняла, что не хочет терять этого замечательного, любящего парня. Поэтому она глубоко внутри себя решила, что он никогда не узнает о том, что произошло в ночь её 18-го дня рождения.<</st>>
<<mia>>''О боже! Джек, это мне? Это очень красиво!'' Она открыла подарок и увидела красивый, элегантный золотой браслет.<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Я так рад, что тебе понравилось. Я хотел подарить тебе что-нибудь особенное на день рождения,'' сказал он, его голос был полон тепла и нежности.<</jk>>
<<st>>Она понимала, что он долго копил, чтобы купить ей подарок, и снова почувствовала себя виноватой за то, что она сделала.<</st>>
<<st>>Долго ли она сможет жить с этим чувством вины? Было ли что-нибудь, что она могла бы сделать, чтобы забыть о прошлой ночи и продолжить свою жизнь с Джеком?<</st>>
<<st>>Внезапно ее осенила идея. Что, если бы она могла использовать этот момент, чтобы забыть о незнакомце и о том, что произошло прошлой ночью? Что, если бы она могла выразить свою благодарность своему парню за этот прекрасный подарок более чувственным образом? Может быть, она могла бы сделать это прямо здесь, в парке?<</st>>
<<st>>По мере того, как идея формировалась в голове Мии, её охватила волна желания. Она посмотрела на Джека, в ее глазах сверкнул озорной огонек.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Я даже не знаю, как выразить, насколько я люблю этот подарок, детка,'' сказала Мия, её голос был полон обольщения.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Хотя подожди, я думаю, я знаю, как тебя отблагодарить''<</mia>>
<<st>>Не колеблясь, она сократила расстояние между ней и Джеком, прижавшись своими губами к его в страстном поцелуе.<</st>>
<<st>>Сначала Джека удивила ее внезапная смелость.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Что ты делаешь, Мия?'' - Она никогда раньше ничего подобного не предпринимала, и он не мог не почувствовать удивления.<</jk>>
<<st>>Но глядя в её глаза, полные желания, он не смог сопротивляться. Без лишних слов он наклонился вперед, встречая её губы своими в нежном, но страстном поцелуе.<</st>>
<<st>>Миа провела пальцами по волосам Джека и поцеловала его. Первые поцелуи были милыми и застенчивыми, но ей этого не хотелось. Только не после страстного секса с незнакомцем. Она хотела заняться сексом с Джеком, чтобы забыть прошлую ночь. Их языки заплясали, когда они поцеловались глубже. Миа поняла, что хочет, чтобы Джек перестал стесняться и приступил к работе.<</st>>
<<st>>Она прижалась к его члену у него на коленях. Он запустил руку в ее платье, и она задыхалась и чувственно стонала. Джек сошел с ума, прикоснувшись к её влажному белью. Его рука двинулась выше по влажному кружеву. Миа застонала, когда он коснулся ее клитора.<</st>>
<<st>>Она больше не беспокоилась о своих громких стонах, которые эхом разносились по уединенной поляне в парке, где их мог услышать любой. Наконец-то они перешли к страстному сексу, которого она так жаждала...<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_jack = true>>
<<button [[Секс...|SexWithjackQuest_2]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Inmitten seiner strahlenden Augen, die auf die Schachtel in ihren Händen starrten, wurde Mia schlagartig klar: diesen fantastischen, liebevollen Freund durfte sie auf keinen Fall verlieren. Tief in ihrem Inneren traf sie die Entscheidung: Jack würde niemals erfahren, was in der Nacht ihres 18. Geburtstags passiert war.<</st>>
<<mia>>''OMG! Jack, das ist für mich? ICH LIEBE ES'' Sie öffnete das Geschenk und sah ein wunderschönes, elegantes goldenes Armband.<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Freut mich total, dass es dir gefällt! Wollte dir ja zum Geburtstag was Besonderes besorgen'', sagte Jack, seine Stimme voller Wärme und Zuneigung.<</jk>>
<<st>>Die Freude in Jacks Stimme bohrte sich wie ein spitzes Messer in Mias Gewissen. Ihr war klar, dass er lange gespart hatte, um ihr das perfekte Geschenk zu machen.<</st>>
<<st>>Die Scham brandete wieder in ihr hoch. Wie lange würde sie diese Schuldgefühle noch ertragen können? Gab es irgendetwas, womit sie die letzte Nacht vergessen und einfach mit Jack weiterleben konnte?<</st>>
<<st>>Ein Gedanke schoss Mia plötzlich durch den Kopf. Könnte sie diesen Moment nutzen, um den Fremden und die letzte Nacht einfach zu vergessen? Könnte sie Jack seine Großzügigkeit und das perfekte Geschenk auf sinnliche Weise danken? Vielleicht sogar genau hier, im Park?<</st>>
<<st>>Bei dem Gedanken prickelte es plötzlich verführerisch an Mia. Sie musterte Jack mit einem Grinsen in den Augen, in denen jetzt ein schelmischer Funke tanzte.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Ach Baby'', hauchte Mia und ließ dabei verführerisch die Stimme zittern, ''ich weiß gar nicht, wie ich dir jemals für dieses Geschenk danken soll!''<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Ach halt, stop'', wisperte Mia verführerisch. ''Ich glaube, ich weiß doch, wie ich mich revanchieren kann.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Ohne zu zögern, überbrückte Mia den Abstand zu Jack und presste ihm in einem leidenschaftlichen Kuss ihre Lippen auf.<</st>>
<<st>>Zuerst war Jack von Mias plötzlichem Übereifer völlig perplex.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Was machst du, Mia?'', fragte er verdutzt.<</jk>>
<<st>>Sie hatte so etwas noch nie von sich aus gemacht, und er konnte sich nicht dagegen wehren, dass ihn die Überraschung komplett überrollte. Doch als er in ihre Augen voller Verlangen blickte, konnte er nicht widerstehen. Ohne ein Wort beugte er sich zu ihr hinunter und erwiderte ihren Kuss mit einem sanften, aber leidenschaftlichen Kuss.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia fuhr Jack durch die Haare und küsste ihn. Anfangs waren die Küsse zwar schön und schüchtern, aber das reichte ihr nicht. Nicht nach ihrem leidenschaftlichen Sex mit dem Fremden. Sie wollte Sex mit Jack haben, um die letzte Nacht zu vergessen. Ihre Zungen trafen sich in einem tiefen Kuss, während ihre Leidenschaft immer weiter entflammte. In diesem Moment wusste Mia ganz genau, was sie wollte: Schluss mit der Schüchternheit, Jack sollte jetzt die Führung übernehmen.<</st>>
<<st>>Sie reibt sich an seinem wunderschönen Schwanz auf seinem Schoß. Er steckte seine Hand in ihr Kleid und sie schnappte nach Luft und lachte sinnlich. Jack wurde verrückt, nachdem er ihre feuchte Unterwäsche berührt hatte. Seine Hand bewegte sich höher über die nasse Spitze. Mia stöhnte, als er ihre Klitoris berührte.<</st>>
<<st>>Ihre lauten Stöhner waren ihr egal, selbst wenn sie durch die abgelegene Lichtung im Park hallten und jeder sie hören konnte.Endlich gingen sie zu dem leidenschaftlichen Sex über, nach dem sie sich gesehnt hatte ...<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_jack = true>>
<<button [[Sex...|SexWithjackQuest_2]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>En tenant son cadeau dans vos mains, en le regardant dans les yeux, vous avez réalisé que vous ne vouliez pas perdre ce petit ami fantastique et aimant. Vous avez donc décidé au plus profond de vous-même qu'il ne découvrirait jamais ce qui s'était passé la nuit de votre 18e anniversaire<</st>>
<<mia>>''Oh mon Dieu ! Jack, c'est pour moi ? Je suis FAN !'' Elle ouvrit le cadeau et découvrit un magnifique bracelet doré, d'une élégance folle.<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Je suis trop content qu'il te plaise. Je voulais t'offrir quelque chose de spécial pour ton anniversaire,'' dit-il, la voix pleine de chaleur et d'affection.<</jk>>
<<st>>Elle comprenait qu'il avait économisé pendant un long moment pour lui acheter le cadeau parfait. Et une fois de plus, la honte la submergeait pour son geste.<</st>>
<<st>>Jusqu'à quand allait-elle pouvoir vivre avec cette culpabilité ? Y avait-il un moyen d'oublier la nuit dernière et de continuer sa vie avec Jack ?<</st>>
<<st>>Une idée lumineuse lui traversa soudain l'esprit. Et si elle profitait de ce moment pour oublier l'inconnu et la nuit dernière ? Et si elle exprimait sa reconnaissance envers son copain pour ce cadeau parfait d'une manière plus sensuelle ? Peut-être pouvait-elle le faire ici même, dans le parc ?<</st>>
<<st>>A mesure que l'idée prenait forme dans son esprit, une vague de désir la submergeait. Elle regarda Jack, un éclair de malice dans les yeux.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Je ne sais même pas comment te dire à quel point j'adore ce cadeau, mon coeur,'' susurra Mia, la voix chargée de séduction.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Attends, je crois que je sais comment te remercier.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Sans hésitation, elle combla l'espace qui la séparait de Jack, pressant ses lèvres contre les siennes dans un baiser passionné.<</st>>
<<st>>Surpris par son audace soudaine, Jack resta un moment décontenancé.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Mais qu'est-ce que tu fais, Mia ?'' Elle n'avait jamais pris les devants d'une telle manière auparavant, et il ne put s'empêcher d'être envahi par un sentiment de surprise.<</jk>>
<<st>>Mais en croisant son regard plein de désir, il ne put résister. Sans un mot, il se rapprocha à son tour, répondant à son baiser par un long et doux moment de passion.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia caresse les cheveux de Jack et l'embrasse. Les premiers baisers étaient gentils et timides, mais ce n'est pas ce qu'elle voulait. Pas après ses ébats passionnés avec l'inconnu. Elle voulait faire l'amour avec Jack pour oublier la nuit dernière. Leurs langues dansaient et ils s'embrassaient plus profondément. Mia se rendit compte qu'elle voulait que Jack cesse d'être timide et se mette au travail.<</st>>
<<st>>Elle se frotte à sa superbe bite sur ses genoux. Il a mis sa main dans sa robe, elle a haleté et ri sensuellement. Jack est devenu fou après avoir touché ses sous-vêtements humides. Sa main s'est déplacée plus haut le long de la dentelle humide. Mia a gémi lorsqu'il a touché son clitoris.<</st>>
<<st>>Elle ne s'inquiétait plus de ses gémissements bruyants, qui résonnaient dans la clairière isolée du parc où tout le monde pouvait les entendre. Ils passaient enfin au sexe passionné dont elle avait envie...<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_jack = true>>
<<button [[Le sexe...|SexWithjackQuest_2]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mientras sostenía su regalo entre las manos, mirándole a los ojos, Mia se dio cuenta de que no quería perder a ese novio tan fantástico y cariñoso. Así que decidió en su fuero interno que él nunca se enteraría de lo que había pasado la noche de su 18 cumpleaños.<</st>>
<<mia>>''¡OMG! Jack, ¿esto es para mí? ME ENCANTA'' Abrió el regalo y vio una preciosa y elegante pulsera dorada.<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Me alegro mucho de que te guste. Quería regalarte algo especial por tu cumpleaños'', dijo él, con una voz llena de calidez y afecto.<</jk>>
<<st>>Comprendió que había estado ahorrando durante mucho tiempo para hacerle el regalo perfecto y, una vez más, se sintió avergonzada por lo que había hecho.<</st>>
<<st>>¿Cuánto tiempo podría vivir con esa culpa? ¿Había algo que pudiera hacer para olvidar lo de anoche y seguir adelante con su vida junto a Jack?<</st>>
<<st>>De repente, se le ocurrió una idea. ¿Y si pudiera aprovechar este momento para olvidarse del desconocido y de lo que pasó anoche? ¿Y si pudiera expresar su gratitud a su novio por este regalo perfecto de una manera más sensual? ¿Quizás podría hacerlo aquí mismo, en el parque?<</st>>
<<st>>Mientras la idea se formaba en la mente de Mia, una oleada de deseo la recorrió. Miró a Jack, con un brillo de picardía en los ojos.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Ni siquiera sé cómo expresar lo mucho que me gusta este regalo, cariño'', dijo Mia, con voz seductora.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Oh, espera, supongo que sé cómo agradecértelo''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Sin dudarlo, acortó la distancia entre ella y Jack, presionando sus labios contra los de él en un apasionado beso.<</st>>
<<st>>Al principio, Jack se sorprendió por su repentina audacia.<</st>>
<<jk>>''¿Qué estás haciendo, Mia? Ella nunca había iniciado algo así antes, y él no pudo evitar una sensación de sorpresa.<</jk>>
<<st>>Pero al mirarla a los ojos, llenos de deseo, no pudo resistirse. Sin mediar palabra, se inclinó hacia ella y unió sus labios a los suyos en un beso suave pero apasionado.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia acarició el pelo de Jack y lo besó. Los besos iniciales fueron agradables y tímidos, pero ella no quería eso. No después de su apasionado sexo con el desconocido. Ella quería tener sexo con Jack para olvidar la noche anterior. Sus lenguas bailaron mientras se besaban más profundamente. Mia se dio cuenta de que quería que Jack dejara de ser tímido y se pusiera manos a la obra.<</st>>
<<st>>Ella rechinó contra su preciosa polla en su regazo. Él metió la mano dentro de su vestido, y ella jadeó y rió sensualmente. Jack se volvió loco después de tocar su ropa interior húmeda. Su mano se movió más arriba a lo largo del encaje húmedo. Mia gimió cuando él tocó su clítoris.<</st>>
<<st>>Ya no le preocupaban sus fuertes gemidos, que resonaban en el aislado claro del parque donde cualquiera podía oírlos. Finalmente pasaron al sexo apasionado que ella había estado deseando...<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_jack = true>>
<<button [[Sexo...|SexWithjackQuest_2]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>当她捧着他的礼物,看着他的眼睛时,米娅意识到她不想失去这个奇妙的、深爱着她的男朋友。因此,她在内心深处决定,永远不让他知道她 18 岁生日那天晚上发生的事情。<</st>>
<<jk>>''你在做什么 米娅?'' 她以前从未主动做过这样的事,他不禁感到一阵惊讶。<</jk>>
<<set $quests.quest_jack = true>>
<<button [[性...|SexWithjackQuest_2]]>><</button>>
<</switch>> <video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/forest/forest_5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Doggy style 1|Doggy style 1_forest]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Blow job 1_forest]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Blow job 2_forest]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Cum_forest]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Continue|LastPassageWithJack]]>><</button>>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<jk>>''Mia, I... I'm in shock. I never expected... I mean, you've never done anything like this before.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>//giggles// ''Well, maybe your gift just really inspired me.''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''It's definitely... unexpected. But, uh, I don't even know how to react.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Did my little surprise catch you off guard?'' //teases//<</mia>>
<<jk>>''More than you can imagine. But, Mia, where did all this come from?''<</jk>>
<<mia>>//playfully// ''Are you saying my thank-you wasn't convincing enough? ''//laughs//<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Well, just unexpected unexpected. But it was definitely... a memorable way to thank me.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>//smirks// ''Glad you think so.''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''I wish I could stay longer, Mia. I really do. But I've got to rush off to work. It's just... I've been wanting to spend more time with you lately, especially after everything that's happened.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''I understand, Jack. Duty calls, right?''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Yeah, exactly. But let's plan something for tonight, okay? I really want to see you again.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Sounds good. I'll see you later then.''<</mia>>
<<button [[Leave|Park]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<jk>>''Миа, я... Я в шоке. Я не ожидал... Я имею в виду, ты никогда не делала ничего подобного раньше.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>//хихикает// ''Ну, может быть, твой подарок просто очень вдохновил меня.''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Это определенно... неожиданно. Но я даже не знаю, как реагировать.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Мой маленький сюрприз застал тебя врасплох? '' //Дразнится//<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Больше, чем ты можешь себе представить. Но, Миа, откуда все это взялось?''<</jk>>
<<mia>>//игриво// ''Ты хочешь сказать, что моя благодарность была недостаточно убедительной? ''//смеется//<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Ну, просто неожиданно. Но это был определенно... запоминающийся способ поблагодарить меня.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>//Ухмыляется// ''Рада, что ты так думаешь.''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Я бы хотел остаться подольше, Миа. Очень хотелось бы. Но мне нужно спешить на работу. Просто... В последнее время мне хочется проводить с тобой больше времени, особенно после всего, что произошло.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Я понимаю, Джек. Долг зовет, верно?''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Да, именно так. Но давай запланируем что-нибудь на вечер, хорошо? Я очень хочу увидеть тебя снова.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Звучит неплохо. Тогда увидимся позже.''<</mia>>
<<button [[Уйти|Park]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<jk>>''Mia, ich bin... ich bin total perplex. Damit hätte ich nie gerechnet... ich meine, du warst noch nie so.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>//kichert// ''Naja, vielleicht hat mich dein Geschenk einfach nur mega inspiriert.''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Das ist auf jeden Fall... unerwartet. Aber, ähm, ich weiß gar nicht, wie ich reagieren soll.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>//neckt// ''Hat dich meine kleine Überraschung etwa aus der Fassung gebracht?''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Mehr, als du dir vorstellen kannst. Aber Mia, woher kommt das denn plötzlich?''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Willst du damit sagen, mein Dankeschön war nicht überzeugend genug?''//lacht//<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Naja, einfach nur unerwartet. Aber es war definitiv... ein unvergesslicher Weg, sich zu bedanken.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>//grinst// ''Freut mich zu hören.''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Ich wünschte, ich könnte länger bleiben, Mia. Wirklich. Aber ich muss jetzt los zur Arbeit. Es ist nur... ich wollte in letzter Zeit einfach mehr Zeit mit dir verbringen, besonders nach allem, was passiert ist.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Verstehe ich, Jack. Pflicht ruft, was?''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Genau. Aber lass uns doch was für heute Abend planen, okay? Ich will dich unbedingt wiedersehen.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Klingt gut. Bis später dann.''<</mia>>
<<button [[Verlassen|Park]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<jk>>''Mia, je... Je suis sous le choc. Je ne m'attendais pas... Je veux dire, tu n'as jamais fait quelque chose comme ça avant.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>//ricane// ''Eh bien, peut-être que ton don m'a vraiment inspiré''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''C'est vraiment... inattendu. Mais je ne sais pas comment réagir.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Est-ce que ma petite surprise t'a pris au dépourvu ? '' //taquine//<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Plus que tu ne peux l'imaginer. Mais, Mia, d'où vient tout cela ?''<</jk>>
<<mia>>//Enjouée// ''Tu veux dire que mes remerciements n'étaient pas assez convaincants ? ''//rires//<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Eh bien, c'est juste inattendu. Mais c'était vraiment... une façon mémorable de me remercier.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>//sourit// ''Heureuse que tu le penses.''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''J'aimerais pouvoir rester plus longtemps, Mia. J'aimerais vraiment. Mais je dois me dépêcher d'aller travailler. C'est juste que... J'ai envie de passer plus de temps avec toi ces derniers temps, surtout après tout ce qui s'est passé.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>Je comprends, Jack. Le devoir m'appelle, n'est-ce pas ?<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Oui, exactement. Mais prévoyons quelque chose pour ce soir, d'accord ? J'ai vraiment envie de te revoir.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''C'est bien. On se voit plus tard alors.''<</mia>>
<<button [[Partir|Park]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<jk>>''Mia, yo... Estoy en shock. Nunca esperé... Quiero decir, nunca habías hecho algo así antes.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>//risas// ''Bueno, quizás tu don me ha inspirado mucho.''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Es definitivamente... inesperado. Pero ni siquiera sé cómo reaccionar.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''¿Te ha pillado desprevenida mi sorpresita?'' //se burla//<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Más de lo que te imaginas. Pero, Mia, ¿de dónde ha salido todo esto?''<</jk>>
<<mia>>//juguetonamente// ''¿Estás diciendo que mi agradecimiento no fue lo suficientemente convincente? ''//ríe//<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Bueno, simplemente inesperado. Pero sin duda fue... una forma memorable de darme las gracias.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>//sonríe// ''Me alegro de que pienses así.''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Ojalá pudiera quedarme más tiempo, Mia. De verdad que sí. Pero tengo que irme corriendo a trabajar. Es que... Últimamente me apetece pasar más tiempo contigo, sobre todo después de todo lo que ha pasado.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Lo entiendo, Jack. El deber me llama, ¿verdad?''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Sí, exactamente. Pero planeemos algo para esta noche, ¿vale? Tengo muchas ganas de volver a verte.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Me parece bien. Te veré más tarde entonces.''<</mia>>
<<button [[Deja|Park]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<jk>>''米娅,我... 我很震惊 我没想到... 我是说,你以前从没做过这样的事。''<</jk>>
<<mia>>//咯咯笑// ''咯咯好吧,也许你的天赋真的启发了我。''<</mia>>
<<mia>>''我的小惊喜让你措手不及吗?'' //戏弄//<</mia>>
<<jk>>''超乎你的想象 但是,米娅,这一切从何而来?''<</jk>>
<<mia>>//嬉皮笑脸地// ''你是说我的感谢不够有说服力吗?''//笑声//<</mia>>
<<mia>>//傻笑// ''很高兴你这么想。''<</mia>>
<<jk>>'我希望我能待久一点,米娅。真的 但我得赶着去上班了。只是... 最近我一直想多陪陪你,尤其是发生了这么多事之后。''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''我理解,杰克 职责所在,对吧?''<</mia>>
<<button [[离开|Park]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
@@.text-normal;Cafe closed for $is_cafe_closed days.@@
<<case "RU">>
@@.text-normal;Кафе закрыто в течение $is_cafe_closed дней.@@
<<case "GE">>
@@.text-normal;Cafe geschlossen für $is_cafe_closed Tage.@@
<<button[[Verlassen Sie|City]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
@@.text-normal;Café fermé pour les jours $is_cafe_closed.@@
<<case "ES">>
@@.text-normal;Café cerrado durante los días $is_cafe_closed.@@
<<case "CH">>
@@.text-normal;咖啡馆在 $is_cafe_closed 日关闭。@@
<</switch>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
</script><</if>><<set $canTravel =1>><<button[[Leave|Wardobe]]>><</button>>
<<if $clothes_top_mia.includes('verh') || $clothes_bottom_mia.includes('niz')>><<set $clothes_top_mia = '0.2.6/clothes/work/verh/v0.png'>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia = '0.2.6/clothes/work/niz/n0.png'>><<set $mia.bea -= $beauty_saver_niz>><<set $mia.bea -= $beauty_saver_verh>><<set $beauty_saver_niz = 0>><<set $beauty_saver_verh = 0>><</if>>
<<set _stats to Object.keys($wear.platiya)>>
<div class="container platiya">
<<for _stat range _stats>>
<<if $wear.platiya[_stat].is_bought == 1>>
<div class="item platiya">
<div class="img item">[img[$wear.platiya[_stat].path]]</div>
<<set _wear_beauty = $wear.platiya[_stat].beauty>>
<div class="button buy"><<capture _wear_beauty $wear.platiya[_stat].path_verh $wear.platiya[_stat].path_niz>><<link `"Beauty + " + _wear_beauty` "SetOfClothes">>
<<set $clothes_top_mia = $wear.platiya[_stat].path_verh>>
<<set $clothes_bottom_mia = $wear.platiya[_stat].path_niz>>
<<set $mia.bea -= $beauty_saver_pl>>
<<set $mia.bea += _wear_beauty>>
<<set $beauty_saver_pl = _wear_beauty>>
<<if $clothes_top_mia.includes('pl') || $clothes_bottom_mia.includes('pl')>><<set $clothes_top_mia = '0.2.6/clothes/work/verh/v0.png'>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia = '0.2.6/clothes/work/niz/n0.png'>><<set $mia.bea -= $beauty_saver_pl>><<set $beauty_saver_pl = 0>><</if>>
<<set _stats to Object.keys($wear.verh)>>
<div class="container niz verh">
<<for _stat range _stats>>
<<if $wear.verh[_stat].is_bought == 1>>
<div class="item">
<div class="img item">[img[$wear.verh[_stat].path]]</div>
<<set _wear_beauty = $wear.verh[_stat].beauty>>
<div class="button buy"><<capture _wear_beauty $wear.verh[_stat].path>><<link `"Beauty + " + _wear_beauty` "VerhClothes">>
<<set $clothes_top_mia = $wear.verh[_stat].path>>
<<set $mia.bea -= $beauty_saver_verh>>
<<set $mia.bea += _wear_beauty>>
<<set $beauty_saver_verh = _wear_beauty>>
<<if $clothes_top_mia.includes('pl') || $clothes_bottom_mia.includes('pl')>><<set $clothes_top_mia = '0.2.6/clothes/work/verh/v0.png'>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia = '0.2.6/clothes/work/niz/n0.png'>><<set $mia.bea -= $beauty_saver_pl>><<set $beauty_saver_pl = 0>><</if>>
<<set _stats to Object.keys($wear.niz)>>
<div class="container niz verh">
<<for _stat range _stats>>
<<if $wear.niz[_stat].is_bought == 1>>
<div class="item">
<div class="img item">[img[$wear.niz[_stat].path]]</div>
<<set _wear_beauty = $wear.niz[_stat].beauty>>
<div class="button buy"><<capture _wear_beauty $wear.niz[_stat].path>><<link `"Beauty + " + _wear_beauty` "NizClothes">>
<<set $clothes_bottom_mia = $wear.niz[_stat].path>>
<<set $mia.bea -= $beauty_saver_niz>>
<<set $mia.bea += _wear_beauty>>
<<set $beauty_saver_niz = _wear_beauty>>
<<set _stats to Object.keys($wear.platiya)>>
<div class="container platiya">
<<for _i = 0; _i < _stats.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<if $wear.platiya[_stats[_i]].is_bought == 0>>
<div class="item platiya">
<div class="img item">[img[$wear.platiya[_stats[_i]].path]]</div>
<<set $wear_price = $wear.platiya[_stats[_i]].price>>
<<if $mia.money >=$wear_price>>
<div class="button buy"><<linkreplace `"Buy for "+" $wear_price"`>><<set $wear.platiya[_stats[_i]].is_bought = 1>><<set $mia.money -=$wear.platiya[_stats[_i]].price>><<goto SetOfClothes_Store>><</linkreplace>></div>
<div class="button buy"><<link `"Needed "+" $wear_price"`>><</link>></div>
</div><<set $canTravel =1>><<button[[Leave|Clothing_Store]]>><</button>>
<<set _stats to Object.keys($wear.verh)>>
<div class="container niz verh">
<<for _i = 0; _i < _stats.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<if $wear.verh[_stats[_i]].is_bought == 0>>
<div class="item">
<div class="img item">[img[$wear.verh[_stats[_i]].path]]</div>
<<set $wear_price = $wear.verh[_stats[_i]].price>>
<<if $mia.money >=$wear_price>>
<div class="button buy"><<linkreplace `"Buy for "+" $wear_price"`>><<set $wear.verh[_stats[_i]].is_bought = 1>><<set $mia.money -=$wear.verh[_stats[_i]].price>><<goto VerhClothes_Store>><</linkreplace>></div>
<div class="button buy"><<link `"Needed "+" $wear_price"`>><</link>></div>
</div><<set $canTravel =1>>
<<set _stats to Object.keys($wear.niz)>>
<div class="container niz verh">
<<for _i = 0; _i < _stats.length; _i++>>
<<capture _i>>
<<if $wear.niz[_stats[_i]].is_bought == 0>>
<div class="item">
<div class="img item">[img[$wear.niz[_stats[_i]].path]]</div>
<<set $wear_price = $wear.niz[_stats[_i]].price>>
<<if $mia.money >=$wear_price>>
<div class="button buy"><<linkreplace `"Buy for "+" $wear_price"`>><<set $wear.niz[_stats[_i]].is_bought = 1>><<set $mia.money -=$wear.niz[_stats[_i]].price>><<goto NizClothes_store>><</linkreplace>></div>
<div class="button buy"><<link `"Needed "+" $wear_price"`>><</link>></div>
</div><<set $canTravel =1>><div class="center-text">You looked in the mirror and saw what you looked like.
<span class="smaller2">
<<button[[Leave|Wardobe]]>><</button>><<set $mia.exp+=35>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<set $mia.bea +=1>><<set $active_quests.q18=true>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia's future boss is interviewing her. It only takes five minutes of talking for him to figure out that she has never worked before. This could make for an interesting story.<</st>>
<<boss>>Now, Mia, you've never worked before, so why do you want to start now?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Well, I'm studying in College and am now looking for my first job.<</mia>>
<<boss>>//*mockingly sighs*// I understand. What do you think? Are you sure you can handle our customers? Our guests can be pretty... demanding.<</boss>>
<<mia>>I'm not sure, but I think I can learn quickly. I try to learn from my mistakes and be responsible.<</mia>>
<<boss>>//*raises eyebrow*// Ready to learn, you say? Could you show us that you're willing to learn?<</boss>>
<<mia>>I don't know what to say. I just want to work and learn. I don't believe my skills can be used somewhere else.<</mia>>
<<boss>>//*laughs*// Okay, Mia, we'll think about you. But keep in mind that our clients are very picky, and even the smallest mistake can go badly. Trust me, you don't want things to go wrong.<</boss>>
<<mia>>I promise I'll be very careful, I'll try my best.<</mia>>
<<boss>>All right. Don't forget that if something goes wrong, you will not only let me down, but you will also be punished.<</boss>>
<<mia>>I get it. I'll try my best not to fail, boss.<</mia>>
<<st>>//Now Mia can work as a waitress. Job in Cafe consists of three parts. By leveraging ''exp work'' and corruption you help the Cafe change and get spicier.//<</st>>
<<set $is_need_find_work = 1>><<set $quests.quest_find_work = true>>
<<button [[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "Perks exp + 35">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Beauty + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Будущий босс Мии берет у нее интервью. Ему достаточно пяти минут разговора, чтобы понять, что она никогда раньше не работала. Из этого могла бы получиться интересная история.<</st>>
<<boss>>Миа, ты никогда раньше не работала, так почему ты хочешь начать сейчас?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ну, я учусь в колледже и сейчас ищу свою первую работу.<</mia>>
<<boss>>//*насмешливо вздыхает*// Понятно, а вы думаете сможете справиться с нашими клиентами? Наши гости могут быть довольно... требовательными.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Я не уверена, но думаю, что смогу быстро научиться. Я стараюсь учиться на своих ошибках и нести ответственность.<</mia>>
<<boss>> //*поднимает бровь*// Готовы учиться, говорите? Не могли бы вы показать нам, чему вы готовы учиться?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Я не уверена про что вы спрашиваете. Я просто хочу работать и учиться. Но я уверена что у меня получиться.<</mia>>
<<boss>>//*смеется*// Хорошо, Миа, я подумаю. Но имейте в виду, что наши клиенты очень разборчивы, и даже малейшая ошибка может обернуться плачевно. Поверьте мне, вы не хотите, чтобы что-то пошло не так.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Обещаю, я буду очень осторожна и постараюсь изо всех сил.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Хорошо. Не забывай, что если что-то пойдет не так, ты не только меня подведешь, но и будешь наказана.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Я понимаю. Я сделаю все возможное, чтобы не потерпеть неудачу, босс.<</mia>>
<<st>>Теперь Миа может работать официанткой. Работа в кафе состоит из трех частей. Увеличивайте ''exp work'' и коррупцию. Чем выше показатели тем больше Кафе измениться и станет пикантней.<</st>>
<<set $is_need_find_work = 1>><<set $quests.quest_find_work = true>>
<<button [[Уйти|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "Опыт перков + 35">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Фитнесс + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Красота + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mias zukünftiger Chef führt gerade ihr Vorstellungsgespräch. Es dauert keine fünf Minuten, bis er herausfindet, dass sie noch nie gearbeitet hat. Das könnte eine interessante Geschichte ergeben.<</st>>
<<boss>>Also, Mia, du hast noch nie gearbeitet, warum willst du jetzt anfangen?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Na ja, ich studiere an der Uni und suche jetzt meinen ersten Job.<</mia>>
<<boss>>//*seufzt spöttisch*// Verstehe. Was denkst du denn? Bist du dir sicher, dass du mit unseren Kunden klar kommst? Unsere Gäste können ganz schön... anspruchsvoll sein.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ich bin mir nicht sicher, aber ich glaube, ich kann schnell lernen. Ich versuche aus meinen Fehlern zu lernen und verantwortungsbewusst zu sein.<</mia>>
<<boss>>//*zieht die Augenbraue hoch*// Lernwillig, sagst du? Könntest du uns zeigen, dass du bereit bist zu lernen?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ich weiß nicht, was ich sagen soll. Ich will einfach nur arbeiten und lernen. Ich glaube nicht, dass meine Fähigkeiten woanders eingesetzt werden können.<</mia>>
<<boss>>//*lacht*// Okay, Mia, wir werden an dich denken. Aber vergiss nicht, dass unsere Kunden sehr wählerisch sind und selbst der kleinste Fehler kann übel ausgehen. Vertrau mir, du willst nicht, dass etwas schiefgeht.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ich verspreche, ich werde sehr vorsichtig sein, ich gebe mein Bestes.<</mia>>
<<boss>>In Ordnung. Vergiss nicht, wenn etwas schiefgeht, lässt du mich nicht nur im Stich, sondern wirst auch bestraft.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Ich verstehe. Ich werde mein Bestes geben, um nicht zu versagen, Chef.<</mia>>
<<st>>Jetzt kann Mia als Kellnerin arbeiten. Der Job im Café besteht aus drei Teilen. Indem du ''Exp Work'' und ein bisschen Auflockerung nutzt, kannst du dem Café helfen, sich zu verändern und etwas pikanter zu werden!<</st>>
<<set $is_need_find_work = 1>><<set $quests.quest_find_work = true>>
<<button [[Verlassen Sie|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 35">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Schönheit + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Le futur patron de Mia lui fait passer un entretien. Il lui suffit de cinq minutes de conversation pour comprendre qu'elle n'a jamais travaillé auparavant. Cela pourrait donner lieu à une histoire intéressante.<</st>>
<<boss>>Mia, vous n'avez jamais travaillé auparavant, alors pourquoi voulez-vous commencer maintenant ?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Je suis étudiante à l'université et je suis à la recherche de mon premier emploi.<</mia>>
<<boss>>//*soupir moqueur*// Je comprends. Qu'en penses-tu ? Es-tu sûre de pouvoir gérer nos clients ? Nos clients peuvent être assez... exigeants.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Je ne suis pas sûre, mais je pense que je peux apprendre rapidement. J'essaie d'apprendre de mes erreurs et d'être responsable.<</mia>>
<<boss>>//*Il hausse les sourcils*// Prêt à apprendre, tu dis ? Peux-tu nous montrer que tu es prête à //apprendre//?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Je ne sais pas quoi dire. Je veux juste travailler et apprendre. Je ne crois pas que mes compétences puissent être utilisées ailleurs.<</mia>>
<<boss>>//*rires*// D'accord, Mia, nous allons penser à toi. Mais gardez à l'esprit que nos clients sont très pointilleux et que la moindre erreur peut mal tourner. Croyez-moi, on ne peut pas faire n'importe quoi.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Je promets d'être très prudente, je ferai de mon mieux.<</mia>>
<<boss>>D'accord. N'oublie pas que si quelque chose tourne mal, non seulement tu me décevras, mais tu seras également punie.<</boss>>
<<mia>>J'ai compris. Je ferai de mon mieux pour ne pas échouer, patron.<</mia>>
<<st>>//Maintenant, Mia peut travailler comme serveuse. Le travail au Café se compose de trois parties. En misant sur le ''travail d'exp'' et la corruption, vous aidez le Café à changer et à devenir plus épicé.//<</st>>
<<set $is_need_find_work = 1>><<set $quests.quest_find_work = true>>
<<button [[Partir|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "Avantages exp + 35">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Beauté + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>El futuro jefe de Mia la está entrevistando. Sólo le lleva cinco minutos de conversación darse cuenta de que ella nunca ha trabajado antes. Esto podría dar lugar a una historia interesante.<</st>>
<<boss>>Ahora, Mia, nunca has trabajado antes, entonces, ¿por qué quieres empezar ahora?<</boss>>
<<mia>>Bueno, estoy estudiando en la universidad y ahora estoy buscando mi primer trabajo.<</mia>>
<<boss>>//*suspira burlonamente*// Entiendo. ¿Qué opinas? ¿Está seguro de que puede atender a nuestros clientes? Nuestros invitados pueden ser bastante... exigentes.<</boss>>
<<mia>>No estoy segura, pero creo que puedo aprender rápidamente. Intento aprender de mis errores y ser responsable.<</mia>>
<<boss>>//*levanta la ceja*// ¿Estás listo para aprender, dices? ¿Podrías demostrarnos que estás dispuesto a aprender?<</boss>>
<<mia>>No sé que decir. Sólo quiero trabajar y aprender. No creo que mis habilidades puedan usarse en ningún otro lugar.<</mia>>
<<boss>> //*risas*// Está bien, Mia, pensaremos en ti. Pero tenga en cuenta que nuestros clientes son muy exigentes e incluso el error más pequeño puede salir mal. Créame, no quiere que las cosas salgan mal.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Prometo que tendré mucho cuidado, haré lo mejor que pueda.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Está bien. No olvides que si algo sale mal, no sólo me decepcionarás, sino que también serás castigado.<</boss>>
<<mia>>lo entiendo. Haré lo mejor que pueda para no fallar, jefe.<</mia>>
<<st>>//Ahora Mia puede trabajar como camarera. El trabajo en el Café consta de tres partes. Aprovechando el ''trabajo exp'' y la corrupción ayudas a que el Café cambie y se vuelva más picante.//<</st>>
<<set $is_need_find_work = 1>><<set $quests.quest_find_work = true>>
<<button [[Deja|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 35">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Belleza + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>米娅未来的老板正在面试她。 只聊了五分钟,他就知道她以前从来没有工作过。 这可能会成为一个有趣的故事。<</st>>
<<boss>>//*嘲讽地叹了口气*//我明白了。 你怎么认为? 你确定你能应付我们的客户吗? 我们的客人可能要求相当高。<</boss>>
<<mia>>我不确定,但我想我可以学得很快。 我尝试从错误中吸取教训并承担责任。<</mia>>
<<boss>>//*扬起眉毛*//你说准备好学习了吗? 你能向我们表明你愿意学习吗?<</boss>>
<<mia>>我不知道该说什么。 我只想工作和学习。 我不相信我的技能可以用在其他地方。<</mia>>
<<boss>>//*笑//好的*//,米娅,我们会考虑你的。 但请记住,我们的客户非常挑剔,即使是最小的错误也可能导致严重后果。 相信我,你不希望事情出错。<</boss>>
<<boss>>好的。 别忘了,如果出了什么问题,你不仅会让我失望,你也会受到惩罚。<</boss>>
<<mia>>我明白了。 我会尽力不失败的,老板。<</mia>>
<<st>>//现在米娅可以做服务员了。 咖啡馆的工作由三个部分组成。 通过利用''经验工作''和腐败,你可以帮助咖啡馆改变并变得更加辛辣。//<</st>>
<<set $is_need_find_work = 1>><<set $quests.quest_find_work = true>>
<<button [[离开|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "福利消耗 + 35">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "健身 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "美容 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</switch>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
</script><</if>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Here you can see in which direction the game will develop. If you have any ideas or feedback, you can always write in the comments to the game or on our patreon.
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<st>>''New locations:''
— Red light district (City)
— Uncle house (City)
— College Avenue (City)
— Toilets (Mall)
— Bits of memory (Park)<</st>>
<<st>>''Main content:''
— Storyline
— Rebalancing game mechanics
— New job as a masseuse
— And a lot of new content<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|City]]>><</button>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Здесь вы можете увидеть, в каком направлении будет развиваться игра. Если у вас есть какие-то идеи или отзывы, вы всегда можете написать в комментариях к игре или на нашем patreon.
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<st>>''Новые места:''
— Район красных фонарей (город)
— Дядин дом (город)
— Колледж-авеню (город)
— Туалеты (торговый центр)
— Биты памяти (Парк)<</st>>
<<st>>''Основное содержание:''
— Сюжетная линия
— Перебалансировка игровой механики
— Новая работа в качестве массажиста
— И много нового контента<</st>>
<<button [[Уйти|City]]>><</button>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Hier kannst du sehen, in welche Richtung sich das Spiel entwickeln wird. Wenn du Ideen oder Feedback hast, kannst du sie gerne in den Kommentaren zum Spiel oder auf unserem Patreon hinterlassen.
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<st>>''Neue Orte:''
— Rotlichtviertel (Stadt)
— Onkelhaus (Stadt)
— College-Allee (Stadt)
— Toiletten (Einkaufszentrum)
— Erinnerungsfetzen (Park)<</st>>
— Handlung
— Neuausrichtung der Spielmechanik
— Neuer Job als Masseurin
— Und eine Menge neuer Inhalte<</st>>
<<button [[Verlassen|City]]>><</button>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Ici, vous pouvez voir dans quelle direction le jeu va évoluer. Si vous avez des idées ou des commentaires, vous pouvez toujours écrire dans les commentaires du jeu ou sur notre patreon.
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<st>>''Nouveaux locaux:''
- Quartier rouge (Ville)
- Maison de l'oncle (Ville)
- Avenue du collège (Ville)
- Toilettes (Centre commercial)
- Bits de mémoire (Parc)<</st>>
<<st>>''Contenu principal:''
- "Storyline" (scénario)
- Rééquilibrage des mécanismes de jeu
- Nouveau travail de masseuse
- Et beaucoup de nouveau contenu<</st>>
<<button [[Partir|City]]>><</button>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Aquí puedes ver en qué dirección se desarrollará el juego. Si tienes alguna idea o comentario, siempre puedes escribir en los comentarios del juego o en nuestro patreon.
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<st>>''Nuevas ubicaciones:''
— Barrio rojo (Ciudad)
— Tío casa (Ciudad)
— College Avenue (Ciudad)
— Aseos (Centro comercial)
— Bits de memoria (Park)<</st>>
<<st>>''Contenido principal:''
— Storyline
— Reequilibrio de las mecánicas de juego
— Nuevo trabajo como masajista
— Y muchos contenidos nuevos<</st>>
<<button [[Vete|City]]>><</button>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>在这里,你可以看到游戏的发展方向。如果您有任何想法或反馈,可以随时写在游戏评论中或我们的 patreon 上。
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
— 红灯区(城市)
— 叔叔的房子(城市)
— 学院大道(城市)
— 厕所(购物中心)
— 记忆点滴(公园)<</st>>
— 故事情节
— 重新平衡游戏机制
— 按摩师新工作
— 大量新内容<</st>>
<<button [[走开|City]]>><</button>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<button[[Fitness Centre|Fitness_Centre]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Clothing Store|Clothing_Store]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Sex Shop|Sex_Shop]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Electronics Store|Electronics_store]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|City]]>><</button>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
</script><</if>><<set $clothes_top_mia=$top_wear_saver>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia=$niz_wear_saver>>
<<case "RU">>
<<button[[Магазин одежды|Clothing_Store]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Магазин электроники|Electronics_store]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Уйти|City]]>><</button>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
</script><</if>><<set $clothes_top_mia=$top_wear_saver>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia=$niz_wear_saver>>
<<case "GE">>
<<button[[Sex Shop|Sex_Shop]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Verlassen|City]]>><</button>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
</script><</if>><<set $clothes_top_mia=$top_wear_saver>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia=$niz_wear_saver>>
<<case "FR">>
<<button[[Centre de fitness|Fitness_Centre]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Magasin de vêtements|Clothing_Store]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Sex Shop|Sex_Shop]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Magasin d'électronique|Electronics_store]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Partir|City]]>><</button>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
</script><</if>><<set $clothes_top_mia=$top_wear_saver>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia=$niz_wear_saver>>
<<case "ES">>
<<button[[Tienda de ropa|Clothing_Store]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Sex Shop|Sex_Shop]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Tienda de electrónica|Electronics_store]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Vete|City]]>><</button>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
</script><</if>><<set $clothes_top_mia=$top_wear_saver>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia=$niz_wear_saver>>
<<case "CH">>
<<button[[走开|City]]>><</button>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
</script><</if>><<set $clothes_top_mia=$top_wear_saver>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia=$niz_wear_saver>>
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>>
<<if $quests.brothel_place_2==true and $quests.brothel_place_3==false>><<goto Brothel_Place_3>><</if>><<if $quests.brothel_money_4==true and $quests.brothel_money_5==false>><<goto Brothel_Money_5>><</if>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">><<if $quests.quest_cafe_elein==true and $quests.quest_maskarad==false>><<goto 13_quest_maskarad>><</if>>
<<st>>For now only for the quest. The rest of the content is already in development.
Did you enjoy the game and want more content? Support us!
Stay tuned for updates, share your comments and ideas. We'd love to hear your feedback!
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<button [[Leave|City]]>><</button>>
<<if $quests.quest_wallet == true and $quests.quest_return_wallet == false>><<goto Return_wallet_quest_4>><</if>>
<<case "RU">><<if $quests.quest_cafe_elein==true and $quests.quest_maskarad==false>><<goto 13_quest_maskarad>><</if>>
<<st>>Пока только для квеста. Остальной контент уже в разработке.
Вам понравилась игра и вы хотите больше контента? Поддержите нас!
Следите за обновлениями, делитесь своими комментариями и идеями. Мы будем рады услышать ваши отзывы!
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<button [[Уйти|City]]>><</button>>
<<if $quests.quest_wallet == true and $quests.quest_return_wallet == false>><<goto Return_wallet_quest_4>><</if>>
<<case "GE">><<if $quests.quest_cafe_elein==true and $quests.quest_maskarad==false>><<goto 13_quest_maskarad>><</if>>
<<st>>Für jetzt nur für die Quest. Der Rest des Inhalts befindet sich bereits in Entwicklung.
Hat dir das Spiel gefallen und möchtest du mehr Inhalte? Unterstütze uns!
Bleib dran für Updates, teile deine Kommentare und Ideen. Wir würden gerne dein Feedback hören!
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<button [[Verlassen|City]]>><</button>>
<<if $quests.quest_wallet == true and $quests.quest_return_wallet == false>><<goto Return_wallet_quest_4>><</if>>
<<case "FR">><<if $quests.quest_cafe_elein==true and $quests.quest_maskarad==false>><<goto 13_quest_maskarad>><</if>>
<<st>>Pour l'instant, il s'agit uniquement de la quête. Le reste du contenu est déjà en cours de développement.
Vous avez aimé le jeu et vous voulez plus de contenu ? Soutenez-nous !
Restez à l'écoute des mises à jour, partagez vos commentaires et vos idées. Nous sommes ravis d'entendre vos commentaires !
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<button [[Partir|City]]>><</button>>
<<if $quests.quest_wallet == true and $quests.quest_return_wallet == false>><<goto Return_wallet_quest_4>><</if>>
<<case "ES">><<if $quests.quest_cafe_elein==true and $quests.quest_maskarad==false>><<goto 13_quest_maskarad>><</if>>
<<st>>Por ahora sólo para la búsqueda. El resto del contenido ya está en desarrollo.
¿Te ha gustado el juego y quieres más contenido? ¡Apóyanos!
Permanece atento a las actualizaciones, comparte tus comentarios e ideas. Nos encantará recibir tus comentarios.
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<button [[Deja|City]]>><</button>>
<<if $quests.quest_wallet == true and $quests.quest_return_wallet == false>><<goto Return_wallet_quest_4>><</if>>
<<case "CH">><<if $quests.quest_cafe_elein==true and $quests.quest_maskarad==false>><<goto 13_quest_maskarad>><</if>>
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<button [[离开|City]]>><</button>>
<<if $quests.quest_wallet == true and $quests.quest_return_wallet == false>><<goto Return_wallet_quest_4>><</if>>
<</switch>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
</script><</if>><<set $canTravel =1>><<set $mia.exp +=20>><<set $mia.fit+=1>><<set $mia.money+=100>><<set $active_quests.q4=true>>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Returning home, Mia entered her room after her conversation with Jack, replaying the events of her 18th birthday in her mind repeatedly. Oh God, where was her mind last night? The guilt of cheating on him with a stranger weighed heavily on her. Covering her face with her hands, she couldn't shake off the overwhelming shame of her actions.<</st>>
<<st>>Suddenly, noises downstairs interrupted her thoughts. It sounded like her parents had returned. With a sigh, she left her room to greet them and ask about their vacation. As she left her room, her parents greeted her warmly in the hallway.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Hey there, sweetheart! How are you? Did you have fun while we were gone?'' - She squizzed you in a warm hug, smiling happily at seeing you again.<</mom>>
<<mom>>''Oh, and where's Thomas? Doesn’t he want to see his parents?''<</mom>>
<<dad>>''Your mother forgot to ask, did you have fun on your birthday?'' - Dad's eyes twinkled affectionately.<</dad>>
<<st>>Mia managed a weak smile, trying to hide her inner turmoil.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Yeah, it was alright. I had fun hanging out.'' - Your words were accompanied by a subtle sigh, betraying the emotional weight you carried.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''I think Thomas went out for a while, but he’ll return later. But come on, how was your trip? Tell me all the details!'' - She tried to steer the conversation away from yourself, wanting to hear about her parents' adventures.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Our trip was fantastic! We had such a great time. Oh, and your dad here had a bit too much fun with the beer.''<</mom>>
<<dad>>''Hey, it was vacation! Can't blame a guy for enjoying himself.'' - Mom playfully nudged Dad, and their laughter filled the room.<</dad>>
<<mom>>''But seriously, where's your brother?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Hmm, I don't know. Probably out running errands or something. He'll be back soon, I'm sure.''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''All right, all right! Again, how was your birthday, sweetie?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>//blushing slightly// ''It went well, thanks. Spent a fun time with my friends. Oh, and Jack gave me a really nice gift.''<</mia>>
<<mom>>''That's lovely! Jack always has such thoughtful gifts.''<</mom>>
<<dad>>''Do you have any photos from yesterday's outing?''<</dad>>
<<st>>She remembered that she had a couple of decent photos with her friends before things got wild.<</st>>
<<mia>>''I'll grab the phone from my room now and show you some photos.''<</mia>>
<<st>>As Mia entered her room, she noticed that her phone had fallen off her bed onto the floor. Bending to pick it up, she spotted a small, dark object under her bed.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia's heart quickened as she realized it was the stranger’s wallet from last night. She couldn't help but wonder how he could have forgotten it and why she hadn't noticed it before. Thoughts raced through her mind about what to do next.<</st>>
<<st>>Suddenly, Mia flinched when she heard her mom calling from downstairs, urging her to show the photos before they headed off to rest. Feeling overwhelmed, Mia hides the wallet under her pillow and decides to deal with this situation in a few minutes.<</st>>
<<st>>She showed her parents some photos, and they headed off to unwind. Once they were out of sight, she returned to her room and retrieved the stranger's wallet.<</st>>
<<st>>Instantly, Mia notices it's an expensive leather wallet, inside of which lies a thousand dollars. A whole grand? Wow, she thinks, who carries around a thousand bucks in cash?<</st>>
<<st>>For a moment, the sight of the money captivates her, and she finds herself wrestling with the idea of keeping it. After all, if this guy casually carries around a grand, perhaps he wouldn't notice it's missing. What should she do?<</st>>
<<button [[Take the money|Wallet_quest_3_take_money]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave money there|Wallet_quest_3_leave_money]]>><</button>><<flash "Perks exp + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money + 100">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Вернувшись домой, Мия вошла в свою комнату после разговора с Джеком, мысленно повторяя события своего 18-го дня рождения. Боже мой, о чем она думала вчера ночью? Вина за измену ему с незнакомцем тяжким грузом легла на неё. Закрыв лицо руками, она не могла отделаться от подавляющего стыда за свои поступки.<</st>>
<<st>>Внезапно её мысли прервали какие-то шумы внизу. Казалось, родители вернулись. Вздохнув, она вышла из комнаты, чтобы поприветствовать их и спросить об отдыхе. Выходя из комнаты, в коридоре её тепло встретили родители.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Привет, дорогая! Как ты? Хорошо провела время, пока нас не было?'' - Она крепко обняла Мию, счастливо улыбаясь, увидев ее снова.<</mom>>
<<mom>>''А где Томас? Неужели он не хочет увидеть своих родителей?''<</mom>>
<<dad>>''Твоя мама забыла спросить, хорошо ли ты повеселилась на свой день рождения?'' - Глаза папы ласково сверкнули.<</dad>>
<<st>>Мия выдавила слабую улыбку, пытаясь скрыть внутреннее смятение.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Да, в принципе нормально. Весело проводила время.'' - Её слова сопровождались легким вздохом, выдававшим эмоциональный груз, который она несла.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Кажется, Томас ненадолго вышел, но скоро вернется. Но расскажите, как прошла ваша поездка? Расскажите мне все подробности!'' - Она попыталась перевести разговор с себя, желая услышать о приключениях родителей.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Наша поездка была фантастической! Мы отлично провели время. О, а твой отец немного переусердствовал с пивом.''<</mom>>
<<dad>>''Эй, это был отпуск! Нельзя винить парня за то, что он хорошо проводит время.'' - Мама игриво толкнула папу, и их смех наполнил комнату.<</dad>>
<<mom>>''Но серьезно, где твой брат?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Ммм, не знаю. Наверное, вышел по делам или еще куда-нибудь. Он скоро вернется, я уверена.''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Ладно, ладно! Опять же, как прошел твой день рождения, дорогая?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>//слегка краснея// ''Все прошло хорошо, спасибо. Весело провела время с друзьями. О, и Джек сделал мне очень хороший подарок.''<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Это прекрасно! У Джека всегда такие продуманные подарки.''<</mom>>
<<dad>>''У тебя есть фотографии со вчерашнего выхода?''<</dad>>
<<st>>Она вспомнила, что у нее было пару приличных фотографий с подругами, прежде чем все пошло не по плану.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Сейчас возьму телефон из комнаты и покажу вам несколько фотографий.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Войдя в комнату, Мия заметила, что её телефон упал с кровати на пол. Наклонившись, чтобы поднять его, она увидела под кроватью небольшой темный предмет.<</st>>
<<st>>Сердце Мии учащенно забилось, когда она поняла, что это кошелек незнакомца с прошлой ночи. Она не могла не задаться вопросом, как он мог его забыть и почему она не заметила его раньше. Мысли метались в её голове о том, что делать дальше.<</st>>
<<st>>Внезапно Мия вздрогнула, услышав, как мама зовет её, говоря показать фото, прежде чем они отправятся отдыхать. Чувствуя себя подавленной, Мия прячет кошелек под подушку и решает разобраться с этой ситуацией через несколько минут.<</st>>
<<st>>Она показала родителям несколько фотографий, и они отправились отдыхать. Спустя пару минут, она вернулась в свою комнату и достала кошелёк незнакомца.<</st>>
<<st>>Сразу же Мия заметила, что это дорогой кожаный кошелек, внутри которого лежит тысяча долларов. Целая тысяча? Ого, подумала она, кто носит с собой тысячу долларов наличными?<</st>>
<<st>>На мгновение вид денег завладел ею, и она очутилась перед борьбой с мыслью оставить ли их себе. В конце концов, если этот парень спокойно разгуливает с тысячью долларов, возможно, он даже не заметит их пропажи. Как должна поступить Мия?<</st>>
<<button [[Взять деньги|Wallet_quest_3_take_money]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Оставить деньги|Wallet_quest_3_leave_money]]>><</button>><<flash "Опыт перков + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Деньги + 100">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Фитнесс + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Zurück zu Hause angekommen, verschwand Mia nach dem Gespräch mit Jack in ihrem Zimmer. Wie auf Repeat liefen die Ereignisse ihres 18. Geburtstags in ihrem Kopf ab. Oh Gott, wo hatte sie denn gestern Nacht bloß ihren Verstand gelassen? Die Schuldgefühle, Jack mit einem Fremden betrogen zu haben, lasteten schwer auf ihr. Sie verdeckte ihr Gesicht mit den Händen und konnte die überwältigende Scham über ihr Handeln einfach nicht abschütteln.<</st>>
<<st>>Ein plötzliches Geräusch riss Mia aus ihren Gedanken. Es klang, als wären ihre Eltern wieder da. Mit einem Seufzer stand sie auf und ging zum Ausgang ihres Zimmers, um sie zu begrüßen und nach ihrem Urlaub zu fragen. Gerade als sie die Tür öffnen wollte, kamen ihre Eltern ihr schon freudig im Flur entgegen.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Hey da, meine Süße! Wie geht's dir denn? Hattest du Spaß, während wir weg waren?'' - Sie drückte Mia in einer warmen Umarmung und strahlte sie glücklich an.<</mom>>
<<mom>>''Ach ja, und wo steckt denn Thomas? Will der seine Eltern etwa gar nicht sehen?''<</mom>>
<<dad>>''Das hat deine Mutter ja ganz vergessen zu fragen. Hattest du Spaß an deinem Geburtstag?'' - Väterliche Zärtlichkeit funkelte in Dads Augen.<</dad>>
<<st>>Mia schaffte ein schwaches Lächeln und versuchte, ihren inneren Aufruhr zu verbergen.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Ja, naja, ging so. Hatte Spaß beim Abhängen.'' - Ihre Worte wurden von einem subtilen Seufzer begleitet, der die emotionale Last verriet, die sie mit sich trug.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Ich glaube, Thomas ist kurz raus, kommt aber bestimmt gleich wieder. Aber erzählt doch erstmal, wie war eure Reise? Alle Einzelheiten bitte!'' - Sie versuchte, das Gespräch von sich abzulenken und mehr über die Abenteuer ihrer Eltern zu erfahren.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Unsere Reise war fantastisch! Wir hatten eine so tolle Zeit. Ach ja, und dein Vater hier hatte etwas zu viel Spaß mit dem Bier.''<</mom>>
<<dad>>''Hey, es war doch Urlaub! Kann man einem Mann nicht gönnen, dass er es sich mal gutgehen lässt?'' - Mom stupste Dad spielerisch, und ihr Lachen erfüllte den Raum.<</dad>>
<<mom>>''Aber im Ernst, wo ist denn dein Bruder?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Hmm, keine Ahnung. Wahrscheinlich Besorgungen machen oder so. Ist bestimmt gleich wieder da.''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Na gut, na gut! Aber nochmal, wie war dein Geburtstag, Süße?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>//leicht errötend// ''Es war gut, danke. Hatte Spaß mit meinen Freunden. Ach ja, und Jack hat mir ein richtig schönes Geschenk gemacht.''<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Wie schön! Jack hat immer so nette Geschenkideen.''<</mom>>
<<dad>>''Hast du Fotos von eurem gestrigen Ausflug?''<</dad>>
<<st>>Da fiel ihr ein, dass sie ein paar anständige Fotos mit ihren Freunden gemacht hatte, bevor die Dinge außer Kontrolle geraten waren.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Ich hol' gleich mal mein Handy aus dem Zimmer und zeig euch ein paar Fotos.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Als Mia ihr Zimmer betrat, bemerkte sie, dass ihr Handy vom Bett auf den Boden gefallen war. Als sie sich bückte, um es aufzuheben, entdeckte sie unter dem Bett einen kleinen, dunklen Gegenstand.<</st>>
<<st>>Panik stieg in Mia auf, als sie erkannte, dass es sich um die Brieftasche des Fremden von letzter Nacht handelte. Fassungslos fragte sie sich, wie er sie nur vergessen konnte und warum sie sie selbst nicht schon vorher entdeckt hatte. Gedanken schossen ihr durch den Kopf, was sie nun unternehmen sollte.<</st>>
<<st>>Plötzlich zuckte Mia zusammen, als sie ihre Mutter von unten rufen hörte. Ihre Eltern drängten sie, die Fotos zu zeigen, bevor sie sich schlafen legen würden. Völlig überfordert versteckte Mia die Brieftasche unter ihrem Kissen und beschloss, sich in ein paar Minuten um die Situation zu kümmern.<</st>>
<<st>>Sie zeigte ihren Eltern also ein paar Fotos und diese gingen, um sich zu entspannen. Sobald sie außer Sicht waren, kehrte Mia in ihr Zimmer zurück und holte die Brieftasche des Fremden hervor.<</st>>
<<st>>Im Nu erkannte Mia, dass es sich um eine teure Lederbrieftasche handelte. Beim Öffnen klappte sie auf und enthüllte tausend Dollar in bar. Wow, schoss es ihr durch den Kopf, wer trägt denn bitte so viel Bargeld mit sich rum?<</st>>
<<st>>Für einen Moment war Mia wie gebannt vom Anblick des Geldes. Sie begann mit dem Gedanken zu ringen, es zu behalten. Schließlich, wenn dieser Typ schon so lässig mit tausend Dollar Bargeld rumläuft, würde er es vielleicht gar nicht bemerken, wenn es fehlte. Was sollte sie bloß tun?<</st>>
<<button [[Das Geld nehmen|Wallet_quest_3_take_money]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Das Geld dort lassen|Wallet_quest_3_leave_money]]>><</button>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Geld + 100">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>En rentrant chez elle, Mia s'enferma dans sa chambre après sa conversation avec Jack. Son esprit ressassait en boucle les événements de son 18ème anniversaire. Oh mon Dieu, à quoi pensait-elle la nuit dernière ? La culpabilité d'avoir trompé Jack avec un inconnu lui pesait lourdement sur la conscience. Se cachant le visage entre les mains, elle n'arrivait pas à se défaire de la honte immense qui l'accablait.<</st>>
<<st>>Soudain, des bruits en provenance du rez-de-chaussée interrompirent ses pensées. On dirait que ses parents étaient rentrés. Avec un soupir, elle sortit de sa chambre pour les saluer et prendre des nouvelles de leurs vacances. En sortant de sa chambre, elle fut accueillie chaleureusement par ses parents dans le couloir.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Coucou ma chérie ! Comment vas-tu ? Tu t'es bien amusée pendant notre absence ?'' Elle serra Mia dans une chaude étreinte, un large sourire illuminant son visage à sa vue.<</mom>>
<<mom>>''Et au fait, où est Thomas ? Il n'a pas envie de voir ses parents?''<</mom>>
<<dad>>''Ta mère a oublié de te demander, tu t'es amusée pour ton anniversaire ?'' Les yeux de son père brillaient d'une affection amusée.<</dad>>
<<st>>Mia parvint à esquisser un faible sourire, tentant de dissimuler son trouble intérieur.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Ouais, ça a été. Je me suis bien amusée entre copines.'' Ses paroles étaient accompagnées d'un léger soupir trahissant le poids émotionnel qu'elle portait.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Je crois que Thomas est sorti un moment, mais il rentrera plus tard. Bon allez, et votre voyage alors ? Racontez-moi tout en détail !'' Elle essaya de détourner la conversation d'elle-même, désireuse d'entendre les aventures de ses parents.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Notre voyage était fantastique ! On s'est vraiment éclatés. Et ton père là, il a un peu trop abusé de la bière, il faut dire.''<</mom>>
<<dad>>''Hé, c'était les vacances ! On ne peut pas m'en vouloir de m'être un peu lâché.'' Maman donna un petit coup de coude joueur à papa, et leur rire emplit la pièce.<</dad>>
<<mom>>''Mais sérieusement, où est ton frère ?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Hmm, je ne sais pas trop. Probablement sorti faire des courses ou quelque chose du genre. Il ne devrait pas tarder à rentrer, j'en suis sûre.''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Bon d'accord, d'accord ! Et ton anniversaire, comment il s'est passé, ma puce ?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>//rougissant légèrement// ''Plutôt bien, merci. J'ai passé un bon moment avec mes copines. Et Jack m'a offert un super cadeau, d'ailleurs.''<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Oh, c'est adorable ! Jack a toujours des idées de cadeaux géniales.''<</mom>>
<<dad>>''Tu as des photos de ta sortie d'hier ?''<</dad>>
<<st>>Elle se souvint qu'elle avait pris quelques photos sympas avec ses amies avant que les choses ne dérapent.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Je vais aller chercher mon téléphone dans ma chambre pour vous montrer des photos.''<</mia>>
<<st>>En entrant dans sa chambre, Mia remarqua que son téléphone était tombé du lit et gisait par terre. Se baissant pour le ramasser, elle aperçut un petit objet sombre sous son lit.<</st>>
<<st>>Le cœur de Mia s'emballa lorsqu'elle réalisa qu'il s'agissait du portefeuille de l'inconnu de la nuit dernière. Elle ne put s'empêcher de se demander comment il avait pu l'oublier et pourquoi elle ne l'avait pas remarqué plus tôt. Mille questions se bousculaient dans sa tête sur la marche à suivre.<</st>>
<<st>>Soudain, Mia sursauta en entendant sa mère l'appeler du rez-de-chaussée, la pressant de leur montrer les photos avant qu'ils ne montent se reposer. Submergée, Mia glissa le portefeuille sous son oreiller, décidant de gérer cette situation dans quelques minutes.<</st>>
<<st>>Elle montra quelques photos à ses parents, qui partirent ensuite se relaxer. Dès qu'ils furent hors de vue, elle retourna dans sa chambre et récupéra le portefeuille de l'inconnu.<</st>>
<<st>>En l'ouvrant, Mia découvrit un portefeuille en cuir luxueux, garni de pas moins de mille dollars. Mille dollars en cash ? Pfff, se dit-elle, qui traîne encore autant d'argent liquide de nos jours ?<</st>>
<<st>>L'argent l'hypnotisa un instant. L'idée de le garder s'immisça sournoisement dans son esprit. Après tout, si ce type se balade avec un tel pactole sans broncher, il ne remarquerait sûrement pas la disparition d'un billet. Que devrait-elle faire ?<</st>>
<<button [[Prendre l'argent|Wallet_quest_3_take_money]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Laisser l'argent sur place|Wallet_quest_3_leave_money]]>><</button>><<flash "Avantages exp + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Argent + 100">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Al regresar a casa, Mia entró en su habitación después de su conversación con Jack, repitiendo los eventos de su cumpleaños número 18 en su mente una y otra vez. Dios mío, ¿dónde estaba su cabeza anoche? La culpa de engañarlo con un extraño la agobiaba. Cubriéndose la cara con las manos, no podía deshacerse de la vergüenza abrumadora de sus acciones.<</st>>
<<st>>De repente, los ruidos de abajo interrumpieron sus pensamientos. Sonaba como si sus padres hubieran regresado. Con un suspiro, salió de su habitación para saludarlos y preguntarles sobre sus vacaciones. Al salir de su habitación, sus padres la saludaron calurosamente en el pasillo.<</st>>
<<mom>>''¡Hola cariño! ¿Cómo estás? ¿Te divertiste mientras no estábamos?'' - Apretó a Mia en un cálido abrazo, sonriendo feliz al verla otra vez.<</mom>>
<<mom>>''Oh, ¿y dónde está Thomas? ¿No quiere ver a sus padres?''<</mom>>
<<dad>>''Tu madre se olvidó de preguntar, ¿te divertiste en tu cumpleaños?'' - Los ojos de papá brillaban con afecto.<</dad>>
<<st>>Mia logró una sonrisa débil, tratando de ocultar su tormento interno.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Sí, estuvo bien. Me divertí saliendo.'' - Sus palabras fueron acompañadas de un sutil suspiro, delatando el peso emocional que cargaba.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Creo que Thomas salió un rato, pero volverá más tarde. Pero vamos, ¿cómo estuvo su viaje? ¡Cuéntenme todos los detalles!'' - Trató de desviar la conversación para escuchar las aventuras de sus padres.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''¡Nuestro viaje fue fantástico! Lo pasamos genial. Oh, y tu papá se divirtió un poco demasiado con la cerveza.''<</mom>>
<<dad>>''¡Oye, eran vacaciones! No se puede culpar a un hombre por divertirse.'' - Mamá le dio un codazo juguetonamente a papá, y su risa llenó la habitación.<</dad>>
<<mom>>''Pero en serio, ¿dónde está tu hermano?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Hmm, no lo sé. Probablemente haya salido a hacer recados o algo así. Volverá pronto, estoy segura.''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Está bien, está bien. De nuevo, ¿cómo estuvo tu cumpleaños, cariño?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>//Sonrojándote un poco.// ''Salió bien, gracias. Pasé un buen rato con mis amigas. Ah, y Jack me hizo un regalo muy lindo.''<</mia>>
<<mom>>''¡Eso es encantador! Jack siempre tiene regalos tan considerados.''<</mom>>
<<dad>>''¿Tienes alguna foto de la salida de ayer?''<</dad>>
<<st>>Recordó que tenía un par de fotos decentes con sus amigos antes de que las cosas se volvieran locas.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Iré a buscar el teléfono de mi habitación ahora mismo y les mostraré algunas fotos.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Al entrar en su habitación, Mia se dio cuenta de que su teléfono se había caído de la cama al suelo. Al agacharse para recogerlo, vio un objeto pequeño y oscuro debajo de la cama.<</st>>
<<st>>Su corazón se aceleró al darse cuenta de que era la billetera del extraño de la noche anterior. No pudo evitar preguntarse cómo se lo pudo haber olvidado y por qué no lo había notado antes. Los pensamientos corrieron por su mente sobre qué hacer a continuación.<</st>>
<<st>>De repente, Mia se estremeció al escuchar a su madre llamar desde abajo, instándola a mostrar las fotos antes de irse a descansar. Sintiéndose abrumada, Mia esconde la billetera debajo de la almohada y decide lidiar con esta situación en unos minutos.<</st>>
<<st>>Mostró algunas fotos a sus padres y se fueron a relajarse. Una vez que estuvieron fuera de vista, regresó a su habitación y recuperó la billetera del extraño.<</st>>
<<st>>Instantáneamente, Mia se da cuenta de que es una billetera de cuero cara, dentro de la cual hay mil dólares. ¿Mil dólares completos? Vaya, piensa ella, ¿quién anda por ahí con mil dólares en efectivo?<</st>>
<<st>>Por un momento, la vista del dinero la cautiva, y se encuentra luchando con la idea de quedárselo. Después de todo, si este tipo lleva casualmente un billete de mil, tal vez no se dé cuenta de que falta. ¿Qué debería hacer?<</st>>
<<button [[Coger el dinero|Wallet_quest_3_take_money]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Dejar el dinero allí|Wallet_quest_3_leave_money]]>><</button>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Dinero + 100">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>回到家,米娅和杰克谈完话后走进自己的房间,脑海里反复回放着 18 岁生日那天发生的事情。天哪,昨晚她的思绪去哪儿了?与陌生人偷情的负罪感让她心情沉重。她用手捂着脸,无法摆脱对自己行为的羞愧。<</st>>
<<mom>>''嗨,亲爱的!你好吗?我们不在的时候玩得开心吗?'' - 她热情地拥抱了米娅,再次见到她时开心地笑了。<</mom>>
<<dad>>''你妈妈忘了问,你生日过得开心吗?'' - 爸爸的眼睛深情地闪烁着。<</dad>>
<<mia>>''嗯,挺好的。我在外面玩得很开心。'' - 她的话语中伴随着一声细微的叹息,透露出她内心的沉重。<</mia>>
<<mia>>''我想托马斯出去了一会儿,但他一会儿就会回来。不过,你的旅行怎么样?告诉我所有的细节!'' - 她试图把话题从自己身上引开,想听听父母的冒险经历。<</mia>>
<<dad>>''嘿,那是度假!不能责怪一个享受的人''。- 妈妈俏皮地朝爸爸挤了挤眼,他们的笑声充满了整个房间。<</dad>>
<<mia>>//脸有点红// ''很顺利,谢谢。和朋友们在一起很开心。哦,杰克还送了我一份很棒的礼物。''<</mia>>
<<button [[把钱拿走|Wallet_quest_3_take_money]]>><</button>>
<<button [[把钱留在那里|Wallet_quest_3_leave_money]]>><</button>><<flash "福利消耗 + 20">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "钱 + 100">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "健身 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>After a brief moment of contemplation, Mia decides to take the money.<</st>>
<<st>> A twinge of guilt nibbles at her conscience, but a thousand bucks is a thousand bucks. She'll surely find a good use for them.😉<</st>>
<<st>>Continuing to examine the wallet's contents, Mia finds his driver's license, which reveals his address, and she finally learn his name – Roy. Suddenly, he doesn't seem like such a stranger anymore, making the events of last night even more real.<</st>>
<<st>>Then, she sees some business cards and other documents in the wallet. Mia decides that even though she and Roy parted on less-than-ideal terms, she should return the wallet to him.<</st>>
<<st>>As much as she may want to avoid it, she has no choice. After all, he knows where she lives and could show up to pick it up himself. It would be awful if one of her parents saw it, and she'd have to explain who he is and how they met.<</st>>
<<st>>''Decision made, she'll have to bring the wallet to his place.''<</st>><<set $mia.money +=1000>>
<<button [[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_wallet = true>><<flash "Money + 1000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>После недолгих раздумий Мия решает взять деньги.<</st>>
<<st>>Её гложет чувство вины, но тысяча баксов - это тысяча баксов. Она обязательно найдет им хорошее применение.😉<</st>>
<<st>>Продолжая осматривать содержимое кошелька, Мия нашла его водительские права, которые раскрыли адрес, и наконец она узнала его имя - Рой. Внезапно он уже не казался таким уж незнакомым, делая события прошлой ночи еще более реальными.<</st>>
<<st>>Затем она увидела в кошельке визитками и другие документы. Мия решила, что, несмотря на то, что они с Роем расстались не лучшим образом, ей следует вернуть ему кошелек.<</st>>
<<st>>Как бы ей этого ни хотелось избежать, у нее не было выбора. В конце концов, он знает, где она живет, и может сам прийти за ним. Было бы ужасно, если бы кто-нибудь из её родителей увидел его, и ей пришлось бы объяснять, кто он и как они познакомились.<</st>>
<<st>>''Решение принято, Мии нужно будет отнести кошелек к нему домой.''<</st>>
<<set $mia.money +=1000>>
<<button [[Уйти|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_wallet = true>><<flash "Деньги + 1000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Nach kurzem Überlegen beschließt Mia, das Geld zu nehmen.<</st>>
<<st>>Ein kleines bisschen Grummeln im Bauch spürt Mia schon. Aber naja, tausend Euro sind halt 'ne satte Stange Geld. Wird sich schon irgendwie sinnvoll verbraten lassen..😉<</st>>
<<st>>Beim Weiterstöbern in der Brieftasche findet Mia seinen Führerschein, der Adresse und Namen verrät – Roy. Bam, da hat sie's. Auf einmal fühlt er sich gar nicht mehr so nach 'nem random Typen von gestern Abend. Macht die ganze Sache ja irgendwie noch realistischer.<</st>>
<<st>>Dann entdeckt sie noch Visitenkarten und so Zeug in der Brieftasche. Also, klar, die Trennung von Roy war jetzt nicht gerade harmonisch, aber die Brieftasche muss er ja wohl trotzdem wiederkriegen.<</st>>
<<st>>So blöd das auch ist, sie kommt da irgendwie nicht drum rum. Der Typ weiß ja, wo sie wohnt, der könnte doch glatt selber vorbeikommen und die Kohle abgreifen. Und wenn einer ihrer Eltern die Dinger findet? Dann müsste sie ja erstmal erklären, wer Roy überhaupt ist und wo sie den überhaupt her kennt. Mega-Stress.<</st>>
<<st>>''Entschieden ist die Sache also: Ab geht's zu Roys Wohnung, die Brieftasche zurückbringen.''<</st>><<set $mia.money +=1000>>
<<button [[Verlassen Sie|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_wallet = true>><<flash "Geld + 1000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Apres un court instant de réflexion, Mia empocha l'argent.<</st>>
<<st>>Un pincement de culpabilité lui mordit la conscience, mais mille dollars restaient mille dollars. Elle saurait sans doute en faire bon usage... enfin, c'est ce qu'elle se disait pour se rassurer.😉<</st>>
<<st>>En poursuivant son inspection du portefeuille, Mia tomba sur son permis de conduire, dévoilant son adresse et son nom : Roy. Brutalement, l'inconnu se transformait en une personne réelle, rendant les événements de la nuit dernière encore plus concrets.<</st>>
<<st>>Puis, elle découvrit des cartes de visite et d'autres documents. Même si Roy et elle s'étaient quittés de façon peu glorieuse, Mia décida de lui rendre son portefeuille.<</st>>
<<st>>A vrai dire, elle aurait préféré éviter ça à tout prix. Mais elle n'avait pas le choix. Après tout, il connaissait son adresse et pouvait parfaitement se pointer pour le récupérer lui-même. Ce serait catastrophique si l'un de ses parents le trouvait et qu'elle doive expliquer qui c'était et comment ils s'étaient rencontrés.<</st>>
<<st>>''Décision prise, il fallait qu'elle lui ramène le portefeuille chez lui.''<</st>><<set $mia.money +=1000>>
<<button [[Laisser|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_wallet = true>><<flash "Argent + 1000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Tras un breve momento de contemplación, Mia decide coger el dinero.<</st>>
<<st>>Una punzada de culpabilidad le remuerde la conciencia, pero mil pavos son mil pavos. Seguro que les encuentra un buen uso 😉 <</st>>
<<st>>Continuando con el examen del contenido de la cartera, Mia encuentra su licencia de conducir, que revela la dirección de Roy, y finalmente aprende su nombre. De repente, ya no parece un extraño, haciendo que los eventos de la noche anterior sean aún más reales.<</st>>
<<st>>Luego, ve algunas tarjetas de presentación y otros documentos en la cartera. Mia decide que, aunque ella y Roy se separaron en términos menos que ideales, debería devolverle la cartera.<</st>>
<<st>>Por mucho que quiera evitarlo, no tiene elección. Después de todo, él sabe dónde vive y podría aparecer para recogerla él mismo. Sería horrible si uno de sus padres lo viera y tuviera que explicar quién es él y cómo se conocieron.<</st>>
<<st>>''Tomada la decisión, tendrá que llevar la cartera a su casa.''<</st>><<set $mia.money +=1000>>
<<button [[Deja|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_wallet = true>><<flash "Dinero + 1000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>''决定已下,她必须把钱包带到他家去。''<</st>><<set $mia.money +=1000>>
<<button [[离开|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_wallet = true>><<flash "钱 + 1000">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>After a brief contemplation, Mia leaves the money where it is.<</st>>
<<st>>Her conscience won't allow her to take someone else’s money simply, so she leaves it untouched, little prude.😇<</st>>
<<st>>Continuing to examine the wallet's contents, Mia finds his driver's license, which reveals his address, and she finally learn his name – Roy. Suddenly, he doesn't seem like such a stranger anymore, making the events of last night even more real.<</st>>
<<st>>Then, she sees some business cards and other documents in the wallet. Mia decides that even though she and Roy parted on less-than-ideal terms, she should return the wallet to him.<</st>>
<<st>>As much as she may want to avoid it, she has no choice. After all, he knows where she lives and could show up to pick it up himself. It would be awful if one of her parents saw it, and she'd have to explain who he is and how they met.<</st>>
<<st>>''Decision made, she'll have to bring the wallet to his place.''<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_wallet = true>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>После недолгих раздумий Мия оставляет деньги на месте.<</st>>
<<st>>Совесть не позволяет ей взять чужие деньги, поэтому она оставляет их нетронутыми, маленькая ханжа.😇<</st>>
<<st>>Продолжая осматривать содержимое кошелька, Мия нашла его водительские права, которые раскрыли адрес, и наконец она узнала его имя - Рой. Внезапно он уже не казался таким уж незнакомым, делая события прошлой ночи еще более реальными.<</st>>
<<st>>Затем она увидела в кошельке визитками и другие документы. Мия решила, что, несмотря на то, что они с Роем расстались не лучшим образом, ей следует вернуть ему кошелек.<</st>>
<<st>>Как бы ей этого ни хотелось избежать, у нее не было выбора. В конце концов, он знает, где она живет, и может сам прийти за ним. Было бы ужасно, если бы кто-нибудь из её родителей увидел его, и ей пришлось бы объяснять, кто он и как они познакомились.<</st>>
<<st>>''Решение принято, Мии нужно будет отнести кошелек к нему домой.''<</st>>
<<button [[Уйти|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_wallet = true>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Nach kurzem Zögern lässt Mia das Geld einfach liegen.<</st>>
<<st>>Ihre Moral lässt es nicht zu, einfach das Geld eines anderen zu behalten. Also lässt sie es unberührt liegen, kleine Streberin.😇<</st>>
<<st>>Beim Weiterstöbern in der Brieftasche findet Mia seinen Führerschein, der Adresse und Namen verrät – Roy. Bam, da hat sie's. Auf einmal fühlt er sich gar nicht mehr so nach 'nem random Typen von gestern Abend. Macht die ganze Sache ja irgendwie noch realistischer.<</st>>
<<st>>Dann entdeckt sie noch Visitenkarten und so Zeug in der Brieftasche. Also, klar, die Trennung von Roy war jetzt nicht gerade harmonisch, aber die Brieftasche muss er ja wohl trotzdem wiederkriegen.<</st>>
<<st>>So blöd das auch ist, sie kommt da irgendwie nicht drum rum. Der Typ weiß ja, wo sie wohnt, der könnte doch glatt selber vorbeikommen und die Kohle abgreifen. Und wenn einer ihrer Eltern die Dinger findet? Dann müsste sie ja erstmal erklären, wer Roy überhaupt ist und wo sie den überhaupt her kennt. Mega-Stress.<</st>>
<<st>>''Entschieden ist die Sache also: Ab geht's zu Roys Wohnung, die Brieftasche zurückbringen.''<</st>>
<<button [[Verlasse|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_wallet = true>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Après une brève réflexion, Mia laisse l'argent là où il est.<</st>>
<<st>>Sa conscience ne lui permet pas de prendre simplement l'argent d'un autre, alors elle le laisse intact, petite prude.😇<</st>>
<<st>>En poursuivant son inspection du portefeuille, Mia tomba sur son permis de conduire, dévoilant son adresse et son nom : Roy. Brutalement, l'inconnu se transformait en une personne réelle, rendant les événements de la nuit dernière encore plus concrets.<</st>>
<<st>>Puis, elle découvrit des cartes de visite et d'autres documents. Même si Roy et elle s'étaient quittés de façon peu glorieuse, Mia décida de lui rendre son portefeuille.<</st>>
<<st>>A vrai dire, elle aurait préféré éviter ça à tout prix. Mais elle n'avait pas le choix. Après tout, il connaissait son adresse et pouvait parfaitement se pointer pour le récupérer lui-même. Ce serait catastrophique si l'un de ses parents le trouvait et qu'elle doive expliquer qui c'était et comment ils s'étaient rencontrés.<</st>>
<<st>>''Décision prise, il fallait qu'elle lui ramène le portefeuille chez lui.''<</st>>
<<button [[Partir|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_wallet = true>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Tras una breve contemplación, Mia deja el dinero donde está.<</st>>
<<st>>Su conciencia no le permite coger el dinero de otra persona sin más, así que lo deja intacto, pequeña mojigata.😇<</st>>
<<st>>Continuando con el examen del contenido de la cartera, Mia encuentra su licencia de conducir, que revela la dirección de Roy, y finalmente aprende su nombre. De repente, ya no parece un extraño, haciendo que los eventos de la noche anterior sean aún más reales.<</st>>
<<st>>Luego, ve algunas tarjetas de presentación y otros documentos en la cartera. Mia decide que, aunque ella y Roy se separaron en términos menos que ideales, debería devolverle la cartera.<</st>>
<<st>>Por mucho que quiera evitarlo, no tiene elección. Después de todo, él sabe dónde vive y podría aparecer para recogerla él mismo. Sería horrible si uno de sus padres lo viera y tuviera que explicar quién es él y cómo se conocieron.<</st>>
<<st>>''Tomada la decisión, tendrá que llevar la cartera a su casa.''<</st>>
<<button [[Deja|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_wallet = true>>
<<case "CH">>
<<button [[离开|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_wallet = true>>
<</switch>><<set $mia.exp +=25>><<set $mia.fit+=1>><<set $mia.money+=100>><<set $active_quests.q5=true>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia arrived at the address listed on Roy's documents, feeling nervous and curious as she contemplated whether this was a good idea.<</st>>
<<st>>Upon entering the building, she glanced at the apartment numbers, realizing she needed to go to the third floor.<</st>>
<<st>>Climbing the stairs, she encounters a pretty girl a bit older than herself who seems to be in a hurry. The girl's rushing so quickly up the stairs that she doesn't notice Mia until they collide. When the girl bumps into her, her bag slips out of Mia's hands, and all its contents fall to the floor in a mess.<</st>>
<<str2>>''Oops! I'm sorry about that! ''Let me help you pick up everything!'' - the girl says as she kneels down to help Mia. Her voice is filled with genuine concern.<</str2>>
<<st>>They both start laughing because of the absurd situation like two strangers are suddenly thrown into a sitcom. As they reach for the scattered items, a grateful smile creeps onto their faces, mingling with the laughter. Glancing at the girl helping her, Mia can't help but notice her beauty. There's something about her that draws Mia in, something magnetic. She finds herself liking the atmosphere this girl creates, a mix of warmth and spontaneity.<</st>>
<<str2>>''Yeah, sorry about that again! I'd at least offer you a coffee as an apology, but I'm running a bit late. But hey, it's always nice to meet a new neighbor!''<</str2>>
<<mia>>''Oh, no, I don't live here. I'm just here to give something to your neighbor.''<</mia>>
<<str2>>''Oh, okay. I already thought what a cool neighbor I have. Well, in that case, I'm Elain. And you?''<</str2>>
<<mia>>''I'm Mia.''<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Nice to meet you, Mia. I like you already! Who else bumps into people and ruins their bags, right? It must be destiny that we meet again!''<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia chuckles at her enthusiasm and agrees, feeling a weight lifted off her shoulders.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Yeah, destiny works in mysterious ways, I guess.''<</mia>>
<<st>>After exchanging phone numbers, Mia bids Elain goodbye and heads up to Roy's apartment. As she climb the stairs, she can't help but feel grateful for the unexpected encounter with Elain, which has somehow managed to ease her nerves about seeing him again.<</st>>
<<st>>As Mia walked up to Roy's door and knocked, her heart raced with excitement and fear. In the next second, she heard footsteps coming from inside. The door quickly opened, and Roy stood in his grey sweatpants. Shit, he's hot, she thought, her cheeks flushing at the sight.<</st>>
<<st>>Roy's gaze met Mia's, and a smirk tugged at the corners of his lips, his expression filled with surprise and amusement.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Well, well, well... Look who's here. I didn't expect you to want to see me again so soon.''<</roy>>
<<st>>His voice dripped with arrogance and desire, a potent cocktail that made Mia uneasy.<</st>>
<<mia>>''I'm just here to return your wallet, Roy. I have no interest in anything else.''<</mia>>
<<st>>She tried to keep her tone firm.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Ah, but Mia, don't you remember the fun we had? That night was so… hot and unforgettable. And I must admit, I've been craving more ever since.''<</roy>>
<<st>>His words hung in the air, heavy with implication. Mia felt a bit of discomfort, a desire to escape the confines of his presence.<</st>>
<<mia>>''I remember it all perfectly. But that's all it was - one night. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm not interested in continuing whatever this is.''<</mia>>
<<st>>She squared her shoulders, steeling herself against the onslaught of his advances. Roy's expression darkened, his charm giving way to frustration.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Come on, Mia. Stop acting like a spoiled bitch. You can't deny you liked me going all over you last night. Stop denying your panties got wet the moment you saw me again.''<</roy>>
<<st>>But she remained resolute, her gaze unwavering.<</st>>
<<mia>>''That's bullshit. I'm here to return your wallet, nothing else. I have to go. I don't have a whole day to listen to you talking all this nonsense.''<</mia>>
<<st>>With that, Mia turned away, ignoring his attempt to catch her hand as she reached the door. Roy's parting words echoed in her ears, a reminder of the darkness that lurked beneath his charming facade.<</st>>
<<roy>>''You'll see me again, Mia. And I won't be so nice anymore, I promise you that.''<</roy>>
<<st>>But she paid him no heed, slamming the door behind her as she left, a wave of relief washing over her. Mia couldn't shake the disgust that clung to her, a bitter reminder of the dangers lurking in the shadows.<</st>>
<<st>>The sense of calm she felt after chatting with Elain disappeared.<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|City]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_return_wallet=true>><<flash "Perks exp + 25">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money + 100">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Мия прибыла по адресу, указанному в документах Роя, чувствуя себя нервозной и любопытной, размышляя о том, была ли это хорошая идея.<</st>>
<<st>>Войдя в здание, она взглянула на номера квартир, понимая, что ей нужно подняться на третий этаж.<</st>>
<<st>>Поднимаясь по лестнице, она встречает симпатичную девушку, которая, как оказалось спешит. Девушка так быстро спускалась по лестнице, что не заметила Мию, пока они не сталкиваются. Когда девушка врезается в неё, сумка выскальзывает из рук Мии, и все ее содержимое падает на пол в беспорядке.<</st>>
<<str2>>''Ой! Извини! Позвольте мне тебе помочь все подобрать!'' - говорит девушка, опускаясь на колени, чтобы помочь Мие. Её голос полон искренней заботы.<</str2>>
<<st>>Они обе начинают смеяться из-за абсурдности ситуации, словно две незнакомки внезапно оказались в ситкоме. Когда они тянутся за разбросанными предметами, на их лицах появляется благодарственная улыбка, смешанная со смехом. Глядя на девушку, которая ей помогает, Мия не может не заметить её красоту. В ней есть что-то, что притягивает Мию, что-то магнетическое. Ей нравится атмосфера, которую создает эта девушка, смесь тепла и спонтанности.<</st>>
<<str2>>''Еще раз извини. Я бы хотя бы предложила тебе кофе в качестве извинения, но я немного опаздываю. Но, эй, всегда приятно познакомиться с новой соседкой!''<</str2>>
<<mia>>''О, нет, я здесь не живу. Я просто пришла кое-что передать вашему соседу.''<</mia>>
<<str2>>''О, понятно. Я уже подумала, какой классный у меня сосед. Ну, в таком случае, я Элейна. А ты?''<</str2>>
<<mia>>''Я Миа.''<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Приятно познакомиться, Мия. Ты мне уже нравишься! Кто еще врезается в людей и портит им сумки, верно? Должно быть, нам суждено снова встретиться!''<</ele>>
<<st>>Мия хихикает над её энтузиазмом и соглашается, чувствуя, как с её плеч спадает груз.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Да, я думаю, пути судьбы неисповедимы.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Обменявшись номерами телефонов, Мия попрощалась с Элейн и поднялась в квартиру Роя. Поднимаясь по лестнице, она не могла не почувствовать благодарность за неожиданную встречу с Элейн, которая каким-то образом сумела успокоить её нервы перед новой встречей с ним.<</st>>
<<st>>Подойдя к двери Роя и постучав, сердце Мии бешено колотилось от волнения и страха. В следующую секунду она услышала шаги изнутри. Дверь быстро открылась, и на пороге стоял Рой в серых спортивных штанах. ''Черт, он горячий'', - подумала она, щеки залились румянцем при его виде.<</st>>
<<st>>Взгляд Роя встретился с взглядом Мии, и у уголков его губ появилась ухмылка, его выражение было полно удивления и веселья.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Ну, ну, ну... Смотри-ка, кто здесь. Я не ожидал, что ты так скоро захочешь меня снова увидеть.''<</roy>>
<<st>>Его голос сочился высокомерием и желанием, горючей смесью, которая заставила Мию почувствовать себя неловко.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Я здесь только для того, чтобы вернуть твой бумажник, Рой. Меня больше ничего не интересует.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Она попыталась говорить твердо.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Ах, но Мия, разве ты не помнишь, как нам было весело? Та ночь была такой… жаркой и незабываемой. И, должен признаться, с тех пор я все больше этого желаю.''<</roy>>
<<st>>Его слова повисли в воздухе, полные намеков. Мия почувствовала некоторый дискомфорт, желание вырваться из его присутствия.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Я прекрасно все помню. Но это все, что было, - одна ночь. Ничего больше и ничего меньше. Меня не интересует продолжение того, что бы это ни было.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Она расправила плечи, готовясь противостоять натиску его ухаживаний. Выражение лица Роя изменилось, его обаяние уступило место разочарованию.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Перестань, Миа. Перестань вести себя как избалованная сучка. Ты же не можешь отрицать, что тебе понравилось, как я ласкал тебя прошлой ночью. Перестань отрицать, что твои трусики намокли, как только ты снова увидела меня.''<</roy>>
<<st>>Но она оставалась непоколебимой, её взгляд был непоколебим.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Это чушь собачья. Я здесь, чтобы вернуть ваш бумажник, и ничего больше. Мне нужно идти. У меня нет целого дня, чтобы слушать, как ты несешь всю эту чушь.''<</mia>>
<<st>>С этими словами Мия отвернулась не обращая внимания на его попытку поймать её за руку, пока она шли к двери. Прощальные слова Роя эхом отдавались в её ушах, напоминая о тьме, скрывавшейся под его очаровательным личиком.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Ты еще встретишь меня, Миа. И я больше не буду таким милым, обещаю тебе это.''<</roy>>
<<st>>Но она не обратила на это внимание, захлопнув за собой дверь, и ушла, чувствуя нахлынувшее на неё облегчение. Она не могла избавиться от отвращения, которое нахлынуло на неё, горькое напоминание об опасности, таящейся в тени.<</st>>
<<st>>Чувство спокойствия, которое она ощутила после разговора с Элейн, исчезло.<</st>>
<<button [[Уйти|City]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_return_wallet=true>><<flash "Опыт перков + 25">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Деньги + 100">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Фитнесс + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia checkt die Adresse auf Roys Papieren und zack, steht sie schon davor. Irgendwie mulmig ist ihr zwar schon bei der ganzen Aktion, aber Neugierde siegt halt doch.<</st>>
<<st>>Beim Reingehen in den Hausflur wirft sie noch schnell einen Blick auf die Klingelschilder. Dritter Stock, easy. Treppen hoch – und zack, bäm!<</st>>
<<st>> Rennt da grad so 'ne hübsche Tussi an ihr vorbei, die bestimmt schon zehn Jahre älter ist und aussieht, als ob ihr ganzes Leben davon abhängt, dass sie pünktlich irgendwo ist. Tja, Pech gehabt. Die Tussi rast die Treppen hoch, dass sie Mia gar nicht checkt, und BUMMS – Zusammenstoß! Durch die Wucht fliegt Mias Tasche auf und alles landet erstmal verteilt auf dem Treppenabsatz. Super.<</st>>
<<str2>>''Huch! Tut mir echt leid! Lass mir helfen, alles aufzusammeln!'' ruft die Tussi und lässt sich neben Mia auf die Knie plumpsen. Ihre Stimme klingt voller Mitgefühl.<</str2>>
<<st>>Bei dem Versuch, den ganzen Kram einzusammeln, prusten beide los und lachen sich kaputt. So, als wären sie plötzlich zwei wildfremde Frauen, die aus Versehen in eine Sitcom gestolpert sind. Dankbare Lächeln huschen über ihre Gesichter und vermischen sich mit dem Gelächter. Während Mia dem Mädchen beim Einsammeln hilft, kann sie sich nicht davon abhalten, ihre Schönheit zu bewundern. Es ist etwas Magisches an ihr, das sie anzieht. Diese Mischung aus Wärme und Spontanität, die das Mädchen ausstrahlt, gefällt Mia auf Anhieb.<</st>>
<<str2>>''Boah, tut mir echt leid nochmal! Eigentlich würde ich dir ja zum Ausgleich 'nen Kaffee anbieten, aber ich bin schon spät dran. Aber hey, wenigstens lernt man so mal 'ne nette Neue im Haus kennen, oder?''<</str2>>
<<mia>>''Ach nee, ich wohne hier gar nicht. Eigentlich wollte ich nur was bei deinem Nachbarn abgeben.''<</mia>>
<<str2>>''Ach so, okay. Dabei dachte ich schon, was für 'ne coole Nachbarin ich da abbekommen habe. Naja, wie auch immer, ich bin Elain. Und du?''<</str2>>
<<mia>>''Ich bin Mia.''<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Freut mich auch, dich kennenzulernen, Mia! Du bist mir irgendwie sofort sympathisch. Wer rempelt schon gerne Leute an und lässt deren Taschen platzen, ne? Muss wohl Schicksal sein, dass wir uns nochmal sehen!''<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia muss bei Elains Begeisterung grinsen und stimmt ihr zu. Dabei spürt sie, wie eine Last von ihren Schultern fällt.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Stimmt'', lacht Mia. ''Scheint so, als hätte der Schicksal a bisserl schräge Wege.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Nachdem sie also die Telefonnummern ausgetauscht haben, verabschiedet sich Mia von Elain und macht sich auf den Weg zu Roys Wohnung. Beim Treppensteigen kann sie sich ein Grinsen über die unerwartete Begegnung mit Elain nicht verkneifen. Irgendwie haben Elains positive Vibes die Anspannung vor dem Treffen mit Roy gemildert.<</st>>
<<st>>Oben angekommen, steht Mia nun vor Roys Tür und klopft an. Ihr Herz rast vor Aufregung und Angst. Kaum hat sie geklopft, hört sie auch schon Schritte von drinnen. Die Tür schwingt auf und Roy steht da in seiner grauen Jogginghose. Verdammt, sieht der gut aus, denkt sie, und ihre Wangen färben sich rot.<</st>>
<<st>>Roys Blick traf auf Mias, und ein Grinsen zuckte an seinen Lippenwinkeln. Überraschung und Belustigung spielten in seinem Gesicht miteinander.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Tja, tja, tja...'', meinte Roy, ''sieh an, wer da ist. So schnell hätt' ich dich jetzt nicht wieder erwartet.''<</roy>>
<<st>>Seine Stimme tropfte vor Arroganz und Verlangen, ein gefährlicher Cocktail, der Mia mulmig werden ließ.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Ich bin nur hier, um dir deine Geldtasche zurückzugeben, Roy. An etwas anderem habe ich kein Interesse'', versuchte Mia ihre Stimme fest zu halten.<</mia>>
<<roy>>''Ach, aber Mia'', konterte Roy, ''hast du den Spaß denn nicht auch genossen? Die Nacht war doch so... heiß und unvergesslich. Und ich muss gestehen, seitdem habe ich ehrlich gesagt mehr im Sinn.''<</roy>>
<<st>>Seine Worte hingen schwer in der Luft, voller Andeutungen. Mia fühlte sich unwohl, ein starker Drang, seinem Einfluss zu entfliehen.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Ich erinnere mich an alles ganz genau. Aber mehr war es eben nicht - eine Nacht. Nicht mehr und nicht weniger. Ich habe kein Interesse daran, was auch immer das hier sein soll, weiterzuführen.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia richtete die Schultern und stemmte sich innerlich gegen seine Annäherungsversuche. Roys Gesichtsausdruck verdunkelte sich, sein Charme wich purem Frust.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Komm schon, Mia, stell dich nicht so an. Du kannst nicht leugnen, dass es dir gestern Abend gefallen hat, als ich an dir dran war. Hör auf zu lügen, deine ganze Feuchtigkeit ist doch zurückgekehrt, als du mich wiedergesehen hast.''<</roy>>
<<st>>Doch Mia blieb standhaft, ihr Blick wich nicht von seinem.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Das ist absoluter Quatsch. Ich bin nur hier, um dir deine Geldtasche zurückzugeben, sonst nichts. Ich muss los, ich habe nicht den ganzen Tag Zeit, mir deinen Blödsinn anzuhören.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Damit drehte Mia sich um und ignorierte seinen Versuch, ihre Hand zu fassen, als sie zur Tür ging. Roys Abschiedsworte hallten in ihren Ohren wider, eine Erinnerung an die Dunkelheit, die sich hinter seiner charmanten Fassade verbarg.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Du wirst mich schon wiedersehen, Mia. Und dann werde ich nicht mehr so nett sein, das verspreche ich dir.''<</roy>>
<<st>>Aber sie schenkte ihm keine Beachtung und knallte die Tür hinter sich zu, als sie ging. Eine Welle der Erleichterung durchströmte sie. Mia konnte den Ekel nicht abschütteln, der an ihr klebte, eine bittere Erinnerung an die Gefahren, die im Verborgenen lauern.<</st>>
<<st>>Das Gefühl der Ruhe, das sie nach dem Gespräch mit Elain verspürte, war komplett verflogen.<</st>>
<<button [[Verlassen Sie|City]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_return_wallet=true>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 25">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Geld + 100">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Mia arriva à l'adresse indiquée sur les documents de Roy, tenaillée par un mélange de nervosité et de curiosité. Était-ce vraiment une bonne idée de venir ici ? se demandait-elle.<</st>>
<<st>>En entrant dans l'immeuble, elle jeta un coup d'œil aux numéros d'appartement, constatant qu'il fallait monter au troisième étage.<</st>>
<<st>>Dans l'escalier, elle croisa une jolie fille, un peu plus âgée qu'elle, visiblement pressée. La jeune femme se précipite si vite dans les escaliers qu'elle ne remarque Mia que lorsqu'elles se heurtent. Le choc fit voler le sac de Mia qui s'ouvrit en grand, répandant tout son contenu par terre.<</st>>
<<str2>>''Oh mince ! Je suis désolée ! Laissez-moi vous aider à ramasser !'' dit la jeune femme en se mettant à genoux pour prêter main forte à Mia. Sa voix débordait de sincérité.<</str2>>
<<st>>Elles se mirent toutes les deux à rire de la situation absurde, comme deux inconnues propulsées dans une scène de sitcom. Tout en ramassant les objets éparpillés, un sourire reconnaissant se dessina sur leurs visages, se mêlant à leur rire. En jetant un coup d'œil à la fille qui l'aidait, Mia ne put s'empêcher d'être frappée par sa beauté. Elle dégageait quelque chose d'attirant, une sorte de magnétisme. L'atmosphère que cette fille créait, un mélange de chaleur et de spontanéité, plaisait beaucoup à Mia.<</st>>
<<str2>>''Oh zut ! Encore désolée ! Je vous offrirais bien un café pour m'excuser, mais je suis vraiment en retard. En tout cas, c'est toujours cool de rencontrer une nouvelle voisine !''<</str2>>
<<mia>>''Oh non, je n'habite pas ici, je dois juste remettre quelque chose à votre voisin.''<</mia>>
<<str2>>''Ah, d'accord. Je me disais déjà, quel voisin sympa j'ai ! Bon, dans ce cas, je suis Elain. Et toi ?''<</str2>>
<<mia>>''Je m'appelle Mia.''<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Ravie de te rencontrer, Mia ! Tu me plais déjà ! Bon, qui d'autre bouscule les gens et leur vide le sac, hein ? C'est sûrement le destin qui a voulu qu'on se recroise !''<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia rit doucement face à son enthousiasme et acquiesce, sentant un poids s'enlever de ses épaules.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Ouais, le destin a des façons bien étranges de faire les choses, on dirait.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Après avoir échangé leurs numéros de téléphone, Mia salua Elain et monta à l'étage de l'appartement de Roy. En gravissant les marches, elle ne put s'empêcher d'être reconnaissante pour cette rencontre inattendue avec Elain, qui avait miraculeusement apaisé son stress à l'idée de revoir Roy.<</st>>
<<st>>Arrivée devant la porte de Roy, Mia frappa, le cœur battant la chamade d'un mélange d'excitation et d'appréhension. Une seconde plus tard, elle entendit des pas venant de l'intérieur. La porte s'ouvrit brusquement et Roy se tenait là, en jogging gris. Putain, il est canon, se dit-elle, les joues s'empourprant à sa vue.<</st>>
<<st>>Le regard de Roy croisa celui de Mia, et un sourire narquois tira les coins de ses lèvres. Son expression était un mélange de surprise et d'amusement.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Eh ben dis donc... Regarde qui se pointe. Je ne pensais pas que tu aurais si vite envie de me revoir.''<</roy>>
<<st>>Sa voix, empreinte d'arrogance et de désir, formait un cocktail explosif qui mit Mia mal à l'aise.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Je suis juste venue te rendre ton portefeuille, Roy. Je ne cherche rien d'autre.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Elle essaya de garder un ton ferme.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Ah, mais Mia, tu ne te rappelles pas comme on s'est éclatés ? Cette nuit était tellement… torride et inoubliable. Et je dois l'avouer, j'en redemande depuis.''<</roy>>
<<st>>Ses mots restaient suspendus dans l'air, chargés de sous-entendus. Mia ressentit une pointe d'inconfort, une envie de fuir son emprise.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Je me rappelle parfaitement de tout. Mais c'était juste ça - une nuit. Rien de plus, rien de moins. Je ne suis pas intéressée à continuer quoi que ce soit d'autre.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Elle redressa les épaules, se préparant mentalement à l'assaut de ses avances. L'expression de Roy se durcit, son charme cédant la place à la frustration.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Allez, Mia. Arrête de te la jouer prude. Tu ne peux pas nier que tu as aimé quand je t'ai touchée hier soir. Arrête de mentir, ta culotte devait être trempée dès que tu m'as revu.''<</roy>>
<<st>>Mais elle resta déterminée, son regard ne faiblissant pas.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Arrête tes salades ! Je suis juste venue te rendre ton portefeuille, rien d'autre. Je dois y aller. J'ai pas toute la journée à t'écouter déblatérer des âneries pareilles.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Là-dessus, Mia se détourna, ignorant sa tentative de l'attraper par la main alors qu'elle atteignait la porte. Les derniers mots de Roy résonnèrent dans ses oreilles, un rappel de l'obscurité qui se cachait sous sa façade de charme.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Tu me reverras, Mia. Et je ne serai plus aussi gentil, promis.''<</roy>>
<<st>>Mais elle ne l'écouta pas, claquant la porte derrière elle en partant, une vague de soulagement la submergeant. Mia ne parvenait pas à se défaire du dégoût qui lui collait à la peau, un rappel amer des dangers qui rôdaient dans l'ombre. <</st>>
<<st>>Le sentiment de calme qu'elle avait ressenti après sa discussion avec Elain s'était envolé.<</st>>
<<button [[Partir|City]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_return_wallet=true>><<flash "Avantages exp + 25">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Argent + 100">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mia llegó a la dirección que figuraba en los documentos de Roy, sintiéndose nerviosa y curiosa mientras contemplaba si aquello era una buena idea.<</st>>
<<st>>Al entrar en el edificio, echó un vistazo a los números de los apartamentos y se dio cuenta de que tenía que ir al tercer piso.<</st>>
<<st>>Al subir las escaleras, se encuentra con una chica guapa un poco mayor que ella que parece tener prisa. La chica sube las escaleras tan deprisa que no se fija en Mia hasta que chocan. Cuando la chica choca con ella, su bolso se escapa de las manos de Mia y todo su contenido cae al suelo hecho un desastre.<</st>>
<<str2>>''¡Uy! Lo siento. ''¡Déjame ayudarte a recogerlo todo!'' - dice la chica mientras se arrodilla para ayudar a Mia. Su voz está llena de genuina preocupación.<</str2>>
<<st>>Ambas se echan a reír por la absurda situación, como si dos extrañas se vieran metidas de repente en una comedia de situación. Mientras recogen los objetos esparcidos, una sonrisa de agradecimiento se dibuja en sus rostros, mezclándose con la risa. Al mirar a la chica que la ayuda, Mia no puede evitar fijarse en su belleza. Hay algo en ella que atrae a Mia, algo magnético. Le gusta el ambiente que crea esta chica, una mezcla de calidez y espontaneidad.<</st>>
<<str2>>''Sí, ¡lo siento otra vez! Al menos te ofrecería un café como disculpa, pero se me ha hecho un poco tarde. Pero bueno, ¡siempre es agradable conocer a un nuevo vecino!''.<</str2>>
<<mia>>''Oh, no, no vivo aquí. Sólo he venido a darle algo a tu vecina''.<</mia>>
<<str2>>''Ah, vale. Ya me parecía a mí la vecina tan guay que tengo. Bueno, en ese caso, soy Elain. ¿Y tú?''<</str2>>
<<mia>>''Soy Mia.''<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Encantada de conocerte, Mia. Ya me caes bien. ¿Quién si no choca con la gente y les estropea las maletas, verdad? Debe de ser el destino que nos volvamos a encontrar''.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia se ríe ante su entusiasmo y acepta, sintiendo que se quita un peso de encima.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Sí, el destino actúa de formas misteriosas, supongo''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Después de intercambiar números de teléfono, Mia se despide de Elain y se dirige al apartamento de Roy. Mientras sube las escaleras, no puede evitar sentirse agradecida por el inesperado encuentro con Elain, que de alguna manera ha conseguido aliviar sus nervios por volver a verle.<</st>>
<<st>>Cuando Mia se acercó a la puerta de Roy y llamó, su corazón se aceleró de emoción y miedo. Al segundo siguiente, oyó pasos procedentes del interior. La puerta se abrió rápidamente, y Roy estaba de pie en sus pantalones de chándal grises. Mierda, está bueno, pensó, con las mejillas sonrojadas al verlo.<</st>>
<<st>>La mirada de Roy se encontró con la de Mia, y una sonrisa se dibujó en la comisura de sus labios, con una expresión llena de sorpresa y diversión.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Vaya, vaya, vaya... Mira quién está aquí. No esperaba que quisieras volver a verme tan pronto''.<</roy>>
<<st>>Su voz destilaba arrogancia y deseo, un potente cóctel que inquietaba a Mia.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Solo he venido a devolverte la cartera, Roy. No me interesa nada más''.
Intentó mantener un tono firme.<</mia>>
<<roy>>''Ah, pero Mia, ¿no te acuerdas de lo bien que lo pasamos? Aquella noche fue tan... caliente e inolvidable. Y debo admitir que he estado deseando más desde entonces''.<</roy>>
<<st>>Sus palabras flotaban en el aire, cargadas de insinuaciones. Mia sintió un poco de incomodidad, un deseo de escapar de los confines de su presencia.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Lo recuerdo todo perfectamente. Pero sólo fue eso: una noche. Ni más ni menos. No me interesa continuar sea lo que sea''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Enderezó los hombros, endureciéndose ante la embestida de sus insinuaciones. La expresión de Roy se ensombreció, su encanto dio paso a la frustración.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Vamos, Mia. Deja de comportarte como una zorra mimada. No puedes negar que te gustó que me corriera sobre ti anoche. Deja de negar que se te mojaron las bragas en cuanto volviste a verme''.<</roy>>
<<st>>Pero ella se mantuvo firme, con la mirada inquebrantable.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Eso es mentira. He venido a devolverte la cartera, nada más. Me tengo que ir. No tengo un día entero para escucharte decir todas estas tonterías''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Con eso, Mia se dio la vuelta, ignorando su intento de cogerle la mano cuando llegaba a la puerta. Las palabras de despedida de Roy resonaron en sus oídos, un recordatorio de la oscuridad que acechaba bajo su encantadora fachada.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Volverás a verme, Mia. Y ya no seré tan amable, te lo prometo''.<</roy>>
<<st>>Pero ella no le hizo caso y se marchó dando un portazo con una oleada de alivio. Mia no podía deshacerse del asco que la invadía, un amargo recordatorio de los peligros que acechaban en las sombras.<</st>>
<<st>>La sensación de calma que sintió tras charlar con Elain desapareció.<</st>>
<<button [[Deja|City]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_return_wallet=true>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 25">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Dinero + 100">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "CH">>
<<str2>>''哎呀!真对不起!''我来帮你捡起来吧!'' - 女孩边说边跪下来帮助米娅。她的声音充满了真诚的关切。<</str2>>
<<st>>交换完电话号码后,米娅告别了伊兰,前往罗伊的公寓。在爬楼梯的时候,她不禁为与 Elain 的不期而遇感到庆幸,这让她对再次见到他的紧张情绪得到了缓解。<</st>>
<<roy>>''嗯,嗯,嗯... 看看谁来了。没想到你这么快又想见我了。''<</roy>>
<<button [[离开|City]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_return_wallet=true>><<flash "福利消耗 + 25">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "钱 + 100">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "健身 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</switch>><<set $mia.exp +=15>><<set $mia.cor+=1>><<set $mia.money+=100>><<set $active_quests.q19=true>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia scanned the park for Jack, her heart racing with anticipation and nerves as she spotted him sitting on a bench, a warm smile lighting up his face. She walked to him, butterflies fluttering in her stomach.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Hey,'' Jack said, standing up and kissing her softly. The sensation of his lips meeting hers was warm, but it lacked the passion she'd had with the stranger.<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Hi. You look good,'' Mia replied, returning the kiss warmly.<</mia>>
<<jk>>''You too. So, how's your day been?'' Jack said, pulling back slightly to look at her.<</jk>>
<<mia>>''It's been okay. Yours?'' she replied, forcing a smile. The weight of her secret was pressing down on her.<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Just the usual. But hey, I've got something for you.'' He reached into his bag and pulled out a small box, handing it to Mia with a grin.<</jk>>
<<st>>Mia's heart skipped a beat as she took the box, her guilt intensifying. She knew she had to tell Jack the truth. Or maybe she could keep it to herself and bury the memories of the past night? She kept thinking about it as she held the box in her hand. Mia felt torn between her feelings for Jack and her shame at betraying him.<</st>>
<<button[[Pretend like nothing's happened|False_jack_quest_2]]>><</button>><<flash "Perks exp + 15">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money + 100">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Мия осматривала парк в поисках Джека, сердце бешено колотилось от предвкушения и волнения, когда она заметила его сидящим на скамейке. Теплая улыбка освещала его лицо. Она подошла к нему, бабочки порхали в ее животе.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Привет,'' сказал Джек, вставая и нежно целуя ее. Ощущение его губ на её губах было теплым, но ему не хватало той страсти, которую она испытала с незнакомцем.<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Привет. Ты хорошо выглядишь,'' - ответила Мия, тепло ответив на поцелуй.<</mia>>
<<jk>>''И ты тоже. Ну что, как прошёл день?'' спросил Джек, немного отстраняясь, чтобы посмотреть на нее.<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Все нормально. А твой?'' ответила она, натянув улыбку. Тяжесть её секрета давила на неё.<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Все как обычно. Но слушай, у меня кое-что для тебя есть.'' Он залез в сумку, достал маленькую коробочку и протянул ее Мие с усмешкой.<</jk>>
<<st>>Сердце Мии замерло, когда она взяла коробку, её вина усилилась. Она знала, что должна сказать Джеку правду. Или, может быть, она могла бы сохранить это в секрете и похоронить воспоминания о прошлой ночи? Она продолжала думать об этом, держа коробку в руке. Мия чувствовала себя разорванной между своими чувствами к Джеку и стыдом за то, что предала его.<</st>>
<<button[[Притвориться, что ничего не произошло|False_jack_quest_2]]>><</button>><<flash "Опыт перков + 15">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Деньги + 100">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia checkte den Park ab, ihr Herz hämmerte vor Vorfreude und Panik. Da entdeckte sie ihn endlich: Jack, auf einer Bank sitzend, mit einem breiten Grinsen im Gesicht. Mit flatternden Schmetterlingen im Bauch lief sie auf ihn zu.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Hey,'' grinste Jack, stand auf und drückte ihr einen sanften Kuss auf die Lippen. Warme Sache, klar, aber irgendwie fehlte da die heiße Leidenschaft wie gestern Nacht mit... dem Typen halt.<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Hey'', konterte Mia und gab ihm zum Ausgleich einen dicken Kuss.<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Du siehst ja auch super aus'', sagte Jack, lächelte sie an und zog sich ein bisschen zurück. ''Und, wie war dein Tag so?''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Ganz okay'', antwortete Mia und schenkte ihm ein gequältes Lächeln. Das Gewicht ihres Geheimnisses lastete schwer auf ihr.<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Naja, nix Besonderes'', sagte Jack und grinste. ''Aber hey, ich hab da was für dich.'' Er kramte kurz in seiner Tasche, holte eine kleine Schachtel raus und drückte sie Mia grinsend in die Hand.<</jk>>
<<st>>Mia nahm die Schachtel entgegen, ihr Herz hüpfte wild in der Brust. Die Schuldgefühle wuchsen ins Unermessliche. Sie wusste, sie musste Jack die Wahrheit sagen. Aber vielleicht konnte sie es auch einfach für sich behalten, die Erinnerungen an die letzte Nacht lieber tief vergraben? So stand sie da, die Schachtel in der Hand, hin und her gerissen zwischen ihren Gefühlen für Jack und der Scham über ihren Verrat.<</st>>
<<button[[So tun, als wäre es nie passiert.|False_jack_quest_2]]>><</button>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 15">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Geld + 100">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Le cœur battant l'amble entre excitation et angoisse, Mia scruta le parc à la recherche de Jack. Elle le repéra enfin, assis sur un banc, un sourire chaleureux illuminant son visage. Des papillons virevoltaient dans son estomac alors qu'elle s'approchait de lui.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Salut,'' lança Jack en se levant pour lui déposer un tendre baiser sur les lèvres. La sensation de sa bouche contre la sienne était douce, mais dépourvue de la passion qu'elle avait ressentie avec l'inconnu.<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Salut, tu es canon,'' répondit Mia en lui rendant son baiser avec chaleur.<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Et toi aussi. Alors, comment s'est passée ta journée ?'' demanda Jack en se reculant légèrement pour la regarder.<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Pas mal. Et la tienne ?'' répliqua-t-elle en forçant un sourire. Le poids de son secret l'oppressait.<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Rien d'extraordinaire. Mais j'ai quelque chose pour toi.'' Il fouilla dans son sac, en sortit une petite boîte et la lui tendit avec un grand sourire.<</jk>>
<<st>>Le cœur de Mia s'emballa lorsqu'elle prit la boîte, sa culpabilité s'intensifiant. Elle devait absolument tout avouer à Jack. À moins qu'elle puisse garder le silence, enterrer les souvenirs de la nuit passée ? Tandis qu'elle tenait la boîte, ces questions tournaient en boucle dans sa tête. Mia se sentait tiraillée entre ses sentiments pour Jack et la honte de l'avoir trahi.<</st>>
<<button[[Faire comme si rien ne s'était passé.|False_jack_quest_2]]>><</button>><<flash "Avantages exp + 15">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Argent + 100">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mia buscó a Jack por el parque, con el corazón acelerado por la expectación y los nervios, cuando lo vio sentado en un banco, con una cálida sonrisa iluminándole la cara. Caminó hacia él, con un revoloteo de mariposas en el estómago.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Hola'', dijo Jack, levantándose y besándola suavemente. La sensación de sus labios en contacto con los suyos fue cálida, pero carente de la pasión que había tenido con el desconocido.<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Hola. Tienes buen aspecto'', respondió Mia, devolviéndole el beso cariñosamente.<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Tú también. ¿Cómo te ha ido el día?'' dijo Jack, apartándose ligeramente para mirarla.<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Bien. ¿Y el tuyo?'' respondió ella, forzando una sonrisa. El peso de su secreto la presionaba.<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Lo de siempre. Pero oye, tengo algo para ti''. Metió la mano en el bolso, sacó una cajita y se la entregó a Mia con una sonrisa.<</jk>>
<<st>>El corazón de Mia dio un vuelco cuando cogió la caja, su culpabilidad se intensificó. Sabía que tenía que contarle la verdad a Jack. ¿O tal vez podía guardársela para sí misma y enterrar los recuerdos de la noche anterior? Siguió pensando en ello mientras sostenía la caja en la mano. Mia se sentía dividida entre sus sentimientos por Jack y la vergüenza de haberlo traicionado.<</st>>
<<button[[Fingir que nunca había pasado.|False_jack_quest_2]]>><</button>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 15">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Dinero + 100">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corrupción + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "CH">>
<<mia>>''嗨,你看起来气色不错。'' 米娅回答,热情地回吻。<</mia>>
<<jk>>''你也一样。今天过得怎么样?'' 杰克说着,稍稍收回目光看着她。<</jk>>
<<jk>>''就像往常一样。不过,我有东西要给你。'' 他伸手从包里拿出一个小盒子,笑着递给米娅。<</jk>>
<<button[[假装一切都没发生过|False_jack_quest_2]]>><</button>><<flash "福利消耗 + 15">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "钱 + 100">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐败 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</switch>><<set $mia.exp +=30>><<set $active_quests.q6=true>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia walks into the kitchen where her parents are having breakfast and pours herself a cup of coffee. Her mom looks up from her plate, her expression serious.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Mia, can we talk for a minute?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sure, what's up?''<</mia>>
<<st>>Mom's expression shifts from casual to concerned as she looks at Mia, her eyes conveying a mix of worry and love. She takes a deep breath before speaking, her voice gentle but firm.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Mia, your dad and I have noticed something concerning lately. You're 18 now, and while we're not pressuring you to excel in college or rush into a career, we're worried that you're not even thinking about your future.''<</mom>>
<<st>>Dad's brows furrow slightly as he listens to her mom, his gaze shifting between Mia and her.<</st>>
<<mom>>''It seems like you're just coasting along, spending money on outings with friends and new clothes without considering the value of money. You need to start thinking about how you will support yourself.''<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia feels a pang of defensiveness rising as her parents' words sink in. It's not easy to hear their worries about her future, especially when she's still figuring things out herself.
Mia tries to brush off their concerns, but deep down, she knows they have a point.<</st>>
<<mia>>''What's the big deal? I'm just having fun. I'll figure things out eventually.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Mom's eyes soften as she reaches out to touch her hand.<</st>>
<<dad>> ''It's not just about having fun, Mia. You need to learn to fend for yourself. That's why we've decided that if you want to continue living here and eating our food, that's fine, but we won't be giving you money for clothes and personal expenses anymore.''
Dad's voice holds a note of encouragement, his words echo in your mind, urging Mia to step up and take control of her future.<</dad>>
<<st>>Mia can't help but feel a flicker of resentment at their insistence on responsibility. It's hard to let go of the carefree days, but she knows deep down that it's time to face reality.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Fine! I'll start looking for a job, but that doesn't mean I will like it.''<</mia>>
<<st>>As the conversation ends, a sense of determination settles over her. She may not have all the answers yet, but she's ready to take the first steps towards a brighter future. Suddenly, a flicker of hope sparks within her as she recalls seeing a ''Now Hiring'' sign at the local café. Perhaps it's a sign to start her job hunt.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Mia, we're doing this because we love you. Trust us, it's for your own good.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>//*grudgingly*// ''I know, Mom. I'll start job hunting.''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Good girl. We know you'll make the right choice.''<</dad>>
<<mia>>//*nodding reluctantly*// ''Whatever you say.''<</mia>>
<<button [[Leave|Kitchen]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_talk_family=true>><<flash "Perks exp + 30">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Мия вошла на кухню, где родители завтракали, и налила себе чашку кофе. Мама подняла глаза от тарелки, её лицо стало серьезным.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Мия, можем мы поговорить на минутку?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Конечно, что случилось?''<</mia>>
<<st>>Выражение лица мамы из непринужденного стало озабоченным, когда она посмотрела на Мию, её глаза выражали смесь беспокойства и любви. Она глубоко вздохнула, прежде чем заговорить, её голос был нежным, но твердым.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Мия, мы с папой последнее время кое-что заметили. Тебе уже 18 лет, и хотя мы не давим на тебя, чтобы ты преуспевала в колледже и не торопилась с карьерой. Мы беспокоимся, что ты даже не думаешь о своем будущем.''<</mom>>
<<st>>Папа слегка нахмурился, слушая маму, его взгляд переходил с Мии на неё.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Кажется, ты просто плывешь по течению, тратя деньги на прогулки с друзьями и новую одежду, не задумываясь о ценности денег. Тебе нужно начать думать о том, как ты будешь себя обеспечивать.''<</mom>>
<<st>>Мия почувствовала, как в ней бурлит волна защитной реакции, когда слова родителей западают ей в душу. Ведь нелегко слышать опасения за свое будущее, когда она сама еще ничего не знает.<</st>>
<<mia>>''В чем проблема? Я просто веселюсь. Я разберусь со всем этим в конце концов.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Глаза мамы смягчились, когда она протянула руку, чтобы прикоснуться к её руке.<</st>>
<<dad>>''Дело не только в веселье, Мия. Тебе нужно научиться заботиться о себе. Поэтому мы решили, что если ты хочешь продолжать жить здесь и есть нашу еду, то это нормально, но мы больше не будем давать тебе деньги на одежду и личные расходы.''
В голосе отца звучала нотка ободрения, его слова эхом отдавались в голове Мии, побуждая её взять на себя ответственность и взять под контроль свое будущее.<</dad>>
<<st>>Мия не могла не почувствовать вспышку негодования из-за их настойчивости в отношении ответственности. Трудно отказаться от беззаботных дней, но в глубине души она понимала, что пора взглянуть реальности в лицо.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Хорошо! Я начну искать работу, но это не значит, что мне это понравится.''<</mia>>
<<st>>По мере того, как разговор заканчивается, в ней поселяется чувство решимости. Возможно, у нее еще нет всех ответов, но она готова сделать первые шаги к более светлому будущему. Внезапно в ней вспыхивает надежда, когда она вспоминает, что видела объявление ''Требуется персонал'' в местном кафе. Возможно, это знак начать поиск работы.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Мия, мы делаем это, потому что любим тебя. Доверься нам, это ради твоего же блага.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>//нехотя// ''Я знаю, мам. Я начну искать работу.''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Молодец. Мы знаем, ты сделаешь правильный выбор.''<</dad>>
<<mia>>//неохотно кивает// ''Как скажешь.''<</mia>>
<<button [[Уйти|Kitchen]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_talk_family=true>><<flash "Опыт перков + 30">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia spaziert in die Küche, wo ihre Eltern beim Frühstück sitzen, und schenkt sich eine Tasse Kaffee ein. Ihre Mutter schaut ernst von ihrem Teller auf.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Mia, können wir mal kurz reden?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Klar, was ist los?''<</mia>>
<<st>>Der Gesichtsausdruck der Mutter wechselt von beiläufig zu besorgt, als sie Mia ansieht. Ihre Augen spiegeln eine Mischung aus Sorge und Liebe wider. Sie atmet tief ein, bevor sie spricht, ihre Stimme sanft, aber bestimmt.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Mia, dein Vater und ich haben in letzter Zeit etwas Beunruhigendes beobachtet. Du bist jetzt 18, und obwohl wir dich nicht zum Überflieger im Studium oder zu einer schnellen Karriere drängen wollen, macht uns Sorgen, dass du gar nicht an deine Zukunft denkst.''<</mom>>
<<st>>Der Vater runzelt leicht die Stirn, während er ihrer Mutter zuhört, sein Blick wechselt zwischen Mia und ihr hin und her.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Es scheint, als würdest du einfach so dahinleben, Geld für Unternehmungen mit Freunden und neue Klamotten ausgeben, ohne über den Wert des Geldes nachzudenken. Du musst dir langsam Gedanken machen, wie du dich selbst ernähren willst.''<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia spürt einen Anflug von Trotz, als die Worte ihrer Eltern bei ihr ankommen. Es ist nicht einfach, ihre Sorgen um ihre Zukunft zu hören, besonders wenn sie selbst noch am Herausfinden ist. Mia versucht ihre Bedenken abzutun, aber tief in ihrem Inneren weiß sie, dass sie Recht haben.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Was ist denn die große Sache? Ich habe doch nur Spaß. Irgendwann werde ich das schon hinkriegen.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Die Augen der Mutter werden weich, als sie nach Mias Hand greift.<</st>>
<<dad>>''Es geht nicht nur um Spaß, Mia. Du musst lernen, für dich selbst zu sorgen. Deshalb haben wir beschlossen, dass du zwar weiterhin hier wohnen und unser Essen essen kannst, aber wir dir kein Geld mehr für Klamotten und persönliche Ausgaben geben werden.''
Die Stimme des Vaters klingt unterstützend, seine Worte hallen in Mias Kopf wider und drängen sie dazu, Verantwortung für ihre Zukunft zu übernehmen.<</dad>>
<<st>>Mia kann nicht anders, als ein Fünkchen Ärger über ihr Beharren auf Verantwortung zu spüren. Es ist schwer, die unbeschwerten Tage loszulassen, aber tief in ihrem Inneren weiß sie, dass es Zeit ist, sich der Realität zu stellen.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Na gut! Ich werde mir einen Job suchen, aber das heißt nicht, dass er mir gefallen wird.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Als das Gespräch endet, legt sich ein Gefühl der Entschlossenheit über sie. Sie hat vielleicht noch nicht alle Antworten, aber sie ist bereit, die ersten Schritte in eine bessere Zukunft zu gehen. Plötzlich funkt ein Hoffnungsstreifen in ihr auf, als sie sich daran erinnert, ein ''Jetzt Einstellen'' -Schild im örtlichen Café gesehen zu haben. Vielleicht ist es ein Zeichen, ihre Jobsuche zu beginnen.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Mia, wir machen das, weil wir dich lieben. Vertrau uns, es ist zu deinem eigenen Besten.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>//zähneknirschend// ''Ich weiß, Mom. Ich werde mich auf Jobsuche machen.''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Braves Mädchen. Wir wissen, du wirst die richtige Entscheidung treffen.''<</dad>>
<<mia>>//zögernd nickend// ''Wie du sagst.''<</mia>>
<<button [[Gehen Sie|Kitchen]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_talk_family=true>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 30">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Mia entra dans la cuisine où ses parents étaient en train de déjeuner et se versa une tasse de café. Sa mère leva les yeux de son assiette, le visage sérieux.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Mia, on peut se parler une minute ?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Ouais, qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?''<</mia>>
<<st>>L'expression de sa mère passa de détendue à inquiète. Elle regarda Mia, ses yeux mêlant l'amour et l'inquiétude. Elle prit une profonde inspiration avant de parler, sa voix douce mais ferme.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Mia, ton père et moi avons remarqué quelque chose d'inquiétant ces derniers temps. Tu as 18 ans maintenant, et on ne te met pas la pression pour que tu sois la meilleure à l'université ou que tu te lances à toute vitesse dans une carrière, mais on a peur que tu ne penses même pas à ton avenir.''<</mom>>
<<st>>Les sourcils de papa se froncèrent légèrement pendant qu'il écoutait sa mère, son regard passant de Mia à elle.<</st>>
<<mom>>''On a l'impression que tu te contentes de vivre au jour le jour, à dépenser de l'argent en sorties entre amis et en nouveaux vêtements sans réfléchir à la valeur de l'argent. Il faut que tu commences à te demander comment tu vas subvenir à tes besoins.''<</mom>>
<<st>>Un sentiment de justification monte en Mia à mesure que les paroles de ses parents s'imprègnent. Ce n'est pas facile d'entendre leurs inquiétudes pour son avenir, surtout quand elle-même est encore en train de se chercher.
Mia essaie de balayer leurs préoccupations d'un revers de main, mais au fond, elle sait qu'ils n'ont pas tort.<</st>>
<<mia>>''C'est quoi le problème ? Je profite un peu, c'est tout. Je trouverai ma voie plus tard.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Le regard de sa mère s'adoucit alors qu'elle tend la main pour toucher la sienne.<</st>>
<<dad>>''Ce n'est pas qu'une question de s'amuser, Mia. Il faut que tu apprennes à te débrouiller toute seule. C'est pour ça qu'on a décidé que si tu veux continuer à vivre ici et manger à notre table, pas de problème, mais on ne te filera plus d'argent pour les fringues et les dépenses personnelles.''
La voix de papa est empreinte d'encouragement, ses mots résonnent dans ton esprit, poussant Mia à prendre les choses en main et à se projeter dans l'avenir.<</dad>>
<<st>>Mia ne peut s'empêcher de ressentir une pointe de ressentiment face à leur insistance sur la responsabilité. C'est dur de dire adieu à l'insouciance, mais au fond, elle sait qu'il est temps de faire face à la réalité.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Bon, d'accord ! Je vais me mettre à chercher un boulot, mais ça ne veut pas dire que ça va me plaire.''<</mia>>
<<st>>À la fin de la conversation, une détermination s'installe en Mia. Elle n'a peut-être pas encore toutes les réponses, mais elle est prête à faire les premiers pas vers un avenir meilleur. Soudain, une lueur d'espoir jaillit en elle lorsqu'elle se souvient du panneau ''On recherche du personnel'' qu'elle a vu au café du coin. C'est peut-être le signe qu'il faut qu'elle commence sa recherche d'emploi.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Mia, on fait ça parce qu'on t'aime. Fais-nous confiance, c'est pour ton bien.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>//à contrecœur// ''Je sais, maman. Je vais commencer à chercher du boulot.''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Bonne fille. On sait que tu feras le bon choix.''<</dad>>
<<mia>>//hochant la tête à contrecœur// ''Oui, oui, c'est ça.''<</mia>>
<<button [[Partir|Kitchen]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_talk_family=true>><<flash "Avantages exp + 30">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mia entra en la cocina donde sus padres están desayunando y se sirve una taza de café. Su madre levanta la vista de su plato, con expresión seria.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Mia, ¿podemos hablar un momento?''.<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Claro, ¿qué pasa?''.<</mia>>
<<st>>La expresión de mamá cambia de despreocupada a preocupada cuando mira a Mia, sus ojos transmiten una mezcla de preocupación y amor. Respira hondo antes de hablar, con voz suave pero firme.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Mia, tu padre y yo hemos notado algo preocupante últimamente. Ya tienes 18 años y, aunque no te presionamos para que sobresalgas en la universidad o te apresures a elegir una carrera, nos preocupa que ni siquiera estés pensando en tu futuro''.<</mom>>
<<st>>Las cejas de papá se fruncen ligeramente al escuchar a su madre, su mirada cambia entre Mia y ella.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Parece que vas a tu aire, gastando dinero en salidas con amigos y ropa nueva sin tener en cuenta el valor del dinero. Tienes que empezar a pensar en cómo te mantendrás''.<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia se siente a la defensiva cuando las palabras de sus padres calan hondo. No es fácil escuchar sus preocupaciones sobre su futuro, sobre todo cuando ella misma aún no lo tiene claro.
Mia intenta ignorar sus preocupaciones, pero en el fondo sabe que tienen razón.<</st>>
<<mia>>''¿Cuál es el problema? Sólo me estoy divirtiendo. Al final me daré cuenta''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Los ojos de mamá se suavizan mientras extiende la mano para tocarla.<</st>>
<<dad>>''No se trata solo de divertirse, Mia. Tienes que aprender a valerte por ti misma. Por eso hemos decidido que si quieres seguir viviendo aquí y comiendo nuestra comida, está bien, pero ya no te daremos dinero para ropa y gastos personales.''
La voz de papá contiene una nota de ánimo, sus palabras resuenan en su mente, instando a Mia a dar un paso adelante y tomar las riendas de su futuro.
<<st>>Mia no puede evitar sentir un destello de resentimiento ante su insistencia en la responsabilidad. Le cuesta dejar atrás los días despreocupados, pero en el fondo sabe que es hora de enfrentarse a la realidad.<</st>>
<<mia>>''¡Bien! Empezaré a buscar trabajo, pero eso no significa que me vaya a gustar''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Al terminar la conversación, una sensación de determinación se apodera de ella. Puede que aún no tenga todas las respuestas, pero está preparada para dar los primeros pasos hacia un futuro mejor. De repente, un destello de esperanza se enciende en su interior al recordar que ha visto un cartel de ''Ahora se contrata'' en la cafetería local. Tal vez sea una señal para empezar a buscar trabajo.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Mia, hacemos esto porque te queremos. Confía en nosotros, es por tu bien''.<</mom>>
<<mia>>//A regañadientes// ''Lo sé, mamá. Empezaré a buscar trabajo''.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Buena chica. Sabemos que tomarás la decisión correcta''.<</dad>>
<<mia>>//Asintiendo a regañadientes.// ''Lo que tú digas''.<</mia>>
<<button [[Deja|Kitchen]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_talk_family=true>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 30">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "CH">>
<<mom>>''米娅,我和你爸爸最近发现了一些令人担忧的事情。你已经 18 岁了,虽然我们并没有逼迫你在大学里取得优异成绩,也没有让你急着找工作,但我们担心你根本没有考虑过自己的未来。''<</mom>>
<<dad>>''这不仅仅是玩乐,米娅。你需要学会自己照顾自己。这就是为什么我们决定,如果你想继续住在这里,吃我们做的饭,那没问题,但我们不会再给你钱买衣服和个人开销了。'' 爸爸的声音里带着鼓励,他的话在你的脑海里回荡,敦促米娅站出来,掌控自己的未来。<</dad>>
<<st>>随着谈话的结束,一种坚定的感觉笼罩着她。也许她还没有找到所有的答案,但她已经准备好迈出第一步,走向更光明的未来。突然,她想起在当地咖啡馆看到的 ''现在招聘 ''的标志,内心燃起了一丝希望。也许这就是她开始求职的标志。<</st>>
<<mia>>//勉强// ''我知道,妈妈。我会开始找工作的。''<</mia>>
<<mia>>//勉强点头// ''听你的''。<</mia>>
<<button [[离开|Kitchen]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_talk_family=true>><<flash "福利消耗 + 30">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
@@.text-normal;The cafe is closed until you progress further in the story.@@
<<case "RU">>
@@.text-normal;Кафе закрыто до тех пор, пока вы не продвинетесь дальше по сюжету.@@
<<case "GE">>
@@.text-normal;Das Café ist geschlossen, bis du in der Geschichte weitergekommen bist.@@
<<button[[Verlassen Sie|City]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
@@.text-normal;Le café est fermé jusqu'à ce que vous progressiez dans l'histoire.@@
<<case "ES">>
@@.text-normal;La cafetería está cerrada hasta que avances en la historia.@@
<<button[[Salir de|City]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<</switch>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
</script><</if>><<set $canTravel =1>>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia trudges home after a taxing day at the café. Her feet feels heavy, each step a reminder of the long hours spent serving customers. The weight of exhaustion settles upon her shoulders, and she longs for the comfort of her own bed. Yet, despite the fatigue, there's a glimmer of satisfaction in knowing she's taking the first step towards independence.<</st>>
<<st>>Due to her exhaustion from the long shift, she fails to notice the dark-colored minivan approaching her. Before she can react, the door swings open, and she's swiftly pulled inside.<</st>>
<<st>>A strong hand pressed a strange-smelling cloth against Mia's face, enveloping her in a dizzying haze. Before she could fully comprehend what was happening, darkness crept in, blurring her senses. In that fleeting moment, amid the fog, she caught a glimpse of Roy's wicked smirk, filled with a sinister triumph.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Here we are again, just like I promised,'' - his words barely reached Mia as her consciousness slipped away.<</roy>>
<<st>>She was terrified to the core.<</st>>
<<button [[Continue|Kidnappers_home_quest_7]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Мия волочится домой после утомительного дня в кафе. Ноги у неё тяжелые, каждый шаг напоминает о долгих часах, проведенных в обслуживании клиентов. Тяжесть усталости ложится ей на плечи, и она тоскует по комфорту своей кровати. И все же, несмотря на усталость, есть проблеск удовлетворения от осознания того, что она делает первый шаг к независимости.<</st>>
<<st>>Из-за истощения от долгой смены она не замечает приближающегося темно-цветного минивена. Прежде чем она успевает среагировать, дверь распахивается, и её быстро втаскивают внутрь.<</st>>
<<st>>Сильная рука прижала к ее лицу странно пахнущую ткань, окутав её головокружительным туманом. Прежде чем она смогла полностью осознать, что происходит, тьма окутала её, затуманив чувства. В этот мимолетный момент, сквозь туман, она мельком увидела злобную ухмылку Роя, полную зловещего торжества.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Вот мы снова вместе, как я и обещал,'' - его слова едва достигли Мии, когда её сознание отключилось.<</roy>>
<<st>>Ей было ужасно страшно.<</st>>
<<button [[Продолжить|Kidnappers_home_quest_7]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia schleppt sich nach einem knallharten Tag im Café nach Hause. Ihre Füße sind total im Eimer, jeder Schritt ein Beweis für die ellenlangen Stunden, die sie mit Kaffeetrinken und Kuchen servieren verbracht hat. Die Erschöpfung klebt ihr wie ein Bleigewicht auf den Schultern, und sie sehnt sich nur noch nach ihrem Bett. Aber trotz der Müdigkeit blitzt ein Funke Zufriedenheit in ihr auf: Sie hat den ersten Schritt in Richtung Unabhängigkeit gemacht.<</st>>
<<st>>Weil sie von der langen Schicht so platt ist, übersieht sie den dunklen Minivan, der ihr entgegenkommt. Bevor sie überhaupt reagieren kann, fliegt die Tür auf und sie wird ruckartig hineingezogen.<</st>>
<<st>>Eine kräftige Hand drückt ihr ein komisch stinkendes Tuch aufs Gesicht und taucht sie in einen dicken Nebel. Bevor sie begreifen kann, was abgeht, wird alles dunkel und ihre Sinne schwinden. In diesem kurzen Moment, mitten im Nebel, erhascht sie noch einen Blick auf Roys fieses Grinsen, das vor diabolischem Triumph nur so strotzt.<</st>>
<<roy>>''So, schon wieder hier, genau wie versprochen,'' - seine Worte dringen kaum zu ihr durch, als sie das Bewusstsein verliert. <</roy>>
<<st>>Sie hat Todesangst.<</st>>
<<button [[Weiter|Kidnappers_home_quest_7]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Mia rentra chez elle à pied après une journée harassante au café. Ses pieds étaient en plomb, chaque pas lui rappelant les longues heures passées à servir des clients. L'épuisement s'installait sur ses épaules, et elle ne rêvait que du confort de son lit. Pourtant, malgré la fatigue, une lueur de satisfaction l'habitait : elle prenait son indépendance à bras le corps.<</st>>
<<st>>À cause de l'épuisement dû à son long service, elle ne remarqua pas le monospace de couleur sombre qui s'approchait d'elle. Avant qu'elle n'ait le temps de réagir, la porte coulissait et on l'embarquait à l'intérieur.<</st>>
<<st>>Une main puissante lui plaqua sur le visage un tissu à l'odeur inconnue, la plongeant dans un brouillard vertigineux. Avant qu'elle ne puisse saisir complètement ce qui se passait, l'obscurité l'envahit, brouillant ses sens. Dans ce court instant, au milieu du brouillard, elle aperçut le sourire narquois de Roy, empli d'un triomphe sinistre.<</st>>
<<roy>>'' Nous revoilà, comme promis. '' - Ses mots parvinrent à peine à Mia alors que sa conscience s'évanouissait. <</roy>>
<<st>>La terreur l'envahissait jusqu'à la moelle.<</st>>
<<button [[Poursuivre|Kidnappers_home_quest_7]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mia regresa penosamente a casa después de un día agotador en la cafetería. Sus pies se sienten pesados, cada paso es un recordatorio de las largas horas dedicadas a atender a los clientes. El peso del cansancio cae sobre sus hombros y añora la comodidad de su propia cama. Sin embargo, a pesar de la fatiga, hay un rayo de satisfacción al saber que está dando el primer paso hacia la independencia.<</st>>
<<st>>Debido a su cansancio por el largo turno, no se da cuenta de la minivan de color oscuro que se acerca a ella. Antes de que pueda reaccionar, la puerta se abre y ella entra rápidamente.<</st>>
<<st>>Una mano fuerte presionó un paño de olor extraño contra el rostro de Mia, envolviéndola en una neblina vertiginosa. Antes de que pudiera comprender completamente lo que estaba sucediendo, la oscuridad se apoderó de ella, nublando sus sentidos. En ese fugaz momento, en medio de la niebla, vislumbró la sonrisa malvada de Roy, llena de un siniestro triunfo.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Aquí estamos de nuevo, tal como lo prometí'' - sus palabras apenas llegaron a Mia mientras su conciencia se desvanecía.<</roy>>
<<st>>Estaba aterrorizada hasta la médula.<</st>>
<<button [[Continuar|Kidnappers_home_quest_7]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>在咖啡馆忙碌了一天后,米娅艰难地回家。 她的脚感觉很沉重,每一步都让人想起为顾客服务的漫长时间。 疲惫的重担压在她的肩上,她渴望能在自己的床上得到安慰。 然而,尽管很疲劳,但当她知道自己正在迈出独立的第一步时,她还是感到一丝满足。<</st>>
<<st>>由于长时间轮班的疲惫,她没有注意到一辆深色小型货车向她驶来。 还没等她反应过来,门就被打开了,她被迅速拉了进去。<</st>>
<<st>>一只有力的手将一块散发着异味的布按在了米娅的脸上,让她笼罩在一片令人晕眩的雾气之中。 还没等她完全明白发生了什么,黑暗就降临了,模糊了她的意识。 就在那一瞬间,雾气之中,她瞥见了罗伊那邪恶的傻笑,充满了阴险的胜利。<</st>>
<<button [[继续|Kidnappers_home_quest_7]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>After some time, Mia begins to regain consciousness. Initially, confusion sets in as she grapples with the cold, the unfamiliar surroundings, and the pounding headache. Could it be that she was out partying last night, and her memory now a foggy haze? But then, as if struck by a hammer, the events of the previous evening flood back, overwhelming her with fear like never before.<</st>>
<<st>>Bloody hell, what's happening? She starts to glance around, realizing she's in some dark, windowless basement, lit only by a feeble lamp dangling from the ceiling. The light is so dim that it's hard to make out much of anything.<</st>>
<<mia>>What the...? This couldn't be real, could it? Could she really have been kidnapped by that arrogant idiot?<</mia>>
<<st>>Tears welled up in her throat, desperately trying to break through the veil of fear and confusion. Just one casual night with a stranger, and here she is, locked in a dark, damp basement like an animal. How could this have happened? Is this bastard, this Roy, really that crazy?<</st>>
<<st>>Anger began to boil in her soul, replacing the tears. She wasn't going to sit here idly; she wasn't going to become a victim of this monster. Mia started banging on the door that leads out of this basement and a loud, desperate cry rang out through the basement.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Let me out! Immediately!''<</mia>>
<<roy>>Footsteps, heavy and echoing, approached her. Roy appeared in the dim light of the lamp, his face inscrutable.<</roy>>
<<mia>>''What the fuck did you kidnap me for?!'' she shouted, putting all her anger into the words.<</mia>>
<<roy>>''What do you think, darling? I just wanted to spend some more time with such a charming girl,'' - he smirked, his lips curling into a sinister grin.<</roy>>
<<mia>>''Charming? You're crazy! Completely nuts!'' - Mia mimicked him, feeling the anger bubbling in her chest.<</mia>>
<<roy>>''Maybe. But that doesn't change anything. You're mine now.'' - he shrugged.<</roy>>
<<mia>>''Yours?!'' she cried, recoiling from him. <</mia>>
<<mia>> ''Never! I'll never be yours! You must let me out of here now, you sick fucker!''<</mia>>
<<st>>Roy took a step forward, his dark eyes narrowing.<</st>>
<<mia>> ''Do what you want. I'm not afraid of you!'' - she gritted her teeth, staring him in the eye.<</mia>>
<<st>>Roy leaned towards her, his face close to hers. <</st>>
<<roy>> ''Are you sure? You have no idea what I'm capable of,'' - he whispered, his lips brushing against her ear. ''<</roy>>
<<st>>His words burned like ice fire. Mia recoiled, trembling with disgust and fear.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Please, just let me go. I didn't do anything to you,'' - she whispered, her voice trembling.<</mia>>
<<roy>> ''Didn't do anything? You stole my heart, darling. And now I'm going to take yours.'' - he laughed, his laughter echoing through the basement. <</roy>>
<<st>>He moved towards you again, his hands reaching for your neck. Mia struggled desperately, trying to break free from his grip.<</st>>
<<st>>She realized he's a crazy son of a bitch.<</st>>
<<st>>''You have $attempts_to_escape attempts to escape from the cell. Using all attempts will end the game.''
''Save the game at this point, you may lose.''<</st>>
<<button [[Sex|Bdsm_0]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Через некоторое время Миа начинает приходить в сознание. Сначала наступает замешательство, холод, незнакомой обстановкой, и сильной головной болью. Может быть, вчера вечером она была на вечеринке, и теперь ее память затуманена? Но затем, словно ударом молотка, события предыдущего вечера нахлынули на неё, одолев страхом, как никогда раньше.<</st>>
<<st>>Черт возьми, что происходит? Она начинает оглядываться по сторонам, понимая, что находится в каком-то темном подвале без окон, освещенный лишь слабой лампочкой, свисающей с потолка. Свет настолько тусклый, что трудно что-либо разобрать.<</st>>
<<mia>>Что за хуйня? Это не может быть реальностью, не так ли? Неужели её действительно похитил этот высокомерный идиот?<</mia>>
<<st>>Слезы подступили к её горлу, она отчаянно пыталась пробраться сквозь завесу страха и растерянности. Всего одна случайная ночь с незнакомцем, и вот она, запертая в темном и сыром подвале, как животное. Как это могло произойти? Неужели этот ублюдок, этот Рой, действительно настолько сумасшедший?<</st>>
<<st>>Гнев закипел в её душе, сменяя слезы. Она не собиралась сидеть здесь сложа руки; она не собиралась становиться жертвой этого монстра. Миа начала стучать в дверь, ведущую из этого подвала, и по подвалу раздался громкий отчаянный крик.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Выпустите меня! Немедленно!''<</mia>>
<<st>>Шаги, тяжелые и гулкие, приближались к ней. Рой появился в тусклом свете лампы с непроницаемым лицом.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Какого хуя ты меня похитил?!'' — крикнула она, вкладывая в слова всю свою злость.<</mia>>
<<roy>>''А как ты думаешь, дорогая? Я ведь хотел провести еще немного времени с такой очаровательной девушкой'', - он ухмыльнулся, его губы скривились в зловещей ухмылке.<</roy>>
<<mia>>''Очаровательной? Ты сумасшедший! Совсем спятил!'' - Миа передразнила его, чувствуя, как гнев кипит в её груди.<</mia>>
<<roy>>''Может быть. Но это ничего не меняет. Теперь ты моя''. - он пожал плечами.<</roy>>
<<mia>>''Твоя?!'' — воскликнула она, отшатнувшись от него.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Никогда! Я никогда не буду твоей! Ты должен выпустить меня отсюда сейчас же, больной ублюдок!''<</mia>>
<<st>>Рой сделал шаг вперед, его темные глаза сузились.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Осторожнее, дорогая. Не играй со мной. Я могу быть очень… неприятным''.<</roy>>
<<mia>>''Делай, что хочешь. Я тебя не боюсь!'' - она стиснула зубы, глядя ему в глаза.<</mia>>
<<st>>Рой наклонился к ней, его лицо было близко к её лицу.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Ты уверена? Ты понятия не имеешь, на что я способен'', - прошептал он, касаясь губами её уха.''<</roy>>
<<st>>Его слова жгли, как ледяной огонь. Мия отшатнулась, дрожа от отвращения и страха.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Пожалуйста, просто отпусти меня. Я ничего тебе не сделала'', - прошептала она дрожащим голосом.<</mia>>
<<roy>>Ничего не сделала? Ты украла мое сердце, дорогая. И теперь я собираюсь забрать твоё. - он засмеялся, и его смех эхом разнесся по подвалу.<</roy>>
<<st>>Он снова двинулся к ней, его руки потянулись к её шеи. Миа отчаянно боролась, пытаясь вырваться из его хватки.<</st>>
<<st>>И она поняла, что он сумасшедший сукин сын.<</st>>
<<st>>''У вас есть $attempts_to_escape попыток сбежать из камеры. Использование всех попыток завершит игру.''
''Сохраните игру на этом этапе, вы можете проиграть.''<</st>>
<<button [[Sex|Bdsm_0]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Was zum...? Das kann doch nicht echt sein, oder? Wurde sie wirklich von diesem arroganten Idioten entführt? Tränen steigen ihr in den Hals, die verzweifelt versuchen, den Schleier aus Angst und Verwirrung zu durchbrechen. Nur eine lockere Nacht mit einem Fremden, und jetzt ist sie eingesperrt in einem dunklen, feuchten Keller wie ein Tier. Wie konnte das passieren? Ist dieser Mistkerl, dieser Roy, wirklich so verrückt? Wut kocht in ihrer Seele und verdrängt die Tränen. Sie wird hier nicht einfach sitzen bleiben; sie wird nicht das Opfer dieses Monsters werden. Mia fängt an, gegen die Tür zu hämmern, die aus diesem Keller führt, und ein lauter, verzweifelter Schrei hallt durch den Keller.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Lass mich hier raus! Sofort!'' Schritte, schwer und hallend, nähern sich ihr. Roy taucht im schwachen Licht der Lampe auf, sein Gesicht unkenntlich.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Was zur Hölle hast du mich entführt?!'' schreit sie und steckt all ihre Wut in die Worte.<</mia>>
<<roy>>''Was denkst du denn, Liebling? Ich wollte einfach nur noch etwas Zeit mit so einem charmanten Mädchen verbringen,'' grinst er, seine Lippen ziehen sich zu einem finsteren Grinsen zusammen.<</roy>>
<<mia>>''Charmant? Du bist verrückt! Völlig durchgeknallt!'' - Mia äfft ihn nach und spürt die Wut in ihrer Brust brodeln.<</mia>>
<<roy>>''Vielleicht. Aber das ändert nichts. Du gehörst jetzt mir.'' - er zuckt mit den Schultern.<</roy>>
<<mia>>''Deins?!'' schreit sie und weicht vor ihm zurück.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Nie! Ich werde niemals dir gehören! Du musst mich jetzt hier rauslassen, du kranker Fick!''<</mia>>
<<st>>Roy macht einen Schritt nach vorne, seine dunklen Augen verengen sich.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Vorsichtig, Liebling. Spiel nicht mit mir. Ich kann sehr... unangenehm werden.''<</roy>>
<<mia>>''Mach was du willst. Ich habe keine Angst vor dir!'' - sie knirscht mit den Zähnen und starrt ihm in die Augen.<</mia>>
<<st>>Roy beugt sich zu ihr, sein Gesicht nah an ihrem.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Bist du sicher? Du hast keine Ahnung, wozu ich fähig bin,'' flüstert er, seine Lippen streifen ihr Ohr. ''<</roy>>
<<st>>Seine Worte brennen wie Eisfeuer. Mia weicht zurück, zitternd vor Ekel und Angst.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Bitte, lass mich einfach gehen. Ich habe dir nichts getan'', flüstert sie, ihre Stimme zitternd.<</mia>>
<<roy>>''Nichts getan? Du hast mein Herz gestohlen, Liebling. Und jetzt werde ich deins nehmen.'' - er lacht, sein Lachen hallt durch den Keller.<</roy>>
<<st>>Er bewegt sich wieder auf sie zu, seine Hände greifen nach ihrem Hals. Mia wehrt sich verzweifelt und versucht, sich aus seinem Griff zu befreien.<</st>>
<<st>>Sie erkennt, dass er ein verrückter Vollidiot ist.<</st>>
<<st>>''Du hast $attempts_to_escape Versuche, aus der Zelle zu entkommen. Wenn du alle Versuche verbrauchst, ist das Spiel vorbei.''
''Spiel speichern an diesem Punkt. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass du verlierst.''<</st>>
<<button [[Sex|Bdsm_0]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Peu à peu, Mia reprit connaissance. Au début, la confusion la submergea face au froid, aux environs inconnus et au mal de tête lancinant. Se pourrait-il qu'elle ait fait la fête la nuit dernière et que sa mémoire ne soit plus qu'un brouillard opaque ? Mais ensuite, comme frappée par un marteau, les événements de la veille lui revinrent en masse, l'accablant d'une peur sans précédent.<</st>>
<<st>>Putain de merde, qu'est-ce qui se passe ? Elle commença à balayer la pièce du regard, réalisant qu'elle se trouvait dans un sombre sous-sol sans fenêtre, éclairé seulement par une lampe chétive suspendue au plafond. La lumière était si faible qu'il était difficile de distinguer grand-chose.<</st>>
<<mia>>Merde, qu'est-ce que... C'était pas possible, n'est-ce pas ? Elle s'était vraiment fait enlever par ce connard arrogant ?<</mia>>
<<st>>Des larmes lui montèrent à la gorge, tentant désespérément de percer le voile de peur et de confusion. Une seule nuit sans importance avec un inconnu, et la voilà enfermée dans un sous-sol sombre et humide, comme une bête. Comment ça avait pu arriver ? Ce salopard, ce Roy, était-il vraiment aussi cinglé ?<</st>>
<<st>>La colère commença à bouillir en elle, remplaçant les larmes. Elle n'allait pas rester assise là sans rien faire, elle n'allait pas devenir la victime de ce monstre. Mia se mit à tambouriner sur la porte qui donnait sur ce sous-sol et un cri fort et désespéré retentit dans la pièce.<</st>>
<<mia>>'' Laisse-moi sortir ! Tout de suite ! ''<</mia>>
<<st>>Des pas lourds et résonnants s'approchèrent d'elle. Roy apparut dans la faible lumière de la lampe, le visage impassible.<</st>>
<<mia>>'' Putaïn, pourquoi tu m'as enlevée ?! '' cria-t-elle, injectant toute sa colère dans ses mots.<</mia>>
<<roy>>'' Et qu'est-ce que tu crois, chérie ? Je voulais juste passer un peu plus de temps avec une fille aussi charmante, '' glissa-t-il, un sourire narquois déformant ses lèvres.<</roy>>
<<mia>>'' Charmante ? T'es cinglé ! Complètement barré ! '' - Mia le singeonna, sentant la colère bouillir dans sa poitrine.<</mia>>
<<roy>>'' Peut-être. Mais ça ne change rien. Tu es à moi maintenant. '' - il haussa les épaules avec indifférence.<</roy>>
<<mia>>'' À toi ?! '' cria-t-elle en reculant de lui.<</mia>>
<<mia>>'' Jamais ! Je ne t'appartiendrai jamais ! Tu dois me laisser sortir d'ici maintenant, espèce de taré ! ''<</mia>>
<<st>>Roy fit un pas en avant, ses yeux noirs se plissant.<</st>>
<<roy>>'' Attention, ma chérie. Ne joue pas avec moi. Je peux être très... désagréable. ''<</roy>>
<<mia>>'' Fais ce que tu veux. Je n'ai pas peur de toi ! '' - Elle serra les dents, le fixant droit dans les yeux.<</mia>>
<<st>>Roy se pencha vers elle, son visage tout proche.<</st>>
<<roy>>'' T'en es sûre ? Tu ne sais pas du tout de quoi je suis capable, '' chuchota-t-il, ses lèvres effleurant son oreille. '' Ses mots la brûlaient comme du feu de glace. '' Mia recula, tremblant de dégoût et de peur.<</roy>>
<<mia>>'' S'il te plaît, laisse-moi partir. Je ne t'ai rien fait, '' murmura-t-t- sa voix tremblante.<</mia>>
<<roy>>'' Rien fait ? Tu m'as volé le cœur, ma chérie. Et maintenant, je vais te prendre le tien. '' - Il rit, son rire résonnant dans le sous-sol.<</roy>>
<<st>>Il s'approcha d'elle à nouveau, ses mains cherchant son cou. Mia se débattit désespérément, essayant de se libérer de son emprise.<</st>>
<<st>>Elle réalisa qu'il était complètement cinglé.<</st>>
<<st>>''Vous disposez de $attempts_to_escape Utiliser toutes les tentatives mettra fin au jeu.''
''Sauvegarder la partie maintenant, vous risquez de perdre.''<</st>>
<<button [[Sex|Bdsm_0]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Después de un tiempo, Mia comienza a recuperar el conocimiento. Al principio, la confusión surge mientras lidia con el frío, el entorno desconocido y el fuerte dolor de cabeza. ¿Podría ser que ella estuvo de fiesta anoche y su memoria ahora es una neblina? Pero entonces, como golpeado por un martillo, los acontecimientos de la noche anterior regresan, abrumándola con un miedo como nunca antes.<</st>>
<<st>>Maldita sea, ¿qué está pasando? Empieza a mirar a su alrededor y se da cuenta de que está en un sótano oscuro y sin ventanas, iluminado sólo por una débil lámpara que cuelga del techo. La luz es tan tenue que es difícil distinguir mucho de algo.<</st>>
<<mia>>Que...? Esto no puede ser real, ¿verdad? ¿Realmente podría haber sido secuestrada por ese idiota arrogante?<</mia>>
<<st>>Las lágrimas brotaron de su garganta, tratando desesperadamente de romper el velo del miedo y la confusión. Sólo una noche casual con un extraño, y aquí está ella, encerrada en un sótano oscuro y húmedo como un animal. ¿Cómo pudo pasar esto? ¿Este bastardo, este Roy, está realmente tan loco?<</st>>
<<st>>La ira comenzó a hervir en su alma, reemplazando a las lágrimas. Ella no iba a quedarse sentada aquí de brazos cruzados; ella no iba a convertirse en víctima de este monstruo. Mia comenzó a golpear la puerta que conduce a la salida de este sótano y un grito fuerte y desesperado resonó por todo el sótano.<</st>>
<<mia>>''¡Déjame salir! ¡Inmediatamente!''<</mia>>
<<st>>Unos pasos, pesados y resonantes, se acercaron a ella. Roy apareció a la tenue luz de la lámpara, su rostro inescrutable.<</st>>
<<mia>>''¡¿Para qué carajo me secuestraste?!'' gritó, poniendo toda su ira en las palabras.<</mia>>
<<roy>>''¿Qué piensas, cariño? Sólo quería pasar más tiempo con una chica tan encantadora'', - sonrió, sus labios se curvaron en una sonrisa siniestra.<</roy>>
<<mia>>''¿Encantadora? ¡Estás loca! ¡Completamente loca!'' - Lo imitó Mía, sintiendo la ira burbujeando en su pecho.<</mia>>
<<roy>>''Tal vez. Pero eso no cambia nada. Ahora eres mía''. - se encogió de hombros.<</roy>>
<<mia>>''¡¿Tuya?!'' —gritó ella, retrocediendo ante él.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''¡Nunca! ¡Nunca seré tuya! ¡Debes dejarme salir de aquí ahora, maldito enfermo!''<</mia>>
<<st>>Roy dio un paso adelante y entrecerró sus ojos oscuros.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Cuidado, cariño. No juegues conmigo. Puedo ser muy... desagradable''.<</roy>>
<<mia>>''Haz lo que quieras. ¡No te tengo miedo!'' - ella apretó los dientes mirándolo a los ojos.<</mia>>
<<st>>Roy se inclinó hacia ella, su rostro cerca del de ella.<</st>>
<<roy>>''¿Estás seguro? No tienes idea de lo que soy capaz'' - susurró, sus labios rozando su oreja. ''<</roy>>
<<st>>Sus palabras ardieron como fuego helado. Mia retrocedió, temblando de disgusto y miedo.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Por favor, déjame ir. No te hice nada'', susurró con la voz temblorosa.<</mia>>
<<roy>>''¿No hiciste nada? Me robaste el corazón, cariño. Y ahora voy a tomar el tuyo''. - se rió, su risa resonó por el sótano.<</roy>>
<<st>>Se acercó a ti de nuevo y sus manos alcanzaron tu cuello. Mia luchó desesperadamente, tratando de liberarse de su agarre.<</st>>
<<st>>Se dio cuenta de que es un loco hijo de puta.<</st>>
<<st>>''Tienes $attempts_to_escape Usar todos los intentos finalizará el juego.''
''Guarda el juego en este punto, puedes perder.''<</st>>
<<button [[Sex|Bdsm_0]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>一段时间后,米娅开始恢复意识。 最初,当她与寒冷、陌生的环境和剧烈的头痛作斗争时,她开始感到困惑。 难道是昨晚她出去参加聚会,记忆一片模糊? 但随后,就像被锤子敲击一样,前一天晚上发生的事情又涌了上来,让她感到前所未有的恐惧。<</st>>
<<st>>该死的,发生了什么事? 她开始环顾四周,意识到自己身处一个黑暗、没有窗户的地下室,只有天花板上悬挂的一盏微弱的灯照亮。 光线太暗,很难看清任何东西。<</st>>
<<mia>>什么……? 这不可能是真的,不是吗? 难道她真的被那个嚣张的白痴绑架了?<</mia>>
<<st>>泪水涌上喉咙,拼命想要冲破恐惧和困惑的面纱。 只是和一个陌生人度过了一个随意的夜晚,而她却像一只动物一样被锁在黑暗潮湿的地下室里。 怎么会发生这种事? 这个混蛋,这个罗伊,真的有那么疯狂吗?<</st>>
<<st>>愤怒开始在她的灵魂中沸腾,取代了泪水。 她不会坐在这里无所事事;她不会坐在这里无所事事。 她不想成为这个怪物的牺牲品。 米娅开始敲打通往地下室的门,地下室里响起了一声大声、绝望的哭声。<</st>>
<<st>>沉重而回响的脚步声向她靠近。 罗伊出现在昏暗的灯光下,脸色高深莫测。<</st>>
<<mia>>''你他妈的绑架我到底是为了什么?!'' 她大声喊道,将所有的愤怒都倾注在了言语之中。<</mia>>
<<mia>>''迷人?你疯了!完全疯了!'' - 米娅模仿着他,感受着胸中的怒火。<</mia>>
<<roy>>''也许吧。但这不会改变任何事情。你现在是我的了。'' - 他耸耸肩。<</roy>>
<<mia>>''你的?!'' 她尖叫着,从他身边退开。<</mia>>
<<mia>>''做你想做的事吧。我不怕你!'' ——她咬紧牙关,盯着他的眼睛。<</mia>>
<<roy>>''你确定吗?你不知道我能做什么,''他低声说道,嘴唇擦过她的耳朵。 ''<</roy>>
<<st>>他的话如冰火般燃烧。 米娅向后退了一步,因厌恶和恐惧而浑身发抖。<</st>>
<<roy>>''什么也没做?你偷走了我的心,亲爱的。现在我要夺走你的心了。'' - 他笑了,他的笑声在地下室里回荡。<</roy>>
<<st>>他再次靠近你,双手伸向你的脖子。 米娅拼命挣扎,想要挣脱他的掌控。<</st>>
<<st>>''您有 $attempts_to_escape 尝试次数来逃离牢房。使用所有尝试将结束游戏''
<<button [[Sex|Bdsm_0]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia woke up again in the same dank basement, feeling every inch of her body ache with pain. The memories of what Roy did to her were unbearable. Thinking about them could kill her, take away all her hope for the future, and make her helpless against this psycho.<</st>>
<<st>>She heard steps outside the door that led out of this awful place. It wasn't Roy; it was probably a guard making sure she didn't get away. It was unbearable to think about staying here any longer and seeing this jerk again.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia felt like she was dying inside and wanted to break free. Roy was going to torture her so badly that she couldn't stay here for long. She had to get away. Mia started to think of a small plan. It was a risky idea, but it was worth a shot.<</st>>
<<st>>She had to try, even though it might not work out.<</st>>
<<st>>She wasn't bothering with theatrics like rattling the door. Instead, she channeled all her energy into a desperate yell that echoed through the hallway. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Hey! I'm starving down here! Can't you bring a girl some food?''<</mia>>
<<st>>''You have $attempts_to_escape attempts to escape from the cell. Using all attempts will end the game.''<</st>>
<<button [[Use physical strength|Kidnappers_home_quest_8_1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Sleep with a security guard|Kidnappers_home_quest_8_2]]>><</button>><<if $attempts_to_escape<1>><<goto GameOver>><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Миа снова проснулась в том же сыром подвале, чувствуя, как каждый сантиметр её тела ноет вот боли. Воспоминания о том, что Рой сделал с ней, были невыносимы. Мысли о них могли убить её, лишить надежды на будущее и сделать беспомощной перед этим психопатом.<</st>>
<<st>>Она услышала шаги за дверью, ведущей из этого ужасного места. Это был не Рой; вероятно, это был охранник, следивший за тем, чтобы она не убежала. Было невыносимо думать о том, чтобы остаться здесь и снова увидеть этого фрика.<</st>>
<<st>>Миа чувствовала, что умирает внутри, и ей хотелось вырваться на свободу. Рой собирался и дальше над ней издеваться, так что она не может оставаться здесь. Ей нужно сбежать. Миа начала обдумывать небольшой план. Это была рискованная идея, но она того стоила.<</st>>
<<st>>Она должна была попытаться, даже если это не сработает.<</st>>
<<st>>Она не беспокоилась о театральных постановках вроде ударов по двери. Вместо этого она направила всю свою энергию на отчаянный крик, который эхом разнесся по коридору.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Эй! Я здесь умираю с голоду! Ты не можешь принести девушке еды?''<</mia>>
<<st>>''У вас есть $attempts_to_escape попыток сбежать из камеры. Исчерпав все попытки, вы закончите игру.''<</st>>
<<button [[Используйте физическую силу|Kidnappers_home_quest_8_1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Переспать с охранником|Kidnappers_home_quest_8_2]]>><</button>><<if $attempts_to_escape<1>><<goto GameOver>><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia erwachte erneut in demselben feuchten Keller, jeder Zentimeter ihres Körpers schmerzte höllisch. Die Erinnerungen an das, was Roy ihr angetan hatte, waren unerträglich. Daran zu denken, könnte sie umbringen, ihr jede Hoffnung auf die Zukunft nehmen und sie diesem Psycho gegenüber hilflos machen.<</st>>
<<st>>Sie hörte Schritte vor der Tür, die aus diesem schrecklichen Ort herausführte. Es war nicht Roy, sondern wahrscheinlich ein Wachmann, der sich vergewisserte, dass sie nicht abhaute. Es war unerträglich, daran zu denken, hier länger zu bleiben und diesen Idioten wiederzusehen.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia fühlte sich innerlich wie tot und wollte ausbrechen. Roy würde sie so schlimm foltern, dass sie nicht lange hier bleiben konnte. Sie musste weg. Mia begann, sich einen kleinen Plan auszudenken. Es war eine riskante Idee, aber einen Versuch wert.<</st>>
<<st>>Sie musste es versuchen, auch wenn es vielleicht nicht klappt.<</st>>
<<st>>Sie verzichtete auf Theater wie das Rütteln an der Tür. Stattdessen steckte sie all ihre Energie in einen verzweifelten Schrei, der durch den Flur hallte.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Hey! Ich verhungere hier unten! Kannst du 'nem Mädchen nicht was zu essen bringen?''<</mia>>
<<st>>''Du hast $attempts_to_escape Versuche, aus der Zelle zu entkommen. Wenn du alle Versuche ausgeschöpft hast, ist das Spiel zu Ende.''<</st>>
<<button [[Körperliche Kraft einsetzen|Kidnappers_home_quest_8_1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Schlaf mit einem Wachmann|Kidnappers_home_quest_8_2]]>><</button>><<if $attempts_to_escape<1>><<goto GameOver>><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Mia se réveilla à nouveau dans le même sous-sol humide, tout son corps endolori. Les souvenirs de ce que Roy lui avait fait étaient insoutenables. Y penser la tuerait, lui ferait perdre tout espoir pour l'avenir et la rendrait impuissante face à ce psychopathe.<</st>>
<<st>>Elle entendit des pas de l'autre côté de la porte qui menait hors de cet endroit horrible. Ce n'était pas Roy ; c'était probablement un garde qui s'assurait qu'elle ne s'échappe pas. L'idée de rester ici plus longtemps et de revoir ce crétin était insupportable.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia se sentait mourir de l'intérieur et avait un besoin viscéral de s'enfuir. Roy allait la torturer si cruellement qu'elle ne pouvait pas rester ici longtemps. Il fallait qu'elle parte. Mia commença à élaborer un petit plan. C'était une idée risquée, mais elle valait le coup d'essayer.<</st>>
<<st>>Il fallait qu'elle essaie, même si ça risquait de ne pas marcher.<</st>>
<<st>>Pas question de faire du cinéma en secouant la porte. À la place, elle concentra toute son énergie dans un cri désespéré qui résonna dans le couloir.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Hé ! J'ai la dalle ici ! Vous pouvez pas me descendre un truc à bouffer ?''<</mia>>
<<st>>''Vous disposez de $attempts_to_escape tentatives pour vous échapper de la cellule. L'épuisement de toutes les tentatives met fin au jeu.''<</st>>
<<button [[Utiliser la force physique|Kidnappers_home_quest_8_1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Dormir avec un agent de sécurité|Kidnappers_home_quest_8_2]]>><</button>><<if $attempts_to_escape<1>><<goto GameOver>><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mia se despertó de nuevo en el mismo sótano húmedo, sintiendo que cada centímetro de su cuerpo dolía de dolor. Los recuerdos de lo que Roy le hizo eran insoportables. Pensar en ellos podría matarla, quitarle toda esperanza para el futuro y dejarla indefensa frente a este psicópata.<</st>>
<<st>>Escuchó pasos afuera de la puerta que conducía a este horrible lugar. No fue Roy; probablemente era un guardia asegurándose de que no se escapara. Era insoportable pensar en quedarme aquí por más tiempo y volver a ver a este idiota.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia sintió que estaba muriendo por dentro y quería liberarse. Roy iba a torturarla tanto que no podría quedarse aquí por mucho tiempo. Tenía que escapar. Mia empezó a pensar en un pequeño plan. Era una idea arriesgada, pero valía la pena intentarlo.<</st>>
<<st>>Tenía que intentarlo, aunque tal vez no funcionara.<</st>>
<<st>>No se molestaba en hacer algo teatral como golpear la puerta. En cambio, canalizó toda su energía en un grito desesperado que resonó por el pasillo.<</st>>
<<mia>>''¡Oye! ¡Me muero de hambre aquí abajo! ¿No puedes traerle algo de comida a una chica?''<</mia>>
<<st>>''Tienes $attempts_to_escape intentos para escapar de la celda. Agotar todos los intentos terminará el juego.''<</st>>
<<button [[Usa la fuerza física|Kidnappers_home_quest_8_1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Acuéstate con un guardia de seguridad|Kidnappers_home_quest_8_2]]>><</button>><<if $attempts_to_escape<1>><<goto GameOver>><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>米娅再次在同样潮湿的地下室醒来,感觉全身每一寸都在疼痛。 罗伊对她所做的事让她难以忍受。 想到这些就会杀死她,夺走她对未来的所有希望,让她对这个精神病患者束手无策。<</st>>
<<st>>她听到门外有脚步声,通往这个可怕的地方。 那不是罗伊,而是罗伊。 可能是一名警卫确保她不会逃跑。 想到再待在这里并再次见到这个混蛋,我就感到难以忍受。<</st>>
<<st>>米娅感觉自己快要死了,想要挣脱。 罗伊要好好折磨她,让她不能在这里久留。 她必须离开。 米娅开始思考一个小计划。 这是一个冒险的想法,但值得一试。<</st>>
<<st>>她并不关心像敲门声这样的戏剧性的事情。 相反,她将所有的精力都投入到了在走廊里回响的绝望的叫喊中。<</st>>
<<st>>''您有 $attempts_to_escape 尝试次数来逃离牢房。用尽所有尝试将结束游戏''<</st>>
<<button [[使用体力|Kidnappers_home_quest_8_1]]>><</button>>
<<button [[与保安睡觉|Kidnappers_home_quest_8_2]]>><</button>><<if $attempts_to_escape<1>><<goto GameOver>><</if>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.fit >24>>
<<st>>The heavy door creaked open, revealing a burly guard. He glanced around the dimly lit room, his gaze lingering on Mia's slumped form. <</st>>
<<gua>>''Roy said to bring you some water,'' - he grunted, stepping cautiously closer.<</gua>>
<<st>>Seizing her opportunity, she lunged forward. Despite the throbbing pain in her ribs, she springs from the floor and tackle him to the ground. The guard, caught off guard by Mia's sudden attack, lets out a surprised yelp. Scrambling for dominance, she manages to pin him down, her heart hammering against her ribs.<</st>>
<<st>>Spotting a metal toolbox near the door, she reached for it with a trembling hand. Her fingers brush against a cold, hard object. A wrench. Perfect. With a surge of strength fueled by pure terror, she grabs the wrench and slams it down onto the guard's wrist with a sickening crack. He roars in pain, momentarily loosening his grip.<</st>>
<<st>>That's all she needs. Scrambling off him, she snatched the ring of keys dangling from his belt. Ignoring his pleas and threats, Mia bolts towards the door, her vision blurring with tears and sweat. The familiar click of the lock is the sweetest sound she's ever heard. She slammed the door shut and fumble with the keys, finally finding the right one. The lock turns with a satisfying click.<</st>>
<<button [[Continue|Kidnappers_home_quest_9]]>><</button>>
<<st>>The heavy door creaked open, revealing a burly guard. He glanced around the dimly lit room, his gaze lingering on Mia's slumped form. <</st>>
<<gua>>''Roy said to bring you some water,'' - he grunted, stepping cautiously closer.<</gua>>
<<st>>Seizing her opportunity, she lunged forward. Despite the throbbing pain in her ribs, she springs from the floor and tackle him to the ground. The guard, caught off guard by Mia's sudden attack, lets out a surprised yelp. Scrambling for dominance, she manages to pin him down, her heart hammering against her ribs.<</st>>
<<st>>Spotting a metal toolbox near the door, she reached for it with a trembling hand. Her fingers brush against a cold, hard object. A wrench. Perfect. With a surge of strength fueled by pure terror, she grabs the wrench and slams it down onto the guard's wrist with a sickening crack. He roars in pain, momentarily loosening his grip.<</st>>
<<st>>That's all she needs. Scrambling off him, she snatched the ring of keys dangling from his belt. Ignoring his pleas and threats, Mia bolts towards the door, her vision blurring with tears and sweat. <</st>>
<<st>>But before she could make her escape, the guard lashes out, landing a brutal blow to her side. Pain shoots through Mia's body as she stumbles backward, the keys slipping from her grasp. With a cruel laugh, the guard grabs her and drags her back into the darkness of the basement, slamming the door shut behind him.<</st>><<set $attempts_to_escape-=1>>
<<button [[Leave|Kidnappers_home_quest_8]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.fit >24>>
<<st>>Тяжелая дверь со скрипом открылась, и Мия увидела охранника. Он оглядел тускло освещенную комнату, его взгляд задержался на сгорбившейся фигуре Мии.<</st>>
<<gua>>''Рой сказал принести тебе воды'', — проворчал он, осторожно подходя ближе.<</gua>>
<<st>>Воспользовавшись случаем, она рванулась вперед. Несмотря на пульсирующую боль в ребрах, она вскакивает с пола и сбивает его с ног. Охранник, застигнутый врасплох внезапным нападением Мии, удивленно вскрикивает. Борясь за доминирование, ей удается прижать его, её сердце колотится о ребра.<</st>>
<<st>>Заметив возле двери металлический ящик для инструментов, она потянулась к нему дрожащей рукой. Ее пальцы касаются холодного твердого предмета. Гаечный ключ. Идеальный. С приливом силы, подпитываемым чистым ужасом, она хватает гаечный ключ и с тошнотворным треском швыряет его на запястье охранника. Он ревет от боли, на мгновение ослабляя хватку.<</st>>
<<st>>Это все, что ей нужно. Спрыгнув с него, она схватила связку ключей, свисающую с его пояса. Не обращая внимания на его мольбы и угрозы, Миа бросается к двери, её зрение затуманивается слезами и потом. <</st>>
<<st>>Знакомый щелчок замка — самый сладкий звук, который она когда-либо слышала. Она захлопнула дверь и начала подбирать ключь, наконец найдя нужный. Замок поворачивается с приятным щелчком.<</st>>
<<button [[Продолжайте|Kidnappers_home_quest_9]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Тяжелая дверь со скрипом открылась, и Мия увидела охранника. Он оглядел тускло освещенную комнату, его взгляд задержался на сгорбившейся фигуре Мии.<</st>>
<<gua>>''Рой сказал принести тебе воды'', — проворчал он, осторожно подходя ближе.<</gua>>
<<st>>Воспользовавшись случаем, она рванулась вперед. Несмотря на пульсирующую боль в ребрах, она вскакивает с пола и сбивает его с ног. Охранник, застигнутый врасплох внезапным нападением Мии, удивленно вскрикивает. Борясь за доминирование, ей удается прижать его, её сердце колотится о ребра.<</st>>
<<st>>Заметив возле двери металлический ящик для инструментов, она потянулась к нему дрожащей рукой. Ее пальцы касаются холодного твердого предмета. Гаечный ключ. Идеальный. С приливом силы, подпитываемым чистым ужасом, она хватает гаечный ключ и с тошнотворным треском швыряет его на запястье охранника. Он ревет от боли, на мгновение ослабляя хватку.<</st>>
<<st>>Это все, что ей нужно. Спрыгнув с него, она схватила связку ключей, свисавшую с его пояса. Не обращая внимания на его мольбы и угрозы, Миа бросается к двери, ее зрение затуманивается слезами и потом.<</st>>
<<st>>Но прежде чем она успела сбежать, охранник нанес ей жестокий удар в бок. Боль пронзает тело Мии, она отшатывается назад, ключи выскальзывают из ее рук. С жестоким смехом охранник хватает ее и тащит обратно в темную камеру подвала, захлопывая за собой дверь.<</st>>
<<set $attempts_to_escape-=1>>
<<button [[Уйти|Kidnappers_home_quest_8]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.fit >24>>
<<st>>Die schwere Tür quietschte auf und enthüllte einen stämmigen Wachmann. Er blickte sich in dem schwach beleuchteten Raum um, sein Blick blieb auf Mias zusammengebrochener Gestalt hängen.<</st>>
<<gua>>''Roy hat gesagt, ich soll dir Wasser bringen,'' - grunzte er und trat vorsichtig näher.<</gua>>
<<st>>Mia ergriff ihre Chance und sprang nach vorne. Trotz der pochenden Schmerzen in ihren Rippen schnellt sie vom Boden hoch und reißt ihn zu Boden. Der Wachmann, von Mias plötzlichem Angriff überrascht, stößt einen überraschten Aufschrei aus. Im Kampf um die Oberhand gelingt es ihr, ihn festzuhalten, ihr Herz hämmert gegen ihre Rippen.<</st>>
<<st>>In der Nähe der Tür entdeckt sie einen Metallkasten und greift mit zitternder Hand danach. Ihre Finger streichen über einen kalten, harten Gegenstand. Ein Schraubenschlüssel. Perfekt. Mit einem Kraftschub, der von purem Terror angetrieben wird, schnappt sie sich den Schraubenschlüssel und schlägt ihn mit einem widerlichen Krachen auf das Handgelenk des Wachmanns. Er brüllt vor Schmerzen und lockert für einen Moment seinen Griff.<</st>>
<<st>>Das ist alles, was sie braucht. Sie springt von ihm hoch und reißt den Schlüsselbund von seinem Gürtel. Ignorierend seine Bitten und Drohungen rast Mia zur Tür, ihre Sicht verschwimmt vor Tränen und Schweiß. Das vertraute Klicken des Schlosses ist der süßeste Klang, den sie je gehört hat. Sie knallt die Tür zu und fummelt an den Schlüsseln herum, bis sie endlich den richtigen findet. Das Schloss dreht sich mit einem zufriedenstellenden Klicken.<</st>>
<<button [[Weiter|Kidnappers_home_quest_9]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Die schwere Tür quietschte auf und enthüllte einen stämmigen Wachmann. Er blickte sich in dem schwach beleuchteten Raum um, sein Blick blieb auf Mias zusammengebrochener Gestalt hängen.<</st>>
<<gua>>''Roy hat gesagt, ich soll dir Wasser bringen,'' - grunzte er und trat vorsichtig näher.<</gua>>
<<st>>Mia ergriff ihre Chance und sprang nach vorne. Trotz der pochenden Schmerzen in ihren Rippen schnellt sie vom Boden hoch und reißt ihn zu Boden. Der Wachmann, von Mias plötzlichem Angriff überrascht, stößt einen überraschten Aufschrei aus. Im Kampf um die Oberhand gelingt es ihr, ihn festzuhalten, ihr Herz hämmert gegen ihre Rippen.<</st>>
<<st>>In der Nähe der Tür entdeckt sie einen Metallkasten und greift mit zitternder Hand danach. Ihre Finger streichen über einen kalten, harten Gegenstand. Ein Schraubenschlüssel. Perfekt. Mit einem Kraftschub, der von purem Terror angetrieben wird, schnappt sie sich den Schraubenschlüssel und schlägt ihn mit einem widerlichen Krachen auf das Handgelenk des Wachmanns. Er brüllt vor Schmerzen und lockert für einen Moment seinen Griff.<</st>>
<<st>>Das ist alles, was sie braucht. Sie springt von ihm hoch und reißt den Schlüsselbund von seinem Gürtel. Ignorierend seine Bitten und Drohungen rast Mia zur Tür, ihre Sicht verschwimmt vor Tränen und Schweiß.<</st>>
<<st>>Doch bevor sie ihre Flucht antreten kann, holt der Wachmann mit einem brutalen Hieb in ihre Seite aus. Schmerz schießt durch Mias Körper, als sie taumelt und die Schlüssel aus ihrer Hand gleiten. Mit einem grausamen Lachen packt der Wachmann sie und zerrt sie zurück in die Dunkelheit des Kellers, wobei er die Tür hinter sich zuschlägt.<</st>><<set $attempts_to_escape-=1>>
<<button [[Verlassen Sie|Kidnappers_home_quest_8]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.fit >24>>
<<st>>La lourde porte s'ouvrit en grinçant, laissant apparaître un garde baraqué. Il balaya la pièce faiblement éclairée du regard, son attention s'attardant sur Mia avachie au sol.<</st>>
<<gua>>'' Roy t'envoie de l'eau, '' marmonna-t-il en s'approchant prudemment.<</gua>>
<<st>>Saisissant sa chance, Mia se jeta en avant. Malgré la douleur lancinante dans ses côtes, elle bondit du sol et le plaqua au sol. Le garde, pris par surprise par l'attaque soudaine de Mia, laissa échapper un cri d'étonnement. Se battant pour prendre le dessus, elle réussit à l'immobiliser, le cœur tambourinant contre ses côtes.<</st>>
<<st>>Apercevant une boîte à outils métallique près de la porte, elle l'attrapa d'une main tremblante. Ses doigts frôlèrent un objet froid et dur. Une clé à molette. Parfait. Un regain de force, nourri par la terreur pure, lui permit d'attraper la clé et de la frapper violemment sur le poignet du garde avec un craquement écœurant. Il hurla de douleur, relâchant momentanément son emprise.<</st>>
<<st>>C'était tout ce dont elle avait besoin. Se dégageant de lui en catastrophe, elle arracha l'anneau de clés qui pendait à sa ceinture. Ignorant ses supplications et ses menaces, Mia se précipita vers la porte, la vue brouillée par les larmes et la sueur. Le clic familier de la serrure fut le plus doux son qu'elle n'ait jamais entendu. Elle claqua la porte et tâtonna parmi les clés, trouvant enfin la bonne. La serrure tourna avec un clic satisfaisant.<</st>>
<<button [[Poursuivre|Kidnappers_home_quest_9]]>><</button>>
<<st>>La lourde porte s'ouvrit en grinçant, laissant apparaître un garde baraqué. Il balaya la pièce faiblement éclairée du regard, son attention s'attardant sur Mia avachie au sol.<</st>>
<<gua>>'' Roy t'envoie de l'eau, '' marmonna-t-il en s'approchant prudemment.<<.gua>>
<<st>>Saisissant sa chance, Mia se jeta en avant. Malgré la douleur lancinante dans ses côtes, elle bondit du sol et le plaqua au sol. Le garde, pris par surprise par l'attaque soudaine de Mia, laissa échapper un cri d'étonnement. Se battant pour prendre le dessus, elle réussit à l'immobiliser, le cœur tambourinant contre ses côtes.<</st>>
<<st>>Apercevant une boîte à outils métallique près de la porte, elle l'attrapa d'une main tremblante. Ses doigts frôlèrent un objet froid et dur. Une clé à molette. Parfait. Un regain de force, nourri par la terreur pure, lui permit d'attraper la clé et de la frapper violemment sur le poignet du garde avec un craquement écœurant. Il hurla de douleur, relâchant momentanément son emprise.<</st>>
<<st>>C'était tout ce dont elle avait besoin. Se dégageant de lui en catastrophe, elle arracha l'anneau de clés qui pendait à sa ceinture. Ignorant ses supplications et ses menaces, Mia se précipita vers la porte, la vue brouillée par les larmes et la sueur. <</st>>
<<st>>Mais avant que vous ne puissiez vous enfuir, le garde se déchaîne, vous assenant un coup brutal au flanc. La douleur vous traverse le corps alors que vous titubiez en arrière, les clés glissant de vos doigts. Avec un rire cruel, le garde vous attrape et vous traîne de nouveau dans l'obscurité du sous-sol, claquant la porte derrière lui.<</st>><<set $attempts_to_escape-=1>>
<<button [[Partir|Kidnappers_home_quest_8]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.fit >24>>
<<st>>La pesada puerta se abrió con un chirrido, revelando a un corpulento guardia. Miró alrededor de la habitación poco iluminada, su mirada se detuvo en la figura desplomada de Mia.<</st>>
<<gua>>''Roy dijo que te trajera un poco de agua'', - gruñó, acercándose con cautela.<</gua>>
<<st>>Aprovechando la oportunidad, se lanzó hacia adelante. A pesar del dolor punzante en sus costillas, ella salta del suelo y lo tira al suelo. El guardia, tomado por sorpresa por el repentino ataque de Mia, deja escapar un grito de sorpresa. Luchando por dominarlo, logra inmovilizarlo, con el corazón golpeando contra sus costillas.<</st>>
<<st>>Al ver una caja de herramientas de metal cerca de la puerta, la alcanzó con mano temblorosa. Sus dedos rozan un objeto duro y frío. Una llave inglesa. Perfecto. Con una oleada de fuerza alimentada por puro terror, agarra la llave y la golpea en la muñeca del guardia con un crujido repugnante. Él ruge de dolor, aflojando momentáneamente su agarre.<</st>>
<<st>>Eso es todo lo que necesita. Saltándose de él, le arrebató el llavero que colgaba de su cinturón. Haciendo caso omiso de sus súplicas y amenazas, Mia corre hacia la puerta, con la visión borrosa por las lágrimas y el sudor. El familiar clic de la cerradura es el sonido más dulce que jamás haya escuchado. Cerró la puerta de golpe y buscó las llaves, hasta que finalmente encontró la correcta. La cerradura gira con un clic satisfactorio.<</st>>
<<button [[Continúa|Kidnappers_home_quest_9]]>><</button>>
<<st>>La pesada puerta se abrió con un chirrido, revelando a un corpulento guardia. Miró alrededor de la habitación poco iluminada, su mirada se detuvo en la figura desplomada de Mia.<</st>>
<<gua>>''Roy dijo que te trajera un poco de agua'', - gruñó, acercándose con cautela.<</gua>>
<<st>>Aprovechando la oportunidad, se lanzó hacia adelante. A pesar del dolor punzante en sus costillas, ella salta del suelo y lo tira al suelo. El guardia, tomado por sorpresa por el repentino ataque de Mia, deja escapar un grito de sorpresa. Luchando por dominarlo, logra inmovilizarlo, con el corazón golpeando contra sus costillas.<</st>>
<<st>>Al ver una caja de herramientas de metal cerca de la puerta, la alcanzó con mano temblorosa. Sus dedos rozan un objeto duro y frío. Una llave inglesa. Perfecto. Con una oleada de fuerza alimentada por puro terror, agarra la llave y la golpea en la muñeca del guardia con un crujido repugnante. Él ruge de dolor, aflojando momentáneamente su agarre.<</st>>
<<st>>Eso es todo lo que necesita. Saltándose de él, le arrebató el llavero que colgaba de su cinturón. Haciendo caso omiso de sus súplicas y amenazas, Mia corre hacia la puerta, con la visión borrosa por las lágrimas y el sudor.<</st>>
<<st>>Pero antes de que pueda escapar, el guardia ataca y le asesta un golpe brutal en el costado. El dolor recorre el cuerpo de Mia mientras tropieza hacia atrás y las llaves se le escapan de las manos. Con una risa cruel, el guardia la agarra y la arrastra de regreso a la oscuridad del sótano, cerrando la puerta detrás de él.<</st>><<set $attempts_to_escape-=1>>
<<button [[Salir de|Kidnappers_home_quest_8]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.fit >24>>
<<st>>厚重的门吱呀一声打开,露出了一个魁梧的守卫。 他扫视了一下昏暗的房间,目光停留在米娅颓然的身形上。<</st>>
<<st>>她抓住机会,向前冲去。 尽管肋骨一阵阵疼痛,她还是从地板上跳了起来,把他摔倒在地。 守卫被米娅的突然袭击打了个措手不及,发出了惊讶的叫声。 为了争夺主导地位,她成功地把他压倒了,她的心敲击着肋骨。<</st>>
<<st>>她发现门边有一个金属工具箱,她伸出颤抖的手去拿它。 她的手指擦过一个又冷又硬的物体。 一把扳手。 完美的。 纯粹的恐惧激发了她的力量,她抓住了扳手,猛地砸在警卫的手腕上,发出令人作呕的响声。 他痛苦地咆哮,暂时松开了手。<</st>>
<<st>>这就是她所需要的。 她从他身上爬下来,抢走了他腰带上挂着的钥匙圈。 米娅无视他的恳求和威胁,冲向门口,泪水和汗水模糊了她的视线。 熟悉的锁扣声是她听过的最甜美的声音。 她关上门,摸索着钥匙,终于找到了合适的钥匙。 锁转动时发出令人满意的咔嗒声。<</st>>
<<button [[继续|Kidnappers_home_quest_9]]>><</button>>
<<st>>厚重的门吱呀一声打开,露出了一个魁梧的守卫。 他扫视了一下昏暗的房间,目光停留在米娅颓然的身形上。<</st>>
<<st>>她抓住机会,向前冲去。 尽管肋骨一阵阵疼痛,她还是从地板上跳了起来,把他摔倒在地。 守卫被米娅的突然袭击打了个措手不及,发出了惊讶的叫声。 为了争夺主导地位,她成功地把他压倒了,她的心敲击着肋骨。<</st>>
<<st>>她发现门边有一个金属工具箱,她伸出颤抖的手去拿它。 她的手指擦过一个又冷又硬的物体。 一把扳手。 完美的。 纯粹的恐惧激发了她的力量,她抓住了扳手,猛地砸在警卫的手腕上,发出令人作呕的响声。 他痛苦地咆哮,暂时松开了手。<</st>>
<<st>>这就是她所需要的。 她从他身上爬下来,抢走了他腰带上挂着的钥匙圈。 米娅无视他的恳求和威胁,冲向门口,泪水和汗水模糊了她的视线。<</st>>
<<st>>但在她逃脱之前,守卫猛烈攻击,对她的身体进行了残酷的打击。 米娅全身疼痛,她踉踉跄跄地向后退去,钥匙从她手中滑落。 警卫发出残酷的笑声,抓住她,将她拖回地下室的黑暗中,并在身后关上门。<</st>><<set $attempts_to_escape-=1>>
<<button [[离开|Kidnappers_home_quest_8]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Minutes passed, and then the door creaked open, revealing the silhouette of the guard. His expression was annoyed, but Mia could sense a flicker of curiosity in his eyes.<</st>>
<<gua>>''What do you want?'' - he grumbled, his voice rough. <</gua>>
<<st>>She put on her most persuasive smile despite the pain throbbing through her body.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Oh, thank goodness you're here! It's freezing down here, and I'm all alone. I’d be forever grateful if you could bring me a blanket and some decent food.''<</mia>>
<<gua>>''Nice try, but I'm not here to play games. You're lucky you're getting any food at all,'' - the guard narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. <</gua>>
<<st>>Mia bit her lip, allowing a hint of vulnerability to seep into her gaze as she met the guard's eyes. <</st>>
<<mia>> ''Please, I'll do anything to get out of here. And I mean anything,'' - she murmured softly, her voice dripping with desperation.<</mia>>
<<st>>The guard's eyes darkened with desire as he stepped closer, his gaze roaming over her body. <</st>>
<<gua>>''You're a real piece of work, aren't you? But I like a girl who knows what she wants,'' - he growled, his voice thick with lust. <</gua>>
<<st>>She tilted her head coyly, a sly smile playing on her lips. <</st>>
<<mia>> ''I can be very persuasive when I want to be. And I feel you're the kind of man who appreciates a woman who knows how to use her charms,'' - she teased, her tone laced with innuendo. <</mia>>
<<st>>The guard's breath hitched as he brushed a stray lock of hair from her face.<</st>>
<<gua>>''You have no idea what you're getting yourself into, sweetheart. But I'll tell you one thing: I'm not letting you go without getting a taste first.'' - he murmured, his voice low and dangerous. <</gua>>
<<st>>Mia met his gaze with defiance and desire, her pulse quickening with anticipation. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Then what are you waiting for? Show me what you've got, big boy. I promise you won't regret it,'' - she whispered, voice husky with longing. <</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rape)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/rape/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>> After getting what he needed from her, the guard became distracted, his grip loosened, and his attention shifted away from keeping Mia captive. His mind, now consumed by thoughts of how to extract even more from her, he let down his guard, unaware of your cunning plan unfolding before him.<</st>>
<<st>>With a quick, calculated move, she reached for the keys dangling from his belt, her fingers deftly snatching them away.<</st>>
<<gua>> ''What the–?'' - he sputtered, his eyes widening in surprise as she shoved him back with surprising force, adrenaline masking the dull throb of her injuries.<</gua>>
<<st>>Mia wasted no time, sprinting towards the open doorway like a starving wolf towards fresh meat. The guard stumbled after her, roaring a curse, but his initial shock had cost him precious seconds.<</st>>
<<st>>Reaching the door, she fumbled with the unfamiliar key in the dim light.<</st>>
<<st>>Finally, the lock yielded with a satisfying click that resonated like a victory fanfare. Mia slammed the heavy door shut with all her remaining strength, the sound momentarily muffling the guard's enraged bellows.<</st>>
<<button [[Continue|Kidnappers_home_quest_9]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Прошло несколько минут, и дверь скрипнула, открывая вид на охранника. Выражение его лица было раздраженным, но Миа почувствовала в его глазах проблеск любопытства.<</st>>
<<gua>>''Чего ты хочешь?'' - проворчал он хриплым голосом.<</gua>>
<<st>>Она изобразила свою самую убедительную улыбку, несмотря на боль, пульсирующую в её теле. <</st>>
<<mia>>''О, слава богу, что ты здесь! Здесь холодно, и я совсем одна. Я буду вечно благодарна, если ты принесешь мне одеяло и немного приличной еды''.<</mia>>
<<gua>>''Хорошая попытка, но я здесь не для того, чтобы играть в игры. Тебе повезло, что тебе вообще дают хоть какую-то еду'', - охранник прищурился, скрестив руки на груди.<</gua>>
<<st>>Миа закусила губу, позволяя намеку на уязвимость просочиться в её взгляд, когда она встретилась взглядом с охранником.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Пожалуйста, я сделаю все, чтобы выбраться отсюда. И я имею в виду всё, что угодно'', - тихо пробормотала она, её голос сочился отчаянием.<</mia>>
<<st>>Глаза охранника потемнели от желания, когда он подошел ближе, его взгляд бродил по её телу.<</st>>
<<gua>> ''Ты настоящая умница, не так ли? Но мне нравятся девушки, которые знают, чего хотят'', - прорычал он, его голос был полон похоти.<</gua>>
<<st>>Она застенчиво наклонила голову, и на её губах заиграла лукавая улыбка.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Я могу быть очень убедительной, когда хочу. И я чувствую, что ты из тех мужчин, которые ценят женщину, которая знает, как использовать свое обаяние'', - поддразнила она, её тон был пропитан намеками.<</mia>>
<<st>>У охранника перехватило дыхание, когда он убрал с её лица выбившуюся прядь волос.<</st>>
<<gua>>''Ты понятия не имеешь, во что ввязываешься, милая. Но я тебе одно скажу: я не отпущу тебя, не попробовав сначала''. - пробормотал он низким и опасным голосом.<</gua>>
<<st>>Миа встретила его взгляд с вызовом и желанием, ее пульс участился от предвкушения. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Тогда чего ты ждешь? Покажи мне, что у тебя есть, большой мальчик. Обещаю, ты не пожалеешь об этом'', - прошептала она хриплым от тоски голосом.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rape)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/rape/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Получив от неё то, что ему было нужно, охранник отвлекся, его хватка ослабла, и его внимание отвлеклось от удержания Мии в плену. Его разум, теперь поглощенный мыслями о том, как выжать из нее еще больше, он ослабил бдительность, не подозревая о вашем коварном плане, разворачивающемся перед ним.<</st>>
<<st>>Быстрым и расчетливым движением она потянулась к ключам, свисавшим с его пояса, и ее пальцы ловко выхватили их.<</st>>
<<gua>>''Что за…?'' - пробормотал он, его глаза расширились от удивления, когда она с удивительной силой оттолкнула его назад, адреналин маскировал тупую пульсацию её ран.<</gua>>
<<st>>Миа, не теряя времени, помчалась к двери, как голодный волк к свежему мясу. Охранник поплелся за ней, выкрикивая проклятия, но первоначальный шок стоил ему драгоценных секунд.<</st>>
<<st>>Дойдя до двери, она возилась с незнакомым ключом в тусклом свете.<</st>>
<<st>>Наконец, замок открылся с приятным щелчком, который прозвучал как победные фанфары. Миа изо всех сил захлопнула тяжелую дверь, звук которой на мгновение заглушил разъяренный рев охранника.<</st>>
<<button [[Продолжить|Kidnappers_home_quest_9]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Die Minuten verstrichen, dann knarrte die Tür auf und die Silhouette des Wächters erschien. Sein Gesichtsausdruck war genervt, aber Mia spürte ein Fünkchen Neugier in seinen Augen.<</st>>
<<gua>>''Was willst du denn?'', grummelte er mit rauer Stimme.<</gua>>
<<st>>Trotz des Schmerzes, der durch ihren Körper pochte, setzte sie ihr überzeugendstes Lächeln auf. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Oh Gott sei Dank, du bist da! Es ist eiskalt hier unten und ich bin ganz allein. Ich wäre dir ewig dankbar, wenn du mir eine Decke und was Ordentliches zum Essen bringen könntest.''<</mia>>
<<gua>>''Netter Versuch, aber ich bin nicht hier, um Spielchen zu spielen. Du kannst froh sein, dass du überhaupt was zu essen kriegst.'' Der Wächter kniff die Augen zusammen und verschränkte die Arme vor der Brust.<</gua>>
<<st>>Mia biss sich auf die Lippe und ließ einen Hauch von Verletzlichkeit in ihren Blick sickern, als sie den Wächter ansah.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Bitte, ich tue alles, um hier rauszukommen. Und ich meine wirklich alles'', murmelte sie leise, ihre Stimme voller Verzweiflung.<</mia>>
<<st>>Die Augen des Wächters verdunkelten sich vor Verlangen, als er näher trat und sein Blick über ihren Körper streifte. <</st>>
<<gua>>''Du bist ein echtes Biest, nicht wahr? Aber ich mag Mädchen, die wissen, was sie wollen'', knurrte er, seine Stimme heiser vor Lust.<</gua>>
<<st>>Sie legte den Kopf schief und ein verschmitztes Lächeln spielte auf ihren Lippen. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Ich kann sehr überzeugend sein, wenn ich will. Und ich glaube, du bist die Art von Mann, der Frauen zu schätzen weiß, die wissen, wie man seinen Charme einsetzt'', neckte sie, ihre Stimme voller Anspielungen.<</mia>>
<<st>>Dem Wächter stockte der Atem, als er ihr eine lose Haarsträhne aus dem Gesicht strich. <</st>>
<<gua>>''Du hast keine Ahnung, worauf du dich einlässt, Süße. Aber eines kann ich dir sagen: Ich lasse dich nicht gehen, ohne vorher zu kosten.'' - murmelte er, seine Stimme tief und gefährlich.<</gua>>
<<st>>Mia begegnete seinem Blick mit Trotz und Verlangen, ihr Puls beschleunigte sich vor Vorfreude.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Na dann, worauf wartest du noch? Zeig mir, was du hast, Großer. Ich verspreche dir, du wirst es nicht bereuen'', flüsterte sie, ihre Stimme heiser vor Sehnsucht.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rape)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/rape/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Nachdem er bekommen hatte, was er von ihr wollte, wurde der Wächter unaufmerksam, sein Griff lockerte sich und seine Aufmerksamkeit richtete sich nicht mehr darauf, Mia gefangen zu halten. Sein Geist, nun von Gedanken daran verzehrt, wie er noch mehr aus ihr herausbekommen könnte, ließ seine Wachsamkeit sinken, ohne zu bemerken, wie sich vor seinen Augen ihr schlauer Plan entfaltete.<</st>>
<<st>>Mit einer schnellen, kalkulierten Bewegung griff sie nach den Schlüsseln, die an seinem Gürtel baumelten, und ihre Finger schnappten sie geschickt weg. <</st>>
<<gua>>''Was zum Teufel?'', stotterte er, seine Augen weiteten sich überrascht, als sie ihn mit überraschender Kraft zurückstieß, wobei das Adrenalin den dumpfen Schmerz ihrer Verletzungen überdeckte.<</gua>>
<<st>>Mia verschwendete keine Zeit und sprintete los, auf die offene Tür zu, wie ein ausgehungerter Wolf auf frisches Fleisch. Der Wächter stolperte ihr hinterher und brüllte einen Fluch, aber sein anfänglicher Schock hatte ihn wertvolle Sekunden gekostet.<</st>>
<<st>>An der Tür angekommen, fummelte sie im schwachen Licht mit dem ungewohnten Schlüssel. Schließlich gab das Schloss mit einem zufriedenstellenden Klicken nach, das wie ein Siegesfanfare hallte. Mia schlug die schwere Tür mit aller verbliebenen Kraft zu, der Lärm dämpfte für einen Moment das wütende Gebrüll des Wächters.<</st>>
<<button [[Weiter|Kidnappers_home_quest_9]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Les minutes passèrent, puis la porte s'ouvrit en grinçant, révélant la silhouette du garde. Son expression était agacée, mais Mia pouvait sentir une lueur de curiosité dans ses yeux.<</st>>
<<gua>>''Que veux-tu ?'' - grommela-t-il, la voix rauque.<</gua>>
<<st>>Elle afficha son sourire le plus persuasif malgré la douleur qui l'assaillait. Mia : ''Oh, heureusement que vous êtes là ! Il fait froid ici et je suis toute seule. Je vous serais éternellement reconnaissante si vous pouviez m'apporter une couverture et de la nourriture décente.''<</st>>
<<gua>>''Bien essayé, mais je ne suis pas là pour jouer. Tu as de la chance d'avoir de la nourriture,'' - le garde plisse les yeux, croise les bras sur sa poitrine.<</gua>>
<<st>>Mia se mordit la lèvre, laissant un soupçon de vulnérabilité s'infiltrer dans son regard alors qu'elle croisait celui du garde.<</st>>
<<mia>>''S'il vous plaît, je ferais n'importe quoi pour sortir d'ici. Et je dis bien n'importe quoi'' - murmura-t-elle doucement, sa voix dégoulinant de désespoir.<</mia>>
<<st>>Les yeux du garde s'assombrirent de désir alors qu'il s'approchait, son regard parcourant son corps.<</st>>
<<gua>>''Tu es une vraie bête de somme, n'est-ce pas ? Mais j'aime les filles qui savent ce qu'elles veulent'' - grogna-t-il, la voix chargée de désir.<</gua>>
<<st>>Elle pencha la tête timidement, un sourire sournois se dessinant sur ses lèvres.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Je peux être très persuasive quand je le veux. Et j'ai l'impression que vous êtes le genre d'homme qui apprécie une femme qui sait user de ses charmes,'' - dit-elle en plaisantant, le ton plein de sous-entendus.<</mia>>
<<st>>Le souffle du garde se bloqua lorsqu'il écarta une mèche de cheveux du visage de la jeune femme.<</st>>
<<gua>>''Tu n'as aucune idée de ce qui t'attend, ma chérie. Mais je vais vous dire une chose : je ne vous laisserai pas partir sans y avoir goûté d'abord.'' - murmura-t-il, la voix basse et dangereuse.<</gua>>
<<st>>Mia soutint son regard avec défi et désir, son pouls s'accélérant d'impatience. <</st>>
<<mia>>Sa voix devenue rauque par le désir, elle murmura : ''Alors, qu'est-ce que tu attends, beau gosse ? Montre-moi de quoi t'es capable. Je te jure que tu ne le regretteras pas.''<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rape)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/rape/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Après avoir obtenu ce qu'il voulait d'elle, le garde se laissa distraire. Son emprise se relâcha, son attention détournée de sa captive. L'esprit occupé par la façon d'en tirer encore plus, il baissa sa garde, ignorant le plan ingénieux qui se déroulait sous ses yeux.<</st>>
<<st>>D'un geste rapide et calculé, Mia attrapa les clés qui pendaient à sa ceinture, ses doigts les subtilisant adroitement.<</st>>
<<gua>>''Merde, qu'est-ce que... ‘’ - bafouilla-t-il, les yeux écarquillés de surprise alors qu'elle le repoussait avec une force surprenante, l'adrénaline masquant le lancinement sourd de ses blessures.<</gua>>
<<st>>Mia n'a pas perdu une seconde, se précipitant vers la porte ouverte tel un loup affamé vers de la viande fraîche. Le garde a trébuché derrière elle, hurlant un juron, mais son choc initial lui avait fait perdre de précieuses secondes.<</st>>
<<st>>Arrivée à la porte, elle a tâtonné avec la clé inconnue dans la pénombre.<</st>>
<<st>>Enfin, la serrure a cédé avec un clic satisfaisant qui a résonné comme un fanfare de victoire. Mia a claqué la lourde porte de toutes ses forces restantes, le son étouffant momentanément les hurlements enragés du garde.<</st>>
<<button [[Poursuivre|Kidnappers_home_quest_9]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Pasaron los minutos y entonces la puerta se abrió con un chirrido, revelando la silueta del guardia. Su expresión era de molestia, pero Mia pudo sentir un destello de curiosidad en sus ojos.<</st>>
<<gua>>''¿Qué quieres?'' - refunfuñó con voz áspera.<</gua>>
<<st>>Puso su sonrisa más persuasiva a pesar del dolor que palpitaba en su cuerpo. <</st>>
<<mia>>''¡Oh, gracias a Dios que estás aquí! Hace mucho frío aquí abajo y estoy sola. Te estaría eternamente agradecida si pudieras traerme una manta y algo de comida decente''.<</mia>>
<<gua>>''Buen intento, pero no estoy aquí para jugar. Tienes suerte de poder conseguir algo de comida'', - el guardia entrecerró los ojos y cruzó los brazos sobre el pecho.<</gua>>
<<st>>Mia se mordió el labio, permitiendo que un atisbo de vulnerabilidad se filtrara en su mirada cuando se encontró con los ojos del guardia.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Por favor, haré cualquier cosa para salir de aquí. Y me refiero a cualquier cosa'', - murmuró suavemente, su voz llena de desesperación.<</mia>>
<<st>>Los ojos del guardia se oscurecieron de deseo cuando se acercó y su mirada recorrió su cuerpo.<</st>>
<<gua>>''Eres un verdadero trabajo, ¿no? Pero me gusta una chica que sabe lo que quiere'', - gruñó, con la voz llena de lujuria.<</gua>>
<<st>>Ella inclinó la cabeza tímidamente, con una sonrisa maliciosa jugando en sus labios.<</st>>
<<mia>> ''Puedo ser muy persuasiva cuando quiero. Y siento que eres el tipo de hombre que aprecia a una mujer que sabe cómo usar sus encantos'', bromeó, su tono estaba lleno de insinuaciones.<</mia>>
<<st>>La respiración del guardia se entrecortó mientras le quitaba un mechón de pelo de la cara.<</st>>
<<gua>>''No tienes idea en lo que te estás metiendo, cariño. Pero te diré una cosa: no te dejaré ir sin probarlo primero''. - murmuró, su voz baja y peligrosa.<</gua>>
<<st>>Mia encontró su mirada con desafío y deseo, su pulso se aceleró con anticipación. <</st>>
<<mia>>''¿Entonces a qué estás esperando? Muéstrame lo que tienes, grandullón. Te prometo que no te arrepentirás'', susurró con la voz ronca por el anhelo.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rape)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/rape/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Después de obtener lo que necesitaba de ella, el guardia se distrajo, su agarre se aflojó y su atención se desvió de mantener cautiva a Mia. Su mente, ahora consumida por pensamientos sobre cómo extraer aún más de ella, bajó la guardia, sin darse cuenta del astuto plan que se desarrollaba ante él.<</st>>
<<st>>Con un movimiento rápido y calculado, alcanzó las llaves que colgaban de su cinturón y sus dedos las arrebataron hábilmente.<</st>>
<<gua>>''¿Qué diablos-?'' - farfulló, sus ojos se abrieron con sorpresa mientras ella lo empujaba hacia atrás con sorprendente fuerza, la adrenalina enmascaraba el sordo latido de sus heridas.<</gua>>
<<st>>Mia no perdió el tiempo y corrió hacia la puerta abierta como un lobo hambriento hacia la carne fresca. El guardia tropezó tras ella, rugiendo una maldición, pero su sorpresa inicial le había costado preciosos segundos.<</st>>
<<st>>Al llegar a la puerta, buscó a tientas la llave desconocida en la penumbra.<</st>>
<<st>>Finalmente, la cerradura cedió con un clic satisfactorio que resonó como una fanfarria de victoria. Mia cerró de golpe la pesada puerta con todas las fuerzas que le quedaban y el sonido amortiguó momentáneamente los enfurecidos bramidos del guardia.<</st>>
<<button [[Continuar|Kidnappers_home_quest_9]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>几分钟过去了,门吱呀一声打开了,露出了守卫的身影。 他的表情很恼怒,但米娅却能感觉到他眼中闪过一丝好奇。<</st>>
<<gua>>''你想要什么?'' ——他咕哝着,声音粗哑。<</gua>>
<<st>>尽管全身疼痛难忍,她还是露出了最有说服力的微笑。 <</st>>
<<gua>>''不错的尝试,但我不是来玩游戏的。你很幸运能得到任何食物,'' - 守卫眯起眼睛,双臂交叉在胸前。<</gua>>
<<gua>>''你不知道自己会陷入什么境地,亲爱的。但我要告诉你一件事:我不会让你在没有尝尝味道的情况下离开。'' ——他低声说道,声音低沉而危险。<</gua>>
<<st>>米娅带着挑衅和渴望迎上他的目光,她的脉搏因期待而加速。 <</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rape)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/rape/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>从她那里得到他需要的东西后,守卫变得心烦意乱,他的手松开了,他的注意力从囚禁米娅身上转移开。 他的心思现在被如何从她身上榨取更多的想法所占据,他放松了警惕,没有意识到你的狡猾计划正在他面前展开。<</st>>
<<gua>>''什么——?'' ——他结结巴巴地说,当她用惊人的力量把他推开时,他惊讶地睁大了眼睛,肾上腺素掩盖了她受伤时隐隐作痛的悸动。<</gua>>
<<st>>米娅没有浪费时间,像饿狼扑向鲜肉一样冲向敞开的门口。 守卫跌跌撞撞地跟在她后面,大声咒骂,但他最初的震惊让他损失了宝贵的几秒钟。<</st>>
<<st>>最后,锁发出令人满意的咔哒声,就像胜利的号角一样回响。 米娅用尽全身力气关上了厚重的门,声音暂时盖过了守卫愤怒的吼叫。<</st>>
<<button [[继续|Kidnappers_home_quest_9]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<st>>Well, you lost. Apparently things didn't end well for Mia. I hope you made the save :)<</st>>
<<button [[Restart|Start]]>><</button>>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>After closing the basement door behind her, Mia finds herself in a dimly lit corridor. At the end of it looms another door, this one secured with a keypad lock. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Seriously? How many doors does this house have, anyway?'' - she mutters to herself, frustration bubbling up inside her.<</mia>>
<<st>>The echoing cries of the guard and the reverberating thuds from the basement door urge her forward, igniting a sense of urgency. With each passing second, the anticipation of his impending escape spurs her to action.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia dashes towards the door, her heart pounding in her chest as she tries to decipher the code. The combination feels like a puzzle, a cruel test. <</st>>
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<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-1.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-2.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-3.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-4.png" alt="card-img">
<div class="details">
<p class="time">Time: <span><b>25</b>s</span></p>
const cards1 = document.querySelectorAll(".card1"),
timeTag = document.querySelector(".time b");
let maxTime = 35;
let timeLeft = maxTime;
let disableDeck = false;
let isPlaying = false;
let matchedCard = 0;
let cardOne, cardTwo, timer;
function initTimer() {
if (timeLeft <= 0) {
return clearInterval(timer);
timeTag.innerText = timeLeft;
function flipCard({ target: clickedCard }) {
if (!isPlaying) {
isPlaying = true;
timer = setInterval(initTimer, 1000);
if (clickedCard !== cardOne && !disableDeck && timeLeft > 0) {
if (!cardOne) {
return cardOne = clickedCard;
cardTwo = clickedCard;
disableDeck = true;
let cardOneImg = cardOne.querySelector(".back-view img").src,
cardTwoImg = cardTwo.querySelector(".back-view img").src;
matchCards(cardOneImg, cardTwoImg);
function matchCards(img1, img2) {
if(img1 === img2) {
if(matchedCard == 6 && timeLeft > 0) {
return clearInterval(timer);
cardOne.removeEventListener("click", flipCard);
cardTwo.removeEventListener("click", flipCard);
cardOne = cardTwo = "";
return disableDeck = false;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 400);
setTimeout(() => {
cardOne.classList.remove("shake", "flip");
cardTwo.classList.remove("shake", "flip");
cardOne = cardTwo = "";
disableDeck = false;
}, 1200);
function shuffleCard() {
timeLeft = maxTime;
cardOne = cardTwo = "";
timeTag.innerText = timeLeft;
disableDeck = isPlaying = false;
let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
arr.sort(() => Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1);
cards1.forEach((card1, index) => {
let imgTag = card1.querySelector(".back-view img");
setTimeout(() => {
imgTag.src = `0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-${arr[index]}.png`;
}, 500);
card1.addEventListener("click", flipCard);
cards1.forEach(card1 => {
card1.addEventListener("click", flipCard);
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Закрыв за собой дверь подвала, Миа оказывается в тускло освещенном коридоре. Где в конце вырисовывается еще одна дверь, на этот раз запертая на клавиатурный замок.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Серьезно? Сколько дверей в этом доме?'' - бормочет она про себя, внутри нее бурлит разочарование.<</mia>>
<<st>>Эхо криков охранника и оглушительные удары из двери подвала подталкивают её вперед, разжигая чувство безотлагательности. С каждой секундой предвкушение его скорого побега побуждает её к действию.<</st>>
<<st>>Миа бросается к двери, её сердце колотится в груди, когда она пытается расшифровать код. Эта комбинация кажется головоломкой.<</st>>
<div class="wrapper">
<ul class="cards1">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-1.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-2.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-3.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-4.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-5.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-6.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-5.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-6.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-1.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-2.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-3.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-4.png" alt="card-img">
<div class="details">
<p class="time">Time: <span><b>25</b>s</span></p>
const cards1 = document.querySelectorAll(".card1"),
timeTag = document.querySelector(".time b");
let maxTime = 35;
let timeLeft = maxTime;
let disableDeck = false;
let isPlaying = false;
let matchedCard = 0;
let cardOne, cardTwo, timer;
function initTimer() {
if (timeLeft <= 0) {
return clearInterval(timer);
timeTag.innerText = timeLeft;
function flipCard({ target: clickedCard }) {
if (!isPlaying) {
isPlaying = true;
timer = setInterval(initTimer, 1000);
if (clickedCard !== cardOne && !disableDeck && timeLeft > 0) {
if (!cardOne) {
return cardOne = clickedCard;
cardTwo = clickedCard;
disableDeck = true;
let cardOneImg = cardOne.querySelector(".back-view img").src,
cardTwoImg = cardTwo.querySelector(".back-view img").src;
matchCards(cardOneImg, cardTwoImg);
function matchCards(img1, img2) {
if(img1 === img2) {
if(matchedCard == 6 && timeLeft > 0) {
return clearInterval(timer);
cardOne.removeEventListener("click", flipCard);
cardTwo.removeEventListener("click", flipCard);
cardOne = cardTwo = "";
return disableDeck = false;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 400);
setTimeout(() => {
cardOne.classList.remove("shake", "flip");
cardTwo.classList.remove("shake", "flip");
cardOne = cardTwo = "";
disableDeck = false;
}, 1200);
function shuffleCard() {
timeLeft = maxTime;
cardOne = cardTwo = "";
timeTag.innerText = timeLeft;
disableDeck = isPlaying = false;
let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
arr.sort(() => Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1);
cards1.forEach((card1, index) => {
let imgTag = card1.querySelector(".back-view img");
setTimeout(() => {
imgTag.src = `0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-${arr[index]}.png`;
}, 500);
card1.addEventListener("click", flipCard);
cards1.forEach(card1 => {
card1.addEventListener("click", flipCard);
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia knallt die Kellertür hinter sich zu und findet sich in einem schwach beleuchteten Gang wieder. Am Ende des Ganges ragt eine weitere Tür auf, die mit einem Tastaturschloss gesichert ist.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Ernsthaft jetzt? Wie viele Türen hat dieses Haus denn überhaupt?'', murmelt sie vor sich hin, während der Frust in ihr hochkocht.<</mia>>
<<st>>Die hallenden Schreie des Wächters und die widerhallenden Schläge gegen die Kellertür drängen sie nach vorne und lassen ein Gefühl der Dringlichkeit in ihr aufkommen. Mit jeder verstreichenden Sekunde treibt die Erwartung seiner bevorstehenden Flucht sie zum Handeln an.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia rast auf die Tür zu, ihr Herz hämmert in der Brust, während sie versucht, den Code zu knacken. Die Kombination fühlt sich an wie ein Rätsel, eine grausame Prüfung.<</st>>
<div class="wrapper">
<ul class="cards1">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-1.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-2.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-3.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-4.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-5.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-6.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-5.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-6.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-1.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-2.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-3.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-4.png" alt="card-img">
<div class="details">
<p class="time">Time: <span><b>25</b>s</span></p>
const cards1 = document.querySelectorAll(".card1"),
timeTag = document.querySelector(".time b");
let maxTime = 35;
let timeLeft = maxTime;
let disableDeck = false;
let isPlaying = false;
let matchedCard = 0;
let cardOne, cardTwo, timer;
function initTimer() {
if (timeLeft <= 0) {
return clearInterval(timer);
timeTag.innerText = timeLeft;
function flipCard({ target: clickedCard }) {
if (!isPlaying) {
isPlaying = true;
timer = setInterval(initTimer, 1000);
if (clickedCard !== cardOne && !disableDeck && timeLeft > 0) {
if (!cardOne) {
return cardOne = clickedCard;
cardTwo = clickedCard;
disableDeck = true;
let cardOneImg = cardOne.querySelector(".back-view img").src,
cardTwoImg = cardTwo.querySelector(".back-view img").src;
matchCards(cardOneImg, cardTwoImg);
function matchCards(img1, img2) {
if(img1 === img2) {
if(matchedCard == 6 && timeLeft > 0) {
return clearInterval(timer);
cardOne.removeEventListener("click", flipCard);
cardTwo.removeEventListener("click", flipCard);
cardOne = cardTwo = "";
return disableDeck = false;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 400);
setTimeout(() => {
cardOne.classList.remove("shake", "flip");
cardTwo.classList.remove("shake", "flip");
cardOne = cardTwo = "";
disableDeck = false;
}, 1200);
function shuffleCard() {
timeLeft = maxTime;
cardOne = cardTwo = "";
timeTag.innerText = timeLeft;
disableDeck = isPlaying = false;
let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
arr.sort(() => Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1);
cards1.forEach((card1, index) => {
let imgTag = card1.querySelector(".back-view img");
setTimeout(() => {
imgTag.src = `0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-${arr[index]}.png`;
}, 500);
card1.addEventListener("click", flipCard);
cards1.forEach(card1 => {
card1.addEventListener("click", flipCard);
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Enfermant la porte du sous-sol derrière elle, Mia se retrouve dans un couloir semi-obscur. Au fond, une autre porte se profile, celle-ci sécurisée par un digicode.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Pfff, sérieusement ? C'est quoi le nombre de portes dans ce taudis, à la fin ? '' - marmonne-t-elle, la frustration bouillonnante en elle.<</mia>>
<<st>>Les cris du garde qui résonnent et les coups sourds qui proviennent de la porte du sous-sol la poussent de l'avant, allumant un sentiment d'urgence. À chaque seconde qui passe, l'anticipation de son évasion imminente la pousse à l'action.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia fonce vers la porte, le cœur tambourinant dans sa poitrine alors qu'elle tente de déchiffrer le code. La combinaison lui apparaît comme un casse-tête, une épreuve cruelle.<</st>>
<div class="wrapper">
<ul class="cards1">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-1.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-2.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-3.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-4.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-5.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-6.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-5.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-6.png" alt="card-img">
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<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-1.png" alt="card-img">
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<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-2.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-3.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-4.png" alt="card-img">
<div class="details">
<p class="time">Time: <span><b>25</b>s</span></p>
const cards1 = document.querySelectorAll(".card1"),
timeTag = document.querySelector(".time b");
let maxTime = 35;
let timeLeft = maxTime;
let disableDeck = false;
let isPlaying = false;
let matchedCard = 0;
let cardOne, cardTwo, timer;
function initTimer() {
if (timeLeft <= 0) {
return clearInterval(timer);
timeTag.innerText = timeLeft;
function flipCard({ target: clickedCard }) {
if (!isPlaying) {
isPlaying = true;
timer = setInterval(initTimer, 1000);
if (clickedCard !== cardOne && !disableDeck && timeLeft > 0) {
if (!cardOne) {
return cardOne = clickedCard;
cardTwo = clickedCard;
disableDeck = true;
let cardOneImg = cardOne.querySelector(".back-view img").src,
cardTwoImg = cardTwo.querySelector(".back-view img").src;
matchCards(cardOneImg, cardTwoImg);
function matchCards(img1, img2) {
if(img1 === img2) {
if(matchedCard == 6 && timeLeft > 0) {
return clearInterval(timer);
cardOne.removeEventListener("click", flipCard);
cardTwo.removeEventListener("click", flipCard);
cardOne = cardTwo = "";
return disableDeck = false;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 400);
setTimeout(() => {
cardOne.classList.remove("shake", "flip");
cardTwo.classList.remove("shake", "flip");
cardOne = cardTwo = "";
disableDeck = false;
}, 1200);
function shuffleCard() {
timeLeft = maxTime;
cardOne = cardTwo = "";
timeTag.innerText = timeLeft;
disableDeck = isPlaying = false;
let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
arr.sort(() => Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1);
cards1.forEach((card1, index) => {
let imgTag = card1.querySelector(".back-view img");
setTimeout(() => {
imgTag.src = `0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-${arr[index]}.png`;
}, 500);
card1.addEventListener("click", flipCard);
cards1.forEach(card1 => {
card1.addEventListener("click", flipCard);
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Después de cerrar la puerta del sótano detrás de ella, Mia se encuentra en un pasillo con poca luz. Al final aparece otra puerta, ésta asegurada con una cerradura con teclado.<</st>>
<<mia>>''¿En serio? ¿Cuántas puertas tiene esta casa?'' - murmura para sí misma, la frustración burbujea en su interior.<</mia>>
<<st>>Los ecos de los gritos del guardia y los golpes reverberantes de la puerta del sótano la impulsan a avanzar, encendiendo una sensación de urgencia. Con cada segundo que pasa, la anticipación de su inminente fuga la impulsa a actuar.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia corre hacia la puerta, con el corazón latiendo con fuerza en el pecho mientras intenta descifrar el código. La combinación parece un rompecabezas, una prueba cruel.<</st>>
<div class="wrapper">
<ul class="cards1">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-1.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-2.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-3.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-4.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-5.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-6.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-5.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
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<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-1.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-2.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-3.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-4.png" alt="card-img">
<div class="details">
<p class="time">Time: <span><b>25</b>s</span></p>
const cards1 = document.querySelectorAll(".card1"),
timeTag = document.querySelector(".time b");
let maxTime = 35;
let timeLeft = maxTime;
let disableDeck = false;
let isPlaying = false;
let matchedCard = 0;
let cardOne, cardTwo, timer;
function initTimer() {
if (timeLeft <= 0) {
return clearInterval(timer);
timeTag.innerText = timeLeft;
function flipCard({ target: clickedCard }) {
if (!isPlaying) {
isPlaying = true;
timer = setInterval(initTimer, 1000);
if (clickedCard !== cardOne && !disableDeck && timeLeft > 0) {
if (!cardOne) {
return cardOne = clickedCard;
cardTwo = clickedCard;
disableDeck = true;
let cardOneImg = cardOne.querySelector(".back-view img").src,
cardTwoImg = cardTwo.querySelector(".back-view img").src;
matchCards(cardOneImg, cardTwoImg);
function matchCards(img1, img2) {
if(img1 === img2) {
if(matchedCard == 6 && timeLeft > 0) {
return clearInterval(timer);
cardOne.removeEventListener("click", flipCard);
cardTwo.removeEventListener("click", flipCard);
cardOne = cardTwo = "";
return disableDeck = false;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 400);
setTimeout(() => {
cardOne.classList.remove("shake", "flip");
cardTwo.classList.remove("shake", "flip");
cardOne = cardTwo = "";
disableDeck = false;
}, 1200);
function shuffleCard() {
timeLeft = maxTime;
cardOne = cardTwo = "";
timeTag.innerText = timeLeft;
disableDeck = isPlaying = false;
let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
arr.sort(() => Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1);
cards1.forEach((card1, index) => {
let imgTag = card1.querySelector(".back-view img");
setTimeout(() => {
imgTag.src = `0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-${arr[index]}.png`;
}, 500);
card1.addEventListener("click", flipCard);
cards1.forEach(card1 => {
card1.addEventListener("click", flipCard);
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>关上地下室的门后,米娅发现自己身处一条光线昏暗的走廊里。 在它的尽头隐约可见另一扇门,这扇门用键盘锁固定。<</st>>
<<mia>>''说真的?这房子有多少扇门?'' ——她自言自语,沮丧在内心涌动。<</mia>>
<<st>>守卫的呼喊声和地下室门回荡的重击声催促着她前进,点燃了一种紧迫感。 每过一秒,对他即将逃跑的预期都会促使她采取行动。<</st>>
<<st>>米娅冲向门口,她的心在胸腔里狂跳,试图破译密码。 这种组合感觉就像一个谜题,一个残酷的考验。<</st>>
<div class="wrapper">
<ul class="cards1">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-1.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-2.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-3.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-4.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-5.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-6.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-5.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-6.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-1.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-2.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-3.png" alt="card-img">
<li class="card1">
<div class="view front-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/que_icon.svg" alt="icon">
<div class="view back-view">
<img src="0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-4.png" alt="card-img">
<div class="details">
<p class="time">Time: <span><b>25</b>s</span></p>
const cards1 = document.querySelectorAll(".card1"),
timeTag = document.querySelector(".time b");
let maxTime = 35;
let timeLeft = maxTime;
let disableDeck = false;
let isPlaying = false;
let matchedCard = 0;
let cardOne, cardTwo, timer;
function initTimer() {
if (timeLeft <= 0) {
return clearInterval(timer);
timeTag.innerText = timeLeft;
function flipCard({ target: clickedCard }) {
if (!isPlaying) {
isPlaying = true;
timer = setInterval(initTimer, 1000);
if (clickedCard !== cardOne && !disableDeck && timeLeft > 0) {
if (!cardOne) {
return cardOne = clickedCard;
cardTwo = clickedCard;
disableDeck = true;
let cardOneImg = cardOne.querySelector(".back-view img").src,
cardTwoImg = cardTwo.querySelector(".back-view img").src;
matchCards(cardOneImg, cardTwoImg);
function matchCards(img1, img2) {
if(img1 === img2) {
if(matchedCard == 6 && timeLeft > 0) {
return clearInterval(timer);
cardOne.removeEventListener("click", flipCard);
cardTwo.removeEventListener("click", flipCard);
cardOne = cardTwo = "";
return disableDeck = false;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 400);
setTimeout(() => {
cardOne.classList.remove("shake", "flip");
cardTwo.classList.remove("shake", "flip");
cardOne = cardTwo = "";
disableDeck = false;
}, 1200);
function shuffleCard() {
timeLeft = maxTime;
cardOne = cardTwo = "";
timeTag.innerText = timeLeft;
disableDeck = isPlaying = false;
let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
arr.sort(() => Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1);
cards1.forEach((card1, index) => {
let imgTag = card1.querySelector(".back-view img");
setTimeout(() => {
imgTag.src = `0.2.6/images/codeGame/img-${arr[index]}.png`;
}, 500);
card1.addEventListener("click", flipCard);
cards1.forEach(card1 => {
card1.addEventListener("click", flipCard);
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Finally, she hit upon the right combination. With a triumphant beep, the lock disengages, and the door swings open, revealing the next room.<</st>>
<<st>>Racing into the next room, Mia immediately recognizes it as the kitchen—a stark contrast to the dark, dingy basement where she was held captive. It's beautiful, elegant, and bathed in natural light, a stark departure from the grim reality she's been living. This is where that bastard Roy and his cronies dined and whiled away their time while she was trapped below. What utter assholes.<</st>>
<<st>>Desperate to escape, Mia makes a beeline for the door leading out of the house, but her eyes catch sight of a set of kitchen knives on the countertop.<</st>>
<<st>>The collection of sharp, expensive blades seems to beckon to her. She pauses abruptly, contemplating whether she should take one, just in case. What if there's someone outside? She might need something for self-defense, right?<</st>>
<<st>>As Mia weighs her options, the glint of the blades reflects the inner turmoil she feels. Should she take a knife with or leave it behind?<</st>>
<<button [[Take a knife|Take_Knife]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Don't take a knife|Dont_take_knife]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Наконец она нашла правильную комбинацию. С торжествующим звуковым сигналом замок открывается, и дверь распахивается, открывая следующую комнату.<</st>>
<<st>>Вбегая в следующую комнату, Миа понимает что очутилась на кухне — резкий контраст с темным, грязным подвалом, где её держали в плену. Это красивое, элегантное место, залито естественным светом, которое сильно отличается от мрачной реальности, в которой она жила. Здесь этот ублюдок и его приспешники обедали и коротали время, пока она была в ловушке внизу. Какие же уёбки.<</st>>
<<st>>Отчаявшись, Миа мчится к двери, ведущей из дома, но её взгляд замечает набор кухонных ножей на столешнице.<</st>>
<<st>>Она делает паузу, размышляя, стоит ли ей взять один, на всякий случай. Что, если снаружи кто-то есть? Ей может понадобиться что-нибудь для самообороны?<</st>>
<<st>>Пока Миа взвешивает варианты, блеск лезвий отражает её внутреннее смятение. Стоит ли ей взять нож с собой или оставить его?<</st>>
<<button [[Взять нож|Take_Knife]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Не брать нож|Dont_take_knife]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Im Rennen zum nächsten Raum erkennt Mia sofort die Küche – ein krasser Gegensatz zu dem dunklen, heruntergekommenen Keller, in dem sie gefangen gehalten wurde. Die Küche ist wunderschön, elegant und von natürlichem Licht durchflutet, ein starker Kontrast zur düsteren Realität, in der sie sich befand. Hier haben dieser Mistkerl Roy und seine Kumpanen gespeist und sich die Zeit vertrieben, während sie unten eingesperrt war. Vollkommene Arschlöcher.<</st>>
<<st>>Von der Flucht getrieben, steuert Mia zielstrebig auf die Tür zu, die aus dem Haus führt, aber ihr Blick fällt auf einen Satz Küchenmesser auf der Arbeitsfläche. Die Reihe scharfer, teurer Klingen scheint sie anzulocken. Sie bleibt abrupt stehen und überlegt, ob sie sich für alle Fälle ein Messer nehmen soll. Was, wenn da draußen jemand ist? Könnte sie nicht zur Selbstverteidigung etwas brauchen?<</st>>
<<st>>Während Mia ihre Optionen abwägt, spiegelt der Glanz der Klingen den inneren Aufruhr wider, den sie fühlt. Messer mitnehmen oder zurücklassen?<</st>>
<<button [[Ein Messer mitnehmen|Take_Knife]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Kein Messer mitnehmen|Dont_take_knife]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Elle finit par trouver la bonne combinaison. Avec un bip triomphant, la serrure se désengage et la porte s'ouvre, révélant la pièce suivante.<</st>>
<<st>>Se précipitant dans la pièce suivante, Mia la reconnaît immédiatement comme étant la cuisine - un contraste saisissant avec le sous-sol sombre et crasseux où elle était retenue captive. C'est beau, élégant et baigné de lumière naturelle, un net éloignement de la sombre réalité qu'elle a vécue. C'est ici que ce salopard de Roy et ses potes se goinfraient et perdaient leur temps pendant qu'elle croupissait en bas. Quels trous du cul, vraiment.<</st>>
<<st>>Déterminée à s'enfuir, Mia fonce droit vers la porte menant à la sortie de la maison, mais son regard se pose sur un ensemble de couteaux de cuisine sur le plan de travail.<</st>>
<<st>>Se précipitant dans la pièce suivante, Mia la reconnaît immédiatement comme étant la cuisine - un contraste saisissant avec le sous-sol sombre et crasseux où elle était retenue captive. C'est beau, élégant et baigné de lumière naturelle, un net éloignement de la sombre réalité qu'elle a vécue. C'est ici que ce salopard de Roy et ses potes se goinfraient et perdaient leur temps pendant qu'elle croupissait en bas. Quels trous du cul, vraiment.<</st>>
<<st>>Déterminée à s'enfuir, Mia fonce droit vers la porte menant à la sortie de la maison, mais son regard se pose sur un ensemble de couteaux de cuisine sur le plan de travail.<</st>>
<<button [[Prendre un couteau|Take_Knife]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Ne pas prendre de couteau|Dont_take_knife]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Finalmente, dio con la combinación correcta. Con un pitido triunfante, la cerradura se abre y la puerta se abre, revelando la siguiente habitación.<</st>>
<<st>>Corriendo hacia la siguiente habitación, Mia inmediatamente la reconoce como la cocina, un marcado contraste con el oscuro y lúgubre sótano donde estaba cautiva. Es hermoso, elegante y está bañado por luz natural, una marcada desviación de la sombría realidad que ha estado viviendo. Aquí es donde ese bastardo de Roy y sus compinches cenaron y pasaron el tiempo mientras ella estaba atrapada debajo. Qué imbéciles más completos.<</st>>
<<st>>Desesperada por escapar, Mia se dirige directamente a la puerta que conduce a la salida de la casa, pero sus ojos ven un juego de cuchillos de cocina en la encimera.<</st>>
<<st>>La colección de hojas afiladas y costosas parece atraerla. Hace una pausa abrupta, contemplando si debería tomar uno, por si acaso. ¿Qué pasa si hay alguien afuera? Quizás necesite algo para defenderse, ¿verdad?<</st>>
<<st>>Mientras Mia sopesa sus opciones, el brillo de las espadas refleja la agitación interna que siente. ¿Debería llevarse un cuchillo o dejarlo allí?<</st>>
<<button [[Llevar un cuchillo|Take_Knife]]>><</button>>
<<button [[No te lleves un cuchillo|Dont_take_knife]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>最后,她找到了正确的组合。 随着一声胜利的蜂鸣声,锁松开了,门打开了,露出了下一个房间。<</st>>
<<st>>米娅冲进隔壁房间,立即认出那是厨房——与她被关押的黑暗肮脏的地下室形成鲜明对比。 它美丽、优雅,沐浴在自然光下,与她所生活的严峻现实截然不同。 当她被困在下面时,罗伊那个混蛋和他的亲信就在这里吃饭消磨时间。 真是一群混蛋。<</st>>
<<st>>一系列锋利、昂贵的刀片似乎在向她招手。 她突然停了下来,思考是否应该带一个,以防万一。 万一外面有人怎么办? 她可能需要一些自卫的东西,对吗?<</st>>
<<st>>当米娅权衡她的选择时,刀片的闪烁反映了她内心的混乱。 她应该带刀还是留下刀?<</st>>
<<button [[带上一把刀|Take_Knife]]>><</button>>
<<button [[不带刀|Dont_take_knife]]>><</button>>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>As she struggles to crack the code, her frustration mounts with each failed attempt. Suddenly, she hears footsteps approaching from behind, and before she can react, the guard, somehow freed from the basement, grabs hold of her. <</st>>
<<gua>>''Where do you think you're going, scum?'' - he sneers before forcefully dragging Mia back towards the basement door and locking her inside once more.<</gua>>
<<button [[Leave|Kidnappers_home_quest_8]]>><</button>><<set $attempts_to_escape -=1>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Пока она пытается взломать код, её разочарование растет с каждой неудачной попыткой. Внезапно она слышит приближающиеся шаги сзади, и прежде чем она успевает среагировать, её хватает охранник, каким-то образом освободившийся из подвала.<</st>>
<<gua>>''Куда ты собираешься бежать, мразь?'' - он усмехается, прежде чем с силой потащить Мию обратно к двери подвала и снова запереть её внутри.<</gua>>
<<button [[Уйти|Kidnappers_home_quest_8]]>><</button>><<set $attempts_to_escape -=1>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Die Frustration stieg mit jedem fehlgeschlagenen Versuch. Sie fieberte mit jeder Tastenkombination, doch der erlösende Piepton blieb aus. Plötzlich hörte sie Schritte von hinten nähertreten. Bevor sie reagieren konnte, packte sie der Wächter, der sich anscheinend irgendwie aus dem Keller befreit hatte.<</st>>
<<gua>>''Wo willst du denn hin, Abschaum?'', höhnte er, bevor er Mia mit Gewalt zurück zur Kellertür schleifte und sie wieder darin einsperrte.<</gua>>
<<button [[Verlassen Sie|Kidnappers_home_quest_8]]>><</button>><<set $attempts_to_escape -=1>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Alors qu'elle s'efforce de déchiffrer le code, sa frustration augmente à chaque tentative infructueuse. Soudain, elle entend des pas approcher par derrière, et avant qu'elle ne puisse réagir, le garde, libéré d'une manière ou d'une autre du sous-sol, s'empare d'elle.<</st>>
<<gua>>''Où crois-tu aller, petite salope ?'' - ricane-t-il avant de ramener de force Mia vers la porte du sous-sol et de l'enfermer à nouveau à l'intérieur.<</gua>>
<<button [[Partir|Kidnappers_home_quest_8]]>><</button>><<set $attempts_to_escape -=1>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mientras lucha por descifrar el código, su frustración aumenta con cada intento fallido. De repente, oye pasos que se acercan por detrás y, antes de que pueda reaccionar, el guardia, de alguna manera liberado del sótano, la agarra.<</st>>
<<gua>>''¿Adónde crees que vas, escoria?'' - se burla antes de arrastrar con fuerza a Mia hacia la puerta del sótano y encerrarla dentro una vez más.<</gua>>
<<button [[Sal de|Kidnappers_home_quest_8]]>><</button>><<set $attempts_to_escape -=1>>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>当她努力破解密码时,每次失败的尝试都会让她感到沮丧。 突然,她听到身后有脚步声靠近,还没等她反应过来,从地下室里出来的警卫抓住了她。<</st>>
<<gua>>''你以为你要去哪里,人渣?'' - 他冷笑一声,然后用力将米娅拖回地下室门,并再次将她锁在里面。<</gua>>
<<button [[离开|Kidnappers_home_quest_8]]>><</button>><<set $attempts_to_escape -=1>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia swiftly grabs the knife and dashes out of the house, only to be greeted by a car speeding towards her. Roy leaps out, screaming.<</st>>
<<roy>>"What the hell do you think you're doing, you stupid bitch? You think you can escape from here?"<</roy>>
<<st>>He charges towards Mia, clearly intent on knocking her down and dragging her back or even killing her. There's nothing but pure cruelty and madness in his eyes, sending shivers down her spine.<</st>>
<<st>>But she refuses to be locked up in that hellhole again. So, she let him get close enough for her to jab him with the stolen knife.<</st>>
<<st>>And as she stabs him, she sees his blood spilling, and she starts running away. Mia hopes that he dies and her face is the last thing he saw in these last few minutes. <</st>>
<<button [[Escape|Escape]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Миа быстро хватает нож и выбегает из дома, но её встречает мчащаяся к ней машина. Из которой выпрыгивает Рой с криком.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Какого черта?! Ты думаешь, что делаешь, тупая сука? Ты думаешь, что сможешь сбежать отсюда?''<</roy>>
<<st>>Он бросается на Мию, явно намереваясь сбить её с ног и оттащить назад или даже убить. В его глазах нет ничего, кроме чистой жестокости и безумия, от которых у неё по спине пробегает дрожь.<</st>>
<<st>>Но она отказывается снова оказаться запертой в адской дыре. Поэтому она позволила ему подойти достаточно близко, чтобы она всадить в него украденным ножом.<</st>>
<<st>>И когда она наносит ему удар, она видит, как начинает вытекать его кровь, и начинает убегать. Миа надеется, что он умрет и её лицо — последнее, что он видел за последние несколько минут.<</st>>
<<button [[Побег|Escape]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia schnappt sich blitzschnell das Messer und stürmt aus dem Haus, nur um von einem auf sie zurasenden Auto begrüßt zu werden. Roy springt heraus und schreit sie an.<</st>>
<<roy>> "Was zur Hölle glaubst du, machst du da, du dumme Schlampe? Denkst du, du kannst hier einfach abhauen?"<</roy>>
<<st>>Er stürmt auf Mia zu, offensichtlich in der Absicht, sie niederzuschlagen und zurückzuschleppen oder sie sogar zu töten. In seinen Augen liegt nichts als pure Grausamkeit und Wahnsinn, die ihr Schauer über den Rücken jagen.<</st>>
<<st>>Aber sie weigert sich absolut, wieder in diesem Höllenloch eingesperrt zu werden. Also lässt sie ihn nah genug herankommen, dass sie ihn mit dem gestohlenen Messer sticht.<</st>>
<<st>>Und als sie ihn sticht, sieht sie sein Blut spritzen, und sie rennt los. Mia hofft, dass er stirbt und ihr Gesicht das Letzte ist, was er in seinen letzten Minuten gesehen hat.<</st>>
<<button [[Flucht|Escape]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Mia s'empare rapidement du couteau et se précipite hors de la maison, mais elle est accueillie par une voiture qui fonce sur elle. Roy bondit en criant.<</st>>
<<roy>>" Qu'est-ce que tu crois faire, espèce de salope stupide ? Tu crois que tu peux t'échapper d'ici ?"<</roy>>
<<st>>Il fonce sur Mia, manifestement décidé à la faire tomber et à la ramener en arrière, voire à la tuer. Il n'y a que de la cruauté et de la folie dans ses yeux, ce qui donne des frissons à Mia.<</st>>
<<st>>Mais elle refuse d'être à nouveau enfermée dans cet enfer. Elle le laisse donc s'approcher suffisamment pour qu'elle puisse le poignarder avec le couteau volé.<</st>>
<<st>>Au moment où elle le poignarde, elle voit son sang couler et s'enfuit en courant. Mia espère qu'il mourra et que son visage sera la dernière chose qu'il aura vue au cours de ces dernières minutes. <</st>>
<<button [[S'échapper|Escape]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mia rápidamente agarra el cuchillo y sale corriendo de la casa, solo para ser recibida por un automóvil que se acerca a toda velocidad hacia ella. Roy salta, gritando.<</st>>
<<roy>>"¿Qué diablos crees que estás haciendo, perra estúpida? ¿Crees que puedes escapar de aquí?"<</roy>>
<<st>>Carga hacia Mia, claramente con la intención de derribarla y arrastrarla hacia atrás o incluso matarla. No hay nada más que pura crueldad y locura en sus ojos, lo que le provoca escalofríos por la espalda.<</st>>
<<st>>Pero ella se niega a volver a ser encerrada en ese infierno. Entonces, ella lo dejó acercarse lo suficiente como para pincharlo con el cuchillo robado.<</st>>
<<st>>Y mientras lo apuñala, ve su sangre derramarse y comienza a huir. Mia espera que muera y su rostro es lo último que vio en estos últimos minutos.<</st>>
<<button [[Escapar|Escape]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>米娅迅速抓起刀冲出家门,却看到一辆汽车向她疾驰而来。 罗伊尖叫着跳了出来。<</st>>
<<st>>他冲向米娅,显然是想把她打倒、拖回去,甚至杀死她。 他的眼里只有纯粹的残忍和疯狂,让她脊背发凉。<</st>>
<<st>>但她拒绝再次被关在那个地狱里。 所以,她让他离得足够近,以便她可以用偷来的刀刺伤他。<</st>>
<<st>>当她刺伤他时,她看到他的血在溢出,于是她开始逃跑。 米娅希望他死掉,而她的脸是他在最后几分钟里看到的最后一件事。<</st>>
<<button [[逃跑|Escape]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia quickly decides not to waste any precious seconds, leaves the knives, and sprints out of the house, only to be greeted by a car speeding towards her. Roy leaps out, screaming.<</st>>
<<roy>> ''What the hell do you think you're doing, you stupid bitch? You think you can escape from here?'' <</roy>>
<<st>>He charges towards her, clearly intent on knocking her down and dragging her back or even killing her. There's nothing but pure cruelty and madness in his eyes, sending shivers down Mia's spine.<</st>>
<<st>>She freezes in fear as Roy advances towards her, his menacing presence overpowering. Before she can react, he lunges at her, overpowering her with his strength. In a swift, brutal motion, he strikes Mia down, his rage consuming him entirely. <</st>>
<<st>>Before she can respond, he grabs her by the hair, forcing her to meet his gaze. <</st>>
<<roy>>With a sinister smile, he sneers, ''Not a single girl has EVER escaped from this house before.''<</roy>>
<<st>>With a swift, merciless blow, he strikes Mia's head against a small curb. Pain explodes in her skull, splitting it open. In that moment, she knows that survival is futile.<</st>>
<<st>>As darkness descends, Mia realizes her attempt at freedom has ended in tragedy, her last thoughts filled with regret and despair.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia is dead.<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|GameOver]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Миа быстро решает не терять драгоценных секунд, оставляет ножи и выбегает из дома, но её встречает мчащаяся к ней машина. Рой выпрыгивает с криком.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Какого черта?! Ты думаешь, что делаешь, тупая сука? Ты думаешь, что сможешь сбежать отсюда?''<</roy>>
<<st>>Он бросается на неё, явно намереваясь сбить ее с ног и оттащить назад или даже убить. В его глазах нет ничего, кроме чистой жестокости и безумия, от которых у Мии мурашки бегут по спине.<</st>>
<<st>>Она замирает от страха, когда Рой приближается к ней, его угрожающее присутствие подавляет. Прежде чем она успевает среагировать, он бросается на нее, подавляя своей силой. Быстрым и жестоким движением он сбивает Мию с ног, ярость полностью поглотила его.<</st>>
<<st>>Прежде чем она успевает ответить, он хватает её за волосы, заставляя встретиться с ним взглядом. <</st>>
<<roy>>Со зловещей улыбкой он усмехается: ''Ни одна девушка НИКОГДА не сбегала из этого дома''.<</roy>>
<<st>>Быстрым и беспощадным ударом он ударяет Мию головой о небольшой бордюр. Боль взрывается в её черепе, раскалывая его. В этот момент она понимает, что выживать бесполезно.<</st>>
<<st>>С наступлением темноты в глазах, Миа понимает, что её попытка обрести свободу закончилась трагедией, её последние мысли наполнены сожалением и отчаянием.<</st>>
<<st>>Миа умирает.<</st>>
<<button [[Игра окончена|GameOver]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia entschied sich schnell, keine wertvollen Sekunden zu verschwenden, ließ die Messer liegen und sprintete aus dem Haus, nur um von einem auf sie zurasenden Auto begrüßt zu werden. Roy sprang heraus und schrie sie an.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Was zur Hölle glaubst du, machst du da, du dumme Schlampe? Denkst du, du kannst hier einfach abhauen?''<</roy>>
<<st>>Er stürmte auf sie zu, offensichtlich in der Absicht, sie niederzuschlagen und zurückzuschleppen oder sie sogar zu töten. In seinen Augen lag nichts als pure Grausamkeit und Wahnsinn, die Mia Schauer über den Rücken jagten.<</st>>
<<st>>Angsterstarrt blieb sie stehen, als Roy auf sie zukam, seine bedrohliche Präsenz überwältigend. Bevor sie reagieren konnte, stürzte er sich auf sie und überwältigte sie mit seiner Kraft. In einer schnellen, brutalen Bewegung schlug er Mia nieder, völlig von seiner Wut verzehrt.<</st>>
<<st>>Bevor sie reagieren konnte, packte er sie an den Haaren und zwang sie, seinem Blick zu begegnen. <</st>>
<<roy>>Mit einem finsteren Lächeln höhnte er: ''Noch keinem Mädchen ist es jemals gelungen, aus diesem Haus zu fliehen.''<</roy>>
<<st>>Mit einem schnellen, gnadenlosen Schlag stieß er Mias Kopf gegen einen Bordstein. Schmerz explodierte in ihrem Schädel und spaltete ihn auf. In diesem Moment wusste sie, dass Überleben zwecklos war.<</st>>
<<st>>Als Dunkelheit hereinbrach, erkannte Mia, dass ihr Versuch in die Freiheit zu gelangen in einer Tragödie geendet hatte, ihre letzten Gedanken voller Reue und Verzweiflung.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia war tot.<</st>>
<<button [[Das Spiel ist vorbei|GameOver]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Mia décide rapidement de ne pas perdre de précieuses secondes, quitte les couteaux et s'élance hors de la maison, mais elle est accueillie par une voiture qui fonce sur elle. Roy bondit en criant.<</st>>
<<roy>>''Qu'est-ce que tu crois faire, espèce de salope stupide ? Tu crois que tu peux t'échapper d'ici ?''<</roy>>
<<st>>Il fonce sur elle, manifestement décidé à la faire tomber et à la ramener en arrière, voire à la tuer. Il n'y a rien d'autre que de la cruauté et de la folie dans ses yeux, ce qui donne des frissons à Mia.<</st>>
<<st>>Elle se fige de peur tandis que Roy s'avance vers elle, sa présence menaçante l'envahissant. Avant qu'elle ne puisse réagir, il se jette sur elle, l'écrasant de sa force. D'un geste rapide et brutal, il frappe Mia, sa rage le consumant entièrement.<</st>>
<<st>>Avant qu'elle ne puisse répondre, il l'attrape par les cheveux, la forçant à croiser son regard. <</st>>
<<roy>>Avec un sourire sinistre, il ricane : ''Aucune fille ne s'est jamais échappée de cette maison''.<</roy>>
<<st>>D'un coup sec et impitoyable, il frappe la tête de Mia contre un petit trottoir. La douleur explose dans son crâne, le fendant en deux. À ce moment-là, elle sait qu'il est inutile de survivre.<</st>>
<<st>>Alors que l'obscurité s'installe, Mia réalise que sa tentative de liberté s'est terminée en tragédie, ses dernières pensées étant remplies de regrets et de désespoir.
<<st>>Mia est morte.<</st>>
<<button [[Fin de la partie|GameOver]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mia rápidamente decide no perder ningún segundo precioso, deja los cuchillos y sale corriendo de la casa, solo para ser recibida por un automóvil que se acerca a toda velocidad hacia ella. Roy salta, gritando.<</st>>
<<roy>>''¿Qué diablos crees que estás haciendo, perra estúpida? ¿Crees que puedes escapar de aquí?''<</roy>>
<<st>>Él carga hacia ella, claramente con la intención de derribarla y arrastrarla hacia atrás o incluso matarla. No hay nada más que pura crueldad y locura en sus ojos, lo que provoca escalofríos por la espalda de Mia.<</st>>
<<st>>Ella se congela de miedo cuando Roy avanza hacia ella, su presencia amenazadora es abrumadora. Antes de que ella pueda reaccionar, él se abalanza sobre ella, dominándola con su fuerza. Con un movimiento rápido y brutal, derriba a Mia y su ira lo consume por completo.<</st>>
<<st>>Antes de que ella pueda responder, él la agarra por el cabello, obligándola a mirarlo a los ojos. <</st>>
<<roy>>Con una sonrisa siniestra, se burla: ''Ni una sola chica ha escapado NUNCA de esta casa antes''.<</roy>>
<<st>>Con un golpe rápido y despiadado, golpea la cabeza de Mia contra un pequeño bordillo. El dolor explota en su cráneo y lo abre. En ese momento, sabe que sobrevivir es inútil.<</st>>
<<st>>A medida que cae la oscuridad, Mia se da cuenta de que su intento de libertad ha terminado en tragedia y sus últimos pensamientos están llenos de arrepentimiento y desesperación.<</st>>
<<st>>Mía está muerta.<</st>>
<<button [[Se acabó el juego|GameOver]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>米娅很快决定不浪费任何宝贵的时间,丢下刀子,冲出房子,结果迎接她的是一辆疾驰而来的汽车。 罗伊尖叫着跳了出来。<</st>>
<<st>>他冲向她,显然是想把她打倒、拖回去,甚至杀死她。 他的眼神里只有纯粹的残忍和疯狂,让米娅脊背发凉。<</st>>
<<st>>当罗伊向她走来时,她吓得僵住了,他的威胁性压倒性的。 还没等她反应过来,他就已经向她扑来,用力压倒了她。 他迅速而残酷地击倒了米娅,他的愤怒完全吞噬了他。<</st>>
<<st>>还没等她反应过来,他就抓住了她的头发,强迫她与他对视。 <</st>>
<<st>>他迅速而无情地一击,将米娅的头撞到了小路边。 疼痛在她的头骨中爆炸,将其撕裂。 那一刻,她知道,活着是徒劳的。<</st>>
<<button [[游戏结束|GameOver]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia reaches a crossroads in the road in her escape, excitement rushing through her veins. The forest is far ahead, and its thick plants provide both privacy and danger. Another option is the highway, which is wider and could put her in danger, but it could also lead her to help.<</st>>
<<button [[Go to the forest|ForestPath]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Take the higway|RoadPath]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Во время бегства Мия достигла развилки дороги, волнение пульсировало в её венах. Впереди темнел лес, его густая растительность одновременно обещала укрытие и таила опасность. Другим вариантом было шоссе - широкое пространство, которое могло сделать её уязвимой мишенью, но и могло привести к помощи.<</st>>
<<button [[Пойти в лес|ForestPath]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Пойти по шоссе|RoadPath]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>An der Fluchtweg-Gabelung angekommen, durchströmt Mia pure Aufregung. Weit entfernt lockt der Wald, dessen dichtes Dickicht sowohl Versteck als auch Gefahr bietet. Die andere Möglichkeit ist die Autobahn, die zwar breiter und damit gefährlicher ist, aber auch schneller zu Hilfe führen könnte.<</st>>
<<button [[In den Wald|ForestPath]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Auf die Autobahn|RoadPath]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Mia arrive à un carrefour sur la route de sa fuite, l'excitation se répandant dans ses veines. La forêt est loin devant elle, et ses plantes épaisses lui offrent à la fois intimité et danger. Une autre option est l'autoroute, qui est plus large et qui pourrait la mettre en danger, mais qui pourrait aussi la conduire à de l'aide.<</st>>
<<button [[Aller dans la forêt|ForestPath]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Prendre l'autoroute|RoadPath]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mia llega a un cruce en el camino en su escape, la emoción corre por sus venas. El bosque está muy lejos y sus espesas plantas proporcionan privacidad y peligro al mismo tiempo. Otra opción es la autopista, que es más ancha y podría ponerla en peligro, pero también podría llevarla a pedir ayuda.<</st>>
<<button [[Ve al bosque|ForestPath]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Toma la autopista|RoadPath]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<button [[去森林|ForestPath]]>><</button>>
<<button [[走高速公路|RoadPath]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>As Mia went deeper into the dense forest, it seemed like hours had passed, and a sense of disorientation had begun to set in. The twisting trees and tangled undergrowth made it feel like she was walking in circles. Exhaustion weighed heavily upon her, and her legs grew weaker with each step. Finally, Mia's strength gave way, and she collapsed to the forest floor, consciousness slipping away.<</st>>
<<button [[Wake up|WakeUpForest]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Чем глубже Мия углублялась в густой лес, тем больше ей казалось, что прошли уже часы. Начинала кружиться голова. Из-за сплетенных между собой деревьев и колючего подлеска ей казалось, что она ходит кругами. Усталость давила на неё все сильнее, с каждым шагом ноги слабели. Наконец, силы покинули Мию, и она рухнула на лесную подстилку, сознание постепенно начало её покидать.<</st>>
<<button [[Проснуться|WakeUpForest]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia tauchte immer tiefer in den dichten Wald ein. Es fühlte sich an, als würde die Zeit zäh wie Kaugummi zerfließen, und bald hatte sie keine Ahnung mehr, wo oben und unten war. Die Bäume drehten und wendeten sich wie in einem Labyrinth, und das dichte Unterholz ließ sie sich wie auf einem Laufband fühlen, das nirgendwohin führte. Die Erschöpfung prallte wie eine Mauer auf sie ein, und ihre Beine wurden mit jedem Schritt wabbeliger. Schließlich konnte Mia einfach nicht mehr. Sie sank auf den Waldboden, und die Welt um sie herum verblasste.<</st>>
<<button [[Aufwachen|WakeUpForest]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Alors que Mia s'enfonçait dans l'épaisseur de la forêt, des heures lui semblèrent s'écouler. Un sentiment de désorientation la gagnait. Les arbres tortueux et les broussailles inextricables lui donnaient l'impression de tourner en rond. L'épuisement l'accablait, ses jambes se faisaient de plus en plus lourdes à chaque pas. Finalement, ses forces l'abandonnèrent et elle s'effondra sur le sol forestier, la conscience lui échappant.<</st>>
<<button [[Réveillez-vous|WakeUpForest]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>A medida que Mia se adentraba en el denso bosque, parecía que habían pasado horas y una sensación de desorientación había comenzado a invadirla. Los árboles retorcidos y la maleza enredada la hacían sentir como si estuviera caminando en círculos. El cansancio pesaba mucho sobre ella y sus piernas se debilitaban a cada paso. Finalmente, las fuerzas de Mia cedieron y se desplomó en el suelo del bosque, perdiendo la conciencia.<</st>>
<<button [[Despertar|WakeUpForest]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>当米娅深入茂密的森林时,似乎已经过去了几个小时,一种迷失方向的感觉开始出现。扭曲的树木和纠结的灌木丛让她感觉自己在原地打转。 疲惫压在她的身上,每走一步,她的双腿就变得越发无力。 最后,米娅的力气耗尽了,她倒在了森林的地面上,意识逐渐消失。<</st>>
<<button [[醒来|WakeUpForest]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<set $mia.exp +=40>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<set $mia.fit +=5>><<set $quests.quest_ukrali = true>><<set $active_quests.q8=true>>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>The highway shimmered like a wet ribbon under the streetlights. Every car that whooshed by was a missed opportunity, a flicker of hope dashed against the rain-slicked asphalt. Mia's legs ached, and her breath came in ragged gasps, but the thought of turning back was unthinkable. <</st>>
<<st>>Finally, a car's headlights pierced the gloom, slowing and then pulling over beside her. Relief washed over Mia, cool and sweet. But as she climbed into the car, the driver's face – etched with seriousness – sent a shiver down her spine. This wasn't the friendly trucker she'd pictured.<</st>>
<<dr>>''Hop in,'' - he muttered, his voice gruff. Mia settled into the worn leather seat, the stale scent of cigarettes clinging to the air. Just as she started to relax, the driver spoke again.<</dr>>
<<dr>>''Just so you know, I don't give free rides,'' he said, his words flat and firm. <</dr>>
<<st>>Panic clawed at her throat. Mia had nothing to offer him, no money, no valuables. But giving up wasn't an option.<</st>>
<<mia>>''I can't pay. But I really need your help. Please, I have to get away from here,'' - she blurted, forcing her voice steady.<</mia>>
<<dr>>''Get out then,'' - was all that he said, stopping the car.<</dr>>
<<mia>>''Ok, what do you want?'' - she asked, voice barely above a whisper, betraying the fear pulsing through her veins.<</mia>>
<<st>>A smirk twisted his lips as he glanced at her, his gaze lingering a moment too long. <</st>>
<<dr>>''You're a smart one. Let's just say I have needs, and you seem to fit the bill,'' - he replied, his tone laced with a sinister edge.<</dr>>
<<st>>Mia's heart raced as she felt his gaze burning into her, igniting a primal heat deep within her core. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Fine. Just get me out of here,'' - she murmured, her fingers deftly undoing his zipper. <</mia>>
<<button [[City|City]]>><</button>><<flash "Perks exp + 40">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Шоссе под уличными фонарями блестело, словно мокрая лента. Каждая пролетающая мимо машина была упущенной возможностью, проблеском надежды, разбившейся о мокрый асфальт. Ноги Мии ныли, дыхание вырывалось из груди хриплыми рывками, но вернуться назад было немыслимо.<</st>>
<<st>>Наконец, сквозь темноту пробились фары машины, она замедлила ход и остановилась рядом. Облегчение накатило на Мию, прохладное и сладкое. Но когда она села в машину, лицо водителя - серьезное и напряженное - послало ей по позвоночнику холодок. Это был не дружелюбный дальнобойщик, которого она себе представляла.<</st>>
<<dr>>''Садись,'' - пробормотал он грубым голосом. Мия уселась на изношенное кожаное сиденье, в воздухе витал затхлый запах сигарет. Только она начала расслабляться, как водитель снова заговорил.<</dr>>
<<dr>>''Чтобы ты знала, я за просто так не вожу,'' - сказал он твердо и сухо.<</dr>>
<<st>>Паника сдавила горло Мии. Ей нечего было ему предложить, ни денег, ни ценностей. Но сдаваться было нельзя.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Я не могу заплатить. Но мне правда нужна твоя помощь. Пожалуйста, мне нужно уехать отсюда,'' - выпалила она, стараясь говорить твердо.<</mia>>
<<dr>>''Тогда выходи,'' - только и сказал он, останавливая машину.<</dr>>
<<mia>>''Хорошо, чего ты хочешь?'' - спросила она, её голос едва слышен, выдавая страх, пульсирующий в её венах.<</mia>>
<<st>>Ухмылка тронула его губы, он бросил на нее взгляд, задержавшийся на секунду дольше, чем следовало.<</st>>
<<dr>>''Ты сообразительная. Скажем так, у меня есть потребности, и ты, похоже, подходишь,'' - ответил он, его тон был зловещим.<</dr>>
<<st>>Сердце Мии бешено колотилось, она чувствовала, как его взгляд обжигает её, разжигая первобытный жар глубоко внутри.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Ладно. Просто увези меня отсюда,'' - прошептала она, ловко расстегивая его молнию.<</mia>>
<<button [[Город|City]]>><</button>><<flash "Опыт перков + 40">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Фитнесс + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Auf dem Highway glitzerte es unter den Laternen wie aufm nassen Band. Jedes Auto, das da mit Vollgas vorbeizischte, war ne verpasste Chance, ein Hoffnungsschimmer, der auf dem pitschnassen Asphalt in Scherben ging. Mias Beine schmerzten höllisch, und sie kriegte nur noch schwer Luft, aber zurückgehen kam überhaupt nicht in Frage.<</st>>
<<st>>Endlich durchbohrten die Scheinwerfer eines Wagens die Dunkelheit, wurden langsamer und hielten dann neben ihr an. Erleichterung flutete Mia kalt und schön über den ganzen Körper. Doch als sie in den Wagen stieg, jagte ihr das ernste Gesicht des Fahrers nen Schauer über den Rücken. Das war nicht der nette Trucker, den sie sich vorgestellt hatte.<</st>>
<<dr>> ''Steig ein'', brummelte er mit rauer Stimme. Mia ließ sich auf den abgenutzten Ledersitz plumpsen, der abgestandene Zigarettenmief hing schwer in der Luft. Gerade als sie sich etwas entspannen wollte, fing der Fahrer wieder an zu reden.<</dr>>
<<dr>>''Nur als Info, ich fahr nicht umsonst rum'', sagte er, seine Worte waren flach und bestimmt.<</dr>>
<<st>>Panik würgte Mia die Kehle ab. Sie hatte dem Typen nichts anzubieten, kein Geld, kein Schmuck oder so. Aber aufgeben war keine Option.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Ich kann nicht zahlen. Aber ich brauch echt deine Hilfe. Bitte, ich muss hier weg'', platzte sie raus und zwang ihre Stimme ruhig zu klingen.<</mia>>
<<dr>>''Dann hau raus'', sagte er nur und blieb mit dem Wagen stehen.<</dr>>
<<mia>>''Okay, was willst du denn?'', fragte sie mit kaum hörbarer Stimme, die die Angst verriet, die ihr durch die Adern schoss.<</mia>>
<<st>>Ein Grinsen verzog seine Lippen, als er sie ancheckte, sein Blick blieb dabei etwas zu lange auf ihr hängen.<</st>>
<<dr>>''Bist ja ganz schön fix. Sagen wir einfach, ich hab Bedürfnisse, und du scheinst genau die Richtige zu sein'', antwortete er, sein Tonfall klang echt bedrohlich.<</dr>>
<<st>>Mia spürte seinen Blick wie Feuer auf ihrer Haut. Panik stieg in ihr hoch, aber sie wusste, dass sie keine andere Wahl hatte.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Okay, bring mich einfach weg hier'', murmelte sie gefasst und öffnete dabei verdeckt seinen Reißverschluss.<</mia>>
<<button [[Stadt|City]]>><</button>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 40">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>L'autoroute luisait comme un ruban mouillé sous les lampadaires. Chaque voiture qui passait en trombe était une occasion manquée, une lueur d'espoir s'écrasant contre le bitume luisant de pluie. Les jambes de Mia lui lançaient des piques, sa respiration se faisait saccadée, mais l'idée de rebrousser chemin était inconcevable.<</st>>
<<st>>Enfin, les phares d'une voiture percèrent l'obscurité, ralentissent puis se garent à côté d'elle. Un soulagement la submergea, frais et doux. Mais alors qu'elle montait dans la voiture, le visage du conducteur, marqué par le sérieux, lui envoya un frisson le long de la colonne vertébrale. Ce n'était pas le sympathique routier qu'elle s'était imaginé.<</st>>
<<dr>>'' Montez, '' grommela-t-il d'une voix bourrue. Mia s'installa sur le siège en cuir usé, l'odeur de cigarettes rancies flottant dans l'air. Juste au moment où elle commençait à se détendre, le conducteur reprit la parole.<</dr>>
<<dr>>'' T'as intérêt à savoir qu'on n'est pas au taxi-charity ici, '' lança-t-il, ses mots secs et fermes.<</dr>>
<<st>>La panique la prit à la gorge. Mia n'avait rien à lui offrir, pas d'argent, pas d'objets de valeur. Mais abandonner n'était pas une option.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Je ne peux pas payer. Mais j'ai vraiment besoin de votre aide. S'il vous plaît, il faut que je parte d'ici'', dit-elle en forçant sa voix à se stabiliser.<</mia>>
<<dr>>''Sortez alors'' - c'est tout ce qu'il dit, en arrêtant la voiture.<</dr>>
<<mia>>''Ok, qu'est-ce que vous voulez ?'' - demande-t-elle, la voix à peine plus haute qu'un murmure, trahissant la peur qui bat dans ses veines.<</mia>>
<<st>>Un sourire en coin se dessine sur ses lèvres lorsqu'il la regarde, son regard s'attardant un peu trop longtemps. Conducteur : '' Tu es intelligente. Disons que j'ai des besoins, et vous semblez correspondre à ce que je recherche'', répondit-il, le ton sinistre.<</st>>
<<st>>Le cœur de Mia s'emballa lorsqu'elle sentit son regard se poser sur elle, allumant une chaleur primitive au plus profond d'elle-même.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Très bien. Sors-moi juste d'ici'', murmura-t-elle, ses doigts défaisant habilement sa fermeture éclair.<</mia>>
<<button [[Ville|City]]>><</button>><<flash "Avantages exp + 40">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>La carretera brillaba como una cinta mojada bajo las farolas. Cada coche que pasaba era una oportunidad perdida, un destello de esperanza que se estrellaba contra el asfalto resbaladizo por la lluvia. A Mia le dolían las piernas y respiraba entrecortadamente, pero la idea de dar marcha atrás era impensable.<</st>>
<<st>>Finalmente, los faros de un coche atravesaron la penumbra, disminuyeron la velocidad y luego se detuvieron a su lado. El alivio invadió a Mia, fresco y dulce. Pero cuando subió al auto, el rostro del conductor, grabado con seriedad, le provocó un escalofrío. Este no era el camionero amigable que había imaginado.<</st>>
<<dr>>''Súbete'', - murmuró con voz ronca. Mia se acomodó en el desgastado asiento de cuero, el olor rancio de los cigarrillos flotaba en el aire. Justo cuando empezaba a relajarse, el conductor volvió a hablar.<</dr>>
<<dr>>''Para que lo sepas, no doy viajes gratis'', dijo, con palabras planas y firmes.<</dr>>
<<st>>El pánico le arañó la garganta. Mia no tenía nada que ofrecerle, ni dinero, ni objetos de valor. Pero rendirse no era una opción.<</st>>
<<mia>>''No puedo pagar. Pero realmente necesito tu ayuda. Por favor, tengo que largarme de aquí'', - espetó, forzando su voz a ser firme.<</mia>>
<<dr>>''Entonces bájese'' - fue todo lo que dijo, deteniendo el auto.<</dr>>
<<mia>>''Ok, ¿qué quieres?'' - preguntó, con voz apenas más que un susurro, traicionando el miedo que latía por sus venas.<</mia>>
<<st>>Una sonrisa torció sus labios mientras la miraba, su mirada se detuvo por un momento demasiado largo. Conductor: ''Eres inteligente. Digamos que tengo necesidades y tú pareces cumplir los requisitos'', respondió, su tono tenía un tono siniestro.<</st>>
<<st>>El corazón de Mia se aceleró cuando sintió su mirada arder dentro de ella, encendiendo un calor primario en lo profundo de su núcleo.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Bien. Sólo sácame de aquí'', - murmuró, desabrochando hábilmente con sus dedos la cremallera.<</mia>>
<<button [[Ciudad|City]]>><</button>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 40">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corrupción + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>公路在路灯下闪闪发光,像一条湿漉漉的丝带。 每一辆呼啸而过的汽车都错失了机会,一线希望在被雨水打湿的柏油路上破灭。 米娅的双腿酸痛,呼吸急促,但回头的念头却是不可想象的。<</st>>
<<st>>最后,一辆车的前灯刺破了黑暗,放慢了速度,停在了她身边。 米娅身上如释重负,凉爽而甜蜜。 但当她爬进车里时,司机一脸严肃的表情让她脊背发凉。 这不是她想象中的友善卡车司机。<</st>>
<<dr>>''上车。''他低声说道,声音沙哑。 米娅坐在破旧的皮革座椅上,空气中弥漫着陈旧的香烟味。 正当她开始放松的时候,司机又开口了。<</dr>>
<<st>>恐慌抓住了她的喉咙。 米娅没有什么可以给他的,没有钱,没有贵重物品。 但放弃不是一个选择。<</st>>
<<mia>>''好吧,你想要什么?'' ——她问道,声音几乎低于耳语,泄露了她血管中涌动的恐惧。<</mia>>
<<st>>他的唇角勾起一抹笑意,目光凝视着她,目光在她身上停留了太久。 司机:''你是个聪明人。这么说吧,我有需求,而你似乎符合要求。''他回答道,语气中夹杂着一丝阴险。<</st>>
<<button [[城市7|City]]>><</button>><<flash "福利消耗 + 40">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "健身 + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐败 + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</switch>><<set $mia.exp +=40>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<set $mia.fit +=5>><<set $quests.quest_ukrali = true>><<set $active_quests.q8=true>>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>When she woke up, a surge of fear coursed through her as she found herself inside some cabin with an old man by her side. Despite the warmth of the crackling fire and the comforting scent of herbs, she couldn't shake the unease that settled over her like a heavy cloak. Who was this man, and why was she here? Panic laced her voice as she demanded answers, her mind racing with thoughts of escape.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Who are you? Why am I here?'' she blurted out, her voice trembling with fear.<</mia>>
<<old>>''I found you unconscious in the woods and brought you here. You looked like you needed help. What happened to you out there?'' - The old man's calm demeanor did little to ease her apprehension as he explained.<</old>>
<<st>>Memories of the events leading up to her ordeal flooded her mind, sending shivers down her spine.<</st>>
<<st>>Is that guard still locked in the basement? And Roy? Did she kill him? What if someone finds out and accuses her? She's not ready to end up in jail because of that deranged bastard, so she decides to pretend she doesn't remember anything.<</st>>
<<mia>>''I... I don't remember,'' she admits, uncertainty creeping into her voice, as if she's trying to hide the truth from herself.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia feels like she needs to return home more than ever because she knows it will be hard to find her way out of the woods alone.<</st>>
<<mia>>''I need to get back to the city. But I have no idea where I am in these woods. Could you help me get back?'' - her voice is tense with worry.<</mia>>
<<st>>The old man looks at her calmly, and her request shows no surprise on his worn-out face.<</st>>
<<old>>''I can show you the way to the city. But the trip won't be easy. The woods are dangerous, so we need to be careful.''<</old>>
<<mia>>''Alright, I'm ready. I just really want to get back home finally. When can we leave?'' - she says, voice carrying a hint of desperation, her eyes pleading for a way out of this predicament.<</mia>>
<<st>>But before Mia can finish, he interrupts with a smirk playing on his lips.<</st>>
<<old>>''I said I'll guide you, but I won't show you the way just like that,'' - he retorts, his gaze lingering on Mia's figure, igniting a flicker of discomfort in her stomach.<</old>>
<<st>>She can't help but feel a surge of frustration mixed with a tinge of resentment. Here she is, vulnerable and in need of help, and yet he's toying with her, enjoying the power he holds over her fate.<</st>>
<<mia>>''What do you want for it?'' - she inquires cautiously, her voice laced with defiance and resignation.<</mia>>
<<old>>''It’s been a while since I've seen a woman's boobs,'' - he responds with a request that catches Mia off guard.<</old>>
<<st>>She can't help but think that men are all the same, regardless of age, but getting home is her top priority.<</st>>
<<st>>Desperate for his help, she gives him what he wants.<</st>>
<<st>>His hungry eyes stay on her for a long time, and a sexy grin tugs at the corners of his lips.<</st>>
<<old>>''You're beautiful,'' he says, and his voice is filled with pleasure.<</old>>
<<st>>True to his word, he leads you home.<</st>>
<<button [[City|City]]>><</button>><<flash "Perks exp + 40">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Очнувшись, Мию охватил страх. Она находилась в какой-то хижине, рядом сидел старик. Хотя огонь в камине приятно потрескивал, а воздух наполнял успокаивающий аромат трав, тревога, словно тяжелая ноша, не покидала её. Кто этот мужчина, и почему она здесь? Паника звенела в её голосе, когда она потребовала ответов, мысли лихорадочно метались, рождая планы побега.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Кто вы? Почему я здесь?'' - выпалила она, голос дрожал от страха.<</mia>>
<<old>>''Я нашел вас без сознания в лесу и принес сюда. Вы выглядели так, будто вам нужна помощь. Что с вами случилось?'' - Спокойствие старика мало успокаивало Мию, несмотря на его объяснения.<</old>>
<<st>>Воспоминания о событиях, предшествовавших её испытанию, хлынули потоком, заставив её содрогнуться.<</st>>
<<st>>До сих пор ли тот охранник заперт в подвале? А Рой? Она убила его? Что, если кто-то узнает и обвинит ее? Мия не готова попасть в тюрьму из-за этого чокнутого ублюдка, поэтому решает сделать вид, что ничего не помнит.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Я... я не помню,'' - призналась она, неуверенность прокралась в её голос, словно она пыталась скрыть правду даже от себя.<</mia>>
<<st>>Больше всего на свете Мие хотелось вернуться домой, она понимала, что выбраться из леса одной будет сложно.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Мне нужно вернуться в город. Но я понятия не имею, где нахожусь в этом лесу. Не могли бы вы мне помочь?'' - её голос был напряжен от беспокойства.<</mia>>
<<st>>Старик спокойно посмотрел на нее, её просьба не вызвала удивления на его изможденном лице.<</st>>
<<old>>''Я могу показать вам дорогу в город. Но путешествие будет нелегким. Лес опасен, поэтому нам нужно быть осторожными.''<</old>>
<<mia>>''Хорошо, я готова. Я просто очень хочу наконец вернуться домой. Когда мы сможем уйти?'' - произнесла она, в голосе звучала отчаянная надежда, а глаза умоляли о выходе из этой ситуации.<</mia>>
<<st>>Но прежде чем Мия смогла закончить, он перебил её, на губах играла ухмылка.<</st>>
<<old>>''Я сказал, что проведу вас, но не за просто так,'' - парировал он, его взгляд задержался на фигуре Мии, вызывая неприятное ощущение в её животе.<</old>>
<<st>>Она не могла не почувствовать вспышку разочарования, смешанную с каплей негодования. Она здесь, уязвимая и нуждающаяся в помощи, а он издевается над ней, наслаждаясь властью над ее судьбой.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Чего вы хотите за это?'' - осторожно спросила она, её голос был полон вызова и смирения.<</mia>>
<<old>> ''Давненько я не видел женских прелестей,'' - ответил он просьбой, застигшей Мию врасплох.<</old>>
<<st>>Невольно подумалось, что все мужчины одинаковы, независимо от возраста, но вернуться домой было её главным приоритетом. Отчаявшись получить его помощь, она делает то, что он просит.<</st>>
<<st>>Его голодные глаза надолго задерживаются на ней, а уголки его губ тронуты сексуальной ухмылкой.<</st>>
<<old>>''Ты красивая'', — говорит он, и его голос полон удовольствия.<</old>>
<<st>>Верный своему слову, он ведет вас домой.<</st>>
<<button [[Город|City]]>><</button>><<flash "Опыт перков + 40">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Фитнесс + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Als sie aufwachte, schoss ihr ein Schreckensstoß durch den Körper. Sie befand sich in einer Hütte und neben ihr saß ein alter Mann. Trotz des wärmenden Feuers und dem beruhigenden Geruch von Kräutern konnte sie das Unbehagen nicht abschütteln, das sich wie ein schwerer Mantel über sie legte. Wer war dieser Mann und warum war sie hier? Panik schnürte ihr die Kehle zu, als sie nach Antworten verlangte und ihr Kopf fieberhaft nach einem Fluchtweg suchte.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Wer bist du? Warum bin ich hier?'', platzte sie heraus, ihre Stimme bebte vor Angst.<</mia>>
<<old>>''Ich habe dich bewusstlos im Wald gefunden und hierhergebracht. Du sahst aus, als ob du Hilfe brauchst. Was ist dir da draußen passiert?'' - Das ruhige Auftreten des alten Mannes tat wenig, um ihre Besorgnis zu zerstreuen.<</old>>
<<st>>Erinnerungen an die Ereignisse vor ihrer Tortur strömten in ihren Kopf und ließen sie erschauern. War der Wachmann immer noch im Keller eingesperrt? Und Roy? Hat sie ihn getötet?<</st>>
<<st>>Was, wenn es jemand herausfindet und sie beschuldigt? Sie war nicht bereit, wegen dieses gestörten Bastards im Gefängnis zu landen, also beschloss sie, so zu tun, als könne sie sich an nichts erinnern.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Ich ... ich erinnere mich nicht'', gibt sie zu, Unsicherheit schleicht sich in ihre Stimme, als ob sie versucht, die Wahrheit vor sich selbst zu verbergen.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia spürt mehr denn je, dass sie nach Hause zurückkehren muss. Sie weiß, dass es schwierig sein wird, allein den Weg aus dem Wald zu finden.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Ich muss zurück in die Stadt. Aber ich habe keine Ahnung, wo ich in diesen Wäldern bin. Kannst du mir helfen, zurückzukommen?'', ihre Stimme ist angespannt vor Sorge.<</mia>>
<<st>>Der alte Mann sieht sie ruhig an, ihre Bitte scheint ihm keine Überraschung zu sein.<</st>>
<<old>>''Ich kann dir den Weg in die Stadt zeigen. Aber der Weg wird nicht einfach. Der Wald ist gefährlich, also müssen wir vorsichtig sein.''<</old>>
<<mia>>''In Ordnung, ich bin bereit. Ich will einfach nur endlich wieder nach Hause. Wann können wir aufbrechen?'', sagt sie, ihre Stimme klingt verzweifelt, ihre Augen flehen um einen Ausweg aus dieser misslichen Lage.<</mia>>
<<st>>Doch bevor Mia ihren Satz beenden kann, unterbricht er sie mit einem Grinsen im Gesicht.<</st>>
<<old>>''Ich habe gesagt, ich werde dich führen, aber ich werde dir den Weg nicht einfach so zeigen'', kontert er, sein Blick bleibt auf Mias Figur hängen und löst ein Unbehagen in ihrem Bauch aus.<</old>>
<<st>>Sie kann sich nicht anders fühlen, als eine Mischung aus Frustration und Groll zu spüren. Hier ist sie, verletzlich und hilfebedürftig, und doch spielt er mit ihr, genießt die Macht, die er über ihr Schicksal hat.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Was willst du dafür?'', fragt sie vorsichtig, ihre Stimme ist voller Trotz und Resignation.<</mia>>
<<old>>''Schon lange keine Frauenbrüste mehr gesehen'', sagt er und überrascht Mia damit völlig.<</old>>
<<st>>Sie denkt sich zwar ihren Teil (''Typisch Mann, egal in welchem Alter''), aber nach Hause zu kommen steht an erster Stelle. Verzweifelt nach seiner Hilfe, gibt sie ihm nach.<</st>>
<<st>>Sein hungriger Blick bleibt lange auf ihr haften, und ein lüsternes Grinsen zuckt um seine Lippenwinkel.<</st>>
<<old>>''Du bist wunderschön'', sagt er mit genussvoller Stimme.<</old>>
<<st>>Seinem Wort treu, führt er dich tatsächlich nach Hause.<</st>>
<<button [[Stadt|City]]>><</button>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 40">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>À son réveil, une vague de terreur la submergea. Elle se retrouvait à l'intérieur d'une cabane quelconque, un vieil homme assis à son chevet. Malgré la chaleur du feu crépitant et l'odeur réconfortante des herbes, elle ne parvenait pas à chasser le malaise qui s'installait sur elle comme un lourd manteau. Qui était cet homme et pourquoi était-elle ici ? La panique colorait sa voix alors qu'elle exigeait des réponses, son esprit tourbillonnant de pensées d'évasion.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Qui êtes-vous ? Pourquoi je suis ici ? ‘’ lâcha-t-elle d'une voix tremblante de peur.<</mia>>
<<old>>'' Je vous ai trouvée inconsciente dans les bois et je vous ai ramenée ici. Vous aviez l'air d'avoir besoin d'aide. Que vous est-il arrivé là-bas ? '' - Le calme olympien du vieil homme ne fit rien pour apaiser son appréhension malgré ses explications.<</old>>
<<st>>Des souvenirs des événements qui l'avaient menée à ce calvaire l'envahirent, envoyant des frissons le long de sa colonne vertébrale.<</st>>
<<st>>Est-ce que ce gardien était toujours enfermé dans le sous-sol ? Et Roy ? L'avait-elle tué ? Et si quelqu'un l'apprenait et l'accusait ? Elle n'était pas prête à finir en prison à cause de ce taré, alors elle décida de faire semblant de ne se souvenir de rien.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Je... je ne me souviens pas, ‘’ admit-elle, l'incertitude se glissant dans sa voix, comme si elle essayait de se cacher la vérité à elle-même.<</mia>>
<<st>>Plus que jamais, Mia ressent le besoin de rentrer chez elle. Elle sait qu'il lui sera difficile de sortir seule de ces bois.<</st>>
<<mia>>'' Je dois retourner en ville. Mais je n'ai aucune idée d'où je suis dans ces bois. Pourriez-vous m'aider à rentrer ? ‘’ - sa voix est tendue d'inquiétude.<</mia>>
<<st>>Le vieil homme la regarde calmement, sa requête n'affichant aucune surprise sur son visage buriné.<</st>>
<<old>>'' Je peux vous montrer le chemin de la ville. Mais le trajet ne sera pas facile. La forêt est dangereuse, il faudra être prudents. ''<</old>>
<<mia>>''D'accord, je suis prête. J'ai juste vraiment envie de rentrer chez moi enfin. Quand est-ce qu'on peut partir ?'' - dit-elle, la voix empreinte d'un soupçon de désespoir, ses yeux implorant une issue à cette situation.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mais avant que Mia ne puisse finir, il l'interrompt, un sourire narquois jouant sur ses lèvres.<</st>>
<<old>>'' J'ai dit que je vous guiderais, mais je ne vais pas vous montrer le chemin comme ça, '' - rétorque-t-il, son regard s'attardant sur la silhouette de Mia, allumant une lueur de malaise dans son estomac.<</old>>
<<st>>Elle ne peut s'empêcher de ressentir une vague de frustration mêlée à une pointe de ressentiment. La voilà, vulnérable et ayant besoin d'aide, et pourtant il s'amuse avec elle, savourant le pouvoir qu'il détient sur son sort.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Qu'est-ce que vous voulez en échange ?'' - demande-t-elle prudemment, sa voix teintée de défi et de résignation.<</mia>>
<<old>>''Cela fait longtemps que je n'ai pas vu les seins d'une femme'' - il répond par une demande qui prend Mia au dépourvu.<</old>>
<<st>>Elle ne peut s'empêcher de penser que les hommes sont tous les mêmes, quel que soit leur âge, mais sa priorité absolue est de rentrer chez elle.<</st>>
<<st>>Désespérée par son aide, elle lui donne ce qu'il veut.<</st>>
<<st>>Ses yeux avides la fixent longuement, un sourire carnassier étirant les coins de ses lèvres.<</st>>
<<old>>'' Vous êtes magnifique, '' dit-il d'une voix emplie de satisfaction.<</old>>
<<st>>Fidèle à sa parole, il vous ramène chez vous.<</st>>
<<button [[Ville|City]]>><</button>><<flash "Avantages exp + 40">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Cuando despertó, una oleada de miedo la recorrió al encontrarse dentro de una cabaña con un anciano a su lado. A pesar del calor del fuego crepitante y el reconfortante aroma de las hierbas, no podía deshacerse de la inquietud que se apoderaba de ella como una pesada capa. ¿Quién era este hombre y por qué estaba ella aquí? El pánico se apoderó de su voz mientras exigía respuestas, mientras su mente corría con pensamientos de escape.<</st>>
<<mia>>''¿Quién eres? ¿Por qué estoy aquí?'' —soltó, con la voz temblando de miedo.<</mia>>
<<old>>''Te encontré inconsciente en el bosque y te traje aquí. Parecía que necesitabas ayuda. ¿Qué te pasó ahí fuera?'' - El comportamiento tranquilo del anciano hizo poco para aliviar su aprensión mientras le explicaba.<</old>>
<<st>>Los recuerdos de los acontecimientos que condujeron a su terrible experiencia inundaron su mente y le provocaron escalofríos.<</st>>
<<st>>¿Ese guardia sigue encerrado en el sótano? ¿Y Roy? ¿Ella lo mató? ¿Qué pasa si alguien se entera y la acusa? No está lista para terminar en la cárcel por culpa de ese bastardo trastornado, así que decide fingir que no recuerda nada.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Yo... no lo recuerdo'', admite, con la incertidumbre arrastrándose en su voz, como si estuviera tratando de ocultarse la verdad a sí misma.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia siente que necesita regresar a casa más que nunca porque sabe que será difícil encontrar la salida sola del bosque.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Necesito regresar a la ciudad. Pero no tengo idea de dónde estoy en este bosque. ¿Podrías ayudarme a regresar?'' - su voz está tensa por la preocupación.<</mia>>
<<st>>El anciano la mira con calma y su petición no muestra sorpresa en su rostro cansado.<</st>>
<<old>>''Puedo mostrarte el camino a la ciudad. Pero el viaje no será fácil. Los bosques son peligrosos, así que debemos tener cuidado''.<</old>>
<<mia>>''Está bien, estoy lista. Realmente quiero volver a casa por fin. ¿Cuándo podemos irnos?'' - dice, con una voz que transmite un dejo de desesperación, y sus ojos suplicando por una salida a este apuro.<</mia>>
<<st>>Pero antes de que Mia pueda terminar, él interrumpe con una sonrisa en sus labios.<</st>>
<<old>>''Dije que te guiaré, pero no te mostraré el camino así sin más'', - responde, su mirada se detiene en la figura de Mia, encendiendo una punzada de malestar en su estómago.<</old>>
<<st>>No puede evitar sentir una oleada de frustración mezclada con un dejo de resentimiento. Aquí está ella, vulnerable y necesitada de ayuda, y sin embargo él está jugando con ella, disfrutando del poder que tiene sobre su destino.<</st>>
<<mia>>''¿Qué quieres a cambio?'' - pregunta con cautela, su voz mezclada con desafío y resignación.<</mia>>
<<old>>''Hace tiempo que no veo las tetas de una mujer'', responde con una petición que toma a Mia con la guardia baja.<</old>>
<<st>>No puede evitar pensar que todos los hombres son iguales, sin importar la edad, pero llegar a casa es su principal prioridad. Desesperada por su ayuda, ella le da lo que quiere.<</st>>
<<st>>Sus ojos hambrientos permanecen en ella durante mucho tiempo y una sonrisa sexy se dibuja en las comisuras de sus labios.<</st>>
<<old>>''Eres hermosa'', dice, y su voz se llena de placer.<</old>>
<<st>>Fiel a su palabra, te lleva a casa.<</st>>
<<button [[Ciudad|City]]>><</button>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 40">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corrupción + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>当她醒来时,一股恐惧袭遍全身,她发现自己在一间小屋里,身边有一位老人。 尽管噼啪作响的火焰温暖,还有令人心旷神怡的药草香味,但她无法摆脱像一件厚重的斗篷一样笼罩在她身上的不安。 这个男人是谁,她为什么会在这里? 当她寻求答案时,她的声音充满了惊慌,她的脑子里充满了逃跑的念头。<</st>>
<<mia>>''你是谁?我为什么在这里?'' 她脱口而出,声音因恐惧而颤抖。<</mia>>
<<old>>''我在树林里发现你昏迷不醒,就把你带到了这里。你看上去需要帮助。你在外面发生了什么事?'' - 当老人解释时,他平静的举止并没有缓解她的忧虑。<</old>>
<<st>>那个守卫还锁在地下室吗? 罗伊呢? 她杀了他吗? 如果有人发现并指责她怎么办? 她还没准备好因为那个疯狂的混蛋而入狱,所以她决定假装自己什么都不记得了。<</st>>
<<mia>>''我需要回城。但我不知道我在这片树林里的什么地方。你能帮我回去吗?'' - 她的声音因担忧而紧张。<</mia>>
<<mia>>''好吧,我准备好了。我真的很想回家。我们什么时候可以走?'' ——她说道,声音中带着一丝绝望,眼神里恳求着摆脱困境的出路。<</mia>>
<<st>>她不禁感到一阵沮丧,夹杂着一丝怨恨。 她在这里,脆弱且需要帮助,但他却在玩弄她,享受着他对她命运的掌控。<</st>>
<<mia>>''你想要什么?'' ——她小心翼翼地询问,声音里充满了蔑视和无奈。<</mia>>
<<button [[城市|City]]>><</button>><<flash "福利消耗 + 40">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "健身 + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐败 + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>The music thumps in Mia's ears, a steady beat that sets her pulse racing. Mia's in her room, but tonight it's her own personal dance floor. Her body moves with the music, a natural response that lets her show how she feels without a single word. Every worry melts away as she loses herself in the rhythm, free and moving like never before. This is her time to dance!<</st>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.dance)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/dance/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.dance>>
<<flash `"Dancing skill +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.dance = $mia.dance+ $perks.dance +1>><<if $mia.dance >10>><<set $mia.dance = 10>><</if>>
<<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>У тебя не осталось сил ни на что, тебе поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>В ушах Мии звучит музыка - ритм, от которого учащается пульс. Мия в своей комнате, но сейчас это её личный танцпол. Тело движется в такт музыке - естественная реакция, которая позволяет ей показать, что она чувствует, без единого слова. Все тревоги улетучиваются, когда Мия погружается в ритм, освобождаясь и двигаясь как никогда раньше. Это её время для танцев!<</st>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.dance)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/dance/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.dance>>
<<flash `"Обычные танцы +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.dance = $mia.dance+ $perks.dance +1>><<if $mia.dance >10>><<set $mia.dance = 10>><</if>>
<<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<button[[Еще раз|Regular_Dancing]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Dir geht die Energie aus, eine gute und solide Schlaf wird dir helfen.<</st>>
<<button [[Schlafen|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Die Musik dröhnt in Mias Ohren, ein gleichmäßiger Beat, der ihren Puls rasen lässt. Mia ist in ihrem Zimmer, aber heute Nacht ist es ihr eigener persönlicher Tanzboden. Ihr Körper bewegt sich im Takt der Musik, eine natürliche Reaktion, die es ihr ermöglicht, zu zeigen, wie sie sich ohne ein einziges Wort fühlt. Jede Sorge schmilzt dahin, während sie sich im Rhythmus verliert, frei und bewegend wie nie zuvor. Das ist ihre Zeit zum Tanzen!<</st>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.dance)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/dance/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.dance>>
<<flash `"Tänzerische Fähigkeiten +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.dance = $mia.dance+ $perks.dance +1>><<if $mia.dance >10>><<set $mia.dance = 10>><</if>>
<<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Tu n'as plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, une bonne nuit de sommeil t'aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Partir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>La musique résonne dans les oreilles de Mia, un rythme régulier qui accélère son pouls. Mia est dans sa chambre, mais ce soir, c'est sa piste de danse personnelle. Son corps bouge avec la musique, une réponse naturelle qui lui permet de montrer ce qu'elle ressent sans un seul mot. Tous les soucis s'envolent tandis qu'elle se laisse emporter par le rythme, libre et en mouvement comme jamais auparavant. C'est le moment de danser !<</st>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.dance)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/dance/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.dance>>
<<flash `"Compétence en danse +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.dance = $mia.dance+ $perks.dance +1>><<if $mia.dance >10>><<set $mia.dance = 10>><</if>>
<<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>No te queda energía para hacer nada, un buen sueño reparador te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Спать|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>La música retumba en los oídos de Mia, un ritmo constante que le acelera el pulso. Mia está en su habitación, pero esta noche es su propia pista de baile. Su cuerpo se mueve con la música, una respuesta natural que le permite mostrar lo que siente sin decir una sola palabra. Todas sus preocupaciones desaparecen cuando se deja llevar por el ritmo, libre y en movimiento como nunca antes. Es su momento de bailar.<</st>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.dance)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/dance/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.dance>>
<<flash `"Destreza de baile +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.dance = $mia.dance+ $perks.dance +1>><<if $mia.dance >10>><<set $mia.dance = 10>><</if>>
<<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<button [[睡眠|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.dance)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/dance/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.dance>>
<<flash `"舞蹈技巧 +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.dance = $mia.dance+ $perks.dance +1>><<if $mia.dance >10>><<set $mia.dance = 10>><</if>>
<<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia moves to the music, letting her body move with the sexy rhythm, drawing attention to every part of her body.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.sexDanceWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/sexDanceWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.dance>>
<<flash `"Sexy Dancing skill +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.sex_dance =$mia.sex_dance + $perks.dance + 1>><<if $mia.sex_dance >25>><<set $mia.sex_dance = 25>><</if>>
<<set $mia.exp +=1>><<set $random to random(100)>><<if $random > 70>>
<<st>>As she makes another move, she notices someone watching her through a slightly open door<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Close the door'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>She goes to the door and close it so no one can see her.<</st>>
<<link 'Keep Dancing'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Now it's not just a dance for herself, she tries to show all she's got to the person watching her.
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.sexDanceWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/sexDanceWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>A few minutes later, she hears a groan, and that someone's walking away from her room's door<</st>>
<<flash "Thomas`s corruption +1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $thomas.cor +=1>><<if $thomas.cor > 200>><<set $thomas.cor =200>><</if>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>У тебя не осталось сил ни на что, тебе поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Спать|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Мия двигается под музыку, позволяя своему телу двигаться в сексуальном ритме, привлекая внимание к каждой части своего тела.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.sexDanceWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/sexDanceWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.dance>>
<<flash `"Опыт сексуальных танцев +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.sex_dance =$mia.sex_dance + $perks.dance + 1>><<if $mia.sex_dance >25>><<set $mia.sex_dance = 25>><</if>>
<<set $mia.exp +=1>><<set $random to random(100)>><<if $random > 70>>
<<st>>Делая очередной шаг, она замечает, что кто-то наблюдает за ней через слегка приоткрытую дверь.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Закрыть дверь'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Она подходит к двери и закрывает её, чтобы никто её не видел.<</st>>
<<link 'Продолжать танцевать'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Теперь это не просто танец для себя, она пытается показать все, на что способна, тому, кто за ней наблюдает.
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.sexDanceWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/sexDanceWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Через несколько минут она слышит стон, и кто-то отходит от двери её комнаты.<</st>>
<<flash "Коррупция Томаса +1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $thomas.cor +=1>><<if $thomas.cor > 200>><<set $thomas.cor =200>><</if>>
<<button[[Еще раз|Sexy_dancing]]>><</button>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Dir geht die Energie aus, eine gute und solide Schlaf wird dir helfen.<</st>>
<<button [[Verlassen|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia bewegt sich zur Musik, lässt ihren Körper im sexy Rhythmus schwingen und lenkt die Aufmerksamkeit auf jede Partie ihres Körpers.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.sexDanceWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/sexDanceWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.dance>>
<<flash `"Being able to dance sexy +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.sex_dance =$mia.sex_dance + $perks.dance + 1>><<if $mia.sex_dance >25>><<set $mia.sex_dance = 25>><</if>>
<<set $mia.exp +=1>><<set $random to random(100)>><<if $random > 70>>
<<st>>Als sie eine weitere Bewegung macht, bemerkt sie jemanden, der sie durch eine leicht geöffnete Tür beobachtet.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Schließen die Tür.'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Sie geht zur Tür und schließt sie, damit niemand sie sehen kann.<</st>>
<<link 'Weiter tanzen'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Jetzt ist es nicht nur ein Tanz für sich selbst, sie versucht alles zu zeigen, was sie hat, der Person, die ihr zusieht.
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.sexDanceWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/sexDanceWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Ein paar Minuten später hört sie ein Stöhnen, und dass jemand sich von der Tür ihres Zimmers entfernt.<</st>>
<<flash "Thomas' Korruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $thomas.cor +=1>><<if $thomas.cor > 200>><<set $thomas.cor =200>><</if>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Tu n'as plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, une bonne nuit de sommeil t'aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia bouge au rythme de la musique, laissant son corps se mouvoir avec le rythme sexy, attirant l'attention sur chaque partie de son corps.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.sexDanceWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/sexDanceWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.dance>>
<<flash `"Compétence de danse sexy +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.sex_dance =$mia.sex_dance + $perks.dance + 1>><<if $mia.sex_dance >25>><<set $mia.sex_dance = 25>><</if>>
<<set $mia.exp +=1>><<set $random to random(100)>><<if $random > 70>>
<<st>>Alors qu'elle fait un autre mouvement, elle remarque que quelqu'un l'observe à travers une porte légèrement ouverte<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Fermer la porte'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Elle se dirige vers la porte et la ferme pour que personne ne puisse la voir.<</st>>
<<link 'Continuer à danser'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Maintenant, ce n'est plus seulement une danse pour elle-même, elle essaie de montrer tout ce qu'elle a à la personne qui la regarde.
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.sexDanceWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/sexDanceWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Quelques minutes plus tard, elle entend un gémissement, et que quelqu'un s'éloigne de la porte de sa chambre<</st>>
<<flash "Corruption de Thomas +1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $thomas.cor +=1>><<if $thomas.cor > 200>><<set $thomas.cor =200>><</if>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>No te queda energía para hacer nada, un buen sueño reparador te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Vete|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia se mueve al ritmo de la música, dejando que su cuerpo se mueva con el ritmo sexy, llamando la atención sobre cada parte de su cuerpo.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.sexDanceWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/sexDanceWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.dance>>
<<flash `"Sexy Dancing habilidad +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.sex_dance =$mia.sex_dance + $perks.dance + 1>><<if $mia.sex_dance >25>><<set $mia.sex_dance = 25>><</if>>
<<set $mia.exp +=1>><<set $random to random(100)>><<if $random > 70>>
<<st>>Cuando hace otro movimiento, se da cuenta de que alguien la observa a través de una puerta ligeramente abierta.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Cerrar la puerta'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Se dirige a la puerta y la cierra para que nadie pueda verla.<</st>>
<<link 'Sigue bailando'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Ahora no es sólo un baile para sí misma, sino que intenta mostrar todo lo que tiene a la persona que la observa.
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.sexDanceWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/sexDanceWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Unos minutos más tarde, oye un gemido, y que alguien se aleja de la puerta de su habitación.<</st>>
<<flash "Corrupción de Thomas +1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $thomas.cor +=1>><<if $thomas.cor > 200>><<set $thomas.cor =200>><</if>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<button [[睡眠|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.sexDanceWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/sexDanceWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.dance>>
<<flash `"性感舞蹈技巧 +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.sex_dance =$mia.sex_dance + $perks.dance + 1>><<if $mia.sex_dance >25>><<set $mia.sex_dance = 25>><</if>>
<<set $mia.exp +=1>><<set $random to random(100)>><<if $random > 70>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link '关上门'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>她走到门边,把门关上,不让任何人看到她。<</st>>
<<link '继续跳舞'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>现在,这不仅仅是她自己的舞蹈,她还试图向观看者展示她的一切。
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.sexDanceWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/sexDanceWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "托马斯的腐败 +1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $thomas.cor +=1>><<if $thomas.cor > 200>><<set $thomas.cor =200>><</if>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><</if>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia started dancing in her room to the pulsating beats of the music. Her body moved easily to every beat, showing how she felt the music through beautiful and graceful movements. Mia buried all of her problems in the beat of the music and became lost in the world of dance and freedom.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.poleDance)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/poleDance/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.dance>>
<<flash `"Pole Dancing skill +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.pole_dance =$mia.pole_dance + $perks.dance + 1>><<if $mia.pole_dance >50>><<set $mia.pole_dance = 50>><</if>>
<<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>У тебя не осталось сил ни на что, тебе поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Спать|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Мия начала танцевать в своей комнате под пульсирующие ритмы музыки. Её тело легко двигалось в такт, показывая красивыми и грациозными движениями, как она чувствует музыку. Мия похоронила все свои проблемы в такт музыке и погрузилась в мир свободы.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.poleDance)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/poleDance/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.dance>>
<<flash `"Танцы на шесте +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.pole_dance =$mia.pole_dance + $perks.dance + 1>><<if $mia.pole_dance >50>><<set $mia.pole_dance = 50>><</if>>
<<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<button[[Еще раз|Pole_Dancing]]>><</button>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Dir geht die Energie aus, eine gute und solide Schlaf wird dir helfen.<</st>>
<<button [[Schlafen|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia fing an, in ihrem Zimmer zu tanzen, zu den pulsierenden Beats der Musik. Ihr Körper bewegte sich mühelos zu jedem Takt, zeigte, wie sie die Musik durch schöne und anmutige Bewegungen fühlte. Mia vergrub all ihre Probleme im Beat der Musik und verlor sich in der Welt des Tanzes und der Freiheit.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.poleDance)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/poleDance/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.dance>>
<<flash `"Pole Dancing skill +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.pole_dance =$mia.pole_dance + $perks.dance + 1>><<if $mia.pole_dance >50>><<set $mia.pole_dance = 50>><</if>>
<<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Tu n'as plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, une bonne nuit de sommeil t'aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia a commencé à danser dans sa chambre au rythme des pulsations de la musique. Son corps bougeait facilement sur chaque rythme, montrant qu'elle ressentait la musique par des mouvements magnifiques et gracieux. Mia a enfoui tous ses problèmes dans le rythme de la musique et s'est perdue dans le monde de la danse et de la liberté.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.poleDance)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/poleDance/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.dance>>
<<flash `"Pole Dancing skill +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.pole_dance =$mia.pole_dance + $perks.dance + 1>><<if $mia.pole_dance >50>><<set $mia.pole_dance = 50>><</if>>
<<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>No te queda energía para hacer nada, un buen sueño reparador te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia empezó a bailar en su habitación al ritmo palpitante de la música. Su cuerpo se movía con facilidad a cada compás, mostrando cómo sentía la música a través de bellos y gráciles movimientos. Mia enterró todos sus problemas en el ritmo de la música y se perdió en el mundo de la danza y la libertad.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.poleDance)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/poleDance/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.dance>>
<<flash `"Habilidad en Pole Dancing +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.pole_dance =$mia.pole_dance + $perks.dance + 1>><<if $mia.pole_dance >50>><<set $mia.pole_dance = 50>><</if>>
<<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<button [[走开|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.poleDance)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/poleDance/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.dance>>
<<flash `"钢管舞技巧 +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.pole_dance =$mia.pole_dance + $perks.dance + 1>><<if $mia.pole_dance >50>><<set $mia.pole_dance = 50>><</if>>
<<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<</switch>><<st>>Hard Cheats
* Returning the forward/back buttons
* Money +120000
* Corruption +200
* Fitness +200
* Beauty +100
* Exp cafe +80
* Perk points +9
* Dancing +10
* Sexy dancing +25
* Pole dance +45
* Ibiza content
* Mom relation +20
* Dad relation +20<</st>>
<<button[[Hard Cheats]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Medium Cheats
* Returning the forward/back buttons
* Money +75000
* Corruption +100
* Fitness +100
* Beauty +50
* Exp cafe +40
* Perk points +6
* Dancing +10
* Sexy dancing +18
* Pole dance +20
* Ibiza content
* Mom relation +20
* Dad relation +20<</st>>
<<button[[Medium Cheats]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Light Cheats
* Returning the forward/back buttons
* Money +30000
* Corruption +50
* Fitness +50
* Beauty +25
* Exp cafe +20
* Perk points +3
* Ibiza content
* Mom relation +20
* Dad relation +20<</st>>
<<button[[Light Cheats]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $toy_set_is_bought == false>>
<<link "Toy set. (Mia needs to buy a toy set)">><</link>>
<<button [[Toy set|Toy_Set]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor <50>>
<<link "Tie up yourself (50 corruption needed)">><</link>>
<<button [[Tie up yourself|Tie_up_yourself]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<button [[Watch porn|Porn]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $toy_set_is_bought == false>>
<<link "Набор игрушек. (Мие нужно купить набор игрушек)">><</link>>
<<button [[Набор игрушек|Toy_Set]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor <50>>
<<link "Связать себя (нужно 50 corruption)">><</link>>
<<button [[Связать себя|Tie_up_yourself]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<button [[Смотреть порно|Porn]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $toy_set_is_bought == false>>
<<link "Spielzeugset. (Mia muss ein Spielzeugset kaufen)">><</link>>
<<button [[Spielzeugset|Toy_Set]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<button [[Porno anzuschauen|Porn]]>><</button>>
<<if $mia.cor <50>>
<<link "Fesseln Sie sich selbst (50 Korruption erforderlich)">><</link>>
<<button [[Fesseln Sie sich selbst|Tie_up_yourself]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<<button[[Les mains|Hands]]>><</button>>
<<if $toy_set_is_bought == false>>
<<link "Ensemble de jouets. (Mia doit acheter un ensemble de jouets)">><</link>>
<<button [[Ensemble de jouets|Toy_Set]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor <50>>
<<link "Attachez-vous (50 corruption nécessaire)">><</link>>
<<button [[Attachez-vous|Tie_up_yourself]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<button [[Regarder du porno|Porn]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $toy_set_is_bought == false>>
<<link "Juego de juguetes. (Mia necesita comprar un juego de juguetes)">><</link>>
<<button [[Juego de juguetes|Toy_Set]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor <50>>
<<link "Átate a ti mismo (50 corrupción necesaria)">><</link>>
<<button [[Átate a ti mismo|Tie_up_yourself]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<button [[Ver porno|Porn]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $toy_set_is_bought == false>>
<<link "玩具套装。(米娅需要买一套玩具)。">><</link>>
<<button [[玩具套装|Toy_Set]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor <50>>
<<link "把自己绑起来 (需要 50 個腐敗)">><</link>>
<<button [[把自己绑起来|Tie_up_yourself]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<button [[观看色情片|Porn]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>><<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Mia turns on her laptop, thinking about watching porn, and decides what she's going to help herself with today.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia's watching a porn video, her hands rushing to pleasure herself. She starts moving slowly, finding her sensitive spots, and then increases the pace.
''ooh, yeah''<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.soloWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/soloWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $random to random(100)>><<if $random<20>>
<<st>>Suddenly, she hears footsteps approaching her door and notices how her door opens slightly.<</st>>
<<st>>She realizes she forgot to close the door.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor>150 and $mom.cor>100 and $dad.cor>100 and $mom.relation>100 and $dad.relation>100>>
<<button[[Continue|ContinueHands]]>><</button>><<else>><<link 'Continue (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>><</if>>
<<linkreplace "Stop and close the door">><<mia>>Oh god, this is so uncomfortable. ''Mom? Dad? Who's there?'' she asked, deciding to get up and close the door. But whoever was watching her has already left.<</mia>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<if $mia.cor >200>><<set $mia.cor =200>><</if>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<</if>><<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Mia takes a dildo from her nightstand and begins to slowly put it inside her, feeling every centimeter, increasing the pace with each move.<</st>>
<<mia>>''oh god, yeah, yeah'' she moaned just when she reached that sensitive spot.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.dildoWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/dildoWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $random to random(100)>><<if $random<20>>
<<st>>Suddenly, she hears footsteps approaching her door and notices how her door opens slightly.<</st>>
<<st>>She realizes she forgot to close the door.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor>150 and $mom.cor>100 and $dad.cor>100 and $mom.relation>100 and $dad.relation>100>>
<<button[[Continue|ContinueToy]]>><</button>><<else>><<link 'Continue'>><</link>><</if>>
<<linkreplace "Stop and close the door">><<mia>>Oh god, this is so uncomfortable. ''Mom? Dad? Who's there?'' she asked, deciding to get up and close the door. But whoever was watching her has already left.<</mia><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<if $mia.cor >200>><<set $mia.cor =200>><</if>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<button[[Leave|Masturbation]]>><</button>><</if>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $toy_set_is_bought ==false>>
<<if $mia.money <1000>><<st>>Mia needs 1.000$ to make a purchase.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Buy a toy set ($1000)">>
<<st>>Mia has successfully purchased a toy set.<</st>><<flash "Money - 1000">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $toy_set_is_bought = true>><</linkreplace>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $toy_set_is_bought ==false>>
<<if $mia.money <1000>><<st>>Миа нужно 1 000$, чтобы совершить покупку.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Купить набор игрушек($1000)">>
<<st>>Мия успешно приобрела набор игрушек.<</st>><<flash "Money - 1000">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $toy_set_is_bought = true>><</linkreplace>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $toy_set_is_bought ==false>>
<<if $mia.money <1000>><<st>>Mia braucht 1.000 $ für einen Kauf.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Ein Spielzeugset kaufen ($1000)">>
<<st>>Mia hat erfolgreich ein Spielzeugset gekauft.<</st>><<flash "Geld - 1000">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $toy_set_is_bought = true>><</linkreplace>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $toy_set_is_bought ==false>>
<<if $mia.money <1000>><<st>>Mia a besoin de 1 000$ pour effectuer un achat.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Acheter un ensemble de jouets ($1000)">>
<<st>>Mia a acheté avec succès un ensemble de jouets.<</st>><<flash "Geld - 1000">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $toy_set_is_bought = true>><</linkreplace>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $toy_set_is_bought ==false>>
<<if $mia.money <1000>><<st>>Mia necesita 1.000 $ para hacer una compra.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Mia ha comprado con éxito un juego de juguetes.">>
<<st>><</st>><<flash "Dinero - 1000">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $toy_set_is_bought = true>><</linkreplace>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $toy_set_is_bought ==false>>
<<if $mia.money <1000>><<st>>米娅需要 1.000 美元才能购物。<</st>>
<<linkreplace "购买一套玩具(1000 美元)">>
<<st>>米娅成功购买了一套玩具。<</st>><<flash "钱 - 1000">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $toy_set_is_bought = true>><</linkreplace>><</if>><</if>>
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $camera_is_bought == false>>
<<if $mia.money < 250>>
<<st>>Mia needs 250$ to make a purchase.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Buy a camera ($250)">>
<<st>>Mia has successfully purchased a camera.<</st>><<flash "Money - 250">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>>
<<set $camera_is_bought = true>><</linkreplace>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $camera_is_bought == false>>
<<if $mia.money < 250>>
<<st>>Миа нужно 250 долларов, чтобы совершить покупку.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Купить фотоаппарат ($250)">>
<<st>>Миа успешно приобрела фотоаппарат.<</st>><<flash "Деньги - 250">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>>
<<set $camera_is_bought = true>><</linkreplace>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $camera_is_bought == false>>
<<if $mia.money < 250>>
<<st>>Mia braucht 250€ für einen Einkauf.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Kaufe eine Kamera (250€)">>
<<st>>Mia hat erfolgreich eine Kamera gekauft.<</st>><<flash "Geld - 250">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>>
<<set $camera_is_bought = true>><</linkreplace>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $camera_is_bought == false>>
<<if $mia.money < 250>>
<<st>>Mia a besoin de 250$ pour effectuer un achat.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Acheter un appareil photo (250 $)">>
<<st>>Mia a acheté un appareil photo.<</st>><<flash "Argent - 250">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>>
<<set $camera_is_bought = true>><</linkreplace>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $camera_is_bought == false>>
<<if $mia.money < 250>>
<<st>>Mia necesita 250 $ para hacer una compra.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Comprar una cámara (250 $)">>
<<st>>Mia ha conseguido comprar una cámara.<</st>><<flash "Dinero - 250">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>>
<<set $camera_is_bought = true>><</linkreplace>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $camera_is_bought == false>>
<<if $mia.money < 250>>
<<st>>米娅需要 250 美元才能购买。<</st>>
<<linkreplace "购买相机(250 美元)">>
<<st>>米娅成功购买了一台相机。<</st>><<flash "钱 - 250">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>>
<<set $camera_is_bought = true>><</linkreplace>><</if>><</if>>
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>>
<svg viewBox="0 0 1920 1080" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<image width="1920" height="1080" href="0.2.6/backgrounds/gym.png" />
<a data-passage="Treadmill"><path class="clickable-area" d="m 844.69548,699.99391 156.27772,-78.13887 1.8088,3.25578 20.6199,-9.76733 2.1706,-5.42632 -0.3618,-6.87334 -3.9793,-5.06455 -6.5115,-3.61754 -6.3615,-6.92007 h -1.6627 l -17.84127,-65.61159 11.75707,-28.94031 0.7235,-8.68211 -18.08776,-15.19365 -0.94959,-0.7235 4.88368,-11.03352 -0.0452,-6.42112 -0.9044,-1.71834 -26.40804,-12.66137 -1.53747,0.45217 -1.71831,1.44703 -9.31518,15.28411 -14.56058,-2.44184 -62.49299,46.75669 -0.0905,1.98964 0.63309,1.67312 3.21056,1.08527 3.79841,3.84363 2.48706,1.85398 25.67321,-11.38314 18.03379,69.83304 c 0,0 -3.45329,3.58119 -3.96489,3.70909 -0.51157,0.1279 -3.45326,4.47646 -3.45326,4.47646 l -115.87681,59.0895 -1.279,42.20678 z" /></a>
<a data-passage="Get_help_from_the_men"><path class="clickable-area" d="m 1110.8058,879.56373 0.6394,2.30219 2.6859,1.7906 7.2903,3.58119 5.3718,1.79059 2.5579,-1.0232 1.0232,0.5116 1.4069,1.7906 3.4533,1.15109 3.4533,-1.0232 1.279,-2.43009 -0.5116,-8.82507 1.5348,-4.98806 1.6627,0.6395 2.6859,0.8953 5.8833,0.1279 2.3022,2.30219 4.4765,0.89527 2.6859,-1.53477 1.0232,-3.83698 -0.6395,-3.83699 1.6627,-18.67331 0.5116,-13.04573 -2.3022,-15.22 -2.6859,-6.65078 -0.3837,-27.24256 0.7674,-18.92911 1.5348,-1.66269 v -8.95295 l 2.1743,-18.92911 2.1743,-19.44068 -0.7674,-6.77868 -1.279,-6.01126 -1.9185,-18.54541 -1.7906,-4.60438 -2.9417,-3.32537 -5.116,-1.15109 -4.2206,1.53479 -2.9417,0.7674 -0.6395,0.2558 -0.6395,-2.30219 2.9417,-4.09279 2.558,-5.11598 1.5347,-6.77865 v -3.32539 l -1.279,-1.1511 -0.2557,-4.47646 -3.7091,-4.60438 -5.2439,-2.94169 h -5.116 l -5.2439,1.15109 -5.3717,2.55799 -2.1743,1.9185 0.1279,2.94169 1.9185,1.91847 -0.6395,1.79059 -1.279,2.17429 0.5116,2.81379 0.3837,4.60439 -1.0232,5.62755 1.0232,3.83699 c 0,0 2.0464,1.5348 2.558,1.5348 0.5116,0 3.0695,0.51159 3.0695,0.51159 l 1.0232,2.81379 0.1279,3.83697 -2.9416,3.19749 -7.1624,5.75548 -5.3718,5.62755 -1.5348,7.86583 0.2558,15.09212 1.0872,11.19119 -0.2558,6.7147 -2.8138,14.58052 -2.1743,13.81313 0.5756,1.1511 -1.1511,1.72664 -0.7674,3.90094 -0.1279,3.77301 1.7266,3.06959 2.9417,2.36614 0.9592,0.19185 1.4709,-1.15109 -0.3837,-3.00564 1.5987,-1.279 1.0232,1.0232 1.2494,-1.61309 -0.1808,7.05422 1.8087,17.00244 2.5323,11.57613 2.1705,14.65101 1.0853,24.05666 1.0852,12.29963 0.1809,8.13946 -0.3617,1.447 -3.7984,-1.08524 -5.7881,-1.44703 -3.7984,-0.18087 -1.447,2.17053 z" /></a>
<a data-passage="With_a_trainer"><path class="clickable-area" d="m 759.412,768.54628 2.1705,3.79842 4.34105,3.5271 3.43667,0.72351 3.79841,-1.53747 1.08527,-3.34621 0.0904,-7.05422 -1.71834,-6.14981 -1.62788,-5.78806 -0.0904,-2.44183 1.26614,-0.81394 0.2713,-3.70801 0.63307,-19.35382 0.7235,-16.36937 0.81397,-22.15743 2.6227,-19.71558 0.81394,-1.53747 1.35657,-0.0904 0.81397,1.53746 c 0,0 -0.0904,2.44184 -0.0904,3.07491 0,0.63307 0.90438,10.5813 0.90438,10.5813 0,0 -0.99484,11.93787 -0.99484,12.57093 0,0.63307 -0.63307,10.67176 -0.5426,11.0335 0.0904,0.36176 0.90437,8.95342 0.90437,8.95342 l 0.63307,15.46498 -0.36177,11.21439 0.63307,4.61235 4.34107,2.89403 c 0,0 3.79841,1.71834 4.16015,1.80878 0.36177,0.0904 2.0801,-1.89921 2.0801,-1.89921 l 1.26614,1.35657 v 0.99483 l 7.68726,3.52709 5.78807,1.44703 4.43148,0.18087 1.89921,-1.6279 0.4522,-1.71831 -2.80361,-2.80361 -12.11873,-9.04385 -2.35141,-2.89404 1.17571,-22.7905 0.81393,-23.78532 0.99484,-17.00242 0.90437,-22.15742 0.36176,-22.88096 -0.18089,-15.19367 0.0904,-13.83707 6.14985,-2.26097 5.69761,-3.52711 0.99481,-3.70798 -0.99481,-6.69245 -2.71317,-11.757 -2.53227,-12.0283 -2.44184,-4.97414 -3.43665,-4.61235 -6.24028,-3.25577 -1.53744,-0.63307 1.35658,-4.97414 -0.4522,-3.61755 -1.98964,-2.6227 -1.17571,-2.89404 0.1809,-4.06972 1.71831,-3.43667 0.54263,-2.35141 -3.52708,-1.53744 -7.95859,-3.34624 -7.95858,-0.2713 -5.78808,1.80877 -4.79324,3.70798 -1.35658,5.60718 -0.36176,6.05938 c 0,0 1.6279,3.97931 1.80877,4.34105 0.1809,0.36176 2.98447,4.70281 2.98447,4.70281 l 3.52711,4.43148 1.26614,3.34621 -5.15498,3.16537 -8.59166,5.96892 -6.33071,4.34104 -2.44184,6.78292 0.0904,12.66137 3.79844,9.13429 5.60718,7.14465 2.44184,3.79841 -0.54263,5.33587 -1.6279,14.01797 -1.71834,6.33069 -1.62788,8.77252 -0.54263,9.49606 0.99483,8.22989 1.44701,14.01797 1.1757,7.95859 -0.7235,9.67692 -0.99483,13.02313 -0.72351,18.44945 0.4522,9.22473 0.18087,20.71042 2.35141,1.8992 z" /></a>
<a data-passage="Mall"><path class="clickable-area" d="m 480.9015,957.71024 201.56937,0.5116 1.0232,74.69316 H 481.4131 Z" /></a></svg><<set $clothes_top_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d161.png'>><<set $clothes_bottom_mia='0.2.6/clothes/work/pl/d162.png'>><<set $canTravel =1>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<button[[Set of Clothes|SetOfClothes_Store]]>><</button>>
<<if $buy_mother_dress == 1>><<if $mia.money >500>>
<<linkreplace "Buy a dress ($500)">>
<<st>>Mia has successfully purchased a dress for her mom.<</st>><<flash "Money - 500">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $mia.money -=500>><<set $buy_mother_dress +=1>><</linkreplace>><<else>><<st>>Mia needs 500$ to make a purchase.<</st>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<<button[[Комплект одежды|SetOfClothes_Store]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Верхняя часть|VerhClothes_Store]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Нижняя часть|NizClothes_store]]>><</button>>
<<if $buy_mother_dress == 1>><<if $mia.money >500>>
<<linkreplace "Купить платье ($500)">>
<<st>>Мия успешно купила платье для мамы.<</st>><<flash "Деньги - 500">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $mia.money -=500>><<set $buy_mother_dress +=1>><</linkreplace>><<else>><<st>>Mia needs 500$ to make a purchase.<</st>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $buy_mother_dress == 1>><<if $mia.money >500>>
<<linkreplace "Kauf ein Kleid ($500)">>
<<st>>Mia hat erfolgreich ein Kleid für ihre Mutter gekauft.<</st>><<flash "Geld - 500">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $mia.money -=500>><<set $buy_mother_dress +=1>><</linkreplace>><<else>><<st>>Mia braucht 500 $ für einen Kauf.<</st>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<<button[[Ensemble de vêtements|SetOfClothes_Store]]>><</button>>
<<if $buy_mother_dress == 1>><<if $mia.money >500>>
<<linkreplace "Acheter une robe ($500)">>
<<st>>Mia a réussi à acheter une robe pour sa mère.<</st>><<flash "Argent - 500">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $mia.money -=500>><<set $buy_mother_dress +=1>><</linkreplace>><<else>><<st>>Mia a besoin de 500 $ pour effectuer un achat.<</st>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<<button[[Conjunto de ropa|SetOfClothes_Store]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Parte inferior|NizClothes_store]]>><</button>>
<<if $buy_mother_dress == 1>><<if $mia.money >500>>
<<linkreplace "Comprar un vestido ($500)">>
<<st>>Mia ha conseguido comprar un vestido para su madre.<</st>><<flash "Dinero - 500">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $mia.money -=500>><<set $buy_mother_dress +=1>><</linkreplace>><<else>><<st>>Mia needs 500$ to make a purchase.<</st>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $buy_mother_dress == 1>><<if $mia.money >500>>
<<linkreplace "购买裙子 ($500)">>
<<st>>米娅成功地为妈妈买了一件衣服。<</st>><<flash "钱 - 500">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $mia.money -=500>><<set $buy_mother_dress +=1>><</linkreplace>><<else>><<st>>Mia needs 500$ to make a purchase.<</st>><</if>><</if>>
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia's watching porn right in her living room, where anyone can walk in at any moment.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.porn)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/porn/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<set $random to random(100)>><<if $random >50>>
<<dad>>Mia! Oh, my God! Why are you doing this here? Don't you have your own room?<</dad>><<else>>
<<mom>>Mia! Go satisfy yourself somewhere else!<</mom>><</if>>
<<button[[Leave|Living room]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Мия смотрит порно прямо в своей гостиной, куда в любой момент может зайти кто угодно.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.porn)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/porn/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<set $random to random(100)>><<if $random >50>>
<<dad>>Миа! О, Боже мой! Почему ты делаешь это здесь? Разве у тебя нет своей комнаты?<</dad>><<else>>
<<mom>>Миа! Иди и удовлетвори себя где-нибудь в другом месте!<</mom>><</if>>
<<button[[Уйти|Living room]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia guckt gerade Pornos mitten im Wohnzimmer, wo jederzeit jemand reinkommen könnte.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.porn)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/porn/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<set $random to random(100)>><<if $random >50>>
<<dad>>Mia! Oh Mann! Warum machst du das hier? Hast du kein eigenes Zimmer?<</dad>><<else>>
<<mom>>Mia! Geh und befriedige dich woanders!<</mom>><</if>>
<<button[[Verlassen|Living room]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Mia regarde du porno dans son salon, où n'importe qui peut entrer à n'importe quel moment..<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.porn)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/porn/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<set $random to random(100)>><<if $random >50>>
<<dad>>Mia ! Oh, mon Dieu ! Pourquoi tu fais ça ici ? Tu n'as pas ta propre chambre ?<</dad>><<else>>
<<mom>>Mia ! Allez vous satisfaire ailleurs!<</mom>><</if>>
<<button[[Partir|Living room]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mia está viendo porno en su salón, donde cualquiera puede entrar en cualquier momento.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.porn)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/porn/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<set $random to random(100)>><<if $random >50>>
<<dad>>¡Mia! ¡Dios mío! ¿Por qué haces esto aquí? ¿No tienes tu propia habitación?<</dad>><<else>>
<<mom>>¡Mia! ¡Vete a satisfacerte a otra parte!<</mom>><</if>>
<<button[[Vete|Living room]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.porn)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/porn/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<set $random to random(100)>><<if $random >50>>
<<dad>>米娅! 我的天啊! 你为什么在这里这样做? 你没有自己的房间吗?<</dad>><<else>>
<<mom>>米娅 去别的地方满足你自己吧<</mom>><</if>>
<<button[[走开|Living room]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Movie night at home is comfy! Everyone gets a spot on the couch or chair to watch. They all get excited about the movie starting. Theyy laugh together. It brings the family closer and makes their home feel special.<</st>>
<<flash "Relationship mom and dad +1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<button[[Leave|Living room]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>У тебя не осталось сил ни на что, тебе поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Спать|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Вечер кино дома - это удобно! Каждый занимает место на диване или в кресле, чтобы смотреть. Все с нетерпением ждут начала фильма. Они вместе смеются. Это сближает семью и придает дому особое настроение.<</st>>
<<flash "Отношения мамы и папы +1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<button[[Уйти|Living room]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Dir geht die Energie aus, eine gute und solide Schlaf wird dir helfen.<</st>>
<<button [[Schlafen|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Filmabend zu Hause ist so gemütlich! Jeder bekommt einen Platz auf dem Sofa oder dem Sessel zum Zuschauen. Alle freuen sich darauf, dass der Film beginnt. Sie lachen zusammen. Das bringt die Familie näher und macht ihr Zuhause besonders.<</st>>
<<flash "Beziehung Mama und Papa +1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<button[[Verlassen|Living room]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Tu n'as plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, une bonne nuit de sommeil t'aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Une soirée cinéma à la maison, c'est confortable ! Chacun s'installe sur le canapé ou le fauteuil pour regarder le film. Tout le monde est impatient de voir le film commencer. Ils rient ensemble. Cela rapproche la famille et donne à la maison un caractère spécial.<</st>>
<<flash "Relationship mom and dad +1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<button[[Partir|Living room]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>No te queda energía para hacer nada, un buen sueño reparador te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Vete|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Una noche de cine en casa es muy cómoda. Todo el mundo se sienta en el sofá o en una silla. Todos se emocionan cuando empieza la película. Se ríen juntos. Une más a la familia y hace que su hogar sea especial.<</st>>
<<flash "Relación mamá y papá +1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<button[[Leave|Living room]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<button [[睡眠|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<flash "父母关系 +1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<button[[走开|Living room]]>><</button>><</if>>
<</switch>><<if $buy_mother_dress ==1>><<button [[Leave|Parents room]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $buy_mother_dress == 0>>
<<st>>As Mia entered the bedroom, she noticed her mom sitting on the edge of the bed, her face a canvas of overwhelming emotions. Concern etched her features as she approached her, softly asking<</st>>
<<mia>>''Hey mom, what's wrong? Why are you so sad?''<</mia>>
<<mom>>With a heavy sigh, her mom began unraveling the tangled threads of her distress: ''Oh, Mia, I've done something terrible on our vacation, and I don't know what to do. I feel so awful and ashamed; these memories haunt me.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Oh, mom, I'm sure it's not as bad as you think. What happened? Did you spend a lot of money without telling dad?'' Mia inquired, her brow furrowing with worry.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''No, Mia, not at all,'' mom replied.<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Then what is it? Mom, you can trust me. Don't be afraid; I won't tell anyone.''<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Alright, dear. Remember when I told you that your dad went overboard and drank too much beer on vacation?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Yeah, I remember,'' Mia nodded.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Well, one evening, he drank so much that he passed out in our room after dinner, and I was left feeling bored. So, I decided to go for a walk to pass the time. And in one bar, I met a man. He flirted with me, and I flirted back.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Oh, mom, don't tell me you...''<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Yes, Mia. You see, I love your father, but we've been together for so long that sometimes I forget how attractive I am. And this man tried so hard to impress me, and he was so charming and assertive that I couldn't resist.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Haha, seriously, mom? I can't believe it! Did you like it?'' she chuckled.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Mia, it's not funny. How can I look your father in the eyes now? What should I do?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Come on, mom, calm down. You love dad, and everyone knows it. Just forget about it,'' Mia reassured her.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Oh, Mia, I can't forget,'' her mom admitted.<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Why, ‘cause it was so good?'' - Mia laughed.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Mia, stop it! There's nothing funny about it,'' - mom thought, remembering how good it felt.<</mom>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/oneTime/mom_memories.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<mia>>''Alright, mom, I know what to do. Let's go to a club, dance it out, and release this tension on the dance floor.''<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Well, maybe you're right. Let's go! But I need to get myself something to wear.''<</mom>>
<<st>>Purchase the dress at the store.<</st>><<set $buy_mother_dress +=1>>
<<button [[Leave|Parents room]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $buy_mother_dress == 2>>
<<st>>Mia walks into her parents' room, and she sees her mom sitting at the computer.<</st>>
<<mia>>Guess what! I bought you a dress!<</mia>>
<<mom>>Are you serious? I'm not even sure it's a good idea to go to a club anymore.<</mom>>
<<mia>>I bought you a dress, and now you have no choice but to come with me. Here’s the dress; go try it on.<</mia>>
<<st>>In 5 minutes.<</st>>
<<mom>>Mia! What did you buy me? It's not a dress; it’s just a couple of pieces of fabric! It doesn't cover anything!<</mom>>
<<mia>>//*sighs*// That's the point! You and I are going to a club, not a pension fund, and you need to draw attention to yourself.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Mia, no! You're just messing with me! Look at me, I look like a whore!<</mom>>
<<mia>>Mom, you look beautiful. This dress is just perfect for your figure. So come on, stop playing hard to get, and let's go to the club.<</mia>>
<<button[[Two hours later|Mother_quest_1_2]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $buy_mother_dress == 0>>
<<st>>Войдя в спальню, Мия заметила маму, сидящую на краю кровати. Лицо мамы было полотном, отражающим бурю эмоций. Мия подошла к ней, и тихо спросила.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Что случилось? Почему ты такая грустная?''<</mom>>
<<mom>>Тяжело вздохнув, мама начала распутывать клубок своего беспокойства: ''О, Мия, я совершила ужасный поступок на отдыхе, и не знаю, что делать. Мне так плохо и стыдно; эти воспоминания преследуют меня.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Мам, я уверена, все не так страшно, как ты думаешь. Что случилось? Ты потратила много денег, не сказав папе?'' - спросила Мия, нахмурившись от беспокойства.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Нет, Мия, совсем нет,'' - ответила мама.<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Тогда что же это? Мам, ты можешь мне доверять. Не бойся, я никому не скажу.''<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Хорошо, дорогая. Помнишь, я рассказывала тебе, как папа переусердствовал и слишком много пил пива на отдыхе?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Да,'' - кивнула Мия.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Так вот, однажды вечером он так сильно напился, что после ужина отключился в нашем номере, а я осталась одна и заскучала. Поэтому я решила прогуляться, чтобы скоротать время. И в одном баре я встретила мужчину. Он флиртовал со мной, а я ответила взаимностью.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''О, мам, не говори мне, что ты..?''<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Да. Видишь ли, я люблю твоего отца, но мы так долго вместе, что иногда забываю, насколько я привлекательна. А этот мужчина так старался меня впечатлить, он был таким обаятельным и напористым, что я не смогла устоять.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Ха-ха, серьезно, мам? Не могу поверить! Тебе понравилось?'' - хихикнула она.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Мия, это не смешно. Как я теперь могу смотреть твоему отцу в глаза? Что мне делать?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Та ладно тебе, мама, успокойся. Ты любишь папу, и все это знают. Просто забудь об этом,'' Миа успокаивает её.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Ох, Миа, я не могу забыть,'' призналась твоя мама.<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Почему, это было настолько хорошо?'' Миа рассмеялась.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Миа, хватит! В этом нет ничего смешного,''- подумала мама, вспоминая, как это было хорошо.<</mom>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/oneTime/mom_memories.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<mia>>''Хорошо, мама, я знаю, что делать. Давай пойдем в клуб, потанцуем и снимем это напряжение на танцполе''<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Ну, возможно, ты права. Пойдем! Но мне нужно купить себе что-нибудь надеть''<</mom>>
<<st>>Купите платье в магазине.<</st>><<set $buy_mother_dress +=1>>
<<button [[Уйти|Parents room]]>><</button>><<elseif $buy_mother_dress == 2>>
<<st>>Миа заходит в комнату родителей и видит маму, сидящую за компьютером.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Угадай что! Я купила тебе платье!''<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Ты серьезно? Я даже не уверена, что идти в клуб – это хорошая идея.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Я купила тебе платье, и теперь у тебя нет другого выбора, кроме как пойти со мной. Вот платье; иди примерь.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Спустя 5 минут.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Миа! Что ты мне купила? Это не платье; это всего лишь пара кусков ткани! Оно ничего не покрывает!''<</mom>>
<<mia>>//*вздыхает*// В этом-то и дело! Мы с тобой идем в клуб, а не в пенсионный фонд, и тебе нужно привлекать к себе внимание.''<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Миа, нет! Ты просто издеваешься надо мной! Посмотри на меня, я выгляжу как шлюха!''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Мам, ты прекрасно выглядишь. Это платье просто идеально подходит для твоей фигуры. Так что давай, хватит бубнить и возмущаться; пойдём в клуб.''<</mia>>
<<button[[Два часа спустя|Mother_quest_1_2]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $buy_mother_dress == 0>>
<<st>>Mia betrat das Schlafzimmer und sah ihre Mutter am Bettrand sitzen. Deren Gesicht war eine Leinwand voller überwältigender Gefühle. Sorge zeichnete sich in ihren Zügen ab, als Mia sich näherte und leise fragte.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Hey Mom, was ist los? Warum bist du so traurig?''<</mia>>
<<mom>>Mit einem schweren Seufzer begann ihre Mutter, die verworrenen Fäden ihrer Verzweiflung zu entwirren: ''Oh Mia, ich habe in unserem Urlaub etwas Schreckliches getan, und ich weiß nicht, was ich tun soll. Ich fühle mich so schrecklich und beschämt, diese Erinnerungen verfolgen mich.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Ach Mama, ich bin sicher, es ist nicht so schlimm, wie du denkst. Was ist passiert? Hast du viel Geld ausgegeben, ohne es Dad zu sagen?'' fragte Mia besorgt und runzelte die Stirn.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Nein, Mia, überhaupt nicht'', antwortete Mama.<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Was ist es dann? Mom, du kannst mir vertrauen. Hab keine Angst, ich werde es niemandem erzählen.''<</mia>>
<<mom>>''In Ordnung, meine Liebe. Erinnerst du dich, als ich dir erzählt habe, dass dein Vater im Urlaub über die Stränge geschlagen und zu viel Bier getrunken hat?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Ja, daran erinnere ich mich'', nickte Mia.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Nun, eines Abends trank er so viel, dass er nach dem Abendessen in unserem Zimmer ohnmächtig wurde, und ich fühlte mich ziemlich gelangweilt. Also beschloss ich, spazieren zu gehen, um die Zeit totzuschlagen. In einer Bar traf ich dann einen Mann. Er flirtete mit mir, und ich flirtete zurück.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Oh Mom, sag nicht, dass du ...''<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Ja, Mia. Siehst du, ich liebe deinen Vater, aber wir sind schon so lange zusammen, dass ich manchmal vergesse, wie attraktiv ich bin. Und dieser Mann versuchte so sehr, mich zu beeindrucken, er war so charmant und bestimmend, dass ich nicht widerstehen konnte.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Haha, im Ernst, Mom? Das kann ich nicht glauben! Hat es dir gefallen?'' kicherte sie.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Mia, es ist nicht lustig. Wie kann ich deinem Vater jetzt noch in die Augen sehen? Was soll ich tun?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Komm schon, Mom, beruhige dich. Du liebst Dad, und das weiß jeder. Vergiss es einfach'', beruhigte Mia sie.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Oh Mia, ich kann es nicht vergessen'', gab ihre Mutter zu.<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Warum, weil es so gut war?'' – lachte Mia.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Mia, hör auf! Daran ist nichts lustig'', dachte sich Mom und erinnerte sich daran, wie gut es sich angefühlt hatte.<</mom>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/oneTime/mom_memories.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<mia>>''Okay, Mama, ich weiß was wir machen. Lass uns in einen Club gehen, die Tanzfläche uns spüren lassen und die ganze Anspannung raustanzen.''<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Na gut, vielleicht hast du ja recht. Gehen wir los! Aber ich muss mir noch etwas zum Anziehen suchen.''<</mom>>
<<st>>Kleid im Store kaufen.<</st>><<set $buy_mother_dress +=1>>
<<button [[Verlassen Sie|Parents room]]>><</button>><<elseif $buy_mother_dress == 2>>
<<st>>Mia stürmt ins Zimmer ihrer Eltern und sieht ihre Mutter am Computer sitzen.<</st>>
<<mia>>Rate mal was! Ich hab dir ein Kleid gekauft!<</mia>>
<<mom>>Im Ernst? Ich bin mir nicht mal sicher, ob es überhaupt eine gute Idee ist, in einen Club zu gehen.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Ich hab dir ein Kleid gekauft, also musst du jetzt mit mir kommen. Hier, probier's mal an.<</mia>>
<<st>>Fünf Minuten später.<</st>>
<<mom>>Mia! Was hast du mir da gekauft? Das ist kein Kleid, das sind ja nur zwei Fetzen Stoff! Das bedeckt ja gar nichts!<</mom>>
<<mia>>//*seufzt*// ''Genau darum geht's doch! Wir gehen in einen Club und nicht in eine Rentner-Veranstaltung, da musst du Blicke auf dich ziehen.''<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Mia, nein! Du machst doch nur Witze! Sieh mich an, ich sehe ja aus wie eine Nutte!''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Mama, du siehst wunderschön aus. Das Kleid ist einfach perfekt für deine Figur. Also komm schon, hör auf dich zu zieren und lass uns losziehen!''<</mia>>
<<button[[Zwei Stunden später|Mother_quest_1_2]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $buy_mother_dress == 0>>
<<st>>En entrant dans la chambre, Mia aperçut sa mère assise sur le bord du lit, le visage reflétant un cocktail d'émotions. L'inquiétude était gravée sur ses traits alors que Mia s'approchait d'elle et lui demandait doucement<</st>>
<<mia>>''Hé maman, qu'est-ce qui se passe ? Pourquoi t'es si triste ?''<</mia>>
<<mom>>Avec un gros soupir, sa mère commença à démêler les fils emmêlés de sa détresse:''Oh, Mia, j'ai fait quelque chose de terrible pendant nos vacances, et je ne sais pas quoi faire. Je me sens horrible et honteuse, ces souvenirs me hantent.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>'' Oh, maman, je suis sûre que ce n'est pas aussi grave que tu le penses. Que s'est-il passé ? T'aurais-dépassé le budget vacances sans le dire à papa ? '' questionna Mia, les sourcils froncés d'inquiétude.<</mia>>
<<mom>>'' Non, Mia, pas du tout '', répondit sa mère.<</mom>>
<<mia>>'' Alors qu'est-ce que c'est ? Maman, tu peux me faire confiance. N'aie pas peur, je ne le dirai à personne. ''<</mia>>
<<mom>>'' D'accord, chérie. Tu te souviens quand je t'ai parlé de ton père qui a un peu trop abusé de la bière pendant les vacances ? ''<</mom>>
<<mia>>'' Oui, je m'en souviens '', acquiesça Mia.<</mia>>
<<mom>>'' Bon ben, un soir, il a tellement bu qu'il a carrément cuvé son vin dans notre chambre après le dîner, et je me suis retrouvée super ennuyée. Du coup, j'ai décidé de sortir me balader pour tuer le temps. Et dans un bar, j'ai rencontré un type. Il m'a draguée, et je l'ai un peu relancé, je te l'avoue. ''<</mom>>
<<mia>>'' Oh maman, dis-moi pas que... ''<</mia>>
<<mom>>'' Si, Mia. Vois-tu, j'aime ton père, mais on est ensemble depuis tellement longtemps que parfois j'oublie à quel point je peux être attirante. Et ce type a tellement essayé de m'impressionner, il était si charmant et sûr de lui que je n'ai pas su résister. ''<</mom>>
<<mia>>'' Haha, t'es sérieuse, maman ? Je n'en reviens pas ! C'était bien ? '' gloussa-t-elle.<</mia>>
<<mom>>'' Mia, ce n'est pas drôle. Comment je vais pouvoir regarder ton père dans les yeux maintenant ? Qu'est-ce que je dois faire ? ''<</mom>>
<<mia>>'' Allez, maman, calme-toi. Tu aimes papa, et tout le monde le sait. Oublie ça, tout simplement, '' la rassura Mia.<</mia>>
<<mom>>'' Oh, Mia, je ne peux pas oublier, '' admit sa mère.<</mom>>
<<mia>>'' Parce que c'était trop bon ? '' - Mia éclata de rire.<</mia>>
<<mom>>'' Mia, arrête ! Ce n'est pas du tout drôle, '' pensa sa mère, se remémorant à quel point ça l'avait effectivement… transportée.<</mom>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/oneTime/mom_memories.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<mia>>''D'accord, maman, je sais ce qu'il faut faire. Allons dans un club, dansons, et relâchons cette tension sur la piste de danse.''<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Eh bien, tu as peut-être raison. Allons-y ! Mais je dois me trouver quelque chose à porter.<</mom>>
<<st>>Acheter la robe au magasin.<</st>><<set $buy_mother_dress +=1>>
<<button [[Laisser|Parents room]]>><</button>><<elseif $buy_mother_dress == 2>>
<<st>>Mia entre dans la chambre de ses parents et voit sa mère assise devant l'ordinateur.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Devine quoi ! Je t'ai acheté une robe !''<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Tu es sérieuse ? Je ne suis même plus sûre que ce soit une bonne idée d'aller dans un club.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Je t'ai acheté une robe, et maintenant tu n'as pas d'autre choix que de venir avec moi. Voilà la robe, va l'essayer.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Dans 5 minutes.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Mia ! Qu'est-ce que tu m'as acheté ? Ce n'est pas une robe, c'est juste deux morceaux de tissu ! Ça ne couvre rien !''<</mom>>
<<mia>>//*soupir*// C'est justement ça le problème ! Toi et moi, on va dans un club, pas dans une caisse de retraite, et tu dois attirer l'attention sur toi.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Mia, non ! Tu te moques de moi ! Regarde-moi, j'ai l'air d'une pute !''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Maman, tu es magnifique. Cette robe est parfaite pour ta silhouette. Alors viens, arrête de faire la difficile, et allons au club.''<</mia>>
<<button[[Deux heures plus tard|Mother_quest_1_2]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $buy_mother_dress == 0>>
<<st>>Cuando Mia entró en el dormitorio, vio a su madre sentada en el borde de la cama, con la cara convertida en un lienzo de emociones desbordantes. La preocupación marcó sus rasgos mientras se acercaba a ella y le preguntaba suavemente.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Hola mamá, ¿qué te pasa? ¿Por qué estás tan triste?''<</mia>>
<<mom>>Con un fuerte suspiro, su madre empezó a desenredar los hilos de su angustia: ''Oh, Mia, he hecho algo terrible en nuestras vacaciones y no sé qué hacer. Me siento tan horrible y avergonzada; estos recuerdos me atormentan''.<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Oh, mamá, seguro que no es tan grave como crees. ¿Qué ha pasado? ¿Gastaste mucho dinero sin decírselo a papá?''. preguntó Mia, con el ceño fruncido por la preocupación.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''No, Mia, en absoluto'', respondió mamá.<</mom>>
<<mia>>''¿Entonces de qué se trata? Mamá, puedes confiar en mí. No tengas miedo; no se lo diré a nadie''.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''De acuerdo, cariño. ¿Recuerdas cuando te dije que a tu padre se le fue la mano y bebió demasiada cerveza en vacaciones?''.<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Sí, me acuerdo'', asintió Mia.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Bueno, una noche, bebió tanto que se desmayó en nuestra habitación después de cenar, y yo me quedé aburrida. Así que decidí dar un paseo para pasar el rato. Y en un bar, conocí a un hombre. Coqueteó conmigo y yo le devolví el coqueteo''.<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Oh, mamá, no me digas que tú...''<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sí, Mia. Verás, quiero a tu padre, pero llevamos tanto tiempo juntos que a veces olvido lo atractiva que soy. Y este hombre se esforzó tanto por impresionarme, y era tan encantador y asertivo que no pude resistirme.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Jaja, ¿en serio, mamá? No me lo puedo creer. ¿Te gustó?'', se rió entre dientes.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Mia, no tiene gracia. ¿Cómo puedo mirar a tu padre a los ojos ahora? ¿Qué debo hacer?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Vamos, mamá, cálmate. Quieres a papá y todo el mundo lo sabe. Olvídalo'', la tranquilizó Mia.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Oh, Mia, no puedo olvidarlo'', admitió su madre.<</mom>>
<<mia>>''¿Por qué, porque fue tan bueno?''. - Mia se rió.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''¡Mia, basta! No tiene nada de divertido'', pensó mamá, recordando lo bien que le había sentado.<</mom>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/oneTime/mom_memories.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<mia>>''Muy bien, mamá, ya sé qué hacer. Vayamos a un club, bailemos y liberemos esta tensión en la pista de baile''.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Bueno, tal vez tengas razón. Vayamos. Pero necesito comprarme algo que ponerme''.<</mom>>
<<st>>Compra el vestido en la tienda.<</st>><<set $buy_mother_dress +=1>>
<<button [[Deja|Parents room]]>><</button>><<elseif $buy_mother_dress == 2>>
<<st>>Mia entra en la habitación de sus padres y ve a su madre sentada frente al ordenador.<</st>>
<<mia>>¡Adivina qué! ¡Te he comprado un vestido!<</mia>>
<<mom>>¿Hablas en serio? Ya ni siquiera estoy segura de que sea buena idea ir a un club.<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Te he comprado un vestido y ahora no tienes más remedio que venir conmigo. Aquí tienes el vestido; ve a probártelo.''<</mia>>
<<st>>En cinco minutos.<</st>>
<<mom>>¡Mia! ¿Qué me has comprado? No es un vestido, son sólo un par de trozos de tela. No cubre nada.<</mom>>
<<mia>>//*suspira*// ''¡De eso se trata! Tú y yo vamos a un club, no a un fondo de pensiones, y tienes que llamar la atención.''<</mia>>
<<mom>>''¡Mia, no! ¡Sólo me estás tomando el pelo! Mírame, ¡parezco una puta!''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Mamá, estás preciosa. Este vestido es perfecto para tu figura. Así que venga, deja de hacerte la dura y vamos al club.''<</mia>>
<<button[[Dos horas despues|Mother_quest_1_2]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $buy_mother_dress == 0>>
<<mom>>妈妈重重地叹了口气,开始解开她心中纠结的苦恼: ''哦,米娅,我在假期里做了件糟糕的事,我不知道该怎么办。我感到非常可怕和羞愧,这些记忆一直缠绕着我。<</mom>>
<<mia>>''哈哈,说真的,妈妈?我简直不敢相信! 你喜欢吗?''她笑着说。<</mia>>
<<mia>>''为什么,因为它太美好了?'' - 米娅笑了。<</mia>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/oneTime/mom_memories.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<mia>>''好吧,妈妈,我知道该怎么做了。我们去俱乐部跳舞吧 在舞池里释放紧张情绪''<</mia>>
<<mom>>也许你是对的 我们走吧!但我得给自己买件衣服。<</mom>>
<<st>>在商店购买这件衣服。<</st>><<set $buy_mother_dress +=1>>
<<button [[离开|Parents room]]>><</button>><<elseif $buy_mother_dress == 2>>
<<mom>>''米娅 你是认真的吗?我都不确定去俱乐部是不是个好主意了。''<</mom>>
<<mom>>''米娅 你给我买了什么?这不是裙子,只是几块布而已!什么都遮不住!''<</mom>>
<<mia>>//*叹息*// ''这就是重点!你和我要去的是俱乐部,不是养老基金,你需要吸引别人的注意。''<</mia>>
<</switch>><<set $mia.exp +=40>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<set $mia.fit +=5>><<set $active_quests.q9=true>>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Two margaritas in, and Mia's mom was practically glowing. The worry lines on her forehead had smoothed out, replaced by a wrinkle of amusement around her eyes.<</st>>
<<mom>>''You know, Mia,'' she slurred, her voice a touch too loud, ''this wasn't such a bad idea after all. I really needed to let loose.''<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia, nursing a cranberry mocktail, smiled. ''I’m Glad you went for it, Mom. But slow down with cocktails for now, or you will be sick tomorrow morning.''<</st>>
<<mom>>Her mom scoffed, a playful glint in her eye. ''Ha! Do you think this is a lot? Now watch this!'' She downed the rest of her margarita in one go, the tequila burning a fiery path down her throat. Mia winced internally, already picturing her mom begging her to bring her some water when she wakes up.<</mom>>
<<mom>>Suddenly, mom lurched to her feet, swaying precariously. ''One more round for the birthday girl!'' she declared, attempting a pirouette that ended with her grabbing onto Mia for support.<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Whoa there, tigress,'' Mia chuckled, gently steering her back towards their table. ''Maybe a bathroom break is in order first?''<</mia>>
<<mom>>A mischievous grin spread across mom's face. ''Bathroom break? Sounds delightful! But first, let's see if I can find that cute bartender again. He was making some pretty suggestive eye contact earlier.''<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia groaned, burying her face in her hand. She didn't plan to see your mother so wasted tonight.<</st>>
<<st>>20 minutes later, she was starting to get worried. Her mom had disappeared into the ladies' room ages ago, and there wasn't a sign of her returning. Panic gnawed at her gut. Had she gotten sick? Or lost?<</st>>
<<st>>She went to the bathrooms, squeezing through the crowd with ease. As Mia neared the door, a sound sliced through the pulsing music: a muffled moan tinged with arousal.<</st>>
<<st>>She was torn between a sick interest and an aversion. Mia looked through a crack in the stall door. The flashing neon sign above the sink lit up the scene in front of her: her mom's hair was all over the place, as she was fucking some stranger in that dirty bathroom. Their moans sounded with a wild abandonment.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/oneTime/mom_toilet.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>This wasn't the kind of ''letting loose'' she'd envisioned for her mom. Heaving for breath, Mia stumbled back from the door, her mind reeling. What had she just witnessed? How could her usually reserved, responsible mother be… doing that? And why, in a twisted part of her mind, did it send a spark through Mia?<</st>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<st>>Mia decides to leave for the bar before anyone notices her. She has absolutely no idea what to do in this situation and what to do if her father finds out.<</st>>
<<st>>Toward morning, she finds your mom on the dance floor, drags her into a cab, and drives home, deciding she'll deal with it later.<</st>>
<<set $buy_mother_dress +=1>><<set $quests.quest_mother_1=true>>
<<button[[Leave|Parents room]]>><</button>><<flash "Perks exp + 40">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 6">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Relationship with mom + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption mom + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>После двух бокалов ''Маргариты'' мама Мии практически сияла. Морщины беспокойства на её лбу разгладились, сменившись морщинками веселья вокруг глаз.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Знаешь, Миа,'' - проговорила она слишком громким голосом, ''- в конце концов, это была не такая уж плохая идея. Мне действительно нужно было развеяться''<</mom>>
<<mia>>Миа, попивая клюквенный коктейль, улыбнулась. ''Я рада, что ты решилась пойти, мам. Но пока не спеши с коктейлями, а то завтра утром ты будешь об этом жалеть''.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Её мама насмешливо улыбнулась, в её глазах появился игривый блеск. ''Ха! Ты думаешь, это много? А теперь смотри!'' Она одним махом выпила остатки ''Маргариты'', и текила прожгла огненную дорожку в её горле. Мия внутренне поморщилась, уже представляя, как она будет умолять принести ей воды и таблетки, когда она проснется.
<<mom>>Внезапно мама вскочила на ноги, неуверенно покачиваясь. ''Еще один раунд для именинницы!'' - объявила она, попытавшись сделать пируэт, который закончился тем, что она ухватилась за Мию, чтобы не упасть.<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Тигрица, - хихикнула Мия, осторожно направляя её обратно к их столику. ''Может быть, сначала нужно сходить в туалет?''<</mia>>
<<mom>>Озорная ухмылка расплылась по маминому лицу. ''Перерыв на туалет? Звучит восхитительно! Но сначала давай посмотрим, смогу ли я снова найти того симпатичного бармена. Ранее он довольно настойчиво заглядывал мне в глаза''.<</mom>>
<<st>>Мия застонала, зарывшись лицом в ладони. Она не планировала увидеть твою мать такой пьяной сегодня вечером.<</st>>
<<st>>Через 20 минут она начала беспокоиться. Её мама давно исчезла в дамской комнате, и не было никаких признаков того, что она вернулась. Паника захлестнула ее с головой. Может, ей плохо? Или она потерялась?<</st>>
<<st>>Она направилась в туалет, с легкостью протискиваясь сквозь толпу. Когда Мия приблизилась к двери, сквозь пульсирующую музыку пробился звук: приглушенный стон, оттеняющий возбуждение.<</st>>
<<st>>Она разрывалась между нездоровым интересом и отвращением. Мия заглянула в щель в двери кабинки. Мигающая неоновая вывеска над раковиной освещала открывшуюся перед ней сцену: волосы её мамы были растрепаны, а сама она трахалась с каким-то незнакомцем в этой грязной ванной. Их стоны звучали с дикой несдержанностью.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/oneTime/mom_toilet.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Это было совсем не то, что она представляла себе для мамы. Задыхаясь, Мия отступила от двери, её мысли метались. Чему она только что стала свидетельницей? Как могла её обычно сдержанная, ответственная мама... так поступить? И почему в извращенном сознании Мии промелькнула искра?<</st>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<st>>Мия решает уйти в бар, пока её никто не заметил. Она совершенно не знает, что делать в этой ситуации и что делать, если отец узнает.<</st>>
<<st>>Ближе к утру она находит вашу маму на танцполе, затаскивает её в такси и едет домой, решив, что разберется с этим позже.<</st>>
<<set $buy_mother_dress +=1>><<set $quests.quest_mother_1=true>>
<<button[[Уйти|Parents room]]>><</button>><<flash "Опыт перков + 40">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Фитнесс + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция + 6">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Отношения с мамой + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция мамы + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mit zwei Margaritas intus strahlte Mias Mutter förmlich. Die Sorgenfalten auf ihrer Stirn hatten sich geglättet und an ihrer Stelle prangte jetzt eine Linie der Belustigung um ihre Augen.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Weißt du, Mia'', lallte sie etwas zu laut, ''das war ja gar keine so schlechte Idee. Ich musste mich wirklich mal wieder gehenlassen.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>Mia, die an einem Cranberry-Mocktail nippte, lächelte. ''Freut mich, dass du mitgekommen bist, Mom. Aber mit den Cocktails solltest du jetzt mal langsam tun, sonst ist dir morgen früh schlecht.''<</mia>>
<<mom>>Ihre Mutter schnaubte, ein spielerisches Funkeln in den Augen. ''Ha! Glaubst du, das ist viel? Jetzt pass mal auf!'' Sie kippte den Rest ihres Margaritas in einem Zug runter, der Tequila brannte ihr feurig den Hals hinunter. Mia zuckte innerlich zusammen und stellte sich schon vor, wie ihre Mutter sie morgen nach Wasser betteln würde.<</mom>>
<<mom>>Plötzlich stand ihre Mutter schwankend auf. ''Noch eine Runde für das Geburtstagskind!'', verkündete sie und versuchte eine Pirouette, die damit endete, dass sie sich an Mia festhielt, um nicht hinzufallen.<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Whoa, langsam da, Tigerin'', kicherte Mia und steuerte sie sanft zurück zu ihrem Tisch. ''Vielleicht erstmal 'ne Runde aufs Klo?''<</mia>>
<<mom>>Ein verschmitztes Grinsen breitete sich auf dem Gesicht ihrer Mutter aus. ''Toilette? Klingt reizvoll! Aber erstmal will ich sehen, ob ich den süßen Barkeeper wiederfinde. Der hat mir vorhin ziemlich eindeutige Blicke zugeworfen.''<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia stöhnte und vergrub ihr Gesicht in den Händen. Sie hatte ihre Mutter heute Abend nicht so betrunken erwartet.<</st>>
<<st>>20 Minuten später machte sie sich langsam Sorgen. Ihre Mutter war vor Ewigkeiten auf der Damentoilette verschwunden und es gab kein Lebenszeichen von ihr. Panik nagte an ihr. War ihr übel geworden? Hatte sie sich verlaufen?<</st>>
<<st>>Sie machte sich auf den Weg zu den Toiletten und schlängelte sich mühelos durch die Menge. Als Mia sich der Tür näherte, drang ein Geräusch durch die pulsierende Musik: ein gedämpftes Ächzen, vermischt mit Erregung.<</st>>
<<st>>Sie war hin- und hergerissen zwischen krankhaftem Interesse und Abneigung. Mia spähte durch einen Spalt in der Kabinentür. Die blinkende Neonreklame über dem Waschbecken beleuchtete die Szene vor ihr: Ihre Mutter hatte die Haare total zerwühlt und vögelte gerade mit einem Fremden in dieser dreckigen Toilette. Ihre Stöhnlaute klangen wild und ungehemmt.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/oneTime/mom_toilet.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Das war nicht die Art von ''sich gehenlassen'', die Mia sich für ihre Mutter vorgestellt hatte. Nach Luft schnappend stolperte Mia von der Tür zurück, ihr Verstand kreiste. Was hatte sie da gerade gesehen? Wie konnte ihre normalerweise so zurückhaltende und verantwortungsbewusste Mutter so etwas... tun? Und warum, in einem kranken Winkel ihres Verstandes, löste es bei Mia einen Funken aus?<</st>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<st>>Mia beschließt, in die Bar zu verschwinden, bevor sie jemand vermisst. Sie hat absolut keine Ahnung, was sie in dieser Situation tun soll und was passiert, wenn ihr Vater davon erfährt.<</st>>
<<st>>Gegen Morgengrauen entdeckt sie ihre Mutter auf der Tanzfläche, zerrt sie in ein Taxi und fährt nach Hause. Den Rest, so denkt sie sich, regelt sie dann irgendwie.<</st>>
<<set $buy_mother_dress +=1>><<set $quests.quest_mother_1=true>>
<<button[[Verlassen Sie|Parents room]]>><</button>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 40">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption + 6">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Beziehung zur Mutter + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption Mutter + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Deux margaritas plus tard, la mère de Mia rayonnait pratiquement. Les rides de souci sur son front s'étaient aplanies, remplacées par une petite ride d'amusement autour des yeux.<</st>>
<<mom>>'' Tu sais, Mia, '' articula-t-elle un peu trop fort, la voix pâteuse, '' finalement, c'était pas une si mauvaise idée. J'avais vraiment besoin de me défouler.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>Mia, sirotant un mocktail aux canneberges, sourit. '' Contente que tu te sois lâchée, maman. Mais calme le jeu sur les margaritas pour l'instant, sinon demain matin, ça va être la fête au bide. ''<</mia>>
<<mom>>Sa mère ricana, une lueur joueuse dans le regard. '' Ha ! Tu crois que c'est beaucoup ça ? Regarde-moi ça ! '' Elle engloutit le reste de sa margarita d'un trait, la tequila lui brûlant la gorge comme un brasier. Mia grimaça intérieurement, imaginant déjà sa mère la supplier de lui ramener de l'eau à son réveil.<</mom>>
<<mom>>Soudain, sa mère se leva d'un bond, titubant dangereusement. '' Un autre tour pour l'anniversaire de la reine des fêtes ! '' déclara-t-elle, tentant une pirouette qui se termina par un attrape-moi si tu peux sur Mia.<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Whoa là, tigresse'', dit Mia en riant, la ramenant doucement vers leur table. ''Peut-être qu'une pause aux toilettes s'impose d'abord ?<</mia>>
<<mom>>Un sourire malicieux se dessine sur le visage de maman. ''Une pause pipi ? C'est super ! Mais d'abord, voyons si je peux retrouver ce mignon barman. Il a eu un contact visuel assez suggestif tout à l'heure''.<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia gémit, enfouissant son visage dans sa main. Elle n'avait pas prévu de voir ta mère aussi lessivée ce soir.<</st>>
<<st>>20 minutes plus tard, elle commençait à s'inquiéter. Sa mère avait disparu dans les toilettes depuis une éternité, et il n'y avait aucun signe de son retour. La panique la rongeait. Est-elle tombée malade ? Ou perdue ?<</st>>
<<st>>Elle se dirigea vers les toilettes, se faufilant aisément dans la foule.Alors que Mia s'approchait de la porte, un son se détacha de la musique : un gémissement étouffé teinté de plaisir.<</st>>
<<st>>Elle était partagée entre un intérêt maladif et une aversion. Mia a regardé par la fente de la porte de la cabine. Le néon clignotant au-dessus de l'évier éclairait la scène qui se déroulait devant elle : sa mère avait les cheveux dans tous les sens et baisait un inconnu dans cette salle de bains insalubre. Leurs gémissements sonnaient comme un abandon sauvage.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/oneTime/mom_toilet.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Ce n'était pas le genre de ''lâcher prise'' qu'elle avait imaginé pour sa mère. Le souffle coupé, Mia s'éloigne de la porte en trébuchant, l'esprit en ébullition. Qu'est-ce qu'elle vient de voir ? Comment sa mère, habituellement réservée et responsable, pouvait-elle... faire cela ? Et pourquoi, dans une partie tordue de son esprit, cela a fait naître une étincelle chez Mia ?<</st>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<st>>Mia décide de partir au bar avant que quelqu'un ne la remarque. Elle n'a aucune idée de ce qu'il faut faire dans cette situation et de ce qu'il faut faire si son père l'apprend.<</st>>
<<st>>Vers le matin, elle trouve votre mère sur la piste de danse, l'entraîne dans un taxi et rentre chez elle, décidant qu'elle s'en occupera plus tard.<</st>>
<<set $buy_mother_dress +=1>><<set $quests.quest_mother_1=true>>
<<button[[Laisser|Parents room]]>><</button>><<flash "Avantages exp + 40">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 6">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Relations avec la mère + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption de la mère + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Dos margaritas y la madre de Mia estaba prácticamente radiante. Las líneas de preocupación de su frente se habían alisado, sustituidas por una arruga de diversión alrededor de los ojos.<</st>>
<<mom>>''¿Sabes, Mia?'', balbuceó, con la voz demasiado alta, ''esto no ha sido tan mala idea después de todo. Necesitaba soltarme''.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Mia, que bebía un cóctel de arándanos, sonrió. ''Me alegro de que lo hicieras, mamá. Pero no te pases con los cócteles o mañana por la mañana estarás enferma''.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Su madre se burló, con un brillo juguetón en los ojos. ''¡Ja! ¿Crees que esto es mucho? Mira esto''. Se bebió el resto de su margarita de un trago, y el tequila le quemó la garganta. Mia hizo una mueca de dolor y ya se imaginaba a su madre rogándole que le trajera agua cuando se despertara.<</mom>>
<<mom>>De repente, mamá se levantó tambaleándose precariamente. ''¡Una ronda más para la cumpleañera!'', declaró, intentando una pirueta que terminó con ella agarrándose a Mia para apoyarse.<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Tranquila, tigresa'', rió Mia, dirigiéndola suavemente hacia su mesa. ''¿Tal vez sea mejor ir al baño primero?''.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Una sonrisa traviesa se dibujó en la cara de mamá. ''¿Descanso para ir al baño? Me parece estupendo. Pero primero, veamos si puedo encontrar a ese camarero tan guapo otra vez. Antes estaba haciendo un contacto visual bastante sugerente''.<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia gimió, enterrando la cara en la mano. No pensaba ver a su madre tan borracha esta noche.<</st>>
<<st>>Veinte minutos más tarde, estaba empezando a preocuparse. Su madre había desaparecido en el baño de damas hace años, y no había ni rastro de su regreso. El pánico le corroía las entrañas. ¿Habría enfermado? ¿O se había perdido?<</st>>
<<st>>Se dirigió a los lavabos, abriéndose paso entre la multitud con facilidad. Cuando Mia se acercaba a la puerta, un sonido se coló entre la música palpitante: un gemido ahogado teñido de excitación.<</st>>
<<st>>Se sintió dividida entre un interés enfermizo y una aversión. Mia miró a través de una rendija de la puerta de la cabina. El letrero de neón parpadeante situado sobre el lavabo iluminó la escena que tenía delante: su madre tenía el pelo revuelto mientras follaba con un desconocido en aquel sucio cuarto de baño. Sus gemidos sonaban con un abandono salvaje.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/oneTime/mom_toilet.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Este no era el tipo de ''dejarse llevar'' que había imaginado para su madre. Sin aliento, Mia se apartó de la puerta a trompicones, con la mente en blanco. ¿Qué acababa de presenciar? ¿Cómo podía su madre, normalmente reservada y responsable, estar... haciendo eso? ¿Y por qué, en una parte retorcida de su mente, hizo saltar una chispa a través de Mia?<</st>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<st>>Mia decide irse al bar antes de que nadie se fije en ella. No tiene ni idea de qué hacer en esta situación ni de qué hacer si su padre se entera.<</st>>
<<st>>Hacia la mañana, encuentra a su madre en la pista de baile, la arrastra hasta un taxi y conduce hasta su casa, decidiendo que ya se ocupará de ello más tarde.<</st>>
<<set $buy_mother_dress +=1>><<set $quests.quest_mother_1=true>>
<<button[[Deja|Parents room]]>><</button>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 40">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corrupción + 6">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Relación con mamá + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corrupción mamá + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "CH">>
<<mom>>''她妈妈嘲笑道,眼中闪过一丝玩味。''哈,你觉得这很多吗?现在看这个!'' 她一口气喝光了剩下的玛格丽塔酒,龙舌兰酒在喉咙里燃烧出一条火红的轨迹。米娅在心里暗暗叫苦,她已经开始想象妈妈醒来时求她给她倒水的情景了。<</mom>>
<<st>>20 分钟后,她开始担心起来。她妈妈很久以前就消失在女厕所里了,现在还没有回来的迹象。恐慌侵蚀着她的五脏六腑。她生病了吗?还是迷路了?<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/oneTime/mom_toilet.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>这可不是她想象中妈妈的那种 ''放纵''。米娅喘着粗气,跌跌撞撞地从门边跑回来,脑子里一片混乱。她刚刚目睹了什么?她一向矜持、负责任的妈妈怎么会......这样做?在米娅扭曲的脑海中,为什么会有这样的想法?<</st>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<set $buy_mother_dress +=1>><<set $quests.quest_mother_1=true>>
<<button[[离开|Parents room]]>><</button>><<flash "福利消耗 + 40">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "健身 + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐败 + 6">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "与妈妈的关系 + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐蚀妈妈 + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia decides to walk and jog in the park. Under the summer sun, the paths of the park seem especially picturesque. People are walking slowly, some jogging and others just enjoying the atmosphere of nature. She feels the fresh air fill her lungs every time she jogs, and her tiredness starts to leave.<</st>>
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.muscles>><<flash `"Fitness +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -= 1>><<if $mia.cor <99>><<link "Flаsh stranger. (100 corruption needed)">><</link>>
<<button[[Flаsh stranger]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>У тебя не осталось сил ни на что, тебе поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Мия решает прогуляться и пробежаться в парке. Под летним солнцем дорожки парка кажутся особенно живописными. Люди идут медленно, некоторые бегут трусцой, а другие просто наслаждаются атмосферой природы. С каждой пробежкой Мия чувствует, как свежий воздух наполняет ее легкие, и усталость начинает уходить.<</st>>
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.muscles>><<flash `"Фитнесс +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -= 1>><<if $mia.cor <99>><<link "Flаsh stranger (100 коррупции нужно)">><</link>>
<<button[[Flаsh stranger]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Dir geht die Energie aus, eine gute und solide Schlaf wird dir helfen.<</st>>
<<button [[Schlafen|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia entscheidet sich, im Park spazieren und joggen zu gehen. Unter der Sommer Sonne erscheinen die Wege des Parks besonders malerisch. Die Leute gehen langsam, einige joggen, und andere genießen einfach die Atmosphäre der Natur. Sie spürt, wie die frische Luft ihre Lungen füllt, jedes Mal wenn sie joggt, und ihre Müdigkeit beginnt zu verschwinden.<</st>>
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.muscles>><<flash `"Fitness +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -= 1>><<if $mia.cor <99>><<link "Flаsh stranger. (100 Korruption erforderlich)">><</link>>
<<button[[Flаsh stranger]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Tu n'as plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, une bonne nuit de sommeil t'aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia décide de se promener et de faire du jogging dans le parc. Sous le soleil d'été, les allées du parc semblent particulièrement pittoresques. Les gens marchent lentement, certains font du jogging et d'autres profitent simplement de l'atmosphère de la nature. Elle sent l'air frais remplir ses poumons à chaque fois qu'elle fait son jogging, et la fatigue commence à s'en aller.<</st>>
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.muscles>><<flash `"Fitness +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -= 1>><<if $mia.cor <99>><<link "Flаsh stranger (100 de corruption nécessaire)">><</link>>
<<button[[Flаsh stranger]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>No te queda energía para hacer nada, un buen sueño reparador te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia decide pasear y hacer footing por el parque. Bajo el sol del verano, los caminos del parque parecen especialmente pintorescos. La gente camina despacio, algunos hacen footing y otros simplemente disfrutan del ambiente de la naturaleza. Mia siente que el aire fresco le llena los pulmones cada vez que hace footing, y el cansancio empieza a desaparecer.<</st>>
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.muscles>><<flash `"Fitness +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -= 1>><<if $mia.cor <99>><<link "Flаsh stranger (Se necesitan 100 de corrupción.)">><</link>>
<<button[[Flаsh stranger]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<button [[睡眠|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.muscles>><<flash `"健身 +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>>
<<set $mia.ac_c -= 1>><<if $mia.cor <99>><<link "Flаsh stranger (需要 100 个腐败分子)">><</link>>
<<button[[Flаsh stranger]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia is walking through the park. And then she notices that too many people are staring at her. She sees men with their wives, eating her with their eyes, and just passers-by, who look back at her.<</st>>
<<st>>Out of all these people, one man decides to approach Mia.<</st>>
<<un>>Hey, I'll give you 50 bucks for a quickie.<</un>><<set $mia.ac_c -= 1>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Only if it's really quick.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money + 50">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.money +=50>>
<<link 'Refuse'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<goto Park>><</append>><</link>></span>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>У тебя не осталось сил ни на что, тебе поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Спать|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Мия гуляет по парку. Как вдруг она замечает, что на неё смотрит слишком много людей. Она видит мужчин с женами, пожирающих её глазами, и просто прохожих, которые оглядываются на неё.<</st>>
<<st>>Из всех этих людей один мужчина решает подойти к Мие.<</st>>
<<un>>Эй, я дам тебе 50 баксов за быстрый перепихон.<</un>><<set $mia.ac_c -= 1>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Согласиться'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Только если очень быстро.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Коррупция + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Деньги + 50">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.money +=50>>
<<link 'Отказать'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<goto Park>><</append>><</link>></span>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Dir geht die Energie aus, eine gute und solide Schlaf wird dir helfen.<</st>>
<<button [[Schlafen|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia läuft durch den Park und bemerkt, dass ihr zu viele Leute starrend gegenüberstehen. Sie sieht Männer mit ihren Frauen, die sie mit den Augen verschlingen, und einfach Passanten, die sich nach ihr umdrehen.<</st>>
<<st>>Von all diesen Leuten entscheidet sich ein Mann, auf Mia zuzugehen.<</st>>
<<un>>Hey, ich geb dir 50 Euro für 'nen Kurzzeitvergnügen.<</un>><<set $mia.ac_c -= 1>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Klar'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Nur wenn's wirklich schnell geht.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Korruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Mehr + 50">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.money +=50>>
<<link 'Ablehnen'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<goto Park>><</append>><</link>></span>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Tu n'as plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, une bonne nuit de sommeil t'aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia se promène dans le parc. Elle s'aperçoit alors que trop de gens la regardent. Elle voit des hommes avec leurs femmes, qui la dévorent des yeux, et de simples passants qui la regardent en retour.<</st>>
<<st>>Parmi tous ces gens, un homme décide d'approcher Mia.<</st>>
<<un>>Hey, je vous donne 50 dollars pour un petit coup.<</un>><<set $mia.ac_c -= 1>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Accepter'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Seulement si c'est très rapide.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Argent + 50">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.money +=50>>
<<link 'Refuser'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<goto Park>><</append>><</link>></span>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>No te queda energía para hacer nada, un buen sueño reparador te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia está paseando por el parque. Y entonces se da cuenta de que hay demasiada gente mirándola. Ve a hombres con sus esposas, que se la comen con la mirada, y a simples transeúntes, que le devuelven la mirada.<</st>>
<<st>>De todas estas personas, un hombre decide acercarse a Mia.<</st>>
<<un>>Oye, te daré 50 dólares por un rapidito.<</un>><<set $mia.ac_c -= 1>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'De acuerdo'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Sólo si es muy rápido.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Corruprion + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Dinero + 50">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.money +=50>>
<<link 'Rechazar'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<goto Park>><</append>><</link>></span>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<button [[睡眠|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<un>>嘿,我给你50块钱,让你快活快活。<</un>><<set $mia.ac_c -= 1>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link '同意'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>除非真的很快。<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "腐败 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "钱 + 50">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.money +=50>>
<<link '拒绝'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<goto Park>><</append>><</link>></span>
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia decides to take a little rest and sit down on a secluded bench in the park. She enjoys the peace and tranquility of looking at what's going on around her. Spending time peacefully in nature helps her to relax and forget about every day worries.<</st>>
<<st>>She sees her mom walking in the park, and decides to join her. They talk for a bit and Mia leaves.<</st>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<flash "Relationship with mother + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>У тебя не осталось сил ни на что, тебе поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Уйти|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Мия решает немного отдохнуть и садится на уединенную скамейку в парке. Она наслаждается покоем и умиротворением, глядя на то, что происходит вокруг. Спокойное времяпрепровождение на природе помогает ей расслабиться и забыть о повседневных заботах.<</st>>
<<st>>Она видит свою маму, гуляющую в парке, и решает присоединиться к ней. Они немного разговаривают, и Мия уходит.<</st>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<flash "Отношения с матерью + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Dir geht die Energie aus, eine gute und solide Schlaf wird dir helfen.<</st>>
<<button [[Schlafen|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia entscheidet sich, eine kleine Pause einzulegen und auf einer abgelegenen Bank im Park Platz zu nehmen. Sie genießt die Ruhe und Gelassenheit, während sie sich umschaut und das Geschehen um sie herum betrachtet. Zeit friedlich in der Natur zu verbringen hilft ihr, sich zu entspannen und die alltäglichen Sorgen zu vergessen.<</st>>
<<st>>Sie sieht ihre Mutter im Park spazieren und entscheidet sich, sich ihr anzuschließen. Sie unterhalten sich eine Weile, und dann verlässt Mia sie wieder.<</st>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<flash "Beziehung zur Mutter + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Tu n'as plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, une bonne nuit de sommeil t'aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Tu n'as plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, une bonne nuit de sommeil t'aidera.|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia décide de se reposer un peu et de s'asseoir sur un banc isolé dans le parc. Elle apprécie le calme et la tranquillité en regardant ce qui se passe autour d'elle. Passer du temps dans la nature l'aide à se détendre et à oublier les soucis quotidiens.<</st>>
<<st>>Elle voit sa mère se promener dans le parc et décide de la rejoindre. Elles discutent un peu et Mia s'en va.<</st>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<flash "Relation avec la mère + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>No te queda energía para hacer nada, un buen sueño reparador te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia decide tomarse un pequeño descanso y se sienta en un apartado banco del parque. Disfruta de la paz y la tranquilidad de observar lo que ocurre a su alrededor. Pasar tiempo tranquilamente en la naturaleza la ayuda a relajarse y a olvidarse de las preocupaciones cotidianas.<</st>>
<<st>>Ve a su madre paseando por el parque y decide acompañarla. Hablan un rato y Mia se marcha.<</st>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<flash "Relación con la madre + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<button [[睡眠ю|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>她看到妈妈在公园里散步,决定和她一起去。她们聊了一会儿,米娅就离开了。<</st>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<flash "与母亲的关系 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia decides to go to the forest to enjoy nature and solitude. With each step she hears the crackling of dry leaves under her feet, and the air is filled with the scent of pine needles and earth. She finds a cozy spot and decides to sit down, enjoying the silence and beauty of the surrounding nature.<</st>>
<<st>>She is jogging along a path in the forest, feeling the fresh air and listening to the sounds of nature. Suddenly, her gaze is caught by a stranger standing nearby. He looks like a traveler, dressed in old leather clothes, with a bag over his shoulder and a map in his hands. His gaze seems interesting.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Run away from there'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<goto Park>><</append>><</link>>
<<link 'Come and say hello'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hi, are you enjoying this beautiful forest too?<</mia>>
<<un>>Yes, the nature here is amazing. I am exploring this forest, looking for something special. And I think I've found it.<</un>>
<<mia>>What do you mean?<</mia>>
<<un>>Come here slut, today is my lucky day.<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.forest)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/forest/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.fit +=1>>
<<button[[Leave|Park]]>><</button>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>У тебя не осталось сил ни на что, тебе поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Спать|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Мия решает отправиться в лес, чтобы насладиться природой и одиночеством. С каждым шагом она слышит треск сухих листьев под ногами, а воздух наполнен ароматом хвои и земли. Она находит уютное местечко и решает присесть, наслаждаясь тишиной и красотой окружающей природы.<</st>>
<<st>>Она бежит по тропинке в лесу, вдыхая свежий воздух и слушая звуки природы. Вдруг её взгляд привлекает незнакомец, стоящий неподалеку. Он выглядит как путешественник, одетый в старую одежду, с сумкой через плечо и картой в руках. Его взгляд кажется заинтересованным.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Бежать оттуда подальше'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<goto Park>><</append>><</link>>
<<link 'Подойдите и поздоровайтесь'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Привет, ты тоже наслаждаешься этим прекрасным лесом?<</mia>>
<<un>>Да, природа здесь потрясающая. Я исследую этот лес в поисках чего-то особенного. И мне кажется, я нашел его.<</un>>
<<mia>>И что же это?<</mia>>
<<un>>Иди сюда шлюха, сегодня у меня счастливый день.<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.forest)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/forest/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Коррупция + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Фитнесс + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.fit +=1>>
<<button[[Уйти|Park]]>><</button>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Dir geht die Energie aus, eine gute und solide Schlaf wird dir helfen.<</st>>
<<button [[Schlafen|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia entscheidet sich, in den Wald zu gehen, um die Natur und die Einsamkeit zu genießen. Mit jedem Schritt hört sie das Knistern trockener Blätter unter ihren Füßen, und die Luft ist erfüllt vom Duft von Kiefernnadeln und Erde. Sie findet einen gemütlichen Platz und beschließt, sich hinzusetzen, um die Stille und die Schönheit der umgebenden Natur zu genießen.<</st>>
<<st>>Sie joggt auf einem Pfad im Wald, genießt die frische Luft und lauscht den Geräuschen der Natur. Plötzlich fällt ihr Blick auf einen Fremden in der Nähe. Er sieht aus wie ein Reisender, gekleidet in alte Ledermode, mit einer Tasche über der Schulter und einer Karte in der Hand. Sein Blick wirkt interessant.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Hau ab von hier'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<goto Park>><</append>><</link>>
<<link 'Komm und sag Hallo'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hallo, genießt du auch diesen schönen Wald?<</mia>>
<<un>>Ja, die Natur hier ist unglaublich. Ich erkunde diesen Wald und suche nach etwas Besonderem. Und ich glaube, ich habe es gefunden.<</un>>
<<mia>>Was meinst du damit?<</mia>>
<<un>>Komm her Schlampe, heute ist mein Glückstag.<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.forest)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/forest/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Korruption +1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.fit +=1>>
<<button[[Verlassen|Park]]>><</button>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Tu n'as plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, une bonne nuit de sommeil t'aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Partir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia décide de se rendre dans la forêt pour profiter de la nature et de la solitude. À chaque pas, elle entend le craquement des feuilles sèches sous ses pieds, et l'air est imprégné de l'odeur des aiguilles de pin et de la terre. Elle trouve un endroit confortable et décide de s'asseoir, profitant du silence et de la beauté de la nature environnante.<</st>>
<<st>>Elle fait son jogging le long d'un sentier dans la forêt, sentant l'air frais et écoutant les bruits de la nature. Soudain, son regard est attiré par un inconnu qui se tient à proximité. Il a l'air d'un voyageur, vêtu de vieux vêtements de cuir, un sac sur l'épaule et une carte dans les mains. Son regard semble intéressant.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'S`enfuir de là'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<goto Park>><</append>><</link>>
<<link 'Venir et dire bonjour'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Bonjour, vous profitez vous aussi de cette belle forêt?<</mia>>
<<un>>Oui, la nature ici est extraordinaire. J'explore cette forêt à la recherche de quelque chose de spécial. Et je crois que je l'ai trouvé.<</un>>
<<mia>>Que voulez-vous dire ?<</mia>>
<<un>>Viens ici, salope, c'est mon jour de chance.<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.forest)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/forest/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.fit +=1>>
<<button[[Partir|Park]]>><</button>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>No te queda energía para hacer nada, un buen sueño reparador te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia decide ir al bosque para disfrutar de la naturaleza y la soledad. A cada paso oye el crepitar de las hojas secas bajo sus pies, y el aire se llena del aroma de las agujas de pino y la tierra. Encuentra un lugar acogedor y decide sentarse, disfrutando del silencio y la belleza de la naturaleza que la rodea.и<</st>>
<<st>>Está corriendo por un sendero del bosque, sintiendo el aire fresco y escuchando los sonidos de la naturaleza. De repente, su mirada es captada por un desconocido que se encuentra cerca. Parece un viajero, vestido con viejas ropas de cuero, con una bolsa al hombro y un mapa en las manos. Su mirada parece interesante.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Huye de allí'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<goto Park>><</append>><</link>>
<<link 'Ven a saludar'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hola, ¿tú también estás disfrutando de este hermoso bosque?<</mia>>
<<un>>Sí, la naturaleza aquí es increíble. Estoy explorando este bosque, buscando algo especial. Y creo que lo he encontrado.<</un>>
<<mia>>¿A qué te refieres?<</mia>>
<<un>>Come here slut, today is my lucky day.<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.forest)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/forest/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Corruprion + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.fit +=1>>
<<button[[Vete|Park]]>><</button>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<button [[睡眠|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link '逃离那里'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<goto Park>><</append>><</link>>
<<link '来打个招呼吧'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>嗨,你也在享受这片美丽的森林吗?<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.forest)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/forest/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "腐败 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "健身 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.fit +=1>>
<<button[[走开|Park]]>><</button>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.flashWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/flashWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(100)>><<if $imagechoice>50>>
<<st>>While Mia was showing off her intimate parts, a man snuck up on her and grabbed her.<</st>>
<<mia>>Where are you taking me? Let go of me!<</mia>>
<<un>>Shut up - bitch, and enjoy yourself!<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.flashWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/flashWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Коррупция + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(100)>><<if $imagechoice>50>>
<<st>>Пока Миа демонстрировала свои интимные места, к ней подкрался мужчина и схватил её.<</st>>
<<mia>>Куда ты меня тащишь?! Отпустите меня!<</mia>>
<<un>>Заткнись, сука, и наслаждайся!<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Коррупция + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Фитнесс + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.flashWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/flashWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Korruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(100)>><<if $imagechoice>50>>
<<st>>Während Mia ihre Intimbereiche zur Schau stellte, schlich sich ein Mann an sie heran und packte sie.<</st>>
<<mia>>Wo bringst du mich hin? Lass mich los!<</mia>>
<<un>>Halt den Mund, Schlampe, und amüsiere dich!<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Korruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.flashWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/flashWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(100)>><<if $imagechoice>50>>
<<st>>Alors que Mia montrait ses parties intimes, un homme s'est approché d'elle et l'a attrapée.<</st>>
<<mia>>Où m'emmenez-vous ? Lâchez-moi !<</mia>>
<<un>>Tais-toi, salope, et amuse-toi !<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.flashWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/flashWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Corruprion +">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(100)>><<if $imagechoice>50>>
<<st>>Mientras Mia mostraba sus partes íntimas, un hombre se acercó sigilosamente y la agarró.<</st>>
<<mia>>¿Adónde me llevas? ¡Suéltame!<</mia>>
<<un>>¡Cállate, zorra, y diviértete!<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Corruprion + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.flashWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/flashWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "腐败 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<set $imagechoice to random(100)>><<if $imagechoice>50>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "腐败 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "健身 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><</if>>
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Mia works out her muscles in the gym, feeling both more athletic, and more beautiful.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia flaunts her toned form in front of the mirror. Many men in the gym look at her, she is sure that they want her, it makes her happy, because that's the reason she works out.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gymTraining)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gymTraining/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.muscles>><<flash `"Fitness +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<button [[Leave|Fitness_Centre]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>У тебя не осталось сил ни на что, тебе поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Спать|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Мия тренирует своё тело в спортзале, чувствуя себя не только более спортивной, но и более красивой.<</st>>
<<st>>Она демонстрирует свои подтянутые формы перед зеркалом. Многие мужчины в спортзале смотрят на неё, и она уверена, что они хотят её, это делает её счастливой, ведь именно ради этого она и тренируется.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gymTraining)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gymTraining/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.muscles>><<flash `"Фитнесс +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<button[[Еще раз|Treadmill]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Уйти|Fitness_Centre]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Dir geht die Energie aus, eine gute und solide Schlaf wird dir helfen.<</st>>
<<button [[Schlafen|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Mia trainiert ihre Muskeln im Fitnessstudio und fühlt sich sowohl sportlicher als auch schöner.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia präsentiert ihren trainierten Körper vor dem Spiegel. Viele Männer im Fitnessstudio schauen sie an, und sie ist sicher, dass sie sie wollen. Das macht sie glücklich, denn das ist der Grund, warum sie trainiert.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gymTraining)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gymTraining/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.muscles>><<flash `"Fitness +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<button [[Verlassen|Fitness_Centre]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Tu n'as plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, une bonne nuit de sommeil t'aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Mia fait travailler ses muscles à la salle de sport, se sentant à la fois plus athlétique et plus belle.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia affiche ses formes toniques devant le miroir. Beaucoup d'hommes dans la salle de sport la regardent, elle est sûre qu'ils la désirent, cela la rend heureuse, car c'est la raison pour laquelle elle s'entraîne.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gymTraining)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gymTraining/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.muscles>><<flash `"Fitness +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<button [[Partir|Fitness_Centre]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>No te queda energía para hacer nada, un buen sueño reparador te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Mia ejercita sus músculos en el gimnasio, sintiéndose a la vez más atlética y más guapa.и<</st>>
<<st>>Mia presume de su tonificada figura frente al espejo. Muchos hombres en el gimnasio la miran, ella está segura de que la desean, eso la hace feliz, porque esa es la razón por la que hace ejercicio.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gymTraining)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gymTraining/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.muscles>><<flash `"Fitness +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<button [[Vete|Fitness_Centre]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<button [[睡眠|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gymTraining)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gymTraining/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.muscles>><<flash `"健身 +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐败 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<button [[走开|Fitness_Centre]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia looks at the guys in the audience, and picks the best-looking one.<</st>>
<<client>>Of course, beautiful, let me help you.<</client>>
<<mia>>Thanks, I've always thought that two is better than one.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gymTraining)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gymTraining/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<st>>He helps her do the exercises, and it's much more effective than doing it alone.<</st>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.muscles>><<flash `"Fitness +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<if $mia.cor <100>><<link "Seduce the Stranger (100 corruption needed)">><</link>><<else>><<linkreplace "Seduce the Stranger">><<mia>>You know, I should thank you somehow for your help to me.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia grabs his cock with her hand and starts stroking it.<</st>>
<<mia>>I have a couple of options.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gym)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gym/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><</linkreplace>><</if>><</if>>
<<button [[Leave|Fitness_Centre]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>У тебя не осталось сил ни на что, тебе поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Спать|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Мия смотрит на парней в зале и выбирает самого симпатичного.<</st>>
<<client>>Конечно, красавица, позвольте мне помочь вам.<</client>>
<<mia>>Спасибо, я всегда считала, что двоё лучше, чем один.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gymTraining)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gymTraining/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<st>>Он помогает ей выполнять упражнения, и это гораздо эффективнее, чем делать их в одиночку.<</st>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.muscles>><<flash `"Фитнесс" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<if $mia.cor <100>><<link "Соблазнить незнакомца (требуется 100 коррупции)">><</link>><<else>><<linkreplace "Соблазнить незнакомца">>
<<mia>>Знаешь, я должна как-то отблагодарить тебя за помощь, которую ты мне оказал.<</mia>>
<<st>>Мия прикасается к его члену рукой и начинает его гладить.<</st>>
<<mia>>У меня есть несколько вариантов.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gym)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gym/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<flash "Корупция + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><</linkreplace>><</if>><</if>>
<<button[[Еще раз|Get_help_from_the_men]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Уйти|Fitness_Centre]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Dir geht die Energie aus, eine gute und solide Schlaf wird dir helfen.<</st>>
<<button [[Schlafen|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia sieht sich die Jungs im Publikum an und wählt den bestaussehenden aus.<</st>>
<<client>>Natürlich, Schönheit, lass mich dir helfen.<</client>>
<<mia>>Danke, ich habe immer gedacht, dass zwei besser sind als einer.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gymTraining)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gymTraining/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<st>>Er hilft ihr bei den Übungen, und es ist viel effektiver als alleine zu trainieren.<</st>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.muscles>><<flash `"Fitness +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<if $mia.cor <100>><<link "Verführe den Fremden (100 Korruption erforderlich)">><</link>><<else>><<linkreplace "Verführe den Fremden">><<mia>>Du weißt, ich sollte mich irgendwie für deine Hilfe bedanken.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia ergreift seinen Schwanz mit ihrer Hand und beginnt ihn zu streicheln.<</st>>
<<mia>>Ich habe ein paar Optionen.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gym)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gym/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<flash "Korruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><</linkreplace>><</if>><</if>>
<<button [[Verlassen|Fitness_Centre]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Tu n'as plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, une bonne nuit de sommeil t'aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormirю|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia regarde les garçons dans le public et choisit le plus beau.<</st>>
<<client>>Bien sûr, ma belle, laisse-moi t'aider.<</client>>
<<mia>>Merci, j'ai toujours pensé que deux valaient mieux qu'une.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gymTraining)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gymTraining/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<st>>Il l'aide à faire les exercices, ce qui est beaucoup plus efficace que de les faire seul.<</st>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.muscles>><<flash `"Fitness +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<if $mia.cor <100>><<link "Séduire l'étranger (100 de corruption nécessaire)">><</link>><<else>><<linkreplace "Séduire l'inconnu">><<mia>>Tu sais, je devrais te remercier d'une manière ou d'une autre pour l'aide que tu m'as apportée.<</mia>>
<<client>>Comment ?<</client>>
<<st>>Mia saisit sa bite avec sa main et commence à la caresser.<</st>>
<<mia>>J'ai plusieurs options.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gym)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gym/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><</linkreplace>><</if>><</if>>
<<button [[Partir|Fitness_Centre]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>No te queda energía para hacer nada, un buen sueño reparador te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Mia mira a los chicos del público y elige al más guapo.<</st>>
<<client>>Por supuesto, preciosa, déjame ayudarte.<</client>>
<<mia>>Gracias, siempre he pensado que dos es mejor que uno.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gymTraining)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gymTraining/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<st>>Él le ayuda a hacer los ejercicios, y es mucho más eficaz que hacerlo solo.<</st>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.muscles>><<flash `"Fitness +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<if $mia.cor <100>><<link "Seduce al desconocido (se necesitan 100 de corrupción)">><</link>><<else>><<linkreplace "Seducir al desconocido">><<mia>>Sabes, debería agradecerte de alguna manera tu ayuda hacia mí.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia le agarra la polla con la mano y empieza a acariciársela.<</st>>
<<mia>>Tengo un par de opciones.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gym)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gym/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><</linkreplace>><</if>><</if>>
<<button [[Vete|Fitness_Centre]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<button [[走开|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gymTraining)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gymTraining/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<st>>他帮她做练习,这比她一个人做要有效得多。<</st>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<set $gained_stats = 1 + $perks.muscles>><<flash `"健身 +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<if $mia.cor <100>><<link "诱惑陌生人(需要 100 个腐败值)">><</link>><<else>><<linkreplace "诱惑陌生人">><<mia>>你知道,我应该感谢你对我的帮助。<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gym)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gym/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<flash "腐败 +">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><</linkreplace>><</if>><</if>>
<<button [[走开|Fitness_Centre]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>When Mia decided to improve the effectiveness of her workouts, she decided to work with a professional trainer. His expert guidance made training more interesting.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gymTraining)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gymTraining/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<set $gained_stats = 3 + $perks.muscles>><<flash `"Fitness +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money - 25">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.money -=25>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<if $mia.cor <100>>
<<link "Seduce the coach (100 corruption needed)">><</link>><<else>>
<<linkreplace "Seduce the coach">><<st>>Mia wiggled every part of her body, pressing tightly against him, getting into seductive poses.<</st>>
<<coach>>Mia, what are you doing?<</coach>>
<<mia>>Don't you understand what I want?<</mia>>
<<coach>>It's a good thing there's no one in the gym right now.<</coach>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gym)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gym/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<button [[Leave|Fitness_Centre]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>У тебя не осталось сил ни на что, тебе поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Спать|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Когда Миа решила повысить эффективность своих тренировок, она обратилась к профессиональному тренеру. Благодаря его грамотному руководству тренировки стали более интересными.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gymTraining)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gymTraining/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<set $gained_stats = 3 + $perks.muscles>><<flash `"Фитнесс +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Деньги - 25">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.money -=25>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<if $mia.cor <100>>
<<link "Соблазнить тренера (требуется 100 коррупций)">><</link>><<else>>
<<linkreplace "Соблазнить тренера">><<st>>Мия извивалась всеми частями тела, плотно прижимаясь к нему, принимая соблазнительные позы.<</st>>
<<coach>>Миа, что ты делаешь?<</coach>>
<<mia>>Разве ты не понимаешь, чего я хочу?<</mia>>
<<coach>>Хорошо, что в зале сейчас никого нет.<</coach>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gym)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gym/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<flash "Коррупция + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<button[[Еще раз|With_a_trainer]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Уйти|Fitness_Centre]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Dir geht die Energie aus, eine gute und solide Schlaf wird dir helfen.<</st>>
<<button [[Schlafen|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Als Mia beschloss, die Effektivität ihres Trainings zu verbessern, entschied sie sich, mit einem professionellen Trainer zu arbeiten. Seine fachkundige Anleitung machte das Training interessanter.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gymTraining)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gymTraining/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<set $gained_stats = 3 + $perks.muscles>><<flash `"Fitness +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Geld - 25">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.money -=25>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<if $mia.cor <100>>
<<link "Verführe den Trainer (100 Korruption erforderlich)">><</link>><<else>>
<<linkreplace "Verführe den Trainer ">><<st>>Mia wackelte mit jedem Teil ihres Körpers, drückte sich fest gegen ihn und nahm verführerische Posen ein.<</st>>
<<coach>>Mia, was machst du da?<</coach>>
<<mia>>Verstehst du nicht, was ich will?<</mia>>
<<coach>>Es ist gut, dass im Fitnessstudio gerade niemand ist.<</coach>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gym)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gym/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<flash "Korruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<button [[Verlassen|Fitness_Centre]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Tu n'as plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, une bonne nuit de sommeil t'aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Lorsque Mia a décidé d'améliorer l'efficacité de ses séances d'entraînement, elle a décidé de travailler avec un entraîneur professionnel. Ses conseils avisés ont rendu l'entraînement plus intéressant.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gymTraining)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gymTraining/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<set $gained_stats = 3 + $perks.muscles>><<flash `"Fitness +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Argent - 25">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.money -=25>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<if $mia.cor <100>>
<<link "Séduire l'entraîneur (100 corruption nécessaire)">><</link>><<else>>
<<linkreplace "Séduire l'entraîneur">><<st>>Mia remue toutes les parties de son corps, se presse contre lui, prend des poses séduisantes.<</st>>
<<coach>>Mia, que fais-tu ?<</coach>>
<<mia>>Tu ne comprends pas ce que je veux ?<</mia>>
<<coach>>C'est une bonne chose qu'il n'y ait personne dans le gymnase en ce moment.<</coach>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gym)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gym/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<button [[Partir|Fitness_Centre]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>No te queda energía para hacer nada, un buen sueño reparador te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Cuando Mia decidió mejorar la eficacia de sus entrenamientos, decidió trabajar con un entrenador profesional. Su experta orientación hizo que el entrenamiento resultara más interesante.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gymTraining)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gymTraining/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<set $gained_stats = 3 + $perks.muscles>><<flash `"Fitness +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Dinero - 25">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.money -=25>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<if $mia.cor <100>>
<<link "Seduce al entrenador (se necesitan 100 de corrupción)">><</link>><<else>>
<<linkreplace "Seducir al entrenador">><<st>>Mia contoneó cada parte de su cuerpo, apretándose contra él, adoptando posturas seductoras.<</st>>
<<coach>>Mia, ¿qué estás haciendo?<</coach>>
<<mia>>¿No entiendes lo que quiero?<</mia>>
<<coach>>Menos mal que ahora mismo no hay nadie en el gimnasio.<</coach>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gym)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gym/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<button [[Vete|Fitness_Centre]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<button [[走开|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gymTraining)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gymTraining/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<set $gained_stats = 3 + $perks.muscles>><<flash `"健身 +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "钱 - 25">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">><</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.money -=25>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<if $mia.cor <100>>
<<link "引诱教练(需要 100 个腐败者)">><</link>><<else>>
<<linkreplace "诱惑教练">><<st>>米娅扭动着身体的每一个部位,紧紧地贴着他,摆出诱人的姿势。<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gym)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gym/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[$imagechoicevariable]]@@
<<flash "腐败 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<button [[走开|Fitness_Centre]]>><</button>><</if>>
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>In the studio's private area, you provide private dances for clients seeking intimacy and comfort. Confident men often prefer this private setting away from the crowd, and you enjoy it too because the payment is good.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.pjDanceCafe)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/pjDanceCafe/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<set $random to random(10)>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Mia stumbled slightly as she approached the customer for the private dance, feeling the effects of a few drinks from the end of her shift.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Um, what kind of dance are you looking for, sir?''<</mia>>
<<st>>The stranger wasted no time with pleasantries.<</st>>
<<str>>Let's cut to the chase. I'll give you a hundred bucks and we can hook up.<</str>>
<<st>>Mia recoiled, trying to maintain her composure.<</st>>
<<mia>>Come on, I have some decency…<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Decline the offer'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.anal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Mia vaguely remembers what happened, she got fucked like a cheap slut and the guy left without paying. This asshole also stole all her tips…<</st>>
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money - 200 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.money -=200>>
<<link 'Decline the offer'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.anal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Mia vaguely remembers what happened, she got fucked like a cheap slut and the guy left without paying. This asshole also stole all her tips…<</st>>
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money - 200 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.money -=200>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia was called in for a private dance, and her colleague mentioned it was just two students, so there was no need to go all out. Despite the suggestion, she entered the room and started dancing. She could see their eyes lit up with admiration and lust, yet, they kept talking and you heard their conversation.<</st>>
<<client>>You can't even imagine how much money you can earn in a couple of hours in crypto.<</client>>
<<client>>Yeah, my parents were shocked too.<</client>>
<<mia>>Hmmm...What are they talking about? Boys, maybe you want something more… erotic? <</mia>>
<<client>>Oh yeah, that's what we're here for, baby!<</client>>
<<st>>She starts to slowly move her hips on one of the guys, feeling his cock start to harden. He offers Mia a threesome.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Accept'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>You're about to become real men.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gangBang)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gangBang/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>In the middle of the threesome, a security guard enters the room to check if everything is okay.<</st>>
<<gua>>No fucking way, is it you again? I told you not to come in here anymore, you beggar bastards. Mia, get off them, those two don't have any money.<</gua>>
<<mia>>What? YOU LITTLE ASSHOLES!<</mia>>
<<st>>The guard threw them outside.<</st>>
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<link 'Ask to pay first'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>The students start acting strange and sly. Mia realizes that their talk about money was a lie.<</st>>
<<mia>>You don't have any money, do you?<</mia>>
<<st>>Students don't answer.<</st>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>As Mia walked into the room for the private dance, she looked at a well-dressed middle-aged guy who seemed very wealthy. At that time, she saw an opportunity to catch a big fish and decided to do everything she could to make sure she got the biggest tip ever.<</st>>
<<mia>>Hi, honey, how do you want me to dance for you? Should I be more passionate or more seductive?<</mia>>
<<client>>I'll leave it up to you. I just want to add some excitement to my mundane routine.<</client>>
<<st>>Mia turned on the music and started dancing her best routine, gradually removing her clothes.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.pjDanceCafe)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/pjDanceCafe/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>The stranger's eyes light up, he clearly likes you<</st>>
<<mia>>At the end of the dance, almost without clothes, Mia puts her lips to the man's ear and whispers tenderly. Maybe you want something more?<</mia>>
<<client>>No, it's not worth it.<</client>>
<<st>>Confused, Mia thinks about what to do, he was polite, and her dance was hot, what would be the best way to continue?<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Insist'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Come on, I'm sure we'll have so much fun together.<</mia>>
<<client>>What are you doing, you dirty whore, I said fuck off.<</client>>
<<flash "Boss mood - 10 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $boss.mood -=10>><<if $boss.mood <0>><<set $boss.mood =0>><</if>>
<<link 'Keep dancing'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.pjDanceCafe)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/pjDanceCafe/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<client>>Thank you for helping me take my mind off things, I don’t know how much I'm supposed to give you, but I think this is enough to thank you.<</client>>
<<mia>>I can even dance for free for such a handsome man. //*winks*// <</mia>>
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money + 300">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.money +=300>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia was ordered for a private dance, it all started as usual, a drunk elderly man, halfway through the dance, begins to pester her, demanding to continue.<</st>>
<<mia>>What do you think you're doing?!<</mia>>
<<client>>I will pay you a lot for it, baby…<</client>>
<<gua>>What's going on here, are you okay Mia?<</gua>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Tell guards what happened'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<gua>>You horny old bastard, better get out of here now!<</gua>>
<<mia>>Thank you, guys. I owe you one.<</mia>>
<<link 'Say that everything is fine'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<client>>Get started on your real job, you dirty slut.<</client>>
<<mia>>Yes, sir.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bj)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=500>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mia walked onto the dance floor as the night progressed at the club, her movements teasingly hinting at what was to come. People were looking at her every move, and she had their full attention with every sway of her hips and twist of her body. Suddenly, amidst the pulsating rhythm of the music, the manager made an announcement that sent a buzz of excitement through the crowd.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Attention, ladies and gentlemen! We're hosting a competition tonight for the sexiest dance, with a cash prize of $500 up for grabs!''<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia was very excited as she watched three other girls take on the challenge. Each dancer brought something different to the floor, and their energy and beauty lit up the room.<</st>>
<<st>>But when it was Mia's turn, she knew she had to pull out all the stops. With a playful twinkle in her eye, she put on a hypnotic show that left everyone in the room speechless. No one had any doubts about her power because of the way she moved, which was a seductive mix of grace and raw sex.<</st>>
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=500>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<st>>As the music faded into applause, the manager took to the stage once more, a smile spreading across his face. ''Ladies and gentlemen, after much deliberation, we have our winner! Give it up for Mia!''<</st>>
<<st>>The crowd erupted into cheers as Mia's name was announced, and she couldn't help but beam with pride. With the $500 prize in hand, she knew that tonight, she was the hottest, the most wanted girl in this dancing hall.<</st>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>As soon as Mia walked into the room, the bass from the music filled the air, setting the tone for a night that would be hard to forget. She looked around the dimly lit room until she saw a guy sitting by himself.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia walked up to him with a sly smile on her face. She put her hand on his right away, and the way it felt against his skin was electric. As the music played around them, Mia got lost in the beat, feeling his hands all over her body.<</st>>
<<client>>What's your name, baby?<</client>>
<<mia>>Mia *winks*<</mia>>
<<client>>Maybe you can offer me something more than just a dance, Mia?<</client>>
<<mia>>What exactly do you want, honey?<</mia>>
<<client>>Let's get right to it, I'll give you 100 and we fuck right here, right now.<</client>>
<<mia>>150, And this will be the night you will remember forever.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Money + 150">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=150>>
<<case 6>>
<<st>>As Mia entered the private room, her eyes fell upon a wealthy middle-aged man lounging in a plush armchair, his gaze lingering on her with a mixture of curiosity and desire. She sensed immediately that this was no ordinary client – he was a big fish, and Mia knew she had to pull out all the stops to ensure she walked away with his money.<</st>>
<<mia>>With a confident smile, Mia approached him, her movements fluid and seductive as she assessed his preferences. ''Which dance do you prefer, darling?'' she purred, her voice dripping with allure. ''Something beautiful and innocent, or perhaps a dance filled with passion and fire?''<</mia>>
<<client>>The man's answer was casual, but there was a hint of arousal in it. ''Whatever you want,'' he replied, his eyes locked on Mia's with a hunger that sent shivers down her spine. ''I just want to break up the monotony of my everyday life.''<</client>>
<<st>>Mia turns on the music and begins to dance her best routine, slowly taking off her clothes.<</st>>
<<client>>*The stranger's eyes light up, he clearly likes her*<</client>>
<<mia>>*At the end of the dance, almost without clothes, Mia puts her lips to the man's ear and whispers promisingly* Maybe you want something more?<</mia>>
<<client>>Show me all you've got, you little slut.<</client>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.anal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money + 150">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=150>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<</switch>><<if $random >6>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>У вас не осталось сил ни на что, вам поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Спать|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>В приватной зоне студии вы проводите приватные танцы для клиентов, ищущих близости и комфорта. Уверенные в себе мужчины часто предпочитают уединенную обстановку вдали от толпы, и вам это тоже нравится, потому что за это хорошо платят.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.pjDanceCafe)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/pjDanceCafe/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<set $random to random(10)>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Мия слегка спотыкалась, когда подходила к заказчику приватного танца, чувствуя последствия нескольких выпитых в конце смены напитков.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Какой танец вы ищете, сэр?''<</mia>>
<<st>>Незнакомец не тратил времени на любезности.<</st>>
<<str>>Давайте сразу к делу. Я дам вам сто баксов, и мы сможем переспать.<</str>>
<<st>>Миа отшатнулась, пытаясь сохранить самообладание.<</st>>
<<mia>>Нет, у меня осталась капля приличия…<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Отказаться от предложения'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.anal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Мия смутно помнит, что произошло: её трахнули как дешевую шлюху, а парень ушел, не заплатив. А еще этот мудак украл все её чаевые...<</st>>
<<flash "Коррупция + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Деньги - 200 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.money -=200>>
<<link 'Отказаться от предложения'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.anal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Мия смутно помнит, что произошло: её трахнули как дешевую шлюху, а парень ушел, не заплатив. А еще этот мудак украл все её чаевые...<</st>>
<<flash "Коррупция + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Деньги - 200 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.money -=200>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Мию позвали на приватный танец, и её коллега упомянул, что это всего лишь два студента, поэтому нет необходимости выкладываться по полной. Несмотря на предупреждения, она вошла в комнату и начала танцевать. Мия видела, как их глаза загорелись от восхищения и вожделения, но они продолжали разговаривать, и вы слышали их разговор.<</st>>
<<client>>Ты даже представить себе не можете, сколько денег можно заработать за пару часов в крипте.<</client>>
<<client>>Да, мои родители тоже были в шоке.<</client>>
<<mia>>Хммм... О чем они говорят? Мальчики, может, вы хотите чего-то более... эротичного? <</mia>>
<<client>>Одаа, именно для этого мы здесь, детка!<</client>>
<<st>>Она начинает медленно двигать бедрами на одном из парней, чувствуя, как его член начинает твердеть. Он предлагает Мие секс втроем.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Согласиться'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Вы скоро станете настоящими мужчинами.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gangBang)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gangBang/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>В разгар секса втроем в комнату входит охранник, чтобы проверить, все ли в порядке.<</st>>
<<gua>>Ни хрена себе, это опять вы? Я же сказал вам больше не приходить сюда, нищие ублюдки. Миа, отстань от них, у этих двоих нет денег.<</gua>>
<<mia>>Что?! Ах вы маленькие засранцы!<</mia>>
<<st>>Охранник вышвырнул их на улицу.<</st>>
<<flash "Коррупция + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<link 'Попросите сначала заплатить.'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Студенты начинают вести себя странно и хитро. Мия понимает, что их разговор о деньгах был ложью.<</st>>
<<mia>>У вас ведь нет денег?<</mia>>
<<st>>Студенты не отвечают.<</st>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Когда Мия вошла в зал для приватного танца, она посмотрела на хорошо одетого парня средних лет, который казался очень богатым. В тот момент она увидела возможность поймать большую рыбу и решила сделать все возможное, чтобы получить самые большие чаевые в своей жизни.<</st>>
<<mia>>Привет, милый, как ты хочешь, чтобы я станцевала для тебя? Мне быть более страстной или более соблазнительной?<</mia>>
<<client>>Я оставляю это на ваше усмотрение. Я просто хочу добавить немного разнообразия в свою обыденную рутину.<</client>>
<<st>>Мия включила музыку и начала танцевать свой лучший танец, постепенно снимая с себя одежду.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.pjDanceCafe)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/pjDanceCafe/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<client>>Глаза незнакомца загораются, ты ему явно нравишься.<</client>>
<<mia>>В конце танца, почти без одежды, Мия прижимается губами к уху мужчины и нежно шепчет. Может быть, вы хотите чего-то большего?<</mia>>
<<client>>Нет, не стоит.<</client>>
<<st>>Мия в замешательстве думает, что делать: он был вежлив, а её танец был горячим, как лучше поступить?<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Настаивать'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Давай, я уверена, что нам будет очень весело вместе.<</mia>>
<<client>>Что ты делаешь, грязная шлюха, я сказал, отвали.<</client>>
<<flash "Настроение босса - 10 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $boss.mood -=10>><<if $boss.mood <0>><<set $boss.mood =0>><</if>>
<<link 'Продолжать танцевать'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.pjDanceCafe)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/pjDanceCafe/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<client>>Спасибо, что помогла мне отвлечься, я не знаю, сколько я должен тебе дать, но думаю, этого достаточно, чтобы отблагодарить тебя.<</client>>
<<mia>>Я даже могу станцевать бесплатно для такого красивого мужчины. //*подмигивает*// <</mia>>
<<flash "Коррупция + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Деньги + 300">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.money +=300>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Мию заказали на приватный танец, все началось как обычно, подвыпивший пожилой мужчина, на середине танца, начинает приставать к ней, требуя продолжения.<</st>>
<<mia>>Что вы себе позволяете?!<</mia>>
<<client>>Я много заплачу тебе за это, детка...<</client>>
<<gua>>Что здесь происходит, Миа ты в порядке?<</gua>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Рассказать охраннику что произошло'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<gua>>Ты, старый рогатый ублюдок, лучше убирайся отсюда сейчас же!<</gua>>
<<mia>>Спасибо. Я у тебя в долгу.<</mia>>
<<link 'Сказать, что все в порядке.'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<client>>Приступай к своей настоящей работе, грязная шлюха.<</client>>
<<mia>>Да, сэр.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bj)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Коррупция + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Деньги + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=500>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Миа вышла на танцпол, когда ночь в клубе продолжалась, и ее движения дразняще намекали на то, что должно произойти. Люди следили за каждым ее движением, и она приковывала к себе все их внимание каждым покачиванием бедер и поворотом тела. Внезапно, среди пульсирующего ритма музыки, менеджер сделал объявление, от которого толпа вздрогнула.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Внимание, дамы и господа! Сегодня мы проводим конкурс на самый сексуальный танец с денежным призом в 500 долларов!''<</mia>>
<<st>>Мия была очень взволнована, наблюдая за тем, как три другие девушки принимают вызов. Каждая танцовщица привнесла что-то свое на паркет, и их энергия и красота озарили зал.<</st>>
<<st>>Но когда настала очередь Мии, она поняла, что должна выложиться по полной. С игривым блеском в глазах она устроила гипнотическое шоу, которое оставило всех в зале без слов. Никто не сомневался в ее силе, ведь в ее движениях соблазнительно сочетались грация и сексуальность.<</st>>
<<st>>Как только музыка стихла, аплодисменты стихли, на сцену снова вышел менеджер, и улыбка расплылась по его лицу. ''Дамы и господа, после долгих раздумий у нас есть наша победительница! Поприветствуйте Мию!''<</st>>
<<st>>Толпа разразилась радостными криками, когда объявили имя Мии, и она не могла удержаться от гордости. С призом в 500 долларов в руках она знала, что сегодня она самая сексуальная, самая желанная девушка в этом танцевальном зале.<</st>>
<<flash "Коррупция + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Деньги + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=500>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Как только Мия вошла в комнату, в воздухе зазвучали басы, задавая тон ночи, которую трудно будет забыть. Она оглядела тускло освещенную комнату, пока не увидела парня, сидящего в одиночестве.<</st>>
<<st>>Мия подошла к нему с лукавой улыбкой на лице. Она положила свою руку на его руку, и между ними будто пробежал заряд. Когда вокруг них заиграла музыка, Мия погрузилась в ритм, чувствуя его руки по всему телу.<</st>>
<<client>>Как тебя зовут, детка?<</client>>
<<mia>>Миа *подмигивает*<</mia>>
<<client>>Может быть, ты можешь предложить мне нечто большее, чем просто танец, Миа?<</client>>
<<mia>>Что именно ты хочешь, милый?<</mia>>
<<client>>Давай сразу к делу, я дам тебе 100, и мы трахнемся прямо здесь, прямо сейчас.<</client>>
<<mia>>150, И это будет ночь, которую ты запомнишь навсегда.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Деньги + 150">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=150>>
<<case 6>>
<<st>>Когда Миа вошла в приватную комнату, ее взгляд упал на богатого мужчину средних лет, расположившегося в мягком кресле, и его взгляд задержался на ней со смесью любопытства и желания. Она сразу почувствовала, что это не обычный клиент - он был крупной рыбой, и Мия знала, что ей придется выложиться по полной, чтобы увезти с собой его деньги.<</st>>
<<mia>>Уверенно улыбаясь, Мия подошла к нему, ее движения были плавными и соблазнительными, пока она оценивала его предпочтения. ''Какой танец ты предпочитаешь, дорогой?'' - промурлыкала она, ее голос звучал соблазнительно. ''Что-то красивое и невинное или, может быть, танец, наполненный страстью и огнем?''<</mia>>
<<client>>Ответ мужчины был непринужденным, но в нем слышался намек на возбуждение. ''Все, что пожелаешь'', - ответил он, его глаза смотрели на Мию с голодом, от которого по позвоночнику пробегали мурашки. ''Я просто хочу разбавить монотонность своей повседневной жизни''.<</client>>
<<st>>Мия включает музыку и начинает танцевать свой лучший танец, медленно снимая с себя одежду.<</st>>
<<client>>*Глаза незнакомца загораются, она ему явно нравится*.<</client>>
<<mia>>*В конце танца, почти без одежды, Мия прижимается губами к уху мужчины и многообещающе шепчет* Может быть, вы хотите чего-то большего?<</mia>>
<<client>>Покажи мне все, что у тебя есть, маленькая шлюшка.<</client>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.anal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Коррупция + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Деньги + 150">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=150>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<</switch>><<if $random >6>><<flash "Коррупция + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Sie haben keine Energie mehr, um irgendetwas zu tun, ein guter, fester Schlaf wird Ihnen helfen.<</st>>
<<button [[Schlaf|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Im Privatbereich des Studios bieten Sie private Tänze für Kunden an, die Intimität und Komfort suchen. Selbstbewusste Männer bevorzugen oft diesen privaten Rahmen abseits der Menge, und auch du genießt es, denn die Bezahlung ist gut.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.pjDanceCafe)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/pjDanceCafe/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<set $random to random(10)>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Mia taumelte leicht, als sie sich dem Kunden für den privaten Tanz näherte, die Auswirkungen einiger Drinks vom Ende ihrer Schicht spürend.<</st>>
<<mia>> ''Ähm, was für einen Tanz hätten Sie gerne, Sir?''<</mia>>
<<st>>Der Fremde verschwendete keine Zeit mit Höflichkeiten.<</st>>
<<str>>Kommen wir zur Sache. Ich gebe dir hundert Dollar und wir können rummachen.<</str>>
<<st>>Mia zuckte zurück und versuchte, ihre Fassung zu wahren.<</st>>
<<mia>>Komm schon, ich habe noch etwas Anstand...<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Angebot ablehnen'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.anal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Mia erinnerte sich vage daran, was passiert war: Sie wurde wie eine billige Schlampe gefickt, und der Typ verschwand, ohne zu bezahlen. Dieser Arsch hat auch all ihre Trinkgelder gestohlen...<</st>>
<<flash "Korruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Geld - 200 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.money -=200>>
<<link 'Angebot ablehnen'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.anal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Mia erinnerte sich vage daran, was passiert war: Sie wurde wie eine billige Schlampe gefickt, und der Typ verschwand, ohne zu bezahlen. Dieser Arsch hat auch all ihre Trinkgelder gestohlen...<</st>>
<<flash "Korruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Geld - 200 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.money -=200>>
<<button[[Verlassen Sie|PJ]]>><</button>><</append>><</link>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia wurde zu einem privaten Tanz gerufen, und ihre Kollegin meinte, es seien nur zwei Studenten, also müsse sie sich nicht besonders ins Zeug legen. Trotzdem betrat sie den Raum und begann zu tanzen. Sie sah, wie ihre Augen voller Bewunderung und Begierde aufleuchteten, doch sie redeten weiter, und du konntest ihr Gespräch mithören.<</st>>
<<client>>Du kannst dir gar nicht vorstellen, wie viel Geld man in ein paar Stunden mit Krypto verdienen kann.<</client>>
<<client>>Ja, meine Eltern waren auch total überrascht.<</client>>
<<mia>>Hmmm... worüber reden die denn? Jungs, vielleicht wollt ihr etwas mehr...Erotisches?<</mia>>
<<client>>Oh ja, dafür sind wir hier, Baby!<</client>>
<<st>>Sie beginnt langsam ihre Hüften auf einem der Kerle zu bewegen und spürt, wie sein Schwanz härter wird. Er bietet Mia einen Dreier an.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Akzeptiere'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Ihr seid ja bald richtige Männer.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gangBang)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gangBang/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>In der Mitte des Dreiers betritt ein Sicherheitsbeamter den Raum, um nachzusehen, ob alles in Ordnung ist.<</st>>
<<gua>>Scheiße, bist du schon wieder hier? Ich hab euch doch gesagt, dass ihr hier nicht mehr rein dürft, ihr Penner. Mia, hör auf mit denen rumzumachen, die beiden haben kein Geld.<</gua>>
<<mia>>Was? IHR KLEINEN ARSCHLÖCHER!<</mia>>
<<st>>Der Sicherheitsbeamte warf sie raus.<</st>>
<<flash "Korruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<link 'Du sollst erst bezahlen'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Die Studenten fangen an, sich komisch und hinterhältig zu benehmen. Mia realisiert, dass ihr Gerede über Geld eine Lüge war.<</st>>
<<mia>>Ihr habt doch kein Geld, oder?<</mia>>
<<st>>Die Studenten antworten nicht. <<st>>
<<button[[Verlassen Sie|PJ]]>><</button>><</append>><</link>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Als Mia in den Raum für den privaten Tanz ging, sah sie einen gut gekleideten Mittvierziger, der sehr wohlhabend aussah. In diesem Moment sah sie die Gelegenheit, einen großen Fisch an Land zu ziehen, und beschloss, alles zu tun, um sicherzustellen, dass sie das größte Trinkgeld aller Zeiten bekam.<</st>>
<<mia>>Hallo, Schatz, wie möchtest du, dass ich für dich tanze? Soll ich leidenschaftlicher oder verführerischer sein?<</mia>>
<<client>>Ich überlasse es dir. Ich möchte nur etwas Aufregung in meine langweilige Routine bringen.<</client>>
<<st>>Mia schaltete die Musik ein und begann mit ihrer besten Choreografie zu tanzen, allmählich ihre Kleidung ausziehend.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.pjDanceCafe)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/pjDanceCafe/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<client>>Die Augen des Fremden leuchten auf, er mag dich offensichtlich<</client>>
<<mia>>Am Ende des Tanzes, fast nackt, legt Mia ihre Lippen an das Ohr des Mannes und flüstert zärtlich. Vielleicht möchtest du etwas mehr?<</mia>>
<<client>>Nein, es lohnt sich nicht.<</client>>
<<st>>Verwirrt überlegt Mia, was sie tun soll. Er war höflich, und ihr Tanz war heiß. Was wäre der beste Weg, um fortzufahren?<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Bestehe auf'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Komm schon, ich bin sicher, wir werden zusammen so viel Spaß haben.<</mia>>
<<client>>Was machst du, du dreckige Hure, ich habe gesagt, verpiss dich.<</client>>
<<flash "Chef-Stimmung - 10 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $boss.mood -=10>><<if $boss.mood <0>><<set $boss.mood =0>><</if>>
<<button[[Geh weg|PJ]]>><</button>><</append>><</link>>
<<link 'Tanze weiter.'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.pjDanceCafe)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/pjDanceCafe/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<client>>Vielen Dank, dass du mir geholfen hast, mich abzulenken. Ich weiß nicht, wie viel ich dir geben soll, aber ich denke, das ist genug, um dir zu danken.<</client>>
<<mia>>Ich kann sogar kostenlos für so einen gutaussehenden Mann tanzen. //zwinkert//<</mia>>
<<flash "Korruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Geld + 300">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.money +=300>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia wurde für einen privaten Tanz bestellt, alles begann wie üblich, ein betrunkener älterer Mann, der halb durch den Tanz beginnt, sie zu belästigen und darauf besteht, weiterzumachen.<</st>>
<<mia>>Was glauben Sie eigentlich, was Sie da machen?! <</mia>>
<<client>>Dafür zahl ich dir 'ne Menge, Baby...<</client>>
<<gua>>Hey, was ist hier los? Geht's dir gut, Mia?<</gua>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Sag den Wachen, was passiert ist.'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<gua>>Sie geiler, alter Sack! Hau ab hier, und zwar sofort! <</gua>>
<<mia>>Danke, Jungs. Ihr seid mir echt eine Hilfe schuldig.<</mia>>
<<link 'Sag, dass alles in Ordnung ist'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<client>>Mach endlich deinen richtigen Job, du dreckige Schlampe.<</client>>
<<mia>>Jawohl, Sir.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bj)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Korruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Geld + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=500>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Die Nacht im Club nahm ihren Lauf und Mia betrat die Tanzfläche. Ihre Bewegungen deuteten verführerisch an, was kommen würde. Jeder Blick war auf sie gerichtet, jede Hüftbewegung, jede Drehung ihres Körpers zog die Aufmerksamkeit auf sich. Plötzlich, mitten im pulsierenden Rhythmus der Musik, machte der Manager eine Ansage, die durch die Menge ging wie ein elektrisierender Stromstoß.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Hallo zusammen! Heute Abend veranstalten wir einen Wettbewerb für den heißesten Tanz! Der Gewinner darf sich über satte 500 Dollar Preisgeld freuen!''<</mia>>
<<st>>Voller Spannung beobachtete Mia die drei Mädels, die sich nacheinander dem Wettbewerb stellten. Jede Tänzerin brachte ihren eigenen Stil mit auf die Fläche, ihre Energie und Ausstrahlung elektrisierten den ganzen Club.<</st>>
<<st>>Als die Reihe dann an Mia war, wusste sie, dass sie alles geben musste. Mit einem spielerischen Funkeln in den Augen legte sie eine hypnotisierende Performance hin, die den gesamten Club sprachlos zurückließ. Niemand zweifelte an ihrer Wirkung, denn ihre Bewegungen waren eine verführerische Mischung aus Anmut und roher Sex.<</st>>
<<st>>Als die Musik im tosenden Applaus verklang, betrat der Manager erneut die Bühne, ein breites Grinsen auf dem Gesicht. ''Meine Damen und Herren, nach reiflicher Überlegung haben wir unsere Gewinnerin! Der verdiente Applaus geht an Mia!''<</st>>
<<st>>Jubel brandete auf, nachdem Mias Name genannt wurde. Stolz strahlte sie in die Menge. Mit den 500 Dollar Preisgeld in der Hand war sie sich sicher: Heute Nacht war sie die heißeste, die begehrteste Frau in diesem Tanzpalast.<</st>>
<<flash "Korruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Geld + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=500>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Der fetteste Bass wummerte Mia direkt entgegen, als sie den Club betrat. Klar, dass da ne heiße Nacht werden würde. Sie checkte die leicht abgedunkelte Bude ab und entdeckte schließlich nen Typen, der ganz alleine an nem Tisch hing.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia schlenderte mit einem Grinsen im Gesicht zu ihm rüber. Ganz lässig legte sie ihm die Hand auf den Arm und zuckte bei dem Kontakt zusammen – als hätte sie Stromschlag bekommen. Die Musik dröhnte um sie herum, Mia wippte im Takt, während seine Hände an ihr entlang wanderten.<</st>>
<<client>>Hey, wie heißt du denn?<</client>>
<<mia>>Mia *zwinkert*<</mia>>
<<client>>Vielleicht kannst du mir mehr anbieten als nur einen Tanz, Mia?<</client>>
<<mia>>Schatz, was willst du denn eigentlich?<</mia>>
<<client>>Lass uns gleich loslegen, ich gebe dir 100 und wir ficken genau hier, genau jetzt.<</client>>
<<mia>>150, Und dies wird die Nacht sein, an die du dich für immer erinnern wirst.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Geld + 150">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=150>>
<<case 6>>
<<st>>Als Mia den Privatraum betrat, blieb ihr Blick an einem wohlhabenden Mann mittleren Alters hängen, der in einem tiefen Sessel lungerte. Sein Blick folgte ihr interessiert und begehrlich zugleich. Mia spürte sofort, dass das kein normaler Kunde war – das war ein großer Fisch, und Mia wusste, dass sie alle Register ziehen musste, um mit seinem Geld wieder rauszugehen.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mit einem lässigen Lächeln schwebte Mia auf ihn zu, ihre Bewegungen geschmeidig und verführerisch. Sie musterte ihn kurz, um seine Vorlieben einzuschätzen. ''Welche Art Tanz darf's denn sein, Süßer?'', gurrte sie mit rauchiger Stimme. ''Eher was Schönes, Unschuldiges oder darf's auch was Feuriges, Leidenschaftliches sein?''<</mia>>
<<client>>Der Mann grinste locker, aber in seinem Blick flackerte was Raubtierhaftes. ''Ganz wie du willst'', sagte er und musterte Mia unverwandt. ''Ich will einfach nur die Monotonie meines Alltags durchbrechen.''<</client>>
<<st>>Mia schaltet die Musik ein und beginnt, ihre beste Nummer zu tanzen, wobei sie sich langsam auszieht.<</st>>
<<client>>*Die Augen des Fremden leuchten, er mag sie sichtlich*<</client>>
<<mia>>*Am Ende des Tanzes, fast unbekleidet, legt Mia ihre Lippen an das Ohr des Mannes und flüstert vielversprechend* Vielleicht willst du noch etwas mehr?<</mia>>
<<client>>Zeig mir alles, was du hast, du kleine Schlampe.<</client>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.anal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Korruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Geld + 150">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=150>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<</switch>><<if $random >6>><<flash "Korruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Vous n'avez plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, un bon sommeil vous aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Le sommeil|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>Dans l'espace privé du studio, vous proposez des danses privées à des clients en quête d'intimité et de confort. Les hommes confiants préfèrent souvent ce cadre privé, loin de la foule, et vous en profitez également car la rémunération est bonne.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.pjDanceCafe)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/pjDanceCafe/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<set $random to random(10)>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Mia a légèrement trébuché alors qu'elle s'approchait du client pour la danse privée, sentant les effets de quelques verres pris à la fin de son service.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Hum, quel genre de danse recherchez-vous, monsieur ?''<</mia>>
<<st>>L'inconnu ne perd pas de temps en plaisanteries.<</st>>
<<client>>Allons droit au but. Je te donne cent dollars et on peut baiser.<</client>>
<<st>>Mia recula, essayant de garder son calme.<</st>>
<<mia>>Allez, Ce n'est pas mon genre...<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Décliner l`offre'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.anal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Mia se souvient vaguement de ce qui s'est passé : elle s'est fait baiser comme une vulgaire salope et le type est parti sans payer. Ce connard lui a aussi volé tous ses pourboires...<</st>>
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Argent - 200 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.money -=200>>
<<link 'Refuser l`offre'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.anal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Mia se souvient vaguement de ce qui s'est passé : elle s'est fait baiser comme une vulgaire salope et le type est parti sans payer. Ce connard lui a aussi volé tous ses pourboires...<</st>>
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Argent - 200 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.money -=200>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia a été appelée pour une danse privée, et son collègue a précisé qu'il ne s'agissait que de deux élèves, et qu'il n'était donc pas nécessaire d'y aller à fond. Malgré la suggestion, elle est entrée dans la pièce et a commencé à danser. Elle pouvait voir leurs yeux s'illuminer d'admiration et de désir, mais ils continuaient à parler et on entendait leur conversation.<</st>>
<<client>>Tu ne peux même pas imaginer combien d'argent tu peux gagner en quelques heures avec les crypto-monnaies.<</client>>
<<client>>Oui, mes parents ont été choqués aussi.<</client>>
<<mia>>Hmmm... De quoi parlent-ils ? Les garçons, vous voulez peut-être quelque chose de plus... érotique ? <</mia>>
<<client>>Oh oui, c'est pour ça qu'on est là, bébé !<</client>>
<<st>>Elle commence à se déhancher lentement sur l'un des garçons, sentant sa bite commencer à durcir. Il propose à Mia un plan à trois.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Accepter'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Vous êtes sur le point de devenir de vrais hommes.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gangBang)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gangBang/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Au milieu du trio, un agent de sécurité entre dans la pièce pour vérifier si tout va bien.<</st>>
<<gua>>C'est pas vrai, c'est encore vous ? Je vous ai dit de ne plus venir ici, bande de mendiants. Mia, lâche-les, ces deux-là n'ont pas d'argent.<</gua>>
<<mia>>Quoi ? PETITS CONS !<</mia>>
<<st>>Le garde les jette dehors.<</st>>
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<link 'Demander à payer d`abord'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Les étudiants commencent à se comporter de manière étrange et sournoise. Mia se rend compte que leur discussion sur l'argent n'était qu'un mensonge.<</st>>
<<mia>>Vous n'avez pas d'argent, n'est-ce pas ?<</mia>>
<<st>>Les étudiants ne répondent pas. <</st>>
<<mia>>Sécurité !<</mia>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Lorsque Mia est entrée dans la salle pour la danse privée, elle a regardé un homme d'âge moyen bien habillé qui semblait très riche. À ce moment-là, elle a vu l'occasion d'attraper un gros poisson et a décidé de faire tout ce qu'elle pouvait pour s'assurer qu'elle recevrait le plus gros pourboire jamais reçu.<</st>>
<<mia>>Bonjour, chéri, comment veux-tu que je danse pour toi ? Dois-je être plus passionnée ou plus séduisante ?<</mia>>
<<client>>Je te laisse décider. Je veux juste ajouter un peu d'excitation à ma routine banale.<</client>>
<<st>>Mia met de la musique et commence à danser son meilleur numéro, en enlevant progressivement ses vêtements.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.pjDanceCafe)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/pjDanceCafe/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<client>>//Les yeux de l'inconnu s'illuminent, tu lui plais manifestement//<</client>>
<<mia>>//A la fin de la danse, presque sans vêtements, Mia approche ses lèvres de l'oreille de l'homme et lui murmure tendrement// Peut-être que tu veux quelque chose de plus ?<</mia>>
<<client>>Non, ça n'en vaut pas la peine.<</client>>
<<st>>Troublée, Mia réfléchit à ce qu'elle doit faire, il a été poli, et sa danse a été chaude, quelle serait la meilleure façon de continuer ?<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Insister'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Viens, je suis sûre qu'on va bien s'amuser ensemble.<</mia>>
<<client>>Qu'est-ce que tu fais, sale pute, je t'ai dit d'aller te faire foutre.<</client>>
<<flash "Humeur du patron - 10 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $boss.mood -=10>><<if $boss.mood <0>><<set $boss.mood =0>><</if>>
<<link 'Continuer à danser'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.pjDanceCafe)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/pjDanceCafe/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<client>>Merci de m'avoir aidé à me changer les idées, je ne sais pas combien je suis censé vous donner, mais je pense que c'est suffisant pour vous remercier.<</client>>
<<mia>>Je peux même danser gratuitement pour un si bel homme. //clins d'œil// <</mia>>
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Argent + 300">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.money +=300>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia a été invitée à une danse privée. Tout a commencé comme d'habitude, un vieil homme ivre, à la moitié de la danse, commence à l'importuner, exigeant de continuer.<</st>>
<<mia>>Qu'est-ce que tu crois faire ?!<</mia>>
<<client>>Je te paierai cher pour ça, bébé...<</client>>
<<gua>>Qu'est-ce qui se passe ici, ça va Mia ?<</gua>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Dis aux gardes ce qui s`est passé'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<gua>>Vieux salaud excité, tu ferais mieux de sortir d'ici maintenant !<</gua>>
<<mia>>Merci, les gars. Je vous en dois une.<</mia>>
<<link 'Dites que tout va bien.'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<client>>Commence à faire ton vrai travail, sale pute.<</client>>
<<mia>>Oui, monsieur.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bj)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Argent + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=500>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mia est entrée sur la piste de danse au fur et à mesure que la nuit avançait dans le club, ses mouvements laissant entrevoir ce qui allait se passer. Les gens regardaient chacun de ses mouvements, et elle avait toute leur attention à chaque balancement de ses hanches et à chaque torsion de son corps. Soudain, au milieu du rythme trépidant de la musique, le gérant fit une annonce qui provoqua une explosion d'excitation dans la foule.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Attention, mesdames et messieurs ! Nous organisons ce soir un concours de la danse la plus sexy, avec un prix de 500 dollars à la clé !''<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia était très excitée en regardant trois autres filles relever le défi. Chaque danseuse a apporté quelque chose de différent sur la piste, et leur énergie et leur beauté ont illuminé la salle.<</st>>
<<st>>Mais lorsque le tour de Mia est arrivé, elle a su qu'elle devait se surpasser. Avec une lueur d'espoir dans les yeux, elle a présenté un spectacle hypnotique qui a laissé tout le monde dans la salle sans voix. Personne n'a douté de son pouvoir grâce à sa façon de bouger, qui était un mélange séduisant de grâce et de sexe brut.<</st>>
<<st>>Alors que la musique se termine par des applaudissements, le directeur remonte sur scène, un sourire aux lèvres. ''Mesdames et messieurs, après de longues délibérations, nous avons notre gagnant ! Applaudissez Mia !''<</st>>
<<st>>L'annonce du nom de Mia a déclenché les applaudissements de la foule, qui n'a pu s'empêcher de rayonner de fierté. Avec le prix de 500 dollars en main, elle savait que ce soir, elle était la fille la plus sexy et la plus recherchée de cette salle de danse.<</st>>
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Argent + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=500>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Dès que Mia est entrée dans la pièce, les basses de la musique ont rempli l'air, donnant le ton d'une nuit qu'il serait difficile d'oublier. Elle regarda la pièce faiblement éclairée jusqu'à ce qu'elle aperçoive un homme assis seul.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia s'approcha de lui avec un sourire narquois. Elle posa immédiatement sa main sur la sienne, et la sensation qu'elle éprouva contre sa peau fut électrique. Alors que la musique jouait autour d'eux, Mia s'est perdue dans le rythme, sentant ses mains sur tout son corps.<</st>>
<<client>>Quel est ton nom, bébé ?<</client>>
<<mia>>Mia *clins d'œil*<</mia>>
<<client>>Peut-être que tu peux m'offrir quelque chose de plus qu'une simple danse, Mia ?<</client>>
<<mia>>Qu'est-ce que tu veux exactement, chérie ?<</mia>>
<<client>>Allons droit au but, je te donne 100 et on baise ici et maintenant.<</client>>
<<mia>>150, et ce sera la nuit dont tu te souviendras pour toujours.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Argent + 150">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=150>>
<<case 6>>
<<st>>Lorsque Mia pénètre dans le salon privé, ses yeux tombent sur un riche homme d'âge moyen qui se prélasse dans un fauteuil cossu, son regard s'attardant sur elle avec un mélange de curiosité et de désir. Elle sent immédiatement qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un client ordinaire - c'est un gros poisson, et Mia sait qu'elle doit tout mettre en œuvre pour s'assurer qu'elle repartira avec son argent.<</st>>
<<mia>>Avec un sourire confiant, Mia s'approcha de lui, ses mouvements étant fluides et séduisants tandis qu'elle évaluait ses préférences. ''Quelle danse préférez-vous, chéri ?'' ronronne-t-elle, sa voix dégoulinant d'allure. ''Quelque chose de beau et d'innocent, ou peut-être une danse pleine de passion et de feu ?''<</mia>>
<<client>>La réponse de l'homme était décontractée, mais on y sentait une pointe d'excitation. ''Tout ce que tu veux'', répondit-il, ses yeux fixés sur ceux de Mia avec une faim qui lui donna des frissons dans le dos. ''Je veux juste rompre la monotonie de ma vie quotidienne.<</client>>
<<st>>Mia met de la musique et commence à danser sa meilleure chorégraphie, en enlevant lentement ses vêtements.<</st>>
<<client>>*Les yeux de l'inconnu s'illuminent, il est clair qu'il l'aime bien*.<</client>>
<<mia>>*A la fin de la danse, presque sans vêtements, Mia approche ses lèvres de l'oreille de l'homme et murmure de manière prometteuse* Peut-être que tu veux quelque chose de plus?<</mia>>
<<client>>Montre-moi tout ce que tu as, petite salope.<</client>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.anal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Argent + 150">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=150>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<</switch>><<if $random >6>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>No te queda energía para hacer nada, un buen sueño reparador te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Duerme|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<st>>En la zona privada del estudio, ofreces bailes privados a los clientes que buscan intimidad y comodidad. Los hombres seguros de sí mismos suelen preferir este ambiente privado lejos de la multitud, y tú también lo disfrutas porque la paga es buena.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.pjDanceCafe)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/pjDanceCafe/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<set $random to random(10)>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Mia tropezó ligeramente al acercarse al cliente del baile privado, sintiendo los efectos de unas cuantas copas del final de su turno.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Um, ¿qué tipo de baile está buscando, señor?''<</mia>>
<<st>>El desconocido no perdió el tiempo con cumplidos.<</st>>
<<client>>Vayamos al grano. Te daré cien pavos y podemos enrollarnos.<</client>>
<<st>>Mia retrocedió, intentando mantener la compostura.<</st>>
<<mia>>Vamos, tengo algo de decencia...<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Declina la oferta.'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.anal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Mia recuerda vagamente lo que pasó, se la follaron como a una puta barata y el tío se fue sin pagar. Además, ese gilipollas le robó todas las propinas...<</st>>
<<flash "Corrupción + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Dinero - 200 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.money -=200>>
<<link 'Rechaza la oferta'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.anal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Mia recuerda vagamente lo que pasó, se la follaron como a una puta barata y el tío se fue sin pagar. Además, ese gilipollas le robó todas las propinas...<</st>>
<<flash "Corrupción + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Dinero - 200 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.money -=200>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia fue convocada para un baile privado, y su colega le dijo que sólo eran dos estudiantes, así que no había necesidad de ir a por todas. A pesar de la sugerencia, entró en la sala y empezó a bailar. Ella podía ver sus ojos encendidos de admiración y lujuria, sin embargo, seguían hablando y se oía su conversación.<</st>>
<<client>>Ni te imaginas cuánto dinero puedes ganar en un par de horas en cripto.<</client>>
<<client>>Sí, mis padres también se quedaron alucinados.<</client>>
<<mia>>Hmmm... ¿De qué están hablando? Chicos, ¿quizás queréis algo más... erótico?<</mia>>
<<client>>Oh sí, ¡para eso estamos aquí, nena!<</client>>
<<st>>Ella empieza a mover lentamente sus caderas sobre uno de los chicos, sintiendo como su polla empieza a endurecerse. Le ofrece a Mia hacer un trío.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Acepta'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Estáis a punto de convertiros en hombres de verdad.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gangBang)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gangBang/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>En mitad del trío, un guardia de seguridad entra en la habitación para comprobar que todo va bien.<</st>>
<<gua>>No jodas, ¿eres tú otra vez? Os he dicho que no entréis más aquí, bastardos mendigos. Mia, suéltalos, esos dos no tienen dinero.<</gua>>
<<mia>>¿Qué? ¡Pequeños gilipollas!<</mia>>
<<st>>El guardia los echó fuera.<</st>>
<<flash "Corrupción + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<link 'Pide que paguen primero'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Los estudiantes empiezan a actuar de forma extraña y socarrona. Mia se da cuenta de que su charla sobre el dinero era mentira.<</st>>
<<mia>>No tenéis dinero, ¿verdad?<</mia>>
<<st>>Los estudiantes no contestan. <</st>>
<<button[[Salga de|PJ]]>><</button>><</append>><</link>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Cuando Mia entró en la sala para el baile privado, se fijó en un tipo de mediana edad bien vestido que parecía muy adinerado. En ese momento, vio la oportunidad de pescar un pez gordo y decidió hacer todo lo posible para asegurarse la mayor propina de su vida.<</st>>
<<mia>>Hola, cariño, ¿cómo quieres que baile para ti? ¿Debería ser más apasionada o más seductora?<</mia>>
<<client>>Lo dejo a tu elección. Sólo quiero añadir algo de emoción a mi mundana rutina.<</client>>
<<st>>Mia puso la música y empezó a bailar su mejor rutina, quitándose poco a poco la ropa.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.pjDanceCafe)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/pjDanceCafe/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<client>>//Los ojos del desconocido se iluminan, está claro que le gustas//<</client>>
<<mia>>//Al final del baile, casi sin ropa, Mia acerca sus labios al oído del hombre y le susurra tiernamente// ¿Quizás quieras algo más?<</mia>>
<<client>>No, no vale la pena.<</client>>
<<st>>Confundida, Mia piensa qué hacer, él fue educado, y su baile fue caliente, ¿cuál sería la mejor manera de continuar?<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Insiste'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Vamos, seguro que nos divertiremos mucho juntos.<</mia>>
<<client>>Qué haces, sucia puta, te he dicho que te vayas a la mierda.<</client>>
<<flash "El humor del jefe - 10 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $boss.mood -=10>><<if $boss.mood <0>><<set $boss.mood =0>><</if>>
<<link 'Sigue bailando'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.pjDanceCafe)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/pjDanceCafe/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<client>>Extraño Gracias por ayudarme a distraerme, no sé cuánto debo darte, pero creo que esto es suficiente para agradecértelo.<</client>>
<<mia>>Incluso puedo bailar gratis para un hombre tan guapo. //guiños// <</mia>>
<<flash "Corrupción + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Dinero + 300">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.money +=300>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia fue invitada a un baile privado, todo empezó como de costumbre, un anciano borracho, a mitad del baile, empieza a importunarla, exigiendo continuar.<</st>>
<<mia>>¡¿Qué crees que estás haciendo?!<</mia>>
<<client>>Te pagaré mucho por ello, nena...<</client>>
<<gua>>¿Qué está pasando aquí, estás bien Mia?<</gua>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Dile a los guardias lo que pasó'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<gua>>Viejo bastardo cachondo, ¡será mejor que salgas de aquí ahora mismo!<</gua>>
<<mia>>Gracias, chicos. Os debo una.<</mia>>
<<link 'Di que todo está bien'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<client>>Empieza con tu verdadero trabajo, sucia zorra.<</client>>
<<mia>>Sí, señor.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bj)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Corrupción + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Dinero + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=500>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mia entró en la pista de baile a medida que avanzaba la noche en el club, sus movimientos insinuaban lo que estaba por venir. La gente miraba cada uno de sus movimientos, y ella tenía toda su atención con cada contoneo de sus caderas y cada giro de su cuerpo. De repente, en medio del ritmo palpitante de la música, el gerente hizo un anuncio que provocó un zumbido de excitación entre la multitud.<</st>>
<<mia>>''¡Atención, damas y caballeros! Esta noche organizamos un concurso para el baile más sexy, ¡con un premio en metálico de 500 dólares en juego!''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia estaba muy emocionada mientras veía a otras tres chicas aceptar el reto. Cada bailarina aportó algo diferente a la pista, y su energía y belleza iluminaron la sala.<</st>>
<<st>>Pero cuando llegó el turno de Mia, supo que tenía que hacer todo lo posible. Con un brillo juguetón en los ojos, ofreció un espectáculo hipnótico que dejó boquiabiertos a todos los presentes. Nadie dudaba de su poder por la forma en que se movía, una seductora mezcla de gracia y sexo en estado puro.<</st>>
<<st>>Cuando la música se desvaneció en aplausos, el director subió al escenario una vez más, con una sonrisa dibujada en el rostro. ''Damas y caballeros, después de muchas deliberaciones, ¡tenemos a nuestra ganadora! Un aplauso para Mia''.<</st>>
<<st>>El público prorrumpió en vítores cuando se anunció el nombre de Mia, que no pudo evitar una sonrisa de orgullo. Con el premio de 500 dólares en la mano, sabía que esta noche, ella era la más caliente, la chica más buscada en este salón de baile.<</st>>
<<flash "Corrupción + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Dinero + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=500>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>En cuanto Mia entró en la habitación, los graves de la música llenaron el ambiente, marcando el tono de una noche difícil de olvidar. Miró alrededor de la habitación poco iluminada hasta que vio a un chico sentado solo.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia se acercó a él con una sonrisa socarrona. Enseguida le puso la mano encima, y la sensación que sintió contra su piel fue eléctrica. Mientras la música sonaba a su alrededor, Mia se perdió en el ritmo, sintiendo las manos de él por todo su cuerpo.<</st>>
<<client>>¿Cómo te llamas, nena?<</client>>
<<mia>>Mia *guiños*<</mia>>
<<client>>¿Quizá puedas ofrecerme algo más que un baile, Mia?<</client>>
<<mia>>¿Qué quieres exactamente, cariño?<</mia>>
<<client>>Vamos al grano, Te doy 100 y follamos aquí y ahora.<</client>>
<<mia>>150, Y esta será la noche que recordarás para siempre.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Dinero + 150">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=150>>
<<case 6>>
<<st>>Cuando Mia entró en la sala privada, sus ojos se posaron en un adinerado hombre de mediana edad que descansaba en un lujoso sillón y la miraba con una mezcla de curiosidad y deseo. Inmediatamente se dio cuenta de que no se trataba de un cliente cualquiera: era un pez gordo y Mia sabía que tenía que emplearse a fondo para asegurarse de que se llevaba su dinero.<</st>>
<<mia>>Con una sonrisa de confianza, Mia se acercó a él, con movimientos fluidos y seductores, mientras evaluaba sus preferencias. ''¿Qué baile prefieres, cariño?'', ronroneó con voz seductora. ''¿Algo bello e inocente, o tal vez un baile lleno de pasión y fuego?''.<</mia>>
<<client>>La respuesta del hombre fue despreocupada, pero había un atisbo de excitación en ella. ''Lo que tú quieras'', respondió, sus ojos clavados en los de Mia con un hambre que le produjo escalofríos. ''Sólo quiero romper la monotonía de mi vida cotidiana''.<</client>>
<<st>>Mia pone la música y empieza a bailar su mejor rutina, quitándose lentamente la ropa.<</st>>
<<client>>*Los ojos del desconocido se iluminan, está claro que ella le gusta*.<</client>>
<<mia>>*Al final del baile, casi sin ropa, Mia acerca sus labios al oído del hombre y le susurra prometedoramente* ¿Quizás quieras algo más?<</mia>>
<<client>>Enséñame todo lo que tienes, putita.<</client>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.anal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Corrupción + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Dinero + 150">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=150>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<</switch>><<if $random >6>><<flash "Corrupción + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<button [[睡眠|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.pjDanceCafe)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/pjDanceCafe/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<set $random to random(10)>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<str>>陌生人 我们开门见山吧。我给你一百块钱,然后我们就可以上床了。<</str>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link '拒绝邀请'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.anal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "腐败 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "钱 - 200 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.money -=200>>
<<link '拒绝'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.anal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "腐败 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "钱 - 200 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.money -=200>>
<<case 1>>
<<client>>学生们 哦,是的,这就是我们来这里的目的,宝贝!<</client>>
<<st>>她开始慢慢地扭动臀部,感觉其中一个男生的阴茎开始变硬。他向米娅提出 3P。<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link '接受'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>你们即将成为真正的男人。<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gangBang)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gangBang/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "腐败 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<link '先付钱'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>学生们开始表现得奇怪而狡猾。米娅意识到他们说的钱是假的。<</st>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>当米娅走进私人舞会的房间时,她看到一个衣着光鲜的中年男子,看起来非常富有。这时,她 看到了钓大鱼的机会,决定想尽一切办法,确保得到最大的小费。<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.pjDanceCafe)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/pjDanceCafe/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<span id='options1'>
<<link '坚持'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>来吧,我相信我们在一起会很开心的。<</mia>>
<<flash "老板的心情 - 10 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $boss.mood -=10>><<if $boss.mood <0>><<set $boss.mood =0>><</if>>
<<link '继续跳舞'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.pjDanceCafe)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/pjDanceCafe/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<mia>>这么帅的男人,我还可以免费跳舞呢。//眨眨眼 //<</mia>>
<<flash "腐败 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "钱 + 300">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<set $mia.money +=300>>
<<case 3>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link '告诉警卫发生了什么'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<gua>>警卫 你这个好色的老混蛋,最好马上离开这里!<</gua>>
<<link '说没事'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<client>>陌生人 开始你真正的工作吧,你这个肮脏的荡妇。<</client>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bj)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "腐败 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "钱 + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=500>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<case 4>>
<<mia>>''女士们先生们请注意 今晚我们将举办最性感舞蹈大赛 奖金500美元等你拿!''<</mia>>
<<st>>当宣布米娅的名字时,人群中爆发出一阵欢呼声,她不禁自豪地笑了。手握 500 美元奖金的她知道,今晚,她是这个舞厅里最炙手可热、最受瞩目的女孩。<</st>>
<<flash "腐败 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "钱 + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=500>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<<case 5>>
<<client>>陌生人 你叫什么名字,宝贝?<</client>>
<<mia>>米娅 *眨眼*。<</mia>>
<<client>>陌生人 也许你能为我提供的不仅仅是一支舞,米娅?<</client>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "钱 + 150">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=150>>
<<case 6>>
<<st>>当米娅走进包间时,她的目光落在了一位躺在豪华扶手椅上的富有的中年男人身上,他的目光在她身上徘徊,带着好奇和渴望。 她立即意识到这不是一个普通的客户——他是一条大鱼,米娅知道她必须使出浑身解数才能确保拿走他的钱。<</st>>
<<mia>>米娅带着自信的微笑走近他,她的动作流畅而诱人,评估着他的喜好。 ''亲爱的,你更喜欢哪一种舞蹈?'' 她咕哝着,声音里充满了诱惑。 ''美丽而纯真的东西,或者充满激情和火焰的舞蹈?''<</mia>>
<<client>>男人的回答很随意,但其中却带着一丝兴奋。 ''无论你想要什么,''他回答道,他的目光锁定在米娅的身上,饥渴的目光让她脊背发凉。 ''我只是想打破日常生活的单调。''<</client>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.anal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "腐败 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "钱 + 150">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=150>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<</switch>><<if $random >6>><<flash "腐败 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>The boss is not in the mood, cheer him up and you can work.<</st>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Босс не в настроении, развеселите его, и вы сможете работать.<</st>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Der Chef ist nicht in Stimmung, heitere ihn auf und du kannst arbeiten.<</st>>
<<button[[Verlassen Sie|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Le patron n'est pas d'humeur, réconfortez-le et vous pourrez travailler.<</st>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>El jefe no está de humor, anímale y podrás trabajar.<</st>>
<<case "CH">>
<</switch>><<if $showPanels==true>><<else>><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
</script><</if>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Unexpected find</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_univer_1==true>>After celebrating her 18th birthday, she shares the party details with her parents, conveniently leaving out her having sex with a stranger. But things get interesting when she discovers something under her bed.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to Mia's room<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+100 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_univer_1 == true>>✅Pass quest #3<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #3<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Неожиданная находка</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_univer_1==true>>Отпраздновав своё 18-летие, она делится с родителями подробностями вечеринки, упуская из виду, что у неё был секс с незнакомцем. Но все становится интересным, когда она обнаруживает что-то под своей кроватью.
Перейти к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь в комнату Мии<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+100 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_univer_1 == true>>✅Pass quest #3<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #3<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Unerwarteter Fund</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_univer_1==true>>Nachdem sie ihren 18. Geburtstag gefeiert hat, teilt sie die Partydetails mit ihren Eltern, lässt jedoch bequemerweise aus, dass sie Sex mit einem Fremden hatte. Aber die Dinge werden interessant, als sie etwas unter ihrem Bett entdeckt.
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe zu Mias Zimmer<<else>>Die vorherige Quest muss abgeschlossen sein, um diese freizuschalten.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+100 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_univer_1 == true>>✅Pass quest #3<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #3<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Découverte inattendue</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_univer_1==true>>Après avoir fêté son 18e anniversaire, elle partage les détails de la fête avec ses parents, en omettant de préciser qu'elle a eu des relations sexuelles avec un inconnu. Mais les choses deviennent intéressantes lorsqu'elle découvre quelque chose sous son lit.
Aller à : Remplissez les conditions et rendez-vous dans la chambre de Mia.<<else>>Terminez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+100 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_univer_1 == true>>✅Pass quest #3<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #3<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Un hallazgo inesperado.</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_univer_1==true>>Después de celebrar su 18 cumpleaños, comparte los detalles de la fiesta con sus padres, omitiendo convenientemente que tuvo sexo con un desconocido. Pero las cosas se ponen interesantes cuando descubre algo debajo de su cama.
Ve a: Cumple las condiciones y ve a la habitación de Mia<<else>>Completa la misión anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+100 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_univer_1 == true>>✅Pass quest #3<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #3<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">意外发现</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_univer_1==true>>在庆祝完自己的 18 岁生日后,她与父母分享了派对的细节,却顺便漏掉了自己与陌生人发生性关系的细节。但当她发现自己床底下有东西时,事情就变得有趣起来。
前往 满足条件并前往米娅的房间<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+100 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_univer_1 == true>>✅Pass quest #3<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #3<</if>></div></div></div>
<</switch>><<return "Go Back">><<return "Go Back">><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Meeting with Jack</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_stranger==true>>Mia's in a pickle! She's got a boyfriend, but cheated on him with a stranger. Now, she's torn between spilling the beans or keeping it hush-hush. What will Mia do? Will she keep the secret to herself, or will she tell Jack the truth?
Go to: Fulfill the conditions and go to the park.<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+15 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+100 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/jk.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_stranger == true>>✅Pass quest #1<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #1<</if>>
</div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_jack == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#2]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Встреча с Джеком</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_stranger==true>>У Мии проблема! У нее есть парень, но она изменила ему с незнакомцем. Теперь она разрывается между тем, чтобы во всем признаться или же сохранить все в тайне. Как поступит Мия? Сохранит ли она все в секрете при себе или расскажет Джеку правду?
Перейти к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь в парк.<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+15 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+100 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/jk.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_stranger == true>>✅Pass quest #1<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #1<</if>>
</div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_jack == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#2]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Treffen mit Jack</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_stranger==true>>Mia steckt in der Klemme! Sie hat einen Freund, aber sie hat ihn mit einem Fremden betrogen. Jetzt ist sie hin- und hergerissen, ob sie es ihm beichten oder es für sich behalten soll. Was wird Mia tun? Wird sie das Geheimnis für sich behalten oder wird sie Jack die Wahrheit sagen?
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe zum Park.<<else>>Die vorherige Quest muss abgeschlossen sein, um diese freizuschalten.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+15 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+100 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/jk.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_stranger == true>>✅Pass quest #1<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #1<</if>>
</div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_jack == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#2]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Rencontre avec Jack</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_stranger==true>>Mia est dans une situation délicate ! Elle a un petit ami, mais l'a trompé avec un inconnu. Maintenant, elle hésite entre tout avouer ou garder le silence. Que va faire Mia ? Gardera-t-elle le secret pour elle, ou dira-t-elle la vérité à Jack ?
Aller à : Remplir les conditions et se rendre au parc. <<else>>Terminez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+15 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+100 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/jk.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_stranger == true>>✅Pass quest #1<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #1<</if>>
</div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_jack == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#2]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Encuentro con Jack</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_stranger==true>>¡Mia está en un aprieto! Tiene novio, pero lo engañó con un extraño. Ahora, está indecisa entre contarle todo o mantenerlo en secreto. ¿Qué hará Mia? ¿Se guardará el secreto para sí misma o le dirá la verdad a Jack?
Ve a: Cumple las condiciones y ve al parque.<<else>>Completa la misión anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+15 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+100 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/jk.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_stranger == true>>✅Pass quest #1<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #1<</if>>
</div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_jack == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#2]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">与杰克会面 </div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_stranger==true>>米娅陷入了困境!她有个男朋友,却和一个陌生人偷情。现在,她很纠结,是把事情说出来,还是保密。米娅会怎么做呢?她会保守秘密,还是告诉杰克真相?
前往: 满足条件后前往公园。<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+15 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+100 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/jk.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_stranger == true>>✅Pass quest #1<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #1<</if>>
</div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_jack == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#2]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Coming to Roy's house</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_wallet==true>>Mia's got a tricky situation on her hands! She's gearing up to return Roy's wallet before he pops over to grab it himself. It's not a conversation she's looking forward to, but she knows she can't dodge it forever.
Go to: Fulfill the conditions and go to Residential area<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+25 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+100 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/str.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_wallet == true>>✅Pass quest #4<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #4<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Дома у Роя</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_wallet==true>>Мия попала в щекотливую ситуацию! Она готовится вернуть Рою бумажник раньше, чем он заявится сам.
Не то чтобы она ждала с нетерпением этой встречи, но оттягивать ее дальше нельзя.
Перейти к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь в Жилой район.<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+25 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+100 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/str.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_wallet == true>>✅Pass quest #4<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #4<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Zu Roys Haus kommen</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_wallet==true>>Mia steckt in einer heiklen Situation! Sie rüstet sich, um Roys Geldtasche zurückzugeben, bevor er selbst vorbeikommt, um sie abzuholen. Es ist kein Gespräch, auf das sie sich freut, aber sie weiß, dass sie ihm nicht für immer ausweichen kann.
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe zum Wohngebiet<<else>>Die vorherige Quest muss abgeschlossen sein, um diese freizuschalten.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+25 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+100 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/str.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_wallet == true>>✅Pass quest #4<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #4<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Aller chez Roy</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_wallet==true>>Mia est dans une situation délicate ! Elle s'apprête à rendre le portefeuille de Roy avant qu'il ne s'en empare lui-même. Ce n'est pas une conversation qu'elle attend avec impatience, mais elle sait qu'elle ne pourra pas l'éviter éternellement.
Aller à : Remplir les conditions et se rendre dans la zone résidentielle<<else>>Terminez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+25 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+100 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/str.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_wallet == true>>✅Pass quest #4<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #4<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Ir a casa de Roy</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_wallet==true>>Mia tiene una situación complicada entre manos. Se está preparando para devolverle la cartera a Roy antes de que él se acerque a cogerla. No es una conversación que le haga mucha ilusión, pero sabe que no puede esquivarla para siempre.
Ve a: Cumplir las condiciones e ir a Zona residencial<<else>>Completa la misión anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+25 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+100 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/str.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_wallet == true>>✅Pass quest #4<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #4<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">来到罗伊家</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_wallet==true>>米娅遇到了棘手的情况!她正准备在 Roy 亲自过来拿钱包之前把钱包还给他。她并不期待这样的对话,但她知道自己不可能永远逃避。
去吧: 满足条件并前往住宅区<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+25 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+100 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/str.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_wallet == true>>✅Pass quest #4<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #4<</if>></div></div></div>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Talk about work</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_return_wallet==true>>It's the talk everyone hates, yet has no hope to avoid. Mia's gotta sit down with her parents and chat about finding a job. The mere thought of discussing job prospects with her parents sends a wave of anxiety and disgust through her.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to the kitchen<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+30 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 Relation with dad</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 Relation with mom</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_wallet == true>>✅Pass quest #5<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #5<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Разговор с родителями о поиске работы.</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_return_wallet==true>>Это разговор, который все ненавидят, но вряд ли смогут избежать. Миа должна сесть с родителями и поговорить о поиске работы. Одна только мысль о том, чтобы обсудить с родителями перспективы трудоустройства, вызывает у неё волну тревоги и отвращения.
Перейти к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь на кухню<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+30 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 Relation with dad</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 Relation with mom</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_wallet == true>>✅Pass quest #5<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #5<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Mit den Eltern über die Arbeitssuche sprechen</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_return_wallet==true>>Es ist das Gespräch, das jeder hasst, aber dem man nicht entkommen kann. Mia muss sich mit ihren Eltern zusammensetzen und über die Arbeitssuche plaudern. Allein der Gedanke, mit ihren Eltern über Jobaussichten zu sprechen, löst eine Welle von Angst und Ekel in ihr aus.
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe zur Küche<<else>>Die vorherige Quest muss abgeschlossen sein, um diese freizuschalten.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+30 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 Relation with dad</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 Relation with mom</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_wallet == true>>✅Pass quest #5<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #5<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Parler aux parents de la recherche d'un emploi</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_return_wallet==true>>C'est la discussion que tout le monde déteste, mais qu'il n'y a aucun espoir d'éviter. Mia doit s'asseoir avec ses parents et discuter de la recherche d'un emploi. La simple idée de discuter des perspectives d'emploi avec ses parents lui fait ressentir une vague d'anxiété et de dégoût.
Aller à : Remplir les conditions et aller à la cuisine<<else>>Terminez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+30 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 Relation with dad</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 Relation with mom</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_wallet == true>>✅Pass quest #5<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #5<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Hablar con los padres sobre la búsqueda de empleo.</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_return_wallet==true>>Es la charla que todo el mundo odia, pero que no tiene esperanza de evitar. Mia tiene que sentarse con sus padres a charlar sobre la búsqueda de empleo. La mera idea de hablar de perspectivas laborales con sus padres le produce una oleada de ansiedad y disgusto.
Ve a: Cumple las condiciones y ve a la cocina<<else>>Completa la misión anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+30 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 Relation with dad</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 Relation with mom</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_wallet == true>>✅Pass quest #5<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #5<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">与父母谈论找工作的问题.</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_return_wallet==true>>这是每个人都讨厌却又无法避免的话题。米娅必须和父母坐下来谈谈找工作的事。只要一想到要和父母讨论工作前景,她就会感到焦虑和厌恶。
去吧 满足条件,下厨房<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+30 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 Relation with dad</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 Relation with mom</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_wallet == true>>✅Pass quest #5<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #5<</if>></div></div></div>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Finding a job</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_talk_family==true>>Mia's on the hunt for a job, and the local café is her first stop. She knows that they're hiring waitresses. Sure, she may lack job experience, but she's hopeful that won't be a deal-breaker.
Despite the odd vibes from the boss, she's determined to snag the waitress position. After all, money talks, right?
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to the Cafe location<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+35 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_talk_family == true>>✅Pass quest #6<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #6<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Поиск работы</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_talk_family==true>>Мия ищет работу, и отправляется в местное кафе. Она знает, что там набирают официанток. Конечно, у нее нет опыта работы, но она надеется, что все же ей удастся туда устроиться.
Несмотря на странное поведение босса, она твердо намерена получить место официантки. В конце концов, голод не тетка, да?
Перейти к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь в Кафе<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+35 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_talk_family == true>>✅Pass quest #6<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #6<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Einen Job finden</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_talk_family==true>>Mia ist auf der Suche nach einem Job, und das örtliche Café ist ihre erste Anlaufstelle. Sie weiß, dass sie Kellnerinnen einstellen. Sicher, ihr fehlt vielleicht Berufserfahrung, aber sie hofft, dass das kein Ausschlusskriterium sein wird.
Trotz der seltsamen Vibes vom Chef ist sie fest entschlossen, die Stelle als Kellnerin zu ergattern. Schließlich redet Geld, oder?
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe zum Café.<<else>>Die vorherige Quest muss abgeschlossen sein, um diese freizuschalten.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+35 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_talk_family == true>>✅Pass quest #6<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #6<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Trouver un emploi</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_talk_family==true>>Mia est à la recherche d'un emploi, et le café du coin est sa première étape. Elle sait qu'ils embauchent des serveuses. Bien sûr, elle manque d'expérience professionnelle, mais elle espère que cela ne sera pas un obstacle.
Malgré les vibrations étranges du patron, elle est déterminée à décrocher le poste de serveuse. Après tout, l'argent parle, n'est-ce pas ?
Aller à : Remplir les conditions et se rendre au Café<<else>>Terminez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+35 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_talk_family == true>>✅Pass quest #6<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #6<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Encontrar trabajo</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_talk_family==true>>Mia está buscando trabajo y la cafetería local es su primera parada. Sabe que están contratando camareras. Puede que le falte experiencia, pero espera que eso no sea un impedimento.
A pesar de las extrañas vibraciones del jefe, está decidida a conseguir el puesto de camarera. Al fin y al cabo, el dinero manda, ¿no?
Ve: Cumplir las condiciones e ir al Café<<else>>Completa la misión anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+35 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_talk_family == true>>✅Pass quest #6<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #6<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">找工作</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_talk_family==true>>米娅正在找工作,当地的咖啡馆是她的第一站。她知道咖啡馆正在招聘女服务员。当然,她可能缺乏工作经验,但她希望这不会成为她的障碍。
去吧 满足条件并前往咖啡馆地点<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+35 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_talk_family == true>>✅Pass quest #6<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #6<</if>></div></div></div>
<</switch>><<return "Go Back">><<return "Go Back">>
<<st>>Standing 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/forest/forest_5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Doggy style 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/forest/forest_2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Blow job 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/forest/forest_1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
< <<st>>Blow job 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/forest/forest_3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/forest/forest_4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
</script><<return "Go Back">><<return "Go Back">><<return "Go Back">><<return "Go Back">><<return "Go Back">><<return "Go Back">><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Kidnapping</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_jack_cry==true>>Roy said this wouldn't be the last time you two meet. Seems like this motherfucker's got a habit of keeping his promises. So, how's Mia gonna wriggle out of this one?
Go to: Fulfill the conditions and go to the Map<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+40 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/str.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_jack_cry == true>>✅Pass quest #8<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #8<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe>9>>✅Cafe exp - 10<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 10<</if>>
<<if $is_need_to_ukrast>5>>✅Waitress work 6 times<<else>>🛑Waitress work 6 times<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.ukrali == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#7]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Похищение</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_jack_cry==true>>Рой сказал, что это не последняя ваша встреча. Похоже, у этого уёбока есть привычка выполнять свои обещания. Как же Миа собирается выкручиваться из этой ситуации?
Перейти к: Выполните условия и перейдите на Карту<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+40 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/str.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_jack_cry == true>>✅Pass quest #8<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #8<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe>9>>✅Cafe exp - 10<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 10<</if>>
<<if $is_need_to_ukrast>5>>✅Waitress work 6 times<<else>>🛑Waitress work 6 times<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.ukrali == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#7]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Entführung</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_jack_cry==true>>Roy hat gesagt, das wird nicht das letzte Mal sein, dass ihr euch trefft. Scheint, als hätte dieser Bastard die Angewohnheit, seine Versprechen zu halten. Also, wie wird Mia sich diesmal aus der Sache herauswinden?
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe zur Karte.<<else>>Die vorherige Quest muss abgeschlossen sein, um diese freizuschalten.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+40 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/str.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_jack_cry == true>>✅Pass quest #8<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #8<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe>9>>✅Cafe exp - 10<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 10<</if>>
<<if $is_need_to_ukrast>5>>✅Waitress work 6 times<<else>>🛑Waitress work 6 times<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.ukrali == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#7]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Enlèvement</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_jack_cry==true>>Roy a dit que ce ne serait pas la dernière fois que vous vous rencontriez. On dirait que cet enfoiré a l'habitude de tenir ses promesses. Alors, comment Mia va-t-elle s'en sortir ?
Aller à : Remplir les conditions et aller à la carte<<else>>Terminez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+40 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/str.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_jack_cry == true>>✅Pass quest #8<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #8<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe>9>>✅Cafe exp - 10<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 10<</if>>
<<if $is_need_to_ukrast>5>>✅Waitress work 6 times<<else>>🛑Waitress work 6 times<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.ukrali == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#7]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Secuestro</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_jack_cry==true>>Roy dijo que esta no sería la última vez que se vieran. Parece que este hijo de puta tiene la costumbre de cumplir sus promesas. Entonces, ¿cómo va a escabullirse Mia de esta?
Ve a: Cumple las condiciones y ve al Mapa<<else>>Completa la misión anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+40 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/str.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_jack_cry == true>>✅Pass quest #8<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #8<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe>9>>✅Cafe exp - 10<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 10<</if>>
<<if $is_need_to_ukrast>5>>✅Waitress work 6 times<<else>>🛑Waitress work 6 times<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.ukrali == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#7]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">绑架</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_jack_cry==true>>罗伊说这不会是你们最后一次见面 看来这混蛋有信守承诺的习惯 那么,米娅打算怎么脱身呢?
去吧 满足条件后前往地图<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+40 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/str.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_jack_cry == true>>✅Pass quest #8<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #8<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe>9>>✅Cafe exp - 10<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 10<</if>>
<<if $is_need_to_ukrast>5>>✅Waitress work 6 times<<else>>🛑Waitress work 6 times<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.ukrali == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#7]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<</switch>><<return "Go Back">><<return "Go Back">>
<<st>>Standing 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/bdsm/bdsm_12.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Standing 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/bdsm/bdsm_11.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Standing 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/bdsm/bdsm_10.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Standing 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/bdsm/bdsm_1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Standing 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/bdsm/bdsm_2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Standing 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/bdsm/bdsm_3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Standing 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/bdsm/bdsm_4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Standing 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/bdsm/bdsm_9.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Standing 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/bdsm/bdsm_8.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Standing 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/bdsm/bdsm_7.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Standing 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/bdsm/bdsm_5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Standing 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/bdsm/bdsm_6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
</script><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Dancing room</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $counter_of_povishenie>3>>Dancing and fucking strangers for money is Mia's new passion. Why didn't her parents make her find a job earlier? Guess they were right from the beginning. She had to start building a career earlier, it's so fun!
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to the boss's office<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $counter_of_povishenie >3 >>✅Pass quest #6.4<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6.4<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >99>>✅Cafe exp - 100+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 100+<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Танцевальная комната</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $counter_of_povishenie>3>>Танцевать и трахать незнакомцев за деньги - новая страсть Мии. Почему родители не заставили её найти работу раньше? Похоже, они были правы с самого начала. Она должна была начать строить карьеру раньше, ведь это так весело!
Перейти к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь в офис босса<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $counter_of_povishenie >3 >>✅Pass quest #6.4<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6.4<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >99>>✅Cafe exp - 100+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 100+<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Tanzraum</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $counter_of_povishenie>3>>Tanzen und mit Fremden für Geld ficken ist Mia's neue Leidenschaft. Warum haben ihre Eltern sie nicht früher einen Job suchen lassen? Ich nehme an, sie hatten von Anfang an recht. Sie hätte früher eine Karriere starten sollen, es macht so viel Spaß!
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe zum Büro des Chefs.<<else>>Die vorherige Quest muss abgeschlossen sein, um diese freizuschalten.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $counter_of_povishenie >3 >>✅Pass quest #6.4<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6.4<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >99>>✅Cafe exp - 100+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 100+<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Salle de danse</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $counter_of_povishenie>3>>Danser et baiser des inconnus pour de l'argent, telle est la nouvelle passion de Mia. Pourquoi ses parents ne l'ont-ils pas obligée à trouver un travail plus tôt ? On dirait qu'ils avaient raison depuis le début. Elle devait commencer à construire une carrière plus tôt, c'est tellement amusant !
Aller à: Remplir les conditions et aller dans le bureau du patr<<else>>Terminez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $counter_of_povishenie >3 >>✅Pass quest #6.4<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6.4<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >99>>✅Cafe exp - 100+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 100+<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Sala de baile</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $counter_of_povishenie>3>>Bailar y follar con desconocidos por dinero es la nueva pasión de Mia. ¿Por qué sus padres no la obligaron a buscar trabajo antes? Supongo que tenían razón desde el principio. Tenía que empezar a forjarse una carrera antes, ¡es tan divertido!
Ve a: Cumple las condiciones y ve al despacho del jefe.<<else>>Completa la misión anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $counter_of_povishenie >3 >>✅Pass quest #6.4<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6.4<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >99>>✅Cafe exp - 100+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 100+<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">舞厅</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $counter_of_povishenie>3>>跳舞和和陌生人上床赚钱是米娅的新爱好。为什么她父母不早点让她找份工作呢?我猜他们从一开始就是对的。她必须早点开始职业生涯,这太有趣了!
去吧 满足条件,前往老板办公室<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $counter_of_povishenie >3 >>✅Pass quest #6.4<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6.4<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >99>>✅Cafe exp - 100+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 100+<</if>></div></div></div>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Job promotion 3</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $counter_of_povishenie>2>>SService personnel has a new meaning now! Work more and think less should be your new motto for a happy life without any uncomfortable questions!
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to the boss's office<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $counter_of_povishenie >2 >>✅Pass quest #6.3<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6.3<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >79>>✅Cafe exp - 80+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 80+<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Повышение в должности 3</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $counter_of_povishenie>2>>У обслуживающего персонала теперь новый смысл! Больше работать и меньше думать - вот ваш новый девиз для счастливой жизни без неудобных вопросов!
Перейти к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь в офис босса<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $counter_of_povishenie >2 >>✅Pass quest #6.3<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6.3<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >79>>✅Cafe exp - 80+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 80+<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Beförderung 3</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $counter_of_povishenie>2>>Servicepersonal hat jetzt eine neue Bedeutung! Arbeite mehr und denke weniger sollte dein neues Motto für ein glückliches Leben ohne unbequeme Fragen sein!
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe zum Büro des Chefs.<<else>>Die vorherige Quest muss abgeschlossen sein, um diese freizuschalten.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $counter_of_povishenie >2 >>✅Pass quest #6.3<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6.3<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >79>>✅Cafe exp - 80+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 80+<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Promotion professionnelle 3</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $counter_of_povishenie>2>>Le personnel de service a une nouvelle signification ! Travailler plus et penser moins devrait être ta nouvelle devise pour une vie heureuse sans aucune question gênante !
Aller à: Remplir les conditions et aller dans le bureau du patr<<else>>Terminez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $counter_of_povishenie >2 >>✅Pass quest #6.3<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6.3<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >79>>✅Cafe exp - 80+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 80+<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Promoción de empleo 3</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $counter_of_povishenie>2>>¡El personal de servicio tiene ahora un nuevo significado! ¡Trabaja más y piensa menos debería ser tu nuevo lema para una vida feliz sin preguntas incómodas!
Ve a: Cumple las condiciones y ve al despacho del jefe.<<else>>Completa la misión anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $counter_of_povishenie >2 >>✅Pass quest #6.3<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6.3<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >79>>✅Cafe exp - 80+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 80+<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">职务晋升 3</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $counter_of_povishenie>2>>服务人员现在有了新的含义!多工作、少思考应该成为你的新座右铭,这样你才能过上幸福的生活,不会有任何不舒服的问题!
去吧 满足条件,前往老板办公室<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $counter_of_povishenie >2 >>✅Pass quest #6.3<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6.3<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >79>>✅Cafe exp - 80+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 80+<</if>></div></div></div>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Job promotion 2</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $counter_of_povishenie>1>>Giving the clients what they want is a dream job, or it isn't? The new uniform exposes Mia's ass and boobs. But why not? All those ours she spends in the gym are not for nothing, aren't they? If you look hot, why not let the others see that? Or is she just a whore now? Besides, not the expensive one…
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to the boss's office<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $counter_of_povishenie >1 >>✅Pass quest #6.2<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6.2<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >59>>✅Cafe exp - 60+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 60+<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Повышение в должности 2</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $counter_of_povishenie>1>>Давать клиентам то, что они хотят, - это работа мечты, или нет? Новая униформа обнажает задницу и грудь Мии. Но почему бы и нет? Все те часы, которые она проводит в спортзале, не пропали даром, не так ли? Если ты выглядишь сексуально, почему бы не показать это другим? Или она теперь просто шлюха? К тому же не из дорогих...
Перейти к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь в офис босса<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $counter_of_povishenie >1 >>✅Pass quest #6.2<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6.2<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >59>>✅Cafe exp - 60+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 60+<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Beförderung 2</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $counter_of_povishenie>1>>Den Kunden zu geben, was sie wollen, ist ein Traumjob, oder? Das neue Outfit lässt Mia's Hintern und Brüste frei. Aber warum nicht? Die Stunden, die sie im Fitnessstudio verbringt, sind nicht umsonst, oder? Wenn du heiß aussiehst, warum sollten es dann nicht auch die anderen sehen? Oder ist sie jetzt einfach eine Hure? Außerdem nicht einmal eine teure ...
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe zum Büro des Chefs.<<else>>Die vorherige Quest muss abgeschlossen sein, um diese freizuschalten.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $counter_of_povishenie >1 >>✅Pass quest #6.2<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6.2<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >59>>✅Cafe exp - 60+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 60+<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Promotion 2</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $counter_of_povishenie>1>>Donner aux clients ce qu'ils veulent est un travail de rêve, ou pas ? Le nouvel uniforme dévoile les fesses et les seins de Mia. Mais pourquoi pas ? Toutes ces heures passées à la salle de sport ne sont pas inutiles, n'est-ce pas ? Si tu es sexy, pourquoi ne pas le montrer aux autres ? Ou est-ce qu'elle est juste une pute maintenant ? D'ailleurs, ce n'est pas la plus chère...
Aller à: Remplir les conditions et aller dans le bureau du patr<<else>>Terminez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $counter_of_povishenie >1 >>✅Pass quest #6.2<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6.2<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >59>>✅Cafe exp - 60+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 60+<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Promoción laboral 2</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $counter_of_povishenie>1>>Dar a los clientes lo que quieren es un trabajo de ensueño, ¿o no lo es? El nuevo uniforme deja al descubierto el culo y las tetas de Mia. Pero, ¿por qué no? Todas las horas que pasa en el gimnasio no son en vano, ¿verdad? Si estás buena, ¿por qué no dejar que los demás lo vean? ¿O es que ahora es una puta? Además, no la cara...
Ve a: Cumple las condiciones y ve al despacho del jefe.<<else>>Completa la misión anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $counter_of_povishenie >1 >>✅Pass quest #6.2<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6.2<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >59>>✅Cafe exp - 60+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 60+<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">职务晋升 2</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $counter_of_povishenie>1>>为客户提供他们想要的是一份梦寐以求的工作,抑或不是?新制服暴露了米娅的臀部和胸部。但为什么不呢?她在健身房里花的时间可不是白费的,不是吗?如果你看起来很性感,为什么不让别人看到呢?还是她现在只是个妓女?此外,不是昂贵的...
去吧 满足条件,前往老板办公室<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $counter_of_povishenie >1 >>✅Pass quest #6.2<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6.2<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >59>>✅Cafe exp - 60+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 60+<</if>></div></div></div>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Working as a promoter</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $counter_of_povishenie>0>>Job promotion is good, but Mia needs more money to sustain her lifestyle. She never worked as a promoter, but hopes that her beauty will be a big benefit in this job. The more guests the cafe has, the higher Mia's salary!
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to the boss's office<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $counter_of_povishenie >0>>✅Pass quest #6.1<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6.1<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >39>>✅Cafe exp - 40+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 40+<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Работа промоутером</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $counter_of_povishenie>0>>Повышение в должности - это хорошо, но Мие нужно больше денег, чтобы поддерживать свой образ жизни. Она никогда не работала промоутером, но надеется, что ее красота станет большим преимуществом в этой работе. Чем больше гостей будет в кафе, тем выше будет зарплата Мии!
Перейти к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь в офис босса<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $counter_of_povishenie >0>>✅Pass quest #6.1<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6.1<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >39>>✅Cafe exp - 40+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 40+<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Promoter arbeiten</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $counter_of_povishenie>0>>Die Beförderung ist gut, aber Mia braucht mehr Geld, um ihren Lebensstil zu finanzieren. Sie hat noch nie als Promoterin gearbeitet, aber hofft, dass ihre Schönheit in diesem Job von Vorteil sein wird. Je mehr Gäste das Café hat, desto höher ist Mias Gehalt!
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe zum Büro des Chefs.<<else>>Die vorherige Quest muss abgeschlossen sein, um diese freizuschalten.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $counter_of_povishenie >0>>✅Pass quest #6.1<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6.1<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >39>>✅Cafe exp - 40+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 40+<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Travailler comme promoteur</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $counter_of_povishenie>0>>Une promotion est une bonne chose, mais Mia a besoin de plus d'argent pour maintenir son niveau de vie. Elle n'a jamais travaillé en tant que promotrice, mais elle espère que sa beauté sera un atout dans ce travail. Plus le café a de clients, plus le salaire de Mia augmente !
Aller à: Remplir les conditions et aller dans le bureau du patron<<else>>Terminez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $counter_of_povishenie >0>>✅Pass quest #6.1<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6.1<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >39>>✅Cafe exp - 40+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 40+<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Trabajar como promotora</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $counter_of_povishenie>0>>El ascenso laboral es bueno, pero Mia necesita más dinero para mantener su estilo de vida. Nunca ha trabajado como promotora, pero espera que su belleza sea una gran ventaja en este trabajo. Cuantos más clientes tenga la cafetería, mayor será el sueldo de Mia.
Ve a: Cumple las condiciones y ve al despacho del jefe.<<else>>Completa la misión anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $counter_of_povishenie >0>>✅Pass quest #6.1<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6.1<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >39>>✅Cafe exp - 40+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 40+<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">做促销员</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $counter_of_povishenie>0>>工作晋升是件好事,但米娅需要更多的钱来维持生活。她从未做过促销员,但她希望自己的美貌能在这份工作中大显身手。咖啡馆的客人越多,米娅的薪水就越高!
去吧 满足条件,前往老板办公室<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $counter_of_povishenie >0>>✅Pass quest #6.1<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6.1<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >39>>✅Cafe exp - 40+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 40+<</if>></div></div></div>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Job promotion 1</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_find_work==true>>Mia's got promoted! Yay! The boss is weird and the job seems shady, but more cash to spend is always a win! Who cares that she looks like a slut in her new uniform.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to the boss's office<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_find_work == true>>✅Pass quest #6<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >19>>✅Cafe exp - 20+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 20+<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Повышение в должности 1</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_find_work==true>>Мию повысили в должности! Ура! Босс странный, а работа кажется сомнительной, но больше денег, которые можно потратить, - это всегда победа! И плевать, что в новой униформе она выглядит как шлюха.
Перейти к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь в офис босса<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_find_work == true>>✅Pass quest #6<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >19>>✅Cafe exp - 20+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 20+<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Jobbeförderung 1</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_find_work==true>>Mia wurde befördert! Juhu! Der Boss ist komisch und der Job scheint zwielichtig zu sein, aber mehr Geld zum Ausgeben ist immer ein Gewinn! Wen interessiert es schon, dass sie in ihrem neuen Outfit wie 'ne Schlampe aussieht?
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe zum Büro des Chefs.<<else>>Die vorherige Quest muss abgeschlossen sein, um diese freizuschalten.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_find_work == true>>✅Pass quest #6<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >19>>✅Cafe exp - 20+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 20+<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Promotion 1</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_find_work==true>>Mia a été promue ! C'est super ! Le patron est bizarre et le travail semble louche, mais plus d'argent à dépenser, c'est toujours ça de gagné ! Peu importe qu'elle ait l'air d'une salope dans son nouvel uniforme.
Aller à : Remplir les conditions et aller dans le bureau du patron<<else>>Terminez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_find_work == true>>✅Pass quest #6<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >19>>✅Cafe exp - 20+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 20+<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Ascenso laboral 1</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_find_work==true>>¡A Mia la han ascendido! ¡Sí! El jefe es raro y el trabajo parece turbio, ¡pero más dinero para gastar siempre es una ventaja! A quién le importa que parezca una zorra con su nuevo uniforme.
Ve a: Cumple las condiciones y ve al despacho del jefe.<<else>>Completa la misión anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_find_work == true>>✅Pass quest #6<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >19>>✅Cafe exp - 20+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 20+<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">升职 1</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_find_work==true>>米娅升职了 太好了 虽然老板怪怪的,工作也不光明正大,但有更多钱花总是好事!谁在乎她穿上新制服像个荡妇呢?
去吧 满足条件,前往老板办公室<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+20 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_find_work == true>>✅Pass quest #6<<else>>🛑Pass quest #6<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe >19>>✅Cafe exp - 20+<<else>>🛑Cafe exp - 20+<</if>></div></div></div>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Family values</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_find_work==true>>Mia’s Mom isn’t as simple as she seems. It turns out, within this elderly nutshell, boils hot blood.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to Parent's room<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+40 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_wallet == true>>✅Pass quest #9<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #9<</if>>
<<if $buy_mother_dress ==2>>✅Buy a dress for mom<<else>>🛑Buy a dress for mom<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_mother_1 == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#8]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Семейные ценности</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_find_work==true>>Мама Мии не так проста, как кажется. Оказывается, внутри этой девушки кипит горячая кровь.
Перейти к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь в комнату родителей.<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+40 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_wallet == true>>✅Pass quest #9<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #9<</if>>
<<if $buy_mother_dress ==2>>✅Buy a dress for mom<<else>>🛑Buy a dress for mom<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_mother_1 == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#8]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Familienbande</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_find_work==true>>Mias Mutter ist nicht so einfach, wie sie aussieht. Wie sich herausstellt, brodelt in dieser älteren Nussschale heißes Blut.
Gehe zu: Bedingungen erfüllen und ins Elternzimmer gehen.<<else>>Die vorherige Quest muss abgeschlossen sein, um diese freizuschalten.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+40 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_wallet == true>>✅Pass quest #9<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #9<</if>>
<<if $buy_mother_dress ==2>>✅Buy a dress for mom<<else>>🛑Buy a dress for mom<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_mother_1 == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#8]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Valeurs familiales</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_find_work==true>>La mère de Mia n'est pas aussi simple qu'elle en a l'air. Il s'avère qu'au sein de cette vieille coquille de noix, bouillonne un sang chaud.
Aller à : Remplir les conditions et aller dans la chambre des parents.<<else>>Terminez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+40 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_wallet == true>>✅Pass quest #9<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #9<</if>>
<<if $buy_mother_dress ==2>>✅Buy a dress for mom<<else>>🛑Buy a dress for mom<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_mother_1 == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#8]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Valores familiares</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_find_work==true>>La madre de Mia no es tan sencilla como parece. Resulta que, dentro de esta anciana cáscara de nuez, hierve sangre caliente.
Ir a: Cumplir las condiciones e ir a la habitación de los padres.<<else>>Completa la misión anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+40 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_wallet == true>>✅Pass quest #9<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #9<</if>>
<<if $buy_mother_dress ==2>>✅Buy a dress for mom<<else>>🛑Buy a dress for mom<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_mother_1 == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#8]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">家庭价值观</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_find_work==true>>米娅的妈妈并不像看上去那么简单。原来,在这个老人的坚果壳里,沸腾着热血。
去 满足条件并前往家长房间<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+40 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_wallet == true>>✅Pass quest #9<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #9<</if>>
<<if $buy_mother_dress ==2>>✅Buy a dress for mom<<else>>🛑Buy a dress for mom<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_mother_1 == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#8]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<</switch>><<return "Go Back">><<return "Go Back">>
<<st>>Mom Memories<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/oneTime/mom_memories.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Mom Toilet<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/oneTime/mom_toilet.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
[[Change Log]]
[[SETTINGS]]<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<return "Go Back">>
<<st>>If you can't figure something out, feel free to ask in the comments or on our Patreon. We're always checking and ready to help!
Here are some small hints for the game:
The café is divided into 3 parts, and the further you progress, the more smutty it will be.<</st>>
<<st>>The easiest way to raise your stats:
- ''Corruption'' - watch porn on the laptop.
- ''Fitness'' - Do yoga on a mat in the living room.
- ''Beauty'' - Beauty is given with every 25 fitness points and by clothes you purchase in the mall and wear in the dresser drawer in Mia's room.
- ''Action points'' can be increased through perks. Every 50 fitness points give you +1 action, along with other daily activities like eating, showering, etc.
- ''Money'' - increase the number of customers in the cafe, and you'll earn profits.
- ''OnlyYou'' - to earn more, raise your beauty and number of subscribers.<</st>>
<<return "Go Back">>
<<case "RU">>
<<return "Go Back">>
<<st>>Если вы что-то не можете понять, спросите в комментариях или на нашем Patreon. Мы всегда рады помочь!
Вот несколько небольших подсказок по игре:
Кафе разделено на 3 части, и чем дальше вы продвигаетесь, тем развратнее оно становится.<</st>>
<<st>>Самый простой способ повысить свои характеристики:
- Коррупция - Смотреть порно на ноутбуке.
- Фитнес - Занимайтесь йогой на коврике в своей гостиной или спортзал.
- Красота - Красоту можно получить за каждые 25 очков фитнеса, а так же покупая одежду в торговом центре и надевая её. (Ящик комода в комнате Мии.)
- Очки действий можно увеличить с помощью перков. Каждые 50 фитнеса дают вам +1 действие, а также другие повседневные действия, такие как еда, душ и т.д.
- Деньги - если вы увеличите количество клиентов в кафе, вы заработаете больше денег.
- OnlyYou - чтобы зарабатывать больше, увеличивайте свою красоту и количество подписчиков.<</st>>
<<case "GE">>
<<return "Go Back">>
<<st>>Wenn du etwas nicht herausfinden kannst, frag einfach in den Kommentaren oder auf unserem Patreon. Wir checken das ständig und helfen gerne!
Hier sind ein paar kleine Tipps für das Spiel:
Das Café ist in 3 Teile unterteilt, und je weiter du kommst, desto schmutziger wird es.<</st>>
<<st>>Der einfachste Weg, deine Werte zu steigern:
- Verderbtheit - Schau Pornos auf dem Laptop.
- Fitness - Mach Yoga auf der Matte im Wohnzimmer.
- Schönheit - Schönheit bekommst du alle 25 Fitnesspunkte und durch Klamotten, die du im Einkaufszentrum kaufst und im Kleiderschrank in Mias Zimmer anziehst.
- Aktionspunkte kannst du durch Perks erhöhen. Alle 50 Fitnesspunkte geben dir +1 Aktion, zusammen mit anderen täglichen Aktivitäten wie Essen, Duschen usw.
- Geld - erhöhe die Anzahl der Kunden im Café, und du machst Gewinne.
- OnlyYou - um mehr zu verdienen, steigere deine Schönheit und die Anzahl deiner Abonnenten.<</st>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Si vous n'arrivez pas à comprendre quelque chose, n'hésitez pas à demander dans les commentaires ou sur notre Patreon. Nous sommes toujours à l'écoute et prêts à vous aider !
Voici quelques petits conseils pour le jeu :
Le café est divisé en 3 parties, et plus vous progressez, plus il est cochon.<</st>>
<<st>>Le moyen le plus simple d'augmenter vos statistiques :
- Corruption - regarder du porno sur l'ordinateur portable.
- Fitness - Faites du yoga sur un tapis dans le salon.
- Beauté - La beauté est donnée tous les 25 points de fitness et par les vêtements que vous achetez au centre commercial et que vous portez dans le tiroir de la commode de la chambre de Mia.
- Les points d'action peuvent être augmentés grâce à des avantages. Tous les 50 points de fitness vous donnent +1 action, ainsi que d'autres activités quotidiennes comme manger, se doucher, etc.
- Argent - Augmentez le nombre de clients dans le café, et vous gagnerez des bénéfices.
- OnlyYou - pour gagner plus, améliorez votre beauté et votre nombre d'abonnés.<</st>>
<<case "ES">>
<<return "Go Back">>
<<st>>Si no consigues entender algo, pregunta en los comentarios o en nuestro Patreon. Siempre estamos dispuestos a ayudar.
Aquí tienes unas pequeñas pistas para el juego:
La cafetería está dividida en 3 partes, y cuanto más avanzas, más sucia se vuelve.<</st>>
<<st>>La forma más fácil de aumentar tus estadísticas:
- Corrupción - Mira porno en tu portátil.
- Fitness - Haz yoga en una esterilla en el salón de tu casa.
- Belleza - La belleza se puede conseguir con 25 puntos de fitness y comprando ropa en el centro comercial y poniéndotela en el cajón de la cómoda de la habitación de Mia.
- Los puntos de acción pueden aumentarse con ventajas. Cada 50 puntos de forma física te dan +1 acción, junto con otras actividades diarias como comer, ducharte, etc.
- Dinero - Si aumentas el número de clientes en la cafetería, ganas más dinero.
- OnlyYou - para ganar más, aumenta tu belleza y el número de suscriptores.<</st>>
<<case "CH">>
<<return "Go Back">>
<<st>>如果您有不明白的地方,请在评论中或我们的 Patreon 上提问。我们一直在寻找并准备提供帮助!
- 腐败 - 用笔记本电脑看色情片。
- 健身 - 在客厅的瑜伽垫上做瑜伽。
- 美貌 - 美貌可以通过每人 25 点健身点数和在购物中心购买衣服并穿在米娅房间的梳妆台抽屉里来获得。
- 行动点数可以通过福利来增加。健身点数每增加 50 点,行动点数就会增加 +1,此外还有其他日常活动,如吃饭、洗澡等。
- 金钱--如果你增加了咖啡馆的顾客数量,你就能赚到更多的钱。
- OnlyYou - 要想获得更多收入,请增加您的美貌和订阅人数。<</st>>
<</switch>><<st>>Did you enjoy the game and want more content? Support us!
Stay tuned for updates, share your comments and ideas. We'd love to hear your feedback!
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<st>>Light Cheats:
- Money +30000
- Corruption +50
- Fitness +50
- Beauty +25
- Exp cafe +20
- Perk points +3
<<st>>Medium Cheats:
- Money +75000
- Corruption +100
- Fitness +100
- Beauty +50
- Exp cafe +40
- Perk points +6
- Dancing +10
- Sexy dancing +18
- Pole dance +20
<<st>>Hard Cheats:
- Money +120000
- Corruption +200
- Fitness +200
- Beauty +100
- Exp cafe +80
- Perk points +9
- Dancing +10
- Sexy dancing +25
- Pole dance +45
<<return "Go Back">><<return "Go Back">>
<<st>>v 0.3.2
Quest in university 1
Quest in university 2
Quest with Professor
The design has been slightly reworked
New events at the university
The rest:
New cheats
Bug Fix.<</st>>
<<st>>v 0.3.1
Level 3 relationship with father (8 events)
Level 3 relationship with mom (8 events)
Unlocked last levels in random events (11 events)
Quest with dad
Quest with mom
Brothel Location
Quest before opening
Brothel Opening Quest
33 random phrases
148 short videos
9 variations
Unlocking interactions
The rest:
New cheats
Bug Fix.<</st>>
<<st>>v 0.3
Winter Advent Calendar (check laptop)
- 14 new events
- 2 quests
- 5 small events
<<st>>v 0.2.9
For patreons:
- Ibiza's final quest
- 3 quests to find a place for a brothel
- Bugs Hotfix
For patreons:
4 events in ‘beach’
4 events in the ‘nightclub’
4 ‘pool’ events
End of the search for money to the brothel
The rest:
5 events with mom
5 events with dad
There was something else, but it's hard to remember.
For patreons
- New location ‘pool’ in ibiza
- 6 pool events
- 1 girl for recruitment
- 2 quests to the brothel
- 1 quest with dad
- 1 quest with mum
Other stuff:
- Changed the pics in the Memory game when kidnapped.
- You can now only download the update file if you have previous versions.
- We were able to reduce the weight of the videos even further (we'll work on the gifs in the next update as well)
- We have redone the variable system, and now you will be able to download a save that will never break, and no matter how many patches you have missed and not played. (on the downside, because of this change, your current saves won't work).
- New videos, gifs and other little things that we have already forgotten about.<</st>>
For patreons
- 3 quests on the beach
- +1 girl to recruit
- Right hand recruitment
- Show party
- Contract with Vitto
Pumping up the relationship with parents:
- 2 level 2 events with dad
- Fixed a bug at launch
- Fixed javascript bug when starting some quests
- Fixed bugs in random events
- Fixed ‘+30 to boss mood’ perk
- Added ‘intermediate station’ to ‘beach’ and ‘nightclub’ to avoid being thrown to the Ibiza map.
- Illumination of completed quests in ‘Brothel’
- Patreon quests added to ‘quests’
- Two full videos
- Other minor changes<</st>>
- Bugs Hotfix
<<st>>v 0.2.5
For patreons:
- 3 quests where Mia is on holiday
- 4 events on the beach
- 4 at the club
Pumping up your relationship with your parents:
- 9 level 1 events with mum
- 8 level 1 events with dad
- 8 level 2 events with mum
- 7 level 2 events with dad
- 9 in the world
- 9 when Mia is naked
- 11 in the house
- 2 by the pool
Mobile Phone:
- perks are now correctly displayed on mobile.
- separate House map for convenience
- buttons on the map will now have text on them
The rest:
- added the ‘Joker’ perk, which gives +30 when uplifting.
- 25 one-line thoughts from Mia on what's going on.
- 8 new videos
- rhe ‘Listening and Seeing’ perk now highlights the correct answers to the girls' dialogue during recruitment.
- ‘The Way to the Heart’ and ‘Boundless Sex’ now work
- rhe photo studio in Mia's room has moved from a separate cell to a camera icon on the table.
- changed the position of the honeycomb in the house
- added display to show texts and events in the house
- added design of relationship pumping
- relationship pumping is divided into two types: ‘actions’ and ‘conversation’. Conversation increases relationships, actions increase corruption.
- you can't perform the same ‘action’ or ‘conversation’ on the same day
- added lust parameter that grows in parents and causes ‘special’ random events.
- after the ‘special’ event happens the lust parameter is reset to 0.
- 2 new maps added
- swimming pool is now available
- you can't leave the room naked if corruption is less than 150
- added phrases if Mia is naked
- fixed a bug in the cafe, if to leave the cafe, use a quick transition to clothes did not return.
- changing photos in the pumping relationship with mum
- new gifs when working as a waitress on different stages
- 2 million bugs have been fixed, the same number of bugs have probably been created (we didn't do it on purpose) and a hundred other things have been added, reworked or fixed that we don't remember.<</st>>
- Bug hotfix
- 25 quest fixed
- Bug hotfix
- Quest with dad 2x
- Quest with mom 2x
- Quest with Elaine
- +1 girl for brothel recruitment
- Added 5 random events in the world (suggested by Mostacho).
- Added ability to disable random events
The rest:
- Fixed problem with saves. (Once you make a new save in this patch, it will work in all future ones)
- Fixed videos starting before you reach them
- Added frame to videos
- Forward back arrows for paid subscribers.
- Brothel button and its progress.
- Translation of all languages
- 5 sex zwen
- New videos in quantity of 44
- Possibility to revise the video with the recruitment of girls.
- Fixed that all languages except English university was empty
- Bug hotfix
- Ability to choose at the beginning of the game to customize the sidebars to be static/dynamic
- 4 main quests
- Jack
- Mom
- Dad
- New location university
- 3 quests in the university
- Brothel
- First girl available for brothel recruitment (university, classroom, first on the list)
- 4 stages of recruitment (two quizzes, 1 sex, 1 proposal)
- New world map
- it is temporary, in the new version it will be different.
- Text
- takes +- 150 pages
- Video
- 4 sex scenes
- 30 videos
- The rest
- price of parents' room reduced from 5000 to 500
- new characters
- removed forward/backward arrows (in the next version, will be available only for subscribers)
- 3 casino events
- many other things that we don't remember anymore.<</st>>
- Bug hotfix
- fix all texts (That's approximately 650 pages, I hope this is the last time we fix it)
- Russian
- German
- French
- Spanish
- Chinese
- Added 9 new quests related to:
- Elaine
- Mia
- Dad
- Boss
- added 2 full length videos
- 3 short videos added
- added 3 cafe events for the middle stage
- added 3 cafe events on the last stage
- added 3 dancing events
- added 3 customer attraction events
- added Gloryhole
- removed event with inspector
- added new casino location with:
- increased by 10 seconds of time in the mini game
- translated the description of quests.
- added where to go or click to start them
- added pop-up notifications instead of just text (money, experience, stats, etc.)
- doubled the amount of money on OnlyYou
bug fix
- Fixed minor bugs
- We've rewritten the game from the ground up, redesigning every single passage
- Button quests and new storylines.
- Mia
- Maman
- Guy
- Stranger
- Boss
- Button Perks:
- Nimble Fingers
- Arena of Life Lessons
- Good Memory
- Champion Muscles
- Dance Soul
- Brilliance in Every Accent
- Sudden Sponsor (can be taken an infinite number of times)
- Magic of Wakefulness Part 1
- Magic of Wakefulness Part 2
- Magic of Wakefulness Part 3
- Translations:
- Russian
- German
- French
- Spanish
- Chinese
- The translation totals approximately 450 pages.
- New design of all elements in the game
- Level system
- New balance
- Redesigned all events and quests at work
- 3 new events for the first stage of the cafe (waitress)
- 3 new events for the second stage of the cafe (waitress)
- 3 new events for the third stage of the cafe (waitress)
- 3 new events to attract customers
- 4 new events in the striptease
- 4 new events in the restroom
- 5 new dialogs for the first stage of the cafe (talking to the boss)
- 4 new dialogs for the second stage of the cafe (talking to the boss)
- 3 new dialogs for the third stage of the cafe (talking to the boss).
- Other changes.
- New location
- New videos +-31
- New intro
- New dialogue
- New Gifs
- And a thousand other things we don't remember anymore 🙃<</st>>
- City center now as a map instead of text.
- New location on the work "striptease".
- New jobs "striptease public" and "striptease private".
- 10 new events.
- New gifs
- Rebalance of some events.
- Removed unnecessary buttons.
- Fix bugs.<</st>>
- Added rooms in the house with pictures not text
- Added rooms at work with pictures instead of text
- Added ability to buy rooms in the house
- Redesigned clothing bonuses and their price
- Updated gif animations in most events
- Reworked job events
- Small bug fixes
Changed the amount of money in cheats.
- Light cheats - 30 000
- Medium cheats - 75 000
- Hard cheats - 120 000
- Fixed a problem with the "Seduce your father" button
- Fixed a problem with the "Sexy Dancing" button
- Fixed some logical incorrectnesses
- Fixed subscribers going to minus
- Fixed some visual incorrectnesses
- Fixed an bug with clothing, it will now change correctly during yoga<</st>>
<<return "Go Back">><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.cor < 20>><<link "BJ. (20+ corruption needed)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[BJ|BJ]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 40>><<link "Vaginal. (40+ corruption needed)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Vaginal|Vaginal]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 60>><<link "Anal. (60+ corruption needed)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Anal|Anal]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 80>><<link "Bj Forced. (80+ corruption needed)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Bj Forced|Bj_Forced]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 130>><<link "GangBang. (130+ corruption needed)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[GangBang|GangBang]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 160>><<link "Rape. (160+ corruption needed)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Rape|Rape]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.cor < 20>><<link "Минет. (Необходимо 20+ коррупции)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[BJ|BJ]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 40>><<link "Вагинальный. (Необходимо 40+ коррупции)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Вагинальный|Vaginal]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 60>><<link "Анальный. (Необходимо 60+ коррупции)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Анальный|Anal]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 80>><<link "Минет доминирующий. (Необходимо 80+ коррупции)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Bj доминирующий.|Bj_Forced]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 130>><<link "Толпой. (Необходимо 130+ коррупции)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Толпой|GangBang]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 160>><<link "Принуждение (Необходимо 160+ коррупции)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Принуждение|Rape]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.cor < 20>><<link "BJ. (20+ Korruption nötig)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[BJ|BJ]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 40>><<link "Vaginal. (40+ Korruption nötig)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Vaginal|Vaginal]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 60>><<link "Anal. (60+ Korruption nötig)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Anal|Anal]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 80>><<link "Bj Gezwungen. (80+ Korruption nötig)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Bj Gezwungen|Bj_Forced]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 130>><<link "GangBang. (130+ Korruption nötig)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[GangBang|GangBang]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 160>><<link "Rape. (160+ Korruption nötig)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Vergewaltigen|Rape]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.cor < 20>><<link "Pipe. (20+ corruption nécessaire)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[BJ|BJ]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 40>><<link "Vaginale. (40+ corruption nécessaire)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Vaginale|Vaginal]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 60>><<link "Anale. (60+ corruption nécessaire)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Anale|Anal]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 80>><<link "Pipe forcée. (80+ corruption nécessaire)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Pipe forcée|Bj_Forced]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 130>><<link "GangBang. (130+ corruption nécessaire)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[GangBang|GangBang]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 160>><<link "Le viol. (160+ corruption nécessaire)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Le viol|Rape]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.cor < 20>><<link "BJ. (se necesitan más de 20 casos de corrupción)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[BJ|BJ]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 40>><<link "Vaginal. (40+ corrupción necesaria)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Vaginal|Vaginal]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 60>><<link "Anal. (60+ corrupción necesaria)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Anal|Anal]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 80>><<link "Bj Forzado. (80+ corrupción necesaria)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Bj Forzado.|Bj_Forced]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 130>><<link "GangBang. (130+ corrupción necesaria)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[GangBang|GangBang]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 160>><<link "Violación. (160+corrupción necesaria)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Violación|Rape]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.cor < 20>><<link "BJ. (需要 20 多名腐败分子)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[BJ|BJ]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 40>><<link "阴道。(需要 40+ 腐败)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[阴道|Vaginal]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 60>><<link "肛门。(需要 60 多个腐败问题)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[肛门|Anal]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 80>><<link "Bj 强制。(需要 80+ 腐败)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[Bj 强制|Bj_Forced]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 130>><<link "GangBang. (需要 130+ 个腐败问题)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[GangBang|GangBang]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $mia.cor < 160>><<link "强奸。(需要 160+ 个腐败问题)">><</link>><<else>><<button[[强奸|Rape]]>><</button>><</if>>
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>><<button[[Again|BJ]]>><</button>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bj)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bj/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.anal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.rape)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/rape/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bjForced)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bjForced/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.porn)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/porn/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gangBang)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gangBang/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<button[[Leave|Porn]]>><</button>><<set $patron = "" >>@@.text-normal;Type here patreon acess code and press enter@@
<<textbox "$patron" "Code..." "Access Confirmed Medium">>
<<button [[Leave|Cheats]]>><</button>><<set $patron = "" >>@@.text-normal;Type here patreon acess code and press enter@@
<<textbox "$patron" "Code..." "Access Confirmed Hard">>
<<button [[Leave|Cheats]]>><</button>><<set $patron = "" >>@@.text-normal;Type here patreon acess code and press enter@@
<<textbox "$patron" "Code..." "Access Confirmed Light">>
<<button [[Leave|Cheats]]>><</button>><<if hashStr($patron) == -1921509249>>
<<st>>You can either get it all at once or come back here later. Choose your strategy and get 100% pleasure from the gameplay.<</st>><<set $patreon_buttons = true>>
<<if $cheats.light.lightMoney == 0>>
<<linkreplace "Money +30000">>
<<set $mia.money +=30000>>
<<set $cheats.light.lightMoney =1>>
<<st>>The money had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.light.lightCor == 0>>
<<linkreplace "Corruption +50">>
<<set $mia.cor +=50>>
<<set $cheats.light.lightCor = 1>>
<<st>>The corruption had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.light.lightFit == 0>>
<<linkreplace "Fitness +50">>
<<set $mia.fit +=50>>
<<set $cheats.light.lightFit =1>>
<<st>>The fitness had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.light.lightBea == 0>>
<<linkreplace "Beauty +25">>
<<set $mia.bea += 25>>
<<set $cheats.light.lightBea = 1>>
<<st>>The beauty had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.light.lightCafe == 0>>
<<linkreplace "Exp cafe +20">>
<<set $mia.exp_cafe +=20>>
<<set $cheats.light.lightCafe =1>>
<<st>>The cafe exp had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.light.lightPerks == 0>>
<<linkreplace "Perk points +3">>
<<set $perk_points += 3>>
<<set $cheats.light.lightPerks =1>>
<<st>>The perks exp had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.dlc.ibiza == false>>
<<linkreplace "Activate Ibiza content">>
<<set $cheats.dlc.ibiza = true>>
<<st>>The Ibiza content had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.light.mom_relation == false>>
<<linkreplace "Mom relation +20">>
<<set $mom.relation+=20>>
<<set $cheats.light.mom_relation = true>>
<<st>>The mom relation had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.light.dad_relation == false>>
<<linkreplace "Dad relation +20">>
<<set $dad.relation+=20>>
<<set $cheats.light.dad_relation = true>>
<<st>>The dad relation had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.light.mom_cor == false>>
<<linkreplace "Mom corruption +20">>
<<set $mom.cor+=20>>
<<set $cheats.light.mom_cor = true>>
<<st>>The mom corruption had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.light.dad_cor == false>>
<<linkreplace "Dad corruption +20">>
<<set $dad.cor+=20>>
<<set $cheats.light.dad_cor = true>>
<<st>>The dad corruption had already been received.<</st>>
<<button[[Already activated?|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>To my deepest regret you entered the wrong code :(<</st>>
<<st>>Perhaps you haven't bought the cheat codes yet, then go to <a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam?fan_landing=true" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<</if>><<if hashStr($patron) == 150013291>>
<<st>>You can either get it all at once or come back here later. Choose your strategy and get 100% pleasure from the gameplay.<</st>><<set $patreon_buttons = true>>
<<if $cheats.medium.mediumMoney == 0>>
<<linkreplace "Money +75000">>
<<set $mia.money +=75000>>
<<set $cheats.medium.mediumMoney =1>>
<<st>>The money had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.medium.mediumCor == 0>>
<<linkreplace "Corruption +100">>
<<set $mia.cor +=100>>
<<set $cheats.medium.mediumCor = 1>>
<<st>>The corruption had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.medium.mediumFit == 0>>
<<linkreplace "Fitness +100">>
<<set $mia.fit +=100>>
<<set $cheats.medium.mediumFit =1>>
<<st>>The fitness had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.medium.mediumBea == 0>>
<<linkreplace "Beauty +50">>
<<set $mia.bea += 50>>
<<set $cheats.medium.mediumBea = 1>>
<<st>>The beauty had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.medium.mediumCafe == 0>>
<<linkreplace "Exp cafe +40">>
<<set $mia.exp_cafe +=40>>
<<set $cheats.medium.mediumCafe =1>>
<<st>>The cafe exp had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.medium.mediumPerks == 0>>
<<linkreplace "Perk points +6">>
<<set $perk_points += 6>>
<<set $cheats.medium.mediumPerks =1>>
<<st>>The perks exp had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.medium.mediumDance == 0>>
<<linkreplace "Dancing +10">>
<<set $mia.dance += 10>>
<<set $cheats.medium.mediumDance =1>>
<<st>>The dancing had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.medium.mediumSexDance == 0>>
<<linkreplace "Sexy dancing +18">>
<<set $mia.sex_dance += 18>>
<<set $cheats.medium.mediumSexDance =1>>
<<st>>The sexy dancing had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.medium.mediumPoleDance == 0>>
<<linkreplace "Pole dance +20">>
<<set $mia.pole_dance += 20>>
<<set $cheats.medium.mediumPoleDance =1>>
<<st>>The pole dance had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.dlc.ibiza == false>>
<<linkreplace "Activate Ibiza content">>
<<set $cheats.dlc.ibiza = true>>
<<st>>The Ibiza content had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.medium.mom_relation == false>>
<<linkreplace "Mom relation +50">>
<<set $mom.relation+=50>>
<<set $cheats.medium.mom_relation = true>>
<<st>>The mom relation had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.medium.dad_relation == false>>
<<linkreplace "Dad relation +50">>
<<set $dad.relation+=50>>
<<set $cheats.medium.dad_relation = true>>
<<st>>The dad relation had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.light.mom_cor == false>>
<<linkreplace "Mom corruption +50">>
<<set $mom.cor+=50>>
<<set $cheats.light.mom_cor = true>>
<<st>>The mom corruption had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.light.dad_cor == false>>
<<linkreplace "Dad corruption +50">>
<<set $dad.cor+=50>>
<<set $cheats.light.dad_cor = true>>
<<st>>The dad corruption had already been received.<</st>>
<<button[[Already activated?|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>To my deepest regret you entered the wrong code :(<</st>>
<<st>>Perhaps you haven't bought the cheat codes yet, then go to <a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam?fan_landing=true" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<</if>><<if hashStr($patron) == 356425908>>
<<st>>You can either get it all at once or come back here later. Choose your strategy and get 100% pleasure from the gameplay.<</st>><<set $patreon_buttons = true>>
<<if $cheats.hard.hardMoney == 0>>
<<linkreplace "Money +120000">>
<<set $mia.money +=120000>>
<<set $cheats.hard.hardMoney =1>>
<<st>>The money had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.hard.hardCor == 0>>
<<linkreplace "Corruption +200">>
<<set $mia.cor +=200>>
<<set $cheats.hard.hardCor = 1>>
<<st>>The corruption had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.hard.hardFit == 0>>
<<linkreplace "Fitness +200">>
<<set $mia.fit +=200>>
<<set $cheats.hard.mediumFit =1>>
<<st>>The fitness had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.hard.hardBea == 0>>
<<linkreplace "Beauty +100">>
<<set $mia.bea += 100>>
<<set $cheats.hard.mediumBea = 1>>
<<st>>The beauty had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.hard.hardCafe == 0>>
<<linkreplace "Exp cafe +80">>
<<set $mia.exp_cafe +=80>>
<<set $cheats.hard.hardCafe =1>>
<<st>>The cafe exp had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.hard.hardPerks == 0>>
<<linkreplace "Perk points +9">>
<<set $perk_points += 9>>
<<set $cheats.hard.hardPerks =1>>
<<st>>The perks exp had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.hard.hardDance == 0>>
<<linkreplace "Dancing +10">>
<<set $mia.dance += 10>>
<<set $cheats.hard.hardDance =1>>
<<st>>The dancing had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.hard.hardSexDance == 0>>
<<linkreplace "Sexy dancing +25">>
<<set $mia.sex_dance += 25>>
<<set $cheats.hard.hardSexDance =1>>
<<st>>The sexy dancing had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.hard.hardPoleDance == 0>>
<<linkreplace "Pole dance +45">>
<<set $mia.pole_dance += 45>>
<<set $cheats.hard.hardPoleDance =1>>
<<st>>The pole dance had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.dlc.ibiza == false>>
<<linkreplace "Activate Ibiza content">>
<<set $cheats.dlc.ibiza = true>>
<<st>>The Ibiza content had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.hard.mom_relation == false>>
<<linkreplace "Mom relation +100">>
<<set $mom.relation+=100>>
<<set $cheats.hard.mom_relation = true>>
<<st>>The mom relation had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.hard.dad_relation == false>>
<<linkreplace "Dad relation +100">>
<<set $dad.relation+=100>>
<<set $cheats.hard.dad_relation = true>>
<<st>>The dad relation had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.light.mom_cor == false>>
<<linkreplace "Mom corruption +100">>
<<set $mom.cor+=100>>
<<set $cheats.light.mom_cor = true>>
<<st>>The mom corruption had already been received.<</st>>
<<if $cheats.light.dad_cor == false>>
<<linkreplace "Dad corruption +100">>
<<set $dad.cor+=100>>
<<set $cheats.light.dad_cor = true>>
<<st>>The dad corruption had already been received.<</st>>
<<button[[Already activated?|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>To my deepest regret you entered the wrong code :(<</st>>
<<st>>Perhaps you haven't bought the cheat codes yet, then go to <a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam?fan_landing=true" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<</if>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/intro/intro_9.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Standing 1|Standing 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 2|Standing 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Sex|SexWithStrangerPrologue]]>><</button>> <<button [[Anal|Anal_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Doggy style 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Doggy style 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Sideways sex|Sideways sex_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Blow job 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Blow job 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Blow job 3_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Cum_Intro]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Morning|NextMorning]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/intro/intro_7.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Standing 1|Standing 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 2|Standing 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl|Cowgirl]]>><</button>> <<button [[Sex|SexWithStrangerPrologue]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Doggy style 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Doggy style 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Sideways sex|Sideways sex_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Blow job 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Blow job 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Blow job 3_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Cum_Intro]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Morning|NextMorning]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/intro/intro_2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Sex|SexWithStrangerPrologue]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 2|Standing 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl|Cowgirl]]>><</button>> <<button [[Anal|Anal_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Doggy style 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Doggy style 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Sideways sex|Sideways sex_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Blow job 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Blow job 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Blow job 3_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Cum_Intro]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Morning|NextMorning]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/intro/intro_10.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Standing 1|Standing 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Sex|SexWithStrangerPrologue]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl|Cowgirl]]>><</button>> <<button [[Anal|Anal_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Doggy style 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Doggy style 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Sideways sex|Sideways sex_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Blow job 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Blow job 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Blow job 3_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Cum_Intro]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Morning|NextMorning]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/intro/intro_1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Standing 1|Standing 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 2|Standing 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl|Cowgirl]]>><</button>> <<button [[Anal|Anal_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Sex|SexWithStrangerPrologue]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Doggy style 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Sideways sex|Sideways sex_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Blow job 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Blow job 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Blow job 3_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Cum_Intro]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Morning|NextMorning]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/intro/intro_12.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Standing 1|Standing 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 2|Standing 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl|Cowgirl]]>><</button>> <<button [[Anal|Anal_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Doggy style 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Sex|SexWithStrangerPrologue]]>><</button>> <<button [[Sideways sex|Sideways sex_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Blow job 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Blow job 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Blow job 3_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Cum_Intro]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Morning|NextMorning]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/intro/intro_11.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Standing 1|Standing 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 2|Standing 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl|Cowgirl]]>><</button>> <<button [[Anal|Anal_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Doggy style 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Doggy style 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Sex|SexWithStrangerPrologue]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Blow job 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Blow job 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Blow job 3_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Cum_Intro]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Morning|NextMorning]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/intro/intro_8.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Standing 1|Standing 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 2|Standing 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl|Cowgirl]]>><</button>> <<button [[Anal|Anal_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Doggy style 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Doggy style 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Sideways sex|Sideways sex_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Sex|SexWithStrangerPrologue]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Blow job 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Blow job 3_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Cum_Intro]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Morning|NextMorning]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/intro/intro_5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Standing 1|Standing 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 2|Standing 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl|Cowgirl]]>><</button>> <<button [[Anal|Anal_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Doggy style 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Doggy style 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Sideways sex|Sideways sex_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Blow job 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Sex|SexWithStrangerPrologue]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Blow job 3_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Cum_Intro]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Morning|NextMorning]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/intro/intro_3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Standing 1|Standing 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 2|Standing 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl|Cowgirl]]>><</button>> <<button [[Anal|Anal_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Doggy style 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Doggy style 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Sideways sex|Sideways sex_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Blow job 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Blow job 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Sex|SexWithStrangerPrologue]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Cum_Intro]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Morning|NextMorning]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/intro/intro_6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Standing 1|Standing 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 2|Standing 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl|Cowgirl]]>><</button>> <<button [[Anal|Anal_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Doggy style 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Doggy style 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Sideways sex|Sideways sex_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Blow job 1_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Blow job 2_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Blow job 3_Intro]]>><</button>> <<button [[Sex|SexWithStrangerPrologue]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Morning|NextMorning]]>><</button>> <video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/forest/forest_2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Sex|SexWithjackQuest_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Blow job 1_forest]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Blow job 2_forest]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Cum_forest]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Continue|LastPassageWithJack]]>><</button>> <video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/forest/forest_1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Doggy style 1|Doggy style 1_forest]]>><</button>> <<button [[Sex|SexWithjackQuest_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Blow job 2_forest]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Cum_forest]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Continue|LastPassageWithJack]]>><</button>> <video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/forest/forest_4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Doggy style 1|Doggy style 1_forest]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Blow job 1_forest]]>><</button>> <<button [[Sex|SexWithjackQuest_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Blow job 2_forest]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Continue|LastPassageWithJack]]>><</button>> <video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/forest/forest_3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Doggy style 1|Doggy style 1_forest]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Blow job 1_forest]]>><</button>> <<button [[Sex|SexWithjackQuest_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Cum_forest]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Continue|LastPassageWithJack]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/bdsm/bdsm_12.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Dominated 2|Bdsm_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Dominated 3|Bdsm_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Bdsm_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Bdsm_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Bdsm_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 4|Bdsm_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing|Bdsm_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Bdsm_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Bdsm_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary|Bdsm_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Bdsm_11]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Continue|Kidnappers_home_quest_8]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/bdsm/bdsm_10.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Dominated 2|Bdsm_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Dominated 1|Bdsm_0]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Bdsm_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Bdsm_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Bdsm_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 4|Bdsm_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing|Bdsm_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Bdsm_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Bdsm_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary|Bdsm_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Bdsm_11]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Continue|Kidnappers_home_quest_8]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/bdsm/bdsm_1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Dominated 2|Bdsm_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Dominated 3|Bdsm_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Dominated 1|Bdsm_0]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Bdsm_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Bdsm_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 4|Bdsm_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing|Bdsm_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Bdsm_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Bdsm_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary|Bdsm_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Bdsm_11]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Continue|Kidnappers_home_quest_8]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/bdsm/bdsm_2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Dominated 2|Bdsm_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Dominated 3|Bdsm_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Bdsm_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Dominated 1|Bdsm_0]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Bdsm_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 4|Bdsm_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing|Bdsm_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Bdsm_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Bdsm_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary|Bdsm_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Bdsm_11]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Continue|Kidnappers_home_quest_8]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/bdsm/bdsm_3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Dominated 2|Bdsm_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Dominated 3|Bdsm_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Bdsm_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Bdsm_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Dominated 1|Bdsm_0]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 4|Bdsm_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing|Bdsm_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Bdsm_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Bdsm_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary|Bdsm_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Bdsm_11]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Continue|Kidnappers_home_quest_8]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/bdsm/bdsm_4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Dominated 2|Bdsm_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Dominated 3|Bdsm_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Bdsm_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Bdsm_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Bdsm_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Dominated 1|Bdsm_0]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing|Bdsm_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Bdsm_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Bdsm_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary|Bdsm_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Bdsm_11]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Continue|Kidnappers_home_quest_8]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/bdsm/bdsm_9.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Dominated 2|Bdsm_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Dominated 3|Bdsm_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Bdsm_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Bdsm_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Bdsm_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 4|Bdsm_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Dominated 1|Bdsm_0]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Bdsm_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Bdsm_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary|Bdsm_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Bdsm_11]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Continue|Kidnappers_home_quest_8]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/bdsm/bdsm_8.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Dominated 2|Bdsm_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Dominated 3|Bdsm_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Bdsm_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Bdsm_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Bdsm_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 4|Bdsm_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing|Bdsm_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Dominated 1|Bdsm_0]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Bdsm_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary|Bdsm_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Bdsm_11]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Continue|Kidnappers_home_quest_8]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/bdsm/bdsm_7.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Dominated 2|Bdsm_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Dominated 3|Bdsm_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Bdsm_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Bdsm_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Bdsm_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 4|Bdsm_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing|Bdsm_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Bdsm_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Dominated 1|Bdsm_0]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary|Bdsm_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Bdsm_11]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Continue|Kidnappers_home_quest_8]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/bdsm/bdsm_5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Dominated 2|Bdsm_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Dominated 3|Bdsm_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Bdsm_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Bdsm_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Bdsm_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 4|Bdsm_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing|Bdsm_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Bdsm_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Bdsm_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Dominated 1|Bdsm_0]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Bdsm_11]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Continue|Kidnappers_home_quest_8]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/bdsm/bdsm_6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Dominated 2|Bdsm_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Dominated 3|Bdsm_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Bdsm_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Bdsm_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Bdsm_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 4|Bdsm_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing|Bdsm_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Bdsm_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Bdsm_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary|Bdsm_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Dominated 1|Bdsm_0]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Continue|Kidnappers_home_quest_8]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/bdsm/bdsm_11.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Dominated 1|Bdsm_0]]>><</button>> <<button [[Dominated 3|Bdsm_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Bdsm_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Bdsm_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Bdsm_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 4|Bdsm_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing|Bdsm_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Bdsm_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Bdsm_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary|Bdsm_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Bdsm_11]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Continue|Kidnappers_home_quest_8]]>><</button>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Future Updates</div><div class="quest description text">We'll continue this story in our next updates. Follow our <a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a> for upcoming releases!</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+?</div><div class="quest titlebar">+?</div><div class="quest titlebar">+?</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/client.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do">🛑 ?
🛑 ?
🛑 ?</div></div></div>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Будущие обновления.</div><div class="quest description text">Мы продолжим эту историю в наших следующих обновлениях. Следите за нашим <a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a> , чтобы узнать о предстоящих обновлениях!</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+?</div><div class="quest titlebar">+?</div><div class="quest titlebar">+?</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/client.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do">🛑 ?
🛑 ?
🛑 ?</div></div></div>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Künftige Aktualisierungen.</div><div class="quest description text">Die Fortsetzung unserer Geschichte gibt's in den nächsten Updates! Folgt uns auf <a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a> , um keine neuen Veröffentlichungen zu verpassen!</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+?</div><div class="quest titlebar">+?</div><div class="quest titlebar">+?</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/client.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do">🛑 ?
🛑 ?
🛑 ?</div></div></div>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Mises à jour futures.</div><div class="quest description text">Nous continuerons cette histoire dans nos prochaines mises à jour. Suivez notre <a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a> pour les prochaines versions!</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+?</div><div class="quest titlebar">+?</div><div class="quest titlebar">+?</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/client.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do">🛑 ?
🛑 ?
🛑 ?</div></div></div>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Futuras actualizaciones.</div><div class="quest description text">Continuaremos esta historia en nuestras próximas actualizaciones. ¡Sigue nuestro <a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a> para enterarte de los próximos lanzamientos!</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+?</div><div class="quest titlebar">+?</div><div class="quest titlebar">+?</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/client.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do">🛑 ?
🛑 ?
🛑 ?</div></div></div>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">未来更新</div><div class="quest description text">我们将在下次更新中继续这个故事。请关注我们的 <a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a> ,了解即将发布的内容!</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+?</div><div class="quest titlebar">+?</div><div class="quest titlebar">+?</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/client.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do">🛑 ?
🛑 ?
🛑 ?</div></div></div>
<</switch>><div id="viewport">
<div id="content-slot">
<div id="game">
<canvas id="slots" width="550" height="430"></canvas>
<div id="game-description">
@@.text-normal;The slot allows you to win in-game money.@@
@@.text-normal;You can have a winning combination, or you can lose@@
@@.text-normal;Bid 1 = 100 of your in-game money@@
@@.text-normal;The max bet button is set to 3@@
<<button[[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>> <<button[[Update balance|casino_Slot]]>><</button>>
<<done>><<script>>window.requestAnimFrame = (function(){
return window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);
* Отображение счета
* @param label - подпись
* @param x
* @param y
* @param width
* @param height
* @param figures - количество знаков
* @param value
* @constructor
var Display = function(label, x, y, width, height, figures, value) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.figures = figures || 1;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.label = label.toUpperCase();
this.value = value;
Display.prototype = {
* Метод отрисовки
* @param ctx
* @param value
draw: function(ctx, value) {
var borderWidth = 3,
paddingWidth = 8,
offsetWidth = 6,
figureWidth = (this.width - borderWidth - paddingWidth*2 - offsetWidth*(this.figures-1))/this.figures,
borderGradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, this.width);
borderGradient.addColorStop(0, "#454545");
borderGradient.addColorStop(1, "#686868");
ctx.clearRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
// параметры подписи
var fontSize = 10;
ctx.fillStyle = '#606060';
ctx.font = "bold " + fontSize + "px Tahoma, sans-serif";
// позиция по центру
var textSize = ctx.measureText(this.label),
textX = this.x + (this.width/2) - (textSize.width / 2),
labelHeight = fontSize + 8;
// рисуем подпись
ctx.fillText(this.label, textX, this.y);
// рисуем циферки с фоном и рамками
ctx.fillStyle = '#210808';
ctx.strokeStyle = borderGradient;
ctx.lineWidth = borderWidth;
// рисуем рамку со скругленными углами
this._drawRoundedRect(ctx, this.x + borderWidth/2, this.y + labelHeight - borderWidth/2, this.width - borderWidth, this.height - labelHeight - borderWidth, 2);
this.value = '' + value;
var j = this.value.length - 1;
var currentSymbol;
// начинаем с последней ячейки
for (var i = this.figures - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
currentSymbol = false;
// подбираем текущий символ для отображения
while (currentSymbol === false) {
if (this.value[j] === undefined) {
if (this._figures[this.value[j]] !== undefined) {
currentSymbol = this._figures[this.value[j]];
this.x + borderWidth/2 + paddingWidth + (figureWidth + offsetWidth)*i,
this.y + labelHeight - borderWidth/2 + paddingWidth,
this.height - labelHeight - borderWidth - paddingWidth*2,
* Рисуем рамку со скругленными углами
* @param ctx
* @param x
* @param y
* @param width
* @param height
* @param radius
* @private
_drawRoundedRect: function(ctx, x, y, width, height, radius) {
radius = radius || 5;
ctx.mp4eTo(x + radius, y);
ctx.lineTo(x + width - radius, y);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y, x + width, y + radius);
ctx.lineTo(x + width, y + height - radius);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y + height, x + width - radius, y + height);
ctx.lineTo(x + radius, y + height);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + height, x, y + height - radius);
ctx.lineTo(x, y + radius);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x + radius, y);
* Рисуем циферку
* @param ctx
* @param x
* @param y
* @param width
* @param height
* @param figure
* @private
_drawFigure: function(ctx, x, y, width, height, figure) {
var segmentParams,
lineWidth = Math.floor( width / 4);
// рисуем фон
ctx.fillRect(x, y, width, height);
// рисуем циферку
if (figure !== false) {
for (var i = 0, sl = figure.length; i < sl; i++) {
if (this._segmentParams[figure[i]] !== undefined && Object.prototype.toString.call(this._segmentParams[figure[i]]) === "[object Function]") {
segmentParams = this._segmentParams[figure[i]].call(this, x, y, width, height, lineWidth);
this._drawSegment(ctx, segmentParams.x, segmentParams.y, segmentParams.width, segmentParams.height);
* Рисуем кусок цифры
* @param ctx
* @param x
* @param y
* @param width
* @param height
* @private
_drawSegment: function(ctx, x, y, width, height) {
var shortSide = height < width ? height : width,
halfShortSide = shortSide/2;
ctx.fillStyle = '#ff8484';
// рисуем восьмиугольник
// в зависимости от направления некоторые углы будут сливаться
ctx.mp4eTo(x + halfShortSide, y);
ctx.lineTo(x + width - halfShortSide, y);
ctx.lineTo(x + width, y + halfShortSide);
ctx.lineTo(x + width, y + height - halfShortSide);
ctx.lineTo(x + width - halfShortSide, y + height);
ctx.lineTo(x + halfShortSide, y + height);
ctx.lineTo(x, y + height - halfShortSide);
ctx.lineTo(x, y + halfShortSide);
* Отступ между сегментами чтоб не сливались
_offset: 3,
* По переданным координатам ячейки возвращает координаты отрисовки сегментов
_segmentParams: {
'top': function(x, y, width, height, lineWidth) {
return { x: x + this._offset, y: y, width: width - this._offset*2, height: lineWidth }
'topRight': function(x, y, width, height, lineWidth) {
return { x: x + width - lineWidth, y: y + this._offset, width: lineWidth, height: height/2 - this._offset }
'center': function(x, y, width, height, lineWidth) {
return { x: x + this._offset, y: y + height/2 - lineWidth/2, width: width - this._offset*2, height: lineWidth }
'bottomRight': function(x, y, width, height, lineWidth) {
return { x: x + width - lineWidth, y: y + height/2, width: lineWidth, height: height/2 - this._offset }
'bottom': function(x, y, width, height, lineWidth) {
return { x: x + this._offset, y: y + height - lineWidth, width: width - this._offset*2, height: lineWidth }
'bottomLeft': function(x, y, width, height, lineWidth) {
return { x: x, y: y + height/2, width: lineWidth, height: height/2 - this._offset }
'topLeft': function(x, y, width, height, lineWidth) {
return { x: x, y: y + this._offset, width: lineWidth, height: height/2 - this._offset }
* Цифекри
_figures: {
'0': [ 'top', 'topRight', 'bottomRight', 'bottom', 'bottomLeft', 'topLeft' ],
'1': [ 'topRight', 'bottomRight' ],
'2': [ 'top', 'topRight', 'center', 'bottomLeft', 'bottom' ],
'3': [ 'top', 'topRight', 'center', 'bottomRight', 'bottom' ],
'4': [ 'topLeft', 'topRight', 'center', 'bottomRight' ],
'5': [ 'top', 'topLeft', 'center', 'bottomRight', 'bottom' ],
'6': [ 'top', 'topLeft', 'center', 'bottomRight', 'bottom', 'bottomLeft' ],
'7': [ 'top', 'topRight', 'bottomRight' ],
'8': [ 'top', 'topRight', 'center', 'bottomRight', 'bottom', 'bottomLeft', 'topLeft' ],
'9': [ 'top', 'topRight', 'center', 'bottomRight', 'bottom', 'topLeft' ]
* Кнопочки
* @param text - подпись
* @param x
* @param y
* @param width
* @param height
* @constructor
var Button = function(text, x, y, width, height) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.hovered = false;
this.text = text;
this.handlers = [];
Button.prototype = {
* Вхождение курсора в область кнопки
* @param obj
* @param mouse
* @returns {boolean}
intersects: function(obj, mouse) {
var xIntersect = mouse.x > obj.x && mouse.x < obj.x + obj.width;
var yIntersect = mouse.y > obj.y && mouse.y < obj.y + obj.height;
return xIntersect && yIntersect;
update: function(ctx) {
this.hovered = this.intersects(this, ctx.mouse);
draw: function(ctx) {
// определяем цвет фона
ctx.fillStyle = this.hovered ? '#ccc' : '#fff';
// рисуем фон
this._drawRoundedRect(ctx, this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height, 4);
// задаем параметры текста
var fontSize = 20;
ctx.fillStyle = '#000';
ctx.font = fontSize + "px sans-serif";
// вычисляем позицию текста по центру
var textSize = ctx.measureText(this.text),
textX = this.x + (this.width/2) - (textSize.width / 2),
textY = this.y + (this.height/2) - (fontSize/2);
// рисуем текст кнопки
ctx.fillText(this.text, textX, textY);
* Метод вызова подписчика события
* @param e
* @param type
handle: function(e, type) {
if (this.handlers && this.handlers.length) {
for (var i = 0, hl = this.handlers.length; i < hl; i++) {
if (this.handlers[i].type === type && Object.prototype.toString.call(this.handlers[i].handler) === "[object Function]") {
this.handlers[i].handler.call(this, e);
* Простенькая реализация подписки на события
* @param type
* @param handler
* @returns {Button}
on: function(type, handler) {
type: type,
handler: handler
return this;
* Рисуем прямоугольник со скругленными углами
* @param ctx
* @param x
* @param y
* @param width
* @param height
* @param radius
* @private
_drawRoundedRect: function(ctx, x, y, width, height, radius) {
radius = radius || 5;
ctx.mp4eTo(x + radius, y);
ctx.lineTo(x + width - radius, y);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y, x + width, y + radius);
ctx.lineTo(x + width, y + height - radius);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y + height, x + width - radius, y + height);
ctx.lineTo(x + radius, y + height);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + height, x, y + height - radius);
ctx.lineTo(x, y + radius);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x + radius, y);
var Slot = function(options, canvasNode) {
var i, j;
// enums
this.states = {
REST: 0,
BET: 1,
var defaultOptions = {
icons: [
// порядок в массиве должен совпадать с порядком на изображении
id: '7',
name: 'Семерка',
count: 1 // количество на барабане
id: 'C',
name: 'Вишенка',
count: 1
id: '3',
name: 'Три золотых слитка',
count: 1
id: '1',
name: 'Золотой слиток',
count: 3
id: '2',
name: 'Пара золотых слитков',
count: 2
rulesScoring: [
function(line, bet) {
var score = [2, 4, 6][bet-1];
// За каждую вишенку по n
return +(line[0].id === 'C' && score)+(line[1].id === 'C' && score)+(line[2].id === 'C' && score)
function(line, bet) {
var score = [5, 10, 15][bet-1];
// Серия из слитков произвольного значения
return +(
(line[0].id === '1' || line[0].id === '2' || line[0].id === '3') &&
(line[1].id === '1' || line[1].id === '2' || line[1].id === '3') &&
(line[2].id === '1' || line[2].id === '2' || line[2].id === '3') &&
function(line, bet) {
var score = [25, 50, 75][bet-1];
// 1, 1, 1
return +(line[0].id === '1' && line[1].id === '1' && line[2].id === '1' && score)
function(line, bet) {
var score = [50, 100, 150][bet-1];
// 2, 2, 2
return +(line[0].id === '2' && line[1].id === '2' && line[2].id === '2' && score)
function(line, bet) {
var score = [100, 200, 300][bet-1];
// 3, 3, 3
return +(line[0].id === '3' && line[1].id === '3' && line[2].id === '3' && score)
function(line, bet) {
var score = [300, 600, 1500][bet-1];
// 7, 7, 7
return +(line[0].id === '7' && line[1].id === '7' && line[2].id === '7' && score)
iconsUrl: "",
reelBgUrl: "",
soundWinUrl: "sounds/win.wav",
soundReelStopUrl: "sounds/reel_stop.wav",
reelCount: 3, // количество барабанов
reelBorderWidth: 6,
reelOffset: 30, // расстояния между барабанами
symbolSize: 130, // размер тайла иконки
maxReelSpeed: 65, // максимальная скорость раскрутки барабанов
minStopDelay: 300, // минимальная задержка остановки барабана, мс
maxStopDelay: 800, // максимальная задержка остановки барабана, мс
spinUpAcceleration: 5, // скорость раскрутки барабанов
spinDownAcceleration: 1,// скорость остановки барабанов
startingCredits: Math.floor(variables().mia.money/100), // начальная сумма на счету
animateFiguresDelay: 3, // сколько кадров пропускать во время анимации начисления очков
animateFiguresDelayGrand: 1, // сколько кадров пропускать во время анимации начисления большого количества очков
rewardGrand: 25, // какую награду считать большой и увеличивать скорость начисления
animateWinDelay: 10, // сколько кадров пропускать во время анимации победы
animateWinReelLightOffCount: 3, // сколько раз мигать во время анимации победы
reelAreaLeft: 32,
reelAreaTop: 32,
reelAreaHeight: 190,
displays: {
pays: new Display("Winner paid", 32, 250, 112, 68, 4),
credits: new Display("Credits", 165, 250, 112, 68, 4),
bet: new Display("Bet", 310, 250, 36, 68, 1)
// присваиваем значения "По умолчанию"
for (var option in defaultOptions) {
if (defaultOptions.hasOwnProperty(option)) {
this[option] = options[option] !== undefined ? options[option] : defaultOptions[option];
this.ctx = canvasNode.getContext("2d"); // context
this.ctx.textBaseline = "top";
this.ctx.mouse = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
clicked: false,
down: false
canvasNode.addEventListener("mousemove", this.onMouseMove.bind(this));
canvasNode.addEventListener("click", this.onClick.bind(this));
canvasNode.addEventListener("touchend", (function(e) {
if (e.touches[0]) {
this.ctx.mouse.x = e.touches[0].pageX - canvasNode.offsetLeft;
this.ctx.mouse.y = e.touches[0].pageY - canvasNode.offsetTop;
this.onClick.call(this, e);
// список кнопок
this.buttons = [];
// формируем шаблон для барабана
var reelTemplate = [];
for (i = 0; i < this.icons.length; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < this.icons[i].count; j++) {
this.offsetToLine = Math.floor(this.reelAreaHeight / 2) - this.symbolSize;
// количество иконок на барабане
this.reelPositions = reelTemplate.length;
this.reels = [];
this.reelPosition = [];
this.reelSpeed = [];
this.result = [];
for (i = 0; i < this.reelCount; i++) {
// перемешиваем элементы шаблона для генерации барабанов
this.reels[i] = [];
for (j = 0; j < this.reelPositions; j++) {
this.reels[i].splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * j), 0, reelTemplate[j]);
// задаем разное начальное расположение барабанов
this.reelPosition[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.reelPositions) * this.symbolSize - this.offsetToLine;
// выставляем стартовую скорость вращения барабанов
this.reelSpeed[i] = 0;
// рассчитаем высоту сгенерированного барабана в пикселях
this.reelPixelLength = this.reelPositions * this.symbolSize;
// число иконок влезающих в кадр
this.rowCount = Math.ceil(this.reelAreaHeight / this.symbolSize);
this.startSlowing = [];
this.gameState = this.states.REST;
this.credits = this.startingCredits;
this.payout = 0;
this.bet = 1;
this._animateFiguresDelayCounter = 0;
this._animateWinDelayCounter = 0;
this._animateWinReelLightOffCounter = 0;
this._animateWinDelayToggler = false;
this.displays.pays.draw(this.ctx, '');
this.displays.credits.draw(this.ctx, this.credits);
this.displays.bet.draw(this.ctx, this.bet);
this.symbols = new Image();
this.symbols.src = this.iconsUrl;
this.reelBg = new Image();
this.reelBg.src = this.reelBgUrl;
this.soundWin = new Audio(this.soundWinUrl);
this.soundReelStop = [];
this.soundReelStop[0] = new Audio(this.soundReelStopUrl);
this.soundReelStop[1] = new Audio(this.soundReelStopUrl);
this.soundReelStop[2] = new Audio(this.soundReelStopUrl);
window.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleKey.bind(this), true);
var symbolsLoaded, // флаг загрузки иконок
reelBgLoaded; // флаг загрузки фона
this.symbols.onload = (function() {
symbolsLoaded = true;
if (symbolsLoaded && reelBgLoaded) {
this.reelBg.onload = (function() {
reelBgLoaded = true;
if (symbolsLoaded && reelBgLoaded) {
Slot.prototype = {
//---- Render Functions ---------------------------------------------
* Отрисовка иконки
* @param symbolIndex
* @param x
* @param y
* @param {Boolean} [moves=0] во время движения барабанов показываем размытые иконки
drawSymbol: function(symbolIndex, x, y, moves) {
var symbol_pixel = symbolIndex * this.symbolSize;
this.ctx.drawImage(this.symbols, moves ? this.symbolSize : 0, symbol_pixel, this.symbolSize, this.symbolSize, x + this.reelAreaLeft, y + this.reelAreaTop, this.symbolSize, this.symbolSize);
* Перерисовка барабанов
renderReel: function() {
var reelIndex,
x, y;
for (var i = 0; i < this.reelCount; i++) {
// сохраняем состояние
// задаем цвет фона
this.ctx.fillStyle = '#fff';
// рисуем фон
this.ctx.fillRect(this.reelAreaLeft + this.reelBorderWidth*(i+1) + (this.symbolSize + this.reelBorderWidth)*i + this.reelOffset*i, this.reelAreaTop + this.reelBorderWidth, this.symbolSize, this.reelAreaHeight);
// ограничиваем область отрисовки
this.ctx.rect(this.reelAreaLeft + this.reelBorderWidth*(i+1) + (this.symbolSize + this.reelBorderWidth)*i + this.reelOffset*i, this.reelAreaTop + this.reelBorderWidth, this.symbolSize, this.reelAreaHeight);
for (var j = 0; j < this.rowCount + 1; j++) {
reelIndex = Math.floor(this.reelPosition[i] / this.symbolSize) + j;
symbolOffset = this.reelPosition[i] % this.symbolSize;
if (reelIndex >= this.reelPositions) {
reelIndex -= this.reelPositions;
symbolIndex = this.reels[i][reelIndex];
x = i * (this.symbolSize + this.reelBorderWidth) + this.reelOffset*i + this.reelBorderWidth*(i+1);
y = j * this.symbolSize - symbolOffset;
// рисуем иконку
this.drawSymbol(symbolIndex, x, y, this.reelSpeed[i] > this.maxReelSpeed/4);
// сбрасываем состояние
// накладываем сверху картинку барабана
this.ctx.drawImage(this.reelBg, this.reelAreaLeft + (this.symbolSize+this.reelBorderWidth*2)*i + this.reelOffset*i, this.reelAreaTop);
* Перерисовка линии
renderLine: function() {
// параметры линии
this.ctx.fillStyle = '#a52325';
this.ctx.strokeStyle = '#4d0000';
this.ctx.lineWidth = 1;
// обводка линии
this.ctx.strokeRect(this.reelAreaLeft, this.reelAreaTop + Math.floor((this.reelAreaHeight + this.reelBorderWidth)/2) - 0.5, this.symbolSize*3 + this.reelOffset*3 + this.reelBorderWidth, 3);
// рисуем левый треугольник
this.ctx.mp4eTo(this.reelAreaLeft - 2, this.reelAreaTop + Math.floor((this.reelAreaHeight + this.reelBorderWidth)/2) - 10);
this.ctx.lineTo(this.reelAreaLeft + 10, this.reelAreaTop + Math.floor((this.reelAreaHeight + this.reelBorderWidth)/2) + 1);
this.ctx.lineTo(this.reelAreaLeft - 2, this.reelAreaTop + Math.floor((this.reelAreaHeight + this.reelBorderWidth)/2) + 10);
// рисуем правый треугольник
this.ctx.mp4eTo(this.reelAreaLeft + this.symbolSize*3 + this.reelOffset*3 + this.reelBorderWidth + 2, this.reelAreaTop + Math.floor((this.reelAreaHeight + this.reelBorderWidth)/2) - 10);
this.ctx.lineTo(this.reelAreaLeft + this.symbolSize*3 + this.reelOffset*3 + this.reelBorderWidth - 10, this.reelAreaTop + Math.floor((this.reelAreaHeight + this.reelBorderWidth)/2) + 1);
this.ctx.lineTo(this.reelAreaLeft + this.symbolSize*3 + this.reelOffset*3 + this.reelBorderWidth + 2, this.reelAreaTop + Math.floor((this.reelAreaHeight + this.reelBorderWidth)/2) + 10);
// заливка линии
this.ctx.fillRect(this.reelAreaLeft + 1, this.reelAreaTop + Math.floor((this.reelAreaHeight + this.reelBorderWidth)/2), this.symbolSize*3 + this.reelOffset*3 + 4, 2);
* Перекрытие барабанов темным
renderReelLightOff: function() {
// сохраняем состояние
// задаем цвет фона
this.ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)';
for (var i = 0; i < this.reelCount; i++) {
// перекрываем барабан
this.ctx.fillRect(this.reelAreaLeft + this.reelBorderWidth*(i+1) + (this.symbolSize + this.reelBorderWidth)*i + this.reelOffset*i, this.reelAreaTop + this.reelBorderWidth, this.symbolSize, this.reelAreaHeight);
// сбрасываем состояние
* Перерисовка
render: function() {
if (this.buttons && this.buttons.length) {
for (var i = 0, bl = this.buttons.length; i < bl; i++) {
switch (this.gameState) {
case this.states.SPINUP:
case this.states.SPINDOWN:
case this.states.REWARD:
if (this._animateWinReelLightOffCounter > 0) {
if (this._animateWinDelayCounter > 0) {
if (!this._animateWinDelayToggler) {
} else {
this._animateWinDelayToggler = !this._animateWinDelayToggler;
this._animateWinDelayCounter = this.animateWinDelay;
//---- Logic Functions ---------------------------------------------
* Остановка барабанов по очереди через случайные промежутки времени
* @param i
setStops: function(i) {
i = i || 0;
// начинаем
(function(i) {
this.startSlowing[i] = true;
if (this.reels[++i]) {
}).bind(this, i),
Math.floor(Math.random() * (this.maxStopDelay - this.minStopDelay + 1)) + this.minStopDelay
* Смещение барабана
* @param i
moveReel: function(i) {
this.reelPosition[i] -= this.reelSpeed[i];
// повторяем
if (this.reelPosition[i] < 0) {
this.reelPosition[i] += this.reelPixelLength;
* Логика установки ставок
logicBet: function() {
// когда все очки начислены переключаем в режим ожидания
if (this.displays.credits.value == this.credits && this.displays.bet.value == this.bet) {
this.gameState = this.states.SPINUP;
// пропускаем кадры, чтоб не моргало слишком быстро
if (this._animateFiguresDelayCounter > 0) {
if (this.displays.credits.value != this.credits) {
this.displays.credits.draw(this.ctx, --this.displays.credits.value);
if (this.displays.bet.value != this.bet) {
this.displays.bet.draw(this.ctx, this.displays.bet.value < this.bet ? ++this.displays.bet.value : --this.displays.bet.value);
this._animateFiguresDelayCounter = this.animateFiguresDelay;
* Логика набора скорости
logicSpinUp: function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.reelCount; i++) {
// перемещаем барабан
// увеличиваем скорость
this.reelSpeed[i] += this.spinUpAcceleration;
// как только достигли максимальной скорости начинаем остановку
if (this.reelSpeed[0] == this.maxReelSpeed) {
this.gameState = this.states.SPINDOWN;
* Логика остановки барабанов
logicSpinDown: function() {
// когда все барабаны остановлены
if (this.reelSpeed[this.reelCount - 1] == 0) {
this.gameState = this.states.REWARD;
for (var i = 0; i < this.reelCount; i++) {
if (this.reelSpeed[i] > 0) {
// перемещаем барабан
* не начинаем остановку пока не сработал таймер
* @see this.setStops
if (this.startSlowing[i]) {
// когда скорость падает до минимума крутим барабан до фиксированного положения
if (this.reelSpeed[i] === this.spinDownAcceleration) {
var positionOffsetToLine = this.reelPosition[i] + this.offsetToLine;
if (positionOffsetToLine % Math.floor(this.symbolSize / 2)) {
} else {
// рассчитываем выпавшие ячейки
var stopIndex = positionOffsetToLine / Math.floor(this.symbolSize / 2) + 1;
this.result[i] = !(stopIndex % 2) && this.icons[this.reels[i][stopIndex / 2] !== undefined ? this.reels[i][stopIndex / 2] : this.reels[i][0]];
try {
// проигрываем музыку остановки барабана
this.soundReelStop[i].currentTime = 0;
} catch (err) {}
// уменьшаем скорость вращения
this.reelSpeed[i] -= this.spinDownAcceleration;
* Логика показа результата
logicReward: function() {
// когда все очки начислены переключаем в режим ожидания
if (this.payout == 0) {
if (this._animateWinReelLightOffCounter == 0) {
this.gameState = this.states.REST;
// пропускаем кадры, чтоб не моргало слишком быстро
if (this._animateFiguresDelayCounter > 0) {
this.displays.credits.draw(this.ctx, this.credits);
this.displays.pays.draw(this.ctx, ++this.displays.pays.value);
if (this.payout < this.rewardGrand) {
this._animateFiguresDelayCounter = this.animateFiguresDelay;
else { // большую сумму анимируем быстрее
this._animateFiguresDelayCounter += this.animateFiguresDelayGrand;
* Логика
logic: function() {
if (this.buttons && this.buttons.length) {
for (var i = 0, bl = this.buttons.length; i < bl; i++) {
switch (this.gameState) {
case this.states.BET:
case this.states.SPINUP:
case this.states.SPINDOWN:
case this.states.REWARD:
* Вычисление выигрыша
calcReward: function() {
this.payout = 0;
if (this.rulesScoring && this.rulesScoring.length) {
for (var i = 0, rl = this.rulesScoring.length; i < rl; i++) {
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(this.rulesScoring[i]) === "[object Function]") {
this.payout += this.rulesScoring[i](this.result, this.bet);
this.displays.pays.draw(this.ctx, 0);
if (this.payout > 0) {
this._animateWinReelLightOffCounter = this.animateWinReelLightOffCount;
variables().mia.money +=this.payout*100;
try {
this.soundWin.currentTime = 0;
catch (err) { }
onMouseMove: function(e) {
this.ctx.mouse.x = e.offsetX;
this.ctx.mouse.y = e.offsetY;
onClick: function(e) {
var i, bl;
// передаем событие кнопочкам
if (this.buttons && this.buttons.length) {
for (i = 0, bl = this.buttons.length; i < bl; i++) {
if (this.buttons[i].hovered) {
this.buttons[i].handle(e, "click");
handleKey: function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 32) { // spacebar
if (this.gameState != this.states.REST) return;
* Запускаем барабаны
* @param bet
spin: function(bet) {
this.bet = bet || this.bet;
if (this.gameState != this.states.REST) return;
if (this.credits < this.bet) return;
this.credits -= this.bet;
variables().mia.money -=this.bet*100;
this.displays.pays.draw(this.ctx, '');
this.startSlowing = [];
this.result = [];
this.gameState = this.states.BET;
* Ставим максимальную ставку и запускаем
betMax: function() {
if (this.credits >= 3) this.spin(3);
else if (this.credits == 2) this.spin(2);
else if (this.credits == 1) this.spin(1);
* Прибавляем один к ставке если возможно
betOne: function() {
if (this.gameState != this.states.REST) return;
var newBet = this.bet + 1;
if (newBet > this.credits || newBet > 3) {
this.bet = 1;
} else {
this.displays.bet.draw(this.ctx, this.bet);
start: function() {
requestAnimFrame( this.start.bind(this) );
var slot = new Slot({}, document.getElementById("slots"));
new Button("Bet one", 32, 340, 100, 60).on('click', function(e) {
new Button("Bet max", 155, 340, 100, 60).on('click', function(e) {
new Button("Spin reels", 398, 320, 120, 80).on('click', function(e) {
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var forwardButton = document.getElementById('history-forward');
if (forwardButton) {
forwardButton.style.display = 'inline-block';
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var forwardButton = document.getElementById('history-forward');
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function reset(){
// Reset
$(".dealer-cards").html("<div class='card card1'></div><div class='card card2 flipped'></div><div class='new-cards'></div><div class='clear'></div><div id='dealerTotal' class='dealer-total'></div>");
$(".player-cards").html("<div class='card card1'></div><div class='card card2'></div><div class='new-cards'></div><div class='clear'></div><div id='playerTotal' class='player-total'></div>");
var reloadGame = "<div class='btn' id='hit'>Hit</div><div class='btn' id='stand'>Stand</div>";
function deal(){
/// Store cards in array
var cards = ["ace-of-clubs","two-of-clubs","three-of-clubs","four-of-clubs","five-of-clubs","six-of-clubs","seven-of-clubs","eight-of-clubs","nine-of-clubs","ten-of-clubs","jack-of-clubs","queen-of-clubs","king-of-clubs","ace-of-spades","two-of-spades","three-of-spades","four-of-spades","five-of-spades","six-of-spades","seven-of-spades","eight-of-spades","nine-of-spades","ten-of-spades","jack-of-spades","queen-of-spades","king-of-spades","ace-of-hearts","two-of-hearts","three-of-hearts","four-of-hearts","five-of-hearts","six-of-hearts","seven-of-hearts","eight-of-hearts","nine-of-hearts","ten-of-hearts","jack-of-hearts","queen-of-hearts","king-of-hearts","ace-of-diamonds","two-of-diamonds","three-of-diamonds","four-of-diamonds","five-of-diamonds","six-of-diamonds","seven-of-diamonds","eight-of-diamonds","nine-of-diamonds","ten-of-diamonds","jack-of-diamonds","queen-of-diamonds","king-of-diamonds"];
/// Store correlating values in an array
var values = [11,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10,10,10,11,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10,10,10,11,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10,10,10,11,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10,10,10];
/// Zero out dealer total
var dealerTotal = 0;
$(".dealer-cards .card").each(function(){
var num = Math.floor(Math.random()*cards.length);
var cardClass = cards[num];
dealerTotal = parseInt(dealerTotal) + parseInt(values[num]);
$(".dealer-cards .card").each(function(){
dealerTotal = parseInt(dealerTotal) - 10;
cards.splice(num, 1);
values.splice(num, 1);
/// Zero out player total
var playerTotal = 0;
$(".player-cards .card").each(function(){
var num = Math.floor(Math.random()*cards.length);
var cardClass = cards[num];
playerTotal = parseInt(playerTotal) + parseInt(values[num]);
$(".player-cards .card").each(function(){
playerTotal = parseInt(playerTotal) - 10;
cards.splice(num, 1);
values.splice(num, 1);
/// If player hits
var num = Math.floor(Math.random()*cards.length);
var cardClass = cards[num];
var newCard = "<div class='card " + cardClass + "' data-value='" + values[num] + "'></div>";
$(".player-cards .new-cards").append(newCard);
playerTotal = parseInt(playerTotal) + parseInt(values[num]);
$(".player-cards .card").each(function(){
playerTotal = parseInt(playerTotal) - 10;
cards.splice(num, 1);
values.splice(num, 1);
var reloadGame = "<div class='btn' id='deal'>Deal</div>";
/// Pay up
var bet = $("#bet").html();
variables().mia.money -= parseInt(bet);
return false;
/// If player stands
//// Keep adding a card until over 17 or dealer busts
var keepDealing = setInterval(function(){
var dealerTotal = $("#dealerTotal").html();
var playerTotal = $("#playerTotal").html();
/// If there are aces
$(".dealer-cards .card").each(function(){
//// and check if still over 21 in the loop
if($(this).attr("data-value")==11 && dealerTotal>21){
dealerTotal = parseInt(dealerTotal) - 10;
$("#message").html('Dealer Bust!');
var reloadGame = "<div class='btn' id='deal'>Deal</div>";
/// Pay up
var bet = $("#bet").html();
variables().mia.money += parseInt(bet);
var money = $("#money").html();
var winnings = bet * 2;
$("#money").html(parseInt(winnings) + parseInt(money));
return false;
/// You Win
$("#message").html('You Win!');
/// Pay up
var bet = $("#bet").html();
var money = $("#money").html();
var winnings = bet * 2;
variables().mia.money += parseInt(bet);
$("#money").html(parseInt(winnings) + parseInt(money));
/// You Lose
$("#message").html('You Lose!');
/// Pay up
var bet = $("#bet").html();
variables().mia.money -= parseInt(bet);
var money = $("#money").html();
$("#money").html(parseInt(money) - parseInt(bet));
var bet = $("#bet").html();
var money = $("#money").html();
$("#money").html(parseInt(bet) + parseInt(money));
var reloadGame = "<div class='btn' id='deal'>Deal</div>";
return false;
var num = Math.floor(Math.random()*cards.length);
var cardClass = cards[num];
var newCard = "<div class='card " + cardClass + "' data-value='" + values[num] + "'></div>";
$(".dealer-cards .new-cards").append(newCard);
dealerTotal = parseInt(dealerTotal) + parseInt(values[num]);
cards.splice(num, 1);
values.splice(num, 1);
}, 300);
//// Bet
var bet = 50;
var currentBet = $("#bet").html();
var money = $("#money").html();
if(money==0) return false;
$("#bet").html(parseInt(currentBet) + bet);
} else {
var bet = -50;
var currentBet = $("#bet").html();
if(currentBet==0) return false;
var money = $("#money").html();
$("#bet").html(parseInt(currentBet) + bet);
} else {
}, 200);
<div class='page'><b>Available Funds</b> <span id='money' class='money'>$mia.money</span>
<b>Your Bet</b><div id='bet' class='bet money'>0</div>
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: center; margin: 10px;"><div class='btn' id='more'>+</div><div class='btn' id='less'>-</div></div>
<div id='message' class='message'></div>
<div class='dealer-cards'>
<div class='card card1'></div>
<div class='card flipped card2'></div>
<div class='new-cards'></div>
<div class='clear'></div>
<div id='dealerTotal' class='dealer-total'></div>
<div class='clear'></div>
<div class='player-cards'>
<div class='card card1'></div>
<div class='card card2'></div>
<div class='new-cards'></div>
<div class='clear'></div>
<div id='playerTotal' class='player-total'></div>
<div class='buttons'>
<div class='btn' id='hit'>Hit</div>
<div class='btn' id='stand'>Stand</div>
</div></div><<button[[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>> <<button[[Update balance|BlackJack]]>><</button>><<set $canTravel =1>><<button[[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>> <<button[[Update balance|wheel]]>><</button>>
let bankValue = variables().mia.money;
let currentBet = 0;
let wager = 5;
let lastWager = 0;
let bet = [];
let numbersBet = [];
let previousNumbers = [];
let numRed = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30, 32, 34, 36];
let wheelnumbersAC = [0, 26, 3, 35, 12, 28, 7, 29, 18, 22, 9, 31, 14, 20, 1, 33, 16, 24, 5, 10, 23, 8, 30, 11, 36, 13, 27, 6, 34, 17, 25, 2, 21, 4, 19, 15, 32];
let container = document.createElement('div');
container.setAttribute('id', 'container');
let wheel = document.getElementsByClassName('wheel')[0];
let ballTrack = document.getElementsByClassName('ballTrack')[0];
function resetGame(){
bankValue = variables().mia.money;
currentBet = 0;
wager = 5;
bet = [];
numbersBet = [];
previousNumbers = [];
function startGame(){
function gameOver(){
let notification = document.createElement('div');
notification.setAttribute('id', 'notification');
let nSpan = document.createElement('span');
nSpan.setAttribute('class', 'nSpan');
nSpan.innerText = 'Bankrupt';
let nBtn = document.createElement('div');
nBtn.setAttribute('class', 'nBtn');
nBtn.innerText = 'Play again';
nBtn.onclick = function(){
function buildWheel(){
let wheel = document.createElement('div');
wheel.setAttribute('class', 'wheel');
let outerRim = document.createElement('div');
outerRim.setAttribute('class', 'outerRim');
let numbers = [0, 32, 15, 19, 4, 21, 2, 25, 17, 34, 6, 27, 13, 36, 11, 30, 8, 23, 10, 5, 24, 16, 33, 1, 20, 14, 31, 9, 22, 18, 29, 7, 28, 12, 35, 3, 26];
for(let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++){
let a = i + 1;
let spanClass = (numbers[i] < 10)? 'single' : 'double';
let sect = document.createElement('div');
sect.setAttribute('id', 'sect'+a);
sect.setAttribute('class', 'sect');
let span = document.createElement('span');
span.setAttribute('class', spanClass);
span.innerText = numbers[i];
let block = document.createElement('div');
block.setAttribute('class', 'block');
let pocketsRim = document.createElement('div');
pocketsRim.setAttribute('class', 'pocketsRim');
let ballTrack = document.createElement('div');
ballTrack.setAttribute('class', 'ballTrack');
let ball = document.createElement('div');
ball.setAttribute('class', 'ball');
let pockets = document.createElement('div');
pockets.setAttribute('class', 'pockets');
let cone = document.createElement('div');
cone.setAttribute('class', 'cone');
let turret = document.createElement('div');
turret.setAttribute('class', 'turret');
let turretHandle = document.createElement('div');
turretHandle.setAttribute('class', 'turretHandle');
let thendOne = document.createElement('div');
thendOne.setAttribute('class', 'thendOne');
let thendTwo = document.createElement('div');
thendTwo.setAttribute('class', 'thendTwo');
function buildBettingBoard(){
let bettingBoard = document.createElement('div');
bettingBoard.setAttribute('id', 'betting_board');
let wl = document.createElement('div');
wl.setAttribute('class', 'winning_lines');
var wlttb = document.createElement('div');
wlttb.setAttribute('id', 'wlttb_top');
wlttb.setAttribute('class', 'wlttb');
for(let i = 0; i < 11; i++){
let j = i;
var ttbbetblock = document.createElement('div');
ttbbetblock.setAttribute('class', 'ttbbetblock');
var numA = (1 + (3 * j));
var numB = (2 + (3 * j));
var numC = (3 + (3 * j));
var numD = (4 + (3 * j));
var numE = (5 + (3 * j));
var numF = (6 + (3 * j));
let num = numA + ', ' + numB + ', ' + numC + ', ' + numD + ', ' + numE + ', ' + numF;
var objType = 'double_street';
ttbbetblock.onclick = function(){
setBet(this, num, objType, 5);
ttbbetblock.oncontextmenu = function(e){
removeBet(this, num, objType, 5);
for(let c = 1; c < 4; c++){
let d = c;
var wlttb = document.createElement('div');
wlttb.setAttribute('id', 'wlttb_'+c);
wlttb.setAttribute('class', 'wlttb');
for(let i = 0; i < 12; i++){
let j = i;
var ttbbetblock = document.createElement('div');
ttbbetblock.setAttribute('class', 'ttbbetblock');
ttbbetblock.onclick = function(){
if(d == 1 || d == 2){
var numA = ((2 - (d - 1)) + (3 * j));
var numB = ((3 - (d - 1)) + (3 * j));
var num = numA + ', ' + numB;
var numA = (1 + (3 * j));
var numB = (2 + (3 * j));
var numC = (3 + (3 * j));
var num = numA + ', ' + numB + ', ' + numC;
var objType = (d == 3)? 'street' : 'split';
var odd = (d == 3)? 11 : 17;
setBet(this, num, objType, odd);
ttbbetblock.oncontextmenu = function(e){
if(d == 1 || d == 2){
var numA = ((2 - (d - 1)) + (3 * j));
var numB = ((3 - (d - 1)) + (3 * j));
var num = numA + ', ' + numB;
var numA = (1 + (3 * j));
var numB = (2 + (3 * j));
var numC = (3 + (3 * j));
var num = numA + ', ' + numB + ', ' + numC;
var objType = (d == 3)? 'street' : 'split';
var odd = (d == 3)? 11 : 17;
removeBet(this, num, objType, odd);
for(let c = 1; c < 12; c++){
let d = c;
var wlrtl = document.createElement('div');
wlrtl.setAttribute('id', 'wlrtl_'+c);
wlrtl.setAttribute('class', 'wlrtl');
for(let i = 1; i < 4; i++){
let j = i;
var rtlbb = document.createElement('div');
rtlbb.setAttribute('class', 'rtlbb'+i);
var numA = (3 + (3 * (d - 1))) - (j - 1);
var numB = (6 + (3 * (d - 1))) - (j - 1);
let num = numA + ', ' + numB;
rtlbb.onclick = function(){
setBet(this, num, 'split', 17);
rtlbb.oncontextmenu = function(e){
removeBet(this, num, 'split', 17);
for(let c = 1; c < 3; c++){
var wlcb = document.createElement('div');
wlcb.setAttribute('id', 'wlcb_'+c);
wlcb.setAttribute('class', 'wlcb');
for(let i = 1; i < 12; i++){
let count = (c == 1)? i : i + 11;
var cbbb = document.createElement('div');
cbbb.setAttribute('id', 'cbbb_'+count);
cbbb.setAttribute('class', 'cbbb');
var numA = '2';
var numB = '3';
var numC = '5';
var numD = '6';
let num = (count >= 1 && count < 12)? (parseInt(numA) + ((count - 1) * 3)) + ', ' + (parseInt(numB)+((count - 1) * 3)) + ', ' + (parseInt(numC)+((count - 1) * 3)) + ', ' + (parseInt(numD)+((count - 1) * 3)) : ((parseInt(numA) - 1) + ((count - 12) * 3)) + ', ' + ((parseInt(numB) - 1)+((count - 12) * 3)) + ', ' + ((parseInt(numC) - 1)+((count - 12) * 3)) + ', ' + ((parseInt(numD) - 1)+((count - 12) * 3));
var objType = 'corner_bet';
cbbb.onclick = function(){
setBet(this, num, objType, 8);
cbbb.oncontextmenu = function(e){
removeBet(this, num, objType, 8);
let bbtop = document.createElement('div');
bbtop.setAttribute('class', 'bbtop');
let bbtopBlocks = ['1 to 18', '19 to 36'];
for(let i = 0; i < bbtopBlocks.length; i++){
let f = i;
var bbtoptwo = document.createElement('div');
bbtoptwo.setAttribute('class', 'bbtoptwo');
let num = (f == 0)? '1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18' : '19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36';
var objType = (f == 0)? 'outside_low' : 'outside_high';
bbtoptwo.onclick = function(){
setBet(this, num, objType, 1);
bbtoptwo.oncontextmenu = function(e){
removeBet(this, num, objType, 1);
bbtoptwo.innerText = bbtopBlocks[i];
let numberBoard = document.createElement('div');
numberBoard.setAttribute('class', 'number_board');
let zero = document.createElement('div');
zero.setAttribute('class', 'number_0');
var objType = 'zero';
var odds = 35;
zero.onclick = function(){
setBet(this, '0', objType, odds);
zero.oncontextmenu = function(e){
removeBet(this, '0', objType, odds);
let nbnz = document.createElement('div');
nbnz.setAttribute('class', 'nbn');
nbnz.innerText = '0';
var numberBlocks = [3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, '2 to 1', 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35, '2 to 1', 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34, '2 to 1'];
var redBlocks = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30, 32, 34, 36];
for(let i = 0; i < numberBlocks.length; i++){
let a = i;
var nbClass = (numberBlocks[i] == '2 to 1')? 'tt1_block' : 'number_block';
var colourClass = (redBlocks.includes(numberBlocks[i]))? ' redNum' : ((nbClass == 'number_block')? ' blackNum' : '');
var numberBlock = document.createElement('div');
numberBlock.setAttribute('class', nbClass + colourClass);
numberBlock.onclick = function(){
if(numberBlocks[a] != '2 to 1'){
setBet(this, ''+numberBlocks[a]+'', 'inside_whole', 35);
let num = (a == 12)? '3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36' : ((a == 25)? '2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35' : '1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34');
setBet(this, num, 'outside_column', 2);
numberBlock.oncontextmenu = function(e){
if(numberBlocks[a] != '2 to 1'){
removeBet(this, ''+numberBlocks[a]+'', 'inside_whole', 35);
let num = (a == 12)? '3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36' : ((a == 25)? '2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35' : '1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34');
removeBet(this, num, 'outside_column', 2);
var nbn = document.createElement('div');
nbn.setAttribute('class', 'nbn');
nbn.innerText = numberBlocks[i];
let bo3Board = document.createElement('div');
bo3Board.setAttribute('class', 'bo3_board');
let bo3Blocks = ['1 to 12', '13 to 24', '25 to 36'];
for(let i = 0; i < bo3Blocks.length; i++){
let b = i;
var bo3Block = document.createElement('div');
bo3Block.setAttribute('class', 'bo3_block');
bo3Block.onclick = function(){
let num = (b == 0)? '1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12' : ((b == 1)? '13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24' : '25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36');
setBet(this, num, 'outside_dozen', 2);
bo3Block.oncontextmenu = function(e){
let num = (b == 0)? '1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12' : ((b == 1)? '13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24' : '25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36');
removeBet(this, num, 'outside_dozen', 2);
bo3Block.innerText = bo3Blocks[i];
let otoBoard = document.createElement('div');
otoBoard.setAttribute('class', 'oto_board');
let otoBlocks = ['EVEN', 'RED', 'BLACK', 'ODD'];
for(let i = 0; i < otoBlocks.length; i++){
let d = i;
var colourClass = (otoBlocks[i] == 'RED')? ' redNum' : ((otoBlocks[i] == 'BLACK')? ' blackNum' : '');
var otoBlock = document.createElement('div');
otoBlock.setAttribute('class', 'oto_block' + colourClass);
otoBlock.onclick = function(){
let num = (d == 0)? '2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36' : ((d == 1)? '1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30, 32, 34, 36' : ((d == 2)? '2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35' : '1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35'));
setBet(this, num, 'outside_oerb', 1);
otoBlock.oncontextmenu = function(e){
let num = (d == 0)? '2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36' : ((d == 1)? '1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30, 32, 34, 36' : ((d == 2)? '2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35' : '1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35'));
removeBet(this, num, 'outside_oerb', 1);
otoBlock.innerText = otoBlocks[i];
let chipDeck = document.createElement('div');
chipDeck.setAttribute('class', 'chipDeck');
let chipValues = [1, 5, 10, 100, 'clear'];
for(let i = 0; i < chipValues.length; i++){
let cvi = i;
let chipColour = (i == 0)? 'red' : ((i == 1)? 'blue cdChipActive' : ((i == 2)? 'orange' : ((i == 3)? 'gold' : 'clearBet')));
let chip = document.createElement('div');
chip.setAttribute('class', 'cdChip ' + chipColour);
chip.onclick = function(){
if(cvi !== 4){
let cdChipActive = document.getElementsByClassName('cdChipActive');
for(let i = 0; i < cdChipActive.length; i++){
let curClass = this.getAttribute('class');
this.setAttribute('class', curClass + ' cdChipActive');
wager = parseInt(chip.childNodes[0].innerText);
bankValue = bankValue + currentBet;
currentBet = 0;
document.getElementById('bankSpan').innerText = '' + bankValue.toLocaleString("en-GB") + '';
document.getElementById('betSpan').innerText = '' + currentBet.toLocaleString("en-GB") + '';
let chipSpan = document.createElement('span');
chipSpan.setAttribute('class', 'cdChipSpan');
chipSpan.innerText = chipValues[i];
let bankContainer = document.createElement('div');
bankContainer.setAttribute('class', 'bankContainer');
let bank = document.createElement('div');
bank.setAttribute('class', 'bank');
let bankSpan = document.createElement('span');
bankSpan.setAttribute('id', 'bankSpan');
bankSpan.innerText = '' + bankValue.toLocaleString("en-GB") + '';
let bet = document.createElement('div');
bet.setAttribute('class', 'bet1');
let betSpan = document.createElement('span');
betSpan.setAttribute('id', 'betSpan');
betSpan.innerText = '' + currentBet.toLocaleString("en-GB") + '';
let pnBlock = document.createElement('div');
pnBlock.setAttribute('class', 'pnBlock');
let pnContent = document.createElement('div');
pnContent.setAttribute('id', 'pnContent');
pnContent.onwheel = function(e){
pnContent.scrollLeft += e.deltaY;
function clearBet(){
bet = [];
numbersBet = [];
function setBet(e, n, t, o){
lastWager = wager;
wager = (bankValue < wager)? bankValue : wager;
if(wager > 0){
let spinBtn = document.createElement('div');
spinBtn.setAttribute('class', 'spinBtn');
spinBtn.innerText = 'spin';
spinBtn.onclick = function(){
bankValue = bankValue - wager;
variables().mia.money = variables().mia.money - wager
currentBet = currentBet + wager;
document.getElementById('bankSpan').innerText = '' + bankValue.toLocaleString("en-GB") + '';
document.getElementById('betSpan').innerText = '' + currentBet.toLocaleString("en-GB") + '';
for(let i = 0; i < bet.length; i++){
if(bet[i].numbers == n && bet[i].type == t){
bet[i].amt = bet[i].amt + wager;
let chipColour = (bet[i].amt < 5)? 'red' : ((bet[i].amt < 10)? 'blue' : ((bet[i].amt < 100)? 'orange' : 'gold'));
e.querySelector('.chip').style.cssText = '';
e.querySelector('.chip').setAttribute('class', 'chip ' + chipColour);
let chipSpan = e.querySelector('.chipSpan');
chipSpan.innerText = bet[i].amt;
var obj = {
amt: wager,
type: t,
odds: o,
numbers: n
let numArray = n.split(',').map(Number);
for(let i = 0; i < numArray.length; i++){
let chipColour = (wager < 5)? 'red' : ((wager < 10)? 'blue' : ((wager < 100)? 'orange' : 'gold'));
let chip = document.createElement('div');
chip.setAttribute('class', 'chip ' + chipColour);
let chipSpan = document.createElement('span');
chipSpan.setAttribute('class', 'chipSpan');
chipSpan.innerText = wager;
function spin(){
var winningSpin = Math.floor(Math.random() * 37);
let winValue = 0;
let betTotal = 0;
for(let i = 0; i < bet.length; i++){
var numArray = bet[i].numbers.split(',').map(Number);
bankValue = (bankValue + (bet[i].odds * bet[i].amt) + bet[i].amt);
variables().mia.money = ( variables().mia.money + (bet[i].odds * bet[i].amt) + bet[i].amt);
winValue = winValue + (bet[i].odds * bet[i].amt);
betTotal = betTotal + bet[i].amt;
win(winningSpin, winValue, betTotal);
currentBet = 0;
document.getElementById('bankSpan').innerText = '' + bankValue.toLocaleString("en-GB") + '';
document.getElementById('betSpan').innerText = '' + currentBet.toLocaleString("en-GB") + '';
let pnClass = (numRed.includes(winningSpin))? 'pnRed' : ((winningSpin == 0)? 'pnGreen' : 'pnBlack');
let pnContent = document.getElementById('pnContent');
let pnSpan = document.createElement('span');
pnSpan.setAttribute('class', pnClass);
pnSpan.innerText = winningSpin;
pnContent.scrollLeft = pnContent.scrollWidth;
bet = [];
numbersBet = [];
wager = lastWager;
if(bankValue == 0 && currentBet == 0){
}, 10000);
function win(winningSpin, winValue, betTotal){
if(winValue > 0){
let notification = document.createElement('div');
notification.setAttribute('id', 'notification');
let nSpan = document.createElement('div');
nSpan.setAttribute('class', 'nSpan');
let nsnumber = document.createElement('span');
nsnumber.setAttribute('class', 'nsnumber');
nsnumber.style.cssText = (numRed.includes(winningSpin))? 'color:red' : 'color:black';
nsnumber.innerText = winningSpin;
let nsTxt = document.createElement('span');
nsTxt.innerText = ' Win';
let nsWin = document.createElement('div');
nsWin.setAttribute('class', 'nsWin');
let nsWinBlock = document.createElement('div');
nsWinBlock.setAttribute('class', 'nsWinBlock');
nsWinBlock.innerText = 'Bet: ' + betTotal;
nsWinBlock = document.createElement('div');
nsWinBlock.setAttribute('class', 'nsWinBlock');
nsWinBlock.innerText = 'Win: ' + winValue;
nsWinBlock = document.createElement('div');
nsWinBlock.setAttribute('class', 'nsWinBlock');
nsWinBlock.innerText = 'Payout: ' + (winValue + betTotal);
notification.style.cssText = 'opacity:0';
}, 3000);
}, 4000);
function removeBet(e, n, t, o){
wager = (wager == 0)? 100 : wager;
for(let i = 0; i < bet.length; i++){
if(bet[i].numbers == n && bet[i].type == t){
if(bet[i].amt != 0){
wager = (bet[i].amt > wager)? wager : bet[i].amt;
bet[i].amt = bet[i].amt - wager;
bankValue = bankValue + wager;
variables().mia.money = variables().mia.money + wager
currentBet = currentBet - wager;
document.getElementById('bankSpan').innerText = '' + bankValue.toLocaleString("en-GB") + '';
document.getElementById('betSpan').innerText = '' + currentBet.toLocaleString("en-GB") + '';
if(bet[i].amt == 0){
e.querySelector('.chip').style.cssText = 'display:none';
let chipColour = (bet[i].amt < 5)? 'red' : ((bet[i].amt < 10)? 'blue' : ((bet[i].amt < 100)? 'orange' : 'gold'));
e.querySelector('.chip').setAttribute('class', 'chip ' + chipColour);
let chipSpan = e.querySelector('.chipSpan');
chipSpan.innerText = bet[i].amt;
if(currentBet == 0 && container.querySelector('.spinBtn')){
function spinWheel(winningSpin){
let style = document.createElement('style');
for(let i = 0; i < wheelnumbersAC.length; i++){
if(wheelnumbersAC[i] == winningSpin){
var degree = (i * 9.73) + 362;
wheel.style.cssText = 'animation: wheelRotate 5s linear infinite;';
ballTrack.style.cssText = 'animation: ballRotate 1s linear infinite;';
ballTrack.style.cssText = 'animation: ballRotate 2s linear infinite;';
style.type = 'text/css';
style.innerText = '@keyframes ballStop {from {transform: rotate(0deg);}to{transform: rotate(-'+degree+'deg);}}';
}, 2000);
ballTrack.style.cssText = 'animation: ballStop 3s linear;';
}, 6000);
ballTrack.style.cssText = 'transform: rotate(-'+degree+'deg);';
}, 9000);
wheel.style.cssText = '';
}, 10000);
function removeChips(){
var chips = document.getElementsByClassName('chip');
if(chips.length > 0){
for(let i = 0; i < chips.length; i++){
<</script>><</done>><<set $canTravel =1>><<set $mia.exp +=45>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<set $active_quests.q10=true>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia's return from captivity brought not only relief but also a whirlwind of emotions she couldn't have imagined. That basement left a deep scar on her soul, one that time won't heal. She's haunted not only by the nightmarish memories of the horrors she endured in the dark basement but also by thoughts of what might happen next.<</st>>
<<st>>Reflecting on her first encounter with Roy, Mia realizes their entire story began with a simple twist of fate but led to tragic consequences. She doesn't feel guilty for putting an end to their story with a sharp knife – that jerk deserved what she did to him.<</st>>
<<st>>However, the question of what to do next is still unanswered. Should she go to the police? Tell someone about it? But what if she's accused of Roy's murder, and of locking up the guard in the basement? Mia understands she won't be punished for self-defense, but the fear of possible consequences continues to haunt her.<</st>>
<<st>>She holds onto the hope that Roy's body won't be found in the wilderness, but that hope leaves a bitter taste in anticipation of the unknown. Mia realizes that problems need to be addressed as they arise, and instead of fretting over what hasn't happened yet, she focuses on returning to her everyday life, at the same time feeling that something has changed within her. After everything that's happened to her, she realized how much she loves her life and wants to live it to the fullest.<</st>>
<<st>>Returning to her normal routine won't be easy, and the first step to bring her life back would be to explain her boss why she didn't show up at work for so long. <</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_return_to_room=true>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><<flash "Perks exp + 45">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Возвращение Мии из плена принесло с собой не только облегчение, но и вихрь эмоций, о которых она не могла даже представить. Подземелье Роя оставило на душе девушки глубокий шрам, который время не залечит. Её волнуют не только кошмарные воспоминания об ужасах, которые она пережила в темном подвале, но и мысли о том, что делать дальше.<</st>>
<<st>>Вспоминая свою первую встречу с Роем, Мия понимает, что хоть их история и началась с простой случайности, но привела к трагичным последстствиям. Она не чувствует сожаления за то, что поставила точку в этой истории пырнув Роя ножом – этот придурок полностью это заслужил.<</st>>
<<st>>Однако вопрос о том, что делать дальше, остаётся открытым. Идти в полицию? Рассказать кому-то об этом? А вдруг её обвинят в убийстве Роя, и еще в том что она закрыла того охранника в подвале, что тогда? Мия осознаёт, что её не накажут за самозащиту, но страх перед возможными последствиями продолжает мучить её.<</st>>
<<st>>В ней теплится вера в то, что тело Роя не найдут в той глуши, но все же надежда на это оставляет горький привкус в ожидании неизвестного. Мия понимает что решать проблемы нужно по мере их поступления, и вместо того чтобы нервничать о том, что еще не произошло, сосредоточивается на том, чтобы вернуться к ее повседневной жизни. Вот только теперь она чувствует что что-то в ней изменилось. За это время она поняла насколько любит свою жизнь, и что хочет прожить ее по полной.<</st>>
<<st>>Вернуться к привычной рутине будет не просто, но первым шагом становится неотложное объяснение её долгого отсутствия боссу. Ведь непросто объяснить, почему она пропустила столько рабочих дней.<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_return_to_room=true>>
<<button[[Уйти|House]]>><</button>><<flash "Опыт перков + 45">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Фитнесс + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Das Zurückkehren von Mia aus der Gefangenschaft brachte nicht nur Erleichterung, sondern auch einen Wirbelwind an Emotionen mit sich, von denen sie sich nicht einmal vorstellen konnte. Das Verlies von Roy hat in der Seele des Mädchens eine tiefe Narbe hinterlassen, die die Zeit nicht heilen wird. Sie wird nicht nur von den Albträumen über die Schrecken, die sie im dunklen Keller durchlebt hat, geplagt, sondern auch von Gedanken darüber, was als nächstes passieren könnte.<</st>>
<<st>>Beim Erinnern an ihre erste Begegnung mit Roy erkennt Mia, dass ihre ganze Geschichte mit einer simplen Zufälligkeit begann, aber zu tragischen Konsequenzen führte. Sie empfindet kein Bedauern darüber, dass sie mit einem scharfen Messer einen Schlusspunkt in dieser Geschichte gesetzt hat – dieser Idiot hat bekommen, was er verdient hat.<</st>>
<<st>>Dennoch bleibt die Frage, was als Nächstes zu tun ist, offen. Soll sie zur Polizei gehen? Es jemandem erzählen? Was ist, wenn sie des Mordes an Roy beschuldigt wird, und auch noch, dass sie den Wächter im Keller eingeschlossen hat, was dann? Mia ist sich bewusst, dass sie nicht wegen Notwehr bestraft wird, aber die Angst vor möglichen Konsequenzen quält sie weiterhin.<</st>>
<<st>>In ihr glimmt der Glaube, dass Roys Körper nicht in dieser Wildnis gefunden wird, aber dennoch hinterlässt die Hoffnung darauf einen bitteren Beigeschmack in der Erwartung des Unbekannten. Mia erkennt, dass Probleme angegangen werden müssen, wenn sie auftauchen, und anstatt sich darüber zu nerven, was noch nicht passiert ist, konzentriert sie sich darauf, zu ihrem Alltag zurückzukehren. Doch jetzt spürt sie, dass sich etwas in ihr verändert hat. In dieser Zeit hat sie erkannt, wie sehr sie ihr Leben liebt und dass sie es in vollen Zügen leben will.<</st>>
<<st>>Die Rückkehr zu ihrer normalen Routine wird nicht einfach sein, und der erste Schritt, um ihr Leben wieder in Ordnung zu bringen, wäre, ihrem Chef zu erklären, warum sie so lange nicht zur Arbeit erschienen ist.<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_return_to_room=true>>
<<button[[Verlassen Sie|House]]>><</button>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 45">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Le retour de Mia de captivité a apporté non seulement un soulagement, mais aussi un tourbillon d'émotions auxquelles elle n'aurait jamais pu penser. Ce sous-sol a laissé une cicatrice profonde sur son âme, une blessure que le temps ne guérira pas. Elle est hantée non seulement par les souvenirs cauchemardesques des horreurs qu'elle a endurées dans l'obscurité du sous-sol, mais aussi par les pensées de ce qui pourrait arriver ensuite.<</st>>
<<st>>En réfléchissant à sa première rencontre avec Roy, Mia réalise que toute leur histoire a commencé par un simple coup du sort mais a conduit à des conséquences tragiques. Elle ne regrette pas d'avoir mis fin à leur relation en le poignardant - ce salaud méritait ce qu'elle lui a fait.<</st>>
<<st>>Cependant, la question de ce qu'il faut faire ensuite reste sans réponse. Devrait-elle aller à la police ? En parler à quelqu'un ? Mais et si elle était accusée du meurtre de Roy et d'avoir enfermé le garde dans le sous-sol ? Mia sait qu'elle ne sera pas punie pour légitime défense, mais la peur des conséquences possibles continue de la hanter.<</st>>
<<st>>Elle s'accroche à l'espoir que le corps de Roy ne soit pas retrouvé, mais cet espoir laisse un goût amer dans l'attente de l'inconnu. Mia réalise que les problèmes doivent être traités au fur et à mesure qu'ils surviennent, et au lieu de s'inquiéter pour ce qui n'est pas encore arrivé, elle se concentre sur le retour à sa vie quotidienne, tout en sentant que quelque chose a changé en elle. Après tout ce qui lui est arrivé, elle a réalisé à quel point elle aime sa vie et veut en profiter au maximum.<</st>>
<<st>>Retourner à sa routine normale ne sera pas facile, et la première étape pour reprendre sa vie sera d'expliquer à son patron pourquoi elle n'est pas venue travailler pendant si longtemps.<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_return_to_room=true>>
<<button[[Partir|House]]>><</button>><<flash "Avantages exp + 45">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>El regreso de Mia del cautiverio no solo le trajo alivio sino también un torbellino de emociones que no podría haber imaginado. Ese sótano dejó una profunda cicatriz en su alma, una que el tiempo no sanará. La atormentan no sólo los recuerdos de pesadilla de los horrores que soportó en el oscuro sótano, sino también los pensamientos de lo que podría suceder después.<</st>>
<<st>>Al reflexionar sobre su primer encuentro con Roy, Mia se da cuenta de que toda su historia comenzó con un simple giro del destino pero que tuvo consecuencias trágicas. Ella no se siente culpable por poner fin a su historia con un cuchillo afilado: ese idiota se merecía lo que le hizo.<</st>>
<<st>>Sin embargo, la pregunta de qué hacer a continuación sigue sin respuesta. ¿Debería acudir a la policía? ¿Contárselo a alguien? Pero ¿qué pasa si la acusan del asesinato de Roy y de encerrar al guardia en el sótano? Mia entiende que no será castigada por defensa propia, pero el miedo a las posibles consecuencias sigue persiguiéndola.<</st>>
<<st>>Se aferra a la esperanza de que el cuerpo de Roy no sea encontrado en el desierto, pero esa esperanza le deja un sabor amargo ante la anticipación de lo desconocido. Mia se da cuenta de que los problemas deben abordarse a medida que surgen y, en lugar de preocuparse por lo que aún no ha sucedido, se concentra en regresar a su vida cotidiana, al mismo tiempo que siente que algo ha cambiado dentro de ella. Después de todo lo que le pasó, se dio cuenta de lo mucho que ama su vida y quiere vivirla al máximo.<</st>>
<<st>>Volver a su rutina normal no será fácil, y el primer paso para recuperar su vida sería explicarle a su jefe por qué estuvo tanto tiempo sin presentarse al trabajo.<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_return_to_room=true>>
<<button[[Deja|House]]>><</button>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 45">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corrupción + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>米娅从囚禁中归来不仅带来了解脱,也带来了她无法想象的情感旋风。 那个地下室在她的灵魂上留下了深深的伤痕,是时间无法治愈的。 她不仅被在黑暗的地下室里所经历的恐怖的噩梦般的记忆所困扰,而且还被接下来可能发生的事情的想法所困扰。<</st>>
<<st>>回顾与罗伊的第一次相遇,米娅意识到他们的整个故事始于一个简单的命运转折,但却导致了悲惨的后果。 她并不因为用一把锋利的刀结束了他们的故事而感到内疚——那个混蛋活该对他做这样的事。<</st>>
<<st>>然而,下一步该做什么的问题仍然没有答案。 她应该去报警吗? 告诉别人这件事吗? 但如果她被指控谋杀了罗伊,并将警卫锁在地下室怎么办? 米娅知道她不会因为自卫而受到惩罚,但对可能后果的恐惧仍然困扰着她。<</st>>
<<st>>她抱着罗伊的尸体不会在荒野中被发现的希望,但这种希望在对未知的期待中留下了苦涩的味道。 米娅意识到问题出现就需要解决,她不再为尚未发生的事情而烦恼,而是专注于回归日常生活,同时感觉到自己内心发生了一些变化。 在经历了发生在她身上的一切之后,她意识到自己是多么热爱自己的生活,并且想要过上充实的生活。<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_return_to_room=true>>
<<button[[离开|House]]>><</button>><<flash "福利消耗 + 45">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "健身 + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐败 + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</switch>><<set $mia.exp +=50>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.money+=500>><<set $active_quests.q20=true>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>After a day spent relaxing at home and sorting through her thoughts, Mia finds herself back at work, facing her boss. His face is contorted with anger, and he wastes no time in expressing his frustration.<</st>>
<<boss>>''You've cost me a fortune with your little disappearing act,'' he barks, his voice dripping with irritation. ''I can't afford to have unreliable employees like you on my payroll.''<</boss>>
<<mia>>Mia's heart sinks at his harsh words, but she refuses to give up without a fight. ''Please, I really need this job,'' she pleads, her eyes pleading for another chance.<</mia>>
<<boss>>The boss's gaze narrows as he appraises her, a wicked gleam in his eye. ''I'll consider taking you back,'' he says slowly, his voice laced with malice, ''but only under two conditions.''<</boss>>
<<mia>>Mia's pulse quickens with apprehension, but she braces herself, ready to agree to anything to salvage her job. ''Name them,'' she replies, her voice trembling slightly.<</mia>>
<<boss>>''Firstly,'' the boss says, his tone cold and authoritative, ''I was going to give you an extra cash bonus, but since you've suddenly disappeared, you're not getting it. Consider it compensation for the losses you've caused.''<</boss>>
<<mia>>Mia's doesn't like the idea of loosing a bonus, but she nods in reluctant agreement. ''And the second condition?'' she asks, her voice barely above a whisper.<</mia>>
<<boss>>A sinister smirk spreads across the boss's face as he leans in closer, his breath hot against her skin. ''You'll also be at my beck and call,'' he murmurs, his eyes darkening with lust. ''I've been deprived for far too long, and you owe me.''<</boss>>
<<st>>Mia's stomach churns with disgust, but she knows she has no choice if she wants to keep her job. With a heavy heart, she bites her lip and nods, silently agreeing to his twisted terms. This was the first time she thought it might be a good idea to find a new job.<</st>>
<<boss>>The boss's grin widens at her compliance, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. ''Welcome back to the team, Mia,'' he says, his voice dripping with mockery. ''I hope you're ready for a very... fulfilling month.''<</boss>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_cafe=true>>
<<button[[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "Perks exp + 50">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>После дня, проведенного дома за отдыхом и разбором своих мыслей, Миа снова приходит на работу и встречается со своим боссом. Его лицо излучает только одну эмоцию - гнев, и он, не теряет времени, выливает его на Мию.<</st>>
<<boss>>''Ты влетела мне в копеечку со своим резким исчезновением!'', - орёт он, в его голосе звучит раздражение. ''Я не могу позволить себе иметь в штате таких ненадежных сотрудников, как ты!''.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Сердце Мии замирает от ярости в его словах, но она отказывается сдаваться без боя. ''Пожалуйста, мне очень нужна эта работа'', - умоляет она, её глаза просят дать ей еще один шанс.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Взгляд босса сужается, когда он оценивает её, в его глазах появляется злобный блеск. ''Я подумаю о том, чтобы взять тебя обратно, - медленно произносит он, в его голосе звучит ехидство, - ''Но только при двух условиях''.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Пульс Мии учащается от волнения, но она берёт себя в руки, готовая согласиться на что угодно, лишь бы остаться на работе. ''Назовите их'', - отвечает она, ее голос слегка дрожит.<</mia>>
<<boss>>''Во-первых,'' - говорит босс, его тон холоден и авторитетен, - ''я собирался выдать тебе дополнительную денежную премию, но поскольку ты так внезапно исчезла, останешься без нее. Считай это компенсацией за причиненные мне убытки''.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Мие не нравится идея лишиться премии, но она неохотно кивает в знак согласия. ''А второе условие?'' - спрашивает она, её голос чуть громче шепота.<</mia>>
<<boss>>На лице босса появляется зловещая ухмылка, он наклоняется ближе, и его дыхание обжигает ее кожу. ''Ты также будешь в моем распоряжении'', - проговорил он, его глаза загорелись похотью. Я слишком долго был лишён тебя, тебе придется это отработать''.<</boss>>
<<st>>В животе Мии заурчало от отвращения, но она понимает, что у нее нет выбора, если она хочет сохранить свою работу. С тяжелым сердцем она закусывает губу и кивает, молча соглашаясь на его извращенные условия. Впервые она подумала, что нужно найти новую работу.<</st>>
<<boss>>Ухмылка босса расширяется, когда она подчиняется, а его глаза блестят от удовлетворения. ''С возвращением в команду, Миа'', - говорит он, в его голосе звучит насмешка. Надеюсь, ты готова к очень... насыщенному месяцу''.<</boss>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_cafe=true>>
<<button[[Уйти|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "Опыт перков + 50">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Фитнесс + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Деньги + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Nach einem Tag der Entspannung zu Hause und des Sortierens ihrer Gedanken findet sich Mia wieder bei der Arbeit, ihrem Chef gegenüber. Sein Gesichtsausdruck ist vor Wut verzerrt, und er zögert nicht, seinen Frust auszudrücken.<</st>>
<<boss>>''Mit deinem kleinen Verschwinden hast du mir ein Vermögen gekostet'', bellt er, seine Stimme trieft vor Ärger. ''Ich kann es mir nicht leisten, unzuverlässige Mitarbeiter wie dich auf meiner Gehaltsliste zu haben.''<</boss>>
<<mia>>Mias Herz sinkt bei seinen harten Worten, aber sie weigert sich, ohne Kampf aufzugeben. ''Bitte, ich brauche diesen Job wirklich'', fleht sie, ihre Augen flehend um eine weitere Chance.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Der Blick des Chefs verengt sich, während er sie prüft, ein böser Glanz in seinen Augen. ''Ich werde in Betracht ziehen, dich zurückzunehmen'', sagt er langsam, seine Stimme von Bosheit durchdrungen, ''aber nur unter zwei Bedingungen.''<</boss>>
<<mia>>Mias Puls beschleunigt sich vor Besorgnis, aber sie macht sich bereit, allem zuzustimmen, um ihren Job zu retten. ''Nenne sie'', antwortet sie, ihre Stimme leicht zitternd.<</mia>>
<<boss>>''Zuerst'', sagt der Chef, sein Ton kalt und autoritär, ''ich wollte dir einen zusätzlichen Bargeldbonus geben, aber da du plötzlich verschwunden bist, bekommst du ihn nicht. Betrachte es als Ausgleich für die Verluste, die du verursacht hast.''<</boss>>
<<mia>>Mia mag die Idee, einen Bonus zu verlieren, nicht, aber sie nickt widerwillig zustimmend. ''Und die zweite Bedingung?'' fragt sie, ihre Stimme kaum über ein Flüstern.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Ein düsteres Grinsen breitet sich auf dem Gesicht des Chefs aus, als er sich näher beugt, sein Atem heiß auf ihrer Haut. ''Du wirst auch auf meinen Ruf hin bereitstehen'', murmelt er, seine Augen vor Verlangen dunkel. ''Ich wurde viel zu lange entbehrt, und du schuldest mir etwas.<</boss>>
<<st>>Mias Magen dreht sich vor Ekel um, aber sie weiß, dass sie keine Wahl hat, wenn sie ihren Job behalten will. Mit schwerem Herzen beißt sie sich auf die Lippe und nickt, still den verdrehten Bedingungen zustimmend. Das war das erste Mal, dass sie dachte, es könnte eine gute Idee sein, einen neuen Job zu finden.<</st>>
<<boss>>Das Grinsen des Chefs weitet sich bei ihrer Einwilligung, seine Augen glänzen vor Zufriedenheit. ''Willkommen zurück im Team, Mia'', sagt er, seine Stimme vor Spott triefend. ''Ich hoffe, du bist bereit für einen sehr... erfüllenden Monat.''<</boss>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_cafe=true>>
<<button[[Verlassen Sie|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 50">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Geld + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Après une journée passée à se détendre chez elle et à faire le tri dans ses pensées, Mia se retrouve de retour au travail, face à son patron. Son visage est déformé par la colère et il ne perd pas de temps à exprimer sa frustration.<</st>>
<<boss>>''Tu m'as coûté une fortune avec ta petite disparition,'' il aboie, sa voix dégoulinant d'irritation. ''Je ne peux pas me permettre d'avoir des employés peu fiables comme toi dans mon effectif.''<</boss>>
<<mia>>Le cœur de Mia se serre à ses mots durs, mais elle refuse d'abandonner sans se battre. ''S'il te plaît, j'ai vraiment besoin de ce travail,'' elle implore, ses yeux demandant une autre chance.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Le regard du patron se rétrécit alors qu'il l'étudie, une lueur lubrique dans les yeux. ''Je vais envisager de te reprendre,'' dit-il lentement, sa voix teintée de malveillance, ''mais seulement sous deux conditions.''<</boss>>
<<mia>>Le pouls de Mia s'accélère d'appréhension, mais elle se prépare, prête à accepter n'importe quoi pour sauver son travail. ''Dis-moi,'' répond-elle, sa voix tremblant légèrement.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Tout d'abord,'' dit le patron, son ton froid et autoritaire, ''je pensais te donner une prime en argent supplémentaire, mais puisque tu as soudainement disparu, tu ne l'obtiendras pas. Considère cela comme une compensation pour les pertes que tu as causées.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Mia n'apprécie pas l'idée de perdre un bonus, mais elle hoche la tête en acquiescement résigné. ''Et la deuxième condition ?'' demande-t-elle, sa voix à peine plus qu'un murmure.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Un sourire sinistre se dessine sur le visage du patron tandis qu'il se penche plus près, son souffle chaud contre sa peau. ''Tu seras aussi à ma disposition,'' murmure-t-il, ses yeux s'assombrissant de désir. ''J'ai été privé depuis trop longtemps, et tu me dois.''<</boss>>
<<st>>Le ventre de Mia se retourne de dégoût, mais elle sait qu'elle n'a pas le choix si elle veut garder son travail. Le cœur lourd, elle se mord la lèvre et hoche la tête, acquiesçant silencieusement à ses termes tordus. C'était la première fois qu'elle pensait qu'il pourrait être judicieux de trouver un nouvel emploi.<</st>>
<<boss>>Le sourire du patron s'élargit devant sa soumission, ses yeux brillant de satisfaction. ''Bienvenue de retour dans l'équipe, Mia,'' dit-il, sa voix débordant de moquerie. ''J'espère que tu es prête pour un mois très... enrichissant.''<</boss>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_cafe=true>>
<<button[[Partir|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "Avantages exp + 50">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Argent + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Después de pasar un día relajándose en casa y ordenando sus pensamientos, Mia se encuentra de regreso en el trabajo, frente a su jefe. Su rostro está contorsionado por la ira y no pierde el tiempo en expresar su frustración..<</st>>
<<boss>>''Me has costado una fortuna con tu pequeño acto de desaparición'', ladra, con la voz llena de irritación. ''No puedo darme el lujo de tener empleados poco confiables como usted en mi nómina''.<</boss>>
<<mia>>El corazón de Mia se hunde ante sus duras palabras, pero se niega a rendirse sin luchar. ''Por favor, realmente necesito este trabajo'', suplica, con los ojos suplicando por otra oportunidad.<</mia>>
<<boss>>La mirada del jefe se estrecha mientras la evalúa, con un brillo perverso en sus ojos. ''Consideraré llevarte de regreso'', dice lentamente, su voz llena de malicia, ''pero sólo bajo dos condiciones''.<</boss>>
<<mia>>El pulso de Mia se acelera por la aprensión, pero se prepara, dispuesta a aceptar cualquier cosa para salvar su trabajo. ''Nómbralos'', responde, con la voz ligeramente temblorosa. El pulso de Mia se acelera con aprensión, pero se prepara, dispuesta a aceptar cualquier cosa para salvar su trabajo. ''Nómbralos'', responde ella, con la voz ligeramente temblorosa.<</mia>>
<<boss>>''En primer lugar'', dice el jefe con tono frío y autoritario, ''iba a darte un bono extra en efectivo, pero como de repente desapareciste, no lo vas a recibir''. Considérelo una compensación por las pérdidas que ha causado''.<</boss>>
<<mia>>A Mia no le gusta la idea de perder un bono, pero asiente a regañadientes. ''¿Y la segunda condición?'', pregunta, su voz apenas es más que un susurro.<</mia>>
<<boss>>Una sonrisa siniestra se extiende por el rostro del jefe mientras se inclina más cerca, su aliento caliente contra su piel. ''También estarás a mi entera disposición'', murmura, con los ojos oscurecidos por la lujuria. ''He estado privado durante demasiado tiempo y tú me debes una''.<</boss>>
<<st>>El estómago de Mia se revuelve de disgusto, pero sabe que no tiene otra opción si quiere conservar su trabajo. Con el corazón apesadumbrado, se muerde el labio y asiente, aceptando en silencio sus retorcidos términos. Esta fue la primera vez que pensó que podría ser una buena idea encontrar un nuevo trabajo.<</st>>
<<boss>>La sonrisa del jefe se ensancha ante su cumplimiento, sus ojos brillan de satisfacción. ''Bienvenida de nuevo al equipo, Mia'', dice, con la voz llena de burla. ''Espero que estés listo para un mes muy... satisfactorio''.<</boss>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_cafe=true>>
<<button[[Deja|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 50">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Dinero + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>在家里放松了一天并整理思绪后,米娅发现自己又回到了工作岗位,面对着老板。 他的脸因愤怒而扭曲,他不浪费时间表达他的沮丧。<</st>>
<<boss>>''你的消失让我损失了一大笔钱,''他咆哮道,声音里充满了愤怒。 ''我的工资单上不能有像你这样不可靠的员工。''<</boss>>
<<mia>>米娅的心因他的严厉言辞而沉了下去,但她拒绝不战而屈人之兵。 ''拜托,我真的需要这份工作,''她恳求道,眼睛里恳求再给一次机会。<</mia>>
<<boss>>老板目光眯起,打量着她,眼中闪过一丝邪恶的光芒。 ''我会考虑带你回去,''他慢慢地说,声音中充满恶意,''但只有两个条件。''<</boss>>
<<mia>>米娅的脉搏因忧虑而加快,但她做好了准备,准备同意任何事情来挽救她的工作。 ''说出他们的名字,''她回答道,声音微微颤抖。米娅的脉搏因忧虑而加快,但她做好了准备,准备同意任何事情来挽救她的工作。 ''说出它们的名字,''她回答道,声音微微颤抖。<</mia>>
<<boss>>''首先,''老板的语气冷酷而权威,''我本来想给你额外的现金奖励,但由于你突然失踪了,所以你没有得到。'' 就当是对你造成的损失的补偿吧。''<</boss>>
<<mia>>米娅不喜欢失去奖金,但她勉强点头同意。 ''那第二个条件呢?''她问道,声音几乎低于耳语。<</mia>>
<<boss>>当老板靠得更近时,他的脸上露出阴险的笑容,他的呼吸灼热地喷在她的皮肤上。 ''你也会听从我的吩咐,''他低声说道,他的眼睛因欲望而变暗。 ''我已经被剥夺太久了,你欠我的。''<</boss>>
<<st>>米娅的胃因厌恶而翻腾,但她知道如果她想保住工作就别无选择。 她心情沉重,咬着嘴唇点点头,默默答应了他扭曲的条件……这是她第一次觉得找一份新工作或许是个好主意。<</st>>
<<boss>>看到她的顺从,老板的笑容更大了,他的眼睛里闪烁着满意的光芒。 ''欢迎回到团队,米娅,''他说道,声音里充满了嘲讽。 ''我希望你已经准备好度过一个非常……充实的月份。''<</boss>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_cafe=true>>
<<button[[离开|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "福利消耗 + 50">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "健身 + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "钱 + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</switch>><<set $mia.exp +=55>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.bea+=5>><<set $active_quests.q12=true>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Despite her boss' attitude, with each passing day, Mia finds herself falling head over heels for every aspect of her job. From slinging drinks with a wink to shaking her stuff on stage as the café's resident stripper, she's living her best life and loving every minute of it.<</st>>
<<st>>But Mia's not content with just being another pretty face behind the bar. Oh no, she's got big dreams and an even bigger appetite for success. Gone are the days of innocent naivety; now, she's all about taking charge and making things happen.<</st>>
<<st>>As Mia delves into the inner workings of the café, she starts cooking up some seriously spicy ideas to take things to the next level. And who knows, maybe if she can convince her boss to bite into her plans, she'll snag herself a promotion hotter than a fresh batch of jalapeños.<</st>>
<<st>>Armed with confidence, charisma, and a killer smile, Mia sets out to shake things up at the café. And with her eye on the prize and her hips swaying to the beat, there's no telling what kind of trouble – or triumph – she'll stir up next.<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_working=true>>
<<button[[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "Perks exp + 55">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Beauty + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Несмотря на отношение своего босса, с каждым днём Миа все больше влюбляется в каждый аспект своей работы: от раздачи напитков и подмигиваний, до возбуждающего стриптиза на сцене в кафе, она живет своей лучшей жизнью и наслаждается каждой минутой.<</st>>
<<st>>Но ей не нравится что она просто еще одна симпатичная мордашка за барной стойкой. О нет, у нее большие мечты и еще больший аппетит к успеху. Прошли времена невинной наивности; теперь она стремится взять на себя ответственность и добиться результатов.<</st>>
<<st>>Углубляясь во внутреннюю работу кафе, Миа начинает придумывать весьма пикантные идеи, чтобы вывести дело на новый уровень. И кто знает, может быть, если она убедит босса воплотить эти идеи в жизнь, она получит повышение горячее, чем свежая порция халапеньо.<</st>>
<<st>>Вооруженная уверенностью, харизмой и убийственной улыбкой, Миа намеревается встряхнуть обстановку в кафе. И, нацеленная на удачу она идет к нему покачивая бедрами в такт, и можно только догадываться, каких успехов она добьется.<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_working=true>>
<<button[[Уйти|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "Опыт перков + 55">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Фитнесс + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Красота + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Trotz der Einstellung ihres Chefs findet Mia sich mit jedem Tag mehr in jede Facette ihres Jobs verliebt. Vom Mixen von Getränken mit einem Augenzwinkern bis hin zum Schütteln ihrer Kurven auf der Bühne als Café-Stripperin - sie lebt ihr bestes Leben und genießt jede Minute davon.<</st>>
<<st>>Aber Mia ist nicht zufrieden damit, nur ein hübsches Gesicht hinter der Bar zu sein. Oh nein, sie hat große Träume und einen noch größeren Appetit auf Erfolg. Vorbei sind die Tage der unschuldigen Naivität; jetzt geht es ihr darum, die Initiative zu ergreifen und Dinge geschehen zu lassen.<</st>>
<<st>>Während Mia sich in die inneren Abläufe des Cafés vertieft, beginnt sie, einige wirklich pikante Ideen auszubrüten, um die Dinge auf die nächste Stufe zu bringen. Und wer weiß, vielleicht gelingt es ihr, ihren Chef von ihren Plänen zu überzeugen, und sie schnappt sich eine Beförderung, die heißer ist als eine frische Ladung Jalapeños.<</st>>
<<st>>Bewaffnet mit Selbstvertrauen, Charisma und einem umwerfenden Lächeln macht sich Mia daran, das Café aufzumischen. Mit ihrem Blick auf den Preis und ihren Hüften, die im Takt schwingen, ist nicht abzusehen, welche Art von Ärger - oder Triumph - sie als nächstes verursachen wird.<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_working=true>>
<<button[[Verlassen Sie|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 55">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Schönheit + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Malgré l'attitude de son patron, chaque jour qui passe, Mia se retrouve à tomber éperdument amoureuse de chaque aspect de son travail. Du service des boissons avec un clin d'œil à se trémousser sur scène en tant que strip-teaseuse, elle vit sa meilleure vie et adore chaque instant.<</st>>
<<st>>Mais Mia ne se contente pas d'être juste un joli visage derrière le bar. Oh non, elle a de grands rêves et une ambition encore plus grande pour réussir. Finies les jours de naïveté innocente ; maintenant, elle est déterminée à prendre les commandes et à concrétiser ses projets.<</st>>
<<st>>Alors que Mia explore les rouages internes du café, elle commence à concocter des idées sérieusement épicées pour passer à la vitesse supérieure. Et qui sait, peut-être si elle parvient à convaincre son patron d'adhérer à ses plans, elle décrochera une promotion plus chaude qu'un lot frais de jalapeños.<</st>>
<<st>>Armée de confiance, de charisme et d'un sourire ravageur, Mia s'apprête à secouer l'ambiance au café. Et, déterminée à réussir, elle avance vers lui en remuant des hanches au rythme de la musique, laissant présager de quelles réussites elle sera capable.<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_working=true>>
<<button[[Partir|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "Avantages exp + 55">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Beauté + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>A pesar de la actitud de su jefe, cada día que pasa, Mia se enamora perdidamente de cada aspecto de su trabajo. Desde servir bebidas con un guiño hasta agitar sus cosas en el escenario como la stripper residente del café, está viviendo su mejor vida y amando cada minuto<</st>>
<<st>>Pero Mia no se contenta con ser una cara bonita más detrás de la barra. Oh no, ella tiene grandes sueños y un apetito aún mayor por el éxito. Atrás quedaron los días de la inocente ingenuidad; ahora, ella se trata de hacerse cargo y hacer que las cosas sucedan.<</st>>
<<st>>Mientras Mia profundiza en el funcionamiento interno del café, comienza a idear algunas ideas realmente picantes para llevar las cosas al siguiente nivel. Y quién sabe, tal vez si puede convencer a su jefe de que se ocupe de sus planes, conseguirá un ascenso más picante que un lote fresco de jalapeños.<</st>>
<<st>>Armada con confianza, carisma y una sonrisa asesina, Mia se propone cambiar las cosas en el café. Y con la vista puesta en el premio y sus caderas balanceándose al ritmo, no se sabe qué tipo de problema (o triunfo) provocará a continuación.<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_working=true>>
<<button[[Deja|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 55">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Belleza + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>尽管老板的态度如此,但随着时间的推移,米娅发现自己对工作的各个方面都神魂颠倒。 从眨眼扔饮料到作为咖啡馆常驻脱衣舞娘在舞台上摇晃自己的东西,她过着最美好的生活,并热爱其中的每一分钟<</st>>
<<st>>但米娅并不满足于仅仅成为酒吧后面的另一张漂亮面孔。 哦不,她有远大的梦想和对成功更大的渴望。 天真烂漫的日子已经一去不复返了; 现在,她只想掌控一切并让事情发生。<</st>>
<<st>>当米娅深入研究咖啡馆的内部运作时,她开始想出一些非常辛辣的想法,将事情提升到一个新的水平。 谁知道呢,也许如果她能说服老板接受她的计划,她就能获得比一批新鲜墨西哥辣椒更火爆的晋升机会。<</st>>
<<st>>米娅充满自信、魅力和迷人的微笑,开始改变咖啡馆的现状。 当她的目光集中在奖品上,她的臀部随着节拍摇摆时,我们不知道她接下来会惹出什么样的麻烦——或者胜利。<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_working=true>>
<<button[[离开|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "福利消耗 + 55">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "健身 + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "美容 + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</switch>><<set $mia.exp +=60>><<set $mia.bea+=5>><<set $mia.money+=500>><<set $active_quests.q13=true>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>When walking home from a long day at work, a brilliant idea strikes Mia's mind on how to make the café even more profitable and attract a flood of new customers. She realizes it's a million-dollar idea and eagerly decides to approache her boss, convinced it's something crucial.<</st>>
<<mia>>Entering his office with a sparkle in her eye, Mia confidently declares, ''Boss, I've got a fantastic idea that will skyrocket our profits!'' But before she can even finish her sentence, he cuts her off, dismissing her with a wave of his hand.<</mia>>>
<<boss>>''You?'' he scoffs. ''What could an insignificant waitress like you possibly know about running a business?'' His words sting like a slap in the face, but Mia refuses to back down. She knows her idea is solid gold, and she's determined to make him see that.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Trying to regain her composure, Mia insists, ''But sir, I really believe this idea could make a huge difference for the café.'' Yet, once again, her boss interrupts her, his tone dripping with disdain.<</mia>>
<<boss>>''I have more important things to do than listen to the ramblings of a glorified server,'' he sneers. ''Now, since you're here, I suppose I can find a more... suitable use for your mouth.''<</boss>>
<<st>>Previous rendezvous with her boss had ignited a fire within her, the thrill of their meetings fueling her desire. But today, anger simmered beneath the surface, fueling her frustration.<</st>>
<<st>>Yet, even as she seethed with frustration, Mia couldn't deny the undeniable allure of their forbidden liaison. Sure, her boss may have shut her down, but there was something undeniably spicy about their dynamic. And while she may not have won this round, Mia knew one thing for certain: next time, she would make sure her boss listened. But for now, she would revel in the familiar embrace of passion and pleasure, letting the thrill of the moment wash away her frustrations. After all, why let a little setback ruin all the fun? Or is it really worth it?<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_boss=true>>
<<button[[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "Perks exp + 60">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Beauty + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Когда Мия шла домой после долгого рабочего дня, ей в голову пришла блестящая идея о том, как сделать кафе еще более прибыльным и привлечь поток новых клиентов. Она понимает, что это идея на миллион долларов, и с радостью решает обратиться к своему боссу, убежденная в том что это стоящая идея.<</st>>
<<mia>>Войдя в его офис с блеском в глазах, Миа уверенно заявляет: ''Босс, у меня есть фантастическая идея, которая увеличит прибыль!'' Но не успев закончить предложение, босс перебивает её.<</mia>>
<<boss>>''У тебя? - усмехается он. - Что может знать такая малозначительная официантка, как ты, о ведении бизнеса?'' Его слова бьют, как пощечина, но Миа отказывается отступать. Она знает, что ее идея - на вес золота, и она полна решимости заставить его это увидеть это.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Пытаясь восстановить самообладание, Миа настаивает: ''Но, сэр, я действительно верю, что эта идея может принести большую пользу для кафе''. И все же ее босс снова перебивает ее, в его тоне звучит презрение.<</mia>>
<<boss>>''У меня есть дела поважнее, чем слушать болтовню очередной официанточки'', - усмехается он. - ''Но, раз уж ты здесь, полагаю, я смогу найти более... подходящее применение твоему рту''.<</boss>>
<<st>>Предыдущие встречи с начальником зажигали в ней огонь, волнение от их встреч подогревало её желание. Но сегодня в ней кипел гнев, подпитывая ее разочарование.<</st>>
<<st>>Тем не менее, даже несмотря на то, что Миа кипела от разочарования, она не могла отрицать неоспоримую привлекательность их запретной связи. Конечно, ее босс, возможно, заткнул ее, но в их динамике, несомненно, было что-то пикантное. И хотя она, возможно, не преуспела в этом разговоре, одно она знала наверняка: в следующий раз она позаботится о том, чтобы ее босс прислушался. Но сейчас она будет наслаждаться знакомыми объятиями страсти и удовольствия, позволяя острым ощущениям момента смыть ее разочарование. В конце концов, Зачем позволять маленькой неудаче испортить все удовольствие? Или оно того не стоит?<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_boss=true>>
<<button[[Уйти|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "Опыт перков + 60">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Деньги + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Красота + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Auf dem Heimweg von einem langen Arbeitstag schlägt Mia eine brillante Idee vor, wie sie das Café noch profitabler machen und einen Strom neuer Kunden anlocken kann. Sie erkennt, dass es eine Million-Dollar-Idee ist, und beschließt voller Vorfreude, sich an ihren Chef zu wenden, überzeugt davon, dass es etwas Entscheidendes ist.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mit einem Funkeln in den Augen betritt Mia sein Büro und erklärt selbstbewusst: ''Chef, ich habe eine fantastische Idee, die unsere Gewinne in die Höhe schnellen lassen wird!'' Doch bevor sie auch nur ihren Satz beenden kann, unterbricht er sie und winkt sie mit einer Handbewegung ab.<</mia>>
<<boss>>''Du?'' spottet er. ''Was könnte eine unbedeutende Kellnerin wie du schon über das Führen eines Unternehmens wissen?'' Seine Worte treffen sie wie ein Schlag ins Gesicht, aber Mia weigert sich, nachzugeben. Sie weiß, dass ihre Idee ein Volltreffer ist, und sie ist entschlossen, ihn davon zu überzeugen.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Im Bemühen, ihre Fassung wiederzuerlangen, besteht Mia darauf: ''Aber Herr, ich glaube wirklich, dass diese Idee einen enormen Unterschied für das Café machen könnte.'' Doch wieder einmal unterbricht ihr Chef sie, sein Ton trieft vor Verachtung.<</mia>>
<<boss>>''Ich habe wichtigere Dinge zu tun, als mir das Geschwafel einer aufgeblasenen Bedienung anzuhören'', schnaubt er. ''Nun, da du schon mal hier bist, nehme ich an, ich kann eine geeignetere Verwendung für deinen Mund finden.''<</boss>>
<<st>>Frühere Treffen mit ihrem Chef hatten ein Feuer in ihr entfacht, der Nervenkitzel ihrer Begegnungen nährte ihr Verlangen. Doch heute brodelte Wut unter der Oberfläche und verstärkte ihre Frustration.<</st>>
<<st>>Dennoch konnte Mia selbst inmitten ihrer Frustration die unwiderstehliche Anziehungskraft ihrer verbotenen Liaison nicht leugnen. Sicher, ihr Chef hatte sie abgewiesen, aber es gab etwas unbestreitbar Pikantes an ihrer Dynamik. Und während sie diese Runde vielleicht nicht gewonnen hatte, wusste Mia eins ganz sicher: Beim nächsten Mal würde sie sicherstellen, dass ihr Chef zuhörte. Doch für den Moment würde sie sich in der vertrauten Umarmung von Leidenschaft und Vergnügen suhlen und den Nervenkitzel des Augenblicks ihre Frustrationen wegspülen lassen. Immerhin, warum sollte man sich von einem kleinen Rückschlag den Spaß verderben lassen? Oder ist es das wirklich wert?<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_boss=true>>
<<button[[Verlassen Sie|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 60">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Geld + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Schönheit + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>En rentrant chez elle après une longue journée de travail, une idée brillante frappe l'esprit de Mia sur la façon de rendre le café encore plus rentable et d'attirer un afflux de nouveaux clients. Elle se rend compte que c'est une idée en or et décide avec impatience de s'approcher de son patron, convaincue que c'est quelque chose de crucial.<</st>>
<<mia>>En entrant dans son bureau avec une lueur dans les yeux, Mia déclare avec confiance : ''Patron, j'ai une idée fantastique qui fera décoller nos profits !'' Mais avant même qu'elle puisse finir sa phrase, il la coupe, la renvoyant d'un geste de la main.<</mia>>
<<boss>>''Tu?'' se moque-t-il. ''Que pourrait savoir une serveuse insignifiante comme toi sur la gestion d'une entreprise ?'' Ses paroles piquent comme une gifle, mais Mia refuse de reculer. Elle sait que son idée vaut de l'or, et elle est déterminée à lui faire comprendre cela.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Essayant de reprendre son calme, Mia insiste : ''Mais monsieur, je crois vraiment que cette idée pourrait faire une énorme différence pour le café.'' Pourtant, une fois de plus, son patron l'interrompt, son ton débordant de mépris.<</mia>>
<<boss>>''J'ai des choses plus importantes à faire que d'écouter les divagations d'une serveuse prétentieuse'', raille-t-il. ''Maintenant, puisque tu es là, je suppose que je peux trouver un usage plus... approprié pour ta bouche.''<</boss>>
<<st>>Les précédents rendez-vous avec son patron avaient allumé un feu en elle, le frisson de leurs rencontres alimentant son désir. Mais aujourd'hui, la colère bouillonnait sous la surface, alimentant sa frustration.<</st>>
<<st>>Pourtant, même alors qu'elle bouillonnait de frustration, Mia ne pouvait nier le charme indéniable de leur liaison interdite. Bien sûr, son patron avait pu la rabrouer, mais il y avait quelque chose d'indéniablement épicé dans leur dynamique. Et même si elle n'avait pas gagné cette fois-ci, Mia savait une chose avec certitude : la prochaine fois, elle s'assurerait que son patron écoute. Mais pour l'instant, elle se délecterait de l'étreinte familière de la passion et du plaisir, laissant le frisson du moment emporter ses frustrations. Après tout, pourquoi laisser un petit revers gâcher tout le plaisir ? Ou est-ce vraiment la peine ?<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_boss=true>>
<<button[[Partir|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "Avantages exp + 60">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Argent + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Beauté + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mientras regresa a casa después de un largo día de trabajo, a Mia se le ocurre una idea brillante sobre cómo hacer que el café sea aún más rentable y atraer una avalancha de nuevos clientes. Se da cuenta de que es una idea de un millón de dólares y decide con entusiasmo acercarse a su jefe, convencida. es algo crucial.<</st>>
<<mia>>Al entrar a su oficina con un brillo en los ojos, Mia declara con confianza: ''¡Jefe, tengo una idea fantástica que disparará nuestras ganancias!'' Pero antes de que pueda terminar la frase, él la interrumpe y la despide con un movimiento de su mano.<</mia>>
<<boss>>''¿Tú?'', se burla. ''¿Qué podría saber una camarera insignificante como tú sobre cómo administrar un negocio?'' Sus palabras duelen como una bofetada en la cara, pero Mia se niega a dar marcha atrás. Sabe que su idea es sólida. oro, y ella está decidida a hacérselo ver.<</boss>>
<<mia>>Tratando de recuperar la compostura, Mia insiste: ''Pero señor, realmente creo que esta idea podría marcar una gran diferencia para el café''. Sin embargo, una vez más, su jefe la interrumpe con un tono lleno de desdén.<</mia>>
<<boss>>''Tengo cosas más importantes que hacer que escuchar las divagaciones de un servidor glorificado'', se burla. ''Ahora, ya que estás aquí, supongo que puedo encontrar un uso más... adecuado para tu boca. ''<</boss>>
<<st>>La cita anterior con su jefe había encendido un fuego en su interior y la emoción de sus encuentros había alimentado su deseo, pero hoy, la ira hervía bajo la superficie, alimentando su frustración.<</st>>
<<st>>Sin embargo, aunque lo vio con frustración, Mia no podía negar el innegable atractivo de su relación prohibida. Claro, es posible que su jefe la haya rechazado, pero había algo innegablemente picante en su dinámica. Y aunque tal vez no hubiera ganado esta ronda, Mia sabía una cosa con certeza: la próxima vez se aseguraría de que su jefe la escuchara. Pero por ahora, se deleitaría con el familiar abrazo de la pasión y el placer, dejando que la emoción del momento borrara sus frustraciones. Después de todo, ¿por qué dejar que un pequeño contratiempo arruine toda la diversión? ¿O realmente vale la pena?<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_boss=true>>
<<button[[Deja|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 60">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Dinero + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Belleza + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>结束一天漫长的工作后,步行回家时,米娅突然想到了一个绝妙的主意:如何让咖啡馆获得更多利润并吸引大量新顾客。 她意识到这是一个价值数百万美元的想法,并急切地决定与她的老板联系,并确信这是至关重要的事情。<</st>>
<<boss>>''你?''他嘲笑道。 ''像你这样一个微不足道的女服务员,怎么可能懂得经营生意呢?''他的话就像是一记耳光,刺痛了米娅的脸,但米娅拒绝退缩。 她知道她的想法是纯金的,她决心让他看到这一点。<</boss>>
<<boss>>''我有更重要的事情要做,而不是听一个光荣的服务器的胡言乱语,''他冷笑道。 ''现在,既然你在这里,我想我可以为你的嘴找到更……更合适的用途。''<</boss>>
<<st>>之前与老板的会面点燃了她内心的火焰,他们会面的兴奋刺激了她的欲望。 但今天,愤怒在表面下酝酿,加剧了她的挫败感。<</st>>
<<st>>然而,即使她沮丧地看到,米娅也无法否认他们被禁止的关系所具有的不可否认的吸引力。 当然,她的老板可能已经让她失望了,但不可否认的是,他们的动态中有一些令人兴奋的东西。 虽然她可能没有赢得这一轮,但米娅肯定知道一件事:下次,她会确保她的老板倾听。 但现在,她会陶醉在熟悉的激情和快乐的怀抱中,让那一刻的兴奋冲刷掉她的挫败感。 毕竟,为什么要让一点点的挫折毁掉所有的乐趣呢? 或者说真的值得吗?<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_boss=true>>
<<button[[离开|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "福利消耗 + 60">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "钱 + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "美容 + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</switch>><<set $mia.exp +=65>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.money+=500>><<set $active_quests.q14=true>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>As Mia stepped through the door of her apartment, a surge of excitement coursed through her veins. Ideas swirled in her mind like a whirlwind, each one brimming with potential to transform the café's business into something truly remarkable. She couldn't shake the disappointment she felt in her boss's lack of vision – but instead of dwelling on it, Mia decided to take matters into her own hands.<</st>>
<<st>>She knew she possessed a treasure trove of innovative ideas that could catapult the café to legendary status, and she wasn't about to let them go to waste. If her boss couldn't see her potential, then she would prove him wrong – and show the world what she was truly capable of achieving. It's time for her to start her own business!
Watch out bitches, because Mia was about to shake things up in a big way.<</st>>
<<st>>Lounging in her bed, Mia's phone suddenly buzzed, shattering the silence of her room. Glancing at the screen, she saw a message from a number she didn't recognize.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Hey! It's Elain. Remember me? We bumped into each other on the stairs a few weeks ago. Wanna grab coffee?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia's mind scrambled to recall the encounter, realizing she'd almost forgotten about it. Surprised but curious, she shot back a quick reply, ''Hey! Yeah, I remember. Didn't expect to hear from you. Coffee sounds good! How about we meet at the Tempting Treats Cafe?''<</mia>>
<<st>>As they chatted, Mia felt a spark of excitement. Meeting up with Elain could be a cool break from her usual routine. Who knows what kind of fun they could get into?<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_room_2=true>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<flash "Perks exp + 65">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Когда Миа вошла в дверь своей квартиры, по её венам пробежала волна возбуждения. Идеи кружились в её голове, как вихрь, каждая из которых была полна потенциала превратить бизнес кафе в нечто поистине выдающееся. Она не могла избавиться от разочарования, которое испытывала из-за отсутствия видения у своего босса, но вместо того, чтобы зацикливаться на этом, Миа решила взять дело в свои руки.<</st>>
<<st>>Она знала, что обладает сокровищницей новаторских идей, которые могут возвести кафе до легендарного уровня, и не собиралась позволять им пропадать даром. Если её босс не может увидеть её потенциал, она докажет его неправоту и покажет всему миру, на что она действительно способна. Пришло время ей открыть свой бизнес!
Берегитесь, сучки, потому что Миа настроена показать миру на что она способна.<</st>>
<<st>>Развалившись в постели, Миа услышала как завибрировал ее телефон, нарушив тишину комнаты. Взглянув на экран, она увидела сообщение с незнакомого ей номера.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Привет! Это Элайна. Помнишь меня? Мы столкнулись на лестнице несколько недель назад. Не хочешь выпить кофе?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Мия едва вспомнила о той встрече, понимая, что в гуще забытий она вряд ли сама вспомнила бы об этом. Удививишись, но и одновременно заинтересовавшись смской, она быстро ответила: ''Привет! Да, я помню. Не ожидала что ты напишешь. Кофе звучит отлично! Как насчёт того, чтобы встретиться в кафе Tempting Treats?<</mia>>
<<st>>Пока они болтали, Миа почувствовала искру волнения. Встреча с Элайной могла бы стать отлично отвлечь её от обычной рутины. Кто знает, вдруг они неплохо развлекутся?<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_room_2=true>>
<<button[[Уйти|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<flash "Опыт перков + 65">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Фитнесс + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Деньги + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Als Mia durch die Tür ihrer Wohnung trat, durchströmte sie eine Woge der Aufregung. Ideen wirbelten in ihrem Kopf wie ein Wirbelwind, jeder einzelne voller Potenzial, das Geschäft des Cafés in etwas wirklich Bemerkenswertes zu verwandeln. Sie konnte die Enttäuschung, die sie über das mangelnde Vision ihres Chefs empfand, nicht abschütteln - aber anstatt sich darauf zu konzentrieren, beschloss Mia, die Dinge selbst in die Hand zu nehmen.<</st>>
<<st>>Sie wusste, dass sie einen Schatz an innovativen Ideen besaß, die das Café zu legendärem Status katapultieren könnten, und sie war nicht gewillt, sie verschwenden zu lassen. Wenn ihr Chef ihr Potenzial nicht erkennen konnte, dann würde sie ihn eines Besseren belehren - und der Welt zeigen, wozu sie wirklich in der Lage war. Es war an der Zeit, ihr eigenes Geschäft zu gründen!
Passt auf, Leute, denn Mia war dabei, die Dinge ordentlich aufzumischen.<</st>>
<<st>>Im Bett liegend wurde die Stille ihres Zimmers plötzlich von einem Summen ihres Telefons unterbrochen. Als sie auf das Display schaute, sah sie eine Nachricht von einer Nummer, die sie nicht erkannte.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Hey! Hier ist Elain. Erinnerst du dich an mich? Wir sind uns vor ein paar Wochen auf der Treppe begegnet. Hast du Lust auf einen Kaffee?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mias Gedanken wirbelten, um sich an die Begegnung zu erinnern, und ihr wurde klar, dass sie beinahe vergessen hatte. Überrascht, aber neugierig, antwortete sie schnell: ''Hey! Ja, ich erinnere mich. Hätte nicht erwartet, von dir zu hören. Kaffee klingt gut! Wie wäre es, wenn wir uns im Tempting Treats Cafe treffen?''<</mia>>
<<st>>Während sie plauderten, spürte Mia einen Funken Aufregung. Sich mit Elain zu treffen könnte eine coole Abwechslung von ihrer üblichen Routine sein. Wer weiß, welche Art von Spaß sie haben könnten?<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_room_2=true>>
<<button[[Verlassen Sie|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 65">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Geld + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Alors que Mia franchissait la porte de son appartement, une vague d'excitation parcourait ses veines. Des idées tourbillonnaient dans son esprit comme une tempête, chacune débordant de potentiel pour transformer l'entreprise du café en quelque chose de vraiment remarquable. Elle ne pouvait pas chasser la déception qu'elle ressentait face au manque de vision de son patron - mais au lieu de s'appesantir dessus, Mia décida de prendre les choses en main.<</st>>
<<st>>Elle savait qu'elle possédait un trésor d'idées innovantes qui pourraient propulser le café au statut légendaire, et elle n'était pas prête à les laisser tomber en désuétude. Si son patron ne pouvait pas voir son potentiel, alors elle lui prouverait le contraire - et montrerait au monde ce dont elle était vraiment capable d'accomplir. Il est temps pour elle de démarrer sa propre entreprise!
Attention les salopes, car Mia s'apprêtait à secouer les choses de manière spectaculaire. <</st>>
<<st>>Allongée dans son lit, le téléphone de Mia vibra soudain, brisant le silence de sa chambre. Jetant un coup d'œil à l'écran, elle vit un message d'un numéro qu'elle ne reconnaissait pas.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Salut! C'est Elain. Tu te souviens de moi? On s'est croisées dans l'escalier il y a quelques semaines. Ça te dit d'aller prendre un café?'<</ele>>
<<mia>>L'esprit de Mia s'est emmêlé en se remémorant la rencontre, réalisant qu'elle avait presque oublié. Surprise mais curieuse, elle a répondu rapidement, ''Salut ! Oui, je me souviens. Je ne m'attendais pas à avoir de tes nouvelles. Un café, ça me dit bien ! Et si on se retrouvait au restaurant Tempting Treats?''<</mia>>
<<st>>Alors qu'elles discutaient, Mia ressentait une étincelle d'excitation. Rencontrer Elain pourrait être une pause sympa dans sa routine habituelle. Qui sait quel genre de fun elles pourraient avoir?<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_room_2=true>>
<<button[[Partir|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<flash "Avantages exp + 65">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Argent + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Cuando Mia cruzó la puerta de su apartamento, una oleada de emoción recorrió sus venas. Las ideas se arremolinaban en su mente como un torbellino, cada una llena de potencial para transformar el negocio del café en algo verdaderamente extraordinario. No podía evitar la decepción que sentía por la falta de visión de su jefe, pero en lugar de pensar demasiado en ello, Mia decidió tomar el asunto en sus propias manos.<</st>>
<<st>>Sabía que poseía un tesoro de ideas innovadoras que podrían catapultar al café a un estatus legendario, y no estaba dispuesta a dejar que se desperdiciaran. Si su jefe no podía ver su potencial, entonces ella le demostraría que estaba equivocado y le mostraría al mundo lo que realmente era capaz de lograr. ¡Es hora de que ella inicie su propio negocio!
Cuidado, perras, porque Mia estaba a punto de cambiar las cosas a lo grande.<</st>>
<<st>>Descansada en su cama, el teléfono de Mia de repente vibró, rompiendo el silencio de su habitación. Al mirar la pantalla, vio un mensaje de un número que no reconoció. Era Elain, una chica que recordaba vagamente haber conocido hace un tiempo.<</st>>
<<ele>>''¡Ey! Es Elain. ¿Acuérdate de mí? Nos topamos en las escaleras hace unas semanas. ¿Quieres tomar un café? ''<</ele>>
<<mia>>La mente de Mia se apresuró a recordar el encuentro y se dio cuenta de que casi lo había olvidado. Sorprendida pero curiosa, ella respondió rápidamente: ''¡Oye! Sí, lo recuerdo. No esperaba saber de ti. ¡El café suena bien! ¿Qué tal si nos encontramos en el Tempting Treats Café?<</mia>>
<<st>>Mientras charlaban, Mia sintió una chispa de emoción. Reunirse con Elain podría ser un buen descanso de su rutina habitual. ¿Quién sabe en qué tipo de diversión podrían meterse?<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_room_2=true>>
<<button[[Deja|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 65">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Dinero + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>当米娅踏进公寓的大门时,一股兴奋的情绪在她的血管中流淌。 各种想法像旋风一样在她的脑海中盘旋,每一个想法都充满了将咖啡馆的业务转变为真正非凡的事物的潜力。 她无法摆脱对老板缺乏远见而感到的失望——但米娅没有沉迷于此,而是决定自己解决问题。<</st>>
<<st>>她知道自己拥有创新想法的宝库,可以让咖啡馆跻身传奇地位,而她不打算让这些想法白白浪费。 如果她的老板看不到她的潜力,那么她就会证明他错了,并向世界展示她真正有能力实现什么目标。 她是时候开创自己的事业了!
<<st>>躺在床上的米娅,手机突然响起,打破了房间的寂静。 她看了一眼屏幕,看到一条陌生号码发来的消息。 那是伊莱恩,一个她依稀记得不久前见过的女孩。<</st>>
<<ele>>''嘿! 是伊莱恩。 记住账号? 几周前我们在楼梯上撞到了。 要喝咖啡吗?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>米娅的思绪急速回想起那次遭遇,她意识到自己几乎已经忘记了这件事。 她既惊讶又好奇,迅速回复道:''嘿!'' 是的,我记得。 没想到会收到你的来信。 咖啡听起来不错! 我们在诱惑咖啡馆见面怎么样?''<</mia>>
<<st>>当他们聊天时,米娅感到一丝兴奋。 与伊莱恩会面可能是她日常生活中的一个很酷的休息。 谁知道他们会得到什么样的乐趣呢?<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_room_2=true>>
<<button[[离开|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<flash "福利消耗 + 65">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "健身 + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "钱 + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</switch>><<set $mia.exp +=70>><<set $mia.fit+=2>><<set $mia.cor+=2>><<set $active_quests.q15=true>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia and Elain's meetup at the café felt like catching up with an old friend. They hit it off right away, laughing and chatting as if they'd known each other forever.<</st>>
<<st>>Seated at a cozy table, they sipped their coffee and swapped stories, finding common ground on all sorts of stuff. From their love of travel to their favorite Netflix shows, they just clicked.<</st>>
<<st>>With the sun streaming in through the windows, it was like a scene out of a movie. Mia couldn't help but feel lucky to have met Elain, and she knew this was the start of something special.<</st>>
<<ele>>Elain shot Mia a curious look. ''Hey, Mia, what were you doing the day we bumped into each other in my building?''<</ele>>
<<st>>Elain's question about their first meeting at Mia's building brought Mia crashing back to reality. Memories of Roy and the mess he'd caused flooded her mind, leaving her visibly rattled. Seeing Mia's reaction, Elain quickly reached out with a concerned look on her face.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Hey, are you okay?'' Elain asked, her voice filled with genuine worry.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia hesitated for a moment, grappling with the decision to confide in this newfound friend. But something about Elain's comforting presence reassured her, and she found herself opening up.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Do you know Roy?'' Mia finally asked, her voice trembling slightly.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Who's Roy?'' Elain replied, her brow furrowed in confusion.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia took a deep breath, bracing herself before launching into the wild story of her run-in with Roy. She spilled the beans about how they met, how he pulled a fast one on her, and how he ended up snatching her, subjecting her to all sorts of crazy stuff.<</st>>
<<st>>Elain was all ears, her eyes popping with shock as she soaked in every detail. When Mia wrapped up her tale, there was a beat of silence, the sheer craziness of it all sinking in.<</st>>
<<ele>>Finally, Elain broke the silence with a mixture of disbelief and concern. ''Wow, that's... that's intense,'' she said softly. ''I can't believe you went through all of that.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia just nodded, feeling like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders now that she'd opened up to someone she could trust. In that instant, she knew she'd done the right thing opening up to Elain.''<</st>>
<<ele>>''Listen, do you want to shake off all the stress and forget everything that's happened for a few hours? I know there's gonna be this little party tonight. It's gonna be off the charts, and I figured it could be just what you need. Plus, who doesn't love a good party, am I right?<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Yeah, I guess it would be great,'' Mia replied, a hint of excitement creeping into her voice. ''I love parties, and it's been a while since I've actually been on a good one.''<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Well, trust me, you will definitely remember this party,'' Elain teased, a mischievous laugh dancing in her eyes.<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Haha, what makes you say that?'' Mia asked, curiosity piqued.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''You'll see what I mean. But I promise you will love it,'' Elain assured her, a playful grin spreading across her face.<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Wow, I'm intrigued. Let's go!'' Mia exclaimed, her adventurous spirit kicking in.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Yeah! That's the spirit,'' Elain cheered, already envisioning the unforgettable night ahead.<</ele>>
<<set $quests.quest_cafe_elein=true>>
<<button[[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "Perks exp + 70">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Встреча Мии и Элайны в кафе напоминала встречу со старым другом. Они сразу нашли общий язык, смеясь и болтая, как будто знали друг друга целую вечность.<</st>>
<<st>>Сидя за уютным столиком, они пили кофе и обменивались историями, находя общий язык по самым разным вопросам. Между ними будто что-то щелкнуло, у них были схожие вкусы на все, от любви к путешествиям до любимых шоу на Netflix. <</st>>
<<st>>Солнце, проникающее в окна, напоминало сцену из фильма. Миа была счастлива, что встретила Элайну, и знала, что это начало чего-то особенного.<</st>>
<<ele>>Элайна с любопытством посмотрела на Мию. ''Эй, а что ты делала в тот день, когда мы столкнулись друг с другом в моем доме?''<</ele>>
<<st>>Вопрос Элайны об их первой встрече в доме Мии вернул ее в реальность. Воспоминания о Рое и ужасах, которые он творил, заполонили ее разум, сильно встревожив ее. Увидев реакцию Мии, Элайна быстро протянула руку к её руке, с обеспокоенным выражением лица.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Эй, ты в порядке?'' – спросила Элайна, её голос был полон искреннего беспокойства.<</ele>>
<<st>>Миа на мгновение замешкалась, пытаясь понять стоит ли доверять новой подруге. Но было в присутствии Элайны было что-то успокаивающее, что-то, что позволило Мие открыться.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Ты знаешь Роя?'' — наконец спросила Миа, её голос слегка дрожал.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Кто такой Рой?'' — ответила Элейн, её брови нахмурились в замешательстве.<</ele>>
<<st>>Мия глубоко вздохнула, собираясь с силами, прежде чем начать рассказывать о своей встрече с Роем. Она рассказала о том, как они познакомились, как он её похитил и как в итоге завладел ею, подвергнув ебучей жести.<</st>>
<<st>>Элайна впитывала каждое слово как губка, её глаза улавливали каждую деталь. Когда Мия закончила свой рассказ, наступила тишина, в которой все ещё ощущалось безумие происходящего.<</st>>
<<ele>>Наконец, Элайна нарушила молчание со смесью шока и недоумения. ''Ебаать его в рот, это… это пиздец'', — тихо проговорила это. ''Я не могу в поверить, я не могу поверить что ты прошла через все это''.<</ele>>
<<st>>Мия только кивнула, чувствуя, как с её плеч свалился груз, когда она открылась кому-то, кому могла доверять. В тот же миг она поняла, что поступила правильно, открывшись Элайне.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Послушай, а ты не хочешь скинуть с себя весь этот стресс и забыть обо всем, что произошло, хоть на несколько часов? Я знаю, что сегодня вечером будет небольшая вечеринкочка. Но она будет на высоте, и я подумала, что это как раз то, что тебе нужно. К тому же, кто не любит хорошие вечеринки, я права?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Да, я думаю, это было бы здорово'', — ответила Миа, и в её голосе прозвучал намек на волнение. ''Я люблю вечеринки, и давно я хорошенько не отрывалась''.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Ну, поверь мне, ты обязательно запомнишь эту вечеринку'', — подразнила Элайна, и в ее глазах заиграл озорной смех.<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Ха-ха, что заставляет тебя так говорить?'' — спросила Миа с любопытством.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Ты поймешь, что я имею в виду. Но я обещаю, тебе понравится'', — заверила её Элайна, игривая улыбка расплылась по ее лицу.<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Ладно, я заинтригована. Поехали!'' — воскликнула Миа, и в ней проснулся дух авантюризма.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Да! Это именно то что нужно'', — приветствовала Элейн, уже представляя себе незабываемую ночь впереди.<</ele>>
<<set $quests.quest_cafe_elein=true>>
<<button[[Уйти|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "Опыт перков + 70">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Фитнесс + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mias Treffen mit Elain im Café fühlte sich an wie das Wiedersehen mit einer alten Freundin. Sie verstanden sich sofort und lachten und plauderten, als ob sie sich schon ewig kennen würden.<</st>>
<<st>>An einem gemütlichen Tisch sitzend, nippten sie an ihrem Kaffee und tauschten Geschichten aus, fanden Gemeinsamkeiten in allen möglichen Dingen. Von ihrer Liebe zum Reisen bis hin zu ihren Lieblingssendungen auf Netflix - sie verstanden sich einfach.<</st>>
<<st>>Mit der Sonne, die durch die Fenster strömte, fühlte es sich an wie eine Szene aus einem Film. Mia konnte nicht anders, als sich glücklich zu schätzen, Elain getroffen zu haben, und sie wusste, dass dies der Beginn von etwas Besonderem war.<</st>>
<<ele>>Elain warf Mia einen neugierigen Blick zu. ''Hey, Mia, was hast du eigentlich gemacht, an dem Tag, als wir uns in meinem Gebäude begegnet sind?''<</ele>>
<<st>>Elains Frage nach ihrem ersten Treffen in Mias Gebäude brachte Mia abrupt zurück in die Realität. Erinnerungen an Roy und das Chaos, das er verursacht hatte, überfluteten ihren Geist und hinterließen sie sichtlich erschüttert. Als Elain Mias Reaktion bemerkte, streckte sie schnell besorgt die Hand aus und sah sie mit einem besorgten Blick an.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Hey, geht es dir gut?'' fragte Elain, ihre Stimme voller echter Sorge.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia zögerte einen Moment, rang mit der Entscheidung, diesem neu gefundenen Freund zu vertrauen. Aber etwas an Elains tröstlicher Präsenz beruhigte sie, und sie fand sich dabei, sich zu öffnen.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Kennst du Roy?'' fragte Mia schließlich, ihre Stimme leicht zitternd.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Wer ist Roy?'' antwortete Elain, ihre Stirn in Verwirrung gerunzelt.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia holte tief Luft und bereitete sich vor, bevor sie sich in die wilde Geschichte ihres Zusammentreffens mit Roy stürzte. Sie plauderte aus dem Nähkästchen darüber, wie sie sich kennenlernten, wie er sie übertölpelte, und wie er sie schließlich schnappte und sie allerlei verrückten Dingen aussetzte.<</st>>
<<st>>Elain war ganz Ohr, ihre Augen weiteten sich vor Schock, während sie jedes Detail aufsog. Als Mia ihre Geschichte beendet hatte, herrschte einen Moment lang Stille, und die pure Verrücktheit der Ereignisse sank langsam ein.<</st>>
<<ele>>Schließlich brach Elain das Schweigen mit einer Mischung aus Unglauben und Besorgnis. ''Wow, das ist... das ist heftig'', sagte sie leise. ''Ich kann nicht glauben, dass du das alles durchgemacht hast.''<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia nickte nur und fühlte, als wäre eine Last von ihren Schultern genommen worden, nachdem sie sich jemandem anvertraut hatte, dem sie vertrauen konnte. In diesem Moment wusste sie, dass es richtig war, sich Elain geöffnet zu haben.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Möchtest du einfach mal für ein paar Stunden den Stress abschütteln und alles vergessen, was passiert ist?'', schlug Elain vor. ''Ich weiß, heute Abend ist eine kleine Party geplant. Es wird der Hammer, und ich dachte, das könnte genau das sein, was du brauchst. Außerdem, wer liebt keine gute Party, oder?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Ja, ich denke, das wäre großartig'', antwortete Mia, während ein Hauch von Aufregung in ihrer Stimme mitschwang. ''Ich liebe Partys, und es ist schon eine Weile her, seit ich auf einer richtig guten war.''<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Nun, vertrau mir, du wirst diese Party auf jeden Fall nicht vergessen'', neckte Elain mit einem schelmischen Lachen in den Augen.<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Haha, warum sagst du das?'' - fragte Mia neugierig.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Du wirst schon sehen, was ich meine. Aber ich verspreche dir, du wirst es lieben'', versicherte Elain ihr mit einem spielerischen Grinsen im Gesicht.<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Wow, ich bin geschpannt. Lass uns gehen!'' rief Mia begeistert, ihr abenteuerlicher Geist meldete sich zu Wort.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Ja!'' ''Das ist die Einstellung'', begrüßte Elaine und stellte sich bereits die unvergessliche Nacht vor, die vor ihr lag.<</ele>>
<<set $quests.quest_cafe_elein=true>>
<<button[[Verlassen Sie|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 70">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>La rencontre de Mia et Elain au café avait l'air de retrouver une vieille amie. Elles ont tout de suite accroché, riant et discutant comme si elles se connaissaient depuis toujours.<</st>>
<<st>>Installées à une table confortable, elles sirotaient leur café et échangeaient des anecdotes, trouvant des points communs sur toutes sortes de choses. De leur amour pour les voyages à leurs séries Netflix préférées, elles se sont simplement entendues.<</st>>
<<st>>Avec le soleil qui inondait la pièce à travers les fenêtres, c'était comme une scène de film. Mia ne pouvait s'empêcher de se sentir chanceuse d'avoir rencontré Elain, et elle savait que c'était le début de quelque chose de spécial.<</st>>
<<ele>>Elain regarda Mia d'un air curieux. ''Dis, Mia, qu'est-ce que tu faisais le jour où on s'est croisées dans mon immeuble ?''<</ele>>
<<st>>La question d'Elain sur leur première rencontre dans l'immeuble de Mia ramena brusquement cette dernière à la réalité. Les souvenirs de Roy et du désordre qu'il avait causé affluèrent dans son esprit, la laissant visiblement troublée. Voyant la réaction de Mia, Elain tendit rapidement la main avec une expression soucieuse sur son visage.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Hey, est-ce que ça va?'' demanda Elain, sa voix emplie d'une inquiétude sincère.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia hésita un moment, se débattant avec la décision de se confier à cette nouvelle amie. Mais quelque chose dans la présence réconfortante d'Elain la rassura, et elle se retrouva à se livrer.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Tu connais Roy?'' demanda finalement Mia, sa voix tremblant légèrement.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Qui est Roy?'' répondit Elain, fronçant les sourcils, perplexe.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia prit une grande inspiration, se préparant mentalement avant de se lancer dans le récit sauvage de sa rencontre avec Roy. Elle révéla comment ils s'étaient rencontrés, comment il lui avait joué un tour, et comment il avait fini par l'enlever, la soumettant à toutes sortes de situations féroce.<</st>>
<<st>>Elain était tout ouïe, les yeux écarquillés de surprise alors qu'elle absorbait chaque détail. Lorsque Mia eut terminé son récit, il y eut un moment de silence, la folie de toute cette histoire s'imprégnant dans leur esprit.<</st>>
<<ele>>Finalement, Elain rompit le silence avec un mélange d'incrédulité et de préoccupation. ''Wow, c'est... c'est intense,'' dit-elle doucement. ''Je n'arrive pas à croire que tu aies vécu tout ça.''<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia acquiesça simplement, se sentant comme si un poids avait été levé de ses épaules maintenant qu'elle s'était ouverte à quelqu'un en qui elle pouvait avoir confiance. En cet instant, elle savait qu'elle avait fait le bon choix en se confiant à Elain.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Écoute, est-ce que tu veux te débarrasser de tout le stress et oublier tout ce qui s'est passé pendant quelques heures ? Je sais qu'il y a cette petite fête ce soir. Ça va être génial, et je me suis dit que ça pourrait être exactement ce dont tu as besoin. Puis, qui n'aime pas une bonne fête, n'est-ce pas?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Ouais, je suppose que ça serait génial,'' répondit Mia, une pointe d'excitation se glissant dans sa voix. ''J'adore les fêtes, et ça fait un moment que je n'ai pas vraiment participé à une bonne.''<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Eh bien, fais-moi confiance, tu te souviendras certainement de cette fête,'' taquina Elain, un rire espiègle dansant dans ses yeux.<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Ah ah, qu'est-ce qui te fait dire ça?'' demanda Mia, sa curiosité piquée.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Tu verras ce que je veux dire. Mais je te promets que tu vas adorer,'' assura Elain, un sourire joueur se dessinant sur son visage.<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Waouh, je suis intriguée. Allons-y!'' s'exclama Mia, son esprit aventurier prenant le dessus.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Ouais! C'est ça! s'enthousiasma Elain, déjà en train d'imaginer la nuit inoubliable qui les attendait.<</ele>>
<<set $quests.quest_cafe_elein=true>>
<<button[[Partir|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "Avantages exp + 70">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>El encuentro de Mia y Elain en el café fue como ponerse al día con un viejo amigo. Se llevaron bien de inmediato, riendo y charlando como si se conocieran desde siempre.<</st>>
<<st>>Sentados en una mesa acogedora, tomaron sorbos de café e intercambiaron historias, encontrando puntos en común en todo tipo de temas. Desde su amor por los viajes hasta sus programas favoritos de Netflix, simplemente hicieron clic.<</st>>
<<st>>Con el sol entrando por las ventanas, parecía una escena sacada de una película. Mia no pudo evitar sentirse afortunada de haber conocido a Elain y sabía que este era el comienzo de algo especial.<</st>>
<<ele>>Elain le lanzó a Mia una mirada curiosa. ''Oye, Mia, ¿qué estabas haciendo el día que nos encontramos en mi edificio?''<</ele>>
<<st>>La pregunta de Elain sobre su primer encuentro en el edificio de Mia hizo que Mia volviera a la realidad. Los recuerdos de Roy y el desastre que había causado inundaron su mente, dejándola visiblemente perturbada. Al ver la reacción de Mia, Elain rápidamente se acercó con una expresión de preocupación en su rostro.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Oye, ¿estás bien?'' Preguntó Elain, su voz llena de preocupación genuina.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia dudó por un momento, luchando con la decisión de confiar en esta nueva amiga. Pero algo en la reconfortante presencia de Elain la tranquilizó y se abrió.<</st>>
<<mia>>''¿Conoces a Roy?'' —Preguntó finalmente Mia, con la voz ligeramente temblorosa.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''¿Quién es Roy?'' Respondió Elain, con el ceño fruncido por la confusión.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia respiró hondo y se preparó antes de lanzarse a contar la loca historia de su encuentro con Roy. Ella contó la verdad sobre cómo se conocieron, cómo él se burló de ella y cómo terminó arrebatándola, sometiéndola a todo tipo de locuras.<</st>>
<<st>>Elain era todo oídos, sus ojos se abrieron por la sorpresa mientras absorbía cada detalle. Cuando Mia concluyó su historia, hubo un momento de silencio y la pura locura de todo se hizo evidente.<</st>>
<<ele>>Finalmente, Elain rompió el silencio con una mezcla de incredulidad y preocupación. ''Wow, eso es... eso es intenso'', dijo suavemente. ''No puedo creer que hayas pasado por todo eso''.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia se limitó a asentir, sintiendo como si le hubieran quitado un peso de encima ahora que se había abierto a alguien en quien podía confiar. En ese instante, supo que había hecho lo correcto al abrirse a Elain.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Escucha, ¿quieres deshacerte de todo el estrés y olvidar todo lo que pasó durante unas horas? Sé que habrá esta pequeña fiesta esta noche. Va a estar fuera de serie, y pensé que podría ser justo lo que necesitas. Además, ¿a quién no le gusta una buena fiesta, verdad?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Sí, supongo que sería genial'', respondió Mia, con un toque de emoción en su voz. ''Me encantan las fiestas y hace tiempo que no participo en una buena''.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Bueno, créeme, definitivamente recordarás esta fiesta'', bromeó Elain, con una risa traviesa bailando en sus ojos.<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Jaja, ¿qué te hace decir eso?'' Preguntó Mia, despertada la curiosidad.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Verás lo que quiero decir. Pero te prometo que te encantará'', le aseguró Elain, con una sonrisa juguetona en su rostro.<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Vaya, estoy intrigado. ¡Vamos!'' Exclamó Mia, haciendo efecto su espíritu aventurero.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''¡Sí! Ese es el espíritu'', animó Elain, imaginando ya la inolvidable noche que se avecinaba.<</ele>>
<<set $quests.quest_cafe_elein=true>>
<<button[[Deja|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 70">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corrupción + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>米娅和伊兰在咖啡馆的会面感觉就像是与一位老朋友见面。 他们一拍即合,有说有笑,仿佛已经认识很久了。<</st>>
<<st>>他们坐在一张舒适的桌子旁,喝着咖啡,交换故事,在各种事情上找到共同点。 从他们对旅行的热爱到他们最喜欢的 Netflix 节目,他们一拍即合。<</st>>
<<st>>阳光从窗户照进来,就像电影里的场景一样。 米娅不禁为能遇见伊兰而感到幸运,她知道这是一些特别的事情的开始。<</st>>
<<ele>>艾兰好奇地看了米娅一眼。 ''嘿,米娅,我们在我的大楼里相遇的那天你在做什么?''<</ele>>
<<st>>伊莱恩问起他们在米娅大楼第一次见面的问题,让米娅猛然回到现实。 关于罗伊和他造成的混乱的记忆涌入她的脑海,让她明显感到不安。 看到米娅的反应,伊兰连忙伸出手来,一脸担忧。<</st>>
<<ele>>''嘿,你还好吗?'' 艾兰问道,她的声音里充满了真正的担忧。<</ele>>
<<st>>米娅犹豫了一会儿,犹豫着是否决定向这位新朋友吐露心声。 但伊莱恩的存在让她感到安慰,她发现自己敞开了心扉。<</st>>
<<mia>>''你认识罗伊吗?'' 米娅终于问道,她的声音有些颤抖。<</mia>>
<<ele>>''罗伊是谁?'' 艾兰疑惑地皱起眉头回答道。<</ele>>
<<st>>米娅深吸了一口气,做好心理准备,然后开始讲述她与罗伊发生冲突的疯狂故事。 她透露了他们是如何相遇的,他是如何对她猛烈攻击的,以及他最后是如何抢走她的,让她遭受各种疯狂的事情的。<</st>>
<<st>>伊兰全神贯注地听着,当她沉浸在每一个细节时,她的眼睛里充满了震惊。 当米娅讲完她的故事时,一阵沉默,这一切的疯狂之处都被淹没了。<</st>>
<<ele>>最后,伊兰带着难以置信和担忧的心情打破了沉默。 ''哇,这……太激烈了,''她轻声说道。 ''我不敢相信你经历了这一切。''<</ele>>
<<st>>米娅只是点点头,既然她已经向一个值得信任的人敞开了心扉,她感觉肩上的重担已经卸下了。 那一刻,她知道自己向伊兰敞开心扉做了正确的事。<</st>>
<<ele>>''听着,你想摆脱所有的压力,忘记几个小时内发生的一切吗?我知道今晚会有一个小聚会。它会超出预期,我想这可能正是你所需要的。 另外,谁不喜欢一场盛大的聚会,我说得对吗?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>''是的,我想那会很棒,''米娅回答道,她的声音里透着一丝兴奋。 ''我喜欢聚会,而且我已经有一段时间没有真正参加过愉快的聚会了。''<</mia>>
<<mia>>''哈哈,你凭什么这么说?'' 米娅好奇地问道。<</mia>>
<<mia>>''哇,我很好奇。我们走吧!'' 米娅惊呼道,她的冒险精神开始萌芽。<</mia>>
<<set $quests.quest_cafe_elein=true>>
<<button[[离开|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<flash "福利消耗 + 70">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "健身 + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐败 + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</switch>><<set $mia.exp +=75>><<set $mia.bea+=2>><<set $mia.cor+=2>><<set $active_quests.q16=true>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>As the girls stepped into the masquerade party, Mia made a silent vow to let loose and forget about everything else. She found herself at the bar, concocting cocktails with shots and taking in the scene: her new friend was passionately kissing a stranger across the room. The air was thick with lust and abandon, a place where people shed their inhibitions and surrendered to their desires. Mia had never seen anything like it, but it was reminiscent of the fantasies she entertained about the brothel she dreamed of opening.<</st>>
<<st>>How did Elain know about this place? And how had she known Mia would love it? It seemed they had more in common than Mia had thought.<</st>>
<<st>>Realizing it was a sex party, Mia decided not to waste any time and explore.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Room 1">>
<<st>>A scene of wild sex unfold before her eyes: two girls pleasuring each other.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mask/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<st>>She decided not to distract them.<</st>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Room 2">>
<<st>>A lucky guy having sex with three women. Mia wouldn't mind to join, but there was not enough room for the fourth girl.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mask/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Room 3">>
<<st>>BDSM enthusiasts were lost in their pervert firestorm of sexual desire. They wouldn't mind her to join them, but Mia was not ready yet for such a crazy experiment.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mask/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video><</linkreplace>>
<<st>>Having seen enough, Mia was so horny, she had to experience it all for herself. She returned to the bar, scanning the room, when a masked man approached her. For a moment, she flashed back to her last time she decided to have sex with a stranger, but she pushed the thought aside. This man was nothing like Roy; older, with a toned physique that oozed sex appeal. As he led her towards one of the private rooms, Mia knew exactly where this night was heading. He took her hand, and they went into one of those private rooms.<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_maskarad=true>><<flash "Perks exp + 75">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Beauty + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Когда девочки вошли на маскарад, Миа молча пообещала себе расслабиться и забыть обо всем остальном. Она стояла у бара, потягивая коктейль и наблюдала как её новая подруга страстно целовала незнакомца в другом конце комнаты. Воздух был пропитан похотью и непринужденностью. Было понятно что это то место, где люди отбрасывают свои запреты и отдаются желаниям. Миа никогда не видела ничего подобного, но это напомнило её фантазии о борделе, который она начала мечтать открыть.<</st>>
<<st>>Откуда Элайна узнала об этом месте? И откуда она знала, что Мии это понравится? Похоже, у них было больше общего, чем думала Миа.<</st>>
<<st>>Поняв, что это была секс-вечеринка, Миа решила не терять времени даром и заняться исследованием.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Комната 1">>
<<st>>Она приоткрыла занавес в одну из комнат, и перед ее глазами развернулась сцена секса: две девушки ублажают друг друга.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mask/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<st>>Мия решила их не отвлекать.<</st>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Комната 2">>
<<st>>Какой-то счастливчик занимается сексом с тремя девушками. Мия была бы не против присоединиться, но для четвертой девочки места бы не хватило.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mask/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Комната 3">>
<<st>>Фанаты BDSM терялись в своем извращенном огне сексуального желания. Они были бы не против, чтобы она присоединилась к ним, но Мия еще не была готова к таким безумным экспериментам.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mask/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video><</linkreplace>>
<<st>>Насмотревшись вдоволь, Мия так возбудилась, что горела от желания испытать все это на себе. Она вернулась к бару, осматривая помещение, как вдруг к ней подошёл мужчина в маске. На мгновение она вспомнила что произошло когда она в последний раз решилась на секс с незнакомцем, но отогнала эту мысль. Этот мужчина был совсем не похож на Роя: старше, с подтянутым телом, излучающим сексуальную притягательность. Когда он повел её в одну из приватных комнат, Миа точно знала к чему приведет эта ночь. Он взял её за руку, и они вошли в одну из приватных комнат.<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_maskarad=true>><<flash "Опыт перков + 75">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Красота + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Als die Mädels die Maskenball-Party betraten, schwor Mia sich innerlich, alle Sorgen hinter sich zu lassen und ausgelassen zu feiern. An der Bar mixte sie sich Cocktails mit Shots und beobachtete das Treiben: Ihre neue Freundin knutschte gerade leidenschaftlich mit einem Fremden am anderen Ende des Raums. Die Luft war erfüllt von Lust und Hemmungslosigkeit. Hier konnten die Leute ihre Zurückhaltung ablegen und sich ihren Wünschen hingeben. Mia hatte so etwas noch nie gesehen, aber es erinnerte sie an ihre Fantasien von dem Bordell, das sie eines Tages eröffnen wollte.<</st>>
<<st>>Keine Ahnung, woher Elain den Laden kennt. Aber dass Mia das feiern würde, wusste sie irgendwie? Verrückt, die beiden scheinen ja doch mehr auf derselben Wellenlänge zu liegen, als Mia gedacht hat. <</st>>
<<st>>Als Mia merkte, dass es eine Sex-Party war, beschloss sie, keine Zeit zu verschwenden und sich umzuschauen.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Zimmer 1">>
<<st>>Vor ihren Augen spiegelt sich eine Szene wilden Sex ab: zwei Mädchen, die sich gegenseitig beglücken.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mask/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<st>>Sie wollte sie lieber nicht stören.<</st>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Zimmer 2">>
<<st>>Ein Glückspilz, der Sex mit drei Frauen hat.
Mia hätte ja voll mitgemacht, aber zu viert war einfach kein Platz mehr.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mask/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Zimmer 3">>
<<st>>BDSM-Enthusiasten waren in ihrem perversen Feuersturm sexuellen Verlangens verloren. Die Leute hätten nichts dagegen gehabt, dass Mia mitgemacht hätte, aber für so einen verrückten Plan war sie einfach noch nicht bereit.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mask/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video><</linkreplace>>
<<st>>Nach dem Zuschauen war Mia so begeistert, dass sie alles selbst erleben musste.Sie kehrte zur Bar zurück und ließ ihren Blick über den Raum schweifen. Für einen Moment erinnerte sie sich an das letzte Mal, als sie beschlossen hatte, Sex mit einem Fremden zu haben, aber sie schob den Gedanken beiseite.
Der Mann war das genaue Gegenteil von Roy: älter, mit einem durchtrainierten Körper, der pure Sexiness ausstrahlte. Als er sie zu einem der abgelegenen Zimmer führte, wusste Mia genau, wohin der Abend gehen würde. Er nahm ihre Hand und sie betraten gemeinsam eines dieser Private-Räume.<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_maskarad=true>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 75">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Schönheit + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Alors que les filles entraient dans la fête masquée, Mia se promettait intérieurement de se lâcher et d'oublier tout le reste. Elle se retrouva au bar, préparant des cocktails avec des shots et observant la scène : sa nouvelle amie embrassait passionnément un inconnu de l'autre côté de la pièce. L'air était épais de désir et d'abandon, un endroit où les gens se débarrassaient de leurs inhibitions et se livraient à leurs désirs. Mia n'avait jamais rien vu de tel, mais cela rappelait les fantasmes qu'elle entretenait à propos du bordel qu'elle rêvait d'ouvrir.<</st>>
<<st>>Comment Elain connaissait-elle cet endroit ? Et comment savait-elle que Mia l'adorerait ? Il semblait qu'elles avaient plus de points communs que Mia ne l'avait pensé.<</st>>
<<st>>Realisant qu'il s'agissait d'une soirée sexuelle, Mia décida de ne pas perdre de temps et d'explorer.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Chambre 1">>
<<st>>Une scène de sexe sauvage se déroule sous ses yeux : deux filles se font plaisir.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mask/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<st>>Elle a décidé de ne pas les distraire.<</st>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Chambre 2">>
<<st>>Un mec chanceux qui couche avec trois femmes. Mia n'hésiterait pas à se joindre à nous, mais il n'y avait pas assez de place pour la quatrième fille.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mask/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Chambre 3">>
<<st>>Les amateurs de BDSM étaient perdus dans leur tempête perverse de désir sexuel. Cela ne les dérangerait pas qu'elle les rejoigne, mais Mia n'était pas encore prête pour une expérience aussi folle.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mask/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video><</linkreplace>>
<<st>>Ayant assez vu, Mia était tellement excitée qu'elle devait tout expérimenter elle-même. Elle retourna au bar, balayant la salle du regard, quand un homme masqué s'approcha d'elle. Pendant un instant, elle eut un flashback de la dernière fois où elle avait décidé de coucher avec un inconnu, mais elle chassa cette pensée de son esprit. Cet homme n'avait rien à voir avec Roy ; plus âgé, avec une silhouette tonique qui dégageait un sex-appeal. Alors qu'il la conduisait vers l'une des chambres privées, Mia savait exactement où cette nuit se dirigeait. Il prit sa main, et ils entrèrent dans l'une de ces chambres privées.<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_maskarad=true>><<flash "Avantages exp + 75">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Beauté + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Cuando las chicas entraron en la fiesta de disfraces, Mia hizo un voto silencioso de soltarse y olvidarse de todo lo demás. Se encontró en la barra, preparando cócteles con chupitos y contemplando la escena: su nueva amiga besaba apasionadamente a un desconocido al otro lado de la sala. El aire estaba cargado de lujuria y abandono, un lugar donde la gente se despojaba de sus inhibiciones y se entregaba a sus deseos. Mia nunca había visto nada parecido, pero le recordaba a las fantasías que tenía sobre el burdel que soñaba con abrir.<</st>>
<<st>>¿Cómo conocía Elain este lugar? ¿Y cómo había sabido que a Mia le encantaría? Parecía que tenían más en común de lo que Mia había pensado.<</st>>
<<st>>Al darse cuenta de que era una fiesta sexual, Mia decidió no perder el tiempo y explorar.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Habitación 1">>
<<st>>Una escena de sexo salvaje se desplegó ante sus ojos: dos chicas dándose placer mutuamente.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mask/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<st>>Decidió no distraerlas.<</st>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Habitación 2">>
<<st>>Un tipo afortunado practicando sexo con tres mujeres. A Mia no le importaría unirse, pero no había espacio suficiente para la cuarta chica.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mask/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Habitación 3">>
<<st>>Los entusiastas del BDSM estaban perdidos en su pervertida tormenta de deseo sexual. No les importaría que se uniera a ellos, pero Mia aún no estaba preparada para un experimento tan loco.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mask/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video><</linkreplace>>
<<st>>Después de haber visto suficiente, Mia estaba tan cachonda que tenía que experimentarlo todo por sí misma. Volvió a la barra, escudriñando la sala, cuando un hombre enmascarado se le acercó. Por un momento, recordó la última vez que decidió acostarse con un desconocido, pero apartó ese pensamiento. Este hombre no se parecía en nada a Roy; mayor, con un físico tonificado que rezumaba atractivo sexual. Cuando la condujo a una de las habitaciones privadas, Mia supo exactamente hacia dónde se dirigía la noche. La cogió de la mano y entraron en una de esas habitaciones privadas.<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_maskarad=true>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 75">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Belleza + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corrupción + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "CH">>
<<linkreplace "房间 1">>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mask/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<linkreplace "房间 2">>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mask/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "房间 3">>
<<st>>BDSM 爱好者们沉浸在变态的性欲风暴中。他们不介意米娅加入,但米娅还没准备好接受如此疯狂的实验。<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mask/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video><</linkreplace>>
<<set $quests.quest_maskarad=true>><<flash "福利消耗 + 75">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "美容 + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐败 + 2">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</switch>><<set $mia.exp +=80>><<set $mia.money+=500>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<set $active_quests.q24=true>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>The next morning, Mia cautiously tiptoed into the kitchen, her footsteps echoing in the quiet space. Her eyes met her father's, and for a moment, they both seemed unsure of what to say. The air felt thick with tension, like a storm brewing on the horizon.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Dad,'' Mia began, her voice wavering slightly, ''we need to talk about what went down yesterday. What's going on, what the hell were you doing there? How long have you been having a secret sex life? Does Mom know?''<</mia>>
<<st>>She could feel the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere that seemed to suffocate the room. But Mia knew they couldn't just sweep yesterday's events under the rug. It was time to confront the discomfort head-on.<</st>>
<<dad>>Mia didn't expect to see her father's accusatory gaze pierce through her, his sharp tone slicing through the uneasy silence. ''What I do is none of your business, Mia. A better question to ask is what were you doing there, huh?'' he demanded, his voice tinged with anger and suspicion.<</dad>>
<<mia>>Meeting his gaze head-on, Mia refused to back down. ''I don't owe you any explanations,'' she retorted, her voice tinged with defiance. ''Unlike you, I don't have a family or a wife to answer to. I'm 18, Dad, and I earn my own money. I can do whatever I want.''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''So what now, you're telling me that since you're 18 and you earn money now, you can fuck around with strangers on sex parties? What's wrong with you, Mia? Where did it come from?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Where did it come from? What's wrong with me? You were there fucking around too, so stop shaming me now! Like father like daughter, daddy!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Okay, okay, I guess you're right. I can't blame you. Look, I love my children and wife, but I have to admit that I have always been a free-spirited and unpredictable soul who despised boundaries. I admit that I love to enjoy living life on the edge, even if it means pushing the boundaries of societal norms. I even fucked your Mom's bridesmate on our wedding day. But, you know, what happened last night was a colossal mistake, and it's out of the line even for me. I feel bad for what happened yesterday. Let's just sweep it under the rug and move on, alright?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Mom's friend Susan? Hahaha, come on, Dad, you're an animal. But yeah, I know, I feel weird too. Let's just forget it.''<</mia>>
<<st>>She figured her dad's story made sense, so she went along with it, feeling just as awkward herself. Now she was stuck not knowing how to act around him.
But while he was telling her how inappropriate last night was, she couldn't miss the spark of lust in his eyes when he remembered all the dirty things they did last night. And even though she tried to play it cool, she knew she didn't manage to hide the same horny sparkle in her eyes, and he saw it.<</st>>
<<st>>Not willing to make the situation even more awkward that it already is, Mia grabs her coffee and goes up into her room.<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen=true>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><<flash "Perks exp + 80">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Money + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>На следующее утро Мия осторожно, на цыпочках, вошла в кухню, и её шаги звонко отдавались в тишине. Её глаза встретились с глазами отца, и на мгновение они оба застыли, не зная что сказать. В воздухе витало напряжение, словно на горизонте назревала буря.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Пап, - начала Миа, её голос слегка дрогнул, - ''нам нужно поговорить о том, что произошло вчера. Что это было, какого черта ты там делал? Как давно ты ведешь тайную сексуальную жизнь? Мама об этом знает?''<</mia>>
<<st>>Мия почувствовала, как тяжесть невысказанных слов повисла в воздухе, создавая не комфортную атмосферу, которая стала просто удушающей. Но она понимала, что они не могут просто взять и забыть о вчерашних событиях. Настало время встретить дискомфорт лицом к лицу.<</st>>
<<dad>>Мия не ожидала, что отец просквозит ее обвиняющим насквозь взглядом, а его резкий тон пронзит неловкую тишину. ''То, чем я занимаюсь, не твоё дело, Миа. Лучше скажи, что ТЫ там делала, а?'' - потребовал он, в его голосе звучали гнев и подозрительность.<</dad>>
<<mia>>Встретившись с ним взглядом, Миа отказалась отступать. ''Я не должна тебе ничего объяснять'', - ответила она с вызовом в голосе. ''В отличие от тебя, у меня нет семьи или жены, перед которыми я должна отчитываться. Мне восемнадцать, папа, и я сама зарабатываю деньги. Я могу делать все, что захочу''.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''И что теперь, ты хочешь сказать, что раз тебе 18 и ты зарабатываешь деньги, то можешь трахаться с незнакомцами на секс-вечеринках? Что с тобой не так, Миа? Откуда это взялось?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Откуда это? Что со мной не так? Ты тоже там трахался, так что хватит меня стыдить! Яблоко от яблони, папочка!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Ладно, ладно, наверное, ты права. Я не могу тебя винить. Слушай, я люблю своих детей и свою жену, но должен признать, что всегда был свободной и непредсказуемой личностью, которая презирала нормы и рамки. Я признаю, что мне нравится жить на грани, даже если это означает раздвигать границы общественных норм. Я даже трахнул подружку невесты твоей мамы в день нашей свадьбы. Но, знаешь, то, что случилось прошлой ночью, было колоссальной ошибкой, и это выходит за любые пределы даже для меня. Я сожалею о том, что произошло вчера. Давай просто забудем обо всем и будем жить как раньше, хорошо?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Мамина подруга Сьюзан? Хаха, да ладно, папа, ты просто животное. Но да, я знаю, я тоже чувствую себя странно. Давай просто забудем об этом.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Она решила, что в рассказе отца есть смысл, и согласилась с ним, чувствуя себя так же неловко. Теперь она не знала, как вести себя с ним.<</st>>
<<st>>Но пока он рассказывал ей о том, какой неуместной была прошлая ночь, она не могла не заметить искру похоти в его глазах, когда он вспоминал все те грязные вещи, которые они делали прошлой ночью. И хотя она пыталась вести себя спокойно, ей не удавалось скрыть тот же возбужденный блеск в глазах, и он это заметил.<</st>>
<<st>>Не желая доводить ситуацию до еще большей неловкости, Миа взяла свой кофе и поднялась к себе в комнату.<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen=true>>
<<button[[Уйти|House]]>><</button>><<flash "Опыт перков + 80">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Деньги + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Am nächsten Morgen schlich Mia vorsichtig in die Küche. Ihre Schritte hallten in der Stille. Ihr Blick traf auf den ihres Vaters und für einen Moment schienen beide nicht zu wissen, was sie sagen sollten. Die Luft war dick mit Spannung, wie ein Sturm, der sich am Horizont zusammenbraute.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Papa'', begann Mia, ihre Stimme leicht zitternd, ''wir müssen über das reden, was gestern passiert ist. Was ist da los? Was, zum Teufel, hast du da gemacht? Wie lange führst du schon ein Sex-Doppelleben? Weiß Mama davon?''<</mia>>
<<st>>Sie spürte, wie das Gewicht unausgesprochener Worte in der Luft hing und eine bedrückende Atmosphäre schuf, die den Raum zu ersticken schien. Doch Mia wusste, dass sie die Ereignisse von gestern nicht einfach unter den Teppich kehren konnten. Es war an der Zeit, sich dem Unbehagen frontal zu stellen.<</st>>
<<dad>>Die Antwort ihres Vaters traf Mia völlig unvorbereitet. Sein Blick bohrte sich anklagend in sie, und sein scharfer Ton zerschnitt die ohnehin angespannte Stille. ''Was ich tue, geht dich gar nichts an, Mia. Die bessere Frage ist wohl eher, was du da überhaupt zu suchen hattest, hm?'', blaffte er. Wut und Misstrauen färbten seine Stimme.<</dad>>
<<mia>>Dem Blick standhaltend, weigerte sich Mia, klein beizugeben. ''Ich schulde dir keine Erklärungen'', konterte sie, ihre Stimme voller Trotz. ''Anders als du, muss ich mich nicht vor einer Familie oder einer Frau rechtfertigen. Ich bin 18, Papa, und verdiene mein eigenes Geld. Ich kann tun und lassen, was ich will.''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Und was nun, du erzählst mir, dass du, da du 18 bist und jetzt Geld verdienst, auf Sexpartys mit Fremden herumalbern kannst? Was ist los mit dir, Mia? Wo ist es hergekommen?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Wo ist es hergekommen? Was ist falsch mit mir? Du warst auch dabei, also hör jetzt auf, mich zu beschämen! ''Wie der Vater, so die Tochter, Papa!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Okay, okay, du hast wohl Recht. Kann dir keinen Vorwurf machen. Also, schau, ich liebe meine Kinder und meine Frau, aber ich muss zugeben, dass ich schon immer ein freier Geist und eine unberechenbare Seele war, der Grenzen verabscheut hat. Ich gebe zu, ich genieße es, das Leben am Limit zu leben, auch wenn es bedeutet, gegen gesellschaftliche Normen zu verstoßen. An unserem Hochzeitstag habe ich sogar die Braut deiner Mutter gefickt.Aber weißt du, was gestern Nacht passiert ist, war ein riesiger Fehler, der selbst für mich zu viel ist. Mir tut leid, was gestern passiert ist. Lass uns einfach einen Schlussstrich darunter ziehen und nach vorne schauen, okay?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Susans Mutter? Hahaha, komm schon, Dad, du bist unmöglich! Aber ja, ich weiß, mir geht's auch komisch dabei. Vergessen wir's einfach.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia beschloss, ihrem Vater Glauben zu schenken, und spielte mit. Ihr selbst war die Situation auch mehr als unangenehm. Nun wusste sie überhaupt nicht mehr, wie sie sich ihm gegenüber verhalten sollte.
Doch während er ihr erklärte, wie unangemessen die vergangene Nacht gewesen war, konnte sie den lüsternen Funken in seinen Augen nicht übersehen, als er sich an all die schmutzigen Dinge erinnerte, die sie getan hatten. Und obwohl sie versuchte, cool zu bleiben, wusste sie, dass sie es nicht geschafft hatte, das gleiche geile Glimmern in ihren Augen zu verbergen. Und er sah es.<</st>>
<<st>>Um die angespannte Situation nicht noch weiter zu verschärfen, schnappt sich Mia ihren Kaffee und geht auf ihr Zimmer.<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen=true>>
<<button[[Verlassen Sie|House]]>><</button>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 80">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Geld + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Le lendemain matin, Mia s'avance prudemment dans la cuisine, ses pas résonnant dans l'espace silencieux. Son regard croise celui de son père et, pendant un instant, ils semblent tous les deux incertains de quoi dire. L'atmosphère est chargée de tension, comme une tempête qui se prépare à l'horizon.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Papa,'' commença Mia, sa voix légèrement hésitante, ''nous devons parler de ce qui s'est passé hier. Que se passe-t-il, qu'est-ce que tu faisais là? Depuis combien de temps menez-vous une vie sexuelle secrète? Est-ce que maman est au courant?''<</mia>>
<<st>>Elle pouvait sentir le poids de mots non-dits planant dans l'air, créant une atmosphère inconfortable qui semblait étouffer la pièce. Mais Mia savait qu'ils ne pouvaient pas simplement passer sous silence les événements d'hier. Il était temps de confronter le malaise de front.<</st>>
<<dad>>Mia ne s'attendait pas à ce que le regard accusateur de son père la transperce, son ton acerbe tranchant à travers le silence pesant. ''Ce que je fais ne te regarde pas, Mia. Une meilleure question à poser est ce que tu faisais là-bas, hein?'' exigea-t-il, sa voix teintée de colère et de suspicion.<</dad>>
<<mia>>Affrontant son regard sans détour, Mia refusa de céder. ''Je ne te dois aucune explication'', répliqua-t-elle, sa voix teintée de défiance. ''Contrairement à toi, je n'ai pas de famille ou de femme à qui rendre des comptes. J'ai 18 ans, Papa, et je gagne mon propre argent. Je fais ce que je veux.''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Alors maintenant, tu me dis que parce que tu as 18 ans et que tu gagnes de l'argent, tu penses pouvoir te laisser aller avec des inconnus lors de orgies? Qu'est-ce qui te prend, Mia? Depuis quand est-ce que tu as commencé à penser comme ça?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''D'où vient-il? Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas avec moi? Tu étais là aussi, alors arrête de me faire honte maintenant! Tel père telle fille, papa!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''D'accord, d'accord, tu as raison. Je ne peux pas te blâmer. Écoute, j'aime mes enfants et ma femme, mais je dois admettre que j'ai toujours été une âme libre et imprévisible qui méprisait les limites. J'admets que j'aime profiter de la vie au maximum, même si cela signifie repousser les limites des normes sociales. J'ai même couché avec la demoiselle d'honneur de ta mère le jour de notre mariage. Mais, tu sais, ce qui s'est passé hier soir était une énorme erreur, et c'est allé trop loin même pour moi. Je suis désolé pour ce qui s'est passé hier. Mettons ça de côté et passons à autre chose, d'accord?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Amie de maman, Susan ? Hahaha, allez, papa, tu es un animal. Mais ouais, je sais, je me sens bizarre aussi. Oublions ça simplement.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Elle pensait que l'histoire de son père avait du sens, alors elle l'accepta, se sentant elle-même tout aussi gênée. Maintenant, elle était coincée, ne sachant pas comment se comporter avec lui. Mais pendant qu'il lui disait à quel point la nuit dernière avait été inappropriée, elle ne pouvait pas manquer l'étincelle de désir dans ses yeux quand il se souvenait de toutes les choses sales qu'ils avaient faites la nuit dernière. Et même si elle essayait de jouer cool, elle savait qu'elle ne parvenait pas à cacher la même étincelle excitante dans ses yeux, et il l'a vu.<</st>>
<<st>>Pas désireuse de rendre la situation encore plus gênante qu'elle ne l'est déjà, Mia prend son café et monte dans sa chambre.<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen=true>>
<<button[[Partir|House]]>><</button>><<flash "Avantages exp + 80">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Argent + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>A la mañana siguiente, Mia entró cautelosamente de puntillas en la cocina y sus pasos resonaron en el espacio tranquilo. Sus ojos se encontraron con los de su padre y, por un momento, ambos parecieron inseguros de qué decir. El aire se sentía cargado de tensión, como una tormenta que se avecinaba en el horizonte.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Papá'', comenzó Mia, con la voz ligeramente temblorosa, ''tenemos que hablar sobre lo que pasó ayer. ¿Qué está pasando? ¿Qué diablos estabas haciendo allí? ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas teniendo una vida sexual secreta? ¿Mamá lo sabe? ''<</mia>>
<<st>>Podía sentir el peso de las palabras no dichas flotando en el aire, creando una atmósfera incómoda que parecía asfixiar la habitación. Pero Mia sabía que no podían simplemente esconder los acontecimientos de ayer debajo de la alfombra. Había llegado el momento de afrontar el malestar de frente.<</st>>
<<dad>>Mia no esperaba ver la mirada acusatoria de su padre atravesándola, su tono agudo cortando el incómodo silencio. ''Lo que hago no es de tu incumbencia, Mia. Una mejor pregunta es qué estabas haciendo allí, ¿eh?'' —preguntó, su voz teñida de ira y sospecha.<</dad>>
<<mia>>Al encontrarse con su mirada de frente, Mia se negó a dar marcha atrás. ''No te debo ninguna explicación'', replicó ella, con la voz teñida de desafío. ''A diferencia de ti, no tengo una familia ni una esposa ante quien responder. Tengo 18 años, papá, y gano mi propio dinero. Puedo hacer lo que quiera''.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''¿Y ahora qué? ¿Me estás diciendo que como tienes 18 años y ahora ganas dinero, puedes joder con extraños en fiestas sexuales? ¿Qué te pasa, Mia? ¿De dónde viene?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''¿De dónde vino? ¿Que pasa conmigo? Tú también estabas jodiendo, ¡así que deja de avergonzarme ahora! ¡De tal palo tal hija, papá!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Está bien, está bien, supongo que tienes razón. No puedo culparte. Mira, amo a mis hijos y a mi esposa, pero debo admitir que siempre he sido un alma impredecible y de espíritu libre que despreciaba los límites. Admito que me encanta disfrutar de vivir la vida al límite, incluso si eso significa traspasar los límites de las normas sociales. Incluso me follé a la novia de tu mamá el día de nuestra boda. Pero, ya sabes, lo que pasó anoche fue un error colosal, y está fuera de lugar incluso para mí. Me siento mal por lo que pasó ayer. Barrémoslo debajo de la alfombra y sigamos adelante, ¿de acuerdo?''.<</dad>>
<<mia>>''¿Susan, la amiga de mamá? Jajaja, vamos papá, eres un animal. Pero sí, lo sé, yo también me siento raro. Olvidémoslo.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Pensó que la historia de su padre tenía sentido, así que la aceptó, sintiéndose igual de incómoda. Ahora estaba atrapada sin saber cómo actuar con él.<</st>>
<<st>>Pero mientras él le decía lo inapropiada que fue la noche anterior, ella no podía pasar por alto la chispa de lujuria en sus ojos cuando recordó todas las cosas sucias que hicieron anoche. Y aunque trató de actuar con calma, sabía que no lograba ocultar el mismo brillo cachondo en sus ojos, y él lo vio.<</st>>
<<st>>No dispuesta a hacer la situación aún más incómoda de lo que ya es, Mia toma su café y sube a su habitación.<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen=true>>
<<button[[Deja|House]]>><</button>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 80">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Dinero + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corrupción + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>第二天早上,米娅小心翼翼地蹑手蹑脚地走进厨房,安静的空间里回荡着她的脚步声。 她的目光与父亲的目光相遇,一时之间,他们都似乎不知道该说什么。 空气中充满了紧张的气氛,就像地平线上酝酿着一场风暴。<</st>>
<<mia>>''爸爸,''米娅开始说道,她的声音有些颤抖,''我们需要谈谈昨天发生的事情。发生了什么事,你到底在做什么?你秘密性生活多久了?妈妈知道吗? ''<</mia>>
<<st>>她能感觉到空气中悬着未说出口的话的重量,营造出一种令人不舒服的气氛,似乎让房间窒息。 但米娅知道他们不能把昨天的事件掩盖起来。 是时候直面这种不适了。<</st>>
<<dad>>米娅没想到父亲责备的目光会穿透她,他尖锐的语气划破了不安的沉默。 ''我做什么不关你的事,米娅。更好的问题是你在那儿做什么,是吧?'' 他问道,声音里带着愤怒和怀疑。<</dad>>
<<mia>>正面迎上他的目光,米娅拒绝退缩。 ''我不欠你任何解释。''她反驳道,声音里带着挑衅。 ''和你不同,我没有家庭,也没有妻子。我已经18岁了,爸爸,我自己挣钱。我可以做任何我想做的事。''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''那现在怎么办,你告诉我,既然你已经 18 岁了,现在已经赚到钱了,你就可以在性派对上和陌生人做爱?你怎么了,米娅?这是从哪里来的?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''它从哪里来的? 我怎么了? 你也在那儿乱搞,所以现在别再羞辱我了! 有其父必有其女,爸爸!''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''好吧,好吧,我想你是对的。 我不能责怪你。 你看,我爱我的孩子和妻子,但我不得不承认,我一直是一个自由奔放、不可预测的灵魂,鄙视界限。 我承认我喜欢享受边缘生活,即使这意味着突破社会规范的界限。 我什至在我们结婚那天操了你妈妈的伴娘。 但是,你知道,昨晚发生的事情是一个巨大的错误,即使对我来说也是越界的。 我对昨天发生的事情感到难过。 让我们把它藏起来然后继续前进,好吗?''<</dad>>
<<mia>>''妈妈的朋友苏珊? 哈哈哈,得了吧,爸爸,你是动物。 但是,是的,我知道,我也感觉很奇怪。 让我们忘记它吧。''<</mia>>
<<st>>她认为父亲的故事很有道理,所以她也同意了,但自己也觉得很尴尬。 现在她陷入了困境,不知道在他身边该怎么办。<</st>>
<<st>>但当他告诉她昨晚是多么不合适的时候,当他想起他们昨晚所做的所有肮脏的事情时,她无法忽视他眼中的情欲火花。 尽管她试图表现得很冷静,但她知道自己没能隐藏住眼中同样饥渴的光芒,而他也看到了。<</st>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen=true>>
<<button[[离开|House]]>><</button>><<flash "福利消耗 + 80">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "钱 + 500">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐败 + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</switch>><<set $mia.exp +=85>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<set $active_quests.q21=true>><<set $active_quests.q31 = true>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>She heads up to her room, her thoughts shifting from the situation with her dad to her own business aspirations. The place of last night's party had left a strong impression on Mia. The atmosphere there was unparalleled, resembling something close to her own envisioned brothel.
With so many ideas swirling in her head, she knew that if she could make her own business a reality, it would be the best in town, a place everyone would dream of visiting. But to turn her dream into reality, Mia realized she needed to stop just imagining it, and start planning and taking action.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Alright, Mia, time to get serious,'' she muttered to herself, sinking into her desk chair. ''If I'm gonna make this happen, I need a solid plan.'' She tapped her pen against the desk, organizing her thoughts.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''First things first, secure funding,'' she said aloud, jotting down the words on a notepad. ''Gotta find investors or maybe rob a bank? haha''<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Next up, find an assistant,'' she continued, envisioning the ideal candidate. ''Someone I can trust, someone who's reliable and has the same vision as I do.''<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Then there's the location,'' she mused, picturing the perfect spot in her mind. ''Somewhere discreet yet accessible, with the right ambiance.''<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Hiring staff won't be easy,'' she acknowledged, knowing the importance of assembling the right team. ''But with the right recruitment strategy, I'll find the best of the best.''<</mia>>
<<mia>>''And lastly,'' she sighed, feeling the weight of the decision, ''I need someone to cover for us. Someone who knows how to navigate the legal side of things and keep us out of trouble.''<</mia>>
<<st>>With each point laid out before her, Mia felt a surge of determination. It wasn't going to be easy, but she was ready to tackle the challenge head-on.<</st>>
<<mia>>So, summing up, I'll need:
1. Secure funding
2. Find an assistant who would become her right-hand person
3. Choose the perfect location
4. Hire staff
5. Find someone to cover for them
Here's the plan. Now, it's time to bring it to life!<</mia>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_room_3=true>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><<flash "Perks exp + 85">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Мия поднялась в свою комнату, переключаясь с ситуации с отцом на собственные деловые устремления. Место вчерашней вечеринки оставило Мию под сильным впечатлением. Атмосфера там была ни с чем не сравнима и напоминала нечто близкое к ее собственному воображаемому борделю. В её голове роилось множество идей, и она знала, что если ей удастся воплотить в жизнь свой собственный бизнес, то он станет лучшим в городе, местом, которое будет мечтать посетить каждый. Но чтобы воплотить свою мечту в реальность, Миа поняла, что ей нужно перестать просто представлять себе это, а начать планировать и действовать.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Ладно, Миа, пора становиться серьезной'', - пробормотала она про себя, опускаясь в кресло за рабочим столом. ''Если я хочу, чтобы это произошло, мне нужен чёткий план''. Она постучала ручкой по столу, собираясь с мыслями.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Первым делом нужно обеспечить финансирование'', - сказала она вслух, записывая слова в блокнот. ''Нужно найти инвесторов или, может быть, ограбить банк? Хаха''.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Далее - найти помощника'', - продолжила она, представляя себе идеального кандидата. ''Кого-то, кому я могу доверять, кто надежен и имеет такое же видение, как и я''.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''А после - локация'', - размышляла она, мысленно представляя себе идеальное место. ''Где-нибудь в укромном, но доступном месте, с подходящей атмосферой''.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Нанять персонал будет нелегко'', - признала она, понимая, как важно собрать правильную команду. ''Но при правильной стратегии подбора я найду лучших из лучших''.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''И последнее, - вздохнула она, чувствуя тяжесть принятого решения, - мне нужен кто-то, кто будет нас прикрывать. Кто-то, кто знает, как сориентироваться в юридической стороне дела и уберечь нас от неприятностей''.<</mia>>
<<st>>С каждым пунктом, изложенным перед ней, Миа чувствовала прилив решимости. Это будет нелегко, но она была готова принять вызов с головой.<</st>>
<<mia>>Итак, подведем итоги. Мне понадобится:
1. Обеспечить финансирование.
2. Найти помощника, который станет моей правой рукой.
3. Выбрать идеальное место.
4. Нанять персонал.
5. Найти кого-то, кто будет нас крышевать.
План готов. Теперь пришло время воплотить его в жизнь!
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_room_3=true>>
<<button[[Уйти|House]]>><</button>><<flash "Опыт перков + 85">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Фитнесс + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Коррупция + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia zieht in ihr Zimmer. Zack, wechseln die Gedanken von der Situation mit ihrem Vater zu ihren eigenen Business-Zielen. Der Laden von gestern Abend hat echt Eindruck gemacht. Die Atmosphäre da war der Wahnsinn, total nach ihrem Ding für ihr eigenes Etablissement.
Mit so vielen Ideen im Kopf weiß sie: Wenn sie's hinkriegt, ihren eigenen Laden auf die Beine zu stellen, wird's der beste in der Stadt. Ein Ort, von dem jeder nur träumt, da reinzugehen. Aber Mia checkt klar, dass für ihren Traum mehr nötig ist als nur Tagträumen. Planen und Gas geben, so muss die Kiste laufen!<</st>>
<<mia>>''Also gut, Mia, ey, kein Rumtrödeln mehr'', murmelte sie vor sich hin und ploppste in ihren Schreibtischstuhl. ''Wenn ich das Ding auf die Beine kriegen will, brauche ich 'nen krassen Plan.'' Sie trommelte mit dem Stift auf die Tischplatte und sortierte ihre Gedanken.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Okay erstmal Kohle ran, Alter!'', sagte sie laut und kritzelte die Worte auf ihren Notizblock. ''Investoren aufreißen oder halt 'ne Bank plündern... haha, nööö, lass mal lieber gut sein.''<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Nächster Punkt: 'ne rechte Hand finden'', fuhr sie fort und malte sich im Kopf den perfekten Assi aus. ''Irgendjemand, dem ich vertrauen kann, der zuverlässig ist und voll auf meiner Welle schwimmt.''<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Ach ja, und dann wäre da noch die Location'', grübelte sie und sah vor ihrem inneren Auge den perfekten Laden. ''Irgendwo nice und geheim, aber trotzdem für jeden erreichbar, mit der richtigen Atmosphäre halt.''<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Klares Ding, die Crew zusammenzukriegen ist kein Zuckerschlecken'', räumte sie ein, denn sie wusste ja, wie wichtig das richtige Team ist. ''Aber mit der krassesten Anwerbestrategie krieg ich die Crème de la Crème zusammen.''<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Und zu guter Letzt...'', seufzte sie und spürte die Last der Entscheidung, ''...brauch ich noch jemanden, der den Rücken freihält. Jemanden, der sich mit dem ganzen Gesetzesmist auskennt und uns da raushalten kann.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Mit jedem Punkt, den sie auf ihrem Notizblock festhielt, spürte Mia, wie ihre Entschlossenheit wuchs. Es würde kein Zuckerschlecken werden, aber sie war bereit, die Herausforderung frontal anzugehen.<</st>>
<<mia>>Also, zusammenfassend, brauche ich:
1. Finanzierung sichern
2. Eine rechte Hand finden
3. Den perfekten Standort wählen
4. Personal einstellen
5. Jemanden finden, der den Rücken freihält
Das ist der Plan. Jetzt heißt es, ihn in die Tat umsetzen!<</mia>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_room_3=true>>
<<button[[Verlassen Sie|House]]>><</button>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 85">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Korruption + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Elle se dirige vers sa chambre, ses pensées passant de la situation avec son père à ses propres aspirations commerciales. L'endroit de la fête de la veille avait laissé une forte impression à Mia. L'atmosphère là-bas était incomparable, ressemblant à quelque chose de proche de son bordel imaginé. Avec tant d'idées tourbillonnant dans sa tête, elle savait que si elle pouvait concrétiser son propre projet commercial, ce serait le meilleur de la ville, un endroit que tout le monde rêverait de visiter. Mais pour transformer son rêve en réalité, Mia a réalisé qu'elle devait arrêter de seulement l'imaginer et commencer à planifier et à agir.<</st>>
<<mia>>''D'accord, Mia, il est temps de se concentrer'', murmura-t-elle pour elle-même, en s'enfonçant dans sa chaise de bureau. ''Si je veux que cela se réalise, j'ai besoin d'un plan solide.'' Elle tapota son stylo sur le bureau, organisant ses pensées.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Tout d'abord, assurer le financement'', dit-elle à voix haute, notant les mots sur un bloc-notes. ''Il faut trouver des investisseurs ou peut-être cambrioler une banque? haha''<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Ensuite, trouver un assistant'', continua-t-elle, imaginant le candidat idéal. ''Quelqu'un en qui je peux avoir confiance, quelqu'un de fiable et qui partage la même vision que moi.''<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Ensuite, il y a l'emplacement'', murmura-t-elle, imaginant l'endroit parfait dans sa tête. ''Quelque part discret mais accessible, avec la bonne ambiance.''<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Recruter du personnel ne sera pas facile'', a-t-elle reconnu, sachant l'importance de constituer la bonne équipe. ''Mais avec la bonne stratégie de recrutement, je trouverai les meilleurs parmi les meilleurs.''<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Et enfin'', soupira-t-elle, sentant le poids de la décision, ''j'ai besoin de quelqu'un pour nous couvrir. Quelqu'un qui sait comment naviguer dans les aspects juridiques et nous éviter des ennuis.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Avec chaque point posé devant elle, Mia ressentait une vague de détermination. Ce ne serait pas facile, mais elle était prête à relever le défi.<</st>>
<<mia>>Alors, pour résumer, j'aurai besoin de:
1. Assurer le financement
2. Trouver un assistant qui deviendrait sa personne de confiance
3. Choisir l'emplacement parfait
4. Recruter du personnel
5. Trouver quelqu'un pour les couvrir
Voilà le plan. Maintenant, c'est le moment de le concrétiser!<</mia>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_room_3=true>>
<<button[[Partir|House]]>><</button>><<flash "Avantages exp + 85">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corruption + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Se dirige a su habitación, sus pensamientos pasan de la situación con su padre a sus propias aspiraciones empresariales. El lugar de la fiesta de anoche había dejado una fuerte impresión en Mia. El ambiente era inigualable, parecido al burdel que ella misma había imaginado. Con tantas ideas dando vueltas en su cabeza, sabía que si podía hacer realidad su propio negocio, sería el mejor de la ciudad, un lugar que todo el mundo soñaría con visitar. Pero para convertir su sueño en realidad, Mia se dio cuenta de que tenía que dejar de imaginarlo y empezar a planificarlo y a actuar.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Muy bien, Mia, es hora de ponerse seria'', murmuró para sí misma, hundiéndose en la silla de su escritorio. ''Si quiero que esto ocurra, necesito un plan sólido''. Golpeó el escritorio con el bolígrafo, organizando sus pensamientos.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Lo primero es lo primero: conseguir financiación'', dijo en voz alta, apuntando las palabras en un bloc de notas. ''¿Tengo que encontrar inversores o tal vez robar un banco? jaja''.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Lo siguiente es encontrar un ayudante'', continuó, imaginando al candidato ideal. ''Alguien en quien pueda confiar, que sea de fiar y tenga la misma visión que yo''.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Luego está la ubicación'', reflexionó, imaginando el lugar perfecto en su mente. ''Un lugar discreto pero accesible, con el ambiente adecuado''.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Contratar personal no será fácil'', reconoció, consciente de la importancia de reunir al equipo adecuado. ''Pero con la estrategia de contratación adecuada, encontraré lo mejor de lo mejor''.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Y por último'', suspiró, sintiendo el peso de la decisión, ''necesito a alguien que nos cubra. Alguien que sepa desenvolverse en el aspecto legal y nos mantenga alejados de los problemas''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Con cada punto expuesto ante ella, Mia sintió una oleada de determinación. No iba a ser fácil, pero estaba dispuesta a afrontar el reto.<</st>>
<<mia>>Así que, resumiendo, necesitaré
1. Conseguir financiación
2. Encontrar un asistente que se convirtiera en su mano derecha
3. Elegir el lugar perfecto
4. Contratar personal
5. Encontrar a alguien que les cubra
Este es el plan. Ahora, ¡es el momento de darle vida!<</mia>>
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_room_3=true>>
<<button[[Deja|House]]>><</button>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 85">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Fitness + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Corrupción + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case "CH">>
1. 确保资金
2. 找到一名助手,成为她的得力助手
3. 选择最佳地点
4. 招聘员工
5. 找人顶替
<<set $quests.quest_go_to_room_3=true>>
<<button[[离开|House]]>><</button>><<flash "福利消耗 + 85">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "健身 + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "腐败 + 5">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</switch>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/boss/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|boss2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|boss3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|boss4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|boss5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|boss6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Chair sex 1|boss7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Chair sex 2|boss8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cow girl|boss9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|boss10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|boss11]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<button [[PLAY|Start]]>><</button>>
<<set $canTravel =0>>
@@.text-normal;We're deeply grateful to everyone who shared ideas, helped find bugs, and contributed in various ways. Thank you all!@@
<div class="button-container">
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<path fill="#fd1853" d="M427.313,88.686c-47.803-47.803-125.213-47.803-173.016,0l-17.087,17.087l-17.087-17.087
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</button> <button class="thx-button">Alice
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<path fill="#fd1853" d="M427.313,88.686c-47.803-47.803-125.213-47.803-173.016,0l-17.087,17.087l-17.087-17.087
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<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="20" height="20">
<path fill="#fd1853" d="M427.313,88.686c-47.803-47.803-125.213-47.803-173.016,0l-17.087,17.087l-17.087-17.087
<div class="star-6">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="7" height="7">
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</button> <button class="thx-button">Levi Moat
<div class="star-1">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="25" height="25">
<path fill="#fd1853" d="M427.313,88.686c-47.803-47.803-125.213-47.803-173.016,0l-17.087,17.087l-17.087-17.087
<div class="star-2">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="20" height="20">
<path fill="#fd1853" d="M427.313,88.686c-47.803-47.803-125.213-47.803-173.016,0l-17.087,17.087l-17.087-17.087
<div class="star-3">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="9" height="9">
<path fill="#fd1853" d="M427.313,88.686c-47.803-47.803-125.213-47.803-173.016,0l-17.087,17.087l-17.087-17.087
<div class="star-4">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="10" height="10">
<path fill="#fd1853" d="M427.313,88.686c-47.803-47.803-125.213-47.803-173.016,0l-17.087,17.087l-17.087-17.087
<div class="star-5">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="20" height="20">
<path fill="#fd1853" d="M427.313,88.686c-47.803-47.803-125.213-47.803-173.016,0l-17.087,17.087l-17.087-17.087
<div class="star-6">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="7" height="7">
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</button> <button class="thx-button">Das Bierd
<div class="star-1">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="25" height="25">
<path fill="#fd1853" d="M427.313,88.686c-47.803-47.803-125.213-47.803-173.016,0l-17.087,17.087l-17.087-17.087
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<div class="star-4">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="10" height="10">
<path fill="#fd1853" d="M427.313,88.686c-47.803-47.803-125.213-47.803-173.016,0l-17.087,17.087l-17.087-17.087
<div class="star-5">
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<path fill="#fd1853" d="M427.313,88.686c-47.803-47.803-125.213-47.803-173.016,0l-17.087,17.087l-17.087-17.087
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<div class="button-container">
<button class="thx-button">joe93
<div class="star-1">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="25" height="25">
<path fill="#fd1853" d="M427.313,88.686c-47.803-47.803-125.213-47.803-173.016,0l-17.087,17.087l-17.087-17.087
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<path fill="#fd1853" d="M427.313,88.686c-47.803-47.803-125.213-47.803-173.016,0l-17.087,17.087l-17.087-17.087
<div class="star-3">
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<path fill="#fd1853" d="M427.313,88.686c-47.803-47.803-125.213-47.803-173.016,0l-17.087,17.087l-17.087-17.087
<div class="star-4">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="10" height="10">
<path fill="#fd1853" d="M427.313,88.686c-47.803-47.803-125.213-47.803-173.016,0l-17.087,17.087l-17.087-17.087
<div class="star-5">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="20" height="20">
<path fill="#fd1853" d="M427.313,88.686c-47.803-47.803-125.213-47.803-173.016,0l-17.087,17.087l-17.087-17.087
<div class="star-6">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="7" height="7">
<path fill="#fd1853" d="M427.313,88.686c-47.803-47.803-125.213-47.803-173.016,0l-17.087,17.087l-17.087-17.087
</button></div><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.ac_c >0>><<if $mia.cor >149 and $client.number>49>>
<<set $random to random(3)>>
<<switch $random>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>As soon as Mia walks into the cafe, she starts looking for a lucky guy to hang out with tonight and get a buck. She sees him sitting alone at a table in the corner, and her pulse quickens with anticipation. <</st>>
<<mia>>Hey there, looking for a good time?<</mia>>
<<client>>Uh, maybe I am, is there something you can offer?<</client>>
<<mia>>Hell yeah. Meet me in the restroom in five with 50 bucks in your pocket, and I'll give you something you won't forget.<</mia>>
<<client>>Well, if you say so…<</client>>
<<mia>>Trust me, I'm exactly who you're looking for. See you in five, handsome.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble ==0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>>
<<flash `"Money + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia has entered the cafe, immediately looking for a lucky guy to have fun with tonight. She catches the eye of a handsome stranger sitting alone at a table, and makes her way towards him with a confident smile. <</st>>
<<mia>>Well, hello there, stud. Care to join me for a little fun?<</mia>>
<<client>>Oh yeah, I would love that, beautiful.<</client>>
<<mia>>Then, we'll have fun together if you meet me in the bathroom in five minutes.<</mia>>
<<client>>I'll see you there, honey. <</client>>
<<mia>>Five minutes, don't be late, and don't forget to take 50$ with you.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble ==0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>>
<<flash `"Money + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Mia enters the cafe, looking for a lucky guy to have fun with tonight. She catches the eye of a handsome stranger sitting alone at a table, and makes her way towards him with a confident smile.<</st>>
<<mia>>Hey, handsome. Looking for some excitement tonight?<</mia>>
<<client>>Maybe I am… Are you offering something?<</client>>
<<mia>>Well, consider this your lucky night. If you meet me in the restroom in five minutes, I'll show you a side of this cafe you've never seen before.<</mia>>
<<client>>What if I'm not interested?<</client>>
<<mia>>Come on, live a little! Five minutes, and you won't regret it.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble ==0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<flash `"Money + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia enters the cafe, immediately looking for a lucky guy to have fun with tonight. She catches the eye of a well-dressed man sitting by himself, and saunters over with a playful grin.<</st>>
<<mia>>Hey, you. Yes, you with the charming smile. Care to make tonight a bit more interesting?<</mia>>
<<client>>I would love to spice up my dull evening with you…<</client>>
<<mia>>Then meet me in the restroom in five minutes, and let's see where the night takes us.<</mia>>
<<client>>I'll be there, beautiful!<</client>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble ==0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<flash `"Money +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<</switch>><<else>><<mia>>How could I think of going into the men's room to make money? That's a terrible idea.<</mia>>
<<st>>150 corruption and 50 clients minimum needed to make money here.<</st>><</if>><<else>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Leave|Toilet]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.ac_c >0>><<if $mia.cor >149 and $client.number>49>>
<<set $random to random(3)>>
<<switch $random>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Как только Миа заходит в кафе, она начинает искать счастливчика, с которым можно провести вечер и сорвать куш. Она видит его, одиноко сидящего за столиком в углу, и её пульс учащается от предвкушения. <</st>>
<<mia>>Привет, ищешь хорошего времяпрепровождения?<</mia>>
<<client>>Может быть, и ищу. Ты можете что-нибудь предложить?<</client>>
<<mia>>Да, я могу. Встретимся в туалете через пять минут с 50 баксами в кармане, и я подарю тебе то, что ты не забудешь.<</mia>>
<<client>>Ну, если ты так говоришь...<</client>>
<<mia>>Поверь мне, я именно та, кого ты ищешь. Увидимся, красавчик.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble ==0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<flash `"Деньги + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Мия вошла в кафе, сразу же отправившись на поиски счастливчика, с которым можно весело провести сегодняшний вечер. Поймав взгляд симпатичного незнакомца, одиноко сидящего за столиком, она направляется к нему с уверенной улыбкой. <</st>>
<<mia>>Ну, привет, жеребец. Не хочешь присоединиться ко мне, чтобы немного развлечься?<</mia>>
<<client>>О да, с удовольствием, красавица.<</client>>
<<mia>>Тогда мы повеселимся вместе, если ты встретишь меня в туалете через пять минут.<</mia>>
<<client>>Увидимся там, милая. <</client>>
<<mia>>Пять минут, не опаздывай, и не забудь взять с собой 50 долларов.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble ==0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<flash `"Деньги + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Мия заходит в кафе в поисках счастливчика, с которым можно весело провести вечер. Она ловит взгляд красивого незнакомца, одиноко сидящего за столиком, и направляется к нему с уверенной улыбкой.<</st>>
<<mia>>Привет, красавчик. Ищешь острых ощущений сегодня вечером?<</mia>>
<<client>>Может быть, и ищу... Ты что-то предлагаешь?<</client>>
<<mia>>Ну, считай, что сегодня тебе повезло. Если вы встретите меня в туалете через пять минут, я покажу вам ту сторону этого кафе, которую вы еще никогда не видели.<</mia>>
<<client>>А что, если мне не интересно?<</client>>
<<mia>>Да ладно, поживи немного! Пять минут, и вы не пожалеете.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble ==0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<flash `"Деньги + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Мия входит в кафе, сразу же выискивая счастливчика, с которым можно было бы развлечься сегодня вечером. Она ловит взгляд хорошо одетого мужчины, сидящего в одиночестве, и подходит к нему с игривой ухмылкой.<</st>>
<<mia>>Привет. Да, ты с очаровательной улыбкой. Не хочешь сделать сегодняшний вечер более интересным?<</mia>>
<<client>>Я бы с удовольствием скрасил свой скучный вечер с тобой...<</client>>
<<mia>>Тогда встретимся в туалете через пять минут, и посмотрим, куда заведет нас эта ночь.<</mia>>
<<client>>Я буду там!<</client>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble ==0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<flash `"Деньги + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<</switch>><<else>><<mia>>Как я могла подумать, что пойду в мужской туалет, чтобы заработать деньги? Это ужасная идея.<</mia>>
<<st>>Чтобы заработать здесь деньги, нужно минимум 150 коррупции и 50 клиентов.<</st>><</if>><<else>><<st>>У вас не осталось сил ни на что, вам поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Спать|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Уйти|Toilet]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.ac_c >0>><<if $mia.cor >149 and $client.number>49>>
<<set $random to random(3)>>
<<switch $random>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Sobald Mia das Café betritt, beginnt sie nach einem Glückspilz zu suchen, mit dem sie heute Abend abhängen und ein paar Scheine verdienen kann. Sie sieht ihn allein an einem Tisch in der Ecke sitzen, und ihr Puls beschleunigt sich vor Vorfreude.<</st>>
<<mia>>Hey, suchst du nach Spaß?<</mia>>
<<client>>Äh, vielleicht tue ich das, gibt es etwas, das du anbieten kannst?<</client>>
<<mia>>Na klar. Treffen Sie mich in fünf Minuten auf der Toilette mit 50 Dollar in der Tasche, und ich werde Ihnen etwas geben, das Sie nicht vergessen werden.<</mia>>
<<client>>Nun, wenn du das sagst...<</client>>
<<mia>>Vertrau mir, ich bin genau das, wonach du suchst. Bis gleich in fünf Minuten, Hübscher.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble ==0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<flash `"Geld + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia ist in das Café gekommen und sucht sofort nach einem Glückspilz, mit dem sie heute Abend Spaß haben kann. Sie fällt einem gutaussehenden Fremden auf, der alleine an einem Tisch sitzt, und macht sich mit einem selbstbewussten Lächeln auf den Weg zu ihm.<</st>>
<<mia>>Na, hallo, Prachtkerl. Lust, ein bisschen Spaß zu haben?<</mia>>
<<client>>Oh ja, das würde ich lieben, Schöne.<</client>>
<<mia>>Dann werden wir zusammen Spaß haben, wenn du mich in fünf Minuten im Badezimmer triffst.<</mia>>
<<client>>Ich werde dich dort sehen, Schätzchen.<</client>>
<<mia>>Fünf Minuten, sei nicht zu spät, und vergiss nicht, 50$ mitzunehmen.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble ==0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<flash `"Geld + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Mia betritt das Café und sucht nach einem Glückspilz, mit dem sie heute Abend Spaß haben kann. Sie fällt einem gutaussehenden Fremden auf, der alleine an einem Tisch sitzt, und macht sich mit einem selbstbewussten Lächeln auf den Weg zu ihm.<</st>>
<<mia>>Hey, gutaussehend. Suchst du heute Abend etwas Aufregung?<</mia>>
<<client>>Vielleicht tue ich das... Bietest du etwas an?<</client>>
<<mia>>Nun, betrachte dies als deinen Glückstag. Wenn du mich in fünf Minuten im Badezimmer triffst, zeige ich dir eine Seite dieses Cafés, die du noch nie gesehen hast.<</mia>>
<<client>>Was ist, wenn ich nicht interessiert bin?<</client>>
<<mia>>Komm schon, lebe ein wenig! Fünf Minuten, und du wirst es nicht bereuen.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble ==0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<flash `"Geld + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia betritt das Café und sucht sofort nach einem Glückspilz, mit dem sie heute Abend Spaß haben kann. Sie fällt einem gut gekleideten Mann auf, der allein an einem Tisch sitzt, und schlendert mit einem verspielten Grinsen zu ihm hinüber.<</st>>
<<mia>>Hey, du. Ja, du mit dem charmanten Lächeln. Lust, den heutigen Abend ein bisschen interessanter zu gestalten?<</mia>>
<<client>>Ich würde gerne meinen langweiligen Abend mit dir aufpeppen...<</client>>
<<mia>>Dann triff mich in fünf Minuten im Badezimmer, und lass uns sehen, wohin der Abend uns führt.<</mia>>
<<client>>Ich werde da sein, Schöne!<</client>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble ==0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<flash `"Geld + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<</switch>><<else>><<mia>>Wie konnte ich auf die Idee kommen, auf die Herrentoilette zu gehen, um Geld zu verdienen? Das ist eine schreckliche Idee.<</mia>>
<<st>>Man braucht mindestens 150 Korruption und 50 Kunden, um hier Geld zu verdienen.<</st>><</if>><<else>><<st>>Du hast keine Energie mehr, um irgendetwas zu tun, ein guter, fester Schlaf wird dir helfen.<</st>>
<<button [[Schlaf|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Verlasse|Toilet]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.ac_c >0>><<if $mia.cor >149 and $client.number>49>>
<<set $random to random(3)>>
<<switch $random>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Dès que Mia entre dans le café, elle se met à la recherche d'un homme chanceux avec qui passer la soirée et gagner de l'argent. Elle le voit assis seul à une table dans un coin, et son pouls s'accélère. <</st>>
<<mia>>Hé, vous voulez passer un bon moment ?<</mia>>
<<client>>Euh, peut-être que oui, tu as quelque chose à m'offrir ?<</client>>
<<mia>>Bien sûr que oui. Rejoins-moi dans les toilettes dans cinq minutes avec 50 dollars en poche, et je te donnerai quelque chose que tu n'oublieras pas.<</mia>>
<<client>>Eh bien, si tu le dis...<</client>>
<<mia>>Crois-moi, je suis exactement celle que tu cherches. On se voit dans cinq minutes, beau gosse.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble ==0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<flash `"Argent + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia entre dans le café, immédiatement à la recherche d'un homme chanceux avec qui s'amuser ce soir. Elle croise le regard d'un bel inconnu assis seul à une table et se dirige vers lui avec un sourire confiant. <</st>>
<<mia>>Eh bien, bonjour, mon beau. Tu veux te joindre à moi pour t'amuser un peu ?<</mia>>
<<client>>Oh oui, j'en serais ravi, ma belle.<</client>>
<<mia>>Alors, on va s'amuser ensemble si tu me rejoins dans la salle de bain dans cinq minutes.<</mia>>
<<client>>Je te verrai là-bas, chérie. <</client>>
<<mia>>Cinq minutes, ne sois pas en retard, et n'oublie pas de prendre 50$ avec toi.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble ==0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<flash `"Argent + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Mia entre dans le café, à la recherche d'un homme chanceux avec qui s'amuser ce soir. Elle croise le regard d'un bel inconnu assis seul à une table et se dirige vers lui avec un sourire confiant.<</st>>
<<mia>>Hé, beau gosse. Tu cherches un peu de plaisir ce soir ?<</mia>>
<<client>>Peut-être bien... Tu proposes quelque chose ?<</client>>
<<mia>>Eh bien, considère que c'est ton soir de chance. Si tu me rejoins dans les toilettes dans cinq minutes, je te montrerai un côté de ce café que tu n'as jamais vu auparavant.<</mia>>
<<client>>Et si je ne suis pas intéressé ?<</client>>
<<mia>>Allez, vis un peu ! Cinq minutes, et tu ne le regretteras pas.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble ==0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<flash `"Argent + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia entre dans le café, cherchant immédiatement un homme chanceux avec qui s'amuser ce soir. Elle attire l'attention d'un homme bien habillé, assis seul, et s'approche avec un sourire enjoué.<</st>>
<<mia>>Hé, toi. Oui, toi et ton sourire charmeur. Tu veux rendre cette soirée un peu plus intéressante ?<</mia>>
<<client>>J'aimerais bien pimenter ma soirée avec vous...<</client>>
<<mia>>Retrouve-moi dans les toilettes dans cinq minutes, et voyons où la nuit nous mènera.<</mia>>
<<client>>Je serai là, ma belle !<</client>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble ==0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<flash `"Argent + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<</switch>><<else>><<mia>>Comment ai-je pu penser à aller dans les toilettes des hommes pour gagner de l'argent ? C'est une idée terrible.<</mia>>
<<st>>Il faut 150 corruptions et 50 clients au minimum pour gagner de l'argent ici.<</st>><</if>><<else>><<st>>Vous n'avez plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, un bon sommeil vous aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Partir|Toilet]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.ac_c >0>><<if $mia.cor >149 and $client.number>49>>
<<set $random to random(3)>>
<<switch $random>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>En cuanto Mia entra en la cafetería, empieza a buscar a un tipo afortunado con el que pasar el rato esta noche y conseguir un dólar. Ella lo ve sentado solo en una mesa en la esquina, y su pulso se acelera con anticipación. <</st>>
<<mia>>Hola, ¿te apetece pasar un buen rato?<</mia>>
<<client>>Puede que sí, ¿puedes ofrecerme algo?<</client>>
<<mia>>Claro que sí. Reúnete conmigo en el baño dentro de cinco minutos con 50 pavos en el bolsillo y te daré algo que no olvidarás.<</mia>>
<<client>>Bueno, si tú lo dices...<</client>>
<<mia>>Confía en mí, soy exactamente quien estás buscando. Nos vemos en cinco minutos, guapo.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble ==0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<flash `"Dinero + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia ha entrado en la cafetería, buscando inmediatamente un chico afortunado con el que divertirse esta noche. Ella llama la atención de un desconocido guapo sentado solo en una mesa, y se dirige hacia él con una sonrisa confiada. <</st>>
<<mia>>Bueno, hola, semental. ¿Te apetece divertirte conmigo?<</mia>>
<<client>>Sí, me encantaría, preciosa.<</client>>
<<mia>>Entonces, nos divertiremos juntos si nos vemos en el baño dentro de cinco minutos.<</mia>>
<<client>>Nos vemos allí, cariño. <</client>>
<<mia>>Cinco minutos, no llegues tarde, y no olvides llevarte 50$.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble ==0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<flash `"Dinero + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Mia entra en la cafetería en busca de un chico afortunado con el que divertirse esta noche. Llama la atención de un apuesto desconocido sentado solo en una mesa y se dirige hacia él con una sonrisa confiada.<</st>>
<<mia>>Hola, guapo. ¿Buscas algo excitante esta noche?<</mia>>
<<client>>Puede que sí... ¿Me ofreces algo?<</client>>
<<mia>>Bueno, considéralo tu noche de suerte. Si te reúnes conmigo en el baño dentro de cinco minutos, te mostraré un lado de este café que nunca has visto antes.<</mia>>
<<client>>¿Y si no me interesa?<</client>>
<<mia>>¡Venga, vive un poco! Cinco minutos y no te arrepentirás.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble ==0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<flash `"Dinero + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia entra en la cafetería, buscando inmediatamente un chico afortunado con el que divertirse esta noche. Llama la atención de un hombre bien vestido que está sentado solo y se acerca con una sonrisa juguetona.<</st>>
<<mia>>Hola, tú. Sí, tú, el de la sonrisa encantadora. ¿Quieres que esta noche sea un poco más interesante?<</mia>>
<<client>>Me encantaría animar mi aburrida velada contigo...<</client>>
<<mia>>Entonces reúnete conmigo en el baño dentro de cinco minutos y veamos adónde nos lleva la noche.<</mia>>
<<client>>¡Allí estaré, preciosa!<</client>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble ==0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<flash `"Dinero + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<</switch>><<else>><<mia>>¿Cómo se me ocurre ir al baño de hombres para ganar dinero? Es una idea terrible.<</mia>>
<<st>>150 de corrupción y 50 clientes mínimo necesario para hacer dinero aquí.<</st>><</if>><<else>><<st>>No te queda energía para hacer nada, un buen sueño te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Duerme|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Deja|Toilet]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.ac_c >0>><<if $mia.cor >149 and $client.number>49>>
<<set $random to random(3)>>
<<switch $random>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble ==0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<flash `"钱 + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 1>>
<<mia>>五分钟,别迟到,别忘了带 50 美元。<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble ==0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<flash `"钱 + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 2>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble ==0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<flash `"钱 + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<case 3>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.restroomWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/restroomWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble ==0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>><<flash `"钱 + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>>
<<st>>这里至少需要150个腐败分子和50个客户才能赚钱<</st>><</if>><<else>><<st>>你已经没有力气做任何事了 好好睡一觉会对你有帮助的<</st>>
<<button [[睡觉|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<button [[离开|Toilet]]>><</button>>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
</script><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Mia slips into the central stall of the restroom, quietly awaiting the arrival of someone in the adjacent stall.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.glory)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/glory/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble == 0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>>
<<flash `"Money + " + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Perks exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<button [[Leave|Toilet]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>У тебя не осталось сил ни на что, тебе поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Спать|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Мия заходит в центральную кабинку туалета, ожидая появления кого-то в соседней кабинке.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.glory)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/glory/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble == 0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>>
<<flash `"Деньги +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Опыт перков + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<button [[Уйти|Toilet]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Dir geht die Energie aus, eine gute und solide Schlaf wird dir helfen.<</st>>
<<button [[Schlafen|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Mia schlüpft in die mittlere Kabine der Toilette und wartet leise darauf, dass jemand aus der benachbarten Kabine kommt.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.glory)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/glory/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble == 0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>>
<<flash `"Geld +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Vorteile exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<button [[Verlassen|Toilet]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Tu n'as plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, une bonne nuit de sommeil t'aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Mia se glisse dans la cabine centrale des toilettes, attendant tranquillement l'arrivée de quelqu'un dans la cabine adjacente.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.glory)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/glory/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble == 0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>>
<<flash `"Argent +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Avantages exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<button [[Partir|Toilet]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>No te queda energía para hacer nada, un buen sueño reparador te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Vete|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Mia se desliza hasta la cabina central del baño, esperando tranquilamente la llegada de alguien en la cabina contigua.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.glory)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/glory/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble == 0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>>
<<flash `"Dinero +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Ventajas exp + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<button [[Vete|Toilet]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<button [[睡眠|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Mia slips into the central stall of the restroom, quietly awaiting the arrival of someone in the adjacent stall.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.glory)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/glory/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<if $perks.nimble == 0>><<set $gained_stats = 50>><<else>><<set $gained_stats = Math.floor(50*$perks.nimble)>><</if>>
<<flash `"金钱 +" + $gained_stats`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "福利消耗 + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.money +=$gained_stats>><<set $mia.exp +=1>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<button [[走开|Toilet]]>><</button>><</if>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Consequences</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_ukrali==true>>Mia deals with the effects of her traumatic captivity, including haunting memories and not knowing what to do next. Will she go back to her normal life, or will her past continue to haunt her?
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to Mia's room<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+45 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_ukrali == true>>✅Pass quest #9<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #9<</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Последствия</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_ukrali==true>>Мия справляется с последствиями своего травматического плена, включая преследующие её воспоминания и незнание того, что делать дальше. Вернется ли она к нормальной жизни или её прошлое продолжит преследовать её?
Перейти к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь в комнату Мии.<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+45 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_ukrali == true>>✅Pass quest #9<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #9<</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Konsequenzen</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_ukrali==true>>Mia kämpft mit den Folgen ihrer traumatischen Gefangenschaft, einschließlich quälender Erinnerungen und der Ungewissheit, was sie als Nächstes tun soll. Wird sie in ihr normales Leben zurückkehren, oder wird ihre Vergangenheit sie weiter verfolgen?
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe in Mias Zimmer.<<else>>Schließen Sie die vorherige Quest ab, um diese zu öffnen.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+45 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_ukrali == true>>✅Pass quest #9<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #9<</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Conséquences</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_ukrali==true>>Mia doit faire face aux effets de sa captivité traumatisante, notamment à des souvenirs obsédants et au fait qu'elle ne sait pas quoi faire ensuite. Reprendra-t-elle une vie normale ou son passé continuera-t-il à la hanter ?
Aller à : Remplissez les conditions et aller dans la chambre de Mia.<<else>>Terminez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+45 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_ukrali == true>>✅Pass quest #9<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #9<</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Consecuencias</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_ukrali==true>>Mia se enfrenta a los efectos de su traumático cautiverio, incluidos los recuerdos que la atormentan y el no saber qué hacer a continuación. ¿Volverá a su vida normal o su pasado seguirá persiguiéndola?
Ir a: Cumple las condiciones y ve a la habitación de Mia.<<else>>Completa la misión anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+45 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_ukrali == true>>✅Pass quest #9<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #9<</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">后果</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_ukrali==true>>米娅要面对被囚禁带来的创伤,包括萦绕心头的记忆和不知道下一步该做什么。她会回到正常的生活中,还是她的过去会继续困扰着她?
转到 满足条件并前往米娅的房间.<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+45 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_ukrali == true>>✅Pass quest #9<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #9<</if>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">New ideas</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_working==true>>Bitchy boss is bitching more than ever. Will Mia makes him listen?
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and the boss's office<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+60 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+500 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_working == true>>✅Pass quest #14<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #14<</if>>
<<if $need_to_work >9>>✅Work five shifts at work<<else>>🛑 Work five shifts at work<</if>>
</div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_go_to_boss == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#12]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Новые идеи</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_working==true>>Стервозный босс ворчит как никогда. Заставит ли Мия его услышать её?
Перейти к: Выполнить условия и попасть в кабинет босса.<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+60 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+500 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_working == true>>✅Pass quest #14<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #14<</if>>
<<if $need_to_work >9>>✅ Work five shifts at work<<else>>🛑 Work five shifts at work<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_go_to_boss == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#12]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Neue Ideen</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_working==true>>Der zickige Chef zickt mehr denn je. Wird Mia ihn dazu bringen, zuzuhören?
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe ins Büro des Chefs.<<else>>Schließen Sie die vorherige Quest ab, um diese zu öffnen.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+60 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+500 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_working == true>>✅Pass quest #14<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #14<</if>>
<<if $need_to_work >9>>✅ Work five shifts at work<<else>>🛑 Work five shifts at work<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_go_to_boss == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#12]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Nouvelles idées</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_working==true>>Le patron est plus que jamais un râleur. Mia parviendra-t-elle à lui faire entendre raison ?
Aller à : Remplir les conditions et le bureau du patron.<<else>>Terminez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+60 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+500 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_working == true>>✅Pass quest #14<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #14<</if>>
<<if $need_to_work >9>>✅Work five shifts at work<<else>>🛑 Work five shifts at work<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_go_to_boss == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#12]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Nuevas ideas</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_working==true>>El malhumorado jefe se está quejando más que nunca. ¿Conseguirá Mia que le escuche?
Ve a: Cumplir las condiciones y el despacho del jefe.<<else>>Completa la misión anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+60 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+500 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_working == true>>✅Pass quest #14<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #14<</if>>
<<if $need_to_work >9>>✅Work five shifts at work<<else>>🛑 Work five shifts at work<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_go_to_boss == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#12]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">新想法</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_working==true>>贱老板比以往任何时候都更爱发牢骚。米娅会让他听话吗?
转到 满足条件和老板办公室.<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+60 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+500 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_working == true>>✅Pass quest #14<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #14<</if>>
<<if $need_to_work >9>>✅Work five shifts at work<<else>>🛑 Work five shifts at work<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_go_to_boss == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#12]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Plans about the future</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe==true>>The job helps Mia to get distracted from her daunting thoughts. She dives deep into work and comes up with a couple business ideas.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to the Cafe<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+55 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe == true>>✅Pass quest #13<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #13<</if>>
<<if $need_to_work >4>>✅Work five shifts at work<<else>>🛑 Work five shifts at work<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Планы на будущее</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe==true>>Работа помогает Мии отвлечься от пугающих мыслей. Она с головой погружается в работу и придумывает несколько бизнес-идей.
Перейти к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь в кафе.<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+55 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe == true>>✅Pass quest #13<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #13<</if>>
<<if $need_to_work >4>>✅Work five shifts at work<<else>>🛑 Work five shifts at work<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Pläne für die Zukunft</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe==true>>Der Job hilft Mia, sich von ihren quälenden Gedanken abzulenken. Sie vertieft sich in die Arbeit und entwickelt ein paar Geschäftsideen.
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe ins Café.<<else>>Schließen Sie die vorherige Quest ab, um diese zu öffnen.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+55 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe == true>>✅Pass quest #13<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #13<</if>>
<<if $need_to_work >4>>✅Work five shifts at work<<else>>🛑 Work five shifts at work<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Plans pour l'avenir</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe==true>>Le travail permet à Mia de se distraire de ses pensées décourageantes. Elle se plonge dans le travail et trouve quelques idées d'entreprise.
Allez-y : Remplissez les conditions et allez au Café.<<else>>Terminez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+55 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe == true>>✅Pass quest #13<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #13<</if>>
<<if $need_to_work >4>>✅Work five shifts at work<<else>>🛑 Work five shifts at work<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Planes para el futuro</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe==true>>El trabajo ayuda a Mia a distraerse de sus desalentadores pensamientos. Se sumerge de lleno en el trabajo y se le ocurren un par de ideas de negocio.
Ve: Cumple las condiciones y ve al Café.<<else>>Completa la misión anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+55 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe == true>>✅Pass quest #13<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #13<</if>>
<<if $need_to_work >4>>✅Work five shifts at work<<else>>🛑 Work five shifts at work<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">未来计划</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe==true>>这份工作让米娅从令人生畏的想法中解脱出来。她一头扎进工作中,想出了几个创业点子。
去吧 满足条件,前往咖啡馆.<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+55 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 beauty</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe == true>>✅Pass quest #13<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #13<</if>>
<<if $need_to_work >4>>✅ Work five shifts at work<<else>>🛑 Work five shifts at work<</if>></div></div></div>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Back to work</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_return_to_room==true>>Mia's trying to get her job back. But her boss is being an asshole. Nothing new.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to the Cafe<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+50 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+500 money</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_return_to_room == true>>✅Pass quest #11<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #11<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Обратно на работу</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_return_to_room==true>>Миа пытается вернуть свою работу. Но её босс ведет себя как мудак. Ничего нового.
Перейти к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь в кафе.<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+50 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+500 money</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_return_to_room == true>>✅Pass quest #11<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #11<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Zurück zur Arbeit</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_return_to_room==true>>Mia versucht, ihren Job zurückzubekommen. Aber ihr Chef benimmt sich wie ein Arschloch. Nichts Neues.
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe ins Café.<<else>>Schließen Sie die vorherige Quest ab, um diese zu öffnen.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+50 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+500 money</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_return_to_room == true>>✅Pass quest #11<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #11<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Retour au boulot</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_return_to_room==true>>Mia essaie de retrouver son travail. Mais son patron est un connard. Rien de nouveau.
Aller à : Remplissez les conditions et accédez au Café.<<else>>Terminez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+50 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+500 money</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_return_to_room == true>>✅Pass quest #11<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #11<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">De vuelta al trabajo</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_return_to_room==true>>Mia intenta recuperar su trabajo. Pero su jefe está siendo un gilipollas. Nada nuevo.
Ve: Cumple las condiciones y ve al Café.<<else>>Completa la misión anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+50 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+500 money</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_return_to_room == true>>✅Pass quest #11<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #11<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">回去工作</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_return_to_room==true>>米娅正在努力找回她的工作。但她的老板是个混蛋 没什么新鲜的
去吧 满足条件后去咖啡馆.<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+50 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+500 money</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/boss.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_return_to_room == true>>✅Pass quest #11<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #11<</if>></div></div></div>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Family talk</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_maskarad==true>>The next morning, Mia and her dad meet face to face in the kitchen, and she can't help but ask what the fuck was going on. She's young and free. She doesn't have a husband or a family, but what the hell was her dad doing there?
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to the kitchen<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+80 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+500 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_maskarad == true>>✅Pass quest #18<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #18<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Семейный разговор</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_maskarad==true>>На следующее утро Миа и её отец встречаются лицом к лицу на кухне, и она не может не спросить, какого хуя вчера произошло. Она молода и свободна. У неё нет ни мужа, ни семьи, но что, черт возьми, делал там её отец?
Перейти к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь на кухню.<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+80 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+500 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_maskarad == true>>✅Pass quest #18<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #18<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Familiengespräch</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_maskarad==true>>Am nächsten Morgen treffen Mia und ihr Vater sich im Küche, und sie kann nicht anders, als zu fragen, was zum Teufel los war. Sie ist jung und frei. Sie hat keinen Ehemann oder Familie, aber was zur Hölle machte ihr Vater dort?
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe in die Küche.<<else>>Schließen Sie die vorherige Quest ab, um diese zu öffnen.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+80 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+500 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_maskarad == true>>✅Pass quest #18<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #18<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Discussion en famille</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_maskarad==true>>Le lendemain matin, Mia et son père se retrouvent face à face dans la cuisine, et elle ne peut s'empêcher de demander ce qui s'est passé. Elle est jeune et libre. Elle n'a ni mari ni famille, mais qu'est-ce que son père faisait là ?
Aller à : Remplissez les conditions et allez dans la cuisine.<<else>>Terminez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+80 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+500 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_maskarad == true>>✅Pass quest #18<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #18<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Charla familiar</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_maskarad==true>>A la mañana siguiente, Mia y su padre se encuentran cara a cara en la cocina, y ella no puede evitar preguntarse qué coño estaba pasando. Es joven y libre. No tiene marido ni familia, pero ¿qué demonios hacía su padre allí?
Ir a: Cumple las condiciones y ve a la cocina.<<else>>Completa la misión anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+80 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+500 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_maskarad == true>>✅Pass quest #18<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #18<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">家庭谈话</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_maskarad==true>>第二天早上,米娅和爸爸在厨房里面对面,她忍不住问爸爸到底发生了什么事。她年轻又自由。她没有丈夫,也没有家庭,但她爸爸到底在那里做什么?
去吧 满足条件,去厨房.<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+80 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+500 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_maskarad == true>>✅Pass quest #18<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #18<</if>></div></div></div>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Meeting a friend</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_boss==true>>As Mia ponders her future plans, her newfound acquaintance invites her for coffee.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to Mia's room<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+65 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+500 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_boss == true>>✅Pass quest #15<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #15<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Встреча с другом</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_boss==true>>Пока Миа размышляет о своих планах на будущее, её новая знакомая приглашает её на чашечку кофе.
Перейдите к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь в комнату Мии.<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+65 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+500 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_boss == true>>✅Pass quest #15<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #15<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Treffen mit einem Freund</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_boss==true>>Während Mia über ihre Zukunftspläne nachdenkt, lädt ihre neue Bekanntschaft sie auf einen Kaffee ein.
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe in Mias Zimmer.<<else>>Schließen Sie die vorherige Quest ab, um diese zu öffnen.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+65 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+500 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_boss == true>>✅Pass quest #15<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #15<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Rencontrer un pote</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_boss==true>>Alors que Mia réfléchit à ses projets d'avenir, une nouvelle connaissance l'invite à prendre un café.
Aller à : Remplissez les conditions et allez dans la chambre de Mia.<<else>>Terminez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+65 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+500 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_boss == true>>✅Pass quest #15<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #15<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Quedar con un amigo</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_boss==true>>Mientras Mia reflexiona sobre sus planes de futuro, su recién conocido la invita a tomar un café.
Ve a: Cumple las condiciones y ve a la habitación de Mia.<<else>>Completa la misión anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+65 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+500 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_boss == true>>✅Pass quest #15<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #15<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">见朋友</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_boss==true>>就在米娅思考自己未来的计划时,她新认识的朋友邀请她去喝咖啡。
去吧 满足条件并前往米娅的房间.<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+65 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+500 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_boss == true>>✅Pass quest #15<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #15<</if>></div></div></div>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Revelation</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_2==true>>Mia and her new friend have so many things in common. Elain presents her with an offer too enticing to resist. Is it a good idea, though?
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to the Cafe<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+70 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+2 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+2 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_2 == true>>✅Pass quest #16<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #16<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Откровение</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_2==true>>У Мии и её новой подруги много общего. Элейн делает ей заманчивое предложение, от которого невозможно отказаться. Но хорошая ли это идея?
Перейти к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь в кафе.<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+70 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+2 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+2 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_2 == true>>✅Pass quest #16<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #16<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Offenbarung</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_2==true>>Mia und ihre neue Freundin haben so viel gemeinsam. Elain macht ihr ein Angebot, das zu verlockend ist, um es abzulehnen. Ist das aber eine gute Idee?
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe ins Café.<<else>>Schließen Sie die vorherige Quest ab, um diese zu öffnen.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+70 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+2 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+2 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_2 == true>>✅Pass quest #16<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #16<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Révélation</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_2==true>>Mia et sa nouvelle amie ont beaucoup de choses en commun. Elain lui fait une offre trop alléchante pour qu'elle y résiste. Mais est-ce une bonne idée ?
Aller à : Remplissez les conditions et allez au Café.<<else>>Terminez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+70 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+2 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+2 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_2 == true>>✅Pass quest #16<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #16<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Revelación</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_2==true>>Mia y su nueva amiga tienen muchas cosas en común. Elain le hace una oferta demasiado tentadora para resistirse. ¿Será una buena idea?
Ve a: Cumple las condiciones y ve al Café.<<else>>Completa la misión anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+70 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+2 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+2 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_2 == true>>✅Pass quest #16<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #16<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">启示</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_2==true>>米娅和她的新朋友有很多共同点。Elain 向她提出了一个诱人的提议,让她无法拒绝。但这是个好主意吗?
去吧: 满足条件,前往咖啡馆.<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+70 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+2 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+2 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_2 == true>>✅Pass quest #16<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #16<</if>></div></div></div>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Erotic masquerade</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_cafe_elein==true>>The girls step into the masquerade party, greeted by an ambiance of uninhibited revelry and sex, and Mia is determined to seize every moment of the night. Little does she know, the evening is about to take an unforeseen twist.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and residential area<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+75 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+2 beauty</div><div class="quest titlebar">+2 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_cafe_elein == true>>✅Pass quest #17<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #17<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_maskarad == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#15]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Эротический маскарад</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_cafe_elein==true>>Девушки приходят на вечеринку-маскарад, где их встречает атмосфера безудержного веселья и секса, и Миа намерена воспользоваться каждым мгновением этой ночи. Но она еще не знает, что вечер примет непредвиденный оборот.
Перейти к: Выполняйте условия и жилой район.<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+75 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+2 beauty</div><div class="quest titlebar">+2 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_cafe_elein == true>>✅Pass quest #17<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #17<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_maskarad == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#15]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Erotische Maskerade</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_cafe_elein==true>>Die Mädels betreten die Maskenparty, begrüßt von einer Atmosphäre hemmungsloser Ausgelassenheit und Sex, und Mia ist entschlossen, jeden Moment der Nacht zu genießen. Sie ahnt nicht, dass der Abend eine unvorhergesehene Wendung nehmen wird.
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe in die Wohngegend.<<else>>Schließen Sie die vorherige Quest ab, um diese zu öffnen.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+75 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+2 beauty</div><div class="quest titlebar">+2 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_cafe_elein == true>>✅Pass quest #17<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #17<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_maskarad == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#15]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Mascarade érotique</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_cafe_elein==true>>Les filles entrent dans la fête masquée, accueillies par une ambiance de fête et de sexe sans tabou, et Mia est déterminée à profiter de chaque instant de la nuit. Mia est déterminée à profiter de chaque instant de la soirée. Elle est loin de se douter que la soirée va prendre une tournure imprévue.
Aller à : Remplissez les conditions et rendez-vous dans la zone résidentielle.<<else>>Terminez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+75 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+2 beauty</div><div class="quest titlebar">+2 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_cafe_elein == true>>✅Pass quest #17<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #17<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_maskarad == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#15]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Mascarada erótica</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_cafe_elein==true>>Las chicas entran en la fiesta de disfraces, recibidas por un ambiente de juerga y sexo desinhibido, y Mia está decidida a aprovechar cada momento de la noche. Lo que no sabe es que la velada está a punto de dar un giro imprevisto.
Ir a: Cumplir las condiciones y zona residencial.<<else>>Completa la misión anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+75 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+2 beauty</div><div class="quest titlebar">+2 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_cafe_elein == true>>✅Pass quest #17<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #17<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_maskarad == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#15]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">情色假面舞会</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_cafe_elein==true>>女孩们步入化妆舞会,迎接她们的是无拘无束的狂欢和性爱氛围,米娅决心抓住今晚的每一刻。她不知道,这个夜晚即将发生意想不到的转折。
前往 满足条件和住宅区.<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+75 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+2 beauty</div><div class="quest titlebar">+2 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_cafe_elein == true>>✅Pass quest #17<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #17<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_maskarad == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest#15]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Startup</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen==true>>Opening up a brothel doesn't happen overnight. Mia needs a solid plan do bring her dreams to reality.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to Mia's room<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+85 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen == true>>✅Pass quest #20<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #20<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Стартап</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen==true>>Открытие борделя не происходит в одночасье. Миа нужен твердый план, чтобы воплотить свои мечты в реальность.
Перейдите к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь в комнату Мии.<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+85 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen == true>>✅Pass quest #20<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #20<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Startup</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen==true>>Die Eröffnung eines Bordells passiert nicht über Nacht. Mia braucht einen soliden Plan, um ihre Träume in die Realität umzusetzen.
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe in Mias Zimmer.<<else>>Schließen Sie die vorherige Quest ab, um diese zu öffnen.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+85 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen == true>>✅Pass quest #20<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #20<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Startup</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen==true>>Ouvrir une maison close ne se fait pas du jour au lendemain. Mia a besoin d'un plan solide pour concrétiser ses rêves.
Aller à : Remplissez les conditions et allez dans la chambre de Mia.<<else>>Terminez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+85 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen == true>>✅Pass quest #20<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #20<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Startup</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen==true>>Abrir un burdel no se hace de la noche a la mañana. Mia necesita un plan sólido para hacer realidad sus sueños.
Ve a: Cumple las condiciones y ve a la habitación de Mia.<<else>>Completa la misión anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+85 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen == true>>✅Pass quest #20<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #20<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">创业</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen==true>>开妓院不是一朝一夕的事。米娅需要一个可靠的计划来实现她的梦想。
去吧 满足条件,前往米娅的房间.<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+85 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen == true>>✅Pass quest #20<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #20<</if>></div></div></div>
<</switch>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/boss/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Kisses|Video_quest_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|boss3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|boss4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|boss5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|boss6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Chair sex 1|boss7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Chair sex 2|boss8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cow girl|boss9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|boss10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|boss11]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/boss/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|boss2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Kisses|Video_quest_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|boss4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|boss5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|boss6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Chair sex 1|boss7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Chair sex 2|boss8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cow girl|boss9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|boss10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|boss11]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/boss/4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|boss2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|boss3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Kisses|Video_quest_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|boss5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|boss6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Chair sex 1|boss7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Chair sex 2|boss8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cow girl|boss9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|boss10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|boss11]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/boss/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|boss2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|boss3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|boss4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Kisses|Video_quest_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|boss6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Chair sex 1|boss7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Chair sex 2|boss8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cow girl|boss9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|boss10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|boss11]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/boss/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|boss2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|boss3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|boss4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|boss5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Kisses|Video_quest_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Chair sex 1|boss7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Chair sex 2|boss8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cow girl|boss9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|boss10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|boss11]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/boss/7.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|boss2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|boss3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|boss4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|boss5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|boss6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Kisses|Video_quest_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Chair sex 2|boss8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cow girl|boss9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|boss10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|boss11]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/boss/8.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|boss2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|boss3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|boss4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|boss5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|boss6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Chair sex 1|boss7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Kisses|Video_quest_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cow girl|boss9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|boss10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|boss11]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/boss/9.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|boss2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|boss3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|boss4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|boss5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|boss6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Chair sex 1|boss7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Chair sex 2|boss8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Kisses|Video_quest_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|boss10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|boss11]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/boss/10.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|boss2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|boss3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|boss4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|boss5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|boss6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Chair sex 1|boss7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Chair sex 2|boss8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cow girl|boss9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Kisses|Video_quest_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|boss11]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/boss/11.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|boss2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|boss3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|boss4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|boss5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|boss6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Chair sex 1|boss7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Chair sex 2|boss8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cow girl|boss9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|boss10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Kisses|Video_quest_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/maskDad/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Doggy style 2|dad2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|dad3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|dad4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 2|dad5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|dad6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 2|dad7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|dad8]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|13_quest_last]]>><</button>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Oh wow! Now she understood why so many young women liked older men. He knew exactly what he was doing, and Mia realised she wouldn't mind doing this again some other time. But to do so, she had to unveil the mystery behind the mask and see his face. Laying next to him, she quickly put her hand on his mask and removed it from his face. But what she saw froze her in horror.<</st>>
<<mia>>''DAD??? WHAT THE FUCK?''<</mia>>
<<st>>She grabs her clothes and runs away from that room and bumping into Elain. Again.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Mia, what happened?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Shit, I think I just fucked my Dad. I need to get out of here, now!''<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Oh fuck, ok, put on your clothes, let's catch a cab.''<</ele>>
<<mia>>''When you said I would remember this party, who would have thought you'd be so right.''<</mia>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Вот это да! Теперь она понимала, почему так много молодых женщин выбирают мужчин постарше. Он точно знал, что делает, и Миа поняла, что не отказалась бы повторить это в другой раз. Но для этого ей нужно было чьё лицо скрыто под маской. Приблизившись к нему, она протянула руку к маске и сняла её с его лица. Но то, что она увидела, заставило ее замереть от ужаса.<</st>>
<<mia>>''ПАПА??? ЧТО ЗА ХУЙНЯ?''<</mia>>
<<st>>Мия хватает свою одежду и убегает из комнаты, сталкиваясь с Элайной. Снова.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Миа, что случилось?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Блять, кажется, я только что переспала со своим отцом. Мне нужно уйти отсюда сейчас же!''<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Ох, ебать, окей, одевайся, давай поймаем тебе такси''.<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Когда ты говорила что вечеринка мне запомнится, я и не думала что ты окажешься настолько права.''<</mia>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia verstand jetzt schlagartig, warum so viele junge Frauen auf ältere Männer standen. Er wusste genau, was er tat, und Mia merkte, dass sie das Ganze gern mal wiederholen würde. Aber dafür musste sie das Geheimnis hinter der Maske lüften und sein Gesicht sehen. Neben ihm liegend, streckte sie schnell die Hand nach der Maske aus und zog sie ihm vom Gesicht. Doch was sie sah, ließ ihr das Blut in den Adern gefrieren.<</st>>
<<mia>>''PAPA??? WHAT THE FUCK?''<</mia>>
<<st>>Sie schnappt sich ihre Klamotten und flüchtet fluchend aus dem Zimmer. Bäm! Da knallt sie schon wieder mit Elain zusammen.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Mia, was is los?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Scheiße, ich glaube, ich habe gerade meinen Vater gefickt.'' ''Ich muss sofort hier raus!''<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Ach scheiße, okay, zieh dich an, schnappen wir uns ein Taxi. ''<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Als du gesagt hast, ich würde mich an diese Party erinnern, wer hätte gedacht, dass du so recht behalten würdest.''<</mia>>
<<button[[Verlassen Sie|City]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Oh wow ! Maintenant elle comprenait pourquoi tant de jeunes femmes aimaient les hommes plus âgés. Il savait exactement ce qu'il faisait, et Mia réalisait qu'elle ne serait pas contre l'idée de le refaire à l'avenir. Mais pour le faire, elle devait lever le voile sur le mystère derrière le masque et voir son visage. Allongée à côté de lui, elle mit rapidement sa main sur son masque et le retira de son visage. Mais ce qu'elle vit la figea d'horreur.<</st>>
<<mia>>''PAPA??? QUELLE MERDE?''<</mia>>
<<st>>Elle attrape ses vêtements et s'enfuit de la pièce en courant, heurtant Elain. Encore une fois.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Mia, que s'est-il passé?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Merde, je crois que je viens de baiser mon père. Je dois sortir d'ici, maintenant!''<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Oh putain, ok, enfile tes vêtements, prenons un taxi.''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Quand tu as dit que la fête serait mémorable, qui aurait pensé que tu aurais tellement raison.<</mia>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>¡Vaya! Ahora entendía por qué a tantas mujeres jóvenes les gustaban los hombres mayores. Él sabía exactamente lo que estaba haciendo, y Mia se dio cuenta de que no le importaría volver a hacerlo en otra ocasión. Pero para ello tenía que desvelar el misterio que se ocultaba tras la máscara y verle la cara. Tumbada a su lado, puso rápidamente la mano sobre la máscara y se la quitó de la cara. Pero lo que vio la dejó helada.<</st>>
<<mia>>''¿PAPÁ? ¿QUÉ COÑO?''!<</mia>>
<<st>>Coge su ropa y sale corriendo de aquella habitación y chocando con Elain. Otra vez.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Mia, ¿qué ha pasado?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Mierda, creo que acabo de follarme a mi padre. Necesito salir de aquí, ¡ahora!''<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Joder, vale, ponte la ropa, vamos a coger un taxi''.<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Cuando dijiste que recordaría esta fiesta, quién iba a pensar que tendrías tanta razón.''<</mia>>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>哦,哇 现在她明白了为什么那么多年轻女人喜欢老男人。他很清楚自己在做什么,米娅意识到她不介意改天再做一次。但要做到这一点,她必须揭开面具背后的神秘面纱,看看他的脸。她躺在他身边,迅速把手放在他的面具上,从他脸上取下面具。但她看到的一切让她惊呆了。<</st>>
<<mia>>''你说我会记得这个派对 谁能想到你说得这么对''<</mia>>
<</switch>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/maskDad/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_quest_13]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|dad3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|dad4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 2|dad5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|dad6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 2|dad7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|dad8]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|13_quest_last]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/maskDad/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Doggy style 2|dad2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_quest_13]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|dad4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 2|dad5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|dad6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 2|dad7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|dad8]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|13_quest_last]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/maskDad/4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Doggy style 2|dad2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|dad3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_quest_13]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 2|dad5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|dad6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 2|dad7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|dad8]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|13_quest_last]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/maskDad/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Doggy style 2|dad2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|dad3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|dad4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_quest_13]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|dad6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 2|dad7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|dad8]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|13_quest_last]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/maskDad/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Doggy style 2|dad2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|dad3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|dad4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 2|dad5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_quest_13]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 2|dad7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|dad8]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|13_quest_last]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/maskDad/7.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Doggy style 2|dad2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|dad3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|dad4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 2|dad5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|dad6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_quest_13]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|dad8]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|13_quest_last]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/maskDad/8.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Doggy style 2|dad2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|dad3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|dad4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 2|dad5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|dad6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 2|dad7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_quest_13]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|13_quest_last]]>><</button>><<return "Go Back">>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/boss/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Blow job 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/boss/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Blow job 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/boss/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Doggy style 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/boss/4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Doggy style 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/boss/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Blow job 3<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/boss/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Chair sex 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/boss/7.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Chair sex 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/boss/8.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Cow girl<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/boss/9.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Doggy style 3<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/boss/10.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/boss/11.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
</script><<return "Go Back">>
<<st>>Doggy style 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/maskDad/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Doggy style 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/maskDad/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Doggy style 3<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/maskDad/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Cowgirl 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/maskDad/4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Cowgirl 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/maskDad/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Vaginal 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/maskDad/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Vaginal 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/maskDad/7.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/maskDad/8.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video><script>
function showBars() {var rightUIBar = document.getElementById('right-ui-bar');var leftUIBar = document.getElementById('ui-bar');rightUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');leftUIBar.classList.remove('stowed');}showBars();
</script><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Warm meeting</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_find_work==true>>Mia and Jack finally meet at her house, but the date doesn't go as well as Mia had planned, since her boyfriend starts a serious conversation.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to Mia's room.<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+35 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/jk.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_find_work == true>>✅Pass quest #7<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #7<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe <5>>🛑 Cafe exp 5 or more<<else>>✅ Cafe exp 5 or more<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Теплая встреча</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_find_work==true>>Мия и Джек наконец-то встречаются у нее дома, но свидание идет не по плану, поскольку парень Мии решает что им пора серьезно поговорить.
Перейти к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь в комнату Мии.<<else>> Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+35 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/jk.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_find_work == true>>✅Pass quest #7<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #7<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe <5>>🛑 Cafe exp 5 or more<<else>>✅ Cafe exp 5 or more<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Warmes Treffen</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_find_work==true>>Mia und Jack treffen sich schließlich bei ihr zu Hause, aber die Verabredung läuft nicht so gut, wie Mia geplant hatte, da ihr Freund ein ernstes Gespräch beginnt.
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe in Mias Zimmer<<else>>Erfülle die vorherige Quest, um diese zu öffnen.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+35 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/jk.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_find_work == true>>✅Pass quest #7<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #7<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe <5>>🛑 Cafe exp 5 or more<<else>>✅ Cafe exp 5 or more<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Réunion chaleureuse</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_find_work==true>>Mia et Jack se retrouvent enfin chez elle, mais le rendez-vous ne se passe pas aussi bien que Mia l'avait prévu, car son petit ami entame une conversation sérieuse.
Allez à : Remplissez les conditions et allez dans la chambre de Mia. <<else>>Réalisez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+35 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/jk.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_find_work == true>>✅Pass quest #7<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #7<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe <5>>🛑 Cafe exp 5 or more<<else>>✅ Cafe exp 5 or more<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Cálida reunión</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_find_work==true>>Mia y Jack finalmente se encuentran en la casa de ella, pero la cita no va tan bien como Mia había planeado, ya que su novio comienza una conversación seria.
Ve a: Cumple las condiciones y ve a la habitación de Mia.<<else>>Comple la quest anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+35 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/jk.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_find_work == true>>✅Pass quest #7<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #7<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe <5>>🛑 Cafe exp 5 or more<<else>>✅ Cafe exp 5 or more<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">温暖的会议</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_find_work==true>>米娅和杰克终于在她家见面了,但这次约会并不像米娅计划的那样顺利,因为她的男朋友开始了严肃的谈话。
前往: 满足条件后前往米娅的房间。<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+35 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/jk.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_find_work == true>>✅Pass quest #7<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #7<</if>>
<<if $mia.exp_cafe <5>>🛑 Cafe exp 5 or more<<else>>✅ Cafe exp 5 or more<</if>></div></div></div>
<</switch>><<set $mia.exp +=35>><<set $mia.fit+=1>><<set $mia.cor+=1>><<set $active_quests.q7=true>><<set $quests.quest_jack_cry=true>>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>A buzzer rang as Jack was in his room, deep in thought. He took a quick look at the screen and noticed a message from Mia.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Hey, babe, I miss you so much. Wanna come over? I know it's been a while, but I promise to make it up to you😉''<</mia>>
<<st>>He debated for a second whether or not to respond. Lately, it felt like Mia didn't care about him as much as he cared about her. But then, he saw the nudes she attached, and his resolve crumbled instantly.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Give me 30 mins, baby''<</jk>>
<<st>>Within half an hour, he was already at her door, smiling as he greeted her. Who would've doubted, Mia thought to herself with a smirk, letting him in.<</st>>
<<st>>They walked upstairs to her bedroom and started watching some show on Netflix and chatting about nothing in particular. But Jack kept asking himself why he kept missing Mia so much. He knew she treated him differently these past few weeks, often neglecting him. But there was something about her that he couldn't resist. He had always been the good guy—kind, smart, a bit nerdy, loyal. He came from a good family and always did everything right. Yet, with Mia, he felt a pull to step outside his comfort zone. She made him feel like he could be someone else, someone bolder.<</st>>
<<st>>With Mia, he felt like he was shedding his golden retriever energy, embracing a bit of that bad boy vibe he secretly yearned for. The things they did together, like that sex in the park, were things he would have never done with anyone else. Yeah, that's it - he didn't want to lose Mia because she brought out a different side of him, a side he liked.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Man, I missed you so much, it's crazy. When was the last time we saw each other? After your birthday in the park? I'm still thinking about it.'' He winked at Mia and looked her over, feeling that familiar rush of excitement.<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Oh, really? You're still hung up on that? It was fun, but I've got a lot going on, Jack. You can't expect me to drop everything just to text you.''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''I get that you're busy, but it's like I'm not even a priority anymore. I just want to see you more often.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Look, I told you, my parents dropped a bomb on me the next day. They said it's time for me to grow up and be independent. Like, get a job and start earning my own money. So yeah, I've been busy. And you know what? I kind of like it. Being one of those boring people who complain about not having enough actions in the day. It's better than doing nothing.''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Oh no! Now Mia is one of us, the mere mortals who go to work! But at least your parents are proud of you now, right?''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Yeah, they won't shut up about how proud they are. Every time I leave for a shift, they say something like, 'We're so proud of you, dear! We never doubted you'd find a job so quickly.'' She mimicked her mom's voice with a sarcastic edge.<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Well, at least they aren't nagging you anymore. Want me to tell you how proud I am of you too?'' he said with a smirk.<</jk>>
<<mia>>''What do you mean 'want me to'? Aren't you proud?''<</mia>>
<<jk>>raising both hands ''Hey, come on, of course I'm proud. You're amazing for starting to work, and I'm here to support you, really. It's just that now we see each other even less. It's not so great being in a relationship and not seeing each other for weeks, you know? After that meeting in the park, we were supposed to see each other the same evening, but it ended up being a week.'' He sighed heavily, the weight of his frustration evident.<</jk>>
<<mia>>Mia pulled back slightly, looking into his eyes. ''I really am sorry, Jack. I promise I'll try to make more time for us.''<</mia>>
<<jk>>Jack smiled, brushing a strand of hair from her face. ''I believe you, Mia. And I'll be here, supporting you every step of the way. Just, don't forget about me, okay?''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Oh, honey, I'm sorry. I didn't even think about how you must be feeling. I really don't want you to be sad. But don't worry, I know what to do to make it up to you.'' With these words, Mia moved closer to him, her eyes flicking to his lips.<</mia>>
<<jk>>''What, you really know what to do?'' he looked at her with a smirk, running his hand down her back.<</jk>>
<<st>>Mia, not giving him a chance to respond, leaned in and kissed him, cutting off his words. The kiss deepened, and Jack felt that familiar thrill, the sense of breaking free from his usual self.<</st>>
<<st>>They fell back onto the bed, the show on Netflix forgotten.<</st>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Когда Джек находился в своей комнате в глубокой задумчивости, его телефон завибрировал. Он бросил быстрый взгляд на экран и заметил сообщение от Мии.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Привет, красавчик, я так по тебе скучаю. Не хочешь приехать? Я знаю, что мы давно не виделись, но обещаю исправиться😉''<</mia>>
<<st>>Он на секунду задумался, отвечать или нет. В последнее время ему казалось, что Мия игнорирует его, и не думает о нем так же часто как он он ей. Но потом он увидел приложенную фотографию, и его решимость мгновенно рухнула.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Дай мне 30 минут, детка''.<</jk>>
<<st>>Через полчаса он уже стоял у двери ее дома и улыбался ей. Кто бы сомневался, подумала про себя Миа, с ухмылкой впуская его в дом.<</st>>
<<st>>Они поднялись наверх, в её спальню, и начали смотреть какое-то шоу на Netflix, болтая обо всем и ни о чем. Но Джек все время спрашивал себя, почему ему так не хватает Мии. Он знал, что в последние несколько недель она стала относиться к нему по-другому, часто пренебрегала им. Но было в ней что-то такое, перед чем он не мог устоять. Он всегда был хорошим парнем - добрым, умным, немного занудным, но верным. Он происходил из хорошей семьи и всегда все делал правильно. Но с Мией его потянуло выйти за пределы своей зоны комфорта. Она заставила его почувствовать, что он может быть кем-то другим, кем-то более смелым.<</st>>
<<st>>С Мией он почувствовал, что перестает быть тем самым ''сыном маминой подруги'', с ней рядом он становится плохим парнем, тем, кем всегда хотел быть. То, что он вытворял с Мией, например тот спонтанный секс в парке, он никогда бы не сделал ни с кем другим. Да, именно так - он не хотел терять Мию, потому что она открыла в нем другую сторону, ту, которая ему нравилась.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Я так по тебе скучал, это безумие. Когда мы виделись в последний раз? После твоего дня рождения в парке? Я все еще думаю об этом. Мы стали редко видеться''. Он подмигнул Мие и окинул её взглядом, чувствуя знакомый прилив возбуждения.<</jk>>
<<mia>>Что? Ааа, тот раз. Так ты все еще думаешь об этом? Не знаю, было весело, но у меня много дел, Джек, что я уже и забыла об этом. Ты не можешь ожидать, что я брошу все дела только для того, чтобы написать тебе''.<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Я понимаю, что ты занята, но я как будто перестал быть для тебя приоритетом. Я просто хочу видеть тебя чаще''.<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Слушай, я же говорила тебе, что на следующий день мои родители бросили в меня бомбу. Сказали, что мне пора повзрослеть и стать самостоятельной. Например, найти работу и начать самой зарабатывать деньги. Так что да, я была занята. И знаешь что? Мне это нравится. Кто бы мог подумать что я стану одной из тех скучных людей, которые жалуются на то, что им не хватает очков действий в сутках. Но все равно это лучше, чем ничего не делать''.<</mia>>
<<jk>>''О нет! Теперь Мия - одна из нас, простых смертных, которые ходят на работу! Но, по крайней мере, твои родители теперь гордятся тобой, верно?''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Да, они не перестают это повторять. Каждый раз, когда я ухожу на смену, они говорят что-то вроде: ''Мы так гордимся тобой, дорогая! Мы не сомневались, что ты так быстро найдешь работу''. Она подражала маминому голосу с саркастическим оттенком.<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Ну, по крайней мере, они больше не придираются к тебе. Хочешь, я тоже скажу тебе, как я тобой горжусь?'' - сказал он с ухмылкой.<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Что значит ''хочешь''? Разве ты не гордишься?''<</mia>>
<<jk>>Поднимает обе руки: ''Эй, да ладно, конечно, я горжусь. Ты молодец, что начала работать, и я здесь, чтобы поддержать тебя, правда. Просто теперь мы стали видеться еще реже. Это не очень здорово - быть в отношениях и не видеться неделями, понимаешь? После той встречи в парке мы должны были увидеться в тот же вечер, но в итоге прошла целая неделя''. Он тяжело вздохнул, в его голосе чувствовалось разочарование.<</jk>>
<<mia>>Мия слегка отстранилась и посмотрела ему в глаза. ''Мне правда очень жаль, Джек. Я обещаю, что постараюсь найти для нас больше времени''.<</mia>>
<<jk>>Джек улыбнулся, убирая прядь волос с её лица. ''Я верю тебе, Миа. И я буду здесь, поддерживая тебя на каждом шагу. Только не забывай обо мне, хорошо?''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''О, милый, прости меня. Я даже не подумала о том, что ты чувствуешь. Я правда не хочу, чтобы ты грустил. Но не волнуйся, я знаю, что сделать, чтобы загладить свою вину''. С этими словами Миа придвинулась к нему ближе, её взгляд скользнул к его губам.<</mia>>
<<jk>>''И что же это?'' Он посмотрел на нее с ухмылкой, проводя рукой по её спине.<</jk>>
<<st>>Миа, не дав ему возможности ответить, наклонилась и поцеловала его, прервав его слова. Поцелуй стал еще глубже, и Джек почувствовал знакомое возбуждение, ощущение того, что он вырвался из привычной колеи.<</st>>
<<st>>Они снова упали на кровать, забыв о сериале на Netflix.<</st>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Ein Summer ertönte, als Jack in seinem Zimmer war, tief in Gedanken versunken. Er warf einen schnellen Blick auf den Bildschirm und bemerkte eine Nachricht von Mia.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Hey, Schatz, ich vermisse dich so sehr. Willst du vorbeikommen? Ich weiß, es ist schon eine Weile her, aber ich verspreche, es wieder gut zu machen.😉''<</mia>>
<<st>>Er überlegte einen Moment, ob er antworten sollte oder nicht. In letzter Zeit hatte es sich angefühlt, als ob Mia nicht so viel für ihn empfand, wie er für sie. Doch dann sah er die Nacktbilder, die sie angehängt hatte, und seine Entschlossenheit bröckelte sofort.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Gib mir 30 Minuten, Baby.''<</jk>>
<<st>>Innerhalb einer halben Stunde stand er schon vor ihrer Tür und lächelte, als er sie begrüßte. Wer hätte daran gezweifelt, dachte Mia schmunzelnd und ließ ihn herein.<</st>>
<<st>>Sie gingen die Treppe hinauf zu ihrem Schlafzimmer und fingen an, eine Serie auf Netflix zu schauen und über Belangloses zu plaudern. Doch Jack fragte sich immer wieder, warum er Mia so sehr vermisste. Er wusste, dass sie ihn in den letzten Wochen oft vernachlässigt hatte. Aber da war etwas an ihr, dem er nicht widerstehen konnte. Er war immer der nette Kerl gewesen – freundlich, klug, ein bisschen nerdig, loyal. Er kam aus einer guten Familie und hatte immer alles richtig gemacht. Doch mit Mia fühlte er sich zu jemand anderem hingezogen, jemand mutigerem.<</st>>
<<st>>Mit Mia hatte er das Gefühl, seine ''Golden Retriever''-Energie abzulegen und ein bisschen von dem Bad-Boy-Charme zu umarmen, nach dem er sich insgeheim sehnte. Die Dinge, die sie zusammen taten, wie der Sex im Park, waren Dinge, die er mit niemand anderem gemacht hätte. Ja, genau das war es – er wollte Mia nicht verlieren, weil sie eine andere Seite von ihm hervorbrachte, eine Seite, die er mochte.<</st>>
<<jk>>Jack: ''Mann, ich hab dich so vermisst, das ist verrückt. Wann haben wir uns das letzte Mal gesehen? Nach deinem Geburtstag im Park? Ich denke immer noch daran.'' Er zwinkerte Mia zu und sah sie an, spürte den vertrauten Ansturm von Aufregung.<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Oh, wirklich? Du hängst immer noch daran fest? Es war lustig, aber ich habe viel um die Ohren, Jack. Du kannst nicht erwarten, dass ich alles liegen und stehen lasse, nur um dir zu schreiben.''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Ich verstehe, dass du beschäftigt bist, aber es ist, als ob ich überhaupt keine Priorität mehr habe. Ich will dich einfach öfter sehen.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Hör zu, ich habe dir doch gesagt, dass meine Eltern am nächsten Tag eine Bombe auf mich platzen ließen. Sie meinten, es ist Zeit, erwachsen zu werden und unabhängig zu sein. Also, einen Job zu finden und mein eigenes Geld zu verdienen. Also ja, ich war beschäftigt. Und weißt du was? Es gefällt mir irgendwie. Einer dieser langweiligen Leute zu sein, die sich beschweren, dass sie nicht genug Zeit am Tag haben. Es ist besser als nichts zu tun.''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Oh nein! Jetzt ist Mia eine von uns, den einfachen Sterblichen, die zur Arbeit gehen! Aber zumindest sind deine Eltern jetzt stolz auf dich, oder?''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Ja, sie hören nicht auf, mir zu sagen, wie stolz sie sind. Jedes Mal, wenn ich zur Schicht gehe, sagen sie sowas wie, 'Wir sind so stolz auf dich, Liebes! Wir haben nie daran gezweifelt, dass du so schnell einen Job finden würdest.'' Sie imitierte die Stimme ihrer Mutter mit einem sarkastischen Unterton.<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Na, wenigstens nörgeln sie nicht mehr an dir herum. Soll ich dir auch sagen, wie stolz ich auf dich bin?'' sagte er mit einem Grinsen.<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Was meinst du mit 'soll ich dir'? Bist du nicht stolz?''<</mia>>
<<jk>>hob beide Hände ''Hey, komm schon, natürlich bin ich stolz. Es ist großartig, dass du angefangen hast zu arbeiten, und ich bin wirklich da, um dich zu unterstützen. Es ist nur so, dass wir uns jetzt noch seltener sehen. Es ist nicht so toll, in einer Beziehung zu sein und sich wochenlang nicht zu sehen, weißt du? Nach unserem Treffen im Park sollten wir uns am gleichen Abend wiedersehen, aber es wurde dann doch eine Woche draus.'' Er seufzte schwer, die Frustration war ihm anzumerken.<</jk>>
<<mia>>Mia zog sich leicht zurück und sah ihm in die Augen. ''Es tut mir wirklich leid, Jack. Ich verspreche, ich werde versuchen, mehr Zeit für uns zu finden.''<</mia>>
<<jk>>Jack lächelte und strich ihr eine Haarsträhne aus dem Gesicht. ''Ich glaube dir, Mia. Und ich werde hier sein, um dich bei jedem Schritt zu unterstützen. Vergiss mich nur nicht, okay?''<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Oh, Schatz, es tut mir leid. Ich habe gar nicht daran gedacht, wie du dich fühlen musst. Ich will wirklich nicht, dass du traurig bist. Aber keine Sorge, ich weiß, wie ich es wieder gutmachen kann.'' Mit diesen Worten kam Mia näher zu ihm, ihre Augen wanderten zu seinen Lippen.<</mia>>
<<jk>> ''Was, du weißt wirklich, was zu tun ist?'' Er sah sie mit einem Grinsen an und ließ seine Hand ihren Rücken hinuntergleiten.<</jk>>
<<st>>Mia gab ihm keine Chance zu antworten, lehnte sich vor und küsste ihn, unterbrach seine Worte. Der Kuss vertiefte sich, und Jack spürte diesen vertrauten Nervenkitzel, das Gefühl, aus seiner gewohnten Rolle auszubrechen.<</st>>
<<st>>Sie fielen zurück aufs Bett, die Serie auf Netflix war vergessen.<</st>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Un buzzer retentit alors que Jack était dans sa chambre, perdu dans ses pensées. Il jeta un coup d'œil rapide à l'écran et remarqua un message de Mia.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Salut, chéri, tu me manques tellement. Tu veux venir chez moi ? Je sais que ça fait un moment, mais je te promets de me rattraper 😉''<</mia>>
<<st>>Il hésita un instant à répondre. Ces derniers temps, il avait l'impression que Mia ne tenait pas autant à lui qu'il tenait à elle. Mais ensuite, il vit les photos qu'elle avait envoyées, et sa détermination s'effondra instantanément. <</st>>
<<jk>>''Donne-moi 30 minutes, bébé'' En moins d'une demi-heure, il était déjà à sa porte, souriant en la saluant. Qui en aurait douté, pensa Mia avec un sourire en coin, en le laissant entrer.<</jk>>
<<st>>Ils sont montés dans sa chambre et ont commencé à regarder une série sur Netflix en discutant de rien en particulier. Mais Jack ne cessait de se demander pourquoi Mia lui manquait tant. <</st>>
<<st>>Il savait qu'elle le traitait différemment ces dernières semaines, le négligeant souvent. Mais il y avait quelque chose en elle à laquelle il ne pouvait pas résister. Il a toujours été un bon gars, gentil, intelligent, un peu ringard, loyal. Il venait d'une bonne famille et faisait toujours tout ce qu'il fallait. Pourtant, avec Mia, il se sentait poussé à sortir de sa zone de confort. Elle lui a donné l'impression qu'il pouvait être quelqu'un d'autre, quelqu'un de plus audacieux.<</st>>
<<st>>Avec Mia, il avait l'impression de se débarrasser de son énergie de golden retriever, d'embrasser un peu de cette ambiance de mauvais garçon à laquelle il aspirait secrètement. Les choses qu'ils ont faites ensemble, comme le sexe dans le parc, sont des choses qu'il n'aurait jamais faites avec quelqu'un d'autre. Oui, c'est ça - il ne voulait pas perdre Mia parce qu'elle faisait ressortir une autre facette de lui, une facette qu'il aimait.<</st>>
<<jk>>'' Tu m'as tellement manqué, c'est fou. Quand est-ce qu'on s'est vus pour la dernière fois ? Après ton anniversaire dans le parc ? J'y pense encore. '' Il fait un clin d'œil à Mia et la regarde, sentant cette excitation qui lui est familière.<</jk>>
<<mia>>'' Oh, vraiment ? Tu y penses encore ? C'était sympa, mais j'ai beaucoup de choses à faire, Jack. Tu ne peux pas t'attendre à ce que je laisse tout tomber juste pour t'envoyer un SMS ''.<</mia>>
<<jk>>'' Je comprends que tu sois occupé, mais c'est comme si je n'étais plus une priorité. Je veux juste te voir plus souvent. ''<</jk>>
<<mia>>'' Écoute, je te l'ai dit, mes parents m'ont lâché une bombe le lendemain. Ils ont dit qu'il était temps pour moi de grandir et d'être indépendante. De trouver un travail et de commencer à gagner mon propre argent. Alors oui, j'ai été très occupé. Et tu sais quoi ? J'aime bien ça. Être une de ces personnes ennuyeuses qui se plaignent de ne pas avoir assez d'actions dans la journée. C'est mieux que de ne rien faire. ''<</mia>>
<<jk>>'' Oh non, maintenant Mia est l'une d'entre nous, les simples mortels qui vont travailler ! Mais au moins, tes parents sont fiers de toi, non ? ''<</jk>>
<<mia>>'' Oui, ils n'arrêtent pas de dire à quel point ils sont fiers. Chaque fois que je pars travailler, ils me disent quelque chose comme : '' Nous sommes si fiers de toi, ma chérie ! Nous n'avons jamais douté que tu trouverais un emploi aussi rapidement ''. Elle imite la voix de sa mère avec une pointe de sarcasme.<</mia>>
<<jk>>'' Au moins, ils ne te harcèlent plus. Tu veux que je te dise à quel point je suis fier de toi aussi ? '' dit-il avec un sourire en coin.<</jk>>
<<mia>>'' Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire par ''tu veux que je te dise'' ? Tu n'es pas fière ? ''<</mia>>
<<jk>>Levant les deux mains '' Hé, allez, bien sûr que je suis fier. Tu es formidable de commencer à travailler, et je suis là pour te soutenir, vraiment. C'est juste que maintenant, on se voit encore moins. Ce n'est pas génial d'être dans une relation et de ne pas se voir pendant des semaines, tu sais ? Après cette rencontre dans le parc, on devait se voir le soir même, mais ça a fini par durer une semaine. '' Il soupira lourdement, le poids de sa frustration étant évident.<</jk>>
<<mia>>Mia se recula légèrement, le regardant dans les yeux. '' Je suis vraiment désolée, Jack. Je te promets que j'essaierai de prendre plus de temps pour nous. ''<</mia>>
<<jk>>Jack sourit, balayant une mèche de cheveux de son visage. '' Je te crois, Mia. Et je serai là, pour te soutenir à chaque étape. Mais ne m'oublie pas, d'accord ? ''<</jk>>
<<mia>>'' Oh, chérie, je suis désolée. Je n'ai même pas pensé à ce que tu devais ressentir. Je ne veux vraiment pas que tu sois triste. Mais ne t'inquiète pas, je sais ce qu'il faut faire pour que tu te rattrapes ''. Sur ces mots, Mia se rapproche de lui, ses yeux se posent sur ses lèvres.<</mia>>
<<jk>>'' Quoi, tu sais vraiment ce qu'il faut faire ? '' Il la regarde avec un sourire en coin et passe sa main dans son dos.<</jk>>
<<st>>Mia, ne lui laissant pas le temps de répondre, se pencha vers lui et l'embrassa, lui coupant la parole. Le baiser s'est approfondi et Jack a ressenti ce frisson familier, le sentiment de se libérer de son identité habituelle.<</st>>
<<st>>Ils se sont laissés tomber sur le lit, oubliant la série sur Netflix.<</st>>
<<button[[Le sexe|jack1]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Un timbre sonó mientras Jack estaba en su habitación, sumido en sus pensamientos. Echó un vistazo rápido a la pantalla y vio un mensaje de Mia.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Hola, cariño, te echo mucho de menos. ¿Quieres venir? Sé que ha pasado tiempo, pero prometo compensarte😉''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Debatió durante un segundo si responder o no. Últimamente, parecía que Mia no se preocupaba por él tanto como él por ella. Pero entonces, vio los desnudos que ella adjuntaba, y su determinación se desmoronó al instante.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Dame 30 minutos, cariño''<</jk>>
<<st>>En media hora, él ya estaba en su puerta, sonriendo mientras la saludaba. Quién lo hubiera dudado, pensó Mia con una sonrisa burlona, dejándole entrar.<</st>>
<<st>>Con Mia, sintió que se despojaba de su energía de golden retriever, adoptando un poco de esa vibra de chico malo que secretamente anhelaba. Las cosas que hacían juntos, como el sexo en el parque, eran cosas que nunca habría hecho con nadie más. Sí, eso es, no quería perder a Mia porque sacaba un lado diferente de él, un lado que le gustaba.<</st>>
<<st>>Subieron a la habitación de ella y empezaron a ver algún programa en Netflix y a charlar de nada en particular. Pero Jack no dejaba de preguntarse por qué echaba tanto de menos a Mia. Sabía que ella lo había tratado de forma diferente en las últimas semanas y que a menudo lo había descuidado. Pero había algo en ella a lo que no podía resistirse. Siempre había sido un buen chico, amable, inteligente, un poco empollón y leal. Venía de una buena familia y siempre hacía todo bien. Sin embargo, con Mia sintió la necesidad de salir de su zona de confort. Ella le hizo sentir que podía ser otra persona, alguien más audaz.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Tío, te he echado tanto de menos, es una locura. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que nos vimos? ¿Después de tu cumpleaños en el parque? Todavía estoy pensando en ello''. Le guiñó un ojo a Mia y la miró de arriba abajo, sintiendo ese torrente familiar de excitación.<</jk>>
<<mia>>''¿Ah, sí? ¿Todavía sigues pensando en eso? Fue divertido, pero tengo muchas cosas que hacer, Jack. No puedes esperar que lo deje todo para mandarte un mensaje''.<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Entiendo que estés ocupado, pero es como si yo ya no fuera una prioridad. Solo quiero verte más a menudo''.<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Mira, te lo dije, mis padres me soltaron una bomba al día siguiente. Dijeron que es hora de que crezca y sea independiente. Como, conseguir un trabajo y empezar a ganar mi propio dinero. Así que sí, he estado ocupado. ¿Y sabes qué? Como que me gusta. Ser una de esas personas aburridas que se quejan de no tener suficientes acciones en el día. Es mejor que no hacer nada''.<</mia>>
<<jk>>''¡Oh, no! ¡Ahora Mia es una de nosotros, los simples mortales que van a trabajar! Pero al menos ahora tus padres están orgullosos de ti, ¿verdad?''.<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Sí, no se callan lo orgullosos que están. Cada vez que me voy de turno, me dicen algo así como: '¡Estamos muy orgullosos de ti, cariño! Nunca dudamos de que encontrarías trabajo tan rápido''. Imitó la voz de su madre con un deje sarcástico.<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Bueno, al menos ya no te están regañando. ¿Quieres que te diga también lo orgulloso que estoy de ti?'', dijo con una sonrisa burlona.<</jk>>
<<mia>>''¿Cómo que ''quieres que''? ¿No estás orgullosa?''.<</mia>>
<<jk>>Levantando las dos manos ''Eh, venga, claro que estoy orgulloso. Eres increíble por empezar a trabajar, y estoy aquí para apoyarte, de verdad. Es sólo que ahora nos vemos aún menos. No es tan genial estar en una relación y no verse durante semanas, ¿sabes? Después de aquel encuentro en el parque, se suponía que nos veríamos esa misma tarde, pero acabó siendo una semana''. Suspiró pesadamente, el peso de su frustración evidente.<</jk>>
<<mia>>Mia se apartó un poco, mirándole a los ojos. ''Lo siento mucho, Jack. Te prometo que intentaré dedicarnos más tiempo''<</mia>>
<<jk>>Jack sonrió, apartándole un mechón de pelo de la cara. ''Te creo, Mia. Y estaré aquí, apoyándote en cada paso del camino. Pero no te olvides de mí, ¿vale?''.<</jk>>
<<mia>>''Cariño, lo siento. Ni siquiera pensé en cómo te debes estar sintiendo. De verdad que no quiero que estés triste. Pero no te preocupes, sé qué hacer para compensarte''. Con estas palabras, Mia se acercó más a él y sus ojos se posaron en sus labios.<</mia>>
<<jk>>''¿Qué, de verdad sabes qué hacer?'', la miró con una sonrisa burlona, pasándole la mano por la espalda.<</jk>>
<<st>>Mia, sin darle oportunidad de responder, se inclinó hacia él y lo besó, cortándole las palabras. El beso se hizo más profundo y Jack sintió esa emoción familiar, la sensación de liberarse de su yo habitual.<</st>>
<<st>>Volvieron a tumbarse en la cama, olvidando el programa de Netflix.<</st>>
<<case "CH">>
<<jk>>''给我 30 分钟,宝贝''<</jk>>
<<st>>他们上楼来到她的卧室,开始看 Netflix 上的一些节目,闲聊着什么。但杰克一直在问自己,为什么会这么想念米娅。他知道过去几周她对他的态度不同了,经常忽视他。但她身上有种东西让他无法抗拒。他一直是个好人--善良、聪明、有点书呆子气、忠诚。他出身于一个好家庭,做什么都是对的。然而,和米娅在一起时,他感到有一种力量在牵引着他走出自己的舒适圈。她让他觉得自己可以成为另一个人,一个更大胆的人。<</st>>
<<jk>>''伙计,我太想你了,太疯狂了。我们最后一次见面是什么时候?你生日后在公园里?我还在想呢。'' 他对米娅眨了眨眼睛,打量着她,感受着那股熟悉的激动之情。<</jk>>
<<mia>>''听着,我告诉过你,我父母第二天就给我扔了个炸弹。他们说我该长大了,该独立了。比如,找份工作,开始自己赚钱。所以我一直很忙 你知道吗?我还挺喜欢的 做一个无聊的人 抱怨一天中没有足够的行动 总比什么都不做强。''<</mia>>
<<jk>>举起双手:''嘿,得了吧,我当然自豪。你能开始工作已经很了不起了,我是来支持你的,真的。只是现在我们见面的机会更少了。谈恋爱的时候,几个星期都见不到对方,你知道吗?那次在公园见面后,我们本该在当天晚上就见面的,结果却过了一个星期。'' 他重重地叹了口气,沮丧之情溢于言表。<</jk>>
<<mia>>''哦,亲爱的,对不起。我都没想过你的感受。我真的不想让你伤心。不过别担心,我知道怎么做才能补偿你。'' 说着这些话,米娅向他靠近了一些,她的目光闪到了他的嘴唇上。<</mia>>
<<st>>他们倒在了床上,Netflix 上的节目也被遗忘了。<</st>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<if $casino_event_counter==0>>
<<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $casino_event_counter+=1>>
<<st>>Mia walked into the casino. The dim lights and low noise of people talking made the air feel exciting. She looked gorgeous and confident in her outfit that hugged her curves. Her eyes caught the high-stakes poker table where a group of well-dressed men were fully involved in their game as she looked around the room.<</st>>
<<st>>Among the men, one caught her attention. He seemed older, maybe in his late forties, with a strong chin and a casually elegant air about him. He wore a well-tailored suit and a thick gold watch that sparkled on his wrist as he shuffled his chips with ease.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia made her way to the bar, strategically positioning herself where she knew he would notice her. She ordered a drink, her movements graceful and deliberate, and soon enough, she felt his gaze on her. She turned slightly, meeting his eyes with a coy smile.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Looks like you're having a good night,'' she said, her voice smooth and inviting.<</mia>>
<<un>>The man smiled back, his interest piqued. ''It just got better,'' he replied, his voice deep and rich. ‘’What's your name?’’<</un>>
<<mia>>''Mia,'' she answered, extending her hand. ''And you?''<</mia>>
<<un>>''Richard,'' he said, taking her hand and brushing his lips against it. ''What brings you to the casino tonight, Mia?''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Just looking for a little excitement,'' she said with a playful glint in her eye. ''And maybe some good company.''<</mia>>
<<un>>Richard chuckled, clearly intrigued. ''Well, you've certainly found the right place for that. Would you care to join me at the table?''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, her heart pounding with anticipation. ''I'd love to.''<</mia>>
<<st>>As they walked to the poker table, Richard placed a gentle hand on the small of her back, guiding her through the crowd. He pulled out a chair for her, and she sat down, feeling the thrill of the night ahead.<</st>>
<<st>>They played a few hands, and Mia quickly realized that Richard was not only wealthy but also incredibly smart and sexy. They exchanged flirtatious glances and witty banter, the chemistry between them undeniable.<</st>>
<<un>>At one point, Richard leaned in close, his breath warm against her ear. ''How about we make this game a little more interesting?'' he whispered.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia raised an eyebrow, intrigued. ''What do you have in mind?''<</mia>>
<<un>>''If I win this hand, we go to my room,'' he suggested, his eyes twinkling with mischief.<</un>>
<<mia>>''And if I win?'' she countered, a smirk playing on her lips.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Then you get to decide what happens next,'' he said, his voice low and suggestive.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia felt a shiver of excitement run down her spine. ''Deal,'' she agreed, her heart racing with the thrill of the game and the promise of what might come next.<</mia>>
<<un>>The game continued, and the tension between them grew with each passing hand. Finally, Richard laid down his cards with a triumphant grin. ''Looks like you're leaving with me tonight,'' he said.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia laughed, feeling both excited and intrigued. ''I guess I am.''<</mia>>
<<un>>As they stood up from the table, Richard offered her his arm. ''Shall we?''<</un>>
<<st>>Mia linked her arm with his, her heart racing as they walked out of the casino together. She couldn't wait to see what the rest of the night had in store.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<button [[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $casino_event_counter==1>>
<<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $casino_event_counter+=1>>
<<st>>Mia had planned an indulgent night out at the casino. As she reached the bustling casino, Mia realized with a sinking feeling that she'd forgotten to bring her money. She didn't want to trek all the way back to her home and risk losing her enthusiasm, so she decided to get creative. Spotting a man with a stack of $500 chips, she decided to have some fun and ''borrow'' one of his chips.<</st>>
<<st>>Acting on impulse, she approached, her heart pounding. As the man turned to order a drink, Mia deftly swiped a chip from his pile. She was almost away when a hand clamped down on her wrist.<</st>>
<<un>>''Hey there,'' the man said, a playful smile on his lips. ''I think that's mine.''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. ''Oh, I'm so sorry. I must've grabbed it by mistake,'' she said, flashing her most charming smile.<</mia>>
<<un>>He chuckled, clearly amused rather than angry. ''No worries. You’ve got guts. I like that. What's your name?''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Mia,'' she replied, feeling a mix of relief and excitement.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Well, Mia,'' he said, leaning in closer, ''how about you join me for a game? I'll stake you the chip if you promise not to run off with it.''<</un>>
<<mia>>She smiled, her pulse quickening. ''Deal.''<</mia>>
<<st>>They sat down together, and as they played, they exchanged flirty banter. The man, whose name she learned was Alex, seemed genuinely taken with her boldness.<</st>>
<<un>>As the night went on, the stolen chip long forgotten, they found themselves laughing and talking as if they’d known each other for years. Alex leaned in, his eyes twinkling. ''You know, I think you owe me a dinner for that little stunt.''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia grinned. ''I suppose I do. How about you buy me dinner, and we'll call it even?''<</mia>>
<<un>>Alex laughed, nodding. ''You've got yourself a deal.''<</un>>
<<un>>He leaned closer, his breath warm against her ear. ''But you know, I was thinking... maybe dinner could turn into something more interesting.''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia's pulse quickened at his words. ''Oh? And what might that be?'' she asked, her voice low and teasing.<</mia>>
<<un>>Alex's hand brushed against her thigh under the table, sending a shiver down her spine. ''I think you know,'' he murmured, his eyes darkening with desire.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia bit her lip, leaning in to whisper in his ear. ''Why wait for dinner? You can rent a suite upstairs.''<</mia>>
<<un>>Alex's smile widened, his hand sliding higher up her thigh. ''I'd love that,'' he said, his voice a husky promise.<</un>>
<<st>>They stood up, leaving the casino floor behind as they made their way to the suite, their bodies buzzing with anticipation.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<button [[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $casino_event_counter==2>>
<<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $casino_event_counter+=1>>
<<st>>Mia strolled into the casino, her clothes hugging her curves and catching the eye of everyone she passed. She was here for a night of excitement and glamour, determined to let loose and enjoy herself. As she moved through the bustling room, the flashing lights and the sound of spinning roulette wheels filled her senses, making her heart race with anticipation.<</st>>
<<st>>She made her way to the bar, where she ordered a martini, savoring the cool, crisp taste as she scanned the room. Her gaze landed on a tall, handsome man standing at a nearby poker table. He had dark, slicked-back hair and an air of confident sophistication.<</st>>
<<st>>Intrigued, Mia decided to approach. She sidled up to the table, pretending to be interested in the game. The man noticed her immediately, his eyes flicking over to her with an appreciative smile.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Mind if I join?'' Mia asked, her voice sultry.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Not at all,'' he replied, his smile widening. ''I'm Daniel.''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Mia,'' she said, extending her hand. He took it, his grip firm and warm.<</mia>>
<<st>>They played a few hands together, Mia’s luck seeming to turn with Daniel's presence. They exchanged playful banter, and the tension between them grew palpable. After a particularly lucky win, Daniel leaned in close, his breath warm against her ear.<</st>>
<<un>>''How about we raise the stakes a little?'' he murmured.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia’s heart skipped a beat. ''What did you have in mind?''<</mia>>
<<un>>''Let's take a walk,'' he suggested, his eyes glinting with mischief.<</un>>
<<st>>They left the table and made their way through the casino, the air thick with anticipation. Daniel led her to a private lounge, a secluded space away from the bustling crowds. They ordered a bottle of champagne and settled into a plush sofa, the intimacy of the setting heightening the electricity between them.<</st>>
<<un>>''So, Mia,'' Daniel began, his voice low and smooth. ''What brings you here tonight?''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Just looking for a little adventure,'' she replied, her eyes sparkling. ''And maybe a bit of luck.''<</mia>>
<<un>>Daniel chuckled, his gaze lingering on her lips. ''I think you found both.''<</un>>
<<st>>As they sipped their champagne, the conversation flowed easily. They talked about their lives, their dreams, and their favorite ways to unwind. The more they spoke, the more Mia felt drawn to Daniel. There was something about his confidence and charm that made her feel alive.<</st>>
<<st>>Their flirtation grew bolder, the touches more lingering. At one point, Daniel brushed a stray lock of hair from Mia's face, his fingers grazing her cheek. The contact sent a shiver down her spine.<</st>>
<<st>>Just then, the door to the lounge opened, and a second man walked in. He had a charmingly boyish grin and a twinkle in his eye.<</st>>
<<un>>''Alex, you made it,'' Daniel said, his voice warm.<</un>>
<<un>>''Couldn't miss out on the fun,'' Alex replied, his eyes locking onto Mia. ''Who's your lovely friend?''<</un>>
<<un>>''This is Mia,'' Daniel introduced. ''Mia, this is Alex.''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Nice to meet you,'' Mia said, extending her hand.<</mia>>
<<un>>''The pleasure is all mine,'' Alex said, taking her hand and pressing a light kiss to it.<</un>>
<<st>>They continued their conversation, now with Alex adding to the mix. His playful banter and flirtatious comments made Mia laugh and blush. The dynamic between the three of them was electric, each moment more charged than the last.<</st>>
<<st>>As they sipped their champagne, the touches between them grew more intimate. At one point, Alex leaned in and whispered something naughty in Mia's ear, making her blush and laugh.<</st>>
<<un>>''I have a feeling this night is just getting started,'' Daniel said, his voice thick with promise.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia leaned in, her lips inches from theirs. ''I hope you're right.''<</mia>>
<<un>>''Let's take this somewhere more private,'' Alex suggested, his voice husky.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. ''Lead the way.''<</mia>>
<<st>>They made their way back to Daniel’s suite, the anticipation building with every step. As they rode up to the suite, the air between them crackled with electricity. The moment the doors closed behind them, they were in each other’s arms again, the passion between them igniting like a flame.<</st>>
<<st>>That night, Mia experienced the thrill she had been seeking, the kind of adventure that only a place like the casino could provide. And as the night wore on, she realized that sometimes, taking a chance could lead to the most unexpected and exhilarating experiences.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gangBang)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gangBang/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<button [[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>>
<<set $random to random(2)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Mia walked into the casino. The dim lights and low noise of people talking made the air feel exciting. She looked gorgeous and confident in her outfit that hugged her curves. Her eyes caught the high-stakes poker table where a group of well-dressed men were fully involved in their game as she looked around the room.<</st>>
<<st>>Among the men, one caught her attention. He seemed older, maybe in his late forties, with a strong chin and a casually elegant air about him. He wore a well-tailored suit and a thick gold watch that sparkled on his wrist as he shuffled his chips with ease.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia made her way to the bar, strategically positioning herself where she knew he would notice her. She ordered a drink, her movements graceful and deliberate, and soon enough, she felt his gaze on her. She turned slightly, meeting his eyes with a coy smile.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Looks like you're having a good night,'' she said, her voice smooth and inviting.<</mia>>
<<un>>The man smiled back, his interest piqued. ''It just got better,'' he replied, his voice deep and rich. ‘’What's your name?’’<</un>>
<<mia>>''Mia,'' she answered, extending her hand. ''And you?''<</mia>>
<<un>>''Richard,'' he said, taking her hand and brushing his lips against it. ''What brings you to the casino tonight, Mia?''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Just looking for a little excitement,'' she said with a playful glint in her eye. ''And maybe some good company.''<</mia>>
<<un>>Richard chuckled, clearly intrigued. ''Well, you've certainly found the right place for that. Would you care to join me at the table?''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, her heart pounding with anticipation. ''I'd love to.''<</mia>>
<<st>>As they walked to the poker table, Richard placed a gentle hand on the small of her back, guiding her through the crowd. He pulled out a chair for her, and she sat down, feeling the thrill of the night ahead.<</st>>
<<st>>They played a few hands, and Mia quickly realized that Richard was not only wealthy but also incredibly smart and sexy. They exchanged flirtatious glances and witty banter, the chemistry between them undeniable.<</st>>
<<un>>At one point, Richard leaned in close, his breath warm against her ear. ''How about we make this game a little more interesting?'' he whispered.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia raised an eyebrow, intrigued. ''What do you have in mind?''<</mia>>
<<un>>''If I win this hand, we go to my room,'' he suggested, his eyes twinkling with mischief.<</un>>
<<mia>>''And if I win?'' she countered, a smirk playing on her lips.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Then you get to decide what happens next,'' he said, his voice low and suggestive.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia felt a shiver of excitement run down her spine. ''Deal,'' she agreed, her heart racing with the thrill of the game and the promise of what might come next.<</mia>>
<<un>>The game continued, and the tension between them grew with each passing hand. Finally, Richard laid down his cards with a triumphant grin. ''Looks like you're leaving with me tonight,'' he said.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia laughed, feeling both excited and intrigued. ''I guess I am.''<</mia>>
<<un>>As they stood up from the table, Richard offered her his arm. ''Shall we?''<</un>>
<<st>>Mia linked her arm with his, her heart racing as they walked out of the casino together. She couldn't wait to see what the rest of the night had in store.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia had planned an indulgent night out at the casino. As she reached the bustling casino, Mia realized with a sinking feeling that she'd forgotten to bring her money. She didn't want to trek all the way back to her home and risk losing her enthusiasm, so she decided to get creative. Spotting a man with a stack of $500 chips, she decided to have some fun and ''borrow'' one of his chips.<</st>>
<<st>>Acting on impulse, she approached, her heart pounding. As the man turned to order a drink, Mia deftly swiped a chip from his pile. She was almost away when a hand clamped down on her wrist.<</st>>
<<un>>''Hey there,'' the man said, a playful smile on his lips. ''I think that's mine.''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. ''Oh, I'm so sorry. I must've grabbed it by mistake,'' she said, flashing her most charming smile.<</mia>>
<<un>>He chuckled, clearly amused rather than angry. ''No worries. You’ve got guts. I like that. What's your name?''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Mia,'' she replied, feeling a mix of relief and excitement.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Well, Mia,'' he said, leaning in closer, ''how about you join me for a game? I'll stake you the chip if you promise not to run off with it.''<</un>>
<<mia>>She smiled, her pulse quickening. ''Deal.''<</mia>>
<<st>>They sat down together, and as they played, they exchanged flirty banter. The man, whose name she learned was Alex, seemed genuinely taken with her boldness.<</st>>
<<un>>As the night went on, the stolen chip long forgotten, they found themselves laughing and talking as if they’d known each other for years. Alex leaned in, his eyes twinkling. ''You know, I think you owe me a dinner for that little stunt.''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia grinned. ''I suppose I do. How about you buy me dinner, and we'll call it even?''<</mia>>
<<un>>Alex laughed, nodding. ''You've got yourself a deal.''<</un>>
<<un>>He leaned closer, his breath warm against her ear. ''But you know, I was thinking... maybe dinner could turn into something more interesting.''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia's pulse quickened at his words. ''Oh? And what might that be?'' she asked, her voice low and teasing.<</mia>>
<<un>>Alex's hand brushed against her thigh under the table, sending a shiver down her spine. ''I think you know,'' he murmured, his eyes darkening with desire.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia bit her lip, leaning in to whisper in his ear. ''Why wait for dinner? You can rent a suite upstairs.''<</mia>>
<<un>>Alex's smile widened, his hand sliding higher up her thigh. ''I'd love that,'' he said, his voice a husky promise.<</un>>
<<st>>They stood up, leaving the casino floor behind as they made their way to the suite, their bodies buzzing with anticipation.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Mia strolled into the casino, her clothes hugging her curves and catching the eye of everyone she passed. She was here for a night of excitement and glamour, determined to let loose and enjoy herself. As she moved through the bustling room, the flashing lights and the sound of spinning roulette wheels filled her senses, making her heart race with anticipation.<</st>>
<<st>>She made her way to the bar, where she ordered a martini, savoring the cool, crisp taste as she scanned the room. Her gaze landed on a tall, handsome man standing at a nearby poker table. He had dark, slicked-back hair and an air of confident sophistication.<</st>>
<<st>>Intrigued, Mia decided to approach. She sidled up to the table, pretending to be interested in the game. The man noticed her immediately, his eyes flicking over to her with an appreciative smile.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Mind if I join?'' Mia asked, her voice sultry.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Not at all,'' he replied, his smile widening. ''I'm Daniel.''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Mia,'' she said, extending her hand. He took it, his grip firm and warm.<</mia>>
<<st>>They played a few hands together, Mia’s luck seeming to turn with Daniel's presence. They exchanged playful banter, and the tension between them grew palpable. After a particularly lucky win, Daniel leaned in close, his breath warm against her ear.<</st>>
<<un>>''How about we raise the stakes a little?'' he murmured.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia’s heart skipped a beat. ''What did you have in mind?''<</mia>>
<<un>>''Let's take a walk,'' he suggested, his eyes glinting with mischief.<</un>>
<<st>>They left the table and made their way through the casino, the air thick with anticipation. Daniel led her to a private lounge, a secluded space away from the bustling crowds. They ordered a bottle of champagne and settled into a plush sofa, the intimacy of the setting heightening the electricity between them.<</st>>
<<un>>''So, Mia,'' Daniel began, his voice low and smooth. ''What brings you here tonight?''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Just looking for a little adventure,'' she replied, her eyes sparkling. ''And maybe a bit of luck.''<</mia>>
<<un>>Daniel chuckled, his gaze lingering on her lips. ''I think you found both.''<</un>>
<<st>>As they sipped their champagne, the conversation flowed easily. They talked about their lives, their dreams, and their favorite ways to unwind. The more they spoke, the more Mia felt drawn to Daniel. There was something about his confidence and charm that made her feel alive.<</st>>
<<st>>Their flirtation grew bolder, the touches more lingering. At one point, Daniel brushed a stray lock of hair from Mia's face, his fingers grazing her cheek. The contact sent a shiver down her spine.<</st>>
<<st>>Just then, the door to the lounge opened, and a second man walked in. He had a charmingly boyish grin and a twinkle in his eye.<</st>>
<<un>>''Alex, you made it,'' Daniel said, his voice warm.<</un>>
<<un>>''Couldn't miss out on the fun,'' Alex replied, his eyes locking onto Mia. ''Who's your lovely friend?''<</un>>
<<un>>''This is Mia,'' Daniel introduced. ''Mia, this is Alex.''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Nice to meet you,'' Mia said, extending her hand.<</mia>>
<<un>>''The pleasure is all mine,'' Alex said, taking her hand and pressing a light kiss to it.<</un>>
<<st>>They continued their conversation, now with Alex adding to the mix. His playful banter and flirtatious comments made Mia laugh and blush. The dynamic between the three of them was electric, each moment more charged than the last.<</st>>
<<st>>As they sipped their champagne, the touches between them grew more intimate. At one point, Alex leaned in and whispered something naughty in Mia's ear, making her blush and laugh.<</st>>
<<un>>''I have a feeling this night is just getting started,'' Daniel said, his voice thick with promise.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia leaned in, her lips inches from theirs. ''I hope you're right.''<</mia>>
<<un>>''Let's take this somewhere more private,'' Alex suggested, his voice husky.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. ''Lead the way.''<</mia>>
<<st>>They made their way back to Daniel’s suite, the anticipation building with every step. As they rode up to the suite, the air between them crackled with electricity. The moment the doors closed behind them, they were in each other’s arms again, the passion between them igniting like a flame.<</st>>
<<st>>That night, Mia experienced the thrill she had been seeking, the kind of adventure that only a place like the casino could provide. And as the night wore on, she realized that sometimes, taking a chance could lead to the most unexpected and exhilarating experiences.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gangBang)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gangBang/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<button [[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>У тебя не осталось сил ни на что, тебе поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<if $casino_event_counter==0>>
<<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $casino_event_counter+=1>>
<<st>>Мия вошла в казино. Приглушенный свет и негромкий шум разговоров создавали в воздухе ощущение волнения. Она выглядела великолепно и уверенно в своем наряде, облегающем её формы. Окинув взглядом зал, она заметила стол для игры в покер с высокими ставками, за которым сидела группа хорошо одетых мужчин, полностью вовлеченных в игру.<</st>>
<<st>>Среди мужчин один привлек её внимание. Он выглядел старше, возможно, лет сорока, с волевым подбородком и непринужденной элегантностью. На нем был хорошо сидящий костюм и толстые золотые часы, которые поблескивали на запястье, когда он с легкостью тасовал фишки.<</st>>
<<st>>Миа направилась к бару, стратегически правильно расположившись так, чтобы он её заметил. Она заказала напиток, её движения были изящными и продуманными, и вскоре она почувствовала на себе его взгляд. Она слегка повернулась, встретив его взгляд с жеманной улыбкой.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Похоже, у вас хорошая ночь'', - сказала она, её голос был ровным и манящим.<</mia>>
<<un>>Мужчина улыбнулся в ответ, заинтересовавшись. ''Она только что стала лучше'', - ответил он, его голос был глубоким и богатым. ''Как вас зовут?'<</un>>
<<mia>>''Миа, - ответила она, протягивая руку. ''А вас?''<</mia>>
<<un>>''Ричард'', - сказал он, взяв её руку и прикоснувшись к ней губами. ''Что привело вас сегодня в казино, Миа?''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Просто хочу немного развлечься'', - ответила она с игривым блеском в глазах. ''И, возможно, хорошей компании''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Ричард захихикал, явно заинтригованный. Не хотите ли присоединиться ко мне за столом?''<</un>>
<<mia>>Мия кивнула, её сердце заколотилось от предвкушения. ''С удовольствием''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Он выдвинул для неё стул, и она села, предвкушая предстоящую ночь. Они сыграли несколько партий, и Миа быстро поняла, что Ричард не только богат, но и невероятно умен и сексуален.<</st>>
<<st>>Они обменивались кокетливыми взглядами и остроумным подшучиванием, и химия между ними была неоспоримой. В какой-то момент Ричард наклонился к ней вплотную, его дыхание согрело её ухо.<</st>>
<<un>>''Как насчет того, чтобы сделать эту игру немного интереснее?'' - прошептал он.<</un>>
<<mia>>Мия подняла бровь, заинтригованная. ''Что ты имеешь в виду?''<</mia>>
<<un>>''Если я выиграю эту партию, мы пойдем в мою комнату'', - предложил он, его глаза озорно блестели.<</un>>
<<mia>>''А если я выиграю?'' - возразила она, на её губах играла ухмылка.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Тогда ты сама решишь, что будет дальше'', - сказал он, его голос звучал низко и навязчиво.<</un>>
<<mia>>Мия почувствовала, как по позвоночнику пробежала дрожь возбуждения. ''Договорились'', - согласилась она, её сердце колотилось от волнения, вызванного игрой и обещанием того, что может произойти дальше.<</mia>>
<<un>>Игра продолжалась, и напряжение между ними росло с каждой сдачей. Наконец Ричард с триумфальной ухмылкой сложил карты. ''Похоже, сегодня ты уходишь со мной'', - сказал он.<</un>>
<<mia>>Миа рассмеялась, чувствуя себя одновременно взволнованной и заинтригованной. ''Наверное, да''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Когда они встали из-за стола, Ричард предложил ей свою руку. ''Пойдем?''<</un>>
<<st>>Мия взяла его за руку, и её сердце бешено забилось, когда они вместе вышли из казино. Ей не терпелось узнать, что ждет их в этот вечер.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<button [[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $casino_event_counter==1>>
<<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $casino_event_counter+=1>>
<<st>>Мия планировала провести вечер в казино. Дойдя до шумного казино, Миа с замиранием сердца поняла, что забыла взять с собой деньги. Ей не хотелось проделывать весь путь до дома и рисковать потерять свой энтузиазм, поэтому она решила проявить изобретательность. Заметив мужчину со стопкой фишек по 500 долларов, она решила немного развлечься и ''позаимствовать'' одну из его фишек.<</st>>
<<st>>Действуя импульсивно, она подошла к нему, её сердце колотилось. Когда мужчина повернулся, чтобы заказать напиток, Миа ловко стащила фишку из его стопки. Когда она почти ушла, на её запястье сомкнулась рука.<</st>>
<<un>>''Привет,'' - сказал мужчина с игривой улыбкой на губах. ''Кажется, это моё''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Щеки Мии вспыхнули от смущения. ''О, мне так жаль. Должно быть, я схватила его по ошибке'', - сказала она, сверкнув своей самой очаровательной улыбкой.<</mia>>
<<un>>Он посмеялся, явно не сердясь, а забавляясь. ''Не беспокойся. У тебя есть мужество. Мне это нравится. Как тебя зовут?''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Миа'', - ответила она, чувствуя облегчение и волнение.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Ну, Миа, - сказал он, наклоняясь ближе, - как насчет того, чтобы сыграть со мной? Я оставлю тебе фишку, если ты пообещаешь не убегать с ней''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Она улыбнулась, её пульс участился. ''Договорились''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Они сели вместе и, играя, обменивались кокетливыми фразами. Мужчина, которого, как она узнала, звали Алекс, казалось, был искренне восхищен её смелостью.<</st>>
<<un>>Ночь продолжалась, украденная фишка была давно забыта, они смеялись и разговаривали так, словно знали друг друга много лет. Алекс наклонился к ней, его глаза блестели. ''Знаешь, я думаю, ты должна мне ужин за этот маленький трюк''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Миа усмехнулась. ''Думаю, да. Как насчет того, чтобы угостить меня ужином, и мы будем считать, что мы в расчете?''<</mia>>
<<un>>Алекс рассмеялся и кивнул. ''Договорились''.<</un>>
<<un>>Он наклонился ближе, его дыхание согрело её ухо. ''Но знаешь, я тут подумал... может, ужин превратится во что-то более интересное''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Пульс Мии участился от его слов. ''О? И что же это может быть?'' - спросила она низким, дразнящим голосом.<</mia>>
<<un>>Рука Алекса коснулась её бедра под столом, вызвав дрожь по позвоночнику. ''Думаю, ты знаешь, - пробормотал он, его глаза потемнели от желания.<</un>>
<<mia>>Миа прикусила губу и наклонилась, чтобы прошептать ему на ухо. ''Зачем ждать ужина? Ты можешь снять номер наверху''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Улыбка Алекса расширилась, его рука скользнула вверх по её бедру. ''С удовольствием'', - сказал он, в его голосе прозвучало хриплое обещание.<</un>>
<<st>>Они встали, оставив пол казино позади, и направились к номеру, их тела гудели от предвкушения.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<button [[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $casino_event_counter==2>>
<<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $casino_event_counter+=1>>
<<st>>Мия вошла в казино, ее одежда облегала ее изгибы и привлекала внимание каждого, кто проходил мимо. Она собиралась провести ночь в атмосфере азарта и гламура, решив оторваться по полной и получить удовольствие. Когда она двинулась через шумный зал, мигающие огни и звук вращающихся колес рулетки заполнили все ее чувства, заставляя сердце биться в предвкушении.<</st>>
<<st>>Она направилась к бару, где заказала мартини, наслаждаясь прохладным, хрустящим вкусом и осматривая зал. Ее взгляд остановился на высоком красивом мужчине, стоявшем за соседним покерным столом. У него были темные, зачесанные назад волосы и уверенная утонченность.<</st>>
<<st>>Заинтригованная, Мия решила подойти. Она подошла к столу, делая вид, что заинтересована игрой. Мужчина заметил её сразу же, его глаза с одобрительной улыбкой скользнули по ней.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Не возражаете, если я присоединюсь?'' спросила Миа, ее голос был знойным.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Вовсе нет'', - ответил он, его улыбка стала шире. ''Я Дэниел''.<</un>>
<<mia>>''Миа'', - сказала она, протягивая руку. Он взял ее, его хватка была крепкой и теплой.<</mia>>
<<st>>Они сыграли несколько партий вместе, и с появлением Дэниела удача, казалось, повернулась к Миа лицом. Они обменивались игривыми шутками, и напряжение между ними становилось все более ощутимым. После особенно удачного выигрыша Дэниел наклонился к ней вплотную, его дыхание согрело ее ухо.<</st>>
<<un>>''Как насчет того, чтобы немного поднять ставки?'' - пробормотал он.<</un>>
<<mia>>Сердце Мии учащенно забилось. ''Что ты имеешь в виду?''<</mia>>
<<un>>''Давай прогуляемся'', - предложил он, его глаза озорно блестели.<</un>>
<<st>>Они вышли из-за стола и направились через казино, в воздухе витало предвкушение. Дэниел привел ее в приватную комнату отдыха, уединенное место вдали от шумной толпы. Они заказали бутылку шампанского и устроились на мягком диване, интимность обстановки усиливала напряжение между ними.<</st>>
<<un>>''Итак, Миа, - начал Дэниел, его голос был низким и ровным. ''Что привело тебя сюда сегодня вечером?''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Просто ищу приключений'', - ответила она, ее глаза сверкали. ''И, возможно, немного удачи''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Дэниел усмехнулся, его взгляд задержался на ее губах. ''Думаю, вы нашли и то, и другое''.<</un>>
<<st>>Пока они потягивали шампанское, беседа текла легко. Они говорили о своей жизни, мечтах и любимых способах расслабиться. Чем больше они говорили, тем сильнее Миа чувствовала влечение к Дэниелу. В его уверенности и обаянии было что-то такое, что заставляло ее чувствовать себя живой.<</st>>
<<st>>Их флирт становился все смелее, а прикосновения - все более продолжительными. В какой-то момент Дэниел убрал с лица Мии прядь волос и провел пальцами по ее щеке. От этого прикосновения по ее позвоночнику пробежала дрожь.<</st>>
<<st>>В этот момент дверь в гостиную открылась, и вошел второй мужчина. У него была очаровательная мальчишеская улыбка и блеск в глазах.<</st>>
<<un>>''Алекс, ты пришёл'', - сказал Дэниел, его голос был теплым.<</un>>
<<un>>''Не мог пропустить веселье'', - ответил Алекс, его глаза остановились на Мии. ''Как зовут твою прекрасную подругу?''<</un>>
<<un>>''Это Миа'', - представил Дэниел. ''Миа, это Алекс''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Приятно познакомиться'', - сказала Миа, протягивая руку.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Мне очень приятно'', - сказал Алекс, взяв ее руку и слегка поцеловав.<</un>>
<<st>>Они продолжили разговор, теперь к нему добавился Алекс. Его игривые шутки и кокетливые комментарии заставляли Мию смеяться и краснеть. Динамика между ними была напряженной, каждый момент был более насыщенным, чем предыдущий.<</st>>
<<st>>По мере того как они потягивали шампанское, прикосновения между ними становились все более интимными. В какой-то момент Алекс наклонился и прошептал Мии на ухо что-то озорное, заставив ее покраснеть и рассмеяться.<</st>>
<<un>>''У меня такое чувство, что эта ночь только начинается'', - сказал Дэниел, в его голосе звучали обещания.<</un>>
<<mia>>Миа наклонилась, ее губы оказались в нескольких сантиметрах от их губ. ''Надеюсь, ты прав.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Давай уединимся где-нибудь в более укромном месте'', - предложил Алекс, его голос был хриплым.<</un>>
<<mia>>Миа кивнула, на ее губах играла озорная улыбка. ''Веди''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Они направились к номеру Дэниела, предвкушая удовольствие с каждым шагом. Когда они подъехали к номеру, воздух между ними затрещал от напряжения. Как только за ними закрылись двери, они снова оказались в объятиях друг друга, и страсть между ними разгорелась как пламя.<</st>>
<<st>>Этой ночью Миа испытала острые ощущения, которых так долго искала, - приключение, которое может обеспечить только такое место, как казино. И по мере того как ночь продолжалась, она поняла, что иногда риск может привести к самым неожиданным и волнующим событиям.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gangBang)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gangBang/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<button [[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>>
<<set $random to random(2)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Мия вошла в казино. Приглушенный свет и негромкий шум разговоров создавали в воздухе ощущение волнения. Она выглядела великолепно и уверенно в своем наряде, облегающем её формы. Окинув взглядом зал, она заметила стол для игры в покер с высокими ставками, за которым сидела группа хорошо одетых мужчин, полностью вовлеченных в игру.<</st>>
<<st>>Среди мужчин один привлек её внимание. Он выглядел старше, возможно, лет сорока, с волевым подбородком и непринужденной элегантностью. На нем был хорошо сидящий костюм и толстые золотые часы, которые поблескивали на запястье, когда он с легкостью тасовал фишки.<</st>>
<<st>>Миа направилась к бару, стратегически правильно расположившись так, чтобы он её заметил. Она заказала напиток, её движения были изящными и продуманными, и вскоре она почувствовала на себе его взгляд. Она слегка повернулась, встретив его взгляд с жеманной улыбкой.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Похоже, у вас хорошая ночь'', - сказала она, её голос был ровным и манящим.<</mia>>
<<un>>Мужчина улыбнулся в ответ, заинтересовавшись. ''Она только что стала лучше'', - ответил он, его голос был глубоким и богатым. ''Как вас зовут?'<</un>>
<<mia>>''Миа, - ответила она, протягивая руку. ''А вас?''<</mia>>
<<un>>''Ричард'', - сказал он, взяв её руку и прикоснувшись к ней губами. ''Что привело вас сегодня в казино, Миа?''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Просто хочу немного развлечься'', - ответила она с игривым блеском в глазах. ''И, возможно, хорошей компании''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Ричард захихикал, явно заинтригованный. Не хотите ли присоединиться ко мне за столом?''<</un>>
<<mia>>Мия кивнула, её сердце заколотилось от предвкушения. ''С удовольствием''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Он выдвинул для неё стул, и она села, предвкушая предстоящую ночь. Они сыграли несколько партий, и Миа быстро поняла, что Ричард не только богат, но и невероятно умен и сексуален.<</st>>
<<st>>Они обменивались кокетливыми взглядами и остроумным подшучиванием, и химия между ними была неоспоримой. В какой-то момент Ричард наклонился к ней вплотную, его дыхание согрело её ухо.<</st>>
<<un>>''Как насчет того, чтобы сделать эту игру немного интереснее?'' - прошептал он.<</un>>
<<mia>>Мия подняла бровь, заинтригованная. ''Что ты имеешь в виду?''<</mia>>
<<un>>''Если я выиграю эту партию, мы пойдем в мою комнату'', - предложил он, его глаза озорно блестели.<</un>>
<<mia>>''А если я выиграю?'' - возразила она, на её губах играла ухмылка.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Тогда ты сама решишь, что будет дальше'', - сказал он, его голос звучал низко и навязчиво.<</un>>
<<mia>>Мия почувствовала, как по позвоночнику пробежала дрожь возбуждения. ''Договорились'', - согласилась она, её сердце колотилось от волнения, вызванного игрой и обещанием того, что может произойти дальше.<</mia>>
<<un>>Игра продолжалась, и напряжение между ними росло с каждой сдачей. Наконец Ричард с триумфальной ухмылкой сложил карты. ''Похоже, сегодня ты уходишь со мной'', - сказал он.<</un>>
<<mia>>Миа рассмеялась, чувствуя себя одновременно взволнованной и заинтригованной. ''Наверное, да''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Когда они встали из-за стола, Ричард предложил ей свою руку. ''Пойдем?''<</un>>
<<st>>Мия взяла его за руку, и её сердце бешено забилось, когда они вместе вышли из казино. Ей не терпелось узнать, что ждет их в этот вечер.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Мия планировала провести вечер в казино. Дойдя до шумного казино, Миа с замиранием сердца поняла, что забыла взять с собой деньги. Ей не хотелось проделывать весь путь до дома и рисковать потерять свой энтузиазм, поэтому она решила проявить изобретательность. Заметив мужчину со стопкой фишек по 500 долларов, она решила немного развлечься и ''позаимствовать'' одну из его фишек.<</st>>
<<st>>Действуя импульсивно, она подошла к нему, её сердце колотилось. Когда мужчина повернулся, чтобы заказать напиток, Миа ловко стащила фишку из его стопки. Когда она почти ушла, на её запястье сомкнулась рука.<</st>>
<<un>>''Привет,'' - сказал мужчина с игривой улыбкой на губах. ''Кажется, это моё''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Щеки Мии вспыхнули от смущения. ''О, мне так жаль. Должно быть, я схватила его по ошибке'', - сказала она, сверкнув своей самой очаровательной улыбкой.<</mia>>
<<un>>Он посмеялся, явно не сердясь, а забавляясь. ''Не беспокойся. У тебя есть мужество. Мне это нравится. Как тебя зовут?''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Миа'', - ответила она, чувствуя облегчение и волнение.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Ну, Миа, - сказал он, наклоняясь ближе, - как насчет того, чтобы сыграть со мной? Я оставлю тебе фишку, если ты пообещаешь не убегать с ней''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Она улыбнулась, её пульс участился. ''Договорились''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Они сели вместе и, играя, обменивались кокетливыми фразами. Мужчина, которого, как она узнала, звали Алекс, казалось, был искренне восхищен её смелостью.<</st>>
<<un>>Ночь продолжалась, украденная фишка была давно забыта, они смеялись и разговаривали так, словно знали друг друга много лет. Алекс наклонился к ней, его глаза блестели. ''Знаешь, я думаю, ты должна мне ужин за этот маленький трюк''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Миа усмехнулась. ''Думаю, да. Как насчет того, чтобы угостить меня ужином, и мы будем считать, что мы в расчете?''<</mia>>
<<un>>Алекс рассмеялся и кивнул. ''Договорились''.<</un>>
<<un>>Он наклонился ближе, его дыхание согрело её ухо. ''Но знаешь, я тут подумал... может, ужин превратится во что-то более интересное''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Пульс Мии участился от его слов. ''О? И что же это может быть?'' - спросила она низким, дразнящим голосом.<</mia>>
<<un>>Рука Алекса коснулась её бедра под столом, вызвав дрожь по позвоночнику. ''Думаю, ты знаешь, - пробормотал он, его глаза потемнели от желания.<</un>>
<<mia>>Миа прикусила губу и наклонилась, чтобы прошептать ему на ухо. ''Зачем ждать ужина? Ты можешь снять номер наверху''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Улыбка Алекса расширилась, его рука скользнула вверх по её бедру. ''С удовольствием'', - сказал он, в его голосе прозвучало хриплое обещание.<</un>>
<<st>>Они встали, оставив пол казино позади, и направились к номеру, их тела гудели от предвкушения.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Мия вошла в казино, ее одежда облегала ее изгибы и привлекала внимание каждого, кто проходил мимо. Она собиралась провести ночь в атмосфере азарта и гламура, решив оторваться по полной и получить удовольствие. Когда она двинулась через шумный зал, мигающие огни и звук вращающихся колес рулетки заполнили все ее чувства, заставляя сердце биться в предвкушении.<</st>>
<<st>>Она направилась к бару, где заказала мартини, наслаждаясь прохладным, хрустящим вкусом и осматривая зал. Ее взгляд остановился на высоком красивом мужчине, стоявшем за соседним покерным столом. У него были темные, зачесанные назад волосы и уверенная утонченность.<</st>>
<<st>>Заинтригованная, Мия решила подойти. Она подошла к столу, делая вид, что заинтересована игрой. Мужчина заметил её сразу же, его глаза с одобрительной улыбкой скользнули по ней.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Не возражаете, если я присоединюсь?'' спросила Миа, ее голос был знойным.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Вовсе нет'', - ответил он, его улыбка стала шире. ''Я Дэниел''.<</un>>
<<mia>>''Миа'', - сказала она, протягивая руку. Он взял ее, его хватка была крепкой и теплой.<</mia>>
<<st>>Они сыграли несколько партий вместе, и с появлением Дэниела удача, казалось, повернулась к Миа лицом. Они обменивались игривыми шутками, и напряжение между ними становилось все более ощутимым. После особенно удачного выигрыша Дэниел наклонился к ней вплотную, его дыхание согрело ее ухо.<</st>>
<<un>>''Как насчет того, чтобы немного поднять ставки?'' - пробормотал он.<</un>>
<<mia>>Сердце Мии учащенно забилось. ''Что ты имеешь в виду?''<</mia>>
<<un>>''Давай прогуляемся'', - предложил он, его глаза озорно блестели.<</un>>
<<st>>Они вышли из-за стола и направились через казино, в воздухе витало предвкушение. Дэниел привел ее в приватную комнату отдыха, уединенное место вдали от шумной толпы. Они заказали бутылку шампанского и устроились на мягком диване, интимность обстановки усиливала напряжение между ними.<</st>>
<<un>>''Итак, Миа, - начал Дэниел, его голос был низким и ровным. ''Что привело тебя сюда сегодня вечером?''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Просто ищу приключений'', - ответила она, ее глаза сверкали. ''И, возможно, немного удачи''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Дэниел усмехнулся, его взгляд задержался на ее губах. ''Думаю, вы нашли и то, и другое''.<</un>>
<<st>>Пока они потягивали шампанское, беседа текла легко. Они говорили о своей жизни, мечтах и любимых способах расслабиться. Чем больше они говорили, тем сильнее Миа чувствовала влечение к Дэниелу. В его уверенности и обаянии было что-то такое, что заставляло ее чувствовать себя живой.<</st>>
<<st>>Их флирт становился все смелее, а прикосновения - все более продолжительными. В какой-то момент Дэниел убрал с лица Мии прядь волос и провел пальцами по ее щеке. От этого прикосновения по ее позвоночнику пробежала дрожь.<</st>>
<<st>>В этот момент дверь в гостиную открылась, и вошел второй мужчина. У него была очаровательная мальчишеская улыбка и блеск в глазах.<</st>>
<<un>>''Алекс, ты пришёл'', - сказал Дэниел, его голос был теплым.<</un>>
<<un>>''Не мог пропустить веселье'', - ответил Алекс, его глаза остановились на Мии. ''Как зовут твою прекрасную подругу?''<</un>>
<<un>>''Это Миа'', - представил Дэниел. ''Миа, это Алекс''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Приятно познакомиться'', - сказала Миа, протягивая руку.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Мне очень приятно'', - сказал Алекс, взяв ее руку и слегка поцеловав.<</un>>
<<st>>Они продолжили разговор, теперь к нему добавился Алекс. Его игривые шутки и кокетливые комментарии заставляли Мию смеяться и краснеть. Динамика между ними была напряженной, каждый момент был более насыщенным, чем предыдущий.<</st>>
<<st>>По мере того как они потягивали шампанское, прикосновения между ними становились все более интимными. В какой-то момент Алекс наклонился и прошептал Мии на ухо что-то озорное, заставив ее покраснеть и рассмеяться.<</st>>
<<un>>''У меня такое чувство, что эта ночь только начинается'', - сказал Дэниел, в его голосе звучали обещания.<</un>>
<<mia>>Миа наклонилась, ее губы оказались в нескольких сантиметрах от их губ. ''Надеюсь, ты прав.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Давай уединимся где-нибудь в более укромном месте'', - предложил Алекс, его голос был хриплым.<</un>>
<<mia>>Миа кивнула, на ее губах играла озорная улыбка. ''Веди''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Они направились к номеру Дэниела, предвкушая удовольствие с каждым шагом. Когда они подъехали к номеру, воздух между ними затрещал от напряжения. Как только за ними закрылись двери, они снова оказались в объятиях друг друга, и страсть между ними разгорелась как пламя.<</st>>
<<st>>Этой ночью Миа испытала острые ощущения, которых так долго искала, - приключение, которое может обеспечить только такое место, как казино. И по мере того как ночь продолжалась, она поняла, что иногда риск может привести к самым неожиданным и волнующим событиям.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gangBang)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gangBang/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<button [[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Dir geht die Energie aus, eine gute und solide Schlaf wird dir helfen.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<if $casino_event_counter==0>>
<<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $casino_event_counter+=1>>
<<st>>Mia betrat das Casino. Die gedämpften Lichter und das leise Gemurmel der Leute sorgten für eine aufregende Atmosphäre. Sie sah umwerfend und selbstbewusst in ihrem Outfit aus, das ihre Kurven betonte. Ihre Augen erfassten den High-Stakes-Pokertisch, an dem eine Gruppe elegant gekleideter Männer völlig in ihr Spiel vertieft war, während sie sich im Raum umsah.<</st>>
<<st>>Unter den Männern fiel ihr einer besonders auf. Er schien älter zu sein, vielleicht Ende vierzig, mit einem markanten Kinn und einer lässig eleganten Ausstrahlung. Er trug einen gut sitzenden Anzug und eine dicke goldene Uhr, die an seinem Handgelenk funkelte, während er seine Chips mühelos mischte.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia ging zur Bar und positionierte sich strategisch so, dass er sie bemerken würde. Sie bestellte ein Getränk, ihre Bewegungen anmutig und bewusst, und schon bald spürte sie seinen Blick auf sich. Sie drehte sich leicht, traf seine Augen mit einem koketten Lächeln.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Sieht so aus, als hättest du eine gute Nacht,'' sagte sie, ihre Stimme glatt und einladend.<</mia>>
<<un>>Der Mann lächelte zurück, sein Interesse geweckt. ''Sie ist gerade besser geworden,'' antwortete er mit tiefer, voller Stimme. ''Wie heißt du?''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Mia,'' antwortete sie und streckte ihre Hand aus. ''Und du?''<</mia>>
<<un>>''Richard,'' sagte er, nahm ihre Hand und strich mit seinen Lippen darüber. ''Was bringt dich heute Abend ins Casino, Mia?''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Ich suche nur nach ein wenig Aufregung,'' sagte sie mit einem spielerischen Funkeln in den Augen. ''Und vielleicht nach guter Gesellschaft.''<</mia>>
<<un>>Richard lachte leise, offensichtlich interessiert. ''Nun, dafür bist du hier genau richtig. Möchtest du mich am Tisch begleiten?''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia nickte, ihr Herz schlug vor Aufregung. ''Sehr gerne.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Als sie zum Pokertisch gingen, legte Richard sanft eine Hand auf ihren unteren Rücken und führte sie durch die Menge. Er zog einen Stuhl für sie heraus, und sie setzte sich hin, voller Vorfreude auf die bevorstehende Nacht.<</st>>
<<st>>Sie spielten ein paar Runden, und Mia merkte schnell, dass Richard nicht nur wohlhabend, sondern auch unglaublich schlau und sexy war. Sie tauschten flirtende Blicke und witzige Bemerkungen aus, die Chemie zwischen ihnen war unverkennbar.<</st>>
<<un>>Einmal lehnte sich Richard nahe zu ihr, sein Atem warm an ihrem Ohr. ''Wie wäre es, wenn wir das Spiel ein wenig interessanter machen?'' flüsterte er.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia hob eine Augenbraue, neugierig. ''Was hast du im Sinn?''<</mia>>
<<un>>''Wenn ich diese Runde gewinne, gehen wir in mein Zimmer,'' schlug er vor, seine Augen funkelten schelmisch.<</un>>
<<mia>>''Und wenn ich gewinne?'' konterte sie mit einem spielerischen Lächeln.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Dann darfst du entscheiden, was als nächstes passiert,'' sagte er, seine Stimme tief und suggestiv.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia spürte einen Schauer der Aufregung ihren Rücken hinunterlaufen. ''Abgemacht,'' stimmte sie zu, ihr Herz raste vor Aufregung über das Spiel und das Versprechen dessen, was als nächstes kommen könnte.<</mia>>
<<un>>Das Spiel ging weiter, und die Spannung zwischen ihnen wuchs mit jeder Runde. Schließlich legte Richard mit einem triumphierenden Grinsen seine Karten nieder. ''Sieht so aus, als würdest du heute Nacht mit mir gehen,'' sagte er.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia lachte, fühlte sich sowohl aufgeregt als auch neugierig. ''Anscheinend ja.''<</mia>>
<<un>>Als sie vom Tisch aufstanden, bot Richard ihr seinen Arm an. ''Sollen wir?''<</un>>
<<st>>Mia hakte sich bei ihm unter, ihr Herz raste, als sie zusammen aus dem Casino gingen. Sie konnte es kaum erwarten zu sehen, was der Rest der Nacht für sie bereithielt.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<button [[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $casino_event_counter==1>>
<<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $casino_event_counter+=1>>
<<st>>Mia hatte eine ausschweifende Nacht im Casino geplant. Als sie das geschäftige Casino erreichte, wurde ihr mit einem mulmigen Gefühl klar, dass sie ihr Geld vergessen hatte. Sie wollte nicht den weiten Weg nach Hause gehen und riskieren, ihre Begeisterung zu verlieren, also beschloss sie, kreativ zu werden. Als sie einen Mann mit einem Stapel von $500 Chips entdeckte, entschied sie sich, etwas Spaß zu haben und einen seiner Chips auszuleihen''.<</st>>
<<st>>Aus einem Impuls heraus näherte sie sich, ihr Herz pochte. Als der Mann sich umdrehte, um ein Getränk zu bestellen, schnappte Mia geschickt einen Chip aus seinem Stapel. Sie war fast weg, als eine Hand sich um ihr Handgelenk schloss.<</st>>
<<un>>''Hey, da,'' sagte der Mann mit einem spielerischen Lächeln auf den Lippen. ''Ich glaube, das gehört mir.''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mias Wangen röteten sich vor Verlegenheit. ''Oh, es tut mir so leid. Ich muss es aus Versehen genommen haben,'' sagte sie und zeigte ihr charmantestes Lächeln.<</mia>>
<<un>>Er lachte, offensichtlich mehr amüsiert als verärgert. ''Kein Problem. Du hast Mut. Das gefällt mir. Wie heißt du?''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Mia,'' antwortete sie, fühlte sich gleichzeitig erleichtert und aufgeregt.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Nun, Mia,'' sagte er und lehnte sich näher, ''Wie wäre es, wenn du dich zu mir an den Tisch setzt? Ich gebe dir den Chip, wenn du versprichst, nicht damit abzuhauen.''<</un>>
<<mia>>Sie lächelte, ihr Puls beschleunigte sich. ''Abgemacht.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Sie setzten sich zusammen, und während sie spielten, tauschten sie flirtende Bemerkungen aus. Der Mann, dessen Name sie erfuhr, war Alex, schien von ihrer Kühnheit wirklich angetan zu sein.<</st>>
<<un>>Im Laufe der Nacht, der gestohlene Chip längst vergessen, lachten und redeten sie, als würden sie sich seit Jahren kennen. Alex lehnte sich vor, seine Augen funkelten. ''Weißt du, ich denke, du schuldest mir ein Abendessen für diese kleine Aktion.''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia grinste. ''Ich nehme an, das tue ich. Wie wäre es, wenn du mir das Abendessen kaufst, und wir sind quitt?''<</mia>>
<<un>>Alex lachte und nickte. ''Abgemacht.''<</un>>
<<un>>Er lehnte sich näher, sein Atem warm an ihrem Ohr. ''Aber weißt du, ich dachte... vielleicht könnte das Abendessen zu etwas Interessanterem werden.''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mias Puls beschleunigte sich bei seinen Worten. ''Oh? Und was könnte das sein?'' fragte sie, ihre Stimme leise und neckend.<</mia>>
<<un>>Alex' Hand strich unter dem Tisch an ihrem Oberschenkel entlang und schickte einen Schauer ihren Rücken hinunter. ''Ich glaube, du weißt es,'' murmelte er, seine Augen verdunkelten sich vor Verlangen.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia biss sich auf die Lippe und flüsterte ihm ins Ohr. ''Warum auf das Abendessen warten? Du kannst eine Suite oben mieten.''<</mia>>
<<un>>Alex' Lächeln wurde breiter, seine Hand glitt höher an ihrem Oberschenkel. ''Das würde ich lieben,'' sagte er mit einer heiseren Stimme.<</un>>
<<st>>Sie standen auf und ließen die Casino-Etage hinter sich, als sie zur Suite gingen, ihre Körper vor Erwartung prickelnd.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<button [[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $casino_event_counter==2>>
<<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $casino_event_counter+=1>>
<<st>>Mia schlenderte ins Casino, ihre Kleidung schmiegte sich an ihre Kurven und zog die Blicke aller Anwesenden auf sich. Sie war hier für eine Nacht voller Aufregung und Glamour, entschlossen, loszulassen und sich zu amüsieren. Als sie sich durch den geschäftigen Raum bewegte, erfüllten die blinkenden Lichter und das Geräusch der drehenden Rouletteräder ihre Sinne und ließen ihr Herz vor Aufregung rasen.<</st>>
<<st>>Sie ging zur Bar und bestellte einen Martini, genoss den kühlen, frischen Geschmack, während sie den Raum absuchte. Ihr Blick fiel auf einen großen, gut aussehenden Mann an einem nahegelegenen Pokertisch. Er hatte dunkles, zurückgegeltes Haar und eine selbstbewusste, elegante Ausstrahlung.<</st>>
<<st>>Neugierig entschied sich Mia, ihn anzusprechen. Sie schlich sich an den Tisch und tat so, als wäre sie am Spiel interessiert. Der Mann bemerkte sie sofort, seine Augen wanderten mit einem anerkennenden Lächeln zu ihr hinüber.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Darf ich mitspielen?'' fragte Mia mit verführerischer Stimme.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Kein Problem,'' antwortete er mit einem breiten Lächeln. ''Ich bin Daniel.''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Mia,'' sagte sie und streckte ihm die Hand entgegen. Er ergriff sie, sein Griff war fest und warm.<</mia>>
<<st>>Sie spielten ein paar Runden zusammen, und Mias Glück schien sich mit Daniels Anwesenheit zu wenden. Sie tauschten spielerische Bemerkungen aus, und die Spannung zwischen ihnen wurde spürbar. Nach einem besonders glücklichen Gewinn lehnte sich Daniel nah zu ihr, sein Atem warm an ihrem Ohr.<</st>>
<<un>>''Wie wäre es, wenn wir den Einsatz ein wenig erhöhen?'' murmelte er.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mias Herz setzte einen Schlag aus. ''Was hast du im Sinn?''<</mia>>
<<un>>''Lass uns einen Spaziergang machen,'' schlug er vor, seine Augen funkelten schelmisch.<</un>>
<<st>>Sie verließen den Tisch und gingen durch das Casino, die Luft war voller Erwartung. Daniel führte sie in eine private Lounge, einen abgelegenen Raum abseits der belebten Menge. Sie bestellten eine Flasche Champagner und ließen sich auf einem weichen Sofa nieder, die Intimität des Rahmens verstärkte die Spannung zwischen ihnen.<</st>>
<<un>>''Also, Mia,'' begann Daniel, seine Stimme tief und sanft. ''Was führt dich heute Abend hierher?''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Ich suche nur nach ein bisschen Abenteuer,'' antwortete sie, ihre Augen funkelten. ''Und vielleicht ein wenig Glück.''<</mia>>
<<un>>Daniel lachte, sein Blick verweilte auf ihren Lippen. ''Ich glaube, du hast beides gefunden.''<</un>>
<<st>>Während sie ihren Champagner schlürften, floss das Gespräch leicht. Sie sprachen über ihr Leben, ihre Träume und ihre liebsten Wege, sich zu entspannen. Je mehr sie sprachen, desto mehr fühlte sich Mia zu Daniel hingezogen. Es war etwas an seiner Selbstsicherheit und seinem Charme, das sie lebendig fühlen ließ.<</st>>
<<st>>Ihr Flirt wurde kühner, die Berührungen länger. Einmal strich Daniel eine lose Haarsträhne aus Mias Gesicht, seine Finger streiften ihre Wange. Der Kontakt jagte ihr einen Schauer über den Rücken.<</st>>
<<st>>Da öffnete sich die Tür zur Lounge, und ein zweiter Mann trat ein. Er hatte ein charmantes jungenhaftes Grinsen und ein Funkeln in den Augen.<</st>>
<<un>>''Alex, du hast es geschafft,'' sagte Daniel warm.<</un>>
<<un>>''Wollte das Vergnügen nicht verpassen,'' antwortete Alex und fixierte Mia mit seinem Blick. ''Wer ist deine reizende Begleitung?''<</un>>
<<un>>''Das ist Mia,'' stellte Daniel vor. ''Mia, das ist Alex.''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Freut mich,'' sagte Mia und streckte ihm die Hand entgegen.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Die Freude ist ganz meinerseits,'' sagte Alex und drückte einen leichten Kuss auf ihre Hand.<</un>>
<<st>>Sie setzten das Gespräch fort, jetzt mit Alex in der Runde. Seine spielerischen Bemerkungen und flirtenden Kommentare brachten Mia zum Lachen und erröten. Die Dynamik zwischen den Dreien war elektrisierend, jeder Moment war spannungsgeladener als der letzte.<</st>>
<<st>>Während sie ihren Champagner schlürften, wurden die Berührungen zwischen ihnen intimer. Einmal lehnte sich Alex vor und flüsterte etwas Anzügliches in Mias Ohr, was sie erröten und lachen ließ.<</st>>
<<un>>''Ich habe das Gefühl, dass diese Nacht gerade erst beginnt,'' sagte Daniel, seine Stimme war schwer vor Versprechen.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia lehnte sich vor, ihre Lippen nur wenige Zentimeter von ihren entfernt. ''Ich hoffe, du hast recht.''<</mia>>
<<un>>''Lass uns das an einen privateren Ort verlegen,'' schlug Alex mit heiserer Stimme vor.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia nickte, ein schelmisches Lächeln spielte auf ihren Lippen. ''Führ uns.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Sie machten sich auf den Weg zurück zu Daniels Suite, die Spannung wuchs mit jedem Schritt. Als sie zur Suite hochfuhren, knisterte die Luft zwischen ihnen vor Elektrizität. In dem Moment, als sich die Türen hinter ihnen schlossen, waren sie wieder in den Armen des anderen, die Leidenschaft zwischen ihnen entflammte wie ein Feuer.<</st>>
<<st>>In dieser Nacht erlebte Mia den Nervenkitzel, nach dem sie gesucht hatte, die Art von Abenteuer, die nur ein Ort wie das Casino bieten konnte. Und als die Nacht voranschritt, erkannte sie, dass manchmal ein Risiko zu den unerwartetsten und aufregendsten Erfahrungen führen konnte.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gangBang)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gangBang/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<button [[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>>
<<set $random to random(2)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Mia betrat das Casino. Die gedämpften Lichter und das leise Gemurmel der Leute sorgten für eine aufregende Atmosphäre. Sie sah umwerfend und selbstbewusst in ihrem Outfit aus, das ihre Kurven betonte. Ihre Augen erfassten den High-Stakes-Pokertisch, an dem eine Gruppe elegant gekleideter Männer völlig in ihr Spiel vertieft war, während sie sich im Raum umsah.<</st>>
<<st>>Unter den Männern fiel ihr einer besonders auf. Er schien älter zu sein, vielleicht Ende vierzig, mit einem markanten Kinn und einer lässig eleganten Ausstrahlung. Er trug einen gut sitzenden Anzug und eine dicke goldene Uhr, die an seinem Handgelenk funkelte, während er seine Chips mühelos mischte.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia ging zur Bar und positionierte sich strategisch so, dass er sie bemerken würde. Sie bestellte ein Getränk, ihre Bewegungen anmutig und bewusst, und schon bald spürte sie seinen Blick auf sich. Sie drehte sich leicht, traf seine Augen mit einem koketten Lächeln.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Sieht so aus, als hättest du eine gute Nacht,'' sagte sie, ihre Stimme glatt und einladend.<</mia>>
<<un>>Der Mann lächelte zurück, sein Interesse geweckt. ''Sie ist gerade besser geworden,'' antwortete er mit tiefer, voller Stimme. ''Wie heißt du?''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Mia,'' antwortete sie und streckte ihre Hand aus. ''Und du?''<</mia>>
<<un>>''Richard,'' sagte er, nahm ihre Hand und strich mit seinen Lippen darüber. ''Was bringt dich heute Abend ins Casino, Mia?''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Ich suche nur nach ein wenig Aufregung,'' sagte sie mit einem spielerischen Funkeln in den Augen. ''Und vielleicht nach guter Gesellschaft.''<</mia>>
<<un>>Richard lachte leise, offensichtlich interessiert. ''Nun, dafür bist du hier genau richtig. Möchtest du mich am Tisch begleiten?''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia nickte, ihr Herz schlug vor Aufregung. ''Sehr gerne.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Als sie zum Pokertisch gingen, legte Richard sanft eine Hand auf ihren unteren Rücken und führte sie durch die Menge. Er zog einen Stuhl für sie heraus, und sie setzte sich hin, voller Vorfreude auf die bevorstehende Nacht.<</st>>
<<st>>Sie spielten ein paar Runden, und Mia merkte schnell, dass Richard nicht nur wohlhabend, sondern auch unglaublich schlau und sexy war. Sie tauschten flirtende Blicke und witzige Bemerkungen aus, die Chemie zwischen ihnen war unverkennbar.<</st>>
<<un>>Einmal lehnte sich Richard nahe zu ihr, sein Atem warm an ihrem Ohr. ''Wie wäre es, wenn wir das Spiel ein wenig interessanter machen?'' flüsterte er.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia hob eine Augenbraue, neugierig. ''Was hast du im Sinn?''<</mia>>
<<un>>''Wenn ich diese Runde gewinne, gehen wir in mein Zimmer,'' schlug er vor, seine Augen funkelten schelmisch.<</un>>
<<mia>>''Und wenn ich gewinne?'' konterte sie mit einem spielerischen Lächeln.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Dann darfst du entscheiden, was als nächstes passiert,'' sagte er, seine Stimme tief und suggestiv.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia spürte einen Schauer der Aufregung ihren Rücken hinunterlaufen. ''Abgemacht,'' stimmte sie zu, ihr Herz raste vor Aufregung über das Spiel und das Versprechen dessen, was als nächstes kommen könnte.<</mia>>
<<un>>Das Spiel ging weiter, und die Spannung zwischen ihnen wuchs mit jeder Runde. Schließlich legte Richard mit einem triumphierenden Grinsen seine Karten nieder. ''Sieht so aus, als würdest du heute Nacht mit mir gehen,'' sagte er.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia lachte, fühlte sich sowohl aufgeregt als auch neugierig. ''Anscheinend ja.''<</mia>>
<<un>>Als sie vom Tisch aufstanden, bot Richard ihr seinen Arm an. ''Sollen wir?''<</un>>
<<st>>Mia hakte sich bei ihm unter, ihr Herz raste, als sie zusammen aus dem Casino gingen. Sie konnte es kaum erwarten zu sehen, was der Rest der Nacht für sie bereithielt.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia hatte eine ausschweifende Nacht im Casino geplant. Als sie das geschäftige Casino erreichte, wurde ihr mit einem mulmigen Gefühl klar, dass sie ihr Geld vergessen hatte. Sie wollte nicht den weiten Weg nach Hause gehen und riskieren, ihre Begeisterung zu verlieren, also beschloss sie, kreativ zu werden. Als sie einen Mann mit einem Stapel von $500 Chips entdeckte, entschied sie sich, etwas Spaß zu haben und einen seiner Chips auszuleihen''.<</st>>
<<st>>Aus einem Impuls heraus näherte sie sich, ihr Herz pochte. Als der Mann sich umdrehte, um ein Getränk zu bestellen, schnappte Mia geschickt einen Chip aus seinem Stapel. Sie war fast weg, als eine Hand sich um ihr Handgelenk schloss.<</st>>
<<un>>''Hey, da,'' sagte der Mann mit einem spielerischen Lächeln auf den Lippen. ''Ich glaube, das gehört mir.''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mias Wangen röteten sich vor Verlegenheit. ''Oh, es tut mir so leid. Ich muss es aus Versehen genommen haben,'' sagte sie und zeigte ihr charmantestes Lächeln.<</mia>>
<<un>>Er lachte, offensichtlich mehr amüsiert als verärgert. ''Kein Problem. Du hast Mut. Das gefällt mir. Wie heißt du?''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Mia,'' antwortete sie, fühlte sich gleichzeitig erleichtert und aufgeregt.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Nun, Mia,'' sagte er und lehnte sich näher, ''Wie wäre es, wenn du dich zu mir an den Tisch setzt? Ich gebe dir den Chip, wenn du versprichst, nicht damit abzuhauen.''<</un>>
<<mia>>Sie lächelte, ihr Puls beschleunigte sich. ''Abgemacht.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Sie setzten sich zusammen, und während sie spielten, tauschten sie flirtende Bemerkungen aus. Der Mann, dessen Name sie erfuhr, war Alex, schien von ihrer Kühnheit wirklich angetan zu sein.<</st>>
<<un>>Im Laufe der Nacht, der gestohlene Chip längst vergessen, lachten und redeten sie, als würden sie sich seit Jahren kennen. Alex lehnte sich vor, seine Augen funkelten. ''Weißt du, ich denke, du schuldest mir ein Abendessen für diese kleine Aktion.''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia grinste. ''Ich nehme an, das tue ich. Wie wäre es, wenn du mir das Abendessen kaufst, und wir sind quitt?''<</mia>>
<<un>>Alex lachte und nickte. ''Abgemacht.''<</un>>
<<un>>Er lehnte sich näher, sein Atem warm an ihrem Ohr. ''Aber weißt du, ich dachte... vielleicht könnte das Abendessen zu etwas Interessanterem werden.''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mias Puls beschleunigte sich bei seinen Worten. ''Oh? Und was könnte das sein?'' fragte sie, ihre Stimme leise und neckend.<</mia>>
<<un>>Alex' Hand strich unter dem Tisch an ihrem Oberschenkel entlang und schickte einen Schauer ihren Rücken hinunter. ''Ich glaube, du weißt es,'' murmelte er, seine Augen verdunkelten sich vor Verlangen.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia biss sich auf die Lippe und flüsterte ihm ins Ohr. ''Warum auf das Abendessen warten? Du kannst eine Suite oben mieten.''<</mia>>
<<un>>Alex' Lächeln wurde breiter, seine Hand glitt höher an ihrem Oberschenkel. ''Das würde ich lieben,'' sagte er mit einer heiseren Stimme.<</un>>
<<st>>Sie standen auf und ließen die Casino-Etage hinter sich, als sie zur Suite gingen, ihre Körper vor Erwartung prickelnd.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Mia schlenderte ins Casino, ihre Kleidung schmiegte sich an ihre Kurven und zog die Blicke aller Anwesenden auf sich. Sie war hier für eine Nacht voller Aufregung und Glamour, entschlossen, loszulassen und sich zu amüsieren. Als sie sich durch den geschäftigen Raum bewegte, erfüllten die blinkenden Lichter und das Geräusch der drehenden Rouletteräder ihre Sinne und ließen ihr Herz vor Aufregung rasen.<</st>>
<<st>>Sie ging zur Bar und bestellte einen Martini, genoss den kühlen, frischen Geschmack, während sie den Raum absuchte. Ihr Blick fiel auf einen großen, gut aussehenden Mann an einem nahegelegenen Pokertisch. Er hatte dunkles, zurückgegeltes Haar und eine selbstbewusste, elegante Ausstrahlung.<</st>>
<<st>>Neugierig entschied sich Mia, ihn anzusprechen. Sie schlich sich an den Tisch und tat so, als wäre sie am Spiel interessiert. Der Mann bemerkte sie sofort, seine Augen wanderten mit einem anerkennenden Lächeln zu ihr hinüber.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Darf ich mitspielen?'' fragte Mia mit verführerischer Stimme.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Kein Problem,'' antwortete er mit einem breiten Lächeln. ''Ich bin Daniel.''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Mia,'' sagte sie und streckte ihm die Hand entgegen. Er ergriff sie, sein Griff war fest und warm.<</mia>>
<<st>>Sie spielten ein paar Runden zusammen, und Mias Glück schien sich mit Daniels Anwesenheit zu wenden. Sie tauschten spielerische Bemerkungen aus, und die Spannung zwischen ihnen wurde spürbar. Nach einem besonders glücklichen Gewinn lehnte sich Daniel nah zu ihr, sein Atem warm an ihrem Ohr.<</st>>
<<un>>''Wie wäre es, wenn wir den Einsatz ein wenig erhöhen?'' murmelte er.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mias Herz setzte einen Schlag aus. ''Was hast du im Sinn?''<</mia>>
<<un>>''Lass uns einen Spaziergang machen,'' schlug er vor, seine Augen funkelten schelmisch.<</un>>
<<st>>Sie verließen den Tisch und gingen durch das Casino, die Luft war voller Erwartung. Daniel führte sie in eine private Lounge, einen abgelegenen Raum abseits der belebten Menge. Sie bestellten eine Flasche Champagner und ließen sich auf einem weichen Sofa nieder, die Intimität des Rahmens verstärkte die Spannung zwischen ihnen.<</st>>
<<un>>''Also, Mia,'' begann Daniel, seine Stimme tief und sanft. ''Was führt dich heute Abend hierher?''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Ich suche nur nach ein bisschen Abenteuer,'' antwortete sie, ihre Augen funkelten. ''Und vielleicht ein wenig Glück.''<</mia>>
<<un>>Daniel lachte, sein Blick verweilte auf ihren Lippen. ''Ich glaube, du hast beides gefunden.''<</un>>
<<st>>Während sie ihren Champagner schlürften, floss das Gespräch leicht. Sie sprachen über ihr Leben, ihre Träume und ihre liebsten Wege, sich zu entspannen. Je mehr sie sprachen, desto mehr fühlte sich Mia zu Daniel hingezogen. Es war etwas an seiner Selbstsicherheit und seinem Charme, das sie lebendig fühlen ließ.<</st>>
<<st>>Ihr Flirt wurde kühner, die Berührungen länger. Einmal strich Daniel eine lose Haarsträhne aus Mias Gesicht, seine Finger streiften ihre Wange. Der Kontakt jagte ihr einen Schauer über den Rücken.<</st>>
<<st>>Da öffnete sich die Tür zur Lounge, und ein zweiter Mann trat ein. Er hatte ein charmantes jungenhaftes Grinsen und ein Funkeln in den Augen.<</st>>
<<un>>''Alex, du hast es geschafft,'' sagte Daniel warm.<</un>>
<<un>>''Wollte das Vergnügen nicht verpassen,'' antwortete Alex und fixierte Mia mit seinem Blick. ''Wer ist deine reizende Begleitung?''<</un>>
<<un>>''Das ist Mia,'' stellte Daniel vor. ''Mia, das ist Alex.''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Freut mich,'' sagte Mia und streckte ihm die Hand entgegen.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Die Freude ist ganz meinerseits,'' sagte Alex und drückte einen leichten Kuss auf ihre Hand.<</un>>
<<st>>Sie setzten das Gespräch fort, jetzt mit Alex in der Runde. Seine spielerischen Bemerkungen und flirtenden Kommentare brachten Mia zum Lachen und erröten. Die Dynamik zwischen den Dreien war elektrisierend, jeder Moment war spannungsgeladener als der letzte.<</st>>
<<st>>Während sie ihren Champagner schlürften, wurden die Berührungen zwischen ihnen intimer. Einmal lehnte sich Alex vor und flüsterte etwas Anzügliches in Mias Ohr, was sie erröten und lachen ließ.<</st>>
<<un>>''Ich habe das Gefühl, dass diese Nacht gerade erst beginnt,'' sagte Daniel, seine Stimme war schwer vor Versprechen.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia lehnte sich vor, ihre Lippen nur wenige Zentimeter von ihren entfernt. ''Ich hoffe, du hast recht.''<</mia>>
<<un>>''Lass uns das an einen privateren Ort verlegen,'' schlug Alex mit heiserer Stimme vor.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia nickte, ein schelmisches Lächeln spielte auf ihren Lippen. ''Führ uns.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Sie machten sich auf den Weg zurück zu Daniels Suite, die Spannung wuchs mit jedem Schritt. Als sie zur Suite hochfuhren, knisterte die Luft zwischen ihnen vor Elektrizität. In dem Moment, als sich die Türen hinter ihnen schlossen, waren sie wieder in den Armen des anderen, die Leidenschaft zwischen ihnen entflammte wie ein Feuer.<</st>>
<<st>>In dieser Nacht erlebte Mia den Nervenkitzel, nach dem sie gesucht hatte, die Art von Abenteuer, die nur ein Ort wie das Casino bieten konnte. Und als die Nacht voranschritt, erkannte sie, dass manchmal ein Risiko zu den unerwartetsten und aufregendsten Erfahrungen führen konnte.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gangBang)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gangBang/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<button [[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Tu n'as plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, une bonne nuit de sommeil t'aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<if $casino_event_counter==0>>
<<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $casino_event_counter+=1>>
<<st>>Mia entre dans le casino. Les lumières tamisées et le faible bruit des gens qui parlent rendent l'atmosphère excitante. Elle était magnifique et confiante dans sa tenue qui épousait ses courbes. Ses yeux se posèrent sur la table de poker aux enjeux élevés où un groupe d'hommes bien habillés étaient totalement impliqués dans leur jeu, tandis qu'elle parcourait la salle du regard.<</st>>
<<st>>Parmi les hommes, l'un d'entre eux attira son attention. Il semblait plus âgé, peut-être dans la quarantaine, avec un menton fort et une élégance décontractée. Il portait un costume bien taillé et une grosse montre en or qui scintillait à son poignet tandis qu'il mélangeait ses jetons avec aisance.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia se dirigea vers le bar, se plaçant stratégiquement là où elle savait qu'il la remarquerait. Elle commanda un verre, ses mouvements étant gracieux et délibérés, et elle sentit bientôt son regard se poser sur elle. Elle se tourna légèrement, rencontrant ses yeux avec un sourire timide.<</st>>
<<mia>>'' On dirait que vous passez une bonne soirée '', dit-elle d'une voix douce et invitante.<</mia>>
<<un>>L'homme lui rendit son sourire, son intérêt piqué. '' La soirée s'est encore améliorée '', répondit-il, d'une voix grave et riche. '' Quel est votre nom ?<</un>>
<<mia>>'' Mia '', répond-elle en lui tendant la main. '' Et vous ?''<</mia>>
<<un>>'' Richard '', dit-il en lui prenant la main et en l'effleurant du bout des lèvres. '' Qu'est-ce qui t'amène au casino ce soir, Mia ?''<</un>>
<<mia>>'' Je cherche juste un peu d'excitation '', dit-elle avec une lueur d'espoir dans les yeux. '' Et peut-être un peu de bonne compagnie ''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Richard glousse, visiblement intrigué. '' Eh bien, tu as certainement trouvé le bon endroit pour cela. Tu veux bien te joindre à moi à table ? ''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia acquiesce, le cœur battant d'impatience. '' J'en serais ravie. ''<</mia>>
<<st>>Alors qu'ils se dirigeaient vers la table de poker, Richard posa une main douce sur le bas du dos de Mia, la guidant à travers la foule. Il lui tira une chaise et elle s'assit, sentant l'excitation de la nuit qui s'annonçait.<</st>>
<<st>>Ils ont joué quelques parties et Mia s'est rapidement rendu compte que Richard n'était pas seulement riche, mais aussi incroyablement intelligent et sexy. Ils s'échangent des regards flirteurs et des plaisanteries pleines d'esprit, l'alchimie entre eux étant indéniable.<</st>>
<<un>>À un moment donné, Richard s'est penché tout près d'elle, son souffle chaud contre son oreille. '' Et si nous rendions ce jeu un peu plus intéressant ? '' chuchote-t-il.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia haussa un sourcil, intriguée. '' Que veux-tu faire ? ''<</mia>>
<<un>>'' Si je gagne cette main, nous irons dans ma chambre '', proposa-t-il, les yeux pétillants de malice.<</un>>
<<mia>>'' Et si je gagne ? répliqua-t-elle, un sourire en coin se dessinant sur ses lèvres.<</mia>>
<<un>>'' Dans ce cas, c'est toi qui décideras de la suite des événements '', dit-il d'une voix grave et suggestive.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia sentit un frisson d'excitation lui parcourir l'échine. '' D'accord '', accepta-t-elle, le cœur battant la chamade sous l'effet de l'excitation du jeu et de la promesse de ce qui allait suivre.<</mia>>
<<un>>Le jeu se poursuit et la tension entre eux augmente au fil des mains. Finalement, Richard pose ses cartes avec un sourire triomphant. '' On dirait que tu pars avec moi ce soir '', dit-il.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia rit, à la fois excitée et intriguée. '' Je suppose que oui ''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Alors qu'ils se levaient de table, Richard lui offrit son bras. '' On y va ? ''<</un>>
<<st>>Mia joignit son bras au sien, son cœur s'emballant tandis qu'ils sortaient ensemble du casino. Elle avait hâte de voir ce que le reste de la nuit lui réservait.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<button [[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $casino_event_counter==1>>
<<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $casino_event_counter+=1>>
<<st>>Mia avait prévu de passer une soirée indulgente au casino. Alors qu'elle atteignait le casino animé, Mia s'est rendu compte avec un sentiment d'impuissance qu'elle avait oublié d'apporter son argent. Elle ne voulait pas faire tout le chemin du retour et risquer de perdre son enthousiasme, alors elle a décidé d'être créative. Repérant un homme avec une pile de jetons de 500 dollars, elle a décidé de s'amuser et de lui '' emprunter '' l'un de ses jetons.<</st>>
<<st>>Sous le coup de l'impulsion, elle s'est approchée, le cœur battant la chamade. Alors que l'homme se retournait pour commander une boisson, Mia a habilement pris un jeton de sa pile. Elle était presque partie lorsqu'une main s'est refermée sur son poignet.<</st>>
<<un>>'' Hé là '', dit l'homme, un sourire amusé sur les lèvres. '' Je crois que c'est à moi.<</un>>
<<mia>>Les joues de Mia rougirent d'embarras. '' Oh, je suis vraiment désolée. J'ai dû l'attraper par erreur'', dit-elle en affichant son plus charmant sourire.<</mia>>
<<un>>Il gloussa, visiblement plus amusé que fâché. '' Pas d'inquiétude à avoir. Vous avez du cran. J'aime bien ça. Comment vous appelez-vous ? ''<</un>>
<<mia>>'' Mia '', répond-elle, avec un mélange de soulagement et d'excitation.<</mia>>
<<un>>'' Eh bien, Mia '', dit-il en se rapprochant, '' si vous vous joigniez à moi pour une partie ? Je vous donnerai le jeton si vous promettez de ne pas vous enfuir avec ''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Elle sourit, son pouls s'accélère. '' D'accord''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Ils s'assirent ensemble et, tout en jouant, ils échangèrent des plaisanteries. L'homme, dont elle apprit qu'il s'appelait Alex, semblait sincèrement séduit par l'audace de la jeune femme.<</st>>
<<un>>Au fil de la soirée, le jeton volé ayant été oublié depuis longtemps, ils se sont mis à rire et à parler comme s'ils se connaissaient depuis des années. Alex se penche vers elle, les yeux pétillants. '' Tu sais, je crois que tu me dois un dîner pour ce petit tour de force ''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia sourit. '' Je suppose que oui. Et si vous m'invitiez à dîner et qu'on était quittes ? ''<</mia>>
<<un>>Alex rit et acquiesce. '' Tu as un marché à conclure ''.<</un>>
<<un>>Il se penche plus près d'elle, son souffle chaud contre son oreille. '' Mais tu sais, je me disais... peut-être que le dîner pourrait se transformer en quelque chose de plus intéressant. ''<</un>>
<<mia>>Le pouls de Mia s'accélère à ses mots. '' Oh ? Et qu'est-ce que ça pourrait être ? '' demande-t-elle, la voix basse et taquine.<</mia>>
<<un>>La main d'Alex effleura sa cuisse sous la table, la faisant frissonner. '' Je crois que tu le sais '', murmura-t-il, ses yeux s'assombrissant de désir.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia se mordit la lèvre et se pencha pour lui murmurer à l'oreille. '' Pourquoi attendre le dîner ? Tu peux louer une suite à l'étage ''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Le sourire d'Alex s'élargit, sa main remontant le long de sa cuisse. '' J'en serais ravi '', dit-il, sa voix n'étant qu'une promesse rauque.<</un>>
<<st>>Ils se sont levés, laissant le sol du casino derrière eux et se sont dirigés vers la suite, leurs corps bourdonnant d'impatience.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<button [[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $casino_event_counter==2>>
<<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $casino_event_counter+=1>>
<<st>>Mia entre au casino, ses vêtements épousant ses courbes et attirant le regard de tous ceux qu'elle croise. Elle était ici pour une nuit d'excitation et de glamour, déterminée à se laisser aller et à s'amuser. Alors qu'elle se déplaçait dans la salle animée, les lumières clignotantes et le bruit des roulettes qui tournaient ont envahi ses sens, faisant battre son cœur d'impatience.<</st>>
<<st>>Elle se dirigea vers le bar, où elle commanda un martini, savourant le goût frais et croustillant tout en balayant la salle du regard. Son regard se posa sur un grand et bel homme qui se tenait à une table de poker voisine. Il avait les cheveux noirs gominés et un air de sophistication confiante.<</st>>
<<st>>Intriguée, Mia décida de s'approcher. Elle s'est approchée de la table, faisant semblant de s'intéresser au jeu. L'homme la remarqua immédiatement et ses yeux se tournèrent vers elle avec un sourire appréciateur.<</st>>
<<mia>>'' Ça vous dérange si je me joins à vous ? '' demande Mia, la voix sulfureuse.<</mia>>
<<un>>'' Pas du tout '', répondit-il, son sourire s'élargissant. '' Je m'appelle Daniel''.<</un>>
<<mia>>'' Mia '', dit-elle en lui tendant la main. Il la prit, sa poigne était ferme et chaleureuse.<</mia>>
<<st>>Ils jouèrent quelques mains ensemble, la chance de Mia semblant tourner avec la présence de Daniel. Ils échangèrent des plaisanteries et la tension entre eux devint palpable. Après un gain particulièrement chanceux, Daniel se rapprocha d'elle, son souffle chaud contre son oreille.<</st>>
<<un>>'' Et si on augmentait un peu les enjeux ? '' murmure-t-il.<</un>>
<<mia>>Le cœur de Mia s'emballe. '' Qu'est-ce que tu as en tête ?<</mia>>
<<un>>'' Allons nous promener '', proposa-t-il, les yeux brillants de malice.<</un>>
<<st>>Ils quittèrent la table et se dirigèrent vers le casino, l'air chargé d'impatience. Daniel la conduisit dans un salon privé, à l'écart de l'agitation de la foule. Ils commandèrent une bouteille de champagne et s'installèrent dans un canapé cossu, l'intimité de l'endroit augmentant l'électricité entre eux.<</st>>
<<un>>'' Alors, Mia '', commença Daniel, la voix basse et douce. '' Qu'est-ce qui t'amène ici ce soir ?<</un>>
<<mia>>'' Je suis à la recherche d'une petite aventure '', répond-elle, les yeux pétillants. '' Et peut-être un peu de chance ''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Daniel gloussa, son regard s'attardant sur les lèvres de la jeune femme. '' Je crois que tu as trouvé les deux ''.<</un>>
<<st>>Tout en sirotant leur champagne, la conversation s'est déroulée sans difficulté. Ils parlaient de leurs vies, de leurs rêves et de leurs façons préférées de se détendre. Plus ils parlaient, plus Mia se sentait attirée par Daniel. Il y avait quelque chose dans son assurance et son charme qui la faisait se sentir vivante.<</st>>
<<st>>Leur flirt est devenu plus audacieux, les caresses plus persistantes. À un moment donné, Daniel écarta une mèche de cheveux du visage de Mia, ses doigts effleurant sa joue. Ce contact la fait frissonner.<</st>>
<<st>>À ce moment-là, la porte du salon s'ouvrit et un deuxième homme entra. Il avait un sourire de garçon charmant et une lueur d'espoir dans les yeux.<</st>>
<<un>>'' Alex, tu es venu !'' dit Daniel, la voix chaude.<</un>>
<<un>>'' Je ne pouvais pas passer à côté de la fête '', répond Alex, les yeux rivés sur Mia. '' Qui est ta charmante amie ? ''<</un>>
<<un>>'' Voici Mia '', présente Daniel. '' Mia, voici Alex. ''<</un>>
<<mia>>'' Enchanté '', dit Mia en lui tendant la main.<</mia>>
<<un>>'' Tout le plaisir est pour moi '', dit Alex en prenant sa main et en y déposant un léger baiser.<</un>>
<<st>>Ils poursuivent leur conversation, avec Alex en plus. Ses plaisanteries et ses commentaires flatteurs font rire et rougir Mia. La dynamique entre eux trois était électrique, chaque moment étant plus intense que le précédent.<</st>>
<<st>>Alors qu'ils sirotent leur champagne, les contacts entre eux deviennent de plus en plus intimes. A un moment donné, Alex s'est penché et a murmuré quelque chose de coquin à l'oreille de Mia, ce qui l'a fait rougir et rire.<</st>>
<<un>>'' J'ai l'impression que cette soirée ne fait que commencer '', dit Daniel, la voix pleine de promesses.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia s'est penchée, ses lèvres étant à quelques centimètres des siennes. '' J'espère que tu as raison. ''<</mia>>
<<un>>'' Allons dans un endroit plus privé '', propose Alex, la voix rauque.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia acquiesce, un sourire malicieux se dessine sur ses lèvres. '' Montre-moi le chemin ''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Ils se dirigèrent vers la suite de Daniel, l'impatience grandissant à chaque pas. Alors qu'ils montaient dans la suite, l'air entre eux crépitait d'électricité. Dès que les portes se sont refermées derrière eux, ils se sont retrouvés dans les bras l'un de l'autre, la passion entre eux s'enflammant comme une flamme.<</st>>
<<st>>Cette nuit-là, Mia a connu le frisson qu'elle recherchait, le genre d'aventure que seul un endroit comme le casino pouvait offrir. Et au fur et à mesure que la nuit avançait, elle se rendait compte que parfois, prendre un risque pouvait mener aux expériences les plus inattendues et les plus exaltantes.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gangBang)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gangBang/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<button [[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>>
<<set $random to random(2)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Mia entre dans le casino. Les lumières tamisées et le faible bruit des gens qui parlent rendent l'atmosphère excitante. Elle était magnifique et confiante dans sa tenue qui épousait ses courbes. Ses yeux se posèrent sur la table de poker aux enjeux élevés où un groupe d'hommes bien habillés étaient totalement impliqués dans leur jeu, tandis qu'elle parcourait la salle du regard.<</st>>
<<st>>Parmi les hommes, l'un d'entre eux attira son attention. Il semblait plus âgé, peut-être dans la quarantaine, avec un menton fort et une élégance décontractée. Il portait un costume bien taillé et une grosse montre en or qui scintillait à son poignet tandis qu'il mélangeait ses jetons avec aisance.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia se dirigea vers le bar, se plaçant stratégiquement là où elle savait qu'il la remarquerait. Elle commanda un verre, ses mouvements étant gracieux et délibérés, et elle sentit bientôt son regard se poser sur elle. Elle se tourna légèrement, rencontrant ses yeux avec un sourire timide.<</st>>
<<mia>>'' On dirait que vous passez une bonne soirée '', dit-elle d'une voix douce et invitante.<</mia>>
<<un>>L'homme lui rendit son sourire, son intérêt piqué. '' La soirée s'est encore améliorée '', répondit-il, d'une voix grave et riche. '' Quel est votre nom ?<</un>>
<<mia>>'' Mia '', répond-elle en lui tendant la main. '' Et vous ?''<</mia>>
<<un>>'' Richard '', dit-il en lui prenant la main et en l'effleurant du bout des lèvres. '' Qu'est-ce qui t'amène au casino ce soir, Mia ?''<</un>>
<<mia>>'' Je cherche juste un peu d'excitation '', dit-elle avec une lueur d'espoir dans les yeux. '' Et peut-être un peu de bonne compagnie ''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Richard glousse, visiblement intrigué. '' Eh bien, tu as certainement trouvé le bon endroit pour cela. Tu veux bien te joindre à moi à table ? ''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia acquiesce, le cœur battant d'impatience. '' J'en serais ravie. ''<</mia>>
<<st>>Alors qu'ils se dirigeaient vers la table de poker, Richard posa une main douce sur le bas du dos de Mia, la guidant à travers la foule. Il lui tira une chaise et elle s'assit, sentant l'excitation de la nuit qui s'annonçait.<</st>>
<<st>>Ils ont joué quelques parties et Mia s'est rapidement rendu compte que Richard n'était pas seulement riche, mais aussi incroyablement intelligent et sexy. Ils s'échangent des regards flirteurs et des plaisanteries pleines d'esprit, l'alchimie entre eux étant indéniable.<</st>>
<<un>>À un moment donné, Richard s'est penché tout près d'elle, son souffle chaud contre son oreille. '' Et si nous rendions ce jeu un peu plus intéressant ? '' chuchote-t-il.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia haussa un sourcil, intriguée. '' Que veux-tu faire ? ''<</mia>>
<<un>>'' Si je gagne cette main, nous irons dans ma chambre '', proposa-t-il, les yeux pétillants de malice.<</un>>
<<mia>>'' Et si je gagne ? répliqua-t-elle, un sourire en coin se dessinant sur ses lèvres.<</mia>>
<<un>>'' Dans ce cas, c'est toi qui décideras de la suite des événements '', dit-il d'une voix grave et suggestive.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia sentit un frisson d'excitation lui parcourir l'échine. '' D'accord '', accepta-t-elle, le cœur battant la chamade sous l'effet de l'excitation du jeu et de la promesse de ce qui allait suivre.<</mia>>
<<un>>Le jeu se poursuit et la tension entre eux augmente au fil des mains. Finalement, Richard pose ses cartes avec un sourire triomphant. '' On dirait que tu pars avec moi ce soir '', dit-il.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia rit, à la fois excitée et intriguée. '' Je suppose que oui ''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Alors qu'ils se levaient de table, Richard lui offrit son bras. '' On y va ? ''<</un>>
<<st>>Mia joignit son bras au sien, son cœur s'emballant tandis qu'ils sortaient ensemble du casino. Elle avait hâte de voir ce que le reste de la nuit lui réservait.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia avait prévu de passer une soirée indulgente au casino. Alors qu'elle atteignait le casino animé, Mia s'est rendu compte avec un sentiment d'impuissance qu'elle avait oublié d'apporter son argent. Elle ne voulait pas faire tout le chemin du retour et risquer de perdre son enthousiasme, alors elle a décidé d'être créative. Repérant un homme avec une pile de jetons de 500 dollars, elle a décidé de s'amuser et de lui '' emprunter '' l'un de ses jetons.<</st>>
<<st>>Sous le coup de l'impulsion, elle s'est approchée, le cœur battant la chamade. Alors que l'homme se retournait pour commander une boisson, Mia a habilement pris un jeton de sa pile. Elle était presque partie lorsqu'une main s'est refermée sur son poignet.<</st>>
<<un>>'' Hé là '', dit l'homme, un sourire amusé sur les lèvres. '' Je crois que c'est à moi.<</un>>
<<mia>>Les joues de Mia rougirent d'embarras. '' Oh, je suis vraiment désolée. J'ai dû l'attraper par erreur'', dit-elle en affichant son plus charmant sourire.<</mia>>
<<un>>Il gloussa, visiblement plus amusé que fâché. '' Pas d'inquiétude à avoir. Vous avez du cran. J'aime bien ça. Comment vous appelez-vous ? ''<</un>>
<<mia>>'' Mia '', répond-elle, avec un mélange de soulagement et d'excitation.<</mia>>
<<un>>'' Eh bien, Mia '', dit-il en se rapprochant, '' si vous vous joigniez à moi pour une partie ? Je vous donnerai le jeton si vous promettez de ne pas vous enfuir avec ''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Elle sourit, son pouls s'accélère. '' D'accord''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Ils s'assirent ensemble et, tout en jouant, ils échangèrent des plaisanteries. L'homme, dont elle apprit qu'il s'appelait Alex, semblait sincèrement séduit par l'audace de la jeune femme.<</st>>
<<un>>Au fil de la soirée, le jeton volé ayant été oublié depuis longtemps, ils se sont mis à rire et à parler comme s'ils se connaissaient depuis des années. Alex se penche vers elle, les yeux pétillants. '' Tu sais, je crois que tu me dois un dîner pour ce petit tour de force ''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia sourit. '' Je suppose que oui. Et si vous m'invitiez à dîner et qu'on était quittes ? ''<</mia>>
<<un>>Alex rit et acquiesce. '' Tu as un marché à conclure ''.<</un>>
<<un>>Il se penche plus près d'elle, son souffle chaud contre son oreille. '' Mais tu sais, je me disais... peut-être que le dîner pourrait se transformer en quelque chose de plus intéressant. ''<</un>>
<<mia>>Le pouls de Mia s'accélère à ses mots. '' Oh ? Et qu'est-ce que ça pourrait être ? '' demande-t-elle, la voix basse et taquine.<</mia>>
<<un>>La main d'Alex effleura sa cuisse sous la table, la faisant frissonner. '' Je crois que tu le sais '', murmura-t-il, ses yeux s'assombrissant de désir.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia se mordit la lèvre et se pencha pour lui murmurer à l'oreille. '' Pourquoi attendre le dîner ? Tu peux louer une suite à l'étage ''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Le sourire d'Alex s'élargit, sa main remontant le long de sa cuisse. '' J'en serais ravi '', dit-il, sa voix n'étant qu'une promesse rauque.<</un>>
<<st>>Ils se sont levés, laissant le sol du casino derrière eux et se sont dirigés vers la suite, leurs corps bourdonnant d'impatience.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Mia entre au casino, ses vêtements épousant ses courbes et attirant le regard de tous ceux qu'elle croise. Elle était ici pour une nuit d'excitation et de glamour, déterminée à se laisser aller et à s'amuser. Alors qu'elle se déplaçait dans la salle animée, les lumières clignotantes et le bruit des roulettes qui tournaient ont envahi ses sens, faisant battre son cœur d'impatience.<</st>>
<<st>>Elle se dirigea vers le bar, où elle commanda un martini, savourant le goût frais et croustillant tout en balayant la salle du regard. Son regard se posa sur un grand et bel homme qui se tenait à une table de poker voisine. Il avait les cheveux noirs gominés et un air de sophistication confiante.<</st>>
<<st>>Intriguée, Mia décida de s'approcher. Elle s'est approchée de la table, faisant semblant de s'intéresser au jeu. L'homme la remarqua immédiatement et ses yeux se tournèrent vers elle avec un sourire appréciateur.<</st>>
<<mia>>'' Ça vous dérange si je me joins à vous ? '' demande Mia, la voix sulfureuse.<</mia>>
<<un>>'' Pas du tout '', répondit-il, son sourire s'élargissant. '' Je m'appelle Daniel''.<</un>>
<<mia>>'' Mia '', dit-elle en lui tendant la main. Il la prit, sa poigne était ferme et chaleureuse.<</mia>>
<<st>>Ils jouèrent quelques mains ensemble, la chance de Mia semblant tourner avec la présence de Daniel. Ils échangèrent des plaisanteries et la tension entre eux devint palpable. Après un gain particulièrement chanceux, Daniel se rapprocha d'elle, son souffle chaud contre son oreille.<</st>>
<<un>>'' Et si on augmentait un peu les enjeux ? '' murmure-t-il.<</un>>
<<mia>>Le cœur de Mia s'emballe. '' Qu'est-ce que tu as en tête ?<</mia>>
<<un>>'' Allons nous promener '', proposa-t-il, les yeux brillants de malice.<</un>>
<<st>>Ils quittèrent la table et se dirigèrent vers le casino, l'air chargé d'impatience. Daniel la conduisit dans un salon privé, à l'écart de l'agitation de la foule. Ils commandèrent une bouteille de champagne et s'installèrent dans un canapé cossu, l'intimité de l'endroit augmentant l'électricité entre eux.<</st>>
<<un>>'' Alors, Mia '', commença Daniel, la voix basse et douce. '' Qu'est-ce qui t'amène ici ce soir ?<</un>>
<<mia>>'' Je suis à la recherche d'une petite aventure '', répond-elle, les yeux pétillants. '' Et peut-être un peu de chance ''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Daniel gloussa, son regard s'attardant sur les lèvres de la jeune femme. '' Je crois que tu as trouvé les deux ''.<</un>>
<<st>>Tout en sirotant leur champagne, la conversation s'est déroulée sans difficulté. Ils parlaient de leurs vies, de leurs rêves et de leurs façons préférées de se détendre. Plus ils parlaient, plus Mia se sentait attirée par Daniel. Il y avait quelque chose dans son assurance et son charme qui la faisait se sentir vivante.<</st>>
<<st>>Leur flirt est devenu plus audacieux, les caresses plus persistantes. À un moment donné, Daniel écarta une mèche de cheveux du visage de Mia, ses doigts effleurant sa joue. Ce contact la fait frissonner.<</st>>
<<st>>À ce moment-là, la porte du salon s'ouvrit et un deuxième homme entra. Il avait un sourire de garçon charmant et une lueur d'espoir dans les yeux.<</st>>
<<un>>'' Alex, tu es venu !'' dit Daniel, la voix chaude.<</un>>
<<un>>'' Je ne pouvais pas passer à côté de la fête '', répond Alex, les yeux rivés sur Mia. '' Qui est ta charmante amie ? ''<</un>>
<<un>>'' Voici Mia '', présente Daniel. '' Mia, voici Alex. ''<</un>>
<<mia>>'' Enchanté '', dit Mia en lui tendant la main.<</mia>>
<<un>>'' Tout le plaisir est pour moi '', dit Alex en prenant sa main et en y déposant un léger baiser.<</un>>
<<st>>Ils poursuivent leur conversation, avec Alex en plus. Ses plaisanteries et ses commentaires flatteurs font rire et rougir Mia. La dynamique entre eux trois était électrique, chaque moment étant plus intense que le précédent.<</st>>
<<st>>Alors qu'ils sirotent leur champagne, les contacts entre eux deviennent de plus en plus intimes. A un moment donné, Alex s'est penché et a murmuré quelque chose de coquin à l'oreille de Mia, ce qui l'a fait rougir et rire.<</st>>
<<un>>'' J'ai l'impression que cette soirée ne fait que commencer '', dit Daniel, la voix pleine de promesses.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia s'est penchée, ses lèvres étant à quelques centimètres des siennes. '' J'espère que tu as raison. ''<</mia>>
<<un>>'' Allons dans un endroit plus privé '', propose Alex, la voix rauque.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia acquiesce, un sourire malicieux se dessine sur ses lèvres. '' Montre-moi le chemin ''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Ils se dirigèrent vers la suite de Daniel, l'impatience grandissant à chaque pas. Alors qu'ils montaient dans la suite, l'air entre eux crépitait d'électricité. Dès que les portes se sont refermées derrière eux, ils se sont retrouvés dans les bras l'un de l'autre, la passion entre eux s'enflammant comme une flamme.<</st>>
<<st>>Cette nuit-là, Mia a connu le frisson qu'elle recherchait, le genre d'aventure que seul un endroit comme le casino pouvait offrir. Et au fur et à mesure que la nuit avançait, elle se rendait compte que parfois, prendre un risque pouvait mener aux expériences les plus inattendues et les plus exaltantes.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gangBang)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gangBang/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<button [[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>No te queda energía para hacer nada, un buen sueño reparador te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<if $casino_event_counter==0>>
<<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $casino_event_counter+=1>>
<<st>>Mia entró en el casino. Las luces tenues y el ruido de la gente hablando hacían que el ambiente fuera excitante. Estaba guapísima y segura de sí misma con su atuendo, que realzaba sus curvas. Sus ojos se fijaron en la mesa de póquer de apuestas altas, donde un grupo de hombres bien vestidos estaban metidos de lleno en la partida.<</st>>
<<st>>Entre los hombres, uno le llamó la atención. Parecía mayor, tal vez de unos cuarenta años, con una barbilla fuerte y un aire despreocupadamente elegante. Llevaba un traje bien confeccionado y un grueso reloj de oro que brillaba en su muñeca mientras barajaba las fichas con facilidad.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia se dirigió a la barra, colocándose estratégicamente donde sabía que él se fijaría en ella. Pidió una copa, con movimientos elegantes y deliberados, y enseguida sintió su mirada clavada en ella. Se giró ligeramente y lo miró a los ojos con una sonrisa tímida.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Parece que estás pasando una buena noche'', le dijo con voz suave e invitadora.<</mia>>
<<un>>El hombre le devolvió la sonrisa, interesado. ''Acaba de mejorar'', respondió con voz profunda y rica. ¿Cómo te llamas?<</un>>
<<mia>>''Mia'', contestó ella, tendiéndole la mano. ''¿Y tú?''<</mia>>
<<un>>''Richard'', dijo él, cogiéndole la mano y rozándola con los labios. ''¿Qué te trae al casino esta noche, Mia?''.<</un>>
<<mia>>''Sólo busco un poco de emoción'', dijo ella con un brillo juguetón en los ojos. ''Y quizá buena compañía''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Richard rió entre dientes, claramente intrigado. ''Bueno, sin duda has encontrado el lugar adecuado para eso. ¿Te apetece sentarte a la mesa?''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia asintió, con el corazón palpitando de expectación. ''Me encantaría.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Mientras caminaban hacia la mesa de póquer, Richard le puso una mano en la espalda, guiándola entre la multitud. Le acercó una silla y ella se sentó, sintiendo la emoción de la noche que se avecinaba.<</st>>
<<st>>Jugaron unas cuantas manos y Mia no tardó en darse cuenta de que Richard no sólo era rico, sino también increíblemente inteligente y sexy. Intercambiaron miradas coquetas y bromas ingeniosas, la química entre ellos era innegable.<</st>>
<<un>>En un momento dado, Richard se inclinó hacia ella y su aliento le llegó al oído. ''¿Qué tal si hacemos este juego un poco más interesante?''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia enarcó una ceja, intrigada. ''¿Qué tienes pensado?''<</mia>>
<<un>>''Si gano esta mano, nos vamos a mi habitación'', sugirió él, con los ojos brillantes de picardía.<</un>>
<<mia>>''¿Y si gano yo?'', replicó ella, con una sonrisa en los labios.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Entonces tú decides qué pasa después'', dijo él, con voz grave y sugerente.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia sintió que un escalofrío de excitación le recorría la espalda. ''Trato hecho'', aceptó, con el corazón acelerado por la emoción del juego y la promesa de lo que podría ocurrir a continuación.<</mia>>
<<un>>El juego continuó y la tensión entre ellos aumentaba con cada mano que pasaba. Finalmente, Richard dejó las cartas con una sonrisa triunfal. ''Parece que esta noche te vas conmigo'', dijo.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia se rió, emocionada e intrigada a la vez. ''Supongo que sí''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Cuando se levantaron de la mesa, Richard le ofreció el brazo. ''¿Vamos?''<</un>>
<<st>>Mia enlazó su brazo con el de él, con el corazón acelerado mientras salían juntos del casino. Estaba impaciente por ver qué le deparaba el resto de la noche.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<button [[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $casino_event_counter==1>>
<<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $casino_event_counter+=1>>
<<st>>Mia había planeado una noche indulgente en el casino. Al llegar al bullicioso casino, Mia se dio cuenta de que se le había olvidado el dinero. No quería recorrer todo el camino de vuelta hasta su casa y arriesgarse a perder el entusiasmo, así que decidió ser creativa. Al ver a un hombre con una pila de fichas de 500 dólares, decidió divertirse y ''tomar prestada'' una de sus fichas.<</st>>
<<st>>Actuando por impulso, se acercó con el corazón palpitante. Cuando el hombre se giró para pedir una bebida, Mia le robó hábilmente una ficha. Estaba a punto de alejarse cuando una mano la agarró por la muñeca.<</st>>
<<un>>''Hola'', dijo el hombre con una sonrisa juguetona en los labios. ''Creo que eso es mío''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Las mejillas de Mia se sonrojaron de vergüenza. ''Oh, lo siento mucho. Lo habré cogido por error'', dijo, mostrando su sonrisa más encantadora.<</mia>>
<<un>>Él se rió, claramente divertido más que enfadado. ''No te preocupes. Tienes agallas. Eso me gusta. ¿Cómo te llamas?<</un>>
<<mia>>''Mia'', respondió ella, sintiendo una mezcla de alivio y emoción.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Bueno, Mia'', dijo él, inclinándose más hacia ella, ''¿qué te parece si juegas conmigo? Te apuesto la ficha si prometes no salir corriendo con ella''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Ella sonrió, con el pulso acelerado. ''Trato hecho.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Se sentaron juntos y, mientras jugaban, intercambiaron coquetas bromas. El hombre, del que supo que se llamaba Alex, parecía realmente impresionado por su atrevimiento.<</st>>
<<un>>A medida que avanzaba la noche, olvidada la ficha robada, se encontraron riendo y hablando como si se conocieran desde hacía años. Alex se inclinó hacia ella y le brillaron los ojos. ''Sabes, creo que me debes una cena por ese pequeño truco''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia sonrió. ''Supongo que sí. ¿Qué tal si me invitas a cenar y quedamos en paz?''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Alex se rió y asintió. ''Trato hecho''.<</un>>
<<un>>Se inclinó más hacia ella y su aliento le llegó al oído. ''Pero sabes, estaba pensando... quizá la cena podría convertirse en algo más interesante''.<</un>>
<<mia>>El pulso de Mia se aceleró ante sus palabras. ''¿Ah, sí? ¿Y qué podría ser?'', preguntó en voz baja y burlona.<</mia>>
<<un>>La mano de Alex rozó su muslo por debajo de la mesa, provocándole un escalofrío. ''Creo que ya lo sabes'', murmuró él, con los ojos oscurecidos por el deseo.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia se mordió el labio y se inclinó para susurrarle al oído. ''¿Por qué esperar a cenar? Puedes alquilar una suite arriba''.<</mia>>
<<un>>La sonrisa de Alex se ensanchó y su mano subió por su muslo. ''Me encantaría'', dijo con voz ronca.<</un>>
<<st>>Se levantaron, dejando atrás el casino mientras se dirigían a la suite, con los cuerpos vibrando de expectación.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<button [[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $casino_event_counter==2>>
<<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $casino_event_counter+=1>>
<<st>>Mia entró en el casino, con la ropa ceñida a sus curvas y llamando la atención de todo el que se cruzaba con ella. Estaba aquí para una noche de emoción y glamour, decidida a dejarse llevar y disfrutar. A medida que avanzaba por la bulliciosa sala, las luces parpadeantes y el sonido de las ruletas llenaban sus sentidos, haciendo que su corazón se acelerara de expectación.<</st>>
<<st>>Se dirigió a la barra, donde pidió un martini, saboreando su fresco sabor mientras recorría la sala. Su mirada se posó en un hombre alto y apuesto que estaba en una mesa de póquer cercana. Tenía el pelo oscuro y peinado hacia atrás y un aire de segura sofisticación.<</st>>
<<st>>Intrigada, Mia decidió acercarse. Se acercó a la mesa, fingiendo estar interesada en la partida. El hombre se fijó en ella de inmediato y sus ojos la miraron con una sonrisa apreciativa.<</st>>
<<mia>>''¿Le importa si me uno?'' preguntó Mia con voz sensual.<</mia>>
<<un>>''En absoluto'', respondió él, ampliando su sonrisa. ''Soy Daniel''.<</un>>
<<mia>>''Mia'', dijo ella, tendiéndole la mano. Él la cogió, con un apretón firme y cálido.<</mia>>
<<st>>Jugaron unas manos juntos, la suerte de Mia parecía cambiar con la presencia de Daniel. Intercambiaron bromas juguetonas y la tensión entre ellos se hizo palpable. Tras una victoria especialmente afortunada, Daniel se inclinó hacia ella y su aliento le llegó al oído.<</st>>
<<un>>''¿Qué tal si subimos un poco la apuesta?'', murmuró.<</un>>
<<mia>>A Mia le dio un vuelco el corazón. ''¿Qué tienes en mente?<</mia>>
<<un>>''Vamos a dar un paseo'', sugirió él, con los ojos brillantes de picardía.<</un>>
<<st>>Se levantaron de la mesa y recorrieron el casino, con el aire cargado de expectación. Daniel la condujo a un salón privado, un lugar apartado del bullicio de la gente. Pidieron una botella de champán y se acomodaron en un lujoso sofá; la intimidad del lugar aumentó la electricidad entre ellos.<</st>>
<<un>>''Bueno, Mia'', empezó Daniel, con voz grave y suave. ''¿Qué te trae por aquí esta noche?''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Sólo busco un poco de aventura'', respondió ella, con los ojos brillantes. ''Y tal vez un poco de suerte''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Daniel soltó una risita, con la mirada clavada en sus labios. ''Creo que has encontrado ambas cosas''.<</un>>
<<st>>Mientras bebían champán, la conversación fluyó con facilidad. Hablaron de sus vidas, sus sueños y sus formas favoritas de relajarse. Cuanto más hablaban, más atraída se sentía Mia por Daniel. Había algo en su confianza y encanto que la hacía sentirse viva.<</st>>
<<st>>Su coqueteo se hizo más atrevido y sus caricias más prolongadas. En un momento dado, Daniel apartó un mechón de pelo de la cara de Mia y sus dedos rozaron su mejilla. El contacto le produjo un escalofrío.<</st>>
<<st>>En ese momento se abrió la puerta del salón y entró un segundo hombre. Tenía una sonrisa encantadora y un brillo en los ojos.<</st>>
<<un>>''Alex, has venido'', dijo Daniel, con voz cálida.<</un>>
<<un>>''No podía faltar a la diversión'', respondió Alex, con los ojos fijos en Mia. ''¿Quién es tu encantadora amiga?''<</un>>
<<un>>''Esta es Mia'', la presentó Daniel. ''Mia, este es Alex''.<</un>>
<<mia>>''Encantada de conocerte'', dijo Mia, tendiéndole la mano.<</mia>>
<<un>>''El placer es mío'', dijo Alex, cogiendo su mano y dándole un ligero beso.<</un>>
<<st>>Continuaron su conversación, ahora con Alex añadiéndose a la mezcla. Sus bromas y comentarios coquetos hacían reír y sonrojar a Mia. La dinámica entre los tres era eléctrica, cada momento más cargado que el anterior.<</st>>
<<st>>A medida que bebían champán, las caricias entre ellos se hacían más íntimas. En un momento dado, Alex se inclinó y susurró algo travieso al oído de Mia, haciéndola sonrojar y reír.<</st>>
<<un>>''Tengo la sensación de que esta noche no ha hecho más que empezar'', dijo Daniel, con una voz llena de promesas.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia se inclinó hacia él, con los labios a escasos centímetros de los suyos. ''Espero que tengas razón''.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Llevemos esto a un lugar más privado'', sugirió Alex, con voz ronca.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia asintió, con una sonrisa traviesa en los labios. ''Muéstrame el camino.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Se dirigieron a la suite de Daniel, mientras la expectación aumentaba a cada paso. Cuando llegaron a la suite, el aire entre ellos crepitaba con electricidad. En cuanto las puertas se cerraron tras ellos, volvieron a abrazarse, y la pasión entre ellos se encendió como una llama.<</st>>
<<st>>Aquella noche, Mia experimentó la emoción que había estado buscando, el tipo de aventura que sólo un lugar como el casino podía proporcionarle. Y a medida que avanzaba la noche, se dio cuenta de que, a veces, arriesgarse podía conducir a las experiencias más inesperadas y estimulantes.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gangBang)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gangBang/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<button [[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>>
<<set $random to random(2)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Mia entró en el casino. Las luces tenues y el ruido de la gente hablando hacían que el ambiente fuera excitante. Estaba guapísima y segura de sí misma con su atuendo, que realzaba sus curvas. Sus ojos se fijaron en la mesa de póquer de apuestas altas, donde un grupo de hombres bien vestidos estaban metidos de lleno en la partida.<</st>>
<<st>>Entre los hombres, uno le llamó la atención. Parecía mayor, tal vez de unos cuarenta años, con una barbilla fuerte y un aire despreocupadamente elegante. Llevaba un traje bien confeccionado y un grueso reloj de oro que brillaba en su muñeca mientras barajaba las fichas con facilidad.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia se dirigió a la barra, colocándose estratégicamente donde sabía que él se fijaría en ella. Pidió una copa, con movimientos elegantes y deliberados, y enseguida sintió su mirada clavada en ella. Se giró ligeramente y lo miró a los ojos con una sonrisa tímida.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Parece que estás pasando una buena noche'', le dijo con voz suave e invitadora.<</mia>>
<<un>>El hombre le devolvió la sonrisa, interesado. ''Acaba de mejorar'', respondió con voz profunda y rica. ¿Cómo te llamas?<</un>>
<<mia>>''Mia'', contestó ella, tendiéndole la mano. ''¿Y tú?''<</mia>>
<<un>>''Richard'', dijo él, cogiéndole la mano y rozándola con los labios. ''¿Qué te trae al casino esta noche, Mia?''.<</un>>
<<mia>>''Sólo busco un poco de emoción'', dijo ella con un brillo juguetón en los ojos. ''Y quizá buena compañía''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Richard rió entre dientes, claramente intrigado. ''Bueno, sin duda has encontrado el lugar adecuado para eso. ¿Te apetece sentarte a la mesa?''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia asintió, con el corazón palpitando de expectación. ''Me encantaría.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Mientras caminaban hacia la mesa de póquer, Richard le puso una mano en la espalda, guiándola entre la multitud. Le acercó una silla y ella se sentó, sintiendo la emoción de la noche que se avecinaba.<</st>>
<<st>>Jugaron unas cuantas manos y Mia no tardó en darse cuenta de que Richard no sólo era rico, sino también increíblemente inteligente y sexy. Intercambiaron miradas coquetas y bromas ingeniosas, la química entre ellos era innegable.<</st>>
<<un>>En un momento dado, Richard se inclinó hacia ella y su aliento le llegó al oído. ''¿Qué tal si hacemos este juego un poco más interesante?''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia enarcó una ceja, intrigada. ''¿Qué tienes pensado?''<</mia>>
<<un>>''Si gano esta mano, nos vamos a mi habitación'', sugirió él, con los ojos brillantes de picardía.<</un>>
<<mia>>''¿Y si gano yo?'', replicó ella, con una sonrisa en los labios.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Entonces tú decides qué pasa después'', dijo él, con voz grave y sugerente.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia sintió que un escalofrío de excitación le recorría la espalda. ''Trato hecho'', aceptó, con el corazón acelerado por la emoción del juego y la promesa de lo que podría ocurrir a continuación.<</mia>>
<<un>>El juego continuó y la tensión entre ellos aumentaba con cada mano que pasaba. Finalmente, Richard dejó las cartas con una sonrisa triunfal. ''Parece que esta noche te vas conmigo'', dijo.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia se rió, emocionada e intrigada a la vez. ''Supongo que sí''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Cuando se levantaron de la mesa, Richard le ofreció el brazo. ''¿Vamos?''<</un>>
<<st>>Mia enlazó su brazo con el de él, con el corazón acelerado mientras salían juntos del casino. Estaba impaciente por ver qué le deparaba el resto de la noche.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia había planeado una noche indulgente en el casino. Al llegar al bullicioso casino, Mia se dio cuenta de que se le había olvidado el dinero. No quería recorrer todo el camino de vuelta hasta su casa y arriesgarse a perder el entusiasmo, así que decidió ser creativa. Al ver a un hombre con una pila de fichas de 500 dólares, decidió divertirse y ''tomar prestada'' una de sus fichas.<</st>>
<<st>>Actuando por impulso, se acercó con el corazón palpitante. Cuando el hombre se giró para pedir una bebida, Mia le robó hábilmente una ficha. Estaba a punto de alejarse cuando una mano la agarró por la muñeca.<</st>>
<<un>>''Hola'', dijo el hombre con una sonrisa juguetona en los labios. ''Creo que eso es mío''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Las mejillas de Mia se sonrojaron de vergüenza. ''Oh, lo siento mucho. Lo habré cogido por error'', dijo, mostrando su sonrisa más encantadora.<</mia>>
<<un>>Él se rió, claramente divertido más que enfadado. ''No te preocupes. Tienes agallas. Eso me gusta. ¿Cómo te llamas?<</un>>
<<mia>>''Mia'', respondió ella, sintiendo una mezcla de alivio y emoción.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Bueno, Mia'', dijo él, inclinándose más hacia ella, ''¿qué te parece si juegas conmigo? Te apuesto la ficha si prometes no salir corriendo con ella''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Ella sonrió, con el pulso acelerado. ''Trato hecho.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Se sentaron juntos y, mientras jugaban, intercambiaron coquetas bromas. El hombre, del que supo que se llamaba Alex, parecía realmente impresionado por su atrevimiento.<</st>>
<<un>>A medida que avanzaba la noche, olvidada la ficha robada, se encontraron riendo y hablando como si se conocieran desde hacía años. Alex se inclinó hacia ella y le brillaron los ojos. ''Sabes, creo que me debes una cena por ese pequeño truco''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia sonrió. ''Supongo que sí. ¿Qué tal si me invitas a cenar y quedamos en paz?''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Alex se rió y asintió. ''Trato hecho''.<</un>>
<<un>>Se inclinó más hacia ella y su aliento le llegó al oído. ''Pero sabes, estaba pensando... quizá la cena podría convertirse en algo más interesante''.<</un>>
<<mia>>El pulso de Mia se aceleró ante sus palabras. ''¿Ah, sí? ¿Y qué podría ser?'', preguntó en voz baja y burlona.<</mia>>
<<un>>La mano de Alex rozó su muslo por debajo de la mesa, provocándole un escalofrío. ''Creo que ya lo sabes'', murmuró él, con los ojos oscurecidos por el deseo.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia se mordió el labio y se inclinó para susurrarle al oído. ''¿Por qué esperar a cenar? Puedes alquilar una suite arriba''.<</mia>>
<<un>>La sonrisa de Alex se ensanchó y su mano subió por su muslo. ''Me encantaría'', dijo con voz ronca.<</un>>
<<st>>Se levantaron, dejando atrás el casino mientras se dirigían a la suite, con los cuerpos vibrando de expectación.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Mia entró en el casino, con la ropa ceñida a sus curvas y llamando la atención de todo el que se cruzaba con ella. Estaba aquí para una noche de emoción y glamour, decidida a dejarse llevar y disfrutar. A medida que avanzaba por la bulliciosa sala, las luces parpadeantes y el sonido de las ruletas llenaban sus sentidos, haciendo que su corazón se acelerara de expectación.<</st>>
<<st>>Se dirigió a la barra, donde pidió un martini, saboreando su fresco sabor mientras recorría la sala. Su mirada se posó en un hombre alto y apuesto que estaba en una mesa de póquer cercana. Tenía el pelo oscuro y peinado hacia atrás y un aire de segura sofisticación.<</st>>
<<st>>Intrigada, Mia decidió acercarse. Se acercó a la mesa, fingiendo estar interesada en la partida. El hombre se fijó en ella de inmediato y sus ojos la miraron con una sonrisa apreciativa.<</st>>
<<mia>>''¿Le importa si me uno?'' preguntó Mia con voz sensual.<</mia>>
<<un>>''En absoluto'', respondió él, ampliando su sonrisa. ''Soy Daniel''.<</un>>
<<mia>>''Mia'', dijo ella, tendiéndole la mano. Él la cogió, con un apretón firme y cálido.<</mia>>
<<st>>Jugaron unas manos juntos, la suerte de Mia parecía cambiar con la presencia de Daniel. Intercambiaron bromas juguetonas y la tensión entre ellos se hizo palpable. Tras una victoria especialmente afortunada, Daniel se inclinó hacia ella y su aliento le llegó al oído.<</st>>
<<un>>''¿Qué tal si subimos un poco la apuesta?'', murmuró.<</un>>
<<mia>>A Mia le dio un vuelco el corazón. ''¿Qué tienes en mente?<</mia>>
<<un>>''Vamos a dar un paseo'', sugirió él, con los ojos brillantes de picardía.<</un>>
<<st>>Se levantaron de la mesa y recorrieron el casino, con el aire cargado de expectación. Daniel la condujo a un salón privado, un lugar apartado del bullicio de la gente. Pidieron una botella de champán y se acomodaron en un lujoso sofá; la intimidad del lugar aumentó la electricidad entre ellos.<</st>>
<<un>>''Bueno, Mia'', empezó Daniel, con voz grave y suave. ''¿Qué te trae por aquí esta noche?''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Sólo busco un poco de aventura'', respondió ella, con los ojos brillantes. ''Y tal vez un poco de suerte''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Daniel soltó una risita, con la mirada clavada en sus labios. ''Creo que has encontrado ambas cosas''.<</un>>
<<st>>Mientras bebían champán, la conversación fluyó con facilidad. Hablaron de sus vidas, sus sueños y sus formas favoritas de relajarse. Cuanto más hablaban, más atraída se sentía Mia por Daniel. Había algo en su confianza y encanto que la hacía sentirse viva.<</st>>
<<st>>Su coqueteo se hizo más atrevido y sus caricias más prolongadas. En un momento dado, Daniel apartó un mechón de pelo de la cara de Mia y sus dedos rozaron su mejilla. El contacto le produjo un escalofrío.<</st>>
<<st>>En ese momento se abrió la puerta del salón y entró un segundo hombre. Tenía una sonrisa encantadora y un brillo en los ojos.<</st>>
<<un>>''Alex, has venido'', dijo Daniel, con voz cálida.<</un>>
<<un>>''No podía faltar a la diversión'', respondió Alex, con los ojos fijos en Mia. ''¿Quién es tu encantadora amiga?''<</un>>
<<un>>''Esta es Mia'', la presentó Daniel. ''Mia, este es Alex''.<</un>>
<<mia>>''Encantada de conocerte'', dijo Mia, tendiéndole la mano.<</mia>>
<<un>>''El placer es mío'', dijo Alex, cogiendo su mano y dándole un ligero beso.<</un>>
<<st>>Continuaron su conversación, ahora con Alex añadiéndose a la mezcla. Sus bromas y comentarios coquetos hacían reír y sonrojar a Mia. La dinámica entre los tres era eléctrica, cada momento más cargado que el anterior.<</st>>
<<st>>A medida que bebían champán, las caricias entre ellos se hacían más íntimas. En un momento dado, Alex se inclinó y susurró algo travieso al oído de Mia, haciéndola sonrojar y reír.<</st>>
<<un>>''Tengo la sensación de que esta noche no ha hecho más que empezar'', dijo Daniel, con una voz llena de promesas.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia se inclinó hacia él, con los labios a escasos centímetros de los suyos. ''Espero que tengas razón''.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Llevemos esto a un lugar más privado'', sugirió Alex, con voz ronca.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia asintió, con una sonrisa traviesa en los labios. ''Muéstrame el camino.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Se dirigieron a la suite de Daniel, mientras la expectación aumentaba a cada paso. Cuando llegaron a la suite, el aire entre ellos crepitaba con electricidad. En cuanto las puertas se cerraron tras ellos, volvieron a abrazarse, y la pasión entre ellos se encendió como una llama.<</st>>
<<st>>Aquella noche, Mia experimentó la emoción que había estado buscando, el tipo de aventura que sólo un lugar como el casino podía proporcionarle. Y a medida que avanzaba la noche, se dio cuenta de que, a veces, arriesgarse podía conducir a las experiencias más inesperadas y estimulantes.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gangBang)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gangBang/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<button [[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<if $casino_event_counter==0>>
<<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $casino_event_counter+=1>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<button [[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $casino_event_counter==1>>
<<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $casino_event_counter+=1>>
<<st>>米娅计划着在赌场度过一个放纵的夜晚。当她走到熙熙攘攘的赌场时,米娅突然意识到她忘了带钱。她不想一路跋涉回家,也不想冒失去热情的风险,于是她决定发挥创意。她发现一个男人拿着一叠 500 美元的筹码,于是决定找点乐子,''借 ''他一个筹码。<</st>>
<<st>>一时冲动,她走了过去,心怦怦直跳。当那个男人转身去点饮料时,米娅灵巧地从他的筹码堆里 ''偷 ''走了一个筹码。就在她快要离开时,一只手紧紧抓住了她的手腕。<</st>>
<<un>>夜幕降临,偷来的筹码早已被遗忘,他们有说有笑,仿佛相识多年。亚历克斯凑过来,目光闪烁。''你知道吗,我觉得你还欠我一顿晚餐呢'' ''你知道吗,我觉得你欠我一顿饭,因为你的小把戏。''<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<button [[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $casino_event_counter==2>>
<<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $casino_event_counter+=1>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gangBang)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gangBang/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<button [[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>>
<<set $random to random(2)>>
<<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 1>>
<<st>>米娅计划着在赌场度过一个放纵的夜晚。当她走到熙熙攘攘的赌场时,米娅突然意识到她忘了带钱。她不想一路跋涉回家,也不想冒失去热情的风险,于是她决定发挥创意。她发现一个男人拿着一叠 500 美元的筹码,于是决定找点乐子,''借 ''他一个筹码。<</st>>
<<st>>一时冲动,她走了过去,心怦怦直跳。当那个男人转身去点饮料时,米娅灵巧地从他的筹码堆里 ''偷 ''走了一个筹码。就在她快要离开时,一只手紧紧抓住了她的手腕。<</st>>
<<un>>夜幕降临,偷来的筹码早已被遗忘,他们有说有笑,仿佛相识多年。亚历克斯凑过来,目光闪烁。''你知道吗,我觉得你还欠我一顿晚餐呢'' ''你知道吗,我觉得你欠我一顿饭,因为你的小把戏。''<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<case 2>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gangBang)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gangBang/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<button [[Leave|Casino]]>><</button>><</if>><</if>>
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>><<set $mia.exp +=15>><<set $mia.money+=100>><<set $mia.cor+=1>><<set $active_quests.q3=true>><<set $quests.quest_univer_1=true>>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia stared blankly at the strategic planning slideshow in management class. She glanced over at her friend Lily, who was doodling in her notebook.<</st>>
<<mia>>Leaning over, Mia whispered, ''Lily, I’m so bored. This class is dragging on forever.''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily looked up. ''Yeah, 5 more minutes and I'll fall asleep right here. Then, tell me something interesting. What’s going on in your life?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia hesitated, biting her lip. ''Well, my birthday night was... wild. I slept with a stranger. Just some guy I met at the party. And then the next day, I slept with Jack. You know, my boyfriend.''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily’s eyes widened. ''No way. Mia, are you serious? That's... that's insane!''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia glanced around nervously. ''Yeah, I know. I can’t believe I’m telling you this. It’s been eating me up inside.''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily leaned in closer, giggling. ''Which one was better?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia sighed. ''That’s the thing. I don’t even know. Both were so different. The guy from the party was exciting because he was a total stranger. It was spontaneous, thrilling. But with Jack, it was comfortable, familiar. And now, I’m just confused.''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily tilted her head. ''So, what are you going to do?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>''I don’t know,'' Mia admitted. ''I feel like I’m losing track of who I am. My life is becoming boring, routine. I used to have so much fun, and now everything feels... dull.''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily nodded. ''Maybe you need to shake things up a bit. Find something new that excites you.''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia sighed. ''I thought going to university would be exciting. Meeting new people, learning new things. But instead, it feels like I’m just going through the motions. I need something more. Something that makes me feel alive again.''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily put a hand on Mia’s arm. ''Hey, we’ll figure it out. Maybe you just need to explore a bit. Try new things, meet new people. You’re not stuck.''<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Thanks, Lily. I really needed to talk about this. I guess I just have to find what’s missing.''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily grinned. ''And in the meantime, how about we ditch this class and do something fun?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia’s eyes lit up. ''Now that’s the best idea I’ve heard all day.''<</mia>>
<<st>>They quietly packed their things and slipped out of the lecture hall, leaving behind the monotony of the classroom.<</st>>
<<mia>>As they stepped into the sunshine outside, Mia turned to Lily with a playful grin. ''How about we go to the cinema? I heard there's a new thriller out.''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily brightened. ''Perfect! Let's get some popcorn and escape reality for a while.''<</lily>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Мия безучастно смотрела на слайд-шоу по стратегическому планированию на уроке менеджмента. Она взглянула на свою подругу Лили, которая что-то черкала в тетради.<</st>>
<<mia>>Наклонившись к ней, Мия прошептала: ''Лили, мне так скучно. Эта пара тянется целую вечность''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Лили подняла глаза. Да, еще пять минут, и я засну прямо здесь. Тогда расскажи мне что-нибудь интересное. Что происходит в твоей жизни?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Мия заколебалась, прикусив губу. ''Ну, ночь моего дня рождения была... дикой. Я переспала с незнакомцем. Просто с парнем, которого встретила на вечеринке. А на следующий день я переспала с Джеком. Ну, знаешь, с моим парнем''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Глаза Лили расширились. ''Не может быть. Мия, ты серьезно? Это... это безумие!''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Мия нервно огляделась по сторонам. ''Да, я знаю. Не могу поверить, что говорю тебе об этом. Это съедает меня изнутри''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Лили наклонилась ближе, хихикая. ''Ну и кто из них был лучше?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Мия вздохнула. ''В том-то и дело. Я даже не знаю. Оба были такими разными. В том парне с вечеринки было что-то захватывающее, потому что он был совершенно незнакомым. Это было спонтанно, волнующе. Но с Джеком было комфортно, просто и знакомо. А теперь я просто запуталась''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Лили наклонила голову. ''Так что ты собираешься делать?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Я не знаю'', - призналась Мия. ''Мне кажется, что я теряю представление о том, кто я такая. Моя жизнь становится скучной, рутинной. Раньше мне было так весело, а теперь все кажется... скучным''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Лили кивнула. ''Может тебе нужно немного встряхнуться. Найти что-то новое, что будет тебя увлекать''.<</lily>>
<<mia>>Мия вздохнула. ''Я думала, что поступление в университет будет захватывающим. Встречи с новыми людьми, изучение новых вещей. Но вместо этого я чувствую себя так, будто просто живу на автопилоте. Мне нужно что-то большее. Что-то, что заставит меня снова почувствовать себя живой''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Лили положила руку на руку Мии. ''Эй, мы разберемся с этим. Может, тебе просто нужно немного развеяться. Попробовать что-то новое, познакомиться с новыми людьми. Ты не застряла''.<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Спасибо, Лили. Мне действительно нужно было поговорить об этом. Думаю, мне просто нужно разобраться чего мне не хватает''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Лили усмехнулась. ''А пока что, может, бросим это занятие и займемся чем-нибудь веселым?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Глаза Мии загорелись. ''Это лучшая идея, которую я слышала за весь день''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Они тихо собрали свои вещи и выскользнули из аудитории, оставив позади монотонность занятия.<</st>>
<<mia>>Когда они вышли на солнечную улицу, Мия повернулась к Лили с игривой ухмылкой. ''Как насчет того, чтобы сходить в кино? Я слышала, что вышел новый триллер''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Лили просияла. ''Отлично! Возьмем попкорн и ненадолго убежим от реальности''.<</lily>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia starrte leer auf die strategische Planung in der Managementklasse. Sie warf einen Blick zu ihrer Freundin Lily hinüber, die in ihr Notizbuch kritzelte.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia beugte sich zu Lily hinüber und flüsterte: ''Lily, mir ist so langweilig. Diese Klasse zieht sich ewig hin.''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily schaute auf. ''Ja, noch fünf Minuten und ich schlafe hier ein. Erzähl mir etwas Interessantes. Was geht bei dir gerade so?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia zögerte und biss sich auf die Lippe. ''Naja, meine Geburtstagsnacht war... wild. Ich habe mit einem Fremden geschlafen. Einfach irgendein Typ, den ich auf der Party getroffen habe. Und am nächsten Tag habe ich dann mit Jack geschlafen. Du weißt schon, meinem Freund.''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lilys Augen weiteten sich. ''Echt jetzt? Mia, im Ernst? Das ist... das ist verrückt!''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia schaute sich nervös um. ''Ja, ich weiß. Ich kann nicht glauben, dass ich dir das erzähle. Es frisst mich innerlich auf.''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily beugte sich näher und kicherte. ''Welcher war besser?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia seufzte. ''Das ist es ja. Ich weiß es nicht mal. Beide waren so unterschiedlich. Der Typ von der Party war aufregend, weil er ein total Fremder war. Es war spontan. Aber mit Jack war es bequem, vertraut. Und jetzt bin ich einfach nur verwirrt.''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily legte den Kopf schief. ''Also, was wirst du jetzt machen?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Ich weiß es nicht'', gab Mia zu. ''Ich habe das Gefühl, dass ich den Überblick darüber verliere, wer ich bin. Mein Leben wird langweilig, routinemäßig. Früher hatte ich so viel Spaß, und jetzt fühlt sich alles... öde an.''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily nickte. ''Vielleicht musst du ein wenig aufrütteln. Finde etwas Neues, das dich begeistert.''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia seufzte. ''Ich dachte, das Studium würde aufregend sein. Neue Leute kennenlernen, neue Dinge lernen. Aber stattdessen fühlt es sich an, als würde ich nur noch Routine abspulen. Ich brauche etwas mehr. Etwas, das mich wieder lebendig fühlen lässt.''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily legte eine Hand auf Mias Arm. ''Hey, wir werden das schon hinbekommen. Vielleicht musst du einfach ein bisschen mehr erkunden. Neue Dinge ausprobieren, neue Leute kennenlernen. Du steckst nicht fest.''<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Danke, Lily. Ich musste wirklich darüber reden. Ich denke, ich muss einfach herausfinden, was mir fehlt.''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily grinste. ''Und in der Zwischenzeit, wie wäre es, wenn wir diesen Unterricht schwänzen und etwas Spaß machen?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mias Augen leuchteten auf. ''Das ist die beste Idee, die ich heute gehört habe.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Sie packten leise ihre Sachen zusammen und schlüpften aus dem Hörsaal, ließen die Monotonie des Unterrichts hinter sich.<</st>>
<<mia>>Als sie in den Sonnenschein draußen traten, wandte sich Mia mit einem verspielten Grinsen an Lily. ''Wie wäre es, wenn wir ins Kino gehen? Ich habe gehört, es läuft ein neuer Thriller.''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily strahlte auf. ''Perfekt! Lass uns Popcorn holen und für eine Weile der Realität entfliehen.''<</lily>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Mia regarde d'un œil vide le diaporama sur la planification stratégique en cours de gestion. Elle jette un coup d'œil à son amie Lily, qui griffonne dans son cahier.<</st>>
<<mia>>Se penchant vers elle, Mia lui chuchote : '' Lily, je m'ennuie tellement. Ce cours s'éternise. ''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily lève les yeux. '' Oui, encore 5 minutes et je m'endors ici même. Alors, dis-moi quelque chose d'intéressant. Qu'est-ce qui se passe dans ta vie ? ''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia hésita, se mordant la lèvre. '' Eh bien, la nuit de mon anniversaire a été... sauvage. J'ai couché avec un inconnu. Un type que j'ai rencontré à la fête. Et le lendemain, j'ai couché avec Jack. Tu sais, mon petit ami. ''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Les yeux de Lily s'écarquillent. '' C'est pas vrai. Mia, tu es sérieuse ? C'est... c'est de la folie ! '' <</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia jette un coup d'œil nerveux autour d'elle. '' Oui, je sais. Je n'arrive pas à croire que je te raconte ça. Ça me ronge de l'intérieur. ''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily se rapprocha en riant. '' Lequel était le meilleur ? ''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia soupire. '' C'est ça le problème. Je ne sais même pas. Les deux étaient tellement différents. Le gars de la fête était excitant parce que c'était un parfait inconnu. C'était spontané, excitant. Mais avec Jack, c'était confortable, familier. Et maintenant, je ne sais plus où j'en suis ''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily penche la tête. '' Alors, qu'est-ce que tu vas faire ? ''<</lily>>
<<mia>>'' Je ne sais pas '', admet Mia. '' J'ai l'impression de ne plus savoir qui je suis. Ma vie devient ennuyeuse, routinière. J'avais l'habitude de m'amuser tellement, et maintenant tout me semble... ennuyeux. ''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily acquiesce. '' Peut-être que tu as besoin de te secouer un peu. Trouve quelque chose de nouveau qui te passionne. ''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia soupire. '' Je pensais qu'aller à l'université serait passionnant. Rencontrer de nouvelles personnes, apprendre de nouvelles choses. Mais au lieu de cela, j'ai l'impression de me contenter de suivre le mouvement. J'ai besoin de quelque chose de plus. Quelque chose qui me fasse me sentir vivante à nouveau ''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily pose une main sur le bras de Mia. '' Nous allons trouver une solution. Peut-être que tu as juste besoin d'explorer un peu. Essayer de nouvelles choses, rencontrer de nouvelles personnes. Tu n'es pas coincée. ''<</lily>>
<<mia>>'' Merci, Lily. J'avais vraiment besoin d'en parler. Je crois qu'il faut que je trouve ce qui me manque ''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily sourit. '' Et en attendant, que dirais-tu de laisser tomber ce cours et de faire quelque chose d'amusant ? ''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Les yeux de Mia s'illuminent. '' C'est la meilleure idée que j'ai entendue de toute la journée. ''<</mia>>
<<st>>Elles préparèrent tranquillement leurs affaires et sortirent de l'amphithéâtre, laissant derrière elles la monotonie de la salle de classe.<</st>>
<<mia>>Alors qu'elles se retrouvaient au soleil, Mia se tourna vers Lily avec un sourire enjoué. '' Et si on allait au cinéma ? J'ai entendu dire qu'un nouveau thriller sortait. ''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily s'illumina : '' Parfait ! Prenons du pop-corn et échappons à la réalité pour un moment. ''<</lily>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mia se queda con la mirada perdida ante la presentación de diapositivas sobre planificación estratégica en clase de gestión. Miró a su amiga Lily, que estaba garabateando en su cuaderno.<</st>>
<<mia>>Inclinándose hacia ella, Mia susurró: ''Lily, me aburro mucho. Esta clase se está haciendo eterna''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily levantó la vista. Sí, cinco minutos más y me dormiré aquí mismo. Entonces, cuéntame algo interesante. ¿Qué está pasando en tu vida?''.<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia dudó, mordiéndose el labio. ''Bueno, mi noche de cumpleaños fue... salvaje. Me acosté con un desconocido. Un tipo que conocí en la fiesta. Y al día siguiente, me acosté con Jack. Ya sabes, mi novio''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Los ojos de Lily se abrieron de par en par. ''No puede ser. Mia, ¿hablas en serio? Eso... ¡eso es una locura!''.<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia miró a su alrededor nerviosa. ''Sí, ya lo sé. No puedo creer que te esté contando esto. Me ha estado comiendo por dentro''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily se inclinó más cerca, riendo. ''¿Cuál era mejor?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia suspiró. ''Esa es la cuestión. Ni siquiera lo sé. Ambos eran tan diferentes. El chico de la fiesta fue excitante porque era un completo desconocido. Fue espontáneo, emocionante. Pero con Jack, era cómodo, familiar. Y ahora, estoy confundida''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily ladeó la cabeza. ''Entonces, ¿qué vas a hacer?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>''No lo sé'', admitió Mia. ''Siento que estoy perdiendo la noción de quién soy. Mi vida se está volviendo aburrida, rutinaria. Solía divertirme mucho y ahora todo me parece... aburrido''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily asintió. ''Tal vez necesites cambiar un poco las cosas. Encontrar algo nuevo que te emocione''.<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia suspiró. ''Pensé que ir a la universidad sería emocionante. Conocer gente nueva, aprender cosas nuevas. Pero en lugar de eso, me siento como si estuviera haciendo lo mismo de siempre. Necesito algo más. Algo que me haga sentir viva de nuevo''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily puso una mano en el brazo de Mia. ''Oye, ya se nos ocurrirá algo. Quizá solo necesites explorar un poco. Probar cosas nuevas, conocer gente nueva. No estás estancada''.<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Gracias, Lily. Realmente necesitaba hablar de esto. Supongo que sólo tengo que encontrar lo que me falta''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily sonrió. ''Y mientras tanto, ¿qué tal si nos saltamos esta clase y hacemos algo divertido?''.<</lily>>
<<mia>>A Mia se le iluminaron los ojos. ''Esa es la mejor idea que he oído en todo el día''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Recogieron sus cosas en silencio y salieron del aula, dejando atrás la monotonía de la clase.<</st>>
<<mia>>Cuando salieron al sol, Mia se volvió hacia Lily con una sonrisa juguetona. ''¿Qué tal si vamos al cine? He oído que hay una nueva película de suspense''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily se animó. ''¡Perfecto! Vamos a por palomitas y nos evadimos un rato de la realidad''.<</lily>>
<<case "CH">>
<<lily>>莉莉睁大了眼睛 ''不会吧?米娅,你是认真的吗?这......这太疯狂了!''<</lily>>
<<mia>>米娅叹了口气。''这就是问题所在。我都不知道。两个都很不同。派对上的那个人让人兴奋,因为他完全是个陌生人。那是自发的,令人兴奋的。但和杰克在一起,很舒服,很熟悉 而现在,我只是感到困惑。''<</mia>>
<<lily>>莉莉歪着头 ''那你打算怎么办?''<</lily>>
<</switch>><<if $quests.quest_jack == true and $quests.quest_univer_1==false>><<goto 16_quest_univer_1>><</if>><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe==true and $quests.quest_univer_2==false>><<goto 17_quest_univer_2>><</if>><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_3==true and $quests.quest_univer_3==false>><<goto 18_quest_univer_3>><</if>>
<div class="univer-main-container"><div class="univer-left-container"><<button[[Auditorium|Auditorium]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Smoking area|Smoking area]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|City]]>><</button>></div><div class="univer-right-container"><<if $quests.quest_doors_open==true>><<set $random to random(12)>>
<<if $random==0>><<st>>Mia was sitting at a table in the library because Lily had dragged her there. While Lily went to the librarian to grab some textbook, Mia noticed a cute guy from her economics class sitting a few tables away. She smirked and walked over, leaning on his table, her blouse slightly unbuttoned.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Hey, you look like you need a break. Wanna... find a quieter spot?"<</mia>>
<<un>>(glancing around, then smirking) "Quieter spot, huh? Lead the way."<</un>><<elseif $random==1>><<st>>After class, Mia is leaning against her car when a guy from her philosophy seminar approaches. They’ve been flirting for weeks, and tonight, she’s done playing games.<</st>>
<<mia>>You know, I’ve been thinking... maybe we should finally stop talking and start doing something.<</mia>>
<<un>>(grinning) Like what?<</un>>
<<elseif $random==2>><<st>>Lily stays after class to ask one of her classmates about an assignment. He’s always been a little too friendly, and today, she decides to test the waters. She decides it's time to act when everyone leaves the room except her and the guy. <</st>>
<<lily>>I was wondering if you could... explain this part to me again?<</lily>>
<<un>>(leaning closer, his hand brushing hers) Of course. But maybe we should make this a private lesson.<</un>>
<<lily>>(smirking) I was hoping you’d say that.<</lily>>
[img[0.3.2/oneTimeGif/2.gif]]<<elseif $random==3>><<st>>Lily is walking through the hall when she runs into a guy from her chess class. They’ve been exchanging glances for weeks, and tonight, he finally makes a move.<</st>>
<<un>>Hey, Lily. Going home?<</un>>
<<lily>>(smirking) Not yet. Why, got any ideas?<</lily>>
<<un>>(stepping closer) A few. Let’s get in here.<</un>>
<<st>>He leads her into an empty classroom.<</st>>
[img[0.3.2/oneTimeGif/3.gif]]<<elseif $random==4>><<st>>Alissa sneaks into the campus club room after hours with a guy she met at a party. They’re both a little drunk, and she’s feeling bold.<</st>>
<<ali>>You know, this place is way more fun when it’s empty.<</ali>>
<<un>>(grinning) Yeah? What did you have in mind?<</un>>
<<ali>>(pushing him onto the couch) This.<</ali>>
[img[0.3.2/oneTimeGif/4.gif]]<<elseif $random==5>><<st>>Alissa “accidentally” follows a guy from her volleyball class into the gym storage room. He’s been giving her looks all semester, and she’s tired of waiting.<</st>>
<<ali>>You know, this room is pretty private...<</ali>>
<<un>>(smirking) Yeah, it is. Why? You got something in mind?<</un>>
<<ali>>(unzipping her hoodie) Maybe.<</ali>>
[img[0.3.2/oneTimeGif/5.gif]]<<elseif $random==6>><<st>>Michelle “accidentally” wanders into the men’s locker room after gym class. One of the football players catches her, but she’s not exactly trying to hide.<</st>>
<<michelle>>Oops. Wrong room.<</michelle>>
<<un>>(grinning) You sure about that?<</un>>
<<michelle>>(smirking) Maybe not. Want to help me find the right one?<</michelle>>
<<st>>(He pulls her into a shower stall, the water running as she presses him against the wall, her hands already working on his belt.)<</st>>
[img[0.3.2/oneTimeGif/6.gif]]<<elseif $random==7>><<st>>Michelle stays late after a study group, and one of the guys offers to help her “review.” They end up in an empty classroom, the tension too much to ignore.<</st>>
<<un>>You know, I think you’re acing this subject already.<</un>>
<<michelle>>(grinning) Yeah? Wanna test me?<</michelle>>
<<un>>(pushing her onto the desk) Gladly.<</un>>
[img[0.3.2/oneTimeGif/7.gif]]<<elseif $random==8>><<if $choose_extra_credit==1>><<st>>Mia gets a text from Professor Harrison: “My office. 10 minutes.” She smirks and heads over. When she walks in, he’s sitting at his desk, looking straight into her eyes.<</st>>
<<prof>>You’ve got 15 minutes to put me in a good mood before my next class. Make it count.<</prof>>
<<mia>>(grinning, walking over) Then I better get started.<</mia>>
<<st>>She drops to her knees in front of him, unzipping his pants and pulling out his cock.<</st>>
<<prof>>(breathless) Fuck, Mia... you’re good at this.<</prof>>
<<mia>>(pulling back, smirking) You haven’t seen anything yet.<</mia>><<elseif $choose_extra_credit==2>><<st>>(Mia storms into Professor Harrison’s office, slamming the door behind her and locking it. He looks up, surprised, but before he can say anything, she’s already walking toward him.)<</st>>
<<mia>>I just sat through the most boring lecture of my life. I need to blow off some steam.<</mia>>
<<prof>>(smirking, leaning back in his chair) Always happy to help.
She unbuttons her blouse, letting it fall to the floor, and climbs onto his desk, spreading her legs.<</prof>>
[img[0.3.2/oneTimeGif/9.gif]]<<else>><<st>>Mia enters the university, and the place is buzzing with activity. Students are everywhere, chatting, rushing to classes, and lounging in common areas. The air is filled with laughter and lively conversations, making the campus feel vibrant and full of energy.<</st>><</if>><<elseif $random==9>><<if $choose_extra_credit==1>><<st>>Mia is in the library, searching for a textbook in a secluded aisle. As she reaches for a book, someone grabs her from behind, covering her mouth with a hand. She hears Professor Harrison’s voice, low and commanding.<</st>>
<<prof>>Quietly. We can’t get caught.<</prof>>
<<st>>She feels his hard cock pressing against her ass through his unzipped pants. Mia smirks, pulling down her panties without hesitation.<</st>>
<<mia>>(whispering, her tone teasing) Then you better keep your mouth shut.
She bends over a stack of books, her ass on full display.<</mia>>
[img[0.3.2/oneTimeGif/10.gif]]<<elseif $choose_extra_credit==2>><<st>>Mia finds Professor Harrison in the library, pretending to read a book. She walks up to him and smiles.<</st>>
<<mia>>Follow me. I have a little surprise for you.<</mia>>
<<st>>She leads him to a secluded corner, pushing him against the shelves. Without a word, she drops to her knees, unzipping his pants and taking him into her mouth.<</st>>
<<prof>>(whispering) Fuck, Mia...<</prof>>
<<mia>>(pulling back, smirking) Shut up and enjoy it.<</mia>>
[img[0.3.2/oneTimeGif/11.gif]]<<else>><<st>>Mia enters the university, and the place is buzzing with activity. Students are everywhere, chatting, rushing to classes, and lounging in common areas. The air is filled with laughter and lively conversations, making the campus feel vibrant and full of energy.<</st>><</if>><<elseif $random==10>><<if $choose_extra_credit==1>><<st>>Mia gets a text: “I want to have fun during my next lecture. Be under my desk.” <</st>>
<<st>>A few minutes later, she sneaks into the classroom early, hiding under his desk. When the lecture starts, she unzips his pants and takes him into her mouth while he’s teaching.<</st>>
<<prof>>(stammering slightly, trying to stay composed) As I was saying, the... uh... the economic implications are... significant.<</prof>>
<<st>>He grips the edge of the desk, his voice faltering as she deepthroats him. The students don’t seem to notice, but he’s struggling to keep it together.)<</st>><<elseif $choose_extra_credit==2>><<st>>Mia finds Professor Harrison in the parking lot after class. She walks up to his car, tapping on the window. When he rolls it down, she smirks.<</st>>
<<mia>>Get in the backseat. Now.<</mia>>
<<st>>Once they’re in the backseat, Mia climbs onto his lap, unzipping his pants and pulling down her skirt. <</st>>
<<mia>>(grinning) That’s kinda fun, huh?<</mia>>
<<st>>He doesn’t respond, too focused on the way she’s moving against him.<</st>>
[img[0.3.2/oneTimeGif/12.gif]]<<else>><<st>>Mia enters the university, and the place is buzzing with activity. Students are everywhere, chatting, rushing to classes, and lounging in common areas. The air is filled with laughter and lively conversations, making the campus feel vibrant and full of energy.<</st>><</if>><<elseif $random==11>><<if $choose_extra_credit==1>><<st>>(Mia is walking down the hallway when she spots Professor Harrison. Before she can say anything, he grabs her wrist and pulls her into the nearest door—a small storage closet. The moment the door closes, he pins her against the wall, his hands roaming her body.)<</st>>
<<prof>>(grinning, his voice low) Perfect timing. I need to blow off some steam, and you’re just the girl for the job.<</prof>>
<<st>>(Mia smirks, a flicker of irritation crossing her mind—He’s really leaning into this whole dominant act, huh?—but she doesn’t argue. Instead, she drops to her knees, unzipping his pants and pulling out his cock.)<</st>>
<<mia>>(looking up at him, her tone teasing) Lucky me.<</mia>>
[img[0.3.2/oneTimeGif/13.gif]]<<elseif $choose_extra_credit==2>><<st>>Mia gets a text from Professor Harrison: “Lecture Hall 3. Now.” She smirks and heads over, curious what he’s planning this time. When she arrives, the hall is empty, and Harrison is waiting at the podium.<</st>>
<<prof>>(grinning) Took you long enough. I was starting to think you’d forgotten about me.<</prof>>
<<mia>>Oh, trust me, Professor. I could never forget you. What’s the plan this time?<</mia>>
<<prof>>(stepping out from behind the podium) I thought we’d try something... different. Ever fantasized about being bent over a desk in front of a room full of people?<</prof>>
<<mia>>(raising an eyebrow, her smirk widening) Empty room doesn’t count, but I’ll play along. What did you have in mind?<</mia>>
<<st>>(He grabs her wrist, pulling her to the front row of desks. Mia laughs, letting him push her over one of them. She glances back at him, her tone teasing.)<</st>>
<<mia>>You’re really into this whole “professor-student” thing, huh?<</mia>>
<<prof>>(unzipping his pants, his voice low) And you’re not?<</prof>>
<<mia>>(grinning) Oh, I am. But don’t get too comfortable. I’m still the one in charge here.<</mia>>
<<st>>He pushes into her from behind, and Mia bites her lip to stifle a moan.<</st>>
<<mia>>(breathless) You know, if anyone walks in, you’re the one getting fired.<</mia>>
<<prof>>(growling) Then we better keep it down.<</prof>>
[img[0.3.2/oneTimeGif/14.gif]]<<else>><<st>>Mia enters the university, and the place is buzzing with activity. Students are everywhere, chatting, rushing to classes, and lounging in common areas. The air is filled with laughter and lively conversations, making the campus feel vibrant and full of energy.<</st>><</if>><<elseif $random==12>><<if $choose_extra_credit==1>><<st>>(Mia gets a text from Professor Harrison: “My office. 20 minutes.” She rolls her eyes but heads over, thinking it might be fun. When she walks in, she’s met with an unexpected sight—Professor Harrison and another man, who looks just as smug, are waiting for her.<</st>>
<<prof>>Ah, there you are. You’re late.<</prof>>
<<st>>Mia’s eyes narrow as she takes in the scene. The other man is leaning against the desk, looking her up and down like she’s a piece of meat.<</st>>
<<mia>>She thinks to herself: What the hell is this idiot doing here? And why does Harrison look so damn pleased with himself?<</mia>>
<<mia>>(coldly) Hello, Professor Harrison. I’m here. And who’s this?<</mia>>
<<prof>>(gesturing to the other man) This is Professor Collins. He’ll be teaching you next semester. I owe him a favor, so today, you’ll be... entertaining both of us.<</prof>>
<<st>>Mia freezes for a second, stunned by the sheer audacity. She thinks: This idiot has completely lost it. I played along too long, and now he thinks he owns me.<</st>>
<<prof>>(completely ignoring Mia, turning to Collins) So, who’s going first? You or me?<</prof>>
<<st>>Before Collins can answer, Mia snaps. Her face hardens, and her voice cuts through the room like a knife.<</st>>
<<mia>>What the fuck is wrong with you two? Are you out of your goddamn minds?<</mia>>
<<st>>Both men blink, caught off guard by her sudden outburst. Harrison tries to regain control.<</st>>
<<prof>>(smirking, still arrogant) Mia, we had a deal. Don’t make this harder than it needs to be, or you’ll never pass my exam. And yeah, start with Professor Collins, and we’ll see about your grade.<</prof>>
<<mia>>(her tone venomous) You idiot, you really think you can just pimp me out like some cheap whore? Let me tell you something—I’ve got more money than you’ll ever see in your pathetic lives. I could buy this university if I wanted to. I only played along with your little power trip because it was fun to fuck a professor without getting caught. But you? (she points at Harrison) You’re so far up your own ass, you actually thought you could control me. And you— (she turns to Collins) —you’re just a pathetic creep who thought he could get a piece of me for free.<</mia>>
<<st>>Harrison’s smirk falters, and Collins looks like he’s about to bolt. Mia isn’t done.<</st>>
<<mia>>Here’s what’s going to happen. I’ll go to the dean, give him 100 grand, and he’ll wipe my record clean. Then, I’ll tell him you both harassed me. And guess what? He’ll believe me. If I throw in a little extra, you’ll both be out of a job so fast, your heads will spin. And good luck finding work after that.<</mia>>
<<st>>At this point, Collins looks panicked, and Harrison is pale, his smug expression completely gone.<</st>>
<<prof>>(stammering) Mia, wait—let’s not be hasty—<</prof>>
<<mia>>(cutting him off) Oh, we’re way past that. Do you want to make it up to me? You’re going to pass me, pass my friends, and write all our missing assignments. And if either of you even think about crossing me again, I’ll make sure you regret it for the rest of your lives.<</mia>>
<<st>>She pauses, her eyes narrowing as a wicked idea crosses her mind.<</st>>
<<mia>>Actually, if you ever pull this shit again, I’ll make you fuck each other. How’s that for a power trip?<</mia>>
<<st>>Both men stare at her, completely speechless. Mia smirks, satisfied with their horrified expressions.<</st>>
<<mia>>Good. Now that everything’s settled, I have to go. <</mia>>
<<st>>She turns on her heel and walks out, slamming the door behind her.<</st>><<elseif $choose_extra_credit==2>><<st>>(Mia spots Professor Harrison walking down the hallway. She smirks, deciding it’s her turn to take the lead. She grabs his arm and pulls him into the bathroom, locking the door behind them.)<</st>>
<<prof>>(raising an eyebrow) What’s this about?<</prof>>
<<mia>>(grinning, pushing him against the wall) You look sexy in this suit, you know that?<</mia>>
<<st>>She drops to her knees, unzipping his pants before he can respond. He groans, his hands tangling in her hair as she takes him into her mouth. <</st>>
[img[0.3.2/oneTimeGif/15.gif]]<<else>><<st>>Mia enters the university, and the place is buzzing with activity. Students are everywhere, chatting, rushing to classes, and lounging in common areas. The air is filled with laughter and lively conversations, making the campus feel vibrant and full of energy.<</st>><</if>><</if>><<else>><<st>>Mia enters the university, and the place is buzzing with activity. Students are everywhere, chatting, rushing to classes, and lounging in common areas. The air is filled with laughter and lively conversations, making the campus feel vibrant and full of energy.<</st>><</if>></div></div><<set $canTravel =1>><<set $mia.exp +=50>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<set $quests.quest_univer_2=true>><<set $active_quests.q11=true>>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia walked into the university, trying to maintain her composure. Because of that jerk Roy she had missed a lot of classes, and she knew questions were inevitable. As she walked down the hall to her lecture, she ran into Lily.<</st>>
<<lily>>''Mia, finally you're here! Where have you been?I've been texting and calling you for days!'' Lily asked.<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Hey! Sorry I didn't return your calls, I’ve just been swamped with work. You know how it is,'' Mia replied hoping Lily believes her.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily raised an eyebrow. ''You missed a lot of classes. We had a couple of important exams in Professor Harrison’s class.''<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Damn, I didn't realize. Thanks for letting me know. I'll talk to him and then will find you, ok?''<</mia>>
<<lily>>''Fine! But don't you think I bought your 'I was working' crap.''<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Hahha, come on, Lily, you know me. Always juggling a million things at once. I'll catch up, don't worry about me.''<</mia>>
<<st>>With that, Mia made her way to Professor Harrison’s office, rehearsing her lines. She knocked on the door and entered, and saw him reading some papers.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Professor Harrison, do you have a minute?''<</mia>>
<<prof>>He looked up, surprised. ''Mia, yes, of course. What can I do for you?''<</prof>>
<<mia>>''I’ve missed some classes and a few important tests. I’ve been really caught up with work, and I was hoping to discuss how I can make up for it,'' she said, stepping closer to his desk.<</mia>>
<<prof>>Professor Harrison leaned back in his chair, studying her. ''Mia, missing so many classes and exams is serious. Why didn’t you inform us earlier?''<</prof>>
<<mia>>She hesitated. ''I know, and I’m really sorry. It’s just been a tough time. I promise I’ll make it up to you.''<</mia>>
<<prof>>He softened a bit, his gaze lingering on her. ''Well, you’ve always been a dedicated student. I suppose we can find a way to make this work. You’ll have to put in extra effort, though.''<</prof>>
<<mia>>Mia noticed the subtle change in his tone and decided to push a little further. ''Thank you, Professor. I’ll do whatever it takes. I really appreciate your understanding.''<</mia>>
<<prof>>He nodded, seemingly more interested. ''I’m sure you will. Let’s discuss how you can catch up. Come closer so we can go over the syllabus.''<</prof>>
<<mia>>Mia moved closer, leaning over his desk, her tone dropping slightly. ''I’m willing to put in extra work, attend every office hour, and maybe... if you could overlook my absences, I promise you won’t regret it.''<</mia>>
<<prof>>Professor Harrison’s eyes flickered with intrigue. ''And how do you propose to ensure that?''<</prof>>
<<mia>>She leaned in even closer, whispering in his ear. ''I can be very persuasive.''<</mia>>
<<prof>>He cleared his throat, clearly flustered. ''Alright, Mia. I’ll give you a chance. But you have to catch up on all the missed material and pass the make-up exams. Maybe I'll even have to give you few… hmm.. private lessons. Deal?''<</prof>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded, a playful smile on her lips. ''Deal, Professor. I'd really love that.''<</mia>>
<<st>>She left the office, feeling a sense of relief and empowerment. Despite everything, she was determined to reclaim her life and not let anything hold her back.<</st>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Мия вошла в университет, стараясь сохранять самообладание. Из-за этого придурка Роя она пропустила много занятий, и она знала, что избежать вопросов не выйдет. Когда она шла по коридору к своей лекции, то столкнулась с Лили.<</st>>
<<lily>>''Мия, наконец-то ты здесь! Где ты была? Я писала и звонила тебе несколько дней!'' спросила Лили.<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Привет! Прости, что не отвечала на твои звонки, я просто была завалена работой. Ты же знаешь, как это бывает'', - ответила Мия, надеясь, что Лили ей поверит.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Лили подняла бровь. ''Ты пропустила много занятий. У нас была пара важных экзаменов по предмету профессора Харрисона''.<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Черт, я и не знала. Спасибо, что сообщила мне. Я поговорю с ним, а потом найду тебя, хорошо?''<</mia>>
<<lily>>''Так и быть! Но не думай, что я купилась на твою чушь про ''я работала''.<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Хаха, да ладно, Лили, ты же меня знаешь. Всегда жонглирую миллионом дел одновременно. Я все наверстаю, не волнуйся за меня''.<</mia>>
<<st>>С этими словами Мия направилась к кабинету профессора Харрисона, репетируя свои реплики. Постучав в дверь, она вошла и увидела, что он читает какие-то бумаги.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Профессор Харрисон, у вас есть минутка?''<</mia>>
<<prof>>Он удивленно поднял глаза. ''Мия, да, конечно. Чем я могу вам помочь?''<</prof>>
<<mia>>''Я пропустила несколько занятий и несколько важных тестов. Меня очень затянула работа, и я надеялась обсудить, как я могу наверстать упущенное'', - сказала она, подходя к его столу.<</mia>>
<<prof>>Профессор Харрисон откинулся в кресле, изучая ее. ''Мия, пропуск стольких занятий и экзаменов - это серьезно. Почему вы не сообщили нам об этом раньше?''<</prof>>
<<mia>>Она заколебалась. ''Я знаю, и мне очень жаль. Просто у меня был трудный период. Я обещаю, что исправлюсь''.<</mia>>
<<prof>>Он немного смягчился, его взгляд задержался на ней. ''Ну, вы всегда были старательной ученицей. Полагаю, мы сможем найти способ исправить ваши, кхм, пропуски. Правда, вам придется приложить дополнительные усилия''.<</prof>>
<<mia>>Мия заметила едва заметное изменение в его тоне и решила поднажать. ''Спасибо, профессор. Я сделаю все, что потребуется. Я очень ценю ваше понимание''.<</mia>>
<<prof>>Он кивнул, похоже, заинтересовавшись. ''Не сомневаюсь. Давайте обсудим, как вы можете наверстать упущенное. Подойдите ближе, чтобы мы могли просмотреть учебный план''.<</prof>>
<<mia>>Мия подошла ближе и наклонилась над его столом, ее взгляд слегка потемнел. ''Я готова работать дополнительно, посещать каждый рабочий день и, возможно... если вы не будете обращать внимания на мои пропуски, я обещаю, что вы не пожалеете''.<</mia>>
<<prof>>В глазах профессора Харрисона мелькнула интрига. ''И как же вы собираетесь это обеспечить?''<</prof>>
<<mia>>Она наклонилась еще ближе и прошептала ему на ухо. ''Я могу быть очень убедительной''.<</mia>>
<<prof>>Он прочистил горло, явно запыхавшись. ''Хорошо, Мия. Я дам вам шанс. Но вы должны наверстать весь пропущенный материал и сдать пробные экзамены. Возможно, мне даже придется дать вам несколько... хм... частных уроков. Договорились?''<</prof>>
<<mia>>Мия кивнула, на ее губах появилась игривая улыбка. ''Договорились, профессор. Я буду очень рада''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Она вышла из кабинета, испытывая чувство облегчения и прилива сил. Несмотря ни на что, она была полна решимости вернуть себе свою жизнь и не позволять никаким обстоятельствам стояь на ее пути.<</st>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia betrat die Universität und versuchte, ihre Fassung zu wahren. Wegen dieses Idioten Roy hatte sie viele Vorlesungen verpasst, und sie wusste, dass Fragen unausweichlich waren. Als sie den Flur entlang zur Vorlesung ging, traf sie Lily.<</st>>
<<lily>>''Mia, endlich bist du hier! Wo warst du denn? Ich habe dich tagelang geschrieben und angerufen!'' Lily fragte.<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Hey! Sorry, dass ich deine Anrufe nicht zurückgegeben habe. Ich war einfach voll mit Arbeit beschäftigt. Du weißt ja, wie das ist,'' Mia antwortete und hoffte, dass Lily ihr glaubte.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily zog eine Augenbraue hoch. ''Du hast ziemlich viele Vorlesungen verpasst. Wir hatten ein paar wichtige Prüfungen in Professor Harrisons Unterricht.''<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Verdammt, das ist mir gar nicht aufgefallen. Danke, dass du Bescheid gesagt hast. Ich rede mit ihm und dann finde ich dich, okay?''<</mia>>
<<lily>>''Schon gut! Aber denk nicht, dass ich deine Ausrede mit der Arbeit geschluckt habe.''<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Haha, komm schon, Lily, du kennst mich doch. Immer tausend Sachen gleichzeitig am Laufen. Ich werde schon aufholen, mach dir keine Sorgen um mich.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Also gut, Mia machte sich auf den Weg zu Professor Harrisons Büro und leierte dabei schon mal ihre Sätze runter. Klopft an die Tür Sie ging rein und sah ihn, wie er über irgendwelche Papiere gebeugt war.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Professor Harrison, hätten Sie bitte einen Moment Zeit?''<</mia>>
<<prof>>Er blickte überrascht auf. ''Mia, ja, natürlich. Was kann ich für dich tun?''<</prof>>
<<mia>>''Ich hab leider ein paar Unterrichtsstunden und wichtige Tests verpasst. Die Arbeit hat mich echt umgehauen und ich wollte fragen, wie ich das wiedergutmachen kann.'' Sie ging dabei näher an seinen Schreibtisch heran.<</mia>>
<<prof>>Professor Harrison ließ sich im Sessel zurückfallen und musterte sie kritisch. ''Mia, so viele Vorlesungen und Klausuren zu verpassen, ist echt nicht ohne. Wieso hast du uns denn nicht vorher Bescheid gesagt?''<</prof>>
<<mia>>Sie zögerte. ''Ich weiß, und es tut mir echt leid. Die letzte Zeit war einfach nur stressig. Aber ich verspreche Ihnen, dass ich das wieder hinkriege.''<</mia>>
<<prof>>''Na gut, du warst ja immer ’ne fleißige Studentin. Kriegen wir bestimmt irgendwie hin. Aber dafür musst du dann halt ordentlich ackern.''<</prof>>
<<mia>>Mia checkte die leichte Veränderung in seinem Tonfall und entschied sich, noch etwas nachzulegen. ''Danke, Herr Professor. Ich reiße mich zusammen, was immer es braucht. Wirklich nett, dass Sie das verstehen.''<</mia>>
<<prof>>Er nickte, wirkte jetzt irgendwie interessierter. ''Das bin ich mir sicher. Dann lass uns mal schauen, wie du wieder hinkommst. Komm ruhig näher, dann können wir den Lehrplan durchgehen.''<</prof>>
<<mia>>Mia rückte näher, beugte sich über seinen Schreibtisch und senkte dabei die Stimme ein bisschen. ''Ich bin bereit, mich richtig reinzuhängen, jede Sprechstunde zu besuchen, und vielleicht... wenn Sie meine Fehlzeiten mal außer Acht lassen könnten, dann werden Sie das garantiert nicht bereuen.''<</mia>>
<<prof>>Professor Harrisons Blick blitzte interessiert auf. ''Und wie willst du das denn garantieren?''<</prof>>
<<mia>>Mia beugte sich noch näher zu ihm rüber und flüsterte ihm ins Ohr. ''Ich kann sehr überzeugend sein.''<</mia>>
<<prof>>Professor Harrison räusperte sich, sichtlich nervös. ''Na gut, Mia. Ich gebe dir 'ne Chance. Aber du musst den ganzen verpassten Stoff nachholen und die Nachprüfungen bestehen. Vielleicht brauchst du ja sogar noch ein paar... hm... Nachhilfeeinheiten. Abgemacht?''<</prof>>
<<mia>>Mia nickte, ein spielerisches Lächeln auf den Lippen. ''Abgemacht, Herr Professor. Würde mich wirklich freuen.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia verließ erleichtert und gestärkt das Büro. Trotz allem war sie fest entschlossen, ihr Leben wieder in den Griff zu bekommen und sich von nichts aufhalten zu lassen.<</st>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Mia entre dans l'université en essayant de garder son calme. À cause de cet abruti de Roy, elle avait raté beaucoup de cours, et elle savait que les questions étaient inévitables. Alors qu'elle se dirigeait vers son cours, elle rencontra Lily.<</st>>
<<lily>>'' Mia, tu es enfin là ! Où étais-tu ? Ça fait des jours que je t'envoie des textos et que je t'appelle !'' lui demande Lily.<</lily>>
<<mia>>'' Hé ! Désolée de ne pas t'avoir rappelée, j'ai été débordée par le travail. Tu sais ce que c'est'', répond Mia en espérant que Lily la croit.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily hausse un sourcil. '' Tu as raté beaucoup de cours. Nous avions quelques examens importants dans la classe du professeur Harrison. ''<</lily>>
<<mia>>'' Bon sang, je n'avais pas réalisé. Merci de me le faire savoir. Je vais lui parler et je te retrouverai, d'accord ? ''<</mia>>
<<lily>>'' D'accord ! Mais ne crois pas que j'ai gobé tes conneries de ''j'étais en train de travailler''.<</lily>>
<<mia>>'' Hahha, Lily, tu me connais. Toujours en train de jongler avec un million de choses à la fois. Je vais me rattraper, ne t'inquiète pas pour moi. ''<</mia>>
<<st>>Sur ce, Mia se dirigea vers le bureau du professeur Harrison, répétant son texte. Elle frappa à la porte et entra, et le vit en train de lire quelques papiers.<</st>>
<<mia>>'' Professeur Harrison, avez-vous une minute ? ''<</mia>>
<<prof>>Il lève les yeux, surpris. '' Mia, oui, bien sûr. Que puis-je faire pour vous ? ''<</prof>>
<<mia>>'' J'ai manqué quelques cours et quelques examens importants. J'ai été très prise par le travail et j'espérais pouvoir discuter de la manière dont je pourrais me rattraper'', dit-elle en s'approchant de son bureau.<</mia>>
<<prof>>Le professeur Harrison s'adosse à sa chaise et l'étudie. '' Mia, rater autant de cours et d'examens, c'est grave. Pourquoi ne pas nous avoir prévenus plus tôt ? ''<</prof>>
<<mia>>Elle hésite. '' Je sais, et je suis vraiment désolée. Ça a été une période difficile. Je promets de me rattraper. ''<</mia>>
<<prof>>Il se radoucit un peu, son regard s'attardant sur elle. '' Vous avez toujours été une étudiante dévouée. Je suppose que nous pouvons trouver un moyen de faire en sorte que cela fonctionne. Vous devrez faire des efforts supplémentaires, cependant. ''<</prof>>
<<mia>>Mia remarqua le changement subtil dans son ton et décida de pousser un peu plus loin. '' Merci, professeur. Je ferai tout ce qu'il faut. J'apprécie vraiment votre compréhension. ''<</mia>>
<<prof>>Il acquiesça, apparemment plus intéressé. '' Je n'en doute pas. Voyons comment vous pouvez rattraper votre retard. Approchez-vous pour que nous puissions revoir le programme ''.<</prof>>
<<mia>>Mia s'approcha, se pencha sur son bureau et baissa légèrement le ton. '' Je suis prête à travailler davantage, à assister à toutes les heures de bureau et peut-être... si vous pouviez ignorer mes absences, je vous promets que vous ne le regretterez pas. ''<</mia>>
<<prof>>Les yeux du professeur Harrison se mirent à scintiller d'intrigue. '' Et comment comptez-vous vous en assurer ? ''<</prof>>
<<mia>>Elle se pencha encore plus près de lui et lui chuchota à l'oreille. '' Je peux être très persuasive. ''<</mia>>
<<prof>>Il se racle la gorge, visiblement troublé. '' D'accord, Mia. Je vous donne une chance. Mais il faut que vous rattrapiez toutes les matières manquées et que vous passiez les examens de rattrapage. Peut-être que je devrais même vous donner quelques... hmm... leçons particulières. D'accord ? ''<</prof>>
<<mia>>Mia acquiesça, un sourire enjoué sur les lèvres. '' D'accord, professeur. J'en serais ravie. ''<</mia>>
<<st>>Elle quitta le bureau, avec un sentiment de soulagement et d'autonomie. Malgré tout, elle était déterminée à reprendre sa vie en main et à ne pas se laisser freiner par quoi que ce soit.<</st>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mia entró en la universidad intentando mantener la compostura. Por culpa de ese imbécil de Roy había faltado a muchas clases, y sabía que las preguntas eran inevitables. Mientras caminaba por el pasillo hacia su clase, se topó con Lily.<</st>>
<<lily>>''Mia, ¡por fin estás aquí! ¿Dónde has estado? ¡Llevo días mandándote mensajes y llamándote!'' preguntó Lily.<</lily>>
<<mia>>''¡Hola! Siento no haberte devuelto las llamadas, es que he estado hasta arriba de trabajo. Ya sabes cómo es'', respondió Mia esperando que Lily la creyera.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily enarcó una ceja. ''Te has perdido muchas clases. Teníamos un par de exámenes importantes en la clase del profesor Harrison''.<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Maldita sea, no me había dado cuenta. Gracias por avisarme. Hablaré con él y luego te buscaré, ¿vale?''<</mia>>
<<lily>>''¡Bien! Pero no creas que me tragué tu mierda de 'estaba trabajando''.<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Hahha, vamos, Lily, ya me conoces. Siempre haciendo malabares con un millón de cosas a la vez. Me pondré al día, no te preocupes por mí''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Con eso, Mia se dirigió al despacho del profesor Harrison, ensayando sus líneas. Llamó a la puerta, entró y lo vio leyendo unos papeles.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Profesor Harrison, ¿tiene un minuto?''<</mia>>
<<prof>>Levantó la vista, sorprendido. ''Mia, sí, por supuesto. ¿Qué puedo hacer por usted?''<</prof>>
<<mia>>''He faltado a algunas clases y a algunos exámenes importantes. He estado muy liada con el trabajo, y esperaba poder hablar de cómo puedo compensarlo'', dijo ella, acercándose a su mesa.<</mia>>
<<prof>>El profesor Harrison se reclinó en su silla y la estudió. ''Mia, faltar a tantas clases y exámenes es grave. ¿Por qué no nos informaste antes?''.<</prof>>
<<mia>>Ella vaciló. ''Lo sé, y lo siento mucho. Han sido tiempos difíciles. Os prometo que os lo compensaré''.<</mia>>
<<prof>>Él se ablandó un poco, su mirada se detuvo en ella. ''Bueno, siempre has sido una estudiante aplicada. Supongo que podemos encontrar la manera de que esto funcione. Aunque tendrás que esforzarte más''.<</prof>>
<<mia>>Mia notó el sutil cambio en su tono y decidió insistir un poco más. ''Gracias, profesor. Haré lo que haga falta. Le agradezco mucho su comprensión''.<</mia>>
<<prof>>Él asintió, aparentemente más interesado. ''Estoy seguro de que lo harás. Hablemos de cómo puedes ponerte al día. Acércate para que podamos repasar el plan de estudios''.<</prof>>
<<mia>>Mia se acercó, se inclinó sobre su escritorio y bajó ligeramente el tono. ''Estoy dispuesta a hacer trabajo extra, asistir a todas las horas de oficina, y tal vez... si pudiera pasar por alto mis ausencias, le prometo que no se arrepentirá.''<</mia>>
<<prof>>Los ojos del profesor Harrison parpadearon con intriga. ''¿Y cómo te propones asegurarlo?''.<</prof>>
<<mia>>Se inclinó aún más hacia él y le susurró al oído. ''Puedo ser muy persuasiva''.<</mia>>
<<prof>>Se aclaró la garganta, claramente nervioso. ''Muy bien, Mia. Te daré una oportunidad. Pero tienes que ponerte al día con todo lo que has perdido y aprobar los exámenes de recuperación. Tal vez incluso tenga que darte algunas... hmm... clases particulares. ¿Trato hecho?''<</prof>>
<<mia>>Mia asintió, con una sonrisa juguetona en los labios. ''Trato hecho, profesor. Me encantaría''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Salió del despacho, sintiendo una sensación de alivio y empoderamiento. A pesar de todo, estaba decidida a recuperar su vida y a no dejar que nada la frenara.<</st>>
<<case "CH">>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Girlie secrets</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_jack==true>>It seems Mia's adult life isn't as fun as she thought it would be. Who knew college could be so boring?
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to University<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+15 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+100 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_jack == true>>✅Pass quest #2<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #2<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Девичьи секреты</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_jack==true>>Кажется взрослая жизнь Мии не так весела как ей представлялось. Кто бы мог подумать что универ это так скучно.
Перейти к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь в университет<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+15 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+100 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_jack == true>>✅Pass quest #2<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #2<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Girlie-Geheimnisse</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_jack==true>>Es scheint, dass Mias Erwachsenenleben nicht so spaßig ist, wie sie dachte. Wer hätte gedacht, dass das College so langweilig sein könnte?
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe zur Universität<<else>>Erfülle die vorherige Aufgabe, um diese zu öffnen.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+15 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+100 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_jack == true>>✅Pass quest #2<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #2<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Secrets de filles</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_jack==true>>IIl semble que la vie d'adulte de Mia ne soit pas aussi amusante qu'elle le pensait. Qui aurait cru que l'université serait si ennuyeuse?
Aller à : Remplissez les conditions et allez à l'Université<<else>>Réalisez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+15 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+100 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_jack == true>>✅Pass quest #2<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #2<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Secretos de chicas</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_jack==true>>Parece que la vida adulta de Mia no es tan divertida como ella pensaba. ¿Quién iba a pensar que la universidad sería tan aburrida?
Ir a: Cumple las condiciones y ve a la Universidad<<else>>Comple la quest anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+15 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+100 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_jack == true>>✅Pass quest #2<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #2<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">女孩的秘密</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_jack==true>>米娅的成人生活似乎并不像她想象的那样有趣。谁会想到大学生活会如此无聊呢?
前往: 满足条件并前往大学<<else>>完成前一个任务即可开启这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+15 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+100 money</div><div class="quest titlebar">+1 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_jack == true>>✅Pass quest #2<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #2<</if>></div></div></div>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Retake</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe==true>>Mia is still trying to get her life back on track. Will going back to college be as easy as going back to work?
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to University<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+50 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe == true>>✅Pass quest #12<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #12<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Пересдача</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe==true>>Мия все еще пытается вернуть свою привычную жизнь. Будет ли возвращение в универ таким же простым как и на работу?
Перейти к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь в университет<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+50 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe == true>>✅Pass quest #12<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #12<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Wiederholung</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe==true>>Mia versucht immer noch, ihr Leben wieder in den Griff zu bekommen. Wird es genauso einfach sein, wieder zur Uni zu gehen wie zurück zur Arbeit?
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe zur Universität<<else>>Erfülle die vorherige Aufgabe, um diese zu öffnen.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+50 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe == true>>✅Pass quest #12<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #12<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Reprise</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe==true>>Mia essaie toujours de remettre sa vie sur les rails. Retourner à l'université sera-t-il aussi facile que d'aller travailler ?
Aller à : Remplissez les conditions et allez à l'Université<<else>>Réalisez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+50 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe == true>>✅Pass quest #12<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #12<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Retomar</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe==true>>Mia sigue intentando reconducir su vida. Volver a la universidad será tan fácil como ir a trabajar?
Ir a: Cumple las condiciones y ve a la Universidad<<else>>Comple la quest anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+50 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe == true>>✅Pass quest #12<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #12<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">重考</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe==true>>米娅仍在努力让自己的生活重回正轨。重返大学会像上班一样容易吗?
前往: 满足条件并前往大学<<else>>完成前一个任务即可开启这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+50 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_cafe == true>>✅Pass quest #12<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #12<</if>></div></div></div>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Business Thoughts</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_3==true>>It seems that studying at college will still bear fruit, albeit in a completely unexpected way.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to University<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+85 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_3 == true>>✅Pass quest #21<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #21<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Бизнес-размышления</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_3==true>>Кажется учеба в универе все же принесет свои плоды, хоть и совершенно неожиданные.
Перейти к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь в университет<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+85 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_3 == true>>✅Pass quest #21<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #21<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Business-Gedanken</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_3==true>>Sieht ganz so aus, als ob das Lernen an der Uni doch noch Früchte tragen wird, wenn auch auf eine völlig unvorhergesehene Weise.
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe zur Universität<<else>>Erfülle die vorherige Aufgabe, um diese zu öffnen.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+85 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_3 == true>>✅Pass quest #21<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #21<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Réflexions sur l'entreprise</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_3==true>>Il semble que les études à l'université vont finalement porter leurs fruits, même si c'est d'une manière tout à fait inattendue.
Aller à : Remplissez les conditions et allez à l'Université<<else>>Réalisez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+85 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_3 == true>>✅Pass quest #21<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #21<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Pensamientos empresariales</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_3==true>>Parece que, después de todo, estudiar en la universidad va a dar sus frutos, aunque de una forma totalmente inesperada.
Ir a: Cumple las condiciones y ve a la Universidad<<else>>Comple la quest anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+85 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_3 == true>>✅Pass quest #21<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #21<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">商业思考</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_3==true>>看来,大学学习终究会有回报,尽管回报的方式完全出乎意料。
前往: 满足条件并前往大学<<else>>完成前一个任务即可开启这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+85 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_3 == true>>✅Pass quest #21<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #21<</if>></div></div></div>
<</switch>><<set $mia.exp +=85>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<set $quests.quest_univer_3=true>><<set $active_quests.q23=true>>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia sat through her morning classes, her mind buzzing with excitement over her latest plans. It was risky for her to open her own brothel, but she was eager to make it work. As the boring lesson went on, she scribbled notes without meaning to, her thoughts drifting to the logistics of her new business.<</st>>
<<st>>During the break, Mia sneaked out to the smoking area, where her friends were hanging out to talk and relax. As she lit a cigarette, she couldn't help but notice all the pretty young girls studying with her. The idea hit her like a bolt of lightning: why not hire some of them to work at her brothel?<</st>>
<<st>>With renewed determination, Mia started talking to her friends to get a sense of how interested they were in making extra money and how much they needed it. She paid close attention as they talked about how worried they were about their rising school loans and living costs. She could see that many of them were open to jobs and were willing to make more money.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia's mind was full of thoughts for how to present her idea to her classmates as the morning went on. She knew she needed to tread carefully, offering them a chance to earn money while enot scaring them off. Mia was sure she could convince a few pretty girls to work for her, even though it wouldn't be easy.<</st>>
<<st>>She went back to class with a plan and a new sense of purpose. Her mind was full of all the things that could happen. She couldn't wait to show how good an entrepreneur she was and make her dream come true.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia made up her mind to talk to Lily first. Lily had told her that she needed a better-paying job because most jobs for students paid very little.<</st>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Мия сидела на утренних занятиях, а в голове у нее гудело от волнения по поводу ее последних планов. Открывать собственный бордель было рискованно, но она очень хотела, чтобы все получилось. Пока профессор монотонно читал свою лекцию, она, сама того не желая, делала пометки, а ее мысли уносились к логистике ее нового бизнеса.<</st>>
<<st>>Во время перерыва Мия прокралась в зону для курения, где собирались ее друзья, чтобы поговорить и расслабиться. Закуривая сигарету, она не могла не заметить всех симпатичных девушек, учившихся вместе с ней. И тут ее будто озарило: почему бы не нанять некоторых из них для работы в своем борделе?<</st>>
<<st>>С новой силой Мия начала разговаривать со своими подругами, чтобы понять, насколько они заинтересованы в дополнительном заработке и насколько он им нужен. Она внимательно слушала как они рассказывали о том, что их беспокоит растущая задолженность за обучение и расходы на жизнь. Она видела, что многие из них не против работы и готовы зарабатывать больше денег.<</st>>
<<st>>В голове Мии роились мысли о том, как представить свою идею одногруппницам. Она знала, что нужно действовать осторожно, предлагая им шанс заработать деньги и в то же время не отпугивая их. Мия была уверена, что сможет убедить нескольких симпатичных девушек работать на нее, хотя это будет нелегко.<</st>>
<<st>>Она вернулась в класс с планом и новым чувством цели. Она непереставая думала о том, к чему приведет ее новая идея. Ей не терпелось показать, какой она хороший предприниматель, и воплотить свою мечту в жизнь.<</st>>
<<st>>Мия решила сначала поговорить с Лили. Она помнила как Лили жаловалась на то, что ей нужна более высокооплачиваемая работа, потому что в большинстве случаев студентам платят очень мало.<</st>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia saß in ihren morgendlichen Vorlesungen und ihr Verstand brummte vor Aufregung über ihre neuesten Pläne. Es war riskant, ihr eigenes Bordell zu eröffnen, aber sie brannte darauf, dass es funktioniert. Während der langweiligen Unterrichtsstunde machte sie sich zerstreut Notizen, ihre Gedanken drifteten zur Logistik ihres neuen Geschäfts ab.<</st>>
<<st>>In der Pause hat sich Mia heimlich in den Raucherbereich geschlichen, wo ihre Freunde zum Quatschen und Chillen abhingen. Als sie sich ne Zigarette anzündete, fielen ihr all die hübschen Studentinnen auf, die mit ihr lernten. Die Idee traf sie wie ein Blitz: Wieso nicht ein paar von denen für ihr Bordell einstellen?<</st>>
<<st>>Voller Tatendrang quatschte Mia jetzt erstmal mit ihren Freunden, um zu checken, ob die überhaupt Bock auf nen Nebenjob haben und wie dringend sie das Geld brauchen könnten. Sie hing ganz genau an ihren Lippen, als die so über ihre krassen Studienschulden und die immer teurer werdenden Mieten am rumjammern waren. Mia merkte schnell, dass viele von denen auf jeden Fall offen für nen Job waren und gerne mehr Kohle verdienen würden.<</st>>
<<st>>Im Laufe des Vormittags kreisten in Mias Kopf die Gedanken, wie sie ihren Klassenkameradinnen ihre Idee am besten präsentieren könnte. Sie wusste, dass sie da Fingerspitzengefühl brauchte. Es ging ja darum, ihnen eine attraktive Möglichkeit zum Nebenverdienst anzubieten, ohne sie gleich abzuschrecken. Mia war sich sicher, ein paar der hübschen Mädels für sich gewinnen zu können, auch wenn's kein Zuckerschlecken werden würde.<</st>>
<<st>>Mit nem Plan und nem ganz neuen Elan ging's dann wieder rein in den Unterricht. In ihrem Kopf gingen tausend Sachen ab, was so alles passieren könnte. Sie konnte es kaum erwarten, allen zu zeigen, was für'ne coole Geschäftsfrau sie ist und ihren Traum zu verwirklichen.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia nahm sich vor, zuerst mit Lily zu sprechen. Lily hatte ihr ja erzählt, dass sie dringend einen besser bezahlten Job brauchte, weil die meisten Studentenjobs echt mies bezahlt sind.<</st>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Mia suit ses cours du matin, l'esprit excité par ses nouveaux projets. Il était risqué pour elle d'ouvrir son propre bordel, mais elle était impatiente de le faire fonctionner. Au fur et à mesure que le cours s'ennuyait, elle griffonnait des notes sans le vouloir, ses pensées dérivant vers la logistique de sa nouvelle entreprise.<</st>>
<<st>>Pendant la pause, Mia se faufile jusqu'à la zone fumeurs, où ses amis se retrouvent pour discuter et se détendre. En allumant une cigarette, elle ne peut s'empêcher de remarquer toutes les jolies jeunes filles qui étudient avec elle. L'idée l'a frappée comme un éclair : pourquoi ne pas embaucher certaines d'entre elles pour travailler dans son bordel ?<</st>>
<<st>>Avec une détermination renouvelée, Mia a commencé à parler à ses amis pour se faire une idée de leur intérêt à gagner de l'argent supplémentaire et de leur besoin. Elle a prêté une attention particulière aux discussions sur l'inquiétude que leur causait l'augmentation de leurs prêts scolaires et du coût de la vie. Elle a pu constater que beaucoup d'entre eux étaient prêts à travailler et à gagner plus d'argent.<</st>>
<<st>>Au fil de la matinée, Mia a réfléchi à la manière de présenter son idée à ses camarades de classe. Elle savait qu'elle devait être prudente, leur offrir une chance de gagner de l'argent sans les effrayer. Mia était sûre de pouvoir convaincre quelques jolies filles de travailler pour elle, même si ce ne serait pas facile.<</st>>
<<st>>Elle est retournée en classe avec un plan et un nouveau but. Son esprit était rempli de toutes les choses qui pouvaient arriver. Elle avait hâte de montrer à quel point elle était une bonne entrepreneuse et de réaliser son rêve.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia a décidé de parler d'abord à Lily. Lily lui avait dit qu'elle avait besoin d'un emploi mieux rémunéré, car la plupart des emplois pour étudiants ne payaient pas grand-chose.<</st>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mia asistía sentada a sus clases matinales, con la mente agitada por sus últimos planes. Para ella era arriesgado abrir su propio burdel, pero estaba ansiosa por hacerlo funcionar. A medida que transcurría la aburrida clase, garabateaba notas sin querer, sus pensamientos se desviaban hacia la logística de su nuevo negocio.
<<st>>Durante el descanso, Mia se escabulló a la zona de fumadores, donde sus amigas se reunían para hablar y relajarse. Mientras encendía un cigarrillo, no pudo evitar fijarse en todas las chicas jóvenes y guapas que estudiaban con ella. La idea le cayó como un rayo: ¿por qué no contratar a algunas de ellas para trabajar en su burdel?<</st>>
<<st>>Con renovada determinación, Mia empezó a hablar con sus amigas para saber hasta qué punto les interesaba ganar dinero extra y cuánto lo necesitaban. Prestó mucha atención cuando hablaron de lo preocupados que estaban por el aumento de los préstamos escolares y los gastos de manutención. Pudo ver que muchos de ellos estaban dispuestos a trabajar y a ganar más dinero.<</st>>
<<st>>A medida que avanzaba la mañana, Mia iba pensando en cómo presentar su idea a sus compañeros. Sabía que tenía que ir con cuidado y ofrecerles la oportunidad de ganar dinero sin asustarles. Mia estaba segura de que podría convencer a algunas chicas guapas para que trabajaran para ella, aunque no sería fácil.<</st>>
<<st>>Volvió a clase con un plan y un nuevo propósito. Su mente estaba llena de todas las cosas que podrían suceder. Estaba impaciente por demostrar lo buena empresaria que era y hacer realidad su sueño.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia decidió hablar primero con Lily. Lily le había dicho que necesitaba un trabajo mejor pagado porque la mayoría de los trabajos para estudiantes pagaban muy poco.<</st>>
<<case "CH">>
<</switch>><<set $quests.quest_maman_2=true>><<set $active_quests.q22=true>>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia's mom was relaxing on the couch, sipping a glass of wine and watching a movie, when the doorbell rang, making her jump.
She hurried to the door, wondering who it could be. When she opened it, she was surprised to see Jack, Mia's boyfriend, standing there, looking a bit worried.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Jack! What are you doing here?'' she asked, trying to hide her surprise.<</mom>>
<<jk>>''Oh, hello. I was supposed to meet Mia today. I’ve been calling her, but she didn’t answer. I tried knocking, but there was no response, so I thought I’d try the doorbell,'' Jack explained, looking concerned.<</jk>>
<<mom>>''Oh, I'm so sorry, Jack. I guess she forgot to tell you. Mia got called into work this morning to cover for a colleague. It was last minute. She left early and should be back in a couple of hours,'' she said apologetically.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack's shoulders drooped a bit. ''Oh, I see. That makes sense. I guess I'll just head home then.''<</jk>>
<<mom>>Mia's mom saw the disappointment on his face and felt bad for him. ''Why don’t you come in and wait for her? She’d be so happy to see you after a long day at work.''<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack hesitated, shifting from one foot to the other. ''I don’t want to be a bother...''<</jk>>
<<mom>>''Nonsense! Come on in. It’s no trouble at all,'' she insisted, stepping aside to let him in.<</mom>>
<<st>>Jack entered the house, feeling a bit awkward. He followed Mia's mom to the living room, where she pointed to the couch.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Sit down, make yourself comfortable. I'll get you a glass of wine,'' she offered, trying to make things less awkward.<</mom>>
<<jk>>''Uh, I don't know... maybe just water?'' Jack hesitated.<</jk>>
<<mom>>''It's okay, Jack. You're not a kid anymore. You can have a glass of wine with me,'' she reassured him with a smile.<</mom>>
<<jk>>''Alright, if you say so. Wine it is, then,'' Jack agreed, feeling a bit more at ease.<</jk>>
<<mom>>''Here you go. Make yourself at home. The movie's pretty good so far, you might enjoy it.''<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack took the glass and sat down, feeling a little more relaxed. ''Thanks, ma'am.''<</jk>>
<<mom>>''Oh no, please, just call me Jenny.''<</mom>>
<<jk>>''Um, al right, Jenny'', - Jack felt weird calling her by the name.<</jk>>
<<st>>After about 30 minutes and almost finishing a bottle of wine, she broke the silence.<</st>>
<<mom>>''So, how are things going with you and Mia?'' she asked, turning to face him.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack sighed, ''Honestly, not great. She’s been working a lot and doesn’t have much time for me anymore.''<</jk>>
<<mom>>Jenny nodded sympathetically. ''Yes, I know. But you've got to understand that Mia's at a point where she needs to grow up and take responsibility. She needs to become independent, and you have to support her through this.''<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack looked thoughtful. ''Yeah, I get that. It’s just hard sometimes.''<</jk>>
<<mom>>Mia's Mom sighed, ''I know the feeling. Richard has been so busy lately, and I don't get enough attention from him either.''<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack looked at her, feeling a bit more relaxed with the wine. ''I can't imagine how someone could not pay attention to such a beautiful woman as you.''<</jk>>
<<st>>As soon as the words left his mouth, he felt a wave of embarrassment. Jenny blushed a bit, a small smile playing on her lips.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Jack, that's very sweet of you to say,'' she said, her voice sounded a lot softer. She noticed him glancing at her blouse, which had slipped a bit, revealing more than intended. She adjusted it, her cheeks still flushed.<</mom>>
<<st>>They both looked at each other, the atmosphere charged with a mix of awkwardness and a hint of something else. Jack took a sip of his wine, trying to calm his nerves.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Uh, sorry if that was out of line,'' he said, his face reddening.<</jk>>
<<mom>>''It's alright, Jack. It's nice to hear,'' Mrs. Thompson replied, giving him a reassuring smile.<</mom>>
<<st>>They continued watching the movie, the silence less awkward now but still filled with an unspoken tension, both of them aware of the moment that had just passed.<</st>>
<<jk>>After a few more minutes, Jack leaned a little closer. ''You know, it's really nice to talk to someone who understands.''<</jk>>
<<mom>>Jenny nodded, her eyes meeting his. ''I feel the same way. It's nice to have someone to talk to.''<</mom>>
<<st>>Their eyes locked, and there was a moment of silence, not awkward this time, but charged with a different kind of energy. Jenny's heart pounded as he inched closer. Oh God, what's gotten into her?<</st>>
<<jk>>''Mrs…—'' he started, but she cut him off with a gentle touch on his arm.<</jk>>
<<mom>>''It's Jenny,'' she whispered, her eyes flicking down to his lips and then back up to his eyes.<</mom>>
<<jk>>''Jenny,'' Jack repeated softly, the word feeling strange yet exciting on his lips. He moved closer, his breath mingling with hers.<</jk>>
<<st>>Their lips met in a kiss, soft and unsure at first. But as the moment stretched on, the kiss deepened, growing more passionate. Jenny's hands moved to Jack's shoulders, pulling him closer, while his hand found the small of her back.<</st>>
<<st>>Jack hesitated for a moment before leaning in again, this time with more confidence. Jenny responded, her kisses growing more urgent. The wine had lowered their inhibitions, and the charged atmosphere pulled them closer together. Jack’s hand moved to her waist, pulling her closer as their kisses became more heated.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Jenny, I...'' Jack started again, but Jenny placed a finger on his lips.<</jk>>
<<mom>>''Let's just enjoy the moment,'' she said softly, her eyes shining with a mix of emotions.<</mom>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Мама Мии полулежала на диване, потягивала вино и смотрела фильм, когда в дверь позвонили, заставив её вздрогнуть.
Она поспешила к двери, гадая, кто бы это мог быть. Открыв дверь, она с удивлением увидела Джека, парня Мии, который стоял на пороге и выглядел немного обеспокоенным.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Джек! Что ты здесь делаешь?'' - спросила она, пытаясь скрыть свое удивление.<</mom>>
<<jk>>''О, привет. Я должен был встретиться с Мией сегодня. Я звонил ей, но она не отвечала. Я пытался постучать, но ответа не последовало, и я решил позвонить в дверь'', - объяснил Джек, выглядя обеспокоенным.<</jk>>
<<mom>>''О, мне так жаль, Джек. Наверное, она забыла тебе сказать. Сегодня утром Мию вызвали на работу, чтобы подменить коллегу. Это произошло в последнюю минуту. Она ушла рано и должна вернуться через пару часов'', - извинилась она.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Плечи Джека слегка опустились. ''О, я понял. Ну, тогда я, пожалуй, пойду домой''.<</jk>>
<<mom>>Мама Мии увидела разочарование на его лице и посочувствовала ему. ''Почему бы тебе не зайти и не подождать её? Она будет так рада видеть тебя после долгого рабочего дня''.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Джек заколебался, переминаясь с ноги на ногу. ''Да нет, я не хочу вам мешать...''<</jk>>
<<mom>>''Ерунда! Заходи. Ты мне не помешаешь.'', - настаивала она, отступая в сторону, чтобы пропустить его внутрь.<</mom>>
<<st>>Джек вошёл в дом, чувствуя себя немного неловко. Он прошел за мамой Мии в гостиную, где она указала ему на диван.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Садись, устраивайся поудобнее. Я принесу тебе бокал вина'', - предложила она, пытаясь сгладить неловкость.<</mom>>
<<jk>>''Ну, не знаю... может, просто воды?'' Джек заколебался.<</jk>>
<<mom>>''Все в порядке, Джек. Ты уже не ребёнок. Ты можешь выпить со мной бокал вина'', - с улыбкой заверила она его.<</mom>>
<<jk>>''Хорошо, раз ты так говоришь. Тогда вино'', - согласился Джек, чувствуя себя немного спокойнее.<</jk>>
<<mom>>''Вот, пожалуйста. Чувствуй себя как дома. Я смотрю неплохой фильм, присоединяйся, может, тебе понравится''.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Джек взял бокал и сел, чувствуя себя немного спокойнее. ''Спасибо''.<</jk>>
<<mom>>''О нет, пожалуйста, зови меня просто Дженни''.<</mom>>
<<jk>>''Хорошо, Дженни'', - Джеку было странно называть её по имени.<</jk>>
<<st>>Примерно через 30 минут, почти допив бутылку вина, она нарушила молчание.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Ну, как у вас с Мией дела?'' - спросила она, повернувшись к нему лицом.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Джек вздохнул: ''Честно говоря, не очень. Она много работает, и теперь мы очень мало времени проводим вместе''.<</jk>>
<<mom>>Дженни сочувственно кивнула. ''Да, я знаю. Но ты должен понять, что Миа сейчас на том этапе, когда ей нужно повзрослеть и взять на себя ответственность. Ей нужно стать независимой, и ты должен поддержать её в этом''.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Джек выглядел задумчивым. ''Да, я это понимаю. Просто иногда это трудно''.<</jk>>
<<mom>>Мама Мии вздохнула: ''Мне знакомо это чувство. Ричард так занят в последнее время, и я тоже не получаю от него достаточно внимания''.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Джек посмотрел на неё, чувствуя себя немного спокойнее после выпитого вина. ''Не могу представить, как кто-то может не обращать внимания на такую красивую женщину, как вы''.<</jk>>
<<st>>Как только слова покинули его рот, он почувствовал волну смущения. Дженни слегка покраснела, на её губах заиграла улыбка.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Джек, это очень мило с твоей стороны'', - сказала она, её голос стал намного мягче.<</mom>>
<<st>>Она заметила, как он посмотрел на её блузку, которая немного сползла, обнажив больше, чем предполагалось. Она поправила её, её щеки все еще были раскрасневшимися. Они оба смотрели друг на друга, атмосфера была наполнена смесью неловкости и намека на что-то еще. Джек сделал глоток вина, пытаясь успокоить нервы.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Извините, если это было не к месту'', - сказал он, его лицо покраснело.<</jk>>
<<mom>>''Все в порядке, Джек. Это приятно слышать'', - ответила миссис Томпсон, ободряюще улыбнувшись ему.<</mom>>
<<st>>Они продолжили смотреть фильм, молчание стало менее неловким, но все еще было наполнено невысказанным напряжением, оба осознавали, что момент только что прошёл.<</st>>
<<jk>>Прошло еще несколько минут, и Джек наклонился чуть ближе. ''Знаешь, очень приятно поговорить с кем-то, кто тебя понимает''.<</jk>>
<<mom>>Дженни кивнула, её глаза встретились с его глазами. ''Я чувствую то же самое. Приятно, когда есть с кем поговорить''.<</mom>>
<<st>>Их глаза встретились, и наступило молчание, на этот раз не неловкое, но наполненное другой энергией. Сердце Дженни заколотилось, когда он подошел ближе. О Боже, что на неё нашло?<</st>>
<<jk>>''Миссис... - начал он, но она прервала его, мягко коснувшись его руки.<</jk>>
<<mom>>''Дженни'', - прошептала она, её взгляд скользнул по его губам, а затем снова поднялся к глазам.<</mom>>
<<jk>>''Дженни'', - тихо повторил Джек, ощущая на губах странное и в то же время волнующее чувство. Он придвинулся ближе, его дыхание смешалось с её дыханием.
Их губы встретились в поцелуе, сначала мягком и неуверенном. Но по мере того как длился этот момент, поцелуй становился все глубже и страстнее. Руки Дженни переместились на плечи Джека, притягивая его ближе, а его рука нашла небольшую часть её спины.<</jk>>
<<st>>Джек на мгновение замешкался, прежде чем снова наклониться, на этот раз более уверенно. Дженни ответила, её поцелуи стали более настойчивыми. <</st>>
<<st>>Вино ослабило их сдержанность, и заряженная атмосфера притянула их друг к другу. Рука Джека переместилась на её талию и притянула её ближе, а их поцелуи стали еще более жаркими.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Дженни, я...'' начал было Джек, но Дженни приложила палец к его губам.<</jk>>
<<mom>>''Давай просто наслаждаться моментом'', - мягко сказала она, её глаза сияли от смешения эмоций.<</mom>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mias Mutter entspannte sich auf dem Sofa, nippte an einem Glas Wein und schaute einen Film, als es an der Tür klingelte und sie zusammenzucken ließ.
Sie eilte zur Tür und fragte sich, wer das sein könnte. Als sie öffnete, war sie überrascht, Jack, Mias Freund, dort stehen zu sehen, der etwas besorgt aussah.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Jack! Was machst du denn hier?'' fragte sie und versuchte, ihre Überraschung zu verbergen.<</mom>>
<<jk>>''Oh, hallo. Ich sollte mich heute mit Mia treffen. Ich habe sie angerufen, aber sie hat nicht geantwortet. Ich habe geklopft, aber es gab keine Antwort, also dachte ich, ich versuche es mit der Türklingel,'' erklärte Jack und sah besorgt aus.<</jk>>
<<mom>>''Oh, es tut mir leid, Jack. Ich schätze, sie hat vergessen, es dir zu sagen. Mia wurde heute Morgen angerufen, um für eine Kollegin einzuspringen. Es war sehr kurzfristig. Sie ist früh gegangen und sollte in ein paar Stunden zurück sein,'' sagte sie entschuldigend.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jacks Schultern sanken ein wenig. ''Oh, ich verstehe. Das ergibt Sinn. Ich denke, ich gehe dann einfach nach Hause.''<</jk>>
<<mom>>Mias Mutter sah die Enttäuschung in seinem Gesicht und fühlte sich schlecht für ihn. ''Warum kommst du nicht rein und wartest auf sie? Sie würde sich so freuen, dich nach einem langen Arbeitstag zu sehen.''<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack zögerte, trat von einem Fuß auf den anderen. ''Ich möchte keine Umstände machen...''<</jk>>
<<mom>>''Unsinn! Komm schon rein. Es ist überhaupt kein Problem,'' bestand sie darauf und trat zur Seite, um ihn hereinzulassen.<</mom>>
<<st>>Jack trat ins Haus ein und fühlte sich etwas unwohl. Er folgte Mias Mutter ins Wohnzimmer, wo sie auf das Sofa zeigte.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Setz dich, mach es dir bequem. Ich hole dir ein Glas Wein,'' bot sie an, um die Situation weniger unangenehm zu machen.<</mom>>
<<jk>>''Äh, ich weiß nicht... vielleicht nur Wasser?'' zögerte Jack.<</jk>>
<<mom>>''Es ist okay, Jack. Du bist kein Kind mehr. Du kannst ein Glas Wein mit mir trinken,'' beruhigte sie ihn mit einem Lächeln.<</mom>>
<<jk>>''Na gut, wenn du das sagst. Dann Wein,'' stimmte Jack zu und fühlte sich etwas wohler.<</jk>>
<<mom>>''Hier, bitte. Mach es dir gemütlich. Der Film ist bisher ziemlich gut, du wirst ihn vielleicht genießen.''<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack nahm das Glas und setzte sich, fühlte sich ein wenig entspannter. ''Danke, Ma'am.''<</jk>>
<<mom>>''Ach nein, bitte, nenn mich einfach Jenny.''<</mom>>
<<jk>>''Ähm, okay, Jenny,'' sagte Jack, und es fühlte sich seltsam an, sie beim Vornamen zu nennen.<</jk>>
<<st>>Nach etwa 30 Minuten und fast einer Flasche Wein brach sie die Stille.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Also, wie läuft es bei dir und Mia?'' fragte sie und drehte sich zu ihm um.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack seufzte, ''Ehrlich gesagt, nicht so gut. Sie arbeitet viel und hat nicht mehr viel Zeit für mich.''<</jk>>
<<mom>>Jenny nickte mitfühlend. ''Ja, ich weiß. Aber du musst verstehen, dass Mia an einem Punkt ist, an dem sie erwachsen werden und Verantwortung übernehmen muss. Sie muss unabhängig werden, und du musst sie dabei unterstützen.''<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack sah nachdenklich aus. ''Ja, ich verstehe das. Es ist nur manchmal schwer.''<</jk>>
<<mom>>Mias Mutter seufzte, ''Ich kenne das Gefühl. Richard ist in letzter Zeit so beschäftigt, und ich bekomme auch nicht genug Aufmerksamkeit von ihm.''<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack sah sie an, fühlte sich durch den Wein etwas entspannter. ''Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, wie jemand so eine schöne Frau wie dich nicht beachten könnte.''<</jk>>
<<st>>Kaum hatte er die Worte ausgesprochen, fühlte er eine Welle der Verlegenheit. Jenny errötete leicht, ein kleines Lächeln spielte auf ihren Lippen.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Jack, das ist sehr lieb von dir,'' sagte sie, ihre Stimme klang viel weicher. Sie bemerkte, dass er auf ihre Bluse schaute, die etwas verrutscht war und mehr zeigte, als beabsichtigt. Sie richtete sie, ihre Wangen noch immer gerötet.<</mom>>
<<st>>Sie sahen sich beide an, die Atmosphäre war aufgeladen mit einer Mischung aus Verlegenheit und einem Hauch von etwas anderem. Jack nahm einen Schluck von seinem Wein, um seine Nerven zu beruhigen.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Äh, tut mir leid, wenn das unangebracht war,'' sagte er, sein Gesicht errötend.<</jk>>
<<mom>>''Es ist in Ordnung, Jack. Es ist schön zu hören,'' antwortete Frau Thompson und schenkte ihm ein beruhigendes Lächeln.<</mom>>
<<st>>Sie schauten weiter den Film, die Stille war jetzt weniger unangenehm, aber immer noch erfüllt von unausgesprochener Spannung, beide waren sich des gerade vergangenen Moments bewusst.<</st>>
<<jk>>Nach ein paar weiteren Minuten lehnte sich Jack ein wenig näher. ''Weißt du, es ist wirklich schön, mit jemandem zu sprechen, der es versteht.''<</jk>>
<<mom>>Jenny nickte, ihre Augen trafen seine. ''Ich fühle das Gleiche. Es ist schön, jemanden zu haben, mit dem man reden kann.''<</mom>>
<<st>>Ihre Augen trafen sich und es gab einen Moment der Stille, dieses Mal nicht peinlich, sondern aufgeladen mit einer anderen Art von Energie. Jennys Herz schlug schneller, als er sich näherte. Oh Gott, was war in sie gefahren?<</st>>
<<jk>>''Mrs...'' fing er an, aber sie unterbrach ihn mit einer sanften Berührung an seinem Arm.<</jk>>
<<mom>>''Es ist Jenny,'' flüsterte sie, ihre Augen glitten zu seinen Lippen und dann zurück zu seinen Augen.<</mom>>
<<jk>>''Jenny,'' wiederholte Jack leise, das Wort fühlte sich seltsam und doch aufregend auf seinen Lippen an. Er kam näher, sein Atem vermischte sich mit ihrem.<</jk>>
<<st>>Ihre Lippen trafen sich in einem Kuss, zuerst weich und unsicher. Aber je länger der Moment andauerte, desto tiefer wurde der Kuss, wurde leidenschaftlicher. Jennys Hände wanderten zu Jacks Schultern, zogen ihn näher, während seine Hand den kleinen Rücken fand.<</st>>
<<st>>Jack zögerte einen Moment, bevor er sich wieder vorbeugte, diesmal mit mehr Selbstvertrauen. Jenny antwortete, ihre Küsse wurden dringlicher. Der Wein hatte ihre Hemmungen gesenkt und die geladene Atmosphäre zog sie näher zusammen. Jacks Hand wanderte zu ihrer Taille, zog sie näher, als ihre Küsse intensiver wurden.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Jenny, ich...'' begann Jack wieder, aber Jenny legte einen Finger auf seine Lippen.<</jk>>
<<mom>>''Lass uns einfach den Moment genießen,'' sagte sie leise, ihre Augen leuchteten vor einer Mischung von Gefühlen.<</mom>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>La mère de Mia se détendait sur le canapé, sirotant un verre de vin et regardant un film, lorsque la sonnette retentit, la faisant sursauter.
Elle se précipita vers la porte, se demandant qui cela pouvait être. Lorsqu'elle ouvrit la porte, elle fut surprise de voir Jack, le petit ami de Mia, qui se tenait là, l'air un peu inquiet.<</st>>
<<mom>>'' Jack ! Qu'est-ce que tu fais là ? '' demanda-t-elle en essayant de cacher sa surprise.<</mom>>
<<jk>>'' Oh, bonjour. Je devais rencontrer Mia aujourd'hui. Je l'ai appelée, mais elle n'a pas répondu. J'ai essayé de frapper, mais il n'y a pas eu de réponse, alors j'ai pensé essayer de sonner à la porte'', explique Jack, l'air préoccupé.<</jk>>
<<mom>>'' Oh, je suis vraiment désolée, Jack. Je suppose qu'elle a oublié de te le dire. Mia a été appelée au travail ce matin pour remplacer un collègue. C'était à la dernière minute. Elle est partie tôt et devrait être de retour dans quelques heures'', dit-elle en s'excusant.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Les épaules de Jack s'affaissent un peu. '' Oh, je vois. C'est logique. Je crois que je vais rentrer chez moi alors. ''<</jk>>
<<mom>>La mère de Mia a vu la déception sur son visage et s'est sentie mal pour lui. '' Pourquoi ne pas entrer et l'attendre ? Elle serait ravie de te voir après une longue journée de travail. ''<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack hésita, passant d'un pied à l'autre. '' Je ne veux pas déranger... ''<</jk>>
<<mom>>'' C'est absurde ! Entre. Il n'y a pas de problème'', insiste-t-elle en s'écartant pour le laisser entrer.<</mom>>
<<st>>Jack entra dans la maison, un peu gêné. Il suivit la mère de Mia jusqu'au salon, où elle lui indiqua le canapé.<</st>>
<<mom>>'' Asseyez-vous, mettez-vous à l'aise. Je vais te chercher un verre de vin'', proposa-t-elle, essayant de rendre les choses moins gênantes.<</mom>>
<<jk>>'' Euh, je ne sais pas... peut-être juste de l'eau ? '' Jack hésite.<</jk>>
<<mom>>'' C'est bon, Jack. Tu n'es plus un enfant. Tu peux boire un verre de vin avec moi'', le rassure-t-elle en souriant.<</mom>>
<<jk>>'' D'accord, si vous le dites. Alors, c'est du vin, accepta Jack, qui se sentait un peu plus à l'aise. ''<</jk>>
<<mom>>'' Voilà, c'est parti. Faites comme chez vous. Le film est plutôt bon pour l'instant, tu devrais l'apprécier. ''<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack prit le verre et s'assit, se sentant un peu plus détendu. '' Merci, madame. ''<</jk>>
<<mom>>'' Oh non, s'il vous plaît, appelez-moi Jenny.<</mom>>
<<jk>>'' Euh, d'accord, Jenny'', - Jack se sentait bizarre de l'appeler par son nom.<</jk>>
<<st>>Au bout d'une trentaine de minutes et après avoir presque terminé sa bouteille de vin, elle rompt le silence.<</st>>
<<mom>>'' Alors, comment ça se passe entre toi et Mia ? '' demande-t-elle en se tournant vers lui.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack soupire : '' Honnêtement, ce n'est pas terrible. Elle travaille beaucoup et n'a plus guère de temps à me donner. ''
<<mom>>Jenny acquiesce d'un air compatissant. '' Oui, je comprends. Mais tu dois bien comprendre que Mia est à un stade où elle a besoin de grandir et de prendre des responsabilités. Elle a besoin de devenir indépendante, et tu dois la soutenir dans cette démarche. ''<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack a pris un air pensif. '' Oui, je comprends. C'est juste que c'est parfois difficile. ''<</jk>>
<<mom>>La mère de Mia soupire : '' Je sais ce que c'est. Richard est très occupé ces derniers temps, et je ne reçois pas assez d'attention de sa part non plus. ''<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack la regarde, se sentant un peu plus détendu avec le vin. '' Je ne peux pas imaginer comment quelqu'un peut ne pas prêter attention à une femme aussi belle que vous. ''<</jk>>
<<st>>Dès que les mots sont sortis de sa bouche, il a ressenti une vague d'embarras. Jenny rougit un peu, un petit sourire se dessine sur ses lèvres.<</st>>
<<mom>>'' Jack, c'est très gentil de ta part '', dit-elle, la voix beaucoup plus douce. Elle remarqua qu'il jetait un coup d'œil à son chemisier, qui avait un peu glissé, dévoilant plus que prévu. Elle le rajusta, les joues encore rouges.<</mom>>
<<st>>Ils se regardèrent tous les deux, l'atmosphère étant chargée d'un mélange de gêne et d'un soupçon d'autre chose. Jack but une gorgée de vin, essayant de se calmer.<</st>>
<<jk>>'' Euh, désolé si c'était déplacé '', dit-il, le visage rougi.<</jk>>
<<mom>>'' Ce n'est pas grave, Jack. Cela fait plaisir à entendre'', répondit Mme Thompson en lui adressant un sourire rassurant.<</mom>>
<<st>>Ils continuèrent à regarder le film, le silence étant moins gênant maintenant mais toujours rempli d'une tension inexprimée, tous deux conscients du moment qui venait de s'écouler.<</st>>
<<jk>>Au bout de quelques minutes, Jack se rapproche un peu plus. '' Tu sais, c'est vraiment bien de parler à quelqu'un qui comprend.<</jk>>
<<mom>>Jenny acquiesce, ses yeux rencontrent les siens. '' Je ressens la même chose. C'est bien d'avoir quelqu'un à qui parler. ''<</mom>>
<<st>>Leurs yeux se sont croisés et il y a eu un moment de silence, pas gênant cette fois, mais chargé d'une énergie différente. Le cœur de Jenny battait la chamade tandis qu'il se rapprochait. Oh mon Dieu, qu'est-ce qui lui arrive ?<</st>>
<<jk>>Il commença par dire '' Mme...- '', mais elle lui coupa la parole en lui touchant doucement le bras.<</jk>>
<<mom>>'' C'est Jenny '', murmura-t-elle, ses yeux descendant jusqu'à ses lèvres, puis remontant jusqu'à ses yeux.<</mom>>
<<jk>>'' Jenny '', répéta Jack doucement, le mot lui paraissant à la fois étrange et excitant sur ses lèvres. Il se rapprocha, son souffle se mêlant au sien.<</jk>>
<<st>>Leurs lèvres se rencontrèrent dans un baiser, d'abord doux et incertain. Mais au fur et à mesure que le moment s'étirait, le baiser s'intensifiait, devenant plus passionné. Les mains de Jenny se dirigèrent vers les épaules de Jack, l'attirant plus près, tandis que sa main trouva le creux de son dos.<</st>>
<<st>>Jack hésite un instant avant de se pencher à nouveau, cette fois avec plus d'assurance. Jenny répond, ses baisers se font plus pressants. Le vin avait fait tomber leurs inhibitions et l'atmosphère chargée les rapprochait. La main de Jack se porta à la taille de Jenny, la rapprochant au fur et à mesure que leurs baisers s'intensifiaient.<</st>>
<<jk>>'' Jenny, je... Jack recommence, mais Jenny pose un doigt sur ses lèvres.<</jk>>
<<mom>>'' Profitons de l'instant présent '', dit-elle doucement, les yeux brillants d'un mélange d'émotions.<</mom>>
<<button[[Le sexe|MotherQuest2_video]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>La madre de Mia estaba relajada en el sofá, tomando una copa de vino y viendo una película, cuando sonó el timbre, haciéndola dar un respingo.
Se apresuró a abrir, preguntándose quién podría ser. Cuando la abrió, se sorprendió al ver a Jack, el novio de Mia, allí de pie, con cara de preocupación.<</st>>
<<mom>>''¡Jack! ¿Qué haces aquí?'', preguntó tratando de ocultar su sorpresa.<</mom>>
<<jk>>''Hola. Había quedado con Mia hoy. La he estado llamando, pero no contestaba. Intenté llamar a la puerta, pero no respondía, así que pensé en llamar al timbre'', explicó Jack, con cara de preocupación.<</jk>>
<<mom>>''Oh, lo siento mucho, Jack. Supongo que se olvidó de decírtelo. A Mia la llamaron esta mañana del trabajo para sustituir a un colega. Fue en el último minuto. Se ha ido pronto y volverá en un par de horas'', se disculpó.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack bajó un poco los hombros. ''Ya veo. Eso tiene sentido. Supongo que entonces me iré a casa''.<</jk>>
<<mom>>La madre de Mia vio la decepción en su cara y se sintió mal por él. ''¿Por qué no entras y la esperas? Se alegraría mucho de verte después de un largo día de trabajo''.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack vaciló, cambiando de un pie a otro. ''No quiero ser una molestia...''.<</jk>>
<<mom>>''¡Tonterías! Pasa. No es ninguna molestia'', insistió ella, haciéndose a un lado para dejarle pasar.<</mom>>
<<st>>Jack entró en la casa, sintiéndose un poco incómodo. Siguió a la madre de Mia hasta el salón, donde ella señaló el sofá.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Siéntate y ponte cómodo. Te traeré una copa de vino'', le ofreció, tratando de hacer las cosas menos incómodas.<</mom>>
<<jk>>''Eh, no sé... ¿quizá sólo agua?''. Jack dudó.<</jk>>
<<mom>>''Está bien, Jack. Ya no eres un niño. Puedes tomar una copa de vino conmigo'', le tranquilizó ella con una sonrisa.<</mom>>
<<jk>>''De acuerdo, si tú lo dices. Entonces, vino'', aceptó Jack, sintiéndose un poco más tranquilo.<</jk>>
<<mom>>''Aquí tienes. Siéntete como en casa. La película es bastante buena hasta ahora, puede que te guste''.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack tomó el vaso y se sentó, sintiéndose un poco más relajado. ''Gracias, señora.''<</jk>>
<<mom>>''Oh no, por favor, sólo llámame Jenny''<</mom>>
<<jk>>''Um, de acuerdo, Jenny'', - Jack se sentía raro llamándola por ese nombre.<</jk>>
<<st>>Después de unos 30 minutos y casi terminando una botella de vino, ella rompió el silencio.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Entonces, ¿cómo van las cosas entre tú y Mia?'', preguntó, volviéndose hacia él.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack suspiró: ''Sinceramente, no muy bien. Ha estado trabajando mucho y ya no tiene mucho tiempo para mí''.<</jk>>
<<mom>>Jenny asintió con simpatía. ''Sí, ya lo sé. Pero tienes que entender que Mia está en un punto en el que necesita crecer y asumir responsabilidades. Necesita independizarse y tú tienes que apoyarla''.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack se quedó pensativo. ''Sí, lo entiendo. A veces es difícil''.<</jk>>
<<mom>>La madre de Mia suspiró: ''Conozco esa sensación. Richard ha estado tan ocupado últimamente, y yo tampoco recibo suficiente atención de él''.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack la miró, sintiéndose un poco más relajado con el vino. ''No puedo imaginar cómo alguien puede no prestar atención a una mujer tan hermosa como tú''.<</jk>>
<<st>>En cuanto las palabras salieron de su boca, sintió una oleada de vergüenza. Jenny se sonrojó un poco, una pequeña sonrisa jugueteando en sus labios.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Jack, es muy amable de tu parte'', dijo, con una voz mucho más suave.<</mom>>
<<st>>Se dio cuenta de que él le echaba un vistazo a la blusa, que se le había caído un poco, dejando ver más de lo que pretendía. Se la ajustó, con las mejillas aún sonrojadas.Ambos se miraron, la atmósfera cargada de una mezcla de incomodidad y un toque de algo más. Jack dio un sorbo a su vino, tratando de calmar sus nervios.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Uh, lo siento si eso estuvo fuera de lugar'', dijo, con la cara enrojecida.<</jk>>
<<mom>>''Está bien, Jack. Me alegra oírlo'', respondió la señora Thompson, dedicándole una sonrisa tranquilizadora.<</mom>>
<<st>>Siguieron viendo la película, el silencio ya menos incómodo pero aún lleno de una tensión tácita, ambos conscientes del momento que acababa de pasar.<</st>>
<<jk>>Al cabo de unos minutos, Jack se inclinó un poco más hacia él. ''Sabes, es muy agradable hablar con alguien que te entiende''.<</jk>>
<<mom>>Jenny asintió, sus ojos se encontraron con los de él. ''Yo siento lo mismo. Es agradable tener a alguien con quien hablar''.<</mom>>
<<st>>Sus miradas se cruzaron y hubo un momento de silencio, esta vez no incómodo, sino cargado de una energía diferente. El corazón de Jenny latía con fuerza mientras él se acercaba. Dios mío, ¿qué le pasa?<</st>>
<<jk>>''Señora...'', empezó él, pero ella le cortó con un suave toque en el brazo.<</jk>>
<<jk>>''Es Jenny'', susurró, sus ojos bajaron hasta sus labios y luego volvieron a sus ojos. ''Jenny'', repitió Jack en voz baja, sintiendo la palabra extraña pero excitante en sus labios. <</jk>>
<<st>>Se acercó y su aliento se mezcló con el de ella. Sus labios se encontraron en un beso, suave e inseguro al principio. Pero a medida que el momento se prolongaba, el beso se hizo más profundo y apasionado. Las manos de Jenny se movieron hacia los hombros de Jack, atrayéndolo más cerca, mientras la mano de él encontraba la parte baja de la espalda de ella.<</st>>
<<st>>Jack dudó un momento antes de inclinarse de nuevo, esta vez con más confianza. Jenny respondió, y sus besos se hicieron más urgentes. El vino había bajado sus inhibiciones y la atmósfera cargada los acercaba aún más. La mano de Jack se movió hacia la cintura de ella, acercándola más mientras sus besos se volvían más acalorados.
<<jk>>''Jenny, yo...'' Jack empezó de nuevo, pero Jenny le puso un dedo en los labios.<</jk>>
<<mom>>''Disfrutemos del momento'', dijo suavemente, sus ojos brillando con una mezcla de emociones.<</mom>>
<<case "CH">>
<<mom>>''杰克 你在这里做什么?''她问道,试图掩饰自己的惊讶。<</mom>>
<<jk>>''呃,我不知道......也许只是水?'' 杰克犹豫了一下。<</jk>>
<<st>>大约过了 30 分钟,一瓶酒也快喝完了,她打破了沉默。<</st>>
<<jk>>''夫人...... ''他刚开口,但她轻轻地碰了碰他的胳膊,打断了他的话。<</jk>>
<<jk>>''珍妮,我......'' 杰克又开了口,但珍妮把手指放在了他的嘴唇上。<</jk>>
<</switch>><<set $mia.exp +=80>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<set $active_quests.q17=true>><<set $quests.quest_father_2=true>>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia's father was a striking man, with an allure that seemed to draw people in effortlessly. Yet, behind the facade of a loving family man he had a secret — he really enjoyed fucking bitches.<</st>>
<<st>>At some point he stopped caring about the moral part of him having sex with his daughter. After all, he didn't know it was Mia up until she took off his mask. For him, it was simply a part of who he was. He really loved sex.<</st>>
<<st>>Despite his infidelities, he harbored a genuine love for his family. However, he couldn't comprehend why societal norms should dictate his behavior.<</st>>
<<st>>To him, life was about indulging in every pleasure it had to offer, consequences be damned. He saw no reason to conform to society's expectations when it came to sex. After all, why deny oneself the pleasures of passion and desire?<</st>>
<<st>>After that wild masquerade orgy, Richard couldn't shake off what had happened.<</st>>
<<st>>Initially, he was deeply troubled by the fact that it had involved Mia. But as time went by, he found himself pushing aside the thought that she was his daughter, focusing instead on what they had done that night.
He couldn't get her image out of his head, along with all the things they had done.
So now, at every party he attended, he sought out girls who resembled her. Young, sexy, open to new sensations.
Creepy? Perhaps. Did it bother him? Not anymore.<</st>>
<<st>>This party wasn't an exception. After a couple of drinks, at the bar, he saw a young sexy girl staring at him. Once again, he realized that young girls were his thing, and he smiled at that young brunette.
As he caught her eye, he flashed a smile in her direction, a silent invitation lingering in the air.<</st>>
<<dad>>''Hey there,'' he began, his voice smooth and seductive. ''You seem like you're having fun tonight.''<</dad>>
<<str_g>>The young brunette returned his smile, her eyes sparkling with mischief. ''I am now,'' she replied coyly, a playful tilt to her lips.<</str_g>>
<<dad>>Leaning in closer, he whispered, his tone suggestive, ''Care to make it even more exciting?''<</dad>>
<<str_g>>She chuckled softly, her cheeks flushing as she leaned into his touch. ''I thought you'd never ask.''<</str_g>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Отец Мии был ярким мужчиной, который, казалось, без труда притягивал к себе людей своей харизмой. Однако за фасадом любящего семьянина скрывался секрет - ему очень нравилось трахать сучек.<</st>>
<<st>>В какой-то момент его перестала волновать моральная сторона того, что он занимался сексом со своей дочерью. В конце концов, он не знал, что это была Миа, пока она не сняла с него маску. Для него это было просто частью его сущности. Он действительно любил секс.<</st>>
<<st>>Несмотря на свои измены, он искренне любил свою семью. Однако он не мог понять, почему общественные нормы должны диктовать его поведение.<</st>>
<<st>>Для него жизнь заключалась в том, чтобы получать удовольствие от всего, что она может предложить, не обращая внимания на последствия. Он не видел причин подчиняться ожиданиям общества, когда речь шла о сексе. В конце концов, зачем отказывать себе в удовольствии страсти и желания?<</st>>
<<st>>После той дикой маскарадной оргии Ричард не мог отойти от случившегося.
Поначалу его сильно беспокоил тот факт, что в этом была замешана Миа. Но со временем он стал отгонять от себя мысли о том, что она его дочь, и сосредоточился на том, что они делали той ночью.<</st>>
<<st>>Он не мог выбросить из головы её образ, а также все то, что они сделали.
Теперь на каждой вечеринке он искал девушек, похожих на неё. Молодые, сексуальные, открытые для новых ощущений.
Странно? Возможно. Но беспокоило ли это его? Уже нет.<</st>>
<<st>>Эта вечеринка не стала исключением. После пары бокалов в баре он увидел молодую сексуальную девушку, которая смотрела на него. В очередной раз осознав, что молодые девушки - это его конек, он улыбнулся этой юной брюнетке.
Поймав её взгляд, он улыбнулся в её сторону, в воздухе витало молчаливое приглашение.<</st>>
<<dad>>''Привет, - начал он, его голос был ровным и соблазнительным. ''Похоже, ты сегодня веселишься''.<</dad>>
<<str_g>>Молодая брюнетка улыбнулась ему в ответ, её глаза сверкнули озорством. ''Теперь да'', - жеманно ответила она, игриво поджав губы.<</str_g>>
<<dad>>Наклонившись ближе, он прошептал вкрадчивым тоном: ''Хочешь, чтобы всё было ещё интереснее?''<</dad>>
<<str_g>>Она тихонько захихикала, её щеки раскраснелись, когда она склонилась к его прикосновению. ''Я думала, ты никогда не спросишь''.<</str_g>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mias Vater war ein beeindruckender Mann, der die Menschen scheinbar mühelos anzog. Doch hinter der Fassade eines liebevollen Familienvaters hatte er ein Geheimnis – er genoss es wirklich, Schlampen zu ficken.<</st>>
<<st>>Irgendwann war ihm der moralische Aspekt des Sex mit seiner Tochter egal. Schließlich wusste er nicht, dass es Mia war, bis sie ihm die Maske abnahm. Für ihn war es einfach ein Teil seiner Persönlichkeit. Er liebte Sex wirklich.<</st>>
<<st>>Trotz seiner Untreue hegte er eine aufrichtige Liebe für seine Familie. Allerdings konnte er nicht verstehen, warum gesellschaftliche Normen sein Verhalten bestimmen sollten.<</st>>
<<st>>Für ihn ging es im Leben darum, sich jedem Vergnügen hinzugeben, ohne Rücksicht auf die Konsequenzen. Er sah keinen Grund, sich in Bezug auf Sex den Erwartungen der Gesellschaft anzupassen.Schließlich, warum sollte man sich die Freuden von Leidenschaft und Verlangen verweigern?<</st>>
<<st>>Nach diesem wilden Maskenball-Orgie konnte Richard nicht vergessen, was passiert war.An Anfang war er total fertig, weil Mia da mit drinhing. Aber mit der Zeit hat er den Gedanken immer weiter weggeschoben, dass sie seine Tochter ist. Stattdessen konzentriert er sich jetzt nur noch auf das, was in dieser Nacht passiert ist.<</st>>
<<st>>Ihre Gestalt klebte nur so an ihm, zusammen mit all den Sachen, die sie da getrieben haben. Nicht zu vergessen. Jetzt auf jeder Party, die er abklappert, sucht er nur noch nach Mädels, die ihr irgendwie ähnlich sehen. Jung, sexy und offen für Neues, sozusagen.Gruselig? Kann sein. Hat ihn das gestört? Nö, überhaupt nicht mehr.<</st>>
<<st>>Also auf dieser Party war’s nicht anders. Nach ein paar Bierchen an der Bar, checkt er so ’ne junge sexy Tussi ab, die ihn die ganze Zeit angestarrt hat. Mal wieder klar: junge Mädels, sein Ding. Grinst die brünette Schönheit dann einfach mal an. Blickkontakt, Lächeln – so ’ne schweigende Einladung hing dazwischen in der Luft.<</st>>
<<dad>>''Hey Süße'', fing er an, Stimme samtig und charmant. ''Sieht so aus, als ob du heute Abend Spaß hast.''<</dad>>
<<str_g>>Die brünette Schönheit grinste zurück, ihre Augen voller Flirtattacken. ''Jetzt auf jeden Fall'', hauchte sie gespielt schüchtern, mit einem neckischen Zug um die Lippen.<</str_g>>
<<dad>>Er kam näher, flüsterte ihr mit verheißungsvollem Ton ins Ohr: ''Kann man den Abend noch a bissl spannender machen?''<</dad>>
<<str_g>>Sie kicherte leise, ihre Wangen färbten sich rot, als sie sich in seine Berührung lehnte. ''Dachte schon, du fragst nie!''<</str_g>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>À un moment donné, il a cessé de se préoccuper de l'aspect moral de ses relations sexuelles avec sa fille. Après tout, il ne savait pas que c'était Mia jusqu'à ce qu'elle lui enlève son masque. Pour lui, c'était simplement une partie de ce qu'il était. Il aimait vraiment le sexe.<</st>>
<<st>>Malgré ses infidélités, il éprouvait un véritable amour pour sa famille. Cependant, il ne comprenait pas pourquoi les normes sociétales devaient dicter son comportement.<</st>>
<<st>>Pour lui, la vie consistait à se laisser aller à tous les plaisirs qu'elle pouvait offrir, sans se soucier des conséquences. Il ne voyait aucune raison de se conformer aux attentes de la société en matière de sexe. Après tout, pourquoi se priver des plaisirs de la passion et du désir ?<</st>>
<<st>>Après cette orgie de mascarade sauvage, Richard ne pouvait se défaire de ce qui s'était passé.<</st>>
<<st>>Au début, il a été profondément troublé par le fait que Mia ait été impliquée. Mais au fil du temps, il s'est mis à repousser l'idée qu'elle était sa fille, se concentrant plutôt sur ce qu'ils avaient fait cette nuit-là.<</st>>
<<st>>Il n'arrivait pas à se débarrasser de l'image de Mia et de tout ce qu'ils avaient fait.
Alors maintenant, à chaque fête à laquelle il participait, il cherchait des filles qui lui ressemblaient. Jeunes, sexy, ouvertes aux nouvelles sensations.
Effrayante ? Peut-être. Cela le dérangeait-il ? Plus maintenant.<</st>>
<<st>>Cette soirée n'était pas une exception. Après quelques verres, au bar, il vit une jeune fille sexy qui le fixait. Une fois de plus, il s'est rendu compte que les jeunes filles étaient son truc, et il a souri à cette jeune brune.
Lorsqu'il croisa son regard, il lui adressa un sourire, une invitation silencieuse flottant dans l'air.<</st>>
<<dad>>Il commence par une voix douce et séduisante : '' Tu as l'air de t'amuser ce soir ''. <</dad>>
<<str_g>>La jeune brune lui rendit son sourire, ses yeux pétillant de malice. '' C'est ce que je fais maintenant '', répondit-elle timidement, les lèvres enjôleuses.<</str_g>>
<<dad>>Se penchant plus près d'elle, il murmura, d'un ton suggestif : '' Tu veux rendre ça encore plus excitant ? ''.<</dad>>
<<str_g>>Elle gloussa doucement, ses joues rougissant tandis qu'elle s'inclinait à son contact. '' Je pensais que tu ne le demanderais jamais ''.
<<button[[Le sexe|father1]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>El padre de Mia era un hombre llamativo, con un encanto que parecía atraer a la gente sin esfuerzo. Sin embargo, tras la fachada de cariñoso padre de familia escondía un secreto: disfrutaba follando con zorras.<</st>>
<<st>>En algún momento dejó de importarle la parte moral de acostarse con su hija. Después de todo, él no sabía que era Mia hasta que ella le quitó la máscara. Para él, era simplemente una parte de lo que era. Le encantaba el sexo.<</st>>
<<st>>A pesar de sus infidelidades, albergaba un amor genuino por su familia. Sin embargo, no podía entender por qué las normas sociales debían dictar su comportamiento.<</st>>
<<st>>Para él, la vida consistía en disfrutar de todos los placeres posibles, sin importar las consecuencias. No veía ninguna razón para ajustarse a las expectativas de la sociedad en materia de sexo. Después de todo, ¿por qué negarse a sí mismo los placeres de la pasión y el deseo?<</st>>
<<st>>Después de aquella salvaje orgía de disfraces, Richard no podía quitarse de la cabeza lo que había ocurrido.<</st>>
<<st>>Al principio, se sintió profundamente turbado por el hecho de que Mia estuviera implicada. Pero con el paso del tiempo, dejó de lado la idea de que era su hija y se centró en lo que habían hecho aquella noche.
No podía quitarse su imagen de la cabeza, junto con todas las cosas que habían hecho.
Así que ahora, en cada fiesta a la que asistía, buscaba chicas que se parecieran a ella. Jóvenes, sexys, abiertas a nuevas sensaciones.
¿Espeluznante? Tal vez. ¿Le molestaba? Ya no.<</st>>
<<st>>Esta fiesta no fue una excepción. Después de un par de copas, en la barra, vio a una joven sexy que le miraba fijamente. Una vez más, se dio cuenta de que las chicas jóvenes eran lo suyo, y sonrió a aquella joven morena. <</st>>
<<dad>>Cuando le llamó la atención, le dirigió una sonrisa, con una invitación silenciosa en el aire.
''Hola'', empezó, con voz suave y seductora. ''Parece que te diviertes esta noche''.<</dad>>
<<str_g>>La joven morena le devolvió la sonrisa y sus ojos brillaron con picardía. ''Ahora sí'', respondió tímidamente, con una sonrisa juguetona en los labios.<</str_g>>
<<dad>>Acercándose más, susurró con tono sugerente: ''¿Quieres hacerlo aún más excitante?''.<</dad>>
<<str_g>>Ella rió suavemente, con las mejillas sonrojadas mientras se inclinaba hacia él. ''Pensé que nunca me lo pedirías''.<</str_g>>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>令人毛骨悚然?也许吧 这让他心烦吗?现在不会了<</st>>
<</switch>><<set $mia.exp +=90>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<set $quests.quest_jack_2=true>><<set $active_quests.q25=true>>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<jk>>Jack typed out the message to Mia, feeling a knot of nerves in his stomach. ''Hey Mia, can we talk? It's important.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>Mia replied quickly, eager to know what was on his mind. ''Sure, babe. When?''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Tonight. I'll come over after you finish work,'' he responded.<</jk>>
<<st>>As the evening approached, Jack made his way to Mia's house. When the door opened, he was greeted by Mia's mom, once again. It gave him a sense of deja vu.<</st>>
<<mom>>''What are you doing here?'' she asked, her brow furrowing in surprise and concern.<</mom>>
<<jk>>''I need to talk to Mia,'' Jack explained, feeling a pang of nervousness.<</jk>>
<<mom>>Her eyes narrowed slightly. ''Are you going to tell her about... us?'' she asked, her voice tinged with apprehension.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack hesitated for a moment before responding, his mind racing. ''Don't worry,'' he assured her, trying to sound confident. ''This is between me and Mia.''<</jk>>
<<mom>>She studied him for a moment, then nodded, her expression softening slightly. ''Alright then, come in.''<</mom>>
<<st>>With a nod of thanks, Jack stepped inside, his heart pounding with anticipation. This conversation was long overdue, and he hoped he could find the right words to say to Mia.<</st>>
<<st>>Jack went upstairs to Mia's room, where she greeted him with a kiss. She seemed happy and carefree, completely unaware of the serious conversation that was about to unfold.<</st>>
<<jk>>As they settled down, Jack struggled to find the right words. ''Mia, there's something we need to talk about,'' he began, his voice tinged with uncertainty. ''I've been feeling like we're drifting apart. We hardly spend any time together anymore, and it's been bothering me a lot.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>Mia's smile faltered, her brows furrowing in confusion. ''What do you mean, Jack? I thought everything was fine,'' she said, her voice tinged with concern.<</mia>>
<<jk>>Jack sighed, feeling the weight of his words. ''It's not just about our schedules, Mia,'' he confessed, his gaze flickering away for a moment before meeting hers again. ''I... I can't shake this feeling that something's missing between us.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>Mia's expression shifted from confusion to apprehension. ''What are you saying, Jack? Are you seriously breaking up with me?'' she demanded, her voice trembling with a mix of disbelief and anger.<</mia>>
<<jk>>Jack hesitated, his heart heavy with the weight of his decision. ''I... I don't know, Mia. I just know that things don't feel right anymore,'' he admitted, his voice barely audible.<</jk>>
<<mia>>Mia's eyes filled with tears, but her sadness quickly turned into frustration. ''So, what? You're just giving up on us because things got a little tough?'' she shot back, her tone laced with bitterness.<</mia>>
<<jk>>Jack felt a pang of frustration gnaw at him. ''It's not just about that, Mia. It's about feeling like we're on different wavelengths,'' he argued, his voice growing firmer.<</jk>>
<<mia>>Mia's tears spilled over, her shoulders shaking with sobs. ''I can't believe you're doing this, Jack. I thought you were better than this,'' she choked out, her voice filled with hurt and indignation.<</mia>>
<<jk>>Jack reached out to comfort her, but she recoiled, her anger palpable. ''Don't touch me,'' she spat, her voice sharp with resentment. ''You've made your decision, now leave.''<</jk>>
<<st>>Their conversation grew heated as they exchanged words filled with frustration and resentment, each struggling to make the other understand their point of view. But in the end, they both knew that their relationship had reached its breaking point.
As Jack left Mia's house that night, his heart heavy with sorrow, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had made the right decision, even though it had come at a great cost. But deep down, he knew there was more to it than just their drifting apart.<</st>>
<<st>>As he walked away, his mind was consumed with conflicting emotions. He couldn't deny the growing attraction he felt towards Mia's mom, a feeling that had been gnawing at him ever since that evening they've spent together. But he couldn't tell Mia about it, knowing it would only add more pain to an already difficult situation. Besides, he promised Jenny to keep quiet.<</st>>
<<case "RU">>
<<jk>>Джек набрал сообщение для Мии, чувствуя, как в животе завязывается нервный узел. ''Привет, Миа, мы можем поговорить? Это важно''.<</jk>>
<<mia>>Миа быстро ответила, желая узнать, что у него на уме. ''Конечно, зайчик. Когда?''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Сегодня вечером. Я приду после того, как ты закончишь работу'', - ответил он.<</jk>>
<<st>>Близился вечер, и Джек направился к дому Мии. Когда он открыл дверь, его снова встретила мама Мии. Это вызвало у него ощущение дежавю.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Что ты здесь делаешь?'' - спросила она, нахмурив брови от удивления и беспокойства.<</mom>>
<<jk>>''Мне нужно поговорить с Мией'', - объяснил Джек, чувствуя нервозность. Её глаза слегка сузились. <</jk>>
<<mom>>''Ты собираешься рассказать ей о... нас?'' - спросила она с опаской в голосе.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Джек на мгновение замешкался, прежде чем ответить, его мысли разбегались. ''Не волнуйся'', - заверил он её, стараясь говорить уверенно. ''Это касается только меня и Мии''.<</jk>>
<<mom>>Она мгновение изучала его, затем кивнула, и выражение её лица слегка смягчилось. ''Хорошо, тогда входи''.<</mom>>
<<st>>Кивнув в знак благодарности, Джек вошел внутрь, его сердце заколотилось от предвкушения. Этот разговор давно назревал, и он надеялся, что сможет найти нужные слова, чтобы сказать их Мие.<</st>>
<<st>>Джек поднялся наверх, в комнату Мии, где она встретила его поцелуем. Она выглядела счастливой и беззаботной, совершенно не подозревая о предстоящем серьезном разговоре.<</st>>
<<jk>>Когда они уселись, Джек с трудом подбирал нужные слова. ''Миа, нам нужно кое о чем поговорить'', - начал он, в его голосе звучала неуверенность. ''Мне кажется, что мы отдаляемся друг от друга. Мы почти не проводим время вместе, и это меня очень беспокоит''.<</jk>>
<<mia>>Улыбка Мии померкла, её брови нахмурились в замешательстве. ''Что ты имеешь в виду, Джек? Я думала, что все в порядке'', - сказала она, в её голосе прозвучала озабоченность.<</mia>>
<<jk>>Джек вздохнул, чувствуя тяжесть своих слов. ''Дело не только в нашем расписании, Миа'', - признался он, на мгновение отведя взгляд, чтобы снова встретиться с ней. ''Я... я не могу избавиться от ощущения, что между нами чего-то не хватает''.<</jk>>
<<mia>>Выражение лица Мии изменилось с растерянного на настороженное. ''Что ты говоришь, Джек? Ты серьёзно бросаешь меня?'' - потребовала она, её голос дрожал от недоверия и гнева.<</mia>>
<<jk>>Джек заколебался, его сердце тяжело забилось под тяжестью принятого решения. ''Я... я не знаю, Миа. Я просто знаю, что все уже не так'', - признался он, его голос был едва слышен.<</jk>>
<<mia>>Глаза Мии наполнились слезами, но грусть быстро сменилась разочарованием. ''И что? Ты просто отказываешься от нас, потому что ситуация стала немного сложной?'' - ответила она, в её тоне прозвучала горечь.<</mia>>
<<jk>>Джек почувствовал, как его гложет разочарование. ''Дело не только в этом, Миа. Дело в том, что мы будто существуем на разных волнах'', - возразил он, его голос стал тверже.<</jk>>
<<mia>>У Мии полились слезы, её плечи затряслись от рыданий. ''Я не могу поверить, что ты это делаешь, Джек. Не думала]6 что ты можешь так поступить со мной'', - задыхалась она, её голос был полон боли и возмущения.<</mia>>
<<jk>>Джек протянул руку, чтобы утешить её, но она отпрянула, её гнев был ощутимым. ''Не трогай меня'', - прошипела она, её голос был резок от негодования. ''Ты принял решение, теперь уходи''.<</jk>>
<<st>>Их разговор становился все более жарким, они обменивались словами, полными разочарования и обиды, каждый пытался заставить другого понять свою точку зрения. Но в конце концов они оба поняли, что их отношения достигли точки разрыва.
Когда Джек покидал дом Мии в тот вечер, его сердце было тяжелым от горя, он не мог избавиться от чувства, что принял правильное решение, пусть и дорогой ценой. Но в глубине души он знал, что за этим стоит нечто большее, чем просто тот факт что они отдалились друг от друга.<</st>>
<<st>>Когда он уходил, его мысли были охвачены противоречивыми эмоциями. Он не мог отрицать растущее влечение к маме Мии - чувство, которое грызло его с того самого вечера, проведенного вместе. Но он не мог рассказать об этом Мие, зная, что это только добавит боли в и без того сложную ситуацию. Кроме того, он обещал Дженни что её дочь ничего не узнает.<</st>>
<<button [[Уйти|House]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<jk>>So ging Jack mit einem mulmigen Gefühl im Bauch an sein Handy und tippte Mia ’ne Nachricht. Die Nerven flatterten ihm ganz schön im Magen. ''Hey Mia, können wir reden? Ist wichtig.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>Mia antwortete sofort, ganz gespannt, was er wohl will. ''Klar, Schatz. Wann denn?''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Heute Abend. Komm vorbei, nach deiner Arbeitsschicht'', tippte er zurück.<</jk>>
<<st>>Gegen Abend machte sich Jack dann auf den Weg zu Mia. Als die Tür aufging, stand da mal wieder Mias Mom. Déjà-vu pur!<</st>>
<<mom>>''Was machst du denn hier?'', fragte sie mit gerunzelter Stirn, überrascht und besorgt zugleich.<</mom>>
<<jk>>''Muss mit Mia reden'', erklärte Jack, der jetzt echt nervös wurde.<</jk>>
<<mom>>Ihr Blick wurde etwas schärfer. ''Willst du ihr von... uns erzählen?'', fragte sie mit einem Hauch von Angst in der Stimme.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack zögerte kurz, während sein Hirn wie wild rumfuhr. ''Keine Sorge'', beruhigte er sie, so cool wie möglich klingen zu wollen. ''Das ist zwischen Mia und mir.''<</jk>>
<<mom>>Sie musterte ihn kurz, dann nickte sie und ihre Miene wurde etwas weicher. ''Na gut, komm rein.''<</mom>>
<<st>>Mit einem dankenden Nicken verschwand Jack drinnen, das Herz hämmerte ihm vor lauter Vorahnung. Das Gespräch war echt überfällig und er hoffte, die richtigen Worte für Mia zu finden.<</st>>
<<st>>Oben angekommen, begrüßte Mia ihn mit einem Kuss. Sie wirkte fröhlich und sorglos, völlig ahnungslos über das ernste Gespräch, das gleich losgehen würde.<</st>>
<<jk>>Als sie sich hinsetzten, kämpfte Jack mit den richtigen Worten. ''Mia, wir müssen echt mal reden'', fing er an, seine Stimme voller Unsicherheit. ''Ich hab das Gefühl, wir entfernen uns voneinander. Wir machen kaum noch was zusammen und das nervt mich echt.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>Mias Lächeln verschwand, ihre Stirn legte sich in Falten. ''Was meinst du damit, Jack? Ich dachte, alles ist okay'', sagte sie besorgt.<</mia>>
<<jk>>Jack seufzte, das Gewicht seiner Worte drückte auf ihn. ''Es geht nicht nur um unsere Zeitpläne, Mia'', gestand er und sein Blick wich kurz ab, bevor er wieder ihren traf. ''Ich... ich kann das Gefühl nicht loswerden, dass irgendwas zwischen uns fehlt.''<</jk>>
<<mia>>Mias Gesichtsausdruck wechselte von Verwirrung zu Angst. ''Was willst du damit sagen, Jack? Machst du jetzt echt Schluss mit mir?'', fragte sie mit zitternder Stimme, in der sich Unglaube und Wut mischten.<</mia>>
<<jk>>Jack zögerte, sein Herz schwer von der Entscheidung. ''Ich... ich weiß nicht, Mia. Ich weiß nur, dass sich das alles nicht mehr richtig anfühlt'', gab er zu, seine Stimme kaum zu hören.<</jk>>
<<mia>>Mia’s Augen füllten sich mit Tränen, aber ihre Traurigkeit schlug schnell in Frustration um. ''Was soll das denn heißen? Wirfst du jetzt einfach alles hin, weil's mal bisschen schwierig wird?'', stichelte sie mit bitterem Unterton.<</mia>>
<<jk>>Jack spürte, wie ihn die Frustration packte. ''Geht’s nicht nur darum, Mia. Es fühlt sich einfach an, als ob wir auf getrennten Planeten leben'', konterte er, seine Stimme wurde fester.<</jk>>
<<mia>>Mia’s Tränen kullerten jetzt richtig, ihre Schultern zitterten vor Schluchzen. ''Ich fass’s nicht, dass du mir das antust, Jack. Ich dachte, du wärst da drüber raus'', würgte sie mit verletzter Stimme hervor.<</mia>>
<<jk>>Jack wollte sie trösten, doch sie wich zurück, ihre Wut war spürbar. ''Fass mich nicht an'', fauchte sie mit vorwurfsvollem Ton. ''Du hast deine Entscheidung getroffen, jetzt verschwinde.''<</jk>>
<<st>>Das Gespräch wurde immer hitziger, Vorwürfe und Wut flogen hin und her, beide wollten unbedingt, dass der andere sie versteht. Aber am Ende wussten sie beide, dass ihre Beziehung am Ende war.
Als Jack in dieser Nacht Mia’s Haus verließ, war sein Herz schwer vor Trauer. Er konnte sich trotzdem nicht ganz abschütteln, dass er die richtige Entscheidung getroffen hatte, auch wenn sie ihn viel gekostet hatte. Tief in seinem Inneren wusste er aber, dass es nicht nur am auseinander Driften lag.<</st>>
<<st>>Auf dem Heimweg kreisten seine Gedanken um widersprüchliche Gefühle. Er konnte die wachsende Anziehungskraft von Mias Mom nicht leugnen, ein Gefühl, dass ihn seit dem gemeinsamen Abend nagte. Aber er konnte es Mia gegenüber nicht erwähnen, er wusste, dass es den Schmerz in der ohnehin schwierigen Situation nur noch größer machen würde. Außerdem hatte er ja schließlich Jenny Stillschweigen versprochen.<</st>>
<<button [[Verlassen|House]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<jk>>Jack a tapé le message à Mia, sentant un nœud de nerfs dans son estomac. '' Hé Mia, on peut parler ? C'est important. ''<</jk>>
<<mia>>Mia répondit rapidement, impatiente de savoir ce qu'il avait en tête. '' Bien sûr, chérie. Quand ? ''<</mia>>
<<jk>>'' Ce soir. Je passerai après que tu aies fini ton travail'', a-t-il répondu.<</jk>>
<<st>>Le soir venu, Jack se rendit chez Mia. Lorsque la porte s'est ouverte, il a été accueilli par la mère de Mia, une fois de plus. Cela lui donna une impression de déjà-vu.<</st>>
<<mom>>'' Qu'est-ce que tu fais ici ? demanda-t-elle, les sourcils froncés par la surprise et l'inquiétude.<</mom>>
<<jk>>'' Je dois parler à Mia '', explique Jack en ressentant une certaine nervosité.<</jk>>
<<mom>>Les yeux de la jeune femme se rétrécirent légèrement. '' Tu vas lui parler de... nous ? '' demanda-t-elle, la voix teintée d'appréhension.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack hésite un instant avant de répondre, l'esprit en ébullition. '' Ne t'inquiète pas '', lui assure-t-il, en essayant de paraître sûr de lui. '' C'est entre moi et Mia. ''<</jk>>
<<mom>>Elle l'étudia un instant, puis hocha la tête, son expression s'adoucissant légèrement. '' Très bien, alors, entre. ''<</mom>>
<<st>>Avec un signe de tête en guise de remerciement, Jack entra, le cœur battant d'impatience. Cette conversation était attendue depuis longtemps, et il espérait pouvoir trouver les bons mots à dire à Mia.<</st>>
<<st>>Jack monta dans la chambre de Mia, qui l'accueillit avec un baiser. Elle semblait heureuse et insouciante, complètement inconsciente de la conversation sérieuse qui était sur le point de se dérouler.<</st>>
<<jk>>Alors qu'ils s'installent, Jack peine à trouver les mots justes. '' Mia, il faut qu'on parle de quelque chose '', commence-t-il, la voix teintée d'incertitude. '' J'ai l'impression que nous nous éloignons l'un de l'autre. Nous ne passons presque plus de temps ensemble, et cela me dérange beaucoup. ''<</jk>>
<<mia>>Le sourire de Mia s'efface, ses sourcils se froncent de confusion. '' Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire, Jack ? Je croyais que tout allait bien'', dit-elle, la voix teintée d'inquiétude.<</mia>>
<<jk>>Jack soupire, sentant le poids de ses mots. '' Il ne s'agit pas seulement de nos emplois du temps, Mia '', avoua-t-il, son regard se détournant un instant avant de rencontrer le sien à nouveau. '' Je n'arrive pas à me débarrasser de ce sentiment qu'il manque quelque chose entre nous.<</jk>>
<<mia>>L'expression de Mia passe de la confusion à l'appréhension. '' Qu'est-ce que tu racontes, Jack ? Es-tu sérieusement en train de rompre avec moi ? '' demanda-t-elle, sa voix tremblant d'un mélange d'incrédulité et de colère.<</mia>>
<<jk>>Jack hésita, le cœur lourd du poids de sa décision. '' Je ne sais pas, Mia. Je sais juste que les choses ne vont plus'', avoua-t-il, la voix à peine audible.<</jk>>
<<mia>>Les yeux de Mia se remplirent de larmes, mais sa tristesse se transforma rapidement en frustration. '' Alors, quoi ? Tu nous abandonnes parce que les choses sont devenues un peu plus difficiles ? '' réplique-t-elle, le ton empreint d'amertume.<</mia>>
<<jk>>Jack sentit une pointe de frustration le ronger. '' Il ne s'agit pas seulement de cela, Mia. Il s'agit de sentir que nous ne sommes pas sur la même longueur d'onde'', argumente-t-il, la voix plus ferme.<</jk>>
<<mia>>Les larmes de Mia débordent, ses épaules sont secouées de sanglots. '' Je ne peux pas croire que tu fasses ça, Jack. Je pensais que tu valais mieux que ça'', s'étrangle-t-elle, la voix pleine de douleur et d'indignation.<</mia>>
<<jk>>Jack tendit la main pour la réconforter, mais elle recula, sa colère étant palpable. '' Ne me touche pas '', cracha-t-elle, la voix aiguisée par le ressentiment. '' Tu as pris ta décision, maintenant pars. ''<</jk>>
<<st>>Leur conversation s'est envenimée au fur et à mesure qu'ils échangeaient des mots remplis de frustration et de ressentiment, chacun s'efforçant de faire comprendre à l'autre son point de vue. Mais à la fin, ils savaient tous les deux que leur relation avait atteint son point de rupture.
En quittant la maison de Mia ce soir-là, le cœur lourd de chagrin, Jack ne pouvait se défaire du sentiment qu'il avait pris la bonne décision, même si cela lui avait coûté cher. Mais au fond de lui, il savait qu'il y avait plus que leur éloignement.<</st>>
<<st>>Alors qu'il s'éloignait, son esprit était envahi par des émotions contradictoires. Il ne pouvait pas nier l'attirance croissante qu'il ressentait pour la mère de Mia, un sentiment qui le rongeait depuis la soirée qu'ils avaient passée ensemble. Mais il ne pouvait pas en parler à Mia, sachant que cela ne ferait qu'ajouter de la douleur à une situation déjà difficile. De plus, il a promis à Jenny de ne rien dire.<</st>>
<<button [[Partir|House]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<jk>>Jack tecleó el mensaje para Mia, sintiendo un nudo de nervios en el estómago. ''Hola Mia, ¿podemos hablar? Es importante''<</jk>>
<<mia>>Mia contestó rápidamente, ansiosa por saber qué tenía en mente. ''Claro, cariño. ¿Cuándo?''<</mia>>
<<jk>>''Esta noche. Iré cuando termines de trabajar'', respondió.<</jk>>
<<st>>A medida que se acercaba la noche, Jack se dirigió a casa de Mia. Cuando la puerta se abrió, fue recibido por la madre de Mia, una vez más. Le dio una sensación de deja vu.<</st>>
<<mom>>''¿Qué haces aquí?'', le preguntó, con el ceño fruncido por la sorpresa y la preocupación.<</mom>>
<<jk>>''Necesito hablar con Mia'', explicó Jack, sintiendo una punzada de nerviosismo.<</jk>>
<<mom>>Los ojos de ella se entrecerraron ligeramente. ''¿Vas a contarle lo nuestro?'', preguntó con la voz teñida de aprensión.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack dudó un momento antes de responder, con la mente acelerada. ''No te preocupes'', le aseguró, tratando de sonar seguro. ''Esto es entre Mia y yo''.<</jk>>
<<mom>>Ella lo estudió por un momento, luego asintió, su expresión se suavizó ligeramente. ''Muy bien, adelante''.<</mom>>
<<st>>Con un gesto de agradecimiento, Jack entró, con el corazón latiéndole a mil por hora. Hacía tiempo que debía haber tenido esta conversación, y esperaba poder encontrar las palabras adecuadas para decírselas a Mia.<</st>>
<<st>>Jack subió a la habitación de Mia, donde ella lo recibió con un beso. Parecía feliz y despreocupada, completamente ajena a la seria conversación que estaba a punto de desarrollarse.<</st>>
<<jk>>Mientras se acomodaban, Jack luchó por encontrar las palabras adecuadas. ''Mia, hay algo de lo que tenemos que hablar'', empezó, con la voz teñida de incertidumbre. ''Siento que nos estamos distanciando. Ya casi no pasamos tiempo juntos, y eso me ha estado molestando mucho''.<</jk>>
<<mia>>La sonrisa de Mia vaciló, sus cejas se fruncieron en confusión. ''¿Qué quieres decir, Jack? Creía que todo iba bien'', dijo, con la voz teñida de preocupación.<</mia>>
<<jk>>Jack suspiró, sintiendo el peso de sus palabras. ''No se trata sólo de nuestros horarios, Mia'', confesó, su mirada se desvió por un momento antes de encontrarse de nuevo con la de ella. ''Yo... no puedo quitarme esta sensación de que falta algo entre nosotros''.<</jk>>
<<mia>>La expresión de Mia pasó de la confusión a la aprensión. ''¿Qué estás diciendo, Jack? ¿En serio estás rompiendo conmigo?'', preguntó, con la voz temblorosa por una mezcla de incredulidad y enfado.<</mia>>
<<jk>>Jack vaciló, con el corazón oprimido por el peso de su decisión. ''No lo sé, Mia. Sólo sé que las cosas ya no están bien'', admitió, con voz apenas audible.<</jk>>
<<mia>>Los ojos de Mia se llenaron de lágrimas, pero su tristeza se convirtió rápidamente en frustración. ''Entonces, ¿qué? ¿Nos abandonas porque las cosas se han puesto un poco difíciles?'', replicó ella, con un tono cargado de amargura.<</mia>>
<<jk>>Jack sintió que una punzada de frustración lo carcomía. ''No se trata sólo de eso, Mia. Se trata de que sentimos que estamos en longitudes de onda diferentes'', argumentó, con voz cada vez más firme.<</jk>>
<<mia>>Las lágrimas de Mia se derramaron, sus hombros temblaban con sollozos. ''No puedo creer que estés haciendo esto, Jack. Creía que eras mejor que esto'', se atragantó, con la voz llena de dolor e indignación.<</mia>>
<<jk>>Jack estiró la mano para consolarla, pero ella retrocedió, su ira palpable. ''No me toques'', le espetó, con la voz aguda por el resentimiento. ''Ya has tomado tu decisión, ahora vete''.<</jk>>
<<st>>La conversación se acaloró mientras intercambiaban palabras llenas de frustración y resentimiento, cada uno luchando por hacer entender al otro su punto de vista. Pero al final, ambos sabían que su relación había llegado a su punto de ruptura.
Cuando Jack abandonó la casa de Mia aquella noche, con el corazón encogido por la tristeza, no podía evitar la sensación de que había tomado la decisión correcta, aunque le hubiera costado muy cara. Pero en el fondo, sabía que había algo más que un simple distanciamiento.<</st>>
<<st>>Mientras se alejaba, su mente se consumía de emociones contradictorias. No podía negar la creciente atracción que sentía hacia la madre de Mia, un sentimiento que le había estado carcomiendo desde aquella tarde que pasaron juntos. Pero no podía contárselo a Mia, sabiendo que sólo añadiría más dolor a una situación ya de por sí difícil. Además, le prometió a Jenny guardar silencio.<</st>>
<<button [[Vete|House]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<button [[走开|House]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<st>><label class="container_check">''If you are playing from your phone check the box.'' <<checkbox "$mobileGame" false true autocheck>><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label class="container_check">When activated, the left and right panels become static and do not close/open during gameplay. <<checkbox "$showPanels" false true autocheck>><span class="checkmark"></span></label>
<label class="container_check">When activated, random events may appear at the entrance to the city. <<checkbox "$randomEventsActivator" false true autocheck>><span class="checkmark"></span></label><</st>>
<<button [[Last Update|City]]>><<set $quests = { <!-- Квесты -->
quest_jack: true,
quest_wallet: true,
quest_return_wallet: true,
quest_talk_family: true,
quest_find_work: true,
quest_ukrali: true,
quest_room_secrets: true,
quest_close_call: true,
quest_final_preparations: true,
quest_doors_open: true,
quest_daddys_little_secret: true,
quest_family_ties_redefined: true,
quest_extra_credit: false,
}>><<set $active_quests = { <!-- Квесты активные для прохождения-->
q2: true,
q3: true,
q4: true,
q5: true,
q6: true,
q7: true,
q41: false,
q42: false,
}>><<set $girls = { <!--Нанятые тёлки-->
girl1: true,
girl2: true,
girl3: true,
girl4: true,
}>><<set $is_need_find_work = 1>><<set $girl1.exp=100>><<set $girl2.exp=100>><<set $girl3.exp=100>><<set $girl4.exp=100>><<set $already_name_brothel=false>><<set $videos_bj to [
]>><<set $videos_anal to [
]>><<set $videos_bbc to [
]>><<set $videos_hard_bj to [
]>><<set $videos_cum to [
]>><<set $videos_group to [
]>><<set $videos_hard_sex to [
]>><<set $videos_sex to [
]>><<set $videos_toy to [
]>><<set $current_brothel_girl="">><<set $brothel_level={
bj: 0,
sex: 0,
anal: 0,
hard_bj: 0,
hard_sex: 0,
group: 0,
bbc: 0,
toy: 0,
cum: 0,
bought_hard_bj: 0,
bought_hard_sex: 0,
bought_group: 0,
bought_bbc: 0,
bought_toy: 0,
bought_cum: 0,
bj: 0,
sex: 0,
anal: 0,
hard_bj: 0,
hard_sex: 0,
group: 0,
bbc: 0,
toy: 0,
cum: 0,
bought_hard_bj: 0,
bought_hard_sex: 0,
bought_group: 0,
bought_bbc: 0,
bought_toy: 0,
bought_cum: 0,
bj: 0,
sex: 0,
anal: 0,
hard_bj: 0,
hard_sex: 0,
group: 0,
bbc: 0,
toy: 0,
cum: 0,
bought_hard_bj: 0,
bought_hard_sex: 0,
bought_group: 0,
bought_bbc: 0,
bought_toy: 0,
bought_cum: 0,
bj: 0,
sex: 0,
anal: 0,
hard_bj: 0,
hard_sex: 0,
group: 0,
bbc: 0,
toy: 0,
cum: 0,
bought_hard_bj: 0,
bought_hard_sex: 0,
bought_group: 0,
bought_bbc: 0,
bought_toy: 0,
bought_cum: 0,
bj: 0,
sex: 0,
anal: 0,
hard_bj: 0,
hard_sex: 0,
group: 0,
bbc: 0,
toy: 0,
cum: 0,
bought_hard_bj: 0,
bought_hard_sex: 0,
bought_group: 0,
bought_bbc: 0,
bought_toy: 0,
bought_cum: 0,
bj: 0,
sex: 0,
anal: 0,
hard_bj: 0,
hard_sex: 0,
group: 0,
bbc: 0,
toy: 0,
cum: 0,
bought_hard_bj: 0,
bought_hard_sex: 0,
bought_group: 0,
bought_bbc: 0,
bought_toy: 0,
bought_cum: 0,
}>><<set $phrases to [
"<<st>>You see two girls, excited and waiting for something thrilling.<</st>>\n[img[0.3.1/brothel/1.gif]]", "<<mia>>What should I do today... Maybe put on a private show?<</mia>>", "<<mia>>What else should I add to the brothel for some hot fun?<</mia>>", "<<mia>>I wonder who’s going to spend a fortune here tonight.<</mia>>", "<<mia>>Another night full of dirty happenings.<</mia>>", "<<ele>>Hope he’s got a huge dick.<</ele>>", "<<ele>>Hope this guy’s got cash… and a big dick in his pants.<</ele>>", "<<ele>>Time to see if he fucks as good as he talks.<</ele>>", "<<ele>>Let’s find out who’s the real alpha and who’s just pretending.<</ele>>", "<<ele>>I’m always up for surprises… especially the big ones.<</ele>>", "<<soph>>On my way, daddy… Hope you can handle me.<</soph>>", "<<soph>>Did someone say ‘good girl’? That’s me… but not always.<</soph>>", "<<soph>>I can tell you're in the mood for a good fuck… Lucky for you, so am I.<</soph>>", "<<michelle>>Come on in. Hope you're ready for this.<</michelle>>", "<<michelle>>How much are you willing to pay for the best time of your life?<</michelle>>", "<<michelle>>You look like you've been dying to fuck someone real good.<</michelle>>", "<<michelle>>Wanna see just how good I am? Let’s find out.<</michelle>>", "<<ali>>Don’t be shy, baby. Everything here is for pleasure.<</ali>>", "<<ali>>You know why you came here… so don’t keep me waiting.<</ali>>", "<<ali>>Go on, impress me… or at least try.<</ali>>", "<<ali>>I don’t bite… unless you beg for it.<</ali>>", "<<lily>>Think you can handle me? Most guys just talk big.<</lily>>", "<<lily>>You can look all you want… but touching? That’s gonna cost you.<</lily>>", "<<lily>>I can be sweet, or I can be filthy. Guess which one I prefer?<</lily>>", "<<lily>>I like it when they think they’re in charge… until they’re not.<</lily>>", "<<lily>>Go on, make me moan—if you think you’ve got what it takes.<</lily>>", "<<mia>>I love a man who knows how to use his cock… Think you’re one of them?<</mia>>", "<<mia>>Mmm, I can already tell… You’re dying to feel how tight and wet I am.<</mia>>", "<<ele>>I don’t just give good sex—I make it unforgettable.<</ele>>", "<<ele>>You bring the dick, I’ll bring the sweetest ride of your life.<</ele>>", "<<lily>>Come closer… I wanna feel just how hard you are for me.<</lily>>", "<<lily>>I promise you, my pussy’s worth every damn second.<</lily>>", "<<soph>>Let’s skip the teasing… and get straight to making you moan.<</soph>>", "<<soph>>A good fuck is an art… Lucky for you, I’m a masterpiece.<</soph>>"
]>><<set $brothel_name="Stark Whorehouse">><</button>>
<<return "Go Back">><<script>>
Dialog.setup("Perks", "perks");
<<if $patreon_buttons == false>>
<<script>>var backButton = document.getElementById('history-backward');
if (backButton) {
backButton.style.display = 'none';
var forwardButton = document.getElementById('history-forward');
if (forwardButton) {
forwardButton.style.display = 'none';
<<else>><<script>>var backButton = document.getElementById('history-backward');
if (backButton) {
backButton.style.display = 'inline-block';
var forwardButton = document.getElementById('history-forward');
if (forwardButton) {
forwardButton.style.display = 'inline-block';
<<set $canTravel =0>><<if $quests.quest_university_routine_2==true and $quests.quest_extra_credit==false>><<goto quest_extra_credit>><</if>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="parent-container">
<div class="content-left"><<st>>You step into the lecture hall and see a spacious room filled with rows of seats. The walls are lined with large windows, letting in plenty of natural light. At the front, there's a large whiteboard and a podium where the professor stands. Students are scattered throughout, some chatting, others focused on their notes or laptops. The atmosphere buzzes with a mix of anticipation and concentration.<</st>>
<div class="univer-girls-container">
<div class="girl-container">
<a data-passage="Girl_1" class="link-internal link-image"><<if $girls.girl1==false>><img src="0.2.6/images/lily.jpeg" alt="Girl 1" class="girl-photo"><<else>><img src="0.2.6/images/lily.jpeg" alt="Girl 1" class="girl-photo-suc"><</if>></a><div class="container_cafe_exp"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$girl1.exp" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div></div><div class="girl-container2">
<a data-passage="Girl_2" class="link-internal link-image"><<if $girls.girl2==false>><img src="0.2.6/images/girl2.jpeg" alt="Girl 2" class="girl-photo"><<else>><img src="0.2.6/images/girl2.jpeg" alt="Girl 2" class="girl-photo-suc"><</if>></a><div class="container_cafe_exp"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$girl2.exp" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div></div><div class="girl-container">
<a data-passage="Girl_3" class="link-internal link-image"><<if $girls.girl3==false>><img src="0.2.6/images/girl3.jpeg" alt="Girl 3" class="girl-photo"><<else>><img src="0.2.6/images/girl3.jpeg" alt="Girl 3" class="girl-photo-suc"><</if>></a><div class="container_cafe_exp"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$girl3.exp" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div></div></div>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="parent-container">
<div class="content-left"><<st>>Вы входите в лекционный зал и видите просторную комнату, заставленную рядами кресел. На стенах расположены большие окна, пропускающие много естественного света. В передней части находится большая доска и подиум, на котором стоит профессор. Студенты разбросаны по всему помещению, некоторые общаются, другие сосредоточенно работают над своими записями или ноутбуками. Атмосфера гудит от предвкушения и сосредоточенности.<</st>>
<div class="univer-girls-container">
<div class="girl-container">
<a data-passage="Girl_1" class="link-internal link-image"><<if $girls.girl1==false>><img src="0.2.6/images/lily.jpeg" alt="Girl 1" class="girl-photo"><<else>><img src="0.2.6/images/lily.jpeg" alt="Girl 1" class="girl-photo-suc"><</if>></a><div class="container_cafe_exp"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$girl1.exp" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div></div><div class="girl-container2">
<a data-passage="Girl_2" class="link-internal link-image"><<if $girls.girl2==false>><img src="0.2.6/images/girl2.jpeg" alt="Girl 2" class="girl-photo"><<else>><img src="0.2.6/images/girl2.jpeg" alt="Girl 1" class="girl-photo-suc"><</if>></a><div class="container_cafe_exp"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$girl2.exp" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div></div><div class="girl-container">
<a data-passage="Girl_3" class="link-internal link-image"><<if $girls.girl3==false>><img src="0.2.6/images/girl3.jpeg" alt="Girl 3" class="girl-photo"><<else>><img src="0.2.6/images/girl3.jpeg" alt="Girl 3" class="girl-photo-suc"><</if>></a><div class="container_cafe_exp"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$girl3.exp" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div></div></div>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="parent-container">
<div class="content-left"><<st>>Sie betreten den Hörsaal und sehen einen großen Raum mit vielen Sitzreihen. Die Wände sind von großen Fenstern gesäumt, die viel natürliches Licht hereinlassen. An der Stirnseite befinden sich eine große Tafel und ein Podium, auf dem der Professor steht. Die Studenten sind überall verstreut, einige unterhalten sich, andere arbeiten konzentriert an ihren Notizen oder Laptops. Die Atmosphäre ist geprägt von einer Mischung aus Erwartung und Konzentration.<</st>>
<div class="univer-girls-container">
<div class="girl-container">
<a data-passage="Girl_1" class="link-internal link-image"><<if $girls.girl1==false>><img src="0.2.6/images/lily.jpeg" alt="Girl 1" class="girl-photo"><<else>><img src="0.2.6/images/lily.jpeg" alt="Girl 1" class="girl-photo-suc"><</if>></a><div class="container_cafe_exp"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$girl1.exp" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div></div><div class="girl-container2">
<a data-passage="Girl_2" class="link-internal link-image"><<if $girls.girl2==false>><img src="0.2.6/images/girl2.jpeg" alt="Girl 2" class="girl-photo"><<else>><img src="0.2.6/images/girl2.jpeg" alt="Girl 1" class="girl-photo-suc"><</if>></a><div class="container_cafe_exp"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$girl2.exp" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div></div><div class="girl-container">
<a data-passage="Girl_3" class="link-internal link-image"><<if $girls.girl3==false>><img src="0.2.6/images/girl3.jpeg" alt="Girl 3" class="girl-photo"><<else>><img src="0.2.6/images/girl3.jpeg" alt="Girl 3" class="girl-photo-suc"><</if>></a><div class="container_cafe_exp"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$girl3.exp" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div></div></div>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="parent-container">
<div class="content-left"><<st>>Vous entrez dans l'amphithéâtre et découvrez une salle spacieuse remplie de rangées de sièges. Les murs sont bordés de grandes fenêtres qui laissent entrer beaucoup de lumière naturelle. À l'avant, il y a un grand tableau blanc et une estrade où se tient le professeur. Les étudiants sont dispersés, certains discutant, d'autres se concentrant sur leurs notes ou leurs ordinateurs portables. L'atmosphère est animée par un mélange d'anticipation et de concentration.<</st>>
<div class="univer-girls-container">
<div class="girl-container">
<a data-passage="Girl_1" class="link-internal link-image"><<if $girls.girl1==false>><img src="0.2.6/images/lily.jpeg" alt="Girl 1" class="girl-photo"><<else>><img src="0.2.6/images/lily.jpeg" alt="Girl 1" class="girl-photo-suc"><</if>></a><div class="container_cafe_exp"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$girl1.exp" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div></div><div class="girl-container2">
<a data-passage="Girl_2" class="link-internal link-image"><<if $girls.girl2==false>><img src="0.2.6/images/girl2.jpeg" alt="Girl 2" class="girl-photo"><<else>><img src="0.2.6/images/girl2.jpeg" alt="Girl 1" class="girl-photo-suc"><</if>></a><div class="container_cafe_exp"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$girl2.exp" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div></div><div class="girl-container">
<a data-passage="Girl_3" class="link-internal link-image"><<if $girls.girl3==false>><img src="0.2.6/images/girl3.jpeg" alt="Girl 3" class="girl-photo"><<else>><img src="0.2.6/images/girl3.jpeg" alt="Girl 3" class="girl-photo-suc"><</if>></a><div class="container_cafe_exp"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$girl3.exp" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div></div></div>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="parent-container">
<div class="content-left"><<st>>Entras en la sala de conferencias y ves una espaciosa sala llena de filas de asientos. Las paredes tienen grandes ventanales por los que entra mucha luz natural. En la parte delantera hay una gran pizarra y un estrado donde se sitúa el profesor. Los estudiantes están dispersos, algunos charlando, otros concentrados en sus apuntes o sus portátiles. El ambiente es una mezcla de expectación y concentración.<</st>>
<div class="univer-girls-container">
<div class="girl-container">
<a data-passage="Girl_1" class="link-internal link-image"><<if $girls.girl1==false>><img src="0.2.6/images/lily.jpeg" alt="Girl 1" class="girl-photo"><<else>><img src="0.2.6/images/lily.jpeg" alt="Girl 1" class="girl-photo-suc"><</if>></a><div class="container_cafe_exp"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$girl1.exp" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div></div><div class="girl-container2">
<a data-passage="Girl_2" class="link-internal link-image"><<if $girls.girl2==false>><img src="0.2.6/images/girl2.jpeg" alt="Girl 2" class="girl-photo"><<else>><img src="0.2.6/images/girl2.jpeg" alt="Girl 1" class="girl-photo-suc"><</if>></a><div class="container_cafe_exp"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$girl2.exp" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div></div><div class="girl-container">
<a data-passage="Girl_3" class="link-internal link-image"><<if $girls.girl3==false>><img src="0.2.6/images/girl3.jpeg" alt="Girl 3" class="girl-photo"><<else>><img src="0.2.6/images/girl3.jpeg" alt="Girl 3" class="girl-photo-suc"><</if>></a><div class="container_cafe_exp"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$girl3.exp" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div></div></div>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="parent-container">
<div class="content-left"><<st>>走进阶梯教室,宽敞的房间里摆满了一排排座椅。墙壁上有许多大窗户,自然光线充足。前面有一块大白板和一个讲台,教授就站在讲台上。学生们散布在各处,有的在聊天,有的则专注于笔记或笔记本电脑。气氛既期待又专注。<</st>>
<div class="univer-girls-container">
<div class="girl-container">
<a data-passage="Girl_1" class="link-internal link-image"><<if $girls.girl1==false>><img src="0.2.6/images/lily.jpeg" alt="Girl 1" class="girl-photo"><<else>><img src="0.2.6/images/lily.jpeg" alt="Girl 1" class="girl-photo-suc"><</if>></a><div class="container_cafe_exp"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$girl1.exp" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div></div><div class="girl-container2">
<a data-passage="Girl_2" class="link-internal link-image"><<if $girls.girl2==false>><img src="0.2.6/images/girl2.jpeg" alt="Girl 2" class="girl-photo"><<else>><img src="0.2.6/images/girl2.jpeg" alt="Girl 1" class="girl-photo-suc"><</if>></a><div class="container_cafe_exp"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$girl2.exp" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div></div><div class="girl-container">
<a data-passage="Girl_3" class="link-internal link-image"><<if $girls.girl3==false>><img src="0.2.6/images/girl3.jpeg" alt="Girl 3" class="girl-photo"><<else>><img src="0.2.6/images/girl3.jpeg" alt="Girl 3" class="girl-photo-suc"><</if>></a><div class="container_cafe_exp"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$girl3.exp" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div></div></div>
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>><<if $quests.quest_family_ties_redefined==true and $quests.quest_university_routine_1==false>><<goto quest_university_routine_1>><</if>><<st>>In the future updates.
Did you enjoy the game and want more content? Support us!
Stay tuned for updates, share your comments and ideas. We'd love to hear your feedback!
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<button[[Leave|Univer]]>><</button>><<set $canTravel =1>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>In the future updates.
Did you enjoy the game and want more content? Support us!
Stay tuned for updates, share your comments and ideas. We'd love to hear your feedback!
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>В будущих обновлениях.
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Следите за обновлениями, делитесь своими комментариями и идеями. Мы будем рады услышать ваши отзывы!
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>In zukünftigen Updates.
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Bleib dran für Updates, teile deine Kommentare und Ideen. Wir würden gerne dein Feedback hören!
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Cet lieu sera disponible dans les prochaines mises à jour.
Vous avez aimé le jeu et vous voulez plus de contenu ? Soutenez-nous !
Restez à l'écoute des mises à jour, partagez vos commentaires et vos idées. Nous sommes ravis d'entendre vos commentaires !
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>En las futuras actualizaciones.
¿Te ha gustado el juego y quieres más contenido? ¡Apóyanos!
Permanece atento a las actualizaciones, comparte tus comentarios e ideas. Nos encantará conocer tu opinión.
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<case "CH">>
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>In the future updates.
Did you enjoy the game and want more content? Support us!
Stay tuned for updates, share your comments and ideas. We'd love to hear your feedback!
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>В будущих обновлениях.
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Следите за обновлениями, делитесь своими комментариями и идеями. Мы будем рады услышать ваши отзывы!
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>In zukünftigen Updates.
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Bleib dran für Updates, teile deine Kommentare und Ideen. Wir würden gerne dein Feedback hören!
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Cet lieu sera disponible dans les prochaines mises à jour.
Vous avez aimé le jeu et vous voulez plus de contenu ? Soutenez-nous !
Restez à l'écoute des mises à jour, partagez vos commentaires et vos idées. Nous sommes ravis d'entendre vos commentaires !
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>En las futuras actualizaciones.
¿Te ha gustado el juego y quieres más contenido? ¡Apóyanos!
Permanece atento a las actualizaciones, comparte tus comentarios e ideas. Nos encantará conocer tu opinión.
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<<case "CH">>
<a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a><</st>>
<</switch>><<set $canTravel =1>><<if $quests.quest_university_routine_1==true and $quests.quest_university_routine_2==false>><<goto quest_university_routine_2>><</if>><div class="parent-container">
<div class="content-left"><<st>>You step into the smoking area, the air already heavy with conversations and laughter. People are leaning against walls or sitting around, sharing stories and exchanging jokes.<</st>>
<div class="univer-girls-container">
<div class="girl-container">
<a data-passage="Girl_4" class="link-internal link-image"><<if $girls.girl4==false>><img src="0.2.6/images/soph.jpg" alt="Girl 4" class="girl-photo"><<else>><img src="0.2.6/images/soph.jpg" alt="Girl 4" class="girl-photo-suc"><</if>></a><div class="container_cafe_exp"><progress class="progress-bar" @value="$girl4.exp" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="100"></progress></div></div></div><<set $canTravel =1>><<if $quests.brothel_money_3==true and $quests.brothel_money_4==false>><<goto Brothel_Money_4>><<else>><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_3 == false>><<goto girl_closed_quest>><</if>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<if $girl1.exp==25>><<goto Girl1_etap2>><</if>><<if $girl1.exp==50>><<goto Girl1_etap3>><</if>><<if $girl1.exp==75>><<goto Girl1_etap4>><</if>><<if $girls.girl1==true>><<goto AlreadyDone>><</if>><<st>>Today Mia wanted into the lecture room determined to find the first person to hire to her brothel.<</st>>
<<st>>Okay, gotta do this, Mia thought to herself. Time to expand the team. But who? The first person she hires needs to be someone discreet, someone I trust. Lily... yeah, Lily could be good. But how does she even approach this? Can't exactly blurt out, ''Hey, want to come make a boatload of cash?''. ''Think, Mia, think'' she thought to herself. Lily mentioned something a while back... a hobby, right? What was it? Gotta choose the topic:<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Music'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Great! Mia guessed the topic! Now it's time to show Lily she's also up on this topic.<</st>>
<<link 'Movies'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hey Lily, how's it going? Did you catch that new sci-fi movie everyone's been buzzing about?<</mia>>
<<lily>>Nah, not really a movie person.<</lily>>
<<mia>>(Mentally panicking) Oh, right, of course! Well, good to see you anyway. Catch you later!<</mia>>
<<link 'Series'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hey Lily, what's up? Any good shows sucking you into a binge lately?<</mia>>
<<lily>>Hey Mia! Nah, not really. You knoow me, I haven't gotten into the whole series craze everyone seems obsessed with.<</lily>>
<<mia>>Oh, right, of course! Anyway, what's up with you lately? We should grab a coffee sometime!<</mia>>
<<lily>>Sure, I'll text you later, gotta go now. Bye!<</lily>>
<<link 'Literature'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hey Lily, how's it going? Found any good reads lately?<</mia>>
<<lily>>(Looks up, surprised) Hey Mia! Not really, you know me, not a huge bookworm.<</lily>>
<<mia>>Oh, right! Of course, makes sense. You're always so active. Well, good to see you anyway! Catch you later!<</mia>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>У тебя не осталось сил ни на что, тебе поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<if $girl1.exp==25>><<goto Girl1_etap2>><</if>><<if $girl1.exp==50>><<goto Girl1_etap3>><</if>><<if $girl1.exp==75>><<goto Girl1_etap4>><</if>><<if $girls.girl1==true>><<goto AlreadyDone>><</if>><<st>>Сегодня Мия пришла в аудиторию с решимостью найти первого человека, которого она наймет в свой бордель.<</st>>
<<st>>Ладно, надо это сделать, подумала про себя Мия. Пора расширять команду. Но кого? Первым, кого она наймет, должен быть кто-то незаметный, тот, кому я доверяю. Лили... да, Лили могла бы подойти. Но как она вообще к этому отнесется? Не говорить же ей сразу: ''Эй, хочешь заработать кучу бабок?''. ''Думай, Мия, думай'', - думала она про себя. Лили недавно упоминала о чем-то... о хобби, верно? Что это было? Надо выбрать тему:<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Музыка'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Отлично! Мия угадала тему! Теперь пришло время показать Лили, что она тоже разбирается в этой теме.<</st>>
<<link 'Фильмы'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Привет, Лили, как дела? Ты посмотрела тот новый научно-фантастический фильм, о котором все говорят?<</mia>>
<<lily>>Неа, я не очень люблю кино.<</lily>>
<<mia>>(мысленно паникуя) О, ну да, точно! Ну, в любом случае, я рада тебя видеть. Увидимся позже!<</mia>>
<<link 'Сериалы'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Привет, Лили, как дела? Есть хорошие сериалы, которые затянули тебя в последнее время?<</mia>>
<<lily>>Привет, Мия! Да нет, ничего такого. Ты же знаешь меня, я не увлекаюсь сериалами, на которых все помешаны.<</lily>>
<<mia>>Ахахах, точно! В любом случае, как у тебя дела в последнее время? Может как-то сходим на кофе?<</mia>>
<<lily>>Конечно, я напишу тебе позже, сейчас мне нужно идти. Пока!<</lily>>
<<link 'Литература'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Привет, Лили, как дела? Нашла что-нибудь хорошее в последнее время?<</mia>>
<<lily>>(поднимает глаза, удивленно) Привет, Мия! Не очень, ты же знаешь меня, я совсем не книжный червь.<</lily>>
<<mia>>О, точно! Конечно, логично. Ты всегда такая активная. Ну, в любом случае, рада тебя видеть! Увидимся позже!<</mia>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Dir geht die Energie aus, eine gute und solide Schlaf wird dir helfen.<</st>>
<<button [[Schlafen|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<if $girl1.exp==25>><<goto Girl1_etap2>><</if>><<if $girl1.exp==50>><<goto Girl1_etap3>><</if>><<if $girl1.exp==75>><<goto Girl1_etap4>><</if>><<if $girls.girl1==true>><<goto AlreadyDone>><</if>><<st>>Heute kam Mia zielstrebig in den Vorlesungssaal, fest entschlossen, die erste Person für ihr Bordell zu finden.<</st>>
<<st>>''Okay, jetzt muss ich es tun'', dachte sich Mia. ''Zeit, das Team zu erweitern. Aber wer?'' Die Erste, die sie einstellt, muss diskret sein, jemand, dem sie vertraut. Lily... ja, Lily könnte gut sein. Aber wie soll sie das überhaupt angehen? Man kann ja nicht einfach rausplatzen: ''Hey, willst du haufenweise Geld verdienen?". ''Denk nach, Mia, denk nach'', murmelte sie vor sich hin. Lily hatte vor einer Weile etwas erwähnt... ein Hobby, richtig? Was war es denn bloß?
Sie musste das Thema vorsichtig wählen:<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Music'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Perfekt! Mia hatte das Thema richtig getippt! Jetzt war es Zeit, Lily zu zeigen, dass sie sich auch in diesem Bereich auskennt.<</st>>
<<button[[Los geht's|Girl1_etap1]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Filme'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hey Lily, alles klar? Hast du dir den neuen Science-Fiction-Film angesehen, über den alle reden?<</mia>>
<<lily>>Ne, so der Filmfanatiker bin ich nicht wirklich.<</lily>>
<<mia>>(Innerliches Panikgefühl) Ach so, klar! Na ja, schön dich trotzdem gesehen zu haben. Bis später dann!<</mia>>
<<link 'Serien'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hey Lily, was geht ab? Binge-watchst du gerade irgendwelche coolen Serien?<</mia>>
<<lily>>Hey Mia! Öhm, nicht wirklich. Du kennst mich, diese ganzen Serien, auf die alle so abfahren, die sind so gar nicht mein Ding.<</lily>>
<<mia>>Achso, klar! Wie läuft's denn so bei dir? Wir sollten mal wieder nen Kaffee zusammen trinken gehen!<</mia>>
<<lily>>Okay, ich schreib dir dann. Muss jetzt los, ciao!<</lily>>
<<link 'Literatur'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hey Lily, was geht? Hast du in letzter Zeit was Spannendes gelesen?<</mia>>
<<lily>>(Blickt überrascht hoch) Hey Mia! Ähm, nicht wirklich. Du kennst mich ja, ich bin jetzt nicht so die Leseratte.<</lily>>
<<mia>>Achso, klar! Stimmt ja. Du bist ja immer so aktiv unterwegs. Na ja, schön dich trotzdem gesehen zu haben. Bis später dann!<</mia>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Tu n'as plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, une bonne nuit de sommeil t'aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Sommeil|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<if $girl1.exp==25>><<goto Girl1_etap2>><</if>><<if $girl1.exp==50>><<goto Girl1_etap3>><</if>><<if $girl1.exp==75>><<goto Girl1_etap4>><</if>><<if $girls.girl1==true>><<goto AlreadyDone>><</if>><<st>>Aujourd'hui, Mia voulait entrer dans la salle de conférence, déterminée à trouver la première personne à embaucher dans son bordel.<</st>>
<<st>>''Ok, il faut que je le fasse'', se dit Mia. ''Il est temps d'agrandir l'équipe. Mais qui ?'' La première personne qu'elle embauchera devra être quelqu'un de discret, quelqu'un en qui j'ai confiance. Lily... oui, Lily pourrait faire l'affaire. Mais comment l'aborder ? Elle ne peut pas vraiment dire '' Hé, tu veux venir te faire un paquet de fric ? ''. ''Réfléchis, Mia, réfléchis'', se dit-elle. Lily a mentionné quelque chose il y a quelque temps... un hobby, c'est ça ? Qu'est-ce que c'était ?
Il faut choisir le sujet:<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Musique'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Génial ! Mia a deviné le sujet ! Il est temps de montrer à Lily qu'elle connaît aussi le sujet.<</st>>
<<link 'Les films'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hé Lily, comment ça va ? Tu as vu le nouveau film de science-fiction dont tout le monde parle?<</mia>>
<<lily>>Non, je n'aime pas vraiment les films.<</lily>>
<<mia>>(paniquée mentalement) Oh, bien sûr ! En tout cas, ça m'a fait plaisir de te voir. A plus tard!<</mia>>
<<link 'Les séries'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hey Lily, quoi de neuf ? Tu as vu de bonnes séries qui t'ont fait craquer ces derniers temps?<</mia>>
<<lily>>Hey Mia ! Non, pas vraiment. Tu me connais, je n'ai pas encore commencé à m'intéresser aux séries dont tout le monde est obsédé.<</lily>>
<<mia>>Oh, c'est vrai, bien sûr ! Quoi qu'il en soit, qu'est-ce qui t'arrive en ce moment ? On devrait prendre un café un de ces jours!<</mia>>
<<lily>>Bien sûr, je t'enverrai un message plus tard, je dois y aller.<</lily>>
<<link 'La littérature'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hey Lily, comment ça va ? Tu as trouvé de bonnes lectures dernièrement ?<</mia>>
<<lily>>(lève les yeux, surprise) Hey Mia ! Pas vraiment, tu me connais, je ne suis pas un grand rat de bibliothèque.<</lily>>
<<mia>>Oh, c'est vrai ! Bien sûr, c'est logique. Tu es toujours très active. En tout cas, c'est bon de te voir ! A plus tard!<</mia>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>No te queda energía para hacer nada, un buen sueño reparador te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<if $girl1.exp==25>><<goto Girl1_etap2>><</if>><<if $girl1.exp==50>><<goto Girl1_etap3>><</if>><<if $girl1.exp==75>><<goto Girl1_etap4>><</if>><<if $girls.girl1==true>><<goto AlreadyDone>><</if>><<st>>Hoy Mia quería entrar en la sala de conferencias decidida a encontrar a la primera persona que contratara para su burdel.<</st>>
<<st>>Vale, tengo que hacerlo, pensó Mia para sí. Es hora de ampliar el equipo. ¿Pero a quién? La primera persona que contrate tiene que ser alguien discreto, alguien en quien confíe. Lily... sí, Lily podría ser buena. Pero, ¿cómo aborda esto? No puede soltar exactamente: ''Oye, ¿quieres venir a hacer un montón de dinero?''. ''Piensa, Mia, piensa'', pensó para sí misma. Lily mencionó algo hace un tiempo... un hobby, ¿no? ¿Cuál era?
Hay que elegir el tema:<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Música'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>¡Increíble! ¡Mia adivinó el tema! Ahora es el momento de demostrar a Lily que ella también sabe de este tema.<</st>>
<<link 'Cine'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hola Lily, ¿qué tal? ¿Has visto la nueva película de ciencia ficción de la que todo el mundo habla?<</mia>>
<<lily>>No, no me gustan mucho las películas.<</lily>>
<<mia>>(Entrando en pánico mental) ¡Oh, claro, por supuesto! Bueno, me alegro de verte. Hasta luego.<</mia>>
<<link 'Serie'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hola Lily, ¿qué tal? ¿Alguna buena serie que te esté atrayendo últimamente?<</mia>>
<<lily>>¡Hola Mia! No, la verdad es que no. Ya me conoces, no me he metido en esa moda de las series con la que todo el mundo parece obsesionado.<</lily>>
<<mia>>Oh, claro, ¡por supuesto! En fin, ¿qué te pasa últimamente? ¡Deberíamos tomar un café algún día!<</mia>>
<<lily>>Claro, luego te mando un mensaje, ahora tengo que irme. Hasta luego.<</lily>>
<<link 'Literatura'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hola Lily, ¿qué tal? ¿Has encontrado alguna buena lectura últimamente?<</mia>>
<<lily>>(Levanta la vista, sorprendida) ¡Hola Mia! La verdad es que no, ya me conoces, no soy un gran ratón de biblioteca.<</lily>>
<<mia>>¡Ah, claro! Claro, tiene sentido. Siempre estás tan activa. Bueno, me alegro de verte. Hasta luego.<</mia>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<button [[睡眠|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<if $girl1.exp==25>><<goto Girl1_etap2>><</if>><<if $girl1.exp==50>><<goto Girl1_etap3>><</if>><<if $girl1.exp==75>><<goto Girl1_etap4>><</if>><<if $girls.girl1==true>><<goto AlreadyDone>><</if>><<st>>今天,米娅想走进阶梯教室,决心找到第一个雇到她妓院的人。<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link '音乐'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>好极了 米娅猜到题目了 现在是时候让莉莉知道她也知道这个话题了。<</st>>
<<link '电影'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>嘿,莉莉,最近怎么样?你看了那部大家都在讨论的新科幻电影吗?<</mia>>
<<link '系列剧'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>嘿,莉莉,怎么样?最近有什么好剧让你狂欢吗?<</mia>>
<<link '文学'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>嘿,莉莉,最近怎么样?最近有什么好书吗?<</mia>>
<</switch>><</if>><<if $girls.girl1 == false>><<goto girl_closed_quest_2>><</if>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<if $girl2.exp==25>><<goto Girl2_etap2>><</if>><<if $girl2.exp==50>><<goto Girl2_etap3>><</if>><<if $girl2.exp==75>><<goto Girl2_etap4>><</if>><<if $girls.girl2==true>><<goto AlreadyDone>><</if>><<st>>Today, Mia spotted Michelle, a fellow student at her college, sitting alone in the library, her nose buried in a textbook. Michelle seemed quiet and reserved, but Mia remembered Lily mentioning that Michelle was actually quite the party girl when she let loose. Perfect for what Mia needed for her brothel. So yeah, Michelle... Michelle could be a precious gem in her group.<</st>>
<<st>>"Alright, Mia, you can do this," she thought, feeling a bit more confident this time, but still with a flutter of nerves in her stomach.<</st>>
<<st>>Michelle seems quiet and reserved, but Lily mentioned she’s actually quite the party girl when she lets loose. Perfect for what I need. But how do I start this conversation? Can’t just come out and say, 'Want to earn a lot of money?' Think, Mia, think. What’s a good topic to break the ice?<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Music'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hey Michelle, how's it going? Have you heard that new album everyone's talking about?<</mia>>
<<michelle>>Nah, not really into music these days. <</michelle>>
<<mia>>(Mentally panicking) Oh, right, of course! Well, good to see you anyway. Catch you later!<</mia>>
<<link 'Movies'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Awesome! Mia got the topic right! Now it's time to show Michelle that she knows her stuff too.<</st>>
<<link 'Series'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hey Michelle, what's up? Got any shows you're binging these days?<</mia>>
<<michelle>>Hey Mia! Nah, not really. I never really got into the whole series craze like everyone else.<</michelle>>
<<mia>>Oh, right, of course! So, what's new with you? We should catch up over coffee sometime!<</mia>>
<<michelle>>Sure, sounds good. I'll text you later, but I gotta run now. Bye!<</michelle>>
<<link 'Literature'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hey Michelle, how's it going? Read any good books lately?<</mia>>
<<michelle>>(Looks up, surprised) Hey Mia! Not really, I'm more into magazines and articles these days.<</michelle>>
<<mia>>Oh, got it! You've always had interesting tastes. Well, it's good to see you anyway! Let's catch up soon!<</mia>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>У тебя не осталось сил ни на что, тебе поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<if $girl2.exp==25>><<goto Girl2_etap2>><</if>><<if $girl2.exp==50>><<goto Girl2_etap3>><</if>><<if $girl2.exp==75>><<goto Girl2_etap4>><</if>><<if $girls.girl2==true>><<goto AlreadyDone>><</if>><<st>>Сегодня Миа заприметила Мишель, студентку своего колледжа, одиноко сидящую в библиотеке, уткнувшись носом в учебник. Мишель казалась тихой и замкнутой, но Миа вспомнила, как Лили упоминала, что Мишель была очень даже неплохой тусовщицей, когда давала себе волю. Идеально подходит для того, что нужно Мие для ее борделя. Так что да, Мишель... Мишель может стать драгоценным сокровищем в ее команде.<</st>>
<<st>>"Ладно, Миа, ты справишься", - подумала она, чувствуя себя на этот раз немного увереннее, но все еще с нервным трепетом в животе.<</st>>
<<st>>"Ну и как мне начать этот разговор? Не могу же я просто взять и сказать: "Хочешь зарабатывать много денег? Подумай, Миа, подумай. Какую тему можно затронуть, чтобы растопить лед?"<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Музыка'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Привет, Мишель, как дела? Ты слышала новый альбом, о котором все говорят?<</mia>>
<<michelle>>Нет, в последнее время не очень люблю музыку.<</michelle>>
<<mia>>О, конечно, конечно! Ну, в любом случае, рада была тебя видеть. До скорого!<</mia>>
<<link 'Фильмы'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Потрясающе! Мия правильно выбрала тему! Теперь пришло время показать Мишель, что она тоже разбирается в киноиндустрии.<</st>>
<<link 'Сериалы'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Привет, Мишель, как дела? Есть какие-нибудь сериалы, которые ты смотришь в эти дни?<</mia>>
<<michelle>>Привет, Миа! Нет, не особо. Я никогда не увлекалась сериалами, как все остальные.<</michelle>>
<<mia>>О, конечно, конечно! Так что у тебя нового? Мы должны как-нибудь встретиться за чашечкой кофе!<</mia>>
<<michelle>>Конечно, звучит неплохо. Я напишу тебе позже, но сейчас мне нужно бежать. Пока!<</michelle>>
<<link 'Литература'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Привет, Мишель, как дела? Читала какие-нибудь хорошие книги в последнее время?<</mia>>
<<michelle>>(смотрит вверх, удивленно) Привет, Миа! Не очень, в последнее время я больше люблю журналы и статьи.<</michelle>>
<<mia>>О, поняла! У тебя всегда были интересные вкусы. Ну, в любом случае, я рада тебя видеть!<</mia>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Dir geht die Energie aus, eine gute und solide Schlaf wird dir helfen.<</st>>
<<button [[Schlafen|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<if $girl2.exp==25>><<goto Girl2_etap2>><</if>><<if $girl2.exp==50>><<goto Girl2_etap3>><</if>><<if $girl2.exp==75>><<goto Girl2_etap4>><</if>><<if $girls.girl2==true>><<goto AlreadyDone>><</if>><<st>>Heute sah Mia Michelle, eine Kommilitonin, alleine in der Bibliothek sitzen, die Nase in einem Lehrbuch vergraben. Michelle wirkte ruhig und zurückhaltend, aber Mia erinnerte sich, dass Lily mal gesagt hatte, Michelle sei eigentlich ’ne ziemliche Partymaus, wenn sie sich mal richtig gehen lässt. Perfekt für das, was Mia für ihr Bordell brauchte. Also ja, Michelle … Michelle könnte ’n echter Glücksgriff für ihre Truppe sein.<</st>>
<<st>>Okay, Mia, du schaffst das“, dachte sie sich, diesmal etwas sicherer, aber immer noch mit ’nem komischen Gefühl im Bauch.<</st>>
<<st>>Michelle wirkt ruhig und zurückhaltend, aber Lily hat gesagt, sie sei eigentlich ’ne richtige Partymaus, wenn sie sich mal richtig gehen lässt. Perfekt für das, was ich brauche. Aber wie fang ich das Gespräch an? Kann ja nicht einfach so daherkommen und sagen: ‚Willst du ’n Haufen Kohle machen?‘ Denk nach, Mia, denk nach. Was ist ’n gutes Thema, um das Eis zu brechen?<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Music'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hey Michelle, was geht ab? Hast du das neue Album gehört, über das alle reden?<</mia>>
<<michelle>>Nee, hör’ ich gerade nicht so viel Musik.<</michelle>>
<<mia>>(Innerlich panisch) Ach ja, klar! Na ja, schön dich zu sehen. Bis später!<</mia>>
<<link 'Filme'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Perfekt! Mia hatte das Thema richtig getippt! Jetzt war es Zeit, Lily zu zeigen, dass sie sich auch in diesem Bereich auskennt.<</st>>
<<button[[Los geht's|Girl2_etap1]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Serien'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hey Michelle, was läuft? Suchtest du dir gerade Serien rein?<</mia>>
<<michelle>>Hey Mia! Nee, nicht wirklich. Ich steh nicht so auf Serien wie alle anderen.<</michelle>>
<<mia>>Ach ja, klar! Also, was machst du so? Wir sollten mal wieder einen Kaffee trinken!<</mia>>
<<michelle>>Klar, gerne. Schreib ich dir später, muss jetzt aber echt los. Tschüss!<</michelle>>
<<link 'Literatur'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hey Michelle, was geht ab? Hast du letztens gute Bücher gelesen?<</mia>>
<<michelle>>(Schaut überrascht auf) Hey Mia! Nicht wirklich, ich bin eher so der Magazin- und Artikeltyp.<</michelle>>
<<mia>>Ach so, klar! Du hattest ja immer ’nen besonderen Geschmack. Na ja, schön dich zu sehen! Lass uns bald mal wieder quatschen!<</mia>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Tu n'as plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, une bonne nuit de sommeil t'aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Sommeil|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<if $girl2.exp==25>><<goto Girl2_etap2>><</if>><<if $girl2.exp==50>><<goto Girl2_etap3>><</if>><<if $girl2.exp==75>><<goto Girl2_etap4>><</if>><<if $girls.girl2==true>><<goto AlreadyDone>><</if>><<st>>Aujourd'hui, Mia a aperçu Michelle, une camarade de classe de son université, assise seule à la bibliothèque, le nez plongé dans un manuel. Michelle semblait calme et réservée, mais Mia se souvient que Lily lui avait dit qu'elle était en fait une sacrée fêtarde lorsqu'elle se laissait aller. Parfait pour ce dont Mia avait besoin pour son bordel. Alors oui, Michelle... Michelle pourrait être une perle précieuse dans son groupe.<</st>>
<<st>>"D'accord, Mia, tu peux le faire", se dit-elle, un peu plus confiante cette fois-ci, mais toujours avec une pointe de nervosité dans l'estomac.<</st>>
<<st>>"Michelle semble calme et réservée, mais Lily m'a dit qu'elle était très fêtarde lorsqu'elle se laissait aller. Parfait pour ce dont j'ai besoin. Mais comment entamer la conversation ? Je ne peux pas dire d'emblée : "Tu veux gagner beaucoup d'argent ?". Réfléchis, Mia, réfléchis. Quel est le bon sujet pour briser la glace ?"<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Musique'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hey Michelle, comment ça va ? Tu as entendu le nouvel album dont tout le monde parle ?<</mia>>
<<michelle>>Nah, pas vraiment de musique en ce moment <</michelle>>
<<mia>>(panique mentale) Oh, oui, bien sûr ! Bon, ça m'a fait plaisir de vous voir en tout cas. A plus tard!<</mia>>
<<link 'Les films'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Génial ! Mia a deviné le sujet ! Il est temps de montrer à Lily qu'elle connaît aussi le sujet.<</st>>
<<link 'Les séries'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hey Michelle, quoi de neuf ? Tu as des séries qui te font de l'œil en ce moment ?<</mia>>
<<michelle>>Hey Mia ! Non, pas vraiment. Je n'ai jamais vraiment eu la folie des séries comme tout le monde.<</michelle>>
<<mia>>Oh, bien sûr ! On devrait se retrouver autour d'un café un de ces jours!<</mia>>
<<michelle>> Bien sûr, c'est une bonne idée. Je vous enverrai un message plus tard, mais je dois y aller. Bye!<</michelle>>
<<link 'La littérature'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hey Michelle, comment ça va ? Tu as lu de bons livres dernièrement ? <</mia>>
<<michelle>>(lève les yeux, surprise) Hé Mia ! Pas vraiment, je préfère les magazines et les articles en ce moment.<</michelle>>
<<mia>>Oh, j'ai compris ! Tu as toujours eu des goûts intéressants. Eh bien, c'est bon de te voir en tout cas ! On se retrouve bientôt !<</mia>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>No te queda energía para hacer nada, un buen sueño reparador te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<if $girl2.exp==25>><<goto Girl2_etap2>><</if>><<if $girl2.exp==50>><<goto Girl2_etap3>><</if>><<if $girl2.exp==75>><<goto Girl2_etap4>><</if>><<if $girls.girl2==true>><<goto AlreadyDone>><</if>><<st>>Hoy, Mia vio a Michelle, una compañera de la universidad, sentada sola en la biblioteca, con la nariz metida en un libro de texto. Michelle parecía callada y reservada, pero Mia recordaba que Lily le había dicho que Michelle era muy fiestera cuando se soltaba. Perfecta para lo que Mia necesitaba para su burdel. Así que sí, Michelle... Michelle podría ser una joya preciosa en su grupo.<</st>>
<<st>>"Muy bien, Mia, puedes hacerlo", pensó, sintiéndose un poco más segura esta vez, pero todavía con un revoloteo de nervios en el estómago.<</st>>
<<st>>''Michelle parece tranquila y reservada, pero Lily mencionó que en realidad es toda una fiestera cuando se suelta. Perfecta para lo que necesito. Pero, ¿cómo empiezo esta conversación? No puedo decirle sin más: '¿Quieres ganar mucho dinero? Piensa, Mia, piensa. ¿Cuál es un buen tema para romper el hielo?''.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Música'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hey Michelle, ¿cómo te va? ¿Has escuchado el nuevo álbum del que todo el mundo habla?<</mia>>
<<michelle>>No, no me gusta mucho la música últimamente. <</michelle>>
<<mia>>(Entrando en pánico mental) ¡Oh, claro, por supuesto! Bueno, me alegro de verte de todos modos. Nos vemos luego.<</mia>>
<<link 'Cine'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>¡Increíble! ¡Mia adivinó el tema! Ahora es el momento de demostrar a Lily que ella también sabe de este tema.<</st>>
<<link 'Serie'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hola Michelle, ¿qué pasa? ¿Tienes alguna serie que estés viendo estos días?<</mia>>
<<michelle>>¡Hey Mia! No, la verdad es que no. Nunca me he enganchado a la moda de las series como todo el mundo.<</michelle>>
<<mia>>¡Oh, claro, por supuesto! Así que, ¿qué hay de nuevo contigo? Deberíamos tomar un café alguna vez.<</mia>>
<<michelle>>Seguro, suena bien. Te mandaré un mensaje más tarde, pero ahora tengo que irme. Adiós.<</michelle>>
<<link 'Literatura'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Hey Michelle, ¿cómo te va? ¿Has leído algún buen libro últimamente?<</mia>>
<<michelle>>(Levanta la vista, sorprendida) ¡Hola Mia! La verdad es que no, últimamente me van más las revistas y los artículos.<</michelle>>
<<mia>> ¡Oh, ya lo pillo! Siempre has tenido gustos interesantes. Bueno, ¡me alegro de verte de todos modos! ¡Nos vemos pronto! <</mia>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<button [[睡眠|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<if $girl2.exp==25>><<goto Girl2_etap2>><</if>><<if $girl2.exp==50>><<goto Girl2_etap3>><</if>><<if $girl2.exp==75>><<goto Girl2_etap4>><</if>><<if $girls.girl2==true>><<goto AlreadyDone>><</if>><<st>>今天,米娅发现她的大学同学米歇尔一个人坐在图书馆里,埋头看课本。米歇尔看起来安静矜持,但米娅记得莉莉说过,米歇尔放纵的时候其实是个派对女孩。非常适合米娅妓院的需要 所以是的,米歇尔...... 米歇尔在她的团队里可能是一块珍贵的宝石。<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link '音乐'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>嘿米歇尔,怎么样了?你听过大家都在谈论的那张新专辑吗?<</mia>>
<<link '电影'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>好极了 米娅猜到题目了 现在是时候让莉莉知道她也知道这个话题了。<</st>>
<<link '系列剧'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>米歇尔,你好吗?有什么节目,你是binging这些天?<</mia>>
<<link '文学'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>嘿,米歇尔,最近怎么样?最近读了什么好书吗?<</mia>>
<</switch>><<if $quests.brothel_money_2==true and $quests.brothel_money_3==false>><<goto Brothel_Money_3>><<else>><<if $girls.girl2 == false>><<goto girl_closed_quest_3>><<else>><<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<if $girl3.exp==25>><<goto Girl3_etap2>><</if>><<if $girl3.exp==50>><<goto Girl3_etap3>><</if>><<if $girl3.exp==75>><<goto Girl3_etap4>><</if>><<if $girls.girl3==true>><<goto AlreadyDone>><</if>><<st>>Mia walked into the university cafeteria, grabbed a tray of food, and scanned the room for a free table. That’s when she spotted a stunning girl sitting alone. Long blonde hair, flawless skin—she was a knockout. And for some reason, she looked familiar. Mia smirked to herself. Perfect. Time to make a new friend.<</st>>
<<st>>She strolled over to the table.<</st>>
<<mia>>(smiling) “Hey, is this seat taken? Mind if I join you?”<</mia>>
<<ali>>(glancing up, smiling back) “Nope, go ahead.”<</ali>>
<<st>>Mia sat down, giving Alissa a curious look.<</st>>
<<mia>>“I swear, your face looks so familiar, but I don’t think we’ve met before. Was it here at uni, or maybe somewhere else?”<</mia>>
<<ali>>(smiling) “Probably here. We’re in the same lecture for that big intro class. Plus, I know Michelle, and I think we’ve crossed paths at one of her parties.”<</ali>>
<<mia>>(snaps her fingers, grinning) “Ahh, that’s it! Makes sense now. We never actually tallked, but I definitely remember seeing you.”<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia took a bite of her food, her mind racing. Alissa was hot, definitely the type who liked to party if she knew Michelle. She’d be perfect for the business. A future star in her little empire. Now, Mia just had to get Alissa interested, get her comfortable.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Alright, girl, time to read the room. If I can get her talking about something she's interested in, I’ll have her hooked.'' - Mia thought. <</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Music'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Hey, Alissa! What kind of music are you into? I’ve been looking for some new stuff to listen to."<</mia>>
<<ali>>"Honestly? I’m probably the worst person to ask. I barely listen to anything these days. Just whatever’s playing in the background, you know?"<</ali>>
<<mia>>"Oh, same sometimes. Guess we’re both out of the music loop, haha.''<</mia>>
<<link 'Movies'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Hey, Alissa! Have you seen any good movies lately?"<</mia>>
<<ali>>(smiling slightly) "I mean, a few. But honestly, I feel like movies just don’t have enough time to develop characters."<</ali>>
<<mia>>"Yeah, I totally get that! It's hard to find a good movie these days."<</mia>>
<<link 'Series'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Hey, Alissa, what’s up? Got any shows you’re binge-watching right now?"<</mia>>
<<ali>>(eyes lighting up) "Oh, definitely! I’m obsessed with a few. Have you seen ‘The Last Echo’? It’s sooo good, I’m hooked!"<</ali>>
<<mia>>(smirking, pleased) "No way, I’ve been meaning to watch that! Everyone says it’s amazing. You’ve got great taste!"<</mia>>
<<st>>Great! Mia hit the right topic. Now it's her chance to impress Alissa and keep the conversation flowing.<</st>>
<<link 'Literature'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Alissa, do you read much? I’ve been trying to get back into it, but nothing really grabs me anymore."<</mia>>
<<ali>>(laughs) "Honestly, not really. Books are kinda slow for me. I’d rather be watching a show or something."<</ali>>
<<mia>>(playfully rolls her eyes) "Fair enough, I guess not everyone’s into it!''<</mia>>
</span><</if>><</if>><</if>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Which famous singer released the song ''SexyBack''?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$music_jt" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Justin Timberlake@@<<else>>Justin Timberlake<</if>>
<<checkbox "$music_jb" false true>> Justin Bieber
<<checkbox "$music_es" false true>> Ed Sheeran<</st>>
<<st>>Who performed the song ''Like a Virgin''?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$music_m" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Madonna@@<<else>>Madonna<</if>>
<<checkbox "$music_bs" false true>> Britney Spears
<<checkbox "$music_lg" false true>> Lady Gaga<</st>>
<<st>>Which artist recorded the song ''S&M''?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$music_b" false true>> Beyoncé
<<checkbox "$music_r" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Rihanna@@<<else>>Rihanna<</if>>
<<checkbox "$music_s" false true>> Shakira<</st>>
<<st>>Who performed the hit ''I Kissed a Girl''?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$music_r2" false true>> Rihanna
<<checkbox "$music_kp" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Katy Perry@@<<else>>Katy Perry<</if>>
<<checkbox "$music_ts" false true>> Taylor Swift<</st>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Какой известный певец выпустил песню ''SexyBack''?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$music_jt" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Джастин Тимберлейк@@<<else>>Джастин Тимберлейк<</if>>
<<checkbox "$music_jb" false true>> Джастин Бибер
<<checkbox "$music_es" false true>> Эд Ширан<</st>>
<<st>>Кто исполнил песню ''Like a Virgin''?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$music_m" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Мадонна@@<<else>>Мадонна<</if>>
<<checkbox "$music_bs" false true>> Бритни Спирс
<<checkbox "$music_lg" false true>> Леди Гага<</st>>
<<st>>Какой исполнитель записал песню ''S&M''?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$music_b" false true>> Бейонсе
<<checkbox "$music_r" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Рианна@@<<else>>Рианна<</if>>
<<checkbox "$music_s" false true>> Шакира<</st>>
<<st>>Кто исполнил хит ''I Kissed a Girl''?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$music_r2" false true>> Рианна
<<checkbox "$music_kp" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Кэти Перри@@<<else>>Кэти Перри<</if>>
<<checkbox "$music_ts" false true>> Тейлор Свифт<</st>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Wer hat den Song ''SexyBack'' rausgebracht?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$music_jt" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Justin Timberlake@@<<else>>Justin Timberlake<</if>>
<<checkbox "$music_jb" false true>> Justin Bieber
<<checkbox "$music_es" false true>> Ed Sheeran<</st>>
<<st>>Wer hat den Song ''Like a Virgin'' gesungen?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$music_m" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Madonna@@<<else>>Madonna<</if>>
<<checkbox "$music_bs" false true>> Britney Spears
<<checkbox "$music_lg" false true>> Lady Gaga<</st>>
<<st>>Welche Künstlerin hat den Song ''S&M'' aufgenommen?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$music_b" false true>> Beyoncé
<<checkbox "$music_r" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Rihanna@@<<else>>Rihanna<</if>>
<<checkbox "$music_s" false true>> Shakira<</st>>
<<st>>Wer hat den Hit ''I Kissed a Girl'' performt?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$music_r2" false true>> Rihanna
<<checkbox "$music_kp" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Katy Perry@@<<else>>Katy Perry<</if>>
<<checkbox "$music_ts" false true>> Taylor Swift<</st>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Quel chanteur célèbre a sorti la chanson ''SexyBack''?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$music_jt" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Justin Timberlake@@<<else>>Justin Timberlake<</if>>
<<checkbox "$music_jb" false true>> Justin Bieber
<<checkbox "$music_es" false true>> Ed Sheeran<</st>>
<<st>>Qui a interprété la chanson ''Like a Virgin''?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$music_m" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Madonna@@<<else>>Madonna<</if>>
<<checkbox "$music_bs" false true>> Britney Spears
<<checkbox "$music_lg" false true>> Lady Gaga<</st>>
<<st>>Quel artiste a enregistré la chanson ''S&M''?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$music_b" false true>> Beyoncé
<<checkbox "$music_r" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Rihanna@@<<else>>Rihanna<</if>>
<<checkbox "$music_s" false true>> Shakira<</st>>
<<st>>Qui a interprété le célèbre tube ''I Kissed a Girl''?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$music_r2" false true>> Rihanna
<<checkbox "$music_kp" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Katy Perry@@<<else>>Katy Perry<</if>>
<<checkbox "$music_ts" false true>> Taylor Swift<</st>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Quel chanteur célèbre a sorti la chanson ''SexyBack''?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$music_jt" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Justin Timberlake@@<<else>>Justin Timberlake<</if>>
<<checkbox "$music_jb" false true>> Justin Bieber
<<checkbox "$music_es" false true>> Ed Sheeran<</st>>
<<st>>Qui a interprété la chanson ''Like a Virgin''?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$music_m" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Madonna@@<<else>>Madonna<</if>>
<<checkbox "$music_bs" false true>> Britney Spears
<<checkbox "$music_lg" false true>> Lady Gaga<</st>>
<<st>>Quel artiste a enregistré la chanson ''S&M''?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$music_b" false true>> Beyoncé
<<checkbox "$music_r" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Rihanna@@<<else>>Rihanna<</if>>
<<checkbox "$music_s" false true>> Shakira<</st>>
<<st>>Qui a interprété le célèbre tube ''I Kissed a Girl''?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$music_r2" false true>> Rihanna
<<checkbox "$music_kp" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Katy Perry@@<<else>>Katy Perry<</if>>
<<checkbox "$music_ts" false true>> Taylor Swift<</st>>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>哪位知名歌手发行了歌曲 ''SexyBack''?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$music_jt" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Justin Timberlake@@<<else>>Justin Timberlake<</if>>
<<checkbox "$music_jb" false true>> Justin Bieber
<<checkbox "$music_es" false true>> Ed Sheeran<</st>>
<<st>>谁演唱了歌曲 ''Like a Virgin''?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$music_m" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Madonna@@<<else>>Madonna<</if>>
<<checkbox "$music_bs" false true>> Britney Spears
<<checkbox "$music_lg" false true>> Lady Gaga<</st>>
<<st>>哪位艺术家录制了歌曲 ''S&M''?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$music_b" false true>> Beyoncé
<<checkbox "$music_r" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Rihanna@@<<else>>Rihanna<</if>>
<<checkbox "$music_s" false true>> Shakira<</st>>
<<st>>谁演唱了热门歌曲 ''I Kissed a Girl''?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$music_r2" false true>> Rihanna
<<checkbox "$music_kp" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Katy Perry@@<<else>>Katy Perry<</if>>
<<checkbox "$music_ts" false true>> Taylor Swift<</st>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $music_jt and $music_m and $music_r and $music_kp and !$music_jb and !$music_es and !$music_bs and !$music_lg and !$music_b and !$music_s and !$music_r2 and !$music_ts>>
<<lily>>You really know your stuff, Mia. You're sharp, and I like that.<</lily>>
<<set $girl1.exp +=25>>
<<lily>>Mia, it seems like you don't quite get this topic. A true connoisseur would know this. Anyway, I have to go now. See you later.<</lily>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $music_jt and $music_m and $music_r and $music_kp and !$music_jb and !$music_es and !$music_bs and !$music_lg and !$music_b and !$music_s and !$music_r2 and !$music_ts>>
<<lily>>Вау, Мия, да ты шаришь в этой теме, это круто!<</lily>>
<<set $girl1.exp +=25>>
<<lily>>Мия, ты походу не разбираешься в этой теме, потому что истинный ценитель бы это знал. Ладно, мне пора идти, увидимся позже.<</lily>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $music_jt and $music_m and $music_r and $music_kp and !$music_jb and !$music_es and !$music_bs and !$music_lg and !$music_b and !$music_s and !$music_r2 and !$music_ts>>
<<lily>>Du hast echt Ahnung, Mia. Du bist clever, und das gefällt mir.<</lily>>
<<set $girl1.exp +=25>>
<<lily>>Mia, anscheinend hast du den Dreh hier noch nicht raus. Ein echter Kenner würde das verstehen. Wie auch immer, ich muss jetzt los. Bis später dann.<</lily>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $music_jt and $music_m and $music_r and $music_kp and !$music_jb and !$music_es and !$music_bs and !$music_lg and !$music_b and !$music_s and !$music_r2 and !$music_ts>>
<<lily>>Tu sais vraiment ce que tu fais, Mia. Tu es vive, et j'aime ça.<</lily>>
<<set $girl1.exp +=25>>
<<lily>>Mia, il semble que tu n'aies pas bien compris le sujet. Un vrai connaisseur le saurait. Quoi qu'il en soit, je dois y aller. A plus tard."<</lily>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $music_jt and $music_m and $music_r and $music_kp and !$music_jb and !$music_es and !$music_bs and !$music_lg and !$music_b and !$music_s and !$music_r2 and !$music_ts>>
<<lily>>Realmente sabes lo que haces, Mia. Eres aguda, y eso me gusta.<</lily>>
<<set $girl1.exp +=25>>
<<lily>>Mia, parece que no acabas de entender este tema. Un verdadero entendido lo sabría. De todos modos, ahora tengo que irme. Hasta luego".<</lily>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $music_jt and $music_m and $music_r and $music_kp and !$music_jb and !$music_es and !$music_bs and !$music_lg and !$music_b and !$music_s and !$music_r2 and !$music_ts>>
<<lily>>你真的很懂行 米娅 你很敏锐,我喜欢。<</lily>>
<<set $girl1.exp +=25>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia had invited Lily to the party, knowing it would be the perfect chance for them to let loose and have some fun. As they stepped into the party, the lively music and laughter welcomed them. The house was packed with their fellow classmates, all looking to unwind after a long week of lectures and assignments. Mia, always the social butterfly, led the way, her eyes scanning the room for familiar faces.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Hey, there's Kevin!'' Mia pointed out, waving to their group mate who was hosting the party. He grinned and waved them over.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Glad you could make it!'' Kevin shouted over the music. ''Help yourselves to drinks and have fun!''<</un>>
<<st>>Mia and Lily made their way to the makeshift bar, pouring themselves generous cups of punch. They clinked their cups together, sharing a knowing look.<</st>>
<<mia>>''To a fun night,'' Mia said with a wink.<</mia>>
<<lily>>''To a fun night,'' Lily echoed, already feeling the excitement of the evening.<</lily>>
<<st>>They mingled with friends, danced to the beat of the music, and let the alcohol loosen their inhibitions. As the night progressed, they found themselves surrounded by a group of their classmates, laughing and sharing stories.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia noticed Lily catching the eye of a tall, handsome guy across the room. She nudged her friend playfully. ''Looks like someone's interested in you.''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily blushed, but the alcohol gave her the courage to smile back at him. ''Who is he?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>''That's Sam. He's in our economics class. Go talk to him,'' Mia encouraged, giving her a gentle push.<</mia>>
<<st>>Lily giggled and made her way over to Sam, who greeted her with a charming smile. Mia watched them chat and felt a sense of satisfaction. She was happy to see Lily letting loose and enjoying herself.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia soon joined them, and the three of them hit it off immediately. They danced together, their bodies moving in sync to the music. The chemistry between the trio was undeniable, and soon they found themselves slipping away from the crowded living room to a quieter corner of the house.<</st>>
<<un>>''You're both amazing dancers,'' He said, his voice low and flirtatious.<</un>>
<<mia>>''Thanks,'' Mia replied, feeling a thrill at his touch. ''You’re not so bad yourself.''<</mia>>
<<st>>They leaned in closer, the world around them fading as they shared a passionate kiss. First Mia with Sam, then Lily.<</st>>
<<st>>Later, they found a secluded room where things quickly escalated.<</st>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Мия пригласила Лили потусоваться, зная, что это идеальный шанс для них раскрепоститься и повеселиться. Когда они вошли на вечеринку, их встретили оживленная музыка и смех. В доме собрались их однокурсники, желающие расслабиться после долгой недели лекций и заданий. Мия, как всегда душа компании, вела Лили за собой, сканируя взглядом комнату в поисках знакомых лиц.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Эй, а вот и Кевин!'' Мия указала на него, помахав рукой их товарищу по группе, который устраивал вечеринку. Он ухмыльнулся и помахал им рукой.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Рад, что вы смогли прийти!'' крикнул Кевин, перекрикивая музыку. ''Пейте и веселитесь!''<</un>>
<<st>>Мия и Лили направились к импровизированному бару, наливая себе по щедрому стакану пунша. Они звякнули стаканами друг о друга, обменявшись знающим взглядом.<</st>>
<<mia>>''За веселую ночь'', - сказала Мия, подмигнув.<</mia>>
<<lily>>''За веселую ночь'', - отозвалась Лили, уже чувствуя предвкушение вечера.<</lily>>
<<st>>Они общались с друзьями, танцевали в такт музыке и позволяли алкоголю ослабить их запреты. По мере того как вечер продолжался, они оказались в окружении группы своих одноклассников, которые смеялись и болтали.<</st>>
<<mia>>Мия заметила, что Лили положила глаз на высокого красивого парня в другом конце комнаты. Она игриво подтолкнула подругу. ''Похоже, кто-то тобой заинтересовался''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Лили покраснела, но алкоголь придал ей смелости и она улыбнулась ему в ответ. ''Кто он?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Это Сэм. Он учится в нашем экономическом классе. Иди и поговори с ним'', - подбодрила Мия, легонько подтолкнув ее.<</mia>>
<<st>>Лили хихикнула и направилась к Сэму, который приветствовал ее очаровательной улыбкой. Мия наблюдала за их беседой и испытывала чувство удовлетворения. Ей было приятно видеть, как Лили раскрепощается и получает удовольствие.<</st>>
<<st>>Вскоре к ним присоединилась Мия, и они сразу же подружились. Они танцевали вместе, их тела двигались синхронно с музыкой. Химия между троицей была неоспоримой, и вскоре они обнаружили, что ускользнули из переполненной гостиной в более тихий уголок дома.<</st>>
<<un>>''Вы обе потрясающе танцуете'', - сказал он, его голос был низким и кокетливым.<</un>>
<<mia>>''Спасибо'', - ответила Мия, ощущая трепет от его прикосновения. ''Ты и сам не так уж плох''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Они прильнули друг к другу, и мир вокруг них померк, когда они разделили страстный поцелуй. Сначала Мия с Сэмом, потом Лили. <</st>>
<<st>>Позже они нашли уединенную комнату, где все быстро обострилось.<</st>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia hatte Lily bewusst zu der Party eingeladen, ahnend, dass es die perfekte Gelegenheit wäre, mal so richtig Dampf abzulassen und Spaß zu haben. Als sie die Feier betraten, wurden sie von der lebhaften Musik und dem Gelächter empfangen. Das Haus war voll mit ihren Kommilitonen, die alle nach einer langen Woche voller Vorlesungen und Hausarbeiten abschalten wollten. Mia, die wie immer der soziale Schmetterling war, ging voran, ihre Augen suchten den Raum nach bekannten Gesichtern ab.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Hey, da ist Kevin!'' rief Mia und winkte ihrem Kommilitonen zu, der die Party schmiss. Er grinste und winkte sie zu sich rüber.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Schön, dass ihr es geschafft habt!'' schrie Kevin über die Musik hinweg. ''Bedient euch ruhig an den Getränken und habt Spaß!''<</un>>
<<st>>Mia und Lily bahnten sich ihren Weg zur improvisierten Bar und schenkten sich erstmal großzügige Becher Punsch ein. Sie stießen mit den Bechern an und wechselten einen wissenden Blick.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Auf eine lustige Nacht'', sagte Mia mit einem Augenzwinkern.<</mia>>
<<lily>>''Auf eine lustige Nacht'', wiederholte Lily und spürte bereits die Vorfreude auf den Abend.<</lily>>
<<st>>Sie unterhielten sich mit Freunden, tanzten zum Takt der Musik und ließen dank des Alkohols ihre Hemmungen fallen. Im Laufe des Abends fanden sie sich inmitten einer Gruppe von Kommilitonen wieder, lachten und erzählten Geschichten.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia bemerkte, dass Lilys Blick immer wieder zu einem großen, gutaussehenden Typen am anderen Ende des Raumes wanderte. Spielisch stupste sie ihre Freundin an. ''Sieht so aus, als ob jemand Interesse an dir hat.''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily errötete, aber der Alkohol gab ihr den Mut, ihm zurückzulächeln. ''Wer ist das?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Das ist Sam, er ist aus unserem Wirtschaftskurs. Geh rüber und rede mit ihm'', ermutigte Mia sie mit einem sanften Schubs.<</mia>>
<<st>>Lily kicherte und ging zu Sam hinüber, der sie mit einem charmanten Lächeln begrüßte. Mia beobachtete sie beim Reden und fühlte Genugtuung. Sie freute sich, dass Lily sich fallen ließ und den Abend genoss.<</st>>
<<st>>Kurz darauf gesellte sich Mia zu ihnen und die drei verstanden sich auf Anhieb blendend. Sie tanzten zusammen, ihre Körper bewegten sich synchron zur Musik. Die Chemie zwischen den dreien war unbestreitbar, und bald fanden sie sich in einer ruhigeren Ecke des Hauses wieder, abseits des Trubels im Wohnzimmer.<</st>>
<<un>>''Ihr seid beide fantastische Tänzer'', sagte er mit leiser, flirtender Stimme.<</un>>
<<mia>>''Danke'', erwiderte Mia und spürte einen Schauer bei seiner Berührung. ''Du bist ja selbst nicht schlecht.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Sie beugten sich näher zueinander, die Welt um sie herum verschwamm, als sie sich einen leidenschaftlichen Kuss teilten. Zuerst Mia mit Sam, dann Lily.<</st>>
<<st>>Später fanden sie ein abgelegenes Zimmer, wo die Dinge schnell hitziger wurden.<</st>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Mia avait invité Lily à la fête, sachant que ce serait l'occasion parfaite pour elles de se détendre et de s'amuser. Lorsqu'elles entrèrent dans la fête, la musique entraînante et les rires les accueillirent. La maison était remplie de leurs camarades de classe, tous désireux de se détendre après une longue semaine de cours et de devoirs. Mia, toujours aussi sociable, ouvre la marche, scrutant la salle à la recherche de visages familiers.<</st>>
<<mia>>'' Hé, c'est Kevin ! '' indique Mia en faisant signe à leur camarade de groupe qui organise la fête. Il sourit et leur fit signe d'approcher.<</mia>>
<<un>>'' Content que vous ayez pu venir ! '' Kevin crie à travers la musique. '' Servez-vous à boire et amusez-vous bien ! ''<</un>>
<<st>>Mia et Lily se dirigèrent vers le bar improvisé et se servirent de généreuses tasses de punch. Elles ont fait tinter leurs gobelets l'un contre l'autre, partageant un regard complice.<</st>>
<<mia>>'' À une soirée amusante '', dit Mia avec un clin d'œil.<</mia>>
<<lily>>'' À une soirée amusante '', répéta Lily, qui sentait déjà l'excitation de la soirée.<</lily>>
<<st>>Elles se sont mêlées à leurs amis, ont dansé au rythme de la musique et ont laissé l'alcool les débarrasser de leurs inhibitions. Au fur et à mesure que la nuit avançait, elles se retrouvèrent entourées d'un groupe de camarades de classe, riant et partageant des histoires.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia remarqua que Lily attirait l'attention d'un grand et beau garçon à l'autre bout de la pièce. Elle donna un coup de coude à son amie pour l'amuser. '' On dirait que tu intéresses quelqu'un. ''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily rougit, mais l'alcool lui donne le courage de lui sourire. '' Qui est-ce ? ''<</lily>>
<<mia>>'' C'est Sam. Il est dans notre cours d'économie. Va lui parler '' , l'encouragea Mia en la poussant doucement.<</mia>>
<<st>>Lily gloussa et se dirigea vers Sam, qui l'accueillit avec un sourire charmeur. Mia les regarda discuter et éprouva un sentiment de satisfaction. Elle était heureuse de voir Lily se laisser aller et s'amuser.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia les rejoignit bientôt et elles s'entendirent tout de suite. Ils dansèrent ensemble, leurs corps se mouvant au rythme de la musique. L'alchimie entre le trio était indéniable, et bientôt elles s'éloignèrent du salon bondé pour se réfugier dans un coin plus calme de la maison.<</st>>
<<un>>'' Vous êtes toutes les deux d'excellentes danseuses '', dit-il d'une voix basse et flirteuse.<</un>>
<<mia>>'' Merci '', répond Mia, qui ressent un frisson à son contact. '' Tu n'es pas mal non plus. ''<</mia>>
<<st>>Ils se sont rapprochés, le monde autour d'eux s'estompant tandis qu'ils partageaient un baiser passionné. D'abord Mia avec Sam, puis Lily.<</st>>
<<st>>Plus tard, elles ont trouvé une pièce isolée où les choses ont rapidement dégénéré.<</st>>
<<button[[Le sexe|Girl1_video]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mia había invitado a Lily a la fiesta, sabiendo que sería la ocasión perfecta para que se soltaran y se divirtieran un poco. Cuando entraron en la fiesta, la música animada y las risas les dieron la bienvenida. La casa estaba abarrotada de compañeras de clase, todas con ganas de relajarse después de una larga semana de clases y tareas. Mia, siempre la mariposa social, abrió el camino, sus ojos escaneando la habitación en busca de caras conocidas.<</st>>
<<mia>>''¡Eh, ahí está Kevin!'' señaló Mia, saludando a su compañero de grupo, que era el anfitrión de la fiesta. Él sonrió y les hizo señas para que se acercaran.<</mia>>
<<un>>''¡Me alegro de que hayáis podido venir!'' gritó Kevin por encima de la música. ''Sírvanse bebidas y diviértanse''.<</un>>
<<st>>Mia y Lily se dirigieron a la improvisada barra y se sirvieron generosas copas de ponche. Chocaron sus copas, compartiendo una mirada cómplice.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Por una noche divertida'', dijo Mia con un guiño.<</mia>>
<<lily>>''Por una noche divertida'', repitió Lily, sintiendo ya la emoción de la velada.<</lily>>
<<st>>Se mezclaron con sus amigos, bailaron al ritmo de la música y dejaron que el alcohol les desinhibiera. A medida que avanzaba la noche, se encontraron rodeadas de un grupo de compañeras de clase, riendo y compartiendo historias.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia se dio cuenta de que Lily llamaba la atención de un chico alto y guapo al otro lado de la sala. Le dio un codazo juguetón a su amiga. ''Parece que alguien está interesado en ti''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily se sonrojó, pero el alcohol le dio valor para devolverle la sonrisa. ''¿Quién es?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Es Sam. Está en nuestra clase de economía. Ve a hablar con él'', la animó Mia, dándole un suave empujón.<</mia>>
<<st>>Lily soltó una risita y se dirigió hacia Sam, que la saludó con una sonrisa encantadora. Mia las observó charlar y sintió una sensación de satisfacción. Le alegraba ver que Lily se soltaba y se divertía.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia no tardó en unirse a ellas y las tres congeniaron de inmediato. Bailaron juntas, moviendo sus cuerpos al ritmo de la música. La química entre el trío era innegable, y pronto se encontraron escabulléndose del abarrotado salón a un rincón más tranquilo de la casa.<</st>>
<<un>>''Los dos sois unos bailarines increíbles'', dijo él, con voz baja y coqueta.<</un>>
<<mia>>''Gracias'', respondió Mia, sintiendo una emoción ante su contacto. ''Tú tampoco estás nada mal''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Se inclinaron más cerca, el mundo a su alrededor se desvaneció mientras compartían un beso apasionado. Primero Mia con Sam, luego Lily.<</st>>
<<st>>Más tarde, encontraron una habitación aislada donde las cosas se intensificaron rápidamente.<</st>>
<<case "CH">>
<<mia>>''嘿,那是凯文!'' 米娅指着聚会的主人,向他们的组员挥手致意。他咧嘴一笑,向她们招手。<</mia>>
<<un>>''很高兴你们能来!'' 凯文在音乐声中喊道。''请自便,玩得开心点!''
<</switch>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Missionary 1|girl1_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|girl1_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|girl1_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|girl1_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|girl1_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Side fuck 1|girl1_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cow girl 1|girl1_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|girl1_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|girl1_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Girl1_etap2_last]]>><</button>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Afterwards, Mia and Lily found themselves back outside, both looking flushed and happy. They stepped outside for some fresh air, the cool breeze a welcome relief from the heat of the party.<</st>>
<<lily>>''Oh shit, I can't balieve we judt did that!'' Lily seemed happy and at the same time scared of what she just did.<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Hahaha, why do you look so worried? Looks like you had a good time,'' Mia teased.<</mia>>
<<lily>>''It was just ... intense,'' Lily said, her blush returning.<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Hey, it’s all about having fun and living in the moment,'' Mia said, linking her arm with Lily's. ''Speaking of which, there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about...''<</mia>>
<<lily>>''Yeah? What's that?'' Lily asked her curiously.<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Let's have coffee tomorrow after classes and I'll tell you everything, OK?'' Mia decided that right now was not the best time to discuss her future business. <</mia>>
<<lily>>''Sure! I'm so drunk right now that discussing anything serious is not an option.''<</lily>>
<<set $girl1.exp+=25>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>После этого Мия и Лили снова оказались на улице, обе выглядели раскрасневшимися и счастливыми. Они вышли на улицу подышать свежим воздухом, и прохладный ветерок стал приятным облегчением после жары вечеринки.<</st>>
<<lily>>''Черт, не могу поверить, что мы это сделали!'' Лили выглядела счастливой и в то же время напуганной тем, что она только что сделала. <</lily>>
<<mia>>''Хахаха, почему ты выглядишь такой обеспокоенной? Похоже, ты хорошо провела время'', - подразнила Мия.<</mia>>
<<lily>>''Это было так... волнующе'', - сказала Лили, снова покраснев. <</lily>>
<<mia>>''Эй, главное - веселиться и жить моментом'', - сказала Мия, взяв Лили за руку. ''Кстати говоря, я хотела с тобой кое о чем поговорить...''<</mia>>
<<lily>>''Да? И о чем же? с любопытством спросила Лили.<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Давай завтра после занятий выпьем кофе, и я тебе все расскажу, хорошо?'' Мия решила, что сейчас не лучшее время для обсуждения ее будущих дел. <</mia>>
<<lily>>Конечно! Я сейчас так пьяна, что обсуждать что-то серьезное нереально''.<</lily>>
<<set $girl1.exp+=25>>
<<case "GE">>
<st>>Im Nachhinein fanden sich Mia und Lily wieder draußen, beide sahen gerötet und glücklich aus. Sie gingen nach draußen, um frische Luft zu schnappen, die kühle Brise war eine willkommene Abwechslung zur Hitze der Party.<</st>>
<<lily>>''Oh Mann, ich kann nicht glauben, dass wir das einfach so gemacht haben!'', Lily wirkte gleichzeitig glücklich und verängstigt über das, was sie gerade getan hatte.<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Hahaha, warum siehst du so besorgt aus? Sieht so aus, als hättest du dich gut amüsiert'', stichelte Mia.<</mia>>
<<lily>>''Es war einfach nur... intensiv'', sagte Lily, und ihr Rouge kehrte zurück.<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Hey, Hauptsache du hattest Spaß und den Moment genossen'', sagte Mia und hakte ihren Arm bei Lilys ein. ''Apropos Spaß haben, da gibt es etwas, worüber ich mit dir reden wollte...''<</mia>>
<<lily>>''Ja? Was ist das?'', fragte Lily neugierig.<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Lass uns morgen nach dem Unterricht einen Kaffee trinken, dann erzähle ich dir alles, okay?'', entschied Mia. Sie hatte beschlossen, dass jetzt nicht der richtige Zeitpunkt war, um über ihr zukünftiges Geschäft zu sprechen.<</mia>>
<<lily>>''Klar! Ich bin jetzt so betrunken, dass ein ernstes Gespräch keine Option ist'', lachte Lily.<</lily>>
<<set $girl1.exp+=25>>
<<case "FR">>
<st>>Mia et Lily se retrouvèrent ensuite à l'extérieur, toutes deux rougissantes et heureuses. Elles sortirent prendre l'air, la brise fraîche étant un soulagement bienvenu après la chaleur de la fête.<</st>>
<<lily>>''Oh merde, je n'arrive pas à croire qu'on a fait ça !'' Lily semblait à la fois heureuse et effrayée par ce qu'elle venait de faire.<</lily>>
<<mia>>'' Hahaha, pourquoi as-tu l'air si inquiète ? On dirait que tu t'es bien amusée '' , dit Mia d'un ton taquin.<</mia>>
<<lily>>'' C'était juste... intense '', dit Lily, qui rougit à nouveau.<</lily>>
<<mia>>'' Hé, il s'agit de s'amuser et de vivre le moment présent '', dit Mia en joignant son bras à celui de Lily. '' En parlant de ça, il y a quelque chose dont je voulais te parler... ''<</mia>>
<<lily>>''Ouais ? Qu'est-ce que c'est ?'' demanda Lily avec curiosité<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Prenons un café demain après les cours et je te raconterai tout, d'accord ?'' Mia décida que ce n'était pas le meilleur moment pour parler de son futur métier.<</mia>>
<<lily>>''Bien sûr ! Je suis tellement saoule que discuter de quelque chose de sérieux n'est pas une option.''<</lily>>
<<set $girl1.exp+=25>>
<<case "ES">>
<st>>Después, Mia y Lily volvieron a encontrarse fuera, ambas sonrojadas y felices. Salieron a tomar un poco de aire fresco, la brisa fresca fue un alivio bienvenido del calor de la fiesta.<</st>>
<<lily>>''¡Mierda, no puedo creer que hayamos hecho eso!'' Lily parecía feliz y al mismo tiempo asustada de lo que acababa de hacer.<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Jajaja, ¿por qué pareces tan preocupada? Parece que te lo has pasado bien'', se burló Mia.<</mia>>
<<lily>>''Es que fue... intenso'', dijo Lily, volviendo a sonrojarse.<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Oye, se trata de divertirse y vivir el momento'', dijo Mia, enlazando su brazo con el de Lily. ''Hablando de eso, hay algo de lo que quería hablarte...''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>''¿Sí? ¿De qué? Lily le preguntó con curiosidad<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Tomemos un café mañana después de clases y te lo contaré todo, ¿de acuerdo?'' Mia decidió que ahora mismo no era el mejor momento para hablar de sus futuros negocios.<</mia>>
<<lily>>''¡Claro! Estoy tan borracha que no puedo hablar de nada serio''.<</lily>>
<<set $girl1.exp+=25>>
<<case "CH">>
<<lily>>哦,妈的,真不敢相信我们竟然做到了!' 莉莉似乎很高兴,同时又为自己刚才的举动感到害怕。<</lily>>
<<set $girl1.exp+=25>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>How much longer does a clitoral orgasm last compared to a penile orgasm?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$history_2x" false true>> 2x as long
<<checkbox "$history_3x" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;3x as long@@<<else>>3x as long<</if>>
<<checkbox "$history_4x" false true>> 4x as long
<<checkbox "$history_5x" false true>> 5x as long<</st>>
<<st>>What is a merkin?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$history_st" false true>> A sex toy
<<checkbox "$history_hj" false true>> A type of hand job
<<checkbox "$history_pw" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;A pubic wig@@<<else>>A pubic wig<</if>>
<<checkbox "$history_sp" false true>> A sex position<</st>>
<<st>>What is the speed of an ejaculation?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$history_10" false true>> 10 mph
<<checkbox "$history_18" false true>> 18 mph
<<checkbox "$history_20" false true>> 20 mph
<<checkbox "$history_28" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;28 mph@@<<else>>28 mph<</if>><</st>>
<<st>>How was "hysteria" in women treated historically?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$history_ps" false true>> Penetrative sex
<<checkbox "$history_p" false true>> A prescription
<<checkbox "$history_pm" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Pelvic massage@@<<else>>Pelvic massage<</if>>
<<checkbox "$history_t" false true>> Therapy<</st>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Насколько дольше длится клиторальный оргазм по сравнению с пенильным?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$history_2x" false true>> В 2 раза дольше
<<checkbox "$history_3x" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;В 3 раза дольше@@<<else>>В 3 раза дольше<</if>>
<<checkbox "$history_4x" false true>> В 4 раза дольше
<<checkbox "$history_5x" false true>> В 5 раз дольше<</st>>
<<st>>Что такое меркин?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$history_st" false true>> Секс-игрушка
<<checkbox "$history_hj" false true>> Вид ручной работы
<<checkbox "$history_pw" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Лобковый парик@@<<else>>Лобковый парик<</if>>
<<checkbox "$history_sp" false true>> Поза для секса<</st>>
<<st>>Какова скорость эякуляции?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$history_10" false true>> 10 миль в час
<<checkbox "$history_18" false true>> 18 миль в час
<<checkbox "$history_20" false true>> 20 миль в час
<<checkbox "$history_28" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;28 миль в час@@<<else>>28 миль в час<</if>><</st>>
<<st>>Как исторически лечили ''истерию'' у женщин?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$history_ps" false true>> Проникающий секс
<<checkbox "$history_p" false true>> Рецепт
<<checkbox "$history_pm" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Массаж полового органа@@<<else>>Массаж полового органа<</if>>
<<checkbox "$history_t" false true>> Терапия<</st>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Wie viel länger dauert im Allgemeinen ein klitoraler Orgasmus im Vergleich zu einem Penisorgasmus?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$history_2x" false true>> 2x so lange
<<checkbox "$history_3x" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;3x so lange@@<<else>>3x so lange<</if>>
<<checkbox "$history_4x" false true>> 4x so lange
<<checkbox "$history_5x" false true>> 5x so lange<</st>>
<<st>>Was ist ein Merkin?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$history_st" false true>> Ein Sexspielzeug
<<checkbox "$history_hj" false true>> Eine spezielle Handtechnik
<<checkbox "$history_pw" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Eine Schamhaarperücke@@<<else>>Eine Schamhaarperücke<</if>>
<<checkbox "$history_sp" false true>> Eine Sexstellung<</st>>
<<st>>Mit welcher Geschwindigkeit verlässt denn eigentlich Sperma den Körper?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$history_10" false true>> 16 km/h
<<checkbox "$history_18" false true>> 29 km/h
<<checkbox "$history_20" false true>> 32 km/h
<<checkbox "$history_28" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;45 km/h@@<<else>>45 km/h<</if>><</st>>
<<st>>Wie wurde "Hysterie" bei Frauen historisch gesehen behandelt?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$history_ps" false true>> Penetrative Geschlechtsverkehr
<<checkbox "$history_p" false true>> Medikamentenverschreibung
<<checkbox "$history_pm" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Beckenmassage@@<<else>>Beckenmassage<</if>>
<<checkbox "$history_t" false true>> Therapie<</st>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Combien de temps dure un orgasme clitoridien par rapport à un orgasme pénien ?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$history_2x" false true>> 2x fois plus longtemps
<<checkbox "$history_3x" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;3x fois plus longtemps@@<<else>>3x fois plus longtemps<</if>>
<<checkbox "$history_4x" false true>> 4x fois plus longtemps
<<checkbox "$history_5x" false true>> 5x fois plus longtemps<</st>>
<<st>>Qu'est-ce qu'un merkin?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$history_st" false true>> Un jouet sexuel
<<checkbox "$history_hj" false true>> Un type de branlette
<<checkbox "$history_pw" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Une perruque pubienne@@<<else>>Une perruque pubienne<</if>>
<<checkbox "$history_sp" false true>> Une position sexuelle<</st>>
<<st>>Quelle est la vitesse d'une éjaculation?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$history_10" false true>> 10 mph
<<checkbox "$history_18" false true>> 18 mph
<<checkbox "$history_20" false true>> 20 mph
<<checkbox "$history_28" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;28 mph@@<<else>>28 mph<</if>><</st>>
<<st>>Comment l'' hystérie '' des femmes était-elle traitée historiquement?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$history_ps" false true>> Les relations sexuelles avec pénétration
<<checkbox "$history_p" false true>> Une ordonnance
<<checkbox "$history_pm" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Le massage pelvien@@<<else>>Le massage pelvien<</if>>
<<checkbox "$history_t" false true>> La thérapie<</st>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>¿Cuánto dura un orgasmo clitoriano en comparación con un orgasmo peneano?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$history_2x" false true>> 2x veces más
<<checkbox "$history_3x" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;3x veces más@@<<else>>3x veces más<</if>>
<<checkbox "$history_4x" false true>> 4x veces más
<<checkbox "$history_5x" false true>> 5x veces más<</st>>
<<st>>¿Qué es un merkin?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$history_st" false true>> Un juguete sexual
<<checkbox "$history_hj" false true>> Un tipo de paja
<<checkbox "$history_pw" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Una peluca púbica@@<<else>>Una peluca púbica<</if>>
<<checkbox "$history_sp" false true>> Una postura sexual<</st>>
<<st>>¿Cuál es la velocidad de una eyaculación?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$history_10" false true>> 10 mph
<<checkbox "$history_18" false true>> 18 mph
<<checkbox "$history_20" false true>> 20 mph
<<checkbox "$history_28" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;28 mph@@<<else>>28 mph<</if>><</st>>
<<st>>¿Cómo se trataba históricamente la ''histeria'' en las mujeres?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$history_ps" false true>> Sexo con penetración
<<checkbox "$history_p" false true>> Prescripción médica
<<checkbox "$history_pm" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Masaje pélvico@@<<else>>Masaje pélvico<</if>>
<<checkbox "$history_t" false true>> Terapia<</st>>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>><<checkbox "$history_2x" false true>> 2 倍
<<checkbox "$history_3x" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;3 倍@@<<else>>3 倍<</if>>
<<checkbox "$history_4x" false true>> 4 倍
<<checkbox "$history_5x" false true>> 5 倍<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$history_st" false true>> 一种性玩具
<<checkbox "$history_hj" false true>> 一种手淫
<<checkbox "$history_pw" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;阴毛假发@@<<else>>阴毛假发<</if>>
<<checkbox "$history_sp" false true>> 一种性交姿势<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$history_10" false true>> 10 英里/小时
<<checkbox "$history_18" false true>> 18 英里/小时
<<checkbox "$history_20" false true>> 20 英里/小时
<<checkbox "$history_28" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;28 英里/小时@@<<else>>28 英里/小时<</if>><</st>>
<<st>>历史上如何治疗妇女的 ''癔病''?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$history_ps" false true>> 性交
<<checkbox "$history_p" false true>> 处方
<<checkbox "$history_pm" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;骨盆按摩@@<<else>>骨盆按摩<</if>>
<<checkbox "$history_t" false true>> 治疗<</st>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $history_3x and $history_pw and $history_28 and $history_pm and !$history_2x and !$history_4x and !$history_5x and !$history_st and !$history_hj and !$history_sp and !$history_10 and !$history_18 and !$history_20 and !$history_ps and !$history_p and !$history_t>>
<<lily>>You really know your stuff, Mia. You're sharp, and I like that.<</lily>>
<<set $girl1.exp +=25>>
<<lily>>Mia, it seems like you don't quite get this topic. A true connoisseur would know this. Anyway, I have to go now. See you later.<</lily>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $history_3x and $history_pw and $history_28 and $history_pm and !$history_2x and !$history_4x and !$history_5x and !$history_st and !$history_hj and !$history_sp and !$history_10 and !$history_18 and !$history_20 and !$history_ps and !$history_p and !$history_t>>
<<lily>>Вау, Мия, да ты шаришь в этой теме, это круто!<</lily>>
<<set $girl1.exp +=25>>
<<lily>>Мия, ты походу не разбираешься в этой теме, потому что истинный ценитель бы это знал. Ладно, мне пора идти, увидимся позже.<</lily>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $history_3x and $history_pw and $history_28 and $history_pm and !$history_2x and !$history_4x and !$history_5x and !$history_st and !$history_hj and !$history_sp and !$history_10 and !$history_18 and !$history_20 and !$history_ps and !$history_p and !$history_t>>
<<lily>>Du hast echt Ahnung, Mia. Du bist clever, und das gefällt mir.<</lily>>
<<set $girl1.exp +=25>>
<<lily>>Mia, anscheinend hast du den Dreh hier noch nicht raus. Ein echter Kenner würde das verstehen. Wie auch immer, ich muss jetzt los. Bis später dann.<</lily>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $history_3x and $history_pw and $history_28 and $history_pm and !$history_2x and !$history_4x and !$history_5x and !$history_st and !$history_hj and !$history_sp and !$history_10 and !$history_18 and !$history_20 and !$history_ps and !$history_p and !$history_t>>
<<lily>>Tu sais vraiment ce que tu fais, Mia. Tu es vive, et j'aime ça.<</lily>>
<<set $girl1.exp +=25>>
<<lily>>Mia, il semble que tu n'aies pas bien compris le sujet. Un vrai connaisseur le saurait. Quoi qu'il en soit, je dois y aller. A plus tard."<</lily>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $history_3x and $history_pw and $history_28 and $history_pm and !$history_2x and !$history_4x and !$history_5x and !$history_st and !$history_hj and !$history_sp and !$history_10 and !$history_18 and !$history_20 and !$history_ps and !$history_p and !$history_t>>
<<lily>>Realmente sabes lo que haces, Mia. Eres aguda, y eso me gusta.<</lily>>
<<set $girl1.exp +=25>>
<<lily>>Mia, parece que no acabas de entender este tema. Un verdadero entendido lo sabría. De todos modos, ahora tengo que irme. Hasta luego".<</lily>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $history_3x and $history_pw and $history_28 and $history_pm and !$history_2x and !$history_4x and !$history_5x and !$history_st and !$history_hj and !$history_sp and !$history_10 and !$history_18 and !$history_20 and !$history_ps and !$history_p and !$history_t>>
<<lily>>你真的很懂行 米娅 你很敏锐,我喜欢。<</lily>>
<<set $girl1.exp +=25>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia and Lily sat in a cozy corner of the campus café, the hum of other students creating a lively backdrop.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Hey, Lily,'' Mia started, trying to keep her tone casual but failing to hide her excitement. ''I’ve been thinking a lot lately, and I wanted to tell you and talk to you about something important.''<</mia>>
<<lily>>''Oh, this sounds interesting. Spill the tea, girl!''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia leaned in closer, lowering her voice. ''You know I've always wanted to start my own business, right? Well, I’m finally doing it. I’m starting a my own brothel-slash-club where people can have fun, let loose, and forget about their mundane lives for a while.''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily's eyes widened in surprise, nearly spitting out her coffee. ''A brothel? Are you serious?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Yeah,'' Mia nodded, her excited to tell her more. ''And I need to start hiring girls. The job isn’t hard, and it’s extremely well-paid. I remember you mentioning that you need to pay off your student loan. So, why not work for me and earn money quickly?''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily chuckled, shaking her head in disbelief. ''Only you, Mia, could come up with something like this. I don't even know if that's right for me… But what would I have to do?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia grinned. ''It’s mostly bringing drinks, flirting with clients, dancing with them, and just having fun. If you want to sleep with someone, that’s entirely up to you. And if you do, you get paid even more.''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily blushed, a mix of embarrassment and intrigue crossing her face. She took a moment to consider Mia’s offer, weighing the pros and cons. ''So, like, how much more are we talking?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia laughed, nudging Lily playfully. ''A lot more. Trust me, it’s worth it.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Lily bit her lip, feeling the weight of her financial burdens. The prospect of earning good money quickly was tempting, especially if it meant paying off her student loans faster. She looked into Mia’s eyes, seeing the determination and genuine concern for her friend’s well-being.<</st>>
<<lily>>''Okay,'' Lily said finally, her blush deepening. ''I’ll do it. This sound fun, anyways.''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia's face lit up with a warm smile. ''You'll love it, you have my word, Lily. We're going to have so much fun there!''<</mia>>
<<st>>They clinked their coffee cups together, sealing the deal.<</st>>
<<set $girl1.exp +=25>><<set $girls.girl1=true>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Мия и Лили сидели в уютном уголке кафе кампуса, и гул других студентов создавал оживленный фон.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Привет, Лили, - начала Мия, стараясь сохранить непринужденный тон, но не сумев скрыть своего волнения. ''В последнее время я много думала, и мне захотелось рассказать тебе и поговорить с тобой о чем-то важном''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>''О, звучит интересно. Выкладывай!''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Мия наклонилась ближе, понизив голос. ''Ты ведь знаешь, что я всегда хотела открыть свой собственный бизнес? Так вот, я наконец-то это делаю. Я открываю свой собственный бордель тире клуб, где люди смогут повеселиться, раскрепоститься и на время забыть о своей обыденной жизни''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Глаза Лили расширились от удивления, и она чуть не выплюнула свой кофе. ''Бордель? Ты серьезно?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Да'', - кивнула Мия, ей не терпелось рассказать ей больше. ''И мне нужно начать нанимать девушек. Работа не сложная и очень хорошо оплачиваемая. Я помню, ты упоминала, что тебе нужно выплатить свой кредит за учебу. Так почему бы не работать на меня и не заработать деньги быстро?''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Лили хихикнула, покачав головой в недоумении. ''Только ты, Мия, могла придумать что-то подобное. Я даже не знаю, смогу ли и подходит ли мне это... Но что я должна буду делать?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Мия усмехнулась. ''В основном приносить напитки, флиртовать с клиентами, танцевать с ними и просто веселиться. Если ты захочешь переспать с кем-то, это будет зависеть только от тебя. И если ты это сделаешь, тебе заплатят еще больше''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Лили покраснела, на ее лице отразилась смесь смущения и заинтересованности. Она на мгновение задумалась над предложением Мии, взвешивая все ''за'' и ''против''. ''Так о какой сумме идет речь?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Мия рассмеялась, игриво подтолкнув Лили. ''О внушительной. Поверь мне, оно того стоит''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Лили прикусила губу, чувствуя тяжесть своего финансового бремени. Перспектива быстро заработать хорошие деньги была заманчивой, особенно если это означало быстрее расплатиться со студенческими кредитами. Она посмотрела в глаза Мии, увидев в них решимость и искреннюю заботу о благополучии подруги.<</st>>
<<lily>>''Хорошо, - наконец сказала Лили, покраснев еще сильнее. ''Я сделаю это. В любом случае, это звучит забавно''.<</lily>>
<<mia>>Лицо Мии озарилось теплой улыбкой. ''Тебе понравится, даю слово, Лили. Нам там будет так весело!''<</mia>>
<<st>>Они звякнули кофейными чашками, скрепляя сделку. <</st>>
<<set $girl1.exp +=25>><<set $girls.girl1=true>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia und Lily saßen in einer gemütlichen Ecke des Cafés auf dem Campus, das Stimmengewirr der anderen Studenten bildete eine lebhafte Kulisse.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Hey Lily'', begann Mia und versuchte, ihren Ton locker zu halten, konnte aber ihre Aufregung nicht ganz verbergen. ''Ich habe in letzter Zeit viel nachgedacht und wollte dir unbedingt von etwas Wichtigem erzählen.''<</mia>>
<<lily>>''Oh, das klingt ja interessant. Lass mal hören, was los ist!''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia beugte sich näher und dämpfte ihre Stimme. ''Du weißt ja, dass ich schon immer mal mein eigenes Ding machen wollte, oder? Nun, ich mache jetzt endlich Nägel mit Köpfen.'' ''Ich eröffne mein eigenes Bordell-Club, wo Leute Spaß haben, loslassen und für eine Weile ihren langweiligen Alltag vergessen können.'' <</mia>>
<<lily>>Lilys Augen weiteten sich vor Überraschung, beinahe hätte sie ihren Kaffee ausgespuckt. ''Ein Bordell? Meinst du das ernst?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Ja'', nickte Mia, voller Vorfreude darauf, ihr mehr zu erzählen. ''Und ich muss anfangen, Mädchen einzustellen. Der Job ist nicht schwer und extrem gut bezahlt. Ich erinnere mich, dass du erwähnt hast, dass du deinen Studienkredit abbezahlen musst. Warum also nicht für mich arbeiten und schnell Geld verdienen?''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily kicherte und schüttelte ungläubig den Kopf. ''Nur du, Mia, könntest auf so etwas kommen. Ich weiß nicht einmal, ob das das Richtige für mich ist... Aber was müsste ich denn machen?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia grinste. ''Es geht hauptsächlich darum, Getränke zu bringen, mit Kunden zu flirten, mit ihnen zu tanzen und einfach Spaß zu haben. Ob du mit jemandem schlafen willst, liegt ganz bei dir. Und wenn ja, wirst du noch besser bezahlt.''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily errötete, eine Mischung aus Verlegenheit und Neugierde auf ihrem Gesicht. Sie nahm sich einen Moment Zeit, um Mias Angebot zu überdenken und die Vor- und Nachteile abzuwägen. ''Also, wie viel mehr reden wir da?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia lachte und stupste Lily spielerisch an. ''Viel mehr. Vertrau mir, es lohnt sich.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Lily biss sich auf die Lippe und spürte das Gewicht ihrer finanziellen Belastung. Die Aussicht, schnell gutes Geld zu verdienen, war verlockend, vor allem wenn es bedeutete, ihre Studienkredite schneller abzubezahlen. Sie sah Mia in die Augen und erkannte die Entschlossenheit und echte Sorge um das Wohl ihrer Freundin.<</st>>
<<lily>>''Okay'', sagte Lily schließlich, ihr Rouge wurde noch tiefer. ''Ich mache es. Klingt sowieso nach Spaß.''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mias Gesicht erhellte sich mit einem warmen Lächeln. ''Du wirst es lieben, versprochen, Lily. Wir werden dort so viel Spaß haben!''<</mia>>
<<st>>Sie stießen mit ihren Kaffeetassen an und besiegelten damit den Deal.<</st>>
<<set $girl1.exp +=25>><<set $girls.girl1=true>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Mia et Lily étaient assises dans un coin confortable du café du campus, le bourdonnement des autres étudiants créant une toile de fond animée.<</st>>
<<mia>>'' Hé, Lily '', commença Mia, essayant de garder un ton décontracté mais ne parvenant pas à cacher son excitation. '' J'ai beaucoup réfléchi ces derniers temps, et je voulais te dire et te parler de quelque chose d'important.<</mia>>
<<lily>>'' Oh, ça a l'air intéressant. Raconte-moi tout, ma fille ! ''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia se rapproche et baisse la voix. '' Tu sais que j'ai toujours voulu créer ma propre entreprise, n'est-ce pas ? Eh bien, je vais enfin le faire. Je vais ouvrir mon propre bordel où les gens pourront s'amuser, se détendre et oublier leur vie banale pendant un moment. ''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Les yeux de Lily s'écarquillèrent de surprise, et elle faillit recracher son café. '' Un bordel ? Tu es sérieuse ? ''<</lily>>
<<mia>>'' Oui '', acquiesce Mia, impatiente d'en savoir plus. '' Et je dois commencer à embaucher des filles. Le travail n'est pas difficile et il est très bien payé. Je me souviens que tu m'as dit que tu devais rembourser ton prêt étudiant. Alors, pourquoi ne pas travailler pour moi et gagner de l'argent rapidement ? ''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily s'esclaffe, secouant la tête d'un air incrédule. '' Il n'y a que toi, Mia, pour trouver une idée pareille. Je ne sais même pas si c'est fait pour moi... Mais qu'est-ce que je devrais faire ? ''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia sourit. '' Il s'agit surtout d'apporter des boissons, de flirter avec les clients, de danser avec eux et de s'amuser. Si tu veux coucher avec quelqu'un, c'est ton choix. Et si tu le fais, tu seras encore mieux payée. ''<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily rougit, un mélange d'embarras et d'intrigue traversant son visage. Elle prit un moment pour réfléchir à l'offre de Mia, pesant le pour et le contre. '' Alors, de combien de plus parlons-nous ? ''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia rit, poussant Lily d'un air amusé. '' Beaucoup plus. Crois-moi, ça vaut le coup. ''<</mia>>
<<st>>Lily se mordit la lèvre, sentant le poids de ses charges financières. La perspective de gagner rapidement de l'argent était tentante, surtout si cela lui permettait de rembourser plus rapidement ses prêts étudiants. Elle regarda Mia dans les yeux, y voyant la détermination et le souci sincère du bien-être de son amie.<</st>>
<<lily>>'' D'accord '', dit finalement Lily, qui rougit de plus en plus. '' Je vais le faire. Ça a l'air amusant, de toute façon. ''<</lily>>
<<mia>>Le visage de Mia s'illumina d'un sourire chaleureux. '' Tu vas adorer, tu as ma parole, Lily. On va tellement s'amuser là-bas ! ''<</mia>>
<<st>>Elles ont fait tinter leurs tasses de café l'une contre l'autre, scellant ainsi l'accord.<</st>>
<<set $girl1.exp +=25>><<set $girls.girl1=true>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mia y Lily estaban sentadas en un rincón acogedor de la cafetería del campus, con el murmullo de otros estudiantes creando un animado telón de fondo.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Hola, Lily'', empezó Mia, intentando mantener un tono informal pero sin poder ocultar su emoción. ''He estado pensando mucho últimamente, y quería contarte y hablarte de algo importante''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>''Oh, suena interesante. Suelta el té, chica''.<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia se inclinó más cerca, bajando la voz. ''Sabes que siempre he querido montar mi propio negocio, ¿verdad? Bueno, por fin voy a hacerlo. Voy a montar mi propio burdel-club donde la gente pueda divertirse, soltarse y olvidarse de sus vidas mundanas por un rato''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily abrió los ojos sorprendida y casi escupió el café. ''¿Un burdel? ¿Hablas en serio?''<</lily>>
<<mia>>''Sí'', asintió Mia, emocionada por contarle más. ''Y tengo que empezar a contratar chicas. El trabajo no es difícil, y está muy bien pagado. Recuerdo que mencionaste que necesitabas pagar tu préstamo estudiantil. Así que, ¿por qué no trabajar para mí y ganar dinero rápidamente?''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily rió entre dientes, sacudiendo la cabeza con incredulidad. ''Sólo a ti, Mia, se te podría ocurrir algo así. Ni siquiera sé si me conviene... ¿Pero qué tendría que hacer?''.<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia sonrió. ''Se trata sobre todo de llevar bebidas, flirtear con los clientes, bailar con ellos y simplemente divertirse. Si quieres acostarte con alguien, es cosa tuya. Y si lo haces, te pagan aún más''.<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily se sonrojó, una mezcla de vergüenza e intriga cruzó su rostro. Se tomó un momento para considerar la oferta de Mia, sopesando los pros y los contras. ''Entonces, ¿de cuánto más estamos hablando?''.<</lily>>
<<mia>>Mia se rió, dándole un codazo juguetón a Lily. ''Mucho más. Créeme, merece la pena''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Lily se mordió el labio, sintiendo el peso de sus cargas financieras. La perspectiva de ganar un buen dinero rápidamente era tentadora, sobre todo si significaba pagar sus préstamos estudiantiles más rápido. Miró a Mia a los ojos, viendo la determinación y la genuina preocupación por el bienestar de su amiga.<</st>>
<<lily>>''De acuerdo'', dijo Lily finalmente, con un sonrojo cada vez más intenso. ''Lo haré. Suena divertido, de todos modos''.<</lily>>
<<mia>>El rostro de Mia se iluminó con una cálida sonrisa. ''Te encantará, tienes mi palabra, Lily. Nos lo vamos a pasar muy bien allí''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Chocaron sus tazas de café, sellando el trato.<</st>>
<<set $girl1.exp +=25>><<set $girls.girl1=true>>
<<case "CH">>
<<set $girl1.exp +=25>><<set $girls.girl1=true>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Congratulations🎉 You have recruited this girl for your brothel.<</st>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Поздравляем🎉 Вы завербовали эту девушку в свой бордель.<</st>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Glückwunsch🎉 Du hast dieses Mädchen für dein Bordell angeworben.<</st>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Félicitations🎉 Vous avez recruté cette fille pour votre maison close.<</st>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Felicidades🎉 Has reclutado a esta chica para tu burdel.<</st>>
<<case "CH">>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>You've already recruited this girl, there's nothing more to do here.<</st>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Вы уже завербовали эту девушку, больше здесь делать нечего.<</st>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Sie haben das Mädchen bereits rekrutiert, hier gibt es nichts mehr zu tun.<</st>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Vous avez déjà recruté cette fille, il n'y a plus rien à faire.<</st>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Ya has reclutado a esta chica, no hay nada más que hacer aquí.<</st>>
<<case "CH">>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Breakup</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_univer_3==true>>Mia's heart is broken because her boyfriend decided it was time for them to break up. He said they didn't have much in common anymore. But was that really the reason for the breakup?
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to Mia's room.<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/jk.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_univer_3 == true>>✅Pass quest 22<<else>>🛑 Pass quest 22<</if>>
<<if $quests.quest_maman_2 == true>>✅Pass quest 23<<else>>🛑 Pass quest 23<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Расставание</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_univer_3==true>>Джек разбивает сердце Мии, расставаясь с ней, ведь у них теперь так мало общего. Вот только действительно ли эта проблема стала причиной разрыва?
Перейти к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь в комнату Мии.<<else>> Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/jk.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_univer_3 == true>>✅Pass quest 22<<else>>🛑 Pass quest 22<</if>>
<<if $quests.quest_maman_2 == true>>✅Pass quest 23<<else>>🛑 Pass quest 23<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Trennung</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_univer_3==true>>Mias Herz ist gebrochen, weil ihr Freund beschlossen hat, dass es an der Zeit ist, sich von ihr zu trennen. Er sagte, sie hätten nicht mehr viel gemeinsam. Aber war das wirklich der Grund für die Trennung?
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe in Mias Zimmer<<else>>Erfülle die vorherige Quest, um diese zu öffnen.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/jk.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_univer_3 == true>>✅Pass quest 22<<else>>🛑 Pass quest 22<</if>>
<<if $quests.quest_maman_2 == true>>✅Pass quest 23<<else>>🛑 Pass quest 23<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Rupture</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_univer_3==true>>Mia a le cœur brisé parce que son petit ami a décidé qu'il était temps pour eux de rompre. Il a dit qu'ils n'avaient plus grand-chose en commun. Mais était-ce vraiment la raison de la rupture ?
Allez à : Remplissez les conditions et allez dans la chambre de Mia.<<else>>Réalisez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/jk.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_univer_3 == true>>✅Pass quest 22<<else>>🛑 Pass quest 22<</if>>
<<if $quests.quest_maman_2 == true>>✅Pass quest 23<<else>>🛑 Pass quest 23<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Ruptura</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_univer_3==true>>Mia tiene el corazón roto porque su novio ha decidido que es hora de romper. Dijo que ya no tenían mucho en común. Pero, ¿era esa realmente la razón de la ruptura?
Ve a: Cumple las condiciones y ve a la habitación de Mia.<<else>>Comple la quest anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/jk.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_univer_3 == true>>✅Pass quest 22<<else>>🛑 Pass quest 22<</if>>
<<if $quests.quest_maman_2 == true>>✅Pass quest 23<<else>>🛑 Pass quest 23<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">分手</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_univer_3==true>>米娅的心碎了,因为她的男朋友决定是时候分手了。他说他们已经没有什么共同语言了。但这真的是分手的原因吗?
前往: 满足条件后前往米娅的房间。<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/jk.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_univer_3 == true>>✅Pass quest 22<<else>>🛑 Pass quest 22<</if>>
<<if $quests.quest_maman_2 == true>>✅Pass quest 23<<else>>🛑 Pass quest 23<</if>></div></div></div>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Classics</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen==true>>Mia's Dad is in constant search of new sensations. Nothing new, except this time, he prefers younger women.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and Meet Mia's dad in parents' room.<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+80 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen == true>>✅Pass quest #19<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #19<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Классика</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen==true>>Отец Мии как всегда в отрыве. Вот только теперь он предпочитает девушек помладше.
Перейти к: Выполните условия и познакомьтесь с отцом Мии в комнате родителей.<<else>> Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+80 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen == true>>✅Pass quest #19<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #19<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Klassiker</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen==true>>Mias Vater ist ständig auf der Suche nach neuen Sensationen. Nichts Neues, außer dass er dieses Mal jüngere Frauen bevorzugt.
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und treffe Mias Vater im Zimmer der Eltern.<<else>>Erfülle die vorherige Quest, um diese zu öffnen.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+80 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen == true>>✅Pass quest #19<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #19<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Les classiques</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen==true>>Le père de Mia est toujours aussi extraverti. Sauf que maintenant, il préfère les filles plus jeunes.
Allez à : Remplissez les conditions et rencontrez le père de Mia dans la chambre des parents. <<else>>Réalisez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+80 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen == true>>✅Pass quest #19<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #19<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Clásicos</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen==true>>El padre de Mia está en constante búsqueda de nuevas sensaciones. Nada nuevo, excepto que esta vez, prefiere mujeres más jóvenes.
Ve a: Cumple las condiciones y Reúnete con el padre de Mia en la habitación de los padres.<<else>>Comple la quest anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+80 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen == true>>✅Pass quest #19<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #19<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">经典</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen==true>>米娅的爸爸一直在寻找新的感觉。除了这次,他更喜欢年轻的女人。
前往: 满足条件,在父母的房间里见到米娅的爸爸。<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+80 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_kitchen == true>>✅Pass quest #19<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #19<</if>></div></div></div>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Mommy?</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_mother_1==true>>Sweet Jack wants to spend time with his girlfriend, but only her Mother is at home instead of her. Mia seems to have forgotten about her boyfriend again because of work.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and meet Mia's mom in parents' room.<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_mother_1 == true>>✅Pass quest #10<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #10<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Мамочка?</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_mother_1==true>>Милашка Джек хочет провести время со своей девушкой, вот только дома вместо нее оказывается только ее Мать. Кажется, из-за работы Миа снова забыла о своем парне.
Перейти к: Выполните условия и встретьтесь с мамой Мии в комнате родителей.<<else>> Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_mother_1 == true>>✅Pass quest #10<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #10<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Mama?</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_mother_1==true>>Der süße Jack möchte Zeit mit seiner Freundin verbringen, aber nur ihre Mutter ist zu Hause und nicht sie. Mia scheint ihren Freund vor lauter Arbeit wieder vergessen zu haben.
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und treffe Mias Mutter im Zimmer der Eltern.<<else>>Erfülle die vorherige Quest, um diese zu öffnen.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_mother_1 == true>>✅Pass quest #10<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #10<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Maman?</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_mother_1==true>>Jack veut passer du temps avec sa petite amie, mais c'est sa mère qui est à la maison au lieu d'elle. Mia semble avoir oublié son petit ami à cause de son travail.
Allez à : Remplissez les conditions et rencontrez la mère de Mia dans la chambre des parents. <<else>>Réalisez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_mother_1 == true>>✅Pass quest #10<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #10<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Mamá?</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_mother_1==true>>El dulce Jack quiere pasar tiempo con su novia, pero sólo está en casa su madre en lugar de ella. Mia parece haberse olvidado de nuevo de su novio por culpa del trabajo.
Ve a: Cumple las condiciones y reúnete con la madre de Mia en la habitación de los padres.<<else>>Comple la quest anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_mother_1 == true>>✅Pass quest #10<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #10<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">妈妈?</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_mother_1==true>>亲爱的杰克想和女友共度美好时光,但家里只有她的母亲而没有她。米娅似乎又因为工作忘了她的男朋友。
前往: 满足条件,在父母的房间里见到米娅的妈妈。<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_mother_1 == true>>✅Pass quest #10<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #10<</if>></div></div></div>
<</switch>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 2|mom2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|mom3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|mom4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|mom5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|mom6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|mom7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 2|mom8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|mom9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|mom10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|mom11]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Mother_quest_2_last]]>><</button>><<set $mia.exp +=90>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>A heavy silence enveloped the room, filled with a mixture of guilt and uncertainty.<</st>>
<<jk>>Jack’s mind raced as he tried to comprehend what had just happened. He looked at Jenny, his heart pounding with a combination of awe and confusion. ''Jenny, I... I'm sorry,'' he stammered, his voice barely audible.<</jk>>
<<mom>>Jenny’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she realized the gravity of the situation. ''Jack, I... I don't know what came over me. This shouldn't have happened,'' she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.<</mom>>
<<st>>They both sat there, grappling with their own thoughts and feelings, unsure of what to do next. The air around them felt thick with tension, the weight of their actions hanging heavily in the room.<</st>>
<<mom>>Finally, Jenny broke the silence, her voice barely above a whisper. ''Jack, I think... I think it's best if you go. We can't let Mia find out about this.''<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack nodded, unable to meet Jenny's gaze. ''Yeah, you're right. I should go,'' he murmured, his voice filled with regret.<</jk>>
<<mom>>Jenny watched him as he got up from the couch, a pang of sadness gripping her heart. ''Jack, please... promise me you won't say anything to Mia,'' she pleaded, her eyes brimming with tears.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack turned to look at her, his own eyes filled with a mixture of emotions. ''I won't, Jenny. I promise.''<</jk>>
<<st>>As Jack reached the door, he glanced at Jenny one last time. Their eyes met, and they both felt the intensity of everything unsaid.<</st>>
<<st>>With a nod, Jack opened the door and stepped outside, leaving Jenny alone with her thoughts. She closed the door behind him, feeling a mix of desire and regret.<</st>>
<<st>>Back on the couch, Jenny sank into the cushions, her mind buzzing with emotions. Despite the heaviness of the situation, a small smile flickered on her lips, acknowledging the connection she shared with Jack. They both knew they had enjoyed their time together, even with their mixed feelings.<</st>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Тяжелая тишина окутала комнату, в воздухе витала дикая смесь вины и неуверенности.<</st>>
<<jk>>Джек пытался осмыслить то, что только что произошло. Он посмотрел на Дженни, его сердце колотилось от благоговения и растерянности. ''Дженни, я... Прости меня'', - заикаясь, проговорил он едва слышно.<</jk>>
<<mom>>Щеки Дженни вспыхнули от смущения, когда она осознала всю серьезность ситуации. ''Джек, я... Я не знаю, что на меня нашло. Этого не должно было случиться'', - прошептала она, её голос дрожал от волнения.<</mom>>
<<st>>Они оба сидели, перебирая свои мысли и чувства, не зная, что делать дальше. В воздухе вокруг них висела напряженная атмосфера, давя на них тяжестью их поступков.<</st>>
<<mom>>Наконец Дженни нарушила молчание, её голос едва превышал шепот. ''Джек, я думаю... Думаю, будет лучше, если ты уйдешь. Мы не можем допустить, чтобы Мия узнала об этом''.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Джек кивнул, не в силах встретить взгляд Дженни. ''Да, ты права. Я должен уйти'', - пробормотал он, его голос был полон сожаления.<</jk>>
<<mom>>Дженни смотрела, как он поднимается с дивана, и сердце её сжалось от тоски. ''Джек, пожалуйста... пообещай, что ничего не скажешь Мии'', - умоляла она, её глаза наполнились слезами.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Джек повернулся и посмотрел на неё, его глаза были наполнены смесью эмоций. ''Не скажу, Дженни. Обещаю''.<</jk>>
<<st>>Дойдя до двери, Джек в последний раз взглянул на Дженни. Их взгляды встретились, и они оба испытали какое-то чувство недосказанности и незавершенности того, что произошло. Между ними будто осталась некая недосказанность.<</st>>
<<st>>Кивнув, Джек открыл дверь и вышел, оставив Дженни наедине со своими мыслями. Она закрыла за ним дверь, испытывая смесь желания и сожаления.<</st>>
<<st>>Вернувшись на диван, Дженни опустилась на подушки, в голове у неё бурлили эмоции. Несмотря на всю тяжесть ситуации, на её губах мелькнула небольшая улыбка. Они оба знали, что им было приятно провести время вместе, даже несмотря на смешанные чувства.<</st>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Eine schwere Stille hüllte den Raum ein, erfüllt mit einer Mischung aus Schuld und Unsicherheit.<</st>>
<<jk>>Jacks Gedanken rasten, während er versuchte, zu begreifen, was gerade passiert war. Er sah Jenny an, sein Herz hämmerte vor Ehrfurcht und Verwirrung. ''Jenny, ich… es tut mir leid,'' stammelte er, seine Stimme kaum hörbar.<</jk>>
<<mom>>Jennys Wangen röteten sich vor Verlegenheit, als sie das Ausmaß der Situation erkannte. ''Jack, ich… ich weiß nicht, was über mich gekommen ist. Das hätte nicht passieren dürfen,'' flüsterte sie, ihre Stimme zitterte vor Emotionen.<</mom>>
<<st>>Sie saßen beide da, kämpften mit ihren eigenen Gedanken und Gefühlen, unsicher, was sie als Nächstes tun sollten. Die Luft um sie herum fühlte sich dick an vor Spannung, das Gewicht ihrer Handlungen hing schwer im Raum.<</st>>
<<mom>>Schließlich durchbrach Jenny die Stille, ihre Stimme kaum mehr als ein Flüstern. ''Jack, ich denke… ich denke, es ist das Beste, wenn du gehst. Wir dürfen nicht zulassen, dass Mia das herausfindet.''<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack nickte, unfähig, Jennys Blick zu treffen. ''Ja, du hast recht. Ich sollte gehen,'' murmelte er, seine Stimme voller Bedauern.<</jk>>
<<mom>>Jenny beobachtete ihn, als er vom Sofa aufstand, ein Stich der Traurigkeit griff nach ihrem Herzen. ''Jack, bitte… versprich mir, dass du Mia nichts davon erzählst,'' flehte sie, ihre Augen voller Tränen.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack drehte sich um, um sie anzusehen, seine eigenen Augen voller gemischter Gefühle. ''Ich werde es nicht, Jenny. Ich verspreche es.''<</jk>>
<<st>>Als Jack die Tür erreichte, warf er Jenny einen letzten Blick zu. Ihre Augen trafen sich, und beide fühlten die Intensität von allem, was ungesagt blieb.<</st>>
<<st>>Mit einem Nicken öffnete Jack die Tür und trat hinaus, ließ Jenny allein mit ihren Gedanken. Sie schloss die Tür hinter ihm, fühlte eine Mischung aus Verlangen und Bedauern.<</st>>
<<st>>Zurück auf dem Sofa sank Jenny in die Kissen, ihr Geist summte vor Emotionen. Trotz der Schwere der Situation flackerte ein kleines Lächeln auf ihren Lippen auf, das die Verbindung anerkennt, die sie mit Jack geteilt hatte. Beide wussten, dass sie ihre gemeinsame Zeit genossen hatten, auch wenn ihre Gefühle gemischt waren.<</st>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Un silence pesant enveloppe la pièce, rempli d'un mélange de culpabilité et d'incertitude.<</st>>
<<jk>>L'esprit de Jack s'emballe alors qu'il tente de comprendre ce qui vient de se passer. Il regarda Jenny, le cœur battant à la fois de crainte et de confusion. '' Jenny, je... Je suis désolé'', balbutia-t-il, la voix à peine audible.<</jk>>
<<mom>>Les joues de Jenny rougissent d'embarras lorsqu'elle réalise la gravité de la situation. '' Jack, je... Je ne sais pas ce qui m'a pris. Cela n'aurait pas dû arriver'', murmure-t-elle, la voix tremblante d'émotion.<</mom>>
<<st>>Ils restèrent tous les deux assis, aux prises avec leurs propres pensées et sentiments, ne sachant pas quoi faire ensuite. L'air autour d'eux était chargé de tension, le poids de leurs actions pesant lourdement dans la pièce.<</st>>
<<mom>>Finalement, Jenny rompt le silence, sa voix dépassant à peine un murmure. '' Jack, je pense... Je pense qu'il vaut mieux que tu partes. Il ne faut pas que Mia l'apprenne. ''<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack acquiesce, incapable de croiser le regard de Jenny. '' Oui, tu as raison. Je devrais y aller'', murmura-t-il, la voix pleine de regrets.<</jk>>
<<mom>>Jenny le regarda se lever du canapé, un élan de tristesse lui serrant le cœur. '' Jack, s'il te plaît... promets-moi que tu ne diras rien à Mia '', supplie-t-elle, les yeux pleins de larmes.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack se tourne vers elle, les yeux remplis d'un mélange d'émotions. '' Je ne dirai rien, Jenny. Je te le promets. ''<</jk>>
<<st>>En arrivant à la porte, Jack jette un dernier coup d'œil à Jenny. Leurs yeux se rencontrèrent et ils ressentirent tous deux l'intensité de tout ce qui n'avait pas été dit.<</st>>
<<st>>D'un signe de tête, Jack ouvrit la porte et sortit, laissant Jenny seule avec ses pensées. Elle referma la porte derrière lui, ressentant un mélange de désir et de regret.<</st>>
<<st>>De retour sur le canapé, Jenny s'enfonce dans les coussins, l'esprit en ébullition. Malgré la lourdeur de la situation, un petit sourire se dessine sur ses lèvres, reconnaissant le lien qu'elle partage avec Jack. Ils savaient tous les deux qu'ils avaient apprécié le temps passé ensemble, malgré leurs sentiments contradictoires.<</st>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Un pesado silencio envolvió la habitación, lleno de una mezcla de culpa e incertidumbre.
La mente de Jack se agitaba mientras intentaba comprender lo que acababa de suceder. Miró a Jenny, con el corazón palpitándole con una combinación de asombro y confusión.<</st>>
<<jk>>''Jenny, yo... Lo siento'', balbuceó con voz apenas audible.<</jk>>
<<mom>>Las mejillas de Jenny se sonrojaron de vergüenza al darse cuenta de la gravedad de la situación. ''Jack, yo... No sé qué me ha pasado. Esto no debería haber ocurrido'', susurró, con la voz temblorosa por la emoción.<</mom>>
<<st>>Ambos se quedaron sentados, luchando con sus propios pensamientos y sentimientos, inseguros de qué hacer a continuación. El aire que las rodeaba estaba cargado de tensión, el peso de sus acciones pesaba mucho en la habitación.<</st>>
<<mom>>Finalmente, Jenny rompió el silencio, su voz apenas superaba un susurro. ''Jack, creo... Creo que es mejor que te vayas. No podemos dejar que Mia se entere de esto''.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack asintió, incapaz de encontrar la mirada de Jenny. ''Sí, tienes razón. Debería irme'', murmuró, con la voz llena de pesar.<</jk>>
<<mom>>Jenny lo observó mientras se levantaba del sofá, con una punzada de tristeza atenazándole el corazón. ''Jack, por favor... prométeme que no le dirás nada a Mia'', le suplicó con los ojos llenos de lágrimas.<</mom>>
<<jk>>Jack se volvió para mirarla, con los ojos llenos de una mezcla de emociones. ''No lo haré, Jenny. Te lo prometo''.<</jk>>
<<st>>Cuando Jack llegó a la puerta, miró a Jenny por última vez. Sus ojos se encontraron y ambos sintieron la intensidad de todo lo no dicho.<</st>>
<<st>>Con un movimiento de cabeza, Jack abrió la puerta y salió, dejando a Jenny sola con sus pensamientos. Ella cerró la puerta tras él, sintiendo una mezcla de deseo y arrepentimiento.<</st>>
<<st>>De vuelta en el sofá, Jenny se hundió en los cojines, con la mente repleta de emociones. A pesar de la pesadez de la situación, una pequeña sonrisa se dibujó en sus labios, reconociendo la conexión que compartía con Jack. Ambos sabían que habían disfrutado de su tiempo juntos, incluso con sus sentimientos encontrados.<</st>>
<<case "CH">>
<<jk>>''珍妮,我 对不起,''他结结巴巴地说,声音几乎听不见。<</jk>>
<<mom>>珍妮意识到事情的严重性,脸颊羞得通红。''杰克,我... 我不知道自己怎么了。这本不该发生。''她低声说,声音因激动而颤抖。<</mom>>
<<mom>>最后,珍妮打破了沉默,她的声音几乎没有超过耳语。''杰克,我想...... 我觉得你最好还是走吧。我们不能让米娅发现这件事。''<</mom>>
<</switch>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 2|Girl1_video]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|girl1_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|girl1_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|girl1_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|girl1_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Side fuck 1|girl1_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cow girl 1|girl1_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|girl1_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|girl1_10]]>><</button>>
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<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Kisses|father1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|father3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 1|father4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 2|father5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|father6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|father7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|father8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|father9]]>><</button>>
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<<button [[Blow job 1|father2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Kisses|father1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 1|father4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 2|father5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|father6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|father7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|father8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|father9]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad/4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|father2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|father3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Kisses|father1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 2|father5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|father6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|father7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|father8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|father9]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|father2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|father3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 1|father4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Kisses|father1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|father6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|father7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|father8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|father9]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|father2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|father3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 1|father4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 2|father5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Kisses|father1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|father7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|father8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|father9]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad/7.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|father2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|father3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 1|father4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 2|father5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|father6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Kisses|father1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|father8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|father9]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad/8.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|father2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|father3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 1|father4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 2|father5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|father6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|father7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Kisses|father1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|father9]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad/9.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|father2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|father3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 1|father4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 2|father5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|father6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|father7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|father8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Kisses|father1]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/jack/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Cowgirl 1|jack2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 2|jack3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Reverse cowgirl 1|jack4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Reverse cowgirl 2|jack5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|jack6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|jack7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|jack8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|jack9]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/jack/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|jack1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 2|jack3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Reverse cowgirl 1|jack4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Reverse cowgirl 2|jack5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|jack6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|jack7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|jack8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|jack9]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/jack/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Cowgirl 1|jack2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|jack1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Reverse cowgirl 1|jack4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Reverse cowgirl 2|jack5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|jack6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|jack7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|jack8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|jack9]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/jack/4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Cowgirl 1|jack2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 2|jack3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|jack1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Reverse cowgirl 2|jack5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|jack6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|jack7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|jack8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|jack9]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/jack/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Cowgirl 1|jack2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 2|jack3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Reverse cowgirl 1|jack4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|jack1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|jack6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|jack7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|jack8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|jack9]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/jack/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Cowgirl 1|jack2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 2|jack3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Reverse cowgirl 1|jack4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Reverse cowgirl 2|jack5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|jack1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|jack7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|jack8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|jack9]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/jack/7.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Cowgirl 1|jack2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 2|jack3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Reverse cowgirl 1|jack4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Reverse cowgirl 2|jack5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|jack6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|jack1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|jack8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|jack9]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/jack/8.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Cowgirl 1|jack2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 2|jack3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Reverse cowgirl 1|jack4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Reverse cowgirl 2|jack5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|jack6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|jack7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|jack1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|jack9]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/jack/9.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Cowgirl 1|jack2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 2|jack3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Reverse cowgirl 1|jack4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Reverse cowgirl 2|jack5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|jack6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|jack7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|jack8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|jack1]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|MotherQuest2_video]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|mom3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|mom4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|mom5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|mom6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|mom7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 2|mom8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|mom9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|mom10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|mom11]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Mother_quest_2_last]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 2|mom2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|MotherQuest2_video]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|mom4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|mom5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|mom6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|mom7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 2|mom8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|mom9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|mom10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|mom11]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Mother_quest_2_last]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom/4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 2|mom2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|mom3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|MotherQuest2_video]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|mom5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|mom6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|mom7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 2|mom8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|mom9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|mom10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|mom11]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Mother_quest_2_last]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 2|mom2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|mom3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|mom4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|MotherQuest2_video]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|mom6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|mom7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 2|mom8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|mom9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|mom10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|mom11]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Mother_quest_2_last]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 2|mom2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|mom3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|mom4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|mom5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|MotherQuest2_video]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|mom7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 2|mom8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|mom9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|mom10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|mom11]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Mother_quest_2_last]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom/7.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 2|mom2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|mom3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|mom4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|mom5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|mom6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|MotherQuest2_video]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 2|mom8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|mom9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|mom10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|mom11]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Mother_quest_2_last]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom/8.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 2|mom2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|mom3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|mom4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|mom5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|mom6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|mom7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|MotherQuest2_video]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|mom9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|mom10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|mom11]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Mother_quest_2_last]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom/9.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 2|mom2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|mom3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|mom4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|mom5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|mom6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|mom7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 2|mom8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|MotherQuest2_video]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|mom10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|mom11]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Mother_quest_2_last]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom/10.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 2|mom2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|mom3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|mom4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|mom5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|mom6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|mom7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 2|mom8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|mom9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|MotherQuest2_video]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|mom11]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Mother_quest_2_last]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom/11.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 2|mom2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|mom3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|mom4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|mom5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|mom6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|mom7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 2|mom8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|mom9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|mom10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|MotherQuest2_video]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Mother_quest_2_last]]>><</button>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
@@.text-normal;Girls' recruitment is closed until you progress further in the story.@@
<<case "RU">>
@@.text-normal;Вербовка девочек закрыта до тех пор, пока вы не продвинетесь дальше по сюжету.@@
<<case "GE">>
@@.text-normal;Die Rekrutierung von Mädchen ist abgeschlossen, bis Sie in der Geschichte weitergekommen sind.@@
<<button[[Verlassen Sie|Auditorium]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
@@.text-normal;Le recrutement des filles est fermé jusqu'à ce que vous progressiez dans l'histoire.@@
<<case "ES">>
@@.text-normal;El reclutamiento de chicas está cerrado hasta que avances en la historia.@@
<<button[[Salir de|Auditorium]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<</switch>><<st>>Buttons for patreons only 😘<</st>>
<<return "Go Back">><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_3 == true>><div class="main"><div class="main-cont"><div class="text-main">Girls</div>
<div class="container">
<div class="krug quests brothel">[img[0.2.6/images/lily.jpeg]]</div> <<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $girls.girl1==true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Lily">>
Dialog.setup("Lily", "quest_popup");
</div><div class="line"></div> <div class="krug quests brothel">[img[0.2.6/images/girl2.jpeg]]</div> <<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $girls.girl2==true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Michelle">>
Dialog.setup("Michelle", "quest_popup");
</div><div class="line"></div> <div class="krug quests brothel">[img[0.2.6/images/girl3.jpeg]]</div> <<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $girls.girl3==true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Alissa">>
Dialog.setup("Alissa", "quest_popup");
</div><div class="line"></div> <div class="krug quests brothel">[img[0.2.6/images/soph.jpg]]</div> <<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $girls.girl4==true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Sophia">>
Dialog.setup("Sophia", "quest_popup");
<div class="main-cont"><div class="text-main">Money</div>
<div class="container">
<<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.brothel_money_1==true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Big Party">>
Dialog.setup("The BIG Party", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("The BIG Party").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.brothel_money_2==true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "The Deal">>
Dialog.setup("The Deal", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("The Deal").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.brothel_money_3==true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Alyssa’s Game">>
Dialog.setup("Alyssa’s Game", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Alyssa’s Game").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.brothel_money_4==true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Lily’s Second Act">>
Dialog.setup("Lily’s Second Act", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Lily’s Second Act").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.brothel_money_5==true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Party with Vitto">>
Dialog.setup("Party with Vitto", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Party with Vitto").processText());
<div class="main-cont"><div class="text-main">Place</div>
<div class="container">
<<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.brothel_place_1==true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Location...">>
Dialog.setup("Location, Location, Confrontation", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Location, Location, Confrontation").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.brothel_place_2==true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Taking Control">>
Dialog.setup("Taking Control", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Taking Control").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.brothel_place_3==true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Locking It Down">>
Dialog.setup("Locking It Down", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Locking It Down").processText());
<div class="main-cont"><div class="text-main">Other</div>
<div class="container">
<<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.brothel_other_1==true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Time to move">>
Dialog.setup("Time to move", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Time to move").processText());
</div><div class="line"></div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_final_preparations==true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "Final Preparations">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: Final Preparations: Sex, Drinks, and Marketing", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: Final Preparations: Sex, Drinks, and Marketing").processText());
</div> <div class="line"></div><<set _quest_class = "square quests">><<if $quests.quest_doors_open==true>><<set _quest_class = "square quests completed">><</if>><div @class="_quest_class"><<button "The Doors Are Open">>
Dialog.setup("Quest: The Doors Are Open", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest: The Doors Are Open").processText());
</div> <div class="line"></div><div class="square quests"><<button "?">>
Dialog.setup("Quest ?", "quest_popup");
Dialog.wiki(Story.get("Quest ?").processText());
</div></div></div></div><<else>>@@.text-normal;Girls' recruitment is closed until you progress further in the story.@@<</if>><div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Lily</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_3==true>>You decide to recruit the first girl to your brothel, to do this move to the auditorium and try to proposition your friend Lily.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to Auditorium<<else>>Complete 21 quest to start recruiting girls.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">-</div><div class="quest titlebar">-</div><div class="quest titlebar">-</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/lily.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_3 == true>>✅Pass quest #21<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #21<</if>></div></div></div><<if $girls.girl1 == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Girl1]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>> <div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Michelle</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $girls.girl1==true>>After you succeeded in recruiting Lily, you realized that you needed to move on and recruit 1 more girl.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to Auditorium<<else>>Recruit Lily first to move on to recruiting Michelle.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">-</div><div class="quest titlebar">-</div><div class="quest titlebar">-</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/girl2.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $girls.girl1 == true>>✅Recruiting Lily<<else>>🛑 Recruiting Lily<</if>></div></div></div><<if $girls.girl2 == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Girl2]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>> <<return "Go Back">>
<<st>>Blow job 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer_girl2/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<st>>Boobs 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer_girl2/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<st>>Missionary 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer_girl2/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<st>>Missionary 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer_girl2/4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<st>>Cow girl 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer_girl2/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer_girl2/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video><<return "Go Back">>
<<st>>Blow job 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<st>>Missionary 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<st>>Missionary 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<st>>Doggy style 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer/4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<st>>Doggy style 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<st>>Doggy style 3<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<st>>Side fuck 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer/7.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<st>>Cow girl 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer/8.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<st>>Blow job 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer/9.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer/10.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>In the movie "The Gentlemen," who plays the character Mickey Pearson, a British drug lord?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$movie_mm" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Matthew McConaughey@@<<else>>Matthew McConaughey<</if>>
<<checkbox "$movie_th" false true>> Tom Hardy
<<checkbox "$movie_hg" false true>> Hugh Grant<</st>>
<<st>>In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, what is the name of the character portrayed by Scarlett Johansson?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$movie_ww" false true>> Wonder Woman
<<checkbox "$movie_bw" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Black Widow@@<<else>>Black Widow<</if>>
<<checkbox "$movie_c" false true>> Catwoman<</st>>
<<st>>In which movie does Margot Robbie's character seduce Leonardo DiCaprio's character?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$movie_tb" false true>> The Big Short
<<checkbox "$movie_tw" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;The Wolf of Wall Street@@<<else>>The Wolf of Wall Street<</if>>
<<checkbox "$movie_cm" false true>> Catch Me If You Can<</st>>
<<st>>In the movie ''The Dark Knight,'' who portrays the iconic villain, the Joker?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$movie_cb" false true>> Christian Bale
<<checkbox "$movie_hl" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Heath Ledger@@<<else>>Heath Ledger<</if>>
<<checkbox "$movie_tx" false true>> Tom Hardy<</st>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>В фильме "Джентльмены", кто играет персонажа Микки Пирсона, британского наркобарона?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$movie_mm" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Мэттью Макконахи@@<<else>>Мэттью Макконахи<</if>>
<<checkbox "$movie_th" false true>> Том Харди
<<checkbox "$movie_hg" false true>> Хью Грант<</st>>
<<st>>В киновселенной Марвел, какое имя персонажа, сыгранного Скарлетт Йоханссон?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$movie_ww" false true>> Чудо-женщина
<<checkbox "$movie_bw" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Черная вдова@@<<else>>Черная вдова<</if>>
<<checkbox "$movie_c" false true>> Кошка-женщина<</st>>
<<st>>В каком фильме персонаж Марго Робби соблазняет персонажа Леонардо ДиКаприо?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$movie_tb" false true>> Большой куш
<<checkbox "$movie_tw" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Волк с Уолл-стрит@@<<else>>Волк с Уолл-стрит<</if>>
<<checkbox "$movie_cm" false true>> Поймай меня, если сможешь<</st>>
<<st>>В фильме "Темный рыцарь", кто исполняет роль культового злодея, Джокера?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$movie_cb" false true>> Кристиан Бэйл
<<checkbox "$movie_hl" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Хит Леджер@@<<else>>Хит Леджер<</if>>
<<checkbox "$movie_tx" false true>> Том Харди<</st>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Im Film "The Gentlemen", wer spielt die Rolle von Mickey Pearson, dem britischen Drogenboss?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$movie_mm" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Matthew McConaughey@@<<else>>Matthew McConaughey<</if>>
<<checkbox "$movie_th" false true>> Tom Hardy
<<checkbox "$movie_hg" false true>> Hugh Grant<</st>>
<<st>>Im Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), wie heißt die Figur, die von Scarlett Johansson gespielt wird?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$movie_ww" false true>> Wonder Woman
<<checkbox "$movie_bw" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Black Widow@@<<else>>Black Widow<</if>>
<<checkbox "$movie_c" false true>> Catwoman<</st>>
<<st>>In welchem Film verführt die Figur von Margot Robbie die Figur von Leonardo DiCaprio?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$movie_tb" false true>> The Big Short
<<checkbox "$movie_tw" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Der Wolf von der Wall Street@@<<else>>Der Wolf von der Wall Street<</if>>
<<checkbox "$movie_cm" false true>> Catch Me If You Can<</st>>
<<st>>Im Film "The Dark Knight" wer verkörpert den ikonischen Bösewicht, den Joker?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$movie_cb" false true>> Christian Bale
<<checkbox "$movie_hl" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Heath Ledger@@<<else>>Heath Ledger<</if>>
<<checkbox "$movie_tx" false true>> Tom Hardy<</st>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Dans le film « The Gentlemen », qui interprète le personnage de Mickey Pearson, un baron de la drogue britannique ?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$movie_mm" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Matthew McConaughey@@<<else>>Matthew McConaughey<</if>>
<<checkbox "$movie_th" false true>> Tom Hardy
<<checkbox "$movie_hg" false true>> Hugh Grant<</st>>
<<st>>Dans le Marvel Cinematic Universe, quel est le nom du personnage incarné par Scarlett Johansson ?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$movie_ww" false true>> Wonder Woman
<<checkbox "$movie_bw" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Black Widow@@<<else>>Black Widow<</if>>
<<checkbox "$movie_c" false true>> Catwoman<</st>>
<<st>>Dans quel film le personnage de Margot Robbie séduit-il celui de Leonardo DiCaprio ?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$movie_tb" false true>> Le Casse du siècle
<<checkbox "$movie_tw" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Le Loup de Wall Street@@<<else>>Le Loup de Wall Street<</if>>
<<checkbox "$movie_cm" false true>> Attrape-moi si tu peux<</st>>
<<st>>Dans le film ''The Dark Knight'', qui interprète le méchant emblématique, le Joker ?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$movie_cb" false true>> Christian Bale
<<checkbox "$movie_hl" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Heath Ledger@@<<else>>Heath Ledger<</if>>
<<checkbox "$movie_tx" false true>> Tom Hardy<</st>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>En la película "Los caballeros", ¿quién interpreta al personaje Mickey Pearson, un capo de la droga británico?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$movie_mm" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Matthew McConaughey@@<<else>>Matthew McConaughey<</if>>
<<checkbox "$movie_th" false true>> Tom Hardy
<<checkbox "$movie_hg" false true>> Hugh Grant<</st>>
<<st>>En el Universo Cinematográfico Marvel, ¿cómo se llama el personaje interpretado por Scarlett Johansson?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$movie_ww" false true>> Wonder Woman
<<checkbox "$movie_bw" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Viuda Negra@@<<else>>Viuda Negra<</if>>
<<checkbox "$movie_c" false true>> Catwoman<</st>>
<<st>>¿En qué película el personaje de Margot Robbie seduce al personaje de Leonardo DiCaprio?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$movie_tb" false true>> The Big Short
<<checkbox "$movie_tw" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;El lobo de Wall Street@@<<else>>El lobo de Wall Street<</if>>
<<checkbox "$movie_cm" false true>> Atrápame si puedes<</st>>
<<st>>En la película "El caballero oscuro", ¿quién interpreta al icónico villano, el Joker?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$movie_cb" false true>> Christian Bale
<<checkbox "$movie_hl" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Heath Ledger@@<<else>>Heath Ledger<</if>>
<<checkbox "$movie_tx" false true>> Tom Hardy<</st>>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>在电影 ''绅士'' 中,谁扮演英国毒枭米奇-皮尔森?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$movie_mm" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;马修-麦康纳@@<<else>>马修-麦康纳<</if>>
<<checkbox "$movie_th" false true>> 汤姆-哈迪
<<checkbox "$movie_hg" false true>> 休-格兰特<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$movie_ww" false true>> 神奇女侠
<<checkbox "$movie_bw" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;黑寡妇@@<<else>>黑寡妇<</if>>
<<checkbox "$movie_c" false true>> 猫女<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$movie_tb" false true>> 大空头
<<checkbox "$movie_tw" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;华尔街之狼@@<<else>>华尔街之狼<</if>>
<<checkbox "$movie_cm" false true>> 有种来抓我<</st>>
<<st>>在电影 ''黑暗骑士'' 中,谁扮演了标志性的大反派小丑?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$movie_cb" false true>> 克里斯蒂安-贝尔
<<checkbox "$movie_hl" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;希斯-莱杰@@<<else>>希斯-莱杰<</if>>
<<checkbox "$movie_tx" false true>> 汤姆-哈迪<</st>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $movie_mm and $movie_bw and $movie_tw and $movie_hl and !$movie_th and !$movie_hg and !$movie_ww and !$movie_c and !$movie_tb and !$movie_cm and !$movie_cb and !$movie_tx>>
<<michelle>>You really know your stuff, Mia. You're sharp, and I like that.<</michelle>>
<<set $girl2.exp +=25>>
<<michelle>>Mia, it seems like you don't quite get this topic. A true connoisseur would know this. Anyway, I have to go now. See you later.<</michelle>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $movie_mm and $movie_bw and $movie_tw and $movie_hl and !$movie_th and !$movie_hg and !$movie_ww and !$movie_c and !$movie_tb and !$movie_cm and !$movie_cb and !$movie_tx>>
<<michelle>>Вау, Мия, да ты шаришь в этой теме, это круто!<</michelle>>
<<set $girl2.exp +=25>>
<<michelle>>Мия, ты походу не разбираешься в этой теме, потому что истинный ценитель бы это знал. Ладно, мне пора идти, увидимся позже.<</michelle>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $movie_mm and $movie_bw and $movie_tw and $movie_hl and !$movie_th and !$movie_hg and !$movie_ww and !$movie_c and !$movie_tb and !$movie_cm and !$movie_cb and !$movie_tx>>
<<michelle>>Du hast echt Ahnung, Mia. Du bist clever, und das gefällt mir.<</michelle>>
<<set $girl2.exp +=25>>
<<michelle>>Mia, anscheinend hast du den Dreh hier noch nicht raus. Ein echter Kenner würde das verstehen. Wie auch immer, ich muss jetzt los. Bis später dann.<</michelle>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $movie_mm and $movie_bw and $movie_tw and $movie_hl and !$movie_th and !$movie_hg and !$movie_ww and !$movie_c and !$movie_tb and !$movie_cm and !$movie_cb and !$movie_tx>>
<<michelle>>Tu sais vraiment ce que tu fais, Mia. Tu es vive, et j'aime ça.<</michelle>>
<<set $girl2.exp +=25>>
<<michelle>>Mia, il semble que tu n'aies pas bien compris le sujet. Un vrai connaisseur le saurait. Quoi qu'il en soit, je dois y aller. A plus tard."<</michelle>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $movie_mm and $movie_bw and $movie_tw and $movie_hl and !$movie_th and !$movie_hg and !$movie_ww and !$movie_c and !$movie_tb and !$movie_cm and !$movie_cb and !$movie_tx>>
<<michelle>>Realmente sabes lo que haces, Mia. Eres aguda, y eso me gusta.<</michelle>>
<<set $girl2.exp +=25>>
<<michelle>>Mia, parece que no acabas de entender este tema. Un verdadero entendido lo sabría. De todos modos, ahora tengo que irme. Hasta luego".<</michelle>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $movie_mm and $movie_bw and $movie_tw and $movie_hl and !$movie_th and !$movie_hg and !$movie_ww and !$movie_c and !$movie_tb and !$movie_cm and !$movie_cb and !$movie_tx>>
<<michelle>>你真的很懂行 米娅 你很敏锐,我喜欢。<</michelle>>
<<set $girl2.exp +=25>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Michelle walked into the gym, scanning the area for an empty spot to start her workout. To her surprise, she spotted Mia across the room, sweating it out with her trainer. Intrigued, Michelle decided to wander over and say hi.<</st>>
<<michelle>>"Hey, Mia! Nice meeting you here," she exclaimed with a grin.<</michelle>>
<<st>>As Mia continued her workout, she couldn't help but notice Michelle glancing in her direction every now and then. At first, she thought Michelle might be interested in catching up or maybe even joining her workout routine. However, as Mia caught Michelle's eye again, she realized Michelle's gaze was more often directed at Chad, her trainer.<</st>>
<<st>>Chad was known for his incredible body and fucking anything that moves. Mia chuckled inwardly, realizing Lily was right and Michelle was not as shy as she was in college. During classes, she definitely doesn't look at guys with that ''I will give you a mind-blowing blowjob'' look. Feeling curious about how far this will go, Mia decided to play along. With a smile, she paused her routine and waved Michelle over.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Hey Michelle, why don't you join us? Chad's got some killer moves to share today," Mia said with a mischievous grin, motioning towards Chad, who flashed a sexy smile in acknowledgment.<</mia>>
<<st>>Michelle, pretending to be slightly embarrassed but eager to join in, walked over with a sheepish grin.<</st>>
<<michelle>>"Sure, why not? Can't say no to some killer moves," she replied, winking at them both.<</michelle>>
<<st>>And so, the three of them spent the rest of the session pushing through their workout together, with Chad guiding and encouraging Michelle whose looks got dirtier and dirtier with every move.<</st>>
<<st>>So, Mia was not surprised at all when she saw the two of them walking towards the shower together after the workout. And what she heard next sounded like they had so much fun, maybe even too much; Mia smiled to herself. 😈<</st>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Мишель вошла в тренажерный зал, осматривая пространство в поисках свободного места для начала тренировки. К своему удивлению, она заметила Мию в другом конце зала, которая потела вместе со своим тренером. Заинтригованная, Мишель решила подойти и поздороваться.<</st>>
<<michelle>>"Привет, Миа! Приятно было встретить тебя здесь", - с ухмылкой воскликнула она.<</michelle>>
<<st>>Продолжая тренировку, Миа не могла не заметить, что Мишель то и дело поглядывает в ее сторону. Сначала она подумала, что Мишель, возможно, хочет с ней пообщаться или даже присоединиться к ее тренировкам. Но когда Миа снова поймала взгляд Мишель, она поняла, что Мишель чаще всего смотрит на Чеда, ее тренера.<</st>>
<<st>>Чед был известен своим невероятным телом и тем, что трахал все, что движется. Мия внутренне хихикнула, поняв, что Лили была права, и Мишель уже не такая застенчивая, как в колледже. Во время занятий она определенно не смотрит на парней взглядом "Я сделаю тебе умопомрачительный минет". Чувствуя любопытство, как далеко это зайдет, Миа решила подыграть. Улыбнувшись, она прервала свою привычную рутину и помахала Мишель рукой.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Эй, Мишель, почему бы тебе не присоединиться к нам? У Чеда есть несколько убойных приемов, которыми он славится", - сказала Миа с озорной ухмылкой, указывая на Чеда, который в знак признательности сверкнул сексуальной улыбкой.<</mia>>
<<st>>Мишель, притворившись слегка смущенной, но желающей присоединиться, подошла к нему с озорной ухмылкой.<</st>>
<<michelle>>"Конечно, почему бы и нет? Не могу отказаться от нескольких убойных приемов", - ответила она, подмигнув им обоим.<</michelle>>
<<st>>Так они втроем и провели остаток тренировки вместе, причем Чад направлял и подбадривал Мишель, чей взгляд с каждым движением становился все грязнее и грязнее.<</st>>
<<st>>Поэтому Миа ничуть не удивилась, когда увидела, как после тренировки они вдвоем направляются в душ. И то, что она услышала дальше, звучало так, будто им было очень весело, возможно, даже слишком, улыбнулась про себя Миа. 😈<</st>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Michelle ist in den Gym gekommen und hat sich nach einem freien Platz umgesehen, um mit ihrem Workout anzufangen. Total überraschend hat sie Mia gegenüber gesehen, die am Schwitzen mit ihrem Trainer war. Neugierig ist Michelle rüber gegangen und hat<</st>>
<<michelle>>"Hey Mia! Cool, dich hier zu sehen!" gerufen.<</michelle>>
<<st>>Als Mia ihr Training fortsetzte, konnte sie nicht umhin, zu bemerken, dass Michelle hin und wieder in ihre Richtung schaute. Zuerst dachte sie, Michelle könnte daran interessiert sein, aufzuholen oder vielleicht sogar an ihrem Trainingsprogramm teilzunehmen. Doch als Mia Michelles Blick erneut einfing, wurde ihr klar, dass Michelles Blick eher auf Chad, ihren Trainer, gerichtet war.<</st>>
<<st>>Chad war für seinen unglaublichen Körper bekannt und fickte alles, was sich bewegte. Mia kicherte innerlich, als ihr klar wurde, dass Lily recht hatte und Michelle nicht mehr so schüchtern war wie im College. Während des Unterrichts sieht sie Jungs definitiv nicht mit diesem „Ich werde dir einen umwerfenden Blowjob geben“-Blick an.Neugierig darauf, wie weit das gehen würde, entschied sich Mia, mitzuspielen. Mit einem Lächeln unterbrach sie ihr Training und winkte Michelle herüber.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Hey Michelle, warum schließt du dich uns nicht an? Chad hat heute ein paar Killer-Moves zu zeigen", sagte Mia mit einem schelmischen Grinsen und deutete auf Chad, der ihr sexy lächelnd zunickte.<</mia>>
<<st>>Michelle tat so, als wäre sie leicht verlegen, war aber darauf bedacht, mitzumachen, und kam mit einem schüchternen Grinsen herüber. <</st>>
<<michelle>>"Klar, warum nicht? Kann Killer-Moves nicht widerstehen", antwortete sie und zwinkerte ihnen beiden zu.<</michelle>>
<<st>>Und so verbrachten die drei den Rest der Sitzung damit, gemeinsam ihr Training durchzuziehen, wobei Chad Michelle anleitete und ermutigte, deren Aussehen mit jeder Bewegung immer schmutziger wurde.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia war also überhaupt nicht überrascht, als sie die beiden nach dem Training zusammen zur Dusche gehen sah. Und was sie als Nächstes hörte, klang, als hätten sie so viel Spaß gehabt, vielleicht sogar zu viel; Mia lächelte in sich hinein.
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Michelle entre dans la salle de sport et cherche un endroit vide pour commencer sa séance d'entraînement. À sa grande surprise, elle aperçoit Mia à l'autre bout de la salle, en train de transpirer avec son entraîneur. Intriguée, Michelle décide d'aller lui dire bonjour.<</st>>
<<michelle>>"Hé, Mia ! Ravie de t'avoir rencontrée", s'exclame-t-elle en souriant.<</michelle>>
<<st>>Alors que Mia poursuit sa séance d'entraînement, elle ne peut s'empêcher de remarquer que Michelle jette de temps à autre un coup d'œil dans sa direction. Au début, elle pensait que Michelle voulait peut-être rattraper le temps perdu ou même se joindre à son programme d'entraînement. Cependant, lorsque Mia a de nouveau croisé le regard de Michelle, elle s'est rendu compte que le regard de Michelle était plus souvent dirigé vers Chad, son entraîneur.<</st>>
<<st>>Chad est connu pour son corps incroyable et pour baiser tout ce qui bouge. Mia rit intérieurement, réalisant que Lily avait raison et que Michelle n'était plus aussi timide qu'elle l'était à l'université. Pendant les cours, elle ne regarde plus les garçons avec ce regard " je vais te faire une pipe époustouflante ". Curieuse de savoir jusqu'où cela irait, Mia a décidé de jouer le jeu. Avec un sourire, elle interrompt sa routine et fait signe à Michelle de venir.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Michelle, pourquoi ne te joindrais-tu pas à nous ? Chad a de sacrés mouvements à partager aujourd'hui", dit Mia avec un sourire malicieux, en faisant signe à Chad, qui affiche un sourire sexy en guise de reconnaissance.<</mia>>
<<st>>Michelle, faisant semblant d'être légèrement embarrassée mais désireuse de se joindre à nous, s'est approchée avec un sourire penaud.<</st>>
<<michelle>>"Bien sûr, pourquoi pas ? On ne peut pas dire non à des mouvements de tueur", répondit-elle en leur faisant un clin d'œil.<</michelle>>
<<st>>C'est ainsi qu'ils passèrent tous les trois le reste de la séance à s'entraîner ensemble, Chad guidant et encourageant Michelle dont les regards devenaient de plus en plus sales à chaque mouvement.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia n'a donc pas été surprise lorsqu'elle les a vus se diriger ensemble vers la douche après la séance d'entraînement. Et ce qu'elle entendit ensuite semblait indiquer qu'ils s'étaient beaucoup amusés, peut-être même trop ; Mia se sourit à elle-même. 😈<</st>>
<<button[[Le sexe|Girl2_video]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Michelle entró en el gimnasio y buscó un lugar vacío para empezar a entrenar. Para su sorpresa, vio a Mia al otro lado de la sala, sudando la gota gorda con su entrenador. Intrigada, Michelle decidió acercarse a saludarla.<</st>>
<<michelle>>"Hola, Mia. Encantada de conocerte", exclamó con una sonrisa.<</michelle>>
<<st>>Mientras Mia seguía entrenando, no pudo evitar que Michelle la mirara de vez en cuando. Al principio, pensó que Michelle podría estar interesada en ponerse al día o incluso unirse a su rutina de ejercicios. Sin embargo, cuando Mia volvió a fijarse en Michelle, se dio cuenta de que la mirada de Michelle se dirigía más bien a Chad, su entrenador.<</st>>
<<st>>Chad era conocido por su increíble cuerpo y por follarse cualquier cosa que se moviera. Mia se rió para sus adentros, dándose cuenta de que Lily tenía razón y Michelle no era tan tímida como en la universidad. Durante las clases, ella definitivamente no miraba a los chicos con esa mirada de ''te haré una mamada alucinante''. Mia sintió curiosidad por saber hasta dónde llegaría, y decidió seguirle el juego. Con una sonrisa, hizo una pausa en su rutina y le hizo un gesto a Michelle para que se acercara.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Oye Michelle, ¿por qué no te unes a nosotros? Chad tiene unos movimientos de muerte para compartir hoy", dijo Mia con una sonrisa traviesa, señalando a Chad, que mostró una sonrisa sexy en señal de reconocimiento.<</mia>>
<<st>>Michelle, fingiendo estar un poco avergonzada pero deseosa de participar, se acercó con una sonrisa tímida.<</st>>
<<michelle>>"Claro, ¿por qué no? No se puede decir que no a unos movimientos de muerte", respondió ella, guiñándoles un ojo a los dos.<</michelle>>
<<st>>Y así, los tres pasaron el resto de la sesión haciendo ejercicio juntos, con Chad guiando y animando a Michelle, cuyas miradas se ensuciaban más y más con cada movimiento.<</st>>
<<st>>Así que Mia no se sorprendió en absoluto cuando vio a los dos caminando juntos hacia la ducha después del entrenamiento. Y lo que oyó a continuación sonaba a que se lo habían pasado muy bien, tal vez incluso demasiado; Mia sonrió para sus adentros. 😈<</st>>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>就这样,三人在查德的指导和鼓励下,一起度过了剩下的锻炼时间,米歇尔的每一个动作都让她看起来越来越 "脏"。<</st>>
<</switch>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer_girl2/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Boobs 1|girl2_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|girl2_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|girl2_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cow girl 1|girl2_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|girl2_6]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Girl2_etap2_last]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer_girl2/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Boobs 1|girl2_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|girl2_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|girl2_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cow girl 1|girl2_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Girl2_video]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Girl2_etap2_last]]>><</button>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Well, now it seems like convincing Michelle to work for her will be a lot simpler than she thought.<</st>>
<<set $girl2.exp+=25>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Похоже, уговорить Мишель работать на нее будет гораздо проще, чем она думала.<</st>>
<<set $girl2.exp+=25>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Well, jetzt scheint es, als würde Michelle für sie zu überzeugen sein, viel einfacher sein als gedacht.<</st>>
<<set $girl2.exp+=25>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Il semble maintenant que convaincre Michelle de travailler pour elle sera beaucoup plus simple qu'elle ne le pensait.<</st>>
<<set $girl2.exp+=25>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Bueno, ahora parece que convencer a Michelle para que trabaje para ella será mucho más sencillo de lo que pensaba.<</st>>
<<set $girl2.exp+=25>>
<<case "CH">>
<<set $girl2.exp+=25>>
<</switch>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer_girl2/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|Girl2_video]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|girl2_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|girl2_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cow girl 1|girl2_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|girl2_6]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Girl2_etap2_last]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer_girl2/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Boobs 1|girl2_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Girl2_video]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|girl2_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cow girl 1|girl2_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|girl2_6]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Girl2_etap2_last]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer_girl2/4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Boobs 1|girl2_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|girl2_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Girl2_video]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cow girl 1|girl2_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|girl2_6]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Girl2_etap2_last]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer_girl2/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Boobs 1|girl2_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|girl2_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|girl2_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Girl2_video]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|girl2_6]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Girl2_etap2_last]]>><</button>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>If a man wants to perform better in the bedroom, what should he lower?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$fact_hc" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;His cholesterol@@<<else>>His cholesterol<</if>>
<<checkbox "$fact_hci" false true>> His caloric intake
<<checkbox "$fact_ta" false true>> The amount of meat consumed
<<checkbox "$fact_ts" false true>> Time spent in the shower<</st>>
<<st>>Which STD is the human body often able to eradicate of its own accord?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$fact_g" false true>> Gonorrhea
<<checkbox "$fact_pl" false true>> Pubic Lice
<<checkbox "$fact_hpv" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;HPV@@<<else>>HPV<</if>>
<<checkbox "$fact_s" false true>> Syphilis<</st>>
<<st>>Having sex for an hour burns as many calories as which of the following?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$fact_sf" false true>> Swimming for 45 minutes
<<checkbox "$fact_ra" false true>> Running a 5-minute mile
<<checkbox "$fact_bf" false true>> Biking for 10 miles
<<checkbox "$fact_jf" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Jogging for 30 minutes@@<<else>>Jogging for 30 minutes<</if>><</st>>
<<st>>According to Pornhub.com, which USA state was the least kinky?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$fact_a" false true>> Alaska
<<checkbox "$fact_c" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;California@@<<else>>California<</if>>
<<checkbox "$fact_w" false true>> Wyoming
<<checkbox "$fact_o" false true>> Oregon<</st>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Если мужчина хочет добиться лучших результатов в спальне, что ему следует снизить?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$fact_hc" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Уровень холестерина@@<<else>>Уровень холестерина<</if>>
<<checkbox "$fact_hci" false true>> Количество потребляемых калорий
<<checkbox "$fact_ta" false true>> Количество потребляемого мяса
<<checkbox "$fact_ts" false true>> Время, проведенное в душе<</st>>
<<st>>Какое венерическое заболевание человеческий организм часто способен искоренить самостоятельно?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$fact_g" false true>> Гонорея
<<checkbox "$fact_pl" false true>> Лобковые вши
<<checkbox "$fact_hpv" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;ВПЧ@@<<else>>ВПЧ<</if>>
<<checkbox "$fact_s" false true>> Сифилис<</st>>
<<st>>Занятие сексом в течение часа сжигает столько же калорий, сколько одно из следующих действий?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$fact_sf" false true>> Плавание в течение 45 минут
<<checkbox "$fact_ra" false true>> 5 минут бега
<<checkbox "$fact_bf" false true>> Езда на велосипеде в течение 10 миль
<<checkbox "$fact_jf" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Бег трусцой в течение 30 минут@@<<else>>Бег трусцой в течение 30 минут<</if>><</st>>
<<st>>По данным сайта Pornhub.com, какой штат США является наименее извращенным?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$fact_a" false true>> Аляска
<<checkbox "$fact_c" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Калифорния@@<<else>>Калифорния<</if>>
<<checkbox "$fact_w" false true>> Вайоминг
<<checkbox "$fact_o" false true>> Орегон<</st>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Was sollte ein Mann senken, wenn er im Schlafzimmer mehr leisten will?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$fact_hc" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Sein Cholesterin@@<<else>>Sein Cholesterin<</if>>
<<checkbox "$fact_hci" false true>> Seine Kalorienzufuhr
<<checkbox "$fact_ta" false true>> Die Menge an konsumiertem Fleisch
<<checkbox "$fact_ts" false true>> Die unter der Dusche verbrachte Zeit<</st>>
<<st>>Welche Geschlechtskrankheit kann der menschliche Körper oft von sich aus beseitigen?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$fact_g" false true>> Gonorrhöe
<<checkbox "$fact_pl" false true>> Schamläuse
<<checkbox "$fact_hpv" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;HPV@@<<else>>HPV<</if>>
<<checkbox "$fact_s" false true>> Syphilis<</st>>
<<st>>Bei einer Stunde Sex werden so viele Kalorien verbrannt wie bei einer der folgenden Tätigkeiten?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$fact_sf" false true>> 45 Minuten lang schwimmen
<<checkbox "$fact_ra" false true>> Eine Meile in 5 Minuten laufen
<<checkbox "$fact_bf" false true>> 10 Meilen Radfahren
<<checkbox "$fact_jf" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;30 Minuten lang joggen@@<<else>>30 Minuten lang joggen<</if>><</st>>
<<st>>Welcher Staat der USA war laut Pornhub.com der am wenigsten perverse?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$fact_a" false true>> Alaska
<<checkbox "$fact_c" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Kalifornien@@<<else>>Kalifornien<</if>>
<<checkbox "$fact_w" false true>> Wyoming
<<checkbox "$fact_o" false true>> Oregon<</st>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Si un homme veut être plus performant dans la chambre à coucher, que doit-il réduire ?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$fact_hc" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Son cholestérol@@<<else>>Son cholestérol<</if>>
<<checkbox "$fact_hci" false true>> Son apport calorique
<<checkbox "$fact_ta" false true>> La quantité de viande consommée
<<checkbox "$fact_ts" false true>> Le temps passé sous la douche<</st>>
<<st>>Quelle est la MST que le corps humain est souvent capable d'éradiquer de lui-même ?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$fact_g" false true>> La gonorrhée
<<checkbox "$fact_pl" false true>> Les poux du pubis
<<checkbox "$fact_hpv" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Le papillomavirus@@<<else>>Le papillomavirus<</if>>
<<checkbox "$fact_s" false true>> La syphilis<</st>>
<<st>>Faire l'amour pendant une heure brûle autant de calories que l'une des activités suivantes ?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$fact_sf" false true>> Nager pendant 45 minutes
<<checkbox "$fact_ra" false true>> Courir un kilomètre en 5 minutes
<<checkbox "$fact_bf" false true>> Faire du vélo pendant 10 miles
<<checkbox "$fact_jf" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Faire du jogging pendant 30 minutes@@<<else>>Faire du jogging pendant 30 minutes<</if>><</st>>
<<st>>Selon Pornhub.com, quel État américain est le moins pervers ?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$fact_a" false true>> L'Alaska
<<checkbox "$fact_c" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;La Californie@@<<else>>La Californie<</if>>
<<checkbox "$fact_w" false true>> Le Wyoming
<<checkbox "$fact_o" false true>> l'Oregon<</st>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Si un hombre quiere mejorar su rendimiento en la cama, ¿qué debería reducir?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$fact_hc" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Su colesterol@@<<else>>Su colesterol<</if>>
<<checkbox "$fact_hci" false true>> Su ingesta calórica
<<checkbox "$fact_ta" false true>> La cantidad de carne que consume
<<checkbox "$fact_ts" false true>> El tiempo que pasa en la ducha<</st>>
<<st>>¿Qué ETS suele ser capaz de erradicar el cuerpo humano por sí mismo?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$fact_g" false true>> Gonorrea
<<checkbox "$fact_pl" false true>> Piojos púbicos
<<checkbox "$fact_hpv" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;VPH@@<<else>>VPH<</if>>
<<checkbox "$fact_s" false true>> Sífilis<</st>>
<<st>>Practicar sexo durante una hora quema tantas calorías como ¿cuál de las siguientes?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$fact_sf" false true>> Nadar durante 45 minutos
<<checkbox "$fact_ra" false true>> Correr una milla en 5 minutos
<<checkbox "$fact_bf" false true>> Recorrer 16 km en bicicleta
<<checkbox "$fact_jf" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Hacer footing durante 30 minutos@@<<else>>Hacer footing durante 30 minutos<</if>><</st>>
<<st>>Según Pornhub.com, ¿qué estado de EE.UU. es el menos pervertido?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$fact_a" false true>> Alaska
<<checkbox "$fact_c" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;California@@<<else>>California<</if>>
<<checkbox "$fact_w" false true>> Wyoming
<<checkbox "$fact_o" false true>> Oregón<</st>>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>><<checkbox "$fact_hc" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;胆固醇@@<<else>>胆固醇<</if>>
<<checkbox "$fact_hci" false true>> 热量摄入
<<checkbox "$fact_ta" false true>> 肉类摄入量
<<checkbox "$fact_ts" false true>> 淋浴时间<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$fact_g" false true>> 淋病
<<checkbox "$fact_pl" false true>> 阴虱
<<checkbox "$fact_hpv" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;人类乳头瘤病毒@@<<else>>人类乳头瘤病毒<</if>>
<<checkbox "$fact_s" false true>> 梅毒<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$fact_sf" false true>> 游泳 45 分钟
<<checkbox "$fact_ra" false true>> 跑 5 分钟一英里
<<checkbox "$fact_bf" false true>> 骑自行车 10 英里
<<checkbox "$fact_jf" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;慢跑 30 分钟@@<<else>>慢跑 30 分钟<</if>><</st>>
<<st>>根据 Pornhub.com,美国哪个州最不淫荡?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$fact_a" false true>> 阿拉斯加州
<<checkbox "$fact_c" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;加利福尼亚州@@<<else>>加利福尼亚州<</if>>
<<checkbox "$fact_w" false true>> 怀俄明州
<<checkbox "$fact_o" false true>> 俄勒冈州<</st>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $fact_hc and $fact_hpv and $fact_jf and $fact_c and !$fact_o and !$fact_hci and !$fact_ta and !$fact_ts and !$fact_g and !$fact_pl and !$fact_s and !$fact_sf and !$fact_ra and !$fact_bf and !$fact_a and !$fact_w>>
<<michelle>>You really know your stuff, Mia. You're sharp, and I like that.<</michelle>>
<<set $girl2.exp +=25>>
<<michelle>>Mia, it seems like you don't quite get this topic. A true connoisseur would know this. Anyway, I have to go now. See you later.<</michelle>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $fact_hc and $fact_hpv and $fact_jf and $fact_c and !$fact_o and !$fact_hci and !$fact_ta and !$fact_ts and !$fact_g and !$fact_pl and !$fact_s and !$fact_sf and !$fact_ra and !$fact_bf and !$fact_a and !$fact_w>>
<<michelle>>Вау, Мия, да ты шаришь в этой теме, это круто!<</michelle>>
<<set $girl2.exp +=25>>
<<michelle>>Мия, ты походу не разбираешься в этой теме, потому что истинный ценитель бы это знал. Ладно, мне пора идти, увидимся позже.<</michelle>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $fact_hc and $fact_hpv and $fact_jf and $fact_c and !$fact_o and !$fact_hci and !$fact_ta and !$fact_ts and !$fact_g and !$fact_pl and !$fact_s and !$fact_sf and !$fact_ra and !$fact_bf and !$fact_a and !$fact_w>>
<<michelle>>Du hast echt Ahnung, Mia. Du bist clever, und das gefällt mir.<</michelle>>
<<set $girl2.exp +=25>>
<<michelle>>Mia, anscheinend hast du den Dreh hier noch nicht raus. Ein echter Kenner würde das verstehen. Wie auch immer, ich muss jetzt los. Bis später dann.<</michelle>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $fact_hc and $fact_hpv and $fact_jf and $fact_c and !$fact_o and !$fact_hci and !$fact_ta and !$fact_ts and !$fact_g and !$fact_pl and !$fact_s and !$fact_sf and !$fact_ra and !$fact_bf and !$fact_a and !$fact_w>>
<<michelle>>Tu sais vraiment ce que tu fais, Mia. Tu es vive, et j'aime ça.<</michelle>>
<<set $girl2.exp +=25>>
<<michelle>>Mia, il semble que tu n'aies pas bien compris le sujet. Un vrai connaisseur le saurait. Quoi qu'il en soit, je dois y aller. A plus tard."<</michelle>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $fact_hc and $fact_hpv and $fact_jf and $fact_c and !$fact_o and !$fact_hci and !$fact_ta and !$fact_ts and !$fact_g and !$fact_pl and !$fact_s and !$fact_sf and !$fact_ra and !$fact_bf and !$fact_a and !$fact_w>>
<<michelle>>Realmente sabes lo que haces, Mia. Eres aguda, y eso me gusta.<</michelle>>
<<set $girl2.exp +=25>>
<<michelle>>Mia, parece que no acabas de entender este tema. Un verdadero entendido lo sabría. De todos modos, ahora tengo que irme. Hasta luego".<</michelle>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $fact_hc and $fact_hpv and $fact_jf and $fact_c and !$fact_o and !$fact_hci and !$fact_ta and !$fact_ts and !$fact_g and !$fact_pl and !$fact_s and !$fact_sf and !$fact_ra and !$fact_bf and !$fact_a and !$fact_w>>
<<michelle>>你真的很懂行 米娅 你很敏锐,我喜欢。<</michelle>>
<<set $girl2.exp +=25>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<mia>>Michelle felt a buzz in her pocket as she wandered through the afternoon bustle of her day. Pulling out her phone, she saw a message from Mia: "Hey Michelle! How about a walk or run in the park this weekend? I have something exciting to discuss with you!"<</mia>>
<<michelle>>Surprised by the unexpected invitation, Michelle hesitated for a moment before typing her reply: "Sure! Sounds great. When and where?"<</michelle>>
<<st>>They settled on meeting at the park early Saturday morning. As they began their walk along the winding paths, the air crisp and refreshing, Mia's demeanor hinted at anticipation. After a while, Mia slowed her pace, turning to Michelle with a smile that betrayed a mix of excitement and seriousness.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Michelle, I've been meaning to talk to you about something," Mia started, her voice filled with earnestness.<</mia>>
<<michelle>>Intrigued, Michelle matched Mia's pace, eager to hear what her friend had in mind. "Sure, Mia. What's on your mind?" she asked, glancing at Mia with curiosity.<</michelle>>
<<mia>>Mia took a deep breath, her eyes shining with enthusiasm. "Well, I recently started my own business. It's like a club where people let themselves loose, drink, dance, party hard and have wild sex," she explained, her words quickening with excitement. "I've been looking for someone with your wild charm and knack for fun and flirting to join our team."<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia was surprised how Michelle's interest was immediately piqued as she described the role in vivid detail: drinking during the parties, having fun with clients, dancing all night long with girls, and ensuring every cock around her gets hard as soon as she looks at him.<</st>>
<<michelle>>"Oh God, Mia, say no more" Michelle exclaimed with a wide grin, her excitement palpable. "Yes, yes, yes! I live for wild parties, and getting paid to have fun sounds like a dream come true! I loooove attention, this job sounds like it's made for me. Count me in! Thank you for the offer."<</michelle>>
<<mia>>Mia burst into laughter, her eyes sparkling with happiness and surprise. "Michelle, you're going to rock this! We're going to have so much fun together."<</mia>>
<<st>>And with that enthusiastic agreement, they sealed their deal, looking forward to the wild nights and exciting events ahead, confident in their shared passion and ready to make their new partnership a success.<</st>>
<<set $girl2.exp +=25>><<set $girls.girl2=true>>
<<case "RU">>
<<mia>>Мишель почувствовала жужжание в кармане, идя по улице. Вытащив телефон, она увидела сообщение от Мии: "Привет, Мишель! Как насчет прогулки или пробежки в парке в эти выходные? Мне нужно обсудить с тобой кое-что интересное!"<</mia>>
<<michelle>>Удивленная неожиданным приглашением, Мишель на мгновение замешкалась, прежде чем напечатать ответ: "Конечно! Звучит здорово. Когда и где?"<</michelle>>
<<st>>Они договорились встретиться в парке рано утром в субботу. Когда они начали прогуливаться по извилистым дорожкам, в поведении Мии чувствовалось некое предвкушение. Через некоторое время Миа замедлила шаг и повернулась к Мишель с улыбкой, которая выдавала волнение и серьезность.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Мишель, я хотела поговорить с тобой кое о чем", - начала Миа, ее голос был полон искренности.<</mia>>
<<michelle>>Заинтригованная, Мишель пошла в ногу с Мией, желая услышать, о чем думает ее подруга. "Конечно, Миа. Что у тебя на уме?" - спросила она, с любопытством глядя на Мию.<</michelle>>
<<mia>>Мия глубоко вздохнула, ее глаза сияли энтузиазмом. "Ну, я недавно решила открыть свой собственный бизнес. Это что-то вроде клуба, где люди дают себе волю, пьют, танцуют, веселятся и занимаются диким сексом", - объяснила она, ее слова становились все быстрее от волнения. "Я ищу кого-то с твоим необузданным обаянием и умением веселиться и флиртовать, чтобы присоединиться к нашей команде. Что думаешь?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Миа была удивлена, что интерес Мишель сразу же разгорелся, когда она в ярких подробностях описала ей эту роль: пить на вечеринках, веселиться с клиентами, танцевать всю ночь напролет с девушками и следить за тем, чтобы каждый в радиусе километра твердел от одного ее взгляда.<</st>>
<<michelle>>"О Боже, Миа, ни слова больше", - воскликнула Мишель с широкой ухмылкой, ее возбуждение было ощутимым. "Да, да, да! Я живу ради диких вечеринок, а получать деньги за веселье - это просто мечта! Я обожаю внимание, эта работа словно создана для меня. Можешь на меня рассчитывать! Спасибо за предложение".<</michelle>>
<<mia>>Миа разразилась смехом, ее глаза искрились от восторга и удивления. "Мишель, у тебя все получится! Нам будет так весело вместе".<</mia>>
<<st>>И с этим полным энтузиазма согласием они заключили сделку, с нетерпением ожидая бурных ночей и захватывающих событий.<</st>>
<<set $girl2.exp +=25>><<set $girls.girl2=true>>
<<case "GE">>
<<mia>>Michelle spürte ein Vibrieren in ihrer Hosentasche, als sie durch das hektische Treiben des Nachmittags schlenderte. Sie zog ihr Handy heraus und sah eine Nachricht von Mia: "Hey Michelle! Wie wäre es mit einem Spaziergang oder Lauf im Park am Wochenende? Ich habe etwas Aufregendes mit dir zu besprechen!"<</mia>>
<<michelle>>Überrascht von der unerwarteten Einladung zögerte Michelle einen Moment, bevor sie antwortete: "Klar! Klingt super. Wann und wo?"<</michelle>>
<<st>>Sie verabredeten sich, sich am frühen Samstagmorgen im Park zu treffen. Während sie entlang der verschlungenen Pfade spazierten, die Luft klar und erfrischend, verriet Mias Verhalten eine gewisse Erwartung. Nach einer Weile verlangsamte Mia ihr Tempo, wandte sich mit einem Lächeln an Michelle, das eine Mischung aus Aufregung und Ernsthaftigkeit verriet.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Michelle, ich wollte schon länger mit dir über etwas sprechen", begann Mia, ihre Stimme voller Ernsthaftigkeit.<</mia>>
<<michelle>>Intrigiert passte Michelle ihr Tempo dem von Mia an und war gespannt darauf, was ihre Freundin im Sinn hatte. "Klar, Mia. Was beschäftigt dich?" fragte sie und warf Mia neugierige Blicke zu.<</michelle>>
<<mia>>Mia holte tief Luft, ihre Augen leuchteten vor Begeisterung. "Nun, ich habe vor kurzem mein eigenes Geschäft eröffnet. Es ist eine Art Club, in dem die Leute sich austoben, trinken, tanzen, feiern und wilden Sex haben", erklärte sie, und ihre Worte wurden vor Aufregung immer schneller. "Ich habe nach jemandem mit deinem wilden Charme und deinem Talent für Spaß und Flirten gesucht, um unser Team zu verstärken."<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia war überrascht, wie Michelles Interesse sofort geweckt wurde, als sie die Rolle in lebhaften Details beschrieb: Trinken auf den Partys, Spaß mit Kunden, die ganze Nacht mit Mädchen tanzen und dafür sorgen, dass jeder Schwanz in ihrer Nähe hart wird, sobald sie ihn ansieht.<</st>>
<<michelle>>"Oh Gott, Mia, sag nichts mehr", rief Michelle mit einem breiten Grinsen aus, ihre Erregung war spürbar. "Ja, ja, ja! Ich lebe für wilde Partys, und dafür bezahlt zu werden, Spaß zu haben, klingt wie ein wahr gewordener Traum! Ich liebe Aufmerksamkeit, dieser Job ist wie für mich gemacht. Ich bin dabei! Danke für das Angebot."<</michelle>>
<<mia>>Mia brach in Gelächter aus, ihre Augen funkelten vor Glück und Überraschung. "Michelle, du wirst das toll machen! Wir werden so viel Spaß zusammen haben."<</mia>>
<<st>>Und mit dieser begeisterten Zustimmung besiegelten sie ihren Vertrag und freuten sich auf die wilden Nächte und aufregenden Ereignisse, die vor ihnen lagen.<</st>>
<<set $girl2.exp +=25>><<set $girls.girl2=true>>
<<case "FR">>
<<mia>>Michelle a senti un bourdonnement dans sa poche alors qu'elle se promenait dans l'agitation de l'après-midi. En sortant son téléphone, elle a vu un message de Mia : "Hey Michelle ! Que dirais-tu d'une promenade ou d'une course dans le parc ce week-end ? J'ai quelque chose de passionnant à te raconter !"<</mia>>
<<michelle>>Surprise par cette invitation inattendue, Michelle hésite un instant avant de taper sa réponse : Surprise par cette invitation inattendue, Michelle hésite un instant avant de taper sa réponse : "Bien sûr ! Ça m'a l'air super. Quand et où ?"<</michelle>>
<<st>>Elles se sont donné rendez-vous au parc tôt le samedi matin. Alors qu'elles commençaient à marcher le long des chemins sinueux, l'air frais et rafraîchissant, le comportement de Mia laissait présager une certaine impatience. Au bout d'un moment, Mia ralentit le pas et se tourne vers Michelle avec un sourire qui trahit un mélange d'excitation et de sérieux.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Michelle, je voulais te parler de quelque chose", commence Mia, la voix pleine de sérieux.<</mia>>
<<michelle>>Intriguée, Michelle suit le rythme de Mia, impatiente d'entendre ce que son amie a en tête. "Bien sûr, Mia. Qu'est-ce qui te préoccupe ?" demande-t-elle en regardant Mia avec curiosité.<</michelle>>
<<mia>>Mia prend une grande inspiration, ses yeux brillent d'enthousiasme. "J'ai récemment créé ma propre entreprise. C'est comme un club où les gens se laissent aller, boivent, dansent, font la fête et ont des relations sexuelles sauvages", explique-t-elle, ses mots s'accélérant sous l'effet de l'excitation. "J'ai cherché quelqu'un avec ton charme sauvage et ton talent pour l'amusement et le flirt pour rejoindre notre équipe".<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia fut surprise de constater que l'intérêt de Michelle fut immédiatement piqué lorsqu'elle décrivit son rôle avec force détails : boire pendant les fêtes, s'amuser avec les clients, danser toute la nuit avec les filles, et s'assurer que toutes les bites autour d'elle deviennent dures dès qu'elle les regarde.<</st>>
<<michelle>>"Oh mon Dieu, Mia, n'en dis pas plus", s'exclame Michelle avec un large sourire, son excitation étant palpable. "Oui, oui, oui ! Je vis pour les fêtes endiablées, et être payée pour m'amuser, c'est un rêve qui devient réalité ! J'adore attirer l'attention, ce travail semble fait pour moi. Comptez sur moi ! Merci pour l'offre.<</michelle>>
<<mia>>Mia éclate de rire, ses yeux pétillent de bonheur et de surprise. "Michelle, tu vas déchirer ! On va tellement s'amuser ensemble."<</mia>>
<<st>>Et c'est sur cet accord enthousiaste qu'elles ont conclu leur marché, se réjouissant des nuits endiablées et des événements passionnants à venir, confiantes dans leur passion commune et prêtes à faire de leur nouveau partenariat un succès.<</st>>
<<set $girl2.exp +=25>><<set $girls.girl2=true>>
<<case "ES">>
<<mia>>Michelle sintió un zumbido en el bolsillo mientras paseaba por el ajetreo vespertino de su día. Al sacar el teléfono, vio un mensaje de Mia: "¡Eh, Michelle! ¿Te apetece dar un paseo o correr por el parque este fin de semana? Tengo algo emocionante que hablar contigo".<</mia>>
<<michelle>>Sorprendida por la inesperada invitación, Michelle dudó un momento antes de teclear su respuesta: "¡Claro! Me parece estupendo. ¿Cuándo y dónde?".<</michelle>>
<<st>>Decidieron encontrarse en el parque el sábado por la mañana temprano. Mientras caminaban por los sinuosos senderos, con el aire fresco y refrescante, Mia se mostraba expectante. Al cabo de un rato, Mia aminoró el paso y se volvió hacia Michelle con una sonrisa que delataba una mezcla de entusiasmo y seriedad.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Michelle, quería hablar contigo de una cosa", empezó Mia, con una voz llena de seriedad.<</mia>>
<<michelle>>Intrigada, Michelle siguió el ritmo de Mia, ansiosa por escuchar lo que su amiga tenía en mente. "Claro, Mia. ¿Qué tienes en mente?", preguntó, mirando a Mia con curiosidad.<</michelle>>
<<mia>>Mia respira hondo y sus ojos brillan de entusiasmo. "Bueno, hace poco he montado mi propio negocio. Es como un club donde la gente se suelta, bebe, baila, se divierte y practica sexo salvaje", explicó, acelerando sus palabras con entusiasmo. "He estado buscando a alguien con tu encanto salvaje y tu habilidad para la diversión y el flirteo para que se una a nuestro equipo".<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia se sorprendió de cómo el interés de Michelle se despertó de inmediato cuando le describió el papel con todo lujo de detalles: beber durante las fiestas, divertirse con los clientes, bailar toda la noche con las chicas y asegurarse de que todas las pollas a su alrededor se ponían duras en cuanto ella lo miraba.<</st>>
<<michelle>>"Oh Dios, Mia, no digas más" exclamó Michelle con una amplia sonrisa, su excitación era palpable. "¡Sí, sí, sí! Vivo para fiestas salvajes, ¡y que me paguen por divertirme suena como un sueño hecho realidad! Me encanta la atención, este trabajo parece hecho para mí. Cuenta conmigo. Gracias por la oferta".<</michelle>>
<<mia>>Mia estalló en carcajadas, sus ojos brillaban de felicidad y sorpresa. "Michelle, ¡vas a arrasar! Nos lo vamos a pasar muy bien juntas".<</mia>>
<<st>>Y con ese acuerdo entusiasta, cerraron el trato, esperando con impaciencia las noches salvajes y los emocionantes acontecimientos que se avecinaban, confiadas en su pasión compartida y dispuestas a convertir su nueva asociación en un éxito.<</st>>
<<set $girl2.exp +=25>><<set $girls.girl2=true>>
<<case "CH">>
<<michelle>>米歇尔被这突如其来的邀请吓了一跳,她犹豫了一会儿才打出了回复: "当然可以!听起来不错。时间和地点?<</michelle>>
<<michelle>>"天哪,米娅,别再说了!"米歇尔咧开大嘴笑着喊道,兴奋之情溢于言表。"是的,是的,是的!我喜欢狂野的派对,拿钱找乐子听起来就像梦想成真!我喜欢被人关注,这份工作听起来就是为我量身定做的。算我一个 谢谢你的邀请。<</michelle>>
<<set $girl2.exp +=25>><<set $girls.girl2=true>>
<</switch>><<set $quests.quest_unexpected_connection=true>><<set $active_quests.q26=true>><<set $mia.exp +=90>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Richard sat alone at a corner table in the dimly lit restaurant, the soft hum of jazz music and murmured conversations creating an intimate atmosphere. He had planned to meet a client, but the meeting was canceled at the last minute. Rather than leave, he decided to enjoy a quiet dinner on his own.<</st>>
<<st>>As he nursed a glass of whiskey, his gaze landed on a young woman across the room. She was strikingly beautiful, exuding confidence and elegance. Dressed in a sleek black dress, she sat alone, seemingly lost in thought.<</st>>
<<st>>Richard's interest was piqued. This wasn't the usual encounter; something about her was different, captivating. He decided to make his move. He stood, adjusting his suit jacket, and walked over to her table.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Mind if I join you?" he asked, his voice smooth and confident.<</rich>>
<<st>>The woman looked up, her eyes meeting his with a sharp, assessing gaze. There was a hint of amusement in her expression, but also a clear, unspoken challenge.<</st>>
<<soph>>"That depends," she replied coolly. "Are you good company?"<</soph>>
<<rich>>Richard smiled, undeterred by her aloofness. "I like to think so. I'm Richard; nice to meet you."<</rich>>
<<soph>>"Sophia," she said, her tone still guarded. "Nice to meet you, Richard."<</soph>>
<<st>>He took a seat, signaling the waiter for another drink. They exchanged pleasantries, the conversation flowing with a mix of light banter and subtle flirtation. Richard found himself genuinely enjoying the challenge Sophia presented. She was not easily impressed, and he had to work for her attention, something he wasn't accustomed to.<</st>>
<<rich>>"So, what brings you here tonight, Sophia?" Richard asked, leaning forward slightly.<</rich>>
<<soph>>"I needed a break from work," she replied, her tone still guarded. "Thought I'd treat myself to a nice dinner. What about you?"<</soph>>
<<rich>>"Looking for a distraction," he said, his eyes locking onto hers. "And it seems I've found one."<</rich>>
<<soph>>Sophia raised an eyebrow, a playful yet skeptical smile playing on her lips. "Is that so? And what exactly are you distracting yourself from?"<</soph>>
<<rich>>"Life, I suppose," Richard said with a shrug. "It's nice to just... enjoy the moment."<</rich>>
<<st>>Sophia responded with a noncommittal nod, her attention seeming to drift elsewhere. Richard felt a surge of determination. Her aloofness was a challenge, igniting his hunter instincts. He wanted her attention, and he was determined to earn it.<</st>>
<<st>>The chemistry between them was undeniable, this physical attraction was almost worrying him. The more distant Sophia seemed, the more he wanted to draw her in.<</st>>
<<st>>As the evening progressed, the restaurant began to wind down. Richard felt a growing desire to take Sophia somewhere else. He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a low, intimate tone.<</st>>
<<rich>>"How about we get out of here?" he suggested. "I know a place where we can continue this conversation."<</rich>>
<<soph>>Sophia met his gaze, her eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and caution. After a moment's hesitation, she nodded. "Lead the way."<</soph>>
<<st>>They stepped out into the cool night air, the city lights casting a soft glow around them. Richard hailed a cab, and they slid into the back seat, the silence between them charged with anticipation. He directed the driver to a nearby hotel, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and curiosity.<</st>>
<<st>>Upon arriving, Richard checked them in swiftly, and they made their way to the room. As soon as the door closed behind them, the tension broke. Richard moved closer, his eyes searching hers for any hesitation. Seeing none, he leaned in, capturing her lips in a kiss that was both urgent and tender. Sophia responded in kind, her arms wrapping around his neck as they lost themselves in the moment.<</st>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Ричард сидел в одиночестве за угловым столиком в тускло освещенном ресторане, мягкий ритм джазовой музыки и негромкие разговоры создавали интимную атмосферу. Он планировал встретиться с клиентом, но в последний момент встреча была отменена. Вместо того чтобы бронь столика, он решил насладиться тихим ужином в одиночестве.<</st>>
<<st>>Пока он потягивал виски, его взгляд остановился на молодой женщине в другом конце зала. Она была поразительно красива, излучала уверенность и элегантность. Одетая в элегантное черное платье, она сидела одна, казалось, погрузившись в размышления.<</st>>
<<st>>Ричарда это заинтриговало. Это была не совсем обычная ситуация: что-то в ней было другое, завораживающее. Он решил действовать. Поправляя пиджак, Ричард подошел к ее столику.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Не возражаете, если я присоединюсь к вам?" - спросил он, его голос был ровным и уверенным.<</rich>>
<<st>>Девушка подняла глаза и встретилась с его пристальным, оценивающим взглядом. В ее взгляде был намек на смех, но в то же время и недвусмысленный вызов.<</st>>
<<soph>>"Это зависит от обстоятельств", - холодно ответила она. "Вы хороший собеседник?"<</soph>>
<<rich>>Ричард улыбнулся, не обращая внимания на ее отстраненность. " Я предпочитаю так считать. Я Ричард, приятно познакомиться".<</rich>>
<<soph>>"София", - сказала она, ее тон оставался настороженным. "Приятно познакомиться, Ричард".<</soph>>
<<st>>Он присел, подав знак официанту принести еще один бокал. Они обменялись любезностями, беседа плавно перетекла в легкое подшучивание и тонкий флирт. Ричард обнаружил, что ему доставляет истинное удовольствие озорной вызов в глазах Софии. Ее нелегко было впечатлить, и ему пришлось потрудиться, чтобы привлечь ее внимание, к чему он не привык.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Итак, что привело тебя сюда сегодня вечером, София?" спросил Ричард, слегка наклонившись вперед.<</rich>>
<<soph>>"Мне нужно было отдохнуть от работы", - ответила она, ее тон по-прежнему был сдержанным. "Решила побаловать себя хорошим ужином. А ты?"<</soph>>
<<rich>>"Искал, чем бы себя отвлечь", - сказал он, не сводя с нее глаз. "И, похоже, я нашел то, что искал".<</rich>>
<<soph>>София приподняла бровь, на ее губах играла игривая, но одновременно проницательная улыбка. "Неужели? И от чего именно ты отвлекаешься?"<</soph>>
<<rich>>"От жизни, наверное", - пожал плечами Ричард. "Приятно просто... наслаждаться моментом".<</rich>>
<<st>>София ответила неопределенным кивком, ее внимание, казалось, переключилось на что-то другое. Ричард почувствовал прилив решимости. Ее отстраненность была вызовом, разжигающим его инстинкты. Ему нужно было ее внимание, и он был намерен его заполучить.<</st>>
<<st>>Химия между ними была неоспоримой, это физическое влечение почти настораживало его. Чем более отстраненной казалась София, тем сильнее он хотел привлечь ее к себе.<</st>>
<<st>>Вечер шел своим чередом, гул в ресторане начал затихать. Ричард почувствовал растущее желание увести Софию куда-нибудь еще. Он наклонился ближе, его голос понизился до низкого, интимного тона.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Может, уйдем отсюда?" - предложил он. "Я знаю место, где мы можем продолжить разговор".<</rich>>
<<soph>>София встретила его взгляд, в ее глазах отражалась смесь любопытства и осторожности. После минутного колебания она кивнула. "Веди".<</soph>>
<<st>>Они вышли в прохладный ночной воздух, городские огни мягко освещали город. Ричард поймал такси, и они забрались на заднее сиденье, молчание между ними было наполнено предвкушением. Он указал водителю на ближайший отель, и его сердце заколотилось от волнения и любопытства.<</st>>
<<st>>По прибытии они сразу же направились в номер. Как только за ними закрылась дверь, напряжение спало. Ричард придвинулся ближе, его глаза искали в ее глазах хоть какую-то неуверенность. Не увидев ничего подобного, он наклонился и захватил ее губы в поцелуй, который был одновременно и страстным, и нежным. София ответила ему взаимностью, обхватив его шею руками, и они полностью отдались моменту.<</st>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Richard saß allein an einem Ecktisch im schummrig beleuchteten Restaurant, die sanften Jazzklänge und gemurmelten Gespräche schufen eine intime Atmosphäre. Eigentlich hatte er vorgehabt, sich mit einem Kunden zu treffen, doch das Meeting wurde im letzten Moment abgesagt. Anstatt zu gehen, entschied er sich, ein ruhiges Abendessen allein zu genießen.<</st>>
<<st>>Während er an einem Glas Whiskey nippte, fiel sein Blick auf eine junge Frau am anderen Ende des Raumes. Sie war auffallend schön, strahlte Selbstbewusstsein und Eleganz aus. In einem eleganten schwarzen Kleid saß sie allein und schien in Gedanken versunken zu sein.<</st>>
<<st>>Richards Interesse war geweckt. Dies war keine gewöhnliche Begegnung; etwas an ihr war anders, fesselnd. Er beschloss, den ersten Schritt zu machen. Er stand auf, richtete sein Jackett und ging zu ihrem Tisch.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Darf ich mich zu dir setzen?" fragte er, seine Stimme glatt und selbstbewusst.<</rich>>
<<st>>Die Frau blickte auf und ihre Augen trafen seine mit einem scharfen, prüfenden Blick. In ihrem Ausdruck lag ein Hauch von Belustigung, aber auch eine klare, unausgesprochene Herausforderung.<</st>>
<<soph>>"Das kommt darauf an," antwortete sie kühl. "Bist du gute Gesellschaft?"<</soph>>
<<rich>>Richard lächelte, unbeeindruckt von ihrer Zurückhaltung. "Das hoffe ich doch. Ich bin Richard, schön dich kennenzulernen."<</rich>>
<<soph>>"Sophia," sagte sie, ihr Ton noch immer vorsichtig. "Schön, dich kennenzulernen, Richard."<</soph>>
<<st>>Er setzte sich und gab dem Kellner ein Zeichen für ein weiteres Getränk. Sie tauschten Höflichkeiten aus, das Gespräch floss in einer Mischung aus leichtem Geplänkel und subtiler Flirterei. Richard stellte fest, dass er die Herausforderung, die Sophia darstellte, wirklich genoss. Sie war nicht leicht zu beeindrucken, und er musste sich um ihre Aufmerksamkeit bemühen, etwas, das er nicht gewohnt war.<</st>>
<<rich>>"So, was hat dich heute Abend hierher gebracht, Sophia?" fragte Richard, leicht nach vorne gelehnt.<</rich>>
<<soph>>"Ich brauchte eine Pause von der Arbeit", antwortete sie, ihr Ton noch immer zurückhaltend. "Ich dachte, ich gönne mir ein schönes Abendessen. Und du?"<</soph>>
<<rich>>"Suche nach Ablenkung", sagte er, seine Augen fest auf ihren gerichtet. "Und anscheinend habe ich eine gefunden."<</rich>>
<<soph>>Sophia hob eine Augenbraue, ein verspieltes, aber skeptisches Lächeln spielte um ihre Lippen. "Wirklich? Und wovon genau lenkst du dich ab?"<</soph>>
<<rich>>"Vom Leben, nehme ich an", sagte Richard mit einem Schulterzucken. "Es ist schön, einfach den Moment zu genießen."<</rich>>
<<st>>Sophia reagierte mit einem unverbindlichen Nicken, ihre Aufmerksamkeit schien woanders zu sein. Richard spürte einen Anflug von Entschlossenheit. Ihre Zurückhaltung war eine Herausforderung, die seine Jägerinstinkte entfachte. Er wollte ihre Aufmerksamkeit, und er war entschlossen, sie zu gewinnen.<</st>>
<<st>>Die Chemie zwischen ihnen war unbestreitbar, diese körperliche Anziehung beunruhigte ihn fast. Je distanzierter Sophia schien, desto mehr wollte er sie anziehen.<</st>>
<<st>>Im Verlauf des Abends begann das Restaurant sich zu leeren. Richard verspürte den wachsenden Wunsch, Sophia an einen anderen Ort zu bringen. Er lehnte sich näher zu ihr, seine Stimme senkte sich zu einem leisen, intimen Tonfall.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Wie wäre es, wenn wir hier weggehen?" schlug er vor. "Ich kenne einen Ort, wo wir dieses Gespräch fortsetzen können."<</rich>>
<<soph>>Sophia traf seinen Blick, ihre Augen spiegelten eine Mischung aus Neugierde und Vorsicht. Nach einem Moment des Zögerns nickte sie. "Führ den Weg."<</soph>>
<<st>>Sie traten in die kühle Nachtluft hinaus, die Lichter der Stadt warfen einen sanften Glanz um sie herum. Richard hielt ein Taxi an, und sie stiegen auf die Rückbank, die Stille zwischen ihnen war geladen mit Erwartung. Er wies den Fahrer zu einem nahegelegenen Hotel an, sein Herz klopfte vor Aufregung und Neugier.<</st>>
<<st>>Nach ihrer Ankunft checkte Richard sie schnell ein, und sie machten sich auf den Weg zum Zimmer. Sobald sich die Tür hinter ihnen schloss, brach die Spannung. Richard kam näher, seine Augen suchten die ihren nach jeder Zögern. Als er keine sah, lehnte er sich vor und küsste ihre Lippen in einem Kuss, der zugleich dringlich und zärtlich war. Sophia erwiderte es, ihre Arme schlangen sich um seinen Hals, während sie sich in diesem Moment verloren.<</st>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Richard est assis seul à une table d'angle dans un restaurant faiblement éclairé, le doux bourdonnement de la musique de jazz et les conversations murmurées créant une atmosphère intime. Il avait prévu de rencontrer un client, mais la réunion a été annulée à la dernière minute. Plutôt que de partir, il a décidé de profiter d'un dîner tranquille en solitaire.<</st>>
<<st>>Alors qu'il boit un verre de whisky, son regard se pose sur une jeune femme à l'autre bout de la pièce. D'une beauté saisissante, elle respire l'assurance et l'élégance. Vêtue d'une élégante robe noire, elle était assise seule, apparemment perdue dans ses pensées.<</st>>
<<st>>L'intérêt de Richard est piqué. Ce n'était pas une rencontre habituelle ; quelque chose chez elle était différent, captivant. Il décide de passer à l'action. Il se leva, ajusta sa veste de costume et se dirigea vers sa table.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Je peux me joindre à vous ?" demanda-t-il d'une voix douce et assurée.<</rich>>
<<st>>La femme leva la tête, ses yeux rencontrèrent les siens avec un regard perçant et évaluateur. Il y avait une pointe d'amusement dans son expression, mais aussi un défi clair et inexprimé.<</st>>
<<soph>>"Cela dépend", répondit-elle froidement. "Êtes-vous de bonne compagnie ?"<</soph>>
<<rich>>Richard sourit, sans se laisser décourager par son attitude distante. "J'aime à le penser. Je m'appelle Richard, ravi de vous rencontrer".<</rich>>
<<soph>>"Sophia", dit-elle, le ton toujours réservé. "Enchanté, Richard."<</soph>>
<<st>>Il s'assit et fit signe au serveur de lui servir un autre verre. Ils échangèrent des plaisanteries, la conversation se déroulant avec un mélange de plaisanterie légère et de flirt subtil. Richard se rendit compte qu'il aimait vraiment le défi que Sophia lui proposait. Elle n'était pas facilement impressionnable, et il devait travailler pour attirer son attention, ce à quoi il n'était pas habitué.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Alors, qu'est-ce qui vous amène ici ce soir, Sophia ?" demanda Richard en se penchant légèrement en avant.<</rich>>
<<soph>>"J'avais besoin d'une pause dans mon travail", répondit-elle, le ton toujours réservé. "J'ai pensé m'offrir un bon dîner. Et vous ?"<</soph>>
<<rich>>"Je cherchais une distraction", dit-il, ses yeux se fixant sur les siens. "Et il semble que j'en ai trouvé une."<</rich>>
<<soph>>Sophia hausse un sourcil, un sourire amusé mais sceptique se dessine sur ses lèvres. "C'est vrai ? Et de quoi te distrais-tu exactement ?"<</soph>>
<<rich>>"La vie, je suppose", dit Richard en haussant les épaules. "C'est bien de profiter de l'instant présent."<</rich>>
<<st>>Sophia répondit par un hochement de tête sans engagement, son attention semblant se porter ailleurs. Richard ressentit une poussée de détermination. Son attitude distante était un défi qui réveillait ses instincts de chasseur. Il voulait son attention, et il était déterminé à la gagner.<</st>>
<<st>>L'alchimie entre eux était indéniable, cette attirance physique l'inquiétait presque. Plus Sophia semblait distante, plus il voulait l'attirer.<</st>>
<<st>>Au fur et à mesure que la soirée avançait, le restaurant commençait à fermer ses portes. Richard ressentait le désir croissant d'emmener Sophia ailleurs. Il se rapprocha, sa voix devenant plus grave et plus intime.<</st>>
<<rich>>" Veux-tu sortir d'ici ? ", propose-t-il. "Je connais un endroit où nous pourrions poursuivre cette conversation.''<</rich>>
<<soph>>Sophia croisa son regard, ses yeux reflétant un mélange de curiosité et de prudence. Après un moment d'hésitation, elle acquiesça. "Faites le chemin. "<</soph>>
<<st>>Ils sortirent dans l'air frais de la nuit, les lumières de la ville jetant une douce lueur autour d'eux. Richard héla un taxi et ils se glissèrent sur la banquette arrière, le silence entre eux étant chargé d'impatience. Il dirigea le chauffeur vers un hôtel proche, son cœur battant à la fois d'excitation et de curiosité.<</st>>
<<st>>Une fois arrivés à l'hôtel, Richard les enregistra rapidement et ils se dirigèrent vers leur chambre. Dès que la porte s'est refermée derrière eux, la tension s'est relâchée. Richard se rapprocha d'elle, ses yeux cherchant à déceler la moindre hésitation. N'en voyant aucune, il se pencha vers elle, capturant ses lèvres dans un baiser à la fois pressant et tendre. Sophia lui rendit la pareille, ses bras s'enroulant autour de son cou tandis qu'ils se perdaient dans l'instant.<</st>>
<<button[[Le sexe|Video_Father]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Richard se sentó solo en una mesa esquinera de un restaurante poco iluminado, donde el suave zumbido de la música jazz y las conversaciones entre murmullos creaban un ambiente íntimo. Había quedado con un cliente, pero la reunión se canceló en el último momento. En lugar de marcharse, decidió disfrutar de una tranquila cena a solas.<</st>>
<<st>>Mientras bebía un vaso de whisky, su mirada se posó en una joven al otro lado de la sala. Era sorprendentemente guapa, desprendía seguridad y elegancia. Llevaba un elegante vestido negro y estaba sentada sola, aparentemente ensimismada.<</st>>
<<st>>El interés de Richard se despertó. No era el encuentro habitual; había algo en ella que era diferente, cautivador. Decidió actuar. Se levantó, se ajustó la chaqueta y se acercó a la mesa.<</st>>
<<rich>>"¿Le importa si me uno a usted?", preguntó con voz suave y segura.<</rich>>
<<st>>La mujer levantó la vista y sus ojos se encontraron con los suyos con una mirada aguda y evaluadora. Había algo de diversión en su expresión, pero también un claro desafío tácito.<</st>>
<<soph>>"Depende", respondió con frialdad. "¿Eres buena compañía?<</soph>>
<<rich>>Richard sonrió, sin inmutarse por su actitud distante. "Me gusta pensar que sí. Soy Richard, encantado de conocerte".<</rich>>
<<soph>>"Sophia", dijo, con un tono todavía cauteloso. "Encantada de conocerte, Richard".<</soph>>
<<st>>Tomó asiento y pidió otra copa al camarero. Intercambiaron cumplidos y la conversación fluyó entre ligeras bromas y sutiles coqueteos. Richard disfrutó de verdad con el desafío que le planteaba Sophia. No se dejaba impresionar con facilidad y él tenía que esforzarse por captar su atención, algo a lo que no estaba acostumbrado.<</st>>
<<rich>>"¿Qué te trae por aquí esta noche, Sophia? preguntó Richard, inclinándose ligeramente hacia delante.<</rich>>
<<soph>>"Necesitaba un descanso del trabajo", respondió ella, con un tono todavía reservado. "Pensé en darme el gusto de una buena cena. ¿Y tú?<</soph>>
<<rich>>"Buscaba una distracción", dijo él, clavando sus ojos en los de ella. "Y parece que he encontrado una".<</rich>>
<<soph>>Sophia enarcó una ceja, con una sonrisa juguetona y escéptica en los labios. "¿En serio? ¿Y de qué te distraes exactamente?".<</soph>>
<<rich>>"De la vida, supongo", dijo Richard encogiéndose de hombros. "Es agradable... disfrutar del momento".<</rich>>
<<st>>Sophia asintió sin comprometerse y su atención pareció desviarse hacia otra parte. Richard sintió una oleada de determinación. Su actitud distante era un desafío que despertaba sus instintos de cazador. Quería su atención y estaba decidido a ganársela.<</st>>
<<st>>La química entre ellos era innegable, esa atracción física casi le preocupaba. Cuanto más distante parecía Sophia, más deseaba atraerla.<</st>>
<<st>>A medida que avanzaba la velada, el restaurante se iba apagando. Richard sintió un creciente deseo de llevarse a Sophia a otro sitio. Se inclinó hacia ella y bajó el tono de su voz.<</st>>
<<rich>>"¿Qué tal si salimos de aquí?", sugirió. "Conozco un lugar donde podemos continuar esta conversación".<</rich>>
<<soph>>Sophia le miró con una mezcla de curiosidad y cautela. Tras un momento de duda, asintió. "Ve delante".<</soph>>
<<st>>Salieron al aire fresco de la noche, con las luces de la ciudad proyectando un suave resplandor a su alrededor. Richard llamó a un taxi y se sentaron en el asiento trasero, en un silencio cargado de expectación. Dirigió al conductor a un hotel cercano, con el corazón latiéndole con una mezcla de excitación y curiosidad.<</st>>
<<st>>Al llegar, Richard los registró rápidamente y se dirigieron a la habitación. En cuanto la puerta se cerró tras ellos, la tensión se rompió. Richard se acercó a ella y buscó en sus ojos cualquier vacilación. Al no ver ninguna, se inclinó hacia ella y la besó con urgencia y ternura a la vez. Sophia le correspondió, rodeándole el cuello con los brazos mientras se perdían en el momento.<</st>>
<<case "CH">>
<<rich>>"那么,今晚是什么风把你吹来了,索菲亚?" 理查德问道,身体微微前倾。<</rich>>
<</switch>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad2/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Cow girl 1|Video_Father_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Father_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_Father_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_Father_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|Video_Father_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Father_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 2|Video_Father_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 3|Video_Father_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Father_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad2/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Father]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Father_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_Father_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_Father_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|Video_Father_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Father_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 2|Video_Father_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 3|Video_Father_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Father_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad2/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Cow girl 1|Video_Father_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Father]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_Father_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_Father_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|Video_Father_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Father_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 2|Video_Father_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 3|Video_Father_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Father_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad2/4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Cow girl 1|Video_Father_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Father_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Father]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_Father_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|Video_Father_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Father_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 2|Video_Father_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 3|Video_Father_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Father_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad2/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Cow girl 1|Video_Father_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Father_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_Father_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Father]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|Video_Father_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Father_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 2|Video_Father_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 3|Video_Father_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Father_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad2/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Cow girl 1|Video_Father_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Father_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_Father_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_Father_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Father]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Father_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 2|Video_Father_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 3|Video_Father_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Father_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad2/7.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Cow girl 1|Video_Father_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Father_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_Father_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_Father_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|Video_Father_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Father]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 2|Video_Father_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 3|Video_Father_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Father_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad2/8.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Cow girl 1|Video_Father_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Father_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_Father_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_Father_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|Video_Father_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Father_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Father]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 3|Video_Father_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Father_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad2/9.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Cow girl 1|Video_Father_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Father_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_Father_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_Father_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|Video_Father_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Father_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 2|Video_Father_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Father]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Father_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad2/10.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Cow girl 1|Video_Father_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Father_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_Father_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_Father_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|Video_Father_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Father_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 2|Video_Father_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 3|Video_Father_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Father]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Unexpected Connection</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_jack_2==true>>Richard meets an intriguing woman at a restaurant, leading to a surprising night.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to parents' room<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_jack_2 == true>>✅Pass quest 24<<else>>🛑 Pass quest 24<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_unexpected_connection == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest_Unexpected_Connection]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Неожиданный контакт</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_jack_2==true>>Ричард знакомится в ресторане с привлекательной женщиной, и проводит с ней невероятную ночь.
Перейти к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь в комнату родителей<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_jack_2 == true>>✅Pass quest 24<<else>>🛑 Pass quest 24<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_unexpected_connection == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest_Unexpected_Connection]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Unerwartete Verbindung</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_jack_2==true>>Richard trifft eine faszinierende Frau in einem Restaurant, was zu einer überraschenden Nacht führt.
Gehe zu: Erfüllen Sie die Bedingungen und gehen Sie ins Zimmer der Eltern<<else>>Schließen Sie die vorherige Quest ab, um diese zu öffnen.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_jack_2 == true>>✅Pass quest 24<<else>>🛑 Pass quest 24<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_unexpected_connection == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest_Unexpected_Connection]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Connexion inattendue</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_jack_2==true>>Richard rencontre une femme intrigante dans un restaurant, ce qui donne lieu à une nuit surprenante.
Aller à : Remplir les conditions et aller dans la chambre des parents<<else>>Terminez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_jack_2 == true>>✅Pass quest 24<<else>>🛑 Pass quest 24<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_unexpected_connection == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest_Unexpected_Connection]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Conexión inesperada</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_jack_2==true>>Richard conoce a una intrigante mujer en un restaurante, lo que desemboca en una noche sorprendente.
Ir a: Cumplir las condiciones e ir a la habitación de los padres<<else>>Completa la misión anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_jack_2 == true>>✅Pass quest 24<<else>>🛑 Pass quest 24<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_unexpected_connection == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest_Unexpected_Connection]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">意想不到的联系</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_jack_2==true>>理查德在一家餐厅邂逅了一位迷人的女士,并由此度过了一个令人惊喜的夜晚。
去 满足条件并前往父母房间<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_jack_2 == true>>✅Pass quest 24<<else>>🛑 Pass quest 24<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_unexpected_connection == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest_Unexpected_Connection]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<</switch>><<set $quests.quest_awkward_talk=true>><<set $active_quests.q27=true>><<set $mia.exp +=90>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia sat on the edge of her bed, nervously fiddling with her phone. She had been avoiding this conversation for weeks, but the time had come. Taking a deep breath, she stood up and walked downstairs to find her mother.<</st>>
<<st>>Jenny was in the living room, scrolling through her tablet. She looked up and smiled when she saw Mia.<</st>>
<<mom>>"Hey, sweetheart. What's up?"<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia hesitated for a moment before speaking.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Mom, I need to talk to you about something. It's about that night at the club."<</mia>>
<<st>>Jenny's smile faded slightly, replaced by a look of concern.<</st>>
<<mom>>"What about that night? I thought we had so much fun."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia took a deep breath.<</st>>
<<mia>>"I saw you. With that man."<</mia>>
<<st>>There was a heavy silence as Jenny absorbed her daughter's words. She sighed deeply, setting her tablet aside.<</st>>
<<mom>>"Mia, I..."<</mom>>
<<mia>>"It's okay, Mom," Mia interrupted. "I won't tell Dad or anyone else. I just... needed to talk to you about it."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny's eyes filled with tears, but she managed a weak smile. "Thank you, Mia. That means a lot to me."<</mom>>
<<mia>>Mia could see the struggle in her mother's eyes, the pain of a secret life exposed. She reached out, taking her mother's hand. "Mom, I'm not here to judge you. I just want to understand."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny took a deep breath, her voice trembling slightly. "It’s complicated, Mia. Your father... he's not perfect either. And sometimes, I just need to feel alive again."<</mom>>
<<mia>>Mia squeezed her mother's hand gently. "I get it, Mom. It's just... hard to see. But I'm here for you. Always."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny nodded, her tears spilling over. "I know it sounds selfish, but meeting new men and feeling beautiful and desirable makes me feel alive. Even though I know it's wrong, I can't help it."<</mom>>
<<mia>>"I won’t tell Dad or anyone else. Your secret is safe with me."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny managed a smile through her tears. "Thank you, Mia. I needed to hear that."<</mom>>
<<mia>>Mia smiled back, a sense of relief washing over her. "There are so many handsome men out there, right?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny laughed softly, the tension easing between them. "More than I can count. It's silly, isn't it? Feeling like a teenager again."<</mom>>
<<mia>>Mia giggled. "Hey, as long as you're happy."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny's expression grew more serious. "You know, Mia, society condemns this kind of behavior. But I like it. Meeting new men, feeling beautiful and desirable... It makes me feel alive."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia listened intently, and she knew there was more to the story, secrets that mom kept even from her.<</st>>
<<mom>>Jenny thought to herself, Even though I want to experience new sensations, Mia should never know about Jack and me.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Mia smiled warmly at her mother. "I love you, Mom. Your life is your life. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters to me."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny hugged her daughter tightly, relief washing over her. "I love you too, Mia. More than you'll ever know."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia stood up to leave the room, feeling a weight lift from her shoulders. She knew her mother deserved happiness, even if it came in unconventional ways. As she walked away, she thought to herself, I won't judge her, especially since I know Dad has been cheating too. But I would never tell Mom that.<</st>>
<<st>>Just as Jenny began to relax, her phone buzzed with a new message. She picked it up and read the screen: <</st>>
<<st>>"Hey, do you want to meet?" - it was a message from Jack.<</st>>
<<button[[Leave|Parents room]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Мия сидела на краю кровати и нервно вертела в руках телефон. Она неделями избегала этого разговора, но время пришло. Глубоко вздохнув, она встала и спустилась по лестнице, чтобы найти свою маму.<</st>>
<<st>>Дженни сидела в гостиной и держала в руках планшет. Она подняла глаза и улыбнулась, увидев Мию.<</st>>
<<mom>>"Привет, милая. Как дела?"<</mom>>
<<st>>Мия на мгновение замешкалась, прежде чем заговорить.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Мама, мне нужно с тобой кое о чем поговорить. Это касается той ночи в клубе".<</mia>>
<<st>>Улыбка Дженни слегка померкла, сменившись озабоченным взглядом.<</st>>
<<mom>>"Что с той ночью? Я думала нам было весело".<</mom>>
<<st>>Миа глубоко вздохнула.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Я видела тебя. С тем парнем".<</mia>>
<<st>>Наступила тяжелая тишина, пока Дженни обдумывала слова дочери. Она глубоко вздохнула, отложив планшет в сторону.<</st>>
<<mom>>"Миа, я..."<</mom>>
<<mia>>"Все в порядке, мама", - прервала ее Миа. "Я не скажу ни папе, ни кому-либо еще. Мне просто... нужно поговорить с тобой об этом".<</mia>>
<<mom>>Глаза Дженни наполнились слезами, но ей удалось слабо улыбнуться. "Спасибо, Миа. Это очень много для меня значит".<</mom>>
<<mia>>Мия видела в глазах матери борьбу, грусть от того, что тайная жизнь раскрыта. Она протянула руку и взяла мать за руку. "Мама, я здесь не для того, чтобы осуждать тебя. Я просто хочу понять".<</mia>>
<<mom>>Дженни глубоко вздохнула, ее голос слегка дрожал. "Все очень сложно, Миа. Твой отец... он тоже не идеален. А иногда мне просто нужно снова почувствовать себя живой".<</mom>>
<<mia>>Миа нежно сжала руку матери. "Я понимаю, мама. Это просто... трудно видеть. Но я здесь ради тебя. Всегда".<</mia>>
<<mom>>Дженни кивнула, ее слезы полились ручьем. "Я знаю, это звучит эгоистично, но встречи с новыми мужчинами, ощущение себя красивой и желанной заставляют меня чувствовать себя живой. И хотя я знаю, что это неправильно, я ничего не могу с собой поделать".<</mom>>
<<mia>>"Я не скажу ни папе, ни кому-либо еще. Со мной твой секрет в безопасности".<</mia>>
<<mom>>Дженни смогла улыбнуться сквозь слезы. "Спасибо, Миа. Мне было важно это услышать".<</mom>>
<<mia>>Миа улыбнулась в ответ, и ее охватило чувство облегчения. "На свете так много красивых мужчин, правда?"<</mia>>
<<mom>>Дженни тихонько рассмеялась, и напряжение между ними ослабло. "Больше, чем я могу сосчитать. Глупо, правда? Чувствуешь себя снова подростком".<</mom>>
<<mia>>Миа хихикнула. "Эй, если ты счатлива, то и я за тебя счастлива".<</mia>>
<<mom>>Выражение лица Дженни стало более серьезным. "Знаешь, Миа, общество осуждает такое поведение. Но мне это нравится. Встречаться с новыми мужчинами, чувствовать себя красивой и желанной... Это заставляет меня чувствовать себя живой".<</mom>>
<<st>>Мия внимательно слушала, и она знала, что в этой истории есть что-то еще, какие-то секреты, которые мама скрывала даже от нее.<</st>>
<<mom>>Дженни подумала про себя: "Даже если я хочу испытать что-то новое, Миа не должна узнать о том что было у меня с Джеком."<</mom>>
<<mia>>Мия тепло улыбнулась матери. "Я люблю тебя, мама. Твоя жизнь - это твоя жизнь. Если ты счастлива, то все остальное не важно".<</mia>>
<<mom>>Дженни крепко обняла дочь, и ее охватило облегчение. "Я тоже люблю тебя, Миа. Больше, чем ты можешь себе представить".<</mom>>
<<st>>Мия встала, чтобы выйти из комнаты, чувствуя, как с ее плеч сваливается груз. Она знала, что ее мать заслуживает счастья, даже если оно приходит нетрадиционными путями. Уходя, она подумала: "Я не стану ее осуждать, тем более что знаю, что папа тоже изменял. Но я никогда не скажу об этом маме."<</st>>
<<st>>Как раз когда Дженни начала расслабляться, ее телефон зажужжал от нового сообщения.<</st>>
<<st>>"Привет, не хочешь встретиться?" - Это было СМС от Джека.<</st>>
<<button[[Уйти|Parents room]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia saß nervös auf der Bettkante und spielte mit ihrem Telefon. Sie hatte dieses Gespräch wochenlang vermieden, aber nun war die Zeit gekommen. Sie atmete tief durch, stand auf und ging die Treppe hinunter, um ihre Mutter zu finden.<</st>>
<<st>>Jenny war im Wohnzimmer und scrollte durch ihr Tablet. Als sie Mia sah, lächelte sie.<</st>>
<<mom>>"Hallo, Schatz. Was gibt's?"<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia zögerte einen Moment, bevor sie sprach.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Mama, ich muss mit dir über etwas reden. Es geht um die Nacht im Club."<</mia>>
<<st>>Jennys Lächeln verblasste leicht und wich einem besorgten Blick.<</st>>
<<mom>>"Was ist mit der Nacht? Ich dachte, wir hätten so viel Spaß gehabt."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia atmete tief durch.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Ich habe dich gesehen. Mit diesem Mann."<</mia>>
<<st>>Es herrschte eine schwere Stille, während Jenny die Worte ihrer Tochter aufnahm. Sie seufzte tief und legte ihr Tablet zur Seite.<</st>>
<<mom>>"Mia, ich..."<</mom>>
<<mia>>"Es ist okay, Mama," unterbrach Mia sie. "Ich werde es Papa oder sonst jemandem nicht erzählen. Ich musste nur mit dir darüber reden."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jennys Augen füllten sich mit Tränen, aber sie schaffte ein schwaches Lächeln. "Danke, Mia. Das bedeutet mir sehr viel."<</mom>>
<<mia>>Mia konnte den Kampf in den Augen ihrer Mutter sehen, den Schmerz eines enthüllten geheimen Lebens. Sie streckte die Hand aus und nahm die ihrer Mutter. „Mama, ich bin nicht hier, um dich zu verurteilen. Ich möchte es nur verstehen.“<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny atmete tief durch, ihre Stimme zitterte leicht. „Es ist kompliziert, Mia. Dein Vater ... er ist auch nicht perfekt. Und manchmal muss ich mich einfach wieder lebendig fühlen.“<</mom>>
<<mia>>Mia drückte sanft die Hand ihrer Mutter. „Ich verstehe, Mama. Es ist nur ... schwer zu sehen. Aber ich bin für dich da. Immer.“<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny nickte, ihre Tränen flossen über. „Ich weiß, es klingt egoistisch, aber neue Männer kennenzulernen und sich schön und begehrenswert zu fühlen, lässt mich lebendig fühlen. Auch wenn ich weiß, dass es falsch ist, kann ich nicht anders.“<</mom>>
<<mia>>„Ich werde es Papa oder sonst jemandem nicht erzählen. Dein Geheimnis ist bei mir sicher.“<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny schaffte es, durch ihre Tränen zu lächeln. „Danke, Mia. Das musste ich hören.“<</mom>>
<<mia>>Mia lächelte zurück, ein Gefühl der Erleichterung überkam sie. „Es gibt so viele gut aussehende Männer da draußen, oder?“<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny lachte leise, die Spannung zwischen ihnen ließ nach. „Mehr, als ich zählen kann. Es ist albern, nicht wahr? Sich wieder wie ein Teenager zu fühlen.“<</mom>>
<<mia>>Mia kicherte. „Hey, solange du glücklich bist.“<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jennys Ausdruck wurde ernster. „Weißt du, Mia, die Gesellschaft verurteilt solches Verhalten. Aber ich mag es. Neue Männer kennenzulernen, sich schön und begehrenswert zu fühlen ... das lässt mich lebendig fühlen.“<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia hörte aufmerksam zu und wusste, dass es noch mehr in der Geschichte gab, Geheimnisse, die ihre Mutter sogar vor ihr verbarg.<</st>>
<<mom>>Jenny dachte bei sich: Auch wenn ich neue Empfindungen erleben möchte, Mia darf niemals von Jack und mir erfahren.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Mia lächelte ihrer Mutter warm zu. „Ich liebe dich, Mama. Dein Leben ist dein Leben. Solange du glücklich bist, ist das alles, was für mich zählt.“<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny umarmte ihre Tochter fest, Erleichterung überkam sie. „Ich liebe dich auch, Mia. Mehr, als du je wissen wirst.“<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia stand auf, um den Raum zu verlassen, und fühlte, wie eine Last von ihren Schultern fiel. Sie wusste, dass ihre Mutter Glück verdiente, auch wenn es auf unkonventionelle Weise kam. Als sie wegging, dachte sie bei sich: Ich werde sie nicht verurteilen, besonders da ich weiß, dass Dad auch fremdgeht. Aber das würde ich Mom niemals sagen.<</st>>
<<st>>Gerade als Jenny begann, sich zu entspannen, summte ihr Telefon mit einer neuen Nachricht. Sie hob es auf und las den Bildschirm:<</st>>
<<st>>„Hey, willst du dich treffen?“ – es war eine Nachricht von Jack.<</st>>
<<button[[Verlassen|Parents room]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Mia était assise sur le bord de son lit, tripotant nerveusement son téléphone. Cela faisait des semaines qu'elle évitait cette conversation, mais le moment était venu. Prenant une profonde inspiration, elle se leva et descendit pour retrouver sa mère.<</st>>
<<st>>Jenny était dans le salon, en train de faire défiler sa tablette. Elle leva les yeux et sourit en voyant Mia.<</st>>
<<mom>>"Hé, ma chérie. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?"<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia hésite un instant avant de parler. <</st>>
<<mia>>"Maman, il faut que je te parle de quelque chose. C'est à propos de cette nuit au club".<</mia>>
<<st>>Le sourire de Jenny s'estompe légèrement, remplacé par un regard inquiet.<</st>>
<<mom>>"Qu'est-ce que c'est que cette soirée ? Je croyais qu'on s'était tellement amusées.''<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia prend une grande inspiration.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Je t'ai vue. Avec cet homme."<</mia>>
<<st>>Il y eut un silence pesant pendant que Jenny absorbait les paroles de sa fille. Elle poussa un profond soupir et mit sa tablette de côté.<</st>>
<<mom>>"Mia, je..."<</mom>>
<<mia>>"C'est rien maman", interrompt Mia. "Je ne le dirai pas à papa ni à personne d'autre. J'avais juste... besoin de t'en parler".<</mia>>
<<mom>>Les yeux de Jenny se sont remplis de larmes, mais elle a réussi à sourire faiblement. "Merci, Mia. Cela représente beaucoup pour moi."<</mom>>
<<mia>>Mia pouvait voir la lutte dans les yeux de sa mère, la douleur d'une vie secrète exposée. Elle a tendu la main à sa mère. "Maman, je ne suis pas là pour te juger. Je veux juste comprendre".<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny respire profondément, sa voix tremble légèrement. "C'est compliqué, Mia. Ton père... il n'est pas parfait non plus. Et parfois, j'ai juste besoin de me sentir vivante à nouveau."<</mom>>
<<mia>>Mia serre doucement la main de sa mère. "Je comprends, maman. C'est juste... difficile à voir. Mais je suis là pour toi. Toujours."<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny a hoché la tête, ses larmes coulant à flots. "Je sais que ça peut paraître égoïste, mais rencontrer de nouveaux hommes et me sentir belle et désirable me fait me sentir vivante. Même si je sais que c'est mal, je ne peux pas m'en empêcher."<</mom>>
<<mia>>"Je ne le dirai ni à papa ni à personne d'autre. Ton secret est en sécurité avec moi".<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny réussit à sourire à travers ses larmes. "Merci, Mia. J'avais besoin de l'entendre".<</mom>>
<<mia>>Mia a souri à son tour, un sentiment de soulagement l'envahissant. "Il y a tellement de beaux hommes, n'est-ce pas ?<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny rit doucement, la tension s'apaise entre elles. "Plus que je ne peux en compter. C'est idiot, n'est-ce pas ? Se sentir à nouveau adolescente".<</mom>>
<<mia>>Mia s'esclaffe. "Hé, tant que tu es heureuse."<</mia>>
<<mom>>L'expression de Jenny est devenue plus sérieuse. "Tu sais, Mia, la société condamne ce genre de comportement. Mais j'aime ça. Rencontrer de nouveaux hommes, me sentir belle et désirable... Je me sens vivante".<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia écoutait attentivement, et elle savait que l'histoire ne s'arrêtait pas là, qu'il y avait des secrets que sa mère lui cachait à elle aussi.<</st>>
<<mom>>Jenny s'est dit : "Même si j'ai envie d'expérimenter de nouvelles sensations, Mia ne devrait jamais savoir pour Jack et moi.''<</mom>>
<<mia>>Mia sourit chaleureusement à sa mère. "Je t'aime, maman. Ta vie est ta vie. Tant que tu es heureuse, c'est tout ce qui compte pour moi".<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny a serré sa fille dans ses bras, soulagée. "Je t'aime aussi, Mia. Plus que tu ne le sauras jamais."<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia se leva pour quitter la pièce, sentant un poids s'envoler de ses épaules. Elle savait que sa mère méritait le bonheur, même s'il se présentait sous une forme peu conventionnelle. En s'éloignant, elle se dit : " Je ne la jugerai pas, d'autant plus que je sais que papa m'a trompée aussi. Mais je ne dirai jamais cela à maman.''<</st>>
<<st>>Au moment où Jenny commence à se détendre, son téléphone sonne avec un nouveau message. Elle le décroche et lit l'écran :<</st>>
<<st>>" Salut, tu veux qu'on se voit ? " - C'était un message de Jack.<</st>>
<<button[[Partir|Parents room]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mia se sentó en el borde de su cama, jugueteando nerviosamente con su teléfono. Llevaba semanas evitando esta conversación, pero había llegado el momento. Respiró hondo, se levantó y bajó a buscar a su madre.<</st>>
<<st>>Jenny estaba en el salón, consultando su tableta. Levantó la vista y sonrió al ver a Mia.<</st>>
<<mom>>"Hola, cariño. ¿Qué tal?<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia dudó un momento antes de hablar.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Mamá, necesito hablar contigo de algo. Es sobre aquella noche en el club".<</mia>>
<<st>>La sonrisa de Jenny se desvaneció ligeramente, sustituida por una mirada de preocupación.<</st>>
<<mom>>"¿Qué pasa con esa noche? Pensé que nos habíamos divertido mucho".<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia respiró hondo.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Te vi. Con ese hombre".<</mia>>
<<st>>Se hizo un gran silencio mientras Jenny asimilaba las palabras de su hija. Suspiró profundamente y dejó la tableta a un lado.<</st>>
<<mom>>"Mia, yo..."<</mom>>
<<mia>>"Está bien, mamá", interrumpió Mia. "No se lo diré a papá ni a nadie. Sólo... necesitaba hablar contigo de ello".<</mia>>
<<mom>>A Jenny se le llenaron los ojos de lágrimas, pero esbozó una débil sonrisa. "Gracias, Mia. Significa mucho para mí".<</mom>>
<<mia>>Mia pudo ver la lucha en los ojos de su madre, el dolor de una vida secreta expuesta. Le tendió la mano. "Mamá, no estoy aquí para juzgarte. Sólo quiero entenderte".<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny respiró hondo y su voz tembló ligeramente. "Es complicado, Mia. Tu padre... tampoco es perfecto. Y a veces, sólo necesito volver a sentirme viva".<</mom>>
<<mia>>Mia apretó suavemente la mano de su madre. "Lo entiendo, mamá. Es que... es difícil de ver. Pero estoy aquí para ti. Siempre".<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny asintió, con las lágrimas derramadas. "Sé que suena egoísta, pero conocer hombres nuevos y sentirme guapa y deseable me hace sentir viva. Aunque sé que está mal, no puedo evitarlo".<</mom>>
<<mia>>"No se lo diré a papá ni a nadie. Tu secreto está a salvo conmigo".<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny consiguió sonreír entre lágrimas. "Gracias, Mia. Necesitaba oírlo".<</mom>>
<<mia>>Mia le devolvió la sonrisa con una sensación de alivio. "Hay tantos hombres guapos ahí fuera, ¿verdad?<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny rió suavemente y la tensión se relajó entre ellas. "Más de los que puedo contar. Es una tontería, ¿verdad? Sentirse adolescente otra vez".<</mom>>
<<mia>>Mia soltó una risita. "Oye, mientras seas feliz".<</mia>>
<<mom>>La expresión de Jenny se volvió más seria. "Sabes, Mia, la sociedad condena este tipo de comportamiento. Pero a mí me gusta. Conocer hombres nuevos, sentirme guapa y deseable... Me hace sentir viva".<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia escuchaba atentamente, y sabía que había más en la historia, secretos que mamá le ocultaba incluso a ella.<</st>>
<<mom>>Jenny pensó para sus adentros: "Aunque quiero experimentar nuevas sensaciones, Mia nunca debe saber lo de Jack y yo".<</mom>>
<<mia>>Mia sonrió cariñosamente a su madre. "Te quiero, mamá. Tu vida es tu vida. Mientras seas feliz, eso es lo único que me importa".<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny abrazó a su hija con fuerza y sintió un gran alivio. "Yo también te quiero, Mia. Más de lo que nunca sabrás".<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia se levantó para salir de la habitación, sintiendo que se le quitaba un peso de encima. Sabía que su madre merecía ser feliz, aunque fuera de un modo poco convencional. Mientras se alejaba, pensó para sí misma: "No la juzgaré, sobre todo porque sé que papá también me ha estado engañando. Pero nunca se lo diría a mamá.<</st>>
<<st>>Justo cuando Jenny empezaba a relajarse, su teléfono zumbó con un nuevo mensaje. Lo cogió y leyó la pantalla:<</st>>
<<st>>"Oye, ¿quieres quedar?" - Era un mensaje de Jack.<</st>>
<<button[[Vete|Parents room]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<mom>>珍妮的表情变得严肃起来。"你知道,米娅,社会谴责这种行为。但我喜欢这样。认识新的男人,感觉自己美丽动人...... 这让我觉得自己还活着。"<</mom>>
<<st>>"嘿,你想见面吗?" - 是杰克发来的信息<</st>>
<<button[[走开|Parents room]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Awkward Talk</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_unexpected_connection==true>>Mia finally decides to talk to Jenny about that night in the club.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and meet Mia's mom in parents' room.<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_unexpected_connection == true>>✅Pass quest #25<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #25<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Неловкий разговор</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_unexpected_connection==true>>Миа наконец решает поговорить с Дженни о той ночи в клубе.
Перейти к: Выполните условия и встретьтесь с мамой Мии в комнате родителей.<<else>> Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_unexpected_connection == true>>✅Pass quest #25<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #25<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Unangenehme Gespräche</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_unexpected_connection==true>>Mia beschließt schließlich, mit Jenny über die Nacht im Club zu sprechen.
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und treffe Mias Mutter im Zimmer der Eltern.<<else>>Erfülle die vorherige Quest, um diese zu öffnen.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_unexpected_connection == true>>✅Pass quest #25<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #25<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Discussion gênante</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_unexpected_connection==true>>Mia décide enfin de parler à Jenny de cette nuit au club.
Allez à : Remplissez les conditions et rencontrez la mère de Mia dans la chambre des parents. <<else>>Réalisez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_unexpected_connection == true>>✅Pass quest #25<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #25<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Charla incómoda</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_unexpected_connection==true>>Mia finalmente decide hablar con Jenny sobre esa noche en el club.
Ve a: Cumple las condiciones y reúnete con la madre de Mia en la habitación de los padres.<<else>>Comple la quest anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_unexpected_connection == true>>✅Pass quest #25<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #25<</if>></div></div></div>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">尴尬的谈话</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_unexpected_connection==true>>米娅终于决定和珍妮谈谈那晚在俱乐部的事。
前往: 满足条件,在父母的房间里见到米娅的妈妈。<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_unexpected_connection == true>>✅Pass quest #25<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #25<</if>></div></div></div>
<</switch>><<set $quests.quest_casino_adventure=true>><<set $active_quests.q28=true>><<set $mia.exp +=90>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia was sitting at her desk, scrolling through social media, when her phone buzzed with a new message. It was from Elain.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Hey girl, we haven't seen each other in ages! Are you up for a crazy night at the casino? It's time to let loose!''<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia smiled at the thought. The excitement of a night out with Elain was exactly what she needed.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Hell yeah! I'm in. Let's tear it up. See you at 10!''<</mia>>
<<st>>The casino was buzzing with energy. Bright lights, the sound of slot machines, and the chatter of excited patrons filled the air. Mia and Elain arrived, dressed to impress and ready to let loose. They started off with a few drinks at the bar, laughing and chatting.<</st>>
<<mia>>''So tell me, what's new with you? Feells like it's been way too long since you and I had a night out,'' Mia said, taking a sip of her cocktail.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain grinned. ''Yeah, I haven't heard from you since that orgy party! I've been good, a lot of stuff at work, you know. But let's go back to the previous time we partied together. I had quite a wild night that time. You wouldn't believe the things I did, but you still outdid me.''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia chuckled. ''Oh my God, I know where you going, don't remind me.''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain's eyes sparkled with mischief. ''How could you not recognize your own dad, Mia? That was hilarious! How do you guys even look each other in the eye now?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia shook her head, laughing. ''Don't remind me. I prefer to pretend that night never happened, and so does Dad.''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain smiled. ''That party was so amazing, I can't believe it ended like that. Did you... I mean, did you actually enjoy it?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia playfully swatted her. ''Oh, you idiot. Shut up. What kind of question is that?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain laughed, raising her glass. ''Alright, alright. Let's change the subject.''<</ele>>
<<ele>>''Check out that guy,'' Elain said, nudging Mia and pointing discreetly. ''He's playing roulette with huge bets. And look at that watch. That thing must be worth a fortune.''<</ele>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Мия сидела за своим столом и просматривала социальные сети, когда на ее телефон пришло новое сообщение. Оно было от Элейн.<</st>>
<<ele>>Привет, красота, мы не виделись целую сто лет! Ты готова к сумасшедшей ночи в казино? Пришло время оторваться по полной!<</ele>>
<<st>>Мия улыбнулась при этой мысли. Дикая тусовка с Элейн была именно тем, что ей было нужно.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Да, черт возьми! Я за. Давай оторвемся. Увидимся в 10!''<</mia>>
<<st>>Казино бурлило энергией. Яркие огни, шум игровых автоматов и болтовня возбужденных посетителей наполняли воздух. Миа и Элейн пришли, одетые по высшему разряду и готовые отрываться по полной. Они решили начать вечр выпив несколько коктейлей в баре.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Ну, расскажи мне, что у тебя нового? Кажется, мы с тобой слишком давно не отдыхали'', - сказала Миа, делая глоток своего коктейля.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Элейн усмехнулась. ''Да, я ничего не слышала о тебе после той вечеринки-оргии! Я в порядке, много дел на учебе и работе, ты же знаешь. Но давай вернемся к прошлому разу, когда мы вместе веселились. В тот раз я провела довольно дикую ночь. Ты не поверишь, что я вытворяла, но ты все равно превзошла меня''.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Миа хихикнула. ''О Боже, я знаю, к чему ты клонишь, не напоминай мне''.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Глаза Элейн сверкнули озорством. ''Как ты могла не узнать собственного отца, Миа? Это было просто уморительно! Как вы теперь вообще смотрите друг другу в глаза?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Мия покачала головой, смеясь. ''Не напоминай мне. Я предпочитаю делать вид, что той ночи не было, и папа тоже''.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Элейн улыбнулась. ''Эта вечеринка была такой потрясающей, что я не могу поверить, что все так закончилось. Слушай, а тебе... Я имею в виду, тебе действительно понравилось?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Мия игриво ткнула ее пальцем. ''Ну ты и идиотка. Заткнись. Что это за вопрос?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Элейн рассмеялась, поднимая свой бокал. ''Ладно, ладно. Давай сменим тему''.<</ele>>
<<ele>>''Посмотри на того парня'', - сказала Элейн, подталкивая Мию и незаметно указывая на него. ''Он играет в рулетку делая огромные ставки. И посмотри на эти часы. Они, должно быть, стоят целое состояние''.<</ele>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia saß an ihrem Schreibtisch und scrollte durch soziale Medien, als ihr Telefon mit einer neuen Nachricht von Elain vibrierte.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Hey Mädchen, wir haben uns ewig nicht gesehen! Hast du Lust auf eine verrückte Nacht im Casino? Zeit, sich mal wieder richtig gehen zu lassen!''<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia lächelte bei dem Gedanken. Die Vorfreude auf eine Nacht mit Elain war genau das, was sie brauchte.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Oh ja! Ich bin dabei. Lass uns loslegen. Treffen um 10 Uhr!''<</mia>>
<<st>>Im Casino herrschte eine aufgeregte Stimmung. Helle Lichter, das Geräusch von Spielautomaten und das Gespräch aufgeregter Besucher erfüllten die Luft. Mia und Elain kamen an, umwerfend gekleidet und bereit, sich auszutoben. Sie begannen mit ein paar Drinks an der Bar, lachten und plauderten.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Sag mal, was gibt's Neues bei dir? Es fühlt sich an, als wäre es viel zu lange her, seit du und ich das letzte Mal zusammen gefeiert haben'', sagte Mia und nahm einen Schluck von ihrem Cocktail.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain grinste. ''Ja, ich habe nichts von dir gehört, seit dieser Orgie-Party! Mir geht's gut, viel los bei der Arbeit, weißt du. Aber lass uns zurückdenken an das letzte Mal, als wir zusammen gefeiert haben. Ich hatte damals eine ziemlich wilde Nacht. Du würdest nicht glauben, was ich gemacht habe, aber du hast mich immer noch übertroffen.''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia lachte. ''Oh mein Gott, ich weiß, worauf du hinauswillst, erinnere mich nicht daran.''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elains Augen funkelten verschmitzt. ''Wie konntest du deinen eigenen Vater nicht erkennen, Mia? Das war zum Schießen! Wie seht ihr euch überhaupt noch in die Augen?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia schüttelte den Kopf und lachte. ''Erinnere mich nicht daran. Ich bevorzuge es, so zu tun, als ob diese Nacht nie passiert wäre, und das tut Dad auch.''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain lächelte. ''Diese Party war so der Hammer, ich kann nicht glauben, dass sie so geendet hat. Hast du... also, hast du es eigentlich genossen?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia schlug sie spielerisch. ''Ach du Idiot. Halt's Maul. Was für eine Frage ist das denn?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain lachte und hob ihr Glas. ''Okay, okay. Lass uns das Thema wechseln.''<</ele>>
<<ele>>''Schau mal den Typen da drüben'', sagte Elain und stupste Mia an, dabei diskret auf jemanden deutend. ''Er spielt Roulette mit riesigen Einsätzen. Und sieh dir diese Uhr an. Das Ding muss ein Vermögen wert sein.''<</ele>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Mia était assise à son bureau, faisant défiler les médias sociaux, lorsque son téléphone a bourdonné d'un nouveau message. Il provenait d'Elain.<</st>>
<<ele>>'' Salut ma puce, ça fait un bail qu'on ne s'est pas vus ! Es-tu prête pour une nuit de folie au casino ? Il est temps de se lâcher !''<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia sourit à cette idée. L'excitation d'une soirée avec Elain était exactement ce dont elle avait besoin.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Bien sûr que oui ! Je suis partante. On va se déchirer. On se voit à 10 heures !''<</mia>>
<<st>>Le casino bourdonnait d'énergie. Les lumières brillantes, le bruit des machines à sous et les discussions des clients excités remplissaient l'air. Mia et Elain sont arrivés, habillés pour impressionner et prêts à s'éclater. Ils ont commencé par boire quelques verres au bar, en riant et en discutant.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Alors, dis-moi, qu'est-ce qu'il y a de nouveau chez toi ? J'ai l'impression que ça fait trop longtemps qu'on n'est pas sortis ensemble'', dit Mia en buvant une gorgée de son cocktail.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain sourit. ''Oui, je n'ai pas eu de nouvelles de toi depuis cette orgie ! J'ai été sage, beaucoup de choses au travail, tu sais. Mais revenons à la dernière fois que nous avons fait la fête ensemble. J'ai passé une nuit assez sauvage cette fois-là. Tu ne croirais pas les choses que j'ai faites, mais tu m'as quand même surpassé''.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia s'esclaffe. ''Oh mon Dieu, je sais où tu vas, ne me le rappelle pas''.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Les yeux d'Elain brillent de malice. ''Comment as-tu pu ne pas reconnaître ton propre père, Mia ? C'était hilarant ! Comment faites-vous pour vous regarder dans les yeux maintenant ?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia secoue la tête en riant. '' Je préfère prétendre que cette nuit n'a jamais eu lieu, et papa aussi''.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain sourit. ''Cette fête était tellement géniale, je n'arrive pas à croire qu'elle se soit terminée comme ça. Est-ce que tu as... Je veux dire, est-ce que tu l'as vraiment aimée ?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia lui donne une petite tape. ''Oh, espèce d'idiote. Je me tais. C'est quoi cette question ?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain rit et lève son verre. ''D'accord, d'accord. Changeons de sujet.''<</ele>>
<<ele>>''Regardez ce type'', dit Elain en poussant Mia du coude et en la pointant discrètement du doigt. ''Il joue à la roulette avec des mises énormes. Et regarde cette montre. Elle doit valoir une fortune.''<</ele>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mia estaba sentada en su escritorio, navegando por las redes sociales, cuando su teléfono zumbó con un nuevo mensaje. Era de Elain.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Hola, chica, ¡hace siglos que no nos vemos! ¿Te apetece una noche loca en el casino? Es hora de soltarse''.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia sonrió. La excitación de una noche con Elain era exactamente lo que necesitaba.<</st>>
<<mia>>''¡Claro que sí! Me apunto. Vamos a romperlo. Nos vemos a las 10''.<</mia>>
<<st>>El casino bullía de energía. Las luces brillantes, el sonido de las máquinas tragaperras y el parloteo de los excitados clientes llenaban el ambiente. Mia y Elain llegaron, vestidas para impresionar y listas para divertirse. Empezaron tomando unas copas en el bar, riendo y charlando.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Cuéntame, ¿qué hay de nuevo? Parece que hace demasiado tiempo que tú y yo no salimos por la noche'', dijo Mia, dando un sorbo a su cóctel.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain sonrió. Sí, no sé nada de ti desde aquella orgía. He estado bien, muchas cosas del trabajo, ya sabes. Pero volvamos a la vez anterior que salimos de fiesta juntos. Tuve una noche bastante salvaje esa vez. No te creerías las cosas que hice, pero aun así me superaste''.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia se rió. ''Dios mío, ya sé adónde vas, no me lo recuerdes''.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Los ojos de Elain brillaron con picardía. ''¿Cómo pudiste no reconocer a tu propio padre, Mia? ¡Ha sido divertidísimo! ¿Cómo os miráis a los ojos ahora?''.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia negó con la cabeza, riendo. ''No me lo recuerdes. Prefiero fingir que esa noche nunca ocurrió, y papá también''.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain sonrió. ''Aquella fiesta fue increíble, no puedo creer que acabara así. ¿Te...? Quiero decir, ¿la disfrutaste de verdad?''.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia la abofeteó juguetonamente. ''Oh, idiota. No me digas. ¿Qué clase de pregunta es ésa?''.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain se rió y levantó la copa. ''Bueno, bueno. Cambiemos de tema''.<</ele>>
<<ele>>''Fíjate en ese tipo'', dijo Elain, dando un codazo a Mia y señalando discretamente. ''Está jugando a la ruleta con apuestas enormes. Y mira ese reloj. Esa cosa debe valer una fortuna''.<</ele>>
<<button[[Continúe en|quest_casino_adventure_2]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>米娅坐在办公桌前,浏览着社交媒体,这时她的手机响了,是一条新信息。是 Elain 发来的。<</st>>
<<ele>>伊兰咧嘴一笑。''是啊,自从那次狂欢派对后,我就再也没有你的消息了!我一直很好,工作上有很多事,你知道的。不过,让我们回到上次我们一起狂欢的时候吧。那次我玩得很疯 你不会相信我做了什么,但你还是超过了我。''<</ele>>
<<ele>>伊兰笑了。''那个派对太精彩了,我不敢相信它就这样结束了。你 我是说,你真的喜欢吗?''<</ele>>
<</switch>><<set $quests.quest_persistent_desire=true>><<set $active_quests.q29=true>><<set $mia.exp +=90>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Richard couldn't shake the memory of Sophia from his mind. Days had passed since their first encounter, but her image lingered, consuming his thoughts. There was something about her that had imprinted itself deeply within him, a feeling he couldn't ignore.<</st>>
<<st>>Determined to see her again, he reached for his phone and dialed her number. The anticipation built with each ring, and he felt a rush of relief when she answered.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Sophia, it's Richard."<</rich>>
<<soph>>"Richard? Richard who?" she replied, her tone light and teasing.<</soph>>
<<rich>>"Richard from the restaurant. We had dinner a few nights ago."<</rich>>
<<soph>>There was a brief pause before Sophia laughed softly. "I'm just messing with you. Of course, I remember. How could I forget?"<</soph>>
<<rich>>Richard chuckled, shaking his head. "You had me worried there for a second."<</rich>>
<<soph>>"So, what’s on your mind?" she asked, her playful tone making his heart race.<</soph>>
<<rich>>"I can't stop thinking about you," he admitted. "How about dinner tonight?"<</rich>>
<<soph>>"I suppose I could make time for you," she teased. "Where should we meet?"<</soph>>
<<st>>They agreed on a cozy, upscale bistro. When Richard arrived, he saw Sophia already seated at a table, her elegance even more striking than he remembered. He couldn't help but smile as he approached her.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Good to see you again," he said, leaning in to kiss her cheek.<</rich>>
<<soph>>"Likewise," she replied, her eyes sparkling with the same playful challenge he found so captivating.<</soph>>
<<st>>They settled into their seats, the conversation flowing easily. The chemistry between them was palpable, each exchange laced with flirtation and genuine interest. Richard found himself more drawn to her with every passing moment.<</st>>
<<rich>>"So, what have you been up to?" Richard asked, leaning in slightly.<</rich>>
<<soph>>"Work, mostly," Sophia said with a shrug. "But I've been thinking about our last night together."<</soph>>
<<rich>>Richard raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Oh? And what did you think?"<</rich>>
<<soph>>Sophia's gaze was steady, unflinching. "I think I want to see you again. There's something about you, Richard. I can't quite put my finger on it."<</soph>>
<<rich>>Richard felt a surge of satisfaction and something deeper. "Funny you should say that. I've been feeling the same way."<</rich>>
<<st>>The evening flew by, and before they knew it, they headed towards the hotel again. The anticipation between them was electric, each step charged with unspoken desire.<</st>>
<<st>>As they entered the room, the air was thick with tension. Sophia turned to him, her expression more serious than before.<</st>>
<<soph>>"You know," she said softly, "I keep finding reasons to want to see you."<</soph>>
<<rich>>Richard stepped closer, his voice low and sincere. "I feel the same way."<</rich>>
<<st>>Their lips met in an urgent and passionate kiss, a continuation of the passion that had begun on their first night together. The connection between them was undeniable. Richard couldn't help but wonder where this unexpected journey with Sophia would lead.<</st>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Ричард не мог избавиться от воспоминаний о Софии. С момента их первой встречи прошло уже несколько дней, но ее образ все не покидал его мысли. Было в ней что-то такое, что глубоко запечатлелось в его душе, и это чувство он не мог игнорировать.<</st>>
<<st>>Полный решимости увидеть ее снова, он потянулся к телефону и набрал ее номер. Предвкушение нарастало с каждым звонком, и он почувствовал прилив облегчения, когда она ответила.<</st>>
<<rich>>"София, это Ричард".<</rich>>
<<soph>>"Ричард? Какой Ричард?" - ответила она легким и дразнящим тоном.<</soph>>
<<rich>>"Ричард из ресторана. Мы ужинали несколько вечеров назад".<</rich>>
<<soph>>Наступила короткая пауза, прежде чем София тихонько рассмеялась. "Я просто подшучиваю над тобой. Конечно, я помню. Как я могла забыть?"<</soph>>
<<rich>>Ричард усмехнулся, покачав головой. "Ты заставила меня на секунду забеспокоиться".<</rich>>
<<soph>>"Так зачем ты звонил?" - спросила она, ее игривый тон заставил его сердце забиться.<</soph>>
<<rich>>"Я не могу перестать думать о тебе", - признался он. "Как насчет ужина сегодня вечером?"<</rich>>
<<soph>>"Полагаю, я смогу найти время для тебя", - поддразнила она. "Где хочешь встретиться?"<</soph>>
<<st>>Они выбрали уютное, изысканное бистро. Когда Ричард приехал, он обнаружил, что София уже сидит за столиком, и удивился что она выглядит еще более элегантно, чем он помнил. Он не мог не улыбнуться, когда подошел к ней.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Рад снова тебя видеть", - сказал он, наклоняясь, чтобы поцеловать ее в щеку.<</rich>>
<<soph>>"Взаимно", - ответила она, в ее глазах сверкал тот самый игривый вызов, который показался ему таким пленительным.<</soph>>
<<st>>Они расположились за столиком, и беседа полилась легко и непринужденно. Между ними ощущалась химия, в каждом обмене репликами снова сквозили флирт и неподдельный интеллект. С каждым мгновением Ричарда все больше тянуло к ней.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Итак, чем же ты занималась?" спросил Ричард, слегка наклонившись к ней.<</rich>>
<<soph>>"В основном работой", - ответила София, пожав плечами. "Но я думала о нашей ночи".<</soph>>
<<rich>>Ричард приподнял бровь, на его губах играла ухмылка. "О? И что ты думаешь?"<</rich>>
<<soph>>Взгляд Софии был ровным и непоколебимым. "Думаю, я хочу видеть тебя снова. В тебе что-то есть, Ричард. Я не могу понять, что именно".<</soph>>
<<rich>>Ричард почувствовал прилив удовлетворения и что-то более глубокое. "Забавно, что ты так говоришь. Я чувствую то же самое".<</rich>>
<<st>>Вечер пролетел незаметно, и не успели они оглянуться, как снова направились в отель. Воздух между ними будто искрился, каждый шаг был заряжен неприкрытым желанием.<</st>>
<<st>>Когда они вошли в номер, в воздухе повисло напряжение. София повернулась к нему, выражение ее лица стало еще более серьезным, чем прежде.<</st>>
<<soph>>"Знаешь, - тихо сказала она, - я все время нахожу причины, чтобы увидеть тебя".<</soph>>
<<rich>>Ричард подошел ближе, его голос был низким и искренним. "Я чувствую то же самое".<</rich>>
<<st>>Их губы встретились в настоятельном и страстном поцелуе, который стал продолжением страсти, возникшей в их первую ночь вместе. Связь между ними была неоспоримой. Ричард не мог не задаваться вопросом, к чему приведет это неожиданное приключение.<</st>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Richard konnte das Bild von Sophia nicht aus seinem Kopf bekommen. Tage waren vergangen seit ihrer ersten Begegnung, aber ihr Anblick blieb, seine Gedanken beherrschend. Da war etwas an ihr, das sich tief in ihm eingegraben hatte, ein Gefühl, dem er nicht widerstehen konnte.<</st>>
<<st>>Entschlossen, sie wiederzusehen, griff er nach seinem Telefon und wählte ihre Nummer. Die Spannung baute sich mit jedem Klingeln auf, und er fühlte eine Erleichterung, als sie antwortete.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Sophia, hier spricht Richard."<</rich>>
<<soph>>"Richard? Richard wer?" antwortete sie, ihr Ton leicht und neckend.<</soph>>
<<rich>>"Richard aus dem Restaurant. Wir haben vor ein paar Nächten zu Abend gegessen."<</rich>>
<<soph>>Es gab eine kurze Pause, bevor Sophia leise lachte. "Ich mache nur Spaß mit dir. Natürlich erinnere ich mich. Wie könnte ich das vergessen?"<</soph>>
<<rich>>Richard lachte leise und schüttelte den Kopf. "Du hast mich für einen Moment in Sorge versetzt."<</rich>>
<<soph>>"Also, was beschäftigt dich?" fragte sie, ihr verspielter Ton ließ sein Herz schneller schlagen.<</soph>>
<<rich>>"Ich kann nicht aufhören, an dich zu denken", gestand er. "Wie wäre es mit einem Abendessen heute Abend?"<</rich>>
<<soph>>"Ich könnte wohl Zeit für dich frei machen", neckte sie. "Wo sollen wir uns treffen?"<</soph>>
<<st>>Sie einigten sich auf ein gemütliches, gehobenes Bistro. Als Richard ankam, sah er Sophia bereits an einem Tisch sitzen, ihre Eleganz noch beeindruckender als er sich erinnerte. Er konnte nicht anders, als zu lächeln, als er sich ihr näherte.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Schön, dich wiederzusehen", sagte er und lehnte sich vor, um sie auf die Wange zu küssen.<</rich>>
<<soph>>"Ebenso", antwortete sie, ihre Augen funkelten mit der gleichen spielerischen Herausforderung, die er so fesselnd fand.<</soph>>
<<st>>Sie ließen sich an ihren Plätzen nieder, das Gespräch floss mühelos. Die Chemie zwischen ihnen war spürbar, jede Unterhaltung durchzogen von Flirt und echtem Interesse. Mit jedem Moment fühlte Richard sich mehr zu ihr hingezogen.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Also, was hast du so gemacht?" fragte Richard und lehnte sich leicht vor.<</rich>>
<<soph>>"Vor allem Arbeit", sagte Sophia mit einem Schulterzucken. "Aber ich habe an unsere letzte Nacht zusammen gedacht."<</soph>>
<<rich>>Richard hob eine Augenbraue, ein Schmunzeln spielte um seine Lippen. "Oh? Und was hast du gedacht?"<</rich>>
<<soph>>Sophias Blick war fest, unerschütterlich. "Ich denke, ich möchte dich wiedersehen. Da ist etwas an dir, Richard. Ich kann es nicht genau benennen."<</soph>>
<<rich>>Richard spürte eine Welle der Zufriedenheit und etwas Tiefergehendes. "Lustig, dass du das sagst. Mir geht es genauso."<</rich>>
<<st>>Der Abend verging wie im Flug, und bevor sie es wussten, machten sie sich wieder auf den Weg zum Hotel. Die Spannung zwischen ihnen war elektrisch, jeder Schritt mit unausgesprochener Sehnsucht aufgeladen.<</st>>
<<st>>Als sie das Zimmer betraten, lag Spannung in der Luft. Sophia wandte sich ihm zu, ihr Ausdruck ernster als zuvor.<</st>>
<<soph>>"Weißt du", sagte sie leise, "ich finde immer mehr Gründe, dich wiedersehen zu wollen."<</soph>>
<<rich>>Richard trat näher, seine Stimme tief und aufrichtig. "Mir geht es genauso."<</rich>>
<<st>>Ihre Lippen trafen sich in einem dringlichen und leidenschaftlichen Kuss, eine Fortsetzung der Leidenschaft, die in ihrer ersten Nacht begonnen hatte. Die Verbindung zwischen ihnen war unbestreitbar. Richard konnte nicht anders, als sich zu fragen, wohin diese unerwartete Reise mit Sophia führen würde.<</st>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Richard n'arrivait pas à chasser le souvenir de Sophia de son esprit. Des jours s'étaient écoulés depuis leur première rencontre, mais son image persistait, accaparant ses pensées. Il y avait quelque chose en elle qui s'était imprimé profondément en lui, un sentiment qu'il ne pouvait ignorer.<</st>>
<<st>>Déterminé à la revoir, il prit son téléphone et composa son numéro. L'attente grandissait à chaque sonnerie, et il ressentit un grand soulagement lorsqu'elle répondit.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Sophia, c'est Richard.''<</rich>>
<<soph>>"Richard ? Richard qui ?" répondit-elle, le ton léger et taquin.<</soph>>
<<rich>>"Richard du restaurant. Nous avons dîné ensemble il y a quelques jours.''<</rich>>
<<soph>>Il y eut une brève pause avant que Sophia ne se mette à rire doucement. "Je me moque de toi, c'est tout. Bien sûr, je m'en souviens. Comment pourrais-je oublier ?"<</soph>>
<<rich>>Richard s'esclaffe, secouant la tête. "Tu m'as inquiété pendant une seconde."<</rich>>
<<soph>>"Alors, qu'est-ce qui te préoccupe ?" demanda-t-elle, son ton enjoué faisant battre son cœur.<</soph>>
<<rich>>"Je n'arrête pas de penser à toi", avoue-t-il. "Que dirais-tu d'un dîner ce soir ?"<</rich>>
<<soph>>"Je suppose que je pourrais prendre du temps pour toi", lui dit-elle en le taquinant. "Où devrions-nous nous retrouver ?"<</soph>>
<<st>>Ils se sont mis d'accord sur un bistrot confortable et haut de gamme. Lorsque Richard arriva, il vit Sophia déjà assise à une table, son élégance étant encore plus frappante que dans son souvenir. Il ne put s'empêcher de sourire en s'approchant d'elle.<</st>>
<<rich>>"C'est un plaisir de te revoir", dit-il en se penchant pour l'embrasser sur la joue.<</rich>>
<<soph>>"De même", répondit-elle, ses yeux pétillant du même défi ludique qu'il trouvait si captivant.<</soph>>
<<st>>Ils s'installèrent dans leurs sièges, la conversation s'engageant facilement. L'alchimie entre eux était palpable, chaque échange étant empreint de flirt et d'intérêt sincère. Richard se sentait de plus en plus attiré par elle à chaque instant.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Alors, qu'est-ce que tu as fait ?" demanda Richard en se penchant légèrement. demanda Richard en se penchant légèrement.<</rich>>
<<soph>>"Le travail, surtout", dit Sophia en haussant les épaules. "Mais j'ai repensé à notre dernière nuit ensemble.<</soph>>
<<rich>>Richard haussa un sourcil, un sourire en coin se dessinant sur ses lèvres. "Oh ? Et qu'en as-tu pensé ?"<</rich>>
<<soph>>Le regard de Sophia était fixe, sans complaisance. "Je crois que j'ai envie de te revoir. Il y a quelque chose en toi, Richard. Je n'arrive pas à mettre le doigt dessus".<</soph>>
<<rich>>Richard ressent un élan de satisfaction et quelque chose de plus profond. "C'est drôle que tu dises ça. J'ai ressenti la même chose."<</rich>>
<<st>>La soirée passa très vite, et avant qu'ils ne s'en rendent compte, ils se dirigeaient à nouveau vers l'hôtel. L'anticipation entre eux était électrique, chaque pas chargé d'un désir inavoué.<</st>>
<<st>>Lorsqu'ils sont entrés dans la chambre, l'air était chargé de tension. Sophia se tourna vers lui, l'expression plus sérieuse qu'auparavant.<</st>>
<<soph>>"Tu sais, dit-elle doucement, je n'arrête pas de trouver des raisons de vouloir te voir.''<</soph>>
<<rich>>Richard s'approcha, la voix basse et sincère. "Je ressens la même chose.''<</rich>>
<<st>>Leurs lèvres se rencontrèrent dans un baiser urgent et passionné, prolongeant la passion qui avait commencé lors de leur première nuit ensemble. La connexion entre eux était indéniable. Richard ne pouvait s'empêcher de se demander où ce voyage inattendu avec Sophia le mènerait.<</st>>
<<button[[Le sexe|Video_Father2]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Richard no podía apartar de su mente el recuerdo de Sophia. Habían pasado días desde su primer encuentro, pero su imagen permanecía en su mente. Había algo en ella que se había grabado profundamente en él, un sentimiento que no podía ignorar.<</st>>
<<st>>Decidido a volver a verla, cogió el teléfono y marcó su número. La expectación crecía con cada llamada, y sintió una oleada de alivio cuando ella contestó.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Sophia, soy Richard".<</rich>>
<<soph>>"¿Richard? ¿Qué Richard?", respondió ella, con un tono ligero y burlón.<</soph>>
<<rich>>"Richard, el del restaurante. Cenamos hace unas noches".<</rich>>
<<soph>>Hubo una breve pausa antes de que Sophia riera suavemente. "Sólo te estoy tomando el pelo. Claro que me acuerdo. ¿Cómo podría olvidarlo?".<</soph>>
<<rich>>Richard se rió, sacudiendo la cabeza. "Por un momento me preocupaste".<</rich>>
<<soph>>"¿En qué piensas?", preguntó ella, con un tono juguetón que le aceleró el corazón.<</soph>>
<<rich>>"No puedo dejar de pensar en ti", admitió. "¿Qué tal si cenamos esta noche?"<</rich>>
<<soph>>"Supongo que podría hacer tiempo para ti", bromeó ella. "¿Dónde quedamos?"<</soph>>
<<st>>Acordaron ir a un acogedor bistró de lujo. Cuando Richard llegó, vio a Sophia ya sentada en una mesa, con una elegancia aún más llamativa de lo que recordaba. No pudo evitar sonreír mientras se acercaba a ella.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Me alegro de volver a verte", le dijo, inclinándose para besarle la mejilla.<</rich>>
<<soph>>"Lo mismo digo", respondió ella, con los ojos brillantes del mismo desafío juguetón que a él le parecía tan cautivador.<</soph>>
<<st>>Se acomodaron en sus asientos y la conversación fluyó con facilidad. La química entre ellos era palpable, cada intercambio estaba impregnado de coqueteo y genuino interés. Richard se sentía cada vez más atraído por ella.<</st>>
<<rich>>"¿Qué has estado haciendo? preguntó Richard, inclinándose ligeramente hacia ella.<</rich>>
<<soph>>"Trabajo, sobre todo", dijo Sophia encogiéndose de hombros. "Pero he estado pensando en nuestra última noche juntos".<</soph>>
<<rich>>Richard levantó una ceja, con una sonrisa en los labios. "¿Ah, sí? ¿Y qué te pareció?".<</rich>>
<<soph>>Sophia's gaze was steady, unflinching. "I think I want to see you again. There's something about you, Richard. I can't quite put my finger on it."<</soph>>
<<rich>>Richard sintió una oleada de satisfacción y algo más profundo. "Es curioso que digas eso. He sentido lo mismo".<</rich>>
<<st>>La noche pasó volando y, antes de que se dieran cuenta, se dirigían de nuevo al hotel. La anticipación entre ellos era eléctrica, cada paso cargado de deseo tácito.<</st>>
<<st>>Cuando entraron en la habitación, el aire estaba cargado de tensión. Sophia se volvió hacia él, con una expresión más seria que antes.<</st>>
<<soph>>"Sabes", dijo en voz baja, "sigo encontrando razones para querer verte".<</soph>>
<<rich>>Richard se acercó, con voz baja y sincera. "Yo siento lo mismo.<</rich>>
<<st>>Sus labios se encontraron en un beso urgente y apasionado, una continuación de la pasión que había comenzado en su primera noche juntos. La conexión entre ellos era innegable. Richard no podía evitar preguntarse adónde le llevaría este inesperado viaje con Sophia.<</st>>
<<case "CH">>
<</switch>><<set $quests.quest_last_sex=true>><<set $active_quests.q30=true>><<set $mia.exp +=90>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<set $active_quests.q33=true>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Jenny sat at a corner table in a discreet restaurant on the outskirts of the city. She looked around nervously, hoping that no one she knew would see her here. She had agreed to meet Jack for lunch, telling herself it was harmless. Just lunch, nothing more.<</st>>
<<st>>Jack arrived shortly after, flashing a charming smile as he took a seat opposite her.<</st>>
<<jk>>"Hey, Jenny. It's good to see you," Jack said, his voice warm.<</jk>>
<<jn>>Jenny returned the smile, though her mind was racing. "Hey, Jack. How have you been?"<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jack's smile widened. "I've been good. Since we broke up with Mia, I decided to get out of my comfort zone and start dating other girls. It's been interesting."<</jk>>
<<jn>>She raised an eyebrow, noticing the change in him. He did seem more aware of his attractiveness. "Really? You do look different. More... confident."<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jack nodded, his eyes twinkling with a mix of excitement. "Yeah, I've learned a lot. Flirting, asking girls out... it's like I've found a new side of myself."<</jk>>
<<jn>>Jenny leaned back, trying to understand his transformation. "Well, I am happy for you. So, why did you want to meet?"<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jack's expression grew more serious. "It’s just that for some reason this whole time, I really wanted to meet you. You know, what we did on that couch was better than with anyone else."<</jk>>
<<jn>>"Jack, we agreed that what happened between us should stay a secret."<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jack nodded. "I know. But ever since that night, I’ve only been thinking about what we did. I realized that Mia and I aren't meant to be together, so I broke up with her. But I really like you, Jenny."<</jk>>
<<jn>>"This is nonsense. We can't do this. Even though..." she hesitated, searching for the right words, "even though I liked what happened, we need to stop."<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jack's eyes sparkled. "I don't want it to stop, Jenny."<</jk>>
<<jn>>She looked down, feeling the weight of his words. "I don't care what you want. We must stop. It's the right thing to do."<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jack leaned back, a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. "Okay, but we don't have to end it this way. Let's make it fun."<</jk>>
<<jn>>Jenny furrowed her brow. "What do you mean?"<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jack leaned in closer, lowering his voice. "Meet me in the bathroom in five minutes, and you'll find out."<</jk>>
<<st>>What he said was crazy. Did he really just offer her to have sex in a restroom? She never did anything like that before and wasn't planning to start it today. Though, she did want to have fun, and maybe she shouldn't think too much and just do it.<</st>>
<<jn>>"This is crazy," she whispered.<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jack smiled. "Just trust me. It'll be our little secret."<</jk>>
<<st>>Jenny watched as Jack stood up and walked away. She knew this was wrong, that she should leave and never look back. But the excitement, the danger of it all, was intoxicating.<</st>>
<<st>>She glanced around the restaurant one last time, ensuring no familiar faces were present.<</st>>
<<st>>Jenny entered the bathroom. Jack was already there, leaning against the sink with a confident smile.<</st>>
<<jk>>"See? I knew you'd come," he said, his voice low and teasing.<</jk>>
<<jn>>Jenny felt a rush of adrenaline as she moved closer. "This is crazy, Jack."<</jn>>
<<jk>>"Crazy can be good," Jack replied, embracing her. "No one has to know."<</jk>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Дженни сидела за угловым столиком в неприметном ресторанчике на окраине города. Она нервно оглядывалась по сторонам, надеясь, что никто из знакомых не увидит ее здесь. Она согласилась встретиться с Джеком за обедом, уверяя себя, что это безобидно. Просто обед, ничего больше.<</st>>
<<st>>Джек появился вскоре после нее и очаровательно улыбнулся, заняв место напротив нее.<</st>>
<<jk>>"Привет, Дженни. Рад тебя видеть", - сказал Джек, его голос был теплым.<</jk>>
<<jn>>Дженни улыбнулась в ответ, хотя мысли ее неслись вскачь. "Привет, Джек. Как поживаешь?"<</jn>>
<<jk>>Улыбка Джека расширилась. "Хорошо. С тех пор как мы расстались с Мией, я решил выйти из своей зоны комфорта и начать встречаться с другими девушками. Это было интересно".<</jk>>
<<jn>>Она приподняла бровь, заметив, как он изменился. Похоже, он действительно стал больше осознавать свою привлекательность. "Правда? Ты выглядишь по-другому. Более... уверенным в себе".<</jn>>
<<jk>>Джек кивнул, его глаза блестели от волнения. "Да, я многому научился. Флиртовать, приглашать девушек на свидания... я как будто открыл себя с новой стороны".<</jk>>
<<jn>>Дженни откинулась на спинку стула, пытаясь понять, как он преобразился. "Что ж, я рада за тебя. Так почему ты захотел встретиться?"<</jn>>
<<jk>>Выражение лица Джека стало более серьезным. "Просто по какой-то причине все это время я очень хотел встретиться с тобой. Знаешь, то, что было между нами в тот день, не сравнится с чем-либо другим".<</jk>>
<<jn>>"Джек, мы договорились, что то, что произошло между нами, должно остаться в тайне".<</jn>>
<<jk>>Джек кивнул. "Я знаю. Но с той ночи я думаю только о том, что мы натворили. Я понял, что нам с Мией не суждено быть вместе, поэтому я порвал с ней. Но ты мне очень нравишься, Дженни".<</jk>>
<<jn>>"Это глупости. Мы не можем так поступить. Даже если... - она замешкалась, подыскивая нужные слова, - даже если мне понравилось то, что произошло, мы должны остановиться".<</jn>>
<<jk>>Глаза Джека сверкнули. "Я не хочу, чтобы это прекращалось, Дженни".<</jk>>
<<jn>>Она опустила глаза, чувствуя тяжесть его слов. "Мне все равно, чего ты хочешь. Мы должны остановиться. Это правильно".<</jn>>
<<jk>>Джек откинулся назад, в его глазах появился озорной блеск. "Хорошо, но мы не обязаны заканчивать так. Давай хоть повеселимся напоследок".<</jk>>
<<jn>>Дженни нахмурила брови. "Что ты имеешь в виду?"<</jn>>
<<jk>>Джек наклонился ближе, понизив голос. "Встретимся в уборной через пять минут, и ты все узнаешь".<</jk>>
<<st>>Неужели он только что предложил ей заняться сексом в туалете? Она никогда не делала ничего подобного раньше и не собиралась делать это сегодня. Хотя ей хотелось развлечься, и, возможно, не стоило слишком много думать и просто сделать это.<</st>>
<<jn>>"Это безумие", - прошептала она.<</jn>>
<<jk>>Джек улыбнулся. "Просто поверь мне. Это будет наш маленький секрет".<</jk>>
<<st>>Дженни смотрела, как Джек встает и уходит. Она знала, что это неправильно, что она должна уйти и никогда не оглядываться назад. Но волнение, опасность всего этого опьяняли.<</st>>
<<st>>Она в последний раз окинула взглядом ресторан, проверяя, нет ли там знакомых лиц.<</st>>
<<st>>Дженни вошла в ванную. Джек уже был там, прислонившись к раковине с уверенной улыбкой.<</st>>
<<jk>>"Видишь? Я знал, что ты придешь", - сказал он низким, дразнящим голосом.<</jk>>
<<jn>>Дженни почувствовала прилив адреналина, придвинувшись ближе. "Это безумие, Джек".<</jn>>
<<jk>>"Может это и безумие ", - ответил Джек, обнимая ее. "Но никто об этом не узнает".<</jk>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Jenny saß an einem Ecktisch in einem diskreten Restaurant am Stadtrand. Sie sah sich nervös um und hoffte, dass sie niemand, den sie kannte, hier sehen würde. Sie hatte zugestimmt, Jack zum Mittagessen zu treffen, und redete sich ein, dass es harmlos sei. Nur Mittagessen, nichts weiter.<</st>>
<<st>>Jack kam kurz darauf an und lächelte charmant, als er ihr gegenüber Platz nahm.<</st>>
<<jk>>„Hey, Jenny. Schön, dich zu sehen“, sagte Jack, seine Stimme warm.<</jk>>
<<jn>>Jenny erwiderte das Lächeln, obwohl ihr Kopf raste. „Hey, Jack. Wie geht es dir?“<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jacks Lächeln wurde breiter. „Mir geht es gut. Seit ich mich von Mia getrennt habe, habe ich beschlossen, aus meiner Komfortzone herauszukommen und andere Mädchen zu daten. Es war interessant.“<</jk>>
<<jn>>Sie hob eine Augenbraue und bemerkte die Veränderung an ihm. Er schien sich seiner Attraktivität bewusster zu sein. „Wirklich? Du siehst anders aus. Selbstbewusster.“<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jack nickte, seine Augen funkelten vor Aufregung. „Ja, ich habe viel gelernt. Flirten, Mädchen ausfragen ... es ist, als hätte ich eine neue Seite an mir entdeckt.“<</jk>>
<<jn>>Jenny lehnte sich zurück und versuchte, seine Verwandlung zu verstehen. „Nun, ich freue mich für dich. Warum wolltest du dich also treffen?“<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jacks Ausdruck wurde ernster. „Es ist nur so, dass ich die ganze Zeit über wirklich den Wunsch hatte, dich zu treffen. Du weißt schon, was wir auf dieser Couch gemacht haben, war besser als mit irgendjemand anderem.“<</jk>>
<<jn>>„Jack, wir haben vereinbart, dass das, was zwischen uns passiert ist, ein Geheimnis bleibt.“<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jack nickte. „Ich weiß. Aber seit dieser Nacht denke ich nur noch an das, was wir getan haben. Ich habe erkannt, dass Mia und ich nicht füreinander bestimmt sind, also habe ich mit ihr Schluss gemacht. Aber ich mag dich wirklich, Jenny.“<</jk>>
<<jn>>„Das ist Unsinn. Wir können das nicht tun. Auch wenn...“ Sie zögerte und suchte nach den richtigen Worten, „auch wenn mir gefallen hat, was passiert ist, müssen wir aufhören.“<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jacks Augen funkelten. „Ich will nicht, dass es aufhört, Jenny.“<</jk>>
<<jn>>Sie blickte nach unten und spürte das Gewicht seiner Worte. „Es ist mir egal, was du willst. Wir müssen aufhören. Es ist das Richtige.“<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jack lehnte sich zurück, ein schelmisches Funkeln in seinen Augen. "Okay, aber wir müssen es nicht so enden lassen. Lass es uns doch spaßig machen."<</jk>>
<<jn>>Jenny runzelte die Stirn. "Was meinst du damit?"<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jack beugte sich näher zu ihr, seine Stimme wurde leiser. "Triff mich in fünf Minuten im Badezimmer, dann wirst du es herausfinden."<</jk>>
<<st>>Was er sagte, war verrückt. Meinte er wirklich, dass sie im Badezimmer Sex haben sollten? Sie hatte so etwas noch nie zuvor getan und hatte nicht vor, heute damit anzufangen. Obwohl sie Spaß haben wollte, dachte sie vielleicht, dass sie nicht zu viel darüber nachdenken und es einfach tun sollte.<</st>>
<<jn>>"Das ist verrückt," flüsterte sie.<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jack lächelte. "Vertrau mir einfach. Es wird unser kleines Geheimnis sein."<</jk>>
<<st>>Jenny beobachtete, wie Jack aufstand und wegging. Sie wusste, dass das falsch war, dass sie gehen und nie zurückblicken sollte. Aber die Aufregung, die Gefahr von allem, war berauschend.<</st>>
<<st>>Sie sah sich ein letztes Mal im Restaurant um und stellte sicher, dass keine bekannten Gesichter anwesend waren.<</st>>
<<st>>Jenny betrat das Badezimmer. Jack war bereits da, lehnte sich gegen das Waschbecken und lächelte selbstbewusst.<</st>>
<<jk>>"Siehst du? Ich wusste, dass du kommen würdest," sagte er, seine Stimme leise und neckend.<</jk>>
<<jn>>Jenny spürte einen Adrenalinstoß, als sie näher trat. "Das ist verrückt, Jack."<</jn>>
<<jk>>"Verrückt kann gut sein," erwiderte Jack und umarmte sie. "Niemand muss es wissen."<</jk>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Jenny est assise à une table de coin dans un restaurant discret à la périphérie de la ville. Elle regardait nerveusement autour d'elle, espérant que personne ne la verrait ici. Elle avait accepté de rencontrer Jack pour le déjeuner, se disant que c'était inoffensif. Juste un déjeuner, rien de plus.<</st>>
<<st>>Jack arriva peu après, affichant un sourire charmeur en s'asseyant en face d'elle.<</st>>
<<jk>>"Bonjour, Jenny. C'est bon de te voir", dit Jack, la voix chaude.<</jk>>
<<jn>>Jenny lui rendit son sourire, même si son esprit s'emballait. "Hé, Jack, comment vas-tu ? Comment vas-tu ?"<</jn>>
<<jk>>Le sourire de Jack s'élargit. "Je vais bien. Depuis que nous avons rompu avec Mia, j'ai décidé de sortir de ma zone de confort et de commencer à sortir avec d'autres filles. C'est intéressant."<</jk>>
<<jn>>Elle haussa un sourcil, remarquant le changement chez lui. Il semblait plus conscient de son pouvoir d'attraction. "C'est vrai ? Tu as l'air différent. Plus... confiant."<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jack acquiesça, ses yeux pétillant d'excitation. "Oui, j'ai beaucoup appris. Flirter, inviter des filles à sortir... c'est comme si j'avais découvert une nouvelle facette de moi-même."<</jk>>
<<jn>>Jenny se pencha en arrière, essayant de comprendre sa transformation. "Je suis contente pour toi. Alors, pourquoi voulais-tu qu'on se rencontre ?"<</jn>>
<<jk>>L'expression de Jack devient plus sérieuse. "C'est juste que, pour une raison ou une autre, j'ai toujours voulu te rencontrer. Tu sais, ce que nous avons fait sur ce canapé était mieux qu'avec n'importe qui d'autre."<</jk>>
<<jn>>"Jack, nous étions d'accord pour que ce qui s'est passé entre nous reste un secret."<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jack acquiesce. "Mais depuis cette nuit, je ne pense qu'à ce que nous avons fait. J'ai compris que Mia et moi n'étions pas faits l'un pour l'autre, alors j'ai rompu avec elle. Mais je t'aime vraiment bien, Jenny."<</jk>>
<<jn>>"C'est absurde. On ne peut pas faire ça. Même si..." elle hésite, cherchant les mots justes, "même si j'ai aimé ce qui s'est passé, il faut qu'on arrête".<</jn>>
<<jk>>Les yeux de Jack brillent. "Je ne veux pas que ça s'arrête, Jenny."<</jk>>
<<jn>>Elle baisse les yeux, sentant le poids de ses mots. "Je me fiche de ce que tu veux. Nous devons arrêter. C'est la bonne chose à faire."<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jack se pencha en arrière, une étincelle malicieuse dans les yeux. "D'accord, mais nous ne sommes pas obligés d'en finir de cette façon. Faisons en sorte que ce soit amusant."<</jk>>
<<jn>>Jenny fronce les sourcils. "Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire ?"<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jack se rapprocha, baissant la voix. "Retrouve-moi dans la salle de bains dans cinq minutes, et tu le sauras."<</jk>>
<<st>>Ce qu'il a dit est insensé. Vient-il vraiment de lui proposer de baiser dans les toilettes ? Elle n'avait jamais rien fait de tel et n'avait pas l'intention de commencer aujourd'hui. Cependant, elle avait envie de s'amuser, et peut-être qu'elle ne devait pas trop réfléchir et simplement le faire.<</st>>
<<jn>>"C'est fou", murmure-t-elle.<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jack sourit. "Fais-moi confiance. Ce sera notre petit secret."<</jk>>
<<st>>Jenny regarde Jack se lever et s'éloigner. Elle savait que ce n'était pas bien, qu'elle devait partir et ne jamais se retourner. Mais l'excitation, le danger de tout cela était enivrant.<</st>>
<<st>>Elle jeta un dernier coup d'œil dans le restaurant, s'assurant qu'aucun visage familier n'était présent.<</st>>
<<st>>Jenny entra dans la salle de bains. Jack était déjà là, appuyé contre le lavabo avec un sourire confiant.<</st>>
<<jk>>"Je savais que tu viendrais", dit-il d'une voix basse et taquine.<</jk>>
<<jn>>Jenny sentit une poussée d'adrénaline en se rapprochant. "C'est de la folie, Jack."<</jn>>
<<jk>>"La folie peut être bonne", répondit Jack en l'enlaçant. "Personne n'a besoin de savoir".<</jk>>
<<button[[Le sexe|Video_Mother]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Jenny se sentó en una mesa esquinera de un discreto restaurante de las afueras de la ciudad. Miraba nerviosa a su alrededor, esperando que ningún conocido la viera. Había quedado con Jack para comer, diciéndose a sí misma que era algo inofensivo. Sólo un almuerzo, nada más.<</st>>
<<st>>Jack llegó poco después, mostrando una sonrisa encantadora mientras tomaba asiento frente a ella.<</st>>
<<jk>>"Hola, Jenny. Me alegro de verte", dijo Jack, con voz cálida.<</jk>>
<<jn>>Jenny le devolvió la sonrisa, aunque su mente iba a mil por hora. "Hola, Jack. ¿Cómo has estado?"<</jn>>
<<jk>>La sonrisa de Jack se ensanchó. "He estado bien. Desde que rompimos con Mia, decidí salir de mi zona de confort y empezar a salir con otras chicas. Ha sido interesante".<</jk>>
<<jn>>Ella enarcó una ceja, notando el cambio en él. Parecía más consciente de su atractivo. "¿En serio? Pareces diferente. Más... confiado".<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jack asintió, sus ojos brillaban con una mezcla de emoción. "Sí, he aprendido mucho. Ligar, invitar a salir a chicas... es como si hubiera encontrado una nueva faceta de mí mismo".<</jk>>
<<jn>>Jenny se echó hacia atrás, tratando de entender su transformación. "Bueno, me alegro por ti. Entonces, ¿por qué querías conocerme?"<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jack's expression grew more serious. "It’s just that for some reason this whole time, I really wanted to meet you. You know, what we did on that couch was better than with anyone else."<</jk>>
<<jn>>"Jack, acordamos que lo que pasó entre nosotros debía permanecer en secreto".<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jack asintió. "Lo sé. Pero desde aquella noche, sólo pienso en lo que hicimos. Me di cuenta de que Mia y yo no estamos hechos el uno para el otro, así que rompí con ella. Pero realmente me gustas, Jenny".<</jk>>
<<jn>>"Esto no tiene sentido. No podemos hacerlo. Aunque..." vaciló, buscando las palabras adecuadas, "aunque me gustó lo que pasó, tenemos que dejarlo".<</jn>>
<<jk>>Los ojos de Jack brillaron. "No quiero que pare, Jenny".<</jk>>
<<jn>>Ella bajó la mirada, sintiendo el peso de sus palabras. "No me importa lo que quieras. Debemos parar. Es lo correcto".<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jack se echó hacia atrás, con un brillo travieso en los ojos. "Vale, pero no tenemos por qué acabar así. Hagámoslo divertido".<</jk>>
<<jn>>Jenny frunció el ceño. "¿Qué quieres decir?<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jack se inclinó más hacia ella, bajando la voz. "Reúnete conmigo en el baño dentro de cinco minutos y lo descubrirás".<</jk>>
<<st>>Lo que había dicho era una locura. ¿De verdad acababa de ofrecerle tener sexo en un baño? Ella nunca había hecho nada parecido y no pensaba empezar a hacerlo hoy. Sin embargo, ella quería divertirse, y tal vez no debería pensar demasiado y simplemente hacerlo.<</st>>
<<jn>>"Esto es una locura", susurró.<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jack sonrió. "Confía en mí. Será nuestro pequeño secreto".<</jk>>
<<st>>Jenny vio como Jack se levantaba y se alejaba. Sabía que estaba mal, que debía marcharse y no mirar atrás. Pero la excitación, el peligro de todo aquello, era embriagador.<</st>>
<<st>>Echó un último vistazo al restaurante, asegurándose de que no había caras conocidas.<</st>>
<<st>>Jenny entró en el baño. Jack ya estaba allí, apoyado en el lavabo con una sonrisa confiada.<</st>>
<<jk>>"¿Ves? Sabía que vendrías", dijo, con voz baja y burlona.<</jk>>
<<jn>>Jenny sintió un subidón de adrenalina al acercarse. "Esto es una locura, Jack.<</jn>>
<<jk>>"La locura puede ser buena", respondió Jack, abrazándola. "Nadie tiene por qué saberlo".<</jk>>
<<case "CH">>
<<jk>>杰克点了点头。"我知道 但自从那晚之后,我就只想着我们做的事。我意识到米娅和我不适合在一起 所以我和她分手了 但我真的很喜欢你,珍妮"<</jk>>
<<jn>>"这太荒唐了 我们不能这样做。即使...... "她犹豫了一下,在寻找合适的词语,"即使我喜欢发生的一切,但我们必须停止。"<</jn>>
<<jk>>杰克凑近了些,压低了声音。"五分钟后到浴室找我 你就知道了"<</jk>>
<<jk>>杰克微笑着说 "相信我 这是我们之间的小秘密。"<</jk>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia followed her gaze and saw a well-dressed man in a sharp suit. He exuded confidence and sophistication. Intrigued, they decided to approach him.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia and Elain made their way to the roulette table, where the man was deep in the game. He looked up as they approached, flashing a charming smile.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Hey there,'' Mia said confidently. ''I'm Mia, and this is my friend Elain. We couldn't help but notice your impressive gameplay.''<</mia>>
<<vit>>The man chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. ''Nice to meet you both. I'm Vitto. Roulette's a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine.''<</vit>>
<<st>>They spent the next few hours together, enjoying drinks, playing games, and sharing stories. Vitto was charming, witty, and clearly very wealthy. As the conversation flowed, they learned more about each other.<</st>>
<<ele>>''So, Vitto, do you come to the casino often?'' Elain asked, her curiosity piqued.<</ele>>
<<vit>>''Every now and then,'' Vitto replied with a casual shrug. ''It’s a fun way to unwind. What about you two? What do you do?''<</vit>>
<<mia>>''We study and work,'' Mia answered. ''I'm in business school, and Elain is an interior design student.''<</mia>>
<<vit>>''Nice,'' Vitto said, nodding. ''Sounds like you both keep busy.''<</vit>>
<<ele>>''Where are you from originally?'' Elain asked, leaning in with interest.<</ele>>
<<vit>>''Our family is Italian,'' Vitto said with a grin. ''We have some business interests here and there. I support the family business.''<</vit>>
<<st>>He didn’t elaborate, and they sensed there was more to the story, but they didn't press further.<</st>>
<<vit>>''So, do you ladies like gambling and betting?'' Vitto asked, steering the conversation in a new direction. ''Do you enjoy taking risks?''<</vit>>
<<st>>Mia and Elain exchanged excited glances, their eyes sparkling with anticipation.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Oh, we love doing crazy stuff,'' Elain said, laughing. ''Especially Mia. She’s always up for some wild adventure.''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia playfully swatted Elain. ''You’re one to talk.''<</mia>>
<<vit>>Vitto grinned. ''Well, tonight's about fun,'' placing a stack of chips on the table. ''How about we make this game more interesting? Let's each make a bet with a wish. If you win, you get to make a wish, and the others have to fulfill it. You ladies up for it?''<</vit>>
<<mia>>Mia and Elain's eyes lit up with excitement. ''Absolutely! Let's do this.''<</mia>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Миа проследила за ее взглядом и увидела хорошо одетого мужчину в строгом костюме. Он излучал уверенность и изысканность. Заинтригованные, они решили подойти к нему.<</st>>
<<st>>Мия и Элейн направились к столу с рулеткой, где мужчина был погружен в игру. Когда они подошли, он поднял голову и одарил их очаровательной улыбкой.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Привет'', - уверенно сказала Миа. ''Я - Миа, а это моя подруга Элайна. Мы не могли не заметить вашего впечатляющего хода игры''.<</mia>>
<<vit>>Мужчина усмехнулся, его глаза задорно блеснули. ''Приятно познакомиться с вами обоими. Я Витто. Рулетка - это мое невинное удовольствие''.<</vit>>
<<st>>Следующие несколько часов они провели вместе, наслаждаясь напитками, играя в игры и делясь историями. Витто был обаятельным, остроумным и явно очень богатым. По мере того как текла беседа, они узнавали друг о друге все больше и больше.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Итак, Витто, ты часто бываешь в казино?'' - спросила Элейн.<</ele>>
<<vit>>''Время от времени'', - ответил Витто, небрежно пожав плечами. ''Это отличный способ расслабиться. А как насчет вас двоих? Чем вы занимаетесь?''<</vit>>
<<mia>>''Мы учимся и работаем'', - ответила Миа. ''Я учусь в бизнес-школе, а Элейн - на дизайнера интерьеров''.<</mia>>
<<vit>>''Мило'', - сказал Витто, кивнув. ''В общем, вам обеим есть чем заняться''.<</vit>>
<<ele>>''Откуда ты родом?'' спросила Элейн, с интересом наклонившись к нему.<</ele>>
<<vit>>''Я и моя семья из Италии'', - усмехнулся Витто. ''У нас есть несколько предприятий по всему миру. Я поддерживаю семейный бизнес и подрабатываю то тут, то там''.<</vit>>
<<st>>Он не стал углублять ся в эту тему, и они почувствовали, что будто что-то крывает, но не стали допытываться.<</st>>
<<vit>>''Итак, вы, дамы, любите азартные игры и ставки?'' спросил Витто, направляя разговор в другое русло. '' Вам нравится рисковать?''<</vit>>
<<st>>Миа и Элейн обменялись взволнованными взглядами, их глаза блестели от предвкушения.<</st>>
<<ele>>''О, мы любим совершать безумные поступки'', - сказала Элейн, смеясь. ''Особенно Миа. Она всегда готова к диким приключениям''.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Мия игриво потрепала Элейн. ''Ну ты и болтушка''.<</mia>>
<<vit>>Витто усмехнулся. ''Ну, сегодня мы будем веселиться'', - он положил на стол стопку фишек. ''Как насчет того, чтобы сделать эту игру более интересной? Давайте каждый сделает ставку на свое желание. Если вы выиграете, то сможете загадать желание, а остальные должны будут его исполнить. Согласны?''<</vit>>
<<mia>>Глаза Мии и Элейн загорелись от восторга. ''Конечно! Начинаем!''<</mia>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia folgte ihrem Blick und sah einen gut gekleideten Mann in einem scharfen Anzug. Er strahlte Selbstbewusstsein und Raffinesse aus. Intrigiert beschlossen sie, ihn anzusprechen.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia und Elain machten sich auf den Weg zum Roulettetisch, wo der Mann tief im Spiel vertieft war. Er sah auf, als sie näher kamen, und lächelte charmant.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Hey'', sagte Mia selbstbewusst. ''Ich bin Mia, und das ist meine Freundin Elain. Wir konnten nicht umhin, dein beeindruckendes Spiel zu bemerken.''<</mia>>
<<vit>>Der Mann lachte leise, seine Augen funkelten amüsiert. ''Freut mich, euch kennenzulernen. Ich bin Vitto. Roulette ist so eine Art heimliche Leidenschaft von mir.''<</vit>>
<<st>>Sie verbrachten die nächsten Stunden zusammen, genossen Drinks, spielten Spiele und teilten Geschichten. Vitto war charmant, geistreich und offensichtlich sehr wohlhabend. Während das Gespräch floss, lernten sie einander besser kennen.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Also, Vitto, kommst du oft ins Casino?'' fragte Elain, ihre Neugier geweckt.<</ele>>
<<vit>>''Ab und zu'', antwortete Vitto mit einer lässigen Schulterzucken. ''Es ist eine spaßige Art, sich zu entspannen. Und ihr beiden? Was macht ihr so?''<</vit>>
<<mia>>''Wir studieren und arbeiten'', antwortete Mia. ''Ich studiere Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Elain ist Studentin für Innenarchitektur.''<</mia>>
<<vit>>''Schön'', nickte Vitto. ''Hört sich so an, als hättet ihr beide alle Hände voll zu tun.''<</vit>>
<<ele>>''Woher kommst du ursprünglich?'' fragte Elain interessiert.<</ele>>
<<vit>>''Unsere Familie ist italienisch'', sagte Vitto mit einem Grinsen. ''Wir haben hier und da einige geschäftliche Interessen. Ich unterstütze das Familienunternehmen.''<</vit>>
<<st>>Er ging nicht näher darauf ein, und sie spürten, dass es mehr zu seiner Geschichte gab, aber sie bohrten nicht weiter nach.<</st>>
<<vit>>''Also, mögt ihr Damen das Glücksspiel und Wetten?'' fragte Vitto und lenkte das Gespräch in eine neue Richtung. ''Mögt ihr es, Risiken einzugehen?''<</vit>>
<<st>>Mia und Elain tauschten aufgeregte Blicke aus, ihre Augen funkelten vor Vorfreude.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Oh, wir lieben verrückte Sachen'', sagte Elain lachend. ''Besonders Mia. Sie ist immer für ein wildes Abenteuer zu haben.''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia schlug Elain spielerisch. ''Du bist ja mal eine, um darüber zu reden.''<</mia>>
<<vit>>Vitto grinste. ''Na gut, heute Abend geht es um Spaß'', und legte einen Stapel Chips auf den Tisch. ''Wie wäre es, wenn wir dieses Spiel interessanter machen? Jeder von uns macht eine Wette mit einem Wunsch. Wenn du gewinnst, darfst du einen Wunsch äußern, den die anderen erfüllen müssen. Seid ihr Mädels dabei?''<</vit>>
<<mia>>Die Augen von Mia und Elain leuchteten vor Aufregung. ''Auf jeden Fall! Lass uns das machen.''<</mia>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Mia a suivi son regard et a vu un homme bien habillé dans un costume élégant. Il respirait l'assurance et la sophistication. Intriguées, elles décidèrent de l'approcher.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia et Elain se dirigèrent vers la table de roulette, où l'homme était plongé dans le jeu. Il leva les yeux à leur approche, affichant un sourire charmeur.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Bonjour'', dit Mia avec assurance. ''Je suis Mia, et voici mon ami Elain. Nous n'avons pas pu nous empêcher de remarquer votre jeu impressionnant.''<</mia>>
<<vit>>L'homme gloussa, les yeux brillants d'amusement. ''Enchanté de vous rencontrer tous les deux. Je m'appelle Vitto. La roulette est un de mes plaisirs coupables.''<</vit>>
<<st>>Ils passèrent les heures suivantes ensemble, à boire des verres, à jouer à des jeux et à partager des histoires. Vitto était charmant, plein d'esprit et manifestement très riche. Au fil de la conversation, ils en apprennent davantage l'un sur l'autre.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Alors, Vitto, tu viens souvent au casino ?'', demanda Elain, piquée par la curiosité.<</ele>>
<<vit>>''De temps en temps'', répondit Vitto avec un haussement d'épaules désinvolte. ''C'est un bon moyen de se détendre. Et vous deux ? Que faites-vous ?''<</vit>>
<<mia>>''Nous étudions et travaillons'', répond Mia. ''Je suis à l'école de commerce et Elain est étudiante en architecture d'intérieur.<</mia>>
<<vit>>''Joli'', dit Vitto en hochant la tête. ''On dirait que vous êtes tous les deux très occupés.''<</vit>>
<<ele>>''D'où viens-tu à l'origine ?'' demanda Elain en se penchant avec intérêt.<</ele>>
<<vit>>''Notre famille est italienne'', dit Vitto avec un sourire. ''Nous avons quelques intérêts commerciaux ici et là. Je soutiens l'entreprise familiale.''<</vit>>
<<st>>Il ne s'est pas étendu, et ils ont senti qu'il y avait plus à dire, mais ils n'ont pas insisté davantage.<</st>>
<<vit>>''Alors, vous aimez les jeux d'argent et les paris, mesdames ?'' demande Vitto, orientant la conversation dans une nouvelle direction. ''Vous aimez prendre des risques ?''<</vit>>
<<st>>Mia et Elain échangent un regard excité, les yeux pétillants d'impatience.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Oh, nous adorons faire des choses folles'', dit Elain en riant. ''Surtout Mia. Elle est toujours partante pour une aventure folle.''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia s'amuse à donner un coup de poing à Elain. ''C'est toi qui parles.''<</mia>>
<<vit>>Vitto sourit. ''Eh bien, ce soir, on va s'amuser'', dit-il en posant une pile de jetons sur la table. ''Et si nous rendions ce jeu plus intéressant ? Mettons chacun un souhait en jeu. Si vous gagnez, vous pourrez faire un vœu et les autres devront le réaliser. Vous êtes partantes, mesdames ?''<</vit>>
<<mia>>Les yeux de Mia et d'Elain s'illuminent d'excitation. ''Absolument ! Allons-y.''<</mia>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mia siguió su mirada y vio a un hombre bien vestido con un traje elegante. Irradiaba seguridad y sofisticación. Intrigadas, decidieron acercarse a él.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia y Elain se dirigieron a la ruleta, donde el hombre estaba inmerso en el juego. Cuando se acercaron, levantó la vista y esbozó una sonrisa encantadora.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Hola'', dijo Mia con confianza. ''Soy Mia, y este es mi amigo Elain. No hemos podido evitar fijarnos en tu impresionante forma de jugar''.<</mia>>
<<vit>>El hombre soltó una risita y sus ojos brillaron divertidos. ''Encantado de conoceros. Soy Vitto. La ruleta es un placer culpable para mí''.<</vit>>
<<st>>Pasaron las siguientes horas juntos, bebiendo, jugando y compartiendo historias. Vitto era encantador, ingenioso y claramente muy rico. A medida que la conversación fluía, aprendían más el uno del otro.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Vitto, ¿vienes a menudo al casino? preguntó Elain, picada por la curiosidad.<</ele>>
<<vit>>''De vez en cuando'', contesta Vitto encogiéndose de hombros. ''Es una forma divertida de desconectar. ¿Y vosotros dos? ¿Qué hacéis?''<</vit>>
<<mia>>''Estudiamos y trabajamos'', respondió Mia. ''Yo estoy en la escuela de negocios y Elain estudia diseño de interiores''.<</mia>>
<<vit>>''Qué bien'', dijo Vitto, asintiendo. ''Parece que los dos os mantenéis ocupados''.<</vit>>
<<ele>>''¿De dónde eres originalmente?'' preguntó Elain, inclinándose con interés.<</ele>>
<<vit>>''Nuestra familia es italiana'', dijo Vitto con una sonrisa. ''Tenemos algunos intereses empresariales aquí y allá. Apoyo el negocio familiar y hago trabajos aquí y allá''.<</vit>>
<<st>>No dio más detalles, y ellas intuyeron que había algo más en la historia, pero no presionaron más.<</st>>
<<vit>>''Entonces, ¿les gusta el juego y las apuestas?''. preguntó Vitto, desviando la conversación hacia otra dirección. ''¿Os gusta correr riesgos?''.<</vit>>
<<st>>Mia y Elain intercambiaron miradas excitadas, con los ojos brillantes de expectación.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Oh, nos encanta hacer locuras'', dijo Elain, riendo. ''Especialmente a Mia. Siempre está dispuesta a vivir aventuras salvajes''.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia le dio un manotazo juguetón a Elain. ''Tú sí que sabes hablar''.<</mia>>
<<vit>>Vitto sonrió. ''Bueno, esta noche se trata de diversión'', colocando un montón de fichas sobre la mesa. ''¿Qué tal si hacemos este juego más interesante? Hagamos cada uno una apuesta con un deseo. Si ganas, puedes pedir un deseo y los demás tienen que cumplirlo. ¿Se apuntan?''<</vit>>
<<mia>>Los ojos de Mia y Elain se iluminaron de emoción. ''Por supuesto. Hagámoslo''.<</mia>>
<<button[[Continúe en|quest_casino_adventure_3]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<ele>>''你来自哪里?'' 伊兰饶有兴趣地凑过来问道。<</ele>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>The three of them stood around the roulette table, each placing their bets with a mischievous glint in their eyes.<</st>>
<<ele>>Elain chose 22, her eyes sparkling with excitement. ''It's my lucky number. Won me a big prize once. If I win, I want us to go on a helicopter ride!''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia whistled, shaking her head. ''Girl, are you out of your mind? Where are we gonna find a helicopter?''<</mia>>
<<vit>>Vitto chuckled, clearly amused by the daring request. ''A helicopter ride? Now that's bold. But ok, if you win, I'll make it happen. I never back down from a challenge.'' he winked at them.<</vit>>
<<mia>>Mia made her choice too. ''Alright, You said you're Italian? if I win, I want you to take us to Italy!''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain raised an eyebrow, her mouth agape. ''And you said I was making a crazy wish?''<</ele>>
<<vit>>Vitto grinned, impressed by Mia's wish. ''You ladies sure know how to dream big. I like it.''<</vit>>
<<vit>>Vitto placed his bet on 17. ''This number's got a good vibe,'' he said with a grin. ''And if I win, I want a real kiss from each of you. No cheek pecks.''<</vit>>
<<mia>>The girls burst into laughter. ''Are you serious? Are you 12 years old?'' Mia teased. ''Man, make a real wish. We can keep up with that.'' They winked at him, daring him to step up his game.<</mia>>
<<vit>>Vitto's grin widened, leaning in closer. ''Alright, then. If I win, I want us to have a threesome.''<</vit>>
<<ele>>Mia and Elain exchanged glances, their eyes gleaming with excitement. ''Alright, Vitto. Game on,'' Elain said.<</ele>>
<<st>>The dealer spun the wheel, and they all watched intently as the ball danced around. The waiting was intense, each second stretching out as they held their breath. The teasing and laughter quieted down, replaced by focused anticipation.<</st>>
<<st>>The ball finally settled on 17—Vitto's number.<</st>>
<<ele>>''No way!'' Elain exclaimed, her mouth dropping open. ''You actually won!''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia groaned, then laughed, a playful sparkle in her eyes. ''How is this possible? It's roulette, none of us was supposed to win! That's crazy!''<</mia>>
<<mia>>Mia groaned, then laughed, a playful sparkle in her eyes. ''Well, a bet's a bet. Looks like we owe you, Vitto.''<</mia>>
<<vit>>Vitto chuckled, clearly pleased. ''I'll take my winnings now, thank you very much.''<</vit>>
<<mia>>''Okay then, lead the way,'' Mia said, her voice low and inviting.<</mia>>
<<st>>Vitto wrapped an arm around each of their waists and guided them out of the casino. They walked through the bustling casino floor, out into the cool night air, and into his sleek, luxurious car. With the city lights flashing by, they drove to his place.<</st>>
<<st>>Once they arrived, the girls started kissing each other, a teasing smile playing on their lips as Vitto watched them, his excitement building. Then they turned to him, kissing him one by one, their passion igniting the room.<</st>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Они втроем стояли вокруг стола с рулеткой, каждый делал свою ставку с озорным блеском в глазах.<</st>>
<<ele>>Элейн выбрала 22, ее глаза блестели от возбуждения. ''Это мое счастливое число. Однажды оно принесло мне большой приз. Если я выиграю, то хочу, чтобы мы полетали на вертолете!''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Миа присвистнула, покачав головой. ''Девочка, ты с ума сошла? Где мы найдем вертолет?''<</mia>>
<<vit>>Витто засмеялся, явно позабавленный смелой просьбой. ''Прокатиться на вертолете? Вот это смело. Но ладно, если ты выиграешь, я сделаю это. Я никогда не даю заднюю'', - подмигнул он им.<</vit>>
<<mia>>Мия тоже сделала свой выбор. ''Хорошо, ты сказал, что ты итальянец? Если я выиграю, я хочу, чтобы ты отвез нас в Италию!''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Элейн приподняла бровь, ее рот застыл в недоумении. ''И ты сказала, что я загадываю безумное желание?''<</ele>>
<<vit>>Витто усмехнулся, впечатленный желанием Мии. ''Вы, дамы, умеете мечтать по-крупному. Мне это нравится''.<</vit>>
<<vit>>Витто сделал ставку на 17. ''У этого числа хорошая энергетика'', - сказал он с ухмылкой. ''И если я выиграю, то хочу, чтобы каждая из вас по-настоящему поцеловала меня. Никаких чмоков в щечку''.<</vit>>
<<mia>>Девушки разразились хохотом. ''Ты серьезно? Тебе что, 12 лет?'' поддразнила Мия. ''Чувак, загадай настоящее желание. Что бы ты не придум, мы не отступим''. Они подмигнули ему, призывая его действовать более решительно.<</mia>>
<<vit>>Ухмылка Витто расширилась, и он наклонился ближе. ''Хорошо. Если я выиграю, я хочу, чтобы мы занялись сексом втроем''.<</vit>>
<<ele>>Мия и Элейн обменялись взглядами, их глаза блестели от возбуждения. ''Хорошо, Витто. Игра началась'', - сказала Элейн.<</ele>>
<<st>>Дилер закрутил колесо, и все они внимательно следили за тем, как шарик танцует по кругу. Ожидание было напряженным, каждая секунда тянулась затаив дыхание. Дразнилки и смех стихли, сменившись сосредоточенным предвкушением.<</st>>
<<st>>Наконец шарик остановился на номере 17 - номере Витто.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Не может быть!'' воскликнула Элейн, раскрыв рот. ''Ты действительно выиграл!''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Мия застонала, а потом рассмеялась, в ее глазах появился игривый блеск. ''Как такое возможно? Это же рулетка, никто из нас не должен был выиграть! Это безумие! Ладно, ставка есть ставка.<</mia>>
<<mia>>Похоже, мы в долгу перед тобой, Витто''.<</mia>>
<<vit>>Витто усмехнулся, явно довольный. ''Я бы предпочел забрать свой выигрыш прямо сейчас''.<</vit>>
<<mia>>''Ну раз так, тогда веди нас'', - сказала Миа, ее голос был хрипловатым и приглашающим.<</mia>>
<<st>>Витто обхватил каждую из них за талию и вывел из зала. Они прошли через шумный зал казино, вышли на прохладный ночной воздух и сели в его роскошный автомобиль. Мимо мелькали огни города, и они поехали к нему домой.<</st>>
<<st>>Как только они зашли в его гостиную, девушки начали целовать друг друга, на их губах играла дразнящая улыбка, а Витто наблюдал за ними, испытывая нарастающее возбуждение. Затем они повернулись к нему, целуя его по очереди, и распаляясь все сильнее.<</st>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Die drei standen um den Roulettetisch herum und setzten ihre Einsätze mit einem schelmischen Glitzern in den Augen.<</st>>
<<ele>>Elain wählte die 22, ihre Augen funkelten vor Aufregung. ''Das ist meine Glückszahl. Hat mir schon einmal einen großen Preis eingebracht. Wenn ich gewinne, will ich, dass wir einen Hubschrauberflug machen!''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia pfiff und schüttelte den Kopf. ''Mädel, spinnst du? Wo sollen wir denn bitte einen Hubschrauber auftreiben?''<</mia>>
<<vit>>Vitto lachte leise, offensichtlich amüsiert über den kühnen Wunsch. ''Ein Hubschrauberflug? Das ist wirklich gewagt. Aber okay, wenn du gewinnst, lasse ich das wahr werden. Ich scheue keine Herausforderung'', zwinkerte er ihnen zu.<</vit>>
<<mia>>Auch Mia traf ihre Wahl. ''Okay, du hast gesagt, du bist Italiener, oder? Wenn ich gewinne, will ich, dass du uns nach Italien bringst!''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain zog eine Augenbraue hoch, mit offenem Mund. ''Und du hast gesagt, mein Wunsch wäre verrückt?''<</ele>>
<<vit>>Vitto grinste, beeindruckt von Mias Wunsch. ''Ihr Mädels wisst wirklich, wie man groß träumt. Das gefällt mir.''<</vit>>
<<vit>>Vitto setzte seinen Einsatz auf die 17. ''Diese Zahl hat ein gutes Gefühl'', sagte er mit einem Grinsen. ''Und wenn ich gewinne, will ich einen richtigen Kuss von euch beiden. Keine Wangenküsse.''<</vit>>
<<mia>>Die Mädels brachen in Gelächter aus. ''Bist du ernsthaft? Bist du 12 Jahre alt?'', neckte Mia. ''Mann, mach einen vernünftigen Wunsch. Wir können da mithalten.'' Sie zwinkerten ihm zu und forderten ihn heraus, seine Wette zu erhöhen.<</mia>>
<<vit>>Vitto grinste breit und lehnte sich näher. ''Na gut. Wenn ich gewinne, möchte ich, dass wir einen Dreier machen.''<</vit>>
<<ele>>Mia und Elain tauschten Blicke aus, ihre Augen funkelten vor Aufregung. ''Okay, Vitto. Spiel on,'' sagte Elain.<</ele>>
<<st>>Der Dealer drehte das Rad, und sie alle beobachteten gespannt, wie die Kugel herumtanzte. Das Warten war intensiv, jede Sekunde dehnte sich aus, während sie den Atem anhielten. Das Neckische und das Gelächter verstummten und wurden durch gespannte Erwartung ersetzt.<</st>>
<<st>>Die Kugel blieb schließlich auf 17 liegen – Vitto's Nummer.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Kein Weg!'' rief Elain aus, ihr Mund fiel auf. ''Du hast tatsächlich gewonnen!''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia stöhnte, dann lachte sie, ein spielerischer Glanz in ihren Augen. ''Wie ist das möglich? Es ist Roulette, keiner von uns sollte gewinnen! Das ist verrückt!''<</mia>>
<<mia>>Mia stöhnte, dann lachte sie, ein spielerischer Glanz in ihren Augen. ''Nun ja, eine Wette ist eine Wette. Sieht so aus, als ob wir dir, Vitto, etwas schulden.''<</mia>>
<<vit>>Vitto lachte leise, offensichtlich zufrieden. ''Ich nehme meine Gewinne jetzt gerne entgegen, vielen Dank.''<</vit>>
<<mia>>''Gut dann, führe uns,'' sagte Mia, ihre Stimme leise und einladend.<</mia>>
<<st>>Vitto legte einen Arm um ihre Taille und führte sie aus dem Casino. Sie gingen durch den belebten Casinoflur, hinaus in die kühle Nachtluft und zu seinem schicken, luxuriösen Auto. Mit den Lichtern der Stadt, die vorbeiflackerten, fuhren sie zu seinem Platz.<</st>>
<<st>>Als sie ankamen, begannen die Mädchen, sich zu küssen. Ein neckisches Lächeln spielte auf ihren Lippen, während Vitto sie beobachtete und seine Erregung wuchs. Dann drehten sie sich zu ihm um und küssten ihn nacheinander. Ihre Leidenschaft entflammte den Raum.<</st>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Ils sont tous les trois autour de la table de roulette, chacun plaçant sa mise avec une lueur d'espièglerie dans les yeux.<</st>>
<<ele>>Elain choisit le 22, les yeux brillants d'excitation. ''C'est mon numéro fétiche. Il m'a permis de gagner un gros lot une fois. Si je gagne, je veux qu'on fasse un tour d'hélicoptère !''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia siffle en secouant la tête. ''Ma fille, tu as perdu la tête ? Où est-ce qu'on va trouver un hélicoptère ?''<</mia>>
<<vit>>Vitto glousse, visiblement amusé par cette demande audacieuse. ''Un tour en hélicoptère ? Ça, c'est audacieux. Mais d'accord, si tu gagnes, je ferai en sorte que ça arrive. Je ne recule jamais devant un défi'', leur lança-t-il avec un clin d'œil.''<</vit>>
<<mia>>Mia fait elle aussi son choix. ''Si je gagne, je veux que vous nous emmeniez en Italie !''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain hausse un sourcil, bouche bée. ''Et tu as dit que je faisais un vœu fou ?''<</ele>>
<<vit>>Vitto sourit, impressionné par le souhait de Mia. ''Vous savez vraiment comment rêver en grand, mesdames. J'aime ça.''<</vit>>
<<vit>>Vitto mise sur le 17. ''Ce numéro a une bonne ambiance'', dit-il en souriant. ''Et si je gagne, je veux un vrai baiser de chacune d'entre vous. Pas de coups de bec sur les joues.''<</vit>>
<<mia>>Les filles éclatent de rire. ''Tu as 12 ans ?'' taquine Mia. ''Fais un vrai vœu, mec. On peut suivre.'' Elles lui firent un clin d'œil, le mettant au défi d'intensifier son jeu.<</mia>>
<<vit>>Le sourire de Vitto s'élargit et il se rapprocha de lui. ''D'accord, alors. Si je gagne, je veux que nous fassions un plan à trois.''<</vit>>
<<ele>>Mia et Elain échangent un regard, les yeux brillants d'excitation. ''Très bien, Vitto. C'est parti'', dit Elain.<</ele>>
<<st>>Le croupier fit tourner la roue et ils regardèrent tous attentivement la boule danser. L'attente était intense, chaque seconde s'étirant à mesure qu'ils retenaient leur souffle. Les taquineries et les rires se calmèrent, remplacés par une anticipation concentrée.<</st>>
<<st>>La boule s'est finalement arrêtée sur le numéro 17 de Vitto.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Pas possible!'' s'exclama Elain, la bouche ouverte. ''Tu as vraiment gagné !''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia grogna, puis se mit à rire, une étincelle ludique dans les yeux. ''Comment est-ce possible ? C'est la roulette, aucun de nous n'était censé gagner ! C'est dingue !''<</mia>>
<<mia>>Mia grogne, puis rit, une lueur d'espoir dans les yeux. ''Un pari est un pari. On dirait qu'on t'est redevable, Vitto.''<</mia>>
<<vit>>Vitto gloussa, visiblement satisfait. ''Je vais prendre mes gains maintenant, merci beaucoup.''<</vit>>
<<mia>>''D'accord, alors, ouvre la voie'', dit Mia, d'une voix basse et invitante.<</mia>>
<<st>>Vitto passa un bras autour de la taille de chacun d'eux et les guida hors du casino. Ils traversèrent le casino en pleine effervescence, sortirent dans l'air frais de la nuit et montèrent dans sa voiture luxueuse et élégante. Sous le regard des lumières de la ville, ils se sont rendus chez lui.<</st>>
<<st>>Une fois arrivés, les filles commencèrent à s'embrasser, un sourire taquin se dessinant sur leurs lèvres, tandis que Vitto les observait, son excitation grandissante. Puis elles se tournèrent vers lui, l'embrassant l'une après l'autre, leur passion enflammant la pièce.<</st>>
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<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Los tres se colocan alrededor de la ruleta y apuestan con un brillo pícaro en los ojos.<</st>>
<<ele>>Elain eligió el 22, con los ojos brillantes de emoción. ''Es mi número de la suerte. Una vez me dio un gran premio. Si gano, quiero que demos un paseo en helicóptero''.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia silbó y sacudió la cabeza. ''Chica, ¿estás loca? ¿Dónde vamos a encontrar un helicóptero?''.<</mia>>
<<vit>>Vitto rió entre dientes, claramente divertido por la atrevida petición. ''¿Un paseo en helicóptero? Eso sí que es atrevido. Pero vale, si ganas, lo haré realidad. Nunca me echo atrás ante un reto'', les guiñó un ojo.<</vit>>
<<mia>>Mia hizo su elección también. ''Muy bien, has dicho que eres italiano... si gano, ¡quiero que nos lleves a Italia!''.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain levantó una ceja, con la boca abierta. ''¿Y decías que estaba pidiendo un deseo loco?''.<</ele>>
<<vit>>Vitto sonrió, impresionado por el deseo de Mia. ''Vosotras sí que sabéis soñar a lo grande. Me gusta''.<</vit>>
<<vit>>Vitto apostó por el 17. ''Este número tiene buenas vibraciones'', dijo con una sonrisa. ''Y si gano, quiero un beso de verdad de cada una de vosotras. Nada de picotazos en la mejilla''.<</vit>>
<<mia>>Las chicas estallaron en carcajadas. ''¿Lo dices en serio? ¿Tienes 12 años?'' se burló Mia. ''Tío, pide un deseo de verdad. Podemos seguir ese ritmo''. Le guiñaron un ojo, retándole a que intensificara su juego.<</mia>>
<<vit>>La sonrisa de Vitto se ensanchó y se inclinó hacia él. ''De acuerdo. Si gano, quiero que hagamos un trío''.<</vit>>
<<ele>>Mia y Elain intercambiaron miradas, con los ojos brillantes de emoción. ''Muy bien, Vitto. Empieza el juego'', dijo Elain.<</ele>>
<<st>>El crupier hizo girar la ruleta y todos observaron atentamente cómo bailaba la bola. La espera era intensa, cada segundo se alargaba mientras contenían la respiración. Las bromas y las risas se calmaron y fueron sustituidas por una expectación concentrada.<</st>>
<<st>>Finalmente, la bola se posó en el número 17 de Vitto.<</st>>
<<ele>>''¡No puede ser!'' exclamó Elain, con la boca abierta. ''¡Has ganado de verdad!''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia gimió y luego se rió, con un brillo juguetón en los ojos. ''¿Cómo es posible? Es la ruleta, se suponía que ninguno de nosotros iba a ganar. Es una locura''.<</mia>>
<<mia>>Mia gimió, luego se rió, con un brillo juguetón en los ojos. ''Bueno, una apuesta es una apuesta. Parece que estamos en deuda contigo, Vitto''.<</mia>>
<<vit>>Vitto soltó una risita, claramente complacido. ''Tomaré mis ganancias ahora, muchas gracias''.<</vit>>
<<mia>>''De acuerdo, entonces, adelante'', dijo Mia, con voz grave e invitadora.<</mia>>
<<st>>Vitto les rodeó la cintura con un brazo y les guió fuera del casino. Atravesaron el bullicioso casino, salieron al aire fresco de la noche y subieron a su lujoso y elegante coche. Con las luces de la ciudad parpadeando, se dirigieron a su casa.<</st>>
<<st>>Cuando llegaron, las chicas empezaron a besarse, con una sonrisa burlona en los labios, mientras Vitto las observaba, cada vez más excitado. Luego se volvieron hacia él y le besaron una a una, encendiendo la habitación con su pasión.<</st>>
<<case "CH">>
<<ele>>伊兰选择了 22,她的眼睛里闪烁着兴奋的光芒。''这是我的幸运数字。我曾经赢过一次大奖。如果我赢了,我想我们一起去坐直升机!''<</ele>>
<<vit>>维托把赌注压在 17 上。''这个数字很有寓意,''他笑着说。''如果我赢了,我要你们每个人都亲我一下。不要啄脸颊''。<</vit>>
<<mia>>女孩们哄堂大笑。''你是认真的吗?你才 12 岁吗?米娅取笑道。''伙计,许个真正的愿望吧。我们能跟得上的。'' 她们向他眨了眨眼睛,让他不敢怠慢。<</mia>>
<<st>>球终于落在了 17 号--维托的号码上。<</st>>
<<ele>>''不可能!'' 伊兰惊呼道,嘴巴张得大大的。''你真的赢了!''<</ele>>
<</switch>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mia_elain/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Casino_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Video_Casino_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 4|Video_Casino_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 5|Video_Casino_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 6|Video_Casino_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 7|Video_Casino_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 8|Video_Casino_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 9|Video_Casino_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Casino_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad3/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|Video_Father2_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Father2_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Side fuck 1|Video_Father2_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Side fuck 2|Video_Father2_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cow girl 1|Video_Father2_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Father2_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Father2_8]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom2/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Mother_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Mother_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Mother_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Mother_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|Video_Mother_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 4|Video_Mother_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Mother_8]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Casino Adventure</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_awkward_talk==true>>Mia and Elain head to the casino for a wild night out. Amid the laughter and drinks, Elain points out a wealthy man making huge bets at the roulette table, sparking their curiosity and setting the stage for a night full of wild adventures.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to Mia's room<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_awkward_talk == true>>✅Pass quest #26<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #26<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_casino_adventure == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest_Casino_Adventure]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Приключение в казино</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_awkward_talk==true>>Миа и Элайна отправляются в казино, оторваться по-полной. Среди смеха и выпивки Элайна обращает внимание на богатого мужчину, делающего огромные ставки за столом для игры в рулетку, что разжигает их любопытство и создает предпосылки для ночи, полной диких приключений.
Перейдите к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь в комнату Мии.<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_awkward_talk == true>>✅Pass quest #26<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #26<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_casino_adventure == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest_Casino_Adventure]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Casino-Abenteuer</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_awkward_talk==true>>Mia und Elain sind in die Spielbank gegangen für eine wilde Nacht. Zwischen Gelächter und Drinks hat Elain auf einen reichen Mann hingewiesen, der große Einsätze am Roulettetisch macht, was ihre Neugier weckt und den Rahmen für eine Nacht voller wilder Abenteuer setzt.
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe in Mias Zimmer.<<else>>Schließen Sie die vorherige Quest ab, um diese zu öffnen.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_awkward_talk == true>>✅Pass quest #26<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #26<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_casino_adventure == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest_Casino_Adventure]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">L'aventure du casino</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_awkward_talk==true>>Mia et Elain se rendent au casino pour une soirée endiablée. Au milieu des rires et des boissons, Elain leur fait remarquer un homme riche qui fait des paris énormes à la roulette, ce qui éveille leur curiosité et ouvre la voie à une nuit pleine de folles aventures.
Aller à : Remplissez les conditions et allez dans la chambre de Mia.<<else>>Terminez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_awkward_talk == true>>✅Pass quest #26<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #26<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_casino_adventure == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest_Casino_Adventure]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Aventura en el casino</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_awkward_talk==true>>Mia y Elain, reunidas después de mucho tiempo, se dirigen al casino para pasar una noche salvaje. Entre risas y copas, Elain señala a un hombre adinerado que hace grandes apuestas en la ruleta, lo que despierta su curiosidad y prepara el terreno para una noche llena de aventuras inesperadas.
Ve a: Cumple las condiciones y ve a la habitación de Mia.<<else>>Completa la misión anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_awkward_talk == true>>✅Pass quest #26<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #26<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_casino_adventure == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest_Casino_Adventure]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">赌场探险</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_awkward_talk==true>>米娅和伊兰久别重逢,来到赌场度过了一个狂野之夜。在欢声笑语和美酒佳肴中,Elain 指出一位富翁在轮盘赌桌上下了巨额赌注,这激起了她们的好奇心,也为这个充满意外冒险的夜晚埋下了伏笔。
去吧 满足条件,前往米娅的房间.<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_awkward_talk == true>>✅Pass quest #26<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #26<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_casino_adventure == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest_Casino_Adventure]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Persistent Desire</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_casino_adventure==true>>Unable to forget Sophia, Richard arranges another date, discovering a deeper connection as their relationship intensifies.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to parents' room<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_casino_adventure == true>>✅Pass quest #27<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #27<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_persistent_desire == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest_Persistent_Desire]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Настойчивое желание</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_casino_adventure==true>>Unable to forget Sophia, Richard arranges another date, discovering a deeper connection as their relationship intensifies.
Перейти к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь в комнату родителей<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_casino_adventure == true>>✅Pass quest #27<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #27<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_persistent_desire == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest_Persistent_Desire]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Anhaltendes Verlangen</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_casino_adventure==true>>Unable to forget Sophia, Richard arranges another date, discovering a deeper connection as their relationship intensifies.
Gehe zu: Erfüllen Sie die Bedingungen und gehen Sie ins Zimmer der Eltern<<else>>Schließen Sie die vorherige Quest ab, um diese zu öffnen.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_casino_adventure == true>>✅Pass quest #27<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #27<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_persistent_desire == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest_Persistent_Desire]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Désir persistant</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_casino_adventure==true>>Unable to forget Sophia, Richard arranges another date, discovering a deeper connection as their relationship intensifies.
Aller à : Remplir les conditions et aller dans la chambre des parents<<else>>Terminez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_casino_adventure == true>>✅Pass quest #27<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #27<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_persistent_desire == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest_Persistent_Desire]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Deseo persistente</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_casino_adventure==true>>Unable to forget Sophia, Richard arranges another date, discovering a deeper connection as their relationship intensifies.
Ir a: Cumplir las condiciones e ir a la habitación de los padres<<else>>Completa la misión anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_casino_adventure == true>>✅Pass quest #27<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #27<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_persistent_desire == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest_Persistent_Desire]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">执着的渴望</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_casino_adventure==true>>Unable to forget Sophia, Richard arranges another date, discovering a deeper connection as their relationship intensifies.
去 满足条件并前往父母房间<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_casino_adventure == true>>✅Pass quest #27<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #27<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_persistent_desire == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest_Persistent_Desire]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Last Sex</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_persistent_desire==true>>Jenny meets Jack for lunch, where he reveals his feelings and suggests continuing their secret affair.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to the Cafe location<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_persistent_desire == true>>✅Pass quest #28<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #28<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_last_sex == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest_Last_Sex]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "RU">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Последний Секс</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_persistent_desire==true>>Дженни встречается с Джеком за обедом, где он признается в своих чувствах и предлагает продолжить их тайный роман.
Перейти к: Выполните условия и отправляйтесь в Кафе<<else>>Завершите предыдущий квест, чтобы открыть этот.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_persistent_desire == true>>✅Pass quest #28<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #28<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_last_sex == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest_Last_Sex]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "GE">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Letzter Sex</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_persistent_desire==true>>Jenny trifft Jack zum Mittagessen, wo er ihr seine Gefühle offenbart und ihr vorschlägt, ihre heimliche Affäre fortzusetzen.
Gehe zu: Erfülle die Bedingungen und gehe zum Café.<<else>>Die vorherige Quest muss abgeschlossen sein, um diese freizuschalten.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_persistent_desire == true>>✅Pass quest #28<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #28<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_last_sex == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest_Last_Sex]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "FR">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Dernier sexe</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_persistent_desire==true>>Jenny rencontre Jack pour le déjeuner, où il lui révèle ses sentiments et lui propose de poursuivre leur liaison secrète.
Aller à : Remplir les conditions et se rendre au Café<<else>>Terminez la quête précédente pour ouvrir celle-ci.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_persistent_desire == true>>✅Pass quest #28<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #28<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_last_sex == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest_Last_Sex]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "ES">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Último sexo</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_persistent_desire==true>>Jenny se reúne con Jack para almorzar, donde él le revela sus sentimientos y le sugiere continuar su romance secreto.
Ve: Cumplir las condiciones e ir al Café<<else>>Completa la misión anterior para abrir esta.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_persistent_desire == true>>✅Pass quest #28<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #28<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_last_sex == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest_Last_Sex]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<<case "CH">>
<div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">最后一次性行为</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_persistent_desire==true>>珍妮与杰克共进午餐,杰克向珍妮吐露心声,并建议继续他们的秘密恋情。
去吧 满足条件并前往咖啡馆地点<<else>>完成前一个任务,打开这个任务。<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_persistent_desire == true>>✅Pass quest #28<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #28<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_last_sex == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest_Last_Sex]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>>
<</switch>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mia_elain/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|Video_Casino]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Video_Casino_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 4|Video_Casino_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 5|Video_Casino_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 6|Video_Casino_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 7|Video_Casino_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 8|Video_Casino_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 9|Video_Casino_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Casino_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mia_elain/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Casino_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Video_Casino]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 4|Video_Casino_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 5|Video_Casino_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 6|Video_Casino_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 7|Video_Casino_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 8|Video_Casino_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 9|Video_Casino_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Casino_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mia_elain/4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Casino_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Video_Casino_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Video_Casino]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 5|Video_Casino_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 6|Video_Casino_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 7|Video_Casino_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 8|Video_Casino_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 9|Video_Casino_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Casino_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mia_elain/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Casino_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Video_Casino_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 4|Video_Casino_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Video_Casino]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 6|Video_Casino_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 7|Video_Casino_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 8|Video_Casino_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 9|Video_Casino_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Casino_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mia_elain/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Casino_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Video_Casino_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 4|Video_Casino_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 5|Video_Casino_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Video_Casino]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 7|Video_Casino_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 8|Video_Casino_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 9|Video_Casino_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Casino_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mia_elain/7.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Casino_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Video_Casino_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 4|Video_Casino_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 5|Video_Casino_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 6|Video_Casino_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Video_Casino]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 8|Video_Casino_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 9|Video_Casino_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Casino_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mia_elain/8.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Casino_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Video_Casino_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 4|Video_Casino_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 5|Video_Casino_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 6|Video_Casino_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 7|Video_Casino_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Video_Casino]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 9|Video_Casino_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Casino_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mia_elain/9.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Casino_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Video_Casino_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 4|Video_Casino_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 5|Video_Casino_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 6|Video_Casino_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 7|Video_Casino_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 8|Video_Casino_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Video_Casino]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Casino_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mia_elain/10.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Casino_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 3|Video_Casino_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 4|Video_Casino_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 5|Video_Casino_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 6|Video_Casino_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 7|Video_Casino_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 8|Video_Casino_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 9|Video_Casino_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Video_Casino]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad3/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Father2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Father2_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Side fuck 1|Video_Father2_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Side fuck 2|Video_Father2_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cow girl 1|Video_Father2_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Father2_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Father2_8]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad3/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|Video_Father2_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Father2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Side fuck 1|Video_Father2_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Side fuck 2|Video_Father2_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cow girl 1|Video_Father2_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Father2_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Father2_8]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad3/4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|Video_Father2_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Father2_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Father2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Side fuck 2|Video_Father2_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cow girl 1|Video_Father2_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Father2_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Father2_8]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad3/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|Video_Father2_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Father2_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Side fuck 1|Video_Father2_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Father2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cow girl 1|Video_Father2_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Father2_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Father2_8]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad3/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|Video_Father2_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Father2_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Side fuck 1|Video_Father2_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Side fuck 2|Video_Father2_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Father2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Father2_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Father2_8]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad3/7.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|Video_Father2_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Father2_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Side fuck 1|Video_Father2_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Side fuck 2|Video_Father2_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cow girl 1|Video_Father2_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Father2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Father2_8]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad3/8.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|Video_Father2_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Father2_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Side fuck 1|Video_Father2_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Side fuck 2|Video_Father2_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cow girl 1|Video_Father2_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Father2_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Father2]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom2/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|Video_Mother]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Mother_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Mother_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Mother_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|Video_Mother_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 4|Video_Mother_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Mother_8]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom2/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Mother_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Video_Mother]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Mother_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Mother_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|Video_Mother_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 4|Video_Mother_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Mother_8]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom2/4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Mother_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Mother_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Video_Mother]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Mother_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|Video_Mother_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 4|Video_Mother_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Mother_8]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom2/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Mother_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Mother_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Mother_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Video_Mother]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|Video_Mother_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 4|Video_Mother_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Mother_8]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom2/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Mother_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Mother_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Mother_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Mother_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Video_Mother]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 4|Video_Mother_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Mother_8]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom2/7.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Mother_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Mother_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Mother_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Mother_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|Video_Mother_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Video_Mother]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Mother_8]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom2/8.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Mother_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 2|Video_Mother_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Mother_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Mother_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|Video_Mother_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 4|Video_Mother_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Video_Mother]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<return "Go Back">>
<<st>>Missionary 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad2/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Cow girl 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad2/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Missionary 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad2/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Doggy style 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad2/4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Doggy style 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad2/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Doggy style 3<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad2/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Vaginal 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad2/7.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Vaginal 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad2/8.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Vaginal 3<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad2/9.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad2/10.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video><<return "Go Back">>
<<st>>Blow job 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mia_elain/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Blow job 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mia_elain/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Blow job 3<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mia_elain/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Blow job 4<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mia_elain/4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Blow job 5<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mia_elain/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Blow job 6<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mia_elain/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Blow job 7<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mia_elain/7.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Blow job 8<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mia_elain/8.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Blow job 9<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mia_elain/9.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mia_elain/10.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video><<return "Go Back">>
<<st>>Missionary 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad3/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Blow job 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad3/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Blow job 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad3/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Side fuck 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad3/4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Side fuck 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad3/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Cow girl 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad3/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Blow job 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad3/7.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/dad3/8.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video><<return "Go Back">>
<<st>>Blow job 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom2/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Vaginal 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom2/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Blow job 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom2/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Missionary 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom2/4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Missionary 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom2/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Missionary 3<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom2/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Missionary 4<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom2/7.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom2/8.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $clothes_top_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/verh/v0.png" and $clothes_bottom_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/niz/n0.png">>
<<set $random to random(6)>>
<<if $random==0>>
<<mia>>Mia was walking down the street when she noticed a guy taking photos of her with his camera. Annoyed, she walked over to him. "What are you doing? Delete those photos," she asked firmly.<</mia>>
<<un>>He looked up, a grin spreading across his face. "You're a hot one," he said, not bothering to hide lust in his eyes.<</un>>
<<un>>"How about a photoshoot instead? I’m a photographer, and you look great."<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia thought about it for a moment but then decided to go with it. "Alright, let's see what you've got," she said with a smirk.<</mia>>
<<st>>They walked to a better location with perfect light for photos. He directed her into various poses, and Mia enjoyed the experience more than she expected.<</st>>
<<un>>"You're so hot; how about we have some fun?" he said, stepping closer to adjust a strand of her hair, smiling at her.<</un>>
<<mia>>''Why not? You’re such a sweet guy,'' Mia said, stepping closer to him.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_sex)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_sex/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<elseif $random==1>>
<<st>>Mia was walking down the street when she spotted a group of young people chatting and laughing. One of them, a tall guy with a charming smile, caught her eye. Taking a look at him, she decided to make a move.<</st>>
<<un>>She walked over to him, her confidence evident in her stride. "Hey there," she said, her voice smooth and almost teasing. "I noticed from across the street how you couldn’t take your eyes off. How about you and I go somewhere a bit more...interesting?"<</un>>
<<un>>Everyone in his group of friends was so shocked that they just opened their mouths, not capable of making a sound. The guy also looked surprised but intrigued. He flashed her a grin that made her nipples harden. "Well, hi there," he said, his voice matching her playful tone. "I think I'd like that."<</un>>
<<un>>Without hesitation, he turned to his friends. "See you later, losers," he said, already moving away from the group.<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_sex)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_sex/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<elseif $random==2>>
<<un>>Mia was walking past a construction site when she heard the familiar sounds of catcalling. The builders whistled and called out to her. "Hey, you, with a naked ass! Come over here! We want to show you something!" one of the builders shouted, a dirty grin plastered on his face.<</un>>
<<mia>>In the mood for some fun, Mia decided to indulge them. "Alright, you’ve got my attention. What’s up, guys?"<</mia>>
<<un>>''It's been such a long shift, you know. Your naked tits have brightened up our day a little. How about you make it even brighter, huh?''<</un>>
<<mia>>"Alright, show me your tools."<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_sex)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_sex/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<elseif $random==3>>
<<st>>Mia was riding a bus, and everyone kept staring at her naked body.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_bus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_bus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Some people were shocked, some were horny. Suddenly, a tall man approached Mia, bending her over, and started having sex with her right there in front of everyone, making people even more confused.<</st>>
<<elseif $random==4>>
<<st>>Mia is walking down the street when a man walks over to her and whispers into her ear: ''I would've offered money to fuck you. But why do I feel like you're such a slut that you will do it for free?''<</st>>
<<mia>>''You're right. Normally, I would do it for free. But to fuck you, you'd have to offer me a billion, and I'm not sure I'd take it,'' Mia said back, looking him dead in the eyes.<</mia>>
<<un>>''You stupid bitch!'' he yelled and dragged her around the corner.<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_sex)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_sex/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<elseif $random==5>>
<<st>>Mia walked out onto the street naked. Heads turned as she passed by, whispers and open stares following her every step. She enjoyed the attention, feeling a thrill run through her.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_show)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_show/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<un>>A girl in the crowd sneered loudly, "You're such a slut."<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia stopped, turning to face her. With a confident smirk, she replied, "Maybe, but your boyfriend seems to like it."<</mia>>
<<st>>The girl, fuming, glanced at her boyfriend. Her anger turned to shock when she saw him staring at Mia, completely captivated. He didn’t even try to hide it, his eyes glued to Mia's body. Mia winked at him before walking away, leaving the girl speechless. <</st>>
<<elseif $random==6>>
<<st>>Mia walked out on the street naked and immediately noticed a police car pulling up beside her. The officers got out, clearly ready to issue her a fine. They escorted her to their car.<<st>>
<<mia>>Mia sat in the backseat, giving the officers a playful smile. "Do you really want to fine me?" she asked, leaning forward slightly. "Maybe we can work something out?" She batted her eyelashes, her tone flirtatious. The officers exchanged glances, looked back at Mia, and smiled. The police car moved off.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_car)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_car/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<set $random to random(4)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Mia was walking down the street, when suddenly she felt someone grab her ass.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor<50>><<mia>>Mia whipped around, eyes blazing. "You fucking bastard!" she yelled, slapping the guy hard across the face. He stumbled back, shocked.<</mia>>
<<mia>>Mia glared at him. "Don't you fucking touch me," she snapped before walking away.<</mia>>
<<else>><<mia>>Mia turned, surprise turning into a sly smile. "Bold move," she said, eyeing the guy who grabbed her. She winked at him and walked away, swaying her hips.<</mia>><</if>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia got on a crowded bus, barely any space to move. Suddenly, she felt someone grope her butt.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor<50>><<mia>>Mia turned quickly, eyes blazing. "Hands off!" she shouted, pushing the guy away. "Don't touch me again, creep," she warned, making sure everyone nearby heard.<</mia>>
<<else>><<mia>>Mia turned, feeling a rush of excitement. She locked eyes with the guy who groped her, a playful smirk on her lips. "A pretty gutsy move," she teased, pressing herself slightly against him as the bus jolted forward.<</mia>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>While Mia was on her way home, it started raining, and she got soaked. Her white shirt turned see-through.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia noticed men staring at her and smirked. She saw one guy who caught her eye. Walking up to him, she smiled and said, "Like what you see?" The guy blushed and stammered a reply, clearly flustered. Mia laughed, gave him a wink, and continued on her way, enjoying the attention.<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<mia>>Mia was walking down the street when she noticed some money lying on the ground. She bent down and picked it up, realizing it was $50. "Not a fortune, but I'll take it," she thought with a smile, slipping the bill into her pocket and continuing on her way, feeling a little bit luckier.<</mia>><<set $mia.money+=50>><<flash "Money + 50">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mia was walking home when some jerk tried to snatch her bag.<</st>>
<<if $mia.fit<50>><<mia>>The jerk ripped the bag right out of her hands. "Damn, if only I were stronger," Mia thought, frustrated. She watched helplessly as he ran away with her bag, cursing her lack of fitness.<</mia>>
<<else>><<st>>Luckily, Mia’s fitness routine paid off. She held on tight, using her strength to yank the bag back from his grasp. The thief stumbled and ran off, defeated. Mia took a deep breath, and continued on her way.<</st>><</if>>
<<case "RU">><<if $clothes_top_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/verh/v0.png" and $clothes_bottom_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/niz/n0.png">>
<<set $random to random(6)>>
<<if $random==0>>
<<mia>>Mia was walking down the street when she noticed a guy taking photos of her with his camera. Annoyed, she walked over to him. "What are you doing? Delete those photos," she asked firmly.<</mia>>
<<un>>He looked up, a grin spreading across his face. "You're a hot one," he said, not bothering to hide lust in his eyes.<</un>>
<<un>>"How about a photoshoot instead? I’m a photographer, and you look great."<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia thought about it for a moment but then decided to go with it. "Alright, let's see what you've got," she said with a smirk.<</mia>>
<<st>>They walked to a better location with perfect light for photos. He directed her into various poses, and Mia enjoyed the experience more than she expected.<</st>>
<<un>>"You're so hot; how about we have some fun?" he said, stepping closer to adjust a strand of her hair, smiling at her.<</un>>
<<mia>>''Why not? You’re such a sweet guy,'' Mia said, stepping closer to him.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_sex)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_sex/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<elseif $random==1>>
<<st>>Mia was walking down the street when she spotted a group of young people chatting and laughing. One of them, a tall guy with a charming smile, caught her eye. Taking a look at him, she decided to make a move.<</st>>
<<un>>She walked over to him, her confidence evident in her stride. "Hey there," she said, her voice smooth and almost teasing. "I noticed from across the street how you couldn’t take your eyes off. How about you and I go somewhere a bit more...interesting?"<</un>>
<<un>>Everyone in his group of friends was so shocked that they just opened their mouths, not capable of making a sound. The guy also looked surprised but intrigued. He flashed her a grin that made her nipples harden. "Well, hi there," he said, his voice matching her playful tone. "I think I'd like that."<</un>>
<<un>>Without hesitation, he turned to his friends. "See you later, losers," he said, already moving away from the group.<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_sex)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_sex/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<elseif $random==2>>
<<un>>Mia was walking past a construction site when she heard the familiar sounds of catcalling. The builders whistled and called out to her. "Hey, you, with a naked ass! Come over here! We want to show you something!" one of the builders shouted, a dirty grin plastered on his face.<</un>>
<<mia>>In the mood for some fun, Mia decided to indulge them. "Alright, you’ve got my attention. What’s up, guys?"<</mia>>
<<un>>''It's been such a long shift, you know. Your naked tits have brightened up our day a little. How about you make it even brighter, huh?''<</un>>
<<mia>>"Alright, show me your tools."<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_sex)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_sex/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<elseif $random==3>>
<<st>>Mia was riding a bus, and everyone kept staring at her naked body.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_bus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_bus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Some people were shocked, some were horny. Suddenly, a tall man approached Mia, bending her over, and started having sex with her right there in front of everyone, making people even more confused.<</st>>
<<elseif $random==4>>
<<st>>Mia is walking down the street when a man walks over to her and whispers into her ear: ''I would've offered money to fuck you. But why do I feel like you're such a slut that you will do it for free?''<</st>>
<<mia>>''You're right. Normally, I would do it for free. But to fuck you, you'd have to offer me a billion, and I'm not sure I'd take it,'' Mia said back, looking him dead in the eyes.<</mia>>
<<un>>''You stupid bitch!'' he yelled and dragged her around the corner.<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_sex)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_sex/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<elseif $random==5>>
<<st>>Mia walked out onto the street naked. Heads turned as she passed by, whispers and open stares following her every step. She enjoyed the attention, feeling a thrill run through her.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_show)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_show/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<un>>A girl in the crowd sneered loudly, "You're such a slut."<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia stopped, turning to face her. With a confident smirk, she replied, "Maybe, but your boyfriend seems to like it."<</mia>>
<<st>>The girl, fuming, glanced at her boyfriend. Her anger turned to shock when she saw him staring at Mia, completely captivated. He didn’t even try to hide it, his eyes glued to Mia's body. Mia winked at him before walking away, leaving the girl speechless. <</st>>
<<elseif $random==6>>
<<st>>Mia walked out on the street naked and immediately noticed a police car pulling up beside her. The officers got out, clearly ready to issue her a fine. They escorted her to their car.<<st>>
<<mia>>Mia sat in the backseat, giving the officers a playful smile. "Do you really want to fine me?" she asked, leaning forward slightly. "Maybe we can work something out?" She batted her eyelashes, her tone flirtatious. The officers exchanged glances, looked back at Mia, and smiled. The police car moved off.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_car)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_car/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<else>><<set $random to random(4)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Мия шла по улице, как вдруг почувствовала, что кто-то схватил ее за задницу.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor<50>><<mia>>Мия обернулась, глаза пылали. "Ты чертов ублюдок!" - крикнула она, сильно ударив парня по лицу. Он отшатнулся назад, потрясенный.<</mia>>
<<mia>>Мия уставилась на него. "Не смей меня трогать", - огрызнулась она и пошла прочь.<</mia>>
<<else>><<mia>>Мия повернулась, удивление сменилось лукавой улыбкой. "Смелый ход", - сказала она, глядя на парня, который схватил ее. Она подмигнула ему и пошла прочь, покачивая бедрами.<</mia>><</if>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Мия вошла в переполненный автобус, в котором почти не было места пошевелиться. Вдруг она почувствовала, что кто-то гладит ее по заднице.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor<50>><<mia>>Мия быстро повернулась. ""Убери руки!" - крикнула она, отталкивая парня. "Больше не трогай меня, гаденыш", - предупредила она, убедившись, что все поблизости слышат.<</mia>>
<<else>><<mia>>Мия повернулась, чувствуя прилив возбуждения. Она встретилась взглядом с парнем, который ее лапал, и на ее губах появилась игривая ухмылка. "Довольно смелый поступок", - поддразнила она, слегка прижимаясь к нему, когда автобус тряхнуло вперед.<</mia>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Когда Мия возвращалась домой, начался дождь, и она промокла. Ее белая майка стала прозрачной.<</st>>
<<mia>>Мия заметила, что мужчины смотрят на нее, и заулыбалась. Она заметила одного парня, который привлек ее внимание. Подойдя к нему, она улыбнулась и спросила: "Что, нравится?" Парень покраснел и запинался в ответ, явно смущаясь. Мия рассмеялась, подмигнула ему и продолжила идти дальше, наслаждаясь вниманием.<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<mia>>Мия шла по улице, как вдруг заметила лежащие на земле деньги. Нагнувшись, она подняла их и поняла, что это 50 долларов. "Не ахти какая сумма, но я возьму", - с улыбкой подумала она, сунула купюру в карман и продолжила свой путь, чувствуя себя немного удачливее.<</mia>><<set $mia.money+=50>><<flash "Money + 50">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Мия шла домой, как вдруг какой-то придурок попытался выхватить у нее сумку.<</st>>
<<if $mia.fit<50>><<mia>>Придурок вырвал сумку прямо у нее из рук. "Черт, если бы только я была покрепче", - разочарованно подумала Миа. Она беспомощно смотрела, как он убегает с ее сумкой, и проклинала свою слабую физическую подготовку.<</mia>>
<<else>><<st>>К счастью, тренировки Мии принесли свои плоды. Она крепко вцепилась в сумку и с силой вырвала ее из его рук. Вор споткнулся и побежал прочь. Мия глубоко вздохнула и пошла дальше.<</st>><</if>>
<<case "GE">><<if $clothes_top_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/verh/v0.png" and $clothes_bottom_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/niz/n0.png">>
<<set $random to random(6)>>
<<if $random==0>>
<<mia>>Mia was walking down the street when she noticed a guy taking photos of her with his camera. Annoyed, she walked over to him. "What are you doing? Delete those photos," she asked firmly.<</mia>>
<<un>>He looked up, a grin spreading across his face. "You're a hot one," he said, not bothering to hide lust in his eyes.<</un>>
<<un>>"How about a photoshoot instead? I’m a photographer, and you look great."<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia thought about it for a moment but then decided to go with it. "Alright, let's see what you've got," she said with a smirk.<</mia>>
<<st>>They walked to a better location with perfect light for photos. He directed her into various poses, and Mia enjoyed the experience more than she expected.<</st>>
<<un>>"You're so hot; how about we have some fun?" he said, stepping closer to adjust a strand of her hair, smiling at her.<</un>>
<<mia>>''Why not? You’re such a sweet guy,'' Mia said, stepping closer to him.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_sex)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_sex/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<elseif $random==1>>
<<st>>Mia was walking down the street when she spotted a group of young people chatting and laughing. One of them, a tall guy with a charming smile, caught her eye. Taking a look at him, she decided to make a move.<</st>>
<<un>>She walked over to him, her confidence evident in her stride. "Hey there," she said, her voice smooth and almost teasing. "I noticed from across the street how you couldn’t take your eyes off. How about you and I go somewhere a bit more...interesting?"<</un>>
<<un>>Everyone in his group of friends was so shocked that they just opened their mouths, not capable of making a sound. The guy also looked surprised but intrigued. He flashed her a grin that made her nipples harden. "Well, hi there," he said, his voice matching her playful tone. "I think I'd like that."<</un>>
<<un>>Without hesitation, he turned to his friends. "See you later, losers," he said, already moving away from the group.<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_sex)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_sex/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<elseif $random==2>>
<<un>>Mia was walking past a construction site when she heard the familiar sounds of catcalling. The builders whistled and called out to her. "Hey, you, with a naked ass! Come over here! We want to show you something!" one of the builders shouted, a dirty grin plastered on his face.<</un>>
<<mia>>In the mood for some fun, Mia decided to indulge them. "Alright, you’ve got my attention. What’s up, guys?"<</mia>>
<<un>>''It's been such a long shift, you know. Your naked tits have brightened up our day a little. How about you make it even brighter, huh?''<</un>>
<<mia>>"Alright, show me your tools."<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_sex)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_sex/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<elseif $random==3>>
<<st>>Mia was riding a bus, and everyone kept staring at her naked body.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_bus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_bus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Some people were shocked, some were horny. Suddenly, a tall man approached Mia, bending her over, and started having sex with her right there in front of everyone, making people even more confused.<</st>>
<<elseif $random==4>>
<<st>>Mia is walking down the street when a man walks over to her and whispers into her ear: ''I would've offered money to fuck you. But why do I feel like you're such a slut that you will do it for free?''<</st>>
<<mia>>''You're right. Normally, I would do it for free. But to fuck you, you'd have to offer me a billion, and I'm not sure I'd take it,'' Mia said back, looking him dead in the eyes.<</mia>>
<<un>>''You stupid bitch!'' he yelled and dragged her around the corner.<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_sex)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_sex/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<elseif $random==5>>
<<st>>Mia walked out onto the street naked. Heads turned as she passed by, whispers and open stares following her every step. She enjoyed the attention, feeling a thrill run through her.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_show)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_show/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<un>>A girl in the crowd sneered loudly, "You're such a slut."<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia stopped, turning to face her. With a confident smirk, she replied, "Maybe, but your boyfriend seems to like it."<</mia>>
<<st>>The girl, fuming, glanced at her boyfriend. Her anger turned to shock when she saw him staring at Mia, completely captivated. He didn’t even try to hide it, his eyes glued to Mia's body. Mia winked at him before walking away, leaving the girl speechless. <</st>>
<<elseif $random==6>>
<<st>>Mia walked out on the street naked and immediately noticed a police car pulling up beside her. The officers got out, clearly ready to issue her a fine. They escorted her to their car.<<st>>
<<mia>>Mia sat in the backseat, giving the officers a playful smile. "Do you really want to fine me?" she asked, leaning forward slightly. "Maybe we can work something out?" She batted her eyelashes, her tone flirtatious. The officers exchanged glances, looked back at Mia, and smiled. The police car moved off.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_car)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_car/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<else>><<set $random to random(4)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Mia lief die Straße entlang, als sie plötzlich spürte, wie jemand ihre Arsch griff.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor<50>><<mia>>Mia wirbelte herum, ihre Augen loderten. "Du verdammter Bastard!" rief sie und schlug dem Typen fest ins Gesicht. Er taumelte zurück, schockiert.<</mia>>
<<mia>>Mia starrte ihn an. "Fass mich nicht noch einmal verdammte an", schnappte sie und ging davon.<</mia>>
<<else>><<mia>>Mia drehte sich um, Überraschung wich einem verschmitzten Lächeln. "Mutiger Zug", sagte sie und musterte den Typen, der sie gepackt hatte. Sie zwinkerte ihm zu und ging davon, ihre Hüften schwingend.<</mia>><</if>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia stieg in einen überfüllten Bus ein, kaum Platz zum Bewegen. Plötzlich spürte sie, wie jemand ihre Arsch betatschte.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor<50>><<mia>>Mia drehte sich schnell um, die Augen funkelnd vor Zorn. "Hände weg!" rief sie und stieß den Kerl weg. "Fass mich nicht noch einmal an, du Mistkerl," warnte sie laut genug, damit alle in der Nähe es hörten.<</mia>>
<<else>><<mia>>Mia drehte sich um und spürte einen Adrenalinschub. Sie blickte dem Mann, der sie begrapscht hatte, direkt in die Augen und lächelte frech. "Ganz schön mutig von dir," neckte sie und drückte sich leicht gegen ihn, als der Bus vorwärts ruckte.<</mia>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Also, Mia war auf dem Heimweg, als es anfing wie aus Eimern zu schütten. Sie wurde klitschnass und ihr weißes Shirt war total durchsichtig.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia merkte, wie die Typen sie anstarrten und grinste. Einer fiel ihr besonders auf. Sie ging auf ihn zu, lächelte und fragte: "Gefällt dir, was du siehst?" Der Typ wurde knallrot und stotterte irgendwas, total verlegen. Mia lachte, zwinkerte ihm zu und ging weiter, weil sie den ganzen Stress voll genoss.<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<mia>>Mia lief die Straße lang und sah Geld am Boden liegen. Sie bückte sich, hob es auf und merkte, dass es 50 Euro waren. „Nicht viel, aber ich nehm’s“, dachte sie lachend, steckte den Schein ein und ging weiter. Irgendwie fühlte sie sich jetzt glücklicher.<</mia>><<set $mia.money+=50>><<flash "Money + 50">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mia war auf dem Heimweg, als ihr irgendein Idiot die Tasche klauen wollte.<</st>>
<<if $mia.fit<50>><<mia>>Der Idiot riss ihr die Tasche aus der Hand. „Verdammt, wäre ich doch nur stärker“, dachte Mia frustriert. Sie sah ihm hilflos hinterher, wie er mit ihrer Tasche abhaute, und fluchte über ihre fehlende Fitness.<</mia>>
<<else>><<st>>Zum Glück hatte sich das Fitnessstudio ausgezahlt. Sie hielt fest und riss sich die Tasche mit ihrer Kraft zurück. Der Dieb stolperte und rannte weg, fertig. Mia atmete tief durch und machte weiter.<</st>><</if>>
<<case "FR">><<if $clothes_top_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/verh/v0.png" and $clothes_bottom_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/niz/n0.png">>
<<set $random to random(6)>>
<<if $random==0>>
<<mia>>Mia was walking down the street when she noticed a guy taking photos of her with his camera. Annoyed, she walked over to him. "What are you doing? Delete those photos," she asked firmly.<</mia>>
<<un>>He looked up, a grin spreading across his face. "You're a hot one," he said, not bothering to hide lust in his eyes.<</un>>
<<un>>"How about a photoshoot instead? I’m a photographer, and you look great."<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia thought about it for a moment but then decided to go with it. "Alright, let's see what you've got," she said with a smirk.<</mia>>
<<st>>They walked to a better location with perfect light for photos. He directed her into various poses, and Mia enjoyed the experience more than she expected.<</st>>
<<un>>"You're so hot; how about we have some fun?" he said, stepping closer to adjust a strand of her hair, smiling at her.<</un>>
<<mia>>''Why not? You’re such a sweet guy,'' Mia said, stepping closer to him.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_sex)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_sex/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<elseif $random==1>>
<<st>>Mia was walking down the street when she spotted a group of young people chatting and laughing. One of them, a tall guy with a charming smile, caught her eye. Taking a look at him, she decided to make a move.<</st>>
<<un>>She walked over to him, her confidence evident in her stride. "Hey there," she said, her voice smooth and almost teasing. "I noticed from across the street how you couldn’t take your eyes off. How about you and I go somewhere a bit more...interesting?"<</un>>
<<un>>Everyone in his group of friends was so shocked that they just opened their mouths, not capable of making a sound. The guy also looked surprised but intrigued. He flashed her a grin that made her nipples harden. "Well, hi there," he said, his voice matching her playful tone. "I think I'd like that."<</un>>
<<un>>Without hesitation, he turned to his friends. "See you later, losers," he said, already moving away from the group.<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_sex)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_sex/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<elseif $random==2>>
<<un>>Mia was walking past a construction site when she heard the familiar sounds of catcalling. The builders whistled and called out to her. "Hey, you, with a naked ass! Come over here! We want to show you something!" one of the builders shouted, a dirty grin plastered on his face.<</un>>
<<mia>>In the mood for some fun, Mia decided to indulge them. "Alright, you’ve got my attention. What’s up, guys?"<</mia>>
<<un>>''It's been such a long shift, you know. Your naked tits have brightened up our day a little. How about you make it even brighter, huh?''<</un>>
<<mia>>"Alright, show me your tools."<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_sex)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_sex/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<elseif $random==3>>
<<st>>Mia was riding a bus, and everyone kept staring at her naked body.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_bus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_bus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Some people were shocked, some were horny. Suddenly, a tall man approached Mia, bending her over, and started having sex with her right there in front of everyone, making people even more confused.<</st>>
<<elseif $random==4>>
<<st>>Mia is walking down the street when a man walks over to her and whispers into her ear: ''I would've offered money to fuck you. But why do I feel like you're such a slut that you will do it for free?''<</st>>
<<mia>>''You're right. Normally, I would do it for free. But to fuck you, you'd have to offer me a billion, and I'm not sure I'd take it,'' Mia said back, looking him dead in the eyes.<</mia>>
<<un>>''You stupid bitch!'' he yelled and dragged her around the corner.<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_sex)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_sex/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<elseif $random==5>>
<<st>>Mia walked out onto the street naked. Heads turned as she passed by, whispers and open stares following her every step. She enjoyed the attention, feeling a thrill run through her.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_show)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_show/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<un>>A girl in the crowd sneered loudly, "You're such a slut."<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia stopped, turning to face her. With a confident smirk, she replied, "Maybe, but your boyfriend seems to like it."<</mia>>
<<st>>The girl, fuming, glanced at her boyfriend. Her anger turned to shock when she saw him staring at Mia, completely captivated. He didn’t even try to hide it, his eyes glued to Mia's body. Mia winked at him before walking away, leaving the girl speechless. <</st>>
<<elseif $random==6>>
<<st>>Mia walked out on the street naked and immediately noticed a police car pulling up beside her. The officers got out, clearly ready to issue her a fine. They escorted her to their car.<<st>>
<<mia>>Mia sat in the backseat, giving the officers a playful smile. "Do you really want to fine me?" she asked, leaning forward slightly. "Maybe we can work something out?" She batted her eyelashes, her tone flirtatious. The officers exchanged glances, looked back at Mia, and smiled. The police car moved off.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_car)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_car/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<else>><<set $random to random(4)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Mia marchait dans la rue, quand soudain elle a senti quelqu'un lui attraper les fesses.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor<50>><<mia>>Mia s'est retournée, les yeux brillants. "Espèce de salaud !" hurla-t-elle en frappant le type au visage. Il recula, choqué.<</mia>>
<<mia>>Mia lui lança un regard noir. "Ne me touche pas, putain", dit-elle avant de s'éloigner.<</mia>>
<<else>><<mia>>Mia se retourne, la surprise se transformant en un sourire narquois. "C'est osé", dit-elle en regardant le type qui l'a attrapée. Elle lui fait un clin d'œil et s'éloigne en se déhanchant.<</mia>><</if>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia est montée dans un bus bondé, avec peu d'espace pour bouger. Soudain, elle sent quelqu'un lui tripoter les fesses.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor<50>><<mia>>Mia se retourne rapidement, les yeux brillants. "Bas les pattes !", crie-t-elle en repoussant le type. "Ne me touche plus, sale type", a-t-elle prévenu, s'assurant que tout le monde l'entendait.<</mia>>
<<else>><<mia>>Mia s'est retournée et a ressenti une poussée d'excitation. Elle croise le regard du type qui l'a tripotée, un sourire amusé sur les lèvres. "C'est plutôt courageux", dit-elle en se pressant légèrement contre lui alors que le bus s'ébranle vers l'avant.<</mia>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Alors que Mia se rendait à sa destination, il s'est mis à pleuvoir et elle s'est retrouvée trempée. Sa chemise blanche est devenue transparente.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia a remarqué que des hommes la regardaient et a souri. Elle en a vu un qui a attiré son attention. Elle s'est approchée de lui en souriant et lui a dit : " Tu aimes ce que tu vois ? ". Le type rougit et balbutie une réponse, visiblement troublé. Mia rit, lui fait un clin d'œil et continue son chemin, appréciant l'attention.<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<mia>>Mia marchait dans la rue lorsqu'elle a remarqué de l'argent qui traînait par terre. Elle se penche et le ramasse, réalisant qu'il s'agit de 50 dollars. "Elle glissa le billet dans sa poche et continua son chemin, se sentant un peu plus chanceuse.<</mia>><<set $mia.money+=50>><<flash "Money + 50">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mia rentrait chez elle lorsqu'un abruti a essayé de lui arracher son sac.<</st>>
<<if $mia.fit<50>><<mia>>L'abruti lui arrache le sac des mains. "Si seulement j'étais plus forte", se dit Mia, frustrée. Elle regarda, impuissante, l'homme s'enfuir avec son sac, maudissant son manque de condition physique.<</mia>>
<<else>><<st>>Heureusement, l'entraînement de Mia a porté ses fruits. Elle s'accrocha fermement, utilisant sa force pour arracher le sac de son emprise. Le voleur trébucha et s'enfuit, vaincu. Mia respire profondément et poursuit sa route.<</st>><</if>>
<<case "ES">><<if $clothes_top_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/verh/v0.png" and $clothes_bottom_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/niz/n0.png">>
<<set $random to random(6)>>
<<if $random==0>>
<<mia>>Mia was walking down the street when she noticed a guy taking photos of her with his camera. Annoyed, she walked over to him. "What are you doing? Delete those photos," she asked firmly.<</mia>>
<<un>>He looked up, a grin spreading across his face. "You're a hot one," he said, not bothering to hide lust in his eyes.<</un>>
<<un>>"How about a photoshoot instead? I’m a photographer, and you look great."<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia thought about it for a moment but then decided to go with it. "Alright, let's see what you've got," she said with a smirk.<</mia>>
<<st>>They walked to a better location with perfect light for photos. He directed her into various poses, and Mia enjoyed the experience more than she expected.<</st>>
<<un>>"You're so hot; how about we have some fun?" he said, stepping closer to adjust a strand of her hair, smiling at her.<</un>>
<<mia>>''Why not? You’re such a sweet guy,'' Mia said, stepping closer to him.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_sex)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_sex/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<elseif $random==1>>
<<st>>Mia was walking down the street when she spotted a group of young people chatting and laughing. One of them, a tall guy with a charming smile, caught her eye. Taking a look at him, she decided to make a move.<</st>>
<<un>>She walked over to him, her confidence evident in her stride. "Hey there," she said, her voice smooth and almost teasing. "I noticed from across the street how you couldn’t take your eyes off. How about you and I go somewhere a bit more...interesting?"<</un>>
<<un>>Everyone in his group of friends was so shocked that they just opened their mouths, not capable of making a sound. The guy also looked surprised but intrigued. He flashed her a grin that made her nipples harden. "Well, hi there," he said, his voice matching her playful tone. "I think I'd like that."<</un>>
<<un>>Without hesitation, he turned to his friends. "See you later, losers," he said, already moving away from the group.<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_sex)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_sex/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<elseif $random==2>>
<<un>>Mia was walking past a construction site when she heard the familiar sounds of catcalling. The builders whistled and called out to her. "Hey, you, with a naked ass! Come over here! We want to show you something!" one of the builders shouted, a dirty grin plastered on his face.<</un>>
<<mia>>In the mood for some fun, Mia decided to indulge them. "Alright, you’ve got my attention. What’s up, guys?"<</mia>>
<<un>>''It's been such a long shift, you know. Your naked tits have brightened up our day a little. How about you make it even brighter, huh?''<</un>>
<<mia>>"Alright, show me your tools."<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_sex)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_sex/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<elseif $random==3>>
<<st>>Mia was riding a bus, and everyone kept staring at her naked body.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_bus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_bus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Some people were shocked, some were horny. Suddenly, a tall man approached Mia, bending her over, and started having sex with her right there in front of everyone, making people even more confused.<</st>>
<<elseif $random==4>>
<<st>>Mia is walking down the street when a man walks over to her and whispers into her ear: ''I would've offered money to fuck you. But why do I feel like you're such a slut that you will do it for free?''<</st>>
<<mia>>''You're right. Normally, I would do it for free. But to fuck you, you'd have to offer me a billion, and I'm not sure I'd take it,'' Mia said back, looking him dead in the eyes.<</mia>>
<<un>>''You stupid bitch!'' he yelled and dragged her around the corner.<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_sex)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_sex/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<elseif $random==5>>
<<st>>Mia walked out onto the street naked. Heads turned as she passed by, whispers and open stares following her every step. She enjoyed the attention, feeling a thrill run through her.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_show)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_show/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<un>>A girl in the crowd sneered loudly, "You're such a slut."<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia stopped, turning to face her. With a confident smirk, she replied, "Maybe, but your boyfriend seems to like it."<</mia>>
<<st>>The girl, fuming, glanced at her boyfriend. Her anger turned to shock when she saw him staring at Mia, completely captivated. He didn’t even try to hide it, his eyes glued to Mia's body. Mia winked at him before walking away, leaving the girl speechless. <</st>>
<<elseif $random==6>>
<<st>>Mia walked out on the street naked and immediately noticed a police car pulling up beside her. The officers got out, clearly ready to issue her a fine. They escorted her to their car.<<st>>
<<mia>>Mia sat in the backseat, giving the officers a playful smile. "Do you really want to fine me?" she asked, leaning forward slightly. "Maybe we can work something out?" She batted her eyelashes, her tone flirtatious. The officers exchanged glances, looked back at Mia, and smiled. The police car moved off.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_car)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_car/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<else>><<set $random to random(4)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Mia caminaba por la calle, recién salida de una concurrida cafetería, cuando de repente sintió que alguien le agarraba el culo.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor<50>><<mia>>Mia se dio la vuelta con los ojos desorbitados. "¡Maldito cabrón!", le gritó, dándole una fuerte bofetada en la cara. El tipo retrocedió, sorprendido.<</mia>>
<<mia>>Mia lo fulminó con la mirada. "No me toques, joder", le espetó antes de alejarse.<</mia>>
<<else>><<mia>>Mia se giró y la sorpresa se transformó en una sonrisa socarrona. "Qué atrevida", dijo, mirando al tipo que la había agarrado. Le guiñó un ojo y se alejó contoneando las caderas.<</mia>><</if>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia subió a un autobús abarrotado, sin apenas espacio para moverse. De repente, sintió que alguien le tocaba el trasero.<</st>>
<<if $mia.cor<50>><<mia>>Mia se volvió rápidamente, con los ojos encendidos. "¡Quítame las manos de encima!", gritó, apartando al tipo de un empujón. "No vuelvas a tocarme, asqueroso", advirtió, asegurándose de que todos los que estaban cerca la oyeran.<</mia>>
<<else>><<mia>>Mia se giró, sintiendo una oleada de excitación. Miró fijamente al tipo que le había metido mano, con una sonrisa juguetona en los labios. "Un movimiento bastante valiente", bromeó, apretándose ligeramente contra él mientras el autobús avanzaba a sacudidas.<</mia>><</if>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Cuando Mia volvía a casa, empezó a llover y se empapó. Su camisa blanca se volvió transparente.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia se fijó en los hombres que la miraban y sonrió. Vio a uno que le llamó la atención. Se acercó a él, le sonrió y le dijo: "¿Te gusta lo que ves?". El tipo se sonrojó y balbuceó una respuesta, claramente nervioso. Mia se rió, le guiñó un ojo y siguió su camino, disfrutando de la atención.<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<mia>>Mia iba caminando por la calle cuando vio dinero tirado en el suelo. Se agachó y lo recogió, dándose cuenta de que eran 50 dólares. "No es una fortuna, pero me lo llevo", pensó con una sonrisa, metiéndose el billete en el bolsillo y continuando su camino, sintiéndose un poco más afortunada.<</mia>><<set $mia.money+=50>><<flash "Money + 50">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mia volvía a casa cuando un imbécil intentó arrebatarle el bolso.<</st>>
<<if $mia.fit<50>><<mia>>El imbécil le arrancó la bolsa de las manos. "Maldita sea, si fuera más fuerte", pensó Mia, frustrada. Observó impotente cómo huía con la bolsa, maldiciendo su falta de forma física.<</mia>>
<<else>><<st>>Por suerte, la rutina de ejercicios de Mia dio sus frutos. Se agarró con fuerza y tiró de la bolsa para quitársela de las manos. El ladrón tropezó y salió corriendo, derrotado. Mia respiró hondo y siguió su camino.<</st>><</if>>
<<case "CH">><<if $clothes_top_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/verh/v0.png" and $clothes_bottom_mia == "0.2.6/clothes/work/niz/n0.png">>
<<set $random to random(6)>>
<<if $random==0>>
<<mia>>Mia was walking down the street when she noticed a guy taking photos of her with his camera. Annoyed, she walked over to him. "What are you doing? Delete those photos," she asked firmly.<</mia>>
<<un>>He looked up, a grin spreading across his face. "You're a hot one," he said, not bothering to hide lust in his eyes.<</un>>
<<un>>"How about a photoshoot instead? I’m a photographer, and you look great."<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia thought about it for a moment but then decided to go with it. "Alright, let's see what you've got," she said with a smirk.<</mia>>
<<st>>They walked to a better location with perfect light for photos. He directed her into various poses, and Mia enjoyed the experience more than she expected.<</st>>
<<un>>"You're so hot; how about we have some fun?" he said, stepping closer to adjust a strand of her hair, smiling at her.<</un>>
<<mia>>''Why not? You’re such a sweet guy,'' Mia said, stepping closer to him.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_sex)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_sex/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<elseif $random==1>>
<<st>>Mia was walking down the street when she spotted a group of young people chatting and laughing. One of them, a tall guy with a charming smile, caught her eye. Taking a look at him, she decided to make a move.<</st>>
<<un>>She walked over to him, her confidence evident in her stride. "Hey there," she said, her voice smooth and almost teasing. "I noticed from across the street how you couldn’t take your eyes off. How about you and I go somewhere a bit more...interesting?"<</un>>
<<un>>Everyone in his group of friends was so shocked that they just opened their mouths, not capable of making a sound. The guy also looked surprised but intrigued. He flashed her a grin that made her nipples harden. "Well, hi there," he said, his voice matching her playful tone. "I think I'd like that."<</un>>
<<un>>Without hesitation, he turned to his friends. "See you later, losers," he said, already moving away from the group.<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_sex)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_sex/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<elseif $random==2>>
<<un>>Mia was walking past a construction site when she heard the familiar sounds of catcalling. The builders whistled and called out to her. "Hey, you, with a naked ass! Come over here! We want to show you something!" one of the builders shouted, a dirty grin plastered on his face.<</un>>
<<mia>>In the mood for some fun, Mia decided to indulge them. "Alright, you’ve got my attention. What’s up, guys?"<</mia>>
<<un>>''It's been such a long shift, you know. Your naked tits have brightened up our day a little. How about you make it even brighter, huh?''<</un>>
<<mia>>"Alright, show me your tools."<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_sex)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_sex/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<elseif $random==3>>
<<st>>Mia was riding a bus, and everyone kept staring at her naked body.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_bus)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_bus/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<st>>Some people were shocked, some were horny. Suddenly, a tall man approached Mia, bending her over, and started having sex with her right there in front of everyone, making people even more confused.<</st>>
<<elseif $random==4>>
<<st>>Mia is walking down the street when a man walks over to her and whispers into her ear: ''I would've offered money to fuck you. But why do I feel like you're such a slut that you will do it for free?''<</st>>
<<mia>>''You're right. Normally, I would do it for free. But to fuck you, you'd have to offer me a billion, and I'm not sure I'd take it,'' Mia said back, looking him dead in the eyes.<</mia>>
<<un>>''You stupid bitch!'' he yelled and dragged her around the corner.<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_sex)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_sex/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<elseif $random==5>>
<<st>>Mia walked out onto the street naked. Heads turned as she passed by, whispers and open stares following her every step. She enjoyed the attention, feeling a thrill run through her.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_show)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_show/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<un>>A girl in the crowd sneered loudly, "You're such a slut."<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia stopped, turning to face her. With a confident smirk, she replied, "Maybe, but your boyfriend seems to like it."<</mia>>
<<st>>The girl, fuming, glanced at her boyfriend. Her anger turned to shock when she saw him staring at Mia, completely captivated. He didn’t even try to hide it, his eyes glued to Mia's body. Mia winked at him before walking away, leaving the girl speechless. <</st>>
<<elseif $random==6>>
<<st>>Mia walked out on the street naked and immediately noticed a police car pulling up beside her. The officers got out, clearly ready to issue her a fine. They escorted her to their car.<<st>>
<<mia>>Mia sat in the backseat, giving the officers a playful smile. "Do you really want to fine me?" she asked, leaning forward slightly. "Maybe we can work something out?" She batted her eyelashes, her tone flirtatious. The officers exchanged glances, looked back at Mia, and smiled. The police car moved off.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.world_car)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/world_events/world_car/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<else>><<set $random to random(4)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<if $mia.cor<50>><<mia>>米娅转过身来,双眼冒火。"你这个该死的混蛋!"她大叫着,狠狠地扇了那家伙一耳光。他吓得踉跄后退。<</mia>>
<<case 1>>
<<if $mia.cor<50>><<mia>>米娅迅速转过身,眼睛瞪得大大的。"把手拿开!"她喊道,一把推开了那个人。"别再碰我,变态!"她警告道,确保附近的人都能听到。<</mia>>
<<case 2>>
<<mia>>米娅注意到有男人盯着她看,她不禁傻笑起来。她看到一个男人引起了她的注意。她走到他面前,微笑着说:"喜欢你看到的吗?" 那个男人脸红了,结结巴巴地回答,显然有些慌乱。米娅笑了笑,向他使了个眼色,然后继续往前走,享受着大家的目光。<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<mia>>米娅走在街上,发现地上有一些钱。她弯下腰捡起来,发现是 50 美元。"虽然不是什么大钱,但我还是收下了,"她笑着想,把钞票塞进口袋,继续往前走,觉得自己又幸运了一点。<</mia>><<set $mia.money+=50>><<flash "Money + 50">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<case 4>>
<<if $mia.fit<50>><<mia>>那个混蛋直接把包从她手里扯了出来。"米娅沮丧地想:"该死,要是我再强壮点就好了。她无助地看着他拿着她的包跑掉,暗骂自己体力不支。<</mia>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
@@.text-normal;First, recruit Lily. (1 girl in the audience).@@
<<case "RU">>
@@.text-normal;Сначала завербуйте Лили. (1 девушка в аудитории).@@
<<case "GE">>
@@.text-normal;Beginne damit, Lily zu rekrutieren. (1 Mädchen im Publikum).@@
<<button[[Verlassen Sie|Auditorium]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
@@.text-normal;Commencez par recruter Lily. (1 fille dans le public).@@
<<case "ES">>
@@.text-normal;Empieza reclutando a Lily. (1 chica en el público).@@
<<button[[Salir de|Auditorium]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
@@.text-normal;从招募莉莉开始 (观众席上有 1 个女孩).@@
<</switch>><<if $quests.quest_go_to_room_3==true>><<if $mobileGame==false>>
<button data-passage='City' tabindex='0' class="map_btn city">
<div class="sign"><svg viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M377.9 105.9L500.7 228.7c7.2 7.2 11.3 17.1 11.3 27.3s-4.1 20.1-11.3 27.3L377.9 406.1c-6.4 6.4-15 9.9-24 9.9c-18.7 0-33.9-15.2-33.9-33.9l0-62.1-128 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32l0-64c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32l128 0 0-62.1c0-18.7 15.2-33.9 33.9-33.9c9 0 17.6 3.6 24 9.9zM160 96L96 96c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32l0 256c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32l-64 0c-53 0-96-43-96-96L0 128C0 75 43 32 96 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32z"></path></svg>
<div class="text-map">City</div>
<<if $cheats.dlc.ibiza==false>><button data-passage='Ibiza_Patreon' tabindex='0' class="map_btn ibiza">
<div class="sign"><svg viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M377.9 105.9L500.7 228.7c7.2 7.2 11.3 17.1 11.3 27.3s-4.1 20.1-11.3 27.3L377.9 406.1c-6.4 6.4-15 9.9-24 9.9c-18.7 0-33.9-15.2-33.9-33.9l0-62.1-128 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32l0-64c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32l128 0 0-62.1c0-18.7 15.2-33.9 33.9-33.9c9 0 17.6 3.6 24 9.9zM160 96L96 96c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32l0 256c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32l-64 0c-53 0-96-43-96-96L0 128C0 75 43 32 96 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32z"></path></svg>
<div class="text-map">Patreon</div>
</button><<else>><button data-passage='Ibiza' tabindex='0' class="map_btn ibiza">
<div class="sign"><svg viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M377.9 105.9L500.7 228.7c7.2 7.2 11.3 17.1 11.3 27.3s-4.1 20.1-11.3 27.3L377.9 406.1c-6.4 6.4-15 9.9-24 9.9c-18.7 0-33.9-15.2-33.9-33.9l0-62.1-128 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32l0-64c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32l128 0 0-62.1c0-18.7 15.2-33.9 33.9-33.9c9 0 17.6 3.6 24 9.9zM160 96L96 96c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32l0 256c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32l-64 0c-53 0-96-43-96-96L0 128C0 75 43 32 96 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32z"></path></svg>
<div class="text-map">Ibiza</div>
</button><</if>><<else>><button data-passage='City' tabindex='0' class="map_btn_mobile city"><div class="text-map-mobile">City</div>
<<if $cheats.dlc.ibiza==false>><button data-passage='Ibiza_Patreon' tabindex='0' class="map_btn_mobile ibiza"><div class="text-map-mobile">Patreon</div>
</button><<else>><button data-passage='Ibiza' tabindex='0' class="map_btn_mobile ibiza"><div class="text-map-mobile">Ibiza</div>
</button><</if>><</if>><<else>><<goto Ibiza_Quest>><</if>><<set $canTravel =1>><<st>>To access this content, you'll need a <a href="https://patreon.com/SirenTeam" target="_blank">Patreon!</a> subscription. After that, activate it in the cheats section.<</st>>
<<button[[Leave|Airport]]>><</button>><<set $cheats.dlc.ibiza=false>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Summer was slipping by, and Mia was seriously pissed that she hadn't had a proper chance to go wild. The idea of a boring summer? Hell no. So, after a few seconds of thinking, she grabbed her phone and shot a text to Elain.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Hey, wanna hit up some crazy parties and just lose it for a bit?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain was quick with the reply. ''Duh, I'm in. Where are we headed?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia grinned as she typed back, ''Somewhere with the world’s wildest parties. So… Ibiza?''<</mia>>
<<st>>A couple of taps later, flights were booked, and they were off to the ultimate party island.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Ibiza">><<ele>>As they stepped off the plane and into the sun-soaked island, Elain took a look around and scrunched up her nose. ''Seriously, Mia, I thought we were headed to the land of endless parties, not a theme park for Instagram influencers.''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia rolled her eyes playfully. ''Chill, girl. We’ve only just arrived. Let’s get to the hotel first. If it still feels like a kiddie park after we’ve unpacked, we’ll fix that ourselves.''<</mia>>
<<button[[Check into the Hotel|Hotel_Ibiza]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Лето пролетело незаметно, и Мия дико злилась, что у нее не было возможности как следует оторваться. Скучное лето? Ну уж нет. Поэтому, подумав несколько секунд, она схватила телефон и отправила сообщение Элейн.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Эй, хочешь оторваться на парочке сумасшедших вечеринок и хорошенько потусить?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Элейн быстро ответила. ''Да, я в деле. Куда едем?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Миа усмехнулась, написав в ответ: ''Туда, где проходят самые дикие вечеринки в мире. Как насчет Ибицы?''<</mia>>
<<st>>Через пару нажатий рейс был заказан, и они отправились на самый тусовочный остров мира.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Ибица">><<ele>>Когда они вышли из самолета на залитый солнцем остров, Элейн огляделась по сторонам и сморщила нос. ''Серьезно, Миа, я думала, что мы отправляемся в мир бесконечных вечеринок, а не в тематический парк для инфлюенсеров''.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Миа наигранно закатила глаза. ''Остынь, красотка. Мы только прибыли. Давай сначала доберемся до отеля. Если после того, как мы распакуем вещи, это место все еще будет напоминать детский парк развлечений, мы сами все исправим''.<</mia>>
<<button[[Заселиться в отель|Hotel_Ibiza]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Summer was slipping by, and Mia was seriously pissed that she hadn't had a proper chance to go wild. The idea of a boring summer? Hell no. So, after a few seconds of thinking, she grabbed her phone and shot a text to Elain.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Hey, wanna hit up some crazy parties and just lose it for a bit?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain was quick with the reply. ''Duh, I'm in. Where are we headed?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia grinned as she typed back, ''Somewhere with the world’s wildest parties. So… Ibiza?''<</mia>>
<<st>>A couple of taps later, flights were booked, and they were off to the ultimate party island.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Ibiza">><<ele>>As they stepped off the plane and into the sun-soaked island, Elain took a look around and scrunched up her nose. ''Seriously, Mia, I thought we were headed to the land of endless parties, not a theme park for Instagram influencers.''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia rolled her eyes playfully. ''Chill, girl. We’ve only just arrived. Let’s get to the hotel first. If it still feels like a kiddie park after we’ve unpacked, we’ll fix that ourselves.''<</mia>>
<<button[[Check into the Hotel|Hotel_Ibiza]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>L'été filait à toute allure, et Mia était sérieusement énervée de ne pas avoir eu l'occasion de se déchaîner. L'idée de passer un été ennuyeux ? Absolument pas. Après quelques secondes de réflexion, elle saisit son téléphone et envoie un message à Elain.<</st>>
<<mia>>'' Hé, tu veux aller à des soirées folles et te défouler un peu ? ''<</mia>>
<<ele>>La réponse d'Elain ne se fait pas attendre. '' Duh, je suis partante. On va où ? ''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia sourit en répondant : '' Quelque part où il y a les fêtes les plus folles du monde. Alors... Ibiza ? ''<</mia>>
<<st>>Quelques tapes plus tard, les vols étaient réservés et ils partaient pour l'île la plus fêtarde du monde.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Ibiza">><<ele>>Alors qu'ils sortaient de l'avion et pénétraient sur l'île baignée de soleil, Elain a jeté un coup d'œil autour d'elle et a froncé le nez. '' Sérieusement, Mia, je pensais que nous nous dirigions vers le pays des fêtes sans fin, pas vers un parc à thème pour influenceurs Instagram. ''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia a roulé des yeux d'un air amusé. '' Calme-toi, ma fille. Nous venons juste d'arriver. Allons d'abord à l'hôtel. Si on a toujours l'impression d'être dans un parc pour enfants après avoir défait nos valises, on arrangera ça nous-mêmes. ''<</mia>>
<<button[[Vérifier l'arrivée à l'hôtel|Hotel_Ibiza]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>El verano se escapaba y Mia estaba muy enfadada por no haber tenido la oportunidad de divertirse como es debido. ¿La idea de un verano aburrido? Por supuesto que no. Así que, después de pensarlo unos segundos, cogió su teléfono y le envió un mensaje a Elain.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Oye, ¿quieres ir a algunas fiestas locas y perderte un poco?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain respondió rápidamente. ''Me apunto. ¿Adónde vamos?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia sonrió y contestó: ''A algún lugar con las fiestas más locas del mundo. Entonces... ¿Ibiza?''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Un par de toques más tarde, los vuelos estaban reservados y se dirigían a la isla de la fiesta por excelencia.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Ibiza">><<ele>>Cuando bajaron del avión y entraron en la isla bañada por el sol, Elain echó un vistazo a su alrededor y arrugó la nariz. ''En serio, Mia, pensaba que nos dirigíamos al país de las fiestas interminables, no a un parque temático para influencers de Instagram''.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia puso los ojos en blanco. ''Tranquila, chica. Acabamos de llegar. Vayamos primero al hotel. Si sigue pareciendo un parque infantil después de deshacer las maletas, lo arreglaremos nosotras mismas''.<</mia>>
<<button[[Registrarse en el hotel|Hotel_Ibiza]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>夏天悄然而逝,Mia 對於沒有機會好好狂野一把感到非常惱火。想過一個無聊的夏天?當然不是。所以,思考了幾秒鐘之後,她拿起手機發了一條簡訊給 Elain。<</st>>
<<ele>>伊莱恩 很快就回復了。''好啊,我參加。我們要去哪裡?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>米娅 邊笑邊回道:''有世界上最狂野派對的地方。那麼......伊比沙島?''<</mia>>
<<linkreplace "伊比沙岛">><<ele>>當他們走下飛機,踏上陽光普照的島嶼時,Elain 四處張望了一下,皺起了鼻子。''說真的,Mia,我以為我們要去的是無盡的派對之地,而不是 Instagram 影響力人物的主題公園。''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia 俏皮地翻了個白眼。''冷靜點,女孩。我們才剛到。我們先去酒店吧。如果我們整理好行李之後,還覺得這裡像個兒童樂園,我們會自己解決的。''<</mia>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>The hotel was modern and stylish, with bright, bold decor. The room has a great view of the ocean and a big balcony for relaxing.<</st>>
<<button[[Leave from Ibiza|Airport]]>><</button>>
<<if $quests.quest_dlc_beach==true and $quests.quest_dlc_last==false>><<button[[Last day|Last_Day_Ibiza]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<if $ibiza_club_first==0>><<button[[Leave|Club_Ibiza_quest]]>><</button>><<else>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Отель был современным и стильным, с ярким, смелым декором. Из номера открывается прекрасный вид на океан, а на большом балконе можно отдохнуть.<</st>>
<<button[[Leave from Ibiza|Airport]]>><</button>>
<<if $ibiza_club_first==0>><<button[[Уйти|Club_Ibiza_quest]]>><</button>><<else>>
<<case "GE">>
<<button[[Leave from Ibiza|Airport]]>><</button>>
<<if $ibiza_club_first==0>><<button[[Verlassen|Club_Ibiza_quest]]>><</button>><<else>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>L'hôtel est moderne et élégant, avec une décoration lumineuse et audacieuse. La chambre offre une belle vue sur l'océan et dispose d'un grand balcon pour se détendre.<</st>>
<<button[[Leave from Ibiza|Airport]]>><</button>>
<<if $ibiza_club_first==0>><<button[[Partir|Club_Ibiza_quest]]>><</button>><<else>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>El hotel era moderno y elegante, con una decoración brillante y audaz. La habitación tiene una gran vista del océano y un gran balcón para relajarse.<</st>>
<<if $ibiza_club_first==0>><<button[[Salir|Club_Ibiza_quest]]>><</button>><<else>>
<<case "CH">>
<<button[[Leave from Ibiza|Airport]]>><</button>>
<<if $ibiza_club_first==0>><<button[[离开|Club_Ibiza_quest]]>><</button>><<else>>
<</switch>><<st>>Mia's exhausted, and fell into a deep sleep, and she started having interesting dreams, but she only remembers a few fragments.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.porn)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/porn/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">><<timed 1s>>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</timed>>
<<set $days +=1>><<if $mia.fit < 50>><<set $mia.ac_c = 3 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >49 and $mia.fit < 100>><<set $mia.ac_c = 4 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >99 and $mia.fit < 150>><<set $mia.ac_c = 5 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >149 and $mia.fit < 190>><<set $mia.ac_c = 6 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><<elseif $mia.fit >189>><<set $mia.ac_c = 7 +$perks.magic_1+$perks.magic_2+$perks.magic_3>><</if>><<set $is_need_shower=1>><<set $mia.can_eat =1>>
<<button[[Leave|Hotel_Ibiza]]>><</button>><<if $mia.can_eat ==1>><<st>>You take a bite of your food and feel good! Each mouthful gives you more energy, like a battery being recharged. You feel stronger and ready to take on anything. This yummy food fills you up and gives you the power to keep exploring the world!<</st>>
<<flash "Action + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.can_eat = 0>><<set $mia.ac_c +=1>><<else>>
<<st>>You've already eaten today and you don't want any more.<</st>><</if>>
<<button[[Leave|Hotel_Ibiza]]>><</button>><<if $is_need_shower == 0>><<st>>Mia's already showered today.<</st>>
<<button[[Leave|Hotel_Ibiza]]>><</button>><<else>><<st>>When she takes shower, the flow of water washes over her body, washing away the fatigue and tension of the day. The warm water soothes her thoughts and the scents of the shower gel create an atmosphere of relaxation.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.showerWebp)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/showerWebp/" + $imagechoice + ".webp">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<flash "Action point + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.ac_c +=1>><<set $is_need_shower=0>>
<</if>><<if $mobileGame==false>>
<button data-passage='Hotel_Ibiza' tabindex='0' class="map_btn hotel">
<div class="sign"><svg viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M377.9 105.9L500.7 228.7c7.2 7.2 11.3 17.1 11.3 27.3s-4.1 20.1-11.3 27.3L377.9 406.1c-6.4 6.4-15 9.9-24 9.9c-18.7 0-33.9-15.2-33.9-33.9l0-62.1-128 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32l0-64c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32l128 0 0-62.1c0-18.7 15.2-33.9 33.9-33.9c9 0 17.6 3.6 24 9.9zM160 96L96 96c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32l0 256c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32l-64 0c-53 0-96-43-96-96L0 128C0 75 43 32 96 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32z"></path></svg>
<div class="text-map">Hotel</div>
<button data-passage='Club_Ibiza_start' tabindex='0' class="map_btn club">
<div class="sign"><svg viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M377.9 105.9L500.7 228.7c7.2 7.2 11.3 17.1 11.3 27.3s-4.1 20.1-11.3 27.3L377.9 406.1c-6.4 6.4-15 9.9-24 9.9c-18.7 0-33.9-15.2-33.9-33.9l0-62.1-128 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32l0-64c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32l128 0 0-62.1c0-18.7 15.2-33.9 33.9-33.9c9 0 17.6 3.6 24 9.9zM160 96L96 96c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32l0 256c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32l-64 0c-53 0-96-43-96-96L0 128C0 75 43 32 96 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32z"></path></svg>
<div class="text-map">Club</div>
<button data-passage='Pool_Ibiza_start' tabindex='0' class="map_btn pool">
<div class="sign"><svg viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M377.9 105.9L500.7 228.7c7.2 7.2 11.3 17.1 11.3 27.3s-4.1 20.1-11.3 27.3L377.9 406.1c-6.4 6.4-15 9.9-24 9.9c-18.7 0-33.9-15.2-33.9-33.9l0-62.1-128 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32l0-64c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32l128 0 0-62.1c0-18.7 15.2-33.9 33.9-33.9c9 0 17.6 3.6 24 9.9zM160 96L96 96c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32l0 256c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32l-64 0c-53 0-96-43-96-96L0 128C0 75 43 32 96 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32z"></path></svg>
<div class="text-map">Pool</div>
<button data-passage='Beach_Ibiza_start' tabindex='0' class="map_btn beach">
<div class="sign"><svg viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M377.9 105.9L500.7 228.7c7.2 7.2 11.3 17.1 11.3 27.3s-4.1 20.1-11.3 27.3L377.9 406.1c-6.4 6.4-15 9.9-24 9.9c-18.7 0-33.9-15.2-33.9-33.9l0-62.1-128 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32l0-64c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32l128 0 0-62.1c0-18.7 15.2-33.9 33.9-33.9c9 0 17.6 3.6 24 9.9zM160 96L96 96c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32l0 256c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32l-64 0c-53 0-96-43-96-96L0 128C0 75 43 32 96 32l64 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32z"></path></svg>
<div class="text-map">Beach</div>
</button><<else>><button data-passage='Hotel_Ibiza' tabindex='0' class="map_btn_mobile hotel"><div class="text-map-mobile">Hotel</div>
<button data-passage='Club_Ibiza_start' tabindex='0' class="map_btn_mobile club"><div class="text-map-mobile">Club</div>
<button data-passage='Pool_Ibiza_start' tabindex='0' class="map_btn_mobile pool"><div class="text-map-mobile">Pool</div>
<button data-passage='Beach_Ibiza_start' tabindex='0' class="map_btn_mobile beach"><div class="text-map-mobile">Beach</div>
</button><</if>><<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Sleep_Ibiza]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<set $random to random(7)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>The club was buzzing, but Mia started to feel a little bored of dancing. With a playful smile, she decided it was time to hit the bathroom and spice up her night.<</st>>
<<mia>>On the way to the bathroom, Mia passed a group of guys standing nearby. As she walked by, swaying her hips, she flashed a confident smile and said, ''Who's up for a quick fuck, boys?''<</mia>>
<<st>>Her eyes sparkled, and she immediately got wet the moment one of those guys followed her into the bathroom stall.<</st>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia was vibing at the club, dancing and laughing with friends. Needing a drink, she made her way to the bar.<</st>>
<<mia>>''One Cosmopolitan,'' she purred, flashing the bartender a sultry smile.<</mia>>
<<un>>As she reached into her bag, her fingers grazing the edge of her wallet, she realized she was short on cash. The bartender, noticing the slight pause, leaned in with a smirk. ''Pay up or move along sweetheart,'' he said, his eyes lingering on her for a moment longer.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Try to get the cocktail without paying'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia leaned in closer, her lips brushing the bartender’s ear. ''How about this instead?''<</mia>>
<<mia>>With a sly smile, she slid the top of her outfit down, revealing her tits right in from of the bartender. The bartender’s eyes widened, and he started extending his arms as if willing to grope her boobs. ''Haha, nah, if you touch me, you owe me a night of free drinks, honey,'' she winked at him.<</mia>>
<<st>>Moments later, Mia was sipping her Cosmo.<</st>>
<<link 'Go get the wallet'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia sighed, giving the bartender a playful, apologetic smile. ''Hold that thought,'' she murmured, her voice low and teasing. With a lingering glance, she turned on her heel, hips swaying as she made her way out to grab her wallet.<</mia>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Mia glided through the club, her eyes scanning the room. As she passed by a dimly lit corner, she noticed a couple fucking wildly.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, this is crazy I love Ibiza!'' she said to herself, already horny and unable to stop staring at the couple.<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia and Elain were wilding out at one of the hottest clubs. The music was pumping, the lights were flashing, and they were completely in their element.<</st>>
<<st>>Suddenly, the girls noticed a crowd gathering in the center of the club. Curious, they decided to see what was going on, pushing their way through the throng.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Okay, this night is turning into something unreal,'' Mia said to Elain, stunned and excited.<</mia>>
<<mia>>It wasn't a couple of people having sex in the corner of a club; this was a group of people fucking in the middle of a dance floor. ''Elain? Do you see what I see? This is a fucking orgy! OMG, I LOVE Ibiza,'' she yelled, excited, and went right into this crowd, followed by her friend.<</mia>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mia spots a guy sitting with his friends in a private karaoke room. They exchange a few looks, and eventually, he stands up and walks over to her. His eyes blatantly wander over her body, lingering on her chest and hips before he gives her a smile.<</st>>
<<un>>(smiling, eyeing her):— You look absolutely stunning. Why don’t you join us? We could sing a song... and then maybe do something more interesting afterward? It's pretty private in there.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia smiles, a playful glint in her eyes, and follows him to the room, knowing the night was about to get a lot more exciting.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia shakes her head with a slight smile. — I think I’ll stay out here, she says, stepping away to enjoy the rest of her evening.<</mia>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Mia is lounging in the VIP area, her body barely covered by a skimpy dress as she sips her cocktail. One of the guys sitting next to her keeps his eyes glued to her chest, barely hiding how much he's staring. He leans in, giving her a smirk.<</st>>
<<un>>(his gaze roaming over her):— Damn, you’re crazy hot. How about we ditch this place, head up to my room, and have our own private party? I promise you won't regret it.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia smirked, leaning in closer, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered:
— Alright, let’s see if you can handle me. She stood up, her eyes locking onto his before she nodded towards the exit.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia laughs, shaking her head.
— Nice try, but I’m having fun here. She gives him a wink, her cleavage still catching his eyes as she turns back to her drink.<</mia>>
<<case 6>>
<<st>>Mia decided to get on the podium and start dancing, her body moving seductively under the flashing lights. She knew the crowd was watching, felt the eyes of several guys glued to her hips. It didn’t take long for one of them to get bold enough to climb up. His eyes were all over her, his hands sliding onto her thigh.<</st>>
<<un>>(leaning in): — You look like you want more than just dancing. I’d fuck you right here. You in?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia gave him a teasing smile, pulling him off the podium with her. Without saying a word, they headed towards a darker corner, away from prying eyes.<</st>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia shot him a smirk, then turned her attention back to her dancing, completely ignoring his words.<</st>>
<<case 7>>
<<st>>Mia was standing at the bar, sipping her cocktail. She could feel the guy next to her staring, his eyes lingering on her legs and chest. He leaned in closer, his breath brushing her ear.<</st>>
<<un>>(whispering):— That cocktail looks good, but I bet my dick tastes better. How about we get out of here and really have some fun?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia smirked, raising an eyebrow.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Why not?
She put her drink down, and they walked out of the club together.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia laughed, shaking her head.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Tempting, but I think I’ll stick to my drink for now.<</mia>>
<<case "RU">>
<<set $random to random(7)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>В клубе было шумно, но Миа поняла, что танцы ей немного надоели. Игриво улыбнувшись, она решила, что пора сходить в туалет и скрасить свой вечер.<</st>>
<<mia>>По дороге Миа прошла мимо группы парней, стоявших неподалеку. Проходя мимо, покачивая бедрами, она сверкнула уверенной улыбкой и спросила: ''Кто хочет быстро потрахаться, парни?''<</mia>>
<<st>>Ее глаза сверкнули, и она тут же намокла, как только один из парней зашел за ней в кабинку туалета.<</st>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Миа была в восторге от клуба, танцевала и смеялась с друзьями. Ей захотелось выпить, и она направилась к бару.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Один ''Космополитен''', - промурлыкала она, одарив бармена улыбкой.<</mia>>
<<un>>Порывшись в сумке, она нащупала край кошелька и поняла, что у нее не хватает денег. Бармен, заметив что она замялась, с ухмылкой наклонился к ней. ''Плати или уходи, красотка'', - сказал он, на мгновение задержав на ней взгляд.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Попробовать получить коктейль, не заплатив'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Миа наклонилась ближе, ее губы коснулись уха бармена. ''Как насчет этого?''<</mia>>
<<mia>>С лукавой улыбкой она сдвинула верхнюю часть своего наряда вниз, обнажив сиськи прямо перед барменом. Глаза бармена расширились, и он начал вытягивать руки, словно желая потрогать ее за грудь. ''Хаха, нет, если ты дотронешься до меня, то будешь должен мне ночь бесплатной выпивки, милый'', - подмигнула она ему.<</mia>>
<<st>>Мгновением позже Миа уже потягивала свой ''Космо''.<</st>>
<<link 'Сходить за кошельком'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Миа вздохнула, одарив бармена игривой, извиняющейся улыбкой. ''Попридержите эту мысль, - пробормотала она, ее голос был низким и дразнящим. Проводив бармена взглядом, она повернулась на каблуке и, покачивая бедрами, направилась к выходу, чтобы захватить бумажник.<</mia>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Мия шла по клубу, сканируя взглядом помещение. Проходя мимо тускло освещенного угла, она заметила парочку, которая дико трахалась.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Черт, вот это да; я люблю Ибицу!'' - сказала она себе, уже возбужденная и не в силах перестать смотреть на эту парочку.<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Миа и Элейн отрывались в одном из самых популярных клубов. Музыка играла, и они были полностью в своей стихии.<</st>>
<<st>>Вдруг девушки заметили толпу, собравшуюся в центре клуба. Протиснувшись сквозь толпу, они решили посмотреть, что происходит.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Ну вот, эта ночь превращается в нечто нереальное'', - сказала Мия ошеломленной и взволнованной Элейн.<</mia>>
<<mia>>Это была не пара людей, занимающихся сексом в углу клуба; это была целая толпа, трахающихся прямо посреди танцпола. ''Элейн? Ты видишь то, что вижу я? Это чертова оргия! ОМГ, я обожаю Ибицу!'' - закричала она, возбужденная, и направилась прямо в эту толпу. Элайна пошла прямо за ней.<</mia>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mia spots a guy sitting with his friends in a private karaoke room. They exchange a few looks, and eventually, he stands up and walks over to her. His eyes blatantly wander over her body, lingering on her chest and hips before he gives her a smile.<</st>>
<<un>>(smiling, eyeing her):— You look absolutely stunning. Why don’t you join us? We could sing a song... and then maybe do something more interesting afterward? It's pretty private in there.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia smiles, a playful glint in her eyes, and follows him to the room, knowing the night was about to get a lot more exciting.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia shakes her head with a slight smile. — I think I’ll stay out here, she says, stepping away to enjoy the rest of her evening.<</mia>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Mia is lounging in the VIP area, her body barely covered by a skimpy dress as she sips her cocktail. One of the guys sitting next to her keeps his eyes glued to her chest, barely hiding how much he's staring. He leans in, giving her a smirk.<</st>>
<<un>>(his gaze roaming over her):— Damn, you’re crazy hot. How about we ditch this place, head up to my room, and have our own private party? I promise you won't regret it.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia smirked, leaning in closer, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered:
— Alright, let’s see if you can handle me. She stood up, her eyes locking onto his before she nodded towards the exit.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia laughs, shaking her head.
— Nice try, but I’m having fun here. She gives him a wink, her cleavage still catching his eyes as she turns back to her drink.<</mia>>
<<case 6>>
<<st>>Mia decided to get on the podium and start dancing, her body moving seductively under the flashing lights. She knew the crowd was watching, felt the eyes of several guys glued to her hips. It didn’t take long for one of them to get bold enough to climb up. His eyes were all over her, his hands sliding onto her thigh.<</st>>
<<un>>(leaning in): — You look like you want more than just dancing. I’d fuck you right here. You in?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia gave him a teasing smile, pulling him off the podium with her. Without saying a word, they headed towards a darker corner, away from prying eyes.<</st>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia shot him a smirk, then turned her attention back to her dancing, completely ignoring his words.<</st>>
<<case 7>>
<<st>>Mia was standing at the bar, sipping her cocktail. She could feel the guy next to her staring, his eyes lingering on her legs and chest. He leaned in closer, his breath brushing her ear.<</st>>
<<un>>(whispering):— That cocktail looks good, but I bet my dick tastes better. How about we get out of here and really have some fun?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia smirked, raising an eyebrow.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Why not?
She put her drink down, and they walked out of the club together.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia laughed, shaking her head.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Tempting, but I think I’ll stick to my drink for now.<</mia>>
<<case "GE">>
<<set $random to random(7)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>The club was buzzing, but Mia started to feel a little bored of dancing. With a playful smile, she decided it was time to hit the bathroom and spice up her night.<</st>>
<<mia>>On the way to the bathroom, Mia passed a group of guys standing nearby. As she walked by, swaying her hips, she flashed a confident smile and said, ''Who's up for a quick fuck, boys?''<</mia>>
<<st>>Her eyes sparkled, and she immediately got wet the moment one of those guys followed her into the bathroom stall.<</st>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia was vibing at the club, dancing and laughing with friends. Needing a drink, she made her way to the bar.<</st>>
<<mia>>''One Cosmopolitan,'' she purred, flashing the bartender a sultry smile.<</mia>>
<<un>>As she reached into her bag, her fingers grazing the edge of her wallet, she realized she was short on cash. The bartender, noticing the slight pause, leaned in with a smirk. ''Pay up or move along sweetheart,'' he said, his eyes lingering on her for a moment longer.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Try to get the cocktail without paying'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia leaned in closer, her lips brushing the bartender’s ear. ''How about this instead?''<</mia>>
<<mia>>With a sly smile, she slid the top of her outfit down, revealing her tits right in from of the bartender. The bartender’s eyes widened, and he started extending his arms as if willing to grope her boobs. ''Haha, nah, if you touch me, you owe me a night of free drinks, honey,'' she winked at him.<</mia>>
<<st>>Moments later, Mia was sipping her Cosmo.<</st>>
<<link 'Go get the wallet'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia sighed, giving the bartender a playful, apologetic smile. ''Hold that thought,'' she murmured, her voice low and teasing. With a lingering glance, she turned on her heel, hips swaying as she made her way out to grab her wallet.<</mia>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Mia glided through the club, her eyes scanning the room. As she passed by a dimly lit corner, she noticed a couple fucking wildly.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, this is crazy I love Ibiza!'' she said to herself, already horny and unable to stop staring at the couple.<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia and Elain were wilding out at one of the hottest clubs. The music was pumping, the lights were flashing, and they were completely in their element.<</st>>
<<st>>Suddenly, the girls noticed a crowd gathering in the center of the club. Curious, they decided to see what was going on, pushing their way through the throng.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Okay, this night is turning into something unreal,'' Mia said to Elain, stunned and excited.<</mia>>
<<mia>>It wasn't a couple of people having sex in the corner of a club; this was a group of people fucking in the middle of a dance floor. ''Elain? Do you see what I see? This is a fucking orgy! OMG, I LOVE Ibiza,'' she yelled, excited, and went right into this crowd, followed by her friend.<</mia>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mia spots a guy sitting with his friends in a private karaoke room. They exchange a few looks, and eventually, he stands up and walks over to her. His eyes blatantly wander over her body, lingering on her chest and hips before he gives her a smile.<</st>>
<<un>>(smiling, eyeing her):— You look absolutely stunning. Why don’t you join us? We could sing a song... and then maybe do something more interesting afterward? It's pretty private in there.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia smiles, a playful glint in her eyes, and follows him to the room, knowing the night was about to get a lot more exciting.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia shakes her head with a slight smile. — I think I’ll stay out here, she says, stepping away to enjoy the rest of her evening.<</mia>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Mia is lounging in the VIP area, her body barely covered by a skimpy dress as she sips her cocktail. One of the guys sitting next to her keeps his eyes glued to her chest, barely hiding how much he's staring. He leans in, giving her a smirk.<</st>>
<<un>>(his gaze roaming over her):— Damn, you’re crazy hot. How about we ditch this place, head up to my room, and have our own private party? I promise you won't regret it.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia smirked, leaning in closer, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered:
— Alright, let’s see if you can handle me. She stood up, her eyes locking onto his before she nodded towards the exit.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia laughs, shaking her head.
— Nice try, but I’m having fun here. She gives him a wink, her cleavage still catching his eyes as she turns back to her drink.<</mia>>
<<case 6>>
<<st>>Mia decided to get on the podium and start dancing, her body moving seductively under the flashing lights. She knew the crowd was watching, felt the eyes of several guys glued to her hips. It didn’t take long for one of them to get bold enough to climb up. His eyes were all over her, his hands sliding onto her thigh.<</st>>
<<un>>(leaning in): — You look like you want more than just dancing. I’d fuck you right here. You in?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia gave him a teasing smile, pulling him off the podium with her. Without saying a word, they headed towards a darker corner, away from prying eyes.<</st>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia shot him a smirk, then turned her attention back to her dancing, completely ignoring his words.<</st>>
<<case 7>>
<<st>>Mia was standing at the bar, sipping her cocktail. She could feel the guy next to her staring, his eyes lingering on her legs and chest. He leaned in closer, his breath brushing her ear.<</st>>
<<un>>(whispering):— That cocktail looks good, but I bet my dick tastes better. How about we get out of here and really have some fun?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia smirked, raising an eyebrow.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Why not?
She put her drink down, and they walked out of the club together.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia laughed, shaking her head.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Tempting, but I think I’ll stick to my drink for now.<</mia>>
<<case "FR">>
<<set $random to random(7)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Le club est en pleine effervescence, mais Mia commence à s'ennuyer un peu à force de danser. Avec un sourire enjoué, elle a décidé qu'il était temps d'aller aux toilettes pour pimenter sa soirée.<</st>>
<<mia>>Sur le chemin des toilettes, Mia passe devant un groupe de mecs qui se tiennent à proximité. Tout en se déhanchant, elle affiche un sourire confiant et dit : '' Qui est partant pour une petite baise, les gars ? ''<</mia>>
<<st>>Ses yeux ont brillé et elle a immédiatement mouillé dès que l'un de ces gars l'a suivie dans la cabine de la salle de bains.<</st>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia vibrait au club, dansant et riant avec ses amis. Ayant besoin d'un verre, elle se dirigea vers le bar.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Un Cosmopolitan'', ronronne-t-elle en adressant au barman un sourire sulfureux.<</mia>>
<<un>>En fouillant dans son sac, ses doigts effleurant le bord de son portefeuille, elle se rendit compte qu'il lui manquait de l'argent. Le barman, remarquant la légère pause, se pencha avec un sourire en coin. '' Paye ou passe ton chemin, chérie '', dit-il, ses yeux s'attardant sur elle un instant de plus.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Essayer d'obtenir le cocktail sans payer'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia se rapprocha, ses lèvres frôlant l'oreille du barman. '' Que diriez-vous de ceci à la place ?''<</mia>>
<<mia>>Avec un sourire narquois, elle fit glisser le haut de sa tenue, révélant ses seins devant le barman. Les yeux du barman s'écarquillèrent, et il commença à tendre les bras comme s'il voulait lui tripoter les seins. Haha, nah, si tu me touches, tu me dois une nuit de boissons gratuites, chéri '', lui dit-elle en lui faisant un clin d'œil.<</mia>>
<<st>>Quelques instants plus tard, Mia sirotait son Cosmo.<</st>>
<<link 'Aller chercher le portefeuille'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia soupira et adressa au barman un sourire amusé et plein d'excuses. '' Gardez cette idée en tête '', murmura-t-elle, la voix basse et taquine. Après avoir jeté un coup d'œil, elle tourna les talons, les hanches se balançant tandis qu'elle se dirigeait vers la sortie pour attraper son portefeuille.<</mia>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Mia glissa dans le club, ses yeux balayant la salle. En passant dans un coin peu éclairé, elle remarqua un couple en train de baiser sauvagement.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Merde, c'est dingue, j'adore Ibiza!'' se dit-elle, déjà excitée et ne pouvant s'empêcher de fixer le couple.<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia et Elain se déchaînent dans l'un des clubs les plus branchés. La musique était entraînante, les lumières clignotaient et ils étaient complètement dans leur élément.<</st>>
<<st>>Soudain, les filles ont remarqué un attroupement au centre du club. Curieuses, elles décidèrent de voir ce qui se passait, se frayant un chemin à travers la foule.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Ok, cette soirée devient quelque chose d'irréel'', dit Mia à Elain, stupéfaite et excitée.<</mia>>
<<mia>>Il ne s'agissait pas d'un couple de personnes faisant l'amour dans un coin d'un club, mais d'un groupe de gens baisant au milieu d'une piste de danse. ''Elain ? Tu vois ce que je vois ? C'est une putain d'orgie ! OMG, I LOVE Ibiza '', a-t-elle crié, excitée, et elle a foncé dans la foule, suivie par son amie.<</mia>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mia spots a guy sitting with his friends in a private karaoke room. They exchange a few looks, and eventually, he stands up and walks over to her. His eyes blatantly wander over her body, lingering on her chest and hips before he gives her a smile.<</st>>
<<un>>(smiling, eyeing her):— You look absolutely stunning. Why don’t you join us? We could sing a song... and then maybe do something more interesting afterward? It's pretty private in there.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia smiles, a playful glint in her eyes, and follows him to the room, knowing the night was about to get a lot more exciting.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia shakes her head with a slight smile. — I think I’ll stay out here, she says, stepping away to enjoy the rest of her evening.<</mia>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Mia is lounging in the VIP area, her body barely covered by a skimpy dress as she sips her cocktail. One of the guys sitting next to her keeps his eyes glued to her chest, barely hiding how much he's staring. He leans in, giving her a smirk.<</st>>
<<un>>(his gaze roaming over her):— Damn, you’re crazy hot. How about we ditch this place, head up to my room, and have our own private party? I promise you won't regret it.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia smirked, leaning in closer, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered:
— Alright, let’s see if you can handle me. She stood up, her eyes locking onto his before she nodded towards the exit.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia laughs, shaking her head.
— Nice try, but I’m having fun here. She gives him a wink, her cleavage still catching his eyes as she turns back to her drink.<</mia>>
<<case 6>>
<<st>>Mia decided to get on the podium and start dancing, her body moving seductively under the flashing lights. She knew the crowd was watching, felt the eyes of several guys glued to her hips. It didn’t take long for one of them to get bold enough to climb up. His eyes were all over her, his hands sliding onto her thigh.<</st>>
<<un>>(leaning in): — You look like you want more than just dancing. I’d fuck you right here. You in?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia gave him a teasing smile, pulling him off the podium with her. Without saying a word, they headed towards a darker corner, away from prying eyes.<</st>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia shot him a smirk, then turned her attention back to her dancing, completely ignoring his words.<</st>>
<<case 7>>
<<st>>Mia was standing at the bar, sipping her cocktail. She could feel the guy next to her staring, his eyes lingering on her legs and chest. He leaned in closer, his breath brushing her ear.<</st>>
<<un>>(whispering):— That cocktail looks good, but I bet my dick tastes better. How about we get out of here and really have some fun?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia smirked, raising an eyebrow.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Why not?
She put her drink down, and they walked out of the club together.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia laughed, shaking her head.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Tempting, but I think I’ll stick to my drink for now.<</mia>>
<<case "ES">>
<<set $random to random(7)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>La discoteca estaba a reventar, pero Mia empezaba a aburrirse un poco de bailar. Con una sonrisa juguetona, decidió que era hora de ir al baño y animar la noche.<</st>>
<<mia>>De camino al baño, Mia se cruzó con un grupo de chicos que estaban cerca. Al pasar, balanceando las caderas, mostró una sonrisa confiada y dijo: ''¿Quién quiere un polvo rápido, chicos?''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Le brillaron los ojos y se mojó en cuanto uno de los chicos la siguió hasta el baño.<</st>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia estaba de fiesta en el club, bailando y riendo con sus amigos. Necesitaba una copa y se dirigió a la barra.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Un Cosmopolitan'', ronroneó, mostrando al camarero una sonrisa sensual.<</mia>>
<<un>>Cuando metió la mano en el bolso y sus dedos rozaron el borde de la cartera, se dio cuenta de que le faltaba dinero. El camarero, al notar la ligera pausa, se inclinó hacia ella con una sonrisa burlona. ''Paga o muévete, cariño'', le dijo, con los ojos clavados en ella un instante más.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Intenta conseguir el cóctel sin pagar'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia se inclinó más cerca y sus labios rozaron la oreja del camarero. ''¿Qué tal esto?''<</mia>>
<<mia>>Con una sonrisa socarrona, se bajó la parte superior del traje, dejando al descubierto sus tetas delante del camarero. Los ojos del camarero se abrieron de par en par y empezó a extender los brazos como si quisiera tocarle las tetas. Jaja, no, si me tocas, me debes una noche de copas gratis, cariño'', le guiñó un ojo.<</mia>>
<<st>>Momentos después, Mia estaba tomando su Cosmo.<</st>>
<<link 'Ve a por la cartera'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia suspiró y le dedicó al camarero una sonrisa juguetona de disculpa. ''Espera un momento'', murmuró, en voz baja y burlona. Con una mirada de soslayo, giró sobre sus talones, contoneando las caderas mientras se dirigía a la salida para coger su cartera.<</mia>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Mia se deslizó por el club, escudriñando la sala con la mirada. Al pasar por un rincón poco iluminado, se fijó en una pareja que follaba salvajemente.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mierda, esto es una locura, me encanta Ibiza'', se dijo, ya excitada y sin poder dejar de mirar a la pareja.<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia y Elain estaban de juerga en uno de los clubes de moda. La música sonaba a todo volumen, las luces parpadeaban y ellas estaban en su salsa.<</st>>
<<st>>De repente, las chicas se percatan de que se está congregando una multitud en el centro de la discoteca. Curiosas, decidieron ver qué pasaba y se abrieron paso entre la multitud.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Vale, esta noche se está convirtiendo en algo irreal'', le dijo Mia a Elain, atónita y emocionada.<</mia>>
<<mia>>No se trataba de un par de personas practicando sexo en la esquina de un club; se trataba de un grupo de personas follando en medio de una pista de baile. ¿Elain? ¿Ves lo que yo veo? ¡Esto es una puta orgía! OMG, ME ENCANTA Ibiza'', gritó, excitada, y se metió de lleno en la multitud, seguida por su amiga.<</mia>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mia spots a guy sitting with his friends in a private karaoke room. They exchange a few looks, and eventually, he stands up and walks over to her. His eyes blatantly wander over her body, lingering on her chest and hips before he gives her a smile.<</st>>
<<un>>(smiling, eyeing her):— You look absolutely stunning. Why don’t you join us? We could sing a song... and then maybe do something more interesting afterward? It's pretty private in there.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia smiles, a playful glint in her eyes, and follows him to the room, knowing the night was about to get a lot more exciting.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia shakes her head with a slight smile. — I think I’ll stay out here, she says, stepping away to enjoy the rest of her evening.<</mia>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Mia is lounging in the VIP area, her body barely covered by a skimpy dress as she sips her cocktail. One of the guys sitting next to her keeps his eyes glued to her chest, barely hiding how much he's staring. He leans in, giving her a smirk.<</st>>
<<un>>(his gaze roaming over her):— Damn, you’re crazy hot. How about we ditch this place, head up to my room, and have our own private party? I promise you won't regret it.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia smirked, leaning in closer, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered:
— Alright, let’s see if you can handle me. She stood up, her eyes locking onto his before she nodded towards the exit.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia laughs, shaking her head.
— Nice try, but I’m having fun here. She gives him a wink, her cleavage still catching his eyes as she turns back to her drink.<</mia>>
<<case 6>>
<<st>>Mia decided to get on the podium and start dancing, her body moving seductively under the flashing lights. She knew the crowd was watching, felt the eyes of several guys glued to her hips. It didn’t take long for one of them to get bold enough to climb up. His eyes were all over her, his hands sliding onto her thigh.<</st>>
<<un>>(leaning in): — You look like you want more than just dancing. I’d fuck you right here. You in?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia gave him a teasing smile, pulling him off the podium with her. Without saying a word, they headed towards a darker corner, away from prying eyes.<</st>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia shot him a smirk, then turned her attention back to her dancing, completely ignoring his words.<</st>>
<<case 7>>
<<st>>Mia was standing at the bar, sipping her cocktail. She could feel the guy next to her staring, his eyes lingering on her legs and chest. He leaned in closer, his breath brushing her ear.<</st>>
<<un>>(whispering):— That cocktail looks good, but I bet my dick tastes better. How about we get out of here and really have some fun?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia smirked, raising an eyebrow.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Why not?
She put her drink down, and they walked out of the club together.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia laughed, shaking her head.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Tempting, but I think I’ll stick to my drink for now.<</mia>>
<<case "CH">>
<<set $random to random(7)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>俱樂部熱鬧非凡,但 米娅 開始覺得跳舞有點無聊。帶著俏皮的笑容,她決定是時候去上趟廁所,為她的夜晚增添點色彩。<</st>>
<<mia>>在去洗手間的路上,Mia 和一群站在附近的男人擦身而過。當她搖擺著臀部走過時,她露出自信的笑容說:''誰想來一炮,夥計們?''<</mia>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>米娅 在俱樂部和朋友們一起跳舞、歡笑。她需要喝一杯,便走向吧台。<</st>>
<<mia>>''一杯 Cosmopolitan,''她嘟囔著,向酒保展露迷人的微笑。<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link '試著不付錢就拿到雞尾酒'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>米婭靠得更近了,她的嘴唇拂過酒保的耳朵。''這樣如何?''<</mia>>
<<st>>幾分鐘之後,Mia 喝著她的 Cosmo。<</st>>
<<link '去拿錢包'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia 嘆了口氣,給了酒保一個俏皮又抱歉的微笑。''她喃喃地說,聲音低沉而帶有挑逗性。她留戀地看了一眼,便轉過身去,臀部擺動著,準備出去拿錢包。<</mia>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>米娅 在俱樂部裡滑行,她的眼睛在掃視整個房間。當她經過一個燈光昏暗的角落時,她注意到一對情侶正在狂野地做愛。<</st>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>米娅 和 埃兰 在一家最熱門的俱樂部狂歡。音樂迴盪,燈光閃爍,他們完全沉浸在自己的世界裡。<</st>>
<<mia>''好吧,這個晚上變得很不真實,''米娅 對 埃兰 說,又驚又興奮。<</mia>>
<<mia>>這不是一對男女在俱樂部的角落做愛,而是一群人在舞池中央做愛。埃兰?你看到我看到的了嗎?這是他媽的狂欢!OMG,我喜歡 Ibiza,''她興奮地大喊,並直接衝進人群,她的朋友跟在後面。<</mia>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mia spots a guy sitting with his friends in a private karaoke room. They exchange a few looks, and eventually, he stands up and walks over to her. His eyes blatantly wander over her body, lingering on her chest and hips before he gives her a smile.<</st>>
<<un>>(smiling, eyeing her):— You look absolutely stunning. Why don’t you join us? We could sing a song... and then maybe do something more interesting afterward? It's pretty private in there.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia smiles, a playful glint in her eyes, and follows him to the room, knowing the night was about to get a lot more exciting.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia shakes her head with a slight smile. — I think I’ll stay out here, she says, stepping away to enjoy the rest of her evening.<</mia>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Mia is lounging in the VIP area, her body barely covered by a skimpy dress as she sips her cocktail. One of the guys sitting next to her keeps his eyes glued to her chest, barely hiding how much he's staring. He leans in, giving her a smirk.<</st>>
<<un>>(his gaze roaming over her):— Damn, you’re crazy hot. How about we ditch this place, head up to my room, and have our own private party? I promise you won't regret it.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia smirked, leaning in closer, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered:
— Alright, let’s see if you can handle me. She stood up, her eyes locking onto his before she nodded towards the exit.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia laughs, shaking her head.
— Nice try, but I’m having fun here. She gives him a wink, her cleavage still catching his eyes as she turns back to her drink.<</mia>>
<<case 6>>
<<st>>Mia decided to get on the podium and start dancing, her body moving seductively under the flashing lights. She knew the crowd was watching, felt the eyes of several guys glued to her hips. It didn’t take long for one of them to get bold enough to climb up. His eyes were all over her, his hands sliding onto her thigh.<</st>>
<<un>>(leaning in): — You look like you want more than just dancing. I’d fuck you right here. You in?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia gave him a teasing smile, pulling him off the podium with her. Without saying a word, they headed towards a darker corner, away from prying eyes.<</st>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia shot him a smirk, then turned her attention back to her dancing, completely ignoring his words.<</st>>
<<case 7>>
<<st>>Mia was standing at the bar, sipping her cocktail. She could feel the guy next to her staring, his eyes lingering on her legs and chest. He leaned in closer, his breath brushing her ear.<</st>>
<<un>>(whispering):— That cocktail looks good, but I bet my dick tastes better. How about we get out of here and really have some fun?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia smirked, raising an eyebrow.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Why not?
She put her drink down, and they walked out of the club together.<</mia>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia laughed, shaking her head.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Tempting, but I think I’ll stick to my drink for now.<</mia>>
<</switch>><</if>><<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Sleep_Ibiza]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<if $ibiza_beach_first == 0 >><<goto Beach_Ibiza_quest>><</if>>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<set $random to random(10)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Mia and Elain were lying on a nudist beach, chilling, relaxing, and soaking up the sun, but mostly looking at naked people around them. Suddenly, a tall, muscular black guy with the biggest dick Mia's ever seen approached them, casting a shadow over their sunbathing spot. The girls exchanged glances, sensing the situation needed a response.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Ask him not to block the sun'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia looked up at the guy, shielding her eyes from the sun. With a playful smile and a very expressive look at his dick, she said, ''Hey, could you not block the sun? We’re working on our tans here.''<</mia>>
<<un>>The guy chuckled, realizing he was in their way. ''My bad,'' he said, stepping aside with a grin. ''Didn’t mean to interrupt.''<</un>>
<<link 'Invite him to join you and sunbathe together'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia looked up at the guy, shielding her eyes from the sun. With a playful smile, she said, ''Hey, how about you stop blocking the sun with your huge dick and join us for some sunbathing?''<</mia>>
<<un>>The guy grinned down at her. ''Yeah, I'd love to stay and keep staring at your boobs, but I’m here with my friends, and we were thinking of doing something a little more...active. Sunbathing isn’t really our thing.''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Well, I might have an idea of what we could do,'' she said, her voice low and teasing. ''But it’ll be more fun in our room.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia winked at Elaine, who chuckled, ready to turn their beach day into something much more exciting.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Go to the room">><<un>>They walked into the hotel room with the guy and his friends, and they all kept staring at the naked girls. The moment the last of them closed the door behind him, he said, ''Are you ready for some fun, bitches?''<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bbc)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bbc/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</linkreplace>>
<<case 1>>
<<mia>>Mia spent the afternoon lounging in the sun, sipping cocktails, until she felt a bit buzzed. Needing to cool off, Mia took a swim and then noticed a guy staring at her as she got out. Besides the fact that he basically fucked her with his eyes, he was one of the hottest guys she's ever seen. So, smiling, she walked up to him and said, ''What? Is this your first time at the beach? Never seen a girl in a bikini before?''<</mia>>
<<un>>''I have seen girls at the beach. Never fucked a girl at the beach, though,'' he said, openly staring at Mia's body.<</un>>
<<mia>>''Yeah? Then it's your lucky day.''<</mia>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Mia arrived at the beach to relax after a crazy partying night. She quickly spotted an empty lounge chair and stretched out on it.<</st>>
<<un>>A few minutes later, a handsome beach attendant approached. ''Excuse me, miss, you'll need to pay 50$ for the chair,'' he smiled, not even trying to hide the way he looked at her body.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia reached for her bag, checking out his abs. But after searching through the bag, she realized she’d forgotten her wallet. She looked up at him with a flirty smile. ''Oops, I left my money in the room. What do I do now?''<</mia>>
<<un>>The attendant grinned, his eyes sparkling. ''No problem,'' he said, leaning in a bit. ''Why don’t you come with me to my office? I know another way you can… pay me,'' he grinned, already undressing Mia with his eyes.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Come with him'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia, still smiling, got up and followed him.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Haha, that sounds fun, but I… I guess I’ll go to my room and bring money with me,'' Mia said and smiled a bit awkwardly.<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia decided to walk naked along the beach and see what would happen.<</st>>
<<un>>A few minutes into her walk, a young man came up to her, examined her from head to toe, and said hoarsely, ''If you let me fuck you right now, I will pay you well.''<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Hahaha, bold move. Ok, let's do it,'' she said, and her nipples hardened.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Ok, where's my money?'' Mia asked, looking him in the eyes.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Ah, yes, about that. Forgot to mention I was broke. So, not gonna pay you, sorry.'' he said mockingly and left.<</un>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Are you out of your mind?'' she asked as if she couldn’t believe it.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''I will do it for free,'' she winked at him.<</mia>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine were lounging on the hot sand, lazily watching the waves, when a group of people arrived with a massive speaker. The music boomed, and soon an impromptu beach party had begun. One of the guys, with a playful smirk, approached them, holding out drinks.<</st>>
<<un>>— You ladies look like you could use some company. We’ve got drinks, music, and a whole lot of fun. What do you say?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ele>>(grabbing the drink):— Fun, huh? Alright, I’m sold. Mia, you in?<</ele>>
<<mia>>— I mean, how can I say no to free drinks?<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine stood up, noticing a crowd already gathered around the group with the speaker. The party was in full swing, and they didn’t hesitate to join in, the music loud and infectious. The guy who approached them stuck around, clearly interested in keeping the conversation going.<</st>>
<<un>>(leaning closer to Mia):— So, you from around here, or just visiting our little slice of paradise?<</un>>
<<mia>>— Visiting, but we’re making the most of it. You know how it goes.<</mia>>
<<un>>— Oh, I bet you are. Ibiza’s perfect for that. Sun, drinks, and maybe a little trouble, if you know where to look.<</un>>
<<st>>Mia laughed, raising her drink to that comment.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Well, we do have a knack for finding trouble.<</mia>>
<<un>>(leaning closer to Mia, his voice lower):— So, you’re just here for fun, huh? Well, if you’re looking for a little more excitement, I know a spot where we could disappear for a bit. Just the two of us.<</un>>
<<mia>>— Straight to the point? I like that.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>— Alright, let’s see what you’ve got. Lead the way.<</mia>>
<<st>>The guy’s grin widened as he took her hand, guiding her away from the crowd<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>— Tempting, but tonight’s all about me and my friend. We’re just here to let loose, nothing more.<</mia>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>(raising an eyebrow, smirking):— Nah, we’re good. Just here to enjoy the beach, not looking for any distractions. Maybe next time.<</mia>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Mia lay stretched out on her towel, the warm sun soaking into her skin, when a tall, handsome guy with a confident grin strolled over.<</st>>
<<un>>(with a charming smile):— Ladies, care for a free massage? I’m pretty good with my hands.<</un>>
<<st>>Elaine snorted, nudging Mia with her elbow.<</st>>
<<ele>>(teasing):— Oh, look at you, Mia. Lucky day. A free massage from a hottie? You’ve got to take this one.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia rolled her eyes but smiled at the guy, clearly considering it.<</st>>
<<mia>>(playfully):— Free, huh? Well, I do have some tension in my shoulders...<</mia>>
<<st>>The guy knelt behind her, starting with firm, relaxing movements. Mia closed her eyes, enjoying it until his hands started wandering lower.<</st>>
<<mia>>(smirking):— You sure that’s part of the massage?<</mia>>
<<un>>(leaning in, whispering):— I could make it more... interesting.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>— Alright, show me what else you can do with those hands.<</mia>>
<<st>>Elaine laughed as Mia followed the guy to a secluded spot.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>— Not today, but thanks for the massage.<</mia>>
<<case 6>>
<<st>>It was late at night, the beach almost empty, with only the soft sound of waves under the moonlight. Mia and Elaine stood at the edge of the water, grinning at each other.<</st>>
<<ele>>— Come on, Mia, when else are we gonna swim naked under the moon?<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia shrugged, then smirked, pulling off her clothes.<</st>>
<<mia>>— You’re right. Let’s make it a night to remember.<</mia>>
<<st>>They dove into the warm water, laughing as they swam. As they splashed around, Mia noticed a guy nearby, also enjoying the late-night swim.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Looks like we’re not alone. Should we say hi?<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say hi'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia swam closer, catching the guy's attention. He smiled, clearly interested.<</st>>
<<un>>— Looks like it’s just us out here.<</un>>
<<mia>>— Yeah, seems like there’s plenty we could do with no one around.<</mia>>
<<st>>His grin widened, the tension thick between them.<</st>>
<<un>>— I can think of a few things.<</un>>
<<mia>>— Why don’t you show me?<</mia>>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>— Nah, I’m just here for the swim. Let’s enjoy the water while we can.<</mia>>
<<case 7>>
<<st>>Mia was playing beach volleyball, her body moving effortlessly in an extremely revealing bikini—maybe that bikini was the real reason her team was winning. She noticed the guys on the other team couldn’t keep their eyes off her—staring at her boobs, glancing down at her ass every time she jumped. One of them was practically undressing her with his eyes. During a break, one of them stepped closer, smirking.<</st>>
<<un>>(grinning):"Hey, you're playing great out here," he said, his gaze locked on her body. "But we’ve got a better idea than just playing volleyball. Wanna come back to our room?"<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia looked at them, smiling playfully.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Sure, lead the way.<</mia>>
<<st>>The guys exchanged grins, leading her towards the hotel.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.anal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia shook her head, smirking a bit.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Tempting, but I’ve got other plans.<</mia>>
<<case 8>>
<<st>>Mia decided to rent a kayak to explore the coastline. She paddled towards a small island visible from the shore, enjoying the quiet and the view. As she got closer, she noticed a guy already there—clearly someone who had the same idea.<</st>>
<<st>>He stepped closer, a grin playing on his lips, his eyes taking in her curves with no shame.<</st>>
<<un>>— You’re so fucking sexy. No one's around, and I've got an idea—how about I fuck you right here?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia looked him over, smirking.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Wow, this day is getting so much better.<</mia>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia rolled her eyes, laughing softly.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Keep dreaming, buddy. Maybe next time.<</mia>>
<<case 9>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine spotted a small group of guys by a campfire and decided to join them. As soon as they arrived, the guys offered them drinks, and the girls didn’t hesitate. A couple of hours later, everyone was drunk, laughter filling the air. One of the guys moved closer to Mia, smirking, while another pulled Elaine aside.<</st>>
<<un>>(grinning): — We’ve been wanting to really let loose tonight. How about a little orgy back at our hotel? You girls down?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia looked at Elaine, raising an eyebrow.<</st>>
<<mia>>(grinning):— Why not? Who says no to a good orgy, huh?<</mia>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia looked at Elaine, raising an eyebrow.<</st>>
<<mia>>(grinning):— Why not? Lead the way.<</mia>>
<<case 10>>
<<st>>Mia was walking naked along the beach when she ran into a photographer. He offered to take some shots, and she shrugged, agreeing.<</st>>
<<st>>He snapped a few photos, his eyes not leaving her body for a second.<</st>>
<<un>>(grinning):— I’ve got a better idea. How about I fuck you right here, and we catch it all on camera?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia smirked, her gaze locked on his.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Let’s do it.<</mia>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia laughed, shaking her head.<</st>>
<<mia>>— I think I’ll pass this time, but nice try.<</mia>>
<<case "RU">>
<<set $random to random(10)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Миа и Элайна лежали на нудистском пляже, нежились на солнце, но в основном пялились на голых людей вокруг. Внезапно к ним подошел высокий мускулистый чернокожий парень с самым большим членом, который Миа когда-либо видела. Он полностью закрыл собой солнце. Девчонки обменялись взглядами, чувствуя, что надо что-то сказать.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Попросить его не заслонять солнце'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Мия посмотрела на парня, прищуривая глаза. Игриво улыбнувшись и выразительно посмотрев на его член, она сказала: ''Эй, ты не мог бы не загораживать солнце? Мы тут работаем над загаром''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Парень усмехнулся. ''Виноват'', - сказал он, отступая в сторону с ухмылкой. ''Не хотел мешать''.<</un>>
<<link 'Предложить позагорать'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Миа посмотрела на парня, при щуривая глаза. Игриво улыбнувшись, она сказала: ''Эй, а может, ты перестанешь загораживать солнце своим огромным членом и присоединишься к нам, немного позагораешь?''<</mia>>
<<un>>Парень ухмыльнулся, глядя на нее. ''Да, я бы с удовольствием остался и воспользовался случаем пялиться на твои сиськи, но я здесь с друзьями, и мы хотели бы заняться чем-то более... активным. Солнечные ванны - это не наше''.<</un>>
<<mia>>''Ну, у меня есть идея, чем мы могли бы заняться'', - сказала она, низким и дразнящим глосом. ''Но в нашей комнате будет веселее''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Миа подмигнула Элейн, которая хихикнула, готовая сделать из их пляжного дня нечто гораздо более... возбуждающее.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Пойти в комнату">><<un>>Они вошли в гостиничный номер вместе с парнем и его друзьями, и все они уставились на обнаженных девушек. Как только последний из них закрыл за собой дверь, он сказал: ''Готовы повеселиться, шлюшки?''<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bbc)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bbc/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</linkreplace>>
<<case 1>>
<<mia>>Днем Миа нежилась на солнышке, потягивая коктейли, пока не опьянела. Чтобы охладиться, она решила искупаться и тут заметила парня, который уставился на нее, когда она выходила из воды. Помимо того, что он практически трахал ее глазами, он был одним из самых сексуальных парней, которых она когда-либо видела. Поэтому, улыбаясь, она подошла к нему и спросила: ''Что? Ты впервые на пляже? Никогда раньше не видел девушек в бикини?''<</mia>>
<<un>>''Я видел девушек на пляже. Но никогда не трахал девушек на пляже'', - сказал он, откровенно разглядывая тело Мии.<</un>>
<<mia>>''Да? Тогда сегодня твой счастливый день''.<</mia>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Мия пришла на пляж, чтобы расслабиться после безумной вечеринки. Она быстро нашла свободный шезлонг и растянулась на нем.<</st>>
<<un>>Через несколько минут к ней подошел симпатичный пляжный работник. ''Извините, вам нужно заплатить 50 долларов за шезлонг'', - улыбнулся он, даже не пытаясь скрыть, как он пялится на ее тело.<</un>>
<<mia>>Мия потянулась за сумкой, как бы невзначай разглядывая его пресс. Но, порывшись в сумке, она поняла, что забыла кошелек. Она посмотрела на него с кокетливой улыбкой. ''Упс, я оставила деньги в номере. И что мне теперь делать?''<</mia>>
<<un>>Служащий ухмыльнулся, его глаза сверкнули при взгляде на ее сиськи. ''Нет проблем'', - сказал он, слегка наклонившись. ''Почему бы вам не пройти со мной в мой, кхм, офис? Я знаю другой способ... заплатить мне'', - усмехнулся он, уже раздевая Мию взглядом.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Пойти с ним'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Мия, все еще улыбаясь, встала и пошла за ним.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Сказать нет'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Хаха, звучит забавно, но я... наверное, я пойду в свою комнату и принесу с собой деньги'', - сказала Мия и немного неловко улыбнулась.<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Мия решила пройтись голой по пляжу и посмотреть, что из этого выйдет.<</st>>
<<un>>Через несколько минут прогулки к ней подошел молодой парень, осмотрел ее с ног до головы и хрипло сказал: ''Если ты позволишь мне трахнуть тебя прямо сейчас, я тебе хорошо заплачу''.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Сказать да'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Хахаха, дерзкий ход. Хорошо, давай сделаем это'', - сказала она, и ее соски напряглись.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Хорошо, где мои деньги?'' спросила Мия, глядя ему прямо в глаза.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Ах, да, об этом. Забыл упомянуть, что я на мели. Так что не собираюсь платить тебе, извини'', - насмешливо сказал он и ушел.<</un>>
<<link 'Сказать нет'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Ты с ума сошел?'' - спросила она, как будто не могла в это поверить.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Я сделаю это бесплатно'', - подмигнула она ему.<</mia>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine were lounging on the hot sand, lazily watching the waves, when a group of people arrived with a massive speaker. The music boomed, and soon an impromptu beach party had begun. One of the guys, with a playful smirk, approached them, holding out drinks.<</st>>
<<un>>— You ladies look like you could use some company. We’ve got drinks, music, and a whole lot of fun. What do you say?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ele>>(grabbing the drink):— Fun, huh? Alright, I’m sold. Mia, you in?<</ele>>
<<mia>>— I mean, how can I say no to free drinks?<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine stood up, noticing a crowd already gathered around the group with the speaker. The party was in full swing, and they didn’t hesitate to join in, the music loud and infectious. The guy who approached them stuck around, clearly interested in keeping the conversation going.<</st>>
<<un>>(leaning closer to Mia):— So, you from around here, or just visiting our little slice of paradise?<</un>>
<<mia>>— Visiting, but we’re making the most of it. You know how it goes.<</mia>>
<<un>>— Oh, I bet you are. Ibiza’s perfect for that. Sun, drinks, and maybe a little trouble, if you know where to look.<</un>>
<<st>>Mia laughed, raising her drink to that comment.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Well, we do have a knack for finding trouble.<</mia>>
<<un>>(leaning closer to Mia, his voice lower):— So, you’re just here for fun, huh? Well, if you’re looking for a little more excitement, I know a spot where we could disappear for a bit. Just the two of us.<</un>>
<<mia>>— Straight to the point? I like that.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>— Alright, let’s see what you’ve got. Lead the way.<</mia>>
<<st>>The guy’s grin widened as he took her hand, guiding her away from the crowd<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>— Tempting, but tonight’s all about me and my friend. We’re just here to let loose, nothing more.<</mia>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>(raising an eyebrow, smirking):— Nah, we’re good. Just here to enjoy the beach, not looking for any distractions. Maybe next time.<</mia>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Mia lay stretched out on her towel, the warm sun soaking into her skin, when a tall, handsome guy with a confident grin strolled over.<</st>>
<<un>>(with a charming smile):— Ladies, care for a free massage? I’m pretty good with my hands.<</un>>
<<st>>Elaine snorted, nudging Mia with her elbow.<</st>>
<<ele>>(teasing):— Oh, look at you, Mia. Lucky day. A free massage from a hottie? You’ve got to take this one.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia rolled her eyes but smiled at the guy, clearly considering it.<</st>>
<<mia>>(playfully):— Free, huh? Well, I do have some tension in my shoulders...<</mia>>
<<st>>The guy knelt behind her, starting with firm, relaxing movements. Mia closed her eyes, enjoying it until his hands started wandering lower.<</st>>
<<mia>>(smirking):— You sure that’s part of the massage?<</mia>>
<<un>>(leaning in, whispering):— I could make it more... interesting.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>— Alright, show me what else you can do with those hands.<</mia>>
<<st>>Elaine laughed as Mia followed the guy to a secluded spot.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>— Not today, but thanks for the massage.<</mia>>
<<case 6>>
<<st>>It was late at night, the beach almost empty, with only the soft sound of waves under the moonlight. Mia and Elaine stood at the edge of the water, grinning at each other.<</st>>
<<ele>>— Come on, Mia, when else are we gonna swim naked under the moon?<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia shrugged, then smirked, pulling off her clothes.<</st>>
<<mia>>— You’re right. Let’s make it a night to remember.<</mia>>
<<st>>They dove into the warm water, laughing as they swam. As they splashed around, Mia noticed a guy nearby, also enjoying the late-night swim.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Looks like we’re not alone. Should we say hi?<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say hi'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia swam closer, catching the guy's attention. He smiled, clearly interested.<</st>>
<<un>>— Looks like it’s just us out here.<</un>>
<<mia>>— Yeah, seems like there’s plenty we could do with no one around.<</mia>>
<<st>>His grin widened, the tension thick between them.<</st>>
<<un>>— I can think of a few things.<</un>>
<<mia>>— Why don’t you show me?<</mia>>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>— Nah, I’m just here for the swim. Let’s enjoy the water while we can.<</mia>>
<<case 7>>
<<st>>Mia was playing beach volleyball, her body moving effortlessly in an extremely revealing bikini—maybe that bikini was the real reason her team was winning. She noticed the guys on the other team couldn’t keep their eyes off her—staring at her boobs, glancing down at her ass every time she jumped. One of them was practically undressing her with his eyes. During a break, one of them stepped closer, smirking.<</st>>
<<un>>(grinning):"Hey, you're playing great out here," he said, his gaze locked on her body. "But we’ve got a better idea than just playing volleyball. Wanna come back to our room?"<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia looked at them, smiling playfully.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Sure, lead the way.<</mia>>
<<st>>The guys exchanged grins, leading her towards the hotel.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.anal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia shook her head, smirking a bit.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Tempting, but I’ve got other plans.<</mia>>
<<case 8>>
<<st>>Mia decided to rent a kayak to explore the coastline. She paddled towards a small island visible from the shore, enjoying the quiet and the view. As she got closer, she noticed a guy already there—clearly someone who had the same idea.<</st>>
<<st>>He stepped closer, a grin playing on his lips, his eyes taking in her curves with no shame.<</st>>
<<un>>— You’re so fucking sexy. No one's around, and I've got an idea—how about I fuck you right here?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia looked him over, smirking.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Wow, this day is getting so much better.<</mia>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia rolled her eyes, laughing softly.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Keep dreaming, buddy. Maybe next time.<</mia>>
<<case 9>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine spotted a small group of guys by a campfire and decided to join them. As soon as they arrived, the guys offered them drinks, and the girls didn’t hesitate. A couple of hours later, everyone was drunk, laughter filling the air. One of the guys moved closer to Mia, smirking, while another pulled Elaine aside.<</st>>
<<un>>(grinning): — We’ve been wanting to really let loose tonight. How about a little orgy back at our hotel? You girls down?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia looked at Elaine, raising an eyebrow.<</st>>
<<mia>>(grinning):— Why not? Who says no to a good orgy, huh?<</mia>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia looked at Elaine, raising an eyebrow.<</st>>
<<mia>>(grinning):— Why not? Lead the way.<</mia>>
<<case 10>>
<<st>>Mia was walking naked along the beach when she ran into a photographer. He offered to take some shots, and she shrugged, agreeing.<</st>>
<<st>>He snapped a few photos, his eyes not leaving her body for a second.<</st>>
<<un>>(grinning):— I’ve got a better idea. How about I fuck you right here, and we catch it all on camera?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia smirked, her gaze locked on his.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Let’s do it.<</mia>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia laughed, shaking her head.<</st>>
<<mia>>— I think I’ll pass this time, but nice try.<</mia>>
<<case "GE">>
<<set $random to random(10)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Mia and Elain were lying on a nudist beach, chilling, relaxing, and soaking up the sun, but mostly looking at naked people around them. Suddenly, a tall, muscular black guy with the biggest dick Mia's ever seen approached them, casting a shadow over their sunbathing spot. The girls exchanged glances, sensing the situation needed a response.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Ask him not to block the sun'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia looked up at the guy, shielding her eyes from the sun. With a playful smile and a very expressive look at his dick, she said, ''Hey, could you not block the sun? We’re working on our tans here.''<</mia>>
<<un>>The guy chuckled, realizing he was in their way. ''My bad,'' he said, stepping aside with a grin. ''Didn’t mean to interrupt.''<</un>>
<<link 'Invite him to join you and sunbathe together'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia looked up at the guy, shielding her eyes from the sun. With a playful smile, she said, ''Hey, how about you stop blocking the sun with your huge dick and join us for some sunbathing?''<</mia>>
<<un>>The guy grinned down at her. ''Yeah, I'd love to stay and keep staring at your boobs, but I’m here with my friends, and we were thinking of doing something a little more...active. Sunbathing isn’t really our thing.''<</un>>
<<mia>>''Well, I might have an idea of what we could do,'' she said, her voice low and teasing. ''But it’ll be more fun in our room.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia winked at Elaine, who chuckled, ready to turn their beach day into something much more exciting.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Go to the room">><<un>>They walked into the hotel room with the guy and his friends, and they all kept staring at the naked girls. The moment the last of them closed the door behind him, he said, ''Are you ready for some fun, bitches?''<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bbc)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bbc/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</linkreplace>>
<<case 1>>
<<mia>>Mia spent the afternoon lounging in the sun, sipping cocktails, until she felt a bit buzzed. Needing to cool off, Mia took a swim and then noticed a guy staring at her as she got out. Besides the fact that he basically fucked her with his eyes, he was one of the hottest guys she's ever seen. So, smiling, she walked up to him and said, ''What? Is this your first time at the beach? Never seen a girl in a bikini before?''<</mia>>
<<un>>''I have seen girls at the beach. Never fucked a girl at the beach, though,'' he said, openly staring at Mia's body.<</un>>
<<mia>>''Yeah? Then it's your lucky day.''<</mia>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Mia arrived at the beach to relax after a crazy partying night. She quickly spotted an empty lounge chair and stretched out on it.<</st>>
<<un>>A few minutes later, a handsome beach attendant approached. ''Excuse me, miss, you'll need to pay 50$ for the chair,'' he smiled, not even trying to hide the way he looked at her body.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia reached for her bag, checking out his abs. But after searching through the bag, she realized she’d forgotten her wallet. She looked up at him with a flirty smile. ''Oops, I left my money in the room. What do I do now?''<</mia>>
<<un>>The attendant grinned, his eyes sparkling. ''No problem,'' he said, leaning in a bit. ''Why don’t you come with me to my office? I know another way you can… pay me,'' he grinned, already undressing Mia with his eyes.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Come with him'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia, still smiling, got up and followed him.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Haha, that sounds fun, but I… I guess I’ll go to my room and bring money with me,'' Mia said and smiled a bit awkwardly.<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia decided to walk naked along the beach and see what would happen.<</st>>
<<un>>A few minutes into her walk, a young man came up to her, examined her from head to toe, and said hoarsely, ''If you let me fuck you right now, I will pay you well.''<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Hahaha, bold move. Ok, let's do it,'' she said, and her nipples hardened.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Ok, where's my money?'' Mia asked, looking him in the eyes.<</mia>>
<<un>>''Ah, yes, about that. Forgot to mention I was broke. So, not gonna pay you, sorry.'' he said mockingly and left.<</un>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Are you out of your mind?'' she asked as if she couldn’t believe it.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''I will do it for free,'' she winked at him.<</mia>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine were lounging on the hot sand, lazily watching the waves, when a group of people arrived with a massive speaker. The music boomed, and soon an impromptu beach party had begun. One of the guys, with a playful smirk, approached them, holding out drinks.<</st>>
<<un>>— You ladies look like you could use some company. We’ve got drinks, music, and a whole lot of fun. What do you say?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ele>>(grabbing the drink):— Fun, huh? Alright, I’m sold. Mia, you in?<</ele>>
<<mia>>— I mean, how can I say no to free drinks?<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine stood up, noticing a crowd already gathered around the group with the speaker. The party was in full swing, and they didn’t hesitate to join in, the music loud and infectious. The guy who approached them stuck around, clearly interested in keeping the conversation going.<</st>>
<<un>>(leaning closer to Mia):— So, you from around here, or just visiting our little slice of paradise?<</un>>
<<mia>>— Visiting, but we’re making the most of it. You know how it goes.<</mia>>
<<un>>— Oh, I bet you are. Ibiza’s perfect for that. Sun, drinks, and maybe a little trouble, if you know where to look.<</un>>
<<st>>Mia laughed, raising her drink to that comment.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Well, we do have a knack for finding trouble.<</mia>>
<<un>>(leaning closer to Mia, his voice lower):— So, you’re just here for fun, huh? Well, if you’re looking for a little more excitement, I know a spot where we could disappear for a bit. Just the two of us.<</un>>
<<mia>>— Straight to the point? I like that.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>— Alright, let’s see what you’ve got. Lead the way.<</mia>>
<<st>>The guy’s grin widened as he took her hand, guiding her away from the crowd<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>— Tempting, but tonight’s all about me and my friend. We’re just here to let loose, nothing more.<</mia>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>(raising an eyebrow, smirking):— Nah, we’re good. Just here to enjoy the beach, not looking for any distractions. Maybe next time.<</mia>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Mia lay stretched out on her towel, the warm sun soaking into her skin, when a tall, handsome guy with a confident grin strolled over.<</st>>
<<un>>(with a charming smile):— Ladies, care for a free massage? I’m pretty good with my hands.<</un>>
<<st>>Elaine snorted, nudging Mia with her elbow.<</st>>
<<ele>>(teasing):— Oh, look at you, Mia. Lucky day. A free massage from a hottie? You’ve got to take this one.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia rolled her eyes but smiled at the guy, clearly considering it.<</st>>
<<mia>>(playfully):— Free, huh? Well, I do have some tension in my shoulders...<</mia>>
<<st>>The guy knelt behind her, starting with firm, relaxing movements. Mia closed her eyes, enjoying it until his hands started wandering lower.<</st>>
<<mia>>(smirking):— You sure that’s part of the massage?<</mia>>
<<un>>(leaning in, whispering):— I could make it more... interesting.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>— Alright, show me what else you can do with those hands.<</mia>>
<<st>>Elaine laughed as Mia followed the guy to a secluded spot.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>— Not today, but thanks for the massage.<</mia>>
<<case 6>>
<<st>>It was late at night, the beach almost empty, with only the soft sound of waves under the moonlight. Mia and Elaine stood at the edge of the water, grinning at each other.<</st>>
<<ele>>— Come on, Mia, when else are we gonna swim naked under the moon?<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia shrugged, then smirked, pulling off her clothes.<</st>>
<<mia>>— You’re right. Let’s make it a night to remember.<</mia>>
<<st>>They dove into the warm water, laughing as they swam. As they splashed around, Mia noticed a guy nearby, also enjoying the late-night swim.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Looks like we’re not alone. Should we say hi?<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say hi'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia swam closer, catching the guy's attention. He smiled, clearly interested.<</st>>
<<un>>— Looks like it’s just us out here.<</un>>
<<mia>>— Yeah, seems like there’s plenty we could do with no one around.<</mia>>
<<st>>His grin widened, the tension thick between them.<</st>>
<<un>>— I can think of a few things.<</un>>
<<mia>>— Why don’t you show me?<</mia>>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>— Nah, I’m just here for the swim. Let’s enjoy the water while we can.<</mia>>
<<case 7>>
<<st>>Mia was playing beach volleyball, her body moving effortlessly in an extremely revealing bikini—maybe that bikini was the real reason her team was winning. She noticed the guys on the other team couldn’t keep their eyes off her—staring at her boobs, glancing down at her ass every time she jumped. One of them was practically undressing her with his eyes. During a break, one of them stepped closer, smirking.<</st>>
<<un>>(grinning):"Hey, you're playing great out here," he said, his gaze locked on her body. "But we’ve got a better idea than just playing volleyball. Wanna come back to our room?"<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia looked at them, smiling playfully.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Sure, lead the way.<</mia>>
<<st>>The guys exchanged grins, leading her towards the hotel.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.anal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia shook her head, smirking a bit.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Tempting, but I’ve got other plans.<</mia>>
<<case 8>>
<<st>>Mia decided to rent a kayak to explore the coastline. She paddled towards a small island visible from the shore, enjoying the quiet and the view. As she got closer, she noticed a guy already there—clearly someone who had the same idea.<</st>>
<<st>>He stepped closer, a grin playing on his lips, his eyes taking in her curves with no shame.<</st>>
<<un>>— You’re so fucking sexy. No one's around, and I've got an idea—how about I fuck you right here?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia looked him over, smirking.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Wow, this day is getting so much better.<</mia>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia rolled her eyes, laughing softly.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Keep dreaming, buddy. Maybe next time.<</mia>>
<<case 9>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine spotted a small group of guys by a campfire and decided to join them. As soon as they arrived, the guys offered them drinks, and the girls didn’t hesitate. A couple of hours later, everyone was drunk, laughter filling the air. One of the guys moved closer to Mia, smirking, while another pulled Elaine aside.<</st>>
<<un>>(grinning): — We’ve been wanting to really let loose tonight. How about a little orgy back at our hotel? You girls down?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia looked at Elaine, raising an eyebrow.<</st>>
<<mia>>(grinning):— Why not? Who says no to a good orgy, huh?<</mia>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia looked at Elaine, raising an eyebrow.<</st>>
<<mia>>(grinning):— Why not? Lead the way.<</mia>>
<<case 10>>
<<st>>Mia was walking naked along the beach when she ran into a photographer. He offered to take some shots, and she shrugged, agreeing.<</st>>
<<st>>He snapped a few photos, his eyes not leaving her body for a second.<</st>>
<<un>>(grinning):— I’ve got a better idea. How about I fuck you right here, and we catch it all on camera?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia smirked, her gaze locked on his.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Let’s do it.<</mia>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia laughed, shaking her head.<</st>>
<<mia>>— I think I’ll pass this time, but nice try.<</mia>>
<<case "FR">>
<<set $random to random(10)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Mia et Elain étaient allongés sur une plage nudiste, se détendant et profitant du soleil, mais surtout regardant les gens nus autour d'eux. Soudain, un grand homme noir musclé avec la plus grosse bite que Mia ait jamais vue s'est approché d'elles, projetant une ombre sur leur bain de soleil. Les filles échangent un regard, sentant que la situation nécessite une réaction.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Lui demander de ne pas bloquer le soleil'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia lève les yeux vers le gars, se protégeant du soleil. Avec un sourire enjoué et un regard très expressif sur sa bite, elle lui dit : '' Hé, tu ne pourrais pas te protéger du soleil ? On travaille notre bronzage ici ''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Le type a gloussé, réalisant qu'il était sur leur chemin. '' C'est ma faute '', dit-il en s'écartant avec un sourire. '' Je ne voulais pas vous interrompre. ''<</un>>
<<link 'Invitez-le à vous rejoindre et à prendre un bain de soleil ensemble'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia lève les yeux vers le gars, se protégeant du soleil. Avec un sourire enjoué, elle dit : '' Hé, et si tu arrêtais de bloquer le soleil avec ton énorme bite et que tu nous rejoignais pour prendre un bain de soleil ? ''<</mia>>
<<un>>Le type lui sourit. '' Oui, j'aimerais bien rester à regarder tes seins, mais je suis ici avec mes amis, et on pensait faire quelque chose d'un peu plus... actif. Les bains de soleil, ce n'est pas vraiment notre truc ''.<</un>>
<<mia>>'' J'ai peut-être une idée de ce que nous pourrions faire '', dit-elle, la voix basse et taquine. '' Mais ce sera plus amusant dans notre chambre ''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia fait un clin d'œil à Elaine, qui rit, prête à transformer leur journée de plage en quelque chose de bien plus excitant.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Aller dans la chambre">><<un>>Ils sont entrés dans la chambre d'hôtel avec le type et ses amis, et ils n'ont pas cessé de regarder les filles nues. Au moment où le dernier d'entre eux a fermé la porte derrière lui, il a dit : '' Êtes-vous prêtes à vous amuser, salopes ?<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bbc)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bbc/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</linkreplace>>
<<case 1>>
<<mia>>Mia a passé l'après-midi à se prélasser au soleil en sirotant des cocktails, jusqu'à ce qu'elle se sente un peu éméchée. Ayant besoin de se rafraîchir, Mia s'est baignée et a remarqué qu'un type la fixait en sortant de l'eau. Outre le fait qu'il la baisait avec ses yeux, c'était l'un des hommes les plus sexy qu'elle ait jamais vus. Alors, en souriant, elle s'est approchée de lui et lui a dit : '' Quoi ? C'est la première fois que tu viens à la plage ? Tu n'as jamais vu de fille en bikini ? ''<</mia>>
<<un>>''J'ai vu des filles à la plage. Mais je n'ai jamais baisé une fille à la plage '', dit-il en fixant ouvertement le corps de Mia.<</un>>
<<mia>>''Ah ouais ? Alors c'est ton jour de chance.''<</mia>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Mia arrive à la plage pour se détendre après une nuit de fête. Elle a rapidement repéré une chaise longue vide et s'y est allongée.<</st>>
<<un>>Quelques minutes plus tard, un beau plagiste s'approche. '' Excusez-moi, mademoiselle, vous devez payer 50 dollars pour la chaise '', dit-il en souriant, n'essayant même pas de cacher la façon dont il regardait son corps.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia a pris son sac, regardant ses abdominaux. Mais après avoir fouillé dans son sac, elle se rendit compte qu'elle avait oublié son portefeuille. Elle lève les yeux vers lui avec un sourire coquin. '' Oups, j'ai laissé mon argent dans la chambre. Qu'est-ce que je fais maintenant ? ''<</mia>>
<<un>>Le préposé sourit, les yeux brillants. '' Pas de problème '', dit-il en se penchant un peu. '' Pourquoi ne viendriez-vous pas avec moi dans mon bureau ? Je connais un autre moyen de me payer '', dit-il en souriant, déshabillant déjà Mia du regard.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Le suivre'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia, toujours souriante, se lève et le suit.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Haha, ça a l'air sympa, mais je... je crois que je vais aller dans ma chambre et prendre de l'argent avec moi '', dit Mia en souriant d'un air un peu gêné.<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia a décidé de se promener nue sur la plage pour voir ce qui se passerait.<</st>>
<<un>>Après quelques minutes de marche, un jeune homme s'est approché d'elle, l'a examinée de la tête aux pieds et lui a dit à voix basse : '' Si tu me laisses te baiser tout de suite, je te paierai bien ''.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Dire oui'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Hahaha, c'est audacieux. Ok, faisons-le '', dit-elle, et ses tétons se durcissent.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Ok, où est mon argent ?'' demande Mia en le regardant dans les yeux.<</mia>>
<<un>>'' Ah, oui, c'est à peu près ça. J'ai oublié de dire que j'étais fauchée. Alors, je ne vais pas vous payer, désolé '', dit-il d'un ton moqueur avant de s'en aller.<</un>>
<<link 'Dire non'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Elle lui demande, comme si elle n'arrivait pas à le croire : '' Tu as perdu la tête ?<</mia>>
<<mia>>Je le ferai gratuitement '', lui dit-elle en lui faisant un clin d'œil.<</mia>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine were lounging on the hot sand, lazily watching the waves, when a group of people arrived with a massive speaker. The music boomed, and soon an impromptu beach party had begun. One of the guys, with a playful smirk, approached them, holding out drinks.<</st>>
<<un>>— You ladies look like you could use some company. We’ve got drinks, music, and a whole lot of fun. What do you say?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ele>>(grabbing the drink):— Fun, huh? Alright, I’m sold. Mia, you in?<</ele>>
<<mia>>— I mean, how can I say no to free drinks?<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine stood up, noticing a crowd already gathered around the group with the speaker. The party was in full swing, and they didn’t hesitate to join in, the music loud and infectious. The guy who approached them stuck around, clearly interested in keeping the conversation going.<</st>>
<<un>>(leaning closer to Mia):— So, you from around here, or just visiting our little slice of paradise?<</un>>
<<mia>>— Visiting, but we’re making the most of it. You know how it goes.<</mia>>
<<un>>— Oh, I bet you are. Ibiza’s perfect for that. Sun, drinks, and maybe a little trouble, if you know where to look.<</un>>
<<st>>Mia laughed, raising her drink to that comment.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Well, we do have a knack for finding trouble.<</mia>>
<<un>>(leaning closer to Mia, his voice lower):— So, you’re just here for fun, huh? Well, if you’re looking for a little more excitement, I know a spot where we could disappear for a bit. Just the two of us.<</un>>
<<mia>>— Straight to the point? I like that.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>— Alright, let’s see what you’ve got. Lead the way.<</mia>>
<<st>>The guy’s grin widened as he took her hand, guiding her away from the crowd<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>— Tempting, but tonight’s all about me and my friend. We’re just here to let loose, nothing more.<</mia>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>(raising an eyebrow, smirking):— Nah, we’re good. Just here to enjoy the beach, not looking for any distractions. Maybe next time.<</mia>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Mia lay stretched out on her towel, the warm sun soaking into her skin, when a tall, handsome guy with a confident grin strolled over.<</st>>
<<un>>(with a charming smile):— Ladies, care for a free massage? I’m pretty good with my hands.<</un>>
<<st>>Elaine snorted, nudging Mia with her elbow.<</st>>
<<ele>>(teasing):— Oh, look at you, Mia. Lucky day. A free massage from a hottie? You’ve got to take this one.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia rolled her eyes but smiled at the guy, clearly considering it.<</st>>
<<mia>>(playfully):— Free, huh? Well, I do have some tension in my shoulders...<</mia>>
<<st>>The guy knelt behind her, starting with firm, relaxing movements. Mia closed her eyes, enjoying it until his hands started wandering lower.<</st>>
<<mia>>(smirking):— You sure that’s part of the massage?<</mia>>
<<un>>(leaning in, whispering):— I could make it more... interesting.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>— Alright, show me what else you can do with those hands.<</mia>>
<<st>>Elaine laughed as Mia followed the guy to a secluded spot.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>— Not today, but thanks for the massage.<</mia>>
<<case 6>>
<<st>>It was late at night, the beach almost empty, with only the soft sound of waves under the moonlight. Mia and Elaine stood at the edge of the water, grinning at each other.<</st>>
<<ele>>— Come on, Mia, when else are we gonna swim naked under the moon?<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia shrugged, then smirked, pulling off her clothes.<</st>>
<<mia>>— You’re right. Let’s make it a night to remember.<</mia>>
<<st>>They dove into the warm water, laughing as they swam. As they splashed around, Mia noticed a guy nearby, also enjoying the late-night swim.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Looks like we’re not alone. Should we say hi?<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say hi'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia swam closer, catching the guy's attention. He smiled, clearly interested.<</st>>
<<un>>— Looks like it’s just us out here.<</un>>
<<mia>>— Yeah, seems like there’s plenty we could do with no one around.<</mia>>
<<st>>His grin widened, the tension thick between them.<</st>>
<<un>>— I can think of a few things.<</un>>
<<mia>>— Why don’t you show me?<</mia>>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>— Nah, I’m just here for the swim. Let’s enjoy the water while we can.<</mia>>
<<case 7>>
<<st>>Mia was playing beach volleyball, her body moving effortlessly in an extremely revealing bikini—maybe that bikini was the real reason her team was winning. She noticed the guys on the other team couldn’t keep their eyes off her—staring at her boobs, glancing down at her ass every time she jumped. One of them was practically undressing her with his eyes. During a break, one of them stepped closer, smirking.<</st>>
<<un>>(grinning):"Hey, you're playing great out here," he said, his gaze locked on her body. "But we’ve got a better idea than just playing volleyball. Wanna come back to our room?"<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia looked at them, smiling playfully.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Sure, lead the way.<</mia>>
<<st>>The guys exchanged grins, leading her towards the hotel.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.anal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia shook her head, smirking a bit.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Tempting, but I’ve got other plans.<</mia>>
<<case 8>>
<<st>>Mia decided to rent a kayak to explore the coastline. She paddled towards a small island visible from the shore, enjoying the quiet and the view. As she got closer, she noticed a guy already there—clearly someone who had the same idea.<</st>>
<<st>>He stepped closer, a grin playing on his lips, his eyes taking in her curves with no shame.<</st>>
<<un>>— You’re so fucking sexy. No one's around, and I've got an idea—how about I fuck you right here?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia looked him over, smirking.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Wow, this day is getting so much better.<</mia>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia rolled her eyes, laughing softly.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Keep dreaming, buddy. Maybe next time.<</mia>>
<<case 9>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine spotted a small group of guys by a campfire and decided to join them. As soon as they arrived, the guys offered them drinks, and the girls didn’t hesitate. A couple of hours later, everyone was drunk, laughter filling the air. One of the guys moved closer to Mia, smirking, while another pulled Elaine aside.<</st>>
<<un>>(grinning): — We’ve been wanting to really let loose tonight. How about a little orgy back at our hotel? You girls down?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia looked at Elaine, raising an eyebrow.<</st>>
<<mia>>(grinning):— Why not? Who says no to a good orgy, huh?<</mia>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia looked at Elaine, raising an eyebrow.<</st>>
<<mia>>(grinning):— Why not? Lead the way.<</mia>>
<<case 10>>
<<st>>Mia was walking naked along the beach when she ran into a photographer. He offered to take some shots, and she shrugged, agreeing.<</st>>
<<st>>He snapped a few photos, his eyes not leaving her body for a second.<</st>>
<<un>>(grinning):— I’ve got a better idea. How about I fuck you right here, and we catch it all on camera?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia smirked, her gaze locked on his.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Let’s do it.<</mia>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia laughed, shaking her head.<</st>>
<<mia>>— I think I’ll pass this time, but nice try.<</mia>>
<<case "ES">>
<<set $random to random(10)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Mia y Elain estaban tumbadas en una playa nudista, relajándose y tomando el sol, pero sobre todo mirando a la gente desnuda que las rodeaba. De repente, un negro alto y musculoso con la polla más grande que Mia había visto nunca se acercó a ellas, proyectando una sombra sobre su lugar para tomar el sol. Las chicas intercambiaron miradas, intuyendo que la situación requería una respuesta.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Pídele que no bloquee el sol'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia miró al tipo, protegiéndose los ojos del sol. Con una sonrisa juguetona y una mirada muy expresiva a su polla, le dijo: ''Oye, ¿podrías no taparnos el sol? Nos estamos bronceando''.<</mia>>
<<un>>El tipo se rió, dándose cuenta de que les estorbaba. ''Culpa mía'', dijo, haciéndose a un lado con una sonrisa. ''No quería interrumpir''.<</un>>
<<link 'Invítale a tomar el sol contigo '>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia miró al tipo, protegiéndose los ojos del sol. Con una sonrisa juguetona, le dijo: ''Oye, ¿qué tal si dejas de tapar el sol con tu enorme polla y te unes a nosotros para tomar el sol?''.<</mia>>
<<un>>El tipo le sonrió. ''Sí, me encantaría quedarme y seguir mirándote las tetas, pero estoy aquí con mis amigos y estábamos pensando en hacer algo un poco más... activo. Tomar el sol no es lo nuestro''.<</un>>
<<mia>>''Bueno, puede que tenga una idea de lo que podríamos hacer'', dijo, su voz baja y burlona. ''Pero será más divertido en nuestra habitación''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia le guiñó un ojo a Elaine, que se rió entre dientes, dispuesta a convertir su día de playa en algo mucho más emocionante.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Ir a la habitación">><<un>>Entraron en la habitación del hotel con el tipo y sus amigos, y todos se quedaron mirando a las chicas desnudas. En el momento en que el último de ellos cerró la puerta tras de sí, dijo: ''¿Estáis listas para divertiros, zorras?''<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bbc)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bbc/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</linkreplace>>
<<case 1>>
<<mia>>Mia pasó la tarde tomando el sol y bebiendo cócteles, hasta que se sintió un poco mareada. Necesitaba refrescarse, así que se dio un baño y al salir se dio cuenta de que un tipo la miraba fijamente. Aparte de que básicamente se la follaba con los ojos, era uno de los tíos más guapos que había visto nunca. Así que, sonriendo, se acercó a él y le dijo: ''¿Qué? ¿Es tu primera vez en la playa? ¿Nunca habías visto a una chica en bikini?''.<</mia>>
<<un>>''He visto chicas en la playa. Aunque nunca me he follado a una chica en la playa'', dijo él, mirando abiertamente el cuerpo de Mia.<</un>>
<<mia>>''¿Si? Entonces es tu día de suerte''.<</mia>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Mia llegó a la playa para relajarse tras una noche loca de fiesta. Rápidamente localizó una tumbona vacía y se estiró en ella.<</st>>
<<un>>Unos minutos después, se acercó un apuesto vigilante de la playa. ''Disculpe, señorita, tendrá que pagar 50 dólares por la silla'', sonrió, sin intentar ocultar cómo miraba su cuerpo.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia echó mano de su bolso, observando sus abdominales. Pero después de rebuscar en el bolso, se dio cuenta de que se había olvidado la cartera. Le miró con una sonrisa coqueta. ''Uy, me he dejado el dinero en la habitación. ¿Qué hago ahora?''<</mia>>
<<un>>El empleado sonrió con ojos brillantes. ''No hay problema'', dijo, inclinándose un poco. ''¿Por qué no me acompaña a mi despacho? Conozco otra forma de que puedas... pagarme'', sonrió, ya desnudando a Mia con la mirada.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Ven con él'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia, aún sonriente, se levantó y le siguió.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.vaginal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/vaginal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Di no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Jaja, eso suena divertido, pero yo... supongo que iré a mi habitación y llevaré dinero conmigo'', dijo Mia y sonrió un poco incómoda.<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia decidió pasear desnuda por la playa a ver qué pasaba.<</st>>
<<un>>A los pocos minutos de caminar, un joven se le acercó, la examinó de pies a cabeza y le dijo con voz ronca: ''Si me dejas follarte ahora mismo, te pagaré bien''.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Di que sí'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Jajaja, qué atrevida. Ok, hagámoslo'', dijo, y sus pezones se endurecieron.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''Vale, ¿dónde está mi dinero? preguntó Mia, mirándole a los ojos. <</mia>>
<<un>>Ah, sí, sobre eso. Olvidé mencionar que estaba sin blanca. Así que no voy a pagarte, lo siento'', dijo burlonamente y se fue.<</un>>
<<link 'Di no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''¿Estás loco?'', preguntó ella como si no pudiera creerlo.<</mia>>
<<mia>>Lo haré gratis'', le guiñó un ojo.<</mia>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine were lounging on the hot sand, lazily watching the waves, when a group of people arrived with a massive speaker. The music boomed, and soon an impromptu beach party had begun. One of the guys, with a playful smirk, approached them, holding out drinks.<</st>>
<<un>>— You ladies look like you could use some company. We’ve got drinks, music, and a whole lot of fun. What do you say?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ele>>(grabbing the drink):— Fun, huh? Alright, I’m sold. Mia, you in?<</ele>>
<<mia>>— I mean, how can I say no to free drinks?<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine stood up, noticing a crowd already gathered around the group with the speaker. The party was in full swing, and they didn’t hesitate to join in, the music loud and infectious. The guy who approached them stuck around, clearly interested in keeping the conversation going.<</st>>
<<un>>(leaning closer to Mia):— So, you from around here, or just visiting our little slice of paradise?<</un>>
<<mia>>— Visiting, but we’re making the most of it. You know how it goes.<</mia>>
<<un>>— Oh, I bet you are. Ibiza’s perfect for that. Sun, drinks, and maybe a little trouble, if you know where to look.<</un>>
<<st>>Mia laughed, raising her drink to that comment.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Well, we do have a knack for finding trouble.<</mia>>
<<un>>(leaning closer to Mia, his voice lower):— So, you’re just here for fun, huh? Well, if you’re looking for a little more excitement, I know a spot where we could disappear for a bit. Just the two of us.<</un>>
<<mia>>— Straight to the point? I like that.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>— Alright, let’s see what you’ve got. Lead the way.<</mia>>
<<st>>The guy’s grin widened as he took her hand, guiding her away from the crowd<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>— Tempting, but tonight’s all about me and my friend. We’re just here to let loose, nothing more.<</mia>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>(raising an eyebrow, smirking):— Nah, we’re good. Just here to enjoy the beach, not looking for any distractions. Maybe next time.<</mia>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Mia lay stretched out on her towel, the warm sun soaking into her skin, when a tall, handsome guy with a confident grin strolled over.<</st>>
<<un>>(with a charming smile):— Ladies, care for a free massage? I’m pretty good with my hands.<</un>>
<<st>>Elaine snorted, nudging Mia with her elbow.<</st>>
<<ele>>(teasing):— Oh, look at you, Mia. Lucky day. A free massage from a hottie? You’ve got to take this one.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia rolled her eyes but smiled at the guy, clearly considering it.<</st>>
<<mia>>(playfully):— Free, huh? Well, I do have some tension in my shoulders...<</mia>>
<<st>>The guy knelt behind her, starting with firm, relaxing movements. Mia closed her eyes, enjoying it until his hands started wandering lower.<</st>>
<<mia>>(smirking):— You sure that’s part of the massage?<</mia>>
<<un>>(leaning in, whispering):— I could make it more... interesting.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>— Alright, show me what else you can do with those hands.<</mia>>
<<st>>Elaine laughed as Mia followed the guy to a secluded spot.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>— Not today, but thanks for the massage.<</mia>>
<<case 6>>
<<st>>It was late at night, the beach almost empty, with only the soft sound of waves under the moonlight. Mia and Elaine stood at the edge of the water, grinning at each other.<</st>>
<<ele>>— Come on, Mia, when else are we gonna swim naked under the moon?<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia shrugged, then smirked, pulling off her clothes.<</st>>
<<mia>>— You’re right. Let’s make it a night to remember.<</mia>>
<<st>>They dove into the warm water, laughing as they swam. As they splashed around, Mia noticed a guy nearby, also enjoying the late-night swim.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Looks like we’re not alone. Should we say hi?<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say hi'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia swam closer, catching the guy's attention. He smiled, clearly interested.<</st>>
<<un>>— Looks like it’s just us out here.<</un>>
<<mia>>— Yeah, seems like there’s plenty we could do with no one around.<</mia>>
<<st>>His grin widened, the tension thick between them.<</st>>
<<un>>— I can think of a few things.<</un>>
<<mia>>— Why don’t you show me?<</mia>>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>— Nah, I’m just here for the swim. Let’s enjoy the water while we can.<</mia>>
<<case 7>>
<<st>>Mia was playing beach volleyball, her body moving effortlessly in an extremely revealing bikini—maybe that bikini was the real reason her team was winning. She noticed the guys on the other team couldn’t keep their eyes off her—staring at her boobs, glancing down at her ass every time she jumped. One of them was practically undressing her with his eyes. During a break, one of them stepped closer, smirking.<</st>>
<<un>>(grinning):"Hey, you're playing great out here," he said, his gaze locked on her body. "But we’ve got a better idea than just playing volleyball. Wanna come back to our room?"<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia looked at them, smiling playfully.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Sure, lead the way.<</mia>>
<<st>>The guys exchanged grins, leading her towards the hotel.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.anal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia shook her head, smirking a bit.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Tempting, but I’ve got other plans.<</mia>>
<<case 8>>
<<st>>Mia decided to rent a kayak to explore the coastline. She paddled towards a small island visible from the shore, enjoying the quiet and the view. As she got closer, she noticed a guy already there—clearly someone who had the same idea.<</st>>
<<st>>He stepped closer, a grin playing on his lips, his eyes taking in her curves with no shame.<</st>>
<<un>>— You’re so fucking sexy. No one's around, and I've got an idea—how about I fuck you right here?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia looked him over, smirking.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Wow, this day is getting so much better.<</mia>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia rolled her eyes, laughing softly.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Keep dreaming, buddy. Maybe next time.<</mia>>
<<case 9>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine spotted a small group of guys by a campfire and decided to join them. As soon as they arrived, the guys offered them drinks, and the girls didn’t hesitate. A couple of hours later, everyone was drunk, laughter filling the air. One of the guys moved closer to Mia, smirking, while another pulled Elaine aside.<</st>>
<<un>>(grinning): — We’ve been wanting to really let loose tonight. How about a little orgy back at our hotel? You girls down?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia looked at Elaine, raising an eyebrow.<</st>>
<<mia>>(grinning):— Why not? Who says no to a good orgy, huh?<</mia>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia looked at Elaine, raising an eyebrow.<</st>>
<<mia>>(grinning):— Why not? Lead the way.<</mia>>
<<case 10>>
<<st>>Mia was walking naked along the beach when she ran into a photographer. He offered to take some shots, and she shrugged, agreeing.<</st>>
<<st>>He snapped a few photos, his eyes not leaving her body for a second.<</st>>
<<un>>(grinning):— I’ve got a better idea. How about I fuck you right here, and we catch it all on camera?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia smirked, her gaze locked on his.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Let’s do it.<</mia>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia laughed, shaking her head.<</st>>
<<mia>>— I think I’ll pass this time, but nice try.<</mia>>
<<case "CH">>
<<set $random to random(10)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>米娅 和 埃兰 躺在一個裸體沙灘上,涼快、放鬆、曬太陽,但大部分時間都在看周圍裸體的人。突然,一個身材高大、肌肉壯實、有著 Mia 所見過最大老二的黑人走近她們,在她們日光浴的地方投下一片陰影。女孩們交換了一下眼神,感覺到情況需要回應。<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link '請他不要遮擋太陽'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>米娅 抬頭看著那傢伙,用眼睛遮住陽光。她帶著俏皮的笑容,很有表情地看著他的小弟弟說:''嘿,你能不能不要遮太陽?我們正在曬太陽呢''。<</mia>>
<<link '邀請他一起享受日光浴'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>米娅 抬頭看著那傢伙,用眼睛遮住陽光。她俏皮地笑著說:''嘿,你別再用你的大雞雞遮太陽了,和我們一起享受日光浴如何?''<</mia>>
<<st>>米娅 對 埃兰 眨了眨眼睛,埃兰 輕笑著,準備將她們的沙灘日變得更刺激。<</st>>
<<linkreplace "前往房間">><<un>>他們和那傢伙以及他的朋友一起走進旅館房間,他們都一直盯著那些赤裸的女孩看。當他們最後一個人在他身後關上門的那一刻,他說:''準備好找點樂子了嗎,賤人們?<</un>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bbc)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bbc/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]<</linkreplace>>
<<case 1>>
<<mia>>米娅 整個下午都躺在陽光下,喝著雞尾酒,直到她覺得有點昏昏欲睡。需要涼快一下,米娅 游了一會泳,然後注意到有個男人在她下水時盯著她看。除了他基本上是用眼睛來操她之外,他是她見過最帥的男人之一。於是,她微笑著走到他身邊,說:''怎麼,你第一次來海灘?從沒見過穿比基尼的女孩嗎?''<</mia>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>米娅 在瘋狂的派對之夜後來到海灘放鬆。她很快就找到了一張空閒的躺椅,然後躺了上去。<</st>>
<<un>>幾分鐘後,一位英俊的海灘服務員走了過來。''對不起,小姐,您需要付 50 美元來買這張椅子。''他笑著說,毫不掩飾他看著她身體的樣子。<</un>>
<<mia>>米娅 伸手去拿包,打量著他的腹肌。但在翻遍包包之後,她發現自己忘了帶錢包。她抬頭看著他,露出妩媚的笑容。''哎呀,我把錢忘在房間裡了。我現在該怎麼辦?''<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link '跟他一起來'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>米亞仍然微笑著起身跟著他。<</st>>
<<link '說不'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''哈哈,聽起來很有趣,不過我......我想我還是回房間帶錢吧。''米亞說著,有點尷尬地笑了笑。<</mia>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>米娅 決定在海灘上裸體散步,看看會發生什麼事。<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link '說是'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''哈哈哈,大膽的舉動。''好,我們開始吧,''她說著,乳頭硬了起来。<</mia>>
<<link '說不'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''你瘋了嗎?''她不敢相信似的問。<</mia>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine were lounging on the hot sand, lazily watching the waves, when a group of people arrived with a massive speaker. The music boomed, and soon an impromptu beach party had begun. One of the guys, with a playful smirk, approached them, holding out drinks.<</st>>
<<un>>— You ladies look like you could use some company. We’ve got drinks, music, and a whole lot of fun. What do you say?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ele>>(grabbing the drink):— Fun, huh? Alright, I’m sold. Mia, you in?<</ele>>
<<mia>>— I mean, how can I say no to free drinks?<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine stood up, noticing a crowd already gathered around the group with the speaker. The party was in full swing, and they didn’t hesitate to join in, the music loud and infectious. The guy who approached them stuck around, clearly interested in keeping the conversation going.<</st>>
<<un>>(leaning closer to Mia):— So, you from around here, or just visiting our little slice of paradise?<</un>>
<<mia>>— Visiting, but we’re making the most of it. You know how it goes.<</mia>>
<<un>>— Oh, I bet you are. Ibiza’s perfect for that. Sun, drinks, and maybe a little trouble, if you know where to look.<</un>>
<<st>>Mia laughed, raising her drink to that comment.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Well, we do have a knack for finding trouble.<</mia>>
<<un>>(leaning closer to Mia, his voice lower):— So, you’re just here for fun, huh? Well, if you’re looking for a little more excitement, I know a spot where we could disappear for a bit. Just the two of us.<</un>>
<<mia>>— Straight to the point? I like that.<</mia>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>— Alright, let’s see what you’ve got. Lead the way.<</mia>>
<<st>>The guy’s grin widened as he took her hand, guiding her away from the crowd<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>— Tempting, but tonight’s all about me and my friend. We’re just here to let loose, nothing more.<</mia>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>(raising an eyebrow, smirking):— Nah, we’re good. Just here to enjoy the beach, not looking for any distractions. Maybe next time.<</mia>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Mia lay stretched out on her towel, the warm sun soaking into her skin, when a tall, handsome guy with a confident grin strolled over.<</st>>
<<un>>(with a charming smile):— Ladies, care for a free massage? I’m pretty good with my hands.<</un>>
<<st>>Elaine snorted, nudging Mia with her elbow.<</st>>
<<ele>>(teasing):— Oh, look at you, Mia. Lucky day. A free massage from a hottie? You’ve got to take this one.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia rolled her eyes but smiled at the guy, clearly considering it.<</st>>
<<mia>>(playfully):— Free, huh? Well, I do have some tension in my shoulders...<</mia>>
<<st>>The guy knelt behind her, starting with firm, relaxing movements. Mia closed her eyes, enjoying it until his hands started wandering lower.<</st>>
<<mia>>(smirking):— You sure that’s part of the massage?<</mia>>
<<un>>(leaning in, whispering):— I could make it more... interesting.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>— Alright, show me what else you can do with those hands.<</mia>>
<<st>>Elaine laughed as Mia followed the guy to a secluded spot.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.street)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/street/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>— Not today, but thanks for the massage.<</mia>>
<<case 6>>
<<st>>It was late at night, the beach almost empty, with only the soft sound of waves under the moonlight. Mia and Elaine stood at the edge of the water, grinning at each other.<</st>>
<<ele>>— Come on, Mia, when else are we gonna swim naked under the moon?<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia shrugged, then smirked, pulling off her clothes.<</st>>
<<mia>>— You’re right. Let’s make it a night to remember.<</mia>>
<<st>>They dove into the warm water, laughing as they swam. As they splashed around, Mia noticed a guy nearby, also enjoying the late-night swim.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Looks like we’re not alone. Should we say hi?<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say hi'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia swam closer, catching the guy's attention. He smiled, clearly interested.<</st>>
<<un>>— Looks like it’s just us out here.<</un>>
<<mia>>— Yeah, seems like there’s plenty we could do with no one around.<</mia>>
<<st>>His grin widened, the tension thick between them.<</st>>
<<un>>— I can think of a few things.<</un>>
<<mia>>— Why don’t you show me?<</mia>>
<<link 'Ignore'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>— Nah, I’m just here for the swim. Let’s enjoy the water while we can.<</mia>>
<<case 7>>
<<st>>Mia was playing beach volleyball, her body moving effortlessly in an extremely revealing bikini—maybe that bikini was the real reason her team was winning. She noticed the guys on the other team couldn’t keep their eyes off her—staring at her boobs, glancing down at her ass every time she jumped. One of them was practically undressing her with his eyes. During a break, one of them stepped closer, smirking.<</st>>
<<un>>(grinning):"Hey, you're playing great out here," he said, his gaze locked on her body. "But we’ve got a better idea than just playing volleyball. Wanna come back to our room?"<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia looked at them, smiling playfully.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Sure, lead the way.<</mia>>
<<st>>The guys exchanged grins, leading her towards the hotel.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.anal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia shook her head, smirking a bit.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Tempting, but I’ve got other plans.<</mia>>
<<case 8>>
<<st>>Mia decided to rent a kayak to explore the coastline. She paddled towards a small island visible from the shore, enjoying the quiet and the view. As she got closer, she noticed a guy already there—clearly someone who had the same idea.<</st>>
<<st>>He stepped closer, a grin playing on his lips, his eyes taking in her curves with no shame.<</st>>
<<un>>— You’re so fucking sexy. No one's around, and I've got an idea—how about I fuck you right here?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia looked him over, smirking.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Wow, this day is getting so much better.<</mia>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia rolled her eyes, laughing softly.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Keep dreaming, buddy. Maybe next time.<</mia>>
<<case 9>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine spotted a small group of guys by a campfire and decided to join them. As soon as they arrived, the guys offered them drinks, and the girls didn’t hesitate. A couple of hours later, everyone was drunk, laughter filling the air. One of the guys moved closer to Mia, smirking, while another pulled Elaine aside.<</st>>
<<un>>(grinning): — We’ve been wanting to really let loose tonight. How about a little orgy back at our hotel? You girls down?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia looked at Elaine, raising an eyebrow.<</st>>
<<mia>>(grinning):— Why not? Who says no to a good orgy, huh?<</mia>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia looked at Elaine, raising an eyebrow.<</st>>
<<mia>>(grinning):— Why not? Lead the way.<</mia>>
<<case 10>>
<<st>>Mia was walking naked along the beach when she ran into a photographer. He offered to take some shots, and she shrugged, agreeing.<</st>>
<<st>>He snapped a few photos, his eyes not leaving her body for a second.<</st>>
<<un>>(grinning):— I’ve got a better idea. How about I fuck you right here, and we catch it all on camera?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia smirked, her gaze locked on his.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Let’s do it.<</mia>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia laughed, shaking her head.<</st>>
<<mia>>— I think I’ll pass this time, but nice try.<</mia>>
<</switch>><</if>><<set $ibiza_club_first=1>>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia and Elain barely dropped their bags before they were ready to party. Stepping out of the hotel, they spotted a giant, flashy banner across the street.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Look at that,'' Mia said, nudging Elain. The neon lights promised wild parties, endless drinks, and everything they came to Ibiza for.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain grinned. ''Found our first stop. Ready to destroy those new heels?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia smirked, adjusting her barely-there dress. ''Babe, these heels were made for bad decisions. Let’s go cause some trouble.''<</mia>>
<<st>>The club’s bass thumped, and the line was long, but waiting wasn’t their thing. A quick flirt with the bouncer, a flash of smiles, and they were in.<</st>>
<<st>>The place was buzzing. Lights flashing, the DJ absolutely killing it, and the crowd was already on fire. Mia and Elain didn’t waste a second, making a beeline for the bar, their eyes locking with a group of guys who looked like they knew how to have a good time.<</st>>
<<un>>''Hey, you ladies look like you can handle some shots!'' one of the guys shouted, raising a tray full of tequila.<</un>>
<<ele>>Elain flipped her hair with a smirk. ''You kidding? We invented shots,'' she teased.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia nudged her. ''Better keep up, or you’ll be crawling out of here,'' she joked, giving Elain a playful wink.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain shot back, ''Please, I’ll be carrying you home by the end of the night.''<</ele>>
<<st>>They both laughed, clinking their shot glasses with the guys. The next hour? A blur of shots, laughter, and wild dancing. Drinks kept coming, and soon, the night started to get fuzzy around the edges.<</st>>
<<st>>Here’s what they managed to piece together…<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Mia and a guy on the dance floor">><<st>>Mia, deep in the middle of the dance floor, was grinding on some guy whose name was… shit, what was his name? John? Jim? Ah, who cares?<</st>>
<<un>>He leaned in closer, smirking. ''You’re the hottest girl here.''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia shot him a playful smile. ''You’re not too bad yourself.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia remembered being right in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by bodies and heat, her clothes clinging to her, the guy's hands all over her body, and then… him fucking her right there, in the middle of a dance floor. And yeah, that was fun.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/dlc_one_time/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Mia’s memory flashed to the next moment—she was pushing through the crowd, the music still pounding in her ears, when she spotted Elain. She was making out with some guy, completely lost in the process. And yeah, for some reason, Mia remembered his hands somehow groping every part of Elain's body.<</st>>
<<ele>>Mia was about to keep dancing when Elain suddenly pulled away from him, eyes wild, and shouted over the noise, ''Mia! We’re going to his villa! There’s a huge party there!''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia’s heart raced with excitement. She threw her hands up, a big grin spreading across her face. ''Hell yeah! Let’s go!'' she shouted as they all charged for the exit, ready to continue the night.<</mia>>
<<button[[Party on the villa|Party on the villa]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Миа и Элейн едва успели распаковать чемоданы, как уже отправились на вечеринку. Выйдя из отеля, они заметили на противоположной стороне улицы огромный, бросающийся в глаза баннер.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Глянь-ка'', - сказала Миа, подталкивая Элайну. Неоновые огни обещали дикие вечеринки, нескончаемые напитки и все то, ради чего они приехали на Ибицу.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Элайна усмехнулась. ''Вот и наша первая остановка. Готова уничтожить эти новые каблуки?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Миа ухмыльнулась, поправляя свое облегающее платье. ''Детка, эти каблуки созданы для диких вечеринок. Пойдем, оторвемся по полной''.<</mia>>
<<st>>В клубе гремели басы, а очередь была длинной, но ожидание было не для них. Быстрый флирт с вышибалой, легкая улыбка - и они уже внутри.<</st>>
<<st>>Клуб просто гудел. Огни мигали, диджей отрывался по полной, а толпа уже вовсю зажигала. Миа и Элайна, не теряя ни секунды, направились к бару, и их взгляды встретились с группой парней, которые выглядели так, будто знали, что значит хорошенько повеселиться.<</st>>
<<un>>''Эй, девчонки, похоже, вам не помешало бы выпить!'' - крикнул один из парней, поднимая поднос, полный текилы.<</un>>
<<ele>>Элайна с ухмылкой откинула волосы. ''Ну наконец-то! Мы уже думли вы не предложите'', - поддразнила она.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Мия подтолкнула ее. ''Только смотри не переборщи, а то потом будешь ползти отсюда'', - пошутила она, игриво подмигнув Элайне.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Элайна ответила: ''Ой, кто бы говорил, это я к концу ночи я буду нести тебя домой''.<</ele>>
<<st>>Они оба рассмеялись, чокаясь рюмками с парнями. Следующий час? Сплошная череда рюмок, смеха и диких танцев. Напитки продолжали прибывать, и вскоре ночь стала приобретать нечеткие очертания.<</st>>
<<st>>И вот что им удалось вспомнить на утро...<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Миа и парень на танцполе">><<st>>Миа, стоя в самом центре танцпола, прижималась к какому-то парню, которого звали... черт, как же его звали? Джон? Джим? А, какая разница?<</st>>
<<un>>Он наклонился ближе, ухмыляясь. ''Ты самая сексуальная девушка здесь''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Миа игриво улыбнулась. ''Ты тоже ничего''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Мия вспомнила, как оказалась в самом центре танцпола, окруженная телами и жаром, ее одежда прилипла к ней, руки парня были по всему ее телу, а потом... он трахал ее прямо здесь, посреди танцпола. И да, это было весело.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/dlc_one_time/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>В памяти Мии промелькнул следующий момент: она протискивалась сквозь толпу, музыка все еще звучала в ее ушах, когда она заметила Элайну. Она целовалась с каким-то парнем, явно поглащенная процессом. И да, Мия почему-то помнила, как его руки ощупывали каждую частичку тела Элайны.<</st>>
<<ele>>Миа уже собиралась продолжать танцевать, как вдруг подруга отстранилась от него с дикими глазами и закричала пытаясь перекричать музыку: ''Миа! Мы едем на его виллу! Там будет большая вечеринка!''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Сердце Мии учащенно забилось. Она вскинула руки вверх, и по ее лицу расплылась широкая ухмылка. ''Да, черт возьми! Поехали!'' - крикнула она, и все они устремились к выходу, готовые продолжить ночь.<</mia>>
<<button[[Тусовка на вилле|Party on the villa]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia and Elain barely dropped their bags before they were ready to party. Stepping out of the hotel, they spotted a giant, flashy banner across the street.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Look at that,'' Mia said, nudging Elain. The neon lights promised wild parties, endless drinks, and everything they came to Ibiza for.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain grinned. ''Found our first stop. Ready to destroy those new heels?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia smirked, adjusting her barely-there dress. ''Babe, these heels were made for bad decisions. Let’s go cause some trouble.''<</mia>>
<<st>>The club’s bass thumped, and the line was long, but waiting wasn’t their thing. A quick flirt with the bouncer, a flash of smiles, and they were in.<</st>>
<<st>>The place was buzzing. Lights flashing, the DJ absolutely killing it, and the crowd was already on fire. Mia and Elain didn’t waste a second, making a beeline for the bar, their eyes locking with a group of guys who looked like they knew how to have a good time.<</st>>
<<un>>''Hey, you ladies look like you can handle some shots!'' one of the guys shouted, raising a tray full of tequila.<</un>>
<<ele>>Elain flipped her hair with a smirk. ''You kidding? We invented shots,'' she teased.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia nudged her. ''Better keep up, or you’ll be crawling out of here,'' she joked, giving Elain a playful wink.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain shot back, ''Please, I’ll be carrying you home by the end of the night.''<</ele>>
<<st>>They both laughed, clinking their shot glasses with the guys. The next hour? A blur of shots, laughter, and wild dancing. Drinks kept coming, and soon, the night started to get fuzzy around the edges.<</st>>
<<st>>Here’s what they managed to piece together…<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Mia and a guy on the dance floor">><<st>>Mia, deep in the middle of the dance floor, was grinding on some guy whose name was… shit, what was his name? John? Jim? Ah, who cares?<</st>>
<<un>>He leaned in closer, smirking. ''You’re the hottest girl here.''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia shot him a playful smile. ''You’re not too bad yourself.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia remembered being right in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by bodies and heat, her clothes clinging to her, the guy's hands all over her body, and then… him fucking her right there, in the middle of a dance floor. And yeah, that was fun.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/dlc_one_time/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Mia’s memory flashed to the next moment—she was pushing through the crowd, the music still pounding in her ears, when she spotted Elain. She was making out with some guy, completely lost in the process. And yeah, for some reason, Mia remembered his hands somehow groping every part of Elain's body.<</st>>
<<ele>>Mia was about to keep dancing when Elain suddenly pulled away from him, eyes wild, and shouted over the noise, ''Mia! We’re going to his villa! There’s a huge party there!''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia’s heart raced with excitement. She threw her hands up, a big grin spreading across her face. ''Hell yeah! Let’s go!'' she shouted as they all charged for the exit, ready to continue the night.<</mia>>
<<button[[Party on the villa|Party on the villa]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Mia et Elain ont à peine déposé leurs bagages qu'ils sont prêts à faire la fête. En sortant de l'hôtel, ils aperçoivent une bannière géante et tape-à-l'œil de l'autre côté de la rue.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Regarde ça'', dit Mia en donnant un coup de coude à Elain. Les néons promettaient des soirées endiablées, des boissons à volonté et tout ce qu'ils étaient venus chercher à Ibiza.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain sourit. ''Nous avons trouvé notre premier arrêt. Prête à détruire ces nouveaux talons ?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia sourit, ajustant sa robe à peine moulante. ''Bébé, ces talons sont faits pour les mauvaises décisions. Allons causer des ennuis.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Les basses du club résonnent et la file d'attente est longue, mais attendre n'est pas leur truc. Un petit flirt avec le videur, un sourire en coin, et les voilà entrées.<</st>>
<<st>>L'endroit était en ébullition. Les lumières clignotaient, le DJ faisait un malheur et la foule était déjà en feu. Mia et Elain ne perdent pas une seconde et se dirigent vers le bar, leurs yeux se posant sur un groupe de gars qui ont l'air de savoir s'amuser.<</st>>
<<un>>L'un d'eux s'écrie en brandissant un plateau rempli de tequila : ''Hé, les filles, vous avez l'air d'être prêtes à boire !''<</un>>
<<ele>>Elain secoue ses cheveux avec un sourire en coin. ''Tu rigoles ? C'est nous qui avons inventé les shots'', plaisante-t-elle.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia lui donne un coup de coude. ''Tu ferais mieux de continuer, sinon tu vas sortir d'ici en rampant'', dit-elle en plaisantant et en adressant à Elain un clin d'œil amusé.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain réplique : ''S'il te plaît, je te ramènerai à la maison avant la fin de la soirée.''<</ele>>
<<st>>Ils rient tous les deux, en faisant tinter leurs verres à shot avec les autres. L'heure suivante ? Un flou de verres, de rires et de danses endiablées. Les verres ont continué à couler, et bientôt, la nuit a commencé à devenir floue sur les bords.<</st>>
<<st>>Voici ce qu'ils ont réussi à reconstituer...<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Mia et un gars sur la piste de danse">><<st>>Mia, au beau milieu de la piste de danse, se frottait à un type qui s'appelait... merde, comment s'appelait-il ? John ? Jim ? Ah, on s'en fout.<</st>>
<<un>>Il s'est approché, le sourire aux lèvres. ''Tu es la fille la plus sexy ici''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia lui adresse un sourire amusé. ''Tu n'es pas mal non plus''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia se souvenait d'être en plein milieu de la piste de danse, entourée de corps et de chaleur, de ses vêtements qui lui collaient à la peau, des mains du type sur tout son corps, et puis... de lui en train de la baiser là, au milieu de la piste de danse. Et oui, c'était amusant.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/dlc_one_time/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>La mémoire de Mia passe à l'instant suivant : elle se fraye un chemin dans la foule, la musique résonnant encore dans ses oreilles, lorsqu'elle aperçoit Elain. Elle était en train d'embrasser un type, complètement perdue dans l'action. Et oui, pour une raison ou pour une autre, Mia se souvenait que ses mains tâtaient chaque partie du corps d'Elain.<</st>>
<<ele>>Mia était sur le point de continuer à danser quand Elain s'éloigna soudain de lui, les yeux fous, et cria par-dessus le bruit : ''Mia ! Nous allons dans sa villa ! Il y a une grande fête là-bas.''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Le cœur de Mia s'emballe. Elle leva les mains en l'air, un grand sourire s'affichant sur son visage. ''Allons-y !'' cria-t-elle alors qu'ils se dirigeaient tous vers la sortie, prêts à poursuivre la soirée.<</mia>>
<<button[[Fête dans la villa|Party on the villa]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mia y Elain apenas dejaron las maletas y ya estaban listas para la fiesta. Al salir del hotel, vieron una pancarta gigante y llamativa al otro lado de la calle.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Mira eso'', dijo Mia, dándole un codazo a Elain. Las luces de neón prometían fiestas salvajes, copas sin fin y todo aquello por lo que habían venido a Ibiza.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain sonrió. ''Hemos encontrado nuestra primera parada. ¿Lista para destrozar esos tacones nuevos?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia sonrió con satisfacción, ajustándose el vestido apenas ceñido. ''Nena, estos tacones se hicieron para tomar malas decisiones. Vamos a causar problemas''.<</mia>>
<<st>>El bajo del club retumbaba y la cola era larga, pero esperar no era lo suyo. Un flirteo rápido con el portero, un destello de sonrisas y ya estaban dentro.<</st>>
<<st>>El local estaba a reventar. Las luces parpadeaban, el DJ lo estaba petando y el público ya ardía. Mia y Elain no perdieron ni un segundo y se dirigieron a la barra, donde se encontraron con un grupo de chicos que parecían saber cómo pasárselo bien.<</st>>
<<un>>''¡Eh, señoritas, parece que podéis aguantar unos chupitos!'', gritó uno de los chicos, levantando una bandeja llena de tequila.<</un>>
<<ele>>Elain se revolvió el pelo con una sonrisa burlona. ''¿Estás de broma? Nosotros inventamos los chupitos'', bromeó.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia le dio un codazo. ''Será mejor que sigas el ritmo, o saldrás arrastrándote de aquí'', bromeó, guiñándole un ojo a Elain.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain respondió: ''Por favor, te llevaré a casa al final de la noche''.<</ele>>
<<st>>Ambos se rieron, chocando sus vasos de chupito con los de los chicos. ¿La hora siguiente? Un borrón de chupitos, risas y bailes desenfrenados. Las copas seguían llegando y pronto la noche empezó a volverse confusa.<</st>>
<<st>>Esto es lo que consiguieron reconstruir...<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Mia y un chico en la pista de baile">><<st>>Mia, en medio de la pista de baile, se estaba tirando a un tipo que se llamaba... mierda, ¿cómo se llamaba? ¿John? ¿Jim? Ah, ¿a quién le importa?<</st>>
<<un>>Se inclinó más cerca, sonriendo. ''Eres la chica más sexy aquí''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia le lanzó una sonrisa juguetona. ''Tú tampoco estás nada mal''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia recordaba estar justo en medio de la pista de baile, rodeada de cuerpos y calor, con la ropa pegada a ella, las manos del chico por todo su cuerpo, y luego... él follándosela allí mismo, en medio de la pista de baile. Y sí, eso fue divertido.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/dlc_one_time/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>La memoria de Mia pasó al momento siguiente: estaba abriéndose paso entre la multitud, con la música aún retumbando en sus oídos, cuando vio a Elain. Estaba besándose con un tipo, completamente perdida en el proceso. Y sí, por alguna razón, Mia recordaba sus manos manoseando de alguna manera cada parte del cuerpo de Elain.<</st>>
<<ele>>Mia estaba a punto de seguir bailando cuando, de repente, Elain se apartó de él, con los ojos desorbitados, y gritó por encima del ruido: ''¡Mia! ¡Vamos a su casa! Hay una gran fiesta allí''.<</ele>>
<<mia>>El corazón de Mia se aceleró de emoción. Levantó las manos y una gran sonrisa se dibujó en su rostro. ''¡Claro que sí! ¡Vamos!'' gritó mientras todos se dirigían a la salida, listos para continuar la noche.<</mia>>
<<button[[Fiesta en la villa|Party on the villa]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>米娅 和 伊莱恩 幾乎還沒放下行李,就已經準備好參加派對了。走出旅館,他們發現街對面有一張巨大、華麗的橫幅。<</st>>
<<mia>>''米娅 對 伊莱恩 說。霓虹燈宣示著狂野的派對、喝不完的酒,以及他們來 Ibiza 的一切目的。<</mia>>
<<ele>>伊莱恩 咧嘴笑了。''找到我們的第一站了。準備好摧毀你的新高跟鞋了嗎?<</ele>>
<<mia>>米娅 微笑著,調整她的裸露洋裝。''寶貝,這雙高跟鞋是為了做錯誤的決定而設計的。我們去找點麻煩吧。<</mia>>
<<st>>現場熱鬧非常。燈光閃爍、DJ 勁歌熱舞,人群已經熱血沸騰。米娅 和 伊莱恩 一秒鐘也沒浪費,直接奔向吧台,她們的目光鎖定在一群看起來很懂得享受的人身上。<</st>>
<<ele>>伊莱恩 笑著甩了甩頭髮。''你在開玩笑嗎?我們發明了shot,''她取笑道。<</ele>>
<<mia>>米娅 點了她一下。''最好跟上,否則你就得從這裡爬出去了,''她開玩笑地對 伊莱恩 眨了眨眼睛。<</mia>>
<<ele>>伊莱恩 回敬道:''拜託,到了晚上我就會抱你回家了''。<</ele>>
<<linkreplace "米娅和一个男人在舞池里">><<st>>米娅 在舞池中央,正和一個叫......媽的,他叫什麼名字?約翰?吉姆?啊,誰在乎呢?<</st>>
<<un>>他靠得更近了,笑著說 ''你是這裡最性感的女孩''。<</un>>
<<mia>>米娅 向他投去一個玩味的微笑。''你自己也不賴。<</mia>>
<<st>>米娅 記得自己就在舞池中央,四周都是身體和熱浪,衣服緊緊地貼著她,那個男人的手在她身上摸來摸去,然後......他就在舞池中央和她做愛。是的,那很有趣。<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/dlc_one_time/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>米娅 的記憶閃過下一瞬間--她在人群中擠來擠去,耳邊的音樂還在轟轟作響,這時她發現了 伊莱恩。她正和一個男人親熱,完全迷失在這個過程中。對了,不知道為什麼,米娅 還記得他的手不知怎麼地摸索著 伊莱恩 身體的每個部位。<</st>>
<<ele>>米娅 正打算繼續跳舞,伊莱恩 突然拉開他,眼神狂野,在喧鬧聲中大叫:''米娅!我們要去他的別墅!那裡有一個盛大的派對!''<</ele>>
<<mia>>米娅 興奮得心跳加速。她高舉雙手,臉上洋溢著大大的笑容。''太棒了,我們走吧!''她喊道,大家都衝向出口,準備繼續今晚的活動。<</mia>>
<<button[[別墅派對|Party on the villa]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>The next thing Mia remembered was stumbling into a massive villa packed with people, music thumping louder than before. But what really caught their attention was a guy named Danny, who had a raccoon on his shoulder snorting coke off an iPad. Shit was crazy.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia and Elain stopped dead in their tracks, eyes wide with disbelief. They exchanged a look, bursting into laughter. ''What the hell?'' Mia muttered. They both knew right then and there—this was going to be the wildest night of the summer.<</mia>>
<<ele>>About half an hour of non-stop dancing later, they realized the buzz from the alcohol was starting to fade. Elain nudged Mia, her expression serious. ''This isn’t gonna cut it,'' she said.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded in agreement. ''Yeah, we need to kick this up a notch.''<</mia>>
<<st>>They disappeared into a back room and came back a few minutes later, feeling a whole new wave of energy surge through them. Everything seemed brighter, louder, more intense.<</st>>
<<st>>That’s when they spotted him—one of the hottest guys either of them had ever seen, with a smile that could make them get wet on the spot. Without even thinking, they both locked eyes on him.<</st>>
<<mia>>''He’s mine,'' Mia said, giving Elain a playful shove.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Like hell he is!'' Elain shot back, pushing her right back.<</ele>>
<<st>>And then that playful battle turned into something different.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/dlc_one_time/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<button[[Next Morning|Next Morning]]>><</button>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Следующее, что запомнила Миа, - это то, как она ввалилась в огромную виллу, заполненную людьми, музыка играла громче, чем раньше. Но их внимание привлек парень по имени Дэнни, у которого на плече сидел енот, пока он нюхал кокаин со своего айпада. Это было безумие.<</st>>
<<mia>>Миа и Элейн остановились на месте, широко раскрыв глаза от недоверия. Они обменялись взглядами и разразились хохотом. ''Что за хрень?'' пробормотала Миа. Они обе сразу поняли, что это будет самая дикая ночь за все лето.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Спустя примерно полчаса безостановочных танцев они поняли, что кайф от алкоголя начинает улетучиваться. Элейн подтолкнула Мию, выражение ее лица стало серьезным. ''Так дело не пойдет'', - сказала она.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Миа кивнула в знак согласия. ''Да, нам нужно выпить снова''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Они отошли к бару и вернулись через несколько минут, чувствуя, как их захлестывает новая волна энергии. Все вокруг казалось ярче, громче, интенсивнее.<</st>>
<<st>>И тут они заметили его - одного из самых сексуальных парней, которых они когда-либо видели, с улыбкой, которая могла заставить их намокнуть на месте. Даже не задумываясь, они обе уставились на него.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Он мой'', - сказала Миа, игриво толкнув Элейн.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Черта с два!'' в ответ Элайна толкнула ее.<</ele>>
<<st>>И тут эта игривая борьба переросла в нечто иное.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/dlc_one_time/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<button[[Следующее утро|Next Morning]]>><</button>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>The next thing Mia remembered was stumbling into a massive villa packed with people, music thumping louder than before. But what really caught their attention was a guy named Danny, who had a raccoon on his shoulder snorting coke off an iPad. Shit was crazy.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia and Elain stopped dead in their tracks, eyes wide with disbelief. They exchanged a look, bursting into laughter. ''What the hell?'' Mia muttered. They both knew right then and there—this was going to be the wildest night of the summer.<</mia>>
<<ele>>About half an hour of non-stop dancing later, they realized the buzz from the alcohol was starting to fade. Elain nudged Mia, her expression serious. ''This isn’t gonna cut it,'' she said.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia nodded in agreement. ''Yeah, we need to kick this up a notch.''<</mia>>
<<st>>They disappeared into a back room and came back a few minutes later, feeling a whole new wave of energy surge through them. Everything seemed brighter, louder, more intense.<</st>>
<<st>>That’s when they spotted him—one of the hottest guys either of them had ever seen, with a smile that could make them get wet on the spot. Without even thinking, they both locked eyes on him.<</st>>
<<mia>>''He’s mine,'' Mia said, giving Elain a playful shove.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Like hell he is!'' Elain shot back, pushing her right back.<</ele>>
<<st>>And then that playful battle turned into something different.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/dlc_one_time/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<button[[Next Morning|Next Morning]]>><</button>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>La prochaine chose dont Mia se souvient, c'est d'être tombée dans une immense villa remplie de gens, la musique résonnant plus fort qu'avant. Mais ce qui a vraiment attiré leur attention, c'est un certain Danny, qui avait un raton laveur sur l'épaule et qui sniffait de la coke sur un iPad. C'était dingue.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia et Elain s'arrêtèrent net, les yeux écarquillés d'incrédulité. Ils échangent un regard et éclatent de rire. ''C'est quoi ce bordel ?'' marmonne Mia. Elles savaient toutes les deux qu'elles allaient passer la nuit la plus folle de l'été.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Environ une demi-heure de danse non-stop plus tard, elles réalisèrent que l'effet de l'alcool commençait à s'estomper. Elain poussa Mia du coude, l'air grave. ''Ça ne va pas suffire,'' dit-elle.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia acquiesce. ''Oui, il faut qu'on monte d'un cran.''<</mia>>
<<st>>Elles disparurent dans une arrière-salle et revinrent quelques minutes plus tard, sentant une nouvelle vague d'énergie les envahir. Tout semblait plus brillant, plus fort, plus intense.<</st>>
<<st>>C'est alors qu'ils l'ont repéré - l'un des hommes les plus sexy qu'ils aient jamais vus, avec un sourire qui aurait pu les faire mouiller sur place. Sans même réfléchir, elles le regardent toutes les deux.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Il est à moi,'' dit Mia en poussant Elain d'un air amusé.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Eh non !'' Elain réplique en la poussant à son tour.<</ele>>
<<st>>Et c'est alors que cette bataille enjouée se transforma en quelque chose de différent.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/dlc_one_time/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<button[[Le lendemain matin|Next Morning]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Lo siguiente que recuerda Mia es haber tropezado con un enorme chalet abarrotado de gente, con la música a todo volumen. Pero lo que realmente llamó su atención fue un tipo llamado Danny, que tenía un mapache en el hombro esnifando coca de un iPad. Era una locura.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia y Elain se pararon en seco, con los ojos abiertos de incredulidad. Intercambiaron una mirada y estallaron en carcajadas. ''¿Qué demonios?'' murmuró Mia. Ambas lo supieron en ese momento: iba a ser la noche más salvaje del verano.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Media hora después de bailar sin parar, se dieron cuenta de que el efecto del alcohol empezaba a desaparecer. Elain dio un codazo a Mia, con expresión seria. ''Esto no va a ser suficiente'', dijo.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia asintió con la cabeza. ''Sí, tenemos que darle un empujón a esto''.<</mia>>
<<st>>Desaparecieron en una habitación trasera y volvieron unos minutos más tarde, sintiendo una nueva oleada de energía. Todo parecía más brillante, más fuerte, más intenso.<</st>>
<<st>>Fue entonces cuando le vieron: uno de los tíos más guapos que habían visto nunca, con una sonrisa capaz de mojarlas en el acto. Sin siquiera pensarlo, ambas le clavaron los ojos.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Es mío'', dijo Mia, dando a Elain un empujón juguetón.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''¡Y una mierda!'' Elain respondió, devolviéndole el empujón.<</ele>>
<<st>>Y entonces esa batalla juguetona se convirtió en algo diferente.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/dlc_one_time/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<button[[Mañana siguiente|Next Morning]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>接下來,米娅 記得自己跌跌撞撞地走進了一棟大別墅,裡面擠滿了人,音樂聲比之前還大。但真正引起他們注意的是一個叫 Danny 的人,他肩上扛著一隻浣熊,正在用 iPad 吸食可卡因。真是瘋狂。<</st>>
<<mia>>米娅 和 伊莱恩 停住了腳步,瞪大了眼睛,一臉的不可置信。他們交換了一個眼神,突然大笑起來。''這到底是怎麼回事?''米娅 咕哝道。他們當時就知道,這將會是這個夏天最狂野的一晚。<</mia>>
<<ele>>大約半小時不停的跳舞之後,他們意識到酒精的嗡嗡聲開始減弱。伊莱恩 向 米娅 點了點頭,表情嚴肅。''這樣下去可不行。''她說。<</ele>>
<<mia>>米娅 點點頭表示同意。''是的,我們需要更上一層樓。''<</mia>>
<<mia>>''他是我的,''米娅 說,俏皮地推了 伊莱恩 一把。<</mia>>
<<ele>>''才不是呢!'' 伊莱恩 回擊,把她推了回去。<</ele>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/dlc_one_time/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<button[[下一個早晨|Next Morning]]>><</button>>
<</switch>><<set $mia.exp +=100>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<set $quests.quest_dlc_club=true>><<set $active_quests.q32=true>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>The next morning, Mia and Elain woke up sprawled across a king-sized bed in the villa, their heads pounding like a bad joke. Sunlight streamed through the curtains, way too bright for the way they were feeling.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia groaned, rubbing her temples as she glanced over at Elain, who looked equally wrecked. ''Do you remember anything?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain squinted, trying to piece together the night. ''A few things...like some guy fucking you right on the dance floor, hahha,'' she laughed, her voice hoarse.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia sighed, flopping back onto the pillow. ''Oh, shit, don't get me started on you trying to push me away and swallow someone's dick at the end of the night,'' she started laughing and immediately regretted it.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Can't believe I'm saying it, but… I guess we had too much fun last night. How about we go and just chill at the beach today? '' she added with a half-smile.<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Yeah, that sounds great.''<</mia>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>На следующее утро Миа и Элайна проснулись, растянувшись на двуспальной кровати на вилле, и их головы раскалывались. Сквозь занавески пробивался солнечный свет, слишком яркий для их состояния.<</st>>
<<mia>>Мия застонала, потирая виски, и посмотрела на Элайну, которая выглядела такой же разбитой. ''Ты что-нибудь помнишь?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Та прищурилась, пытаясь собрать воедино события ночи. ''Кое-что... например, как какой-то парень трахал тебя прямо на танцполе, ха-ха'', - засмеялась она и закашлялась.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Миа вздохнула, откидываясь на подушку. ''О, черт, даже не начинай, а то я начну рассказывать о том, что ты пыталась оттолкнуть меня и проглотить чей-то член в конце ночи,'' - она начала смеяться и тут же пожалела об этом.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Не могу поверить, что говорю это, но... наверное, мы слишком хорошо повеселились прошлой ночью. Как насчет того, чтобы пойти и просто расслабиться на пляже сегодня?'' - добавила она с полуулыбкой.<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Да, звучит здорово.''<</mia>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>The next morning, Mia and Elain woke up sprawled across a king-sized bed in the villa, their heads pounding like a bad joke. Sunlight streamed through the curtains, way too bright for the way they were feeling.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia groaned, rubbing her temples as she glanced over at Elain, who looked equally wrecked. ''Do you remember anything?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain squinted, trying to piece together the night. ''A few things...like some guy fucking you right on the dance floor, hahha,'' she laughed, her voice hoarse.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia sighed, flopping back onto the pillow. ''Oh, shit, don't get me started on you trying to push me away and swallow someone's dick at the end of the night,'' she started laughing and immediately regretted it.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Can't believe I'm saying it, but… I guess we had too much fun last night. How about we go and just chill at the beach today? '' she added with a half-smile.<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Yeah, that sounds great.''<</mia>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Le lendemain matin, Mia et Elain se réveillèrent étendus sur le grand lit de la villa, la tête battante comme pour une mauvaise blague. La lumière du soleil passait à travers les rideaux, bien trop vive pour l'état dans lequel ils se trouvaient.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia gémit, se frotta les tempes et jeta un coup d'œil à Elain, qui avait l'air tout aussi anéanti. ''Tu te souviens de quelque chose ?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain plissa les yeux, essayant de reconstituer la nuit. ''Quelques trucs... comme un type qui t'a baisée sur la piste de danse, hahha,'' dit-elle en riant, la voix rauque.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia soupira et s'effondra sur l'oreiller. ''Oh, merde, ne me parle pas de toi essayant de me repousser et d'avaler la bite de quelqu'un à la fin de la nuit,'' commença-t-elle à rire et le regretta immédiatement.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''Je n'arrive pas à croire que je dis ça, mais... je crois qu'on s'est trop amusés hier soir. Et si on allait se détendre à la plage aujourd'hui ?'' ajouta-t-elle avec un demi-sourire.<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Oui, ça m'a l'air bien.''<</mia>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>A la mañana siguiente, Mia y Elain se despertaron despatarradas en la cama de matrimonio de la villa, con la cabeza martilleándoles como si fuera una broma de mal gusto. La luz del sol entraba a raudales por las cortinas, demasiado brillante para cómo se sentían.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia gimió y se frotó las sienes mientras miraba a Elain, que parecía igual de destrozada. ''¿Recuerdas algo?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain entrecerró los ojos, tratando de reconstruir la noche. ''Unas cuantas cosas... como que un tío te follara en plena pista de baile, jajaja,'' rió, con la voz ronca.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia suspiró, dejándose caer sobre la almohada. ''Oh, mierda, no me hagas empezar con que intentaste apartarme y tragarte la polla de alguien al final de la noche,'' empezó a reír e inmediatamente se arrepintió.<</mia>>
<<ele>>''No puedo creer que lo esté diciendo, pero... supongo que nos divertimos demasiado anoche. ¿Qué tal si hoy vamos a relajarnos a la playa?'' añadió con una media sonrisa.<</ele>>
<<mia>>''Sí, suena genial.''<</mia>>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>第二天早上,米娅 和 伊莱恩 橫躺在別墅的特大床上醒來,他們的頭像開了一個壞笑話。陽光透過窗簾照射進來,對於他們的感覺來說太亮了。<</st>>
<<mia>>米娅 邊揉著太陽穴邊呻吟著,她瞥了一眼 伊莱恩,伊莱恩 看起來也是一團糟。''你還記得什麼嗎?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>伊莱恩 瞇起眼睛,試著拼湊出那晚的情景。''一些事情......比如有個傢伙在舞池裡直接上了你,哈哈,''她笑道,聲音沙啞。<</ele>>
<<mia>>米娅 嘆了口氣,翻身坐回枕頭上。''哦,該死,別讓我開始說你想推開我,在晚上結束時吞下別人的老二,''她開始大笑,立刻就後悔了。<</mia>>
<</switch>><<set $ibiza_beach_first=1>>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia and Elain were stretched out on beach chairs, sipping cocktails as they tried to recover from last night’s madness. The sun was hot, the drinks were strong, and they were finally starting to feel human again.<</st>>
<<st>>As they relaxed, they noticed a cute guy settling into the lounge chair next to them. He kept glancing their way, clearly checking them out but trying not to be too obvious about it.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia leaned over to Elain, smirking. ''Think he’s working up the courage to say something?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain snorted. ''Either that or he’s trying to figure out which one of us is more likely to take the bait.''<</ele>>
<<un>>Before they could speculate further, the guy finally got up and strolled over to them. ''Ibiza’s crazy, huh?'' he said with a grin, casually leaning on the back of Mia’s chair.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by the line but amused nonetheless. ''That’s one way to put it.''<</mia>>
<<un>>He chuckled, sensing the challenge. ''Well, if you’re looking for more crazy tonight, my friends and I are throwing a party on a yacht. You should come.''<</un>>
<<ele>>Elain looked him up and down, sizing him up. ''A yacht, huh? Sounds tempting. What’s the catch?''<</ele>>
<<un>>''No catch,'' he replied smoothly. ''Just a crazy party with a huge amount of alcohol. I'm Ryle, by the way.''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia exchanged a quick glance with Elain before turning back to him. ''Alright, Ryle. We might be up for that.''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain grinned, raising her glass. ''Hope you’ve got enough booze for us.''<</ele>>
<<st>>Ryle laughed, giving them the details before heading back to his spot. Hell yeah, this night just got the chance to become just as wild as the previous one.<</st>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Миа и Элейн растянулись в шезлонгах на пляже, потягивая коктейли и пытаясь прийти в себя после вчерашнего безумия. Солнце припекало, напитки были крепкими, и они наконец-то снова начали чувствовать себя людьми.<</st>>
<<st>>Расслабившись, они заметили симпатичного парня, устроившегося в шезлонге рядом с ними. Он то и дело поглядывал в их сторону, явно разглядывая их, но стараясь не показывать этого слишком явно.<</st>>
<<mia>>Мия наклонилась к Элейн и ухмыльнулась. ''Думаешь, он набирается смелости, чтобы что-то сказать?'' - фыркнула Элейн.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Элейн фыркнула. ''Или так, или он пытается понять, кто из нас скорее клюнет на приманку''.<</ele>>
<<un>>Прежде чем они успели высказать свои догадки, парень наконец встал и подошел к ним. ''Ибица - сумасшедшее место, да?'' - сказал он с ухмылкой, небрежно откинувшись на спинку шезлонга Мии.<</un>>
<<mia>>Мия подняла бровь, не впечатленная его подкатом, но, тем не менее, позабавленная. ''Можно и так сказать''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Он усмехнулся, почувствовав вызов. ''Ну, если вам хочется еще больше безумия, мы с друзьями устраиваем вечеринку на яхте. Вам стоит прийти''.<</un>>
<<ele>>Элейн оглядела его с ног до головы, оценивая. ''Яхта, да? Звучит заманчиво. В чем подвох?''<</ele>>
<<rail>>''Никакого подвоха'', - спокойно ответил он. ''Просто сумасшедшая вечеринка с огромным количеством алкоголя. Кстати, меня зовут Райл''.<<rail>>
<<mia>>Мия обменялась быстрым взглядом с Элайной, а затем снова повернулась к нему. ''Хорошо, Райл. Мы, пожалуй, не против''.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Элейн усмехнулась и подняла свой бокал. ''Надеюсь, у тебя хватит выпивки для нас''.<</ele>>
<<st>>Райл рассмеялся и рассказал им все подробности, после чего вернулся на свое место. Да, эта ночь имела все шансы стать такой же дикой, как и предыдущая.<</st>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia and Elain were stretched out on beach chairs, sipping cocktails as they tried to recover from last night’s madness. The sun was hot, the drinks were strong, and they were finally starting to feel human again.<</st>>
<<st>>As they relaxed, they noticed a cute guy settling into the lounge chair next to them. He kept glancing their way, clearly checking them out but trying not to be too obvious about it.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia leaned over to Elain, smirking. ''Think he’s working up the courage to say something?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain snorted. ''Either that or he’s trying to figure out which one of us is more likely to take the bait.''<</ele>>
<<un>>Before they could speculate further, the guy finally got up and strolled over to them. ''Ibiza’s crazy, huh?'' he said with a grin, casually leaning on the back of Mia’s chair.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by the line but amused nonetheless. ''That’s one way to put it.''<</mia>>
<<un>>He chuckled, sensing the challenge. ''Well, if you’re looking for more crazy tonight, my friends and I are throwing a party on a yacht. You should come.''<</un>>
<<ele>>Elain looked him up and down, sizing him up. ''A yacht, huh? Sounds tempting. What’s the catch?''<</ele>>
<<rail>>''No catch,'' he replied smoothly. ''Just a crazy party with a huge amount of alcohol. I'm Ryle, by the way.''<</rail>>
<<mia>>Mia exchanged a quick glance with Elain before turning back to him. ''Alright, Ryle. We might be up for that.''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain grinned, raising her glass. ''Hope you’ve got enough booze for us.''<</ele>>
<<st>>Ryle laughed, giving them the details before heading back to his spot. Hell yeah, this night just got the chance to become just as wild as the previous one.<</st>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Mia et Elain étaient allongés sur des chaises de plage, sirotant des cocktails en essayant de se remettre de la folie de la nuit dernière. Le soleil était chaud, les boissons étaient fortes et ils commençaient enfin à se sentir humains à nouveau.<</st>>
<<st>>Alors qu'elles se détendent, elles remarquent un beau garçon qui s'installe sur la chaise longue à côté d'elles. Il n'arrêtait pas de jeter des coups d'œil dans leur direction, les observant clairement mais essayant de ne pas trop le montrer.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia se penche vers Elain en souriant. ''Tu crois qu'il a le courage de dire quelque chose?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain ricane. ''Soit ça, soit il essaie de savoir laquelle d'entre nous est le plus susceptible de mordre à l'hameçon.''<</ele>>
<<un>>Avant qu'ils ne puissent spéculer davantage, le type se leva enfin et s'approcha d'eux. ''Ibiza est folle, hein?'' dit-il en souriant, s'appuyant nonchalamment sur le dossier de la chaise de Mia.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia hausse un sourcil, peu impressionnée par la phrase mais néanmoins amusée. ''C'est une façon de le dire.''<</mia>>
<<un>>Il glousse, sentant le défi. ''Si tu veux plus de folie ce soir, mes amis et moi organisons une fête sur un yacht. Tu devrais venir.''<</un>>
<<ele>>Elain le regarda de haut en bas, le jaugeant. ''Un yacht, hein? C'est tentant. C'est quoi le piège?''<</ele>>
<<rail>>''Pas de problème,'' a-t-il répondu en douceur. ''Juste une fête folle avec une grande quantité d'alcool. Je m'appelle Ryle, au fait.''<</rail>>
<<mia>>Mia échangea un rapide regard avec Elain avant de se tourner vers lui. ''D'accord, Ryle. On pourrait être d'accord pour ça.''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain sourit, levant son verre. ''J'espère que vous avez assez d'alcool pour nous.''<</ele>>
<<st>>Ryle rit, leur donnant les détails avant de retourner à sa place. Oui, cette nuit allait devenir aussi folle que la précédente.<</st>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mia y Elain estaban tumbadas en sillas de playa, tomando cócteles mientras intentaban recuperarse de la locura de la noche anterior. El sol calentaba, las bebidas eran fuertes y por fin empezaban a sentirse humanas de nuevo.<</st>>
<<st>>Mientras se relajaban, se fijaron en un chico guapo que se acomodaba en la tumbona de al lado. No dejaba de mirarlas, observándolas claramente pero intentando no ser demasiado obvio.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia se inclinó hacia Elain y sonrió. ''¿Crees que se está armando de valor para decir algo?''.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain resopló. ''O eso, o está intentando averiguar cuál de nosotras es más propensa a morder el anzuelo''.<</ele>>
<<un>>Antes de que pudieran seguir especulando, el tipo se levantó y se acercó a ellos. ''Ibiza está loca, ¿eh?'', dijo con una sonrisa, apoyándose despreocupadamente en el respaldo de la silla de Mia.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia enarcó una ceja, no impresionada por la frase, pero divertida al fin y al cabo. ''Es una forma de decirlo''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Se rió entre dientes, percibiendo el desafío. ''Bueno, si quieres más locura esta noche, mis amigos y yo vamos a dar una fiesta en un yate. Deberías venir''.<</un>>
<<ele>>Elain lo miró de arriba abajo, evaluándolo. ''Un yate, ¿eh? Suena tentador. ¿Cuál es el truco?''<</ele>>
<<rail>>''No hay truco,'' respondió con suavidad. ''Sólo una fiesta loca con una enorme cantidad de alcohol. Por cierto, soy Ryle''.<</rail>>
<<mia>>Mia intercambió una rápida mirada con Elain antes de volverse hacia él. ''De acuerdo, Ryle. Puede que nos apetezca''.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain sonrió, levantando su copa. ''Espero que tengas suficiente bebida para nosotros''.<</ele>>
<<st>>Ryle rió, dándoles los detalles antes de volver a su sitio. Claro que sí, esta noche tenía la oportunidad de ser tan salvaje como la anterior.<</st>>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>米娅 和 伊莱恩 躺在沙灘椅上,喝著雞尾酒,試圖從昨晚的瘋狂中恢復過來。太陽很熱,飲料很烈,他們終於又開始有了人類的感覺。<</st>>
<<mia>>米娅 向 伊莱恩 靠過來,笑著說。''你覺得他在鼓起勇氣說些什麼嗎?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>伊莱恩 輕哼了聲。''要不然就是他想知道我們中誰更有可能上鉤。''<</ele>>
<<mia>>米娅 挑了挑眉,雖然對這句話沒有印象,但還是覺得很有趣。''這是一種說法。''<</mia>>
<<ele>>伊莱恩 上下打量著他。''遊艇?聽起來很誘人。有什麼條件?''<</ele>>
<<rail>>''沒抓到,''他順利地回答。''只是一個瘋狂的派對,喝了很多酒。順便說一下,我是 瑞爾。''<</rail>>
<<mia>>米娅 與 伊莱恩 快速交換了一個眼神,然後再轉回頭看他。''好吧,瑞爾。我們也許可以。''<</mia>>
<<ele>>伊莱恩 咧嘴一笑,舉起酒杯。''希望你有足夠的酒給我們。''<</ele>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Evening had fallen, and Mia and Elain arrived at the yacht party in outfits that turned heads everywhere they went. As they approached the yacht, Elain let out a low whistle, her eyes widening at the sheer size and luxury of the boat.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Well, damn,'' Elain said, sarcasm dripping from her voice. ''Guess someone’s compensating for something.''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia chuckled, nodding in agreement. ''Hahahah, you might be right, but hey, we’re here for the party, right?''<</mia>>
<<st>>They both laughed and made their way up the gangplank.<</st>>
<<mia>>On the deck, the party was already in full swing. The music was blaring, and so many people were dancing like there was no tomorrow. Mia looked around, taking it all in, then leaned over to Elain. ''This might actually top that craziness at the villa.''<</mia>>
<<str_g>>Just as the words left her mouth, a girl nearby let out a loud, excited scream: ''Hey everyone! I am giving away free blowjobs, yaaaayyy!'' and threw up on the floor, causing both Mia and Elain to whip their heads around in shock. Their eyes nearly popped out of their sockets at whatever they had just witnessed.<</str_g>>
<<ele>>Elain burst out laughing, clutching her side. ''Yep, you’re right. This place is definitely going to outdo the villa party.''<</ele>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Наступил вечер, и Миа с Элейн прибыли на вечеринку на яхте в нарядах, которые привлекали внимание окружающих. Когда они подошли к яхте, Элейн издала тихий свист, а ее глаза расширились от огромных размеров и роскоши судна.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Вот черт'', - сказала Элейн, и в ее голосе прозвучал сарказм. ''Видимо, кто-то что-то компенсирует размером этой яхты''.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Миа хихикнула, кивнув в знак согласия. ''Хахахах, может, ты и права, но мы же здесь ради вечеринки, верно?''<</mia>>
<<st>>Они обе рассмеялись и поднялись по трапу.<</st>>
<<mia>>На палубе вечеринка была уже в самом разгаре. Звучала музыка, и многие люди танцевали так, будто завтра не наступит. Миа огляделась вокруг, принимая все это во внимание, а затем наклонилась к Элейн. ''Это может превзойти то безумие на вилле''.<</mia>>
<<str_g>>Как только слова слетели с ее губ, девушка неподалеку издала громкий, возбужденный крик: ''Эй, все! Я дарю каждому желающему бесплатный минет, юююххууу!'' и ее вырвало на пол, отчего Мия и Элен в шоке завертели головами. Их глаза едва не выскочили из орбит от того, чему они только что стали свидетелями.<</str_g>>
<<ele>>Элен разразилась хохотом, держась за бок. ''Да, ты права. Это место определенно превзойдет вечеринку на вилле''.<</ele>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Evening had fallen, and Mia and Elain arrived at the yacht party in outfits that turned heads everywhere they went. As they approached the yacht, Elain let out a low whistle, her eyes widening at the sheer size and luxury of the boat.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Well, damn,'' Elain said, sarcasm dripping from her voice. ''Guess someone’s compensating for something.''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia chuckled, nodding in agreement. ''Hahahah, you might be right, but hey, we’re here for the party, right?''<</mia>>
<<st>>They both laughed and made their way up the gangplank.<</st>>
<<mia>>On the deck, the party was already in full swing. The music was blaring, and so many people were dancing like there was no tomorrow. Mia looked around, taking it all in, then leaned over to Elain. ''This might actually top that craziness at the villa.''<</mia>>
<<str_g>>Just as the words left her mouth, a girl nearby let out a loud, excited scream: ''Hey everyone! I am giving away free blowjobs, yaaaayyy!'' and threw up on the floor, causing both Mia and Elain to whip their heads around in shock. Their eyes nearly popped out of their sockets at whatever they had just witnessed.<</str_g>>
<<ele>>Elain burst out laughing, clutching her side. ''Yep, you’re right. This place is definitely going to outdo the villa party.''<</ele>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Le soir était tombé, et Mia et Elain arrivèrent à la fête sur le yacht dans des tenues qui faisaient tourner les têtes partout où elles allaient. Alors qu'elles s'approchaient du yacht, Elain poussa un petit sifflement, ses yeux s'écarquillant devant la taille et le luxe de l'embarcation.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Eh bien, bon sang'', dit Elain, le sarcasme dégoulinant de sa voix. ''Je suppose que quelqu'un compense quelque chose.''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia s'esclaffe et acquiesce. ''Hahahah, c'est peut-être vrai, mais bon, on est là pour la fête, non?''<</mia>>
<<st>>Ils rirent tous les deux et remontèrent la passerelle.<</st>>
<<mia>>Sur le pont, la fête battait déjà son plein. La musique était à fond, et tant de gens dansaient comme s'il n'y avait pas de lendemain. Mia regarda autour d'elle, prenant tout en compte, puis se pencha vers Elain. ''Ça pourrait bien dépasser la folie de la villa.''<</mia>>
<<str_g>>Juste au moment où les mots sortaient de sa bouche, une fille à proximité a poussé un cri fort et excité : ''Hey tout le monde ! Je donne des pipes gratuites, yaaaayyy!'' et s'est jetée par terre, ce qui a fait tourner la tête de Mia et d'Elain en état de choc. Leurs yeux sont presque sortis de leurs orbites à cause de ce dont elles viennent d'être témoins.<</str_g>>
<<ele>>Elain éclata de rire, se serrant le côté. ''Oui, tu as raison. Cet endroit va certainement surpasser la fête de la villa.''<</ele>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Había anochecido, y Mia y Elain llegaron a la fiesta en el yate con atuendos que atraían las miradas allá por donde pasaban. Cuando se acercaron al yate, Elain silbó por lo bajo y sus ojos se abrieron de par en par ante el tamaño y el lujo de la embarcación.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Bueno, maldita sea'', dijo Elain, con sarcasmo en su voz. ''Supongo que alguien está compensando algo.''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia se rió, asintiendo con la cabeza. ''Jajajaja, puede que sea verdad, pero oye, estamos aquí por la fiesta, ¿no?''<</mia>>
<<st>>Ambos rieron y se encaminaron hacia la pasarela.<</st>>
<<mia>>En la cubierta, la fiesta ya estaba en pleno apogeo. La música sonaba a todo volumen y mucha gente bailaba como si no hubiera mañana. Mia miró a su alrededor y se inclinó hacia Elain. ''Esto podría superar la locura de la villa.''<</mia>>
<<str_g>>Justo cuando las palabras salían de su boca, una chica cercana soltó un grito fuerte y excitado: ''¡Eh, todo el mundo! Estoy regalando mamadas, ¡yaaaayyy!'' y vomitó en el suelo, haciendo que Mia y Elain se sobresaltaran. Casi se les salen los ojos de las órbitas ante lo que acababan de presenciar.<</str_g>>
<<ele>>Elain se echó a reír, agarrándose el costado. ''Sí, tienes razón. Este lugar definitivamente va a superar a la fiesta de la villa.''<</ele>>
<<button[[Continúe en|Yacht_2]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>夜幕低垂,米娅 和 伊莱恩 穿著到處引人注目的服裝來到遊艇派對。當她們走近遊艇時,伊莱恩 發出了低沉的口哨聲,她的眼睛睜得大大的,看著遊艇的大小和豪華程度。<</st>>
<<ele>>''嗯,該死,''伊莱恩 說道,聲音中滲出諷刺。''我猜有人在補償什麼。''<</ele>>
<<mia>>米娅 輕笑著,點點頭表示同意。''哈哈哈,你說的可能是真的,不過嘿,我們是來參加派對的,對吧?''<</mia>>
<<mia>>甲板上,派對已經如火如荼地進行著。音樂響起,很多人都在跳舞,好像沒有明天一樣。米娅 環顧四周,把一切都看在眼里,然後向 伊莱恩 靠過來。''這可能會超越別墅的瘋狂''<</mia>>
<<str_g>>就在她的話音落下時,附近的一個女孩發出了大聲而興奮的尖叫:''嘿,大家好!我在免費提供口交服務,耶耶耶!''然後從地上拋起來,讓 米娅 和 伊莱恩 都驚得把頭扭過來。她們的眼睛幾乎要從眼眶中蹦出來了。<</str_g>>
<<ele>>伊莱恩 緊抱著自己的身體,突然大笑起來。''沒錯,你說得對。這地方絕對會超越別墅的派對。''<</ele>>
<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>With that, Mia and Elain plunged into the crowd, ready to drink, dance, and lose themselves in the night.<</st>>
<<st>>The music was pounding, the bass so deep it felt like it was shaking the deck. Mia and Elain were immediately handed drinks, shots of something strong and fiery that burned in the best way.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia found herself on the dance floor. She danced with total abandon, feeling the heat of the crowd. At some point, she ended up dancing on a bar counter, surrounded by a couple of girls she’d just met. They were all moving to the beat, lost in the moment.<</st>>
<<st>>The crowd around them cheered, urging them on. Caught up in the wild energy, Mia and one of the girls locked eyes, a daring look passing between them. Without hesitation, they leaned in and kissed, the crowd erupting in louder cheers.<</st>>
<<st>>Elain, meanwhile, had made her way to the bar, where she challenged a group of guys to a drinking contest. Shot after shot, she downed them like a pro, the guys struggling to keep up.<</st>>
<<st>>When Mia finally got off the bar counter and found her, Elain was just finishing up a heated makeout session with some guy right in front of the bartender, her lipstick smudged and her grin wide.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Had your fun?'' Mia teased, raising an eyebrow.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain just smirked, wiping her lips. ''You know it. Now, let’s see what else this yacht has to offer.''<</ele>>
<<st>>They wandered off, exploring the yacht until they stumbled upon a small pool tucked away on the deck. Elain stared at it, her drunken mind trying to make sense of it.<</st>>
<<ele>>''What the hell, Mia? Who needs a pool on a yacht in the middle of the freakin’ sea?'' she slurred, waving her arms dramatically as she spoke.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Before Mia could even respond, Elain’s wild gesturing threw her off balance, and with a squeal, she tumbled right into the pool.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia burst out laughing, doubling over as she watched Elain flail in the water, too amused to do anything but laugh.<</st>>
<<un>>While Mia was still cracking up, a guy nearby saw what happened and quickly jumped into the pool, pulling Elain out with ease. ''You okay?'' he asked, clearly amused.<</un>>
<<ele>>Elain, dripping wet, just nodded, then finally looked at the guy who saved her and blurted ''Wow, you're hot as hell.'' The guy chuckled and offered to take her to a cabin to dry off and find her some dry clothes.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia, still laughing, waved them off, knowing Elain was in good hands.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Well, I guess now I have to have fun on my own,'' Mia said with a grin, watching Elain disappear with the guy. She turned back to the dance floor, determined to keep the night going.<</mia>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>С этими словами они погрузились в толпу, готовые пить, танцевать и веселиться.<</st>>
<<st>>Музыка била ключом, басы были такими глубокими, что казалось, будто они сотрясают палубу. Миа и Элейн сразу же получили напитки - рюмки с чем-то крепким и огненным, обжигающим как нельзя лучше.<</st>>
<<st>>Мия оказалась на танцполе. Она танцевала с полной отдачей, чувствуя жар толпы. В какой-то момент она оказалась танцующей на барной стойке в окружении нескольких девушек, с которыми только что познакомилась. Все они двигались в такт, потерявшись в моменте.<</st>>
<<st>>Толпа вокруг них радостно кричала, подбадривая их. Подхваченные дикой энергией, Миа и одна из девушек встретились глазами, и между ними промелькнул какой-то огонек. Не раздумывая, они наклонились и поцеловались, а толпа разразилась еще более громкими криками.<</st>>
<<st>>Элейн тем временем направилась к бару, где вызвала группу парней на соревнование по выпивке. Она выпивала рюмку за рюмкой, как профессионал, а парни старались не отставать.<</st>>
<<st>>Когда Миа наконец спустилась с барной стойки и нашла ее, Элейн как раз заканчивала жаркий поцелуй с каким-то парнем прямо на глазах у бармена, ее помада была сильно размазана, но при этом она довольно улыбалась.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Повеселилась?'' подразнила Мия, приподняв бровь.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Элейн лишь ухмыльнулась, вытирая губы. ''Еще бы. А теперь давай посмотрим, что еще можно делать на этой яхте''.<</ele>>
<<st>>Они пошли исследовать яхту, пока не наткнулись на небольшой бассейн, расположенный на палубе. Элейн уставилась на него, ее пьяный разум пытался понять смысл происходящего.<</st>>
<<ele>>''Какого черта, Миа? Кому нужен бассейн на яхте посреди чертова моря?'' - пробормотала она, резко начав махать руками.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Мия не успела ответить, как дикие жесты Элейн вывели ее из равновесия, и она с визгом кувыркнулась прямо в бассейн.<</mia>>
<<st>>Мия разразилась хохотом, глядя, как Элейн барахтается в воде.<</st>>
<<un>>Пока Мия все еще смеялась, парень неподалеку увидел, что произошло, и быстро прыгнул в бассейн, с легкостью вытащив Элен. ''Ты в порядке?'' - спросил он, явно веселясь.<<un>>
<<ele>>Мокрая Элейн только кивнула, а потом наконец посмотрела на спасшего ее парня и сказала: ''Вау, да ты горяч''. Парень засмеялся и предложил отвести ее в каюту, чтобы обсохнуть и найти сухую одежду.<</ele>>
<<st>>Миа, все еще смеясь, махнула рукой, зная, что Элейн в надежных руках.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Что ж, похоже, теперь мне придется развлекаться самой'', - усмехнулась Мия, глядя, как Элен исчезает вместе с парнем. Она повернулась обратно к танцполу, решив продолжить вечер.<</mia>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>With that, Mia and Elain plunged into the crowd, ready to drink, dance, and lose themselves in the night.<</st>>
<<st>>The music was pounding, the bass so deep it felt like it was shaking the deck. Mia and Elain were immediately handed drinks, shots of something strong and fiery that burned in the best way.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia found herself on the dance floor. She danced with total abandon, feeling the heat of the crowd. At some point, she ended up dancing on a bar counter, surrounded by a couple of girls she’d just met. They were all moving to the beat, lost in the moment.<</st>>
<<st>>The crowd around them cheered, urging them on. Caught up in the wild energy, Mia and one of the girls locked eyes, a daring look passing between them. Without hesitation, they leaned in and kissed, the crowd erupting in louder cheers.<</st>>
<<st>>Elain, meanwhile, had made her way to the bar, where she challenged a group of guys to a drinking contest. Shot after shot, she downed them like a pro, the guys struggling to keep up.<</st>>
<<st>>When Mia finally got off the bar counter and found her, Elain was just finishing up a heated makeout session with some guy right in front of the bartender, her lipstick smudged and her grin wide.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Had your fun?'' Mia teased, raising an eyebrow.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain just smirked, wiping her lips. ''You know it. Now, let’s see what else this yacht has to offer.''<</ele>>
<<st>>They wandered off, exploring the yacht until they stumbled upon a small pool tucked away on the deck. Elain stared at it, her drunken mind trying to make sense of it.<</st>>
<<ele>>''What the hell, Mia? Who needs a pool on a yacht in the middle of the freakin’ sea?'' she slurred, waving her arms dramatically as she spoke.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Before Mia could even respond, Elain’s wild gesturing threw her off balance, and with a squeal, she tumbled right into the pool.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia burst out laughing, doubling over as she watched Elain flail in the water, too amused to do anything but laugh.<</st>>
<<un>>While Mia was still cracking up, a guy nearby saw what happened and quickly jumped into the pool, pulling Elain out with ease. ''You okay?'' he asked, clearly amused.<</un>>
<<ele>>Elain, dripping wet, just nodded, then finally looked at the guy who saved her and blurted ''Wow, you're hot as hell.'' The guy chuckled and offered to take her to a cabin to dry off and find her some dry clothes.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia, still laughing, waved them off, knowing Elain was in good hands.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Well, I guess now I have to have fun on my own,'' Mia said with a grin, watching Elain disappear with the guy. She turned back to the dance floor, determined to keep the night going.<</mia>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Sur ce, Mia et Elain ont plongé dans la foule, prêts à boire, à danser et à se perdre dans la nuit.<</st>>
<<st>>La musique battait la chamade, les basses étaient si profondes qu'on avait l'impression qu'elles faisaient trembler le pont. Mia et Elain reçurent immédiatement des boissons, des shots de quelque chose de fort et d'ardent qui brûlait de la meilleure façon qui soit.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia s'est retrouvée sur la piste de danse. Elle dansa avec un abandon total, sentant la chaleur de la foule. À un moment donné, elle s'est retrouvée à danser sur une table, entourée de quelques filles qu'elle venait de rencontrer. Elles bougeaient toutes au rythme de la musique, perdues dans l'instant.<</st>>
<<st>>La foule autour d'elles les encourageait, les poussant à continuer. Prises dans cette énergie sauvage, Mia et l'une des filles se sont regardées dans les yeux, un regard audacieux passant entre elles. Sans hésiter, elles se sont penchées et se sont embrassées, sous les applaudissements de la foule.<</st>>
<<st>>Elain, quant à elle, s'est dirigée vers le bar, où elle a défié un groupe de gars dans un concours de boisson. Elle avalait les verres les uns après les autres comme une pro, et les gars avaient du mal à suivre.<</st>>
<<st>>Lorsque Mia s'est finalement levée de table et l'a retrouvée, Elain était en train de terminer une séance d'embrassade avec un type juste devant le barman, son rouge à lèvres maculé et son sourire large.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Tu t'es bien amusée?'' Mia la taquine en haussant un sourcil.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain se contente de sourire en s'essuyant les lèvres. ''Tu le sais bien. Maintenant, voyons ce que ce yacht a d'autre à offrir.''<</ele>>
<<st>>Elles s'éloignèrent, explorant le yacht jusqu'à ce qu'elles tombent sur une petite piscine cachée sur le pont. Elain la regarda fixement, son esprit ivre essayant d'en comprendre le sens.<</st>>
<<ele>>''C'est quoi ce bordel, Mia? Qui a besoin d'une piscine sur un yacht au milieu de la mer?'' bredouilla-t-elle en agitant les bras de façon théâtrale.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Avant même que Mia ne puisse répondre, les gestes d'Elain la déséquilibrèrent et, avec un cri, elle tomba directement dans la piscine.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia éclata de rire, se dédoublant en regardant Elain s'agiter dans l'eau, trop amusée pour faire autre chose que rire.<</st>>
<<un>>Alors que Mia était encore en train de rire, un homme qui se trouvait à proximité a vu ce qui s'était passé et a rapidement sauté dans la piscine, tirant Elain hors de l'eau avec facilité. ''Tu vas bien?'' demanda-t-il, visiblement amusé.<</un>>
<<ele>>Elain, trempée, a hoché la tête, puis a finalement regardé le gars qui l'avait sauvée et s'est exclamée: ''Wow, tu es vraiment sexy.'' Le type a ri et lui a proposé de l'emmener dans une cabane pour qu'elle se sèche et qu'elle trouve des vêtements secs.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia, toujours en train de rire, leur fit signe de partir, sachant qu'Elain était entre de bonnes mains.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Eh bien, je suppose que je dois maintenant m'amuser toute seule,'' dit Mia avec un sourire, en regardant Elain disparaître avec le type. Elle retourna sur la piste de danse, bien décidée à poursuivre la soirée.<</mia>>
<<button[[Piste de danse|Yacht_3]]>><</button>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Así, Mia y Elain se sumergieron en la multitud, dispuestos a beber, bailar y perderse en la noche.<</st>>
<<st>>La música retumbaba, el bajo era tan profundo que parecía que hacía temblar la cubierta. A Mia y Elain les sirvieron enseguida bebidas, chupitos de algo fuerte y ardiente que quemaba de la mejor manera.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia se encontró en la pista de baile. Bailó con total abandono, sintiendo el calor de la multitud. En algún momento, acabó bailando sobre una mesa, rodeada de un par de chicas que acababa de conocer. Todas se movían al ritmo de la música, absortas en el momento.<</st>>
<<st>>La multitud que las rodeaba las vitoreaba, animándolas. Atrapadas por la energía desenfrenada, Mia y una de las chicas se miraron, cruzando una mirada atrevida. Sin dudarlo, se inclinaron hacia ella y se besaron, mientras el público estallaba en vítores.<</st>>
<<st>>Elain, mientras tanto, se había dirigido a la barra, donde desafió a un grupo de chicos a un concurso de beber. Trago tras trago, se los bebía como una profesional, mientras los chicos luchaban por seguirle el ritmo.<</st>>
<<st>>Cuando Mia por fin se levantó de la mesa y la encontró, Elain estaba terminando una acalorada sesión de besos con un tipo delante del camarero, con los labios pintados de carmín y una amplia sonrisa.<</st>>
<<mia>>''¿Te divertiste?'' se burló Mia, enarcando una ceja.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain se limitó a sonreír, limpiándose los labios. ''Ya lo sabes. Ahora vamos a ver qué más nos ofrece este yate.''<</ele>>
<<st>>Se alejaron explorando el yate hasta que se toparon con una pequeña piscina escondida en la cubierta. Elain se quedó mirándola, con la mente ebria tratando de encontrarle sentido.<</st>>
<<ele>>''¿Qué demonios, Mia? ¿Quién necesita una piscina en un yate en medio del maldito mar?'' balbuceó, agitando los brazos de forma dramática mientras hablaba.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Antes de que Mia pudiera siquiera responder, los gestos salvajes de Elain la desequilibraron y, con un chillido, cayó de bruces en la piscina.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia estalló en carcajadas, doblándose mientras observaba a Elain agitarse en el agua, demasiado divertida para hacer otra cosa que reír.<</st>>
<<un>>Mientras Mia seguía riéndose a carcajadas, un chico que estaba cerca vio lo ocurrido y se lanzó rápidamente a la piscina, sacando a Elain con facilidad. ''¿Estás bien?'' preguntó, claramente divertido.<</un>>
<<ele>>Elain, empapada, se limitó a asentir con la cabeza y, finalmente, miró al tipo que la había salvado y soltó: ''Vaya, estás buenísimo.'' El tipo se rió y se ofreció a llevarla a una cabaña para que se secara y le buscara ropa seca.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia, aún riendo, les hizo un gesto con la mano, sabiendo que Elain estaba en buenas manos.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Bueno, supongo que ahora tendré que divertirme sola,'' dijo Mia con una sonrisa, viendo cómo Elain desaparecía con el tipo. Volvió a la pista de baile, decidida a continuar la noche.<</mia>>
<<button[[Pista de baile|Yacht_3]]>><</button>>
<<case "CH">>
<<st>>就這樣,米婭 和 伊莱恩 投入人群,準備喝酒、跳舞,在夜色中迷失自我。<</st>>
<<st>>音樂轟隆作響,低音深沉得像是要震動甲板。米婭 和 伊莱恩 立即被遞上了飲料,都是強烈的烈酒,以最好的方式燃燒著。<</st>>
<<st>>米婭 發現自己在舞池裡。她盡情地跳著,感受著人群的熱情。不知什麼時候,她終於在一張桌子上跳起舞來,身邊圍著幾個她剛認識的女孩。她們都隨著節拍舞動,沉浸在那一刻。<</st>>
<<st>>周圍的人群歡呼雀躍,鼓勵她們繼續。陷入狂野的能量中,米婭 和其中一個女孩對視著,一種大膽的眼神在她們之間閃過。毫不猶豫地,她們傾身接吻,人群中爆發出更大的歡呼聲。<</st>>
<<st>>與此同時,伊莱恩 走到吧檯,挑戰一群人的喝酒比賽。她一杯酒接著一杯酒地喝下來,就像個高手一樣,那群人拚命地跟著她。<</st>>
<<st>>當 米婭 終於下了桌子找到她時,伊莱恩 正當著酒保的面,和某個男人激烈地親熱,她的口紅髒兮兮的,笑得很開心。<</st>>
<<mia>>''玩得開心嗎?'' 米婭 挑眉揶揄道。<</mia>>
<<ele>>伊莱恩 只是笑笑,擦擦嘴唇。''你知道的。現在,讓我們看看這艘遊艇還有什麼好玩的。''<</ele>>
<<st>>她們在遊艇上遊來遊去,直到偶然發現甲板上有個小水池。伊莱恩 盯著它看,醉醺醺的她試圖弄明白它的意思。<</st>>
<<st>>還沒等 米婭 回應,伊莱恩 狂野的手勢讓她失去平衡,尖叫聲中,她直接翻滾進泳池。<</st>>
<<st>>米婭 頓時笑得前仰後翻,眼睜睜看著 伊莱恩 在水中亂晃,除了笑之外什麼都做不了。<</st>>
<<un>>當 米婭 還在笑的時候,附近的一個人看到發生了什麼事,迅速跳進游泳池,輕鬆地把 伊莱恩 拉了出來。''你還好嗎?''他問道,顯然很開心。<</un>>
<<ele>>伊莱恩 渾身濕漉漉的,只是點了點頭,最後看著救她的那個人,突然說:''哇,你熱死了。''那人笑著說要帶她去小木屋擦乾,然後幫她找些乾衣服。<</ele>>
<<st>>米婭 還是笑著,揮手讓他們走了,她知道 伊莱恩 有個好幫手。<</st>>
<<mia>>''好吧,我猜現在我得自己找樂子了,''米婭 笑著說,看著 伊莱恩 和那個人一起消失。她轉身回到舞池,決心要讓今晚繼續下去。<</mia>>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>As she moved with the crowd, Mia noticed a group of guys surrounded by an almost ridiculous number of stunning women. What are they? Some Hollywood stars? she wondered, amused by the scene.<</st>>
<<st>>One of the guys, tall and ridiculously handsome, caught her eye and made his way over. As they started dancing, his hands slid confidently around her waist, pulling her closer, pressing her body against his. It left little to the imagination, and she could feel the tension building between them.<</st>>
<<st>>All the girls who had been trying to get his attention were now glaring at Mia, clearly annoyed that she’d stolen the spotlight.<</st>>
<<un>>The guy didn't seem to notice that. He leaned in close, his breath warm against her ear. ''Let’s get out of here. It’s much more... private in my cabin.''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia smirked, playing along. ''So soon? You don’t waste any time, do you?''<</mia>>
<<un>>He grinned, clearly intrigued by her playful attitude. ''You’re just too irresistible. I couldn’t help myself.''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia raised an eyebrow, a teasing smile tugging at her lips. ''Is that your best line?'' she teased, leaning in slightly. ''Or do you save the good ones for later?''<</mia>>
<<un>>He chuckled, shaking his head. ''Maybe I’ll come up with something better, but for now, how about we get out of here?''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia pretended to consider it for a moment, then nodded. ''Alright, lead the way,'' she said, her voice playful.<</mia>>
<<st>>They slipped away from the pulsating crowd, leaving the thumping music behind as they made their way to a quieter part of the yacht.<</st>>
<<un>>As the door closed behind them, he kept her close, his hand still resting on her waist. ''So,'' he said, a hint of curiosity in his voice, ''what do you think of my party?''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia glanced around, her eyes widening as she took in the luxurious surroundings. The sleek design, the plush furniture—it all screamed money. She looked back at him, a smirk playing on her lips. ''Wait... your party? This is your yacht?''<</mia>>
<<un>>He nodded, watching her reaction closely. ''Yeah, all mine.''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia let out a laugh, shaking her head in disbelief. ''You were already pretty damn hot, but that just kicked you up a few notches.''<</mia>>
<<un>>He grinned, clearly enjoying the banter. ''You’re not so bad yourself. So, what now? You still up for some fun, or did I scare you off?''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia stepped closer, her tone low and playful. ''Scare me off? Please. You just made things a whole lot more exciting.''<</mia>>
<<un>>He laughed softly, his fingers brushing her waist. ''You know, you’re making it really hard to stay cool, Mia.''<</un>>
<<mia>>She leaned in, her voice low and teasing. ''Who said I want you to stay cool?''<</mia>>
<<un>>His eyes darkened with desire as he pulled her closer. ''How about I show you what happens when I don’t?''<</un>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Продвигаясь среди толпы, Миа заметила группу парней, окруженных почти нелепым количеством сногсшибательных женщин. Кто они? Какие-то голливудские звезды? подумала она, забавляясь этой сценой.<</st>>
<<st>>Один из парней, высокий и до смешного красивый, поймал ее взгляд и подошел к ней. Когда они начали танцевать, его руки уверенно скользнули по ее талии, притянули ее ближе, прижимая ее тело к своему. Этот жест мало что оставлял для воображения, и она чувствовала, как между ними нарастает напряжение.<</st>>
<<st>>Все девушки, которые пытались привлечь его внимание, теперь смотрели на Мию, явно раздраженные тем, что она украла его внимание.<</st>>
<<un>>Парень, казалось, не замечал этого. Он наклонился к ней вплотную, его дыхание согрело ее ухо. ''Давай уйдем отсюда. В моей каюте гораздо более... уединенно''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Мия ухмыльнулась, подыгрывая ему. ''Так скоро?''<</mia>>
<<un>>Он усмехнулся, явно заинтригованный ее игривым отношением. ''Ты просто слишком неотразима. Я не могу удержаться''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Миа приподняла бровь, на ее губах заиграла дразнящая улыбка. ''Это твой лучший подкат?'' - поддразнила она, слегка наклонившись. ''Или ты приберегаешь удачные фразы на потом?''<</mia>>
<<un>>Он улыбнулся, покачав головой. ''Может, я придумаю что-нибудь получше, а пока, может, уйдем отсюда?''<</un>>
<<mia>>Миа притворилась, что раздумывает над этим, а потом кивнула. ''Хорошо, веди'', - сказала она, ее голос звучал игриво.<</mia>>
<<st>>Они выскользнули из пульсирующей толпы, оставив позади грохочущую музыку, и направились в более тихую часть яхты.<</st>>
<<un>>Когда за ними закрылась дверь, он прижал ее к себе, его рука по-прежнему лежала на ее талии. ''Итак, - сказал он с ноткой любопытства в голосе, - что ты думаешь о моей вечеринке?''<</un>>
<<mia>>Мия огляделась вокруг, ее глаза расширились, когда она оценила роскошную обстановку. Изящный дизайн, плюшевая мебель - все это кричало о деньгах. Она оглянулась на него, на ее губах играла ухмылка. ''Подожди... Твоя вечеринка? Это твоя яхта?''<</mia>>
<<un>>Он кивнул, внимательно наблюдая за ее реакцией. ''Да, все мое''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Миа рассмеялась, покачав головой в недоумении. ''Ты и так был чертовски сексуальным, но это только подняло тебя на несколько ступенек''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Он ухмыльнулся, явно наслаждаясь этим шутовством. ''Ты и сама не так уж плоха. Так что теперь? Ты все еще хочешь повеселиться или я тебя спугнул?''<</un>>
<<mia>>Миа подошла ближе, ее тон был низким и игривым. ''Спугнул? Да ладно. Ты только что сделал все намного интереснее''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Он тихонько засмеялся, его пальцы коснулись ее талии. ''Знаешь, с тобой очень трудно оставаться спокойным, Миа''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Она наклонилась к нему, ее голос был низким и дразнящим. ''Кто сказал, что я хочу, чтобы ты оставался спокойным?<</mia>>
<<un>>Его глаза потемнели от желания, когда он притянул ее ближе. ''Как насчет того, чтобы показать тебе, что происходит, когда я не держу себя в руках?''<</un>>
<<case "GE">>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>En se déplaçant dans la foule, Mia remarque un groupe d'hommes entourés d'un nombre presque ridicule de superbes femmes. ''Qu'est-ce que c'est ? Des stars hollywoodiennes ?'' se demanda-t-elle, amusée par la scène.<</st>>
<<st>>L'un des hommes, grand et ridiculement beau, attira son attention et s'approcha. Alors qu'ils commençaient à danser, ses mains se glissèrent avec assurance autour de sa taille, l'attirant plus près, pressant son corps contre le sien. Il ne laissait pas beaucoup de place à l'imagination et elle sentait la tension monter entre eux.<</st>>
<<st>>Toutes les filles qui avaient essayé d'attirer son attention regardaient maintenant Mia, manifestement agacées qu'elle ait volé la vedette.<</st>>
<<un>>Le type ne semblait pas s'en apercevoir. Il se pencha tout près d'elle, son souffle chaud contre son oreille. ''Sortons d'ici. C'est beaucoup plus... privé dans ma cabine.''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia sourit, jouant le jeu. ''Si vite ? Tu ne perds pas de temps, n'est-ce pas ?''<</mia>>
<<un>>Il sourit, visiblement intrigué par son attitude enjouée. ''Tu es trop irrésistible. Je n'ai pas pu m'en empêcher.''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia haussa un sourcil, un sourire taquin se dessinant sur ses lèvres. ''C'est ta meilleure réplique ?'' dit-elle en se penchant légèrement. ''Ou tu gardes les bonnes pour plus tard ?''<</mia>>
<<un>>Il s'esclaffe en secouant la tête. ''Je trouverai peut-être quelque chose de mieux, mais pour l'instant, si on sortait d'ici?''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia fit mine d'y réfléchir un instant, puis acquiesça. ''D'accord, ouvre la voie,'' dit-elle d'une voix enjouée.<</mia>>
<<st>>Ils s'éloignèrent de la foule en délire, laissant derrière eux la musique tonitruante pour se diriger vers une partie plus calme du yacht.<</st>>
<<un>>Alors que la porte se refermait derrière eux, il la garda près de lui, sa main toujours posée sur sa taille. ''Alors,'' dit-il avec une pointe de curiosité dans la voix, ''que penses-tu de ma fête ?''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia jeta un coup d'œil autour d'elle, ses yeux s'écarquillant à mesure qu'elle découvrait l'environnement luxueux. Le design épuré, le mobilier cossu, tout cela respirait l'argent. Elle lui rendit son regard, un sourire en coin se dessinant sur ses lèvres. ''Attends... ta fête ? C'est ton yacht ?''<</mia>>
<<un>>Il acquiesça, observant attentivement sa réaction. ''Oui, tout à moi.''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia laisse échapper un rire, secouant la tête en signe d'incrédulité. ''Tu étais déjà sacrément sexy, mais ça t'a fait monter de quelques crans.''<</mia>>
<<un>>Il sourit, appréciant visiblement la plaisanterie. ''Tu n'es pas mal non plus. Alors, qu'est-ce qu'on fait maintenant ? Tu es toujours partante pour t'amuser, ou je t'ai fait fuir ?''<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia s'approcha, le ton bas et enjoué. ''Me faire peur ? Je t'en prie. Tu viens de rendre les choses beaucoup plus excitantes.''<</mia>>
<<un>>Il rit doucement, ses doigts effleurant sa taille. ''Tu sais, c'est vraiment difficile de rester cool avec toi, Mia.''<</un>>
<<mia>>Elle s'est penchée, la voix basse et taquine. ''Qui a dit que je voulais que tu restes cool?''<</mia>>
<<un>>Ses yeux s'assombrissent de désir tandis qu'il la rapproche. ''Et si je te montrais ce qui se passe quand je ne le fais pas?''<</un>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mientras se movía entre la multitud, Mia se fijó en un grupo de chicos rodeados por un número casi ridículo de mujeres despampanantes. ¿Qué son? ¿Alguna estrella de Hollywood? se preguntó, divertida por la escena.<</st>>
<<st>>Uno de los chicos, alto y ridículamente guapo, le llamó la atención y se acercó. Cuando empezaron a bailar, sus manos se deslizaron con confianza alrededor de la cintura de ella, acercándola y apretando su cuerpo contra el de él. Dejaba poco a la imaginación, y ella podía sentir la tensión que crecía entre ellos.<</st>>
<<st>>Todas las chicas que habían estado intentando llamar su atención miraban ahora a Mia, claramente molestas por haberle robado el protagonismo.<</st>>
<<un>>El chico no pareció darse cuenta. Se inclinó hacia ella y su aliento le llegó al oído. ''Vámonos de aquí. Mi camarote es mucho más... privado''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia sonrió, siguiéndole el juego. ''¿Tan pronto? No pierdes el tiempo, ¿verdad?''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Él sonrió, claramente intrigado por su actitud juguetona. ''Eres demasiado irresistible. No he podido evitarlo''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia enarcó una ceja, con una sonrisa burlona en los labios. ''¿Esa es tu mejor frase?'', bromeó, inclinándose ligeramente. ''¿O te guardas las buenas para después?''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Él se rió, negando con la cabeza. ''Quizá se me ocurra algo mejor, pero por ahora, ¿qué tal si nos vamos de aquí?''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia fingió pensárselo un momento y luego asintió. ''Muy bien, adelante'', dijo, con voz juguetona.<</mia>>
<<st>>Se escabulleron de la multitud, dejando atrás la música atronadora mientras se dirigían a una zona más tranquila del yate.<</st>>
<<un>>Cuando la puerta se cerró tras ellos, él la mantuvo cerca, con la mano aún apoyada en su cintura. ''¿Qué te parece mi fiesta?'', dijo con un deje de curiosidad en la voz.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia miró a su alrededor y sus ojos se abrieron de par en par al contemplar el lujoso entorno. El elegante diseño, los lujosos muebles... todo gritaba dinero. Volvió a mirarlo, con una sonrisa en los labios. ''Espera... ¿tu fiesta? ¿Este es tu yate?''<</mia>>
<<un>>Él asintió, observando atentamente su reacción. ''Sí, todo mío''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia soltó una carcajada, sacudiendo la cabeza con incredulidad. ''Ya estabas muy bueno, pero esto te ha subido unos cuantos peldaños''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Él sonrió, claramente disfrutando de la broma. ''Tú tampoco estás nada mal. ¿Y ahora qué? ¿Sigues con ganas de divertirte o te he asustado?''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia se acercó, con un tono bajo y juguetón. ''¿Asustarme? No, por favor. Acabas de hacer las cosas mucho más emocionantes''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Él rió suavemente, sus dedos rozando su cintura. ''Sabes, estás haciendo que sea muy difícil mantener la calma, Mia''.<</un>>
<<mia>>Ella se inclinó, su voz baja y burlona. ''¿Quién ha dicho que quiero que estés tranquilo?''.<</mia>>
<<un>>Sus ojos se oscurecieron de deseo mientras la acercaba. ''¿Qué tal si te enseño lo que pasa cuando no lo hago?''.<</un>>
<<case "CH">>
<</switch>><<set $parents.mom.books=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $mom.relation>20>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $mom.relation+=1+$perks.heart>><<set $relation_gained=1+$perks.heart>><<flash `"Relationship + " + $relation_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>>[img[0.2.6/relationGif/1.gif]]<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<mia>>Mom, have you read anything good lately?<</mia>>
<<mom>>I’m into this mystery novel right now. Keeps me on the edge of my seat!<</mom>>
<<mia>>Sounds intense. I’ve been reading fantasy. Ever tried it?<</mia>>
<<mom>>I did once, but I got lost in all the dragons and magic.<</mom>>
<<mia>>laughs It takes practice. We should do a book swap.<</mia>>
<<st>>They sat together, recommending books to each other and discussing their favorite genres.<</st>>
<<case "RU">>
<<mia>> Мама, ты читала что-нибудь хорошее в последнее время? <</mia>.
<<мама>> Я сейчас подсела на один детективный роман. Как начну читать, сразу начинаю нервничать! <</mom>.
<<mia>> Звучит прикольно. Я читаю фэнтези. Пробовала когда-нибудь? <</mia>.
<<Однажды пробовала, все эти драконы и магия не для меня. <</mom>.
<<Смеется. Нужна попробовать снова. Давайте обменяемся книгами. <</mia>.
<<st>> Они долго просидели вместе, рекомендуя друг другу книги и обсуждая любимые жанры.<</st>>
<<case "GE">>
<<mia>>Mom, have you read anything good lately?<</mia>>
<<mom>>I’m into this mystery novel right now. Keeps me on the edge of my seat!<</mom>>
<<mia>>Sounds intense. I’ve been reading fantasy. Ever tried it?<</mia>>
<<mom>>I did once, but I got lost in all the dragons and magic.<</mom>>
<<mia>>laughs It takes practice. We should do a book swap.<</mia>>
<<st>>They sat together, recommending books to each other and discussing their favorite genres.<</st>>
<<case "FR">>
<<mia>>Maman, as-tu lu quelque chose de bien ces derniers temps ? <</mia>>
<<mom>>Je suis en train de lire un roman policier. Il me tient en haleine ! <</mom>>
<<mia>>Ça a l'air intense. J'ai lu des romans fantastiques. Tu as déjà essayé ? <</mia>>
<<mom>>J'ai essayé une fois, mais je me suis perdue dans tous les dragons et la magie.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Rire. Il faut de l'entraînement. On devrait faire un échange de livres.<</mia>>
<<st>>Ils se sont assis ensemble, se recommandant mutuellement des livres et discutant de leurs genres préférés.<</st>
<<case "ES">>
<<mia>> Mamá, ¿has leído algo bueno últimamente? <</mia>>
<<mom>> Ahora mismo estoy metida en una novela de misterio. ¡Me mantiene al borde de mi asiento! <</mia>>
<<mia>> Suena intenso. He estado leyendo fantasía. ¿Lo has probado alguna vez? <</mia>>
<<mom>> Lo hice una vez, pero me perdí entre tantos dragones y magia. <</mia>>
<<mia>> Risas Hace falta práctica. Deberíamos hacer un intercambio de libros. <</mia>>
<<st>> Se sentaron juntas, recomendándose libros y hablando de sus géneros favoritos. <</st>>
<<case "CH">>
<<mom>> 我试过一次,但我被那些龙和魔法迷住了。<</mom>>
<<mia>>笑 这需要练习。我们应该换换书。<</mia>>
<<st>> 她们坐在一起,互相推荐书,讨论自己喜欢的类型。<</st>>
<</switch>><</if>><<set $parents.mom.cooking=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $mom.relation>20>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $mom.relation+=1+$perks.heart>><<set $relation_gained=1+$perks.heart>><<flash `"Relationship + " + $relation_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>>[img[0.2.6/relationGif/1.gif]]<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<mia>>Mom, what’s the secret to your famous lasagna?<</mia>>
<<mom>>If I tell you, it won’t be a secret anymore!<</mom>>
<<mia>>grinning Come on, just one hint.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Alright, a tiny hint: it's all in the sauce. Lots of love and a little wine.<</mom>>
<<mia>>I knew it! Can we make it together sometime?<</mia>>
<<mom>>Absolutely, I'd love that.<</mom>>
<<st>>They continued talking about their favorite recipes and planning their next cooking session together.<</st>>
<<case "RU">>
<<mia>> Мама, в чем секрет твоей знаменитой лазаньи?
<<Если я тебе расскажу, это уже не будет секретом!
<<mia>> усмехается Да ладно тебе, хотя бы намекни. <</mia>>
<<Хорошо, маленькая подсказка: все дело в соусе. Много любви и немного вина. <</mom>.
<<mia>> Я так и знала! Может, как-нибудь приготовим его вместе? <</mia>.
<<Конечно, с удовольствием. <</mom>>
<<Они продолжали обсуждать свои любимые рецепты и планировать когда вместе приготовят ужин.<</st>
<<case "GE">>
<<mia>>Mom, what’s the secret to your famous lasagna?<</mia>>
<<mom>>If I tell you, it won’t be a secret anymore!<</mom>>
<<mia>>grinning Come on, just one hint.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Alright, a tiny hint: it's all in the sauce. Lots of love and a little wine.<</mom>>
<<mia>>I knew it! Can we make it together sometime?<</mia>>
<<mom>>Absolutely, I'd love that.<</mom>>
<<st>>They continued talking about their favorite recipes and planning their next cooking session together.<</st>>
<<case "FR">>
<<mia>>Maman, quel est le secret de tes fameuses lasagnes ? <</mia>>
<<mom>>Si je te le dis, ce ne sera plus un secret!<</mom>>
<<mia>>Allez, juste un indice.<</mia>>
<<mom>>D'accord, un tout petit indice : tout est dans la sauce. Beaucoup d'amour et un peu de vin.
<<mia>>Je le savais ! Est-ce qu'on peut le faire ensemble un jour ? <</mia>>
<<mom>>Absolument, j'en serais ravie.<</mom>>
<<st>>Ils ont continué à parler de leurs recettes préférées et à planifier leur prochaine séance de cuisine ensemble.<</st>>
<<case "ES">>
<<mia>> Mamá, ¿cuál es el secreto de tu famosa lasaña?<</mia>>
<<mia>>¡Si te lo digo, dejará de ser un secreto!<</mia>>
<<mia>>Sonriendo Venga, sólo una pista.<</mia>>
<<Muy bien, una pequeña pista: todo está en la salsa. Mucho amor y un poco de vino.
<<Lo sabía. ¿Podemos hacerla juntos alguna vez?
<<mamá>>Claro que sí, me encantaría.<</mamá>>
<<st>>Continuaron hablando de sus recetas favoritas y planeando su próxima sesión de cocina juntas.<</st>>
<<case "CH">>
<<mia>>笑着 来吧,就给你一个提示。<</mia>>
<</switch>><</if>><<set $parents.mom.nature=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $mom.relation>20>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $mom.relation+=1+$perks.heart>><<set $relation_gained=1+$perks.heart>><<flash `"Relationship + " + $relation_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>>[img[0.2.6/relationGif/1.gif]]<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<mia>>Did you know that dolphins have names for each other?<</mia>>
<<mom>>Really? That’s fascinating. How do they do that?<</mom>>
<<mia>>They use unique whistles that function like names.<</mia>>
<<mom>>That’s amazing. Dolphins are so intelligent.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Yeah, but did you know that a lot of marine biologists hate dolphins?<</mia>>
<<mom>>Really? Why?<</mom>>
<<mia>>Apparently, they can be really aggressive and disruptive. They mess with research equipment and sometimes even harass other marine animals.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Wow, I had no idea. That’s a different side of dolphins you don’t usually hear about.<</mom>>
<<mia>>I know, right? Still, we should watch a documentary about them.<</mia>>
<<mom>>I’m in. Let’s make it a date.<</mom>>
<<st>>They spent the next hour sharing fascinating facts about animals and planning their next nature documentary night.<</st>>
<<case "RU">>
<<mia>>Мам, ты знала, что у дельфинов есть имена друг для друга? <</mia>>.
<<mom>>Правда? Я не знала. Но как это работает?<</mom>>.
<<mia>>Они используют уникальные свистки, которые работают как имена. <</mia>>
<<mom>>Вот это да. Дельфины такие умные.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Да, но кстати, что многие морские биологи ненавидят дельфинов? <</mia>.
<<mom>>Правда? А почему?<</mom>>
<<mia>>Они могут быть очень агрессивными и мешать работе. Они портят исследовательское оборудование, а иногда даже притесняют других морских животных.<</mia>.
<<mom>>Вау, я и понятия не имела. Это совсем другая сторона поведения дельфинов, интересно почему об этом так редко говорят.<</mom>.
<<mia>>Скажи? Может посмотрим документальный фильм о них?<</mia>.
<<mom>>Я за. Давайте только выберем время.<</mom>.
<<st>>Следующий час они провели, болтая обо всем и ни о чем и планируя в какой из вечеров посмотрят пару документалок о природе.<</st>>
<<case "GE">>
<<mia>>Did you know that dolphins have names for each other?<</mia>>
<<mom>>Really? That’s fascinating. How do they do that?<</mom>>
<<mia>>They use unique whistles that function like names.<</mia>>
<<mom>>That’s amazing. Dolphins are so intelligent.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Yeah, but did you know that a lot of marine biologists hate dolphins?<</mia>>
<<mom>>Really? Why?<</mom>>
<<mia>>Apparently, they can be really aggressive and disruptive. They mess with research equipment and sometimes even harass other marine animals.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Wow, I had no idea. That’s a different side of dolphins you don’t usually hear about.<</mom>>
<<mia>>I know, right? Still, we should watch a documentary about them.<</mia>>
<<mom>>I’m in. Let’s make it a date.<</mom>>
<<st>>They spent the next hour sharing fascinating facts about animals and planning their next nature documentary night.<</st>>
<<case "FR">>
<<mia>> Sais-tu que les dauphins ont des noms pour leurs congénères ? <</mia>>.
<<mom>>Vraiment ? C'est fascinant. Comment font-ils ? <</mom>>
<<mia>>Ils utilisent des sifflements uniques qui fonctionnent comme des noms.<</mia>
<<maman>>C'est incroyable. Les dauphins sont si intelligents.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Oui, mais tu savais que beaucoup de biologistes marins détestent les dauphins ? <</mia>>.
<<mom>>Vraiment ? Pourquoi ?
<<mia>>Apparemment, ils peuvent être très agressifs et dérangeants. Ils endommagent le matériel de recherche et harcèlent parfois d'autres animaux marins.
<<mom>>Ouah, je n'en avais aucune idée. C'est un aspect différent des dauphins dont on n'entend généralement pas parler.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Je sais, hein ? On devrait quand même regarder un documentaire sur eux.<</mia>>
<<maman>>J'en suis. Prenons rendez-vous.<</mom>>
<<st>>Ils ont passé l'heure suivante à partager des faits fascinants sur les animaux et à planifier leur prochaine soirée documentaire sur la nature.<</st>>
<<case "ES">>
<<mia>>¿Sabías que los delfines se llaman entre sí? <</mia>>
<<mom>> ¿En serio? Eso es fascinante. Cómo lo hacen? <</mom>>
<<mia>> Utilizan silbidos únicos que funcionan como nombres. <</mia>>
<<mom>> Es asombroso. Los delfines son tan inteligentes. <</mia>>
<<mia>> Sí, pero ¿sabías que muchos biólogos marinos odian a los delfines? <</mia>>
<<mom>> ¿En serio? ¿Por qué? <</mia>>
<<mia>> Aparentemente, pueden ser muy agresivos y molestos. Se meten con los equipos de investigación y a veces incluso acosan a otros animales marinos.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Vaya, no tenía ni idea. Esa es una faceta diferente de los delfines de la que no se suele oír hablar. <</mom>>
<<mia>>Lo sé, ¿verdad? Aun así, deberíamos ver un documental sobre ellos.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Me apunto. Que sea una cita.<</mom>>
<<st>> Pasaron la siguiente hora compartiendo datos fascinantes sobre los animales y planeando su próxima noche de documentales sobre la naturaleza.<</st>>
<<case "CH">>
<<mom>>我同意 就这么定了<</mom>>
<</switch>><</if>><<set $parents.mom.gardening=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $mom.relation>20>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $mom.relation+=1+$perks.heart>><<set $relation_gained=1+$perks.heart>><<flash `"Relationship + " + $relation_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>>[img[0.2.6/relationGif/1.gif]]<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<mia>>Mom, I’ve been thinking about starting a small garden on the balcony. Do you think it’s a good idea?<</mia>>
<<mom>>Absolutely! Gardening can be so rewarding. What do you want to grow?<</mom>>
<<mia>>I was thinking of starting with some herbs and maybe a few flowers. Nothing too complicated.<</mia>>
<<mom>>That sounds perfect. Herbs are great because they’re useful, and flowers will brighten up the space.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Do you have any tips for a beginner?<</mia>>
<<mom>>Just make sure you choose plants that are suited to the amount of sunlight your balcony gets, and don’t overwater them.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Thanks, Mom. I’ll give it a try. Maybe we can garden together sometime.<</mia>>
<<mom>>I’d love that. It sounds like a wonderful project.<</mom>>
<<st>>They spent the next hour planning Mia’s balcony garden and sharing gardening tips and stories.<</st>>
<<case "RU">>
<<mia>>Мама, я тут подумала, что хочу разбить небольшой сад на балконе. Как ты думаешь, это хорошая идея?<</mia>>
<<mom>>Конечно! Садоводство это полезно. Решила что будешь выращивать?<</mom>>
<<mia>>Я думаю начать с каких-то легких трав и, возможно, парочки цветочков. Ничего слишком сложного.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Это неплохо. Травы - это еще и полезно, а цветы хоть немного украсят пространство.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Есть советы для начинающих?<</mia>>
<<mom>>Просто следи, чтобы растения получали достаточно солнечного света на балконе, и не поливай их чересчур.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Спасибо, мама. Я попробую. Может посадим что-то вместе?<</mia>>
<<mom>>Давай! Будет весело.<</mom>>
<<st>>Следующий час они провели, планируя балконный сад Мии.<</st>>
<<case "GE">>
<<mia>>Mom, I’ve been thinking about starting a small garden on the balcony. Do you think it’s a good idea?<</mia>>
<<mom>>Absolutely! Gardening can be so rewarding. What do you want to grow?<</mom>>
<<mia>>I was thinking of starting with some herbs and maybe a few flowers. Nothing too complicated.<</mia>>
<<mom>>That sounds perfect. Herbs are great because they’re useful, and flowers will brighten up the space.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Do you have any tips for a beginner?<</mia>>
<<mom>>Just make sure you choose plants that are suited to the amount of sunlight your balcony gets, and don’t overwater them.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Thanks, Mom. I’ll give it a try. Maybe we can garden together sometime.<</mia>>
<<mom>>I’d love that. It sounds like a wonderful project.<</mom>>
<<st>>They spent the next hour planning Mia’s balcony garden and sharing gardening tips and stories.<</st>>
<<case "FR">>
<<mia>>Maman, j'ai pensé à créer un petit jardin sur le balcon. Penses-tu que c'est une bonne idée ?<</mia>>
<<mom>> Absolument ! Le jardinage peut être très gratifiant. Que veux-tu cultiver ? <</mom>>
<<mia>>Je pensais commencer par des herbes aromatiques et peut-être quelques fleurs. Rien de bien compliqué.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Cela semble parfait. Les herbes, c'est bien parce qu'elles sont utiles, et les fleurs vont égayer l'espace.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Est-ce que tu as des conseils à donner à un débutant ?<</mia>>
<<mom>>Il faut juste veiller à choisir des plantes adaptées à l'ensoleillement de votre balcon et à ne pas trop les arroser.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Merci, maman. Je vais essayer. Nous pourrons peut-être jardiner ensemble un jour.<</mia>>
<<mom>>J'aimerais beaucoup. Ça a l'air d'être un projet merveilleux.<</mom>>
<<st>>Elles ont passé l'heure suivante à planifier le jardin de balcon de Mia et à échanger des conseils et des histoires de jardinage.<</st>>
<<case "ES">>
<<mia>>Mamá, he estado pensando en montar un pequeño huerto en el balcón. ¿Crees que es una buena idea?<</mia>>
<<mom>>¡Por supuesto! La jardinería puede ser muy gratificante. ¿Qué quieres cultivar?<</mom>>
<<mia>>Pensaba empezar con algunas hierbas y tal vez algunas flores. Nada demasiado complicado.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Me parece perfecto. Las hierbas son geniales porque son útiles, y las flores alegrarán el espacio.<</mom>>
<<mia>>¿Tienes algún consejo para los principiantes?<</mia>>
<<mom>>Sólo asegúrate de elegir plantas que se adapten a la cantidad de luz solar que recibe tu balcón, y no las riegues en exceso.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Gracias, mamá. Lo intentaré. Quizá podamos cultivar juntas alguna vez.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Me encantaría. Parece un proyecto maravilloso.<</mom>>
<<st>>Pasaron la hora siguiente planificando el huerto del balcón de Mia y compartiendo consejos e historias de jardinería.<</st>>
<<case "CH">>
<</switch>><</if>><<set $parents.mom.peeping=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $mom.cor>20>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $mom.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Mother Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>><<st>>Mia walked past her parents' room and noticed her mom was changing. She suddenly stopped and decided to watch her.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, she's a hot one,'' she thought to herself, surprised.<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|MotherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.mom.drinking_together=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $mom.cor>20>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $mom.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Mother Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>><<st>>Jenny and Mia went out for a drink.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Wow, her outfit kind of turns me on,'' Mia thought to herself while gossiping with her.<</mia>>
<<set $parents.mom.photos=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $mom.cor>20>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $mom.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Mother Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>><<st>>Mia came up with the idea to offer her mom a photoshoot.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Wow, she's sexy. I wish I could take some pictures of her without all these clothes.<</mia>>
<<set $parents.mom.unexpected_cooking=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $mom.cor>20>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $mom.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Mother Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>><<st>>Mia walks into the kitchen, where her mom makes coffee.<</st>>
<<mia>>She gives her a hug and thinks ''I wish I could grope those boobs instead of a simple hug.''<</mia>>
<<set $parents.mom.laundry=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $mom.cor>20>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $mom.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Mother Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>><<st>>Mia's mom was putting the laundry in the washing machine and Mia couldn't take her eyes off her juicy ass.<</st>>
<<mom>>Suddenly, Jenny noticed her ''Mia? Did you want something?''<</mom>>
<<mia>>''I was… I wanted to ask you where's my black shirt?'' she blurted.<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Mia, you just gave it to me to wash.'' Jenny said, confused.<</mom>>
<<mia>>''Oh right,'' Mia slapped her forehead ''Haha, sorry, I forgot. I'll go, then.''<</mia>>
<<set $parents.mom.shopping=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $mom.relation>60>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $mom.relation+=1+$perks.heart>><<set $mom.lust+=10>><<set $relation_gained=1+$perks.heart>><<flash `"Relationship + " + $relation_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Mother Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>>[img[0.2.6/relationGif/7.gif]]<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia is trying on a new dress in a fitting room. She notices how Jenny stares at her boobs through a gap in the fitting room door but pretends she didn't notice that.<</st>>
<<mia>> Mom, how does this dress look?<</mia>>
<<mom>>(caught) Oh! Mia, it looks stunning on you.<</mom>>
<<mia>>(grinning) Thanks, Mom.<</mia>>
<<mom>>(laughing) You really do look beautiful.<</mom>>
<<mia>>(smiling) Well, it's your good taste that rubbed off on me.<</mia>>
<<mom>>(teasing) Flattery will get you everywhere, young lady.<</mom>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Мия примеряет новое платье в примерочной. Она замечает, как Дженни разглядывает ее грудь через щель в двери примерочной, но делает вид, что не замечает этого.<</st>>
<<mia>>Мама, как тебе это платье?<</mia>>
<<mom>>О! Мия, тебе идет.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Спасибо, мам.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Ты такая красотка.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Ну, мне передалась твоя красота и твой хороший вкус.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Ахаха, а льстить ты умеешь, солнышко.<</mom>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia is trying on a new dress in a fitting room. She notices how Jenny stares at her boobs through a gap in the fitting room door but pretends she didn't notice that.<</st>>
<<mia>> Mom, how does this dress look?<</mia>>
<<mom>>(caught) Oh! Mia, it looks stunning on you.<</mom>>
<<mia>>(grinning) Thanks, Mom.<</mia>>
<<mom>>(laughing) You really do look beautiful.<</mom>>
<<mia>>(smiling) Well, it's your good taste that rubbed off on me.<</mia>>
<<mom>>(teasing) Flattery will get you everywhere, young lady.<</mom>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Mia essaie une nouvelle robe dans une cabine d'essayage. Elle remarque que Jenny fixe ses seins à travers un interstice de la porte de la cabine d'essayage mais fait semblant de ne pas l'avoir remarqué.<</st>>
<<mia>>Maman, à quoi ressemble cette robe ?<</mia>>
<<mom>>(surprise) Oh ! Mia, elle te va à ravir.<</mom>>
<<mia>>(souriant) Merci, maman.<</mia>>
<<mom>>(riant) Tu es vraiment magnifique.<</mom>>
<<mia>>(souriant) Eh bien, c'est ton bon goût qui a déteint sur moi.<</mia>>
<<mom>>(taquine) La flatterie te mènera partout, jeune fille.<</mom>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mia se prueba un vestido nuevo en un probador. Se da cuenta de cómo Jenny le mira las tetas a través de un hueco en la puerta del probador, pero finge que no se ha dado cuenta.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mamá, ¿qué tal te queda este vestido?<</mia>>
<<mom>>(atrapada) ¡Oh! Mia, te queda impresionante.<</mom>>
<<mia>>(sonriendo) Gracias, mamá.<</mia>>
<<mom>>(riendo) Realmente estás preciosa.<</mom>>
<<mia>>(sonriendo) Bueno, es tu buen gusto el que se me ha pegado a mí.<</mia>>
<<mom>>(bromeando) La adulación te llevará a todas partes, jovencita.<</mom>>
<<case "CH">>
<</switch>><</if>><<set $parents.mom.gardening_2=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $mom.relation>60>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $mom.relation+=1+$perks.heart>><<set $mom.lust+=10>><<set $relation_gained=1+$perks.heart>><<flash `"Relationship + " + $relation_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Mother Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>>[img[0.2.6/relationGif/6.gif]]<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia and her mom are gardening in the backyard.<</st>>
<<mom>>Mia, those shorts are getting shorter every year!<</mom>>
<<st>>For some reason, she kept noticing Mia’s short shorts and tanned legs, thinking about how hot Mia looked.<</st>>
<<mia>>(laughing) Oh, come on, Mom. It's hot out here. Plus, I need to work on my tan.<</mia>>
<<mom>>(smiling) Well, you've definitely succeeded. Just don't forget the sunscreen.<</mom>>
<<st>>Is it okay to notice how hot your daughter is, she thought.<</st>>
<<mia>>(grinning) Don't worry, Mom. I've got it covered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>(laughing) Good. You're doing great with these flowers, by the way.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Thanks! Gardening with you is actually pretty relaxing.<</mia>>
<<mom>>I'm glad you think so. It's one of my favorite ways to unwind.<</mom>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Мия и ее мама занимаются садом на заднем дворе<</st>>
<<mom>>Мия, эти шорты с каждым годом становятся все короче!<</mom>>
<<st>>По какой-то причине она все время замечала короткие шорты и загорелые ноги дочери, думая о том, как сексуально Мия выглядит.<</st>>
<<mia>>(смеется) Да ладно, мам. Здесь жарко. И я хочу загореть этим летом.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Что ж, у тебя определенно получилось. Только не забудь про солнцезащитный крем.<</mom>>
<<st>>Это вообще нормально - замечать, какая у тебя сексуальная дочь, подумала она. <</st>>
<<mia>>Не волнуйся, мама. Я все предусмотрела.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Хорошо. Кстати, ты отлично справляешься с этими цветами.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Спасибо! Не думала что это так расслабляет.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Я рада, что тебе понравилось. Это помогает отвлечься.<</mom>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia and her mom are gardening in the backyard.<</st>>
<<mom>>Mia, those shorts are getting shorter every year!<</mom>>
<<st>>For some reason, she kept noticing Mia’s short shorts and tanned legs, thinking about how hot Mia looked.<</st>>
<<mia>>(laughing) Oh, come on, Mom. It's hot out here. Plus, I need to work on my tan.<</mia>>
<<mom>>(smiling) Well, you've definitely succeeded. Just don't forget the sunscreen.<</mom>>
<<st>>Is it okay to notice how hot your daughter is, she thought.<</st>>
<<mia>>(grinning) Don't worry, Mom. I've got it covered.<</mia>>
<<mom>>(laughing) Good. You're doing great with these flowers, by the way.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Thanks! Gardening with you is actually pretty relaxing.<</mia>>
<<mom>>I'm glad you think so. It's one of my favorite ways to unwind.<</mom>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Mia et sa maman jardinent dans le jardin.<</st>>
<<mom>>Mia, ce short devient de plus en plus court chaque année!<</mom>>
<<st>>Pour une raison ou une autre, elle n'arrêtait pas de remarquer le short de Mia et ses jambes bronzées, pensant à la beauté de Mia.<</st>>
<<mia>>(riant) Oh, allez, maman. Il fait chaud ici. En plus, j'ai besoin de travailler mon bronzage.<</mia>>
<<mom>>(souriant) Eh bien, tu as réussi. N'oublie pas la crème solaire.<</mom>>
<<st>>Est-ce que c'est normal de remarquer à quel point ta fille a chaud, pensa-t-elle.<</st>>
<<mia>>(sourire) Ne t'inquiète pas, maman. Je m'en occupe.<</mia>>
<<mom>>(riant) Bien. Tu t'en sors très bien avec ces fleurs, d'ailleurs.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Merci ! Jardiner avec toi, c'est plutôt relaxant.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Je suis heureuse que tu le penses. C'est l'une de mes façons préférées de me détendre.<</mom>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mia y su madre están haciendo jardinería en el patio trasero.<</st>>
<<mom>>¡Mia, esos pantalones cortos cada año son más cortos!<</mom>>
<<st>>Por alguna razón, no dejaba de fijarse en los pantalones cortos y las piernas bronceadas de Mia, pensando en lo buena que estaba.<</st>>
<<mia>> (riendo) Oh, vamos, mamá. Aquí fuera hace calor. Además, tengo que mejorar mi bronceado.<</mia>>
<<mom>> (sonriendo) Bueno, definitivamente lo has conseguido. Eso sí, no te olvides del protector solar.<</mom>>
<<st>>¿Está bien notar el calor que tiene tu hija, pensó.<</st>>
<<mia>> (sonriendo) No te preocupes, mamá. Lo tengo cubierto.<</mia>>
<<mom>> (riendo) Bien. Por cierto, lo estás haciendo muy bien con estas flores.<</mom>>
<<mia>> ¡Gracias! La verdad es que trabajar en el jardín contigo es bastante relajante.<</mia>>
<<mom>> Me alegro de que pienses eso. Es una de mis formas favoritas de relajarme.<</mom>>
<<case "CH">>
<</switch>><</if>><<set $parents.mom.touch_tits=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $mom.cor>60>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $mom.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $mom.lust+=10>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Mother Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Mother Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>><<st>>Mia walked past her Mom and decided to touch her boobs.<</st>>
<<mia>>''I wanted to do it for a long time,'' Mia winked at her and continued walking, leaving Jenny completely shocked. <</mia>>
<<set $parents.mom.beauty=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $mom.relation>60>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $mom.relation+=1+$perks.heart>><<set $mom.lust+=10>><<set $relation_gained=1+$perks.heart>><<flash `"Relationship + " + $relation_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Mother Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>>[img[0.2.6/relationGif/9.gif]]<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Jenny and Mia are in the bathroom together. Jenny is applying a mask to Mia's hair. Soft music is playing in the background, and the pleasant smell of lavender fills the room.<</st>>
<<st>>Suddenly, Mia notices her mom’s gaze drifting to the deep neckline of her blouse, looking right at her boobs. She did it again and again.<</st>>
<<mom>> You know, Mia, I treasure these moments with you. It's like I'm rediscovering you every day.<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia smiled and looked at her mom’s reflection.<</st>>
<<mia>> I love them too, Mom. It’s nice to have this time together.<</mia>>
<<st>>Jenny carefully massaged the treatment into Mia's hair, staring at her boobs again.<</st>>
<<mom>>You're growing up so fast. I'm proud of how beautiful you are.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Thanks, Mom. You're really hot too. <</mia>>
<<st>>As Jenny kept applying a mask on Mia's hair, she thought that, for some reason, she liked the fact that her mom was staring at her body like that. <</st>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Дженни и Мия сидят в ванной. Дженни наносит маску на волосы Мии. На заднем плане играет тихая музыка, а комнату наполняет приятный запах лаванды.<</st>>
<<st>>Внезапно Мия замечает, что взгляд мамы скользит по глубокому вырезу блузки и смотрит прямо на ее грудь. Ее взгляд все время возвращался туда.<</st>>
<<mom>>Знаешь, Миа, я очень дорожу этими моментами с тобой. Я словно открываю в тебе что-то новое каждый день.<</mom>>
<<st>>Мия улыбнулась и посмотрела на мамино отражение.<</st>>
<<mia>>Я тоже люблю этит моменты, мам. Приятно проводить с тобой время.<</mia>>
<<st>>Дженни осторожно втирала средство в волосы Мии, снова и снова пялясь на ее грудь.<</st>>
<<mom>>Ты так быстро выросла. Я горжусь тем, какая ты красивая.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Спасибо, мам. Ты тоже та еще штучка. <</mia>>
<<st>>Пока Дженни продолжала наносить маску на волосы Мии, та подумала, что ей почему-то нравится, что мама так глазеет на ее тело.<</st>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Jenny and Mia are in the bathroom together. Jenny is applying a mask to Mia's hair. Soft music is playing in the background, and the pleasant smell of lavender fills the room.<</st>>
<<st>>Suddenly, Mia notices her mom’s gaze drifting to the deep neckline of her blouse, looking right at her boobs. She did it again and again.<</st>>
<<mom>> You know, Mia, I treasure these moments with you. It's like I'm rediscovering you every day.<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia smiled and looked at her mom’s reflection.<</st>>
<<mia>> I love them too, Mom. It’s nice to have this time together.<</mia>>
<<st>>Jenny carefully massaged the treatment into Mia's hair, staring at her boobs again.<</st>>
<<mom>>You're growing up so fast. I'm proud of how beautiful you are.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Thanks, Mom. You're really hot too. <</mia>>
<<st>>As Jenny kept applying a mask on Mia's hair, she thought that, for some reason, she liked the fact that her mom was staring at her body like that. <</st>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Jenny et Mia sont ensemble dans la salle de bain. Jenny applique un masque sur les cheveux de Mia. Une musique douce est diffusée en arrière-plan et une agréable odeur de lavande emplit la pièce.<</st>>
<<st>>Soudain, Mia remarque que le regard de sa mère dérive vers le décolleté profond de son chemisier, regardant directement ses seins. Elle l'a fait encore et encore.<</st>>
<<mom>>Tu sais, Mia, je chéris ces moments avec toi. C'est comme si je te redécouvrais chaque jour. <</mom>>
<<st>>Mia sourit et regarde le reflet de sa mère.<</st>>
<<mia>>Je les aime aussi, maman. C'est bien d'avoir ce temps ensemble.<</mia>>
<<st>>Jenny a soigneusement massé le traitement dans les cheveux de Mia, fixant à nouveau ses seins.<</st>>
<<mom>>Tu grandis si vite. Je suis fière de ta beauté. <</mom>>
<<mia>>Merci, maman. Tu es aussi très sexy. <</mia>>
<<st>>Tandis que Jenny continuait à appliquer un masque sur les cheveux de Mia, elle pensait que, pour une raison ou une autre, elle aimait le fait que sa mère regarde son corps comme ça. <</st>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Jenny y Mia están juntas en el baño. Jenny está aplicando una mascarilla en el pelo de Mia. Suena una música suave de fondo y el agradable olor a lavanda inunda la habitación.<</st>>
<<st>>De repente, Mia nota que la mirada de su madre se desvía hacia el profundo escote de su blusa, mirando directamente a sus tetas. Lo hizo una y otra vez.<</st>>
<<mom>>Sabes, Mia, atesoro estos momentos contigo. Es como si te redescubriera cada día.<</mom>>
<<st>>Mia sonrió y miró el reflejo de su madre.<</st>>
<<mia>>Yo también los quiero, mamá. Es bonito pasar este tiempo juntas.<</mia>>
<<st>>Jenny masajeó con cuidado el tratamiento en el pelo de Mia, mirándole las tetas de nuevo.Estás creciendo muy deprisa. <</st>>
<<mom>>Estoy orgullosa de lo guapa que estás.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Gracias, mamá. Tú también estás muy buena. <</mia>>
<<st>>Mientras Jenny seguía aplicando una mascarilla en el pelo de Mia, ésta pensó que, por alguna razón, le gustaba que su madre le mirara el cuerpo de aquella manera.<</st>>
<<case "CH">>
<<mom>>你长得真快。 你长得真快,我为你的美丽感到骄傲。<</mom>>
<</switch>><</if>><<set $parents.mom.watching=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $mom.relation>60>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $mom.relation+=1+$perks.heart>><<set $mom.lust+=10>><<set $relation_gained=1+$perks.heart>><<flash `"Relationship + " + $relation_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Mother Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>>[img[0.2.6/relationGif/8.webp]]<<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia and her mom are watching a movie together, and suddenly, there is a dirty scene on the screen, and Mia notices her mom's nipples hardened.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mom, have you seen this movie before?<</mia>>
<<mom>>No, but it looks interesting. I'm glad we're watching it together.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Me too. It's nice to watch it with you.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Absolutely. Now, pass the popcorn, and let's enjoy the show.<</mom>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Мия и ее мама вместе смотрели фильм, и вдруг началась сцена 18+, и Мия заметила, как затвердели мамины соски. <</st>>
<<mia>>Мам, ты уже видела этот фильм?<</mia>>
<<mom>>Нет, но он мне нравится. Рада, что мы смотрим его вместе.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Я тоже. Приятно проводить с тобой время.Конечно, солнышко. <</mia>>
<<mom>>А теперь передай попкорн, и давай наслаждаться шоу.<</mom>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>Mia and her mom are watching a movie together, and suddenly, there is a dirty scene on the screen, and Mia notices her mom's nipples hardened.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mom, have you seen this movie before?<</mia>>
<<mom>>No, but it looks interesting. I'm glad we're watching it together.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Me too. It's nice to watch it with you.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Absolutely. Now, pass the popcorn, and let's enjoy the show.<</mom>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Mia et sa mère regardent un film ensemble, et soudain, il y a une scène cochonne sur l'écran, et Mia remarque que les mamelons de sa mère durcissent.<</st>>
<<mia>>Maman, tu as déjà vu ce film ?<</mia>>
<<mom>>Non, mais il a l'air intéressant. Je suis contente qu'on le regarde ensemble.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Moi aussi. C'est sympa de le regarder avec toi.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Absolument. Maintenant, passez-moi le pop-corn, et profitons du spectacle.<</mom>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Mia y su madre están viendo una película juntas, y de repente, hay una escena guarra en la pantalla, y Mia nota que a su madre se le endurecen los pezones.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mamá, ¿has visto esta película antes?<</mia>>
<<mom>>No, pero parece interesante. Me alegro de que la veamos juntas.<</mom>>
<<mia>>Yo también. Es agradable verlo contigo. <</mia>>
<<mom>>Ahora, pásame las palomitas y disfrutemos del espectáculo.<</mom>>
<<case "CH">>
<</switch>><</if>><<set $parents.mom.slap=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $mom.cor>60>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $mom.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $mom.lust+=10>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Mother Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Mother Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>><<st>>Jenny was vacuuming the living room when Mia walked past her and slapped her ass.<</st>>
<<mia>>''You've got a nice ass, Mom!'' She smiled and continued walking.<</mia>>
<<set $parents.mom.photo_shoot=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $mom.cor>60>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $mom.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $mom.lust+=10>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Mother Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Mother Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>><<mia>>''Hey Mom, remember that photoshoot we made? Do you want to do another one, but this time in your underwear?'' Mia asked, already turned on by the idea of taking pictures of almost naked Jenny. <</mia>>
<<mom>>''Are you gonna be in your underwear too?'' she answered, and Mia could see the sparkles in her eyes at this idea.<</mom>>
<<set $parents.mom.bathroom=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $mom.cor>60>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $mom.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $mom.lust+=10>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Mother Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Mother Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>><<mia>>Mia heard that her mom was taking a shower. She walked into the bathroom and smiled ''I thought you wouldn't mind if someone sponged your back.''<</mia>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>><<set $mia.ac_c=0>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<set $parents.dad.music=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $dad.relation>20>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $dad.relation+=1+$perks.heart>><<set $relation_gained=1+$perks.heart>><<flash `"Relationship + " + $relation_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<mia>>Dad, have you ever tried listening to any modern music? Like Billie Eilish?<</mia>>
<<dad>>Billie who? Is that the one who sings about being a bad guy?<</dad>>
<<mia>>laughs. Yes, exactly! She’s pretty cool. You should give her a try.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Alright, I’ll add her to my playlist. But if I don’t like it, you owe me a classic rock session.<</dad>>
<<mia>>Deal! Just be open-minded, okay?<</mia>>
<<st>>They sat together for a while longer, chatting about their favorite songs and digging new tracks.<</st>>
<<button[[Leave|FatherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.dad.mp4ies=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $dad.relation>20>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $dad.relation+=1+$perks.heart>><<set $relation_gained=1+$perks.heart>><<flash `"Relationship + " + $relation_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<mia>>Have you seen the new Marvel movie yet?<</mia>>
<<dad>>The one with the guy in the suit saving the world? I’ve lost track.<</dad>>
<<mia>>giggles Pretty much. They’re always fun, though. We should watch it together.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Only if we can watch an old Western afterward.<</dad>>
<<mia>>You got it.<</mia>>
<<st>>They started watching the movie and discussing it, sharing their thoughts on the plot and characters.<</st>>
<<button[[Leave|FatherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.dad.science=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $dad.relation>20>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $dad.relation+=1+$perks.heart>><<set $relation_gained=1+$perks.heart>><<flash `"Relationship + " + $relation_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<mia>>Did you hear that scientists discovered a planet that might support life?<</mia>>
<<dad>>Really? What’s the story there?<</dad>>
<<mia>>They found signs of water and an atmosphere that could potentially support life.<</mia>>
<<dad>>That’s wild. Can you imagine if we could actually visit another planet?<</dad>>
<<mia>>Yeah, it would be amazing. The future could be full of possibilities.<</mia>>
<<st>>They spent the next half hour imagining life on other planets and the possibilities of space travel.<</st>>
<<button[[Leave|FatherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.dad.technology=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $dad.relation>20>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $dad.relation+=1+$perks.heart>><<set $relation_gained=1+$perks.heart>><<flash `"Relationship + " + $relation_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<mia>>Dad, have you seen those new virtual reality headsets? They’re supposed to be amazing.<</mia>>
<<dad>>I’ve heard about them. Aren’t they just for gamers?<</dad>>
<<mia>>Not anymore. They’re being used for all kinds of things now—education, training, even therapy.<</mia>>
<<dad>>Therapy? How does that work?<</dad>>
<<mia>>They create virtual environments where people can confront their fears or practice social skills. It’s pretty groundbreaking.<</mia>>
<<dad>>That sounds incredible. Technology has come a long way since I was your age.<</dad>>
<<mia>>Definitely. We should try it sometime. Maybe there’s a virtual world we can explore together.<</mia>>
<<st>>They continued discussing the latest technological advancements and how they could use them in their daily lives.<</st>>
<<button[[Leave|FatherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.dad.drunkenness=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $dad.cor>20>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $dad.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Father Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>><<st>>Mia went out for a drink with her dad. <</st>>
<<st>>As they got drunk, she noticed him checking out girls around them.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Shit, I want him to look at me like that too,'' she thought to herself, not sure what to feel about it. <</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|FatherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.dad.daddy_opinion=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $dad.cor>20>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $dad.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Father Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>><<st>>Mia walked into the living room and stood in from of Richard in one of her revealing outfits.<</st>>
<<st>>He looked at her and coughed in surprise. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Dad, I'm going to a party. Do you think this outfit looks sexy?'' she asked, secretly pleased at his reaction. <</mia>>
<<dad>>''Looks really sexy, Mia,'' he commented, not able to take his eyes off.<</dad>>
<<button[[Leave|FatherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.dad.help_request=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $dad.cor>20>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $dad.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Father Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>><<st>>Mia was taking a shower and realized she forgot a towel.<</st>>
<<mia>>'''Daaaad? Can you bring me a towel?'' she yelled while putting soap on her body. <</mia>>'
<<st>>He walked into the bathroom and then realized he was looking at naked Mia. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Oops, sorry, I forgot to warn you that I was naked.''<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|FatherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.dad.joint_training=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $dad.cor>20>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $dad.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Father Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>><<mia>>''Hey, Dad, do you want to join me at the gym today?'' Mia offered Richard and was happy to hear he agreed.<</mia>>
<<st>>She noticed him staring at her body while she was working out. <</st>>
<<mia>>"Yeah, keep staring; that’s exactly why I brought you along," Mia thought, slyly smiling.<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|FatherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.dad.yoga=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $dad.relation>50>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $dad.relation+=1+$perks.heart>><<set $dad.lust+=10>><<set $relation_gained=1+$perks.heart>><<flash `"Relationship + " + $relation_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Father Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<st>>Mia is doing yoga in the living room, wearing super revealing shorts, and suddenly notices that her dad, Richard, is watching her.<</st>>
<<mia>>Dad, am I distracting you?<</mia>>
<<dad>>(smiling) Not at all, Mia. Keep going. I'm just admiring your hmmm… dedication.<</dad>>
<<mia>>(grinning) Alright, but don't get too comfortable. I might make you join next time!<</mia>>
<<dad>>(laughing) I'll keep that in mind.<</dad>>
<<button[[Leave|FatherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.dad.cooking=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $dad.relation>50>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $dad.relation+=1+$perks.heart>><<set $dad.lust+=10>><<set $relation_gained=1+$perks.heart>><<flash `"Relationship + " + $relation_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Father Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<st>>Mia and her dad are cooking dinner together.<</st>>
<<dad>>Mia, can you pass me the salt? It's on the lowest shelf on your left.<</dad>>
<<mia>>Sure thing, Dad!<</mia>>
<<st>>As Mia bent down for salt, she noticed Richard checking out her ass but pretended she didn't see it.<</st>>
<<dad>>Thanks! Cooking together is fun. Maybe we should do it more often.<</dad>>
<<mia>>(smiling) I couldn't agree more. It's nice spending time with you like this.<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|FatherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.dad.fixing=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $dad.relation>50>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $dad.relation+=1+$perks.heart>><<set $dad.lust+=10>><<set $relation_gained=1+$perks.heart>><<flash `"Relationship + " + $relation_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Father Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<st>>Mia and her dad are working on the car in the garage.<</st>>
<<mia>>(holding a wrench) Dad, is this the right tool?<</mia>>
<<dad>>(checking) Yep, that's the one. You're getting better at this.<</dad>>
<<st>>Richard was looking at her long legs in a mini skirt and thinking she had become a hot young lady.<</st>>
<<mia>>(proudly) Thanks! Maybe next time, I'll do it all by myself.<</mia>>
<<dad>>(teasing) Let's not get ahead of ourselves, but I like the confidence.<</dad>>
<<button[[Leave|FatherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.dad.evening=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $dad.relation>50>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $dad.relation+=1+$perks.heart>><<set $dad.lust+=10>><<set $relation_gained=1+$perks.heart>><<flash `"Relationship + " + $relation_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Father Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<st>>Mia and Richard were jogging in the park. They kept on running when a group of nearby children playing with a ball kicked it directly toward Mia. Then she paused, bent down to get it, and tossed it back to the children. <</st>>
<<st>>Richard caught sight of Mia's little shorts and couldn't help but stare at her ass as she bent over to retrieve a ball.
He continued to stare at that ass until Mia kicked the ball and realized he was staring at her. <</st>>
<<mia>>What? I didn’t kick the ball hard enough?<</mia>>
<<dad>>Hahah, no, you nailed it, honey. Just like I taught you. <</dad>>
<<mia>>Thanks, Dad. After all those football games we played, it’s nice to know I still have it. <</mia>>
<<dad>> You’re doing great, Mia. That kick was perfect—clearly, my coaching paid off.<</dad>>
<<mia>> Maybe next time, you should worry about keeping up with me instead.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia winked at him and kept jogging. <</st>>
<<button[[Leave|FatherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.dad.show=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $dad.cor>50>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $dad.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $dad.lust+=10>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Father Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Father Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>><<st>>Mia walked into the living room where her dad was watching TV, wearing a tiny skirt. She walked right in front of him, pretended she had dropped something on the floor, and bent over to pick it up. <</st>>
<<mia>>She could hear his breaths becoming short and heavy. ''Ooh, sorry daddy, am I blocking your view?" she asked, smiling. <</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|FatherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.dad.new_dress=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $dad.cor>50>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $dad.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $dad.lust+=10>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Father Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Father Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>><<st>>Mia put on her her dress and walked to her dad.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Hey, Dad! Check out my new dress! The material is soooo soft,'' she said, grabbing his hand and putting it on her ass ''Feel it.''<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|FatherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.dad.hot=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $dad.cor>50>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $dad.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $dad.lust+=10>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Father Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Father Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>><<st>>Mia was sitting in the living room and noticed her dad walking in.<</st>>
<<mia>> ''Ooh, it's so hot in here!'' she said hoarsely and took down her blouse, revealing her boobs.<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|FatherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<st>>Mia understands someone is watching her, but she's way too horny at this point, and wants to come so much that she decides to ignore it and continue pleasuring herself.<</st>>
<<set $random to random(1)>>
<<if $random==0>>
<<dad>>Suddenly, her dad walks into the room. Mia can see how hard his dick is in his pants as he gets closer to her and asks ''Do you need help?'' Unzipping his pants at the same time.<</dad>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Say yes to Dad'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Yes, Daddy,'' she moaned and watched him coming closer to her.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''You're so wet, let me help you come,'' he whispered hoarsely.<</dad>>
<<link 'Say no and ask to leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<st>>Mia blushed and that horny feeling disappeared immediately.<<st>>
<<st>>She closed her legs and tried to cover herself with her arms.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Sorry, I… I forgot to close the door,'' she murmured, getting dressed and trying to pretend she didn't hear that last phrase. <</mia>>
<<elseif $random==1>>
<<mom>>A moment later her mom enters the room, walking towards Mia and saying ''Let me help you with that'' Mia can see how hardened her nipples are under her shirt.
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Say yes to Mom'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<st>>Mia watched Jenny approaching her, but she was so horny and turned on she could only widen her legs more, as if inviting her, and slur something like ''Oooh, yeah.''<</st>>
<<link 'Say no and ask to leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<st>>Mia blushed and that horny feeling disappeared immediately.<<st>>
<<st>>She closed her legs and tried to cover herself with her arms.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Sorry, I… I forgot to close the door,'' she murmured, getting dressed and trying to pretend she didn't hear that last phrase. <</mia>>
</span><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>Mia understands someone is watching her, but she's way too horny at this point, and wants to come so much that she decides to ignore it and continue pleasuring herself.<</st>>
<<set $random to random(1)>>
<<if $random==0>>
<<dad>>Suddenly, her dad walks into the room. Mia can see how hard his dick is in his pants as he gets closer to her and asks ''Do you need help?'' Unzipping his pants at the same time.<</dad>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Say yes to Dad'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<mia>>''Yes, Daddy,'' she moaned and watched him coming closer to her.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''You're so wet, let me help you come,'' he whispered hoarsely.<</dad>>
<<link 'Say no and ask to leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<st>>Mia blushed and that horny feeling disappeared immediately.<<st>>
<<st>>She closed her legs and tried to cover herself with her arms.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Sorry, I… I forgot to close the door,'' she murmured, getting dressed and trying to pretend she didn't hear that last phrase. <</mia>>
<<elseif $random==1>>
<<mom>>A moment later her mom enters the room, walking towards Mia and saying ''Let me help you with that'' Mia can see how hardened her nipples are under her shirt.
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Say yes to Mom'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<st>>Mia watched Jenny approaching her, but she was so horny and turned on she could only widen her legs more, as if inviting her, and slur something like ''Oooh, yeah.''<</st>>
<<link 'Say no and ask to leave'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<st>>Mia blushed and that horny feeling disappeared immediately.<<st>>
<<st>>She closed her legs and tried to cover herself with her arms.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Sorry, I… I forgot to close the door,'' she murmured, getting dressed and trying to pretend she didn't hear that last phrase. <</mia>>
<<case "RU">>
<<case "GE">>
<<case "FR">>
<<case "ES">>
<<case "CH">>
<</switch>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>She wasn't in the mood for using fingers or a dildo, but she remembered that hot video she once saw where a girl ties herself up.<</st>>
<<st>>Even thinking about that turned her on, so she decided to put into practice this new idea.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia, experimenting with some knots, realized she had gone too far. "Great, just great," she muttered, twisting and turning, but the ropes wouldn’t budge. ''Shit, what do I do now?''<</mia>>
<<if $mia.cor <150 and $dad.relation<100 and $dad.cor<100>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Call for help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Realizing she was truly stuck, Mia called out for help, feeling embarrassed and, at the same time, turned on by the idea of someone seeing her like that.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Mooom? Daaad? I need some help in here!"<</mia>>
<<dad>>A moment later, her dad walked in, and coughed at the scene that opened before him "Mia, what’s going on?"<</dad>>
<<st>>He froze, staring at her naked body tied up with the ropes.<</st>>
<<st>>It was clear by the look in his eyes and the way his dick hardened in his pants he liked what he saw… a lot.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Dad, can you help me?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh yeah, I can help you. I know exactly how to help you come, Mia. '' he said hoarsely.<</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Agree (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hahah, what are you talking about?'' It was so weird to see that look on his face.<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Dad, just untie my hands, and I'll do the rest myself. It was just a bad experiment,'' she tried to laugh it off.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Sure, honey, I was just joking.''<</dad>>
<<link 'Free yourself'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>After what felt like forever, she finally managed to free one hand and then quickly untied the rest.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Weeh, finally, I can't even imagine how humiliating it would be if someone saw me like that.''<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Call for help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Realizing she was truly stuck, Mia called out for help, feeling embarrassed and, at the same time, turned on by the idea of someone seeing her like that.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Mooom? Daaad? I need some help in here!"<</mia>>
<<dad>>A moment later, her dad walked in, and coughed at the scene that opened before him "Mia, what’s going on?"<</dad>>
<<st>>He froze, staring at her naked body tied up with the ropes.<</st>>
<<st>>It was clear by the look in his eyes and the way his dick hardened in his pants he liked what he saw… a lot.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Dad, can you help me?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh yeah, I can help you. I know exactly how to help you come, Mia. '' he said hoarsely.<</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Yes, Daddy, please,'' she moaned, waiting for him to come closer.<</mia>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hahah, what are you talking about?'' It was so weird to see that look on his face.<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Dad, just untie my hands, and I'll do the rest myself. It was just a bad experiment,'' she tried to laugh it off.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Sure, honey, I was just joking.''<</dad>>
<<link 'Free yourself'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>After what felt like forever, she finally managed to free one hand and then quickly untied the rest.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Weeh, finally, I can't even imagine how humiliating it would be if someone saw me like that.''<</mia>>
<</if>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<if $mia.cor >200>><<set $mia.cor =200>><</if>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<case "RU">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>У вас не осталось сил ни на что, вам поможет крепкий сон.<</st>>
<<button [[Спать|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>У нее не было настроения использовать пальцы или фаллоимитатор, но она вспомнила о том горячем видео, которое однажды видела, где девушка сама себя связывает.<</st>>
<<st>>Даже мысль об этом возбуждала ее, и она решила воплотить эту новую идею в жизнь.
<<mia>>Мия, экспериментируя с узлами, поняла, что зашла слишком далеко. "Отлично, просто отлично", - бормотала она, крутясь и поворачиваясь, но веревки не поддавались. "Черт, что же мне теперь делать?<</mia>>
<<if $mia.cor <150 and $dad.relation<100 and $dad.cor<100>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Позвать на помощь'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Поняв, что действительно застряла, Мия позвала на помощь, чувствуя себя неловко и в то же время возбуждаясь от мысли, что кто-то видит ее в таком виде.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Маам? Пап? Мне нужна помощь!"<</mia>>
<<dad>>Через мгновение вошел ее отец и закашлялся от открывшейся перед ним картины: "Мия, что происходит?"<</dad>>
<<st>>Он застыл, глядя на ее обнаженное тело, связанное веревками.<</st>>
<<st>>По выражению его глаз и по тому, как твердел его член в штанах, было ясно, что ему нравится то, что он видит... очень нравилось.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Пап, ты можешь мне помочь?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''О да, я могу тебе помочь. Я точно знаю, как помочь тебе кончить, Миа.'' - хрипло сказал он.<</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Согласиться (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Сказать нет'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Хахах, о чем ты говоришь?'' Было так странно видеть это выражение на его лице. <</dad>>
<<mia>>''Папа, просто развяжи мне руки, а остальное я сделаю сама. Это был просто неудачный эксперимент'', - попыталась рассмеяться она.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Конечно, милая, я просто пошутил''<</dad>>
<<link 'Освободиться самой'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Прошла целая вечность, и ей удалось освободить одну руку, а затем быстро развязать остальные. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Наконец-то, я даже представить себе не могу, как это было бы унизительно, если бы кто-то увидел меня в таком виде''<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Позвать на помощь'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Поняв, что действительно застряла, Мия позвала на помощь, чувствуя себя неловко и в то же время возбуждаясь от мысли, что кто-то видит ее в таком виде.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Маам? Пап? Мне нужна помощь!"<</mia>>
<<dad>>Через мгновение вошел ее отец и закашлялся от открывшейся перед ним картины: "Мия, что происходит?"<</dad>>
<<st>>Он застыл, глядя на ее обнаженное тело, связанное веревками.<</st>>
<<st>>По выражению его глаз и по тому, как твердел его член в штанах, было ясно, что ему нравится то, что он видит... очень нравилось.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Пап, ты можешь мне помочь?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''О да, я могу тебе помочь. Я точно знаю, как помочь тебе кончить, Миа.'' - хрипло сказал он.<</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Согласиться'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Да, папочка, пожалуйста'', - стонала она, ожидая, когда он подойдет ближе.<</mia>>
<<link 'Сказать нет'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Хахах, о чем ты говоришь?'' Было так странно видеть это выражение на его лице. <</dad>>
<<mia>>''Папа, просто развяжи мне руки, а остальное я сделаю сама. Это был просто неудачный эксперимент'', - попыталась рассмеяться она.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Конечно, милая, я просто пошутил''<</dad>>
<<link 'Освободиться самой'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Прошла целая вечность, и ей удалось освободить одну руку, а затем быстро развязать остальные. <</st>>
<<mia>>''Наконец-то, я даже представить себе не могу, как это было бы унизительно, если бы кто-то увидел меня в таком виде''<</mia>>
<</if>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<if $mia.cor >200>><<set $mia.cor =200>><</if>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<case "GE">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>She wasn't in the mood for using fingers or a dildo, but she remembered that hot video she once saw where a girl ties herself up.<</st>>
<<st>>Even thinking about that turned her on, so she decided to put into practice this new idea.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia, experimenting with some knots, realized she had gone too far. "Great, just great," she muttered, twisting and turning, but the ropes wouldn’t budge. ''Shit, what do I do now?''<</mia>>
<<if $mia.cor <150 and $dad.relation<100 and $dad.cor<100>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Call for help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Realizing she was truly stuck, Mia called out for help, feeling embarrassed and, at the same time, turned on by the idea of someone seeing her like that.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Mooom? Daaad? I need some help in here!"<</mia>>
<<dad>>A moment later, her dad walked in, and coughed at the scene that opened before him "Mia, what’s going on?"<</dad>>
<<st>>He froze, staring at her naked body tied up with the ropes.<</st>>
<<st>>It was clear by the look in his eyes and the way his dick hardened in his pants he liked what he saw… a lot.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Dad, can you help me?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh yeah, I can help you. I know exactly how to help you come, Mia. '' he said hoarsely.<</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Agree (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hahah, what are you talking about?'' It was so weird to see that look on his face.<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Dad, just untie my hands, and I'll do the rest myself. It was just a bad experiment,'' she tried to laugh it off.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Sure, honey, I was just joking.''<</dad>>
<<link 'Free yourself'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>After what felt like forever, she finally managed to free one hand and then quickly untied the rest.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Weeh, finally, I can't even imagine how humiliating it would be if someone saw me like that.''<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Call for help'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Realizing she was truly stuck, Mia called out for help, feeling embarrassed and, at the same time, turned on by the idea of someone seeing her like that.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Mooom? Daaad? I need some help in here!"<</mia>>
<<dad>>A moment later, her dad walked in, and coughed at the scene that opened before him "Mia, what’s going on?"<</dad>>
<<st>>He froze, staring at her naked body tied up with the ropes.<</st>>
<<st>>It was clear by the look in his eyes and the way his dick hardened in his pants he liked what he saw… a lot.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Dad, can you help me?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh yeah, I can help you. I know exactly how to help you come, Mia. '' he said hoarsely.<</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Agree'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Yes, Daddy, please,'' she moaned, waiting for him to come closer.<</mia>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hahah, what are you talking about?'' It was so weird to see that look on his face.<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Dad, just untie my hands, and I'll do the rest myself. It was just a bad experiment,'' she tried to laugh it off.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Sure, honey, I was just joking.''<</dad>>
<<link 'Free yourself'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>After what felt like forever, she finally managed to free one hand and then quickly untied the rest.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Weeh, finally, I can't even imagine how humiliating it would be if someone saw me like that.''<</mia>>
<</if>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<if $mia.cor >200>><<set $mia.cor =200>><</if>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<case "FR">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>Vous n'avez plus d'énergie pour faire quoi que ce soit, un bon sommeil vous aidera.<</st>>
<<button [[Sommeil|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Elle n'était pas d'humeur à utiliser des doigts ou un gode, mais elle s'est souvenue de cette vidéo torride qu'elle avait vue une fois, où une fille s'attachait elle-même.
<<st>>Le simple fait d'y penser l'a excitée, et elle a donc décidé de mettre en pratique cette nouvelle idée.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia, qui expérimentait quelques nœuds, se rendit compte qu'elle était allée trop loin. "Génial, vraiment génial", marmonna-t-elle en se tortillant, mais les cordes ne bougeaient pas. ''Merde, qu'est-ce que je fais maintenant?''<</mia>>
<<if $mia.cor <150 and $dad.relation<100 and $dad.cor<100>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Appeler à l'aide'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Réalisant qu'elle était vraiment coincée, Mia appela à l'aide, se sentant gênée et, en même temps, excitée par l'idée que quelqu'un la voit ainsi.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Mooom ? Daaad ? J'ai besoin d'aide ici !"<</mia>>
<<dad>>Un moment plus tard, son père est entré et a toussé en voyant la scène qui s'offrait à lui : "Mia, qu'est-ce qui se passe ?"<</dad>>
<<st>>Il s'est figé, regardant son corps nu attaché avec des cordes.<</st>>
<<st>>Il était clair, par son regard et la façon dont sa bite se durcissait dans son pantalon, qu'il aimait ce qu'il voyait... beaucoup.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Papa, tu peux m'aider ?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh oui, je peux t'aider. Je sais exactement comment tu jouis, Mia.'' dit-il d'une voix rauque. <</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Accorder (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Dire non'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hahah, de quoi tu parles ?'' C'était si étrange de voir cette expression sur son visage.<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Papa, détache-moi les mains et je ferai le reste moi-même. C'était juste une mauvaise expérience,'' essaya-t-elle de rire.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Bien sûr, chérie, je plaisantais.''<</dad>>
<<link 'Se libérer'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Après ce qui lui a semblé être une éternité, elle a finalement réussi à libérer une main, puis a rapidement détaché le reste.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Weeh, enfin, je ne peux même pas imaginer à quel point ce serait humiliant si quelqu'un me voyait comme ça.'<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Appeler à l'aide'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Réalisant qu'elle était vraiment coincée, Mia appela à l'aide, se sentant gênée et, en même temps, excitée par l'idée que quelqu'un la voit ainsi.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Mooom ? Daaad ? J'ai besoin d'aide ici !"<</mia>>
<<dad>>Un moment plus tard, son père est entré et a toussé en voyant la scène qui s'offrait à lui : "Mia, qu'est-ce qui se passe ?"<</dad>>
<<st>>Il s'est figé, regardant son corps nu attaché avec des cordes.<</st>>
<<st>>Il était clair, par son regard et la façon dont sa bite se durcissait dans son pantalon, qu'il aimait ce qu'il voyait... beaucoup.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Papa, tu peux m'aider ?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh oui, je peux t'aider. Je sais exactement comment tu jouis, Mia.'' dit-il d'une voix rauque. <</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Accorder'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Oui, papa, s'il te plaît'', gémit-elle, attendant qu'il s'approche.<</mia>>
<<link 'Dire non'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hahah, de quoi tu parles ?'' C'était si étrange de voir cette expression sur son visage.<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Papa, détache-moi les mains et je ferai le reste moi-même. C'était juste une mauvaise expérience,'' essaya-t-elle de rire.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Bien sûr, chérie, je plaisantais.''<</dad>>
<<link 'Se libérer'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Après ce qui lui a semblé être une éternité, elle a finalement réussi à libérer une main, puis a rapidement détaché le reste.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Weeh, enfin, je ne peux même pas imaginer à quel point ce serait humiliant si quelqu'un me voyait comme ça.'<</mia>>
<</if>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<if $mia.cor >200>><<set $mia.cor =200>><</if>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<case "ES">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>No te queda energía para hacer nada, un buen sueño reparador te ayudará.<</st>>
<<button [[Dormir|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>No le apetecía usar los dedos ni un consolador, pero se acordó de aquel vídeo caliente que vio una vez en el que una chica se ataba a sí misma.
<<st>>Incluso pensar en ello la excitó, así que decidió poner en práctica esta nueva idea.
<<mia>>Mia, experimentando con algunos nudos, se dio cuenta de que había ido demasiado lejos. "Genial, simplemente genial", murmuró, retorciéndose y girando, pero las cuerdas no se movían. ''Mierda, ¿qué hago ahora?''<</mia>>
<<if $mia.cor <150 and $dad.relation<100 and $dad.cor<100>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Pedir ayuda'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Al darse cuenta de que estaba realmente atrapada, Mia pidió ayuda, sintiéndose avergonzada y, al mismo tiempo, excitada por la idea de que alguien la viera así.<</st>>
<<mia>>''¿Mooom? ¿Daaad? Necesito ayuda aquí"<</mia>>
<<dad>>Un momento después, su padre entró, y tosió ante la escena que se abría ante él "Mia, ¿qué está pasando?"<</dad>>
<<st>>Se quedó helado, mirando su cuerpo desnudo atado con las cuerdas.<</st>>
<<st>>Estaba claro por la mirada en sus ojos y la forma en que su polla se endureció en sus pantalones que le gustaba lo que veía ... mucho..<</st>>
<<mia>>''Papá, ¿puedes ayudarme?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh sí, puedo ayudarte. Sé exactamente cómo ayudarte a correrte, Mia.'' dijo con voz ronca.<</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'De acuerdo (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hahah, what are you talking about?'' It was so weird to see that look on his face.<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Dad, just untie my hands, and I'll do the rest myself. It was just a bad experiment,'' she tried to laugh it off.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Sure, honey, I was just joking.''<</dad>>
<<link 'Libérate'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Despues de lo que parecio una eternidad, finalmente logro liberar una mano, luego desato rapidamente el resto.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Weeh, por fin, no puedo ni imaginar lo humillante que sería si alguien me viera así''<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Pedir ayuda'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Al darse cuenta de que estaba realmente atrapada, Mia pidió ayuda, sintiéndose avergonzada y, al mismo tiempo, excitada por la idea de que alguien la viera así.<</st>>
<<mia>>''¿Mooom? ¿Daaad? Necesito ayuda aquí"<</mia>>
<<dad>>Un momento después, su padre entró, y tosió ante la escena que se abría ante él "Mia, ¿qué está pasando?"<</dad>>
<<st>>Se quedó helado, mirando su cuerpo desnudo atado con las cuerdas.<</st>>
<<st>>Estaba claro por la mirada en sus ojos y la forma en que su polla se endureció en sus pantalones que le gustaba lo que veía ... mucho..<</st>>
<<mia>>''Papá, ¿puedes ayudarme?''<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Oh sí, puedo ayudarte. Sé exactamente cómo ayudarte a correrte, Mia.'' dijo con voz ronca.<</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'De acuerdo'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''Sí, papá, por favor'' gimió, esperando a que se acercara.<</mia>>
<<link 'Di no'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''Hahah, ¿de qué estás hablando?'' ra tan extraño ver esa expresión en su cara.<</dad>>
<<mia>>''Papá, desátame las manos y yo misma haré el resto. Sólo fue un mal experimento'', trató de reírse.<</mia>>
<<dad>>''Сlaro, cariño, sólo bromeaba''<</dad>>
<<link 'Libérate'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Despues de lo que parecio una eternidad, finalmente logro liberar una mano, luego desato rapidamente el resto.<</st>>
<<mia>>''Weeh, por fin, no puedo ni imaginar lo humillante que sería si alguien me viera así''<</mia>>
<</if>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<if $mia.cor >200>><<set $mia.cor =200>><</if>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<<case "CH">>
<<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<button [[睡眠|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<mia>>米娅在尝试一些绳结时,意识到自己做得太过分了。 "太好了,真是太好了,"她嘟囔着,扭来扭去,但绳子纹丝不动。 该死,我现在该怎么办?<</mia>>
<<if $mia.cor <150 and $dad.relation<100 and $dad.cor<100>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link '呼救'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>米娅意识到自己真的被困住了,于是大声呼救,她感到很尴尬,同时也因为有人看到她这样而兴奋不已。<</st>>
<<mia>>''哞? 达德? 我需要帮助!"<</mia>>
<<dad>>是的,我能帮你。 我知道如何帮你高潮,米娅。 '"他声嘶力竭地说。<</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link '同意 (Lack of characteristics)'>><</link>>
<<link '说不'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''哈哈,你在说什么? 看到他的表情,我觉得很奇怪。 <</dad>>
<<mia>>''爸爸,把我的手松开,剩下的我自己来。 ''这只是个糟糕的实验,''她试图一笑置之。<</mia>>
<<link '释放自己'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>好像过了很久,她终于挣脱了一只手,然后迅速松开了其余的手。<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link '呼救'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>米娅意识到自己真的被困住了,于是大声呼救,她感到很尴尬,同时也因为有人看到她这样而兴奋不已。<</st>>
<<mia>>''哞? 达德? 我需要帮助!"<</mia>>
<<dad>>是的,我能帮你。 我知道如何帮你高潮,米娅。 '"他声嘶力竭地说。<</dad>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link '同意'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<mia>>''是的,爸爸,求你了,''她呻吟着,等待他走近。<</mia>>
<<link '说不'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<dad>>''哈哈,你在说什么? 看到他的表情,我觉得很奇怪。 <</dad>>
<<mia>>''爸爸,把我的手松开,剩下的我自己来。 ''这只是个糟糕的实验,''她试图一笑置之。<</mia>>
<<link '释放自己'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>好像过了很久,她终于挣脱了一只手,然后迅速松开了其余的手。<</st>>
<</if>><<flash "Corruption + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.cor +=1>><<if $mia.cor >200>><<set $mia.cor =200>><</if>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<</switch>><<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>Mia was lying by the pool, the warm sun heating her skin as she relaxed in her bikini.<</st>><<set $random to random(100)>>
<<if $random<20>>
<<dad>>Richard walked over and stood beside her, smiling down at her, trying to hide the way he was staring at her body behind his sunglasses. "Need some help with sunscreen?" he asked.<</dad>>
<<mia>>Mia opened her eyes slightly, giving him a lazy smile. "Yeah, sure. Go ahead," she replied, turning over slightly to make it easier for him to apply the cream.<</mia>>
<<st>>He couldn't take his eyes off her body in that revealing swimsuit, her boobs were almost falling out.<</st>>
<<dad>>''Maybe I should apply it somewhere else too?'' he asked, lowering his arms towards her ass clearly willing to touch her there.<</dad>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link "Say Yes (Lack of characteristics)">><</link>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Just stick to the basics, Dad," she said, trying to laugh it off.<</mia>>
<<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<if $mia.fit >200>><<set $mia.fit =200>><</if>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<</if>><<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>>
<<st>>The day was so hot that Mia couldn’t resist diving into the pool to cool off. She slid into the water, feeling instant relief as she began to swim.<</st>><<set $random to random(100)>>
<<if $random<20>>
<<st>>A few moments later, Jenny joined her, slipping into the pool with a splash.<</st>>
<<st>>As they swam together, Mia suddenly felt her bikini top come loose. She quickly grabbed it to keep it from slipping off and turned to Jenny.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Mom, can you help me out? My top came undone," Mia asked, holding the straps in place.<</mia>>
<<mom>>Jenny swam over. "Sure thing, hold still," she said.<</mom>>
<<st>>While she was trying to tie her swimsuit, she realized that it was ripped.<</st>>
<<mom>>''Mia, it didn't come undone; the bra strap had come off,'' she said.<</mom>>
<<st>>She started to pull down the other strap of Mia's bra; her breathing became heavier.<</st>>
<<mom>>''If you want, we can take off our bikinis altogether and swim naked?'' She looked at Mia and couldn't stop staring at her body.<</mom>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link "Say Yes (Lack of characteristics)">><</link>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>''Emm… mom, it sounds fun but… maybe next time?'' she said, trying not to sound very confused.<</mia>>
<<mia>>''I'll go change into another bikini, ok?''<</mia>>
<<mom>>''Sure, honey! I was just joking, haha,'' Jenny mumbled, staring at Mia's ass as she walked out of the pool.<</mom>>
<<flash "Fitness + 1">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<set $mia.fit +=1>><<if $mia.fit >200>><<set $mia.fit =200>><</if>><<set $mia.ac_c -=1>>
<</if>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/dlc_one_time_video/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Standing 1|Video_dlc_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_dlc_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_dlc_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_dlc_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_dlc_6]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Yacht_4]]>><</button>><<set $mia.exp +=100>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<set $quests.quest_dlc_beach=true>><<set $active_quests.q35=true>><<switch $lang>>
<<case "EN">>
<<st>>A couple of hours later, as the first light of dawn began to creep over the horizon, Mia finally spotted Elain. The yacht was still alive with the last bits of chaos, but the two of them were ready to call it a night. They stumbled off the deck, shoes in hand, and started making their way back to the hotel.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia nudged Elain, a smirk on her lips. ''So, where’d you disappear to after your graceful dive into the pool?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain grinned wickedly. ''Remember the guy who fished me out? We spent an hour in his room, and let’s just say… he’s got talents that go way beyond swimming. I’m talking gold-medal-worthy stuff.'' She waggled her eyebrows, clearly pleased with herself. ''After that, I hit the dance floor again. Might even keep in touch with him,'' she winked. ''What about you? You looked like you were up to no good.''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia chuckled, shaking her head. ''Oh, you have no idea. Remember when you said, 'Guess someone’s compensating for something' about the yacht owner?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain’s eyes went wide, pure shock mixed with curiosity. ''No way! Aaaand??''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia burst out laughing, almost doubling over. ''Aaaand you were so, so wrong! Turns out, he’s not compensating for anything—if you catch my drift.''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain gasped dramatically, then slapped her arm. ''Mia, you’re killing me! You’ve gotta spill all the dirty details!''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia grinned, clearly enjoying the moment. ''Let’s just say, that yacht wasn’t the only thing impressive about him.''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain groaned, throwing her head back in exaggerated frustration. ''Ugh, I hate you, but also, tell me everything!''<</ele>>
<<st>>She looked so desperate for at least a little spill of gossip that it made Mia laugh. <</st>>
<<st>>As they finally reached the hotel, Mia started giving Elain the full rundown, complete with dramatic reenactments and plenty of gossip. They were both exhausted but still buzzing with excitement, knowing they’d just had one of those nights that would turn into legendary stories.<</st>>
<<st>>By the time they collapsed onto their beds, they were still giggling, already planning the next adventure.<</st>>
<<case "RU">>
<<st>>Через несколько часов, когда первые лучи рассвета забрезжили над горизонтом, Миа наконец-то заметила Элайну. На яхте еще царил хаос, но подруги уже были готовы к тому, чтобы закончить вечер. Они сошли с палубы и стали пробираться обратно в отель.<</st>>
<<mia>>Миа подтолкнула Элайну, на ее губах заиграла ухмылка. ''Ну и куда ты исчезла после своего изящного погружения в бассейн?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Элеайна лукаво усмехнулась. ''Помнишь парня, который меня выловил? Мы провели час в его комнате, и, скажем так... у него есть таланты, которые выходят далеко за рамки плавания''.<</ele>>
<<ele>>Она задвигала бровями, явно довольная собой. ''После этого я снова отправилась на танцпол. Может, даже продолжу с ним общаться'', - подмигнула она. ''А что насчет тебя? Ты выглядела так, словно случилось что-то грандиозное''.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Миа хихикнула, покачав головой. ''О, ты даже не представляешь. Помнишь, как ты сказала про владельца яхты: ''Видимо, кто-то что-то компенсирует''?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Глаза Элейн расширились, чистый шок смешался с любопытством. ''Не может быть! Аааа??''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Мия разразилась хохотом, чуть не ударившись. ''Аааа, и ты была так, так не права! Оказывается, он ничего не компенсирует - если ты уловила мою мысль''.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Элейн резко вздохнула, а затем шлепнула ее по руке. ''Миа, ты меня убиваешь! Ты должна рассказать все грязные подробности!''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Миа ухмыльнулась, явно наслаждаясь моментом. ''Скажем так, яхта - не единственное, что в нем впечатляет''.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Элейн застонала, откинув голову назад в преувеличенном разочаровании. ''Ух, как я тебя ненавижу, но все же расскажи мне все!<</ele>>
<<st>>Она выглядела настолько отчаянно нуждающейся хотя бы в небольшой порции сплетен, что это рассмешило Мию. <</st>>
<<st>>Когда они наконец добрались до отеля, Миа начала рассказывать Элайне всю историю, сопровождая ее драматическими сценами и обилием сплетен. Они обе были измотаны, но все еще гудели от возбуждения, зная, что только что провели одну из тех ночей, о которых ходят легенды.<</st>>
<<st>>Когда они рухнули на кровати, то все еще хихикали и уже планировали следующее приключение. <</st>>
<<case "GE">>
<<st>>A couple of hours later, as the first light of dawn began to creep over the horizon, Mia finally spotted Elain. The yacht was still alive with the last bits of chaos, but the two of them were ready to call it a night. They stumbled off the deck, shoes in hand, and started making their way back to the hotel.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia nudged Elain, a smirk on her lips. ''So, where’d you disappear to after your graceful dive into the pool?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain grinned wickedly. ''Remember the guy who fished me out? We spent an hour in his room, and let’s just say… he’s got talents that go way beyond swimming. I’m talking gold-medal-worthy stuff.'' She waggled her eyebrows, clearly pleased with herself. ''After that, I hit the dance floor again. Might even keep in touch with him,'' she winked. ''What about you? You looked like you were up to no good.''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia chuckled, shaking her head. ''Oh, you have no idea. Remember when you said, 'Guess someone’s compensating for something' about the yacht owner?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain’s eyes went wide, pure shock mixed with curiosity. ''No way! Aaaand??''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia burst out laughing, almost doubling over. ''Aaaand you were so, so wrong! Turns out, he’s not compensating for anything—if you catch my drift.''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain gasped dramatically, then slapped her arm. ''Mia, you’re killing me! You’ve gotta spill all the dirty details!''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia grinned, clearly enjoying the moment. ''Let’s just say, that yacht wasn’t the only thing impressive about him.''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain groaned, throwing her head back in exaggerated frustration. ''Ugh, I hate you, but also, tell me everything!''<</ele>>
<<st>>She looked so desperate for at least a little spill of gossip that it made Mia laugh. <</st>>
<<st>>As they finally reached the hotel, Mia started giving Elain the full rundown, complete with dramatic reenactments and plenty of gossip. They were both exhausted but still buzzing with excitement, knowing they’d just had one of those nights that would turn into legendary stories.<</st>>
<<st>>By the time they collapsed onto their beds, they were still giggling, already planning the next adventure.<</st>>
<<case "FR">>
<<st>>Quelques heures plus tard, alors que les premières lueurs de l'aube commençaient à poindre à l'horizon, Mia aperçut enfin Elain. Le yacht était encore animé par les dernières bribes de chaos, mais tous deux étaient prêts à passer la nuit. Ils quittèrent le pont en titubant, chaussures à la main, et se mirent en route vers l'hôtel.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia poussa Elain, un sourire en coin sur les lèvres. ''Alors, où as-tu disparu après ton plongeon gracieux dans la piscine?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain affiche un sourire malicieux. ''Tu te souviens du type qui m'a repêchée? On a passé une heure dans sa chambre, et disons qu'il a des talents qui vont bien au-delà de la natation. Je parle de talents dignes d'une médaille d'or.'' Elle fronce les sourcils, visiblement satisfaite d'elle-même. ''Après ça, je retourne sur la piste de danse. Je pourrais même rester en contact avec lui,'' dit-elle en faisant un clin d'œil. ''Et toi? Tu avais l'air d'être en train de faire des bêtises.''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia s'esclaffe et secoue la tête. ''Oh, tu n'as pas idée. Tu te souviens quand tu as dit 'Je suppose que quelqu'un compense quelque chose' à propos du propriétaire du yacht?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Les yeux d'Elain s'écarquillent, le choc se mêlant à la curiosité. ''C'est pas vrai! Et alors?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia éclate de rire, presque à deux doigts de se renverser. ''Et tu avais vraiment, vraiment tort! Il s'avère qu'il ne compense rien du tout, si vous voyez ce que je veux dire.''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain sursaute, puis lui donne une claque sur le bras. ''Mia, tu me tues! Il faut que tu donnes tous les détails!''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia sourit, appréciant visiblement le moment. ''Disons simplement que ce yacht n'était pas la seule chose impressionnante chez lui.''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain grogna, rejetant la tête en arrière dans une frustration exagérée. ''Ugh, je te déteste, mais aussi, dis-moi tout!''<</ele>>
<<st>>Elle avait l'air si désespérée d'avoir au moins un petit potin que cela faisait rire Mia.<</st>>
<<st>>Alors qu'elles arrivaient enfin à l'hôtel, Mia commença à raconter à Elain tout ce qui s'était passé, avec des reconstitutions dramatiques et de nombreux potins. Ils étaient tous les deux épuisés, mais toujours excités, sachant qu'ils venaient de passer une de ces nuits qui se transformeraient en histoires légendaires.<</st>>
<<st>>Lorsqu'ils s'effondrèrent sur leurs lits, ils étaient encore en train de glousser, planifiant déjà la prochaine aventure.<</st>>
<<case "ES">>
<<st>>Un par de horas más tarde, cuando las primeras luces del alba empezaban a dibujarse en el horizonte, Mia vio por fin a Elain. En el yate aún quedaban los últimos retazos de caos, pero las dos estaban listas para dar por terminada la noche. Bajaron de la cubierta con los zapatos en la mano y emprendieron el camino de vuelta al hotel.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia le dio un codazo a Elain, con una sonrisa en los labios. ''Entonces, ¿dónde desapareciste después de tu elegante zambullida en la piscina?''<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain sonrió con malicia. ''¿Recuerdas al tipo que me sacó? Pasamos una hora en su habitación, y digamos que... tiene talentos que van mucho más allá de la natación. Estoy hablando de cosas dignas de una medalla de oro''. Movió las cejas, claramente satisfecha de sí misma. ''Después de eso, volví a la pista de baile. Puede que incluso siga en contacto con él'', guiñó un ojo. ''¿Y tú? Parecía que no te apetecía nada''.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia se rió, sacudiendo la cabeza. ''Oh, no tienes ni idea. ¿Recuerdas cuando dijiste: 'Supongo que alguien está compensando algo' sobre el dueño del yate?''.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Los ojos de Elain se abrieron de par en par, puro shock mezclado con curiosidad. ''¡No puede ser! ¿Y?''<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia se echó a reír, casi doblándose. ''¡Y estabas tan, tan equivocada! Resulta que no compensa nada, si me entiendes''.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain soltó un grito dramático y le dio una palmada en el brazo. ''¡Mia, me estás matando! Tienes que contarme todos los detalles''.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia sonrió, disfrutando claramente del momento. ''Digamos que ese yate no era lo único impresionante de él''.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elain gimió, echando la cabeza hacia atrás con exagerada frustración. ''¡Uf, te odio, pero también, cuéntamelo todo!''<</ele>>
<<st>>Parecía tan desesperada por tener al menos un pequeño chisme que hizo reír a Mia.<</st>>
<<st>>Cuando por fin llegaron al hotel, Mia empezó a contarle todo a Elain, con dramatizaciones y muchos cotilleos. Las dos estaban agotadas, pero aún vibraban de emoción, sabiendo que acababan de pasar una de esas noches que se convertirían en historias legendarias.<</st>>
<<st>>Cuando se desplomaron en la cama, seguían riéndose y planeando la siguiente aventura.<</st>>
<<case "CH">>
<</switch>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/dlc_one_time_video/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow job 1|Video_dlc_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_dlc_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_dlc_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_dlc_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_dlc_6]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Yacht_4]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/dlc_one_time_video/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Standing 1|Video_dlc_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Video_dlc_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_dlc_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_dlc_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_dlc_6]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Yacht_4]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/dlc_one_time_video/4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Standing 1|Video_dlc_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_dlc_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Video_dlc_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_dlc_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_dlc_6]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Yacht_4]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/dlc_one_time_video/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Standing 1|Video_dlc_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_dlc_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_dlc_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Video_dlc_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_dlc_6]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Yacht_4]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/dlc_one_time_video/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Standing 1|Video_dlc_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_dlc_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_dlc_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_dlc_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow job 1|Video_dlc_1]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Yacht_4]]>><</button>><<st>>You must complete Quest 21 first to proceed.<</st>>
<<button[[Leave|City]]>><</button>><div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Club meeting</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $cheats.dlc.ibiza==true>>Mia and Elaine hit the club for a night of wild dancing, loud music, and nonstop drinks. It’s the kind of night that no one will forget.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to the Ibiza club<<else>>Activate patreon content ''Ibiza'' in cheats.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+100 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dlc.png]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do">
<<if $cheats.dlc.ibiza == false>>🛑 Activate patreon content ''Ibiza'' in cheats<<else>>✅ Activate patreon content ''Ibiza'' in cheats<</if>></div></div></div><div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Party on a yacht</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_dlc_club==true>>Mia and Elaine are on a yacht off the coast of Ibiza, where a wild party is in full swing. Music, drinks, and chaos make for an unforgettable night.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to the Ibiza beach<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+100 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dlc.png]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_dlc_club==true>>✅Pass patreon quest #1<<else>>🛑 Pass patreon quest #1<</if>></div></div></div><<set $parents.dad.massage=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $dad.cor>20>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $dad.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Father Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>><<st>>Mia walked into the room where her dad, Richard, was hunched over his computer, clearly stressed from work.<</st>>
<<mia>>Hey, Dad, you look tense. How about I help you relax a little? I could give you a massage.<</mia>>
<<st>>Richard glanced at her, his eyes tired but with a slight smirk of appreciation.<</st>>
<<dad>>A massage? That sounds perfect. I’ve been staring at this screen too long.<</dad>>
<<st>>Mia moved behind him, her hands gently resting on his shoulders before she started massaging the tight muscles in his neck and back. As she worked, Richard let out a low sigh of relief.<</st>>
<<mia>>You’ve got to take more breaks, Dad. Sitting like this all day isn’t good for you.<</mia>>
<<dad>>(chuckling) You sound like a doctor. Maybe I’ll start listening.<</dad>>
<<st>>As Mia’s hands moved lower down his back, she leaned in slightly, her body brushing against him. Richard's posture stiffened for a moment, but he didn’t say anything. Mia felt the subtle tension but kept working, pretending not to notice.<</st>>
<<mia>>(teasing) See? I Know how to make you feel better.<</mia>>
<<dad>>(smirking) You’ve got skills, no doubt. Maybe I’ll start asking for these more often.<</dad>>
<<button[[Leave|FatherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.dad.cleaning=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $dad.cor>20>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $dad.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Father Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>><<st>>Mia walked into the kitchen, where her dad, Richard, was wiping down the counters, clearly in the middle of cleaning up the house. She watched him for a moment before stepping in to help.<</st>>
<<mia>>(teasing) Wow, Dad, cleaning up? Didn’t know you had it in you.<</mia>>
<<dad>>(smirking) Someone’s gotta do it. You know, the place doesn’t clean itself.<</dad>>
<<st>>Mia grabbed a rag and started helping, wiping down the table next to him.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mind if I lend a hand? Feels like it’s been ages since we cleaned together.<</mia>>
<<dad>>(chuckling) Sure, but don't slack off. I’ve got standards.<</dad>>
<<st>>As Mia leaned over the table, she felt Richard’s eyes linger on her for a second too long, but she continued cleaning as if she didn’t notice.<</st>>
<<mia>>(teasing) Standards, huh? I’ll try to keep up.<</mia>>
<<dad>>(with a grin) I’ll be watching closely.<</dad>>
<<button[[Leave|FatherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>>@@.text-normal;First, recruit Michelle. (2 girl in the audience).@@
<<button[[Leave|Auditorium]]>><</button>><<st>>In the series "Game of Thrones," who is known as the "Mother of Dragons"?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$series_cl" false true>> Cersei Lannister
<<checkbox "$series_dt" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Daenerys Targaryen@@<<else>>Daenerys Targaryen<</if>>
<<checkbox "$series_ss" false true>> Sansa Stark<</st>>
<<st>>Which character from "Breaking Bad" becomes the notorious drug lord known as Heisenberg?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$series_jp" false true>> Jesse Pinkman
<<checkbox "$series_ww" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Walter White@@<<else>>Walter White<</if>>
<<checkbox "$series_sg" false true>> Saul Goodman<</st>>
<<st>>In "The Office," what is the name of the branch manager of Dunder Mifflin's Scranton branch?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$series_ds" false true>> Dwight Schrute
<<checkbox "$series_jh" false true>> Jim Halpert
<<checkbox "$series_ms" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Michael Scott@@<<else>>Michael Scott<</if>><</st>>
<<st>>In the series "Friends," which character famously says, "How you doin'?"<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$series_mg" false true>> Monica Geller
<<checkbox "$series_rg" false true>> Rachel Green
<<checkbox "$series_jt" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Joey Tribbiani@@<<else>>Joey Tribbiani<</if>><</st>>
<<button[[Answer|Girl3_answer]]>><</button>><<if $series_dt and $series_ww and $series_ms and $series_jt and !$series_cl and !$series_ss and !$series_jp and !$series_sg and !$series_ds and !$series_jh and !$series_mg and !$series_rg>>
<<ali>>You really know your stuff, Mia. You're sharp, and I like that.<</ali>>
<<set $girl3.exp +=25>>
<<ali>>Mia, it seems like you don't quite get this topic. A true connoisseur would know this. Anyway, I have to go now. See you later.<</ali>>
<<button[[Leave|Auditorium]]>><</button>><</if>><<st>>Mia wandered into one of the city’s most exclusive boutiques, just browsing, when she spotted someone familiar—Alissa. The blonde stood in front of a mirror, holding two stunning designer dresses, clearly undecided. Mia, intrigued, moved closer to watch.<</st>>
<<mia>>(thinking): She’s got expensive taste... But how’s she affording this?<</mia>>
<<st>>As if on cue, a tall, sharply dressed man—clearly the store manager—approached Alissa with a charming smile.<</st>>
<<un>>(manager) "Need some help with your choice, miss? Both look absolutely stunning on you, but I think I might have a personal favorite."<</un>>
<<st>>Alissa gave him a slow, playful smile, letting her fingers trail lightly up his arm as she handed him one of the dresses. Her touch lingered just long enough to make the moment intimate.<</st>>
<<ali>>"Oh? And which one would that be?" Her voice lowered, taking on a more sultry tone. "I just can’t seem to decide... Maybe you could help me out a bit more?"<</ali>>
<<ali>>"Oh? And which one would that be? I just can’t seem to decide… Maybe you could help me out a bit more?"<</ali>>
<<st>>The manager’s eyes locked onto her body. Mia, now intrigued, moved closer, pretending to look at a nearby rack of shoes, but her attention was fully on Alissa. The way she moved, the subtle flirting—it was all calculated, deliberate.<</st>>
<<mia>>(thinking): Oh, she’s good. This is gonna be interesting.<</mia>>
<<st>>Alissa’s flirting ramped up, her voice softening as she leaned in closer to the manager. The two exchanged a few more words before Alissa grabbed his hand and led him toward the dressing rooms in the back.<</st>>
<<mia>>(thinking): No way. She’s actually doing this just to score a free dress? Damn, that’s one hell of a tactic.<</mia>>
<<st>>Unable to resist, Mia peeked through a small gap in the curtain, just enough to catch a glimpse. <</st>>
<<button[[Sex|Girl3_video]]>><</button>><<st>>A bit later, Alissa emerged from the dressing room, her dress perfectly in place and her hair slightly tousled, but otherwise looking flawless. The manager followed close behind, adjusting his tie and looking a little flushed.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia watched as they made their way to the cash register. The manager tapped a few keys, and, to Mia’s surprise—but not really—Alissa didn’t hand over any money. Instead, she walked out with a shopping bag, the dress she had chosen tucked inside.<</st>>
<<mia>>(thinking): Wow... she actually pulled it off. And I thought I was the hustler around here.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia watched Alissa exit the store, her head held high, the smile of someone who knew she had just gotten exactly what she wanted without spending a dime.<</st>>
<<mia>>(thinking): This girl’s got skills — she knows how to work people. Definitely someone I need on my team.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia left the store, a smirk creeping onto her face. Alissa had no idea, but she was already part of Mia’s plan.<</st>>
<<set $girl3.exp+=25>>
<<button[[Leave|Auditorium]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer_girl3/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Standing 2|girl3_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 3|girl3_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 4|girl3_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 5|girl3_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|girl3_6]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Girl3_etap2_last]]>><</button>><<st>>Which everyday activity has been linked to more frequent sexual dreams?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$question_rb" false true>> Reading before bed
<<checkbox "$question_sl" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Sleeping naked@@<<else>>Sleeping naked<</if>>
<<checkbox "$question_ts" false true>> Taking a hot shower
<<checkbox "$question_dc" false true>> Drinking coffee<</st>>
<<st>>What percentage of people have fantasized about someone other than their partner during sex?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$question_10" false true>> 10%
<<checkbox "$question_40" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;40%@@<<else>>40%<</if>>
<<checkbox "$question_25" false true>> 25%
<<checkbox "$question_60" false true>> 60%<</st>>
<<st>>What is the most common sexual fantasy for men and women?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$question_rp" false true>> Role-playing as someone famous
<<checkbox "$question_t" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Threesome@@<<else>>Threesome<</if>>
<<checkbox "$question_ps" false true>> Public sex
<<checkbox "$question_us" false true>> Using sex toys<</st>>
<<st>>Which sexual position is statistically most likely to lead to vaginal orgasms?<</st>>
<<st>><<checkbox "$question_c" false true>> Cowgirl
<<checkbox "$question_m" false true>> Missionary
<<checkbox "$question_d" false true>> <<if $perks.listening_and_seeing == 1>>@@.green-text;Doggy Style@@<<else>>Doggy Style<</if>>
<<checkbox "$question_s" false true>> Spoon<</st>>
<<button[[Answer|Girl3_answer2]]>><</button>><<if $question_sl and $question_40 and $question_t and $question_d and !$question_rb and !$question_ts and !$question_dc and !$question_10 and !$question_25 and !$question_60 and !$question_rp and !$question_ps and !$question_us and !$question_c and !$question_m and !$question_s>>
<<ali>>You really know your stuff, Mia. You're sharp, and I like that.<</ali>>
<<set $girl3.exp +=25>>
<<ali>>Mia, it seems like you don't quite get this topic. A true connoisseur would know this. Anyway, I have to go now. See you later.<</ali>>
<<button[[Leave|Auditorium]]>><</button>><</if>><<st>>Mia walked into the cafeteria during her lunch break, her eyes scanning the room. She was here for one reason—Alissa. Spotting the blonde sitting at a table alone, casually eating and scrolling through her phone, Mia smiled to herself. “Perfect.”<</st>>
<<st>>With her tray in hand, Mia strolled over, putting on her best friendly smile.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Hey, mind if I join you again?"<</mia>>
<<ali>>(glances up, smiling back) "Sure, go ahead."<</ali>>
<<st>>Mia sat down, taking a sip of her drink before kicking off the small talk.<</st>>
<<mia>>"So, how’ve you been? Anything new?"<</mia>>
<<ali>>"Nah, not really. Same old, same old. You?"<</ali>>
<<mia>>(grinning slyly) "Well, I saw you the other day at that boutique downtown... Nice dress you got."<</mia>>
<<st>>Her hand paused mid-bite, but she didn’t blush or flinch—just silently assessed what Mia knew.<</st>>
<<ali>>"Oh, uh... yeah, about that..." She looked over her shoulder, checking if anyone nearby might overhear.<</ali>>
<<st>>Mia, catching the look, burst into a quiet laugh.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Relax, I’m not shouting it across the room!" She leaned in a little closer, voice dropping to a playful whisper. "And don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me. I was just impressed, that’s all." She winked, flashing a grin.<</mia>>
<<st>>Alissa’s sharp gaze softened into a smirk. <</st>>
<<ali>>"Yeah, well, sometimes you just gotta go for what you want, right?"<</ali>>
<<mia>>"Exactly!" Then Mia’s tone shifted slightly, still playful but with a hint of something more serious. "And that’s actually why I came over. I’ve got a little business going on, and I think you’d be perfect for it."<</mia>>
<<st>>Alissa tilted her head, intrigued but wary.<</st>>
<<ali>>"Business? What kind of business are we talking about?"<</ali>>
<<mia>>(smiling, lowering her voice again) "It’s a club... but not just any club. It’s also a brothel. It’s all about having fun. You hang out with the guys, maybe even sneak away for something more private. But if a guy’s not your type? Totally up to you—everything’s in your control."<</mia>>
<<st>>Alissa’s eyebrows shot up slightly, but there was no shock on her face—just a careful consideration.<</st>>
<<ali>>"Hmm... so I’d just party with them, flirt, and fuck them if I feel like it?"<</ali>>
<<mia>>"Exactly. You know how to work people, Alissa—you’ve got that spark. And the pay? Trust me, it’s worth it. No pressure, just a lot of fun, and a lot of cash."<</mia>>
<<ali>>"Well, I do love a good party and a good fuck every now and then. And the money... yeah, I’m definitely into that part." She smirked, her eyes gleaming with interest. "And if it’s as easy as you’re saying, then I’m in."<</ali>>
<<st>>Mia grinned, satisfied.<</st>>
<<mia>>"You won’t regret it. I’ve got big plans, and with you on board, we’re going to make a killing."<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia leaned back, her smile wide, knowing she’d just secured another key player for her growing empire.<</st>>
<<set $girl3.exp +=25>><<set $girls.girl3=true>>
<<button[[Leave|SuccessfulRecruitment]]>><</button>><div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Alissa</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $girls.girl2==true>>After you succeeded in recruiting Michelle, you realized that you needed to move on and recruit 1 more girl.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to Auditorium<<else>>Recruit Michelle first to move on to recruiting Alissa.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">-</div><div class="quest titlebar">-</div><div class="quest titlebar">-</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/girl3.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $girls.girl2 == true>>✅Recruiting Michelle<<else>>🛑 Recruiting Michelle<</if>></div></div></div><<if $girls.girl3 == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Girl3]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>> <<return "Go Back">>
<<st>>Standing 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer_girl3/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Standing 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer_girl3/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Standing 3<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer_girl3/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Standing 4<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer_girl3/4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Standing 5<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer_girl3/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer_girl3/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video><<st>>Elaine and Mia are sitting in Mia’s room, surrounded by leftover decorations, liquor boxes, and scattered flyers. They're both a bit tired but buzzing with excitement.<</st>>
<<mia>>(exhaling, with a grin): — I can’t believe we pulled this off. The venue’s insane, we’ve got everything set, and—seriously—wait till you see the bartender I hired. He’s hot. Like, walk-into-a-wall hot.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(laughing): — Oh, I cannot wait. But seriously, I don’t know how we managed this. Running all over town like lunatics, but here we are. It’s happening!<</ele>>
<<mia>>(nodding, with pride): — I know, right? Between setting up the venue, finding the perfect girls, and making sure the drinks keep flowing all night, I’m surprised we didn’t go crazy. But it’s all coming together. And those girls? They’re more than ready. You’ll see—they’re fire.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(smiling): — Oh, I bet. The place is going to be packed, and they’ll definitely steal the show.<</ele>>
<<mia>>(smirking): — That’s the plan. They’ve been itching for this night. We’ve got Lily, Alyssa, and Michelle, and trust me, they’re going to blow people’s minds.<</mia>>
<<ele>> — And what about Vitto?<</ele>>
<<mia>>— Oh, he’s coming for sure. I talked to him, and he said he’s bringing some friends. Perfect opportunity to show him what we’ve got.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(grinning): — Good, because after tonight, he’s gonna be begging to be part of this.<</ele>>
<<set $quests.brothel_money_1=true>><<set $mia.money-=5500>><<flash "Money - 5500 ">>
<<flashType "error">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<button[[Party night|Party night]]>><</button>><<st>>The place is packed. The music is pounding, the lights are flashing, and people are everywhere. Drinks are flowing non-stop, and no one seems ready to slow down. The air is thick with excitement, a mix of alcohol, sweat, and perfume that makes the whole room buzz.<</st>>
<<st>>Before diving into the crowd, Mia and Elaine make their way to the bar. They order a couple of shots to kick off the night, clinking glasses with big grins.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/oneTimeGif2/46.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<mia>>(raising a shot glass): — To the start of something legendary.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(clinking glasses): — Cheers to that.<</ele>>
<<st>>They down their shots, feeling the burn of the alcohol followed by the adrenaline. Now with the night officially started, they watch the chaos unfold. The DJ, is absolutely killing it—no one wants to leave the dance floor, the beats are so addictive.<</st>>
<<ele>> — Look at this place! We’ve outdone ourselves, Mia.<</ele>>
<<mia>>(smiling): — Yeah, this is only the beginning. Watch it get even crazier.<</mia>>
<<st>>Around them, the party is spiraling into something wild. Everyone is dancing like they’re trying to forget the rest of the world exists. Mia glances around, her eyes catching on the girls she brought in for tonight. Each of them is lighting up the party in their own way.<</st>>
<<mia>>(thinking): — Alright, let’s see… who do we check on first?<</mia>>
<<linkreplace "Lily">><<st>>The party is in full swing, and Mia’s eyes land on Lily, who’s clearly not wasting any time. She’s in the corner, pressed up against the wall, and she’s already got some guy locked in her grip. Her lips are on his, and they’re making out like they don’t care who’s watching.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/oneTimeGif2/47.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Her hands roam freely, sliding down his chest and then to his zipper, teasing him as their kissing gets even more intense. The guy is practically melting under her touch, and the heat between them is obvious. People nearby steal glances, clearly enjoying the show.<</st>>
<<st>>Lily glances around for a second, catches a few eyes watching her, and smirks before pulling the guy even closer. They don’t even care about the crowd—they’re lost in each other.<</st>>
<<st>>Then, as things get even hotter, she grabs him by the hand and leads him deeper into the shadows, away from prying eyes. The whole scene is so steamy that Mia can’t help but whistle.<</st>>
<<mia>>(whistling): — Damn, Lily. You’re not holding back tonight.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia chuckles, shaking her head, but she’s impressed. Lily’s clearly got things under control, and she’s playing her role perfectly.<</st>>
<<mia>>(thinking): — Well, Lily’s handling her business. Time to see what the others are up to.<</mia>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Michelle">><<st>>Mia’s eyes land on Michelle over by the bar. She’s already surrounded by a group of guys, all of them hanging on her every word.<</st>>
<<st>>She raises her hand, signaling to the bartender to pour more shots. Every time a shot is downed, the energy around her only amps up.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/oneTimeGif2/48.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<mia>>(thinking): — She’s got them eating out of her hand. These guys are gonna leave their wallets here.<</mia>>
<<st>>Michelle glances over at the bartender, winking, and holds up another shot glass, but this time she doesn’t drink it right away. Instead, she climbs up on the barstool, making sure every eye is on her. The crowd around her grows bigger, guys elbowing each other to get closer.<</st>>
<<michelle>>(raising her voice over the music): — Alright, listen up, boys! Here’s the deal. Whoever buys me the most expensive bottle of champagne gets a special surprise from me!<</michelle>>
<<st>>The guys go nuts. It's like a switch flips in their heads, and suddenly they’re competing to outdo each other.<</st>>
<<st>>Michelle watches, a devilish grin on her face, loving every second of it. The numbers keep climbing—600, 700, 800 dollars. The room is buzzing, and even Mia can’t help but laugh and wait for the results.<</st>>
<<st>>Finally, one guy wins, throwing out a ridiculous bid, and Michelle gives him a slow, approving nod. The bartender hands her the bottle of champagne, and she doesn’t waste any time. With a loud pop, the cork flies off, and champagne sprays everywhere, soaking the crowd and go wild.<</st>>
<<michelle>>(laughing): — Oops! Looks like I made a mess.<</michelle>>
<<st>>Then, in one smooth move, she steps off the barstool and walks up to the guy who won the auction, giving him a sultry smile.<</st>>
<<michelle>>(trailing her fingers down his arm): — Oh no, I got all wet. You see that? Guess we better find somewhere quieter to dry off.<</michelle>>
<<st>>She takes him by the hand and, under the whistles and cheers leads him away from the bar with a playful grin.<</st>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Alissa">><<st>>The dance floor is packed, and the energy is electric. It’s one of those nights where nobody cares about anything except the music and the heat.<</st>>
<<st>>Alyssa’s right in the middle of it, but she’s never one to just blend in. She glances around, eyes flashing with an idea, and without a second thought, she climbs up onto a table. The moment she does, every eye turns to her. A few girls nearby cheer, and Alyssa, always the center of attention, waves them over.<</st>>
<<ali>>(smirking): — C’mon, girls, let’s take this up a notch!<</ali>>
<<st>>The girls join her on the table, and soon enough, they’re all dancing together. The music pulses harder, and the guys nearby can’t keep their hands to themselves, reaching up, trying to get a touch. A couple of girls get so into it, they start making out right there, and the crowd around them roars with excitement.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia watches from across the room, impressed by how quickly Alyssa’s taken control of the moment. The entire dance floor is now watching the scene unfold on the table.<</st>>
<<ali>>(shouting over the music): — Alright, girls, time to really turn this place up! Everyone goes topless!<</ali>>
<<st>>Without a second thought, she pulls off her top and throws it into the crowd. The other girls, caught up in the wild energy of the moment, do the same.<</st>>
<<mia>>(grinning to herself): — Now that’s how you work a crowd. She’s a genius. The place is about to explode.<</mia>><</linkreplace>>
<<button[[Continue|Party night 2]]>><</button>><<st>>Mia walks over to Elaine, who’s watching the entrance. Mia follows her gaze and sees Vitto strolling in with his friends. He spots them and grins, his eyes flashing with a mix of playfulness and lust.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/oneTimeGif2/52.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<vit>>(grinning): — Long time no see, ladies. I’ve missed you.<</vit>>
<<ele>>(smirking): — Missed us? We must’ve left quite the impression.<</ele>>
<<st>>Vitto looks around, clearly impressed by the scale of the party. He raises an eyebrow, clearly enjoying every second of it.<</st>>
<<vit>>— This is one hell of a party. You girls know how to throw it down.<</vit>>
<<mia>>— Oh, this is just the start.<</mia>>
<<st>>They head to the bar and down a few shots together. The vibe’s electric, and the music keeps everyone moving. After a while, Vitto leans in with a smirk.<</st>>
<<vit>>— You know, I’ve been thinking about that last night we spent together. How about we make it happen again? What do you say?<</vit>>
<<st>>Elaine grins, but before she can answer, Mia steps in, giving him a teasing look.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Tempting, Vitto, really. But we’re the hosts tonight, and we’ve gotta make sure everything runs smoothly. Can’t have this place falling apart without us.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(with a wink): — But don’t worry, we’ve got a little surprise for you. You’re going to love it.<</ele>>
<<st>>Vitto’s eyes widen slightly, the curiosity and excitement unmistakable.<</st>>
<<vit>>— A surprise, huh? What kind of surprise?<</vit>>
<<st>>Mia smirks, leaning in just enough to keep him hooked.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Well, I’ve got three very eager girls who’ve been dying to meet you. They’ve been asking all night. And here’s the best part: they want to spend some time with you. All three of them. Together.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(grinning): — You catch my drift, right?<</ele>>
<<st>>Vitto’s eyes darken with desire, his lips curling into a wicked smile as he realizes what they’re offering. Just as Mia finishes speaking, Lily, Michelle, and Alyssa appear, sliding up to the table.<</st>>
<<vit>>(his gaze intense): — You girls really know how to spoil a guy. I’m not complaining.<</vit>>
<<st>>The girls sit down, their hands casually brushing against Vitto’s arm as they all order another round of shots. There’s no mistaking the charged energy between them. Michelle leans in close to Vitto, her lips barely an inch from his ear as she whispers something that makes him chuckle. Alyssa, meanwhile, catches his eye, giving him a teasing smile before she plants a soft kiss on Lily’s lips, drawing his full attention.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine exchange knowing glances as the girls start pulling Vitto in closer, whispering things only he can hear, their touches becoming more playful. They’re working him perfectly.<</st>>
<<st>>Finally, Lily takes his hand, standing up and giving him a look that says everything without a single word.<</st>>
<<lily>>(smiling): — Ready for that surprise we talked about?<</lily>>
<<st>>Vitto grins like a man who just hit the jackpot, standing up as the girls lead him toward the private backroom. He turns back to Mia and Elaine, that wicked smile still on his face.<</st>>
<<vit>>(grinning): — This is one hell of a surprise. You girls really outdid yourselves.<</vit>>
<<st>>Elaine winks at him, and Mia flashes him a knowing smile.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Have fun, Vitto. We’ll make sure everything else runs smoothly while you… enjoy yourself.<</mia>>
<<st>>With that, Vitto is led away by the girls. The night’s definitely going according to plan.<</st>>
<<button[[Sex|BigParty_video_1]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blowjob 2|BigParty_video_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 3|BigParty_video_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1|BigParty_video_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1|BigParty_video_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 2|BigParty_video_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 2|BigParty_video_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3|BigParty_video_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 4|BigParty_video_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-2|BigParty_video_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1-2|BigParty_video_11]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-2|BigParty_video_12]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-3|BigParty_video_13]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-3|BigParty_video_14]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 5|BigParty_video_15]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|BigParty_video_16]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<st>>Mia had been thinking a lot since their wild night at the casino. She realized it was time to take more action and finally talk to Elaine about the business idea. She sat at the table in the café, waiting for Elaine, running through the conversation in her mind. Just as she was about to get lost in her thoughts, she saw Elaine walk in, her hair a bit wild but grinning from ear to ear. Elaine slid into the seat across from Mia.<</st>>
<<mia>>What happened to you? Your hair is all over the place. Did you get into a fight with a tornado on the way here?<</mia>>
<<ele>>(laughing) — Oh, look who's talking! I saw your reflection in the window, and I’m pretty sure you’re hiding last night’s hangover behind those sunglasses.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Keep telling yourself that.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(laughing): — You know, we should do this more often—when we’re not trying to survive the aftermath of a wild night.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Yeah, it's been a while since we’ve just hung out like this. Feels good, doesn’t it?<</mia>>
<<ele>>— Totally. I kinda missed this—just chilling and talking like normal people for a change.<</ele>>
<<mia>>(nodding): — Same here. That’s actually why I wanted to meet up. There’s something I want to talk to you about. It’s serious.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(playfully): — Uh-oh. You’ve got that "I'm-about-to-drop-a-bomb" look on your face. What, you want to tell me that you banged your Dad again or what? <</ele>>
<<mia>>(rolling her eyes but laughing): — My GOD, will you ever stop bringing that up? But no, seriously, I've been thinking a lot lately. I want to open a club. Not just any club, though. Something wilder. A club-brothel hybrid where people can truly let loose—something this city has never seen before. And I thought you and I would be a great team if we worked together on this.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(perking up): — Wait, you’re serious? That’s... brilliant! There’s nothing like that here. Everyone’s so uptight or trying to look cool. This could be huge!<</ele>>
<<mia>> Exactly! I was going to pitch the idea to the boss, but let’s be honest—he’s a total meathead who wouldn’t take it seriously. So, I figured why not do it ourselves?<</mia>>
<<ele>>— Wow, that’s bold. And you know I’m in. You’re not shaking me off now. What’s the plan?<</ele>>
<<mia>>(grinning):— First step was convincing you, and I think I just did.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(laughing):— Oh, smooth. You really thought this through, huh?<</ele>>
<<mia>>Well, I do have a rough plan. But first, we need an investor. Someone who’s got the cash to help us get this off the ground.<</mia>>
<<ele>>— Hmmm, any ideas?<</ele>>
<<mia>>(leaning forward):— Remember that guy we met at the casino, Vitto? I’m pretty sure he’s got money. We could try to get him on board.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(thinking for a moment):— Oh yeah, Vitto. The one that fucked us both, right, hehe?He seemed like the kind of guy who’d be into this sort of thing. But how are you planning to approach him?<</ele>>
<<mia>>(rolled her eyes): — Yeah, that one. And that’s the tricky part. I have no idea how to convince him.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(with a sly grin):— Easy. He’s the type who loves a good party, right? We throw an epic party, invite him, and show him we know how to organize something wild. Once he sees what we’re capable of, he’ll be hooked, and we'll talk to him.<</ele>>
<<mia>>(nodding):— You know what? This can actually work! He won’t be able to resist.<</mia>>
<<ele>>— Exactly. So, when are we doing this?<</ele>>
<<mia>>Soon. We’ve got to make it perfect. Let’s plan the party and make sure it’s something he won’t forget.<</mia>>
<<ele>>— Okay, but we need to think about what we actually need for the party. We’ve got to rent a venue, hire decorators, pay for the bar, get some girls, and invite a ton of people.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Oh, right! I’ve actually been thinking about that for a while now, and I’ve already hired a few girls. We’ll invite them and see how they perform. As for the rest, we need to figure out exactly what we’ll need and how much it’s going to cost.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(grinning):— Lucky for you, you’ve got me. I know exactly how to pull this off. Let me break it down for you.<</ele>>
<<st>>Elaine pulls out a napkin and starts jotting things down.<</st>>
<<ele>>— So, here’s what we need:
Venue: $2,000
The place has to be badass, no half-measures. We need something that screams exclusivity.
Decorations: $500
Not too fancy, but enough to make it look like we give a damn and know what we're doing
Bar: $1,000
We need drinks flowing all night. If people aren’t drunk, they aren’t staying.
Miscellaneous: $500
For whatever fed up surprise might come up.
Total: $4,000.<</ele>>
<<mia>>(nodding):— Plus, we’ll need to pay the girls. Let’s say $500 for each of the three for the night. That’s another $1,500.<</mia>>
<<ele>>— Right, so that brings us to $5,500 in total.<</ele>>
<<mia>>(raising an eyebrow):— So, we just need to scrape together $5.5k, and we’re golden?<</mia>>
<<ele>>(laughing):— Exactly, genius.<</ele>>
<<mia>>— Deal.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(raising her glass):— Yayyy, here’s to the start of something legendary. Let’s do this!<</ele>>
<<st>>They clink glasses, excitement buzzing between them as they start planning their next move.<</st>>
<<set $quests.brothel_other_1=true>>
<<button [[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">The BIG Party</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.brothel_other_1==true>>Mia and Elaine are about to host the wildest party the city has ever seen. With a guest list full of people and a night filled with drinks, dancing, and plenty of heat, they aim to impress one special guest and make this party unforgettable.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to Mia's room<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+90 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/vit.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.brothel_other_1 == true>>✅Pass quest "Time to move"<<else>>🛑 Pass quest "Time to move"<</if>>
<<if $girls.girl3==true>>✅Recruit Lily, Michelle, Alissa in the brothel<<else>>🛑Recruit Lily, Michelle, Alissa in the brothel<</if>>
<<if $mia.money>5500>>✅Money more than 5500<<else>>🛑Money more than 5500<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.brothel_money_1 == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Brothel_Money_1]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>><div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Time to move</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_casino_adventure==true>>Mia decides it’s time to reveal her big plans to Elaine: opening a club like no other. Over lunch, she proposes the idea and explains why they need to act now.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to the Cafe<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+70 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+2 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+2 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/ele.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_casino_adventure == true>>✅Pass quest #27<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #27<</if>></div></div></div><<st>>You’re at the beach. The sun is warm, the waves are gentle, and people around you are enjoying the day—just like you. Life feels perfect.<</st>>
<<button[[Sunbathe on the beach|Beach_Ibiza]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Map_Ibiza]]>><</button>><<st>>You’re in the club. The music is loud, people are dancing, and the drinks are flowing—it’s the kind of night where everything just feels right.<</st>>
<<button[[Hang out at the club|Club_Ibiza]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Map_Ibiza]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer_girl3/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Standing 1|Girl3_video]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 3|girl3_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 4|girl3_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 5|girl3_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|girl3_6]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Girl3_etap2_last]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer_girl3/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Standing 2|girl3_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 1|Girl3_video]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 4|girl3_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 5|girl3_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|girl3_6]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Girl3_etap2_last]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer_girl3/4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Standing 2|girl3_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 3|girl3_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 1|Girl3_video]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 5|girl3_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|girl3_6]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Girl3_etap2_last]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer_girl3/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Standing 2|girl3_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 3|girl3_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 4|girl3_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 1|Girl3_video]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|girl3_6]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Girl3_etap2_last]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/univer_girl3/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Standing 2|girl3_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 3|girl3_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 4|girl3_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 5|girl3_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Standing 1|Girl3_video]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|Girl3_etap2_last]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blowjob 1|BigParty_video_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 3|BigParty_video_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1|BigParty_video_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1|BigParty_video_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 2|BigParty_video_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 2|BigParty_video_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3|BigParty_video_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 4|BigParty_video_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-2|BigParty_video_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1-2|BigParty_video_11]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-2|BigParty_video_12]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-3|BigParty_video_13]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-3|BigParty_video_14]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 5|BigParty_video_15]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|BigParty_video_16]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blowjob 2|BigParty_video_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 1|BigParty_video_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1|BigParty_video_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1|BigParty_video_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 2|BigParty_video_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 2|BigParty_video_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3|BigParty_video_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 4|BigParty_video_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-2|BigParty_video_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1-2|BigParty_video_11]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-2|BigParty_video_12]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-3|BigParty_video_13]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-3|BigParty_video_14]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 5|BigParty_video_15]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|BigParty_video_16]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blowjob 2|BigParty_video_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 3|BigParty_video_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 1|BigParty_video_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1|BigParty_video_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 2|BigParty_video_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 2|BigParty_video_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3|BigParty_video_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 4|BigParty_video_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-2|BigParty_video_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1-2|BigParty_video_11]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-2|BigParty_video_12]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-3|BigParty_video_13]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-3|BigParty_video_14]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 5|BigParty_video_15]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|BigParty_video_16]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blowjob 2|BigParty_video_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 3|BigParty_video_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1|BigParty_video_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 1|BigParty_video_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 2|BigParty_video_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 2|BigParty_video_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3|BigParty_video_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 4|BigParty_video_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-2|BigParty_video_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1-2|BigParty_video_11]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-2|BigParty_video_12]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-3|BigParty_video_13]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-3|BigParty_video_14]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 5|BigParty_video_15]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|BigParty_video_16]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blowjob 2|BigParty_video_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 3|BigParty_video_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1|BigParty_video_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1|BigParty_video_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 1|BigParty_video_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 2|BigParty_video_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3|BigParty_video_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 4|BigParty_video_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-2|BigParty_video_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1-2|BigParty_video_11]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-2|BigParty_video_12]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-3|BigParty_video_13]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-3|BigParty_video_14]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 5|BigParty_video_15]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|BigParty_video_16]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/7.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blowjob 2|BigParty_video_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 3|BigParty_video_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1|BigParty_video_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1|BigParty_video_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 2|BigParty_video_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 1|BigParty_video_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3|BigParty_video_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 4|BigParty_video_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-2|BigParty_video_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1-2|BigParty_video_11]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-2|BigParty_video_12]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-3|BigParty_video_13]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-3|BigParty_video_14]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 5|BigParty_video_15]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|BigParty_video_16]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/8.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blowjob 2|BigParty_video_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 3|BigParty_video_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1|BigParty_video_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1|BigParty_video_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 2|BigParty_video_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 2|BigParty_video_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 1|BigParty_video_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 4|BigParty_video_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-2|BigParty_video_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1-2|BigParty_video_11]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-2|BigParty_video_12]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-3|BigParty_video_13]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-3|BigParty_video_14]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 5|BigParty_video_15]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|BigParty_video_16]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/9.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blowjob 2|BigParty_video_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 3|BigParty_video_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1|BigParty_video_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1|BigParty_video_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 2|BigParty_video_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 2|BigParty_video_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3|BigParty_video_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 1|BigParty_video_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-2|BigParty_video_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1-2|BigParty_video_11]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-2|BigParty_video_12]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-3|BigParty_video_13]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-3|BigParty_video_14]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 5|BigParty_video_15]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|BigParty_video_16]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/10.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blowjob 2|BigParty_video_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 3|BigParty_video_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1|BigParty_video_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1|BigParty_video_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 2|BigParty_video_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 2|BigParty_video_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3|BigParty_video_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 4|BigParty_video_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 1|BigParty_video_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1-2|BigParty_video_11]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-2|BigParty_video_12]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-3|BigParty_video_13]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-3|BigParty_video_14]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 5|BigParty_video_15]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|BigParty_video_16]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/11.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blowjob 2|BigParty_video_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 3|BigParty_video_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1|BigParty_video_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1|BigParty_video_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 2|BigParty_video_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 2|BigParty_video_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3|BigParty_video_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 4|BigParty_video_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-2|BigParty_video_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 1|BigParty_video_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-2|BigParty_video_12]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-3|BigParty_video_13]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-3|BigParty_video_14]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 5|BigParty_video_15]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|BigParty_video_16]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/12.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blowjob 2|BigParty_video_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 3|BigParty_video_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1|BigParty_video_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1|BigParty_video_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 2|BigParty_video_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 2|BigParty_video_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3|BigParty_video_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 4|BigParty_video_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-2|BigParty_video_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1-2|BigParty_video_11]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 1|BigParty_video_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-3|BigParty_video_13]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-3|BigParty_video_14]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 5|BigParty_video_15]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|BigParty_video_16]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/13.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blowjob 2|BigParty_video_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 3|BigParty_video_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1|BigParty_video_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1|BigParty_video_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 2|BigParty_video_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 2|BigParty_video_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3|BigParty_video_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 4|BigParty_video_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-2|BigParty_video_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1-2|BigParty_video_11]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-2|BigParty_video_12]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 1|BigParty_video_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-3|BigParty_video_14]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 5|BigParty_video_15]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|BigParty_video_16]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/14.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blowjob 2|BigParty_video_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 3|BigParty_video_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1|BigParty_video_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1|BigParty_video_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 2|BigParty_video_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 2|BigParty_video_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3|BigParty_video_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 4|BigParty_video_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-2|BigParty_video_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1-2|BigParty_video_11]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-2|BigParty_video_12]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-3|BigParty_video_13]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 1|BigParty_video_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 5|BigParty_video_15]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|BigParty_video_16]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/15.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blowjob 2|BigParty_video_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 3|BigParty_video_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1|BigParty_video_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1|BigParty_video_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 2|BigParty_video_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 2|BigParty_video_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3|BigParty_video_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 4|BigParty_video_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-2|BigParty_video_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1-2|BigParty_video_11]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-2|BigParty_video_12]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-3|BigParty_video_13]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-3|BigParty_video_14]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 1|BigParty_video_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|BigParty_video_16]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/16.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blowjob 2|BigParty_video_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 3|BigParty_video_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1|BigParty_video_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1|BigParty_video_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 2|BigParty_video_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 2|BigParty_video_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3|BigParty_video_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 4|BigParty_video_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-2|BigParty_video_10]]>><</button>> <<button [[Bj girl 1-2|BigParty_video_11]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-2|BigParty_video_12]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 3-3|BigParty_video_13]]>><</button>> <<button [[Fuck girl 1-3|BigParty_video_14]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 5|BigParty_video_15]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blowjob 1|BigParty_video_1]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<st>>Sunlight creeps through the curtains of Mia’s room, and the sound of a phone buzzing wakes her up. She groans and rolls over, spotting Elaine sprawled out on the other side of the bed, looking equally exhausted after the wild night.<</st>>
<<mia>> (rubbing her eyes):— Ugh, remind me never to drink that many shots again.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(groaning, still half-asleep):— You say that every time. You love the chaos.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia chuckles and sits up, glancing at Elaine’s messy hair.<</st>>
<<mia>>(teasing):— Well, at least I don’t look like I got into a fight with a tornado last night. Seriously, what happened to your hair?<</mia>>
<<ele>>(laughing, running her hands through her tangled hair):— Says the girl who face-planted into her pillow without even taking off her makeup.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia playfully shoves her with a grin, both of them finally starting to wake up fully.<</st>>
<<ele>>(grinning):— But, admit it. Last night was pretty damn amazing. We killed it.<</ele>>
<<mia>> (smiling):— Yeah, I have to say, we pulled off one hell of a party. Vitto was impressed, the crowd went wild, and the girls? They crushed it.<</mia>>
<<st>>Elaine stretches and nods, clearly pleased with how everything turned out.<</st>>
<<ele>>— We’ve got to talk to Vitto today, though. I think now’s the perfect time to push the club idea. He’s already halfway in our pocket after last night.<</ele>>
<<mia>> (reaching for her phone):— I’ll call him. Let’s see if he’s awake and ready for a little business chat.<</mia>>
<<st>>She quickly dials Vitto’s number, arranging the meeting. After hanging up, Mia stretches and grins at Elaine.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Looks like we’ve got ourselves a meeting.<</mia>>
<<ele>>— Perfect. Now let’s get our act together before we scare him off with these hangover faces.<</ele>>
<<button[[Go to the meeting|Go to the meeting]]>><</button>><<st>>Mia and Elaine sit at a table in a private room of a cozy café. The atmosphere is calm, but there’s tension in the air. After a few minutes, Vitto walks in, his usual confident grin on his face, as if he already knows something interesting is about to happen.<</st>>
<<vit>>— Girls, last night was something else! Honestly, I thought I’d seen it all, but you managed to surprise me.<</vit>>
<<mia>>— We aim to impress, Vitto. We know how to throw a party.<</mia>>
<<ele>>— It’s kind of our thing. Mia’s studying business, and I’m in design—organizing events is second nature to us.<</ele>>
<<st>>Vitto raises an eyebrow, his gaze sharpening a bit. He leans back in his chair, still with that playful glint in his eyes.<</st>>
<<vit>>— Oh, so you're not just party girls, huh? Alright, what’s the real reason for this meeting? I’m guessing you didn’t just call me here for coffee.<</vit>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine exchange a quick look, Mia decides to make the first move.<</st>>
<<mia>>— You’re right, Vitto. We’ve got a business idea, and we need someone like you to help us bring it to life.<</mia>>
<<vit>>— Go on.<</vit>>
<<ele>>— We want to open a club. Not just any club, though—a club and brothel hybrid. Something this city has never seen. People can party, let loose, and… enjoy themselves in more ways than one.<</ele>>
<<st>>Vitto chuckles, clearly entertained but still cautious.<</st>>
<<vit>>— Sounds great. But why me? What makes you think I’ve got the kind of cash to back something like this?<</vit>>
<<st>>There’s a brief pause. Mia and Elaine glance at each other, unsure how to respond, before Vitto laughs, cutting through the tension.<</st>>
<<vit>>— Relax, I’m just messing with you. Yeah, I’ve got the money. But I’m not an idiot. I’m not just going to hand it out to anyone who asks.<</vit>>
<<st>>Elaine leans forward, not backing down.<</st>>
<<ele>>— You saw what we pulled off last night, and we did that with barely any budget. Imagine what we could do with real backing.<</ele>>
<<mia>>— Give us an investor who believes in us, and we’ll build something that’ll make last night look like child’s play.<</mia>>
<<st>>Vitto leans back, rubbing his chin, clearly considering their pitch. There’s a moment of silence before he finally speaks.<</st>>
<<vit>>— You girls have guts. I like that. And I’ll admit, you know what you’re doing.<</vit>>
<<vit>>— But I’m not giving you money just like that. There’s always a catch, right?<</vit>>
<<mia>>— What do you mean?<</mia>>
<<vit>>— Alright, look, besides the fat that I get a nice cut of the profits, I’ve got a few conditions. You meet all of them, and I’ll give you the money you need to open your little club.<</vit>>
<<st>>The girls look at each other, curiosity and apprehension in their eyes.<</st>>
<<ele>>— What are the conditions?<</ele>>
<<vit>>— First, I’ve got a friend with a birthday coming up. I want you to throw him a party—better than the one you threw last night. I’ll take care of the budget, but it has to be perfect.<</vit>>
<<vit>>— Second, there’s someone I need… handled. I want one of your girls to seduce him, get it on camera. How you do it is your problem, but I need that footage.<</vit>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine glance at each other, the tension rising, but they stay quiet as Vitto continues.<</st>>
<<vit>>— And third... last night I got a taste of your girl, Lily. I want another night with her. Set it up, and make it happen.<</vit>>
<<vit>>— You do all that, and the money’s yours.<</vit>>
<<ele>>— Consider it done, Vitto. We’ll take care of everything.<</ele>>
<<st>>Vitto smiles, satisfied, as he stands up to leave.<</st>>
<<vit>>— Good. I’ll be waiting. See you girls soon.<</vit>>
<<ele>>— Oh, you’ll see us sooner than you think.<</ele>>
<<set $quests.brothel_money_2=true>><<set $need_sleep=true>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>><div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">The Deal</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.brothel_money_1==true>>Mia and Elaine meet with Vitto to present their plan for opening a unique club. Vitto is intrigued but lays out specific conditions they must meet to earn his support. The girls must navigate his terms carefully to secure the funding and make their vision a reality.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to the Mia's room<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+100 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/vit.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.brothel_money_1 == true>>✅Pass quest The BIG party<<else>>🛑 Pass quest "The BIG party"<</if>></div></div></div><<return "Go Back">>
<<st>>Blowjob 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Blowjob 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Blowjob 3<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Fuck girl 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Bj girl 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Fuck girl 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Bj girl 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/7.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Fuck girl 3<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/8.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Blowjob 4<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/9.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Fuck girl 1-2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/10.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Bj girl 1-2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/11.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Fuck girl 3-2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/12.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Fuck girl 3-3<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/13.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Fuck girl 1-3<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/14.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Blowjob 5<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/15.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/big_party/16.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video><<st>>Mia lounges by the pool, the sun warming her skin as she relaxes on a comfortable sunbed.<</st>>
<<button[[Relax by the pool|Pool_Ibiza]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Leave|Map_Ibiza]]>><</button>><<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Sleep_Ibiza]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<if $ibiza_beach_first == 0 >><<goto Beach_Ibiza_quest>><</if>>
<<set $random to random(9)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine had decided to spend the day by the pool, and it turned out to be a genius idea. The lifeguard on duty was tall, tanned, and, frankly, incredibly hot. Mia couldn't help but notice that he was throwing some heated glances her way as well. After lounging for a bit, she finally decided it was time to make her move.<</st>>
<<st>>She walked up to his chair, leaning against it, giving him a flirty smile.<</st>>
<<mia>> (playfully):— So, do lifeguards only rescue people from the water, or do you handle other... emergencies too?<</mia>>
<<spas>>— Depends on the emergency. But I think I could make an exception for you. How about a private "lesson" in the pool house?<</spas>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia smirked, nodding.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Sure, I think I could use a lesson.<</mia>>
<<st>>A few minutes later Mia met him at the pool house, closing the door behind her.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.bjForced)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/bjforced/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia laughed, shaking her head.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Maybe next time, hero. You'll have to try harder.<</mia>>
<<st>>She turned and walked away, leaving the lifeguard smiling after her, accepting the challenge.<</st>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia was lounging by the pool, soaking in the sun, when she noticed a guy approaching her. He stopped by her chair, giving her a confident smile.<</st>>
<<un>>— You look like you could use some company. How about I join you for a bit?<</un>>
<<st>>Mia looked him over, a teasing smile playing on her lips.<</st>>
<<mia>>— I guess that depends. Are you good company?<</mia>>
<<st>>They exchanged a few playful lines, and the attraction between them became obvious. The guy leaned in, lowering his voice.<</st>>
<<un>>(whispering): — I know a place where we could be alone. The changing room’s empty right now.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia stood up, a mischievous glint in her eye.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Lead the way.<</mia>>
<<st>>They slipped into the changing room, laughter echoing as they closed the door behind them.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.anal)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/anal/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia smiled, shaking her head.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Tempting, but I’m here to relax. Maybe another time.<</mia>>
<<st>>The guy nodded, accepting her answer with a grin, and walked away.<</st>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>It was late, and Mia and Elaine were heading back from the bar, laughing and slightly stumbling from the drinks they’d had. The pool area was mostly deserted, the water glimmering softly under the night lights. They paused by the pool, both of them a little buzzed and enjoying the cool night air.<</st>>
<<st>>Elaine turned to Mia with a devilish grin, her eyes sparkling with mischief.<</st>>
<<ele>>(teasing):— Bet you won’t go skinny dipping right now. Fifty bucks says you’re too chicken.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia raised an eyebrow, a competitive smirk forming on her lips.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Oh, you’re on.<</mia>>
<<st>>She kicked off her sandals, pulling off her bikini top and bottoms without hesitation. Elaine laughed, clapping softly as Mia confidently slipped into the cool water.
The pool lights glimmered, highlighting her bare skin as she swam to the center. Suddenly, she noticed a guy watching from a distance.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Invite Him In'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia smiled, raising her voice.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Hey, are you just gonna stand there, or are you coming in for some fun?<</mia>>
<<st>>The guy grinned, quickly stripping down and jumping in, joining her in the water.<</st>>
<<link 'Ignore Him'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia rolled her eyes, turning her back.
She continued swimming, enjoying the feel of the water and ignoring the guy’s stare until he eventually walked away.<</st>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Mia, feeling adventurous, decided to wander into the men’s changing room out of pure curiosity. The room was empty at first, but as she turned a corner, she ran into a group of guys who were clearly not expecting her.<</st>>
<<un>>(surprised, but amused): — Well, this is unexpected. You lost or just looking for some trouble?<</un>>
<<st>>Mia gave them a confident smile, leaning against the wall.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Flirt Back'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia shrugged, her eyes locking onto one of the guys.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Depends. You guys any good at showing a girl a good time?<</mia>>
<<st>>The guys exchanged glances before one of them stepped forward with a grin, and they moved closer to her, the tension thickening.<</st>>
<<set $imagechoice to random($photos_in_folder.gangBang)>><<set $imagechoicevariable = "0.2.6/img/gangBang/" + $imagechoice + ".gif">>[img[$imagechoicevariable]]
<<link 'Play It Cool'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia laughed, shaking her head.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Just messing around. Don’t worry, I’ll get out of your hair.<</mia>>
<<st>>She walked away, throwing a playful wink over her shoulder, leaving the guys there.<</st>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine had rented a private cabana by the pool for the day. After a while, a masseur came over, offering poolside massages. Elaine nudged Mia, winking.<</st>>
<<ele>>(whispering): — That guy is kinda hot. You should totally go for it.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia looked over at the masseur—he was tanned, muscular, and gave her a friendly smile.
She lay down on the massage table, the masseur beginning to work on her shoulders. His hands were firm, and as he worked, Mia noticed he was stealing glances at her, his touch lingering longer than usual. His hands gradually moved lower, tracing down her sides, brushing against places other than just her back.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Flirt with him'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia looked up at him, her voice playful.<</st>>
<<mia>>— You know, you’ve got some pretty good hands. Think you could show me a little more... after you’re done here?<</mia>>
<<st>>The masseur smiled, nodding slightly as he whispered.<</st>>
<<un>>— Meet me in the cabana in 20 minutes.<</un>>
<<link 'Keep it professional'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia smiled politely, relaxing under his hands but keeping her thoughts to herself.<</st>>
<<st>>After the massage, she thanked him, deciding to leave things at just a nice, relaxing experience.<</st>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>It was getting late, and Mia was relaxing alone in the hot tub, the bubbles surrounding her as she sipped on her cocktail. Across the pool, she noticed a guy eyeing her. He looked confident, his eyes meeting hers with a hint of curiosity.<</st>>
<<st>>He stood up, walking over to the hot tub with a casual smile.<</st>>
<<un>>— Mind if I join?<</un>>
<<st>>Mia looked him over, her lips curling into a slight smile.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Sure, hop in. Just don’t expect me to make it easy for you.<</mia>>
<<st>>He slid into the hot tub beside her, the warmth of the water mixing with the charged atmosphere between them. The guy moved closer, his leg brushing against hers as he leaned in, his voice dropping lower.<</st>>
<<un>>(grinning): — So, what do you say we take this somewhere a bit more private? I’ve got a few moves that are best kept off public display.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia let out a playful laugh, leaning in just enough to let him know she was interested.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Alright, let’s see what you’ve got.<</mia>>
<<st>>They got out of the hot tub, the guy leading her to a more secluded spot by the pool.<</st>>
<<link 'Keep your distance'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia kept her space, taking a sip of her cocktail.<</st>>
<<mia>>— You can join, but no funny business. I’m just here to relax.<</mia>>
<<st>>The guy chuckled, raising his hands in mock surrender.<</st>>
<<un>>— Fair enough. Just good conversation then.<</un>>
<<case 6>>
<<st>>Mia was relaxing in the pool, when one of the guys decided to join her. He swam up close, his eyes roaming over her body, and he wasn’t shy about it.<</st>>
<<un>>(grinning): — You look so damn hot in that bikini, especially with the water making everything... stand out even more.<</un>>
<<st>>He moved closer, his hand brushing against her thigh, and leaned in.<</st>>
<<un>>(whispering): — You know what would be even better? Having some real fun underwater... What do you say?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia smiled, nodding. They swam further out into the deeper part of the pool, slipping away from prying eyes.<</st>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia laughed, shaking her head.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Maybe later. For now, I’m good just enjoying the water.<</mia>>
<<case 7>>
<<st>>Mia was lounging on a sunbed, soaking in the warmth of the sun. A guy she’d seen around earlier approached with two cocktails in hand, offering her one. His eyes roamed over her, clearly lingering on her chest and thighs as she sipped the drink. After some small talk, he leaned closer, his gaze locked on hers.<</st>>
<<un>>(smirking): — You look like you need more than just sun and cocktails. How about we head to the changing rooms and have some real fun?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia smiled, getting up from the sunbed.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Why not?
They headed towards the changing rooms together.<</mia>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia laughed, shaking her head.<</st>>
<<mia>>— For now, I’m pretty content with just the sun and this drink, thanks.<</mia>>
<<case 8>>
<<st>>Mia joins a group playing a game of Truth or Dare by the pool. A guy in the group, already eyeing her tits, decides to make things interesting.<</st>>
<<un>>(smirking):— Mia, I dare you to come with me behind the pool cabana. You'll love it.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia grins, raising an eyebrow.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Alright, let’s see what you’ve got.<</mia>>
<<st>>They sneak away behind the cabana, disappearing from the group's view.<</st>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia laughs, shaking her head.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Maybe another time. I’m here for the dares, not the drama.<</mia>>
<<case 9>>
<<st>>Mia was standing at the edge of the diving board, getting ready to jump into the pool. One of the guys was watching her from below, his eyes glued to her body as she stood there in her bikini. As Mia jumped, she hit the water, resurfacing only to realize her bikini top had slipped off during the jump. She quickly swam over to the edge of the pool, her arms crossed over her chest. The guy who had been watching her approached, smirking as he held out a towel.<</st>>
<<un>>(smirking):— Need a hand? I’ll give you the towel, but how about a trade—give me a blowjob after?<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say Yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia bit her lip, looking around before nodding slightly.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Alright, fine. Just give me the towel first.<</mia>>
<<st>>The guy handed her the towel, his eyes still fixed on her, and they moved towards a more secluded corner.<<st>>
<<link 'Say No'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia scoffed, rolling her eyes.<</st>>
<<mia>>— I think I’ll manage without your towel.<</mia>>
<</switch>><<button[[Leave|Pool_Ibiza_start]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $quests.quest_room_secrets=true>><<set $mia.exp +=100>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<set $active_quests.q34=true>><<st>>Richard was busy at his desk, eyes on the endless stream of emails when his phone buzzed with a new message. It was from Sophia.<</st>>
<<soph>>(text message):— Hey, I'm going shopping today. Want to come with me?<</soph>>
<<st>>Richard raised an eyebrow, a bit surprised, and was just about to start typing a reply when another message came through.<</st>>
<<soph>>(text message):— Oh, sorry, that was meant for a friend.<</soph>>
<<st>>Richard smirked, his fingers pausing over the screen before he started typing.<</st>>
<<rich>>(text message):— Well, I was about to say yes. We haven't seen each other in a while, so I'm even willing to tag along for shopping.<</rich>>
<<st>>There was a brief pause before another message arrived.<</st>>
<<soph>>(text message):— Really? I didn't take you for the type. Shopping with a woman is a dangerous sport.<</soph>>
<<rich>>(text message):— I like a bit of danger. How about we meet at the mall?<</rich>>
<<soph>>(text message):— Alright, you’re on.<</soph>>
<<button[[Go to the Mall|quest_room_secrets_1]]>><</button>><div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Dressing Room Secrets</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_last_sex==true>>Richard meets up with Sophia for a casual shopping trip, but things take an unexpected turn as the day unfolds.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and meet Mia's dad in parents' room.<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+100 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_last_sex == true>>✅Pass quest #29<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #29<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_room_secrets == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest_Room_Secrets]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>><<st>>Richard arrived at the mall, spotting Sophia waiting near the entrance. She turned, her face lighting up when she saw him. She walked over, her steps confident, and planted a kiss on his lips.<</st>>
<<soph>>(smiling):— There you are. It's good to see you again.<</soph>>
<<rich>>(grinning):— Finally. I’ve missed seeing that smile.<</rich>>
<<st>>They began strolling through the mall, stopping by various shops. Sophia picked out a few pieces of clothing as they went along, and Richard watched with an amused smile. Eventually, they made their way to an upscale boutique, and Richard felt his confidence waver as he noticed the price tags. It was one of those places where everything was elegant... and outrageously expensive.<</st>>
<<st>>Sophia chose a few outfits and disappeared into the changing room. Richard stood awkwardly by the racks until her voice called out to him.<</st>>
<<soph>>(teasing):— Well, what are you standing there for? Come on, help me decide.<</soph>>
<<st>>He made his way over to her, watching as she tried on an elegant dress, posing for him.<</st>>
<<soph>>(turning to him with a mischievous grin):— What do you think? Does it suit me?<</soph>>
<<st>>Richard took a deep breath, trying to ignore the price tags swirling in his mind.<</st>>
<<rich>>— It looks... amazing, really. But, uh... are you sure?<</rich>>
<<st>>Sophia smirked, pretending not to notice his hesitation.<</st>>
<<soph>>— Come on, get in here. I need another opinion.<</soph>>
<<st>>Before Richard could protest, she pulled him into the changing room, her eyes sparkling with mischief.<</st>>
<<soph>>(whispering, her tone playful):— You know, I’ve never done anything like this in a store. Have you?<</soph>>
<<st>>Richard felt the rush of adrenaline as he caught her gaze, her excitement contagious. He leaned in, their lips meeting in a heated kiss.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/single/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button[[Continue|quest_room_secrets_2]]>><</button>><<st>>They stepped out of the changing room, both of them slightly disheveled but with wide smiles. Richard ran a hand through his hair, and Sophia glanced over at him, her grin still in place.<</st>>
<<st>>Richard took a deep breath, heading over to the counter, where the sales associate was already waiting. He paid for everything Sophia had picked out, ignoring the raised eyebrow of the cashier.<</st>>
<<soph>>(leaning closer, whispering with a smirk):— I knew you'd make a great shopping partner.<</soph>>
<<st>>Richard laughed softly, shaking his head.<</st>>
<<rich>>— I just hope this doesn’t become a habit.<</rich>>
<<soph>>(smiling):— No promises.<</soph>>
<<st>>As they parted ways, Richard found himself lost in thought, a small smile playing on his lips.<</st>>
<<rich>>(thinking):— Ha, funny. She thinks she got me wrapped around her finger. I remember when Mia used to do the same, convincing me to buy her things. Except back then, I fell for it without the perks of sex in a fitting room.<</rich>>
<<button[[Leave|Parents room]]>><</button>><<return "Go Back">>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/single/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video><<set $quests.quest_close_call=true>><<set $mia.exp +=100>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<set $active_quests.q35=true>><<set $active_quests.q36=true>><<st>>Jenny sat in her living room, sipping on a half-full glass of wine. The TV was on, but she wasn't really watching it. The house was quiet—Mia was out with Elaine, probably having a blast. Jenny liked Elaine; she and Mia were always off somewhere, whispering and laughing. Jenny smiled a little, thinking about how inseparable they were these days.<</st>>
<<st>>Her husband, as usual, was off on another "business trip." Jenny didn’t really care where he was, she had her own way of having fun. She poured herself more wine, feeling a buzz in her head. Jack crossed her mind— she thought back to their last meeting at the café. They had agreed it was over, that it was too risky. But with another glass of wine, she couldn't help but think—why end it? It was fun, exciting, and something just for herself. Without thinking too much, she picked up her phone and started typing.<</st>>
<<jn>>(typing, a teasing smile on her lips):— Hey, what are you up to? I’m home alone... want to come over?<</jn>>
<<st>>She hesitated for a moment, then decided to up the stakes. She snapped a quick selfie, making sure to capture her smile and her deep neckline, the wine glass in her hand.<</st>>
<<jn>>(sending the photo):— I think I could use some company.<</jn>>
<<st>>The message sent, and almost instantly, her phone buzzed with Jack's reply.<</st>>
<<jk>>— I was waiting for this. Be there soon.<</jk>>
<<st>>About twenty minutes later, there was a knock at the door. Jenny took a deep breath, smoothing her hair before opening it to see Jack standing there, grinning.<</st>>
<<jk>>(grinning):— Hey, you. Missed me already?<</jk>>
<<st>>Jenny rolled her eyes, stepping aside to let him in.<</st>>
<<jn>>(teasing):— Don’t get too cocky. I was just bored.<</jn>>
<<st>>Jack laughed, leaning in to kiss her cheek before stepping inside.<</st>>
<<jk>>— Sure, sure. "Just bored." Whatever helps you sleep at night.<</jk>>
<<st>>Jenny closed the door behind him, shaking her head.<</st>>
<<jn>>— You’re impossible, you know that?<</jn>>
<<st>>Jack shrugged, taking off his jacket.<</st>>
<<jk>>— You wouldn’t have texted me if I wasn’t.<</jk>>
<<st>>They moved to the living room, Jenny picking up her wine glass and taking another sip as Jack settled on the couch beside her.<</st>>
<<jk>>(looking around):— So, where is everyone? The coast clear?<</jk>>
<<jn>>(nodding):— Mia’s out with Elaine, probably causing some trouble. And my husband is off... somewhere, doing whatever he does. It’s just me. And now, you.<</jn>>
<<st>>Jack grinned, leaning back and putting his arm along the back of the couch.<</st>>
<<jk>>— Sounds like a perfect setup. You know, I’ve been thinking about our last meeting. I didn’t think you’d actually hold out as long as you did.<</jk>>
<<st>>Jenny sighed, her cheeks flushing slightly.<</st>>
<<jn>>— Yeah, well, I’m weak, I guess.<</jn>>
<<jk>>(smirking, raising an eyebrow):— Nah, you just needed a little push. And hey, everyone needs a bit of fun now and then, right?<</jk>>
<<st>>Jenny laughed, shaking her head.<</st>>
<<jn>>— Fun. That’s one word for it. But you know, I’ve never done anything like that before... the whole bathroom thing. You made me feel like I was in some kind of scandalous movie.<</jn>>
<<jk>>(grinning):— You didn’t seem too shy about it at the time. In fact, I’d say you were pretty damn into it.<</jk>>
<<st>>Jenny playfully nudged him.<</st>>
<<jn>>— Don’t remind me. It was... different.<</jn>>
<<jk>>(leaning in, his voice low and teasing):— I missed you, you know. Kept thinking about you—especially late at night. Hard to get you out of my head.<</jk>>
<<st>>Jenny felt her cheeks flush as she looked at him, feeling that familiar mix of excitement and nerves. She took another sip of her wine before setting it down.<</st>>
<<jn>>(teasing, with a small smirk):— You’re such a smooth talker, Jack. I swear, if I didn’t know better, I’d think you were actually sincere.<</jn>>
<<st>>Jack moved even closer, his hand sliding up her thigh, his lips just inches from hers.<</st>>
<<jk>>(whispering against her lips, smirking):— Maybe I am. Or maybe I just like seeing you like this. Either way, I want you.<</jk>>
<<st>>Before she could respond, Jack kissed her, his lips pressing firmly against hers, his hand gripping her thigh. <</st>>
<<st>>She pulled away just enough to speak, her breath catching slightly.<</st>>
<<jn>>(in a hushed voice, grinning):— Let’s take this to the bedroom. I’m not risking the couch again. She grabbed the bottle of wine and another glass for him.<</jn>>
<<st>>Jack laughed, nodding.<</st>>
<<jk>>— Lead the way, Jenny.<</jk>>
<<st>>They walked into the bedroom, Jenny closing the door behind them. They poured more wine, sitting on the edge of the bed, talking and laughing. About thirty minutes later, they found themselves in a much more horizontal position.<</st>>
<<button[[Sex|Video_Mother2_1]]>><</button>><div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Close Call</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_room_secrets==true>>After agreeing to end things with Jack, Jenny finds herself tempted once more. A lonely evening and a bottle of wine lead her to invite Jack over.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and meet Mia's mom in parents' room.<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+100 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_room_secrets == true>>✅Pass quest #30<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #30<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_close_call == true>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<button [[Repeat video|Video_Quest_Close_Call]]>><<run Dialog.close()>><</button>></div></div><<else>><div class="buttons in quests popup"><div class="button container"><<link "Repeat video">><</link>></div></div><</if>><<return "Go Back">>
<<st>>Missionary 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.6/videos/mom3/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Doggy style 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/mom/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Doggy style 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/mom/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Doggy style 3<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/mom/4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Doggy style 4<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/mom/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Missionary 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/mom/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Cowgirl 1<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/mom/7.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Cowgirl 2<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/mom/8.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>Missionary 3<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/mom/9.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/mom/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_Mother2_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_Mother2_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|Video_Mother2_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 4|Video_Mother2_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Mother2_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|Video_Mother2_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 2|Video_Mother2_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 3|Video_Mother2_9]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|quest_close_call_1]]>><</button>><<st>>After some time, they lay next to each other, breathing heavily but with wide smiles on their faces. Jack looked over at Jenny, who was still catching her breath, a playful grin on her lips.<</st>>
<<jn>>(laughing):— You know, it was pretty stupid of me to think I could just end this. I mean, why deny myself something so fun? I think I want to see you more often.<</jn>>
<<jk>>(raising an eyebrow, smirking):— Oh, I like the sound of that. I’m all yours, Jenny. Whenever you feel like having some fun, just call me.<</jk>>
<<st>>Jenny smiled, leaning in to kiss him softly, her fingers brushing through his hair.<</st>>
<<jn>>— I’ll hold you to that.<</jn>>
<<jk>>— Please do.<</jk>>
<<st>>Suddenly, they heard the front door open and Mia's voice echoed through the house.<</st>>
<<mia>>(calling out from the hallway):— Hey, is anyone home? Mom?<</mia>>
<<st>>Jenny and Jack exchanged wide-eyed, panicked looks. Jack quickly got up from the bed, scrambling for his clothes.<</st>>
<<jn>>(whispering urgently):— Quick, into the closet!<</jn>>
<<st>>Jack nodded, hurriedly pulling on his pants and diving into the closet. Jenny straightened herself up and quickly stepped out of the bedroom, closing the door behind her.<</st>>
<<st>>She opened the door to the hallway and smiled at her daughter.<</st>>
<<jn>>— I’m here. Just taking a nap.<</jn>>
<<mia>>— Oh, sorry, Mom, I didn’t mean to wake you. Well, go back to sleep. I just came to grab something.<</mia>>
<<st>>Jenny nodded, her heart pounding.<</st>>
<<jn>>— It's okay, sweetheart. Good night.<</jn>>
<<st>>Mia waved her off and headed to her room, completely unaware of anything unusual. Jenny returned to the bedroom, locking the door behind her and letting out a deep breath of relief.<</st>>
<<jn>>(quietly, with a smirk):— Phew, thank god she didn’t notice.<</jn>>
<<st>>Jack cautiously opened the closet door, peeking out before letting out a sigh.<</st>>
<<jk>>— We need to be more careful. That was way too close.<</jk>>
<<st>>He quickly got dressed, gathering his things.<</st>>
<<jn>>(whispering with a smile):— Yeah, definitely. Next time, we'll be more careful.<</jn>>
<<st>>Jack moved to the window, cracking it open.<</st>>
<<jk>>— Well, I guess I'd better go. Just call me when you’re ready to have some more... fun.<</jk>>
<<st>>Jenny laughed as he climbed through the window, disappearing into the night.<</st>>
<<jn>>— I will.<</jn>>
<<button[[Leave|Parents room]]>><</button>><div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Alyssa’s Game</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.brothel_money_2==true>>It’s time to start fulfilling Vitto’s demands, and Mia and Elaine have decided Alyssa is the perfect one for the job. With her charm and boldness, this task is about to get very interesting.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and meet Alyssa at the university in the auditorium (Click on Alyssa).<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+100 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/girl3.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.brothel_money_2 == true>>✅Pass quest "The Deal"<<else>>🛑 Pass quest "The Deal"<</if>></div></div></div><div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Alyssa’s Game</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.brothel_money_3==true>>After impressing Vitto at the party, it's time for Lily to step up again. Mia and Elaine need her to help fulfill one of Vitto's demands, and this time, it’s going to be personal.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and meet Lily at the university in the auditorium (Click on Lily).<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+100 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/lily.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.brothel_money_3 == true>>✅Pass quest "Alyssa’s Game"<<else>>🛑 Pass quest "Alyssa’s Game"<</if>></div></div></div><<set $quests.brothel_money_3=true>><<st>>Mia and Elaine are sitting in a cozy café, sipping their lattes at a corner table. Mia scrolls through her phone, showing Elaine a message from Vitto.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Vitto sent me this guy’s picture and some details. His name’s Romeo, and apparently, he’s a competitor. Vitto wants us to, well… handle him.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(laughing, whispering):— Handle him? Mia, that sounds like we’re secret agents on a mission to take him out or something. Should I start calling you Agent 069 now?<</ele>>
<<mia>>— Oh, stop.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(smirking, raising her voice slightly):— Why am I even whispering? It’s not like we’re planning to kill the guy. All we’ve got to do is seduce him.<</ele>>
<<ele>>— And honestly, he’s not bad. I might’ve given him a go myself. But for business? Better one of the girls takes this one.<</ele>>
<<mia>>— Already handled. I talked to Alyssa, and she’s all in.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(raising an eyebrow):— Alyssa? Why her?<</ele>>
<<mia>>— Come on, you know Alyssa. I told her the deal, and she didn’t even blink. She once slept with a guy for a dress, remember? Morals aren’t exactly her strong suit. Though she did say if he’s ugly, she’s asking for double the payment. But I don’t think that’ll be an issue—he’s actually pretty hot. I bet she’ll enjoy it.<</mia>>
<<ele>>— True. She’ll get the job done without a second thought. But seriously, Mia... can you believe we’re actually doing this? Like, we’re not just talking anymore—we’re really making this happen. Our own place!<</ele>>
<<mia>>(grinning):— I know! Every time I think about it, it feels surreal. No more listening to anyone else’s rules, no more begging for permission. We get to run things our way.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(excited):— Right? We get to make all the decisions! The vibe, the style, who gets in, who doesn’t... I can already see it. We’re gonna be unstoppable.<</ele>>
<<mia>>(laughing):— It’s gonna be wild. And you know what? I’ve been thinking, we’re gonna blow every other place in town out of the water.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(laughing):— Damn right we are! I mean, who else could pull this off like we can?<</ele>>
<<mia>>(teasing):— No one. Not after we’ve learned from all our... uh, "adventures." Remember that time on the yacht when you got so drunk you fell straight into the pool? And now look at you—Miss Businesswoman! Hahaha.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(laughing hard):— Oh God, don’t remind me! And don’t get me started on things I could bring up from that trip. We both had our moments! Haha. Alright, alright, back to Alyssa.<</ele>>
<<ele>>— So, what’s the plan?<</ele>>
<<mia>>— Romeo’s going to be at a bar tonight. But Alyssa’s going to “accidentally” bump into him a few times during the day. You know, make it seem like they’re just meant to be. By the time they meet tonight, he’ll think fate’s at work.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(laughing):— A classic setup. He’ll never see it coming.<</ele>>
<<mia>>— Exactly. She’s going to reel him in, and by the time they hit the hotel room, it’ll be game over.<</mia>>
<<button[[Alyssa|Alyssa_quest]]>><</button>><<set $quests.brothel_money_4=true>><<st>>Mia and Elaine had decided that since they’d already completed one of Vitto’s conditions, it was time to move on to the next. They knew if they wanted to open their business, they needed to act fast—there was no way to make it happen without the money. So, they set up a meeting with Lily, inviting her to a café to discuss everything. The three of them now sat at a table in a quiet corner, away from prying eyes, each with a drink in front of them.<</st>>
<<mia>>(smiling):— Hey, Lils, how’s it going?<</mia>>
<<lily>>(smiling back):— Hey! All good, a bit tired after everything. How about you guys?<</lily>>
<<ele>>— Same here. But honestly, that party was worth every bit of exhaustion.<</ele>>
<<mia>>(grinning):— Speaking of the party, I gotta say, I didn’t know you had that in you, Lily. You were incredible out there. Totally a different side of you.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(chiming in, smirking):— Yeah, seriously, when I saw you making out with that guy and then walking off arm in arm with him, my jaw hit the floor.<</ele>>
<<lily>>(laughing, her eyes sparkling but looking a bit shy):— Oh my God, I didn’t expect that from myself either, but you know what? It was fun. Really fun.<</lily>>
<<mia>>(teasingly):— So, how was the end of the night? How did things go with Vitto?<</mia>>
<<ele>>— It was... interesting, to say the least. I’ve never experienced something like that before—one guy and a bunch of girls all at once. But Vitto, he’s... he’s got something, you know?<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine exchanged a knowing, mischievous look, which Lily immediately caught onto.<</st>>
<<lily>>(raising an eyebrow):— Okay, what’s with the look, you two? What’s going on?<</lily>>
<<ele>>(grinning):— Well, here’s the thing, Lils. You really caught Vitto’s attention.<</ele>>
<<lily>>(frowning slightly):— Caught his attention? What do you mean?<</lily>>
<<mia>>— He really liked you. Like, he wants to see you again. More privately. You know, maybe have dinner with you at his place or a hotel, and then... well, see where it goes from there.<</mia>>
<<st>>Lily blinked, clearly surprised, but a smile tugged at her lips.<</st>>
<<lily>>— Are you serious? He really liked me?<</lily>>
<<st>>She practically blushed after saying it, a hint of embarrassment showing.<</st>>
<<ele>>— Yeah, he really did. He told us he’d agree to invest in our business, but there are a few conditions. And one of the first was to see you again.<</ele>>
<<lily>>(eyes widening slightly, her tone a bit more serious):— Wait, what? Look, it’s one thing to get caught up in the party, drink, have fun, and sleep with someone. But coming to him like some kind of call girl? I don’t know if I want that.<</lily>>
<<mia>>(gently):— No, no, it’s not like that, Lils. If you don’t feel like sleeping with him, then don’t. Just tell us it didn’t happen, and that’s it. No pressure, no questioning. But come on, we can see you kind of liked him too. Why not just go and have a good time?<</mia>>
<<ele>>(grinning):— Yeah, and let’s be real, you can’t deny he’s pretty damn hot. I mean, you’ll probably have a blast seeing him again. Don’t overthink it.<</ele>>
<<st>>Lily blushed even more, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink.<</st>>
<<lily>>— Alright, alright... fine, I’ll go.<</lily>>
<<st>>Lily got up and left the café, giving them a small wave as she walked out. The door had barely closed when Elaine turned to Mia, her grin widening.<</st>>
<<ele>>— Oh my God, I swear, I hope she just goes for it. Imagine her holding out on Vitto—what a waste. Haha.<</ele>>
<<mia>>(rolling her eyes, sighing):— Honestly, the fact that our whole business plan depends on Lily not being a prude is kind of hilarious... and terrifying.<</mia>>
<<st>>Elaine snorted, shaking her head.<</st>>
<<ele>>— Right? Here’s hoping she takes one for the team. I mean, come on, it’s Vitto. She’ll be fine.<</ele>>
<<mia>>(smirking):— Yeah, let’s just hope she’s as "dedicated to the cause" as we need her to be.<</mia>>
<<button[[Meeting with Vitto|Meeting with Vitto]]>><</button>><<st>>The day had finally arrived. Alyssa knew exactly what she needed to do, and Mia had laid out the plan for her in detail. The goal was simple: Vitto had asked them to seduce Romeo, and get it all on video.<</st>>
<<st>>Alyssa had thought through everything herself. Today, she and Romeo would "accidentally" bump into each other a few times, and by the evening, he’d definitely be curious. It was a perfect setup.<</st>>
<<ali>>(thinking):— Alright, time to bump into Romeo. Let’s get this show on the road.<</ali>>
<<linkreplace "Shopping Mall">><<st>>Alyssa wandered through the mall, scanning the high-end shops. As she passed one of the windows, she caught sight of Romeo browsing inside. Perfect. She made her move, casually walking past the store, making sure to brush her hair back as she passed the entrance. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Romeo pause, his gaze locking onto her.<</st>>
<<st>>She didn’t stop or say a word, just flashed a quick, teasing smile over her shoulder, catching the way his eyes followed her, clearly intrigued, before she disappeared into another shop.<</st>>
<<ali>>— Got him.<</ali>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Restaurant">><<st>>As Alyssa walked through a high-end restaurant, she spotted Romeo sitting at a table with some friends. She didn’t break stride, heading straight for the bar, making sure to pass close enough for him to notice. As she walked by, she could feel his eyes on her, and she knew exactly where he was looking.<</st>>
<<ali>>— Yep, he’s definitely staring at my ass. Perfect.<</ali>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Elevator">><<st>>As Alyssa stepped into the elevator, she leaned casually against the wall. But just as the doors were closing, they opened again to reveal Romeo stepping in. Soon, more people crowded into the small space, and as the elevator filled up, Alyssa was pushed back. Her body brushed up against Romeo, her ass pressing against him.<</st>>
<<st>>She could feel his reaction, and when their eyes finally met, she flashed him a slow, flirty smile, letting the moment linger before stepping out as the doors opened again.<</st>>
<<ali>>— Oh, this is just too easy. <</ali>><</linkreplace>>
<<st>>Alyssa smiled to herself, thinking everything was going exactly as planned. She needed to keep Mia in the loop, so she quickly typed out a message.<</st>>
<<ali>>(texting):— "Hey, everything’s going smoothly. ‘Accidentally’ ran into him a few times today, so tonight at the bar should go like clockwork. Ready for the grand finale. xoxo"<</ali>>
<<button[[Bar|Alyssa_bar_quest]]>><</button>><<st>>Alyssa arrived at the bar early. She chose a spot at the counter, just off to the side where she wouldn’t be noticed immediately, but still had a clear view of the entrance. The bar was half-full, with soft music playing in the background, and people casually chatting around her. She sipped her cocktail slowly, knowing Romeo would show up soon.<</st>>
<<st>>When he walked in, she spotted him instantly. He scanned the room, and when his eyes found her, he paused. Without wasting a second, he walked over to her, flashing a grin.<</st>>
<<roma>>— Well, well, look who I keep running into. Starting to think this is fate.<</roma>>
<<ali>>— Fate, huh? Or maybe you’re the one following me?<</ali>>
<<roma>>— Can you blame me? You’re hard to miss.<</roma>>
<<st>>Alyssa took another slow sip from her glass, then set it down deliberately, letting her tongue lightly graze her lips, making sure he noticed.<</st>>
<<ali>>— I’m sure you say that to all the girls.<</ali>>
<<st>>Romeo’s gaze dropped to her lips, and she could tell he was hooked. He stepped closer, his confidence growing.<</st>>
<<roma>>— Not every girl. You’re… different.<</roma>>
<<st>>Alyssa rolled her eyes dramatically, smirking.<</st>>
<<ali>>— Oh, please. Don’t you know that line makes girls want to gag? I’m surprised you don’t know it triggers a reflex by now.<</ali>>
<<st>>Romeo chuckled, shaking his head.<</st>>
<<roma>>— Damn, I didn’t know. Guess I’ll need to come up with better material.<</roma>>
<<st>>He shrugged playfully, then leaned in a little closer, his eyes fixed on her.<</st>>
<<roma>>— Still, you’re one hell of a catch. I’ve been running into you all day, and I couldn’t stop thinking about you.<</roma>>
<<ali>>(seductively):— Oh, is that right?<</ali>>
<<st>>She took the last sip of her cocktail, as her eyes stayed fixed on his. They had been talking for almost 40 minutes, flirting, teasing, and laughing. She could see Romeo getting more confident with each word. He was hooked, and Alyssa could feel it.<</st>>
<<st>>After a bit more playful banter, Romeo leaned in closer, his voice lower.<</st>>
<<roma>>— There’s a hotel next door. Maybe we could… get to know each other a little better?<</roma>>
<<st>>Alyssa smiled, pretending to think it over, giving him the illusion that she was considering it. But inside, she already knew he was hers.<</st>>
<<ali>>(with a soft laugh):— I suppose that could be fun.<</ali>>
<<st>>They walked out of the bar together, his hand lightly resting on her back as he led the way. As they entered the hotel room, Alyssa allowed herself a satisfied smirk. As the door closed behind them, a night that had gone exactly as she planned.<</st>>
<<button[[Next Morning|Alyssa_morning_quest]]>><</button>><<st>>Mia woke up to the buzz of her phone, a message from Alyssa lighting up the screen. She opened it, still half-asleep.<</st>>
<<ali>>(text):— "Everything went perfectly. Gotta admit, the guy knows his way around a woman. Almost feel bad for what’s coming next. Anyway, sending the video to your email."<</ali>>
<<mia>>Mia chuckled to herself, thinking, "Wow, this girl is a pro." She smiled, feeling satisfied.<</mia>>
<<mia>>Mia (thinking):— "Perfect. Time to send the video to Vitto."<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<st>>Lily arrived at the restaurant in the city center. Vitto was sitting at a corner table, and when he saw her walk in, he stood up with a smile, motioning for her to come over.<</st>>
<<vit>>(smiling):— Lily, glad to see you... again. You look stunning.<</vit>>
<<st>>Lily smirked, sliding into her seat.<</st>>
<<lily>>— Flattery right from the start? Trying to get on my good side already, Vitto?<</lily>>
<<vit>>(grinning):— Just speaking the truth. I remember you looked good at the party, but tonight you’re outdoing yourself.<</vit>>
<<lily>>(raising an eyebrow, teasing):— Oh, you mean when you had three of us to handle? That night definitely got... interesting.<</lily>>
<<st>>There was a beat of silence, a hint of tension as the memory hung in the air. Vitto's grin widened, clearly enjoying it.<</st>>
<<vit>>— Yeah, it did. But even with three of you, it’s you that stayed on my mind.<</vit>>
<<st>>Lily laughed, her eyes narrowing playfully.<</st>>
<<lily>>— You’ve got lines for days, Vitto. But hey, if you’re here to impress me, you’re gonna have to do better.<</lily>>
<<vit>>(grinning):— Oh, I plan to. Consider tonight just the start.<</vit>>
<<st>>They kept talking, laughing, and drinking, their eyes meeting in ways that said more than words. The tension between them kept building, and after about an hour, they both knew it was time to take things further.<</st>>
<<vit>>(leaning in, his voice low):— You know, Lily, I think we’ve had enough teasing for one night. How about we continue this... somewhere a bit more private?<</vit>>
<<st>>Lily raised her eyebrow, giving him a knowing smile.<</st>>
<<lily>>— Your place, I assume?<</lily>>
<<vit>>(smirking):— Unless you’ve got a better idea.<</vit>>
<<st>>Lily laughed softly, then nodded.<</st>>
<<lily>>— Alright, lead the way.<</lily>>
<<button[[Vitto's apartment|Vitto's apartment]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/vitto/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_Vitto_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_Vitto_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|Video_Vitto_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|Video_Vitto_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Vitto_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Vitto_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 4|Video_Vitto_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Vitto_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Vitto_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Next day|Next day]]>><</button>><<st>>The next day, Lily met up with Mia and Elaine at the same café. She walked in with a casual smile, her hair slightly tousled and looking a bit tired but satisfied. Mia and Elaine were already waiting, sitting at a corner table.<</st>>
<<mia>>(raising an eyebrow, smirking):— Well, well, look who decided to show up. How was it, Lils?<</mia>>
<<st>>Elaine grinned, leaning forward, clearly eager to hear the details.<</st>>
<<ele>>— Yeah, spill it. Was he good, haha?<</ele>>
<<st>>Lily rolled her eyes playfully, setting her bag down and taking a seat.<</st>>
<<lily>>— You two are relentless, you know that? But... yeah, it was pretty good. Better than I expected, actually.<</lily>>
<<st>>She looked around, sighing exaggeratedly.<</st>>
<<lily>>— Seriously, though, can we meet somewhere other than this café for once?<</lily>>
<<st>>Mia laughed, shaking her head.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Oh, come on, you love this place. Plus, it’s got the best coffee in town.<</mia>>
<<st>>Elaine grinned, raising her cup.<</st>>
<<ele>>— Besides, I think they’ve gotten used to us here by now. Makes it easier to talk about... you know, all the shady stuff. But we'll think of some other place to go next time.<</ele>>
<<st>>Lily smirked, taking a sip from the coffee Mia handed her.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia exchanged a look with Elaine, her grin widening.<</st>>
<<mia>>— So, back to Vitto. You're saying you wouldn't mind doing it again?<</mia>>
<<st>>Lily let out a small laugh.<</st>>
<<lily>>— Let’s just say, I think I’ve fulfilled Vitto’s condition well enough. He should be more than willing to get those funds moving.<</lily>>
<<ele>>(teasing):— Oh, come on, Lils, don't be so modest. You look like you had a great time. Was it worth all the buildup?<</ele>>
<<st>>Lily leaned back, giving them both a sly smile.<</st>>
<<lily>>— Honestly? Yeah, it kind of was. Not that I’d admit it to him, though. He doesn't need his ego inflated any more than it already is.<</lily>>
<<st>>Mia laughed, shaking her head.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Fair enough. But hey, if it gets us closer to opening our club, I’d say it was worth every second.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(raising her glass of juice, mock toasting):— To Lily, for taking one for the team. You’re the real MVP.<</ele>>
<<st>>Lily laughed, shaking her head as she picked up a glass and clinked it against Elaine's.<</st>>
<<lily>>(smiling):— Yeah, yeah. Just remember this when I need a favor, alright?<</lily>>
<<st>>Mia grinned, nodding.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Oh, you know we got your back. Always.<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|CafeWork_mia]]>><</button>><<if $quests.brothel_money_4==false>><<st>>First, recruit all the girls in the auditorium and complete all the quests in the brothel.<</st>>
<<button[[Leave|Univer]]>><</button>><<else>><<if $girl4.exp==100>><<goto AlreadyDone>><<else>><<st>>Mia had just finished lunch with her family and made her way back to her room. She flopped onto her bed, lazily scrolling through her phone and pretending to work on some university assignments, when a message from Elaine popped up.<</st>>
<<ele>>— Hey, what are you doing?<</ele>>
<<mia>>— Nothing exciting, just pretending to be productive. What’s up?<</mia>>
<<ele>>— I’ve got a surprise for you.<</ele>>
<<mia>>— Oh? Should I be worried?<</mia>>
<<ele>>— Nah, you’re gonna love this one. I found us a girl for the brothel. I already talked to her—she's in. She’s a badass, and I think you’ll like her.<</ele>>
<<mia>>— Wait, what? Where did you even find her?<</mia>>
<<ele>>— Ah, ah, classified info, babe. Just trust me. She’s perfect. You’ll see.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia rolled her eyes, but couldn’t help smiling.<</st>>
<<mia>>— You and your secrets terrify me sometimes. Fine. When do I meet this mystery girl?<</mia>>
<<ele>>— Tonight at the bar. I'll meet you there, and be ready to party.<</ele>>
<<mia>>— Oh, now that’s the kind of surprise I like. You got it.<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia put her phone down, still smiling. <</st>>
<<button[[Girls' Night Out|Girls' Night Out]]>><</button>><</if>>
<</if>><<st>>Mia had just walked into the bar and immediately spotted Elaine waving at her from near the counter. Mia smiled, making her way over.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Look at you! You look amazing.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(winking):— Right back at ya, babe. We’re killing it tonight.<</ele>>
<<st>>They hugged briefly, and Mia nodded towards the bar. The bartender gave them a curious look.<</st>>
— What’ll it be, ladies?
<<mia>>— Shots?<</mia>>
<<ele>>— You read my mind.<</ele>>
<<st>>They took their shots, and as the burn of alcohol settled, Mia leaned in, curiosity in her eyes.<</st>>
<<mia>>(raising an eyebrow):— So, what’s the deal? Who’s this girl you’ve got for us?<</mia>>
<<ele>>(smirking):— Oh, you’ll see soon enough. Trust me, she’s a wild one. Exactly what we need to get this place going. Guys are going to fall all over her.<</ele>>
<<mia>>(grinning):— Oh, now you’ve got me curious.<</mia>>
<<st>>Elaine glanced towards the entrance, smiling.<</st>>
<<ele>>— Ah, there she is. That’s Sophia.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia turned to look and saw a stunning woman walking toward them. She had that kind of aura that made heads turn.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Damn, you weren’t kidding. She’s gorgeous.<</mia>>
<<st>>Sophia approached them with a bright smile.<</st>>
<<soph>>— Hey. You must be Mia.<</soph>>
<<st>>Mia shook her hand, smiling back.<</st>>
<<mia>>— That’s me. Elaine’s been talking about you non-stop.<</mia>>
<<soph>>(smiling slyly):— All good things, I hope?<</soph>>
<<ele>>(laughing):— Only the best, I promise. Now, let’s get back to the important part—drinks.<</ele>>
<<st>>They ordered another round, each of them taking a shot.<</st>>
<<mia>>— So, Sophia, what do you do?<</mia>>
<<soph>>(grinning, leaning against the bar):— Honestly? I make older guys empty their wallets for me.<</soph>>
<<st>>Mia laughed, shaking her head.<</st>>
<<mia>>— That’s one hell of a job. Wish I had your gig.<</mia>>
<<soph>>(laughing):— Well, I do have a day job and study. But this? It’s more like a hobby, a bit of fun.<</soph>>
<<ele>>(raising her glass, winking):— Girl, you sure know how to pick a hobby. Cheers to that.<</ele>>
<<st>>They raised their glasses and downed another shot, laughing. The three of them made their way to the dance floor, letting the music take over. Elaine soon caught the attention of a guy, and before long, they were dancing closely.
After a few songs, Mia and Sophia made their way back to the bar to catch their breath, while Elaine and her new friend were off in the corner, making out.<</st>>
<<mia>>(laughing):— Well, looks like we lost Elaine for the night. Guess it’s just the two of us now.<</mia>>
<<st>>Sophia grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief.<</st>>
<<mia>>— So, tell me, what’s the craziest story you’ve got? I bet you’ve got a ton of wild ones with all those guys.<</mia>>
<<soph>>(laughing):— Oh, I’ve got a few. Just last week, I had this guy buy me a whole wardrobe from a luxury store. He didn’t even hesitate—must’ve dropped a small fortune on me.<</soph>>
<<mia>>(shaking her head):— Wow, some guys just have no idea. But hey, at least you came out with a new wardrobe.<</mia>>
<<soph>>(spinning around to show off her dress):— Including this one. Not bad, right?<</soph>>
<<mia>>(laughing):— Not bad at all. Damn, Sophia, you’re dangerous.<</mia>>
<<st>>They both laughed, clinking their glasses before taking another shot. The hours flew by—dancing, drinking, and endless laughter. At some point, Elaine had waved them off and left with the guy she'd met, leaving Mia and Sophia to keep the party going.
The bar was starting to close, but neither of them was ready to call it a night.<</st>>
<<mia>>— So, what now? I’m not ready for this to be over.<</mia>>
<<soph>>— Same here. How about we grab a couple of bottles of wine and take the party home?<</soph>>
<<mia>>— A drunk pajama party? Hell yes.<</mia>>
<<button[[Sophia's apartment|Sophia's apartment]]>><</button>>@@.img_mormal_size;[img[0.2.7/oneTimeGif/6.jpg]]@@
<<st>>Without much thought, Mia and Sophia ran to a nearby store, grabbed a couple of bottles of wine, and headed straight back to Sophia's place. They opened a bottle, poured themselves some glasses, and turned on the music, laughing so hard that you could almost see sparkles in their eyes.<</st>>
<<st>>Britney Spears and Rihanna started blasting from the speakers, and soon they were dancing around the small living room, belting out lyrics and spinning each other around. Mia wiped her forehead dramatically, her cheeks flushed.<</st>>
<<mia>>(breathless, laughing):— Damn, it’s getting hot in here!<</mia>>
<<soph>>(grinning):— Then let’s make it cooler. <</soph>>
<<st>>Sophia reached over, her hands slipping under Mia's clothes as she started to pull them off, her laughter mixing with Mia’s own. In moments, all their clothes were gone.<</st>>
<<st>>They looked into each other's eyes for a brief second before leaning in for a kiss.<</st>>
@@.img_mormal_size;[img[0.2.7/oneTimeGif/8.webp]]@@<<set $girls.girl4=true>><<set $girl4.exp=100>>
<<button[[Leave|Univer]]>><</button>><div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Sophia</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $girls.girl3==true>>After you succeeded in recruiting Alissa, you realized that you needed to move on and recruit 1 more girl.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to Smoking Area<<else>>Recruit Alissa first to move on to recruiting Sophia.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">-</div><div class="quest titlebar">-</div><div class="quest titlebar">-</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/soph.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $girls.girl3 == true>>✅Recruiting Alissa<<else>>🛑 Recruiting Alissa<</if>>
<<if $quests.brothel_money_4 == true>>✅Pass Lily’s Second Act quest<<else>>🛑 Pass Lily’s Second Act quest<</if>></div></div></div><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/vitto/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow Job 1|Vitto's apartment]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_Vitto_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|Video_Vitto_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|Video_Vitto_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Vitto_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Vitto_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 4|Video_Vitto_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Vitto_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Vitto_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Next day|Next day]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/vitto/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_Vitto_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow Job 1|Vitto's apartment]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|Video_Vitto_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|Video_Vitto_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Vitto_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Vitto_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 4|Video_Vitto_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Vitto_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Vitto_10]]>><</button>>
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<<button[[Next day|Next day]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/vitto/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_Vitto_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_Vitto_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|Video_Vitto_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow Job 1|Vitto's apartment]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Vitto_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Vitto_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 4|Video_Vitto_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Vitto_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Vitto_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Next day|Next day]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/vitto/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_Vitto_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_Vitto_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|Video_Vitto_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|Video_Vitto_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow Job 1|Vitto's apartment]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Vitto_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 4|Video_Vitto_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Vitto_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Vitto_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Next day|Next day]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/vitto/7.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_Vitto_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_Vitto_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|Video_Vitto_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|Video_Vitto_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Vitto_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow Job 1|Vitto's apartment]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 4|Video_Vitto_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Vitto_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Vitto_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Next day|Next day]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/vitto/8.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_Vitto_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_Vitto_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|Video_Vitto_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|Video_Vitto_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Vitto_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Vitto_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow Job 1|Vitto's apartment]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Vitto_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Vitto_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Next day|Next day]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/vitto/9.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_Vitto_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_Vitto_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|Video_Vitto_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|Video_Vitto_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Vitto_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Vitto_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 4|Video_Vitto_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow Job 1|Vitto's apartment]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cum|Video_Vitto_10]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Next day|Next day]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/vitto/10.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Doggy style 1|Video_Vitto_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_Vitto_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|Video_Vitto_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|Video_Vitto_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Vitto_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Vitto_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 4|Video_Vitto_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Vitto_9]]>><</button>> <<button [[Blow Job 1|Vitto's apartment]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Next day|Next day]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/mom/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Mother2_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_Mother2_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|Video_Mother2_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|Video_Mother2_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Mother2_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Mother2_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 4|Video_Mother2_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Mother2_9]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|quest_close_call_1]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/mom/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow Job 1|Video_Mother2_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Mother2_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|Video_Mother2_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|Video_Mother2_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Mother2_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Mother2_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 4|Video_Mother2_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Mother2_9]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|quest_close_call_1]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/mom/4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow Job 1|Video_Mother2_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_Mother2_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Mother2_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|Video_Mother2_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Mother2_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Mother2_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 4|Video_Mother2_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Mother2_9]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|quest_close_call_1]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/mom/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow Job 1|Video_Mother2_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_Mother2_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|Video_Mother2_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Mother2_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Mother2_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Mother2_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 4|Video_Mother2_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Mother2_9]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|quest_close_call_1]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/mom/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow Job 1|Video_Mother2_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_Mother2_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|Video_Mother2_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|Video_Mother2_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Mother2_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Mother2_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 4|Video_Mother2_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Mother2_9]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|quest_close_call_1]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/mom/7.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow Job 1|Video_Mother2_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_Mother2_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|Video_Mother2_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|Video_Mother2_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Mother2_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Mother2_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 4|Video_Mother2_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Mother2_9]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|quest_close_call_1]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/mom/8.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow Job 1|Video_Mother2_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_Mother2_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|Video_Mother2_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|Video_Mother2_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Mother2_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Mother2_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Mother2_1]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 2|Video_Mother2_9]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|quest_close_call_1]]>><</button>><video class="custom-video" src="0.2.7/videos/mom/9.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button [[Blow Job 1|Video_Mother2_2]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 2|Video_Mother2_3]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 3|Video_Mother2_4]]>><</button>> <<button [[Cowgirl 1|Video_Mother2_5]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Mother2_6]]>><</button>> <<button [[Vaginal 1|Video_Mother2_7]]>><</button>> <<button [[Doggy style 4|Video_Mother2_8]]>><</button>> <<button [[Missionary 1|Video_Mother2_1]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Continue|quest_close_call_1]]>><</button>><<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Sleep_Ibiza]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<set $random to random(5)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<jk>>Jenny and Jack met up for a movie, settling into the back row, twenty minutes in. Jack leaned close, his lips near her ear. “What’s this movie even about?” he whispered, his hand resting on her knee, fingers brushing lightly.<</jk>>
<<jn>>Jenny smirked, glancing at him. “No idea,” she said quietly.<</jn>>
<<st>>She felt his hand slide slowly up the inside of her thigh, moving higher. She turned to look at him, and they started kissing, their kisses growing deeper, completely forgetting about the movie.<</st>>
<<jk>>Jack pulled away slightly. “Wanna get out of here?”<</jk>>
<<jk>>Jenny nodded, and they quietly slipped out of their seats, making their way through the dim hallway. They found a slightly open staff room door. Jack glanced around quickly before pushing it open, giving her a playful smile. "Ladies first."<</jk>>
<<jn>>Jenny hesitated for a moment. "What if someone sees us?"<</jn>>
<<jk>>Jack smirked, leaning closer. "That just makes it more fun, doesn’t it?"<</jk>>
<<st>>She laughed softly and stepped inside. Jack followed, closing the door behind them with a click.<</st>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Jack and Jenny spent the afternoon at the golf club, but it wasn’t about golf for long. Jack got behind her, helping her with her swing, his hands slipping down to her waist and grabbing her ass.<</st>>
<<jk>>(grinning): — Damn, this is the kind of position I like.<</jk>>
<<st>>Jenny laughed, pushing her hips back into him. Jack was done with pretending to play golf. He smacked her ass, hard.<</st>>
<<jk>>— Forget this shit. Go to that gazebo over there and take those jeans off.<</jk>>
<<st>>Jenny gave him a mischievous grin, knowing exactly what was coming. She headed to the gazebo, feeling Jack's eyes on her ass, and she knew he wouldn’t wait long to join her.<</st>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Jack and Jenny were walking through the busy streets. Jack leaned in, his hand on her waist.<</st>>
<<jk>>— You look so fucking sexy right now. I’ve got an idea.<</jk>>
<<st>>He pulled her into a nearby alley, pinning her against the wall. Without wasting a second, his lips were on hers, his hands on her ass.<</st>>
<<jk>>(breathing heavily): — Gonna fuck you right here.<</jk>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Jack and Jenny met in a small park on the outskirts of the city, where there were barely any people around. They walked until they found a quiet spot with a bench under some large trees. Jack sat down next to Jenny, his hand slowly moving up her back, making the tension between them grow.<<st>>
<<jk>>(grinning): — No one’s gonna see us here, baby.<</jk>>
<<st>>He grabbed her by the waist, pulling her closer as he slid his other hand up her thigh.<</st>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Jack had invited Jenny out for a picnic, and now they lay on a blanket in a secluded clearing. Jack leaned in, his hand sliding up Jenny's thigh.<</st>>
<<jk>>(whispering): — No one's gonna catch us here.<</jk>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Jack and Jenny went to get his car washed. Inside the drive-through car wash, Jack glanced at Jenny with a grin.<</st>>
<<jk>>(whispering): — We’ve got a few minutes.<</jk>>
<<jn>>Jenny raised an eyebrow, smirking. Jenny: — Oh? What are you talking about?<</jn>>
<<st>>Jack smiled, his eyes shifting to his zipper, then back to her. Jenny moved closer, unbuckling his belt.<</st>>
<<button[[Leave|MotherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $mia.ac_c == 0>>
<<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Sleep_Ibiza]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>>
<<set $random to random(4)>><<switch $random>>
<<case 0>>
<<st>>Richard and Sophia met in the lobby of a fancy hotel, acting like strangers and eyeing each other from across the room. Sophia was dressed like a little slut, her boobs almost falling out of her dress. Richard had enough of pretending. He walked straight over, his eyes already undressing her.<</st>>
<<rich>>Richard: Let’s skip the drinks, huh?<</rich>>
<<soph>>Smirked, leaning close to his ear. — Took you long enough.<</soph>>
<<st>>They didn't waste time. They headed to the elevator, hands all over each other as they rode up to the room.<</st>>
<<case 1>>
<<st>>Richard and Sophia met up at the nightclub. He leaned against the bar, his eyes fixed on Sophia as she danced, ignoring everyone else.<</st>>
<<st>>After a while, she made her way over, her body moving with purpose. She grabbed his shirt, pulling him close.<</st>>
<<soph>>(leaning in): — Enough watching. Let's go somewhere private.<</soph>>
<<st>>Richard didn’t hesitate, grabbing her ass as they slipped into a back room.<</st>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Richard arrived at work late in the evening, surprised to find Sophia sitting in his office, dressed in a short dress that barely covered anything.<</st>>
<<rich>>(grinning): — Well, now, this is a surprise.<</rich>>
<<soph>>(smirking): — Thought I'd come make your night more... interesting.<</soph>>
<<st>>The office was empty, silent. Richard stepped closer, his hands sliding over her legs and then reaching for her dress.<</st>>
<<rich>>(leaning in, starting to pull the dress off): — Let's make this surprise even better.<</rich>>
<<st>>Sophia just smiled, wrapping her legs around him.<</st>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Richard and Sophia were on a date on the rooftop, sipping champagne. The tension was building fast. Richard leaned in, his voice low and rough.<</st>>
<<rich>>— The view’s great, but you know what’d be even better?<</rich>>
<<soph>>Looked at him, raising an eyebrow. — What?<</soph>>
<<rich>>(smirked) — Fucking you right here.<</rich>>
<<st>>He pushed her towards the edge, his hands slipping around her waist. Sophia smirked, her body arching against the cool parapet. <</st>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Richard had rented a small yacht just for the two of them. As they found themselves alone at the bow, Sophia, wearing a light dress, walked up to him, her fingers softly tracing his chest.<</st>>
<<soph>>(smirking): — Like my dress?<</soph>>
<<rich>>Nodded, his eyes locked on hers. — Yeah, I do.<</rich>>
<<soph>>Leaned closer, her voice barely a whisper. — I didn’t wear any panties under it.<</soph>>
<<rich>>Pulled her in tight, his lips brushing her ear. — That's a great reason to fuck you then.<</rich>>
<<button[[Leave|FatherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Party with Vitto</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.brothel_money_4==true>>Mia and Elaine had spent the last few days planning a party for Vitto’s friend, Andrew. They had a bunch of crazy, over-the-top ideas, and finally, everything was set. It was time to call Vitto.
Go to: Fulfill the conditions and go to the Residental Area<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+100 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/lily.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.brothel_money_4 == true>>✅Pass quest "Lily’s Second Act"<<else>>🛑 Pass quest "Lily’s Second Act"<</if>></div></div></div><<set $quests.brothel_money_5=true>><<st>>Mia and Elaine had spent the last few days planning a party for Vitto’s friend, Andrew. They had a bunch of crazy, over-the-top ideas, and finally, everything was set. It was time to call Vitto.<</st>>
<<vit>>— Yeah?<</vit>>
<<mia>>(on the other end):— Hey, are you busy?<</mia>>
<<vit>>— Nah, I've got a couple minutes for you. What's up?<</vit>>
<<mia>>— So, me and Elaine, we got everything ready for the party. And let me tell you, it's gonna be fucking legendary. We busted our asses for this one. You guys are gonna love it, I promise.<</mia>>
<<vit>>(interested):— Oh yeah? You got me curious now. I wanna see what you've planned.<</vit>>
<<mia>>— You won’t have to wait long. I'll send you the address. Tonight, you and your friends are going to have the time of your lives. It’s gonna be worth it.<</mia>>
<<vit>>(grinning):— Alright, I am intrigued. Don’t let me down.<</vit>>
<<mia>>(laughing):— Oh my God, listen to yourself! You sound just like my dad—"don't let me down." Hah!<</mia>>
<<vit>>(chuckling):— Well, you do have some... special relationship with your daddy, don’t you?<</vit>>
<<mia>>(annoyed):— You talked to Elaine, didn’t you? I’m gonna kill her!<</mia>>
<<vit>>(laughing):— If you're gonna do it, make it at the party. Love watching girls fight. Alright, gotta go, see you at the party.<</vit>>
<<st>>He hangs up, a smirk still on his face. <</st>>
<<button[[Go to the party|Go to the party]]>><</button>><<st>>Mia, Elaine, Vitto, and a few of his friends push open the doors to the party venue. The place is packed — people are drinking, laughing, and dancing like there’s no tomorrow.<</st>>
<<st>>In the middle of the room, a bunch of tables is set up in a big "U" shape, already loaded with snacks and drinks.<</st>>
<<st>>Suddenly, the host grabs the mic and starts shouting into it:<</st>>
<<host>>— Alright, everyone! Guess who's finally showed up? The birthday boy, Andrew! Let’s hear it for him!<</host>>
<<st>>The crowd goes wild, cheering and whistling.<</st>>
<<host>>(grinning):— And to kick things off tonight, we’ve got something extra spicy planned for all of you.<</host>>
<<st>>Mia, Elaine, Vitto, and Andrew make their way to the tables, followed by a crowd of other guests. They grab some snacks, and just as they're settling in, a stripper enters the room. She starts dancing, slowly peeling off her clothes until she’s completely naked.<</st>>
<<vit>>(leaning in to Elaine, whispering):— You’re gonna try to impress me with a strip show? Really?<</vit>>
<<st>>He stops mid-sentence, his jaw dropping, as a man — a shibari master — steps into the spotlight. He starts tying up the stripper, and within minutes, she’s suspended from the ceiling. The entire crowd watches, wide-eyed.<</st>>
<<vit>>(turning to Mia and Elaine, eyes wide with excitement):— Alright, I take it back. This is not just a strip show, and I am definitely impressed. Are you girls out of your minds? Gotta admit, this party's off to one hell of a start.<</vit>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine laugh, clearly satisfied with Vitto's reaction. At that moment, the host grabs the mic again, announcing:<</st>>
<<host>>— Drink up, party hard, and get dancing, everyone!<</host>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine head to the bar with Vitto and his friends, and soon the party is in full swing. They drink, sing, and dance, getting looser and wilder with every passing moment. After a while, Mia and Elaine turn to the guys, their smiles mischievous.<</st>>
<<mia>>(smiling):— You didn’t actually think that was all we had planned, did you?<</mia>>
<<st>>The guys exchange puzzled looks.<</st>>
<<and>>— What do you mean?<</and>>
<<ele>>(winking):— We've had some fun already, but it’s time to really show you what this party has in store for you, birthday boy.<</ele>>
<<mia>>(with a playful, intrigued look):— You guys haven’t seen anything yet. This
is just the beginning.<</mia>>
<<linkreplace "Mirror Hall">><<and>>(looking confused):— Mirror Hall? What’s that supposed to mean?<</and>>
<<st>>They walk in, and Andrew's jaw drops as he whistles, taking it all in.<</st>>
<<and>>— Damn. Alright, this is something else.<</and>>
<<st>>Vitto glances at Elaine, a questioning look in his eyes. She smiles back at him.<</st>>
<<ele>>(grinning):— We wanted to bring a little piece of Amsterdam here. Go ahead, take it all in.<</ele>>
<<mia>>(chuckling):— Yeah, we basically brought the Red Light District here.<</mia>>
<<st>>All around, there are glass booths with sexy, enticing girls inside, each one gesturing to them, inviting them over. At that moment, a waiter approaches with a tray of shots. They each grab a shot, clink their glasses together, and drink.<</st>>
<<and>>(grinning, nudging Vitto):— Feels like I'm actually in the Red Light District. Man, I like that hottie behind the glass.<</and>>
<<vit>>(winking at Andrew):— Go for it, bro.<</vit>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine exchange a mischievous look, laughing.<</st>>
<<mia>>— What about us? Not like we’re gonna just stand here and wait. By the way, you’re looking hot tonight, wanna have some fun too?<</mia>>
<<ele>>(smirking):— Hell yeah. I’ve been staring at your legs all night anyway.<</ele>>
<<mia>>(giggling):— Let’s pick a girl too then.<</mia>>
<<st>>They both choose a girl, entering the booth together, still laughing.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Glory Hall">><<st>>Mia and Elaine led the guys into the room with a setup that left nothing to the imagination—holes in the walls, clearly for anyone wanting a different kind of thrill. Vitto and Andrew exchanged glances, then burst out laughing.<</st>>
<<vit>>(grinning, pointing at the holes):— Holy shit, it's a full-on glory hole setup. Guess you really wanted to bring Amsterdam home, huh? I respect it.<</vit>>
<<st>>Andrew, eyeing the walls, let out a low whistle:<</st>>
<<and>>— This is some next-level shit. I feel like I’m in a porno.<</and>>
<<vit>>Turned to the girls, smirking:— So, what about you two? Gonna give us a show through these?<</vit>>
<<ele>>(smirking, shaking her head):— Oh, please. This one's all yours, boys. Get adventurous.<</ele>>
<<mia>>(winking):— We'll leave you guys to your fun. Try not to embarrass yourselves, okay?<</mia>>
<<st>>The girls started walking toward the exit, leaving Vitto and the guys behind. Before they could leave, Vitto called out after them.<</st>>
<<vit>>— Hey!<</vit>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine turned back, raising an eyebrow.<</st>>
<<vit>>(grinning, nodding):— Gotta hand it to you. This party's crazy—crazy good. I’m impressed, didn’t think you had it in you. So yeah, like we agreed, you’ll get the money for your little brothel. Keep up this kind of energy, and we’ll be just fine.<</vit>>
<<st>>He winked, a smirk spreading across his face as the girls exchanged a satisfied look and left the room.<</st>><</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "Disco Cage">><<st>>They made their way into the area with massive dance cages suspended from the ceiling—somewhere between a disco and a fight club. The crowd around the cages was buzzing, cheering on the dancers inside.<</st>>
<<st>>One of the cages lowered, the door swinging open. The host grabbed the mic, shouting out. <</st>>
<<and>>— Alright, who's got the guts to get in there and show us what a real party looks like? Who’s stepping up?!<</and>>
<<vit>>Vitto nudged Mia, grinning:— Come on, show 'em how it's done, Mia.<</vit>>
<<st>>Mia smirked at Vitto and climbed into the cage. The crowd cheered louder. She started dancing, her moves getting more sexy and free as the crowd went wild. The energy was crazy, and someone yelled<</st>>
<<and>>— Strip dance battle! Take your clothes off!<</and>>
<<st>>If Mia takes the challenge, she ends up losing every bit of clothing, dancing completely bare while the crowd cheers and laughs, loving every second of it. She steps out of the cage, still laughing, and Elaine rushes over, her eyes wide.<</st>>
<<ele>>— Damn, that was hot as hell!<</ele>>
<<and>>Andrew, eyeing Mia up and down: — Hot? That was insane. But it could get even better. How about we find somewhere private, just us?<</and>>
<<st>>Mia gave a sly smile, nodding. As she walked off with Andrew, Elaine winked at her with a knowing smirk.<</st>>
<<button[[Leave|City]]>><</button>><<set $quests.brothel_place_1=true>><<st>>Mia and Elaine had made plans to go for a run a few days back, and today was finally the day. After running for a while, they headed back to Mia's place. They dropped into the kitchen, still catching their breath as Mia poured some coffee.<</st>>
<<ele>>"You've been walking around the past few days like an angry chipmunk. The last time you were this pissed was when I told Vitto about you and your daddy."<</ele>>
<<mia>>(rolling her eyes): "Oh, don’t remind me of that. And I’m mad because there's a bit of a problem."<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia took a sip of her coffee.<</st>>
<<mia>>(taking a sip):— I've been searching everywhere for a spot for the brothel. Finding the right place isn’t easy. I want it to be perfect, not just a random dump.<</mia>>
<<ele>>— Yeah, I get it. Can’t say I know any reliable realtors either. Though... there’s someone who might help, but he’s...<</ele>>
<<st>>Before she could finish, Thomas walked in, winking at her.<</st>>
<<br>>"Mia, can’t even handle finding a spot, huh? Pathetic."<</br>>
<<st>>Mia glared at him.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Shut up, Thomas. Better get lost."<</mia>>
<<br>>(grinning wider): "Ouch! So mean. Didn’t Mom always say we should be nice to each other? Better smile at me, Mia, especially since I know the perfect spot. But if you don’t care, I guess I’ll just head out."<</br>>
<<st>>He turned to leave, clearly enjoying himself. Mia huffed, glancing at Elaine, who raised her brows, urging her to stop him.<</st>>
<<mia>>(annoyed): "Fine, spill it. What’s the spot?"<</mia>>
<<st>>She tried to give him her best smile.<</st>>
<<ele>>"The spot is perfect. Huge place, two floors, plenty of room for anything you might need — you name it, it’s got space for it. If you do it right, it could be the most legendary spot in the whole city."<<ele>>
<<st>>Elaine smiled, her eyes moving between Mia and Thomas, and she casually ran her fingers through her hair. Thomas caught on, smirking back.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Oh, give me a break! Quit flirting, both of you!" She shot Thomas an annoyed look. "Alright, fine, spill it. Where is this place?"<</mia>>
<<br>>Thomas raised an eyebrow, grinning. "Oh, you think I’ll just give it up like that? Nah, you’ve gotta earn it."<</br>>
<<st>>Elaine started laughing, seeing Mia's face drop, but when Mia shot her a furious look, she quickly turned it into a fake cough.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Are you serious, Thomas? What do you want, you idiot?"<</mia>>
<<br>>"I wanna fuck Elaine, now."<</br>>
<<st>>Elaine arched an eyebrow, giving a mischievous smile, almost as if she was about to nod in agreement. Mia groaned, rolling her eyes.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Hell no! That’s my best friend! I’m not gonna look at her and think how you screwed her, or listen to her talk about your dick size. No way."<</mia>>
<<br>>Thomas laughed, throwing his hands up. "Alright, alright, relax. Then I want free access to the brothel once a month—with my buddies. Best private room, no questions, no cash."<</br>>
<<mia>>Mia narrowed her eyes but nodded. "Fine. Deal."<</mia>>
<<br>>"Good. You’re officially in my debt—again. Give me a couple of minutes, and I'll set up a meeting with the landlord for today."<</br>>
<<button[[Location|Location]]>><</button>><<set $quests.brothel_place_2=true>><<st>>Mia and Elaine gathered all the girls at a small cafe.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Alright, ladies, you all know we found the perfect spot for the brothel.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elaine cut in, rolling her eyes: — Yeah, but you also know that its bitch-owner doesn’t want to give us the place.<</ele>>
<<ele>>She took a sip of her drink and continued: — So yeah, the bitch-owner doesn’t want to rent it to us, which means we’re gonna have to make her change her damn mind.<</ele>>
<<michelle>>— So, you’ve got something in mind, huh? No way you brought us all here just to chat.<</michelle>>
<<mia>>— Hell yeah, I’ve got a plan. Vitto’s helped us a lot to dig up and find a few interesting facts. Her name is Lauren, she’s got some investors lined up for a big meeting tomorrow. They’re supposed to be putting money into her businesses. But we’re gonna make damn sure that doesn’t happen.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(grinning): — Tonight, all her investors are staying in the same hotel. And we need to work them over so that tomorrow, the last thing on their minds is throwing money into her business.<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia handed out the folders, and the girls' curiosity was obvious as they opened them. Inside was everything they needed—room numbers, photos, what they liked—all the stuff to help them get the job done.<</st>>
<<ele>>— We’ve also got room keys, just in case anyone loses their way.<</ele>>
<<mia>>— Here’s the deal: your job is to keep those assholes so wrapped up they won’t even know their own names tomorrow, let alone think about investing in her shit. Let’s make her wish she’d just handed us that place.<</mia>>
<<linkreplace "Open Folders">>
<<linkreplace "Lilly">>
<<st>>Lily opened her folder, eyes skimming through the details Mia and Elaine had dug up:
Alright, Lily, your target’s Michael Hardroad. Thirty-five, single... which, trust me, once you read further, you’ll see why. He loves it when a woman takes control, likes being told what to do. You know where this is headed, right? <</st>>
<<st>>Dude's into the whole submissive thing. Dress like a mean bossbitch, make him feel like the little slave he wants to be, and make sure you give him a good spanking while you're at it.<</st>>
<<st>>Bet you’ll both have a blast. XOXO<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Lily in Action">><<st>>Lily dressed up exactly as the folder said—full-on dominatrix. She used her key to unlock Michael's door. When his eyes widened at the sight of her, she just smirked and snapped:<</st>>
<<lily>>— What are you staring at, bitch? On your knees! NOW!<</lily>>
<<st>>She cracked the whip in the air, and Michael's face shifted to a mix of surprise and excitement.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Michelle">>
<<st>>Michelle opened her folder reading the letter Mia’s left:<</st>>
<<st>>"Michelle, your target is Tom Skivo. Real piece of work, this guy. Successful businessman, ‘family man’ type, but drops ridiculous amounts of cash at strip clubs. (Definitely our kind of client, haha.)<</st>>
<<st>>Here’s the plan—wait for him in his hotel room, wearing nothing but some sexy lingerie, sprawled out on the bed. Pretty sure he won't be able to resist that.<</st>>
<<st>>Oh, and from what we’ve heard, the strippers were all pretty damn happy with him, so who knows, maybe you’re in for a fun night. Give us all the juicy details afterward, alright?"<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Michelle in Action">>
<<st>>Michelle slipped into some barely-there lingerie, exactly what the plan called for. She let herself into Tom’s room, lounging on the bed like she owned the place<</st>>
<<st>>When Tom walked in, he paused, eyes widening. Michelle gave him a sly smile:<</st>>
<<michelle>>— You gonna keep staring, or are you gonna show me what those girls at the club were so happy about?<</michelle>>
<<st>>Tom grinned, his eyes glued to her as he tossed his tie aside, moving closer.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Alyssa">>
<<st>>Alyssa opened her folder, a grin spreading as she read through the details Mia and Elaine had found.<</st>>
<<st>>Alyssa, your guy’s name is Kevin Lawrence. Bit of a weird one, apparently he's got a thing for roleplay. Specifically, he loves the whole "caught the maid" scenario. You know what to do, right? Slip into that maid outfit, act like you’re there to clean, and make sure he "catches" you in his room. That’s all it’ll take to get him hooked.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Alyssa in Action">><<st>>Alyssa slipped into a skimpy maid outfit, carrying a couple of cleaning supplies just for show. She opened Kevin's door with her key, her eyes catching his surprised expression as she smiled.<</st>>
<<ali>>— Oh, I’m so sorry, sir, I didn’t realize anyone was in here…<</ali>>
<<st>>10 minutes later<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Sophia">><<st>>Sophia, here’s what you need to know — your target is Lauren’s husband, the so-called "daddy" of her perfect little family, and also one of her key investors for all her projects. Happy wife, happy life, you know. So, here’s the plan: we need you to seduce him.<</st>>
<<st>>He’s got a thing for bars, loves hanging out at the hotel bar. We’ve got a room ready for you, so once you reel him in, you bring him up there. Oh, and we’ve set up a few cameras in that room — you know, just to make sure we can show those photos to that fire-breathing bitch later.<</st>>
<<st>>By the way, her husband is probably the most cliché but also kind of a weird dude of all.<</st>>
<<st>>His thing? Girls in distress. So here’s the plan—play the damsel in distress. Go to the hotel restaurant, act like you’re heartbroken, just got dumped. Trust me, this guy won't be able to resist coming over to try to "save" you, and then, well... you know where to take it from there.<</st>>
<<st>>Leave him speechless, hehe.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Sophia in Action">>
<<st>>Sophia sat at the hotel restaurant, wiping her eyes with a tissue as she looked around pitifully. Just as planned, her target approached her, looking all concerned. She looked up, her eyes still wet.<</st>>
<<un>>— Are you okay?<</un>>
<<soph>>(sniffling): — Yeah, I...<</soph>>
<<st>>She faked a small sob and "accidentally" knocked over her wine glass, spilling it all over herself. She cried harder, looking even more distressed.<</st>>
<<soph>>"Oh damn, just great... now I have to go up to my room and change."<</soph>>
<<un>>The man leaned in, looking sympathetic. "Do you need some help with that?"<</un>>
<<soph>>Sophia shook her head. "No, no... I can't possibly bother you like that."<</soph>>
<<un>>"Nonsense. You seem really upset. I’d like to... comfort you."<</un>>
<<soph>>Sophia gave him a teary smile. "You’re so sweet... okay, sure, you can… walk me to my room."<</soph>>
<<button[[The next day|Brothel_Place_2_2]]>><</button>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><<set $quests.brothel_place_3=true>><<st>>Mia and Elaine had set up a meeting with Vitto, and showed up at his office the next day, ready to lay out all the details.<</st>>
<<st>>Vitto looked up when they strolled in, his signature grin already in place. He leaned back in his chair, giving them an exaggerated once-over.<</st>>
<<vit>>— Well, well, well, look who decided to grace my office. What’s up, troublemakers? Been hitting up any wild parties lately?<</vit>>
<<ele>>(smirking):— Wild doesn’t even begin to cover it, Vitto.<</ele>>
<<mia>>(with a teasing grin):— You missed out, as usual.<</mia>>
<<vit>>(raising an eyebrow, intrigued):— Yeah? Bet you had a blast, whatever you were doing. By the way, how’s that one chick from last time, Lily? You got her number for me or what?<</vit>>
<<st>>Mia rolled her eyes, leaning against the desk in front of him.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Oh, come on, Vitto. You want her number? Get it yourself.<</mia>>
<<ele>>(laughing):— Yeah, it’s not like she’s hard to find. Besides, we’re not here to talk about that.<</ele>>
<<vit>>— Alright then, what's the big emergency?<</vit>>
<<st>>Mia plopped herself into the chair across from him<</st>>
<<mia>>— We’ve got some good news and some fucking amazing news.<</mia>>
<<vit>>— Okay, shoot. What's the good news?<</vit>>
<<st>>Elaine leaned in, smirking.<</st>>
<<ele>>— We found the location.<</ele>>
<<st>>Vitto nodded, giving them a slow, lazy clap.<</st>>
<<vit>>— Oh wow, look at you. You really dragged your asses over here just to tell me that?<</vit>>
<<st>>Mia rolled her eyes.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Nah, relax, Vitto. We’re just getting started. The fucking amazing news?<</mia>>
<<vit>>— Alright, hit me.<</vit>>
<<st>>Mia grinned wider.<</st>>
<<mia>>— We’re not just renting. We’re buying the whole damn building.<</mia>>
<<st>>Vitto blinked, sitting up straighter, his eyes widening.<</st>>
<<vit>>— Buying? Are you fucking serious? A whole building? You two lost your damn minds or what? You even know how much property costs around here?<</vit>>
<<ele>>— Chill, Vitto. Trust us, it’s a solid move. Better than renting, plus you'll have complete control over it if plans change. And here’s the best part—you can't back out now. Lauren, the current owner, is on her way to sign the paperwork.<</ele>>
<<vit>>— Lauren? Lauren Warbazer? That old hag? She wouldn’t sell her own shadow if she didn’t have to. How the hell did you pull that off?<</vit>>
<<mia>>— Let’s just say we have our ways. You can ask her yourself when she gets here.<</mia>>
<<vit>>(still stunned, shaking his head):— You two… gonna give me a heart attack someday, I swear. The way you’re running shit, I feel like you’ll take over my whole damn business soon.<</vit>>
<<st>>A few minutes later, the door swung open, and Lauren walked into the office, her expression set in stone. Vitto looked up and couldn't help the grin spreading across his face.<</st>>
<<vit>>(mocking):— Well, well, look who decided to show up. Lauren, my favorite person in the whole damn world.<</vit>>
<<land>>— Cut the crap, Vitto. I’m here to sign the papers, not to listen to your bullshit.<</land>>
<<st>>She walked over, taking a seat across from him. With a glare, she signed the documents, then practically shoved them back across the desk before standing up.<</st>>
<<land>>— Done. We're finished here.<</land>>
<<st>>Vitto watched her leave before turning to Mia and Elaine.<</st>>
<<vit>>— I gotta ask, how the hell did you two convince that old hag not only to rent but to sell the place to you? I didn’t think you’d actually pull it off.<</vit>>
<<st>>Mia shot him a smug look.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Well, we did, didn’t we?<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|City]]>><</button>><div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Location, Location, Confrontation</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.brothel_money_5==true>>Mia and Elaine find the perfect spot for their brothel, but the landlady's not willing to play nice.
Go to: Fulfill the conditions and go to the Mia`s room<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+100 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/lily.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.brothel_money_5 == true>>✅Pass quest "Party with Vitto"<<else>>🛑 Pass quest "Party with Vitto"<</if>></div></div></div><<st>>Mia, Elaine, and Thomas finally arrived at the location. They spent the next hour exploring every corner of the place.<</st>>
<<ele>>— Damn, this place is perfect!<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia, despite herself, turned to Thomas, a hint of reluctance in her voice: — Alright, fine. You actually did good this time. This spot’s pretty damn amazing.<</mia>>
<<br>>Thomas smirked, clearly pleased with himself: — Well, thank you, dear sister. I do try.<</br>>
<<ele>>Elaine laughed, nudging Mia: — Guess he’s not completely useless after all.<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia rolled her eyes but smiled: — Yeah, yeah. Now we just need to lock it down.<</mia>>
<<ele>>— Right! We just need to sign the contract, and we can get started.<</ele>>
<<br>>Thomas glanced at his watch: — Yeah, well, that’s up to you now. The landlord’s on her way. I’ve got other stuff to do. You two handle the rest.<</br>>
<<br>>As he turned to leave, a gorgeous woman, probably around 35, strutted in with a look that said, "Don't fuck with me."<</br>>
<<br>>Thomas, with a smug grin, nodded toward her: — There she is. Good luck, ladies.<</br>>
<<linkreplace "Talk to the lady">><<st>>After some small talk, they finally moved on to discussing the place. Mia smiled, clearly impressed.<</st>>
<<mia>> — This place is perfect for us. We’re ready to sign the lease.<</mia>>
<<st>>The woman, however, didn’t seem convinced.<</st>>
<<land>>— Not so fast. I never said I’d lease it to you. I told your brother I'd think about it and let you take a look. But first, I need to know what exactly you plan to do here.<</land>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine exchanged glances, a bit of tension in the air. Elaine decided to answer carefully.<</st>>
<<ele>>— We’re thinking of opening a club slash brothel. You know, music, dancing, people having a ‘’good time’’.<</ele>>
<<land>>— Look, I take my reputation very seriously. This building is mine, so anything happening here reflects on me. I agreed to show you this place as a favor to Thomas, but I never said I'd rent it out for some cheap brothel run by two little skanks.<</land>>
<<mia>>"Bitch, who the hell are you calling a skank?’’<</mia>>
<<st>>The landlady shot Mia an icy look before straightening up, clearly unimpressed.<</st>>
<<land>>"Take it however the fuck you want, but you're not getting this place, not in a million years. Go find some other shithole."<</land>>
<<ele>>"What the fuck just happened? Mia, please tell me we’re not giving up on this place just because that witch is walking around all pissed off from a lack of dick."<</ele>>
<<mia>>"Oh, hell no. We're opening our brothel right here, nowhere else. I'll shove so many dicks up her ass, she'll be begging to rent this place out to us. Witch hunt's on."<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><</linkreplace>><div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Taking Control</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.brothel_place_1==true>>Mia and Elaine aren't backing down. With Lauren standing in their way, they gather the girls and set a bold plan into motion to take what's theirs.
Go to: Fulfill the conditions and go to the cafe<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+100 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/lily.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.brothe_place_1 == true>>✅Pass quest "Location, Location, Confrontation"<<else>>🛑 Pass quest "Location, Location, Confrontation"<</if>></div></div></div><div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Taking Control</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.brothel_place_2==true>>Mia and Elaine visit Vitto’s office to share some major news about the location and seal the deal.
Go to: Fulfill the conditions and go to the residental area<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+100 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/lily.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.brothe_place_2 == true>>✅Pass quest "Taking Control"<<else>>🛑 Pass quest "Taking Control"<</if>></div></div></div><<st>>The next day, Mia and Elaine watched from a distance as Lauren waited in the restaurant lobby, glancing at her watch. Her investors were already 40 minutes late, and it was obvious she was starting to get pissed.<</st>>
<<st>>Right then, she got a message on her phone.<</st>>
<<st>>"Aw, Lauren! Seems like none of your investors showed up for the meeting. What happened? Could it be that two little skanks messed with your big business plans? Oh, and by the way, they’ve all decided to invest with us instead. Looks like our business idea got them a bit more excited than yours."<</st>>
<<st>>Lauren's face twisted in anger as she read the message, and then her phone buzzed again with a second text.<</st>>
<<st>>"Oh no! Is your PERFECT reputation at risk? Your loyal family man of a husband has a mistress? How could this happen?"<</st>>
<<st>>Lauren scrolled through the pictures of her husband with Sophia, her expression hardly changing, as if she didn’t care at all. She replied to the text almost instantly.<</st>>
<<land>>"Wrong move, bitches. You’ve only ruined HIS reputation, not mine. Looks like you two lil’ skanks are out of luck for a place after all. How are you gonna explain that to your new investors, hmm?"<</land>>
<<st>>After sending the text, Lauren stood up and walked away.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia shook her head. — She really doesn’t give a shit her husband cheated on her? Either their relationship is dead already, or we’re missing something.<</mia>>
<<ele>> — She didn't even flinch when she saw it.<</ele>>
<<mia>> — Let’s follow her. Come on, there’s more to this, I can feel it.<</mia>>
<<linkreplace "Follow Lauren">><<st>>Mia and Elaine spent half the day tailing Lauren. They waited in the car outside her office, nearly losing hope, until finally, she left and drove off to a shady part of town.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Where's she going now?"<</mia>>
<<ele>>"Oh my god, finally! I swear, I’m starting to feel like a private detective."<</ele>>
<<st>>By then, they had pulled up near a club where Lauren had just gotten out of her car. She was meeting a woman who looked a little younger than her. But instead of shaking hands, they started making out right there.<</st>>
<<mia>>— Wait a second... isn’t that the "Cherry" club? The only lesbian club in town?<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elaine’s eyes widened: — And they take your phones at the entrance, no exceptions. Good thing we got that steamy kiss on camera, huh?<</ele>>
<<mia>>laughed: — So that’s why nobody caught onto her little secret. “Perfect reputation?” Well, not anymore.<</mia>>
<<mia>> — Let’s go. That old hag is going to be begging us to take that building now.<</mia>>
<<st>>Elaine nodded, but Mia suddenly paused, tucking her phone into her underwear.<</st>>
<<ele>>(raising an eyebrow): — Damn, since when can you do that?<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia gave a sly smile, and they made their way into the club. It didn't take long to spot Lauren — her face dropped the second she saw them. She quickly approached, leading them into a private room in the back.<</st>>
<<ele>>(smirked) — Wow, Lauren, you found that private room pretty fast. Come here often, huh?<</ele>>
<<land>>(glowering): — What the hell are you two doing here?<</land>>
<<mia>>(innocently): — Oh, we just happened to catch sight of you and your girlfriend. You two make such a passionate couple. Now we understand why you didn’t seem to care much about your hubby.<</mia>>
<<land>>— You think you can prove anything? <</land>>
<<st>>Mia pulled out her phone, showing her the photo they had taken earlier.<</st>>
<<land>>— Fine... you bitches win. I’ll lease you the damn place.<</land>>
<<st>>Mia shook her head, smirking.<</st>>
<<mia>> - No.<</mia>>
<<ele>>- NO!?<</ele>>
<<mia>> — Lease? You’re not getting off that easy. You’re going to sell it to us, and it better be a sweet deal. Sweet like a “Cherry”.<</mia>>
<<land>>(gritting her teeth): — You bitch... You’re not letting this go, are you? Fine. I’ll have the papers ready tomorrow.<</land>>
<<mia>>— Nah, you will do it tonight. Oh, and as a thank-you, let me make you a promise. You’re welcome at our brothel anytime you need to have a little fun — no one will know. Consider it our gift for making this deal happen. See ya.<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|City]]>><</button>><</linkreplace>><<st>>Mia and Elaine knew this was it—their last day in Ibiza, and they were going to squeeze every drop of fun out of it. They’d heard whispers about this one party—like a mythical kind of bash everyone raved about. Only thing was, every person who went said it was so wild, they’d drank so much, they weren’t even sure they’d ever do it again.<</st>>
<<ele>>Elaine just smirked when she heard that. "Pfft, amateurs. We can handle that." <</ele>>
<<st>>And with that, they were off, headed to the mysterious villa. From the outside, it didn’t even look like anything crazy was going on. Just a huge fancy house in Ibiza. <</st>>
<<st>>But when they walked up to the door, things got interesting real fast.<</st>>
<<ele>>A guy at the entrance looked them up and down, clearly approving of their outfits. “Nice clothes, girls, but here’s the thing... you can’t wear them in.”<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia gave him a confused look. "Yeah? Why not?"<</mia>>
<<un>>The guy smirked and pointed over to the side. There was a pool, filled to the brim with champagne. "Simple. You gotta jump in, swim across, and once you're out on the other side, you can put your clothes back on."<</un>>
<<st>>They looked at each other and, without a second thought, jumped into the champagne pool. The bubbles were everywhere, and as they swam across, the alcohol started to hit them hard. <</st>>
<<st>>By the time they climbed out on the other side, they were giggling like crazy, dripping with champagne, and way drunker than when they started. From that point on, everything was a bit of a blur, but there were a few moments they remembered very clearly.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Flash One">><<st>>Mia, standing over Elaine, as a group of guys gathered around. Elaine was laying on a table, her shirt pulled high up as she giggled. <</st>>
<<mia>>"Shots off Elaine! Who's first?" Mia yelled, laughing. <</mia>>
<<st>>The guys were all in, pouring shots straight onto Elaine's stomach, slurping them up, one after another, as she squealed.<</st>>
<<ele>>Elaine winked at Mia. “Half of them don’t know how to use their tongues, but the other half…!”<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia laughed so hard she almost fell over.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Flash Two">>
<<st>>The music blasting, and suddenly, the whole crowd made a circle in the middle of the dance floor. Fire dancers stepped in, twirling blazing batons. The crowd was mesmerized, and Mia—already buzzing from all the champagne—was staring, wide-eyed.<</st>>
<<mia>>“Oh my god!” she shouted. “I wanna do that!”<</mia>>
<<mia>>She even pointed at one of the performers, yelling, “Hey! You! Yeah, you! I’ll GIVE YOU A FREE BLOWJOB if you let me breathe fire just once!”<</mia>>
<<st>>She tried to give him the most desperate puppy eyes, but it was clearly a struggle, especially considering how drunk she was.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Flash Three">><<mia>>They overheard someone whining, "Damn, why didn't they let us up to the roof? I thought once you’re in, you get access to everything."<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elaine's eyes lit up. "Wait, there's a roof?!"<</ele>>
<<st>>Without another word, Mia and Elaine made their way towards the stairs leading up. At the entrance, an amused security guard blocked their way.<</st>>
<<gua>>"You ladies looking for the foam party?"<</gua>>
<<ele>>Elaine's eyes widened. "Wait, what?! It’s not just a roof—it's a foam party?!"<</ele>>
<<gua>>He nodded. "Yeah, it’s up there."<</gua>>
<<mia>>Mia's face lit up. "Oh, hell yes! That’s where we need to be!" She started to move forward, but the guard held out a hand, stopping her.<</mia>>
<<gua>>"Hold up, hold up. There’s a rule—only drunk and naked guests allowed."<</gua>>
<<gua>>He looked them up and down, smirking. "And I see one condition’s already met. Now, strip, and I’ll let you in."<</gua>>
<<st>>Just a few seconds, and, well, clothes were off before you could blink.<</st>>
<<st>>They stepped onto the roof and were instantly met with complete chaos. Foam everywhere—people drinking, dancing, making out in every corner. And some… well, they were definitely doing a little more than just making out, and really could’ve used a private room at that point.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine weaved through the crowd, heading straight for the bar. When they ordered their cocktails, the bartender raised an eyebrow.<</st>>
<<un>>"Two minutes."<</un>>
<<ele>>Elaine, confused: "Two minutes for what?"<</ele>>
<<un>>The bartender shrugged, a sly grin on his face. "Everyone here’s naked. No cash on you, I’m guessing. Payment works differently. You two need to start making out for two minutes right here. And not just kissing—I mean hands-on."<</un>>
<<st>>The bartender watched, wide-eyed, as those two minutes turned into probably the hottest thing he’d seen all night.<</st>>
<<st>>The girls laughed, holding their drinks up. They caught the vibe, feeling free, drunk, and honestly, having the time of their lives.<</st>>
<<st>>Suddenly, the foam machine went haywire—spewing out so much foam that it became impossible to see anything. Within seconds, they were surrounded by foam taller than them, blurring all visibility.<</st>>
<<st>>Then, it started—hands. Mia felt hands all over her, touching her ass, her boobs, her waist. She wasn’t even sure whose hands they were, but her own hands found their way onto random people nearby. Then, she felt it—a firm grip around something big. A stranger's hard dick right in front of her.<</st>>
<<st>>He grabbed her by the waist, pulling her through the foam into a quieter corner.<</st>>
<<button[[Next morning|Next morning]]>><</button>>
<</linkreplace>><div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Quest: The last day</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_dlc_beach==true>>Mia and Elaine knew this was it—their last day in Ibiza, and they were going to squeeze every drop of fun out of it.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to the Ibiza hotel<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+100 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dlc.png]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_dlc_beach==true>>✅Pass patreon quest #2<<else>>🛑 Pass patreon quest #2<</if>></div></div></div><<set $mia.exp +=100>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<set $quests.quest_dlc_last=true>><<st>>And the next morning? Mia woke up, rubbing her head, and then made a face.<</st>>
<<ele>>Elaine was sprawled next to her, already laughing as soon as she saw Mia’s expression. “Why the long face?”<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia groaned. “Why the hell does it taste like something burnt in my mouth?”<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elaine burst out laughing again. “Maybe because you tried to become a freaking dragon last night, you idiot.”<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia blinked, then started laughing too. “Oh my god. Did I...?”<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elaine nodded, tears almost forming from laughing so hard. “Yup. You definitely did.”<</ele>>
<<mia>>Mia sighed, leaning back. “Worth it.”<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elaine grinned. “Hell yeah, it was So, we’re packing up or what?”<</ele>>
<<linkreplace "Leave">><<st>>They hop on the plane, still buzzing from the crazy time they’ve had. Gotta find more places like this one.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Stay">><<st>>Nah, screw it, gotta stay one more day and then head out.<</st>>
<<button[[Continue|Map_Ibiza]]>><</button>><</linkreplace>><<st>>The girls entered the massive Ice Club—frosty sculptures all around, the bar literally made of ice, everything looking like a winter wonderland, except way wilder.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia nudged Elaine. "Look, they’re doing ice shots. We gotta get in on that."<</mia>>
<<mia>>They all grinned and headed over, grabbing shot glasses made of ice. "Cheers to freezing our asses off!" Mia yelled as they clinked their glasses and threw them back. The cold vodka burned all the way down, but they were already laughing as someone passed them more ice-cold shots.<</mia>>
<<jn>>After a couple of rounds, Jenny groaned and grabbed the arm of a buff waiter nearby. "Screw this ice shit, let's make it interesting."<</jn>>
<<st>>Next thing they knew, they were pouring shots on his abs and licking them off, everyone cheering and laughing, the waiter just smirking as the girls took turns.<</st>>
<<st>>Right in the middle of the dance floor, a voice boomed out announcing a contest for the wildest dares. Alyssa and Jenny decided to jump in on the contest, pushing their way to the front as the crowd cheered them on. The host looked at Alyssa and grinned, "Alright, sweetheart, you’re up first—give us your best lap dance." Alyssa didn't hesitate, pulling a random guy onto a chair and getting to work.<</st>>
<<button [[Jenny's dance|quest_secret_party_3]]>><</button>><<st>>Then it was Jenny's turn. The host gave her a wicked smile, "You, my dear, have to kiss another girl." He looked around the crowd for a moment before pointing directly at Mia, who just laughed and stepped forward.<</st>>
<<jn>>As they pulled away, Jenny grinned, "You know, that was supposed to be weird, but I actually kind of liked it."<</jn>>
<<mia>>Mia laughed, shaking her head, "Yeah, must be all that vodka."<</mia>>
<<un>>After they both finished, a guy walked up, handing each girl an envelope. "Well done, ladies. You definitely earned these."<</un>>
<<ele>>Elaine, still laughing, slurred a bit, "What... what even is this? I’m too drunk to read."<</ele>>
<<michelle>>Michelle grabbed the envelope and opened it, reading it aloud. "You’ve partied hard at the Ice Club, but this is just the beginning. Only a few get to continue, and you’re one of them. Next stop, the Mountain Lodge."<</michelle>>
<<mia>>Mia grinned, waving the envelope. "Hell yeah! Let’s keep this night going!"<</mia>>
<<st>>With more laughter, they all started heading out.<</st>>
<<button [[Next Location|quest_secret_party_4]]>><</button>><<st>>The girls entered the lavish cabin, fairy lights twinkling all around and setting the mood for a night that promised absolute decadence. The doorman greeted them with a grin, handing each of them a mask. "Only lingerie and masks allowed tonight, ladies. Also, feel free to explore—there's more than just the main hall. Some rooms offer a more... intimate experience."<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Room 1">><<st>>The first room? A full-on orgy. Bodies everywhere, people moaning, absolutely no shame.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Room 2">><<st>>This room was a full-blown arena. People dressed up in character costumes, ‘’performing’’ improvised scenes while others watched.<</st>>
<<st>>Right now, there was a "teacher" and a "naughty student" on stage.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Room 3">><<st>>This one was simple—a striptease room. People were lounging around, enjoying drinks while watching dancers take turns on the pole in the middle.<</st>>
<<st>>The first room? A full-on orgy. Bodies everywhere, people moaning, absolutely no shame.<</st>>
<<st>>The girls entered the room, and instantly, they spotted a guy each of them recognized.<</st>>
<<lily>>Lily squinted, "Wait... isn't that the librarian?"<</lily>>
<<ali>>Alyssa shook her head, laughing, "Librarian? Girl, that's the waiter from the party."<</ali>>
<<mia>>Mia looked at him in surprise, "Wait, what? I thought he was the concierge!"<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elaine chimed in, "Nah, he was the ski instructor, wasn't he?"<</ele>>
<<lily>>The room went silent for a moment, then one of the girls blurted, "What the actual fuck is going on here?"<</lily>>
<<st>>The room went quiet, and the guy just stood there, a sly grin on his face. He watched as the realization slowly dawned on each of them, amusement sparkling in his eyes.<</st>>
<<michelle>>Michelle was the first to speak up, voice filled with shock, "Wait a minute... You're the Sex Yeti, aren’t you?"<</michelle>>
<<un>>He gave a small bow, his grin widening. "Guilty as charged."<</un>>
<<mia>>The girls all stared at him, completely stunned. Mia blinked, struggling to take it all in. "Hold up. You mean... you're the Sex Yeti? The dude everyone talks about, who shows up once a year and has the craziest sex ever?"<</mia>>
<<yeti>>He nodded, a grin spreading across his face. "Yeah, that's right, I’m the Sex Yeti. People talk about me like I'm some damn legend, but honestly? The way you girls have been going at it, you’re the real deal. I've never had anything like this before. You’re fucking wild."<</yeti>>
<<ali>>Alyssa's mouth dropped open. "Oh my god... this is insane." She let out a laugh, shaking her head. "I can’t believe we all fell for the same guy. And you're telling me it was all part of your whole Sex Yeti thing?"<</ali>>
<<yeti>>He shrugged casually. "I do what I do. But honestly? You girls are something else. You’ve made my usual routine look like nothing."<</yeti>>
<<ele>>Elaine still looked shocked, but then she burst out laughing, throwing her head back. "This is so fucked up. Like, what are the chances?"<</ele>>
<<lily>>Lily finally found her voice, still staring at him. "So, you're rich, a sex legend, and basically a mystery dude that no one can catch?"<</lily>>
<<yeti>>He nodded again, and then, his smile turned almost serious. "And since you’re all here now, I’m offering you something different. Each of you gets one sexual wish. No limits, no judgment. Just ask, and I’ll make it happen."<</yeti>>
<<st>>The room filled with stunned silence again, the girls exchanging glances.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia wanted to be tied up and used however the Sex Yeti wanted. He grinned, grabbed the rope, and got right to it.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elaine wanted a blindfold and to be teased till she was begging for more. He gave her a wicked smirk and slid the blindfold over her eyes.<</ele>>
<<michelle>>Michelle was into spanking, wanted to feel both the pain and pleasure.<</michelle>>
<<lily>>Lily was into being watched and wanted it to happen in front of everyone. The Sex Yeti smirked and waved at the crowd to get a good view.<</lily>>
<<ali>>Alyssa wanted him to play her "boss" and treat her like a bad secretary. He chuckled, putting on a suit jacket like it was no big deal.<</ali>>
<<jn>>Jenny was into roleplay, wanted him to be the "naughty neighbor." He grinned, getting right into character.<</jn>>
<<soph>>Sophia wanted a group of guys to fuck her, no holding back. He smiled, pulled her in, and signaled some of the other guests to join.<</soph>>
<<button [[Leavy|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><<st>>The girls gathered back in Alyssa's room, each one with a triumphant smile.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia, still slightly breathless, laughed, "Alright, let's see who had the craziest spot."<</mia>>
<<st>>The girls all stared at —- for a moment, before they burst out laughing.<</st>>
<<mia>>Mia handed over the bottle of champagne. "Alright, — ''$winner'', you win. That was straight-up insane."<</mia>>
<<st>>She grinned, popping the cork. "Hell yeah! Cheers to being the craziest bitches on this mountain!"<</st>>
<<button [[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
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<<button[[19|Advent_Events]]>><<set $advent_event=19>><</button>> <<button[[20|Advent_Events]]>><<set $advent_event=20>><</button>> <<button[[21|Advent_Events]]>><<set $advent_event=21>><</button>>
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<<case 1>>
<<st>>Mia walked into the luxurious hotel, ready to kick off her winter vacation. The young concierge greeted her with a wide smile.<</st>>
<<con>>"Welcome, miss. Let me take you to your room."<</con>>
<<st>>They made their way upstairs, and the concierge opened her door. He turned to her with a cheeky grin.<</st>>
<<con>>"You know, to start your vacation off right, I could give you something extra... like a good fuck. What do you say?"<</con>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>"Yeah, that sounds like a damn good start."<</mia>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.3/video/1.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<con>>"Alright, gotta get moving. Need to check on the room for the Sex Yeti."<</con>>
<<mia>>"Sex Yeti? What the hell?"<</mia>>
<<con>>"Yeah, it’s some dude who comes around here once a year. Women say it’s the best fuck they’ve ever had, like nothing they've ever experienced. A proper fucking legend."<</con>>
<<mia>>(grinning): "Hmm, sounds interesting. Alright, go on then."<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia laughed and shook her head.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Not today, sorry."<</mia>>
<<con>>(nodding): "No problem. I need to check on the room for the Sex Yeti, anyway."<</con>>
<<mia>>"Sex Yeti? What the hell?"<</mia>>
<<con>>"Yeah, it’s some dude who comes around here once a year. Women say it’s the best fuck they’ve ever had, like nothing they've ever experienced. A proper fucking legend."<</con>>
<<mia>>(grinning): "Hmm, sounds interesting. Alright, go on then."<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<case 2>>
<<st>>Elaine took a skiing lesson, and after some basic training, she and the instructor rode up the lift. At the top of the slope, the instructor smirked at her.<</st>>
<<inst>>"How about this—if I make it down faster than you, I get to fuck you in our staff room. Deal?"<</inst>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>They raced down the slope, and the instructor won. He grabbed her once they stopped, a grin on his face.<</st>>
<<inst>>"Alright, time to collect my prize."<</inst>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.3/video/2.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<inst>>"We should keep skiing until it gets dark—trust me, you don’t want to run into the Sex Yeti."<</inst>>
<<ele>>Elaine raised an eyebrow. "Sex Yeti? Who’s that?"<</ele>>
<<inst>>"Legend has it, he shows up once a year. Women say it's the best dick they've ever had, like he's got some kind of magic dick or something."<</inst>>
<<ele>>"Wow, based on what just happened, I'd say you might be the Sex Yeti yourself."<</ele>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ele>>Elaine shook her head. "Not happening."<</ele>>
<<inst>>Instructor shrugged. "Alright, let’s go anyway. Wouldn't want you running into the Sex Yeti."<</inst>>
<<ele>>Elaine raised an eyebrow. "Sex Yeti? Who’s that?"<</ele>>
<<inst>>"Legend has it, he shows up once a year. Women say it's the best dick they've ever had, like he's got some kind of magic dick or something."<</inst>>
<<ele>>"To be honest, wouldn’t mind running into him."<</ele>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<case 3>>
<<st>>Lily wandered through the library, letting her fingers trail across the spines of the books, thinking about what she wanted.<</st>>
<<lib>>"Can I help you with something?"<</lib>>
<<lily>>Lily smiled back: "Yeah, I'm looking for something to read by the fireplace tonight."<</lily>>
<<lib>>The librarian's grin widened: "I have just the thing. It's in the back section. Follow me."<</lib>>
<<st>>Lily followed him towards the far end of the library. He picked out a book and handed it to her, leaning in slightly.<</st>>
<<lib>>"Before you go... have you ever had sex in a library?"<</lib>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Fuck him'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<lily>>Lily raised an eyebrow, smirking. "No, never. But I think it's about time."<</lily>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.3/video/3.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<lily>>Lily grinned, catching her breath. "Wow, you've got the best damn dick I've ever seen. I’d even say it's magic, considering what you just did with it. God, this was probably the best sex in my life!"<</lily>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Reject him'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<lily>>Lily gave him a polite smile, shaking her head. "No, and I think I'll keep it that way." She took the book, her eyes giving him a quick once-over, before turning to leave.<</lily>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<case 4>>
<<st>>Jenny had never tried skiing before, and today felt like the perfect day to give it a go. As she was trying on ski jackets, she overheard two girls talking excitedly:<</st>>
<<str_g>>"Oh my god, you have no idea, it was SO good!" "Really? Maybe it was... the Sex Yeti?" The second girl whispered with a grin.<</str_g>>
<<st>>Sex Yeti? She thought to herself, What’s that all about?<</st>>
<<st>>After some time, she finally picked out her ski equipment and went to the counter to pay. As she reached into her bag, she felt her stomach drop—her wallet was missing, and she’d also left her phone back in the hotel room.<</st>>
<<jn>>"Oh no... I can't pay, I think I left my money back at the hotel.”<</jn>>
<<un>>The rental guy looked at her for a moment, then smirked, leaning forward slightly. "Well, either you sit here and wait for someone to come bail you out, or you could give me a blow-job.”<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<jn>>Jenny gave a small smile, stepping closer. "Alright," she said, her voice teasing, "Let's work something out."<</jn>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.3/video/4.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<jn>>Jenny shook her head, giving a polite but firm smile. "No, thanks. I’ll just wait—my daughter’s probably wondering where I’ve gone off to anyway."<</jn>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<case 5>>
<<st>>Michelle decided to visit the hot springs, and as she was relaxing and enjoying the scenery, a handsome guy suddenly swam over to her. He flashed her a grin and said:<</st>>
<<un>>"I don’t know what's hotter—these springs or you."<</un>>
<<michelle>>Michelle rolled her eyes, unimpressed. "Wow, that’s seriously the best line you’ve got? Kind of lame. I bet even the so-called Sex-something legend would’ve come up with something better."<</michelle>>
<<un>>The guy shrugged, but his smirk didn’t fade. "What can I say? I wanted to fuck you so bad, I didn’t have time to come up with anything better."<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'So Fuck me'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<michelle>>Michelle gave him a sly smile. "Alright, I was heading for a shower anyway. Come with me."<</michelle>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.3/video/5.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Ugh, leave me alone'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<michelle>>Michelle shook her head, her expression flat. "Yeah, no. That’s not happening."<</michelle>>
<<un>>The guy sighed, backing off. "Fair enough. Guess I'll have to work on my lines for next time."<</un>>
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<<case 6>>
<<st>>Alyssa had booked herself a nice, relaxing massage—something she felt she truly deserved. She lay face down on the massage table, enjoying the soothing pressure of the masseur's hands working their way across her back and shoulders. Everything was going smoothly... until she noticed the masseur’s hands wandering down a little lower than they probably should.<</st>>
<<st>>His voice dropped to a low whisper near her ear:<</st>>
<<un>>"So... how about we go for the full relaxation treatment? Some of my clients say I have magic… hands."<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ali>>Alyssa smirked, her body shifting slightly as she looked over her shoulder. "Yeah, I could use a little extra relaxation."<</ali>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.3/video/6.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ali>>Alyssa sighed, shaking her head. "No thanks, I’m just here for a massage."<</ali>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<case 7>>
<<st>>Sofia sat at a cozy café, casually sipping her drink. Just a few tables away, a family of four was seated—mom, dad, and their two kids. The dad, though? He was definitely "not bad."<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Seduce him'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<soph>>Sofia decided to make a move. She stood up, smoothing out her dress before pretending to be a waitress. She approached the family’s table, holding out a menu with a sweet smile. "Here’s a menu for you, sir."<</soph>>
<<un>>The man, a little confused but curious, took it. Inside, there was a small note: "See you in the restroom in 5 minutes." He looked up, catching Sofia’s knowing gaze. A faint smirk touched his lips as he closed the menu.<</un>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.3/video/7.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Leave it be'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<soph>>Sofia shook her head slightly, deciding against it. "Nah, I’m on vacation. Don’t need this kind of drama." She took another sip of her drink, glancing around. As she did, a passing waiter caught her eye, giving her a cheeky wink.<</soph>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<case 8>>
<<un>>Lily decided to take a walk down the hotel corridor completely naked. Suddenly, the door to one of the rooms opened, and she was pulled inside by a guy. He shut the door behind them, "You think you can just walk around here like that and not get fucked? Let’s see how brave you really are."<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Stay'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<lily>>"Alright, you got me. Let’s see what you've got."<</lily>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<lily>>"Uh, I think I’ll just head back to my room... alone."<</lily>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<case 9>>
<<st>>Jenny and Sophia decided to take a walk through the snowy forest.<</st>>
<<st>>For some reason, these two had hit it off right away. Maybe sluts stick together, after all?<</st>>
<<st>>They we’re walking through the forest and snapping pictures of each other until they realized they had lost the path back to the hotel. They wandered around for a bit, starting to get really cold, when they spotted a beautiful cabin in the clearing.<</st>>
<<jn>>“Whoa, cute cabin! And there’s light. Should we check it out?”<</jn>>
<<soph>>Sophia hesitated. “Isn’t this how horror movies start, though?”<</soph>>
<<jn>>Jenny laughed. “Yeah, but I’m freezing, and we’re totally lost. I’d rather take my chances with a warm cabin.”<</jn>>
<<soph>>Sophia rolled her eyes, then smiled. “Alright, alright, you win. Let’s go.”<</soph>>
<<st>>They approached the door and heard voices from inside. Sophia knocked but noticed the door was already open, so they stepped in.<</st>>
<<st>>The room went silent, and a bunch of guys, all in towels and holding beers, turned to stare at them. It was clear these guys were having a bachelor party, getting drunk in the sauna.<</st>>
<<un>>One guy raised an eyebrow. "Whoa, who ordered the hookers?"<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Play Along'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>The girls exchanged a look, and Sophia winked at Jenny.<</st>>
<<soph>>"Oh, have you boys been waiting for us?"<</soph>>
<<jn>>Jenny smirked. "Guess we're right on time."<</jn>>
<<jn>>Jenny laughed as they turned to leave. "See, if this were a movie, it definitely wouldn’t be a horror flick. More like a hard-core group porn, right?"<</jn>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<jn>>"No, no, there must be a mistake... We, uh, just stumbled in by accident. We'll just go."<</jn>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<case 10>>
<<michelle>>Michelle heard a knock at the door and opened it, only to be grabbed immediately by a guy standing there. He covered her mouth, his voice low and rough, "I'm gonna fuck you right now.”<</michelle>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<un>>Michelle's eyes widened, but a smirk tugged at her lips. She nodded slowly, her body leaning into his as he let his hand slip from her mouth. "Good choice," he muttered before pushing her against the wall.<</un>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<un>>Michelle shook her head quickly, her eyes flashing with both surprise and annoyance. The guy released her, stepping back. "Suit yourself," he said with a grin before turning and leaving.<</un>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<case 11>>
<<st>>Mia, Elaine, and Michelle decided to check out one of the most popular spas in the area— a giant complex with different saunas, steam rooms, and hot tubs, and everyone there walked around completely naked.<</st>>
<<st>>As they were lounging in one of the hot tubs, bubbles rising around them as they started talking about their trip so far.<</st>>
<<mia>>Grinned: "Alright, spill it. Who’s had the most fun so far? I mean the kind that involves a lot of moaning."<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elaine laughed: "I had my fair share of fun already—couple of guys, you know how it goes."<</ele>>
<<mia>>Gave her a knowing look: "Just a couple? Knowing you, it should've been at least a dozen by now."<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elaine rolled her eyes, smirking: "Yeah, yeah, talk about yourself, Mia."<</ele>>
<<mia>>Shrugged, smirking: "I’ve been keeping busy, let’s just say that."<</mia>>
<<st>>The girls looked at Michelle, who was relaxing with her head back.<</st>>
<<michelle>>Michelle chuckled, raising her head: "Oh, trust me, you guys don’t even wanna know. I’ve been having some fun too." She paused, then added with a sly smile: "But honestly, I could use something a bit more… exciting. I mean, just hooking up with some guy is getting kind of boring."<</michelle>>
<<ele>>Elaine raised an eyebrow, leaning forward with a mischievous glint in her eye: "Alright then, let’s make it interesting. How about we turn it into a little competition?"<</ele>>
<<michelle>>Michelle tilted her head: "A competition?"<</michelle>>
<<ele>>Elaine nodded, grinning: "Yeah. Let’s see who can find and sleep with the guy with the biggest dick. We split up, find our targets, and the one who ends up with the biggest prize wins. Then we come back here and compare notes."<</ele>>
<<mia>>Burst out laughing: "You’re insane. But… I’m in. Should be fun."<</mia>>
<<linkreplace "Mia">><<st>>Mia wandered around, checking out different rooms, until she found her guy in the Roman sauna. He had a cock so big, she wasn’t even sure fucking him was a good idea. She gave him a look, biting her lip. He smirked back, and that was all the signal they needed to slip away somewhere quieter.<</st>>
<<mia>> “This better not break me.” <</mia>>
<<linkreplace "Elaine">><<st>>Elaine roamed around the spa until she ended up in the Nordic sauna. Her eyes lit up when she spotted a guy, with an impressive piece that caught her attention right away. <</st>>
<<ele>>‘’Well, that is gonna make me a winner.’'<</ele>>
<<st>>She sauntered up, her eyes never leaving his.<</st>>
<<ele>>“Well, looks like you’ve got something worth showing off. Care to put it to use?”<</ele>>
<<st>>He grinned, looking and her boobs, and soon they were sneaking off. <</st>>
<<linkreplace "Michelle">><<st>>Michelle was hanging out near the open baths when she noticed a muscular guy.<</st>>
<<michelle>>‘’When that’s fucking impressive’’<</michelle>>
<<st>> She took her time approaching, letting her eyes wander over every inch of him before stopping right in front of him.<</st>>
<<michelle>>“It’s kinda cold here. Think you could help me warm up a bit more?”<</michelle>>
<<st>>After a while, they made their way back to the jacuzzi, looking like they just went through a wild ride.<</st>>
<<mia>>Leaned back, a sly grin on her face. “Alright, spill it. Did everyone get what they wanted?”<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elaine laughed. “Hell yeah, got my hands full, if you know what I mean.”<</ele>>
<<michelle>>Michelle smirked, still trying to catch her breath. “Same here. No complaints at all.”<</michelle>>
<<mia>>Clapped her hands together. “Alright, show ’em. Let’s see who’s got the biggest catch.” They each pulled out their phones, showing the guys they picked.<</mia>>
<<ele>>Elaine looked at Mia’s photo, her eyes widening. “Holy shit, Mia, I think we have a winner.”<</ele>>
<<michelle>>Michelle nodded, staring at the pic. “Yeah, no argument here.”<</michelle>>
<<mia>>‘’I win, bitches, hahahha!’’ <</mia>>
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<<case 12>>
<<un>>Sophia was working out alone in the hotel gym late at night, the place completely empty. Suddenly, a guy walked in, eyeing her up. He came up behind her while she was lifting weights, leaning in close, and whispered, "Drop those fucking weights. I’ll give you a real workout."<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<soph>>Sophia smirked, putting the weights down slowly. "Alright, I’m ready.”<</soph>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<soph>>Sophia rolled her eyes, dropping the weights with a loud clang. "Back the fuck off."<</soph>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<case 13>>
<<st>>Elaine and Alyssa decided to try the husky sleigh ride, figuring, why not? They jumped in, holding on tight as the dogs took off.<</st>>
<<ele>>Elaine laughed, “Whoa, this is actually kinda wild! Way better than I thought it’d be!”<</ele>>
<<ali>>Alyssa shouted over the wind, “Right?! I thought it’d be some boring tourist trap—this is awesome!”<</ali>>
<<un>>Their guide, who was definitely extremely hot, turned back with a grin. “Wanna go somewhere more private? Away from all the tourists?”<</un>>
<<ele>>Elaine shot Alyssa a look and then nodded, “Uh, yes, please. Let’s see what you’ve got for us.”<</ele>>
<<un>>The guy just smirked, “Hold on, ladies.” And with that, they took off again, the dogs speeding them into the forest.<</un>>
<<st>>After a while, they stopped by a small cabin, and he invited them in to warm up. Inside, they found three more guys just hanging out, looking them up and down.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Have fun'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ele>>Elaine looked at Alyssa, raising an eyebrow. “Whoa, this isn’t just a sleigh ride; this is like a full VIP tour, huh?”
She gave a playful smirk, then turned to the guys. “Ooh, this is gonna be great! Alright, boys, let’s see what you got.”<</ele>>
<<ali>>Alyssa laughed, watching as Elaine got right up to one of the guys. The other two made their way over to her, and she shrugged, grinning. “This is the kind of ride we were really looking for.”<</ali>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Leave'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ele>>Elaine looked at Alyssa, then at the group of men, and sighed. “Ugh, honestly? Not feeling it today.”<</ele>>
<<ali>>Alyssa nodded, rolling her eyes. “Yeah, same here. Too much effort for not enough fun.”<</ali>>
<<ele>>Elaine gave a half-hearted shrug, turning back to the guide. “Sorry, boys. Not today. We’re just gonna head out.<</ele>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<case 14>>
<<un>>Elaine was sneaking through the empty stairwell, avoiding the elevator. Suddenly, she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around and found a guy following her. He gave her a wicked grin, "Got you. Now bend over, and I'll fuck you right here.<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ele>>Elaine smirked, biting her lip. "Alright, but you better make it quick."<</ele>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<ele>>Elaine rolled her eyes, stepping back. "Nah, not today."<</ele>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<case 15>>
<<st>>Sofia and Mia were hanging out by the frozen lake trying to catch the Northern Lights when they noticed a group of people getting rowdy on the shore—music, booze, a bonfire. One of the dudes waved them over, and the girls stumbled right into the chaos.<</st>>
<<st>>The second they got there, someone shoved drinks in their hands, and hell, they didn't need any convincing. They knocked back shots like it was nothing, the burn making them giggle as they swayed to the music. It wasn’t long before they were properly wasted—dancing, yelling, laughing like maniacs.<</st>>
<<st>>Then they noticed some people stripping down and jumping into the frozen lake. Sofia, eyes wide, barely understood what was happening.<</st>>
<<soph>>“What the hell?! Are they fucking nuts?!”<</soph>>
<<un>>Mia, just as drunk, stared too. Before they could react, two guys from the group walked up, both checking them out. One grinned and said, “What’s the matter, ladies? Afraid of a little cold?”<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia gave a snort, elbowing Sofia with a sloppy grin. “They think we’re scared, Sof. Wanna show them what’s up?”<</mia>>
<<soph>>Sofia laughed, a loud, drunken cackle. “Oh, hell yeah! Let’s fucking do it!”<</soph>>
<<st>>They could barely keep their balance as they pulled off their clothes, tossing their tops and pants aside like it was nothing. Then, with a wild shout, they launched themselves into the icy water. <</st>>
<<soph>>When they started climbing out, shivering like crazy, Sofia started yelling, “MIAAAA, LOOK! IT’S THE NORTHERN LIGHTS, OH MY GOD, IT’S BEAUTIFUL!”<</soph>>
<<mia>>Mia, squinting up, shook her head. “Girl, you’re wasted. That’s a streetlight.”<</mia>>
<<st>>After watching this scene, one of the guys stepped closer to the water’s edge, grinning.<</st>>
<<un>>“Well, well, look at you two. Now that you’re soaking wet, we can't just leave you here freezing your asses off, can we?”<</un>>
<<un>>“Our room’s close by. Why don't we help you warm up... properly?”<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia exchanged a look with Sofia, both grinning like idiots. “Fuck it,” she said, “Lead the way, boys.”<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia, shivering and barely keeping upright, laughed, “Nah, thanks, but we’ll head back to our room. Can’t handle any more excitement tonight.”<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<case 16>>
<<st>>Jenny wandered into the hotel's laundry room, looking for clean towels. While she was sorting through the pile, a staff guy walked in.<</st>>
<<un>>"Lost, sweetheart? How about I fuck you right here?"<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<jn>>Jenny grinned, dropping the towels. "Alright, let’s go."<</jn>>
<<st>>He locked the door, stepping closer.<</st>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<jn>>Jenny rolled her eyes. "Not today."<</jn>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<case 17>>
<<lily>>Michelle, Elaine, and Lily walked around the igloo village, checking out the place.
Lily glanced around and said.“Man, I really wanted to stay here for a night. Looks fun as hell. Sucks there’s nothing open.”<</lily>>
<<un>>Suddenly, a guy came up to them. “You ladies enjoying the view?”<</un>>
<<michelle>>Michelle nodded. “Yeah, this place is awesome. Too bad there’s no free igloos.”<</michelle>>
<<un>>He grinned. “What if I said I could hook you up with one? But there’s a condition.”<</un>>
<<ele>>Elaine smirked. “Yeah? What’s the condition?”<</ele>>
<<un>>He leaned in, giving them a once-over. “You get the igloo… and I get to fuck all of you.”<</un>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Say yes'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>The girls exchanged glances, their smiles turning wicked. Lily eyed the guy up and down, then smirked, “Alright then, show us our igloo.<</st>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Say no'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<michelle>>Michelle shook her head, smiling. “Nah, we’re good. Maybe we’ll just wait until we can book it properly next time.”<</michelle>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<case 18>>
<<st>>Mia and Elaine sat down in a room, playing strip poker. Elaine shuffled the cards, both girls giving each other daring looks. But she added one more twist.<</st>>
<<ele>>(smirking): “There’s one more rule. Every time you lose a piece of clothing, you’ve gotta share something about yourself. Something no one else knows. Make it juicy.”<</ele>>
<<mia>>(rolling her eyes, but clearly excited): “Fine, fine. Let’s do it.”<</mia>>
<<st>>The first few rounds went by quickly, and soon enough, Mia was down to her top and panties, and Elaine wasn’t much better off. Mia lost the next hand, and without much hesitation, she peeled off her top.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Alright, confession time. Here’s something messed up—remember that one time I slept my dad. Sometimes I still think about it, and I want to do it again."<</mia>>
<<st>>Elaine's eyes widened, her mouth dropping open slightly.<</st>>
<<ele>>(laughing, half shocked): "Holy shit, Mia, hahahah you’re crazy."<</ele>>
<<st>>Elaine lost the next hand, her bra sliding off as she stood up, giving Mia a little show.<</st>>
<<ele>>(smirking, trying to think of her confession): "Okay, here’s one... I have this kink. I love being watched. Like, having someone in the room, just watching me get off. It’s twisted, but god, it gets me going."<</ele>>
<<mia>>(Raising her eyebrows, a sly smile on her face): "Damn, I always knew you’re a freak. I love it."<</mia>>
<<mia>>(leaning in, voice lowered): "Alright, here’s another one for you—one time I dressed up like a cat, ears, tail, everything, and made this guy do lots of dirty things to me. And honestly? It was probably the hottest night of my life."<</mia>>
<<st>>Elaine's eyes glinted with mischief, her interest piqued.<</st>>
<<ele>>(losing her skirt this time, finally confessing): "Alright, alright. Last one. I’ve always wanted to sleep with a girl. Never had the chance, but it’s been on my mind for years."<</ele>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Have sex'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>“Is that so? Well, looks like your chance is sitting right in front of you.”<</mia>>
<<ele>>(raising an eyebrow, voice teasing but soft): “Are you for real...?”<</ele>>
<<mia>>“Hell yeah.”<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Ignore it'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<mia>>Mia laughed, shaking her head, "Oh wow girl! If you want it to do right now - not tonight, but hey, at least now I know, right?"<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<case 19>>
<<st>>The girls were gathered at the hotel dining area, all having breakfast together, chatting and laughing. Michelle, finishing her coffee, suddenly spoke up.<</st>>
<<michelle>>"Hey, listen up. I’ve got a spare ticket for the 'Adult Santa's Workshop' tour. Thought I’d find someone to go with, but no luck. So, anyone wanna come with me?"<</michelle>>
<<ele>>Elaine almost choked on her coffee, laughing: "Michelle, you’ve gotta be kidding me. Santa's Workshop? Are you seven years old? Gonna sit on Santa’s lap or something?"<</ele>>
<<michelle>>Michelle gave a sly smile: "Yep, exactly. I wanna sit on his lap. Didn’t you hear me say it’s the adult Santa’s Workshop? No kids allowed."<</michelle>>
<<soph>>Sofia raised an eyebrow, smirking: "Wait, hold up. That’s even weirder. An adult Santa’s Workshop? What kind of a freaky tour is that supposed to be?"<</soph>>
<<michelle>>Michelle shrugged, clearly unfazed: "C'mon, I said 'adult' like three times. No kids, just grown-ups having fun. I explained it, alright? So, anyone wanna come or what?"<</michelle>>
<<lily>>Lily spoke up: "I’ll go with you. I loved Christmas as a kid. Got plenty of photos of me on Santa's lap. Might as well add one more to the collection. Sounds like a laugh."<</lily>>
<<michelle>>Michelle nodded, getting up from her chair: "Great. We’ve got about 20 minutes before we have to head out. Let’s get moving."<</michelle>>
<<linkreplace "Santas Workshop">><<st>>As they drove up to the building that supposedly housed Santa’s Workshop, Lily's eyes widened, taking it all in.<</st>>
<<lily>>"Wow, this place looks so magical, like something straight out of a movie! It's so cool! Always watched stuff like this in films and thought about how much I'd want to visit."<</lily>>
<<michelle>>Michelle raised an eyebrow, giving her a skeptical look: "You do realize this isn’t your typical Santa’s Workshop, right?"<</michelle>>
<<lily>>Lily nodded quickly: "Yeah, yeah, you said it’s kid-free, which is even better. I’m not much for kids anyway. I just want to get into the Christmas vibe, you know?"<</lily>>
<<michelle>>"Alright, sure. Let's go then."<</michelle>>
<<st>>They approached the entrance, where they were greeted by a guy dressed as an elf. <</st>>
<<lily>>“Wait, I could swear that guy is a librarian…”<</lily>>
<<st>>He gave them both a slow, shameless look up and down, undressing them with his eyes. First Lily, then Michelle.<</st>>
<<elf>>"Welcome to Santa’s Adult Workshop, ladies. Hope you have a really good time."<</elf>>
<<st>>He then opened the door for them, and just as she was about to step inside, he gave Lily’s ass a hard slap.<</st>>
<<lily>>Lily spun around, eyes wide: "What the—" The elf just winked at her, as if daring her to react. With a slight huff, she stepped inside.<</lily>>
<<st>>Lily froze mid-sentence, her eyes widening as she took in the scene around her.<</st>>
<<lily>>"SO THIS is what you meant by Santa’s Workshop for adults!"<</lily>>
<<st>>She asked watching some guy dressed as an elf banging some woman.<</st>>
<<michelle>>Michelle turned to her, a smirk tugging at her lips: "Uh, yeah. What did you think I meant?"<</michelle>>
<<lily>>Lily sighed, rubbing her temples: "I guess I wasn’t really listening to you."<</lily>>
<<michelle>>Michelle let out an exaggerated sigh: "I literally told you a million times, it’s for adults. What did you think it was, a knitting club?!"<</michelle>>
<<michelle>>With a dismissive wave, Michelle walked away. "Anyway, I’m outta here, have fun."<</michelle>>
<<st>>Lily turned her head, slowly taking in her surroundings. Everywhere she looked, there were people fucking with elves in the corners.<</st>>
<<lily>>What the hell?<</lily>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Lily'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>An elf walked up to her, completely bare from the waist down, his cock swinging as he moved. He looked her up and down with a smirk.<</st>>
<<elf>>"What do you say, wanna have some fun?"<</elf>>
<<lily>>Lily let out a snort, eyes on him: “Fuck it, yeah, let’s jingle those bells."<</lily>>
<<st>>After they had their fun, Lily leaned back, catching her breath.<</st>>
<<lily>>"Wow, this is definitely not what I expected from Santa's workshop, but damn, it was fun!" She looked at the elf. "Hey, I still haven't seen Santa though. Think you could take me to him?"<</lily>>
<<elf>>The elf raised an eyebrow. "You really wanna see Santa?"<</elf>>
<<lily>>Lily shrugged, smirking. "Yeah, what's the big deal?"<</lily>>
<<elf>>The elf gave a sly grin. "Hmm, well, seeing Santa’s only for the bravest."<</elf>>
<<lily>>Lily laughed. "Alright then, let’s go."<</lily>>
<<st>>He led her through the workshop until they reached a large, decorated room. There, standing in the middle, was the hottest, most ridiculously good-looking Santa she'd ever seen. He turned towards her, a teasing smile playing on his lips.<</st>>
<<elf>>"Who’s here to see Santa?"<</elf>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.3/video/event_po_grupam.mp4" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<st>>The girls made it back to the hotel just in time for dinner with everyone else, looking a bit disheveled but oddly satisfied. They dropped down at the table, and Jenny raised an eyebrow, smirking.<</st>>
<<jn>>"So, Lily, did you get that photo sitting on Santa's lap?"<</jn>>
<<lily>>Lily grinned mischievously, her cheeks reddening slightly. "Um, yeah... I definitely got that."<</lily>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<link 'Michelle'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Michelle wandered around Santa’s workshop, a few elves coming up to her now and then, but it wasn't what she was after. <</st>>
<<michelle>>"Nah, I came here for a real fucking Christmas miracle."<</michelle>>
<<st>>She kept walking around until she found a room at the far end of the workshop. When she opened the door, she saw several elves lounging inside, all looking up at her.<</st>>
<<michelle>>Michelle grinned wide. "Now this, this is what I was looking for."<</michelle>>
<<elf>>One of the elves gave her a cheeky smile and leaned forward. "Oh, looks like someone wants to make it to the Naughty List."<</elf>>
<<michelle>>Michelle laughed, nodding. "Exactly that."<</michelle>>
<<st>>The girls made it back to the hotel just in time for dinner with everyone else, looking a bit disheveled but oddly satisfied. They dropped down at the table, and Jenny raised an eyebrow, smirking.<</st>>
<<jn>>"So, Lily, did you get that photo sitting on Santa's lap?"<</jn>>
<<lily>>Lily grinned mischievously, her cheeks reddening slightly. "Um, yeah... I definitely got that."<</lily>>
<<button[[Leave|Advent calendar]]>><</button>>
<<case 20>>
<<st>>The girls were chilling at the dinner table in the hotel when a waiter came up and handed them each a letter.<</st>>
<<ele>>Elaine raised an eyebrow, smirking: "What’s this? A love letter?"<</ele>>
<<michelle>>Michelle ripped hers open, laughing: "Or maybe someone’s trying to invite us to a threesome."<</michelle>>
<<st>>Inside, a sleek card read: "We've seen some wild parties here, but nothing like what you four have brought. You've earned your place at the most legendary Christmas party to close out the season."<</st>>
<<mia>>grinned "Guess we’ve got a reputation already."<</mia>>
<<mia>>Mia leaned back in her chair, glancing at the card. "It says we gotta start at the 'Ice Club.' Sounds fancy."<</mia>>
<<lily>>Lily laughed, taking a sip of her drink. "Or cold as fuck. Either way, I say we go."<</lily>>
<<st>>They all clinked glasses, laughing, before getting up.<</st>>
<<button [[Ice Club|quest_secret_party_2]]>><</button>>
<<case 21>>
<<st>>The girls were in Alyssa's room, already a bit drunk, laughing and joking around.<</st>>
<<michelle>>Michelle grinned, her voice slurred. "Alright, moving to really interesting gossip. What was the best sex of your lives? Spill it!"<</michelle>>
<<lily>>Lily leaned back, smirking. "There was this one guy, I swear, he was huge. Like, I thought, 'How is this even gonna fit?' It was insane."<</lily>>
<<ele>>Elaine shook her head, laughing. "Nah, I don’t love huge ones. I’m all about a thick one, though. He was my colleague... Best sex of my life. He knew how to use it."<</ele>>
<<jn>>Jenny jumped in. "I had a guy with a small dick once, but oh my god, what he did with his tongue... I still think about it sometimes."<</jn>>
<<st>>They all laughed, tossing stories back and forth until Mia suddenly sat up, a wicked smile on her face.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Alright, enough about dicks. How about crazy places? Like, what was the wildest place you’ve ever done it?"<</mia>>
<<st>>They all started sharing again, laughing and getting rowdier.<</st>>
<<mia>>(grinning even wider): "Okay, listen up. How about we make it a contest? Right now. Who can fuck in the wildest place here at the resort?"<</mia>>
<<st>>The girls exchanged looks, drunk smiles on their faces.<</st>>
<<ele>>Elaine raised her glass. "Alright, let’s do it. Four hours, wildest place, and winner gets a bottle of champagne!"<</ele>>
<<linkreplace "Mia">><<st>>Mia decided to start with picking up a guy at the hotel bar. Now they were out in the snowy woods, her buzz making everything feel a bit wild.<</st>>
<<mia>>She looked at him, smirking. "You ever done it in the snow?"<</mia>>
<<un>>The guy hesitated for just a second before grinning. "Not yet, but I’m game."<</un>>
<<mia>>Mia laughed, pulling him closer. "Good answer. Just try not to be too loud—we wouldn’t want to attract any unwanted attention, would we?"<</mia>>
<<linkreplace "Elain">><<st>>Elaine found herself a hot guy near the main pool area. After some flirting, she convinced him to follow her to the hot tub while everyone else was distracted.<</st>>
<<ele>>She leaned back in the warm water, looking at him with a teasing smile. "Think you can handle a little more heat?"<</ele>>
<<un>>The guy smirked, sliding closer. "Oh, I can handle it."<</un>>
<<ele>>Elaine chuckled, biting her lip. "Let’s see about that." She glanced over her shoulder at the main pool just a few meters away, the noise of people laughing and splashing adding that extra thrill. "But we better be quiet... unless you want an audience."<</ele>>
<<linkreplace "Michelle">><<st>>Michelle had an idea. She picked a guy while waiting for the cable car. The moment the doors closed behind them, leaving them alone, she smirked.<</st>>
<<michelle>>She leaned in close. "You ever done it in a moving cable car?"<</michelle>>
<<un>>The guy looked taken aback, but only for a second, then a grin spread across his face. "Nope, but I’m ready if you are."<</un>>
<<michelle>>Michelle raised an eyebrow, leaning back against the glass. "Well, you better be quick—before we reach the top."<</michelle>>
<<linkreplace "Lily">><<st>>In the hotel elevator, making every stop risky.<</st>>
<<st>>Lily chose to make things a little more... thrilling. She caught a guy’s eye in the hotel lobby, and before they knew it, they were both in the elevator, her hand on the emergency stop button.<</st>>
<<lily>>She looked at him, a playful grin on her face. "Ever had a quickie in an elevator?"<</lily>>
<<un>>The guy’s eyes widened, then he nodded. "Hell yeah, let’s do it."<</un>>
<<st>>Lily pressed the button, her heart pounding, knowing each ding could mean someone stepping in.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Alyssa">><<st>>Alyssa made her way into the local diner late at night, the place still open but with only a handful of people left. She slipped into the kitchen where the cook was, giving him a mischievous grin. He’d been checking her out during the dinner, and she wasn’t about to let that go to waste.<</st>>
<<ali>>She moved closer, her voice low. "Think we can have some fun in here, chef? But you better be quiet... don't want the waitress walking in, do we?"<</ali>>
<<un>>The cook looked her over, clearly tempted. He nodded, swallowing hard. "Yeah, but we gotta be careful."<</un>>
<<linkreplace "Jenny">><<st>>On the closed ice rink, after hours, with the echoes of skates still hanging in the air.<</st>>
<<st>>Jenny had been wandering around the Christmas market and she got an idea. She walked up to the mulled wine stall and caught the vendor’s eye—a handsome guy who’d been giving her looks.<</st>>
<<jn>>Grinning, she leaned in over the counter, whispering, "Wanna have a little fun under here?"<</jn>>
<<st>>The vendor blinked, then smirked, clearly intrigued. He glanced around, making sure no one was too close, and nodded.<</st>>
<<st>>Jenny slipped under the counter, her heart racing as she got on her knees and gave him a blowjob.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Sophia">><<st>>In the ski rental room, among all the gear, just before opening.<</st>>
<<st>>Sophia wandered into the supermarket, barely anyone was around except for one cute cashier who was stacking shelves in the back. She walked over, flashing him a cheeky smile.<</st>>
<<soph>>"Hey there, need a hand?" she asked, leaning in a little closer than necessary.<</soph>>
<<un>>The guy looked at her, a bit surprised, then smiled, his eyes glancing around nervously. "Here? You sure?"<</un>>
<<soph>>Sophia nodded, moving in even closer. "Yeah, just make it quick. Wouldn't want your manager to catch us, right?"<</soph>>
<<st>>''So who’s the winner?''<</st>>
<<button [[Mia|quest_best_location_2]]>><<set $winner="Mia">><</button>>
<<button [[Elain|quest_best_location_2]]>><<set $winner="Elain">><</button>>
<<button [[Michelle|quest_best_location_2]]>><<set $winner="Michelle">><</button>>
<<button [[Lily|quest_best_location_2]]>><<set $winner="Lily">><</button>>
<<button [[Alyssa|quest_best_location_2]]>><<set $winner="Alyssa">><</button>>
<<button [[Jenny|quest_best_location_2]]>><<set $winner="Jenny">><</button>>
<<button [[Sophia|quest_best_location_2]]>><<set $winner="Sophia">><</button>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>>
<</switch>><<script>>// Функция создания снежинок
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$(document).on(':passagedisplay', function (ev) {
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});<</script>><div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Quest: Final Preparations</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_close_call==true>>A brothel doesn’t just open its doors quietly—it needs hype, chaos, and a little bit of scandal. With no official “protection” in place, the girls focus on what really matters: making sure everyone hears about their wild new club.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to the Living Room<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+100 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_close_call==true>>✅Pass quest #31<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #31<</if>></div></div></div><div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Quest: The Doors Are Open</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_final_preparations==true>>The doors are open, the drinks are flowing, and Mia’s brothel is finally live. The place is packed and the night is just getting started. Booze, sex, and some unexpected surprises—welcome to the hottest spot in town.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to the Brothel<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+100 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mia.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_final_preparations==true>>✅Pass quest: Final Preparations<<else>>🛑 Pass quest: Final Preparations<</if>></div></div></div><<set $quests.quest_final_preparations=true>><<set $mia.exp +=100>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<set $active_quests.q37=true>><<st>>Mia gathered all the girls at her parents’ house. The family was out of town until tomorrow, so they had free rein to turn the living room into their unofficial HQ for chaotic meetings. A few bottles of tequila stood proudly on the coffee table.<</st>>
<<ele>>(raising her glass): "Okay, first of all, what the fuck is happening? Mia’s house is empty? The apocalypse must be near. Cheers to that!"<</ele>>
<<mia>>(laughing): "Yeah, yeah, don’t get used to it. Now shut up and drink. We’ve got shit to figure out."<</mia>>
<<st>>They all knocked back a shot, wincing and laughing as the tequila burned its way down. Elaine leaned over to grab the lime out of Michelle's hand.<</st>>
<<michelle>>"Hey, get your own damn lime!"<</michelle>>
<<mia>>(clapping her hands): "Alright, listen up. Congrats to us for finding the spot, locking down the cash, and recruiting a killer lineup of girls. We’ve done a hell of a lot, but we’ve got one big fucking hole in our plan."<</mia>>
<<ali>>(smirking): "Hole? Sounds about right for us."<</ali>>
<<mia>>(rolling her eyes): "Ha. Ha. No, I’m talking about protection. Like, who’s gonna keep the creeps and trouble off our backs?"<</mia>>
<<st>>The room went quiet for a second as everyone mulled it over. Lily took a sip of her tequila, then promptly started coughing, her face turning red.<</st>>
<<lily>>(gasping): "Oh my God, why does this stuff taste like ass?"<</lily>>
<<mia>>"Alright, focus! We need someone to keep the law, the mob, and the psychos from fucking with us. Ideas?"<</mia>>
<<michelle>>(shrugging): "Do we even need it? Like, is it that big of a deal?"<</michelle>>
<<ali>>(rolling her eyes): "Oh yeah, Michelle. Let’s just wait for some pissed-off pimp or the IRS to come knocking. Solid plan."<</ali>>
<<st>>Elaine snorted, reaching for the tequila bottle and pouring another round.<</st>>
<<ele>>"You guys are hilarious. We don’t even know where to find ‘protection’ or whatever. I say let’s just focus on the opening and figure out the rest later."<</ele>>
<<mia>>(nodding): "Well, fair. Okay then. The opening needs to be big, bold, and loud. Something nobody will shut up about."<</mia>>
<<st>>Everyone went quiet, pretending to think. The only sound was the clinking of glasses as they knocked back another round. Finally, Lily hesitated and spoke up.<</st>>
<<lily>>"Uh… what if we, like, made flyers or something?"<</lily>>
<<st>>A beat of silence. Then the room erupted in laughter.<</st>>
<<ali>>(wheezing): "Flyers? Lily, babe, we’re opening a brothel, not selling Girl Scout cookies."<</ali>>
<<st>>Lily blushed, glaring at Alyssa, but couldn’t hold back her own smile.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Hey, don’t knock it. Lily, fine, we can do that, but you’re in charge of flyers if we go that route. But we need more ideas. Come on, ladies, give me something."<</mia>>
<<soph>>(sipping her drink): "Word of mouth. I’ll tell my sugar daddies; Michelle can gossip in her classes, and Alyssa… well, you can charm anyone into anything."<</soph>>
<<michelle>>(nodding): "Yeah, I’ll drop some hints. Let the rumors do the work. By next week, everyone will know about us."<</michelle>>
<<mia>>"Alright. Flyers and gossip. We better make this the grandest opening this city’s ever seen. Now, let’s drink to that!"<</mia>>
<<linkreplace "Lily`s Flyers">>
<<st>>The next day, with a bag full of flyers, Lily roamed several neighborhoods, stuffing them into mailboxes. She even slid one under the door of a priest’s house, muttering, "Forgive me, Father, for I have advertised.”<</st>>
<<st>>By night, the flyers were all over social media, half the city was already buzzing about the opening.<</st>>
<<linkreplace "Word of Mouth">><<st>>The girls each took their mission seriously—or at least, as seriously as they could after a few more shots of tequila. Sofia, already tipsy, giggled as she snapped a topless selfie in the mirror.<</st>>
<<st>>She sent it to one of her sugar daddies with a message: "Biggest party of the year coming up. You’d better be there… and bring your friends ;)""<</st>>
<<st>>Michelle, meanwhile, wasn’t one to waste time. During her lecture break the next day, she snuck off to the restroom with a cute guy from class. <</st>>
<<st>>As they straightened their clothes afterward, she leaned in and whispered, "You didn’t hear this from me, but something huge is opening next week. Exclusive as hell."<</st>>
<<st>>Alyssa, as usual, went straight for the wildest approach. She sent her ex a video of herself masturbating. After a bit of sexting, she called him and “accidentally” let slip about the exclusive opening.<</st>>
<<ali>>"But seriously, you can’t tell anyone. Promise me, okay?"<</ali>>
<<st>>Naturally, by the end of the night, he had told everyone he knew.<</st>>
<<st>>By the end of the week, the whole city was buzzing. Even people who didn’t care about clubs knew something big—and very NSFW—was coming.<</st>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><</linkreplace>><</linkreplace>><<set $quests.quest_doors_open=true>><<set $mia.exp +=100>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<set $active_quests.q38=true>><<st>>The day had finally come—they were open!<</st>>
<<mia>>"To us, bitches! Let’s make this night so fucking amazing that people can’t wait to come back, and anyone who wasn’t here tonight will be lining up to get in. Cheers!"<</mia>>
<<st>>The girls cheered, clinking glasses and knocking back their shots.<</st>>
<<st>>An hour later, the brothel was packed. Mia and Elaine were practically squealing with excitement as they took it all in.<</st>>
<<ele>>"Holy shit, Mia. Look at this! We actually pulled it off!"<</ele>>
<<mia>>"I know, right? It’s insane! I’m so fucking happy I could cry."<</mia>>
<<st>>They tried to party while keeping an eye on the crowd, but Mia kept getting interrupted.<</st>>
<<waiter>>"Uh, Mia, we’ve got a problem. People are asking for condoms, but…"<</waiter>>
<<mia>>(already annoyed): "So give them condoms. What’s the issue?"<</mia>>
<<waiter>>(winces): "The shipment didn’t come in. They’re, uh… not here."<</waiter>>
<<mia>>(groaning): "Are you fucking serious? Fine, then let them go without condoms. Offer them a free shot or something and call it a day."<</mia>>
<<st>>The waiter nodded nervously and scurried off. Mia rolled her eyes and turned back to Elaine, who handed her another drink.<</st>>
<<ele>>"And you thought running a brothel would be easy. Welcome to the glamorous life, babe."<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia laughed and downed her drink, just as the music changed and someone threw an arm around her shoulders.<</st>>
<<br>>"Well, well, well. Look at you, sis! This place is fucking amazing. Hot girls everywhere, killer vibe—I’m impressed. Seriously, good work."<</br>>
<<mia>>"Thanks, I guess? Now can you stop leaning on me before you wrinkle my dress?"<</mia>>
<<br>>"Hey, don’t forget—you owe me for this spot. I found it for you, remember?"<</br>>
<<mia>>(rolling her eyes but smiling) "Yeah, yeah, I remember. Fine. You and your friends can hang out in one of the VIP rooms. I’ll even throw in some entertainment."<</mia>>
<<st>>She motioned to one of the stunning waitresses nearby.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Take my brother and his crew to one of the VIP rooms. Make sure they’re… comfortable."<</mia>>
<<st>>Thomas and his friends followed the waitress into the VIP room. Inside, several girls in lingerie were already waiting, lounging on the couches with knowing smiles.<</st>>
<<br>>"Now this is what I call service!" He paused, turning to Elaine with a playful smirk. "Elaine, you should totally join us. Come on, it’ll be fun."<</br>>
<<st>>Elaine raised an eyebrow, clearly about to shoot back a sarcastic comment, but Mia rolled her eyes as the door closed behind them, muttering under her breath.<</st>>
<<mia>>"He’s impossible, but at least he’s predictable."<</mia>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Keep Partying'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>>
<<link 'Keep an eye on Thomas'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Thomas and his buddies were quick to settle into the VIP room. They ordered champagne and snacks, laughing loudly. One of them slapped a waitress on the ass as she walked by, earning a sharp look before she smirked and moved on.<</st>>
<<st>>Thomas leaned back on the couch, holding up his glass.<</st>>
<<br>>"Alright, who’s ready to party?"<</br>>
<<st>>The night was in full swing, and Mia was having a blast, only occasionally pausing to handle some organizational hiccups.<</st>>
<<st>>A waitress approached her nervously, fidgeting with the hem of her skirt.<</st>>
<<waiter>>"Uh… Mia, we’ve got a… situation. There’s, um, a couple… right by the bathroom door… and they’re, uh… really loud."<</waiter>>
<<mia>>"Wait, are you serious right now?"<</mia>>
<<st>>The waitress nodded, looking unsure of what to say. Mia groaned, rubbing her temples, then gave the girl an exasperated look.<</st>>
<<mia>>"This is a brothel-club. The whole point of this place is that people fuck whoever they want, wherever they want, and however they want. Seriously, who even hired you?"<</mia>>
<<st>>The waitress blinked, her cheeks turning red, before muttering something about getting back to work and scurrying off.<</st>>
<span id='options2'>
<<link 'Keep Partying'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>>
<<link 'Sneak Peak at the fucking couple'>>
<<replace '#options2'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options2'>><<st>>The two really were going at it like a pair of rabbits, completely ignoring the world around them. Moans and gasps echoed through the hallway as a small crowd tried (and failed) to act like they weren’t watching.<</st>>
<<st>>Still annoyed, Mia headed to the bar, where Elaine was already leaning casually with a drink in hand.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Can you believe this shit? Apparently, people fucking near the bathroom is a ‘problem’ now."<</mia>>
<<ele>>(grinning) "Relax, babe. I’ll go handle the rest of the questions. Here, have my Cosmopolitan—it’ll help."<</ele>>
<<mia>>"You’re a lifesaver. If you need me, I’ll be over here pretending this is all going smoothly."<</mia>>
<<st>>Mia laughed, took a sip of the Cosmopolitan, and turned around—only to freeze in place. Standing a few feet away was her dad, Richard, looking just as shocked to see her.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Mia? What the hell are you doing here?"<</rich>>
<<mia>>"Oh hi DadI… uh well, this is my club."<</mia>>
<<rich>>"Your club?! What? Sweetheart, you work at a café."<</rich>>
<<st>>He said it like he was trying to convince both himself and her, as if the words she’d just said hadn’t fully registered.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Yeah, well, turns out I’ve got a knack for business. I had an idea, ran with it, and… voilà. Here we are."<</mia>>
<<rich>>"I… I don’t know whether to be horrified that you’re running a place like this or impressed by your entrepreneurial spirit. Hah."<</rich>>
<<st>>Mia paused, realizing he’d asked what she was doing here—and the same exact question popped into her mind. She decided to ask it right back.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Wait a second… what are you even doing—"<</mia>>
<<st>>She stopped mid-sentence, her eyes going wide as she spotted her mom, Jenny, walking out of the bathroom. Her hair was messy, and she was holding hands with Jack? Her ex—Jack? What the hell?? They were walking toward the bar, looking awkward and trying to act normal.<</st>>
<<jk>>(blinking) "Mia?"<</jk>>
<<st>>Richard turned to see what Mia was staring at. The moment his gaze landed on Jenny, she yanked her hand out of Jack’s like it was on fire, smoothing her hair.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia froze, trying to make sense of what the hell was happening.<</st>>
<<st>>Richard’s face turned red as he realized what he was seeing. Just as he opened his mouth to explode, Sophia—his lover—appeared out of nowhere and planted a kiss on his lips.<</st>>
<<soph>>"Hi, honey! Mia, meet my boyfriend - Richard."<</soph>>
<<jn>>(snapping) "Your who?!"<</jn>>
<<st>>Sophia turned to Jenny with a cheerful smile, completely missing the chaos around her.<</st>>
<<soph>>"Oh, Jenny! Nice to see you too. Richard, this is Mia’s mom."<</soph>>
<<st>>Everyone went silent for a moment, staring at Richard.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Oh my God, this is like a bad soap opera."<</rich>>
<<mia>>"What the fuck is going on?! Dad?! Mom?! Why are you holding hands with Jack? Don’t tell me you were the ones fucking by the bathroom?!"<</mia>>
<<st>>Jenny turned red and tried to say something, but Richard cut her off.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Wait. Fucking by the bathroom? Jenny, what the hell? You and this kid?!"<</rich>>
<<jn>>(furious) "Oh, cut the crap, Richard. You’re screwing around with our daughter’s friend, so don’t you dare judging me!"<</jn>>
<<soph>>(raising her hands) "Whoa, okay, this feels personal. I should… uh… leave. Yeah, I’ve got stuff to do."<</soph>>
<<jk>>(awkwardly stepping back) "Yeah, I’ll just… I’ll go too. Mia, nice seeing you."<</jk>>
<<mia>>(glaring) "You’re fucking kidding me."<</mia>>
<<jn>>"Mia, sweetheart, I… I didn’t know how to tell you. It’s… it’s nothing serious."<</jn>>
<<mia>>"Mom. This is so cringe. My ex-boyfriend? Are you kidding me? And Dad, my friend?! Both of you—ugh. I need a drink."<</mia>>
<<st>>She thought to herself, And maybe a good fuck to clear all this shit out of my head.<</st>>
<<rich>>(calmly but firmly) "Mia, listen, this is… a complicated situation."<</rich>>
<<mia>>"Complicated? That’s how you’re gonna describe it?"<</mia>>
<<rich>>Richard, ignoring her sarcasm, continued: "But your mom and I need to talk. And not here. Can we use one of the private rooms?"<</rich>>
<<st>>Mia didn’t even answer, just waved them off and knocked back two shots in a row, muttering under her breath.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Unbelievable. Fucking unbelievable."<</mia>>
<span id='options3'>
<<link 'Stay with Mia'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<st>>Frustrated and needing a distraction, Mia spotted the guy she’d flirted with earlier still lingering by the bar. She walked over, grabbed his tie, and leaned in close.<</st>>
<<mia>>"You. Me. Bathroom. what do you say?"<</mia>>
<<st>>As soon ashe smiled and nodded the two disappeared into the nearest stall for a no-strings-attached hookup she needed to clear her head.<</st>>
<<st>>Minutes later, she emerged, fixing her hair and smoothing her dress.<</st>>
<<mia>>(to herself) "Alright, back to work."<</mia>>
<<st>>The rest of the night went smoothly, and by morning, as the crowd thinned out and most of the girls had left, Mia and Elaine sat together in a quiet corner, sipping on leftover drinks.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia told her all the insane shit that went down.<</st>>
<<ele>>"FUCKING HELL, and I missed all of that while buying condoms for the club. What a rip-off."<</ele>>
<<ele>>"This is even crazier than that night you hooked up with a dad! HAHAHA!"<</ele>>
<<mia>>"God, you’re such an idiot."<</mia>>
<<link 'Sneak a Peek at the Parents'>>
<<replace '#options3'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options3'>><<rich>>"I can’t fucking believe this. You cheated on me, Jenny!"<</rich>>
<<jn>>(snapping) "Oh, don’t you dare pull that shit with me, Richard! You’re the last person who gets to act all high and mighty!"<</jn>>
<<rich>>"High and mighty?! You’re screwing our daughter’s ex-boyfriend, for fuck’s sake!"<</rich>>
<<jn>>(sarcastic) "Oh, right, because sleeping with her friend makes you such a saint?!"<</jn>>
<<rich>>(raising his voice) "This isn’t about me right now!"<</rich>>
<<jn>>(cutting him off) "Like hell it’s not! You think I don’t know what you’ve been doing? God, you’re such a hypocrite!"<</jn>>
<<rich>>(frustrated) "So what now, Jenny? Divorce? Therapy? How the fuck did we even get here?!"<</rich>>
<<jn>>(throwing her hands up) "I don’t know, Richard! Maybe because we haven’t had good sex in years? I wanted something exciting for once!"<</jn>>
<<rich>>(laughing bitterly) "Oh, exciting?<</rich>>
<<st>>Great, yeah, let’s just blow up our whole fucking marriage instead of, I don’t know, talking about it like adults!"<</st>>
<<jn>>"Oh, please, like you weren’t off screwing my daughter’s friend instead of, I don’t know, talking about it like adults?"<</jn>>
<<st>>The room felt like it was about to catch fire with the tension, but then Richard said the dumbest thing imaginable.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Ouch. Guess we’ll need to set aside a small fortune for Mia’s therapy now, huh? Hahaha."<</rich>>
<<jn>>(blinking, then bursting out laughing) "Oh my God, Richard, you’re such an asshole. But that’s actually funny."<</jn>>
<<st>>The laughter caught them both off guard, and the tension finally broke as they leaned back, exhaling like two people who knew they’d been idiots.<</st>>
<<rich>>(grinning) "Look, if you wanted something new, we could’ve just talked about it. Tried something together."<</rich>>
<<jn>>(still laughing) "Oh yeah? Like what? Swingers’ nights and orgies?"<</jn>>
<<rich>>(nodding) "Exactly. Why not?"<</rich>>
<<jn>>(raising an eyebrow) "Well, I saw a cute girl earlier tonight. Think she’d be into it?"<</jn>>
<<rich>>(chuckling) "Would be fun to find out."<</rich>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.3.1/video/1.mov" width="640" height="480" controls loop></video>
<<button[[Leave|Brothel_Location]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_daddys_little_secret=true>><<set $mia.exp +=100>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<set $active_quests.q39=true>><<st>>Mia walked into the house, kicking off her shoes with a sigh. The brothel was running like a well-oiled machine, and she couldn’t help but grin, already making a mental list of shit to stock up on for the week. As she passed the kitchen, she spotted her dad, Richard, sitting at the counter with a beer, half-watching some random crap on TV.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Oh, hey, Mia. You’re back already?"<</rich>>
<<mia>>"Yeah, hey, Dad. Where’s Mom?"<</mia>>
<<rich>>(pausing, then shrugging) "Out with her friends tonight."<</rich>>
<<st>>Mia raised an eyebrow at his hesitation but decided to let it slide.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Alright, cool."<</mia>>
<<rich>>"Hey, hang on. Why don’t you grab a beer and sit with me for a bit? Your brother’s off doing God-knows-what, it feels like he doesn’t even exist in our lives. And it’s been a while since you and I actually talked."<</rich>>
<<st>>Mia thought about it for a second, then smirked.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Alright, fine. Gimme a minute to change, and I’ll join you."<</mia>>
<<st>>She came back a few minutes later in more casual clothes, and Richard’s eyes flicked down to her legs for a split second before he snapped back to normal. He handed her a beer like nothing had happened.<</st>>
<<st>>They clinked bottles and settled in, the TV droning on in the background as they chatted.<</st>>
<<rich>>"So, how the hell did you go from being a waitress to running a brothel? Seriously, one minute you’re working at a café, and now you’re… what? The queen of debauchery?"<</rich>>
<<mia>>(laughing) "Come on, Dad, give me some credit! From waitress to boss bitch—what’s not to love?"<</mia>>
<<rich>>(grinning) "Oh, I’m proud of you, sunshine. But seriously, couldn’t you open a coffee shop or something? You know, something normal?"<</rich>>
<<mia>>(smirking) "Dad, please. In this family, do I really need to explain myself? I mean, you’re hooking up with my friend, and Mom? She literally showed up at the brothel with my ex. I’m practically a saint in comparison."<</mia>>
<<rich>>(laughing) "Okay, fair point. My little girl’s got a mouth on her. I love it."<</rich>>
<<mia>>"Damn right you do."<</mia>>
<<st>>They knocked back a couple more beers, laughing and talking like it was the most normal night ever. Somewhere in the haze of booze, the conversation got ridiculous.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia couldn’t, for the life of her, remember how it happened, but somehow they both got so drunk they ended up talking about their exes and swapping funny stories about the craziest shit that had happened to them during sex.<</st>>
<<mia>>(half-giggling, half-yelling) "And then I’m lying on the beach, right? And his dick is so big it blocks the fucking sun! HAHAHA!"<</mia>>
<<st>>Richard nearly spat out his beer, doubling over with laughter before regaining his composure.<</st>>
<<rich>>(waving his hands like an idiot) "And her tits were this big, and I was like, ‘BRBRBRBR!’ Dream come true!"<</rich>>
<<st>>He stood up from his chair and mimed grabbing an imaginary pair of enormous breasts, making a comically exaggerated motorboat sound.<</st>>
<<st>>They laughed until their sides hurt, but at some point, the energy in the room shifted. The laughter faded into a quieter rhythm, the air between them growing heavier.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia caught Richard’s gaze drifting down to her boobs, lingering just a moment too long. She said nothing, but the way her nipples hardened under her shirt didn’t go unnoticed.<</st>>
<<st>>Richard quickly looked away, taking a long sip of his beer as if nothing happened, but Mia caught a glimpse of something on his face. Curiosity? Desire? Maybe both.<</st>>
<<mia>>(smirking) "You know, I’ve picked up a few tricks at the brothel. Wanna see?"<</mia>>
<<st>>Richard paused for a second, their eyes locking. Then, a sly smile spread across his face, full of intent.<</st>>
<<st>>Without speaking, they got up, the tension between them pulling them forward as they headed upstairs to her room.<</st>>
<<button[[Leave|House]]>><</button>><div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Quset: Daddy’s Little Secret</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_doors_open==true>>A casual beer with Richard turns into a night Mia won’t forget. Some conversations can’t be undone, some lines get blurry, and by morning, things between them are... different.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to the Living Room<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+100 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/dad.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_doors_open==true>>✅Pass quest: The Doors Are Open<<else>>🛑 Pass quest: The Doors Are Open<</if>>
<<if $dad.cor>50>>✅Dad corruption > 50<<else>>🛑 Dad corruption > 50<</if>>
<<if $dad.relation >50>>✅Dad relation > 50<<else>>🛑 Dad relation > 50<</if>></div></div></div><<if $quests.quest_final_preparations==false and $quests.quest_doors_open==false>>
<<st>>Advance further in the story to unlock this location.<</st>>
<<button[[Leave|City]]>><</button>><<elseif $quests.quest_final_preparations==true and $quests.quest_doors_open==false>><<goto quest_the_doors_are_open>><<elseif $quests.quest_final_preparations==true and $quests.quest_doors_open==true>><<if $quests.quest_daddys_little_secret==true and $quests.quest_family_ties_redefined==false and $mom.cor>50 and $mom.relation>50>><<goto quest_family_ties_redefined>><</if>><<if $already_name_brothel==false>>@@.text-normal;Specify the name of your brothel and press enter@@
<<textbox "$brothel_name" "Stark Whorehouse" "Brothel_Location">><<set $already_name_brothel=true>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><<set _randomPhrase to $phrases[Math.floor(Math.random() * $phrases.length)]>>
<<print _randomPhrase>></div></div><</if>>
<<button[[Leave|City]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.dad.bath=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $dad.relation>100>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $dad.relation+=1+$perks.heart>><<set $dad.lust+=10>><<set $relation_gained=1+$perks.heart>><<flash `"Relationship + " + $relation_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Father Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>><<st>>You’re standing in the bathroom, leaning against the sink. The sound of the door creaking open breaks the silence, but you decide not to react, letting things play out. Suddenly, you feel hands gripping your hips, pulling you back. Before you can process what’s happening, you’re being taken from behind.<</st>>
<<mia>>Oh it’s so big… yeah!<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|FatherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.dad.bdsm=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $dad.relation>100>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $dad.relation+=1+$perks.heart>><<set $dad.lust+=10>><<set $relation_gained=1+$perks.heart>><<flash `"Relationship + " + $relation_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Father Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>><<st>>You and Dad are lounging on the couch, watching a movie, when a steamy BDSM scene flashes on the screen.<</st>>
<<mia>>(biting your lip, eyes glued to the screen) Wow... I’ve always wanted to get handcuffed and fucked like that. It looks so hot.<</mia>>
<<rich>>Oh yeah?<</rich>>
<<st>>(Before you can react, he grabs your wrist, pulling you to your feet. Without a word, he leads you to his bedroom.<</st>>
<<rich>>Hands behind your back. Now.<</rich>>
<<st>>The cold metal clicks around your wrists, securing them. You’re completely at his mercy, and the thought drives you wild.<</st>>
<<rich>>You asked for this. Now you’re gonna take it.<</rich>>
<<button[[Leave|FatherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.dad.phone=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $dad.relation>100>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $dad.relation+=1+$perks.heart>><<set $dad.lust+=10>><<set $relation_gained=1+$perks.heart>><<flash `"Relationship + " + $relation_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Father Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>><<st>>Mia and Richard were sitting in the kitchen when her phone buzzed. She glanced at the screen—Elaine had sent a photo.<</st>>
<<st>>Curious, she opened it, her eyebrows lifting slightly.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Damn… that would be one hell of an experience if it were possible. That’s so hot."<</mia>>
<<st>>She turned the phone toward Richard. He looked at it for a moment, then smirked.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Well, I’m not Elaine, but I can make it happen."<</rich>>
<<mia>>"Oh yeah?"<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|FatherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.dad.car=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $dad.relation>100>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $dad.relation+=1+$perks.heart>><<set $dad.lust+=10>><<set $relation_gained=1+$perks.heart>><<flash `"Relationship + " + $relation_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Father Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>><<st>>Richard pulled up outside the club, waiting for Mia to finish up her shift. She slid into the passenger seat with a tired sigh.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Rough day?"<</rich>>
<<mia>>"Not bad, just exhausting."<</mia>>
<<st>>He unzipped his jeans ans smiled.<</st>>
<<rich>>(grinning) "I know a great way to shake off the stress."<</rich>>
<<mia>>(raising an eyebrow) "Well, that might help.”<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|FatherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.dad.night_sex=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $dad.cor>100>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $dad.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $dad.lust+=10>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Father Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Father Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>><<st>>Mia walks into her parents’ bedroom in the middle of the night.<</st>>
<<mia>>(whispering) Psst... Dad...<</mia>>
<<rich>>Mia? What are you doing here?<</rich>>
<<mia>>(placing a finger to her lips) Shhh! Keep your voice down. We don’t want to wake Mom.<</mia>>
<<st>>She gestures for him to be quiet, then leans closer to his dick and gives him a blowjob trying not to wake Jenny up.<</st>>
<<rich>>(grabs her hair) Ohhh... yeah…<</rich>>
<<button[[Leave|FatherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.dad.coach_sex=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $dad.cor>100>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $dad.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $dad.lust+=10>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Father Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Father Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>><<mia>>(walking into the living room, noticing her father alone on the couch) Oh, you're here alone? Perfect!<</mia>>
<<st>>(She smirks, leaning casually against the doorway.)<</st>>
<<mia>>It's been so long since anyone's fucked me. Wanna fix that little oversight?<</mia>>
<<rich>>(raising an eyebrow, a slow grin spreading across his face) Hell yeah.<</rich>>
<<mia>>OH GOD, YEAH, YEAH<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|FatherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.dad.kitchen_suck=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $dad.cor>100>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $dad.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $dad.lust+=10>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Father Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Father Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>><<st>>You walk into the kitchen and see your mom doing something at the stove and your dad sitting at the table, you quickly slip under the table and start sucking his dick.<</st>>
<<st>>When he comes you hear him slap the table with the palm of his hand.<</st>>
<<st>>Jenny turns around at the sound.<</st>>
<<jn>>(surprised): What's wrong?<</jn>>
<<rich>>Eeehm, nothing. I thought I saw a mosquito on the table.<</rich>>
<<st>>Oops. Looks like you almost got caught.<</st>>
<<button[[Leave|FatherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.dad.help_sex=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $dad.cor>100>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $dad.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $dad.lust+=10>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Father Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Father Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><</if>><<st>>Richard knocked on Mia’s door, his voice coming through the wood.<</st>>
<<rich>>"Mia, you free? I need help with something."<</rich>>
<<mia>>(stretching on her bed) "Yeah, come in. What’s up?"<</mia>>
<<st>>The door opened, and Richard stepped inside.<</st>>
<<rich>>(pointing to his boner): Here's my problem, and I need your help.<</rich>>
<<mia>>YEAH YEAH<</mia>>
<<mia>>OH IT’S SO GOOD<</mia>>
<<rich>>Thanks, you helped a lot.<</rich>>
<<button[[Leave|FatherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Quest: Family Ties</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_daddys_little_secret==true>>Mia’s mom walks into the brothel, and suddenly, ex-boyfriends are the least of their problems.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to the Brothel<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+100 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/mom.jpeg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_daddys_little_secret==true>>✅Pass quest #32<<else>>🛑 Pass quest #32<</if>>
<<if $mom.cor>50>>✅Mom corruption > 50<<else>>🛑 Mom corruption > 50<</if>>
<<if $mom.relation >50>>✅Mom relation > 50<<else>>🛑 Mom relation > 50<</if>></div></div></div><<set $quests.quest_family_ties_redefined=true>><<set $mia.exp +=100>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<set $active_quests.q40=true>><<st>>The brothel was buzzing. Music thumped, laughter echoed, and the air smelled like cheap perfume and whiskey. Mia leaned against the bar, watching the crowd. Nights like this were her favorite—packed, profitable, and smooth. Elaine stood beside her, sipping a cocktail and scanning the room.<</st>>
<<ele>>“Hey, Mia. Don’t look now, but your mom’s here.’’<</ele>>
<<mia>>“What? Mom? Here? No way.”<</mia>>
<<ele>>“Oh, this is gonna be fun! You two have to talk. I’m out, but call me if you need me.”<</ele>>
<<st>>Mia turned her head, and sure enough, there she was. Looking as stunning as ever, with curves that could stop traffic and a confidence that made everyone stare. She walked over, heels clicking, completely unfazed by the attention.<</st>>
<<jn>>“Hey, sweetie.”<</jn>>
<<mia>>“Uh, hi. What are you doing here? And where’s your… what’s his name? Oh right, my ex-boyfriend?”<</mia>>
<<jn>>Jenny smirked, unfazed. “Still salty about that, huh?”<</jn>>
<<mia>>“Me? Salty? Nah. I’m just surprised you’re here alone. Did he finally realize he’s out of his depth?”<</mia>>
<<jn>>“Mia, come on. I didn’t come here to fight. I just… I want to talk. Properly. No sarcasm, no jokes.”<</jn>>
<<mia>>“Okay, fine. Let’s talk. But don’t expect me to be all sunshine and rainbows about it.”<</mia>>
<<jn>>“I don’t. I just want you to hear me out. Come on.”<</jn>>
<<st>>Mia rolled her eyes so hard it was a miracle they didn’t get stuck in the back of her head.<</st>>
<<st>>They slipped into one of the private rooms, the kind with velvet curtains and a bed that had seen way too much action. Mia crossed her arms and leaned against the wall, giving Jenny her best “this better be good” look.<</st>>
<<mia>>“So, what’s the emergency? Did you run out of young guys to date, or…?”<</mia>>
<<jn>>“Oh, come on, Mia. Don’t be like that.”<</jn>>
<<mia>>“Like what? You’re the one who started dating my ex. What’s next? Are you gonna borrow my clothes too?”<</mia>>
<<jn>>“Please. I wouldn’t be caught dead in that crop top you love so much.”<</jn>>
<<mia>>Mia snorted. “Okay, fair. But seriously, Mom. What’s going on?”<</mia>>
<<st>>Jenny sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed, crossing her legs like she was about to drop some life-changing wisdom.<</st>>
<<jn>>“Look, I know you’re not thrilled about the whole… situation. But let’s be real—you weren’t exactly heartbroken when you two broke up.”<</jn>>
<<mia>>“Yeah, because he was boring. But that doesn’t mean I wanted you to pick up where I left off!”<</mia>>
<<jn>>“I didn’t plan it, okay? It just… happened. And honestly, it’s not like he’s some great catch. He’s cute, sure, but there was something fun about the secrecy, you know? Sneaking around, not getting caught. But now that it’s out in the open, it’s lost its spark. Plus, he’s… well, he’s still young. Not exactly the most… emmm how do I say it?”<</jn>>
<<mia>>“Not very experienced? Yeah, I know. Trust me, I know.”<</mia>>
<<jn>>(Jenny laughed): “Oh, I fixed that. But you know how men are—always in a rush, never taking their time. It’s like they think sex is a race or something.”<</jn>>
<<mia>>“Ugh, tell me about it. Sometimes you just want them to, I don’t know, actually pay attention. Like, hello? I’m right here!”<</mia>>
<<jn>>“Exactly. But they never get it. Only a woman knows how to take her time, how to make it unforgettable.”<</jn>>
<<st>>Mia glanced at Jenny, really looked at her. Her mom had always been stunning, but tonight, it was impossible to ignore. Her legs seemed to go on forever, and her boobs looked tight in that blouse she was wearing.<</st>>
<<st>>(Mia thought to herself) Damn, it’s about time I admitted it to myself. She’s sexy as hell, and I’ve noticed it a long time ago.<</st>>
<<mia>>“Yeah, you’re right. Men are clueless. But we’re not, are we?”<</mia>>
<<st>>She didn’t even realize she’d said it out loud until Jenny looked up. There was a beat of silence before Jenny smirked.<</st>>
<<jn>>“You know, I’ve been thinking… sex with a woman might be way less disappointing.”<</jn>>
<<mia>>“Wanna test that theory?”<</mia>>
<<st>>Jenny didn’t answer. Instead, she stood up, walked over to Mia, and finally kissed her.<</st>>
<video class="custom-video" src="0.3.1/video/2.mov" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video>
<<button[[Leave|Brothel_Location]]>><</button>><<set $parents.mom.lift=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $mom.relation>100>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $mom.relation+=1+$perks.heart>><<set $mom.lust+=10>><<set $relation_gained=1+$perks.heart>><<flash `"Relationship + " + $relation_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Mother Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<st>>Mia and Jenny are walking through the mall, shopping bags in their hands. Suddenly, they notice an empty elevator and exchange mischievous glances.<</st>>
<<mia>>(with a sly smile) Should we go in? There's no one there.<</mia>>
<<jn>>(laughing) Mia, are you sure?<</jn>>
<<st>>They get into the elevator, and as soon as the doors close, Mia pins Jenny against the wall.<</st>>
<<st>>A few minutes later, the doors open, and they get out, trying to keep a nonchalant look, but with a bright blush on their cheeks.)<</st>>
<<mia>>(whispering) That was hot.<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|MotherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.mom.pool=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $mom.relation>100>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $mom.relation+=1+$perks.heart>><<set $mom.lust+=10>><<set $relation_gained=1+$perks.heart>><<flash `"Relationship + " + $relation_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Mother Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<st>>Jenny decides to take a late-night swim in the pool, and Mia joins in.<</st>>
<<mia>>(smirking, wading into the water) You know, swimming in a swimsuit isn’t fun, right?<</mia>>
<<st>>(Without waiting for a response, Mia reaches behind her back, untying her bikini top and then sliding off the bottoms, tossing them onto the edge of the pool.<</st>>
<<jn>>Well, well, it's getting hot in here.<</jn>>
<<st>>Jenny reaches for her own swimsuit, slipping it off and letting it float away.<</st>>
<<mia>>(smiling, her voice low) Much better, don’t you think? Now, wanna have some fun?<</mia>>
<<jn>>AAAH YEAH<</jn>>
<<button[[Leave|MotherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.mom.laundry_two=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $mom.relation>100>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $mom.relation+=1+$perks.heart>><<set $mom.lust+=10>><<set $relation_gained=1+$perks.heart>><<flash `"Relationship + " + $relation_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Mother Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<st>>Jenny calls Mia into the laundry room, asking for help. Mia walks in, helping to pull clothes out of the machine.<</st>>
<<jn>>Thanks for helping, sweetie.<</jn>>
<<st>>Before Mia can react, Jenny quickly hooks her fingers into the waistband of Mia’s panties, sliding them down.<</st>>
<<mia>>(gasping, straightening up) Mom! What are you—? AAhh… <</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|MotherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.mom.passion=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $mom.relation>100>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $mom.relation+=1+$perks.heart>><<set $mom.lust+=10>><<set $relation_gained=1+$perks.heart>><<flash `"Relationship + " + $relation_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Mother Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<st>>The house is quiet, the rest of the family is occupied elsewhere. Mia and Jenny are in the living room, casually chatting, when suddenly, without a warning, Jenny grabs Mia by the wrist and pulls against the wall.<</st>>
<<mia>>(surprised but quickly giving in) Mom— what are you—?<</mia>>
<<jn>>Shh... just go with it.<</jn>>
<<mia>>let’s go to my room.<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|MotherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.mom.video=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $mom.cor>100>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $mom.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $mom.lust+=10>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Mother Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Mother Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<st>>Mia lost a bet, and now she had to record a video.<</st>>
<<st>>She walked up to Jenny, slowly licking her lips.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Alright, I lost the bet. Now I gotta record this… home video. Will you help me out?" Her voice was low, almost teasing.<</mia>>
<<st>>Jenny smirked, eyes flicking over Mia.<</st>>
<<jn>>"How could I say no?"<</jn>>
<<st>>Mia held her gaze for a moment before grinning.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Good. I'll be in my room… Don’t keep me waiting too long."<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|MotherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.mom.forgotten_towel=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $mom.cor>100>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $mom.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $mom.lust+=10>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Mother Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Mother Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<st>>Mia steps out of the shower, realizing she forgot her towel. She decides to make a quick dash to her room, but as she turns the corner, she sees Jenny walking down the hallway—completely naked, heading toward Mia’s room.)<</st>>
<<mia>>(stopping in her tracks, surprised) Mom?!<</mia>>
<<jn>>(pausing, smirking) There you are. I was looking for you.<</jn>>
<<mia>>I want more… Let’s go to my room?<</mia>>
<<set $parents.mom.naked_mom=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $mom.cor>100>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $mom.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $mom.lust+=10>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Mother Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Mother Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<st>>Mia walked into Jenny’s room, ready to ask something—but the words died on her lips.<</st>>
<<st>>Jenny was sprawled naked on the bed, a big-ass dildo in her hand, completely unfazed.<</st>>
<<st>>Mia blinked, then smirked.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Need a hand?"<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|MotherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.mom.bathing_together=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $mom.cor>100>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $mom.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $mom.lust+=10>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Mother Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Mother Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<st>>Jenny was soaking in the warm bath when Mia stepped in, leaning against the doorframe with a playful smile.<</st>>
<<mia>>"Mind if I join?" Mia asked, her voice smooth.<</mia>>
Jenny tilted her head, smirking. "Go ahead."
<<mia>>Mia slid into the water, her fingers trailing over the surface. She leaned in, voice teasing. "Want me to scrub your back? Or… something else?"<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|MotherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $parents.mom.helping_mom=0>><<if $mia.ac_c==0>><<goto No_Energy>><<else>><<if $mom.cor>100>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<else>><<set $mia.ac_c-=1>><<set $mom.cor+=1+$perks.boundless>><<set $mom.lust+=10>><<set $cor_gained=1+$perks.boundless>><<flash `"Mother Corruption + " + $cor_gained`>>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<</flash>><<flash "Mother Lust + 10">>
<<flashType "success">>
<<Timeout 3000>>
<<Delay 1000>>
<<Theme "dark">>
<<st>>Jenny knocks on Mia’s door, her voice urgent as she speaks through the crack.<</st>>
<<jn>>Mia, I’ve been on edge all day... so horny. Your dad’s not home. Think you could help me... relieve some tension?<</jn>>
<<st>>Mia looks up, a sly smile spreading across her face. She sets her phone aside and stands up, walking toward the door.<</st>>
<<mia>>I’d be happy to help, Mom.<</mia>>
<<button[[Leave|MotherPassage]]>><</button>><</if>><<set $current_brothel_girl="mia">><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$mia.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.mia.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.mia.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.mia.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.mia.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.mia.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.mia.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.mia.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.mia.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.mia.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div></div></div><<set $current_brothel_girl="ele">><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$ele.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.ele.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.ele.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.ele.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.ele.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.ele.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.ele.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.ele.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.ele.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.ele.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div></div></div><<set $current_brothel_girl="lily">><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$lily.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.lily.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.lily.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.lily.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.lily.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.lily.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.lily.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.lily.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.lily.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.lily.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div></div></div><<set $current_brothel_girl="mic">><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$michelle.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.mic.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.mic.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.mic.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.mic.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.mic.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.mic.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.mic.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.mic.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.mic.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div></div></div><<set $current_brothel_girl="aly">><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$ali.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.aly.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.aly.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.aly.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.aly.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.aly.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.aly.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.aly.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.aly.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.aly.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div></div></div><<set $current_brothel_girl="soph">><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$soph.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.soph.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.soph.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.soph.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.soph.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.soph.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.soph.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.soph.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.soph.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.soph.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div></div></div><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><<st>>There will be information about the brothel here, will appear in the next update.<</st>></div></div><<button[[Brothel|Brothel_Location]]>><</button>>
<div class="container-upgrade"><div class="left-box-upgrade"><img src="0.3.1/backGrounds/mia.jpg" alt="Image"></div><div class="right-box-upgrade"><div class="left-grid-upgrade"><div class="grid-item-upgrade one"><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_hard_bj==0>><<if $mia.money>=500>><<link "Hard BJ 500$">><<set $brothel_level.mia.bought_hard_bj=1>><<set $mia.money-=500>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade two"><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_hard_sex==0>><<if $mia.money>=500>><<link "Hard sex 500$">><<set $brothel_level.mia.bought_hard_sex=1>><<set $mia.money-=500>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade three"><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_group==0>><<if $mia.money>=500>><<link "Group 500$">><<set $brothel_level.mia.bought_group=1>><<set $mia.money-=500>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade four"><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_bbc==0>><<if $mia.money>=500>><<link "Bbc 500$">><<set $brothel_level.mia.bought_bbc=1>><<set $mia.money-=500>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade five"><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_toy==0>><<if $mia.money>=500>><<link "Toy 500$">><<set $brothel_level.mia.bought_toy=1>><<set $mia.money-=500>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade six"><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_cum==0>><<if $mia.money>=500>><<link "Cum 500$">><<set $brothel_level.mia.bought_cum=1>><<set $mia.money-=500>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div></div>
<div class="container-upgrade"><div class="left-box-upgrade"><img src="0.3.1/backGrounds/ele.jpeg" alt="Image"></div><div class="right-box-upgrade"><div class="left-grid-upgrade"><div class="grid-item-upgrade one"><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_hard_bj==0>><<if $mia.money>=1000>><<link "Hard BJ 1000$">><<set $brothel_level.ele.bought_hard_bj=1>><<set $mia.money-=1000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade two"><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_hard_sex==0>><<if $mia.money>=1000>><<link "Hard sex 1000$">><<set $brothel_level.ele.bought_hard_sex=1>><<set $mia.money-=1000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade three"><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_group==0>><<if $mia.money>=1000>><<link "Group 1000$">><<set $brothel_level.ele.bought_group=1>><<set $mia.money-=1000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade four"><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_bbc==0>><<if $mia.money>=1000>><<link "Bbc 1000$">><<set $brothel_level.ele.bought_bbc=1>><<set $mia.money-=1000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade five"><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_toy==0>><<if $mia.money>=1000>><<link "Toy 1000$">><<set $brothel_level.ele.bought_toy=1>><<set $mia.money-=1000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade six"><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_cum==0>><<if $mia.money>=1000>><<link "Cum 1000$">><<set $brothel_level.ele.bought_cum=1>><<set $mia.money-=1000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div></div>
<div class="container-upgrade"><div class="left-box-upgrade"><img src="0.3.1/backGrounds/lily.jpeg" alt="Image"></div><div class="right-box-upgrade"><div class="left-grid-upgrade"><div class="grid-item-upgrade one"><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_hard_bj==0>><<if $mia.money>=2000>><<link "Hard BJ 2000$">><<set $brothel_level.lily.bought_hard_bj=1>><<set $mia.money-=2000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade two"><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_hard_sex==0>><<if $mia.money>=2000>><<link "Hard sex 2000$">><<set $brothel_level.lily.bought_hard_sex=1>><<set $mia.money-=2000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade three"><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_group==0>><<if $mia.money>=2000>><<link "Group 2000$">><<set $brothel_level.lily.bought_group=1>><<set $mia.money-=2000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade four"><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_bbc==0>><<if $mia.money>=2000>><<link "Bbc 2000$">><<set $brothel_level.lily.bought_bbc=1>><<set $mia.money-=2000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade five"><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_toy==0>><<if $mia.money>=2000>><<link "Toy 2000$">><<set $brothel_level.lily.bought_toy=1>><<set $mia.money-=2000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade six"><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_cum==0>><<if $mia.money>=2000>><<link "Cum 2000$">><<set $brothel_level.lily.bought_cum=1>><<set $mia.money-=2000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div></div>
<div class="container-upgrade"><div class="left-box-upgrade"><img src="0.3.1/backGrounds/mic.jpeg" alt="Image"></div><div class="right-box-upgrade"><div class="left-grid-upgrade"><div class="grid-item-upgrade one"><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_hard_bj==0>><<if $mia.money>=4000>><<link "Hard BJ 4000$">><<set $brothel_level.mic.bought_hard_bj=1>><<set $mia.money-=4000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade two"><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_hard_sex==0>><<if $mia.money>=4000>><<link "Hard sex 4000$">><<set $brothel_level.mic.bought_hard_sex=1>><<set $mia.money-=4000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade three"><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_group==0>><<if $mia.money>=4000>><<link "Group 4000$">><<set $brothel_level.mic.bought_group=1>><<set $mia.money-=4000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade four"><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_bbc==0>><<if $mia.money>=4000>><<link "Bbc 4000$">><<set $brothel_level.mic.bought_bbc=1>><<set $mia.money-=4000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade five"><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_toy==0>><<if $mia.money>=4000>><<link "Toy 4000$">><<set $brothel_level.mic.bought_toy=1>><<set $mia.money-=4000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade six"><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_cum==0>><<if $mia.money>=4000>><<link "Cum 4000$">><<set $brothel_level.mic.bought_cum=1>><<set $mia.money-=4000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div></div>
<div class="container-upgrade"><div class="left-box-upgrade"><img src="0.3.1/backGrounds/aly.jpeg" alt="Image"></div><div class="right-box-upgrade"><div class="left-grid-upgrade"><div class="grid-item-upgrade one"><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_hard_bj==0>><<if $mia.money>=8000>><<link "Hard BJ 8000$">><<set $brothel_level.aly.bought_hard_bj=1>><<set $mia.money-=8000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade two"><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_hard_sex==0>><<if $mia.money>=8000>><<link "Hard sex 8000$">><<set $brothel_level.aly.bought_hard_sex=1>><<set $mia.money-=8000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade three"><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_group==0>><<if $mia.money>=8000>><<link "Group 8000$">><<set $brothel_level.aly.bought_group=1>><<set $mia.money-=8000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade four"><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_bbc==0>><<if $mia.money>=8000>><<link "Bbc 8000$">><<set $brothel_level.aly.bought_bbc=1>><<set $mia.money-=8000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade five"><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_toy==0>><<if $mia.money>=8000>><<link "Toy 8000$">><<set $brothel_level.aly.bought_toy=1>><<set $mia.money-=8000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade six"><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_cum==0>><<if $mia.money>=8000>><<link "Cum 8000$">><<set $brothel_level.aly.bought_cum=1>><<set $mia.money-=8000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div></div>
<div class="container-upgrade"><div class="left-box-upgrade"><img src="0.3.1/backGrounds/soph.jpg" alt="Image"></div><div class="right-box-upgrade"><div class="left-grid-upgrade"><div class="grid-item-upgrade one"><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_hard_bj==0>><<if $mia.money>=16000>><<link "Hard BJ 16000$">><<set $brothel_level.soph.bought_hard_bj=1>><<set $mia.money-=16000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade two"><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_hard_sex==0>><<if $mia.money>=16000>><<link "Hard sex 16000$">><<set $brothel_level.soph.bought_hard_sex=1>><<set $mia.money-=16000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade three"><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_group==0>><<if $mia.money>=16000>><<link "Group 16000$">><<set $brothel_level.soph.bought_group=1>><<set $mia.money-=16000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade four"><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_bbc==0>><<if $mia.money>=16000>><<link "Bbc 16000$">><<set $brothel_level.soph.bought_bbc=1>><<set $mia.money-=16000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade five"><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_toy==0>><<if $mia.money>=16000>><<link "Toy 16000$">><<set $brothel_level.soph.bought_toy=1>><<set $mia.money-=16000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div><div class="grid-item-upgrade six"><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_cum==0>><<if $mia.money>=16000>><<link "Cum 16000$">><<set $brothel_level.soph.bought_cum=1>><<set $mia.money-=16000>><<goto Brothel_Upgrade>><</link>><<else>><<link "No money">><</link>><</if>><<else>><<link "Already bought">><</link>><</if>></div></div></div></div>
<<button[[Brothel|Brothel_Location]]>><</button>><<if $current_brothel_girl=="mia">><<if $mia.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$mia.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.mia.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.mia.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.mia.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.mia.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.mia.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.mia.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.mia.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.mia.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.mia.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $mia.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.mia.bj+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_bj)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="ele">><<if $ele.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$ele.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.ele.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.ele.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.ele.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.ele.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.ele.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.ele.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.ele.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.ele.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.ele.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $ele.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.ele.bj+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_bj)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="lily">><<if $lily.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$lily.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.lily.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.lily.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.lily.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.lily.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.lily.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.lily.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.lily.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.lily.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.lily.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $lily.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.lily.bj+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_bj)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="mic">><<if $michelle.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$michelle.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.mic.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.mic.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.mic.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.mic.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.mic.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.mic.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.mic.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.mic.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.mic.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $michelle.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.mic.bj+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_bj)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="aly">><<if $ali.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$ali.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.aly.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.aly.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.aly.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.aly.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.aly.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.aly.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.aly.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.aly.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.aly.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $ali.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.aly.bj+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_bj)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="soph">><<if $soph.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$soph.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.soph.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.soph.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.soph.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.soph.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.soph.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.soph.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.soph.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.soph.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.soph.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $soph.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.soph.bj+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_bj)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><</if>><<if $current_brothel_girl=="mia">><<if $mia.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$mia.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.mia.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.mia.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.mia.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.mia.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.mia.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.mia.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.mia.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.mia.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.mia.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $mia.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.mia.anal+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_anal)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="ele">><<if $ele.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$ele.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.ele.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.ele.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.ele.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.ele.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.ele.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.ele.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.ele.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.ele.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.ele.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $ele.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.ele.anal+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_anal)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="lily">><<if $lily.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$lily.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.lily.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.lily.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.lily.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.lily.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.lily.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.lily.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.lily.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.lily.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.lily.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $lily.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.lily.anal+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_anal)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="mic">><<if $michelle.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$michelle.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.mic.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.mic.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.mic.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.mic.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.mic.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.mic.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.mic.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.mic.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.mic.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $michelle.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.mic.anal+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_anal)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="aly">><<if $ali.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$ali.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.aly.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.aly.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.aly.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.aly.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.aly.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.aly.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.aly.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.aly.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.aly.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $ali.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.aly.anal+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_anal)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="soph">><<if $soph.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$soph.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.soph.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.soph.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.soph.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.soph.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.soph.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.soph.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.soph.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.soph.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.soph.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $soph.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.soph.anal+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_anal)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><</if>><<if $current_brothel_girl=="mia">><<if $mia.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$mia.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.mia.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.mia.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.mia.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.mia.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.mia.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.mia.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.mia.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.mia.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.mia.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $mia.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.mia.hard_bj+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_hard_bj)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="ele">><<if $ele.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$ele.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.ele.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.ele.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.ele.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.ele.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.ele.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.ele.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.ele.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.ele.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.ele.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $ele.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.ele.hard_bj+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_hard_bj)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="lily">><<if $lily.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$lily.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.lily.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.lily.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.lily.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.lily.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.lily.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.lily.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.lily.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.lily.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.lily.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $lily.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.lily.hard_bj+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_hard_bj)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="mic">><<if $michelle.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$michelle.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.mic.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.mic.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.mic.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.mic.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.mic.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.mic.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.mic.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.mic.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.mic.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $michelle.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.mic.hard_bj+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_hard_bj)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="aly">><<if $ali.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$ali.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.aly.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.aly.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.aly.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.aly.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.aly.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.aly.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.aly.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.aly.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.aly.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $ali.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.aly.hard_bj+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_hard_bj)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="soph">><<if $soph.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$soph.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.soph.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.soph.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.soph.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.soph.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.soph.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.soph.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.soph.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.soph.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.soph.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $soph.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.soph.hard_bj+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_hard_bj)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><</if>><<if $current_brothel_girl=="mia">><<if $mia.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$mia.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.mia.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.mia.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.mia.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.mia.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.mia.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.mia.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.mia.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.mia.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.mia.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $mia.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.mia.sex+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_sex)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="ele">><<if $ele.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$ele.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.ele.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.ele.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.ele.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.ele.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.ele.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.ele.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.ele.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.ele.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.ele.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $ele.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.ele.sex+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_sex)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="lily">><<if $lily.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$lily.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.lily.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.lily.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.lily.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.lily.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.lily.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.lily.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.lily.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.lily.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.lily.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $lily.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.lily.sex+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_sex)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="mic">><<if $michelle.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$michelle.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.mic.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.mic.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.mic.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.mic.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.mic.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.mic.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.mic.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.mic.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.mic.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $michelle.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.mic.sex+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_sex)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="aly">><<if $ali.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$ali.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.aly.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.aly.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.aly.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.aly.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.aly.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.aly.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.aly.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.aly.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.aly.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $ali.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.aly.sex+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_sex)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="soph">><<if $soph.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$soph.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.soph.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.soph.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.soph.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.soph.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.soph.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.soph.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.soph.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.soph.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.soph.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $soph.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.soph.sex+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_sex)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><</if>><<if $current_brothel_girl=="mia">><<if $mia.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$mia.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.mia.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.mia.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.mia.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.mia.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.mia.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.mia.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.mia.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.mia.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.mia.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $mia.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.mia.hard_sex+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_hard_sex)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="ele">><<if $ele.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$ele.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.ele.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.ele.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.ele.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.ele.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.ele.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.ele.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.ele.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.ele.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.ele.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $ele.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.ele.hard_sex+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_hard_sex)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="lily">><<if $lily.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$lily.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.lily.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.lily.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.lily.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.lily.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.lily.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.lily.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.lily.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.lily.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.lily.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $lily.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.lily.hard_sex+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_hard_sex)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="mic">><<if $michelle.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$michelle.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.mic.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.mic.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.mic.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.mic.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.mic.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.mic.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.mic.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.mic.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.mic.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $michelle.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.mic.hard_sex+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_hard_sex)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="aly">><<if $ali.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$ali.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.aly.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.aly.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.aly.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.aly.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.aly.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.aly.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.aly.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.aly.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.aly.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $ali.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.aly.hard_sex+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_hard_sex)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="soph">><<if $soph.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$soph.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.soph.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.soph.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.soph.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.soph.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.soph.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.soph.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.soph.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.soph.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.soph.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $soph.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.soph.hard_sex+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_hard_sex)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><</if>><<if $current_brothel_girl=="mia">><<if $mia.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$mia.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.mia.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.mia.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.mia.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.mia.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.mia.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.mia.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.mia.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.mia.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.mia.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $mia.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.mia.group+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_group)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="ele">><<if $ele.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$ele.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.ele.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.ele.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.ele.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.ele.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.ele.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.ele.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.ele.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.ele.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.ele.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $ele.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.ele.group+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_group)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="lily">><<if $lily.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$lily.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.lily.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.lily.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.lily.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.lily.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.lily.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.lily.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.lily.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.lily.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.lily.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $lily.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.lily.group+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_group)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="mic">><<if $michelle.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$michelle.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.mic.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.mic.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.mic.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.mic.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.mic.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.mic.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.mic.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.mic.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.mic.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $michelle.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.mic.group+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_group)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="aly">><<if $ali.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$ali.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.aly.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.aly.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.aly.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.aly.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.aly.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.aly.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.aly.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.aly.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.aly.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $ali.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.aly.group+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_group)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="soph">><<if $soph.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$soph.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.soph.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.soph.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.soph.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.soph.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.soph.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.soph.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.soph.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.soph.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.soph.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $soph.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.soph.group+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_group)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><</if>><<if $current_brothel_girl=="mia">><<if $mia.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$mia.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.mia.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.mia.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.mia.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.mia.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.mia.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.mia.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.mia.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.mia.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.mia.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $mia.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.mia.toy+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_toy)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="ele">><<if $ele.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$ele.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.ele.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.ele.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.ele.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.ele.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.ele.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.ele.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.ele.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.ele.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.ele.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $ele.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.ele.toy+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_toy)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="lily">><<if $lily.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$lily.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.lily.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.lily.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.lily.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.lily.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.lily.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.lily.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.lily.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.lily.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.lily.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $lily.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.lily.toy+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_toy)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="mic">><<if $michelle.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$michelle.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.mic.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.mic.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.mic.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.mic.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.mic.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.mic.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.mic.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.mic.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.mic.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $michelle.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.mic.toy+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_toy)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="aly">><<if $ali.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$ali.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.aly.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.aly.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.aly.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.aly.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.aly.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.aly.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.aly.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.aly.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.aly.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $ali.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.aly.toy+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_toy)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="soph">><<if $soph.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$soph.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.soph.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.soph.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.soph.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.soph.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.soph.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.soph.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.soph.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.soph.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.soph.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $soph.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.soph.toy+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_toy)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><</if>><<if $current_brothel_girl=="mia">><<if $mia.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$mia.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.mia.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.mia.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.mia.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.mia.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.mia.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.mia.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.mia.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.mia.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.mia.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $mia.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.mia.bbc+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_bbc)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="ele">><<if $ele.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$ele.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.ele.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.ele.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.ele.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.ele.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.ele.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.ele.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.ele.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.ele.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.ele.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $ele.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.ele.bbc+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_bbc)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="lily">><<if $lily.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$lily.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.lily.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.lily.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.lily.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.lily.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.lily.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.lily.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.lily.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.lily.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.lily.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $lily.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.lily.bbc+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_bbc)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="mic">><<if $michelle.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$michelle.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.mic.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.mic.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.mic.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.mic.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.mic.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.mic.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.mic.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.mic.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.mic.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $michelle.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.mic.bbc+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_bbc)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="aly">><<if $ali.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$ali.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.aly.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.aly.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.aly.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.aly.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.aly.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.aly.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.aly.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.aly.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.aly.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $ali.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.aly.bbc+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_bbc)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="soph">><<if $soph.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$soph.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.soph.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.soph.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.soph.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.soph.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.soph.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.soph.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.soph.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.soph.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.soph.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $soph.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.soph.bbc+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_bbc)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><</if>><<if $current_brothel_girl=="mia">><<if $mia.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$mia.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.mia.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.mia.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.mia.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.mia.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.mia.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.mia.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.mia.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.mia.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" >Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mia.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.mia.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $mia.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.mia.cum+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_cum)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="ele">><<if $ele.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$ele.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.ele.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.ele.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.ele.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.ele.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.ele.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.ele.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.ele.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.ele.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.ele.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.ele.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $ele.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.ele.cum+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_cum)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="lily">><<if $lily.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$lily.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.lily.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.lily.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.lily.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.lily.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.lily.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.lily.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.lily.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.lily.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.lily.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.lily.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $lily.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.lily.cum+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_cum)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="mic">><<if $michelle.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$michelle.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.mic.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.mic.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.mic.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.mic.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.mic.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.mic.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.mic.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.mic.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.mic.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.mic.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $michelle.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.mic.cum+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_cum)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="aly">><<if $ali.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$ali.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.aly.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.aly.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.aly.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.aly.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.aly.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.aly.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.aly.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.aly.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.aly.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.aly.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $ali.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.aly.cum+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_cum)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><<elseif $current_brothel_girl=="soph">><<if $soph.brothel_energy==0>><<st>>You have no energy left to do anything, a good solid sleep will help you.<</st>>
<<button [[Sleep|Mia's room]]>><</button>><<else>><div class="two-column-container"><div class="left-column-brothel"><div class="title"><button class="btn-brothel-sec name" data-passage="Brothel_Location">$brothel_name</button></div><div class="button-grid"><button class="btn-brothel mia" data-passage="Brothel_Mia"></button><button class="btn-brothel ele" data-passage="Brothel_Ele"></button><button class="btn-brothel lily" data-passage="Brothel_Lily"></button><button class="btn-brothel mic" data-passage="Brothel_Mic"></button><button class="btn-brothel aly" data-passage="Brothel_Aly"></button><button class="btn-brothel soph" data-passage="Brothel_Soph"></button><button class="btn-brothel glory"></button><button class="btn-brothel bar"></button><button class="btn-brothel hall"></button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="City">Leave</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Info">Info</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec" data-passage="Brothel_Upgrade">Upgrade</button></div></div><div class="right-column-brothel"><div class="title-brothel"><div class="sub-block left-part">Room 1</div><div class="sub-block middle-part">Level 1</div><div class="sub-block right-part"><progress class="progress-bar brothel" @value="$soph.brothel_energy" style="accent-color:#FF4040; margin-top:13px;" min="0" max="3"></progress></div></div><div class="button-grid-right"><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bj_brothel">BJ: $brothel_level.soph.bj</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="sex_brothel">Sex: $brothel_level.soph.sex</button><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="anal_brothel">Anal: $brothel_level.soph.anal</button><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_hard_bj==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_bj_brothel">Hard BJ: $brothel_level.soph.hard_bj</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard BJ</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_hard_sex==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="hard_sex_brothel">Hard sex: $brothel_level.soph.hard_sex</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Hard sex</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_group==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="group_brothel">Group: $brothel_level.soph.group</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Group</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_bbc==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="bbc_brothel">BBC: $brothel_level.soph.bbc</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">BBC</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_toy==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="toy_brothel">Toy: $brothel_level.soph.toy</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Toy</button><</if>><<if $brothel_level.soph.bought_cum==true>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz" data-passage="cum_brothel">Cum: $brothel_level.soph.cum</button><<else>><button class="btn-brothel-sec uz">Cum</button><</if>></div><<set $soph.brothel_energy-=1>><<set $brothel_level.soph.cum+=1>><<set _randomVideo to either($videos_cum)>><div class="gif-container"><video class="custom-video-brothel" @src=" _randomVideo" width="640" height="480" controls autoplay loop></video></div><</if>><</if>><<set $quests.quest_university_routine_1=true>><<set $mia.exp +=100>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<set $active_quests.q41=true>><<st>>(The girls are sitting in the university cafeteria, lunch break almost over. Lily is the only one actually packing up her stuff, while the others are lazily sipping coffee and complaining about classes.)<</st>>
<<mia>>(leaning back in her chair, dramatically) Ugh, I can’t believe we have to go to another lecture. I’d rather clean the club toilets than sit through another hour of Professor Boring’s monotone voice.<</mia>>
<<ali>>(laughing, twirling her hair) Same. Honestly, I’m only here for the hot guys. Did you see that guy from the math department? I’d let him solve my equations any day.<</ali>>
<<michelle>>(rolling her eyes but smirking) Alissa, you’d let anyone solve your “equations.”<</michelle>>
<<ali>>(grinning) True. But still, he’s cute.<</ali>>
<<lily>>(standing up, slinging her bag over her shoulder) Okay, but we do have to go. The bell’s about to ring.<</lily>>
<<mia>>(raising an eyebrow) Lily, where do you even get this... enthusiasm for studying? Like, do you wake up and think, “Wow, I can’t wait to sit through another lecture about... whatever”?<</mia>>
<<lily>>Well, yeah. I mean, I actually want to work in my field someday. You know, like a normal person?<</lily>>
<<mia>>(snorting) A “normal person”? Babe, we’re making so much money at the club, we could literally retire in a couple of years. I’m not even joking. You could buy a yacht and just float away from all this.<</mia>>
<<ali>>(nodding enthusiastically) Exactly! If we keep this up, we’ll have enough cash to live like queens for, like, three lifetimes. Who needs a degree when you’ve got stacks?<</ali>>
<<lily>>(smirking) Yeah, but I’m not planning to work at the club forever. I’ll save up, quit, and then just come back as a client. Imagine that—me, lounging around, sipping champagne, while you guys do all the work. Sounds perfect, right?<</lily>>
<<mia>>(laughing) Oh, so that’s your master plan? Classic Lily. Always thinking ahead.<</mia>>
<<michelle>>(calmly sipping her coffee) I mean, I get it. A degree is nice to have. You never know when it might come in handy. Plus, it’s not like it’s hard to just show up sometimes.<</michelle>>
<<ali>>(grinning) Yeah, but let’s be real, Michelle. You’re only here because you’re too prideful to drop out.<</ali>>
<<michelle>>(shrugging) Fair. But at least I’m honest about it.<</michelle>>
<<mia>>(leaning forward, curious) Okay, but Lily, why are you even here? Like, you’re the most responsible one out of all of us, but you’re also the one working at a brothel. How does that even make sense?<</mia>>
<<lily>>(smirking) Well, someone has to keep you guys in check. Besides, I like the contrast. By day, I’m a diligent student. By night, I’m... well, you know.<</lily>>
<<ali>>(laughing) Yeah, by night, you’re still a nerd. Just a nerd in lingerie.<</ali>>
<<lily>>(throwing a napkin at her) Shut up, Alissa.<</lily>>
<<michelle>>(calmly) Honestly, I’m just here for the diploma. It’s like a backup plan. If the club thing doesn’t work out, I’ll have something to fall back on.<</michelle>>
<<ali>>(laughing) Yeah, like anyone’s gonna hire you with a degree in... what is it again? Philosophy? Good luck with that.<</ali>>
<<michelle>>(deadpan) Thanks, Alissa. Your support means the world to me. Okay, but real talk—Mia, why do I even bother coming here? <</michelle>>
<<mia>>(leaning back, smirking) My parents are obsessed with me getting a degree, so I guess I have to play along for now. But honestly, it’s also a goldmine for recruiting new girls for the club and finding people for our parties. So, you know, strategic reasons.<</mia>>
<<ali>>(grinning) Yeah, and by “strategic reasons,” you mean flirting with every hot guy on campus.<</ali>>
<<mia>>(shrugging) What can I say? I’m a multitasker.<</mia>>
<<st>>(The bell rings, and Lily stands up, adjusting her bag.)<</st>>
<<lily>>Alright, ladies, let’s go. We’ve got class, remember?<</lily>>
<<mia>>(groaning) Ugh, fine. You’re such a buzzkill.<</mia>>
<<ali>>(standing up, dramatically) Fine, but after this, we’re going out for drinks. I need something strong to get through the rest of the day.<</ali>>
<<michelle>>(calmly) I’m in. But only if you’re paying, Alissa.<</michelle>>
<<ali>>Deal. But only if you promise not to flirt with the bartender this time.<</ali>>
<<michelle>>(smirking) No promises.<</michelle>>
<<st>>(The girls laugh as they head to class, Mia rolling her eyes at Lily’s enthusiasm.)<</st>>
<<button[[Leave|Univer]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_university_routine_2=true>><<set $mia.exp +=100>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<set $active_quests.q42=true>><<st>>The girls are hanging out at the university smoking area. Mia and Michelle are smoking cigarettes, Lily is just there for the vibe, and Alissa is lighting up a joint like it’s no big deal.<</st>>
<<lily>>(wrinkling her nose) Jesus, Alissa, what the hell? I hope I don’t smell like weed in class. And please tell me you’re not going to lecture like this? Why are you even smoking a joint here?<</lily>>
<<ali>>(taking a long drag, exhaling slowly) Relax, Lily, it’s fun. You’re right though—I’m way too chill to go to class now. Think I’ll just skip.<</ali>>
<<michelle>>(rolling her eyes but smirking) Yeah, you should probably go home. If anyone catches you like this, you’ll get kicked out faster than you can say “academic probation.”<</michelle>>
<<ali>>(grinning, already a little hazy) Worth it. Besides, I’ve got better things to do than listen to some old dude drone on about... whatever.<</ali>>
<<mia>>(laughing, flicking ash from her cigarette) Like what? Sleeping it off in your bedroom?<</mia>>
<<ali>>(winking) Maybe. Or maybe I’ll find someone to help me... unwind even more.<</ali>>
<<lily>>God, you’re impossible.<</lily>>
<<mia>>(grinning mischievously) You know what, Alissa? If you do go to class like this, it might actually be hilarious. Like, imagine you sitting there, all spaced out, trying to answer questions. I’d pay to see that.<</mia>>
<<ali>>(laughing, almost choking on the smoke) Oh my god, Mia, you’re evil. But honestly, that does sound kinda fun. Maybe I’ll go just to mess with everyone.<</ali>>
<<michelle>>(smirking) Yeah, and then you’ll get kicked out, and we’ll have to visit you in, like, community college or something. Hard pass.<</michelle>>
<<ali>>(shrugging) Community college doesn’t sound so bad. Less rules, more fun.<</ali>>
<<lily>>(groaning) You’re all hopeless. I’m surrounded by idiots.<</lily>>
<<mia>>(grinning) But we’re your idiots, Lily. Admit it, you’d be bored without us.<</mia>>
<<lily>>(smirking) Yeah, yeah. Keep telling yourself that.<</lily>>
<<st>>(Alissa takes one last drag, then stubs out the joint, still grinning like she’s plotting something.)<</st>>
<<ali>>Alright, fine. I’ll skip class. But only because I don’t want to embarrass you, our little Saint Lily. You’re welcome.<</ali>>
<<lily>>(laughing) Oh, how noble of you.<</lily>>
<<michelle>>(putting out her cigarette) Alright, I’ve got gym class now. The football team just finished practice, so I think I’ll... accidentally wander into the men’s locker room.<</michelle>>
<<mia>>Classy, Michelle. Real classy.<</mia>>
<<michelle>>(flipping her off with a smirk) Whatever. See you losers later.<</michelle>>
<<st>>Michelle walks off, leaving Mia and Lily alone. Mia takes a final drag of her cigarette before putting it out.<</st>>
<<mia>>So, what’s next? Please tell me it’s something I can skip.<</mia>>
<<lily>>It’s Professor Harrison’s class. I think you’ve missed his class for weeks.<</lily>>
<<mia>>(groaning) Ugh, oh yeah, that one. I owe him, like, a mountain of assignments. Guess I’ll have to go and play nice for once.<</mia>>
<<st>>(Mia adjusts her bra and unbuttons her blouse just a little more, smirking.)<</st>>
<<lily>>(laughing) Oh, so that’s your plan? Do you think you’ll flirt your way out of trouble?<</lily>>
<<mia>>Hey, if it works, it works. I’m not in the mood for long lectures. <</mia>>
<<lily>>(shaking her head) You’re shameless. <</lily>>
<<mia>>Alright, let’s get this over with. But if he starts lecturing me, I’m blaming you for making me go.<</mia>>
<<lily>>(smirking) Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night.<</lily>>
<<button[[Leave|Univer]]>><</button>><<set $quests.quest_extra_credit=true>><<set $mia.exp +=100>><<set $mia.fit+=5>><<set $mia.cor+=5>><<set $active_quests.q43=true>>
<<st>>Mia sits through Professor Harrison’s lecture, barely paying attention. She’s not paying much attention to the lecture. When the class ends, she waits until everyone leaves before approaching his desk.<</st>>
<<mia>>Professor Harrison, do you have a minute? I’d like to talk about my ... situation with your class.<</mia>>
<<prof>>(looking up, a smug smile on his face) Ah, Mia. I was wondering when you’d finally show up. Let me guess—you’re here to beg for another chance?<</prof>>
<<mia>>(forcing a smile) Not exactly the one to beg; I prefer to negotiate. Look, I’m here to settle my debts. I know I’ve missed a lot, but I’m ready to make up for it. I’m ready to pass all the tests and send you all the tasks.<</mia>>
<<prof>>(leaning back in his chair, clearly enjoying this) You could’ve done that months ago, Mia. Now? It’s not that simple. If you want to stay in this university, you’ll have to... go the extra mile. You know, you’d have to try harder and convince me to let you stay.<</prof>>
<<st>>His tone is dripping with implication, his eyes are stuck on her boobs, and his hints are more than clear. And yeah, Mia immediately picks up on it.<</st>>
<span id='options1'>
<<link 'Play Along'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia rolls her eyes internally but decides it’s not worth the fight. She smirks, leaning closer to his desk, her cleavage subtly on display as she rests her elbows on the surface. Professor Harrison’s eyes immediately drop to her boobs, and she notices. Of course he’s looking. Men always do.<</st>>
<<mia>>Alright, Professor. What do you want from me?<</mia>>
<<prof>>(grinning) You know exactly what I want, Mia. I want to fuck you. Whenever I want. Wherever I want. If I feel like bending you over my desk right now, you’ll let me. If I want you to suck me off under the table during a lecture, you’ll do it. That’s the deal. You want to pass? You’ll earn it.<</prof>>
<<mia>>(smirking, feeling a rush of heat at his bluntness) Damn, straight to the point, huh? Fine. But if I’m gonna be your little fucktoy, you better keep your word. Pass me, no questions asked.<</mia>>
<<prof>>(leaning closer, his voice low) Deal. And trust me, Mia, you’re gonna enjoy this as much as I will.<</prof>>
<<mia>>(grinning, her tone teasing) We’ll see about that. But just so you know—I don’t do anything half-assed. If we’re doing this, we’re doing it right.<</mia>>
<<prof>>(chuckling) Good. I like a girl who knows what she wants. But now I know what I want, and I want you to blow me right now.<</prof>>
<<mia>>(standing up, her voice dripping with promise) Well, that’s one way to start it.<</mia>>
<<mia>>Is it gonna be this fun every time?<</mia>>
<<prof>>You have no idea. Next time, I’ll text you. Be ready.<</prof>>
<<st>>She walks out, her heart racing, already turned on by how direct he was. The thought of him taking her whenever he wants sends a shiver down her spine. This is gonna be fun, she thinks, a sly smile on her lips.<</st>><<set $choose_extra_credit=1>>
<<link 'Take him down a peg'>>
<<replace '#options1'>><</replace>>
<<append '#options1'>><<st>>Mia’s eyes narrow, and she feels a surge of anger. She’s not about to let some self-important professor manipulate her.<</st>>
<<mia>>You really think you can pull this shit with me? You’ve got some fucking nerve, Professor Fishface.<</mia>>
<<prof>>(stammering, clearly shocked) Mia, I... what?<</prof>>
<<mia>>(cutting him off, stepping closer) Shut the fuck up and listen. I’ve got more money than you’ll ever see in your pathetic life. I could buy this university if I wanted to. So here’s how this is gonna go: I’ll go to the dean, give him 100 grand, and he’ll wipe my record clean. Then, I’ll tell him you’ve been harassing me. And guess what? He’ll believe me. And if I throw in a little extra, you’ll be out of a job so fast, your head will spin.<</mia>>
<<prof>>(panicking, his face pale) Mia, wait, let’s not be hasty—<</prof>>
<<mia>>(smirking, her tone icy) Oh, we’re way past that. You’re gonna pass me with flying colors, write all my missing assignments yourself, and if you even think about saying no, I’ll make sure you never work in this town again. Got it?<</mia>>
<<prof>>(nervously) Alright, alright! I’ll do it. Just... calm down.<</prof>>
<<mia>>(leaning on his desk, her voice dripping with venom) Oh, I’m calm. But we’re not done here. You wanted to make me your little fucktoy, huh? Thought you could bend me over your desk whenever you felt like it just so I’d pass your class? You really overestimated yourself, buddy. But guess what? Now I’m in charge. You’re gonna be my little plaything. And if I’m in the mood, you’ll drop everything and satisfy me. Pray we don’t get caught, though, because if we do, you’re the one who’s getting fired.<</mia>>
<<prof>>(stammering, completely thrown off) I... What?—<</prof>>
<<mia>>(cutting him off, sitting on his desk and spreading her knees slightly) I want to make sure you understand.<</mia>>
<<st>>(She leans back, and he realizes she’s not wearing any underwear. His eyes widen, and she smirks.)<</st>>
<<mia>>What are you staring at? Get to work.<</mia>>
<<st>>He hesitates for a moment, then quickly moves closer, pushing her skirt up and burying his face between her legs.<</st>>
<<st>>As he does, a thought crosses his mind: Damn, she outplayed me... but this isn’t the worst outcome.<</st>>
<<mia>>(moaning softly, her tone teasing) That’s more like it. Remember, Professor—this is how it’s gonna be from now on. When I want it, you give it. No questions asked.<</mia>><<set $choose_extra_credit=2>>
</span><div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Quest: University Routine 1</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_family_ties_redefined==true>>During lunch, the girls talk about their double life—classes by day and a whole other hustle by night.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to the Cafeteria<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+100 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_family_ties_redefined==true>>✅Pass quest: Family Ties, Redefined<<else>>🛑 Pass quest: Family Ties, Redefined<</if>></div></div></div><div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Quest: University Routine 2</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_university_routine_1==true>>Secrets come out alongside cigarettes (and something stronger) in the campus smoking area. The big dilemma: drag themselves to a tedious lecture or jump headfirst into new trouble?
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to the Smoking Area<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+100 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/fast_univer.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_university_routine_1==true>>✅Pass quest: Quest: University Routine 1<<else>>🛑 Pass quest: Quest: University Routine 1<</if>></div></div></div><div class="some quest container"><div class="quest main"><div class="quest left"><div class="quest titlebar main">Quest: Extra Credit</div><div class="quest description text"><<if $quests.quest_university_routine_2==true>>Mia’s balancing university life with some very extracurricular activities. But between running a secret business and dodging failing grades, she’s got to figure out how to stay in uni—fast. Time to switch from boss mode to student mode... or get creative.
Go to: Fulfil the conditions and go to the Auditorium<<else>>Complete the previous quest to open this one.<</if>>
</div></div><div class="quest description second"><div class="quest character main"><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest titlebar">+100 exp</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 fitness</div><div class="quest titlebar">+5 corruption</div></div><div class="quest character container"><div class="quest photo">[img[0.2.6/images/prof.jpg]]</div></div></div><div class="quest to do"><<if $quests.quest_university_routine_2==true>>✅Pass quest: Quest: University Routine 2<<else>>🛑 Pass quest: Quest: University Routine 2<</if>></div></div></div>